#its just another httyd 3
juniemunie · 1 year
remade this again because im angry and mindless editing lessened it
So. That new announcement. And the fact its an adaptation of the animated trilogy, not a continuation or any innovation.
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Yeah. Im just gonna watch the actual httyd1 and pretend that never happened.
Dont fall for the nostalgia bait bros, let that scheme shrivel up and die.
Incoming rant below about this
People already know the reasons why its going to be shit so I wont say it again
Considering how Dean has completely misinterpreted the major themes of the first movie, I cant trust him at all with this one nor would I want to
Powell made a perfect masterpiece with the og, idk what else he would do or add on with this one but i can only hope ig, but even then-
Seriously, what else is there to add? The story is tight. Maybe a little more of Toothless' perspective, giving him more scenes of agency and character, but does Dean even still see him as more than a baby pet?? Does he even give a rat's ass about aLL THAT???? HAHHAHAHHAHA
Just. We all know its not gonna work. I have an inkling that all "show dont tell" sequences are just going to get marred or removed of all nuance. I do not want to see Downed Dragon, Forbidden Friendship, New Tail, Test Drive, or Romantic Flight or practically any of the scenes that made me love this movie get a poor imitation.
You really think live action can mimic the body language, gestures, tHE WAY THE DRAGONS FLY in the first movie or miraciously somehow make it even better? You really think the music of the first could even be topped? YOU THINK THE CINEMATOGRAPHY, THE SHOTS AND LIGHTING WOULD BE COPIED??
Either way, at the end of the day, they already know they cant beat the original movie. All they need to do is horrendously mimic some parts to keep your interest, whether its a beloved scene or music. You're not watching the new one because you love the new, you're gonna watch it because you loved the original.
I really hope it either gets dropped, sent to development hell, or ends so bad that they cant make more. Please please please i hope it gets the ATLA movie treatment
Just when I thought Puss in Boots and Bad Guys were gonna start a Dreamworks Renaissance, this shit happens.
Stop ruining the movies i adore and love, please and thank you
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spearxwind · 10 months
I’m just curious but do you have examples of good dragon anatomy in media? It’s ok if not or you don’t wanna share I’m just curious.
In media? whew, really hard to say. Often in media dragons will either have spoon wings (even if the rest of the dragon is good, like in hotd) or be shrinkwrapped :[
Toothless from httyd got it PRETTYYYYY CLOSE, the big wings dont go all the way down to the base BUT the secondary wings he has actually finish that part of the base and fill in that gap, and the fins on the tail tip are just so swag because they add lift to the tail tip as well
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Saphira from the Eragon movie actually had GENUINELY TURBOSWAG wings!!! Like these are genuinely damn near perfect for the time. They're missing the wing slots on the tips BUT WE'LL ALLOW IT. Especially when these are so hard to make and back then especially
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They could genuinely have more base to them, she does have a mild case of spoon wings but they are MUCH more proportionate than like... most others lmao.
uhhh uhhhh. I'm... actually REALLY struggling to think of basically any other media with good wings LMAO... the wing industry is in shambles. Most of the media with dragons in it has spoon wings (or worse). I feel like I've talked about one thing or another with good (or decent) wing anatomy but I cannot for the life of me remember anything right now.
Soooo...... to make up for that here's some BAD bad dragon anatomy in media:
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From "dragons a fantasy made real". 1. what the fuck. 2. ???? i just dont know what to say its got it all. Shrinkwrapping, small spoon wings, nonsensical attachment to the back, etc. I love this movie to death but watching it when im older and Know Things is a curse
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Dragonheart. I have not seen this movie but What The Fuck is going on there. Attach those wings son!!!! Theyre just flopping around!!!
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Every single monster hunter monster with wings is uh. Very questionable. None of them have the patagium either which is A Crime. As much as I love the franchise TO DEATH the wings is something that irks me constantly lskdhsdfklj
They did actually do rathalos better for monster hunter world though! but its still got a bit of spoon wings. Its better, but still not very good
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Malefor from spyro <3 what the fuck <3 we forgive him because its a stylized came but he's flying on sheer willpower those wings are doing nothing for him. Nor for every other dragon in the franchise
And last but certainly not least:
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Why. Just why. That's not a wing anymore.
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hanafubukki · 11 months
hana, i know you reblogged this post but please,
go wild and brainrot;3
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Hello Herri 💕💜🌺
As you have asked for, so shall you receive. I AM STILL ROTTING OVER THIS MAN SO YOU HAVE COME AT THE PERFECT MOMENT (then again do I ever not rot over this fae????)
So that quote just hits me right in the feels, its one of the quotes that just steps on your heart, you know? HTTYD 2 is my favorite movie of the three as well
"Go on, shout. scream! Say something!"
"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."
These two lines are just so so filled with emotions and then you can add so much more feels and angst as well, given how you set up the story line.
SO HERE WE GO, under the cut because I am going to go wild and I ended up writing a few different drabbles.
So, to start of with your idea Herri, I'm going to add a spin on it and more details.
What if Reader was a Fae in this scenario?
So, the situation is similar to HTTYD, but in this case instead of enemies being dragons, we are going with enemies being Humans.
Humans and Fae War will be the setting.
Reader develops sympathy/empathy for the humans, but know that during this time, the Fae are too prideful to sign a treaty with them.
Likewise, humans are just as stubborn.
but the Reader cannot and will not have humans die by their hands, not anymore.
but Reader knows that they are the only ones thinking this way, and knows that their beloved, Lilia, is stubborn and won't change his mind either.
As all problems require, time is needed.
So Reader leaves in the middle of the night without telling anyone.
Time passes, and the war ends, and we come to current times.
You have moved on to another land. You used your magic to hide your Fae features until everything has settled down between the Fae and Humans.
Now that peace has come, you can’t help but wonder, should you go back? Should you reveal yourself?
Coronation Route: You went back home once you heard that Maleficia is stepping down, and her grandson Malleus will be taking her place as King. You have heard how he has a fondness for humans, and even made friends with them. You have heard rumors about how his lover might even be human. You have heard rumors how Lilia is by his side, and so are two guards (one who is human and another who is half fae and half human). You can't help it. You want to go back. You want to see him again. So you go back to your kingdom on the day of the coronation, wearing a robe to cover you. You watch as Malleus and his entourage greet the people and then you see him. He has changed...yet he is the Lilia you love and cherish. You can't help it; you utter his name. He shouldn't have been able to see you, and yet his eyes snapped towards your direction. You turn to leave quietly, hoping against all odds he's hadn't noticed you. But of course, he is the Phantom General, he catches you. You could see that he still has the love he always had for you and then those lines are uttered by you both. You end up breaking down and crying in his arms. You missed him, all these years and your love for each other never faded. It seems there is more than one celebration to celebrate tonight. It was also a night of lovers being reunited after hundreds of years.
NRC Route: I'm thinking of reasons why Fae Reader ended up at NRC and I'm going with they are a professor there. NRC is nothing, if not perfect at hiding secrets and they hid your identity well. That is until you attended the ceremony for the new students and lo and behold, Malleus and Lilia are both part of the new class. You have to force yourself from shaking. You have to stop yourself from looking at Lilia again and again. You can't look at him again. You can't drink him in as if he is water and you are very much parched for him. You try to act normal as you feel eyes on you, and you know it is him. You leave the ceremony right after is it finished, hoping to evade him just a bit longer. What can you say? What can you do? How would you face him after so long? But you have missed him so. Time is taken out of your hands when you see him in your room, while he may not look the same, he is skillful and has been known as the Phantom General after all. He is a silent as the shadows and you can't help it. You break first. You say those words, only for him to call you beautiful in return. You sob as he cups your face and wipes your tears. His arms as warm and comforting as you remember. You two have many years to make up for, and lucky for you both, you two have all the time in the world.
Now, what if Reader was human?
There's so many different situations I can come up with, but I'm going to go with two of them. One is going to be with a Human and reincarnation trope and another is going to deal with my Yume Hana Asteria.
Reincarnation Route: You were a human who had met the General on the battle field. He was ensnared by a trap set by the humans, but had gotten free. At the cost of grave wounds, you chose to heal his wounds instead of leaving him. You knew that you should have left him be, knew that he would likely kill you. but you couldn't, at the end, he needed help and you wouldn't leave him. He ended up in your care. He wasn't the...greatest patient. He snarled at you and demeaned you, but you let him be. He had many chances to kill you, but never did and that was good enough for you. You ended up dying protecting him. He had tears falling down his face while he cradled you. You told him it was okay and that you cherished your time together. You prayed you two would meet again. You did not know it, but you were the start of why he started softening towards humans. Hundreds of years passed, you had returned as the magic-less Prefect. You two made a connection as if you were soulmates, but neither of you knew why. It was only in the dream world did you both finally understand. After Malleus' OB had been settled, you yelled. Not at him, never at him, you yelled at the unfairness of it all. But he just uttered, how much you haven't changed and how you are as beautiful as he remembered. And you both knew, No matter the situation, this time you both would have a Happy Ending in this life.
