#let's face it they basically were long before now anyway
The ending of The Defectors just be like
The Doctor: If you don't get into contact with UNIT, Mike Yates is going to commit an atrocity!
Jo about to fuck with the TARDIS controls:
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#Like I mean the Doctor was going to commit an atrocity by killing all the inhabitants of the island regardless#But by fucking with the TARDIS controls Jo made it a tag-team atrocity! Now EVERYONE DIES!#Good news: The TARDIS lives! Bad news: Literally everyone else they were trying to choose between saving died.#Jo blew up the island killing all the inhabitants and then Mike came in and shot down any of the surviving aliens! :D#Lately I've been trying to think of any atrocities/war crimes that anyone else in UNIT did other than the Brigadier and the Doctor and#I couldn't think of any that anyone else actually succeeded in. So thank you The Defectors audio drama! For giving me an atrocity to credit#to Jo and Mike! :D For anyone who hasn't listened to the audio drama basically a bunch of aliens from Europa came to Earth by accident#and then were captured and tortured by the humans that found them. They just wanted to escape and go back to flying around#in space to find a new home. Actually they were refugees just trying to survive as their species was facing extinction. Sure they may have#been doing a mind control + slavery double whammy but they were still refugees trying to escape Earth. And they were controlling the humans#that were torturing them so I guess fair is fair. The Doctor wanted to save the aliens and so was providing them power to be able#to take off. But doing so would have actually literally killed the TARDIS. It also would have killed all the mind controlled inhabitants#of the island. Meanwhile Yates was heading over with UNIT (he was in temporary command while the Brigadier was in Geneva or something)#they couldn't get in contact with him to tell him that the aliens didn't really want to hurt anyone and were just refugees trying to escape#Earth. So the Doctor wanted to get them to take off before Mike could show up assume the worst and start blasting! But Jo couldn't bare#the idea of the TARDIS dying and stranding the Doctor on Earth again and so didn't let the Doctor do it. So instead EVERYONE gets to die!#It's several war crimes I think. Genocide. Killing refugees. And the inhabitants of the island were all people who defected from#the USSR during the Cold War so killing them would also probably be a war crime of some kind lol. For Mike's part he didn't know.#But Jo did! She didn't precisely mean to kill actually everyone but kill everyone she did! And then made Mike complicit in it lol.#Long bunch of tags sorry not exactly sorry lol. Anyway the real tags!#big finish#doctor who#doctor who audios#doctor who audio dramas#doctor who big finish#the defectors#seventh doctor#7th doctor#jo grant#mike yates
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hello there! I just read the MC is going back home and break up post, your writting is absolutely beautiful and eveything, I enjoyed it so much😢
For here can I request a part 2 where MC came back and surprise them? If it's too much of a work you can ignore this ask! Just wanted to say that that piece is so good ^^
Hope you have a great day <3
Hi! I’m glad you liked it! Omg yes we need a part 2, my heart broke while writing the first part haha. Thank you for the request! These came out pretty long but I had so much fun writing them!
Housewardens' reactions to s/o coming back from their world (part 2 of this)
It’s an unbirthday party, one that is held every now and then in Heartslabyul, and Riddle was sighing to himself because you weren’t going to be here for it. You had been gone for a few months now, but it felt like years since he last saw you. He didn’t even have the energy to off someone’s head while you were gone.
But little did he know, you had stepped out of the mirror in the chamber of mirrors, only for Grim to come running to hug you as you entered Ramshackle once again. Somehow, you had come back and this time decided to enroll as a student to work alongside Grim. Ace and Deuce found out too, and decided to invite you to the unbirthday party as a surprise for Riddle. Trey was also let in on this. Everyone was basically hugging you and welcoming you back.
The event then came, and Riddle was doing his usual in starting the party. He gave his final remarks before he was going to raise a toast to the party. Suddenly, Cater stopped him, telling him there’s a surprise that they prepared for Riddle.
Then, Trey, Ace, and Deuce moved to the side where they were hiding you behind them. You stepped out into the front with a bright smile, holding the trinket that he had gifted you with (a small hedgehog keychain) and said “I’m back!”
Riddle felt his heart stop, he eyes widened and tears seemed to blur his vision. Was it really you? He seems to lose composure as he runs to you and hugs you, tears finally falling.
“I missed you so much, love. I thought I might never see you again,” he says, and you simply pat his back and tell him “I missed you too, I’m glad we’re together again.”
He was sleeping in the botanical garden as always, this time for longer than usual. He was trying to get back to the dream where you were still there with him.
He couldn’t forgive himself for being careless when he let you go, and Ruggie noticed how Leona was acting a lot more sad in the months you were gone. Ruggie was also the first one to find out you came back. He saw you at Ramshackle, high-fived you and told you what had happened while you were gone. Basically, in Ruggie’s words, Leona was “moping around” and being “way too lenient on Ruggie.”
You decide to go look for him, and the first place you decide to go is the botanical garden. That was where you two first met anyways, so you were sure he would be there.
Going through the many flowers and shrubs, you see a familiar pair of lion ears sticking out behind of a bush. You decide to walk over and tap him on the shoulder like you always did. His eyes open and he blinks, then his eyes widen.
“Y/n? Is this a dream again?” he asks you, but you shake your head. You cup his face in your hands and say “Nope, I’m back for real. I’m not going anywhere too, I’ll be staying.”
He chuckles a bit, then he pulls you into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around you. He buries his face into the crook of your neck and doesn’t say anything else. You feel something slightly wet on you, and you notice that he’s crying. Patting his head, you reassure him that you’re here. You two have the kind of love that makes kings and vagabonds believe the very best
He’s tried to get back his regular schedule after you left, but the tweels can see him break down more often in his room when the day is over. It’s honestly a little bit concerning since you had been gone for months and they thought that by now maybe their Azul would be back to normal, but it seemed like Azul was just going downhill.
One day, you come to Mostro lounge, holding his coin with you tightly. Jade first welcomes you in as a regular guest until he gets a better look at you and almost shouts because he’s so surprised. You’re back! Floyd then comes running after spotting you and Jade exchange welcomes, basically jumping on you screaming “SHRRIMMPYY WE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!”
You say you came to meet Azul again and that you are staying in this world for good. They lead you to his office, since he doesn’t stay outside often due to his distraught. Jade knocks on the door for you and tells Azul that he has a client. Azul is silent, then you hear his tired voice to come in.
Jade and Floyd basically push you in and close the door quickly behind you. Azul looks up slowly at you, and then you hear his chair fall back as he jumps up. His eyes are wide, his lips quiver for a moment as he mutters “y/n” while frozen in place.
“Azul, I’m sorry I caused you so much trouble for all this time. I hope you can forgive me, I’ll be staying here forever, which means I can be with you forever too,” you bow your head down to show your apology, but he just runs to you and hugs you tightly. He’s sobbing, crying about how much he missed you and saying that he’s so happy your back.
Jade and Floyd outside can hear how much Azul is crying and basically smile at each other, knowing that Azul’s going to be back to normal. Meanwhile with you, you’re hugging him back just as tightly, kissing him on the cheek and telling him it’s all going to be okay. You’re going to be staying in his part of the world, and who could ask for anything else?
He still seems like a ball of sunlight, but when he returns to his room or is alone with Jamil, he’s clearly sad. He talks about you nonstop to Jamil, and Jamil honestly wants you to come back so Kalim will stop haha.
One day, Jamil happened to be passing by Ramshackle when he heard Grim screaming. Jamil decided to go investigate, wondering what the commotion was until he saw Grim dragging you out of the dorm. Jamil also shouts “Y/N” before running to you. He tells you that you need to meet Kalim now, and explains how Kalim has been so sad.
When you go to Scarabia, you see Kalim sulking on the balcony area of the dorm. He’s looking off into the night skies, wondering when he might see you again, if that was even possible. If there was a genie, he would wish for you to be at his side, or vice versa honestly.
“Kalim?” You call out, and he looks in your direction. He almost falls off of the balcony due to the shock but catches himself. He just starts sprinting at you, crying loudly “Baby I missed you!! You came back!”
You hug him tightly when he crashes into you, basically sobbing loudly as the two of you are on the floor. Jamil tries to get Kalim to stop so that you have some space but it’s basically impossible to remove him from you. Eventually, Kalim will calm down a bit and smile brightly at you. He’s just too happy to be sad right now!
He takes you on a magic carpet ride later, and you two fly in the endless diamond sky, hugging each other and in awe at the fantastic point of view. You’re back in the whole new world, and this time forever for you and Kalim.
He masks his sadness and his distress so well no one knew he was sad. Some people thought he was heartless because of this, as he continued to show beauty and grace in the months you were gone. But this was all an act done by a professional actor, in truth he was so distraught he sometimes didn’t have the energy to fix his makeup. Sometimes he would just cry, cry until his mascara was ruining his face and his clothes. Rook was the only one who knew about this.
One day, you step out of the mirror again and the first person you run into is Ace. Ace basically jumps and tackles you, saying how much the whole school missed you. He then says that Deuce is in the cafeteria and that you should meet him. You are basically dragged around for the day to meet everyone and get hugs (Floyd hugged you extremely tightly that you thought your bones were breaking).
But by the end of the day, you look at Epel and ask him if he can lead you to Pomefiore’s dorm. Epel agrees, saying that Vil’s been harsher than before and he thinks it’s because Vil misses you. You worry about your boyfriend as you two go through the mirror and to Pomefiore.
Vil is in his room, sitting in front of his mirror and trying to fix his hair. He noticed the bags under his eyes and sighed to himself, he was a mess. But then, someone knocked on his door, and at this late hour! He asked who it was, and Epel just nudged you forward, whispered good luck, and ran off (“I don’t want to deal with Vil”). You spoke up, stating your name.
There’s a silence, then he marches to the door and opens it slowly, only to see you standing and looking at him. He feels his breath hitch, his eyes are wide, and his arms drop to his side. He’s just so shocked that you came back, after what felt like a final goodbye. He tries to regain his composure by letting you in, but once the door closes, he just starts to full on cry. “Darling, I missed you so much. I thought I would never see you again.”
You hug him, letting him cry on your shoulder, and you feel tears coming down your face too. The two of you had been holding the sadness in and now it was flooding out. You were so happy to see him again and you told him that there would be no goodbyes anymore. You came back to his world to be happy forever.
He was always shut in, but now he seemed even more unapproachable. Ortho tried to get Idia to get out of bed in those months, but it seemed near impossible. Not to mention Idia’s sleep schedule was worse after you left as he tried to forget about you by playing video games. But every time he played a game, he was reminded of you, and had to stop.
Idia had tried to figure out ways to bring you back, but everything led to the same answer; it would be impossible. He eventually gave up, deciding to think that he didn’t deserve love like he had. That was until Ortho told him to come by to Ramshackle.
Idia nervously went to the dilapidating dorm, wondering what the commotion was. There was no one at the dorm from what it looked like, was Ortho trying to scare him?
Idia called out to his brother as he stepped in, but there was no response. He eventually got to the lounge area, and suddenly the lights turned on and Ortho shouted surprise along with someone that looked extremely familiar. It was you. You were here, in person, not on screen or in a picture, but in front of him.
He felt his legs buckle under him, and he just muttered your name out before slumping to the ground. He didn’t expect to see you, and he was just overwhelmed. You rush to him, asking if he’s alright and telling him that you had returned to stay with him. You wouldn’t be going anywhere.
“Ah, that’s great, I was beginning to think life is truly better in vr,” he laughed weakly, but then he started to cry. You hugged him tightly. Then, you asked if he wanted to go play a video game with you, and he agreed immediately. Ortho beamed at you two, happy that his brother was smiling again. Idia won’t tell you right away that he was crying his heart out, but you know that he missed you deeply and is just way too happy right now. It feels better than getting an SSR card in a game or getting a secret ending, he’s back with you and that’s all that matters.
Lilia’s the only one that knows how sad Malleus was. Sebek and Silver don’t notice the subtle chances Malleus has in his attitude, but Lilia can see Malleus’s eyes being sadder in the months you are not here. Malleus can also be found more frequently at the Ramshackle dorm, looking to see if by any chance you were in there.
One day, while he was walking around, he notices the lights in the dorm are on. Grim never kept them on at this hour, so why was it? Was it the ghosts? Curious, Malleus decided to venture closer, until he heard Grim shouting “I THOUGHT I WOULD NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN AAAARRRGGH-“
That was all it took for Malleus to basically barge into the dorm. He usually thinks before doing this, but this time he felt urgent. Was it you? Did you find a way back? Crowley had said it was impossible and Lilia didn’t know how to get you back either, so it would be a miracle if somehow you were here.
He opened the door to where all of the commotion was, your room. He saw Grim crying, and you hugging the cat. You looked up, eyes wide and then smiling at him. Grim jumped off of you and sobbed to Malleus that you were back. Malleus smiled, a warm smile that you had seen rarely. “Welcome back, my rose.”
He walked over to you, lending you a hand and helping you get up on your feet. The two of you looked at each other for a long time before speaking. He asked if you would be staying here, and you said yes. Apologizing for the trouble, you tell him that you won’t be leaving his side. He hugs you, a gentle and strong embrace as he closes his eyes.
Lilia likely saw all of this from the window and smiled to himself as he walked back to Diasomnia’s dormitory. Malleus truly thought that meeting you would be once upon a dream, but now he was with you, and this time forever. Perhaps the fae prince too could experience true love.
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luvfae · 2 years
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summary: for your final year of high school you devise a list full of goals, number 8 being to fuck your childhood crush.
fandom: stranger things
parings: eddie x f reader
warnings: smut, spanking, choking, degrading, hair pulling, swearing
part two
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You wanted this year to be different. It was your last year of high school and you were tired of living out the same boring routine day in, day out. So you made a list, a list of things you wanted to do before you graduated and surprisingly enough a week until you graduated school you had completed everything from getting A’s in every class to finally becoming cheer captain, except there was one thing you were holding off on.
‘Number 8: Fuck my childhood crush, Eddie Munson.’
You stared down at the paper for a good five minutes, as you did everyday, contemplating whether today was gunna be the day.
Before high school you were nobody special, just another girl with hardly any friends. You found yourself stuck with Eddie Munson, he would tease you but at the end of the day he was your best friend, and you had a huge crush on him for years. Until high school started and surprisingly people took a liking to you and slowly you climbed the social ladder, becoming extremely popular.
Since then you and Eddie had obviously drifted, the pair of you didn’t even recognise each other anymore. But you just had to fuck him, because even though you’d never say it out loud, deep down even after all these years, you had carried your crush with you for the entirety of high school.
You sighed, glancing around as the school bell rang, signalising that you could now go home. As students began to crowd the corridor you stuffed your list into your bag, walking out of the school. You saw Eddie getting into his van and pursed your lips. Did you really want to go off to college living with the regret of not even trying?
Later that night you got ready to go. You had touched up your makeup, fixed you hair and even put of your favourite pair of lingerie. Then you drove to Eddie’s trailer, the place he had lived the entire time you had known him. You saw his van parked out the front and took a deep breath, getting out of your car and walking to his front door.
Your hand shook a little as you knocked on the wood. You didn’t really know why you were so nervous about this, you were the head cheerleader for heavens sake. Most boys were dying to fuck you.
The door swung open and you nearly jumped out of your skin once you came face to face with Eddie. He looked confused, squinting his eyes at you.
“Y/N?” He asked. You looked up at him, your palms starting to sweat. You hadn’t spoken to him in years. “Are you okay? Do you wanna come inside?” He asked, stepping aside.
You walked inside, everything looked the same as it did before. You turned around to face him again as he closed the front door. Eddie looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to explain yourself, but you remained silent, too afraid to talk.
“Oh, let me guess, you want weed?” He asked.
You cleared your throat. “No… I don’t,” you replied, hugging yourself.
Eddie chuckled. “Yeah, I forgot, your a role model student,” he said. “If you don’t want drugs, what do you want?” He asked.
You sighed, stepping closer to him. “Back in middle school we were friends, do you remember?” you began.
“How could I forget?” He replied. “We were basically attached by the hip.”
“Yeah… well, anyway, I had the biggest crush on you. I mean like it was obsessive,” you said. Eddie furrowed his eyebrows. “To cut a long story short I made a list of goals I wanted to achieve before graduation and just… read number 8,” you said, pulling the list from your jacket pocket and handing it to him.
“Fuck my childhood crush, Eddie Munson,” he read aloud. You screwed up your face, groaning.
“This was stupid, right? I never should of came here,” you chuckled, stealing the list from his hand. “I’ll just go, you don’t want to fuck me, you hate people like me,” you said, shaking your head. You spun around to leave but Eddie grabbed your wrist, moving you to face him again.
“I don’t hate you, Y/N,” Eddie said. “Even though you joined the dark side I could never hate you. I had a crush on you too in middle school,” he said. Your eyes lit up at his words. “I actually didn’t get over my crush on you up until two years ago,” he sighed. “And still, sometimes I find myself lingering on the thought of you.”
“So do I,” you whispered. Eddie smiled.
“I’ll help you with your 8th goal, one rule, i’m in charge,” he said. You smiled widely, nodding profusely, already feeling yourself getting wet. You moved forward, hands wrapping around his neck as you reached on your tip toes to kiss him.
His hands made their way to your ass as his tongue roamed your mouth. Your cheerleader uniform was hoisted over your waist as he picked you up. Your legs instinctively wrapping around his torso as he carried you to his bedroom, gently throwing you onto the bed.
You tugged at his shirt, begging him with your eyes to take it off and he gladly obliged, dropping the fabric to the ground. But it wasn’t fair that you got to stay dressed, so you sat up, pulling your jacket and your uniform off, leaving you in only your underwear.
Eddie’s eyes roamed your body before he dived down, kissing you from your mouth all the way down to your thighs. You breathed shakily as his fingers hooked around the waistband of your panties, dragging them off of your body and discarding them with the rest of your clothes.
He took his pants and boxers off and you stared down at his length, your eyes widening. “Jesus Christ, you’re huge,” you breathed, eyes glued to his hard dick. Eddie laughed at your statement before hovering over you again, kissing your lips and neck. You groaned. “I thought you said you were in charge,” you said.
Eddie looked up at you. “I did say that, yes,” he replied.
“Then why aren’t you fucking me like a whore already?” You asked. “I’ve waited too long for this to give a shit about foreplay,” you said.
Eddie raised his eyebrows at your words. “If you want me to fuck you like a whore then I can fuck you like a whore,” he said.
“Good,” you replied. He flipped you onto your stomach and you gasped as he forced your ass into the air, your back arched, and slid his cock inside of you without warning.
You moaned loudly, fingers gripping his sheets as he being to thrust his hips into yours. Every thrust was hitting that spot and you couldn’t stop the sinful noises from escaping your lips.
Eddie grabbed a fist full of your hair, forcing your head up. “Is this what you wanted?” He asked, fucking you faster.
“Yes,” you moaned. He let go of your hair, pushing your face into his mattress. “Please make me cum,” you begged.
Eddie smirked. “Who would of thought that i’d have Y/N Y/L/N, begging me to make her cum,” he teased.
“Please, Eddie,” you whispered.
“Please what, sweetheart?” He asked.
“Make me cum,” you repeated.
Eddie chuckled at you, slapping your ass before he continued to fuck you harder and faster than he was before. In fact nobody had ever fucked you this good, it was making your brain turn to mud as you moaned out his name over and over again. Eddie was basking in this moment, the fact that you came to his door and asked him to fuck you, he would never let you live that down.
And while he was busy thinking about that you were busy thinking about giving up all of your hopes and dreams of moving away for college and instead just staying here in Hawkins with Eddie. Tangled up in his sheets, cooking him dinner, getting married, having his babies, being is cute housewife that he could bend over the kitchen sink and fuck like a slut. Maybe it was just the dick talking, but right now it seemed like a good idea.
Before you knew it your orgasm was hitting you like a brick wall, your wet pussy spasmed against him, your whole body trembling as you cried out. Your legs growing weak as he continued to pound himself into you.
“Good girl,” Eddie breathed. “C’mon, i’m sure you have another one in you,” he said. You bit your bottom lip, looking up at him from over your shoulder, innocent eyes staring up at him. He groaned at the sight of you, mascara stained cheeks, smudged lipstick, messy hair. You looked like a mess, but he loved it.
He flipped you onto your back, dick still inside of you. A hand wrapped firmly around your neck, applying just the right amount of pressure. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head, slowly fluttering shut.
“Open your eyes, I want you to look at me when you cum,” Eddie breathed, staring down at you. You nodded up at him, trying to keep your eyes open as you felt that familiar knot in your stomach once again.
“Gunna make me cum so hard, Eds,” you whimpered. Eddie moaned at your words and it was like music to your ears. “Want you to cum too, inside of me.”
“Are you sure?” He asked.
You nodded. “Fill me up, Eddie, I wanna feel it dripping out of my pussy,” you said as you felt your second orgasm tearing through you. Your legs shaking profusely again and the feeling of your walls pressing against Eddie’s cock was enough to bring him to the edge.
Eddie came inside of you, riding out both of your highs and pulling away. You could feel his cum oozing out of your pussy as you laid on his bed, breathless. Eddie laid next to you, wrapping an arm over your torso and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“So, how was that?” He asked.
You glanced over at him, a fucked out look on your face as you sighed happily. “Better than I could of ever imagined,” you said.
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© luvfae 2022
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thepsychewrites · 2 years
Reflections | S. Rogers
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Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Summary: An offhanded under-the-breath comment you make sets Steve off. He decides to teach you a lesson about talking like that- especially when the words are aimed at his best girl.
> Word Count: 4.7K
> Warnings: Insecure reader, body image issues, little bit of angst, mentions of injuries, angry!Steve, soft!Steve (I have to balance it out my friends), established relationship, smutsmutsmut: Mutual masterbation, spitting, thigh riding, spanking, unprotected penetrative sex (wrap it b4 you tap it my friends), lotsssss of praise, cum play, size kink, body worship, overstim, crying (but from happiness 🤧), pet names (sweetheart, good girl, & pretty girl), reader calls Steve sir a few times BAHAH, mirror sex?? LMAO I THINK THATS IT.
A/N: HOLY SHIT GUYS this one is longggg and a doozy. But y’all are nasty and apparently love this shit so HERE YOU GO WHORES <3 Any feedback is appreciated. (Also, Tumbr glitched when I was nearly done writing it the first time, so I had to basically write it all over. Love that for myself.) 
Main Masterlist
The humming of the jet wasn’t able to distract you for long.
You were stupid.
So, so, so stupid.
The mission was supposed to be clean. Easy. Simple. Something a newbie could pull off in ten minutes tops.
But of course, being the people pleaser you were, you told Tony you’d get the extra intel for him.
It was only a flash drive.
But the damn thing nearly cost you your life.
Even though you only had a few scratches on you, you weren’t going to hear the end of it.
“I mean seriously! How reckless can one person be? I gave you orders and it is not a personal choice wether or not you follow them. You do. You do because I am in charge. I make the calls.” Steve yelled, his rant going on for nearly fifteen minutes now.
