#like i said most of this is just personal headcanons and hallucinating but i think it's neat regardless
kachimera · 9 months
I am thinking about... Dracula and his biases regarding his opinions on his two forgemasters
This is mostly just me and myheadcanons but: Dracula seeing traits of his former life in his two apprentices. Hector is the perfect extra competent man, cold and in control of himself, the person he wanted to be and thought of himself to be. Meanwhile Isaac is someone who's smart and hardworking but dramatic and keeps getting dragged around by his too strong emotions. And that last part does not bother Dracula bc he never lost control of his emotions as a human w his intelligence making it it worse, he did not dishonored the two people he loved the most and did not coldly planned the murder of an innocent kind woman who just wanted to help him, he did not created his nemesis in the VK and the Belmont clan, and he definitely did not cursed his own being and soul for eternity. Besides, he is a perfectly controlled and reasonal vampire lord now and not a simple animalistic human, he's beyond those things now.
So basically Hector, aside from being a special little guy and looking like his hot ex, reminds him of the traits he favored of his human self, while Isaac reminds him of the traits he disliked. And Dracula, an expert in denial and carefully crafted self delusions, probably doesn't realizes this, but at least on a subconcious level he isn't happy with Isaac.
And i'm sure he mostly kept this to himself, after all this kid is still excelent at his craft, blindly loyal, and it's always better to have two forgemasters rather than one. The people around him (specially Isaac) would still be able to notice but it's nothing out of the norm.
But after Lisa died and he went mad, he very openly manifests his favoritism to the detriment of both forgemasters (yea Hector didn't came out unscathed from his Lord's appreciation) and it gets worse after Alucard, him and Lisa's child and his number 1 specialest little guy, decides to oppose him. He's on a bad mental state and the last thing he'd want to see is the reminder of his lack of control, of how much yet how little he has changed.
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Danny thinks he's done a wonderful job all things considered. His city is safe, no one has died yet, no major injuries, Vlad had screwed off after Danny beat him within an inch of his afterlife (Danny learned that Vlad was a revenant abusing dirty ectoplasm for powers-not a halfa), ect.
Most of his rogues gallery also stopped bothering him once it became clear he was having trouble keeping his increased power in check and was trying hard not to hurt them. Unfortunately there was one who refused to leave him alone. A warrior princess was demanding his hand in marriage as she needed to be married by the summer solstice of next year or the throne would be passed down to her younger sister, who was already married.
It didn't matter how many times he said no, she kept coming back and challenging him for his hand. Each time she came back stronger and with new tactics and weapons to try. He was starting to fear she might actually win one day. That day might be sooner rather than later as her latest scheme was cutting it close.
Deciding that 1. Amity didn't need him anymore if he closed the portals 2. He was probably going to have to leave anyway if he loses and 3. He didn't have a future in this world as Fenton anymore he leads her on a wild goose chase back into the GZ and causes the portals to collapse in on themselves. The princess laughs, thinking he had given up. But no.
Danny put a curse on himself to turn him into a bat for the next year or so, a full month longer than the princess had left to find a spouse. She screams. Appearently she had a phobia of bats, who knew? Anyway he was left alone to fly through the Infinite Realms and find a new home.
He found a new world easily thanks to the natural portals of the IR and crossed though. Immediately being pelted on all sides by freezing cold rain was not what he expected but its what he got as he flew over a sign that proclaimed the city beneath him was called Gotham. The little glowing white bat flew through the night for hours before seeing a fruit bowl laying innocently on a kitchen counter through a window. Whats more it was in some giant manor so the occupants probably wouldn't mind if he ate an orange or two.
Needless to say a kid around the age of 11 or twelve walked in on him clutching an apple like his life depended on it while furiously munching. The kid looked...excited? He started going on about names and what he would need to care for him. Danny wasn't really listening, he didn't realize how hungry he had been until he started eating. He waited until the kid had looked away to turn himself and his apple invisible. This bothered the kid who looked suspicious but went to look for "the bat" anyway.
Later, while Danny was taking a shower in the kitchen sink to wash off the remains of his meal (I headcanon that Danny is a bit of a neat-freak) some other guy walked in holding an empty coffee mug and wearing eyebags that would put a raccoon to shame. They just stared at eachother for a solid few seconds before Danny started squeeking in rage and covering himself with the washcloth he was using to scrub himself clean. It looked like something out of a cartoon. Tim thought he was hallucinating but why would he hallucinate a glowing white bat with hearts all around it (that part isn't real) taking a shower in the kitchen sink. Was his subconscious trying to tell him something??
The next victim person to spot him was Duke who just stood in his doorway as this glowing white bat rolled an orange down the hallway. He decided this was a problem for the night crew and went to tell them.
Alfred saw a small shock of white fur and heard squeeking. His first thought was 'rat' and he didn't even hesitate. Danny dodged 3 bullets and got the hell out of the kitchen.
The batfam are debating on whether this was a shifter or an meta animal that was experimented on.
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 3 months
So I was reading your Athena & Apollo headcanons and it made me think of a hc to help fill a (very mild but infinitely frustrating) plot hole in the books! (Well, plot hole is stretching it, it’s not even a plot dent, more like a detail inconsistency that affects Literally Nothing but it has driven me crazy since I read mcga)
The detail in question: Why are all of Athena’s kids blonde and (possibly) curly-haired, when Annabeth is said to get her hair from her dad and Athena has never actually appeared as a blonde? (Aside from that time in Sea of Monsters but tbf that was a hallucination so possibly not accurate). It’s bothered me for a while, because Athena doesn’t Do romance and therefore it wouldn’t really make sense for her to have a Type, right? Why would someone attracted to mortal’s intellect care about their hair color? I guess I just figured she’d been blonde for a while and decided to go brunette later, but the “dumb blonde” stereotype has been around for a long time, having been especially prevalent since the ‘50s, and I can’t imagine Athena to want to be seen as anything less than the smartest person in the room.
But then your hcs got me thinking… we know that Athena is very proud, but she’s also deeply insecure. Like, “she got made fun of for playing the flute One Time by two goddesses known to be bitchy that she already did not get along with and threw it into the woods with a curse and refused to pick it up again (until Apollo coaxed her to)” insecure. And she doesn’t have very many friends, does she? Apollo’s kind of all she has, other than mortals, but her relationship with mortals is that of a devotee and a god. Reverence is not the same thing as connection. But Apollo, who is in a similar boat to her, makes connections so easily! Even at his worst, he makes people like him against both his and their will. Even his relationships with his devotees were… well they were messy lbr but they were also very genuine, most of the time. There was something more, there.
