#jade is the name of one of my irl cats
annieshowell · 1 year
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lyla and ophelia-look-alike left, and in the middle of the night jenny decided to go into labor
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and of course how lucky i am she gave birth to twins... welcome jade and jake smith cute little ginger alien babies :)
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So, Raven x Rollo is canon now? 👀 Honestly, i would love to read that and see their dynamic/interaction with each other. Especially if a certain Eel is going to be jealous >:'D
What's the ship name going to be? Ravelo? Roaven? Rolven?
I just love the fact that Rollo isn't even in the main story and already stole and keeps stealing the hearts of other fans! even with little content! This dude just exists and steals your heart 😭
[Referencing this post!]
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WELL 😭 I don’t know????? I (the irl person) enjoy Rollo as a character, but I haven’t ever intentionally written Miss Raven (the OC) and Rollo’s interactions as romantic though I’m 100% willing to entertain the idea lol. Up to now, it’s been more like Raven is the girl next door that keeps knocking and demanding that Rollo come and build a snowman with her or something… An annoying cockroach he can’t kill off 💀 They have really strong enemies to lovers and sunshine gf/brooding bf potential, especially since Rollo considers her to be a servant of evil (as Crowley’s niece) and one of Malleus’s lackeys (when Miss Raven and Malleus only interact with each other professionally). A friend of mine calls this ship Ravollo, but I don’t think there has to be a specific name for it.
… I think it would be funny if Malleus is just there to make unwanted commentary about Raven and Rollo’s relationship. Even better if his commentary is all wrong (“Young Crowley, Flamme is passing you a rather heated gaze. Fufu, perhaps you’ve for yourself a bit of an admirer.” “… Malleus-senpai, he is giving you a ‘heated gaze’ because he cannot stand to be in the same room as you without his blood pressure spiking.”)
Anyway, I did happen to get a few Raven-Rollo interaction requests recently, so you have those to look forward to. No Jade in those, unfortunately!! But you can always look at this fan art, which basically summarizes how J word feels about Rollo x Raven (just replace m!Yuu in that fan art with Miss Raven in your imagination, lol).
It’s his unrelenting rage and two-faced attitude + taking everything TOO seriously, it makes Rollo so endearing in the same way you’d find a constantly angry cat that always scratches you cute… My dude, you’re still just a student, sit down and munch on a croissant or something instead of plotting on propping up a new magicless world order OTL I’m sure that’ll look great on your college application essay, but there’s such a thing as too much ambition/j
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eoieopda · 3 months
about me — tag game
thanks for the tag, @starryoong 💕
name! — jade 🧍🏻‍♀️
number of siblings! — five (5). i have two older brothers, an older sister, and two younger sisters. tbh, my sister-in-law absolutely counts, so i’m going to change my answer to six.
number of pets! — just one at the moment: my cat, cowboy jones (the biggest, orange-st boi that ever lived). after i move this summer, i plan on getting my cat a cat. and don’t you worry! the name is already squared away (it’s buca di beppo).
favorite color! — (i had to americanize both words so no one gets the incorrect impression that my country does shit the way the entire rest of the world does ☠️) big fan of black, forest green, and chartreuse.
favorite author! — i admittedly don’t read much fiction outside of fanfic, so the favorite books that come to mind are memoirs/non-fiction/academic. probably kurt vonnegut? if we’re talking fanfic, @daechwitatamic and @sailoryooons never miss.
favorite song! — everything hozier has ever written, lmao. my favorite k-pop song is (probably) anyone by svt.
hobbies! — writing, reading, running, playing bass + video games ✨
favorite holiday! — i love, love, love every single thing about halloween. i also love NYE, not just because it’s my birthday, but because it feels so hopeful.
fun fact / something i’d enjoy sharing! — ummmmm i’m absolutely covered in tattoos and piercings, but very few people IRL know/have perceived them because i have to hide them for court, where i spend the majority of my waking hours, lol. it shocks the shit out of work-adjacent people when they see me in the wild.
tagging: @/daechwitatamic, @/sailoryooons, @jihopesjoint, @cordiallyfuturedwight, @hopeinthebox, @yoongiphoria, @moni-logues
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cyber-corp · 10 months
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Recap? Nah. The Huss had my back all along.
God bless Andrew for doing the recap, I could not keep up the entire time. I now know that it's an entire solar system planet thing, with a sky world named Skaia at the center, and two moons (Prospit and Derse) orbiting it. Prospit is the "dream world" we saw Jade in, and Derse is the place that future Rose escapes to to avoid being wiped from the timeline.
There's a war between two sides: Light and Dark, and this is a war that Light is "destined to lose". On Page 1801, we see someone (implied to be the Wayward Vagabond) rise up, stop the fighting between the Light/Dark soldiers, and turn the Light/Dark kings(?) to their normal form.
Jack Noir swoops in, slices the Dark King's head clean off, and the staff he has goes flying off into a nearby waterfall.
The Land of Wind and Shade is where John is, the Land of Light and Rain is where Rose, Dave is set to go to the Land of Heat and Clockwork, and we don't know where Jade is yet to go to.
Apparently the trolls have a separate session of SBURB happening and are attempting to help the main gang not fuck it up. The ones guiding them from the future were the Midnight Crew (meaning Spades Slick is Jack Noir's doppelganger?) Because of the destruction of their home planet, they're living on the massive asteroid belt, The Veil.
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Also there's a new guy, twinArmageddons. He's got some slick 3D glasses and types like an actual lunatic (you could say that for all them, him especially though).
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Rose just misses making contact with John irl, as he steals her cat and jetpacks away. I wonder if them just missing each other will be a running thing.
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The PM sets out to the battlefield to see the White King, but gets pickpocketed by the Courtyard Droll, (who is just Clubs Deuce but sillier). He steals the Queen's Ring.
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Luckily, Jade saves the day by using a sick-ass flying kick and changing the art-style.
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I'm beginning to notice that HS seems to change artstyles when a character needs to show more dynamic emotions/posing/flying kick moves. I don't mind it especially considering the sorta "lineless" art is really cool and the fact that HS's default artstyle is already hodgepodge to begin with.
I don't what the fuck will happen later but for now...
❄︎☟︎☜︎💧︎☜︎ ☠︎☜︎✠︎❄︎ 👍︎☟︎✌︎🏱︎❄︎☜︎☼︎💧︎ 🕈︎✋︎☹︎☹︎ 👌︎☜︎
(Also there's TWELVE trolls?????????)
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airprime7 · 9 months
If anyone in particular had anything to say on a post we reblog, we might tag it as #[name]posting. Also you will see words in their text colour and quirk (if they have one). We may come back and edit in links to posts with more details. Or not.
We are almost all trans, but it will be only mentioned below if that has caused a name change from our canon counterpart.
Just call us AirPrime if you want to talk to us/the account in general.
Let's do this in groups, in no particular order.
Homestuck Humans+:
Roxy: Roxy Lalonde fictive. she/they. #roxyposting Rose: Rose Lalonde fictive. she/her. #roseposting Jazz: Jazz Lalonde (Jasprosesprite^2) fictive. Cat :3. she/her, or any cat neopronouns. #jazzposting Dave: Dave Strider fictive. he/him. #daveposting Dove: Dove Strider (transfem Davesprite) fictive (also a bit of 「TIME PARADOX」 from Jojo's MSPaint Adventure). bird. she/her. #doveposting DS: Technically a Dirk Strider fictive (mixture of Dirk, Hal, and Brain Ghost Dirk's Katana. Also is glasses.) The DS stands for duelStands. they/them. #dsposting Kate: Dirk Strider fictive (transfem). Technically short for "Katana" but don't call me that. Middle name "Dirl". she/her. #kateposting June: June Egbert fictive. she/her. #juneposting Jade: Jade Harley fictive. dog. woof woof! she/her/it. #jadeposting
Homestuck Trolls:
Aradia: Aradia Megido fictive. Ghost and frog and robot and fairy god all at the same time. 0u~. she/her. #aradiaposting Sol: Sollux Captor fictive (also bits of 89P13 and 「YELLOW TEMPERANCE」 and 「NEVER SAY DIE」). he/she. #solposting Mituna: Mituna Captor fictive. he/any/she. #mitunaposting Karkat: Karkat Vantas fictive. he/him and she/her (undecided). #karkatposting Nepeta: Nepeta Leijon fictive. she/fur/it and other cat neopronouns. #nepetaposting Kanaya: Kanaya Maryam fictive. she/her. #kanayaposting Terezi: Terezi Pyrope fictive. she/it. #tereziposting Vriska: Vriska Serket fictive. she/her. #vriskaposting Eridan: Eridan Ampora fictive (goes by Eridan Eleven instead). she/her. #eridanposting
Other Homestucks:
Erisol: Erisolsprite fictive. Not actually at all like Erisolsprite. Different person from Eridan and Sol. he/they. #erisolposting Neproxy: Neproxy Leijonde (Nepeta and Roxy fusion) fictive. Probably the same Nepeta and Roxy from above. she/they/fur/any other cat neopronouns. #neproxyposting Altair: Altair Tascii (fantroll from my fan adventure Roguebent) fictive. he/him. #altairposting
Jack: Jack Snipe fictive. NOT from Homestuck. he/him. #jackposting Wanda: Wanda Firebaugh fictive. Spooky. NOT from Marvel. she/her. #wandaposting
V: non-fictive; named for the Order of the Stick character. The "host" if we have one. they/them. #vposting Five: non-fictive; "V without the limit8ions." Draws elements from Vriska Serket, PL from Roguebent, and happens to share a name with Number Five from Umbrella Academy. any pronouns. #fiveposting Link: Link fictive (from The Legend of Zelda, specifically the Hero of the Wild). Nonverbal I've been told not to use that word; does not speak IRL, would use sign language if we knew any, uses emojis only online. he/any. #linkposting Fifth: ... Complicated. Technically a robot/ai version of June, and also her stand(?), but a separate person also..... Full name 「FIFTH OF BEETHOVEN」. she/her. #fifthposting
Possible (people we've felt present but haven't definitely recurred, might have just been our imagination):
Sherlock Holmes (RDJ version) Equius Zahhak Arquius Strihak Jotaro Kujo
Will update whenever. Maybe.
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merakiui · 10 months
For the Ask Game! 🥺🙋‍♀️🌞🤯⏳
if you haven't answered them already 👉👈 I hope this isn't too much for you! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
It's not too much at all!!! I'm happy to answer more emojis. :D thank you!!!
(ask game)
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Oooo there are too many!!! To name specific instances, Riddle's relationship with the reader in DRU always tugs on my heart. He worries so much for her and it's obvious he cares immensely. The same goes for Azul and Cater. All of these people care for Reader, but Reader doesn't care enough for herself. T_T additionally, I like when characters have a chemistry that is so good that they can just share a look and instantly connect and be on the same wavelength as the other. Like Jade and Reader in the upcoming fic. They're both aware that they're using the other for their own benefit, but that doesn't stop them from being friends. And they understand each other (to some degree) because they're both freaks. They play off of one another so incredibly well. I love it. >v<
Also, the trope of "what could have been had [xxx] not happened" always makes me weak. Sea Glass (and its sequel Moonbroch) delve into this trope a lot, especially with Reader's relationship with the man they murdered. At first you may hate him for what he did, but then the fic reveals more human facets to him and suddenly he seems so much better than the trio. It hurts even more when you note the genuine connection he had with the reader before it was compromised.
