#literally a joke taken seriously by this universe
Part of me wonders what the rest of Oppenheimer press would’ve looked like of strike hadn’t been called since it was 1. very Cillian centric but 2. very obviously the maximum amount of times Chris negotiationed to drag Cillian out of his home (with the added stipulation that he got to wear cardigans)
Like we never got any American premiere events
Cillian really showed up to the London photo all in a cardigan and for the premiere Chris said “put him in a sheer black top”
I wanna know what looks would’ve continued to come out, would the promo continue to be further sluting up Cillian Murphy
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yandere-romanticaa · 28 days
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Sampo Koski is the type of man who always manages to mix in pleasure with his business. If any sane person were to even simply glance at him, they'd know that the man was nothing but trouble.
That's what made him so fun to play around with.
A friends with benefits type of deal was just so perfect for the both of you. Neither wanted to get too deeply involved with the other but the chemistry between you two was off the charts. Heated glances were exchanged whenever you'd pass by him, his eyebrows raising cheekily high up as you'd recall the way Sampo would touch you in the cover of darkness, those skilled and thieving hands which would take their sweet time in making you quiver in pleasure.
Oh he was so horrible with how damn slow he could get, but to Hell with it all if it didn't feel good.
Breathless nothings were exchanged between the lovebirds as their bodies would do most of the talking, passion erasing any sort of rationale, lust clouding ones judgement. Those fleeting moments were intense as the sun itself - hot and hard to handle, it left the two breathless and aching but by everything and anything, the ache was so delectable. It felt like the personification of devouring the most delectable sweet ever created in the whole entire universe, only multiplied by a million.
Sampo always got a kick out of the thought that he had you on the hook. Your good old pal Sampo, who was ready to do anything you wanted, who was right there to make any sick and dark fantasy of yours come to life... for the right price and compensation of course!
Your entire relationship was a very much give and take type of deal. The line was drawn neatly in the sand and he was to never cross it.
But Sampo, ever the joyous fool that he was, had so much fun dancing on that line.
His kisses became longer, his touches would linger on you far more intimately than they had any right to. You'd constantly have to slap his hands away because if things could be done the way he desired them to, Sampo would be slobbering all over you like a starving dog. He never took your jabs seriously, always laughing them off or cracking a bad joke as he was literally still inside of you, your back pressed against his chest, the sweat off your skin molding with his own, causing the entire room to garner a whole new smell.
He sure did like to pick and choose his timing to be extra stupid, you'd grit through your teeth.
However, one day, all was not well in the little paradise which Sampo had oh so wonderfully created for himself. The familiar slap on the wrist and the annoyed tone to just hurry up became... Painful. Hard to ignore. It felt as though someone had taken one of his own blades and just stabbed him in the heart without a care in the world.
Sampo could not rest well that night.
The sensation quickly became uncomfortable to deal with. No, unbearable.
He started to pester you on your whereabouts and with who you would be with and even if you never told him, Sampo would always be in the exact same places you'd be, the usual sleazy grin plastered across his face as he rubbed his hands together like some cheeky little fly. Oh come on, he's just having fun, don't be so harsh on him! You'll hurt his feelings you know, he would say to you in a playful manner.
Everything he would say would be an absolute truth. He just wasn't fully aware of it, he needed time to process this mess.
Sampo couldn't help but to despise you a little. There you were, living your life happily and you would just toss him aside like yesterday's garbage once you had your fun with him.... Which he didn't actually mind, sort of. There was a certain edge he got from knowing that he could just crawl back to you whenever he damn well pleased, even if he did like to pretend that he didn't care about you other than on a skin deep level.
You had too much power over him and that, my dear friend, was a breach in your contract. Sure, that part might have been written in a more fine print but regardless, Sampo simply must take what he is due!
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sugar-grigri · 5 months
analyze the ball kicking scene 🫶🏼 (out of joke, love your posts <3)
Yes, even kicking balls has symbolism in Chainsaw Man
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You're joking, Anon, but I wanted to do a post about it yesterday, and now you've given me the opportunity. Everything in this chapter is about the symbolism of kicking balls, yes, even the beginning!
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Haruka Iseumi flicks through several TV channels, rather blasély, until he comes across a woman whose speech seems to resonate with him, a woman who seems to feel betrayed, disoriented like these teenagers who have been put in danger by an institution that has never seen their good, the church. But this girl only talks about her disappointment following a scandal surrounding over-mediatized stars.
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What Haruka is going through right now is disillusionment, believing that his problems would have been taken seriously, his situation as an escaped high school terrorist, would have interested the public. But people prefer not to face up to these kinds of problems; an epidemic of people turned into demons is as commonplace as wars. To avoid jeopardizing personal comfort, people prefer to focus on other problems. Because people literally don't have the balls to face reality.
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But contrary to what Haruka thinks, he's not so different: he's also an angst-ridden child who had totally surrendered to his idol, Chainsaw Man, to the point of convincing himself that he was bound to him, even pretending to be him for a semblance of trust. What the chapter seems to show is that Haruka is more down to earth than that girl on TV, but what it really shows is that he's exactly like that girl, but no longer admits it to himself.
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No, Haruka, you're not dreaming, or rather you have been until now and now you can't do it anymore.
Because you've reached his idol, you have literally reassembled his image, you've seen the boy you have no interest in behind that reassuring mask.
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What this chapter is about is the illusion into which we accept to insert ourselves in order to better resist our fears and existential ills.
Denji doesn't have to exist to shatter the illusions he needs to survive; even his awakening and his speech are too much, as his image no longer matches the one he wears as a universal puppet. He's literally cuter when he's inanimate, because that's what he's made for. At least, that's the only way we accept him. He's made to fill your person, and it's impossible for Chainsaw Man to be a person in his own right.
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As proof of this, when Denji wakes up, his first reflex is not to discover that he's complete again, for he exists only to fill others, hence his question to Asa as to where her arm has gone. Unknowingly, Denji has accepted his role.
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For Katana Man and Yoru, Chainsaw Man is a goal, a dream to be achieved. Seeing the person behind it, the other half, disturbs them. Considering it might even make them reconsider their choices.
Katana Man has deluded himself into believing that Denji no longer has the heart of a man, that he was his grandfather's tormentor and not the child who was the victim. He needs this revenge to move forward, just as Yoru, as a war demon, needs to fight an unattainable adversary to continue wreaking havoc.
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But what's that got to do with it? What does this have to do with beating Denji's balls off?
Who kicked Katana Man in the balls? Aki and Denji. If Chainsaw Man is the metaphor for the comforting illusion of others, Aki is the symbol that revenge (often impossible) is a long-term, survival goal for hearts scarred by resentment. Beating the balls off? The meeting of the two.
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When Aki and Denji beat up Katana Man, the illusion of a proud, virile, traditional man who swore by his honor had been shattered. What Katana Man represented to himself and to the readers, this formidable adversary, had been dismantled.
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But above all, this was a gentle, more accessible form of revenge, one that would allow us to survive, a way for Aki to avenge Himeno in her own way, without actually avenging her. It's about beating your opponent while admitting you've lost in some way.
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Similarly, when Katana Man and Yoru defeat Denji, they lead to a renewed desire to dismantle Chainsaw Man's image. To bring it together as their long-term goal of revenge. But despite this balance of power, this gesture symbolically demonstrates that they are not certain of their victory.
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Above all, the important answer in this chapter is once again in the background.
Fami continues to eat undisturbed. She eats all the time, but in this chapter, she seemed almost to be regaining her strength.
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Why was that?
