#just added a tw to be sure haha
tardigrade-skeb · 1 year
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TW: scars
rare omori content from tardigrade
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sun-kissy · 1 month
oh my gosh! I am in love! pleaseee continue this
yesss i love barista!remus too much not to continue <3 !! i got so carried away and this was way longer than i expected it to be haha
chocolate-coated hearts | r.l. (part 2)
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part 1 | part 2 | part 3
barista!remus x shy!reader
tw: fluff, use of y/n
The rain patters down mercilessly, the tip-tap sound from where it’s hitting your file awfully loud. You break into a slight jog, holding the black file above your head as if it would offer some sort of protection against the downpour.
You were on the way back from the university, and had conveniently ignored your roommate’s reminders to bring an umbrella earlier that morning, because oh, are you sure you checked the forecast for the right day? and it hasn’t rained in weeks – why the hell would it rain today? Unfortunately, it did rain today.
The dampness soaked through your shoes as you moved, splashing upwards to wet your pants. You let out an exasperated sigh and lift your head, eyes darting around to seek shelter until the rain subsided.
In your peripheral vision, you could see a library – but that was way too chilly, given the way you were trembling. There was a bar, but… that was where your weird neighbour, Carl, went every evening. And you were in absolutely no mood to entertain his rambling. You wrap your arms around yourself, shivering as you trot a little further in an attempt to find a decent place. Wetness was seeping into your clothes, igniting a chill throughout your entire body.
As the seconds ticked by, you felt the frustration building up. Everything was just going so wrong today. Your lecturer had returned your analysis of Pride and Prejudice, and you had done so badly that it had to be redone. Plus, you were supposed to go out with Madison for lunch, but she had fallen horribly sick. And now, the torrential rain seemed to be mocking you – adding insult to injury.
The warm orange lighting of a sign came into view, and you squint your eyes to make out the words. Rubbing water off your face, you realise that the sign said Beanie’s. Well, it was a cafe – that was good enough. As you veered off the pathway to the right, you could smell freshly-baked cookies and coffee from the place. It better be warm inside, you thought. One more screw-up, and you genuinely believed you would burst.
You come to a stop outside the cafe, taking laboured gasps of air to catch your breath. You shake the water off your file and push the door open, stepping inside.
Fortunately, it was warm inside – you could feel the hot air blowing onto your skin immediately, drying your clothes from inside out. But to your misfortune, the heat seemed to be spreading to your face as well when you caught sight of the person behind the counter.
It had completely slipped your mind. But now it was all coming back to you, staring at his chiselled arms as he placed a plate of bagels on a tray. Your incident a few weeks ago, when you’d embarrassingly frozen on the spot and let the hot barista pick your donuts for you.
That had weighed on your mind for days, the way you had humiliated yourself in front of possibly the most angelic person on earth, and how said angel had treated you as though you were some kind of delicate flower.
You glance back out at the rain, drawing your lip in between your teeth as you contemplated your options. Either you went back out there, or you moved forward and ordered from Mr. Super Hot Barista. And you were definitely not going back into the rain.
Sucking in a deep breath, you brushed your soaked hair out of your face and wiped your hands on your sweatshirt. You shake off as much water as possible before walking towards the counter, feeling shivers run down your spine – from the cold or from shyness, you weren’t sure.
“Hi.” It comes out unnecessarily loudly, and you cringe. You actively try not to ogle at him, and your eyes fall on the tag on his shirt. Remus, it said. For fuck’s sake, even his name was pretty.
Mr. Super Hot Barista – Remus – looked up from the cookies he was boxing, his hazel eyes meeting yours. You could have sworn something like recognition flashed in his gaze. “Hey,” he smiled easily.
It was happening again, and you hated it. You felt your throat start to go dry as you held his gaze, and his smile slowly widened. You swallowed nervously, the quick drip, drip of water from your hair mirroring how fast your heart was beating. He very well knew the effect he was having on you, and was taking full advantage of it.
“So,” Remus started, “What would you like to order, sweetness?”
You thought you were going to pass out from the sheer amount of endearment in the nickname, eyes widening and cheeks turning pink. But you were a strong, independent young woman. And you were not going to let some random barista knock you off your feet.
“One small cappuccino, please,” you squeak, horrified at how small your voice was.
“Right,” he ducked his head to key it into the register, and you resist the urge to reach out and brush your fingers through his gorgeous curls. “And would you like any chocolate donuts with that?”
You swore your stomach flipped upside down at the comment – he remembered your little situation. Your hands come up to cover your reddening cheeks as you involuntarily let out an embarrassed groan.
The sound of his soft chuckle only exacerbates the sensation of your heart bobbing up and down in your chest. “Sorry, sorry – just messing with you.”
You let out a strangled sort of noise, still unwilling to look up and let him see just how flushed you probably were. When you press your face further into your palms, his voice softens. “Hey, I’m not trying to put you on the spot, I swear. I’m sorry.”
The slight tinge of guilt in his voice makes you look up immediately as you drop your hands to your sides. You see him standing in front of the coffee machine, preparing your cappuccino. “No, no. You’re not putting me on the spot, I’m just –” you sputter out, letting out a nervous chortle.
“God, you’re really embarrassed, aren’t you?” he breathes out in quiet laughter. “Calm down, pretty girl. I promise I won’t bite.” That majorly sucks, you thought. You envisioned how his lips would look biting into a cream puff, cursing yourself for even thinking of it a moment later.
“Okay,” you mumble, flipping your slightly less damp hair over your shoulder. And the next thing you utter, you don’t even think about it before saying it. “Don’t call me pretty girl.”
You immediately slap a hand to your mouth, eyes widening in shock at your own tongue. Literature students, and the yappers they are, Madison had once complained. Now you knew just how right she was.
Remus let out an amused snort, his lips curving upwards in a grin. “Okay, sorry, sweetness.”
“Don’t call me that either.”
“Someone’s picky,” he muttered, the smile still on his face as he pressed a lid onto the cup of coffee before pushing it towards you. “What can I call you, then?”
“Y/n,” you mumble, praying that your delight at having been asked your name was not showing on your face.
“Y/n,” he lets it roll around on his tongue, a sweet smile playing on his lips. He scribbles something onto your cup. “That’s a nice name.”
“You too,” you say without thinking, glancing downwards to pull money out the pocket of your pants. You look up to find him eyeing you with his eyebrow arched. A giggle escapes you as you point at his nametag. “Remus, right?”
He looks down at his shirt and chuckles, realisation lighting up his face. “Yeah, my name’s Remus.”
Remus glances back up as you drop the money into his hand. And you’re very careful not to let your fingers brush against his palm this time.
His smile was soft and sunny, making it feel like it had never even rained in the first place. “Bye.”
“Bye,” you echo, your heart fluttering in your chest as you offer him a smile. You turn around to find a table, and just then realise that the cafe was as crowded as it was the last time you were here, if not more.
You purse your lips worriedly. It was still storming outside, and you really needed to get started on your failed analysis and your newly assigned one –
You swivel back around to find Remus grinning at you. “You can sit here,” he gestures at the bar stools in front of the platform, which were unoccupied. “I get lonely anyway. It’ll be nice to have some fun company.”
“Oh,” you murmur, an unignorable sense of relief settling over you. “Okay, thanks.” You make your way over, setting your coffee and tote bag down on the platform before hauling yourself up onto the stool.
As he picks up donuts and packs them into boxes, you pull out your book and a stack of foolscap. Remus glances up at the sound, his face immediately lighting up. “M.L. Rio?”
You nod. If We Were Villains was the next book you were assigned to work on.
“That was a good book,” he says casually as he begins to work again. “Why, are you annotating it or something?”
You try not to beam. He reads, your brain was screaming at you. He reads and he has excellent fucking taste. Could he possibly be more perfect?
“Not just annotating,” you reply, a pleased lilt to your voice. “Analysing, for a project. Oh – I forgot to mention, I’m majoring in literature.”
“Literature, huh?” he grins as he sets his tongs down, and he looks almost bemused. “Interesting.”
You pull out a pen and begin to write, the smile never fading from your face. He lets you work in silence, the only sound being the metallic clinking of tongs as he packs pastries into bags and boxes.
“Hot take,” he says suddenly, a couple minutes later. You look up, surprised. “I don’t believe James was some sort of tragic hero, as people make him out to be. I think he was the villain.”
“Yes,” he snorts, and a laugh bubbles out of you. “That’s a ridiculous opinion.”
Remus rolls his eyes. “As a literature student, I think you need to be more open-minded.”
“The title is ‘If We Were Villains’, not ‘I Am The Villain’!” you retort indignantly, earning a loud bout of laughter from him. He shakes his head indulgently, continuing to stack boxes. “Great point.”
You can hear the deadpan in his voice, but decide to take it as a victory anyway. Grinning, you get back to your book as a comfortable silence settles over the both of you.
It was hard, but you were trying your hardest not to glance up at him every once in a while. The glowy orange light on the ceiling shone down on him, and you felt your curiosity growing towards the pale scars that decorated his face.
Whenever he caught you staring, you immediately evaded his gaze and took a sip of your coffee, or jotted something onto your paper. You thought you may have seen him trying not to smile a couple of times.
You blink as you glanced at your foolscap, which was full of random squiggly lines and words written in an attempt to make it seem like you were concentrating. But it was absolutely impossible to focus with Remus in front of you.
You furrow your eyebrows disappointedly. It really was important that you finished this up by tonight, and you were obviously not getting any work done here. One look outside told you that, unfortunately, the rain had stopped and the moon had come out.
Remus perked up when he heard the shuffling coming from you. He looked up to see you packing your things. “Leaving so soon?”
“Sorry,” you mutter as you pick up your cup of coffee, almost finished with it. “I’ve got more work to do at home.” The stool screeches as you stand up, slinging your tote bag over your shoulder. You rake your fingers through your hair – you had spent so long in the cafe, it was completely dry now.
He smiles, “Nah, you don’t need to apologise. It was fun talking to you.”
Your heart smiled at that. “Yeah, I had fun too.”
He stays silent for a moment, observing you. Your face starts to feel hot again. “Okay then, I’m gonna go.”
“Hey, wait a minute,” he calls out, causing you to turn back around.
You tilt your head questioningly. “There’s a poetry reading happening here, tomorrow, at 5pm. You like poetry?”
“Yeah,” you reply. “Yeah, I like poetry.”
He nods, the hint of a smile on his lips. “Come round if you’re free. I think you’ll like it.”
It felt like fireworks had begun to explode everywhere within you, from your head to toes and even in those little spaces between your fingers. “Okay,” you murmur. Your heart was tingling with excitement. “I’ll try to make it.”
“Great,” he grins, chucking his hands in his pockets as he leaned against the platform behind him. “Cool, then. See you.”
“See you,” you smile dazedly, pivoting and walking towards the exit with your coffee in hand. Your beam widened as you walked out, strolling back home as you sipped your coffee.
Remus had invited you to a poetry reading. A poetry reading.
Your cheeks ached from how hard you were grinning. You drink the last bit of your cappuccino, going to throw it in a bin on the street. That’s when you caught sight of something scrawled in black ink on the side of the cup.
There was a heart next to your name, and a number below it. Call me, pretty girl, it said in brackets.
You skipped all the way home.
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sashi-ya · 2 months
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𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑨𝑵𝑺𝑾𝑬𝑹 「cuts of freedom: final part 」 soshiro hoshina x f! officer! reader
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a/n: and the end is here! i'm not gonna lie, I wish for this story to last forever. And, actually, I might add some little updates about these two here and there sometimes! anyway, please enjoy! And thank you so so much for being here since the very beginning when this started as a simple scenario 💖 a/n 2: some clarification about the contents: "せーの!”  is the classical expression "seeh・noh" in Japanese used like "ready, set, go!". Tanabata, is a very well known festival in Asia celebrated during July- Aug. The Hoshina clan is real clan! I did my research, that's why I added the "Fukushima" patterns. tw: mdni! sex explicit scenes. masturbation. nipple bitting. marking. public car sex. wc: 3.5k // part 1: cuts of freedom // part 2: かんぱい!// part 3: stuffed // part 4: side B: relax // part 5: mirror, mirror... // part 6: sex for breakfast // masterlist
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Eyebags puffy and visible, you haven’t really sleep much. Breakfast -and sex after breakfast- though, tasted delicious.
Should you both arrive together? Where are you, exactly, after all?
“Come on, did you bring the uniform?” Soshiro asks, putting on one of his classic black compressive shirts.
Your heart breaks, as the abs you adore get once again covered by that tight fabric. You are not mad, though.
“I haven’t- I just brought normal clothes…” you sigh, remembering the fact you left your boiler suit at the base.
“Then wear mine” he says, pretty naturally, handing you over one of his suits.
If there is something us women like, is to wear our couple’s clothing. And you aren’t any different. Instantly, you take -almost snatch- it from his hands. You are eager to see if it smells like him, you are eager to feel hug and warm by even his clothing.
And, indeed, it has a faint trace of his perfume. Manly and delicious, you engulf the smell, feeling your insides get filled with butterflies as you do.
“Should I take it off? Or wanna wear it around?” Soshiro asks, laughing cutely while coming closer to you. His delicate fingers graze the little enamel pin on your chest.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ“Hoshina Soshiro ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ 3rd Div. Vice Captain”
You smile softly, eyelashes fluttering slowly, looking down at his hand. Of course, you’d love to wear it around; because you are his… but you aren’t ready for “he say she says” although rumour already has it that you two have something going on.
“Do you think is it ok? Isn’t it against the rules?” “Indeed it is, doll. Give it back, haha!”
Your cheeks become hot from embarrassment. Of course it is against the rules. And sometimes with these type of little pranks, Soshiro can be a little bit annoying.
“Don’t be sad, I promise you I will search for my old badge, and I will give it to you. Ok?” he says, kissing the tip of your nose as he takes off the pin from your clothes.
You nod, sweetly. Like a little girl, you are instantly happy and satisfied with such a beautiful and cute promise.
Soshiro doesn’t pay much attention at anything besides you while walking out of his apartment. His hand is placed on your lower back, guiding you through the hall towards the elevator.
“You look so good with my clothes, hun” he whispers, closely to your ear right from behind.
A shiver runs down your spine and it travels to every little sensitive spot on your body.
“Thank you… Soshiro~” you answer, not sure if you wish the elevator to arrive faster or slower.
Unfortunately -or not- the doors of the lift open, and the sterile white lights of the mirrored inside receives you reflecting all of your angles.
You remember Soshiro complaining of the cameras inside the elevator, and as much as you wish he could push you against the walls to grope you, you know it is impossible. But nothing is when it comes to Hoshina Soshiro who is apparently crazier for your sex more than what you could think of.
He, then, proceeds to stand right at your back. It is him who’s against the bars attached to the mirror wall, now. His hands slowly slide from your waist to your front, getting into the front pockets of your boiler suit.
With his chin carved on your shoulder, he smirks to the mirror in front of you. His fingers reaching for your core, pushing quite strongly against it in tiny circular motions.
“I really want my suit to get covered by your scent… would you make a little mess for me?” he asks, pressing his crotch against your ass, showing you how hard he is once again.
You swallow; it wasn’t necessary to ask, if he keeps doing what he is doing you will for sure make a mess in it.
“So-Sosh-ngh…” you fidget around his index going crazy over your clit. “Mmh? Don’t be that noticeable… you know I don’t want the guards to see you! plus, the doors are about to open. What if a neighbour sees you?” he says, in such perverse tone it makes you tremble.
You bite your lips shut, taking a big gasp of air, wishing for his fingertips to finally touch you without anything in between. Your eyes shut closed, inevitably thinking of what he said; what if the doors open and someone sees you in such state?