I also like the interactions Scaramouche and Reader have in another upcoming modern au fic. He's like a grumpy, hissing cat who slowly but surely learns to accept and open up to someone. The entire fic revolves around Scaramouche and his struggles with his humanity and emotions and trauma. He meets his very first friend in the last place he'd ever expect to make a friend. It puts me in my feels every time Scara realizes he's having fun talking to the reader and he quickly stifles that emotion because it's another reminder that he's human. >_< aaaa he just deserves to be loved forever.
And Bittersweet Secret!!!! Reader's relationship with Xiao is so tragic. To a very small degree, Xiao knows it's wrong to confine someone, but he can't let the reader go as they're the only good thing in his life. Without them, everything is dark and lonesome. And the reader is trying so hard to make Xiao happy and get him to smile while living with the fact that they will remain his captive forever. It's such a sad dynamic. :( they both deserve to be happy.
🙋‍♀️ Do any irl people know you write fanfic?
Just one person and it's my best friend. They've listened to my ramblings about various fic ideas before, and I'm always grateful when they exchange ideas with me despite not being into Genshin or twst. :D
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
I like to write at night because that's usually when I'm most inspired and focused, but sometimes I'll write in the afternoon if I'm able to.
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
This may not be a genre, per se, but research papers. Truly the bane of my existence. >:( it's not that I struggle to write them; I just don't enjoy writing them. ;;;;
⌛ How long does it take you to write a fic, or a chapter?
It depends! I wrote Mother in just two hours because I was so inspired after listening to haikara. Conversely, it took nine entire months to write Azul thought 4, whereas it only took a few days to write Azul thought 2. >_< it might just be a matter of how inspired I am, how determined I am to finish a fic, how much free time I'm afforded to write, and also how complex the plot is. Sometimes it takes longer to write fics with complex plots or scenes.
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treysimp · 2 years
IM BACK(yes it's been the same anon for the other two KMK if you wanna give me an anon name I will accept it) OK SO KMK Deuce, Riddle, and Leona. It's a weird trio and I wanna see how this turns out.
Looking back I realized that you did KMK and 🧜‍♀️ did FMK (I can't believe I didn't write about boinking Jade I am a FOOL)🤦 that's what I get for having no reading comprehension skills haha
Okay 💋-anon! This is a funny combo haha okay I will have to feel this one out.
Killing Riddle. I'm sorry! I do like him but he's so baby. Too baby for met to not feel bad smooching or marrying IRL I would just be like hello my name is TreySimp and here is my child bride. The only upside is that we could both probably get kids meals if we went out to dinner so that saves some time. I'm sorry baby boy, this is so sad to say after I worked so hard to make him bangable haha I'm a mess
Leona is getting the smooch! He has the sex appeal and he is probably a good kisser. Like I like to pretend that Leona is a really sweet boy under everything (I do honestly believe he is) but also being lion royalty sounds really complicated and also what about things like babies? (is his dick barbed like a cat) like I know these are silly worries but you have to think about them!
Marrying Deuce! I am such a sucker for the bad-boy-trying-to-turn-over-a-new-leaf trope and this sweet lil himbo has got IT! Lil boy was living Tokyo Revengers until he saw that it was making his mom sad! So sweet! So wholesome! And he will still take you on the back of his motorcycle and beat the hell out of anyone that pisses him off like how could you do better? Cute lil flustered bad boy with a heart of gold sitting in the rain looking tough and keeping a kitten sheltered ah my heart this is the kind of romantic bullshit I am a total SUCKER for guys. My sweet boy! Smooch all over his face ILU Deuce!
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dusterson · 2 years
👶 Who was your first muse?
I mean-- for the Warrior Cats rp, I played three at once. a grey tabby kitten stray named Mousepaw by my main guy, Scorchpelt who (obviously) had burns, and... god, I don't remember the third's name but she was black and white. I made separate accounts for all three, even though that was against the rules (you were only supposed to have one account at a time), but not for my side-character cats, so to speak. Each main had their own posse, though not to say they knew one another ICly, it's just who wrote them.
✍️ What was the first fandom you rpd in? 
Since I already went over my online rp history some, Imma answer this one a Little earlier than I even knew how to rp on the internet in any capacity. Like, a smidge. 🤏
Back when I was a kid we played Hogwarts. My mom played all the professors (and scared one of my sister's friends as Snape, to the point of crying at Least once), and my sister and I were students. It was also the only way to get us to clean our rooms, was to play pretend that it was our dorms. I played Gurgi. From the Black Cauldron. 'Cos. Y'know. He wanted to be a wizard, I guess.
👋 Have you ever met anyone from your rpc irl?
uuUUUHHH no I don't think I've met anyone from... ANY of my rp circles. I've met like One person from tumblr irl, but not via rp, we were just in the same fandom, were mutuals, and just so happened to live a reasonable distance from each other. I think that was the only time I ever met an online friend IRL. It did not end well. Despite the wariness it's instilled in me I would like to meet more people I rp and am friends with online, I've known some folks in the circles I lurk in for years, close to a decade at this point, that I would cry in joy to be able to physically hug. I am wary of meeting others in person, but only because my trust in humans is wont to be jaded; one bad apple amongst the entire orchard is not worth comparing all the other apples to. But pretty much everybody lives way too far away to feasibly meet even once *SOBS* If there's ever a convention in the southern midwest... c'mere psspspsps
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
hi hi! the “you have to get through me” grim request was SO good, i was wondering if you could write the same prompt for Idia, Floyd, Jade, Ruggie and Jack?? thanks!! :)))
【 you're gonna have to get through me first ! 2 】
author's note: hello hello ! first, i'd like to thank everyone for their support on my very first headcanon post ! i'm really glad you requested another one, bc it was hella fun to make <3 this is a bit longer bc it kinda doubles as a 200 follower special + 10-day-aversary of the first one, so i hope you enjoy !
characters: idia shroud, floyd leech, jade leech, ruggie bucchi, jack howl
gender neutral! prefect, headcanons, request <3
part 1 of this (kind of) series! (ft. leona, azul, vil, & malleus)
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Grim knew he had to stay vigilant at all times. Somewhere out there was someone who wanted to take away his henchman, and that was absolutely not happening on his watch!! Grim's Henchman Protection Program was formed take down all potential threats to his and his henchman's peaceful life, and he wouldn't be stopping now!
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Idia Shroud
idia wasn't the most experienced guy in terms of irl romance. but he was quite the aficionado of the romance genre- from light novels to animes to even otome games. you name it, he's seen it.
and yet the first time his heartbeat starts wildly acting up in his chest, and his cheeks flush and his hair flares up pink, idia thought, "oh no. am i going to die?"
it wasn't until he had ortho perform a search on the symptoms that he realized that he was in love. he was less thrilled to find out that, no, he wasn't in love with one of his waifus or husbandos. instead, he was in love with the ramshackle prefect.
the prefect who took a liking to him despite him being a NEET, and a weirdo. the prefect who brought over treats just for him when they had free ti-
wait, wasn't he just playing an otome game route ? these were all events, he rationalized with what little braincells he had after he figured out he had a crush.
great seven, the next interaction event would be coming up soon! he had invited them over to watch his favorite anime. he had to get full affection points so that he could start dating them! who knew who else was also vying for their attention?
when the day came, he had his game plan: to end the event by holding their hand.
as they sat together, idia swallowed. they were on their fifth episode now, and he had been slowly inching closer so that he could complete his mission. besides, he made them laugh earlier, which meant that this interaction had a less likely hood of failing, right?
now all he had to do is reach over and grab their hand. it was easy. just like in those games, smoothly reach over, and-
"not on my watch, gamer boy!" there's a cat biting him. there's a cat biting him??? "don't you dare try to put your grubby hands on my henchman!"
idia almost passed out with shame when they stare at him confused. he should've known that every elusively easy boss fight had a trap to it! and the prefect just came with...an overly fluffy cat-monster.
"grim, let go of idia-" "but he was lookin' at you with those...heart-shaped eyes, blergh i was about to throw up! no way he can date my henchman! he has to get my approval first!"
thankfully for grim, idia liked cats. or else maybe he really would've really fainted by now from the prefect's embarrassed expression to the way a cat confessed to his crush for him. talk about top 10 anime betrayals!
instead he swallowed his pride. it's not like he was against trying to earn grim's affection points. so he started buying snacks specifically for grim after having ortho scout out what the little creature liked.
every time the prefect came over, idia would have the treats waiting like a peasant offering goods to a god. (and it's not like grim dislikes being called the "great lord grim", so he's chill with it)
he convinced himself it was necessary for a perfect clear. if he can start dating the prefect and get a new cat friend? that sounded like an ending worth all the hours of his attention.
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Floyd Leech
floyd liked the little shrimp. he knew that from day one, he was super interested in them. now, what he didn't know was when that interest and like turned into a fondness and love. it was too complex for him to think about so naturally floyd just took it in stride.
it wasn't like anything would change now that he knew he loved them, right? except, something did change.
he didn't like it when his shrimpy would get close to those other small fries. he was clearly the better choice! why would they hangout with them when they had him?
after much deliberation (aka jade stepping in and telling him he should confess), floyd decided to tell the little shirmp exactly how he felt.
he found the shrimpy at lunch and decided to carry them all the way to mostro lounge for a special snack.
"floyd, i don't think this is safe-" "don't worry~ i won't ever drop you, shrimpy!"
as soon as they were sat at the bar, he set off to work on making them something: a delicious plate of steaming takoyaki.
why? well...he figured that maybe if he showed that he was good at cooking, they would accept his confession faster. (floyd logic is logic all the same, everyone)
and so he walked out with the biggest grin and the most beautifully plated takoyaki that he had ever made, "i have your special snack little shrimp! it's extra specially made by yours truly~"
he placed the plate down in front of the prefect, watching as their eyes sparkled at the dish in front of them, "floyd, this is-"
what..? was that... the baby seal? floyd blinked again and yes, that was baby seal...with his mouth full of his takoyaki. the one he made for shrimpy.
"nice try seafood, but you can't just lure my henchman with the promise of good food!" the baby seal folded his arms. "what about me, we're a 2-in-1 package deal!"
the prefect grabbed him by the scruff, "grim, that wasn't for you! i told you, you could order anything else! i'm so sorry floyd!"