Her plan was clear, to make people fear Chainsaw Man as well as the war, to make Yoru and Chainsaw Man champions. But what about the media? They prefer to do what's most profitable, keeping viewers entertained for as long as possible, so that they forget about the real issues.
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People prefer to delude themselves, to dream dreams, rather than focus on reality, so will Chainsaw Man and Yoru have their strength increased to the point where they'll be potential opponents for death?
because people are already escaping the fear of death through entertainment, which is even the best champion.
Instead of thinking about our existential crises, we flood our brains with unimportant information.
As the philosopher Pascal would say: "Since men have not been able to cure death, misery and ignorance, they have decided, in order to make themselves happy, not to think about them. Notwithstanding these miseries, he wants to be happy, and only wants to be happy, and cannot not want to be happy".
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But let's close this loop of questions: if Chainsaw Man allows this comforting disillusionment, Denji is the opposite, something we refuse to see, if Chainsaw Man is a dream, Denji is reality. Let's get back to our main subject: beating up balls.
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When Aki first beat Denji up, he wanted to disgust him enough to prevent him from signing up as a public hunter. Literally, he preferred to spare Denji from reality, by killing the symbol that is Denji (did you miss the headaches I caused?). But when Denji retaliates, to insist that he wants to enlist, it's the other way around: it's the harshness of reality that Denji fully accepts that will prevail over Aki's attempt to protect him.
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When Katana Man and Yoru beat Denji's balls off, in reality they're trying to fight the reality of what Chainsaw Man is, this mixture between a boy, reality, and the bloodthirsty enemy, the dream, Chainsaw Man. Beating up Denji is an attempt to avoid the harshness of life. It's that illusion.
So when Denji helped Aki beat up Katana Man, he allowed him to escape his survival mechanisms, his revenge, his illusion, by enjoying the present moment, pure reality. But when Denji defeated Aki, it was also the announcement of the reality of Aki's fate, which would outweigh this illusion - the success of his revenge.
That's why Pochita, the dream and illusion, prevents Denji from opening the door. When Denji sees reality, he can't help opening it. Just as Makima concentrated on her Chainsaw Man dream without seeing reality, Denji right behind it. Just as the dream allows Denji to escape reality, the contract between Denji and Pochita has allowed Denji to become someone else, escaping from himself, himself a victim of the dream without being able to know exactly what he is.
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But don't forget, beating the balls off is Denji's tactic.
Why is that? Because no matter how hard you try to escape it, reality will always prevail.
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novamariestark · 8 days
Can I get a Dean Winchesterx reader using prompts 9 and 10 off list one and prompt 46 off list two, please?
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Summary: A quiet date night with Dean gets interrupted.
Warnings: proofread but there's always a mistake after posting 🤣
Word count: 1229
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Prompts: “LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS ILLEGAL!” “Did you just... agree with me?” “I'm actually going to kill you”
[A/N] hope you like 😁
How did we even get here? Sometimes, life takes a strange turn, almost as if the universe decides to have a little fun with you—except you’re not laughing. The night had started so differently. It was supposed to be simple—normal even. Sam had dropped the two of you off at that tiny, run-down bar a few miles outside town, giving you some space for your long-awaited “date night.” You were supposed to have a quiet evening, maybe a few drinks, some laughs. No monsters. No hunts.
But, because some idiot stumbled into the bar, raving about a “monster” they’d seen outside town that meant date night was over. You’d barely finished your drink before you were dragged out, headed straight for where the alleged sighting had taken place. The kicker? Sam had taken the Impala to pick up some supplies, promising to come back later. So here you were, stranded without Baby, crouched behind a row of garbage bins like a couple of amateurs. This is not how you imagined your alone time with Dean would go. You had hoped for something more... normal.
Dean was in front of you, so at least you had something nice to look at. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t look good, but seriously? This was the worst idea he’d had all week—and that was saying something. At first you thought you had heard him wrong but oh no. You had heard him right.
You glanced at him, unable to believe what was coming out of his mouth. “Are you seriously suggesting we rob a cop car?” you asked, trying to keep your voice calm, even though you were two seconds away from smacking some sense into him.
Dean turned to you with that infuriatingly casual grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Borrow,” he corrected, like that made it better. “It’s not illegal if we give it back.”
You stared at him for a moment, your brain struggling to comprehend the sheer level of Dean Winchester logic you were dealing with right now. He had to be joking. But he wasn’t. He was dead serious.
“Okay,” you shot back, your voice dripping with so much sarcasm that it could be visible, “maybe next we can walk into the nearest bank and help ourselves to the entirety of the vault. You know, for funsies.” Dean’s only response was to roll his eyes, still not seeing the problem. You took a deep breath as you waved your hands around for emphasis. “LITERALLY EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS IS ILLEGAL!”
Honestly, you weren’t sure whether to laugh or scream. You were a hunter—a damn good one. You could handle ghosts, demons, and all manner of monsters that most people couldn’t even fathom. And yet, here you were, stuck with this idiot, debating grand theft auto like it was something minute like, who’s turn it was to wash the dishes.
You gave him the deadliest deadpan look you could muster, hoping he’d catch a hint of how ridiculous he sounded. “I’m actually going to kill you.”
Dean’s grin only widened, those green eyes glimmering in the dim light. “But you’ll look good doing it.”
You rolled your eyes, though you could feel the faint heat creeping up your neck. His charm was both your kryptonite and your fuel—it was hard to stay mad when he looked at you like that, but then again, it also made you want to throw something at him. Preferably something heavy.
Glancing back at the cop car, you sighed. This was ridiculous. Utterly insane. The rational part of your brain screamed at you to shut this down, to come up with a better plan. But the other part—the part that had been on countless hunts with Dean, the part that trusted him more than anyone else—knew you were probably going to go along with it anyway.
“Fine,” you sighed, the word leaving your lips before you even knew you thought it.
The second it slipped out, you mentally kicked yourself. Seriously? Fine? Fine? Really? That’s all it took? One look from him, and you were ready to throw common sense out the window? You weren’t fine. Yet somehow, here you were, agreeing to what had to be the stupidest plan Dean Winchester had ever come up with. And that was a long list.
Dean’s voice cut through your spiralling thoughts, pulling you back to the present. “Did you just... agree with me?” His tone was laced with mock disbelief, but that smirk—oh, that damn smirk—said it all. He was enjoying this way too much, and it didn’t help that the glint in his eyes practically sparkled.
You hated that look. The one that always made your stomach do flips, like a rollercoaster you swore you’d never ride again, but kept getting back on anyway. It wasn’t just the smirk. It was Dean. He had this magnetic pull, and no matter how much your brain screamed No!, your heart—and apparently your mouth—tended to betray you in his presence.
“Don’t get used to it,” you muttered, crossing your arms, trying to regain some control over the situation. You weren’t completely rolling over here. You’d follow him into the fire, sure—but you’d still give him hell for it.
Dean winked, already turning his attention back to the car, pulling out his lock-picking tools and started to unlock the car, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you,” he whispered, shooting you another wink and that cheeky smirk of his that sometimes you wanted to smack and others, kiss until you both looked like smurfs.
Your heart fluttered in spite of itself as you tried to ignore the way he seemed so damn... charming while committing a felony. His words floated around your head. “Don’t worry, I’ll make it up to you.” Oh, you knew exactly what he was implying. Your lips twitched involuntarily. Damn him.
You crossed your arms, glaring at the back of his head, “What? My criminal record?”
Dean finally got the lock to pop, a click breaking the silence. He stood up, turning back to you with that grin, “See? Easy as pie.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re impossible.”
