#like it feels like such a disservice to the infinity
punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
It's finally here!!!
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Graphic design is my passion LMFAO but as i said i would do a while back,i've created a masterpost of all the Jason Todd content that's worth your time!This is rather long but he's existed since 1983 so!!
Base edit is my little sister @mayameanderings and tagging @coffeemilkcatz and @nanaonmars since they said yes when i asked if they wanted me to!Let's dive in then!
Batman 408-426,Detective comics 568-582,Superman annual 11,New Teen Titans 18-31,Blue Devil 19,Action comics 556 and 594,Batman Annuals 10-12 and Batman(The cult)for pre-reboot Robin!Jason my beloved
Nightwing Year One 101-106,New Teen Titans 55,Nightwing 10(1997)and Legends of the Dark Knight 100 for Dick and Jason siblinghood,Gotham Knights 34 for the short story of him and Alfred and Detective comics 790 for Bruce telling Cass about him as it takes place on Jason's birthday
Lost Days aka the Red Hood prologue
Under The Red Hood(2010)-The original comic is good in it's own right but the movie is leagues better written(Rare comic book adaption exception lmao)
Robin 177 and 182-183 for tha actual Tim and Jason beef instead of 'replacement' and 'enemy to caretaker' bs
Azreal:Death's Dark Knight 3(Can't give commentary on this one since i don't know Azreal like that,sorry)
Red Hood and The Outlaws(2016).Unlike the Utrh comic vs the Utrh movie,the original Rhato has nothing positive like the reboot
Not TECHNICALLY Jason BUT Duke is his favorite brother and Stephanie's the only Batfam girl he's truly close to so you should also stan them since he'd want you to /lh
Red Hood:Outlaw for the confirmation that Red Hood loves black women from infinity to infinityyyyy(meaning his love interest Dana Harlowe is introduced and featured as an mc in this run)
Urban Legends 1-6 for his return to the Batfam-Messy tbh but i do enjoy parts of it!
Task Force Z for him and Stephanie being a vigilante team and it has a prelude,that being Detective comics 1041-1043
Unkillables and Joker:The Man Who Stopped Laughing for Jayrose goodies and more of the above
Gotham War if you feel like turning off your brain to look at good art and laugh at dogshit writing
Red Hood:The Hill is his current run and when our queen Dana comes home from comics limbo!!!
The following is a misc list that's not required to include in your Jason knowledge but HIGHLY recommended you do just for fun!
Tiny Titans 23,29,33,39,45 and 47,Bombshells 46,60 and 62,Bombshells United 18-24,Lego Batman:Family Matters,A Death In The Family 2020,Batman:The Adventures Continue,Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 5-6,The Doom That Came to Gotham 2023 and The Teen Titans Go episode 'The Best Robin'(Pre-Reboot Robin Jason rights!!!).Also look up 'Nobody cares about Tim Drake' if you don't know what that is,you'll love it
Jason also appears in the Lego DC Super Villains games that i highly recommend as well especially because my girlfriend is a mega fan of it and i don't know much about Lego Batman 3:Beyond Gotham but please avoid the aformentioned original Rhato,Red Hood:Outlaws and the Gotham Knights game as they feature extremely problematic writing not limited to but including racialized misogyny and ableism and do disservice to Jason himself anyway so you wouldn't want to consume them to begin with if you want to like him.I have mixed feelings on the Arkham Knight and Injustice games series' but they are objectively fairly good so i wouldn't say no to giving them a shot to see if you like them
And for the finale we have Wayne Family Adventures-Definitely a good read but to be totally honest it does Duke DIRTY and it sucks so much of DC to have marketed as his series to not only not follow through at all and make it an ensemble cast instead but ALSO deprive him of his actual characterization and story to make him a demure weak black boy stereotype.I won't judge you at all for liking it if you decided to read it or have already but kindly keep this in mind and consider joining me and my mutuals in our rewrite of it to give our Signal of Hope and Chaos the writing he deserves or at least support us through likes and reblogs!Happy Jason readings and have a good day💕
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vesora · 1 year
do not be envious of others
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“You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.” ― Ra, Law of One: By RA an Humble Messenger
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speaking from experience, i used to have a huge problem with envy. i constantly would compare my life with others. i never wanted others to fail but i wanted to be like them. which now that i think about it, it’s fucking stupid isn’t it? i constantly gave my power away because i felt i had to be perfect to be loved, so i would ignore what my body and soul were telling me and attempt to curate the perfect image of myself. thinking about it, it was also probably due to the south asian tendency to want to look the best in front of everyone haha
anyways, everyone around you is real but they’re also a projection of you and your beliefs and your assumptions. if you feel everyone is destined to live a life better than you, then you will find external evidence that they are. you have the power to create the best for yourself, yet you experience envy when you can live the exact way someone else is living. they’re not lesser or better than you, they simply are you. they are a state that you can either choose to occupy or not.