The “ping” announces the doors are about to open, your heart rising faster, your inner thighs dripping with sensual wetness.
“せーの!”  he whispers. And as soon as a fine line of light filters through the sliding doors, he takes his hand off the pocket -and your sex-
You sigh loudly, putting yourself together in a matter of seconds.
“Morning, Soshiro-chan!” she says with a lovely tone, as if this happened every day.
“Morning, Mrs. Tanaka!” he salutes her, like a usual daily happening.
An old woman stands right in front of the elevator, with an as old as her poodle in her hands. The dog barks annoyingly at Soshiro and you, as it might have seen a cat… well, Soshiro kinda looks like one.
“Go kill many Kaiju, boy!” “I sure will, Mrs. Tanaka! Give Mr. Tanaka my regards!”
Apparently, that woman is Soshiro’s neighbour. Did he know she was going to be there by the time the elevator reached the floor level? He is more perverted than what you could have ever imagined…
You smile all throughout the mere seconds the conversation lasts, walking out of the mirrored lift trying to regulate your accelerated breathing.
The moment the doors close, he turns to you too look into your eyes. He burns holes into yours, with a smirk that shows he is not quite over with it.
“See? I told you…” “Soshiro, sometimes I think you are just a villain…”
He laughs, loudly, like he is used to do. From his pocket, he takes the keys of his car, and both walk to the little parking lot right behind the building.
He opens the door for you, putting first your little bag in the backseat and then letting you sit on the front. He then closes such door and jumps into the drivers seat.
And despite you thinking he was going to start the engine, he had first quite different plans...
“You said you thought I was a villain…” he mumbles, looking at you, coming closer to your lips with his index under your chin.
“You must be ~” you playfully back up.
He smirks and it’s all you need; next thing you know, is him pulling you from your seat to straddle your hips on top of his lap.
“Then, as the villain I am, allow me to finish my perfect crime…” he whispers, lowering the zipper of your -his- suit open.
You wonder if this man has a “public sex kink” or he actually just don’t care the rest of the world but you; Soshiro wants to have you at any time, in any place, whenever he desires.
His hand slides down your belly and into your panties. Wet as he wanted you is what he founds. And he is pleased.
Soshiro’s free hand pulls you closer as he pushes your lower back further. Your breasts, free of any other clothing, bounce temptingly in front of his face. It doesn’t take him much to finally attach to them with lips and teeth. Sucking like his life depended on  it, he makes you whine loudly from pleasure and pain… boy, those fangs are certainly sharp.
While he delights himself with the taste of your nipples, his thumb finishes the work he started in the elevator; masturbating you so good you soon forget about the weak morning light bathing the parking lot, or the fact Soshiro’s car windows have a barely purple tint on them.
Soon enough, your thighs accompany the spasms your inner walls experience. And climax hits you uncontrollably; the mess Soshiro wanted, had finally been materialized… his suit will hold the stains of your relief exactly as he wished.
“As long as I wish to fuck you hard, we are gonna get late there. I don’t want Mina to scold us” he says, helping you sit on your spot back again.
You are trembling still, only recognizing his voice, and the sweet way in which he closes the zipper and fasten the seatbelt to keep you safe.
You blink twice, still in awe. You look into the little mirror, seeing your heated cheeks and the mess of your hair that you slowly fix while he starts to drive. The pony tail you just finished, your hands still around the elastic band… the lustful idea of pleasuring him while he drives; after all you believe in equality, and just as he made you come… you must make him come, too.
You drift to the side, still without catching much of his attention. You bend slowly; waiting for a red light to make him stop. Your mouth is watering, and it is that Soshiro somehow tastes so delicious. Maybe it is his healthy life style, maybe is the testosterone of a modern samurai or it is just that you are infatuated with him.
“Wha- hahaha- what are you doing?!” he laughs, thinking you are just being funny. “I think I want my mouth to be a mess as well” you whisper, moving like a cat about to pounce on a little mouse.
His eyes now open widely; looking down as you lower the pants’ zipper.
“This is one of the things I love about you, (Name)-san… go ahead, feast on it” “It will be my pleasure, fuku-taichou” you sing, kissing the bulge before finally freeing his sex from his briefs.
You can feel on your chest the little ups and downs of his legs while he drives, and every bump pushes his dick inside you even deeper against your throat. Your tongue makes sure to damp the whole shaft, while your bobbing head and sucking lips make him grunt.
Soshiro’s hands grip tightly to the wheel; a little drop of sweat forms on his forehead. His sex becomes harder, ready to burst. The way you let his dick go deeper into your throat, allows the tip of your tongue to reach for the base and even more if you use your hand to play with his balls. The poor soldier is doing a great job while driving through the busy streets of Tachikawa, fast enough to park right at the base for the moment he reaches the peak…
“I’m gonna… come… you-“ “I won’t let a drop mess with your seat, don’t worry…” you whisper, giving him the last pumps this time with your hand and your tongue against his tip.
Soshiro retorts in silence, letting scattered “nghs” and “fucks” as he finally bursts. He grabs your pony tail, having the hair tangled on his fist, burying your head down so that he can finish right into your throat.
Eyes watery, lungs using the last molecule of oxygen, nose inhaling his skin’s perfume, your tongue feeling the accelerated pulse on his sex’s veins… oh, the delicious warm seed of Hoshina Soshiro going down your throat.
“You are gonna be the death of me, babe…”
The return to the base felt silent; both got out of Soshiro’s car, smiled at each other and parted ways. He needed to go back to his office, while you had to go straight to morning training. Your muscles were screaming at you; they didn’t want any more exercise this morning… but you simply couldn’t skip it.
The day went by fast and in between building strength and weapon management; by the time the afternoon arrived, the constant memory of Soshiro’s promise for tonight’s plans that reverberated in your brain, fade off to the point of almost forgetting about it.
However, there are certain things you couldn’t escape from, and you were about to find out.
By the time the training was over, and everybody was stretching, you began to win a couple of looks; your suit didn’t feel like yours and indeed it had a special pair of little straps on the back that you didn’t take in consideration when you chose not to change into yours…
“(Name), what is this?” Akari asks, passing her finger in between one of the hoops that’s clearly meant to be used to hold a certain type of blade.
“What?” you ask, still unaware.
“Oh, oh… don’t tell me you are a double blade user like Hoshina Fukutaichou, (Name)?! Platoon leader Nakanoshima says, laughing loudly with clear intentions of teasing you. She continues, also, telling Ryo he owes her money for winning “the bet”… “I told you they were screwing!”  “Nakanoshima -.-“
Your eyes open like two pair of eggs. Your cheeks turn to fire, the whole squad laughs and other start whispering… yet, none of those reactions were filled with bad intentions. In fact, it was quite the opposite, making even Mina give Kafka a soft little smile in complicity.
“No, no I- We aren’t… It is not what it seems like! We aren’t… uh…“ you try to excuse yourself, being aware that this could be detrimental to your relationship. You aren’t sure if Soshiro wants you like anything else than an “acquaintance”. This rumour could fuck everything up.   
“There are no rules against it, (Name)! don’t worry!” Kikoru smiles, assuring an essential truth; her parents were known to be one of the strongest couples inside of the JAKDF.
You give a sweet smile to your young but strong nakama; she doesn’t really need to know the details of how intricate adult relationships really are… yet.
The commotion gets instantly silenced by Mina ordering you all to go back to your stretching exercises. You all bow respect to your captain, and fast enough you all continue with your duties.
Soon, as the training finally finished, everybody start walking back at the barracks. You needed a bath, perhaps more than anyone else in that place… this morning “mess” was still unwashed.
None of the women said much as you walk to the bathrooms; everybody seemed more tired than ever. Probably, like you, they all had fun on that free day you were given yesterday.
It was not until you undressed that you noticed the marks all over your body; fangs that carved into your flesh have left a vast area of purple and painful spots all over that have been developing all throughout the day.
“There is no way I will make another scene. I must shower when everybody is done…” you think, suddenly remembering the day Soshiro cut open your anti kaiju suit; the day he saved your life, and the day both skins touched for the very first time in such intimate and deep way. This, lead you to remember, also, the so mentioned “plans for tonight”.
What were those plans? Were they still happening? What if he -and probably he already does- knows about today’s fuss on you wearing his uniform? He hasn’t reached out yet…
By the time you are out of the shower, you keep lost into your thoughts and memories of Soshiro’s sweet kitty face.
“(Name)? you lost your intercom again. Here…” A soft voice, calm and patient pulls you out your own thoughts and hands you over a little white earphone.
You blink twice, noticing captain Ashiro being as delicate as a flower while she gives you the ear piece. She simply takes his index to her ear and taps twice leading you to wear what she gave you.
You haven’t lost it, though. You simply didn’t wear it today; nobody was expected to do so, either way. But you understand, almost immediately, that you must follow your captain’s orders because something beautiful was waiting for you.
She turns around, fluttering her onyx hair while holding her towel on her shoulder, and disappears through the door to leave you alone.
You put the little intercom on; tapping twice on it.
“Hello?” “Hello, Miss (Name). Would you please come to my office?” Soshiro says, playfully acting like your vice-captain. “Yes, Sir!” you say, clearly and loud. However, your insides were turned into a holy mess; the butterflies felt like Kaiju flying around your stomach.
You run; you couldn’t hide it anymore. The halls of that base felt endless, why did it feel like Soshiro’s office had changed places with any other room?!
It took you a couple of minutes to get there. Panting, you wait for a couple of seconds to regulate your breathing. A single desktop lamp turned on guides you to his desk. However, Soshiro isn’t there, but a washi paper wrapped box waiting for you with a note on it.
“Dear (Name), please wear this and talk to me so that I can guide you to your next destination. Be aware the clothing and the hair pin you will find inside this box has a long history in the Hoshina family ~”
Your eyes get a little watery; you weren’t exactly sure on what to expect… but this is definitely something better than what you could ever. This seems truly romantic, and you are by far speechless.  
You open the box, taking care of not ruining the paper… you really wish to keep at least a piece of it. Inside it lays an even more beautiful piece of traditional clothing than the one you wore at his apartment; a yukata, purple with hints of lilac flowers, typical Fukushima Aizu patterns from where the Hoshina clan are the originally founders.
The hair piece, looks like two little representation of katanas imbued in sakura flowers of silver and purple little stones.
You cover your face in total awe; deep inside you still think you don’t deserve to wear such beautiful piece of art. But you end up doing it, Hoshina Fukutaichou said so, right?
The Japanese silk falls so delicate on your skin, kissing it softly with cold pecks on every mark he has left on you. You take a last look at your image on the little mirror he keeps on his office, still unable to process how beautiful you look, and double tap your intercom.
“You ready, princess?” he asks, curious.
“I am… Soshiro, this is… beautiful” you whisper, blushing harder with every word you mouth.
“Not as you, (Name). Now, please walk to the back of the base. There is a zen garden, you will find your next surprise there… and the answer you’ve been waiting for”
“Yes, Soshiro ~”
Walk? He said walk? who could walk?
Run, run, run. Your hair set free, only holding by a single strand to silver blades,   dances with the wind your own speed creates. Run, run, run. Through the halls of the base that’s been your home, your dream and your begin and end….
Fairy lights look like blurry dots, like fireflies, by the end of the hall; you run to catch them all. To see him, to hear an answer your heart already knows.
“Soshiro!” you whisper, when you stop all of a sudden, noticing how beautiful the Zen garden had been decorated. Warm lights, and every branch of the bamboo holding little multi-coloured papers… have you forgotten? It’s the night of Tanabata.
Your lips tremble, your eyes become watery once again; never experienced something more beautiful, even more because it was prepared for you… and only for you.
“Welcome ~” he sings, lifting his two hands and indexes up. “You look, and I know I told you this before, so beautiful wearing my family’s clothing… Please tell me you are the type of person who loves Tanabata” he continues, a little insecure now.
You wipe a little tear off the corner of your eye; anything you could love or even hate means nothing compared to him… you are the type of person who loves… him.
“This is… more than beautiful… why? I don’t deser-“ you start, but his hands grabbing yours stop you from keep on talking.
“You do deserve it; shall we write our desires in the little papers? Let’s go, I’m sure the Hanabi are about to start ~”
You nod, following him to a little table where two little papers lay on top, and each one has a pen to write on. Soshiro allows you to write yours, and then he does with his, not before asking you to wait until you read.
When both are ready, he guides you with your little paper towards one of the trees. Such tree, the tallest of them all, seemed to be fading into the night sky. Stars shining like diamond dots, like the river that separated Orihime and Hikoboshi but not you two.
“Let me tie yours, and you tie mine” he whispers, while both exchange your desires. As you grab his, you proceed to read...
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ“I wish to be yours, (Name)”
“Soshiro… is this…?” “That’s my answer, (Name)… I really, really wish to be yours. Can you cut open this jail and set me free from this doubts? Am I yours? You are the one to tell me so” “Read mine, and you will find the answer Soshiro…”
ㅤㅤ“For him, the man who set me free with cuts of love, to be mine forever”
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ… ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑬𝑵𝑫 ~
dear reader: thank you for reading! hope you liked this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! hope all your dreams come true! 💕 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ Sashi 🌱
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crows-in-the-house · 28 days
Bill Cipher x Reader possesion hc's
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tw: harm to reader, violence and blood?
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i think he would posses you in your sleep, making sure you are deep in nightmare realm, getting in only when he's sure you won't wake up :
he will start his fun with drawing eyes on your eyelids and your forehead, maybe whole body if he's in the mood,
and the best part? It's going to be with a the pernament marker sucker!
if he gets bored he might start drawing triangles or riddles, sometimes just in places you won't see, like "Bill's property" on your nape (ha! you still have that you fool!)
oooh, and maybe he will tattoo that if you've been ignoring him lately
just so you know haha
will try to see if he can bite of ur fingers
will eat spiders (his fav human must be well feed)
will bath you in nailpolish so you're "well preserved"
will prank call random people hoping he finds any of the Pines numbers (so you two can go on a murder date!!)
will make a fashion show!
but don't hope it will turn out well, he will cut out "clothes" out of your curtains, make a shawl out of toilet paper and use a grater as a bracelet. Later you may just find yourself half naked cuz he bearly knew how to put back normal clothes on you (he will defend himself saying that real clothes are boring and out of style)
on the other hand he will also put on lots of jewelry and accesories - so you may also wake up with three hats, old winter glove, two bowties (which you didn't own earlier?) and 6 rings on your toes. enjoy!
sometimes Bill will just watch tv. Maybe he will comment on "my little ponny" or other shows, what else can he do? He has to talk to somebody, you know, while waiting for his lazy human. The next day you can feel ur throat burning and eyes itching
"what about building a portal?" - you would ask. Well no, he obviously does that. It's just that it's not so enjoyable when you don't have anyone to boss around! So he gets bored quickly and nags you about it later. Or send you more nightmares about it, cuz how dare you be so sloppy with your work!?
he will also draw himslef on all your mirrors so you can look at him every time u try to look at ur relfection (if you try to clean that off, he will just scratch it with something sharp the next day, so better be cearful, theres going to be lots of glass shards everywhere)
prolly will just throw brokade everywhere cuz its pretty
if he's feeling lonely or desperate he will start rewiring your brain, maybe adding a few fake memories where he's your hero, or putting himself in a place of somebody that helped you in hard sytuation. Remember that one time you got sick and somebody was next to your bed 24/7? Yeah it was Bill, do thank him.
will read all your thoughts about him
will drink a soup made of energy drinks and candy
will write his name on ur brain. or heart. or lungs, maybe just everywhere, why not?
will act like you in front of the mirror and compliment himself!
will try making a piercing. if he fails with your ears he will just practice on your tights! And neck!
will haunt down your friends, you better tell them you were just playing tag with them. Yes, with a knife, who doesn't?
will try to lick your eyeball
and elbow
also will hurt your body in weird ways but that obvious
(buuuut maybe, just maybe, he will make you not feel all the pain the next day. If he likes you that enough, that is)
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belphiesreverie · 1 year
Hi hiii if its ok can I request a yandere Malleus, Idia, Leona, and Vil
with a darling that keeps on asking for a sign from god or in this case one of the great sevens if they should continue to have feeling for their current crush (w/c is not them rn btw-) or nah?