So, all this rambling to say: what if the reason Athena’s kids all look so similar is because Athena chose to look like Apollo? I don’t think she chose to act like him, but. I dunno. Maybe she thought mortals would like her better if she looked more like her pretty, popular brother. She’s always had to listen to people, mortals and immortals alike, praise her brother for just about everything while she had to fight for even a scrap of respect. Maybe she thought she could absorb at least a little of that something that makes people genuinely like him. That something that draws her to him again and again. Maybe it’s like armor, pulling on her brother’s face. If they don’t like her, it’s not because it’s her, right? Apollo’s been driving everybody crazy lately, anyway… (and yet, he’s still more beloved than her…)
And that ALSO feeds into my preexisting headcanons about Apollo looking like a Chase, which is fun!! (I think his modern godly form looks more similar to Magnus but Lester has a face/hair texture that is really, really similar to annabeth’s! So when he bashes the two forms together he makes the two of them look even more like siblings because he’s basically a bridge between the two of them, lol. But his old godly form looked strikingly similar to Annabeth in a lot of ways… hmmmm.)
Anyway it’s kind of a convoluted hc and once again falls into the “Apollo is the specialist little guy in the WORLD” mindset but I!!! Just like it!!!! When siblings are weird and messy!!! And admiration gets mixed up with jealousy and genuine affection is twisted by circumstance and time!!! And identity issues!!! And loneliness!!! It’s latching on to someone and having them be your whole world when you know that you’re just a small part of theirs!!! AUGHHH. Weird fucked up Olympus dynamics my belovedddd
I never noticed this before, but this explanation seems Interesting👀
And don't worry, this fandom basically goes "AND THIS IS WHY APOLLO IS [insert description here" ALL the time XD
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takeyourcyanide · 4 months
My personal headcanons for Stein:
(I wanted to participate in the fun)
On the autism and schizophrenic spectrum
An antisocial (as in aspd [psychopath/sociopath]), and is on the psychopathic side
Not only does he spin in his chair frequently, but he also paces back and forth, rocks back and forth, bounces his leg, etc. and did so as a child. He also listens to music to self-stimulate/stim (whatever you want to call it).
The screw is also to stim. But also for self-expression. But also for when his thought become to jumbled and incoherent, or when he can’t distract himself from his own addictions (cigarettes, dissection)/certain desires. The screw is for calming himself and his thoughts that never stop. His brain is like a fat little hamster on a wheel. The gears are constantly turning. They never stop. The screw assists in evening himself out a little bit.
Dreams often
All of said dreams tend to be odd and considerably nightmarish
Likes to decorate and expresses himself through such (you have seen his interesting living quarters)
I think he did experience some form of what might be considered as trauma as a young child, but does not consider it himself to be traumatic, which is why you see him say that nothing affected him as a child at all/is in denial
I think he logically understands that scientifically speaking, the way in which his brain functions and the reasons for his behavior have both genetic and environmental factors. The environmental factors being why his genes were “expressed” in the way they were, so to speak. But it is either not accepting of it, doesn’t remember it well (as many others have suggested), or doesn’t view it as being traumatic to him specifically.
I also believe this sort of logical side of himself that usually takes over sort of battles it out with the more deluded side of himself, leaving Stein constantly exhausted (as you see even within the series itself)
I think he hallucinates quite frequently, and just doesn’t mention it. It’s something he mostly ignores. He makes playful remarks about hallucinating and being “crazy”, but doesn’t care to go into detail.
He wanted his house/laboratory to be confusing to anyone who wasn’t him. Just for fun. And for self expression purposes. He wanted someone to walk up on his property and immediately find themselves dumbfounded. He wanted the most confusing layout possible as well.
For him, incoherency is his coherency.
The man is organized, but often in a disorganized way. Or at least, he tries very hard to be organized, but it never lasts. He is a bit scattered, and it reflects in said organization.
He has stitches, both because of the experiments and slicing and dicing he did on himself, and also for the purposes of symbolism and self expression. It symbolizes the fact that he is being held together by stitches. Ready to burst open at any moment. He is holding himself together and living within society, but barely.
He had hyperfixations throughout his life, of course, and they primarily had to do with science and death.
He was and is obsessed with everything death encompasses.
It’s just so fascinating to him.
He only really wears certain items of clothing, namely turtlenecks, button-up collared shirts, and coats. He wears the same brand of dress pants often. It’s just was he feels comfortable in.
He finds humanity endearing in some ways, and completely and utterly obnoxious in other ways. (This was kind of shown throughout the series, though)
He can never truly be himself, and this has caused him a lot of misery, including as a young child
For his entire life there’s been a resentment and envy deep down that he’s felt towards people, because at the end of the day, they have some sort of community in which they are truly accepted for who they are, and throughout his life, he has not. Even at the academy, he has experienced this, so finding the group of friends that he did, especially Marie and Spirit is something he is incredibly appreciative of.
He dissected some of his stuffed animals as a child.
Was the type to behead and just generally dismember dolls
Definitely aroace
Not someone who’s really built for relationships of any kind
That’s why it’s such a miracle he has those he does at the academy who are willing to be patient with him
Had to teach himself cognitive empathy from young age due to his never developing emotional empathy
Ended up in a facility once
Rarely tried and paid attention in class, but always had very good grades
When it came to the psychologists he was forced to see, he often didn’t speak to them at all. And when he did, he was incredibly vague, cryptic, and lied all the time.
Not a huge fan of the idea of shoving pills down people’s throats, and didn’t want that to happen to him
He views it as forcing those who aren’t deemed “normal” enough to be “just like everyone else” and to be how they want them to be
Doesn’t care about gender.
What I mean by that is, despite not having interest in romance, if he were to be in a relationship, he would not care about the gender or sex of that person.
So, you could say he’s pansexual/bisexual.
He is often reminded of the barrier that exists between him and other people, and when this happens, he finds himself feeling like the same small child who couldn’t understand anyone like they could understand one another
Feels like he missed a meeting on how to be human that everyone else attended
Or just wasn’t invited
Isn’t a huge social gathering person
Doesn’t always mind it, as long as he gets to be quiet and observe
But get overstimulated at times and leaves the room for a little while
He’s got people asking where he went
And he’s just in some random dark and quiet room
Sometimes brings noise cancelling earbuds because of this
He’s also texture sensitive
Won’t eat certain foods, wear certain clothes, touch certain things, etc.
That goes along with his certain clothing thing before
At the end of the day, he recognizes that he’ll always be an outsider of sorts.
Felt at least mildly suicidal throughout his life
I could say more, but this is already very long.
He’s so me
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skullytotheark · 2 months
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[design drawn by Peachy-cloudds]
My Personal headcanons for The Operator / Slenderman
[warning: a SHIT tone of writing almost sorry not actually]
The Main inspirtation is by the concept of a hivemind plantlike entity, Has this concept been done before for Slender. Yea, Am I still gonna use it? Yea 🤭 [i love eldritch plant beings they're so cool]
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In World Lore:
An extremely long time ago, A being of unknown origin manifested into the world, Simply appearing out of the blue. Being able to exist on all four layers of existence with no consequence for it's actions. Originally said to be an old folk tale elders would tell to children to scare them, The Operator, although known across the world as multiple names, Some extremely fitting while others were uncreative / unoriginal. The entity within the tale would maintain the same behavior in every culture that was made aware of it. Often stalking heavily wooded areas attempting to lure those who were unexpecting into the forest where it will stalk it's prey until they barely escape or become it's next meal. However even escape was never the last one would see the Operator. As it continued to stalk those who saw it relentlessly until it grows tired of the same torment. Or It claims another life. The operator was once said to be in many books recording folklore; however the pages and stories of encounters with it have simply been erased from existence. As if it tears the pages out itself. Wanting to remain within the darkness where it can watch and wait for those who are unaware.
