#just wanted to let y'all know that i'm still alive and writing
gracieheartspedro · 4 months
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Your Needs, My Needs
I : Strawberry Wine
a masterlist of how you can help gaza
the prelude to this series
pairing: cowboy!joel x f!reader (no outbreak)
description: joel fixes your toilet but you can't help but yearn for more time with him. so you invite him to dinner and try to win his stomach? aka love?
word count: 3.2k words
warnings: there is no smut in this part. still MINORS DNI! no use of y/n! vague talk of reader's old life before texas, no real description of the reader, reader does have anxiety/mental illness that is not fully recognized/diagnosed, mentions of eating food, reader lives alone, reader got MONEYYYY, mentions of joel's ex wife (gasp), alcohol consumption, smoking cigarettes, kissing, flirting. all the fluffy stuff <3
author's note: hey...hey.... how y'all doing?? i'm so so so sorry this has taken so long. my life has been crazy for the last like 4 months and I'm finally getting settled into my life again. I miss y'all and I miss writing, so HERE I AM! I'm hoping everyone who wanted me to tag them months ago is still cool with me tagging them 4 months later lol. okay, lemme know what you think xoxo
Joel comes and goes for days. The first day he returns, he inspects your toilet again and tells you he has the wrong tools. You discuss a game plan and by his initial projections, your toilet should be fixed the next day. But when he fails to come by in the morning, you decide to call the phone number on the post-it note he left for you the day before. 
The phone rings and you get an answering machine of a younger girl telling you to leave her and Dad a message after the beep. When the line lets out a long ding, you breathe out the random croak in your throat. 
“Uh, hey, Joel, it’s me. Just seeing if you’re stopping by today. If not, that’s fine, I’ll be home all day today and tomorrow. Okay, uh, bye.”
Hours go by and you find yourself pacing, regretting your decision to leave him a message. What if he gets it and thinks that you’re crazy? 
Ever since you had made his acquaintance, you felt completely reliant on interacting with him. It may be due to the fact that you haven’t socialized with anyone else in months. You were very good at isolating yourself, but lately, it’s been eating you alive being so alone. Now that you had this big house, the silence felt almost too quiet. Joel’s southern drawl and straightforward responses gave a bit of light back to your life. 
Around dinner time, your landline rings. You practically fall over your couch racing to pick it up, hoping it was him. 
“Howdy neighbor,” He grunts through the phone, “Sorry I didn’t come by today, hope ya didn’t miss me too much.”
You let out a dry laugh, trying not to sound too giddy about him following up with you. You were borderline pathetic. 
“No, I just wanted to make sure you were still alive,” You manage to get out, “You are still alive right?”
“Still kickin’, just busy as all get out. ‘M fixin’ to head to your place now if you’re not busy.”
You look down at your pajamas and start to nod. It’s not like he can see you through the phone, but you are reacting to his words like he’s right in front of you. 
“Sure thing, I’ll leave the door unlocked.”
“So… It’s really just you here? All by your lonesome?”
He’s messing with his toolbox, searching for the one tool he needs to fix the toilet. You stir your fresh brewed tea, ensuring none of the sugar clumps up at the bottom of the mug. You had offered him some, but he politely declined, telling you that he had a big dinner.
You take a sip, testing the sweetness. “Just me. How about you? Just you and your daughter, right?”
He laughs heartedly, turning towards you from where he’s squatted. You look at him with curious eyes, unsure if you asked the wrong question. He stands up, a wrench in his hand, a smile still spread across his face. 
“Her mama left town with her new boyfriend about 5 years ago. Wanted the city life, not the life I gave her. It’s been just me and her ever since.”
So he’s single. You think to yourself. 
You realize the laugh was probably because of how absurd and new it must be for someone to ask him about his life. He grew up here and you are positive everyone here already knew all about his business. You are a breath of fresh air for him. 
Before the silence becomes awkward, you speak up. “City life ain’t worth a shit.”
“Yeah, she’s different. Won’t speak ill of her ‘cause that’s my bosses’ mama. She sees her now and again. They are just very different.” 
The conversation comes easy with Joel. While the first couple of interactions you two shared were a bit strained, after days of small talk, you realize he’s the truest Southern gentleman you’ve ever interacted with. Polite with a little bite. He never speaks ill of others, except his brother. He loves to pick on Tommy. He seems like an attentive father. He loves to pick at you, always pointing out your Northern tendencies. Your horrible driving. Your accent and your speech patterns. But he’s also very complimentary. A couple of days ago, he remarked how nice your perfume was when you were standing close to him. It made your heart skip a beat. 
And on top of all of those things, he’s very easy on the eyes. 
“That’s mighty fine of you not speaking ill of your ex,” You try to drag out the silly Southern saying, which causes him to chuckle again. You smack your lips before continuing, “Wish I could do the same.”
You are not sure what he’s doing to the tank of your toilet, but you watch him strain to get a piece out of the corner with the wrench he has. He clenches his teeth, turning the piece to the left to loosen it. 
“Exes are exes for a reason,” He grunts, fiddling with some more things in the tank, “I ain’t too hung up on datin’ right now. I got my girl and my horses.”
“And now you got me, your annoying neighbor who almost crashes into your horses and asks you to fix toilets.”
He breathes out loudly, “Yeah, ‘nother pain in my ass. Just what a man needs.”
The toilet is fixed too quickly. You had busied yourself with other small cleaning tasks that when Joel finds you in the kitchen doing dishes, he startles you. It took him about 15 minutes to finish the job and you had thought you could at least finish up the dishes you made from dinner. 
“‘M all finished up. Gotta get back home to do some rounds at the stables,” He says as he waltzes over to your paper towel holder. He grabs a sheet and begins to wipe his damp hands, “Anythin’ else for me today?”
You turn off the running water, going down a list of fixes you could ask him to do. You decide it’s probably best to just ask him to swing by another day to help you with other things. 
“No, thank you though, Joel. I am sure I’ll be by to ask for more help,” You chuckle, shaking your hands dry, “I owe you dinner or something.”
As you say it, it feels like all the air leaves your lungs. He’s staring at you and there’s a glint in his eyes. You are not that good at reading people, mostly because you are deathly afraid of being wrong. His eyebrows raise as he leans against the counter near you. He’s so close and in your space, but you try to push the thought of him coming onto you out of your mind. 
“What’do you got on the menu tomorrow?”
His voice is kind of husky which makes your brain draw a blank. You wipe your hands on your pants before crossing the kitchen to check your fridge. You glance through your ingredients, settling for the only dinner item you can conjure up that his southern palette may like. 
“Baked chicken and vegetables?”
He nods, tossing his paper towel into the bin beside you. “Yeah, I've been needing a home-cooked meal. Think I could come over at like 5? Tomorrow?”
You recollect a time when a guy showed interest in wanting to hang out with you outside of work. It had been years and he was not nearly as attractive as the man in front of you. 
You nod slowly, trying not to look too robotic due to your nerves. “Sure thing, cowboy.”
You did not know what to wear. You contemplated going into town to see what the local boutiques had but you ran the risk of Joel seeing you out. You didn’t even know if this was a date. 
You settle on a sundress you have owned since high school. It’s the perfect length and while your mind goes to wanting to impress Joel, you also need to be comfortable. 
You cleaned your house, adding some new decorations to your living room walls. You even clean your sheets and make sure your bedroom is vacuumed. 
When the time comes for Joel to arrive, you pace the kitchen anticipating the doorbell. You already had all the food prepped and ready to put in the oven. The vegetables have been cut and seasoned. Everything was just the way you needed it to be. 
Joel gets there 5 after your scheduled time. When you welcome him at the door, his hair is styled and you can tell he put on his “fancy jeans”. 
What you didn’t expect was the bouquet of flowers he had in his hands. 
“Afternoon, neighbor,” He begins before extending the floral arrangement towards you, “My girl said I had to bring you something nice. Somethin’ bout being a gentleman.”
You smile widely, giving flowers all your attention. Even with the fragrant bouquet, you get a whiff of his sandalwood cologne. 
“Nice to see you cleaned up for me, cowboy. Come on in, dinner is about to get put in the oven.”
You catch him scanning you up and down when you place the spread of chicken and vegetables on the table. He was in the midst of talking about his daughter and her band fundraiser, but he completely halted when you took notice of his staring. 
You settle into the dining room chair across from him, waiting for him to continue, but he doesn’t. 
“She needs more sponsors?” You break the silence, wanting to move away from the sudden awkwardness. 
He swallows, reaching for the serving fork, “Oh, yeah. She needs to reach a certain goal to go on her senior band trip.”
You try to avoid his wandering gaze again, focusing on organizing your plate of vegetables. “Where are they going?”
“Disney. She ain’t never been out of Texas, so she really wants to go.”
You remember all the trips your family said they’d go on to Disney, but they never did. Your father could not stand being around his own children, let alone other people’s children. You think about how he used to complain about your constant questions, all the times he completely ignored you for your brother. You start to spiral, the anxiety creeping up in the back of your throat. You push your chair out from under the table, excusing yourself for a moment. You go to the bar you have set up in the living room and grab the only sweet wine you have. Strawberry. You grab two glasses from the top of the setup and walk back to Joel. 
“Forgot wine,” you mumble, setting a glass in front of him, “You want some?”
He is already picking at his chicken, “Yeah, I’ll take some.”
You are quiet as you uncork it expertly, pouring it into each of the glasses. Joel watches you like a hawk. You can tell he’s trying to read your expression, so you try your best to remain neutral even though your hands are shaking. 
You place the bottle in the middle of the table, making sure it’s easily reachable. 
You finally sit back down, sipping the red liquid. The strawberry flavor isn’t very strong, it’s more like a hint of the berry. You had gotten the bottle from a roadside stand in Kentucky. An older lady who must have owned a vineyard nearby was selling them for $5 each. You told yourself you would only use it for a special occasion. This event seemed fitting. 
Wine always makes you flushed, but you are always a bit flushed around Joel. Even more so when he’s watching you so intently. 
After a couple of sips, you finally rest your shoulders and begin to eat your dinner. 
“I could sponsor her,” you finally say, returning to the previous conversation. For some reason, you felt obligated. Joel quickly retaliates, shaking his head as he chewed on your roasted veggies. 
“You ain’t gotta do that, doll.” 
The nickname rings in your ears. You take another sip of wine. You can tell Joel notices your reaction because he smirks with his mouth full. 
“But I want to, Joel. I’m sure she has worked hard her high school career, she deserves to have fun.”
He hums, but still shakes his head negatively, “I can’t let you just pay for-”
“You can and you will,” You enjoy another bite, smirking at your defiance towards him. He looks perplexed. “So when is this fundraiser? Is there like a dinner or something?”
He finally caves, “This Friday at the school. It’s a dinner and auction. I guess if the kids don’t find their sponsors, some local businesses are willing to sponsor them.”
“Are you going?”
“Yeah,” He cuts up his chicken, “I guess you’re gonna come along, too, if you’re givin’ my girl all that money.”
“Does a check work?”
He sits back in his chair, already finishing off his wine, “You seriously don’t have to-”
“What are neighbors for, Joel?”
He nods, “You mean friends.”
You furrow your brows, trying to let your hazy mind find a time when you called him your friend. This was a new development.
“Friends, huh?”
He pours more in his glass, “Well, I’d like to think so.”
The wine is hitting your system and you realize your arms feel lighter. You grab the stem of your glass and tip it up to down the rest of the alcohol. Joel’s eyes are trained on you, waiting for a snarky response. 
“Do friends stare at other friends like that?” You pour more wine for yourself. You realize he’s done eating so before he can respond to your flirtation, you speak up again, “You done with that?”
He looks down at his empty plate, “Yes, ma’am.”
“Yes friends look at other friends like that, or you’re done eating.”
He grins, “‘m done eating, doll.”
You two find your way out to the rocking chairs. They were left there by the previous owners and you could tell they were probably as old as you. 
You had another full glass of wine, sipping it as Joel lit up a cigarette. He admitted it was only a bad habit when he was drinking, which was rare. “Sarah gets onto me when I have even one beer. So this has gotta be between us two.”
You swirl the crystal, watching him carefully take a drag of the stick. “Your secret is safe with me, cowboy.”
He giggles as he lets out a huff of smoke. “I haven’t had secrets in a long time. Guess I’m lucky it’s with the town stranger.”
The statement hits you in the very pit of your settling tummy. You furrow your eyebrows, leaning forward towards him. Your chairs are not that far away from one another, so this is probably the closest you have ever been to him except for that one moment in the kitchen. 
“Luckiest man in Texas that’s for sure,” You muster, averting your eyes. You could not stare into his beautiful brown eyes for too long. “Having the privilege of getting me out of my head. No man has done that in years.”
“What? You not good at letting loose?”
You shake your head, knowing that he did not understand what you meant. You take a moment to inhale, finally glancing up at him again. “I think I may just be cursed.”
“Now, why do you say that?”
You contemplate spilling the beans. Letting your heart fall onto your sleeve after years of shielding it from anyone who looks your way. Your lips part, but no words come out. It’s just the sounds of the cicadas. 
“As soon as something is good, it gets bad somehow. I don’t even get a moment to savor it.”
You feel the statement down to your bones. The last time you felt settled in your own life, the rug got pulled out from under you. You cannot remember a time when you truly felt present in a special moment. You always felt like you were floating outside of your body, watching things happen and never really truly feeling anything. 
You don’t expect him to lean closer to you, “Whatever happened before you got here, you ain’t gotta worry about it anymore. You obviously put distance between you and what happened for a reason. Let this little side of the world be your home now.”
You push your spiraling thoughts away, letting him be right. 
“I’m workin’ on getting settled. It’s easy when you have a handsome cowboy to help along the way.”
It comes out like word vomit. Between the wine and the nerves coursing through your entire being, you can’t help but admit your little crush on the man. You slap your free hand over your forehead, admitting defeat before he can even respond. You knew he would take the comment and run with it.
“You always flirt with your friends, sweetheart?” He was toying with you, which was a good sign. If he wasn’t interested, he wouldn’t call you such a thing. 
You smile, releasing your face from your hand. His eyes are tracing every curve of your face, a subtle pass that you did not capture quickly enough. 
“Only ones that fix my toilets.”
And then, he kisses you. It happens so quickly, that you don’t fully grasp that it’s happening until you're molding your lips into his. Once your buzzed brain picks up the fact that the man you have been crushing on is kissing you, he pulls away. Your eyes are still closed, your hands still gripping onto your wine glass. 
He huffs loudly and stands up quickly. Once you place your eyes on him, he’s pacing around the back deck stairs, not too far from where you’re sitting. You instantly bite back the urge to ask him what’s wrong, because there’s always something wrong. 
“‘M sorry, sweetheart. I should’na done that.”
He instantly regretted it. The thought made your throat tighten. He continues to walk back and forth, causing a draft. 
“It’s fine, Joel. I’m n-not mad.”
He shakes his head, halting his robot-like movements. He finally looks at your pitiful expression and lets out a long sigh. “I don’t think I’m much of a gentleman, kissing you on the first date.”
You watch as he places his hands on his hips, contemplating his whole life right before your eyes. You realize he is too traditional to see that nowadays, people are sleeping together on the first date. First base is nothing. You rest your glass on a decrepit table next to you and stand up. 
You slowly approach him, trying to catch a glance from him, but he continues to avert his eyes. You grow bold enough to tilt his chin towards you, letting your guard down for a moment. 
“You’re such a gentleman, it hurts,” you whisper, slowly letting a smirk grow across your face. The comment makes his shoulders lower, finally relaxing from such a heated moment. 
“Just don’t wanna mess this up with ya,” He murmurs, only letting you and the nearby fireflies hear you, “I enjoy spending time with you.”
You slowly lower your hand to your side, trying to act casually about the confession. But the truth is you want to run and wake up every cow and horse within a 10-mile radius with a squeal of delight. 
“I like spending time with you, too, Joel.”
He takes your hand as you say it, bringing your knuckles up to his lips. His breath is hot on the back of your hand before he says, “Well now, I quite like the sound of that."
taglist (some of y'all can't be tagged, I tried lol)
@midnightdragonzero @casssiopeia @anoverwhelmingdin @notsosecretspy @raindrcpsangel @art-estrange @misstokyo7love @lizzie-cakes @d1lf-loverrr @ashleyfilm 
@blckbrrybasket @cande-beggins @gloryekaterina @lilyevanstan1325 @frogtape @jamesdeerest @mellymbee @arrowsandanchor @polishedtaylor @harrieandharassed @ranahx @youwouldntdownloadapizza @jmillersgirl @wintersquirrel @stefanibear003 @joliettes @startsm00n @abbsfrommars @76bookworm76 @youotterbekiddingme @jodiswiftle
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svltzmans · 9 months
lipstick - c.h.
warnings: 18+ smut, fem! reader, hickeys/marks, nipple play, top!reader, edging, many other dirty things <3 cassie is in love with reader's lipstick <3 i wanted to finish this bc i'm excited to post it so i didn't proofread 😬
a/n: i'm obsessed with cassie y'all... also i feel like this is a little smuttier than what i would normally write? do we like this or is it too much? let a gal know
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y/n stares at herself in her bathroom mirror, focused on the deep red lipstick she was applying.
her girlfriend, cassie, had reserved them a table at one of the most lavish restaurants in the area. it was what cassie liked to call a "surprise date," although y/n was made aware beforehand.
as much as y/n likes to dress up for this type of occasion, she has never gone this far with her appearance.
she had picked out a princess-esque gown that flowed behind her as she walked, paired with black stilettos and her best batch of jewelry.
cassie is beyond obsessed with the way her girlfriend dresses herself up. her heart skips a beat seeing y/n look as angelic as she does.
"baby, are you ready to g- oh wow," cassie fails to form words when she sees y/n in front of the mirror.
the way y/n is leaning into the mirror over the sink makes cassie's legs feel weaker. she stares for a moment, not even noticing that y/n had responded to her.
"cass, you in there?" y/n brings her out of the fantasies she had already started dreaming of involving y/n and the sink.
"yeah, i just... you look beautiful."
cassie is absolutely in awe of the woman in front of her, almost struggling to believe that they were really dating.
"you're not so bad yourself, howard," y/n quips, sending a wink cassie's way.
cassie struggles to stand, and the feeling only worsens when she sees the dark red stain on her girlfriend's lips.
something about the way y/n looked wearing lipstick made cassie shiver. there was something so seductive about it that made something as simple as y/n talking especially attractive.
"i, uh, i really like that lipstick on you," cassie says shyly, trying to hide the fact that she is staring deeply at her girlfriend's lips.
"new shade i'm trying out," y/n simply replies. "wanna try some?"
the thought of y/n putting lipstick on her makes cassie feel like she has ascended directly to heaven.
"sure, yeah, i'd like that."
cassie is still somewhat shy; she still hadn't fully adjusted to the sight in front of her.
y/n pulls cassie closer and kisses her gently, resting her hands on her cheeks.
"there you go, now you can wear it too," y/n says nonchalantly, smirking at her awestruck partner.
without even thinking, cassie pulls y/n in again, much more intensely this time. her body feels like it's on fire, never quite feeling close enough to the woman in front of her.
"cassie, what are you do-"
y/n is interrupted by cassie unzipping her own dress, desperately trying to get it off her body.
"our reservation is in a little while, baby," y/n attempts to reason with cassie, to no avail. she tries to hide her stares, which is impossible with her girlfriend's body in full view.
"fuck the reservation."
cassie rests her body against the sink, the back of her head resting against the mirror.
she feels alive being exposed in front of y/n, as if it was her favorite drug.
and when y/n attaches her lips to cassie's neck, she can't help but let out an anguished whine.
y/n is both gentle and sloppy, kissing and sucking on cassie's pulse point.
"god, y/n..."
when cassie looks down, she sees the maroon color of y/n's lipstick smeared on her neck, and she swears she has never needed anyone so badly.
"mark me," cassie mutters, desperation evident in her voice.
without warning, y/n plants a kiss on cassie's nipple, leaving behind the shape of her lips.