"l-look i bet he was going to confess his undying love to you after. and n-no way his love is more undying than my care for my henchman! he doesn't have my approval," the seal hunched closer to the prefect. "b-but please don't squeeze me..."
floyd was as confused as the little shrimp looked. he stared at the baby seal and then back at the prefect, then at his ruined takoyaki. he was both angry and sad and it seemed that today, his sadness won, because-
"the delicious takoyaki i made for shrimpy is ruined..." floyd sniffed, tears lining his eyes. he seldom cried unless he got too overwhelmed. this was exactly one of those times. "imma squeeze you later baby seal, i'm too sad to squeeze you right now- wwaahhhhh~!"
safe to say the prefect was left to deal with a bawling eel and a complaining cat creature, which wasn't a good combination. (jade had to step in because floyd started clinging onto the prefect while still sobbing uncontrollably)
from then on, it seemed floyd and grim had an intense rivalry over who loved the henchman/shrimpy more. whenever floyd was in the mood, he'd tussle with grim over menial things as the prefect watched on.
when floyd wasn't in the mood it got a bit tricky. sometimes, he would just...give up, which makes grim feel just a little bad as the eel stalked off with a sad look on his face.
but it's more likely he would pick his shrimpy up and carry them off into the sunset. nobody could get in the way of him and shrimpy's love! not even the baby seal!
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Jade Leech
at first, jade wasn't even that interested in the prefect. he knew his brother was charmed, but he didn't really see the appeal. a magicless human who didn't have any redeeming qualities. that was as plain as plain would get.
now someone tell him why he ended up falling for such a human. was it the way they took floyd's moods in stride? or the way they helped take care of his mushrooms whenever he was too busy to?
over time he grew to be endeared by them and their smart quips that rival even his, and this is where it brought him: on a hike to a beautiful waterfall he had found last week with the prefect in tow.
now jade wasn't one to confess first, but he wanted to make sure that they clearly knew where his feelings lied for them.
after around an hour of hiking, they finally reached the waterfall. "woah, this is beautiful jade! you should set up a magicam account for all these places you find."
jade preened at the praise, "i hope you do enjoy the beauty of this place." he wanted to say that none of it compared to them, but the words had caught in his throat.
"prefect," he reached out for their hand, taking it in his. "truthfully, i brought you out here today to-"
the prefect jolted at the voice, "wait, grim?? how did you get here? and what do you mean eloping?"
jade, clearly perturbed, turned to see the small grey monster huffing and puffing as he made his way towards them, "i *huff* i climbed all the way up here! the slimy eel has long legs so it was *huff, huff* hard for me to keep up." the monster wiped his brow and jade felt something tick in his jaw at his words.
"listen up, ya overgrown pool noodle," jade readied a polite smile, which the monster flinched at. "t-that smile isn't gonna scare me! y-you're tryna run away and ask out my henchman in the woods, right? well i'm here to say that you won't succeed unless you get through me first!"
jade's perfect smile fell slightly at his words. did he just...ruin all his plans completely? he looked to the prefect, whose eyes were wide as saucers now. well. there was no hiding it now, it was better if he was forward with everything.
"my personal feelings for the prefect is none of your business, grim." if voices could cut, then jade's voice was a freshly sharpened kitchen knife.
"yes it is! me and the henchman are one person, so their business is my business!"
jade sighed, because arguing with grim was almost as pointless as arguing with floyd was. in the end, he accepted the monster's interruption, earning the small victory of holding the prefect's hand on their way down.
since then, jade would notice that grim would follow him around whenever he hung out with the prefect. whether it be in the gardens or even in mostro lounge the monster was there.
jade took it in stride, sending a menacing smile every once in a while, as he continued to court the prefect.
though he doesn't show it, he is a prideful man. and he wasn't willing to stoop down to a monster just to gain his approval.
and besides, if the prefect was already deeply in love with him, then there was no way that monster could convince them otherwise, right?
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Ruggie Bucchi
it was all fun and games for ruggie, at the beginning. i mean, a magicless prefect? someone who he could manipulate with his unique magic however he wanted? someone like that was bound to be the target of his amusements.
and it grew especially entertaining for him when they bit him back, retaliating against his jabs with ones of their own, even going as far as to purchasing what ruggie wanted to purchase first.
but what he didn't know was, while he was busy stealing their wallet, they were busy unsuspectingly stealing his heart.
his body stiffened the moment he realized that the clamor in his chest wasn't just from the high of a successful heist, and that it was from the feeling of affection instead.
he decided that, after weeks of dancing around them, he would confess to them. and he had a pretty good plan.
first, he would steal their wallet, as usual. "hey- ruggie, not right now, i need that!" "don't you always, shishishi~"
second, slowly lead them away to a quieter corner. that was easy when the prefect wasn't one to give up a chase.
and third, he had them successfully cornered when he used a little bit of "laugh with me" to make them stay still for a moment
"ruggie, what-" "listen, prefect," ruggie rubbed the back of his neck as he released his unique magic. "actually, i..."
"you're a kidnapper, that's what you are!" and there's a cat pouncing on his back- why the hell was grim so heavy, again?? ruggie was sure that his claws distended his uniform in some way as grim used him as a springboard, jumping toward the prefect.
"how dare you take my henchman while i was looking away! and to what? to confess to them in some dark corner, like a...a creep?" grim jabbed a paw to ruggie's chest. "and don't tell me you didn't! i saw that! you gotta get through me if you wanna get to them!"
now, ruggie felt stupefied as he stared at the prefect, the cat having taken all the words from his mouth. so he smiled, as easy going as he could with his literal stomach in knots, "well, that's the correct answer! i'm tryna date you, prefect~"
after the incident, grim would always be there to steal the prefect's wallet from him, which was getting unfair, so he would always hit twice as hard. he used "laugh with me" to make grim do silly dances or even to hand the wallet back to him before he booked it. all that mattered to him was that the prefect was still smiling exasperated at their antics.
their smile was something he wanted to protect, after all. it was precious to him. even if it meant making an absolute fool of himself to ward off some cat-monster.
it would all be worth it as long as they continued to smile for him.
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Jack Howl
(extra long bc i was having jack brainrot orz)
jack didn't know what to expect when he met them. a human who didn't have a lick of magic that dared to go against leona? he had to admit that they had guts. and it was proven to him again and again.
from being an instrumental part to foiling leona's plan, to challenging azul to free everyone from their contracts, they were someone fearless who also carried a bleeding heart.
a heart that bled even for him. they had shown their care for him on multiple occasions, which he wasn't opposed to receiving at all.
so uh...how did human's court again? jack knew exactly how beastmen courted, but maybe it was kinda different in the human realm.
he decided to ask for advice. and maybe ace wasn't the best place to ask for advice, but he didn't exactly know a lot of..reliable people.
ace had grinned, "if you wanna woo someone, you gotta show them your strengths!"
his strengths, huh. jack had just the thing. a magift match he would be playing in.
he was more nervous than usual. and well, it's not like he could help it! he already decided that he wanted to court them and in wolf beastmen culture, that meant marriage. they only ever had one partner in their lifetimes, so he was quite serious about this.
maybe it was the extra adrenaline from the nervousness, but he performed very well, tanking through a few enemy attacks and even scoring his own hits.
so he jogged up to the prefect, and they seemed equally as ecstatic, "that was...so awesome! i mean that goal? where'd you learn to play like that??"
his tail started to wag, "well, that's just because i was playing for someone. i...wanted to make them proud, so i did my best." and jack swallowed. maybe this would be the perfect time to tell them how he felt? he didn't need to play a long game, he just...wanted to know if they felt the same...
"well i'm sure i can play better than he can!" ah. grim. he was sitting next to them, tail swishing angrily. "the big bad wolf tryna impress my henchman hmm? well my henchman has me, so ya gotta try harder to impress!"
"grim, this is why you're not on the magift tea-" "henchman. i'm tryna save you from getting eaten by him! he's tryna date you, ya know?"
jack.exe had stopped working. he was trying to what? i mean. it was true. but he was planning on taking it step by step. and now that plan was thrown out of the window.
"is that true, jack?" they asked with a dazed expression. and what was jack supposed to say? no? so he silently nodded.
"no way you can do that without my permission first!" grim said and oh. was it a human thing that you needed your family's approval to date? jack could understand it though. how could he date them when their only kind-of-family member hated his guts?
jack was enthusiastic in all his attempts to get closer to grim, and win his approval. he was not one to cheat on anything, and he wasn't about to start now.
he tried to wrack his brain on what would sway the little guy, and all he could think of was making him stronger- both academically and physically. whenever he and the prefect would have study dates, he would do mini tutoring lessons with grim to make sure he won't fail. and whenever he asked them to come practice flying, grim would have to tag along for the jog.
(he would 100% try to teach grim to hunt. but grim is just. atrocious at it. because he can't shut up. well, at least jack tried.)
if this was how life with the prefect would be, with a slightly inconvenient cat around, then jack wouldn't trade it for the world.
after all, he wanted them to be his one and only beloved, so he was willing to give up this much for it to happen.
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zackcrazyvalentine · 3 years
i am the anon who asked earlier about the character limit ! i’m ready to send my ask now-
so could you write something about a female mc (or gender neutral it’s up to you !) that doesn’t take a shit form anyone ? like when someone bother she just “tsk” before threatening them and the bois are like “wtf that was kind of hot tho-“ .
i can see them just simping for her like we simp for them and it’s making me laugh-
also i’m not really sure if you write for them but a small reaction of perhaps side-characters to her ?
i’m really asking for too much skdkdjdksowkw-
thank for reading it and i hope i’m not bothering you ! ( ´ ▽ ` )
Alright, for this one, anon allowed me to pick some Twst guys to react to MC
But, ahem…. hope they’re (and y’all are) happy with the way I carried this out
Neige (& dwarves) + Che’nya are also included, as they wished to see side characters react to this MC too
Let’s get started (bc it’s loooong)~! 
-- -- --
Heartslabyul: Riddle is very surprised at her behavior and may scold her for it, but he secretly admires the confidence and will to stand up for herself. Trey is also taken aback, but well… if that helps her get through NRC, fine by him (he pretends not to see). Cater SIIIIIIMPS like duuuude THAT ATTITUDE IS WHAT HE DESIRES TO HAVE AGAINST HIS SISTERS (she’s his role model now). And man, do I even need to say what Ace and Deuce think? PLAIN FUN, and they simp, Deuce a little more than Ace.
Savanaclaw SIMPS and simps HARD. Ruggie and Leona due to females in Afterglow Savana being overall more respected. Not to mention IRL lionesse are in charge of hunting and female hyenas are the dominant ones in pairs. Jack I see as someone who admires people who are strong and can stand for themselves, and a no bullshit MC is wow… but perhaps he thinks maybe she could be a little more polite.
Octavinelle is a little hard to read. Azul first is very surprised and a bit offended, but once he finds out she acts this way towards everyone and anyone… Be ready to become his 3rd bodyguard lol. Leech Twins adore to annoy her, Floyd provokes her more with tugs and shoves while Jade can just throw ANY comment her way with that smile to trigger the instinct; she’s become their little plaything of sorts.
Scarabia: Kalim is SHOOKED!!!! The first time he hears her comments leaves him with a surprised pikachu face. Jamil is startled a bit, but man… SIMPS, and is like "you speak my inner thoughts".
