#it's gay hours i'm sorry
johnslittlespoon · 6 months
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– blue days, all of them gone...
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"Okay, this is a meme redraw. It shouldn't take that long"
-Me 3 days ago
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The inherent homoeroticism of 70s cop shows
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deoidesign · 3 months
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vampire and werewolf sitting in a tree
time trav e l i n g
first comes. trying to kill eachother then comes... learning you're his dead ex-lover then comes marriage!
(you can buy the book this scene is from for $15 it's really good. it's the fan favorite of the series!)
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pettynun · 1 year
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Hello all! Over the past weekend I wrote and drew my own adaptation of the Tam Lin ballad for 24h comic day ^^ I did 12h on saturday and 12h on sunday though because i am old and cannot do overnights anymore. I love this ballad and always wanted to draw it, but still, i changed a few details... ;) It's the first time i actually finished a comic for 24h comic day (and also out of it) so I'm really proud of finally making it xD it only took me 3 tries to hack this challenge! (Special thanks to @mai-col for the comic advice and support! go check out her awesome work x) ) (if you see this again it's because tumblr ate the entire middle portion the first time, i hope i don't fuck up this post again x'D )
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iceclew · 2 months
...sooo... As threatened mentioned beforehand, I did a thing that might be awefully specific ...? (☉౪ ⊙)
... Listen, I took our Kaiju blorbos and squished them onto Markiplier, like this is literally it, there was like one other guy that was like "Omg, Kafka is literally Markiplier" and I was like "YES!! THIS!!" and we were like "AARGH!!" And you should know me by now, that I am very unrational about my doings when there's someone else sharing my obsessions and/or stupid ideas about smth, so here is Markiverse...
And... I am very unsure about the way I pulled this off, like.. I feel...you need the original screenshots for context...? Or maybe not? ...but I mean I can always get rid of them later on..
Moreover better to link the videos as well, I guess?
Goat yoga and The Saddle - Unus Annus (best of compilation)
Family Friendly - Markiplier LP
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heyybeach · 9 months
Every time I watch post-coming out content from Dan and Phil I just feel like something is healing inside of me
It's hard to describe really, but they're clearly so much more comfortable and unrestrained. The gay jokes are flying out of them, and as someone who is out in some parts of my life and not out in others, I can relate to having all those jokes on the tip of your tongue but not always being able to say them
Here's where I get soppy. They make me feel warm and fuzzy and safe okay. They are my comfort millennials
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nyxsealia · 9 months
When I was 17 and trying to figure out what the heck my sexuality was, the main, if not only, piece of advice I found online, even when I directly asked people, was to go out and experiment sexually with various people and see what gender I enjoyed sex with most. And years later, that still seems to be the advice most of us give when someone is trying to figure out their sexuality. And there's nothing wrong with doing that, and if that's what helped you, great. But I do think there's issues with this being the most prevalent advice.
There are a lot of reasons someone may not want to do this, various personal or religious reasons, comfort levels, a lack of interest in sex, not experiencing much or any sexual attraction, or simply being too young for this to be applicable.
I found the advice unhelpful for many of the reasons I just mentioned, and it left me feeling lost on how I was supposed to find out what my orientation was. It also left me with thoughts like how can I be a part of queer culture if I don't want to experiment sexually or be sexually active? Even looking at articles with advice on dating as a queer woman I saw bullet points like "It's okay to have sex on the first date!" there was so much emphasis on how it's okay to have very active sex lives that it left me feeling like if I didn't want that, I'd never be able to have relationships because there'd be an expectation of sex right off the bat. Don't get me wrong, sex positivity is important and we shouldn't shame people for their sex lives. But I feel like we don't don't talk about not being into that kind of thing enough.
I also didn't know at the time that I was asexual, and while I'm sex neutral and open to the idea of sex with a trusted partner, I don't have any desire to seek out sexual relationships. Not experiencing sexual attraction made figuring out my attraction a thousand times harder. I still don't know if I'm bi/pan or lesbian. I do refer to myself as gay or lesbian in some instances, but sometimes I say queer or just shrug and say "I like girls" or "I'm not straight" and some days I'm okay with the vagueness of that, but other days I feel the stress and pressure of having to pick an identity in order to have a community to belong to and be accepted. That stress and pressure doesn't get better when all the advice I can find on the subject just tells me to have sex and that'll clear everything up.
