#jason being dragged kicking and screaming towards realizations about his family?
mckinlily · 2 years
I kinda really want a de-aged au where Jason “No More Dead Robins” Todd has to deal with all his brothers when they were first joining the Bat/Wayne family and has to try (and consistently fail) to keep them from becoming Robin. 
Like there’s some random magic user who casts a spell for [hand wave plot necessitated reason here] and Jason is just chillin doing his Red Hood thing, but when the spell starts to take affect, Bruce is off world on some League mission so Jason ends up having to handle it all on his own.
First to show up is Dick. Or rather, tiny, grieving, baby Dick. Jason’s first surprise is that baby!Dick isn’t the cheerful, happy, carefree kid Jason always assumed he had to be. No, tiny Dick is angry. He’s bitter and snappish and hell bent on finding—and killing—his parents’ murderer. At first Jason is selfishly pleased to find out Golden Boy wasn’t quite so golden after all and encourages getting vengeance, take that, Bruce! This only lasts like a day, though, because Jason realizes, feelings about the One Rule and his personal moral code aside, encouraging a nine year old to kill is seriously messed up. 
So Jason’s next step his to take Dick back to his second favorite safe house and tell him to stay put while he tracks down whatever/whoever did this to Nightwing and fix it. 
This plan hits a snag because guess what tiny, nine year old Dick does not do? Tiny Dick does not believe Jason when he says he’s his brother from the future. Tiny Dick doesn’t care if he is in the future. He’s still going to find his parents’ killer and end him. Some guy with a weird helmet isn’t going to stop him. Jason discovers this when he runs across tiny Dick leaping between buildings in Crime Alley while on patrol.
Jason drags him back to the safe house and locks all the doors and windows. He runs across tiny Dick again three blocks later. He returns Dick to the safe house. Dick is out again in less than an hour. How is this possible?! Jason is Bat and League trained, he knows how to secure a location, how can he not contain ONE (1) small circus child?!?!!
And yet. Dick keeps escaping. He has tentatively accepted that he isn’t in his time and his parents’ murderer isn’t around at this time for him to confront. But this has only led him to the conclusion that he needs to help Jason fix this so he can go back to him own time and get his revenge. No, Jason cannot stop him.
(Really. Jason can not stop him. Jason is starting to wonder if the creation of Robin was much less Batman taking on a child solider as his partner and much more a desperate attempt to keep eyes on an insane child escape artist.)
Then baby Tim shows up.
Baby Tim has noticed that Batman has not been around and that Jason seems to be acting in his stead. Baby Tim has concerns. Baby Tim’s solution to this is to confront Jason—the six foot two jacked man with guns as baby Tim helpfully (accusingly) points out—and demand to know his relationship with Batman. Jason is so flabbergasted, he spends twenty minutes splutter-shouting at Tim about self-preservation and acceptable risk and ends up bundling up the kid in blankets in the spare room and ordering him to take a nap. And then locks himself in his own room to scream to himself about eleven year olds who sneak into Crime Alley to confront crime lords with guns.
Jason also maybe tells (demands) baby Tim to never, ever become Robin when he wakes up (and goes straight for the coffee. Good to know some things never change). Tim seems a little baffled, eyes going wide at the suggestion that he could be Robin and oh, whoops, Jason just accidentally gave him ideas, didn’t he? Luckily, Tim listens and agrees to home.
(Or at least, so Jason believes.)
Meanwhile, Dick has gone off on his own again. He not going to wait on adults to get back to his own time. And Jason left his notes open on his computer anyway. Jason is only sort-maybe-totally panicking by the time he tracks own his older-turned-much-younger brother in the worst part of Gotham. How did a tiny child get so far on his own?!
Finally acknowledging that he won’t outclass his stupid golden older brother even when he’s nine years old, the ass, can’t he let Jason have this one thing?!, Jason talks Dick into sticking with him to solve the issue. Jason tells himself it’s because he can be persuasive and charming when he wants to be. He’s pretty sure it’s actually because tiny Dick doesn’t trust him to share relevant information if he isn’t right there with him. Whatever. At this point, if it keeps the tiny terror in his sight, he’ll take it.
Jason does insist on getting Dick decent gear if he’s going to follow Red Hood through the streets Gotham (How did Jason get to this point?! He can’t be becoming Bruce. He REFUSES. He blames this angry gremlin child—who just smiled at him and it was like seeing the sun for the first time after winter, and what the hell is wrong with him?!?). Jason figures they’ll drop by the Batcave and snag one of Damien’s first costumes. Jason finds out where the original Robin name came from. There are tears. Jason will not admit they weren’t just Dick’s
(Oh, is that was Nightwing threw such a fit when Jason first put on the Robin suit? Jason thinks he owes him an apology or two for the grudge he’s held over that. Also Bruce deserves a good punch to the face.)
Eventually the tears are temporarily on hold, but Dick refuses to wear any of Damien or even Tim’s old suits. Jason gives in and tries to get him to at least wear darker colors. Dick refuses. Jason tries to get him to wear pants. Dick still refuses. Jason doesn’t understand how he’s losing an argument with a nine year old, but he is. Badly.
(Somewhere, Bruce is laughing at him, Jason just knows it. He owes Batman so many punches.)
So now Red Hood is somewhat desperately tracking down the rogue spell caster with a brightly colored shadow that is alternating between impish laughter and moods so dark it worries Jason. He really needs to get his big brother back. He’s patting himself on the back for at least keeping Tim out of this…
When he finds out Tim’s version of “don’t become Robin” is to follow them around as a civilian with nothing but a camera. He hasn’t changed clothes since Jason last saw him and his questions about where he’s been are disturbingly evasive. Jason abruptly remembers that eleven year old Tim didn’t live at the Manor yet and with the status of Drake Manor now—Jason’s questions become more desperate. Tim’s answers become more worryingly evasive. 
Ok, so now Jason two reckless, de-aged baby brothers to keep track of. This time, it only take five instances of Tim climbing out a window (he swears baby Dick is giving him hints, the dick) for Jason to throw the kid into a bulletproof suit (at least this one agrees to pants) and dragging him along with them. 
By the time Damien arrives, (even more) bitty and murderous, Jason throws the towel in. Somehow Dickface transformed the murder gremlin into a semi-functional human being by making him Robin, so Jason shoves a suit at him, makes up some bullshit about “right of passage” and “earning a place next to Batman”, and lays down the rules of being Robin. Namely, no killing. Jason doesn’t know how he became the one enforcing the No Killing rule but 1) He really doesn’t want to deal with getting stabbed by the Demon Brat and 2) They’re…kids. And no, Jason isn’t changing his moral code. Some people need to die, and he stands by that. But… But he doesn’t want kids doing the killing. Taking a life is heavy, and he doesn’t want his brothers to have to carry that. Not now. 
…Maybe not even ever.
(Is that what Batman and Nightwing—? No. Nope. Shutting that down. Not examining that.)
 Good news is that Damien does follow the no kill rule, and there are not attempted murder attempts. Damnit, Dickface was right, baby-baby Damien does bleed a need for acceptance in the most stabby and murderous way possible. Underneath the snobbery and death glares, he is desperately trying to meet all Jason’s expectations. Doesn’t mean he isn’t still an incredibly difficult kid. 
And while Jason has the sense, or at least self-preservation instincts, not to try to keep this on in the house (by this point, he’s grudgingly moved to staying at the Manor and begged Alfred’s assistance and home-cooked food), Red Hood is still out in the field with three baby Robins. Damien is certainly most trained and best equipped of the three and, theoretically, in least amount a danger. But he also keeps diving into conflict, sometimes in fights that Jason hadn’t even intended to be involved with, out of some combination of pride and misguided belief that leaping into outnumbered fights will lead to a closer chance to meet his dad.
(And the reasoning behind that doesn’t make Jason sad. It doesn’t.)
Jason lasts maybe two days before he’s breaking out the emergency communication and calling Bruce to come home and manage his Robins. Jason’s message left on the Justice League servers are 90% swear words and death threats and he probably landed himself back on some sort of watch list again, but he needs to make sure Bruce drops the damn mission and comes home right now.
(Jason doesn’t know it and wouldn’t believe it if he did, but Bruce would come home if Jason asked for help with a paper cut. It’s his son and Jason. Coming to him. For help. For all his faults and mistakes with Jason, all Bruce ever wanted was to help his son.)
Bruce zetas home immediately, and Jason has the satisfaction of seeing Bruce isn’t actually all that more effective at keeping his actively insane brother out of the field either. Bruce does have experience with his sons at this age though and, though he can’t keep them from Robin-ing, is at least better at getting through to them in other ways at these ages than Jason. He, with the help Alfred (it’s mostly Alfred, tbh), manage to wrangle the tinies enough that Batman and Red Hood can make a break for it to take down the rogue magic user. 
(Bruce may have pulled in a LOT of League resources to find them. For the sake of his second son’s clearly-frazzled sanity.)
Once everyone is back to normal, Jason maybe nearly cries when adult!Dick immediately jumps in to mediate whatever argument/fight that Tim and Damien promptly starts up. He definitely embarrasses himself by hugging his older brother when he’s back to his cheerful, adult self. “We are never talking about this, Dickface. Never.”
Dick is too busy cooing over Jason being “such a good big brother!” to listen. Jason shoves him at the Demon Brat because he is DONE with being responsible for crazy preteens and Dick deserves it after the hell baby him put him through for the last week and change. Tim makes a beeline for the Batcomputer, already rambling about all the cases he dropped while he was inadvertently transformed into his younger self, clearly entering a hyper fixation fugue state and Jason will have yank him out of it in—
Wait. No. That’s Bruce’s problem now. Jason is not getting involved.
(Keep telling yourself that, says a voice in his head that sounds annoyingly like Dick. Jason kindly tells it to fuck off.)
Bruce is hovering in that “I want to talk to you about something but would also rather have all the bones violently ripped from my body than express that with words” way, and normally Jason would rather remove his molars with a crowbar (yeah, that crowbar) than be alone with Bruce when he gets like that. But after over a week of being responsible for increasingly insane baby Robins, Bruce’s company is honestly the most preferable and isn’t that sad.
But then Bruce opens his mouth like he’s actually going to say something, possibly something infuriating like “thank you for looking out for your brothers” and Jason can’t have that, so he starts yelling. It starts something like "What were you thinking making kids Robin?!” and “How couldn’t you stop them?!” and “WERE THEY ALL THIS INSANE!?!!”
The answer is yes, yes, they were. Bruce is only slightly amused by Jason’s reaction to what has been, for nearly twenty years now, his daily life.
After Jason has yelled most his stress out and been assured, yes, this is just the normal response to children, what the hell, Bruce says something like, “it was the same with you.”
Jason’s death glare would be more effective if he didn’t pull it out every time he talked to Bruce. As it is, Bruce is remarkably unaffected. And even goes on to add, “Robin was how I convinced you to stay.”
And Jason would love to deny it, yell at Bruce and remain blind, but he’s exhausted and drained and just completed a crash course in yeah, kids are really fucking hard, actually. 
And thing is…he remembers. He remembers being a street kid suddenly taken in by Batman. He remembers being scared and cold and hungry and having no understanding of what kindness meant. No comprehension of the idea of someone who would simply want to help. For nothing in return. Being Robin—it gave him a reason. A purpose and job to tell, to tell himself he was earning his keep, to keep his mind from jumping to other, so much worse uses for a young boy. 
It does fix everything. Jason isn’t magically slotted perfect back into the family. He’s still mad at Bruce for a whole laundry list of things. But for the first time… maybe putting kids in costumes to fight crime still was an irresponsible, crazy, stupid thing to do. But it wasn’t like Jason was able to do any better.
Turns out his brothers are just really fucking insane, actually.
Guess that’s what made them family.
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shesclearlya3 · 4 years
Class Fight (p.3)
pairing: teen!dandy mott x teen!reader
word count: 3,559
warnings: language, jealous dandy, slightly au!dandy, all characters are 18
part 1 part 2
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You led Dandy into your bedroom, gently clicking the door shut as to not alert your mother. She trusted you, but the motherly instincts couldn't be helped when it came to safety with boys. Dandy glanced around your room, having not been up here since you were in elementary school. He noticed you still had the teddy bear he gifted you in fifth grade when you fell and scraped your knee so severely it required stitches.
You wasted no time, turning around as he took a seat on your bed, "I need an explanation from you!" you said, giving him a glare as he smirked at you. "Dandy, why are you causing fights with my friends?"
"You two really are friends, then?" he asked, very pleased with your answer. "I don't see us coming to an agreement with what I have to say."
You crossed your arms, your glare worsening as Dandy just smirked at you. You tried not to be distracted by the fact he was starting to grow into his looks, and you were beginning to notice. "That's not fair."
"Of course it isn't, but neither is life, y/n." he shrugged. "I don't regret what I did. I never liked Jason, we're rivals by default."
You frowned, "What are you talking about?"
Dandy stared at you, wiping his hands on his clean pants. "You don't remember the story? The Deans and the Motts were business partners before we were born. Jason's father stole ideas and were selling them someplace else. Ended up losing the lawsuit after my father found out. Not long after, your grandfather helped grow our business, and eventually yours."
Of course, how could you forget such an essential detail in your family history? It was only ingrained in you since birth. Despite the temporary setback, the Deans found their fortune in cars. Frozen foods weren't their strong suit, it seemed.
"Jason isn't his father," you defended him, coming to take a seat next to Dandy. "That's not fair to him."
"And I'm not my father," Dandy countered. "I go way back with Jason, y/n. Neither of us ever liked each other, and not for reasons due to our parents. He's a stuck up, spoiled brat."
You thought it was funny that Dandy, of all people, could call another person a spoiled brat. You knew he changed plenty since you were kids, but he was always the one kid in the entire grade who had a tantrum once a day in each class.
"It's not fair to me!" you said, springing back up. "I don't pretend to like everybody, Dandy. However, I don't want my relationships to suffer because two of my friends hate each other. If Jason had ulterior motives I have yet to see them!"
Dandy laughed loudly, and you found yourself with the same unamused expression as before. He didn't falter at your glare, instead grinning widely and standing up, easily towering over you.
"y/n, I don't talk to a lot of people. You know that." he approached you, and you stood your ground, feeling your legs become jelly at his close proximity. "And because of it I hear everything that is said in that school. If I wasn't concerned about you, I would have punched the shit out of him just for the shoes he was wearing yesterday."
"What about what I want?" you questioned, causing him to arch an eyebrow. "I never said I was interested in him. If he thinks something is going to come out of this, he's wrong."
Dandy nodded, smiling at you. You felt chills run down your spine as his eyes twinkled with curiosity. "I like your attitude. You always knew how to take care of yourself."
You nodded slowly, swallowing the saliva pooling in your mouth. "I guess you taught me a thing or two growing up."
The silence between you was deafening. You noticed Dandy's jawline was more pronounced than you remembered. Dandy realized your lips were fuller than before.
"y/n, I want you to promise me that you'll come to me if you change your mind." he said, and you could hear the genuine concern in his voice. "I don't trust him, but I trust you."
You nodded; however, any thought of Jason was pushed to the back of your mind.
Dandy smirked at you and took a few steps backward. "I'm afraid I have to go."
You blinked, realizing that he had you where he wanted you. You glared at him as he headed to your door before turning to look at you.
"You're still not going?" he asked, a rather smug look upon his face as he wiggled an eyebrow at you.
Before you could answer, Dandy walked out your door. You heard him descend the staircase, with a farewell to your mother, then the front door shut.
You sat on your bed, hand clutched to your chest as you silently begged for your heart to stop beating so fast. Your mother had appeared in your doorway after a few minutes, and she was grinning ear to ear.
"y/n, you still have time to make the dance." she gave you a knowing look before leaving.
You stared at yourself in the mirror across the room. You did have a few dresses with the tags still on them that would pass nicely as a formal gown.
"He wants me to go," you muttered to yourself. Dandy had been dressed nicely, but he always was. He was also soaking wet.
"But Jason might be upset.. But I'm mad at him too," you groaned, plopping down on your back. "What do I do?"
"You get the hell up and stop moping around!" you screamed, kicking your legs as Winter posed in the doorway, grinning at your reaction.
"Why are you here!?" you stood up, still panting from the scare.
"I started feeling better yesterday. Oh yeah, your mother called me and said you were having a crisis. So here I be!" she walked in the rest of the way, pulling a suitcase behind her.
"What is that?" you asked, your voice stern as she knelt on the floor, unzipping the bag. It was filled with makeup, professional kits like you were about to appear on television.
"Your plans canceled, so you're coming with me. I never got a date and with Zoe having a date, I'm not being the third wheel."
You watched her set up and realized this is why you were friends. Partying was okay on some occasions. You rarely went to school dances, to begin with. This was your Senior year. How often in the future would you get the chance to just let loose for a night?
"Okay." you shrugged, and Winter gave you a knowing smirk.
You were excited until you arrived at the school in Winter's car.
The rain had since stopped, and she dragged you to the entrance of the school as couple upon couple poured into the double doors. You were nervous now, knowing that both Dandy and Jason were probably already inside. You weren't supposed to come tonight.
"y/n! It's fine, babe," Winter said, holding your hand as you finally kept pace with her brisk walking. "We'll have a good time."
"It's not really us I'm worried about," you replied, and Winter had a look on her face that told you she already knew what happened. Your mother.
"If it helps Jason is supposed to have a date tonight. Which means he's not your problem right now."
"It's so embarrassing.. Everyone knows about the fight, and people won't stop staring!" you said, glaring at a group of Junior girls who were watching you from a corner. They quickly diverted their eyes, and Winter scoffed as she pulled you into the gymnasium.
It was decorated nicely, a live band already taking stage as kids piled in and found empty seats, many running over to the food to get first dibs. Kyle and Zoe have yet to arrive.
You found a table, sitting down and taking a quick glance around. Your heart stopped when you saw Jason arrive with his arm looped with Madison Montgomery, the most popular girl in your grade.. and the entire school. They fit together almost too well.
"You weren't kidding," you commented to Winter, who shrugged.
"I know my gossip, y/n," she said.
It wasn't long before Kyle and Zoe joined you. Zoe was ecstatic at the sight of you, pulling you into a hug and whispering that she was happy you decided to come. It made you feel good.
You had sat back down, pulling a ballot from the small pile on the table. You completely forgot about Homecoming King and Queen nominations.
Jason Dean
Kyle Spencer
Matthew Nylund
Dandy Mott
You paused, glancing across the room to see Jason staring directly at you. You immediately looked away, reading the girls' list.
Madison Montgomery
Zoe Benson
Natascha Langdon
Violet Harmon
You pushed the ballot aside, already knowing who you were voting for. You were relieved your name wasn't on the list. It was funny; Dandy and Jason always seemed to be selected for nomination. As far as you knew, Jason won once.
Winter nudged your arm, and you looked at her with an arched brow. She nodded towards the dance floor where Zoe and Kyle were dancing and asked if you wanted to join her.
"In a bit," you replied. Winter smiled, nodding in understanding before standing up and pushing her chair in.
You avoided making eye contact with Jason, who was also dancing with Madison. Everyone already seemed to be having a good time. You were just observing, debating on if you truly wanted to be here or not. It seemed like a good idea at first, but now you remembered why you always felt so out of place.
You jumped when someone pulled out Winter's chair, and you breathed a sigh when Dandy sat down, already smirking as you glared at him.
"You did decide to show up," he commented, a rather accomplished look on his face.
"I wouldn't look too excited. Winter came over and convinced me to go." you said, only lying a tiny bit. Dandy picked up your forgotten ballot, his eyes reading over the names before setting it down. His eyes were sparkling, but you were positive it wasn't from seeing his own name.
"Who are you voting for?" he asked casually, also looking around the packed gymnasium, also looking very out of place. There was just something about the Mott family genes that stood out from everyone else.
"I think Zoe and Kyle deserve to win together," you shrugged, and you saw Dandy's lips twitching. "You voting for yourself?"
Dandy shrugged, a smile now touching his lips. "I haven't decided yet. I've never asked to be Homecoming King."
You chuckled, seeing Winter talking to a boy you didn't recognize. Zoe and Kyle were getting something to drink as the band started to play a slow song.
Dandy watched you quietly, his eyes flickering from Jason Dean to your face. He stood up, watching you look at him with interest and almost longing for him not to leave your side.
"Would you dance with me?" Dandy asked, holding his hand out to you.
You didn't hesitate to take it, almost embarrassingly so. Dandy didn't smirk or make a sarcastic comment. Instead, you walked hand-and-hand to the floor, turning to face each other as Dandy placed a hand on your waist. It brought back memories of you being children, both of your mothers having enrolled you in dancing lessons. You were never paired with Dandy, which he would have appreciated a lot more. He was forced to dance with the girls who could never get it right, causing him to throw a fit and claim he was the best dancer in the whole world.
The thought made you smile, shaking your head as Dandy watched you, wondering what was on your mind. You looked as beautiful as he had ever seen you, and you've always been attractive.
You were unaware that the kids were staring at you, some of them whispering the latest gossip, while others were either jealous or unwilling to admit they thought you two looked cute together. Zoe and Winter were giggling, sucking down their fruit punch with Kyle.
Jason had taken a seat next to Matthew while Madison went to the bathroom for a touch-up. Matthew was smirking, eating a plate full of cookies, while Jason did his best not to stare at you.
"I thought she wasn't coming?" Matthew teased him, sticking an entire cookie in his mouth.
"She wasn't," Jason responded sourly, crossing his arms.
"It sounds to me you've been rejected," Matthew grinned.
"y/n wouldn't lie," Jason said defensively, "Her plans were probably just canceled. It's fine, I'm thinking of asking Madison out."
Matthew rolled his eyes, knowing perfectly well he was jealous as fuck.
Dandy enjoyed having you in his arms, and you felt the same. You laid your head on his chest, and you completely forgot all the dancing couples and people around you. There was a safety that came with being around him that you couldn't exactly pinpoint why that was.
The song had ended, and you unwillingly pulled away from Dandy's warming embrace. The band immediately jumped into a fast-paced song. He wasn't pleased about this, but he was quick to pull you out of the way when a mob of screaming girls nearly stormed the stage.
"Y/N!" You gasped when Winter ran and gave you a hug, giggling wildly in your ear. "Watch out, someone spiked the punch- BYE!"
You stumbled over your feet as the boy with a rather interesting mustache whisked her away, both giggling hysterically as Dandy helped you keep your balance.
"Your friend is interesting." Dandy commented, a slight smile on his lips. He'd tolerate anyone you truly cared about.
"Yes she is," you sighed, finding yourself intertwining your fingers with Dandy. He kept his cool, wanting to give Jason Dean a middle finger to the face.
You had both eaten and got some punch, talking and ultimately enjoying yourself. You were thrilled you decided to come now, feeling like you weren't going to be alone the rest of the night. You danced with Zoe, while Kyle sat awkwardly at the table with Dandy for a break. Zoe whispered in your ear that Winter will be gone for the rest of the night before you both giggled.
In the middle of Jailhouse Rock, Principal Harmon grabbed the microphone, causing the boy band to lose their rhythm and many kids to boo.
"Alright, alright, its time to collect the ballots for King and Queen! Five minutes to get to your tables, complete the ballots, and then the Senior Student Committee will come around to collect them."
You followed Zoe back to the table, taking your seat as Dandy was folding his ballot. He handed you the pencil, and you almost hesitated as you filled it out. A part of you did want to vote for Dandy, but who would you pair him with? Madison Montgomery has tried digging her nails into him many times. Zoe would be a good fit, but she deserved to win with Kyle. Natascha openly despised him, and Violet probably hated that she was even nominated. Her disposition wasn't exactly sunny.
You ended up voting for Zoe and Kyle like you originally intended. Dandy peeked over your shoulder and seemed pleased with your nomination.
The ballots were quickly collected, and it took another fifteen minutes to accurately count them. The band hadn't returned to the stage. There was a lot of chattering about who voted for who.
You hadn't been paying attention to the table directly behind you. The girls who had been staring at you when you had arrived had been talking about you and Dandy. Dandy was listening, his hands clenching at the awful things they were saying about you. He was doing his best to not cause a scene on your behalf. It was bad enough he and Jason both had bruising that was a constant reminder to the students what already happened.
All the nominees had to go stand on the stage. Zoe looked uncomfortable, but you gave her a reassuring smile, which seemed to ease her mind. Winter sat next to you, and you gave her a questioning look. She only grinned and waved you off. Dandy stood next to Jason, both boys beat up but as handsome as ever.
Principal Harmon announced Madison as the Queen. She gushed while he placed the crown on her head, and the elderly receptionist placed a bouquet of roses in her arms. She beamed at the crowd, waving as if she were pure royalty. You and Winter clapped unenthusiastically, but you knew deep down Zoe wouldn't take it too hard.
"And for the King," Mr. Harmon said, opening the envelope. The silence was awkward, and you could feel the tension in the air. "Oh no-"
Mr. Harmon glanced around, his eyes settling on the student committee kids who only shrugged, nodding their approval.
"Well it seems we have a tie," he continued, scratching his head. "Dandy Mott and Jason Dean."
There was a ripple of laughter and disbelief as students yelled for a recount. Dandy was smirking, but Jason didn't look the least bit amused. Madison was pouting.
".. This has never happened in my twenty years of being principal," he said awkwardly into the mic. "Where do we go from here?"
"I back out," Dandy announced proudly.
"Oh! That was easy!" said Mr. Harmon, "In that case, I present to you, King Jason Dean!"
The crowd roared as he placed the crown on Jason's head. He smiled sheepishly, briefly meeting your eyes as Dandy and the others walked off the stage. Zoe and Kyle hugged, both smiling in good humor. Dandy sat beside you as Jason and Madison started their dance to Frankie Valli.
"That was kind of you," you whispered to Dandy.
"It's nothing, I could care less about winning."
Dandy put his arm around the back of your chair until their dance was over. They took a few pictures before the band returned back to the stage, promising a few more slow dances to all the couples before the night was over.
Winter gasped when Jason approached your table; Madison running to her friends and fawning over her flowers and tiara. He ignored Dandy entirely, focusing only on you.
"Could I have a word?" he asked kindly, offering his hand to you.
You nodded, feeling Dandy tense by your side. You placed your hand on his leg under the table in reassurance before taking Jason's hand, following him to the dance floor. You realized at that moment that you knew where your heart belonged.
"I was surprised to see you tonight," Jason said, bringing you in close.
"My plans didn't work out. Winter talked me into coming." you laughed nervously, and he smiled at you.
"I'm happy you came, we don't have many of these left, you know," he chuckled.
"I'm happy I came too," you replied before looking at him. "I'm sorry about everything."
Jason frowned, raising his eyebrows as he spun you around. "Why are you sorry?"
You shrugged, "I've known Dandy my entire life. He's very protective of me and I wish you two never got into that fight." You made your point by glancing around at the few people trying to catch glimpses of you.
"It's not your fault, y/n," Jason said in disapproval, "It was a misunderstanding, Matthew isn't the sharpest tool in the shed and doesn't think things through when he speaks. Mott just heard the worst of his ignorance."
"Well, I think it's safe to say it won't be happening again," you said, watching as Madison came back from the hallway, pouting at the sight of you. "I think Madison really likes you."
Jason glanced back, a smile on his face. "Is it too much to admit now I really like you too?"
You smiled shyly, "That's very sweet of you."
Jason nodded, "I think it's clear who you really like, and he's very lucky," he said, now watching as Dandy stared at the pair of you.
"Yeah.." you agreed, almost liking the jealous looks being thrown your way. "I hope we could still be friends."
Jason was pleased to hear that, and he promised to call you sometime after the song ended. You watched as he walked to Madison, whose eyes lit up at the sight of him. You quickly walked back to your table, pulling up Dandy, who was surprised by your urgency.
"Did he say something?" his nostrils flared, looking as if he was about to murder someone.
"Nope," you said before cupping his cheeks and pulling him down to meet your height. You kissed him deeply, and you heard Winter say, "Holy shit!" while Zoe squealed with her mouth full of cake.