Pomefiore: Vil is also VERY surprised, but admires the way she so willingly defends herself with only words and harsh glares (anger looks very pretty on her). Rook SIMP, yuuup. He's amazed at how just one comment and death stare from her has magic wielders cowering in fear, gets goosebumps from excitement when those are directed at him. Epel simps too! Like DAMN HE WANTS TO STAND UP FOR HIMSELF LIKE THAT!!! No more stupid etiquette classes, time to be tough! (Vil quickly turns his plan to dirt tho lol)
Ignihyde: Idia is ?????? At times, he's very intimidated by her, but on other occasions he's ready to talk back (this especially when he's communicating through the tablet). Ortho is shook, too. For someone who comes from another world and is scared by many possible scenarios in this Wonderland, they're surprisingly brave. He likes her! Get ready to be his Big sis
Oh man, Diasomnia… Malleus is surprised when he first sees the change of attitude, since she's nice in his nightly visits to Ramshackle, but very soon he'll be like "I like this human" Slowly becomes her simp.  Lilia is VERY amused by her behavior and sometimes likes to provoke her. As soon as a threat is thrown his way, however, he'll be ready to throw one back as he smiles brightly. Silver is surprised, they all cower before her, how?! He may or may not simp, but he absolutely looks up to her (wishes to be more assertive like that). Boy oh boy… Sebek… SHOOKED; just try to say something rude to his Young Master, get ready for the loudest "EXCUSE ME?!" and following rant. Shooked and shooked TO THE CORE.
ALL the staff are very irritated by her antics, but the ones more vocal about it that have a little back and forth with her are Crowley and Crewel. Sam just laughs it off, besides it's rare for her to threaten him (mainly bc he gives special discounts for her).
BOY...RSA… Neige is SHOOKED, but rudeness never stopped him from making friends and pull a smile out of them (well, ya better stop right there bc she's ready to PUNCH). Needless to say, majority of dwarves are surprised too… except, Grant who just chuckles and says like Jamil "speaking my inner thoughts".  Che'nya acts as if it's the most normal thing, doesn't flinch back or anything ("we're all mad in our own ways~ it's the norm here")
In the end, all of them simp for her, one way or another~ (and let her get away with a handful of stuff bc simps)
"Aren't you the cutest little thing~? Look at your lil' nose sniffing my finger so adorably!!" The [color] haired girl gushed at the hedgehog in her hand, carefully petting its colorful quills.
Someone sighed in irritation at her behavior, "Stop that! We're not allowed to pamper the hedgehogs like that, so cut it off!"
[Color] eyes narrowed at the intruder, "And who here says I care what you, or the rules, say? They're animals, pets practically. You need to show them affection for them to live long, happy lives, dumbass."
At the small scene, Trey interrupted, “Let's please act accordingly. Come on, we need help painting the roses." The 3rd year signaled the other Heartslabyul student to follow.
"What?! No, not fair! How come she's not getting punished for this when we get scolded for it?!" He raised his voice.
"Hey now, leave [Name]-chan alone, she isn’t bothering anyone. Be a good kouhai and listen to Trey-senpai. Remember vice dorm leader is just as respected as dorm leader here." Cater cut in, trying to somehow make things lighter.
"Bull-!" Before the guy could even finish his sentence, Riddle appeared.
"What seems to be the matter here? At this rate, if you keep getting distracted with unimportant things, we won't have our preparations ready." The redhead followed their gazes to the girl sitting on the floor surrounded by a rainbow of hedgehogs.
"Ah, I understand." Riddle nodded.
"Thank-!" However, the student was once more cut off by the 2nd year.
"[Surname] was appointed by me personally as hedgehog caretaker. Her activities consist of cleaning cages, feeding, and the important task of pampering them with affection and love." Heartslabyul's dorm head explained, "We do play croquet frequently, and many 1st years don't treat our animals superb. Not to mention, it is said the Queen of Hearts herself would pamper her hedgehog just like [Surname] is doing… Admirable, don’t you think?"
"Are we clear now?" Slate grey eyes looked sternly at his dormmate.
Defeated, the boy accepted. "Yes, dorm leader Rosehearts."
"Go help Cater and Trey with rose duty." Riddle dismissed the boy.
On his way out, a certain troublesome 1st year made an indirect comment.
"That's why you get informed before complaining about things~" Ace teased.
Deuce smacked his friend on the back of the head, "Shut it, we committed the same mistake when we first saw [Name] baby talking the hedgehogs."
"H-Hey! There was no need to reveal that!"
Full cafeteria, the worst scenario ever. Not to mention both [Name] and Grim were starving.
So, when she saw an opportunity to get in line for the (oddly) short line for [fav. food], she did. However…
“What the fuck’s up with you?! Just because you’re a girl ya think ya get special treatment, dumbass?!” Some random rude student said.
Oh, bad move, idiot.
All [Name] had to do was throw an icy glare their way and turn away slowly for the boy to tremble in his socks.
Human and Grim picked their full and finally headed to any empty spot available, which resulted in them sitting with the Savanaclaw students, who watched the scene unfold.
“[Name]-san, that’s some temper you’ve got-” Ruggie began talking, but was immediately silenced by the same icy stare.
“To hell with that, I am hungry and ready to destroy the world, so better keep your mouth shut to see your future.” The girl grumbled, taking the first bite of her precious meal.
Three pairs of ears flattened in shock, looking at one another to agree on what they experienced right now.
“Wait a second…” Ruggie thought, breath hitching after receiving such cold glare.
Jack kept a watchful eye as he drank his water, strange warmth crawled up his face. “That was…”
Leona, for once, looked awake enough. Green eyes with a tinge of respect reflected in them, teasing smile slowly developing on his face. “Seems like the herbivore has some fight in her… Nice, very nice…”
“That was… very attractive…” The trio gulped down whatever they were eating, before averting their gaze elsewhere to hide the blush. Except Leona, he chuckled silently before looking down at his plate to recover from the little display of power from her part.
Meanwhile, the otherworldly student and cat monster shared a confused look. “Weirdos… Do they enjoy seeing me eat? Yeah, not sitting down with them again.” [Name] decided.
"Not again…" [Name] grumbled between teeth. Just as she thought she was out and away from the whole Octavinelle trio, these two come again for her.
"Let's go, koebi-chan! Azul wasn’t done talking with you~” Floyd grabbed onto her arm and tugged.
“You two never know when to stop, or do you?” Grim swiped at Floyd’s hand as best he could from the girl’s shoulder.
Then came the chuckle she hated most, that instantly ignited that fight or flight instinct in her. “Please, Floyd is simply stating the truth. Azul is adamant in speaking to [Surname]-san, it’s only expected of her to allow him some time. After all, he was so gracious to lend his help when she most needed.” Jade linked his arm with her free on and began walking.
“Oi! Get your hands off me! I’ve heard enough from Azul! I’ve declined the offer more than enough times for it to get through his head!” The [hair color] stood her ground as much she could, but the two towering eels still dragged her to their destination.
Floyd laughed, “Little shrimp fighting for her life when she’s already lost~” He shot Jade a look and his twin immediately knew what he wanted to do. They lifted her from the ground and began swaying side to side.
“What the hell?! Let me down, let me go! I’ve had enough of you! We’ve helped Azul more than enough already!” [Name] and Grim were left to flair and yell more protests while the twins chuckled and laughed at their predicament.
Eventually, they arrived at Octavinelle and the two-halves-of-a-whole students were plopped down onto the couch inside Azul’s V.I.P. office. The tweels left them with those sinister pointy teethed smiles of theirs, sending chills down the duo’s spines.
“Now now, [Name]-san, Grim-san, do keep your voice down. I’ve got a deal much better than our last offer. Hear me out, now would you?” Azul spoke, suave and sleazy as ever.
“No, cut it out already! Just accept I won’t-!” Her complaints were interrupted by the octomer’s firm statement.
“One meal!” After noticing he had their attention, the dorm leader continued, “One free meal for the two of you each day, along with some Madol… All for [Name]-san’s intimidation services and Grim-san cleaning dishes.”
“Make it TWO meals and it’s a deal!” Grim quickfired.
“NO! No, no!” The [color] eyed refuted. She leaned close to Ashengrotto over the desk, eyes narrow and eyebrows furrowed, “...Make it two free meals AND drinks daily, with a nice pay… and throw in some deluxe tuna cans from time to time…”
Grim perked up at that, eyes shifting from human to merman as they stared each other down to see who relented first.
Azul sighed, “Very well…” A gloved hand came forward, “Have we got a deal?”
[Eye color] looked into baby blue, before nodding and shaking his hand. “A deal it is, but” [Name] leaned even closer, right on the gray haired’s face, “Let it be known that just you fail once on giving the pay and it’s over, Ashengrotto.”
He snorted, “Oh, no need to worry about that, I always hold onto my end of the contract.” Taunting gaze mocked the [hair color], “The thing is, can you?”
“This damn Octavinelle people..!” [Name] felt fire light up her veins from anger and irritation at his words.
“Grim, look! We once more have a delicious cream cheese for you to enjoy with crackers!” The ever excitable Kalim exclaimed, reading a pair of crackers to feed Grim.
Before his hand could get any close to the scared cat’s face, [skin tone] hads grabbed his wrist to stop him. “Kalim, how many more times do I have to tell you?! Stop that!” An exasperated sigh followed her words. She let go of his arm.
Kalim (and pretty much all of Scarabia) looked at her. “No, not those big round cute ruby eyes…” The girl thought, feeling herself relent already. “Only for you… only for this ray of sunshine will I try to be less on the fence…”
[Name] cleared her throat, “W-Why don’t you… try asking Grim properly if he would like some first, instead of just shoving the food in his mouth!” An awkward giggle left her lips. “Was that better?! That did not sound better, at all! No!! It was harsh!” 
Silence carried on afterwards, making her feel even more awkward and nervous of her actions. There’s a first time for everything.
“She’s right on that. You understand, don’t you, Kalim?” Jamil broke the silence, turning everyone’s eyes to him now. “As host, you should offer your visits amenities correctly, not force them upon them.” The dark haired boy remained focused on his plate of curry while he informed his dormmate.
“Oh! Of course, of course!” The dorm leader snapped out of his zoning out, “Apologies! Grim, would you like to try the cream cheese?” Kalim recovered his pep, bringing close the plate of cheese and crackers to Grim.
“Ah… No, thank you…” The monster declined. ���However… I would like to try the dates you have over there.”
“Sure, no worries! Try as much food as you like! This banquet is for everyone to enjoy, after all!” Just like that, everyone’s spirits were lifted, and the party returned to its full swing.
From across the table, Jamil threw the [hair color] a smirk and a nod. She looked away with a faint blush on her cheeks.
“She dares show her face here, dressed like that?”
“And with a stinky, dirty raccoon hanging from her shoulder.”
“As always, these pretentious idiots…” [Name] tried to steel herself, taking deep breaths as she carried on towards the Pomefiore common room. Vil asked for her presence here for some idea he had in mind and wanted to carry on.
“Fuh-nyah, this place always smells like perfume… Has me sneezing all over, eugh.” Grim rubbed his nose to ease the itching.