You had heard enough. “Are you done?” You snapped, silencing Steve. He turned in his chair to look at you, your body curled into the passenger chair.
“No. No, I’m not done, actually. You could’ve gotten yourself killed, Y/n! From now on you don’t take orders from Tony, or anyone else for that matter if they’re not the one leading the mission. Is that understood?” His jaw was tight and his eyes narrow, locked on your heated face.
You hated when he went all Captain on you like this, shouting at you like you were just another member of the team and not his girlfriend for fucks sake. It’s one of the reasons you never liked going on duo missions with him anymore.
“I asked you a question, Y/n. Answer me.” His voice was dark. He wasn’t playing around.
“I understand.”
“Look at my face when you speak to me.” He ordered, earning an eye roll from you.
You turned to face him, legs planted firm on the ground. Your eyes were just as cold as his. “I said I understand, Captain.” You spat, quickly moving to your prior position on your chair before he could say something else.
“Can’t wait to add ‘unable to follow orders’ on the ever-growing list…” You mumbled into your palm. You didn’t intend on Steve hearing you, but of course he did anyway.
“What did you just say?” He asked, looking at the sky ahead.
You huffed. “It was a fucking joke, Steve.”
He shook his head, pressing a few buttons on the glowing panel in front of him. “No, say it again. What list?”
God, he was relentless. You buried your head in your hand, refusing to answer. Steve could never let things go.
“Are you serious right now, Y/n? What fucking list are you-”
“Oh my god, Steve! I’m talking about the list of shit I hate about myself! You know- how I can’t follow orders, I’m ignorant, bitchy, I complain too much, I’m impulsive-” You yelled, counting the traits on your fingers for dramatic affect, “and that’s only my personality, don’t even get me started on the shit I hate about my body.” The words flew out faster than you could catch them, not meaning to say aloud that last part. You slumped in your seat, chest huffing and face hot with an annoyed pout on your lips.
Steve was pissed now, his knuckles burning white from his death grip on the steering controls. “For the sake of keeping the jet in tact, I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just say that. I don’t want to hear another word from you until we get back, is that clear?”
Dread filled you, burning the contents of your veins. “Crystal.”
The rest of the jet ride was short, thankfully, and entirely too silent until you returned to the compound.
As soon as you stepped off the landing platform Steve was on your tail. You were ahead of him by quite a few yards, wanting nothing more than to just get to your room so you could sleep this whole disastrous mission off. Luckily, Steve stopped behind you when Tony turned the corner, taking a quick breath before he started laying into him, reprimanding him for giving you orders. You passed Tony, handing him the flash drive with a quiet apology before heading to your room.
Steve’s words were drowned out as soon as you shut your door, immediately shedding your dirty tactile suit and boots in the dark. You tossed them in the corner, missing the hamper by a good foot, and turned on your lamp before moving to the bathroom.
His words crept their way back in your head as you turned the shower on, a thick cloud of steam quickly filling the room. You turned to face the mirror, grimacing at the state of your body.
You had dirt and blood splattered all around your skin, a few already scabbing cuts from the fight finding a home on your arms and stomach.
A sigh left you as you grabbed for your comb, doing your best to untangle the knots in your hair. You didn’t care about being gentle. Anger still boiled in you, making you even more sick at your reflection.
You took a deep breath as you entered the shower, trying to calm down before you had to face Steve again. The water was scalding, simultaneously rinsing away the filth that covered you and the words that taunted you. You crouched down, sitting on the shower floor and wrapping your arms over your legs. You were exhausted, that’s for sure.
With your head settled between your bent knees you didn’t hear the bathroom door open. Nor did you hear Steve undressing. You only noticed his presence when the sliding glass shower door opened, not bothering to look up and see him getting in behind you.
Taking a shower together was your post-mission ritual. Normally they were taken under better conditions, but they were never skipped.
Steve bent down behind you, draping his arms around your entire frame and planting kisses to the side of your head. “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that, sweetheart. I was upset, but should have waited until I was calm before I talked to you. I know now that you were just trying to do a favor for Tony.” He moved the the back of your neck, trailing light pecks over it and across your shoulders.
“I was just scared. That flash drive nearly got my beautiful girl killed. The thought of losing you over something so little is not ideal, and I won’t let it happen under my watch. Regardless, I didn’t need to scream at you. I’m sorry, Y/n.” Steve finished, setting his head on top of yours, still holding onto you under the stream of water.
Despite the crap that sometimes comes out of his mouth, Steve is a good communicator. He’ll tell you when he’s upset, angry, nervous, jealous. And he’s willing to admit when he’s wrong.
“Can I stand you up, pretty girl?” He asked, the words getting mumbled in your wet hair.
You nodded and he moved his hands, wrapping them over your upper arms to help you up. Once you were on your feet he turned you to face him, his face much softer than before as he looked at you.
“You okay? If you’re upset with me I can give you some space.” His hand smoothed over your cheek, rubbing the soft skin with his thumb.
You shook your head, words still failing you, and moved into his chest. You were mad, yes. But you understood where he was coming from.
You would yell at him the same if he made your mistakes too.
He held you tight, running his hand along your spine as the other cradled your head, his lips leaving wet kisses along your hairline. “I would like to talk about what you said, though.”
There it is.
You internally groaned, not wanting to explain to your boyfriend that sometimes you didn’t like who you are or what you looked like.
So what?
“Do we have to?” You whined, snuggling further into his chest.
“I just want to know why you have a list of things you dislike about yourself. You’re the most perfect person I know, sweetheart.”
You shrugged. “Don’t we all? And I’m not perfect. I’ve got attitude problems and cellulite. My arms are jiggly and I have more stretch marks now because I’ve gained ten pounds in the last few months. Ten!” You answered dramatically, keeping your eyes closed as Steve started to wash your body, the lavender scented soap not doing much to help you relax.
His hand gripped your chin. “Open your eyes and look at me, sweetheart.” He waited to speak again until you were staring at him. “None of that makes you any less perfect. Do you have any idea how beautiful I think you are?”
He waited for an answer.
All you could do was shrug. You knew he loved you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to see you through his eyes just yet.
Your lack of answer made his jaw twitch.
He didn’t say another word as he finished cleaning your body and moved on to washing your hair. He was gentle, massaging your scalp with your coconut shampoo before rinsing it away, following up with its matching conditioner.
Once you were all clean he finally spoke, putting a firm hand against the side of your face. “I want you to get out and dry off. Don’t get dressed. I’ll be out in a few minutes and I expect you to be on the bed, waiting patiently like the good girl you are. Understood?”
You nodded and his hand gripped harder on your face.
“Words.” He commanded.
“Yes, what?”
Jesus Christ.
A familiar throb started humming at your core. Steve hardly acted like this, but when he did... you knew you were in for a long night. “Yes, Sir.” You answered, more awake and less angry than before.
He smiled and sent a pat on your ass. “Go.”
You did as you were told, slipping out of the shower and drying off, doing your best to squeeze the extra water from your hair before sitting in the center of the bed with your knees tucked under you. Your breathing was hard to control and your heart was fluttering behind your ribs. The waiting games always got you nervous, but you just sat there as patiently as possible as Steve finished his own shower, probably taking the time to plan out exactly what he wanted to do with you.
The turn of the shower faucet caught your attention, your heart rate climbing as you heard Steve get out and towel himself down. He must’ve wanted to torture you because he was taking his sweet time.
It was only a minute later when the bathroom door finally opened, a naked Steve walking out and walking to you incredibly slow. It didn’t help your cause that he already had an erection and it looked borderline painful as it hit against his abs with each step he took.
“See, my pretty girl knows exactly how to follow directions.” He leaned across the bed and kissed at your awaiting lips a few times before standing straight again. He held his hand out below your face.
Your eyes widened at his demand, but you did it anyway, forming a pool of saliva in his outstretched palm.
You didn’t take your sight off of him as he circled around the bed, his gaze reminding you of how a predator looks just before they capture and devour their prey. When he turned and sat himself down on the chair in the corner, you got confused.
“What are you doing?” You asked, your voice quiet and sweet as you watched him, his legs spreading and his back settling down into the cushion.
His eyes never left yours once, talking again but ignoring your question. “Open your legs, pretty girl, I wanna see you touch yourself.”
You stopped breathing for a second. He noticed, a twitch of his smirk pulling at his lips. “Go on. Be a good girl and do as your told. Touch yourself.”
Unsure, you shifted toward the headboard, letting your back hit the pillows before your legs parted, exposing your wet cunt to Steve. He stared at you while he waited, his smirk growing as your fingers finally circled around your clit, a soft gasp pulling from your lips.
“Do you wanna know what I think about when I get myself off?” He started, his voice low and dark. 
Good God.
“Now- I don’t do it often, because nothing gets me off better than the hands and lips of my pretty girl- but on the off chance I’m on a mission that’s taking me away from you for more than a week… I can’t seem to help myself.” His left hand went behind his head, his right going around his other head, gripping it slowly before he started to pump. Your spit slicked him up, mixing with the beads of his precum to make the job easier.
“You’ll send me a picture of your gorgeous face, or-”, Steve stuttered, his hips bucking off the chair as he quickened his pace, “hell, if we can’t have contact I’ll bring one with me. Just one look at that face and body of yours gets me going, it gets me riled up to the point that I need to touch myself or it’ll hurt for the rest of the day.” He moaned, his head tilting back before slowing down. “Everything about you turns me on- gets me so hard. Your voice, your face, your body, your scent, your taste-” He panted, his chest rising and falling heavily as he went on. “I have no willpower when it comes to you, pretty baby. None at all.”
“Stevie, can I-” You started to ask, the coil deep in your stomach nearly about to snap. You were soaking wet, the lewd sounds of your fingers rolling over your clit filling the room.
“Don’t even think about it, sweetheart.” Steve knew exactly what you wanted, but he wasn’t ready to let you have it just yet.
You tried to listen to him- you really did, but his voice was so gravelly and you could smell his shampoo from your spot on the bed and it was driving you insane. Your fingers kept their pace, your head pushing into the pillows and your back arching ever so slightly off the bed. You were so close. You nearly had it before a large hand snapped around your wrist, pulling it away from your core and stopping your impending orgasm.
Your eyes fluttered open, a whine falling from you from the loss of contact. Steve hovered above you, his free arm digging into the mattress to keep his weight off of your body. He didn’t say anything as he looked into your eyes, his breath trailing over your collarbones and chin.
Steve slowly brought your glistening fingers to his mouth, sucking off your arousal until they were clean. His pupils were huge, only a sliver of his pretty blues showing underneath the darkness that overtook them. You felt his cock twitch against your stomach, a drop of precum landing on your skin.
His free arm tucked under your back, hoisting you up as he sat on the bed. He guided you to his lap, your core landing on his bare skin and your breasts bouncing from the movement. His eyes lingered on them for far too long, silence settling between you.
Most people would assume Steve Rogers is an ass man, and he would agree for the most part. But there was something so tantalizing and mouthwatering about your breasts that he just couldn’t fucking help himself. They were so full and tender and responsive and it drove him crazy. He would give up every material possession of his just to fuck them once, but that could wait for another day.
Just not a day too far in the future.
His eyes trailed up and locked on yours as he dove down, his lips capturing one of your nipples as he sucked hard.
“Fuck… Steve…” You mewled, your fingers wrapping in the strands of gold atop his head.
He didn’t say anything, instead he let your hardened nipple go with a soft pop and sat back with a purse on his lips, signaling he wanted a kiss. You leaned in, falling right in his trap. As soon as you connected your lips a sharp slap landed on your ass, a yelp falling in Steve’s open mouth. One of his arms was hooked under your thigh to keep you against him, not letting you go as he landed two more open-handed smacks to the flesh.
“That’s for disobeying my orders.” A final hit came down, this one twice as painful as the first few. It was easy to tell that he still had pent up anger left simmering in him from earlier. Your skin was burning, your eyes watering from the sting. “And thats for questioning my judgement. You’re my girl, and when I say you’re fuckin’ perfect, you better believe it as fact, got it?” His fingers were kneading into the tingling flesh, massaging the burn away.
“Yes, Sir.” You huffed, your eyes glossy and your face nearly sweating under his gaze.
“I want you to ride my thigh, sweetheart. Can you do that for me?” Steve asked, his face close to yours, noses brushing softly together.
This man was going to be the death of you.
You nodded. “Yes, Sir.”
“I want you to cum this time. You don’t have to ask.” He said before pressing his lips to yours, his hands crawling up to find purchase on your waist. He helped guide you along his strong thigh while you rocked your hips back and fourth. The friction was heavenly, and you were a moaning mess on top of him. Your mouth was open against his, your breaths mingling together as you rode him, the coil in your stomach ready to snap.
It was so much all at once. You felt everything and it was sending you into overdrive. His hands on your waist, his nails digging crescent shaped marks into your skin. His breath along your collarbones and throat, goosebumps raising from the heat it left behind. The flex of his thigh and how he was barely bouncing it, but that added movement made all the difference. The flutter in your walls begging for a release only Steve could give you. It was entirely too much for you to handle.
And boy did it snap.
Your orgasm hit you like an eighteen wheeler, your head falling to his shoulder as you released on his thigh, his skin slick with your arousal. He was panting too, his hands gripping so harshly into your sides you were worried he might be drawing blood.
He pressed gentle kisses to your neck, praises falling out in between. “Good girl. Such a fuckin’ good girl for me, aren’t you?” Steve asked, his voice rumbling in your ears.
“Jus’ for you, Stevie.” You nodded heavily, blissed out after your first release.
After a few more sloppy kisses were placed over your face, he pulled away, his hands cupping both cheeks as he forced you to look at him.
You blurted the words out before he could speak.
“I love you.”
The three words that always came so easily to you when you looked at Steve. It was true. You loved him. Not a single day would pass where you wouldn’t love him.
And he knew this all too well.
Steve’s face softened, his small grin growing wider. “And I love you. So much.” He proclaimed, pressing the lightest of kisses to the tip of your nose. “I’m so sorry for yelling at you earlier. You didn’t deserve it.”
You were quick to shake your head, a rogue tear falling down your face and onto Steve’s hand. “It’s alright, honey. Thank you for apologizing, but I was being reckless. You were just trying to keep me safe. I’m sorry too.” His thumb swiped at the wet trail the tear left behind.
“It’s okay. I love you so fucking much-” He said, his voice breaking as his eyes glossed over. Quickly your lips were back on his and he seemed eager to drink you down. Before he could get too ahead of himself, he pulled back, his eyes lidded and dark.
“Hands and knees on the bed, baby. I’m gonna show you how much I fuckin’ love you, and you’re gonna watch.”
Your entire body shuddered as you nodded, peeling yourself away from him and crawling down so your knees and forearms were pressed to the blanketed mattress, your ass in the air and waiting. You focused on his movements behind you, easy to see now that you faced the large mirror that stood in the corner and was pointed directly at the bed.
Steve must’ve done that before he met you in the shower.
A quiet whine left you when his hands landed on your hips, jostling your body forward an inch, your breasts grazing the duvet. His eyes locked on yours in the mirror, the smirk he wore enchanting and devilish at the same time.
Steve was a sneaky man. Sometimes a little too sneaky. It’s why you were so caught off guard when you felt two of his long, thick fingers enter your pussy, your mouth falling open at the sensation.
“Fuck- fucking hell, Stevie.” You moaned into the bed, your nails digging into the blanket for support.
“My beautiful girl…” Steve cooed, his fingers pumping in and out of you like it was his job. “Taking me so well while I’m stretching you out, huh?” His free hand was caressing your side, the pads of his fingers tracing over every iridescent stretch mark that found a home there. His eyes never left yours for even a second, worried he’d miss the way your face contorted from how he played you so expertly. He curled his fingers up, grazing your g-spot with each push and pull.
“Stevie… I’m gonna cum again…” You whined into your hand, drool falling past your lips and onto your skin.
Steve chuckled softly, a shake of his head following as if he was lost in thought. “Go ahead, sweetheart.” His own mouth fell open to mirror yours as he felt you clench around his slick fingers, the pulse of your walls sending a heat to his growing erection.
Slurred words that resembled his name dropped from your mouth, and the coil in your stomach was fading. But Steve’s fingers weren’t slowing down… if anything- they were gaining speed as you rode out your orgasm.
“Honey, w…what are you doing?” You mumbled, beads of sweat forming on your face. “Ahh-” You whimpered, brows knitting together as a third finger entered your aching cunt.
Steve’s eyes weren’t on yours anymore, but instead were focused on how your pussy accepted his fingers so well. “You’re still so tight pretty baby… how are you gonna take all of me, huh?”
You felt thankful for the soundproof walls that surrounded you because you were not being quiet.
“Please, Stevie. I- I can take you… I promise. Please… please…” Your chest was heaving and another orgasm was quickly approaching.
You fell over the edge easily once Steve’s large thumb circled your clit. He rubbed it once, twice, and a third time before you were spasming around him yet again, your moans turning into loud yells against the comforter.
“I know you can baby, just don’t wanna hurt you- that’s all.” He answered before pulling his dripping wet fingers from you, gracefully sweeping them into his mouth yet again before he sucked your arousal right off of them. He hummed around his fingers and closed his eyes, lost in the taste of you.
When his eyes opened again, he looked nothing short of feral. Like something had overcome him and he felt like he had to be in you right now or he’d lose his god damn mind.
So he gave in, dragging his swollen tip across your folds before pushing into your pussy in a single rut of his hips.
“Oh f-fuck-” You stuttered, a heavy shiver running down your spine as he bottomed out inside of you. He felt like heaven and you were a goner when he finally started moving, the tip of his cock kissing your cervix every time he pushed back in. “Feels so good, Stevie. You feel s…so big.”
Steve’s hands were trembling from the adrenaline rush of being inside of you, his fingers kneading into the swollen prints on your ass from earlier. “You feel full, pretty baby? Feelin’ me in your belly?” He asked with lidded eyes, his left hand snaking down to push on the bulge he made in your lower stomach each time his hips snapped back into your ass.
You nodded, pants tumbling out of your mouth as your eyes fluttered closed, savoring the feeling of being filled by your love. “Mhmm, so full Stevie.”
You gasped when you felt his fingers wrap around the base of your throat, tightening and keeping you in his grip. “Eyes up, sweetheart. I need you to see what you do to me.”
The veins in his arms were protruding out and he was dripping in sweat, his face flushed and overtaken with bliss as he kept his pace, his mouth ajar and his eyes dark and filled with lust.
He was close to crying from how much he fuckin’ loved you, needing you to really see what you did to him.
How you completely wreck him and he just lets you and will continue to let you because you’re his best girl and his best girl can wreck him any day of the week.
“Look at how beautiful you are baby, huh? So fuckin’ beautiful. Always so pretty just for me, ain’t that right?” His grip grew impossibly tight against your throat, stars beginning to twinkle in your sight. “Say it, pretty baby. Tell me how beautiful you are.”
From the way Steve was sinfully filling you up to the way his words made your heart flutter with love to the white heat that was building in your stomach, you couldn’t think straight. “I’m b...beautiful, Stevie. I’m your p-pretty girl- ah!”
Hearing you finally say the words he begged to come from you sent him into overdrive, his deep strokes in your pussy growing tenfold, sending your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you tried to hang on to any breath your lungs held. It was impossible though, especially with his hand around your throat so possessively, his other now ghosting over your abused clit.
Your hearing was going out as your climax finally burst, but you could make out the loud, “Yes baby, come on baby, cum on my cock like a good girl. Oh fuck…s-shit sweetheart, you’re so fuckin’ good baby. Just like that.” of Steve’s words. Your walls were clenching around him, his orgasm coming right after yours. He kept rutting into you as he came, his warm, thick seed filling you up entirely until it started dripping out and around his cock, sliding quietly down your shaking thighs.
Steve’s grip around your throat loosened as he pulled out, your body fully plopping down onto the mattress as exhaustion washed over you. You felt him place a few feather light kisses on your back before he got off the bed, the faucet in the bathroom turning on. He returned a moment later, turning you over so you were facing the ceiling, a lukewarm wash rag being dragged across your center as Steve cleaned you up.
He cracked a smile as soon as he saw yours.
“That was… wow, Steve.”
It was an accurate statement. Steve was usually never that rough and commanding with you- but you couldn’t deny how good it made you feel.
“Was it too much?” He asked, a slight cringe pulling at his features.
You shook your head quickly, a small laugh coming from your mouth. “Not at all, Sir. I’m gonna have to piss you off like that more often.” You chuckled as he finished wiping your thighs.
His eyes narrowed at you as he threw the rag in the hamper, making it in despite the fact that he wasn’t even looking. In an instant he was loomed over you, the blues of his eyes disappearing once again.
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare, you brat.”
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skittlesfics · 2 years
Name: pick me
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Word Count: 1659
Content/Warnings: Mutual Pining, Fluff
Prompt: Sirius gets worked up when he finds out that his best friend has never had a proper snog.
Author's Note: Requests still open! I'm just sorta writing whatever pops into my brain right now. Figured I should write about someone other than Lucius for once.
“What do you mean you’ve never snogged someone? You’ve had like…” Sirius trailed off for a moment, quietly whispering names as he counted on his fingers, “three and a half relationships! You have to have snogged at least one of them.”
“A half?” You challenged, shifting away from him so that you could face him more directly on the couch.
“Nott doesn’t count.”
“Just because you didn’t like him doesn’t mean he doesn’t count, Sirius.” You rolled your eyes. When you had agreed to play “Never Have I Ever” with your best friend, it was with the assumption that he basically knew everything about you already. You hadn’t expected for it to turn into this.
“I don’t like any of the gits you date. Nott doesn’t count because you only said yes to him to annoy me.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but remembered that he was completely correct, and that the Hogsmeade date with Nott had been terrible anyway.
“Fine, three and half.” You conceded, “but no snogging.”
Sirius ran a hand through his already messy brown hair, shaking his head in abject disbelief. His reaction might have been funny, if it weren’t mildly embarrassing.
“I don’t see why this is such a big deal.” You added with a groan. Sirius wasn’t having it.
“It just is.” He said, shaking his head, “It’s an important skill, you know, kissing.” You scoffed.
“I’ve kissed people, Sirius, you know that. I can kiss.” He did know, having been your very first kiss back in second year. It was his turn to scoff.
“That’s not the same, and you know it. Or… I guess you don’t. Merlin, what am I going to do with you? I’ve failed you as a best friend.” You raised your eyebrows at his melodrama. It was becoming apparent that the game was over and long forgotten in favor of this new tangent.
“You’re such a drama queen, Sirius. It’s not your job to get someone to snog me.” You collapsed back into the plush couch, rubbing the bridge of your nose with your pointer finger and thumb. This was too much. The line between “best friend” and “crush” had always been fine with Sirius, and the fixation on your kissing history was quickly skewing towards the latter.
When you opened your eyes again, his dark brown eyes were laser-focused on your face. This could only mean trouble.
“Whatever you’re thinking, Sirius, the answer is no.” You said immediately. He was undeterred.
“Hear me out.” He insisted, reaching for your hand. You gave it to him reluctantly and he rewarded you with a soft smile.
