#its a typo i know but its a really funny typo to me
godheadjones · 2 years
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rivervale bunker jughead jones he/she pronouns confirmed thanks archieverse wiki <3
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shinychopshopwizar · 1 year
this is just a random thought ive had in the back of my mind when i first got into yellowjackets so be nice but like. something something jackie & shauna are quinn fabray variants (to ME) and quinn is somehow a combination of jackieshauna's worst individual traits
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oscill4te · 6 months
i hate modern animal husbandry
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valentine-writes · 10 months
hii!! i was wondering if you could write headcanons for like the main four spider-kids (miles, gwen, pavitr and hobie) with a reader who like smacks people when they laugh really hard? preferably w/ a reader thats a spider-person but its up to you! :3
aggressive affection!
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited, dude used once in a gender neutral way, mentions of bruising and minor injuries (but nothing crazy), spider-person reader, reader forgetting that being a spider-person makes them stronger,,, um. (°ー°〃) oops!!! 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. gwen stacy, hobie brown/spider-punk, miles morales, and pavitr prabhakar
author's note: YES I CAN YES I CAN!! this prompt iz so funny AUWWUDH I HOPE I DID IT JUSTICE!!! つ﹏⊂ also super excited 2 get to write more of them becuz AWUDGWAAHWGHWAGUAGH I LOVE THESE CHARACTERZ SMM,,, also excuse me if there's more repetition or typos than usual,,, im eepy ( つ᷄ ‸・ )
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GWEN STACY headcanons
▸ the first one to fall victim to your little habit. she doesn't mind in the slightest, mainly because she's generally pretty welcome to friendly touches- even if it is slightly more aggressive than she had expected. frankly, you could've literally bitten her and she probably would've reacted the same.
she's a little awkward about it at first, pausing mid laughter as you deliver playful hits to her shoulder and bicep. she playfully shoves you away at first, like, "haha– what– what are you doing–" but quickly warms up to it
▸ here's the thing though. she 100% will do it back. if you're both joking around and losing it over something, you end up hitting each other through laughter. and it'll INTENSIFY. at some points, everyone's wondering if you two are actually beefing or not ur not. itz the way u show affection 2 one another,,, in the strangest manner
when you're assigned on missions with her, you usually end up chatting– and then you find something hilarious to giggle abt and everything goes off the rails
y'all will return to HQ bruised asf like "nah man the anomaly didn't even touch us."
jessica and miguel DEF pick up the fact y'all goof off and beat each other up before even locating the anomaly HWJEJNDNE
unfortunately– gwen is slowly paired less with you on missions becuz of this. they can't have you distracting one another a girl can never have fun fr </3
nothing that some good behaviour can't fix! just try not to give each other a complete smackdown while on duty and you'll be paired together again in no time! hopefully...
▸ both you and gwen forget that being spider-people involves super strength. and though you're both used to taking a blow or two, it stands plain and obvious that the two of you can get carried away. gwen especially. she's just a little rough sometimes– not like she means to be.
sometimes, the dull ache from the bruises she left leave you wondering if you're both a little too funny for your own good. at least she makes sure to take care of it and hold back,, when she can.
when it's your turn to get carried away, she sees your eyes widen as you splutter a million apologies to her. but every time you deliver one hit too hard, she insists it never hurts much as you think.
"dude, it's okay. you can chill out." gwen reassures. "besides, i'm built tougher than that."
she flashes a grin at you, and it's almost convincing. like she didn't even feel a thing. you know better though– gwen definitely has days where she's more sore than she'd like to be because of you. not like she'd ever admit. she likes the random play fights between the two of you.
though, you will admit that the amount of trips to the infirmary in search of ice packs is getting just the teeniest bit absurd. people are starting to ask questions at HQ-- which is fine. the frozen bag of peas gwen offers to you for your injuries works just as good as any ice pack ...it's been sitting in the bottom of her freezer for God Knows How Long but you don't need to know that
HOBIE BROWN headcanons:
▸ you see how this guy interacts with people???
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hobie's used to friendly touches, and initiates physical contact without overthinking it. that little shoulder shake he does w/ miles makes me smile everytime i heart hobie. ALSO AAUWHEHWH LEBRON AND DWAYNE'S HANDSHAKE BEING HOBIE'S AND PAV'S?? I ADORE.
you really think something as little as a few friendly punches and hits bothers hobie "forehead-kissing-the-homies-goodnight" brown??? /lh + /hj but man platonic physical affection hobie. like. hear me on this one.
▸ he's 100% cool with it– actually initiated it before you did. nothing crazy, a light smack on your back or arm as he laughed with
eventually, while joking around with you, realized you had the same habit
you end up hitting each other quite a bit– but he's not as accidentally aggressive as gwen is. laughing with hobie won't get you hospitalized, he's cognizant enough with his strength to know how much to hold back.
▸ then again, there are times where you get carried away. hobie's quick to shake it off, not feeling the effect of the hit until later– if you notice and apologize, he'll just shake his head and shrug
"nah, nah– it's fine." he insists, chuckling a bit as he rubs the spot where you smacked him. "there's been worse."
and yes, objectively, you know that's true– but you both fight villains in your everyday life. of course there's going to be worse than just a hit too hard. he won't accept an ice pack– but will joke that you could just kiss it better instead
that earns a groan from you, smacking him again in the arm for good measure as he snickers
MILES MORALES headcanons:
▸ doesn't hate it!! not against it!!! find it surprising at first. he didn't expect a playful punch to his arm in response to his little joke, but watching as you giggled uncontrollably, hitting him lightly– he decided that he didn't mind too much
he knows you don't mean any harm, so it's cool with him! he's rolling with the punches literally every time you two are losing it
▸ if you land a smack on him that ends up being a little too hard, he'll definitely try to play it off awkwardly, rubbing it and nervously laughing when you ask if he's okay
"oh sh–" you promptly stop, your smile fading as concern floods your face. he winced slightly at your last hit and it was much to obvious to ignore. "you good, miles? i am so sorry–"
"me? yeah, yeah– it's cool!" he replies dismissively, giving you the lightest punch back. miles laughs nervously at your completely unconvinced expression.
"bro. cmon. be real."
"that? hah– nahh. barely felt it." spoilers!!! he felt it
you keep it in mind to dial it back a bit when with miles, because he barely hits back and hates admitting when it actually hurts.
you'll get an occasional "ow–" with a little chuckle, but he refuses to acknowledge that you might be a bit too rough. he jus doesn't wanna hurt feelings man :(
you're his friend who gets a little too carried away sometimes– and that's fine!!! besides, he can't let gwen and hobie have all the fun.
"you holding back on me?" he asks you, noticing your hits have gotten weaker.
"what's it to you?"
"i can handle it. 's fine!! really!" miles says. there's a beat of silence as you stare at him incredulously.
"and you didn't bruise last time?." you ask, raising an eyebrow.
"...say swear."
miles raises his hands, sighing. "ok, look–" HE WANTZ 2 ROUGHHOUSE W/ HIS FRIEND TOO OK (*ノε`*) besides. u and gwen and hobie seem to have so much fun w/ it,,
▸ because of his stubbornness, you oblige, pulling your punches just a little less when having a little laughing fit with him.
as a result, miles develops a habit deflecting your hits while absolutely losing it. gently shoving your hands away as you smack him, both of you doubling over laughter
miles will say sumn he knows you'll find a lil too funny and just,,, *cue continuous hitting and blocking as he predicts literally Every Movement you make* he's literally learned to parry becuz of u HAJWBDKDNEN
▸ the type to pretend to beat up his friends while making punching noises when he's bored
he's just lightly tapping u with his knuckles going "pow– pow pow– bam–" under his breath HANWJENDN IM SORRY I FIND THIS FUNNY. i also. do this. (。・・。).
and ur like "...uh. ok."
he's def not opposed to it!! when he has the energy, he's all for it!!! pavitr's playfully hitting, shoving you away, gasping for air as the two of you giggle over something that's only really funny to the two of you.
he's pretty energetic most of the time, and it manifests as you "brawl" with each other as you laugh over some stupid joke.
