#just not realistically doable
larentslovechaos · 1 year
I have 2 tickets I am selling for Louis' show in Cincinnati on June 3!!
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message me if interested!
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cahootings · 5 months
i think i am more tired than i ever have been in my entire life i have gotten nothing done so far i am just sitting at my desk staring blankly
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I sort of want to make the next round of posts to have in my drafts a few days early but half of the current polls are basically neck and neck so like. do I just make two versions of the future polls involving each potential winner?
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rgbalphameter · 2 years
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do yuo like the colour of the uhhhh *checks phone* pond ?
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ablednt · 2 years
It’s actually maddening that climate crisis is engineered and that if not for capital we could share enough resources and minimize enough waste to save billions of lives and prevent eventual extinction but because a handful of billionaires have us in a choke-hold we can’t do that
Like literally nearly every conceivable problem would be solved if we killed the rich but capital is defended by the military/police and that’s the Only thing they protect. We live in a world where everything is in plenty and teamwork could save our lives but a handful of evil regimes stops everyone from doing that
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napsaps-archive · 1 year
yess post the schedule dont take advice from me tho i can help but ive also dropped out like 3 times. so
ANON 😭😭😭 ok
i already asked on priv but i did some reworking last night and this morning (i originally had the term dates wrong bc i forgor that summer comes after spring lmao Plus i had to fit some other stuff in and move some stuff around) and . here we go . fall 2023 is what im taking rn obviously, i forgot to enroll in gen chem so it kind ofpushes things back a little but im good at chem so im not too worried....but like. thoughts. advice. anyone
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femboycatofmystery · 5 months
Hey folks let me anti-doomscroll you for a quick second:
Batteries and Solar have been getting cheap very quickly for a long time now and not only is it not stopping, but even at the rates it's at the economics of energy are shifting rapidly. The costs of decarbonizing all forms of electric power are now more down to infrastructure and planning than bulk cost. Compare and contrast to the turn of the century when Solar was so prohibitively expensive that saying we'd meet any meaningful fraction of our needs with photovoltaics would have gotten you laughed out of the room.
Meanwhile, although there are lots of complicated moving parts and a surprising amount of gross politics attached, gas cars are now less good in most ways than electric. Again, at the turn of the century this would have sounded laughable.
Many industries have specific needs that prevent direct conversion to electric, but hydrocarbon fuels are not intrinsically fossil fuels and can be made as a storage medium for solar. Hydrocarbon fuels made in this way are intrinsically carbon neutral. The technology is relatively young, but from a basic math perspective looks very doable.
Inflation actually has more to do with the above than it does with whatever it is the federal reserve does, and pulling down a supply of energy from the sky that requires less infrastructure to get (which is true because that's why it's cheaper now) directly helps.
The current "business as usual" scenarios with global warming are lower than they used to be, because the solar transition is just sort of happening because of economics without a lot of government help. All of the above lower the amount of friction and pushback we face when trying to get the government to do something.
By the way, the Inflation Reduction Act, passed by Joe Biden a couple years back, is explicitly designed to accelerate these trends.
As disastrous as the current projections for global warming are, it's important to keep two things in perspective: first, that they are exactly that, disasters, not the end-of-the-world kind but more sort of the hurricanes and floods kind, and second, while they certainly will get worse before they get better, they can and will get better. What we do now from a policy perspective has an outsize impact on how much flooding, droughts, and other weather-related costs we will face in the decades to come, but "human civilization ends" is not actually particularly likely. It is much more realistic to say "we could have a huge number of climate-related disasters or a moderately increased number, and every little bit of policy work helps move the needle".
We can and we will solve global warming, the question is not if but when, and how many lives can we save or improve by acting as soon as possible. Imagining this as an almost-certain death sentence for the future of humanity and nature is not merely unrealistic, but wildly counterproductive. It is paralyzing and enervating when what will do the most good is planning, policy, and communication.
Remember, despair is not a tool for positive change. Hope is the real language of revolution.