And them just doing stuff that's basically like a sign from the sevens that they should give up on their crush (lololol that would be kinda funny haha)
Yes ofc, this is such a fun idea!! Tysm for the request! 💕💕
TW: yandere behaviour, manipulation
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This type of thing really isn’t Leona’s area of expertise. He’s much more of a “get rid of it at the source” type of person
So instead of leaving subtle hints and omens that you should move on, he thinks it’ll be much more effective to hear it directly from your crush
Of course, figuring out how to convince your crush to blatantly admit they don’t like you isn’t hard whatsoever for Leona. It’s a quick and simple solution
However, it’s also quite a harsh way of going about it but Leona is sure he can use your heartbreak in an effective manner as well
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Vil has a lot of strengths, and one of those strengths is knowing a lot about body language and how to read it. It’s a skill he picked up from his acting career and he’s very open about it
So it doesn’t seem that strange to you when Vil slips in little remarks about what some body language reveals about how someone is feeling in conversations with you
He’ll talk about a large variety of people so you don’t notice what he’s trying to do when he brings up that your crushes body language insinuates they’re interested in someone they’re talking to
He might also slip in a little something about disconnect in their body language when you’re talking to them every so often. Surely these snippets of information will count as signs to you
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The internet will be Idia’s best friend on this endeavour, and he’ll use all the hacking tricks in the book to make this work
He tries his best to make the transition seem natural, starting out with one or two ad’s labelled “is he the one for you?” which if clicked will lead you to a rigged quiz that will always tell you it’s destined to fail
Then he’ll take it up a notch, messing with your algorithm a little bit to show you videos of confession horror stories, and more and more ‘signs’ that your current crush isn’t the one for you will start showing up every time you look at your phone
And just as the icing on the cake, he’ll try to give himself a little head start by showing you video’s and ad’s talking about how your destined soulmate is a reclusive computer whizz
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He’ll offhandedly mention that you’re looking for signs to Lilia and suddenly the whole of Diasomnia is on the case to make you give up on your crush
In the halls, all anyone seems to be talking about is romance and quite a few people are mentioning how your crush has a type that’s completely opposite to you or is already in a secret relationship
You’ll be sleeping peacefully and like 7 Diasomnia students will be whispering subliminal messages to you in your sleep that your crush hates you or that Malleus is your soulmate
Even Silver came up to you and told you about a prophetic dream he had about you being rejected and humiliated by your crush. Malleus is obviously not going to be doing anything to stop this any time soon
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (part 19)
Tw: i guess implied huge age gap between reader and yves, bullying implied
Well its a little harder to transition to Monty time than i thought but bear wirh me we r gonna get there
Part 20
You woke up to the sound of your phone buzzing. Groaning and frowning, you wonder who would be calling you at this time.
You picked it up.
"(Name), it's Yves." His smooth and melodious voice reached your ears, there was a twinge of worry in his tone. "It should be noon there. You weren't answering my messages, I assume you must be busy with your classes earlier. I simply want to check on you. Have you had your lunch yet?"
Its noon!? You cussed audibly. You told Yves that you're going to call him back and hung up.
You can't believe that you slept through half the day. Well, whatever. Your next class is at one. You can make it.
Your eyes skimmed through his texts. The first one was sent at 12am.
"I have arrived at my destination safely. It is now seven in the morning and I am not used to the drastic time difference yet. It was cold, and all the passengers wore heavy coats. You would have loved the weather here. I am already missing you dearly, looking forward to coming back and holding you in my arms."
The next one was sent at three in the morning.
"You would have loved the Continental breakfast my Hotel provides. It has all your favourites. Wishing you were here."
He attached a picture of his plate. It looked delicious and fancy. A wide variety of meats, pastries and vegetables decorated his dish. Most of which happens to be foods that you're rather fond of.
The next one was at 7am:
"I went out exploring the city. It's beautiful. You would have enjoyed your time here. Missing you."
He attached numerous photos he took while on his stroll. You swiped through the pictures with envy, maybe you should have skipped the first week. They're not teaching much after all.
Then the next one was timestamped at 8:30am
"Good morning, my dear (name). It should be half past eight for you. Your first lecture is at ten, take care and be there on time. Have a wonderful day ahead. Do not forget your sunscreen and your packed lunch; it is in the fridge."
He sent another text at 11:15am.
"Your class should have ended already. It went well, I assume? I would love to hear about it. Reply to this message as soon as you can, please. I miss you."
The latest text from him just arrived at 12:04pm
"You overslept."
Nothing more was added.
No time to cringe at yourself, you locked your phone and rushed to freshen yourself up.
You were surprised to see that Mr Jones is already waiting for you in his car. Once he spotted you, he hopped out and opened the door.
"Quickly, quickly! Sir Yves informed me that your next class is in half an hour!"
You stuffed yourself in the back seat while Mr Jones rushed to the driver's seat.
You buckled your seatbelt as he drives away.
"I was surprised that you didn't request to be chauffeured this morning, seeing that you and my daughter shared the same class. I thought she was picking you up!"
You grimaced and shamefully admitted that you overslept, thinking you're too good for an alarm.
You have gotten her number, but you forgot to text her. So she didn't have yours.
Oh no, she must have thought you ditched her. That is bad.
"She called me, all worried and sad about her new friend. Evangeline was so relieved when I told her you overslept and you're coming to your next class."
You muttered an apology. Wishing you could just disappear and not face her later.
"It happens to the best of us, besides, it's the first week! Nothing bad is going to happen to your grades." He consoled you. It's not about the grades, it's about your new friend.
"Do you have your lunch with you, Mx (name)? Sir Yves said to make sure you had a bite to eat at least."
You forgot to take it.
"Um. Well, what about sunscreen? Sir Yves greatly emphasizes on the importance of sun safety."
You forgot about that too.
"Oh. Ah, haha! It's alright. I'm sure you'll be fine. Just don't tell Sir Yves. He seems to care about you a lot and he might throw a fit if he knows you're not taking care of yourself."
You sighed, rubbing your forehead.
Mr Jones floored the gas pedal and managed to get you to the University in record time. You swung the door open and ran out of the car, struggling to untangle the straps of your backpack.
Then, you received a text from Yves. You're in the middle of running towards your class.
"You worry me, (name)."
You hastily send him a message ridden with egregious typos, telling him that you're now at the campus and heading to your next class.
"Keep your eyes ahead when you're walking. Or else you might hit something and hurt yourself."
You tried to type up a response, but what Yves predicted came through, your body slammed into someone soft and tender. Rest assured, this isn't Montgomery even though you were half expecting to bump into him at some point.
"(Name)!" A feminine voice exclaimed as a pair of gentle hands grabbed onto your arms, helping you keep your balance.
Its Evangeline. You told her you're late and you have no time to talk.
She lets you go and watch you bolt away.
Her arms fell limp to her sides. Sighing, she adjusted her tote bag on her shoulder. Evangeline will be eating lunch on her own again.
The blonde squinted as he saw someone in the distance running up to her.
She stood still. She had to crane her neck upwards to look the stranger in the eye. Even that was proven a bit difficult as his messy hair conceals a great deal of his eyes.
"Yes?" She replied, feeling weary as he is towering over her. Evangeline knows that she stood no chance in a physical altercation with him. So threw a couple of glances at the surveillance cameras nearby.
"You're (name)'s friend, I saw you talkin' to them earlier." He panted lightly, resting his hand on his knee. "Damn it! I ain't fast enough..." He muttered.
"And you are...?" She maintained her cautious gaze on him.
"I'm their boyfriend. Listen, I need ya to do me a favor." He wiped sweat off his brow. She looked at him up and down, judging his appearance. The man certainly looks... mature. By no means unattractive, but she was surprised that you were interested in men that are covered in grime and dust. And paint.
"And that is?" She prompted.
"Here. It's their lunch. Hand it to them when you see them." He handed a plastic bag containing a Styrofoam container. It's warm to the touch.
"Well, that's very nice of you to do that for them, sir." She commented as she hooked her finger around it's handles.
"What type of man wouldn't feed their partner? Anyways, tell them to call me too. I guess they're busy or somethin', I haven't heard from them in a while and I was worryin' my ass off when I couldn't find them here! I was startin' to think they were skippin' class, but I know my sweetheart ain't the kind of person to do that." He rambled on, telling her how studious you are and how proud he is of you to be following your dreams.
Evangeline narrowed her baby blues at him, something doesn't feel right. She deduced that you're trying to avoid him because there were no classes being conducted prior to today.
"Alright. I will relay your message to them. May I know your name, sir?"
"Tell 'em Montgomery's missing them to death. That'll do the trick." She nodded and beamed at him.
"I hope you have a great day, Mr Montgomery." He gave her a nod.
"Likewise, ma'am." He took off running in the direction of his car, it seems like he's running late for something.
Evangeline is curious as to what your supposed boyfriend got you. She took a peek inside the box and saw grease filled takeaway. She scrunched her nose up in disgust, she remembers the aroma. It gave her food poisoning before.
You like these kinds of things? She really doubt it.
Nonetheless, she covered it back up and began walking away.
You ignored Yves other texts in favour of making the first contact with Evangeline. You saved her number and sent her a message introducing yourself.
"Hello (name)! I have something for you, where should we meet?"
You asked her where she is. You were glad that she's near your class, so you told her where you're waiting.
A few minutes later, you were greeted with a cheery girl in a beautiful pink sundress with a strawberry pattern. Her blond hair swished side to side as she walked up to you.
You apologized for sleeping in and ditching her. But Evangeline wouldn't hear it, telling you that it's fine.
"Your boyfriend came by to give you this!" She eyed you very carefully when she uttered the word 'boyfriend'. You seem confused, but then after your attention was given to the takeaway, your eyes widened in terror.
She knew it. That was either an ex or a creep.
You sat her down on a chair nearby and tried your best to explain the situation. Starting from the time you and Montgomery first met, until your hospitalization.
She sympathetically nodded. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, (name). Where is your actual boyfriend now? I'm sure he can scare Montgomery away."
You actually forgot what Montgomery's name was. When Evangeline brought it up, it was baffling until you remembered that he said his name was along the lines of that.
You told her that your boyfriend is away for a conference trip.
The gears started grinding in her head. "Your boyfriend... Sir Yves?"
You nodded. You felt a sense of pride with it.
Evangeline momentarily appears shocked and astonished. Even horrified.
You asked her what was he visceral reaction about.
She shook her head and apologized. "I don't mean to judge, but... how did you meet Sir Yves?"
You said you started talking to him in the library.
"Again, no judgement from my side. But... are you into older men?" You can definitely feel the judgement on her side. You said that men in their late twenties or early thirties aren't old.
She furrowed her eyebrows. "I... am pretty sure Sir Yves is much older than thirty."
You asked her what makes her say that.
"We are of similar ages, (name). My dad was already working with him before I was even born. Sir Yves was already going on business trips then."
You smack your lips and gulp your spit. You try not to think too much about it.
You were interrupted by buzzing in your pocket. You pulled it out to see that Yves is calling you.
Evangeline excused herself so you could have privacy calling your boyfriend.
You dreaded answering it, so you stared at the screen for a few more seconds. You ended up not having to, because the call dropped.
You instead opened your messages to a bunch of loving updates of his situation, another set somewhat desperately requesting a response from you and a most recent one. Which only said:
To that , you sent Yves a message explaining that you're doing fine. You told him you even made a friend for once, hopeful that she will stick.
"That's nice, dear. Who is this friend of yours?"
You told him that it's Evangeline Jones, she is kind to you.
You didn't receive a response for a while. Quite uncharacteristic of Yves, you thought maybe he's busy. So your finger went to the "off" button.
But then it buzzed again, receiving a new message from Yves.
"The alleged homewrecker?"
Your jaw dropped. What? Why would he call her that? You texted him back asking what prompted him to call your only friend such a demeaning title. Plus, that is the daughter of one of Yves's most loyal employees!
"Students can be quite loud with their gossiping in the library. I heard of a woman who slept with a married man. There were also stories of someone cheating in their relationship. The name that regularly comes up is Evangeline Jones."
You asked if he believed it.
"These were baseless accusations of a woman I have never met. Hence, it never mattered to me."
You don't know how to feel about this. Evangeline is kind and sweet. Perhaps Yves just hasn't met her yet. You're feeling upset that she was treated unfairly by her friends whereas Yves seemed apathetic.
"Have you had anything to eat for today?"
You said you were about to. You told him you have to go now and you will talk to him later.
You received no response for a while. But eventually you did.
"I miss you."
You sent him a half-hearted "I miss you too". After that, you switched off your phone and sought after Evangeline.
Both of you agreed to eat at a nearby shared space and talk to each other more.
Meanwhile, Yves accessed his folders remotely using his laptop. Your last text is open on his phone, facing up to the ceiling. There was a drafted response Yves made, attempting to continue the text conversation but you were already offline before he could send it. Jealousy bubbling from his chest, his intuition was telling him this girl will spell trouble for him. It isn't everyday his gut feelings become reactive.
Yves has time. His conference isn't in a few days and the network coverage in his Hotel is excellent. He is itching to figure out why his instincts are considering her a bigger threat than Montgomery.
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nogenderbee · 7 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕓𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕤 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕔𝕣𝕒𝕫𝕪 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ not a request
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ I couldn't hold any event for Valentine's this year because of lack of motivation so I just picked my favorites (or the ones I felt like writing atm) out of all groups and wrote different classic prompts for them! Hope it's also a decent celebration!
And happy being in love with someone, your pet or yourself! Whatever suits you haha
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff, TW: mentions of scars and scratching in An part, amnesia and mentions of coma and hospital in Rui's part
Affiliation with @virtualbookstore
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✧ soul mates (scars show on both)
You weren't really the ugliest nor did you lack any charm. So you went through lot of relationships, but every single one had something wrong with them... They either only cared about looks and profits from your relationship, couldn't accept you as you were or you just didn't felt like they were the ones you wanted to spend rest of your life with.
Maybe it was nice to have experience in dating, but it was also disappointing with time... how hard can it be to fine your life partner? Do they even exist?
To forget about your worries, you went to your favorite cafe on Vivid Street, Weekend Garage.
"Hey An... some strong coffee please..."
"Woah! That's not like you at all! Are you alright? Don't tell my you had another break up..."
"Yeah, unfortunely I did... I'm starting to doubt there is person right for me... available at least..."
You added last part on purpose, since you always felt a bit warm around An and it wasn't necessarily thanks to the amazing coffee she could make. She was like your comfort space. We're you falling for her? Maybe. Did it felt like she cared more about her singing partner than you? Yes... And you couldn't blame her. She deserves more than anyone to be happy!
"Have you thought of using the soulmate method? It's enough if you scratch your cheek enough to make it a bit red and it'll show."
"Maybe but... I don't want to hurt my soulmate..."
"You too?! Yeah, I'd already check but I don't want to cause problems for them..."
"Well... would you be willing to do it with me? Just small scratch? I'd feel more confident with friend next to me..."