▸ when you hit him a little too hard, most of the time, he doesn't even notice until the aftermath manifests as a bruise or two on his arms– but even then he doesn't care.
however,,, there are occasions where he initiates it, laughing and smacking you– and when you're laughing with him, raising your hand to hit back, he'll gasp dramatically, recoil instantly and get all dramatic about it i'm projecting all the things i do onto pav i bet u cant tell /sarc
pav the minute you decide to try and get him back– bar for bar, word for word:
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he's just a little guy,, a little guyy,,, nooo,,, itz also his birthday,, he's a little birthday boy– HWJWBDN SORRY THIS IS SO UNSERIOUS
this is a bit that he drags on FOREVERRR like itz the funniest thing in the world
▸ ALL of his hits are a little too hard. he does the fake beat up thing a lot but when you two are roughhousing, you're the one reminding him to chill out through stifled laughs
he'll immediately soften the blows quickly at your request, knowing it's probably best for you to remain as uninjured as possible when not doing mission. can't have your shit rocked before you even face a villain!!! his hits end up somewhere between hobie's and gwen's– an almost perfect middle (*´꒳`*)
occasionally, he'll literally just... take the hits. not like miles where he's deflecting. he's jus standing there laughing while you smack him. which is a concerning sight for anyone who isn't used to your antics!!!
this happened in hq once and peter b, who happened to be walking by, lowkey thought you were straight up attacking pav
upon hearing the two of you giggling though, he figured that he wasn't witnessing an act of violence and didn't have to step in
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im sorry babes but im begging you. Can we have a pedro pascal x reader fic where she's like a vlogger/lawyer and its like a fanmade video of them on yt of them being crackheads and being all lovey-dovey. like libra x aries vibes they balance each other out sm. you don't have to really but i genuinely feel like you're the only person who can pull this off.
Talk To My Lawyer
Every time Pedro gets asked something he can't answer, he always says the same thing.
Pedro Pascal x Lawyer!Reader | 600< | cw: gender neutral!reader, fluff, crack, rpf, typos, etc.
A/N: i didnt use and pronouns for yn besides you so anyone can read! ALSO this took forever, but im glad I finally did it. I hope you enjoy this nonnie! it's not exactly like the request but its pretty funny lmao
Tagging: @sloanexx @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak @sunfairyy @djarinsstuff @mooniesyubi @pedropascalgirly @mmmmandoz @multifandom-fangirl4
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X - (Formerly Twitter) - verse
@hotnewsoutlet: Pedro Pascal announces marriage to Civil Rights Lawyer with heartfelt Instagram post. @gigigogold1: PEDRO IS MARRIED? @linmanuzel: PEDRO IS MARRIED? (2) @HOTdigitidawg: PEDRO IS MARRIED? (3) @103840582duh: ??????????????????????????????????? QUE @pedropascaldad: TO A MOTHER FUCKING LAWYER 💀💀💀✋✋✋ @pedropascaldad: OF COURSE THE LAWYER LOOKS LIKE A SUPERMODEL TOO HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA *jumps off a plane*
@papipascalyuh: ok but if pedro was gonna get married ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hell yeah itd be someone who looks like THAT holy fuck
@80pascal: ?????????????????????????????????????? UR TELLING ME THIS LAYWER IS NOT ONLY HOT BUT SMART AND FUNNY TOO????? [article link attached] @biwohla: 💀💀💀💀💀 NO CUZ THE LEVEL OF UNHINGED??? FROM A LAWYER???? INFUCKINGSANE @marvelwhorebb: "... I made sure to wear the Pedro Pascal T-shirt I made when we first announced our relationship. Gotta let the people know I'm one of them and simply got lucky." @atrediessucker: T-SHIRT *I MADE* SCREAMING WHATTTTTT
@djinssdjarrinn: OK IT HURTS BUT FUCK HES SO WHIPPED [video attached]
"How are you today?" asks the interviewer.
Pedro smiles and nods, "good, how are you?"
"I'm great, now that I got to see you," she says, making the man curl his head into his shoulder and grin.
Pedro waves a hand, "oh stapit"
She grins back, "I was excited when I saw you arrive with the internet's favorite lawyer."
His expression shifts, he brightens up. He places a hand on his chest, "me too! I'm so happy to have a date today. I always end up beggin' for some time, and now I got it-" fist pump "-y'know, not that I'm complainin'."
"Yeah, I was gonna sa-"
"I like begging." *Pedro smile.*
The interviewer doesn't quite catch it, "-y, the both of you are always booked and busy. How do you find time for each other?"
Pedro thinks, but is distracted when you walk up from behind him. He looks back when you place a hand on his shoulder. Immediately, he's forgotten all about the question and dotes on you. He brushes a hand on your cheek, asking you if you're okay. You whisper something but then catch the camera. You give a bashful smile, "oh, sorry to interrupt."
The interviewer immediately waves a hand, "oh, don't worry about it."
Pedro mutters something and kisses your hand. He holds it as he looks back to the interviewer. He opens his mouth then shakes his head, "sorry, what was the question?" Pedro laughs.
The woman chuckles then moves closer to you, "you know what, I'm sure people are dying to know, what's something you newlyweds like to do together?"
Pedro instantly turns to you.
You purse your lips in thought.
"Watching movies," you say.
"I-" Pedro starts again, looking back to the interviewer, "I don't think we can say what we like to do."
Pedro looks at you, expression mischievous.
You stare back at him, eyes like daggers.
He holds back a laugh and leans into the mic, turning to the camera, "I can't say it. Talk to my lawyer."
The interviewer laughs and so do you, begrudingly.
"Talk to my lawyer," Pedro repeats proudly, breaking into a wide mouthed smile.
"Ok," you mutter, "pack it up, Pascal."
@alexielover: SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP BASHING MY HEAD AGAINST THE WALL WHAT THE FUCK @600MILK: MF SAID TALK TO MY LAWYER 🙄✋ SOBBING @oscarisaaacsz: watch him use that for everythingggggg 😭 @pedrogrill: LORD I HAVE SEEN WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS @starwazfr: *sips clorox cutely* @emeryslala: and im supposed to sha la la baby after this? FOUL @pascpedro: respectfully, id pay to be their third @probelmaskt: PACK IT UP PASCAL???????????????????
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dirigibleplumbing · 4 months
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If you're like me, sometimes you need the full text of Civil-War-era Tony's letter to Steve in the event of his death from "What If? Fallen Son" (2009). So here it is in its entirety!
If you notice any typos on my part, please let me know.
I put line breaks wherever the text was broken up, either by being in different sections of a panel or different panels/pages. I preserved the ellipses, though I didn't double them (in many cases a section of text would end in "..." and then the next section would also begin with "..."). I also didn't double up line breaks and ellipses.
Steve, I hope you never have to read this, old friend, because if you do, it means something terrible has happened. It means I'm dead. I suppose it shouldn't come as much of a surprise, really. During my years as Iron Man, I've racked up hundreds of enemies who wanted to do me in… and after recent events, probably a few old friends who feel the same. It's funny, though. I always prided myself on being a futurist--constantly thinking a leap ahead of everyone else. Apparently, that leap wasn't nearly far enough. But this letter is about looking forward--not back. It doesn't matter what killed me. All that matters is what happens next… and the legacy I've left behind. I'm not talking about Iron Man, either. The suit is nothing without the right man inside… and there aren't many I'd trust to pilot. Rhodey. Pepper. Happy. Maybe Jarvis… though he was never really the hero-type. And you, Steve. Whether you believe it or not, I always trusted you. Even during the darkest days--during the war--I never stopped believing in you. No one did. But like I said, this isn't about choosing a new Iron Man. There was a world before him, and there will be one after. This is about my ideas--the plans and inventions that I hoped would make the world a better place. This is about making sure those things don't fall into the wrong hands. I don't even want to imagine the suffering that could cause… That's where you come in it. I need your help, Steve. I need you to keep an eye on things now that I can't anymore--which is a lot to ask, I know, after what I've put you through. Still you're the only one I trust to make certain everything I was working for doesn't fall apart without me… and to ensure that the threats that I wasn't around to predict… don't end up blindsiding us in my absence. Our war may be over, Steve, but we both know that it won't be the last one. When the time comes, the world will still need heroes. And when the fighting is over and history is written… I can only hope that we will be remembered as more than just heroes. I hope that we will be remembered as I will always remember us… As friends.
