#kind of reminds me of a comic i saw the other day about someone who had difficulty leaving the house but was also married and i’m like
j-esbian · 6 months
ppl reblogging the friday night poll like “i leave the house and am social but i’m not going to ragers so idk if that counts :/“ hello??
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synergysilhouette · 2 months
"Batman: Caped Crusader" review
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Binge-watched this show, and I wanted to be one of many people to share my thoughts on this--plus I was spurred on by getting a wish of mine granted from the show. Make sure to check out the show if you can!
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The animation is beautiful--I know this is a weird comparison, but soemthing about the animation reminds me of 2010s Scooby Doo animated films, and I kind of adore that.
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The voice acting was...fine--I can't tell if it was poor performances or poor direction; Hamish's Bruce Wayne sounds too raspy/rugged some of the time, like he's still playing Batman, and many of the other actors felt like they were just reading lines rather than performing lines, not enough emotion. IDK if they're more used to live-action work, but voice-acting is a different ballgame, since your voice is all you have to convey the character. A lot of performances fell flat for me, but it wasn't 100% unbearable, just underwhelming. I have some people I'd recommend instead (both familiar to the role and otherwise), but I don't wanna start anything.
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LOVED Harley (but not her costume)--Jamie Chung had one of the better performances in the group, and I really LOVED the angle they did for Harley; I feel like the media often flanderizes her as the goofy crazy chick, so seeing her actually utilize her psychology skills (like I've been asking for!) is so satisfying. That said, the outfit has GOT TO GO. Gold and black is gorgeous, but it ples in comparison to her black and red look. And a weird nit-pick; when I first saw the stills, I was under the impression she was wearing a carnival-esque mask rather than face paint, and I find that idea a lot creepier. I wish we'd gotten more of Harley's antics--and even seeing her get close to Bruce in the way she did with Barbara and Renee--before revealing her as a big bad to the public. And I appreciate that she isn't 100% evil; she is doing what she believes is a noble cause, just doing it in an illegal and unethical way. I needed a backstory!
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Not enough Batman--Maybe it's just me, but it definitely felt like there were some episodes where Bruce and Batman were supporting characters and more focus was on the GCPD. While I don't mind it too much, I enjoy superhero shows for the superheroes, not the heroes; this is why I had a love/hate relationship with "Gotham."
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Batman (and Bruce) isn't quite likeable enough--In earlier incarnations, Batman was more kind and caring before becoming more emotionally closed off with time, but here he's that way from the get-go. Not to mention that Bruce Wayne puts on a facade around everyone, even people he trusts (he probably did that anyway; I can't remember), and his session with Harleen really frustrated me because I don't expect his walls to come down immediately, I don't expect them to be this high this early. I wanted him to be a bit warmer and transparent, rather than curt and cold like he's usually seen in the show. I feel like this is an issue often seen in comics, too; people prioritize Batman's "coolness" and thus push his feelings to the wayside.
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Using underrated and familiar villains--I'm sure the real experts are gonna chew me out for this one, but as someone who got into comics in the 2010s and didn't catch up on the acclaimed 90s series, it was fun to see villains I loved and villains I didn't know; one of the best things a popular property can do is use underrated characters, since it helps the show feel original and fresh (thus why "Teen Titans" is so enjoyable; the whole franchise is underrated).
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Too modern for the 1940s--I can't put my fingers on it exactly, but the vibes feel too modern; I assume the 1940s was for aesthetics, but since everything else feels updated (from the way people talk to Harley and Renee seemingly being open about their feelings for each other), I don't think it was a wise choice to have it both ways. I see no reason not to have it in modern-day, but I suppose you'd have to get more creative with technology.
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Barbara and the Robins--First off, I should've gambled with someone that Jason would be a redhead; I'd have made SO MUCH money. Secondly, I'm not crazy about how all four kids are orphans; If I recall correctly, both Carrie and Stephanie's parents were alive when they joined the Batfamily. In any case, I'm confused on why Barbara is significantly older than them when they're all supposed to be within the same age bracket (I think; someone has told me otherwise since posting this, so I could be wrong). Not to mention, a part of me worries that because of the quartet's young ages and Barbara getting so much screentime as a lawyer, we won't get any of them as Robins or Batgirls unless something drastic happens, and/or we get a time jump.
Overall, I think my biggest gripes are the voice acting and how Batman/Bruce Wayne is written. That said, I enjoyed the show overall. IDK why HBO Max dropped it. Hopefully season 2 will introduce Poison Ivy, Catman, Tim Drake, Ghostmaker, and Gardener, since the finale already showed us a certain someone who IS coming to Gotham.
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I wish people understood that you can talk about your experiences as a member of a marginalized group without dismissing the experiences of members of other marginalized groups.
I saw someone talking about trans rep in media who said “transmascs always get positive rep and transfems only ever get horrible rep”. Transmisogyny in media is a huge problem, and in the many transphobic storylines in shows, most of them have targeted transfems. But I have never seen a show with a transmasc character. I am lucky to not be seeing so many hateful representations of people like me, but I do not have the experience that “transmascs always get positive rep”. I have the experience of never seeing a person like me on tv/in a movie, which sucks. I was curious if this was a problem related to the kinds of things I tend to watch, but I talked with a transmasc friend today who has fairly different media tastes than me, and he also had never seen a tv show/movie with a transmasc character.
As a disabled person, it reminds me of conversations we have a lot about how this occurs in the disabled community (for example, mentally ill people talking about how they should be treated “as well as people with physical disabilities” and comparing troubles with access to medication to the perceived ease of accessing mobility aids, which then gets pushed back against because society also treats physically disabled people like shit and people who need mobility aids also often face great struggles accessing them). It’s a good rule of thumb to not make comparisons about how other marginalized groups have it easy in an area you struggle with—often it just shows that you don’t know a lot about the issues that group faces, and it actively minimizes those already minimized issues.
Side note, if anyone has recommendations of shows/movies they like with good transmasc rep (especially ones where you don’t have to watch a bunch of seasons first to get to that rep), I would appreciate it. Also, if you are also struggling with this, I have had much better luck with comics, primarily small press (this applies to representation across the trans community, not just transmasc rep!). Will be recommending The Chromatic Fantasy until the day I die.
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genericpuff · 1 month
I'm curious - how many unanswered asks do you have in your inbox? Or do you just delete the ones you don't plan on answering?
do you feel good anon
do you feel good about yourself with this question
targeting me like that
ok but more seriously LMAO i have an embarrassingly large amount of unanswered asks but i do read all of them <3 a lot of them honestly are just from folks like, sharing their anonymous opinions about either LO and LR, with the odd one about comic advice, sharing webtoon recommendations, and other things of that nature!
In the case of the LO asks, it's stuff that often has already been spoken about at length before so I don't really have anything to add (but trust me, I'm usually in total agreement, if I heavily disagree with a take I'll usually try to respond to it but it's rare that that's the case because most of the takes are just things like "wow the art in this panel sucks" like yep it sure do LOL) and often it just feels like my inbox is just like, a comment box for people to get their feelings out anonymously and honestly that's fine, I just also can't really respond to every single one unfortunately, but I do read them and I love y'all's takes!
With LR asks, y'all are way too sweet to me and send me just the kindest things about LR, and I hope y'all know that even if I wind up not getting back to your ask about it, I do read everything you send and appreciate so much the amount of support you've all shown for this project since I took it on <3 A lot of those asks are literally my version of "do it for her" where I read them and it reminds me of why it's so worth doing what I do :') <3
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Whenever people recommend me other works to read, I add them to a list and I am currently trying to tackle it :) (honestly that list isn't as big as you'd think, a lot of the recommendations are for the same stuff, like other Greek myth retelling comics or otherwise just bad webtoons that people want me to suffer thru LOL) I just recently finally got a physical copy of Song of Achilles and while it's slow going, I'm gonna be sharing my extended thoughts about it, either in a big Tumblr post or maybe a video if I can motivate myself to do it 🤔
And of course, the comic advice asks... these ones admittedly I do tend to actually move into my drafts because I really, REALLY do want to respond to them, but I'm also not someone to half-ass responses to questions like that. That is a bit of a bad habit on my end because it often means I'm spending crazy amounts of time going over topics that can be researched, but I also just really love talking about comics so it doesn't feel good to get a comic advice ask and just leave it at "idk just start" like yeah, do that, but also I want to pass on all the things I WISH I had known when I was first starting out and I'm glad people see me as someone to learn those things from! So when it comes to those asks, don't worry, I'm picking away at them <3 (but also man, I should probably just like... put together some kind of hitchhiker's guide to comic making or something huh LOL)
Anyways! I do have a lot of unanswered asks and honestly, I'm not really one to delete them, even if I don't get back to some of them it is still nice to read them in their own little curated space separate from my main blog, it's kind of like a personal comment section between myself and those of you who took the time to write <3 The only asks I tend to outright delete are ones that are just like, way too bad faith to even want to give any attention to, or bot spam lmao But for the majority of y'all who have sent genuine asks to my inbox and never saw a response and worry that I might have ignored it or deleted it, I hope you can have reassurance in knowing that they are all still there and even if I can't make time every day to respond to them, receiving all your personal takes about LO and your amazing feedback and kind words about LR is something I'm always excited to see whenever that little notification pops up in my Inbox tab. I see you and appreciate you <3
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bigasswritingmagnet · 2 months
Rating: T Fandom: Girl Genius Summary:
Or: Hey Ognian, Why Does Getting Impaled With a Sword Remind You of Meeting Your Wife?