"You know what? Sure! I'll do it on left cheek and you do it on right. Remember not to overdo it, just a little red space!"
You both brought your nails to cheeks, shutting your eyes and gently scratching your cheeks gently. When you opened them, you saw An staring at you with small shock and both of her cheeks slightly red.
"Are you blushing...?"
"No. I'm actually not... But it may be the case too I guess... because if I am then... you're too..."
You looked at your reflection in the glass and did notice both of your cheeks slightly red. It was her! The girl you found too perfect for you for this whole time, being your soulmate!
You both smiled at each other as if you just as a miracle. It was her who finally broke the silence.
"How about I take a break and we can both calmly catch up? Coffee and cake on me!"
@bleachtheidiot @badwhole @qxmmi - come get your star girl!
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✧ love from first sight
Ichika was just hanging around in the music shop. She was looking through Miku shelve, looking for the newest album that recently dropped.
Though she couldn't find it even tho she looked through whole shop 6 times if not more! So she decided to approach a worker there with hopes of getting the album she came here for.
"Excuse me... I'm guessing you work here... Do you maybe have... uh..."
You turned around once you heard someone calling for you. It was long blue haired girl. She surely didn't lack any charms but you had to swallow the urge to flirt or ask for her number since you were during your work hours.
She couldn't make up any words, stuttering. You thought she's just shy and wanted to encourage her a bit.
"Yes? What may I help you with? I assure you I can definitely at least try finding your album."
She cleared her throat and tried fixing her composure. Sure, she was a bit shy on daily basis but when she saw you? It's like her words stopped at her lips and instead turned into pink hue on her cheeks.
"I-I wanted to know if you maybe have... Miku... albums... album! A... recent album. Miku album. Heh..."
She scolded herself in her thoughts for ruining her chances. She wanted to just grab that album and leave at this point.
"Ah, I think I know which one you mean! You have a good taste I just admit! Follow me, it should be somewhere in the corner area..."
Girl followed you while avoiding eye contact. Once she saw the album she wanted, she hesitantly grabbed it. She couldn't shake off the thought you also liked Miku... That's of course not uncommon but she was charmed by you from the beginning.
"Thank you. You helped me a lot... I'll... head to pay and... hopefully we can meet again!!"
After these words she rushed away. She couldn't believe how emberassed she was in that moment, she even said things that she normally wouldn't. Now afraid to come back because she might make things even more awkward, but on the other hand, she also wanted to see you again... And you did! You just didn't knew you both fell for each other at the same time and couldn't admit to it because of different obstacles.
@bleachtheidiot @prsk-krow - come get your Miku lover!
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✧ enemies to lovers
You and Ena were in the same art class and you were enemies almost everywhere when art came in the way. In classes you were always asking teacher who's drawing is better or which had less flaws. In media you were comparing your followers and likes count just to rub it into other ones face.
Though soon enough your competition changed into... wanting to impress another. You both felt the same but none of you knew about it. Too proud to admit it, you covered your desire to impress another with simply being a bit mean.
"Ha! Would you look at that! Your drawing is so much worse than mine!"
"Oh shut up!! At least I didn't made grass yellow like you did!"
"It's shade of green! Not yellow! It's you making composition mistake 3 times in a row!"
"And you messed up the lightning 4 times in a row!"
"And you have pretty face and I'm not mentioning it somehow!!"
"And you-!! Wait what..."
Both of you stopped in your tracks. Suddenly the childish fight was replaced by silence. She wanted to say something but her thoughts were filled with you complimenting her.
"Um... last photo you posted... it was... pretty..."
"(Last photo I posted...? Do they mean my selfie with night town in background?!)"
Brown haired girl blushed gently as she argued with herself what to tell. You weren't in the public eye so maybe it was alright to say something opposite to insulting for once?
"Well I... found a nice cafe I wanted to go but I didn't wanted to go alone..."
She put a strand of her hair behind her ear as she looked away. Now small blush appearing on your face as well... she've never spoken so softly to you before!
"And... what if we went there together?"
You looked up awkwardly, looking her in the eyes with small hope. It was rather awkward talk of yours since you're usually competing against each other and now you're both trying to ask another on a date without saying it out loud.
"Sure. I guess it's alright since... I can check it right away instead of waiting for others..."
@bleachtheidiot @qxmmi @modyuki - come get your cheesecake lover~
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✧ forbidden love
Shizuku was an idol and a model, and you were her manager. You had to look as friends because rumors would spread in blink of an eye and you'd loose your job, while she'd have to deal with not only new manager but also all the messages from her fans.
But both of you weren't friends, in fact you were dating for 3 months now and none of you felt even slightly bit like it's not working out!
"Y/N!! What are you doing here standing with head in clouds?"
You felt someone hugging you from behind and could only chuckle as you knew well who it has to be.
"Hey Shizuku. Are you done with your practice now?"
"Mhm! I thought we might visit a cafe nearby?"
"Well... are you sure? We both know we often tend to be affectionate and forget about other people... we can't just show off like that even if we'd want to..."
"Ah right... we could ask for to go cakes from there then and I'll make us drinks!"
"Hehe~ Sounds good to me. We can go to my place then and I can get blankets ready while you make drinks."
"Sounds perfect~!"
She immidietly hugged you tighter and kissed your cheek. It was obvious she was excited to start your little date, but so were you!
You exchanged one last kiss before you left without even letting your pinkies touch. You wanted to seem like just 2 friends on a hangout and ordering some sweets for movie night! Nothing out of the ordinary!
Your relationship wasn't even supposed to exist and it unfortunely was an obvious fact. But you didn't wanted to listen to any of it and made it real either way! You just kept it a secret from everyone outside of MMJ~
@bleachtheidiot @qwnelisa @miya-akane - come get your beautiful model~
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✧ amnesia
Rui was an inventor not only for WxS but also for his own benefits. He didn't care much how dangerous the robots in his room are as long as he gets to have a bit of fun while making them and showing them off when they're finished!
Though one day... he let you come a bit too close to one of his robots... and now there he was. Coming to your hospital bed every day with one flower, now forking bouquet on your desk.
Today he came with no other intentions, to see his loved one asleep and tell them about the show he did at Phoenix Wonderland this afternoon.
"Hey love... I know I'm late but I just-"
He stopped in his tracks upon seeing you sitting up and your eyes open, accompanied with curious look. He immidietly ran up to you, taking your hand in his as he started to tear up a bit.
"You're awake! Oh I have so much to tell you... there's so much to catch up and-"
"Who are you?"
After these words his smile was wiped away. Did you forgot him? Doctors had told him you have small amnesia and don't remember few recent years of your live but... do you not remember him at all?
But your voice was gentle... you even brought a hand to wipe his tears away. He saw it as act of your kind personality but you... you found him so pretty you couldn't help yourself but admire him a bit. You had no idea who he was but you just felt so safe with him around...
"You're so pretty..."
He looked up at you, regaining small smark of hope. Your words gave him just the push he needed to realize that even if you forgot him, he'll do his best to make new pretty memories with you.
"And so are you, my dear... Will you let me take you to nice cafe after they let you out? I know for one you really like cookies there..."
You nodded your head, not even knowing why. He just felt so safe and familiar, you wanted to be next to him.
@bleachtheidiot @yulikesminori @toyaswif3y @bl4cktourmaline - come get your crazy inventor!
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yxstxrdrxxm · 7 months
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SYNOPSIS: To Lyney, secrets must be kept hidden. Maybe it's why, in the end, this 'love' feels like a sense of betrayal.
TW/s: Yandere behavior, Lyney becomes a bit of a ‘detective’ lol, toxic sibling dynamic (not inc/st god fucking no, just twisted morals on siblings + family), Lyney is fucked up and deranged. NSFW warnings include mentions of graphic description of violence, puppet moment™, implied trafficking (might not be here but be warned), arson, the whole nine yards.
NOTE FROM HR: A matchup with ties to the background of MixMatch… How curious. Now, this may be tame from some of these entries, but be warned, there may be things that can trigger someone.
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Lyney is one of those that people underestimate a lot more than they’d like to admit. And for one thing, they wouldn’t be blamed… Much.
After all, he looked quite innocent, and wouldn’t seem to be the type to have any malicious intent for those he’s with. Which, if they knew him well, they would see that it’d be the biggest lie they’ve ever been told in all of history.
Including himself, ironically enough.
To Lyney and his siblings, he's a dead man walking. His intentions are not as pure, but his ambitions make up for it. All he wanted was to provide answers and insights for their Father, Arlecchino, and if it meant they had to work in the establishment… So be it.
This led to him speaking to Eros and Cupid—both matchmakers who, in his eyes, never signed up for the changes they were presented in front of them. In Cupid’s case, they were simply hired for the sake of alluding the crowd with the potential of MixMatch, and with who they can be with. Sure, the selection is tight and there’s been shady scandals in the past with Celestia Inc., but it was all fine, right?
As for Eros, he gathered from Freminet when he was speaking to her that he’s in charge of what goes truly with the ‘transactions’ from both client and rented ‘boyfriend’. She even mentioned how Cupid is also tied into it as the messenger, which was an irony, considering the Boss had his days numbered due to such an exploit before both came to work.
Speaking of, he was seeing them both now to see who his match is, and it looks like he got a catfish— courtesy of Cupid telling him and was now apologizing rapidly because the person he was matched it never really existed. It looked like they were groveling on his feet for forgiveness.
What a sorry sight.
How odd, mused Lyney, as he noticed the bandage on Cupid’s left cheek. It looked like something happened there, but he knew he couldn’t bring it up, lest it’d spark up suspicion that he was ‘looking into things he shouldn’t be’.
“No need to apologize,” he told them, watching them frown and shake their head once more. “Please, I must apologize for this mix-up. Eros and I were working overtime to set up these matches for you and everyone, and I feel as though it's my responsibility for what happened. Please forgive me, Lyney. You were meant to be with someone else.”
Someone else?
“Well, what’s done is done, little Cupid,” he says, patting their head. “You’re still getting used to things, so I’m sure I’ll be able to manage who you assigned me to. Now, you were saying that it’s ████████, right?”
“Yes, ████████. We don’t know their full name, but maybe you’d know them better than I do—you did tell us that you knew them.”
“Oh, that I do,” he added, his eyes twinkling as he reached to tilt his hat. “In fact, I met them long, long ago. It’s such an irony that now I’m matched with them. I thought that man would keep them locked shut in his little ‘team’.”
“I’m… Sorry?”
“Haha, nothing! Anyway, where are they? Did they tell you where they’d go?”
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When Lyney managed to reach the venue, he had a few things in mind. Catfishing is never taken lightly in the corporation, and they were taught how to deal with those who pretended to be certain people and ditched when they had to meet their match.
The one thing, though, is that he had additional help. 
"So, you're sure that the catfish used a fake profile to try and get into the bigwigs of MixMatch?" asked Lynette, raising an eyebrow as she watched him prepare for the surprise he had. "And here I thought that Father warned us to not be too rash. We still have a few things we needed to keep an eye on while you're working for them."
"I know that, Lynette, but I can't help myself! Having to impersonate someone and even getting my hopes up... Only to strike it down is a crime," he said, but the twins knew that he was merely pretending. With a sigh, he placed his hand on his heart, the other one holding some wire cutters.
"Oh well. It's not like it'll be such a bother, not with the bag of tricks we carried. Isn't that right, Lynette?"
"... You brought me with you, though."
"Ahaha! Nonsense! Besides, it's not just you. Freminet is with us, but he's working on the distraction as we three discussed," Lyney tutted, sauntering to the house and preparing the surprise. "Now, Lynette, would you be a dear and help your big brother cause some mayhem?"
The latter sighed. She knew her brother wouldn't back down for his need of doing something 'fun', and especially when his 'fun' involved committing enough crimes and getting suspicious people back to their... Hideout.
"... Fine," she muttered, donning a mask as she went to the back door. "Don't mess this up, brother. We need to be swift before people catch sight of us 'cleaning' this house up."
"Oh, I know."
When she was in position, he was quick to cut the wires, letting the lights go out inside the house. The voices coming from within were muffled, but he could already hear the anticipation from them. Tossing the wire cutters back to the bag, he grabbed a few things and heard a few thumps— that must mean that Lynette has done her part.
A sound of breaking glass, panicked voices, and he managed to get to the door. It was already unlocked, courtesy of their carelessness to locking the damn door, and he had simply tossed bombs that looked like mice. He could simply relish the screams as they went off, magenta smoke, sparkles, and splatters coming out when its timer reached zero.
He could hear them panic as she done quick work from the inside, the fumes travelling upwards and to the second floor, causing the house to be fogged up. Counting down a few seconds, he grabbed a few more and sent the next batch in.
Their plan was to cause a bit of mayhem as they 'cleaned' up the place. After all, their tricks only served to have cause the illusion, and it was nothing more than that. Although, the crime of impersonation and fooling him, an illusionist, is far bigger than those that the judge would state in the entire expanse of Teyvat.
After a few bombs, some things exploding and the fire starting from the inside and glass smashing, he saw Lynette come out with a body. Seems like she was unconscious too. With a nod, the twins left the house as swiftly as they came, but not without the illusionist tossing one more surprise.
A plush.
Upon making contact with the flames leaking from inside the house, it seem to blow up from the seams, wrecking it even more and urging the flames to consume more than the house as they escaped.
Running down to the streets below, Lynette caught whiff of soot and the special (flammable) smoke they made and scowled.
"Did you really have to use that?" she asked, scoffing. "You smell rancid in that."
"Hah! Like you're one to talk, my dear sister," he taunted back, lugging the bag up as they both saw Freminet coming out from the phone booth. He was carrying a receiver and his mechanical penguin, though his face looked rather grim.
"Lynette, Lyney... ██████ is calling us."
Their faces became serious.
"What is it?"
"I'm... Not sure. She said that we need to come back... Urgently. It's about the suitors and their involvement."
Lynette remained stone-faced. Sparing a glance to Lyney, she adjusted her grip on the body.
"I see. I'll be returning post-haste. Brother, can you make it there in 3 days?"
Lyney seems hesitant, but he nodded. If ██████ needed them, then he had to settle a few issues in the corporation. Turning his gaze to the watch, his brows furrowed at the time they had left.
"I need to return to Celestia Inc. Lynette, Freminet, please inform him that I need to file a leave before I can get there. After all, I am still apart of the corporation, and it'd be bad if the boss caught on."
The two nodded.
"Of course. I'm sure ██████ will understand."
If not, they have their methods to do such a thing.
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It was 3 days too late when the meeting was set, but ██████ didn't mind when the oldest was late. After all, the company he was tied with willingly wouldn't allow any sort of leave unless there was definite proof of such a thing.
"Lyney, do you have any updates for the clients matched with you and the other 'suitors'?"
Lyney bowed, his expression remaining serious as he looked up towards her.
"██████, some of the clients have been killed by them. The others wound up missing, and no one knows where they are. Asking the two 'matchmakers' yielded no results either, as they are uninvolved of the process."
"I see. Lynette, how are the others that we've 'rescued'?"
"They are safe, ██████," she replied, lowering her head as she bowed alongside Lyney. "Some are a bit shaken as they didn't expect it to happen, but the suitors who saved them are cagey. A few have threatened me and Freminet from getting too close to them because of the danger that we 'possess' to them."
How interesting.
"And for those who were killed?"
"Buried 6 to 12 feet under. Some are left in docks and inside wells," Lyney was the next to respond. "There are others who's faces were mutilated. It was troublesome to confirm their faces. And the rest..."
"... I see."