We put a lot of focus on finding out exactly "what" you are. And I don't think sex is the best way to do that. Lots of people have varying interest in sexual or physical intimacy, not just queers. My cishet friend told me she got a boyfriend but she wasn't entirely sure if what she was feeling was romantic, and that the idea of kissing made her uncomfortable. She doesn't identify as ace or aro, and she shouldn't have to. People can have a lack of interest in these things without a lack of attraction.
Another issue with this advice is that sexual and romantic attraction doesn't always line up for everyone. You may enjoy sex with all genders, but find you only have a desire to date one. So sexual experimenting wouldn't necessarily answer the question for you. Orientation is really complicated. I did mostly consider myself lesbian, but I occasionally find men aesthetically attractive, and I'm honestly starting to wonder if I'm actually bi but still feel uncomfortable using the term.
All this needlessly long and ramble-y text to say, this advice is simply useless to a lot of people. And while I can't speak personally for this part, I'd bet at least some people who enjoy sexual experimentation still weren't sure of their orientation at the end of it. This advice shouldn't be presented as the one size fits all solution.
If you're uncomfortable or uninterested in figuring out your identity this way, there's nothing wrong with that. There's also nothing wrong with not knowing. You don't have to know right now, or ever if you'd prefer that. It's okay to use vague terms. It's also okay to use whatever label feels closest even if it's not perfect. And remember, you're not locked into anything. You can always change labels.
There is no right way to determine your orientation. Everyone discovers themself in different ways and at different ages. It's not a race or a checklist. The most important thing is to be kind and patient with yourself and whatever you do to figure yourself out, be safe.
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liquidstar · 6 months
The agony of wanting a good gyro but there not being any good Greek places nearby
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leezuhh · 6 months
sunshine court no context
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Is it bad that i've just watched "The Good the Bad and the Ugly" for the first time in my life, and basically my only though while i was watching the movie was "let them fuck already"?
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zbloodwhisper · 1 month
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did a thing <3
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asydicsydney · 3 months
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Remembering I can render traditional art digitally is insane
OG from my animatic. One of my favorite drawings <3
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swashbucklery · 1 year
I know I am never going to be a Star Wars Fandom Person and that I am not reacting to Ahsoka the way the rest of the internet is reacting because that was, without a doubt, the funniest dumbest gay thing I've ever seen??? HER STORMTROOPER FRIENDS LEFT
AND THEN RAN AWAY ON A WOLF (yes it's a howler i know it's a howler shh) TO BE SAD IN THE MOORS ALONE FOREVER(????)
NO ONE GIVE HER A HUG THIS IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE, I need to see her carve BAYLAN SUX into the side of a spaceship with her lightsaber. I need to see her dramatically tearing up as she learns that Evil Doesn't Pay I want her to listen to Space Evanescence alone in her room in the dark I need her to go to the Space Hot Topic and spend too much money on nail polish that DEFINITELY DOESN'T MAKE HER THINK OF SABINE this is critical to my enjoyment of Star Wars.
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swarnpert · 2 years
if i go to pride this year and i see people selling fucking harry potter merch i'm gonna flip my fucking lid
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i just know you'd love an excuse to yap about these two because not enough people do so gimme your Pandora x Xenophilius headcanons pleeeaaasee < 3
Yess I don't think there's a time where I couldn't yap about these two oh my god
There's just so many good flavours of them. My personal favourite headcanon is Pandora Rosier and Xenophilius Malfoy (yes he's Lucius's younger brother—or half brother technically, in my head they don't share a mum) and they chose the name Lovegood together because that's something that represents their values while also distancing them both from their pureblood families.
They also both wore bright yellow to their wedding. Luna mentions at Fleur and Bill's wedding that her father taught her that sun colours at weddings brought good luck so I think it's cute to assume that Xenophilius and Pandora wore sun colours at their wedding.
I think Barty was the first person who got introduced to Xenophilius when he and Pandora first started going out (Pandora was testing the waters for telling Evan and also since Barty is a Ravenclaw like them, and a snoopy, gossipy one at that, it would be more difficult to hide from him). Barty fondly describes him as the humanised version of a wet cotton bud to tease them both but I do imagine they get along.
I've also played around with the idea of Barty and Xenophilius being roommates, so there's that.