"more," cassie breathes, barely keeping her composure.
the encouragement is all y/n needs, swirling her tongue around cassie's nipple and obscenely spreading the red pigment.
y/n bites and sucks on cassie's boobs in a way that is almost animalistic, a combination of lipstick and broken vessels creating a masterpiece on cassie's chest.
cassie is unapologetically a mess, running her fingers through her girlfriend's hair and throwing her head back against the mirror. at that moment, she didn't care if she broke it.
the noises she makes are both obscene and heavenly, a mix of gentle whines and almost-screams.
cassie can't help but start to push y/n's head down, wordlessly begging her for more.
y/n looks up at cassie, ceasing the contact between her mouth and her girlfriend's body.
"gotta use your words, cass," she teases, resting her chin on cassie's thigh.
"need you, y/n," cassie manages, already breathing heavy.
"need me for what, baby?"
"fuck me. need it so bad. please pretty, i'll be good, i promise..."
cassie is blabbering at that point, doing everything she can to get y/n's touch once again.
eventually, she wins.
y/n tantalizingly plants kisses on her thighs, dropping to her knees to be at eye level.
cassie practically melts into a puddle seeing her girlfriend on her knees in front of her. she's mesmerized, feeling like she was on a high she'd never come down from.
"stop teasing, y/n. need your mouth baby," cassie slurs, bucking her hips up from the sink.
y/n finally dives into cassie, roughly and swiftly sucking on her clit.
"fuck, y/n," cassie practically screams, simultaneously feeling the strongest form of desire and relief.
y/n briefly pulls away, lewdly licking her lips.
"you taste as good as you look, pretty girl," she mutters before continuing without skipping a beat.
cassie whines at her girlfriend's comment, already feeling the coil in her stomach growing at a rapid pace.
"god, y/n. gonna make me cum."
cassie relishes in the pleasure, her legs vibrating as she gets closer and closer to her orgasm.
as she's about to fall over her peak, y/n pulls her mouth away.
"what- what're you doing?" cassie whines, the loss of contact almost painful.
"not done with you yet, cass. can you hold on for a little longer for me?"
cassie could never object. as badly as she needed to cum, she needed more of y/n just as badly.
when y/n starts again, cassie is already close, gripping the porcelain below her.
when y/n slowly pushes a finger into cassie, she absolutely loses it.
"oh my god, just like that. feels so good, fuck. can't take much more."
cassie's words sound like a cocktail of nonsense, her brain seeming to give out on her the longer y/n fucks her.
"gonna cum on my face, aren't you, cass? i know, baby. let it out princess, you can do it."
cassie is practically crying out of pure ecstasy, her body giving out from under her.
"i, i'm gonna, can i?"
"cum for me, cassie."
cassie's vision completely blacks out, her head once again thrown back against the mirror. she grips y/n's hair, still seeing stars after several seconds.
cassie feels like her orgasm will never end, not fully used to the intensity of the feeling.
when she comes down from her high, she stares down at her girlfriend, who finally stands up from her knees.
y/n's lipstick is entirely smudged, and her dress was half off her body.
"fuck," cassie giggles, pulling y/n in for a kiss.
y/n's eyes widen in realization when she remembers they had entirely forgotten about their dinner plans.
"the reservation!" y/n says, exasperated.
"as i said," cassie replies. "fuck the reservation."
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eternalxvenus · 6 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋ broken promises pt. 2 ࿐ྂ
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summary: Rafe promised to take you out and spend your birthday with you, but you don’t hear from him all day and then suddenly he shows up at your door trying to explain. (this is part 2 to the birthday girl angst blurb! i changed the title for the series so it was more appealing)
cw: mentions of drug use, angst, nothing crazy (yet lmao)
wc: 1.2k
notes: i'm excited to write this since its my first series! lmk if there's anything you guys would wanna see in future chapters :)
previous chapters: part 1
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You wake up to your alarm droning on annoyingly and feel around aimlessly with your eyes closed to turn it off. Once you had finally woken up on your own accord, you realized you should talk to Rafe. You hadn't spoken to him or left your house the last few days. Obviously, you missed him, but you just felt so hurt and angry with him.
After getting ready and using makeup to look a little more alive and less blotchy from crying so much, you decided you'd go up to Tannyhill to try and talk to Rafe. You left your house, hopped on your bike, and started towards the estate. The whole ride there, you just kept going over what you wanted to say but nothing seemed right. Before you knew it, you were at the front entrance.
You walked inside and heard voices in the distance coming from upstairs. Once you made your way upstairs, you heard the voices more clearly coming from Rafe's room. It was Rafe and another person whose voice you couldn't pinpoint.
"Come on, man you gotta understand where I'm comin' from. I've just been stressed out. Nothing a good time won't fix."
You looked into the room and saw Rafe sitting with some guy you've never seen. There was a table in between them that had some rolled-up bills and coke sitting on it.
You walked inside the room, still unnoticed until you spoke. "Hey, Rafe."
Both of their heads snapped in your direction, and Rafe immediately shot up, walking towards you.
"Shit... I uh- I didn't know you were coming over." He looked back at the man who just sat there unbothered. "Barry, can you uh give us a minute..."
"So let me get this straight, you went to a party and got high, missed my entire birthday, and after I tell you I'm pissed off your next line of action is to get high again with your drug dealer, right?"
Before Rafe could speak, Barry grabbed his stuff and started walking out. "A'ight man hit me up when y'all are done dealing with this shit."
Rafe waited until he thought Barry was far enough before closing the door and speaking, "Can you blame me? I don't hear from you for days so I assumed you didn't wanna be with me anymore! I tried to talk to you and you straight up ignored me."
"I was angry Rafe! I just needed some time to myself. That doesn't mean I'm breaking up with you and it doesn't mean you should start doing drugs again when that is quite literally what we fought about." 
This definitely wasn't how you imagined this conversation going. You didn't want to argue with him but your pride wasn't going to let you just back down.
"If you wanted space you could've told me," he sighed. "And I am sorry that I got high at that party and I'm sorry I missed your birthday okay? I want to make it up to you."
You walked over to the bed and sat down for a moment with your head in your hands. You loved Rafe, you really did. But you didn't want him falling into his old habits and lying to you about it.
You both sat there in silence as you thought about what you should do and what you should say.
"Rafe I... I think we should just take some time apart. Get our heads straight and figure out what we want-"
He walked over and sat next to you his eyes wide. "Baby I want you, I want to be with you."
"I wanna be with you too, Rafe, but I have conditions. I don't want you doing coke anymore. I don't like the person you are when you get like that. I know you get stressed and feel like it's your only option but you have me. Or maybe try weed and see how that works for you. I also don't want you hanging with Barry anymore. Non-negotiables."
He nods "I swear I'll work on it and I'll talk to Barry. I swear."
You stand up from the bed getting ready to go out the door. "Rafe... I'm gonna go stay with my parents on the mainland for a few days. I'll be in contact but please try your best to just leave me be. Get clean, for good, and I'll let you know when I'm back and we can figure everything out. Okay?"
He shakes his head. You can see that he's angry and confused, your heart just aches. "The mainland? What- why? Just stay here, I don't understand-"
"Please, Rafe. This is what we have to do okay?"
He took a few deep breaths and ran his hands through his hair. "Okay... okay. When you get back, I'll have made it up to you. Just promise me we aren't over." 
You could see the tears that formed in his eyes and had to fight back your own. "We aren't over just yet." You gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving his room and heading home.
You were finally off the ferry and on the mainland to stay with your parents. You really wanted to talk to your best friend to get advice so you asked her to pick you up. By the time you reached your house, she was all caught up. Your parents weren't home so you both went straight up to your childhood bedroom.
"Damn... I didn't think he got down like that." Niki looked at you slightly surprised. "Honestly though, it sounds like does care about you, even if he did fuck up."
"Yeah, I know he cares I just... I don't wanna have to worry about shit like this. Whenever he's all coked up he makes irrational and bad decisions. I'm just worried he'll do something and end up in jail or worse."
"You just have to let him know that. Make sure he knows your anger comes from a place of care. If he feels like you're just judging him, it'll probably piss him off."
You sigh and groan into your pillow. "You're right, thanks Niki."
"Don't mention it. Now, let me catch you up on the mainland gossip!" she squealed.
Niki had gone home and you were getting into bed, ready to sleep after what felt like an exceptionally long day, when your phone chimed. You looked and saw you had a text from Rafe.
Rafe: hey I just wanted to make sure you made it to the mainland safely.
You: yes I did, i'm at my parent's house, thanks for asking.
Rafe: of course, goodnight
You: goodnight
Placing your phone on the dresser, you're thankful he doesn't push the conversation further. You decide you'll only stay here for three days before going back to the island to figure things out with Rafe. You just hope he can work on staying clean and that you can go back to being together like normal. 
As you closed your eyes, ready for sleep, you heard another chime from your phone. You groaned before picking it up to check.
Topper: hey we need to talk, it's about Rafe.
part 3
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likes, comments, and blogs are greatly appreciated!
taglist: @readingsmuts @1aarii1 @bingbongbum @stargirlsturniololover @babygirl229 @poisonedsultana @rafescamshoe
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dilatorywriting · 1 month
hey hey y'all! Just wanted to give a quick update. I am alive and getting better, but I have a bit of a brain break a few weeks ago and it absolutely took me out. It was a long time coming and honestly, I was sorting of expecting it, but it still absolutely wiped me from top to bottom (tldr, my school fucked up Hugely before I graduated and didn't let I or really any other students take the national licensing exams. So I couldn't get my license to practice. Which means I've been working as a pseudo vet nurse while being also being a new doctor, which for someone who already had major imposter syndrome and perfomance panic did Not Fly Well with my brain. So. Bleck). I'm getting back around to be a whole ass person again which is lovely! But that's why I poofed off the face of the planet. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to check in <3333 you're all absolutely amazing.
I've started getting my brain back a bit, so I'm hoping I'll be around a bit more! I know writing is a hobby and not like, a Demand and I can technically pause when I need to, but it's my hobby and keeps me sane. So fingers crossed as I get my bounce back I can dive back into all my favorite things and share them again with you lovely peeps
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whosmarii · 9 months
Nsfw headcanons about mcu Peter Parker.
He loooves make out sessions, I believe he could have you sitting on his lap while kissing for hours without getting bored o needy of something more.
Other thing is that Peter found out how much he loves to touch your body in one of your make out sessions. He never notice how his hands run through all your body, caressing every single space of your skin. Your arms, hands, fingers, legs, feets, face, neck,etc. He loves to feel your muscles moving, your bones being there, your hot breath and the moving of your body to accompany that breath, the texture of your skin in his hands, he loves to feel that same skin getting hotter or colder with or without his touch, he loves to feel you there, to feel you real, alive and with him.
Peter also loves to watch you, the physical attraction he has for you is too much to handle for him. All the things he likes to feel, he likes to watch too. When you two are more comfortable around each other (cause let's remember that he is very awkward and shy) he would tell you that he wants to see you touching yourself, and not like masturbating. He wants to see you touch your body like he does, so everything he feels with his hands he can see with his eyes.
Maybe this is a little creepy but, like I kinda implied before, he...maybeee...has some type of kink with you being like...alive? or real. LET ME EXPLAIN. Peter loves to see you, feel you, taste you, he just loves to have every one of his senses in you and to have every one of yours senses in him, and when that happens he can't help the arousal that runs in his body by the thought of your existence, and specially the thought of your being, being there with him, in his bed. To know that such a real and alive beautiful woman is there by his side. (Peter Parker is a hopeless romantic in every universe, it's in his nature to be extremely aware of you and to have such dramatic thought about your breathing lol).
For the end, a little though I have. Peter has a very very high sex drive but he doesn't have time to fullfil it tho. Probably that's the reason why it is so high, I mean teenager Peter had his hormones at it's highest and didn't have time to yk, experience that type of things. And more grown up Peter still is very young and with a whole adolescent life of no sex. So, yeah, I believe he is really needy of sexual relive.
Okkk, that's all guys.
This is my first post so tell what things should I correct and give me ideas for the next post, tell me what and who would y'all like me to write about.
And, I'm not very used to Tumblr, so if you have ideas on how to make my post more aesthetically pleasing please feel free to tell me!
pd: English is not my native language, so maybe some things are not write correctly, please let me know that.
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sherewrytes · 4 months
ℙ𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕡, 𝕆𝕟𝕪𝕒𝕟𝕜𝕠𝕡𝕠𝕟
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(I'll always want you part Final)
Link for part three here
dividers by @Cafekitsune
Song inspo: Power Trip - J Cole
C.W: angst, drug use, smut. MORE ANGST.
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Ony hadn't seen you since the party. Well, he saw you on campus, at mutual friends' parties, but y'all kept your distance from each other. It's been 18 months since you two broke up and almost a year since Armin's party. Ony had been back in the studio more than ever, working on his upcoming album. Between uni, social media, and studio time, he thought he'd be able to keep his mind off you. But he couldn't. His thoughts always wandered back to you. He'd stalk your socials every now and then and saw that you finally launched your brand, Xerar.
Ony was in the studio, working on a song called "Power Trip" with his producer/rapper best friend Eren for the final track on his album. He was smoking a blunt with Eren, Connie, Armin, and Jean when they started talking about your upcoming fashion show.
Eren: Aye Jean, you going to Xerar's launch man. Jean: Who's throwing that again. I don't keep up much with fashion Armin: You idiot, it's y/n's launch and her fashion show Connie: *Passes blunt to Eren* Man I aint missing that, she's been working on that shit forever. Plus, I gots be there since imma model and shit
Eren passes the blunt to Ony then watches his expression. Ony's eyes widened listening to his friend's conversation. He slowly realized everyone was invited but him. Everyone noticed his silence and quickly switched the topic.
Ony's mind momentarily had a flashback He remembered the nights working with you on your sketches, you bouncing ideas off him. Him helping you pick fabric swatches and the works. Ony felt sick to his stomach.
He moved away from his friends, put on his headphones, and started writing trying to clear his mind and probably work on another single.
Connie watched Ony over in the corner chilling with his headphones in smoking and writing. His aura a bit broken.
Connie playfully shoved Eren and said, "Man, you know he still holds a torch for her. Why you gotta mention it?"
Eren scoffed and said, "It's time he let go, man."
Ony left the studio when no one was looking and headed home. He found himself smoking a cigarette in bed, staring at the ceiling, mind running on times that no longer existed. He sighed, rubbing his hands against his face, he contemplated calling over someone to fuck the thoughts away, but he knew it usually left him feeling worse. He stubbed out his cigarette in the bedside ashtray stared into space hoping the pain would eat him alive.
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Ony was smoking on the balcony of his apartment, looking out at the night sky when his phone rang. He answered without checking it. He heard your voice, "Hey Ony, what's up?"
Ony was shocked that you called but played it cool. "Hey, I'm good. Just on my balcony hittin' a blunt. What made you call me?" You heard Ony inhale through the phone. "Just curious to see how you're doing, Soro."
You calling Ony by his artist's name made him laugh a bit. You asked Ony to come over. You heard him hesitate, then he said OKAY and that the passcode for his apartment door was the same. You laughed and hung up.
Ony confused and in a fit of paranoia called Eren. "Hey man..fuck y/n called me now she's coming over. Idk what to do man."
Eren laughed then told Ony "Bro, calm down, probably take another hit of that blunt you're smokin right now and relax. Some of us sleep in the night man." Ony laughed and ended the call with Eren.
Thirty minutes later, Ony felt your presence before he saw you. You looked the same but different. You were wearing his old navy blue College Dropout hoodie from Kanye West that you stole from him and grey sweat shorts.
Ony watched you sit next to him, sparking up a blunt of your own. You both sat in silence until Ony said, "I'm glad to see you, Y/N." Ony smelled the faint scent of your usual perfume mixed with your favorite bedtime body mist and it had him tweaking a bit.
This was the moment he had been waiting for. The moment when he could really patch things up once and for all. He needed to be as honest as he could to make up for his mistakes. Ony was thinking to himself,
Why do I feel so nervous? I don't care. I have to speak my heart out.
His voice came out a little broken but heavy. "Y/N, I..." Ony's words failed him. It was so hard for him to speak when all he could see was your beautiful face.
"Hi Ony," you said. Hearing your voice in person sent him crazy. He tried to calm his mental. Ony wasn't sure what to say, so he just stared at you while you were smoking your blunt.
You felt him staring you up and down. He watched the moonlight hit your face, and it made him want you. Ony tried to speak again, but nothing came out. He thought to himself again,
Why is it so hard to say 'I love you' to her right now? This is frustrating. I need to say it. I've prepared myself for this. This is my second chance to fix everything. This is my one and only chance to make her happy again. It's time to stop hesitating and open my heart.
Ony watched you stub out your blunt and turn to face him. "Ony, what do you have to say to me?" Ony sighed and poured his heart out.
"Y/N, I know I messed up. I know I hurt you. I cheated, and I can't take that back. But I've been thinkin' 'bout you every damn day. I still love you, and I can't shake that. It's been almost two years, and I should've moved on, but I can't. Every waking moment, every dream is about you. I'm sorry for everything, for causing you so much pain. I just want a chance to make things right."
You sat there in silence, the words hanging heavy in the air.
Ony murmured, "Do you hate me, Y/N? Like, for real, do you?"
Ony was met with silence again. Ony sighed and started up again,
"I still love you, Y/N. I know it's been almost two years. I should move on, be more focused, but every waking moment, every dream is about you. I hate that I cheated and fucked up, Ma."
Ony watched you fix your hair and saw the Versace bracelet he got you still on your wrist. He thought to himself, "Why didn't she return that with all the other stuff?"
He wanted to ask about it but ignored it. He watched you rise from your seat, walk over to the balcony, and stare at the night sky.
Ony opted to change the music playing in the background. He switched it from "Dr. Suess" by Ski Mask to "Power Trip" by J. Cole ft. Miguel.
Ony sat there staring at you and continued smoking until he heard you say, "What do you really want, Ony?"
Ony thought his ears were playing tricks on him, then he responded,
"Are you askin' me what I want right now, Ma?" "Yeah, right now."
He took another hit, then said, "Honestly, I wanna hug you right now. I wanna hold you tight and feel your warmth as I tell you that I love you."
Silence again. Ony watched you fish a blunt out of your lil purse you came with while coming to sit next to him and said, "How about you smoke this with me?"
Ony pulled out his lighter and lit the blunt hanging from your lips in silence, his eyes locked with yours, he was the first to look away. He was lost in thought.
"She so damn beautiful takin' a drag. Missed this. Her lips, damn, so beautiful. First time in forever, I'm seein' it. Thinkin' 'bout kissin' her, scared 'cause we been apart so long. Don't wanna mess this moment."
Ony took the blunt from you and took a drag still deep in thought. *thinking to himself*
"View's beautiful now. Moonlight, city quiet. Us two, world feelin' small. Beautiful moment. Don't want it to end. Enjoyin' it, appreciatin' her bein' here, missed it so much."
With a smile on his face, Ony said, "You the most beautiful woman in this world. I swear you're perfect."
You turn to Ony and said, "Ony, it’s not just about the apology or just buttering me up with sweet words. It’s about trust. You broke it, and I don’t know if we can ever get it back."
He nodded, taking in your words. "I get it. Can't stop thinkin' 'bout us, what we had. What could've been. Tryna move on, stuck in the past."
You took a deep breath, the weight of his words sinking in. "Ony, I’ve tried to move on too. I’ve been focusing on my brand, on myself. But seeing you, hearing you say all this, it brings everything back. I don’t know if I can go through that pain again."
He leaned closer, his eyes pleading. "Y/N, I know I don’t deserve another chance. But I’m asking for one. I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make things right. I still love you, and I don’t want to spend my life wondering what could have been."
You looked away, the night sky providing a momentary distraction from the intensity of the conversation. "Ony, it’s not that simple. We can’t just go back to how things were. We’ve both changed."
He reached out, gently turning your face back to him. "I know we can’t go back. But maybe we can start over. Build something new, something stronger. Please, Y/N, give us a chance."
You sighed, feeling the weight of his words and the sincerity in his eyes. "Ony, I don’t know if I can. But I’m willing to try. One step at a time."
A small smile formed on Ony's lips as he nodded, hope flickering in his eyes. "That’s all I’m asking for. One step at a time."
You both sat there, the silence now filled with a sense of cautious hope. Ony leaned over to kiss you but you exhale smoke directly in to his face. Ony smirked then let out a chuckle. Ony whispered while taking a hit from the blunt in your hands "You know how that gets me ma."
Ony leans in again and kisses you this time exhaling the smoke directly into your mouth as you inhale and kiss him back. Ony watched as your eyes got low and red just like his while they were you were smiling at him made it obvious to him you were blushing heavily.