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4theitgirls · 1 year
how to stay organized in school
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keep a planner
use a paper planner, notion, notes app, whatever you prefer to write down deadlines, exam dates, etc.
don’t procrastinate
do what you need to do early on. get it done and cross it off your list so that you don’t have to worry about it later and you won’t have a ton of assignments to do last minute.
organize by color
you may do this by separating classes by color and using highlighters/post it notes/colored pens, etc. to separate topics within each class
be realistic with your to-do lists
don’t try to pile on too much in one day. do your best to evenly distribute your tasks throughout the week.
break up large tasks
don’t try to get all of your bigger and time consuming tasks done at one time. distribute them apart from each other. also, you may split your large tasks into smaller tasks to make them seem less intimidating and more doable.
make your own study guides
study guides are helpful and will not always just be given to you, so use the resources you have to build your own for each topic, exam, etc.
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byoldervine · 9 months
Motivation For Writing
Getting Off Your Butt:
1. Aestheticise it. Let the light in through the curtains, turn on your fairy lights, lay a blanket over your lap, light some candles, whatever you need to do to feel like a writer. The right vibes can go a long way
2. Picture that one scene. There’s almost always a moment you’re super excited about that basically inspired the whole book. Picture it, play it out in your head in full cinematic fanfare, gush to yourself about how cool it is and how everyone will love it, picture a future fanbase going nuts for it. You might get excited enough to go back to writing
3. Set a word count goal. During NaNoWriMo this year I think I wrote more than I ever have in one go. The thing that kept me coming back was the desire to not fall behind. I ended up with ~45K words after some complications irl caused me to drop off in the final few days, and that’s all just because I was adding up the 1667 a day word count goal and realising where I needed to be at to keep up. I definitely can’t stay as rigid as I did with 1667 words every single day, but seeing that you’re only a few hundred words off of a goal is super motivating - just be sure to set realistic, easy to achieve parameters for just general use, like 1000-2000 words per week. I know 200 words per day is a popular one for people trying to establish a writing routine that can’t dedicate forever to the craft
Maintaining Motivation:
1. Writing sprints. Writing sprints are a godsend for me, I like to set myself up in the living room with Abbie Emmons’ writing sprint video on. The video lasts two hours and is broken up into two parts; 25 minutes to write and 5 minutes for breaks between writing, so four 30 minute sprints overall. Having the timer and countdown with peaceful music and an aesthetic background is both relaxing and encouraging, as well as giving me a specific time for how much longer I have to push through. It’s easier for me to say “Okay, only ten more minutes, then you can take a break” then it is to say “Just keep going, we’re not stopping until I say so” which is too arbitrary for my brain to accept
2. Give yourself a choice. If you’re struggling to keep your focus, come up with a finish line and tell yourself you don’t have to do any more work once you’ve reached that point. Finish the paragraph, go for another five or ten minutes, keep it up until your next scheduled break. Whatever sounds realistic and doable without being overwhelming. And once you’ve met this goal, ask yourself if you still want to stop. With any luck, you’ll have gotten back into the zone and will choose to keep going. Maybe you’ll want to take a quick break but you’ll come back later on. And maybe you’ll decide that now actually is a good stopping point. Just remember that, if you do still want to stop, don’t force yourself to keep going. You can’t strike deals with yourself if you know you won’t keep your word and all you’ll end up doing is burning yourself out, which will lead to even less writing getting done
3. Try a new angle. If you can’t be bothered to write anymore, is there anything else you can do for your book? Plotting, editing, worldbuilding, character sheets, one-shots all that sort of thing can still be productive for your book while still being different enough to give your brain a slight respite. It also means less work in that particular area later on
1. Organise. Clean up your workspace and put everything away so it’s nice and neat for when you come back to it. Or if you don’t need to pack things out the way, set it up in an aesthetically pleasing way so it will tempt you back next time. Let it give you the writer vibe
2. Take care of yourself. Get a drink, have a snack, walk about, stretch your limbs, take a breath, cuddle your pet. Something that gets you away from straining your eyes looking at text for a bit. This is also a good time to reward yourself if positive reinforcement is something you use on yourself. If you always feel shitty after your writing sessions, you won’t want to go back to it
3. Positive reflection. Make sure to tell yourself you did good, even if you didn’t get as much done as you would’ve liked or it isn’t up to a standard of quality you’re aiming for. That can all be fixed later on, and you’re infinitely better off than you would’ve been if you didn’t do it. Be proud of yourself. Tell yourself you’re proud of your hard work and your dedication and your effort. Remind yourself that this is a fun thing you like to do. Marvel over how insane it is that you’ve gotten this far - not many people do - and that you’ve got all this tangible work to prove you’ve accomplished something so many people wish they could pull off. If this isn’t fun overall, there’s no point
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
Turning Rejection into Your Superpower 👑✨
We all know that dealing with rejection can be tough. Whether you've been turned down for a job, a date, or a project, rejection can hurt and mess with your confidence. But what if I told you that rejection could be your superpower? By learning how to deal with rejection effectively, you can use it as a catalyst for personal growth and success.