Hana Asteria Route: Hana tried to stop the war between both sides, but no matter what she did, it was never enough. Hana eventually gets captured by the Fae, and in time, she forms a camaraderie with them. Eventually, she has to leave, her powers were used too much and she would shatter if she stayed any longer, so she said good bye. When she finally returned, she did not remember her time in the past. But as the story progressed as in canon, she remembered. It was then that she shouted. She felt useless. She couldn't even help those she loves, but Lilia comforted her. The stars had granted him his deepest wish. He would meet her again, and so they were reunited. This time though, they both would work together to bring forth the world they dreamed of. This story Anonie wrote speaks to me on so many levels on how Hana and Lilia met. It is beautiful and I recommend everyone to check it out.
Going to stop here because then I will never stop at this rate lolol I want to hopefully write one of these ideas one day but we will see.
I hope you enjoyed what I wrote Herri and that it helped with your writer's block.
Your ask certainly has me going feral again, but hey, at least this time I'm not stating how bad I want to...uhhhh ah-hem.
Thank you of sending this in 💚🌺
Additional Credit for the Quote by @aqua-beam
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 7 months
Hello! Can I ask a jealous Hiccup bc f!reader spends time with the rest of the team (especially Snotlout)?
Plus, if you like, he does his best to get her attention and you end up confessed to her (a little bit of angst would be nice) <3
Thanks! I love very much how you write, I hope you have a nice day~
The Jealous One
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Fem!Reader
Words: 1,861
An old friend starts to act odd. Snotlout is slightly less so.
Tags: fem!reader, jealousy, beginning of Snotlout friendship, ambiguous Post-first movie pre-httyd 2 timeline, part one
You continued your march up the ramp to the docks, very certainly ignoring the small form of Hiccup and his Night Fury fading off into the distance behind you, choosing instead to focus on the pushing and pulling of the waves against the hard wood beneath your feet.
You wished you had someone else to hang out with.
You wished you had some larger rocks to kick, too.
You eyed every other person sourly as you meandered up to the hall, feeling sort of potently, upsettingly upset in a way you felt shouldn’t have been natural. 
So intensely that you you’d no idea where you headed, too focused on looking back at the people around you and suppressing the nasty, lonely tears that wanted to burst to the surface.
You ran chest first into another, falling hard onto your butt, nearly falling backwards down the Great Hall stairs.
“Gods,” You hissed, biting your lip as you brushed your stinging butt off. You got up, running your hands down the backside of your skirts, looking forwards, squinting in an effort to make out the mysterious person you’d just run into.
“Watch it,” Snotlout grunted down at you as other people came and went, passing through the doors of the Great Hall like schools of fish.
“What are you doing here?” You groaned.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here?”
You noticed very quickly that Hookfang was gone. Absent, more like, for the time being. 
“None of your business. And, you still didn’t answer my question,” You grumbled, feeling petty, “Besides, don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“I’m here to get some grub,” Snotlout scoffed down at you, “That’s where I have to be. Again, not my fault you’re too busy skulking to watch where you’re going.” 
“You’re kidding?” You asked incredulously. You didn’t skulk.
“Not in a million years. Unless you’re offering something, then I got no time for you, small fry.”
You weren't sure why, or maybe you were, but you didn’t have the mind to acknowledge the maliciousness of it, but you suddenly felt a whole lot better.
“Like you’re much of a catch, either,” You shot back gleefully, rolling your eyes and grinning for the first time in what felt like a long while.
Snotlout scoffed condescendingly as he spoke, looking up at you with his arms crossed and stance stout, cocky as ever.
“I don’t have a dragon,” You grumbled under your breath, tossing down the Terror maybe a bit too roughly, wincing as it caught on your sleeves and twisted midair as dragons often did in order to land on its feet, quickly grabbing hold of Snotlout’s face.
You winced, loosening the straddle of the log between your legs, gripping it tightly with your thighs, deeply so to the point that you could feel the bark of the tree digging through your pants legs.
You watched as an already grump, irksome viking teen became frantic.
The Terror screeched as Snotlout hurried to try and push it off, shouting and irritated, both flailing around scrabbling at its claws, digging into his jaws and cheek in turn.
You didn’t feel too bad about it, though. You were more grumpy over the fact that you'd been dragged along and you had to deal with him.
 A lady; a tall, burlish woman with a crying babe in arm and a toddler’s hand attached to the sleeve of her other, rushing the two of you through the introduction to some quest or other.
She had been quite standoffish and brash, too preoccupied and frazzled to take a close enough look at your face to tell you weren’t a rider. One of the more warrior types, covered in armor with large spiked helmets. The kind who, when they eventually had children with the least suited fathers, looked awfully out of place, busy and regretful. 
You were sure, in a few years, her kids would be quite the hellions. You almost felt a little bad for them, between your efforts to wipe the spittle from your face and back away far enough with enough time to spare to keep your hearing intact.
You smiled as the terror left a particularly hard bite to his nose.
“You know what you need?” Snotlout complained, roughly tugging a branch from his shoe, hopping on one foot as he kicked aside a particularly feisty yellow-and-purple terror,  “You need a dragon. It would be a lot more convenient. For me.”
You thought it served the little pest right for all the trouble it had brought.
“If you can get me one,” You rolled your eyes, picking leaves out of your hair as you were dragged along on another chore with Snotlout for what was probably the third time this week. It was becoming a pattern, “Trust me, I would be happy to have it. But I’ve not had very good luck yet.”
“Then,” Snotlout seemed to pause, but only momentarily before yelling again as the Terror launched itself at him again. 
You shook your shoulders loose, then winced as you stepped forwards again, a bright shot of pain bursting dully through the sole of your foot and up your spin.
You lifted the offending foot, hopping and bringing up your sole to see a hefty thorn stuck right in the middle. And you squinted, using dull nails to pick fruitlessly at it, efforts half hindered by the setting sun and dimming light. 
You glanced upwards.
“Meet me back here tomorrow. If I’m going to be stuck with you, then-” Snotlout lifted a finger into the air, before stumbling off the path. It was probably fine. The paths here weren’t that steep, you knew.
Sure,” You knew the riders got saddled with all the chores around town, but good gods.
You decided that whichever foul soul thought Terrors would be a great starting dragon for the kids deserved to be hung. You would give Hiccup a piece of your mind later.
“-Right, yeah, uh, so, I- well,” Hiccup said, shifting from one leg to the next, before stilling completely.
It looked like you’d caught him fresh from flight, as the browns of his leather were more mud than hide. His hair was a mess, more of an ugly bed-head than wispy and windswept, though you found it endearing all the same. 
“Hey,” You scuffed your feet awkwardly into the dirt, eyes staring straight ahead, meeting his eyes head-on.
There was an odd, reddened, blotchy quality to his face in a way he hadn’t been since he’d just started riding Toothless, before soft, land-bound skin had gotten used to the winds whipping past his cheeks.
You were careful not to show it, however. Instead, you were more focused on keeping your basket, and therefore its content, out of view and out of discussion. You would loathe having to explain, or having to come up with an explanation.
It felt sort of wrong to announce it, something in your heart urging you to hold it preciously, and like most of your precious things, to keep it hidden.
“Let me just,” You shifted to the side. The two of you were standing face-to-face in the open door to the newly minted dragon stables.
There was plenty of space for you to move, though you did so more to graciously cut through the awkward atmosphere, to split the spell that had broken between the two of you as of late, though you were hard pressed to understand why.
Right,” Hiccup nodded, twitching to life suddenly as if he’d just come back into himself.
You crouched behind a sizable rock, one hand clutching tightly at a sharp, pointed ledge.
You felt dirt and sharp pebbled grind into your palm as you peered over the top, revealing a vibrant, blue-looking Thunderdrum. It was posted, standing seamlessly on all fours, in a small clearing with a healthy dusting of grass.
Its mouth opened oddly to grasp the small strands of grass and leaves, its neck clearly not built for that kind of consumption. It ended up tearing up dirt whenever it pulled too hard or bit too deep, and whatever it could get ahold of was roughly nibbled.
Despite its oddness, it was quite frightening. The dragon was sort of small in the back but its jaw was large enough to make up for it. And it had a large, beefy set of arms for a Thunderdrum, which made you a little nervous.
“Are you sure this isn’t going to be too much for us to handle?” You shifted the fish you held in one hand, which was getting to be uncomfortably gooey and warm. You hoped you’d be able to please at least something with your meager offering before it gave your fingers wrinkles, though you were afraid you were much too late.
“Like I said. I’m not gonna help you tame some lame dragon,” Snotlout scoffed, “I don’t do small fry, small fry. So are you going to tame it or what?”
“Okay, keep your pants on,” You scowled.
The two of you ran into each other often enough since the hall that you’d spoken to each other, and eventually the topic of dragons had come up. 
The two of you had done the bare minimum to make sure it hadn’t been claimed yet, traveling to the far side of the island before finding a dragon to settle down with.
Thunderdrums didn’t come into the forest that often, so this was your lucky break.
You furrowed your brows with determination, setting your jaw assuredly, shifting on your feet behind the rock. Snotlout peered over the top too, horns sticking out obviously over the edge of it.
You had to sneak away from Hookfang, watching cautiously as if he knew the two of you were about to do something stupid.
“So I just, what- give it the fish?” You asked, half in a whisper, “Should I, like, toss it, or hand it over, or…?”