"I miss that look in your eyes a lot." blunt now forgotten, you and ony were making out heavily. Ony pulled you onto his lap. his hands roamed your body causing you to grind against his clothed body. Ony felt like he was losing his mind having you back with him like this felt like magic. Like a fever dream
As the night wore on, you and Ony talkin', reminiscin', fuckin,ownin' up to mistakes. No fix-all, but a start. Tiny step towards healin', maybe somethin' more down the line.
The shrill sound of Ony's phone alarm shattered the moment, dragging him out of his dreamy haze.
Ony shot up on the bed wiping his face, feelin' hot and sweaty. Thinking out loud he said "It was so real. Like I was really with her... but that ain't possible. It was just a dream."
He gotta admit he miss her so bad. He loves everything about her. Her deep brown eyes, her dark hair, her beautiful face, her gentle and soft smile. He misses the little things about her, even her annoying habits and the small gestures she does without thinkin'.
He wishes it wasn't just a dream. He wishes it was real...
Ony felt like he wanted to scream. He turned off his phone alarm and saw texts from Eren
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Ony felt a scream building in his chest. He turned off his phone alarm and glanced at Eren's texts, irritation bubbling up. Connie had exposed his vulnerability without truly grasping it. Plugging his phone to charge, Ony considered rolling another blunt. He had class today but couldn't bear the thought of facing anyone. Deep down, he knew his self-destructive behavior was spiraling out of control, but he felt powerless to change it.
He roamed around his apartment, trying to clear his mind, then suddenly
He heard a banging on his apartment door. He kissed his teeth and went to open it and saw. Connie, Armin, Connie, Mikasa and Sasha at his door. He almost slammed the door back in the faces, but Eren pushed the door open letting everyone in. Eren walked straight for where Ony usually kept his stash and dumped out his weed and Eren saw the pills and his eyes teared up almost immediately.
Eren grabbed Ony by the shoulders, attempting to shake some sense into Ony but nothing registered for Ony.
Eren raised his voice trying to talk to Ony but he just stayed silent. Mikasa looked through the pills. There was molly, percs and even some Xanax.
Connie chimed in asking Ony "Floch sold you these pills man like for real. He is the only dude on campus that got this shit."
Ony looked around the room at his friends and all he could think of was you. You'd hate to see him right now. This wasn't the Ony you fell in love with. The one who held your hand, stayed up when you cried about your finals. He was a far cry from that person.
Ony's world was shaken when he saw his older brother and sister walk in his apartment door. He knew what this was. An Intervention. All he prayed that his parents weren't here to see this.
His sister looked at him with sad eyes while his brother was furious.
All his sister said is "Mom and Dad knows, they were gonna disown you but Kwesi (Ony's older brother) explained everything to them. You gotta get help man. You're killing yourself. Are you sure this is all about y/n"
Ony stayed silent for a long moment then said "After finals. I'll get help. Let me just finish finals. That's all. This aint on y/n it's on me. I dont wanna hear anyone blaming her for shit."
Ony walked off, absentmindedly reaching for the cigarettes on the console table when it was pulled out his hand by Sasha.
Ony scoffed leaving everyone in the living room area, to sit out on the balcony alone. He needed a moment to just think.
He grabbed his iPad sitting on the table and mindlessly scrolled through IG when he saw a picture of you cuddled up with Lead Singer of the band ErrxR Reiner Braun. He dropped his iPad, watching the screen crack on the ground.
The little hope he had in his heart, that you and he could be once again is long gone. You moved on leaving him truly alone in the chaos of his own doing.
The End
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mentally-a-slut · 5 months
Three Days (Arthur Morgan x Fem! Reader) (SMUT)
Anddddd here we are! Part two of 'Staring Problem'! This can be read as a stand alone, but if you want a suggestive lead up, then go read part one! I tried my best with this one, but I haven't written explicit smut like this in a long time, so go easy on me! Writing this also reminded me that I loathe writing in second person, so from here on out I think I'll either do first or third. I won't bore you with details here, but I'll put up a separate post updating y'all on some stuff. Anyway, enjoy, and please leave feedback! Silent readers are appreciated but leaving comments helps me get motivated to continue! Even just a one word comment or an emoji helps! - Azi >:)
Summary: Arthur's been gone on a job for three days, which isn't a new development. However, a new development in your relationship just before he left leave you wanting. But fear not, as your troubles will be soon solved!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: unprotected PinV sex, smut, oral (f receiving), overall filth, reader is female, unedited (sorry), probably OOC Arthur but we're here for dick not character analysis!
You had always hated when Arthur went away on jobs, but ever since he left you hanging, your distaste for his long absences had grown.
You hadn't seen the man in three days, only getting a parting kiss and a heavy, heated promise as a farewell. The first day he was gone, you were mostly in awe of what had happened, wistfully going about your day and daydreaming of things to come.
The second day left you a little frustrated, the ache for him only growing with his absence. The other girls had noticed too, only making you more irritable as they teased you relentlessly for your obvious attitude change.
The third day was when you started to get worried. He'd been gone on longer jobs than this before, but you still couldn't help the nervous bouncing of your leg as you sat across from Tilly, trying to busy yourself with patching up some clothes.
"I'm sure he's fine. He's been gone much longer than this before."
Your lips contorted into a line, eyebrows knitted as you shook off the pain of the needle piercing the soft pad of your thumb. "I know. Just miss him, I guess."
Tilly just smiled and let you work in silence alongside her.
Arthur had gone to rob some stagecoach close to Emerald Ranch, along with Javier and Micah. You trusted Javier to help bring him back safely, but the addition of Micah made you nervous. He had a reputation of losing his cool and endangering the lives of everyone in a five mile radius.
Abigail had been very helpful the last couple of days. She understood every minor shift in your demeanor in the time he was gone. John was no stranger to long jobs, so Abigail knew exactly how it felt to sit idle while the men were out in danger.
John tried to be helpful, saying things about how Arthur had been bled half to death before and still made it back alive, but that only made things worse. You appreciated the effort, though.
It was getting close to evening now, the light of the sun slowly disappearing behind the horizon. You tried not to feel disappointed, knowing that if they were on the way back, they would likely stop and make camp for another night before arriving. Riding at night was never good unless they were on the way to a job. Riding back during the day was safer, and helped them keep an eye out for any witnesses or general hinderances along the way.
Just as you were about to resign yourself to your lonely bedroll for the night, the sound of rumbling hooves shook the ground under your feet.
You whipped your head around to see three healthy horses slowing to a walk near the hitch posts, each one carrying an upright, unharmed figure. You silently cursed the fact that Micah had made it back alive, but figured it was too much to hope that you'd get Arthur back and get rid of Micah in one day.
You didn't care what it looked like to the others, throwing all cares out as you rushed over to greet the man that had been haunting your thoughts for the last three days. He was just finishing up tying his big black shire to the post, taking the weight off his horse for the night, when you tackled him into a hug.
He stumbled slightly, your arms wrapping tightly around his waist as he snaked an arm around yours to steady himself. His breath tickled the top of your head as he chuckled. "Miss me?"
You scoffed and pulled your head from his chest, still gripping the sides of his jacket as you looked up at him. "You were gone three days!"
He smiled down at you and pulled you back against him, settling his other hand to cradle your head against his chest. "I missed you too, sweetheart."
All of a sudden, he withdrew, his eyes landing on the man a few feet away that was tending to his horse. "Javier!"
He turned. "Yeah, Arthur?"
"Tell Dutch me and my lady are goin' on a little vacation for a while, will ya?"
Javier nodded with a smirk, and you shrieked as Arthur lifted you onto his horse without warning. He followed shortly after, kicking his horse into a fast walk as a few wolf whistles resounded from camp.
You held onto his waist tightly as he sped up. "Where are we goin'?"
"Just into town."
"What are we gonna do there so late at night?"
You felt more than heard his responding chuckle. "Get a room."
"Oh. Oh."
The excitement that tingled through your body was electric, buzzing the whole ride there.
You would have flustered at the knowing look on the hotel receptionist's face if you had been at all aware of anything but Arthur.
Arthur thanked the man before leading you up the stairs to the room, his large hand gripping yours the whole way there. You expected him to jump straight into action the second the door closed behind you, but instead his strong arms pulled you into a hug.
His arms encircled you and pressed you against him as he nestled his face into your neck. The vibration of his words against your neck sent sparks through your body straight to your core. "Thought about you the whole time."
You sighed into him, holding onto his as if he would disintegrate upon letting go. He only pulled back to gently tilt your chin up, pressing a sweet kiss against your lips.
The kiss was so soft, so filled with emotion, his fingers brushing lovingly across your cheek as your lips molded together. You were the one to lean into it, chapped lips parting and teeth nipping lightly at him.
The responding noise from him fueled your desire more, the desperate groan making your whole body ache for his touch. His hands moved from your waist to your hips, fingers bunching up in the fabric of your shirt as he fought your tongue with his.
When his rough fingers brushed against the bare skin of your waist, you whined into the kiss, arching into him. He chuckled against your lips, brushing his hands even further up your shirt and coming to a stop just under your tits.
You broke the kiss just for a moment to lift your shirt over your head, discarding it wildly behind you. You yelped as he lifted you and spun you around, walking you backwards towards the bed. You tugged him down on top of you, slipping a hand under his shirt to feel to ripples of muscle on his chest and stomach.
"Arthur," you whined, tugging at his shirt. He got the hint, discarding his shirt before meeting your lips again. His kiss was rougher this time, wet and messy as he took in the feeling of your body against his. You brought your legs up to circle around his waist, and you whimpered when he pressed his hips forward against yours, his hardened cock straining against his pants.
You tangled your hands in his hair, tugging lightly. He squeezed your hips in response, kissing down your neck and nipping at the skin on your chest.
His hands snaked around your back, undoing your bra without even pausing. He broke the kiss only when he pulled the straps down, revealing your chest to the open air. Your first instinct was to cover yourself, but he didn't even give you the chance.
You didn't have the brain capacity to be embarrassed at the sound that came out of you when he took a nipple into his mouth, gripping the other with his large hand. He groaned against you, his erection brushing against you. He was growing harder by the second, the mere sight of you arousing him intensely.
His unoccupied hand stroked down your stomach, slipping two fingers in the waistband of your pants. You nodded and begged desperately, writhing against him. "Please! Please, Arthur..."
He moved his lips to your other nipple, quickly unbuttoning your pants and ridding you of both them and your panties in one movement. His lips separated from your chest as he moved up to you, staring into your eyes with intense lust. "I'm gonna get you ready, baby, that okay?"
Your heart swelled with emotion, only intensifying your desire. Even when he was desperate with lust, he looks at you with such caring, always making sure your okay. "Yes, yes, please!"
He smiled at you before kissing you sweetly, slowly kissing down your body. You whined as his hot breath brushed your core, your head tilting up to look at him between your legs.
His eyes glittered with amusement as they met yours, a teasing finger brushing your inner thigh. It was so close to where you needed it, but so far. "You're a tease."
He chuckled, "Can't help it when you look so pretty beggin' for me."
You threw your head back and groaned, half in frustration and half in arousal. Your noise quickly shifted to a whine when he suddenly slid a finger across you folds, head fuzzy with pleasure. "So wet already. All for me, sweetheart?"
You groaned and nodded, hips shifting towards him in an attempt to get him to do it again. "Ah, use your words."
Your words were half whimpered. "Yes! All for you, only for you, please!"
"Good girl."
He swiped his finger through your folds again, this time teasing his fingertip around your aching entrance. You bucked against him when his thumb brushed against your clit, breathing coming out in short, whiny sighs. "Please."
"Whatever you say, baby."
You moaned as a finger slid into you, his thumb pressing harder against your clit. Before you could complain at the lose of stimulation when he removed his thumb, his lips connected and sucked harshly. Your moans were surely loud enough to be heard, but the pleasure that wracked your body was so overwhelming you couldn't bring yourself to care.
His finger slowly moved in and out, brushing against your sensitive walls as his tongue assaulted your clit. You tangled a hand in his hair, tugging harder than you intended. He groaned against you, making a jolt of pleasure shoot through you.
The stretch of another finger was added, making you cry out. It wasn't enough to be painful, just enough to make you stretch around him so deliciously. He pulled his lips off of you and looked down at you, eyes hungrily watching as your cunt swallowed up his fingers. You looked down at him, lips parted with pleasure as he worked his fingers inside you. "More."
He glanced up at you with a smirk, slipping in a third finger. It sent a small jolt of discomfort through you, but it was quickly overwhelmed with pleasure as the third finger pressed against the most sensitive parts of your walls. "Oh, fuck, Arthur!"
"Feel good, huh?"
"Yes! Please, please, I'm gonna cum!"
He sped up, his fingers pumping in and out of your relentlessly. He leaned back in to swirl his tongue against your clit, which made you walls start spasming around him. Your thighs tensed, threatening to close around him, but he pulled back and held your legs open.
"Go on, baby, I wanna see your pretty face when you cum."
You couldn't form any words as his fingertips curled inside you and prodded against you in a way that made you see stars. His encouraging words only pushed you closer and closer.
"Good girl, doin' so good for me." You moaned and clenched around his fingers, muscles spasming as the dam broke. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you came, short, whiny moans escaping your lips as he fingered you through it.
With a gentle kiss against your clit that made you twitch, he pulled his fingers out of you and rose to look at you. You forced your eyes open, smiling breathlessly up at him. "You okay?"
You couldn't help but laugh, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. "More than okay. That was amazing."
He smiled and kissed you again, slow and loving. You knew you could tell him you were done for the night and he would agree in a heartbeat, not even caring about his own unresolved desires. But his sweet kiss only fueled another spark, already tingling through your body. His moaned against your lips as you arched against him, legs moving to wrap around his waist and pull him against you.
He pulled away with a raised eyebrow. "You're a needy one, aren't you?"
"Only for you."
You pulled him back down, kissing him roughly and pressing your hands all over his bare skin. His hips bucked forward when you tugged at his waistband, his desperation shining through even when he tried to stifle it.
You pushed him back, catching him off guard and shoving him onto the bed. He chuckled and shifted further back, letting you swing your leg across his hips and straddle him. You leaned down to kiss down his neck, smiling at the soft murmurs of content as you nipped at his collarbone.
You reached between the two of you, unbuttoning his jeans and shoving them down. He helped you and kicked them the rest of the way off, leaving him in only his boxers. You stared down at the bulge that strained against the white fabric, a wet spot of pre cum soaking a part of it. You looked down at him with a proud smile. "I do that to you?"
His hands slid up your thighs and caressed you hips. "You do so much to me. More than you could ever imagine."
You leaned down to kiss him, pouring all your emotions of admiration and lust into it. His hands moved to your ass, squeezing as he groaned against your lips. Your hips pressed down against his. sending a shock of pleasure through you as your clit brushed against his clothed bulge.
He would have been content to kiss you like that forever, but you were growing more and more desperate with each touch. You slid your fingers into his boxers without breaking the kiss, gently stroking his cock. His reaction spurred you on, and you pushed his boxer down to release him.
You marveled at his size as he helped you discard his underwear, leaving him fully bare underneath you. He was thick, and longer than anyone else you'd ever had. Your hand continued to slowly stroke up and down his shaft, thumb smearing the beads of precum around him. You were transfixed on him, lost in the feeling of his soft skin against your palm.
"Fuck, baby, as pretty as you look doin' that, I don't wanna cum just yet."
You slowed your movements to a stop and looked up at him with a soft smile. The admiration you felt for the man beneath you was overwhelming, and you didn't know if you could ever truly explain to him how much he meant to you.
You slowly moved to kiss him again, soft and sweet. You let your hips relax against his, smirking as his hips shifted under you to gain friction. You moved your hips against his shaft, your cunt dragging against him. You continued grinding on him, breathing growing heavier as the tip of his cock teased at your entrance with each movement.
After a few more seconds of torturing him, you lifted your hips and gripped his cock, prodding him against you entrance. Before you moved, you pulled away from his kiss, sitting up and placing a hand on his chest for balance. He groaned as he looked up at you, poised above his cock, cunt dripping with anticipation.
Emotion shone in his eyes, gaze still so loving even when clouded with lust. With a sigh, you lowered yourself slightly, taking his tip inside. You knew it was going to be a stretch, so you had to restrain yourself and take it slow.
He groaned at the sight of your cunt swallowing him, even just the tip of him. You held his gaze as you lowered another two inches, fingers gripping his chest at the slight stretch. Soon, his hands gripped your hips tightly as he helped you sink down all the way, clit brushing against him as you were finally fully seated against his pelvis.
Your eyes were dark with lust, cunt clenching around his cock as you adjusted. His eyes flickered over you, rapidly moving between your joined bodies, your heaving chest, and your face. "So perfect. Take me so well."
His words spurred you to move, lifting your hips slightly and moaning sweetly as you sank back down. The pain of the stretch had completely disappeared, replaced with a blinding pleasure. You rolled your hips a few more times before rising further, speeding up.
His hands held your hips tightly, his thighs tensing as he tried to hold himself back. "Fuck, sweetheart, look at you. Swallowing me up like that."
His words only increased your desire, your hips rising and falling faster, legs lifting you further off his cock. His moaned as he stuttered out praises, hands tightening on your hips as you rose fully off him and slammed back down again. Your pace increased, his length filling you up perfectly and brushing against the sensitive spots within you.
You struggled to hold yourself as you got closer and closer, pace faltering. You whined, every breath coming out as a soft moan. "You're doin' so good baby, want me to take over?"
You managed a messy nod, and his hips immediately rose up to meet yours, hands moving your hips up and down on him. You threw your head back as your cunt spasmed, orgasm coming down hard and fast. "I'm- fuck! Gonna cum!"
"Go 'head baby, I've got you."
With his words, you moaned with your release, his cock still pounding into you as you rode it out. Your senses were fuzzy, everything covered in a blanket of pleasure. You didn't even realize he had flipped you over, your head against the soft pillow. As your vision cleared, you looked up at him, blissful smile on your face.
"You did so good, honey, think you can gimme another?"
You nodded blearily, spreading your legs further as he continued thrusting into at a ruthless pace. You were building up to another one fast, barely even recovered from your previous one. His hand rested against your throat, grounding you but not squeezing. "So gorgeous, my pretty girl. Look so good stuffed full of my cock."
You moaned pathetically, hands going up to hold his face and grip his hair. "You feel so good, Arthur, I- I love how you make me feel."
He groaned in response, slamming into your cunt even faster. "So tight for me, gonna make me cum. Where d'ya want me?" He struggled to get the question out, his voice stammering through moans.
"Inside. Fill me up, Arthur."
His hand tightened around your throat for a moment at your words, and he moaned loudly. "Fuck, you're gonna kill me."
His movements grew sloppier, fingers pressing against your throat as he pressed his lips to yours in a messy kiss. With a few more thrusts, your own orgasm came to a head, only slightly preceding his.
His groaned against your lips and your walls clenched around him, his cum painting your insides as you milked him. He fucked you through it, kiss growing softer as he slowed to a stop. He stilled inside you, pulling back to look in your eyes.
You looked back at him, lips curled into a soft smile as he rested his forehead against yours. He pulled out carefully, planting a sweet kiss on your lips to distract you from any discomfort.
He shifted to lay next to you, turning his head to look at you. "You okay?"
You smiled and looked at him. "With you? Always."
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suki-daydreams · 1 year
You're Glowing
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summary : a year after the failed mission with involving riko amanai, yu haibara died on a mission, and geto left gojo to pursue his dream of killing all non sorcerers. you along with gojo, nanami, utahime, and shoko try your best to cope with everything that's going on. gojo wants comfort, but he also wants to be alone. so, he should go be lonely with you.
tw : mentions of geto losing weight, mentions of the world 'kill', a gun is used in this
info : past arc gojo x reader, reader is a sorcerer, angst, comfort, fluff, gojo satoru x reader, teen gojo x reader, lonely gojo, reader ily, reader same age as gojo, soft gojo, cuddling, reader is also best friends with gojo, suguru, and shoko. reader is an ex assassin. angst to fluff
this is not a geto x reader! or gojo x reader x geto they are best friends - this is only a gojo x reader thank u <3
suki's notes : inspired by the song This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ... i've been writing SO MUCH baker reader x gojo. needed to twist it up
this is really fucking loooong because of the buildup my bad y'all
enjoy ~
You are the only person Gojo would allow himself to become vulnerable with.
