#kids stop starting shit with each other so i can get to this mountain and die faster
tiny-huts · 2 years
Artemis Entreri currently living my personal nightmare which is to say going anywhere with a couple that is mid argument
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stevieschrodinger · 1 year
Eddie goes zero to sixty when he wakes up. He expects to be dead, so the strong smell of disinfectant and boiled hospital food comes as a shock that, at first, he doesn’t believe.
But then the irregular bleating of the heart monitor next to him starts to sink in, the beeps sounding way too fucking fast and that stresses Eddie out even more. He tries to escape out of the bed, gets tangled in tubes and wires, agony burning up his side and through his stomach, practically falls out of the bed when his own legs won’t hold him.
The floor is rock solid and stone cold, and that just ratchets Eddie’s panic further, because now he’s stuck and he can’t escape and there are people – people he doesn't know – touching him, all talking all over each other and it’s so much, too much to handle, the overload -
“Holy shit kid,” a voice Eddie would recognize anywhere, mostly because he’s been warned by that voice so many times about getting caught dealing and carrying and, “Jesus, give him some room a second.”
“I thought you were dead,” Eddie rasps out, voice totally fucked.
“Yeah, well, thought the same about you kid,” Hopper answers, stoic and honest as always.
“I can’t stay here,” Eddie finds his hands twisted up in the material of Hoppers jacket.
Hopper nods, knowingly, “back into bed, give me half an hour.”
Eddie agrees, holds onto that, because the lights are too bright and the noises are all so fucking loud and even the sound of his own breathing is annoying.
“Kid,” Hopper raps on the door frame, and every fucking pair of eyes in the room swivels to him because literally everyone rammed into Max’s room is a kid to Hopper. He narrows it down a bit, looking at Steve, “Munson’s awake.”
Half the people in the room shoot up, Dustin’s fastest despite his fucked up ankle, so Hopper sticks an arm out, wraps him up, stops him even though the kid is screeching and wriggling in his hold, “just Steve, the rest of you stay here.”
There’s a roomful of complaints, but something in Hoppers tone must relay the urgency, because they do obey in the end.
“So, he needs somewhere to go.”
Hopper nods down at Steve, “Owen’s can wrangle it, but it’s got to be somewhere known, somewhere that has the space, somewhere...private.”
Steve gets what Hopper’s laying down, his place is the only place that makes any sense, “yeah, of course.”
Because there’s no question.
Eddie limps across the threshold, most of his weight supported on Steve’s shoulders. They take one look at the mountain of stairs and divert straight to the couch. Steve can see that Eddie’s in pain, that he’s restless, that he can’t settle, “what can I do?”
“Nothing. Nothing. Feel like there’s...fire ants or something, crawling all over, under my skin.”
Steve tuts. Not having a suggestion for that. Eddie’s face contorts again and he’s sweating. The nurse was very fucking clear about the pain meds, and Eddie can’t have any more for another couple of hours at the earliest. Steve doesn’t state that out loud; he’s pretty sure Eddie doesn’t need reminding.
He comes back with a cool sodden towel, feeling helpless, but the second it hits Eddie’s skin Eddie practically screeches and they know that isn’t the answer, so Steve throws it in the laundry.
“I don’t know what to say man, shower? Like, a hot one?”
“Dressings,” Eddie bites back, white knuckled and almost writhing now on the couch.
“Maybe...we should take you back, maybe they can-”
“No. Fuck no,” Eddie’s words bitten out, panicked.
“Okay okay,” Steve surrenders, palms up flat, “what then?”
Eddie’s eyes flick over the back of the couch, he can’t see the stairs from there, there’s a wall in the way, but his expression looks pained just at the thought, “I’ll try anything once.” He tries to make a joke of it, tries to make out that he’s okay, but he’s clearly in fucking agony and Steve has no idea what to do for him so he agrees readily.
Making it up the stairs takes them fully half an hour, Eddie having to wait, panting, on every single step. Steve’s never felt so helpless in his life (excluding that one time Max floated in the cemetery), it’s torture watching Eddie suffer, watching him try and keep in all the pained noises, only to fail miserably.
He manages a half hearted joke about King Steve giving him a sponge bath when they make it to the turn near the top, the wider step on the corner giving Eddie somewhere safe and secure to lean.
Steve doesn’t laugh, “how are you feeling now?”
Eddie swallows, throat clicking dry, “it’s worse. It’s like there’s...like something's under there, moving around,” Eddie draws in a hissed breath, face crumpling, “hurts. So fucking much.”
Steve doesn’t even know what to say to that, so they get moving, and those final four steps are worse than all the others combined. They shuffle through Steve’s bedroom and into the bathroom, and when Steve clicks on the light Eddie makes an agonized noise and Steve clicks it off again immediately.
“S’bright,” Eddie mutters, squinting at the floor, greasy, sweaty hair sticking to his forehead. He looks ill. Washed out. No, gray. He looks like he’s gone gray in the dim light coming through the small bathroom window.
“Okay, okay, no problem,” so Steve turns to get the water going, trying to figure out how the fuck they’re going to do this considering Eddie looks exhausted and half dead already. He hears Eddie make a noise, there's a soft thump, and Steve turns back, concerned.
Eddie’s gone.
He’s just...gone.
His clothes are in a heap on the floor, bloody dressings mixed in, and Steve yells, hopping backward and nearly dragging down the shower curtain, when the pile shifts. Wings emerge. Tails.
Steve recognizes it instantly. It’s a fucking demobat.
“Fuck. Fuck fuck,” Steve backs away, edges his way through the door, thinking of the nail bat in the boot of his car. He usually brings it everywhere with him, when he can, but he was too concerned with getting Eddie into the house to think of it.
He doesn’t take his eyes off the thing as it flops around, trapped in Eddie’s clothes. Steve darts the rest of the way, scouring his room for a weapon and giving up fast; the kitchen, a knife; that would be easiest.
Steve runs for it, closing his bedroom door tight so the thing can’t escape. He runs down the stairs, grabs the biggest knife in the block and then takes the stairs two at a time on the way back up.
Steve opens his bedroom door cautiously, point of the knife sliding through the gap, just in case the thing is flapping around in his bedroom. It’s not, it appears safe.
But Steve knows the danger, he was nearly killed by just one of those things so he isn’t taking any chances. Steve waits a second with the door open...he realizes he can hear it. It’s not making the horrible high pitched screech that he’s used to, it sounds more like...well, it sounds like a whimper. It actually sounds kind of pathetic.
Steve creeps closer, only to find the demobat hopelessly tangled in Eddie’s clothes, it’s struggling only making it worse. Steve stands for a moment, staring. Eddie’s gone...and now that little creature is in Eddie’s clothes.
Eddie. Shit, Steve has a terrible feeling about this, “Eddie?”
Steve creeps a little closer, still pointing with the knife, “Eddie, man, if that’s you, you’ve got to give me something here,” Steve begs desperately. There’s still no response, “oh fuck me, I’m loosing my godamn mind.”
Steve kneels, moving a little closer, “Eddie?”
The Demobat’s strange, worm like head appears from under Eddie’s shirt and sort of...mewls. It’s pathetic, really. The open, rounded mouth in filled with rows of tiny, razor sharp teeth. It’s got four eyes, two above the mouth, and two more set behind that, and they all blink in turn, strange slits opening and closing slowly.
It makes another little noise. “Okay. Okay, lets, try...oh man I am so dumb. Dustin’s never going to let me live this down,” Steve slowly offers the back of his hand to the thing, reasoning that if it bites him, the wound won’t be too debilitating than if he looses a finger or something equally terrible. He waits, watching, poised to drag his hand back at the first sign of danger. He doesn’t need too though, because the demobat potentially formerly known as Eddie, snakes out a too long, thin black tongue, and licks a sticky smear on the back of Steve’s hand.
And that’s all. It sits still, staring up at Steve will all four of it’s beady black eyes, watching expectantly.
“Okay. Okay. I’m going to trust you. But if you bite me I swear to…” Steve mutters to himself as he carefully untangles the bat from the pile of clothing, it’s tails and wings well and truly wrapped up with the material.
It’s not awful. It feels kind of cold, but the skin isn’t like, moist, or anything, it’s very dry and kind of scaly. The wings are more leathery, and the tail is...well, it kind of feels weirdly hollow.
“Okay, I got you Munson. God that’s so weird,” Eddie’s body snakes up Steve’s arm a little way, wings flapping clumsily as he tries to right himself. Steve has to fight his instinct to throw the thing off, the last time a demobat was this close to him it nearly strangled him to death.
Despite climbing all over Steve, Eddie wraps his tail around his arms and chest...but not his neck. Not even close. Kind of like, even in this form, he knows.
Eddie ends up hooking the ‘elbows’ of his wings into Steve’s shirt and just...huddling there. Not doing anything, tail wrapped firmly around Steve’s arm, one wing against Steve’s chest and the other against his back, hugging Steve’s shoulder.
Steve stares at himself, and Eddie, in the mirror, “well, fuck.”
With no idea what the hell he’s supposed to do now, Steve heads to bed. It’s been a bit of a day, and whatever the hell this is can wait until tomorrow. He crawls into bed, carefully lying down. Eddie seems to get it, movements still slow and very clumsy, he shifts completely onto Steve’s chest, sort of walking on the joints of his wings, curling up.
Steve lies there, staring at the ceiling in the dark, “I guess this is...maybe not the weirdest thing to happen?”
Eddie makes a soft trilling noise.
Steve wakes up slowly, very aware of the warm weight on top of him. He blinks, vision filled with a mop of brown curls. Eddie.
Steve is hugging Eddie. Eddie is mostly on top of him. Eddie is very naked under Steve’s hands and his very obvious erection is digging into Steve’s thigh and, “Eddie, you’re people again!”
Eddie lifts his head, squinting, opens his mouth and says, “mrrrrp?”
It’s eerily reminiscent of the noise he’d made last night, as a demobat.
“You’re a dude again, dude.”
Eddie blinks. It seems to take a long time to process before he finally, finally croaks out, “coffee.”
Steve wholeheartedly agrees.
Steve slips out of bed, Eddie either isn’t acknowledging or hasn't noticed his boner situation, so Steve figures there's some sort of bro code here and just ignores it too.
While coffee is brewing, Steve figures his only possible course of action is to call the smartest person he knows. He will never admit that out loud, but luckily Henderson answers on the second ring, like he’s been waiting for Steve to call him.
“Can I come see Eddie yet?”
Steve sighs, “I’m great, thanks for asking, so cool of-”
“Yeah. Yes, come over.”
The little shit doesn’t even say goodbye. He just hangs up.
Steve takes a coffee up to Eddie, who is buck naked and sprawled ass up over Steve’s bed, “okay, Eddie come on, Dustin’s on the way.”
Eddie groans, crawling out of bed, Steve heads over to his wardrobe to dig out something for Eddie to wear so he isn’t obviously staring at all of Eddie’s nakedness. There’s a thump and a, “shit,” that has Steve spinning back around, Eddie sat on his ass on the floor, looking confused.
“You okay?”
“Legs. Apparently you can forget legs really fast.”
It hadn’t occurred to Steve when he woke up, but it does now. All of Eddie is pristine; there’s not a wound, mark, scar bruise, anything on him anywhere. Steve has to step closer, kneeling in front of Eddie to prod his chest, Eddie swats at him, “you’re all healed up.”
Eddie stops swatting at Steve and prods himself instead, “holy shit. I am.”
“Well...that’s a positive, right?”
Eddie hums, and Steve goes back to digging him out a sweater and some sleep pants and boxers. That’ll do for today. Eddie’s a little wobbly when he stands, so Steve hovers in grabbing distance, but Eddie gets dressed without incident.
Steve offers him the coffee from the nightstand, now cool enough to drink. Eddie takes an enthusiastic mouthful and Steve watches as Eddie’s face goes through a series of...something, his mouth obviously full of coffee. His face is definitely doing something. And then Eddie just opens his mouth, “bleaugh,” letting the coffee just...run back into the mug.
And then he hands it back. To Steve. Who takes it reflexively, “I’ll just...I’ll go and get rid of this.”
“Where is he?”
“Okay, okay, firstly, I need you to not freak out.”
“Steve,” Dustin stares at him, “saying that is guaranteed to make anyone freak out.”
“Yep,” Steve agrees, “I mean it though, Eddie is absolutely fine, I swear it.”
“But. There’s a but isn’t there, Steve why is there always a but with-”
“He turned into a demobat last night. Like just, was a bat. And I didn’t know what to do, so we went to sleep, and then this morning he was Eddie again.”
Dustin’s face is a process, before he finally settles on, “are you sure?”
Steve rolls his eyes, “yes, yes, I’m sure. He was Eddie, then bat, the Eddie again. It wasn't complicated, just fucking weird.”
“Right...so where is he?”
Steve opens his bedroom door to find...absolute carnage. His bed has moved, the mattress is off the frame, there’s blankets and pillows strewn everywhere, feathers swirling in the air.
Eddie pops up on the other side of the bed, shirtless and frantic looking, “I didn’t, I didn’t do anything, it just, it just...it just exploded.”
Steve stares, the feathers settling. Eddie’s actually naked again and appears to be building some sort of fort on the floor of Steve’s bedroom, Steve blinks, “the pillow doesn’t matter Eddie.”
Eddie nods decisively, “good.” Then, after a moments thought, “do you have more?” And then he’s back on his hands and knees rearranging his fort, like a feral racoon or something.
“Dustin’s here, do you want to maybe come and talk to him?”
“It’s the scientific method Steve!”
“We are not throwing anyone off a roof, anywhere, any time, ever.”
They both turn back to Eddie, watching as he eats another spoon of raspberry jelly straight out of the jar.
“You got any ketchup?” Dustin asks, going back to food again.
“That won’t prove either theory, ketchup is red and sweet.”
Dustin turns to him, “Steve, that is possibly the most intelligent thing you’ve ever said to me.”
Steve’s ready to slap the little shit at this point, but Dustin’s face is earnest. Apparently Dustin actually means what he just said. Like, sincerely.
So Steve lets it go, and Dustin suggests, “we need something sweet but not red, and something red but not sweet.”
“We should go to the store,” Steve adds, then stares at Eddie for a minute longer; he’s basically fucking the neck of the jar with his tongue, “I’ll call Nancy to go to the store for us,” Steve adjusts.
Dustin nods, turning the page of his notebook.
Nancy drops grocery bags on the counter while Robin hops up next to her, “so, I thought we could make red jello and add a bunch of salt or something, I got some soup for him to try, some more jelly just in case, and some more ketchup since you said he really likes that. Two tubs of salsa…”
Steve rummages in the bag next to her, when Eddie pops up next to him, Steve hadn’t even heard him come into the kitchen. Eddie wedges himself right in there, pushing Steve back with a hand and then...hisses. Hisses at Nancy. Like, makes a hissing noise and bears his teeth. Steve just moves, lets Eddie push him back, while Nancy watches, wide eyes and surprised.
She takes a few Steps back herself, closer to Robin, and tries a tentative, “Eddie?”
He just hisses again, before snapping, “mine!” at her.
And then he disappears, there’s a light thump on the kitchen floor. Everyone watches as bat Eddie extricates himself from his clothes, movements much better this time around. He half climbs and half flaps his way up Steve’s body, until he gets to around waist height and Steve grabs at the thickest part of Eddie’s body to help him out. Eddie climbs the rest of the way, draping himself around the back of Steve’s neck, tail wrapped under one armpit, Eddie standing on his wing joints on the opposite shoulder. He hisses at Nancy again.
“Holy shit,” Nancy says.
Dustin is frantically scribbling in his notebook.
Robin, once she’d got over the shock of Eddie’s transformation, laughed and laughed and laughed. Even Nancy was smirking at them. The way Steve was absently stroking over Eddie to keep him mollified, and that Nancy couldn’t come within ten feet of them without Eddie getting all riled up again.
“So, you and Eddie huh.”
Steve just rolls his eyes.
“He’s feeling plenty threatened by Nance,” Dustin adds, really, really, unhelpfully.
“Probably because they were a thing,” Robin speculates.
“So you and Eddie are like, dating?” Dustin asks, and whatever Steve’s face does makes Robin laugh and laugh and laugh again.
Eddie actually manages a graceful glide off Steve’s shoulder and onto the nest/fort/thing Eddie had constructed earlier. Steve was going to try and tidy it before bed...but from the way Eddie is wing walking across it, pathetically dragging the edge of a pillow in his tiny mouth, Steve guesses that he’s not.
It’s also been a bit of a day, and he can’t really be bothered.
He climbs into bed, Eddie flapping out of the way and then climbing his way carefully up onto Steve’s chest.
This is my life now, Steve thinks, as he stares at the ceiling.
And then gets winded, when the very small demobat lying on his chest is suddenly a full sized man again. Eddie nearly headbutts Steve in the chin and Steve rolls over to dump him off, panicked and with the breath knocked out of him. Eddie makes a pathetic and somehow accusatory trilling noise, like this turn of events is all Steve’s fault, before he rolls over and flops over Steve again.
Apparently, cuddling is a thing they do.
Eddie makes a noise like a purr when Steve rubs his hand up and down the naked skin of Eddie’s back.
So, yeah, this is Steve’s life now.
There is more of this series on AO3 - Stevieschrodinger
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the-moon-files · 9 months
Linked Universe / GN!Reader - Random Headcanons abt the Chain! :)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (ur here!)
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (you/they/them), Guide Reader!