“How should I know?” Snotlout asked exacerbatedly, perhaps a bit too loud, “Do I look like the ‘Dragon Master’ to you?”
He asked that last bit mockingly, shrugging his shoulders exaggeratedly, using his fingers to make air quotes.  
“Are you serious?” You asked, “But, you have a dragon.”
You vaguely noticed as the Thunderdrum became distracted by something, which you took as permission to lose yourself in the whisper-shouted argument you’d just begun with Snotlout. 
“Well,” Snotlout shot back. The two of you turned to gripe at each other, barely noticing as you were overshadowed, though not caring very much as to what was doing it, “That’s wimp stuff. Hiccup did all the taming.”
You opened your mouth wide, tongues lit with a scathing rebuke. Before you could respond, a loud, malicious, echoey rumbling seemed to fill the air around the two of you.
Slowly, you looked up, shivers, dread and the phantom of a cold sweat gathering around your temples and your spine. 
You heard the shifting of fur against helmet that dictated that Snotlout was doing the same. 
“Oh Thor,” You peeped, staring up at a long row of sharp teeth and a wide, angry blue face.
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dopscratch · 25 days
i kid you not when i say i looked up these two at 4 am hoping for some crumbs but jere you are writing a whole fanfic ( thank you so much🤩).
I personally haven't read the httyd books only the series and movies. If you don't mind could u give a mini summary as u plan to write after book 8? If not i hope you have a wonderful day/ night!
(If uave tons of other questions but don't want to spam so ill just leave this here)
AUDHJSHDHD thank you so much for sending an ask i literally have none ever HAHA
im glad you enjoy the concept :)
the books are very different fron the movies in a large number of ways! in the books, vikings stat out with dragons, and hiccup's main problem is training his own, which he can't do by the normal strategy of yelling- a) because he's not the best yeller and b) because his little green hunting dragon, toothless, is as disobedient as it gets (and smaller than everyone else's to boot!)
in the books, vikings typically have hunting dragon(s) which are smaller and usually dog-sized, as well as a riding dragon, which is larger and obviously ridable. hiccup's riding dragon is a scraggly feathery dragon called the Windwalker who was rescued from slavery :)
one of the biggest differences as well, is that dragons can speak. most are just as intelligent as humans, some even more so, and they're generally cruel by nature. their culture encourages them to act selfishly and it's worked out pretty well for them, hence why most vikings train theirs by fear or exerting power. hiccup, who is nerdy enough to have sat out where the wild dragons are and literally learned their language has been attempting to train HIS by speaking to them, which has some mixed results. windwalker is actually quite mellow and loyal, since hiccup's probably the first person to show him kindness. toothless is just a little brat with a stammer, but he does have softness in his heart deep deep down.
characterization-wise, everyone's a lot different as well.
hiccup, as stated before is a nerd who'll rattle off dragon facts in dangerous situations while fishlegs is more of the sarcastic romantic, basically think of it like the movies swapped their personalities. he also has bright red Heroic Hair that stands straight up and they robbed that from him in the movies and i will never forgive them. hes also an excellent swordfighter and its just about the only traditionally viking thing he's good at :). also, his mother is never kidnapped by dragons- but she IS gone often, out questing. her name is valhallarama and she is an absolute beast of a woman they definitley nerfed her when they turned her to valka
fishlegs is a skinny little loser (affectionate) who's allergic to dragons, has a plethora of other medical conditions too, and is acrually an orphan and was raised by a long-eared caretaker dragon. he's also hiccup's best and only friend at the start of the series. he's arguably worse at being a viking as hiccup is and they both bond over how they wish society would allow them to not be brainless fighters. his dragon is a lazy common-or-garden-or-basic-brown named horrorcow, she's both a pacifist and a vegetarian. when he was catching his dragon, he actually wanted to grab a nadder, which is long and serpentine because nadder is a pun on adder and i have no idea why the movies didn't see that
snotlout is hiccup's cousin and hates him more than anything in the world, and not in a ha-ha funny way either. he legitamately wishes hiccup were dead or never born because he hates to see this "runt" next in line for chief instead of him. he is constantly literally trying to make hiccup's life miserable or literally murder him and once again this is not played for laughs. his dragon's a mean monstrous nightmare- a hunting dragon only the chief and descendanrs of should have- named fireworm, and she is very full of herself. hookfang is actually one of stoick's monstrous nightmares!
another main character is camicazi, who appears in book 3 onward and she was so powerful they had to split her into three characters in the movies (she's sorta like if you took the thorston twins and astrid and mashed them all together, then added another sprinkle of chaos). she's a short little kid from another tribe of all-female warriors called the bog-burgalars and an excellent escape artist. she has a mood dragon- a serpentine, color-changing dragon named stormfly who can actually speak the human language too. she's not very helpful though since shes a pathological liar.
the main villain is named alvin the treacherous and he's a ridicuoulsly resiliant guy who reaaaally wants hiccup dead for a multitide of reasons we don't need to get into now since hw won't really appear in my work haha
i think ive gotten a lot of basics down, but obviously there's a ton more! in regards to knowledge for my crossover though thats essentially some of the main points you need to know. by the 8th book, hiccup has been on a multitide of adventures (and has nearly died or gotten eaten on all of them) but the world hasn't changed irreparably yet :). i plan on writing it in a way that can accomodate people with no knowledge of httyd, since most of it will be from the touden party's pov exploring the world! you'll be getting plenty of detailed descriptions of some of the dragon species as laios's nerdiness will help show
i would absolutely reccomend checking out the books, though! you can usually find them at your local library, and there's also the entire series of audiobooks on youtube! there's a very dedicated group of people on here who love the httyd books including me who would love to help you get into them as well, if that's what you'd like!
i'll round this off with a few of my renditions of some of the characters i've drawn :)
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i hope this was helpful, and if you have any more questions, feel free to ask me! i love getting asks but never do lol
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ryn-loves-cheese · 7 months
Hi! ৻(•̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)⊹。 Welcome to my tumblr page! I’m Ryn I go by they/them! And I’m pansexual/demiromantic
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fandoms I draw for:
•demon slayer
•jujutsu Kaisen
•sk8 infinity
•Tokyo revengers
•the owl house
•the Magnus archives
•hazbin hotel
•sky: children of light
•bungo stray dogs
•Luigi’s mansion
•doctor who
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☀️I TAKE ART REQUESTS☀️I can’t promise I’ll get to them but if you have any do send bc my ass always has art block- ill be doing two at a time at most
I will draw your ocs or any characters I’m okay with ships but i can say no if I’m uncomfortable with the ship that also goes for any other drawing I can refuse if I’m uncomfortable
Things I’m ok with:
oc x oc
oc x canon character
Canon character x canon character (DEPENDING ON THE SHIP)
Chibi characters
Regular animals: parrots, cats, dogs, lizards, snakes, fish, tigers, chickens, anything like that
mild gore or candy gore
any of the things on that list I will draw :]
Things I’M NOT OKAY with drawing! You will be blocked if you ask for some of these things!:
proshipping(minor x adult)
racist or homophobic shit
heavy and graphic gore
Anthro/furries (i don’t have a major issue with them i just don’t know how to draw them 💀)
mechanical or mecha stuff
also if it’s a oc I will require a picture of them
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this is my oc ryn!
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my moots/freinds :]
@bin-s0 (lovely artist and very sweet :] and my partner they are literally one of my favourite people🩷🩷🩷)
@boo-simplified (also a banger artist and a very wonderful friend i know them irl and they are so goddamn nice✨)
@mercurymaceo ( EDIBLE ART. Need I say more! And a very close friend ⭐️✨)
@kimetsu-chan (LITERALLY SO SWEET OMG 💖💖very pretty art and a good writer)
@thesimp-nicki (very nice very delicious chibi art)
@thesilliersakura (ART IS VERY SILLY AND ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and very silly freind)
@swisscheeselovers-blog (he is another close irl friend of mine dose some silly doodles once and a while. SO FUNNY ONG very goofy and silly friend 🫶💖)
@shycroissanti (some more edible art has one of the silliest ocs ever and is so nice!)
@clownpalette (ART IS SO SILLY AND CUTE!!!)
@aceofstars0 (so sweet makes some SCRUMPTIOUS ART- I wanna eat it please follow them :] )
@rion-isnot-an-ai (yet another underrated artist who is also very nice! Makes lovely art!)
@silas-png (bro im bouta eat your art if you’re not careful THE RENDERING THEY DO IS JUST 😭💖✨🤌)
@pearlymoonn (OMG they are so nice iv spoke with them before and they’re lovely fncndhshchvu they make very cute art!)
@cloudymistedskies (if you like Muichiro I suggest following them they have so many good fanarts of him :D)
@scrimblyscrorblo (very silly doodles iv spoken with them a couple of times and i absolutely adore they’re art its so goofy and cute and are also very nice 🫶)
@delirious-dan (THE ART <3 so good and they are very silly and cool)
thanks for reading and welcome to my blog :]
divider creds to:
my art tag is #Ryn’s art 💜
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 5 months
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So here's my thing
Dreamworks has created nothing but absolute BANGERS lately. Movies like "the bad guys" "puss in boots and the last wish" and "trolls band together" ("Teenage Kraken" fell a little short for me during the second half of the movie but the beginning was great) They have a history of making absolute banger sequels, trilogies and movies in general like the previous Kung Fu Panda movies, How to Train Your Dragon, Trolls, and others I'm not thinking of off the top of my head.