“I’m not letting you set me up, Sirius. In case you don’t recall, all of your friends are my friends too.” The mental image of snogging James flashed in your head and you wrinkled your nose in disgust, forcing it away.
“What? No.” He huffed in annoyance. “Listen to me. I can show you what it’s like.”
You became suddenly aware of a high-pitched whine at the edge of your consciousness. The next few breaths you took were laborious as you fought to keep your heart rate measured and consistent. Sirius was still talking, but you had to fight to understand what he was saying.
“… not like we haven’t before. Besides, I’m an expert.” He flashed a cocky smirk at you and you didn’t know if you wanted to hit him or kiss him. Maybe both. Simultaneously.
“You don’t think that would be… weird?” You asked, chewing your bottom lip. “We’re best friends.”
Sirius rolled his eyes at you.
“Exactly, we’re best friends. You trusted me with your first kiss, right?” He asked. You swallowed thickly.
“So why is this any different?”
There were a million reasons it was different. You were twelve when that happened, for one, and kissing at twelve was very different than kissing at seventeen. And back then your crush was a small, simple, thing, not this pained longing that haunted you for hours after the two of you hung out alone. It was a terrible idea, kissing Sirius again, much less snogging him. Still, who better to show you the difference. You took a shaky breath, hoping that Sirius couldn’t see through your nerves.
“Okay.” You said finally, looking up at him.
“Okay?” He asked. It was his turn to sound breathless, and you hoped that he wasn’t bluffing. He cleared his throat. “Sorry, I mean… great! Just let me know if something is too much, okay?”
Oh. He meant now. Like, right now. You were going to implode. You nodded dumbly and Sirius flashed you a brilliant smile. This was it. This was how you would die. Your heart pounded in your chest as he shifted closer to you, no hesitation in his movements.
He reached out slowly, cupping your face with the hand that wasn’t locked with yours. You leaned into his touch instinctively, drawing a soft chuckle from him when your eyes slid shut.
You could feel him draw near, his breath fanning out across your face as he leaned in.
“May I?” he asked. You swallowed.
He pressed his lips against yours, gently at first, and then with enough pressure to draw a soft gasp from you. It was slow, experimental, and you realized that he was going at your pace. When he didn’t immediately pull away with regret, you kissed him back.
That was all it took. His hand moved from your cheek to the back of your neck and he pulled you into him, his mouth moving against yours with increased desperation. He tasted of the cinnamon candies he used to get rid of his cigarette breath around you and his mouth was so deliciously warm on yours that you didn’t think you could pull away from him if you wanted to. You didn’t want to.
You melted into him, parting your lips to let him slide his tongue against yours. A soft whimper escaped your lips and you blushed, embarrassed, but Sirius only growled and devoured you further. His kiss was searing, needy, all consuming, and you wanted to burn with him. He sucked your bottom lip into his mouth and you moaned, gripping his t-shirt tight with your free hand.
His eyes widened and he drew away, panting. You could have sobbed with the loss. Had he come to his senses? Realized that he didn’t want you that way?
“Hey, love, look at me.” He rasped, his fingers finding your chin to turn your face to him. “I got carried away, I’m sorry. Was that too much?”
You could have laughed if you didn’t want to cry. Too much. You didn’t know what that meant, with Sirius. There was nothing that you didn’t want of him. You weren’t sure how you could go back to a world where you weren’t allowed to kiss him, to taste him. You took a breath, realizing that you still needed to reply.
“No, no, Sirius, it was perfect.” The words came out as a whisper, your voice fading under the intensity of his gaze. His eyes searched your face for any hint of doubt, lingering perhaps too long on your swollen lips. His tongue darted out to wet his lip and you followed its motion with your eyes, biting your lip when he swallowed nervously.
“I don’t think I can let you do that with anyone else.” He said after a moment, “I might not get you back from them this time.”
You furrowed your brow in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
In lieu of an answer, he kissed you again, crushing you into his chest. He stole your breath and then released you, though his eyes said that he hadn’t wanted to stop.
“I’m fed up watching you go on bad dates with losers that don’t even know how to kiss you proper. Merlin knows, I’ve tried to be patient, but when are you going to pick me?”
“Pick you?” You asked, eyes wide with the shock of hearing your own feelings reflected in your best friend. “I didn’t think…”
“That I was mad for you? I thought you were letting me down easy, but you really had no clue, did you?” You shook your head, searching for clarity that didn’t come.
This was backwards. Sirius was the one who wasn’t interested in you. The one that went on countless dates. The one who… had stayed back from Hogsmeade any time you had a date, feigning illness. The one who abandoned a date because you skinned your knee or needed help carrying something back to the castle. The one who always brought you treats while you studied, and knew just how you took your tea in the morning.
Oh. Sirius laughed as he watched the realization dawn on your face.
“You didn’t!”
“Sirius, I’ve fancied you since second year. Everyone knows it. Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Why didn’t you?”
You frowned. That was fair. The friendship the two of you shared was too important, too sacred, to risk for what you thought might be an unrequited crush. It wasn’t unrequited, though, and it wasn’t just a crush anymore. Hadn’t been for a long time.
“What does this mean for us, then?” You asked finally, searching his face for answers. He kissed you again, softly this time.
“It means I get to do this more often.” He said, “And that maybe we can be more than just best friends, if you’ll have me.” It shouldn’t have been a question, and you wanted to tell them that, but he looked so vulnerable, so earnest, that you would have given him anything.
You threw your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug.
“Of course, Sirius. You’re mad if you think I’m going to let anyone else kiss me after that.” You joked, pressing a kiss into his shoulder.
“Good, because I have so much more to show you.”
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foldedblankets · 2 years
Crybaby | E.M
Requested! Eddie munson x reader
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Summary: In which you attempt to tease eddie but it takes a turn for the worst when he says the wrong thing, insecurity takes over you.
Warnings: body image issues, angst, fluff, light mention of nsfw things.
Requested and idea creds to the amazing @tracymbcm <33
His eyes landed on yours from across the room, it had been a complete silent morning between the two of you, no speaking on the car ride and he had instantly separated from you once you reached school.
He never expected to be this angry, watching as you leaned over the basketball teams table, bend your body over it. He knew you like to dress provocatively to piss him off, but never one did it cross his mind he would see you, basically half naked for other boys.
Now that was an exaggeration, you were in some skimpy black outfit, that didn’t leave much to the imagination. He could see Jason’s eyes lingering on your body for far too long and shook his head, he stood up abruptly and headed towards you.
Large hands were suddenly placed on your waist, pulling you up swiftly. Before you even got a chance to look at who it could be, the hands pulled you out of the lunch hall. Although it wasn’t hard to tell, the cold rings pressing against your skin, the hands you recognise so we’ll when you look down, the sound of a wallet chain and heavy boots.
When you finally came to a halt, turning to face your abductor a smirk fell on your lips, looking into your sweet rockstars eyes. “What’s up baby?” You asked innocently, tilting your head.
His nostrils flared as he took a deep breath “don’t play that card” he shook his head, opening the door to his van for you.
“But eds, it’s the middle of school”
“Oh? I thought this was the strip club, sorry” he narrowed his eyes at you, speaking sarcastically, watching as you huffed, getting in the car.
The whole car ride was once again silent, until you arrived at his place and entered awkwardly. He turned to you the second you shut the door “what the fuck do you think your doing? Did you see the way Jason was looking at you? Who the fuck do you think you are showing off your body like that?” He spat, and suddenly you dropped your innocent act, you had dropped the whole thing mentally, now focused on what he had said.
“You don’t want me to show my body? Does it not look good” you frowned and he softened, he hated that he couldn’t stay angry at you.
“What? No” he shook his head quickly, looking away from you “it’s just that I don’t want him seeing you like this” he stated
“Like what?” Your voice sounded a bit frisky and he felt his stomach churn but he couldn’t calm down, he made mistakes at times like these.
“Like a slut” he mumbled under his breath, looking down, he had barely noticed how upset you were until he heard a quiet whimper. His head shot up, looking at your face in what seemed like fear. Your eyes were a little watery and red as your lip quivered.
“Baby, I-“ he opened his arms to you, watching as you collapsed into his arms, feeling you sob into his chest broke his heart. “I didn’t mean it okay? Your body is amazing, I just don’t like sharing it, I want it to myself” he explained, looking down at you, seeing your big doe eyes looking up at him, now a little black dye to smudged mascara.
“So you don’t think I look bad?” You asked and he let out a small chuckle, culling your cheeks, his thumbs wiping your tears.
“Of course I don’t sweetheart, you look ducking sexy” he smirked, trying to lighten the mood, loving the little shuddery giggle you let out. He lifted your face and pressed a kiss to your lips, before resting his forehead against yours “love you”
“Love you too rockstar” you flicked his head “but that was mean”
“I’m sorry” he huffed, taking the ‘hit’ “how about we make a deal hm? You don’t tease me and I won’t kill Jason” he smiled and you laughed a bit, nodding.
“How about you kill Jason anyway”
“Very good point”
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Female Grimes!Reader ❧ Era: Season 1 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: swearing, violence, attempted sexual assault ❧ Word Count: 5.2k
❧ Requested by @quinnmccurty (this request)
❧ Summary: A one-night stand with your brother's best friend, Shane, proves to be more trouble than it was worth when he develops a bit of a worrisome obsession with you, and your friend and confidant, Daryl, isn't too happy about it.
❧ A/N: I was so excited about this request, especially because (as I said once before) I was initially planning on having a little love triangle between Shane, Daryl, and Reader in The Beginning series, where Shane has a thing for Reader and there's some jealousy and idk it just didn't get put in because I had enough plot to work with there, but I like being able to put that idea into a oneshot! This version is a little different, with Reader being Rick's sister and there actually being a history between her and Shane, plus the incident with Lori at the CDC happens with Reader instead, and it's pretty scary. Basically, Shane is a huge asshole in this story so if you're a big Shane fan you might not like it lol. But, everyone who follows me is probably a huge Daryl whore anyway so if you love Daryl then you'll like this story! Protective, sweet Daryl is always a treat. <3
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He watched you with a sharp, critical eye as you moved, carrying a basket of laundry down across the campsite.
One look at him now was enough to fill your entire being with regret so potent it burned the back of your eyes as images of what had gone on between the two of you played in your head. It was like the feeling of getting too close to a fire, how the heat could become so unbearable against your skin the longer you stood still, letting that faux burning sensation warm you far beyond the realm of comfort.
You’d known him for so long that he had at one point been the closest thing you had to that sense of comfort and warmth, but the morning after you realized what had happened, that you’d slept with him, you were burned.
For you, it was a moment of weakness, a yearning for the world to return to the way it was, for your brother to be alive again, with his family, but for him, it must’ve been something more, since he hadn’t left you alone since.
His gaze sharpened with every step you took as you hurriedly made your way down to the quarry, and when you felt his hand on your shoulder, and heard your name on his lips, you turned with a startled yelp to face him, nearly dropping the basket of laundry in your arms as you did so.
“Jesus, Shane,” you huffed, returning to your hurried pace as you made your way towards the water. “I’m busy.”
He scoffed, biting his lip with his hands on hips as he watched you scooping out blood-soaked clothing in preparation to be washed, rung out, and dried in the warm late August air.
“What, doin’ laundry?”
He shook his head, looking around to make sure there was some semblance of privacy, so he could speak to you without the impediment of another man who seemed to captivate your attention recently.
“I gotta talk to you,” he said. “(Y/N)... Why aren’t you talking to me? It’s been, what, two weeks almost? Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” you said quietly, still unable to look him directly in the eye. “I—I just…”
He grew impatient with your silence. “Just what?”
You shrugged, soaking one of Dale’s shirts in the shallow water at the edge of the quarry. “I, um… It was a one time thing, you know?”
His face seemed to freeze, and though he seemed to break into a smile, you knew from all the time you’d known him that wasn’t a good sign.
“Shit, (Y/N),” he said, chuckling under his breath. “That… That ain’t true. You know it.”
You shook your head, laying the shirt out flat to dry upon the rocks. “It’s true,” you said. “I’m sorry if you thought it was something else, but it wasn’t that for me.”
“What was it then?”
His face jutted forward, questioning you as his eyes bored into the side of your head. You tried looking away, not matching his eye contact as you wrung out someone’s sock, you weren’t sure whose.
“You owe that to me, (Y/N),” he said. “What was it? What’d it mean to you? Think about it.”
You raised your head to look him in the eyes now, fire rising up in you as he continued hounding you with questions. “It was nothing,” you said simply. “I was lonely, and you were there. That’s all. I’m sorry, Shane, but that’s what it was—nothing. It didn’t mean anything to me, so please just leave me alone.”
Shane bowed his head, and peered back up at you from the lower angle, almost enraged now as he studied your face. “Well, it meant something to me.”
You huffed and turned to face your body towards him, now feeling guilty for what you’d said. Maybe you’d been too harsh, and maybe you should have known better than to sleep with your brother’s best friend, who’d had his eye on you long before Rick died, but you couldn’t change what you’d done two weeks ago, and at the time, it seemed like exactly the right thing to do.
“Shane, I—”
“Nah,” he said, rising to his feet to look down at you with something new in his eyes, something you’d only been noticing rather recently. Until now, you’d only seen this vitriol out of the corner of your eye, but now it was on display in full right in front of you. “Just forget it.”
He left it at that, and in a way, you were grateful, thinking it wasn’t so bad of an ending to your fling as it could’ve been. Certainly, he handled it better than you thought he would, considering how quick to anger he was, and how blunt you were in your rebuff. Still, his gaze only became harder, more calculated, in the following days, and though you were sure he would leave you alone now, you found yourself jumping at the slightest motion, expecting the man to approach you again, maybe to even touch you or hurt you, if his looks were anything to go by.
When you heard the snapping of that branch under his foot, you turned with an anxious swiftness, steeped in the combined guilt and fear you’d been experiencing since you’d put an end to whatever relationship you had with him.
Except, it wasn’t Shane. Not in the slightest.
“The hell you doin’ out here alone?” he asked, covered in sweat and dirt from his hunt, and with a string of freshly shot squirrels dangling over his shoulder. 
“Daryl,” you sighed, breaking out into a wide grin as you chuckled at your own jumpiness. “Sorry, thought you were someone else.”
He scoffed and sat himself down against the base of an aspen tree, patting the space beside him to invite you there, too. It had become somewhat of a ritual now, unexpectedly running into Daryl in the woods, where you often retreated when Shane’s stares got too much for you to handle. 
Daryl would stumble upon you, usually alone, staring up at the canopy of treetops above you, wishing to live a life as simple as the birds upon their branches. At first he tried to get you to come back to camp, insisting that being alone in the woods wasn’t safe, but you’d poke holes in his logic, pointing out that he, too, was alone, and how if the two of you were together, then neither of you would be alone. 
That, and you’d refuse to go back to camp until you’d gathered the courage to face Shane again, his heavy presence always weighing down on you, and seemingly becoming more and more volatile.
You smiled and picked up your bag, dragging it over to sit beside Daryl, who smelled putridly of walker blood and decaying squirrel, but the offensive odor had become somewhat of a comfort to you, something to look forward to when you inevitably crossed paths, as if something was bringing the two of you together.
“Loverboy again?” he asked, in that characteristic southern drawl of his. 
“Mhm,” you answered, trimming the moss off a stick you’d picked up from the ground. “As usual.”
He himself played with a leaf in his hand, twirling it around by the stem as his eyes watched your fingers deftly peel off the moss, and roll the green, spongy substance between your fingertips to create a tiny ball. 
Biting his lip, he shook his head, scoffing under his breath at the very idea of Shane. Daryl himself had been the victim of some less than friendly interactions with the man, and had received his fair share of dirty looks from afar. He could take it, of course. He couldn’t care less about Shane, about what he thought of him, but what really got to him was how he looked at you, how he followed you around and made attempts to speak to you despite your clear indications that you didn’t want anything to do with him. 
“You should let me take care of him,” he said. “Asshole wouldn’t bother you no more.”
You chuckled and shook your head. “Oh, Daryl,” you laughed, “I told you, it’s fine. He’ll get over it eventually. I told him it was just a one time thing.”
“Yeah, and since when does Shane listen to anybody ‘cept himself?”
He had a point, and indeed, Shane had only seemed more hostile towards you the last few days, to the point you were afraid of being alone. Maybe that’s why you went alone into the woods that day, hoping somewhere in your heart that you’d run into Daryl again, that you wouldn’t have to be alone.
Or, maybe, that you could be alone with him. 
“God,” you sighed. “What have I done, Daryl? I mean, am I a whore?”
Daryl’s eyes shot open wide at the notion. “Absolutely not,” he said with a scoff. “You were lonely. Said so yourself. Was a mistake. Don’t make you a whore. Everyone gets lonely sometimes.”
You smiled at his reassurance, and nudged his shoulder with yours—a recent development in your repertoire of interactions with the surly redneck, who seemed to stiffen up whenever anyone in your group touched him, but in your presence, he loosened up somewhat, and the more you talked to him, the more you realized he wasn’t all that bad.
“Thanks,” you said. “You really know how to make a girl feel good.”
God, you thought to yourself, immediately regretting how you spoke to him, with a subconsciously expressed flirty lilt to your tone of voice. You really are a whore. 
The feelings you had towards Daryl were different, though. They weren’t born out of fear or loneliness or grief. Your feelings for him were built over hours of hammering at his hard exterior, breaking down his walls and finding yourself intrigued with every word that came out of his mouth. Indeed, you were fond of him, and you had the subtle feeling that maybe he was fond of you, too.
“Shut up,” he said, rolling his shoulders as if to shrug off what you’d said, and how it made him feel. Indeed, he was fond of you. “Just said you ain’t a whore.”
“Well, I appreciate it.”
Not long after that, your brother, risen from the dead and blissfully unaware of your onetime tryst with his best friend, led your group to the CDC in the hopes of finding a new home, somewhere safe in the wake of a herd running through your camp.
Tensions seemed to come to a head that night, as Shane, drunk on whiskey and more emboldened than he had been the last few weeks, kept his eyes locked on you… and Daryl.
You didn’t leave his side all night, yourself tipsy and rather flamboyantly falling into his arms as he walked you to your room, holding your waist and helping you into bed, spending much longer in that room with you than Shane would’ve liked.
“Daryl…” you mumbled, laughing at his disheveled hair that you’d messed up somewhere along the line. “Oh, your hair.”
He shook his head and suppressed a laugh, trying to maintain his stoicism despite his equally tipsy state.
“Go to sleep,” he said.
“Mm… Wait,” you said to him just before he could turn to leave. “Daryl, you’re a great guy, you know that?”
He chewed his lip and averted his gaze, wiping his nose in an attempt to distract you from his blushing cheeks.
“Ain’t nothin’ special,” he said. “Just wanted to make sure you got into bed safe, that’s all.”
You found yourself twirling your hair around your finger, biting your lip as you admired his strong arms and broad shoulders. 
“I think you’re special,” you said, and raised your hand to hold his, tugging him down until you could lean up to kiss his warm cheek. “And very sweet.”
He found himself frozen, unable to quite comprehend what you’d just done, but when you turned his cheek and pressed your lips ever so lightly against his, he pulled away with all the strength he had, convinced you had no idea what you were doing.
“(Y/N),” he said, swallowing hard as he spoke your name. “You’re drunk.”
You turned serious. “Just a little… Sorry if I…”
“Nah,” he said, shaking his head adamantly. “Don’t be sorry, just… I don’t want ya doing something just ‘cause you’re lonely.”
You smiled at the notion that the feelings you had for Daryl could be anything remotely close to what had spurred your fling with Shane.
“I’m not lonely,” you said. “Actually, I’ve never felt happier than I am right now, here with you. It’s nice. I feel… light, you know? I always feel light when I’m with you, like everything’s okay.”
He smiled. It wasn’t a big smile, as Daryl wasn’t known for that, but it was a small, slight curvature of the lips, a little gesture to show how happy your words made him. 
“Guess I feel the same,” he said.
You bit your lip, eying his once again. They weren’t particularly plump lips, but had a sweet, defined shape, with prickles of dusty brown hairs above and below the modest pink pillows upon which you very much desired to rest yours. 
He cleared his throat, unsure of what to do now, and terrified he’d ruin this moment if he dared open his mouth, but words came tumbling out regardless.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked. “I—I mean, ya know… if that’s okay, and if that’s what ya want.”
You nodded and leaned up to hold his cheek in your hand, pulling him closer until your lips met, and though the kiss was pure, short, and sweet, it was everything you’d imagined it could be, and you didn’t need anything else to solidify this feeling.
Your fingers trailed delicately over the scruffy surface of his cheek as you pressed one more short peck to his trembling lips.
His eyes fluttered open as you waved your hand in front of his face, attempting to wake him from his stupor.
“Daryl,” you laughed. “You okay?”
He cleared his throat as he opened his eyes, nodding his head to try to play off how shocked he was in this situation, having done something he’d wanted to do since he met you.
“Yeah,” he said. “I, uh… That was nice.”
You bit your lip and stared hazily, wandering over the delicate features of his face, some you hadn’t noticed before, especially his lips. God, you wanted so much more from those lips… But it was late, and you were tired, and you didn’t want to rush it. 
After all, what would Daryl think if you asked him to make love to you barely a month after a one night stand with Shane? Surely he’d think you were a whore then, though you knew he was better than that. 
“It was lovely,” you agreed. “I’d love to do it again sometime.”
He nodded, scratching the back of his neck in an anxious habit. “Me too… You should get some sleep. You look tired.”
“Mm,” you hummed, letting your head sink down into the pillow beneath you. “I’m very tired, Daryl. Thank you for the goodnight kiss, though. I think I’ll have nice dreams tonight.” You kissed your palm and pressed it to his cheek, which felt hot under your hand. 
He tentatively grabbed your hand, and placed his own kiss upon your palm, despite the shakiness of his nerves sending a tremor through his arm. “Goodnight.”
He pulled the door shut, and stepping out into the hallway, he could’ve sworn he noticed a strange presence, familiar yet somehow different in that a pair of sharp, critical eyes were fixated more directly on him.
Of course, he was still quite inebriated, and it might’ve been his imagination, so he rubbed his eyes and crossed the hallway to his room, closing the door behind him and eager to sleep, in the hopes he, too, would have pleasant dreams about you.
For Shane, though, this was the opportunity to tiptoe to your room, quiet so as not to alert the ever alert hunter across the way.
There was hate in his heart when he saw Daryl sneak out of your room, a redness to his cheeks and a cold sweat dripping down the side of his face, his clothes a little askew, as well. He knew there was something going on between the two of you, something more intimate than friendship. 
When he looked at you, though, half asleep on the cot in your room, eyes fluttering open at the narrow beam of light shining through the crack in the door, his drunken mind could only process one thought: mine.
“Sh-Shane?” you asked, sitting up in your cot and rubbing your eyes as you reached over to switch on the lamp on the side table. “What are you doing?”
He shut the door behind him, and you immediately eyed the bottle of whiskey dangling in his hands. “Shane, you should go to bed.”
“(Y/N),” he said, out of breath and nearly slurring his words as he approached, the whiskey bottle dangling haphazardly in his hand. “I need to talk to you.”
