#like i spent ages researching him and i think that shows in his look
princekirijo · 2 years
Not to sound full of myself but I am genuinely so excited to share Lugh's (Riku ultimate persona) design with y'all cause it slaps
#oc tag#i slayed with this design tbh#like i spent ages researching him and i think that shows in his look#even if people dont like it I do and that matters more than anything 😌#but seriously i am proud of myself for this one#im redrawing him again for the first time in about a year and a half i think? lol its been a while#im making minor adjustments - stuff like color because it was a bit off balance before but the overall look is the same#kinda mad though this is his only design#compared to riku whos been through god knows how many iterations between his looks uniform and thief outfit#and then poor pimpernel who still isnt 100% there 💀#i have favoritism and it shows lmao#hes absolutely huge though#like i have a chart comparing riku's persona sizes#if anyone's interested: pimpernel and percy are 20ft lugh is 30ft (without his disk which wont make sense til you see him) and mordred is#- is 50ft but thats measuring from the tip on his nose to his tail (he has a snake like body)#ive always imagined the personas to be on average 18/19ft#depending on how tall the user is#so yah Riku's are BIG#i hc caesar (akihiko's persona) to be about 27ft though so#satanael is fuckinb massive though that mf looks like he's 100ft tall#not sure why i started ranting about persona heights but theres some fun facts for you all#lugh is the second tallest phantom thief persona (satanael is the tallest)#because riku is the tallest thief#yeha ill stop now before i ramble anymore but there's your Riku fact of the month
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transxfiles · 2 years
lost phineas and ferb episode where perry is called to investigate what dr doofenshmirtz is up to because carl the intern got ahold of some intel that doof has been seen speaking to lawyers and looking up the endangered species act at internet cafes and as major monogram says, "something fishy is going on"
meanwhile phineas and ferb's subplot of "i know what we're gonna do today!" is that isabella needs her environmentalist fireside girls badge so they start researching which species are in urgent need of help in the tri-state area so that they can use new cloning and gene therapy technologies to bring at-risk animals back from extinction
(yes there is a c-plot where buford and baljeet argue the ethics of this idea, i don't have time to explain it all for you rn)
we cut back to🎵doofenshmirtz evil incorporated🎵where we see perry carefully maneuvering around doofenshmirtz's lab scared he might fall into a trap but he hasn't set off a single booby trap and it's clear something is off
he runs into doofenshmirtz and goes to kick him in the gut action movie style but doof steps back one overly confident and says, "nuh uh uh, you see perry the platypus, you are TRAPPED! by the danville section of the endangered species act of 1973!"
doof goes on to explain his tragic backstory: "you see, perry the platypus, when i was a child my parents did not show up for my own birth! but you know that already, yadda yadda yadda they did not love me and then they loved roger more, ANYways i was raised by ocelots! i had a lovely foster mother who took me in and made me one of the pride, and so you see, perry the platypus, i am still legally considered an ocelot. did you know that there are only 50 recorded ocelots still alive in the continental united states? very sad for me as a member of a near-extinct species. it would be immoral for you to hurt someone critically endangered... in fact, you have made many attempts on my life this summer"
[montage of doof's security camera footage of their battles]
"which is why i have decided to bring you... TO COURT!" we cut back to phineas and ferb's back yard where they've decided to start cloning ocelots in their kiddie pool
candace storms outside enraged and says, "phineas and ferb are you cloning ocelots in my duckie momo kiddie pool!?"
ferb's one line of the episode is "well, i guess it's more of a kitty pool, now"
candace storms away saying, "i'm going to tell mom!" and isabella turns to phineas and says, "oh, does your mom have experience in wildlife conservation?"
we cut back to the doof and perry plotline where the two are now in the danville hall of justice and we learn that doof has spent his monthly alimony check on a defense lawyer and perry turns and sees the lawyer and then vanessa helping her organize her briefcase and perry chitters at her and vanessa shrugs and says, "i'm thinking about going into legal defense. sorry perry."
the rest of the doof and perry b-plot is spent in court and perry is about to ask for a public defense lawyer when carl runs into the room and explains that he's owca's official legal defense and perry looks at him like, "uhhh is that even allowed?"
it doesn't matter because apparently the judge is out sick today but because it's danville roger's the judge now because he's the mayor and everyone loves him.
the court case continues.
meanwhile phineas and ferb have successfully cloned multiple ocelots from the original ocelot dna they had on hand and isabella asks phineas if these clones will experience health problems like premature aging, phineas casually explains that ferb figured out the problem while they were experimenting with stem cell harvesting.
back in the courtroom, doof's ocelot foster mother has been brought to the stand along with an ocelot to english translator. doof gets emotional seeing her after so long. she says that he was one of her favorite child and he was as strong a hunter as anyone else in the family. it's incredibly sweet. the jury's in tears.
meanwhile, isabella has established connections with a group in texas who are going to release the ocelots back into their natural habitat and, using the cloned ocelots to prevent inbreeding, help establish an ocelot breeding program. the group explains that they are going to send a helicopter to retrieve the cloned ocelots from danville and bring them to texas soon.
isabella gets her fireside girls badge.
candace manages to get mom to see the backyard only after the ocelots have been helicoptered off to coastal texas, their primary habitat.
mom makes it into the backyard as phineas stares wistfully over the fence and says, "if you love something, you have to let it go." candace goes, "look mom look look look!" and points at the ducky momo kiddie pool, devoid of cloned ocelots, where baljeet and buford are now chilling out, having settled their philosophical debate about the ethics of animal cloning.
back in the courtroom drama, doof looks like he's about to win when an attendant walks into the courtroom and whispers something in roger's ear.
roger looks up, grinning, and says, "good news, everyone! my attendant here has just enlightened me that ocelots are no longer considered critically endangered!"
this settles the case, with perry being decreed not guilty and the entire affair being called off. the courtroom cheers, roger walks over to doof and personally congratulates him on his species' return from the brink of extinction.
doof shouts, "curse you endangered species classification system!" at the ceiling of the danville hall of justice.
perry arrives back home just in time for mom to say, "who wants pie?"
the end.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 4 months
Supersons +1 prompt answer
If you asked Danny, 12 year old half-ghost hero of Amity Park, how half-life was going, he'd tell you things were mixed.
On the one hand, he had just spent the last three or four months in family/scientist/'this house is a death trap waiting to happen' therapy with Jazz, and by some miracle, it worked. He wasn't sure if this was some kind of dream as his parents poured over years upon years of research, crossing out lines, rewriting equations, and reevaulating everything they thought they knew about ghosts.
Was the shudders family therapy worth not going over how they'd like to dissect him? he's still not sure. The horror.
Not to mention the attention. Danny was sure he was going to throw up if his parents drag him away for more bonding time, only for a ghost to attack and for him to run off to transform. What made it worse was when the Fentons came barrelling out, guns blazing, alternating between getting mad that he'd interrupted their family time, and asking him questions about "Your suspicious spook culture, if you even have one you dangerous delusional delinquent!"
At least they were trying, but Danny was very much comfortable not spilling the beans on the whole half-ghost situation, thank you very much.
And that's why, when Dad proposed to take him to Gotham to show off their latest invention, he jumped at the chance. The home city of the Batman, one of the greatest heroes known to man (except for Martian Manhunter and Superman of course) and Dad promised to take him to Gotham Observatory too. Not to mention how much he wanted to get away from Jazz's smug looks of superiority. Gotham here he comes!
Damian Wayne scowled as he scanned the crowed of scientists with more smarts than sense. Really, a flying toilet seat. For what deviant?
"Maybe they're for people who can fly." Kent piped up beside him. Father had let the two of them run off together, and his company was mildly more appealing than being alone with his thoughts.
"Why would Superman ever need to relieve himself mid-air. I do not believe you would appreciate your father's rear end being on display for all the world to see."
"True." Jon hummed. His voice lowered to a whisper. "You think indecent exposure is what your dad meant by "scoping out any potential future villains?"
Damian gave Jon a flat look. The sooner this convention ended, the better.
The crowded shifted, and the mass of visitors pushed toward a certain corner, where a man large enough to rival Superman's build stood upon a podium, with a boy their age off to the side.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the latest in FentonWorks' innovations, the Fenton Ghost Zone Radar, soon to revolutionise the study of ghosts!"
"I thought ghosts were a magic thing." Jon said. "You know, stuff Constantine and JLD deal with."
"They are."
"Mixing magic and science is like, like, oil and water. No way this guy's serious, is he?"
"His name is Jack Fenton. That's Daniel Fenton, his son." Damian pointed to the boy in question, looking like he'd seen this scene a hundred times before, but with that knowing glint that promised something deeper. "They're normally spotted alongside Jack's wife, Madeline. Widely regarded as quacks by the larger scientific community for chasing paper-thin theories about ghosts, they've nonetheless gained funding from the government. This is the first time they've left their base of operations in Amity Park for years."
"Woah, you know your stuff, Dami!"
Damian glared at the young Superboy in disguise. "I read the briefing files. Didn't you?"
Kent looked uncomfortable and looked away. "Uhh, maybe?"
"Well, if he's so crazy, then why'd your dad even let him in." Upon another scathing glare, Kent relented. "Oh right, the whole supervillain thing."
"Enough chatter. We'll zero in on the younger Fenton. I intend to squeeze him like a grape, and make Father proud."
"Dami maybe you should be a little nicer-" Only for Damian to march off without him.
Honestly, inane niceties were above someone of his status. Those things were Superboy's job, and if Daniel Fenton wouldn't crack, then Damian was itching to try a new torture technique.
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andraxicated · 2 years
fantasy, fantasy~
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Pairings: Pierro, Dottore, Pantalone, Childe, Scaramouche x f! reader
Synopsis: What does he think about when he sees you? Whether you deliberately seduce him or not, he's helplessly bewitched by you.
Tags: smut | suggestive | age gap | implied breeding kink | bullying | mirror sex | degradation | public sex | kitsune reader in scara's part
a/n: omg fatui I'm on my knees! had a lot going on with my life these days like my neighbor's house burst into flames and stuff.
wanted to write for capitano but there's no face to fantasize about. coz i feel like a face already tells a personality y'know.
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as he's a man well into his age, he does not long for worldly desires. he simply decided he had enough of those in his youth and all he wishes is for her majesty's will to be fulfilled. being no.1 of the harbingers comes with all kinds of people currying favor with him. it's uninteresting to listen to all their blabbers but when this certain politician pulls out his daughter from the side, pierro is captivated.
you look so innocent in white and your youthful face was shining, he almost thought an angel came down to earth. but what caught his eye aside from your face was the peek of cleavage on the otherwise modest frock. you brought in an air of freshness and purity along with the blend of a subtle seductress. you were exactly his type, and yours, him.
little side eyes while you're sipping on your wine, and he's staring at you while he's talking with another. to have pierro's attention solely on you have you excusing yourself from the sudden surge of heat. he cuts off the conversation quickly to follow this maiden he had only seen today. why has your dad kept you hidden for so long? you must be the trump card that he used to entice pierro and others. just the thought makes him seethe.
you jump at the shadow of the fire, startled to see the man behind you. "lord harbinger" you bow and greet, nervous yet trained in poise. 'a well-bred lady. perfect' you were perfect in all aspects that pierro cannot find a single flaw. when he slowly removes your garments and exposes your naked body to the light of the fireplace. he simply finds it suited for childbearing. "don't cover yourself darling. let me see"
when he finally sinks into you, he's reminded of how good it actually was. "fuck it's been so long" he groans and thrusts faster to gauge your reactions and to feel the rub against your walls. plus points if you're a virgin, he'd gladly oblige to show you the ways. but when he learns you're not, you're in for a punishment. "you disappoint me" he slaps your ass while you cry at the impact, yet he pays no mind and degrades you further. "whoring yourself out at such a young age. tell me...who was it?"
after finishing inside you and envisioning you as the mother of his child, he presses an unexpected kiss to the side of your head. "I'll save you. don't worry, I have a plan." pierro says while soothing circles on your tummy. it's a pity your father brought you to a political mishap but fear not; because pierro has a plan. a plan to destroy his enemies and to make you his pretty little wife.
during the days spent in the akademiya, dottore doesn't make or have any friends. he's labeled a freak and a madman; disgusted shunning looks were thrown in his way yet dottore doesn't mind. for he is too engrossed in his research and science to give attention to what they say. it all went too far when he's suddenly ganged up by big, burly guys who started beating him up in the corridor. he has no choice but to pathetically cover himself and curl up as they kick and kick until patches of his skin turn purple.
he had to listen to their savage mouths while bearing the pain and archons, he hated them for delaying his research. after they're done with this little fun, he's gonna turn them into humanoids that does everything he says. you, who's an important student in the akademiya and wandering about, saw this scene that had you grabbing a nearby sculpture and smashing it at their heads. the bullies scurry after seeing it was you, and dottore grimaces at you before running away.
"what are you? walking justice?" he sneers whenever you're trying to help but doesn't shake you off. after months of persistence from you; you've become 'best friends' and earned him immunity from the bullies. dottore thought it was great because there was no one hindering him. unexpectedly, he found himself falling for you and fantasizing about you. in nights when he's feeling frustrated, he takes off his pants and takes out his cock to stroke it. closing his eyes; thinking of moments where your breast would suddenly press against him, your panties inside your dorm, and the sinful actions you did in his mind.
ultimately, fate had other plans for the both of you. neither of you didn't want it but your visions of the future just didn't align, and so you parted ways with him after graduation. it was years after when you saw the familiar tuft of blue hair that had you instinctively calling for him. yet the one that turned to you was eerily masked. you're suddenly unsure of who you called but the gloved hand took off its mask and showed you a smile. you caught up with dottore over drinks that had both of you coughing in bitterness. your lips and his were on the rim of the glasses then next those lips were stuck to each other.
years of pent-up frustration are released as you two frantically take off the other's clothes. you lift your sweater off your head as his calloused hands immediately follow in tracing your curves. you could only submit to him by falling back onto the sheets, letting him have his way down when he takes off your pants. little licks transform into devouring kisses have you clenching and gripping his hair. quick orgasms came one after the other to the point you're helplessly sobbing and squirming.
he laughs inside his mind. you remind him of his subjects when he's about to tinker with them. "stop squirming" he stills your shaking thighs while taking his time in rubbing his face against your pussy. "t's too much! dottore stop I-" "let me have my way with you tonight yeah? compensation for leaving me." you didn't even know he took off his pants; you just felt the startling penetration and the scream out of your lungs. dottore chuckled at your head thrown back and lunged for your neck to nip. all you could do that night was to stare at him with glossy eyes and a fucked out face as he does all the work above you. "just spread your legs. don't worry about anything"
with crossed legs and a stark expression, he watches you sing and act on stage. you reserved the best seats for him as usual, he was your benefactor after all. you creating scenes with a male actor; his hands snaking on your waist as you look at each other lovingly is unbearable. pantalone knows he shouldn't be jealous as those endearments are all fake. yet he can't help but be possessive when you swore that your body belongs to him.
you open the door to your backstage room only to see him drinking with a sullen face. "my dear patron is so kind to see me personally." he chuckles at what you said and puts down the champagne flute before standing up and towering over you. "your performance is marvelous is always." he helps you take off the fur coat, gives you a rough kiss, then expertly unzips your gown down to your ass. giving the flesh a light squeeze before a hard spank.
it causes you to jolt in surprise and pull away from him. confused doe eyes staring at his cheeky smile. "that hurts! 500 thousand mora for that." you huff away to take off your accessories yet pantalone suddenly pulls you back in his arms. if you looked in the mirror you could've fooled yourself that he was your real lover. but you had to remind yourself that both of you are doing this for pleasure and money.
"love, you could ask for more and I'll give it to you." he whispers with a lilt while looking into your eyes through the mirror. there, you both watch as he fully undresses you and grips your chin to direct an open-mouthed kiss. you always find yourself anticipating these trysts as it always manages to surprise you. this time it's having sex in front of a mirror, and you're forced to watch your tear-stricken face contort as he penetrates you from below.
pantalone groans at the feeling of your tight walls while you're caged in his strong arms, moaning and thrashing like some common whore. "you see that? you see yourself?" he asks then hisses as he feels your hole flutter when you nod. he lets out an airy laugh and positions his hands on your waist while his fingers press down on your lower belly, giving a stimulating squeeze as he remembers that the actor held this earlier too. the position lets waves of pleasure concentrate on your lower half and so you're uncontrollably dripping. "please move" you beg pantalone with the utmost helpless face you can muster yet he just raises an eyebrow and smirks.