Honestly I reacted to Kung Fu Panda three going "really? another one?" and Trolls 2 and 3 going "really? another one?" but Kung Fu Panda 3 ended up being i think my favourite of the trilogy at the time (i havent watched em in a while so this may have changed) and I haven't stopped thinking about Trolls 3 since I watched it. I can't say I think this fourth kung fu panda will be awesome, I can't say it'll be even half as good as some of the stuff Dreamworks has been putting out--not every single one of their movies is gonna be an absolute winner--but I know they seem to respect their movies and treat their sequels with just as much creativity and fun as they do the previous movies.
Honestly I haven't seen anything for music wise, but I also think its okay to give a character a theme and let them keep it to show they've retained that part of their development. Heck, httyd had one of the most iconic scores of all time and that is in all three movies. It's part of the storytelling.
Dreamworks isn't Disney. They aren't going to do what disney has been doing. so you can bet i ain't gonna be bashing them like I would probably be bashing disney. Re-using old villian's powers is a great way to bring in cameos of old villians, like, bRO I BEEN WANTING TO CATCH A GLIMPSE OF TAI LUNG AGAIN FOR Y E A R S. I honestly was a little disappointment we didn't see him in the third movie what with the spirit realm being in it and all. So even if he's only in there for a minute, I think its really cool to see him again.
Point is, dreamworks hasn't done antyhing to make me assume its gonna suck. it looks like a kung fu panda movie and i'm probably gonna enjoy it like a kung fu panda movie whenever i get around to watching it
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forestshadow-wolf · 4 months
Perched Unlikely (Chapter 3)
Pairing: soap/ghost
Tags: httyd!AU, blood, injury, gore, hurt/comfort, violence
Ao3 link || Chapter 1 || Chapter 4
“If your opponent is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in superior strength, evade him.” - Sun Tzu "The Art of War"
The hollow whoosh of shooting flames sounded with a roar and the dragon shrieked in agony when its tail caught in range of the fire. It shot away from the flame-spitting reptile... Straight into the other waiting dragon on the opposite side of the arena. Teeth clamped onto the heat blackened scales of its tail, sunk in deep, with crushing pressure. The wave of noise roared louder as the dragon was slammed into the stone wall that made up the arena.
“The Speed Stinger taking massive hits from both the Monstrous Nightmare and the Dramillion!” the commentator spectated gleefully.
The Speed Stinger stood up, shaking off the impact, as the other two dragons turned on each other. The sounds of the crowd rattling the chains overhead grew louder, and the stamping of their feet shook the stone. The Speed Stinger lunged at the Monsterous Nightmare, plunging it's stinger into it's hind leg. The appendage immediately fell limp, and the Dramillion took the distraction to sink it's teeth into it's throat.
"Ohhh it looks like, unfortunately, the venom of a juvanile Speed Stinger is not quite enough to immobalize a matured Monsterous Nightmare! Though the Dramillion not wasting a second of opportunity to. Go. For. The. Kill!!!"
The Dramillion turned it's bloodsplattered face to the smaller dragon.
"it's down to a battle of wit now! The Dramillion with it's infamously strong fire power! Against the daring speed of the Speed Stingerrr!"
"Ten minutes to land, Sergent MacTavish!" the pilot shouted over the intercom, shaking him out of his thoughts. "The Captain says you'll meet the Lieutenant once we land. Assuming he's ontime."
"Copy copy." Soap acknowleges, shuffling to make sure all his things were collected, which wasn't hard since he hadn't taken anything out since boarding. The Dragon at his feet still sleeping as soundly as ever. He nudged her side lightly with the toe of his boot to rouse her. She grumbled, and turned her head away from him. "c'mon, up, ya' lazy reptile." a tail came up an thwacked him on the arm at that. "Ach, hey, I'm not the one sleepin' all five hours." he argued, the Speed Stinger huffed at him unamused.
There was noone on the tarmac to greet him when they landed, but that was fine. He could get himself and Lacikayra settled, then go find the lieutenant if they hadn't crossed paths by then. Fortunately there was no need to set his plan into motion, as two minutes later he was turning to the startling sight of a broad-set, masked man standing a few feet away from the ramp, waiting.
"Steamin'- Jesus. You tha' Lieutenant?" Soap jumped at the sudden appearance of such a large man behind him, without even a sound of warning. He hauled up his travel ruck, and clicked his tongue to summon his dragon to his side.
"Aye, that's me." the brit spoke bluntly, accent aggressively Manc. "Lietuenant Riley, Ghost."
Soap was half-way through introducing himself to his new Lieutenant when he heard luggage crashing to the ground behind him. He looked just in time to freeze in shock at the sight several of the cargo personnel harshly grab up the harness for his dragon and hurl it onto of a pile of other, less-than-gently handled items, and then promptly get smashed by a large rucksack. He visibly flinched at the audible crack that reached his ears.
"Nae! Nae! Nae! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop! Stop!" he yelled, his legs running him over as fast as he could to grab the, now broken, harness out of the mess of bags and other shit, just before another piece of equipment could be carelessly tossed on top. "Ye bloody Eeijit! I said STOP ye gowkn' lavvy heid! that's my bloody feckin' equipment that you bloody bawbags broke!" he could feel hands dragging him away but he didn't care. He needed that shit and they broke it! "I should bloody write you up for that! If I can't get this fixed I'll turn you into a bloody feartie! I swear I feckin' will ye wankstain!" he yells over his shoulder as he gets pulled away. He continues struggling and swearing until there is no doubt that they're out of earshot.
"Calm down, Sergent!" and Soap stops muttering curses then, breathing heavily at the deep, accented words. The harness hangs in his hand, the pieces of it loosely held together by straps and strings.
"Bloody rockets, the lot of 'em." he mutters, not able to let it go despite being told to do so.
"English, MacTavish." the man reciprocates. Shit. Great going MacTavish. Perfect first impression. Whatever, he'll deal with whatever consequences find him.
"Said they're bloody idiots, Sir. I really don't have a replacement for this one, so if I can't fix it, Lacikayra's, my dragon," he scratched under her chin to calm himself. " 's outta commission for a while, and even if I can it's a temporary mend, so light work only. and it won't last too long. At least until I can put an order out for the materials I need in order to do a complete repair, which will take time and money given everything I need, then more time to build the damn thing." he says, holding up the busted bits of wood and scrap.
"Wait- You're the transport unit? There more of you?"
"Aye, I'm transport, Sir, and it's just us." Soap gritted, still forcing himself to calm. Laci shoved her head under his hand so he could stroke along her smooth scales.
"Why don't you just grab a temp. from the equipment techs?"
"No, Sir. She'll only take to this one. It's one of a kind, Sir, made by my own hands, specially for her."
"Write up a list of everything you need for it, and get it to me by end of day. I'll make sure you get it in the next shipment." The Lieutenant- Ghost said after a moment of scrutinizing him.
"Aye, Sir, what about the Captain?"
"He'll agree with my assesment. You'll get to meet him and the Sergent in two days, after they get back from assignment."
"Yes, Sir."
With that Ghost set about leading them around base, first leading them to his nice, new, private quarters. Letting him drop off his bags, and the broken piece of equipment. Then showing them the important places he'll need to know about, as well as places he'll most likely be frequenting. Like the Captain's office, as well as the Lieutenant's own office, the cafeteria, training fields, demolitions corner, sniper range, ect.
"So the dragon." Ghost surprised him, starting up idle conversation. Soap took the offering.
"Aye, her name's Lacikayra, saved her from an illegal figthing ring when I was a birk."
"A what?"
"When I was a boy." he clarified, before continuing. "I was out with some friends, exploring this abandoned park that was nearby. And whaddya know? Illegal dragon fights, right there, basically in my own backyard. tha's how close it was." Ghost hummed. "An' well I'll be the first to say we weren't exactly the smartest bunch of lads oot there, but we thought, 'ah the guys are doin' some illegal shite' and we decide we didnae like tha' much."
"you? Teen MacTavish on the side of the law? didn't you punch an MP when you first joined?" Ghost said incredulously.
"Aye, well, the guy was bein' a dick, kickin' around mine and other people's dragons. I was jus' protecting Laci. Plus I might have also hoped my ma woulda let me keep one of 'em." he shrugged. "You know it's a bit o' a miracle we made it out unscathed. We didnae even have a plan aside from 'chaos and burn'. I think I saw tha' ring master piss his trousers when he saw all the dragons were loose. Nae sure what happened to him after that, half hope he got his face bit off, but we made it out, and whaddya know? This sweet girl," he said, caressing along the crest atop Lacikayra's head, "Ended up bonded with me." she trilled at him happily, running a head a little so she could run happy circles around them.
"She's cute." Ghost complimented.
"Aye, and fierce. Suppose she has to be, to have survived the fights, especially with a poorly healed injury." Ghost made a curious sound at that so he elaborated. "It was already long healed when I got her, but the docs said she must've sustaned burn, and bite damage to her tail when she was just a bairn. It's stunted the development of the venom gland, so her sting's a bit weak. But she still managed to survive."