You scoffed and pulled the covers up further, as if they could protect you from him as he came closer to your bed. “We can talk tomorrow,” you said. “You’re drunk, and I need you to leave.”
“Daryl sure was in here a long time,” he said lowly, eying you with a strange darkness in his gaze. His lips were wetted by the alcohol and slightly hanging open as he licked them. “You let him fuck you?”
“What?” you replied, angered at the questioning. “Get the hell out of here, Shane. I’m serious.”
“Answer me, (Y/N),” he barked, backing up from the bed as you swung your legs over the side, preparing to stand up and push him out now. “Did he fuck you?”
You stood up to your feet and shoved him away, but his face only kept jutting at yours, almost to the point his reddened forehead knocked against yours. 
“That’s none of your goddamn business,” you said. Your eyes narrowed at him, and your nostrils beginning to flare with each indignant breath you took, you shoved him again, causing him to stumble a little as he tried to catch himself. 
“Yeah, actually,” he said. “Yeah it is.”
He carelessly placed the whiskey bottle on your nightstand, and you were careful to watch his hands as they moved, one going so far as to touch your shoulder. 
“Stop,” you said, removing his hand with so much disgust you’d think his touch was poisonous. 
He tilted his head, now gazing at you with a softness that seemed almost hostile in its insistence. His presence was terrifying, much more than it had been before, as he somehow had begun to push you backward with each step, cornering you until your back hit the wall beside your bed. 
“I know it wasn’t just nothing, (Y/N). It meant somethin’ to you.” His hand trailed up your arm now, while his other rather harshly held your cheek. Your face contorted in fear at how he touched you. The only time he’d touched you this way before was that night you slept together, and this wasn’t at all what you wanted. 
“N-no,” you stuttered, swatting away his hands despite his continued attempts to touch you. His body was so close to yours now, and so much bigger and stronger than yours, that you were sure you couldn’t go anywhere, not if he didn’t want you to. “Shane, please leave.”
He shook his head, as if frustrated by your failure to admit your feelings for him. “I love you, (Y/N),” he said. “And I know you love me too. What we had that night was special, it was real. You need to come back to me.”
You tried to shove him away again, but this time he responded by pinning your shoulders against the wall, causing a loud thud to echo through the underground halls of the CDC. 
“Shane!” you cried out, nearly sobbing in fear of whatever he was going to try to do to you. “Let me go!”
“You’re confused,” he slurred, holding your trembling body snug against the wall, this time not leaving any room at all between your bodies. He raised one hand to brush back your hair, while his knee split open your thighs. “But I need you to know who you belong to… Just let me show you.”
You squirmed and attempted to push his hands away as they groped your body, one making its way down to your crotch and feeling you over your pants. 
“No!” you cried out. “Stop it! Stop!”
His lips suctioned onto your neck, and with one hand you tried to push his forehead away, the other tried to remove his hand from your crotch. 
Your protests fell on deaf ears, and your desperate attempts to push him away were no match for his strength as he pinned you to that wall, groping and kissing you despite every fiber of your being screaming out “no.”
The only thing stopping him from further assaulting you was the slam of the door as its handle was launched against the wall, flying open as Daryl wasted no time socking Shane in the face with every ounce of strength in him.
“You son of a bitch!” he bellowed as he leaned down to pick up the disoriented Shane by the collar of his shirt. “I’ll kill you.”
You could only fall into your brother’s arms as he ran to you, holding your cheeks in his hands to make sure you were all right. 
His words were muffled against the sheer volume of the next hit Daryl threw at Shane, though this blow didn’t send him tumbling down this time, and Shane quickly lunged forward, throwing a punch at Daryl as he yelled. 
“This ain’t none of your damn business, Dixon!”
Daryl scoffed and moved forward to attempt another blow, but this time, Rick quickly moved to stand in between them, holding his arms out to keep them at bay.
“Stop this!” he yelled, and quickly turned to Shane, a deep, dark anger rising up in him as he realized just what Shane was about to do to his sister. “What the hell is goin’ on in here?”
You had sunk down in the corner now, shaking and holding your sobbing face in your trembling hands as Rick screamed some incoherent words at Shane.
All you felt then was Daryl’s hand gently touching your shoulder, and when you removed your hands from your eyes, you saw him kneeling down before you, his face somewhere between sheer rage and utter melancholy. 
“(Y/N),” he said. “Are ya—”
You interrupted him as you threw your arms around him, nearly clawing at his shirt as you sobbed into his shoulder. Even Rick was surprised by this, turning his attention away from Shane to see you in the arms of a man he hardly knew, as the man you had known since you were a teenager glared the both of you down, nearly lunging at Daryl again before Rick could stop him.
“What is wrong with you?” Rick growled, pushing Shane back as Daryl lifted you to your feet, your hands still clinging to him in a terrified stupor. 
You suddenly remembered where you were now, in a strange milieu of your brother, your former one-time lover, and a man you genuinely were starting to believe you might actually love, all of whom were at odds with each other in some way in this moment of questioning and utter confusion. 
Daryl found himself sheltering you from Shane’s eye contact, standing in front of you and puffing his chest up in an instinctual display of defense. “Your buddy here tried to force himself on your sister,” he answered, his chest heaving in rage with each word that clawed its way out of his throat and emerged cloaked in his hoarse, abrasive voice. “Can’t take no for a goddamn answer. You better do somethin’ about it before I do. Can’t have that kind of shit in our group.”
“What the hell would you know about it?!” bellowed Shane, still fighting against Rick’s weight as he held him back. “Rick, you know me. (Y/N),” he said, daring to address you now, a gesture which surely would’ve ended his life if Rick wasn’t standing between the two men. “(Y/N)... I—I’m sorry.” He chuckled nervously as he spoke, his feet stumbling underneath him as he tried to go forward towards you. “I love you.”
“She don’t love you,” replied Daryl, his voice so heavy now it even weighed him down as he spoke from the depths of his abdomen. “Even if she did, you got no damn right to touch ‘er like that.”
Rick held him back once again. “We’ll deal with this tomorrow,” he said. “But you stay away from her.” 
“Bullshit,” growled Daryl. “Rick, you either throw his sorry ass out now or I’ll kill him. I will, I swear.”
Rick huffed, peering over Daryl’s broad shoulders to see your forehead leaning against his back as you cried, and his hand holding yours by his side. He had no idea what was happening between you and him or you and Shane, or what had happened, but he knew you were upset, that he had to do something. Just not now, not like this.
“Tomorrow,” he said, glowering down at Daryl. He turned to face Shane again, pushing him towards the door. 
Shane was losing his balance now, the effects of the blows to his head and his drunkenness surely affecting him now as Rick dragged him away, taking him as far from you as possible. 
He eyed Daryl as he left, though, as if warning him, silently telling him to beware whatever ill intentions he might have, despite the feeling in the pit of his stomach that he’d never hurt you. 
Daryl turned to face you then, encircling his strong arms around your waist and welcoming you against his body again, with so much comfort and warmth in his presence as you cried into his shirt.
He didn’t say anything, not for a while, at least. He simply held you, at some point sinking down to the ground with you, leaning his back against the bed, legs outstretched as you lay your head upon his lap, his hand gently rubbing your back. 
“Daryl,” you said, your voice still shaky, fragile like ancient glass that could shatter if breathed on the wrong way. “I wish I’d never slept with him. I feel so stupid, so… I don’t know, I just should’ve known this would happen.”
“It ain’t your fault,” he said, his voice equally as quiet and soft as yours. Whatever pain you felt he seemed to absorb, taking it within himself in an attempt to shield you from it, to rid you of the feeling of helplessness and vulnerability, but there was only so much he could do. He could never know the feeling, as much as he tried to relieve you with his sympathy. “You were lonely, scared…”
“Yeah,” you sniffled, “and now I’m scared again.”
That plunged Daryl’s heart into an abyss, so deep and dark he couldn’t bear to pretend he was strong enough to handle it. Fear was a feeling he knew well, and to know you were afraid again, when your group was safe, when finally things were starting to look up… It was horrible, and all because of Shane.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N),” he said. “You don’t deserve that… I swear, I’ll keep you safe, though.”
You turned your head to look up at him, curious as you wiped away your tears. “Y-you mean that?”
He never meant anything more in his entire life. Even if you never kissed him again, never felt what you had felt in that moment that night again, he’d keep you safe as if it was his sworn duty, as if he were some medieval knight with a chivalrous code of conduct to always stand strong for you. 
You, his only friend, his favorite person, the one thing that kept him barely scraping by in this world. There were a lot of shitty things about the end of the world, but meeting you had to be the best thing that had ever happened to him.
“Course I do,” he answered. “You mean a lot to me, (Y/N). And I’ll tell you somethin’ else, Shane ain’t ever gonna hurt you again.”
You closed your eyes and sighed, raising your hands to your face and wiping away the stray tears that had fallen. “As long as you’re with me,” you said, “he can’t hurt me… So you should stay with me… Always.”
He raised an eyebrow, almost skeptical of your statement. “You sure about that?” he asked. “Think you might get tired of me.”
You laughed through your tears, and raised your hand to rub his cheek. “I don’t think I could ever get tired of you, Daryl. You make me feel strong.”
That touched him, glued angel wings onto his heart as it fluttered away, up into the clouds where your sweet words held him blissfully hostage. You had that effect on him, that light, fluttery feeling. He knew what it was, of course. It was love. He might’ve never felt it before, but it was the kind of feeling one knows the moment it tears down one’s defenses and seeps in like a flash flood. It was love, and he was swimming in it.
“You are strong,” he replied. “But if I make ya more aware of it, and if it keeps ya safe, I guess I’m gonna have to stick around ya, huh? Make sure no one ever hurts you.”
You smiled weakly, though if you weren’t still a little terrified from your experience that night, you’d be beaming from ear to ear. Still, you weren’t about to let what Shane had tried to do to you ruin the beautiful moments you shared that night with Daryl, a man who you knew truly cared about you, a man with whom you didn’t feel like you needed to use to find relief. What you felt for him was real, and it was beautiful, whatever it was. 
“Protector,” you sighed. “That sounds nice… Best guy for the job, I think.”
Living up to his job description, he held you all night, keeping you wrapped up in a tight, protective embrace. There wasn’t any obligation, no fear or loneliness, just a sense of innocent comfort and stability. 
Whatever would happen in the morning would happen, and whatever awaited you in this uncomfortable, unstable world would still be there when you woke up, but in this moment, at least you had him, and he had you.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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heliads · 2 years
Hello 👋🏽 it’s been a while…. Today I’m not asking for teen wolf 😧. I’m here for a Carlos de vil.. can you do one when reader see’s Carlos again after he came back to the isle to choose who goes to auradon?
no teen wolf?! but carlos as well <33
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Carlos de Vil is standing alone, trying to figure out how he can go through with this. He thought leaving the Isle of the Lost was hard, so why is coming back suddenly so much harder? This should be a good day, as he and the other VKs get to bring even more kids over to Auradon. Everyone else seems happy, and Evie and Mal are practically bubbling over with joy at the thought of seeing their old friends once again.
Carlos is also thinking of seeing someone again, but it’s not quite the same. He left someone here, back when he went to Auradon for the first time and left his old life behind for good. Carlos has no idea if that someone hates him for going, for not writing, for not trying to find her again. He’ll only find out now.
Carlos’ fingers unconsciously reach upward to tug at a chain around his neck. He’s worn it since the day he left the Isle of the Lost, even after he realized that he fit in quite well at Auradon Prep. The necklace itself isn’t much to look at, as it’s composed of many different sections of chain and metal that have all been looped together in a somewhat ungainly fashion. Some parts look more expensive, as if they’d been stolen (they have), whereas others are so old that they could have been pulled from the crypts of long-dead witches (they have not, but it’s close enough to the truth).
The necklace had been a shared gift between Carlos and the girl he left behind, a product of past adventures that grew with every link and loop they borrowed. There’s a pendant from a sunken ship, a chain that had once bound them down, the clasp from one of his mother’s capes… It’s almost too long to wear, but he keeps it anyway. It reminds him of Y/N L/N, and that’s all he needs to treasure the chain like it were wrought of pure gold.
He and Y/N used to share the chain, ‘borrowing’ it back and forth as they wished. That’s how kids on the Isle of the Lost keep their possessions, anyways, by stealing it enough times that people give up and let you have what you want. The necklace spent a significant amount of time around Y/N’s neck, but Carlos managed to get it back just before he left for the Isle.
Now, it’s all he has left of her. Carlos left in a hurry, and barely had a chance to wave goodbye, let alone say half of what he wished. If he had a longer chance to drag his heels and deliver proper farewells to everyone, he would have lingered longer by Y/N’s side, and finally said everything that’s been bursting at the tip of his tongue for the past couple of months.
He’s been gone a while, but the feelings still haven’t subsided. Y/N has been his closest friend ever since Carlos can remember, but recently things started changing in his head. Priorities have shifted, hearts have started beating differently, and Carlos realized that he doesn’t just like Y/N as a best friend but as something more.
He was planning on telling her at some point, if he could ever get up the courage to form the words. How is it that Carlos can spit in the face of Auradon in general, steal a dozen trinkets from a hundred prominent villains, and do basically everything he wants except tell the girl he likes how he feels?
Carlos really should have said something to Y/N before he left, he knows that much, but the words just couldn’t come out. All he remembers is seeing the look on Y/N’s face as the car took Carlos, Jay, Mal, and Evie away to a new horizon. Carlos doesn’t know that she could ever hate him, or he hopes as much, but she looked broken by his departure.
He had been able to run away from these thoughts for a while, as Carlos was doing his best to not flunk out of Auradon Prep before he had enough time to enjoy the place, but now he’s back and he can hide no longer. Somewhere in this maze of streets, Y/N is here, pacing the cobblestoned corridors, smiling with that same wolf’s grin Carlos only sees in his dreams.
He can’t help but wonder if she will look the same. For some reason, despite the fact that it hasn’t really been that long since Carlos left the Isle, a part of him fervently believes that Y/N must be very different from when they parted ways. He feels different, at any rate, so shouldn’t she be changed as well? Maybe he won’t even recognize her. Worse, maybe she won’t even recognize him. Carlos can’t decide whether he thinks the Isle won’t have changed at all during his absence or that it will be vastly different.
He’ll find out now, at any rate. Their car has passed over the magical bridge connecting the two cities of Auradon and the Isle of the Lost, and it’s time to step out. Even the air seems familiar, Carlos thinks as he heads into the city, it still carries that sharp tang of magic and broken dreams. The people of the Isle can pretend that they’re unstoppable and fierce as much as they want, Carlos knows he certainly did, but they’re stuck on this island. Even the toughest of battle cries can’t deliver them from that.
Mal nods at him as they walk further into the city. “Hey, you alright?”
Carlos does his best for a casual shrug, although his entire body feels too stiff for the movement to feel quite right. “Think so. It’s just weird being back, I guess.”
Beside him, Jay blows out a low breath. “Tell me about it. It feels like the entire city shrunk while we were gone.”
Evie laughs. “That’s just because you grew like four inches since we left.”
Jay considers this, then waves it away. “Still, it feels small.”
This is true, actually. Beforehand, when the Isle of the Lost was all Carlos had ever known, it felt like a sprawling, teeming city. There were alleys and secret passages everywhere one could look, and Carlos and his friends never ran out of places to skulk during the latest of their adventures.
Now, though, all Carlos sees is a tiny island, packed to bursting with kids who might never get a chance to leave. He’s glad that they’re offering a chance to incorporate more Villain Kids into Auradon Prep, but suddenly four tickets out seems like far too few. There are hundreds of children waving application papers, but most of them are going to go away unhappy. How is that fair?
Evie glances at him, as if she can sense his roiling emotions. “Hey, take it easy. We don’t have to name the kids who got in for a while. How about you go take a walk around the city? I know I have a couple of friends I want to visit.”
Carlos nods. “Yeah, I think I will. See you later, I guess.”
He waves goodbye to his friends then turns away, melting into the shadows with a grace he almost thought he lost. Now that he’s here, Carlos isn’t giving up the chance to see Y/N again, even if it kind of terrifies him.
Carlos knows the way to Y/N’s place by heart, after countless mornings and nights spent behind her windwashed door. He wends absentmindedly through twisting alleys and over poorly mended gaps in the streets, wondering what he’s going to say. Shouldn’t Carlos have planned this out sooner? Yeah, but he was so nervous to think about the whole thing that he never quite managed it.
This is a shame, because now Carlos is left stumbling for some sort of plan. Will he know what to say when he sees her, like all the words fall into perfect place in his head the same as always? Or has he changed too much from the boy who could cook up pure poetry from the sight of Y/N’s smile alone? He supposes he won’t know for sure until that first meeting happens.
Carlos rounds a corner and stops dead in his tracks. There, down the street, is a girl leaning over a bent wire railing. She’s looking out beyond the tracks of the city towards where the ocean laps at the faded sands of the Isle. If Carlos really wanted to, he thinks he could trick himself into believing that she’s looking for him back on Auradon.
He steps forward, and true to the form of any kid who had to grow up on the Isle, the girl hears the dim sound of his footsteps and turns abruptly. A beam of sunshine makes it through the typical cloudy skies, illuminating her face in perfect clarity.
For a moment, all Carlos can do is stare. Y/N is the same girl he’s always known, but it must be true that absence makes the heart fonder, because seeing her again rocks him to his core. Every detail of her face, every curl of her hair or glimmer of her eyes, makes Carlos wish he could stand here for a thousand years longer, just to carefully catalog every single aspect of her image in his head.
Carlos wondered if being away would make him lose his crush on Y/N, but he can say decisively now that this isn’t the case. If anything, it’s made him worse. Carlos looks at Y/N like a drowning man staring down a sea, a thankless unbeliever realizing that he is on the cusp of salvation. This is love, and he is dreadfully in need of it. He can only hope that she feels a fragment of what is coursing through him right now, because if not, he will have nothing left but his own regret.
Y/N must have gotten over her surprise at seeing him far faster than Carlos could for her, because she is the one who is able to speak first. “Carlos?”
He nods, starting to walk forward until they’re just a few feet apart. “It’s me.”
The words do not rise to his lips, as he’d hoped. Carlos wants to say a thousand sentences, and then none at all. Should he apologize for not saying goodbye, or for leaving in the first place?
His mind’s ramblings are cut off by Y/N. “Is that the necklace?” She asks, pointing at the slip of chain just visible under his shirt.
Carlos’ hand flies to it without question. “Yeah. Yeah, it is.”
He pulls it out so she can make sure. “I couldn’t leave it behind. Guess I wanted to make sure that I could remember everything, just in case.”
Y/N cocks her head to the side. “Were you worried about forgetting the Isle?”
“No,” Carlos manages, “I was worried about you forgetting me. Even if you did, at least I’d have some part of you that was still mine.”
Y/N looks up at him, and Carlos can’t tell whether her eyes are colored by hope, fear, or just some great and terrible sadness that he cannot understand. “I would never forget you. I don’t think I could if I tried.”
She glances away for a moment, as if gathering her strength about her, then continues. “I missed you, you know. Every day. I kept trying to talk to you, but you were never there.”
The words finally come out, gushing in torrents that threaten to sweep Carlos away. “I wanted to say goodbye. I should have found a way. I regret that every day, and I need you to know that. There was so much I wanted to say.”
Y/N glances at him curiously, a small smile twisting her lips up. “What did you want to say?”
Carlos rakes a hand through his hair, trying to put his unnameable emotions into words. “I wanted to see you again. I wanted to make sure you didn’t hate me for leaving. I wanted to know-” His voice breaks off, then returns in full force, “I wanted you to know that I love you.”
Y/N draws back, startled, and hangs there for a moment, suspended in shock like a dove midflight. Then, she rushes forward and kisses him, and it’s Carlos’ time to freeze in place, because he has no idea how this just happened but he’s not about to stop it so he kisses her, too, just to make the best of this.
When Y/N breaks away, she’s wearing an electric grin, the kind that usually tells Carlos that she’s about to do something incredibly risky, like dive off a cliff to plunge into the ocean below or attempt to steal magical artifacts from Mal’s mother.
“You like me?” Carlos gasps, still kind of stunned by everything going on.
Y/N laughs. “Yeah, I do. I didn’t know you liked me, though. That was new.”
Carlos gestures loosely with his hands. “Of course I like you! How could I not?”
There’s far more truth in that question than he initially meant to speak aloud, but it feels right in this situation. Y/N already knows everything about him anyways, why not one more thing?
Her laugh replaced by a kind of quiet sigh, Y/N folds her arms across her chest. “That’s what made this whole you-going-off-to-Auradon deal so bad, I guess. I was stuck wondering if you’d fall for some daughter of a fairytale princess and forget about me.”
Her tone indicates that she’s worried about it happening again, too, so Carlos takes her hand, pulling her close to him again. “Hey, I could never do that. Daughters of fairytale princesses don’t make me smile like you do. Besides, you can see that for yourself today.”
Y/N glances up at him, startled. “You mean-”
Carlos cuts her off, sporting a grin of his own. “Yeah, you’re coming back with us. I refuse to leave without you. I mean, you have your application, right?”
Y/N nods, pulling a folded piece of paper from her pocket. “Carlos, this is amazing. You really mean it?”
Carlos laughs. “Of course I do. You’re my best girl, aren’t you? I didn’t want to have to say goodbye again, so I’m not. I’m selfish like that.”
Y/N kisses him again as a thank-you, which is quite possibly the best thing ever and a habit that Carlos wants to continue in the future. They’ll have plenty of time for it, anyways, because they’re not going to be separated again. No more goodbyes, no more sorrow. It’s time for them to be together again, and Carlos could not be happier.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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soothinglee · 2 years
hello, could I request platonic c!dt or c!benchtrio hcs with a pvper reader, but the reader is short and physically weak so instead of relying on swords or other normal stuff they specialize and rely on poison?
warnings: just fighting, some curse words.
genre:: fluff (hcs)
summary:: hcs of the benchtrio (+ philza and techno) helping you make poison for fighting
a/n:: DUDE I AM SO SORRY LMAO, accidentally read the ask wrong, i thought it said "c!sbi". I don't know how, it's been a long day. so you get two extra characters! thank you for requesting!
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m.list - ask - series m.list
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philza would spend hours in his brewing room trying to find things to accommodate you when fighting.
he thought of everything.
how fast could you pull it out, how quick could you throw it at your enemy while dodging their attacks?
he used ghast tears, blaze rods, glow stone, gunpowder, basically anything he could get his hands on.
he would always make sure you hand extra on hand incase an enemy were getting immune to the formula. (ahem, dream)
he knows that people would target you for your weak nature and the ability to NOT pick up a sword. the only one you could use was a small wooden toy sword meant for toddlers.
if I ever see someone stroll in with a fake sword looking like Luz Noceda from Owl house I'd would laugh in your face, no offense.
most likely then not he'll give you fighting lessons, he's the type to sit you down like its a school lecture and teach you the 'old school style'.
meaning from a 1,000 year old book he picked up on the other side of the world.
if you had to battle with someone twice your size he'd most likely be hiding in the trees somewhere, waiting for you to give him the hint that you're losing the battle.
if you're too stubborn to call it quits, and he can tell that you're losing severely, he'll swoop in without a second thought and finish the fight for you.
overall he has a very caring personality and would do anything to make sure you can protect yourself.
