#kayako imagine
datenightfright · 1 year
Can you do kayako and sadako with a protective/househusband boyfriend in poly?
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I hope you don't mind that this one got away from me.
There were quirks to dating Onryo that you wouldn't think about with a normal human. As a general, they were vengeful, possessive, and jealous. Not to mention you now had to live with the fact that you'd never be truly warm again. Or be able to have normal human relationships ever again, but it was worth it, in your opinion. You were lucky, you manage to get two to fall in love with you.
Your day starts normally enough, the alarm goes off and you groan, rolling over and ducking your head under the blankets. You didn't want to go to work today. You were just about to fall back asleep when you feel someone put pressure on your back. "Really, buddy?" You ask, rolling over and peeking over the covers. Toshio had come to get you, as he had every weekday morning since Kayako had decided to spare you. He tugs at your pajama shirt, it's time to get up. With another groan you manage to roll out of bed and dramatically crawl on the floor to your closet. Toshio never giggles, or smiles, or really does anything other than look scared, but the change in the air tells you that he finds your antics amusing.
Once you right yourself you shoo him out of the room, so you can get dressed. You go about your morning routine, still unsettled by how unnaturally quiet your home is. When your teeth are brushed, your hair combed, and your tie is perfectly knotted, you come downstairs, the smell of breakfast making your tummy grumble.
"Morning." You mutter, only to be met with silence. The small kitchen table looks pitifully bare, considering a family of four is going sit down to have breakfast, but the dead didn't eat. You ruffle Toshio's hair as you pass by him, the young boy not much for affection. You then kiss Kayako, because this morning was her morning to be kissed first. Then you kiss Sadako, making sure to linger a few moments longer in her kiss since she was second. Tomorrow, you'll do the same thing for Kayako. Balance, after all, was the key to this relationship.
You check the news on your phone while you eat. It was hard to get services at your home, seeing as everyone knew the house was cursed. The superstition was so bad you didn't even have neighbors. Not that you blamed them, the house DID have a certain energy.
You finish breakfast, kiss everyone good by, even Toshio, and then head off to work. It's another boring day as an accountant for a Japanese law-firm, looking at numbers until your eyes were crossed. The only few interruptions coming from the new intern. A girl with a huge crush on you. In your defense, you'd told her you weren't interested when she first asked you out. You couldn't give her a good answer when she asked you why you wouldn't go out with her, so she'd made up her mind that you were just shy. A bad move on her part really. You'd let her down gently, then hard, then you'd been plain rude to her, but apparently she hadn't gotten the hint. It was unfortunate really, the girls were just waiting to eat her up.
At the end of the day, you called home. No one answered, whenever anyone of the ghosts tried, they only messed with the signal. You wait for the answering service. "Hey," you say after the beep, "I'm going to stop by the bar," You tell them. "Pick up my usual order. Love you guys." You say good bye to everyone, making small talk with your boss, then head to the bar.
As a creature of habit, you didn't have to place your order at the bar. You had been going there once a week after work for nearly three years. You hadn't changed your order once. As such, once you got there, you gave the bartender your money, and grabbed the bag of food. Stepping back out onto the street, you saw her, cringing. She was wearing a garish yellow, smiling pitifully at you. The intern from work. He heaved a sigh, knowing what's coming next.
Ignoring her entirely as she chased you to your car you only stopped to acknowledge her when she slammed your door shut before you could get in. "Why are you so cruel?" She asked. You turned to her, giving her your best glare. You could see dark shadows out of the corner of your eye, hear Kayako's death rattle. You tried to save this woman, you did, but she was too stubborn for her own good. "I tried to tell you to stay away." You sneer. "I tried to warn you, but you just didn't want to listen, this is what you get." She looks at you slightly terrified, turning when Kayako's groan finally reaches her ears. The poor thing didn't even have time to scream.
You sigh and shake your head, getting into the car. Later there will be questions. You'll be taken to the police station, some smart ass detective is going to figure you out, come pay a visit, and then you won't be able to save him either. Buckling up and adjusting your review, you spot the girls and Toshio in the back seat. "What am I going to do with you all?" You ask, flashing them a smile.
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atopfourthwall · 8 months
So in the same vein as Freddy vs Jason (vs Ash), Alien vs Predator, Sadako vs. Kayako, etc. I'd love to know if you've had any horror versus match-ups you'd love to see, be it in movies or comics. I personally love the idea of The Thing vs The Blob. Imagine people in an isolated location trying to figure out how to escape from/destroy the Blob but hiding among them is the Thing, which is also trying to escape and avoid the Blob. If either gets loose the world is going to be consumed.
The idea for Pinhead vs. Freddy vs. Jason would have been great because we have three very different types of killers that could result in interesting fights and exchanged, Pinhead's regal demeanor vs. Freddy's bad jokes, and Jason's silence but relentless hunt. But Blob vs. the Thing is pretty ingenious, kudos!
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sstardustt3 · 3 months
-akira kurusu (joker) headcannons-
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First of all, THEATER KID. 
You simply can not tell me that he is not an overdramatic theater kid who does the most at all times, especially when he was a kid.
But this led him to be seen as “odd” and outcasted by the people around him in the which made him extremely lonely, he wasn’t bullied but he didn’t have any friends 
Because of this he kinda closed himself off to fit more into the societal norms and not be seen as strange which is why he’s so quiet and keeps to himself all the time 
Which made him partially excited to go to shibuya because despite it being a pretty shitty situation, being on probation and arrested for something that wasn’t even his fault, he thought that maybe in the big city he’ll find some people that won’t think he’s weird and can open up to which he ended up getting with the thieves  but his hope was only temporarily diminished with his record being leaked
Holy fuck that was long but, moving on, I think he has a very poor relationship with his parents, especially after being convicted of assault.