"I know. What about you? Got a dragon of your own? Yer file was mostly black so I didnae exactly glean much from it." Soap asked.
"Yeah I got one. Hobblegrunt, saved her from some poachers while on assignment a few years back, she was injured badly, and it was a tad touch and go for a bit, but she made it. She's a good one I'll tell you that, saved me more than a few times. You'll get to meet her when you meet the others, she's a bit shy, so I'd rather let her get used to your scent before you meet her.
"aye, that's usually how it goes with these guys, unfortunately." Soap mused, and Ghost nodded along.
"I assume you're aware that Kyle's got a Changewing?"
"Oh, yes. I was interested in that, actually. Never seen one with my own two eyes before."
"Are they not native to scotland?"
"Aye, they are, just not my part of it. Too much open land, not enough places to camouflage with. Never seen a Hobblegrunt either, for that matter."
"Good to know." Ghost nodded, looking at his watch. "Unfortunately I do have other duties to attend to, so I'll let you two settle in. Standard meal hours for the base, and the common room is open at all hours for the personal 141. And remember I need that list by the end of the day today."
"Yes, Sir, I'll have it in to you as soon as I can."
"Good, then I'll see you a 1600 hours." Ghost confirmed before striding away to do whatever else he had to do.
@myriadblvck @queermentaldisaster @bringinsexybackk69
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gumnut-logic · 4 months
Óen (Part 5)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Thunderbirds Are Go and HTTYD crossover.
Here is the next little bit. There won't likely be a bit tomorrow as I'm working pretty much 12 hours so will likely come home and crash. But I will give writing another go on Friday, hopefully.
Many thanks to the wonderful @onereyofstarlight and @idontknowreallywhy for both the readthroughs and the cheerleading. You guys are so kind to me.
And thank you to Thunderfam for supporting this crazy venture. Thank you for all your comments and support. You guys are amazing to me.
Have a little Scotty and Johnny :D I hope you enjoy.
“He’s found us again.”
Flaith Scott O’Treasaigh stared at his brother. “You’re sure?”
“A definite report from the Wind. He was sighted just off the far southern isles. I hold some hope that the peoples there saw his true self and acted accordingly.”
They could only hope. A spear in that’s man’s belly would improve the world.
The thought was an uncouth one, and beneath his station and belief, but considering the curse Gaat had been on their souls, he was almost willing to damn his own if it would protect his family.
Scott ran his fingers through his short beard, resisting the urge to scratch as always. It was necessary to wear the beard in these northern climes. That or have his face freeze off in the air.
John had let his hair grow, well past his shoulders. Scott almost envied the warmth it gave his brother. But he could not grow his own hair that length. Too many bad memories.
Besides, there were other reasons to grow all that red hair. It hid the scars down the side of his brother’s face and Cóic’s scale. It didn’t pay to advertise, after all.
“Cóic’s response?”
“She’s calm. She has confidence in you.”
“And Eos?”
His brother’s lips twisted just a little. “Let’s just say I’m glad our flying gear is fire-proof.”
“I wouldn’t advise letting her near Gaat should we ever encounter him. I don’t think he’d be fireproof enough.”
“She has reason.” Scott sighed. “We all have reason.”
But that was not the commitment.
“How much time do we have?”
“Some days, a week, perhaps. He is without dragon. He must have learnt from last time. But he does have several ships and an army of mercenaries.”
“We could stay and fight.”
“We are outnumbered and Cóic has no wish to expose our family to war.”
Scott cursed under his breath. There were advantages to having your own militia, but they had left that all behind when they fled their home, choosing the same reasons Cóic was choosing now. The hood wanted Cóic and all their dragons and Scott was unwilling to put innocent lives between the deadly cretin and the great dragon.
But Gaat could not have the Thunderbird. Not while Scott O’Treasaigh lived.
“Do we have a path?”
“Far to the east are the Viking lands. There are many fjords and islands that will help us hide. The distance is barely half that we have already travelled across the great sea, but there is talk of a vast land beyond the fjords that while harsh, may provide safety.”
Scott stared at his dear brother, the aquamarine of his right eye out-shining the dull blindness of his left. Cóic’s iridescent gold scale, embedded in the burn scars at his temple, almost glowing in the dull light as if to make up for all the harm its presence had caused.
“Let me think on it.”
John reached out and clasped Scott’s arm. No words were said, but then none were needed.
Both men startled at a loud thump on the door. It opened slowly and Virgil, followed by Alan, ushered the young Viking into the room.
At least timing might be opportune.
“Ah, Hiccup.” He limped towards the boy. “I’m glad to see you up and about.”
A big black nose pushed open the door wide. The young black fury stepped into the room; green eyes wary as he slunk up beside his rider.
“And Toothless. You are both welcome to our clochán.”
The Viking’s expression was curiosity itself. He dipped his head. “Thank you for your hospitality.”
There was no humility or fear and Scott received the impression that Hiccup was used to speaking with nobility.
Fair enough.
It was obvious this room was where the decisions were made. Despite their sometimes nomad existence, John made a point to remind Scott exactly who he was by decking the meeting hall with drapery from home.
But no matter if his brothers now thought him Flaithri, Scott would never consider himself king while hope remained and he made a point to ignore the ornate chair Virgil insisted they lug across the oceans vast. It was their father’s, not Scott’s and it sat at the head of the hall, ever empty.
Scott preferred the wooden chairs they made from whatever tree they could find locally. Even a cold rock would be better.
He gestured Hiccup over to a table at one side of the room. “Let us sit and share news.” And he didn’t need Virgil’s pointed glare and his leg to know that he needed to sit down before his brother called in Máthair Chriona and she decided to stew him alive for ignoring her advice.
He limped over and sat beside Hiccup.
And no, neither of his brothers left the room. Virgil sat with him and John stood behind as if he was some kind of protective sentinel.
The night fury made a point of sitting beside the young Viking, strategically placing his body directly between Scott and his rider.
Just as defensive as Óen. A glance at John and he found a frown on his brother’s face. And that would be a yes on the same level of defiance to Cóic. No doubt the matriarch had told him to step back but the fury had ignored her.
Hiccup was watching all of them and again, Scott was again struck with the impression that the boy knew nobility. Likely was nobility.
“Virgil says Toothless needs time to rest his wings before you return home. You are welcome to stay with us for that time. I would be interested to hear your tale, get to know a little of you and your people.”
Hiccup straightened. “And I would be very interested to get to know you as well. Your dragons…your night fury. Where did you find him?”
Scott let his shoulders relax. “Óen was my father’s.”
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
i think that Stoick's main problem was that he wasn't very good at listening to his son
then again on the other side Hiccup wasn't very good at listening to his dad either. like father like son i guess
It's not for lack of trying, either.
We can consider how HTTYD opens: Hiccup has been clearly trying, for a while, to be taken seriously as a dragon fighter. Both the conversation between Hiccup and Gobber during the battle, and between Hiccup and Stoick afterwards, are not the first time these have happened - Hiccup has been trying to persuade his father (and father figure) to let him be involved. While the other teenagers haven't started dragon training, either, they're part of Berk's defense system. They're included. Hiccup doesn't feel like he is included (but he is - he's a blacksmith's apprentice! making weapons! and talented at it! HUGELY IMPORTANT. That on its own shows Stoick giving his kid value, participation, weight, and voice in the dragon battles. It's just not what Hiccup envisioned).
And we might wonder how much Hiccup's disobedience and recklessness has escalated because he's increasingly frustrated he's not involved in his ideal way. And we might wonder how much Stoick's, "No, don't do that"s have gotten harsher because Hiccup's reckless disobedience has put himself and others in mortal peril multiple times. A good parent doesn't start rebukes at Level 10. They start at Level 2 or 3 or something, and only need to put their foot down more when the kid's continued to act out. Which Hiccup has. Maybe Stoick listened to Hiccup more and Hiccup didn't butt back so bad when this first became a question. But we're in the middle of the conflict, ergo seeing less communication capabilities than we might have at another time.
And then Stoick and Gobber talk. They debate what to do with Hiccup. Stoick knows what Hiccup wants, and he's balancing Hiccup's desires with Hiccup's abilities and safety. This is a man who has heard what his kid wants and isn't callously dismissing it. He's mulling over it to the point he's confiding with his best friend about it. It's important. And Stoick listens to Gobber, too, who's both been calling Hiccup out on stupid acts, and who has heard Hiccup's desires to fight.
The decision made - and this is important - is that Stoick decides to listen to Hiccup and bring him into Dragon Training.
Stoick cared, listened, and acted according to what Hiccup wanted, even if he was scared about whether Hiccup could handle it.
Stoick couldn't have predicted that his son would give mercy to the literal enemy that day, and abruptly decide that what he'd been trying to get for years - to the point of endangering EVERYONE multiple times - was no longer what he wanted.
Yes, Hiccup complains Stoick isn't listening to him when Hiccup expresses hesitance about going to dragon training. And Stoick should have asked, kindly, why Hiccup was suddenly hesitant. Parents need to be able to pick up on their kids's feelings, even (and especially) if the kid isn't expressing what concerns them. Stoick messed up. Stoick barreled through that conversation (which I have done, too, when thinking that I was speaking on the same wavelength as my conversant - Hey, look, you're going to dragon training just as you wanted!! we agree!!!). That's the primary reason this specific convo failed.