"why should I move when you're the one on top?" "...huh?" your small voice comes out as a croak as you look at him confused. his smile disappears when he suddenly lifts you up and drops you down on his cock as a demonstration. a piercing shriek echoes in the room along with breaths of surprise from you. "didn't you want to be on top? then go on and ride." his dark voice prompts you to shamelessly start enjoying yourself and using him but the burn causes you to stop moving...yet, his sinister eyes reflected compel you to swallow down the protests and keep on bouncing lewdly.
this battle maniac never thought he'd be obsessed with something other than the thrill of fighting. it's all thanks to you who's the newest recruit, dressed in a skimpy and tight uniform that seems a bit too small for your size. it's very uncomfortable that you have to make some adjustments with the mannerism of biting your lip. and oh how much childe wants to see that face underneath him. moaning, sobbing and pleading. the walk towards you was difficult with blood rushing to his groin.
"need help?" his chirpy voice startled you as you attempt to pathetically cover yourself when he already saw it. "uhm, young master I don't mean to be rude but this is highly inappropriate." just from the tone of your voice tells him that you want him badly as much as he does. childe shakes his head with a "tsk" that made you cower a bit. "do you think your stares were appropriate?" "wha-" "I saw your lustful gaze when I was changing in the open the other day."
'caught you'. your eyes were trembling and your mouth unable to utter a word. you never thought you would be found out this easily by your superior, childe thinks you forgot he was a harbinger who senses leering. "I'm sorry" 'how cute' he muses then he feels another throb in his pants that has him doing a bold move. "why don't you show you're sorry?"
plops of skin slapping, your own muffled cries, and his stifled laughs were all that was registering in your ear. childe never thought he would be this freaky by fucking you in public. no one should be able to use this room as he has instructed but you don't know that of course. so why don't he put a little fear in you?
"fuck take it all" he plunges into your wet folds with a groan, steadying himself by burying his face into your soft mounds. you could only close your eyes and bear the pain of penetration as you work on calming your breathing. once you seemed to be at peace, childe destroys it all at once. "what would they think if they see you in this position? hmm?" "ah!" your eyes snap open when he pushes the limits of your walls. thrusting beyond what you could imagine as your juices squelch and flow.
"naughty girl. leaving evidence behind." he scoffed playfully at your messed up face while slowly pulling out and harshly pushing in. "noooo. I'm cumming!" you moan out something you didn't even comprehend but childe knows exactly what you mean as he speeds up his pleasure to catch up with your orgasm. it seems like childe has another newfound obsession. your dazed look, your filled wrecked cunt, and the thrill of being caught.
he never thought he would be coming back to his homeland after years. sent on an important mission concerning the gnosis yet he had other things he wanted to achieve. scaramouche deems yae's deal good enough; the traveler's safety in exchange for the gnosis and his kitsune friend's whereabouts. they say never to trust a kitsune as those creatures are sly, but scaramouche's foolish heart would always lead him back to you. a heart? he has one only for you.
did that darn fox fool him? he's been looking around the island and chinju forest for hours now yet you're nowhere to be found. just the thought of losing on a bargain makes him so mad that— *ripple* scaramouche's head turns vigilantly on the sound of a drop on the river. 'someone's here' he senses and surveys the surroundings. the area is lit enough thanks to the blue flowers but there's still patches of darkness. if he isn't careful he might get ambushed on the spot. "agh!" ambushed it is as a groan comes out of his mouth when his back falls onto the ground, amidst the illuminating flowers. his hand quickly forms a ball of electro to attack, but his vexed expression and the energy in his hand soon dwindled when he saw the beauty laying atop him.
he could only stare and you could gawk at how much this person grew. "kuni? kunikuzushi?" you call out to him yet he just lays there underneath you. he's too much in a shock to see you after so many years. you've grown even more beautiful, your voice still like a lullaby, and your body matured, enhanced with curves and chest bigger...ah, scaramouche pushes you off him to hide the flush on his cheeks. you could only giggle at him as he still has a bit of his innocence despite what you've heard. "you're still pretty" he looks at you like you grew two heads at your remark, and another tint of pink paints his cheek once again. 'he never changed'
what's unspoken between the two of you was the summer night spent in secrecy. your squirming body against the futon, his sighs of pleasure, your mewls, and the tears that he shed as he came inside your womb. now, it's all but a distant memory as you act like nothing happened. did you use him for the experience? the thought of someone other than him seeing you vulnerable could make him straight up murder. a sly grin creeps on your mouth as you try to read what he's thinking. 'oh he's so in for a surprise' you giggle inside your head.
in a fit of anger, scaramouche decides to go outside but as soon as he slides the door, he's met with your body clad in a thin robe. your nipples perked and everything was on display for him. before you could say anything, he jumps on you to hungrily ravage your lips. deft fingers pull the robe and take it off your body, all the while making out and pushing you towards his room.
he's so happy he could die as he finally thrusts the head of his cock past your entrance. the feeling of being full once again makes you whine so loud that scaramouche has to shut you up with a spit-connected kiss. "never thought you for a romantic" you tease him with a lofty smile at his slow pace and he thrusts upward in return. "I'm not" scaramouche replies while pulling out; he puts on the face he wears when dealing with his incompetent subordinates. "surely you can take a harsh fucking right?" he growled before wiping the smile off your face with a plunge that made you see stars.
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neteyamsyawntu · 1 year
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My Little Tawtute
Neteyam x Curvy!Human Reader
✨Friendly Disclaimer: The content of this story contains aged-up characters! If this is something that makes you uncomfortable, please feel free to click or scroll away. The last thing I want is for anyone to read something they are uncomfortable with, however if you decide to interact with any negativity, you will be blocked from my blog as a result.
Synopsis: Your relationship with Neteyam was unique to say the least. Nothing ever going farther then some light touches and some cuddling, but what happens when Neteyam decides to push the boundaries of your relationship during one of his visits to the lab?
Warnings:🔞MINORS DNI🔞 SMUTSMUTSMUTTYSMUT, P in V, fingering, mentions of creampie, thigh fucking, friends to lovers(if you squint hard enough), size kink, interspecies relationship, dirty talk, dom!neteyam, pet names. (Let me know if I missed anything)
Tawtute -> Human
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Today wasn’t necessarily the most busy day in the lab. You had gotten most of your research done by noon and for the most part you now found yourself just organizing things into virtual files, before moving your work to your room to start on your physical copies, being a very tedious note taker. You were half way through the pile when you were pulled out of your thoughts to heavy footsteps against the tile coming from down the hall. You look over to your open door just in time to see Neteyam crouch down as he carefully makes his way through the doorway, having learned the hard way from being excited one too many times and smacking his forehead against the frame. The realization of his carefulness coaxing a small chuckle from you. Neteyam’s ears perked at the sound, giving you a smirk in return, “You sound like you are in a good mood today.” He says as he closes the door behind him, moving to stand to his full height, only leaning down slightly from over your shoulder, observing the papers in front of you. “It’s been a pretty easy day, nothing too exciting. I’m just organizing all of this to keep myself busy at this point” You say with a content sigh, swiveling around in your desk chair to look up at the nearly 10ft tall na’vi. Neteyam gives a small nod, taking in your words as his smirk slowly spreads a tad wider, “And.. when do you think you will be done with your… organizing?”. You give a small shrug as you casually look over your stack of notes and your tabbed storage container, which was sorted by importance of category, “Mm… hopefully not too much longer- here let me set up your spot”. What had become Neteyam’s spot was simply just some extra pillows and blankets you had, that you arranged for him so that he wouldn’t have to sit on the cold tile floor for too long, which of course he showed no issue with, but still appreciated the gesture. Rising from your chair, you made your way over to the tall wardrobe on the farthest wall of the room, Neteyam’s eyes glued to the way your exposed thighs rubbed against each other as you walked, watching the slight jiggle that was created with each step. It was one of the things that drew you to him; despite your own insecurities about your body, Neteyam was fascinated with the curvature of your body, only really being accustomed to the lean, slender build of the na’vi. You were different in the best way possible.
Although his initial attraction to you started with your peaked interest and passion for learning about Pandora and the culture of his people, the more time he spent with you, the more he would catch himself staring at your body. Staring, slowly led to daydreaming, to fleeting touches, pushing the boundaries further and further to get close to you. The relationship between the two of you was unique for lack of a better term. The two of you were close, very close in fact. With na’vi being monogamous creatures by nature, as soon as Neteyam started to feel a more intimate attraction toward you, he silently made his claim on you, always making sure you were not left alone with other men for too long without him being present and even cuddling with you during your down time. Sometimes your cuddle sessions would turn somewhat heated, fueled by Neteyam’s wandering hands and his need to squeeze the thickness of your thighs, but none of it went farther than some suggestive touching and cautious kisses. Neteyam’s eyelids became heavier as he watched you set everything up on the floor, his tail swaying intriguingly behind him, “How's this?” You asked, kneeling on the floor as you adjusted some of the blankets. Neteyam slowly lowered his body onto the soft surface of the blankets and pillows, his face creeping closer and closer to yours as he stared straight through you with his large golden eyes, “Nearly perfect…” he hummed, before shifting to lay his head down on your lap, his eyes closing contently as he nuzzled gently against the plush of your thighs, “Mmm.. much better” he purred with a slight pull in his throat. You were used to his advances by now of course, yet they never failed to manifest butterflies in your stomach at his forwardness. 
“Neteyam, I still have work to do..” You state with a small pout. Neteyam’s ear merely flicks at your weak attempt at a protest, opening his eyes to gaze up at you with a playful glint in his eyes, “Just stay with me like this a moment… then you can go back to your ‘work’, I promise” his words almost have a sarcastic tone to them as he shifts his position to run his nose along the skin of your thigh. You sigh before giving a soft giggle, moving a hand to pet his head, “You’re just like a needy house cat, you know that?”. Neteyam scrunches his nose a bit at your comment, his tail shifting to tap against the pillows in a slight annoyance, “I do not appreciate being compared to your Earth creatures.”. It was so easy for you to tease him, which only made you want to do it more. You had shown him pictures on your laptop of certain animals native to your planet one day, whilst the two of you were exchanging information about your own respective planets, when you continued to point out some of his own feline features that reminded you of the small furry creatures, which prompted the same reaction of an unamused nose scrunch. Either way he continued to allow your soft caresses, humming as he shifts his body to lay on his side, facing your body. A deep blush begins to form on your cheeks as you watch him. How his nostrils twitch as he pokes your inner thigh with his nose, just below the hem of your shorts, a low growl rumbling in his chest. “Neteyam what-”, “-You smell so good, tawtute… so sweet.. right here” he hums as shifts his head to brush his flat nose against the crotch of your shorts. You could feel your heartbeat begin to double at his words and actions, your body stiffening as he takes a deep inhale of your scent, pressing his nose against the zipper of your shorts.
You flinch at his assertiveness, watching him with wide eyes. This wasn’t necessarily out of character for him, but he was definitely pushing the boundary of your usual intimate touching. To have his face so close to your clothed cunt, blatantly smelling your arousal, it nearly made you feel light headed as tension started to build up between you. “Teyam… “ you whisper, gulping slightly as the air in the room almost seemed to become thicker, harder to breathe. Neteyam reluctantly lifted himself from your lap, nearly high off of your scent alone, desperate for another hit, his eyes heavy with lust, as he rose to his knees, “Turn around…” he ordered in a low almost strained voice, as if it was taking him every morsel in his body not to pin you beneath him and claim you as his. You shivered at his tone, giving a slight nod as you slowly rose to your feet, turning your back to him. Listening as Neteyam lets out a pleased hum, a soft gasp suddenly escapes your lips at the feeling his large hands taking hold of your hips, pulling you to press your back flush against his chest, his nose immediately finding its nesting spot in the crook of your neck, having another intake of your scent. Neteyam’s hands slowly creep down to the swell of your thighs, his fingers squeezing the fat there firmly as he releases a groan directly into your ear. “N-Neteyam… This.. this is a little.. Uh..” You are hardly able to put your thoughts into a cohesive sentence. Your brain was yelling at you to reject his advances, but your instincts and the tightening in your stomach as his nails lightly dig into the skin of your thighs, wanted nothing more than to melt under his touch. “Are you uncomfortable, yawne? Do you want me to stop?” he purrs into your ear, his lips grazing its shell, waiting for your consent before he continues, “N-no..I just… you’ve never held me like this before.” You breathe as your eyelids flutter at the thought of what could be going through Neteyam’s mind. The power he had over you felt intoxicating.
Neteyam lets out a soft chuckle, enjoying how nervous he’s making you feel, the heat of his breath on your ear, sends a shiver down your spine, “Do you trust me, tawtute?” he asks in a soft sultry tone. Giving him a slow nod, Neteyam responds by parting his lip to lick a thin stripe up the length of your ear, instantly sending another shiver down your spine, sucking your bottom lip between your teeth as the action pulls a whimper from your throat, “Good…”. Neteyam begins to massage your thighs in slow circles, his fingers spreading out to encompass the width of your thighs, continuously squeezing the flesh there, his thumbs lightly caressing your exposed stretch marks periodically, releasing a deep groan into the side of your neck, as his eyes are glued to his repetitive movements, “So beautiful…”. A small whine escapes you at his words, your breath hitching as you feel something firm, pressing against the back of your thigh, while Neteyam shifts his right hand to allow his index finger to rub against the hem over your crotch, pressing firmly enough for you to feel friction between his finger and the fabric of your shorts. Your brows pinch at the sensation, head rolling back to rest against his shoulder as you release a staggered exhale.
A satisfied smile forms its way onto Neteyam’s lips as his eyes move to watch your pleasured expression, “Are you enjoying this, Y/N?” He asks, already knowing full-well the answer, as he examines your face, mouth agape and eyes closed tight as he adds more pressure to his long digit, dragging it across your clothed folds, too caught up in the feeling to answer him straight. “Answer me sweet girl…” his voice rumbles against your ear, his nose gliding down the side of your neck, “Haah… mmm- yes… feels.. really good.” you respond between shaky breaths, your mind beginning to spiral as his thumb drifts to push open the button of your shorts effortlessly. “Hmm that’s my good girl..” as the words leave his mouth, another swipe of his tongue finds its way down your jugular, toward your collarbone, the sensation tingling your sensitive skin enough for you to grip the forearm, of his hand that was working on shimmying your shorts down your thick thighs, as a reflex. As your mind finally becomes conscious of what Neteyam was trying to do, the sense of urgency fueled by your desire takes over, prompting you to move your hands to assist him in shoving your shorts down your thighs, pushing past the slight resistance of your thighs, kicking them away the moment they fall to the floor. “You seem eager, little one” Neteyam says with a soft chuckle as fingers hook themselves around the band of your panties pulling them down as well, tossing them to the side after you step out of them, before his hands work their way up your legs to reclaim their place back on your thighs. His right hand shifting to lightly lay over your mound. Your body shivers as the cold air brushes past your naked folds, breath hitching the moment Neteyam’s finger slides through the wetness that had built up at your entrance, collecting the wetness enough to bring his lubricated digit to your clit, rubbing slow repetitive circles against the bundle of nerves. Your back instantly arches at the sensation, your hand moving to cover your mouth, muffling your noises, to which Neteyam immediately removes your hand with his free one, bringing the back of your hand to his lips, pressing a firm kiss against it as he eyes you hungrily, “do not hide those pretty noises from me, sevin… let me hear you” Neteyam purrs a he begins to rub slightly firmer circles into your clit while simultaneously beginning to grind his throbbing erection against your leg.
“Ohh! Ahh- oh god..” Neteyam’s ears flick as your whiny moans fall from your lips, responding with his own low growl at the sound, “Yes… that’s it, yawne… s-so so pretty…”. You can hear his own voice begin to waver as he grinds his erecting firmly against your leg, his brows knitting together as the sensation starts to become too much for him to handle. His eyes land on the puddle of slick that had built up on his hand from massaging your folds, “Y/N… do you mind if we try something?” He asks in a slightly shaky voice, as he loops a hand behind his back to expertly untie his loincloth, allowing it to fall to the floor at his knees, his cock springing up, smacking lightly against your thigh. Your eyes widen at the feeling, unable to stop yourself as your curious hand reaches behind you to run your fingers along his shaft, earning a trembling hiss from Neteyam, “Y-yawne, wait.. you don’t have to do that… Oh…”. Looking over your shoulder at him, eyes now half lidded, watching as Neteyam leans his head against your shoulder while unsteady, heavy breaths leave his lips, as you wrap your small fingers around his cock, giving him slow yet firm strokes from base to tip. His shoulders rise and fall with a bit more urgency as his breathing becomes heavier, absolutely crumbling at the way you’re touching him. Biting his lip, Neteyam puts his hand over yours to halt your movements, pulling you off of him, “S-stop… you’re gonna make me cum like that… just- spread your legs a bit more.” He requests, letting go of your hand to place his own on the swell of your ass, his fingers hungrily digging into your cheeks, spreading them apart slightly, causing you to whine as you eagerly follow his orders. Neteyam places a hand at the base of his cock, steadying his breath as he brings you closer to him, pressing your hips flush against his front, guiding the length of his cock to slide right up against your sopping cunt, pulling pleasured sounds from both of you at the contact. “Good… n-now close your legs for me”, “W-wait, close them?” You ask, giving him a somewhat confused look. “Yes, tawtute.. close your legs for me… please”. You could tell he was becoming more and more desperate by the shaky plea that left his mouth. Complying with his wishes you close your legs as much as you can with his cock sitting between your thighs, Neteyam’s hands gripping your hips tightly as he holds back a strained groan, “J-just like that… perfect…”. Taking in deep breath Neteyam pushes his cock through your thighs, using your slick as lubrication, your eyes watching as his tip breaks free from the containment of your closed legs, a content sigh leaving his lips as Neteyam once again has to remind himself to keep his restraint, to not plunge himself straight into your tight, unprepped pussy. 