I don’t think his parents hate him by any means but they’re definitely neglectful based on the fact joker doesn’t get a single call, text, or a letter from them
What i personally think is that his parents are the type of parents to do the bare minimum and do nothing else for him
In a sense his parents sort of gave up on him because of his “eccentric”  behavior and him getting arrested might have solififed that for that for them and even if not they’re definitely not on his side when it comes to the whole assault thing which could be why they never contact him
Okay the last two were pretty angsty but moving on,
He has like, zero experience with girls and he’s the most oblivious mf ever
And because he wasn’t really popular at his old school (for the aforementioned reasons) he got ZERO bitches, none, cero.
 This is actually another headcanon that i really don’t have an explanation for but when he moved way more girls started liking him because of people thinking he was this bad boy and he had NO idea how to deal with that
Like for a while he just thought people were just being weirdly nice to him
Like he is the type of guy who unintentionally flirty like just natural charisma with looks
Like you have to be insanely obvious for him to even take a hint
Adding onto the headcanon that you have to be insanely obvious to get him to notice that you like him, once he does realize  that you like him like one of two things is going to happen:
One, if your not that close than he has no idea what to do about that and he’s just slightly more awkward than usual
But two, if you are that close, he is BOLD. despite he is not knowing how to flirt for shit he is still charming enough that his horrible attempts at flirting and teasing somehow work
Because he has no cannon birthday other than the year he is born (2000) my personal thought is that he’s born on valentines day, there’s no elaboration for this one just a gut feeling
I feel like he has a vivid imagination of scenarios 
Like for example he can imagine an entire plot for a musical at three am and exactly how it would go
Morgana and sojiro have frequently told him to shut up and go to bed
Also he has insomnia. I just felt like I should throw that into there.
Him, sojiro, and futaba have movie nights once a weekend and ninety percent of the time it’ll be a horror, old movies, or a studio ghibli movie
Texas chainsaw massacre, kill bill, sadako vs kayako, jacobs ladder, don’t look up, my neighbor totoro, spirted away, sailor moon r, ponyo, etc
60 precent of the time futaba picks the movie
I have no explanation for this one but him in the metaverse is very much christian borle coded in a way i can’t explain i swear (please i beg of you listen to hard to be a bard from something rotten its so good)
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Second Ariana Grande, imagine Giant Kayako, this is what it is about my opinion about you.
I would never split head of that doll in 2 if I knew that you already cheated on me. It would be not appropriate.
You suppose to understand at least something, so I think that you understand what I am talking about.
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valleyfthdolls · 3 months
would you rather be stuck in a sawtrap that will bring you the most physical pain you can think of but have a 5% chance of escaping or watch the ring video but you have 10 seconds to put the tv wherever you want so you have enough time to run away whereever you want to, you may or may not survive
Hm. I don't think I'd survive either of these. Unfortunately I think Samara can like. teleport, so that's a no go for survival- that being said, the saw traps do kill you if you fail on top of the pain, and Samara and Sadako use nensha to kill you, so all they do is project an image into your brain so scary it kills you (which I think we're meant to believe is Samara's scrungy fucked up face covered in dirt and scowling all the time and/or Sadako's kinda slimy looking eyeball) which is scary, sure, but the important thing here is that it's quick and relatively painless. You'd be dying scared and in the most excruciating pain you can imagine in a Saw trap, and it's not always a very quick death, either, whereas with Samara and Sadako, you'd have the absolute shit scared out of you for a split second and then it's over. And that's even assuming I don't have the heart to doom someone else to die before my seven slash two (in Sadako vs Kayako) day limit is up, though tbf, I probably don't.
Now if we're talking about book Sadako's "ring video", I think technically I... could be good, theoretically? I'm vaccinated for smallpox (in the novels her videotape spreads not just a curse but a virus, a mutated form of smallpox). But if it's immune to that vaccine then I'm fucked, and that's a fair assumption to make I think given that it kills in seven days and hey. wait a goddamn minute. Why does Sadako even crawl out of the TV if it's the smallpox that kills people. Did they make that up for the movies. I'm having a crisis now hang on what. What
(Looked it up. They made that up for the movies. Anyway then I guess we're eliminating book Sadako since no running would save me from smallpox.)
I'm going with the ring video. I know the chances of me making it out of that Saw trap are slim to none (5% is NOT a good number to bank on) so if I'm gonna die I may as well die instantaneously and in comparatively significantly less pain yk
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adamtesta · 1 year
Japanese Horror Films of The 1990s and 2000s.
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Many describe the era of Japanese Horror Films from the 1990’s and 2000’s as the J-Horror boom. J-Horror is defined as horror fiction, originating from popular culture within Japan. The genre came about starting all the way back in 1600, and was spread through word of mouth with urban legends and countless folktales. Japanese Horror sets itself apart from more traditional Western horror. Kiyoshi Kurosawa, a Japanese film director, defines the genre as taking the subject matter of fear that follows one throughout the entirety of their lives. J-Horror becomes unique by the way it portrays their ghosts and the psychological elements that it comes with. The physiological aspect, sometimes with vengeful spirits that are connected to objects that are used on a daily basis, is how directors attempt to scare audiences in their films. The boom from the 90’s and 2000’s saw these movies make their way to America with limited time releases and bigger budget remakes. For example, The Grudge and The Ring. When thinking of the Japanese Horror genre, for most, the two films that come to mind are Ringu (1998) and Ju-On (2002). 