Bounce Back Stronger:
The first step in turning rejection into your superpower is to embrace resilience. Understand that rejection is not a reflection of your worth as a person. Everyone faces rejection at some point in their lives. What sets you apart is how you bounce back from it. Develop a mindset that sees rejection as a chance to learn and grow. Each rejection is a stepping stone on your path to success.
Analyze and Learn:
When you face rejection, take some time to analyze the situation. Ask yourself what went wrong and what you can learn from the experience. Did you lack certain skills or qualifications? Were there specific areas where you could have improved? By analyzing and learning from your rejections, you can make better decisions moving forward.
Boost Your Confidence:
Rejection can knock your confidence down a few notches. But self confidence is your secret weapon. Remind yourself of your achievements and what makes you awesome. Create a list of your achievements, skills, and qualities that make you unique. The more you believe in yourself, the easier it is to handle rejection.
Set Realistic Goals:
Dream big, but also set goals that are doable. Breaking your ambitions into smaller, achievable steps is like navigating with a map instead of wandering around aimlessly. This approach not only makes your goals more manageable but also increases your chances of success, reducing the likelihood of rejection.
Ask for Feedback:
Don't be afraid to ask for feedback when facing rejection. Constructive criticism is gold. Reach out to those who said no and politely inquire why. Use their feedback as a guide to refine your skills and approach.
Network, Network, Network:
Your network is your net worth. Connect with people who share your interests and dreams. Attend events, join groups, and use social media to build your circle. Networking can open doors you never knew existed.
Be Persistent:
Persistence is your superpower's sidekick. Success takes time, and rejection is just part of the journey. Many well known people faced plenty rejections before achieving their goal. Don't give up. Keep working towards your dreams, and let rejection fuel your determination.
Growth Mindset:
Adopt a growth mindset. Believe that you can develop your skills and intelligence through effort and practice. When you see rejection as a temporary setback instead of a roadblock. It becomes just a bump in the road to your dreams and you'll become more resilient when faced with rejection moving forward.
Rejection is part of the game. How you handle it is what matters. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it as fuel to propel you toward your goals. Success often comes after a series of rejections, but with the right mindset, you'll turn each "no" into a stepping stone to your goals.
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fitgirlfemdom · 9 months
✧∘* ✧・゚soft/sfw feeding tips✧∘* ✧・゚
i'm gonna be honest, i haven't been feeling the best mentally. i also feel that a lot of my posts, although rooted in fantasy, are not exactly realistic or doable for a lot of feedee/feeders. that's why i wanted to explore the softer, fluffier sides of this kink, since these are a lot better to do publicly and help the efficiency/longevity of a feederist relationship.
-going out to dinner and ordering for your feedee. asking what they want generally, and deciding what they want based off their tastes. you can decide the amount, based on your budget. make sure the restaurant or eatery is one your feedee prefers (i.e. don't force them to eat Mexican food if they like Italian). by doing this, it 1) sets up a clear power dynamic between both parties that is healthy and mutually beneficial, and 2) helps both parties learn more about each others preferences. note: i would not recommend ordering alcoholic drinks for feedees, as they should choose themselves based on their own limits. overeating is a lot less dangerous than alcohol poisoning, and everyone's tolerance is obviously different.
-if you're planning on going out for drinks, plan to make them a meal beforehand. this shows that you not only care for their wellbeing, but also brings you closer emotionally before a night of debauchery. drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can cause a number of health issues, as well as exacerbating the negative effects of alcohol use. cooking together is also proven to strengthen relationships by enhancing communication skills and providing quality time alone.