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believe me when I say you'll be carrying potions that will make you weigh 10 times more then you do now.
like I'm talking about your pockets, sleeves, socks, shoes, and your hair will be filled with them in secret compartments.
he always make sure you have atleast 5 totem of undyings in your inventory.
you always ask where he gets them from and he'll just look at you, blink and slowly back out the room.
you'd ask phil and he'll just shake his head and say "it's best you didn't know."
anyway, he'll find a way to make a netherite sword light for you because he will NOT let you walk around with a wooden sword.
makes sures everything you own is maxed out in enchantments.
potion wise he put EVERYTHING he could find into one potion. just drinking it alone without any armor would most likely make you the strongest person in the server.
he knows you can take your opponents but would still give you a 30 day bootcamp on fighting.
you'll be wishing you never took up pvp in the first place.
this man is relentless.
like I'm talking your arms, legs and back would be black and blue from the constant fighting.
sure it'll help in the long run but you got both mentally and psychically exhausted that you just passed out. (fic coming based off this soon?)
he'd give you a break but all this payed off in the long run because you were able to master a lot of thing you couldn't have ever done before.
like phil, he'd mostly be in your ear, watching from afar, telling when to strike and how.
you know ratatuoe (I'm not even going to begin on spelling ts right) where the rat is in the guys ear helping him cook?
that's you and techno except he's not pulling your hair controlling you..
yeah okay anyway, he'd make you the most feared person despite your size, you were walking proof that even if you're small you can do anything you put your mind to.
and hey, dream and his goons are kinda-somewhat, scared of you now.
so good for you :)
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to be honest for him I'm not really sure what he'd do.
like, do i want to go for the sweet, caring friend road or the gremlin, "who cares" mentality, evil road?
for the sake of this I'll do the first.
OKAY, he doesn't really know anything about potions (or poison pick your word they're the same) except for the stuff he made in wilburs van those days ago.
do the research needed to figure out what potions did what and how long they lasted for.
knowing him he most likely mixed a invisibility and a strength potion together and blew up Philzas' lab area, later blaming it on Techno.
though he couldn't fight himself he would do his best to teach you from the things he saw during war times, mixing in what techno taught him those years ago.
and although he is kinda rusty, his tactics worked well and you incorporated it with the stuff you already knew.
he was very taken aback by how badass you were.
he never knew someone so tiny and couldn't even open a pickle jar could fight a grown ass, 6'1 man with just leather armor.
would use you as a lab rat for his work-in-progress potions.
he'd hand you the most revolting thing.
I'm talking about mold, green goup, spiders eye, bamboo ass shit in a tiny glass bottle.
thank god for your immunity to poison because that looked radioactive.
"so? how does it taste?" he asks, lifting up the protective googles that started fogging up from the humidity in the room.
you swallowed the rest of it, placing the now empty bottle on the table. watching as he watched you expectantly. you swished the slug in your mouth and held your breath. the taste was something indescribable.
as you went to talk a hiccup came out instead, it came out green. you smiled at him, waving your hand in-front of your face. "well, I don't feel like dying-" another hiccup cuts you off, this time along with the sudden impulse to smash a book on the table.
you reached for the book and tommy watches you in awe, nothing about your psychical form changed but as the book collided with the ground and everything broke into pieces, tommy knew he had accidently created a ultra potion of strength.
it only took 7 minutes to wear off but in those minutes everything around you were either across the room or demolished.
he is very helpful but at the same time very risky. so if you ever choose him to help -or he chooses you- just take the safety percussions necessary.
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you really think that he is going to even touch a potion?
this man is afraid of EVERYTHING
would watch from behind you as you cooked something up.
if you even asked if he wanted to help he'd give you the most deadpanneded look and straight out tell you no.
he wouldn’t help you make them but he sure as hell would get you the supplies you needed when you ran out.
he knows that they are vital for your fighting because of your small stature so he makes sure nothing is missing and no one is bothering you while your working.
though he can’t provide much, he is great at finding ender pearls which he gives to you.
he doesn’t know what it could be used for but he thinks it’s a nice little gift.
ranboo being half ender man means that he hoards a lot of stuff so whenever you need you’ll go to his little house and take whatever you need.
9 times out of 10 there would be some really messed up stuff that he said he just “found lying around” but we all know that that’s probably not true.
he looks up to you (even though he should be looking down) because of how confident you are despite your size and weakness
He likes that you use it to your advantage and asks you to help him get the confidence that he needs.
if you ever need help during a fight just whistle- which is a signal that you need help- and ranboo will teleport to you and swoop you up.
he is very helpful despite being afraid of a lot of things.
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the both of you are pretty short so he can understand why you use poison to knock your opponents down.
is all for it to be honest, tells you to rest while he tries some things out.
like tommy he will put the most horrendous shit in it but will cover the smell up with berries and purple dye.
he tries to stay away from fighting, having a bad past with it and all but he will definitely sit on the sidelines and watch as you try and practice.
assures you that he will always stick by your side, in battle and out.
though he doesn't have any practice in pvp except for the wars he doesn't really have any tips and tricks. but is happy to help you come up with new strategies.
is very adamant about you not overworking yourself, will make you carry around extra potions of strength to make you heal faster.
you have this little book filled with recipes of different poisons you created over time and some times tubbo finds himself marveling over the things you've created.
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mrsswaino · 2 years
fuck it up.
frank castle x f!reader .
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warnings : 18+, smut, unprotected sex, penetration, choking.
i’m just now noticing y'all don't even know my name?? hi! im jay. and a fun fact about me is i cant write smut without overthinking unless im high (and it usually turns out so much better?). i listened to f it up by tank while writing this - hence the name. anyways i'm gonna kinda try to work on dialogue? so ofc that means talkative frank. i hope it goes well for your sake. and are we surprised to see another self-indulgent fic? no? didn't think so. its only 624 words but - enjoy babes.
“c’mon, ya’ got it princess” frank states, looking down at where you’re sinking onto his cock.
and all you can do in response is drag your nails down his pec, because god, do you feel so full. and you can't help the little whimper that tumbles out of your mouth once all of his cock is inside you. you don't bother giving yourself anytime to adjust though, no you cant help yourself.
“attagirl” frank groans, hands raking the side of your torso.
and you also can't resist the temptation to wrap your hand around his neck. it just looks so, so pretty covered in the marks you left not too long ago. you can't help making a few more with how good he feels inside you, so soon enough you're digging your nails in his neck. and he cant help but let you. you thinking you're in control is just so cute. you just look so pretty like this - and he already knows there's no way you can keep it up for long.
so he finds himself revelling in the grip you have around his neck. how pretty you look using that grip for leverage to bounce on his cock. how pretty you look thinking that grip on his neck makes you in control.
just like he expected though, you can't keep it up long. you're breathing heavier, you're slowing down, and most importantly you've got that needy look on your face - and hes letting a groan out at it all.
“y’need help, baby?” he questions, but it comes out a bit (a lot) like a statement.
“please.” you can't help but shamelessly whimper.
before you can even realize what's happening his hands are on your hips, and in an instant he’s bouncing you up and down by himself. and you can't find anywhere with a steady grip, well at least not until you're grabbing your own tits. truly, frank loves the sight. and he's sure you're making crescent shaped dents into your own skin.
but he ruins the sight himself. the sight of you beneath him was just too alluring not to. but now instead of grabbing your boobs - youre grabbing him. and while both are great, he’s pretty sure he prefers the latter.
“feel good, sweetheart?”
since you’re biting your lip quite hard, you just find yourself whimpering and nodding at the question.
and then you hear frank grunting in your ear “why can’t i hear ya’?”, right before he’s gripping your jaw.
“let m’hear those pretty noises,” he starts “don't get shy now, princess.”
not like you really had much choice. the grip on your face basically had your mouth wide open, and you were practically drooling by the time he let go.then he’s hitting that spot, and at the moan you let out he’s holding in a chuckle.
“take m’cock so well,” he groans mainly to himself “like ya’ were made for me.”
with the way youre squeezing him though, he feels so close. franks a prideful guy though, and he takes pride in making you cum first. so while your heads back, and your eyes are squeezed shut from how good hes plowing you, hes sneaking his hand in between your thighs.
and almost as soon as he starts making circles on your clit you're shaking. you're exactly where he wants you.
“not yet, baby.”
“pleas-” you dont even get to finish, before his lips are smashing onto yours.
and everything is just so precise. the way hes hitting that spot inside you, his thumb making circles on your clit, and even the needy rushed kiss is. and youre sure you cant hold it for long. and frank really cant either - you just feel too good.
“g’head princess.”
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ta3mint · 2 years
enemies to lovers fic with Minho please 😩😩
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Contains: smut, enemies to lovers, idol!Minho x fem!reader, mentions of all the other SKZ members, Chan is your bff
Warnings: Minors do NOT interact! Oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, slight degradation, pet names (sweetheart, babe), switching of positions, public sex (?), harsh language, fingering (fem receiving), orgasm denial (multiple times), basically hate sex but it turns softer, no proofreading 
Word Count: 4,538
Author’s Note: I need to touch some grass now. Let me know if I missed anything that needs to be included as a warning! I do not claim to know anything about the personal lives of SKZ, and this is purely a work of fiction. (Link for Part 2)
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Today was the first day off you had been given in weeks. The only problem was you had no plans. Being bored on a day off was almost worse than going to work. Almost...
Thankfully, whatever higher power that was watching you mope around your apartment took pity on you in the form of your phone ringing. You grabbed it, probably too fast, and looked at the caller ID on the screen. It was Chan, one of your very best friends in the whole world. You couldn’t help but smile. Hopefully he had something fun for you to do today. 
“Hello?” You asked as you placed the phone against your ear. 
“(Y/N)!” Chan yelled over some talking and laughing in the background. You assumed it was the rest of the boys being rowdy over something. That was usually the case, at least. 
“What’s up, Chan? And what are they on about?”
You laughed as you heard Chan move away from all the noise, shutting a door behind him. 
“We’re all hanging out at the dorms before practice tonight. They’re playing Mario Kart or something and it’s getting ugly.”
Giggling, you remembered the last time you all played that game together. Images of a pillow smacking Jisung in the face flooded your memory, followed by the jealous culprit Felix, who was upset about losing to Jisung of all people. 
“It usually does. Want me to come over? I have today off, if you remember.”
“Of course I remember, that’s why I called! And please do, they’re driving me insane.” 
After laughing a bit with Chan, you told him you would be over soon and hung up. But a sinking feeling hit you before you could even process it. 
Minho would be there too. The two of you had never gotten along, even though you really tried your best. It made Chan sad that two of his best friends couldn’t stand each other but it couldn’t be helped, it would seem. 
That didn’t matter though. You wanted to see Chan and the rest of your friends, so you would be good and you prayed Minho would be too.
After getting ready as quickly as you could, you made your way over to the boys’ place, trying to ignore the weird feeling in your gut. You really didn’t know why you didn’t get along with Minho, you just never had since the first time you met. 
Chan was the one who opened the door, and he pulled you in excitedly into a side hug before closing the door behind you both. 
“I’m so glad you’re here. Things have quieted down a bit now, but that never lasts long,” Chan said, tracing a fake tear down the side of his face and sticking out his bottom lip.
You laughed at him before kicking off your shoes.
“Did you tell everyone I was coming?”
Chan glanced at you, a slight glimmer of some unknown emotion in his eyes. He knew what you were truly asking. 
“I did. Felix made brownies of course, and I think he’s still in the kitchen. Hyunjin shut himself in his room to paint when things got too loud. Jeongin and Jisung are watching tv now, and I think Changbin is leaving for the gym in a bit after we hang out,” Chan said as he led you into the living room. 
“Oh, and Seungmin went to get takeout. Um, Minho is out, too. He left a little while ago, but didn’t say where he was going.”
You nodded, pressing your lips in a tight line. It was nothing new, but it still hurt your feelings. 
“Anyway,” Chan clapped suddenly, trying to change the subject, “Let’s go try the brownies. You know Felix will complain if we let them get cold.”
You followed Chan into the kitchen and saw everyone where Chan said they would be. Jisung and Jeongin waved at you lazily from the couch, and Felix ran up to you as soon as he saw you from the kitchen, crushing you in a hug.
“It’s so good to see you, (Y/N)!”
“You saw me just last week, Felix,” you said through a laugh, playfully pushing him away.
Felix feigned being offended.
“Well, if that’s how you feel, me and Chan will eat all of these brownies right in your face!”
It was your turn to gasp and act hurt, knowing Felix would never do that to you. 
“Don’t ever come between a girl and her brownies, Felix.”
Chan, Felix, and yourself were now crammed on the couch with Jeongin and Jisung, passing the container of brownies around. Hyunjin had come out a few minutes ago, but he sat on the floor, still clutching his sketchbook and a brownie in the other hand. 
According to Chan, Seungmin would be back in a few minutes with the food. This made everyone excited, but you realized Changbin was still nowhere to be seen. You decided you wanted to go tell him since you hadn’t seen him yet anyway.
“I’ll go let him know the food is almost here!”
A few of the boys nodded, too engrossed in whatever was in front of them to look at you properly. You shook your head with a smile, not expecting anything else.
You made your way to Changbin’s room and greeted him, giving him a hug before telling him the food was almost here.
“Oh, great, I’m starving! I need to eat before working out anyway.”
As he finished speaking, you heard the front door open and close. You turned excitedly to Changbin, clapping your hands together. 
“That must be Seungmin!”
Before he could respond, you bounced into the living room again, instantly saying, “Seungmin, you’re here!”
But then you registered who was actually at the door, and your happy aura faded. It wasn’t Seungmin. Not even close.
“Oh,” you whispered, lowering your hands to your sides from where they had been to wave. 
The room became very tense as Minho’s eyes bore holes into you. 
“’Oh’, yourself,” he muttered, kicking off his shoes and not bothering to put them in the proper area. 
You shifted uncomfortably in your spot, feeling a timid hand on your back to comfort you. Thank God for Changbin, you thought. 
“What are you still doing here?” Minho asked harshly. “I was hoping I had been gone long enough.”
Anger bubbled up inside of you, threatening to spill over. 
“What did I ever-”
You cut yourself off, suddenly becoming very aware of all the eyes on you. No one had moved from their spots, but they were all looking at you with concern. Felix had even paused mid-chew, not daring to make a sound.
“You know what, never mind. I came here to have fun with my friends. Please don’t ruin it, okay?”
Minho grunted at your words, pulling out his phone and walking into the kitchen, not saying anything else.
As soon as he was gone, you let out a breath you didn’t know you had been holding. Changbin put a little bit more pressure on your back, trying his best to comfort you. 
Jisung was the first to move, shooting you a quick glance before following Minho into the kitchen. Chan was next, coming over to you and rubbing your arm softly. 
“I’m sorry. I understand if you wanna leave. We can hang out without him some other time.”
You shook your head vigorously, looking up at Chan as Changbin gave you another pat on the back before squeezing around the two of you to give you a minute. 
“No,” you said quietly, “I want to stay with you guys. I just...I’m gonna go to the bathroom for a minute.” 
Chan nodded, his eyes fill with concern for you. 
“Sounds good. Take your time, yeah? We’ll be here.”
As soon as you made it into the bathroom, you pushed the door behind you and turned immediately to the sink, gripping it to brace yourself. 
You truly had no clue what you did to make him hate you so, but you wished you could fix it. 
Out of nowhere your vision became blurry, and you felt incredibly stupid for crying. Crying over someone so stupid and mean and handsome and-
Handsome? Where did that come from?
You’d be lying if you said he wasn’t handsome though. To be honest, you had always thought so. When you first met him, your heart had fluttered at the thought of getting to know him better. But that was before he turned out to be an asshole. 
The door creaking open shook you out of your thoughts. You must have forgotten to lock it...
You spun on your heel to see who the intruder was, and you swore you could die on the spot when you saw who it was. 
Lee Minho. The one and only.
“Are you that big of an asshole that you can’t even knock?” 
You groaned and turn back towards the mirror, trying to ignore his reflection staring at you with a smirk. 
“Are you too dumb to lock the bathroom door when you’re inside?”
In front of Chan and the others, you really tried to behave. But now that it was just the two of you, you had nothing to lose.
“What do you want, Minho?”
He crossed his arms and leaned against the door frame, eyeing you with curiosity. But he didn’t say anything. And that pissed you off.
“Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me, or what?” You yelled, sure that the boys could hear you, but you couldn’t be bothered to care about that right now. 
“What do you want me to say? You want to know why I can’t stand you?”
You blinked, not expecting him to be so blunt.
“Actually, yeah, I do. You’ve been this way to me ever since we met, and I don’t understand why. During all these years, I have never done anything to make you hate me.” 
Minho pushed himself off the wall, keeping his arms crossed as he stepped closer to you. 
“That’s for me to know, and you to never find out, sweetheart.”
There was a tense moment of silence as the two of you glared at each other. The air had shifted and your heart was hammering at an insane speed. Something in his eyes was bothering you, and the more you looked at him, the more heat pooled between your legs. 
“What the fuck is wrong with me?” you thought, realizing that the tension between the two of you was turning you on. The pet name hadn’t helped.
“Why are you in here, anyway? Did you follow me like some kind of creep?”
Anger flashed through Minho’s expression before he turned around and slammed the door, sealing you inside with him. It made you feel good, actually, to know that you could piss him off like this. 
“Fuck this,” Minho groaned all of a sudden, taking two more steps to close the distance between you.
He grabbed your shoulders harshly and pushed you up against the wall so hard you bounced a bit. 
“You wanna know why I can’t stand you, huh?” Minho leaned in until his face was inches from yours. His breath fanned over your skin, smelling slightly minty, leaving goosebumps in its wake. 
“I can’t stand you- I hate you because I’ve been attracted to you since I first laid eyes on you. I- I’m not good at talking about my feelings,” he said, hesitating slightly. This was the most human you had ever seen Minho. “I’m not good at lots of things. And I took that anger out on you instead of doing something about it.”
It was dead silent now, save for Minho’s ragged breaths and your gasp at what he just said. 
“What? Are you telling me that all these years, you’ve been acting like a child because you have a crush on me?” 
He groaned once more, gripping onto your shoulders tighter before looking down at the floor and swallowing thickly. 
“You are utterly unbearable, (Y/N). But you can’t tell me you don’t feel the same. I can basically smell it,” Minho whispered, almost inaudibly. “You like it when I talk to you like this. You always have. That’s why you’re so good in front of the others and don’t yell at me even though you want to. To be honest, it turns me on beyond belief seeing how mad I can make you. I want to see you explode. Maybe that’s why I haven’t said anything until now. But I can’t take it anymore.”
The heat between your legs was increasing rapidly. It was true. You had always been attracted to him. And he had known it the whole time.
“You are so fucking stupid, Minho. If you think-”
He didn’t let you finish your sentence before pressing his body against yours, pushing you on the wall as he slammed his mouth onto yours. 
This was so much better than you could’ve imagined, and it had just started. 
It didn’t take long for you to reciprocate, grabbing fistfuls of his hair as he shoved his tongue in your mouth. You moaned against his lips as you felt his already hard length brush against your thigh. Minho instantly stiffened at the sound, moving his hands from your shoulders down to your ass, grabbing it roughly. 
Before too long, it became hard to breathe, so you pulled away, eyeing the string of saliva connecting your mouths together. 
“I ought to fuck that attitude right out of you. But you wouldn’t want the boys to hear, hmm?”
Minho spoke breathlessly, his lips glistening and swollen already. The sight had you wondering what they would feel like between your legs...
You couldn’t help but tease him, even now. Couldn’t give in that easily. At least, not yet. 
“You’ve been a pussy this long, so what’s a little longer, Minho?”
He growled and dove towards your lips again, hands resuming the grip they had on your ass. 
You smiled to yourself against his lips, knowing that you were about to have the best sex of your life. 
Minho massaged your ass in his hands again, but this time he started to grind his crotch against yours. The friction from that alone was enough to make you moan again. 
“We still have all our clothes on, and you’re already acting like a slut,” he said through a bitter laugh before sucking on your neck, leaving trails of saliva and potential bruises in his wake. 
“Take them off of me then. Unless you don’t have the balls to do that either.”
Minho instantly pulled away from you, staring daggers at you before grabbing hold of you and lifting you into the air. You realized what he was going to do as soon as he stepped towards the sink. 
He placed you on top of it, pretty gently, all things considered. But this was followed by him yanking your pants and underwear down at the same time in full force, leaving you immediately exposed to the man in front of you. 
You hissed as the air hit you down below, your arousal becoming cold against you. 
Minho was looking down at it, his tongue darting between his lips and his eyes shining. It was almost childlike, the way he was staring at your exposed pussy. And it was driving you insane. 
“I’ll show you, (Y/N). I’ll show you that I’m better with my actions rather than my words.”
Before you could say anything, he gripped your knees and pushed them apart, so far that it was almost painful. 
“Mmm,” he hummed, breathing in deeply as he knelt down, becoming eye-level with your naked core. “So wet already and I haven’t even started.”
You shivered at his words, and even more so when he tentatively swiped two fingers through your folds, tantalizingly slow.
“Don’t make a sound, do you understand me?”
His gaze was fixed on where his fingers met your pussy, but he didn’t need to look at you for you to know that he meant business. But you were more than happy to oblige. 
Though he couldn’t see you, you nodded. 
Without another word, he slipped the two fingers inside of you, pushing your right knee away to make sure you stayed wide open. 
You sighed and leaned against the mirror behind you, already finding it hard not to make noise. 
“I knew you felt the same, and so did your body, even if your mind hadn’t caught up,” Minho spoke as he slowly pumped the two fingers in and out of you, gauging how you felt around him. 
“You’re so tight,” he sighed, “I’ll have to fix that.”
His speed picked up and he started scissoring you open, finding that one spot that made you see stars rather quickly. You bit down on your bottom lip so hard you were surprised it wasn’t bleeding. There wasn’t enough time to be surprised for long though, because the hand that had been gripping your thigh came to attack your clit in a split second.
Your mouth fell open and it took everything in you not to scream from the intensity of the feeling of his fingers inside you as well as the circles Minho was rubbing forcefully into your clit. 
“Ah ah ah, sweetheart. Keep that mouth closed,” he said, noticing you were close to breaking. 
You nodded vigorously, at a loss for words, and not trusting yourself anyway. 
In a few more seconds, your lower stomach started to tighten and you knew what was coming. Inside your shoes, your toes curled painfully against the bottoms as you tried desperately to keep from screaming right then and there. A few more circles, and you were going to cum. Minho realized this because of how tense you had become around his fingers, and he stopped instantly with a devilish smirk.
It took a second for you to catch up, but when you did, you glared down at him through bleary vision. Your denied orgasm was enough to make tears form. Minho felt his pants tighten at the sight, and he choked out a quiet moan, palming his dick through his pants. 