Nanami passed out exhausted on a hospital bed. Overwhelmed Shoko sitting on a chair. Utahime resting her head on a desk. Yaga rummaging through papers to file. And Gojo... is no where to be seen.
You are a 3rd year.
You had been trained to be an assassin since you were 6. Your whole life you had been killing people for those who are too weak or too much of a coward to do it, and you'd get paid A LOT.
But, you became a jujutsu sorcerer because you didn't want to be a murderer anymore. So, you started fresh as a first year at jujutsu high when you turned 15 to come to clean living and so you could protect non sorcerers. Hoping it would be enough for all the lives you've took.
You had thought, oh I got trained at a young age. I'm probably more experienced, I got this. Your first year went great, you made friends and many memories. Everything was going great! Until your second year and third year came around.
You were quick on your feet and silent too. There are very few people who are faster than you. You had heard of Toji, known as the sorcerer killer and many other names, he was one of the best assassins. And, he was one of the rare people who could sneak past you.
When Riko got assassinated, you were there with Geto.
Gojo told you to leave with Amanai immediately while he handled Toji. You trusted Satoru, but he was sleep deprived, exhausted from keeping his technique on for days and nights.
"He has a heavenly restriction!" You yelled to Satoru before leaving with Geto and Amanai. You escorted her until you and Geto were forbidden to walk any further. When she finally realized she wanted to live for herself. She was shot in the head. You registered what happened in less than a second.
You turned around to take action and leaped towards Toji, but he was fast. Too fast. The assassin had already come up behind you and hit you straight in the nape. Knocking you unconscious.
And when you woke up, everything was already over. You weren't quick enough. If you didn't let your guard down. Amanai would still be alive.
When Yu died, you were one of the firsts to find out- besides Shoko of course.
But, when Geto massacred the village, you were the first to find out.
It crushed you.
Because you were the first and only person Geto talked to about his change in morals.
"Y/n.." his voice was soft. You and him were grabbing a snack in the cafeteria after somehow managing to run into each other at the dorms past midnight.
"Yea?" You replied, grabbing a bag of chips.
"What do you think about.. non sorcerers?" He asked, you hummed.
"Well.." you said, "I don't know.. it's complicated."
"How so?"
"First of all, I don't blame them for not having cursed energy, that's just simply how you're born. It's genetics, passed down from generations. It's out of their control. But, when I was an assassin I just saw them as weak, they paid me to do the things they can't or because they're too much of a coward to do it, sounds pretty worthless- know what I mean?" you said, "but, sometimes as a sorcerer, I feel under appreciated? I don't know how to say it.."
You looked at him, "we save the world, we save non sorcerers, and they don't even know. They live everyday like usual while we place our lives on the line to defeat a curse.. to make sure a curse doesn't kill another innocent person. At least when I was an assassin, I was paid as a reward, but non sorcerers-"
"Curses comes from them." He said, you tilted your head.
"Curses come from negative emotions, emotions from non sorcerers-"
"I would say they come from all humans, including sorcerers, not just non sorcerers, Suguru," you replied, he looked away mumbling a quiet 'whatever'. You reached up and put a hand on his shoulder making him flinch at your touch.
"Suguru, why are you asking me this?" You asked, he sighed and crouched down making you step back from his sudden change in position.
"I think.. I'm starting to hate them.. y/n," he whispered.
"I said I think-"
"I heard you!!" You whispered yelled, "Suguru, you were the one who said that non sorcerers need protection, and we, the sorcerers, are here to protect them!"
"I know, I know..." he said, "but, that's changed."
You crouched down and looked at his features. He lost weight, he hasn't been eating, and hasn't been sleeping either. You were worried, something was bothering him. Something changed him. So, when he said that he hates non sorcerers, you knew that was the thing that was eating him up.
"After Riko's death and now Yu's... seeing how they died for non sorcerers because they're weak and can't do anything for themselves-"
"Suguru, they can't see curses, they don't have cursed energy, they can't do anything-"
"Listen to me y/n," he said putting a hand on your shoulder, "if non sorcerers didn't exist. There would be less curses."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm trying to say.." then he stopped. What he wanted to say was, "I'm trying to say that I want to kill all non sorcerers."
But he couldn't bring himself to say it, not with you.
He cleared his throat, "I'm trying to say that, I still haven't recovered from their deaths. Riko and Yu dying for non sorcerers- and they don't even know. This enrages me. They don't know the sacrifices we make just to make sure they live another day."
"Oh, Suguru.." you said and hugged him making his eye's widened at your sudden action, "I'm sorry. Losing people is hard, but it makes you stronger, it makes you more of a fighter!" You said, pulling away with a big grin.
"You never let me finish my answer, so I'll just say it right now," you said, he nodded, "though, I do feel underappreciated.. at times... What keeps me going is seeing kids smile while playing with their friends at a playground. Families gathering around dinner tables to be together. Friends laughing with each other at the mall!" You said, then your eyes softened at him.
"Seeing them happy, seeing them smile is the reward, knowing that they live another day because I have strong friends who protect them, I am there to protect them as well. And in return, I get to live to see another day with my friends. The people I cherish the most," you said.
He stayed silent, his eye's stared into yours, you saw nothing. No change in expression, no change in his eyes, no change... in his heart..
"You know, I was planning on quitting this year," you said.
"Really?" He asked, you nodded.
"I was planning on quitting being a jujutsu sorcerer. I couldn't take it anymore. I was going to go to a normal school, get a normal job, live a normal life, but Satoru killing all the curses by himself? I couldn't bring myself to leave," you said, "he would be more busy and overwhelmed."
"That's why?"
"Yes! But, I also look forward to seeing everyone again after a mission. You and Gojo, keep me going, even when you guys aren't with me... know what I mean?" You asked, he nodded. "Plus, I swore to become a sorcerer because I've taken so many lives, and I feel like protecting innocent is the only way I can make up for it. Y'know?" You asked.
"You must really like Gojo if you stayed to be a sorcerer so he didn't bear the burden by himself."
You blushed, "... not just Gojo.. You, and Nanami, and Utahime."
He chuckled, "yeah, sure." He smiled but you didn't miss how it dropped quickly.
"Are you.. okay?" You asked, he cleared his throat then stood up making you follow his movements.
"Yes, thank you.. Y/n. For keeping me company," he said, "you promise not to tell anyone what I told you?" You smiled.
"I promise! If you need to talk to anyone, I'm always here for you. I always will be," you said cheerfully. He gave you a small smile before waving goodbye. You both parted in the opposite directions to return to your room.
A couple days later, while you were just about to enter the gates of jujutsu high after returning from a mission, Yaga called you in an immediate hurry.
"Y/n- you need to see me as quick as possible... it's.... it's about Suguru," he said, you ran. You ran past the gates, past the forest, the hallways, to get to Yaga's office. You were scared.. did Suguru.. die? What happened? What did he do? Where is he?
You burst into his office to see Yaga pinching the bridge of his nose. He said nothing, but dropped down a file on his desk. You walked over and picked it up.
Your jaw dropped, your heart sank as tears brimmed your eyes.
"S-...Suguru.. did... this?"
Geto Suguru's residuals were traced all over a massacred village of 112 people. 112 people, including his parents. From this, we can conclude that Geto Suguru is the one that annihilated the village. Geto Suguru is expelled from Jujutsu High. He is to be killed on site or captured and executed at Jujutsu High.
"No, no, no, no, no," you said, your hands trembled and you dropped the file. Your hands immediately went to your hair and you yanked on the strands, "this isn't real. This.. isn't Suguru-"
"I'm afraid it is," Yaga said then sighed, "I don't know why he did this either."
Then it all hit you.
You knew.
You knew, but you were too dumb to see.
He told you.
You didn't see.
You didn't know.. at least.. then you didn't know.
"It's all my fault," you whispered. Yaga placed a hand on your shoulder.
"Did you tell.. Satoru?" You asked cutting him off. He sighed and looked away. "Did you tell, Satoru?" You repeated firmly.
"No. Not yet. You're the first one who knows about this."
"Suguru.. why? Why?" You repeated and crouched down. The lump in your throat burned as you tried to blink your tears away.
No no no no no no no. This isn't happening. This isn't real. Wake up.
"I will tell him when he returns from his mission," Yaga said, "go get cleaned up. Go rest. Again, you're the first person I've told about this."
You didn't say anything. You just walked out.
This... is all my fault.
And, that's how you got here. Nanami passed out on a hospital bed in the corner of the room with a hot rag on his forehead. Shoko dozing off on a chair. Utahime sleeping at a desk. Yaga sitting at a table with stacks of papers while typing away on his laptop. You were on a sofa, staring at the ground.
Yaga informed you that he told Satoru about what Geto did. He also told you that Shoko had run into Geto in the city and she called Gojo. Gojo rushed to the city as quickly as possible to confront Geto. With that Geto bid goodbye. Gojo was supposed to kill Geto. But he couldn't.
He summoned all of you to the room you're in right now, you were just waiting for Gojo.
You couldn't bare to see Satoru. After all, you could've saved Suguru. You could've saved Satoru's best friend. You could've avoided all of this, if you never left Geto's side, to make sure he didn't feel alone, to make sure his ideals stayed the same.
You tried thinking of something else, so that your tears would just go away, but they wouldn't.
You killed the best friend of the man you loved.
The door slid opened and you stared at your feet. It was Satoru. You felt his gaze on you, but you didn't bother to look at him. You couldn't.
Yaga cleared his throat and stood up, waking Nanami, Utahime, and Shoko up from their slumber, "you all.. are aware what happened to Suguru and what he has done."
Everyone nodded.
"What do you guys think of this?" Yaga asked.
"Well, I think it was dumb how he wanted to become a cursed user," Shoko spoke up, you applauded her in your mind for being the first to talk.
"I don't know.. how I feel about this," Utahime said.
"If anyone has something bothering them talk to each other," Yaga said, your heart sank. "You only have each other, that's all you really need," he said, you tried to swallow the lump in your throat.
You hated crying in front of people. You hated being vulnerable. You were trained to bury it deep down or hide it from others.
"I don't know why Geto did this.. I don't know why he changed. But, if anyone of you have something that's bothering you, speak up right now."
"Why are you asking us this?" Nanami asked.
Yaga clenched his fist, "I don't want to lose anymore students. I don't want any of you to turn out like Suguru." He said, "so, if there's anything, tell me, or tell someone else, I don't care. Just don't.."
He sighed, slumping back in his chair.
Everyone's souls were crushed.
"I'll let you know when we have classes. Dismissed," Yaga said, everyone got up.
You pushed yourself off the couch, but your knees felt weak.
This is all my fault..
Then suddenly, all the tears you had been holding back... all the frustration you hid...
..had poured out.
You immediately fell to your knees. Everyone gasped as you collapsed. You were quick enough to catch yourself by planting your hands onto the floor.
Gojo's eyes widened.
"Y/n!!" Utahime yelled rushing over to you. You cried and wailed while clenching your fist.
"It's my fault!" You yelled.
Everyone stopped, then you sat up with tears running down your cheeks- eyes glued to the ground.
"Suguru... talked to me.. about hating non sorcerers," you whispered, as they stayed silent, "he asked me what I think of non sorcerers, I told him that sometimes I feel underappreciated, but seeing them smile with their loved one's is what keeps me going."
Utahime came to your side with a hand on your back, Shoko knelt down and pressed a hand to your forehead.
"You're burning up-"
"He then told me that... if there wasn't any non sorcerers.. there would be less curses. He told me that Riko's and Yu's death changed him," you spoke, "he said that, they died protecting the weak and it enraged him because non sorcerers don't know the sacrifices us sorcerers have to make."
"I... knew," you whispered, "he covered it up by saying that he just hasn't recovered from Amanai's and Yu's death and that's why his view on non sorcerers changed. But, I was too dumb to see that, I was so dumb and believed the lie... when he revealed his true self to me," you said, then looked up at Gojo.
"'Toru... I'm so sorry.. I could've saved your best friend, but I'm so stupid. I-" you covered your face in your hands and cried. Gojo kneeled down and pulled you into his chest.
"You are not responsible for his actions, Y/n," he whispered you sniffled into his chest.
"I could've done something. I could've changed his mind. I could've saved him, 'Toru-"
"Look at me," he said pulling away from you. He wiped your tears as you sniffled. "You couldn't have changed him, you couldn't have done anything, he chose how to live his life- people like that, you cannot change." He said then leaned forward.
"Why.. didn't you tell me?" He asked.
You wiped your nose, "he promised me not to tell anyone.."
Gojo smiled, it was a sad smile, but he tried to make it look as happy as possible, "you always keep your promises, come here," he said then embraced you once again.
Your phone began to vibrate making you pull away, you slipped it out of your pocket and your eye's widened, "it's... Geto.."
Everyone gasped and you answered it, "Suguru?"
"Hey Y/n," he said in a cheery voice, "I wanted to say goodbye to you before leaving, wanna meet up?"
You looked over at Yaga and he nodded, "uh- sure.."
"Great! I'll text you the details," he said, then he hung up. Your phone chimed with a message from Geto, he had sent you the location and time.
"What does it say?" Utahime said
"It's a park," you said, the held your phone up for everyone to see.
Bestie Suguru Blue Rose Park. At the bench by the lake at 4 pm. Don't be late
Yaga summoned you after you had gotten ready. You decided not to wear your jujutsu uniform but some oversized sweatpants and one of Satoru's hoodies with sneakers.
"Y/n, we are going with you," he said, you blinked at Gojo standing behind him.
"We won't intervene, I'm just going to record your conversation. This machine only works within a certain radius. I'll just put a mic on you, it's strong enough to pick up Geto's voice, try not to talk too loud," he said, you relaxed.
"Stay hidden then," you said, he nodded.
"And... Y/n.." he said, you tilted your head, "you... are going to have to kill him," he said.
Your eyes widened as you stepped back.
Gojo jumped, "whoa, whoa, whoa," Gojo said standing in front of you, shielding you from Yaga's view. Yaga pinched the bridge of his nose again.
"Unfortunately, I have to report everything involving Geto to the higher ups, they demanded that Y/n kills him." Yaga said then sighed and held out a gun. You stared at it. "Y/n is the most capable of killing him."
"Just take it, for protection.."
"You think he's gonna hurt me?" You asked, Yaga sighed.
"You never know."
You took it from his grasp and tucked it into your waistband making Gojo look at you.
When you were an assassin- you were one of the best at handling a gun. You had shot many people. In their heads, their hands, arms, legs, shoulder, torso, you name it. But shooting your best friend? Are you capable of doing that?
You tucked the mini microphone on your shirt underneath your Gojo's hoodie. Both you and Gojo sat in the backseat of Yaga's car as he drove you to a building by the park.
"Gojo and I are going to be in this building on the 4th floor near the window, but you won't be able to see us. If anything happens, we will run out," Yaga said, you nodded.
Yaga gave you a gun, Yaga came with you by the higher ups command. But, also because he didn't want to lose another student as he said. He hid his feelings in his actions.
You fiddled with you fingers and Gojo rested a hand on your head, "you sure you're going to be okay?" He asked, you nodded. And, he pulled you into his chest once more before letting you go.
You gazed around the park and finally saw Suguru sitting on a bench. He didn't bother to turn around and greet you, you joined his side and sighed.
"So.. cursed user now?"
"Yep... I found how I wanted to live my life, that's all," he said.
"You killed... a lot of people.. Suguru."
"They were holding these two little girls captive. I had to do something, Y/n," he said, "wouldn't you have done the same thing?"
"I would've freed the two little girls without killing the whole village," you simply stated. He laughed.
"You wouldn't kill the whole village? I find it hard to believe that."
"How so?" You asked.
You knew why. Assassins don't wait, they take. Even if it means killing people who you weren't even assigned to kill. You had become a sorcerer but you haven't abandoned some of your assassin ways. You choose to act first with violence because that's simply how you were trained.
Shoot first, ask questions later. But, some people won't be able to answer because they'd be dead.
Geto did nothing but smile.
"I take it you brought guests with you?"
You gave him a small smile, "yes, but they won't intervene unless you try to hurt me or something."
"I would never."
"You also never said I couldn't bring anyone, so that's your fault," you said sticking out your tongue, you found it strange how you were able to joke with a murderer who was once your best friend right now.
He laughed, then you both stared at the lake.
It was glimmering in the suns golden light as kids by the park near you and him laughed while chasing each other around.
"I know you probably think you could've changed me or saved me, Y/n," he said, "but trust me, the Geto you knew died when Riko did."
You looked at him then looked back at the water, "it's weird.."
"What is?"
"I've known you for years, you're my best friend. Your presence feels so familiar to me, yet I feel like I don't know you at all," you said then looked up at him.
"I'm your best friend, huh?" He smiled, "I thought that would've changed already."
"It hasn't."
He sighed, "you know when you told me you were planning on quitting being a jujutsu sorcerer?" Your eye's widened.
oh no.. gojo is listening to this...
You cleared your throat, "yeah.. what about it?" You asked.
"Do you still feel that way?"
You laughed, "no, idiot! Who's going to protect all the non sorcerers when you try to kill them!"
"Well... Satoru.. duh," he said, you smiled.
"No.. I won't leave Satoru," you said then cleared your throat, "I don't want him to bear the burden of being the strongest all by himself," you whispered looking up at Suguru, "I'm not the strongest, but I just don't want Satoru to feel alone.." you said, Geto squinted his eyes at you.
"I mean your technique is pretty powerful and you're trained assassin, so you could come 2nd to him."
"No, then I'd take your spot," you said shoving him lightly, he chuckled.
"I'm not in this anymore, so go ahead," he said, then let out a deep breath, "he- Satoru told me that my dream is impossible. But I told him that- if I was him, my dream would be possible," he said, you stared at him, "if I had his power, my dream of eliminating all non sorcerers would become possible, isn't that right?" He asked
You sighed and leaned your head back, "I guess.."
"What?" He asked gazing at your bothered face.
"I really shouldn't be... saying this. But.. you're strong, Suguru. Your dream is possible with you being you, don't question your strength," you said, his eyes widened. "You and him were supposed to be the strongest... you think he left you behind, don't you?" You asked.
He sighed, "it's not what I think. It's what he did."
"Do you think he wanted to leave you behind?" You said, "he didn't intend to. But, when he was here with us we had so much fun and everything was normal."
"It's not that Y/n. He became the strongest and I grew to have a different ideals from him and decided to take action, that's all," he said, you sighed.
"You love Satoru, don't you?" He asked, you jumped with your eyes wide.
"You're always covering for him even in our conversation just now. You stayed as a sorcerer so that you could help him, even if you exorcise just one or a few curses- you do it so Satoru doesn't get the mission and become more busy. You blamed yourself for not helping me when you had the chance because if you saved me- Satoru wouldn't have lost his best friend. Is that right?" He said looking you straight in the eye. Your hand twitched.
"You don't need to admit it. I'm sure you've questioned your feelings for him a couple times- I'm sure you're questioning your feelings for him more right now, but everyone saw it, even Shoko," he said.
"Can we talk about something else?" You mumbled.
He let out a small laugh, "sure, anyways. I've pretty much said everything I wanted to say, is there anything you want to talk about?"
Then it hit you.
I have to kill him...
"Uh.. why did you want me to not tell anyone about the conversation we had that night?" You asked putting your hands in your pocket, you felt the handle of the gun and wrapped your hand around it.
Kill him.
"Because it would worry everyone. And, I knew you would keep the secret," he said. "You're the one I trust most."
Your heart sank.
Shoot him. You've done this so many times.
"It still doesn't make sense why you didn't tell anyone up until now. Why did you only tell me?" You asked.
Kill him, Y/n
He raised a brow, "are you stalling?"
Just kill him, Y/n.
"Damn..." you said leaning your head back, he raised a brow.
It began to rain with sunlight peaking through the clouds. Golden rain. The smell was nostalgic and this scenery is something you'll never forget. With the lake sparkling, rain hitting every surface in view, the golden light shining down on everything.
I can't do it..
"I'm supposed to kill you," you said, "I'm the one who's most capable of doing it." You took the gun out of your waist band and held it in your lap. He stared at the weapon then back at you. "An assassin like me would surely be capable of killing someone with no remorse or feelings."