And the typeface used in the comic is--or is very close to--Lucida Handwriting Light, which used to come free with a lot of Microsoft products.
I also have a rough mock-up of the entire letter.
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breadandblankets · 2 months
how i hc duke's relationships with the other (main) bats
bruce: mentor/friend/weird HS teacher u bond with kinda thing, i think bruce on his end still feels simmering guilt for not being there for duke when he needed him, duke feel simmering resentment towards bruce for being another adult that left him, this will boil over at some point but then they'll get over it, they will never be that dumb nuclear found family thing, i think doug and elaine would like bruce tho so maybe one of those friend of the family situations where u call someone ur not related to aunt/uncle
cass: very very good friends, would probably consider her a sister from another mister if u will, i would hesitate to call her a best friend *gestures at all of war* but i think she's up there, i really love the headcanon that there is some tension on duke's end because cass has the ability to be more efficient but she actively chooses not to, i think for a long time duke is going to be holding some unhealthy and unrealistic standards both for himself and also people around him, like everything else this causes tension then erupts before it gets resolved, cass i think would know about said tension the whole time but have no idea how to bring up the issue or how to even think about resolving it so it drags on
dick: i think duke holds a grudge for the robin war thing, and i think he fucking should iykyk, (the way he just leaves duke on a roof??? with cops????, i was shouting at my fucking comic) idk i think dick would probably make light of it for a while but duke would be real fucking clear that he remembers and won't be forgiving and forgetting any time soon, i think they're acquaintances at best but realistically, coworkers
damian: like cass Extremely good friends, found family if you will, honestly i think they got a lot of their interpersonal issues out of the way before duke becomes signal, so really its a matter of time before they actually become friends and not just acquaintances, they're old man young to me, i think they do old man things like feed birds in the park and play Go together, i think damian is probably one of the only people duke doesn't hold to his standards, he thinks damian deserves to be a kid, making damian be a kid is probably some of the only time that duke is forced to relax by proxy, therefore duke and damian's friendship is strongly encouraged by bruce who is out of his depth for what to do with both of them and throwing them at each other seems to be working (👍 parenting)
tim: i honestly don't think they know each other well, like i think they may have talked once??? so i don't have shit to base their relationship off, generally i think they're amicable if distant, like a coworker you say hi to at the coffee machine
babs: i Need them to interact, honestly it would be really funny if duke meets babs for the first time as oracle and he's just like??? you're my favorite librarian? and babs is like !! we missed you when you stopped volunteering!!! and duke has to be like yeah that was the joker, i think they would have a good relationship, they don't work together all that much cause oracle doesn't run duke's ops and duke isn't usually on the night shift but they know they can call each other in if they need. one of duke's few trusted AdultsTM
jason: i think rocky at the start, duke would definitely have some Memories of the red hood, that would probably be a hill to overcome, but i generally think that jason will eventually move into a more positive position in the city even with the shadows of all that stuff following him ofc. they are absolute Assholes to each other in a way that is clearly affection, jason will let duke get away with anything up to and including murder, duke will never let jason get away with anything, its like a typo in the group chat
steph: re same as tim, and babs practically nothing to base the relationship on BUT i think they would get on like a house on fire, like cass: sister from another mister energy, steph is giving duke the "you just found out ur dad is a supervillain" support he needs, they are the only bats successfully going to college they probably go to events on campus together, idk they have so much potential as the forgotten robins and all that, i think they should bully bruce together that would be so fun.
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cloudcountry · 11 months
Hi Auburn! Been thinking about the 1.8K event, and finally, after days of pondering; I have come to a conclusion.
For the Harveston Sledathon event, I think it would have been really cute if MC built a massive snow fort and absolutely SMACKED a sled boi of your choice in the face with snowballs. Just more fun winter hijinks and MC gets to start it. It can be platonic or romantic; whatever feels best/natural to you!
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*aka it's hot here and I feel like Jack in the Tamashina event*
also i feel about its sooooo fucking hto in my room right nwo im so MAD.
its romantic bc i think it would be funny if idia crushed really hard on someone that just teased him constantly LMAO
once again if you see any typos NO YOU DONT
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A cold shock smacks Idia right on the back of the neck, and he shrieks when snow falls into his warm coat. He hears you cackling from behind him, and as he whips around to face you, he comes face-to-face with another snowball.
Jade chuckles beside him at your antics, and Epel says something to the effect of “you’re on” as Sebek screeches, but all Idia can look at is you as you throw your head back and laugh at him. It shouldn’t be so attractive to him that you’re so competitive and start stupid competitions like this, but he can’t bring himself to yell at you like he would anyone else.
“Aren’t you going to join them? They seem to have singled you out.” Jade hums, staring at Idia with glittering eyes that scream danger.
Does Jade know? Or is he just pretending to know?! What would Azul do with the information that Idia has a pathetic little crush on the Prefect that enjoys teasing him relentlessly about the silliest of things?
“They just like picking on me, that’s all.” Idia shakes his head and huffs, trying to hide his hair under his hat (which is rapidly turning pink as he speaks), “You...You know, like normies do. I knew I never should have left my room, this whole trip was a bad idea.”
“Oh? Are you certain?” Jade hums, tilting his head to the side as he smiles his unnerving smile, “I was under the impression that their boldness and confidence had you enamored. Was I perhaps...incorrect?”
“Yes!” Idia yelps, a response that comes far too soon for it to be the truth.
Satisfied, Jade steps away.
“Well then. It would be a shame if the Prefect were to hear about you hating them.” Jade sighs mournfully, “If only your feelings were the opposite.”
Idia knows what he’s doing.
He knows what game Jade is playing.
And yet as the mereel walks away, he makes a noise that sounds like a strangled cough and runs to talk to you before Jade can.
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quinnysnursery · 1 month
Can you do a little!matt x fem!cg!reader? 🩵🩵
[🩹] stressful week recovery | matt sturniolo one-shot
paring : little!matt sturniolo x cg!fem!reader
summary : after a stressful week, matt's girlfriend knows just what her little one needs !
warning/extra tid-bits : Matt and his CG are in a romantic relationship outside of being a little and caregiver but this still does not make age regression sexual, y/n used (sorry guys its inevitable sometimes😿)
word count : 2,423
divider credit : MEEE c: i made it using canva guys!!
a/n : save me monkey jellycat i saw at the store today....save me... (sorry for any typos ! i'm just a girl !)
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Friday, 8:10 pm.
Matt let out a loud sigh as he finally let his head hit his pillows, his entire body relaxing into the plush mattress. Closing his eyes and letting out yet another exhausted breath, Matt recounted the week he'd endured.
On Monday, Chris woke him up screaming they were missing footage and Nick needed it to wrap up the video. Tuesday, he was supposed to drive Chris to a dentist appointment and everything was going fine until...a simple flat tire caused Matt to make Chris late, which Chris wouldn't let go of for the remainder of the week.
Wednesday, they filmed. The familiar nickname of "Miserable Matt" returned...which sucked. Matt wasn't miserable, he wasn't even annoyed by his brothers at first. He was just overstimulated, the leather seats of the car too uncomfortable, the car too hot but the AC too loud. It was unbearable....maybe even miserable.
Thursday started out good. He ran a few errands with Nick and Chris, who still insisted that Matt intentionally made him late for his dentist appointment. That didn't matter though, because he was just joking....hopefully. Thursday was going so well in fact, that he decided he would take some instagram photos with the help of Chris.
Well, apparently Chris thought it would be so funny to intentionally make each photo blurry to some degree. "If I can be late to a dentist appointment, you can survive with one less photo on your feed." He teased as Matt held back frustrated tears the entire way back.
Today, Friday, was probably the easiest of all. He spent the entire day attempting to de-stress. He had to film yet another video, but this one was easier as Chris seemed to finally let the damn dentist grudge go. That's what led him to now, laying on his bed with a blaring headache as the stress of the week caught up to him. The yelling from Monday, the week-long teasing…the blurry photos.
Everything just felt too loud. Too loud, or too bright. Too big.
Everything felt too big. Matt felt small, little.
Groaning, Matt evaluated his options. His brothers knew mildly of his regression, but there was no way in hell he was going to ask them for help. Not now.
