#junk food’s fine but it has to be HIGH QUALITY junk food
taterswithranch · 8 months
I feel like Tabi’s the type of guy to eat something no matter how questionable it is. A little green? Just pick it off. Smells funky? Good enough. Left out for more than a week? It’s fine.
Then everyone has to try to wrestle it away from him hshdhks
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masquenoire · 2 years
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What does your muse smell like? Roman has expensive taste therefore enjoys a wide range of men’s colognes. One of his favourite scents to use is Clive Christian’s 1872 Masculine Edition, which combines deep earthy, wooden notes with fresh green resins to produce an invigorating aroma with hints of sandalwood, pine and salt. One bottle lasts a good while, up to a year as he likes to alternate his collection but beneath his colognes, Roman’s scent carries musky tones of cuban tobacco, gunpowder and iron.
What do your muse’s hands feel like? His palms are calloused and rough to the touch even with the use of moisturizer and gloves. Roman’s hands see a lot of day-to-day action from writing, smoking, fighting, shooting guns and torture - he’s pretty much always doing something with them at any given moment but keeping his skin moisturized has given it a softer feel beneath that crushing strength of his.
What does your muse usually eat in a day? Ever since he hit puberty, Roman’s always been a big eater and it wasn’t long before he grew taller than both his parents. His mother tried controlling the amount he ate but his temper only grew worse when smaller portions could no longer satiate his growing body. Fortunately he’s managed to maintain a somewhat healthy relationship with food, enjoying fine cuisine so much he refuses to eat junk food and anything else he considers to be ‘low class’ unless he’s actually starving. For breakfast, he’ll usually partake in a fried breakfast. It’s not healthy but it is quick and the high salt content helps him bounce back from any hangovers as a result of drinking too much the night before. For lunch, he’ll usually settle for something lighter - soup or pasta is his usual choice, with sicilian chicken soup being his favourite during the colder months of Gotham. For dinner, he loves nothing more than a prime cut of steak with fried mushrooms + onions on the side and a colourful salad with dark, leafy greens. For snacks, he’ll opt for fruit, nuts and the occasional bar of dark chocolate. Enjoys expensive meals made with quality ingredients whenever he has time to indulge.
Does your muse have a good singing voice? Surprisingly yes! Roman’s voice is scratchier thanks to years of heavy smoking but he can carry a tune and hit those deep notes wonderfully. Doesn’t sing often unless he’s in a very good mood.
Does your muse have any bad habits or nervous ticks? He grinds his teeth a lot which is noticable given they’re exposed as a result of his facial disfigurement. Roman rarely feels nervous but he’s frequently annoyed, frustrated, vexed or infuriated, expending pent-up energy through huffing, pacing, clenching his fists or punching unlucky henchmen. Smokes and drinks heavily to manage his stress levels thus became an alcoholic (Note: Roman’s experienced some particularly vicious withdrawal spells during his stays at Arkham, heightening his anxiety while being treated there.)
What does your muse usually look like / wear? Just some expensive top-of-the-range business suits, thank you very much. Roman does not like to be lumped in with the other ‘rogues’ of Gotham, thinking his stylish threads set him apart from that costumed riff-raff. His most iconic clothing is his pure white suit and black shirt, matching the aesthetics of his signature black mask. He similarly enjoys luxury coats and footwear made from hand-stitched leather, though on occasion has been known to wear different coloured suits depending on his mood.
Is your muse affectionate? How much? How so? Roman struggles so very hard with affection. His parents were only affectionate in public, pretending to be loving people when truthfully they despised their son so it’s hard for him to accept being touched and held platonically. Doesn’t know how badly he’s touch-starved and pursues it through aggressive sex.
What position does your muse sleep in? Either on his back or on his side. During restless nights he’ll toss and turn, too agitated to fully drop off even while sleeping.
Could you hear your muse in the hallway from another room? Yes. Roman is loud, proud and not afraid to make his feelings known, yelling at the top of his lungs whenever he’s pissed off - which is often. His henchmen know whenever the boss is having a bad day, especially when they can hear him several floors away.
Tagged by;; @quinnzelles (thank you peach! ♡) Tagging;; @arkhampsych, @babydxhl, @caestusvulpes, @defectivexfragmented, @elisethetraveller, @fiddlingonthetympanic, @oswald-pengu1n-cobblepot, @riddleroyalty, @sanguine-salvation, @shinebrightsweetdove​, @the-arkham-librarian​, @undeadasshcle​, @zeigekopf​​ and anyone else who wants to do this?
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ultra-maha-us · 1 year
What Kinds of Natural Health Supplements Are Good and Why?
One of the most effective and beneficial ways of healthy living is obtained by taking in health products that provide nutritional supplements and vitamins. A complete range of natural health supplements can easily be made available from the internet, as the local stores generally have limited options for consumers.
Why Natural Health Supplements?
A healthy living comprises of well balanced intake of nutrition, vitamins, and minerals and so on from the food. However, the various junk foods that tickle our taste buds are generally not nutritional and therefore, there is a need to obtain the essential nutrients through natural health supplements. Also today's life style with dietary gaps in our system makes it all the more important to consume high quality supplements There are various health food supplements available in the market that provide with varied nutrients but you will realize that your body needs much more to be fit and fine.
What Kinds of Supplements are Available?
There are various natural supplements available in the market, and each one caters to specific needs. There are some supplements specially meant for obtaining adequate amino acids, whereas some are meant for getting neuro nutrients or antioxidants, and so on. All these supplements together vitamins can maintain all your body's parts and helps them function to the optimum.
Supplements for Immune Support- these supplements are specially meant for strengthening the natural immunity, and it also solves the upper respiratory problems such as congestion. This supplement can hence improve the overall health of your body with daily consumption of it.
Omega 3 6 9 supplements- the advantages of Omega 3 have been well known since early 1900's. It is popularly consumed by people for abstaining from any heart problems. Since it contains EPA and E-DHA it supports the cardiovascular functions. But recently, the significance of Omega 6 and 9 has also been realized. While Omega 3 and 6 are polyunsaturated fatty acids, Omega 9 is monounsaturated fatty acids. All these three are essential fatty acids for our body as it prevents heart attacks and also has anti-inflammatory components.
Supplements for Arthritis- there are health supplements available to eliminate the root cause of the pain caused during arthritis. Certain herbal components help in reducing the inflammation, swelling, and stiffness that occurs with the patients suffering from arthritis.
Men's Health Supplements- various kinds of herbal supplements for men's are available that can relax them from fatigue and stress. Natural health supplements for men can also eradicate impotency and also prevent them from cardiovascular diseases or Type 2 diabetes as well.
Women's Health Supplements- special supplements for women are also available that helps them during pregnancy and lactation. The herbal components provide strength to the females and enable the child to develop properly during pregnancy. Health supplements for strengthening the bones of the females are available.
Natural supplements moreover, also enable you to slower the process of aging. Hence, more and more people are turning towards herbal health supplements for living healthy and better life.
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cosmicdangernaut · 1 year
Can I ask some stupid questions?
What makes the MCU movies "mindless popcorn schlock", and what would make an MCU movie not that?
Is that like a bad thing, or is it a neutral quality that is inherent to these films?
Also, does this apply to all of the movies in the MCU?
I have no idea why I want to know this stuff; I just have to ask.
A question asked out of genuine curiosity is never stupid. 💕 
Schlock may come from a yiddish word meaning "shoddy/cheaply made", but for me it's always been a fairly neutral term. It's like the media equivalent of junk food. It doesn't have a high level of artistic or social merit. Schlock can be entertaining and really that's all a movie has to be. Some of my favorite movies are schlock. Not everything has to be Fine Cinema. And that's where the idiom "popcorn movie" comes into play. Sometimes you just want to have a good time and aren't looking for something to challenge the mind.
Some MCU movies have attempted to have an elevated aesthetic (compared to the whole). There have also been a few that have attempted some sort of social commentary. Not well, but they definitely did... something. At the end of the day the MCU was always meant to be entertainment that turned a profit.
The way the production company has operated thus far doesn't really allow for any of their projects to rise above the schlock. They aren't even coasting at this point; they're getting worse. But as long as people are supporting it I don't really think they care. For me personally my enjoyment has long since run its course and I don't agree with the way they run things. But if other people enjoy it they should follow their bliss. I'll be watching something else.
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Kinds of Restaurants
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A dining establishment is a facility where customers can purchase and also consume food. Dining establishments can be stand alone companies or affixed to other organizations. There are numerous kinds of dining establishments and some are extra expensive than others. Selecting the kind of restaurant you want to open is necessary, and also plays a large component in your general organization plan. You can shop here now. There are three standard kinds of dining establishments. These include fine dining, laid-back dining, as well as junk food. Each provides a different degree of solution, cuisine, and rate point. However, they all offer something that's worth attempting. Great eating generally offers premium food in a formal setting. Learn more about restaurant, find here. Laid-back eating is much more laid back as well as accessible. Convenience food dining establishments are popular due to the fact that they supply ready-to-eat foods at an affordable. Several of these dining establishments even supply shipment. They make use of icy components. One more preferred type of dining establishment is a buffet. A few of these are set up like a cafeteria, while others feature a substantial food selection. A lot of buffets are self-service. The food selection includes soups, salads, and other main dishes. Depending on the buffet, it might be limited to a couple of sorts of food. The interpretation of a dining establishment has actually altered with time. It utilized to refer to a place for meat broth, and now it refers to a business that offers food to its consumers. This has brought about a variety of variants on the idea. The initial version of the term restaurant was made use of in the ancient globe, specifically during the Sumerians as well as Babylonians. During the Industrial Transformation, the concept handled brand-new life. Throughout this period, factories had the ability to create in-house eating centers. This suggested that even more individuals could dine beyond their residence. Modern restaurants have progressed to cater to a wide variety of customers. The most prominent dining establishment type today is the convenience food dining establishment. Popular with family members, these are the dining establishments that give food at an inexpensive. They are additionally frequently marketed to go. In many cases, they're also run by large franchise business chains. Various other restaurants consist of pubs as well as coffee shops. Bars are generally defined by a laid-back setting, a selection of food, as well as an array of beverages. Although they once only provided beer as well as various other alcoholic beverages, nowadays you can find a variety of non-alcoholic drinks also. While a few of these establishments still provide bar-service, a lot of have actually shifted to a much more laid-back environment. Food vehicles are an additional contemporary method to offer a range of food. Food trucks supply an option of quick-serve dishes for a portion of the rate of a sit-down restaurant. When choosing a dining establishment to open up, you'll wish to select a location with sufficient traffic. If you're going to obtain your name on the menu, ensure you serve the very best high quality food. The National Dining establishment Association released a listing of 5 fads for the year ahead. In the classification of restaurant-related modern technology, you'll see that mobile order-and-pay is coming to be extra usual. Also, there are devoted phone applications to book dishes as well as chatbots to respond to customer questions. Take a look at this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restaurant for more information.
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Third Party Nutraceutical Manufacturer
In recent years, there has been an increase in the demand for nutraceutical products. The market of third party nutraceutical manufacturer is booming, and organizations that invest in it are enjoying big rewards. Aster Lifescience has always struck a good strategic arrangement with clients across India while looking for best solutions. We seek to address the various expectations of clients due to various dosage segments for which a Third party Nutraceutical manufacturer in India may be required. Set up in one of India’s business zones, Ahmedabad, you’ll benefit from world-class infrastructure, cutting-edge manufacturing facilities, and stringent quality control procedures.
You can always believe on Aster Lifescience if you’re looking for a reliable manufacturer. Our company is an ISO-certified third-party manufacturer that provides you with a wide range of nutritious and high-quality products such as nutritional supplements, Gynec products, digestive products, protein powder and many more. We are offering best nutritional solutions, all of which have been approved by various regulatory organizations. Each product was developed with the help of experts. In India, Aster Lifescience is the leading third party nutraceutical manufacturer. You will find effective strategic planning for your company here, with an emphasis on quality, quantity, and professionalism.
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Aster Lifescience has long been regarded as one of the greatest Nutraceutical manufacturing companies in India. Several companies have partnered with our firm, and they have thoroughly liked and admired our services on a widespread scale. We have been committed to our procedure in order to provide you with high-quality, effective, and long-lasting nutritional solution to fulfill your various needs. Our formulations scientists contribute to the effective creation of products that are beneficial to our customers. Aster Lifescience has a long history of producing nutritional supplements that are tailored to your specific needs. The company’s goal is as follows:
The company ensures that you receive the highest quality and most     effective nutraceutical supplements.
At Aster Lifescience, the cost of manufacturing Nutraceutical     products is relatively inexpensive.
For large orders, our company offers you premium and cost-effective     options.