Spiders tend to make small nests in the small holes that are on slender’s body, These spiders due to long exposure can give you the drowning if they bite you
The Spiral in the center of Slender’s face can hypnotize it’s victims. In my canon it’s how Slender gains most of it’s proxies
The reason Slender can disturb cameras and cause them to break is because of the electric frequency it admits. Similar to how fungi also admit Electric frequencies and is also source of the strange staticy hiss that tends to admit and follow Slender around
Slenderman is just a fae of sorts [which is just a fancy way of saying fairies], The type of fae that typically kidnap children and eat them. In my HC I kinda like to think that it is considered to be one of the first mythical forest spirits [also implying that Slender is old as balls]
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The Drowning / Slendersickness:
The drowning is a form of “Sickness” one can get when being exposed to the entity known as “The Operator” for a long period of time. It gets its name due to the feeling of choking on water and lack of air in your lungs
Normally you’d have to be in contact or near the Operator to contact the drowning however if one is sick with the drowning the drowning can be easily passed onto you with or without knowing it. Another way to get it is if you are marked by the Operator which can give you Stage 2 Of the drowning within the matter of seconds. The sickness originates from Spores that come from The Operator which are a lesser version of the Operator's final stage "The Tower ''. The following symptoms include Violent coughing [to the point of blood], Vomiting, Violent hallucinations, Trouble breathing, Seizures, Violent outbursts / episodes and dissociating. To summarize it, A Lot of the time Sickness slowly but surely eats away at your humanity until you are but a husk of your former self, Causing you to become aggressive and violent towards others. The Operator then feeds off of the conflict and uses it to make it stronger
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[Hoody / Brian in the Ark As seen in Entry# 83 At 6:30]
The Ark:
In Later years The Operator managed to make it’s own personal realm, Made to store the souls of those it has killed [or by proxy] and to drive those who enter it insane. Playing hallucinations that are personal to everyone who enters until they either die or find an exit [which is nearly impossible]. The realm as mentioned stores souls of it that have been killed that are being fed on by whatever lies in the pit that resides within the middle of the Ark, These dead victims are often in a paralyzed state where they are unable to move or speak as they slowly but surely melt into the surface of the Ark slowly becoming apart of it. However The Broken are basically souls that the "Ark" isn't able to feed off of since they are impure, Of course the broken are basically just victims of the Operator that have cracks on their body like fragile glass in a way. These souls and bodies are also often use as infinite battery packs for the Operator, Feeding off of the souls makes them more Powerful, The More souls there are the more of a threat it can become
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[Example image I drew to help explain it kinda]
The Hivemind
The Operator has more than one variant that all act as a single hive mind sharing the same exact thoughts. The following examples are The Tower, The Drones and Hallucination
The Tower: The Tower is the main source of the hivemind, These variants are basically the "Queen Bees" that pop out smaller versions of themselves to scout for food and return it to the Nest. Towers often borrow themselves deep underground where they cannot be touched, often growing extremely giant, For example they can grow to the size of the statue of liberty before stopping. Their tentacles can connect to the roots of trees which allows them to shift the forest at their command, It's also worth noting that the hivemind all share the same thoughts
Drones: The drones are basically mini clones of the hivemind that are produced so the tower doesn't have to expose itself to the outside world and get injured or killed, Their goal is to collect food until the Tower is ready to bloom. But a lot of the time these drones will hypnotize people into doing their biddings for them which is considered to be the norm nowadays. It's also less stress for the drones incase they do not wish to be discovered by the outside world. Drones can also eventually grow into Towers if they live long enough
Hallucinations: These are as you expect, They're the dones way of messing with your head by haunting you and breaking you mentality. They often appear in hallucinations and aren't the actual drones themselves, The main way to tell the difference between a drone and a hallucination is by the color of their tie. Red means that they are physically there attacking you while black means it's not real
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[lazy doodle by me]
The great blooming / The arrival:
this event is pretty straight forward. So the main reason these towers need to collect so much food and souls is so that they can bloom, Their heads unraveling to reveal a black rose that shoots out a giant cloud of spores that will infect those whoever breathes the spores in. These spores have the regular side effects such as the drowning, However those who are infected with the Tower's Spores are a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. If one is infected long enough their heads will implode into a flower and spread more spores around them
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lildoodlenoodle · 10 months
Spider Freaks(affectionate) no.7
Spider Noir:
Unlike most spider people, Noir wasn’t bitten by a radioactive spider, but rather a mystical spider that came out of a statue of a spider god. After being bit he sees or hallucinates a spider god, Anansi(Akan), Ereshkigal(Mesopotamian), or Neith(Egyptian) all are possibilities(kinda but that’s another post). He wakes up covered in webs and has spider powers. It’s kinda similar to Araña/Aña(Anya) Corazón in some respects to their origins.
So right off the bat, his powers are mystical and not radioactive, which is evident in how his spider sense presents. He does have super strength, but it is a fair bit below the average spider person. We’ve seen him more or less control some spiders that we believe are the same type as the one that bit him. He has organic webbing that is black(it’s white in the movie and in some comics, but it stayed black in my heart). Because of the mystical aspect to his powers there is most likely more beneath the surface but we’re getting into headcanon territory.
Personally, I think all the spiders should be freaks. Make them more like spiders, make them less human, love that shit.
Spider noir powers are mystic(or multidimensional depending on how you wanna spin it)in origin. With most spiders powers it’s very concrete on how they got them and what the effects of said event were. Noir is a bit of a wild card in that respect, because we don’t even know if the spider god is real or not. Spider Noir is an unreliable narrator because of that.
Now the color webbing change and what that means:
No, I don’t like it but it furthers a theory I have. If the spider god is real then it is changing Peter throughout the series. Originally the webbing was black, after Peter meets the other spider people it turns white(this was probably an artistic choice due to new people being on the comic but still). This shows that he’s still changing AFTER the initial bite. We’ve seen something like this with other versions of Spider-Man, but they usually keep changing until they turn into an actual spider-human creature. The difference between Noir and those other examples is that a radioactive spider is not sentient. It is not choosing how much of a spider you are becoming. A spider god on the other hand very much could.
Now this, this could mean anything. What does a spider god consider to be important spidery changes? It’s difficult to tell for a bunch of reasons, especially for the ‘Why?’. But things I’d think could be possibilities include:
Excessive hair
Exhibiting spidery behavior/instincts
Extra limbs
Fangs with venom(could liquify preys’ inside or just be death or paralyzing venom)
More eyes
Oral pedipalps
Spider limbs(think Kaine Parker)
Split lower jaw
Split upper jaw
Stinger(again Kaine Parker)
Talking to spiders
And more, probably. The ones in bold are my HCs but literally any of these could happen if he continues to ‘mutate’.
