#jim gordon x edward nygma
riddlegordon · 1 month
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dreamyfreak · 2 years
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Favourite Gotham ships + Favourite fanfiction: Riddlergordon
So this weekend I got the urge to read one of my favourite fanfics about one of my all time favourite ships. You can find it on AO3 and it's called "how can I resist, when it feels like this?" written by riddlersgordon. It's a soulmate AU and I honestly think the best one I ever read in my life^^ Ed's and Jim's characters are SO on point here and I just LOVE the amount of pining this story contains😍😍😍
In appreciation of this wonderful fanfiction, I acually wanted to create a Riddlergordon gifset. But unfortunately it's SO hard to find any good scenes with them from season 1 😔 That's why I only giffed their first meeting scene and JESUS! This look on Ed's face when Jim solves his riddle!😍That's the face of utter smittenness!!!☺️
I honestly loved their relationship in season 1 and think it's one of the saddest events in Gotham how terribly they drifted apart after Ed's transformation into the Riddler😢
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i-smoke-chapstick · 1 month
Just dug up some Gotham alignment charts I made years ago…
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 years
Oswald will be like "men (derogatory)" then go through the most atrocious things because he was down bad for a man.
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Gotham Characters Going to a Winter Market with the Reader ☃️❄🐧🤍
Reader: no named gender/religion Warnings: short alcohol mention (in Harvey's part) & mention of canon murder (in Oswald's part - no spoilers though👍) Setting: probably the first season (I'm new to the fandom :))
Edward Nygma: Are you allergic to something or is there something that you dislike as much as he dislikes onions? He probably checked beforehand - which means that there will also be related riddles 😁 He also made sure to check the weather forecast, and pack accordingly. It would do him so good to be in a public space with someone he loves who's not afraid to be seen with him.
Barbara Kean: You'll definitely spend a lot of time on preparing, helping each other pick cute winter outfits, and making sure that they're warm enough for a long time. You two have some shopping to do🤗 She'll buy you anything you want. Food, clothes, accessories, you name it. If you aren't looking for anything, she'll make sure that you're included in her process of deciding what to buy. Which is so difficult: she looks good in anything - and will happily take that compliment ;)
Oswald Cobblepot: Oh no, this poor guy will probably be freezing by the end! When he does shady business, he's got a quick tempo, and meetings outside are usually for killing someone quickly, not for for walking through a big market twice to make sure that you haven't missed a booth, and certainly not for standing in the cold waiting for your food! Oswald's a quivering mess when you're on your way back. I guess you'll just have to...huddle together like penguins ;)
Jim Gordon: He had to reschedule so many times, it's a wonder the market is still there 😂 When he does finally have time though, it will be the most relaxing thing he's done in a long time. You'll often look towards him to see him smiling, body relaxed - save for the parts of him that are cold. I've never seen this guy wear a hat 😆 "Are you sure you're warm enough, Jim?" ("Do I need to warm you up?")
Harvey Bullock: Now him I can imagine with a hat 😄! Comfort's important to him, and that counts for his as well as the comfort of people he loves. He might not have lots of warm clothing articles on him - after all, he takes great care not to pack stuff that might slow him down on his job and in consequence keep him from spending time with loved ones - but he would be more than happy to hug you tight, and maybe buy you something like warmer gloves or a nice warm cap. Other than Jim, he'll also actually show up on one of the first tries. "To hell with the criminals! Let Santa deal with that during winter!" So you might even have time to go there together for more than once 🤗 The two of you will have a great time, just make sure that he doesn't drink too much mulled wine ;)
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raphinaloveschaos · 5 months
The City Is Poisoned. (Season 1)
A Gotham!Victor Zsasz X Fem!Cobblepot!Reader fanfic from s1 to s5.
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Summary: After the death of Thomas and Martha Wayne, the city is about to never be the same again. Everybody knows that. Even being the loved younger sister of Oswald Cobblepot, you don't always know what your brother is up to, and your curiosity might get you to the most dirty and obscure parts of the city. A new kind of crazy people seems to be rising in Gotham, and you might get dragged into the whole mess without even noticing.