The girl giggled lightly, petting her companion. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to the smell in a few seconds.”
“Ah, Trickster [Name], Monsieur Hirsute! Bienvenue à Pomefiore!” Rook welcomed them, as colorful as ever.
“[N-Name]? You’ve been… summoned here, as well?” Epel seemed surprised to see his friends here.
Vil stood up from the throne, “And just in time you’re both here. Could’ve done with a few extra minutes of head start, but at least you’re here and didn't arrive late.” The elegant 3rd year went over to explain his idea to the 1st years.
However, as the dorm head explained, the comments continued…
“Seriously, can’t she take the hint she’s not wanted here?”
“As a girl, she should know to take better care for herself.”
“Alright that’s it.” The Ramshackle prefect took a very deep breath and interrupted Vil, “Yeah, uh, apologies for cutting you off, but let me take care of some matters.” Turning around, the [color] haired looked over at the group that kept saying unasked opinions.
“Hey, you pompous people with deliriums of grandiose!” At the start of her screaming, Vil and Rook braced for the worse while Epel drew a very big smirk.
Everyone kept their dignified faces, sure that their dorm leader and vice head would have their backs.
“I dress bad? I don’t take care of my skin, nails, lips, hair? Grim isn’t always smelling nice?”
“Hey! What with that, [Name]?!”  “Shush, you…”
“Just because I’m a girl you dare assume what I should act like?!” She scoffed, “Well, let me see you survive in a world far different than your own, disoriented and with no means to go back, live on a tight budget along with your equally as disoriented monster friend, with the only clothes you own being very mistreated and old uniforms students left in a rundown dorm!”
Everyone looked at her and murmured.
One of the students spoke up, practically laughing at her face, “What? Want us to feel pity for you? Sounds to me like you’re not trying hard enough.”
Grim himself was ready to burn this scum to a crisp, but thankfully, someone else stepped in to defend their friends.
“Oh? Like you’ve clearly not been doing?” Vil glared at the boy harshly. “Don’t think just because you’re good looking you have an immediate pass to be a student of Pomefiore, of NRC. Your grades are lacking, and for someone in this dorm to be that terrible in alchemy is ruinous. Seriously, an F in potion making? You strive to be as resourceful and tenacious as the Beautiful Queen by not being able to brew even a simple potion?”
The mob cowered back, shocked at their dorm head speaking that way to them.
“Doesn’t feel good to have yer flaws n’ failures spoken of, eh?” Epel yelled from a few miles back. He could see Schoenheit stiffen at the use of his distinct accent, but the farmer boy could care less in this moment… and so did Vil.
Rook stepped over with a friendly smile, placing a hand on the student's shoulder and on Vil’s. “Please rest the case, lest we want our hearts and faces wrinkle up from anger and stress.” The hunter squeezed the boy’s shoulder, applying pressure on one of the nerves to get the message across. In case that was not enough, narrow green eyes spared him a side glance full of ill-intent, “Any more comments like that, and your heart will be carved out of your rib cage and go in a jewelry chest to display as a trophy.” Was his message.
“Y-Yes, Rook-senpai!” The mob immediately answered and made their way out to somewhere else.
The actor rubbed the bridge of his nose at the scene, “I apologize on behalf of my dorm, those types of comments are absolutely not tolerated, but there seem to be more potatoes to wrangle than what I imagined.” He sighed, “But anyways! Let us continue with our original plans. [Name], Grim, Epel, follow me. We shall start with having you all take a nice bath and do proper skincare...and furcare, I suppose.”
“Oh, I would very much like some hypermosturizing serums and a bathbomb or oils to help destress, please!” The [hair color] said.
Vil chuckled a bit, “After that, you need all the lavender oils in the water.”
“Wait, does that mean…?!” Epel became unsettled and looked at Grim.
The monster finished the lilac haired boy’s thought, “We’re gonna end up smelling like a potpourri or somethin’?!”
Rook came behind them, pushing them lightly forward to walk in the other two’s direction. “Come now, moniseurs! Bath time is a great time to spend relaxing and planning your activities for the day!” 
The rowdy duo only groaned at his words.
“Oh, [Name] [Surname]-san, that was an amazing play!” Ortho congratulated while spectating the game going on between you and his brother.
The girl chuckled, “Thanks, Ortho… Did that specifically to show your brother not to underestimate a magicless human’s abilities in games such as this.” Sizzling could be heard coming from the older Shroud as he silently fumed, but his flaming hair betrayed his silence.
“That’s right, get mad and lose your temper. It’ll be easier to defeat you like that… defeat you once more.” [Color] lips turned into a mocking smile. “Talk shit, get hit, bruh!”
Idia desperately played his following moves, a supposed combo to take you down considerably. “I don’t believe you’ll keep that smile in your face for long.”
She chuckled, ominously now, “Ohoho, I believe I will be keeping this smile… and victory with me~!” The 1st year kept laughing as she played her last strategy, leading to his defeat for the 6th? 10th? time today.
The dorm head took a deep breath before he could yell his frustration out, hair turning a shade of dull red, telling the other occupants of the room of his temper.
“How’s that for underestimating the skills of a human, Idia? Tired or eating your dirt yet or not? Told ya this would only lead to absolute defeat-!” Before [Surname] could boast some more, Idia stood up and dropped himself on his bed, back turned to them all.
The robot boy floated over to the enraged 3rd year. “Big brother? Your vitals are erratic, heartbeat is quick and body temperature is on the raise. Would you like some help relaxing?”
“I believe it’s better to let him be, Ortho.” The girl reassured. “Wanna play a game with me? See if you can beat me?” She suggested.
The android quickly cheered up, “I would love to!”
- Few minutes later -
[Color] eyes stared at victorious play.
5 times… It had only been 30 minutes and already 5 times… She was beaten by the younger Shroud 5 times already!
Ortho smiles at her (or at least she assumed, with him keeping his mouth coveron). “This is entertaining, [Name] [Surname]-san! Can we play one more time?” Those innocent yellow eyes looked up at her tired, irritated ones.
“I- uuuh… S-Sure, Ortho..!” A strained smile stretched her lips.
Idia sat down somewhere near, teasing pointy smile on his face now. “How does it feel, [Surname]?”
“Shut the hell up, Shroud, you’re no one to speak like that.” The girl whispered through gritted teeth.
Blah, blah, blah… chatter, chatter, chatter…Loud booming voice annoying everyone around.
“Alright, damn it all!” [Name] slammed her hand on the table. “For the love of all that's holy, shut the hell up, Sebek!!”
Everyone was stunned for a moment at the outburst, Silver jumped awake at the shouting.
Sebek looked at her with the most indignant look, “Excuse you?! That is something extremely rude to say! Even more so because you interrupted my conversation with the Young Master!”
“What do you even mean?! You interrupted my conversation with Malleus in an even more impolite way first!” She reminded her fellow 1st year.
Zigvolt scoffed, “Only because you don’t possibly have anything of interest to speak with Master Malleus.”
“Sebek I swear to god!”
“Silence, human! Stop pestering us!”
“You are the one doing the pestering here!”
And just like that, both students began bickering.
Silver looked at Lilia, “Don’t you think we should do something about this?”
The old fae sighed into his tea cup, placing it back down before taking a sip. “We absolutely must, Sebek’s voice was already inflicting a headache, now we have... that…” Red eyes looked at the brash underclassmen arguing.
Malleus, meanwhile, rubbed his temples at their antics.
“Children, stop it now or else-” Vanrouge noticed how his words were going unnoticed, so he decided to raise his voice some. “Children-” More shouting, silencing his call for attention.
“Children!” Lilia’s voice boomed around the room, along with the stomping of his heel on the stone floor. The surround sound effectively made the misbehaving students shut up.
“Thank you.” He said with a closed eyes smile, “Now, to settle your senseless screaming, why don’t we try asking Malleus himself what he believes happened, hm?” The bat suggested, turning to look into lime eyes to urge his master to speak up.
“Oh..! Hmm… Well… It is true Sebek interrupted the conversation I was having with the child of man,” [Name] looked at her friend with an I-told-you-so smile, “And I disagree with him, [Surname] was telling me very interesting things about her life and experiences in this Wonderland.” That made the girl stand even prouder.
“However,” The pistachio haired male looked at his superior with hope in his eyes, “I agree with his comment on how interrupting conversations the way [Surname] did is very rude.” Now it was his turn to boast a little. “But let’s not forget he interrupted us first, and therefore is rude himself.” Sebek deflated at that.
Lilia clapped his hands with a bright smile, “Problem solved! Now,” The fae looked at the tall 1st year, “Sebek, dear, [Name] is our guest today, treat her with respect. She is Malleus’ specially invited guest, let her spend her time occupying our leader’s time as she pleases. He invited her for that reason, after all.”
“U-Understood, Lilia-sama…” Zigvolt agreed against his will.
“Thank you, Lilia!” [Name] thanked at the same time Sebek spoke.
“Very well, let us enjoy our tea time in peace now.” Finally, the youthful soul sat down and picked up his cup to take a much needed sip of the amber liquid. “Young ones these days, I swear...”
NRC Staff
Shouting and yelling resounded around the meeting hall, leading Mozus to rub the bridge of his nose to try and ease the oncoming headache.
“Hello-!” Vargas was cut off.
“Not now, Professor Vargas, I need to knock some sense into this crow!” The 1st year yelled at the muscular P.E. teacher.
He sat down near Trein with a sigh, “They’re at it again this week?”
“Yes, they are…” The old man grunted.
“Been at it for 20 minutes now, can’t believe it.” Crewel tapped his finger on the wooden table in irritation, “Headmaster Crowley should already relent and give her more allowance if it means we can get our meetings done!”
“Absolutely not,” Trein disagreed, “[Surname] should learn to handle her finances better, budget things appropriately and spend the least on useless things.”
Crewel let out a single mocking laugh, “Really now? Have you heard what biweekly amount of money he gives her?! It’s not even enough to buy a steady supply of meals from the shop for a week!”
Soon enough, the two teachers joined their respective sides in the battle of Crowley vs. [Name], while Vargas watched with the most uncomfortable look.
And, after a good more minutes of shouting, the last call was given…
“You know what?! I’m done!!” The [color] haired girl made her way to the exit, “It’s always “Because I am so kind” blah blah blah! But you never do anything to help me!” She made a bad impression of the Director on purpose.
“It’s not only me in the dorm, it’s also Grim! And he’s a sizable cat, he needs to eat properly and plenty, too!” She turned around before leaving, “Seriously, Headmaster, I don’t know anymore how to scream at you that we need help! We’re sleeping on dirt every night, we’re breathing mold and dust everyday inside the rundown dorm! We need food and clothes and bedsheets and hygiene products!”
[Name] had to take a deep breath before saying her last words, “If you’re not going to help me search for a way back home, then… at least help me make that crumbling building feel like home…” With that, the heavy door shut close.
The young girl quickly made her way out of the building, trying her best to keep her emotions at bay and not let them overflow. Out of habit, or maybe it was her consciousness trying to search for comfort, her feet carried her to Mr.S’s Mystery Shop.