everything around you at this moment is caused by you, namely your assumptions. you would be doing yourself a disservice by envying what someone has or is feeling, because you can have exactly what they have; you can feel exactly what they feel. it’s not lost on you.
by envying and feeling lesser than, all you’re doing is perpetrating the version of you that doesn’t exist in this new reality of yours. i’m not judging you, i went through the same thing (although even if i didnt, i still wouldnt judge you)
what to do when you do feel envious?
scenario: your friend on your story posted a new chanel bag that was bought by her boyfriend who loves her so much and would do anything for her. so now you feel envy because you want someone to spoil you too.
firstly, i must say you shouldn’t rely on others or material possessions to make you feel happy but it’s still okay to want it, just don’t be dependent on it.
so, recognise what you’re feeling. are you feeling sad? lonely? poor? unlucky? how no one would love you like that? how you can never be as rich?
once you recognise, we can flip the thoughts.
know that anything your friend can have, YOU can have because the world is a blank canvas for you. all your wishes and desires are MEANT to be fulfilled.
no matter how shit you feel in the moment, it will pass.
most importantly, view the subject of your envy with love. they’re just you pushed out. you should feel happy for their happiness. you should rejoice when they’re overjoyed. you should cheer them on. your fellow man is you and you are the fellow man. once you transmute the energy from envy to love, you will feel so much lighter, because being filled with love is how you’re supposed to be and function.
don’t be envious. you can have anything you desire. want the best for everyone around you, because everyone is you pushed out. we are all consciousness.
here’s a post i saw:
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lovingnekoma · 2 years
silly in love
minors do not interact | gojo x reader
what if one day you leave me, gojo wonders, frightened beyond belief. he tucks his face in the cradle of your warm palm, eyes open enough to see you smile softly. your fingertips are cold against his cheek.
there are no words for him to say, none that don’t get caught in his throat. gojo has faced down some of the greatest spirits and beasts in japan, even in the world, but this vulnerable, bleeding ache is somehow even more ominous and terrifying.
“what if,” he begins and stops to exhale, nuzzling deeper into your hand. his eyes stay fixed on you — gojo knows you like the path that is walked on every morning, like a favourite poem and the familiar feeling of adoration — which is how he catches the sadness seeping into your eyes.
“you’re such a silly man,” you say. you are too good for him. he knows this in his bones.
but you are with him regardless and he is selfish enough to take what he can get. if you choose to be with him, he will not do you the disservice of throwing your agency back in your face.
“you’re it for me. don’t you know? you’re the love of my life.”
i love you too, gojo thinks, then says out loud. then again and again. i love you i love you i love you; in kisses on your face, across your knuckles, on the curves of your throat.
the feeling rises in him. i will protect you endlessly. gojo knows this sentiment well, has felt it in every cell of his body only every day after he first began falling in love with you.
how fitting, for someone with infinity to express devotion in eternal absolutes. to have love expressed to them in kind.
“you’re mine,” he tells you instead, coy, something to rile you up, make you smirk wickedly. his thumb brushes the corner of your mouth. and i protect what’s mine.
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dreamliners · 10 months
whatever was supposed to be set up through secret invasion seems like a forgotten part of the project.
the ending was highly disappointing. firstly, i love emilia clarke, dearly, but her character's sudden super abilities feels like a copout by the writers of the show.
more so, how far back was rhodey taken? im seeing some people theorize after civil war, or maybe infinity war? but either way this show just created a huge disservice to both continuinty and integrity to canon of character. does this show suggest that it wasnt really rhodey who mourned the loss of his closest friend? who experienced a mass loss of life and fought to revive it against a whole mad titan? thats fuckin lame marvel.
also fuck the whole ending of fury leaving earth again while humans begin to hunt down the skrulls. like wtf kind of ending is that? he had literally said it was his mess but all he did was get rid of gravik, but even then it wasnt him that did that, that was g'iah. so now what? who is gonna take over the mess? sam wilson? carol danvers? monica rambeau?
i'll be honest, this show did not hold my attention one bit. i did love olivia coleman's character, she was fun and i wouldnt mind seeing her character's dyanmic with others in the mcu. however it wasnt enough, i think marvel produced a show that should have taken more time on plot and storyline.
again, everyone did their best and gave great preformances. but pacing and storylines moved to quickly with little to no explaining. im still not over how quickly the show moved on from maria hill's death and talo's.
i really believed that because marvel was taking longer on projects we would see more attention to detail, but perhaps secret invasion was one of the last projects to be created on whim. regardless, it was lack luster.