“Fuck you,” you hissed at him, sweating and out of breath.
“You’re about to, babe,” Minho said through a grin before bringing his fingers to his lips and placing them in his mouth. 
You groaned and put your head back against the mirror, still recovering from the feeling of being denied the best orgasm of your life.
“Fuck, you taste better than I could have imagined. I wanna eat you out all night.” Minho bent down again, and without hesitation, he licked a fat stripe up your pussy, earning a whimper from deep within your throat. “But I have to fuck you right now, or I might lose it.” 
You watched as he stood back up, bringing his hands to his belt and undoing it shakily. He really was worked up.
The second his dick was free from his pants, you knew you were in for it. Especially when he only pulled down his underwear and pants far enough for it to come out. 
“Stand up,” Minho commanded.
On shaky legs, you followed his orders, unsure of what was about to happen. 
Minho grabbed your face in his hands and kissed you roughly again, the taste of yourself on his lips enough to make your head spin. 
“Grab onto the sink and bend over for me,” he murmured against your lips. 
As much as you wanted to keep kissing him, you wanted him inside you even more, so you quickly did as you were told. 
Once you did so, Minho placed his hands against your sides and slipped them under your shirt, palming your breasts as he leaned against you, his hard dick laying against your bare ass. 
“You’re so beautiful, (Y/N), all for me,” Minho groaned, tracing his fingers back down your sides and grabbing onto your hips. 
“Please,” you whined, your voice hoarse from not speaking for a little bit.
Minho smirked behind you, and you met his eyes in the mirror. 
“You don’t have to ask twice.”
Without another sound, Minho pushed into you from behind. It was easy enough thanks to how wet you were. 
Both of you moaned together, not caring about who heard at this point. 
“I should’ve done this a long time ago,” he said closer to your ear now that his hips were laid against your ass, and his dick was fully inside you. 
Gripping onto the sink for dear life, you looked up at him in the mirror and took in a shuddering breath. 
“Please move, Minho. Please fuck me.”
Minho cracked a wide grin, not breaking eye contact with you as he pulled out slowly and pushed back into you, bottoming out in an instant. 
Without another word, Minho repeated his previous action, setting a slow but precise speed, leaving you a whining mess underneath him. 
“Fuck, oh, shit,” you whimpered as he continued.
Minho held his breath as you clenched around him, your juices dripping down the front of his thighs. You felt unbelievable, and he was already worried he would cum too soon, especially when he noticed you rubbing yourself as he fucked into you. 
Neither of you said anything else, the lewd sounds of your skin slapping against each other and your breaths filling the room instead. It was almost embarrassing how wet you were, but the sound was music to Minho’s ears. It drove him crazy knowing what he did to you. The thought alone was enough to make him increase his speed, all rhythm and poise going out the window as he relentlessly slammed his dick into you.
“You’re mine. You always have been, even if you didn’t know it,” Minho growled. 
You were nearing an orgasm again, and his lust-filled voice only made matters worse. He felt your walls flutter around him, and he almost came then and there. But he couldn’t. Not yet.
He pulled all the way out of you and spun you around by the shoulders, knowing you were beyond pissed at having a second orgasm denied. Tears spilled this time, and Minho clicked his tongue at you, giving you an innocent, crooked smile. 
“So pretty when you cry,” he said as he reached a thumb up to your cheek and wiped away the tear sitting there. “What’s your color?” 
The sudden tenderness in his voice and on his face caught you off guard and made your heart swell. He was in the middle of fucking your brains out, and he was the nicest he had ever been to you. 
“Green,” you croaked.
“Then jump for me, sweetheart.”
You didn’t hesitate to, and he caught you instantly, bringing his mouth to yours once more. This time it was slower though, more passionate. It was his way of apologizing for all these years, and he was trying to tell you that he actually cared about you. He always had. 
Not breaking the kiss, he held onto you securely, lowering you onto his dick. You moaned at how full he made you feel. 
He took a few steps to the wall and placed you there, still kissing you as he started rocking his hips against yours, holding onto your ass and thighs for dear life. 
You grabbed onto his shoulders and pulled away from his mouth, looking down to where the two of you were joined. It was almost mesmerizing, the way he slid in and out of you over and over again. And after only a few seconds, you felt that familiar knot in your stomach once again. 
Minho saw you watching him fuck into you and he almost blew his load right then. However, he instead held onto you with only one hand now, taking the other one and grabbing one of yours off his shoulder. 
“Feel this?” He asked, gently placing your hand on your lower stomach. 
You whined at the sensation against your palm, feeling the tip of his dick poke into your stomach repeatedly. It made you clench around him, and his eyes rolled back in his head. 
“You take me so well, fuck,” Minho choked out, impossibly close now. 
“Please let me cum this time,” you begged him. “I only want to cum for you. I hate you so fucking much.”
He grinned once again before he nodded down at you. That was all the permission you needed. 
Your walls suffocated him as you all but yelled, dripping down your thighs and his as you saw stars in your vision. Minho continued fucking you through your orgasm, causing your eyes to screw shut at the over-stimulation. 
After only a couple of messy thrusts, he tipped over the edge as well, spurts of his cum shooting deep inside of you. He quickly leaned down, burying his face in your neck, biting hard on your collarbone to keep from yelling himself as he fucked his cum into you. 
Once he was relatively certain he wouldn’t yell, he released his grip on you and gently slid you down the wall, removing his pulsing dick from inside you. 
“I don’t hate you. I never did,” Minho whispered, nuzzling his nose against your temple. 
“I know. I never hated you either. I’m sorry.” 
This shocked Minho, and he pulled away to search your face for any explanation as to why you were the one apologizing. 
“You have nothing to apologize for. I’m the one who should be sorry. I want to make it up to you.” 
You giggled as you bent down to pull up your pants that had been pooled around your ankles. 
“That was a good start.”
He smiled shyly at you, his dominant facade completely faded. 
“Let me take you on a date. Anywhere you want to go. I have a lot to make up to you”
His eager expression made you smile. You enjoyed the prospect of getting to know him properly, and it made your heart warm to know that he was already being more of himself at this very moment. It took everything in you not to melt at the look on his face right now. 
You gave him a nod, and he let out a breath, leaning over to give you a kiss on the forehead. 
A knock at the door made both of you jump out of your skins. 
“Umm,” the voice said, “If you guys are done... making up, Seungmin has been back with the food for like 30 minutes.” 
Chan. Of course. 
He cleared his throat, and the sound of him shuffling awkwardly could be heard on the other side of the door. 
“Uh, yeah, anyway. Be more quiet next time or whatever. At least you won’t argue anymore, I guess...” 
Chan’s voice trailed off as he left, no doubt scarred for life. You would make sure to apologize to him later. 
Minho barked out a laugh, and grabbed your hand. 
“Come on, before the food gets even more cold.” 
You shook your head in embarrassment, cheeks burning. But you followed him nonetheless, ready for whatever came next. 
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1994sunflower · 2 years
So I know you already answered a question about Y/n going into headspace. But could you like actually make an imagine about it. Like them having sex (like rough rough sex) and then Y/n goes into headspace and the aftermath of having sex with her still in the headspace. You get me?? If you could that'd be awesome but you don't have to.
i have the worst case of writer’s block but i hope this is good! it was both hot and cute to write.
in which you go into subspace
You weren’t neglected. You know you weren’t. Michael dotes on you like a princess and gives you his undivided attention always. But the past week, he had been going out with his friends. At first, you’d basically convinced him to go. He always skips just to be with you and you’d started to feel bad about taking him away from his friends and their guy nights. So you’d told him to go, to have fun. That you’d be fine, you’d wait for him when he came back.
You just didn’t expect it would turn into a guy week where they went out every night. Which also incidentally meant you hadn’t had a night with him in a week. And you hadn’t had sex in a week. And suddenly, against your reason, you felt neglected all the same. You missed him deeply and frankly, you were starting to get frustrated. 
But maybe it was a bit selfish to practically hang from him, your arms tangled around his body as he got ready to leave. His friends were waiting but you really couldn’t care less. Especially when he looked so good, all dressed up and ready. 
“Why don’t you stay home tonight?” You whined, rubbing your body against his just slightly. 
But maybe he knew what you were doing because he picked you up easily, holding you at eye level so your legs wrapped around his waist and your hands moved into his hair. He knew if he let you do whatever it was you were trying, he’d give into you and he’d have some pissed-off and abandoned friends on his hands. But as he took in your pretty face, it started to matter less and less to him. Yet, he tried to be strong anyway. 
“Ashton told me I can’t bail. I’m supposed to get there in ten minutes.”
But as you kissed him, you didn’t seem to take that into account. Usually, he was in this position, seducing you while you were the voice of reason. But now it was switched. 
“But daddy…” You whined again and at the sound of that word leaving your mouth, Michael cursed under his breath. If there was any uncertainty of what exactly it was you wanted, it was made clear right then.
Before he could respond, breathe out your name in a warning, you wiggled to be set back down, and when you were, back down to reaching just below his chest and craning your head up to look at him. Leaving him staring down at you as you looked at him with the big, naive-looking eyes that always had him weak, playing up the innocence you knew turned him on like no other. 
“It’s been so long. Wouldn’t you rather stay home and fuck my pussy.” Your hand was already gripping his girth through his jeans, rubbing and pumping him already. “I’ve been so wet all these days.” 
“Y/N…” Michael said your name like it was a curse word. He’d be an idiot to deny you and normally he’d already have you naked on your bed but after so many nights of Ashton’s teasing that he’d bail out sooner or later for you, he had wanted to prove the jackass wrong. 
Yet as he took a hold of your wrists, reluctantly, you already seemed to anticipate that. Because you took hold of his hand and pushed it underneath the robe you were wearing where he was able to directly feel both the fact that you weren’t wearing any panties and the fact that you were right, you were wet. In fact, you were nearly soaking his fingers even at the slight superficial rub he gave your mound. And your sensitivity was obvious by your small moan at his subtle touch. And his mesmerization at feeling your pussy at his hand gave you enough opportunity to take his other hand and slide to your chest, under the robe, and fold your hand over his to have him squeeze at your breasts.
“You can do whatever you want to me.” You offered, voice too sweet for the words you were saying, “Please. My fingers don’t fuck me as hard as you do.”
And it was that last sentence, the image of you with your legs open, fingers nested in your cunt while he was away, that snapped his self-control. It drove him wild but good thing wild is how you wanted him. 
Michael took you by your waist and unceremoniously chucked you onto the bed. You landed right in the middle of the plush mattress, staring up at him with wide eyes — both surprised at his sudden and brute actions and turned on by that display of strength. This first display of his power over you had your thighs rubbing against each other in need of friction. This was exactly what you had been fantasizing about. 
The sides of your robe fell open, exposing you entirely to his eyes. And while he trailed his gaze over your body, focusing on your tits and in between your legs, he focused more on approaching you. Looking much like a predator capturing its defenseless little prey. 
“Whatever the fuck I want?” He said, even his voice was more hoarse, rougher. And all you could do was nod. Whatever he wanted.  
He never stopped watching you as his rough hands took a hold of your legs and pried them apart. You moaned when his fingers found their way to your pussy, letting his fingers be coated with your wetness. You were always so responsive. 
“Shit, you’re so fucking wet.” He hissed, “Just because I haven’t fucked you in a week? Are you really that fucking needy?” His tone was taunting but he was a hypocrite when he knew he had barely held himself back each time he was around you throughout the week, it was just as much torture for him as well.
You were so sensitive from how horny you’d been for so long, imagining his fingers, his cock, his tongue…anything. You were mewling just by how his fingers explored your pussy and clit. By the time he’d inserted two of his big fingers into you, you’d gasped, eyes closed, mouth open, and back arching. Your legs moved to close involuntarily but Michael’s hands kept your legs in place by your inner thighs. If anything, spreading them open even more. “Keep your fucking legs open.” 
If he’d meant to punish you for your impatience, this was when he was doing it. By thrusting his fingers in and out of you at an almost inhuman speed, having you writhing out. You tried to keep your legs open, even using your own hands to keep them spread but the brutal pace of his fingers almost had you blind with pleasure. You were writhing, eyes nearly rolling back. But it felt so good. It was exactly what you wanted.
You felt a sharp slap against your inner thigh when you tried to close your legs. “It’s too much, I ca—I can’t—” And yet there you were, hips rolling against his palm to feel the heel of his hand rubbing against your bundle of nerves. Your wetness was dripping on his hands but you didn’t care. He hadn’t eased you into this or gone slow at first, but you hadn’t wanted him to anyway.
It was only when his fingers curled inside of you along with the addition of a third finger that you could feel the start of your orgasm. Your walls clenched around his fingers, feeling so full already and yet already imagining how much more stretched out you’d be around his cock. 
“Yes oh my God. I’m gonna c—”
But then his fingers were gone, leaving your hole empty and clenching around nothing. And your orgasm is cut short right at the edge of it. But you couldn’t even whine or complain because your mouth was stuffed with his fingers. 
“Taste how much of a fucking slut you are.”
You could taste yourself on his fingers and he kept them there enough for you to suck his digits clean. He took his time in taking them out of your mouth before forcing them in further, hearing you choke slightly against his digits. Loving the way your throat closed around him and your eyes teared up. It was dirty, you were blushing, and you were sure your brain was short-circuiting at this degrading action he was making you do. 
And yet you could only feel your need for him grow deeper and hotter in your belly, making you wetter and your bare pussy trying to find friction uselessly even with just the air. Michael watched you mewl against his fingers, pushing your body closer to him. Michael watched the innocent, wholesome girl everyone else saw as you sucked his fingers, whining for him, the meanest scariest man on campus, to fuck you. He only grew harder knowing the submissive position he currently had that good girl in. Just for him. Forever.
And he was right, you never would have been like this, in this degrading position, before him but now that you’d experienced the pleasure he introduced you to, you were just as insatiable as he was. You even whimpered in pleasure when he finally took his fingers out of your mouth and immediately slapped you with that same hand. Your cheek stung and your face moved slightly at the impact but all it did was make you writhe for him. Until he did it again and you let out an embarrassingly loud moan that just proved how needy you were. He had tainted you a long time ago all for himself, molded you into the perfect slut for him.
He stood directly in front of you, he began undoing his belt and zipper to his jeans. The ones he had just finished putting on. But the sight of his tattooed hands aggressively working them off was hot, you felt yourself clench at the sight. 
“Making me miss hanging out with my friends. You’re a bad influence, little one.” He mocked. Your mouth was watering by the time he shoved his pants and boxer briefs off and you finally had his pretty, hard cock in front of you. Finally. Despite how much he had tried to convince himself of his restraint, his tip was oozing precum already. You should have felt sheepish at his words you were too busy staring at his hard cock to care about feeling bad. How could you when everything you had wanted for days, everything you knew he could give you — the pleasure, the domination — was right in front of you.
And with your hands still holding your legs wide open, like you were presenting yourself as just a hole for him, Michael climbed over you, pushing your legs further into your chest, effectively folding you in half. In a way that made your already large size difference even starker. Especially when his body on top of you covered you so completely, making you feel so small, so vulnerable under him. Maybe that was why you were tighter than usual when he entered you in one single thrust. 
You gasped but that gasp ended up into broken, stuttering screams when he didn’t give you a moment to adjust to him. Instead, his thrusts picked up at a brutal pace with no build up. Your body was racked with movement as he pounded into you. You couldn’t really formulate a sentence as you felt the fast impact of his hips as he ground them against yours.
His cock was spreading you open, you could feel him rubbing against your walls, feel every curve of him as he reached deeply into you. Your pussy was taking him in greedily, through his big size that had him looking almost squeezed inside of your small hole. He barely fit. You felt so full and you couldn’t help but think how empty you had felt the entire week without this. You were addicted to him. 
Especially when his balls slapped against your ass, especially when his weight on you as he drilled into you at that animalistic pace had you almost unable to breathe. Only furthered by his big hand wrapping around your throat, “Is this what you fucking wanted?” 
“Ah—” You couldn’t respond. The position had him reaching so deep inside of you, and his rough thrusts were almost bruising. This was too much. But it felt so good. 
“Can’t use your big girl words?” He mocked down at you, his voice cold and mean. “Can’t think of anything else other than cock, can you? Such a whore.” 
And the sting of humiliation had you clenching around him. Your legs were burning by the time he straightened up. Just to take you by your waist and move you against his cock. Your legs could only wrap around him, begging for him to impale himself deeper into you despite how stuffed you already looked, despite how savage his thrusts were. You still would take more. You just wanted him inside of you. You could already feel the hotness in your belly telling you you were going to come. Hard and violent against his cock in a way no one or nothing else could bring you to. 
Your nails scratched down his back as your back arched in response to his expert hips fucking into you. But the pain your scratches brought him only had him cursing out in pleasure and squeezing your throat more, increasing the power in each thrust. You moved away because the pleasure and way your body was being absolutely destroyed was too much for your body. But you couldn’t help but roll your eyes back when he stopped you so easily, controlling your body in a way only he could. Only he was meant for. 
Maybe you were the type of girl most would think should be treated delicately. But the domination he had over you, the rough way he fucked you like he didn’t care if you broke, with his size shoving your walls open in this submissive powerless position and his power over you that filled your every sensation, had you mindless. He wasn’t going easy on you and you didn’t want him to. He was fucking you dumb.
“I should make you call them,” Michael growled out, his fingers definitely leaving imprints on your neck. “Hear you tell them I couldn’t come out tonight because I’m too busy with my toy.”
You couldn’t speak, especially with the way he was squeezing your throat, “D-daddy…”
You vaguely heard him curse out under his breath. Glancing down at where you two were connected, at where his cock was ramming into you so fast and so roughly that all he could hear was your juices as his skin resounded against yours. And all he could feel was your walls clamping down against him, warm and wet in a way that had him fighting against them to reach you entirely. Until they tightened around him even more as he felt you cum around him. “Shit. So fucking good.”
Your cries of his name increased in volume and number, as you dug your nails into him in the pleasure you were riding out in your orgasm. And even more when he kept fucking into you in that unforgiving pace without stopping, without letting you come down from your high or saving your poor pussy from that overstimulation in that beating it was taking. So good. He vaguely recognized how your body trembled for him, how your little frame was being ruined for him. 
Instead of the sweet little expression you were so well known for, you were wearing a lewd face begging for him to keep fucking you, begging to cum around him again and again, begging to be claimed. His corruption of his good little girl was never more obvious. How could he ever have thought he would have been able to go out tonight when this was what he got when he stayed in. The unimaginable pleasure your pussy held. 
He hadn’t realized how pent up he had been too. How annoyed and horny he’d been without fucking you for days until you pawed at him and his body had an animalistic urge to claim you, to make his girl feel good and satiated so much so that you wouldn’t even be able to walk or feel anything besides his load and body on top of you. And he intended to make good on that. His mind was enveloped in that raw domination that he was exuding. You were so easy to manhandle, and control, as he all but lifted you up with his muscular arms, moving you up and down against his cock like you really were nothing more than a doll. 
And he thought that was what had him feeling you wetter than usual. Why the squelching of your juices was so much louder, why his entrance into you was just a tiny bit easier with your lubrication — granted, with how big he was and how small you were, it would never be easy; he’d figured after so many years of fucking your perennial tightness. Your wetness and cum had covered his entire cock, white coated the base of him and it smeared your thighs and his. 
Until he finally looked down at you and saw the glazed look in your eyes. They were clouded with lust, adoration, and pleasure. Tears of pleasure were falling from your cute cheeks. He wasn’t sure how long your mind had been floating but he knew it when he saw you. He only hoped he hadn’t gone too long without noticing it, hoping he hadn’t hurt you without realizing.
You were moaning louder than before, clinging to him. Your euphoric expression unmistakable. Even your pupils were blown out. The intensity of the pleasure was too much. He’d been so rough, so dominant, your mind had been completely given over to the pleasure and his control. You felt weightless as you let him take every piece of you. Utterly fucked out. It’s why you were moaning louder than before, why your body was pliant for him. The buildup for your second orgasm so much shorter that you could feel you about to explode over your Daddy’s cock again.
But then Michael set you down and he heard you whine loudly. You felt so good, you were making him feel good. You never wanted it to stop. You wanted to milk him, wanted him to make him cum, wanted to have him claim you fully. You’d waited enough.
There was a sense of incoherence to your voice when you clung to him. “Keep fucking your pussy, daddy, please.”  You were dizzy. But it felt so good. “Missed you so much.”
Your voice was tiny and Michael looked down at your state. The state that had you vulnerable and completely submissive to him. The state the pleasure he brought you sent you into, the state that told him your trust in him to be in such a defenseless space with him. Part of him loved it when you got like this. You were even more responsive than usual, submitting entirely to him. Claiming yourself as his. Your goal was just to please him. It filled him with pleasure to know he had your complete submission to him. That he’d made you feel so good and safe that he’d fucked you into this transcendence. That right now, he was your everything. So cute. He plunged into your wetness and felt your entire body and mind give themselves to him. His. Completely. Even more so than usual. 
And he knew he could never deny you, not with your teary eyed begging. You needed him, needed what he could give you. What you’d been deprived of for much longer than his sweet girl deserved. He’d fuck you nice and good just like you were meant to be fucked.
His thrusts were still rough and fast and dominant as he fucked you into the mattress, just like he knew you wanted. But his hands remained bracketed on either side of you, his meanness cooling down. His own drunk mindset he often got in his dominating position residing. He needed to take care of you, even in this state that would take even the nastiest of his fantasies. But he’d never push you when he knew you’d welcome even pain in this out-of-body experience. Yet, it was hard to do anything about the heavy pride on him to have you under him so high for him.
Your moans sang to him as he ran a hand down to rub at your clit, “Yeah? Feel good? You’re doing so good for me, little one.” His tone had changed. Endearment coated his words, praise — only praise from his mouth now — filled you and you swelled with the feelings that you made him happy, that you were doing a good job for him. “Taking me so well.”
“Take me next time okay, Daddy?” You asked, grinding your hips, your legs around him pushing him deeper into you. You moaned. “I’ll be quiet, I can just keep your cock warm if you want. Your friends won't mind, I promise. I’ll do anything. Whatever you want daddy. Whatever you want. Just never stop fucking me, I’ll be good. I-I’ll be good…nghh”
Michael groaned out at your words, relishing in the feeling of your soaking entrance. You were so wet, it felt so good. You were so good. The picture of him buried in you in public, in front of his friends, had his hips stuttering. “Fuck yeah. Good girl, good fucking girl. I’ll give you what you deserve. Your pussy’s so fucking good, baby. Missed it so much. So much better than anything, I’ll always be here to fuck you. Whenever you want.” He cooed.
He had to crush your duvet in his fist to prevent him from losing his mind again at your dreamy willingness. He had to flex his muscles to stop himself from cumming right then but it only had your cunt squeezing him more heavenly. Everything about him and his strength had you weak and extremely sensitive. Your tongue stuck out needily. The expression, what he’d reduced you to, was too much.