And, last one, brought to you courtesy of Burning Matches on AO3, the wind. Remember that scene from the first movie?
“Wherever I go the wind follows, and the wind smells like rain”*dramatic pose*
This could totally be put on the role of an exaggerated caricature of a noir film PI Noir is filling but let’s assume it’s not. Instead it’s a manifestation of the spider god, ‘following’ him. Because it’s not wind, it’s breathing. Which is insane and terrifying but it is one of my favorite headcanons that came out of that fic.
Feel free to add any more freaky biology or spidergod headcanons in the comments/tags! I love hearing this shit!!!
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writers-wrongs · 1 month
Could you please write yandere headcanons for Fear State Scarecrow x gn reader? (I love that scruffy little redhead and there's nearly not enough content for him, but if you can't, then maybe for Zero Year or BTAS??)
now, i unfortunately know jack about fear state, but i can certainly provide with some btas!
yandere!btas!scarecrow x gn!reader
-hes just doing his thing, spreading fear throughout gotham, when he hears some screams that are oddly... enticing
-after all this time as scarecrow, screams of terror have gotten a bit stale, but these ones are like a breath of fresh air
-he follows the noise to find you: shaking, curled in a ball on the ground, and making the most adorable face as you scream and cry
-seeing such a display, how can he not take you home as a test subject?
-you wake up in a cell, with scarecrow on the other side of the bars. he explains that youre going to be his little lab rat
-expect regular doses of fear toxin. he just loves the sounds of your screams, and your scared face is so cute!
-that said, he is a psychologist at heart, so he'll also have little chats with you after each dose wears off. what you saw, where those fears couldve come from, etc
-and as he gets to know you, he gets... curious. something about you intrigues him, but you always close off before he can see what it is
-so one night, he brings some nicer dinner than what you usually get, and he joins you in your cell for a meal. he says its to see how you react to him without the effects of fear toxin, but he really just wants to get to know all of you
-you get to know him too. he tells you his name (and he insists you start calling him jonathan), tells you about his life before becoming scarecrow, and he even takes off his mask
-a few days later, he stops dosing you altogether. hes started to feel guilty about experimenting on you, and your voice sounds so much nicer when its not hoarse from screaming
-soon, hes head over heels. your little dinner dates are almost every night (he says its to gauge how you act in a normal setting), he gives you more freedoms, he even lets you sleep with him in his bed some nights!
-i personally think hes really physically affectionate, although in the start hes trying to be subtle about it. holding your arm a little too long when he injects you, pressing his thigh to yours as he asks about your hallucinations, etc
-if you ever try to escape, back to lab rat status with you. he'll be absolutely crushed too. dont worry too much, he'll begin to trust you again after a while... but dont think for a second he wont make that while miserable
-when you finally start reciprocating, hes ecstatic. youve finally faced your fear and have even learned to love it! now youre his perfect little crow forever <3
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arachnidsinavoid · 11 months
He committed felony, domestic assault isnt he so dreamy/ref
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× Simon 'Ghost' Riley headcanons ×
Simon Riley general headcanons this is just me rambling (tw metion of weed and hallucinations vague mention of death)
I hc he can actually draw he just can't be arsed
This isn't s HC but thinking of him drinking tea from a sports direct mug is fucking hilarious to me
Dose drink coffee but genuinely prefers the taste of tea (fuckin Brits)
Kind of wanted to be a tattoo artists and did some of his tattoos himself
Almost forgot when his birthday was because he never celebrates it and he has never told anyone (only person that might know is price at least that's what soap thinks and and trys to pry it out of both him n Simon)
Often tries to use exercise to help with his insomnia but sometimes it doesn't work and he just exhausts himself he sleeps but he feels worse when he wakes up
Occasionally sees Shadow People when insomnia gets bad (same bro)
Is actually really good at cooking but just never has the energy to
I like to head cannon that he used to be a bit of a stoner (love stoner Simon I I'll write for him) but is scared to ever smoke regularly again after what happened to his brother
Genuinely cares so much about the people around him but he's just so used to not being enough and not being able to save the ones he loves
Loves being gifted more personal and meaningful gifts then expensive things
if you gave this man a bunch of different vials of dirt from places you've been he will marry you
Also is a little fixated on bones (sometimes picks up dead animal bones and takes them home)
Price allows it cuz it makes him happy but is like 🤨??
I personally think he's autistic my source because I fucking said so (I'm autistic)
Feels embarrassed about stimming so man stims WITH HIS FUCKING TOES!!!
He does it because it's enough to help regulate him but barely noticeable (but come on man)
Is extremely unhygienic occasionally because of his depression
Like will no shower for like almost a mouth when his depression is bad until someone comments on it most likely price while he also comments on how exhausted he is
On days like that unless Simon needs to do something price just get him to take a shower then sends him to bed
Only surfaces to piss and eat
Go straight back to bed and passes out for another hour
It annoys him when this happens a completely destroys his sleeping routine
Spends like the next week trying to fix it and still be productive
Is particularly protective over kids and is really good with them surprisingly (has prior experience from his nephew Tommy)
Loves to just be touching someone if in a relationship
Not necessarily in aversely affectionate things sometimes he loves just sitting super close or you resting your head on his shoulder
Loves resting his head on the top of yours if ur short enough
Will kiss the crown of your head
Doesn't always have a lot to say but will listen to every word you have to say
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not-another-robin · 2 years
Miscellaneous Alfred Pennyworth headcanons because he is immortal and you can't tell me otherwise
Alfred HATES musicals. Hates them. Especially Broadway, do not get him started on Andrew Lloyd Webber. He has a vendetta against the man not only because he thinks mega musicals are cheap schlock, but also for RUINING his son for a good 4 months after Phantom of the Opera came out. That shit was Bruce's MCR. he's skulking through the manner in a blanket cape with dark eyeliner playing the title song at deafening volume. Harvey enables him for months just to get on Alfred's nerves. Besides that, the batfam insists he doesn't like musicals as a genre because he can't sing. They are correct.
In my heart of hearts, Alfred was the OG 'finders keepers applies to wayward children'. When Bruce started working with other heros Alfred started checking in on them regularly, especially the ones who were far from home or lost their families. It's not uncommon to see Hawkgirl or Diana or J'onn at the manor when they're feeling homesick.
If a league member has at least one parent that's able to be contacted, said parent is invited to monthly get togethers with the rest of the league parents. They have a little club to talk about their kids. Okay it's more of a support group
If someone needs to be looked after due to sickness or injury and the league can't spare a team mate to do it, they're brought to the manor. Its no secret that most hope for this outcome.
It's a running joke that everyone, everyone gives Alfred a gift on fathers day.
One such Father's day the teen titans made "if lost return to Alfred Pennyworth" shirts for every batfriend (somewhere around 20+ people when alls said and done). They have a big group photo with them all, Alfred in the middle with a shirt that says "keep them".
Alfred watches soap operas regularly, and has seen every episode of Dynasty to date. Where he finds the time nobody knows, but he is knowledgeable on all the TV drama within the shows and behind the scenes. He has pretty ecclectic taste too, given he speaks a couple languages.