He didn’t even necessarily want to bother his girlfriend/caregiver right now but this regression was coming on strong and there was no way Matt would be able to handle it on his own. 
As if on cue, the familiar sound of your text tone went off on his nightstand. Quickly sitting up and scrambling for his phone, Matt read your message through teary eyes.
‘mommy🤍: hey hun!! were we still on for that movie marathon? x’
Shit. In the hell-spiral that had been this week Matt completely forgot he agreed to a movie marathon with you. Chewing his lip anxiously, Matt typed out a response.
‘matty💙 : really sorry, i don't think i can. had a really bad week, i don't know if i can drive over :(’
It took less than a moment for a reply to come back.
‘mommy🤍: be ready in 20, bring your littlespace bag’
A smile managed to form on the brunette's face. Matt took a few more moments to calm himself down, the familiar fuzzy feeling beginning to become even more prominent on his mind.
“Not yet.” He thought to himself as he stood up carefully, grabbing the bag out from his closet. He took in front of his open closet for a few moments before deciding to change into a looser fitting t-shirt and sweats.
Matt sat back down on the edge of his bed, checking his phone once more even though he knew you'd be at least another 10 minutes.
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Friday, 9:00 pm.
‘mommy🤍: in the driveway, need me to come get you baby?'
‘matty💙 : i can do it'
‘matty💙 : not little yet.'
Matt began trudging downstairs with his backpack cast over his shoulder, he was just gonna slip out the front door and avoid having to explain to his brothers why he was going to spend the weekend at his girlfriend's hous-
"Matt!" Chris called, peeking his head over the couch. God dammit. Matt turned on his heels, flashing a fake smile to both his brothers. "Where are you heading off too in the night?" Nick joked, "Kid looks like batman." Chris added with a laugh.
"Mysterious Matt." Both Nick and Chris agreed before bursting into laughter. Matt had to remind himself to take deep breaths to avoid crying once again. His brothers were just joking around with him, he was just sensitive.
He wanted to just slip out the front door, hurry across the driveway, slide into your car and let you take charge. He just wanted to regress.
“Uhm…(Y/N)’s picking me up.” Matt swallowed, shifting his weight from one foot to another. "I'm staying the weekend." He added, reaching for the doorknob.
"Okay, loverboy." Nick said, Matt rolled his eyes at the old joke. The middle triplet stood awkwardly for a moment, the silence being interrupted by Matt's phone going off.
‘mommy🤍: everything okay?'
Smiling at the message, Matt bid his brothers a goodbye before shutting the door closed behind him. Matt smiled, the fuzzy feeling weighing down on his brain even more as he opened the passenger side door.
"Hey baby!" You smiled, "Look who I brought!" You reached behind you. You took a moment before pulling out Matt's beloved pug stuffed animal he'd left behind a few weeks ago, Mr.Wrinkleton.
A smile instantly formed on Matt's face as he quickly buckled his seatbelt, placing his backpack in front of him. "Mr.Wrinkleton!" The boy beamed, no longer feeling the need to fight off the obvious signs he was regressing.
Ruffling his hair, you put the car in park and began the drive to your home.
For the most part, Matt was silent. Only occasionally whispering something to Mr.Wrinkleton or pointing at something on the side of the road.
"Do you want mama to make you something? Or do you want something else?" You asked, turning down the soft indie music that was playing through the car speakers. Matt paused for a moment, thinking to himself.
"....grilled 'eese?" The brunette asked, looking over at you. "P'ease mama?" The puppy-dog eyes were now in full-effect. You smiled, glancing over at your boy, "Does Mr.Wrinkleton want a grilled cheese too?" You asked, "He can't have grilled 'eese! He's a pug!" The boy giggled.
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Friday, 9:40 pm.
"One grilled cheese for Matt." You hummed, placing the plastic bear-shaped plate down on your kitchen island.
"No crust!" Matt beamed as he noticed you'd sliced the edges of the sandwich off. You nodded, wrinkling up your nose with a smile. "I cut it off, just for you." You tapped his nose playfully. "Do you think Mr.Wrinkleton would want the crust?" You asked, revealing a small blue bowl of bread crust from behind you.
Matt giggled and nodded enthusiastically, "Mhm!!".
Smiling, you place the plush dog in front of the blue bowl. "Eat your food angel, bedtime soon." You said, brushing his hair away from his face.
While Matt ate his grilled cheese, you silently snuck the pieces of bread from Mr.Wrinkleton's bowl into your mouth. The two of you enjoyed the comfortable quiet.
"Chris was bein' mean..." Matt mumbled, leaning into your arm. You quickly took your hand away from Mr.Wrinkleton's bowl as you turned your attention to your little.
"Really? What was he saying sweetheart?" You asked, snaking your arm around his lower torso and pulling him closer.
"Kept sayin' I made him late to th-the dentist on purpose..." Matt mumbled, his feelings quite obviously still hurt from Chris' comments.
"Oh honey..." You cooed as you felt Matt's tears trickle down his face and begin to dampen your shirt sleeve.
"A-And I didn't mean too! M' had to change the tire all by m'self!" Matt cried, abandoning his mostly-eaten sandwich to reach for your grasp.
Standing up, you gently led Matt to the couch allowing the two of you to collapse onto the cushions. Matt instantly scrambled onto your lap, curling into you.
"Shhh, I'm here. Just let it out." You soothed, wrapping your arms around your little, playing with the back of his hair. Matt cried, whimpering out a few more words about "blurry photos 'n lost footage".
You made a mental note to ask Matt about those things when he was no longer regressed.
"Mama's here....I've got you." You reassure, kissing the top of the brunette's head before he buried his head into the crook of your neck.
The two of you stayed like that for an hour. Matt unleashing the stress of his week through tears and you whispering reassuring words into his ear as you played with his hair.
Eventually though, Matt's tears turned to sniffles and sniffles turned to hiccups, which eventually turned to snores.
You carefully slid out from under him, taking a couch pillow from behind you and placing it under his head. You quietly went to your room, snatching the softest blanket you owned off your bed before returning to the living room and throwing it over your baby boy.
"Shhh, just relax baby." You soothed as Matt stirred in his sleep. Quickly, you grabbed Mr.Wrinkleton from the kitchen counter and his pacifier from his backpack.
Crouching in front of Matt, you softly tucked the pug stuffed animal under his arm before bringing the paci to his lips. Matt's eyes were still filled with sleep as they cracked open, "It's your paci, baby." You explained, a sleepy smile appeared on Matt's face before he accepted the pacifier, snuggling further into his covers.
You let out a content sigh once you were sure he was asleep once again, the gentle sounds of breathing and suckling noise from Matt's paci filling the room.
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Saturday, 2:30 am.
"Mommy?" Matt called, peeking into your dark room. You awoke from your sleep, quickly turning to face the door and clicking a light on.
"What's going on angel? Something wrong?" You ask, rubbing your sleep-ridden eyes. Matt shook his head before sheepishly looking down at his feet.
You smiled, realizing what Matt was too nervous to ask. "C'mon," You called, opening up your blanket. Matt let out a small squeal, before climbing into bed and snuggling into your frame.
You let your boy get comfortable before beginning to play with his hair, both of you enjoying the safety of each other's presence. Just as you were about to let sleep take over once again, you heard a small murmur come from a half-asleep Matt.
"M' love you mama."
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blarshwritezz · 2 months
PPHI AGAIN its yours truly the anon with the ungodly amount of typos ken i just ask like a fic wuth the spy reader x mafia boss but its just the mafia boss in denial about his feelings for the reader? and funny interactions of the reader's mom and the mafia boss (she doesn't know about the reador or the mafia boss's occupation so they just hide it by saying their co workers in a normal office job and the reader gets called a mama's bou by the oc ty again)
typos hmm.. yummy😋😋😋
How cute!
Yandere Mafia Boss x Spy Reader p3
M yan x M reader
TW - general yandere behavior
Part 1 - Part 2
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"And who's this handsome young man, sweetie? Your new boyfriend?" Your mom asked, pinching his cheek. If only she knew this man was one of the most dangerous in the country.