Ringu was a low budget film and was a major reason the genre was modernized and reinvented kaidan storytelling in the 1990’s. What made Ringu so amazing was the way the film infiltrated the imagination of its audience in a particular way that other horror films had not found success in yet. The focal point of the film was an evil spirit Sadako, a spirit based on the Japanese concept of onoyō (vengeful ghosts), representing the battle between Japanese tradition and modernity. This spoke to the people that were fearing modernization of their country due to the recent economic crash that had taken place. Ringu was brought to the United States, but needed an extensive rewrite in order to build a more familiar landscape. Eventually, the film The Ring was made, except with major differences. Instead of focusing on societal concerns like most Japanese movies, The Ring showcases the internal family dynamic, concentrating on the protagonist's attempts to rescue her son. The United States version of the film had about 40x the budget as the Japanese version, granting it more success compared to the original.
Ju-On became a franchise created by Takashi Shimizu when he made two short films, Katsumi and 4444444444 while he was still in film school. He then used these concepts and developed Ju-On: The Curse, the first portion of his franchise. This film was most known for its non-chronological style, which was unique at the time, and its creepy imagery. The sequel, however, Ju-On: The Grudge, became the more famous movie. Keeping with the non-chronological style, Shimizu showed how he had matured and developed as a director, implementing very unsettling scenes into this movie and featuring big name villains Kayako and Toshio. This film also had an American remake of it with a much higher budget. The Grudge (2004) is described as a supernatural horror film with many intersecting subplots. 
Sources: https://www.otaquest.com/japanese-horror-90s-00s-your-japanese-film-insight-11/ , thering.fandom.com/wiki/Sadako_Yamamura , wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Grudge , gamerant.com/japanese-horror-movies-uniquely-frightening/
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datashewrites · 4 years
Choose Your Own Adventure Slasher Edition!
So, I’ve seen choose your own adventure for Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, and other similar slashers. So I decided to fill the need for other slashers like Billy Lenz, Leslie Vernon, Brahms Heelshire, and others! If you’re interested, please give it a look-see!
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Slasher imagine
Based on my last answer.
You are Sadako or Kayako's s/o. And you didn't know a ghost could be pregnant... But here you are, future parents and kinda clueless. Like, Kayako had a child before... but she was alive. Now will the kid be born as a ghost ? Or fully alive ? As you do everything you can to help your wife (like killing who they can't reach cause of cramps), you do researches on that little baby growing in your ghost wife's belly.
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Can I request any 5 twst characters of your choice with a very.... unsettling s/o. Like s/o belongs in a horror movie. Major Kayako from ju-on/sadako from the ring vibes. It also doesn't help that s/o does stuff that can be considered "unusual" like climbing in vents, chilling under tables and beds and grabbing people's legs when they simply need something, popping up out of nowhere when you turn your eyes away from a second, and even simply staring at someone with a... "look" in their eyes, stuff that would be less than ideal in a horror movie. Again you can chose whichever 5 twst characters you think fits this scenario. <333
Hi, thank you for the request!
Omg it would be so chaotic with a lot of the characters, but I chose a few that I think would enjoy having an s/o like this!
Floyd, Malleus, Rook, Jade, and Lilia with a horror movie-like s/o!
Both of you guys terrify the school together, what a menace!
He probably saw you when you were about to grab him and just grabbed your wrist instead, pulling you from under the table and smiling at you like “oh, look what I caught!”
Floyd probably likes having you attempt to scare him, but it’s never that successful to get him startled. More or less he’ll see you jump out of a vent and catch you in his arms
You two may end up scaring students that break Azul’s contract. The poor kid that has to face a giant eel and someone who looks like they jumped out of a horror movie :/
Either way, he would find your company exciting, and he’s someone that wants you to scare him
He probably doesn’t know it’s supposed to be creepy and such, rather he thinks it’s an interesting part of your personality
He scares people, you scare people, honestly you guys probably came together because you wanted some company rather than people running away from you :’)
It’s almost impossible to scare him, but if you do manage to startle him a little bit it’s kinda cute
Don’t grab his legs, he might kick you really hard and you’ll end up going to the infirmary. But you can pop out of nowhere and from vents anytime you want! He likes that you appear and disappear similar to him
I can imagine at time you showed up from a vent when Sebek was talking to Malleus and the poor freshman just jumps five feet away because of how scared he got haha
Look, he honestly just loves everyone and really likes quirks in people, so you immediately caught his eye
He probably followed you around a bit before approaching you, and saw how you went through vents, the dungeon-like passageways of the school, and scared the life out of Grim
You try to scare him once too, or at least not on purpose but on instinct. He’ll grab your wrist before you can take hold of his ankle and smile at you. “Mon Dieu, what may you be doing?”
He likes getting surprises and seeing if he can guess where you’ll show up next, it might become a game for you two honestly
You guys both stare at each other when the other isn’t looking, to passing witnesses this is really scary.
Hey, it’s another tweel!
Jade’s used to Floyd’s antics, and he’ll likely get used to you as well. He probably sees you more as someone that has an interesting personality
He’ll never get scared, at all, no matter what you do. He’ll somehow be a step ahead when you try to grab him. He’ll make it a challenge or a game for you to try and startle him.