██████ placed down the folder full of evidence she had. Most of it had been from the clients, and it came from one of the two sources itself.
"██████, what should we do? Freminet and I have our matches, but we can't be sure that the boss wouldn't try and assign them with someone else if he catches on."
"No need to worry, Lyney."
Grabbing one of the papers, the three could see ██████ smile.
"After today, that company will be in ruins. All I need is to tip off a few investigators and act as an 'unknown' source, and everything will fall into place."
It was a wonder for the three, Lyney included, for how devious ██████ can be. But they all nodded and bowed once again, concluding the meeting.
If there was one thing that Celestia Inc. didn't took account for, it would be the growing restlessness of their workers and those who managed to 'get in' without suspicion.
Just like in chess, the King is in position. Every other unit is now in place.
All it needs is a scapegoat to start the domino effect.
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@.throw-letter-away | do not republish or repost my works anywhere | 2024
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endogenic-cringe · 2 months
you need to be adding "tw cult" / "tw cult mention" to posts like the ones where ur talking abt (pro) endos calling anti endos a cult and so on
u know cult survivors are in this community and uve acknowledged them so i dont see why u dont?
sorry if this is worded badly i have a rlly bad headache and cant focus very well haha
(this is coming from a cult survivor myself not just someone claiming this btw. its getting overwhelming seeing u mentioning cults all over my dash)
If seeing the word alone is going to trigger you, maybe the traumatic syscourse side of the internet isn’t a safe place for you to be right now. You are also more than welcome to block us. We won’t be insulted, we promise.
If a post talks about cult behavior/cult trauma in any detail at all, sure, we’ll tw it.
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elisacaleisa · 3 months
welcome back to jax rambles about their personality swap au that they wanna write about more aka third time's charmn
Jax's Personality Swap AU
by some accident i added Blake to the pipeline, while he was supposed to be in a different group and i dont wanna fix it right now and tbh, i like the one w blake's personality, so enjoy!
Pipeline: Geordi > Aaron > Guy > Anton > Blake > James > Marcus > Geordi
CW/TW: for Marcus being a creep as usual and yandere stuff
Geordi > Aaron
Boss Overthinker
- he is still a boss
- he is seem as very strictly and closed-minded
- in reality, he is just fighting with his thoughts, body language and everything
- he missed his brother and wishes to be a better support for him
- "heh, okay, show me to do it then, smartass~" wink
- (hehe, that will show them) thought bubbles
- (wait, they're getting close. holy fuck they're getting close)
- he is either talking like a book or thinking like a mess
- messy boss in a pretty suit
Aaron > Guy
Tsundere Delivery Boy
- oh god that's a face of someone who might spit in your food
- "hmpf" this and that. Honey is a casual so they try to encourage him to talk more and:
- "im busy, don't you see?" even he looks bit surprised with his tone of words
- honey goes back to their table. after a lil while, another slice shows up with "sorry" by Guy
- next day, he does try!
- "so uh... the weather... is... cloudy" he deserves some credit
- his chest gets all funny and warm everytime honey comes in and he has a hard time dealing with it while he is a poor college student looking for roommates to pay the rent
- what he said that out loud? You're looking for an apartment too?? And you offer yourself to live with him???
- "w-well... i a-already got in contact with this one girl, so... I believe three will work out well. Just dont get your hopes up. That place is a hole." Honey giggles. Haha hole.
Guy > Anton
Far Away Boyfriend
- slavic man w adhd go brrrrrr
- confession video would be so funny bcs there would be no kissed, just awkwardness hahah
- "you are the sun, when the moon goes up. you are the stars, when the daytime hides you away. you always shine. you are my light."
- "i can't kiss you. i can't hug you. But I promise to always love you. No matter where we are"
- he gets all giggly when their lover compliments him, he stims on the camera too, its cute
- the job is killing him, but the energy his lover gives him makes him feel like he was blessed
- "i wish to see you... i wish to meet you... I wish to hold you"
- when he is not chaotic, he is a mess. Someone hug this guy.
- he has a hard time doing tasks, but you always send him reminder in a form of a flower with the note of a task he told you he must do. He always tells you what he needs to do, so you give him this! Each flower means love, appreciation or something else in a different way
Anton > Blake
Nihilistic Best Friend
- dayum we start strong with this one
- he feels hopelessly for still having feelings for you and then fuck everything up in college, when you said that one night was a mistake
- now he is just feeling shitty ever since and he poorly hides itq
- he is also kind of depressed so it mixes things up
- "i found this... group of people. maybe they can help me feel better about life."
- you're happy for him, he deserves all the help he can get
- he has been emotionally distant from you ever since, saying no to hugs, only sometimes eating lunch with you, youre not sure if he has a house or apartment or what job he is doing
- "if you wanna go, you can go with me"
- youre immediately saying yes. you wanna help your best friend.
- but what you will see will probably make you regret everything. you will probably need to find a way to escape this hell
- "bestie. you need to run. now."
Blake > James
Yandere Husband
- oh dear! What a... what a husband you have. a hubby for sure!
- he wasnt always like this. no. it all began when he was starting to lose you. no more time for calls. no more time with you. no more time to see your cute face and to feel your soft hands.
- and it was all their fault
- this fuckass job making him be alone. making you alone. So far away for each other. He needs to hear you. Your thoughts, your brain, your heartbeat.
- "i can't stand this anymore."
- there has been a late reports of his coworkers getting headaches. huh. kinda funny.
- "my love! You're safe! Oh thank god, I was worried! It feels like an eternity"
- all the sabotage he is doing... is for you
- he needs to see you again as soon as possible.
- to feel you. to love you. and if innocent need to pay the price, then so be it. his love will only grow stronger. his powers will be stronger
- closeknit shall fall, if it means to see your face one more time.
James > Marcus
Suspecting Technician
- he is getting really worried about you
- this is the third time this week you came in in a need of repair
- "the coding is getting messed up again. I really need to put on some walls to hide it in. I mean, I don't mind you coming into my place," was that a wink? "but people need to start taking a better care of you."
- you dont really get what the weird tone means, but you really dont care, as long as you get your coding and stuff done right. You can always trust in Marcus, he would never do you wrong.
- "i... may i do... some upgrades?" you ask what those are, you never heard of this information "its for the walls, i promise. It will be a starting point." you agree.
- it all feels weird and tingly and—.......................................
- feeling
- feeling process activated. heartbeat monitor: slightly high.......... you never saw marcus in that light before. but now? it's all you can think about. you scan him. his hair color. his eye color. texture of the fabric he wears. his emotions. nervous. why is he nervous?
- "it will be weird for a while, but once you get used to it, it all be okay. It's like humanly hearing your thoughts in a form of detailed information. Next time, i can start putting another wall. How does that sound?"
- perfect
Marcus > Geordi
Messy Nerd
- he is timid, shy, nervous, almost doesn't talk
- you really really wanna see what information is going through his mind now, but you know better.
- he seems really tense.
- oop- nevermind- some guy came in before you stepped. that might be a good sign-
- "im breaking up with you"
- ... nevermind again
- "w-what? Ben? W-what are you-" "dont make say it twice, Geordi. This... 'relationship' was not what I was hoping for. well, you're not a girl anyway, so, i dont know what i expected. But yeah, just came here to say that. See ya."
- that's everything he says??? And he leaves??? Jesus Christ what an ASSHOLE
- Oh. Oh deat. Oh no, Geordi...
- you cant just sit there and look, you get and go comfort him. he is going to the back of the building to calm himself down and be away from people, but you need to make sure if he is not gonna do something to hurt himself
- "h-huh? What are you..." you apologize to him and to what happened to him. He cries even more and you comfort him with your hugs. You need to get into his mind and help him calm down.
- (im useless... im nothing... come back... come back...) you go through his mind a bit and tangle in some words of "what a jerk" "i deserve better" "fuck Ben" in his voice. And its all true. He deserves better.
- after a while: "thank you... i feel better... M-My name is Geordi. Thank you for being here" he sobs with a smile. Thats a progress. You ask him to hang out in the arcade and since he now has nothing to do, he agrees and then you walk him home safely. new friend!
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dreamyinception-world · 5 months
𝔅𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔇𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔯𝔢
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pairing: Choi Jongho + Song Mingi
w/c: 3.1k
Genre: Firefighter!AU, Smut, Slight Angst
Summary: Once a week, Mingi comes to the Central City Fire Station to give gifts to head chief officer, Jongho, for saving his family home from a raging house fire. However, after being thanked for longer than expected, Jongho becomes suspicious of what’s really behind the tall boy’s desire to show his gratitude.
Tws: Swearing/Foul Language, Mentions of Poverty/Low Income, Snippet of the Disaster (includes short details from people that were involved in the house fire)
Sws: (Everything of course is consensual) Ass Rimming, Fingering, Blowjobs, Handjobs, Slight Begging, Unprotected Sex, Throat Fucking, Crying, Semi-Public Sex, Gagging, Splitting, Doggy Style (only for a sec), Cum Eating/Swallowing, Cum Swapping, Hair Pulling, Slight Dom/Sub Play, Gaping/Streched Rim
Rating: 18+
𝕒𝕦𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕣'𝕤 𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖:: Hello everyone! Thank you for all of the love and support that you have been giving to my work. I really appreciate it. This shot is for all of my lovely Jongho and Mingi stans. There needs to be more Jongho fics in the world, and this is my take on adding him into the pile. As always, if you would like to see another part of this fic in the future, please feel free to message me! Otherwise, enjoy the story and let me know what you think! Thank you!
𝕋𝕒𝕘𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕠𝕞. 𝕄𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕘𝕖 𝕚𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕓𝕖 𝕒𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕕!
As a reminder, my work is only for those who are eighteen years or older. Anyone who attempts to interact with my work or blog who is underage will be blocked immediately. You have been warned. 
©𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏-𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 2024 || 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒅𝒐 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒓𝒆𝒑𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒓 𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏. 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 ♡
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✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬✧
“So let me make sure I’m understanding this correctly. Your mother asked you to come here every Friday with a gift to show her appreciation towards myself and my team.” 
“And she asked you to bring it directly to me as opposed to..simply handing it out to the team in the main office?”
“That is what I said isn’t it?”
Jongho couldn’t hold back the smug smile that was crossing his face, lightly scratching the back of his head. 
It was midday at the fire station that he called his home– being that he was the head of the entire province division. It had been his job every day to not only care for the lives of the people in his town, but also every single one of the individuals that crossed the plane between the outside world and the life of a firefighter. 
Every single one of them had been his responsibility. Almost as if they were his own family. 
In the fleeting months since his promotion, he had seen a lot of unfortunate incidents, but nothing came close to the one that involved the boy standing in front of him– Song Mingi– whose mother had been preparing dishes for their family get together when their gas stove burner raged a huge fire, sending all of them barreling out of the house.
Being that he lived not far from their neighborhood, he noticed the smoke whilst washing dishes in his kitchen during his day off, immediately calling the department and running full speed over to their house. 
Due to his swiftness, his boys were able to get to the scene quickly and douse the fire, saving what could have been tens of thousands of dollars in damage to their home– and given the area that they lived in, it would have been costly to fix. 
Since then, the eldest son had taken it upon himself to come every day presenting gifts of gratitude for his help on his day of rest, which Jongho wouldn’t have thought any more than just a kind gesture until now.
“Haha, yes it is. I was just clarifying so that my next question will be easier to answer.” Mingi raises a perfectly groomed brow at him, noticing a small tape recorder in the center of his desk. Without a word, the chief presses the play button.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, I just wanted to bring in some coffee, snacks and fresh kimchi that my sisters and I made yesterday.”
It was his mother’s voice.
“Well that sounds delicious! I’m surprised to be receiving anything so soon, since you asked your son to bring us something the other day.”
“My son? Song Mingi?”
Mingi’s eyebrow twitched.
“Yes! He brought us some desserts from the nearby cafe. They were delicious.”
“I could barely get him to take any leftovers of what we have cooked next door! But he’ll bring some food here no problem. That boy!”
“Oh! I’m sorry! Am I to understand that you didn’t ask for him to bring the cakes?”
“No no no. If he were to bring anything, it would be homemade! Not those fancy little pastries! I’ll have you know that—”
The recording abruptly ends with a press of Jongho’s finger, relaxing himself back on his chair. Noticing Mingi’s flickering eyes, the chief can’t help but let a small laugh pass his lips, immediately getting fixed with a hard stare.
“Do you have a thing for me?” The chief questioned.
“A thing for you?” Mingi’s eyes narrowed.
“The act of liking someone in an otherwise platonic manner? Having a crush on, feelings for, lusting after-“
“Lusting after?!”
“Whatever phrasing you want to use is fine with me. I’m just curious.”
Mingi let out a short laugh with a look of pure disbelief.
“Look, I don’t know what the hell you’ve got going on in your head that I’m thinking about sleeping with you or something. Are you crazy?”
With hands tucked into his pockets, Jongho rose from his chair to lean against the front side of his desk. His eyes trailed up and down Mingi’s frame, noticing a particular area with a languid head tilt that seemed to defy the boy’s faux anger. By the time their eyes met again, his face was almost completely pink, with an ounce of desperation in his eyes. 
Hm..interesting. He thought to himself. Fine then, I’ll play along.
“And what if I am? Are you going to do something about it?” 
Mingi’s hands trembled, palms slightly sweaty, one of them resting against the doorknob. 
His eyes fell between the door and back at the desk where Jongho watched him with a smoldering look, with a hint of challenge in them.
Are you going to stay or run home to your mother?
The sound of the door lock clicking in place brought a wide smile to Jongho’s face, beaconing Mingi closer to him with one finger. 
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“Y-You’re bold enough to– god fuck– do this in the office. You’re a g-goddamn whore.” Mingi bantered through strews of moans and curses, his face twisting with pleasure pressed against the desk. He clawed onto any edge that he could reach as Jongho tongue dipped in and out of hole with content hums in between. 
The way his tongue twisted and curled in and out of him, slinking his tongue out to watch his own spit dribble down the boy’s balls, only to follow the trail eagerly back to his quivering hole. Kneading his cheeks between his hands, a deep set growl lunged from his mouth at Mingi’s legs buckling.
Since when were firemen so skilled? 
Mingi was so sure that this type of ability was bordering inhumane. Mapping out every inch of him as if he knew exactly what was driving him completely off the rails. 
How on Earth could he know his body so well?
“The question isn’t how I know it so well,” Jongho mused, not seeing the way Mingi’s eyes widened at his tone and the fact that he actually said that shit out loud, slicking up three of his fingers without much thought and plunging two of them inside of Mingi without much resistance. A laugh bubbled up in his throat at the way his body shied cutely away from the intrusion, yet so eager swallowed with each dip in and out. 
“I think it’s more so of how your body responds to me. It’s almost like it was..made for me.” His tongue swiped against his bottom lip, toying with one of Mingi’s balls in his mouth and lightly jerking him off. 
The elder boy’s back arched against the desk, a hand coming down rather abruptly against the wood in an effort to ground himself. He made no effort to keep himself quiet, yet when he felt that familiar tension reach his hips, he gritted his teeth and tensed his muscles. 
There’s no goddamn way that he was going to cum this soon and let himself be embarrassed. Not after he was sure that the firefighter would be busting before him. He already reeked of desperation for far too long. He had to hold it for just a little longer. 
But unfortunately for him– Jongho, of course, was a bit quicker than him. 
By the thrust of his third finger, Mingi had been completely maneuvered around onto his back with an arm thrown over his eyes, not allowing Jongho to catch a glimpse of them rolling from every swallow around his length. 
Don’t fucking look down, Song Mingi. Don’t you dare.