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knyplotrewrite · 2 years
my thoughts on canon Douma
(will have manga spoilers!)
Douma is one of those guys I feel like a lot of people misunderstand. And to be honest, I don’t fault either the people for not looking deeply enough nor Gotouge for writing him “weirdly,” he’s written just fine, but he’s genuinely so different and uncanny that it’s hard to nail his character down. He’s not someone you’re really supposed to relate to, where his lack of humanity is his core characteristic and the most intriguing parts of his character is just how distanced he is from the concept of having personhood.
This being said, he kinda suffers from the same problems as Muzan where the fact that he’s placed in a story full of fighting and action did him a huge disservice. Any interesting mentalities or thought processes he could have sparked are overshadowed by blood and gore and flashy colors.
He’s also not given nearly enough time to properly establish his role as an influential, scarily competent cult leader. In the narrative, he’s painted as this positive, airheaded guy who’s a little fucked up sometimes, which completely skips over exploring how he acts in front of his followers, or just people he generally wants to keep up appearances for. Does he act more mature? Does he try to fit the image of the savior in his followers’ minds? Does he not try to change his persona at all? What does he actually say? What does he actually do? You might point out that Kotoha shows an example of how he treats followers, maybe a little warmly, maybe with a little pity, but the fact most of her story was revealed through exposition and through his POV alone can give him grounds to skew it in order to fit his own philosophies (and we already know he’s a bit of an unreliable narrator so).
The above point is definitely a problem that could have been fixed had he had a whole arc dedicated to himself while in his Savior persona, with more people to tell Kotoha’s story in a different point of view, but I digress.
I do think his role serving as a foil to Shinobu, Kanao, and Inosuke was nicely executed. But, it did feel half baked since it was all shoved into the Infinity Fortress arc with barely any build up. Well, hmm, Shinobu is fine? It’s Kanao and Inosuke I have more issues with, which I’ll explain more in their specific analysis posts.
(Ooh, I kinda want to touch on the discussion on if Douma is misogynistic or not, but I’m not sure if people would be more interested in me just analyzing the canon content alone and giving a solid yes or no answer, or if they want to hear my personal interpretation which can branch from canon quite a bit. In any case, it’ll be its own separate post.)
also @keniaku bc its your babygirl
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screencaps and conclusion from understanding snapewives: religion, fandom, sociology & erotica - biz barclay (2022)
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we're small. we are so small. we are so small and we are so alone. trapped in these miserable flesh sacks just screaming out our retinas and all the faces and all the holes that we can find just to desperately desperately try and connect with people.
derrida says that religion circulates in the world, it imposes itself in a particularly palpable manner within the conceptual apparatus of international law and global political rhetoric. the SHIT'S EVERYWHERE, of COURSE it's gonna make its way onto the internet, of COURSE it's gonna make its way into fiction, it is a phenomenon born out of people feeling shit at the same time! of COURSE there's no natural boundary to it; it's chaos theory, it's religion, it's the internet, it's people, it's all fucking chaos. writing off the snapewives as some kind of "top ten wildest crazy shit to happen on the internet psycho women" does a disservice to you, it does a disservice to me, it does a disservice to those women, and it does a disservice to the study of human behavior.
we are just a bunch of lonely human consciousnesses locked in these tiny human boxes being kicked and poked and shoved into this twisted capitalist consumer bot powered on gluttony and hope and just getting railed to death by a wolf in art's clothing. this mysterious ghost-like fairy god figure that feels like a physical thing but is really just a series of rapidly disintegrating numbers and hex codes and signals shooting off back and forth into space infinitely which is like for FUCKING EVER infinitely and this imaginative infinity gives us access to each other all the time the constant build up the constant excitement the discussion the social bonding everything about the traditional fandom experience, all the catharsis, all the moral harmony of group events and shared identity, all of it, just compressed, down to the minute, a cycle, exponentially increasing because you keep getting desensitized to it, so you have to keep upping the ante, you have to keep putting more and more and more passion in, passion begets passion! more passion, more love! more friends! more feelings! more and more and passion begets passion, you keep ramping it up and ramping it up it's like god and drugs all at the same time and WHO WOULDN'T GET OFF ON THAT?
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swallowtail-ageha · 3 days
Hey what about
2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
16. Deepest darkest secret they won’t even admit to themselves (i know it’s gonna be oblivious maybe)
49. Favorite toy as a child
For Maria, Gehrman and Laurence
Ask from this post
2- Ok, i might have complained about it with infinity but she is not a good person!!! She is not heroic!!! And thats what makes her compelling!