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, Scenarios?
Stars: Wind, Wild, Sage, C*urage, K*ridai
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: i included the link from K*oridai (faces of evil), and the brunette Link from that old cartoon tv show,
& Trigger Warnings: none known.
Wind (Wind Waker):
Misses being a big brother
ok chill chill he's doing okay
He's just not used to being the youngest in any given group, he used to be the oldest kid in charge of the younger ones and his little sister too
But dont get him wrong! He rlly does love the advantages that come with it,
and when he's feeling down abt not being older u usually cheer him up by reminding him he can be the biggest little shit he wants and every single Link will forgive him once he pulls out his baby seal eyes lmao
Ur the easiest to rope into horse playing/goofing off and he's very happy abt that
The others can be too serious for too long so he appreciates how u and him lighten them up by trying to give each other noogies (he loses most of the time)
As soon as Wind found out the others could play instruments, he immediately demanded they do campfire songs every night lol
(Most of the time one person caves, even just to idly play smth)
Likes inventing weird new games to play that'll convince as many other people to particpate, he used to do it back home too, like finding the prettiest rock on the island, that way his grandma and even adults could play too :)
Needs to sleep beside someone at night, bc he secretly likes it, back on his adventure going to sleep all by himself (unlike living with his grandma/sister) always was a little hard for him
Very hard to wake up in the morning, sleeps in the latest out of all the Links
("I'm a growing boy? Ofc i need my sleep, whats ur excuse??" @ the other Links who sleep in late lol)
Likes to sew! He's still learning, but his grandma used to teach him how so he could help her keep up with his growth spurts/recklessness tearing his clothes up
Idolizes u forever if you embroider, and will watch u like those videos of someone's cat who's fascinated by watching owner craft smth lol (like this ⚫️v⚫️)
Enjoys making stoic people crack their persona and laugh
Also has the wheeziest laugh youve ever heard, it makes u laugh every time, even when he started laughing over a dumb pun
Oh yeah, makes a foul amount of dad jokes for someone whos only like 14 💀
(He once managed to break Time and Legend, which then broke Wars and Twi, and it just continued down the Chain until everyone was crying or on the ground, he wears that shit like a badge and it literally made his confidence go 📈 puffed his chest out and everything lol)
Wild (Breath of the Wild):
U already know everything there is to know abt him??
I dont even have to say it, and it shows when ur around him lol
Like he'll go to do smth stupid like shield surf down death mountain in a unknown Hyrule, and before anyone can even realize thats what he's planning to do you've caught and stopped him and made a compromise to shield surf down some snow bluffs later instead
Or when u know he's gotten new ingredients in some other Link's Hyrule and is going to try and cook with them tonight, so u help him make a regular meal of smth else along with so the boys dont suffer stomaches
Like u can absolutely predict his bullshit all the time, just imagine the most adrenaline junkie thing he could do in that moment with the combination of things around him and you always know what tf he's up to, ur always right lol
Ur the only one who can get him to stop the chaos (besides maybe Time, weirdly enough Sky/Hyrule/Four bc they are the least likely to tell him to stop, so when they do, its usually a very, very bad idea)
Likes hair ornaments, he's got long hair for a reason after all
Likes u to style his hair, and esp if u teach him how to braid or do diff styles <333
He loves that u help cook/at least prep, and u make sure another Link helps too, bc thats a lot of ppl to make food for with little to no help 💀
(Makes u ur fav foods at even the slightest mention of them, like u wont even have to say ur craving Link's already whipped the pan out best housewife fr)
One of the few Links who's adventurous with his clothing, and trying new stuff
Wild was worried abt his Champion tunic getting messed up but was sad he couldn't wear it as much anymore
So u handmade him a new shirt that imitates the old one but with some new designs to represent the Chain! :)
He started crying.
He either hugs so lightly he seems like he's not enjoying it (no true, he's just trying to be polite)
Or he squeezes so hard be pops ur back and nearly breaks a rib
U got the latter for that shirt lol
Any new thing he doesnt remember how to deal with, like how to sew (he knows 1 stitch help), how to wash clothes (dont mix whites and blacks, and colors), how to soothe headaches/muscle aches etc.
He just wanders pitifully over to ur side and looks pitiful lol
Like he's a confused and saddened puppy
And just holds up whatever mess he's made like, "im so sorry, i dont know how to do this pls"
Bc he trusts u to know (the other Links may be hit or miss too tbh lmao)
And ur the least likely to clown him for it too, at least nothing he doesnt also find funny
Sage (Tears of the Kingdom):
So sue me, i enjoy this stupid-definitely-not-canon-unhinged-Link thats done with everyones bullshit and wants to be a hermit
The first time u saw his hair nest and immediately clapped ur hand over u mouth in shock and tried to take a brush to it on sight
He fucking hissed at you.
Feral bitch.
Sage isnt like that all the time, but he was certainly the most distrustful and prickly out of all the Links
(U could smell it was like a defense mechanism from his adventure/past from a mile away, and knew with time that it'd fade away into his true self... like how u just knew Wild that well too)
U are the only person allowed to casually touch him, he shys away from the other Links, let alone strangers,and the first he allowed to help him with his hair
Tbh after u washed it out and got tangles and mats out and cut split ends off etc.
He almost teared up, and was extremely confused why
Def the type to not have realized he felt insecure lowkey abt it until it was fixed (he also was embarrassed to say he didnt rlly know how to take care of it)
Energy of a stray feral cat that leaves dead birds on ur doorstep without fail every morning and u leave a food bowl out in hopes he'll actually be your cat 💀
Extremely protective of you, and eventually the Chain, to the point where he might set someone's hair on fire or use runes on them
Like not enough to seriously injure but enough to scare tf out of ppl and have them running for their lives
(Did he literally growl at someone when they tried to flirt with you?? ... why is Twi encouraging him.)
Was unnerved by Wild at first but slowly got used to him and often butts into whatever private convo u two are having
Like just casually struts up and plops his head on ur shoulder and waits for attention, may complain loudly depending on how grumpy he is that day
(Wild's not getting jealous and constantly hogging u for cooking to get even more time with you what-)
Okay but unfortunately
Once those 2 got comfy with each other, they started tag teaming everyone
Like u can now bet that if an explosion happens in the distance, Sage definitely caused it, and if he's there, then Wild's there making him the explosives
(Same for if Wild's there, then Sage's there)
Def the Link that likes showing the most skin, he "gets overheated easily" - local half naked man justifies his nakedness
Absolutely grievous clowning on the other Links, like its getting into bullyinggg 😭
His words are E rated for Everyone, no ones safe not even you
Sage: "wait, all those rings and nobody's ever put one on you? And you've never put on one someone else??🤔🤔"
Legend: ...😦
The rest of the Chain: 💀😭😶
Time, trying to hide he's choking on laughter so hard he's abt to fall into the firepit
Will occasionally team up with Wild to make a protective little border on either side of you while in towns/new Hyrules
U once offered to sing/hum for him after a nightmare while it was ur turn on watch (he sleeps up trees btw) and after u switched off w/other Link, u both went to edge of camp to sleep next to each other and he had the best sleep of his life like that
Now demands begs u to sing him to sleep every night, wont take "i dont sound that good tho" for an answer
Courage (The Legend of Zelda, 1989 Cartoon TV show):
Yeah... he's here too.
Just dont read this tbh
Enjoys being ✨️special✨️ by being the only hero twink out here with brunette hair
Was insecure abt it being curly/wavy until u slowly built his confidence
Bc he's got the most confidence in his strength, but not in much else tbh 😭
Actually will randomly have moments of responsibility or capability you didnt expect out of him bc he can be so silly and jokey all the time
Youll be lost as hell and he just "hey its ok the stars look like this so we go this way" and it works
Like the type of person u sort of avoid relying on bc he's like a playful jock type and then they randomly show theyre the captain of the team for a reason
Dont ask why, but hes good at knitting, shhhh no, no, no explanation he just secretly is he wont even tell u why or how or when he learned this he just "hehe, wouldnt u like to know princeyyy/princesssss/your majestyyyy"
Hyrule, and rest of Chain standing by, went to talk to one of the Great Fairies in a Hyrule once to try and get some info abt where to camp tonight or where nearest town was and before he could get close enough to ask,
Courage was already yelling like "YOOOO BIGGEST FAIRY WHATS UP?! u mind giving some poor lost fellas like us somewhere to go with ourselves tonight??"
They kept talking super casually and she laughed so hard that she let u guys stay near her that night to camp and be under fairy protection like no fairy boy Link needed 💀
Everyone was shocked, and thats how u all found out Courage is rlly good with fairies/their best friend no matter the Hyrule
Every time u guys learn smth new abt him it feels so unexpected, like out of left field or smth
It just never seems to fit his usual persona, or at least not what youd expect from him
So needless to say the first time u guys learned he could talk to magical objects that were powerful enough (like the fucking triforce)-
(this was apparently so normal he literally lived with a piece of it just in his room all the time????)
Has weird mixture of country boy vs. royal prince sensibilities?
It alarmed several Links. 💀
He can talk to Fi.
(Sky and you nearly cried)
Like he lived in the castle alongside Zelda so he inherited some spoiled/etiquette stuff, but he still would absolutely go splash in mud puddles in the rain
Would literally do fucking anything if it meant youd give him a kiss on the cheek
Likes to hug you a lot too, with his huge ass arms lifting u up (no he does not care how much u weigh ur going UP) and spinning u around
Its his favorite, almost as much as kisses
No but he's slay fucking Majora to get a kiss, like it's actually unbelievable and kinda endearing how excited he gets if u promise him one lmao
Koridai (Link: The Faces of Evil):
Omg not them putting Link's name in the title of the gameee i didnt know that 😭😭
Geezzz,, i dont know what im on
But ig heres that other silly ass Link if anyone feels like reading it
Will also fight any god, including Hylia, for a kiss
Actually astoundingly good at strategizing
Like after a few times in heat of battle him organizing Links, Time and Wars practically jumped him to include him in planning shit
He was similar to Courage to in that he just was cracking jokes all the time u didnt expect it, also he's significantly more sarcastic than Courage
U introduced him to dark humor and the laugh he laughed practically burst out of him, he looked shocked by his own laugh lmao
So he also now has a streak of dark humor he shows when u talk for while/sees someone also enjoys it
Its like his not-so-guilty-pleasure
Really good at baking? He apparently learned a lot of miscellaneous skills to better court someone and he now uses them fully to seduce you,
thru gift giving mostly, its is love language besides acts of service :)
(All Links do some amount of acts of service tho <3)
Rlly good at styling hair surprisingly, and at shield surfing??? What
Actually down to try Wild's experimental dishes...
And by that i mean he pranks the rest of you by sneaking the inedible bits into ur food
U may or may not have nearly choked him out for it and now he doesnt do it to you, and even was trying to act all pitiful abt it like "sorry lovely, but i just wanted to tease u bc ur so cute!! 🥺👉👈"
Like,, stfu u little shit 💀
He has the energy of a male orange cat, dont ask why he just is, and specifically the orange cat getting on top of the fridge or stuck between the the screen door and glasss door comically or smth 😭
Hes also loud as hell
One of the worst at stealth unless he just keeps his mouth shut completely, like his whispering is loud
He proclaims his affections very loudly too, like gettin u flowers and chatting ur ear off with what he likes abt u lol
No, like he can go for 20 minutes or more if u let him, u better stop him before he gets into the personality based compliments
Bc those sound wayyy too personal to be aired out in public ngl, like its so soft and domestic itll kill u lol
And he means every word too 👀
God fuck this hellsite stop doing this meee
Thats it im just do what i do for the other blog and write it smwhere else and then copy paste onto the post this is ridiculoussss 😒😒
Well anyway, i hope if u read this before i updated and actually FINISHED THIS u come back and read it again!! :(
Sorry guys, but blame tumblr pls before u blame me 😔
(Yeah theres a lot of emojis leave me alone i feel strongly abt this)
Peace out,
🐤 Peep
I think ill start signing off my name ig, unless u guys wanna call me Moon that works too
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biteofcherry · 3 months
hiii! Since you quite a lot write breeding kink I want to ask how many kids each Steve you written for will have?
Do I write it a lot? Really? I haven't noticed! 🤭🤭🤭
All the kids of all the Steves? Oh boy, that's gonna be a full kindergarten, lol 😂 Mind you, for the most part it's only just how I imagine it, not something that will be written into the stories.
Tumblr media
under the cut, because I have too many Steves there's no such thing as too many Steves
GOT Alpha Steve will have two sets of twins 😏 After the second pregnancy turns out to be with twins again, Sweet Brat threatens to cut off Steve's balls if he ever gets her pregnant again. Though, I am still toying with the idea of their double twins being a bit older when the third, most unexpected pregnancy happens for them again 🤭
Nesting Steve, as we know, is planning on a full soccer team 😂 No, but seriously, they're gonna have four for sure. Not more. But four definitely.
Dom Steve and Darling will have one biological kid. They will also adopt one or two kids.
HNV Alpha Steve doesn't have a set number he strives to have, he simply takes it in stride - as in, however his Omega's body is able to give him. I think three is a given.
Mountain rescuer Steve is gonna be a father of two, probably. I admit I haven't thought much about their future, beside the breeding kink being fun and messy and kinky af with them 😏
Enforcer Steve, oh that dirty kinky motherfucker is gonna have a bunch. Simply because he can't stop filling Cherry and she turns out to be a quite fertile little thing (which turns him on even more). Three to four kids are gonna hop around that house, for sure. They will need a separate wing, so they don't get traumatized by their parents being so filthy 😂
Dark mafia Steve? I kinda want to leave this blank, but it would seem telling anyway, right? 😈 I mean, we're speaking hypothetical here and all, nothing set in stone. Three
New World Order Steve would have one or two kids, not more. Not with the whole post apocalyptic dystopian shit going on.
Camboy Steve, I admit I haven't imagined their future that far ahead. I definitely see them as getting married at some point and possibly starting a family, but it's probably gonna be one or two kids.
Goldi locked Alpha Steve (and the other two Alphas in that universe) is going to be a lot like HNV Alpha Steve, meaning that he's into breeding forever and letting the nature take its course with Omega's body. It's gonna be at least three kids. Possibly more.
Fringe Benefit Steve (and Bucky) would have two kids.
Farmer Alpha Steve is probably going to have at least three 😂 I mean, it's hard not to go that route when the whole point of him is this housewife vibe and losing your ambitions to be a good Omega that fits on a farm and is eager to be taken over a haystack.
Little Worshiper Steve (and Bucky) I'm not sure yet, because I haven't thought about them starting a family yet. I can imagine them having twins and then maybe one more baby.
Captain Rogers won't have any kids with Sprite. At least I haven't imagined it happening.
Leshy Steve won't have any kids, not in the biological sense.
Darth Nomad Steve would have one baby (and Stardust's pregnancy is what pushes him to kill off the Emperor and take over the empire himself)
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folkloresthings · 1 year
congrats!!! <3
NORTHANGER ABBEY — send a muse + your favourite trope and i’ll write a drabble/blurb.
lando norris + forced proximity
if you don’t want to write that it’s totally okay! 🫶🏼
forced proximity MY FAV
STUCK WITH YOU. ❨ lando norris x reader ❩
your day was an absolute disaster. first, your alarm didn’t go off, making you late for work. you were still the new kid at mclaren so showing up forty minutes after you were supposed to didn’t go down well. then, on the coffee run for the bosses, you spilled two cappuccino’s on your brand new shirt. now donning an old mclaren jersey, you were running around like a headless chicken photocopying a mountain of paperwork.
foot tapping against the elevator floor, you waited and waited for it to reach the third floor, where your photocopies would hopefully be waiting. it dinged, on the second, and you suppressed the need to groan. your patience was wearing thin.
the doors opened, and in stepped mclaren’s very own lando norris, meeting your eyes with a smile. the door closed again and the elevator began to rise — before grinding to a halt, sending both of you unsteady on your feet.
“shit,” you hissed, panic rising in you. you couldn’t be stuck here, not after everything that had already gone wrong that day. pressing button after button, urging the machine to keep moving.
“you know, that’s not going to make it start up again,” lando chirped, amusement lacing his tone. reaching past you, he pressed the bright yellow help button. “all we can do is wait.”
sighing, you both eventually make yourself comfortable on the floor of the lift, facing each other and legs pressed together thanks to the small space. silence had fallen, waiting and waiting for rescue.
“you’re the new media assistant, right?” lando eventually spoke, gazing over at you. your eyes widen, not expecting the driver to actually notice you.
“uh, yeah,” you murmur, biting back a smile. reaching across to him, your hand extending. “y/n.”
“lando,” he greets in return, taking you hand gently in his. his touch lingers a moment longer, to the point that both of you notice. you clear your throat, dropping his hand and hoping your cheeks aren’t too red.
an hour later, you’re still in the same position, but you feel like you know lando inside out. he feels the same, having asked you question after question. your friends, your family, your likes and dislikes. in fact, you both feel a pit of disappointment in your stomachs when the elevator doors crank open, two engineers helping you out.
“well, it was nice to… be stuck, with you,” you chuckles, turning to lando. the boy smiles, heat rising to his cheeks as his eyes crease.
“yeah, you too,” he murmurs, eyes lingering as you turn to walk away from him. “wait!”
you stop, turning on your heel, smirking as he jogs to catch up with you. your brows raise, waiting for his reason, lando rocking nervously on the balls of his feet.