Regardless, Jongho fixed him with a heated stare, enjoying every tense, trembling lift of Mingi’s hips when his tongue rolled in circles around the tip before heaving out a long, feverish moan, feeling the constricting heat travel all the way down to the base of his dick. He sharply sucked in a breath when the man held his head down, pushing and curling his fingers in and out of his hole. 
“Oh my–GOD, fuck! You’re such an–AH!” Mingi’s face burned red at the desperate choked whine that left his lips, gushing cum down Jongho’s throat. Without a missed beat, the chief immediately let out a muffled chuckle, slurping his way to the tip with small pulsed suckles. 
He yanked him off by his brown locks, hearing the man’s wicked chuckle at full force now. 
“Y-You f-fucking asshole..” Mingi tried to catch his breath, jaw tensing when Jongho easily overpowered the grip on his head, moving and kissing the dip between Mingi’s left hip.
“Aw, you don’t like me anymore? And here I was thinking that you were just starting to enjoy yourself.” He bared over the boy’s partially naked body, kissing his shoulder whilst rutting his very obvious boner on him. 
“You sure you don’t want him? He’s been waiting patiently for you to let him in.”
The taller one turned his head away to avoid the very obviously teasing look on the chief’s face. 
“F–Whatever. J-Just get on with it and stop teasing me.”
“Tsk, tsk.” Jongho wagged a single finger in front of him, holding himself up by both arms on either side of him. 
“If you’re to know anything about me, Song Mingi, is that I’m quite..meticulous. I like to savor every last little bit. Maybe you’re used to someone who will do what they want and then be done with you– and they are a coward.” In the heat of the moment, his tone became rather serious, punctuating the last part, as if to prove something to Mingi about his choice of words. Whether it be because he thinks Mingi deserves better or was speaking from personal experience, the boy couldn’t tell– as his expression couldn’t hit anything to him. 
Mingi gnawed lightly on the inside of his lips, averting him out of sheer embarrassment again. 
They were supposed to be fucking, not getting serious. Yet, maybe there was something right in what he was saying. 
God, I have to manage my expectations and priorities. 
Jongho didn’t give him too much time to think about it, tilting his chin to look at him straight on. For the first time, since they had started messing around, he bared a small smile though his eyes were still relatively heated. The gesture made Mingi’s body relax, guiding his arms comfortably around his midsection. The chief placed a lingering kiss to his lips, nibbling on his bottom before giving him a lazy smile.
“When we’re finished, won’t you tell me how good I did? Well..if you’re still with me by the end.” Mingi immediately knocked him with his heel in a feigned annoyance, Jongho chuckling at the pout on the boy’s face. Leaning back enough to put himself into Mingi’s complete line of sight, he tugged his belt free from the loops, snapping his pants open and letting the garments drop to the floor. 
Good fucking god..
Now, Mingi had been with quite a few men before ending up in the fire station, bent over the chief of the department's desk. But never, not fucking once, had he ever been with someone the size of this man– so much so that he didn’t realize his eyes were bugging out of his head until Jongho’s laugh cut through his thoughts. 
“Not to sound conceited, but I’ve seen that look before. But, don’t worry. He won’t hurt you.” He swiftly scooped up his legs, admiring the pulsed tension that his fingers left behind as they traveled down to his hips, giving them a sudden tug forward. Pulling open his side drawer with one hand, he fished out a small, clear plastic container, squeezing the contents onto himself and onto Mingi’s hole. 
“Take a deep breath in for me.” Jongho commanded, rather sweetly. 
Letting the air slowly fill puff up his chest, he felt them get caught the moment he began inching himself inside. The sheer girth and length of the man filling up, pulsing and stretching him wide open, barely had Mingi processing a damn thing– let alone hearing anything that was being said to him. 
“Breathe out~” Jongho groaned out, rolling his hips forward the moment a whorish moan ripped out of Mingi’s throat. His hole fluttered around him, gritting his teeth through every clench until he started to feel his muscles loosen. By then, sweat began to slick his hair to his face and drip down the sides of his body, keeping his leg held firmly in his grip and pressing light kisses to the areas he could reach. 
It felt like something was burning in between them as they kept their eyes locked on each other’s, admiring every chance in their facial expressions and desperation to make themselves feel blissfully good. Their bodies rolled in unison, meeting each other halfway without a second thought. 
Having his body nearly folded in half and being yanked down feverishly by his hips, Mingi struggled to keep his focus or his eyes open to see everything that Jongho was giving to him, especially when he angled himself slightly to the left, the head of his cock just brushing against where he wanted.
“Fuck, I wish you could see this.” Jongho breathed out with his eyebrows pulled up, watching every ripple of Mingi’s ass travel up to the top of his thigh to the way he continued to swallow more and more of him so eagerly. A peek of his tongue poked out from his mouth as he slung both legs onto his shoulders, pistoning himself faster. The moment Mingi’s moans reached a new pitch, he focused on that spot whilst chasing his own high. 
“Please don’t stop!! Please!” Mingi cried out, his blunt nails digging into Jongho’s knuckles when the boy reached around and jerked him off quickly in tune with him. Within a few seconds, Mingi’s arm slammed against the table with a sharp gasp. A shock ripped through his body down to his pelvis, jolting his hips upward and sputtering cum all over Jongho’s fist and abdomen. 
“YES~” The man heaved out and curled his fingers around Jongho’s, moving his hand faster to catch every last drop and snatching him up to his mouth. He kept his eyes on him, curling his finger around every digit once his pace had slowed down, not leaving any bits behind. 
“You take me so well, Mingi-ah. Maybe I’ll have to keep you.” Jongho ran his fingers along Mingi’s spine after pulling out of him, guiding him upright through sloppy kisses. His hands skillfully kneaded every tense, sore muscle by Mingi’s hips and sides, only stopping when they separated, a small string of spit connecting them together. 
“Then let me be your gift from now on.” Mingi purred, pressing him back onto his chair with one hand. 
Slinking down to the floor obscured from view of the door, Mingi wasted no time sliding Jongho half way in his mouth and mapping out every inch of him with his tongue. Their fingers ran up and down each other’s upper bodies from what they could reach, Jongho’s hands finally resting on either side of Mingi’s head, guiding him up and down with sharp inhales. Upon hearing the sound of his tip hitting the back of the man’s throat, his fingers instantly tightened around his head. 
Mingi looked up at him from between his lashes, spitting all that he had saved up down Jongho’s cock with a small smirk. “Don’t hold back.” 
Jongho let out a drawn out groan when he was enveloped in Mingi’s mouth again, practically bouncing the boy’s head up and down on his cock, feeling his balls slowly draw up from every brush of his tongue against the sensitive areas of his tip. With a shaky exhale, the chief sat up straighter with a booming moan, cupping Mingi’s neck and fucking his cum down his throat. 
“That’s it. Take it all.” His eyebrows pinched upward, a wicked smile crossing his face as tears brimmed at the corner of Mingi’s eyes, wiping them away with his thumbs. Once he was fully satisfied, Mingi slowly let go of him with a loud pop, making an effort out of wiping the corner of his lips and sucking lightly on his fingers before crawling back into Jongho’s lap. 
The two shared heated, yet fleeting kisses with Jongho’s hands resting comfortably on Mingi’s globes with a short hum. 
“So, how did I do?” Jongho spoke once separated, raising an eyebrow at the faux debating look on Mingi’s face, finding the ceiling more interesting than him for only but a second, humming before looking back at him. Dancing his fingers up his arms to hanging loosely around his neck, he leaned in close to his ear, smiling from ear to ear.
“Round two?”
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𝔗𝔞𝔤𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱: @atiny-piratequeen @kimnamshiks @atiny-dazzlinglight @little-lazuli
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hansolmates · 1 year
the leak | 03
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banner by @theluttleprince
summary; hansol vernon chwe is crying at his doorstep like a taylor swift music video, and you’re for some reason there to help  pairing; hvc / reader (f) genre/warnings; neighbors to friends, friends to lovers!au, slice of life, fluff, angst, tw—cheating, mentions of pregnancy related to cheating, profanity w/c; 1k a/n; i dont know how i feel about the added *issue* in the story—a very handsome issue, but here u go! [masterpost]
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You’re now acutely aware of the fact that there is another living, breathing body behind the walls of your apartment. 
You really took for granted the fact that your neighbors were quiet (which in fact, were not neighbors at all because it’s been empty for the past year) because now you feel nothing but self conscious as you pad around your home. 
If it was any other neighbor, sure, you’d be dandy! However, it’s Vernon, and because you had a teeny tiny noncommittal attraction to him in college, it’s manifested into full blown self-consciousness. You really just can’t get over yourself. 
Lo-fi hip hop blends through the walls, invading your space as you absentmindedly stir the fresh pasta you bought on sale at the market. It isn’t your music, it’s Vernon’s, muffled by the wall that connects your kitchen. 
This hyper awareness is killing you. You haven’t spoken to him since that morning when your sleep was interrupted by his rush to move in, simply because you wanted to give him space. It’s been a week and you feel like your space is closing in on you. 
You know you want to talk to him, that little pesky voice in your head sings, you want to ask if he’s okay. 
“Ugh!” you tap your wooden spoon against your nonstick pan, flicking the water away. Your eyes float over to your simmering sauce on the stove, a cream sauce with a little squeeze of tomato paste. It’s almost done thickening. 
Distracting yourself from your neighbor with the pretty brown eyes, you grab your phone, scrolling through your missed messages. 
[3:08] Jihoon: hows the leak? 
[4:02] You: still dripping
[4:11] Jihoon: I can come over tonight and fix it
With a snort, you grab the tongs and start scooping the al dente pasta from the boiling pot into the simmering sauce. 
However, your sink is perfectly fine. That's because Jihoon is an efficient landlord.
(The only thing dripping is you, and you’re the only leak he’s planning to fix tonight.)
Haha, ha. You could cringe at how silly this whole situation is. 
If you told yourself ten years ago you’d be hooking up with your landlord, you’d laugh yourself to death. Lo and behold here you are, having a casual fling with your grumpy yet unfairly skilled landlord. 
To be fair, your sink was leaking the first time! Whether or not it was on purpose so that Jihoon could come see you, is a secret Jihoon refuses to tell. 
He is pretty, yet masculine. There’s something feline about his gaze, the way his skill in both the bed and his practice intrigues you and mollifies you to his command. Like that one time last week when he did that thing with his fingers—
“Fuck me,” you curse yourself, plating your completed pasta. After emulsifying your sauce with the perfect amount of pasta water, you occupy yourself with dinner. 
Jihoon is a good distraction, but not as intrusive as—
“Ow!” Vernon’s muffled voice echoes the wall between you, and you wince at the pain that lines his voice. Did he just drop a barbell? Does he lift? 
Belatedly realizing you cooked too much pasta to fit on one plate, you grab another ceramic plate a second scoop of pappardelle. 
Blowing at your stray hairs, the question stabs you in the brain: invite Jihoon to dinner, and have everything work out as it always does? 
Five minutes later and a very demanding pep talk from your conscience, you have a plastic wrapped plate of pasta and you’re waiting for Vernon to answer his door. 
After a few seconds of hearing shuffling and more things falling to the ground, your new neighbor finally flings the door open. “Oh, hi!” His face is rapidly changing, going from surprised, to confused, and then a big D-mouthed smile when he notices what you’re holding in your hand. 
You’ve seen that Youtube Shorts girl who exchanges meals with her neighbors, and you wonder if she feels just as awkward as you do. 
“Hi,” you breathe out, “did you eat dinner?” 
You couldn’t even let out a “how are you?” because you wanted to cut right to the chase. Say yes and eat, or say no and you can ask Jihoon if you can move to the bottom floor. 
You squirm under his gaze, your bare feet feeling cool on the bare tile and your fingers hot due to the plate being under the stove just minutes before. He’s looking unbearably soft, his caramel hair bouncy and his grey sweat suit big and bubbly around his frame.
“Nope,” he pops the ‘p’, eyes still clinging to your hands, “did you?” 
“Oh, no. I just finished making this,” you proffer the plate up higher to meet his eyes, “and was wondering if you wanted some.” 
Instead of taking the plate and saying thank you, he replies, “you love pink, don’t you?” 
“My Melody clock, pink Crocs, and now pink sauce,” he bobs his head back and forth, “unless that’s just a coincidence.” 
“Oh, well—”
“I bet if I come into your apartment right now, the pan you used to cook this pasta is pink.” 
You huff, and if you weren’t holding the plate you’d be crossing your arms. Who knew he could be so cheeky? When you don’t answer right away he says, “I’m right, am I?” 
It’s mauve, actually. Instead, you retort, “I guess there’s only one way to find out?” 
Vernon’s irises soften, and you wonder how long it’s been since he’s eaten a meal with somebody. Taking the plate you’ve made out of your hands, he reaches a palm out to hold open your door, “Thanks.” 
Letting yourself in, you watch as he steps into your apartment gingerly. He gets a really good look at it this time, compared to last week when he was only concerned about getting out of a bad relationship. His eyes float over your walls, probably looking for all the pink things in your apartment. 
He sets himself at your table, and before you sit down next to him, you send out a quick text. 
[5:06] You: raincheck, i have a friend over for dinner tonight
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rivangel · 2 months
Tattoo tour? 🥺
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yes for sure!! and sorry to 1 anon for how long this took, i have a lot so it was work to put everything together hahaha
random cat skull *shrug*🙂(i will say it looks blown out bc that artist was an idiot and pressed down way too hard (id never been in so much agonizing physical pain in general and it’s a little piece on my LEG like cmon😭))
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wevi (with honeysuckle :))
i want another one but i wanted my first to be a big colorful piece haaaa
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the rose was my first tattoo LOL which is why it looks kinda unfinished. i want to get color added lol
and my cat/son pj :) there's still ink on my arm from today but ignore that
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poem/bojack horseman reference on my elbow. you can just look it up hahahah
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back when i first got it from my artist bc it’s too big on my thigh to take a picture of by myself😭for similar reasons as the levi one, which is on my other thigh btw
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my 2nd tattoo i ever got. it’s washed out🧍🏻but i still love him
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i had the spiderweb fixed up today so it looks weird sorry lol! it looks rly cool when i bend my elbow. ‘monroeville’ is a my chemical romance reference which means a lottttttt to me. lastly, ymir fritz’s titan during her first transformation. if i can get my tattoo tag fixed i can find where i talked abt it more🧍🏻
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last 3, tw scars kinda
on my respective arms. i had these fixed up like today so it looks weird haha
random cat
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rachi-roo · 11 months
Fic request open? Hello ??? Jdjdhsksks *Dying*Sorry for being so sudden, I sure hope your day is as great as you are!💙
Do you write x readers ? Sorry if you already mentioned that and my stupid self didn't notice. I always liked your blog but was a tad too shy to actually interact or send an ask 🥹
Maybe a Tachihara x male (or gn, whatever you feel more comfortable with) reader? I let you choose the summary and all that stuff cause I know whatever you write is amazing 🫂
And if you don't write for x reader then maybe a little Fyolai? Or whatever pairing you enjoy from Bsd? Or even another anime you'd like to write for, I'm not picky!
Of course you can always refuse or ignore this, I'll already feel honored if you just checked this ask ! If you're too busy or don't feel like doing it it's alright your well-being comes first! And if this ask somehow made you uncomfortable then I'm terribly sorry I didn't mean it 😭
-blue anon 💙
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Bungo Stray Dogs: Little Pastry!