-plan a charcuterie board together! take note of what snacks your feedee prefers, such as nuts, cheeses, dried fruit, crackers, dips, etc. you can also order one online if it's too much of a hassle. by planning a charcuterie board specifically, you can learn what type of snacks your feedee truly enjoys, as well as trying new foods alongside them (or just watching their reactions).
-pack lunches for work. if your feedee works in an office space or a job where there is a clear lunch time, prepare their foods for them based on their known preferences. this builds your relationship on trust, communication, and establishes a clear power dynamic. if packing lunches isn't your thing, or you don't have enough time or energy, set your DoorDash to their place of work and send them surprise orders (this is, of course, much more expensive, but can be a nice treat every once in a while).
-listening to your feedee's views on their journey throughout your relationship. sometimes, a feedee may discover that they aren't comfortable with this lifestyle, and that's okay! other times, a feedee may be comfortable with certain aspects, such as food play, but not others, such as force feeding. sit down and have a conversation with your feedee about their feelings regarding your partnership regularly. they trust you and place a large amount of power in your hands--the best way to reciprocate is to make them feel safe in your control. feederism may also just be a small part of your feedee's life, and they may only want to participate in it a few times a month. this should also be taken into account.
-encouraging confidence in their new body outside of kink. sometimes feedees have a humiliation or degradation fetish regarding their weight, but this should not continue in everyday situations, unless agreed upon. ask your feedee their favorite parts about themselves physically, but also mentally and emotionally. tell them your favorite parts about them, and vice versa. conversate about how this kink lifestyle makes them feel about their image of themselves, and orientate your approaches to feederism based on this.
i hope you enjoyed reading! have a good day! <3
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venusmage · 4 months
Commission/Life update for 2024
EDIT 9/16/24
As of now I've resolved around 15 commissions since this post was made at the start of June! This is much faster than I was going the past year. They're going well and I thank everyone again who has been so patient and kind. I've gotten nothing but kindness as a response to the wait, even from those who have been waiting for over a year by now. Thank you.
I recently started two new jobs and school again, so I'm a little busy. BUT everyone is (albeit not at a super fast speed) moving up in queue! Once the owed "Full" commissions are done, I expect to get through Sketch Coms even faster and currently I'm at a good pace to be done by the end of the year.
The best days to reach me are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the moment. Otherwise it might take me a day or so to get back to you. I work on my own projects on the weekends to preserve my sanity, lol! Just know if I'm drawing something else, I haven't forgotten my queue!
Original post:
Just want everyone to know I AM okay now and life has gotten better recently. However the past year and a half have been extremely difficult and I'm only now getting back on my feet. I generally don't like sharing life details publicly, but as a freelancer with clients that have been waiting for a while I feel like transparency is key.
If you don't want an explanation for the delays and just want to know my completion timeline, that's totally okay. Here is all the info up front. I'm going to continue updating my commission queue as usual and will not be accepting any more orders until ALL of the queue is completed. I'm working on finishing the half and full bodies first since they've been the longest waiting in queue. Then the rest. I don't have a set date in mind for when they'll be all done for good but the goal is by the end of the year. I think that's more than doable for me now. If you're a client of mine and have questions/concerns, please message me either here or on Discord and I'll do my best to help you. My username on discord is the same as my Tumblr username. Twitter and Ko-Fi are also options but I don't check them as frequently. I usually work Monday-Thursday so that will be the best time to shoot me a message or expect an update to the queue.
Information on what's been going on is below.
CW for mentions of death, financial hardship and homophobia.
As a few of you might remember, in 2019 I was disowned by my mother for being a lesbian. I made the choice to go no-contact. Since then, up until LAST YEAR, she's routinely harassed me or had other family harass me, stalked me on social media, tried to get to me through the website I take commission orders, and threatened me multiple times. I was forced to move across the country both because I felt unsafe and because my partner had family elsewhere that were more accepting. I've had to change my phone number twice.
It's been extremely difficult both financially and mentally to keep my head above water. In 2021 my grandfather died and I still haven't felt like I've been able to properly grieve. I wasn't able to see him due to her and I wasn't invited to his funeral. We were very close and he meant the world to me. In 2023 my grandmother passed away very suddenly as well, and my mother used it as an excuse to harass me over ko-fi/my professional email. It was such a horrific experience that I fell into a months long spiral that I only just now feel like I'm climbing out of. This is when commissions first stalled. I was also starting to get overwhelmed, as I had to take on more work than I could realistically handle in order to pay bills and rent. That's really it - I just had to take more orders so we weren't kicked out of our apartment, and as my mental state deteriorated I couldn't keep up.
