#kid 🦇
the will wood brainrot is strong i see
it most certainly is. i have not listened to other music since before the new year. send help
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chriscentric · 9 months
cw // big dick chris, light breeding mentioned at the end [very self indulgent]
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chan has a huge dick and i’m not taking a no for an answer. he’s VERY girthy. length wise, maybe 5-6 inch? but yea. he is thick.
his cock fills every ridges in your hole to the point where your brain fogs and can’t think of anything else but him. his scent, his hands, his toned abs, his deep groans and his cock. he also has prominent veins on his dick and a pretty pink tip that is quite sensitive especially after you play with his balls <3
you want him to bottom out? make sure to size train before asking him to do so. i also think he is the type of person who KNOWS how thick his dick is but likes to hear you say it and see you squirm on his cock.
“am i too big for you baby? are you sure? don’t worry pretty baby, you can take it. i’m sure you can.”
“gonna split you open with my cock pretty baby. you like that? yeah? such a good slut for me.”
“take all of me baby, let me feel you squeeze your tight cunt around my cock yeah? you’re gonna make me cum and keep every single drop in you?”
he also strikes me as a person who would highkey have a strength kink. i mean, if he can knock your breath out just by bottoming out in you, who’s to say that he wouldn’t be down to manhandle his pretty baby?
just him pulling you up by the neck while brutally fucking you from behind and barely letting you take a breather due to his strong grip <3 mating press? his most favourite position. 100% would roughly push your knees up to your chest and milk his cock in your cunt and breed you like there’s no tomorrow <3
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vampiremotif · 6 months
part of the reason david tennant works so fucking well as a dramatic actor is because he has chemistry with fucking everyone. and this isn’t meant to detract from the contributions of his costars. quite the contrary. i think he’d be enticing to watch next to a piece of toast but put him next to counterparts just as competent and you have an unstoppable powerhouse on your hands. dten next to the likes of michael sheen and catherine tate and its no wonder people flock in droves. it doesnt matter if theyre reading shakespeare or space angel man with ambiguous gender. asses are going to be in seats!
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loserharrington · 2 years
while yes Steve playing DnD for the first time with Eddie is adorable, we forget that Steve has played DnD before with Erica in the scoops troop comic to cheer her up after her mom gets rid of her DnD stuff.
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So imagine this:
Eddie invites Steve to his newest campaign very unaware of the knowledge that Steve knows what he’s doing. He’s setting everything up, getting everything ready and goes to explain the basic rules to Steve, but he just waves him off.
So Eddie’s like: Okay, Steve stubborn. Let’s see how far he gets before needing help
but Steve doesn’t ask any questions. Not even which die to use which Eddie was expecting to answer the same question at least 30 times. In fact, Steve is breezing through it.
He’s pointing out key details the kids missed because after playing so long, they tend to look at the smaller details instead of the big picture. but Steve has always seen things in full so he’s pointing out all of Eddie’s hints that are hiding in plain slight as if Eddie was the fool for putting them there.
The craziest part is that nobody is surprised.
“Oh, Steve’s right!”
“Wait, let’s ask Steve what we should do.”
“Shit! This is why we should have listened to Steve!”
and Steve keeps giving Eddie this face. this smug face that says don’t underestimate me and Eddie is just losing his mind. Steve Harrington is actually good at DnD and the kids trust his judgment?
and after Steve absolutely humiliates Eddie with his “simple campaign” (Steve’s words, not mine) Eddie is shell shocked and proud.
“Guess you really do listen when Dustin rambles, huh? King Steve is a true nerd now.”
“Dude, I’ve played a few times before. I’m not a rookie.”
“What? did you think i pulled that character out of my ass? Erica made it for me. He and i have been on so many adventures together.”
and that’s when Eddie learns that Steve has layers. layers under the layers he didn’t expect.
he was aware of it before but now only solidified the fact. Steve Harrington is actually… a pretty good dude.
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dceuheadcanons · 5 months
I'm entirely failing College and yes I should be focusing on that BUT!! I have another fic idea. One based off of my maladaptive daydreams, specifically. Mafia boss/club owner/crime lord & street kid Bruce Wayne AU. Based mainly around the The Batman 2022 and Gotham (series) timelines, along with Telltale Batman, with my own elements mixed in of course.
Selina gave him the Bat nickname, to conceal his real identity as a street kid. How did he become a street kid? Wayne Enterprises execs stealing all of his money and his house. Alfred tried to help, but he couldn't do anything about it and Bruce ended up on the streets.