Wherein Ognian is surprisingly durable for a human, Radka is inescapably attracted to men with big hearts and empty heads, and romance is found in unexpected places.
AO3 Link
Radka was in trouble.
It wasn’t any kind of trouble she hadn’t faced before, but she’d been caught unawares. She had no real excuse for it; she had simply not been paying attention. When or if she got out of this, she would spend the rest of the day kicking herself repeatedly. She lived on the road! She knew how dangerous it was, especially this far from town!  
Radka stayed in the middle of the bridge. In front of her, standing at the other end, was a man. He was scruffy and scarred, and wore a nasty smile.
There would be another man behind her. She was supposed to think there was only one, the one who had appeared oh so casually before her, but Radka had dealt with situations like this before. Men like this never travelled alone.
She was lucky that there were only two.
It was a footbridge, large enough for one cart, so no chance of dodging if she tried to run past either man. The bridge was over a river, but it was at the bottom of the small ravine and not very deep, so she couldn’t jump.
Behind her, she could hear the footsteps of the second man trying to sneak up behind her.
“I shan’t waste our time pretending this is a pleasant little chat,” Radka said. “Let me guess: you want me to pay a toll, and the toll is going to be an exorbitant amount of money, or sex. Yes?”
“Smart girl,” the bandit said, grinning.
“One does try.”
Radka whirled around and lunged for the bandit behind her. There was a shout from behind her, which she ignored. The second man had not been expecting this in the slightest, and stumbled back, fumbling for his sword. By the time he got it out, she was on him, burying her dagger in his throat. He stumbled back, dropping his sword and clutching at his throat.
Radka kicked his legs out from under him and snatched up his sword.
Someone was coming up behind her, she had no time to think, only time to act. She spun around and in one smooth movement drove the sword straight through the chest of a third, completely different man, and out the other side.  
The headless body of the other bandit lay several meters away. The man in front of her was holding a battleaxe, his hand just beneath the blood-smeared axe-head.
They looked at each other.
They looked at the sword.
They looked at each other again.
Radka abruptly let go of the sword, which stayed comically in place, and clamped her hands over her mouth.
“Hyu stabbed me,” the man said, in a slightly accusatory voice.  
“You didn’t say anything!” Radka said, slightly hysterical. Her hand reached out and briefly touched the hilt of the sword, then jerked back.  
“Vy did hyu stab me?”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
The man fell to his knees, swayed, and then collapsed sideways. Automatically, Radka dropped to her knees, reaching for him. She stopped, hands hovering helplessly over the still, unmoving body.  
The sun was only just making it over the mountains, but even in the grey dawn light, she could see he was no bandit. He was about her age, with shaggy blonde hair over a round, boyish face. He was dressed plainly, although his undyed shirt was rapidly turning crimson as blood blossomed around the sword still jutting out of his chest.
He looked like every other small town boy she saw on her travels, although she wasn’t quite sure what to make of the battleaxe. There was no village near here that she knew of, but there were some farms. Someone who would know him. Someone would be willing to come get him.
She couldn’t leave him like this. He’d died helping her, even if she hadn’t actually needed it. At the very least, she could take the sword out. Let his mother bury a body that didn’t look like a cheap prop in a stageplay.  
Radka put her hand on his shoulder, bracing herself to pull the sword free.
The man twitched and groaned and Radka fell back with a yelp. To her astonishment, his eyes opened and he looked straight at her. Radka stared, open mouthed, and tried to think of something to say. Are you alright was idiotic, but how are you not dead seemed rude.
“Hy’z Ognian.” His mouth managed to shift into a weak grin that was quite cute, in a dopey, dying farmboy sort of way.
“Radka,” she managed. “You’re very…durable.”  
“Ya, Hy feel like Hy should be dead by now,” he said, his voice faintly puzzled.
“I think the blade might be stopping up the wound.”
With some difficulty, Ognian looked down at his chest.  
“Hyu tink dot vill keep me alive?”
“Longer than you’d live if we pulled it out, but not that much longer.” 
Ognian tried to shift into a more comfortable position, but the blade caught between two of the bridge’s paving stones, jarring the sword. He went pale—well, paler—and let out a strangled gasp. Radka grabbed his shoulder and steadied him.
“What were you thinking, coming up behind me like that? I had it under control!”
“Hy vanted to be de big hero, save de pretty girl from de bad guys,” Ognian said, with a sheepish grin.
“And I would be so grateful I’d reward you for your chivalry?” Radka asked. Ognian’s grin got a little more sheepish.
“Maybe just a kiss.”
“Well joke’s on you, rocks for brains,” she said. “I’m not even that pretty.”
“Hy tink hyu cute.”
“It’s dark, and you’re dying,” Radka pointed out. Ognian looked down at himself again, his expression now a little sad.
“Ya. Iz a little unfair. Dyink on my first raid, end Hy didn’t even do it in a real fight.”
“Raid? What raid?”
“Hy’s vit de Heterodyne. Hy rides vit de Jӓgers. Vell. Rode, Hy guess.”
Radka’s mouth dropped open.
“You ride with the Jӓgers.”
“The Heterodyne’s raiders.”
“On your way out of the valley to loot and pillage innocent folk across the countryside.”
“And you were going to rescue me from bandits.”
Radka waited to see if this inspired any realization of hypocricy, but Ognian just shut his eyes.
“Hy hope dey finds me,” he said, his voice a little weaker. “Dun really vant to get left out here for de birds, hyu know?”
Radka gnawed on the inside of her cheek.
One the one hand, Ognian had helped her, even if she hadn’t needed it.
On the other hand, Ognian was a willing member of a group that spread death and destruction on the whims of a family that wouldn’t know sanity if they grew it in a lab themselves.
“I’m in a bit of a predicament here,” she said to Ognian. “On moral grounds, I should leave you here to die.”  
With great effort, Ognian lifted his head and looked around.
“Dere’s no churches around here,” he said, with genuine puzzlement.
Radka stared at him. She shut her eyes and groaned, letting her head fall back.
“I’m going to do it,” she said to the universe at large. “I’m going to save one of the Heterodyne’s raiders because he’s cute and stupid.”
“Hyu tink Hy’z cute?”
“I think you’re an idiot.” Radka grabbed his arm and heaved, but only managed to get him halfway to sitting upright. He was heavier than he looked, and not helping her in the slightest. 
“Stop it, dot hurts,” he whined.
“You’re travelling with a Heterodyne, Ognian. If anyone could save you from a sword through the chest, it’ll be one of them. Get up.”  
But Ognian shook his head.
“No, dey’s all gonna make fun of me,” he said. "Hy vuz only fighting two guys und Hy got stabbed by de girl Hy vuz trying to save."
“You’d rather die?”
Ognian actually hesitated.
���Listen, I won’t tell them I stabbed you, if you don’t tell them I stabbed you. Okay? You were the big hero and one of the bad guys stabbed you while you were protecting me. It was very dramatic and heroic. Now get up.”
It took a lot of work on both their parts, and Ognian was nearly ghost-white with pain, but they got him on his feet. His knees wobbled and they staggered sideways as his weight nearly dragged her down again.
“Which way is camp?” she asked.
Ognian waved a vague hand in the direction, which was, of course, uphill.
“Okay, Ognian, let’s do this. One step at a time.”
“Oggie,” the man said. “My friends call me Oggie.”
“If you survive, I will call you Oggie. Walk.”
“Somevun’s coming,” Stosh said. Gorb’s eyes flicked to him and then back to the road, narrowing with annoyance.
“Yeah, Hy can see dot.”
“Two somevuns.”
“Hy can see dot, too.”
“Hy tink it’s de new kid. Vut’s his name?”
“Ya, dot vun.” Suddenly Stosh grinned and lowered his voice. “Dere's a lady vit him.”