We arrive on time for the delivery date that we have set.
Marketing tool manufacturing will be made easier for you. Here, we     ensure a better designs and a pleasing appearance of product.
The greatest advantage at Aster is the level of secrecy and     professionalism.
Quality Standard Followed by Aster Lifescience
Aster is recognized for its quality product solutions among all third party nutraceutical manufacturers. We adhere to a strict quality control system that allows us to produce high-quality medicine formulations. Our nutraceuticals are manufactured in self-owned, adapted WHO and GMP facilities. We adhere to all industry standards to ensure that you receive the finest possible service. Ingredients, extracts, and materials of the highest quality are used in the manufacturing process. The organization has skilled personnel who assist them in bettering development, production, and meeting quality standards. Our organization uses a variety of quality metrics, including:
WHO and GMP international requirements are properly maintained.
To avoid degradation and contamination, work in an environmentally     friendly atmosphere.
For research and development, a Nutraceutical range professional     team is established.
For quality control testing, advanced devices have been deployed.
To provide you with pure formulations, fine active components are     utilized.
Third Party Nutraceutical Manufacturer
Due to rising demand, the nutraceutical sector has a lot of advanced planning around the world. People are suffering from illnesses as a result of the filthy nature of junk food, which is devoid of protein, minerals, and vitamins. In addition, these dietary supplements are now required by the elderly people too. Nutritional supplements are good for the body.
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goldenshoyo · 3 years
Taste like Strawberries - DILF Daichi
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Warnings: Fem!Reader, age gap (Reader is 22 and Daichi is mid to late 30s), daddy kink (obv), brat taming, finger sucking, spit kink sorta, dumbification, degradation, thigh riding, oral (m. receiving), rough sex, a little praise, alcohol consumption. (as always, let me know if you want something else tagged)
Word Count: 4.9k (honestly idk how it got so long hahaha sorry)
Author’s note: This is my contribution to @kaijime's dilf collab! Make sure you go check out the masterlist and read all the wonderful works on there as well! Also, I edited this at 2am; so sorry if it is a mess.
Can you pick Mei up for me? I have to work late.
You sigh looking down at the text from your sister, this is the third time in the last few weeks she’s sprung this on you. Despite knowing there’s nothing she can do about it, it’s irritating with her husband traveling and needing to work. The one good thing is the quality time you get funny spoiling your niece after school, getting her whatever junk food she wants that your sister never lets her have.
Texting her back that you will, you go back to studying. Your final year of college has been more stressful than you expected, work always piling up with your motivation lacking. No wonder so many students take an extra year. However, you were determined to finish now and not extend your torment any longer.
Glancing at your phone you see it’s nearing pick-up time at Mei’s school. You clean up the library table, shoving your laptop and notes into your bag, and leave. The drive isn’t long, her school is close to your apartment and sister’s house so you would have needed to take this route anyways. Pulling into a free spot near the school, you leave your bags in the car going out to meet her by the school’s front gate.
“Big sis!” Your niece squeals and you look up from your phone. She’s dragging another little girl behind her, pulling her your way. “This is Kaiya! She’s my best friend. She said it's okay I use her first name, so don’t scold me like momma does! I let her call me Mei too!”
You laugh listening to her babble on about her new friend. She’s coming up on her 6th birthday, and every day she is growing more and more into her own personality. “I wouldn’t scold you like your mother. You know that,” you bend at the knees, getting at their height.
“Hi Kaiya, I’m ----. It’s nice to meet you.” You shake her little hand and she smiles.
“You’re very pretty, like Mei.” She pulls her hand away and then her lip pouts. “I wish I had a big sister.”
“I can be your big sister too if you want. Mei, you don’t mind sharing me do you?”
“Only if you promise to get me ice cream.” Her eyes and nose squint and she laughs, her mischievous face has stayed the same since she was a toddler. It’s impossible to resist.
You stand up, rubbing her head and laughing. “Fine, we can stop by a shop on the way home.”
“Sorry,” a deep male voice comes from a few feet behind you. “I had a work thing... I’m sorry I’m a little late baby.”
You watch as a tall, broad man picks up Kaiya while she giggles and wraps her arms around his neck while squealing ‘daddy’. You smile politely when he looks at you. His face is handsome, features not too sharp or round; everything about it warm and inviting. He’s still dressed in his uniform, well besides the jacket. You assume he’s a part of the police force from the pants and belt he wears matched with a dark blue shirt that clings to his form.
“I hope she wasn’t bothering you,” he says while setting her down.
“Oh of course not. She was very polite and well behaved. You’ve raised a great daughter.”
He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thank you. I’m Sawamura Daichi, and you are?” His smile is so cute, you think. It’s not forced or out of politeness, but instead genuine happiness.
“---- -----,” you tell him and shake his hand. He squeezes it once, and your stomach turns. What was that?
“Is Mei yours?” He tilts his head, eyes going between you and your niece. “I’ve never met her mother, only your husband. Kaiya talks non-stop about Mei when she’s home with me.”
“Oh, no-no. I’m her aunt. My sister works a lot, so I pick her up from time to time.” You laugh. “I go to the local college, so it’s close by. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Sawamura.” Trying to keep yourself from becoming too flustered, you look away. Watching as your niece digs through her backpack for some reason.
“Please, call me Daichi. It’s nice to-”
“Daddy, big sis is taking Mei to get ice cream!” Kaiya cuts him off. “Can we go too? Pretty please!” She kisses her father’s cheek, smiling brightly as he sets her back down. She holds tight to his hand, begging some more.
“If it’s okay with your dad, we don’t mind. Do we, Mei?”
She nods with a big smile. “Kaiya they have the BEST strawberry flavor.”
“Do you mind? I don’t want to impose on your time with Mei.” Daichi asks while still keeping an eye on the girls, who have wandered a few feet away while blabbering about ice cream flavors.
“Of course not. It’s good for young girls to spend time together.” He nods and thanks you. “There’s a spot close by. We could walk if you don’t mind.”
“Better wrangle the girls then,” he laughs, walking towards them both and getting their attention.
Taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh, you try and relax. It’s just ice cream for the girls… even if Kaiya’s hot dad is coming along. You’re sure he’s just trying to be nice and let his daughter have a nice time. However, it’s hard not to feel something when a man this hot and good with children is around.
The ice cream shop has a pretty outdoor area off the back of the shop, fenced in with a swing set and other children’s toys and playsets. No one else is visiting currently, so the girls have the playground to themselves, running around with ice cream dripping all over the ground when they forget they should be holding the cones up. Sitting quietly, spooning ice cream into your mouth, you try not to stare at Daichi too often.
“What are you studying?” He asks, breaking the silence that was threatening to become awkward.
“Oh, uh,” you swallow the cold cream. “Literature and classics.”
“Interesting. I bet you enjoy reading to your niece then,” he smiles at you before taking another spoonful of ice cream. You can’t help but watch his tongue dart around the spoon.
“Yeah.” You say quickly looking away. “Mei enjoys it, well, when she pays attention. Does Kaiya like stories?”
“Her mother says she always listens to her when she reads, but for me, it’s hard enough to get her to go to bed. I don’t think she’d ever stay still to let me read her a book.” He continues to talk about the weekends he gets with her, and you listen closely.
It’s stupid, you think. You shouldn’t feel this excited that he’s either divorced or at least no longer together with Kaiya’s mom. It’s selfish, but lucky in some ways. You don’t have to worry about a jealous wife coming after you because her husband paid for your ice cream.
“I’m not around for bedtime, so I can’t really relate.” You say softly and stick your tongue out lick the spoon clean. Stopping yourself from licking the ice cream off, deciding to explain more, “Mei never really stays the night anyway. She gets too worked up without her-”
The spoon is plucked from your hands and you frown looking at Daichi, who has a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. “What do you like to do at bedtime?”
Your breath catches in your throat, and you stutter out something incoherent. Daichi’s tongue swipes up your spoon, and you watch carefully, longing to be that spoon as his tongue drags across it.
“Well?” He continues, then hands you back the spoon.
“I, uh, I don’t know.” You manage to stutter some words, even if it's not a real answer. “I uh-”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. You don’t need to answer now. Let me see your phone,” he asks holding out his hand and you hurry to hand it to him. He puts in his number then hands it back to you. “I’m not free on weekends unless I get a sitter. But, I’ll see you around.”
You sit, stunned by how quickly that turned from a polite playdate for your niece to potentially a playdate with Daichi. You bring your hands to your face, trying to compose yourself before waving at both Daichi and Kaiya as they leave.
“Big sis,” your niece wines. “Wanna go home.” She pulls you from the park bench and through the shop while you continue trying to collect your thoughts.
Did you really just pull a dad? There’s no way he was serious, right?
You texted him the night after you got ice cream, but he hadn’t responded. It wasn’t until late Sunday evening he sent back a short ‘you’re welcome’ after you thanked him for the ice cream. Your face burned and your stomach twisted with every flashback to watching his tongue slide across your spoon.
It was so unnecessary.
It was so hot.
Gathering up the courage to ask when you could see him again took another day and liquid encouragement. Maybe texting him while you were drunk wasn’t the best idea, but it did make sending him photos of yourself a lot easier. The ones you got in return nearly made you drool. Joining the police force ensured he never lost his perfect physique. Every inch of him looked like it had been handcrafted by the gods themself.
Slipping your fingers into your panties and toying with your desperate clit was all too fun when he called you late that night, not caring about his early morning shift or the classes you may have. His voice breathy and deep, yours whiny and high pitched when you came around your fingers begging him to come over and fuck you.
He only laughed, telling you to wait until he had a day off.
Sitting across from him at dinner should be fun. He keeps the conversation going and you always paid attention and politely answered. However, it becomes increasingly obvious that the burning between your thighs is becoming unbearable.
“Check please,” he tells the waiter, and you nearly squeal with excitement.
“Mind if I go get some fresh air while you settle the bill?” You ask, placing your hand over his; thumb drawing circles on the back of his hand.
“Of course, sweetheart.” He smiles at you and you walk out of the door, ignoring the way his eyes make you feel as you walk out the door.
Cool evening air hits you hard. Letting out another sigh, you laugh at yourself for acting this desperate in public. He must know. It’s not like you’ve been good at hiding it. You’re worse than a cat in heat, mewling for attention and a quick fix.
“Ready?” His voice startles you and you turn to face him. You nod and he extends his hand out for you. The walk to his car is short, and you’re grateful for the dim lighting in the parking garage once you slide into the passenger seat.
Unable to can’t wait any longer, you straddle his lap in his seat and he tilts his head, looking up at you in amusement. Kissing his neck, you run your hands down his chest and slowly grind against him. His firm hands hold your hips and you whimper, trying to convince him to give your body more attention.
“Daichi,” you whine against his neck. “Please, I need-”
You’re stopped as his hand takes control of your jaw, cheeks squished in his hand while he admires you above him. His gaze is intense, not a hint of a smile or enjoyment on his face, but the bulge in his pants hints otherwise. You frown looking down on him, irritated this is the most he’s touched you all night.
“I don’t like brats.” He says simply. “Impatient ones are even more annoying. Tell me, are you going to be an annoying brat?”
You try and shake your head no, barely getting it to move from side to side in his grip.
“Good,” he releases your face and you sigh. Rubbing your cheeks with your fingers you relent from trying the aggressive approach with him; seeing now he’s much less patient than you had expected. “Now can you wait until Daddy takes you home?”
You nod, a smile brimming on your lips while your stomach turns.
“I want to hear you say it.” His eyes somehow focus on you more, making your stomach twist once more.
“Yes, daddy.”
“Good girl.”
The rest of the drive is silent, his hand resting on your exposed thigh a little too close to the hem for comfort. It keeps your mind buzzing, every nerve lit aflame at the slightest bump in the road or motion of his fingers. His thumb occasionally draws circles on your sensitive skin, and the whimper that always leaves your lips feels embarrassing.
Are you really a whimpering mess already?
Everything about being with Daichi made you feel more intense like your body knew just how to react to everything he does and says. Was it the age difference and excitement? Or was it simply because he knew how to touch and speak to you?
“Sweetheart?” Daichi’s voice draws your attention and you look over to him. “We’re home now. Be a good girl for me, and go unlock the door.” He dangles the keys in front of you and you take them nodding.
“Yes sir,” you slip out of the car. Did you call him sir? At the moment it felt right, but now with your face burning and palms sweating you wonder if he thinks it’s ridiculous.
You unlock the door, pushing it open and standing awkwardly waiting for him to walk up the stairs to the front door. Why is he prolonging this? There was no reason for him to stay behind. Turning your head to look where he parked the car, you see he’s talking to a neighbor, laughing, and paying you no mind.
What’s his game here?