TW.: everything you see in the tv show but a little more explicit and detailed sometimes. +18.
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] (COMING THIS WEEK!)
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Author: I'M SO EXCITED!! love y'all!
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Gotham Pick-Up Lines (Valentine Cards for Jim, Edward, Nathaniel Barnes & uhm IsabellA) 💌😂
Edit: I totally forgot to put Isabella into this at first 😆
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This is canon, right?
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Not that that's hard.
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He deserves it 😁
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A little more suggestive content (only written) under the cut:
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Harvey's mentally and physically facepalming at that 😆😂
"Don't waste your good looks on overtime, Jimbo."
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philosopherking1887 · 28 days
Rating: M
Ships: Oswald Cobblepot/Edward Nygma (endgame); Oswald Cobblepot/Jim Gordon (temporary but substantial)
Fic summary: Jim and Oswald agree that the relationship between Edward Nygma and Lee Thompkins is a disaster waiting to happen, so they come up with a desperate plan: plant evidence that they're having a secret affair with each other to spark jealousy in Ed and Lee and draw them away from each other. Their plan is both complicated and helped along by simultaneous crises involving the brothers Valeska…
Chapter summary: Many meetings back at the Falcone mansion: Edward returns to check on Butch and Strange; Oswald returns from the battle with Ra's Al-Ghul and Jeremiah, and Tabitha is reunited with a newly cured Butch; Edward airs some concerns with Oswald, and they discuss their next steps.
…and we're back to the 7500-word chapters, which take a month to write.
One more Ed/Oswald sex scene coming in the next chapter! And yes, I raised the chapter count again because I'm a damned liar.
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lexi0widow · 1 year
PLEASE be soft on me i’ve never wrote before!!
warnings: none!! These are fluffy headcannons about whatever Jerome you wanna imagine (eg Season 1) i love him!!
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Believe it or not I think Jerome is an absolute cuddler!!
Especially season 1
The poor baby suffered through his mom and cuddling is just a way for him to feel safe and let his inner child heal
Jerome will go to extreme lengths to keep you safe
Even if you can keepy yourself safe. He insists!!
Would never admit it but he loves bubble baths!
Please buy him a rubber duck!!! he needs a friend for bath time!
Hes a criminal (obviously) so dates out are extremely unlikely unless you want to get chased by Jim Gordon all night
So as a compromise to this Jerome likes to spend all his free time with you doing indoor dates
Like watching cartoons together
Or painting
He also likes to bake<3
Lowkey will post a part 2 but i’m walking into school right now
I hope you enjoyed my loves 🫶🏻🫶🏻
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orwells-nightmare · 2 years
I like how Ed and Oswald had equally few friends. They both had
A work friend (Ed - Lee, Oswald - Butch)
Jim Gordon (who did not like them)
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howl-fantasies · 2 years
A/N - Because I missed their little text-bickering. 🤯
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---------- 1 New Message ---------
Is it suppose to be a riddle?
Just wanted to be sure.
Well now you are. Then, again, WHAT THE HELL?!
Sweety, I know I'm super impressive and all, always know things that happened, are happening or are going to happen, but I'm not omniscient. And I'm not Galadriel, since she's an elf and everything. You'll have to be more precise.
Don't make me start about how it is just impossible for you to be Galadriel or we will never sleep tonight. Or the next. But you've made a good point. You're not intelligent enough to remember every little details of your day. So, let me enlighten you:
Thanks you very much TolkiED, I don't have the time to be nerdy with you tonight. Also, my limited brain works fortunately well enough to remember the code of your little bank account in the Gotham Central Bank. Or to find out any new code you would create in the future.
Concerning the clothes, well, what can I say. I bought a few, yeah. So what?
Stop playing stupid!
You can't have a child with him!
Wow. Super bold of you to make this statement, knowing Zstalkersz will read it later when he thinks I'm not looking.