"Or.. at least they thought I was the most capable..." you mumbled, then looked up at him, "unfortunately.. I can't kill my best friend," tossing the gun into the lake. No one was around anymore, they all left because of the sudden rain.
"I'm sorry, Suguru, I can't help but think that if I talked to you a little more and spent a little more time with you- you wouldn't have turned out like this," you said standing up, he followed your movements.
"I told you Y/n. I started realizing all of this when Riko died, you're a little too late now," he said, you gave him a sad smile.
"I guess we're enemies now."
"I guess so too," he said then held out his hand for you to shake. You smiled and engulfed him into a hug.
"Goodbye, Suguru... thank you for the best 3 years of my youth," you said, he wrapped his arms around you. You stayed like that for a while. Enjoying his presence because this would be the last time you would ever be in his arms again. Then you finally had the courage to let go.
"Thank you for saying goodbye to me and not leaving with nothing said," you giggled and gave him a sad smile.
"See you, Y/n."
"Goodbye, Suguru.."
With that. You both parted ways going in the opposite direction.
You walked back to Yaga and Gojo in the rain, but then you saw Shoko and Utahime standing behind them outside the building, they must've joined while you were talking with Suguru.
"Are you.. okay?" Utahime asked, you gave her a small smile while handing Yaga the mic that was once attached to your shirt.
"I don't know.. I want to go home."
The car ride back was silent almost deafening. But, it was a comfortable silence. Everyone was grieving, but you had each other. You hoped Nanami was doing well, he was the only one who wasn't there, yet you didn't have the energy to see him when you arrived at Jujutsu High.
Approaching Gojo on the stairs, you sat next to him and smiled, "how are you doing?" You asked, he shrugged.
"Fine, I guess.."
"You don't have to lie 'Toru," you said brushing his hair back. He looked at you making your heart skip a beat.
"Thank you.. for checking up on me," he said, but then looked back at the ground, "but, I kind of want to be alone right now."
You immediately pulled away from him, ignoring the ache in your heart, "of course, 'Toru," you said standing up.
"If you want to be lonely, you can always come be lonely with me," you said, "just come to my room if you want. You don't need to knock or anything." You said with a smile, he gave you a weak smile back. You turned on your heels and your grin that you had put on for Gojo dropped instantly.
The journey to your room felt like forever. You walked those hallways so many times with your friends, but by yourself- you never realized how long the hallways were. How many turns you had to take to get to the dorms.
Gojo was still sitting at the stairs leading to Jujutsu High, he didn't know long he was sitting there exactly, but it must've been a while. His legs were spread while he rested his cheek in the palm of his hand "how are you holding up?" Yaga asked, he scoffed and kicked a rock.
"Well, I'm here."
Yaga sighed, "do you want to quit being a sorcerer?"
Gojo sat up right, "no, surprisingly. I found how I want to live."
"And, how is that?" Yaga asked.
With a deep breath Gojo sighed, "I want to become a teacher at jujutsu high to make sure the next generation become strong intelligent sorcerers who reset the Jujutsu world. Instead of hiding like the higher ups."
"It's possible," Yaga said, Gojo threw his head back.
"I know it is. How long have I been sitting here?" Satoru asked, the sun had already set and when he sat on the stairs the sun was bright in the sky.
"More than two hours."
They stayed silent for a while until Yaga spoke up.
"... have you.. checked on Y/n?" He asked, Gojo's eyes widened.
And that's how Satoru found himself sprinting through the gates, the hallways of jujutsu high to your room. He totally forgot, he was so overwhelmed with everything else, he forgot about you.
He cursed at himself for pushing you away.
He stopped at his room to change into a fresh pair of pajamas then resumed running back to you. Once he made it in front of your door he let out a deep breath.
"Just come to my room if you want. You don't need to knock or anything."
He placed his hand on the knob and twisted it open. Your room was clean, neatly organized. He remember the time you told him that if your room was messy- you'd go insane. He shut the door quietly behind him.
There was moonlight peeking through your window and rested ontop of your body, bed, and parts of your room.
You were on your bed, curled in the fetal position with your head buried in the pillows. As he made his way over to your figure- he didn't miss how your jujutsu uniform was thrown in the trash. Your skirt sunk deep in the bag with your sweater barely hanging on the rim of the trashcan. You had thrown it away making him nervous.
Were you going to quit being a jujutsu sorcerer for real? He remembered Geto mentioning it in your conversation with him today.
He cleared his throat and diverted his attention back to you, "hey Y/n-"
"Ah!" you said sitting up at his voice. You wiped your tears away and flipped your tear-stained pillow to the dry side, "Toru! Hi! Sorry, I didn't hear you," you smiled, "is there something wrong?"
"Yeah," he said.
"Oh.. what is it?"
He pointed at square at your chest, "you trying to hide the fact that you were crying."
You shrugged, "I mean you scared me."
"So?" He said, then sighed wiping your wet cheeks, "just be yourself."
"I'm just not used to people seeing me cry," you smiled as he took off his sunglasses and placed them on your nightstand.
"You can cry around me, Y/n," he said, staring straight at you with those gorgeous blue irises. "Can I.. be lonely with you?" He asked, you gave him a small smile.
"Of course-"
He tackled you onto the bed, burying his face into your neck.
"Why didn't you give up being a sorcerer and live a normal life?" He asked, you leaned your head back and stared at the ceiling.
"I.. swore to myself that I would become a sorcerer to make up for all the lives I took," you said, "I also didn't want you to become more busy than you are now."
"Thanks for not leaving me," he said, you smiled slightly.
"How are you doing? Do you want to talk about anything?" You asked, he sighed.
"I think if I say anything, I'll just cry."
"Let it all out, 'Toru, it's just me and you anyways. There is no one else."
He looked up at you because of your words. The things he'd do for you. He'd give heaven to you, he'd move mountains for you, he'd do it all. Yet, he couldn't save you from the pain. If he just saved Geto, he could've saved you from the pain you're experiencing now.
He buried his face in your neck.
"I'm sorry, Y/n."
You buried your fingers in his white strands of hair, "for what, Toru?"
"I'm so sorry. I blame myself.. for not being there for Geto, if I didn't go on so many missions maybe he wouldn't have changed, maybe he wouldn't have-"
You didnt expect it.
HE didn't expect it but he choked on his own words and began to sob into your neck. Holding you so tight you could barely breathe.
"I'm so sorry."
You wrapped your arms around him, "Toru.. enough with these 'if I did this', 'if I did that'," you said, kissing his head. "I know it hurts, but you can't save everyone including the people closest to you. You heard what he said, he changed when Amanai died. You and I were both there, we couldn't do anything. So, it's not just your fault, it's mine too. Or maybe, it's none of our faults. Just don't take the blame by yourself, okay?"
You didn't care if you were letting yourself go and showering him with kisses. This is what he needed, this is what you needed. You let him cry into your neck a little more as tears rolled down your cheeks.
"This is out of our control. It was bound to happen. There's nothing we can do."
He pulled away suddenly and turned his face away from you to wipe his tears, you grabbed his wrists to stop his movements, "you can cry around me, Toru," you smiled, mocking him a bit. He laughed as you grinned.
For some reason everything felt alright with him by your side. Your room wasn't so cold anymore, there wasn't silence that slowly killed you, crying seemed better when he was there. You didn't feel so lonely anymore.
"Are you.. going to quit being a sorcerer?" He asked, joining your side in bed. You sighed.
"No.. I don't know yet. Why?"
"I have a dream, that I want you to be apart of," he said, you rolled onto your side and stared into blue eyes.
"I want to become a teacher at jujutsu high," he said.
You blinked, "why?"
"I want to raise the next generations to become strong intelligent sorcerers who fix the Jujutsu world. Instead of hiding like higher-up cowards," he said and looked you straight in the eye, "and I want you to do it with me."
Gojo grabbed your hand and began to intertwine your fingers together.
"You see.. Suguru's 'awakening' really showed me all the flaws in the structure of the jujutsu world as well as the higher ups leaving you to the task of killing Suguru proved my point, they're cowards. I don't want the next sorcerers to become like Suguru or those old geezers," he said then cupped your cheek, "I want the kids to turn out like you."
"I... love you, Y/n.." he said, your eyes widened, "I always have, since our first year."
"You're strong, capable, caring, reliable, sweet, smart, fierce, and selfless," he said then smiled, "kids like that don't sound so bad, huh?"
You couldn't help but bury yourself into his chest and cry a little more, "do you mean that?" You mumbled, he smiled and wrapped his arms around you as you looked up at him.
"I mean every word with my whole being," he said.
"I'll do it, Toru. I'll do it all with you, you're the only dream I seek," you said, then kissed his jaw, "I love you- mph!!"
He slammed his lips into yours and pushed you onto your back, pressing himself more and more into you while his hand cupped your cheek. Gojo pulled away to gasp for air and leaned his forehead against yours, "thank you for not leaving me. Thank you for making sure I don't bear the burden of being the strongest by myself. Thank you for tackling this dream with me," he said, "thank you, y/n. Thank you. There's so much happening right now."
Gojo pulled away to look you in the eye, "when I'm with you. I'm not so lonely anymore." He said, kissing your nose as the moonlight peeking from your window brushed against your facial features.
His stare made you squirm a bit, "stop staring. I probably look disgusting right now." Messy hair, tear stained cheeks, drool around your mouth, swollen puffy eyes.
But, even in your worst time, he always saw the best in you. He paid no attention to your messy hair, tear stained cheeks, drool, and swollen eyes.
He gazed at the moonlight lighting up your skin, your hair, your beautiful eyes, and glossy lips.
You sniffled as he cupped your cheek slowly and pressed a soft kiss to your lips before pulling away.
"Darling, you're glowing."
~ end
Gege was asked, “since Gojo is aware of his good looks doesn’t he want a lover?” and Gege responded with, “I don’t see gojo being sincere to a particular woman” it was translated as, “I don’t see Gojo settling down with a particular women.” what he actually meant by that is- he doesn’t see Gojo letting himself become vulnerable with a women. but, I also 100% think Gojo would be a whore too yknow so this is all about you- being the only person in the world who Satoru would let himself become vulnerable with.
suki's notes :
I want this to have a part 2 of you and Gojo meeting Megumi and Tsumiki with headcanons of moments you and Gojo had gone through while raising Megumi and starting your journey as a teacher at jujutsu high
Sounds cute, right? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
anyways sorry this was long as hell. i hope this did NOT disappoint. I will be sad I worked on this all day T~T
but u CANNOT tell me this last part w/ u and gojo did not represent This Side of Paradise. read the lyrics ;3
hope y'all enjoyed it ! have a great night/day <3
THERE WILL BE A PART 2 - you and gojo raising and meeting megumi and starting your journey as teachers :3
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shinynewboots · 6 months
Just a Taste: Part 2 Adam x afab!reader
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AN: Hello friends! Here is my long-awaited sequel to Just a Taste! This took me a second to write due to writer's block and just being unsure of what direction I wanted to take so I hope y'all enjoy! Only like the third time I've ever written smut so let me know your thoughts!
2.2k words
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, smut, dub-con if you squint, fingering, oral sex (reader receiving), Adam is bad at talking about his emotions, porn without plot
Tags: @kaces-mind @jiyuukaze @lousypotatoes
Adam did not return for 3 days.
Worried was an understatement. You had scoured your neighborhood for hours trying to find the fallen angel who had left you hot and bothered. Truthfully, he had hurt your feelings. You couldn't tell if it was the sting of rejection or the humiliation of the state you were left in that bothered you more.
Though you would never admit to Adam, you did finish what he started. You rubbed circles around your clit slowly at first but faster and faster with half-lidded eyes, imagining Adam's fingers between your folds. You imagined his self-satisfied smirk as you spent yourself on your fingers. That fucking asshole.
You came with his name on your lips (or rather you came cursing his name, more appropriately).
You tried to distract yourself. He was a grown man and if he wanted to be an idiot so be it. Who were you to stop him? He had a key, if he wanted to come back he could.
You settled for bed, throwing on an oversized t-shirt and pink panties. Sleep didn't come quickly for you, as your mind drifted to Adam, just as it did almost every night since he left.
You couldn't necessarily figure out what you had done wrong. You weren't particularly religious or spiritual when you were alive so this odd guilt he seemed to feel confused you. And for him to have the audacity to blame whatever indiscretions of his on you? Fucking asshole.
A piece of you hoped he was safe. Another piece of you hoped he had gotten the shit beat out of him, at least a little bit.
You finally drifted to sleep, your body snuggled around your pillow. Your apartment was hot, as were most nights in hell, so you slept with the fan on, over the covers, with your shirt bunched up around your stomach.
Just as sleep was about to take you, your mind hazy and slow, you heard the noise of the front door knob twisting and the door opening.
You rolled in bed, contemplating meeting him to express your worry and relief. The petty side of you, which won out in the end, decided to stay in bed and greet him in the morning. He did not deserve your concern or relief.
You settled back down and tried to turn your mind off. The sound of footprints pacing the apartment played like white noise in your mind. He could suffer a little longer. You began to drift softly with the footsteps until you noticed them getting closer to your bedroom door.
You heard the door open and the footsteps enter your room. You tried to regulate your breathing. You did not want to have this conversation right now. You couldn't. You closed your eyes tighter and hoped he would get the hint.
The footsteps got closer until they stopped beside your bed and you felt a dip in the mattress where Adam had sat at the edge of your bed. His breathing was deep and you could smell the fruity aromatic scent of one of his favorite wines. Still, you chose to feign sleep.
A large hand touched your thigh, thumb making soft motions against your skin. Despite the heat of the room, you could feel goosebumps form beneath his touch.
"This place fucks with my head," Adam whispered, putting a firmer grip on your thigh. Your pulse quickened. "The longer I'm here, the farther away from heaven I get."
His hand traveled farther up your thigh and you felt your breathing stop. He was so close to your core. So close to discovering how wet you were even from the small morsel of touch he gave you. "And then you sit there like a temptress pulling me further into hell. Fucking despicable."
He laughed without humor.
You shot up from your faked slumber and glared at him. "You fucking left me. Do you know embarrassing that is?"
He gave you a crooked grin. "No, Y/N, you want to know what's fucking embarrassing? How much I just wanted to taste you and figure out if you really were as fucking delectable as that first apple I bit into."
His hand traveled to the edge of your panties and played with the elastic, his touch just barely there. You could do nothing but watch his finger in morbid fascination. Your clit ached to be touched. A heat was rising in your belly at his soft touches.
"Do it then, bastard." You bit out, bitterness striking at him from your tongue. "Or just leave already."
Adam's eyes darkened and suddenly a finger had plunged between your panties and skin and had found your wet folds. You moaned involuntarily, frustrated that you were folding for him once again so easily.
"Already so wet for me, Y/N?" He asked, running lazy circles around your clitoris. You felt your back arch at his touch, the t-shirt you were wearing coming up over your breasts to reveal them completely. That caught his attention, as his hand free reached out and pinched one of your nipples. You bit back a moan, feeling the coppery taste of blood pooling in your mouth.
His finger moved from your clit to the introitus, running even circles along the edge before pushing his finger completely into you. A moan escaped as you felt yourself become completely vulnerable under his touch. He studied you with his golden eyes full of curiosity and hunger.
He pulled his finger from your core, the entire digit coated in your desire. He removed his hand from your breast and used it to pull your chin towards him so that your gaze was focused completely on his face.
He licked his finger slowly, starting at the base near the palm and up towards the tip. His face was contorted into pleasure, like a starving man might savor a last meal.
"So fucking sweet, Y/N. Just like I thought."
You lay there, heart pounding at the sight of this fallen angel tasting you. Adam still sat of the edge of the bed and looked at you with a mischievous grin. In one quick motion, he pulled the panties from your body, leaving you almost completely bare aside from your bunched-up t-shirt. He brought your panties to his nose and inhaled deeply.
"So fucking tempting, Y/N." He whispered his golden eyes wild with desire. He adjusted himself so that he was completely on the bed, still fully clothed and threw your panties to the ground. He lay on his stomach, his head dangerously close to your cunt. Both hands moved so that they each gripped your thighs tightly.
He leaned his head closer to you, his tongue popping out of his mouth to taste you again. He licked up from your entrance, your desire flowing freely, towards your clit where he lapped at your bud.
Goosebumps spread across your body as you arched your back in ecstasy. You couldn't suppress the moan that shook your entire body. Your hands found their way into Adam's hair, gripping at the soft locks hard.
This must have pleased him because he began to suck on your clitoris, slowly at first and then faster and faster, building a constant tempo that your body reacted strongly to.
"Fuck," You groaned. Adam continued on until you felt as though would burst.
"Adam," You moaned, so close to the edge. And then he removed his mouth from your aching clitoris. Your cunt pulsated with desire and heat, begging to be touched. Pleading.
"Adam please, don't leave me again," You pleaded, aware of how desperate you sounded. You were so close. Your body burned with desire and was hyperaware of his touches and heat.
He looked up at you, mouth glistening with a mixture of your juices and his saliva. "How could I leave when I know just how good you taste?"
Adam began to lick up your body, tongue moving slowly from your core to your belly to your chest. He now hovered over you as he licked up your neck, paying special attention to the pulse point at the base of your neck.
"Adam please touch me," You plead once more. Adam chuckled into your ear.
"Desperate little bitch, huh?" His words sent shivers down your spine as he sucked on your earlobe. He was so close and yet you needed him closer. Growing bold, you decided to try something.
Using all your weight, you moved your leg so that it caught him off balance, rolling him on his back into the center of the bed. You followed suit and found yourself straddling him, your hands pressing into his chest. You threw your shirt off, leaving yourself bare before him. A look of shock crossed his features followed by a smirk.
You began to grind against him, vaguely aware that you were leaving wet stains on his pants. Adam recovered from the shock and gripped your waist with his hands. You could feel your orgasm begin to build back up again as your clitoris made contact with the bulge of his penis. You moaned at the contact, the friction pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
You arched back, your breast pointed towards the ceiling, and your hands now finding themselves gripping onto Adam's thighs as you used his penis as your own personal sex toy. He moaned at the contact, the bulge in his pants growing even larger. You were so close. Almost over the edge.
"Come for me, Y/N." He asked, his voice low as he watched you use him for your own desire. Fucking shit, he had never seen a more beautiful sight.
That was all it took for your body to begin to shake as you hit your peak. You felt your body try and go limp as the explosions began to wane. Your breathing began to slow and you felt a wave of tiredness come over you. You tried to move off of Adam and tried to formulate a lame excuse for your actions in your head. Yet, he still had not released your hips. You tried to pull yourself free, but he gripped your sides tighter.
"I think you can cum at least one more time." He said, looking up at you with shining golden eyes. You shoot him a wry grin, already feeling more energized.
You pulled at his pants until he lifted his core to remove them from his body. He grabbed at his shirt and pulled it from behind his head to reveal his soft body. A trail of dark hair started at this belly button down to the dark curls of his pubic region. Multiple scars marred his abdomen, where he was stabbed by the one-eyed gremlin.
His cock was hard beneath you, rubbing against your clit most temptingly. You rubbed your already swollen vulva against his shaft, feeling it engorge with every move of your body.
"Fucking tease," He moaned out, gripping your hips to push you down harder against his body. Precum dripped from his tip, mixing with your juices. You rocked harder against him, already feeling another orgasm trying to form in your body.
Adam bucked up his hips, his face contorting into pleasure. He lifted you up from his body with all of his strength and pulled you back down so that you were impaled by his cock.
"Fuck," You cried out, tears welling in your eyes at the sensation of being filled to the brim by the fallen angel. He fits you perfectly, his cock pulsating against your walls. He begins to buck his hips into you as your ride him as though your life depended upon it. He moved a hand so that his thumb made contact with your clit, rubbing hard circles against it.
The sensation was too much and yet not enough. You could feel that ball in core grow tighter and tighter. Winding against itself until—
"Adam, I'm about to —"
"Cum for me, Y/N," He groaned out. Thrusting faster into your body. All at once that ball in your core unraveled and you screamed out in pleasure as waves overcame your every sensation. Adam gave one last thrust and came inside you, his seed shooting into your core.
You sat there for a few minutes, the waves of pleasure slowly tapering off as the scene before you became clear. Heat rose to your cheeks as you realized what you had just done. You felt Adam grow softer inside you and so you dismounted his hips and sat beside him, feeling his seed leak from your cunt.