Reducing her to simply heroic lady who is sad (and for what exactly since people just tend to remove her share of blame in both the hamlet and the research hall 🤔🤔) is a huge disservice to her character (albeit this is an opinion i see more on reddit and barely see on tumblr anymore since people who think like that are either blocked by me or have me blocked lol)
16- That part of her actually enjoyed taking part in bloodshed! I assume she was very brutal, both as a knight and as an hunter, but didnt think much of it or tried to rationalize it until. Well. Yknow.
49- Waaah i actually think that she was super into those porcellain dolls. She was a very lonely and isolated kid, and she projected that need of company and warmth onto them. This is also a thing that makes the plain doll situation of her even more ironic
2- He didnt want to fuck the doll guys. Guys i swear it isnt that funny of a joke guys. Guys the doll doesnt bleed cum please guys learn to make jokes that dont involve sex guys
16- Ok actually his feelings for maria because i think he felt both paternal instincts towards her but also he wanted to fuck her and like knew it was wrong because it was his several years younger pupil and never actually acted upon it and genuinely respected her as a person but also. It Was There and him dressing the Doll in childlike clothes were also partially a way to distance himself from those feelings and lean more on the paternal aspect of the thing
49- i actually think he was too poor to have any real toys growing up so he'd make up for it by using quite literally anything as a toy with the power of ~imagination
2- Hmmm... that he did found the healing church and was alive to rule it. There is a theory that is taking foothold that the church started after his death but. Eh. Him being the leader makes it a story 10 times more compelling (and also him being dead before the start of the church would make a giant timeline headache regarding the research hall)
16- Heheheh that he knows he is miserable and has been slowly pushing away from himself everyone else, and that anyone who personally knew him long enough doesn't really like him as a person anymore
49- if i have to be honest i have no fucking idea lmfao. Always struck me more as that weird victorian child who spoke in riddles and foresaw his death instead of playing
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february-sunshine · 24 days
Hawley-Core: A new Aesthetic for the modern tally hall fan (and others)
Hello. So uh, this has been made because of a random discord interaction that went something like this:
.random person: someone should make Joe Hawley core a thing
. Me: we should make it just encompass everything that we want to bring back into style, make people dress like drag queens for everyday fashion under his name lol
.10 people use the Zubin agrees emote and I knew what I had to do
So uh, what is my framework for this? Well obviously I’m bringing back a lot of stuff that's now considered unfashionable, especially since while obviously Joe is a very private person and to my knowledge doesn’t go into detail about his wardrobe, from that one picture of him with a camera it seems like irl he probably dresses in dark academia lite. Which is honestly a good choice, thank you for not being unfashionable Mr Hawley. But that also makes a boring subgenre, so what parameters should we use for this aesthetic? 
In my personal opinion, I think we should bring back all the campy stuff everyone “outgrew” because capitalism streamlined fashion into being boring like it did everything else. But “camp” encompasses so much so we need specific genres to pull upon. So I now have a list of things I think we should bring back to the forefront of fashion using the name of Joe Hawley. 
70’s fashion: bell bottom pants, block colors, very silly pants, absurdly patterned sweaters (I know that's already back in style but EVEN MORE ABSURDITY)
80’s fashion: Denim (once again, already back in style but make it colors other than blue and black), shoulder pads, stripes, stripes, stripes, Flannel (again in style, but we should really play around with what we can do with it- make the stripes in the fabric really weird and fun), and also a lotta other stuff but I think these are the core stuff we should play around with. 
Drag: the makeup- I want people walking around with really weird (non derogatory) eye makeup, BIG EVERYTHING, normalizing wearing wigs in public, also a lotta other stuff but I would also be repeating myself
Lookin like a stoner: honestly I really love this aesthetic in general and I feel like stoner-core for lack of a better word is just the best masculine asethetic and I strive to look and dress this way. Note: I am biased- two of my favorite bands are Ween and They Might Be Giants (my favorite songs from both are, Ween: Transdermal Celebration, It’s Gonna be alright, and spinal meningitis, and for TMBG: Kiss me son of god and I like fun (the album named after that song is also really good))
Also- I feel like it would be a disservice to Joe Hawley, the man, the idea, and the musician to name a new aesthetic after him without including some personal motifs of his. A short list would be red ties, infinity as a concept, heads connecting together to that infinity, moons, the ocean (weird giant fish specifically because of the hawaii pt 2 cover), mental illness and neurodivergent vibes (I don't know if him himself is neurodivergent but there's a reason all his fans are-). 