Like Floyd, you guys both scare kids into making contracts with Azul
Though he might still need to get used to you showing up out of nowhere, he has no problem with it. In fact, he may even enjoy the surprises
I also see him as someone who doesn’t mind your behavior, since he too shows up out of nowhere and even upside down in some occasions
You guys probably met while he was walking upside down and you bumped into him while crawling out of a vent
Don’t grab him too often, he might kick you really hard like Malleus :/
Your scary vibes honestly fit Diasomnia so well, he might ask you to transfer in if you weren’t in the house already! Sebek and Silver may say otherwise however haha.
You two will walk around campus together at night, it’s honestly nice for you to have someone that isn’t telling you how scary you are and stuff like that. You two may even explore more creepy areas of the school and end up scaring students by accident.
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themidlibrary · 2 years
Can I rq the heartlabyul fellas with a very.... Scary s/o. Like y/n came straight out of a horror movie, sadako from the ring/kayako from ju-on vibes. It also doesn't help that their s/o does stuff that can be considered odd the the majority, like climbing in vents, hiding under beds and tables, popping up out of nowhere when you look away for a second, being able to twist and bend their body into weird and almost impossible ways, stuff that you would imagine a supernatural horror movie antagonist would do, y/n does that on the regular while being COMPLETELY oblivious to how scary they are. Even when they aren't doing that...stuff and is just sitting they just have this unsettling aura.
𝗋𝗂𝖽𝖽𝗅𝖾, 𝗍𝗋𝖾𝗒, 𝖼𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋, 𝖺𝖼𝖾 & 𝖽𝖾𝗎𝖼𝖾 + 𝗎𝗇𝖼𝗈𝗇𝗌𝖼𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌𝗅𝗒 𝗌𝖼𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
— thank you for the request dear, although it's in my rules that I only accept requests from a maximum of 4 characters, I will be making an exception because I really liked your request. you are more than welcome to apply here
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riddle considers you a good person, however, his behavior and mannerisms end up hiding this fact from other people
he was watching the roses being painted by the first years, sighing in relief that everything is working out that day, turning to the side, he came face to face with a figure in white clothes with long black hair covering his face
you were just looking for information, but it almost gave rosehearts a heart attack and although that first date wasn't one of the best, you ended up getting closer as time went on, even though, he still hadn't gotten used to his somewhat eccentric mannerisms
during a tea party, you left a spoon under the table and how riddle was deep in the conversation you were having with trey, didn't notice your disappearance, but when he felt a pair of hands brushing his leg, her screams could go all over the dorm, as well as the typical phrase "off with your head"
riddle scolded you in front of everyone in the dorm, although later, while you were alone, he asked you not to do it again
after months of this happening and their relationship getting stronger and stronger, he eventually got used to his "eccentric", already knowing how to deal with it — he doesn't hesitate to punish those who make derogatory remarks about you, just as he doesn't hesitate to call your attention to certain quirks of yours that can be dangerous, riddle cares a lot about you and that's why he just wants your well being
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he had heard of you and most things were not good or nice, many students had complaints and mean adjectives related to you, trey didn't believe them so easily, but he was also a little wary when it came to you
your first date took place in a somewhat unusual way, but which was marked by his mannerism, a group of students were gathering around trey to try the cookies that had just come out of the oven, everything going well... until the moment of your arrival
the lights started to flicker and the air got colder, heavy footsteps could be heard, as well as the sound of a dark writhing and as they turn, they came face to face with you, before even taking a single step, all the students were screaming and running away with the exception of the vice leader
he didn't know what to expect at that moment, holding the tray tighter, but when approached, you pointed at the cookie tray, asking if you could get a
trey was surprised, but nodded, watching you take one of the cookies and leave right away the same way you came in, watching you take one of the cookies and leave right away the same way you came in; that day, he discovered that most rumors about you were exaggerated, you were a good person, but totally oblivious to the fear you caused in others
he can tell when you are hiding under beds or tables from the sound of your breathing, in those moments, he asks if something happened or if you are hungry, trey likes to take care of you
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you always looked at a glance in the selfies and photos taken by cater, independence of time and place, he would be lying if he said he didn't feel a slight fear and maybe that feeling was increased by listening to all the stories related to you
but when he met you in person, surprised how different his personality was from his appearance, you were indifferent and even ignorant about your actions that caused so much fear in the people around you and in cater's vision you looked so adorable
one time, he was doing a live for his followers with the intention of telling the controversies related to a very successful artist, you noticed that the boy had forgotten his notes from the class they had taken earlier and decided to go give it to him
cater was so immersed in the subject that he didn't hear the sound of the door opening, much less your steps, he noticed that there were numerous comments saying that there was someone after him, he promptly laughed and commented that they would need to try harder to scare him
but when he felt an icy hand squeeze his shoulder and a hoarse voice called his name, he yelled before falling off the chair he was sitting on
when he noticed it was you, cater promptly got up and pretended nothing had happened, taking notes and thanking you for the good deed, also taking advantage of that moment to show you to his followers; even though the first impression wasn't the best, they got used to you and your "misadventures"
he will make it his mission to show the world your adorableness and deny all the rumors around you, although these attempts fail most of the time and you end up not cooperating very much, he is still very determined and sharing on his social media photos of normal moments of his daily life and in the description, there are countless cute emojis to show how much he adores you
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he really likes you, but it's really hard to keep a decent appearance when you keep appearing out of nowhere, keeps hiding under tables and beds and the most bizarre of all, how you squirm in humanly impossible ways
ace was one of his first victims, having been sent by riddle to gather other students for a tea party, he couldn't find you and the thought of "forgetting" you seemed to be more and more tempting, but he knew he would be scolded by riddle and that was the last thing the boy wanted
he then went straight to his room and when he opened the door, came across the following scene, you crawl out from under the bed, his limbs twitched abnormally and letting out a moan that sounded like pain, faced with that scene, he could only do one thing ... run away while screaming
actually, you had dropped a pen and while you were under the bed, ended up hurting his back while trying to get out
later, he ended up approaching you and becoming your friend, he would laugh out loud at times when you scared the other students and would not hesitate to approach you with the intention of helping you choose your next targets, ace would realize how oblivious you were to his scary aura — at first finding it hilarious, but as it gets closer to you, genuine concerns about it begin to arise
being determined to help you be less oblivious to it, but if you continue to do so of your own volition, he will be the first person to reach out and ask: what should I do?