But there's a two-way miscommunication going on. Hiccup is actively hiding a huuuuuuge secret (The Dragon!), and is such, he's not expressing his full intentions, desires, feelings, and circumstances, either. It's a different type of miscommunication, but Hiccup not being able to express anything except an all-of-a-sudden, very bizarre, covert excuse about Bread Making Vikings..... I mean, it's not helping his case.
This sets up how the rest of the story goes down. There are explicable factors why both aren't successful communicating. It's not that they haven't tried, haven't tried enough, or Are The Worst People To Communicate Ever. They're struggling with communication problems that are simultaneously complicated and very common to life.
Why did Stoick excitedly come to Hiccup to talk about dragon training and killing a dragon? Because he heard from others that Hiccup was excelling. What was Hiccup doing? Trying to convince people he was doing dragon training "correctly". Stoick believed what Hiccup was trying to project! Again, Stoick had no way of knowing Hiccup had Magically Befriended The Enemy, that would in fact be an unlikely thing to assume, so coming to talk to his son about dragon training funsies was a reasonable assumption. Hiccup hiding he wasn't doing dragon training properly is the reason why that conversation failed.
Stoick came into that conversation to listen to Hiccup. That was the entire purpose. To bond and hear what his son was experiencing! He picked up on Hiccup being awkward and ergo let Hiccup end the conversation short, but there are three thousand explanations for why Hiccup might've been awkward, so it's not like he's going to pick up on why Hiccup was awkward here. He didn't Flunk a Chat here. He in fact did the right thing of noticing verbal cues and body language and respecting now wasn't Hiccup's preferred time to chat. Dad was listening.
Hiccup's primary motive is to hide The Dragon, and you could say, "He doesn't want to anger Dad," but it's not just fear. He's not being rude to Stoick, either. He's not being sarcastic or snippish, which he doesn't hesitate to do towards his father; you might say he's trying to decline the conversation while not dampening his father's spirits. Stoick wants to be happy with his son, and Hiccup doesn't want his dad to go away from the conversation bitter. They both intend well for each other here. They'd both rather be on good terms with each other.
I think you're totally right they messed up listening to each other. That they're not perfect at it. Hiccup blatantly ignored his father's instructions about personal safety; Stoick bulldozed over Hiccup expressing what should have been a parent-concerning reversal of wanting to go to Dragon Training.
But there's a ton of nuance going on here, and I'm not going to get into all of it - we don't have the time. And I'm writing 100% from memory as it is, rushing, during a work break. But I wanted to go into some of this to opine - they're not blanketly bad at listening to each other. I'd say they're average people doing average conversation mishaps. They're in the middle of weird circumstances. And, like all people, they're trying to concentrate on navigating many things - their feelings, the other person's feelings, their perceptions of the other's approval, their perceptions of what is and isn't appropriate to do and say. In the midst of all that, you miss things the other person said, or you have no way of knowing the other factors that person has hiding behind them. Sometimes I'm so emotionally stressed I miss an indicator from my conversation partner. I don't think either Hiccup or Stoick is doing horrible for communication skills. They're not going to be Conversation Life Coaches, but they're in the middle of a realistic tangle of why Communication Is Hard.
Lots of movies it's annoying when you can see the problem being solved if the characters simply TALKED to each other.
HTTYD works because they're trying.
Oh, they're trying so hard.
And they're both doing some things right and some things wrong and notice some things and respond to the other kindly and then miss other things and make the other feel uncomfortable for what they missed and on and on and on and on and on.
They're TALKING. They care. They're just struggling to meet in the middle. Lots of weird circumstances make it HARD to meet in the middle.
That's why the movie works.
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aeliesa · 1 year
Hello author, could you make romantic charlotte katakuri with a female reader who is a dragon leader, she resembles like a mix of Hiccup and Valka from httyd, she also has a fire sword, dragon armor and staff, she is kind and compassionate to dragons, can tame and earn the trust of any dragon, she has 3 main dragons: Stormcutter, Triple Strike, Song of Death and the baby Deathgripper she recently rescued (She carries him in a special compartment in her armor that looks like a mama kangaroo bag. Like the fishleg in part 3 httyd). She also has 5 dragons that look like the dragons from Game of Thrones. She lives in a hidden place with the dragons she rescued. All the dragons obey her, so when a screaming death attacks the Totto Land , she calmly talks to the dragon and tames it. She takes Katakuri with her in flying in search of dragons, but her dragons are not friendly to Kata (they don't trust him, but after Kata saves y/n, he deserves their trust and respect, but the little deathgripper tries to burn his clothes with acid), but are friendly to the others. The reader does not have a power (she got from our world to them with the help of a portal along with her dragons and decided to stay here and bring dragons here, as it will be safer for them) One shot, if it's not hard. I apologize for the mistakes in the text, English is not my native language
Hi, I'm sorry that this took long (my schedule hindered me from writing). I hope you won't mind that I altered some parts of your request. Needless to say, the gist is still there. I hope this meets your expectation; enjoy!
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Synopsis: He's a great fighter and the hearsay about him speaks for himself, from his bounty to his ranks. However, none of the aforementioned could comfort his essence knowing that he must make a step to establish something with you.
• Relationship: Charlotte Katakuri x female reader
• Content: fluff
A/N: Errors are to be expected.
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Of all the worst things to happen, it’s the one that angers him.
His little sister called unto his name, trembling in fear, trying to evade the aggressor’s attack. At this sight, he quickly dashes, preparing for his attack, thinking of ways to make the man responsible for his sister’s tears suffer.
In between his tracks, he stops. His observation haki shows him otherwise; although the suffering is still present, he is not responsible.
You kneel before his sister, checking on the poor woman who passed out. From a great distance, Katakuri witnessed how it all happened: you threw your sword, fire igniting, and it hit the assailant right on the crucial part.
Katakuri is about to enter the scene when he notices that the random pirate stands up - wincing but trying its best to get revenge. He was a devil fruit eater considering how his hand turned to a claw; right before the pirate could land an attack - Katakuri threw a stone, hitting his head and causing him to lose consciousness.
With the unfortunate news he received in five hours, Katakuri’s patience is ticking; the last thing he wants to see is his siblings being in peril and the good samaritan who saves his sister.
“He’s still alive?!” you throw a look at Katakuri before shifting your attention at the lifeless body and then at his sister, who just lost consciousness, “Hey, please be with me… miss, are you - hey…” you gently tap her cheeks, but to no avail, the woman didn’t respond.
Amidst the situation, a colossal figure landed behind you - roaring in anger. The sight widens Katakuri’s eyes; he’s about to move - to take his sister when you turn to him with a glare. In this world, everything seems to be possible. However, seeing a dragon right before his eyes just leaves him with the notion of the possibility of the existence of those myths he once heard as a kid.
“Don’t!” you yell, “don’t take another step, please….”
Katakuri pauses but gives in, patiently waiting to see a good result while on it; he’s on guard and is ready to mediate when things escalate. As he lets the event unravels, the fascination starts to grow; your bravery is something, and the resoluteness in your voice is evident that you’re not easy to drag.
His mind starts to give him notions about your identity, characteristics, and how you have come to be on good terms with dragons. Katakuri could sense himself wanting to hear your story, and somehow, he was giving himself sweet impossibilities while being attentive to his sister.
I may take a risk. The thought made Katakuri scoff.
“Be calm,” you hold your hand in the air waiting for a response. “No one is going to hurt you, I promise that….”
If he could say one thing, it would be: impossible. The dragon surrenders to your touch, and right before he can process everything, another figure appears, another, and another until he chooses not to count. Every dragon growled, lowering their head, cuddling your little body while some even licked your hand.
Katakuri is at ease to see that nothing has happened. It is new for him to see dragons being close to a human. Let alone engaging in a conversation with you, hearing your yearning for them, Katakuri surmised that you were separated from them and only reunited. It’s a touching scene until one of his brothers stands beside him - pissed at the sight.
“It is rare to see a sight of a mythical animal to wreak havoc in our area….” Oven announces, taking admiration at the massive figure before him. “It’s a pleasure to bring this on its knees for making the townfolk scared, or we can use that as a gift,” his brother shrugs, “I think that would be great! You know - for Mama’s collections.”
His brother’s goofy demeanor is gone when he turns to you, displeased at your outburst, not to mention your sudden interruption of their conversation. “This is a family matter, as far as I am concerned, Intruder.”
“These dragons are my family,” you glare; anger starts to spark at the thought of a poor innocent mythical animal turning into something that it doesn’t desire to. “As far as I am concerned, I have the right to speak in this matter,” you objurgate, emphasizing your authority over the animal that caused the commotion on a foreign island you landed.
Katakuri remains silent, still trying to calm himself due to the fact that he just saw his little sister almost on the brink of the claw’s death.
“Oh Lady, you entered this place illegally, and now you have the guts to act high and mighty?” his brother clicks his tongue repeatedly, “A mere statement like that won’t make me acknowledge your authority… learn to know you place or why don’t we let our strength speak for each other?”