“Yeah, but you love it,” he said, with the cocky tone in his voice because he knew he wasn’t wrong. You hated how much he knew it, how much he knew you.
You took a step closer to him, eyes narrowing as you shot him a pointed look. “Just get in the damn car, Winchester.”
Dean chuckled as he pulled the door open, “After you, sweetheart,” he said, gesturing to the passenger seat.
You climbed into the car, the faint smell of cheap air freshener and coffee mixing with the cool air of the night. Dean slid in beside you, looking far too pleased with himself. The engine roared to life, and as the tires crunched over gravel, you couldn’t help but shoot him another sideways glance.
“So, what’s the plan, genius?” you asked, crossing your arms as if that might protect you.
Dean shrugged, “Find the monster, kill the monster, return the car—no harm, no foul.”
“If we end up in jail, you’re explaining this to Sam.” You said, leaning back into the seat, propping your elbow on the door, and resting your chin on your palm.
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misteria247 · 25 days
I think one of the many reasons I like the TimmyJimmy ship so much is because Jimmy is like a positive influence for Timmy. Jimmy represents a brighter tomorrow in a way. That despite everything that Timmy's come to accept about himself and believing that he's essentially a bane of everyone's existence, for some reason Jimmy wants to be around him. Like imagine-
You're Timmy. For years you've been essentially told that you're not wanted. That your personality is annoying and unpleasant, that you make everything worse just by existing and breathing. That no matter what you do, everything goes up in flames. Your parents make it known that they'd rather do anything else than be around you. That they only find value in what you rarely offer. The kindness that you display often times backfires or gets taken for granted. Your friends, while they care, clearly prefer each other's company over yours. Literally the entire world is hellbent on reminding you that no matter what you do, someone's gonna be angry at you or just not give a fuck. The only good thing in your life is your adopted fairy parents who love you to bits and pieces. And it's because of them you still continue to do your best even though some days you wanna say fuck it.
And then one day you meet this boy from another universe.
He's smart, a bit cynical and can be rather blunt and for some reason he rubs you the wrong way at first. But once you both start to get to know one another, you find yourself enjoying his company and to your surprise the feelings mutual. You tentatively enter this friendship with him, excepting the other shoe to drop. For him to reveal his "true" feelings towards you. For him to finally become sick of you. You wait and wait and yet......
He never does.
Before you realize it, you're apart of a team involving a ghost and a sponge, with this genius being the leader and you being the muscle. You grow close to them, and over and over again you're forced to entertain the idea that maybe you are worth the effort. This boy includes you in his plans, and takes your words seriously and let's you into his lab. You're the first person he goes to, and he's always willing to explain his inventions and the science to you even though you don't understand. And when there's fights and you think that this is it, that he's finally had enough.....
He throws your expectations right out the damn window.
Over and over and over again he takes everything you'd learned over your lifetime and burns it to the ground. He sticks with you through thick and thin, and is willing to stay with you because he wants too. Slowly making you begin to actually be comfortable in your own skin. To let that side you're always keeping quiet out more. And then one day you look at him, you see him smiling and laughing at some joke you said and you see the light and mirth in his gaze, the sincere emotions that you bring to him just by being yourself. And it's then you realize that maybe you can have good things in your life. That there's truly a rainbow at the end of every storm. That when you look at him, you feel like spring.
Just ugh they make me insane-
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wonwoonlight · 2 years
shiny star / yoon jeonghan
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➝ Jeonghan x Reader
➝ shiny star!au // university!au // non idol!au // strangers to lovers // fluff // slice of life
➝ word count: 6.1k~
➝ inspired by: Shiny Star (2020) - KyoungSeo
➝ Shiny Star masterlist (can be read as standalone)
Seungcheol // Jeonghan // Joshua // Junhui // Soonyoung // Wonwoo // Jihoon // Seokmin // Mingyu // Minghao // Seungkwan // Hansol // Chan
➝warning: curses, food, this one is pretty much peaceful but reader is a little insecure towards the end, NOT PROOFREAD IM SORRY, also it's been so long since i write i feel like my ability is deteriorating sdjfhbjsdhf
➝A/N: happy birthday, han, i forgot ur bday is so close by so i literally finished this like 5 hrs before ur bday 😭😭 i hope you guys enjoy this and pls do tell me what you think about it &lt;3
널 좋아하는 내 마음이 표현이 안 돼
My feelings for you are hard to explain
꿈이 아니면 좋겠어 자꾸 웃음 나와
I hope it’s not a dream, I keep on smiling
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When you first meet Jeonghan, you fall asleep on his shoulder on your way home.
You didn't sleep well the night before, having stayed up for a quiz that thankfully wasn't for nothing because you felt quite confident the moment you stepped out of the classroom.
That said, you still believe now that's the reason why you managed to somehow fall asleep on a stranger's shoulder on the subway. Like that's not embarrassing enough, you didn't even get to apologize properly because you woke up right after you missed your stop and you panicked, hurriedly stepping down the next one without missing the sound of airy chuckle from the man beside you.
He didn't even seem bothered, just very amused.
It’s definitely not the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you because the guy is totally not the most beautiful person you've ever encountered in your life (after Jisoo, that is).
Yep, not the case at all.
At least you can rest assured you would never see him again. He does look familiar for some reason, but you mix people up all the time and you're sure it's going to bite you back one of these days.
Unfortunately for you, when you’re finally about to forget the absolutely-not-embarassing-incident,  the universe decides it wants to to play a joke and you somehow do meet him again when you’re waiting for your subway home almost a month later.
You contemplate on thanking him, but, at the same time, you hope the ground would swallow you whole because the man is even more gorgeous now that you have the time to actually look at him. Like that’s even possible because you already think he was beautiful before and you didn’t even get to see him properly.
Fortunately for you (or not, you’re not sure), he looks your way and he raises an eyebrow at the sight of you; like he’s amused and like it’s some kinda game for him. To put it short, you’re annoyed. So you copy his action and the guy shamelessly grin at your acknowledgement.
Much to your horror, he comes closer and you have nowhere to go unless you want to make a scene, which really isn’t worth it. (Also, you may or may not enjoy the gist of attention he’s throwing your way.) He moves from his line to stand behind you, and the two of you unknowingly play the game of wits in silence.
Who’s going to make the first move?
The voice inside your head tells you to thank him, because it’s the decent thing to do and… you actually did have a good nap thanks to that episode; it was probably the most well rested 30 minutes nap you have ever taken in a subway. But, then again, you can just pretend you don’t recognize him and leave it that way. 
You jump at the arrival announcement, having been too deep in your thought that you didn’t realize you’ve been spacing out for almost 5 minutes already. You could’ve sworn you heard a chuckle quickly followed by a cough from the man behind you and you’re this close to asking him what it is he finds funny; but you have no proof he’s laughing at you and you do realize you’re probably way too conscious for your own good. 
Seriously, all this can simply be a coincidence and you’re putting meaning into nothing.
…or so you thought.
Because now that you’re inside the train, you’re sure this guy is definitely messing with you. There are plenty of empty seats in the subway but he decides to sit right beside you for some reason and, at this point, you feel like he’s taunting you and it’s annoying you inside out.
You considered telling him off, but he addresses you first and you’re annoyed for exactly two reasons: 1. His tone is annoying 2. Your heart actually skips a bit because he’s addressing you. 
God, are you that desperate for attention? You’re fully aware you’ve been whining to Jisoo about wanting a boyfriend way too much these days, but you need to get it together because this isn’t it.