Your body began to tremble, feeling as a potent heat spreads through your core you could feel your cunt aching as Neteyam began to use your hips to slide you back and forth on his cock, using your thighs to fuck himself. His palms moving to pull your ass cheeks apart to watch the base of his cock disappear between your thighs over and over again, “Oh shit, yawne… haah.. you're doing so well for me.. Eywa, you’re so wet…”. A high pitched whine rips from your throat as his thick shaft glides effortlessly over your folds and clit, coaxing out small squelching noises from the push and pull of his movements, your hips occasionally jerking at the sensation of his cockhead hitting your clit a certain way. “Ahh.. Teyam I- I can’t..”, Neteyam immediately stops his motions at your words, thinking he may have done something wrong, or that you weren’t completely as comfortable with this as you had led on. Leaning in close to your face, Neteyam nuzzles against your cheek in attempts to comfort you, his cock continuing to throb and twitch at the loss of friction, “What is it, tiyawn?” He asks a little out of breath, as he tries to reel back his mind to focus on you and your needs. “I… I need more.. please, Teyam.” You beg in soft whimpers, as your hand reaches down to caress the tip of his cock that was poking out from between your thighs, causing his hips to jerk slightly at the sudden touch. Neteyam stares down at you with wide eyes at your boldness before his lips twitch into a smirk, releasing a low chuckle from his chest, “Oh my little needy tawtute… you have no idea how hard it is for me not to pin you down and have my way with you.” He purrs against your cheek, before shifting his head to place a firm kiss on your temple, “But I would hurt you. Your small little body is not made to take such.. large intrusions”.
You pout letting loose another needy whimper as you lean forward enough to shift your hips to align his tip with your rubbed out pussy lips, “I can take it.. I promise… or I at least want to try- please Neteyam… I need you” you whine desperately as you begin to stir your hips against his cockhead, already feeling how it would take him a good amount of effort to even force himself inside of you, as his tip barely passed through your lips. Neteyam takes in a sharp inhale at your actions, gritting his teeth as his hold on your hips becomes nearly bruising as he fights against his own internal conflicts, “Y/N this is dangerous.. I’m serious, you could really get hurt”. You groan at his protests, knowing that he was right, but he had already given you this much, let you feel him, touch him, and your body only craved more. Your pussy throbs in anticipation as you take matters into your own hands, attempting to push yourself down on to him, “Fuck it! I don’t care, hurt me then. Neteyam please I can’t take it anymore.” Before you can even process what is happening, your head is pinned to the blankets below you, ass in the air as Neteyam continues to hold you by the back of the neck, keeping you in place. Looking over your shoulder you can see the dark look in his eye, his chest heaving with heavy breaths as he indulges in his own primal instincts for a moment. Leaning over your backside, Neteyam drags his tongue up your spine, pushing your shirt up as he goes, until he reaches the center of your shoulder blades. With one hand Neteyam maneuvers your shirt to bind your wrists with it, rolling the excess fabric into a small knot. His voice is a low growl in your ear, “If you want it that badly, then be a good girl and let me properly prepare you.” Releasing his hold on your wrists after ensuring that your wadded up shirt would do the job, Neteyam snakes his hand behind your rear, moving down toward your exposed glistening cunt, giving it a rough slap, not enough to hurt, but to at the very least stimulate your aching hole, enough to cause you to cry out, “You said you wanted to be hurt, isn’t that right, tawtute? Hah.. such a naughty little thing..” he coos to you teasingly as he rubs the flesh of your ass, before directly inserting his middle finger down to the last knuckle into your throbbing core. Your breath is caught in your throat at the unexpected entry, thinking he would have maybe given you some sort of warning, only finally finding your voice as he begins to pump the digit inside of you, letting out a breathy moan in partial relief from the aching in your deprived walls. 
“Is this what you wanted? Begging for my cock and now you can’t even speak, all because of my finger. Go ahead, beg for more, little one… beg me to stretch you out properly” he orders you in a deep growl, as his fangs graze the flesh of your shoulder. Without any hesitation, you eagerly answer to his call, “M-more! Please, Teyam put another finger in… ohh it feels so good…”. With a sly smirk Neteyam shifts his hand back, watching your expression closely as he forces his last two fingers into your hole. Your brows pinch together at the sudden stretch, mouth falling agape as you find your voice temporarily missing again, before releasing a strained mewl. Neteyam placed a kiss on your shoulder, choosing to be a bit more patient with you, soothing your discomfort, considering the drastic adjustments your body was having to make, before slowly moving his digits in and out of you, massaging the gummy part of your walls. Continuing to release a stream of shallow breaths and moans, you find yourself fisting the blankets beneath you as Neteyam’s fingers masterfully find your g-spot, watching how your body squirms every time he hits it. “O-oh god.. Tey- Teyam I’m close!” You warn, feeling your legs start to tremble, your knees struggling to stay upright in your current position, “That’s it… cum for me, my little tawtute. Cum on my fingers.”, his words ring in your ear like an undeniable command, almost as if your body was hardwired to appease his wants, prompting your body to immediately obey his orders, as you feel your core tighten more and more before you burst, screaming out in ecstasy. The tightness of your cunt practically pushing his fingers out of you, leaving a thick string of slick connecting his fingers to your throbbing cunt. You nuzzle your face into the blankets as you come down from your high, desperately trying to regain control of your breathing, you turn your face to look over your shoulder, just in time to catch Neteyam’s predatory gaze as he brings his fingers to his mouth, licking and sucking your juices tentatively, his tail swaying possessively behind him, “How is it that you taste this good?… Sweet.. yet tangy like an utumauti… or I think you humans call it banana fruit.”. You throw a half hearted, exhausted laugh his way as you slowly move to  sit up, your mind fogging as you assumed this was the end of your intimate session, that was until his large palm presses into the middle of your back, pushing you back down, forcing you to arch your back for him, ripping a surprised yelp from your weak form, “You’ve been such a good girl, yawne… I think it’s time I give you what you’ve been begging for.” Neteyam hums, rubbing his shaft along your dripping folds, biting his bottom lip as he collects your remaining cum on his shaft, his ears flicking when his actions are rewarded with the sound of your breathy sighs, “Unless of course you have changed your mind?” He teases you, pressing his tip firmly against your entrance, restraining enough to wait for your green light to insert himself into you.
“Tey, stop teasing me and give it to me already!” you pout, pushing your ass to meet his advances, nearly causing his tip to slip inside of you, earning a shaky moan from the na’vi male behind you, slowly turning into a rough chuckle, “I don’t think I've ever met anyone so desperate to be torn apart. Very well, tiyawn… relax for me” he coos, leaning into your ear, placing a gentle kiss on it’s shell before leaning back, firmly placing his hands on your hips, holding you in place and then you feel it, his cockhead forcing its way into your cunt, assisted by your preexisting lubricant. The stretch was unlike anything you had felt before, making his fingers seem feeble in comparison, yet feeling as Neteyam pushed himself further and further through your walls, you knew that without having taken his fingers first, you would have certainly been torn apart. Your back arched further as the weight of his pelvis caused your knees to spread further apart, gasping as the action drove him deeper inside of you,“I-It hurts, Tey…”, “You’re doing great, yawne… just a bit more..”. His tone is soft and affectionate, in his best attempts to comfort you. No matter how much he teased you, it did cause him pain to see you in such discomfort, nearly on the verge of tears as you lay your head flat on the floor in defeat, allowing your body to fully relax as you accept your fate. Just as Neteyam had promised you, with a few more pushes into your tight walls, his cock had finally reached as far as it could go, his tip nestled against your cervix, releasing a heavy exhale into the crook of your neck, as he tried to keep his composure despite how hungrily your pussy clenched around him, “Oh Eywa… you feel incredible, yawne.” He mutters in a barely audible whisper as he nuzzles into your hair, taking in your scent to calm his nerves, his hands falling from your hips to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling your rear flush against his pelvis, his tail curling at the sensation of being so deep inside of you. His eyes trail over you as your expression finally seems to relax, carefully resting his forehead against your temple, placing a kiss on your cheekbone.
“I am going to start moving now… ok?” He coos into your ear, placing another kiss on the top of your head after you nod in approval. Steadying himself with a final breath, Neteyam slowly begins to roll his hips into you. “Mmmn…Oh my… ohh!”, you moan out as your heart is beating at a thousand miles a minute, the pain slowly melts into pure arousal. The feeling of the stretch was still there of course, yet oddly the discomfort in itself became satisfying. Gripping the shirt that still bound your hands, you began to rock your hips back to meet Neteyam’s thrusts, taking him off guard for a moment at your sudden eagerness, nevertheless it fuels his desire to want to pound into you that much more, “Look at you taking me so well…so deep.. and so tight” he purrs low into the back of your neck between moans, his breaths becoming slightly heavier as his hips begin to move a bit more passionately, nuzzling into your hair once more as his own desires grow more intense, “You’re so tiny…oh you sky person…” Neteyam whispers breathily into your neck, chuckling softly at the pathetic whine you let out in protest of this specific pet name, only encouraging him to buck his harder into you, admiring how his movements cause your tongue to fall past your lips as your mouth hangs open to allow string after string of moans and whimpers to emerge. The small room filling with noises of ecstasy as well as the sound of skin slapping against one another as Neteyam steadily loses his composure, rutting into you with intense love and carnal desire.
Moaning out at the feeling of a sudden tug at the base of your skull, Neteyam uses your hair to pull your head backward, forcing you to stare at the ceiling while his mouth hungrily attaches itself to your neck, leaving dark marks all along its surface, leaving his claim on you, so that everyone- sky person and na’vi alike would know who you belong to. The familiar tightness builds up in your core again, as the mix of sensations work together to send you into overdrive. Neteyam can feel it too. The way your cunt is clenching and unclenching more rapidly around him, he knows you are getting close. His arm that his still wrapped around your middle moves to descend his hand down between your thighs, rubbing at your overstimulated clit, immediately causing your entire body to tremble once again, albeit more aggressively than before as your orgasm ripped through your body before you even had a chance to give a proper warning. Neteyam’s ears perking to full assertiveness, basking in the pleasured sounds of your climax, eyes nearly rolling in the back of his head as he uses them to chase his own release, “Oh.. yawne.. yawne, ah- I’m cumming…” he warns, panting heavily as he feels his cock attempt to twitch within the confines of your tight cunt, before he releases his load inside of you. Pulling out slowly after taking a moment to catch his breath, Neteyam lays down beside you, pulling you into his strong embrace, as he gently runs his finger tips up and down your back as you come down from your high. Your own fingers caressing his chest in a slow kneading motion as your eyelids grow heavier and heavier. The room was quiet, only the sounds of your soft panting and sighs filled the space. Neteyam holds you closer to him as his hand lifts from your back to gently caress your cheek, his hand nearly twice the size of your head in comparison, “My little tawtute… so beautiful.. mine…” he mumbles into your hairline, pressing a gentle yet firm kiss on your forehead. The sound of his soft whispers and his strong yet calm heartbeat lulling you to sleep in his arms. 
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I'm so proud of myself for getting this fic out when I said I would. Well kind of, I'm technically a day late, but shh. I didn't wait till after I woke up the next day, so it still counts. TIME IS A SOCIAL CONSTRUCT AND I SHALL NOT BEND TO ITS WHIM. N E WAYS I hope you guys enjoyed this! It was honestly super fun to write and god, something about human x na'vi pairings just do something to me.
If you'd like to be added to my tag list to updated on stories and major posts, go comment on my Welcome To My Blog post.
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I'm obsessive over my Constantine Jr Au (which still needs a fic name for, I'm open to suggestions) because
this is a cranky danny. he's spent years fighting with no end in sight, with parents who he can't trust and his only companions never truly understanding what he's going through.
he vapes CBD for the pain he's constantly in. he drank alco/hol once to help him sleep, but his parents smelt it on his breath and, just like with their research, took that to believe EVERYTHING they'd ever suspected about danny to be true: that he drinks, he does dru/gs, he's in a gang. the only thing they've never suspected their son of--being a ghost--is the one thing he actually does.
then, right on the cusp of eighteen and freedom, he gets outed. AND transformed into a seven-year-old.
this is not a danny who is willing to play at being a child. and if anyone tries to, they're in for a foul time.
Danny was 17, transformed into a 7 year old and hides in Bludhaven, and is 8 when the police finally figure out that, hey, this weird kid who keeps altering us to crime scenes is usually right on the money about who the killer is, we should investigate that. Officer Grayson is on the case!
And discovers that he absolutely can't STAND this kid.
He thought he liked kids! Everyone thought he liked kids! but this kid...
This isn't called the Constantine Jr AU because Danny is a supernatural detective, or because Danny might be Constantine's kid. Its because Danny is an unrepentant little bas/tard and he makes it everyone's problem.
Danny vapes and blows bubblegum smoke in Grayson's face.
He takes out a flask and Grayson's grabs it, learning its full of orange juice. Danny then takes out a second flask, this one with vod/ka.
He wears a trenchcoat he found in the trash (the same trenchcoat Nightwing wears in DC vs Vampires, if you know you know) but the end and the sleeves are cut off for his hands and legs. the pockets are roughly around his knees.
Grayson is desperate to figure out more about this kid, but he doesn't go to batman because, time-line wise, this is right before red hood starts running around. Jason is dead/alive-in-hiding, Tim is Robin, and Dick is mad about it. (ages-- Bruce: ? Nightwing: 24 Jason: 19 Tim: 15 Danny: 8 Damien: 7-8)
he doesn't really bond with the kid until they're both kidnapped by a gang for hostages, and Danny's big kid emotions get a hold of him (he thought he could escape them bc he's an adult, he's gone through worse, but nope! child brain chemistry). Grayson is worried that he's hurt and in pain, but Danny confesses that he's always in pain. he has nerve damage all over his body, and the only thing he really trusts is CBD. He feels like shit for taking his juul away, but more importantly, because he's been treating Danny like a irritant and just a little kid.
they get rescued and Grayson tries to take him back to his home, but Danny reveals he's homeless, saying something like "I sleep where it suits me, just drop me off whereever."
Absolutely not, Grayson is taking kid back to his place for a bed, food, and a shower, in whatever order the kid wants.
Danny stays semi-perminantly at his apartment, but Nightwing tries not to push it, because this kid practically screams flight risk. unfortunately, the paparazzi have nothing better to do and snap a pick of Grayson and Danny getting dinner together, speculating that Dick's taken after Bruce
Danny doesn't care too much; I think his ghost form is the same, if glitchy, so his parents don't know about the deaging. Grayson is mildly panicking, but its not like he HASN'T been considering adopting the evil troglodyte. Even Bruce, Tim, and Alfred aren't the problem.
No, the problem is the Red Hood, a crime boss who just cut 8 people's heads off, seeing what looks like Nightwing pulling an innocent kid into the neverending fight against crime and Seeing Green.
Edit: Had to censor sh!t because ths wasn't showing up in the tags
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actualmermaid · 1 year
Since I've spent the last month-plus neck-deep in queer Christian history research, I ended up with some thoughts™️ about "classical" Western homoeroticism vs. Christian homophobia.
Liberal Christian apologetics sometimes do a very annoying thing when asked to explain the homophobia in the New Testament epistles. Because it's real, it's there, and homophobic Christians take it as the Unquestionable Word of God. So obviously we have to do something about it.
The liberal explanation tends to go something like this: "the epistle writer is talking about the abusive and exploitative homosexual acts that were common in ancient Rome, not the loving/egalitarian/mutually respectful relationships that gay people are able to have today." And it's so frustrating because there is SOME truth in this. We and Paul both know that the Greeks and Romans were notorious pederasts and slave-abusers. And that's bad! It's super bad. I do agree that Paul/the epistle writer is condemning abusive behavior using language and frameworks that would have been available to him at the time. Deciphering the social context of the epistles can get messy.