“Fine by me!” you took a brought out your own sword and removed the bag where the baby dragon roared, noticing the tension. “Please hold him gently,” you calmly hand the bag to the man beside you, silently sizing the situation. “This will be quick.”
“Funny of you to declare your fate,” Katakuri’s brother cackles confidently, taking a step forward. The grin on his face just boosts your distaste to ruin him; you could feel the tingling sensation in your fingers due to anger; the eagerness is too evident that Katakuri starts to eye you intently.
“Your arrogance will bring you nowhere,” gently shaking your head as you take your weapon.
Katakuri watches as his brother and the woman he just saved will tear each other’s limbs. He’s been hoping to see a shade of light in this series of unfortunate events. However, just as when things are starting to be okay, another occurs - ruining the chances of calling it a day.
He never likes violence, especially if it does not wield an outcome that benefits him, his principles, his mother - or the citizens of Totto Land.
Inches from the battle, Katakuri’s sternness is evident through his eyes. “Violence won’t solve this,” he begins, gently tugging the baby dragon in the bag you handed. “Oven, need I remind you that she saved our sister?”
A smirk flashed from you when his brother glanced at you, “Be a doe and listen to your brother.”
By the command of Katakuri, his brother takes the step back first, begrudgingly acknowledging your presence briefly before turning to Katakuri.
“So what’s your plan?” he asks.
“Make sure this mess won’t reach Mama,” he orders, “I’ll personally handle this matter, take our sister and ensure she’s okay.”
Oven nods, “I will,” taking his unconscious sister. They left without taking a second look at the both of you.
“Thanks,” you huff when the figure of the man you almost clashed with disappears. “I’m sorry for the mess - really. We were just finding some new place to stay, but we got lost in this massive forest, and the next thing I knew, some intruders started to infiltrate the place… my dragons were disturbed hence the commotion, but I assure you they are nice!”
Before he speaks, Katakuri studies you, “Are you hurt?”
Surprised at his answer, you shake your head, “You?”
“I’m fine, thank you for asking. Anyway, what brings you here?”
“I was lost,” you confess, lowering your gaze. “The jerk earlier was after us when he learned that we entered this place illegally - not that I have any idea, and we mean no harm; we just really happened to stop by for a while.”
“What is your plan?”
“Of course, we’re going to leave…” a dragon lowers its head - yearning for your hand. “I need to find a place for my family to be safe,” you added, smiling at the dragon who succumbs to your caress.
“Why don’t you stay?”
It’s a sudden action that even Katakuri is surprised to hear, but what should he do when you’re going to leave the place he’s residing, and the probability of crossing paths is next to impossible? Desperation is evident; Katakuri’s calm demeanor slowly breaks as he waits for your answer, beseeching that you would agree to his request.
“I mean…” he averts his gaze when you look at him, and did your dragons hide their surprise at Katakuri’s sudden statement. “Only i-if you want… Totto Land is diverse, and I am sure you will fit in the right… along with your dragons,” he adds, still not meeting your eyes.
Never in his whole life did Katakuri feel so much embarrassment, yet he’s putting himself on the lifeline of discomfiture within your presence and the dragons. In his family, he’s known to be the reserved and honorable brother. However, this very image of his siblings seems to be a facade on how his actions defy the perception of his younger brothers and sisters.
Katakuri silently felt grateful that no one is around to witness his actions.
“Fly with me.”
He could only look at your hand when you extended it, “The weather is nice, and I would very much like to see the whole place…” to see your face radiating in warmth, Katakuri felt at ease to know that there was no hint of mockery in your demeanor, instead, it is pure gaiety, “It would be nice for a visitor to explore the place she’s unfamiliar with a citizen that gives a sense of security and comfortability, don’t you think?”
He lowers his face, trying to hide in the scarf that wraps around his neck. You have a point; for someone who is in a foreign place, it would be precise to explore the island with someone who knows the corners of it.
“I’m afraid that your dragons might not like it.”
It’s not that he’s afraid, Katakuri can still recall what happened earlier, and the hostility of your dragons is something that he must avoid; the ruckus did not reach his mother’s ears, but indeed, this time around with more than five dragons, it won’t be surprising if Katakuri’s mother shall be the one to put an end to the mess; a lovely sight can be ruled out from the possibility.
“They don’t,” you stifled a laugh as you glanced at your dragons beaming at them, “I was saved by him, guys… you know that, right?” the dragon nods, along with the youngest expressing its agreement through its little roar.
Katakuri would never understand how the communication was established between you and the dragons. Still, since he’s a pirate and has been to different places and seen various things that rationality might take forever to comprehend, it would be presumptuous of him to act surprised by sight before him. To see you getting along with the dragons makes him think that perhaps if given a chance, he wants to establish amity with the others - starting with your dragons.
“See?” beaming at him, the dragons nod, acknowledging him as someone they should be civil.
He makes no haste; taking your hand, he pulls himself and sits behind you - feeling nervous about being near someone, let alone a woman.
“Is there something you might want to warn me about?”
“You might find things that bewilder your perception,” he admits, “I suggest keeping your expectations broader.”
You giggle, “I guess this place isn’t as bad as we’ve ventured to…” patting the dragon, its wings spread. Katakuri met your gaze when you looked back widely and smiled; he was confident that you were about to say something, but a yelp escaped your lips right before you fell, and an arm swiftly snaked around you - holding you closely, preventing you from falling from his grasps.
He can see the future, but it didn’t cross him how difficult it is to fight the intensity of your hold against him. Blood rushes down his cheeks, and Katakuri can only cower shyly. He’s still holding you even if you’ve already settled, but seeing what’s waiting for you, he could only shield you from what’s ahead.
“Hold still,” he whispers, and you nod, leaning against him to share the view that’s been taking your breath away.
In the middle of the air - feeling the breeze against his skin, Katakuri thought how the both of you didn’t start with the standard way of getting to know each other. Despite not knowing your name, he’s still enticed to accompany you; maybe it is because of being jovial? To him, you just elicit kindness, and he finds it adorable. He did something good; the exchange of names may not happen, but it is up to fate’s hands and how it unfolds.
As of the moment, it’s just you, him, and everything in between that brings your paths with him closer and closer.
“This is amazing! Everything is breathtaking!”
Since he resides in the same place you’re gawking at, Katakuri finds no pleasure in the view before him. Instead, the cosmic fervor of adoration that engulfs him slowly is evident through the smiles he hides behind his scarf whenever you express bewilderment. He finds it amusing how he once wondered about establishing a head start in getting to know you and now ends the same woman caged in his arms - safely. He can see what lies ahead, but when it comes to you, Katakuri just wonders about the future and how initiating a conversation might lead the both of you to something better, exciting, and uncertain, but in a positive way.
He nods, unconsciously fixating his gaze on you, “Yeah… breathtaking it is.”
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 8 months
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Another Kind of Prison
Summary: Written for AI-less Whumptober 2023 Day 3. Set during Httyd 1. When Hiccup isn’t around. The cove is just another prison.
Warning: /
Rating: General
Characters: Toothless, Hiccup (mentioned)
Pairing: /
Words: 401
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: Isolation
Whumpee: Toothless
Author’s Notes: Some Toothless whump for this AI-less Whumptober! (◡‿◡✿)
All Toothless wants is for Hiccup to stay for a little while longer when he visits. The boy came into his life, turned it upside down, and now he won’t even do him the joy of staying.
He always comes back either with the rising sun or when the sun is at its peak. He’ll have improved the tailfin or the saddle by then and they’ll practice flying together. They’ll play, explore the island together and Toothless knows this. Yet… He feels so lonely whenever Hiccup leaves.
By now, the yellow glow of another dawn has already turned into shades of blue. There is barely a cloud today, perfect for flying and so he can’t wait for Hiccup to finally arrive. This just happens to be one of those days when he’s late and the dragon never knows why.
He lies by the pond, waiting for his friend to come. He watches the fish swim, he can’t catch them as efficiently without full control of his flight. It’s a dragon’s ability to dive into the water that gets them the fish they need. He watches birds fly overhead, aching that he can’t be in the sky that’s rightfully his when even tiny creatures like them can call it their own. Do they even know the kingdom they inhabit? There are also barely any dragons that fly over this island.
After years of being stuck in that volcano, forced to serve a cruel queen, he thought he would be sick of other dragons. Until a little human fledgling took him down, he would either be in some kind of cramped corner afraid to make the queen angry or he would be flying in a cramped pack afraid of making the queen angry on the way home. There was never any space, no rest, no way to breathe, just constant fear.
Then Hiccup came and suddenly there was freedom. No more cruel queen, but no more dragons either.
But it has become clear to Toothless that Hiccup isn’t free. He’s stuck with that stupid village of his, a friend of dragons stuck amongst dragon killers. He can’t stay with Toothless and keep him from getting lonely at night, when a Night Fury is supposed to be awake.
Toothless can’t fly, he has no dragons around, Hiccup can’t be with him. And so he’s forced to be alone, stuck inside another kind of prison.
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melancholy-empire · 4 months
Helloooo! You can call me Honey, I go by any/all
The original owner of this acc was my sibling, If you wanna say anything to them lemme know!