The good news is that my wife and moved earlier this year we're living with supportive(!) family now and our financial burden is much lighter. This gives me time to work on my backlog without re-opening. I'm also going to school again, back in college starting this summer for a second degree. For my own health after commissions are finished I'm likely going to take a break on opening them for a good while, even though I really enjoy doing them.
In the past two months amazing and not-amazing things have happened. The amazing thing is I got an ADHD diagnosis, something I didn't even know had been ruining my life for years. I'm still getting used to the proper medications but I'm already seeing a big improvement. It's as much of a relief as it is frustrating. My mother also reared her head again (like she usually does at least once a year) - this time, though, I learned she'd had a stroke. While I'm not involved with her anymore, I think most people could understand how it would still be a very weird and upsetting situation. As of right now I'm free of her once again, she seems to be making a good recovery and will hopefully continue to live a happy life far away from me. Still, those two things back to back have been a LOT to deal with on top of just trying to get better in general. I stepped away from the internet for a while for my own sanity.
The downside to being a freelancer is that there's not always a safety net. That's what happened to me. Thank you all very much for being kind and patient, I genuinely have had nothing but polite interactions with all of you and I really appreciate it. I'm sorry my personal bullshit got in the way of getting my work done for you. This is the longest I've ever taken to complete commissions and it's something that I'm deeply ashamed of. I promise they will get done. Being medicated and starting to recover from the family drama has revitalized me a bit. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out.
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osakanone · 3 months
"How realistic are mecha, really?": They aren't, but not for the reason you're thinking of or the one adjacent to it. Trust me.
Crossposted from reddit, since people seemed to like it. Like in the thread, I am very happy to answer questions about any esoteric weirdness.
Hold my beer. Again
They're not becoming a possibility. Yes. I know. This sucks. But stick around. Its not for the reasons you think. Well it is, but it also isn't. You'll see.
The robot needs the technology more than the technology needs a robot.
the technologies which the robot needs will improve and alter the doctrine of every other platform
This creates a doctrinal lock-in where the potential functional space for them to exist is unmet -- that they are so far ahead, that nothing new can emerge that isn't just other platforms becoming more generalized (eg, a post-stall recovery aircraft, or a helicopter with high impact landing-gear and a rigid rotor/jet engine design to act as a surface-fighter -- a tank which walks or manoeuvres like a robot is just flat out of the question: Tanks are made to be simple-as-fuck boxes which tank hits, and shoot and acquire asap and rumours of their deaths as a doctrinal weapon are exaggerated by recent events where obsolete weapons which aren't maintained properly who's crews aren't adequately trained were fighting very clever civilians with drones)
What you consider "realistic" (5th/6th) is just as if not more unrealistic than other gens purely because of their smaller size and very bizarre relationship with the environment -- they're just both too big, and too small to make sense, sitting in a size niche which is just very weird
If such a vehicle does exist, its going to be defined by its functions rather than a humanoid appearance
we know this because specialized platforms tend to beat specialized platforms historically until specialized platforms mature and become generalized
thus, the closest you're probably going to get is some weird variation of DARPA's Ground X Vehicle Project meeting with Gravity Industry' style mobility in limited cases, hybridized with smaller robots and wingsuits, which mix manoeuvring operation styles, with some rocker-boogie mechanism elements for terrain handling: It won't be humanoid, whatever it is.