You huff, frustrated, and embarrassed with how desperate you’ve been acting and he seems to not have a care in the world. Stepping inside, you close the door and take your shoes off. He doesn’t mind you having access to his house with you unsupervised. After all, he did give you the keys to unlock the door.
His home looks comfortable and lived in, not overly clean but not messy per se. You sit on the couch, crossing your legs and laying your head back. While you know it’s rude to begin feeling this irritated, if something didn’t happen soon you were going to have to call for a ride and get home to a toy or even indulge in one of the sleazy dating apps you’re all too familiar with.
Pulling out your phone, you respond to a few notifications you garnered over dinner, nothing of real substance, but better than sitting in silence. A few friends have invited you to a bar not too far from your location, and you consider it, but the front door opening grabs your attention.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, sweetheart.” He smiles at you and you lay your phone down on the cushion beside you, feeling like you’ve been caught texting in class. “I see you made yourself at home.”
“Oh, I-” you stand up, even more embarrassed.
Does he take pleasure in making you uncomfortable or are you just too on edge?
“Sit back down,” he laughs walking into the kitchen. “Would you like a drink?”
“No thank you,” you answer quickly, sitting back down and laying your hands in your lap to fiddle with your fingers.
He comes back into the living room with his shirt unbuttoned a few, his chest peeking out, and a beer in his left hand. Sitting on the recliner adjacent to the couch, he motions for you with his pointer finger then pats his lap. Your body moves without thinking, straddling him with your knees sinking into the soft cushion of the recliner on either side of his hips. He grins watching your dress ride up your thighs before he takes a drink from his beer.
“Why are you acting so shy now? What happened to that confident little attitude?” He sets the beer down on the table between the couch and chair.
“Why are you toying with me?” You ask, furrowing your brow and tilting your head. “Just fuck me already.”
“There it is,” he chuckles. “You’re not as good of a girl as you think. You’re nothing more than a spoiled brat who needs put in her place. Lucky for you, I know just how to handle bratty girls like you.”
His thumb pulls on your bottom lip and you part them, letting his middle and index finger slip in and press against your tongue. You moan at first, grinding your cunt against his thigh before his fingers slip further in and make you gag. Closing your eyes you grind on him harder, the gagging only intensifying and your body lighting on fire.
“Pathetic,” he laughs while resting his cheek against his hand. Opening your eyes more you see he looks unamused, even as he shoves his fingers down your throat more. “Moaning like this over what? I’m barely touching you.”
You moan again, pressing your core harder on his thigh and whining. Your fingers dig into the arm of the recliner, steadying yourself while you ride his thigh. It feels too good to stop, the minute amount of pleasure intensified by Daichi’s fingers in your mouth.
“Maybe I was wrong,” his voice making you whine again. “Maybe you’re not a brat, just a dumb little slut desperate to cum.” Removing his fingers from your mouth, you take deep breaths, coughing and leaning your head on his shoulder.
“P-please,” you beg. “Please fuck me, daddy. Wanna feel you in me. I’ll be good, I swear.” You sound desperate, you know it and so does he.
“Do you think you deserve it?” He rubs the spit from his fingers onto your cheek while holding your jaw. He shakes your head back and forth slowly as a no for you. “That’s right. You don’t deserve daddy’s cock.”
“B-but-” you whine and grind against him. “Please!”
“Hmm,” he hums, releasing your jaw and licking his fingers clean before taking another sip from his beer. “Maybe if you earn it. I’m not in the mood to fuck an ungrateful whore.”
“Anything!” You nearly shout, eager to please him.
How you’re feeling is different than usual, the need to do whatever Daichi wants completely takes over your own desires. While the feeling is new, it’s something you want to continue to chase. Your head feeling lighter and body burning is all too good to give up now.
“Do I need to tell you what to do?” You nod. “Of course,” he chuckles, “silly of me to forget you’re nothing but a dumb brat. Get on your knees in front of me. Put that mouth to good use for once, won’t ya?”
“Yes daddy,” you say quietly, sliding onto the floor and tugging at his pants.
His belt is a struggle, and he makes no attempt to help you until you’re sliding his pants and boxers off and he lifts his body up just enough to get them down his thighs. Gripping his cock, your mind races wondering if you’ll even be able to fit his girth in your mouth as your fingers barely manage to wrap around him.
“If I finish this beer before you make me cum, I might not fuck you at all.” He says tapping your forehead with the cold glass bottle. “Do you understand?”
You nod again and he leans back into the recliner. Precum leaks from the tip and you wipe it up with your tongue, enjoying the taste as it floods your senses. As your tongue swirls around the head and your warm mouth takes him in, he moans.
It’s quiet and short-lived, but enough to encourage you to take more of him. He fills your mouth so quickly, but you’re determined to make him cum; unsure if it's because you’re desperate to be fucked or if you just really want to please him. Either way, you’re going to have him cumming in your mouth in minutes, you know you can.
You gag loudly when you force him into your throat, nearly taking him to the hilt. This time his moan is louder and longer, making you buzz with pride. Managing to keep him deep in your mouth you rub his balls with your shaky fingers while setting a steady pace bobbing your head up and down.
“Fuck,” he groans. “I guess that mouth is useful for something…” another moan breaks his last word but you don’t care.
The condescending praise just enough to make you hum against him with glee. He bucks his hips when you do, his fingers tangling in your hair and forcing you to choke on him again. You claw at his thighs, desperate to come up for air while you fight against him. He releases the tight hold and you take him out coughing as you stroke him with your hand.
You watch with a frown while he drinks on his beer again, watching carefully as the faint line of liquid lowers nearing the bottom of the bottle. You can do this, you tell yourself before taking a deep breath and taking him back in your mouth. Humming against him lightly while massaging his balls in your palm earns the same reaction, except you’re better at keeping a steady pace now.
“Shit,” he groans.
His cock twitches against your tongue and warm spurts of cum coat your mouth before you can swallow fast enough. He pulls you off his cock by your hair.
“Tongue,” he says and you stick it out timidly.
He spits on your tongue before pulling you to his face and kissing you, his tongue invading your mouth and making you gag at the taste of his beer. His kiss takes your breath away, literally struggling for air as he continues. You’re coughing and pulling away from him while a mix of spit and cum runs down your chin.
“I didn’t think you could do it,” he admits. “I’m surprised someone as desperate and stupid as you could make me cum that fast. I suppose I should reward you then, hmm?”
“Please daddy, please,” you beg. “Want your cock in me so bad.”
His hand slips under your dress and rubs against your soaking panties. “You really do want me, don't you baby?”
You nod.
His free hand gropes your breast, pinching your nipple through the thin material of your dress. You close your eyes biting your lip as you enjoy the not so soft touches he gives you. You moan when his fingers slip into your panties, sliding against your puffy clit.
“Daddy!” You squeal when his middle finger slides inside of you and curls. “Fuck, more please.”
He laughs, pulling his finger out and standing up. He sheds his clothes while you remain on your knees in front of him. You can’t help but admire how good he looks above you like this. Honestly, you think you’d do anything to remain in this moment even if the anticipation of him splitting you open is forcing you to clench around nothing.
Daichi offers you his hand and he assists you in standing to your feet, but it doesn’t last long. He bends you over the arm of his recliner in seconds, pulling your dress down and allowing your bare breasts to fall from it.
“Tell daddy what you want,” he teases while rubbing his cock between your folds.
“Want your cock!” You turn your head back to look at him. “Please, I need it.”
“Good fucking girl,” he groans while sliding inside of you.
Even with your intense arousal and the spit on his cock, it stings. Your body goes limp against the arm of the recliner as you try and relax your body to let him in. Crying into the cushion, you try to not be too loud while getting used to his size.
“If I’d known you’d be this tight, I would have fucked you sooner,” he says after fully sheathing himself inside of you.
He isn’t nice enough to give you more time, too overwhelmed with the way you squeeze him so nicely to not start thrusting immediately. You cry out when his cockhead hits deep inside of you, pulling against your walls as he pulls back out only to do it all over again.
It hurts. It feels ethereal.
“Daddy!” You whine as his fingers twirl your nipple between them and he holds you back against him while relentlessly pounding into you. “Too much!”
“Be a good girl,” he hisses. “I know you can take it.”
You whimper in response, his thrusts forcing your breasts into his hands while he continues to assault them. Your thighs begin to shake and your core feels like it’s a tightwire about to break.
“Wanna cum!” You tell him, some part of you knows it's better to warn him or ask instead of letting yourself go. “Please, daddy! Let me cum.”
“Aw, my little slut is learning,” he chuckles, thrusting deep into you and letting you fall back onto the recliner. “Go ahead, cum for daddy. Cream all over my cock sweetheart.”
He hits the sweet spot inside of you once more and you come undone, cumming around his cock and crying out a mixture of daddy and curses. He grunts as you clench around him, body pliable for him to hold you closer while rapidly fucking you.
He cums, and you feel it drip out of you around his cock before you comprehend what’s happened. You’re too fucked out to even care if you’re honest. He pulls your panties back to the side as he pulls out of you.
“You’re going to keep it all in, aren’t you?” He pulls his pants back on, leaving his shirt on the floor and sitting on the couch.
You nod, pulling your dress back over your breasts and adjusting the thin straps back to a comfortable position on your shoulders. He pats his lap again, and you sit across him, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your cheek against his shoulder.
A knock at the door startles you and you look at Daichi with a concerned face.
“Oh,” he laughs. “I lost track of time. Can you get that?”
You sheepishly nod. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I need to go grab something from my room. I’m sure you can handle it.” He disappears down the hall.
Running your hands through your hair to make sure you don’t look crazy, you open the door.
“Oh,” a sharp tone greets you.
“Big sis!!” Kaiya screams, jumping up and down and running inside.
“Uh,” who you assume to be her mother says shaking her head. “Is Daichi here?” She’s irritated, and reasonably so. “I need to speak with him immediately.”
“Yeah, he’s right-”
“What do you want?” He appears back into the living room, pulling a loose shirt over his head as he comes in.
He easily could have done that before. Is he doing this on purpose?
Oh god, he is.
You look quickly between the two of them as he steps in the doorway with you, wrapping his arm around your waist.
“I think we need to speak in private.” His ex tells him, eyeing you up and down.
“Sweetheart, do you care to take Kaiya to her room to play for a few minutes?” He kisses your forehead and you look away from the intense glare you receive from Kaiya’s mother.
“Daichi! Why are you-”
“Stop,” he says loudly. “---- can watch her for a moment.” He lets go of you.
“Can you show me your room Kaiya?” You ask sweetly and she takes your hand and guides you down the hall.
You’re not sure if you’re grateful Daichi got you away from his ex or if you’re happy Kaiya won’t have to see her parents bicker. Either way, it’s a win for you. Your heart is beating against your chest, making you nauseous. There’s no way he just forgot he was getting his daughter tonight.
You’re flattered that he used you to make her angry, but the more spiteful part of you wishes he had let you in on it a little more. Having you answer the door was good, but you could have left your hair a mess or something more…
“Big sis, why are you here? Did you and daddy have a playdate?” She asks, handing you a stuffed rabbit while you sit on the floor of her room with her.
“Uh,” you giggle. “Yeah, we had a playdate.”
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devian235 · 3 years
Is Eating Junk Food Once a Day Healthy
Junk foods
For what reason do we ache for rich, crunchy, singed dishes that cause swelling waistlines, more elevated cholesterol and rising pulse? Since they taste great! Peruse on for the 9 most exceedingly terrible food sources you’re eating and the sound substitutes to go after when you simply need to enjoy…
Worst Junk Food #1: Ice Cream
Ah, ice cream. The source of many tummy aches and dessert hangovers. Junk Foods I’ve heard ice cream is the best flavor ever, but sometimes ice cream can do more damage than good. People love ice cream so much, and so readily, that some see it as a “treat” all the time. This is a mistake! Drinking a lot of ice cream does not count as healthy, healthy-sounding, indulgent behavior. Ice cream has the highest levels of fat per ounce of any food, no matter what shape or flavor it is. The sugar, lactose, and calories you eat from ice cream make up all of the nutrition you get from it, and it’s way too high in calories for someone to truly be able to enjoy ice cream. With regular ice cream, you’ll lose nearly all of the benefits of regular ice cream if you eat it every day.
Worst Junk Food #2: French Fries
It’s almost impossible to go past the deliciously crispy, white-grey skin that surrounds fries, it’s as iconic as the cheese sauce and aubergine ketchup combo found on a chips dinner. If you crave French fries and are not ready to take the health leap, ask the restaurant for a side of steamed green vegetables. You can eat them with some dipping sauce on the side for an easy alternative.