The simple ringing of the bell signaling a new customer already made her feel better.
“Welcome, little devil! What can I help you with today?” Sam greeted with his typical energy.
The [hair color] sighed in relief, making her way to the counter. “Hello, Sam.”
“Aaah, another fruitless fight with the Headmaster?” The shopkeep inquired, identifying that tired tone in her voice.
“Indeed…” She let head lay upon her crossed arms as the rest of her body leaned on the counter. “I ask myself why I even keep trying it, nothing will ever change…”
A shadow friend pat her head to try and comfort her.
“Because you’re perseverant and a fighter, and wish to have a school life as nice as the one your friends in established dorms live. It’s not an unjustified fight.” The mysterious clerk said, full confidence in his words.
“You believe so?” Curious [color] eyes looked at his moving figure.
“Of course! Everyone else has a nice room to sleep in, why shouldn’t you? Besides, the Headmaster decided to take you in, a responsibility he can’t ignore.” He placed a small mug in front of your head, “Go ahead, take a drink, it’ll help you in more ways than you can think of.”
Carefully unwinding from her position, a hand took the mug and brought it under her nose. One sniff and the girl could tell this was [fav. drink]. “Sam, I’m-! How did- How did you know this is my favorite?!” A pleasant surprise that brought a smile to her lips.
“You always buy it, guess you must really like it.” Magenta eyes watched as she took a sip, “Comfort food and drinks are perfect after an upsetting experience.”
[Name] threw him a tender smile, “Thank you, Sam. All you do for me and Grim is very appreciated… Don’t think I don’t notice those special discounts.”
All he did was wink at her as he turned to welcome a new customer.
Royal Sword Academy
Helping put up a stage was not an easy task. Could anyone really blame her for being so mad at everyone who got in her way after being overworked like that?
Who knows how many times she yelled at people to hurry up and move away from her path already.
And it just so happened a playful cat decided to scare the soul out of the 1st year at the worst moment, just as she was trying to take a short power nap.
“Found mew (pronounce it as m-you-w pls)!” A floating head and apparently dismembered arms appeared before [Name], hands falling on her shoulders.
She screamed bloody hell at the boy, “WHAT THE F-CK, CHE’NYA?!?!” A coughing fit followed due to the sudden loud yelp, “That was,” Cough, “My heart I just spat out!”
Meanwhile, the RSA student laughed his head off at the startled girl.
It irritated her, “And what do you think you’re doing laughing like that?! I could’ve tore a vocal cord or actually have a heart attack, you dumb cat!”
Oh… Never in his life had he been called that, at least not that he remembered.
They remained in silence for a while. 
Eventually, Alchemi giggled once more “Aha~, nice to see you’re mad too! Told nya it was the norm here~”
The [hair color] nodded in mock agreement, “Yeah, can finally see all of you are damn BONKERS!”
~°~  ~°~
This boy… what is his problem?! Suddenly approaching a stranger all smiles and good vibes? [Name] knew this was a twisted world, but this was plain creepy…
So, of course, the fight or flight instinct kicked off.
Yanking her hands out of his hold, [color] orbs sharpened to the meanest glare she could muster right then and there. “What do you think you’re doing? I am not a princess, and I definitely am not your princess! That’s way too creepy to tell someone you’ve just crossed eyes with.”
A multitude of gasps was heard. “Ah, that’s right, he has tiny friends with him…” [Name] could only inwardly sigh and groan.
Neige himself gasped too, what a rude person!
A little giggle was heard, “That’s exactly what I wanted to tell him.” Grant whispered, amused by the whole scene.
“Alright, okay, uh… Gotta go now. Pleasure, or not, to meet you. Goodbye.” The NRC student walked past the strange students. “And I thought there was nothing crazier than NRC… B O I   was I wrong…”
The dwarves looked at their stunned friend. 
Dominic tugged at his pant leg, “Neige, are you alright? Just let her be, I’m sure she reacted like that due to being cautious about strangers.”
“Yes, I’m fine…But,” Round chocolate eyes remained on her retreating form, “Nothing has ever stopped me from befriending even the grumpiest of people! Or has it, Grant?” The brunet smiled at his friend.
“I suppose not- Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?!” The redhead complained while the rest laughed merrily alongside LeBlanche.
-- -- --
HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY!!! What other way than to celebrate with LOOONG request including most, if not all, of the Twst characters!!
(P.S. OMG if you see shifting between fem pronouns, they/them pronouns and "you" stuff... PLEASE FORGIVE ME!! My brain got a bit confused in a part! Hopefully I corrected it all)
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hvniebee · 3 years
ty for the tag @alwayscherryy <3
ig i’ll tag @simmeasurable @cosmikclouds @morrigan-sims and my mind is blank now oops
nickname: only a few people know my name irl :’)
zodiac sign: sag sun, aqua moon, cancer rising (pls feel free to give opinions i love being judged off my big 3)
height: 5′3
last movie i watched: home
last thing i googled: ged requirements
favorite musician/artist/s: i hate this question. no <3
current song that is stuck in your head: the big bang theory theme song because it’s all i’ve been watching 24/7
other blogs: my cc finds @hvniefinds and my old blog lol
lucky number: idk if it’s lucky but my fav number is three
currently wearing: a friends hoodie (as in the show, i don’t have friends) and minecraft boxers
dream job: idk anymore tbh i need to get over my fear of failing so i can try new things and actually figure out what i wanna do. rn still thinking photography ig
dream trip: nyc (lame ik) & london
languages: just english, really wanna learn french and asl but i don’t have the energy rn
oceanside or the mountains: oceanside i loveeeee the sound of waves  
do you play any instruments: no but i’m hoping to get a keyboard for my bday this year, i’ve wanted one for a while
current favorite song: constellations by jade lemac & aint shit by doja cat
one random fact about yourself: ummm i suddenly know nothing about myself. i love dinosaurs
describe yourself as an aesthetic: idfk i’m just a mess & v lonely
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rainwolfheart · 3 years
i've been playing lovelink for a few days and i have reviews
Adam/Dominic - total sweetheart. lil basic but I am absolutely spending gems on him. 9/10
Aesha/Samantha - I wanted to like her but I can't deal with the cringe. and mc being so oblivious to game culture. also I am not into the sexy videogame outfits thing. 3/10
Albert/Jonathan - no thanks I don't respect the troops. might match with Albert if I'm desperate to farm gems. 1/10
Alex/Calum - too forward, wish there were more "cool your jets bro" options like there are with Blake/Keanu. also just doesn't feel realistic. "couldn't afford canvas so I painted on myself"??? you can buy canvas at the dollar store, it's good paint that's expensive. try harder. 3/10
Alice/Eve - matched with Eve before I reset and I want her back. didn't get far enough to really get to know her tho. 7/10
Ana/Milena/Ruby - I'm not into the "born sexy yesterday and you're the only human she knows" thing. I think she's super sweet and interesting and I want to help her, but I want her to make real friends and do stuff without mc! the obsession makes me uncomfortable. 3/10
Angel/Emmalyn - super sweet but I want to have nuanced animal rights/veganism conversations with her every time 😬 5/10
Antoine/Noah - one of the only pairs who's never come up! I want to match with Noah and get dog pictures. 5/10
Austin/Damien - ehh could take it or leave it. probably gonna match with Austin to farm gems. maybe I'll be surprised. 2/10
Blake/Keanu - kinda enjoying it. I matched with Blake first with a more femme mc in mind and I was kinda creeped out, but after I reset I matched with Keanu with a more masc mc and I'm into it. he's cuter. wish his pics were actually covered in ink tho?? he's got a sleeve and like 2 big pieces, he's not even the character with the most lmao. 5/10
Charlie/Jake/Zayn - ngl Charlie was one of the reasons I reset. I had already matched with Zayn but I found out Charlie is probably trans and I couldn't not. honestly not super into the storyline, as a theatre major who is a terrible actor, but I can live with it. 6/10
Clementine/Grace - matched with Grace before I reset, gonna go for Clementine tho. Grace has too many "sexy nerd halloween costume" vibes for me. Clementine has the same name as my cat but at least she's less cringe. 4/10
Cpt. Muffin - BEST MATCH. BRING HIM BACK. 11/10.
Dahlia/Rose - I think Dahlia is the most like someone I'd date irl she's too fucking cute. I have spent gems on every single option so far. I am buying an engagement ring and all the snacks as we speak. 10/10.
Daniel/Ryan - matched with Daniel before I reset and probs will again. kept rolling my eyes at his story tho. you can't just breach your NDAs to a random person on a dating app!! 4/10
Didier/Mamoru - waiting patiently for Mamoru.... 5/10
Dr. Vile - I'm a lil disappointed he greyed out so early. I'm having fun with the story but not sold yet. 6/10
Eveline/Jade - had Eveline before I reset and I want her back!!!! possibly my fave after Dahlia and Adam. also the kind of person I'd be into irl. 9/10
Garrett/Rory - pls match with me Garrett. 8/10
Hazel - ??? 4/10
Hugo/Marco - unpopular opinion but I really really dislike him. he's constantly flirting with someone behind Sally's back, I'd call that cheating, and yet you can never be upfront with him. I choose the friendliest options every time and yet he persists. 1/10
Jaden/Skylar - everyone's obsessed with Skylar and I haven't found him yet. curious to see what the hype is about. 5/10
Jamie/Seth - I've heard so little about these two. curious but only vaguely. 5/10
Jasmin/Kayla - pleasantly surprised by how much I like her? I feel like both their profiles don't reflect how they are in conversations at all. wish she and mc weren't such dumbasses tho. 5/10
Julien/William - match with me pls Julien. 6/10
Liam/Min-Jae - matched with Min-Jae briefly before I reset and I'm curious about his story, not sold yet. I'm not into kpop so it's interesting for mc to also be an outsider. 5/10
Michael/Sam - you are a child!!! I don't want to match with them tbh. 1/10
Nicholas - I like the concept but because mc keeps worrying he's pranking them, he sometimes reminds me of those people who are really into historical rp to the point where they pretend to not understand modern life. that da Vinci pic is hilarious. I wish you had the option to talk about being queer in the 18th century with him!! 6/10
Nick - ??? 4/10
Oliver/Stefan - no. 1/10
Raphael/Wyatt - Wyatt looks too much like Shaggy for me 😂 curious to talk to Raphael tho. 4/10
Sage/Vitoria - big titty goth gf. love her. she's not a werewolf yet in my game but I am waiting respectfully. also wish mc wasn't such an asshole after she ditches the first date. 8/10
Sheng/Tomas - idk enough. curious. 4/10
Theo - so mad I missed them. come back. be queer with me. 7/10
Tiros - as long as you don't think too much about how centaur sex works he is so much fun. sexy constantly shirtless man lost on a beach trying to reclaim his honour. sign me up. 6/10
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whitewallwhispers · 4 years
Little Lies
Narcos - Javier Peña - Series
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six - Part Seven - Part Eight - Part Nine
A young writer moves to Colombia to perform research on the drug war for her latest novel. She’s willing to do anything for information, which leads her down a rabbit hole that begins to blur the line between pretending to be someone and becoming something she might not be ready for.