“Gonna take a nap again today?” He grins, and you actually have to hold yourself back from rolling your eyes because this is your chance to finally thank him and you’re not gonna miss it now that the chance has presented itself.
“For the record, I slept late that night for a quiz, and I want to apologize and thank you for that day.” You managed to say it as calmly as possible despite your (mock) annoyance. The heat seeping up your neck is betraying you though, and you will your heart to calm down because it’s embarrassing to have a crush on him just because he’s bothering you (and because he looks like an angel).
Or perhaps you’re just in denial (not that anyone needs to know).
Unexpectedly, he shrugs and tells you it’s nothing, that you really did look tired and, as a university student, he knows exactly how it feels to be exhausted to the point of falling asleep on a subway.
“Plus, you’re Seungcheol’s friend, aren’t you?”
You blink in confusion, asking him how he knows your close friend or the fact that you’re his friend.
“I’ve seen you on his instagram. Plus, he talks about you and your friends a lot.” He shrugs nonchalantly, though he tells you he’s not actually sure until he gets a good look at you just now. “I’m Jeonghan, by the way.”
“Yoon Jeonghan? I think Cheol mentioned you and… uhh… Joshua? as a package usually.”
“Ah, I see my reputation has preceded me.” He grins in amusement, and you return the esture. How can you not realize he’s Seungcheol’s friend? That friend of yours has mentioned Jeonghan so many times even though usually it’s just him complaining that he’s being bullied by his two friends who're studying in another university.
Huh. Has Seungcheol never posted them on Instagram or are you just that ignorant?
You really would've known if Choi Seungcheol has a friend as beautiful as Jeonghan, but, then again, you suck at remembering people’s faces and you’ve never been really interested in what people post on social media so that might be why.
“Seungcheol complains about you and your other friend all the time,” you say before you know it and Jeonghan is more than happy to continue the conversation from there. 
If he’s being honest, Jeonghan isn’t sure either why he’s entertaining a conversation with a stranger–someone that accidentally fell asleep on his shoulder almost two weeks ago, someone that turns out to be his own best friend’s close friend.
He recalls Seungcheol talking about you, another girl called Jisoo, and a guy called Jinhwan; the small circle he has in university consisting of people he genuinely considers friends and would often hang out with even outside university. He has never really paid much attention when Seungcheol talks about his university friends, but now that you’re in front of him, he sees why Seungcheol seems to like you; he can tell you’re embarrassed as hell just a few moments ago, yet you still swallow it in to thank him and apologize for nothing at all.
It was pure spontaneity that drove him to mess with you, he was bored and you were there. He wasn’t sure you were going to recognize him, but he got his answer the moment he locked eyes with you and you challenged him into a stare down. That’s when he decided he’s going to annoy you; he’s in one of his weird moods, anyway. Else, he wouldn’t be finding fun talking with strangers.
“Oh!” You jump at the announcement, thankful that you catch it just in time. Has it really been thirty minutes already? “This is my stop.”
Jeonghan turns to the tiny screen announcing your stop and looks just as surprised. His stop was three stops ago. Did he really have that much fun talking to you that he forgot about it? Him? The one person always eager to go home?
It’s then that the train stops, the announcement once again broadcasting your stop and you pat his shoulder and wave your hand, telling him you’ll see him around before getting out of the train to wherever you need to be.
On the train back home, Jeonghan wonders if he’ll get to see you again.
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A month later, Jeonghan still hasn’t had it in him to ask Seungcheol about you nor tell him about his encounter. He doesn’t even know why he hasn’t told him about it, but, then again, he’s never the type to talk about stuff like that and he knows Seungcheol would be suspicious which is just plain annoying.
But by the look of it, you probably haven’t told Seungcheol either because the guy definitely would’ve said something if you have. Wait. Why is he even thinking about this? Christ, he’s probably more bored that he thinks he is if his train of thoughts ends up there. Where on earth is Choi Seungcheol, anyway? The guy really told him to wait by the park of his university but has the audacity to not take his call when they’re supposed to meet fifteen minutes ago.
He’s about to get up and leave when he hears a familiar voice calling his name, your confused smile greeting him when he looks up, like you’re hesitant about talking to him.
“What are you doing here?”
“Seungcheol told me to meet him here,” he sighs, telling you he’s been there for fifteen minutes. Is it weird that he’s pleased you’ve made your way to sit beside him instead of standing around like you’re ready to bolt after making small talk? “Have you seen him? He’s not picking up my call.”
He can see something clicking in your head, and you offer him a small smile as you scrunch your nose like you’re about to deliver bad news.
“Well… Jisoo said he’s going to the library with his girlfriend?”
Frankly, Jeonghan would be annoyed as hell had he found out from someone else. But it’s you in front of him so he’s more intrigued about your presence despite everything.
“That ass,” he murmurs to himself. “He probably forgot he asked me to come here.”
“I can take you to the library if you want?”
“Mmm. What if you accompany me somewhere instead?” He asks, surprising himself. When has he ever just invited someone he barely knew out? “I actually went here to try this new cafe. I think Cheol wanted to see if he could bring his girlfriend there, so I’m going to piss him off by going there first because he bailed on me without saying anything.” 
You laugh at his suggestion, and then agree because you only have to finish an assignment that could probably be done in the cafe Jeonghan has just mentioned. You recognize the name, and as you both walk there, you tell him you’ve been meaning to try it also but never has the chance to because it’s either your party is too large that there’s no table, or something comes up when your friends ask if you want to come with.
Thankfully, there are still a few tables left when you arrive; all of them only fit for two people. This cafe is full of couples, you notice as you skim the cafe. No wonder it was hard to find a table when there were five of you.
“Welcome, how may I help you?” The cashier happily greets you both. Jeonghan asks for her recommendation as you flip through the menu, faintly, you hear him telling her he’s not too keen on something overly sweet. Her next question brings you to a stop though, and you almost choke on nothing if not for your pride. “Are you two a couple?”
“Why does that matter?” Jeonghan asks back, his voice far from hostile, just plain curious and full of questions.
“Ah, we actually have a seasonal couple set which includes tiramisu and a slice of lemon pound cake and two drinks of your choice. Those two are our best sellers and may fit your taste if you prefer something less sweet.”
Jeonghan asks if you want any of the two, and you shyly nod, having actually been eyeing the lemon pound cake since earlier. He bites a smile at the obvious shyness painted on your face and tells you to find a table as he finishes paying; you’re about to protest, but quickly swallows back your words when he suddenly gets close and whispers in your ear.
“We’re a couple, remember?” His soft voice tickles your hair, and you can feel heat creeping upon your whole face so you quickly nod and turn around to find a seat.
“Your girlfriend is very cute.” You hear the cashier say faintly when you turn around. Heart almost bursting into pieces at the soft chuckle Jeonghan offers her, and what he says after makes your face hot like it’s set on fire. I know, right? Don’t tell her I said that though. She hates it when I call her cute.
You’re still trying to calm yourself down when Jeonghan sits in front of you, and perhaps you look more flustered than you think because he immediately asks if something’s wrong. You shake your head though, because you definitely can’t tell him why and says that you were just spacing out.
“Did they say it’s going to take long?” Jeonghan shakes his head, then tells you probably ten minutes at most. “Do you mind if I finish my assignment? I’m about 90% done so I promise it won’t take me long.”
“Sure. Don’t mind me.” He shrugs. “I’ll just be with my phone.”