But the annoying thing is this: it is not affirming to suggest that all gay people in the past were either abusers or their victims, and "we're more enlightened now" is a lie. We are not smarter than the Greeks. We are not more civilized than the Romans. We are not more pious than the medievals. (Hello there, Roman Catholic sex abuse scandals.) And there have always been gay people who have defied all odds to have loving, egalitarian, and mutually respectful relationships with each other, even if we do not know their stories or their struggles.
This is kind of the crux of John Boswell's "controversial" thesis: gay people have always existed, even if they had to conceal themselves and their relationships behind various protective structures. (I actually haven't read any of his books yet, so I'm not going to engage too deeply with the nuances of his arguments.) When people try to dismiss him, I suspect it's because they don't notice or appreciate what he probably noticed. I have a hunch that Boswell's arguments are not super intersectional and focus mostly on the privileged sphere of people who left written records in the Middle Ages, but hey, serious LGBTQ Christian history research has to start somewhere. I'll withhold judgment for now. But I do think he was totally right about one thing: Saints Sergius and Bacchus. They were totally a gay couple until somehow proven otherwise, IMO. The reason I think he was right is because he was able to notice the "classical" aesthetics of homoeroticism in their legend even though it might not obvious to people who don't know what they're looking for. Straight people reading the legend are like "there's nothing gay about this" and gay people are like "wow, this story is pretty gay."
If you've ever looked into Western gay history, you've seen two words: erastes and eromenos. This means "lover" and "beloved," the two sides of a classical Greek pederastic relationship. The Greeks did actually recognize an age of consent and had ideals of proper behavior that regulated these relationships, but these were still usually relationships between a teenage boy and an older man, which isn't great. They also had all kinds of weird ideas about the politics of penetration and so forth. The Greeks and Romans didn't really think that two people could really be equal to each other--in any relationship, there was always one who was sort of subordinate to the other. So it was "weird" for two social equals to be in a gay relationship, as opposed to one with one partner who was already "established" and was "showing the ropes" to a younger guy who needed some wholesome manly instruction. We may not be better, smarter, or more enlightened than people in the past, but we do have the ability to critique them and try to identify the harmful behaviors that we've inherited from them, so we can do better. We've come a long way since the days of erastes/eromenos relationships, but one thing has stuck around: the classical aesthetics of a "manly guy" and an "idealized youth" in love with each other.
Apropos of nothing, here's a photo of John Boswell and his longtime partner Jerry Hart. They were within a year of being the same age.
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So anyway, this brings us back to the legend of Sergius and Bacchus. The version that Boswell translated takes great pains to show how Sergius and Bacchus were equals in every way. They're both Roman officers, they're about the same age, they sing in unison, and are united in the egalitarian love of Christ. However, they are still just a little bit unequal. Sergius is of a slightly higher rank than Bacchus.
To be clear, this whole legend is a literary creation, and it's got a bunch of Byzantine propaganda in it. It's not history, it's mythology. Whoever wrote it down would have been familiar with erastes/eromenos dynamics, because these were everywhere in classical antiquity. So they made sure to specify all the ways in which Sergius and Bacchus were equals, but took a firm position in ye olde fandom top/bottom discourse.
Throughout the legend, Sergius acts, and Bacchus is acted upon. Bacchus is killed first, and Sergius is temporarily demoralized. Bacchus then appears to Sergius in a vision encouraging him to stay strong. Sergius is so steadfast that they can't torture him enough to make him recant his faith, and he is beheaded. Even straight couples are not usually said to have been reunited in heaven, but Sergius and Bacchus are.
So, knowing that Sergius is the erastes and Bacchus is the eromenos in this story, we can start to notice it in iconography too. It's not always consistent, but sometimes icons will have Sergius' cloak curling protectively over Bacchus' head, or one of them taking a slightly more "authoritative" posture, etc.
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Above all, they are always depicted as true equals--sometimes they almost look like twins.
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Increasingly, modern icons are being made that explicitly communicate the idea that they were a gay couple. The one on the left was created by Robert Lentz, a Franciscan friar, for Chicago Pride in 1994. The one on the right makes the classical homoerotic aesthetic super explicit, and is by far the most sexually-suggestive "traditional-style" icon I have ever seen lol. Shoutout to this artist.
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So to sum up: John Boswell knew what the fuck he was talking about. Also, none of this excuses the homophobia in the Christian scriptures or the homophobia that Christians continue to perpetuate. However, knowing what to look for in art and writing helps us understand that gay people were not magically granted the ability to have egalitarian relationships in the modern world, and THAT leads us away from problematic apologetics.
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chososchalupa · 4 months
ahhh, ofc!! Mean Megumi is my absolute fav. Disclaimer that I am new to writing smut so i’m so sorry if this is awful 😭
Partners / Megumi Fushiguro
MDNI 18+
Warnings,,, Aged up! Megumi x F!Reader, OOC, blackmail, name calling, slapping, not proofread 🥹 NSFW under cut‼️
WC - 1.4K
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Being paired with Megumi Fushiguro for the end of the year project may not have seemed like an issue for most people, in fact, you’d guess most girls would love to be partnered with the black haired, green eyed boy. You on the other hand, were less than pleased. You’ve known Megumi since the beginning of high school as you were both in the same friend group. It seemed as though you were the only person to see the true Megumi; the constant belittling, the blackmail and the “innocent” pranks as your common friends would call them, but you knew too well that there was nothing innocent about Megumi.
“So,” the boy turned around as the teacher finished announcing the partners for the upcoming project, “Want to meet in my dorm after class? We can start early”
You nodded your head, not bothering to look up from the paper you were doodling on.
Megumi huffed at your answer before grabbing the piece of paper from beneath your pencil, “I said, Want to meet in my dorm after class?”
You rolled your eyes at his childish behavior, “Whatver you want, Megumi. Can i have that back now?”
Megumi smiled as he threw the crumpled paper back onto your desk, “See you after class”
As you walked into Megumis dorm, you were greeted with the soft sound of a shower running. You looked around the room and noticed Megumi was nowhere to be seen.
“I’ll be out in a sec!”
You heard a voice yell from the connected bathroom. You didn’t respond as you sat on his bed, pulling your computer out from your backpack. Megumi walked out only a few second later, wearing only a pair of grey sweatpants. Your eyes wandered over his body, he was a pretty attractive person if you ignored his asshole personality. Sparkling green eyes, dark black hair and a body that some would only wish to have.
“Eyes up here, sweetheart” he laughed as you regained your focus and locked eyes.
“Sorry, I must have spaced out” you replied, darting your eyes back down your computer.
“Right..” he laughed as he sat at his desk beside the bed. “I was thinking we could both do some research and then compare notes and then we can go from there?”
You nodded as you looked over towards him, “Sounds good to me”
The two of you spent the next hour researching your topic before Megumi threw his head back, “I am beyond bored” he mumbled.
You didn’t respond as your eyes glanced over his body, stopping at the slight bulge in his pants that was far more noticeable now that he had leaned his body back against the chair, spreading his legs as he continued complaining.
You didn’t notice when he finally finished his sentence, too entranced to realize Megumi had been watching you stare at him with a look of amusement in his eyes.
“Like what you see?” he asked, “I always thought you had a crush on me”
“Huh?” You responded, peeling your eyes from him once again, “I honestly can’t stand you. You’re bossy, rude and extremely arrogant”
“Is that really what you think of me?” he asked, standing from the chair as he walked over to where you were on his bed
“It is” you responded, slowly moving back as he sat beside you.
“Show me how much you dislike me then” he smirked, grabbing the back of your head and crashing his lips onto yours.
Once you got over the shock of what was happening, you kissed back. The kiss was slow at first, his warm hands making their way down your body as he deepened the kiss. His hands moving to your chest as he removed your shirt and bra, taking your nipple between his fingers to twist and pinch. A soft moan escaped your lips as he continued massaging your breast. He took advantage of the opening in your mouth and quickly slipped his tongue in.
The two of you continued the kiss as you slowly undressed, leaving you both completely nude as he pulled away with a smile. Your heart was racing as you looked down at his hardened cock, he was so big. There was no way he was going to fit inside you, but the thought of him trying had you clenching around nothing.
He noticed the slight fear in your eyes and chuckled, “We’ll go slow”.
You nodded as you leaned up to kiss him again, he happily accepted and slowly leaned you back against his pillows. You felt his hands move down your body, a soft smile appearing on his lips as he felt your dripping core, “You’re so wet just for me” he spoke as he broke the kiss.
Before you could respond, Megumi shoved two fingers in at once, causing you to moan loudly at the sudden stimulation. He continued pumping his fingers in and out of you as he kissed and bit all over your body, covering you in dark purple and red love bites.
“God, you’re just sucking my fingers in” he moaned as he looked back up at your face.
“Such a good girl” he spoke as he removed his fingers and lined his length up with your entrance.
“Go slow” you whispered
Megumi gave a quick glance back to your face, eyes full of lust as he smiled wickedly.
“You can take it” he responded before quickly shoving his cock into your leaking hole. You moaned loudly at his actions, one part from pain and the other from pleasure. Your hands quickly found their way to his back, digging your nails in as he pounded into you.
“Such a good fucking slut” he spoke, slapping you across the face before squishing your cheeks together with his hand. “You take me so well. This may be the only thing you’re fucking good for”
His words caused tears to fill your eyes as he continued, “Awe, are you going to cry? Am i being too rough? A whore like you should be able to take this. I’m going so easy on you”
You blinked slowly, letting the tears drip down your cheeks. Although his words were hurting you, the pleasure he was giving was more than enough to make up for the harsh words. You felt your core tighten as you got closer to your release, “I’m so close, ‘gumi. Please”
Megumi smirked at your words, kissing you again before pulling out and flipping you over onto your stomach. You arched your back, desperate for him to continue fucking you. When the feeling never came, you looked behind you to see him tossing his phone to the side.
“Am i taking too long?” he asked, before slowly inching himself back inside you. “So needy”
As Megumi thrusted in and out of you, he wrapped his arms around your stomach, slowly rubbing your clit as the knot in your stomach grew tighter and tighter.
“Megumi, i’m going to cum” you moaned as he relentlessly pounded into you.
“Cum for me. Show me how good i’m making you feel”
As he finished speaking, the knot finally snapped as you came around Megumis length, tightening around him.
“Fuck,” He moaned, “I’m cumming” and with that, he slammed himself deep inside you making sure nothing would drip out as he slowly pulled out of you.
The two of you laid on the bed in silence as you caught your breath,
“That was a good way to cure my bordem” he laughed
“Yeah, We should probably get back to the project now though” you replied as you looked at the time on your phone.
“You mean, you should get back to the project now”
You looked over at Megumi confused as he had a smile on his face.
“Unlessss, you want this spread around the school” he laughed as he waved his phone in front of your face.
A picture of you, back arched as you waited for Megumi was on the screen.
“Delete that!” you gasped as you reached for the phone, only for him to pull it away quickly.
“I will, I will. As long as you complete this project for us AND get us a good grade” he smiled as got off the bed.
He walked to his desk and grabbed the paper he had taken notes on earlier.
“Here’s my half. You got it from here?” he asked, as he handed you the paper that was less than halfway filled.
You rolled your eyes at his remark, “I really can’t stand you”
The day the project was due came two days later and as expected, you received an ‘A’ on yours and Megumis project. As you received the paper with your grades, Megumi spun around in his chair.
“You really are the best partner. We should work together again sometime”
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tarydarrington · 6 months
Well into the night, Essek folds his hands at last with nothing left to say. Caleb’s study feels hollowed out, refilled to bursting with the ghosts of every word exchanged. There had been a lot of them. All carefully chosen, some shouted, all heated.
This isn't the end of the conversation, but it's the end of their talk. A satisfactory end to the first of many chapters. Essek takes a deep breath.
"Thank you for listening."
Across the coffee table, his mother folds her hands in her lap. "Thank you for your honesty."
As though this is the end of a business meeting and not the second most harrowing conversation of Essek's life, they exchange a polite nod.
He stands, clasping his hands behind his back.
"Allow me to show you to your room."
Hours ago, Caleb had retreated to his quarters to allow them some privacy. Much as Essek would like to follow, he will stay away while his mother is here. Whatever assumptions Deirta might make about their involvement would not be true—not yet, anyway—and he will not sour their uneasy truce with a misunderstanding.
“My quarters are there,” he says, gesturing to the door with the star carving. “Caleb’s are across the landing.”
He points out the rest of the rooms below as they approach the landing. The tower has been tinkered with over time; the rooms usually reserved for the rest of the Nein have become workshops, research stations, and other such spaces that have proved useful in their explorations.
Before he can lead her down through the iris, his mother holds up a hand.
“If I might impose,” she says, “I should like to read over the reports you mentioned.”
Of course—he had mentioned the Vurmas reports during the initial buffer of small talk. They would make their way to the Dynasty eventually, but reading them beforehand will give his mother a leg up. The first of many gestures Essek suspects it will take to make up for her silence.
A small price to pay. Until he had known for certain that the Umavi would not cut all contact upon learning of his treason, he hadn’t realized how much he had dreaded the possibility.
He turns away from the iris and toward his room. His mother waits outside as he slips in, leaving the door ajar behind him as he sifts through the stack of papers left on the table in the entryway.
“Pardon the mess,” he says out of habit, as though the space is not spotless. Caleb arranges this room from scratch each night; there is not so much as a speck of dust to offend.
It stops Essek mid-hover, then, to see his mother’s eyebrows raised when he turns back.
“Think nothing of it,” she says, and already the polite smile is back in place. “Tell me, do your friends’ quarters share the same design?”
Essek follows her eye line over his shoulder. Caleb has laid out his rooms as he usually does, all purples and stars and fine fabrics. An array of arcane instruments waits patiently on a table under the window. Essek's mother looks past it all and into the bedroom. He frowns. There is nothing terribly unusual there, save—
It's all he can do not to swallow his own tongue.
The bed. His mother is staring at his bed.
For a drow of his age to sleep once in a while is not unheard of, of course; particularly when ill, they are known to indulge. Be that as it may, Essek knows as well as Deirta that one would hardly purchase a bed for a once-in-a-blue-moon nap. It comes with certain implications. 
It was not a purchase, Essek insists to himself. Everything in this room was pulled from the ether to make him comfortable. The logic is with him.
"Indeed," he says. "The colors are customized to suit us each as individuals, but the layout is the same."
This is the part where he pretends that he hasn't spent more than one night positively snug under those blankets for comfort's sake, and especially pretends he has not realized that the mattress is wide enough to fit two.
Essek’s mother is an intelligent woman. She will put two and two together: Caleb is a human, and a human unused to drow customs might make such a faux pas with innocent intentions. One tends not to think twice about habits that are second nature, and someone of Caleb’s background would not think twice about placing a bed in a bedroom.
Essek has done the same mental math more than once, with varying levels of desperation.
“Well,” he says, and presses the files into his mother’s arms with as much dignity as he can scrape together, “let me show you to your rooms.”
They make their way in silence down through the tower’s central column. Essek thinks auf rather than saying it this time; better, just in case, to keep the magic words from his mother.
He leaves the way to the front door open. She has far too much decorum to snoop during the night.
They touch down on the fifth floor. Silently, Essek thanks Caleb for neglecting to put a dodecahedron on the guest room door.
“These are yours.” He draws the door open for her, bowing his head as he gestures inside.
With no small swell of pride, he watches her take in Caleb’s handiwork as her head turns on a slow swivel, then sneaks a glance himself.
Strands of crystal drape the ceiling like a canopy of iridescent vines. Caleb has replicated perfectly the sitting room Essek had described, complete with his mother's favorite tea steaming on the low table. Everything from the molding to the doilies speaks to both the gravity of her station and her own personal tastes.
There is no bed.
The Umavi’s manners are immaculate. He knows, as she turns a smile on him that is barely thinner than usual, that he will not hear a word about it. He will simply be cursed with the mortifying knowledge that she has arrived at her own conclusions.
Perhaps, if he tried very hard, he could claw his way out of his skin.
“Thank you very much,” Deirta says, hands folded in front of her. “Please pass on my gratitude to Master Widogast.”
He will hold eye contact. He will hold eye contact and smile politely. It is perfectly acceptable for his mother to suspect that he—
“Of course,” he says. “Should you require anything, the cats will assist.”
With utmost grace and one final nod, the Umavi shuts the door behind her. Essek, hands folded behind his back, counts to ten before deflating.
The bed is just as they’d left it, when he finds his way back to his chambers. Essek lingers in the doorway regarding it for a long moment before sinking down on the edge.