Despite the best efforts of D.E.A. Peña, she finds herself out of her depth and everything is falling apart.
Warnings: Mentions of burns, gunshot wounds, blood, stitches, and scars. Mentions of oral sex (male receiving). Strong language (pretty much every expletive under the sun). Unprotected sex (wrap it up, folks)
My hope is that you can imagine this character as any race with any style of hair (as someone with short hair I get annoyed when every fic mentions long locks and ponytails).
Author’s Note: Here I am, back on my bullshit, telling you once more that these dirty-ass thoughts are about Javier Peña and Javier Peña alone. God BLESS Pedro’s acting abilities because I wanna fuck the socks off of nearly ever character he plays but IRL I just wanna give him a nice soft pat on the head. (No offense, bud)
Tag List (Open!): @fanfiction-trashpile | @sophster1881 | @theringostarfanclub | @thinemineours | @fatbottomedcurls | The OG: @courtneybgourtney​
Finally, she was bidding what she hoped would be her last client of the night goodbye. As soon as he was out of her room she all but sprinted to the upstairs bathroom to brush her teeth.
Another blowjob and massage - the only work she could really handle yet. It let her keep her robe on so that the clients wouldn’t see her grisly burns or bandages, and it didn’t put too much strain on the rest of her body. Just giving handjobs and blowjobs all day would be easy - if she wasn’t getting assigned every client who came asking for one.
Don’t complain, she reprimanded herself. It was kind of Giovanni to give her so much work. She was making good money, far better than she had been on her own, and she hadn’t even had to have sex yet. It’d been two weeks since Gio had agreed to let her live and work in the house. She was one of only three girls who lived there full-time. But even though the work so far wasn’t demanding, her body was still not at its best, and a full day left her completely exhausted.
With a sigh she pulled back the top sheet on her bed used for clients to make room for her to lay down on the clean, usable blankets beneath. She couldn’t truly go to bed. Only when Giovanni came to tell her she was done for the night would she be allowed to take off her makeup and get into her pajamas. So she stayed in her hand-me-down stockings and discount lingerie and fake silk robe, laying on top of her covers, ready for a cat nap.
Her eyes were shut. Her wounds weren’t hurting. By all means, she should’ve passed out immediately.
But something kept her awake.
Something seeping quietly through the structure of the house, something unsettling. 
There were the faint pounds of headboards against walls, the other girls crying out - she was used to that.
But now there was something else.
A voice, cutting through it all, a voice that sent shivers up her spine.
It couldn’t be Manuel. She’d killed him. She’d stabbed him, over and over, until he’d died. So why did it bring up bloodstained memories? What made every hair on her body stand on end? What made her feel like something bad was about to happen?
Ignore it. She’d been on edge ever since that night. She couldn’t trust her own instincts anymore. Everywhere she felt danger, and as of yet it hadn’t actually appeared. She tried to tune it out, tried to go to sleep, but it was useless. She waited five more minutes before giving up. Annoyed, she launched herself out of bed. After pulling the top sheet back in place she checked her hair and makeup in the mirror - a little mussed, but not bad. 
Then she was on her way downstairs and through the door that separated the public part of the house from the private spaces - the kitchen, Giovanni’s bedroom and office, and the bathroom that the girls used to shower before, between, or after sessions. Sofia and Jimena (though since they were working she was supposed to call them Estella and Jade) were there as well, grabbing a snack.
“Eve! How’s your night going?” Sofia asked, holding out a bag of chips as an offering. She shook her head.
“Not bad. Are there any clean glasses around?”
Jimena nodded and reached into the cupboard behind her to grab one.
“How about you two?”
“Pretty much the same,” Sofia said with a shrug. “Better than Lupe’s.” She and Jimena burst into a fit of giggles then. 
“What am I missing?” she asked as she poured herself a bit of red wine from one of the many bottles of booze that littered the counter.
“Her cousin came in earlier, he didn’t recognize her name and asked for her,” Jimena gossiped, “and of course Gio had no idea who he was so he approved it. Lupe opened the door for him and then immediately shut it in his face.”
“No!” she gasped, joining in their laughter.
“Estella, what time is it?” Giovanni stepped through the door from the main house, tapping his watch.
“Oh, shit, sorry,” Sofia jumped up immediately, tossing her chips onto the counter.
“Wash your hands first,” Giovanni sighed. “Jade, go help Aspasia in the sitting room. She’s currently stuck with two fighting over her, get one of them to pick you.”
“Right,” Jimena nodded and followed Sofia from the room.
“Eve, you’re probably done for now, but stay awake just in case. We’re completely booked tonight, and if I have no one to spare, you’ll have to do a lot more than just hand work. Just keep your robe on as long as possible and turn the lights off so they can’t see your bandages”
She nodded, and with that Giovanni turned to go to his office, pulling out a stack of cash from inside his well-cut cream jacket that he began to count quietly under his breath. With a sigh she finished the rest of the wine in her glass and placed it in the sink. Then her eyes fell on the half empty bottle on the counter.
Well, if I can’t go to sleep…
She might as well find something else to do. She scooped it up and took a swig straight from the bottle as she pushed through the door back to the main part of the house. Giovanni hadn’t been exaggerating - the establishment was full to bursting, and very loud. The music was covering up most of the noise, but that just meant it was cranked all the way up. She could feel the railing of the stairs rattle as she shuffled up the steps, trying to go easy on her hip.
Sofia and the man who’d booked her squeezed by in the small hallway, bumping into her on their way to Sofia’s room.
Maybe that’s why she didn’t see him first.
Her fingers had just wrapped around her own door handle when a voice made her jump.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
She whipped her head around and was shocked to see Javier coming out of Isabella’s room, still buttoning his shirt, his hair sweaty and mussed.
Shit. Since when did he start coming to this brothel? When she’d interviewed the girls some of them knew about him from other places they’d worked, but he’d never come to this establishment.
Until now.
Of course.
She couldn’t even think of what to do for several seconds. She just stood there, blinking, watching the way his chest rose and fell, still out of breath from where he’d been and what he’d been doing moments ago.
Seeing him like this hurt.
Seeing him right after he got done fucking someone else hurt. 
Far more than she’d ever thought it could. 
Far more than the bullets embedded in her body.
Then she moved without even thinking about it. Instinctually, her body just wanted her to get away from him and start trying to numb the shattering ache in her chest. So she looked away and walked into her room without saying anything. But before she could turn to lock it, Javier was pushing the door open, slamming it shut behind him and enveloping them in soft shadows, the only light coming from the streetlamps outside.
“Don’t walk away from me. I’ve been so fucking worried about you. When you didn’t call I asked at the hospital but they said you’d already been discharged. I went to your apartment but your landlady said you’d left without explanation.” He began moving towards her, so she stepped back, retreating from him until the back of her legs hit her mattress. She hurriedly put the wine on her nightstand before responding.
“I’m sorry, Javi,” she stammered.
“What are you doing here?” He kept coming, unbearably close, giving her no space to think or breathe or collect herself. She could smell Isabella’s perfume on him and it made her feel sick.
“Trying to earn enough to go home.”
“Please tell me you’re not working here.”
She said nothing. Instead she sat down and gripped the edge of her mattress, looking at the floor. 
“No. You can’t be doing this yet.”
“No? What do you mean, no?” She owed him everything, but that didn’t mean he got to tell her what she could and couldn’t do. Now she was angry, and it gave her enough resolve to look at him. He’d never seemed more intimidating than he did now, looming over her, his face and eyes visibly furious even in the darkness. “I don’t have a choice. Other members of the cartel knew where I lived, they came and took everything.”
“No, that was me and Steve,” Javier sighed. “That’s why I wanted you to call me when you got discharged. All of your stuff is waiting for you at a safehouse.”
That didn’t help. If anything, it made her feel worse. 
“Javi, stop.”
“Stop what?” He sounded exasperated. 
“I can’t do this anymore, I can’t let you do this.”
“Do what?” 
“I owe you too much. And I’ll never be able to pay you back for it, ever. You can’t keep doing these things for me. You need to cut me off. For fuck’s sake, you saved my life. You’ve done enough. More than enough.”
He scoffed, shaking his head.
“Why is it always like this with you? If I didn’t want to help you, I wouldn’t. I don’t want anything from you. I see you as someone in a bad situation, a situation I can help. I mean - my entire life for the past fucking decade has been about trying to do something good and always falling short. Do you know what that’s like? Do you know how awful that is, to constantly fail? To see good people, people I consider friends, die in the name of a cause we can’t seem to set right? Just let me have one thing I can do that actually makes a fucking difference.”
“I’m not worth it.”
She wasn’t. She was just someone who bit off more than she could chew. She was naive. She put herself in a situation way out of her depth and made all the wrong choices. They were her mistakes. She had to deal with the consequences. It wasn’t fair to let someone else bail her out. Not even her parents, and certainly not Javier. 
“You don’t get to make that judgement for me.” He sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose as if she’d given him a headache. Then he went to the nightstand and turned on the lamp before taking a draw from the bottle of wine. “Show me.”
“Show you what?” 
“Your wounds. How are they healing?”
Now there was something she really didn’t want to do. They were ugly, made her ugly, and she couldn’t bear the thought of looking so disgusting in front of him, not when he’d just been with someone else, especially someone as beautiful as Isabella.
“They’re fine,” she mumbled. 
“Show me.”
She didn’t want to, but his expression frightened her. He looked upset and angry and sad and guilty all at once, and while she couldn’t fathom why he’d be feeling anything more than annoyance with her, she didn’t have the energy to fight him on it. 
So she stood and began to fumble with the ribbon holding her robe together. Her hands were shaking.
Why the fuck are my hands shaking?
Javier stepped over to her then, his fingers taking over in untying it. Then he gently ran his hands up along the edges of the cloth, carefully slipping under the collar and pushing the fabric down. It fell off her shoulders to the floor with a quiet noise that sounded like a whisper.
She suddenly felt silly standing there in front of him in her cheap black lace. The edges of her burns peeked out beneath the gauze that she’d secured to her shoulder and hip, and all she wanted to do was grab her robe and put it back on, kick him out of her room, and down the rest of the wine in one fell swoop.
That was, until he took her face in his hands, tilting her chin up so she was looking him in the eyes.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Javier murmured.
She could see the faint imprint of lipstick on his neck and the sheen of sweat that remained on his chest and it made her heart wince again. He took his hands from her face and turned his attention back to her wounds, peeling the gauze back carefully. His brows furrowed as he took in the messy sight before him. 
The burns had turned a grisly yellow, crackling lines of black and red rimming the edges. A short line of four stitches cut through the center of each burn, the edges raised and puckered. 
“Jesus,” he gasped quietly. “How long did it take to get the bullets out?”
She shook her head. “They didn’t. Said they were too close to veins and arteries, that moving them would just make things worse.”
“So they’re still inside you?”