One time, while deliriously sick, Jason found him watching The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. All of the batkids insist this was some fever induced hallucination. They are wrong.
Alfred is a world class pot stirrer. There is so little of substance at the myriad of galas he has to attend that he makes his own fun, sue him. It's a leftover pass time from Martha's days - people were objectively cruel to her and gossipped at her expense often, so she returned it in kind. She was truly a legend in this regard and Alfred was her right hand man. They were experts at sewing seeds of doubt with a single comment ("Oh I'm so sorry sir, I assumed the woman over there was your wife") and watch the world burn, wine in hand. He missed having a partner in crime in that regard - eventually, Jason and Steph fill that role.
Bruce and Alfred have been locked in a decades long battle for Bruce's posture. He will go into shrimp position if given any opening and Alfred is determined to not let that happen. Idk if anyone else's parents did this, but Alfred is absolutely the type of parent to poke/push the small of your back until you sit up straight. He also does this for every batkid, even unofficial ones. Tragically it is too late for Tim.
Both Alfred and Bruce are fond of pen pals, though Alfred kept his up for much longer. He writes letters to his few friends back in England, to the Kents, various heros, he even manages to get mail to Themyscira.
To anyone under the age of fifty (excluding Bruce, maybe) his natural handwriting is completely illegible. Peak old person cursive, it is supernatural how his friends manage to read it. He writes very neat and very small, with very little space in between the lines. Its nightmarish. He does know how to write legibly for the sake of the kids, but his personal notes are practically in code.
Okay this one's a little out there - Alfred's posh accent isn't his natural one. It's natural now, since he's been using it so long, but growing up him and his family spoke in a more country/cockney accent - except for his mom, who had the more posh recieved pronunciation one. I've rewritten Alfred's entire backstory so bear with me She was the head housekeeper for a wealthy family, and she came from a more 'refined' area, so she carried herself with the more stereotypical fancy British manners. Alfred loved his mom, looked up to her more than anything in the world, so he adopted her mannerisms (and accent) whenever he could. He was teased mercilessly for it as a kid, so he stopped, but once he left home to join the military he fully adopted the persona to distance himself from his father and brother. The only time the original accent would slip through was when he was really, blindingly angry or upset, and only Bruce and Dick have ever heard it.
He has a flat within the manor, like a little apartment for his own space. It's initially sparsely decorated, but over the years it accumulates a borderline absurd amount of photos. Some of them are of him, mostly military friends, him with Martha and Thomas, or souvenirs from his theater days. The vast majority are his kids though. Pictures of Bruce from every stage of his life of course (the kids have a field day when they find them) and a smattering of pictures Bruce has drawn for him over the years, from crayon scribbles to charcoal portraits. The halls are lined with photos of the grandbats, many big milestones but also personal ones caught on candid camera: the first time Damian smiled while being hugged, Cassandra and Bruce playing bridge, Dick and Jason asleep after their first mission. On the wall at the end of the hallway hangs the old family portrait - Martha, Thomas, 6 year old Bruce, and him. Though he's not particularly spiritual, it's placement makes him feel like Martha and Thomas can see how their family has grown.
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intranetprincess · 4 months
I heard you like g-man.... do you have any hcs
(Sorry for taking 2-3 months to respond i just figured out where to find submitted asks) but YES I DO 😈I HAVE MANY!!
These headcanons apply to pretty much every iteration of gman i guess. But mostly HLVRAI gman bc they’re my main fixation 😭😭❤️
1. GMAN NON BINARY SOMEHOW. bro uses all pronouns but probably uses he-him as a default because being masc presenting is probably good in patriarchal society on earth (boooo)
But YEAHeah being an all knowing space entity i don’t think traditional gender norms really stick in his brain so they only align with them to make tangible sense to the average human 🚶‍♀️
2. (HLVRAI G-man specifically)
Gman is pathetic. okay, Saul Goodman levels of pathetic like if we think abt it they’re just an intergalactic salaryman that works tirelessly for the employers.
So as much as he’s mysterious and powerful compared to other members of the Employers he’s generally a very average guy. Swings his suitcase around awkwardly and shit. Massive dork. Hate her (love her), but the powerful impression he gives off is only ever used to show off to humans / non-employers.
The large speeches / monologues are just him trying to look cool and imposing to unsuspecting humans (sorry gordon freeman 😭)
3. Gman differs greatly to other members of the Employers because he’s kinder / softer than the rest of them. He shows a degree of appreciation for life on Earth and uses his powers to protect the smallest things even when they don’t matter in the grand scheme of things!! ( gman moving a snail out of the way so it won’t get crushed, putting a birds nest in a safe place etc )
I feel if the Employers did not limit their abilities they would cause larger positive changes with their powers!! ( I even headcanon that employers limit his abilities because he would overuse them for good causes, especially when the employers are dedicated to being a *neutral* party)
Their personal values also don’t align with the Employers AT ALL, they only comply to not be fired </3
As a result employers don’t really like him much because he’s too … nice compared to the rest of them ☹️
Again, this adoration for life is shown by him literally having a PET CROW!! I also imagine Gman ( and Employers in general ) have the ability to communicate coherently and intelligently with animals, so he honestly has full blown conversations with this pet crow when he feels like it.
They’re one of the nicer members of the Employers , even if larger actions say otherwise.
THEYRE A HISTORY BUFF!!!! He’s been alive for … ages so i definitely think they have knowledge of history / evolution / events that he often dumps to either himself or anyone that will listen </3
5. I based this headcanon off something I read somewhere AGES AGO(I may just be hallucinating) but I swear it said that Earth’s atmosphere messes with them AND that he struggles with human languages because space language phonetics are what he’s used to.
So I honestly like to think his strained croaky voice is just a result of Earth’s atmosphere difference compared to where the Employers reside - he basically just has hayfever from Earth LMAOOO
So when he returns to space/ wherever the employers reside his voice is actually pretty normal and average and totes not croaky, and that the long pauses he takes are just to sound out human words before he says them.😭
in hlvrai gman’s case he has a picture of Tommy etc in his suitcase so he can look at it and not lose hope while he’s doing boring Employer duties. I genuinely think our gman is the most sentimental/sappy so ofc he keeps things that he loves in his suitcase / jacket pockets to be entertained and joyful 💖 he’s so not beating the loving all life on earth allegations
7. Gman neurodivergent. That’s the post. He got that space autism. I won’t go into detail because i can’t put it into words but he has an undeniable autism swagger ✅
8. Uhh.. clairvoyance, future vision, literally altering the fabric of time, time travel, stopping time, girly stuff like that. That’s all canon anyway but i just really enjoy how fuckin overpowered she is😭!!
That’s literally all i can think of right now, if i ever think of more ill probably post them or make doodles of them skjdkfjd
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and they’re transgender in every direction fathomable to man .. send tweet..💖✅
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toki-is-the-king · 10 months
Toki Mental Health Headcanons:
(No hate please, you can disagree with me on this it’s just a headcanon I have + our Toki has autism so it makes sense to us).