Healthy Substitutions:
Mushrooms. Roasted, chopped mushrooms – they’re also a great source of fiber and protein. Add them to your daily diet and keep snacking healthy! Beans. They can be washed and eaten as is with your favorite dip. Cashew.
Worst Junk Food #3: Donuts
Donuts are another example of good tastes being sacrificed for money-making. They are not healthy and are very bad for you. Junk Foods The fat content is around 16g per donut and the sugar content in the Krispy Kreme variety is around 10g per donut. A donut is essentially nothing more than a giant hole in the middle of a pastry and it’s so much better for you to make your healthy cakes and muffins at home instead of buying them. Here are some more tips for healthier donuts:
Use a healthier source of butter such as sunflower oil rather than margarine (margarine is only 2.
Worst Junk Food #4: Granola Bars
They’re everywhere. As seen on television, seen on the internet, in every store I visit.
A granola bar is a portion of basic, dehydrated breakfast food. And as you know, they’re not so bad, except that, well, they’re disgusting. I mean, even if you’re healthy, there is nothing particularly healthy about them.
One serving (just one granola bar, mind you) has a whopping five grams of sugar, a whopping 60 grams of fat, and almost 150 calories, making it a quick meal for the whole family and a diabetic’s nightmare.
As you can see, you would have to eat 13,500 granola bars to get to 1 gram of saturated fat. That is not a formula for great wellbeing.
So why do we keep eating them? We think they taste good.
Granola bars are nothing more than mini, frozen candy bars.
Worst Junk Food #5: Pizza
I’ll just come out and say it: pizza is the foulest junk food ever created. I’ve tried to make my own. I’ve tried the Quorn Pizza Crust (and it’s delicious). I’ve tried tofu pizza. I’ve tried the M&S version. None of them compare to that warm, cheesy, delicious pizza that’s been lovingly cooked in front of you by an actual pizza delivery man.
But why?
There is just no reason for it. Junk Foods It’s doughy, unhealthy, filling, delicious, and devoid of any redeeming qualities. Eat a regular pizza. It’s edible, it’s fine. But eat a Domino’s? You’re an idiot and you’re going to get fat.
The final piece of the pizza-pizza-pizza jigsaw puzzle is garlic bread. This stuff just sits on your plate like a disease waiting to consume the entire plate.
Worst Junk Food #6: Cookies
A survey by the ‘Daily Mail’ has revealed that one in five Brits has the awful habit of eating four or more cookies a day. Junk Foods Fortunately, several suitable substitutes exist in the form of low-calorie desserts and healthy breakfast cereals.
Raisin, oat, plain, gluten-free oats, rice, millet, quinoa, and buckwheat – all great choices if you’re on a health kick and can’t quite imagine nibbling a whole bag of junk food cookies in one sitting. Check out this rather delicious recipe from Diabetes UK for low-sugar wholewheat oatcakes and this Quinoa Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe from Australian food writer Candice Kumai.
Worst Junk Food #7: Sandwich Wraps
Hand-wrapped sandwich wraps have become a huge thing over the last few years. A perfect blend of convenience food, a reliable and cost-effective lunch option, sandwich wraps are one of the most popular lunch items for office workers across the globe.
I think that these tasty lunch items are the epitome of all things unhygienic, unhealthy, and lacking in taste.
But as long as you pack your wraps in a reusable bag to take home with you, you can indulge yourself with a “healthy” sandwich wrap.
Don’t miss: The 6 Perfect Lunch Wraps To Cook At Home For Last-Minute Meal Prep
Cutting the middle-man (on calories) and relying on homemade lunch wraps can be the easiest and most tasty way to keep your waistline trim while keeping your wallet happy read more...
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homeofhousechickens · 3 years
YES HELLO I HAVE CHIMCKEN QUESTION :) 1) what are some of the friendliest chicken breeds? 2) what can chickens eat? ive seen people feed their chickens a wide variety of stuff as little treats, even some human snacks and im curious as to what kind of foods they're able to eat. are their stomachs really that versatile as to eat a liddle french fry??
Chickens love french fries! :) (except Greenie Weanie who thinks they are evil)
Chickens are omnivores and can safely eat and digest most meats, bugs, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, but they do have some foods which can be harmful or poisonous.
For example Its not a good idea to feed chickens sweets or candy often as the sugar can encourage bacterial or fungal growth in the crop, causing sour crop. If a chicken eats a peppermint candy its not the end of the world though.
Amaranth- has growth depressing antinutrients and can make a bird sick (is safe cooked)
Avacado- just dont to many parts of the food can be harmful and its to rich and can hurt a chickens tummy.
Cabbage, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts- fine in moderation or as a treat but fed to often can cause goiters, immune issues, and reproductive issues in hens.
Cherry pits, apple seeds, avacado pit- poisonous do not feed
Raw poultry- salmonella risk just like you and me
Chocolate-obvious reasons the caffeine ect
Citrus- may inhibit calicum absorption but safe as a rare treat for nonlaying birds
Tomato or eggplant leaves- poisonous can cause heart failure
Maggots- avoiding feeding due to botulism risk
Onions-messes up flavor of eggs and causes anemia
Raw potatos- only cooked potatos are safe the skin and plant are toxic
Rhubarb-highly toxic contains high levels of oxalic acid
Raw and dry beans- can cause fatal blood clots
Any food containing Xylitol should be avoided.
This isnt a complete list or anything just some foods to watch out for :)
Junk food and high salt and fat foods (like french fries) should be a rare treat as to much fat and salt is unhealthy for chicken.
As for the most friendly chicken breeds it can depend on the breeder and the chicken breeds orgin. Breeds that have been orginally bred for show or ornamental reasons tend to be friendly, same goes for the giant dual purpose breeds but ill make a short list off the top of my head anyway.
Orpingtons-"if gold is hold" i think is a joke (if im remembering it correctly) in my favorite discord about how Orpingtons are prone to wanting to cuddle and getting jealous at their flockmates who are being cuddled. A good breed very fluffy, hatchery stock can have health issues so avoid. The Labrador retriever of chicken breeds
Silkies- pretty much orpington owners and silkie owners meet up in a back alley to beat each other up to decide who has the friendlier breed. Silkies owners win though, but not without consequences, vaulted skulls make them prone to disability and brain damage, fibromelanisosis depresses the immune system, and crests can obscure vision impacting quality of life. All things to keep in mind, its better to buy from a pet or color breeder then a hatchery or show breeder.
Brahma- huge heavy chonky, gentle giants, the second biggest chicken breed, Can be prone to heart failure but other then that very healthy breed. They are huge and fluffy the only problem is their gentle nature can get them bullied. Hatchery Brahmas are basically mutts most of the time, get from a breeder.
Leghorn- the neurotic skittish husky of chicken breeds. This breed orginates as a land race so their skittish nature aided them in feeding themselves and evading predators. Dont let their nature fool you though these birds are highly intelligent emotional birds, if raised correctly and with their issues in mind they are extremely friendly and one of the most talkative intelligent chicken breeds. People who want a chicken who will follow them around but if independent tend have a soft spot for leghorns. Prone to reproductive cancer, their lifespan is tragically short to compared to other breeds.
Serama- The smallest chicken breed with the strongest neotenious traits. Some of these chickens tend to stay in the mindset of a baby chick so they tend to be clingy and lovable just like a chick. Some lines can be prone to bird aggression and they are very dedicated and serious broodies. Seramas readily take their humans as members of the flock. Seramas shouldnt be kept like a traditional chicken due to their size
Modern Game Bantams- LEG birds, very friendly i dont have much 1 on 1 experience though
Old English Game Bantam: if your in the US some people will unknowningly sell their american Serama as OEG bantams and vice versa xD if a bird is really small and off color for OEG bantams it may be a serama. They do tend to be very friendly but some lines have bird or human aggression
Wyandotte- chunky heavy all purpose breed. Prone to loving hugs and sitting in laps if properly socialized or from a good breeder. Prone to harmless asthma like conditions
Anyone is free to suggest friendly breeds they have experienced as well :)
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arguablysomaya · 4 years
Waynes + Food
eats the weirdest shit
probably was that one kid who would mix chocolate milk and ketchup in grade school and would dare people to drink it (we’ve all been there)
the type of mf to say “it’ll all mix in my stomach, so who cares??” 
does the bare minimum in terms of nutrition. if he has regular people food, he’ll eat it, but he can go a week on cold pizza and cereal and be fine
gets heartburn and just fucking takes a bite of raw broccoli then goes about his day
surprisingly healthy
all added weight goes straight to his ass so it doesn’t even matter
tried once to set a good example for damian but broke after two days
alfred would literally cry if he saw dick’s pantry
drinks “girly drinks” because he likes the colors
Very Picky Eater
keeps a list of foods he refuses to eat for the dramatics of it all
thinks raisins are an atrocity, gags when he finds them in salads
would rather starve than have his flavors mix
firm believer in food segregation
has a “perfect bite formula” that he whines about whenever the bacon slips out of his breakfast sandwich
“i’m savoring it, demon brat”
health nut. only one who actually reads nutrition labels
hates big brands, so sometimes the Actual Red Hood will stop by a farmers market to pick up like eggs or smth
thinks tex-mex is a joke. “eat real latin food or don’t eat at all” - jason todd, 2020
his sweet tooth ruins the fuck out of his reputation
eats basically anything except fast food
saw a video of how mcdonalds nuggets are made once and Never Forgot
eats breakfast food all day every day. co-owns the waffle maker with steph
never in her life has she dropped food but if she did she wouldn’t throw it out cuz she on dat grind all the time
very wide palate but she hates cheese so much. makes fun of dick on her snapchat because he eats shredded cheese straight out the bag
doesn’t really see the appeal of junk food but doesn’t like. hate it
“food is food???” -cassandra wayne, 2020
eats when she’s bored
fucking weirdo 
horrible taste in food
eats pineapples on pizza like it’s not a war crime
if unmonitored, will eat solely take out and junk food for months on end
eats cheese puffs that are literally glowing neon orange. jason once shot the bag out of his hands
brews coffee with mcdonalds sprite because why not
not at all picky but he really likes korean food because it’s like the only memory he has of his grandparents
not at all conscious of money, eats caviar with ketchup and fries
half the time he’s too busy to even see what he shoves in his mouth but the intensity of cass’ glare will tell him if he’s gone too far
eats like a Normal Human Being. mostly
made fun of people who put ranch on pizza for 14 years then tried it once and realized it was actually pretty good
does the puzzles of the backs of cereals
also buys cereals that have prizes in them but the prizes always end up in dick’s hands. when will he learn
never matured enough to like vegetables :///
is lactose intolerant but doesn’t really put in the effort to avoid dairy
buys almond milk (the sweetened kind) but still eats cheese and yogurt and ice cream
his stepdad was half nigerian so he eats jellof rice religiously
prefers colorful food over bland food
fucking hates coconut. would rather die than have coconut. unfortunately he loves (virgin) piña coladas sooooooooo
vegan and never shuts up about it
thinks he’s hot shit because he can cook like. spaghetti and tofuballs
spoiled rotten because there’s way too many people in the house who cook for him
spicy foods
suffers greatly during ramadan but powers through every year
would never even touch food that has been on the ground, thanks
demands high quality. dick tried to make him a peanut butter sandwich and he wrinkled his nose so hard he got a nosebleed
would never admit this, but he puts coins in his mouth because he likes the metallic taste. also likes the taste of his own blood (we’ve all been there)
drinks orange juice after brushing his teeth just to hear jason gag
Bonus: Bruce
eats the lamest shit
like. we’re talking lunchables level, here
black coffee, corn flakes with no sugar, spaghetti with butter on it
eats because he has to, not because he likes the taste
keeps a schedule because he’s That Basic
that being said, he can’t really cook
spices? you mean salt and (maybe) pepper
tastebuds are like 80% fried off anyway
never drank apple juice and that’s the source of all of his problems
once burned his hand opening a rice cooker because cass didn’t tell him it was still on
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vulpes-incendium · 4 years
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I made this long time ago, but I thought it's a good time to share it here for @aphasiaweek!
I chose 《Hoi Sam☆Nice Guy》over 《Maji Kandou☆Hong Kong Night》because there are more stuff about HK in it. So let's see if the lyrics are accurate in a native's point of view!
Spoiler alert: it's very accurate
Hoi Sam = Happy (in Cantonese)
Guy = sounds like street in Cantonese (gaai1)
“Yooooo, so since there’s a song… while I’m at it I kinda put some effort into my costume… I think I’ve got like, serious swag Pardon? You can’t see me…for real? Woah!!!!”
FASHION: yes, HKers love to be trendy, always want to be on top trends! Trends come and go very very quickly, it's seriously really hard to follow trends in HK.