“Fuck I’m gonna—” His eyes closed for a second but he watched to make sure he wasn’t hurting you despite your pleads of harder! fuck me harder daddy. You couldn’t take any harder than he was already going, especially when you came back down from this. But he had to force himself the self-control he had shed as soon as you let him feel below your robe. He was in charge completely right now and he didn’t want to push you too hard. Not when your only goal was to make him feel good, regardless of yourself. You’d agree to anything he wanted at this point. So he had to be the one to look out for you when you couldn’t for yourself.
“You’re going to cum for me again, okay little one? Think you can do that?” The authority in his voice had you nodding to him rapidly. Anything for him. “That’s right, make a mess for me.”
Your eyes were still dazed as his cock hit just the right place deep inside of you. And again and again. He was so good. This was exactly what you needed. You didn’t think you’d ever felt pleasure like this before, it was blinding. Everything was heightened. He was groaning and grunting with each thrust, each time closer and closer to his orgasm. Until he leaned over you, eclipsing your small body entirely. Making you feel so small and dominated that you swore your eyes were trembling.
It was a lot to come again. The wave of it was overwhelming, especially in your headspace, it nearly knocked you out. Your body grew limp but your curling hands, your pushing of your body closer to his, the way you kept crying out yes yes yes showed you were still conscious. You were moaning, whimpering, and gasping. Even Michael felt weak as he came in you, his hips thrusting just superficially as his cum was milked out of him, as your walls pulsed around him to take his entire load. The feeling of filling you up, especially now as you looked like it was the biggest gift possible, had a possessive happiness overtake him. You were his to breed, only he would ever fill you up with his seed and know what you felt like raw and only he would one day fill you up until you were round with his child. 
His arms closed around your head on either side as he dropped his head to be just a few inches from your face. Letting the pleasure of cumming, specifically in you, move through him. Your legs around him tightened as if to prevent him from pulling out, forcing him to breed you nice and full as if he was ever going to do anything but that. It really had been too long, he couldn’t fault you for your neediness when suddenly he felt like the most content man in the world. But with you, with all you could give him and make him feel — how hot and right you were, it was hard not to feel lucky and wanting always. He’d never be able to spend so many nights in a row away from you, away from this, it’d be his biggest punishment to himself. Nothing would be worthy of turning this away.
He wasn’t sure how long you’d been going at it but Michael had to physically stop himself from letting his body drop from tiredness from this exercise and crushing you accidentally. You were so small. He was breathing hard and a sheen of sweat covered his torso. He leaned down and kissed your lips, it wasn’t a heavy kiss but it wasn’t a light peck either. 
When he pulled away, he also finally left his position on top of you, pulling out and watching the way his cum stayed filling you up. The white remnants of his cream pie covering your pussy, the physical representation of his tainting. It was messy and it was so hot. He wanted to ravish you again but he took a deep controlled breath.
You whined, arms reaching for him. “No! Don’t leave Daddy.”
Daddy. You normally only called him that during sex. He took in your face again, realizing you still hadn’t come back down yet. He passingly wondered just what kind of number he had done on you. He’d only made you cum once and that was enough to send you into your floaty space — and deep into it. Maybe he’d been a bit too rough. Though you knew you loved and wanted that.
Your head lolled limply but only a bit and your grip was weak. Your eyes teared up at the thought of your Daddy leaving you. “W-Was I not good? I—”
Michael kissed your temple. “Of course you were baby.” He said softly, slowly, in a coddling tone. “I’m just going to clean you up okay?”
He waited until you nodded slowly. Checking in on you every step of the way. He was a lot more tender and patient with you, even more than usual. His tone soft and his eyes indulging. Not losing his patience, not getting annoyed. Just perfectly happy to dote on you and help you safely get back to yourself. You couldn’t really move in this natural high, you felt unsteady like you were flying yet you felt the mattress under you. You felt so relaxed and you weren’t sure if it was the sex or the daze you were in.
You felt yourself being lifted in his strong arms and then you had the sensation of water. Of his hands over you but in a different context than before. You didn’t speak when he bathed you, when he wrapped you in a towel and then changed you into your pajamas. Then ran his fingers through your hair, soothingly. Your eyes fluttered at the sensation. He was so gentle. “How’s my girl doing?” 
But you didn’t answer him, just gave a slightly dopey-sounding giggle and curled up beside him. All he did was wrap his arms around you and keep you there, his lips near your ear. Sometimes he whispered sweet nothings but your fuzzy brain couldn’t focus on those soft words. Picking up soft murmurs of my pretty girl, always so pretty, my sweet girl. 
Until he made you sit up and lifted a glass of water to your lips. Waiting until you obediently swallowed the water. He murmured something about being dehydrated. And then his fingers were in your hair again and you felt like you were being rewarded for being a good girl. 
You were still gazing far away with a dreamlike expression when you finally spoke, “I’m your little girl, right Daddy?”
“Mikey.” He corrected. “I’m not Daddy right now, okay?” His voice was no longer the indulgent, almost babying, tone he had when he was still buried inside of you. He was still patient. But you’d been gone under for too long. He needed you back now. You were too deep but now that he’d taken care of you, he was going to try to bring you back to the surface so he could continue taking care of his girl. 
You pouted, lower lip jutting out. “B-But you’re my Daddy.”
And Michael just kissed your cheek, holding you close enough until his nose brushed against yours and you were forced to stare directly into his eyes. “Yes. But right now I’m Mikey. Come back to me, okay, Y/N? I’ve got you.”
He waited until your eyes started to focus again, talking to you until you seemed lucid enough to understand him. Until you finally were able to take into your surroundings despite the receding fog. 
Michael’s hand was rubbing your back gently as he stared at you, watched you blink, and take deep breaths in. You were a bit shaky. 
“Are you okay?” He asked and smiled when you nodded. “Do you need anything?” He again waited until you shook your head.
"Welcome back, baby.”
“I love you, Mikey.” You smiled at the soft kisses he left on your face. Your heart was warm at the way he took care of you — helping you relax with his sweet aftercare until you started to come out of it., the way he was gazing at you still with the most caring eyes. You let yourself be laid nearly on top of him, your head resting on his chest. “Thanks for staying home with me. That was so good. It was exactly what I wanted. I just didn’t expect…” You laughed weakly.
You sounded so exhausted, mentally and physically. He didn’t blame you.
“I love you too, princess. Let’s get some sleep. You need to rest. I’m staying home tomorrow night too.” 
He felt his cold heart come alive when you whispered a small ‘yay’ just as you drifted off. He thought they’d have to drag him out bloody and near death before he’d ever leave you so lonely and needy for so long again — so much so you’d gone into your headspace so easily. Not when he could fix both things, not when he felt the same way and preferred to give you everything your goodness deserved over doing anything else anyway.
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touyasdoll · 3 years
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Basically: dry humping virgin!Kirishima & some fluff bc I'm feeling soft asf for this gentle giant rn
Warnings: size kink bc you can't tell me this man isn't HUGE, nipple play, pseudo-pussy job
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You're entwined together on the couch, your lips moving against his slow and a little sloppy as he holds you in his arms. You've been dating the rising Pro Hero Red Riot for a couple of months now and physically, it's never progressed further than this, but tonight you wanna push the envelope.
"Eiji," you moan quietly, running your hands down his chest to push his spine against the back of the couch, so that you can straddle his hips.
His breath catches in his throat and he has to clear the obstruction as he grabs your hips, trying to hold them still when you begin rolling them on top of his.
"Baby, I—" he looks at you apologetically and you immediately understand why, but you wanna show him that it's all right; that you don't mind.
"I know," you smile sweetly, letting your hands explore his chest, rubbing up and over his shoulders until they're crossed behind his neck. "That's not what I'm after."
You card your fingers through his hair, your eyes following the motion and you smile a little wider when he sighs, his eyes closing as he relaxes into your gentle touch, the slightest of shivers traveling down his spine.
"Come to the bedroom with me," you lean in, pressing your forehead to his, resting your hands on his broad shoulders as you whisper, "please, Ei?"
He groans quietly, feeling his resolve evaporate. He’s already in so deep with you that he’s powerless to say no. Which is both precisely why he doesn’t trust himself to crawl into your bed and why he goes and does it anyway.
You wrap your entire hand around his index finger, gently tugging him down the hall to your bedroom and he can’t help but smile, a goofy grin spreading across his face as he watches you prance down the hall.
He towers over you when you pull yourself flush up against him, angling your head back to look into his crimson eyes, alight with anxious excitement. Not many things were capable of rattling Red Riot's nerves, but he wasn't Red Riot around you.
He was just Eijirou, a man with honest intentions who was petrified of saying the wrong thing to the the prettiest girl that he'd ever seen. You could feel his heart thumping in his chest under your palm as you ran them over his chest.
"Do you trust me?" You hook your fingers into his belt loops and he gasps quietly, his hands resting on your hips.
"Yes," he nods, smiling down at you softly, his thumbs rubbing absently over your hips.
"Will you take these off?" You give his jeans a gentle tug and push your hands beneath his shirt, looking up at him through your lashes. "This too?"
He just nods again, complying without a second thought. You catch your bottom lip between your teeth, a shy smile tugging up the corners of your mouth as you step back and strip down yourself.
You hear his belt hit the floor with a thud, followed by a quiet, "Oh," as you're lifting off your shirt. When it slips over your head, you can see him drinking in the sight of you, his cheeks flushing with heat. You take the opportunity to stare at the impressive outline beneath his boxer briefs as you hook your thumbs into your jeans to tug them down, kicking them aside.
The two of you stand there for a beat longer, just admiring one another before you motion for him to join you on the bed as you take a seat. He crosses the room in two long strides, and sinks into the mattress beside you.
You crawl across the bed, curling your finger and patting the middle of the bed with a coy smile. He scoffs, chortling as he shakes his head and slides himself over, sitting up against the headboard and resting his hand on your waist.
"Promise that you trust me?" You trail your fingers over his pecs, watching them as they slide down his chest before you look into his kind eyes.
"With my life," he smiles, placing his hand over yours to lift it, pressing a kiss to your palm and your heart flutters.
"Stop being so cute," you giggle, straddling his hips, rocking your ever-so-gently as he sucks in a slow breath.
"Why should I?" Both of his hands swallow your hips as he holds them, letting you do as you please.
"Because I'm not trying to do cute right now," you grin, leaning in to kiss along his jaw, working your way to his neck as you grind yourself against him more obviously, feeling his cock stir to life underneath you.
"What are you trying to do?" He's quiet, trying to hold back the guttural groan sitting in his chest that he finally lets loose as you reach back and unclasp your bra, tossing it aside before pushing your breasts together, offering them up in front of his face.
"I just wanna make you feel good, baby," you moan, tweaking your nipples as he stares, mouth hung open in quiet awe. "We don't have to move too fast, but you've been so, so good to me," his mouth connects with your breasts and you cup the back of his head, rolling your hips on his more quickly as he sucks on your sensitive nub. "Just wanna be good to you too."
He groans in response, a relieved sigh exiting his nostrils as his hands cup your breasts, squeezing and groping as his tongue roves between them, taking turns toying with your nipples.
"Oh, fuck," you moan, dropping your head back, both hands fisted into his hair to tug at it gently. He snarls quietly and the sound goes straight to your cunt, which is already sopping wet, your panties quickly becoming soaked as they glide against his rock hard length.
"C-can I try something?" He pulls off of your breast to look at you, his eyes dusted with lust and uncertainty.
"Anything," you nod eagerly and then you’re flipped onto your back, the clothed head of his massive, leaking cock pressing directly against your folds as he ruts up against it, your lips beginning to swallow up the material of your panties.
It bunches against your clit while the tip of his dick nearly slips between your folds, catching and applying a dizzying amount of pressure that has you gasping and moaning as his shaft slides through, gliding against your damp panties as he lumbers over you.
"You're so fucking pretty," he almost looks like he's in pain as he groans, pressing his forehead to yours as he thrusts his hips faster.
You grab them, guiding his hips as you angle yours up, eager for his thick girth to massage your clit as he loses himself in the feeling over your warm, wet pussy pulsing against him.
"I like you so much," he sighs and throws caution to the wind, spilling his guts to you in his vulnerable state. "Just don't wanna fuck this up. Don't wanna do this and you hate it and lose you, I just—" he slows briefly, his eyes screwing shut as he tilts his head back to mutter under his breath. "Fuck," another wanton moan leaves his lips as he resumes his thrusts, losing control of his motions and it's obvious that he's close.
You lean forward and kiss him, fast and hard, pushing him over and flat onto his back to straddle him again, bouncing slowly as you pull him up to sit and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into another passionate kiss.
"I really like you too," you murmur as you finally take a breath, rolling your hips on his again as you look into his eyes, the both of you panting as you hold one another. "So 'm not goin' anywhere. Promise."
"Me neither," he smiles softly, his eyes almost crossing and rolling back as you slide across his length just right and he gasps, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows hard and leans back on his hands.
"You like that?" You grin deviously, speeding up your motions as grip his muscular shoulder and slip your other hand into your panties, rubbing circles against your clit, building your orgasm while his cock twitches against you.
"Oh God, yes," he closes his eyes, hands scrunching up at the sheets beneath his palms. "Feels so good, I-I think I'm gonna cum."
"Cum for me, Eiji," you pant, teetering on the edge as you thrust your hips forward faster, trying to take him over with you.
"Fuck. Shit, fuck—oh," you can feel his hold body tense beneath you as he stills briefly before bucking his hips upward as a dark stain appears inside his gray boxers.
"Eij," you whine, voice pitching up as you fall apart, thoroughly drenching your panties as you ride out your high in his lap.
His arms wrap around you as he places a kiss to your temple and pulls you to his chest while he lays back, his hands gliding along your spine as he draws absent shapes against your skin while the both of you catch your breath.
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genshinwriter111 · 3 years
Monstadt and Liyue boys: You fall asleep on them, and they fall asleep on you. Plus a bonus for some of them!
Diluc, Venti, Kaeya, Albedo, Chongyun, Kazuha, Childe, Aether, Xiao, Xingqiu, Zhongli, Scaramouche
No Warnings
Headcanons, Gender Neutral (They/Them, You/Yours)
A spoiler for We Will Be Reunited in Aether’s second story, but its vague
You fall asleep on them
It was a tiring day of commisions and the like, but you wanted to spend at least some time with your boyfriend. He was rambling on and on about his day and other stressful things that you could’t help but doze off. It took him a bit to notice, but when he did, he blushed. He knew the sofa wasn’t the most comfortable and gently carried you to your room, placing you on your bed, tucking you in. As he turned to leave, you clung to sleeve, silently asking him to stay. He gently nodded, and crawled in next to you. You and him both slept better than ever before.
They fall asleep on you
It was basically the reverse, but you couldn’t carry him, and just curled up next to him, drifitng off with his arms wrapped around you. He looked calm, and at peace. He genuinely trusted you. When he woke up, he blushed. He didn’t move until you woke up, and if you did before him he would apologise, face still tinted red. You forgave him, giving him a soft kiss. It was moments like this he adored, just being able to show his soft side. It was also a small gossip among the maids for about two days, but he never found out.
Bonus: PDA opinion
Not a huge fan of PDA, but if someone’s getting too touchy, won’t hesitate to pull you close. And show off his vision. If he’s around Kaeya, like at the tavern, he doesn’t mean to be rude but may slightly ignore your affections, just to spare you both from the teasing. Afterwards, will kiss your forehead and apologise, explaining his reasons. You forgave him, as always. You did understand, Kaeya was a menace at times.
You fall asleep on them
You were rested in his lap, as he played his Lyre. The tune was so calming, you weren’t particularly tired but drifted off. It took Venti awhile to notice. Only when he asked if you wanted to go for a walk, and you didn’t reply, did he notice. The bard didn’t wish to wake you, and let the lyre vanish into the winds. He let out a soft ‘Ehe~’ before leaning against the tree, and playing with your hair. He did drift off soon, with a comfortable expression.
They fall asleep on you
It was a late night, and you were carrying Venti back from the bar, as he was far too drunk to get home on his own. You got home and changed, your boyfriend laughing and waiting for you. You walked over to him on the bed, before wrapping your arms around his small frame, and pulling him close. You talked for a bit to him, noticing he had fallen asleep when he cuddled closer and his breathing was softer. You gently laughed, kissing his forehead before falling asleep yourself.
Bonus: PDA opinion
Unless you don’t want it, there is a lot of PDA, he just wants everyone to know your his beloved! Will cuddle or hug or kiss you anywhere from on the streets, to the tavern to the middle of the forest. His favourite place to cuddle with you, is of course, Windrise. He loves to rest with you there.
You fall asleep on them
You couldn’t help it! Despite the captain’s cryo vision, he was warm. And comfortable. And..Well, you could go on and on with excuses. It happened when you two were cuddling after a pretty tough day for the both of you. You tried to stay awake, but failed. He noticed quickly, with a chuckle. “Oh? Falling for me yet again..Adorable.” He kissed your forehead, and stayed awake, mainly because he had more work to do. He decided to put you to bed first, not wishing you to be uncomfortable.
They fall asleep on you
Similiar to Venti, you had to walk him home from the tavern. You struggled a bit, as he was somehow more clingy than you expected. You did get home, but not without struggle. “(Name)~” Kaeya whined, as you lead him to your room, letting him stay there. You knew what he wanted, and stayed. You leaned against the headboard, Kaeya clinging to your side. You stroked his hair until he fell asleep. You fell asleep soon as well. He was embarrassed when you mentioned how he acted, but played it off like it was intentional.
Bonus: PDA opinion
Another one for PDA. He’s flirty in public, but will stop or tone it down if you ask, he doesn’t want to make you discomforted, after all. He wouldn’t hesitate to be even more clingy if somebody was bothering you. Kaeya loves you, and will never let you think otherwise.
You fall asleep on them
Albedo knew you didn’t understand much about the experiment he was explaining, but was glad you listened to him. “And that’s how...” He trailed off, noticing you were asleep on his shoulder. “I suppose it was a boring topic for them..” He muttered with a smile. He didn’t want to wake you, knowing how important sleep was for you, so he gently pulled you in his lap and wrapped his arms around you. Resting his head on your shoulder, he too fell asleep. His body was warm, a difference to the cold air of Dragonspine, and a nice one. Or, maybe it was just the fire that flickered in the background.
They fall asleep on you
You had begged the Chief Alchemist to take a break, as he had been working for a week straight. Albedo had deniend the need for rest, but the bags under his eyes said otherwise. He eventually gave in and you pat the sofa, with a happy smile. It wasn’t long that you felt a weight against your chest, and saw he was asleep. “I told you so..” You said, rolling your eyes in a loving manner. You stayed awake to make sure he stayed asleep, and he did until the morning, where he thanked you. You could never get his sleeping face out your mind, it was absolutely precious, and it was nice seeing him so at ease.
You fall asleep on them
Chongyun was rambling about some encounter he almost had with a spirit, but you weren’t paying much attention, only listening to the sound of his voice. He noticed when you leaned against his shoulder, eyes shut and breathing soft. He didn’t want to move, despite him beginning to overheat. He tried to gently move you so he could get a popsicle, but when he heard you mumble, he froze. The exorcist didn’t move, at all. He waited until you woke up, which wasn’t pleasent and he didn’t feel the best afterwards. When you noticed, you were quick to apologise and grab him one, coming up with excuses. Chongyun forgave you, he couldn’t stay mad (not that he was), at you anyway.
They fall asleep on you
Xingqiu had pranked him with a far too spicy dish and you were thankfully there, able to quickly get the situation under control and help your boyfriend. You both went back to your place, as it was getting late. You were talking, and before you knew it he was passed out agaisnt you. You couldn’t blame him, it was rather stressful earlier and he was burnt out. You gently kissed his forehead before carrying him to your room and laying down next to him. When he woke up, he was blushing, but still was calm. It surprised him, a lot.
You fall asleep on them
Beidou has agreed to let you come with on the next voyage they went on, and so you were pretty happy. It was a few nights in, and you and Kazuha were talking. You were leaned against him, and he had an arm around you. It was late, and it was to be expected but you drifted off to the sound of his voice, the ocean crashimg against the boat and the wind. Kazuha noticed instantly, and smiled. Beidou walked onto the deck, about to say something when he gave a small wave, asking her to be quiet. She nodded, deciding it could wait and left you two alone again.
They fall asleep on you
You hadn’t joined them this time, waiting for your beloved instead. When he got back, you were both quick to leave and talk elsewhere, which was your home. You rambled about what had happened in the mean time, while he listened. After falling asleep, he looked even more peaceful. You were happy to rest with him, knowing it wouldn’t be too long before you both would leave again.
You fall asleep on them
The harbinger had gotten some free time, and was spending it dragging you through the harbour. It was a rather long day, and you were exhausted by the time you got home. You sat on the couch, with your beloved. You were talking for awhile before the exhaustion kicked in and you dropped against his shoulder. Tartaglia didn’t expect this, and shot up, assuming you were trying to attack him, (for some reason, maybe to keep him on guard.) That was not the case, and you were thrown to the floor because of physics, and hit it, harshly. He was embarrassed to say the least, and in your moment of exhausted anger, you did smack his shoulder. He found it fair. Childe was forgiven, but only because he let you sleep in his lap instead.
They fall asleep on you
Childe returned home after a long day of training new recruits. He curled up in bed next to you. You spoke for awhile, until exhaustion set in for him, and he fell asleep. You considered pettily waking him up, like he’d done to you, but when you saw his peaceful and loving expression, you couldn’t. You kissed his cheek before falling asleep as well. His arms wrapped more around you in your shared slumber, and he was grateful when he woke that you’d let him rest. He still felt bad about the other day, and was trying to make it up to you.
You fall asleep on them
Aether had invited you to the teapot, and you were in his room. Paimon was there too, but she was eating something in the kitchen area, leaving you two alone for now. It was awhile later that you had grown tired, and Aether had as well. He opened his arms and let you cuddle close. This was all fine and dandy until Paimon entered the room. “Aether! We’re out of sticky honey roast!!!” She mentioned, practically yelling. You let out a tired and confused mumble, being awoken by the yelling. Aether gently hushed you, and covered your ears. “Paimon, if you don’t shut up right now..I will tell Xianling to turn you into emergency food. That is a threat.” He said, his tone tired but harsh. Paimon squeaked and quickly left. You were both undisturbed for the rest of the night.
They fall asleep on you
Aether entered your home, and he seemed distraught. He explained everything that happened with his sister, and sobbed into your arms. You were worried, and let him cry it out. You noticed Paimon was no-where to be seem and assumed he’d asked to be alone. It took awhile, but his breathing slowed and he’d..well he’d cried himself to sleep. You were just glad he was mostly uninjured, gently stroked his hair, hoping to keeo him asleep. It worked, as he slept throught the night fully.
You fall asleep on them
You had spent the day at the balcony of Wangshu Inn, waiting for you adepti boyfriend. It had been a slow day, but you hadn’t slept much and were tired. This didn’t stop you from offering a bright smile as your beloved appeared. You both talked about what things you’d seen recently, and as always he was a bit shy. You wished you could’ve told him that you were tired, but you didn’t want to waste what time you had with Xiao. It was well into the evening when you felt your tiredness kick in, and you fell asleep, against him. It surprised the Adeptus, and before either of you knew it, he vanished. You woke up instantly, and looked around for him. You sighed with a bit of disappointment, you wanted to apologise, and weren’t sure how.