The bedding is soft. Is this the sort of fabric Caleb imagines Essek would prefer, or the sort that Caleb himself enjoys? He runs his thumb over a seam, letting the thought settle in with a warm buzz. It feels less forbidden this time, and several times more dangerous.
He leans into both feelings, climbing the rest of the way onto the bed and under the covers.
Two floors down and two doors over, his mother is doubtless turning their conversation over in her head. She will spend the night picking apart his every transgression, weighing it against whatever sentimental value he holds to her.
Essek breathes out and turns his face into the softness of the pillowcase.
It smells like him. Like Essek himself—just the way it would after many days of use. Essek shuts his eyes, pressing his hands to his face as the liquid warmth of that realization makes its way through him.
Two doors down, he is increasingly certain that Caleb, too, is thinking of him.
His mother is in the tower. This is not the time to dwell on such things, much as his body would like to.
With a deep breath, Essek runs his thumb across the soft ridges of the duvet. His nail catches on one, then two, then three—he counts until his pulse begins to listen to reason, then breathes out. For now, he will take it as a safety net. Something to fall into at the end of the day when all else is uncertain. A soft place to land.
Let his mother assume what she will. It would be the least of his crimes she’s learned of tonight.
The threads of a Sending pull taut between his fingers, buzzing with potential. He takes a breath and lets it out.
“We are finished for the night,” he says. “Much more to come. My thanks and hers for your hospitality.”
He curls his lip at himself. Formality is not a leg on which he’s felt the need to stand in some time, where Caleb is concerned. His mother’s presence has him falling back into old means of keeping balanced.
“Sleep well. Perhaps with one eye open.”
Caleb knows him well enough to take it in jest. Essek lets the spell go, shutting his eyes with a long breath out.
Later, the memory of Caleb’s voice in his head as he sinks into the mattress will do him no favors at all.
“Glad to hear it went well,” he says, laughter in his voice. “I will have breakfast ready early. She will be impressed, I hope.”
Essek counts the stars on the ceiling. The pause stretches on for two constellations.
“Until morning, dear friend,” Caleb finishes. “Sleep well.”
Something warm unspools in Essek’s chest as the magic dissipates around him. There is more than one story in the tower that is only in the first of many chapters. The words to this one will be harder to find—but their writing, he thinks, will be sweeter.
a very happy, very late birthday to my friend @sosobriquet, who tossed this concept around with me many months ago 🍰💜
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justagalwhowrites · 9 months
New in Town - Ch. 7: First Double Date
You and Joel go out with Tommy and Maria. A continuation of New in Town chapters 1-6 found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Best Friend's Dad!Joel Miller x Female Reader
CW: Smut. No use of Y/N. Age gap (reader is 35 Joel is 47, not a focus of the fic). Minors DNI, 18+ only
Length: 5.5k
AO3 | First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
“I swear to God Joel, if you make fun of me…” 
“I’m not gonna make fun of you, Beautiful.” 
“Oh you say that now.” 
“I’m really not,” he laughed a little.  
“I did like… research and shit,” you said from the other side of your bathroom door. “I Googled, OK?” 
“I’m sure you look incredible,” you could hear the smile in his voice. “Just come out here.” 
You sighed.
You knew you shouldn’t be nervous with Joel and, usually, you weren’t. But this felt a little different. You opened the bathroom door and came into your bedroom, doing a little spin as you did to show him both sides of the outfit. His face shifted from a smile to something almost hungry as he looked you up and down from his spot on the edge of your bed. He checked his watch. 
“What?” You frowned. 
“Just seein’ how much time we have until Tommy and Maria get here,” he said, looking back at you. “Think if we’re quick and leave that little skirt on…” 
You laughed and all but jumped on his lap, kissing him. 
You were going on your first double date with Joel, with his brother and sister-in-law of all people. You’d met Tommy and Maria at Sarah’s cookout a few weeks earlier but hadn’t seen them since. You had, however, heard plenty about them since then. Especially after Joel told you that his brother knew about the two of you. 
Your eyes had gone wide when he’d told you that. 
“Are you sure it was a good idea to tell him quite yet?” You asked. “We haven’t told Sarah and they’re pretty close…” 
“Yeah, I didn’t… uh…” Joel awkwardly cupped the back of his neck. “Didn’t exactly… tell him.” 
You frowned. 
“What do you…” 
“Maria… might have heard us in the bathroom at the cookout.” 
“What!” You yelped, eyes wide. “Oh my GOD, Joel!” 
“It’s fine…” 
You groaned and collapsed all the way down onto his couch, burying your face in the arm of it. 
“They must think I’m some kind of ridiculous slut!” Your voice was muffled by the cushion. “This is mortifying…” 
“It’s really not that bad,” he rubbed your thigh soothingly. “Really. They like you! A lot! And they kept sayin’ they’d never seen me this happy. Honestly, Tommy was just happy to see me with someone I wanted to fuck in a bathroom.”
“Jesus Christ,” you groaned. “Well, it’s been great, Joel, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to change my name and move to Antarctica…” 
He laughed and tugged you over until your head was on his shoulder instead of the couch. 
“Sounds cold,” he said, kissing the crown of your head. “I’ll have to find a coat.” 
If you’d been falling for Joel before, you’d fully fallen for him over the past two weeks, ever since he’d found out everything about your childhood and your dad. 
You’d almost expected him to look for an out once it all settled in. That, when all the baggage had been sitting there for long enough for him to take inventory of it all, he’d run. 
But he hadn’t. He’d done the opposite. He spent that weekend holed up with you. Making you dinner, holding you close while watching Sharknado, changing the locks on your front door and installing a doorbell camera so you could see if he stopped by. He dropped you off at work Monday morning and picked you up that afternoon, heading straight to a car dealership after handing you a small pile of print outs. You frowned, looking at them. 
“So I took what I was asking you about cars over the weekend and found some good options for you,” he said. “Four of ‘em are at one dealership so I figured we could start there unless these are really not what you’re lookin’ for…” 
You flipped through the pages, all cars that were makes and models you were already thinking about wanting to look at, just tracked down at places around you instead of an abstract thought in your head. 
You teared up, a hand covering your mouth. 
Joel frowned. 
“We don’t have to do this today,” he said. “I don’t mind drivin’ you for a bit, happy to do it if you need a little more time or just aren’t up for it or…” 
“No one’s ever done something like this for me,” you dabbed at the corners of your eyes, trying to keep the tears from actually falling and ruining your mascara. 
“Told you I’ve got you, Beautiful,” Joel said. “Meant it.” 
You ended up buying a car Tuesday, Joel not a fan of how the salesman you talked to at the first dealership seemed incapable of talking directly to you and instead looked at Joel when answering all your questions. 
“That’s just how it is,” you shrugged as you headed back to his truck. 
“Don’t matter,” Joel said, opening your door for you. “It’s bullshit. We can always come back if we come up empty but you shouldn’t give your money to that jackass.” 
The second dealership had a saleswoman who would actually talk to you and not your boyfriend - boyfriend? - and ended up getting you a car with even nicer features than the one your dad had totaled for about the same price. You dropped Joel’s truck at your place and you drove the two of you to a restaurant you’d found on a local food blog, running your hand over the dashboard when at red lights. 
“Happy with the car?” Joel asked, smiling almost proudly. It was one of the cars he’d found and printed the information on. 
“It’s perfect,” you beamed at him. “Thank you so much for just… everything the past few days. This is the best I’ve ever felt after a visit from my dad.” 
You were feeling pretty good on Wednesday when you got a Nest alert on your phone. Your dad was standing at your front door, trying the key he still had. You took a screenshot and texted Joel. 
“Guess who,” you wrote. “Glad you changed the locks.” 
He replied almost immediately. 
“I’m staying over,” he said. “Got his parole officer’s number?” 
When your dad came by that night and actually rang the bell, you stayed just out of sight, watching the reflection of what happened in a mirror on your entry way wall as Joel answered the door. 
“Oh,” he said when he saw Joel. “I’m sorry, I must have misremembered the apartment…” 
“You didn’t,” Joel said, his voice cold. “Know exactly who you are. You’re not welcome here. Come by again and I’m calling the cops and you’d better hope they get their hands on you before I do. She’s blocked your number.” He handed your dad a business card. “If it’s an emergency, you can call me but you’re stayin’ the fuck away from her. You had your chance, you blew it. Now go, before I make you go.” 
“I don’t know who the hell you think you are or what my daughter’s told you…” 
“I’m her boyfriend,” he snapped. “And she’s told me plenty. Was probably nicer than you deserved about it, too, knowing her. Last chance to leave on your own.” 
Your dad was silent for a moment. 
“Take care of her?” He said quietly. 
“I will,” Joel said, tone softer. “Do a better job of it than you did.” 
“Good,” he said. “Tell her bye for me.” 
Joel closed the door and the second you could reach him you threw your arms around his neck, pressing your whole body against him. You kissed him, hard and frantic, tugging him back toward your bedroom as you did. You all but ripped his clothes off of him as you stripped down yourself, racing to get him inside you, not really able to calm down until he was. 
“Fuck, Beautiful,” he groaned, his hands on your thighs as you straddled his hips, his cock deep inside. “What’s this for?” 
“Needed you,” you said, dropping your forehead to his as you panted for breath. 
You were sure you loved him then. You weren’t sure how to say it yet but you were sure you felt it. 
Which is part of why you were really trying for this double date. You were in love with Joel, you wanted to impress his brother and sister-in-law. The two of you hadn’t really talked about it but, ever since he called himself your boyfriend to your father, that’s what he was. And you liked it that way. You wanted him to want to bring you places. 
Including University of Texas football games. 
Even though you knew fuck all about college football. You’d basically spent your entire college career studying or working, going to sporting events hadn’t been too high on your to do list. 
So you’d done some research, looked up what people wore to things like college football games. You decided to go all out and settled on a denim mini-skirt, a v-neck University of Texas shirt, cowboy boots and little orange longhorn temporary tattoos on your cheeks. 
“Wonderin’ if we should just cancel on them,” Joel kissed down your neck to your cleavage. “Look too good, don’t want to share you.” 
“Yeah, we’re not canceling on your brother so you can get me naked,” you laughed a little. “But you can get me naked later.” 
“Good luck stoppin’ me,” he nipped at your chin. 
Your doorbell rang and Joel groaned, dropping his head to your chest.
“Tommy has always had terrible timing,” he sighed. 
You laughed and got off his lap. 
“C’mon you horn dog,” you teased. “Let’s go watch the sportsball.” 
“One thing first,” he reached under your bed and pulled out a straw cowboy hat. “Thought you might need one of these to complete the look.” 
You squealed and grabbed the hat, popping it on your head. 
“How long has this been under my bed?” You gaped at him. 
He smiled a little. 
“Snuck it in the other day,” he said. “You’re a Texan now so you gotta have at least one.” 
“I love it!” You looked in the mirror and adjusted it a little. “Thank you!” 
You tipped it at him.  
“How’s it look?” 
He smiled. 
“Beautiful. Just… Beautiful.” 
Tommy’s truck was loaded down with coolers and a grill, your eyes going a little wide at it all. 
“How many people are going to be there?” You asked Joel as you got in the back seat of the truck. 
“It’s a tailgate,” he shrugged. “Can never tell.” 
“Give Tommy an excuse to drink while grilling for a crowd and he’ll take it,” Maria smiled, twisting around in the front seat to actually face you. “Good to see you again!” 
“You too!” You smiled, trying to resist the urge to jump out of the car when you thought about the fact that she heard you going down on Joel. 
“I’m excited to have another woman around for this whole thing,” she smiled as Tommy started the truck. “They do this once a year and I swear it’s like they pack a whole season’s worth of football stuff into one day.” 
“I keep tellin’ ya, get me season tickets and we’ll spread it out,” Tommy teased. 
“You think I want to do this every weekend?” Maria asked, incredulous. 
Tommy scoffed. 
“Who wouldn’t?” 
Maria gave you a look as if to say “See what I deal with?” And you smiled as Joel took your hand, lacing his fingers with yours. 
You helped get the tailgate set up before settling into a folding camp chair with a beer next to Maria, the two of you watching as Joel and Tommy put meat on the grill, serious looks on their faces as they worked. 
“So,” Maria smiled, taking a sip of beer. “You and Joel, huh?” 
“Me and Joel,” you nodded, smiling a little back. “Not too insane, is it?” 
“I mean, the circumstances might be a little odd but otherwise,” she shrugged. “He likes you.” 
“I sure hope so,” you laughed, taking a drink of beer yourself and looking out at the crowd that was gathering to tailgate. The truck across from you was setting up a game of cornhole. Someone a few trucks down had started playing country music at top volume. “I’m a little fucked if he doesn’t at this point.” 
She laughed, too. 
“Look, I’ll be honest,” she said. “I know Joel better than most sisters-in-law probably care to know their brother-in-law. Him and Tommy… You marry one and you get the other, too. Package deal and all that.” 
You nodded slowly, watching the two of them work while talking conspiratorially themselves. 
“I’ve never, not once, seen him show this kind of interest in anyone,” she continued. “Honestly, Tommy and I figured he’d be single forever. Maybe a date here and there but… It never really seemed like a priority for him. He’s never even mentioned a woman before let alone brought her around.
“You seem to make him happy. Really happy. And I want to support him. But… I need to know that you’re in this for the long haul. That man doesn’t get attached lightly but he’s attached to you. Hell, he had me trying to interpret your texts a few weeks back, trying to make sure he didn’t fuck up…” 
You winced. 
“I was dealing with some family stuff,” you said. “I should have just talked to him about it from the get go and…” 
“Hey, I get it,” she cut you off. “Not like you’d been seeing each other long, I wouldn’t have told some guy I’d just met anything all that personal, either. I just want to make sure you care, that you know he’s not just screwing around with you. Not that he’s said that but I know the guy. Tommy knows the guy. This is a first and I’d rather not watch his heart get stomped on.” 
You looked at Joel. He was laughing at something Tommy said, his smile wide and beautiful. You couldn’t help but smile, too. Just looking at the guy made you happy. 
“I’m in it,” you said, still watching him. “Trust me, I’m very in it.” 
“Good,” Maria said. You thought you could hear the smile on her voice. “Because I really do need another girl around these two, they’re insufferable.” 
Once the grill was going, Joel put his arms around your shoulders and led you around the tailgate. Tommy’s set up, you soon realized, was relatively modest. A few people had come with campers and had big TVs set up outside, chairs on rugs out front watching other games from around the country. The two of you stopped and played ladder ball with someone who worked with Joel, him smiling proudly as he introduced you as “his girlfriend,” making your heart soar. You even ran into one of your copywriters as he chugged a beer shirtless with an orange X painted on his chest. 
“Oh shit, hey Boss!” He laughed. “Good to see you! Who’s your friend?” 
“This is my boyfriend, Joel,” you smiled. It was the first time you’d gotten to say that. Joel beamed and the two shook hands. “Joel, this is Steve, one of the copywriters at work.” 
“Want a beer?” Steve asked. “I’ll give you two if you promise to forget you saw me like this.” 
You laughed back. 
“Don’t worry, Steve,” you said. “I’ll be doing my best to forget that, anyway.” 
“So not all these people are going to the game?” You asked as you walked slowly back toward Tommy’s truck. Joel’s arm was draped over your shoulders again. 
“Nope,” Joel said. “People just come out to party. There’ll be a lot of people around the TVs later.” 
“Football is weird,” you scrunched your nose and Joel laughed. “But I’ll still watch it with you.”
“Oh really?” He teased. 
“Yup,” you smiled up at him. “But only because you’re hot.” 
He laughed. 
“Better get in the game time while I can, then.” 
When you made it back to the truck, food was ready (“Still got a lot to learn about grilling a great burger, Tommy,” Joel teased his brother, who just rolled his eyes) and you and Joel lost at cornhole to Tommy and Maria. 
“Do people really play stuff like that all the time?” You gaped at Tommy after he sent another bag directly into the hole on the opposite board. Yours were scattered on the ground around it. 
“We’ve got a set in our backyard,” Tommy said after he punched the air in victory. “You and Joel will just have to practice, don’t know if he can handle me kicking his ass.” 
By the time the game started, you’d almost forgotten that you’d come there to watch a football game, having so much fun in the parking lot outside that it seemed like the main attraction. 
You tried to mimic how other people reacted to the events on the field, not really understanding any of it but having fun watching Joel have fun. It was about half way through the first quarter when Joel leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“You don’t understand any of this, do you?” He asked. 
You winced. You’d tried to watch some informational videos on YouTube and read some basic explainers of the game over the past week but it was like it was in a different language, you hadn’t been able to absorb any of it. 
“Never had anyone to explain it to me as a kid and never hung out with anyone who was into it as an adult,” you replied. “So no, not a damn thing. But it’s still fun!” 