It's sort of if Bruce was Jason, I guess. He adapted to the streets quickly, and at age 22 he started to take revenge on people. Before that, he had actually been actively asked by The League of Assassins to train with them. They wanted someone as vengeful and willing to do anything to survive as him on their side. Unfortunately.. he didn't really like how strict they were. He killed Ra's and allowed Talia to become the leader, returning to Gotham after.
He still adopts most of his kids! Not officially, but he uses his club to help people out. Shelter people that need it, feed people that need food, etc.
So!! Hopefully I actually finish the fic considering.. College. But hopefully my bad luck as of late means I actually do it.. the ao3 author life has found me lmao.. And yes I did write all of this in a class.
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miss--river · 4 months
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breakingb4tz · 8 months
it must be so scary to live in paris because u could get akumatized at any given moment.. prayers 2 the french
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mylittlestims · 15 days
Could you please make a Sunset Shimmer x Wallflower blush stimboard with Kandi and Scene stims? Thank you so much! - 🦇
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WallSet | Wallflower Blush x Sunset Shimmer Stimboard with kandi & scene stims for 🦇 Anon
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
(X) (X) (X)
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vampiremotif · 1 year
mattson gives what can only be described as bare-ass, raw-dogged, elementary school bully level homophobia and it takes kendall like 45 minutes to come up with the earth-shattering response of: that’s kinda homophobic man
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bisayawa · 1 year
the batkids writing their notes for a case theyre investigating & when they pass it to bruce for cross referencing, he sees theyve drawn him & clark together w hearts (in the margins & footnotes)
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mattodore · 11 months
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theo and matthias with a tiny baby :')
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Pathetic Eclipse actually managing to get the Star one day, through sheer dumb luck that managed to look like a well-executed evil scheme. And everyone is freaking out because holy shit the harmless dork villain actually pulled off real dastardly genius pro villain shit.
Meanwhile Pathetic Eclipse is just lost on what to do now that he’s won, because “I don’t know. I never thought I’d get this far…”🦇
Pathetic Eclipse simply looks at Moon, looks at the Star. Looks at Moon. Looks at the Star. Looks at Moon. Then simply says 'want this back?' To which Moon says 'yes', of course, he does indeed not want Eclipse to have the Star.
Moon knows at this point that his dumbass child didn't even try to get the Star after having seen just how pathetic Eclipse is, especially with all his failed torment resulting in injuries to only himself. He has seen the level of dumbass Eclipse is and knows exactly how incredibly pathetic he is and loves his stupid clumsy son by that point.
Eclipse hands Moon the Star back after tripping over the guard rail and falling into the main balcony room from the balcony. Moon now has a crying Eclipse who just cracked his faceplate and is whining that his head hurts.
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miss--river · 4 days
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canonslut · 9 months
it is genuinely incredible how i am interested in things i was never interested in before simply because literally everything turns me on when it comes to eddie
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sn0wbat · 10 months
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a friend of mine reread homestuck recently, and gave their non-hs ocs god tiers.... which in turn inspired me to try reconsidering the god tiers of mine!
(yeah they're still undead vampires. don't think too hard about it, this was mostly just for fun anyway)
UPDATE: reasons under the cut!
thoughts and reasonings
moon - PROSPIT
optimistic, mostly
lives in the moment
mostly relies on instinct
doesn't always think things through
creative solutions
not exactly a huge rebel (their mom usually had their back anyway)
aspect - RAGE class - PAGE
a page starts out with a lack of their aspect. they're missing it, repressing it.
as a page of rage, they'd start out not knowing how to truly show anger, they repress it, it's fine it's fine everything is fine - negative emotions always take a backseat.
he's kind of a doormat about things, not really wanting to escalate things further, ever.
this is especially seen with mort's interactions with their uncle, who keeps pulling disagreeable shit while mort just. goes along with it. to avoid conflict.
the challenge for a page of rage is to learn it's okay to get angry, to express their more negative side, to let people know when things aren't okay!! to stop being walked all over!!
to embrace the more monstrous side that's been so pushed aside for a while - it's okay to be a vampire, you're just trying to survive. it's okay to let people know they're wrong. it's okay
why? yeah somehow they got rage on the official quiz. rage and prospit. very odd, but thinking about it, it made some sense. sure, the prospit feels obvious, but rage? took some time to figure that one out. sadly page is the class that suits them the most here. oops
moon - DERSE
very self-aware
can get very rebellious given the chance -- literally lead a rebellion against his sire -- also lead a whole jailbreak -- was literally a pirate at some point
absolutely hides parts of himself and holds himself back a lot
good problem-solver
usually thinks things through… unless he doesn't.