Adam breathed heavily, his eyes half-lidded. A yawn escaped his mouth.
"Um so we have to talk about this, " You started timidly. Adam yawned again and pulled your waist so that you lay beside him. He snuggled against you, your ass matching perfectly with his softening cock.
"Adam," You tried again. His arm snaked around you and grabbed onto one of your breasts.
"Nah, fuck that Y/N. We could talk or we could go to sleep and wake up tomorrow with morning sex and breakfast." He said sleepily. You weren't in the mood to argue and you couldn't deny that being held as you slept, especially by Adam, sounded like the closest thing to heaven you could get in this godforsaken place.
You made an affirmative noise and snuggled in closer to his warm body, all too aware of the cum leaking from between your legs. Yeah, maybe you could just talk in the morning.
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elaemae · 7 months
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
[Twst x ObeyMe!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 7
Again, I thank y'all for the reblogs, likes and comments guys, it really helps me :)
CW: Blue pronouns or address for MC every time they get mistaken for a guy. Also, I'm a potty mouth so MC is too.
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You're about to have a stroke right now.
You should've just went back to the goddamn infirmary instead of checking in on these obnoxious, bitch-less, probably father-less, motherfuckers.
It's just cleaning windows!! How the hell can you mess up like this?! Why the fuck did the cafeteria chandelier get involved??
*One eternity of screaming like a banshee later*
After sending those damn kids and cat away to get some sort of magical stone in some godforsaken mine, you wrangled with the headmaster for at least two hours to prevent him from writing up the expulsion papers of Yuu and that Blue-haired kid who was mostly innocent about the ordeal.
(Meanwhile, encouraging him to kick that Ace kid and the damn cat off the school. You ain't about to let audacity run free rn, mostly because you feel yourself start genuinely tweaking as you almost got possessed by the urge to sucker punch someone's soul out of their body.)
[Satan perked up, there it was again.
That distinctive spark of wrath that he can feel through your pact with him is both concerning and comforting.
On one hand, the anger he feels means that you're alive. And seeing that what he's feeling through the pact is mostly annoyance, then that must mean that nothing marginally bad or traumatizing had happened to you yet.
You're actually more pissed off in a 'someone-had-the-audacity-to-eat-my-snacks' kind of way more than anything else, meaning that you're safe for now.
But on the other hand, he doesn't know how long that temporary safety will last.
There's also the fact this is the fourth time he'd felt that spark of 'I-wanna-punt-someone-into-the-fuckin-sun' kind of anger from you, which is worrying because it hasn't even been 48 hours since you were kidnapped by some mf.
He shook his head, calling upon a subordinate (read: Devoted fan) to collect more and more books to learn what type of teleportation and sleeping magic was used in your kidnapping.
With the massive search party spanning all three realms that they'd called upon, they will find you sooner or later.
And once they do...
Well... You'll need to get used to being with someone at all hours of the day.]
*Passive-aggresively reminding Crowley that he can't kick out an innocent kid for something they didn't directly do as they had no way of stopping the events that transpired.*
["You don't want the word to get out that you let an innocent teen roam around in a foreign world with absolutely nothing to their name and nobody to protect them, right?"
"That is true, but I still can't just let this go unpunis–"
"Especially when it's the school's faulty equipment that took them so far away from all of their loved ones and belongings, right?"]
Needless to say, Yuu ended up being "fired" in the end, quite an unfortunate result because they will need to freeload off of you until the end of your stay in this world. (Poor them, they got fired before they knew that they had a job in the first place.)
Oh well, it's better than being kicked out from practically their only way back home right now...
Hays... That cruel crow..
Anygays, it's time to snoop around and hopefully make some connections to the residents of this school.
This is a well-known college, right? So there should be influential people here somewhere...
Hehe.. It's time you bring out your gaslight, gatekeep, gold-digging skills so that you can girlboss your way into stability inside this foreign world.
• • • • • •
Suddenly, more than a dozen individuals felt a strong shiver run up their spines.
Haha... Well that's ominous!
• • • • • •
Ortho deadpanned at his brother.
It seems that almost burning down their dorm room last night isn't enough to deter him from making his [Mr. L/n x reader] fanfiction complete with mandatory fan art for every single chapter.
But at least his brother isn't 'fanboying' about another fictional character again...
Hm... Now that he thinks about it..
Maybe his brother will be more inclined to make friends if it's Mr. L/n!
And thus begins Ortho's journey of being an unknowing wingman as he tries to get his introverted brother to make friends.
• • • • • •
You narrowed your eyes as you looked at the small gift on top of your temporary bed in the infirmary.
Dats suspicious....
Dats weird......
You turn your necklace into a staff and start poking the box, trying to see if it'll suddenly turn into a horrific eldritch monster and jump you. (Won't be the first time that happened.)
• • • • •
"It is done, ××× ×× ××××××" (This is too easy to guess😑)
• • • • •
Diavolo sighed for the tenth time that hour, lamenting how trying to focus on his paperwork is a really hard task when MC gets thrown into the situation.
'Maybe a small break will help clear my head?'
He might as well just go out for a walk in the garden to get some fresh... air...
Oh? what is this?
His eyes scanned the dark envelope he'd seen wedged under the 'To burn' stack of paperwork in his desk.
This envelope wasn't here yesterday...
After confirming that the piece of paper wasn't cursed or charmed, he opened it with apprehension.
• • • • •
Barbatos appeared in the office, tense as he'd heard his lord call out his name with haste.
Reading the letter shoved in front of his face by the serious Diavolo, Barbatos made a mental note to get the dungeon chambers ready.
They've got themselves a lead.
← Pr.6 | Chapter List | Chp. 1.1 →
Just tell me if y'all wanna get added in the permanent taglist, even if I already tagged y'all here.
That's just so I'll know if you wanna get tagged in all the upcoming chapters of this fanfic.
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Reblog or I'll take your ankles😈 (Pls like and reblog, it really gives me motivation🥺)
Also, the next chap is the start of Arc 1: Satan but short.
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biggestxsimps · 1 year
Last Embrace
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A/N: I am so sorry for not posting the last couple of months, I've had the worst bloody writers block. I know how much y'all like the Ghost fics so I hope you guys enjoy this! This one's a bit sad, even though angst isn't my strong suit, I really liked writing this and I think it turned out okay.
Just a disclaimer, I know nothing about the military and even less about dying so just let me know of any inaccuracies and I'll fix em.
WARNINGS: blood, mentions of guns and bullet wounds, normal war shenanigans, death (Let me know if I'm missing anything.)
During a mission, everything took a turn for the worse. Ghost urgently gave the order for everyone to evacuate, swiftly conducting a head count, only to realize that Y/N was missing. Filled with concern, he called out for him over the radio. "C/S? C/S, how copy?" Ghost's grip tightened on the radio at the lack of a response. "C/S?! Y/N, what's your position?"
Worry builds deep in Ghost's stomach, an almost nausea-like feeling coursing through him as he speaks through the radio once more. "Y/N. Y/N! I need your location!"
Y/N groans as he hears a loud ringing in his ears, one that fills his mind and brings an ache to his head. His eyes remain shut as he tries to ground himself, though the sound of a familiar voice in his left ear makes his lids slowly blink open.
Though his vision is blurry and everything feels fuzzy, Y/N places a hand on his shoulder and clicks the button on the radio. "Ghost? That you?" Y/N's strained and weak voice makes Ghost sigh in relief. "Ah fuck. Thank god, Y/N." Ghost's voice calms down as he speaks again, his voice stern as he tries to get an answer out of the other man.
"Where are you, Y/N?"
Y/N groans as he tries to look around, his vision still blurred enough to not be able to see anything in detail, he had little to no memory of what he'd been doing before, and the visible bright white walls and floor made him want to close his eyes again. Y/N speaks up once more, his voice holding a slight amusement. "Don't know.. I can't see properly. I'm inside a building, though."
Ghost seems to feel slightly more at ease once he hears Y/N speak, he was glad the man was okay enough to be able to smile through his pain. "Can you see anything? Anything at all?" Ghost looks around at the buildings in the area, Y/N could be anywhere.
"White walls and floors.. I can't make out anything else, though... That help at all?"
Y/N lets his body press against the cold wall behind him, relishing in the relaxing chill shooting through his body. He starts to take a few deep breaths as he tries to keep himself stable, slowly looking around the bare walls, the paint cracked and peeling. His vision gets torn away though, the bright lights starting to flicker, the hall flashing from eerily dark to painfully bright.
An annoying buzz was audible as the light stopped blinking, remaining on. Y/N could see debris on the ground, he wasn't surprised, this was a warzone after all. Y/N slowly closes his eyes, letting himself relax.
Though the feeling of a sharp pain makes his eyes shoot open, a pained noise escapes the man as he looks down at his body. His eyes widened as his gaze trailed down; the only thing he could make out was blood–blood covering his abdomen, blood covering his hands, and blood covering the floor.
"Yeah, that helps, Y/N. I'll be there soon, you stay there, alright?" Ghost's voice was gentle, like he was trying to keep the man at ease. But Y/N wasn't listening, his eyes were too focused on the bloody mess in front of him. Y/N's throat starts to close up, the intense smell of the blood making him feel sick.
He brings his hands to the wound, pulling his warm, sticky, blood-soaked shirt up as he tries his best to judge the severity of it. His heart drops as he sees multiple bullet holes piercing his skin, cringing at the amount of blood still escaping him. He was hit with a sudden realization.
"Y/N, you still with me? I'm not far, just stay alive f'me, okay?"
"Ghost.. I don't think I'm gonna make it.."
Ghost's body fills with dread, his heart aching at the sound of Y/N's discouraged and afraid voice. Ghost shakes his head, trying to sprint even faster, his breathing ragged as he speaks through the radio. "Shut it. You're gonna be alright. I'm gonna make it to you, and then we're gonna get you out of here. Alive."
Ghost tries to keep his tone confident, but the shake in his voice shows just how worried he was. He knew that he had to make it there quickly if he wanted the best chance at saving Y/N. His words were rushed as he repeated himself, wanting to hear that Y/N believed him. "Do I make myself clear? I'm getting you out of here alive."
Y/N can't help but slowly shake his head to himself, he could see his wound, he could see how quickly he was losing blood, he could feel the way his body was slowly going numb. His breaths escape him at an uneven pace, his heart racing as he comes to terms with the situation. "Ghost.. I'm losing too much blood. I can't.."
"Yes, yes, you can. You will survive Y/N, I know you will. You have to.."
Ghost ran, ran like he's never done before. He couldn't lose Y/N, not now, not like this. The building was in sight, he was so close to being with Y/N, being able to help him, save him. Ghost could feel the burn in his legs and his lungs and the hard thumping of his pulsing heart. The dry feeling in his throat makes him want to take a breath, but he doesn't stop running, not for a second.
As Ghost ran into the building, Y/N could hear him, his loud footsteps echoing against the bare halls. "I'm here, can you tell me exactly where you are?" Y/N could hear Ghost's urgent yet puffed out voice from both the radio and from the right side of the building, the sound not too far away.
"I can hear you, Ghost.. You're to my right." Y/N's voice was the opposite of Ghost's, he tried to keep his voice as calm as he could, and the strain already being put on his body by the wound, made it impossible to speak any louder without putting himself in even more pain.
"Okay, just.. Just stay there. I'm nearly there, you're gonna be okay."
Y/N's eyes drift to the right side of the building, hearing Ghost's heavy footsteps hitting against the ground. A small and pained smile forms on Y/N's face as he sees the masked man come into sight, watching as he quickly rushes towards him.
A feeling of relief swarms through Ghost's body as he sees Y/N sitting against one of the walls, though the condition the other man was in made his worry come right back. He quickly makes it to Y/N, dropping to his knees as he brings his hands to Y/N's body. "Y/N.. Fuck..." He can't help but take a second to look into Y/N's eyes, his own brown ones showing extreme vulnerability, a look of pure fear.
Y/N lets out a dry and painful sounding chuckle, trying to ease Ghost a little. "Mhm.. it's me." Y/N brings one of his shaky and bloodied hands up, letting it just hover over Ghost's covered cheek, not wanting to get his blood all over Ghost's mask. Ghost doesn't seem to care though, letting his face gently push into Y/N's hand.
Ghost lets out a shaky breath as he feels Y/N's hand against his face. "You're.. You're gonna be okay.. I'm gonna get you out of here, alright? I promise." Y/N gently shakes his head, his small smile faltering as he pulls his other arm away from his wound.
Ghost's eyebrows furrow as he sees Y/N's reaction to his words, but before he can speak, his eyes move down to where Y/N had moved his arm from. Ghost feels his heart shatter as the sight, multiple bullet wounds scattered across his abdomen, blood slowly seeping from each one.
Ghost shakes his head, almost frantically as he brings both hands to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding with his gloved palms. All he manages to achieve though is flooding Y/N's body in pain, evident by the startled cries leaving the injured man.
"Fuck.. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just let me stop the bleeding, let me.."
Ghost's panicky voice trails off as he sees Y/N's wounds only bleeding more aggressively at his touch. He shakes his head, looking down at the other man's body as he keeps his hands on the wound. The blood soaks through Ghost's gloves, the warm and gory liquid uncomfortably sticking to his skin.
Y/N's hands instinctively reach Ghost's wrists, pulling the other man's hands away. "Fuck! Stop.. stop, Ghost." Y/N's grip was weak and his body had little to no strength now. Ghost slowly pulls his own shaky hands away. "I'm sorry.. I just.. you're gonna be okay, I'm gonna find some way to stop the bleeding, and then we'll.. we'll go back home. We're gonna-".
Ghost's mouth shuts at the use of his real name, an audible gulp being heard. His eyes trail back up to look into Y/N's, the look the other man gave him only made his heart sink, he felt like his world was falling apart. "Please.. we both know I'm not making it out of here.. just-"
"You are. You're going to make it out of here. Shut up with that nonsense." Ghost doesn't want to hear it, he refuses to hear it, to acknowledge it.. to accept it. He tried to keep his voice stern but the tremble that grew with each word made it obvious he wasn't all too hopeful either.
He slowly pulls his hands out of Y/N's grasp, bringing them back down to the surrounding area of the wound, his quivering fingers gently trailed over the scarred skin. He pulled off his gloves, using his bare hands to touch Y/N.
"You.. you can't... You're all I have left.."
Ghost's voice softened, his words paining him as they left his mouth. Y/N rests his hand back onto Ghost's mask, sliding it slightly down as he slips a couple fingers underneath the mask. The injured man remains silent, afraid of the emotion that'll leave him if he dared to speak up.
Ghost feels Y/N's fingers slide underneath the mask, a warm feeling bubbling in his stomach. He brings one of his bare palms to Y/N's hand, holding it in place before slowly, cautiously, pulling his mask over and off his head.
The sight of the rugged man made Y/N meekly smile, his heart fluttering at the long-awaited reveal of the subject of his attraction. He had been into Ghost for quite a while, and he always had a suspicion that Ghost felt the same. It was almost a silent understanding between both men, never outwardly speaking of their true feelings yet knowing they felt them.
Ghost looks down, his eyes falling shut as his grip on the other man's hand tightens, holding him closer against his now bare face. He didn't care for the blood the other man's hand was rubbing onto his skin, he needed this, he needed the Y/N's gentle touch.
"Thank you.." Ghost slowly opened his eyes at the other man's pained voice, watching as Y/N slumps further down the wall, groaning at the pressure it relieved from his wounds.
Y/N lets out a small hum at the feeling of the cold floor pressing against his back, a stark contrast to the warm liquid pouring out the front of him.
Ghost slightly shakes his head, a small smile on his face as he questions the other man. "What are you doing?" The other man signals for Ghost to come closer, his voice strained but trying to keep it sounding as optimistic as he could despite the situation.
"Getting comfortable.. Come here."
Ghost does just that, shuffling closer to the man that was now laying flat on the ground, looking down at him, his eyebrows furrowing as he takes in the man's appearance. One of Y/N's weak hands moves to Ghost's arm, gently pulling him even closer.
"Sit down, relax." Y/N was oddly calm despite the situation, despite knowing his undeniable fate. "Relax? How am I supposed to-" Y/N tugs at Ghost's arm, interrupting him. "Please." The desperation in Y/N's voice made Ghost's stomach wrench, he silently sat beside him, bringing his hands to hold onto Y/N's.
Y/N gratefully hums, his eyes looking over the other man before making a request, pleading evident in his tone. "Think you could hold me..? Jus' for a bit?" Ghost nodded, carefully wrapping his arms around Y/N's shoulders, gently pulling him into his arms.
His senses were heightened, he could feel everything, the warm blood starting to soak through his own shirt and the shake in Y/N's body. The rough and cold hands of the other man, weakly wrapped over whatever part of Ghost he could reach. Y/N lays in his arms, weak and helpless, his skin losing colour and his body shaking more rapidly...
For the first time that evening, Ghost came to terms with what was going to happen, he couldn't deny it any longer, not when it was so obvious. His eyes tear up, his heart thumping louder as all he can do is pull Y/N closer, hold the injured man in his arms as he wishes for this to just be some twisted nightmare.
He couldn't keep himself calm anymore, waves of emotions crashing onto him, flooding his mind and filling his body with unease. His grip tightened, the fabric of Y/N's clothes balling up in his fists, he just pulled him closer, not wanting to let him go, not now, not ever.
"Hey.. Simon."
Y/N looks up at the man holding him, watching as he struggles to hold in the tears his body so desperately wants to let fall. Y/N's cold fingers trace along Ghost's cheek, pulling his face a little closer, his voice quieter and more strained than before. "It's gonna be okay.."
Though the injured man was smiling in a way to comfort Ghost, his true feelings were obvious. His eyes held fear, a fear Ghost had never seen on the usually optimistic man before.
He knew he had to be strong, he knew that whatever fear he felt right now, Y/N was feeling tenfold. He took deep breaths, trying to gather himself. He felt his throat close up, he couldn't speak, not without breaking down completely, he could only nod in reply. He brought a trembling hand down to Y/N's face, his rough fingers caressing the skin with a softness Ghost didn't know he was capable of.
Y/N closed his eyes, humming at the gentle touch, and the contrasting feeling of Ghost's warm hand pressing against his chilled cheek. His presence was comforting, it almost felt like he was cuddled up against a cosy fireplace, like the flames were crackling in front of him and leaving warm kisses on his cheek.
It was a nice thought, a nice feeling, but it seemed like the pain in his abdomen did anything it could to bring Y/N out of his calming mindset. It felt like his body was on fire, but also like he had been out in the cold for days. His feet were numb now and he could feel the way his legs and fingertips also started to lose their senses.
He looked up at Ghost, tears had started to form in his own eyes, ones that were impossible to hide. "I'm scared.. you'll be here.. right? Please.. don't let me go, not yet.." His voice was faint, filled with an uneasy panic. Ghost started to nod, bringing his face closer down, letting his lips press against Y/N's cold forehead.
"..yes, yes.. I'll be r-right here. I'm not moving.. I'm not letting you go..."
Y/N closes his eyes, his head falling to the side slightly as he sighs. "Y'know.. I always looked up to you, Simon.." He leans his head deep into Ghost's chest, his tears slowly falling as he feels his body go numb. He had lost all feeling in his arms and legs, even the ache in his abdomen had started to ease. Ghost shakes his head slowly, biting his lower lip in an attempt to hold in the sobs he so desperately wanted to let go.
"I love you, Simon."
Ghost pulled Y/N closer, letting out quiet, choked sounds. He felt Y/N's body start to go limp in his arms, his hands desperately pulling at the other man's body to hold him in a comforting embrace. "I.. I love you too... Fuck.. don't do this to me.."
"I'm sorry.." Y/N moves his head, digging his face further into the other man's chest. All he could smell and hear was Ghost, the man he had grown so attached to. It brought him some comfort, knowing he would be dying in Ghost's arms, not alone. "Forgive me.."
"Always, Y/N.. always.."
Y/N lets out a weak hum, slightly nodding his head as his body relaxes in Ghost's arms, his head now starting to fall limp, being too heavy for Y/N to move. "..thank you..." Y/N's voice was barely audible, his mumble causing Ghost's heart to shatter.
"Always.. a-always... I-I'm here.. always..."