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he feels the obligation to protect you from any ill-intentioned individual — even though it will seem like the bad guy is you most of the time —, always accompanying you and making an effort to include you in any plan he intends to participate in
your first date with you wasn't one of the best, being watching the result of an entire afternoon spent helping to decorate the hall for a party, feeling a tense presence behind him, deuce got ready and punched what was behind him that could be a threat
but it was just you, wanting to know the party time to go celebrate together
he felt so guilty at that moment, helping you to the nurse and staying by your side until you were better, deuce feels determined to become your friend after you forgive him so easily and don't hold a grudge for the event
deuce does not hesitate to frighten anyone who makes derogatory statements about him, regardless of your unusual behavior, he considers you someone so good and deserving of so many things, being one of them, a sincere friendship that he longs to give you.
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datenightfright · 3 years
As always, this story is dedicated to the memory of Oiwa, thank you for letting me tell your story, and may you find the peace you deserve.
And, a big thank you to @mlmdarkfiction and @doodleferp who are always willing to lend me their ears and ideas. Without your constant encouragement, this story wouldn't continue.
Pairing: Kayako Saeki x WOC Reader
Warnings: Mentions of Blood.
The warmth of the tea seeps into your fingers. The tingling runs up your hands and stops just below your wrists. Detective Tanaka is back in your home, sitting across from you once again. Fujiwara is by his side, ever present notebook in hand, writing furiously. The child you stowed away in the closet sits next to you, his tea untouched, clinging to you as though his life depends on it. “This is...very strange Mrs. Kubo,” Tanaka tells you.
“I’m aware,” Your voice shakes, you’re close to tears. You just killed a man, and the authorities weren’t exactly on your side despite the overwhelming evidence. “There are signs of forceful entry,” Fujiwara states, nose stuck in his stupid little notebook, “and one of the officers found evidence of someone living in the abandoned house next door. It looks as though he stayed there for a few days, weeks even, watching and waiting for the right time to strike.” You wince at the discovery while Tanaka shoots Fujiwara a warning glance.
“Is this going to be a recurring problem?” You ask, trying to keep your shit together. “Mrs. Kubo,” Tanaka begins, gentle, always so gentle in the way he treats you. “You do live in a very infamous house. The legends that surround it...well there are too many to count really. You do realize you and your daughter are an anomaly when it comes to this place, don’t you?” You nod slowly. “We’re the only ones that have lived for this long,” You whisper, your eyes flitting towards a window. Kayako is there, watching you intently.
“Didn’t you notice anything strange?” Fujiwara asks you, “Seeing the same man over and over again, the same car on the street? In the grocery store? Didn’t you feel like someone was watching you this entire time?” Tanka sends another glare to his partner, meanwhile you scoff. “This isn’t a movie Detective,” You spit, “I spend my days just trying to survive, for the sake of my daughter. I’m an American living in the heart of Japan, so everyone is staring at me no matter where I go. So no, I didn’t notice anything strange, I didn’t notice anything different. So sorry to disappoint.”
Fujiwara is going to say something snippy, you can tell, but Tanaka cuts him off. “You must be tired Mrs. Kubo, we’re sorry for all the questions. Once the team is done, we’ll leave.” You nod, thankful someone had a good head on their shoulders. You hear sniffling and look down at the boy next to you. “What about him?” You ask, “What’s going to happen to him?” Everyone stares at the little boy, he only buries himself in you further, trying to shy away from being the center of attention. “A social worker will come to collect him tomorrow.” Tanaka says. “Until then, you must keep him safe.” You nod silently and go back to your tea.
“Why do you keep defending her?” Fujiwara snaps, “This is the second person she’s killed and you’re going to let her get away with it, aren’t you?” Tanaka glares at him, but the young detective is undeterred. “We still don’t know if she killed her husband,” Tanaka points out, “But-”
“And tonight’s case was a case of self defense. He broke into her house, tried to kill her.” Fujiwara scoffs. “A case of a lover’s quarrel gone deadly.” He mutters. Tanaka simply shakes his head. His partner was young, yet. He’d eventually learn that not everything was as it seemed.
The car is tense and silent. Fujiwara is too wrapped up in his own bigotry of foreigners to think straight, Tanaka, well, he had to admit he was wrapped up in his own hero complex to admit Mrs. Kubo might really be guilty. He felt bad for her, she was a new mother, young and pretty. Her famous husband, the source of her income, had been killed by an unknown assailant, leaving her all alone. And tonight, she’d been attacked by some madman that believed in the curse.