But it was a pretty complicated question. What was he exactly? You couldn't exactly tell her he was holding you hostage. That would only worry her. But you couldn't confidently say he was your boyfriend as he might get angry. You've asked him what you were before, but his answer was vague and he quickly changed the subject.
"Well um, he's my-"
"Business partner." He cut you off. Even in front of your mother his cold and menacing aura didn't waver, but she didn't seem to mind.
"Sure. Purely business. I totally believe that." She winked and chuckled a bit, letting go of your cheek. "Well don't just stand there. You two come in, get comfortable. I'll bring in some water."
Your mother left to the kitchen, letting you two sit down. He kept an arm around you possessively, trapping you between him and the arm of the sofa.
You were actually rather shocked that he agreed to let you come here. According to him, the less people were looking for you the better. But it almost seemed like he had some other motive.
Because he did. He had to grow close to your family and find out what they were like. Not because he wanted them to be his in-laws, of course not! Just so he knew what kind of leverage he had against you.
"Alright darlin's, here's some water!" Your mom re-entered the room, seething down three glasses of iced water. One for you, him, and herself. "Now tell me, what's going on with my baby? You never call anymore!"
"There's been an important project at work. We've hardly gotten any free time." He covered for you. It wasn't surprising how he could easily come up with these things. He was able to lie so easily.
"Oh sweetie, please tell me you've been taking care of yourself."
"Don't worry ma'am. Your son is being very well taken care of."
Did he have to sound so sexy saying that?! There was no need for him to make it sound like the two of you were shaking up. Well, you were, but your mom didn't need to know that!
"Now sweetie, why isn't this kind man your husband yet?"
"Ma!" You exclaimed at your mother's sudden question, your face turning beet red. You could have sworn you saw a small smile and a light dusting of pink over his cheeks, but he stayed composed.
That was just the beginning of the night. It was filled with laughter, joy, and your mom embarrassing you more times than you could count. You swear she was doing it on purpose!
But you really did love nights like this. Nights when you could just forget time was passing and relax. Have a good, home-cooked meal and share time with the closest people to you.
"You know," He spoke, placing a hand on your thigh as he drove the two of you home. "you're such a mama's boy."
You let out a small chuckle and looked out the window, met with darkness broken by old streetlights. "Yeah...I guess I am."
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Feels like it's been too long since I've written something SFW, thank you 🦀 anon 😭
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cheriecelestial · 5 months
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Paper Rings
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disclaimer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ angst (?), canon typical violence, gore (?), crude humour, strong language, typos, grammatical errors, cliché moments
genre *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ drama, romance, action-thriller, fantasy
a/n *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ based on this one dream i had and also cuz pjo was my first comfort series and jjk is my current one (only s1)
╰ ┈➤ Chapter List
╰ ┈➤ Master list
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Chapter One
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Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.
If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal
life. Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways.
If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever happened.But if you recognize yourself in these pages - if you feel something stirring inside - stop reading immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they sense it too, and they'll come for you.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
My name is Gojo Kanao . Age fourteen, raised in Tokyo, Japan . As the youngest family member of the Gojo clan , niece of the Gojo Satoru and an aspiring sorcerer - my life was going as perfectly as it rightfully should . Except my uncle got a call from an old family friend three weeks back and before I knew it I were to pack my bags and enroll in a 'summer camp' meant for 'children like me' . And that's really funny because apart from my uncle , I'm pretty much one of a kind . It's not like ever other generation has a six eyes user gifted with limitless. My existence is what most people call an 'anomaly in the power balance of the world' and sparked much debate amongst higher ups but it stopped bothering me after a point considering how uncle Satoru threatens to decimate any person that as much as dared look at me wrongly .
He took me in after my father died when I was four and him eighteen . Following my father's death , the Gojo clan was pretty much reduced to me and uncle since not much was known about my birth mother . The first time my uncle got to know that he, in fact , not only had a sister in law but also a niece from his absentee elder brother was when the fore mentioned "family friend" came knocking to at the Gojo Clan's door with a drooling four year old with white pigtails in tow .
As much as a shock it must've been to know that he was now a single father , uncle or as I call him Satoru nii-san , seemed to have developed a knack for parenting much too quickly with his reasoning being 'the baby looks like mini me and I vibe with that' . And as he liked to say to me and my also-adopted siblings Megumi and Tsumiki Fushiguro "having you kids just adds to my dilf appeal" followed by Megumi deadpanning at him , Tsumiki awkwardly smiling and me audibly gagging. Needless to say , he isn't much liked and not even half as tolerable as he considers himself to be.
"How could you do this to me ?" I mumbled while my eyes trailing the silhouette of the trees passing rapidly by my car windows . Almost inaudible cursing was what my opposition was shamefully reduced to . After much fights , screaming , crying , scratching and attempts at running away I was forced to join this camp . His description of the camp with strawberry fields , flying horses , Greek gods and half goat people was enough for Megumi to call bullshit on it however I couldn't deny its existence because that's where I grew up from birth to age four.
" Nyao-chan , this is the 33rd time you're saying this in the past fifteen hours of flight time . Do better" I could feel nii-san rolling his eyes from the front seat .
" Toru nii don't call me that" I hissed back at him and turned my face with 'hmph' so that maybe , just maybe I could appeal to his conscience. I remember that place and it wasn't particularly unpleasant and under normal circumstances I would really like visiting . However , he simply refused to understand just how it would derail my development as a sorcerer , quoting ' your development as a demigod is just as fundamental to your growth as your development as a sorcerer . Take it as a learning experience. Have fun and for the love of god make some friends that aren't the fushiguros or your pet snake .'
My previous attempt at socialising ended up with the boy calling me a brat and me activating my cursed technique for the first time in attempt to kill him , stunning breakthrough but not a suitable first impression. That meeting ended well for their family and the incident was ruled out as a 'all is well that ends well' . And after that I decided that I had enough and rated the experience 2 stars , do not recommend . 
" I mean looking at how much you like small spaces , scratching and hissing you might as well be one . But hey cheer up ! you're going to see your Chiron sensei and Dino oji-san again . Won't it be fun ? Childhood memories all coming back to you. Plus I've heard summer camps are really fun." He shrugged with his emphasis on the names causing me to cringe inwardly .
" What sort of summer camp runs in November ?" I retorted followed by him sighing . It was much later that I found out that my 'Dino oji-san' was actually Dionysus , the Greek god of wine. I could only imagine the emotions he must've felt holding a toddler in his lap , butchering his name to her convenience. The embarrassment of the memory just made me even more unwilling to go . Our satyr chauffeur said we were fifteen minutes away from camp so of course going back wasn't an option.
Before I knew it , the car came to a screeching halt in the middle of road . There was nothing but an empty road ahead surrounding by dense vegetation on either sides . " What happened ? " I asked leaning forward. The saytr looked at me and blinked . Then I realised I forgot to switch to English while talking . Except for my struggles with dyslexia, English was fairly easy to learn . I credited Satoru nii's obsession of Friends and Britney Spears for this but learning , in general , was something that came naturally to me . I never had to try too hard to learn a skill and it puzzled others and even me . Apparently this was the trait of a true Gojo . Being godly perfect . It applied to everything but my cursed energy technique . Sometime back I realised I reached a plateau of my skills  and no matter what method I employed , my growth remained stagnant . Maybe that's why he's sending me here .
" She meant why did we stop ?" Nii-san asked .
" We're here" The saytr plainly replied . I looked around in confusion because I saw nothing . He asked us to follow him , and with luggage in hand , so we did .
After a small hike through the woods , we reached a big stone arch . It was partially of wood and stone and looked really old with greek symbols carved at the top and several cracks and moss . I stared at the sign and noticed that the letters began to rearrange themselves . At first I thought it was my dyslexia acting up but the Greek symbols rearrange themselves to spell out the letters 'CAMP HALFBLOOD' .
"You look surprised. What do you see Kana ?" He looked at me . I explained my observations and he smirked and muttered something to himself .