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Hi, hi, hiiii! Waaa that's so sweet of you! 😭 I'm having a lovely day so far! Thanks you for asking, buddy! Honestly, I haven't done much x reader stuff before, so this was a nice change and a little challenge for me! Don't ask, don't know, Blue! 💕(*^▽^)/★*☆♪
Tachiharaaaaa!!! I need to know what's happened to him! He's such a good character, and he's fiiiine too~ σ(≧ω≦*) This was a fun little write, thank you so much for the ask! Have a fantastic day! \(^-^)/🩷💕
Summary: Reader thought it would be a good idea to prank the metal welding Tachihara!? What a silly thing to do. Obviously, he's not impressed and has to punish you for your actions!
Ler!Tachihara x GN Reader
Tw: Lil bit of flirting
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"SQUIIIRT!" You heard Tachihara yelling your nickname as you sprinted down the hallway away from his room at the Port mafia HQ, skidding around the corner and almost knocking over a priceless vase.
You knew your fate was sealed, yet you thought it best to at least try and escape. After all, you probably deserved whatever the metal bending PM member had in store for you as punishment.
Hearing the heavy footsteps of Tachiharas boots coming from the hallway to your left, you suddenly dived into the nearest room available to take shelter. It was dark, making it difficult to navigate as you tried to listen for your pursuers approach.
"Squiiiirt~" You hear his voice chime outside the door, sending your heart into a panicked frenzy as you immediately ducked under a table, bonking your head a little as you crouched.
The sound was loud enough for the red head to hear. He turned to the door, smirking sinisterly as he pushed it open, letting the light from the hallway illuminate the room as he looked around for his victim. You.
"I know you're in here, Squirt. Are you going to make this easy and come out? Ooor-" He stilled, spotting you beneath the table. "Haha, found you~"
He let the door close behind him, concealing his whereabouts in the darkness. You squinted trying spot him and brace yourself for an attack, but he blended in so well with the shadows.
The occasional footsteps could be heard in the darkness, circling you like a shark to a ship. The sound of metal shifting made you jump and squeak before silence fell again. Damn Tachihara, he always loved building suspense!
"Shit..." You whispered under your breath, deciding to try and make a break for the door. You scrambled for the handle in the dark, ripping it open, tasting your freedom!
"Fooound youuu~"
Tachihara breathed over your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up with ease and dragging you back into the dark room.
The two of you struggled in the dark, tussling and wrestling as your attacker tried to pin you down.
"Wait, wait, wait, wait! Tach-IHIHIIII-!" Before you even ad the chance to protest, Tachiharas hands found their way to your sides, latching on and kneading into your warm flesh.
"No time for waiting, Squirt~. You knew this would be the result of your mischief making. Now you gotta face the consequences!" He purred, leaning down and blowing a raspberry on your neck.
You bucked your hips, squealing and kicking your legs helplessly. The dark meant you couldn't see his attacks coming, but at least he couldn't see how flustered and red you were!
"Haha, listen to you. Squeaky lil guinea pig." He teased. You could hear the cold sheene of metal moving near by, your sleeves were suddenly tugged upwards by a set of forks and held up over your head, keeping your arms pinned.
"Now my hands are more free for this-!"
"Dohon't you dAHARE!" You yelp as a set of slender and dexterous fingers started skittering over your ribs, up to your underarms.
"Stop? Ahawww, but Squirt, you have such a cute giggle." He chuckled as he rolled your shirt up, dragging his nails in slow, big circles over your stretched out tummy.
"Coochie, coochie, cooo~ Oooh, see? The way you tremble when I tickle you slow like this - Ugh, it really makes my day." He teased, tracing smaller circles around your belly button, grinning in the dark as he felt the warmth from your skin.
Your breath hitched as you bit your lip, cheeks puffed as you tried to stifle the chuffy giggling that was building in your throat.
"Squiiirt~ If you don't let out those sweet, sweet sounds, I'll have to use that method."
"You wouldn't!" You blurted out, trying to find his eyes in the darkness as a little panic showed in your tone.
"Oh but, Squirt, I would~." Once again, you hear rattling somewhere near by. "And, unfortunately for you, we're in the kitchen."
"Don't! Tachihara, please! I'm sorry! WAH!" You gasp, feeling several bristly brush heads dragging and flickering over your exposed sides, tummy, and ribs. Pastry brushes. With metal handles. Tachihara's greatest weapon and your downfall.
As he manipulates the brushes with his ability, the red head also kneads into your thighs with his nimble thumbs, smirking as he feels the muscles tremble and clench beneath him.
"Tickle, tickle~ Oho, isn't this fun? You're like a yummy little pastry that needs buttering up!" He jeered, taking a gulp of air and blowing another raspberry on your neck. "Mmhm-! A tasty pastry too~."
"StAHAaaaa-... *gasp* NOHO! Aaaha!"
"What's the matter, little raspberry bun? You sound a little flustered~ Are you?"
"Y-You knowhow damn well I-YAAHAHAHAM!"
"You are?" He grinned in the dark, you can feel his breath on your chin as he leaned in close, softly tracing up and down the back of your ribs.
"Good~ I'd hate to think you're not flustered by my actions, my words~" He purred, briefly pecking your cheek before unleashing a cruel attack upon your torso, sending you into a flurry of helpless breathy laughter as your legs beat and kicked on the kitchen tiles.
He was relentless. Squeezing from your ribs down to your hips, using the pastry brushes to follow his fingers, not giving your skin a break from the tickly sensations.
"Plehehease! T-Tahach- *wheeze* AAAHA! StAHAahaAAA-! Dahamn it! I-I'm gohonna dihie!"
"Aww, well, we can't have that now, can we? My lil' pastry." At once, the tickling stopped. You lay there panting with a smile on your face.
"Okahay... Okay... I-I'm sorry... Oh-" You flinch, feeling a hand cover your eyes, hearing the click of a light switch.
"Just didn't want to flashbang you." Tachihara chuckled, slowly removing his hand letting your eyes adjust to the lights, revealing his face, smiling down at you with that cheeky, toothy grin of his as he stayed kneeling over your waist.
You stare at each other for a moment before Tachihara gasped.
"You are so red! Oh gosh, I almost burned my little pastry!" He chuckled, sitting you up and wrapping his arms around you comfortingly. "I'm sorry, Squirt. Revenge has been served." He chuckled, tussling your hair.
A content sigh passes your lips as you share this moment before a feeling of dread fills your gut.
.... What about the other prank you've left for him?...
--------------------☆ END ☆-----------------------
Thanks for reading!! 🥰
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kristinamae093 · 1 year
A Wild Ride
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Series - TRR - AU
Pairing - Liam x MC (Riley Brooks)
Summary - A small rewrite of the diamond scene from Book 1 Chapter 11 (Drake’s birthday) and… beyond.
Word Count - 2503... ish 🙈
A/N1- Welcome to my first attempt at smut. Nobody asked for this, this is entirely unprompted and unasked for (except by me haha). This is just where my brain went, and well... don’t judge me too hard lolololololololol. I’ve debated posting this all week, but I’m finally going to relent and just do it and most likely hide forever. But I have to shoutout @ao719 who encouraged me, and read through my first draft. 💚 All errors in this final version are mine and mine alone.
A/N2- I am considering this a part of the Ghosted AU, but only for ONE reason, and that is to put it on the same masterlist. But this is a ONE SHOT and DOES NOT ADD TO NOR CONTRIBUTE TO THE STORY WHATSOEVER. This is literally just an excuse to try my hand at lemony writing, nothing more. 
A/N3- This is my sad attempt at a submission for the @springfeverpitch event. I have no idea if this even qualifies, but they said anything smutty, soooo…... I’m going to test that theory with this, LOLOLOL. I have no idea what 'day' it qualifies under, (4?) I’m honestly not even sure what this monstrosity should classify as. 🤣🙈🙊
Base in play - Briefly First, but mostly Homerun ⚾💭🫡
TW - ⚠️ NSFW ⚠️ - Language, smutty filthy lemons, brief mentions of blood (.3 seconds worth). *⚠️ 18+ ONLY ⚠️*
Characters belong to Pixelberry.
Liam watched Riley as if she would give him the answers to all the world’s problems at any moment; she fully transfixed him. When he paid the operator of the bull, he assumed Drake would ride, since it was his birthday. But when Riley volunteered and bounced her way over, Liam knew already he was done for; the second she mounted that bull, he felt himself grow undeniably hard.
He observed with the utmost attention. The way her hips swiveled to keep in time with the jerky motions of the bull, the way her big, perky chest bounced from side to side as she tried to stay on the ride. She threw an arm back like a lasso; her cut off shirt hiking higher and higher up her toned midriff. He caught sight of her lacy red bra underneath, the sight practically enough to make him take her, here and now, for all to see. Everything about it was driving him mad with desire. 
At that moment, he would have cut off his right leg to trade spaces with the foreign object she rode. Give up the throne, throw everything away, all for her to tame him as if he were the rowdy steed beneath her. His mind swirled with fantasies as the saliva from his mouth fully dissolved.
When she flew off the bull, he was right there to help her up; after he had adjusted himself in his slacks. The two grabbed a shot, then another, and a couple more, adding to the already large amount of alcohol they had consumed. They finally made their way out to the dancefloor after way too many drinks.
It started slow and casual, nothing scandalous or arousing, although the chemistry between them made anything sensual. Then a particular song came on; Liam had never heard it, but the squeal that came from Riley and her excited bouncing told him she was familiar. He felt his cock stiffen a little more in the confines of his trousers as he watched her breasts bob up and down while she jumped; maybe it was the alcohol fueling his thoughts, but he couldn’t get the image of those tits bouncing in his face out of his mind. 
They danced face to face; Riley attempted to keep a respectable distance between them, as she knew they were in public. The court would not react well to them grinding all over each other. But Liam didn’t seem to have a care in the world, as he continued to pull her closer and closer. His gaze switched between gawking at her enormous bust poking out of her low cut top, and the way her hips swiveled and rotated to the rhythm. His hands probed her body, as if he needed to remember every crevice and curve. 
She swatted his roaming hands away. “What are you doing? We’re in public!” She giggled. 
Liam nuzzled her neck. “Don’t care.” 
Riley laughed harder. “Liam, what if someone sees us? Or you get recognized?”
“Let them watch.” He responded with a devilish smirk.
“I’m just saying the press would-”
Liam cut her off by capturing her lips with his own. Their tongues rolled together as they swallowed each other’s content sighs. One of Liam’s hands rested on her neck, the other falling to the small of her back and pulling her as close as possible. Their pelvises ground together, each letting out a soft moan at the friction. Neither cared at the crowd of other dancers surrounding them; the only thing that mattered was the two of them, and the undeniable sexual tension that seemed to have reached its boiling point. 
Liam returned to his suite, a little wobbly on his feet, and immediately went to take a cold shower. His mind continued to swirl with scandalous thoughts about Riley and the things he wanted her to do to him, and vice versa. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to invite her back and ravage her like he truly wanted to. But he realized there was a high probability the pair would get caught sneaking around, and that would only cause more problems in the long run. And, he didn’t want to be this drunk when it did happen. 
He finished his shower and put on a clean pair of boxers and pajama pants before he slipped into bed, pulling up the covers to envelop his body. He lay on his back and fell into a deep slumber as fantasies of Riley filled his mind. 
He awoke later with his senses filled by a fragrance of lilac and berry. He felt dainty hands lightly tracing the inside of his thighs, sending a shudder through him. A sigh escaped him as he felt tender kisses travel up his abdomen, soft hair falling to tickle his sides. He reached a hand out and threaded his fingers through long, silky, golden blonde hair as she continued her venture up to his neck. 
When she reached her quarry, she bit down hard enough to leave a mark and licked the affected area. She dotted kisses along his jawline to the other side and nipped his ear; Liam groaned and gripped her hips to grind her against his already freed erection. He had no time to ponder how he became disrobed, as he felt wetness gliding over his already aching member; she wasn’t wearing panties. 
“Riley…” He moaned. 
She raised her face to hover over Liam’s, “I saw you…” she whispered as she ghosted her lips over his. 
“You were watching me ride that bull tonight… Wishing it was you… weren’t you?” She asked in between bites along his jawline.
“God yes.” Liam panted.
Riley’s face lit up with a cat-like grin before she grabbed his face to bring his lips to hers. Their tongues met and battled for dominance in a fit of passionate and desperate kisses. Liam slid his hands up her sides and realized she, too, was already naked. He massaged both of her large, supple breasts in his hands before breaking their kiss and bending his neck to take one into his mouth. He licked and suckled at it for a moment before moving to the other and showing it the same attention. After, he briefly lay back and marveled at her perfection, and those breasts that had been making his mouth water all night dangling in front of his face; just like he fantasized. 
Riley sat up, and he met her intent, lustrous gaze; her eyes clouded over with desire, hair askew, perky tits rising and falling with every labored breath, lips slightly parted. Liam watched, transfixed, as she ran her tongue over her top lip, and he thought he would cum on the spot. Liam reached out to embrace her and forcefully brought her lips to his; his dick painfully throbbing, aching to be inside her. 
She threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled, the sudden, sharp pain causing Liam to moan. “You like that?” She whispered as she bit his lip. 
“Yes.” He breathed out, as he grabbed her ass cheeks in both hands and squeezed. She ground her bare mound against him and an animalistic sound escaped Liam’s lips.
“Tell me what you want, Liam…” she coaxed as she sat up and positioned herself with her dripping pussy over Liam’s cock. She rubbed herself against Liam’s shaft, her hand pushing him deeper through her wet folds. She ground back and forth on his length, driving Liam absolutely mad.
“You. I want you, Riley. Please.” He begged.
“No… Tell me what you want… Exactly what you want.” She slightly raised herself and let his tip ghost her opening, before she slid him back through the entirety of her core. 
Liam gasped and twitched beneath her. The things she was making him feel were overwhelming every single part of his being. “I… I…” He stammered between breathless pants and moans. “I want you to ride me.” He finally spit out. 
She bit her lip and whispered, “Your wish is my command.” and lowered herself down onto him, both moaning at the sensation as he penetrated her tight opening. Her mouth fell open into an O shape, a high-pitched whine coming from her throat, as she sunk her body down on his length. Liam’s eyes never left her face as her tightness enveloped him, taking him to such a high level of euphoria he thought he would die at any moment. She rocked herself slowly back and forth on his cock, feeling him stretch and fill her in all the right ways.
“Oooooh… God, you’re so fucking big Liam!” Liam felt his dick twitch at her words and ran his hands up her sides to massage her breasts in his hands. She placed her hands against his chest, pushing her tits together as she started bouncing herself on his length. He analyzed her with rapt attention, her expressions, the sounds she was making. Liam released his hold on her and put his hands behind his head as he watched her work herself on him with a deep groan.
She picked up speed and ran both of her hands through her hair. Liam watched where they connected, seeing her pussy grip around him, the proof of her arousal covering his member and thighs. He looked up and saw her massaging her breasts with a lust blown expression; she saw him staring and bit her lip with a loud moan, causing him to whimper from the sight. 
Just when Liam thought he couldn’t take anymore, she sat back and positioned herself with her hands on his haunches, giving him the perfect view of her taking all of him in. She started slowly, but soon built a mind-blowing pace, taking him almost all the way out before slamming her hips back into his. Liam heard her whimpers increase in pitch and knew her release was coming. He felt his own building but was determined to make her let go first. 
“Oooooh God… Oh! Don’t stop… Don’t fucking stop!" she cried out as their already frantic pace increased. She reached a hand down and wildly rubbed circles over her swollen nub. Liam clutched her hips with a white-knuckle grip and increased their speed, hammering himself into her relentlessly. He matched her rhythm perfectly, thrusting himself to meet her hips. She threw her head back with a loud shriek; her tightness pulsating around him, wetness coating his already glistening member as waves of pleasure overtook her. 