“could i get your number?” he asks, voice pinched with nerves. your lips spread into a grin, heart squeezing at how cute he appears. “i’d really like to be stuck in a small space with you again.”
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ninjadeathblade · 7 months
Shopping Trip (Lego Monkie Kid fanfic)
Summary: The majority of the gang goes shopping. Then Wukong and Macaque play video games.
Warnings: Brief threats, Wukong and Macaque have issues to work through (they're also very dumb about the fact they love each other), swearing
Word count: 6,072
Author's notes: This would NOT leave me alone so here fandom, take the gays residing in my brain for the last two days. Sandy isn't here because I had no idea what he'd be doing. This is 90% indulgent Shadowpeach content for myself but hey, that's something. This is set post Emperor's Wrath. Enjoy.
“Hey, Monkey King, why d'you always wear your fancy robes?” MK questioned after the three of them took a break from training.
Macaque stifled a laugh, looking over at Wukong and revelling in the confusion on his face.
“What do you mean?” Wukong asked around a mouthful of peach flavoured crisps, crunching noisily on them.
MK shrugged and gestured. “You and Macaque always wear your fancy clothes whenever you come and just hang out with us, you can't be comfortable in it.”
“Look, kid, I hate to break it to you but we don't actually own any other clothes,” Macaque replied.
“I can make some though!” Wukong exclaimed, one hand already reaching to yank hair out of his head.
MK and Macaque rushed to stop him, the former tackling his hand still holding the bag of crisps, while the latter reached through a shadow portal to grab his wrist.
“Quit it Wukong, you already eat enough of your hair as it is, no point in you wearing it as well,” Macaque said with an eye roll.
MK’s eyes went round as saucers. “Please tell me that those crisps aren't hair.”
Wukong averted his gaze with a nervous laugh. “Whaaaaat? No, pfft, I'm not that- er-”
“Monkey King! You promised to start eating proper food!” MK whined, poking him in the cheek.
Wukong sighed. “Yeah yeah, I am, kid, I promise, now can I have my arms back?”
Macaque glared at him over MK's head, getting a returning glare.
MK gasped and jumped up, waving his arms wildly. “Oh my gosh, I know just what we should do?”
“Yuh-huh and what's that?” Wukong asked.
“Mei keeps telling me about this super cool new shopping centre that opened up the other week!” MK explained. “What if we all had a day out there and you guys can pick out some comfy clothes for hanging out with us?!”
Macaque shook his head. “Look, kid, I appreciate it but-”
He went silent as something yanked his tail, head whipping around to catch another tail quickly retreating to Wukong's side.
Oh that little-
“It's an amazing idea!” Wukong replied with a grin. “Let us know when you want to do it and we'll be there.”
“Funny how you now speak for both of us,” Macaque muttered, opening up a shadow portal beside him and reaching through to yank Wukong's tail.
The king turned to glare at the warrior, Macaque shooting him a shit-eating grin in return.
“Okay! I'm gonna go, I'm working this evening but I'll see you guys for training again tomorrow!” MK said before beginning to run back down the mountain. “Thanks again for the training!”
A beat went by before the two of them turned to each other.
“You know you could be more supportive of the kid,” Wukong snapped.
“Me? Really? Last I checked you were the one who abandoned his training!” Macaque argued, standing up. “Because that's what you always do isn't it? The great Sun-Wukong who always puts himself first.”
Wukong's jaw clenched, tail lashing behind him, and for a moment it seemed like they were going to fight again.
Then the king's shoulders heaved and his posture slouched. “Can we not do this right now?”
Macaque rolled his shoulders, the joints clicking slightly. “Running off again?”
“Can you stop?!” Wukong shouted. “I don't know what you want from me but you're not gonna get a rise. I'm done with this - with you always trying to bait me into another fight. I have people to look out for now.”
Macaque scoffed. “You can't tell me you actually care about the kid.”
“Bold words from someone who also cares about him,” Wukong retorted and Macaque's fur bristled. “Oh yeah, don't think I haven't noticed. While I was off doing very important things, you kept showing back up. Some part of you does actually care about MK, be honest.”
“Nope, doesn't sound like me,” Macaque stated, tail tapping against the ground twice as he opened up a shadow portal. “See you around, Monkey King.”
Wukong dashed forward, one arm outstretched. “No, wait, Macaque-”
The darkness surrounding him.
Well, it wasn't quite silent, it sounded like everything was muffled and underwater.
Macaque took a deep breath, artificial air expanding his lungs.
Wukong was still there although it was like seeing him through murky glass, thumping a fist against the shadows on the ground before giving up and walking away.
Macaque floated in the inky expanse, debating on whether or not to return to his dojo before deciding that he would just stay here for now.
It was peaceful.
It was everything that outside wasn't.
“Hey boi!” Mei cheered, tackling MK into a hug before waving at Wukong. “Heya Monkey King!”
“Hey,” Wukong waved, pulling his loaned hoodie further over his head. “Hey bud, you sure that no one's gonna recognise me in this?”
“I dunno honestly but if not you can transform, right?” MK argued.
“Fair point.”
“I still do not understand why I have to be here,” Red Son complained, foot tapping impatiently. “If we are all here then can we go already?”
“No, sorry, we're still waiting on someone else,” Tang answered.
“Who else are we waiting for?” Wukong questioned. “The pig guy?”
Tang adjusted his scarf. “Oh no, Pigsy is at that food stall over there shouting at the chef because he sold us half baked churros while we were waiting.” He paused. “Speaking of, I'm going to go stop Pigsy before he ends up in too much trouble.”
“Literally who else would MK invite?” Wukong's eyes narrowed in confusion. “I don't even understand why Red Son is here.”
“I swear if you invited Nezha then this is going to be the most boring shopping trip ever.”
“Ugh, I wish he'd invited Nezha, then I'd have someone else to make fun of you with.”
Wukong spun around with a curse, glaring at their final arrival, who hadn't even bothered with a disguise.
“Great, just great.”
Macaque shrugged. “Hey, I don't want to be here any more than you want me to be here. Only reason I'm tagging along is that I was planning to grab some food anyway.”
“But we're meant to be clothes shopping,” Mei interrupted, eyes watery as she stared up at the warrior.
“Yeah Macaque, you promised,” MK added, also staring up with large eyes.
“Look kid I didn't-” The warrior paused and sighed. “Fine, I'll buy some clothes. But I'm picking what I get, not you guys.”
The two of them let out a cheer and rushed back over to Red Son, beginning to drag him in the direction of a shop.
“I cannot believe that I'm gonna have to put up with you today,” Wukong groaned as the two of them set off after the trio.
“Hey, you're the one who volunteered me for this so if there's anyone to blame it's yourself,” Macaque responded.
Mei and MK had seemed to immediately start piling clothes into their arms, occasionally thrusting some pieces into Red Son's arms.
Wukong stumbled backwards slightly when MK seemed to just appear in front of him, holding up two pairs of pyjamas. “Hey Monkey King! Should we get these matching Monkey King™ pyjamas?”
“Hey kiddo, I'm wearing a disguise for a reason so maybe keep your voice down,” Wukong chuckled. “But yeah, absolutely.”
The king turned to glare at Macaque when the warrior snickered.
“Something funny?”
“No, it's nothing,” Macaque lied, one hand coming up to try and cover the smile on his face.
Wukong let out a loud, over-dramatic gasp. “Are you making fun of my bond with my apprentice? Are you making fun of our super duper cool friendship?”
“No,” Macaque sputtered, trying to get his laughter under control.
Wukong leaned in, poking him in the face. “You are! How could you?”
Macaque stopped trying to contain his laughter at the theatrics, golden eyes screwing up tight as he nearly doubled over.
Wukong's smile wavered as his gaze flitted across the warrior's face.
He knew realistically why Macaque would cover up his eye.
Seeing his unmarred face and having these moments made it almost seem like nothing had ever gone wrong between them.
When Macaque straightened up again he shot Wukong a quick glance, accompanied with a shy smile before returning his attention to the shop in front of them. “C'mon then, no point standing around all day. Gotta find you something to wear other than pyjamas.”
“Yeah and we've gotta find you anything to wear,” Wukong teased. “What do you even wear? Like, leather jacket and grunge aesthetic boots.”
“How the fuck do you know what an aesthetic is?” Macaque swore, turning back to face him.
The king shrugged nonchalantly and grinned. “What can I say, I guess I'm just cool like the kids are.”
The warrior snorted. “Yeah right, the day that you're cool is the day I haven't died before.”
A silence fell between them at that comment and something flickered over Macaque's features.
Wukong reached out to him before the shadow slipped away from him, walking over to a rack of darkly coloured clothes.
There was so much they still needed to talk about.
Macaque flicked through the different hanging articles before smirking. “So, what about the fact that Red Son has a crush on either MK or Mei?”
“Wait, what?” Wukong spluttered.
“When the three of them were together back there, Red Son was blushing and stuff. Can't tell which of them is making him fall for them but I'm not actually that surprised.”
Wukong stood stock still for a moment, doing a mental reboot while Macaque moved on.
“Wait, no, hold on you little shit, are you for real?” Wukong questioned.
Macaque nodded. “When we catch up to them, just watch. I wouldn't lie, would I?”
“I dunno, seems like you lie a lot.” Wukong narrowed his eyes dubiously.
“Well, I'm not lying about that.”
They wandered for a little longer before managing to catch up with the trio.
Okay, Wukong had to hand it to Macaque, Red Son did seem to be blushing.
“Hey, Monkey King, you made it! We lost you back there!” MK cheered before turning back to Mei. “Ooh, Mei, do you still have the thing we picked out for Macaque?”
“Kid I don't-”
“Found it!” Mei announced, holding up the black mesh shirt.
Macaque's gaze dragged over it before extending a hand. “Okay, I'll try it on.”
Wukong did a double take. “You like mesh?”
“Haven't tried it before but it looks cool enough. If I can get something to go over it then I'd probably like it.”
Red Son held up a black sleeveless turtleneck shirt from the pile in his arms. “Something like this?”
Macaque shifted the first shirt in his grip before reaching out for the other. “Sounds good.”
“Oh and there are some dark coloured jeans by the changing rooms, wanna grab a pair of those?” MK offered.
Wukong trailed behind the bunch of them, briefly wondering where Tang and Pigsy had gotten to.
Him and MK plopped down onto a bench just outside the changing rooms, MK's stack of clothes beside him.
“I'm gonna try them on after the others have tried theirs,” MK explained. “Wait a minute, why don't you have anything Monkey King?”
“Um, well, I just didn't see anything I liked all that much, bud,” Wukong lied.
“Oh okay.”
The boy got out his phone, playing some obnoxiously loud game while they waited for the others to get changed.
“Okay, we're done!” Mei called after a while.
“Come out then!” MK shouted back, shutting his phone off and putting it back in his pocket.
“Macaque, you coming?”
“Aw, come on, pretty please? You look great!”
Mei stepped out, practically dragging Red Son and Macaque with her.
And wow, Macaque actually looked kind of good.
The clothes actually suited him.
The warrior wrenched Mei's iron grip off his arm before grumpily crossing his arms over his chest.
“Woah, you guys look awesome!” MK gasped, clapping his hands together.
Macaque rolled his eyes and frowned when he looked over at Wukong. “Quit staring, Wukong, don't you know it's impolite?”
Wukong smirked. “Thought you said I was impolite.”
“Yeah, I know that you are. Doesn't mean you have to give me more reasons for it,” the warrior complained before looking over at Mei. “Hey, can we wrap this up and buy this stuff already?”
“Nu-uh, we've still got loads of outfits to try on! You and Monkey King can wait here while we finish checking all these sick clothes out,” Mei replied.
Macaque grumbled something under his breath before going back to the changing room.
Three pairs of eyes turned to Wukong. “He's just always kinda cranky, trust me.”
“I heard that!”
“Ugh, how much sugar did you even put in that thing?” Macaque asked, nose wrinkling with disgust at the sweet scent coming off of Wukong's drink.
Wukong moved the glass away from his face, a bit of cream smeared on his nose. “Um, I dunno. It has chocolate, ice cream, sprinkles, some more chocolate, some normal cream, some kinda sweet milk, caramel-”
Macaque reached out and grabbed the drink out of his hand while he was distracted listing ingredients, holding it out of his reach. “You are going to clog an artery if you have that much sugar.”
Wukong pouted. “Macaque! Gimme back my drink!”
Macaque opened up a shadow portal under his hand, hovering the drink just above it. “You aren't going to have all of it to yourself or you will die.”
“I'm immortal, I can't die,” Wukong retorted.
Oh yeah.
“You aren't going to have it all to yourself or I'll steal all the wine you're hiding at your place.”
Wukong's eyes went wide and he leaned across Macaque, desperately attempting to grab it. “No! No! Fine, I'll share! Just gimme the drink!”
Macaque dropped the drink through the shadow portal, watching as Wukong's face fell.
As the king turned back to the table the warrior opened a portal again, depositing the drink - now with two straws - back in front of him.
“Come on, if you're going to clog an artery then I might as well do it with you.”
Wukong shot him a quick glare but moved the glass so it was between them.
Red Son slid back into their booth. “They're still ordering but wanted me to say they'll be back soon.”
Macaque glanced over to the counter where Mei and MK seemed to be arguing over the menu of sweet treats.
“May I ask a question?” Red Son asked.
“You just did,” Wukong teased.
The boy rolled his eyes. “May I ask another question after the one I am asking at this moment?”
Macaque lowered his head to take a sip of the drink, throat burning at how sickly sweet it was.
He'd never understand how Wukong could stomach these things.
“Are you two in a relationship?”
Macaque choked on his drink and Wukong hit him on the back a few times while replying.
“No, never! Me? With him? Tch, as if! He's so- him! And I'm so me!” The king answered.
Macaque gulped in a lungful of air after recovering. “This is the one time we agree on something and it's that we are not a thing. I hate him, he makes me feel like my skin is on the outside and my fur is on the inside. I'd rather have my heart served up on a platter to the Lady Bone Demon than go out with him.”
“Ew, did you have to be so graphic?” Wukong complained. “You're gonna put me off my drink.”
“Good. It tastes like shit.”
“Because you have no tastes.”
“I do have tastes. Anyway, you seemed to conveniently leave out the fact that this drink is peach flavoured.”
Wukong shrugged and smiled. “It's my favourite.”
“You sure you didn't make this out of your hair?” Macaque questioned, lip curling in disgust.
Red Son huffed. “No, I paid for his drink. And there's no need for you two to be so defensive.”
“We're back!” MK announced, flopping down against Red Son's side. “What did we miss?”
“Ah, yes, you are back,” Red Son flustered.
Macaque and Wukong shared a look.
So that's who Red Son liked then.
“Duh, that's what I just said,” MK laughed.
“We ordered every dessert they had!” Mei announced.
“Oh no,” Macaque whispered.
“Oh yes,” Wukong purred, eyes lighting up. “Desserts for everyone!”
The warrior dropped his head to rest against the table, grimacing at how sticky it seemed to be. “Why did I ever let myself be dragged along here?”
“Because you're our friend!” MK said.
“Omg, these stationary sets are so naturecore, I have to have them for my aesthetics blog,” Mei gasped.
Wukong nudged Macaque to grab his attention before whispering. “Hey, d'you have any idea what that means?”
“No idea,” Macaque admitted. “As established earlier, I know aesthetic but that's about it.” The warrior smirked. “Aren't you the one who's ‘cool like the kids are’?”
“Shuddup,” Wukong laughed.
Macaque's tail flicked up to hit him in the back of the head before looking around. “So, we kinda lost Pigsy and Tang at the start.”
“Yeah, it'll be fine,” the king replied calmly, waving it off.
“Maybe for you. I for one would like to not be on kid sitting duty for the next decade.”
“It's only been two hours,” Wukong stated, snickering at the defeated groan Macaque let out. “What's wrong? Too old to keep up?”
“Wha- no,” Macaque denied sourly before continuing. “My feet hurt though. I'm not used to walking around this much. Usually I just use my shadows to get places.”
Wukong sighed before holding out his arms.
The warrior stared blankly at him.
“Climb on, I'll carry you,” the king offered.
Macaque immediately began to walk away from him. “Nope, nu-uh, never happening, find someone else prince fucking charming.”
“Come on Macaque, your pride won't be that wounded if you let yourself take a break,” Wukong whined, following him.
The shadow’s tail lashed behind him as he walked through the aisles of the shop, trying to catch up to wherever the other three had run off to. “I'll take a break when I get home later. Feet being sore isn't the worst thing I've had to deal with.”
Unspoken words hung between them and Wukong followed Macaque silently until they reached the trio, staring at row upon row of cards.
“Hey guys, whatcha looking at?” Wukong inquired, propping his head on MK's shoulder.
“We're helping Mei pick out a card for her dad's birthday,” MK explained.
“You could make one,” Red Son added. “Although didn't you say it's tomorrow?”
“Yeah,” Mei groaned. “I was so busy helping MK train that I forgot.”
“You forgor,” MK said.
“I forgor,” Mei affirmed.
Wukong straightened back up, whispering. “What language is this?”
“No idea,” Macaque said.
“No idea what?” Mei asked.
Wukong smiled at Macaque.
The shadow returned it with a small quirk of his mouth.
It wasn't much but it was better than it had been.
“That's it, I am not being dragged into a spa, I'm calling Pigsy,” Macaque said, digging his phone out his pocket.
“You have Pigsy's number?” Wukong asked beside him before continuing. “You have a phone?”