Gorb squinted and then grinned, irritation forgotten in light of a new target.
“Hoo, look at him, she must heff vorn him out good. Vut’s he carryink? Looks kind of like a...like…a…”
By now, Ognian and his companion had gotten close enough that both men could see the sunlight illuminating what was very definitely a sword very definitely sticking straight out of Ognian’s chest.
Stosh and Gorb stood frozen, mouths open in horror, as the two arrivals stumbled towards them. Ognian was on his feet, but only barely; the woman beside him was working hard to keep him upright.
“Are you going to do something or are you going to stare?” the woman demanded.
“Vut happened?”
“What does it look like?”
Ognian’s knees gave out and he dropped. Stosh and Gorb lunged forward and just managed to grab him before he could hit the ground.
“Vy’d hyu leave it in?” Stosh demanded, reaching for the hilt of the sword. She slapped his hand away, hard.
“Because it will kill him if you take it out!”
“Ve iz gonna need help vit dis,” Gorb said. Ognian, hanging limply in their hands, groaned.
“No, really?” the woman said. Her sarcasm was lost on the Jӓgers.
The commotion had attracted attention. Heads were poking out of tents, people were rising from where they were lighting cooking fires, craning to see. Stosh turned to the crowd and called out.
“Somevun go get Gkika!”
As one, every man in earshot shouted “Not it!”
“General Gkika! General Gkika!”
Gkika sat up in her bed, but did not open her eyes. She took in a deep, calming breath and let it out. She was a general now. Generals did not attack people for waking them up early. They calmly and reasonably found out which individual was responsible for the waking, and attacked them.
She calmly and reasonable wrenched open the flap of her tent; the man on the other side flinched and backed up hurriedly, nearly tripping over his own feet. He raised both hands in supplication.
“Ognian’s hurt,” he burbled. “He’s really, really hurt.”
“For gettink me voken up like dis, he had better be dyink,” Gkika snarled.
Three minutes later, Gkika was in the medical tent and Ognian was laid out on the table, his breathing slow and rasping, the hilt of the sword rising and falling with the motion.
“Yez," she said, flatly, “dot’s a pretty reasonable reason to vake me up."
Gkika took Ognian's wrist and felt for his pulse. It was very faint. She peeled up an eyelid and noted the pupil shrunk down to a pinprick. 
"Somebody go get Lord Heterodyne,” Gkika ordered. “Hy gon need him just to get dis ting out vitout killink him." She put hands on her hips."How did hyu effen do dis to hyuself?"
“Via an ill-fated attempt at chivalry, I'm afraid."
The voice was low and musical, so sweet that the unattractiveness of the face it came from gave Gkika a start. The rest of her was a pretty enough sight—soft red curls, elegant fingers, a pleasing figure. But the face.
"Und who are hyu?"
“My name is Radka. I'm a traveling performer. I had a couple of roughs stop me on the bridge. Ognian here decided—and these are his words, not mine—to be a hero and save the pretty girl.”
“So vere did de pretty girl go?” someone asked. There was a ripple of laughter. Radka smiled with poisonous sympathy.
“Ohh,” she said, “And you think all the barmaids actually do find you funny, don’t you?”
The eruption of laughter made everyone jump. The Heterodyne had arrived, unnoticed, and now grinned broadly at Radka.
“She’s mean!” he said. “Hy like her!”
He took one look at Ognian and his eyebrows went up, amusement vanishing. Approaching the table, he called for a light and leaned in close to examine the sword. He did not touch it, but turned his head this way and that, examining it from all angles, front and back.
As he did, Gkika moved efficiently around the tent, setting out surgical tools that could have doubled as implements of torture—and probably had. At last, the Heterodyne straightened up.
“Red fire,” he said, genuinely impressed. “Dis is one of de new ones, yes?”
“Dis is Ognian, Lord Heterodyne,” Gkika confirmed.
"Are hyu alive in dere, Ognian?"
Ognian actually managed to open his eyes, though not much. He groaned.
“Hyu're not just alive, hyu're awake!” the Heterodyne said, laughing delightedly. “How are hyu feeling?”
“Not so good,” Ognian mumbled.
“Awake and talking! We have a real tough one here." Lord Heterodyne put a surprisingly gentle hand on the back of Ognian’s neck and nodded at Gkika, who handed him a syringe. “Hokay, Ognian, Hy am going to fix hyu up, but Hy vill put hyu to sleep first, because Hy don’t tink hyu need to be dot tough.”
Ognian looked very relieved at the idea of unconsciousness. 
“Nnhh,” he managed.
The Heterodyne pressed the needle into the vein in Ognian’s inner elbow. After a few seconds, Ognian’s eyes rolled up and with a sigh, he went limp.
“Gkika, hyu stay,” Lord Heterodyne said. “Effrybody else, get out.”
He did not need to ask twice.
When the tent was empty, the Heterodyne did not move right away, continuing to examine Ognian. When he spoke, it was with a soft and thoughtful tone that was, for this Heterodyne, very unusual.
“Hy will offer dis one de draught, if he lives.”
Gkika started.
“Now?” she blurted out. Hurriedly she ammended “Dot vould be very…soon.”
But the Heterodyne was shaking his head.
“Not today, not yet,” the Heterodyne said. “But in a few years, when he has proven himself in battle…Yes. Hy will offer him de draught.” He grinned, his teeth almost Jӓger-sharp. “Dis one was born to be Jӓgerkin.”
It took Ognian a few minutes to realize he was alive, and then a few more to realize he was awake. He felt no pain, just a distant floaty feeling. In fact, his fingers and toes felt lighter than the rest of him, like they might drift away.
Because he had been attended to by the Heterodyne, Ognian opened his eyes and lifted a hand in front of his face. Wiggling his fingers, he managed to confirm yes, they were all there and seemed to be the same fingers he'd had the day before.
“So we’re in a comedy after all,” a voice said, dryly. “Good. Nobody wants tragedies about Heterodyne raiders. Although slapstick is harder to get across in a one woman show.”
Seated beside him, perched on a stool and plucking at a mandolin, was the woman he had tried to rescue. The sun was high and the tent was bright, and for the first time, he could clearly see her face.
“Oh,” he said.
Ognian was not the sharpest sword in the armory, but he was pretty good with people, and even floating on whatever the Heterodyne had given him, he caught her reaction. It was the briefest of moments, hidden so smoothly behind a mask of amusement it spoke of a lifetime of practice. But he saw it: the bitter twist of her lips, the flash in her eyes. It spoke of the worst kind of disappointment—the kind you knew had been coming, but had dared to hope ever so slightly maybe wouldn’t, this time.
“Oh indeed,” she said. “All that trouble for a face like this.”
“No,” he said, firmly. “Ve vuz both right. Hyu iz ogly, but hyu iz ogly in a cute vay.”
He had expected her to brush it off again, to say something about how he was halfway to dreamland and suffering severe blood loss, but she simply stared at him. For the first time, she seemed genuinely at a loss for words.
“I…I don’t even know what that means,” she said.
“Means de face izn’t much, but hyu use it vell. Hyu got a pretty smile.”
Radka gave him an odd look. Wordlessly, she leaned over the bed, put her hand to his cheek, and kissed him. It was a lingering kiss, but Ognian would have liked it to linger a lot longer before she straightened up and gave him a genuine smile.
“Thank you for the rescue,” she said, and rose to her feet.
“Vere hyu going?”
"I have been asked to give a performance for the Heterodyne tonight. One of your very accommodating generals agreed to meet with me after you woke up, to tell me what kinds of stories he likes and thus increase my chances of survival."
"Did hyu vait for me to vake up just so hyu could kiss me?"
The blush on her cheeks got a little darker.
"I was waiting to see how the story would end," she said, archly.
"Vhich story?"
"This one. All stories are either tragedies or comedies, but you only know which one once it's over. If I leave early, the story remains incomplete, open-ended, a deeply unsatisfying mystery."
Ognian blinked, his eyes slightly unfocused.
"Maybe hyu come back after de performance und run dot by me again ven de pain medicine wears off."
But she shook her head.
"I don't want to risk overstaying my welcome. Besides," she said, walking away. "I'm a wanderer. It's time for me to wander off." 
She paused by the tend flap and gave him a smile that made her almost not ugly at all.
"But I’m certain I’ll wander this way again.”
Then she was gone.
After a moment, she stuck her head back in.
“Just be a little more careful next time, would you? I like my men stupid, but not that stupid.”
Ognian stared after her, wondering what on earth that could mean.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
It’s time for some Christmas Eve / Christmas CPN to keep you company 🎄
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first of all, Merry Christmas! I hope that you spend this day with people you love. may it be a cozy day filled with good food and gifts.
everything below is fake. for turtles only.