I encourage everyone to play around with these ideas (I will probably do that myself as I am a character designer), especially since everyone is going to visualize combinations of these ideas differently. I also encourage queer tally hall fans reading this to use this to look in queer aesthetics more since for a lot of us immersing in these very cishet (but still very good, don't get me twisted) bands can kinda separate us from our history and aesthetic ideas. And I don't want us getting sucked into dressing entirely like cishet people and aesthetically assimilating into a public that does not support or love us.
Actually that goes for any marginalized people who are into those kinds of bands- like don't lie to yourself into liking something you don't but still connect with the visual parts of your culture since how you visually present yourself says so much about you as a person.
also sorry this isn't super refined I wrote this in under 50 minutes-
Edit 5/11/2024: The random person would like to be credited-
his name is Leo and I befriended zem because we planned to do a gender heist on Joe Hawley but I dont think it ever materialized
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gnomoroma · 1 month
Since I’ve been hearing things for a while!
Retroactive list of the funny things I’ve been told by whatever is inhabiting my brain! (With my interpretations of them if they aren’t self explanatory)
There is no failure, only delay in results
Black is white, white is black.
You are only held back by what you think can hold you back, what sets you ahead is the same as what sets you behind.
Viva ad infinitum.
Death only exists by the weight we believe it has, to believe in death is to die.
Infinity is given composure in madness.
You can only understand existence by letting go of rational beliefs
Shed your belief in the mundane/shed your mundane husk.
Prior statement still fits, death and unknowing only exist from belief in them
My mouth is not my own.
I think this was the force in my head fucking with me
This body is a shadow of a divine light. (Accompanied by a 3rd person image of myself but I’m simply a silhouette with a golden seed in my skull)
God is incased in the skull of man and the greatest treasure is the soul
Shatter the foundation, a new one will rise from the ashes.
Simple enough, throw away an old state to occupy a new one
Elegance entombed in agony (rises through)(out)
(The parenthesis here mean that it was “blurry” which word was there, it felt like both if that makes sense) to abandon a state and take up a new one is to be elegant while entombed in agony or death.
Do you see it? The grand design.
There’s a grand scheme to it all, just needs to be found.
You’re incomplete.
I don’t have my divinity fully realized as it isn’t second nature yet
Just focus - remember you’re better than them
:( I was at a low point okay?
Divinity deep within you
Same as the golden seed one
Starting to feel like cheap theater, isn’t it?
It’s fake, the world is all dead matter, we are alive, so the world is nothing more than cardboard on a theater set.
In and out are wrapped around each other, yet so intimately(?) interwoven.(accompanied by the image of a möbius strip and intimately is replacing a word that does not exist but was miles more intense)
Is literally just as above so below/as within as without.
Untether your soul, it does not deserve to be bound.
To bind yourself to a state of being is doing a disservice to yourself.
Bless your enemies for they know not how they scorn you.
To curse someone for a state they’re in is as futile as cursing a tree for it being a tree
Do not look for blessings/manifestations for they will find you.
The world is imaginary
It’s/I’m unfolding (accompanied by a picture of a rose beginning to bloom in a snowy environment)
Idk this one yet
The divine is like a soft gentle kiss
In eternities I am unsealed
Also dunno this one
Pay no heed to the world around you for it does not serve
This is js the theater one but less mystical
Blow your psyche out (attached was an image of someone going 🙂🔫 but they were a featureless smooth being with no defining characteristics)
Dunno this one either
That’s it! I’m all outta silly esoteric things I’ve heard over the past half a year but ill post others as I hear em :3
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spaceorphan18 · 8 months
Marvel Movie Night: Black Panther
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It's been almost a year since I've been doing these regularly, and I do want to finish this project up, so getting back to it....
Looking back at how far we've come, I think we're at the height of superhero films at their best. The really good films can have the crazy action and the ridiculous plots, but still be grounded in very real emotion. And I think Black Panther hits all the right notes.
I don't know if I have anything new or profound to say about this one, but I can agree with what has been said. I do think it's culturally relevant - it's entirely a black creation, handling political themes in a way that doesn't make it seem too preachy or to too trite. I think it gives superhero films a fresh new look and proves that we don't have to rely on the same old boring middle aged white protagonist to carry a film. I think it's an intelligent film that doesn't talk down to its audience and doesn't apologize for being the film it is.
The performances in this one are great -- Chadwick Boseman is so quietly understated and yet powerful as Black Panther. Michael B. Jordan does such a great job being the complex and morally grey Killmonger. But really, the women in this film are just on fire -- Lupita Nyong'o's sly yet earnest Nakia; Danai Gurira's wonderfully sassy Okoye; the youthful sharpness of Letitia Wright's Suri, and of course the sure stated Angela Bassett as Ramonda. Such. Great. Performances.