You send him a thankful smile, feeling a bit sorry that you’ve said yes to accompanying this guy you’ve met twice only for you to finish your assignment, But you’re feeling a little productive and you really only need to finish up and reread your assignment; you know yourself and you’ll probably be slacking off if you wait to go home to finish it. Plus, the cafe has a really nice vibe that helps you focus so there’s that.
True to his words, Jeonghan really doesn’t bother you at all as you busy yourself with your laptop, the small table barely even fitting, and he doesn’t look annoyed even the smallest bit when you check up on him from time to time; way too conscious about his presence until he tells you to just finish it quickly if you’re feeling that sorry for ignoring him. 
It’s twenty minutes later that you finally finish, making Jeonghan look up from his phone when you exhale a deep breath, close your laptop, and take the first sip of your peach tea.
“Finished?” He raises an eyebrow, about to make a joke about you ignoring him but decides against it when he sees how relieved you look when you say yes. “Is it a big assignment?”
“Yeah. Honestly, the first time I regretted taking a Master's is when the professor announced we have to do this assignment.”
“Are you in the same course as Cheol? I don’t think he’s ever mentioned.”
“Oh, no. We met during undergrads,” you tell him the short version of the story, about how you, Jisoo, Jinhwan, and Seungcheol ended up getting close with each other. That you’re grouped together for a group assignment during an elective subject and decided to hang out together ever since. “What about you?”
“Oh, I’m still not finished with my bachelor's degree.” His grin tells you it’s not something he’s ashamed of (why should it be?), and before you even ask, Jeonghan decides it’s cool to come clear with you because you don’t seem judgemental and he trusts Seungcheol in making good friends.
“I started university late because I wasn’t sure I wanted to pursue a degree. I was convinced I really didn’t want to when I saw Seungcheol and Shua’s studyloads, and I didn’t think a formal academic setting was for me, you know? I considered taking a course for licenses, but there’s nothing I was really interested in so, in the end, I decided to study business administration because I wanted to see how they’d teach such a subject.”
You’re not sure how to answer him, but the first thing that comes to your mind after listening to him is how much you respect someone like Jeonghan who learns just for the sake of learning. You study because it’s what’s expected of you. You’re taking masters because you’re not sure what to do after university, the real world scares you and your parents are more than willing to support you when you say you want to take masters. 
“So you took like two years off before going to university, yeah?” He nods, taking a bite of the cake in front of him. “What did you do during then?”
“This and that,” he purses his lips as he tries to remember if there’s anything interesting happening during that time. It hasn’t even been that long, but it feels so long ago for someone like him who rarely looks back on things unless it’s important. “I come from a place of privilege to be able to think this way, I admit, but I’ve always thought formal education isn’t important after high school. Even during school, I feel like we’re there to be proper people, you know? Learn how to place yourself in a mock society and do your responsibilities as students. There’s definitely more than formal education, but people are so fixated on it and it kind of saddens me that we live in such society.”
You continue to have a discourse about education for some reason, but it’s fun and you don’t regret bringing it up because Jeonghan seems to be just as immersed if not more. From all the topics you could’ve been talking about with the man in front of you, you never thought this would be the one you’re on when you agree to come with him.
He’s right though, and you feel admiration growing in you the more you listen to him talk. You’ve been talking to him for about an hour now, the topic moving into something else though it still doesn’t hide the fact that this guy is easily one of the smartest people you’ve ever met in your life. You see it in the way he proposes his argument, in the way he attentively listens to you and counters yours.
Hell, he’s probably even more perceptive and critical than half your class who are promptious kids taking a master degree and always belittling people who decide their bachelor is enough.
Currently, your topic has shifted way too far than the first one; the two of you busy arguing about whether it’s better to be really short or really tall. You’re trying to keep it cool, but you’ve found that Jeonghan has the ability to rile you up rather quickly and you’re this close to knocking his head because it seems like you two have reached that stage already.
It’s Jeonghan’s phone that cuts through your argument, and you both glare at the device, even more when you see Choi Seungcheol flashing through the screen.
So now he finally remembers he’s supposed to meet him?
Jeonghan rejects the call, and only then realizes that Seungcheol has sent me a few texts asking where he is and if he forgets that they’re supposed to meet up (the audacity). Jeonghan scoffs incredulously at the message, truly at a loss of words and shows you the text that you burst out laughing.
“I’m going to video call him. Move here beside me so he can see you,” Jeonghan mumbles and you happily follow through, always giddy at the prospect of annoying Seungcheol.
Not to anyone’s surprise, Seungcheol picks up immediately, already ranting about Jeonghan not showing up and all that while Jeonghan simply nods. He wanted to wait for his friend to finish before showing you and where the two of you are currently at, but Seungcheol doesn’t seem like he’s going to stop any time soon so he zooms out the phone and shows you beside him, which shuts up the older guy real quick.
“Hi!” You make a ‘V’ at the camera, only then realizing how close you are sitting to each other because your cheek bumps into Jeonghan’s shoulder when you’re trying to move closer so the camera can capture you, none of you answering him when he asks why the two of you are together or how you even know each other.
“We’re here, by the way,” Jeonghan talks over Seungcheol’s question, flipping the camera to show him the cafe which only makes the guy whine harder for obvious reasons. “Bye, Cheol. Sucks to be you.”
And he hangs up just like that, already waiting for Seungcheol to send him a bunch of messages because if there’s anything he knows about that best friend of his, he never lets things go just like that. True to his thoughts, his phone keeps on pinging with notifications, all from Seungcheol while you both laugh at the situation.
Your phone pings with notifications too, and you show Jeonghan the notifications because of course Seungcheol would text you too. You shake your head as you move back to your original seat in front of him, almost choking on air as you’re sure the texts Seungcheol sends Jeonghan and you are different.
[15:12] Cheol🎮: why are you with jeonghan????
[15:12] Cheol🎮: youre interested in him arent you
[15:13] Cheol🎮: theres no way you agreed to go with someone ALONE else
[15:13] Cheol🎮: you better tell me everything tmrw
“Did he send you anything weird?” Jeonghan asks, concerned at the way your eyes double in size.
“Oh, no. Sorry.” You pretend to cough, avoiding his eyes as you take another sip of your tea. “There was another text from my friend and… I just remembered I promised to meet him at 4.”
This seems to convince Jeonghan, or he’s just too nice to say anything about your shitty reason though it is true that you’ve just remembered you’re meeting Jinhwan in less than an hour.
“Oh, should we get going, then?”
“Yeah, I gotta go back home to put my books first.” You scrunch your nose in distaste, a habit that Jeonghan notices you often do when you’re conflicted at just about anything. “Right, how much did I owe you? We can just split the bill.”
Jeonghan shakes his head, telling you there’s no need because he’s the one that asked you out of nowhere anyway.
“What? No! Come on, just let me pay you,” you try to convince him but he doesn’t budge.
“Just buy me something else next time we see each other.” Jeonghan offers nonchalantly, making your thoughts spiral into whirlwind of scenarios. Is he really implying a next time? Why are you so giddy at the prospect of it? You don’t even have his number, for God's sake! “Which reminds me, can I have your number? Who knows if Seungcheol will bail again next time I come to your campus.”
Your head is already taking you everywhere as you type your number into his phone, wondering if he’ll text you first or he’ll really just call you around under the circumstances he’s already said earlier. But Jeonghan immediately texts you after he’s saved your contact, “so you have my number too,” he has said, way too casually for you to figure out if he wouldn’t mind you texting him just about anytime or what.
You don’t have it in you to ask too, too afraid to be perceived for some reason, so you say your bye because Jeonghan says he needs to drop by the convenience store while you go the other way around to the bus stop. He’s offered to walk you, but you tell him there’s no need and you don’t miss the way he softly tells you to be careful even if it’s still very bright outside.