☼☽⋆。°✧ ✧⋆°。☾☼
let’s start with another cute story - drawing from Chengyi. This time with Bobo attempting to make bread/pastry for ZZ cause he knows he likes it. At this point, i’m just treating all the succeeding stuff she posts as fake stories. tho there is really something about a real-life person who they know, spent some time with them and saw them interact, turning into a full fledged turtle. lol. either on screen or real life, there is a factor that will make certain people believe in szd. What fans love about this comic is Bobo’s attempt in making ZZ happy by making what he likes — he is also wearing an apple watch, which we’ve been clowning about recently.
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this reminds alot of us about GG’s 2020 birthday cake and who made it. There were lots of speculation at that time and one of them was Bobo made the cake. I mean, Bobo is someone who can do anything if he sets his mind to it, tho he may be a disaster in the kitchen— he can always practice. or maybe he had a bit of help. People are pointing out that in the photos, the cake looks smooth and perfect. but in the video, you can see in an angle that it wasn’t. there is a part with no icing and looks uneven. I know someone took some icing and smeared it on his cheek but that was only a little. So was he hiding the imperfection? trying to only show the perfect look of the cake his baobao made him? 🥺🥺🥺
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When this CPN was talked about years ago, I was really skeptical because not everything is about their relationship. I mean, are we reaching too much? We are even connecting the cake to Yibo? But one thing I noticed about that cake is how simple it is. White. No decoration. Then I’m comparing it to the kind of cakes and cupcakes XZ and his team give out to staff/crew, it’s totally different. He prefers giving ones that look really pretty. So if this 2020 birthday cake was store bought or custom — why is it so plain? Unless someone handmade it. Someone who is a newbie in baking. 🤡
Example below are the cakes given by ZZ’s team to the ADLAD crew.
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talking about these cakes, there was a card given alongside it ( see p1 ) with the message wishing a happy/merry christmas eve. The handwriting ( and message ) tho is similar to what was shared before by LRLG, a handwritten letter. Coincidence? lol. This is why we love LRLG so much!
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Next is a submission in the ZSWW fake rumor house. I wanna mention it because of how cute it portrayed Bobo. 🥺🥺 I cannot post the whole translation here cause i’m not allowed, so I’ll share a few lines only.
• It said Bobo can be heard on the phone saying “I think you didn’t” and also “do you miss me?” / “do you miss me today?” / “thinking of you”
Then ZZ teases him, acting like he doesn’t miss him, and Bobo was like— “I’m the only one that miss you, you don’t miss me.”
This is so Yibo. He will only act spoiled and childish towards his ZZ, wanting his attention. It must be so delightful for ZZ to tease Yibo! Hearing that soft yibo voice ahhhhhh! We could never!!!! I’m so happy that they are in the same city now, and hopefully till the end of year or beyond. They deserve time to be together. Even if they have work commitments, at the end of the day, they can still go home to each other.
• Someone is already "quietly" preparing 🎄🎁what about you?
hmmmmmm. i doubt they will show off what each other gave, but who knows?
• OP mentioned the line : "Don't give up what you love because you're afraid" and this made me so soft. Not only does it talk about their relationship but their careers as well. yibo’s love for dancing. zz’s love for singing. both their passion for acting. They are two people who continue to pursue their love no matter what other people think. They are so inspiring. 🤍
Lastly, this unofficial bts video shared today. Nothing really incriminating. Just an example of how much they share and notice about what each other is doing. They don’t sound like two colleagues who just tolerate one another.
ZZ: Why did you just say you would go back to the hotel?
WYB: I just got back to the hotel and stayed there for an hour
ZZ: wearing makeup and wearing clothes
WYB: It’s hard. When did you switch over?
ZZ: I didn’t check the time, I just arrived 10 minutes earlier than you.
I swear. They know what the other person is doing or their schedule. It’s like they look forward to being together or whatever time they have sharing the screen. 🤍
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bess3714 · 1 year
I had so much fun with the first Birds of Prey issue. Like seriously, I like all my pulls but I got to the end of this one and was mad that it wasn't longer because I wanted more, and I don't often feel that way about a comic.
Spoilers ahead!
The Art
The art kind of reminded me of old school comics which was really cool, but at the same time it had a more modern feel, which I think was due to the colors. I really like the art in this comic, the previews looked cool and the actual comic didn't disappoint.
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I swear this panel feels like it could have come from a Batman comic in the eighties, which I like, since that's what I read a lot of, but also it's a little different and fresh, which I also like because it's fun and new to me.
I love the way the characters are shaped. They are all drawn like solid, sturdy people. Out of the five, Harley and Dinah have the most revealing costumes (Dinah wears fishnets, and Harley has a crop top), but none of their costumes have that sexualized feel to them. I'm very used to reading pre-Flashpoint comics and wow the women's costumes are revealing. Which is not a bad thing, I suppose, but it does feel very distinct to me then when costumes aren't.
The panels are fun. I have a tendency to focus more on dialogue than on art (which I've been working on not doing), especially when pages have a lot going on, but I didn't have that trouble here. The panels were very clean and easy for me to follow, but they weren't boring either. I loved the spread of Cass and Dinah fighting the assassins, and the page of Cass and Barda fighting the vampire guys (I have more to say later about Barda and Cass!)
Finally, the colors! Which I love! They're very crisp and bold and so pretty! I really really really liked them. In case you couldn't tell.
(Also, if there are any trans Cass truthers out there, they're going to love this panel. I'm not one but I'm sure somewhere out there, there's someone who's going to go, 'trans flag colors on a Cassandra Cain panel?!?!' and have a really great day.)
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Characters and Story
First we have Dinah Lance (Black Canary), who is assembling a team to rescue her sister, Sin.
Then we have Cassandra Cain (Batgirl), who immediately agrees to join Dinah's team to help Sin.
Next is Big Barda, who also agrees to join Dinah's team to help Sin.
Dinah calls in a favor from Lady Zannah (Zealot) to get her to join the team.
And finally, Cass suggests Harley Quinn for their fifth member, and when she finds out it's to help save a teenager, she agrees.
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So! What I liked, and what I didn't.
I loved Cass and Big Barda's interactions. Big Barda immediately respects Cass's abilities as a fighter. When she tells Cass she isn't good at telling stories, she follows it up with reassurance of her other strengths. And Big Barda calls her 'small bat' and 'little bat' which is so sweet and adorable and I want them to be friends.
When I saw the announcement that Harley was going to in this comic, I wasn't surprised, and I was uncertain how well that would work. Harley is a big moneymaker right now, which is why she seems to be popping up in everything. I'm hesitant, but I think she could be written well and we'll just have to wait and see. I liked that Cass suggested her because of her unpredictable nature and I'm curious to see where that goes. I'd like to see more Cass and Harley interactions because I think they could be a really fun and interesting duo.
I didn't like that they didn't tell us why Dinah can't bring in Barbara on this. I have a sneaking suspicion that they're going to build up to the 'why' and it's going to be for a stupid reason and then I'll be disappointed. I'm crossing my fingers my hunch is wrong.
Finally, I'm uncertain how I feel about the whole Dinah-Harley dynamic. Dinah wrote off Harley pretty quick, but she let Harley on the team anyway. I wonder how that dynamic is going to play out in the future.
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I'm excited! I think this is going to be a fun comic, I'm excited to see what happens next, and I think people should read it
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Now to wait for the next issue... *sigh*
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metawatts · 1 year
Saw your review for the jl/rwby crossover. You mentioned Cruz as being one of the failures of the movie. Kind of leaves me conflicted because honestly she was kind of my favorite part of the movie while everything else was just mostly meh or frustrating. I am not that familiar with comic Cruz and the Incarnation I am more familiar with from DC superhero girls is very different from the comic from what little I know. Care to do a deep dive on this particular GL and how the crossover failed her?
Alright, I have some time to do asks, so lets dive on in! I was gonna write this out way better but my dotpoints kinda became their own essay so here we go!
TL:DR: I think that Jessica's anxiety was mishandled due to a fundamental misunderstanding of how her character is built in the comics, because they wanted a Cute Agoraphobic Queen (and forgot to have the agoraphobia). I also think that she lacked agency in her own mental health and plotline, with Jaune being the main mover in both, and that there is whitewashing to her design, as seen here compared to: other cartoons, other comic runs, her other rwby designs (feat. one Simon Baz because DC is keeping him from me)
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Yeah. Hm. Anyway, lets get into my rambly thoughts about Jessica Cruz
Alright first things first: I’m not against Jessica Cruz being written differently to the comics if she’s written respectfully. I also really do like dc superhero girls and Jessica there is very fun as a character, even if I have some other issues with what they took out from her storyline
The thing about this iteration of Jessica Cruz is that apparently the theme of the movie was ‘gun violence’ or whatever and that’s. That’s her whole. That’s literally her whole comic backstory.