This is assuming you can magically solve the square-cube law of volume-mass which is partially negatable with certain custom topologies exceeding graphene but actually manufacturing them would be miserable work probably not even be something you can make without microgravity
Energy flat out isn't solvable with what we know about right now. Nothing with that energy density can exist that isn't going to simultaneously make for an incredible fragile, dangerous and problematic source of power given the forces involved. Cooling is also a horrifyingly unsolvable problem on this scale, as is radiation management: You can't just dump molten tungsten in emergency cooling mode - you'll not only proceed to alert everybody who has even the vaguest IRST capacity to your position, but you'll also probably set fire to the environment and cook off your own ammunition. *
Motors aren't well suited to the tasks of such bodies (its like trying to make a slingshot out of dental floss), and we don't have an effective way to turn electricity into a form of motion which corresponds with the shock absorbing and motion control qualities which are actually desirable yet
Even if we did, the actual means of ensuring it doesn't fragment every time it moves don't exist. Every time an A10C fires its main gun, the fuel lines micro-fracture and have to be replaced after it lands. Metal, when you subject it to high physical forces ends up feeling and behaving closer to how you would think of glass. You'd need a material capable of repairing itself too, atop the quasicrystalline property which again, just isn't doable, let alone simultaneously.
So in terms of our mindset going into this?
Its... Probably not happening barring a very, VERY extreme change to how we understand physics to function, or some really kick ass (and actually entirely possible) changes in how engineering achieves outcomes (which could happen if the greatest threat to the mecha didn't exist)
Combat is moving towards information dominance. 
That's drone swarms, and role modularized long range travel, and the idea of fighter beyond-visual-range combat extending out to infared search and track systems which are networked to one another, which we're already seeing in singleton weapons and their mounting strategies even on the personal scale, which DARPA is currently investigating which everybody wants to mate with the gravity industries gear for boarding ops so the most likely avenue is to scale up from people, rather than scale down from vehicles as the development pathway -- but there's probably going to be multiple pathways with competing niches once the technology becomes cheap enough.
Ultimately its down to "how much money do I have to spend to defeat something more expensive than myself?" -- because our current structure of war is defined by cost, and by making the other guys surrender by using economic, and military violence (private, and publicly funded) instead of convincing them that we (NATO members, etc) have good opinions purely because of the natural benefits of "doing as we say" (which we see with basically any conflict in the last 70 years, which are usually feigned as ideological but pretty much always about disrupting market competition, dominating markets, or controlling a pressure position in another country to achieve those two things).
This isn't because they're particularly excellent weapons, but because they're cheap relative to the strength they offer, and how we define cheap is very different to how we defined cheap 100 years ago -- both in good, and terrible ways (such is the way of history).
Mecha are kinda the ultimate boondoggle. They are very very expensive, and just don't make sense.
They're cool as hell, yes.
But they don't make sense.
DISCLAIMER: If you're prone to depression, are dealing with a lot right now, or don't want your day ruining, you should stop reading NOW. What comes next is a psychosocial hazard and could be very bad for your mental health. LAST CHANCE . . .
The "real" reasons
If conflict some how became a meritocracy of leading by excellence rather than intimidation, and about human outcomes instead of cost outcomes, then things could change, but we don't live in that world.
Remember, violence exists to end human conflict (not to be confused with military conflict, which violence is the primary instrument of): Human conflict is when two parties oppose one another and communicate about what their goals and intentions are. Violence happens when communication stops. Communication stops, because parties cannot come to terms, or because nobody wants to be reasonable because the inherent request is unreasonable to the interests of the other party.
I'd love to say physics is the greatest threat, or maybe our concept of conflict but its not: * Its economics.
The concept of private-equity (not to be confused with venture-capital investment) is kiiiind of the dominant economic system on the face of the planet which dictates the interest of every nuclear power's actions against every non-nuclear power) is functionally dissolved, and investment models as we know them magically become better regulated OR a better economic system comes along which totally undermines private equity.
Its an economic finger-trap where most of the money that would be reinvested into people and technologies to push the world forward ends up getting swallowed up.
It also has private armies) and simulates the economy and political events in order to control them for maximum profitability. Yeah.)
We already live in Armored Core, folks.
And that economic system knows that if it gave free agents like ravens any kind of military power, it would functionally undermine itself, which is why it will never happen.
Private equity benefits from not having technology change, because its primary goal is wealth extraction. It leads to the collapse of every business you've ever seen go under, its why products undergo enshittification, which is coming for everything.
Its why the housing crisis happened, why the banking collapse happened, and its why there's an incentive to continue industrializing diseases like insulin instead of curing them.