“Here,” he put his hand on your waist and pointed toward the lineup of men on the field. “We’re on offense right now, that means we’re trying to score and we’ve got the ball. It’s second and eight…” 
Joel kindly, patiently, walked you through the basics, going back over things when he could tell you were confused or had forgotten something when it happened on the field. 
“It’s really OK,” you said after a few minutes. “I don’t want you to spend all the time you’re supposed to be having fun talking to me…” 
“Talking to you is fun,” he replied. “I’d rather talk to you all the time than watch any game. And I want you to have fun, too. Which I know you won’t if you don’t understand what’s going on because you feel better when you know things.” 
You looked up at him, at his warm smile and soft eyes and the one curl that had broken away from the rest to start curving over his forehead, and you couldn’t help it. For a moment, the feeling overwhelmed you and it just spilled out of you before you could stop it. 
“I love you,” you said before you realized you said it. 
Then your eyes went wide and your face fell and you scrambled to take it back. It was too soon to be saying this to him, you’d only known the man a few weeks and things were still insanely complicated, you’d barely figured out that you were in a full blown relationship let alone ready to bring something like love into the mix. It didn’t matter that you felt it and that you wanted to say it, it wasn’t the right time yet.
“Shit. Ignore that, please ignore that, pretend I didn’t say anything, I don’t want…” 
“I love you, too,” he cut you off, smiling so big his whole face lit up with it. 
You just blinked at him for a moment. 
“Yeah,” he laughed. “Yeah, I do. I really, really do.” 
He tipped your hat up and kissed you, his arm sliding around you to pull you flush against his front. You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding tight to him, never wanting to stop feeling just like this. 
“Look!” Maria patted your shoulder urgently. “You’re on the kiss cam!” 
You pulled away from Joel just in time to see yourselves on the giant screen and you laughed, going back to kiss him again. 
“I’m glad you two seem to have figured your shit out,” Tommy had told him while they set up the grill. “She really does seem great.” 
“She is,” Joel said, watching you talk with Maria, looking so damn pretty in your little skirt and boots. “Fuck, she’s incredible.” 
“Anyone who can actually get you to feel something is a winner in my book,” Tommy replied, hooking up the propane tank. “Not sure what’s thicker, your skull or the space around your heart.” 
Joel laughed but he knew his brother had a point. He hadn’t been in a relationship - a real one - in a very long time. It had been even longer since he’d felt anything close to this for anyone. He’d gone from falling in love with you to just being in love with you and it had happened so quickly it was hard for him to even see it at first. 
He’d just known it when your father had shown up at your door that day. Joel knew what he was after - some other way to manipulate you, he was sure - and it made his blood boil. He had to consciously stop himself from hitting the man. The only reason he didn’t was because he knew it would hurt you if he did. But he knew he had to protect you, had to be the one standing in between you and the man who’d done nothing but neglect and harm you your entire life. 
His whole body burned with it. He wished he could have gone back in time somehow and protected you then, too. Made it so you didn’t have to go through any of it and stand between you and anyone who had ever so much as looked at you wrong. None of them deserved you. Neither did he, for that matter, but he could at least protect you from the worst of them. 
He knew he loved you then. He couldn’t conceive of how anyone could look at you and do anything that would willfully hurt you, how anyone could look at you and see anything but one of the greatest things the world had ever let happen. 
But he didn’t want to scare you off, so he kept it to himself, instead just doing everything he could to take care of you, get you to spend some time with him. 
It turned out, he didn’t need to try that hard. It seemed like you were just as eager to see him as he was to see you. 
You texted him over lunch on a day you were working from home, a picture of all the makings for mac and cheese and a BluRay of Jupiter Ascending, a movie Joel had heard was laughably bad and he’d been meaning to watch at some point. 
“Your place or mine?” You asked. 
Joel smiled. 
“Wherever you are, Beautiful, I’ll be there.”
You asked to come to his place so you could actually get out of your house for a bit and you showed up not long after Joel had gotten out of the shower, a pan of macaroni and cheese ready to go in the oven and a grocery bag over your arm with all the fixings for Bloody Marys. 
“I. Found. Bacon. Vodka,” your eyes were wide and excited. “It’s going to be amazing!” 
You were right, it was amazing. Everything with you was amazing. 
Because he loved you. 
“You told her yet?” Tommy asked as they say next to each other on the gate of his truck during lunch. 
“Told who what?” Joel asked, looking down at his phone for the umpteenth time since his lunch break started. You’d texted him a picture of a rather pathetic looking sandwich. 
“This food truck’s a bust,” you said. “Feeling very let down. I require real food. Dinner?” 
Joel was about to type out a response when you sent a selfie from what had to be a bathroom stall at your office, your shirt unbuttoned an extra button from what it had been when you’d gone your separate ways that morning. 
“In case you needed motivation,” you wrote. 
“Tell your girlfriend that you’re in love with her,” Tommy said. 
Joel frowned and actually looked up from his phone. 
“I didn’t…” 
“Don’t need to say it,” Tommy clapped him on the shoulder. “I’m not blind and I might not be a genius but I ain’t that dumb. You’ve got it bad.”
Joel glared at him for a second. 
“S’too early,” he muttered. “Don’t wanna scare her off.” 
“You’re practically living with this woman,” he said. “She brought steak to your house the other night. Besides the blip, what’s the longest you’ve gone without seeing her since you started dating?” 
Joel was happy that, after the mall incident, Tommy was understanding without Joel needing to be too specific about what happened with your father. He’d just told Tommy “It was a tough family thing, makes our shit look like child’s play.” Tommy just said “Damn, poor girl, shit’s rough” and had only ever called it “the blip” from then on. 
“Just a work day, really,” Joel said. 
“Don’t think it’s too early for shit, man,” Tommy said. “Just don’t fuck it up. And figure out how to tell your kid because I’m shit at keeping secrets.”
Joel sighed and nodded to his brother before texting you back. 
“Never need much motivation with you,” he said. “Can’t let you starve on me. Come over, I’ll grill you a burger.”
When you fell asleep naked in his bed that night, he just watched you breathe, wondering how to tell you how he felt and how to tell his daughter that he was head over heels for her best friend. 
So when you’d all but blurted it out at him at the game, it was a relief. He’d been terrified it would slip out of him for almost two weeks now. That he’d hand you something, you’d say “thank you” and, instead of “you’re welcome” he’d say “I love you.” That he’d kiss you on the way out the door in the morning and instead of “goodbye” it would be “I love you.” That he’d be looking at your perfect face as you rode him and he’d gasp “I love you” as he came deep inside. 
It was a relief to know you felt it, too. It was a relief to say it out loud. It was a relief to feel the sense of security that settled into him at those words, the sense that this wasn’t something that would be easily undone. That this was something he could be safe in feeling, that he could rely on the connection he had with you that had gone from tenuous to vital so fast it made his head spin. 
The rest of the game, he couldn’t keep his hands off of you. You were either perched on his leg or standing right in front of him for the rest of the game, his hands on your waist, pressing his lips into your neck and cheek, each kiss just another “I love you” in his mind. He couldn’t even tell you the score by the end of the game, only knowing that UT won because everyone else around them seemed almost as happy as he was. 
Joel was eager to say his goodbyes to Tommy and Maria when they dropped the two of you off at your apartment. It’s not like he didn’t always want you - he always wanted you - but it was urgent now, a driving need more than a want. 
You, it seemed, were on the same wavelength. The front door was barely closed when you took fistfuls of his shirt and pulled him against you, kissing him deeply as you walked backwards deeper into your home. 
He pulled your hat off first, tossing it on your loveseat on the way back to your bedroom. You went from using his shirt to hold him close to tugging it up and over his head as he did the same with yours. 
In the bedroom, you turned so he was against the bed as you deftly opened his pants and pushed them and his boxer briefs down and off. You nudged him down onto the bed and looked him in the eyes as you slipped your panties down your legs, leaving on the little miniskirt that Joel had so wanted to fuck you in before the game. 
You straddled him, your arms resting on his shoulders, his hands on your back, fingers spread wide to touch as much of you as he could. He slowly, almost reverently, removed your bra, cupping your breasts for a moment before holding onto you again. You aligned your entrance with his cock, the head of him just inside of you. 
He held your gaze, his nose brushing yours, breathing the same air you were. He looked deep in your eyes as you started sinking onto him, your breath hitching as you did. 
“I love you,” he breathed, mouth so close to yours his lips brushed your own when he spoke. 
“Joel,” you managed, your body soft and warm against him as you took him into yourself. “I love you, I…” 
You gasped as he bottomed out within you and he clutched onto you, needing to be as close to you as he could possibly be. 
The two of you just looked at each other for a moment, your skin on his, his cock buried deep within you. 
He realized then that he’d never been inside someone he was in love with before you. He’d tried with Sarah’s mother but her resentment kept any real affection from becoming too deep. Everything before her has been for fun, he hadn’t been looking for anything permanent. No relationship had lasted long enough to actually fall for anyone since. 
It was an intense thing, knowing you loved him back while being a part of you. You always felt incredible, better than anything or anyone else he’d ever felt, but it was different now and he never wanted to be anywhere but with you. 
You took a deep, shaky breath before rising slowly over him. He could feel every inch of you, the tight grip of every ridge, the wet heat of you holding him perfectly inside. He kissed you as you started to ride him, moaning into your mouth, sinking his fingers into your soft skin. 
Your skirt bunched around your hips and you ground your clit against him and he relished it, loving the feeling of you finding your pleasure with his body. 
He met you stroke for stroke until you came over him with a whimper, kissing him deeper, pussy gushing over his cock. 
Joel moved you below him, settling between your thighs, his body still tight to yours for a moment before he separated from you. 
“Joel,” you whimpered, breasts heaving. He slid a hand up your stomach, drinking you in, eyes lingering on the place disappeared into you, your sex swollen and slick. 
“Want to see you,” he panted, moving his hands to the inside of your knees, slipping them over your thighs until one thumb found your clit and the other slipped around your hip to your lower back, your sexy little skirt pushed up around your waist now. “Want to see you come for me.” 
He started driving into you, pulling back almost reluctantly to thrust back as deep as he could reach, watching it move through your body, the ripple of your skin, the bounce of your breasts, the desperate look on your face as he worked your clit, your channel tightening around him. 
“That’s it,” he panted as you ground your hips back against him when he thrust deep. “Are you close, Beautiful? That perfect little pussy about to come for me?”
You nodded and moaned, one of your hands flying to the bed and tangling in the blanket. 
“Good,” he said, all but breathless. “Need you to come all over me, need to feel you come, need to watch you come. Just let go baby, just come for me.” 
He watched your orgasm take hold half a second before he felt it, your face lost in pleasure, your clit throbbing as he felt you come apart around his cock. 
Joel fought to hold his own orgasm off for at least moment, wanting to enjoy your pleasure for as long as he could. But he didn’t last long, thrusting deep and all but collapsing on top of you as the peak of your climax triggered his own. 
Once he’d come down from his high enough to be able to think, he rolled onto his side and took you with him, still buried deep in you, kissing you gently as he held your face in his hand. 
“I love you, Joel,” you said softly. “I’ve never really said that to anybody but I love you.” 
“I love you,” he said, letting the feeling wash over him as he was so impossibly close to you. “I love you so much.” 
As he fell asleep in your bed with you in his arms, he wasn’t sure he’d ever meant anything more. 
Next Chapter
I just love these two, they're so cute working through their relationship shit. They're getting there, they really are!
Thank you for being here and for following their story. It's been so fun to share with you! Love you!!
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pagannatural · 4 months
1.12 Faith
-when Sam calls John, he won’t actually ask for help with Dean even though that’s why he’s calling. He tells him Dean is sick and that he will figure something out. He doesn’t have faith in John as someone he can count on or ask for help. Sam has a hard time in general asking for help. He’s learning how to do this with Dean.
-is he relearning how to ask Dean for help after being on his own at college or has it always been hard for him?
-Dean says You can’t save me and Sam says “watch me.” Sam is very good at going his own way and defying authority. He’s resourceful.
-another rom com moment when Dean shows up at Sam’s door
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-this moment is so funny to me
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Sam’s like, hehe Dean you’re silly I will never let you die. Ever :)
Psycho <3
-Sam is hovering and touching Dean protectively a lot and Dean is so ornery about it even though he’d do the exact same thing with Sam. He hates feeling vulnerable at all, and Sam is his greatest vulnerability, so he doesn’t want Sam touching him. Or he really wants Sam touching him and can’t cope with that on the best of days.
-it must be hard for Dean to be around Sam and physically incapable of protecting him
-Dean “lets look into the fact that a guy my exact age died of the exact thing I was healed from at the exact time I was healed” versus Sam “nah let’s just leave” Winchester
-Sam’s like I’m sorry Dean 🥺🥺 not about trading your life for someone else’s which I’d do a hundred times, but that you’re upset now 🥺
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-Dean points out that the preacher’s wife was “desperate, her husband was dying,”
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This also describes Sam, desperate, whose husband was dying.
-Sam saves Dean’s life by getting his heart healed. He spent days on end awake researching any possible way to save Dean. He can see that Dean is scared and doesn’t want to die, but a part of Dean wants to give up.
Dean feels like he’s living on borrowed time and struggles with whether he deserves to be alive for quite a while after this. He doesn’t think he’s good enough- he still feels that John is the better hunter, he’s just sorta swallowing John’s abandonment, and he fears Sam will leave him again when they find John.
He doesn’t see how much Sam needs and loves him. He will need to see that in order to feel worthy and choose to live.
At the beginning of the episode Dean thought Sam couldn’t save him and Sam said “watch me.” This episode doesn’t resolve that in a way that’s satisfying because Dean rejects the way he was saved, but that’s because his arc isn’t over and what he really needs to be saved from is more internal. Sam will save Dean by showing him he’s worthy.
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abyssruler · 2 years
CONGRATS ON 3K!!! May i ask albedo + normal au + soulmate + fluff? I don't have any other ideas so plot is up to you! I'll be happy with whatever you write 🫶🫶
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of inks and six toes
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albedo x gn!reader
in a world where anything you write on your skin appears on your soulmate’s skin, albedo finds that much unlike his initial expectations, he does have a soulmate, and one that he’s surprised to admit he genuinely enjoys conversing with.
soulmate au, comedy, fluff, written for my 3k event!
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Albedo learns how to pen words on his skin long before he learns how to write them on paper.
His master has always encouraged this little habit. Notes, reminders, and quick calculations done on the smooth skin of his arm, hands, and on the days where he’s covered in warm clothing from head to toe, his cheeks.
He’s always been curious, always one to voice out questions—this, too, is a habit his master encourages—but he’s never thought to ask why he must write more on his skin than on paper. It was simply a way of life. You sit on a chair, you drink on a cup, you bend the laws of physics using the forbidden art of khemia, and you write inconsequential things to your skin.
Must check test tube #32 on 06:45 and observe any difference, he writes to the inside of his wrist.
With every year that passes, his master becomes more and more displeased with him, claiming his lack of progress, but Albedo doesn’t understand. He’s been doing exceptionally well, excelling in his studies and furthering his knowledge with research, he’s even acquired the small hobby of sketching. He doesn’t understand which aspect he’s lacking in.
It isn’t until years later, when his master deems him mature enough to accompany her in one of her supply trips in a nearby town, that he learns about soulmates. And only five months after that trip does he finally understand what his master meant by progress.
There, written near an absentminded reminder by the inside of his wrist, is a shaky scrawl akin to that of a child’s.
Wat deos experiment meen?
Albedo learns a lot of things within the span of a few months after his soulmate finally responds to him.
The first being that his master seems to be more satisfied with him lately. After the initial shock of the revelation that a synthetic human such as himself would even possess a soulmate, he hurried to show his master the scribbles you made on his wrist. Her threats of leaving him should he fail a certain task has also lessened, almost to a nonexistent degree. Perhaps having a soulmate is the greatest proof of life an artificial person like him could have.
The second is that he never knew talking to someone would be something he would find himself looking forward to everyday. To form relations such as friendship and actively put in the effort to maintain it were not things he anticipated to be this enjoyable. Or perhaps it’s because the person he’s speaking to—rather, writing to, is you, his soulmate.
And lastly, within the first few minutes of conversing with you, Albedo discovers that you are young. Incredibly so, in fact.
…Not that he’s in any position to call anyone young, being that he’s barely a decade old despite looking like a young man already. He supposes he should be thankful to have been born with fully functional limbs and motor skills, his master isn’t exactly the best caretaker for a child, much less a good parental figure (never mind that he already thinks of her as his mother).
hau old ar yu?