The thought still lingers in your mind until later that night, your tendency to overthink stuff has brought you to ponder if you’re attracted to Jeonghan that way or, like you used to tell yourself, you’re just more lonely than you thought you were.
It’s the way your phone lights up that halts your thought, a giddy smile immediately breaks into your face as you see the text from the one person that you may or may not have been waiting for.
[21:22] Yoon Jeonghan: Thanks again for today! Had been quite some time since I found someone that could debate with me lol I’ll see you when I see you?
You inhale and exhale in exaggeration, scolding yourself right after for thinking about it too much. What’s so wrong about replying immediately? He’s just thanking you.
[21:25] Thank you also for paying!!! I’ll pay u back i promise
[21:25] Yoon Jeonghan has sent an image 
[21:26] Yoon Jeonghan: reminds me of someone who said being really short is better than being really tall lmaooooooooooooo
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“Seriously, why is everyone suddenly in a relationship?” Jisoo whines at the table, making her three friends all look up from their phones to see her. “See? All of you are too busy texting to realize poor Kim Jisoo is being ignored.”
“In my defense,” Jinhwan starts and puts his phone down. “I was texting my mom, not my boyfriend.”
“In my defense, my girlfriend was asking if you’re busy,” Seungcheol looks at her then shows her his phone that says exactly what he’s just said.
“And in my defense, I don’t have a boyfriend,” you offer your argument, ears getting hot because you were texting Jeonghan just a few seconds ago.
You glare when Seungcheol snorts at this, and Jisoo is quick to get into it because there’s no way Seungcheol would react that way if he doesn’t know anything. When she squints her eyes in suspicion, you insist that he’s just messing around and you really don’t have a boyfriend.
Jisoo rolls her eyes at this, not buying it but doesn’t want to push. She’s noticed that you’re sprouting the same look Seungcheol and his girlfriend did when they’d only started seeing each other, and she figures perhaps you are still in denial like they were even though it’s clear that you’ve been looking extra happy everytime you’re on your phone.
“Whatever. You’re still seeing someone,” she concludes anyway, not caring about your continuous denial. “Don’t you all have someone to introduce me to? I want to be in a relationship too if you’re all in one.”
“Soo, I told you I’m not in one!”
Seungcheol smiles annoyingly at you as something brews in his mind then he hums at Jisoo, all three of you already looking at him like you’re waiting for him to say nonsense.
“I might know someone,” he nods to himself, his eyes glinting with mischief finding yours. “There’s this friend I've known since I was a kid.”
Your heart drops at what he’s implying, though you’re really getting ahead of yourself because Seungcheol has a ton of friends. The guy is great at maintaining a relationship you’re not surprised if he’s still friends with his classmates from elementary school. But still, your mind wanders to Jeonghan as Seungcheol says this and you suddenly start picturing Jeonghan and Jisoo together.
They’d make a perfect picture, wouldn’t they?
A beautiful person with another beautiful person. Jisoo is easily the smartest person you know, which makes her a great pair for Jeonghan who’s also one of the smartest people in your life.
They’d probably be together by now had it been Jisoo in your place that day.
You jump at the sound of your name, all of your friends looking at you in concern.
“You okay?” Jinhwan asks in concern. “You just… zoned out.”
“Oh… yeah, sorry.” You smile awkwardly, feeling bad for spacing out out of nowhere. “Didn’t sleep well last night. You guys were saying?”
“Do you have anything to do after class? I want to watch this movie if you’re down,” Jisoo repeats her question, her arms hugging yours. It’s a gesture she always does when she feels someone’s uncomfortable, something that she hopes would ease whatever’s bothering the other person.
“Ah…” You exclaim, Jeonghan’s text from earlier today floating in your mind. “I already have plans, sorry. You three can watch without me, though? I don’t mind. We can go somewhere else next time.”
They probably would’ve teased you and asked you about your plan if not for the awkward smile you’re sprouting, Seungcheol’s eyes full of concerns following you even after you excuse yourself first because your class is in another building.
You don’t even realize your stance doesn’t differ that much when you see Jeonghan, the guy immediately asks if you’re okay because you seem tense and your smile doesn’t reach your eyes.
“We can reschedule if you don’t feel like going anymore,” he reassures you, his fingers softly grasping your arm to let you know he’s really okay. “Or we can talk about it if you want to?”
You consider his words carefully, thankful that Jeonghan lets you think instead of making assumptions by himself. It’s been about three months since that afternoon you went to the cafe with Jeonghan, you’ve gone out together four more times since then and this would make the fifth one.
You don’t text everyday; sometimes you’d talk til late at night or sometimes you don’t talk to each other at all. But it’s so easy to talk with him that you both just randomly text each other when you feel like doing so.
It scares you.
It’s never been this easy to talk to someone, has never been this easy to get comfortable and now that Seungcheol has put the image of Jisoo and Jeonghan together in your head, you suddenly wonder if Jeonghan would still want to do this with you if he knew someone as capable as Jisoo is very much single and available.
You don’t even have it in you to be annoyed with Seungcheol.
“Can we… sit somewhere?” You say instead, if you’re going to talk about it, might as well do it somewhere comfortable.
Jeonghan looks at you in concern, but doesn’t ask until you’ve found a pretty quiet park nearby and decided it’s better to talk in an open space than a cafe with other people who might be able to listen to you.
“It’s okay too if you don’t want to talk about it,” Jeonghan starts for you, something in his heart hurts at the way you carry yourself small. “I’ll still be here with you. I know sometimes we just need someone next to us.”
“You know Jisoo, right?” You throw it out there and rip the bandaid at once, pretty much aware that your question sounds absurd. But Jeonghan nods a yes and you ask if he’s ever seen her.
“Umm. Only from Seungcheol’s instagram and yours. I’ve never met her in person though, why?”
“She’s very pretty, right?” You say instead, not even looking at him. “She’s single, you know?”
Jeonghan’s not sure where this is going, and you would’ve known what you’re saying doesn’t make any sense to Jeonghan if you had looked at him. But you’re too deep in your monologue and you’re too afraid to look at him, so you simply look at the ground as you continue to tell him about Jisoo and all of her good points.
“Hey, I’m not sure I’m following you here,” he finally says after you’ve finished talking. “Why are we talking about her?”
You seem to hesitate before you answer him, and Jeonghan frowns at the way you’re biting your lip. It’ll definitely bleed if you put on just a little more pressure.
“We… were together earlier before class. Me and the guys,” you exhale a deep breath. Why do you even feel nervous telling him about all this? “And Jisoo was whining about not being in a relationship because…”
Uh oh. You forgot you’d need to tell Jeonghan about that part.
“Because we were all busy with our phones and she just assumes we’re all in a relationship because of that.”
“Are you?” Jeonghan cuts, his voice so curt that you finally meet his eyes for the first time that day. He’s never sounded so sharp when talking to you before.
“I was texting you, Han.” You shake your head, reassuring him you’re very much single as heat once again creeps upon your neck because of the way he’s staring at you.  “Anyway, she asked if there’s anyone we can introduce her to, which is stupid because she’s Kim Jisoo and guys literally ask for her number on a daily basis. But…”
“Seungcheol says there’s… someone he knew that might be a good match for her and…”
Before you can finish, Jeonghan interrupts you and grasps your arm so you’d look at him. “And you thought it was me?”
You don’t answer immediately, and Jeonghan’s somewhere between annoyed at your assumption, at Seungcheol saying stupid shit, while both concerned and a little giddy because apparently knowing he might be a potential candidate for someone else makes you feel that way.