I DON'T CARE! You can't be pregnant Y/N! And you can't be pregnant with HIS child!
You should be happy, you'll be a terrific gay uncle dear. As well as Oswald of course.
Don't bring him into this mess!
What happened to you?! Weren't you terrified of the simple idea of pregnancy? Gods! You cried like a river at the GCPD last time when you were late!
Btw how late are you?! You were supposed to bleed last week.
Are you following my cycle? Like, for real?
Of course I am!
I wanted to be sure to spot any sign in case you would be knocked up! And it failed! What did I miss?!
Decency, I would say.
Are you going to keep it?
Well, it's not really up to me to be honest.
What? Is he forcing you to keep it?!
Not really, Victor is pretty indifferent.
I'm scoffing right now, let me tell you! How is it he doesn't care when he was the co-maker of this upcoming disaster?!
Oh no. He was not.
Jim was.
I can't, phones aren't allowed during an echography, dear. Barb will kill me if she catches me texting or worse, chit-chatting with you. I'm not ready to die so soon.
She knows?! And let you live to text the tale?!
Why of course. It concerns her directly after all.
You did it on purpose.
You were especially vague about everything just to let me think you were the one being pregnant.
How dare you!
It was super fun. You were amazing darling, thank you so so much for this very good time.
I hate you.
Don't block me so fast. How long do you think it will take to Oswald to piece everything together?
Wanna play a little prank with me?
Gosh you're a piece of work woman.
Sent him a text.
Keep me updated.
I'm still mad.
You'll pay for this one.
You don't need to make me bleed.
Already have, last week.
You're disgusting. If not for the prank, I would have block you.
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gothicknightz · 1 year
experiment on me — jerome valeska
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experiment on me — jerome valeska
warnings: a punch thrown so far
notes: two parts? maybe three. the reader is gn. 
word count: 559
Jerome Valeska was finally silenced to a halt after being put in handcuffs and mailed off to Arkham without a hitch. He got into fisticuffs and ran his show, as well as getting his face punched off, and saying he had quite the day was an understatement.
But to him, the walls of Arkham were getting way too familiar than he precedented, despite running the show in a place he once called home temporarily. All the other locked-up systematic outlaws and failures were getting way too stale for him to handle.
Jerome was on his hands and knees begging for some stimulation and uprising. He couldn’t stand it anymore. When Jerome gets his hands on his friends, and he would, he was gonna blow the building like no other person had dared.
Then came in (y/n), someone who didn’t need saving even at the hands of a disappointing city with too many flaws. A city that Jerome and (y/n) were proud to call their home.
Oh, the thrill of someone new. Jerome was excited. Someone with flair, style, and panache. Finally, he was getting lucky in his unfortunate incarceration at Arkham.
But (y/n) didn’t plan on staying there long.
“Hey,” They snapped, “Ginger raccoon.” (y/n) was getting tired of countless attempts at getting Jerome’s attention, so in turn, they backed up and threw a punch. Hopefully, that would wake the smiling psycho up from whatever fantasy land he was in at the moment.
You could tell he was awakening something inside him as his facial expression was recognizing that he had gotten punched. “Oh,” He grumbled, backing up, and touching his cheek gingerly as if it were severely injured. “Thanks for the wake-up call.”
“About damn time.” (y/n) muttered as they now finally had a grasp on the ginger’s attention.
“Now, look,” They whispered, leaning in, “I can tell you’re not new here, and definitely have thrown your hat in the ring way too many times.” They then glanced at one of the many guards that loomed around the halls to keep the inmates in order, “You see that unaffected sad sack over there?”
Jerome seemed intrigued, arching a brow and leaning forward, “I need you to get his attention.”
“Why not get all of them?” Jerome asked, throwing out his arms in question, “Wouldn’t that be easier?” He pushed himself away from the table, going forward to stand on it and cupping his hands around his face to holler.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention!”
And as if they were zombies, anyone who wasn’t at least partially brain-dead turned their focus flat straight at Jerome, incoherent mumbles and questions being heard throughout the crowd.