I also really love the style of this film. It looks good - the film itself is a beautiful piece of art and all the CGI holds up really well. Also, the fact that its very inspired by various African cultures, visually it looks different than what we're often given, and not only is that refreshing, it also compounds the fact that having a diverse film is not a bad thing. Also a shout out to the music -- the score is clearly inspired by traditional African chants and percussion, while the modern music is rap and hip hop. (Being someone who loves looking at how music is used in media - I love all of this.)
I also need to get my obligatory joke out about Andy Serkis and Martin Freeman being the 'Tolkien white guys' in the film.
If I have one note about the film, though, it's that the third act falls into the trap of having to be a superhero film. It's a little too reliant on some same-y feeling, over the top action sequence, and too little on story for the last half hour or so. I feel like so many of these Marvel films are somewhat forced into this cookie-cutter mold that it sometimes does the film a disservice.
Final Verdict: Overall, though, this story cares about the story that's being told. It cares about its characters, and you can tell just how much thought was put into every aspect of its creation. And that is what makes a good film.
Next Up: Thanos is finally here... Avengers Infinity War
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caatws · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to say that your frustration with Gamora’s treatment starting in Infinity War is completely valid, both in the writing and general fandom. I enjoyed watching Vol 3, but it hurts seeing Gamora getting dismissed again. And it’s weird that there’s this big push now to separate her from the beloved Guardians, from Gunn and other fans, after she basically brought her family together to save people. I appreciate your posts about her importance, it helps me to not feel alone in my confusion and sadness for her. She deserved better. Thank you for giving us Gamora fans and WOC a safe place to express our honest opinions!
omg thank you sm for this anon 🥺🫶🏼
i know that for some, they can dismiss what happens in canon since fandom/fanfic/etc exists and they can just accept the canon they want to accept, which is cool, but it's definitely not a universal experience, esp for those of us who connect with these characters through things like poc representation. (even on the female representation side of things, the natasha and gamora thing was just absolutely malicious, but seeing how the grief for the white female character was handled in canon vs the grief for the woc-coded character (and depicted by a woc) is just...it hurts man!!!) it just sucks to see our first woc lead to be overlooked by fandom and the canon narrative 😭
literally this team and family would've never existed without her being the first one to stand up and willingly face her past and risk everything to save the galaxy in vol 1, so essentially erasing that (outside of one (1) line of dialogue where peter tells 2014!gamora she founded the guardians) is just doing such a huge disservice to her and her legacy
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robbyrobinson · 7 months
Thoughts On The Marvels (Spoilers)
I'll be honest that I never actually cared much for Captain Marvel. If I am being completely honest, I thought her introductory film was mediocre at best and only really existed to tie in with Infinity War due to the end credits scene of Nick Fury calling her up before disintegrating.
Her origin story was probably one of the most generic. It oddly felt out of place like it should have been a phase one movie. She works as a soldier fighting for the Kree Empire against the evil Skrulls who had killed her family and destroyed her planet and when news of the Skrull refugees hiding on Earth leads her there, she realizes everything she had believed were elaborate lies with the Skrulls being the good guys. Like I said, pretty generic and forgettable.
As for Captain Marvel herself... didn't like her. No offense to Brie Larson herself, but her character felt stale at best, insufferable at worst.
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Now, for The Marvels, was actually not really looking forward to it since I barely remembered the events of the first film and I saw it with my Dad. Just the MCU lately has really declined in quality, with the only one that really had me feel anything being Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. But The Marvels, in my opinion, was... meh.
Sure, as always, the action sequences are good, maybe not so much when the titular Marvels switch points frequently after they touched the jump points that Dar-Benn causes. But as for the overall screenplay, it was a mess. I will say that the performances of the lead characters were passable for the most part, the energy is definitely there. However, much like the first film, The Marvels feels like a filler movie meant to promote the next installment than being a movie on its own merits.
The film also does a poor job at explaining its concepts such as the Quantum Bands that the main villain is after the second that Kamala possesses. Admittedly some of that comes from me not having Disney+ and not watching the show Kamala debuted in, but I think the film should have at least provided some explanation for any not familiar with the MCU shows.
It also does a poor explanation for why Captain Marvel did not return to Earth that being that when she returned to Hala, she destroyed the Supreme Intelligence and caused a civil war to wage on the planet as the sun decayed and the planet went to ruin. It does some disservice to Dar-Benn. Yeah, the MCU is known for having its weak villains aside from a few, but Dar-Benn was dealt a major card. Like the movie indicates she has some sympathetic leanings and is resentful of Captain Marvel and wants to avenge her planet. However, the film does nothing with this interesting development and instead presents her as being a hypocrite.
But, ultimately, this is just my opinion. If you liked the movie, I'm glad you were able to find something in the film I couldn't.