“Mmhmm,” she nodded. His fingers traced across her shoulder and hip, staying far enough away from the wounds to not hurt, but enough to send goosebumps all across her body. Javier’s eyes studied her intensely. It made her pulse quicken. 
“Did they say whether or not we fucked it up with the cauterization? You didn’t get an infection, right?”
“They said I probably would’ve bled out otherwise. And no, they put me on antibiotics right away.”
Javier nodded and placed the gauze back over her wounds, gently securing the medical tape to her skin.
“Javi, I literally owe you my life,” she began, but he was already shaking his head.
“You don’t owe me anything. Don’t insult me by suggesting I wouldn’t do whatever I could to save you in that situation.” 
She was suddenly aware of how close they were standing. Of how close his face had gotten to hers. After finishing with her shoulder his fingertips hovered above her bandage for a moment before trailing down her arms, then to her waist, grazing along the top of her garter belt.
Neither of them said anything. Together they watched Javier’s hands, bodies drawn so close they were almost resting their foreheads against each other. His fingers made their way down to the tops of her thighs and back again, occasionally gripping her flesh as he began to run his palms up and down her body. 
Her left hand wound itself up across his shoulders and into his hair, her breath hitching in her throat. Javier dipped his head to rest against hers.
“I don’t know why I can’t help myself,” he whispered, pulling her closer to him. She whimpered slightly as her hip grazed his thigh. “I shouldn’t be doing this. Tell me to stop.”
“I don’t want you to.”
His palms ran over her breasts then, his breathing growing heavier as he circled his thumbs around her nipples through the thin fabric of her sheer bralette. The faintest of moans escaped her. It’d been so long since she’d enjoyed being touched, since her body wanted to get closer to someone, since she was drawn to touch someone in return. 
Her hands moved of their own accord, fingers latching onto his belt and working to undo it.
“We shouldn’t, not here,” he groaned, but he didn’t try to stop her either. “Not now.”
But she had already unzipped his jeans, reaching in to pull out his half-hard cock.
She tried her best to forget that he had just been inside Isabella as she began to stroke it, her thumb circling his tip each time her hand moved up it.
And then he was pushing her back up against the mattress and laying her down, his lips crashing against hers as he reached around her panties and plunged two fingers into her without hesitation. She gasped at his unexpected escalation, her tongue running along his bottom lip before kissing him in earnest.
“I’ve been so worried about you,” he whispered, pulling away to pepper her cheek and neck with kisses as he pumped his fingers in and out of her faster. “I thought I might not ever see you again.” He nipped at her throat. “I thought the worst might’ve happened.”
She continued to stroke him until his member was fully stiff and hot in her hand. He pulled his fingers out of her and took over, guiding his tip to rub against her from core to clit and back again. Then he sunk into her, moaning into the crook of her neck as his hands came to grip her ribs, fingers digging into her flesh as he thrust inside her. One hand hooked itself under her right knee and pushed her leg towards her chest to give him clearance to enter her all the way.
While her right shoulder prevented her from reaching up with both, she took his face in her left hand and ran her thumb over his jaw and cheek.
“I want you, Javi,” she moaned. “But I also want to stay away.” He took her hand from his face and interlaced their fingers before pushing her wrist into the mattress so hard it made her gasp. “But I don’t think I can anymore.”
“Good. Don’t you dare ever disappear on me again.”
He kissed her as slowly as he moved in and out of her, gentle and simmering with desperation and need.
It was different, this time.
Everything felt different.
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ec-makes-stuff · 4 years
‘What was your last dream about.’ 
Bro you’re asking someone with memory loss uhhhh the last one that I can actually remember was really wack. The only reason I remember it, was that I drew the characters. (I don’t have time to get their sketches atm)
So it was in 3rd person, like I was watching a TV show and everything was STYLED like rottmnt (that right, I have dreams in STYLES). It was in a futuristic world that also had magic and monsters, think akira mixed with dark magic aesthetic type thing. The main character (???) was this robot that looked similar to a young kid, like Mettaton but ramp up the robotic traits. Super shy and just wants to be nice, and was an abandoned government project to create a super soldier ai (although there was a different reason this was shut down besides the failed versions). In this, he lives in a sort of slum/garbage heap part of town, like Wall-e. There, through some high-jinks like a cat stealing his plant or smth idk, he ends up getting captured and taken to an underground battle arena. During the chase, we meet skeleton monster (who used to be an old OC of mine in like 7th grade, never thought I’d see him again). 
His name is Xen, a 29 y/o skeleton monster that wants to live his life out in piece, but due to his (ever so slightly criminal) history and kind heart, he ends up in all sorts of danger. He’s seen what the battle arena has done to creatures and even experienced it himself, but right now, he’s just trying to get his arms back from some local kids that stole them as a prank. He’s kindly helped but a kid with psychic abilities, despite being human and having no evidence of a magical upbringing or past. 
The kid is named Cam, who is surprisingly jaded for a 10-11 y/o. They’re on their way to the battle arena, one of the champions there. Xen decides to follow this kid and when he finds out about what Cam is about to do, he’s like ‘whoa whoa little buddy what the hell are you doing????’ ‘Uh surviving.’ ‘dsfgas WHAT’ 
Xen tries to convince Cam not to fight, but they’re just like ‘fuck you’ and levitates him onto a flagpole. 
Now, what happened to our robot boy? Well, right now, he’s nervously waiting to fight, cradling his plant close to him. He meets another fighter, a ghost monster that’s in a position that’s in between fighter and umpire, Cam’s partner in group combat. They bond a little bit and suddenly, robot boy, which we learn is called Version 37 from the conversation, is about to battle! 
And against who??? Cam, of course! Cam tries to battle Version 37 to the best of thier ability, but 37 is skilled at dodging and while the ai was a fail (being too friendly), the mechanics aren’t and are magically enhanced to ensure that magic AND psychic powers have little effect. 
Cam is furious and decides to get their partner, the ghost (don’t got a name for them), to go in and mess around with the hardware. They do and when 37 is incapable of moving, Cam notices that this robot isn’t just an ai, they have developed a soul, a mind of their own by themself. So, Cam takes a little peek in this mind to taunt 37 before crushing him. Inside, they find a small kitchen as the mindscape, the shelves crowded with herbs, plants and various spices. There’s a cake in the oven and 37 is in a fixed up form of himself. He sees Cam as a friend and invites them for tea and cake, they talk and Cam decides in the end to spare them. (Time moves differently in the mind, so this took about 3 seconds irl)
Cam tries to declare it a tie, but our lovely announcer has other plans. Enter Varnish aka Version 43, the ai that killed every single scientist, developer, engineer, anyone that was in the building when he was finalized, for fun. He then went on to start profiting off of this bloodlust by starting, participating and running the underground battle arena. He decides that the built in security system should be tried out and joins in on the fun. Xen manages to jump into the ring and
then I woke up. My dreams are wild man. 
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gentlebcnes · 4 years
name of your favorite muse: god, i love all my muses, i always hate these questions. buttt, if i had to pick, canon wise it’d be magnus only because he’s the longest active muse i’ve written and it’s really easy for me to write him because of that. oc wise, it’s avery because he was the first oc i’ve ever made so i always have a soft spot for him tbh
name of your meanest muse(s):  definitely jade, because she’s purposefully mean. she’s mean because she likes to be, because it makes her feel better.
name of your nicest muse(s): probably most of my ocs, like trixie, kelly, and avery. they’re my softest beans tbh.
name of your most troubled muse: honestly....a majority of my muses are trouble one way or another, whether it’s actually in their canon or just me giving all my muses the most tragic backstories my mind can think of smh. but? the top one? maybe kelly or winnie, only because they go through a major part of their canon struggling with their trauma and trying to move past it.
character you have the most muse for atm: mostly my spooky muses or my jatp muses as they’re my most recent additions, and my newer ocs.
two of your muses that would never get along: cha hyeon and nova, i think. mostly because cha hyeon has very high morals and doesn’t do anything bad or wrong unless it’s absolutely necessary and even then, she struggles with it. so i think with nova because a serial killer, and just killing people, no matter what reasons, i don’t think cha hyeon could ever understand it. with her dad? yeah, maybe. but other people? no, i don’t think she could see the reasoning for it.
two of your muses that could be best friends: kelly and trixie would be so cute !! but also i could see trixie and jade having the kind of relationship that jade and cat do. reggie and lia? they’d be cute too tbh. and the suwannarat siblings and my jatp kids. honestly, there’s a lot of possibilities for my muses getting along and i could see it.
two of your muses that would make a cute couple:  kai and nereida could be cute. i feel like kelly could work well with a number of my muses, same with trixie.
two of your muses that are most similar: momiji and trixie, they both have that bubbly personalities that try to mask the pain that their families bring them and are just literal bundles of sunshine.
name of the muse you’d be best friends with irl:  maybe charlie or the suwannarat siblings, owen, and surprisingly aladdin or john ambrose. probably more tho tbh.
name of the muse you’d probably hate irl: tbh, i feel like it’d be momiji. he’d just be too bubbly for me to be able to hand or be around all the time.
TAGGED BY : @notjustthegoodguys
TAGGING : @heartsechoed / @betterdcyz / @pcachlovc / @dreams-of-fate / @heartsunholy / @enchantedorigins / @knewstars / @alwaysxtrying / @damagecompiilation && anyone else who wants to do this tbh !!
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jade-mod · 4 years
sure haven’t done one of these in a bit, so I’ll indulge... tagged by @themarvelhorse (almost a month ago, shhhhh... been a bit hard to keep on top of things).  As usual won’t tag anyone but if ya wanna do it go ahead!
Name: Jade’s what I go by here, though been trying out Ellen irl and enjoying that!  (Been using it in games previously for quite some time)
Hogwarts House: Havenplawf
Sexuality: Demisexual lesbian
Dog or Cat: Yes.  Though I suppose if I haaad to pick, cat fits with my lifestyle better.  (I’m allergic but that aint stop me).   Would feel guilty about leaving a dog home while I’m at work.
Dream Job: Do Not Want.  Though I suppose being an orchestra violist or composer/sountrack composer would be pretty cool. Or board game designer? Current “realistic” goal is accountant.  As long as I don’t have to do restaurant work or retail again I’ll be fairly content.
Favorite Animal: whaaaat can’t pick just oooone.... Penguins, Owls, (raptors, birds in general really....) cephalopods, llamas&alpacas, turtles... animals are just cool ok
Blog Creation: September 2015?!?  is that a long time ago or not what is time.  Had a featureless account just for asking questions a little earlier that year probably?  Modblog didn’t appear until January 2017.  Astral Arc April 2017, Altan Mor September 2017 (guess that was a productive year??  Updates petered out across the board over the next year)
Reason for URL:  Jade...mod.  The mod for Terracotta Jade. Still not 100% sure what mod stands for, (moderator?), just know its for distinguishing between the characters/story and the creator I guess?  Trying to remember the idea behind Jade’s name, unsure if it was based off of her color scheme or the other way around.  Her original design was from a forum-based tabletop rpg though, and her concept was completely different- she was a thief who made earthen soldiers to do her bidding!
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