Ghost cradled the dying man in his arms, soothingly whispering as he slowly swayed his body side to side. "It's okay.. It's okay... You're safe.. you're safe with me.." Y/N's voice was practically inaudible as he tried to mumble back to the other man, his incoherent slurs trailing off into silence.
Ghost felt as if his whole world was crashing down right before his eyes. He could only pull Y/N closer, continuing to cradle the fallen soldier. His movements became a little more frantic as he rocked their bodies, his fingers clawing at Y/N's cold skin.
"Shit- I'm so sorry... I-It's okay.. It's gonna be okay.. It's gonna be okay..."
He whispered into the other man's ear, his voice broken as he felt the tears he had been suppressing, finally fall freely. His words started as a means to comfort his dying partner, but it seemed like he was only trying to convince himself now. He mumbled a mantra of 'It's okay' and 'I love you', the words just tumbling out without his control.
His body trembled, his throat letting out more choked sobs now than it had in the last 10 years, his eyes were screwed shut, his head dug into Y/N's frozen neck. His hands tried their best to pull Y/N's limp head up, his tears pouring down his bloody cheeks as the other man's head just dropped back down.
If only he made it there sooner, if only he was there to protect him; none of this would've happened. He wouldn't be here, holding the corpse of the man that showed him what it was like to be alive, how to feel, how to love. The one person that had been able to break down his walls and make him feel human again.
It felt like hours, hours of cradling his deceased lover in his arms like a child, hours of sobbing and mourning the one person that brought light into this cruel world.
"Ghost? Do you copy?"
Ghost heard the static of his radio before the familiar voice of his Captain rung through his ears. "Ghost?" Ghost's teeth grit as he hesitantly brought his hand to the radio on his shoulder, forcefully composing himself before clicking the button. "I'm here." He looked down at the deceased man in his arms, hugging him close as his body threatened to break down once more.
"Evac's here, did you reach C/S?"
Ghost lets out a shaky breath, his fingers shaking as he grips the radio. "C/S's.. C/S's been KIA." His hand falls from the radio, his blood-stained fingers gently caressing Y/N's cold cheek, gently pulling his face closer. Ghost couldn't help but admire the other man, his eyes closed and his eyebrows relaxed. His lips were tugged into a small smile, his skin devoid of its usual colour. He looked.. peaceful.
There was a few seconds of silence from the other line before it was cut by Price's voice once more. "I'm sorry, Ghost." Ghost placed a soft kiss on Y/N's bloody forehead, speaking through the radio one last time, leaving no room for argument. "I'll be there in a few, I'm takin' him with me."
Ghost snatched his mask from the floor beside him, pulling it on before scooping Y/N into his arms. He lifted him up, holding his limp body against his chest as he whispered. "It's gonna be okay.. I've got you.." He held the man tightly, his eyes glancing down at Y/N's motionless figure every few steps he took.
"I've got you..."
A/N: Could you tell I struggled ending this? I won't lie, I teared up a couple times while writing this, I think this might be the saddest thing I've written. Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, especially since I'm still not too familiar with Ghost's personality. This is also my longest fic ever, about 3.4k words!
Also a big thank you for over 400 followers, we're so appreciative of all your support!
- Written by Owner 1
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changbinsboiledegg · 11 months
Girl your skz "another member walks in" reactions gave me intense Changbin brainrot and I need a full thing but where his gf is feeling insecure about herself so he fucks her and doesn't let her cum until she repeats the praises and compliments he tells her 🤤🥰🥰
No because why does he seem like the type?? Insecure?? Nope. Not on Changbin's watch. Also, in case no one told you told Anon; you horny mf. Anyways, I hope you enjoy :,)
AFAB! reader x SKZ Changbin.
Warnings: Insecure reader, issues with body/self image, SMUT. SMUT. SMUT. Explicit, swearing, petnames, praise kink, edging?, cum lol, creampie, unprotected seggs, usage of the word 'dick' because I was scared to write 'cock'. Maybe a little dirty talking? I feel like I'm forgetting smth but y'all get the gist.
Note: Please don't blacklist me lmao I'm only here to provide for anons and smut readers alike. Longer than I intended but I don't think y'all care lol. Anyways, ily, I hope you enjoy, and I'm going to log out for a day because I'm nervous. And obviously if smut makes you uncomfortable, SKIP. any grammar/typos, look away 🫶 I tried.
btw, Changbin is my ult lol. Okay adios.
You tried on way too many outfits within the past ten minutes. Each one leaving you with a sinking heart and a frown that grew the more you overthought how you looked.
You felt yourself on the verge of tears from the frustration. You and Changbin were supposed to go out on a date later that night and nothing looked right on you. The insecurities were eating you alive and you even went as far as to think, ‘why is he with someone like me?’
“Baby?” You knew Changbin was coming over but you lost track of time. He saw you frowning in disgust at yourself in the mirror, noticing the glint in your eyes from the tears about to give out.
“What’s wrong? Talk to me.” Changbin wrapped his arms around you.
“Why are you with me? I can’t even make an outfit look good on me! People are going to see me with you and wonder why you’re with someone so—”
“Nope. No. No. Stop that. Look at me.” Changbin’s tone was stern, turning you around to face him.
“You are beautiful, gorgeous, a Goddess. If you don’t think these outfits look good on you, then it’s the outfits fault.” He started, lifting a hand to your cheek and wiping the tears that fell down your cheeks with his thumbs.
“If you need me to take your shopping for outfits that won’t make you feel like this, I will. But Just know that I think you could make literal trash look sexy.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his statement, now wiping your own tears. You looked back at the mirror again, feeling your heart sink. “But—”
“Take off this dress.”
“What?” You were taken aback by his interruption. Changbin stood firm where he was, crossing his arms as he looked at you in the mirror. ”Take off the dress. I want to show you something.”
You did as he said, slowly peeling off the dress that didn’t make the cut. Letting it fall to the floor, you were left in just your bra and panties.
Changbin slightly smirked, placing his hands on your shoulders and leaning close to your ear from behind. “See? It is not you making these outfits look bad.”
You glanced away from the mirror, still feeling insecure in your skin. You wished he wouldn’t stare so much, not wanting him to see what you saw. But at the same time, you felt good feeling his eyes roam your body.
“Don’t look away. I’m not done yet.” Changbin regained your attention. You reluctantly looked at yourself, waiting to see what he was trying to show you. You guaranteed that it wouldn’t work.
His hands trailed down your back and to the clasp of your bra, unclasping it and pulling it off.
You were still left in your panties as his hands reached around to cup your breasts, gently massaging them.
“So gorgeous. How could you ever think otherwise?” Changbin huskily whispered, pecking the side of your neck near your jaw.
“No, I’m not—”
“Yes. You are.” He moved his hands down your stomach and to the front of your panties. He noticed you looking away and stopped right at the band. ”Look.” He whispered again, pressing himself against you from behind. You looked back at yourself, feeling his hard erection poking you.
“Do you think I would be this hard for someone I didn’t think looked this fucking gorgeous?” He kissed your neck again, moving his hands to clasp the sides of your panties before pulling them down to your ankles. He stood back up and moved his hand back down to your sensitive, wet clit.
“You’re so beautiful, already ready for me? You feel good when I tell you the truth, don’t you?” He smirked smugly as he rubbed circles around your clit.
You elicited a moan, biting your lip as his touched made you shudder. Changbin paused, raising an eyebrow. “You didn’t answer me.”
“…Yes… I feel good when you compliment me.” You replied in a pleading tone, wanting him to continue. Changbin kissed your neck again.
“You agree that you’re beautiful?” Changbin watched your face in the mirror, waiting for your answer. You hesitated.
Changbin slowly retracted his hand.
“No! Wait… please keep going.” You begged. Changbin clicked his tongue, “Do you agree?”
“Yes! Please?”
“What are you agreeing on?” Changbin quizzed, his hand still not budging. You squirmed but he wrapped his other arm around your waist.
“I’m… I’m…” You couldn’t say it. Changbin waited a few seconds before pulling away from you.
“Beautiful! I’m… beautiful.” You said, feeling a bit awkward— but desperate. Changbin smiled, putting his hands on your waist and guiding you down to the floor and pushing you on all fours.
“You sound so sexy complimenting yourself. You should do it often.” Changbin trailed his hands down your spine and stopping at your hips, gently squeezing them.
“So sexy.”
He took his hands off of you and when you looked in the mirror, seeing how you looked in this position, you also saw Changbin undressing himself. He kicked the clothing away from his immediate surroundings and kneeled down behind you. He was so close that you could feel his hard dick laid on your ass.
“Now, I know you want me inside of you but only if you look at yourself in the mirror and if you repeat after me. Got it, baby?” Changbin stroked himself in slow motions as he used his free hand to spread your legs apart more.
“Oh… Okay… I can do that.” Your eyes flickered to yourself, digging your nails into the carpet a little. You couldn’t help but look at Changbin, though.
“Look at you. Not me.” His stern tone came out again, sliding the head of his dick inside of you. “Do you want me to fuck you or not?”
“Yes!” You answered quickly, trying to focus on yourself. He was watching your face. Your eyes specifically. He knew when and where you were looking.
“Good.” He slid into your wet hole, gripping your hips to pull you closer as he filled you up and stretched you out.
“Don’t you agree that you’re stunning?” He paused, not daring to thrust yet but you felt his dick twitching inside of you.
You wanted more. He definitely wanted more.
But you hesitated. Changbin slowly inched himself out of you.
“Yes.” You caught yourself looking away from your face before quickly staring at yourself again. Changbin, satisfied, snapped his hips forward, sending himself pounding into you.
You covered your mouth, not daring to look away from the mirror as his thrusts were so powerful, the room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping against each other and the moans, groans, and whimpers that emitted from both of you.
Changbin’s grip on your hips tightened as he grunted, “come on, baby. Don’t cover your mouth. Let me hear how good you feel, gorgeous.”
You slapped your hand against the carpet as your walls clenched around his dick, earning a groan as he threw his head back. Your legs felt like goo, knowing you made him feel like that.
His pace continued before abruptly stopped and feeling you pulsate around his length.
“Ah-ah. Don’t close your eyes. You need to watch how good you take it.” He reached a hand to your shoulder for more leverage. You slowly opened your eyes, whimpering from the pleasure and the need to cum.
“Fuck, I love the sounds you make.” He commented in a low whisper, thrusting into you again, only this time he went deeper, harder, and even a little faster.
You weren’t sure which of you were more needy.
“You’re so beautiful.” Changbin watched you in the mirror. Your moans became louder the closer your were about to orgasm.
You almost forgot what he said about repeating him when he stopped abruptly.
“I’m-I’m beautiful…” You repeated. He continued.
“A literal Goddess— Fuck, you feel so good.” He groaned. His thrusts getting faster.
You grit your teeth, trying not to close your eyes as you felt yourself about to let go any minute now. It made your eyes water, but as you looked at yourself being fucked by him, you started to like how you looked.
“I’m a-a Goddess!” You bit your lip, only to moan louder. Changbin smirked, loving the way you were complimenting yourself— finally.
“That’s good, baby, keep doing that.” He cooed, He was satisfied. He was able to take your mind off of your insecurities and seeing you like this, writhed and moaning as he took you from behind? That was one of his favorites sights. “I’m so proud of you, beautiful.”
You were about to cum, feeling your walls contract and clench around him, hearing his groans and moans from the feeling of you on the edge.
You felt euphoric, keeping your eyes on the mirror and trying not to close them because you didn’t want him to stop. But then you did.
Changbin knew it was an involuntarily reaction— that you couldn’t stop yourself from closing your eyes.
He continued, feeling himself about to cum after you. He wanted you to watch yourself cum though.
“Open your eyes, look. Don’t you agree you look pretty cumming?” Changbin was breathing heavily, almost panting as he kept his pace. You forced your eyes open, screaming out from your orgasm as you were cumming.
“Pretty, right? So fucking pretty.” Changbin felt his own orgasm wash over him and you continued to take him, smirking as you watched him in the mirror as he started to fall apart inside of you.
“Very pretty.” You commented, watching as he clenched his jaw and filled you to the brim with cum. He almost collapsed on top of you, had you not been on all fours.
He regained his composure and pulled out as cum dripped out of your hole seconds after.
“You did amazing as usual.” Changbin complimented as you had turned and sat, facing him. You were barely catching your breath.
“I could say the same for you.” Your smirk was still on your face, just as satisfied as he was. “Thank you for…” You paused, thinking of how to word your sentence.
“Thank you.” You settled, feeling a lot less insecure than you did before. Changbin smiled.
“Of course. I will always be here to remind you of how amazing you are.”
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Hi!!!!! I hope you’re doing well!! I really like the way you write, I was hoping to request a fic with either Wanda or Natasha, or both if you vibe with it, and F! avenger reader with a whole bunch of pining. Maybe they go on a mission and one of them runs into like a sex pollen/ aphrodisiac that really makes them crave their crush and enhances preexisting feelings for that person. You can totally ignore this if you’re not comfortable with the idea, I appreciate you either way!!
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲
paring: wandanat x fem!avenger!reader
tag(s): nsfw, smut with no plot, sex pollen, insatiable r (or at least I tried), wanda and nat doing whatever r needs
warning(s): MDNI, +18 ONLY read at your own risk, explicit smut, wlw sex, vaginal fingering (r receiving), mouth riding (r receiving) thigh riding (r receiving), tit sucking, slight blood kink (?), kinda dom!reader, grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 2.2k
note: Half way through writing this fic I was like "Wait, is this supposed to be smut. I mean it's sex pollen so it has to right?" and I'm still not sure but I just went with it lol. AAAAH, my first wandanat fic, I'm so excited you guys. I really hope you guys like it. It was quite a challenge writing a threesome and some parts I feel like they are bad but meh. Just go with it. Thank you, nonnie, for this request. I appreciate you just as much. I hope you like it. I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Love y'all <3
requests are open! + check my rules + masterlist <3
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The moment the intoxicating honey-like scent filled your lungs you felt as if your whole body shivered.
Your eyes clouded for a few seconds, your body losing balance as your legs trembled. The whole room felt like it was spinning and your thoughts were getting louder and louder. Images of red hair, tangled limbs and short black nails rushing through your mind.
“Y/n, everything okay?” you heard Steve’s voice through your earpiece, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“You have been silent for quite a while now, detka,” you heard Wanda say.
“You’re still alive, right Y/n?” Nastasha joked.
“Yeah, everything’s fine. All clear, let’s head back,” you said, trying to ignore the way your body was starting to feel different in every conceivable way possible.
As you made your way back to the quinjet you felt your heart rate increasing, you blamed it on the adrenaline of the mission, the nerves of getting out in the field once again and decided not to think too much about it, pushing everything back deep inside of your mind.
“Okay, good job everyone!” Steve congratulated all of you. “Fortunately for us, this Hydra base was empty, but it’s not always going to be like that…” he kept on going with his speech but you weren’t listening anymore.
You took a seat, feeling as if your legs would give out on you any second. It felt as if someone was hammering your poor brain, you felt your skin on fire and you felt a sinking feeling in your stomach. You felt as if your senses magnified and you felt everything ten times stronger, no matter how hard you tried to stop feeling anything at all.
“Y/n, you okay?” Clint said while placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m just tired,” you said as you gently shrugged off his hand off your burning skin, not wanting him to notice it.
Okay,” he said, sitting next to you, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.
You did the same, in hopes that getting some rest will make it all go away. As you drifted off to sleep, two pairs of eyes were watching your every move. Taking down mental notes of your body language, something they would usually do. But this time they could clearly tell that something was off with you.
“Something is up with her,” the redhead mumbled, squinting her eyes at you.
“Something’s definitely wrong,” the brunette concluded.
“Can you like, check on her?”
“You want me to go through her mind?!” Wanda hissed in disbelief.
“Oh, come on. Don’t act so innocent now, Wan,” the brunette's eyes opened wide in realisation, of course Natasha knew about that. “I know you do it all the time, it’s like your little hobby, isn’t it?” the redhead teased her.
“No, I do not. Those things are private,” Wanda scoffed.
“It’s okay, I’m judging. I mean I think I would also do it if I could,” she had a grin plastered on her face.
“It’s not funny, Nat,” she rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, right. Just do it,” Natasha nudged her.
“Okay, okay,” the brunette mumbled some Russian curses and a second later her eyes were turning red.
“What do you see?”
“I’m not sure,” she said, getting lost in your mind. “Everything’s a blur.”
“What do you mean ‘a blur’? It can’t be right.”
“I’m just telling you what I’m seeing, Tasha,” her brows furrowed as she tried to concentrate even more.
There had to be something that could tell the both of them what was wrong with you. You barely talked to them when you got in the quinjet, that was so not like you. You were always trailing behind them, that was one thing they liked about you. Wherever they went, you followed them like a lost puppy.
They also found it cute that even though everyone was aware you had a thing for the two of them, you never dared to do anything about it. So the two of them would tease you, making you flustered, loving the way your cheeks would go crimson red. They liked you, they really did, that was why Wanda and Natasha were so eager to know what was wrong with you. So they could make you feel better.
“Wait a second…”
“What? What is it? Tell me.”
“I think she’s in pain, but she’s not physically hurt. No, this is deeper, quite strange really. Oh, Nat, I think she’s—”
“Okay, everyone you are free for the rest of the day. See you all at dinner. First round is on me,” Steve said, as the quinjet landed. His loud voice woke you up in the process and distracted Wanda.
You groaned in annoyance, sleeping did nothing for you, everything felt ten times louder and you felt like tearing your skin off your body.
You got up quickly and made your way to your bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“The fuck’s wrong with me?” you mumbled to yourself.
You felt your tummy sinking, a fire starting in your lower area. You closed your eyes as the pain became unbearable. But closing your eyes only made it worse somehow. Your mind was filled with thoughts of them, their hands, their lips, their kisses, their scents.
“Fuck,” it came out as a moan.
The only thing you could think about was Natasha and Wanda. And that was when it hit you. You needed them, you always had, but this time you needed them or you felt like you could actually die. They will know what to do, they could help you.
“Detka!” you heard someone banging on your door.
You gasped in relief at the perfect timing.
“Y/n, we know you are not okay. Just let us inside,” the redhead shouted through your door.
Once you open the door, they realise how bad this whole thing was for you. With just one look at you they could tell you were a mess. Your breath was uneven, your cheeks were as red as ever and a thin layer of sweet covered your whole body.
“I, I—,” you tried, but your voice simply wasn’t cooperating.
“We know, baby. We know,” Wanda cooed, as Natasha closed and locked the door behind her.
“This is bad, you shouldn’t be here…”
“It’s okay, malyshaka. We are here to help you.”
“I don’t think I can control myself…”
“We don’t want you to,” the redhead said as she stood behind you.
You could feel her hot breath on your neck sending shivers down your spine.
“It hurts,” you almost cried. “I need it to stop… I need you… Make it stop,” you said breathlessly.
And that’s all it took for Wanda to connect her lips with yours and for Natasha to kiss your neck. You swear you could come undone just by the feeling of their lips but it wasn’t nearly enough. Moans escaped from your mouth repeatedly, gasping for air.
Somehow the three of you made it to your bed, Wanda’s lips never leaving yours and Natasha firming her grip on your waist. Soon enough the three of you were stripped out of your clothes, and your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as soon as you made skin to skin contact with them.
“Fuck,” the word rolled out off your togue onto Wanda’s lips the moment your exposed core touched her thigh.
You felt a wave of pleasure washing over you, clouding all your senses and just focusing on the overwhelming feeling. Your head fell back as it hit Natasha’s stomach and she seized the moment in order to finally have a taste of your lips.
As Natasha took care of your lips, trailing her rough hands all over your torso, you started rocking your hips, Wanda’s thigh hitting the right spots on your core. It soon all became too much and you started riding her thigh at a much faster pace, knowing you were closer to your relief.
The coil inside you finally snapped, a wave of immense pleasure washed over you as you cursed over and over again, their names slipping out of your lips. You were a sweety horny little mess, you had a first taste of them and now you needed more. It was a hunger that was yet to be satisfied.
As you catched your breath, you got up from Wanda’s lap and gently pushed Natasha over the bed.
“What are you—?” she raised a brow at you, confused at your behaviour.
They have studied you before and they knew for a fact that you were no leader, you were a follower. You were also a people pleaser, everybody’s needs coming before your own. So you taking the lead in this situation got her off guard.
“Shut up,” you mumbled, before getting on top of her, straddling her head with your thighs.