“Yeah, and?” Macaque tapped onto his contacts. “Got Pigsy's number after the kid crashed out at my place one time. Also he makes good noodles.”
“I know right?” Wukong agreed, mouth practically watering.
“Hello! Pigsy's Noodles, how can I-”
“Cut the crap Pigsy, your kids are trying to drag me into a spa and I know that you and Tang are still somewhere in this shopping centre.”
“Oh fuc- okay, where are you guys, I'll come and get ‘em,” Pigsy sighed.
“Seventh floor, top right corner, next to the arcade place.”
“Wait, there's an arcade place next door and they chose to go to the spa instead?” Tang questioned.
“Red Son is trying to convince us all to get princess pamper sessions before we get wrecked and lose all our money to useless games,” Macaque explained.
“That'd do it. We'll be there in a few.”
Macaque hung up, quirking an eyebrow at Wukong's sad expression. “What do you want now?”
“You're gonna ruin their fun,” Wukong complained, gesturing at where the three others were currently crashed out on a bench.
“No, I'm just getting us the rest of the evening off,” Macaque argued.
When Wukong still looked upset he sighed.
“If I play your shitty game this evening will that make it up to you?”
Wukong brightened up. “Yes! Although it isn't shitty, take that back.”
“Maybe. Depends on how good your game is.”
Macaque looked over at the trio. “Hey, Red Son, a word.”
The boy seemed sheepish as he walked over, a sharp contrast to his usual confident demeanour. “Yes?”
“You break MK’s heart and I'll break all your bones,” Macaque snarled quietly.
“Okay so you're just coming out with it,” Wukong muttered.
“P-pardon?” Red Son stuttered, hair letting off embers.
“You aren't subtle. So you heard me. If you break his heart, I will break all your bones.”
Red Son swallowed thickly. “Y-yes sir.”
MK walked up beside them. “What're you guys talking about?”
“We were just saying goodbye,” Wukong supplied, somehow having come up with a good excuse for once in his long life.
“Oh cool. I'm sleeping around Red Son's tonight so won't be able to make it to training tomorrow, is that okay?” MK said.
Macaque subtly shot Red Son a glare while he replied to MK. “That's fine, see you in a few days kid.”
The warrior opened up a shadow underneath himself and the king.
“No, no, no, no, no, not the shadow portal!”
“Ugh, I think I'm gonna throw up,” Wukong complained as he dropped out of the shadow portal.
“Too bad, you fly your cloud recklessly and the shadows are quicker,” Macaque replied, dropping down beside him before opening up their shared bag of shopping purchases and grabbing out a handful of clothes. “I'm gonna get changed then I'm ordering actual food for dinner.”
“But my way is cheaper!”
“Yeah, and it'll have you hacking up furballs until your eventual death, Wukong,” Macaque snorted, shutting himself into the bathroom.
Wukong rooted around in the bag and grabbed out one of the plain shirts he'd picked out, slipping off his robes and putting on the black t-shirt before grabbing a pair of loose blue jeans out of the bag.
The king settled down on the sofa, aimlessly flicking through channels on his TV until his tail brushed against someone else.
Wukong lifted his head up, staring at Macaque.
The warrior practically had a halo of light around his head from the setting sun behind him, a sliver of yellow fabric visible under his dark hoodie.
“Hey. You up for burning off some energy?” Macaque proposed and Wukong was in his feet within seconds.
“We haven't fought in ages,” Wukong sceptically tested.
Macaque shrugged. “Nothing serious. But I need to stretch out my limbs and test how flexible I am in these clothes.”
Wukong dragged his eyes up and down Macaque. “Mhm, because ripped jeans are gonna be sooo easy to move around in. Prepare to be beat.”
Macaque smirked, sweeping out one leg and knocking Wukong off balance.
“H-hey! No fair!” Wukong growled, reaching up and tugging Macaque down with the edge of his hoodie.
The warrior let out a squeak, collapsing down beside the king before going still.
“Oh shit. Macaque? You good, bud?” Wukong questioned, moving closer.
Macaque spun around, hands catching Wukong's and pinning them against the floor. “I cannot believe you just fell for that.”
“Yeah, well, it's been years since you played that card while we've fought,” Wukong argued, one leg kicking out and into Macaque's stomach.
The warrior's grip on his hands loosened, allowing the king to flip the two of them over as he hovered over him.
His hands closed around Macaque's, mimicking the move just used on him.
“Not so cocky now, huh?” Wukong challenged.
Macaque just laughed and rolled his eyes, opening up a shadow portal underneath himself.
Wukong pulled back, watching as the other sank into the floor and disappeared before a weight crashed down on his back.
“Fuck! Macaque!”
“Got you now,” Macaque taunted, the two of them rolling back and forth until Macaque pinned Wukong down.
The warrior was just shy of sitting on him, chest heaving as he breathed.
Wukong sighed. “Yeah, alright Mac, you win, now get off of me.”
The shadow paused, golden eyes staring at him.
“What?” Wukong inquired.
“You haven't called me Mac since- since before,” Macaque stated, his grip on Wukong's hands loosening.
Orange and pink hues of light shone off of his dark fur.
It was beautiful.
He was beautiful.
“No, no I guess not,” Wukong murmured.
Macaque rolled onto the floor beside him, both of them staring up at the ceiling.
“So, if Red Son does break MK's heart we are absolutely going to ruin his life, right?” Macaque questioned.
Wukong rolled onto his side, staring at Macaque.
Tufts of dark hair stuck up in different directions, framing his face.
The king reached out with a hand before hesitating when the warrior flinched, eyes closing.
A long moment passed, before Macaque quickly got up, with a mumbled sentence. “I'm going to order dinner.”
“Yeah, okay,” Wukong responded, mentally kicking himself.
Of course Macaque still didn't trust him, why should he?
After everything Wukong had done, he had no reason to.
“Hey, Wukong, how many portions should I order you?” Macaque asked, one hand muffling the bottom of his phone.
“Three, if that's okay,” Wukong answered.
Macaque nodded before continuing to quietly speak to whoever was on the other end of the line.
Wukong walked back over to the sofa, sitting down and trying to avoid looking at his friend.
When had he started thinking of Macaque as a friend again?
The other side of the sofa dipped as weight settled down on it.
“I'm sorry for flinching,” Macaque whispered. “Really going against my therapy goals.”
Wukong blinked before looking over at him. “You go to therapy?”
Macaque's tail wrapped across his chest, curling over his opposite shoulder. “Well, I'm trying. Kind of hard though when most therapists are mortal and I have issues with opening up about things from my past.”
The shadow let out a deep breath before slowly relaxing against the king's side. “Is… is this okay?”
“Yeah, no, of course,” Wukong flustered a bit, shifting so that Macaque would be more comfortable.
Wukong turned so his back was resting against the arm of the sofa, one arm circling around Macaque's waist.
The warrior tensed under his touch slightly before relaxing back against him, pillowing his head on the king's chest. “You sure you're okay with this?”
“Geez Mac, I'm fine,” Wukong responded. “Are we gonna start playing my game now or d'you want to wait until after dinner?”
“After dinner. I want to get some rest in,” Macaque sighed, opening up a shadow portal over the top half of his head. “I'll wake up when the food gets delivered, I'll hear it. You should get some rest too.”
“Yeah alright. You get some rest.”
“Thanks Wukong.”
“No problem bud.”
Macaque's ear flicked inside the portal as footsteps ran up to the door of his dojo.
“Hold on,” he murmured to Wukong, unsure whether his friend was even awake before sitting up and slipping his upper body through the shadow portal.
“Knock knock!” The delivery boy shouted as Macaque reached over to open the door.
MK grinned and held up the couple of bags in his arms. “Hey Macaque! This is more than you usually order.”
“Yeah, well, I've got company,” Macaque said evasively.
“Is it Monkey King?”
“Nah, I have other friends,” Macaque lied, reaching out with one hand for the bags. “Aren’t you meant to be staying around Red Son's?”
“Yeah, I'm headed there after this,” MK explained.
“Have a good sleepover, kid.”
“You too Macaque!”
“No, kid, I'm not having a-”
“Bye Macaque!”
The shadow sighed, shutting and locking his door before slipping back through the portal to Wukong's house.
The king was still passed out on the sofa, snoring at an obnoxious volume.
Or perhaps it was actually quiet, and Macaque's sensitive hearing was getting to him more than usual.
“Hey, wake up.”
Wukong blinked awake, sitting up before his mouth watered at the sight of the takeaway bags. “Oh yes.”
Macaque rolled his eyes but passed over the three portions Wukong had asked for. “You know, if you keep eating that many portions then you're going to get fat.”
Wukong let out an offended gasp before shovelling some of the noodles into his open mouth. “No I'm not.”
“You are,” Macaque replied, teasingly poking him on the stomach. “See? Round.”
“It's cushioning. For when I may somehow end up on the floor,” Wukong explained.
“Because I beat you up,” Macaque snickered, opening up his own meal while Wukong began to dig into his second.
“Make me,” Macaque challenged, tail lashing behind him.
Wukong's golden gaze flitted across him before he went back to his meal.
“That's what I thought.”
After they'd finished their meal, Macaque let out a sigh. “Alright then, put on your crappy game.”
“It's not crappy!” Wukong protested, already digging through the piles of DVDs in front of his TV. “Alright, found it. Get ready for the best game you'll ever play.”
“I highly doubt it,” Macaque mumbled, nearly dropping the headset and controller thrown haphazardly in his general direction.
“What was that?”
“I said ‘I highly doubt it’,” Macaque deadpanned. “This won't be anywhere near as good as my game.”
“You have a game?” Wukong laughed, plopping back down on the sofa beside him. “Okay, that I have to play after you're done with this.”
Macaque let out a grumble but adjusted the headset before putting it on, slouching against Wukong's side as the game registered him in.
An avatar looking surprisingly like him loaded in on a dirt path, a chicken running out of a bush in front of him before glitching and dying.
“Wow. What a surprise, I was right, this game sucks,” Macaque huffed.
The king's tail flicked up to curl around the warrior's arm. “Aww, c'mon Mac, give it a chance at least.”
Macaque sighed but began to walk his character along the path, stopped only a second later as another character spawned in front of him.
“Welcome traveller, on your journey to the west!” The Monkey King greeted.
The background image switched so the character was pointing at himself. “As the Great Sage equal to Heaven, you couldn't ask for a better tutor.” The screen switched back to the first picture of him. “On your journey, you will learn to smite powerful enemies.”
God this was boring.
“After you complete the tutorials, you will learn how to access your hidden potential.”
Ugh, good, back to the overworld.
Now if he could just-
“Defeat each opponent to work your way up to the final boss, the Rhino King,” Monkey King said.
“Couldn't afford the rights for Demon Bull King?” Macaque joked, elbowing Wukong in the side.
“Nah, just seemed boring seeing as I already beat him.”
“Here are seventy two combos-”
“Pay attention-”
“Make many friends along the way,” Monkey King advised and Macaque tore off his headset.
“What the fuck is that background art?!” The shadow screamed.
The king grinned. “Flattering, right? You would not believe how quickly the game sold out.”
“That's atrocious!” Macaque shouted, hitting him on the head before putting the headset back on.
Yeah, no, he was skipping through all of this.
Eventually it let him go and unlock abilities.
“Hey, these are all passive,” Macaque pointed out.
“Just give it a moment,” Wukong instructed.
The monk on the screen sighed before it flicked to a different ability menu.
Macaque's eyes roved over the screen before he took off the headset.
“A fucking muscle bro version of yourself in just pants taking up half the screen?” Macaque growled because it was very obvious why he was pissed.
Wukong smirked. “What? I think it's a good view.”
“Self obsessed asshole,” Macaque grumbled, trying to just focus on buying a couple of different attacks before giving up and handing the game controller and headset over to Wukong. “No, I can't do this, this is just something for you to admire yourself.”
“Fiiiiine,” Wukong groaned. “But I want to play your game now.”
Macaque opened up a shadow portal, sticking his arm in and rooting around. “Seriously though Wukong, are you trying to seduce the player or something?”
Wukong grinned slyly at him. “Are you saying I'm hot?”
Macaque's face screwed up. “...No.”
“That's it, the Six-eared Macaque thinks I'm hot!” Wukong shouted before getting up and racing to the entrance of his house and cupping his hands around his mouth. “The Six-eared Macaque thinks that Sun-Wukong, Great Sage equal to Heaven, is hot!”
“Shut up,” Macaque said, withdrawing his hand and tossing the game case to Wukong as he walked back over.
“It looks like it was made by a five year old mortal,” Wukong giggled but put the disc in anyway.
When the king settled back down on the sofa, the warrior stretched out, laying his upper body across his friend's lap.
“And what do you think you're doing?” Wukong questioned before slipping the headset on.
“Making myself comfy.”
“Yeah yeah, I'm gonna beat this game in minutes.”
A moment passed as the game loaded.
“Why does everything look like a crappy anime?” Wukong inquired.
“Fuck you.”
“This is the fourth time I've done this encounter and I still haven't beaten it!” Wukong whined, throwing the controller across the room.
“Aww, too hard for you?” Macaque teased, not even cracking open an eye.
“Pfft, n-no!” Wukong floundered, taking off the headset and putting it on the floor. “I'm just going to take a break.”
“Sure you are,” Macaque snorted, opening his eyes a sliver.
Wukong stared, stock still, not sure if Macaque had realised that the glamour over his eye was down.
The scar over that side of his face was still hidden, but mismatching gold and milk coloured eyes fixed a tired gaze on him.
“Staring is rude,” Macaque murmured.
Wukong blinked, looking away. “Yeah, sorry.”
Macaque sat up, stretching with a yawn, hoodie riding up his sides slightly and exposing the yellow shirt he had on underneath.
It was surprisingly nice to see Macaque in bright colours.
Wukong reached out a hand to skim over the dark fur that stuck up on one side of his head, smiling softly when Macaque didn't flinch away.
“Hey, are your ears okay?” Wukong suddenly asked.
Macaque turned to face him, eyes back to their glamoured gold again. “Huh?”
“Well we were at a pretty busy place for most of today so I was wondering whether it was hard on your ears.”
Macaque seemed to blush. “Oh, no, they're all okay.”
The king's hand dropped to skim closer to where another two pairs of ears had to be hidden on the warrior. “Can I see them again?”
Macaque's eyes went wide and Wukong quickly withdrew his hand. “I'm sorry, you don't have to-”
The glamours dropped.
Wukong couldn't help but stare at the hues of colour on Macaque's ears, having nearly forgotten them over the centuries.
But there they were again, still with such resplendent glory.
Moonlight shone through the window, catching the back of Macaque's face with rays of light that made him shine.
“Rude to stare,” Macaque repeated, seeming to curl in on himself slightly.
“You're beautiful,” Wukong murmured, trying to ingrain this in his memory.
Maybe then he would have something to keep when they eventually fought again.
And just like that the glamours were back up, hiding Macaque's appearance behind a facade.
“I- I should go,” Macaque stammered, standing up and conjuring a portal in the floor.
“No, Mac, wait, I'm sorry-”
Too late.
His warrior was gone again, leaving him alone again.
Wukong sighed and dropped his head against the back of the sofa. “Idiot.”
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hexfloog · 1 year
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(Episode 404, The Mysterious Angel's Mansion - pt. 2)
This little scene is probably one of my favorite DB interactions in the entire show -v- Everything from the way they got here— that is, Conan deliberately starting shit (and then throwing hands sksksk)— to the way they each react to the situation, to the eventual resolution and their implied state of their relationship with Conan...
To be fair, their dynamic is more than implied and we see it in action all the time, but rarely do we get to see anything apart from the reactionary, situational interactions necessitated by some external circumstance. Friends sometimes fight amongst themselves, kids even moreso, but the DB often get tangled in such dire, life-or-death situations that we usually don't get to evaluate the friendship beyond raw reactions to things like Genta nearly being shot, Mitsuhiko going missing, drivers taking off with Ayumi in the trunk, etc.
You could happily argue that this is just proof of strong relationships, because there's no time to premeditate anything and they're forced to be little balls of instinct-- and I would agree, but that's not the angle I'm taking with this scene.
Obviously, Conan is Team Mom, always spearheading the charge and guiding and looking after the others, but if the DB rarely hear Conan apologize for anything (as is the implication here), it fits right in with his character. He's a proud individual and having to even associate with children is, at least in the beginning of the series, embarrassing to him. Haibara even teases him a little afterwards with an observation that it's "tough" to motivate kids, possibly referring to the mental mountain he had to summit by admitting that he was wrong.
The only thing that could maybe make me like this scene more is if Conan's authenticity were less nebulous, but that same ambiguity is exactly what makes this scene appealing to me, too: reuniting the group by forcing a conflict to overcome despair and hopelessness and press onwards for the sake of someone else is, to Shinichi, probable justification to be both disingenuous or earnest about an apology, so I'm… well, I don't come away from this scene really knowing which one it is, and I... kind of love that. The series struggles with grey areas and I will absolutely take what I can get here
So does anyone think he meant it? Shinichi obviously cares about the children, so the natural answer is yes, but whether he's more or less honest about his apology has no bearing on the result— the kids stop fighting either way— so... at least in my head... there is no correct answer. It's left entirely to the viewer and just comes down to how you interpret his character: if he meant it, cool, the fact that he cares enough about the kids to put aside his pride for them is selfless and delightful; if he didn't, well... that's equally intriguing, isn't it? Maybe he's simply too proud to apologize and mean it, and the fight was just a means to an end (and nothing more) so that they could continue pursuing the solution to their dilemma... which could mean that Shinichi has an enduring problem prioritizing the mystery* over his peers (exactly the thing that got him into the Conan mess in the first place)...