Dandy pulled away, his hands on your waist as he blinked in surprise. You grinned, pulling him towards the doors as the group of girls watched you with their mouths hanging open.
"Sorry for your loss!" you chirped at them, smiling sweetly as Dandy followed you in a daze.
School drama just does not change.
taglist: @daisychainsinknots​
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redhoodieone · 4 years
Too Late to Apologize Part 2
A/N: Part 2!!!!
Warnings: Language, Fluff, Oral Sex on girl, and a tiny bit of Smut.
I didn’t know what to expect when Jason grabbed my hand and literally dragged me all the way to his penthouse in Gotham. Of course, it wasn’t what I expected at all. It was my first time actually being there and I was quite surprised with how low key and comfortable it was.
While Dick requested a lot of help from Bruce’s female interior designers to give his penthouse a lavish and rich look in dark blue, white, and even black colors. His staircase is made with glass to match the humongous wide windows, and he has several pieces of modern furniture that no one is allowed to sleep on. He has historic and expensive art pieces on walls, bright lights hanging down to give a warm glow, and even a statue of the beautiful goddess Aphrodite.
Dick’s apartment is impressive, I admit. But something about Jason’s penthouse feels cozy and mellow.
After Jason locks his front door, I’m given a little more time to investigate his place. All his walls are painted black, and he does have a lot of windows that match Dick’s that show him the view of dark Gotham. Jason’s home decor may seem basic, but I can see he’s quite happy with just what he needs: two red couches and two leather recliner seats that are made for home theaters, a huge flatscreen TV with surround sound, a big toasty fireplace, and a tasteful long white fur rug in front of the TV and fireplace.
While Dick’s penthouse may have a lot of pictures and pricey artifacts on the walls and tables, it seems like Jason mainly focused to decorate his kitchen and dining room more. Jason’s dining room consists of a very big white dining room table and what catches my eyes are the many pictures of his family and friends that are on the wall in the same room.
His kitchen is EXACTLY what I would want. While he does have high class kitchen appliances, I totally envy his huge restaurant style ice cream machine and theater-like popcorn machine.
I hear Jason turn on his fireplace. I make my way back to the living room and see he’s already kicked off his boots. He looks up at me almost shyly. “Do you like my place?”
“Yeah. I really like your ice cream and popcorn machines,” I say.
“I know this place isn’t exactly...cool like Dick’s. I...I don’t really have any expensive taste. I’m nothing like him.”
I frown at him when he takes a seat on his couch. He keeps his eyes down and fiddles around with his hands in his lap. I take off his leather jacket and move to sit close to him.
“I’m actually...relieved you’re nothing like him. If you were, I don’t think I would even be here,” I say softly.
Jason finally looks into my eyes and appears confused. “What do you even like about me?” he whispers.
“I really like how you’re always yourself. You may try to come off as tough and bad, but deep down, you really come through for people you care about. You always put others first, and from what I hear from your family, you always try so hard to be good, and you may think that’s not enough, but the fact that you keep trying makes you more than good in the first place,” I confess.
Jason’s green eyes shine with unshed tears.
I unconsciously look down to his lips and lick my own. I’m still staring at his mouth. “And the fact that you don’t have to show off everything you are or what you have is wonderful. I mean...you’re a true badass Jason. But being here in your home, with you, just proves that you’re a serious, intimate guy, and maybe that’s the kind of guy I really need in my life,” I whisper breathlessly.
I can feel my breathing pick up. Jason’s eyes dart to my lips and back to my eyes. I can smell his delicious cologne and I shamelessly move closer to him. And from the looks of it, he doesn’t seem to mind it.
“You can kiss me,” I whisper, before I realize I’m putting myself out there. “If you want.”
When it looks like Jason might be having second thoughts or is just hesitating, I immediately fear the worst. My heart sinks down to my stomach, and I’m afraid I’m going to puke or ugly cry in his home.
Jason leans closer to me instead. Our lips are close enough to touch if he or I leans in more.
“Are you sure?” Jason whispers.
“I’m sure that I’ll die if you don’t,” I admit.
And on that note, Jason slams his lips against mine; like a starving man who needs to fill himself. I kiss back as much as I can, but it’s clear from the get go that Jason leads and takes charge, which is something I’m definitely okay with.
I open my mouth teasingly; hoping to get a rise out of the sexiest man who’s kissing me as if he’s the one who’s going to die. I quickly close my lips tightly, but Jason growls against my mouth, and uses one of his large hands to hold my jaw still. He pushes his tongue inside my mouth, and we each take turns tasting and learning every little thing we each like.
Like how Jason loves having his bottom lip being bitten and nibbled on.
Like how I enjoy his hands all over my face and body.
Suddenly, he takes charge again and pulls back from my sore wet mouth. His lips move to my jawline and neck, where he peppers kisses, licks, and sucks my flesh; leaving me love bites I’ll be adoring in the morning.
Jason reluctantly pulls back again and I can see the lust in his hazy eyes. “Get naked and lie down on the rug, sweetheart. I’m going to show your sweet pussy all the love it deserves,” he says breathlessly.
I waste no time. I scramble off the couch and rip off my t-shirt. After I remove my shoes, socks, jeans and panties, I realize I never even wore a bra. I glance up at Jason and am shocked to see he’s already naked and stroking his hard cock.
“Like what you see?” Jason smirks.
I’m frozen. I know my mouth is hanging open, and I must be drooling. I want to taste him so much.
“Lie down doll, or you won’t be getting a taste afterwords.”
I force myself to get on the rug and lie down on my back. I take a peek down at my pussy and am relieved I shaved a day ago. Even if Dick never went down on me, I only groomed myself to be comfortable.
Jason drops down to his knees and pushes open my thighs as if he’s opening his Christmas present. His eyes leave mine, and his gaze travels down from my tits to my pussy. I can hear him groan quietly, he licks his lips as he stares down hungrily at my pussy.
“Fuck sweetheart, you’re so wet. You look good enough to eat,” Jason says roughly. He catches my eyes and leans down to closer to my pussy. “Holy shit, you even smell good enough to eat.”
I can feel myself blushing like crazy right now.
“Keep your eyes on me, Y/N. I want to see you fucking cum so hard in my mouth,” Jason commands.
I push myself up on my elbows. While we keep eye contact, Jason smiles and I watch his tongue lick from my opening to my clit. I gasp breathlessly, as he smirks and uses his fingers to open me wider. He slips a finger inside me.
“Oh my God...Jason,” I moan.
Jason adds another finger inside. He pushes them in and out fast. The squelching sounds from my wetness makes my cheeks burn in embarrassment.
“Don’t be embarrassed, sweetheart. I fucking love how wet you sound. That just means when I fuck you, I’ll be able to fuck you as hard and deep as you want.”
Jason’s words turn me on more and I’m forced to grip the rug with both hands just to hold me steady.
I look back down at him and see that he’s ready to up his game. No more little touches. No more teasing. It’s on.
Jason’s tongue flicks my clit harder. Now with three fingers inside me, he fucks me harder and faster. He curls his fingers and expertly hits my g-spot every time. Jason quickly licks my clit side to side and sucks it gently and then puts a little more pressure against it. Jason moans against me; the vibrations send shockwaves throughout my body. It’s like Jason is actually turned on and is getting off himself while he’s getting me off.
“Oh my fuck!!! J-Jay! I’m gonna cum! I need to cum, please!” I beg loudly. The stimulation from my g-spot and his mouth licking and sucking my pussy with everything he has is driving me to the edge.
But I just need that one last push.
“Go ahead, sweetheart. I want your cum. Fucking cum, now,” Jason demands.
He continues to finger me hard. He sucks my clit one last time and I gush hard into his mouth.
“JAY!!!! Oh-fuck!!!!” I scream in ecstasy.
My pussy tightens around his fingers. I whine in between gasps. My body jerks and Jason actually has to hold my thighs apart so I don’t crush his head and break his neck or something.
Jason licks my clit again and I squirm in his grip. I’m far too sensitive now.
“Oh my God...that was...that was soo fucking good,” I whisper breathlessly.
“Yeah it was! You fucking squirted all over me, doll,” Jason chuckles.
I turn my head to the side and blush hard.
“Aw, sweetheart. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about that. That was really fucking hot,” Jason says and moves up so he’s on top of me. I can feel his big hard cock below my stomach. “And besides, I haven’t actually made a girl do that before.”
I turn my face towards his. “Really?”
“Mmhmm. A lot of girls aren’t patient about it. But you...you actually let me take my time and focus on you,” he says and kisses me. I can taste myself on his tongue but it doesn’t actually bother me. “And now that I’ve tasted you and know that you can do that, I can’t wait to get you to do it again.”
I slowly grin up at him just as Jason moves a hand between us to guide his cock near my pussy.
“You ready for the big finale, doll?”
I smirk. “Show me what you can do, Todd.”
Jason smiles, and he shoves his cock inside my pussy.
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lovecinnatwist · 3 years
Please tell me that Dick leaves Kara, that he and Jason get happily together.
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It feels like it’s been 100 years but here's another chapter! 
The Cost of Freedom Chapter III
Warnings: Includes Omegaverse, Cheating and Angst
She didn't show up. 
Even after she told him she would, she still didn't show up. 
Dick's body aches and hurts in a way that makes his insides twist. His thighs are damp and sticky with sweat and slick, the emptiness between his legs echoes in his chest. The first thing he feels after bitter disappointment is rage. 
She lied to him. 
He can't stand being in the nest for another moment. It smells too much like Kara, her sunny fragrance clings to his skin like an absent lover. It makes him sick. In his fury, he rips the entire thing apart. He pulls everything that's her's out of the nest. The blankets, the pillows, the fabrics- he wants none of it. 
He tears everything of hers out with a stinging sense of justice. He flings it all as far away as he can. He can't stand to look at a single reminder of the alpha. 
His frustration doesn't ease, even after he gets rid of every trace of her from the nest. Dick's glad for the plastic cover over the mattress. Like this, he doesn't have to worry about her scent sticking to it. It satisfies him but only for a moment. Soon his eyes snap to the closet.
Rage turns out to be an excellent motivator. 
He feels intense pleasure in ridding the bedroom of everything that's hers. Things she's bought him, her clothing, her scent. He pushes it all out into the hall. Then with a brush and bucket, scrubs the place down. He does the window sills, the grout, every place where she could possibly live. It helps, but barely. There are traces of her everywhere.
It takes him the entire day to chase her out. He moves the bed from the centre of the room to up against the wall. It's a safe position and this way he can sleep with his face to the door. It leaves a big space in the middle of the room. One that he readily knows how to fill.
Once he makes up his mind, he starts moving Kal's things into the master bedroom. The crib is the first thing he gets. He arranges it right next to the bed, where he can readily get to it during the night. Then, he gets the baby's clothing and places it in the dresser where Kara's once were. It works out perfectly. Then from there, it's easy to drag in the rocking chair and make his den cosier. 
He dumps his alpha's belongings in the nursery. Unable to will himself to at least fold her clothing or put them into the dresser. She doesn't deserve his aid or his kindness. In fact, a voice inside his head whispers that he should burn it all. 
He narrows his eyes and for a moment, considers it. 
'You’ll eat those words, and it won’t be me who feeds them to you.'
Jason's voice rings in his ears and cuts through the haze of rage.
He thinks of the alpha for the first time in days. Jason had never been hesitant. Not with him or their relationship. With a cocky, confident smile, the other alpha made him feel special. To him, Dick's something irreplaceable. A treasure to be cherished and cared for with the utmost diligence. During the entirety of their affair, Jason never stood him up, never lied to him, and never disappointed him. 
Jason loved him. 
Dick's heart flutters at the thought. 
Unlike Kara, Jason didn't need him. The alpha saw him and chose him. That fact alone fills him with awe. Butterflies flutter in his stomach.
" I fucked up. "
The sudden urge to see Jason strikes him like lightning. He needs to apologize. He needs to tell Jason that he had been right about everything. He wants to run out of the apartment and find the alpha immediately. It wouldn't be hard. He would probably be at Big Al's, or maybe down at the Red Hood Motorcycle club. 
His keys are on the kitchen table, he could grab them, get on his bike then ride out and never look back. He bites his lip and starts towards the kitchen. Nothing but him and Jason on the open road. Kicking ass and taking names just like in the good old days. 
His keys are just insight when something makes him lose his footing. Dick curses as he stumbles to catch himself. He grips the wall, looking around for whatever almost made him twist his ankle.
All he finds is one of Kal's baby blue socks. He reaches down to pick it up. It must have fallen off when Lois came to pick him up a few days ago. He chuckles. They were almost too small for him now. Soon it would be time to get new ones.
Something wet rolls down his cheek. 
Dick reaches up, his fingertips come back damp. He lets out a shaky breath that becomes a sob. 
Like a cup ready to overflow, one tear breaks the damn. There's no way to stop himself. The sudden well of emotions makes him shake. He picks up the soft smell of milk and baby powder from the small scrap of fabric. It makes his heart clench.
He never thought that he would become a parent. Kids weren't a thing in a freescape. There's found family of course, but settling down? Absolutely unheard of. Even in his daydreams, he never let himself want it. Now that he's had it though. He doesn't ever want to let it go.
Jason might love him in all the ways he wants, but Kal loves him in ways he never knew he needs. 
Hot tears fall with fervency, the sting of saltwater makes his eyesight blurry. It never did matter if Kara came or not did it? After all, no matter how their relationship fell apart, he would always stay.  
He would never leave.
It's that thought that teeters the last of his composure. He cracks. Fat tears spill down his face until he can taste them in his mouth. He can't keep himself from weeping. 
He cries for his baby, his sweet Kal who he never wants to be apart from. He cries for the loveless relationship he's caught in and will never leave. He cries until every vulnerable part of him is bare, and there's nothing left but soundless screams. 
Then he screams at who he's become, who he's let himself be. He hates everything, but more than that he hates himself.
He's so busy wallowing in his own sorrow that he doesn't hear the soft click of the door. Not until it's too late. Kara's sunshiny aroma presses against him. It's nowhere near as bright as it usually is. While typically Kara can light up a room, right now she seems just as small as Dick feels. Teary blue eyes stare at teary blue eyes. 
" Are you leaving?"
The question hangs between them so heavily, Dick feels like he can reach out and touch it. His throat feels raw. He can't bring himself to move from where he's standing. He feels weak. Like he's lost all the strength in his body. He's burnt himself out on rage, and all that remains now is defeat. 
" No- No, I'm not. "
He doesn't want her to see him like this. He doesn't want to look weak. He's quickly starting to learn, however, that wanting things doesn't mean you'll get them. He hates the relief he sees in her expression. He hates that he can smell it in her scent. His heart clenches, and the words fall out before he can stop them.
" I'm having an affair. "
Kara grows deathly still. Dick's pulse picks up as he watches for her response. She doesn't say anything for what feels like an eternity. He can't read her body language. He expects her to be hurt, disappointed or maybe even furious. Instead, all he gets is a small broken smile.
" I know. "
The words cut through him. The alpha looks at the floor, seeming to be searching for what to say next. Dick can't bring himself to look away. His mouth feels dry at her admission. Of course, she knew, she had super senses. This thing between him and Jason had been going on for months. How did he really think he had hidden it from her?
Kara flexes her fingers several times. She looks just as beaten as Dick feels. Guilt twists in his stomach and makes him feel sick. He wants to run away from her. He doesn't want to face the truth.
Kara peers up at him, and it becomes harder to breathe.
" Maybe we should sit down? "
He's reluctant to take the offer, but she sits in the single couch leaving him the love seat to himself. Carefully he creeps over and curls up on the furniture. It's new and soft. Something Kara's brought them from the Garden. He looks at the paint, carpet and decor. This has been their home for so long now. He can barely remember what it had been like to sleep in his old dusty shack. 
He doesn't look at Kara, and she doesn't look at him. It makes things somewhat more manageable. He isn't sure who's turn it is to speak. He licks his lips, trying to think of a way to broach the conversation. He doesn't want another beat of silence to stretch between them. 
" You didn't show up " It shocks him how soft the words are. He doesn't recognize the anxiety in his voice. He reaches for the edge of his pants and plays with the hem. He wishes he could summon up some of the anger from earlier, but all he finds is fatigue. 
Kara sighs and Dick can hear her shifting on the couch. He risks a glance. She looks torn, her brows wrinkle where they crunch together, and her mouth is in a frown.  Dick swallows and her eyes flicker to his. 
" I was going to, I tried to- "
She looks genuine as she speaks. She can barely keep eye contact with him, her gaze quickly falling to the rug. Dick wants to reach out and soothe her but more than anything he wants answers. His omega is right at the surface, begging to know the truth. He barely realizes he's wreaking of distress until Kara's own aroma shifts to comfort him.
" I couldn't do it. I tried and made it all the way to the bedroom. I wanted to be with you, but when I thought about what I would have to do- "
Her voice chokes off, and Dick has to stomp down an omega whine. He wouldn't console her. Not when she left him for days to ride out his heat when she told him she would be there. She closes in on herself, posture crumpling. 
" I know that I should be able to, I know that it's natural, but- "
Dick can genuinely see her hands trembling. Her skin is growing paler by the second, while shame peppers her scent. Even without seeing her eyes, he knows what kind of expression she's making. He won't support her, but he can't help leaning forward in his seat.
" The thought of doing it makes me sick to my stomach. Whenever I think of going all the way- of being intimate, all of a sudden I'm nauseous. "
Dick wishes he could bite back his pathetic whimper. Kara's eyes snap to his and then she's standing. The sight of her up on his feet makes him skittish. He presses back and away from her. He doesn't get a chance to run before she's backing off. Her hands held in front of her in a submissive posture. 
His heart pounds in his chest, it's loud enough he can hear it in his ears. He watches Kara for signs of movement, but she stays perfectly still. 
" I'm sorry- I'm so sorry Dickie, I shouldn't have lied to you. I was just so scared you would leave us. I thought maybe if I could do it, you would stay. "
Her words hit him hard. The familiar feeling of disappointment sparks to life. The more desperate she becomes to explain, the more defensive he feels. He's on his feet before he knows it. His omega right with him, roaring in his head. 
" So that's what it was? The only reason why you said you would. Was to stop me from leaving? "
Dick hates that the words break his heart.
He doesn't realize he's inching towards the exit until she reaches out. 
" Dick wait- please wait. "
He shouldn't. He should get right out of the house and as far away from her as possible. His legs don't move though. He just stands there with his throat burning. Another fresh round of tears starts to fall before he can stop them. He feels like he's going to suffocate. She stares at him helplessly. 
" I didn't know what else to do. You started seeing Jason and I panicked. " 
It hurts more than a slap to the face, his guilt cools off any remaining flames of frustration. He opens his mouth to defend himself, but nothing comes out. There's nothing he can say. What would he have done if he found out Kara had been seeing another omega behind his back? The answer that creeps to mind almost sounds ominous. 
Whatever he had to, to keep her.
" I was so lost, Dick. Kal loves you, and when I felt you distancing yourself, I had to do something. I know what it's like to grow up without a mom. I want better for Kal. I don't want to be the reason why he grows up without you. "
Dick wonders if she knows her body is trembling. If she knows that the look of sheer panic on her face makes her look breakable. He can smell nothing but desperation and fear. It's thick enough in the air that it makes him feel sick. He fights with his instincts before reluctantly deciding to comfort her.
It isn't much, just a hand on her shoulder. It must mean a lot more to her because soon she's crumpling in his touch and folding into his arms as if she belongs there. He freezes, this close he can smell everything in her scent. The betrayal, the fear and the anxiety hangs around her like a dark cloud. He squeezes his eyes shut.
" I don't want Kal to grow up without me either. "
Kara tightens her grip just enough for him to feel her strength. He squeezes her back. 
" Do you love me? "
He doesn't know why he asks her. Right now things are so delicate between them, it's probably the worst timing. He feels her tense in his hold. It's as clear an answer as words would be.
" Not the way you love me. "
It hurts less than he thought it would. Hearing it out loud is awful, but more than that it feels like he's finally able to exhale. 
"Thank you for being honest. "
They stand like that for a while, in an awkward half embrace. Dick doesn't bring up the fact that Kara is getting his shirt wet, and she similarly ignores his uneven breaths. The exhaustion from his heat and the emotional conversation starts to catch up with him. 
" We should break up. "
Kara's breath hitches, but she doesn't say anything. Carefully, Dick untangles himself from her. 
" Kara I love you, and I love Kal, but this isn't healthy for either of us "
Her eyes are red around the rim. She only holds eye contact for a few seconds before looking away. She gives a small hesitant nod. 
Dick takes both her hands, and it somehow brings her attention to him. He's too tired to smile so all he does is look. He takes in her beautiful face, her wild untamable blonde locks, the freckles that splatter over her nose and stores it all in his memory.
" You and me? We'll always be GCG and always be pack. That won't change no matter what, but I think it's time we do what's best for both of us. "
He can face his actions honestly now. As much as it hurts, he knows that this is the right thing for both of them. Kara looks up at him with lost blue eyes, and it makes his heartache. He still loves her. Maybe he always would. 
But as she said it, it's a different kind of love, and for her, it isn't romantic.
" I am sorry for cheating on you Kara."
She doesn't say anything, her eyes drop to the floor. Her scent betrays her hurt.
“ I deserved it.. “
 When she folds her hands over his chest, he feels her emotionally distancing herself a bit. He pushes into her space a bit to force her to look at him.
“ No. You didn’t no one deserves that. I’m sorry. “
Her eyes get misty again making him do the same. His heart aches for her and the guilt squeezes his throat. He doesn’t know what else to say. 
" What happens next?"
It’s a good question, he hadn't thought that far at all. He shrugs before taking a few steps back. The weight of the week crashes into him with enough force that he nearly staggers. All he wants to do is shower and sleep until this entire conversation feels like a faraway dream. 
" You tell me Alpha. "
Kara's attention snaps to him so fast he thinks she nearly breaks her neck. He can't help the tiny minute smile that slips onto his lips. 
" You still trust me with that title? "
Dick doesn't hesitate. " I trust you with my life. "
She takes a step forward to touch him, but seems to realize her place and stops. Dick watches the battle on her tear damp face. The conflict, he feels it too. It won’t be perfect, and it won’t be fixed right away but it’s a start. 
Kara offers him a hand and he takes it. It burns in his hands warm like the sun. He soaks up her touch. 
“ We’ll figure this out. Somehow. For Kal. “
He shakes her hand. Her gratitude and appreciation peppers the air like perfume.
“ For Kal. “
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Alt Ending, Part 6
Tag: @solangelo252
“I’ll just write one scene”
Good news! It wasn’t acid!
Bad news! It was so much worse!
Marinette had apparently learned nothing from the last time she’d been thrown into painful green liquid. That thing about holding your breath? Yeah, that doesn’t work when you were screaming your whole way down. It also didn’t help that she backflopped and whatever air she’d managed to hold onto left her with a gasp right before she was submerged in the cold green.
Of course, the lack of oxygen was the least of her worries.
Every wound she’d ever gotten had reopened, one at a time.
Burns her hands from the times she’d helped her family in the bakery. Skin got sloughed off her elbows and knees from years of trips and pushes. Her nose cracked under a kickball gone awry. A hole slowly tore itself into her cheek from how often she bit at it.
But that wasn’t the worst part. If it had just been that, she would have been fine. She inched through the water between gasps for air as the Lazarus waters churned to keep her head under, searching desperately for shore through all the green, but it wasn’t to be. She was distracted by the end of the first minute by a whole new world of pain.
She had forgotten about most of the akuma stuff. Call it selective memory or repression or whatever, but now it was coming back in literally excruciating detail. All the times she had missed jumps on patrols and snapped another part of her leg in half. Her trademark yoyo’s string dug into the skin of her fingers, threatening to cut off her fingers and even occasionally managing. A mind controlled Chat’s Cataclysm, setting every cell in her arm alight before killing them entirely.
Levity came in the form of being a Gotham vigilante. At that point punches and kicks and slaps and even the odd slash with a knife were nothing in comparison to a Cataclysm --.
A chunk was torn out of her side and she cried out. The bullet buried itself in her, that wasn’t what hurt the most. The area around the bullet was torn to shreds and steaming and generally just everything skin should not be doing.
She knelt in the water and pressed her hand to the wound, taking deep breaths of the green for the first time in a while and remembering that that was a bad idea when her vision threatened to go black.
No time to think about that, though!
She was mercilessly pulled back to her old pains as she felt something cold pressed to the side of her head. A blade dug under the skin, pushing down and sawing through the cartilage of her ears, taking the pinna with it. The last sounds she ever properly heard were the screams tearing themselves from her throat. Fingers scraped the wounds as she begged and pleaded for him to stop, digging into the frayed skin and fractured bones until it pulled out its prize.
The acid was back. It ate at her skin and pushed itself down her throat and into where her ears had been and sept into every inch of her until she could feel nothing except for pain. Every nerve ending screamed for an end to it, for death to take her finally.
And then it was gone. And she, foolishly, hoped it was over. After all, that was a perfectly viable death. She could have absolutely died in that moment, the acid could have dissolved everything of use or suffocated her until her body finally gave out.
But then came the thirst.
And, somehow, the thirst was the worst part.
At least with everything else it was something she had dealt with, it was things she knew she could get through. She’d done it before, she’d endured it, and that was fine. But the hunger was different. She’d spent those last few days completely out of it. Mostly lost in a world where her problem was less the fact that she was slowly dying of dehydration and more that everyone in her life thought she was stupid and useless and more trouble than she was worth.
And she almost missed that. Her constant nightmares had made her more or less numb to that by this point.
Instead, she felt the slow gnawing at what the acid had left of her stomach. Her throat torn to shreds, her mouth hopelessly dry despite the water that she was drowning in. The fatigue taking over every part of her until she could no longer fight against the pit holding her under. Every cell in her body seemed to give out, one by one. They knew it was useless, that she was useless, that there was no point in hoping SHE of all people could get her hands on it in time. Lidded eyes slowly, painfully, raised to look at the shore only a few feet away. She tried to force herself to grab onto something beneath her despite the fact that she was shaking so badly she knew it was impossible, tried to drag herself the last bit…
She slumped forward, gone before her head had even hit the bottom.
She woke up to fingers trailing through her hair, slowly and gently pulling knots out of damp locks.
And then they pulled their hands out.
She was allowed to roll off the person’s lap to cough and sputter and gasp until the bulk of the water was out of her lungs. Even after she’d managed to expel it, she felt weak and shaky. She refused to move out of the position she was in, forehead pressed to the cool rock in the cave, knees tucked under her, hands covering the back of her neck and head protectively. She couldn’t care less that she was touching her own lung water, that there was still a steady trail dripping from her parted lips. At least when she was like this she didn’t have to face whatever had happened to her in the time since she’d passed out.
“Marinette?” Said Damian from somewhere near her, his voice softer than she’d ever heard it.
She gave him a cough as an answer.
She took one last, shaky breath of semi-fresh air and then forced her eyes open.
Yep, that was a puddle of lung water. She looked down at the rock beneath her, taking in the ugly green tint that the waters cast upon it.
The shivering wouldn’t stop. She didn’t know whether it was her weak muscles or the intense cold that had soaked into her bones.
A hand rested upon her back and she forced herself to look over at Duke. He looked at her, concern etched in every line of his green face.
Wait, green?
She blinked a few times to try and get the last of the water that would be in her eyes out, but it didn’t seem to be getting any better. Frustrated, she brought her hands up to try and rub the green out.
It wasn’t working.
She rubbed harder, started trying to almost pull off her skin and might have even popped her eyes out if hands hadn’t caught her wrists and pulled them away from her face.
She looked up at Damian for a few minutes, taking in the odd tint in her vision that made his skin a sickly color. She felt like up, but there didn’t seem to be anything in her stomach to throw up with.
“How’re you feeling?” Asked Damian carefully, still not releasing her.