You play with your fingers as you think what you can say to Jeonghan at this point. Yes, you thought it was him. And then… what? What are you supposed to say so you wouldn’t say stupid and ruin whatever it is between the two of you?
“Hey, look at me,” his small voice ushers you softly, his hand finds the top of your head as if to make sure you’d actually stay looking at him. “Do you want me to be introduced to her?”
Your eyes widen in fear before you even realize, and Jeonghan definitely would’ve teased you if not for the fact that he knows he might blow everything if he decided to do so. But it’s his next words that make your heart jump out of your chest, your fingers grasping the side of his green top without you even knowing because that’s how much you need something to hold on to.
“I thought we have something going on between us here?” He chuckles lightheartedly, though his eyes don’t leave yours so you’d know he’s not kidding. “Or was it one sided all this time and I’m the only one trying?”
“I– Uhh…” You stare at him dumbly, suddenly forgetting how to form comprehensive words because of the sudden confession. It is… confession, right?
“Wow, it really was one sided, huh?”
“No!” You say louder than you intended, making Jeonghan laugh at your panicked face. Did you think he’d leave just because you’re not saying anything? “No… I mean… Uh–it’s not one sided.”
“Then why did you think that much about the Jisoo situation?” He asks with a playful smile, his hand messing with your hair. “Anyone would think you’re trying to set me up by the way you’re talking about her earlier.”
You scrunch your nose at this, and Jeonghan reaches out to pinch the tip of your nose because he thinks he’s resisted long enough at this point. He's always wanted to do that.
“There’s a reason why I’m texting you and not her, alright?” He reassures you instead, because he knows it’s what you need right now. Teasing you can wait, and while he’s happy this means you already have deep enough feelings for him to be jealous, he doesn’t want you to be insecure because of such a thing. “I choose to be with you and not her."
“Okay,” you nod with a shy smile, suddenly very abashed now that you’re in this position. Weren’t you annoyed at him, like, four months ago? Ready to fight him because he’s starting something in the subway station?
“Now, let’s not tell Seungcheol we’re dating, okay? Let’s mess with him a little bit and tell him later.” He decides just like that, takes your hand in his and declares that you both should celebrate without actually asking you the question.
The smile on your face is so wide that it hurts a little. You like it that way though, and as you look down at your hands joined together, you realize you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
A/N 2: this.. isn't my best work and i'm sorry but i really wanted to write but i've been busy adapting in my new place and i honestly do feel like my writing is getting worse but i hope you enjoyed this somehow ;-; once again, happy birthday, han! i love u with all my heart and i wish you all the happiness the world has to offer.
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corruptedspeaker · 1 year
Need some advice?
Steven Universe x Mom!reader (platonic)
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It was just so frustrating! Everything was always dumped onto him, the trauma, the unbearable and out of control emotions seemed to be eating him up from the inside- almost like he was drowning and no one was there to fully understand and help him. It seemed as though no matter how hard he tried to reach out no one knew how to help. Being dumped with so much trauma at a young age took a really bad toll on his body and mind. He just really wanted to clear his head at this point- since Connie was busy with her studies, his dad was busy and the gems were busy with other gems.
He should take a walk on the broadwalk or whatever, he could maybe get a bite to eat or see if anyone was around to chat or maybe hang out with him to just distract him and kill time. Maybe he could go to Funland and at least he could try to experience some sort of feeling.
Gosh! It just seemed SO- empty with no one he knew that was around anymore! It was so weird to see everyone grow apart and he- he was practically trying to rip his hair out of his scalp.
" Hey! (Child name 1) do not hit your brother! "
That's when he heard someone's voice yelling at something and he couldn't help but look up to see you. You were seated on one of the benches looking towards the ocean, your sun hat protecting you from the heat while your sunglasses rested on top of the hat/you had your glasses on your face. You seemed to have a magazine or book on your lap, too many bags to count on your side with one filled with toys and one filled with snacks and water bottles and juices.
Steven had never seen you around before in beach city ever before- you were probably a tourist or you had recently moved in. He couldn't help but wonder if his mother would have done the same, if she would have taken him to the beach with his dad and watch him play in the sand, would he have a younger brother or sister? Would things have been easier for him?
Just the thoughts swirling around in his mind made him flare in anger, his gem buzzed as his body contorted and he started glowing pink. He could feel his head pounding in his ears, it hurt -- why couldn't things just have turned differently? Why couldn't he just have something better?! Why couldn't everyone stay and why--
" Hey kid! "
Steven looked up, his eyes darting around until his eyes finally landed on you. You were waving at him, beckoning him to come over and to which he did. He couldn't help but be rather embarrassed- he didn't want his first impression to be you meeting him having a meltdown.
" You okay? You seemed to be pink- and I mean you are literally pink right now. "
You had pointed out, your body faced towards him.
" I have some headache pills, don't know if they'll work on people turning pink though. "
Steven looked at you laughing at your own joke and he couldn't help but smile a bit to try and ease the tension. The pink glow seemed to fade away as he relaxed, he could seriously use that pill though, his head was basically killing him.
" I wouldn't mind it- if you have one and if I'm not going to waste it y'know? "
He couldn't help but ramble on, he was just rather nervous as he basked in your motherly aura. It felt so nice he just couldn't help but panic.
He watched you pull out your hand bag/back pack (idk) as you fished out that tinfoil pill holder thing?? Y'know and popped two out, - you held your hand out and he took it slowly, almost like he was scared of touching you.
" I don't bite, it's okay. Would you like water or juice with that? "
" Water will be fine, thank you.. "
Steven took the water bottle from you and he popped the medicine in his mouth and drank that water up.
" It's (y/n), nice to meet you Steven Universe. "
" You know my name? "
Steven couldn't help but stare at you in some sort of shock and confusion.
" Yeah I did my research before coming here, I heard all about you and there was some strange blog called "Keep Beach City weird" it was a real good read. "
So you were just a tourist, maybe you were on holiday or something and just chose Beach City at the worst possible time ever.
" So, where do you come from? "
He couldn't help but ask, he just seemed so intrigued with you. You went out of your way to help him.
" Oh I'm from state/overseas country, just out for a holiday. Needed to get away from the same routine and get out, showing the kids other places. "
You told him more about where you came from, he relaxed at the sound of your voice and the way you explained things with your hands to add more to your stories.
" Hey- sorry Steven-- (child name 2) stop chasing your older sister with the dead crab, do not make me come over there! "
You shouted at your kids and you were correct, it seemed the younger brother was chasing around their older sibling with what seemed like a dead crab, causing them to cry and squeal for them to stop.
" Sorry Steven, kids are a lot and they always have to get on each other's nerves. "
You replied and Steven just laughed nervously, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness when he saw the relationship between you and your kids.. What he would do to have just a moment like this with his mom to at least feel something like this.
" I know I shouldn't pry into anyone's business, but are you okay? "
Your voice snapped him out of his trance and he looked into your eyes.
" It's just-- really complicated at the moment. "
" You can always talk to me, I know nothing about your situation but it'll help to get it off your chest. It's not really good to bottle up your emotions. "
And that's when he just let everything out, he went on and on about every detail, every mission, every horrific thing and every good and bad memory and you listened to him.
He finished after finally catching you up on everything and he felt you holding his hand, he looked up into your eyes once more and he just froze.