This is a very short scene but goddamn if I don't enjoy the hell out of it. I love the kids and I wish they did more open-ended stuff with them like this (sobbing)
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Fluffy and angsty headcanons of Texas/Oklahoma because why not
- (by yours truly, 🐊🌻)
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Texas and Oklahoma have dates where they ride around through the mountains and woods on their horses. They'll walk through the streams with their pant legs pulled up, splashing water at each other and dragging the other into kisses. By the time they are back its late at night (if they didn't spend the night outside) and are covered in dirt, giggling and shoving each other like teenagers in love
They have many fights at meetings so as to not fight at home. They may love each other lots, but they still have their differences. It's better off fighting at a meeting (where its pretty much supposed to happen, to Gov's dismay) then fighting at home around the kids and making their house toxic. They always leave the meeting together and are seen with happy faces, so it works for them. (Sometimes this isn't the case, but it usually is)
Whenever Texas gets drunk, he becomes very sappy. He will literally waltz Oklahoma around the house and kiss every inch of him that he can. Throwing praises at Oklahoma for being able to handle his dumbass. When he's super drunk he starts talking to Oklahoma in Spanish
Oklahoma is the only one who has heard Texas speak Spanish for a long time (the last time being right after becoming a state and letting his people know). Texas feels so safe around him to not be afraid to talk in Spanish
Oklahoma has collections of wood carvings that Texas made throughout the decades, it was the first courting gift that Texas gave him and every anniversary he gets another one
They would so have matching belts, Oklahoma has Texas's state flower on his belt buckle and Texas has Oklahoma's
They would watch old Wild West films together, Texas would be the one to talk the whole time and calling characters stupid when Oklahoma is just combing through his hair and not paying attention
Texas combs Oklahoma's hair everyday; every time he walks up, takes a shower, comes back from the field, and gets ready for bed. He picks out different ribbons to braid into his hair, I can so see him picking them out at the store or getting them made for Oklahoma.
Oklahoma every week will make a new bouquet of flowers for Texas, picking them from their garden and making them all pretty for him. Texas gets embarrassed every time and acts all manly but he really does love them
Their house is always loud; Texas is in the kitchen making a mess, the kids are running around with their mud covered shoes, the dogs are running everywhere, somehow a pig got in, and Oklahoma is just making one of the little ones giggle
Whenever Texas gets on Oklahoma's nerves, Oklahoma makes him sleep in the barn. Not that Texas minds, of course. He's already slept in there multiple times just because. Though that won't stop him from being a little upset about having to leaving his comfy bed to go sleep on hay bales. (Oklahoma gives him a pillow and blanket)
Texas is still learning to be and accepting and good parent with Oklahoma's help. He doesn't want to end up hurting his kids or for his kids not to like him, not like how he was raised, so he's learning. Oklahoma is learning as well, but he is a little farther ahead than Texas in his knowledge
Texas has a bad back that constantly cracks from the shit he’s put it/been through. Oklahoma massages his back and helps him stand up and walk when it is really bad. Sometimes Texas can’t walk or move it without agonizing pain so he’ll spend the day in bed while Oklahoma takes care of him. (Sometimes his back is just too stiff for him to move). He cries a lot on those days from embarrassment, anger, sadness, etc because his body is “ruined.” (in his eyes, he is weak on those days. Oklahoma makes sure to tell him otherwise with firm and loving words.)
Oklahoma gets really bad migraines that leave him stuck in bed. He always tries to get up and trudge through it but Texas forces his ass back into bed each time. He'll spend the day in his dark bedroom, warm tea, soup, and pain meds resting on his bedside table, and in quiet. Texas makes sure to keep the kids away from Oklahoma and quiet/out of the house so Oklahoma can heal and won't be in more pain. Sometimes Oklahoma will drag Texas into the bed (if its a slow free day) and latch onto him, refusing to let him get up. (not like Texas wants too/will)
Texas is really good at sewing, he keeps it a secret to others but he will always fix Oklahoma's ripped shirts. He always teases him for being clumsy but doesn't mind at all. It's not just Oklahoma but his kids too.
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Hello everyone! I always have been fascinated by the femme fatale energy and I was so obsessed as a kid with femme fatales like Ava Gardner, Marilyn Monroe, Gilda by Rita Hayworth and some characters by Angelina Jolie or Penelope Cruz.
I never tried to tap into the femme fatale energy because I always thought that I didn't fit the "aesthetic", then I read Ava Gardner's biography how she made womanizer Sinatra go suicidal for her and I noticed that femme fatale energy isn't about looks or aesthetic (partially) but your attitude, energy and self love. So I started to get all the information I could about femme fatales and these are the most popular tips I've tried:
💋 Let them pursue. Let them show you how much are they interested in you and how far would they go for your attention.
I think this one it's not exclusive about FemF it's something that every girl should do. It's really simple: if they really want you they'll move mountains for you, and girl, don't even think it's because you set your standards too high because it's the bare minimum. Stop being in situationships where it's very clear that he doesn't want you, I'm sorry but it's really pathetic.
My experience: I've been applying this boundary for a long time now and it's the most effective way to see who actually wants you. Why? Because it's too simple, if they want to they will. This saved me a lot of situationships and giving access and power to someone who doesn't want me. The results are a little annoying because let's be real, boys🤡, they always come back so when I say it's annoying it's because it's ridiculous to see them get confused and then pursue you when it's too late. AND LET ME TELL YOU, when I put a cross on your name there's no way to erase it (metaphorically). Ugh, really why do they do that? They make clear that they don't want you and when you cut them off they decide to come back in the way you seem to want. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, don't go back to them, if they really wanted you that badly they would never have put you in that position.
💋 Don't be impressed by the things they think can get you. I'm talking about superficial things like physical appearance, fame, money, properties, cars, luxury lifestyle, etc. Please I know everyone loves money but believe me when I say it doesn't get you anywhere mentally if you don't have your shit together, don't let desire for rich appearances guide you to shitty men just because they can provide money. You should be able to afford your things so you don't have to be waiting for a man like a poor dog.
My experience: Girl I'm going to spill some tea about this one. I had two famous men asking me on a date, one of them I no longer speak to him and the other one is currently pursuing me like crazy just because he saw I was not amused about the luxury things he was bragging. We're friends for now because I don't trust him lol but he tries every now and then to ask me on a date. Girl trust me it's not that rare to get that type of men, almost every friend of mine has been pursued by a man in power.
💋 Trust in the feminine power. Trust in the power that a smile or a gaze has, learn from the best: Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Ava Gardner... A subtle way to let a man know that you like him and you can have him going all over you. How many times a man has approached you just because you looked at him? That's the power you have, women have that power.
My experience: Not so long ago I had a thing with a man and somehow we lost contact but we have a friend in common so we see each other often. The other day I tried this technique to see if a gaze was enough to let him know that I'm interested and it's true, I looked at him directly into his eyes and that was enough to have him the rest of the night right by my side.
💋Red nails theory. The color red is said to represent passion, love and sensuality. The red nail theory got viral on TikTok because a girl said that the reason she attracted more men with red nails was because they saw a lot of red nails while growing up.
My experience: I got my nails done red and I don't think much changed. I think red is a color that generally attracts men but I don't think it's something exclusive for nails. A red lipstick or dress will always be on point.
💋 Be cold af. Not every time but when he does something to annoy you don't react. Could be he's trying to make you jealous, to see how you react or how much you care about him. DON'T REACT, even if it's killing you inside. Act like you couldn't care less and move on. He still flirts to other girls? Then that means you're not in a committed relationship and you can flirt with whoever you want to too.
My experience: This one is sooooo fun to apply and I like to add a little spice and mirror their behaviour. Because when they do something I don't like I usually cut them off and that's it, but when I know they did it to hurt me I like to have my revenge. You've met your match bitch.
I was getting to know this guy who made very clear that he enjoyed single life so I did too and when he saw me on another date he went nuts and stopped seeing other girls. But one day he got angry because I said that I found attractive one of his friends and that night he started a little flirt in front of me with a girl so I just said I'm going to say hello to someone and I went to do the same with his friend. He immediately came so angry, asked for a word alone and told me to stop messing around. He asked me to be in a committed relationship the next day and that was the last time I saw him. I know it seems so toxic but I didn't want a relationship with him and he tried to hurt me so idc.🤷‍♀️
Sorry if you see some spelling mistakes, english is not my first language!
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starkstruck27 · 3 months
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My third fill for @harringrovesummerbingo!! Prompt + Space: Free Space, B2 Title: Reaching New Heights Major Tags: None Rating: Teen Word Count: 3492 words Additional Tags: Amusement parks, Roller coasters, Acrophobia Summary: Steve and Billy take the kids to an amusement park for a day, and Billy is acting grumpy the whole time. Steve calls him on it and Billy says he'll stop complaining, and to make it up to Steve, he'll do whatever he wants to do next with no complaints. But that thing is the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the park, and Billy can't back out on his promise now. Also on: Ao3
“C’mon, Steve! There’s, like, no wait time! We have to get on the Dragon’s Flight before the line gets long again!” Dustin yelled as he and the rest of the kids started running towards the entrance to the roller coaster. 
“Ugh, another roller coaster?” Billy grumbled, walking slowly behind Steve as they made their way towards the kids. “That’s all they’ve wanted to do all day. They don’t eat, they don’t sit on their asses and rest, they don’t go to the arcade, they only want to ride coasters, and guess who has to sit and wait and hold all their shit?”
“Billy, you’re the one who’s been sitting out this whole time. They could put their stuff in the cubbies at the end of the line before they get on the coaster, but since you sit out anyway, it’s better if we leave it with you so that nothing gets lost or stolen,” Steve sighed, tired of his boyfriend’s complaining. “And what’s your problem today, anyway? I know it’s hot, but it’s not like we forced you to come. I said I was going to bring the kids here for a day and you said you wanted to tag along, nobody forced you to come.”
And Billy had to admit, he had a point. Steve had mentioned in passing a few weeks ago that he was planning a little trip to the Land Fantastica amusement park for the kids, since they’d been begging to go ever since it opened and their parents were all too busy to take them. It was a fantasy themed park with different ‘lands’ you could visit, and of course it had a lot of roller coasters that you could ride corresponding to each land. Right now, they were in the ‘Dragon Mountain’ area, and this coaster was of course modeled to be like you were riding on the back of a flying dragon. 
But Billy didn’t particularly care for coasters, and even though Steve was right, he had asked to come along and spend the day with them, he didn’t realize that Steve would feel the need to get on every single coaster along with the kids. He thought they’d let the kids go off on their own and they could walk around the park together, go into shops and eat at little restaurants and maybe ride some of the more tame rides, but no. The kids refused to leave Steve’s side and dragged him with them wherever they wanted to go. And Billy was stuck waiting on benches all alone and weighed down with bags and sweatshirts that the kids had brought along. Still, he had chosen to come, and now he was being bitchy about it, and it made him feel a little bad.
“I guess you’re right,” he sighed, “I’m sorry, I’ll try to stop complaining.”
“That’s all I ask. And I promise, we’ll do something other than roller coasters in a little while, that way you can do it, too.” Steve smiled.
“Thanks, pretty boy.” Billy said, then went and found a shady bench to sit on while Steve ran to catch up with the kids. 
Dustin was right, the line for the coaster wasn’t that long, and they were on and off in a half hour. Lucas and Mike were talking excitedly with Max and El about their favorite parts of the coaster, while Dustin and Will read over their park map, plotting out the best route so that they could hit every coaster in the park.
“Okay, so,” Will said as the rest of the kids gathered around him. “There are ten coasters in the eight different lands in the park. We’ve been to Wizard Square, Elven Village, Pirate Bay, Mermaid Lagoon and Dragon Mountain, and we rode Spell Tower, Gaylia’s Hunt, Escape the Kraken, Seascape Falls, and Dragon’s Flight. I say we go to Fairy Forest next and do the Banshee and Brownie’s Adventure, then head to Enchanted Meadow and do Rainbow Run, then head to the Royal Castle and end the day with Knight’s Quest and Dark Dungeon.”
“That’s a good plan,” Mike said, and Will blushed a little. 
“Yeah man, I can’t wait for the Banshee,” Lucas chimed in, “It’s supposed to be scary.”
“I’m just waiting until Rainbow Run,” Max said, “That’s the highest and fastest coaster in the whole park! It’s gonna be awesome!”
“That does sound like a good plan, guys, but remember, we have to take breaks to eat and stuff, too. Plus we have to make sure everyone gets to do what they want to do, and there’s still games and stuff we haven’t hit up yet,” Steve said as the kids continued to plan.
“Yeah, but we have to make sure we hit them all! And besides, if we wait, the wait times will just get longer and longer! If we do them all now, we can get them out of the way and then spend the rest of the day doing other stuff. Plus we don’t want to get on roller coasters with full stomachs! That’s a recipe for disaster, Steve,” Dustin said, and he and the kids started walking towards the next area of the park.
“I’m sorry,” Steve said as he and Billy walked a little behind the kids. “I can sit the next one out if you want to do something else.”
“That’s okay,” Billy shrugged, “You like the rides and the kids like going on them with you. I’ll be fine on the bench. Like Dustin said, the faster you do them all, the faster we get to do other things.”
“Thanks for being a good sport about it,” Steve smiled, and Billy made himself smile back, even if he was getting a little tired of all of this. Especially the way the kids were trying to control the day. Steve kind of let them, but still, he was their babysitter, he should’ve been the one in charge, not the one getting his suggestions shot down in favor of what the kids wanted to do. It was grating on his nerves, and by the time they’d ridden the next two coasters and started running off towards the next, he was starting to forget the promise he’d made to Steve earlier on.
“Hey, assholes!” He called as they took off running to the next land before Billy could even get off the bench. “Get back here right now or I swear to God I’m gonna chuck all your stuff over the damn bridge!”
The kids all stopped in their tracks and made their way back over to where Billy and Steve were, looking just the smallest bit sheepish as he started handing them back their stuff.
“I’m sick of this! From now on, you’re all carrying your own stuff, I’m not a fucking pack mule! And if you run off again and get lost in the crowd, don’t expect us to come looking for you! If you get left here, that’s your problem! You’re being ungrateful little brats and Steve might put up with that, but I don’t, so clean up your acts before we take you home!”
“But we didn’t even do anything!” Dustin whined, looking at Billy in exasperation.
“You ran off, you’re not being considerate of what everyone else wants to do, you’re not thanking me or Steve for bringing you here, buying you things or holding your stuff, and you’re not listening to Steve when he tells you it’s time for a break,” he said, counting the offenses on his fingers. “You’re just being brats!”
“And you’re being a jerk!” Max said, crossing her arms and giving him a look.
“Guys, look, we’re getting nowhere with this arguing and we’re starting to cause a scene. Let’s all just calm down and get something to eat, maybe we’ll all be less cranky once we get something in our bellies. You guys go and get whatever you’d like from that little restaurant over there,” Steve said, pointing to it, “We’ll be right behind you.”
As soon as the kids were out of earshot, Steve turned and leveled Billy with a glare, crossing his arms as Billy asked, “What did I do?!”
“You yelled at the kids and caused a scene for no reason!” Steve hissed. “It’s not their fault it’s hot and you’ve been sitting out the whole time!”
“Maybe not, but it is their fault that I’m hungry and tired and bored! I’m sorry I yelled at them, but I don’t like the way they’ve been ignoring us all day so that they can have a good time while you and I aren’t!”
“I’m having a good time with them, it’s you that’s getting on my nerves!” Steve said, “You said you’d try to stop complaining about everything, but you’re not. And yeah, the kids are a little overzealous, but they’re kids at an amusement park, what the hell did you expect?”
“I expected them to be mature enough to realize that it’s not just all about them!” Billy said, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms.
“You wanna talk about immaturity? Look at you! You’re pouting and throwing a tantrum because you’re hungry and tired! That’s what toddlers do, Billy!” Steve said, and Billy once again had to admit he had a point. “Look, I’m not trying to make you out to be the bad guy, here. I’m just saying don’t act all high and mighty when you’re acting just as badly as they are. They want today to be all about them, and you feel left out, so now you’re trying to turn the tables and make it all about you, and neither is right. But we’re not going to get anywhere when they think you’re the bad guy and you think they’re the bad guys.”
“You’re right,” Billy sighed, dropping his arms, “I don’t want anyone to have a bad day, but I don’t want to just cave to them, either, so how do I fix this?”
“Well I think the first step is to get you cooled down and get some food in your stomach, and then I think you should apologize to the kids and explain your side of it a little bit more nicely. If you do that, they should come around.”
“And what can I do to get back in your good graces?”
“Just make it up to the kids and I’ll be happy,” Steve said.
“No, that’s not enough. I fucked up and I want to make it up to you, so what can I do?”
“Seriously, it’s okay. You don’t have to-”
“Yes, I do!” Billy insisted, then said, “Here, how bout this, whatever it is that you want to do next, I’ll do it with no complaints. I promise I’ll keep a lid on it this time. Pinky promise with a cherry on top!”
“Okay, okay,” Steve said, trying and failing to hide a smile, “It’s a deal. I think that’ll be nice. But first you have to apologize to the kids.”