Tanaka grips the steering wheel tightly. His resolve to do something about that damnable house is even stronger than before. He’s been keeping a close watch on those that have entered it months ago, but so far, nothing has happened. No mysterious deaths, no unexpected suicides. Everything had been quiet. This just made him more nervous. He has a bad feeling that the house is gearing up from something really terrible.
You find out the hard way that blood does not like coming out of tile, not completely anyway. You throw the sponge into the bucket, growling with frustration. The house is deathly quiet once again. The boy sits on the counter, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and drinking milk, watching you struggle. You haven’t been able to get one word out of him since last night. You expected as much, though. You simply can’t imagine what hell he’s been through.
You pick up the bucket and dump the blood water in the sink. You fill it up once more, wiping your forehead of sweat. A little nudge on your arm gets your attention. You look towards the boy, he’s handing you a paper towel. “Thank you,” You say, smiling gently at him. You take off your gloves and dab at your forehead. “So,” You say, shutting off the water and filling it with bleach once more. “What should I call you, hm?” You set the bucket on the ground and replace your gloves.
You smile encouragingly up at the kid, hoping he’ll at least say something. He simply finishes his sandwich and watches you scrub the tile. You decide not to pester him. Rather, you begin to hum a lullaby to yourself to fill the silence of your home.
You work at the stain for another thirty minutes or so before deciding you’re done with it. It’s just going to remain a permanent mark on your kitchen floor as long as you’re concerned. You pour the water down the drain once more, then begin to wash the bucket. “Koji,”
“Hm?” You look over to the little boy, smiling. “Koji,” He says again. “Koji? Is that your name?” He nods. “I like that name, very fitting for such a brave boy.” He gives you a small smile, which you return with one of your own and a ruffle of his hair.
The color drains out of his face as he looks wide-eyed and terrified behind you. You whip around to find Kayako and Toshio looking at you. You let out a surprised yelp. Clutching your chest you glare at them both, “Listen, I understand this is your house, but please, can you make noise before you enter a room? I’m tired of all the jump scares.” They simply look at you as you gather the boy in your arms. He wraps around you tightly, too terrified to look at the ghosts.
Before you can say anything else, a knock is heard at the door. “None of your funny business,” You say to both of them. They move out of your way as you walk towards the door. You stop for a moment to check on your sleeping daughter. You see the rise and fall of her chest, then move on. You open the door, blinking in the sunlight.
“Hello!” A cheery girl greets you. She has a badge stuck neatly to her shirt pocket, you read her name easily. “Ms. Fujiwara,” You say, with a smile and a small bow. “No relation to Detective Fujiwara, I suppose?” The girl giggles. “Yes!” She says, “He’s my older brother.”
“Ah,” You say noncommittally. Normally, you would move out of the way and let her in, ask her if she wanted tea, but not everyone that came into your home could be spared from Kayako’s curse, not that you’d ask her to. You think it would be highly unfair of you to ask such a thing of her. As such, both of you stood awkwardly for a few moments, not really knowing what to say.
“Is this the boy?” she finally asks, looking at Koji. You follow her gaze. “Yes,” You say, setting him down with some difficulty, he didn’t seem to want to let you go. He still clings to your legs when you straighten. “My name is Fumiko,” The young girl says, squatting down to his level. “I’ve come to-”
“No!” he says, interrupting her. She blinks in shock, but then smiles gently at him. “It’s ok, you can trust me,” she reaches out to him, “No!” He says louder this time. You hear a faint rumbling in the background. “Koji,” You say, also kneeling. “I know you don’t want to go, but you have to, this nice lady will find your parents.” He shakes his head and throws himself at you. “No! No, no, no!” Your heart breaks as you hug him back. “Koji,” You say, trying not to tear up, “I’m not allowed to keep you.” You have to tell him the truth, as much as it hurt, you didn’t think lying to him would help matters. Besides, kids like Koji could read through an adult’s lies in seconds.
You pull back from him, giving him a sad smile. “Believe me, I would if I could. You’re such a cute and brave little boy, but you have to go with Ms. Fumiko, ok? She’s going to help you.” The boy sniffles. “I’ll come visit.” You find yourself blurting out. “Tomorrow.” You nod. “Ok?” Koji looks at you, and, seeing that you mean to keep your promise, returns the nod. “Here, I’ll help you get your shoes on.” You turn behind you. Kayako hands you his shoes, you smile at her, then help Koji put them on. “Visiting hours are from noon to three.” Fumiko informs you. “This is our card.” You take it from her after straightening. “Thank you,” You mutter tonelessly. Fumiko takes Koji’s hand after he gives you one last hug. “You’ll be ok, Koji,” You call after him, “Just be brave, like you were last night.”
You watch them walk out of your yard, and let a blustering man with an arm full of papers in. He bows to Fumiko, muttering a quick ‘hello’ then waddles up your sidewalk. “Professor Sato?” You walk out to help him with all the papers. “Mrs. Kubo!” He says, huffing. The glasses on his face askew. “I’ve done it!” He says, smiling at you, “I’ve found a way to get rid of Kayako for good!”