Her irritation spiked and she wrenched her hands free. “Fine, thanks.” She had to tear the short words from her throat, it was raw and scratchy and she hated speaking but she continued on regardless: “I’m not a civvie, Dami, you don’t have to pretend like you care.”
He reeled back like he’d been slapped -- well, no, she’d seen him take far more than a slap without flinching, but you get the point -- and she couldn’t find it in herself to care.
Still, she forced a “sorry” through tight lips. He hardly seemed perturbed by just how fake the apology was, probably used to it considering he had as many siblings as he had, and left to go talk to his mother.
She flopped back onto the stone despite the fact that it was too cold, that SHE was too cold, and just laid there. She glared at some stalactites on the ceiling like they had personally offended her.
Duke’s face carefully poked its way into her vision and she looked up at him for a minute before sighing and reaching a hand towards him. He got the idea, locking his hand with hers and pulling her to shaky feet. She leaned against him heavily, head resting against his shoulder.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t realize… I didn’t think it would be that bad...”
She shook her head slightly against his shoulder and he let himself trail off.
Damian and Talia were speaking in Arabic. Marinette couldn’t translate most of it, but she got the general gist. Damian was saying thanks over and over again (one of the few words she’d managed to catch onto in Arabic outside of swears) and Talia’s hand motions assured that it was fine. Damian hesitated slightly before wrapping his mother in a hug and, though she tensed up at first and seemed unsure what to do, she carefully returned it.
Marinette felt like she was intruding. Her gaze fell to the floor.
Oh. Someone had taken her miraculous off of her, she realized as she looked down at herself. She wore one of Jason’s hoodies and a pair of Cass’s old sweatpants, both stolen from their owners. A hand came up to touch her hair and she noted absently that it was still pushed out of her face with a cloth headband from when she was doing her skincare routine right before the incident with the Rogues. It was like nothing had ever happened.
Honestly, it was almost weird to see casual clothes on herself rather than the swing-style dress she’d been wearing for who knows how long --.
Huh. She wondered if Kaalki was okay. She hoped so, she would have felt awful if the kwami had gotten hurt because of overuse.
She looked at Duke to ask, and found him stressing over something on his phone. She tried to peek over his shoulder and pouted when he angled the phone away and continued to type out a message.
“Dukeeeeeeee. Duke. Duke. Duuuuuke. Duke. Duke,” she whined to be annoying.
He didn’t answer outside of moving the hand on her shoulder up to cover her mouth. She licked his hand and saw disgust flicker across his face before he brought his hand up to try and wipe her spit off on her forehead. She recoiled and pressed back against the offending hand, holding him off.
They continued on like this for a good minute before Damian sidled up between them and forced them apart.
“You’re both children.”
Marinette huffed a little and clung onto him, partially to be annoying and partially because she still felt horribly weak and cold. He seemed annoyed but he supported her weight as they started walking back through the compound.
“Dami, you’re the youngest one here. If we’re children what does that make you?”
“A baby,” said Duke, pocketing his phone.
Damian’s face burned red and he clicked his tongue. “I’m hardly younger than either of you.”
“Three months is a long time,” Marinette said wisely.
“Three years is even longer,” Duke said, even wiser.
A scowl made its way across the least wise person’s face. “Why do I put up with either of you?”
“Because you love us,” said Marinette just as Duke said “Because you’re a softy”.
Duke grinned and held up a hand for her to high five and she did so, only to regret it when she was forced to remember that there had been spit on that hand. He smirked at her disgust. She vaguely considered murder.
Duke’s amusement slowly disappeared and he looked at Damian. “They’re on their way. Should get here within a few hours.”
Damian cringed.
Marinette buried her face in his shoulder and closed her eyes, considering everything. She doubted that when they said ‘they’ they weren’t including Bruce. Even if she didn’t have her quick and easy murder method anymore, she could still be deadly. Then again, she would have to fight off however many batfamily members just to get to him and by the point she did so -- IF she even did so -- she would be exhausted and easy for Bruce to subdue.
Hm. It was worth a shot, at least.
Marinette stared at the suitcase on the ground. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
“Mari, you look dead on your feet -- don’t laugh I’m being serious -- and if anyone saw us walking you through town... it would be bad.”
Her slight smile at the unintentional joke slipped into a frown as she bit the inside of her cheek. “What if I say I have trauma related to suitcases?”
“Considering you’ve already been in it and we just watched all your trauma -- or, at least, all the things you would consider to be trauma -- play out, I’m going to have to say I don’t quite believe you.”
A dark look passed over her face and, for a moment, she swore the world looked just a little more green.
But, then, she held her hands out and let them tie them off with some rope.
(Of course, she knew how to get out of it, but it would be a pain and, really, what would she do if she could get out? Suitcases aren’t exactly easy to get out of from the inside.)
“Sorry about this, Mari,” said Duke.
She hummed her understanding.
They closed the suitcase over her. Without a giant dress in the way, it was actually a pretty roomy space. Still, it took a lot of shifting to find a position where her bony knees and elbows didn’t dig into her. This didn’t last long. Now that she didn’t have the warmth of another person she was unbearably cold. Bony limbs be damned, she wasn’t going to freeze to death in a suitcase of all things.
Once she stopped shifting around they started walking. She rested her head against the suitcase, eyes struggling to remain open, and found they were talking about food in the areas around them. She wanted food. She told them so. There was a beat where they stilled and then Damian promised to get her something.
Alright. So they could hear her in there. That took away the calling the police option, but that didn’t matter much.
Out of boredom, she pulled her phone from her pocket and clicked it on. To her surprise, it actually worked.
She stared at the home screen for a moment. She and Jason were flipping off the camera while Tim looked on, unamused. She’d used to think the picture was cute. Now, though, with her vision tinted green and the knowledge of what she was going to do... she found tears springing to her eyes. She looked at the screen for just a second longer to check the time -- 15:00 -- and then turned the phone around and used it as a light.
With nothing else to do as she waited for things to pan out the way she wanted, she examined herself. It was weird to look at her hands and see them in perfect shape. Old scars from the oven and repeated punching without proper protection on her knuckles and lines from her yoyo were all gone. No hint of anything that had ever happened to her. It felt weird. Like she wasn’t really herself anymore.
She tripped out on that for a while until she heard voices.
Alright, go time.
She slipped her phone back into her pocket. She doubted anyone would think to check her for one.
She carefully pulled her headband down and slipped it in her mouth, then knotted the fabric behind her head a few times until it was so tight it almost hurt.
Marinette took a deep breath and then started screaming through her makeshift gag.
Three things happened in rapid succession: the light chatter around the three of them petered out, Duke swore loudly, and then the bats broke into a run.
Despite their best efforts, though, they got caught. It’s kind of hard to run and do parkour when you’re toting along a suitcase, especially if you don’t want to hurt the person inside. The suitcase rolled to a stop and she could hear mad scrambling as Duke and Damian struggled to get away without risking their civilian identities.
Marinette squeezed her eyes shut and started thinking.
The bats were going to hate her for this. She was going to have to actually put in effort to die now instead of having an instant death via taking off her miraculous. Harley probably didn’t know that she was still alive (or, rather, around, because the ‘alive’ thing was very recent) and Marinette couldn’t even be sure she cared.
Tears sprang to her eyes. Good, good. Keep thinking about that.
Harley was going to be so pissed at her for taking so long. Harley would always love Joker more than her. Harley was probably just using her for her own gain. Harley didn’t care about her and never would, or at least not in the way Marinette so desperately wanted her to.
By the time the suitcase was opened Marinette was full on sobbing. The sudden influx of light certainly didn’t help the situation.
She whimpered and shielded her eyes despite wanting oh-so-desperately to step out into the sun and bask in its rays for the first time since before Harley.
Some god must have been listening to her for once, because a pair of hands carefully lifted her out of the suitcase. She slowly, almost reluctantly, looked up at her ‘savior’. The kind-looking woman had moved to block most of the sunlight and the little parts that escaped surrounded her head like a halo. Marinette gave her a wet smile as her gag and the rope binding her hands were removed.
The woman spoke to her in Arabic and, though she didn’t understand any of it, the soft edge to her voice made her feel so safe. Marinette choked out a sob and allowed the woman to gather her into a hug.
Briefly, her gaze lifted from the woman’s shoulder and she saw Damian and Duke getting held back by some random citizens. If the civilians had seen the watery smile on her face they would have thought it was just happiness at finally be saved. The two bats knew better, the slightly sour looks on their faces told her so.
A hand came up to run through her hair and she buried her face in the woman’s shoulder as she began to cry even harder.
The officer was holding Duke and Damian at gunpoint as two citizens worked at trying to cuff them. He only put his gun back in its holster after he was sure that they weren’t going to be running anytime soon.
Marinette didn’t know for sure what the cop thought was going on, but she had a few guesses. After all, she worked in law enforcement too, however unofficially. If she’d seen someone in her state -- clothes hanging off her too-thin frame and shaking like a leaf after being pulled out of a suitcase -- she would have instantly assumed trafficking or, at the very least, kidnapping.
Knowing what the officer was expecting, she also knew exactly how to play into that idea. Really, the boys had had no chance.
“She’s our sister!” Damian tried to argue.
The officer, Ali, looked at the three of them with a skeptical frown. Damian might have passed as her family, they were both mixed white and chinese (he was also part arab, but half-siblings exist), but Duke definitely couldn’t.
“Did you know these men before… all of this, ma’am?”
She sniffled and brought a hand up to swipe under her eyes. Technically, if she were actually a trafficking victim, the answer would have probably been ‘yes’, most trafficking cases started out on the victim’s terms. She also knew that, when victims were truthful about this, they often got thrown into jail for prostitution. She didn’t feel like getting thrown in a cell.
“N-no. I was just going to work and they -- and they --,” she cut herself off, dissolving into sobs.
Ali pulled her into a hug and she tried to ignore the fact that his hand was definitely too low.
She could practically FEEL Damian and Duke’s annoyance. This looked bad for them, all three of the present bats knew it, and the real explanation wouldn’t be believed.
The two boys were filed into the back of a police car and Marinette was allowed to sit shotgun.
The cop offered her a shock blanket and, despite not being in shock, she took it. She was so unbearably cold despite her thick layers and the fact that it was the middle of summer.
She watched the cop walk around the car to the driver’s seat and everything was quiet as they started off towards the police station.
“You’re an asshole, Mari,” Duke said in French.
She glanced at the cop, but he just looked confused. Fair enough. English was a pretty common second language around the world because of business and tourism, but no one learned French if they didn’t have to.
She gave a wet laugh. “Yeah.”
The cop frowned. “What are they saying?”
She waved him off. “It’s fine.”
“It’s not!”
She fought back a bit of laughter and turned in her seat to look at the two of them. “What’d you boys really expect?”
“You’ve never tried to leave before, forgive us for thinking that wouldn’t change. It’s called…” Damian frowned for a moment before finding the term he needed: “Learned helplessness.”
“Tell me you didn’t pay attention in psychology without telling me. Learned helplessness is where you try a bunch of different things and nothing works so you learn not to try again. I never tried anything.”
“Oh so NOW she knows about psychological trauma,” complained Duke.
A true frown made its way across her face. “I’ve always known about psychological trauma. It was Hawkmoth’s whole thing in Paris.”
“She knows intellectually, she’s just woefully unable to apply the teachings to herself,” said Damian.
Marinette scowled at him. “Harley. Didn’t. Traumatize. Me.”
All she got were two eyerolls and she huffed, turning back around in her seat and crossing her arms. The boys switched languages and, after checking to make sure she didn’t understand, started chatting.
She slowly started to nod off, head resting against the center console. She was without her normal coffee, and she kind of regretted not waiting for Duke and Damian to get food before enacting her plan, and she’d more or less cried herself out earlier…
The only thing keeping her from sleeping was Ali’s hand, resting right on top of her head. She wanted to think it was innocent. In her experience, cops almost never were.
The chattering cut off when they came to a stop and she slowly lifted her head up and looked around, expecting a police station. Instead, she found a normal red light (or, at least, she was pretty sure that it was red, her vision was still tinted green). She frowned a little and turned to look at Duke and Damian…
They had disappeared from the backseat.
She shot up and hissed a curse. Of course they could break out of police cars -- now that she was thinking about it, she was pretty sure Duke had mentioned doing it before.
Ali looked back and she saw his face change from calm to confused to annoyed. He tried to smooth his expression back into a neutral one and assure her that everything was fine, but she didn’t really care about him anymore.
She reached into his belt and pulled his gun out of its holster. Safety off. Finger on the trigger. Evade the hand trying to take it away. Push him back with a foot until he’s pressed against a window. Check that he can’t move much. Point at his head.
“Thanks for the help,” she chirped. “Or, at least, for trying.”
She pulled the trigger.
Blood and gore splattered everywhere. Point blank range always had that effect. The shock blanket managed to keep most of it off of her, but some got on her face and in her hair.
She thought she’d be more disgusted. If not with herself then at least with the blood. Instead, she reached a hand up slowly to rest over where the blood had hit. It was… warm. She hadn’t expected that she could ever feel warm again.
She slowly looked at the body. It was gushing blood all over her foot and she found she almost didn’t care. She almost found herself smiling. It was soaking through her old sneakers, warming her in a way nothing else had since she'd been dunked in the Pit.
And then the color… kwami. It wasn’t green, it wasn’t brown or black like what normally happens when you mixed red and green, it was RED.
A sickening smile finally made its way across her face.
The screaming started. She pulled herself from her haze, released the body and watched it slump. Right. This was going to suck if she got arrested.
She shed her blanket and leaned over the body, checking for and taking everything she could use. Taser. Extra bullets. A baton. Tear gas. Wallet…
Yeah, that was everything, she was pretty sure. She, reluctantly, wiped the still-wet blood off her hands to pull her hood up and cover her splattered face and then slipped out the door. No one stopped her -- probably because of the gun in her hands -- and she was allowed to disappear down an alley.
Alright. She was free.
She wasn’t FREE free, obviously, the bats would find her eventually. But she had some time out. What should she do first?
… she should probably get the blood off. Getting arrested would suck.
She slipped out the other side of the alley and started weaving her way through the city in search of a gas station. There were a good amount in Tibet, so it didn’t take too long to find one. She ducked into it to wash the remaining blood off her face and hands and, after being prompted to buy something by a clerk in return for being allowed the pleasure of using their dingy bathrooms, bought a tiny bag of chips.
Then she was back to walking aimlessly. She made sure to switch directions often, occasionally even going back the way she’d just come. The less predictable her movements the better.
She nibbled at the chips as she went. She’d only bought them to get the cashier off her ass, but she actually was pretty hungry. She had to fight herself not to scarf the entire thing down.
Right, basic needs have been met, what next?
She pulled her phone from her pocket and checked the time. 20:00. The bats were definitely in the city.
She hesitated slightly. They probably assumed her phone was dead, even she had, so they probably hadn’t started tracking her yet…
She swallowed back her fear. She needed to do this before one of the bats realized and actually started tracking her.
A few clicks later, she was pressing her phone to her ear.
It didn’t even ring once before she got an answer: “Marinette?”
“Maman,” she said, her voice little more than a whisper.
Marinette could practically hear the way her mother’s shoulders slumped in relief. She rested her head back against the wall, tears springing to her eyes for what felt like the millionth time that day.
“We thought you were…” Her mother didn’t dare complete the thought aloud.
Marinette held back the ‘Well, I was, but I got better’ that was on the tip of her tongue. Her mother didn’t know about her activities as Ladybug and she was never going to. Marinette took a vow to protect when she started heroism, and that definitely extended to her parents.
“I’m alive. Surprise,” she said after a moment’s consideration.
Sabine gave a little laugh and Marinette didn’t care if it was forced because it was HERS. A sob built in her throat.
“I hope you know you owe me more explanation than just that, young lady. It’s almost been a year! Your father and I --.” Sabine stopped herself and softened her tone. “We’ve been so worried. Are you okay?”
She swallowed thickly. “Yeah. Yeah. I’m... fine. And… I can’t explain, there’s just so much and… yeah. It’s fine, I’m fine, everything’s fine. I just needed to hear your voice again.”
Her mother hesitated. “That sounds an awful lot like you’re about to disappear again.”
“I am,” she confirmed, because lying would hurt her mother more in the long run. Still, she almost wished that she could have lied because listening to her mother sob was almost unbearable. “I’m sorry. I can’t talk long. I just wanted to call and tell you guys that… that I’m okay. And that I love you.”
Her mother’s breath caught.
Marinette glared at the ground.
She waited for her mother to get her breathing under control.
“I love you, too, sweetie. Would you like to talk to Pere?”
She hesitated and then mumbled a no. She couldn’t. Talking to her mother was hard, but at least her mother was practical. Her mother knew that Marinette wasn’t going to change what she was doing. Her mother knew that Marinette was doing what she felt like she must.
Her father, though, her father would plead with her. He’d promise to protect her. He’d promise that she could come home, that they could deal with it together, that everything is easier to handle when you do it with others. And she just might believe him.
“Goodbye,” she whispered.
The phone slipped from her hand and she barely paid it any mind as it shattered on the concrete below.
She slowly slid to the ground beside her phone and rested her head in her hands. Tears that she’d been holding back since she started the call spilled from between her fingers. Her breath came to her in shaky gasps that were definitely not enough in the long run and her lungs hurt as she struggled for air between sobs but it was nothing compared to drowning in acid so she was fine.
No. Not fine. Fine implied that things were, if not going distinctly ‘well’, going vaguely in the right direction. Marinette felt like she’d seen a fork in a path and then ignored both choices in favor of whacking a new path through the forest. She knew, somewhere, that she was only getting further and further from where she’d originally intended and yet she couldn’t turn back. Because turning back would mean looking and seeing all the plants she’d killed on her way through the brush that hadn’t even needed to die and she couldn’t face that. She couldn’t. So she kept going. Kept praying that, somehow, she’d find her way back to the path.
So, no, ‘fine’ wasn’t the word. She was… she was dealing. She’d deal.
She took a few more deep, steadying breaths before picking her head up. She needed to leave. Tim would start tracking her soon, if he hadn’t already, and she couldn’t beat all the bats at once.
She chanced one more look at her phone. The call had disconnected and now she was staring at her home screen yet again. The picture of herself smiling at the camera with friends was cracked, her face lost in a spiderweb of broken glass.
Marinette took a deep breath and then brought her fist down on the phone. It shattered and went dark beneath her hand. Blood, warm and red, slowly dripped along her arm and she stuffed it in one of her pockets before she could start dripping on the ground.
She started aimlessly walking around again. She’d find a motel or something after a few hours. For now, she needed to be untraceable.
She knew she should take off her outfit. They were looking for someone in a hoodie and sweats. But she couldn’t. It was the last thing she had of either of them, of any of the bats. Even if they were on different sides, she still cared about them. She still found herself wanting them to be happy.
She just wanted Harley to be happier.
Which meant she was going to have to put some effort in.
She bit the inside of her cheek.
The bats would find her no matter what, it was a given. They had access to pretty much every camera in the world, access to satellites for the things they couldn’t see with the cameras. She could only evade them for so long. It wasn’t a matter of if, it was a matter of when.
Which meant that she needed to be the one to decide on when. It would never be an even fight, they had years of experience on her, but she had infinitely better chances if she caught them off guard rather than the other way around. She had to find them before they could find her.
She’d have to go online at a library or something to see if Bruce Wayne came along. Him leaving without much notice would probably draw Vicky Vale’s attention and an article would be made.
If he hadn’t then she’d have to figure out a way back to America. This was the better option, she thought. They wouldn’t expect her to be able to get back easily without a passport and a limited amount of money, so she might just be able to sneak up on Bruce.
If he HAD come along she’d start checking out motels and hotels. He’d get a bunch of rooms that were right next to each other, preferably ones that were linked together. She’d have to check for rooms with the lights on and blinds closed. Painstaking, but it could work.
Of course, it was also very likely that Bruce had some sort of safehouse here, or that she just wouldn’t happen upon the right hotel, and she wouldn’t be able to find him that way. If that were the case...
Her hands slipped into her pockets and she felt her fingers brush over the cold metal of her gun.
Well, she knew one way to attract a bat.
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anjuschiffer · 4 years
More self indulged writing :D
My first LWA (Little Witch Academia)x Maribat fic... Enjoy!
Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life
An F.
Marinette screamed into her pillow as she kicked her legs in frustration. 
Another F to add to her long list of exam grades. Another F despite the countless nights Marinette stayed up to study and practice the little magic she knew.
Sure, she wasn’t blessed with the talent of Kagami nor that of Chloe’s, but that didn’t mean Marinette deserved to fail.
She bleed, sweated and cried to earn her spot at this school, her first choice school despite her parents wanting her to stay in their hometown and help at the bakery. 
But she didn’t want to be a baker. 
She wanted to be a witch. Just like Chariot. 
So, she made it her goal. 
She fought against her parents’ wishes to achieve her dream, of following it.
She earned her place at Luna Nova, the most prestigious wizard school in all of Europe. 
And yet… why was the universe so against her being here?
Despite getting in with one of the highest scores, Marinette now had the lowest ones in her grade and she honestly didn’t know why. 
“One more F and I’ll get expelled.” Marinette muttered out loud, laying on her back, staring at the underside of the bed above hers -  Alya’s bed. “One more mistake and I’ll be proven myself wrong.”
If she failed, it would give her parents a reason to tie her down to their bakery. She would’ve proven them right. That she wasn’t up for the Magic life, even though she claimed she was. 
Marinette felt the lump in her throat, her vision blurring as that thought echoed within her mind.
“No! I can’t give up!” Marinette told herself, getting up a bit too quickly, bumping her bed as she got up, Tikki humming at her in concern. 
“I’ll be fine Tikki.” Marinette told the red faerie hovering beside her. “I just need more practice.” 
Grabbing her textbook, her wand and some emergency energy, Marinette stuffed them into her bag, slinging in over her attire. 
“I promise to be careful and be back before dawn. Wouldn’t like the professors catching me again.” Marinette petted the faerie, opening the window of her dorm room to go off to her favorite spot on campus to practice. 
She can’t give up yet. 
It was still too soon to call quits. 
Her fate hasn’t been sealed. Not yet. 
“Where is Marinette?” Rose asked Alya, scanning the room. Before panic could settle into Rose, Juleka gave her girlfriend’s hand a squeeze, receiving one back.
“Sulking over her test grade.” Alya replied, not once looking away from the lens she finished adjusting on her newest camera model. “Do you think all of the Wayne boys will be here?”
“Seeing as tonight’s party is for them, I would believe so.” Alix answered, not believing that Alya really left Mari on her own. If previous events taught them anything, Mari should never be left alone. Never. 
One time, they found her stuck in a glass jar. It was a miniaturization spell gone wrong. 
“Can’t wait to finally use these new lenses I got for my birthday! And to get a scoop on the Waynes!” Alya squealed, her friends shaking their heads, although they had to agree.
It wasn’t everyday that your school received the news that Bruce Wayne and his family was to visit your school
Especially wizarding ones like Luna Nova. 
But while the girls couldn’t contain their excitement to see their school’s greatest sponsor face-to-face, the girls also had a feeling they were going to miss something even more important that night.
Damian huffed, dragging his hand down his face, not believing that he actually got separated from the rest of the family as they made their way inside of Luna Nova. 
He had just gotten here and he was already lost. 
And it was all because he was the smallest of the boys, meaning he was the easiest to push around. One push led to another, Jason pushing Damian into the nearest bush, causing Damian to get lost.
As he wandered through the school grounds, eventually wandering into what seemed to be ruins next to a forest, he couldn’t help but hear what seemed to be spells being called out, Damian’s curiosity now peaking.
He never knew what exactly fascinated him about magic, but whenever he ever got the chance to be near it, he absorbed it. So when his father told them about his visit to Luna Nova, Damian eagerly asked to join him.
Of course, this outburst caused his other siblings to become intrigued and join as well, much to Damian’s annoyance.
As he got closer to the voice, a girl in all black attire (save for the maroon skirt) came to view, Damian captivated by her stance. She was still, the breeze accepting her as she stood there, silent like the night. 
The girl took a deep breath before raising her wand, Damian watching the tip glow a dim green. 
As she exhaled, she shouted, “Metamorphie Faciesse!” Damian watched as the spell hit the thing between them -a falling leaf- turn into a rock, hitting the ground with a soft thud. 
He watched as she opened her eyes, confident bluebell eyes turning to joy when she saw her success.
“I got that down, but I still have to nail the full body one.” He heard her say, wondering if she was here to practice her spells. “Metamorphie Faciesse!” She shouted once more, a cloud appearing before vanishing around the girl, Damian staring at her wide eyed.
Rabbit ears were on her head. 
Were they actual...rabbit ears?
Or were they just attachments?
Unable to restrain himself, Damian didn’t catch his mistake until a piercing yelp rang through the silent night.
Just Marinette was about to scold herself for not doing the spell correctly, a sharp pain coursed through her body, causing her to cry in pain.
“Who said it was okay to touch them, nonetheless squeeze them! They’re my ears, whether you want to believe it or not and because they are, they’re very...” Marinette scolded, turning to see a boy standing before her. “...sensitive.” She finished, wondering what a boy was doing on school grounds. 
If she recalled, Luna Nova was always an All Girls school, meaning there shouldn’t be any boys, unless…
“My apologies, Miss…?” The boy asked, Marinette noticing that his eyes never stop staring at her ears. Covering them, Marinette decided to respond.
“Dupain-Cheng.” Marinette softly said. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng. And you are?” She asked with a tilt of her head, wondering why the boy looked taken aback when she asked for his name.
Well...this was a first for Damian. A person who didn’t know who he was? Interesting.
“Damian. Damian Wayne.” Damian answered, bowing a bit. 
Damian… Wayne… no way…
“You’re Mr.Wayne’s son?! Devilish Damian?!” Marinette screamed, covering her mouth as she felt rise to her ears. “I’m sorry! It’s just that! It’s the name the girls in the school call you. You know, because despite being cold, cool and being a bit of a devil, they think you’re very attractive. Not that I don’t also think that… Oh god! What-” Marinette rambled, wishing she could successfully cast the spell so that she can hide away from Damian.
Meanwhile, Damian found her honesty quite charming, wondering if she’d still be honest with him now that she knew who he was.
“Miss Dupain-Cheng.”
“Would you mind showing me how that spell works?” Damian reached over for her ears, Marinette taking a step back. “Sorry. I should’ve asked-”
“Do you not know magic?” Marinette asked, her heart aching when she saw his face fall.
“While Mother wished for me to learn magic as soon as I turned three, those dreams were crushed when she found out I am not able to contain any energy from the Sorcerer's Stone.” Damian frowned, Marinette wanting to slap herself for asking something so sensitive. “And because I know no magic, Father has taken upon himself to not let me near it.”
Damian held the urge to curse, knowing fully that his father wouldn’t have done said decision if Damian had been his adopted son and not biological. 
“So you've never been able to cast a spell?”
“What if I say that you can?” Marinette said with a smirk, Damian keen on wanting to know more. When Marinette saw his eyes sparkle, she felt her heart jump. With a smile, she continued. “All you have to do is follow me.”
Marinette guided Damian further into the forest, glad to have brought some extra energy capsules. 
“Damian!” Dick yelled, wondering where his brother went, a full hour having passed since the family last saw him. 
It took having to introduce themselves to realizing that Damian had gone missing, employing a hunt for the young Wayne. 
So here he was, searching for the brat, knowing that if he didn’t find him first, Tim will. And if Tim found him...Dick knew that it wouldn’t end well.
Just as Dick was about to call Damian again, he spotted him in the distance, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw him. However, just as Dick started to jog up towards him, he heard a spell get cast. 
Dick watched as a spell approached Damian, fighting off the urge to freeze in place. He had to get to Damian and counter the spell before-
“Ein Ein Sof.” Damian spoke, lifting up what resembled a wand. “Ein Sof Ohr.” A dim green light began to glow. “Luna Lana!” 