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ace-of-spires · 1 year
If we only get one shot at this,
why must it be miserable, mundane,
a dry tap where every drop of water feels like the last of the year?
Why must we confine ourselves
to the gray, concrete shackles bound to surround us?
Is this really all we’re destined for?
There are parts of this world that are too good to be true.
I don’t want to just see them from out a window,
a window of wires, plastic, and stacks of infinity.
There has to be something beyond that snapshot.
There has to be a path to the view behind the window.
I’m not saying I don’t want to work;
that’s the only way through this.
But if I refuse to find my future self tangled in the fabric of a
mass-produced, fear-infested photo,
made of gray mornings punctuated by blue-black milliseconds.
Living that life is a disservice, a disgrace to the world we live in.
My life needs to do justice to the vessel it’s in.
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yors-truly · 2 years
Huester's Pacing Thoughts (HBOMax/WB Discovery and Animation)
Decided to post this on Tumblr of all places because 1) I don't really feel like making a twitter thread that may not even fit all of my thoughts, and 2) I haven't been getting much satisfaction typing on a word document recently because school started back up and I can't seem to use it without thinking about that, apparently.
I just wanted to utilize this energy I've built up while pacing around the room with my thoughts to ramble about my current gripes with the whole thing between HBOMax/Waner Bros Discovery and animation. I'll probably regret this later, as I get totally overwhelmed speaking my mind, but animation literally means the world to me and I'm feeling mighty courageous right now, so I'll give it a shot.
IDK how long this is gonna be, so I'll put a small wall here to bless your scrolling experience. You're so super welcome :)
Yo, you actually care about what I have to say? Thank the blue moon!
My thoughts may not be communicated well, due to me feeling so strongly about this, so I apologize if my writing comes off as a little clumsy.
I don't know a single person who thinks the opposite so far (other than the people behind this, apparently), but I'm extremely frustrated with the decision made to erase several animated shows from the platform. Shows like Close Enough, Infinity Train, Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart (my beloved), and Mighty Magiswords (my beloved and my childhood) are all being tossed into a drenched wasteland, totally inaccessible to the public (maybe unless you pirate or something). Not only that, but the history of these shows are being replaced by space, too! From what I hear, the Infinity Train pilot and all other content has been deleted off of Cartoon Network's YouTube Channel and the show's soundtrack has recently been removed from streaming services, such as Spotify.
In addition to the above, all future content for these shows has also gone down the drain. For example, Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart was supposed to get a second season - one that my brother and I hyped over for 2 YEARS - fully complete and ready to go, only for this to happen and the season to never see the light of day.
This is where the knuckles get cracking. And I mean AUDIBLE cracking.
I am beat by the constant disservice of animation. We - the people who care - are beat by the constant disservice of animation. Not only is it massively disrespectful to the series, but it's disrespectful to the team(s) behind them, the fans of the content, and to the people who pay for this streaming service just for these shows (I know you all are out there... maybe...).
It's not just HBOMax, either, though. It's some major houses in general, contributing to the fall of what made them rise to begin with. They're just about being their own grim reapers, in a weird sense. I very much understand that new heads and whatnot run these houses, but the fact that they have that position to begin with should mean that they care at least a bit about these properties and their history. I tend to forget, though, that that's not always the case.
There are so many other examples of animation and the people behind them getting similar levels of disrespect, other than the complete erasure of them from the face of the Eather. A major part of that having to do with how animation is perceived, from the looks of it. You've got the teams of these shows being mildly overworked and underpaid (and still fighting for fair treatment) and animation being boosted less than whatever else we've got going around. While the thought of at least some stuff getting pushed is great, it's also super degrading and exhausting at the same time.
These points further enforce the false idea of animation being a medium "just for kids," and therefore not worth the same amount of time and recognition - and being viewed as less valuable - than whatever else is being produced in other storytelling mediums.
Coming from someone who is a minor, animation is not "just for kids." Never has been, and never will be.
Coming from someone who has had past experience with animation, has been wanting to get back into it and take it seriously, and has a brother whose been working on a webseries of his own for the past 2 years now with a totally neat crew of voice actors, other animators, and background artists, it is a lot of work, and deserves all of the attention in the world.
Coming from someone who is passionate about storytelling, animation is the best form of it we have ever had, and probably ever will have... unless something better comes into the mix and outshines it, which I doubt.
You wanna know why I doubt that?
Because animation is art, and art is forever.