How old are you, he corrects, all while mentally calculating exactly how old he is. His master would know down to the very last second, but he can’t bother her with something as mundane as this. Truthfully, the first few years of his life were spent learning as much as he could about the world and alchemy, such that he never took much note of his age until he learned the concept of birthdays. He thinks his master celebrated him being a decade old about a month ago—and by celebrate he means she let him sketch as much as he liked and gave him a break on his studies.
He estimates that he is about ten. Probably.
So that’s what he answers to his soulmate, he does you the favor of writing it in numerical form to make it easier to read.
wow yur old! The words come alive on the back of his hand slowly, each letter uneven and some even written backwards.
You’re, he corrects, more out of habit than any real desire to teach you proper grammar, and 10 isn’t that old. Once you get older, you’ll find that 10 is considered quite young.
It takes you a while to respond, and within that time frame, Albedo finishes transferring a heated whooperflower extract into a test tube. It’s an exercise in patience, and thankfully he has plenty of it. He regrets not using easier words for you to understand, but erasing the ink on his hand and writing new ones will probably confuse you more than you already are.
okey! papa sed im 5 yeers old, turneeng 6 tomorow
You must be very smart to be able to read and write already at that age. I’ll make sure to wish you a happy birthday tomorrow, he replies.
It takes another few minutes for you to write back. but you’re smarter then me so wen did you read and write?
Albedo lets himself feel the slightest hint of pride at how you spelled ‘you’re’ correctly this time around. You’re a quick learner.
I learned before I turned a year old, but please don’t tell anyone. Not that anyone would believe you if you said your soulmate learned how to read and write (and transmigrate a small branch into a flower) before he was one, but better to be safe than sorry.
oohh is this wat mama cals a secret?
Yes, it is, and I would be very happy if you kept it.
okey! i wont tel enywon! :)
Thank you.
He spends the next few minutes making light conversation with you, occasionally correcting your spelling and explaining any concept you seem confused about—until his master berates him for neglecting his work, and he has to bid you a hasty goodbye and apology. You’re quick to understand his circumstances, even as young as you are, only writing a goodbye next to his with a small, misshapen heart that he strangely finds adorable.
The next day, right as the clock turned to 00:00, he writes Happy Birthday on each side of his cheek. His master raises a brow when she sees it, but the excited little drawings you write on your wrist more than makes up for the humiliation.
Tomorrow is my first day of school!
Your grammar and spelling have improved drastically within the span of a year. Albedo deduces you’ll be outdoing your peers in class. Not that he’s the best judge for how a child would normally develop mentally, but from what he’s read, you’re clearly very advanced.
Good luck.
Thanks! I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow :D
I look forward to it, and he finds that he does indeed look forward to it.
Hey soulmate what nation are you from?
You’ve developed the habit of calling him that due to his lack of interest in sharing his name.
Aren’t you in class right now?
Yeah but it’s boring :( tell me more about alchemy
You said yesterday that you find alchemy boring as well, he points out.
But alchemy’s the less boring subject
You should still pay attention in class.
Poopy head. Oh no the teacher is look———
Who is Mondstadt’s god?
The Anemo Archon, though if we’re referring to his name, it’d be Barbatos.
What’s the name of Sneshneya’s capital?
Snezhnaya, he corrects, and it’s Zapolyarny.
And many more such questions, most of them only needing the most basics of knowledge.
Albedo answers them all dutifully, wondering whether this is a test to see how knowledgable he is regarding Teyvat. His master would not be pleased to see him idling about, doing nothing as he waits for his soulmate to write back to him instead of spending his time doing research.
Wow! I’m the only one who scored perfectly on the test!
His eyebrows rise, an idea forming in his mind at the same time as amusement.
A test? he writes back.
Yeah, for my school! You’re so smart! Thank you, soulmate ♡
Something swells in his chest. Warm and pleasant that leaves in him a sense of satisfaction he might akin to the feeling he gets after a successful experiment, or that of the heat that settles in his stomach after a hearty meal during a cold, winter day.
Fondness, he decides, it is fondness.
You’re most welcome. Although next time it would be better to consult me while you’re studying so you would not have to resort to cheating.
Hey! It’s not cheating, it’s called using the resources you have to your advantage.
He has to stifle a smile at how clever you’ve become. Though not clever enough to answer your own tests, it seems.
Using my words against me?
Of course, I learned from the best!
To be able to impart knowledge upon others, it is something he had not thought possible until recent years, not with how isolated he is and his only human contact being his master. It is amongst many other less shallow reasons that he is glad to have met you.
To be able to influence others by teaching them what he knows. It is a wishful thought, but he thinks he’d like to do such a thing in the future.
Aunt Alice just gave birth to a baby girl! Her name’s Klee and she’s so fat, are all babies this fat?
Albedo spends a long time staring at his wrist before managing to snap himself out of his haze.
He doesn’t believe in coincidences, but what are the odds that this Alice you were speaking of is the same Alice who just sent a letter to his master the other day about how she finally spawned a daughter. If they so happen to be the same person, then fate truly has a strange sense of humor, though perhaps he should have known that from the moment fate decided a homunculus should have a soulmate.
Yes, he finally responds, a little plumpness isn’t considered fat; in fact, it’s often a sign of healthiness. Also, please don’t call the baby fat right to her mother’s face.
Too late! Aunt Alice just laughed and agreed with me. Isn’t she the best?
He shakes his head in amusement and distantly notes how your Aunt Alice’s personality seems to align with his master’s friend.
I’m joining the Knights of Favonius.
He blinks at the sight that greets him first thing in the morning.
Ah. Well, he supposes this finally confirms all his suspicions of you hailing from Mondstadt.
The clues were there, practically spoon-fed to him, from the innocuous mentions of a certain flower or the structure of a building you found ridiculous, but he didn’t want to form a solid conclusion until you confirmed it yourself.
Is there a particular reason for this decision?
I just feel a bit inadequate. I’m already fifteen but one of my friends has been a captain at the Knights since last year. I’m stuck here stagnating while the rest of my peers move on.
Albedo isn’t the best at comforting people. Years of isolation and limited contact have made socialization one of the fields he doesn’t excel at. He can be a bit tactless, as you once said. He’ll try though, for you.
You don’t need to conform to other people’s standards. Each person moves at their own pace. You needn’t pressure yourself by placing such high expectations on your shoulders. He ponders more on what he could say, until a thought occurs so he adds, With that said, do you want to join the Knights of Favonius or are you merely joining because you feel that you have to?
It takes you a good few minutes to write back. He patiently waits for you to compose an answer, abandoning the on-going experiment he has on the workbench in favor of investing his full attention to you.
Yeah, I think I do want to. Not just because I think I should, but I really want to join.
Then I wish you luck on your future endeavors.
He was about to turn back to his neglected experiment when he sees ink forming on his inner wrist.
And soulmate? you write, your handwriting shaky in a way he hasn’t seen since you were young.
Worried, he hastily scribbles, Yes?
I think I Thank you :)
What should we say to each other if we ever meet in person?
Would you mind elaborating?
I dunno, cause I like to think I’d recognize your handwriting anywhere—and it better be the same case with you! So maybe we should have a secret phrase between us to identify each other.
I’m not very imaginative when it comes to these things. How about you think of a phrase?
Okay! How about this: Barbatos has six toes.
No one in Mond would ever think to say such a thing, which means no one would ever say it out of the blue and confuse us. It’s perfect!
Ah, I see. Alright, if that’s what you wish.
See this is why I lo you’re my favorite person ever :D
Congratulations on being promoted to captain.
Thanks!! Only took about three years, of course, but totally worth the time and effort! I can finally boss people around :)
Please don’t.
No promises!
I got a vision!
That’s a sign of acknowledgement from the gods, or so they say. Would you like me to congratulate you?
No need for that. Just try and guess which element I got!
How’d you guess so quickly?!
The element suits you. Passionate and driven, it was only a matter of time before you were given one.
I really heh who knew you thought so highly of me?
Who wouldn’t?
I’m going to be busy for the next few days traveling.
Okay stay safe!
My master has entrusted me with a heavy task. This is the first time I
You’re going to do great. You’re the smartest and most capable person I know, soulmate!
Thank you.
“So, this new guy, he’s an alchemist?”
“Yes, and apparently a very good one,” Jean answers your question, walking with you side by side as you make your way to the entrance of the Favonius Headquarters to meet this ‘Albedo’ fellow. Well, more like Jean’s on her way to meet him while you’re on your way home.
“Huh. Reminds me of someone I know,” you muse.
She looks at you with amusement. “You mean your soulmate?”
You laugh sheepishly. “I never shut up about him, do I?”
“That’s an exaggeration, I’d say you’re just very in love with him.”
“What?!” you screech, whipping your head towards her.
Jean laughs into her hand. “You’re not fooling anyone with how excited you get whenever he writes back to you.”
“I-I mean,” you deflate in defeat. “I guess it is kinda obvious…” you sigh, only to straighten when you reach the massive doors of the entrance of the Headquarters.
There’s a person with ash blond hair standing right by its awning, looking over something in a clipboard. He turns at the sound of your approaching footsteps. Your eyes meet, and within that brief moment of contact, it feels like you’ve known this stranger your entire life.
Jean greets him. He nods his head at her and introduces himself. She then turns to you, “I’m assigning you to be his guide for the next few days. Be kind, alright?”
Your jaw drops. “Wha—why me?”
“Because you’re the closest available captain in the area,” she answers with an uncharacteristically sly smile. Oh, you lament, she really needs to spend less time with Lisa.
“Fine, but I can’t do it today. I promised Klee we’d go exploring this afternoon,” you concede.
“It’s settled then!” Jean claps her hand before giving the two of you an encouraging smile and leaving briskly. What a busy lady…
You then turn to Albedo who’s been silently watching your interaction, and you find him looking at you like you’re a puzzle he can’t quite discern. Shaking off his strange behavior, you pull out a pen and offer your hand to him. He looks at it curiously before placing his hand into your palm.
“May I ask what this is for?”
You uncap the pen. “Just gonna write down the time I’m free tomorrow, y’know, so you don’t forget.”
“I see.”
Writing on the palm of his hand almost feels wrong. Somehow. A strange feeling you can’t quite place.
It’s probably the spoiled milk you drank earlier.
“And there! Now that’s done, I just need to…” you trail off, seeing a blot of ink in the palm of your hand.
Excitement fills you. Abandoning your new acquaintance in favor of putting all your attention to the new words in your palm, you don’t notice the look of realization that crosses Albedo’s face once he sees what you’ve written on his hand.
1:30PM, Tuesday on the…
Your mind blanks.
You don’t read much beyond that.
This is your handwriting.
But you didn’t write this on your hand, you wrote this on—
Turning a shocked look to Albedo, who if your suspicions are correct, is your soulmate, you find him looking at you with that same wide-eyed look mirrored in your face.
After a few moments of staring, something seems to occur to him.
“Oh, right,” he suddenly speaks up.
He grabs your hand—the same one that has your free time tomorrow written on it—and looks at you with such seriousness, you couldn’t have possibly hoped to predict what he was about to say next.
“Barbatos has six toes,” Albedo says with a straight face before furrowing his brows in question. “That’s our phrase, isn’t it?”
Finding your soulmate unexpectedly, finally getting to hold his hand after fantasizing about it for so long, and him saying those damned words you’d meant as a joke all those years ago.
You can’t help it anymore.
You burst out laughing.
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3k word count
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mychlapci · 4 months
I would love to hear some personal favourites with merformers, whether it be ships or physical traits or culture ideas or yknow pure porn, totally not because I’m trying to write a merformers research facility fic, whaaaat noooo, why would you think thattttt
- Robooby
NICE, I can ramble about merformers. this will also be incoherent, but, here we go.
- i think mers are still fully metal. the tail folds cleverly, looking fluid and organic, but it's still 100% metal. what little "organic" or soft parts they have, i think that'd be their array, and various decorative fins. Defensive or attack fins are still metal.
- my favourite merformers culture thing still is the licking inside of someone’s mouth that i already talked about. I think they don’t have a concept of kissing as cybertronians know it, so this isn’t exactly a kiss, it’s much more intimate and significant, since it’s done to show submission to someone. It’s basically saying “i belong to you” in a romantic, platonic, or familial way. I also think mers have elaborate mating dances, embedded deep into their instincts, and will automatically initiate them before trying to have sex.
- I think mers are fully sentient, but they’re far too instinct-driven for researchers to really figure that out until a few years in (early facilities were not very… nice). Unlike cybertronians, they have to hunt for food and still worry about predators and can only reproduce between each other, so their instincts would have never evolved out of them. They are, however, intelligent. There are cities, or, their versions of cities in the depths of the ocean, they have culture and holidays and jewelry (oh lord, i love to put merformers in jewelry. Mers wearing shells and crystals as necklaces, or more morbidly so, teeth and fangs of things they’ve killed, membranes of dead predators as pretty translucent cloaks….)
- I still like the idea of the Lost Light being a ship that crashed into the ocean ages ago and now it’s used as a little hang-out spot for various mers (re: the lost light crew). Or, as a mating spot.
- As for ships, I am still very fond of the idea of Minimus being a hermit crab occupying the dead metal shell of a long-dead Ultra Magnus, and Megatron, who is of the same genotype (the same sub-species of fish) as Ultra Magnus was, becomes deeply enamoured with him after some time spent together, only to be met with a lot of disappointment when it turns out that he’s unable to mate Magnus (because he’s cumming into Magnus’s tank, and well, the dead shell of Ultra Magnus is in no state to be having pups). Minimus is unable to mate Megatron either because the reserves Ultra Magnus has are too old and sterile.
Of course, I am very into veterinarian/caretaker Ratchet and mer Drift. Or facility staff Drift and mer Ratchet. the interspecies thing really hits the spot with these two. But also, let's remember that fanfic i tried to write, where Ratchet has lived in capture for most of his life and Drift is a wild mer that was put into his tank and they struggle to socialize. I like that.
- I really like to think old and fertile is a very desirable trait for most mers. It’s something that the staff of many facilities don’t figure out for a while, but older mers who’ve kept their fertility are much better at having clutches than younger ones. This goes for Ratchet, for Megatron, for Optimus (though we’ve never had mer Optimus in here, which is a pity), for Rung. An old mer is usually harder to mate with but absolutely worth it.
- I think they speak their own language, but are capable of learning how to fluently communicate with cybertronians. "domesticated" mers (re: mers that have lived in a facility for most of their life and cannot survive in the wild anymore) would be indistinguishable from a regular cybertronian if it wasnt for the tail
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bihansthot · 9 months
So, a little while ago the lovely @dearsimp requested some headcanons involving a reader from Mexico, it just so happened their birthday was a few days ago so I apologize again for being late! Hopefully these are acceptable, I’m afraid I don’t know much about Mexico, but I did some research which is partially why it took so long and I hope they are ok! I am so so sorry if anything is inaccurate I’m going off of google and a few Mexican cooking programs T_T I’m Scandinavian, so this is all new territory for me, I’m also so sorry if any of the Spanish is incorrect, I only speak English and Japanese, so I used a translator! Also I hope you are staying safe during earthquake season!
This is all fluff, no ratings, gender neutral reader a some slight kissing but nothing too steamy, I really hope these are ok! I had fun writing them! Much love to all my Latinx readers <3
You turn the dough out on the counter with a satisfied *plop*, you turn to your lover as he wipes some of the flour off your brow, “see, not that hard is it?” You ask as you begin to knead and work the lump of dough, trying to create something smooth and homogenous like your Abuela showed you years ago. Once satisfied with the shape you place it in an oiled bowl to rise as you turn once again to your stand mixer to create the cookie-like crust for the delicious treat.
“It smells delicious, I can’t wait to give them a try,” Tomas replies as he sneaks a little kiss on the top of your head. He sadly didn’t remember much about his own family traditions having been orphaned at such a young age, so he loved and treasured the time the two of you spent together sharing your proud Mexican culture.
You fiddle with the dough, rolling it in even balls before coating them with flattened-out sheets of the cookie-like topping.
“Is that a tortilla press?” Tomas asks commenting on your ingenious method for flattening out the pastry.
“My Abeula was a smart cookie! She always worked smarter, not harder!” You smile and make quick work of the cookie balls. You carefully drape the little cookie sheets over the dough balls and carve a fun swirling pattern into the confections, “now they just have to bake and we’ll be ready to eat them!”
“I know it would have been less work to just go to the bakery to eat them, but I’m so glad you suggested making them ourselves,” Tomas comments as he tucks the little cookie sheet in for himself and leans back to admire his somewhat clumsy, albeit perfect in your eyes, little conchas.