Dick watched as the attack spell dispersed, coming to halt when he saw Damian without a scorch on his attire, his suit still intact.
“Damian! You did it!” A girl screamed, Dick flabbergasted when she ran up to Damian and hugged him, the girl jumping around him as Damian smiled at the wand in his hand. “You casted your first spell!”
“I had an amazing teacher after all.” Damian softly said, Dick watching the girl softly come to a stop, a blush across her face. Dick smiled when he watched the girl play with her- are those rabbit ears?
“Metamorphie Faciesse.” Dick whispered, watching as the girl quickly took out her wand when she felt her ears return to normal. Wait… did she think-
“Foraen Mugrowna! Turuto Tarumare!” The girl yelled, putting herself in front of Damian, determination filling her eyes.
“Wait! I’m-” But it was too late. 
Vines crept around Dick’s body, quickly apprehending him, making him fall to the ground, his face meeting the dirt and sharp rocks beneath him. 
As the dirt cleared up from his vision, Dick saw Damian come to view, though  he was standing behind the midnight haired girl who glared at him, her wand at his forehead.
“You know him?” The girl asked, not letting her eye off him.
“Brother of mine. Adopted.” Damian filled in, Dick frowning.
“Mon Dieu! He’s a Wayne!” Dick was then promptly helped up, the spirits the girl had summoned now healing him. He watched as she frantically started to patch him up. “I am so sorry.”
“I should be apologizing.” Dick started, looking over at Damian who sported a grin. “I shouldn’t have-”
“Holy shit. It really was Demon Spawn.” A new voice said, Damian scowling when he saw Jason, not noticing that Marinette had the same reaction. 
“Todd.” Damian gritted, his scowl worsening when he saw that Tim was right behind him.
“We’ve been looking all over the place for you brat!”
“And whose fault do you-”
“And who are you?” Jason asked, Damian realizing that he was now beside Marinette. He was about to go and pull him away, but chose not to. After all, she just proved that she can defend herself. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Marinette spoke sternly, her glare never lifting. 
“Well Marinette, thank you for-”
“Foraen Mugrowna!” Marinette yelled, grabbing Damian’s hand as yells and curses filled the cool night air.
Damian looked back, watching as large vines wrapped themselves around his siblings, feeling a smile make its way onto his face.
Turning back, he watched as a grin was on Marinette’s face, the moonlight highlighting her pale features.
“Are you free this weekend?” Damian asked, making sure to still watch his footing as they kept running, listening as the voice of his angered siblings grew louder.
“I’m free, why?”
“I want to thank you for tonight. Maybe grab some-”
“I’d be happy to join you.” Marinette said, returning her focus on the path ahead, guiding Damian back onto the campus grounds. “Saturday at 10? By the school entrance?” She asked, letting go of his hand. 
”Sounds like a date then.” Damian promised, smirking as Marinette’s face turned bright pink. “I’ll see you Saturday then, Miss Marinette.”
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animemangasoul · 4 years
Tim & Jason Becoming a "We"
Summery: Tim and Jason become a unit and are each other's backup, always.
Tim doesn’t know how, doesn’t know when, but time flies, their world bleeds together and suddenly, Tim can’t really imagine a future where his previously estranged brother doesn’t fit like a puzzle next to him.
It’s like having a perfect match in everything.  
Someone who isn’t you but understands you. Someone who seamlessly connects with you in a way that lifts the weight of the earth of your shoulders and Tim stops thinking of them as Tim and Jason and starts seeing them as “we”. Because they are in this together. In a family that isn’t quite comfortable with either of them, in a family that is a ghost of what it used to be, in a family where either of them feels the stinging feeling of betrayal like a blemish against their skin. Their plight becomes a “we” and their struggles becomes an “us.”
They are flying across the sky, Jason only slightly ahead of him, and Tim doing his best to keep up while avoiding jolting his side too much because, ouch, he winces, hand coming up to rest on his ribs as he takes another swing across the rooftop and stumbles after Jason. He really should have readjusted the bindings before he’d thrown himself into the air tonight, but alas, it couldn’t be helped now.  
Another Arkham breakout had brought the whole family together tonight and Tim couldn’t afford to step down, especially since they were already shorthanded with Cass being in China and Duke off world. Tim had to step up, because he knew that he was needed. And Tim would always be there when he was needed.  
Bruce voice crackles through their earpiece as soon as he lands next to Jason who’d stopped to wait for him. Tim doesn’t know whether he should feel insulted or appreciative of the gesture. He settles on a nod; Jason answers him with a tilt of his head. Before he then follows it up with a slight twitch of his shoulder meant to ask a silent question. Tim shakes his head. ‘No,'  he communicates with that gesture. ‘I don’t want to talk. Stop worrying.’ His brother shrugs and turns away.  
“Red Hood, Red Robin, come in.”
Pressing on his earpiece, Tim settled more comfortable on the roof; shifting his leg and allowing some of the pressure to shift away from his injured side before speaking. “Here Batman. Where to?”
“Two Face has been spotted near your area, so I need you to cut through the construction site and corner him by the warehouse on fifth.” Their father’s voice sounds blank, but Tim can hear the underlying frustration, aggression and urgency behind the lack of emotions.
Tim stills. Eyes darting over to Red Hood before speaking again. “The construction site?”
“Yes,” Batman snaps. “Is that a problem Red Robin?”
“It is,” Jason cuts in before Tim can answer. “I’ve been keeping an eye on that site and a weapons deal is supposed to take place there later tonight and if we bust through it now I’ll miss my chance to solve my case. I case I’ve been working on for weeks if you can bother to remember.”
A pause, and then. “We don’t have time to be worried about your other cases right now Hood. Cut through the construction site.....”
Bruce keeps talking, but Tim isn’t paying attention anymore. His eyes are focused on the clenching and unclenching of Jason’s fists and yeah.... Bruce shouldn’t have said that. This case, it had kept Jason up for days, little girls had died and... Two Face was dangerous but--
“Batman,” Tim said; finger pressed against his cowl. “We’re taking the north street and swinging in from behind. It should get us there in around the same time.”
“Red Robin!”
But Tim isn’t focusing on him. His eyes squarely resting on his brother. “We got this Batman. Reds out.”
Turning off the com he breathes out slowly.
He didn’t like to defy Batman. Didn’t like to step on toes. Didn’t want to rock the boat, but.... Jason needed backup and Tim was his backup. Always.
“Let’s go,” he says, sprinting across the roof and jumping over the edge. It takes a second, but he hears the heavy boots of his brother following his footsteps. “Can’t believe you just hung up on Batman,” Jason snorts. Tim can barely hear him through the coms. “Now let’s kick some ass.”
Tim grins.  
The dinner table is surprisingly noisy today. Most of the family somehow having been able to make their way upstairs after a heavy night out and if it wasn’t for the bump and bruises all around, the noise would have probably been twice as loud.
“Hey,” Dick screamed from the other side of the table. “Someone pass me the ketchup!”
Grimacing, Jason picked up the bottle and shucked it at the other man, Dick gracefully snatching it out of the air and grinning at him smugly. “You’re disgusting,” Jason huffed, staring in horror as Dick proceeded to gleefully add a generous amount of ketchup on his pasta. “Disgusting.”
“You only say that cuz you haven’t tasted this art!”
Shaking his head, Jason picks up his own fork and proceeds to eat his exasperation away, because.... yeah, Alfred’s pasta was delicious and sure they were all eating at like five in the morning, but a vigilante's schedule was never set in a healthy routine, so this was fine. This was perfect.  
Shooting a quick look at the teen sitting next to him, Jason frowned; mouth stuffed full but eyes observing the too quiet figure that was Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne. The kid had been oddly out of it lately, and Jason didn’t like it.  
Didn’t like it one bit.  
Nudging the other ever so slightly, Jason lifts a brow when Tim finally meets his gaze. The heavy bags under the kid’s eyes a serious cause for concern and Jason finds himself mimicking the other’s expression, the frown deepening when all the other does is give him a pathetic attempt at a smile.  
Not ok at all.
“So,” Dick says loudly, momentarily forcing Jason to look away from the kid. “You’re all coming to our annual family dinner tomorrow right?”  
His grin is huge and for some mystical reason doesn’t take away from his charm despite the smear of ketchup at the left corner of his mouth. “I know we’re all busy, but it will be good to be together under the same roof without being forced to. Plus,” he adds, practically bouncing on his seat. “Dami is coming back from his camping trip so we can all finally just be a family!”
There is an echo of tired confirmation all around the table, brightening Dick more and more as no one puts up much of a fight. Stephanie just shrugging in a silent agreement next to his overhyped brother and Bruce smiling slightly at his oldest son, the others only nodding along, but it’s more than anyone has agreed to in a very long time and Jason finds himself not minding at all. In fact, “What about you Jason?”
“Sure,” he says, fork at his lips. “I think we can make it.”
Dick sounds confused.
Jason only nods. “Yeah, me and Timbo over here.” Finally looking back at his baby brother, he suddenly notices the new stiffness that has reshaped the replacement’s frame. Now he looks even more pale, even more sickly, and Jason worries his lip. This doesn’t look good.
“Oh,” Dick says. “Right! Timmy! I almost forgot you were here! You’re so quiet lately!” A laugh.  
Dick doesn’t see Tim flinch.
Jason does.
And nop, not gonna let that one stand. Jason hadn’t worked his ass off to make the idiot come into himself just for dickhead to bring it all down with an ill-timed humor that hit too close to home. Nop.
“You know what,” he says, fork clanging on the plate as Jason stands up. “I forget that we had other plans. Sorry Dick, but me and the replacement will have to bail on you tomorrow.”
He watches as Dick’s face falls and he feels something like satisfaction pulse through his veins. He does his best not to show it. Instead grabbing a confused Tim be the elbow and dragging him up. “We have that case thing in Hawaii that we need to take care of.” Tim looks utterly confused. Jason doesn’t care. “So next time?”
“I....” Dick looks between them, something like a shadow passing through his eyes when Tim unconsciously leans on him, a small sigh of contentment escaping his lips. “You sure you can’t make it Timmy?”
Tim blinks slowly down at their brother, shoulders going rigged under Jason’s arm. “Yeah, sorry Dick. We have that case... that really important case and.... Say hi to Damian for me.”
The demon spawn.
Jason doesn’t know how in God’s given earth Goldie still hadn’t realized that Tim would do anything not to be in the same room as that kid. Could one person be that oblivious?
“Are you sure kiddo? Dami would really like to see you. He misses you?”
And.... yup. One person could really be that oblivious. “We’re leaving,” Jason huffs. Dragging his replacement behind him as he snatched up his gun from the corner table and only pauses slightly for Tim to pick up his computer bag before he leads the other out the dining hall and through the rest of the house before exiting the door. Not even turning around to acknowledge Bruce’s command to stay till dinner was over.
Tim needed backup. Jason was his backup.
“We didn’t do it.”
Bruce’s glare turns towards him. Tim tries not to flinch. “We didn’t do it,” he repeats, his stubborn streak flaring up as he feels slightly corned by the looming figure. “We didn’t.”
“I wasn’t talking to you Tim.”
“I know,” he says, scooting forward in his chair so that he can more comfortably hold Jason’s hand. Jason who is practically glowering at their father.  
“Then don’t speak for your brother.”
Tim is glaring now. “I’m not speaking for him. I’m just telling you that we didn’t do it because I was there. I wouldn’t lie about Jason killing someone Bruce!”
“He shot him!”
“Because the shitbag fucking shot at us! What the fuck B!” If Jason didn’t have a sizable hole in his shoulder Tim was sure he would have flung himself at Bruce by now. “What did you want us to do huh? Die?”
Bruce frowned. “Of course not.”
Shaking his head, Tim tried not to sigh, squeezing Jason’s hands reassuringly instead. “We didn’t kill him Bruce. I promise. It was a nonfatal shot anyways. He couldn’t have died from that.”
“But he is dead. Whether you like it or not Jason has broken his promise and---”
“But he didn’t kill him!”
Batman glares. “He should have been more careful. I’ve trained him better than that. He knew what he was doing and---”
“And what!”
Tim is mirroring Bruce’s glare now.
“Jason can’t continue to operate thinking he’s above consequences Tim.”
And.... Tim is on his feet in a second. He doesn’t know why he reacts like this..... No, he knows exactly why because... “What suit would you have picked out?” He is so so angry.  
“What?” Bruce doesn’t show it, but a mild confusion tilts through his tone, and Tim lashes out.
“I said which suit would you have picked out? For our funeral I mean.” Even Jason is looking at him now. A stunned surprise mirroring Bruce’s own painting his face, but Tim doesn’t spare him a glance. Doesn’t spare anyone else in the room a look. Eyes squarely focused on their shocked father.  
“After we died by the docks and you eventually found our bloating bodies floating in the dirty Gotham waters, which suit would you have picked out? Because that’s what would have happened if Jason hadn’t shot that man. We would be dead Bruce! So, maybe stop trying to equate our lives to your moral code! And just be happy we didn’t die for once in your life!”
Tim is breathing heavily, eyes refusing to leave Bruce’s own, but he still feels the flush of embarrassment burn at his cheeks because... wow, he’d just screamed at Bruce and.... Jason squeezes his hand. Tearing his gaze away from his statue of a father, Tim’s eyes connect with his brother, and Jason squeezes his hand again, giving him a tiny smile and.... yeah.
Sitting back down, Tim fiddles with the other’s fingers until Bruce spins around and marches out of the cave. And yeah.... Tim would fight anyone for Jason, because Jason and him. They were a unit. A team. A “We.”
They had each other’s backs, because they chose to, because they needed to, because they wanted to. And Tim didn’t mind being a “we” with Jason if that meant he’d always have backup in the form of his favorite big brother.  
Dick holds up a chocolate chip cookie to Tim and Jason slaps it out of his hand.
“What the-” Dick says, startled as he watches the cookie fly out of his hand and hit the ground. “What did you do that for?” he asks, turning on Jason.  
Shifting his sunglasses, Jason stares up at the bright blue sky before shrugging at Goldie. “We don’t like chocolate chip anymore.”
Even Damian is giving him a weird look now, the four of them finally hanging out after forever of Dick begging and threatening them to do something together outside of work.  
Tim snorts.
“You heard what I said,” Jason huffs, fishing a butter cookie out of his own bag and handing it over to Tim who takes it without a protest. “We don’t eat chocolate chip anymore.”
“I literally saw Tim eat it yesterday!”
Jason scoffs and Tim has tears in his eyes trying not to laugh. “That was yesterday Goldie. Get with the times.”
The end
@miss-choco-chips​ I got inspired by your fic (especially that Jason and Tim part) so I wrote you this in turn. It’s more fluff and isn’t funny at all but I’m sending you soft emotions your way!!! Since tim and jason are our favs ;)
@throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen​ Sending fluff your way as well!! Hope you like it. We’re are currently on hiatus of torturing tim sooooo happy moments it’s what we’re writing lol.
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whumpbby · 4 years
Can I request🥺 POV Dick realizing for the first time he’s in love with Jason?🥺🥺🥺🥺
Ooh, what Au are we talking about? :)
Say. Dick wouldn’t notice for a while, because for all of his emotional intelligence, he wouldn’t recognise that the feeling is of romantic nature - because he was used to feeling so conflicted about Jason. Always conflicted - when Jay was a kid, Dick felt resentful and at the same time not wanting to feel it. He felt indifferent and also wanting to not be so. He got to know Jay and felt hopeful, the kid was good, he wanted to be a good brother for him. Then Jay died and Dick felt despair and regret. Then he came back and the conflict was back on again, with resentment and disgust and sometimes hate piping in. 
And when Jay started to re-integrate back into the family, the conflict continued, even more so, because Dick had all of these previous feelings that Red Hood evoked, and all these feelings he still didn’t lay to rest about Jason (who dies and thus gave Dick no closure) and on top of that there’s now this hesitant hope to have his family back together and the fear it won’t happen, and concern about Jason not managing to find his place back with them and - on top of everything...   on top of everything, Jason that came back is a fascinating creature. Whatever can be said about him, he’s amazingly strong and resilient and skilled. 
And dangerous - Dick is not for a moment unaware that Jay is very dangerous and had he wanted to move against them, he’d wipe them out. One on one, if Jason got serious or decided they are not important to him anymore, none of them could take him down, including Bruce. Dick knows that it was Jason’s mental instability that won their fights for them so far and the more stable the man became, the less of a foothold they’ve had. They are all dangerous, skilled people, but Jason is the one who has no qualms about using lethal force, he’s not suffering form that knee-jerk diastase for it and he knows it - Jason knows that they will always flinch before the final strike and that will always get him an advantage, because he doesn’t feel doubt, doesn’t suffer empathy when he doesn’t want to. Bruce didn’t manage to train that one fatal fail-safe into him as he did with others, even Damian. 
And Dick knows that him and Tim are the only ones who are aware of that and take pains to neutralise the danger. Jason, stable and not-crazy, is ironically more of a wild card than he was before and they have to put something in place to get into the cracks in his armour. They have to drag him deeper into the family, create ties that will make him empathetic and will give them the foothold necessary to stay his hand in the worst case scenario, that will give them an advantage if necessary. 
It’s not only cold pragmatism - both Dick and Tim want Jason as a part of the family again, they want him back, they want to know this new man he had become - the new man he was becoming seemingly form day to day as his mind seemed to clear. But they also understand that Bruce - who was still living the tragedy of losing the boy - wasn’t capable of making space for Jason. They had to do it. 
And Dick, being the oldest one and always feeling responsible for everyone else, takes it on himself to drag jay back into the fold kicking and screaming. 
And by the time he notices that the fierce feelings he had towards their lost bird were something more than simply care and brotherly concern>> Well, by that time it’s too late.   
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Princess of the Order Chapter 3
I wake up in a room full of darkness and 2 people in white jackets. All I am able to remember is Marinette screaming my name. MARINETTE!!!! I yell and struggle in my binds. My struggles stop short when thousands of needles are thrust into my body. I scream in pain, completely unaware of Talia A-Ghul watching in the shadows with an evil smirk on her face
Marinette's screams ring in my ears as the needles are being thrust into my skin.
My head snaps up and I stop fiddling with my ring. I see Grayson all up in my face. " What?!" I say pushing Grayson away. " You zoned out baby-bird, we were asking about the bust you did yesterday. Can you identify any of the dealers?" " Yes, I can. It was Smith and Douglas. Now if you excuse me I will be heading to my room." I quickly get up and put my hands in my pockets by habit. Instead of heading up to my room, I headed over to the gym. I quickly hang up a punching bag and start.
Roundhouse kick
I closed my eyes and repeated the routine. Flashes of the doctors went through my mind. I hit harder. Soon I notice that the bag has gone limp and unhinge it. I drop it on the floor and grab a new one. Since I had a lot of training with the miraculi I became more physically and mentally stronger. I kept going, each punch getting stronger and stronger.
"Damien look! A flower bud! Do you think that it will bloom in my hand because of the ladybug miraculous?"
" No Damien you silly goose the bunny hoop hops in the tree then comes out the other hole!'
" *giggles* D-Damien s-stop p-put the robes b-back haha"
Someone taps my shoulder. I immediately turn around and punch them. " Demon spawn...you good?" says Todd, his head leaning to the side successfully dodging the punch. "-TT- I am fine Todd '' I grumble and head over to my water bottle and towel. "okay... Be ready Alfred will be leaving at 7:30" Todd says and leaves.
I quickly get ready and hop into the car. As Alfred pulls up to the academy I fiddle around with my ring. I momentarily slip it off and examine the inside of it. I read the carved message
"I love You Dove"
I stare at it for a while until Alfred opens the door for me. I grab my book bag and slip the ring back on. I climb out and head over to the homeroom ignoring everyone.
Damien had just finished writing his notes for class when a bright light filled his vision. He didn't flinch nor close his eyes. All he did was stare. He was then greeted by his Queen. He saw Marinette. Her clothing disheveled and ripped and scars all over her. Damien reaches out toward the girl and softly says "Sahib Alsumui, are you okay?" his only response is an ear-bleeding screech and a stab in the stomach
Everyone stares at Damien when in the middle of a lesson he gets up and mumbles about going to the washroom. He then walks carefully out the door, confusing everyone. Jon stares at his friend with worry etched on his features
The class finishes and the bell rings as a symbol of the class ending. All the students get up and head over to their last class of the day, Damien still nowhere to be seen. Not one student notices Jon Kent frantically calling Damien on his phone.
Damien bursts into the "Haunted " bathroom on the second floor. He grasps his stomach, gasping for air. He has had many of these kinds of...attacks but he never reacted to them much which left the question ringing in his head.
" Why am I affected now?"
But Damien did not let that thought run through his brain, no not yet. He gasped out in pain and scrunched up into himself. He falls to the side of the floor, right before his vision blurs.
Jon Kent cared for his friends very much. The sunshine child befriended almost everyone that he met and cared for them deeply. If anything happened to them Jon would never forgive himself, so imagine the fear that coursed throughout the half-Kryptonians veins when he checked almost every bathroom in the school and his Best friend wasn't in any of them. Jon's head was filled to the brim with many dark possibilities of what could have happened to the Wayne ward.
The boy did not have a care for his last class. It was art and he shared it with Damien, like the previous one. Damien could be back at art right now Jon, you're just being paranoid! A voice in his head whispered. Jon considered that idea and was leaning over to keep looking when he realized he had no leads. Jon sighed and made his way towards class, head down.
" Again." said the cold voice of Talia Al Ghul, my new 'mother'. I shook my head murmuring pleads, only to be stopped short when I felt the same agonizing pain that only came from having electricity shot through your veins. I knew Talia's plan was to make me feel nothing, and so far it wasn't working. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists as my body screamed in pain. I could barely see the outline of Talia when suddenly everything stopped. My ears rang as I was forced out of the chair and escorted to my room. I gingerly step into my bed and look over to my ring. In 3 more days, it would mark the day I had lost my home and the only 2 people that meant anything to me. Marinette and Master Fu. I still hadn't read the message that was engraved inside the ring. My heart fell, heavy with grief and pain. I...I couldn't stay positive much longer. The chances that Marinette and Fu were alive were 10 to none. I didn't know how long I would be able to hold up without them. Life for me was full of pain, I had no reason to live. Suddenly a laugh rang through my ears. I twisted the ring on my finger, tempted to take it off and read the message but I remember the promise I made to Marinette, I knew I would see her again. I knew I would get her permission to see the message.
Damien jolted up, gasping for air. He looked around his surroundings not remembering where he was or how he got on the floor. He hastily got up and looked into the washroom mirror. His clothes disheveled and his hair a complete mess. He sighed and washed his hands and splashed his face with cold water. He then tried to flatten his hair and smooth out his clothing. In the end, he hadn't been too successful but it was the best he could do. There weren't any clocks in the washroom so he pulled out his phone. It read 3:30 and Damien let out a string of curses. School had ended almost an hour ago and all after school meetings had already ended. No one was there but himself and the staff. He opened his messages and scrolled through the threads, the string of curses growing longer. The chat had said
circusBOI: Damien? Alfred came home without you and Jon said you left class early saying u had to go to the washroom. U Good? we are worried
Broooooose: Damien? Answer please, we're all getting worried.
Deprived Of Coffee: Damien! Answer no joke rn this ain't funny
Ghost: tf are u demon spawnnnnn this ain't funnyyyyy broose made me get ready to look for uuu (but srsly pls answer im worried) I was chilling aaa
And Hundreds more. Damien raced out of the washroom before stopping at history class to grab his things. Damien did not stop running until he made it to the manor. He had never been more grateful for his training with the miraculous. Panting he rang the doorbell and rested his hands on his knees. A camera came peering out and Alfred's voice rang out. " Wayne Residence, How may I assist you?" " *pant* Hey Alfred, *pant*" " Master Damien!" Alfred said in surprise. The doors immediately opened with Alfred running out to help him. " Where were you, Master Damien? We were all worried sick! The other masters went out to look for you!." Alfred dragged the boy inside and placed him in the nearest chair. The butler disappeared for a moment before returning with water. The butler murmured something about calling up the other masters from the Batcave before leaving Damien alone. Damien placed down his things and hastily drank. A minute or so later Dick burst in everyone else not far behind. A string of " BABYBIRD!" " DEMON SPAWN" "DAMI '' and others rang out as his family and Jon gave him a huge hug all at once. Ignoring the feeling of hugging them back he let his arms go limp around them not bothering to remove them.  
Soon enough they let go and Jon said " Dude, what happened? You literally got up and walked out of class mumbling about going to the washroom!" Everyone switched looks while Damien looked down biting the inside of his cheek. He hadn't thought of an excuse yet. He couldn't tell them that he wasn't actually Bruce's child. "Wait, Damien didn't even ask the teacher? daMIEN MUMBLED?!" Jason yelled out panic lacing his voice. Bruce sat down next to the most recent robin and asked: " Damien what happened?"
" Damien, what happened?" I stayed quiet. I could sense Drakes gaze over me. I can feel him analyzing his every move. Drake was the smartest of them all, so I am quite surprised he didn't notice that I'm not bruce's real son. " Were you attacked by a Rogue?" asked Tim. I think that over in my head. It could work as a good excuse but..it's too risky.
"No.." I finally said. I didn't know what to say. " Then what happened baby bird?" said Grayson the most concern I have ever seen etched onto his features. "I...I was actually in the washroom when I felt a prick at the back of my neck and then everything went black. I don't know what happened in the interval I was unconscious" I fibbed. " It must be the League then. No one can sneak up on Damien no matter how hard they tried" stated Bruce murmuring. It made my heart swell in pride happy that my father figure thought so, even if the statement was a lie. I was the best at the order, only second to Marinette. She was the best anyone had ever seen since the order first started and the first ladybug was chosen. Dick nodded at Bruce's statement and said " We'll keep a watch on them" then patted my shoulder and left. Bruce quickly told me to finish my homework before he, Drake, and Todd exit the room leaving me and Jon. Before I could say anything Jon whispered " You really scared me Damien. Don't do that again please" looking up towards me with a pleading look. A look that made me want to tell Jon everything, tell him that I wasn't who he thought I was. All I could bite out was this " I-I can't promise that Jon. I can't." Jon nodded in response and brought out my homework His voice thick with emotion, he said: " Well, wanna get started on this? I'll go get mine!".
Robin jumped from rooftop to rooftop occasionally grappling his way to the next building. Nightwing joined him a bit after laughing as Robin went faster in attempts to beat the first robin. Robin was mid grapple when he yelped in pain and fell through the air.
"ROBIN!" yelled out Nightwing before running over to catch him mid-fall.
Into the coms spoke Batman as he asked Nightwing what happened. Nightwing quickly answered panting, as he held Robin in his hands. He quickly checked his brother's pulse before saying in his coms " Agent A ready an IV and bed, QUICK!"
yes its a bit shorter then the last chappie but it had to be shart cus yall gonna be getting a surprise soon and I had to work on that hehe
feliz navidad yall
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fsketchart · 5 years
Daminette December - Fire
Slight angst sorry also taglist coming very soon so yay also @noirdots ur the best thanks.  Also this is absolutely not realistic rip. Enjoy!
Marinette was oohing and ahhing as she walked around the New year's festival.  Everyone was gathered around the center of the festival as a parade marched down, and from the very back she could see a huge float.  She was getting excited and whipped out her phone to take a video for her family. Next to her, Kagami was jumping up excitedly. She had never seen a parade before.
Marinette and Kagami could only watch in awe as the large float from the end began to make their way to them.  They marveled at how much organization and elegance, and of course patience, it must have taken to make such a large float.
Bruce was already banging his head against the table.  He and his family were asked to run one of the floats this year, and unfortunately, the people who run Gotham's annual New Year's parade decided to make a Bat Family themed float.
Since they obviously couldn't dress as themselves, they each took turns going outside to the front of the float to perform and pretend to be another bat fam member other than themselves.  It was becoming a disaster.