MIXING ENGLISH WITH CANTONESE: yup, we do that a lot, we almost couldn't finish a sentence without English, some words just sound "uncool" in Chinese lol (it’s always about being cool in HK lol), but we don't really say “pardon” unless we are speaking English
Sup-sup-sup-sup-sup-super mobile (snap snap) It’s my hobby to take pics and collect them (I guess) Not gonna lie, everyone’s got a mobile phone, penetration rate (highest in the world) Yeah! If you’re going sightseeing then Nathan Road! (Fuu~!)
TAKING PICS WITH SMARTPHONE: Aph HK loves taking (embarrassing) photos (of China lol), but in real life HKers do love taking pictures, or videos too (it's dangerous if you misbehave, people would film you and post on Youtube or Facebook)
MOBILE PHONE PENETRATION RATE: I couldn't find data for HK, but I think I heard on average, each HKer carries at least 2 cellphones! So this could be true!
NATHAN ROAD: It's the longest street in HK and there's so many things, good food, good shopping places and yup sightseeing! (A lot of our streets are named after the Governors during the colonial time, this street is named after Sir Matthew Nathan for example)
Welcome this makes me kinda happy (Check it out!) Learned this from England - tea in the afternoon (high tea) Welcome, this is kinda fun (Shake it up!) Yum cha, Hong Kong milk tea, cha-cha Nice culture (frivolous)!
AFTERNOON TEA: Yes, it's still a tradition for us to have tea time, we call it 3:15, workplaces would have tea breaks, restaurants do tea time menu during 2-5pm, it's really cool and cheap! We usually drink HK milk tea (evolved from British milk tea) during tea time and there are so many delicious snacks like French toast, pineapple bun and of course egg tart!
YUM CHA: It literally means “drink tea”, but Chinese tea this time. It's a tradition for us to go Yum Cha every Sunday with our family! Dim sum is part of Yum Cha! We just eat and catch up with each others for HOURS!
Oh. My. God. “LOHAS LOHAS” Oh. My. Mind. “Gonna take a pic~” Take away “Is this delivery service for real?” Like, seriously, even if it’s way out of the way, no problem man
LOHAS: I didn't know what this refers to for a long time, I finally found the answer. This refers to LOHAS park, an eco-friendly residential area newly built few years ago. But what's so special about it? Is it famous in Japan?!
DELIVERY SERVICE: Well delivery service in Asia are generally good anyway, but I guess we are good and fast?! (but I think Korea too!)
Super Feeling unlucky? If it’s getting to you, go villain hitting at Ngo Keng Kiu A medium will perform an exorcism, and hit a paper doll with a shoe For fortune telling, go draw fortune sticks, or get a divine answer by throwing moon blocks at the temples… at Wong Tai Sin, light the fire of your incense! If you’re feeling tired, maybe you can give Feng Shui a try or something? A spiritual site in Lantau Island The Wisdom Path…is super Awesome for meditation, but there aren’t any toilets, so watch out Gold fish, bring me luck! (In money!)
NGO KENG KIU: Generally HKers are not THAT superstitious, but the culture still lives within us. I have never known anyone who did the villain hitting, but it's still quite a thing (and a great tourist spot). It's mainly for people who backstab you (we call them "small people" siu yan), but I guess evil spirit too.
WONG TAI SIN: Again, it's more for older generation who are still a bit superstitious. People like to go to Wong Tai Sin Temple during Lunar New Year to wish for luck in the new year. It's still quite popular!
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See I told you we have natural landscape (source)
WISDOM PATH: I've never been there lol. Apparently it's a "path lined with 38 wooden monuments inscribed with the Heart Sutra prayer". In general, HK has a lot of nice hiking trail, our landscape is actually amazing, it's just we focus too much on making money...
P-Pe-Pe-Pearl of the Orient is me! (I guess?) Got completely wasted? Ended up in a dress (totes sick) Not gonna lie, population density is highest in the world in Ap Lei Chau Yeah! If you’re going sightseeing then Hong Kong Island! (Yeah~!!)
PEARL OF THE ORIENT: It's the nickname of HK, the Philippines is Pearl of the Orient SEAS
(Ending up in a dress refers to this comic, thanks parallel France!)
POPULATION DENSITY: Yea, that's what we are famous for really, small place lots of people (HK is a very hilly city, surprise, surprise), we have the most expensive estate price in the world 🤦‍♀️, not sure if Ap Lei Chau is particularly population-densed, but the whole HK is like that!
Good luck in everything this makes me kinda happy (Check it out!) Learned this from England - how to be a gentleman (ladies first) I wish you good health, this is kinda fun (Shake it up!) Typhoon, Kung Fu, WA-TAHH Supplements, Chinese herbal medicine (healthy~!)
LUCK: The newer generations are less superstitious now, but luck is still kind of important for us? It's more like a tradition than a belief, we do them just in case (like Feng Shui).
TYPHOON: As a coastal city, we get typhoons a lot in summer, but they are not as strong in comparison to the Philippines or Indonesia.
KUNG FU: We are known for our Kung Fu films, as the actors are all trained martial artists! Bruce Lee (WA-TAH was his catchphrase), Jackie Chan and Donnie Yen are great examples! Because of the wars and Cultural Revolution, many people fled China to HK, resulting the influx of high quality martial artists (eg. Ip Man).
HERBAL MEDICINE: As western as we are, we still believe in Chinese Medicine, but more in a preventative way.
Oh. My. God. “Air conditioning in full blast!” Oh. My. Mind. “That’s not eco-friendly…” Oh well “The air will become cleaner, I think?” Seriously a Mistake, but, no problem man
STRONG AIR-CONDITIONING: This line had me laugh die (Imao in Cantonese)! It's so accurate! You can catch a cold from the airconditioning in HK! And that's why we always carry a jacket even in summer! It's not very eco-friendly and our government is trying resolve that.
AIR POLLUTION: Yes we have smog (smoke + fog), it is becoming quite the problem really. The root of the problem is that Shenzhen, the city next to HK, is developing rapidly and a lot of factories moved there, so the smoke is blown towards HK (we don't really have many factories left, it's too expensive here).
Awesome Riding on a roofless bus, cruising through the neon streets If you want to, like, go shopping… at Ladies Market There are stalls with cute stuff, souvenirs (lots and lots of them) Talk the price down! Haggling is what really counts For some more miscellaneous and deep junk, more for the adult and thrilling The street where mystery thickens… Temple Street Would you like to try some cheap eats at the street stalls? Absolutely delicious! Asian food is the best!
NEON LIGHTS: You've all seen the stereotypical HK streets full of neon lights, but it's actually decreasing, because there's no newcomers to the industry (the lights are handmade).
LADIES MARKET: You can find so many stuff there indeed, for a cheap price! Branded stuff, fake stuff (we don't make them but yea you can find a lot of them), food and goldfish. Yes, there's a goldfish street. Why? I dunno, for luck I guess?!
TEMPLE STREET: Similar to ladies market, it's also great for shopping. This street is also known for (illegal) prostitution and triad, but it's still safe to visit, never in my life have I encountered any of them.
“Yoooooo, Mister, so I kinda sang this song, but seriously, rapping is surprisingly, like, tough?” “It’s also a shame that no one can see what I’m wearing, I’ve got serious swag, y'know.” “Phew… I kinda want to go home already… I mean, the peach buns are gonna be sold out.” “…can we go now?” “…can’t we go yet?” “Haah…” “Okay fine, like, whatever.”
One, two, three!*
PEACH BUN: They are actually eaten on birthdays, for longevity (that's what peach represents in Chinese culture).
*this line was spoken in Mandarin in the song, which would be the only critism I'd give. Yes a lot of people may understand Mandarin, but Cantonese and English are preferred and they are our official languages. One, two, three in Cantonese would be "yaat, yi, sam".
Oh. My. God. “The rent is really expensive…” Oh. My. Mind. “It’s not easy…” Why oh why? “It’s like, the highest in the world” We have serious inflation, but, whatever
EXPENSIVE RENT: We are the most expensive in the world, thanks to the high population density (and foreign buyers 😶), it's really not easy to afford a flat in HK, that’s why most HKers live with their parents until they get married (it’s also a cultural thing).
INFLATION: Stuff are still relatively cheap, but they are getting more expensive really quickly, mainly because of the rent of the shops.
Super they’re so adorable it hurts, the perfect balance of black and white pandas that bring you happiness… we sell them, sort of So fluffy and cute, such big round eyes The kinda? Make you Happy! Uh-huh
PANDAS: We actually only have 2 pandas here like everyone else, in Ocean Park (it's like an amusement park and zoo). They finally successfully mated recently, probably because of Corona shutdown lol!
There are over 100 of them, Tin Hau Temple, so super Before I head there, I seriously wanna eat… mango pudding! So many gods, like, one in every street Pay homage at the temple, light the fire of your incense!
TEMPLES: We still have the temples built before the colonial time! Hopefully, we are able to keep them too...
MANGO PUDDING: It's so good yes! Our dessert culture is just the best seriously! We have so many restaurants just for desserts! They are great places to hang out with friends after work or school!
The air conditioning at its max, the fire burning strong A steaming hot pot made with a carefully chosen soup base If you want to detox, have a Chinese herbal hot pot Absolutely delicious! Asian food is the best! Riding on a roofless bus, cruising through the neon streets If you want to, like, go shopping… at Ladies Market There are stalls with cute stuff, souvenirs, lots and lots of them Talk the price down! Haggling is what really counts Absolutely delicious! Asian food is the best! Every minute Happy☆Nice Town (Guy)
HOT POT: We love it! We basically love when a lot of people sit together, talking, sharing food (like Yum Cha), it's the harmony and atmosphere that we like so much! And yes, there are a lot of different soup base you can choose from!
BARGAINING: Yes do it, especially if you're in places like Ladies' Market and you're a foreigner, they do price things up if you don't look like a local.
Shout out to Takagi Motoki, the voice actor of HK, his voice fits the character perfectly! (and please get a new va for the new season please funimation) And how can he speak so fast?!
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imaginekhaos · 4 years
Look Me in the Eyes
Pairing: Deku x Reader
Warings: unprotected sex, coercion, semi-public sex, dirty talking
Word Count: 3,911
This is my first time writing a fan fiction for BNHA and I’m really nervous. Any feedback is welcomed and I hope you enjoy. 
This is also really unedited so I apologize for any spelling or grammatical errors. 
* * * * * * *
Izuku Midoriya was many things. He was smart, determined and very kind. A flirt, however, he was not. You had developed a crush on Midoriya sometime around sophomore year, a few months into transferring to U.A. after your family's big move to Japan. It had started out harmless, a school girl crush with the intent of staying that way. You should have known better the second you met the girls of class 1-A and their giggling ways. Things took a deeper turn one night when you were all hanging out in Momo’s room, laughing, gossiping, and eating way too much junk food for your own good. The topic had naturally ended up on boys, specifically those in class 1-A. One thing lead to another and you eventually confessed your tiny crush on a certain green haired hero-to-be. Oh how you wish it had stopped there that night, but getting a group of girls together always ends up eventful.
“So,” Mina started mischievously from beside you, “who do you think is the most… endowed… of all the boys?”
The question caused many mouths to fall open at the abruptness but pretty soon thoughtful faces coated the entire room.
Mina continued, “I wouldn’t be too surprised if it were Kiri. He’s polite, manly and cute, so if he had a big dick it would just complete the package. No pun intended.”
Laughs rang out along with a few agreements from the other girls. Eyes trailed to your form sitting next to Mina, waiting for you to spill your thoughts. Heat engulfed your face, never expecting to have to answer this question.
“What about you, [Y/N]? Any particular green-haired, freckle-faced person come to mind?” Jiro teased.
“I-I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it before. Seems kinda r-rude, doesn’t it?” Stuttering your way through an explanation, hoping to diffuse the situation and detract attention from yourself.
Jiro rolled her eyes at your lame answer. Uraraka then chose to speak up in a voice barely above a whisper, “I bet he’s big… “ The blush on her cheeks was so dark that is was only outmatched by the one across your cheeks due to the thoughts that were running through your head. The rest of the night was spent laughing and spilling more secrets. It brought you all much closer as not only friends but as a new class of heroes.
Though the night went on as a festive blur, one remark in particular kept repeating in your head the next few days. Thoughts of hard muscle juxtaposed with soft skin and tufts of green hair. Thoughts of hot sweaty bodies intimately colliding. It was all too much! But, it was all in your head. No one knew the kind of lewd scenarios playing out in your mind. Especially Izuku. So, since he wasn’t much of a flirt, you weren’t surprised when he never noticed how bright your cheeks burned when his friendly touches lingered a little longer or how his eyes managed to make you feel so exposed when he studied you during training. Even if he had noticed he had been kind enough not to say something, no matter how bad you sometimes wished he would.