Without a warning you let your weight fall on top of her, her lips getting immediate access to your cunt. Natasha wasn’t able to resist you, she started licking, sucking, biting, getting moans and whimpers out of your pretty lips.
Her hands found your thighs and gently squeezed, her nails digging into your flesh. You felt Wanda getting behind you, rocking herself onto Natasha’s abdomen. She kissed your neck, leaving love bites all over your sensitive skin.
The room was filled with your moans and whimpers as Wanda and Natasha took care of you. You didn't care how loud you were being, you felt in cloud 9 with the two Russians hitting all the right places.
Your head fell back on Wanda’s shoulder, her hands trailing up your body pinching and massaging your nipples. All while Natasha worked her tongue in and out of you, her nose hitting your clit making your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
You felt your second orgasm getting closer, you knew you wouldn’t be able to last long if they kept on working their magic on you.
“Shit, don’t stop,” you gasped.
Natasha moaned in your cunt as she felt your hips rocking even faster, and wanting to help you out, she did her best work on you. Wanda didn’t trail behind and she kept on teasing your breast and sucking on your skin.
“I’m— I’m—,” a loud moan cut you off as you came undone on Natasha’s lips.
She helped you ride out your high, getting as much of your juice as she could. She moaned at the taste of you, her eyes rolling to the back of her skull getting confirmation you were as sweet as she had always imagined. The moan she let out sent a shiver up your spine, making you squirm.
“How are you, malyshka?” Wanda whispered in your ear, as she helped you get off of Nat.
You throw yourself at her, feeling the fire inside of you starting back again, as your lips seek for hers. You kissed her roughly, biting her lower lip so hard that some blood came out. You tasted her blood on your tongue as you licked the small wound you had caused her.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled on her lips, breathless.
“It’s okay,” she whispered on your lips.
You didn’t mean to be rough with her, but it was out of your control. The fire inside you was too strong to keep it under control.
“I want your fingers… I need your fingers,” you said, reaching for her hand and putting two of her fingers inside of your mouth.
Wanda moaned at the sight before her, she swore she was soaking wet. But right now it wasn't about her, it was all about helping you. Poor Y/n, suffering like a bitch in heat.
Once you were done sucking, you guided them to your aching cunt, letting her take care of you. Even though you had already come two times, you were still as wet and as needy. She easily pushed two fingers inside of you, her eyes closing at how warm you felt.
“She’s so tight, Nat.”
“Really? I guess we’ll have to work on that,” you heard the redhead chuckling, but you were lost in your pleaser. Through your hooded eyes you watched them kiss each other, making you even hotter and wetter. Wanda knew you needed this really bad, so being the lady she was, she quickly picked up her pace. She felt you clenched around her fingers and that only made her thrust her fingers even faster.
Natahsa loved the scene unfolding before her eyes but wanting to take part, she got closer to Wanda, her lips reaching out for the brunette’s breasts, sucking her nipples.
“Shit,” she gasped at the feeling, her finger stopping for half a second.
“Wanda…” you moaned out annoyingly, making Natasha chuckle.
“So– sorry,” she breathed out, getting back to her work.
Your hands travelled up or body, pinching and massaging your own breast, as you watched the redhead sucking violently Wanda’s nipples. Getting whimpers out of the two of you.
“Wan, I’m close,” you whispered.
“We got you, moya lyubov.”
The moment the pet name reached your ears you felt the wave of pleasure washing over you, coming for the third time.
“Fuck!” you manage to say, short of breath.
You felt the fire inside you finally being put out as Wanda’s fingers helped you ride out your high.
“You finally had enough?” Natasha joked.
“Maybe,” you shuddered, still trying to recover from the activity.
“Well, you better have, it’s our turn now.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at her, a small smile forming on your lips.
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arcanadreams · 5 months
period comfort, bloomic style
i'm about ten years late to this game but better late than never!! title says it all. i started writing this on my period but then it took me like a whole week to get done with it so i'm not even on it anymore LMAO. oh well
these are written with gender neutral reader in mind, tho they do have a uterus for the sake of the prompt lol. i also use the username lovelylola for them, for simplicity's sake. i imagine these as taking place after the events of the bulk of the story, but before you guys meet in person. i may make a follow-up of what they do when y'all finally live together if i feel inspired enough haha
lovelylola: i know i said i was going to bed early to sleep it off but it hurts so bad lovelylola: can we have our usual call after all? Quest: of course, angel <3
He hated the fact you were in pain, but he also couldn't help but feel honored that you felt comfortable sharing your pain with him, going to him when you were hurting. It felt so good to be trusted like that, especially by you.
When you joined voice, Quest almost choked on the water he was drinking. You were so. Fucking. Cute.
There you were, curled on your side in bed, wrapped in blankets, smiling through a pained grimace. Your eyes lit up at the sight of him. "Hey, handsome."
"Hey, angel," he replied softly. Immediately, his caretaker tendencies took over. "Are you drinking water?" A nod on your end. "Did you take any medicine?" "Yeah, but I think we can officially cross Aleve out of the running, too; it isn't helping anymore." You winced and curled in on yourself, a cramp shooting through your lower belly, almost as if your body was bragging about the way it resisted your attempts at easing the pain.
Obviously this was something you'd learned to deal with, and it was natural, you weren't in any danger...but Quest still couldn't help but feel like he was letting you down somehow. Damn, he wished he could be there with you now. He so desperately wanted to take care of you. It's what you deserved.
"Is there anything else to try?" He asked. "Mmm, I have my period demon." "...Your what?" You laughed as he arched his eyebrow in confusion and lifted his water for a sip. To Quest's surprise, you pulled the blankets from your body and angled your phone camera down to your midsection. This time, he did choke a little. He managed to mute his microphone just in time to hide it from you. With your phone angled the way it was, you couldn't see the way his face reddened slightly, or the way his eyes wandered. He took in the loose top draped over your body, the way it rode up slightly and exposed a bit of your stomach. And those sweatpants resting low on your hips...you were so damn beautiful. He was the luckiest man alive for you to feel this comfortable with him.
"Anyway, his name is Gengar, because when I opened him up on Christmas and saw his face I thought it was a gengar plushie at first. Cute, isn't he?" Quest snapped back to reality. He had heard you speaking the whole time, and not fully processed it until now, but he was catching up now that he was done...admiring. Sure, that word fits well enough. He realized what you had angled your camera down for was to show him the heated, lower-belly pillow with a sewn-on face and little horns. Ah; this must be the period demon.
You angled the camera back up to your face, a content smile on it from the memories you had just shared with him. Your shirt had slid down off one of your shoulders, and some bedhead was definitely already forming from your time spent tossing turning. Quest cleared his throat.
"Yes. Very cute, angel."
lovelylola: hey not to be a bother but lovelylola: would love to hear your sexy accent rn <3 lovelylola: to ease my unceasing suffering (my period cramps) xyx: rip xyx: as you wish
"That was the easiest time I've had getting you into a call since we met, I'm pretty sure," you said when he joined you in voice chat. "Oh, so now I can't be nice to my doll when they're enduring 'unceasing suffering?'" He rested his chin in his hand, his usual smug yet fond grin appearing. "That is not what I meant and you know it."
The two of you both laughed. You often closed your eyes when you laughed, and Xyx took the opportunity to get a good look at you while you weren't able to see his lovesick eyes - he could never hide the love in his eyes from you, even when he was doing his best to guard his heart when you first met.
You were on your side, in bed. It occurred to him he'd never seen you anywhere but in the chair at your desk. And you'd never seen him anywhere but in the chair at his desk. ...He hid a wobbly smile behind his hand when the thought came to him that he didn't mind this view. He could get used to it, even. The only way it could've been better was if he was actually there, could reach out and pull you to him...
Your laughing fit was interrupted suddenly when you groaned in pain and curled in on yourself. "Don't - don't make me laugh, Xyx," your eyes were open again, gazing at him with a weary smile. "It hurts."
Laughing hurts, hm? He couldn't help but be reminded of when you first made him laugh on a tough day; you told him you were terrible at tongue twisters, but he still hadn't expected you to be that bad. Or that cute. The laughter both helped and hurt him, that day; helped because he needed it, and hurt because it made him realize he was falling again...and that was a painful thought, at first. It was before he knew you'd treat him, and his heart, and his mess, with all the sweetness in the world.
"Oof, that's going to be tough restriction, doll. No making you laugh? Not even when it sounds so lovely?~" You grinned and giggled, hiding the lower half of your face beneath your sheets.
"Is a giggle like that off limits, too?" He continued. "What about a nice chuckle? Maybe even a snicker?" You snorted, your eyes closing in glee yet again. Xyx watched, eye full of both smugness and adoration.
"Mmm...I think I can allow those. None of them seem to make my cramps worse. They do make my cheeks hurt from smiling, though," you said. "That tends to happen a lot when you're around." You smiled at Xyx tenderly, and he offered an equally soft one back...for a few seconds. Then came the grin.
"Are you saying I always leave you sore, love?~" "Haha, stop, you'll make me cramp!!"
nakedtoaster: ffxiv? lovelylola: nnn...not tonight. cramping nakedtoaster: understandable lovelylola: can we still call, though? hearing your voice would be a balm to my aching uterus <3 nakedtoaster: ...don't ever write those words in that order again nakedtoaster: but yes. I'll be in voice lovelylola: <3333
"I take it saying your voice will sooth my sore womb is not your favorite way for me to call your voice sexy?" Those were really the first words out of your mouth when you entered the call, yes. Toaster's cheeks turned red, and they frowned in that adorable way they always did. "You could say that," he huffed. You laughed. At that sound, all the grumpiness from your teasing left him in an instant and a soft smile appeared on his face instead.
"Are you holding up okay?" They briefly glanced away from their screen and looked at you, on your side in bed. "You look cozy, at least." "I'm definitely cozy now that you're here to keep me company." "You-!" Toaster squirmed in their seat, pulling their microphone closer. You smiled brightly, affection sparkling in your eyes.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just...you're so cute, Toaster. Teasing you a little helps me forget that my guts are trying to kill me." You propped yourself up on your elbow as you spoke. "I'd hardly call that only teasing me a little," your boyfriend mumbled. You snorted. "Okay, maybe a lot." You winced before you could continue. Toaster frowned, this time out of concern.
They turned away from their gaming monitor. "Even teasing me a lot doesn't make it go away, though, huh?" "No, unfortunately," you grimaced, sitting up. "But don't worry your pretty pink-haired head about it, yeah? I'm gonna go downstairs and heat up a water bottle. Don't miss me too much.~" Toaster rolled his eyes, huffing a laugh at your parting remark. Once you were out of both eye and earshot, he got to work.
Minimizing FFXIV, for just a moment, he started searching. They reasoned that, since you were using a water bottle as a heating pad/pillow, you must not have had one. And what kind of boyfriend would they be if they didn't remedy that as soon as possible?
When you clambered back into bed and came back into frame, heated water bottle in hand, Toaster had a smile on his face. "Wow, is it that fun when I'm not around?" They scoffed at you while you giggled. "You don't have a heating pad or pillow, do you?" He asked you. You shook your head. "Nope. I gotta get myself one of those cute heatable stuffies; you know, the ones shaped like animals? Those are adorable."
"That's what I thought," Toaster smiled to himself. You watched him move his mouse around, clicking on a few things, before opening FFXIV back up. They looked at you before they started playing again.
"I wouldn't worry about getting yourself one of those anymore; you've got about three different ones on the way."
lovelylola: pspspspspsps nightowl: :3 ? lovelylola: hi <3 can we call? i'm having a uterus moment (tm) nightowl: askdhskdfhs nightowl: anything for my cutie!! (`・ω・)ゞ (i'm using this in place of that one salute emoji they use on the bloomic server LOL)
Nightowl looked at you with gentle eyes when you joined him in vc. You knew when you asked that he'd call you as soon as possible, but you hadn't expected him to be in voice before you could even crawl into bed! Honestly, in restrospect, you weren't sure why you were surprised.
"How you are you doing over there, cutie?" He asked, unable to stop himself from smiling at the sight of you snuggled up under your covers. "Mmm...not great. But seeing and hearing you helps." You watched as his face lit up. "Awwww, you mean it?" "Mmmmmhm! You're my painkiller tonight."
Nightowl let out a laugh and smiled widely. "Happy to help. What can I do?" "Just talking to me like this is enough. Ramble to me about architecture? I love hearing you talk about your passions." You watched as your boyfriend's happy smile melted into a lovestruck one right before your eyes.
"You...you make me so happy, cutie. Really." There was a brief pause where neither of you dared speak. "Yeah. Yeah, I can do that."
And indeed he did. He talked about his favorite style of architecture for a good while. He asked you yours, to which you said ancient Greek because 'adding all those columns was a sexy design choice,' which made him almost fall backwards on his bed laughing. Once he could stop giggling, he taught you the types of Greek columns.
"Okay, now that you know what they're called, which style is your favorite?" He asked. "Corinthian, for sure. They went all out on those." He chuckled a little, but before he could respond, you were hit with a wave of pain. You curled in one yourself for a moment, letting out a small groan.
"You okay?" The worried voice of your boyfriend came from your phone. You offered him a weak smile. "Yeah. I just...I wish you were here, nightowl."
"I wish I was there, too, cutie," he responded immediately. He leaned closer to his computer as he continued speaking, seemingly not even realizing it. "I wish I was there so I could get you that ice cream you like and bring it to you in bed, and heat up your water bottle for you whenever it stopped helping, and give you my hand to squeeze when the cramps get bad. And so we could cuddle. Shit, do I want to cuddle you so bad." By the end of his little declaration, you had hidden your face in your patterned sheets, your face bright red. "Nightowl..." you murmured, voice muffled ever so slightly behind cotton.
"Holy shit," he said softly. "...What?" You lowered your sheets down to just below your eyes. "Even your sheets are fucking adorable."
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Deja Vu ~ Russell Adler x Female Reader
{Author's Note} This was inspired by @alypink's recent Adler render where he's leaning against a muscle car AND HOO BOY that put tons of thoughts in my head about a younger Adler before he heads off to Vietnam. Reader in this story dated him before he went off to war and they got together again after the events of the Cold War game. I probably got some timeline stuff wrong but I did my research and tried to keep it consistent lol. A horrendous sinus infection has given me a short break from school as I start some medications to clear it up so that means more time for writing! Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this! I've got plenty of ideas for a younger Adler x reader series so expect more in the future! And let me know if you'd like to be removed or added to the tag list🫶🏻 I don't know if I managed to include everyone that I wanted to so please let me know! AND YES I'm using a Robert Redford gif because they're basically the same person in my eyes LOL {Tag List} @littlemissclandestine @alypink @mctvsh @adlerboi @deadbranch @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @ghostlythots @glitterypirateduck
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Russell Adler x Female Reader
❌Content Warning: none❌
~ ~ ~
“When are you leaving again?” 
Adler sends you a glance through dark shades as you pass him a bucket full of water. He takes it easily, hefting it with little issue while you had struggled to lift it only moments ago. 
“In a month,” he responds and splashes the bucket’s contents across the windshield of his car. “Higher ups are gettin’ worried about the increased communist presence in Vietnam so they’re sending in some troops. I’ll be going on behalf of the CIA to do some recon and see if we can figure out what’s happening over there.”
You knew that already. He’d told you half a dozen times before but he answered you anyway. He knew how worried you were about the threat of impending war, especially when he was being sent into the midst of it with little choice to refuse. 
All you can manage is a nod as you focus on sponging down the window opposite him. He notices your silence and rounds the car, drying his palms on his already damp tank top. 
“I’ll be fine, sweetheart,” he murmurs softly as he grasps your chin and guides your face to look at him. You blink back tears and he wipes away the few that manage to escape with gentle thumbs. 
“Just gotta make sure the Soviets aren’t meddling in things,” he continues. “It shouldn’t take long.”
You nod as he caresses the curves of your cheeks. “I just want you to be careful.” 
And come back alive, you think to yourself. Come back to me. 
He leans to press a kiss to the crown of your head. “I will. Promise.”
His lips meet yours in a tender kiss, one that makes you smile and clears the mist from your eyes. 
“Now, help me finish cleaning this thing before Sims gets here. He needs to see this baby in all her glory.”
You laugh, feeling your heart lighten as Russ turns up the radio. He bobs his head to The Beach Boys song flowing through the speakers and you promise yourself to commit this moment to memory. The glint of his shades in the sunlight, the shimmer of golden hair as he pushes it off his forehead, the movement of his arms and back as he leans over the hood of his car. The image is imprinted in your mind’s eye for years to come.
~ ~ ~
Adler has changed, though your memories of him have not. He’s still stubborn as a mule with an envy-inducing sense of style and a love for muscle cars. He’s older now, quieter and less open, scarred both physically and mentally after his time in Vietnam. His most recent escapade involved a former Soviet agent who he refuses to talk about so you don’t push the topic. You’re just happy he’s come back to you.
“You gonna keep staring or help me clean this thing?” Russ says with a slight smile. His shades reflect the sun the same way they did all those years ago and you hurry to his side, upping the radio’s volume on the way.
Russ likes to talk about cars and so you let him, enjoying the sound of his voice as he guides you through the inner workings of the machinery before you. He's gentle and careful with his movements, and you notice the serenity in his features. It was one of the few times he was able to relax, a brief moment where he didn't carry the world on his shoulders. You know he's not perfect, far from it, but he deserves this temporary peace and you're thankful that you're present to enjoy it with him.
“Do you know that I love you?” you ask suddenly. The comment makes Russ pause in his work, gaze lifting to yours as he straightens.
"That so?"
You giggle. "You're supposed to say it back, you know," you tease, fully aware of his tendency to play coy with this sort of thing.
He brushes stray strands of hair from your face, the pads of his fingers delicately tracing your features. He was hesitant to touch you these days, fearing you'd be disgusted by his calloused hands, but you made it a point to remind him that such things were a sign that he had survived and kept his promise to you, even if it had taken longer than either of you had anticipated.
"I love you, too," he murmurs, his voice a low whisper, as if he were afraid to release the phrase into the world where it could be taken from him.
You grin and lean to press a kiss to his scarred cheek, hearing his contented sigh as his arms settle around your waist. You promise to commit this moment to memory, just as you had countless times before, adding it to the complicated collection of images and sensations that made up Russell Adler.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 4 months
She's Alive?!? (Alive may be a stretch LMAO)
HEY FRIENDS, IT'S ME 🥹 (Madeline fills y'all in below the cut)
Safe to say from the absolute radio silence on here for the past month and a half, life has been absolutely kicking me right in the tits. As of today (after telling my principal), I am officially done with teaching at the end of this school year. It's been the strangest feeling ever- while it is such a huge relief to know the tremendous amount of physical and mental stress that teaching has been for me is only 15 days away from coming to an end, it also hurts to think that the thing I once had so much passion and love for has burned out so quickly. I've been having such a hard time coming to terms with the fact that teaching isn't where I want to be anymore, and the teacher guilt in me about it is still eating me alive.
This school year has been so draining for me that the past month I have done the same routine every single day as followed: Wake up, cry going into work, try to make it through the day without having a mental breakdown from kids screaming/ridiculous parent emails/insane requests from the district/one of my kids threatening to bring a gun to school (yes, this did happen, and yes, it's the 3rd grade!!! 🙂), cry on my way home from school, look for jobs and change my resume for the thousandth time and cry again bc no one will hire me, and then go to sleep and do it the next day!! On top of that, I've just been dealing with a lot of other big life things that have taken up so much time/mental energy, I am legit crawling to the finish line that is the last day before summer break.
I will be completely honest with you when I say that I legit have not opened a Google Doc for NTL in a month and a half, and truth be told, I don't know the next time that I will. I truly do miss being on here and all of the wonderful people, and I feel terrible that I have been no where to be found. Thank you to everyone who's sent me a DM or an ask to ask if ya girl is okay, I really appreciate you more than you know 🥺💛
I'm really hoping the summer brings some new peace/inspiration to start writing again, but please know if you don't hear anything from me in the near future, either know 1. I didn't make it out of the school year alive or 2. I am sitting in the sun like a lizard on a hot rock letting all of the stress dissolve from my body until I start to feel like a normal human again 🥴
I love all of you so much, I hope that everything in all of your lives are going well and that I am giving each one of you a big kiss on the forehead and sending you all of my love 🥺💕
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