They fall asleep on you
It was days later he made an appearance again, you rushed over to him, apologising on repeat. Xiao softly hushed you, guilt in his eyes. He’d spoken to Verr Goldet, and she’d told him the best course of action. He’d let you hold him, and both of you eventually drifted off, he apologised again in the morning. You’d already forgiven him. Plus, the fact he’d let you get so close and even hold him in his sleep was proof he trusted you.
You fall asleep on them
It was an agreed date, you could rest and he would read. Plus, you’d be in each other’s company, which was great for the both of you. Xingqiu let you rest against him as he read, encouraging you to get the sleep you needed. You were a bit suspicious, assuming this would be some prank, but trusted him anyway. That proved to be a mistake, as when you awoke and walked back, you recieved odd looks. You didn’t understand until you got to your mirror, and saw the small doodles he’d drawn on your face. You were embarrassed, heavily. You swore to get your revenge.
They fall asleep on you
Xingqiu entered your home, it was a long day for him. All he really wanted was just to cuddle you and go to bed. You offered a sweet smile, scooching over and letting him lay next to you. After he fell asleep, you wondered on your revenge. It seemed fate had other plans as you fell asleep as well. When he woke up first, he’d expected you to have gotten some form of revenge, but noticing nothing had changed, he did feel a bit bad. When you awoke, he apologised and promised to let you rest normally next time. And when that time came, he kept his word. He didn’t want to upset you too badly, after all he was always big on chivalry.
You fall asleep on them
Zhongli spoke of more stories, history and the like, you normally loved listening to him and were always interested, but you’d stayed up a bit too late and were tired. You sat on his lap, as he told another one of the things that had happened in his long life. He noticed you fell asleep when your usual questions never came. He chuckled softly, kissing your forehead. He carried you to bed, and tucked you in. The archon though for a moment, before deciding to join you.
They fall asleep on you
The atmosphere was relaxed, and Zhongli wrapped his arms around you. You smiled, leaning against his chest. He rested his head on top of yours, and shuts his eyes. He didn’t mean to fall asleep, but he did. You didn’t mind, and let the archon rest. If anything, you were glad to be getting so much rest with him, something told you that others weren’t so lucky.
You fall asleep on them.
It was rare moments you were able to rest with the harbinger, but you never took them for granted. You would clear your schedule when he was free, knowing Scaramouche was a busy person. The one thing you couldn’t change was your energy levels, and you were exhausted. The past week you’d done nothing but work, and rarely slept. But when he notified you he was free, you rushed over. You’d managed to hide your sleepiness so far, knowing how against physical affection he was. But your eyes grew heavy, and you dropped against him. He froze up for a moment, before shoving you off. He hadn’t even registered you were exhausted nor that you had fallen asleep. You blinked, staring at him befofe muttering a small apology and that you had to go, not wanting to bother him. He realised he messed up, and hoped to be able to let you forgive him.
They fall asleep on you
It was another time you were both thankfully free, and he had asked to meet at your place. You had nervously agreed. Upon entering, the first thing he did was apologise, which was a surprise in itself. Then after the small bit you talked, you noticed he seemed tired. He had mentioned he wanted to make it up to you...You moved closer, which confused the harbinger, before you wrapped your arms around him. He was about to protest, before you reminded him of what he had said. He nodded, with a sigh...but he had to admit, he was comfortable..and maybe this wasn’t so bad. His eyes eventually closed, and he had guessed you would shove him off like he’d done to you..but all you did was offer a smile, holding your boyfriend closer, before falling asleep yourself.
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burning-omen · 2 years
Take It As a Compliment
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Request from anonymous: “..p..piss kink with Andrew!Peter?
Like male!reader is Banging His Back Out and Peter’s so caught up and fucked out that he doesn't even realize. And male!reader just rolls with it and keeps fucking Peter.
Feel free to decline but also I'm on my hand and knees I BEG OF YOU PLEASE”
Summary: After a long day, you and Peter decided to relieve some stress
Warning ⚠️: Piss kink, unprotected sex, mild lack of communication, Peter is Nervous, online school.
A/n: (I got this request 4 minutes after I turned anon asks back on. Please don’t unfollow me) (I was nervous about writing this but I did it anyway, mostly because my best friend wanted to see it. So I wrote it 100% seriously with no shitposting intent)
He should have taken a break hours ago, but he was behind, way behind. He’d let his work as a vigilante get in the way of his assignments and now he only has a few hours to get them done. He was nearly done, luckily, if he was fast enough, he’d be done before you got home, which usually just meant that you two were going to fuck, watch TV, and eat, not always in that order but that was usually the series of events that followed an…enticing day at work for you and a tiring day of online classes for him. Which was basically what your lives had become.
He wasn’t complaining…much. Just a little. But there wasn’t anything he could do. Oh well.
Staring at the same blinking, black line behind that last sentence of his essay, Peter finally submitted it, leaning back in his seat with a tired sigh. He’d definitely was pushing his bodily limits with this one. Little snacks keep him slightly fed throughout the day and late into the night but he hasn’t eaten a full meal, he’s been sitting in the same damn chair for the past 9 hours, and more prominently than anything else..he really has to fucking pee. He realized almost an hour ago, but with just two hours left to turn everything in, Peter wasn’t “wasting” anytime. He finished all of his assignments early, so that was kind of a stupid thought. Just as he was about to get up and book it to the bathroom the bedroom door swung open.
You dropped the bag with your now dirty uniform as soon as you got in the door.
“Peter..” You sighed, feeling relieved by just seeing him.
“Hey..” Peter’s voice was a little higher than it usually was but you didn’t comment on it.
Taking a few steps forward, you wrapped your arms around Peter, he did the same to you, squeezing a bit too tight but, again, you didn’t comment on it.
“I missed you..” you muttered quietly.
He let out a short laugh, of course you did.
“It’s only been 6 hours.”
“6 hours is too long..”
He didn’t say anything, just smiling and holding you tight.
After a few seconds you pulled away, a smile clear on your face, your hands resting on Peter’s waist.
“So, what are our plans for tonight?”
He should have told you before you started, maybe before you started fucking him, that would have been the perfect time. But no, he’d been completely distracted by you, and your face, and your voice, and the stupid, dirty words you said with it. What was he to do? Whatever it was, he didn’t do it. He figured ‘Well we’ve both had long tiring days, we can’t possibly fuck for that long, shouldnt be physically possible. I can just hold it.’
And hold it he did. He tried so hard. But it’s been an hour, over an hour, and you’re still going, fast, hard and so, so good. His hands clawed at the desk under him that you’d bent him over, paper crumbing in his hand. He tried so hard to hold it, snapping his legs closed only for you to force the open wider than they were before. His entire body was on fire, his body was already sensitive, being one thrust away from pissing himself really wasn’t helping.
“Y-y/n!” he gasped out, “please!”
Pulling his hips back to match your thrust, the loud smacking of skin, along with both of your low, broken gasps and moans.
“Please, what?”
Great question. Does he want you to stop so he can take a quick pee break, or does he grovel and beg for more and hope that he can hold it.
“Please, please, please, fuck! Harder, faster, anything- Please!”
And you did exactly what he asked. Harder, faster and suddenly Peter wished he stayed quiet, his eyes practically rolling into the back of his head.
The desk under him rocking and slamming against the wall, adding to the volume of the room.
Everything felt so sensitive, slowly adding to the pressure in his stomach that he’d been denying for far too long.
“Y/n, I-I’m-!”
“I know baby, go ahead..”
He did, he really didn’t mean to, but he did. Thick streaks of cum spewing from the tip of his red, strained cock, his hips sputtered for a moment and his legs shook, his body tensing before finally relaxing. A mistake he didn’t realize before it was too late, thick white turned to transparent yellow faster than he could possibly control.
Peter's face burned red, he was embarrassed, of course he was, he didn’t know what else to be. You’d stopped moving, and Peter’s mind only raced further. Every terrible, disgusted reaction you could have running through his mind. But none of them happened. You put your hand on his back and slowly pushed back in. Peter’s mouth fell open in a silent groan. Despite the piss covering the desk, it’s contents, and the floor, and the inevitable clean up that came afterward, you still fucked him, your grip on his hips almost painful, nails digging in as you chased your own release. It didn’t take long, Peter felt beyond amazing around you. Roughly pulling his hips flush against yours as you came deep inside of him.
After a short moment you pulled out, running you hand through Peter’s hair before muttering, “Good boy..”
You were definitely going to need more napkins. Fully showered and wrapped in a sheet, Peter stared at you. His face was still burning red 30 minutes after the fact.
“Y/n..” He muttered quietly.
“Yes, my love?”
Usually, his heart would have fluttered and he would have had the widest smile on his face, but he couldn’t.
“Are you-”
“Peter,” you sighed, placing more napkins only for them to be soaked immediately by the puddle under the now cleaned desk, “For the 30th time, no, I am not mad at you, and no, I’m not leaving you over a little piss. I was just… shocked, is all..”
“A little..” he grumbled, bringing the sheet over his face.
“Okay, it’s kinda a lot, but it’s fine, I got this.”
“You sure you don’t want any help?”
“Peter, I can see your knees shaking from here..”
He was silent after that.
Another 20 minutes of cleaning and a second shower later, you crawled into bed with Peter, who dozed off a while ago. Wrapping your arms around him, scooting closer to him. Well, a lot has happened today, you decided to take today's events as a complement.
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buckyarchives · 2 years
Hey so, i see You are taking some request so...
Basically the reader (which is a male) came from a rich family and is friend with Bruce, Bruce having feelings with the reader, Bruce tried to flirt with the reader but the reader was so distracted with "something", so the reader never understood the flirting of bruce, then bruce calls his friend a night during the events of the riddler, the reader came to the Bruce's tower and bruce confess his feelings to the reader and the reader just was trying to avoid the flirting bruce because he was afraid with something and he was very regretful with the action he did it, then the reader accepts his feelings and Bruce's feelings.
Basically friends to lover
Anyways I tried to make my ideas are understood, the best I can.
So bye!..
i tried my best to do with this request!
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Bruce Wayne x Male! Childhood Friend! Reader
work count; 2.7k
contains: fluff, pining, mention of drug od, the batman spoilers
summary: after many stressful nights dealing with the riddler and his father's past, all he wants is for you to stay with him for more than an hour, but Bruce has had enough of your excuses and confessed before you can slip away
a/n: didn't proofread this very closely so sorry for grammar mistakes or mistyped words! i really liked this prompt and I have more stories coming soon!
enjoy reading!!
“it’s like Alfred's gone for 10 minutes and you’ve already spray painted the floor.” the shirtless man crawling on the floor jumped, with a white spray paint can in his hand. his concentration leaving the pictures and large words that are written out on the floor and gravitating to you. the previous event with Alfred, as well as just everything going on in bruce’s life, you decided it was best to pay a long-awaited visit to bruce. 
“what are you doing here?” his soft-spoken voice rang through your ears, bruce’s scowl loosened in your presence.
“dory let me in, just checking up on you.” you looked him up and down. the remains of smudged black eyeshadow on his face, shirtless and baggy jeans. “you seem busy.” 
a blush ran a crossed bruce’s face realizing he was half naked in front of you, not like you guys didn’t take baths together as a kid but things are different now. “take a picture— it will last longer.”
a playful smirk rose to your face, walking past the large man to look down at the floor. examining the words and looking closely at the pictures. you knew about bruce’s night job, his other form of identity. you figured it out early on, it wasn’t that hard since you’ve known him since diapers. 
“the sins of your father?” you sighed. knowing the weird relationship your parents had with his, you had an idea of what sins those might be. 
“I’m not sure yet.” bruce whispered, he sounded small. he felt small, bruce had hit a dead end. his head bowed.
your footsteps brought his head back up, slowly watching you as you approached him and brought a hand to his shoulder, comforting him the most he’d let you. you’d attempted to maintain eye contact with him, bruce couldn’t bear to look into your eyes while in the state he was in, especially with you so close.
“how’s your mom?” bruce broke the silence.
“unstable.” bruce noticed the shadow appearing on your face as you answered, your parents hadn’t met the same horrible demise as the Wayne’s, but your father did overdose soon after Thomas passed. your mother simply went mental, she was diagnosed as bipolar but it got worse, and worse and worse every day. she was living an unhealthy life and turned to drugs. your mother was under your care and you were the made the head of the family, dealing with whatever they selfishly left for you to clean up. 
“it’s like—“ you struggled out the words, “one minute she hates me, then she’s thankful for everything I’ve down for her, and then, she so caught up in the word inside her head she can’t even recognize me.”
Bruce grabbed your hand, giving it a quick squeeze. a simple consultation and that was enough to pull yourself together for him.
“it’s getting worse every visit, I can barely bring myself to see her.” you let out a long sigh, turning to pace around the room. your boots echoing through the silent room.
“you’re welcome here if you need it, I know you are living alone in that big house.”
“thank you, bruce.” a soft smile rose to your face, and he smiled back.
“so—“ you looked down at the floor. “when you’re done with this, am I going to have to help you clean it before Alfred or dory see it?”
“I’ll clean it.” a soft chuckle erupted from bruce’s chest.
“we’ll anyways, just give me a call if you need me,” you said, motioning that you were leaving, heading past bruce before a hand quickly grabbed your wrist before you could leave the room. 
“stay? I want you to stay longer.” bruce’s face was scrunched up like he was in pain. 
“I’m sorry, bruce.” you turned to the man once more. “I have some stuff to deal with. I cant.”
bruce’s face filled with disappointment when you turned to leave him, watching your back fade out of his sight as you walked down the stairs and out of the tower. he had just wished you’d stay longer. as of late, you just came and left most of the time. refusing any meals or tea from dory, you were always busy. 
he didn’t pry, bruce learned to not overstep boundaries and he respected you. he had enough to deal with as it is— he shouldn’t be worrying about spending quality time with his childhood friend, friend right now.
bruce’s life was in shambles, his visit with Falcone. showing up to the iceberg lounge like a pathetic wet puppy, lost, looking for something— just to find out about his father and his involvement with organized crime, and the fact the riddler knew, before the son himself.
familiar footsteps echoed behind him, bruce recognize the sound of the doc martens on the hardwood. he continued wallowing in his emotions as a soft hand caressed his shoulder. bruce felt like he could have broken down— sobbing, just from your touch alone. 
“bruce.” your voice was fragile like you were afraid your voice would break glass.
“bruce. look at me, please.” he couldn’t face you, not now. he needed you but being vulnerable around anyone was not something the man was comfortable with, even you.
“did you know?” bruce muttered out, hints of anger were laced in his voice.
“no, I’m sorry Bruce.” he felt defeated, his shoulders sank and his head bowed down. the silence grew between the two of you, you were unsure how to approach him. “do you need me to do anything for you?”
silence, he didn’t respond. 
“stay.” he muttered out, his voice scratchy. “just stay here, with me. please?”
“I’ll stay.” you paused, “if you would just look at me.” 
with that he pushed the chair out of his way and moved to tower over you, it wasn’t intimidating this time. bruce looked at you, but he wasn’t there. a single push could break the man. the icy blue eyes you’ve become familiar with were darkened.
“let me make you some tea.”
Clanking and hissing filled the air in the kitchen, Bruce sat at the table moping while you made him earl gray tea and you were preparing some vegetable for him at the stove. 
The wooden chair squeaked across the floor and you could hear bruce making his way to you, slowly. He snuck up behind you and rested a chin on your shoulder, he was always a few more inches taller than you growing up, enough to rest his head on your shoulder when he wanted to. He mumbled something into your shoulder, his mouth shoved into the sweater you were wearing, muffling the sound. 
‘Hmm?” You hummed, and you pushes around the vegetables in the pan.
“Oh, nothing.” bruce chuckled a bit, you would feel a small smile grow onto his face.
“What is it?”
“I was just thinking about how if our parents had arranged some marriage between us, I don't think id be too upset with it.”  he smiled to himself at the thought.
“Oh? Why did that pop up in your head.”
“Hmm.” bruce hummed, thinking to himself for a moment. “You take care of me, you always have.” he reached around you a grabbed one of the carrots in the pan, moving his head away from you and walking towards his seat again. Bruce's eyes followed you lovingly as you turned off the stone and prepared his food. 
“You have Alfred for that, you don't need me for that, especially marriage.” you laughed at the thought of you and bruce getting married. “I can't imagine anyone wanted to marry me.”
“I’d marry you.” bruce announced, quieter than his last statements, like he almost didn't want you to hear it out of embarrassment of your response.
“I think we might be too busy for marriage at the moment.” you chuckled, putting a plate of stir-fried vegetables in between the two of you, you picked at the broccoli and shoved it into your mouth.
“I don't know.” bruce shrugged his shoulders and continued to grab the fork from you and pick at the food in front of him. The two of you sat in silence while you ate, a comfortable silence, a silence that bruce enjoyed. 
“Are you going to be okay without Alfred for now?” you questioned him. 
“I'll manage.”
“Just making sure you'll be okay.” you grabbed the empty plate and brought it to the sink. “Because ill have to g–”
“Please don't.” bruce had interrupted you, desperation in his voice once again. You didnt even have to finish your sentence to know you were leaving, he could always hear it in your voice.
“Bruce.” you bowed your head in guilt, walking to the man and standing in front of him as he sat in the chair, looking up at you like a lost puppy. “I would stay here all day if I could.”
Bruce's hand grabbed yours gently, getting up from his seat and facing you to make eye contact, “you know I need you, I need your help.” his eyebrows scrunched together.
His face was getting closer towards yours, the tension between the two of you was obvious, obvious to bruce. Bruce wanted to kiss you, he wanted to hold you and never let go, he wanted you to stay with him and help him figure out the dead end. He wanted you. Bruce wanted to be selfish and have you to himself, have you forget all your responsibilities and put your entire focus on bruce. 
“Bruce..” your voice trailed off as you got closer to him, bruce could feel your breath on his lips, he glanced down to your lips and back up to your eyes, contemplating on whether or not to close the gap and take your lips in. bruces hands rose to your cheek, ready to pull you in and–
Brrr, brrr, brr-
You pulled away harshly, leaving bruce standing there. You grabbed the phone out of your pocket and accepted the call. Bruce wanted to grab your phone and throw it across the room and steal you away from anyone that wanted you beside him. You greeted the person on the other side of the phone and slowly walked in the other direction, making space between the two of you to talk to the person. Bruce sat back down on his seat, swinging his legs under the kitchen table. Bruce felt full-heartedly defeated, bowing his head, simply waiting for you to come back and give him another excuse, and walking out the door again.
“Bruce.” after a few moments you walked back up behind him and touched his shoulder, he tensed up. “I'm sorry.”
“You have to leave, don't you?’
“Yes.” you said, you felt guilty leaving the man alone in the mids of the situation. You hugged the man,  wrapping your arms around bruces large shoulders, he relaxed at your touch. “I'll be back, whenever you need me.” 
You said a quick goodbye, released the man, and headed toward the exit. Bruce felt himself falling deeper into this sorrow as he heard your familiar footsteps fade away into the background of his mind. 
The riddler finally made his final blow, even after being banished behind bars, revealing himself to be Edward Nashton. An accountant and he did work under Wayne entertainment, scary thought. The city was underwater and martial law had been put in place yet the only thing that didn't seem to leave your mind was bruce. You saw him in the square garden fighting on the news, you saw him save all those people and clean up the city. You needed to see him.
You grabbed your phone and right as you were going to tap on his contact, ‘Brucie is calling…”
Popped up, you picked up so quickly it was kinda embarrassing. 
Silence at first, you couldn't speak but bruce broke the silence. “Hey..” he sounded tired like he was a couple of breaths from collapsing. 
“I need to see you.” was all he had to say before you agreed to be over as fast as you could, hanging up and grabbing whatever you needed to make your way to bruce.
Once you got there, bruce was dirty and torn down, hunched over his computer in his cave. You made your way to him and he turned around and grabbed you abruptly, pulling you in close. He didn't have to say anything to know how he was feeling, and you didn't dare pull away. He needed this, he needed you. His breathing was soft and slow. You could feel like grime and dirt on his face rubbing up against yours, you didn't care. 
“That night, with everything happening. You were the only thing on my mind.” he muttered into your shoulder, slowly pulling away, his hands were placed onto your shoulder. “the whole time I was saving Gotham, I just kept thinking to myself, ‘are you safe, are you okay?’”
“I'm okay, bruc–’
“No, listen to me.” he held the sides of your face, making sure you were looking at him, and I mean looking at him. “I've been trying to get through to you, I've been wanting to tell you but you just keep leaving me and I am so scared something is going to happen and I'm never able to do this.”
You were confused, what was bruce trying to tell you? “What are you talking about bruce?”
He didn't say anything, he was so silent, you weren't sure if he was even breathing. Bruce was just looking into your eyes, sensing for any emotion telling him that he shouldn't do what he's about to.
He pulled you in so fast, so fast he couldn't think. He didn't want to back out right when he could feel your lips grazing against his, so there was no phone to ring to pull you away from him. Bruce finally did it, his lips were pressed against yours, moving together like it was second nature for the two of you. It was passionate and heartfelt, he was living in it. 
Pulling away, because oxygen did sadly exist. Bruce wished to pull you back in again and continue. Silence fell as you stood there, only a few inches between the two of you. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a whole year.” bruce spoke, your lips were chapped and bruised. You looked down at your feet, slightly rocking back and forth on your heels. 
“Why didn’t you?”
Bruce scoffed, “are you serious? I can’t get you to stay over for more than an hour, you don’t even notice when i flirt with you.” his voice was playful, making sure it didn’t seem like he was geneninly mad at you. 
“Well,” you laughed, looking up at him with a smile plastered on your face. “If i didn’t notice, you obviously aren’t very good at flirting then.” 
“Oh! Seriously?” his right hand rose to you face again, holding your cheek to face him. 
“Would it be better if i did this then?”
Your lips touched again, a spark rose inside of you, your heart was racing. You would have never thought that, Bruce Wayne, the prince of Gotham, and also your best friend since diapers was kissing you. The kiss was sweeter this time, you could feel bruce smile into the kiss and you couldn’t resist smiling back, feeling the full effect of the man before you.
“I meant it.” bruce mumbled into the kiss, your forehead was pressed against his.
“What i said last time you were here.” his thumb grazed the skin under your eye. “When i said i’d marry you. I meant it.”
Bruce couldn’t look away from you. “Are you proposing to me, bruce wayne?” you joked.
“I just think if one of us were a girl, our parents might of tried to marry us and, i don’t think i would be upset about it.” he paused for a moment, closing his eyes, taking in this moment. A smile grew on face. “Maybe, just maybe. We could in the future.”
“I can’t tell if you’re trying to tell me you’re in love with me or you’re offering a business proposal.” 
“The ladder.” he pecked your lips once again. “But mostly the first one.”
“I think i'm in love with you too, Bruce Wayne.”
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