* * * * * * *
The last two years of high school went along without much of a hitch. As a class, you helped dismantle any trouble you came across and under the guidance of professional heros, you all managed to blossom into a promising new generation of heros. But with graduation comes separation. Many of the class broke off to find the region where they would be most helpful. Asui managed to snag a perfect placement on the coast, assisting in storm and water rescue while other students like Kaminari and Iida found agencies that had them doing all kinds of hero work. Even though you never left the area after graduation, you still found the perfect agency for you. It was small in comparison to some of the more well known ones, but they often assisted other agencies when short staffed or needed specialized help, so you couldn’t complain. Plus, all the other heroes were nice and very helpful when it came to learning on the job. It wasn’t until two years into the new job that the first real problem arose.
* * * * * * *
Slamming your fist on your desk you let out an aggravated groan. Tonight was a bust. There had been a new villain terrorizing the area around your agency for a few weeks now. They were strong, fast and impossibly hard to capture, always managing to escape their bonds before the could be truly apprehended. It made you so damn mad and made you feel like an awful hero because you couldn’t capture a single villain. You run your hands across your face and through your hair before rubbing your tired eyes. It had been too long since you had any quality sleep and it was starting to take its toll on you. With a sigh, you decided that the best course of action would be to call for some assistance. You got in contact with a local agency who agreed to send someone to help you with the problem. Thanking them, a huge weight felt lifted off your shoulders knowing that the villain would be caught within the week and you'll finally get some much needed rest.
The next day went forward rather uneventful until the evening. The extra hero was supposed to arrive early in the day for introductions and debriefing, but they had yet to show. Deep frown lines and worried creases overtook your normally cheery face. Why weren’t they here yet? Did they forget? What if they got caught by the villain, got dragged back to their layer and is currently being subjected to foregin tourture methods and no one knows where they are and- A very familiar head of green hair entered your field of vision, successfully ending the panicked mental ramblings. You had to take a second look. Surely they didn’t send him, he was much too busy to help with something this small.
Then your eyes met enrapturing green ones. They were the kind of green that spoke of lush growth in the wake of a forest fire. They were determined, fresh and held a new sense of warning that read: “I have power. I have authority. I will not start a fight, but I will end one” His eyes scanned the agency, noting every face, name and exit strategy he could retain before his eyes were caught on you. I bright smile spread across freckled cheeks, the glint in his eye gone and replaced with pure sugar. His steps quickened in your direction. Your feet were frozen as juvenile feelings came rushing back as fast as your heart was beating.  
Before you knew it, strong arms embraced you, snapping you out of your haze as you gently returned the hug. There were so many questions you wanted to ask, but your tongue was tied in a knot, filling your mouth and preventing any word from escaping.
“[Y/N]! I can’t believe it! It has been so long. How are you?” He spoke in a chipper voice, much too chipper for the feeling running through your body.
“D-Deku…?” you replied
“Yeah! Don’t tell me you already forgot about me, we were so close in school.”
“N-No I didn’t forget, I’m just surprised is all. I didn’t expect them to send their favorite hero to help out down here. Especially considering how low-profile this villain is.” you explained.
His cheeks warmed up at your statement. He rubbed the back of his neck, eyes cast downwards. “Well, I actually volunteered to come help. I saw the request form and your name on it and thought I would lend a hand. I hope that is alright?”
It was your turn to blush as his statement registered in your mind. “Y-Yeah! That’s fine, we need all the help we can get and who better to help us than the future number one?”
His hand retreated into his front pocket, eyes turning slightly cold almost as if you had offended him by bringing up the topic of being the number one hero. He gave a slightly strained smile. “Well I’m here. What can I do to help?”
* * * * * * *
Both your lungs and legs burned as you ran after the villain you had been chasing for weeks. It was finally going to happen, you were going to catch him! Bursting through the warehouse doors the villain had just ran through, your eyes scanned the room for signs of movement. Your heart stopped as you realized there were none. Carefully examining the cargo garage once more, slower as you walked around checking every corner, you found it empty. Heavy footsteps followed after you. Izuku caught up to you, panting from the exertion of chasing the villain. He took a look around the space himself, noticing it was empty.
“[Y/N], how did they get away? What happened? Are you okay?”
A low growl escaped your throat, aggravation flowing hotly through your veins. He had escaped. Again! Think, think, think! Where could he have gone? Was it his quirk that helped him escape so many times?
“[Y/N]! What’re you doing? Aren’t you going to go after him?”
Those eyes. You could still feel their effect on you from earlier and it only intensified because you could feel them on you now.. He just had such an intense way of logging your every move. Don’t get it wrong, it was exactly this kind of awareness that would make him such a successful hero one day, but it made chills run up your spine when you would catch those orbs focused on you. They ensured that any shred of focus you had on the case was dissolved. You weren’t a school-girl anymore, so why were you acting like one? Getting distracted in the middle of a chase was a rookie move and you would be kicking yourself over it for days.
Eye twitching, you whip around to face Deku. “Will you stop asking so many questions? He just escaped like he does every time! I am trying to figure out a plan and I can’t think when you’re looking at me, much less speaking! You are just too distracting and don’t need to be thinking about what you’re making me and my body feel when I’m trying to work!” Huffing, it takes a second for your outburst to register. The angry heat flowing through you immediately turned to cold as all the blood runs from your face.
Those damned green eyes bore into yours with a fire almost as hot as the blush painted across his freckled cheeks. Desire rolled off of Deku in seering waves and you could almost feel it. He took a step forward, breaking you out of your haze. Immediately you began to stutter an excuse for your outburst, “D-deku… I didn’t mean to say that. It was an accident. You weren’t ever supposed to find out!”
He took another step forward and cocked his head to the side, that cold look from earlier clouded his face making him look like a completely different person. “Keeping secrets isn’t any fun, [Y/N]. It isn’t good manners and it hurts people's feelings.” He pouted slightly, “Is that what you wanted? Hm? To hurt my feelings?”
Quickly you shake your head, but still take a step away from him as he continued to walk your direction. “No! I just… I just didn’t want you to know.”
Another step forward. Another step back. “Want me to know what? About your crush on me since high school? Bunny, I already knew. You’re a very bad liar.” Gone was the sweet and caring Izuku you thought you knew. And gone was your escape route you realized as your back hit the cool metal walls of the warehouse. “And not only are you a bad liar, your body is too. I still remember that cute little blush on your face when I would touch you, much like the blush you have now.”
His chest pressed lightly against yours, hot and electrifying. Your body slightly trembled but you weren’t sure if it was from anticipation or from shame of loving his attention. His hands came to rest on the wall by your head, successfully enclosing you two together so all you could focus on was him.
The steady ring of his phone snapped your attention away. Not breaking his eye contact with your face, he grabbed his phone and answered it. After a few nods and yes’s and a few moments of you squirming under his gaze, he hung up and put his phone away.
“They caught him.”
Shock overtook your features, momentarily forgetting the previous predicament. “What? How did they get him? He escaped!”
A smirk crawled onto Midoriya’s lips. “I had a hunch that his quirk dealt with teleportation, specifically short range considering he never leaves this area of Japan. If I were trying to escape, I would lead my enemies to the lowest floor of a building and then teleport to the top, giving me ample time to escape in any direction without leaving a clue. Since most quirks have a drawback, I made a guess that a teleportation quirk would have a cooldown time, limiting the amount of times you could teleport. I then let the local authorities know. They did the rest.”
He seemed so proud of himself. Smug in the fact that he was right. What happened to the sweet and bashful Deku you knew, and what was with that look in his eyes? His scarred hand came up to push your [Y/H/C] locks behind your ears, drawing your attention back to him. His fingers trailed across your cheek bone, down to your jaw before squeezing both cheeks between his fingers making you look at him.
“Now, where were we, bunny? I think you were about to tell me about how you want me to touch you. Right?”
Speaking was difficult with the way he was squishing your cheeks, “I-I don’t think this is a g-good idea. Let’s just go h-home for the night.”
He sighed, a small amount of disappointment flashing across his face. “Oh honey, that’s not what I wanted to hear. Don’t you want me to touch you?” He leaned forward, lips touching the sensitive shell of you ear, “I know you’ve thought about me doing… things… to you before. I can read it on your pretty little face.”
“T-That was a long time ago. H-How are you so sure I still like you?”
A deep chuckle, “I know you still like me because you’ve been distracted since I walked in the door at your agency. Your thighs have been clenching on and off for hours and you can barely look me in the eyes. Do you need me to go on?” by the end of his explanation Deku’s lips were grazing yours. Half-lidded eyes stared at his mouth, focused on its movements.
With a sudden rush of courage, you pressed your trembling lips to his. Mouths moved together in sync. They molded together like two halves of a whole, sliding and caressing each other in a steamy dance. The tip of his tongue ran across the bottom of your lip as an invitation you gladly accepted. Your tongue gilded against his equally as eager one for a moment before you both broke away for air. A string of saliva connected your lips to his. He pressed his forehead against yours, breathing heavily into your space just as you were breathing in his.
“Bunny, you know I can’t let you leave here without giving you what you want. Legs up.”
You followed his demand, jumping to wrap your legs around his waist and arms around his neck as he pressed you against the wall. His strong hands grasped your upper thighs just under the swell of your ass. He let out a breathy groan as he squeezed your plush legs, obviously aroused by their softness and their strength. Doing a balancing act, he propped you up on the wall with one arm and his knee just long enough to flip your skirt up and move your panties to the side.
As his fingers grazed your hot core, you couldn’t help but let out a gasp. His touch was electrifying. It had been too long since someone had touched you like this and every brush and every touch causes your body to react, pussy clenching in anticipation. Your underwear were unbelievably wet considering how little Deku had actually touched you. Noticing this, a sweet smile spread across Deku’s face reaching all the way to his eyes causing them to crinkle at the corners. It was such a strange expression compared to the lust raging in his eyes. He looked pleased with your reaction and for some reason you felt happy that you could please him.
Suddenly you felt something large and hot rub against your lower lips. Looking down for a brief moment, your eyes widened from the sight. A thick and veiny cock slowly rocked along your glistening folds. When had he even gotten rid of his pants? He was much larger than you had originally assumed, but not comically massive the way most people would assume. The throbbing and prominent veins created a beautiful pathway to the tuft of green hair growing at the base and trailing upwards, disappearing under the top of his hero costume.
Deku chuckled, finding humor in the way you were staring at it and how you were analyzing every inch. His hips still rocked slowly against yours, gently nudging your clit. Just that small amount of friction caused your breath to hitch in your throat and before you knew it, you were already panting. His hand came up to cup your cheek. The pad of his thumb traced gently across your bottom lip and your tongue darted out to capture it in your mouth. Deku hissed lightly through his teeth at the way you softly sucked and nibbled on his digit, your eyes half-lidded with ecstasy. Pressing his forehead against yours he spoke, slightly strained from having held back, “Are you ready, love? I can’t wait any longer. You’ll let me fuck you, right? Oh baby, I promise I’ll be gentle.”
Yore core clenched at his words, soundlessly nodding your head, releasing his thumb. “Please…” You sounded so desperate, so needy. This was a new feeling for you, arousal in its most primal form. All you knew was that you didn’t want him to stop no matter how exposed you both were and no matter how needy you sounded. In this moment, you’d let him do anything to you.
With your confirmation, he slowly began pushing his length into you. A groan left both of your lips at the same time. Inch after inch disappeared inside you and with every movement of his hips came a sound of pleasure from your lips. By the time his pelvis met yours, you were both covered in a thin layer of sweat. HIs from effort and restraint, yours from the heat of arousal.
“Fuuuck… You’re so tight, bunny. So tight for me… I have to move, love. You’re driving me mad…” His hips then withdrew from yours in a smooth and slow motion before pushing back into you a little faster than before.
“I-Izuku!” You called out, voice echoing through the empty warehouse.
“That’s right, moan my name, baby!”
He began to pick up speed, using your position against the wall to push you up and then drop you back down on his cock. He felt so big inside you, filling you up and making sure to hit all the right spots even ones you didn’t know existed. You felt you eyes begin to roll back as he kept pistoning in and out of you at a brutal pace. Hands quickly found the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling on the green strands.  It was all too much for you to handle and you could already feel the knot inside you tightening. Moans after moans were spilling from your mouth, almost incoherent in your lust-filled daze.