So that’s what Billy did. He said he was sorry for yelling at them and explained himself, and the kids apologized, too. They all ate their food and their spirits were lifted as they relaxed for a while in the air conditioning. Everyone was in a better mood when they left, and they took their time walking through the park to the next land, keeping an eye out for any cool looking shops or games. They didn’t see very many, and before they knew it, they’d made it to the Rainbow Run coaster.
“Steve, can we please go on Rainbow Run? We’ve been waiting all day to get to it!” Max asked as they came up to the entrance, and Billy managed to hide his sigh as Steve said they could ride it. He started looking around for a shady bench to sit on, but before he could spot one, Steve grabbed his arm and started pulling him along with him.
“You coming?” He asked, nodding his head towards the line.
“What?” Billy asked, confused.
“You said you’d do whatever I wanted to do next without complaint, and I know you’re not the biggest fan of coasters, but I want to go on at least one thing with you today, so are you coming or not?”
“Oh, uh,” Billy said, panicking internally. He knew he shouldn’t have made that promise so general. “Yeah, I’m right behind you.”
Billy didn’t have much time to panic, though, as the hot afternoon ensured that most people were either inside somewhere or at the water park, so the line was fairly short, and it didn’t take long before they were getting close to the loading dock. Billy was starting to fidget as they got closer and closer, and it got more intense as they started getting to the point of separating into lines for the seat rows. There were five seats to a row, and Max, Lucas and Dustin all hopped in line for the first row of seats, Dustin dragging Steve along with him and in turn, Billy. Mike, Will and El would be in the second row right behind them, along with a pair of teenage girls that had gotten there just before them. 
Billy couldn’t believe how many kids he saw waiting in line for this ride. How in the world they managed to gather up the courage to ride it, especially those riding by themselves, he’d never know. It made him antsy as he passed by the little wooden cutouts of leprechauns and unicorns that lined the walls of the loading area, each cutout coming with a speech bubble explaining the rules and regulations of the ride. He tried not to read them for his own sanity, but found that he couldn’t help it, and as he read about all the things that could possibly go wrong on the ride, he started to feel kinda queasy. He must’ve looked it, too, because just before they were set to get on the ride, Steve leaned over and whispered, “Hey, you okay?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m fine, just fine,” Billy said, starting to feel a cold sweat break out over his whole body.
“Are you sure? You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
“I’ll be fine, I promise,” Billy said, starting to play with his necklace. He swallowed thickly and Steve was going to ask another question, but then the gates opened, and it was their turn to climb onto the ride. Max, Lucas and Dustin hurried into their seats, and Steve followed, but Billy hesitated. He really didn’t want to do this. But he’d promised Steve, and that fact alone is what made him take the next few shaky steps off the platform and into the seat of the car. 
“Hey, are you sure you’re alright? You don’t have to ride with us if you don’t want to,” Steve said, looking over after tightening his lap bar.
“No, no, it’s fine, I said I’d do whatever you wanted next with no complaining, and that’s what I’m doing,” Billy said, pulling his lap bar as snugly against him as he could and white-knuckling the handles.
“Yeah, but you look like you’re gonna be sick, and I don’t want you to do something if it’s gonna make you sick, that would just make me feel bad,” Steve said, “I’m sure they’ll let you off if you ask.”
“No, I’ll be fine. Besides, I don’t really get sick on rides, just, um, nervous,” Billy said, lifting his hands for only a second so the attendant could check his restraints. Then they were back to the handles, his knuckles turning white again as soon as he did. 
“Well, here, if you’re nervous, hold my hand,” Steve offered, holding it out to Billy as the attendant returned to her post on the side of the loading platform.
“Oka- Oh shit!” Billy almost yelled as the coaster lurched into motion, taking them out of the loading dock and up to the first hill. He grabbed onto Steve’s hand so tight that he could’ve broken it, but Steve didn’t say anything about it. 
“Fuck, how high does this thing go?!” Billy asked as they slowly made their way to the top of the first hill. 
“I think, like, 200 feet? It’s the tallest one in the park,” Steve said, and Billy’s grip on his hand only got tighter.
“Holy fucking shit, how did I let you talk me into this?! This is fucking insane, I don’t wanna do this, I wanna get off!” Billy rambled, his breathing getting heavier and heavier.
“It’s kinda too late for that, Bill,” Steve said, just as they got about three quarters of the way up. 
“I know, I know and I fucking hate it! Fuck, I hate heights! Why the fuck did I let you talk me into this?! Especially the front fucking seat!!” Billy shrieked, and now, they were at the top. “Ffffuuuuccckkk!!!” He shouted on the way down, holding onto Steve for dear life as they went through the ride, Billy shouting profanities the whole time and screaming in terror as everyone else screamed in amusement. He could hear the kids laughing, and he wanted to kill each and every one of them as they finally made it through the last loop of the coaster and the train they were in finally made it back to the loading dock. 
Steve looked over at him and started laughing a little bit, too, but Billy was too scared out of his wits to care for longer than a second. He felt like he couldn’t catch his breath, and he could feel his hair had been shaken completely out of place, falling over his face in what must’ve been the most ridiculous hairstyle ever from the way everyone was laughing at him. His face was somehow both white and red at the same time, and he felt like he’d been hit over the head with something, but not hard enough to knock him out. He was still clinging onto Steve’s hand as the attendants let the lap bars up so that they could get off, and despite his legs feeling like they were no longer attached to his body, Billy shot up as soon as he could, practically pushing everyone else out of the train so that he could get out himself and back onto solid ground. 
“I fucking hate all of you,” he wheezed as he got his things from the cubbies and started down the ramp to the exit. The kids were continuing to laugh at him as he attempted to fix his hair and catch his breath, and Steve was still smiling, too, but he let Billy go as he waited for the kids to get their things and head for the ramp themselves. Halfway down, though, they stopped, looking among the screens at the photo booth to try and find their pictures, and bursting into a whole new fit of laughter as they found the one for their train. Steve hadn’t stuffed his wallet back into his pocket yet, and even though he didn’t want to encourage the kids, he also did not want to pass up the opportunity of owning a copy of that photo.
By the time they caught up with Billy, he had gotten his color back and had managed to fix his hair enough so that it wasn’t all over the place, and he was breathing normally again. He didn’t look as dazed as he had when the ride had just ended, and the kids managed to keep their laughter to a minimum as they started walking away from the coaster and closer to the next and final land in the park. 
“Are you okay?” Steve asked as he and Billy trailed a little behind the kids. 
“I will be,” Billy said, rubbing a hand over his face. 
“I’m really sorry, by the way,” Steve said, a sympathetic smile on his face. “I had no idea you were afraid of heights, I thought coasters just made you sick or something and that’s why you didn’t like them. I never would’ve made you get on if I had known.”
“Eh, it’s okay. I should’ve known that’s what we were gonna do next, and I could’ve gotten off if I really needed to. Besides, now I can at least say that I’ve done it,” Billy shrugged, “Sorry if I hurt your hand, though.” 
“Nah, you didn’t. And even if you did, I would’ve deserved it for making you get on,” Steve said. 
“You really didn’t make me,” Billy said, “But if you really want to make it up to me, buy me a lemonade and some cotton candy the next time we see some, and we’ll call it even.”
“You’ve got a deal,” Steve said. He probably would’ve agreed to anything Billy asked of him after that, though. After all, he needed to get him in a good mood before he could tell him about that picture he bought. 
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elliespuns · 11 months
I always wondered how it would have been, in an alternative canon of course, if joel and ellie somehow met each other but in his hunter days
What about this?
He meets her in a shootout that happens between the group of people that she joined recently and the hunters he is a part of, just when she jumps him in an attempt to stop him from killing the people she barely knows and feels don't deserve to die like this. But he shakes her off; she falls down off his broad shoulders, hits her head, and falls unconscious.
When he notices that the asshole who just jumped him is actually a little freckled girl, he doesn't have the heart to kill her, so he picks her up and sneaks away from the scene with her, planning to make sure the kid is okay and then leave her somewhere far away from the others because he has seen what these men are capable of and he's not having this. He can be fucked up, but he was never that fucked up. This is a kid. This is a little girl he accidentally hurt, and he has to make it right.
He takes her to the nearest woods and waits for her to wake up. When that happens and she opens her eyes to see a tall, huge man sitting on a log in front of her, probably just being an old creep, eyeing her or something, she starts panicking, but he's quick to get up and grab her. Wanting to explain what happened to her, he has no chance to do so when she starts fighting him. "Let go of me, you piece of shit! Motherfucker!" She's screaming at him, reaching for the switchblade in the back pocket of her jeans. But he's holding her tight; she can't move. "Fuck, kid, just hold on a second, I— Jesus, girl! You're stronger than you look." He comes to understand just now that he's not dealing with a fragile doll. He's dealing with a foul-mouthed, courageous, beaten by life, and strong as a bull girl who won't just make this any easier on him. Will she?
"Get your hands off me, you f— What did you do with my fucking knife?" She exclaims, finding herself worrying more about losing a damn knife that she got from her mother than about the fact that some stranger of a man is not willing to let her go. She really must have hurt her head badly, she thinks to herself.
"I have it in my pocket. Couldn't risk you stabbing my eyes out." He leers and loses his tight grip on her, letting her know he's not about to hurt her but still holding her arms in place, just in case. "Listen. You fell, you hit your head, and I got you out of there. I'm not going to hurt you, okay?" He says, letting go of her. That makes her jolt away from him.
"Give me my fucking knife." She pants, her voice quivering and her chest heaving from all the fighting. She feels dizzy. Her heart is beating fast. She's afraid of that mountain of a man in front of her, but she can't let it show. She can't. "And don't you ever touch me."
"Why do I have a feeling that you care about that stupid little knife more than about the fact that you've just been kidnapped?" He laughs under his breath, reaching into the back pocket of his pants and taking out her knife to hold it in front of his sight. "What's so special about it anyway?"
"That's none of your fucking business." She spits at him as she takes a swift step toward him and yanks it off his hand, turning the knife against him, her hand shaking. "Why wouldn't you just leave me there? W—why did you take me with you?" She asks, scared of the answer. What if he really just wants to be creepy with her?
He stands up and brushes the dirt off his knees before he takes a step closer to her and grabs her shaky fist that's pointing the knife at him, and with the help of his other hand, he carefully folds the knife in hers. "Because I'm not a fucking monster. And besides, I'm not planning to keep you." He says, his voice cold as he quickly takes his hand off of hers. "I see you're fine now. You're free to go."
When she woke up and saw him, she thought this was going to be the end of her, not knowing what to expect. But it's actually her now who's suddenly unsure of how she feels. She's alone. Where the fuck is her group? They're all probably dead. Thanks to this asshole. She has nothing. No one. This man could've killed her already or left her to die, but he wouldn't have.
"Wait..." She says, making him stop on his way. "I-"
"Yes, kid. You can go with me." He cuts in as he turns around and starts walking the other way, realizing that leaving this kid behind with nothing or no one would be the worst thing he could've ever done. "But you mind your own business. I'll do me. You do you. Okay?" He warns her, as he's not at all in a mood for company. "You keep quiet, and maybe I can get you something to eat."
She nods with a soft, quiet "Sure." slipping through her lips as she takes a look at her folded switch blade and squeezes it tightly in her palm before she follows that man. "I'm Ellie, by the way." She says quietly, her voice so calm and soothing.
"Joel." He clears his throat, finding it hard to believe he found himself with a kid. He's too old for this shit. Then why does he have a feeling this girl—Ellie—is here to stay?
I know they would've been a lot younger in this canonverse, but once I read "if Joel and Ellie met" I instantly imagined them as we know them BUT in this setting and situation :)
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atmosghoul · 1 year
This uh,,,,kinda got away from me soooo ENJOOYYYY
Minors go away this isnt for you
Dew has a problem. A great big beautiful, charismatic, problem called Swiss. What a stupid name. 
Ever since Swiss was summoned, he and the rambunctious fire ghoul have butted heads. Aether says that they're just too similar. Both assholes in their own right, both flirtatious to a fault and both very aware of their talents and their effect on those around them. All of the ghouls try to get them to play nice, breaking up arguments and sometimes even physical fights that the two get into. 
If you ask Mountain though, he’ll say they just need to fuck already. 
The sexual tension of Swiss and Dewdrop in a room together can be cut with a child’s toy butter knife. Dew knows it, Swiss knows it. But both are too stubborn to admit it to anyone, especially each other or themselves. And while it is a bit more of Dew having a problem with Swiss than the other way around, Swiss has too much fun lighting a fuse under the little firecracker and watching him explode.
“Firefly, I said I’m sorry, okay? ! didn't know those wings were yours. I thought they were fair game!,” Swiss says, for once genuinely apologetic for inadvertently stealing the fire ghoul's food from the fridge.
“Satanas, knock it OFF with that annoying nickname! No one else called me that until you showed up! Where did you ev- It doesn’t matter. DON’T steal my fucking food again.” Dew drop says stomping closer to Swiss hoping to intimidate the larger ghoul by crowding his space. 
Needless to say, it isn’t working. 
Swiss humours the smaller ghoul stalking towards him though and matches each of Dew’s steps forward with a step back, back, back, until he hits a wall and puts his hands up in mock surrender.
“Look, if it’s any consolation, those wings were so hot I think I started blowing smoke out of my nose like you do when you get angry.”
Dew stops and exhales, smoke pouring out his nose just as Swiss said as the tips of his ears turn an angry red
“Yeah! See? Just like that!” Swiss says pointing excitedly. Like a kid pointing out his favourite animal at the zoo. 
“It really did hurt so, in a way, I’ve kind of already paid penance for my crimes, if you think about it, firecracker,” Swiss says with a shit eating grin and a chuckle.
“Fucking hell, ANOTHER stupid nickname! Why do you INSIST on pissing me off every damn time I see you what the fuck did I ever do to you?” Dew is starting to shout now, exasperated.
Swiss puts on a clearly fake sympathetic look and places his hands on Dew’s shoulders and bends down slightly to get to eye level. “Aw, fire lily, you didn’t do anything! I guess I’m just a little addicted to getting you all riled up like this,” he says, punctuating his statement with a quick scrunch of his nose in the fire ghoul’s direction.
Dew freezes at that nickname. It hits too close to home. Bringing back memories of his past. Back when he was a water ghoul and Mountain would call him waterlily. 
Dew growls, throwing his arms up and shrugging Swiss’ hands off his shoulders before poking Swiss in the chest hard, encroaching even further into the multi ghoul's personal space.
“You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up,” Dew growls and Swiss can hear the anger in his voice is real and something in Swiss snaps. 
He grabs Dew by his arms and spins them around, pinning Dew to the wall with an arm across his chest and presses his hips into Dew to keep his full body pinned almost effortlessly. He watches Dew’s reaction and smirks at the blush that creeps up Dew’s neck and into his cheeks, the ashen skin becoming tinged with a reddish orange. Swiss’ gaze drops to Dew drops small mouth that’s now hanging open slightly.
“Aw little firecracker, you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you looks stupid,” 
And with that comment, it’s Dew’s turn to snap. He growls and dips his head down to spit sparks onto Swiss’ forearm and kicks him in the shin before delivering a punch to the multi ghoul’s gut. 
Swiss doubles over and Dew takes advantage of the situation. He grabs Swiss by the shoulders and pins him against the wall in the same way. 
Swiss outright laughs at the size difference between the two of them. It's not too drastic but it's enough to be comical. 
“Oh boy, little firecracker’s about to explode aren’t y-”
“SHUT UP” Dew all but screams in Swiss’ face. 
Something in Dew’s voice, probably the way it cracked slightly, and in his face makes Swiss pause and really take him in. Dew is properly angry. More angry than Swiss has ever seen him at least that he’s been the cause of. 
His face softens and he reaches a hand up to gently grip Dew’s arm. 
“Dewdrop, I-” “I SAID SHUT. UP.” 
Swiss obeys and gives the fire ghoul a moment.
After a beat Dew’s eyes leave Swiss’ face and looks up to the ceiling.
“What if I did?” Dew says after a few seconds.
Swiss tilts his head in confusion. “What if you did…what?”
“Wanted to…” Dew trails off and growls in frustration.
Realisation dawns on Swiss and he gently grabs Dewdrop's arm and removes it from his collar bone. 
“All you had to do was ask.”
He doesn't even give the fire ghoul time to think before his lips crash into Dew’s quickly. 
Dew freezes for a second before reciprocating and Swiss snakes a hand into Dew’s gorgeous long hair and gives a small tug to adjust the angle and deepen the kiss. Dew wraps his arms around Swiss’ neck and the larger ghoul reaches down to grip Dew’s thighs and hoist him up to wrap small legs around his own waist. He walks them to Dew’s room, kicking the door closed once inside and breaks the kiss depositing Dew on the bed. They stare at each other for a moment. 
“You sure you wanna do this? Word is you haven't yet since you were summoned. I’m not exactly gentle,” Dew says, not trying to get out of it, just a warning. 
“You’re right, I haven’t,” Swiss confirms as he sheds his clothes. “But I want this as much as you do, firelily.”
Dew bites at his lip in contemplation, staring unabashedly as Swiss’ unfairly attractive body. 
“Ok just, do me a favour and do NOT call me that.” Swiss nods at the request, receiving a nod from Dew in return.
“Good. Now get back here,” Dew says as he shucks off his shirt and trousers before reaching for Swiss, beckoning him onto the bed.