I think Pandora was close with Sybill when she still attended (though I imagine Sybill to be older than both of them).
Xenophilius was really fond of plants and did great in Herbology—he also had his own little stash of items that were commonly hard to get one's hands on that he got through his father or trading/making deals during the holidays. It's partially because of this that he was part of the Slug Club (Slughorn also just liked the idea of having both brothers in his club after having already taught Lucius).
Pandora was creating spells even back at Hogwarts and she and Xenophilius would frequently try them out together.
In the summer you could often find the two under a tree on Hogwarts grounds making flower crowns for each other.
Pandora struggled more with leaving behind her pureblood family, not because of the values, but because of Evan who she was becoming increasingly estranged from. Only after learning about Evan being a Death Eater did she pull fully away.
I also think she's the one who came up with the idea of changing their names. She was heartbroken by Evan becoming a Death Eater and sought to distance herself as much as possible. Still, she held onto things from their childhood, things she later passed down to Luna in an attempt to make new, positive memories with the things.
Even though she abandoned her pureblood family, a lot of the customs and ways of acting were still deeply ingrained in Pandora and despite living a very carefree lifestyle she was still very tidy and cared a lot about being presentable (this reflected in Luna as well, up until Pandora's death). Xenophilius was the opposite, he was eager to be free in every way possible from what was expected of him.
The walls of their home are full of paintings. Not paintings in frames but just straight on the walls. They spent a lot of time painting together when Pandora was pregnant with Luna and somewhere in the house, they have handprints on the walls. They added Luna's after she was born. Since Pandora's died hers have faded and it's breaking Xenophilius's heart.
This is not a very specific headcanon but in aus I kinda like the idea of Xenophilius being the "hot and funny vacation boyfriend" except when Pandora describes him as such the skittles are standing there like 🧍🧍🧍🧍 "this is the hot and funny guy you've been talking about??? he looks like a ghost and he's currently collecting shells and seaweed???"
They're both huge nerds and they bond over being huge nerds.
Also, I love picturing them as like the Hogwarts parents of Gilderoy Lockhart, it's so sweet to me and I love picturing them being the only ones willing to listen to him ramble/brag about whatever thing he's done now or whatever his Bubbe has told him over the summer
Pandora loves to braid Xenophilius's hair and putting trinkets and shit in there.
You will 100% catch Xenophilius walking around in Pandora's super flowy patchwork skirts.
They both only have one ear pierced (opposite holes) and Pandora pierced Xenophilius's so they could wear matching earrings.
Both are big friendship bracelet wearers
They're the most queer coded straight ship to me
The first time Pandora heard Xenophilius curse was when he was trying to put together furniture for their house (even with the help of magic my man could not figure it out). Pandora proceeded to join him in yelling at the furniture, not because she couldn't figure it out but for support
They would 110% be the couple who goes all out on their Halloween costumes or just costumes in general honestly. Any occasion is an occasion to dress up
I don't think Pandora was soft-spoken at all, those two give me "he asked for no pickles" vibes through and through
Xenophilius does not believe in the concept of time and Pandora wants to be early to everything.
Xenophilius enjoys making jewellery and Pandora loves wearing it. Xenophilius also taught this skill to their daughter.
Please!!! Let's not forget Xenophilius being slightly cross-eyed!!!!!
Pandora was a Quidditch fan (she was influenced by Barty and Regulus, what can I say). The whole family used to go to Quidditch World Cups together and Xenophilius and Luna continued the tradition after Pandora's death
Xenophilius would definitely burn shit with Barty just because
He would also do graffiti with him in modern aus you can't convince me otherwise
These two would dance naked in their backyard in the moonlight
They would both be friends with Aurora Sinistra, Xenophilius bonds with her over stars and astrology while Pandora bonds with her over Alchemy and Spell creation
I feel like Pandora would really like fish/fishing (aquarium date when)
I think that might be all I can say about them for now but ask me again at literally any other time and I will probably have something new to ramble at you vnfjnbjgnbjg
ALSO!!! ACTUALLY!!! We as a fandom need to find a cute ship name for these two istg I need something. Idk what we have to work with but like,, silverpanda or silverseer (though this could be interpreted as Sybill because of the seer thing so???) or something I don't know, if anyone has any better suggestions PLEASE throw them my way
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