I might post shortstories or things like that on here :D
Things abt me!
I am bisexual
please do not come to me with anything oversexual, I am fine with jokes, but do not harass me.
I go by any/all pronouns
If you are in the lgbtq+ community, black, white, hispanic, asian or anything else, a furry, a therian, trans, straight, or anyone of any religion
YOU ARE VALID AND WELCOME HERE (As long as you are not the following below)
Homophobia, transphobia, racism, bigotry, or someone who hates on another group of people, because of age, race, gender, sexuality, religion, lifestyle, or you shove you beliefs down someones throat, than please leave now and block me.
Fandoms I'm in:
(Any Rick Riordian book)
Warrior Cats
FullMetal Alchemist
And more I'm to lazy to add :D
If you want, you can request certain things, can't promise they'll be amazing, as I'm still a beginner writer but I could use the practice.
I will do fluff and angst, I'm not very comfortable with WRITING smut
I will NOT write
oversexualizing minors
Age play/major age gaps (Like Eren x Levi)
A CANONICALLY gay/straight character shipped with opposite (Gay man + women, or straight women + women, or vice versa)
If its a headcannon and one or neither of the characters sexuality has been confirmed, I will try my best to write it.
Things I am willing to write
Gay things <3
Fluff :D
Angst :(
Stuff like Klance is ok, I understand the appeal and I am willing to try and appease you with this
For South Park, I refuse to ship Cartman with ANYONE but possibly the reader
idk just ask, I promise I don't stab, (I might bite tho not gonna lie-)
More things abt me
I am a rat/gremlin/opossum and I am onky living in society now bc my bsf saved me
I like Cavetown, Melanie Martinez, Eminem, and some more
Some of my favorite youtubers are: Kurtis Conner, Ethan is online, FunkyFrogBait, Film Cooper, MankyBadassHero, Ranboo, Slimecicle, Tommynpinnit & Tubbo, Jack Manifold and more
P.S I married my Bsf and I refuse to sign divorce papers, yes I am going to pull a Tommyinnit when we are older <3
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moths-and-mantids · 11 months
New Intro post!
Because I got bored of the other one
Anyways, my name is Zorrose! But you can also call me Moth or whatever, really :>
My pronouns are He/They + Any Neos [I dabble in She/Her every now and then]
I am ✨Neurodivergent✨ and terribly bad with social cues so ✨bear with me✨
Some thingies I like are;
Weirdcore, I find it soothing for some reason. Especially TWoMP & Welcome Home
HTTYD, Voltron, She-ra, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Percy Jackson
NIMONA!!! [Deserves its own bullet point tbh]
Subnaudica, Rainworld, Hollow Knight, LoZ, Persona5, POKÉMON, Inscryption
Speculative Biology
Oh yeah and I write and draw a little too :3
Aight, other than that I also have a few RP side-blogs!
@flatfuckfridays, is just a silly little askblog for Vox from Hazbin Hotel. The blog goes along with Dyno’s @cannibals-and-radio (Alastor) & Amateur’s @red-velvette-swirl (Velvette)
@spaceacexino, which is a RotTMNT oc I play on the #Turtle Net, which was created by my friend @the-starry-cove-of-an ✨
@curious-anon-yippee, which is my new in-universe Turtle Net blog :3
@poke-mystery-pals, which is a co-run pokemon irl blog run by me and another one of my friends @awful-amatuer
@corey-is-boredy, who is an oc created by @skullivan-the-dawg :>
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schrijverr · 6 months
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ok, so rn im imagening that the Upside Down isn't the only other dimension and of course Dustin stumbles upon the first small creature that made it through.
It's a lill dragon, think terrible terrors from httyd, and Dustin is in love TM, bc holy shit he just found a DRAGON, that is nerd heaven for him. So, naturally he takes it in.
However, homie is smart enough not to pull another D'Art, but also not willing to let his new friend go. So, he claims that he saw something in the wood and it didn't look from this world, which naturally draws the whole party out.
He covertly lets his new friend out - he probably named him Smaug, the nerd <3 - and they all set chase to either catch it or see where it goes.
Smaug is both small and slippery, so it's more an undignified chase, though no one will ever admit that lmao.
Meanwhile, Smaug is chittering, trying to find his colony again and hearing their chitters back, meaning he leads all of them to this new portal. ...Aaaand that the dragons on the other side of it have become aware of its existance when they stumble upon it.
I'm mostly imagining the DnD part of the party's faces lol (especially Dustin, bc holy shit Smaug has BIGGER buddies than he thought and holy shit this might end up bad, like D'Art's buddies had).
I can't decide, who has the magic Dragon whisper powers, but im leaning Steve bc he has Disney Princess energy and can you imagine how sour Mike will be lmao.
Then they either get to dissapear into this other world and leave that fucked up world behind (aka using escapism as a coping mechanism (oehhh, you can also have only one person discovering it and going with the dragons and it being a metaphor of them escaping into their own mind and ultimately killing themselves, which is v dark and sad, but it came to me and I had to share it.))
Or they train the dragons and go terrorize the goverment, bc they deserve that <3 (and like Nancy exposes the whole Upside Down thing) and now we all live in a world with dragons bc that would be so so so cool and I want that for myself xp
This is more of an outline that anyone is free to take, bc I'm not planning on writing a whole thing, but it was a really fun excercise and got me writing again after a mental block.
Thank you @everythingsupsidedown for sending me this <333
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-about me-
• im alex, im 20 years old
• i first learned about shifting in 2021, through youtube
• i just had my first minishift about a month ago
• the first dr i ever scripted for and wanted to go to was steven universe
• i started this blog because i dont have anyone to talk to about shifting with irl, im dying to share my drs lmao
• i shift for too many men im sorry i cant help it
• the main theme in most of my drs is friendship. i have a lot of drs focused around having a close friend group
• im a subliminal creator and ive been listening to subliminals for over 7 years
• i draw from time to time, mostly just pencil sketch portraits
• i do tarot
• im a northwestern wolf and crested honey buzzard therian, and im otherhearted with barn owls
• endogenic system
• im bisexual and a non-binary woman/demi-girl (im still figuring out the gender thing)
• dyslexia haver
• im learning danish (poorly)
• social anxiety im not very good at talking to people but im down to have shifting friends
• favorite bands/music people: the beatles, will wood, idk how but they found me, the smiths, james and the shame, the mountain goats, chappell roan, bo burnham, tim minchin
• favorite movies: crimson peak, another round, a ghost story, nope, httyd, thor ragnarok, into/across the spiderverse, titanic
• favorite shows: hannibal, barry, bbc’s ghosts, supernatural, good omens, ofmd, bridgerton, the great, all of us are dead, atla, hazbin hotel, love death and robots, the end of the fucking world, sex education, breaking bad, Rita
• favorite video games: shelter 2, the sims, animal crossing, rdr and rdr2, bg3, detroit become human, resident evil 7 and 8, the isle, minecraft
-my main drs-
• hogwarts uni (modern, golden trio era, its a university, theres no war and does not follow the plot)
• the beatles (modern, i like the friend group dynamic so much. its sort of a fame dr)
• baldurs gate 3 (im not following the main plot. i literally decided to go to this dr for one trauma filled man)
• rdr2 (this does not follow the plot because the game broke me i cant go through it irl. i scripted that the gang breaks apart before anything goes to shit and sean and i get to live a lovely life together. i haven't scripted this one too much, im shifting to chapter 2 where we are at horseshoe overlook)
• ghosts uk
• marvel
-drs im group shifting with my partner to-
• bridgerton
• adventure time
• percy jackson
-my other drs that arent really planned out much-
• hannibal (this is the second dr i ever made a script for/tried to shift to. im very fond of it. its based on the nbc show and it doesnt follow the plot. i scripted out basically all of the trauma stuff, and i made some murderous characters good people. this is basically a dr to hang out with will graham and learn some skills. when i shift here again im going to rework the whole script probably)
• sims 4 (i have a vampire sim and I WANT TO BE HER)
• changeling (this is a magical school dr, where im a shapeshifter and everyone that goes there is some type of mythological creature/monster. just a place to learn magic and hang out with people)
• hawthorne school (this dr is loosely based on the apocalypse season of american horror story, but it doesnt have anything to do with the plot of the show because thats scary and i dont want that. im a warlock attending the school)
• wings of fire
• botw
• marauders era, fantastic beasts era, hogwarts legacy era (gods i have too many wizard drs)
-my waiting room-
my main waiting room is a cozy beach house, with no people except me and my boyfriend (group shifting here with him). its pretty neat, i have a tv with a streaming service that has every show and movie on it, and through the streaming service i can choose what art style/medium i want to view the show or movie in. so i could watch like the office in the style of into the spiderverse or something lmao. but yeah its mostly just a big house with a library and an indoor pool and other cool stuff on the beach where i get to hang out and play baldurs gate 3 all day. i can also shift to any dr from there.
anti shifters do not interact.
feel free to ask me any questions about my drs/about me, im happy to share. you can ask about literally anything in this introduction, doesnt have to be about shifting. ill make posts about my drs all separately. I’ll mostly be posting about my shifting journey, my drs and just venting about shifting stuff.
happy shifting everyone!
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