I extended my hand and much like how jujutsu curtains worked by hand went passed the barrier emitting a faint blue light . " Nii-san you try it " I gestured him to do the same . The barrier pulsated against his hand as if resisting his touch . With a faint smile , he retracted his hand and said to the saytr " This barrier is stronger than I expected . I'm impressed"
"Nii-san if you were to break through , how long would it take ?" I asked out of curiosity . If you were to ask anyone to describe Gojo Satoru in one word the word would be 'strongest' . Once he put enough effort into it there was no barrier he couldn't break nor there was any curse he couldn't exorcise . " Hmmm it's strong I'll give it that . But we wouldn't want to endanger a camp worth of kids, right ?" I shrugged in a 'makes sense' gesture.
"It's just her from this point on. You can't go inside." The saytr said. Yeah we noticed. Satoru- nii clapped his hands and smiled," Just give us two minutes. You know I need time to see off my precious baby." The saytr blinked and moved out of earshot wordlessly. Satoru nii cupped my face and cooed as if he was on the verge of crying. I rolled my eyes at his dramatic display," you didn't feel any remorse for the last few days and you're crying now ?"
"It's not easy ! I knew I had to let my baby bird out of the nest because that's what's best for you but I -" his bottom lip wobbled and I was hit with a sense of guilt. I sighed and hugged him," I'll miss you too. I'll be fine."
"Call me everyday you hear me ? And eat and sleep well. Oh my god I'm starting to sound like an old woman !" Gojo Satoru was one man who liked to completely disregard the fact that me, Megumi and Tsumiki had mother -albeit absent, and very seriously behave as if he was the one who carried us around for nine months and birth us. But hey, who doesn't like being coddled ?
I rolled my eyes and gave him the signature Gojo smirk," I'll be just fine, don't you worry."
" I know. You'll be fine. Always. You'll be better than me, I know it." Satoru nii-san's voice dropped to a low and almost wistful whisper. " Even though you're the best there is ?" I asked offering him a kind smile. To that he said something in a tone  I didn't expect hearing from him. "You've inherited only my powers , I don't want you to inherit my tragedies too ." The statement left a bad taste in my mouth. People often assumed that since he was the strongest, he had it easy. It’s people like him that suffer the most, so much so that sometimes it has you wishing you didn’t have power at all.
"And lastly. Don't kill anyone, and even if you do. Get rid of witnesses and call nii-san first, Nii-san will take care of it." I raised my brow in questioning. Firstly, shouldn't he be teaching his kid to be nice to other people or something and second of all why is he referring to himself in third person.
"Shouldn't you be saying 'dont bully people and be nice' or something ?" Though what he said wasn't the first of its kind. My brother Megumi had a track record of beating up people in his school but Nii-san never saw a problem because the people he beat up were hardly innocent and he never lost a fight so that was no shame brought to the family name.
"If there's anyone you think shouldn't be alive. Then they shouldn't be. This world is ours, the others are just living in it." One thing that everyone knew what that Gojo Satoru was a firm believer of the Gojo family supremacy. And he's not wrong. "Then what about those sleazy higher-ups ?" I quipped. I knew of his grand plan to demolish the old reign and establish a new jujutsu world, the reason he became a teacher. It was something I looked forward to since the day he showed me the dream of it, but for that I had to get stronger. To become more, to become unstoppable. So I would gladly accept any wisdom the Greeks had to offer and make sure that by the time I’m done here, I’ll be the strongest demigod they’ve had the honour of laying their eyes upon.
“All in due time Kana-chan.”
Taglist: @kentply / @sleepykittycx / @yourpersonalgaybird
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surshica · 1 year
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FOURTEEN - you’re so annoying
masterlist <3
AN : enjoy or not (evil emoji) HAHAHAHAH
borders will indicate when it’s time to read the written portion!! + please excuse anything grammatically incorrect and any typos !!
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﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
“CHISHIYA SHUNTARO.” Yn yelled whispered, she was mad at him for having her stress over studying for the test when it got postponed till Tuesday; she was looking around for him when he saw a figure laying down on the couch. She let out a huff, she felt like the big bad wolf. She ended up cracking her knuckles storming over to chishiya whom was peacefully watching banana fish on his TV. “You. Should watch banana fish, its a good anime.” He lifted himself up on his elbows watching the mad women storm her way to him.n
He grinned as he looked at her standing in front of him, “why hello dearest Yn,” “what can i do for you in this fine hour.” The silence was evident but yet it was too funny to chishiya; yn inhaled deeply trying to calm herself down but looking at his stupid cat like smirk made her even more pissed off. She grabbed him by the shirt pushing him back down onto the couch. “You’re so annoying chishiya!” She sprawled over him.
“You know chishiya, it would’ve been nice to know it got postponed a day.” “I could’ve relaxed today and studied tomorrow but you had me over here stressing over a mid-term THAT WAS AAAAAAAH” she was mad enough she couldn’t even think properly. Chishiya’s face was so unemotional besides the grin formed on his lips, it made her want to punch him even more. “Why’d you think that was funny or even a good idea?!” Her right twitched as her grip around his shirt tightened even more. “Like I said it merely slipped my mind.” His grin started to disappear as his lips formed a thin line.
“Slipped my mind..bullshit” she called him out on it rolling her eyes. She was not having any of that bullshit. “You know..I’m starting to think you have a crush on me based on how many times we always get into situations.” He smirked, yn rolled her eyes again. “I dont like you. You’re annoying and you make me annoyed”. Her tone became softer and her breathing calmed down. “You know if you did want a kiss that’s all you had to say” that sentence left chishiya’s smirk made her feel something flutter but it made her upset. “I came here to take my anger out on you because you like to fuck around with me.”
“That sounds rather kinky” he lowed a chuckle, the vibration of the low chuckle , made the small butterflies flutter in her stomach. “What..NO! You know it’s not like that.” Her grip loosened because of the comment he said, a slight blush rushed across her face; she furrowed her eyebrows shaking her head. “Do i know that yn? Do I really know that?” He questioned the mad blushing lady, he propped himself up on his elbows. From any other angle the position they were in would make people jump into conclusions. “You’re like my personal fan,” his grin turned into a small smile inching his face closer to hers. Yn’s lips agaped slightly, opening and closing and opening again. “You’re so annoying chishiya..” it was a breathless like whisper.
“Hmm, you are quite always telling me that” he felt her now calm untensed breathing tickle his skin, his small smile turned into a slightly larger genuine smile. Their eyes never left eachother; chishiya was quiet mesmerized in their gaze. The sunlight gleamed down onto them, it was something that look like it was ripped straight out of a Japanese romance drama. “Chishiya…” her voice was a soft yet sterner whisper, words couldn’t escape his lips but a small hum. Their faces inched closer slowly, their noses and foreheads were slightly touching eachother. Both of their eyes were closed yet in the moment they couldn’t find a place in their heart to stop what could spur in the moment.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
After Yn zoomed out her room with arisu’s keys it took him a moment to process the whole situation, it was like the lagging symbol spinning in his head before he finally realized what happened. His eyes widened before quickly standing up but he ended up getting dizzy and fell back down into the chair. He inhaled before standing up quickly leaving Yn’s room. Entering the living room seeing Mira watching saiki k on the small tv they had.
“Where did yn go?!” Arisu’s breathless voice questioned the calm not concerned Mira, “she left already.” “she looked like she was in a rush” Mira held her hand over her mouth a little giggle escaped her lips. “Motherfucker…” he groaned realizing he is going to have to run after her so she doesn’t destroy his dorm. He quickly put on his shoes looking at the. Unconcerned Mira who was watching all of this go down, “you might want to hurry who knows what they are doing in that dorm as of right now.” Mira shrugged showing her phone to arisu. It was Yn’s tweets and how she was struggling to open his dorms door.
Arisu’s brows furrowed wondering how the fuck she got there so quickly?! The dorm wasnt far but it was that close either. “She’s going to be the death of me” he groaned before closing the door to yn and Mira’s dorm. He started to quickly run after the what was left tracks of yn to his dorm. He kept groaning because he wasnt the most athletic and man he hated yn for having some sort of running spirit now. He really needed to go on the morning runs with usagi. He made it to the floor where their dorm is letting out huffs and puffs.