-Toki most likely has autism but it’s undiagnosed because he was so neglected as a child; he never went to the Dr for anything, not even when he’d get fevers so bad he hallucinated. His parents didn’t care and also didn’t believe in going to the dr as it went against their religious beliefs; only God could heal. Often times when Toki was displaying signs of autism along with being physically ill all the time from abuse and neglect, his parents just locked him in the punishment hole for even longer, saying he needed to resist the devil or that Toki was disobeying God and was being punished by evil spirits. Toki has a highly stressful response anytime he’s sick now but does nothing much about it. And now he sees no point in going to the Dr, let alone a therapist or psychiatrist. The only times he really goes to the dr for check ups are when Charles forces he and the other guys or if his diabetes gets out of whack. Sometimes he still tells himself he has to ‘pray away’ his mental or physical afflictions due to his parents strict teachings, but it doesn’t work and he sometimes worries he’s actually possessed or evil. It hurts him so badly inside. He still doesn’t understand why they insisted he was evil, he still loved them but was terrified of them.
-That being said because he doesn’t have his ptsd or autism diagnosed or even know he has it, it just lingers for years and Toki doesn’t understand why he always feels so different from everyone else. And why people think his interests are childish and dumb or why he has meltdowns when somethings overstimulates him like the time he ‘accidentally’ might’ve murdered that dude at the Snakes N Barrels concert. He knows he’s fucked up but he lies to himself that he’s okay because that’s what he always had to do. Never having anyone to comfort him expect his straw clown doll and his imagination, he often regresses to a younger age to cope with his trauma and overall stress. He has panic attacks frequently too as well as nightmares and had social anxiety when he was a teenager. He beats himself up a lot, feeling the most fucked up out of everyone and having undiagnosed autism just makes him feel like he can’t even handle life. He talks to Skwisgaar about his internal struggles, knowing that even if all Skwisgaar does is nod and make brief eye contact, seeming half distracted with his guitar practicing, that he does care. Skwisgaar has his own personal issues and an ego, but he really does care about Toki and the two have a very close bond.
“Why’s Toki gotta have so many stupid problems things…”
-Toki doesn’t ever end up getting diagnosed, his distrust of the American medical system is part of it, also he’s just anxious about Dr’s in general, but he’s learned to self soothe and calm himself down over time. He enjoys having quiet time alone, focusing on a project, like building model airplanes or coloring, he likes to keep his hands busy so his mind has something to focus on. sometimes he just sits alone on his bed and hugs himself tightly or rocks himself until he calms down. Deddybear always brings him some relief.
-When nothing else works sometimes Toki gets explosive bursts of anger and destroys things, but he doesn’t have to be angry to break shit, it’s fun to break shit. Like lamps! Sometimes Skwisgaar or Pickles find him sobbing with bloody knuckles outside after fist fighting a tree or breaking random shit in the yard. Pickles always takes a brother like approach and brings Toki inside to bandage his hands, while Skwisgaar just takes Toki by the arm silently and walks him to his bathroom. He awkwardly helps Toki clean himself up and doesn’t say much. He lets Toki cuddle with him afterwards and it always helps Toki calm down.
-While some people with autism dislike being touched as it over stimulates them, Toki is the opposite. He always feels under stimulated. It could be because he was isolated for so long that now he can’t handle being alone for extended periods of time. He always wants physical contact with those he cares about. It’s hard being in Dethklok sometimes because none of the guys are affectionate towards each other and none are very touchy unless it’s with a woman. It makes Toki sad because he wants hugs all the time or to hold hands or play with someone’s fingers while sitting together on the couch. It’s all platonic (except with Skwisgaar, they’re more than friends but it’s complicated). Toki needs constant stimulation or else he’s anxious, bored, or fidgety. Being neglected made him even more clingy and now if anyone shows him an ounce of affection he is overjoyed and doesn’t want it to end. He loves long tight hugs and snuggling close to someone, glued to their side. Over the years Skwisgaar has eased up a bit and lets Toki cuddle him or hug him, they hold hands a lot when the guys aren’t around. Skwisgaar likes to play with Toki’s hair and it makes Toki the happiest guy on earth. He loves the smell of Skwisgaar’s hair and always presses his nose against his head when the cuddle.
Feel free to share any other Toki headcanons!
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zukkaoru · 22 days
walks in and sits down
dazai and fyodor for the ask game?
Sexuality Headcanon: my official sexuality hc that i have written down in my hc doc is "bi (but no woman would actually date him)" which i think sums it up pretty well
Gender Headcanon: my favorite gender hc is "doesn't label their gender and uses mirror pronouns" but i have begun to see the appeal of transfem dazai as well,, thanks to you and tumblr user valleykey (but only when transfem dazai is done correctly. many people are Wrong about her.)
A ship I have with said character: kunichuuzai my BELOVEDS
A BROTP I have with said character: dazai and ranpo!! also dazai and lucy could be so much fun. chaotic frenemies <3
A NOTP I have with said character: sigzai. i shan't say any more.
A random headcanon: dazai experiencing tactile hallucinations is something that can be so personal.....
General Opinion over said character: we understand each other. for this reason he can never be my favorite bsd character but he will end up being one i think about/write about most often. we r like two stars orbiting one another......
Sexuality Headcanon: i don't have a specific hc for him. i don't think he really labels his sexuality tbh
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary fyodor!! i mean. look at them. + i do also enjoy trans he/they fyodor,, i may currently be spinning around a little fic idea with that hc......
A ship I have with said character: fyonikonathan.. it's about the blood, biting, and catholic guilt <3
A BROTP I have with said character: doa trio!! i wish we'd gotten to see them interact more. their dynamic is so messed up (affectionate)
A NOTP I have with said character: fyosig. fundamentally, fyodor is the exact opposite of what sigma needs in a relationship. get my girl out of there!!!!
A random headcanon: fyodor with sleep paralysis. real and true to ME
General Opinion over said character: let me into your mind PLEASE i need to know how it works. what is going on in there. just let me take a little peek i promise i'll be normal i promise i promise i pr--
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we-will-be-reun1ted · 6 months
aether did wHAT
I did not know he put the flowers in her hair while she slept!!! :0000
Also i think the only things so far that i've seen that would indicate the travellers emotional strain from being separated is Dain (and i think Paimon too?) asking if the traveller was crying in their sleep because they dreamt of their sibling again; Traveller losing their patience by the time they got to Inazuma and just wanting to get things done as fast as possible to move onto the next nation; Traveller not even bothering to ask about their sibling anymore when they got to Nahida, only to be surprised by Nahida actually giving them information, and then asking about their sibling again in Fontaine; Traveller opening up to Venti in the teapot, saying they're tired; Voiceover where Traveller tells Paimon they've had nightmares of their twin leaving and saying they're too late; Nightmare hallucination thing of abyss lector telling Traveller that the abyss twin has abandoned them and no longer sees them as family (sumeru archon quest); And
this is just how i personally interpreted it: Traveller getting angry at Lyney for actively lying to them when they were supposed to defend him in court, because Lyney could've gone to jail and possibly be separated from Lynette.