Deku could feel you getting tighter as he pounded into your sopping cunt. Your juices coated his cock along with your thighs. He’d never had anyone so aroused by him and he loved every second of it. Sweat dripped off of his brow and ran down his neck before disappearing behind the collar of his shirt. Your arms slipped from his neck and gripped his shoulders hard, nails leaving red crescents on his pale skin even through the fabric of his costume. The knot in your abdomen tightened even more as he rested his head on your shoulder and moaned deeply into your neck. His lips sloppily placed kisses up and down the column of your throat, tongue flicking out to taste your skin. It wasn’t long before his kisses turned to nibbles which turned to bites hard enough to leave bruises. But you weren’t complaining, if anything it only made you more turned on. Your hands threaded through his hair once more as you could feel yourself getting closer. You knew he was getting there too due to how sloppy his thrusts were becoming. He quickly looked up at you.
“You better look me in the eyes when you cum, okay? I want to see just how I make you feel. Show me that pretty face, love.”
You made eye contact with him. It was deep and sensual and way too intimate for you to handle in your current state. You remember how you felt every time you caught his eyes on you in class or training. You remember how they made you feel so exposed to him, and now that you really were exposed, it was like he could see your every want and need and he was determined to be the one to fulfill them. After a few more thrusts of his hips you could feel yourself unraveling. Stars danced in the corners of your vision as you reached your climax, body jerking against his and cunt quivering. He could feel your walls squeezing him, milking his cock and begging for his seed. Just as you were beginning to come down from your high, Deku’s hips stuttered. His hot cum painted your walls as he cursed deeply, filling you to the brim and then some.
Both of you were breathing heavily, still connected and embracing as the euphoric sensation stopped buzzing through your veins. His eyes were still searching yours, glazed over with want. Slowly he slid his softening member from your core and sat you down on your feet. You felt sore but so satisfied. Your thighs quaked from having to support your own weight again and small rivulets of mixed juices ran from your pussy and coated your thighs. You were truly exhausted.
Deku got himself dressed and situated before helping you get everything straightened out. He pulled you to his chest, lips pressing into your forehead quickly before he spoke.
“Let’s get you home, bunny. My place isn’t far from here.”
* * * * * * *
As you left the next morning after a shower and homemade breakfast, along with a promise for a real date soon, you sent a text you Uraraka with a simple message: You were right.
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egg-emperor · 3 years
8: Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
Because he loves himself so much, shamelessly puts himself first, and values his brilliant existence above all others, he’s very self indulgent! While he puts his mind and body through a lot with hard work and effort, he makes sure to take care of and reward himself too. He likes to treat himself by blissfully indulging in anything that relaxes him or brings pleasure. He truly believes that he deserves the world and everything else that his heart desires!
Luckily for him, one of his favorite indulgences is something he gets to enjoy daily! He loves his food and it's one of life’s simple pleasures. Great high quality food has been available in plentiful amounts all his life and it's one of his favorite things wealth can bring. He has always greatly appreciated and taken great advantage of it with fine dining experiences, though he's just as pleased with cheaper junk food and fast food too.
As a result, his most easily accessible indulgence is staying well fed by tucking into plenty of delicious meals of all his favorite food to keep him satisfied. Especially when he gets to eat more than three meals a day. His favorite circumstances are where he gets to eat the true amounts he desires with slightly less judgment from others, like during his days off where he gets to treat himself and even more so during special events and celebrations.
When he puts his feet up after another long day of work, he likes to reward himself with a big meal that will put him in a relaxed mood before bed. His hardest work on his biggest, most important plans and creations, can work up quite an appetite. He can also go for a while without eating when deeply focused on them so when he realizes how hungry he is when it's all done, he makes sure he makes up for any missed meals!
He expects and demands his robots to be at his service and ready to prepare a meal as soon as he's done with work. Or better yet, have it ready to be presented to him immediately. Either way, they have to act fast so they don't test his patience and only improve his mood with their service. They're also not allowed to complain about his requests, he’s allowed as many extras as he wants and to wash it down with alcohol if he wants. He loves to lounge around and eat his favorite foods while being fanned by his robots.
He hardly ever feels guilty when it comes to his indulgences when it comes to food, only very slightly if he was trying to stick to a diet or he goes a little too uncomfortably overboard. But fortunately, when he's finished, he's left feeling pleasantly stuffed and satisfied most of the time. He sits back to relax while he gives himself a soothing belly rub to comfort himself. And he has his robots follow every command with the click of his fingers, making them bring everything to him so he can relax as much as possible for the rest of the day.
Another kind of indulgence that he loves besides food is all the fun things surrounding his hobbies and interests! Spending time at his favorite places like theme parks, circuses, carnivals, casinos, etc, is a great joy of his. Years ago he used to attend public ones he enjoyed, but not without judging them with the confidence that his own was far superior. But he was banned for his status and for breaking rules. That's why he says he's banned from all the casinos in Team Sonic Racing. He’s gotten up to a lot of bad things in multiple places lol
But he doesn’t mind because he can still get into them with disguises or by force if he really wants to. But he prefers to stick to his superior versions and enjoys visiting them! He has plenty of safer but still wild and exciting attractions he created for personal use. He especially loves his rollercoasters and has a blast riding them! He also knows the secrets of beating rigged games at his casinos and carnivals. The public doesn’t get that luxury, they only have access to the fucked up deadly attractions and rigged games for his entertainment. XD
So another way to reward himself after lots of hard work is by going out to any of those places to celebrate, preferably alone and without robots to pester him. He picks an entertainment area of choice, indulges in the goodies, and gets some drinks. It's good to get his mind off things for a little while, especially through visiting the places that are his fantasies turned into reality. When he lets loose and has fun, he gets drunk and all kinds of silly and fun antics ensue. He stays out all night and doesn't get back until morning.
It can concern Orbot and Cubot when they have no idea what he's up to when he’s out there because they’re aware of the wild situations he can get himself into, especially when in public places rather than self made ones. But at the same time, they find having him off their backs for longer a relief because they’re happy to get longer breaks. If it’s for too long then they eventually go to find and check on him though, much to Eggman’s chagrin as he doesn’t like to be followed or collected by them like they’re his parents.
All of his indulgences can have consequences when in excess, so in this case, he’s exhausted after being out all night and he can end up with awful hangovers. But he still doesn't regret it overall and looks forward to the next time he gets to live it up like that. There’s such thing as too much for most people but for Eggman, he’ll always feel he deserves more, for his magnificence is immeasurable! He’ll pay the price as long as he gets the happiness and freedom to do the things he loves.
He loves to feel like a king, or better yet, a worshipped god that gets everything he wants, whenever he wants it. If he permanently succeeded in conquering the world, he'd still have a lot of work to do but he'd definitely be doing even more indulging and living a life of luxury. Especially when he wants to celebrate never having to deal with the stress of dealing with Sonic and friends trying to ruin everything for him ever again. That’s his idea of a perfect life and he hopes to succeed and make it a reality someday!
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crownandwriter · 3 years
Your pinned post says matchups are still open, so I’m taking my shot! But if you’re too busy or tired of all the requests by the time you get to mine, no worries. Tbh, I have almost as much fun reading other people’s results, especially when they’re as thoughtful and detailed as yours!
May I please have a Genshin matchup? I’m bi and use she/her pronouns; I’m fine with any gender partner. MBTI-wise, I’ve mostly typed as INTP with the occasional ENTP thrown in. I think INTP fits better (really, really well actually), except that I’m not (usually) that insensitive or socially awkward. I’m not one to chat up a stranger at a party, but I WILL go to the party and enjoy it (if only for free food/drinks, dancing, and maybe some new music), and if someone approaches me they’ll probably find me funny and a good conversationalist. If one of my loved ones is down, my instinct is to help brainstorm a solution to their problem or suggest nice distractions, but if they just want me to listen and comfort them I can do that pretty well. I do have a lot of trouble expressing my own emotions beyond the easy, shallow stuff, and I tend to get very frustrated and impatient when I see someone’s emotions holding them back from acknowledging facts or doing what needs to be done. That’s especially true when I feel like my own emotions of uncertainty or inadequacy are holding me back from the things I want.
More broadly, some words that describe me are imaginative, adventurous, independent, and I guess ambitious. Some might call me laid back, and I am most of the time, but when it comes to my major goals and dreams I’m actually really determined and honestly a little selfish. Like, if I were up against my closest friend for my dream job, I would still do anything (within the bounds of fairness) to get it, and if I lost I would have hard feelings about it (which I would bury deeply until I die, lol). I love, love learning and trying new things, and my ideal partner is someone who can surprise me and teach me stuff without making me feel like their student or sidekick. I want us to have fun together and help each other grow. My main love language (both ways) is quality time, but I can work with pretty much anything else except receiving a lot of gifts which makes me feel, idk, embarrassed? Or pressured to respond with the right level of of happiness?
Socially, I have a small circle of very close friends (many of whom are also family, including my younger brother and some of my cousins), a slightly larger circle of pretty good friends, and a lot of friendly acquaintances - people I like to hang out with, but would never feel comfortable being emotional or vulnerable around. If I have a conflict with someone I try to talk it out, but if we can’t come to an agreement I’m going to quietly do whatever I want. My most toxic trait is ghosting people, because saying goodbye/breaking up is awkward and inefficient, lol. On the other hand, I think my most attractive qualities as a friend/gf are positivity, spontaneity, and attentiveness to the other person’s likes, interests and dreams.
For miscellaneous, I’m 5’1” with really long dark hair (which I’m a little vain about, ngl), gray eyes, freckles, and (I’ve been told) a sweet face that turns super cold when I’m angry. My style is kind of flashy but practical, if that makes sense? Lots of eye-catching colors and patterns, but everything has pockets and I don’t do high heels. I’m a medical student, and my dream is to be a national delegate to the World Health Organization someday. I have a cat - if my partner doesn’t get along with her then we’re over, but she’s basically the laziest, friendliest chonk on the planet so it’s not hard. My hobbies/interests are games (video games obviously, but mostly board games), beer, cooking, dancing (like, club dancing, I’m not disciplined enough for the formal stuff), and movies, especially documentaries.
Thank you so much, and I hope this was enough info without too much rambling, haha.
I’m jealous tbh Sucrose is, like, the perect girl imo Just need to snip off that rat tail
I ship you with Sucrose!
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-Sucrose is more logical than emotional, but not so much that she’s an emotionally unavailable partner! She’s rational, driven, and focused on her work...but, and it’s literally in her game title, she’s an absolute sweetheart. She manages her own emotions and troubles very maturely, communicates rather well, and is attentive enough in her few close relationships to be reliable. She will have her slip-ups occasionally, as everyone does, but she’s understanding about when this happens and when she’s hurt people, and does her best to make it up.
-She herself definitely more on the introverted side, and has a similar stance to you on socializing. She doesn’t always enjoy it because she tends to bring her scientific mindset into conversation and it’s often too fast-paced for her to think about the best ways to interact with people. She does like people, however. So she’s generally more comfortable in an observational role. If you take the lead on conversations, she’ll happily stand at your side and listen quietly--may even pipe in, if she likes the topic enough.
-Your goals, hobbies, and ambitions all line-up really really well! Sucrose would love for you to take an interest in her experiments, and would likely take an interest in your studies without any prompting, too. After all, part of her work in Bio-alchemy is testing how her discoveries much impact or benefit humans. Learning about the human body with you only stands to aid her research further. She’s a student herself, despite working mostly on her own, so she considers you an equal and asks for your help and advice as much as she rambles to you about all the cool stuff she already knows.
-She’d go just about anywhere with you, but by far her favorite dates are documentary nights at home, with pizza and other delicious junk food she doesn’t indulge in otherwise. Bio-alchemy has also led to Sucrose to be very conscious of what she fuels her body with for the most part. She’d also suggest various board games on these nights once she discovers your love of them! She’s fond of them herself, but not always so good. Don’t worry though, she’s not a sore loser. Especially if the wager is a kiss for the winner.
-She very much likes your cat! ...Not just because she’s a cat-girl herself. Sucrose likes all manner of creatures and studying them. She probably conducts various safe experiments on your cat with your blessing, but it’s anyone guess as to what she’s doing exactly. Once she gave your cat some very good brushies and then ran off with all of the loose fur clumps.... Another time she recorded her purring while giving some very good pets!
-Your spontaneity is good for Sucrose! It’s a given that she won’t love all the outings you have together, but she’s open minded and at the very least values new experiences! She has a tendency to stick to her comfortable routines, realizes she might get stuck in a mental rut if she never changes anything up. You’re a blessing for that!
Runner Up: Lisa ....but pls don’t, you and Sucrose are my otp now
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the-darklings · 4 years
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Hello, everyone! So with COA being such a long-running series and new readers finding it constantly, I have come to realise that a lot of questions I get often repeat. So to keep everything easy and clear and friendly for everyone regardless of whether you started COA at the very beginning of the story or just recently found it, I have spent the day relaxing, eating junk food, and compiling this FAQ. Please read through it because chances are the answers are here somewhere. I have sectioned the guide into following: general, story, ships, original squad (OCs), AUS, OC!V and tips/advice. If the answer to your question is not here, please feel free to send me a message and have a wonderful day! <33 - kat.