The one thing AC gets super wrong is you can either have the depressing relatable low-saturation late-stage hyper-capitalist dystopia where life is cheap on planet earth and everything terrible about South Korea times a thousand covers the whole world, and you need to have your own organs brought from you and leased back to you to lock you in to a lifetime of debt the same way everything else works...
you can have the robot;
You can't have both.
e: I'd pick the robot any day
Apologies for any inaccuracies, I haven't edited this and I threw the original together in the space of around 40 minutes. Questions very welcome: I enjoy giving long detailed and substantiated answers.
If you enjoyed this, please consider reading my other work on the theoretical design factors of mecha, their control systems, and my fictional writing in mechposting.
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14dayswithyou · 7 months
[18 May 2022] Hello! I just fell in love with your game, and I absolutely adore your art style! How do you plan on releasing “14 Days with you”, each day separately? And how long do you think it should take for a full game release?
(It’s totally cool if you don’t feel like answering to such question. I know that asking such question might be way too early, but my curiosity got the best of me ^^;)
(Anonymous also said: "Would it be rude to ask how game development is going?" and "is the game pretty far along in the development process? Can we expect to see a full release this year?")
20 Feb 2024 EDIT: So half of this response was a lie lmao T_T I got ambitious with what I wanted + didn't account for how popular the demo would be ^^;
It's fine, y'all can definitely ask these questions! ^^
14DWY is still in it's early stages of development, and I can't confidently say that I'll have the game completed within the year due to the amount of time and effort I'd need to dedicate to it... ^^' It's definitely doable, but I want to take my time with this game so that I don't feel burnt out after a while, and to make sure that it meets everyone's expectations instead of feeling rushed and half-assed (because I set myself a goal and tried to meet the deadline, if that makes sense lol)
But in saying that, I would really like to release at least one "Day" every 2-4 weeks, as well as post regular 14DWY content (lore, art, memes, screenshots, dev updates, etc.) on social media. I feel like this would be more realistic and manageable for me; especially considering that I'm a full-time university student and the only person working on this game right now 🥲✌️
EDIT: Totally forgot to answer your other question, but I'll be updating the 14DWY's itch.io page to include the newest days (rather than releasing them all separately), so all you'd have to do is download the latest files to play the newest content 😊
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rebellenotes · 11 days
i need to act as if my life is a video game so i dont spiral into depr3ssion so i made a 30 day challenge lol. im gonna log it on here starting from tomorrow!!! and here it is if u wanna try it too. i literally just came up w it so idk if it's... doable?? but i tried to make it as self-compassionate and realistic as possible. tag it with "rebelle 30 day demure challenge" if u do it so i can see!!
rebelle's 30 day DEMURE glow-up challenge ♡₊ ⊹
at least 30 minutes of exercise (dancing, strength training, yoga, walking, etc.)
drink 2 liters of water :3 stay hydrated, pookie.
mindful eating:
focus on whole, yummy (healthy, if that's what you want) foods, but no stressing over it! it’s not about restricting (*≧ω≦) it's okay to treat yourself~ be mindful of what you eat, but don’t obsess <3 we're not falling back into unhealthy eating habits! if this is too hard for u if you have a history of obsessing over diets, literally skip this part and just eat normally.
skincare routine:
morning and night: cleanse, moisturize, and don’t forget your sunscreen in the morning (✿◠‿◠)
active hobby:
dedicate 30 minutes to a hobby that brings you joy (writing, djing, playing with your cats) (^o^) no passive stuff like scrolling social media !! (i mean you can doomscroll but not during your allocated 30 minute hobby time!!)
spend 5-10 minutes meditating, journaling, or reflecting on things you're grateful for (✿´‿`) orrrr if ur like me just write down random thoughts in a notebook, it doesn't have to be so serious!!
progress photo:
take a cute daily pic to track your progress. it's about celebrating little changes, not perfection!
limit screen time before bed:
reduce screen use 30 minutes before sleeping to get that good beauty sleep (✿◠‿◠) maybe read book instead or tire out ur pets so they sleep through the night (and let you sleep through the night too)
track record for reflection:
log days when you couldn’t finish all tasks, but use it as a time to reflect! no guilt~ remind yourself: "tomorrow is a new day!" (•‿•)/ this is for preventing fear of failure ending up in giving up altogether. it's a marathon, not a sprint!!