Aether/Lumine are shown to be pretty secretive about their nature and actually keep a lot of things to themselves. Even actively keeping secrets from the people around them (shown most obviously during the Sumeru archon quest), To the point it's even implied they lie about their identities ("name your character" in the beginning of the game. Where in text that's how you get referred to as during the game, yet the abyss twin ends up calling the playable twin by Name™ instead of whatever name you chose in when you started playing).
So i'm not too surprised we haven't had many instances where Traveller talks about their sibling to other people, but yeah it does suck just how forgotten both the Abyss and Traveller twin end up in the game. (To the point a scary amount of players still think the Traveller is a self-insert, and don't know that Traveller has the most Voiceovers out of all the playable characters)
I could be wishful thinking and my mind playing tricks on me but I’m pretty sure that was mentioned??? If it’s not then bang there’s another one of my headcanons there you go.
Okay I haven’t gotten around to all of that yet but GOD WHENEVER THE TWIN GETS BROUGHT UP I think about it for absolutely she’s afterwards I’m not even joking. I’m really early in the Sumeru quest and actually only did the hallucination abyss mage one around two days ago and istg when he said about Aether not seeing Lumine as family anymore.
That would 100% fuck Lumine up for a while afterwards. No doubt about it. It would be playing on her mind over and over even though she knows it was only a hallucination.
Honestly I can’t really mention much since I’m not that far in the game yet but all of that does make a lot of sense. I would imagine they wouldn’t want everyone to know all about their lives and past since they aren’t planning on staying in Teyvat.
I makes me so upset when I see people completely ignoring the twins. I saw this one Twitter thread saying something like “it’s good that the story isn’t focusing on the twins as much anymore” and like??? No??? They are the WHOLE reason we are in Teyvat in the first place?? You can’t really have a story without the twins since the traveler entire reason behind doing what they are doing is to find their sibling. They wouldn’t be in any of the situations that they are in if they had their sibling with them.
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dominijoyce · 1 year
Some Feelings About Disco Elysium
I wanna say, I've never really related to the need of wanting more represantation of your culture and/or community. I understoon the idea and why actual represantation beyond headcanon and fandom interpretation was something many people strive for and need more of. I just never personally could relate to that need - even if it revolved around cultures and communities I am a part of.
Yes, I was always happy when I saw a represantation of those like me, especially if said represantation is positive but I never felt that "I needed this".
Well at least not until playing and finishing Disco Elysium.
I do not want this to be some extremelly long personal post so I will not go in detail of the game itself but as someone who has suffered from psychosis for years now, I don't think I have ever felt so close to the protagonist of the game as I did with Harry.
While I also see Harry as plural, For the entire game I couldn't help but keep thinking how Skills [and items like Necktie] talking to Harry is quite literally how I experience everyday through my life with auditory hallucinations that incidentally do manifest as random inputs out of nowhere in my head that are impossible to locate the source from.
And the way Harry talks, the way he interracts with the world - even if you decide to only pick the most "sane" of the given dialogue options, you still may struggle heavily to be seen as "normal" by other characters in the game. That one is something heavily personal to me as well - when even at the times of me trying my best to mask, the symptoms and effects of my psychosis among other mental disorders still manage to come out and possibly freak others.
And just... In general showing Harry's struggle and him being intense and quite often not being sure what was the intention of his actions either, not knowing why he cannot put the phone down, not being able to stop what he's doing even when he knows he already failed [specifically talking of when you lose a Check but cannot back out even if technically nothing is stopping him from shutting up or not continuing to harm himself, etc.].
He is lost, yes he is a complete amnesiac so that's given but even in later stages of the game where he recovers some parts of himself and the world around him, he is still struggling and quite often openly talking of needing a break and just, stoping everything around him.
I could go on, yes but it would be repetetive of me and if you played the game you probably are able to yourself name multiple other characteristics of Harry not being "sane" no matter how hard he/player might try.
I'm listing all of those because as I mentioned, those are heavily personal and relatable things to me as well. Dare I say, except for amnesia, sometimes my daily life does just feel like playing Disco Elysium. [Although I do suffer from micro-amnesic episodes as well...]
And I didn't know I needed a protagonist like Harry Du Bois in my life, I didn't know I needed a game like Disco Elysium in my life that lets you put on the shoes of a canonically psychotic character and written in a purposefully ugly way. Not romanticising it but also being respectful and not treating Harry as a monster nor a person who will never be part of the society [the ending of the game hit way too close to my heart...]. The game doesn't beat around the bush or tries to minimize the horrors of his mind or characterize them in the way where it feels like the game's genre is meant to be fantasy instead.
The game and the writing of Disco Elysium is just... honest. Honest is a good word. It shows you both the ugliest and the prettiest and the most hurtful and the most hopeful of Harry's mind. And before playing Disco Elysium, I struggled heavily to sometimes explain the way my mind works, even to myself - to put pieces of it in place or category. But Disco Elysium made me able to and able to notice certain patterns or realize certain things of what is going on with me. I needed this game in my life, I needed this protagonist in my life and I didn't know I did until I finished it.
I suppose it is no surprise I will now consider Disco Elysium my favorite game and keep recommending it to people who can handle heavy subject the game tackles. It is also no surprise that I have already started my second playthrough of the game. The way mentality of Harry is written is just one of many other amazingly written aspects of the game. The game's story made me emotional, the game's characters made me emotional, the setting made me emotional and there is still so much content I haven't managed to explore on my first playthrough. Not to mention I cried twice or thrice during it. It is a masterpiece, I believe.
Thank you, Robert Kurvitz. Thank you, Aleksander Rostov. Thank you Helen Hindpere. Thank you for creating and writing an experience so close to mine I didn't know I needed to see represented.
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galacticnova3 · 3 months
this is your free invitation to post a headcanon of your choice
I think this might count as multiple headcanons but they’re all connected by the same base topic and I’m not just deleting all of this so! Funny rat’s magic stick time
The Triple Star is the same kind of weapon/being as Galaxia, but rather than more or less pure offense, she’s intended to play a role of mixed attack and support in a group. Unlike Galaxia her standards for worthiness aren’t ridiculously strict, and she’s much less direct about someone not being fit to wield her. Which is to say instead of basically attacking such a person they simply wouldn’t ever talk to them or make their power known. As a result she spent a lot of time being moved from place to place— far longer than she was ever left in her pedestal for any length of time. For a while nobody really knew exactly what or who she was, most folks just thought “Wow! Gold cane/staff/scepter/stick with a block on it!”, and that was really the main reason she didn’t completely fall into obscurity. People like to own valuable things, after all. That’s also how the Squeak Squad eventually caught wind of them— not as a sacred artifact but as a very valuable gold cane some rich person obtained for a large sum.