For a quick recap in the comics: Jessica Cruz one day was hiking with friends before they stumbled across some guys dumping bodies in the woods. All of Jessica’s friends were shot down and murdered right in front of her for being witnesses, and Jessica gained an absolutely brutal case of PTSD, which later fuelled her agoraphobia and anxiety.
Then, after spending 3 years literally never leaving her apartment out of terror that she was going to be tracked down and murdered like her friends, she was instead tracked down by an artifact called Power Ring (it’s complicated but p much it’s like an Evil Inverse Green Lantern Ring). The Power Ring, which is fuelled by the wearer’s fear and trauma, forces itself onto Jessica and turns her into a villainous puppet for it’s own will. She’s canonically being tortured by physical and psychological pain the whole time she’s wearing it. She’s nearly saved a few times from her Literal Possession but the thing that sticks is when she pulls a self-sacrifice and supposedly dies, only it turns out that the ring died in her place and then she got a Green Lantern Ring for her bravery in facing her fears and such. (I think the universe/writers were apologising because Genuinely WTF)
Now, the thing that a lot of people praise about Jessica as a character in most comics, is that she is, most of the time, a very realistically-written character with anxiety. Her anxiety is rooted mostly in her PTSD, which means that it has very definite triggers, one of which is, on her bad days, ‘guns being aimed at her’.
However, Jessica is also someone who actively works on this aspect of her mental health, she’s shown having gone to therapy sessions, learnt how to internally combat her negative self-talk, and actively works on herself. She has her coping mechanisms, and they genuinely work for her when she’s spiralling, and she’s able to work through her anxiety and remind herself that, in what is one of her main catchphrases ‘you are not your fear’.
DC Superhero girls pretty much just axed Jessica’s anxiety entirely and while she’s a fun character she’s also not really close enough to comics Cruz for me to really draw comparisons, although I do wish they’d been willing to explore that storyline (and maybe have Simon there) I understand why with the age range they didn’t decide to throw in Gun Violence and Anxiety (but they could have had Simon there where are you keeping him dc)
Meanwhile: RWBY/JL Jessica Cruz. Well. I don’t want to hate on people who like her. If you found joy in something that I did not, then I’m happy for you, but I do want to explain my problems. The first is the way they misrepresented and mishandled her anxiety, and the second is Jaune. Why does it always have to be Jaune, I don’t even hate Jaune, I just hate how much everyone in the writing rooms love him.
Anxiety: Jessica in the film is pretty much given a much more generalised anxiety disorder. She mentions that she’s had it from a young age, that she’s always been afraid, that the ring helped her fit in. She’s given a much different trigger of claustrophobia, and her agoraphobia is completely missing from her character. DC Superhero Girls took away her anxiety, so there’s nothing to misrepresent. RWBY/JL put in her anxiety, and put in the wrong one.
Comics Jessica’s anxiety, and her insecurities, come from a genuinely traumatic event, one that shaped her for years, one that she’s still fighting overcome. And then worse stuff happened to her and she kept going. I have a generalised anxiety disorder, I’ve had one since I was a teenager, and I can also say that how it was shown in the movie was… kind of stereotypical. She’s meek, and she shy, and she’s nervous and jumpy and doesn’t feel like she can do anything. And this is meant to be Jessica who still is that adult, just in a teen brain, and I know hormones suck, but they completely axed the fact that this is canonically a character who has mental health issues and works on them so they could have Jaune peptalk her through her panic attacks, which. Cures them, all of a suddenn
Yeah we’re getting into the Jaune stuff now. Jaune is the catalyst for everything Jessica does. He makes the plans while she worries, he talks her through her panic, he talks her through all her anxiety, and then… that’s it, really, all she does from that point on in the movie is Solve All The Problems. The emotional core of most of their scenes from post-Jessica confessing her anxiety disorder up until ‘the claustrophobia panic attack’ is on Jaune missing Pyrrha so much that he ignores Jessica actually trying to be reasonable about ‘this is sus’. It feels like they wanted to do ‘Jessica gets a best friend who helps her through her anxieties and supports her to stand on her own’, forgot to write the second part of that, and forgot one other tiny lil detail
Simon Baz is Jessica’s Green Lantern partner in the comics, they’re your classic ‘hothead/cautious’ duo, they have literally the best interactions of friendship ever, this is the man who worries that Jessica’s not feeling okay after a bad day and shows up to make her pancakes for breakfast. They also have a real interesting quirk to their specific brand of green lanterning, which is that Hal Jordan was like ‘okay you need to learn to work together’ and fused their Power Batteries together. (quick rundown: green lantern rings need to be periodically charged up with lantern shaped power batteries otherwise there’s no constructs or cool costumes). Simon and Jessica cannot recharge their rings separately, they have to work as a team. And the first few comics of their run are great (I know nothing about the state of it now). They’re mutually supportive, they both have their issues, and Jaune feels like he was written to slot into that role.
I get that ‘we can’t have two green lanterns in here that’s boring’ was probably what was said but this is also what speaks to a wider issue about how Jessica is getting a lot more press time in non-comic properties. Which is awesome! Overall I love her character, I love the different takes on her, and it’s very cool to see her. Simon Baz, however. Is. Not getting any of this. Which is a shame. I just wish that my duo could get to be a duo.
But, I mean, if dc superhero girls is willing to just completely nix jess’s anxiety from her, why not nix Simon Baz’s backstory and still have him be her partner there? Why do all these properties decide that Jessica is best written when all of her character stuff beyond ‘female green lantern, occasionally nervous’ is removed from her? This isn’t just a rwby problem, but it’s something I’ve noticed especially in the rwby movie because of how they took Jessica’s character, when her backstory as it was would have tied into the so-called ‘theme’ for gun violence, and stripped her entirely for parts about ‘Jaune is a nice caring friend look how protective he is of poor scared Jessica’. He even powers her up for HER big 'ending the bad guy' move instead of allowing her to be as strong as a green lantern ring is meant to be
Jessica in the film is pretty much written as ‘nervous agoraphobic adorable widdle queen’, all of her actual agency, all of her own inner strength of being someone who struggles with anxiety and overcomes it is removed so that she can be a Pep Talk Recipient, and I gotta say another small thing: pep talks, in my experience, don’t actually cure a chronic generalised anxiety disorder.
Oh yeah and also not only is her Green Lantern outfit in this crossover really not good (everyone is, except vixen, vixen’s power is too strong for rwby character designers to truly damage), she’s also definitely whitewashed to the point that I think a lot of people would find it hard at first to know that she’s meant to be Latina. Like, even compared to her Adult Version, or her rwby comics version, or, say, some of the other animated versions of her, or even her comics version in The Good Runs, as shown above. I called her ‘ben 10-ified’, and I stand by that, it’s just… it's a bit eesh, considering rwby's other problems with colourism and such.
I think all the DC characters got massacred, but if this had to be the anxiety rep for the film, why couldn't it be the Jessica who was actively working on dealing with it, dealing with her self-talk, like this?
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I know rwby's allergic to character development, but come on. Jessica is more than an Anxious UwU bean. That's kinda the whole point. Also, she plays pokemon, what's not to love?
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mahiiimahiiii · 7 months
Hiiiii!!!! I saw you were doing Bg3 Pairings and if you’re able I’d be interested in submitting mine. I’ve only don’t this like one other time but I think these a fun so far :))
Age: 19
She/ Her Cis
Myers Briggs: INTP
Likes: Cats (especially mine), Animals in general, classical art, most kinds of music (especially rock and alternative), horror movies, gothic literature, being outside
Dislikes: Cat and Animals Haters, loud noises, people who are very angry all the time, modern pop, Wasps, people who don’t appreciate art and artists, Peas, Lima Beans :(
Favorite Feature: My eyes, most people say I have pretty eyes so I guess thats my most outstanding feature
Favorite Food: Steak and Lobster (also cookies, god I love cookies)
Song that would describe me: Squaring Up by Sir Chloe
Interests: Art, Writing, Going outdoors especially in the rural countryside or in the woods, cats
Hobbies: Drawing, Writing, Reading, Swimming, Weightlifting, dancing, spending time with my cats, listening to music
Mini Description: I’m 5’6, 175 lbs, muscular build, I have shoulder length black dyed hair with purple roots and blunt bangs. I’m goth so I dress in all black like all the time, sometimes I add in some darker colors. Im kind of a quite person until you start talking to me and then I can’t stop yapping about one of my hobbies or interest or some niche topic I really like. It’s funny though because some people are scared to talk to me when they first meet me, and trust me im literally just a goofball who is obsessed with art and cats. When im not studying for my classes im usually working on my comic book that I want to publish and/or working on animation because I want to be an animator and make a show out of my comic book. I like to keep busy, I don’t like to stay still lol
Anyways have a good day/night! Thank you for your time! :D
(i am staring at you with jealousy and disrespect, also you have good taste in music.)
this was a bit more difficult, but ultimately made my decision because sir chloe is very karlach coded, and so is disliking lima beans.
i get that in people are afraid to talk to you, i've heard in some alt subcultures that's the general vibe! i find that those who may be the scariest are the sweetest at heart.
i feel like both of you have an orange cat energy about you, if that makes sense. im feelin, red velvet cupcakes, and those chocolate covered cherries people buy from the dollar store during Christmas time. no clue why anyone would like them, but they're sold nonetheless.