You steal a kiss, leaning over the counter to claim the smoke wielder’s lips, your soft velvety ones brushing lightly against his slightly chapped ones. It’s sweet and perfect in the moment, and you sigh a little as you open your mouth at the press of his tongue, he tastes warm and sweet and you can immediately tell he’s been stealing bits of the cookie dough. You don’t scold him though, instead, you lick his lips and suck softly on his tongue, eager to get more of the sweet, vanilly taste.
He reluctantly breaks the kiss as soon as the oven dings indicating it was hot enough to bake the conchas. “Guess we can finally bake these huh?”
“Y-yeah,” you reply a little flustered, anytime Tomas kissed you he immediately had that effect on you. You brush some of your hair back from your face as you put the tray of waiting pastries in the oven and set a timer. “We have about 18-25 mins, can you think of anything do to in the meantime,” you ask, giving him a suggestive smirk.
“Oh I can think of something,” he grins, his silvery eyes sparkling with a promise of things to come as he lifts you onto the kitchen counter and closes the gap between the two of you to capture your lips in a passionate dance.
It’s Independence Day, something you had been looking forward to all year if for nothing else than all the delicious food available in the Zocalo. Unfortunately for your boyfriend, though he couldn’t stomach Earthrealms foods, you look over at him remorsefully as you take a big bite of your delicious Taco al Pastor. Your eyes roll back momentarily as you sink your teeth into the delicious meat and the pillowy soft tortilla, “are you sure you don’t want to at least try it Sy?”
“I’d love to sunshine, but it will give me indigestion most foul and I don’t think either of us want to bear witness to that,” Syzoth frowns as he explains his predicament.
“There must be something at one of the stalls similar enough to the food you’re used to in Outworld,” you sit there as you finish your taco mulling over the different possibilities the fiesta might have. “Why don’t we walk around the market and see, if there is anything I’ll get it for you, my treat!” You smile brightly and drag your boyfriend off towards one of the large covered markets adoring the city capital.
“Woah, woah! Slow down Sunshine, we have all day,” the Saurian laughs as he’s dragged from stall to stall with you, each one of them having what must be Earthrealm delicacies but nothing he could find palatable until you turned the corner.
“There!” You cry excitedly as you point to the mound of deep-fried grasshoppers, “chapulines!”
Syzoth cocks his head hesitantly before sniffing the pile of fried grasshoppers, they smelled delicious and had his mouth-watering, “can, can I try some? Those might just do it,” he replies as his stomach lets out an embarrassing gurgling sound.
You’re quick to order some for your lizard boyfriend and the vendor seems a little surprised you don’t want any tortillas or toppings but piles the grasshoppers in a dish for the two of you and sets it on the counter.
Awkwardly Syzoth grabs a fork and tries to spear one of the crunchy little delicacies, only to no avail, “Sunshine a little help here?” He asks still not entirely familiar with Earthrealm eating customs.
“You can use your hands Sy, it’s fine!” You reassure him as his emerald eyes sparkle with delight.
Slowly he munches on one of the grasshoppers, trying to assess if they were palatable for him.
“Well?” You ask with bated breath, so curious if you finally found something your Saurian boyfriend could enjoy.
“These are amazing!” He exclaims before shoving a handful in his mouth, chirping and crunching happily. “They’re so crispy and savory! So, similar to my natural diet!”
You clap your hands in delight as Syzoth makes quick work of his snack and you quickly order him two more portions, the vendor equal parts confused and elated at the customer’s clear enjoyment of his product.
“Viva Mexico!” Syzoth cheers happily before proceeding to stuff his mouth.
You beam at him so excited you are finally able to share something special about your heritage with the Saurian.
Kuai Liang:
“I would love to but I don’t know how xingan,” Kuai Liang laments as the two of you skirt around the brightly lit plaza.
Bands are playing festive music and lots of couples dancing merrily and you want to be part of the fun, however; your boyfriend does not know how to dance. “I can teach you, but I’m afraid I don’t know how to dance very well either, but I do remember some steps my Abuelo taught me when I was little.”
“I suppose we can try,” the pyromancer offers you a sheepish smile as you lead him towards the center of the plaza.
You try and keep to the rhythm, trying to remember what your Abuelo taught you, but it seemed as though the two of you had two left feet, tripping each other at every turn. You didn’t care though, you were just happy to be spending time together, during this local festival.
“I told you I don’t know how,” Kuai Liang seems apologetic and hangs his head in defeat as the music tempo changes to a melodic love song.
“Come on, even you can dance to this,” you reassure him as you sway your hips to the slow tempo and count out steps for him to follow. It’s clumsy yet perfect all at the same time, you rest your head against his warm shoulder, loving the comforting warmth he provides. The song ends and you are reluctant to part from the pyromancer, but it does not appear that he has any intention of letting you go as he pulls you closer, the heat radiating off his body.
His lips find yours in a slow practiced motion as you tilt your head instinctively to the side and enjoy your soft moment, forgetting you are in public, all you can focus on is the man you love.
“Uno mas!” Bi-Han calls out confidently to the barkeep indicating he indeed wanted another shot of tequila.
“Polar Bear that’s like your fifth shot shouldn’t you slow down?” You ask, your words slurred and sluggish.
“Pssshhh I can drink all night qīn!” He grins with confidence as he downs the bitter liquid as you stuff a lime into his mouth and he slams the glass down triumphantly. “Besides, I don’t need your help ordering them anymore, did you see that? Huh? I ordered it all by myself!” He laughs, clearly proud of the fact he has mastered one Spanish phrase.
You can’t help but laugh at his silly antics and grin at him, “oh yes! I’m very proud of you! Wait, wait! I have such a good idea! It’s my birthday and you said we could do whatever I wanted right?” You ask, crowding the cryomancer, the cold rolling off his flawless body doing little to combat your flushed cheeks.
“Yeah… what do you have in mind?” He asks before motioning for another shot and downing it before you can scold him.
“I want to see you in a charro suit! Please Polar Bear? You’d look sooooo good in one!” You clap your hands together excitedly, practically bouncing out of your seat at the idea.
“Where do we get one?” He asks, his speech starting to slur.
“There’s a rental store a few doors down! My parents used it for my quinceañera!” You exclaim as you hurriedly pay the tab and grab your behemoth of a boyfriend out of the bar.
“I saw the pictures from that, that dress was insane qīn, so fluffy! So many layers! You looked so cute!” He almost giggles as he recalls the details of your amazing quince dress.
“My dad picked it out, but thankfully he has good taste,” you laugh and drag him to the rental store, after a quick conversation with the shopkeeper Bi-Han finds himself mostly naked in the dressing room and you can’t help but look over every delicious inch of tanned, muscular flesh, “oh yeah, that’s my man,” you sigh contently to yourself.
After a few moments in the dressing room Bi-Han returns head to toe in his charro suit, “just call me fucking Bi-Juan! I look amazing in this!” He slurs and wobbles a bit in the tight-fitting shoes.
You can’t hold it together any longer and fall off your chair with laughter at his declaration of “Bi-Juan”, “oh my god, Polar Bear stop! That has to be racist!”
“Nah it’s call good! I’m dating a beautiful Latina, her-hermosa,” he replies with a sly smirk and a slight hiccup. “Come on qīn it’s your birthday! Why aren’t we drinking more!?” He throws the shopkeeper a wad of bills which was clearly more than the suit and shoes cost as he picks you up with ease and throws you over his shoulder. “Vamanos!”
You squeal as he handles you like you were nothing and laugh as the two of you make your way back to the bar to continue your birthday celebrations.
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overlysour · 9 months
Hi there!! For your event, may I ask for Xiao w/ ghost reader? Like, I’m pretty sure he can see ghosts (since he saw that girl that traveler saw?..) so it’d be cool to see!
Xiao with a ghost s/o
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-Xiao & ghosts are an interesting combo, I at first wondered if he had anything to do with them (like exorcising) but from a bit of research, i can say no.
-Now, for Xiao, he will immediately know you’re a ghost. You don’t need some dramatic thing to catch his attention because he’ll sense you’re there (that or Verr informed him you’d be around).
-I’d imagine he ignores you whether you try to socialise with him or not, seeing as he spends a lot of time fighting demons.
-If you follow him around, he won’t really say anything, he might spare a few judging looks but will eventually get used to a ghost not far behind him on most days.
-May eventually answer a question of yours, something along the lines of ‘what’s your name’ then very slowly open up to you.
-You may be a ghost, meaning you cannot die again, but that doesn’t mean he’s jumping at the chance to be friends.
-He will come to appreciate you over time though, subtly engaging in small talk over time.
-Now, I’m not entirely sure if you can touch ghosts but I have seen people say they have felt ghosts touch them or bumped into ghosts. I myself have mixed feelings on the idea of ghosts so I’m not an expert, bare with me!!
-So, going on the idea that ghosts can touch/be touched, he may not mind if you place a hand on his back whilst he’s gazing up at the sky during nighttime.
-If you tell him you like flowers or nature in general, he may just take a trip to a lovely field and sit on a nice rock with you, you never know..
-Actually doesn’t really mind that you’re not human, seeing as he too isn’t and there’s a bunch of things that you can bond over.
-Will avoid Hu Tao at all costs if you’re with him, he isn’t looking for her to tease him about having a soft-spot for a certain undead or to offer to take you into the afterlife.
-He isn’t trying to be selfish or anything by not wanting you to accept the other, he’s quite sure you would’ve gone to the afterlife already if you wished to.. But he grows to like you, not exactly stating so but showing it by engaging in chats and paying more attention to you.
-Pretty unsociable so whether you are too or not, you’ll probably find yourself gazing at nothing in a comfortable silence.
-Isn’t thinking about relationships nor does he notice whether he grows romantic feelings for you, seeing as he’s never experienced such feelings to know of them for himself.
-He does eventually get it, much like a child in the way he discovers the feelings.
-He has observed married couples over the years for a few seconds, checking over Liyue and silently wondering if that was a silly thing to do, devote your life to another who has done so little for you.
-But he slowly gets it, wondering if it’s a possibility for him to ask you about these feelings or whether they’re just silly emotions.
-Eventually goes to Zhongli privately, asking about these feelings and what to do.
-It confuses Xiao, in all honesty, the revelation of how it works and the fact it’s natural for any species giving him comfort despite the confusion.
-He’s awkward, if you’re flirty or teasing he will go bright red before huffing and putting his mask back on.
-If you’re awkward too then… well, you’re probably both gonna dance around the subject until you can no longer.
-Asks you out rather formally either way, a tint of red on hai cheeks as he speaks, crossing his arms as if he didn’t care of your answer.
-You saying yes almost knocks the life out of him (well, you can be ghosts together..?).
-Not one for physical touch but will indulge you if you wish for some, since you’ve probably not touched anyone or had any touch you in ages, being a ghost and all..
-Enjoys knowing there’s someone close to him that’s immortal too, unlike the many hundred years he spent alone.
-Is rather sweet, won’t have arguments with you for multiple reasons, one of which being that he’s had enough violence in his life & only wishes for you to be okay.
-These hcs honestly aren’t very Halloween-like but yea that’s it 😭
Halloween masterlist
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girlzwfun · 5 months
⠀⸺ ❝ LONG ROAD ❞
warnings – car accident, death, broken bones, blood mentioned; kinda suggestive but nothing happened. these are really the only things idk anything about broken bones & i’ve never been in a car accident so sorry. i did research as much as i could.
setting – april 03, 2016
word count – 1.1k
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chaerin had exited the building as discreetly as possible. having spent the night at her boyfriend’s, she called iseul, her manager, to pick her up and to park not so close to the building. cheri had begun to regret this as she made the trek.
iseul had poked fun at cheri for spending a whole day with her boyfriend this early in their relationship. she was almost in shock that her friend was spending this much time with a guy.
“iseul, i didn’t know i was going to stay this long.” she hissed into her phone and adjusted her cap. cheri heard the cackle from outside the car. “seriously, you suck.” iseul opened the door and helped cheri inside.
““i remember you specifically said you’d never spend the night with someone you just started dating.” she rolled her eyes at her manager and peered out the window, smiling slightly.
“whatever. i just want to get home. i’m tired,” she closed her eyes for a moment, hearing the snickering from the woman beside her. “i cannot stand you, cho iseul.”
“rest, chaerin. i won’t bother you,” iseul patted her leg and went back to her phone. “for now.” chuckling to herself, cheri allowed herself to doze off for exactly 10 minutes before she felt the car swerve and the squeal of tires on asphalt. before she could open her eyes fully, she saw blood trickling from her head.
“is-iseul,” the girl cried. “iseul! ise-“ cheri’s red hand reached for the other woman’s. she noticed that she was hunched forward.
“hello!” she called. “someone help!” she tried to remove her seatbelt but could barely feel her arm or see the buckle. looking to her right, she saw a concrete barrier meaning the window had broken on her. to her left, she saw a navy SUV smoking from the hood. somehow, she made out the face of the driver.
“help me, please,” she begged to no one. it felt like ages before anyone showed up. iseul and the driver were removed from the car and, by the time they’d gotten to her, cheri felt the adrenaline running but wasn’t aware of anything happening around her. she answered their questions as best as she could, telling them her name, age, and god knows what else she told them.
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she remembers closing her eyes in the ambulance for a second, which was apparently hours because she woke up in a hospital room severely parched.
making out the silhouette that sat beside her, she asked, “can i have some water?”
the blue-haired individual perked up and quickly poured water into a cup for her.
“here, careful.” he almost whispered as he held the cup to her mouth. “do you need anything? i- your mom’s here.”
“namjoon,” she finally recognized him. “i want to go home.” he frowned and sat the cup down.
“you can’t. not yet,” he stood and went into the hallway. “are you in any pain? the doctor, she said you’d probably be in pain when you woke up.” cheri shook her head. she didn’t feel anything at all.
“where are the other guys?” she asked. “and iseul and our driver? are they okay?” namjoon stared down at the floor.
“they’ll be here later. they didn’t want to overwhelm you.” he made his way to the door. “i think someone wants to talk to you.” the man quickly exited the room leaving chaerin in an anxious state. shortly after, another person entered.
“thank god,” her mother’s familiar voice flooded the room. “thank god.” her strong arms embraced cheri for several moments.
“mom, tell me what happened.” cheri spoke. “i know we were hit. after that?”
haesook let out a breath. “you have a fractured arm, broken knee, bruises, cuts, but you’re here.” cheri stared at the wall in front her. she was afraid to ask anymore after namjoon’s refusal to answer, but she had to know.
“iseul? our driver?” the look on her mother’s face said enough. cheri had known that the car had been hit on the left, iseul and the driver taking the majority of the impact. she remembered her manager being hunched over and unresponsive and the driver’s head resting against the air bag.
“i’m sorry, honey.” cheri turned her head and closed her eyes as she began to cry. “she was unresponsive when she was brought in and didn’t make it. he was dead on arrival.”
haesook held her daughter as she cried.
“it was him,” she choked. “i know it was. i know his car and i know his face.” haesook shushed chaerin to calm her. she had already known who it was. he had tried to send her flowers, tried to see her. she immediately had him removed from the vicinity. he had failed to cover the wounds on his face and was far too knowledgeable about the accident. it wasn’t the first time he’d tried to hurt her daughter.
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the girl awoke the next day in more pain than she could fathom and a new person sitting beside her. her knee throbbed and her arm burned slightly. groaning, she reached out, knowing that whoever was there would hold her hand.
“hi, my blossom.” he placed a kiss to the back of her hand. “do you need anything?” baekhyun’s soft voice lingered.
“‘m hungry,” she replied. “kiss?” the older man leaned forward and kissed her gently. his lips hovered and he noticed her smile.
“i should’ve just stayed another night,” she joked. “now you get to take care of me. i’m no fun to take care of.” her non injured arm came up to his face, her hand caressing his cheek.
“i’ll be right back. i’ll get you something to eat.” he said opening the door. “i think someone wanted to speak with you.”
chaerin spent the next half hour talking to a police officer. they had arrested the man cheri had already known as bae youngjae and had charged him. they had determined he was traveling at 144 km/h with the intent to harm. he had followed them from the dorm. fortunately, cheri would never have to see him again.
when they were finished, her mother and doctor came to discuss treatment for her injuries. her knee was displaced and she was going to have surgery, but her arm would heal on its own and in a sling. she had a concussion, bruising on her ribs, and lacerations from her seatbelt. cheri was not going to be able to perform with the group and would have to sit out for many of the upcoming promotions. she had a long road to recovery.
“this is going to be so shitty,” she complained. jungkook laughed from behind her, pushing her wheelchair out to the car.
“we’ll take care of you. don’t worry.” jimin promised. hoseok took her bag and seokjin held onto her hand. she managed to hoist herself out of the seat and hobbled to the car door. once inside, she leaned her head on the nearest shoulder and sighed.
“can i finally go home?”
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