Daroach actually didn’t know any different until he stole her in the eventual heist and suddenly there was a new voice in his head going on and on about Oh my STARS, FINALLY SOMEONE CAPABLE WHO ISN’T PURELY MOTIVATED BY GREED AND SELF-INTEREST, DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO FIND ME WHO MIGHT ACTUALLY STRIVE TOWARD THE GREATER GOOD OF OTHERS, I MEAN SERIOUSLY IT’S LIKE EVERYONE JUST FORGOT I USED TO BE CONSIDERED THE IMMORTAL VESSEL OF A PARAGON OF UNITY AND SELFLESSNESS AND NOT JUST A FANCY GOLD STICK THAT CAN BE SOLD FOR A LOT OR STOLEN AND THEN SOLD FOR A LOT, IF I END UP IN SOME DISPLAY CASE OR VAULT OR WHATEVER AGAIN I MIGHT ACTUALLY LOSE IT, anyways greetings I am the Triple Star, you have been deemed worthy to be my wielder and it is your sacred duty to utilize me for the protection of those around you, no pressure or anything though I’m not impossibly strict or anything, if you have any questions I can answer them as you think of them if you want, no this isn’t a dream, no this isn’t a hallucination, no you’re not losing your mind, ok is a magic staff forming a telepathic connection with you REALLY that unbelievable to- no I do not usually talk this much these are just very special circumstances at the moment, and I am just very- WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT SOUNDS LIKE I’VE JUST BEEN BEAMING A RUN-ON SENTENCE DIRECTLY INTO YOUR HEAD, DO YOU EXPECT ME TO STOP AND CATCH MY BREATH WHEN I DON’T EVEN BREATHE TO BEGIN WITH, HONESTLY THIS IS A HUGE HONOR CAN YOU WAIT UNTIL YOU AREN’T MAKING YOUR GETAWAY TO QUESTION IT, actually that would probably also be a good time for you to figure out the magic I granted you- WHAT DO YOU MEAN “WHAT MAGIC” IS IT REALLY THAT SUBTLE
Basically imagine Meta Knight and Galaxia but like 5% more dysfunctional, 10% more likely to argue with each other, and 40% more likely to be complicit in a crime if said crime is for The Greater Good™️ in some fashion. She likes the other Squeaks, but doesn’t talk to them directly because she’s not supposed to. However there’s nothing stopping her from having Daroach do the actual talking for her and this is something she’s happy to take advantage of. She did/does speak more directly with Kirby in situations where they’re wielding her, and the two get along, but she’s far closer with Daroach by virtue of knowing him better and whatnot. In general they are a lot more talkative than Galaxia, wanting to be a more active presence rather than just a guide or advisor in the background. If they were to get to know one another, they’d be civil and not necessarily dislike one another, but Galaxia would think they’re too lenient and borderline irresponsible when it comes to fulfilling their purpose, while Triple Star would think she’s too serious and more passive than a sacred sword ought to be.
Also, Triple Star says eat the rich, and that has nothing to do with decades spent being stolen and bought and sold and hidden and stolen and sold again by a bunch of people with hearts that make crude oil look as pure as spring water.
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Hey, Nyarla. I've been following you for a while and although this is a safe space and you seem extremely open minded and kind, I don't feel brave enough to say this off-anon due to past experiences.
You're one of the first authors who, without writing for it directly, has made me comfortable reading your headcanon sets and your fics and blurs, because they way you represent characters is comforting.
I am autistic, and it is extremely hard to have people not treat you like you're either mentally impaired (due to misinformation) or plain creepy (due to ableism), and it is disheartening to just exist sometimes. Often times, this kind of treatment gets applied from authors into their work. I don't think everyone has to know everything about every single condition in the world, but it seems there's a tendency to, most of the time, infantilize or demonize, or apply the aforementioned treatment, to neurodivergent people.
But to my very pleasant surprise, you had this set of headcanons for Mihawk, titled "Mood Swings", where you wrote the reader with some bipolar tendencies, and I couldn't help but bawl. I genuinely cried for a good while, in both relief and happiness. You didn't demonize bipolar tendencies, nor make him annoyed, nor anything of the sort. You were SO respectful about it, and so fucking mature in your writing, and it felt like a warm hug and a reassuring pat on the back.
You haven't even written anything for an autistic reader themselves, and you still helped me immensely with one single fic. Thank you so much for the way you write, and for the way you interact with your followers. You're wonderful, and I am eternally grateful to you for just one single set of headcanons like that. You reaffirmed the comfort within my comfort character. I hope you yourself find joy in the fact you, unknowingly, made a person so irremediably happy.
I can't thank you enough ❤️
I understand completely the desire to remain anonymous, but please know I still have the utmost respect for you for sending me this, and I really just wanna give you the biggest hug in the world, and I legitimately have tears in my eyes right now.
I'm going to come out and say right now, I'm schizophrenic. My official diagnoses is schizoaffective disorder depressive type, which essentially means that I experience symptoms of psychosis associated with schizophrenia (mostly auditory hallucinations in my case, occasionally visual, tends to worsen with lack of sleep) in tandem with symptoms characteristic of depression. I don't tend to tell people about it, because I know how schizophrenia is depicted in fiction and media in general. Typically as psychos that do bad things "because the voices said to."
I'm saying this because I want you to know that I understand how people tend to attach stigma to mental health conditions and neurodivergence, and I know how much it sucks and how much it hurts; and also that I respect you so, so much for talking about it. It's kind of skewed whether schizophrenia is considered neurodivergeant or not, but I tend toward identifying as neurodivergent. Experiencing the world differently, processing information differently, thinking differently is the general definition of ND, and I definitely identify with that.
I haven't specifically written autistic characters/readers largely because I don't feel like I would be able to accurately represent it, and I do not want to write it in a way that would make anyone uncomfortable or upset. I helped raise two of my nephews that were autistic, and they were both so different, in personality and quirks and "symptoms." They're also amazing and vibrant and intellient in ways that I can't even begin to describe.
Two of my favorite fictional characters that are generally accepted as being autistic are L and Near from Death Note. It's never explicitly stated in the manga or anime that they're autistic, but they're both written and depicted in a way that shows how they think and experience things differently without demeaning them for it; that other characters are a little nervous or intimidated around them at first, but grow to understand and form bonds with them over the course of the story; and they're also shown to be distinctly different from each other in personality, rather than carbon copies of each other. As such, if you haven't read/watched Death Note, I highly recommend it. Manga more than anime for personal reasons (there were some differences made in the ending of the anime that I don't agree with but I'm not going to get into that here)
I'm also really beyond happy that you enjoyed Mood Swings. I wrote it with exactly the intention of representing Bi-Polar symptoms realistically and without any stigma. Knowing that you found it comforting makes me so, so happy. That was exactly what I wanted. I've seen "bi-polar" used synonymously with "psycho" so often, usually in tandem with a particular word rhyming with "witch," and I hate it so much.
Mental health isn't a joke. Some people are born with their brains wired differently. Some people are forced to live through trauma that rewires their brain. It makes day-to-day life exhausting beyond measure, particularly if it involves interacting with other people, and it's even more exhausting when others poke fun at it and don't take it seriously.
I know I'm repeating myself, but I really, sincerely want this blog to be a safe place for everyone. So it makes me so, so happy to recieve Asks like yours. So thank you again, and I hope you (and anyone else who needs it) continue to find this to be a safe place.
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