You help him straighten all the papers in his arms. “Um, I’m sorry Professor, but, I don’t think I’ll be getting rid of Kayako anytime soon.” You look at him sheepishly as his happy features turn to one of confusion. “Eh? What? Why? You were so adamant the last time-”
“Perhaps we should go to brunch?” You say, “I...I have a lot to tell you.” He nods slowly, “Oh, brunch, yes, ok. I know a place around here. It’s small, but private.” You smile at him. “Let me go get ready, I’ll be right out. Please, don’t enter the house.” He nods, watching after you as you slip into the house. He drops his papers, not noticing Kayako watching him from the window, wary as always.
You watch as Professor Ibuki Sato bounces your baby on his knee, talking about his crazy theories for ghosts and goblins. She’s giggling, happy and engaged. You smile softly at them. This is what you’d hoped Haru would be like. You shake your head, that was the past, this was the present, you had nothing but the future to look forward to. “So, you decided not to get rid of her.” Sato says, You grunt in affirmation. “Because a man broke into your house last night and tried to get rid of her on his own.”
“I can’t explain it,” You tell him, “It’s like the dynamic has shifted or something.”
“Perhaps you have feelings for her too?” Sato teases. You glare at him. You answer him honestly, “I don’t know.”
“Oh wow,” He says, sitting back in his chair, letting Sakura grab at his plate of food, “You must really like her then, if you’re confused about it.” You shrug. “She was so terrified last night,” You tell him, “You could see it in her eyes, her and Toshio both. I...I don’t think I could live through that again.”
Sato studies you for a long moment. “What?” You ask, a little irritated. He shakes his head. “It is possible that you’ve come to care for Kayako in your own way. It may not be love, but perhaps companionship?”
“Perhaps,” You mutter, unsure of anything anymore. Your life has been turned upside down so many times you couldn’t even figure out which way was up. You just wished for some stability. “Are you going to publish your husband’s papers posthumously?” Sato asks out of the blue. “What?” You frown, looking at him. “Your husband’s book. Wasn’t he going to publish one on the house? Are you going to complete it for him? Surely you need the money.” You huff. He has a point, you do need money, or rather, you will need the money, eventually. You have no plans to go back to the states soon, not that you thought Kayako would let you. “I’ve never written anything before.” you told him, “I don’t think I could imitate him.”
“Well, write for yourself,” he suggests. “I’m sure people would love to read what you have to say about the house.” You worry at your lip. For a long time you stare off into space, wondering about what sort of job you could have. “Tell you what,” Sato says, feeding your daughter a noodle. “You can be my assistant.”
“Your what?” You mutter. You didn’t much like the idea of becoming his assistant, but there was little else that was open to you. “Yes,” Sato says, nodding. “My assistant. There’s a lot of research that goes into my job, believe it or not. I could use the help. Someone to read over things for me. It wouldn’t pay much, but I highly doubt your rent is that high to begin with.”
You sit back and look at him, wondering if he’s serious. Deciding that he is, you simply shrug. “I’ll get back to you.” is the only answer you give.
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snackugaki · 2 years
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speaking of self-indulgent rottmnt fanart
hoo, high school-me liked to get into fights tho
if I had to pick a name... probably, following Pony Tsunotori’s naming convention, Kaya Haraya? Kaya is like the Tagalog version of Ochaco’s interpretation of “Deku”, like even if I named her Kayako in Tagalog it’d literally be like “I can do it!” “Kaya ko (’to)” Haraya is... some say an alternate spelling or older spelling of  Tagalog “hiraya” which.... like the english translation I was thinking of during drawing was along the lines of “imagination”.
The quirk was gonna be named something like fingerpaint or watercoloring; two fingers and a thumb, upon coming into contact with a liquid, can create solidified “lines” Kaya can manipulate for transportation or weaponized ig lol lmao
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alucardownsmyass · 3 years
Was watching hellsing ultimate for the first time the other day, and in almost every scene, Alucard's hair changes length or sides like what the heck is wrong with his head lol
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alu's hair honestly has a mind of its own and i like to think he never notices or does but doesn't care enough lmao. you'll also notice that it tends to grow when he is in the midst of deep emotions in some scenes; primarily anger or sadness, and that it also of course grows whenever he is releasing vampiric power. it reminds me so much of kayako saeki from the grudge franchise.
keep in mind that his hair was down past his ass during his time as a human prince! ( imagine all the servants that got to wash and groom those locks everyday. 😩 ) vladcard is his true form, so its actual length is long as hell. he possibly found it tiring to constantly keep up with or always getting everywhere, which is why we see the shortened length in his standard form—something else i like to think about and is hilarious to me.
i've came across some fanarts where his hair is illustrated in a half-down-half-up style ( similiar to vikings ) or braided! pretty cool to see!
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bakhtaks-blog · 7 years
What Toshio thinks of Sadako?
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He loves her.