(dunno if that's the most American thing i've said, will someone let me know if it is.)
a couple of odd balls if you catch my drift.
also, you can steal her clothes, though in a modern sense karlach would probably just be in baggy tees and sweats. always the best outfit to have in ones wardrobe.
one thing of her affection would be insisting for you to do her eyeliner, special bonding time, per se.
it reminds me of that image of the two girls doing each-others makeup. :'D
i think because you both have scary dog energy she probably will need to offset it by being bright and bubbly.
a date seems like snuggles when you cant sleep late at night, so you give into the insomnia and watch video essays together, with cups of tea of course. perhaps building a pillow fort!
im sure she would love cats, a little guy in her house!!! a creature just chilling there!!! wow!!!!!
scents would be, rain on concrete, and water left in a water-bottle for too long. both positive things i suppose.
hope you enjoyyyed
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
for the ask game thing, J, A, M, I, E, S, F, O, T, B, L, because i'm cheeky
You are darling
J - Name a fandom you didn’t think about until you saw it all over Tumblr. (You don’t have to care about it or follow it; it just has to be something that Tumblr made you aware of.)
Most things my god. Critical Role. The Magnus Archive. Riverdale. Welcome to Night Vale. Bridgerton. Six of Crows. The Owl House. I could go on.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Jamie Tartt / general happiness. If there is a person who kind of breathed on him nice one time, I want to hear about it. Jamie and the rest of the team I am particularly interested in, because while Ted Lasso as a whole is a good show, it did not often give us ensemble-hangs-out plotlines, and I love a good ensemble.
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
MCU. After a while I got tired of seeing the characters I liked from the comics getting watered down, and it drove me crazy to see how much fandom liked the watered down versions.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
It's probably the cat thing, isn't it? Though I'm quite proud of my Richmond injury list
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
I just posted a very long one about Jamie and Isaac, but the long and short of it is that they send each other selfies of their outfits for the day every morning.
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
The first fandom I was in was Dragon Ball Z. As I am still ingesting fan content for it, I would say I am still in the fandom. So that's about 25 years.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
This was vaguely rigged because of how often I've been listening to my character playlists. The song that came on is 'Passing through a Screen Door' by The Wonder Years, Little Kruta. It's not only from my Jamie Tartt playlist, but some of the lyrics are chapter titles in one of my fics.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending? 
Answered the big one already, but for a minor stupid headcanon that I'll put up in a place of prominence: after Wembley, Higgins was informed of what happened. He was distraught for the role he unknowingly played. He delicately put word to security to let him know if any complaints were filed or needed to be filed to keep Jamie's dad off the premises. And when no complaints were filed...
...look, he's a middle manager at heart. He's used to doing what needs done without people telling him to do it or even knowing he took care of it. Unbeknownst to anyone outside of the Directors of Beboperations (plus a few favors called in),Jamie's dad is banned from a number of stadiums across the country (12 and counting).
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Richard and Jan Maas. They're asshole 4 asshole. I get it.
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves. (Characters you’re neutral about are fair game, as are characters you merely dislike. Characters that you absolutely loathe with the fire of ten thousand suns are exempt, as there is no point in giving yourself an aneurysm over a character that you hate.)
For someone whose purpose is narrative villain, I find the character of Rupert interesting. He's charming, he's determined, he's relentless, he's socially gifted - all positive traits that double as flaws. You see why Rebecca fell for him as easily as you see why she loathes him.
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dimdiamond · 1 year
Ok I just watched the secret of the unicorn tintin movie after almost a long while and I loved it so much again of course ,but I realized that both tintin and haddock characters are a bit out of characters sometimes don't you think?I mean compared to the original version from herge,cause that scene where tintin tends to give up and then haddock makes a speech to him about a lesson of life was amazing and tbh a bit weird for me cause tintin was like NEVER like that?like ever man it usually was like the opposite I mean haddock giving up and tintin encouraging him,like tintin being the optimistic and captain being the pessimistic one?it was the only little problem I had with it not that I don't like it or else it's amazing but it was weird to me so what do you think?
I completely understand what you mean. This movie is amazing and you can't help falling for it again and again every time you rewatch it! Despite the changes you feel that this movie was made with love and passion for the original creation, it is a love letter from fans to the creator! At least that's how I perceived it but I don't think anyone can disagree with the fact that it does feel different than many other remakes that are made these days and I think the reason is simply because they saw the original as something worth to revisit, not as something that needs to change.
About the characters and this scene specifically I see your point and you're right, they're not their usual characters, especially in the specific stories they adapted. One explanation could be simply because it's Hollywood and Hollywood likes drama and scenes of resolution, where the hero fails and finds the courage to stand up again to face the enemy one last time. In that scene Haddock is the mentor and Tintin the young man who needs to be reminded of the truth and that feels strange for these specific characters. Haddock is always the one who gives up and needs a push and Tintin the one who encourages him and never gives up. BUT I find this change not that far away from their characters. Please indulge my following blabbering.
Tintin in the whole movie feels different than the Tintin we all have in mind, especially the Tintin from the 90s cartoon series. However he does have many traits from the comic Tintin. He is sassy and has no patience for the bad guys, his whole attention is on the mystery but he can't help pulling back Haddock from whatever he does. I feel that Tintin from the Spielberg movie gets all these traits from all the comics, not just the ones that are adapted in this movie, and they're enhanced. Why? Probably to make him more of a recognisable character but I don't feel he's out of character, it's just another reading of his character. And the core is kept: Tintin is kind. Tintin, no matter what, won't give up Haddock, even when he is disappointed. Tintin shows lots of patience and determination when anyone else would have given up. His moment of weakness, when he says better give up, could be because of his more pragmatist side- I saw all the options and I concluded that it's better to do nothing- but it is Tintin. Tintin won't give up as long as he has something to believe in, something to support on, and in this scene he had nothing. And don't forget that just before that, he had to give up the scrolls and the chase to save Haddock and Milou. Tintin was called to choose between his determination and his good heart and of course he chose the last one. At that point he had already given up on the story for his friends. In the beach scene Tintin reminds to the audience that he is just a human, a young man that had no one to support besides himself and now is completely lost on what to do. Haddock is someone who gives him something to believe in and support again and I think this is obvious on the way Tintin is with him afterwards till the end of the movie. Tintin wants Haddock to be his partner and go to more adventures together, he realized he can have both friends and adventure in his life, without choosing.
Haddock in all the movie is completely himself and the character we all know but he shows his virtues all the way. He tries his best to help Tintin and amend, he falls and stands up again, he tries not to waste Tintin's trust on him and so he doesn't drink and protects the one thing Tintin entrusted him with. And even when he fails and he is misunderstood, he keeps following Tintin and doesn't give up. This is Haddock in all the comics. Maybe the beach scene is so he can shine but to me it doesn't feel out of character. Haddock saw his tired and faithless side of himself on this young man and couldn't help but to scold him, to remind him and mostly himself that giving up isn't an option. Haddock in the comics tends to give up but not for long, soon he goes again and without much push from Tintin, just a word- or a drink, depending on the comic. He shines in challenges and, if you think about it, his whole character arc is about a man that fails and still doesn't give up.
Tintin always encourages Haddock and Haddock doesn't encourage Tintin because simply he tends to go to the danger and someone needs to bring him back to earth (like an anchor but this is a whole other discussion). But in a moment when Tintin would need encouragement, in a moment of his weakness, Haddock wouldn't encourage him back? Haddock wouldn't hate to see Tintin like that and wouldn't remind him that "hey, this isn't you, don't be like me" because of course Haddock doesn't realize his own achievements and good sides? And how can we be sure that there was never a moment like that in-between their adventures? For all we know, the comics could be the things the narrators aka the main duo want us to see, even Tintin's articles! We have many skips and many blank periods of time, anything might have happened, even Tintin feeling like losing his resolve and Haddock encouraging him. An adaptation can explore all the things that the original didn't and still be faithful to that.