He couldn’t run anymore so he just decided to speed walk his way to the dorm, he thought he would have to get out his spare key from his pocket but to his surprise the door was open. It was closed but it wasnt locked. He lifted one of his eyebrows grabbing the door handle. The one thing he noticed was that it was quiet..he expected to hear Yn’s yelling since she seemed angry in the tweets. He slowly turned the door handle walking quietly into the dorm closing the door behind him. taking off his shoes he went to the living room and his face turned into pure shock at what he is seeing. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?” A screamed like gasp escaped causing yn to jump away from chishiya. Chishiya didnt even budge; his face was still neutral with some slight blush but yn she was red in the face.
﹙ᴗ﹏ᴗ﹚・。 ⁺ ✦
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pink doesn’t work
@crinklypink @flrtsbin @4pparecium @afckingswiftiebtch @em-asian @saiewithakatana @minyoungieee @eternal-gf @kimtaehussy @theinfaethablefig @elakari @too-many-fandoms666 @lastheavcns @pyrrhicgaze @andreeasancheez @hadesdaughtwr @Iserluver @urgodmoon @nmsl0v3r @lowilaufeyson @dee-dino-man @chiishiiya @444neapolitain @wroophruh @vensworld @starsval @dr3amscap3 @kuinaheartz @bre99 @cheshireshiya @eissaaaa @sollum @conny1111 @luvelyxp @shinobuily @gelliyo @fanfangying1304 @ikon-teen @stay-moa-army @bbyjackie @naegisimp @midlystupid @yvrikoo @chepoyo @luv4kuina @vernon-dursley @itadorim @vseqvt @shigamiryuk @wonswoorld @elisiumnie @abyloxk @asoullessentity @seventeensstrawberry @cupidsaster @bubblyclouds
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mo49ko · 7 months
congrats on finishing tgcf how are u feeling ‼️
i would do anything to experience tgcf for the first time again 😭😭
i haven't started to read the extras yet because i dont want it to end... everything about the ending was perfect i really love it...
(major ending spoilers below) list of my favourite things in no particular order off the top of my head
the fact that jun wu didnt die (i like jun wu so much) (but also narratively it makes so much sense)
the fact that mnq stayed with him 😭😭😭 and even when he was helping xl and the others during the fight he didnt abandon jw... thats his best friend...
mq just... let fx carry him piggy back?? twice?? what are we
the fact that becoming more honest didnt make mq nicer now hes just more shamelessly complaining...hes so cute i love him...
the fact that junior officials have the balls to gossip about fx to his face ITS SO FUNNY
fx is so unserious
the last scene with jian lan and xie lian ended me I AM SO SAD i hope she knows happiness forever but also now i need an AU where jl and xl are friends
i have a lot of thought about this. i think xl and jl could be such good friends
the fact that mq cant do accounting. hes just like me fr
when pei ming out of all ppl points out that mq's math is Questionable and he just. leaves.
this is maybe a typo but congratulations nan feng on your promotion
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You know that trend ( it's not really new or anything) When a girl would ask her boyfriend/husband " do you remember what day it is." Just to get them to freak out and think they forgot an anniversary or something. Because people were saying that if you ask a man that he will automatically think he forgot something. What about Dream with something like that?
I Know All
"Do you remember what day it is?" "Day is a mortal concept," he blurts a bit too instantly. "... so you don't remember?"
Dream of the Endless x Reader | >600 | cw: gender neutral!reader, sulky!dream, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: hi nonnie! i do know this trend. the first one i saw of it was so funny HAHAHAHA. i hope you enjoy what i whipped up <3 :D
Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @deniixlovezelda @sloanexx @shadow-pancake9
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"Hi, love!" I beam, hugging him from behind.
Dream, who had just finished doing his round of tasks, tenses before he relaxes. I feel him release a sigh as his palms rest on my arms, "hello, my dreamer."
When he moves to turn, he, at first, tries to hold me back from pulling away. He is pacified upon realizing I meant to take only a few steps back. His otherwise blank expression cracks when he notices I was dressed up more than usual. His hands slip into mine.
"Don't I look extra cute today?" I give a Cheshire cat grin.
His lips curve upward. He pulls me forward and nods, "you are an exquisite creature."
I chuckle and cup his cheeks with my hand, "thank you, Mr. Sandman."
I watch him hold back an eyeroll as he releases a breath.
I laugh once more and rub down his arm, "right, we should get going."
Dream doesn't move a fraction from where he stood even though I pull him by the arm. Instead, topple all the way back into his chest and grunt.
He and I lock eyes. He furrows his brows, "are we going somewhere?"
I shoot him a confused look.
He outdoes my expression with his own.
I cannot mask my chuckle, but I play it off, "of course we're going somewhere! Don't tell me you forgot."
He does not respond for a moment, then betrays himself by clearing his throat too loudly, "remind me again where we are going, my dear?"
My dear. I hold back a laugh by biting my lip. I up the theatrics with a pout, "Dream..."
He is immediately on the defensive. He places his hands on my shoulders and shakes his head, "I had much to do. I merely need to jog my memory."
I start feeling bad because of how his teary blue eyes look.
"Do you remember what day it is?"
"Day is a mortal concept," he blurts a bit too instantly.
"... so you don't remember?"
Dream doesn't put up much of a fight after. He flakes the instant a sigh leaves his lips, "no. I do not remember what day it is, nor making any plans with you this day. I apologise, my love."
He defeatedly hangs his head and leans his forehead against mine. When his arms snake around me, it feels as though a dark cloud forms overhead. I pout through a chuckle and embrace him right back. I feel absolutely dreadful, "baby boy, I-"
"I swear to you, it is not my intention to-"
"Honey, no-" I pull away.
He repels me, "no, don't."
"Lovie!" I whisper, pulling back to caress his cheeks, "it's ok!" I pout, "it's all good. It's fine."
Dream is visibly dejected.
"Baby, don't worry. It was a joke. A really bad one at that, but I didn't mean it to be!"
His brows knit, "what?"
I purse my lips and brush his black hair back, "it was meant to be a funny-ha-ha prank..." I swipe his lips with my thumb before kissing them. I make a guilty expression, "I didn't think you'd be so... distraught about it."
Dream soaks in these works before cautiously wording, "does... this mean I did not... forget any engagement with you?"
I titter, "no, my lord. I was just trying to be funny."
He releases a breath of relief. His shoulders release its tension, "I could inspire your jokes, if you'd like."
I break into a laugh and shake my head, "no. I think I'm-"
"So," he furrows his brows in sudden realization, "you tricked me for your amusement?"
I open my mouth but find myself stuttering when he appears more sullen than he was moments ago, "it was meant to be a jo-"
"Well, I find no amusement in it," he frowns then pulls away.
"N- now, hold on. Dream. Don't be like that. Dream. Don't walk away! Honey! Please."
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minaramen · 10 months
Haruka Isumi - 16 Idol Album - Part 1: 16 Idol Album
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
[Disclaimer: I’m NOT a professional translator. I’m using my knowledge from 4 years of university. Please, feel free to let me know if you notice  mistranslation/typo/error of any kind]  
Touma: Fuu… we have two whole hours before recording
Haruka: Yes, and even if we have a cake here it won’t take more than 30 minutes
Touma: Haru, look! A new video is out!
Haruka: Mh? What video?
Touma: Look! A puppy
Haruka: Ah! The account you follow
Touma: Yes! This time the video is called “Sleepyhead puppy who doesn’t want to get out of its owner’s bed”
Touma: Ah, I can’t believe it! It’s curling up under the futon! It looks so sleepy!
Haruka: It’s so cute…
Haruka: But, wait. It’s getting really big! Was it really this size…?
Touma: Puppies grow up in the blink of an eye. It’s already perfect at sitting up and giving the paw! Amazing, isn’t it?
Haruka: Ahaha, why are you so proud?
Touma: It’s just that I’ve been watching it grow up from the very beginning, so I feel somehow like a parent, you know…
Haruka: Humph, I watch these videos from time to time, so I must feel somehow like a relative…
Haruka: Oh, it’s stretching while yawning…!
Haruka&Touma: So cute…
Yamato: What are you looking at?
Haruka&Touma: Wah!?!
Nagi: Hello, Isumi shi, Inumaru shi
Touma: You scared me… ! N-nice to see you…
Haruka: Nice to see you. Are you here to have a cake too?