When it was Dick's turn, he had to pretend to be Red Hood and he was having way too much fun with it.  He dressed up in a mock version of a Red Hood outfit. When he went outside, he took advantage of the moment.
The crowd screamed as fans began to reach out towards him.  Dick winked back.
The crowd screamed even louder as people grabbed their phones to record.  Marinette and Kagami began to fall over giggling.
The crowd began cheering, "Nightwing!  Nightwing! Nightwing!" Dick waved at them and walked behind the curtains for the float and returned to the back of the float (closed off section that can't be heard from the crowd.)
Jason immediately lunged for him while screaming, as Alfred tried to pull Jason off of him.  Damian just gave them looks of judgement as he suited up. They decided it would be perfect to send him as Batman, but Damian wouldn't accept a mock outfit.  He wore the real Batman suit, but for obvious reasons...that wasn't the prettiest sight. Damian began tripping everyone and when he reached the stairs to go up on stage he stepped on the cape once more and went flying.  He face plants onto the stage Suddenly, the Batman symbol pops up from one of the lights they set up as the crowd cheers. Damian is still trying to adjust the mask that is covering half his body.
Damian is trying his best to do a Batman impression.  He recalls how his father speaks when talking to Dick, and tries his best to imitate it.  The crowd seemed to like Dick, so that's a good sign right?
"Yo my flip was so hip bro," Damian says in an obviously fake deep voice.
The crowd loses it and goes into hysterics.  Kagami is on the ground laughing as Marinette is just in awe at how cute he seems to be.
Damian sees that he clearly isn't having the tough guy effect.  He tries again.
"Why are you all laughing?  I was so...dope," Damian says, but this time his voice cracks at the end.
Kagami is now sobbing on the ground from hysterics as Marinette begins to giggle a bit.  Marinette sees his small smile, and her heart almost stops. She swears she's seen that smile before.
Damian is done.  Go big or go home.  He tries one last time.
"I hope you all are having a... groovy time?" This time Damian tries finger guns for a moment before immediately stopping and just ditching it.  He runs off the stage but trips again on the cape and a loud thud can be heard from behind the curtains. The crowd just laughs, having caught it all on camera.
Marinette is just giggling, before she realizes where she's seen that smile before.  Damian, she realizes. Her cheeks redden a little bit. Kagami is almost passed out beside her but using Marinette to balance herself.  Kagami wipes a tear from her eye while smiling brightly.
Damian is running to the closest corner he sees.  He swears he saw Marinette in the corner. He tunes out the rest of the noise, including Dick's yelling at Jason's mock performance of Nightwing, and he just rips off the mask.  He sighs and joins his father in banging their heads against the wall. Alfred already taped a pillow to the wall in preparation. (ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ @noirdots)
Alfred pats them both on the back.
"Father?" Damian asked.
"It's your brothers.  What about you?" Bruce asked.
"The one from school?"
"...Yes.  I think she just saw my little performance."
"Sorry you inherited my love life."
After Jason and Tim finished their performances, Bruce was last.  They had to drag him outside to the front. The crowd was screaming at the sight of Bruce in a bright red outfit with green elf shoes and green shorts and a bright black and yellow cape.
Bruce bowed his head in utter shame and humiliation, while all the former robins were getting a kick out of it.  Alfred was recording it.
Bruce wouldn't even speak.  He just stood there awkwardly trying to form words but just settled for awkward silence.  The crowd took photos and Bruce was sure he was going to be on the cover of newspapers and magazines.  Bruce groaned. Clark was going to have a field day.
The robins backstage high fives in their victory.
Jason laughed, knocking off a few boxes.  He made them no mind. Even though the boxes were quite close to some electronic…stuff.  (I'm sorry I don't know what to put here rip.)
The last performance, all of them came dressed up, Bruce having to carry Damian to the front because he couldn't see in Bruce's mask.
Together, they took a bow.  Marinette waved from the crowd and Damian got red.  He shyly waved back, still being carried by Bruce piggy back style.
They gathered around and were about to announce some bat fam merchandise when their planned surprise, ended up going off.  Behind them, a loud boom came from behind the stage. Bruce screamed a high pitched scream while everyone else just stared.  The crowd was confused while the bat fam was panicking. They weren't planning on setting on the surprise until later. That's when Jason remembered the boxes.  He slowly walked behind Dick and hid there.
Suddenly, fireworks were exploding from behind them.  The fireworks were designed to show the Batman symbol, and little logos for each bat fam member.  They were all being set off at once, and Jason was severely panicking by now. That's when Alfred noticed the look on his face and in turn, returned Jason with a judgemental one.  Everyone turned to him.
The crowd was still in awe of the fireworks, oohing and ahing.  Marinette was excited as she hugged Kagami next to her. Kagami returned the hug.
Meanwhile Damian was still clinging onto Bruce for dear life and Jason was screaming.  Dick was running around asking for a fire extinguisher or whatever he could find while Tim was trying to get everyone off the float.  That was when the crowd realized this wasn't supposed to happen. And that's when they smelled the burning.
Marinette darted forwards from the crowd.  Her parents have had plenty of accidents in the bakery before, and began trying to evacuate people.
Kagami already dialed 911 and everyone was screaming.
Bruce led the way off the float while but in the mess, Damian fell off his shoulders.  Everyone kept pushing and shoving each other trying to get away from the float. They pushed and shoved Bruce farther and farther away from the float.
Marinette saw the Wayne family exiting the float, but with no Damian in sight.
Bruce noticed Damian was missing and immediately ran back.  He was screaming his name and that's when Marinette realized what had happened.
A short girl passed Bruce and shoved him out of her way.  She was running towards the float and Bruce let out a curse.  She kept running and running while screaming his name. That's when Bruce joined her.  They entered the burning float and saw his lying there unconscious. Bruce grabbed him, but before they could leave, the roof collapsed.  Marinette jumped into action, trying to hold the roof of the float up. She was muttering under her breath, and Bruce could only hear the name Tikki.  Marinette's eyes seemed just the tiniest bit brighter, as she tried to keep the ceiling together. Bruce ran out and Marinette followed behind him, just barely missing being crushed by the roof.  They ran out of there and onto the front stage. Marinette pointed near the edge and suggested they try to jump there. Bruce nodded and together they jumped off the edge of the float.
Kagami finally saw them on the float and raced forwards.  Marinette broke her ankle, but Bruce managed to land alright.  Kagami grabbed Marinette and ran, Bruce following behind her.
Jason apologised profusely to all of them and even offered to wear the OG Robin outfit as a punishment for a whole week.  The bat fam agreed, and while his pride was tarnished, Jason deemed it worth it. However, Dick added that he had to keep a post it note on his forehead at all times saying, "I am so not cool beans." He was also required to say goodbye with, "toodles." Damian approved.
Bonus : Damian's face wearing the Batman mask.
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Psycho - Chapter 1
I have no idea where to post this but I want to get it out of my folder!
A/N: Yes, I am aware that this is not quite how things happened chronologically. For the sake of the fic, we’re going to pretend that Elle went to Allie and begged to be arrested pretty soon after Dewey’s execution. Kay? Kay. Also I’m not a huge Will fan so he’ll be meh in this. Sorry.
Trigger warnings: injuries, torture, abuse, Campbell is a jerk, swearing because they swear like every line, slight mention of rape
Ship(s): Allie and pretty much everyone (platonically), Allie x Harry, Allie & Grizz (as a brotp)
Chapter 1
Allie winced as she felt a large chunk of her thumb nail rip off, before the stinging sensation of air hitting an open wound filled her senses. She’d been trying to wear through the rope tightly binding her wrists behind her back, but obviously had no such luck.
The day had started out normal, as any other day. She skipped breakfast in favor of a quick check up on Harry, whom anyone had yet to manage to drag out of his depressive state. After her doling out her tough love, he did start working again, though very reluctantly and lacking any effort. Then she’d gone back home and talked extensively with Will and Gordy about the issues of water and electricity - namely, how they would check if they were in danger of running out. Then lunch, where she had a nice conversation with Helena that for once did not revolve around politics. She’d only slipped away for a second to use the bathroom when suddenly he was there, knocking her out with a crowbar and stuffing her in his car.
And that was the quickly-escalating, climactic story of how she’d wound up in Campbell Eliot’s basement.
She knew why she was here, of course. He wanted to force Elle back home, where he could continue to control and abuse her. How he figured he would accomplish this by kidnapping her was uncertain, but she knew his end goal.
“Hey there, princess,” he traipsed down the steps into the basement. “Enjoying your stay?”
She glared at him. “I’m not your house guest, Campbell. You kidnapped me. Get to the point.”
“Feisty. Strong,” he smirked. “Every bit the leader. Except for this time, you get to be my captive. How does it feel?”
“What do you want?” she restated, biting out the words. Perhaps she was being dumb, speaking to him in such a tone while he clearly held the upper hand in this scenario. God, she wished for the Guard to notice her absence. But she’d only been awake for about fifteen minutes, plus about half an hour of being unconscious, she’d guess. Unfortunately, the former West Ham football team didn’t have enough experience in detective work to solve that one in forty five minutes.
“I am asking the questions, here!” He growled. “Tell me, Allie. How. Does. It. Feel?”
She caught a glint of something under his jacket sleeve. Brass knuckles. Fuck.
“Cold,” she said simply. He’d taken most of her outerwear, leaving her in leggings and a t-shirt.
“Not the answer I was hoping for, but I’ll take it. Was that so hard?” His smirk widened - the sick bastard was clearly enjoying this.
She’d been told he was a psychopath, heard the things he had done to Elle, and seen him be an asshole on more occasions than she could count. But this was an entirely new side to him that she had yet to see. It truly scared her, rattled her insides. The word psychopath gained a whole new meaning. “What do you want?” she repeated. Her voice trembled, but she pretended not to notice. The hot tears threatening to fall also went ignored.
“Fair enough - you answer one of mine, and I’ll answer one of yours.” He stepped towards where she was sitting on the ground. “I was going to tell you, anyways. I want a lot of things from you, Allie Pressman. You’re a whiny little bitch who only gets to lead us because of your dead sister. You’ve taken so much from me.”
She couldn’t believe that he actually had the nerve to play the victim card. Here, while she was tied up in his basement.
He continued. “But for now - all that I want right now - is my girlfriend back. You better return her to me.”
She glared up at him, trying to appear strong. “Never,” she spat.
The brass knuckles flew at her before she could even blink, crashing into her cheek and causing her head to snap to the side. It took her a moment to reorient herself, and she felt a trail of blood trickling down her face.
“You will do as I say,” he warned in a deadly tone.
She nodded. If she were a fighter, she would deny him, taking what she got and always standing strong. However she was a survivor, and while someone else might say that they were one in the same, that was simply untrue. A fighter fought until the end, while a survivor didn’t come to an end. Some called it intelligence and some called it cowardice, but she was a survivor. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked. She needed to keep getting information out of him - it was her best shot.
“You see, I need to send a message. Campbell Eliot is not someone to be messed with. You have taken from me the girl I love, who I swore to protect, and that’s not going to fly. I’m not going to kill you, Allie. You’ll only wish you were dead.”
She didn’t have time to respond as he kicked her hard in the side. She screamed as she felt something crack.
He tutted. “I thought you would be stronger than that. I guess you’re really just soft behind your big, bad Guard.”
“Fuck you,” she said, though her voice lacked gusto.
“Fuck you, too.” He kicked her again, this time in the back. “Sit up.”
She remained on the ground.
He stomped on her leg. “I said sit up!”
Doing her best to ignore the pain she felt, she slid herself back into a sitting position against the wall.
“You all need to know just how wrong you were.” The fist bearing the brass knuckles crashed into her jaw. “All of you.” He drove them into her stomach, so far that his fist was probably an inch from the wall she was sitting against.
She spat blood, praying for it to be due to the hit to her jaw rather than something internal.
He laughed, like he found all of this extremely funny. “You’re fucking useless, Allie. Do something! Sam’s fucking pet bird had more fight than you!”
She didn’t answer.
“Make this more fun,” he demanded.
She stared up at him with wide, terrified eyes. What in the hell did he mean by that? She had a feeling that she wasn’t going to like it.
He groaned, as if she were causing him an inconvenience. “Jesus christ.” He roughly grabbed her forearm, hauling her to her feet and causing her to scream in pain. “You’ve got five seconds to run to that door at the top of the steps. If you make it, you can go. If you don’t, then we get to keep playing. How does that sound? Fair?”
She stared at him stonily. “Fuck. You. None of this is fair and you know it, even in your sick, psychotic brain.”
“Ready, set, go.” He released her arm, causing her to stumble forwards.
Luckily, she stayed on her feet. She didn’t want to play his stupid torture games. But if she had even a small chance of getting out… She ran.
She quickly found that her right leg didn’t work very well. She pushed herself on and from the amount of effort it took she felt like she should be running. She knew that it probably looked more like a drunken speed walk.
Halfway there, but she still had to tackle the stairs. She urged herself on.
Her heart pumped faster every time his voice echoed. The countdown was terrifying, as she raced to the door knowing what was to come if she didn’t make it.
She was halfway up the stairs when he charged for her, grabbing her and throwing her back down them like a ragdoll.
Through her blurry vision, she longingly stared at the door. The tears flowed freely down her face now.
His form, towering over her, filled her vision. She tried to turn away, but he leant down over her, holding her face in his hand. His thumb wiped some of the blood off of her lip. His face got close to hers, far too close, and he whispered, “My plan doesn’t need for you to die, Allie. It just doesn’t depend on you being alive, either.”
Her breath hitched as she understood his meaning. He didn’t care if she survived this. In fact, he might just kill her for the fun of it. “They’ll hunt you down,” she whispered. “If you kill me.”
“Without you, the town would descend into chaos. They might come looking for me, but I have a backup plan. I thrive in chaos. Eventually, it would be me leading. But I’m not looking for that… just yet, at least. I. Just. Want. My. Girlfriend. Back.”
It took her foggy brain a few seconds longer than it should have to realize that he was undoing her pants.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Grizz says. “Fucking hell. How did we lose her? I thought at least one of us was supposed to be with her at all times!”
“We were,” Jason defended.
“Well she didn’t just vanish into thin air!” Grizz growled back.
Gordy groaned. “And no one has seen her?”
Luke shook his head, confirming. “Helena was with Allie last. She said that she had excused herself to the restroom and then never came back. After that, no one has seen her.”
“She should know better than to slip away without one of us,” Clark sighed, though he was more frustrated with themselves for not paying closer attention than with Allie for wanting to use the freaking bathroom by herself.
Gordy groaned. “This is bad. Why would she just disappear?”
Luke shrugged. “Helena said she was fine while they were talking. Even seemed happy.”
“What do we do?” Grizz asked, arms crossed.
They quieted. As they were only in the very beginning of forming a functioning government, they had neglected to come up with any sort of protocol for missing people. It had simply not been in their minds primarily due to the fact that no one had actually gone missing yet. Even back in West Ham, the old one, due to the upper class families residing there rarely had to deal with such matters.
“What do they do, like, on tv?” Clark suggested.
“They call the cops,” Grizz said.
“Dude,” Luke groaned. “We are the cops.”
Grizz nodded, realizing. “Well, fuck.”
“Will you stop saying that?” Jason said.
“Guys!” Clark said, sharply. “They usually have posters, bring in witnesses…”
Gordy’s eyes widened, a light bulb going off in his head. “A search party.”
The others nodded in approval.
“Okay,” Gordy breathed. “So we’ll assemble a search party and meet in the church. Okay?”
“Let’s go,” Luke agreed. They got to work.
Allie laid on the cold, hard basement floor. She wanted to think about how she would escape and get away from him. She wanted to think about running up the basement steps and sneaking through the house, successfully avoiding her captor and making it through the front door and then down the street before he went to check on her and noticed she was gone.
If she were the strong, smart leader she pretended to be then that’s exactly what she would be doing. If she were her sister.
But she wasn’t her sister. She wasn’t the brave leader guiding the town through their mysterious misfortunes. She was a young girl, doing her best to help people because she was told that it had to be her. So she lay still on the floor, pain filling her senses from inside out, the only thing she could feel. This was certainly a step up from when she broke her ankle as a kid, she thought humorlessly.
It must have been another twenty, thirty minutes before he came back down into the basement. She didn’t dread his return as much as she thought she should. Anything other than sitting alone with her pain and fear.
“Get up,” he ordered.
She whimpered in response. How did he expect her to do so, exactly? She’d inventoried the damage done to her body while she was alone. The pain in her side probably meant a broken rib or three, confirmed by the snap she’d heard when he kicked her. Her right ankle was broken, or at least sprained, and further down she registered pain in her toes. Her head still hurt, probably from the initial assault with the crowbar. Her face hurt, her stomach, and she could feel the bruises littered all over the rest of her body every time she breathed too hard.
“Get up!” he screamed. She winced for the blow, but it never came. Apparently he was satisfied with the injuries he had already caused her.
Against the protest coming from her body, she held her breath as she moved to a sitting position.
“Wow, Allie.” He smirked. “You look like shit.”
“Go to hell,” she inhaled sharply as her ribs moved.
He watched her struggle, and she disturbingly remembered the bird story Sam had shared from their childhood. She was the bird, and he was watching in amusement as her stubs where there used to be wings refused to fly her away. She hated playing the role in his twisted, sick game but was fearful of what he would do if she disobeyed.
She tried to stand, but was sent crashing back to the ground. “Up,” he demanded.
She tried again, this time with more success. But with a laugh and a kick to her left shin - the one bearing her weight - she was back on the ground. A sob rose in her throat.
“Get. Up!” He looked angry now, and she hurried to get back on her feet. It wasn’t working so well.
Impatient, he grabbed her arm and hoisted her up. He dragged her as she stumbled up the steps and out of the basement. He roughly caught her every time her body gave out and she nearly fell, shoving her back upright and continuing on. To her surprise, they exited the horrid house she hoped to never see again and he pulled her over to his car. The one he’d kidnapped her in.
“In,” he said. She did as she was told, with only a little reluctant assistance from him. He got in the driver's’ seat, starting the car.
“Wh-where are we going?” she asked.
He leaned across the center console, grinning. “To deliver my message, princess. You all have twenty four hours to return Elle to me, or I will come back. And I will kill you.”
The threat should have been terrifying, sending shivers down her spine. However the only thing she felt was relief. He was bringing her back home.
The search party met in the church, Gordy briefing everyone on the little bit that they knew. He looked around the room from where he stood in the front. Obviously, the Guard - Luke, Jason, Clark, and Grizz - were there in their matching jackets. Standing next to Luke was Helena, and behind her Kelly.
“Is that everyone coming?” Gordy asked.
“Everyone joining in the search,” Luke shrugged. “Everyone else knows that she’s missing and to keep an eye out.”
Gordy rolled his eyes. He knew that his hometown was filled with unmotivated, emotionally stunted slackers raised in the lap of luxury, however it had never been more apparent to him than it did in that moment. Maybe this New Ham thing was the universe’s way of giving them some much-needed character growth. It was certainly an idea he’d toyed with in the past, and he would’ve considered it longer if he actually believed in a higher power.
Another person slipped in the back, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and looking out of place.
“Come to help?” Gordy asked. All heads turned to see who he was addressing.
Harry nodded. “Kelly told me she was missing.”
Will stood up from where he was sitting. “I don’t trust him,” he glared at Harry. “How do we know that he hasn’t done something to her?”
Harry put his hands up. “I haven’t done anything. Really - I’m here to help.”
Will still looked skeptical, but Kelly ended the issue by saying, “Look, Harry’s barely been pulling himself out of bed long enough to work his shifts. I don’t think he has it in him to plan a kidnapping or whatever this is. No offense, Harry.”
Harry shrugged, “Slight offense, but not undeserved.”
Gordy snapped his fingers, directing their attention back to the issue at hand. “Okay, so here’s the plan…”
The sound of an engine revving outside drowned out the rest of that sentence, effectively drawing their attention away from the meeting. The sound was soon accompanied by a blaring horn.
“What the-” Helena stood from her seat, walking quickly to the door to see what was going on. The others followed, Luke jogging ahead to be with her at the front.
In the church parking lot was the familiar black jeep belonging to Campbell. And in the passenger seat sat the very girl they were searching for.
“Allie!” Grizz yelled.
Before they could react, the passenger door was opened and Allie was roughly shoved out onto the street, Campbell speeding away like a madman (which was actually very in character for him).
The group all sprinted over to Allie, who still hadn’t gotten up.
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commander-rahrah · 5 years
Residency (an Open Heart Fic): PART ONE
Pairing: MC (Jordynne Holland) X Ethan Ramsey X Bryce Lahela; MC X Bryce; MC X Ethan 
Chapter Rating: T (Swearing)
Word Count: 3000+
Description: Jordynne’s last night in Oregon, leading up to her move to Boston, her apartment/Harry Potter room and the beginning of her first day at Edenbrook in Ethan’s point of view. 
Disclaimer: Characters, storyline, and parts of the dialogue are taken from Pixelberry’s Choices. They fully own the characters, dialogue, backgrounds, etc. MC Jordynne’s background is my own creation, based loosely off of MC in-game’s personality and provided with more details. 
Author’s Note: I’ve never posted a Choices Fanfic before! I write fanfiction for other things (Mass Effect & Dragon Age if you are into that), but I just really really couldn’t get Ethan and my MC’s relationship out of my head. But I’m also super torn between him and Bryce. So I came up with a little scene in my head and just started writing. For my writing style, I do like to often put pieces of scenes from in-game/in-app to help the reader figure out where in the storyline we are.  Okayyyyyyy here we go! 
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Jordynne ducked into the black awning covering the entrance to the restaurant, shaking out her umbrella. It was pouring out — of course, it was. It was her last night in Portland — the rainy city had to leave a final impression on her.
Biting her lip, she opened up the door and headed inside. The hostess greeted her right away, and before she could tell her she was there for a reservation she heard a chorus of people screaming her name.
“Ha, I guess that’s them.” She smiled through the embarrassing moment, her cheeks turning red.
She made her way to the private room at the back of the trendy restaurant. There was a big black booth, metal bar stools and string lights everywhere. And a giant homemade banner on the back wall reading, “GOOD LUCK DOC”.
A massive smile spread across her face as she read it, and looked down at all of her family and friends sitting at the tables.
“Awe baby! You’re here!!” Jordynne watched as her mother jumped out of her seat, and ran over to her with her arms spread wide.
“Hi, mom.” She said, letting her wrap her in a big hug.
Her dad came up next to them, grabbing Jordynne by the shoulder and pulling her into him side. “Hey, kiddo.” He had a sad smile on his face.
She could hear right through the gruffness in his voice, “Dad don’t! It’s too early to be sad.” She punched him softly on the arm.
He let out a warm chuckle, pretending to rub at his arm in pain. “Ha, okay okay.”
Her parents led her towards the rest of the group, who were all beaming at Jordynne.
Her pink mouth dropped open, “Oh my god, there are so many people here! Guys, thank you so much for coming!” She let out a little squeal as she hugged her aunts and cousins, college friends and neighbors. She couldn’t believe they all came out to see her off.
“Wait, where’s Jason?” She said, her smile faltering a little when she realized her older brother still wasn’t there.
“He’s on his way. His shift ran late.” Her best friend Carter spoke up, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into a hug.
“Ugh, please don’t remind me that my best friend knows more about my brother than I do…”
“Oh, he knows way more about him...” Her other best friend Kenzie interjected.
Jordynne pulled back as if she was going to slap her, “Kenzie, I swear to god!”
She flashed her a shit-eating grin. “Ugh, I’m going to miss this.”
She chewed on her lip again, “Yeah, me too.” She could feel tears starting to come to her eyes, so she started waving her hands in front of her face. “It’s too soon to start crying!! I just got here.” She forced a laugh.
“Someone’s making my little sister cry?! Who’s ass do I gotta kick now?” A booming voice came from the back. Jason strolled up, still wearing his police uniform. A giant grin spread on his face when he saw Jordynne. “There you are.” He picked her up into a giant teddy bear hug — her feet left the ground.
“Really dressed up for me, hey.” Her voice was strained from being squeezed so hard.
“Hey, I came straight from the station. Didn’t want to miss a second more.” He raised up his hands to her, in silent apology. Immediately after he put on a goofy smile.
Everyone finally settled down at the table together — drinks were ordered and family-style platters shared amongst each other. Stories of Jordynne were exchanged — her childish antics with Jason, when she backed her dad’s Corolla into the basketball hoop, the day she got accepted into medical school. Even though she had insisted there be no gifts, her friends and family still gave her presents. Her Aunties gave her bags of her favorite coffee grounds and a travel mug — for all of her early mornings at the hospital. A scrapbook from Kenzie and Carter, filled with pictures from high school and college. Her parents gave her a crisp, white lab coat with her name embroidered and Jason gave her a brand new stethoscope. By the end of the night, Jordynne’s eyes were filled to the brim with tears.
Everyone lingered as the night wrapped up, coming over to give her their well wishes and goodbyes. Her aunts wrapped her up in tight hugs, her cousins took selfies with her, her neighbors gave her a firm handshake and good luck wishes. Kenzie and Carter grabbed her from both sides in a tight group hug, before doing their trademark pinkie promise handshake. They were all laughing with tears in their eyes. Jason gave her a big bear hug again, chewing the inside of his lip as he saw her tears.
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do Smartie.” He gave her a sad smile, holding onto her hand still.
“Whatever Worm.” She rolled her eyes at him but squeezed his hand back. 
“Now, go get Carter.”
He flashed her a row of white teeth, before finding Carter and intertwining their fingers together. He gave him a soft kiss, before starting to drag him out of the doors with the rest of the group.
Finally, Jordynne turned to see her parents standing in front of her — their faces red with tears. They rushed her into a hug, their heads pushing together. “Thank you so much.” She said, her voice muffled through her mom’s hair. “For everything. I don’t know how to ever repay you.”
Her dad’s laugh shook the group. “You don’t owe us anything Kiddo.”
Jordynne looked at her mom’s face, her green eyes shining. “You can go out there, and be the best damn Doctor you can be.”
She nodded vigorously at them, “Okay.” She said, letting out a breathy laugh.
Staring out through the small oval window, Jordynne absent-mindedly ran her fingers on the edges of the textbook in front of her. She had brought it with her on the plane, intending to catch up on her studying. But as soon as she sat down in her seat, her mind started vibrating and stomach fluttering nervously. She was doing, she was actually doing it — moving across the country to complete her residency at Edenbrook.  
She hadn’t packed that much — clothes, toiletries, some photos, and books. Her suitcase and carry on were enough. Jordynne had wanted Boston to be different, and not having her college dorm room’s decor with her was a part of that. Boxing up the rest of her stuff and putting it in storage in her parent’s basement was cathartic. Either way, the small room she had found for rent near the hospital did not have the space available for a lot of decor.
Letting out a sigh, she tried to refocus on the textbook in front of her. Only four more hours until she landed in Boston. Only four more hours until her new life would actually begin.
Anxiously staring into the mirror, Jordynne fixed her blonde ponytail for the fourth time that morning. She stared into the small cracked mirror in the house’s shared bathroom, before straightening up. Licking her pink lips, she studied herself. Her long wavy blonde hair was pulled up into a sleek high ponytail, her tan skin dewy from a bit of foundation and highlighter. Her green eyes seemed a bit brighter with her new contacts. Smoothing down her blue scrubs, she attempted a smile in the mirror but was interrupted by a loud knocking. “Hey, are you done yet?!” A hoarse voice shouted at her through the door.
“Sorry!” Jordynne grabbed onto her toiletry bag and turned the knob to the door. “All done!” As she went to wave one of the roommates through, they shoved into her and closed the door. She closed her eyes for a moment, taking a calming breath before heading back downstairs to her room.
It wasn’t really a bedroom. Maybe a cold storage room. It was the space underneath the stairs leading into the frigid basement — there was no ceiling in the room, and the floor was concrete. Definitely no windows. But it was so cheap and close to the hospital, Jordynne wouldn’t dare complain. The delivery guy from the furniture store raised an eyebrow when he brought in her mattress and bed frame for her, but she was going to make the best of it.