Art is created by the hands of the soul. Sometimes, many souls. Art often reveals the journey of the person who created it, usually about a truth or lesson that they have grown to learn and wishes to share with others creatively, as a way to provide a sense of comfort to the viewer during their points of struggles, or just to entertain someone for even a second with something that catches their eye. Art comes with authenticity, intention, and a vision that the creator was willing to share with the world. To have their work consumed alive by some greedy time eater - acting like it never existed - is not only insulting, but it's also a major slap in the face; a shot to the heart. You're looking at the creator - who chose to be vulnerable - dead in the eyes, and saying, "You do not matter."
I don't know about you, but if that were me and my months-to-years of hard work, I would've combusted on the spot, have it be internally or externally. Maybe both, if I'm really feeling it.
So uh... yeah. That happened. We're all upset and somewhat hogwild. Now what?
Well, from what I've seen, people have been using this opportunity to boost and support indie animation until the big boys respawn into their senses. To that I say: GOD BLESS!
I am very much in love with indie animation, major reason why I usually have nothing to talk about with my friends, and although all of this is very crappy, and we will NEVER forget it (best wishes to the teams and their hard work lost into time), the fact that this idea was the result of it is literally heart-throbbing to me! Like I love to see it! Even though I love indie animation, I actually don't have a lot of stuff on my radar, so I'm willing to see what pops out of this.
To end this on a groovy note, go check out and support indie productions! As much as you can! Recommend some by commenting, if you made it this far and wish to share! WE ALL GOTTA EAT!!
Go look at Monkey Wrench and Defenders of Alodia! Go binge Eddsworld, Madness Combat, and Battle for Dream Island again! I'm this close to watching Helluva Boss, despite me not yet being of age, because I want to support the series as much as me and my dry wallet self can! (Had some second thoughts. Changed my mind. Still, go support it!)
There's another show known as Wayfarers of the Multiverse that I heard about on Instagram, supposedly releasing a pilot soon, if not already, so there's another one to go look at!
Also, shameless plug of my brother's own work, inspired by Battle for Dream Island, called Battle for Wonderland. It's still in the works and only has a few clips and a short posted right now, but a plan to release still holds to this year. I also voice act a character in that show, so all the more reason to check it out LMAO!
I'll provide links to all of these in time :)
Maybe, at some point, we can have a streaming service made SPECIFICALLY for animation, hopefully by people of the community, so we can have a home for stories of all sizes and prevent stuff like this from happening in the future, because these stories matter.
(or we could just get DVDs back in business. That'll work, too.)
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namchyoon · 2 years
what was your first thought of the tannies individually (as far as you can remember)? and what do you think of them now?
my memories are a bit fuzzy bc i didn't have like a distinct first impression (bc i got into them when my friend sent many run eps and songs simultaneously so half my energy went into figuring out who is who 😭) but like the first distinct Moment i can remember for them or like the first moment i had a Feeling was:
tae & joon - tae was my first bias and joon was my first bias wrecker (although that lasted like ... 2 days before it switched sjdjfkkg) i think it was the run bts intro where i saw all of them the first time and my friend asked me what i thought and just based off those 2 seconds i found these two to be the most attractive and couldn't choose! but tae became my bias after a binge of run and then watching this yt comp of him being competitive (like him learning uno on bv) and i was like oh i love him 😭 and then i watched problematic men and the rest, as they say, is history 🤍
yoongi - my first distinct bias Moment of yoongi was during bbc live when joon and yoongi performed respect 😭 like i found him funny before that too but i think the content i had seen and the compilations i watched always made it seem like yoongi is more sarcastic humor (which i adore very very much but also he's super soft which didn't come through in the content i watched upto then 🥺) and then i watched respect and the man was BEAMING and i remember texting my friend DUDE HE'S SMILING OH MY GOD HE'S SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭 and then fell upon namgi black hole and that's just endeared yoongi x infinity and hence loved him v v much ever since but i think yoonji and the i don't wanna live in this unfair world moments came before that and i was already ready to give my life for him then
jimin and jungkook - i think it's obvious what was my Moment for them it's the bst mv where they mouth manhi manhi manhi in slow mo which were the first gifs i ever made 😭 anything else i choose would be a disservice djdjkfkg
seokjin - the carpool karaoke video 😭 he said i don't know what he said but let's laugh and he absolutely changed my life in that moment :') and then when he just disses corden out of nowhere it's so 😭
hobi - the amusement park run ep, yoonji run ep, or kim army skit, whichever i watched first 😭 i remember being obsessed with him in all three but idk which one i watched first so i'm going to mention all of them sjdkfkf, esp in kim army the way he says my daughter i played it on loop 47388384 times istg i still rewatch it for that moment
the what do i think of them now, god i would go on forever anon and it still wouldn't be enough so i'm just going to say i absolutely love them so very much and i can't imagine my life without having found them :')
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worstloki · 3 years
marvel accidentally created loki with depth and have been trying to take it back since
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