Their lips meet again, gentler this time but just as heated. Dew snakes a hand down between them to palm Swiss through his boxers earning a whimper from the multi ghoul above him. Dew smirks into the kiss. 
“Didn't peg you for a whimpering kinda guy,” Dew chuckles, teasingly.
Swiss props himself up on his hands and knees and moves to kiss down Dew’s neck and torso. “Oh baby the pegging comes later,” He says trailing kisses and bites down the small torso underneath him. “Right now I want that cute cock in my mouth,”
Dew shudders at Swiss’ words, his mouth going a bit dry.  
“Y-you don’t want it the other way round? It is your first time after all,” Dew says shakily as Swiss pulls the fire ghoul's cock out of his underwear and begins long and slow strokes.
“Oh I'll have that pretty mouth of yours too. But I want to taste you first,” 
And before Dew can protest, Swiss' mouth is on him. Taking him all the way to the hilt on the first go. 
Dew makes a sound as if he’d gotten a swift punch to the gut, letting out a shaky groan as his hand flies to Swiss’ hair and grips tight. Gently guiding his head up and down to feel every bit of that talented tongue along his cock. Swiss moans around Dew's cock and it feels so good, almost too good.
Dew mumbles something in ghoulish, almost coming out as a whimper. 
“Wait wait wait,” Dew says, pulling Swiss off his leaking cock before he loses himself.
 “Are you sure this is your first time?” He asks incredulously. 
Swiss wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and smirks, his tongue lolling out to lick at his lips. It makes Dew’s cock twitch yearning for that tongue again.
“First time topside, first time with these…human-ish bodies, yeah,” Swiss chuckles.
They hold each other's gaze for a moment, both panting heavily. Dew takes in Swiss’ appearance, mouth and chin already shining with spit, his eyes heavily lidded with lust. Dewdrop nods quickly.
“More,” He breathes out as he grips Swiss’ hair again and pushes him back down to his cock.
Swiss runs his tongue up from the base of Dew’s cock up to the tip earning a loud moan, before taking him in again and bobbing up and down. He thinks he must be doing something right because suddenly Dew has both hands on Swiss' horns and starts thrusting into his mouth letting out whimpering pained noises to match Swiss' own moans that only add to Dew's pleasure.
Suddenly Dew swears under his breath and stops, holding  Swiss’ head still and pulls out of his mouth.
“Sorry, got carried aw-”
“No keep going,” Swiss says, his voice gravely in a way that makes Dew's cock twitch.
Dew hesitates, not really wanting to ruin Swiss’ first time sucking cock by damaging his throat. Copia and Imperator would never let him hear the end of it. But the decision is made for him when Swiss uses one hand to start slowly stroking Dew’s cock again, using the other to grab his hands one by one placing them on his head and moving to hold his mouth open over the head of Dew’s cock sticking his tongue out to flick over the head teasingly. 
And how could he say no? He tightens his grip in Swiss’ hair and starts fucking his mouth at an easy pace, relishing in the feel of Swiss’ mouth hot and wet on his already leaking cock. He speeds up, unable to resist chasing his bliss in the multi ghoul’s mouth, gasping for air between every whimper and moan Swiss rings out of him. Dew feels like he might explode. Maybe firecracker is an apt nickname for him after all. 
He won’t last much longer and Swiss seems to get the hint when Dew slows down and pulls out reluctantly. 
Swiss shakes his head, “Nuh-uh. Give it to me. I want it,” he says, hands moving under Dew's legs to grip his small thighs. He doesn't even care how desperate he sounds, all he can think about is Dewdrop's perfect cock and how his cum will taste on his tongue.
Dew is panting, staring at Swiss like he’s the most beautiful creature on earth or in hell and just nods. 
Swiss gets his mouth back on Dew in a flash bobbing up and down, Dew’s hands fly to grab onto Swiss’ horns, using them as leverage to pull him down onto his cock over and over again until he feels his release getting closer and closer. He tries to warn Swiss, not wanting to catch him off guard on his first time but the sensation is too good, too much. His words fail him and all that comes out is desperate whimpers, gasps and moans.
“Please, please, please,” is all Dew can get out before his orgasm crashes through him in waves. He thrusts all the way into Swiss’ mouth and holds him there with a hand firmly on the back of Swiss’ head. Dew feels the back of the multi ghoul’s throat hit the head of his cock, and Swiss swallows. A sensation that causes another orgasm to crash through him before the first one has even subsided. Dew’s hips grind into Swiss' mouth once, twice more before he lets him up for air and the debauched look on the ghoul’s face is to die for. 
Swiss sits up on his knees and they both catch their breath for a moment before Dew lets out a low shaky groan throwing his arm over his face. “Satanas…again, you're sure this was your first time?” he asks again.
Swiss nods with a chuckle and crawls up the bed to lay next to Dew.
“I’m just naturally that good I guess,” he says with a smirk and a shrug. Dew rolls his eyes. 
“Shut up and kiss me,” 
Swiss obliges and Dew tastes his own release on Swiss’ tongue making his head spin a little. 
The rest of the ghouls and ghoulettes notice Swiss and Dew fighting a lot less often and even if they don't know for sure what happened to get them to get along, they’re happy that they've learned to coexist.
Mountain knows though. He smelled it on them the very next day. That was none of his business though.
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asherthehimbo · 2 months
I may be on semi- hiatus but ill never leave u pookies during a comeback so MY REACTIONS
"feeling edgy watch me take it all" OMS
Stray kids
okay slow intro
sounds like its gonna be nostalgic
"I FEEL THE AIR VIBRATING SO LOUD" (i feel smthn else vibrating)
I like it
OMD ITS A SEXY SONG "pushing me futther pulling me closer some sorta of chemistry"
"I think im addicted to the tittle 'you&me'" AND IF I KMS
CHAN WITH "yeah I love that I like you but I don't wanne love"
this song feels like hanging out inna pool with ur situationship in the summer
"lets not go official we can keep it you and me" I WILL KMS CHRISTOPHER DONT PLAY WITH ME
the soft intro
"did the temperature of you and me burn so hot it turned into ashes" IS WILD HAN HOW DARE YOU
"without a trace only black ashes remained becoming a sad memory that only we know" IS BARSSSS OMD
"I thought I deleted ut but when I think of you I cry without fail" yho so real im geeking
"my tears increased and sleep decreased" RAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
"will I see your traces? I want to but your footprints had already left" WAHHHH
get that man some toiletpaper. RAAHH I LOVE THE INTRO
"sick of this life uts regulat" EAT CHANGBIN
(listened to the festival version, it goes just as hard, I WILL appear in the club it plays)
Honestly my notes are shorter compared to usual but thats cuz I literally have NO words like AT all HOLY SHIT they made us wait and it was so worth it im geeking its such a good album
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midnight-talescape · 2 years
Sacrifice (Yandere Human Volcarona x Reader)
Kinktober day 17: Egg Laying
I’m sorry and I have regret
ps: I considered removing the word lava but also it’s too funny to remove
Warning: pokemon fucking, belly bulge, egg laying, non-con, yandere, a tad bit ooc, etc, etc you get the point not for kid
Genre: filthy filthy smut
You shuddered on the mountain top, not from the fact that you're wearing a flimsy excuse for an outfit while on the top of the mountain. In fact the mountain was quite warm, almost uncomfortably so. You were shivering from the fear of what will happen to you.
You were chosen as the sacrifice by the village to the Sun Pokemon in hope of appeasing him, he will stop the drought in the village.
You of course disagreed, because not only have they not done shit for you, they also treated you as an outcast.  As an outcast you get no right and they tie up your hand, before trapping you on the shrine that was dedicated to the pokemon.
Just as you tried to break free, a large gust of wind started blowing and you closed your eyes. When you looked up again a red and white moth pokemon was towering over you. You back away, knowing this must be Volcarona the sun pokemon.
Volcarona flew toward you, before grabbing you in his hand(?) and started flapping his wings. You hold on to him not wanting to get eaten, but not particularly wanting to fall to your death either.
As he took you across the sky, the heat radiating off of him protecting you against the frigid wind. After a while he landed and let you onto the ground. You stepped onto the ground, before backing away slightly,
“A-Are you gonna eat me?”
The Volcarona glowed in a fiery light, when it died down in front of you was a tall male with black hair and red horn, wearing a white fur cloak. Hearing your question he let out a laughed,
“Eat you? Why would I?”
“Well, I was technically sacrificed to you for you to eat, so you will stop the drought,”
He titled his head,
“The drought? I never meant for it to happen, it’s part of my ability. But that mean you’re mine now, little human”
He twirled you around, seemingly curious on how a human functions. Like a kid with a new toy.
“Mine, mine, mine, my little human,”
With that he helped you settle down in his home(?) and you started your life as his pet(?).
As time moved on you slowly get to know each other and grew closer to each other.
You learn how he can never stay anywhere for long, due to his ability to bring heat and fire everywhere he goes. How you were the only living organism that has talked to him in years.
Lying on his cloak you closed your eye as you listen to his story, missing the obsessive look in his eye as he looked at you.
You was playing with a bunch of pidove, when they suddenly all take flight.
You look up and sure enough it was Volcarona flying toward you. Except he look kinda angry?
“What’s wr-“ you begin to ask as he walk toward you angrily in his human form, but you were cut off when he pushed you against a tree,
“You’re mine, (Y/N), mine! Those filthy pidove are nothing compared to me,”
“Ow! Calm down, Volcarona you’re hurting me!” you said as you tried to push him away, his grip on your arm definitely gonna leave a mark, which only anger him farther,
“You will regret this love,”
In a flash your clothing was burn and turned to ashes, the flame not hurting you, but does leave you very naked.
Volcarona kissed you with a feverish energy, as his warm hand slide down to grab your ass.
You tried to push him off, only to be put to a stop when he grabbed your hand. He look down at you with lust in his eye,
“You’re my mate, little human. I want you to remember that,”
He pulled you into his embrace, before grabbing you and flying back to his home. Once there he pushed you onto his cloak and started to lick down your body.
Leaving sticky trail as he slowly work from your breast to your core. Giving it a lick before sucking on it furiously.
Against your will you left out a shaky moan as you tighten your leg around his head, as he eat you out with a feverish hunger.
Your body shuddered as you were brought to multiple orgasm before he stopped eating you out.
With a crazed grinned, his face dripping with your juice, he caress your face before pushing his already hard member into you.
Your body felt like it was being tore apart as he pound inside you. His large and bumpy member pushing in and out of you.
You tried to hold in your moan as you realize how wrong this was. But was quickly brought to another orgasm as he hit the opening of your cervix.
Once the head of his member went into your womb, he let out a crazy laugh and said,
“I’m going to pump you full of my egg, love. You will stay and bare our children, never able to leave,”
You let out a scream as you felt like you was being burn alive, as his cum flood into your body.
His cum burning as it prepared your body for his egg. After a few minute of filling your body with his lava cum, he stopped.
As you shuddered on the ground, believing the torture was over, you didn’t see the bulge moving down his member.
Suddenly your back arch and your mouth open, desperately trying to breath. As you felt something round and smooth pushing against your fold.
The egg pushing against your opening before going in, causing you to orgasm but the egg blocked it.
Tear streams down your face as his seed was stuck inside you from the egg that was already inside you, and was increasingly pushed in as he pumped more egg into you.
You scratched at his back as you were denied your release, and your belly bulging.
Eventually it was over, and Volcarona pulled out.
Giving you a kiss on your bloated belly filled with his eggs and cum, before whispering lovingly to you,
“Push out the egg, little human of mine. Before they hatched inside you and crawled out,”
Hearing his word you struggled to get up.
With a smile he hold you up letting you lean onto his arm as he watch you struggle with the task.
You cried as you tried to push the egg out of you. You let out moan and sob as you clenched your muscle trying to push it out.
After failing and pushing it in, having seen enough Volcarona pushed down on your stomach, helping you lay the egg.
After several orgasm you finally pushed out the last egg and the sea of cum flood out of you.
Volcarona hold you in his embraced and said,
“Good girl,” 
He looked at your cum covered body and your empty eyes.  He let out a laugh knowing you will never leave now.
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asbealthgn · 1 year
when love's shadow stood up and left the room
instead of working on any of my wips i decided to write this angsty little ficlet based on wild horses ii by first aid kit (i saw them last night and wept)
“Where are we going?” Eddie asked an hour ago when Steve pulled out of the parking lot of their too-small apartment. It’s been a while since Steve has found the cramped space charming. Romantic. Now it’s just suffocating. 
Steve is driving them towards the mountains. He’s not sure why exactly. It seems like the kind of thing they would have done at the start of their relationship. Back when they were spontaneous. Before they started having careers instead of jobs, before the bills started piling up, before Steve started dreading coming home. Maybe it’s still possible to capture some of how they used to be. 
Except the sunset has passed and Steve doesn’t really know what the hell they’re doing. He saw the night turn and now it all feels futile. Played out. How can a lifetime fit in an hour?
The sky opens up and the rain comes down, turning the road to a river.
“You shouldn’t be driving in these conditions,” Eddie says. It could be a genuine concern; Steve’s eyesight isn’t what it used to be. But it sounds more patronizing than anything.
“I’m fine,” he says. 
Eddie points out a sign for a motel, barely visible in the shower. “Pull off here.”
It’s not worth the argument. Steve gets off at the exit, pulling into the motel parking lot. Eddie gets them a room and then lugs both their bags up the stairs. Steve wishes he didn’t feel the need to always carry his shit for him. He’s perfectly capable. 
The walls of their room are paper-thin. Steve can hear a TV going in the room to the right and a baby crying in the room to the left. But at least the place is almost charming, with floral linens on the bed. It’s a small comfort as he gets under the covers and clicks on the lamp on the nightstand. Eddie turns the overhead light off and gets in on the other side of the bed. 
Not touching.
Steve opens the drawer, seeing the Bible there. He shuts the drawer again quickly. No need for the reminder of his parents and their cries for his everlasting soul when he ran off with a man. Sometimes he wonders what his life would be now if he’d followed the path they wanted for him. Would he be any happier if he’d married a woman and had kids and settled in at the end of a cul-de-sac? Would he have been haunted by the same monotony?
The next day is clear and beautiful after the rain. They pass a canyon as Eddie fiddles with the radio. He eventually puts in a Rolling Stones CD. Steve feels a prickle of annoyance when he hears Wild Horses that only gets amplified when Eddie says, “This is the best version of this song.”
Did he put it on just to annoy Steve? It’s a tired argument at this point, repeated so many times that it’s almost not worth saying. But Steve says it anyway, like lines in a play he wishes would just reach the end of its run already. “I prefer Gram Parsons’.”
“You’re crazy,” Eddie says. Right on cue.
They stop at a diner for lunch. Eddie flirts shamelessly with the waitress, all winks and smiles. Steve doesn’t even care. 
Eddie takes over driving after lunch, insisting Steve’s straining himself too much. So Steve gets in the passenger seat and watches Eddie watching the road. Where does he go in these moments? Do the same thoughts run through his head about what life would be without each other? Miserable and free. 
Funny how it’s these days that Steve feels he sees Eddie the most clearly. After so many years together through infatuation and love and passion and closeness and distance and apathy. It’s only now that he can barely muster anything for the man next to him that he feels he knows him best. 
Eddie plays Wild Horses again. The Rolling Stones version. 
“I hate who we’ve become,” Eddie says. Spoken like an absolute. 
Steve can’t think of anything to say in response. What is there to dispute? There’s no denying that they’re not what they once were. Something died somewhere along the way between them. And Steve doesn’t see how there’s anything he could have done to change it. He hasn’t even tried. 
But what does he do? He can’t let Eddie slide through his hands. He doesn’t want to lose him, not when he’s the only person Steve was ever truly in love with. 
They’ve built a life together, even if the life is just this.
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kensboytoy · 10 months
A Boy and His Doll (Ch. 1)
Title: A Boy and His Doll
Fandom: Barbie (2023)
Pairings: Ken/Original Character (M/M)
Ratings: General
Chapter: 1/?
An underpaid middle school librarian gets the surprise of his life when his childhood doll waltzes out of Barbie Land and into his workplace. When the two reconnect, both start to realize they have been chasing the wrong things in life.
This is singlehandedly the most indulgent thing I've ever written. I have selfshipped since I was a kid, yet Ken has blown every other crush out of the water. He means the world to me and I hope this fic can be a glimpse into why I adore him so much!
Quietly shelving books that preteens had shoved in various nooks and crannies around the library, things almost seemed peaceful for once. It was just before the final bell was due to ring and everything was finally quiet since class after class had descended upon the tiny library like wolves. The teachers tried their best to handle the large class sizes in an environment outside of the classroom and, well… At least there wasn't a ton of trash to clean up today. Just ripped up books that would either have to be taped up again or tossed in the ever-growing destroy pile.
Why were kids so destructive these days? Oswald sighed to himself as he ran his fingers along another torn cover. He didn't blame the kids, really. Junior high was rough, after all, and he certainly knew that the larger class sizes each year meant that so many of these kids were falling behind. Sometimes he wished he had pursued that teaching credential like he had dreamt of since he was young. That was a far and distant dream nowadays. Many of those silly childhood dreams were. Teacher. Cartoonist. Writer. This job barely paid the rent in Los Angeles, adding teacher expenses alongside student loans would be the final thing that would send him living in his car.
[Continue Reading or Read on AO3!]