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womensblood · 3 years
Who I Write For (UPDATE) + Rules
Michael Myers (2018/2021 version ONLY, and I usually write for him on my own but don’t worry cause I’m GOOD AT IT)
Jason Voorhees
Chucky/Charles Lee Ray (but I only write him being poly with you and Tiff sorry bruddas😔)
Tiffany Valentine
Jennifer Check AND Anita “Needy” Lesniki (dude, they are in love so I can’t imagine them ever separating, so you guys are poly>:()
Nancy Downs (I know she’s technically not a slasher but idc)
Billy Lenz
Pinhead (+ Pinhead as a woman cause boobie)
Candyman (and Helen also when she’s a killer if you guys want *enter lip biting emoji*)
Hannibal Lecter
Herbert West
Art the Clown
Annie Wilkes
Jack Torrance
Wendy Torrance (I made an AU where she went insane instead and was an alcoholic and Jack was the better parent but she’s hot guys so it’s okay<3)
Baby Firefly
Captain Spaulding
Amanda Young
Kayako Saeki
Pyramid Head
Jessie “Chromeskull”
Stu Macher and Billy Loomis (they can be poly too if wanted)
Dead By Daylight
Danny/Jed “The Ghost Face” Olsen
The Oni
Sally “The Nurse” Smitherson
Legion (all except Susie)
Laurie Strode
Ash Williams
Amanda “The Pig” Young
Cheryl Mason
Pyramid Head
Anna “The Huntress”
Philip “The Wraith” Ojomo
Evan “The Trapper” MacMillian
Lisa “The Hag” Sherwood
Claudette Morel
Dwight Fairfield
Nea Karlsson
William “Bill” Overbeck
David King
Herman “The Doctor” Carter
Charlotte “The Twin” Dershayes (I am not writing for that stupid ugly ass baby do not request it I’m fucking begging)
Carmina “The Artist” Mora
The Executioner
Laurie Strode
Feng Min
Mikaela Reid
Caleb “The Deathslinger” Quinn
Adris “The Plague”
Leon S. Kennedy
Jill Valentine
Yun-Jin Lee
Jane Romera
Final Girls
Laurie Strode (both gilf and young version)
Ash Williams
Sidney Prescott
Ellen Ridley
Kirsty Cotton
Erin Harston
Nancy Thompson
Mortal Kombat
Mileena, my beloved
Literally every single woman in MK. All. Especially Mileena
Rule 1
I mostly write for trans readers/nb readers, so all of my content is trans and LGBT friendly. I generally use GN terms, but sometimes I specify. I will also use neopronouns if requested/if I feel like it! So don’t be afraid to ask<3
Rule 2
I’m not going to be unrealistic in my writings. Most of the people I prefer/will be writing for, are slashers. In some of these relationships, it’s not always going to be rainbows and sunshine. In fact, in a lot of these relationships, it won’t be the healthiest. Off you think Michael Myers would genuinely comfort you, you, my friend, are delusional. No offense. Along with many others.
Rule 3
No p3dophilia. I can write about dark topics but… I’m not going to glorify it. I often write about very dark subjects, so if I go into detail about that, I will give a warning. I’m not a monster.
Rule 4
You are not going to “change” or “heal” these people. With some (if not most/all), if you tried, you’d end up dead or worse. These are sick and demented villains who crave violence. We accept our lovely psychopaths as they are<3
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dreadmenace · 3 years
Hello there! Loved your uquiz! I hope its not too much to ask, but could u show the moodboard/synopsis of each result? I would love to know what you wrote (and it's great writing btw) about my counterpart. Perhaps a few others feel this too. Thanks! Stay safe <3
thank you sweetheart 。゚( ゚இ‸இ゚)゚。 and yes of course! i'll put them behind a read more so i don't clog up anyone's dash lol
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THE SURVIVOR → the final girl, the fighter, the victor. you're feared because of your resilience. like the heroine, you're most interested in the protection of yourself and others, but unlike her, you are more than willing to give your monster a taste of its own brutality. your patron saint is sidney prescott. you're most compatible with the slasher, your symbiote.
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THE HEROINE → the ingenue, the maiden, the madonna. you're feared because of your cleverness. like the survivor, you're often the target of terrible horrors, but unlike her, you find your strength in knowledge instead of physical endurance. your patron saint is reiko asakawa. you're most compatible with the she-beast, whose torment could be eased by your gentle touch.
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THE SLASHER → the butcher, the menace, the hunter. you're feared because of your dominance. like the spirit, you are a force to be reckoned with, but unlike her, you mostly partake in your "hobbies" for pure enjoyment rather than any specific vendetta. your patron saint is mitsuko souma. you're most compatible with the survivor, the persisting thorn in your side.
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THE SHE-BEAST → the monstress, the predator, the creature. you're feared because of your strength. like the witch, you have recently gained power beyond human imagination, but unlike her, your transformation was not a willing one. your patron saint is ginger fitzgerald. you're most compatible with the heroine, who's compassionate enough to save you from yourself.
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THE LOVER → the stalker, the yandere, the devotee. you're feared because of your determination. like the siren, you are a reoccurring nightmare to philandering men, but unlike her, you are truly faithful to your victim, and your twisted affection is always genuine. your patron saint is asami yamazaki. you're most compatible with the spirit, a perfect target for your undying love.
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THE SIREN → the vamp, the succubus, the maneater. you're feared because of your independence. like the lover, you deal in matters of romance and seduction, but unlike her, your victims are mere playthings you've wrapped around your finger, and you're content to dispose of them once they've served their purpose. your patron saint is jennifer check. you're most compatible with the witch, a fellow outsider who will respect your self-reliance.
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THE WITCH → the prophet, the scapegoat, the she-devil. you're feared because of your ambition. like the she-beast, your metamorphosis was sudden and frightening, but unlike her, you sought your power out and evolved by the force your own will. your patron saint is nancy downs. you're most compatible with the siren, whose inherent freedom is exactly what you aspire to gain.
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THE SPIRIT → the specter, the avenger, the doppelganger. you're feared because of your anger. like the slasher, you are known for your destruction, but unlike her, there is no chaos to your bloodthirst; your wrath is saved only for those who trespass and desecrate your domain. your patron saint is kayako saeki. you're most compatible with the lover, who will follow you into undeath and beyond.
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