So basically my points are that first, since the movie serves as a love letter to the comics, the characters are going through all their character development in just one movie, meaning we see a mix of many of their traits, even if said traits appeared in the last comics. Last, this isn't a common reading of the characters but that doesn't mean false, in the end the cores of the characters are kept and what really makes them a unique team and their bond strong are shown all the way.
This is my opinion and the way I saw the movie. It doesn't mean I am right necessarily but for me looking at the adaptation in this way helps me see the good points of every adaptation and in the end understand better the characters themselves.
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karakulialiny · 7 months
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On Valentine's Day, I wanted to publish a mini series of drawings called Types of Romances in Fiction. There, using the example of some of my favorite couples, I show different types of relationships. This idea came to me on February 13, so I had absolutely no time to implement all my ideas on time. And considering that recently my tablet has been charging 10 times less than before... But now, I've finally finished this series!
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Anyway, there's Michael and Charlie from my FNAF AU. After Evan fell into a coma, they dated for some time (mainly to provide moral support to Michael), then Charlie fell into the hands of William and what you already know about happened.
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Fun fact: for a solid 1,5 years (from late 2020 to mid 2022), I thought that Robbie was Purah's and Impa's brother. However, I had some doubts because no one portrayed him as such. All my doubts were confirmed when I saw a decent amount of PuRobbie ship arts on Tumblr with the artists saying that Robbie indeed is not related to Sheikah sisters. And you know what? The romantic relationship between these two makes a lot of sense. It's mystery for me, why Robbie ended up with Jerrin, but I have one theory that I want to present in one of my future fanfictions (which I won’t write soon, because I haven’t overcome my writer’s complexes yet).
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It's finally time for my absolute OTP😍😍😍 I really like the headcanon that Zelda had to go on dates secretly because she was afraid of being judged by the royal nobility. Mainly for the reason that Link acted like an idiot very often, and if the princess admitted to everyone her feelings for him, then she would be treated with less respect, and this is very important for Zelda as a future queen. But a woman in love remains a woman in love, and she wanted to feel loved.
Yes, I know that King Rhoam would not really be against their relationship. These Link and Zelda are from my AU (as well as Purah and Robbie from the picture above), and what I know about this so far is that the royal guards along with knights would not believe that Link was the chosen one after they saw his clumsiness, naivety and how he completely calmly eats rocks. Then, the young man became a laughing stock among the ladies-in-waiting and even the court cooks. Zelda didn't want everyone to laugh at her when they saw her romantically involved with Link, so they met in secret.
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A lot of things happened between Stan and Wendy from South Park. They were either head over heels in love with each other, then they broke up, and this became a real springboard for various kinds of fan fiction. In my AU, there will also be a small story arc dedicated to their relationship, but I don’t yet know how exactly all this will happen, where it will begin and where it will end.
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It's been a long time since I drew a Lackadaisy character, and portraying Ivy and Calvin as the personification of love at first sight was a great excuse. If anything, I simply redrew the moment of their first meeting from the comic.
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As the final entry of the series, I decided to draw Hancock and Luffy. Honestly, unlike other pairings in this series, I'm not really into this one. At least because I find it quite tragic to fall in love with someone who OBVIOUSLY has no interest in you. Of course, I could portray the more interesting for me pair of Phineas and Isabella as an example of a non-reciprocal relationship. But the fact is that in the end, Phineas still reciprocated, and we are talking about a completely non-reciprocal relationship here. At least I thought it was funny how Hancock goes from being a cold-blooded lady to being an awkward teenager once she sees Luffy and then goes back to her old self. She reminds me so much of my OC Miranda 😆
Happy long-ago Valentine's Day, folks😘
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
been thinking about the art you’ve been sharing from school ever since I saw it (the one of you doing hard/scary things and the violin one) and I just wanted to say that I’m proud of you. as someone who has followed your blog for years I’ve gotten to see how you have grown as an artist and how much your skill and style have developed. but on top of that you’ve just been going through Life Stuff like all of us have and your pieces portray that in a way that feels so emotional and, like, uniting? it made me think wow, when was the first time I went grocery shopping alone? i don’t remember it now but I bet it felt a little like that. the low social battery one? most relatable thing I’ve ever seen. the dreaded emails 😭 the grind of pushing through for finals 😭 and I’ve like never touched a violin in my life but I felt that one so hard somehow? even though I’ve never had that experience it just seems like something every human can feel. something you once loved that turned sour. something you could maybe love again. or something that’s better left alone. just like the ache of remembering, whether it’s good or bad. Anyway. I just think you’re an amazing artist, not just because of your impressive technical skills (which I know you have worked SO hard to develop!!) but also because of the heart you put into it and the stories you are able to tell and just the staggering Humanity of your work. especially with all this AI stuff going around, seeing your work just reminds me that, idk, THIS is what real art is. and that can’t be artificially replicated. the soul of art cannot be generated. TizzyMcWizzy is not replaceable
okay yeah wow this actually just made me burst into full on tears. maryssa ily so much 💙💙💙💙💙💙
im forever grateful that i have the opportunity to make this stuff and to get to fucking SHARE IT WITH PEOPLE like THAT'S SO COOL!! I'M SO GRATEFUL!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!
i was talking with my mom the other day and she was trying to nudge me into pursuing product design again cause "people will pay for products, people will pay you to make things they can sell, no one wants to pay for shit that they can see, why would they? you can't feed yourself with pictures" or something like that, and part of me wondered if that was true,, but seeing the response to my recent comics and the connection there,, like, man, THIS IS A DIFFERENT KIND OF FEEDING, we love and grow and live off this stuff, it makes our lives lighter and our hearts rest easier, and isn't that fuckin worth it???? isn't that the point and the joy of it all?????
gwugh many many thoughts about this but i digress
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HEY ANON! Idk what it is but im feeling super duper extra forgiving and kind today so I've decided to actually type up a response to that ask but im answering it like this cus i don't wanna subject my followers to having to scroll thru what u wrote 👍
stuff below the cut (heed the warnings in the tags)
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this is the context, for those curious
FIRST OFF this is so so so SO not okay to send to anyone but ESPECIALLY not a stranger on the internet. Anon you are so lucky I am as comfortable as I am reading and talking about depression/suicide and (I hope) you didn't send this to someone who it could potentially trigger and that I am as normal as I am and not someone who would respond to this callously.
This is such a jump from "i don't draw good", nobody on this website is your therapist or your parent and nobody owes you the time of day to hear you vent. You really don't deserve a response at all but I am doing this because 1. I am nice and very very bored and 2. I believe I used to kind of be like you so I'm somewhat sympathetic.
That being said re: the 'draw more' comic
Anon not everything is about you or directly addressed to you. The message of that comic isn't to just draw more (if anything, mindlessly grinding art isn't the most productive studying you can do once you reach a certain skill level imo), it's to illustrate your mindset and why it's flawed.
The artist in that comic is frustrated with their own progress and skill only because they cannot see the 100x amount of work their more experienced counterpart put in. That doesn't mean their own effort doesn't matter, it just means they have no sense of scale and don't understand why, when they've done so much, they aren't as skilled as those around them.
It's this mindset that inevitably leads to the assumption that other people are just born more talented or didn't have to work as hard for their skills when they certainly did (this might not have been what you intended to say but using words like "life is unfair" paints a very specific impression). Which is. Frustrating, you could imagine, for those of us who have pushed through that period of growth only to be met with "oh woe is me, not blessed by the art muse like your holiness".
I put that there because your message reminded me of it. The last thing it's meant to be is a direct message towards You to Draw More.
re: learning art
My guy nobody is happy with their art straight away. I wasn't happy with my art for like. 6 years.
Learning art is as much of a mental battle as it is a physical one. The improvement over time chart is something I've tried to keep in mind for years when it comes to those "dip" periods in which it suddenly feels like you suck.
I've seen quite a few people touch on it in recent years but the first time I saw it was in this Sycra video.
Just like a bad mental health day due to seasonal depression I found it much easier to bear once I could sense a 'dip' period incoming and braced myself for it. I even.. kind of learned to enjoy it and accept it as part of my growth process because it was a sign I was going to improve enormously in the coming month or so. but that might just be me lol.