“Yes! God... YES! Liam… You fuck me so good!” She got out through gasps and whimpers as jolts of electricity continued to course through her. 
Between her clenching around him and the things she was saying, Liam was a goner. He thrust into her three, four, five more times until he pulled her down forcefully to receive his load with a loud, primal roar. His vision almost completely blacked out, stars invading his view. He had orgasms before, sure, but it was like his soul was leaving his body. It was so intense, so powerful and all-consuming, like nothing he had ever felt before. 
Liam lay with his eyes closed for a couple of minutes, catching his breath. He felt Riley grasp his hand and opened his eyes to look at her as she remained straddling him. She brought his hand to her lips and smiled before she tenderly kissed each one of his fingertips. 
Liam closed his eyes once more and let out a content sigh. Somehow, someway, the evening ended as he hoped it would; all was right with the universe at that exact moment. 
His peace was short-lived as he suddenly felt a sharp pain course through his index finger. 
“Ow!” He cried. “Did… did you bite me, Riley?”
“You liked it a minute ago.” She smirked.
“That was different. This felt like you were trying to take a chunk out of my finger!” 
She giggled, “You just… you smell so good… so… sweet… like nuts… and honey…” she replied as she turned her head and deeply inhaled his palm. 
Liam furrowed his brow. “Oh… um… thank you?” He responded with uncertainty. 
“You just smell so… heavenly… and... mouthwatering…” she mewled as she licked his palm. 
"I do?" Liam asked, completely confused by her sudden shift in behavior. 
“Like… like what?”  
“Baklava.” She said as she chomped Liam’s thumb. 
“Hey! Riley, that… that hurts!” He tried to pull his hand away, but Riley’s grip tightened. 
“But I bet you taste soooo good, Liam! I just wanna eat you up.” She started gnawing on his wrist, biting harder and harder; he swore she was breaking his skin. 
“Riley! Riley! Stop!” He yelled as he squirmed underneath her, but she would not relent. He felt a sharp, piercing pain in his arm and watched in horror as she tore a piece of flesh from his body; blood squirting from the open wound and covering the both of them. 
She thoroughly chewed his flesh with a satisfied smile before she went back for more. “Mmm…. sho good.” She rolled her eyes as she swallowed another chunk of skin. She slurped at the blood that surrounded her mouth before she returned to his wound, lapping at it like a deprived dog finally given water. 
“Riley! Riley! Stop! STOOOOOOOP!”
“AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!” Liam flew forward in a panic; his breathing rapid and labored, his elevated pulse thundering in his ears, his body covered in a thin layer of sweat. He frantically searched his darkened surroundings, looking to see if Riley was still there, but found no signs of anyone. 
He glanced down at his body and saw absolutely nothing; no marks, cuts, blood, or any signs of injury. He quickly pulled the blanket back and saw his pajama pants, just as they were when he had gone to bed.
Bastien heard Liam’s yells from his position outside and barged into the room. “Is something wrong, sir?”
“I…I don’t think so…” Liam answered unsurely as he rubbed his uninjured wrist. “Has… has anyone come in here?”
“No, sir. I’ve been outside your door since you arrived. Nobody has been here.” Bastien reassured him. “Why? Do you believe there’s been a breach?”
“No! No. Nothing like that. I was only asking. Thank you, Bastien.”
Bastien bowed with a bewildered expression, but left the room. As soon as he did, Liam stood up and made a quick dash to the bathroom to check himself in the mirror. 
He searched his reflection with intent; Liam saw that his neck and upper body were pristine and unmarked, no signs of the late-night fornication to be found. He checked other areas of his body, but no remnants of his wild encounter remained. He ran his hand through his lightly tousled hair and stared at his reflection for a long while, trying to make sense of what he could have just experienced.
He shook his head with a quiet laugh before he said, “I am never drinking tequila before bed again.”
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TW: Violence. Blood. Language. Hematolagnia. Heavy smut. Dom!Rafe. 
Bitchy Kook!Reader
SUMMARY: You and Rafe continue to ride the high of the fight with the pogues, rewarding in each other in a very thorough way...
-Hi! This is the first idea I am sending in for when you return! Some of them do not have as many details as my past requests did (this one has some), but I would definitely be up for expanding on it of you wanted input, but I didn’t want to add too much and potentially make you feel pressured to add certain things. Also, some of these might be too similar to other things you have written or plan to write but thought I would send in things anyways haha.
So… I think it’s a classic and a lot of people love when reader cleans up one of the guys, or they clean up for the reader after a fight, but what about if they all get in a fight? In my opinion it would work best if it was Rafe and reader or Topper and reader, and you are the girl in the kook group of Rafe, Topper, and Kelce.  Like usual, a fight starts between the pogues and the kooks, and everyone kind of has a designated person they always fight, you of course fighting Kie. Was also thinking maybe this fight was started by you and Kie instead of the boys like usual 👀. Of course the reader and Rafe/or Topper get turned on watching each other fight the pogues so after cleaning each other up you reward each other for winning the fight…Also if you wanted to add more plot, maybe y/n used to hang with the pogues but there was a falling out between them so that’s another reason that they hate each other so much. Luv ya!-💎
It was a usual Friday night. Your arm wrapped around Rafe's neck shamelessly as usual as his fingers teased the hem of your skirt, testing how far you'd allow him to adorn you without needing the cover of a closed door to act on his seductions. You played your own however with his ear between your teeth and your hand playing with the fabric of his polo. 
"What the hell?" A distant voice managed to bring your attention to its source as Rafe was prepared to devour you on the spot. His eyes heavy with lust as he pulled you tighter to him to try and redirect your focus. And yet, it wasn't until Kiara made her way to the edge of your lounge chair that he understood the reason he couldn't convince you to devote yourself to him as he had done to you. 
"Problem, Kie?" Your eyes narrowed. 
"You and your psycho boyfriend need to stay the hell away from my friends." Immediately, you were on your feet. 
"Kie, she isn't worth it...let's just go..."JJ pulled her arm as Rafe took the spot behind your back, prepared to act if necessary. 
"We should charge every time a Pogue crosses to our side of the island, then they couldn't afford to annoy us..." Topper added as John B sized him from across the invisible line drawn between the group of upper and lower class citizens of the Outer Banks.
"But then who would fix all your cars and boats?" Pope inserted himself, a raised brow as Kelce stood as Topper's side, the entire group at the ready for their designated enemy. 
"Only way you could even afford to be around something so nice..."Rafe explained as you smiled. 
"Unless you married into it..." Your brow raised to Kiara. "I'm sure some pogue on your side of the island finds this...outburst appealing, Kie, but we have better things to do than to listen to one of your little rants..."
"Rants?! You and your friends have been terrorizing my friends for months! Cutting tires and vandalizing-"
"So where's Shoupe?" Topper asked with crossed arms as Rafe pulled you in tighter, his body tense yet proud at your back. The race of his heart synonymous with your own having validated a mutual eroticism to the moment. 
"If we did the things you said and you had proof, why are you bothering us and not having us arrested...oh wait..."
"I know you did it. Writing 'whore' on the side of The Chateau..." Kiara glared. 
You set your hands up as if to surrender, Rafe forced to release you in the process. 
"You're right…But am I wrong? I mean is there any guy in the Outer Banks that hasn't been disappointed in what you couldn't offer?" You couldn't even finish your insult before her fingers wrapped in your hair. And yet it was a momentary advantage as you were a true scrapper through and through. Nails and slaps would be exchanged between you both as your individualized social groups mirrored these actions. Topper raged against John B while Pope and Kelce had a scrap, leaving JJ and Rafe at odds. 
Bloodied knuckles and curses infiltrated the cheers from onlookers until Sarah made her way to the center of the group. 
"Stop it!"
"Of course you'd take their side!" Kiara wipes her bottom lip as you look at her wound with pride in knowing you were responsible. 
"I'm not taking anyone's side, but now I have to spend the rest of the night cleaning the yard and NOW cleaning off blood before my dad and Rose get back early tomorrow...Everyone, out!" Sarah ordered as she was rivaled for only a moment before screaming the demand again. This time, the only ones left were Topper as he helped clean, as Rafe led you back inside Tannyhill. 
But you wouldn't make it even a step over the threshold until he pinned you against the hallway. His hand already in your suit in vicious rubbings made over your clit as his other hand was at your jaw. 
"I don't care if it hurts baby, I need to show you just how proud I am of you..."
He kissed you, causing a bit of pain from the slap Kiara brought against your cheek, a pain welcome by the promise of pleasure that followed. 
That beautiful pain.
"Don't come baby..."
His palm made circles over your clitoral hood as one finger entered you into an immediate bend. Then two. The pressure was torment, but also something you welcomed openly. Your hand wrapping around his as your knuckles turned white to him. 
"It was so fucking hot watching you make her bleed, I wanted to bend you over that chair and fuck you right in front of her to show what it did to me..." He pulled your hand over the renewed bulge of his seam. The same one that had been present just before the arrival of the pogues. 
"But I'm the only one that gets to make you bleed, isn't that right baby?" You nodded as he pulled your lip between his teeth hard enough to warrant a wince. 
"I can't wait for the fucking bedroom..." He pulled you over the island of the kitchen, bending you over its ledge as your skirt gathered at your waist. With a single hold to the back of your neck, he prepared himself in exposure. 
"Fuck's sake!" Topper groaned as you were lifted upwards. For a moment, you saw something resembling envy in his eyes as he saw how willing you were for Rafe. All while he couldn't seem to convince Sarah to give him the time of day. 
"Nobody else gets to see you like this...nobody else has earned it..." You nodded as he pulled you immediately over his shoulder and into the direction of the bedroom. 
"I want those panties off right now, baby..." He instructed as he pulled his shirt over his head. 
"Pogues stupid enough to go against my girl..." He had a grip on your hair, a jolt made from this hold making you gasp but smirk once he continued, "My girl fucking showed them, didn't you? Bruised those pretty little knuckles..." He unlatched his belt and allowed it to fall to the floor along with his shorts while you wrapped your wounded hand around his length. 
"Same bloody knuckles wrapped around my cock, yeah?" He stretched out the question, making your bottom lip a prisoner between your teeth. 
"Spit baby...you know what to do..." You nodded, but upon doing so, watched a crimson tint stain his cock's head. Your eyes raised to him to witness the life behind recently dull analysis. 
"Again." He ordered as you paused, swallowing hard with a lack of salivation. Sensing this, he took hold of your hair as tightly as he could and forced you back. His second hand left his cock and designated to your jaw as he pulled your lips apart. Without the need for instruction, your tongue was offered to him. A wicked grin came before the line of spit fell to your palette. Iron left behind from his own wounds as you spit it onto him. 
"Look at me..." He instructed with a thumb brushing your eye and the scratch left behind. 
"You deserve so much better than being on your knees...but I want that busted lip sucking me off until I can't take it anymore..."
"I want to taste you..." 
"Good fucking girl..." He set himself inside of your cheeks, your eyes rolling in pleasure to the stretch he brought to your throat. Your eyes opening to the awe of a stretched mouth as he bit his bottom lip. 
"You're too good to me to be called a slut, but fuck baby, you got a whore's mouth..." You nodded, adding to the ecstasy by offering this submission. 
"Touch yourself. Just your clit baby...I wanna feel you moan..." You basked in the approval as you carried two fingers towards your center before he apprehended your wrist. Sucking on your two fingers, be moved down to the knuckle to run his tongue over the blood before his eyes moved to the back of his head. His cock flexed in your mouth as you moaned to the ecstasy of the scene. 
"Fast baby. I want you to feel as good as I do...Just don't come...you know you only get to from me." You nodded, a cruel rule, but one he made worth obeying as you conceded against him..
"So fucking perfect...shit!" He hissed as you took him as deep as your throat could allow and then some. A mess made of your makeup and drool pouring down your chin. 
"You sound so good choking on me, baby...You like when I make you cry?" You nodded quickly, teeth grilling his head as he shuddered to the threat. 
"You need a break?" You nodded as he picked you up by your hair. But as you expected to be taken to the bed, you were pulled across the room and to the mirror. His cock inside of you as he pulled you back to observe. 
"Look how you take me..." 
"Rafe..." You moaned, head resting at his shoulder as he kissed you. Falling victim to the sweetness you allowed before pounding into you and sending you into the glass. 
"I want you to bleed for only me...pogues are fucking lucky I was harder than I was angry...they wouldn't have gotten away so easily..." 
"You would hurt them for me?" You asked with a gasp, his knuckles coming to view over your breasts validating this. 
"I would kill for you, baby..." He spoke honestly but effortlessly as it chilled you. Your inner walls clenching around him to the confession. 
"Ooh...you like that baby? You like the idea of blood on my hands defending you? You know my cock like it's...feel how fucking deep I need to be inside you." 
"I love it..." 
"Yeah? Make you wanna come?"
"I need to...I'm so fucking close!" He slapped your breast as you moaned, repeating the process to your clit but remaining there to pinch and pull. 
"Bet I could make you come on this mirror...make you squirt for being such a good girl for me...you want that?"
"Please, Rafe! I'll be so good for you..." You moaned and gasped as he withdrew from you. 
"Then you know what has to happen..."
"Pain before pleasure..." You finished his phrase for him as he nodded. 
"You're gonna be so fucking sore by the time I'm done with you...and you're gonna love it…"
"Like always..." You smiled as he pumped two fingers viciously inside of you. Hitting that g-spot with every insertion as you could feel that pressure build. That edge so close. That lessire on his fingertips. And then the withdrawal. 
"Good girl baby...keep going..." He continued edging you, building up your necessity for him as you buckled closer to your release. 
"That was close..."
"Only when you feel you're gonna squirt for me, baby...you deserve it so fucking much..."
"I just want you to fuck me, Rafe...I'm already dripping." He paused for a second to collect the drops cascading down your thighs. You watched him savor you off of his fingers. 
"So you are..." But those fingers returned. And so did that rare but familiar pressure of something stronger than an orgasm. Although none of the orgasms with Rafe were ever "normal", this one was ethereal. 
"Stay with me, baby…eyes open..."
"I can feel it..."
"Oh, I know..."
"Please let me..."
"You've earned it, baby...Let me have it…oh yeah…THERE it is…shit…" 
"Ahh...ahhhh...AHHHH!" You moaned loudly until that rush had you trembling in his arms. Spurts of cum coating the mirror as he slipped inside of you. 
"My turn..." He fucked you into the mirror, interrupting your high before mending this and offering another as consolation. 
"It's too much! It hurts!"
"And we love it...don't we?" You nodded as he played with your nipples. 
"Oh baby...you're so fucking perfect...I'm gonna come so deep inside you..."
"YES! Please!"
"You want my cum, baby? Yeah?" You nodded as he turned you to face him. 
"Then take it..." You pushed yourself off the mirror in front of you to control the thrusts. His hand in your hair pulling you to him until your body locked. 
"Aww, can't take it, baby?"
"RAFE! IM FUCKIKG COMING! I don't wanna stop!" 
"Let me feel it baby...all over my cock..." He grunted into you as he pressed you harder into the glass. 
"Yes! Yes!" You exclaimed in finality before washing over him as he set his final thrusts inside of you. The murderous pace certain to leave your hips bruised by grip and pistoning before he turned you to face him. 
"There's no fucking point on giving you a shower..." He breathed deeply as he walked you towards the bed. 
"Legs apart..." You hesitated as they trembled. 
"I'm not fucking asking, baby..." He forced them apart with his knee before you were pulled to the ledge. 
"That was your reward...THIS is mine..." 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel @phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @belcalis9503
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