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when does this story update?
I try to keep a bi-weekly schedule (now usually Sunday updates). But I always let you know when the chapter is done by making a final word count post (pre edits). 
do you have a masterlist?
yes, you can find it here.
do you have a tag list?
not for COA. they’re very time consuming and I’m already really busy sorry :(
are your requests open?
I rarely open my inbox for requests. the only exception being the monthly blurb nights. then I reblog a prompt list and let people send some requests in for any fandom/ship. however, usually due to how many I get, it only happens every few months. that being said, you can still send me ideas/suggestions and if it inspires me, I will write it. that’s how the majority of the AUs have come about. but i’m also a very busy person so sorry if I can’t. 
can I make X or Y for COA and tag you?
yes. yes. yes. please, please, feel free to create whatever for COA (no matter how small or silly) because I consider it a great honour that I’ve been able to inspire someone else. whatever it is, please tag me. I wanna see.
okay, I made a thing and tagged you but you didn’t respond :(
Tumblr is notorious for eating my notifs. whatever it is (art/post/etc) if I don’t respond to it in a day or two, please give me a nudge. you’re not being annoying, I promise. chances are I missed it/tumblr ate it. 
I wanna scream/discuss/theorise about COA with others, is there any way for me to do that?
my amazing readers have set up this reddit page that is full of lovely people, theories, and memes etc. I check it often and interact on there, too, so feel free to drop by.
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how many chapters will COA be?
25. the last one being a very long epilogue.
have you decided on the ending yet?
yes. from as early as part 2. it's barely changed since. 
will we ever see more of Prague/Naples? hoe, please say yes.
yes. I plan to write both as COA bonus stories after the main story-line concludes.
will there be a sequel? 
depends. on two things: 1) if anyone will even care by that point 2) time. this story has consumed 5 months of my life entirely. i’ve been incredibly strict with myself when it comes to writing it (in a good way) but at best it won’t be finished till the end of august/beginning of september. so likely even if I do, there will be a break for a few months at least. I do have ideas though.
you promised us smut. where is it?
patience is a virtue. ;)
happy ending or tragedy? (please don’t say tragedy, you monster)
I would describe it more as “bittersweet” but whether it leans more towards bitter or sweet you’ll have to see.   
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any endgame hints?
you know more about the ending than you probably realise
can v/s finally go to Paris? for the love of GOD? pLEASE?
hector + v? powerful. will there be more of them in the future? 
agreed & yes. hector and v have their own arc to go on. it’s actually one of my favourites in this story. I don’t want to say more than that right now because I have plans for their dynamic so no spoilers. :)
please stop bullying john. give us some j/v content please? 
i, for one, adore john. it’s team S that’s bullying him lol. but wait till parabellum. i’ve always referred to that portion of the story as the second coming of j/v.
does lucien actually have a thing for v or is it a creepy obsession? 
it’s both.
I ship v with everyone :/ is that bad?
the sky is the limit. ship all the things proudly (but seriously, no, it isn’t. I ship all the ships, too, and that’s the fun of it) 
v/elder tho? 👀
j/v or s/v? be honest.
you fool,,,, you buffoon. ot3 j/v/s is where it’s really at. imagine their POWER.   
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what do the Elites/Lovers look like/how old are they?
please refer to this
will there be more step??
of course. he’s my baby. :)
will we see more of camorra/learn more about the elite’s and their backstories?
while I would love to take the time and flesh them all out with full backstories, only hector will be getting his backstory explored in the main canon because plot.
does lucien care for mika anymore or has he replaced her with v?
lucien is a messy hoe. mika is his subject of “affection” but v is his foil and equal. he recognises the same hurt in her that he has gone through himself so it’s more of a fixation. with time, lucien would likely destroy v so no bueno. 
I ship our OCs.
I do, too.
can we write about your OCs/V?
so you would have to come to me and discuss this more in private but I’m fine with this sort of thing usually. in fact, a prequel hector story already exists so you’re likely good but please contact me first. 
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when/how often do you update the vampire!au?
whenever I have time/inspo. mainly time. so this means you can get it daily or not get it for several weeks because COA is priority. I keep you all updated on when I have something cooking tho.
what is the actual pairing for vamp!au?
undecided as of yet. i’m leaning more towards ot3 right now but we shall see.
how often do you update flowing in me?
same as the above. whenever I have the time but I will keep you updated.
how many parts will flowing in me be?
I have 5 parts(ish) planned.
do you have a tag list for flowing in me?
I will. please leave a comment on the story if you want to be tagged in future parts!
will flowing in me feature other characters (john, winston etc.)?
this story is mainly camorra-centric but I do plan for John to appear at some point.
how did you come up with your lore in vamp!au?
to be completely honest....I just wrote a bunch of stuff down and used what stuck. mostly the ideas were pulled out of thin air while still trying to keep within the spirit of the canon material (the high priest, the holy church, the twelve priests, john being the boogeyman etc). camorra as the natural enemy seemed fitting and santino as a vampire prince even more so.
can we send you new au ideas/expand on old ones (manager!V etc)?
yes, always. I always try my hardest to reply but ofc I can’t promise I’ll be able to use them all but thank you in advance.
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who is the face claim for OC!V?
weronika spyrka
what is her real name?
how old is she at the beginning of the story and now?
23 beginning of chapter 1, 30 beginning of chapter 4 (current timeline)
will/would you ever write an original story about her?
I have considered creating something original out of COA itself or one of its sister series/concepts (like FIM). since I really started working on COA during last year’s NaNo, that might be the time I create something original this year. 
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how do you write so much, so quickly?
I don’t think that word count is really reflective of the quality work itself. I don’t think you should worry how much you write, either. 100 words can be just as valuable as 1k. most of them time I have a deadline breathing down my neck and I do work well under pressure so that inspires me to force the chapters out. I also do very long days because despite what it might look like I’m not a fast writer.
how can I improve my writing?
read and practice. I know it’s dumb and overused advice but it’s how I learned english and found my style (still a mess and WIP) but still this advice does help. 
how do you keep motivated?
spite, your support, genuine adoration for these characters/word, a lot of spite. 
do you plan? outline?
I have a vague story outline with specific scenes in mind as I go along (helps to set up foreshadowing, twists, and those ‘full circle’ moments). I also plan each chapter scene by scene and know what each chapter is meant to accomplish. So yeah in a sense. 
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chiradipdakshi · 3 years
Novel: 3 On 1
Author: Chiradip Dakshi
Chapter 1: The Unknown Girl
Genre: College, Slice of Life, Romance, Comedy, Fiction
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[ The bell rings]
"Fuck off! I will sure make sure this clock is thrown out in the trash. It's unbearable."
Oh, the story started? Sorry about that. Hello, I am Johnny Western. I'm nineteen years old teen guy. I didn't have much for a hobby. The only hobby I have is basketball. I used to go running about five kilometres daily, but today, I am too late to go for running. It has been about three months since I graduated from Sylvia high, a local renowned high school in the city of Toronto. My family lives in New York City but I had to transfer to Toronto due to the school. It us embarrassing to say, but all girls in my high school were fan of me. Today's is my first day of college. I had no talents for science so I picked up to study Archaeology since I knew taking this subject will help me to go around different parts of the world. When I was in twelfth grade, I used to see travelling videos and it inspired me that I should also go to see the world.
It was a nice weather outside. Birds chirping all over the garden, green everywhere although there was a broad road going across the middle of the society. We had a garden at the back of my house. Actually, my parents had me rented a house near the college I would be visiting. The house was purely white with a garage at the front, a swimming pool at the back. I had a dream to become a YouTuber, so I made a separate studio for me in the first floor. The theme was for gaming. The reason I woke up late was because I went sleeping late because of a live stream, Ha-ha. So, coming to my morning routine. Specifically, nothing, just a shower before college, a bowl of corn flakes with milk. I heavy breakfast light because I heard that there is a short break after having two consecutive lectures. So, I'm late. See you at the college.
[Meanwhile, Arthur running.]
Hello I'm Arthur Rowland. Nice to meet you. I'm eighteen. My hobby is painting. I barely go outside unless my friends ask me out. A little shy. Prefer not to speak, unless necessary. So, after running about three kilometres, I go to the convenience store and take some necessary groceries for the day which includes bread, some instant ramen, and some vegetables. Alright, coming to my extraordinary personalities. Since I was in the second last year of my high school, I had a knack towards photography. So, I joined the photography club of our high school. If you think that what's the use of photography club in high school, then I must tell you the answer. Fortunately, we work with the newspaper club and send them the necessary photographs they need for a particular article and for that they used to share thirty percent of the total budget they get for the year since the budget for the photography club was the lowest of all the clubs in the high school. Beside this, school student council used to ask us out during any fest or any event in the school. And for that we get a fixed amount of money. And I am proud that I was the president of our photography club. But now all things have changed. Now is the time for us to go to a college. So, I'll be joining the same college as Johnny, whom you all heard before. I will be taking arts in the college since this could help me to carry forward my dream of becoming a photographer. Like we said, we are besties. Hehe!
[The phone rings]
"Yes coming!" Arthur shouted.
"Hello! Oh, it's you Johnny! Long-time no call bro. How have you been?"
"Yeah bro, I'm fine. See, we are going to the same college. So, I think we should join the same club. So, choose accordingly" Johnny from the other side.
"Ye... Yeah bro! Of course, if we get so."
Finding a trembling voice over the phone, Johnny got disgusted. " Hey, hey, hey! What you mean by probably? We definitely be joining the same club. By the way where are you now?"
"What's the time?"
"It's nine."
"Oh, fuck man! We're gonna be late bro? I haven't even entered my house yet. The college is from ten. Uuggggh! " Arthur shouted suddenly in between the public.
"Huh! That's why I tell you, be punctual. See I am ready. Just left to have my breakfast. " Johnny with pride.
"Tell me, have to gone running today?"
"Y...ye...Yes! Of course, I've gone."
"Stop lying bro!"
"Heh. You surely see through me all the time. Have you call the other idiot? "
"Who? Tom?"
"No. But don't worry. He'll just be alright."
[Meanwhile, Tom sneezes.]
Hello, I'm Tom Henderson, age same as Johnny, meaning Arthur is the youngest among us three. I like experimenting pranks over the other two. I never wasted their weekends without pulling pranks on them. I didn't listen to them. I have a good quality. I always break a serious mood of my friends. And Arthur and Johnny would accept me as they knew that I was only guy who helped them to understand that however may be the reason, we shouldn't let ourselves down and step back from the important days of our lives.
"Who the hell is talking about me?' said Tom after sneezing.
[Phone rings]
"Where are you?" Arthur called.
"In my house. But why? Anything bad happened?"
"Nothing bad but it's worst. We are late for school, man"
"What's the time?" Tom asked curiously.
"Fifteen minutes to start"
"Damn, man! I'm late." Tom keeps the phone in the bag and smiles for a second.
Arthur took the metro and boarded off at 1459 London Road. Then he kept running as fast as he could as it was almost three minutes remaining to enter the campus. On the last minute, Johnny entered. "Ooof...at last we managed" Arthur while relaxing. "But wait, hasn't Tom been here yet?
[From their back]
"Greetings, my friend! Long time no see! How have you all been?" Tom surprises both of them. "I thought you are late since you told me that you were late." "I lied" Tom after smiling. "You damn brat" Johnny got angry. "I'm sorry bro" Tom rubbing the hand at the back of the head. "My family members are all thin even if they eat all the junk food, even me too" Tom after smiling. "Why are we exercising Johnny? Is it that necessary? I'm envious of Tom's physique" Arthur with his crying face.
"Hey, we are late, run!" They started running along the corridors as fast as they could. They decided to enter through the second door, the back of the auditorium where the freshers meeting will be held.
[An unknown girl came running blindly from the front door and got crashed with the three boys]
"Ow! S...Sorry! I wasn't looking" the girl said.
"Don't worry! We weren't looking, so it was our fault too. We should apologize."
When the girl raised his head, something happened at her heart. It felt like she got her future prince. Normally, a girl gets only one prince but here is the story of a girl fascinated by the three boys. The girl blushed out and ran away. The last thing went over the boys' head.4
"What was that?" Johnny asked.
"I don't know."
And the three of them stared at the empty corridor with the girl running out. What will happen in the story? How will the girl react if they meet them again? Find out as the story continues.
If you like, do follow me @chiradipdakshi for new parts. See ya again❤😉
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