“Today will be the day!”
The mumbles and those who were talking to themselves suddenly started to cheer as if they were some high school mob at a pep rally or sporting event, some of them even standing up to copy Jerome, who they adored with an unknowing passion.
“Today will be the day!”
The crowd cheered once again, but this time with a further sense of determination and insanity, with half of them unsure of what the day was or what exactly they were cheering for; most of them were too unhinged to comprehend their own sense of being.
Then that’s when the lights went out.
And everything turned to chaos.
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tristansarchive · 2 years
Gotham Crack No One Asked For (Part Two)
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shyjusticewarrior · 1 year
Gotham Incorrect Quotes Pt 158
Oswald: Oh, my stepmother was right, I'm never gonna get married.
Ed: You know what, that is... Who wouldn't want you?
Harvey: If a beautiful women disagrees with me I will immediately change my view, I have no principles.
Jim: No you won't.
Harvey: That is correct I won't.
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Gotham Characters' Reactions to the Reader Being Stressed Because They Have a Lot to Do Part 1
Reader: gender-neutral (without any pronouns) Warnings: mentions of illegal ways to get a good grade
Edward Nygma:
He's very intelligent, so if the subject is nothing too niche he will learn about it himself. You might think that he wouldn't find the time, but this man once rearranged an entire room of folders in his free time (much to Kristen's dismay), and he's ready to put in more effort for you. If you had to learn something, he'd love to quiz you by making small little riddles. .... "Almost. Do you need another hint? It ends with an e."...."Nope, silent e."
If all your time was taken up by your task, he'd make you meals or give you some dessert you like. Prepare yourself for a note on it, he'll write a related riddle on it.
If things get too far - that is, if you're too stressed, even if you mutter "I'm fine." - never leave your utensils lying around, because you will come back to find them gone, with him waiting for you, not giving them back before you answer the riddle, "You desperately need it to escape it becoming the verb that will happen to you if you don't take it, what is it?" You're too tired for this, "Please just tell me, Eddie." He puts his hands on your shoulders in a comforting way, and looks into your eyes, saying, "A break. You desperately need a break. You've been working for too long." Let's just say that he's good at hiding stuff.
Jim Gordon:
He's almost too good at giving you time and space. If you throw yourself into work, he'll do the same, and might end up having more work to do than you. However if your work overload was caused by someone, he'll have a word with them if possible. He'll give pretty much anyone hell, from the normal office worker to some rich guy from higher up. The only scenario in which he wouldn't call them out is if your boss was one of the big players...not that he wouldn't yell in Oswald's face.
Oswald Cobblepot:
Speaking of Oswald's pretty face, it would look very displeased if you of all people were being bothered with too much work. He didn't work his way up just to see that the people he cares about are unhappy, or in your case overworked.
He offers to let someone else do your work or bribe someone to change your results, that's just what he thinks of as a solution: the person he loves wouldn't be stressed out, which is the only thing that matters. Regardless of your decision, you'll be showered in supportive hugs and/or gestures, as usual. Your smaller tasks will be taken care of, and if the root of your work problem is someone, they will be intimidated.
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nygmcbblepot · 1 month
Update ♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
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Hi guys! I realized I haven't posted in sooo long! If you're seeing this, I just wanted to let you know that I still write! I just uploaded my first chapter to my slowburn Edward Nygma x female reader on Wattpad! If you're interested in reading it, my Wattpad account is @nygmcbblepot! If you click on the username tagged, it will take you to my Wattpad account. I finished writing the second chapter and am trying to come up with a schedule of how often I update. I also have an edit account on Tik Tok with the same username if you're interested in checking those out! It's multi fandom but recently it's been mainly Gotham and Taylor Swift. I'm debating on if I want to upload my Wattpad Edward fic to Tumblr or if I want it to be just Wattpad exclusive for now. I might wait until I finish it and upload it once all of its chapters are finished. If you're interested in me bringing it onto Tumblr now, fill out the poll below! <3
Love you all,
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