Swapping out the toiletries in her hand for her grey messenger bag, Jordynne slung it over her shoulder and bounded back up the stairs. Fumbling with the cord of her headphones, she pulled out her phone and scrolled through her playlist — trying to find the perfect song to walk to.
She had already practiced walking to work a few times— confirming what the best time to leave was, any short cuts or good coffees places to stop by. She wasn’t usually that anal — she was just nervous. Giving up on finding a song, she pressed shuffle and flipped over to her messages. She had unread texts from her family and friends, sending “I love you” and “good luck” messages. Jordynne smiled as she read them, replying back quickly before putting her head back up.
She could see Edenbrook from here — the large glass windows shining in the morning sun. Jordynne felt her stomach flip, as she crossed the street and stood outside of its main entrance. Wrapping her headphones back up, she turned her phone to “do not disturb” and tucked them into her bag. Gripping onto the strap crossing over her chest, she took a deep breath before marching into the building.
Tipping the final drops of his coffee into his mouth, Ethan Ramsey placed his travel mug on his desk with a sigh. He still had another thirty minutes until the orientation started. Interns.
He liked it in his office. He spent more time in the 200 square foot room then he did in his two bedroom apartment. It was simple — his desk was nothing fancy, some comfortable chairs for patients or residents to sit in during meetings. A deep leather sofa sat in the corner — his bed on most nights.
Checking his pager, Ethan turned off the lights in his office before locking the door and heading down the hall. A few nurses giggled as he walked by, and he gritted his teeth as he heard them.
He enjoyed walking the hospital, weaving past the entrance to observe waiting patients. He liked to challenge himself, try and diagnose patients without speaking to them first. Poking his head around the corner, he took stock of the dozen people sitting patiently in their chairs.
Nurse Roberts waved to him from the front desk — one of the few people he could tolerate. She had been sitting there on his first day, and he didn’t expect she would be going anywhere else anytime soon. A couple other nurses stood near a supply closet, whispering to each other quietly.
But his blue eyes flickered over to a pair of scrubs — a blonde woman he had never seen before was waltzing through the waiting room, her mouth open as she gazed around her. An intern? He thought to himself, curiously watching her.
She was pretty, he wouldn’t deny that. Her tan skin glowed compared to her scrubs, and she had her hair pulled up into a long, wavy ponytail. She reminded him of someone from the cover of one of the magazines in the waiting room — high cheekbones, full pink lips, long lashes. He crinkled his mouth in surprise. It wasn’t that doctors weren’t allowed to be attractive, it’s was just the fact that Ethan found himself thinking about one was.  
An audible gasp caused his ears to perk up. Blinking himself back to reality, his eyes darted around the waiting room, watching as a woman slumped in her seat before hitting the tiled floor.
Instincts kicking in, Ramsey started rushing over to the woman opening his mouth to speak. Two voices in union echoed in the room,  “Everybody, step back! I’m a doctor!”
Ignoring the other voice, he dropped down to his knees next to the patient. Taking two trained fingers, he placed them on her neck searching for a pulse. He barely felt it on his fingertips.
“Pulse is weak. She’s unresponsive.” He muttered to himself, before looking around for a staff member. Spotting the blonde in the scrubs, he nodded towards her — beckoning her over. “You. Rookie. Get in here.”
He didn’t wait to see if she was coming, instead he tucked his arms underneath the woman and lifted her up with ease. A nurse appeared with a stretcher, and he placed her on it gently. The blonde woman was steadying it for him, her eyes focused.
Noticing the nurse who suddenly appeared at his side, the doctor spoke to him, “Mahiri, what was she coming in for? Did she fill out a form yet?”
“No, she’d just walked in.” The nurse said, his eyes wide as he looked down at the patient.
Ramsey let out an agitated breath. “If we don’t figure out what’s wrong with her fast, she’s gonna die on this table.” Licking his lips, he started observing the patient as he instructed the intern. “Rookie, check her B.P.”
The nurse handed a blood pressure cuff to her, who quickly wrapped it around the woman’s arm, pumping the bulb and peering at the numbers. “It’s plummeting. She’s hypotensive. We’ve gotta get fluids in her.”
Another nurse wheeled over an IV rack, quickly hooking her in with ease. As he moved her arm, Ramsey noticed a large bruise forming on her elbow. The woman stirred at the sensation, and he watched as the blonde grabbed onto her hand instinctually. The patient weakly gripped the intern’s hand, her fingertips slowly turning blue.
Ethan waited — seeing if she would notice.
He watched as her green eyes widened. “Doctor, look at this bruise. It wasn’t here a moment ago.”
Observant. Good. He thought to himself, test number two now. “You’re sure?”
She didn’t miss a beat. “Yes, I’m sure.”
Confident. He liked that. “That’s the elbow she landed on when she fell. A bruise forming that fast would suggest that this woman is a hemophiliac. Good catch.” He nodded at her approvingly, “Also, see her fingertips? Low oxygen saturation in her blood. Take a closer listen to her lungs. Hurry.” He wanted to show her, to teach her more. But the last thing he needed was a waiting room full of people to watch a woman die at 7:00 in the morning.
Handing her the stethoscope from around his neck, he watched as she slipped it in her ears before placing the resonator onto the woman’s side. “I can’t hear anything on the left side! And her right lung is struggling! Doctor, she’s going to suffocate!”
He noticed the inflection in her voice — she was starting panic now. Remaining calm, his eyes narrowed in on the patient, his pupils flickering as he analyzed her. “Nurse, we’ve got a code blue.”
The nurse shifted quickly, grabbing a bag-mask from his cart and passing it to him.
“What do we do, Doctor? What’s happening to her?” The blonde woman asked as she watched, her hands awkwardly in front of her — waiting to be told what to do.
He gently started pumping air into the woman’s lungs, speaking to the intern as he did so. “Consider all the clues. It’s all there. You know this, Rookie.”
“It’s… It’s…” He watched her close her eyes, her eyelids flickering as she thought.
Come on, get there faster. Don’t make me do it. Ramsey thought to himself.
“It’s a hemothorax!” She blurted out.
A small smile flickered on Ethan’s face as she solved it. “Precisely. A blood vessel ruptured and is filling her pleural cavity…”
She interrupted him, “Blocking her lungs from expanding! That’s why she can’t breathe!” She hesitated, “But we can’t repair the blood vessel here…”
“We’ll have to do an emergency thoracotomy to drain the cavity instead. Nurse!” He called out.
Again, the nurse was immediately at his side. He offered the scalpel and chest tube to Ramsey, but he waved him off — getting him to offer it to the intern. Wrapping her fingers around the scalpel, she gulped as Ethan lifted up the patient’s shirt to expose her rib cage. He attempted to multitask but gestured to the nurse to take over pumping air into the patient with the mask bag.
“Don’t we need a local anesthetic…” Her eyebrows furrowed.
“We’re outta time! Do it now, or this woman’s life is on you!” He said sternly.
The scalpel inching closer, he listened as she started whispering to herself. “Incision at the fifth intercostal space… anterior… to the mid-axillary line…”.
She was smart. Methodical. Ethan had to give her that.
Her hand started to tremble just before contact with the skin, and Ramsey felt himself reach out to her instinctually. He steadied her hand with his, a jolt of electricity waving over him at their touch.
His turned his voice gentle, his blue eyes meeting hers. “Hey… You can do this.”
A new found resolve settled over her, and her hand almost instantly stopped shaking.
“There you go. Nice and easy.” He nodded approvingly as she made the incision.
Their hands remained together as they gently pushed the breathing tube through the incision — a spurt of blood hitting the intern’s scrubs as the fluid began to drain out of the woman’s chest. A ragged breath gasped from her, as she started to breathe again.
The blonde’s mouth opened in shock, “We… we did it!”
Gesturing over to the nurses on standby, Ethan spoke to them. “She’s stable. Get her into surgery… She’s gonna make it.”
A burst of applause from the onlookers in the waiting room, made him snap back to reality. He turned to watch the intern, who was carefully wiping her forehead being careful not to get any more blood on her. Her eyes seemed brighter after all of that — he assumed adrenaline was pumping through her.
She caught him staring, and she broke out into a smile revealing a line of perfectly white teeth. “Doctor… that was… absolutely amazing!”
Remembering where he was, he dropped the emotion from his face. “You’re right. It’s pretty amazing you didn’t get her killed.”
Her eyes widened in surprise, her pink mouth hanging open, “Wait, what?”
Ethan kept his voice monotone, “Your examination was slow and superficial. Your scalpel technique, amateur at best…”
“Amateur? Maybe you can give me private lessons then.” Jordynne retorted, raising an eyebrow.
He couldn’t help the smile that broke across his face, “Ha! I just might, Doctor…” He reached across, grabbing the ID card off hanging off of her pocket. “Holland. But I sincerely doubt you could afford my salary.” He gave her a devilish smirk, before tossing back the plastic card. He turned on his heel, stalking off without a background glance.
Holland. So that’s the Rookie he had handpicked. He had to admit she was as good as her application — maybe better. He had to reprimand her — she shouldn’t get too confident, too cocky — it would ruin her career before it even started. But she was good — quick, steady hands, sharp mind. And those eyes — but he cut his thoughts off as they approached her appearance. He was not going down that road.
Ramsey used his back to open the door into a nearby OR, finding a sink to wash his hands in. He had remained spotless throughout the emergency — it took years of practice, but it was now his talent to keep his white coat pristine throughout the day. He thought to the Rookie’s blood covered scrubs and let out a chuckle.  He’d have to keep an eye on that one — she was gonna be special.
Part Two
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ellana-ravenwood · 6 years
“Wanna Join ?” Part 2/2 - Jason Todd x Reader x Roy Harper (erotica)
And here as promised, part 2 of this little dirty polyamorous fic of mine. If you haven’t read part 1, link down below :-). And hum...I don’t have much to add, hope you’ll like it ! 
IMPORTANT WARNING : THIS IS EROTICA ! THIS IS NOT FOR YOU IF YOU ARE UNDERAGED, I GODDAMN MEAN IT. Like there’s cute and sweet feelings in the mix, but also...smut, so if you’re not 18 or more, or if you’re not comfortable with that sort of things etc etc, this story ain’t for you. I have tons of other very SFW story, for averyone to read, and if you wanna check those out instead, it’s right here, on My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives.
Jason Todd was happy. 
Right here, right now. 
In fact, he doesn’t remember feeling that happy ever in his life...
Maybe before his death, when he was just a carefree kid and Bruce asked him if he could officially be adopted ? 
The feeling, in his little nine years old heart, to finally belong, to finally have a real family that cared about him...It was overwhelming at the time. 
Of course, things were cut short, ruined by that psychopathic clown, who killed him when he was fifteen. And by R’as Al Ghul, who wouldn't let him rest and brought him back...
Since he came back to life, Jason couldn’t recall being THAT happy. 
He found new friends, forgave his father, bonded again with his family (becoming quite a protective yet cool older brother to Tim, and more recently, to Damian, finally making progress with him...Finally wanting to make progress with him), learned how to live again etc etc...
But there was always that gloominess in him. That sadness of being let down. Abandoned by his father, the only person he always thought would never let him go...
The constant feeling of not being important enough followed him everywhere, this pain dragged him down for so long...
Until he met you and Roy. 
At first, he was such an ass to the both of you, but you stuck around anyway. You didn’t let him push you away...and before he knew it, Roy and you were the reasons he felt happier sometimes, just by being with you. 
Before he realized it, he had fallen hopelessly in love with you. 
With both of you...
And then you two started dating, and he thought it would be the end. Over. That he would have to burry his feelings deep down and watch you two be happy from a distance. That once more, he wouldn’t belong anywhere. 
But one day...One day you invited him to join in on your sexy time, and after a few months of fun, of incredible sexual experience...you realized you were all in love with each others. 
That’s the word Jason used. And how lucky was he, to have fallen desperately in love with his best friends who discovered they too, were poly ? 
Very lucky. 
So sure, at first it had been a mess of misunderstandings and hurt, but things cleared pretty rapidly ! 
After Roy thought Jason was trying to steal you away from him, you caught up with him and came back to the apartment, where Jay proceeded to explain himself. 
He remembered how he was afraid because if you guys didn’t share his feelings...he could ruin everything. You’d never abandoned him of course, but it would never be the same again. 
And now...
No Jason Todd was happy. 
Here. Right here. 
That night, he fell asleep in the best spot. 
In the middle. 
Your head was in the crook of his neck, and one of your leg was thrown around his waist, as you were cuddled against him, your warmth spreading to him pleasantly. 
Roy was sleeping on his belly, his body also against Jason’s. One of his arms was laying comfortably across the Red Hood’s chest, fingertips touching you side softly. 
And though this position might sound uncomfortable to a lot of people, sandwiched the way he was...Jason lived to feel you guys’ naked bodies against him. 
Jason Todd was happy. Here. Between you two.
He was thinking about just that when...he felt like something was wrong. 
Yours and Roy’s skin felt...weirdly sweaty and sticky. Not like it should have felt. It was slimy and warm and...It was blood. 
Jason sat up in a panic, and shook both of you, but he already knew...he already knew by the empty look in your eyes, by the sudden coldness of your skin, by the amount of blood all around you...You and Roy were dead. 
You had left him behind, you were gone, forever. What happened ?! 
He...he...He woke up, screaming at the top of his lungs. 
Jason felt as if he was back in time. When he was eight, and just started to live at Wayne manor’s. When he was all alone in this huge bedroom. 
He used to have vivid dreams about his mother’s murder...And used to wake up screaming, just like right now. And each time, Bruce would come running, and would be there for him until he fell asleep. 
And though Jason was far from being a kid now...Bruce came in when he heard his (adult) son scream in his sleep. It was mainly just a reflex. Tim and Damian still lived at the Manor, and sometimes they had nightmares. 
They were still young enough to appreciated their father rushing in their room to reassure them, to be there for them. And so when Bruce was woken up by a scream...He followed his father instincts and went to the source of the scream, knowing it was one of his boys. 
But half asleep, he didn’t realize that said scream came from one of his oldest son...Jason came back to live in the manor shortly after the huge fall out he had with you and Roy. He just didn’t want to stay alone in an apartment, he couldn’t stay alone in an apartment so...He moved back to his old home. 
It has been a while, since he lived there. But of course, Bruce and Alfred welcomed him with open arms. And the old butler got his old room in order, with the help of a rather excited Tim (he always admired greatly Jason) and the reluctant help of Damian (who was actually pretty excited too...it meant he could randomly start fights in the corridor with someone else than Drake !). 
It was a bit weird, to be back in that huge room...Some of his old stuffs that he didn’t take with him, and that were there since before his death brought memories back to his mind. Of times when it was just him and Bruce. Of Dick and him fighting, but ultimately become close brothers. Of finding a new family. Of Bruce being proud of him because he had good grades at school. Of roaming the mansion with Dick, up to no good. Of scaring Alfred by jumping all around expensive furnitures (though the butler was scared for his well being more than said furnitures). Of Alfred’s cucumber sandwiches...
It was a bit weird, but he realized it was exactly what he needed. 
After the heartbreak he just went through. After loosing his two best friends, but also ruining their relationship...
He needed his home. His family. To not feel completely abandoned again. 
And as Bruce, his father, half-asleep, came running into his room already saying : 
“It’s alright boy, I’m here.”
Jason felt a bit better...But then his dad realizes it’s neither Tim nor Damian. It’s one of his grown ass kid. And he just stands there, between the door and his bed, not really sure of what to do. 
He reconnected with Jason not so long ago, and he fears that him barging in after he had a nightmare might be too much for him. Might make painful memories of his father abandoning him (Bruce would never forgive himself, but he had his reason, and Jay finally understood them) resurface for some reasons...maybe some childhood memories that were too painful to think about. 
And this was the last thing Jason needed. After what he just went through...
So Bruce stood there for a moment, unsure of what to do next, until he realized...Until he realized Jason was crying. 
And once again, his father instincts kicked in. Especially since he never saw Jason cry...And so he goes to him, sits next to him, and holds him. Just like he used to do when Jay was eight...And he listens. 
He listens to his heartbroken son, to his shattered boy...And he doesn’t let go. 
Roy is angry. 
Lately, he’s always angry. 
Maybe it’s a way of ignoring that lingering pain inside him, the one that threatens to destroy him if he stops being so furious ? 
But as Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow watch upon his ex-sidekick bashing a random low life head’s in...This has to end. 
It’s not like his Roy to loose it like that. Especially not since he met you and Jason. He became a collected man, that always thought things through and..it just wasn’t his thing to use mindless violence. 
And it was tarnishing his name. And by the same occasion, Green Arrow’s. Not that Oliver cared much, no. He didn’t give a shit what people thought of the Arrows right now, he just wanted Roy to feel better. 
But it was dangerous. There was a high chance of him just getting mad and blowing everything up, telling Oliver to never talk to him again (right when they were reconnecting again at that !). 
However, the archer was ready to risk it all. For the boy’s sake...He chuckled. The boy ? But Roy wasn’t a boy anymore. Or things would be easier. 
When he was a boy, the one they used to call “Speedy” used to drink everything his mentor said, used to admire him so much and follow everything he taught him...Which is probably the source of their downfall. Of why he felt so betrayed and all when...But this was the past. 
Right now, he needed him. 
“You know, I think he understood your point...”
Oliver said, walking slowly toward Roy who was just about finishing beating up that low life drug dealer. The red archer turned around and...Had the opposite reaction Oliver was expecting. 
He was waiting for Roy to burst in anger, to tell him to go fuck himself. He was almost expecting to fight him in order to calm him down ! But this ? This was a surprise. 
Roy let go of the collar of the criminal he was holding, and the man fell back down limply, definitely knocked out. He looked at his former mentor as if he was an hallucination, or a dream, and seemed to come out of a daze and...
He sat down on the floor, or rather, fell down, sunk down on the floor. And his head fell in his hands. He didn’t say anything. He just...looked defeated. 
And Oliver never saw, even at his worst, Roy look defeated...Almost shocked, he walked toward him and sat down beside him. 
Roy jumped in the air a bit, as if he already forgot that Green Arrow was here and he looked at him curiously, but a lingering suffering was there, behind his eyes. And then, with a weak voice so unlike his normal one, he said : 
“I lost her Oli’. I lost both of them”. 
Oliver Queen didn’t need to ask who he was talking about. He knew. 
Anyone who had seen those three together knew that if for whatever reason they had a fall out, it would be bad. For all three of them. 
They seemed so close, even after Roy started to date you...
Oliver laid a hand he wanted consoling on his former sidekick’s shoulder, and was about to say something but...nothing could have prepared him for the flow of words that came out of Roy’s mouth. 
He hadn’t talk to him that much in years ! And so Green Arrow stayed there, sitting next to him, and listened. 
Your heart tightened as you looked upon the last picture that you took all together. You were all so happy then...Or so you thought. 
Because if everything went as fine as you thought, then why would Jason decide to kiss you and tell you he loves you ? ...
The picture was taken by him, with his phone. He was a bit in front of you, smiling and making a stupid peace sign, while you and Roy were making silly faces and...You hid the photo, shoving it in your backpack. 
It hurt too much to see it. Especially since you hadn’t seen any of them for now almost two months, had no news whatsoever and...Had those impossible feelings for both of them. 
It’s funny, that it took Jason deciding to kiss you and tell you he loves you for you to realize what has been there all along. 
That you were in love yes...with both of them. 
Which is why you so often let Jason in on your intimate moment with Roy...After all, you were the one that initiated the all thing with your simple : “Wanna join ?”
But the way you grew up, the way society worked...You thought it was actually impossible to be in love with more than one person at once, and so you convinced yourself that what you felt for Jay was just a very strong friendship, and you were just in love with Roy. 
You convinced yourself you were “normal”, that you just had a regular love story, with only two people in it...Only it has never been “normal”. 
Because from day one, Jason was always there. And then when he joined in on your sex session...You should have known it was coming. 
The disaster. Things were going too well, and yet not well enough. 
Because every time you finished having sex with each other, you craved for Jason to stay too and...You shook your head. 
What was the point in remembering and pondering all those thoughts now ? It was too late. You should have never told Jason to join, and stay the way you all were...At least, you would still be together. 
And sure, it would have mean repressing a lot of feelings but...you’d still have them. Not like now, as you were in your now empty old apartment (empty of them), gathering a few things you had never dared to come get back before now. 
In case you ran into one of them, you know ? 
Because you couldn’t face Jason nor Roy, for reasons you weren’t too sure of...Maybe you were afraid of further rejection ? Of fighting and therefor definitely ending everything between all of you ? Maybe...
You didn’t really know, and you weren’t quite ready to delve into your feelings like that, to psychoanalyse yourself just yet. 
You were about to leave the apartment when...You heard a noise coming from Jason’s bedroom. 
For some reason, you were sure it wouldn’t be Jason himself, because it seemed like he was avoiding you too lately (which was good), and went back to live at Wayne’s Manor. So in your head, it was most likely an intruder and you’d be damn if you’d let an intruder come into your house ! Even if nowadays, it wasn't really yours anymore...At least, it didn’t feel like home without Jason and Roy. 
So when you barged in Jason’s room, ready to fight whatever stranger came in, your surprise was huge to discover that it was...Actually Jason. 
You stared at each others for a bit, not really knowing what to say. 
“You um...look well.”
Jason finally broke the silence, and it brought you back to your senses. In a small voice you answer : 
“Yeah well I’m...Well. You look...Alright too.”
Another silence, but it seems like none of you want to leave the room. In fact, you feel a sudden urge to stay, and to talk more to him. To work things out. To try and understand why he did what he did when he did it. To try and understand your own feelings...After all, you still love him too. 
And Jason ? Jason doesn’t want to go out either. He wants to explain. He wants to tell you everything, as finally you’re not running away...
He originally came in just go grab some of his stuffs from his room, coming through the window as an old habit, and definitely didn’t expect you to be there. Not after two months...And yet. Yet here you were. 
And here he was. 
His chance to explain everything. To tell you how he truly feels. To maybe convince you to go after Roy ! And if you don’t love him back ? Well it was alright, he’d settle to see you and Roy happy...It’s all he ever wanted really. 
The two people he was oh so desperately in love with to be happy. 
You both speak at the same time. 
“(Y/N)/Jason I...Oh, you first !” 
And then you chuckle, and it’s been months since any of you laughed... 
You take a step towards him, and he takes one towards you. And as both of your minds’ are overflowing with what you should say, with what you should admit to each other...Everything crumbles away when you’re just a few inches from each other. 
Because the attraction is too strong. It always had been too strong. 
And you both resolve to say everything later, as he catch you in his arms and your mouth are looking for each other...Find each other. 
Your arms wind up around his neck, and he holds you close, his own arms wrapping around your waist. And before you realize it, both your lips part and your tongues dance around each other, as you press even further in his body. And he...
“I can’t fucking believe it !”
A cold chill ran in your vein, as you quickly get away from Jason (even if you don’t want to), and he does the same. You both turned around and...are faced with Roy, a sport bag on his shoulder. 
It seemed like today, all of you thought it was a good time to come back and get some stuffs...But after all, it had been two months, it was suppose to be “safe”. 
You’re about to say something, and you can see Jay is too, but Roy shuts you both down by continuing : 
“I can’t...But I should know. Of course, with me out of the picture, you both had the way free to each others ! 
“Roy it’s not...”
“Shut up ! Both of you ! ...I came here because I saw some lights. And because I needed to take a few things. I came here knowing one of you would be here, and to talk. To not leave things like we left them. And what do I find ? My best friends, whom I thought would never betray me, doing exactly that. Again.”
Roy let his bag slip off his shoulder and walks toward you. By instinct, Jason takes a step back, afraid to get punched again like last time. But Roy stops a few feet from both of you and says : 
“You know, I’d never think EVER in my life that you two would...Do something like that. I...I love you. I love you both so much ! And you’d do that to me ? Why didn’t you just tell me you wanted to be together ?! I would have accepted it ! It would have hurt, yes, but I would..I wouldn’t feel so betrayed. So left out. And it was the least you could do...” 
It was interesting, the way he was talking about both of you, not addressing his speech to only one person. And did he say...He loves you “both so much” ? 
“I don’t understand why you would do that. I just don’t...get it. I thought I could trust you. I thought I...I...” 
His voice break, and you and Jason take the few steps that separate him from you, but as he notices, he walks backwards. 
“Don’t touch me. Don’t come near me. Not after what you’ve just done !” 
It hurts. It hurts so much, the way he walks away, fear in his eyes. Fear that you’d break his heart further...
Roy doesn’t want to hear you say that you love each other. That you’re going to date from now on. He doesn’t want to hear you say that everything between you and him was fake. He...He doesn’t want to hear any excuses. 
There’s a silence, once again broken by Jason :
“I’m sorry. I...Ruined everything. As usual. I...The day you caught us, two months ago...I was about to tell you guys my big confession. The thing I hid for so long and couldn’t hold in anymore. Not after all this time spend in each others’ arms. I...”
“Let me guess Jason. Said confession is that you love her ? That you love (Y/N) ? Since when ugh ? Did you love her already when we invited you to join in on our fun ? Did you join in just because of that ? After all, it’s true that during our sex session you always paid more attention to her ! I thought, like you always said, that sex was just fun ugh ? That it meant nothing ? And so what now Jason, it does because you love her ?!” 
The Red Hood flinches a bit as his friend reminds him of what vision he had of sexual relationships before meeting them. It’s true that, whenever he slept with someone, it used to only be fun but...With them ? Ever since that first night he joined you guys ? It was never fake.
It was never just pleasure. It was...So much more. For him, at least. 
Roy seems to be on a streak of words as he keeps going, talking again about how betrayed he feels and how as soon as Jason joined he felt like he didn’t matter as much as he used to. How Green Arrow himself told him that this all situation was shitty. How...
“Oh shut up will ya ?! Let us talk too !!” 
Jason says a bit harshly. Roy turns to him and anger, but also pain cross his feature as he says : 
“How dare you ? How dare you say such a thing to me while you’re the one that...” 
And Jason doesn't think. It’s the first thing that comes to his mind to shut him up. 
He grabs him by the back of his neck and crashes his mouth on his, kissing him fiercely and passionately. And Roy...kisses back. 
They separate and look at each other, an intensity that wasn’t there before burning in their eyes. But neither of them forgot you, and they turn to you. 
They were expecting to see you hurt, even maybe crying or something, as you witnessed both of them kissing very eagerly. But...No. 
You look...Turned on. Because your brains sometimes works faster than theirs and you figured things out. And you’re relief. Oh so relief. 
You walk to them, and stop right in front of them. Jason’s hand is still behind Roy’s neck, and they’re both so close...You walk in. 
In that little circle. 
And you lay one kiss on Jason’s lips, and one kiss on Roy’s. It’s funny, they both taste like the other one...You cup their cheek, and despite the turmoil of feelings in their belly, they lean into your touch. 
“We are all...Such idiots.” 
You finally say, and it seems like the tension that was raised to the max since Roy came in suddenly deflated. Suddenly disappeared. 
You all walk a little appart, and you continue : 
“It’s...Almost to good to be true. And yet...Jason, do you love me ?” 
The man answer, without an ounce of hesitation. 
“Roy, do you love me ?” you ask. 
He says, albeit a bit slower than Jason, as he’s still unsure what to feel right now. You keep going : 
“Jay...Do you love Roy ? And I mean, love beyond our friendship ? ” 
There’s a small silence. Jason looks at you, unsure, and afraid to show his real him. His true feelings. 
But his father’s words came back into his mind. “Don’t hide yourself, be who you are. And don’t be like me, show the people you love you love them, whenever possible, because they’ll be gone before you realize, and you end up realizing you never told them what you really felt...”