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winningismyjob · 2 months
5 Proven facts to learn a new language faster
Hey all, as an experienced language learner, having learnt two foreign languages to fluency in a relatively small amount of time, and having a lot of experience with tons of other languages, I would like to share with you my 5 tips, which are supported by science, to learn a language faster.
Language learning is important for multiple reasons, one of which is that it stimulates your brain in new ways and can prevent mental diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia. Another reason is that it makes you see the world in a different light and gives you access to new countries, cultures and people.
After reading this blog you will be much more secure in your language learning and will have access to a faster way to mastering your preferred language, so make sure you implement all of these in your next study routine.
Now without further ado, let's start.
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  1. Set clear goals
We all like to be ambitious, but it's important to be realistic as well. Learning a language takes time and even if you optimise your study sessions, it'll still take some years to get fluent (although it depends on the language you're learning and which ones you already know). The reason most people give up on language learning is because they set too high goals and don't reach them, so they become demotivated. Instead of telling yourself to learn 20 words a day, which is a lot, reduce it to 100 words a month. 100 words is still significant progress and is definitely doable even if you're busy, since you would only have to learn 3-4 words of day, which would require about 10, 15 minutes max. In a year you would learn 1200 words, and if you have more time, you could even double it to 200 a month.
It is scientifically proven that people that set reachable goals are more likely to stay motivated and get fluent in the language they're learning.
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    2. Immerse yourself
The second way to learn a language in a faster way is to immerse yourself. I myself have always used this, going to different countries and staying there for some time, and it's always very rewarding since I come back with much more control and fluency in my language.
If you don't have the time and resources to go or move to a new country, which is definitely understandable, you could immerse yourself in different ways, like watching tonnes of YouTube videos, listening to podcasts and talking to natives online. You can use apps like Spotify, Tandem, HelloTalk and Slowly for this.
You could also go on subreddits like r/language exchange to find yourself a language partner.
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    3. Use language learning apps
Although there's a lot of discourse about whether you should or shouldn't use language learning apps, and whether or not they're a waste of time and teach you enough to not use actual textbooks, it can be said that there definitely are certain language apps that help you get closer to your language learning goals faster. Using apps like Anki or Quizlet to learn vocabulary consistently, and Busuu and Babbel for grammar, can significantly help you reach a higher level in your language. Just make sure you don't use just one app, and that you focus on all aspects of language learning.
A possible combination of apps: Anki for vocabulary, Busuu for grammar and Tandem and YouTube for immersion.
Also, you can still use traditional tools for your language learning and combine them with apps. You could use a textbook for grammar and download an app for practising verbs and another one for cases (or use certain websites). Either way, language learning apps are proven to help you learn a language quicker, since they keep your progress organised and keep you motivated. Sometimes they can have an addictive interface like Duolingo so that they make sure you learn something everyday.
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    4. Learn everyday
As for my fourth tip, it's crucial you learn something every single day and not skip a day. Skipping a day can quickly turn into three days, and then a week, which can make you demotivated and harder to start again. You don't have to study for an hour everyday, but just 5 minutes will keep you on the right track and keep you motivated.
You can also try to incorporate language learning in your daily life, like putting sticky notes with vocabulary on your desk or fridge. You can set your background of your phone to a list of 20 new words you have to learn for the week. If you're very serious, maybe consider dating someone who speaks the language you wanna learn, since you can immerse yourself this way naturally.
If it's needed, turn on an alarm or reminder on your phone for language learning or make it a habit to study everyday after you wake up, before you go to sleep, during breaks etc.
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    5. Track your progress
This might sound simple, but it's one of the things that makes people demotivated and stop learning their language. When you get to a certain level, you'll feel "stuck"; you'll feel like you're not progressing. By writing down what you've learned everyday after you study, you'll stay motivated to learn again the next day and the next day and the next day. You'll learn your language faster since you'll stay consistent and since there's less of a chance of you becoming frustrated and feeling stuck and maybe even giving up.
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    Bottom line
There are multiple ways to learn a language quicker, supported by science, like setting clear goals, immersion, using language learning apps, making sure you study everyday and tracking your progress. With these 5 tips you should be ready to take your language learning to the next level.
Thank you for reading and I hope this blog has helped you come closer to your goals. If you want to read more content about studying, language learning, culture, travel, history and countries, definitely don't hesitate to follow my account since I'll post a lot more.
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