Eitherway, hope this helps 👍speaking of that though
re: depression/suicide/mental health
Let's be honest with ourselves here there is something much deeper going on with you in your life if Drawing Pictures gets you feeling suicidal.
Art isn't this all or nothing thing, you're allowed to take breaks for years and then come back fresh, you're allowed to start drawing at age 98. There's no expiry date on it. It's not professional gymnastics.
What I'm trying to illustrate here is that art is clearly a symptom of a bigger problem in your life that has you taking this attitude with yourself and the way you talk is doing anything but helping your case. You know what's especially unhelpful tho is venting to faceless block man artists on tumblr about this who don't know your personal circumstances or like.. who you are at all. seriously.
This is a problem you're going to have to fix yourself. "seek therapy" is the stock standard answer that we would all love to accept but that isn't realistic for alot of obvious reasons. I can't say what would work for you but personally I'd advise looking to online free mental health resources (forums like reddit are a last resort but if you can find the right space for that then what works works).
If you want an artsy spin on it I'd recommend literally any number of artists' youtube videos on their artistic journeys and their own struggles with impostor syndrome, insecurities, depression, etc. Off the top of my head I recall Jazza has made a few over the years and i adore these marco bucci videos in particular.
The bottom line is that you're going to have to help yourself, Anon. You can't expect others to make themselves smaller to make you more comfortable, you have to create that space for yourself.
We can all uplift each other but no one's going to respond kindly if you come out of the gate downplaying everyone else's efforts.
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unifox · 1 year
PTG as Owl City songs Pt.1
Hi! I actually wrote this in November 2020 and just found this today, July 2023 and decided to complete my draft. Owl City is my childhood musician and my favorite till today. They truly mean the world to me. In one of my listening sessions, this came up. I hope you guys like this, it was fun to do. And maybe this way you may also discover Owl City or know them better!
IMPORTANT: This is purely out of my imagination, I do NOT know how the ptg members are and their true personalities. This is how I perceive them through the content they provide us on social media. Also, the songs interpretations were mine. They might not be what the artist intended but how I understood them.
None of the pictures are mine! Got them on Pinterest
happy reading! and maybe listening too ~Foxy🦊
Pt.2 | masterlist
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Vanilla Twilight
A soft song that talks about longing and missing someone, fitting for Jinho who's in the military right? The piano melody makes the song feel so soft and slow, but the bridge is really powerful, which for me is the perfect recipe for Jo Jinho
Angels (2023)
Bear with me, but in all the songs that Adam (the vocalist) shows his strong vocals, I’m reminded of Jinho. The “wake me if you’re out there” really gives me Jinho. Through this song, I’m reminded of how Jinho is inspiring to me and how I’m grateful for having him as a role model in music. Among the artist that I know, Jinho is a really unique one that stood out for me, and as the lyrics say “I thought I saw an unfamiliar shadow, among the ones I so clearly know”
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Beautiful Times 
To me, this songs marks owl city's new sort of phase, something in between his usual style and his new style. Again the mix between his synth melodies, and the violin passage from Lindsey Stirling brings a bit more life to the song. I feel like this song gives so much hope and that is so Hui. I'd say the mix between styles fits Hui in the sense of him being such a versatile idol and producer, which makes everything even more charming. 
I’ll Meet You There (2023)
Hui is hope, the leader that holds all of them together. He seems to care deeply for others and that’s why this is also his song. ”Wander down the streets, And I will be the pavement beneath your feet” He would encourage others to do what they gotta do, what they want to do, and follow their dreams, and he’ll be there to support them no matter what. He also seems like the type that would want to comfort and be there for you even in your dreams. “And when you close your tired eyes I’ll me you there”
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Cloud Nine 
Charming and caring lyrics like Hongseok. Sounds fun and happy and really, boyfriend vibes. If that isn't Hong vibes then I don't know anything anymore. I even imagine Hongie singing this, especially the ending, before the last pre-chorus, which actually ends up closing the song. Definitely Hongseok
Hong just reminds me of a superhero. Maybe because of his caring self, his strength, or his love for iron man. He just seems to me like the type of guy who would collect Superhero comic books and dream of becoming one someday. If that's him, then he's already a superhero to Universe
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This song is a little more inclined to the rock side of Owl city and its so cool and pretty. That's one of the reasons why it reminded me of Shinwon. The vibe of the song is a bit like Shin since to me he kind of gives me a more indie rock sort of vibe and so this song is perfect for him, apart from the lyrics of course haha
Is a fun and dancing song that reflects Shinwon's personality. The melody struck me just like Shin did when I started stanning Pentagon, so they both match very well to me. 2023 me would like to add, the lyrics also fit Shinwon so well, He is fun, versatile and among all the amazing members he’s one of my favs. “I find in the days when you’re in my dreams, The orchestra plays the pretties themes”. For me, Shinwon shines.
Speed of love
This song just fits Shinwon perfectly in my opinion. The name of the song plus the videogame vibes it gives fits my idea of Shinwon being one of those people who face life and its obstacles as a game. For him specifically, I’d say a videogame. Also, he mentioned that he loves playing games and was very excited in forest with Pentagon when he saw a tv and play station in his room
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Yeo One
Classic like Yeo One. The mix between classical instruments and the synth-pop gives a really unique vibe to the song, making you feel like you're in between a dream and reality. I feel like Yeo also gives off that vibe and so, the song suits him very well
The song is sort of a 'Cheer up, you can do it!' message and it suits Yeo really well. Also, the reference to movies, acting, etc. reminds me of actor Changgu, and the image makes me so happy. The song is inspiring and supportive like our dear Yeo One
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libertys-lovers · 2 years
I, being a master negotiator, have convinced Henry to answer one more set of the Pokémon-Type questions with me! I thought it’d be cute if we answered the questions that matched the types we specialize in! So, we’ve got Psychic and Ghost (representing me), and Rock (representing him)!!
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🔮Psychic Type🔮 ~ What’s our favorite thing to daydream about with each other?:
This… this is gonna sound really goofy… but I enjoy daydreaming about the days when we started putting our “rivalry” aside and just started hanging out when we were supposed to be fighting. All the excuses we’d try to make when someone caught us relaxing, man. “Oh! Oh, well I actually captured her for Team GO Rocket” or “Haha, well I’m taking him to the police”; and right after we get them to leave, we’d just sit down and collectively sigh in relief. That sorta thing lives in my head rent free.
Okay… so for me…. I just really like imagining me.. protecting you. Just the idea of keeping you safe just… makes me really happy. It could be us doing Pokémon battles together, or me just… holding you. I’ve also thought about you as a Team GO Rocket grunt one too many times. I meant it… when I said you’d make a great GO Rocket leader; that wasn’t just me flirting with you or anything, I swear! But- I… guess it would be nice to work with you… and you’d look really pretty in the uniform-
Oh! Well-! I’ll keep that in mind… 👉👈👉👈
👻Ghost Type👻 ~ If we were forced to investigate a haunted house, how would it go?:
Oh geeze Liberty, you wouldn’t even need to be forced to do that. That’s just an average Pokémon hunting trip for you.
No, but like, this isn’t just catching Pokémon… this is full on, actual DEAD people ghost-hunting. Man, I’m getting hyper just thinking about it. That’d be SO fun!! I can bring all my equipmeeeent, and we could get needlessly but comically freaked out over every little thiiiiiiiiing, and we can help them settle their deeeeeebts.
Heh, I don’t think I’d be that scared though.
Oh? Whatever ya say, man~ Maybe we can turn that into a bet of some kind. Who can get through longer without screaming?
Oh what the heck; if you ever convince me to do that sorta thing with you, then you’re on!
Bet!!! But, I don’t think any of this technically answered the question though. I think it’d go well, honestly! Ghosts are just literally real in the Pokeverse, so we’d definitely be successful! I won’t lie, I’d probably get scared too, and I definitely wouldn’t help because I make jokes when I’m scared. I know Henry’s pretty intimidated by Annabelle (my Banette), but I think he’d do pretty good, until he saw something at least! You’d be such a brave little man for me, Henry~ …and i broke him again-
🗿Rock Type🗿 ~ What rock reminds us of each other?:
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Apparently these lil lads are Rainbow Jasper! I thought the colors fit ya pretty well, Hen! Some people also believe that they can soothe whoever owns them, which like… I’m just saying, you make me feel pretty comfy too~
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Well, the rock I picked for you was Sugilite. I know purple’s your favorite color, and it has a spacey-psychic kinda feel to it, so I figured you’d like it. If… if we have to apply deeper meanings to these though… Sugilite’s a pretty rare rock, and…. well… I guess you’re a rare kinda girl to have…
🌂Your Host, Liberty~ | 🪨Grunt Henry🪨
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