The young librarian plopped down in his shoddy swivel chair to begin the process of rebinding all the destroyed books now piled up like an unstable mountain on his desk. It already took him through his lunch hour earlier, so he would just spend the rest of the day working on the daunting task. Somewhere in the faculty fridge, his salad was only getting more wilted and pathetic. It could wait. If he didn't do this now, it would just be another project to work on for hours after school and he loathed staying too late. Classifieds like him with no teaching degree weren't exactly encouraged to have more hours than what was on the schedule and the school had already warned him that there was plenty of time in the day to get all his job duties done.
Oz rolled his eyes at the thought. Administration was just so out of touch with what actually made the school run. When you get paid enough money, you stop caring if kids actually are thriving in public education or not. He let out a soft sigh as he booted up what was now considered an antique: the old Cover One machine. Lazily, he reached around in his drawer for his X-acto knife and gave a blank stare as he pulled it out. No blade. Seriously? How these little thieves got into his locked drawers was seriously impressive, yet mildly infuriating.
"Just take the whole thing next time," he muttered under his breath while reaching for his bag. Years of art supplies were stashed away in there, so he held his breath in prayer for a blade refill. "Shit!"
Of course it was loose. When did he ever have the common sense to put things in their proper cases? He carefully pulled the blade out and was thankful that the cut wasn't deep enough to bleed for more than a few seconds. A quick sucking on the tip of his index finger would heal him enough. Into the holder the blade went and Oz was back at the task of dissecting this book apart. As the blade sliced through the cover, severing it from the spine, Oswald winced. He was always so careful with his own books, always keeping them pristine while reading and never dared to even dog-ear the pages, he felt a bit guilty for the inanimate object he was holding. Hopefully books couldn't feel being tossed around and ripped apart. So many of them sat lonely and untouched on the shelves that he wondered which was a worse fate for something designed to be helpful to humans.
The librarian hummed to himself as he carefully cut off the dust cover before preparing a piece of adhesive to slide against the now bare spine. With the Cover One now warmed up, Oz delicately wrapped the book in wax paper before placing it in the machine. He firmly held the book steady until there were a few beeps signaling that it was done. Out the book came, almost for a breath of air, before he plopped it back in to let it settle for the next eleven minutes. He mused that he could try and fix some of the paperbacks while waiting for it to cool off when he heard the thick library door push open.
Figuring that it was one of the quiet kids coming in to retreat from the chaos of class dismissal, Oz’s face softened into a smile while he stood from his seat to greet them. However, when he saw the fully grown figure in a… cowboy costume? Oz paused. Having adults on campus wasn't unheard of, there were in fact many parents on a daily basis who came in and out even though they really should have stricter security measures at the school. But this person didn't really look like a parent trying to pick their kid up from school.
Was there an assembly Oz had forgotten about? Some weird yo-yo man teaching tricks to bored kids even in this day and age? Or maybe he was a cowboy teaching kids for a career day or something? But that costume didn't scream a real, genuine cowboy. Oz had grown up with vaqueros in Gilroy, watching them skillfully take care of the farmlands out there. And they did not look like this delicate, untouched pretty boy who had just strutted in.
Curiously, he elected to watch the stranger for the time being as nothing about the man really warranted him to freak out quite yet. It was actually a nice surprise. Oz sat back down in his chair and continued to work on his book repairs, his emerald eyes flashing up every now and then to see what the cowboy was up to. The man looked lost, like he had never been in a library before. He was staring at the ends of the isles, desperately searching for where a certain subject would be. Alright, he was starting to look pathetic enough that Oz had to help him out.
"Can I help you?" he inquired, sneaking up behind the cowboy.
There was a soft yelp from the blonde before he whipped around, baby blue eyes wide in fright. Oz was looked up and down before the stranger stood back up at his full height, eyes narrowed.
"You must be the keeper of these books?"
The question sounded almost impressed. Oz, obviously amused, gave a small nod.
"The one and only. What can I help you find?"
That caused the cowboy to look more relieved as a wide smile stretched across his goofy looking face.
"I'd like your books about men, please."
Oh. Oh? Well that was interesting. Was this man…? No, no. No need to make speculations. Just because Oz was gay didn't mean that every guy was. Though, with that outfit…
Oz shook the thought from his mind quickly, not wanting to assume that this pretty man was talking about the wide selection of queer books they had. He led the man to the non-fiction section before turning his head back up at him.
"Well, you'll have a lot to pick from, but I'd start here. Try the biographies and autobiographies if it gets too overwhelming," the ginger haired man offered with a smile. "If you have a better idea of… men, well, I can help you narrow it down."
The cowboy scanned the books for a moment, still seeming so puzzled. Oz might have to hold his hand through the entire library process wouldn't he?
"Do you have books about… the patriarchy?"
Oz blinked in surprise. Huh. Yeah, this guy was a weird one. Didn’t exactly scream incel but the request was a bit amusing coming from a handsome boy. He quickly walked down the isles to the war section and pointed out a few very outdated pieces of literature the school still somehow hung onto. The man ran his index finger along the spines before grabbing a few that interested him. Pleased with his selection, he beamed at Oswald. There was something charming and almost innocent the way he smiled. Like a proud child picking out their first book. Oz couldn’t help but feel a flutter in his heart at that.
"How about horses?"
Now that was a normal request. Fitting for the cowboy! Oz returned the smile and showed the cowboy their small selection. Wasn’t anything fancy, really. Perhaps an elementary school would have a wider selection. Back when he was a horse girl, that was the ultimate treasure trove of knowledge. Middleschoolers didn’t care about that sort of thing too much. ’That stuff’s for babies’ would be the usual complaint. So, the school barely kept anything fun in stock. Booooring! A total snoozeville. It’s like no kid could harbour a special interest anymore.
Oswald carefully pulled out the only book that was specific to horses and watched the man’s eyes go wide. Eager hands snatched it up, thumbs dancing along the cover as if he was trying to actually pet the horses plastered all over the book. That goofy smile never faded from the stranger even for a second.
“Yes! Yes…” The man was giggling. “This is perfect - do I have to pay for these?”
He suddenly looked very worried, full of cautious optimism searching Oz’s face for an answer while protectively clutching the handful of books to his chest. Oz let out a soft chuckle and shook his head.
“Normally you’d need a library card but, uh, you’re not a student. ‘sides, no one will miss those books if you took them. I think the last time anyone even looked at those books was more than a decade ago. They’d probably end up in a landfill soon anyways.” Playfully, he shot the cowboy a wink and pressed his index finger to his own lips. “Just keep quiet about it, ‘kay?”
There was that sweet smile again followed by frantic nodding.
“Of course! Your secret is safe with me, bookkeeper.”
“School librarian, but I kinda like bookkeeper better,” Oz laughed.
“Well, bookkeeper, I shall take these fine books and bid you ado,” the cowboy grinned, tipping his hat to Oz.
As the cowboy turned to leave, Oz reached out to grab his hand. It was so instinctual - like he was afraid of saying goodbye to this stranger. He couldn’t just let him go so easily. Maybe he could ask him what his deal was. Anything to spend another minute with him.
When their fingers grazed against each other, his mind exploded with visions that suddenly froze every muscle in his body and completely immobilized him.
Visions of him being very little with a doll in his hands. The only doll he ever had growing up. Ken. His Ken doll that he found in a pile of cheap toys at the flea market his family vended at. The one that caught his eye underneath the mountain of stuffed animals he normally would jump at the chance to pick through. Still in his tattered box. Oz never thought he’d be able to afford something so nice. His usual toys were old and discarded ones no longer wanted by their owners. Broken, unbranded, or simply just cheap fast food toys that other children grew tired of. The kind old lady selling the doll had given it to him for all the change he had rattling around in his pocket that day once she saw the quiet child’s nervous excitement just holding the box.
How very careful he was taking such an exquisite toy out of the box. Delicately opening the packaging and saving what he could before holding Ken tightly against his chest. Tears had rolled down his cheeks from just how happy he was to own something so nice. A little dollie all of his own. He’d be oh so careful to love and cherish this Ken for as long as he could!
They were inseparable. Ken was always in his coat pocket wherever he went. Despite being so young, Oz made sure to play with his toys as gingerly as possible. Ken was handled especially tenderly. Always getting a nice long bath in the sink after spending the whole day outside. Then getting tucked into a makeshift bed made out of tissues or scraps of fabric samples Oz’s mom let him have. All set up nice and cozy on the dresser next to his own bed so that he could keep Ken closeby. With Ken around, nightmares didn’t stand a chance.
Memories like this had been long locked away by Oz’s deep-rooted trauma. Yet now they were pouring in uncontrollably.
“Ken?” Oswald’s voice cracked as tears flooded his vision. It was so soft and uncertain. Surely this was a dream. It couldn’t be his Ken, right?
It looked like Ken had been hit with the same realization. His twinkling blue eyes were wide like a deer in the headlights as he searched Oz’s face. Immediately, his arms were around Oswald, holding him tightly. A laugh bubbled up from him and he just kept squeezing. So afraid to let go.
A memory. Ken had a memory! He wasn’t sure if he ever had one before, but it felt so nice. Brand new, a bit scary, but… he could feel something deep inside him that he had never felt before. The only thing he could compare it to was the feeling he had been chasing whenever Barbie looked at him. What was that funny feeling that made him feel so full?
“Oz! Wow!” He couldn’t stop himself from letting out excited little laughs of disbelief. “Is that really you? Look at how much you’ve grown…”
Clutching onto his old friend, Oswald was overcome with emotion. His smile was wide and shaky as he began to sob softly into Ken’s shoulder. Those were words he always craved to hear from loved ones since his transition. No one had ever said something so sweet to him.
Worried that he had upset his dear friend, Ken pulled back enough to closely examine the weeping man. Oz wasn’t frowning, no there was still a smile on his face, but why did he cry? Was he not happy to see him? Had he said something wrong?
“You should be standing in my curio cabinet at home,” Oz’s voice cracked, teary eyes looking up at his doll. “How…”
“You kept me?” It was Ken’s turn to be surprised.
“Of course I did.” Carefully, as if he were afraid that Ken would disappear like a fading dream, Oz cupped his doll’s cheek. “I tried to keep all my toys that my family didn’t haul off without me knowing.”
Ken remembered those people - they weren’t very nice. As the memories continued to trickle into his plastic brain, he could recall the nights Oz would cry after being berated by his aunt and uncle specifically. He had been so scared after his parents passed away. Hugging Ken close to him every night even though he was all grown up. How desperately Ken wanted to hug him back and tell him he was okay. To protect his boy. He could feel that protective surge swell in his chest, arms tightening his hold onto Oswald. Now he could properly hold his boy.
It was an unfamiliar feeling to be held like this. Sure, Oz gave plenty of hugs to his friends even as an adult. This was far different from that. His body tensed up for a moment like a frightened prey animal unable to move. However, the longer they stood in the embrace, he felt himself relax into Ken’s touch. The tears couldn’t stop themselves as soon as they cascaded back down his cheeks. Safe. For the first time in more than a decade, Oz felt safe.
“I’m so happy I found you again,” Ken murmured, dipping his head down to rest against Oz's.
“How is this possible, Ken? I - I’m not having one of those hallucinations again, right?” Nervously, the librarian pulled away so that he could stare into Ken’s eyes. It was so bizarre that Ken looked so human and yet still very dollike. “You feel real.”
“I am real!” Ken puffed out his chest and gave a bit of a flex to show off. “Does this not totally look real?”
There was a giggle from Oz as he placed a hand on the firm bicep that was being showcased. The fact that Ken was such a show-off was rather charming, he couldn’t lie. A true himbo like the human had always imagined.
“C’mon, dollie. I didn’t mean it like that.” He gave him a reassuring pat on his arm. “You know that my brain plays tricks on me.”
Ken’s boisterous behaviour faltered for a moment as he looked at his boy.
“You still see those… monsters?” he quietly asked.
“Sometimes. It’s not as scary like it was back then.” Oz gave a sheepish smile, feeling bad that he was causing Ken to worry so much. “I take medication to help now.”
Those arms were back around him, pulling him in for another hug.
“I won’t let them get to you. I can fight them for you now!”
How could Ken so easily make all the years of trauma slip away like it was nothing? Oz had been fighting for so long on his own, trying to make a life for himself in this crazy world. And now his doll was human-sized and a walking, talking being that somehow waltzed back into his life? He didn’t believe in fate. But this was one hell of a coincidence.
“But how are you here, Ken? I don’t understand.”
“That’s easy! Barbie was trying to find the little girl who was playing with her. Something about cellulite - whatever that is. Lots of transportation. And now we’re here in the Real World!”
Staring at him like he grew a second head, Oz cocked his head to the side.
“Barbie? I never had a Barbie. Did you… find a Barbie?”
Suddenly, Ken felt very warm. His face was red hot! That was weird. He was plastic. Was this another funny feeling he didn’t quite understand?
“Well, yeah. It’s Barbie and Ken, you know?”
Oz’s face softened at that.
“That’s sweet. My Ken has a Barbie. Huh.”
“Wh-what?” That blush was growing deeper. Ken looked nervous. But that funny feeling was growing when Oz called him his Ken.
“Nothin’. ’s just cute that you found your girlfriend. Is she here too?” He peeked out the window of the library, glancing through the crowds of preteens. Nothing loud and pink out there.
“She’s uh. Doing her own thing.”
Oz’s brow shot upwards and he tried his best to suppress his grin.
“Well, don’t let me keep you, Ken. Go on, go to her.” He pulled away from his doll, heart feeling achy at the thought of Ken leaving. But if Ken had a Barbie, he wasn’t going to keep him from her. Looks like his doll didn’t need him anymore.
It was Ken’s turn to grab Oz’s hand.
“I wanna stay with you longer. I’m sure she’ll be fine.” It was surprising to Ken that he was saying all this. Normally, he’d do anything to trail in Barbie’s shadow in the hopes she’d so much as look at him. But that didn’t seem to interest him right now. Not with his boy right in front of him. Something was telling him that he needed to stay with Oswald. “Please?”
Oz couldn’t say no to such a sweet face. How could anyone?
“Okay, okay. You’re really twistin’ my arm here,” he joked. Ken immediately let go, panic on his face. “Oh, no! I was just teasing! It’s an expression.”
The librarian turned his head to the stack of books on his desk. He should have stayed to finish the daunting work and not have even more on his plate for the next day, but…
Oh, come on! His childhood doll springs to life and he’s just supposed to go back to his mundane day job? Nuh-uh. He was going to spend as much time as he could with Ken in case he was plucked away back to wherever the hell he came from.
“If you give me ten minutes, I’ll wrap up everything here and maybe we could…” He trailed off, rubbing the back of his head nervously. “Go back to my apartment or something?”
Ken lit up at that. Like an excitable dog, he was practically bouncing up and down. Then he realized he may be looking very uncool and tried to stand up straight to posture himself as calm and collected.
“That would be rad.”
“You can go over to those bean bags and chill for a bit - I’m sure you wanna read those new books you got.” Oz smiled, pointing to a circle of janky bean bag chairs that had seen much better years.
Oh right. The books. Ken had almost forgotten about the books he was carrying, fingers curling against the thick spines of each one. Somehow, he wasn’t that intrigued to explore the topics of this world that he had been so curious about not even ten minutes ago. That didn’t matter to him when Oswald was right there.
“I can read that stuff later,” he shrugged. “No big deal.”
Oz tried to bite back a laugh at the fact that Ken was trying to act so smooth after nearly bursting at the seams getting these books just a short bit ago. Was he wanting to impress Oswald now? What a silly doll. He simply gave a little nod and began to tidy up the books he had been rebinding, taking notice as Ken shuffled closer to try and take a peek. Oz didn’t mind the audience. Having his doll near him felt safe. A warm feeling that pooled in his belly that he hadn’t felt in so long. Maybe Ken could stick around longer before he went back to his dollhouse. Did Ken have a dollhouse? He’d have to ask a million questions about where Ken came from when they got back home.
The little flutters in his chest with Ken nearby were so bizarre. Was it excitement? Nervousness? There was a frenzy of emotions running through him all at once due to the fact that his doll was lifesize and following him around like a lost puppy. Such a sweet face. He could feel his own face grow warm with the threat of blush rising to his cheeks. Shit, when he went red, it was so painfully obvious! So he tried to hide his face with his long copper locks of hair and turn away from Ken as much as possible when tidying up. Maybe since Ken was so oblivious he wouldn’t notice his human getting flustered.
And he didn’t, thankfully. The doll was too occupied with watching what Oz was doing with his hands. How gentle they were with the tattered books lining his desk. Ken smiled to himself. Of course his boy was careful - he remembered how well taken care of he was when he was Oz’s doll. There was something swirling around in his own chest at the thought of it. Kens were merely accessories for Barbies and not typically played with on their own. Yet, with all the memories filling him, he now knew that he had been loved by his human. Looks like it wasn’t just Barbie that had someone! His half smirk was wide on his face with just how smug he felt. There was someone out there that loved Ken for being Ken. Wow!
“What’s that look for?” Oz chuckled, bag slung over his shoulder and car keys in hand as soon as he walked back up to Ken.
“Nothing!” Ken lied. Had to still play it cool. Couldn’t mess this chance up! “Just… ready for our hangout sesh.”
Oswald looked skeptically at Ken before he absentmindedly reached for the doll’s free hand. Their fingers laced together and Oz was pulling him to the door. It felt so natural that neither of them had questioned how sudden this was. Just bashful glimpses at one another like two shy kids holding hands for the first time.
“Alright, cowboy. Let’s go home.”
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