very powerful ally
has a tendency to cling onto the past
aspect - LIGHT (breath, space) class - MAGE
"One who Understands with Light or Understands Light"
knowledge-seeker. big nerd about everything. u get the vibe
not very concerned with laws and norms
mages are very hands-on with their aspect - einarr has been through a lot already, being as old as he is. most of his knowledge is first-hand experience.
mages have a deep understanding and often suffer from their aspect… being a thousand years old, there's certainly some things he'd rather like to forget. however, his memory is Really Good oops
on the flipside, also really loves knowing a lot of things. he is curious. it's in his nature. he's a knowledge sim
oh, so mages suffer from their aspect? let's see: bright lights hurt his eyes, yes. sunlight hurts him too, yes. he's a vampire so this bullet point about the more literal side of his aspect hurting him is really funny sorry
has suffered from the burden of being seen (target of vampire slayers), and tbh he avoids this like hell these days- constantly hiding, hates unwanted attention. mirrors Void aspect in this case - he often blends in out of necessity but dear lord is it harmful to his mental health
mindreader. easily knows too much. sir-
because of that, can easily tell when someone is lying
a bit superstitious. still believes in the old gods.
extremely hard to sneak up on. he's basically got satellite dishes for ears, He Can Hear You
this classpect can partially be summed up as "the mortifying ordeal of being seen" and that's einarr yeah
moon - DERSE
bit of a pessimist
self aware introvert
finds the world alienating and confusing and mean
hides quite a lot about himself
generally lives in a state of dissatisfaction. either he's not human enough or the world isn't vampire-friendly enough. feels like shit either way
would rebel more if he wasn't too busy being a terrified doormat
rarely lets himself be vulnerable. unless it's someone he really trusts to not use it all against him yknow
aspect - DOOM class - MAID
"those bound to the aspect of Doom are fate's chosen sufferers"
misery loves company and he found that company in his fellow vampires <3
not the advice friend, not a healer, but will let you know you're not alone as his life is shitty too
maids are often treated like lesser, and tbh that describes rune pretty well
"dismissed or pushed around by those they rely on" his family at home i swear
all his life he has been trying so damn hard to just. be accepted by those taking care of him. by following their rules. he's not like other vampires, no! he's not evil!! he's not a bad guy! just as human as anyone else!
and he'd also just love to stop being excluded from literally everything his family does thanks <3
it's not working
overall, has a tendency to follow everyone else's rules and instructions, which is a very maid of doom thing to do
challenge is to draw his own lines and become his own master instead of being everyone else's doormat :-)
"aren't you tired of being nice? don't you just wanna go ape shitt"
moon - PROSPIT (???)
exists in the present
VERY impulsive
did worry about what mort would think of him yes
"trouble with deception" i mean he's good at it, but does it eat him up inside when he's forced to lie? also yes. that's the trouble
totally fine with not interfering with human shit. why bother
turning mort into a vampire instead of actually telling him sure was a… creative solution lmao
used to trust people but it kinda bit him in the ass so not much anymore
what doesn't fit:
still a bit of a rebel for sure
can get very negative - not quite "marked by optimism"
very used to hiding himself (unless you count his bat form as one of his true selves, which it might as well be. like nimona. sometimes he's just a bat.)
he's that kid who has the edgy derse vibes but is actually prospit somehow. secret softie.
look i put him on derse too at some point. he somehow fits both. this time the quiz put him on prospit. idk man he's kinda both
aspect - VOID class - KNIGHT
"One who Exploits with Void or Exploits Void"
not afraid of the unknown. it doesn't bother him
great at hiding… a lot of things
would rather stay confused than believe in something completely false
knights of void are very good at keeping secrets. (even from himself, especially when he can't remember shit)
lives in obscurity, hidden in the shadows
exploits unawareness to drink everyone's blood :3
usually knows way more about someone else than they know about him.
knights have a tendency to be very insecure about certain things and also not really being willing to show it. hiding behind a shield, figuratively.
so yeah that's very bat
this was the only one that didn't change from the last time i messed with classpects haha fun fact
maybe perhaps i will do a part 2 with more vampires later, but we'll see lmao! thanks for reading <3
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Sorry for the spam reblogs of all my Baby Bat thoughts, 😔 it will happen again...
... Anyway wanna leave me some Baby Bat asks? Or just The Lost Girls AU in general??
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