And so he says, firmly, sure of himself : 
You smile tenderly, glad that you understood what was happening with him. But now, you turn to Roy, and there..You’re not quite sure he’s like you and Jason. Not quite sure he can accept that, not quite sure he can love both of you. 
And from his answer, everything could change. In two ways. 
If he says “yes”, then there’s a chance loves you too, and you could all fix things together; But if he says “yes”, there’s also a chance that he doesn't love you, and just loves Jason and then...Your heart would be broken. 
If he says no however, he might still love you, and then Jason’s heart would be broken. And so would be this little trio of yours. 
From Roy’s answer...your world could either be turned to the best, or worst. 
He finally says. And his head slumps down, and your heart drops. Does that mean ? ...He continues : 
“I’m sorry (Y/N). I tried not to. But...Ever since I met him I had a crush, and then...we’re just so close. A friendship so strong, and it always blew my mind how much I cared and it was all because...it wasn’t just a strong friendship. It was also love. And I’m sorry (Y/N), I really tried not to love him...”
You freeze. Does that mean...Does that mean he doesn’t love you anymore ? Or never loved you ? It was all fake to forget Jason ? Then why was he so mad Jason kissed you ? ...Oh. Oh was it because since he was in love with him, he...your heart stopped. 
You would be out of the picture. You had to step down now. 
You could feel tears welling up in your eyes...But Jason’s fingertips caught them before they fell and said : 
“We really are idiots, we keep getting stuck into those stupid misunderstanding that we could easily avoid if we...voiced our feelings more. Roy, do you love (Y/N) ? Truly love her ?” 
Roy’s head comes back up, and with a vexed look in his eyes he says : 
“Of course I love her !! I just said so a few seconds ago ! Why do you think I was so hurt when I saw you kiss her ? Felt so betrayed ? And how was I suppose to know you were going to tell us you both love us ?” 
Relief. Again. Relief washes over you. And you start to laugh. 
You can’t help it. All of this. Those two months of pain, and this tense conversation. All those quiproquos and such. All those times you didn’t understand the others’ meaning, or actions. How you almost all threw it away because of it...And here it was finally ending. 
“Oh my god. I love you both so much...” 
You hear yourself say. And they both turn and look at you, something new burning in their eyes. Jason says : 
“You...you do ?” 
“Oh yes. Yes. And if I’m being honest, have been for a while now...” 
It’s Roy’s turns now, to have a small tender smile on his face as he brushes his own fingertips on your cheek, where a few seconds ago tears threatened to fall. And where now, there were tears indeed...But tears of happiness. 
“You love us both ?” 
You don’t even know which one of you asked that, but the answer is unanimous. 
And just like that, every pent up emotions fly into the air, and you laugh. 
Oh you laugh so much... 
And you tell each others. Those three words. “I love you”. You tell each other, all of you. 
When you stop, you all look at each others, not sure of the next step now that you clumsily professed your love to each other...
Should you...talk more about it ? Try to figure out why you were all in love with two people ? Try to understand why you hid it for so long ? Just trying to be normal ? Should you just talk it through ? 
But what was there to talk about. You loved each other. It was official. 
Jason always knew it. He always knew he was in love with both you and Roy. You had discovered it right when you all fell apart. And Roy...Roy realized it only a few minutes earlier, when you asked him how he felt.
He knew since a very long time he was in love with you. But as you asked if he also loved Jason...He realized that, yes. Yes he did. And what else could you guys add ? 
Or almost nothing. 
With a mischievous smile, you turn to Jason and say : 
“So...Jay. I think we have one last problem to fix.” 
Jason’s eyebrows crease. What now ? More drama ? Please, please no more dramas...He didn’t think his heart could handle it. 
But the look in your eyes as you said this...It was the same expression that you had just after him and Roy kissed. Raw heat. And a mind full of dirty ideas.
“I think our man here, doesn’t know how much we love him. How much he means to us. And I think we should refresh his...memory.”
Oh. Oh Jason knew where you were going with this, and he loved it. Your tone of voice was the same than when you were all doing the dirty and...It hits Roy too. 
In the most sensitive place it seems, as you both saw something twitch in his pants. You turn to your ex-boyfriend now boyfriend again and say : 
“Whaddaya think Roy ? Should we show you some appreciation ?” 
Your voice is oh so sultry and it always drove him so wild...He looks at you intensely and says, trying to keep his voice clear though it was already hoarsed : 
“Well, I think that would only be fair. After all, I’m the one that thought his girlfriend was cheating on him...That thought his best friends were betraying him so I feel like I deserve some...Appreciation.” 
He smiles deviously, and looks between you and Jason. And your heart swells. 
Was it really that easy ? Could you have avoided months of angstiness just by talking things through ? ...OH but you were all so stupid. 
Because it was really that easy. Once you all realized that you were equally all too important. Once you realized that you couldn’t live without the THREE of you together. 
It was really that easy. All that you needed was to...talk. To say : “I love you”. To admit you weren’t in love with just one person. To admit that little trio of yours was more than just friendship...And that you kinda knew it all along. 
Of course. Jason joined in on your sex session so easily, of course there was more. You touched each others so tenderly, of course there was more. You got along too well and always craved each others presence, of course there was more...
And here. Finally. You realized it. 
But Roy was the last one to realize it, and arguably, the one that suffered the most. Without speaking, you and Jason understood each others. 
You would take care of him a bit more tonight. And next time one of you two would feel insecure, then it’d be your turn. 
But tonight...Tonight would be all about Roy. 
And this is how you ended up tearing off his shirt and licking his chest all over, while Jason’s tongue was in Roy’s mouth, kissing him passionately. 
Instinctively, you placed yourselves on each side of your boyfriend. Of your lover. You were in front of him, Jason behind. 
And when Jay moved away to take his own clothes off, you took his place kissing Roy with all the passion you had in your being. Your arms were around his neck, and his were holding you close by clinging your waist. 
It’s only when you both felt Jason moving back in that you separated. Jason gave you a quick kiss, licking your lower lip, and went back to kissing Roy’s neck, sucking and biting there and there. 
You pulled away to take your clothes off, stripping sensually under Roy’s intense gaze, before going back to him. He thought you were about to kiss his lips again, but instead you peppered his jaw, chin, all the way down to his collar bone, while Jason was kissing his shoulder blades. 
You met again with Jason at the junction of his neck and shoulder, and kissed each others while massaging Roy all over. You then parted, and gave each other a wink, knowing exactly what to do to make sure that Roy would finally feel like he truly belonged. 
To make sure he would never feel as if you and Jason focused more on each others than on him during sex. 
You elicited so many moans out of Roy’s mouth, that you both feel more aroused than ever... 
You’re not ashamed to say it, you are dripping wait at the sound he makes, and at the idea of what’s coming next. And seeing the bulge in Roy’s pant, and how rock hard Jason seems to be, there is indeed no shame to have.
Roy can’t handle it anymore. 
“Guys, are you go...I...ah...I can’t...I...” 
But he can’t formulate any thoughts, as you and Jason work him up to his limit. It doesn’t take that much, as you suck and bite at his skin, stroking him all over. His pants is still on, and it becomes unbearable for him, needing more friction. 
It’s you, who release him slowly. 
You kiss down from his lips all the way to his abdomen, and finally pull his pants and boxers down, and oh you missed the sight of his cock springing to life. 
Roy moans loudly as he feels Jason slowly getting to his knees too, behind him. 
One of the archer���s hand wind up in your hair, while the other want tangles in Jay’s mane, and he’s pretty sure he’s about to die. 
You keep peppering kisses all around his inner thighs, without touching him where you want him too, and Jason does the fucking same, kissing his lower back, licking and biting but not going to the point ! 
He’s about to protest when finally, finally, so in synch that it’s so obvious you were meant to be together, you and Jason take action. 
And it’s no better...Or rather, it’s better than anything. But it still drives Roy insane. 
One of your hand loosely wrap around his cock, as your tongue leisurely run up and down his shaft in controlled movement. And Jason ? Fuck, Jason just spread his ass cheek and is giving him the best rim job he ever had. 
You can feel, by the way his hands are tightening in both your hair, and by the way he kinda raises up on his tip toe, that he’s beyond his head with pleasure. 
And so you both lick away. You both give it your all. 
But you...You’re a bit sneakier. You take your time. You slowly work an orgasm out of him. Because you know Jason will have to do more, while you’ll keep sucking him...So you slowly swirls your tongue all around him. Sometimes moving to his ball, close to Jay, to grab at each other quickly, exchanging a quick french kiss while also driving Roy crazy by stopping, even if for a second. 
You slowly suck on in, lick all over including parts all around his cock to enhance any sensation of his, while Jason preps him...
While Jason preps him for more. Because of course, he’ll do more than just a silly rim job, even if it is already, paired with the blow job, extremely pleasurable. 
At one point, you can hear Roy groan in displeasure as Jason gets to his feet...but you know what he’s doing and so you suck on Roy’s head more intensely so he forgets Jay’s absence. 
And you do a wonderful job, as both his hands are now in your hair and you feel his hips swaying in and out of your mouth of its own accord...You smiled around his dick, and patiently let him fuck your mouth as Jason comes back. 
And he has something in his hand, that makes you moan knowing what will happen. Damn. So hot. 
Oh you’re enjoying all this way too much, it almost makes you feel shameful...Almost, because you like too much giving pleasure to one of the people you love like that. 
Jason, behind Roy, coats two of his fingers with the oil he went to get, and you feel Roy’s cock twitch in your mouth as Jason places himself right and, spreading his new boyfriend’s ass cheeks again, insert slowly one, then two fingers inside him. 
Roy’s eye roll at the back of his head, and he almost falls forward, as Jason knows him too well and hit the right spot immediately. But this...this propels Roy towards you and you almost choke on his dick. 
You pull away quickly, and the two men look at you, concern in their eyes. You cough a little, but then smile at them and chuckle. 
“I guess that’s what I get for choosing such...Well endowed lovers. Just give me a second, which I think anyway, Coy Roy there needs”.
Roy scoffs, but...Yeah he kinda needs it. He’s pretty sure he could never handle your perfect lips and skills around his cock, while Jason was working him open from behind with his damn professional fingering...
Jason, his eyes fixed on you to make sure you’re ok, thrusts his fingers in and out of Roy. You exchange a look with him, and reassure him. Yeah. You’re fine. 
Through half-lidded eyes, and through his intense pleasure, Roy looks at you too, and tries to convey to you his concern but...it’s ok. You get it. Jason is after all pretty skilled with his fingers. 
You stand up, and leave a quick peck on Jay’s lips, before walking around Roy to go and slowly stroke your other boyfriend...Yes. Yes you said it was Roy’s night but you couldn’t help it. 
You just imagined Jason, during those three years, being desperately in love with the both of you and never saying anything out of fear to ruin things. Suffering on his own...And you just have to give a little bit more to him too. 
Besides, right now, there’s nothing you can do to Roy that won’t make him pass out in pleasure. Any more kisses, or blow job would be his end, as Jay works him up to his max. 
So kissing one last time Roy on the lips, you walk around him and face Jason. He looks at you curiously, as you reach to stroke his cheek...but the way he leans in. Damn. You love that man. 
Without stopping his thrusting motion on Roy, Jason kisses you, and let you stroke his dick slowly, reminiscing of that first night you all spend together, where he watched Roy fuck you as you jerked him off...
This propels his dick to twitch, and you look at him curiously. But he just smiles smugly as he reaches with his free hand to your pussy, and flick your clit teasingly. 
You keep this little game of yours for a little while. As you want to show Jason that now, he’s in this too, for good. You stroke him lovingly, and he works you just as expertly as he works Roy. You kiss, passionately...Just for a little while. 
Because this is Roy’s night. 
With your own free hand, you reach in front of Roy to jerk him too, and the desperate moan he lets out is addictive. 
You don’t realize it, but your own moans drive both your boyfriends crazy. And Roy blesses whoever gifted Jason with such a talent with his hands. 
For a little while, you stroke both of their cocks, while Jason fingers you and Roy and...It’s mostly Roy’s night, but you also need release. 
You move away from them, and they both groan, shooting you a disapproving look as you walk away...But you go towards the bed. 
You sit on the edge, and slowly crawl in the middle, gesturing to them to come closer, with your most sensual and sexy moves. 
And oh, both their dicks jerks up at the motion. And they know what you want, what you mean. You don’t even need to talk. You never need to talk. You always understand each other oh so perfectly. 
Jason let’s Roy go, and they both walk towards you. 
But tonights Roy’s night. And you had an idea that they understood in mind. 
Roy kneeled in front of you, as you took hold once more of his cock, and started to play with it while Jason was getting ready...
This time, the Red Hood coated his own dick with oil. He settled himself behind Roy, and inserted a finger inside him once again, to be sure he was not going to hurt him...and then..Then Jason spreads Roy’s thighs. 
And you see, through said spread thighs, as he gets ready, stroking himself a few times before settling at Roy’s entrance. 
Roy takes a deep breath, bracing himself but...it’s Jason we’re talking about. The only man that you him that well. The only person he trusted entirely with handling his body. And as you were licking his cock head again...Jason slowly penetrated Roy. 
Slowly. Not forcing his way. Stopping if he felt it resisted a bit, realigning and pushing further...Until he was fully sheathed in his boyfriend. 
Roy growled out, as Jason made that sound you loved so much. That desperate little gasp of pleasure. You smiled to yourself as you took a little step back, sitting in front of them. You knew how things would unfold. 
Both their eyes were closed, and it almost seemed like they had forgotten you, buried in each other so deeply...But they didn’t. 
Jason’s eyes shot open, and he slowly bend Roy down, towards you. 
Jay’s cock was easing itself slowly in and out of the man, making smooth thrusting motion, and Roy finally spoke up : 
“I...I hated...I hated both of you so much...” 
He sighs, as Jason fucks him slowly, and you stroke him tenderly, brushing your thumb over the head of his cock, where some pre-cum gathered. 
“I...I can’t believe I hated you so much...” 
Jason continues to thrust, with a little more force now, taking Roy’s moans as his queue to go faster and harder. But everything comes to a sudden stop...
Roy’s hand stops Jason’s hips to slam into him again, while his other free hand pulls you off his dick and shows to you to lay down on the bed. 
Roy turns to a concerned Jason, who was afraid he just had hurt him, and says : 
“It just doesn’t seem fair, that I’m only forgiving you right now...” 
And Jay understands. He nods, and let himself fall forward with Roy. 
You look at him curiously until...Oh. Yes. Of course. 
Roy slides himself inside you easily, as your walls are wetter than they’ve ever been. He buries himself to the hilt, holding himself up with his elbows on each side of your face, and it’s your turn to roll your eyes to the back of your head, because damn, he knew you too well, and hit that particular spot with his first motion. 
That particular spot that ached to be hit since the beginning of all this. 
And just like that, Jay started to move again, in perfect synch with Roy’s movement inside you. Whenever the archer was thrusting deep within you, Jay was pulling out of him, and vice versa. 
“Ah. You’re so fucking beautiful. So fucking beautiful...and I dreamt of this for so long...” 
You’re not really sure of who says this, and to whom, but does it really matter ? In the end, no. Because it could have been any of you that said that, to any of you, and it would mean the same. 
You all thought you were gorgeous. Beautiful. Sexy. Oh so fucking hot. So who cared, who said what to who ? It was meant for all three of you. 
In, out.
In, out.
In, out.
"I wanted to fuck you, I wanted to taste you, I wanted to come all over you-"
And who the cares to whom that was destined ? Because you all wanted to fuck each others, to taste each others and man if the occasion arised, to come all over each other...The mere thought made you all moan, tighten around each other, hands tangling in hair, kisses lost on collar bones and tongue licking backs and shoulder blades. 
Mouth finding each other hungrily, tongue dancing around each others, and who cared who did it with who ? Because in that moment, you were all so connected. You were all just one being. 
Thrust. Gasp from one of you...Or maybe all of you ? 
Thrust going faster. Inside Roy’s ass. Inside your pussy. In total synch. 
"Your beautiful cock in my mouth. Your come. You taste so good."
Did you say that ? Or was it Roy ? Maybe Jason ? You didn’t even differentiate each others’ voice now, because all of you said what was on everyone’s mind. You were oh so perfectly connected. 
“Oh God-”
Someone is on the verge of coming, and you’re not quite sure who...Maybe you ? After all, feeling Jay moving in and out of you so perfectly, lying above you, is driving you crazy...And now...Now...
Is that Jason’s fingers, slowly flicking your clit ? Yes. Yes it is. 
Roy’s hands are on either sides of your head, to keep himself and Jay off of you (they would be too heavy), so it couldn't be you...You shoot a look up to Jason and...One of his hand is holding Roy’s hips firmly, leaving marks of his fingers on his skin, but the other one...the other one went down to your clit. 
And maybe it was you, who was on the verge of coming and who uttered this “Oh God”, but you didn’t even realize it...
In, out. 
In, out. 
Deep thrust. 
Hard and fast now. 
Earth shattering thrust. 
Crippling pleasure. 
“Oh Roy...I’m gonna...I’m gonna...”
“Jay, don’t stop, don’t...”
“(Y/N), you’re so warm and tight and...”
“Ah ! Mmm...” 
You don’t know who says what. And it doesn’t matter. 
Because now...Now...
Now Roy cries out desperately, as you feel him thrust three more times inside you before unleashing his own warmth deep inside, coating your walls with his seed. 
And now you tighten around him as he helps you ride out your own orgasm that you didn’t even realize hit you a few seconds before, and through him over the edge. And you cling to Roy’s shoulder, digging your nails inside them. 
And he...oh he can’t. It’s two strong, to have a double orgasm like that...Because as he was making love to you (there was no fucking between all of y’all anymore), and came inside you, Jason was hitting all the right spot and made him orgasm again, his ass tensing around Jay’s cock and...
It was the final cries, the final yell of pleasure, groans, growls...The end of this heated love making session. 
Jason. Jason was last. And he didn’t hold back. 
He thrusted a few more times in Roy’s tight ass, feeling how the man’s walls were closing around his veiny cock, and he came. 
Oh he came so much. 
Two months of pent up feelings. 
And then he was falling on his side, in the bed, and Roy was too, ending up sandwiched between you and Jason. 
And sure it was kind of a mess, and you needed to clean up but...Right now, right now you were too spend to move. 
Roy couldn’t feel his legs anymore, and all his muscles were painfully throbbing after such two intense orgasms. You were cuddled up against Roy’s chest, a hand lost on Jason’s waist, unable to move ether. And Jason...Jason could have moved, but he didn’t want to. Because moving would mean letting go of both of you, and he just couldn’t do that just now. 
Not just as he found you back. Not just as he discovered that he was loved as much as he loved. Not...Not just now. 
Finally. Things were how they always were supposed to be.
With Jason falling asleep with you and Roy.
With the three of you falling asleep in each others’ arms (Roy having the best place that night, the middle).
You and Roy had dated for three years, but it’s only now that this little missing thing you always felt fell into place.
It was Jason all along.
Of course.
Roy was almost mad that you all wasted three years like that...
But now it was all over. The missing piece was found and in the puzzle.
You were together. And you all loved each other just the same...
Sometimes though, one of you would feel a bit less loved for some reasons (often a result of them overthinking). And it couldn’t be more wrong because the feelings you all had for each others was equal...But eh.
You couldn’t control your insecurities.
So sometimes, one of you would need a remainder that he or she was loved all the same.
If it was you, oh the treat you were in for, as they’d both take very good care of you (and of your holes). Working you to multiple orgasm, to exhaustion, so you would stop having such silly thought of “maybe they love each other more than they love me”. 
Because you all loved each other the same. 
If it was Roy, you’d have a reenactment of the night you all admitted your feelings to each other. It was always great, and extremely tiring. 
And if it was Jason ? Well. Jason was particular. When he felt less loved, you had to leave everything to him. Let him in charge of every movements. Which often ended in both you and Roy sprawled on the bed while he was eating you out and jerking him off, or blowing him off and fingering you...
But you’d always make sure that every single one of you knew his or her place in the trio. Knew that there was none of that “I love you more” bullshit between you. You were all desperately in love with each others, equally, and nothing nor anyone could ever change that. 
You were planning on having a long and fulfilling life altogether...And Alfred, aka best butler ever, was already preparing everything for the future “trio wedding”, because he was sure it was only a matter of time before you guys asked each others to get married, and man if the old butler wasn’t all for his master to be happy. And if you and Roy made him happy ? He’d prepare this impossible marriage with three party. Every day of the week. 
The end (?). 
Ok. Sorry if this is terrible, especially the sex scene (at first, I wanted to write multiple little scenes, but ended up writing a big one so...yeah. Maybe I’ll write more if you like this pairing...or like...trioing (how do we call them ?!)...If you like Jason x Reader x Roy. I’m not good at writing smut and I’m cringing so hard every time I do, but I still somewhat enjoy writing it so...Why not, if you liked it. Sorry...OK. The end. As usual though, feedbacks = life. 
PS : Yes, as usual I did NOT re-read myself so sorry for typos. I just can’t proof read something of mine, I cringe too much. 
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bat-losers-inc · 5 years
Collisions in the Dark (Ch 21): Checkmate
Warnings: depictions of violence, language.
Pairings: Jason Todd/Tim Drake
Summary: They go to face Ra’s together: as a family. 
Chapter Notes: Checkmate: Threatening the capture of the enemy king such that it cannot escape. This wins the game for the attacking side.
“When you turn to leave, he will use your name like a choke chain.” — “ Lessons On Loving a Prophet ”, Jeanann Verlee
The whirl of the snow dropped away as Cass pulled the stone door shut behind them and with it so did the whistling whine of wind against Tim’s ears. Tim almost would have preferred the noise… anything to distract him from the fears he was barely holding at bay in the corner of his mind.
The hallway they’d entered into was deserted as they expected, having seen no visuals from the tech on the Batwing. By the time they reached the lower levels, though, they’d expected to have found a ninja or two, but the hallway ahead of them was empty. As were the ones after it.
Batman, who’d been leading the group around one corner and then the next, finally stopped and spoke quietly to them over his shoulder. “Ra’s has pulled all of his men back to the central chamber as we feared.”
“When we attack, we’ll have to be ready to give it our all.” said Dick, “We’ll be going up against his entire army… or close to that at any rate.”
“There’s still time to call Alfred back and blow up the chamber with the big guns on the Batwing,” said Jason.
“No,” Bruce grunted. “It’ll be too hard to guarantee that we hit the right target.”
Jason exhaled a long breath. “Alright then, I guess we’re all planning on dying the hard and painful way.”
Tim skimmed his knuckles across the back of Jason’s hand. Jason glanced down at their hands hanging next to each other and then pulled his gaze back up to Tim’s eyes.
Tim tried for a smile.
It was hard when the knots in his stomach left him feeling nothing but queasy with unease. “Not planning on dying on me so soon are you?”
Jason refused to make eye contact, instead he look out over the top of Tim’s head. “Not planning on it, particularly, but if I did…  What then?”
Tim swallowed thickly. It took everything in him to say the next words, but he said them anyway because he meant them this time. He’d learned his lesson and he didn’t plan on making the same mistake twice. “Then I’ll keep my promise to you this time.”
Jason’s eyes returned to him in a flash. The intense expression on Jason’s face fixed Tim to the spot. He was aware of the fact that he’d also drawn the eyes of his family members, though they said nothing to draw attention to themselves.
Tim squeezed Jason’s fingers tightly. “But don’t expect me to let you go gently into the sweet goodnight, or any of that bullshit.”
Jason gave a faint smirk. “Death would have to drag me kicking and screaming to get me to part from you.”
Tim smiled but his mood didn't lift. He longed for the time when every choice he made didn’t feel like an even bigger mistake than the one before it. It seemed like years ago when he could make a decision and know the outcome for certain… and know that it wouldn’t end in some kind of catch-22 situation.
Bruce coughed into his fist. “We should keep moving.”
They continued on.
When they rounded a torchlit corner and stumbled into the first guard they were all more than a little startled. Cass came from the side with a throat punch that never connected. The ninja sidestepped and caught her arm . He shoved her back towards the group.
The ninja didn’t follow the move with an attack. They stood warily together, hands hovering over a variety of weapons, nobody moving except to exchange confused glances.
“The Demon’s head wishes to speak with the one he calls ‘Detective’.”
Bruce stepped forward. “Tell Ra’s that I— ”
“He doesn’t mean you.”
Ouch. Tim understood the meaning of the guard’s words and he knew that Ra’s meant to insult Bruce with it. Tim wondered quietly to himself what had caused Bruce to fall from the pedestal that Ra’s had once placed him on.
Tim’s hand moved from his bo staff to Bruce’s arm. Bruce turned to look at him.
“I can do this.”
There was a long pause before Bruce stepped back and to the side. Tim took his mentor’s place.
He raised his head to address the man standing before him.
“If Ra’s wishes to speak to me he’ll do it in the company of my family or not at all. It’s your choice. Risk angering your master if you’re feeling brave.”
The ninja didn’t hesitate before stepping to the side and extending his hand towards the set of closed double doors he’d once stood in front of. At least Tim knew he still held some lingering power around here… at least while he was still considered the Demon Head’s chosen one. Or play thing. Tim tried hard not to think about that.
Tim pulled open the double doors and forced his feet to keep moving and carry him towards the chair where Ra’s lounged like a king before his court. Tim’s muscles tensed at the sight of so many ninjas standing in formation on two sides of the room. He walked between the two columns of men, his family following a step behind him, stopping a few feet from Ra’s.
Ra’s smiled at the sight of them. “What’s this, Detective? Did you bring your whole family for an official goodbye?”
“I won’t be going anywhere with you, Ra’s.”
Ra’s’ smile widened. “Oh, Timothy, Timothy. That’s not how this game works, remember?”
"I'm putting a stop to this, Ra's," stated Bruce. “Tim has made his choice very clear and you’re either going to respect that or we’re going to make you in whatever way necessary. Either way, this ends tonight.”
Ra's laughed and sat forward in his chair. "Oh, now you're putting a stop to it? You? Who sold him to me in the first place."
"That was a stratagem. Tim understood that the part he played was necessary— "
"You sold him. Tossed him to the wolves with such carelessness. Do not come here making demands of me now that you've realized the precious asset you stand to lose."
"Asset?" scoffed Dick. "He doesn't want a fucking asset. He wants his son back, you bastard."
“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” said Ra’s. “You see, Batman, you gave me a taste of the forbidden fruit. You can’t blame me for developing an appetite.”
Nausea rose violently in Tim’s throat and he stepped backwards so fast that his shoulder blade came up hard against Jason's chest. Jason reached out and steadied him with a hand on his arm. At Ra's words however, Jason didn't release his hold. Instead his grip tightened, fingers pressing into the bend of Tim's elbow hard enough that Tim swore Jason could feel his fear thumping through the veins that rested under his fingertips.
“You do realize,” said Damian, “That when you say creepy shit like that, other people can hear you. Right?”
“Damian,” Dick hissed under his breath.
“What?” Damian snapped. “We were all thinking it. How else is he going to learn if nobody—”
Dick elbowed Damian in the ribs. “Shut. Up.”
Ra’s smiled venomously at the pair, but didn’t grace Damian’s comments with a response. When he turned his gaze back onto Tim, Ra’s’ expression seemed to ask, this is who you would choose? This band of orphans and street rats, over the man who could give you the keys to world power?  
“This is the last time I’m going to make this offer, Timothy. Join with me and I’ll spare your family and friends. They can walk out of here without a scratch on them.”
Tim swallowed thickly, the muscles in his neck so tight that he could feel them jump at the movement. “And if I say no?”
Ra’s eyes narrowed. “Then I’m going to make you watch as I cut every one of them down. And that one,” he stabbed a finger at Jason, “isn’t going to die before experiencing a lot of pain.”
“I’ve died twice already.” replied Jason. “A painful death doesn’t scare me.”
“Let’s see if you still think that after I bring you back and repeat the process a few times in new and creative ways. I’m sure Timothy wouldn’t care to see that again.”
Tim squeezed his eyes shut and tried to breathe evenly.