Yamato: I’m not sure if we’re going for a cake, but we have some spare time and so we came here. Then we saw a couple of guys sitting head to head in quite a friendly way and we came to say hi
Nagi: I’ve heard rumors about ŹOOĻ being very close and happy lately, but I had no idea you were close enough to be cheek to cheek
Haruka: T-that’s not true..! We were just watching a video, that’s it! Also, what rumors are you talking about?!
Yamato: You don’t need to feel embarrassed. There was a heartwarming atmosphere between the two of you, it was kinda good
Nagi: Yes! You looked very happy
Haruka: That’s… that’s because the puppy we were watching was cute! Touma, say something!
Touma: Well, it’s true we’re getting along lately. There’s no reason to deny it
Haruka: W-what are you saying?! Aren’t you ashamed?!
Touma: I’m not ashamed at all! On the contrary, I’m happy
Haruka: B-but…well…it’s not that I’m not happy, but…
Yamato: How heartwarming
Nagi: Indeed
Haruka: Okay, enough talking about us!
Touma: Ahah! If you watch this video too you’ll understand why we were sitting like that
Nagi: Oh, that’s a pomeranian! I think I’ve seen it somewhere
Yamato: Isn’t it the same dog Riku was watching at the dormitory? He said Inumaru recommended him these videos
Yamato: He said that it’s very cute when its owner is glad, because he happily wags its tail
Touma: Ah, yes! We’ve watched these videos on the job lately, I recommended them to Riku
Touma: It’s so cute when it narrows its eyes as it gets petted… look!
Everybody: So cute…
Touma: Hey, don’t you think it looks like Haru? 
Haruka: Mh? What do you mean?
Touma: I mean, the eyes, the hairstyle…  the performances too. It gives a similar atmosphere
Yamato: Ah, got it. Its big eyes and strong temperament
Nagi: Yes, and the fluffy hairstyle is also similar
Haruka: Really…? I don’t see it…
Touma: You resemble it especially when you’re laughing! I’m going to make some funny faces now, you try to laugh
Haruka: Funny faces? It doesn’t make me laugh at a-…
Touma: Look!
Haruka: Uh…ahahah! How can your eyes get so wrinkled?
Touma: I knew it! You really look like it!
Yamato: Aah, I get it
Haruka: T-that much…? Wait, the face you made was a low blow, Touma!
Touma: Eheh, it’s my absolute special face. It made Mina laugh as well 
Nagi: Oh, if we’re talking about funny faces our leader is as good as yours
Yamato: Hey, don’t talk nonsense!
Nagi: Okay, Yamato, go with your funny face! 3, 2, 1….
Nagi&Haruka&Touma: Ahaha..:!
Nagi: Yamato,  you’ve really got an ace up your sleeve!
Yamato: You asked me to do it!
Touma: Amazing, your eyes were wrinkled and crossed! So funny!
Haruka: By the way, I don’t really remember the reason why we ended up confronting our funny faces
Yamato: We’re not doing anything like that
Touma: Because we were saying you look like this puppy when you laugh
Haruka: Ah, you’re right. Well, I like puppies in general, but I guess it’s complicated
Nagi: Complicated?
Haruka: A puppy really loves its owners, doesn’t it? It’s written right in its expressions and gestures and comes directly from their heart 
Haruka: But its owner’s  love is not only for it. They probably have other pets, friends and family and things like that… things that are more important than the puppy
Haruka: Even if the owner is the puppy’s whole world. Maybe they will just throw the puppy away, when they don’t need it anymore…
Haruka: When I think about that I can’t really watch the puppy with an open heart, even if I find it cute. That’s why…it’s complicated 
Touma:... you’re really kind, Haru
Haruka: What?
Touma: We’re talking about a dog you didn’t even meet before, and you didn’t just say how cute and lovable it is… you though a lot about its feelings
Haruka: Well, yes. Once it grows up it appearance will change, but you should keep on caring for it anyway
Haruka: I wonder how many people in the world would keep on loving even when things change… even if things change a lot
Yamato:... I understand.  Once you welcome somebody in your life, you’re ready to be with them forever
Yamato: It’s pretty sad to love somebody and feel that they don’t love you back
Nagi:...and still, it can’t help feeling love. Human beings are creatures who needs to rely on somebody too
Nagi: Also, sometimes people understand this love and love unites them
Haruka: Mh…?
Nagi: It happened to me when I met Idolish7. And I guess the same thing happened to you when you met ŹOOĻ
Haruka:...yes…. Yes, it’s true
Haruka: In the past, when I loved somebody, I wanted to be loved back.  I’ve always been looking for that place, and now I found it
Haruka: It must be the same for this puppy and its owner. The lively faces they make are because they care for each other
Haruka: I think I can look at this puppy in another way, now 
End of part 1
TL Notes:
I know Touma comes first chronologically, but I noticed that Haruka was the only 16 Idol Album Card nobody had translated yet :) I'm still planning to cover the whole project tho!
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exepelia-chan · 2 years
Hello, may I request how Rengoku, Tengen, Douma, Muzan, and Akaza would react to a female reader getting 'stuck'?
(Whether she did it on purpose or accidentally can be up to you)
Ok here goes ✓ 1+, mentions of breeding, modern AU, jerking off, blood sucking, (stepbro I'm stuck without the stepbro) female!Reader praise kinks degradation if you squint. Oral(fem receiving) bondage. (Sorry for the typos, guys.)
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Rengoku, Kyojuro
So you thought it'd be funny to pretend that you got stuck in the washing machine in front of THE UMAI MASTER and, long story short he knew it was a prank and actually made you get stuck..
You lied on the bed in defeat. All limbs tied eyes covered; which didn't matter cause they'd be closed in bliss so anyway. "Kyojuro... W-we can talk about this..." "Really? We can? Didn't seem like talking when you flaunted your ass while the other half of you was quote unquote, " stuck". You couldn't say anything to that. A Waze of excitement cane over you as the bed dipped under the weight of Kyojuro. "Itadakimasu~". Was what you heard. He sloppily lapped up the clear and white fluid that seem to pour out every second. "Kyo~ please let m- AH!" A jolt of pain came to your left ass cheek along with...heat? "Ahhh~ " You dragged out a moan. "Calm down little flame, you're not coming until I say so. Yeah.. Its gonna be a long night.
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Uzui, Tengen
There's not much to say here but... Two of the rest of the wives teamed up WITH Tengen.
Tengen stands tall, belt in hand. You look in the mirror, tears in your eyes. Makio holds you down and Hina hold Suma. She just HAD to have her awesome, bright idea. Now look at where you are. Crying, ass red, face puffy. This could've been avoided. "TENGEN SAMAAA WE'RE SORRYY!!!" Suma yells out again as fresh, hot tears roll down her face. "Really?" "YES!" you screamed out. Makio looks down with pitiful eyes. "Well let's check to make sure~. Took about a good two days to sit down...
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He was thankful for this opportunity because instead of having to go out and kill a human he could drink straight from his favorite person whose been such a bad girl today.
"Douma~" you huffed as tears threatened to spill out of your eyelids. You know not to cry around him. Crying makes it worse. He waa so much stronger than you. You could only sit there and take it as your face became pale. "Its ok baby, this helps you sleep remember ~. That sweet voice was the last thing you heard before closing your eyes.
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I personally don't like the dude soooo.
You yell and cry for some sort of savior. But there is none. Muzan fills you up with his blood; more and more. But suddenly you're on the brink of destruction and he stops. He pulls your face in for a kiss that feels like your skin might rip off. You don't care though. It grows back in less than a second. All you need to sit and love this feeling of blood rushing power. "Ah~ this painful feel of power~". " My fucking little masochist."
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He smiled and left?
It had been two hours since you pulled your little stunt and he didn't do anything. You got sleepy and decided to take a nap. "Mmm" you wiggle your hips and reach down. 'Hair?' You thought to yourself. "Ah!" The feeling you had suddenly got intense; so intense in fact that you thought you about to cum hard. "Akaza I-" All pleasure stopped in an instant. You grabbed his hair and tried to force him on you but, he wouldn't budge. "Sorry moonflower, that's the most you're out of me." He winked. "Oh, and don't let me catch you touching yourself! You have a vivid imagination so, I'm sure you know what would happen ~" . And just like that... He got up and left.
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