“Are you remembering what it was like, Detective? How he choked on his own blood as he struggled for breath. His dead eyes staring up at you. I’ve heard that death by anthrax poison is especially gruesome towards the end. The entire thing must have been horribly…   traumatic for you.”
Tim’s eyelashes were wet when he opened his eyes to stare at him. “And you wonder why I can’t love you. You’re nothing but a fucking monster.”
“I am what you make me, Detective. But, whatever you think of me, remember this, I’m a man of my word. So think wisely before giving me your answer.”
Tim looked around at his family members. Every single one of them knew the risks of being in the vigilante business. On some level you have to be willing to walk into a fight with the knowledge that you might die there. He knew that they could die here today, but it still bothered him… the thought that because of him, an entire legacy might be wiped out all at once. Yes, there would still be Barbara and Kate and Alfred, but to have all of their hard work cut off in one final blow felt like the cruelest thing of all. Could he really live with the knowledge that he was responsible for everyone’s deaths except his own… because he knew that if they lost this fight, Ra’s wouldn’t give him the opportunity to kill himself. Tim would be trapped with his decision.
Tim met Ra’s’ gaze head on. “I made myself a promise a long time ago that if I was going to lose, I would do it on my own terms.”
Tim reached over his shoulder and pulled his bo staff from his back.
“So I choose my family.”
Ra’s nodded and out of the corner of his eye, Tim could see his family members reaching for concealed weapons. Damian’s sword sung as it was freed from its scabbard and held in a two-handed grip in front of him.
Under his breath Dick was issuing quiet orders. Tim only caught a fragment of them at the end. “ — eyes on Tim and Jason at all times.”
Ra’s raised his voice as he stood from his chair. “Anyone who brings the detective to me alive will be granted the greatest gift that I can offer to anyone. A second life on this earth.”
“Oh, fuck,” Tim hissed in time with Steph. This fight was about to get a lot more intense.
Steph closed ranks on his left just as the columns of ninjas turned and charged them. For one horrible minute Tim and Jason were crushed in the center of a mass of bodies, their weapons uselessly pinned against their sides. The pair were jostled as their family members jabbed, kicked, and punched to gain some room to move to expand their small circle outwards.
Tim felt Jason’s hand grasp onto his wrist and he turned in time to see Jason angle his head before dragging him through the mass of bodies towards Dick. His older brother had his escrima sticks out and they got there just in time to watch Dick catch a ninja under the jaw with one, knocking him off his feet.
Jason charged past Dick into the space that had just been cleared and caught the next ninja that came at them with a knife in his gut. The man dropped like a rock.
Hands clutched at Tim from all sides. Tim spun with a vicious sweep of his staff that knocked all of them back, before taking on the group of three in front of him, trusting Jason to defend him from behind. It was difficult to use his staff while fighting back to back with Jason, his moves limited by the fact that the wrong one might injury Jason just as much as it injured his enemies.  
Someone, Tim thought it might have been Bruce, dropped a smoke bomb to give them cover. It had the unfortunate effect of aiding the fighters on both sides. A body erupted from the smoke and barreled into Tim from his far right.
Tim was slammed backwards into Jason, lifting the other boy off his feet. The trio hit the floor, the ninja’s hands locked onto Tim’s staff, pinning Tim underneath it. Tim released his staff with one hand and punched the man across the face twice in quick succession. It stunned him long enough for Tim to get a foot planted underneath him and flip them. They rolled until Tim was straddling the man’s waist, Jason shoving at the ninja’s shoulder to free his pinned legs.
A stranger’s hand fisted in Tim’s hair and yanked him backwards. Tim dropped his staff  with a scream and scrambled to free himself. The other ninja, whose chest he’d previously been straddling, started to move as Tim’s weight was lifted off him. Tim kicked at him, catching him in the shoulder and the the cheek. Jason punched the ninjas from behind, his fist landing a blow behind the man’s ear.
Tim’s fingernails were leaving blood scratches in the man’s hand as he tried to find the man’s thumb, hoping that if he broke it with a hard yank backwards, the man would release his grip on his hair. Jason beat him to it, twisting his body around on the ground to aim his gun and blasting a bullet into the ninja’s skull. Tim gasped as blood and brain matter splattered across his neck and back, but didn’t have time to freak out more than that as he was attacked from below.
Tim threw himself on top of the man who was trying to rise from under him and slammed his arm against the man’s windpipe.
“Knife!” he screamed, reaching towards Jason. Jason’s blood-slicked hand slapped something in his palm. Tim took it without looking at it and stabbed the ninja in the shoulder before twisting it.
Without even looking, Tim knew that Dick was standing behind him. He could hear every solid thack as Dick’s escrima sticks made connect with flesh and bone.
Jason rose up onto his knees and reached to help Tim up.
“Come on,” he said, breathing hard. “We have to get on our—”  
Tim looked up at him.
He gasped and seized at his staff. “Jason—”
The man barely had time to lay hands on Jason before Cass was there, climbing up the man’s back in two strong strides before she could wrap her legs around the man’s neck and snap his neck with a sharp twist of her legs. She fell to the ground on top of him and shoved Jason and Tim to their feet.
She pointed to the path that Bruce, Steph, and Damian were working hard to keep clear.
“The command center.” She panted. “Go! Now!”
Before he knew it, Jason’s hand was on him again, tugging Tim fiercely towards safety. They ran full speed down a number of dark hallways, knowing that if they stopped to figure out where they were they would be set upon from behind again.
“Left! Jason go left here!” Oracle’s voice erupted loudly from their comms.
Running side by side with him, Tim caught a glimpse of Jason’s grin. “You’re a lifesaver, Babs.”
“Save that thank you until you can say it to me in person, alright? We’re still miles from the finish line.”
“Will do, Coach.”
Oracle directed them through the dark and empty corridors until they reached the locked doors of the command center. Tim pressed his face to the opaque glass and cupped his hands next to his head. Nothing stirred within the room.
Tim shifted over to the keypad and pulled a piece of his tech from one of the pockets of his bandolier.
“Still have that knife?” he asked over his shoulder.
“I think you left it in that guy’s shoulder.” replied Jason with a distracted glance over his shoulder to see if anyone was heading their way.
“Right,” Tim sighed and fished out a birdarang. He wedged the sharp edge of the blade in between the two panels and snapped it open with a hard whack of his palm. He connected the wires and let his tech do the decrypting, flashing through variations of codes before the keypad chimed and the lock on the door popped open.
 “Here,” Tim tossed Jason a USB drive as they entered the room. “There should be a main driver on that far wall that stores all of the league’s information. Plug that into one of the ports and I’ll start transferring the files onto it.”
Jason went to the far wall as Tim spun a chair around and sat in it. As he decrypted the login into the league’s server, Jason called out to him, “Weren’t you only in here, like, twice? How do you know where they keep everything?”
Yeah, thought Tim. Once, at the very beginning. The second, to watch you die. Both times I wanted to be looking at anything other than what was right in front of me.
“It’s similar to how I would set up my own command center if I were running a worldwide league of assassins.”
It was actually how Tim would have remodeled the batcave’s command center if given the chance. He hoped that didn’t reveal more about him than he was ready to admit. Tim had just finished pulling the files over to the drive when an explosion sounded in the distance. He watched the progress bar as it inched forward on the screen.
Dick’s voice came shaky and out of breath on their comms.
He was running.
“Ra’s— is heading your way guys—  Bruce and I are— in pursuit. Shit—”
The line was quiet for a moment before Dick’s voice returned. “Others are holding back the ninjas for as — long as they can. Whatever you’re doing, do it faster.”
Tim looked at Jason and then the progress bar. Thirty-seven percent complete.
He placed his finger against his comm unit. “There’s no way we’ll be finished in time.”
“Then barricade the fucking door!”
“Right,” Jason looked around him before pulling a filing cabinet onto its side with a bang. Tim ran to the doors and slammed them closed. He initiated the security lock code on the keypad and then ripped the entire thing out of the wall and severed the wires. Together they pushed the filing cabinet against the doors and stacked anything not bolted down on top of it.
“I just want to state that none of this would have happened if we’d just blown the place up like I suggested in the first place.” Jason wedged a desk chair against the pile.
“I’m beginning to see the logic in that.”
A sword blade punched through one of the glass doors above the handle. Tim stumbled back into Jason with a shaky, “Fuck.”
Jason dragged him away from the door.
“The files.” he said. “Are they transferred?”
Tim ran over to the monitor. “Transferred!”
Jason yanked out the drive. “Alright, trash his tech. Now!”
Tim tossed Jason the drive with his own personally designed virus. As he implemented it, he was aware of the glass exploding inwards as Batman’s body was thrown through it. Jason planted himself between the door and Tim, his guns held in both hands, firing at any movement through the doorframe.
The virus was working its magic with every line of code.
The sound of glass crunching under boots had Tim turning in concern. Why wasn’t Jason firing? Tim stepped out from behind Jason’s tall form and could only stare at the sight in front of him. Bruce half risen onto his knees on the ground, and Dick arching perilously against the insistent pressure of Ra’s’ blade to his neck.
Ra’s, with blood dripping down the side of his face from a wound at his hairline, met his eyes from across the room. With a venomous smile, he asked, “Shall I start with this one, Timothy?”
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batmagines · 6 years
Request: Can I request Jason and reader. Where the reader has been controlled for the longest time to do bad/evils things for ppl. She escaped and is terrified that she is going to be triggered to her old ways. Jason maybe protecting her from her previous captives when they come for her? If that makes since 🤣 You are so good thank you for this!!
Relationship: Jason Todd X Reader
Warnings: angst, a lot of trigger, anxiety, paranoia, capture, violence, minor character death. I think that’s it, if you think there is something else please A/N: this is basically the winter soldier and civil war plot line i’m sorry but im a slut for bucky barnes what can i say. Also, used my study hall to write fanfic but what’s new.
y/v/n is your villains name
Your mission was failed, so you ran. You were ordered to kill the Batman but how could you kill him? He’s Batman for christ’s sake, he couldn’t be killed. So you ran and didn’t look back. You didn’t know who you were or where you came from, you figured that those would be details that you’d figure out later.
For years, your mind didn’t belong to yourself. You were by no means fit to be in society. Right now, you couldn’t focus on that. Currently you were walking through crowds, hopefully no one recognized you. You couldn’t actually run, that would only bring more attention to yourself. So you put your head down, stole a hoodie off of a clothes rack and avoid drawing attention. This was working perfectly until you ran into a hard chest.
“Hey, watch where-” The man with dark hair and a white streak down the middle stopped what he was saying noticing the fear in your eyes. “Are you okay?” You shook your head.
“You’re running from something” He concluded and you nodded.”follow me.”
You knew how to read people, and this man had no intentions of harming you so you followed him to an apartment, tucked away in the narrows of Gotham city,
“Thank you.” You whispered your voice hoarse from rarely speaking in years.
“Now who are you?” The man asked.
“I don’t-” You shook your head. “I don’t know.”
“Two days ago, you tried to kill one of my friends.” He said gruffly.
‘Oh no’ you thought looking for the nearest escape route.
“I don’t care about that, trust me- I’ve tried to kill him too.” He said dismissing your worry. “My point is,  there was a look in your eyes that has now been replaced with fear. My guess is, whoever is looking for you won’t stop until they find you. I wanna know why.”
“I’m not sure I know either.” You said. “I can’t remember much, just that I was an assassin for, god I don’t even know how long.”
“You’re safe here.”
“Thank you.”
Thus began the relationship that quickly sparked between you and the man you now knew as Jason Todd. It had been two years and whatever was in your mind from your captors was still there. Countless nightmares, late nights, and tears were not enough for Jason to desert you. The both of you were each other’s biggest support system and you wouldn’t change it for the world.
At first you tried to turn him away, insisting that you were too dangerous to be around, saying that your captors would find you at any moment. Instead of leaving he should you his nightlife, that he was the red hood and that your captors coming at any moment was ‘all the more reason to stay’ he had told you.
Overtime, you grew accustomed to life. You made a couple friends throughout the apartment complex but it was decided that the less people who knew about you, the better. Typically, you stayed inside scared of even leaving the apartment due to fear of your captors but here you were, a baseball cap fitted low on your head to cover your eyes, and a jacket as you grabbed Jason’s hand to go to the store.
“What are we feeling for dinner dear?” He asks you as you look around hesitantly squeezing his hand to reassure yourself. “Hey, hey, I’m not going to let anything happen to you okay?” “Ok.” You whispered at him placing a kiss on his lips and the two of you finished getting your groceries before heading back to your apartment hand in hand.
When you arrived you realized something was off. The brick outside your door had been kicked somewhat recently. To anyone else it would’ve been a coincidence, to you something was happening.
Placing a hand on Jason’s chest before he put the key in the lock you pointed towards the brick and he nodded. Maybe you were being paranoid, but both of you knew better than to brush something off as paranoia.
Ditching the groceries outside of your door Jason unlocked the door slowly and had taken his pistol out of the waistband of his pants. Pushing the door open slightly, Jason went in first with you closely behind, grabbing a fire poker from beside the door as you listened for any signs of intrusion. Then, you were surrounded.
“Put the gun down Jason.” A voice called out and you instantly recognized it as one of  the voices of your captors. “We have trained men outside your father’s house and we won’t hesitate to put a bullet in each of your family members brain.”
The members living in the Wayne household wouldn’t be there right now, you knew this for a fact as you had seen the Batmobile followed by a blur of motorcycles less than 5 minutes ago, but you couldn’t let them know that so Jason slowly complied.
“Good.” Your captor said. “Now, just hand over Y/V/N and we’ll be on our way.”
“You know I can’t do that.” Jason grunted stepping closer to you.
“Very well, guess we’re doing this the hard way.” He spoke and then came the dreaded words.
“schön” Your captor spoke.
“No!” you screamed clutching your head and falling to your knees.
“Gruselig” by now you stopped fighting your mind, the gears in your brain switching and your assassin persona beginning to take over.
“Blume” Before he could say the last word, Jason shot the man square in the forehead. Kneeling down next to your screaming form he wrapped his arms around you picking you up off the ground. “Come on baby, we gotta go” He whispered into your hair before practically dragging you down the stairs and into the car. “We’ll go somewhere safe.” “Jaybird, nowhere is safe with me.” You sobbed violently.
“I know a place.”
You arrived at the manor shortly after. Jason made sure no one followed you and he led you to what you know as the batcave. You’d never met his family, you knew of them but they didn’t know you. You figured it was too dangerous as the more people who knew about you, the easier it would be to find you.
Bruce Wayne was sitting unmasked watching his eldest son be patched up by Alfred Pennyworth before he noticed Jason.
“Jason, who the hell is this?” He asked harshly standing up noticing your presence slightly behind Jason clutching onto his shoulder still trying to regain your composure.
“This is my significant other.” Jason said. “And before you yell, we’ve dated for two years you can trust them. They’re in trouble.” “What kind of trouble?”
“I can’t trust my own mind.” You whispered at the brooding man. “There are still people out there trying to get me to do their dirty work.” “Then don’t do it.” Damian Wayne spoke up coming into the light.
“It’s not as simple as that, there are words- they make me do things, make me do one’s bidding and I have no say. I need- I need help Bruce.” You stutter.
“Please Bruce, we need somewhere safe.” Jason pleads. Something you’d never seen him do before.
“You’ll be safe here.” Bruce responds with a nod.
“Thank you.”
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whistlemist · 6 years
Take Out Night
Tim did not have time for this.
There was a meeting going on back home with his family. One of the most important meetings they always had that, for the bat-kids, was pretty much life or death. It was always about strategy, cunning, and wit.
It was the family takeout night.
Someone got to pick what the whole family would order, no exceptions, no other fast food, no other options. It took a whole hour meeting of them trying to outsmart each, to impress Bruce so they could get the main prize and tonight Tim wanted Chinese food.
Which means that getting kidnapped wasn’t a good start to this afternoon. With a scowl on his face, he dug his heels into the carpet as the masked man was trying to drag him out of WE. It only worked a little since Tim was small and bearly when over the 110 marks. This might be why he was kidnapped so often because all they had to do to Tim Wayne was toss him over their shoulder.
The heels in the carpet did nothing, he was still dragged along like it was nothing. When they got to the car he looked up at the man. “Listen, I know you ‘re probably really good at this, but it’s family Take out and Movie night and I really want to win the food part, so can I just write you a check and go?”
“Get in the car kid!” The man growled grabbing him by the back of his shirt before forcing Tim inside the backseat, soon the other two men had shown up getting into the car before driving away. “Shut up and I won’t kill you, kid!”
Grumbling Tim crossed his arms eyes closed. Now he had a huge problem. Last few times he had lost to Dick and Jason. Italian food and Burgers where good but he really wanted to eat some Chinese food! It’s not like he could let his chance slip again! Not with Jason and Dick both plotting about some sorta new food, whatever it was called, but he wanted sesame chicken and pork fried rice damn it!
“I can write it right now. I have my checkbook and a pen,” Tim offered and when they said nothing he frowned. “Come on! What teenager has a pen nowadays?! Please….?! It’s a family food ad movie night!”
“I said shut up!”
Sitting back Tim started to tap his foot trying to think of an escape plan that would be simple enough for Tim Wayne. This would have been so much easier as Red Robin. He’d just knock them out before heading home.
Looking out the window he thought about throwing himself out the door but Tim knew that not only was that risky but did he really want to risk getting injured and stuck int he hospital with no food that he had his heart on? Nope! Time to think of something else.
After a few minutes, they pulled into an alleyway. Alright, this could work for him. Maybe just slip away when they weren’t looking. Easy, simple, he liked this.
Suddenly the car came to a stop in the middle of the always. Sitting up Tim looked around confused on why where they just here in the middle of this place where anyone could find them?! Handn’t they done this before or at least looked it up online before deciding to kidnap one of Wayne’s children?!
“Get the other car,”
Oh, they had a second car. Well, points to that. As he was yanked out of the car Tim just went limp, pretending to pass out. If they thought he did maybe they would have some struggle to get him the next car.
Suddenly he was just tossed over someone’s shoulder. Well, that never worked, why would it work now? Despite that, he was ready to figure out how to get home. The sound of something opening let him know that was probably the truck. Still being limp he was lowered down laid on the floor of the truck before it slammed shut.
Opening his eyes only after he felt the car starting Tim crossed his arms looking up into the darkness with a scowl on his face. Alright, now that he was alone there was an unknown window of time. First, he felt around with his hand looking for the strap that was often used in case kids got stuck in the trunk. Feeling around he found nothing.
“Right,” Tim mumbled before moving around to reach down to his watch pressing a button as small light blinked on. Taing off the watch he set it on his chest before moving to reach down to his show. A twist of the heel was made to reveal a lock picking kit. “Alright time to get out of here so I can get my food.”
Taking out the tools he started to mess with the lock moving the tools around trying find the right… mechaizmen…. A click. Ah ha! Carefully he held onto the lid waiting for the car to pull to a stop that way jumping out wasn’t going to cause to harm. Finally, it pulled to a stop peeking out he looked around the streets.
Carefully Tim slipped out of the trunk before moving carefully towards a shop. Going inside he kept down heading towards the back door when the front door slammed open “There he is!”
“Crap,” Tim shot off running towards the back door. Slamming it open he hurried over to the fire escape stairs. Lowering himself at the last moment he jumped up catching the end pulling himself up rushing up the stairs ignoring how his kidnappers struggled to try to get the stairs to pull down. “Sorry, I got to go!”
Getting to the top Tim looked around for an entrance. Finding the door he ran to it wiggling the handle only to find it locked. Now he could pick it but that would give the others time to reach him. Besides he didn’t want to lose his kit, it was brand new!
Going to the end of the building he looked over before humming. Yeah, that would be a perfect place to land on. Now all he needed was the sped. Running back to the end Tim took a breath before running full sped leaping off the building.
The second he got close enough to landing he tucked and rolled before springing back up running towards the door. Not waiting to see if it was locked or opened he kicked it open. No time to waste he hurried down the stairs to before ended up on a ninth floor.
Going out he realized he was in a realtor building. Luckily they had an elevator. Going over he pushed a button waiting. As he stood there Tim tried to fix his suit. It had gotten a bit crinkled with all that drama from work. Pushing the coat down trying to get the lines out e noticed that his phone was missing.
He would have to delete everything on there when he got home. Luckily it had a failsafe on it and if those thugs tried to use it the thing would fray itself out. Still, that was a nice phone! Had all his music on it… oh well, he’d pick up another one on the way home.
The bing, the doors opening as Tim walked in thinking about all his favorite foods he was going to be ordering tonight. Pork fried rice, sesame chicken, Sweet and sour chicken, beef and broccoli, cream cheese wontons, egg fu young, ah, there was much he was going to order and the leftovers he was going to put them in containers tomorrow that way he could eat them for and lunch.  
Getting downstairs he sighed before asking the front desk if he could make a call. He called a few of his brothers, Jason, Dick to come to pick him up.
But those jerks! They wanted him to give up his bid to take out! Hanging up on them Tim st his hands on his hips debating on what he was about to do and if it was childish enough to warrant the single e was about to give out.
It was time to be childish.
“You know when you said you it was matter of life and death, I thought you meant actually dying,” Kon said as he carried Tim in his arms towards the Manor. “I don’t think fighting over what take out is life or death, Tim.”
“Have you’ve ever been to my family's take out night?” Tim asked as he held on smiling. He kissed Kon’s cheek. “Thanks for getting here so fast.”
“You screamed ‘Kon, I’m dying!’ of course I got there fast!” Kon said before smiling at the kiss. He held Tim a little closer before moving to fly lower as the Manor came into view. “You know for a place where some of the scariest people live is also one of the most beautiful places.”
“The Manor was in the talk of Home and Gardens,” It was said with pride because, well, yes Wayne Manor was a very lovely place to live and screamed wealth. As they landed on the balcony outside his room Tim gave Kon a kiss on the lips, a chase one but still loving. “Thank you, I’ll text you later!”
“See ya!”
Once showered, dried and dressed Tim hurried downstairs. He would have to grab a phone from the cave, for now, to use until he got a new one. Once he picked one that he liked, copied all his things to the new phone Tim Destroyed the old one.
Running back upstairs he headed towards the kitchen Tim got there in time to see everyone watching the news. At first, he wondered what happened and if this ruined the chance of his food but then he noticed that it was his own kidnapping.
“Well, looks like Drake is fine,” Damian said turned around. “Shame, with you gone I would have been able to beat these idiots easily,”
“Shut up, Satan’s child!” Jason snapped at him as he crossed his arms. “Brat’s right now, it would have been easier.”
“Glad you’re alright, Tim,” Dick grinned going over to hug before pulling back face getting serious. “But it’s time to battle.”
“First things first,” Bruce came over to Tim “Post something your social media so people won’t keep report that you’ve been kidnapped.”
“Right,” Tim said glaring at Dick as the older Robin backed away as they eyes each other up. He took out his phone opening up his app while asking “What game are we playing tonight, Bruce?”
“We haven’t drawn out the games yet,” Walking over to a small bowl that had small pieces of paper folded up into squares. Holding it up Bruce nodded to boys as they all sat down around the island table waiting. Bruce shuffled the papers before holding one up. “First game tonight. Janga. The ten-second rule applies, everyone has that time to make their move, if you miss it, you’re out.”
Tim paused to take a picture of himself flashing a peace sign while added that he was safe at home and that it was thanks to Batman. Yeah, he’s dealing with the press another day. Looking back he was already thinking about how to make his first move, well depending on who went first second and third.
“Second part will be,” Bruce moved the papers again before pulling out another one looking it over for a second. “Calculations.”
Dick frowned slightly, not that he was bad at it but going against Tim? That was going to be a challenge not to mention he could tell that the stakes where high tonight. Tim had an air of wanting to win and it was strong.  
“After that, the final challenge will be,” A toss of the bowl before the last paper came out. “Connet four.”
“Tt.” Damian looked at the other three eyes narrowed. It was a simple childish game but placing that game in the mix with them? He knew he’d have to be careful. “When do we start?”
“Now.” Bruce turned around picking up the Jenga game opening it. “You know the rules, last one standing gets food order rights. Now, since we did it youngest to oldest last week, will go oldest to youngest.”
Everyone wast tensely watching as Tim placed his last block on top as the tower wobbled a bit before going back to being still.  Once it stilled moved forward quickly eyes scanning the thing as his time was quickly going he got one block out placing it on top before they all paused as the thing wiggled more threating to topple over.
“Yes!” Tim shouted throwing his arms up into the air “I win!”
“I’ll kill you, Drake!”
“You lot, so shut it!” Tim yelled as the two of them started to face off only to be ripped again. “Hey!”
“Enough!” Bruce set them down. “Damian, you lost. Alright, let’s move on with calculations.”
Dick was struggling as he answered another question. On the paper there were ten questions, each of them made by Bruce, did he ever put an easy one? No! Not at all so he was trying to get done as soon as possible. If anything he had to be at least second to move on to the next round.
The scrapping of paper, however, was unnerving and he could hear how fast Tim was going. Damn, this was a major disadvantage with this challenge. Tim was a well-known genius and maybe people underestimated Jason but the second Robin was a lot smarter than most people knew.
The hope had been that Tim would have been taken out in the first round but since that didn’t happen he had to do his best to get all the answers right and to finish on time. The stupid timmer was a half hour but he almost cringed when he heard the small ping of the bell in and Tim call out that he was done.
Trying to force his mind to work fast Dick scribbled down his answers as fast as he could. The second bell made him wince as he could feel Jason’s smirk even though he hadn’t looked up. Once he was done he flipped his paper over and smacked the bell.
“Alright, there were two minutes and three seconds left on the bell.” Bruce closed his phone before taking all the papers reading them over. “Tim got every answer right.”
“Of course,” Jason rolled his eyes. “Come on, old man who’s it gonna be me or Dick?”
Taking a minute to go over both the papers Bruce took his time before looking up. “Jason is the winner. Dick, you forgot to show your work on two of these.”
“Noooooooo!” Dick cried laying his head down. “I wanted pizza!”
“F*ck yeah!” Jason yelled standing up before glaring at Tim, his hand patting his hidden gun. “Ready to lose?”
“Like that’s going to happen,” Tim glared standing full height though it did very little against how tall Jason was. “Get ready to be buried twice.”
“Damn, that’s cold,” Jason smirked. “Alright, bring it on!”
The rules were the same as Janga, you have ten seconds to get your move in or you lost. Tim and Jason had been moving their red and black pieces as fast as possible as well as keeping tabs on each other’s moves.
Baby blue eyes and Lazurus’s green eyes glared at each other while they moved their pieces down into the slots as the pieces continued to fall until finally there was only a few moved left. Jason moving one over only he bearly missed the line as it fell into the wrong slot before he could snag it up.
“No! Damn it!”
Without hesitation, Tim put his second to the last piece in before jumping up with his hands raised high. “Yes! I am victorious!”
“Damn it!” Jason hit his fists on the table before sitting back. “Whatever, you got lucky!”
“Don’t be a sore loser, Jay,” Dick laughed as he moved to put the game away.
“It makes you look pathetic, Todd.”
“You were sulking this whole time!”
“Enough!” Bruce yelled as he pulled out his phone. “Alright, Tim, what are we ordering?”
As the Silence of the Lambs played, it was near the end in the Family movie room. In front of them on the coffee table, it was full of Chinese take out boxes. Everyone had their own plate filled with this and that from the place and even got seconds.
Tim was in his chair next to Bruce watching the movie as he slowly ate the late of his food eyes closing a little. Even though the movie wasn’t scary to him, hell they have seen worse. With the last bite of his food, the warm bubbling feeling that had settled in his stomach the second the food had arrived was expanding as he felt relaxed and peaceful.
Shifting more he laid his head on Bruce’s shoulder slowly dozing up thinking about what leftover Chinese food he was going to eat tomorrow. Just before he could slip all the way under he made a mental note that next week he wanted Korean food.
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