" Listen Steven, Im sorry about what happened and no child should have gone through that. You've always been helping other people and putting yourself at risk but- when was the last time you did something for you-- yourself? Why don't you maybe just get away from everything and clear your head a bit? That's why we're here in the first place. "
Steven couldn't help but nod at your words, he had no words as your thumb stroked the top of his hand in a comforting way.
" Have you ever been to a therapist or someone you can talk to? I'd definitely recommend seeing someone to at least get a lot of things off your chest and they can maybe help with some coping skills for you, I know a few how could help. "
It felt like a rush of regret, maybe telling you wasn't the best idea- the thought of seeing a doctor again sort of terrified him after what happened with Connie's mom.
" You don't have to if you don't want to--! "
Steven watched you blurt out, you were really good at reading him but he just stayed silent and watched the waves crash against the sand, your kids building lopsided sandcastles and digging holes.
It was strange.
You let go of his hand and whisked out your phone, scrolling away until you turned to him.
" I'll be one call away if you ever need help with anything. "
Steven entered his number and watched as you smiled, it was strange how you two easily got along.
" I should probably get going. It was nice to meet you (y/n) and I'll definitely think about that call, alright? "
Steven laughed nervously and stood up, holding his hand out for a handshake but you pulled him into a quick embrace and sent him off.
Steven continued his walk, walking around town replaying that whole interaction over and over again. It was awfully strange to him that a complete stranger wanted to help him out that much, was he also like that when he was younger?
It was nice though.
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Notes : I am a complete amateur at writing- English is also not my first language so I'm sorry if anything is wrong and I just wanted to say thank you for reading!! It really means a lot and any constructive criticism is welcomed!
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zee-rambles · 1 year
To celebrate the one year anniversary of the Rise of TMNT Movie, what is something you love the most about it that you don’t see anyone either talking about as much, or at all?
LONG POST COMING! Two things really…
1. The Lack of Romance in it.
I’ve seen one too many great shows be ruined by shipping, and one thing that annoys me more then anything is when you have a girl/woman and they’re almost always relegated to a love interest role. Almost every kid’s TV show (and a LOT of adult oriented ones) has to have a romantic element in it, but I’ve yet to see a single one that actually has a good one (besides Kim Possible, but that’s only because we were allowed to see the characters in a healthy, stable relationship). The fact that neither April, Sunita, Casey, Karai, nor Big Mama had to be pigeonholed into a romantic interest role is such a big plus for me. Even though Big Mama was later revealed to have had a relationship with Splinter, she was set up as a character first. Not only that, but each of the women are unique, funny, allowed to be a part of the action without anyone else telling them to step back, and have interesting or strong bonds with the group they are part of. If they do ever bring Rise back, I hope they continue to not focus on romance at all, straight, gay, or otherwise. Even though I joke about the boys falling for someone and Leo being bisexual, I wouldn’t want it. The focus on family, on brother/sisterhood, is so healthy and wonderfully depicted in this show. It’s rare to see something that reminds you that love doesn’t have to be romantic to be powerful.
2. The fact that the show is silly.
TMNT has always been silly. Even back in the first comic, though things were a lot more violent, it was clear that this was a spoof to make fun of how comically (pun intended) dark certain comics were at the time. Nowadays, a lot of people believe that for a show to be worth something it has to be serious in order to be taken seriously. I think that’s a load of baloney. The whole reason why the Marvel cinematic universe did so well is because it isn’t serious. It’s full of goofy jokes, characters, and moments where the heroes rise up regardless of their numerous failures. Avatar is one of the most beloved shows out there and its main character is a goofy kid, a overly logical genius that couldn’t’ get anything right in the beginning, and a sarcastic, hopeful stick in the mud. The first few episodes talks about a war and then shows a single kid literally prancing his way out of a dangerous predicament. The best shows are the ones that understand that balance. That life is, for the most part, light hearted and full of silly, often ridiculous moments. These shows also realize that when the threat is real, it’s time to get serious. Rise has that balance, just like the original Teen Titans did. Older TMNT fans really went against the one thing that is this show’s greatest strength. Stories that endure the longest, are the ones that are fun, but know how to affect you emotionally. That’s why TMNT is still a thing after all this time. And Rise handles the emotions well, only because we’ve seen the characters at their happiest. Because then, when things get real, we’re heartbroken that they don’t succeed, that they’re suffering. We want them to be happy again, just like we do in real life when times are tough. It’s no wonder so many people love Rise and say that it got them through tough times. The show knows what it’s doing.
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Hi Fen!!! Popping in to ask what you think the moon boys’ hobbies would be (if they weren’t so busy moon knighting). (For Steven, I feel like studying ancient Egypt is more like a passion, so like what else do you think he’d be into?)
K. Love you! Byeeeee.
IDJIDHVDHFH Oh my gosh, I love this ask so much! Thank you so, so, SO much for sending it! ❤️(ILY!) Did I think about this at work for a good 1 and 30 mins instead of working on a spreadsheet? No, of course not, I would never do that… 👀
I have narrowed it down to one each to save everyone from seeing my absolute madness.
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Moon Knight Boys Headcanons & Hobbies
Rating: PG  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: Swearing
Steven: Cooking
Okay, here me out. So, I’ve seen opposite ends of opinion on this one (both are valid) but I’m going with Steven is a very good cook, and he likes cooking. 
He’s been vegan for a while and it’s only in the last couple of years that food places have really been trying with vegan and vegetarian options that aren’t salad… bread… (chips if you’re lucky) So, I think he enjoys making lots of different recipes. 
It started out with him just making vegan ones and then, over time, became him changing other recipes to make them vegan and coming up with his own. 
Absolute master at vegan cakes, no one can ever tell the difference, and, in fact, a lot of people compliment him on ‘the best cake they’ve ever had’, ‘so light and fluffy? How do you do it?’ “Well, that’s the secret, innit?” (whisk the aquafaba like your life depends on it and sweet potato) 
Steven is absolutely horrified by the food Marc makes himself. (Plain chicken, rice, spinach) 
“Where are the flavours Marc? At least some herbs? Spices for fuck’s sake? I can’t believe you’re eating plain steamed chicken?” (He doesn’t even care that it’s meat, it's just the lack of flavour.)
“It’s boiled chicken actually.”
Steven loses his goddamn mind. 
“I don’t care what bloody macronutrient you are monitoring, you are not eating that.”
It’s not that Marc can’t cook, he just doesn’t see the reason to put the effort in when it’s just for himself (doesn’t feel like he deserves it.)
Steven grumbles to himself and refuses to let Marc cook his own dinner if he can help it. “If you’re going to eat meat, at least treat it with respect, yeah? Bring out the flavour?” He usually preps something for Marc, so he can cook it quickly when he’s hungry. 
Makes so many cakes and pastries for Jake. Leaves them in boxes with ‘Jake :)’ written on a post stick note on the top. Jake is always so touched and surprised when he does. They have taken to playing a little game where sometimes the food is vegan and sometimes it’s not and Jake has to guess. He’s more accurate than most people, but it still only averages around 70% right. (69% if we’re being exact, and Marc is sure Jake’s messing with the correct statistics on purpose.)
Marc: Fantasy Baseball and Fantasy Football
Literally takes it so seriously. Has spreadsheets filled with information and pours over every single statistic like it holds the answers to the universe. It only got more intense when he found a forum for people with the same interest and he literally will spend hours talking online about it.
“It’s not about getting the best players, it’s about making the best team.”
Jake has joked that he puts Steven and his love for history to shame and if those spreadsheets weren’t saved on the computer Marc would have boxes and boxes and folders upon folders of printed out info and then there would be zero space in the flat. 
When Marc annoys Steven, Steven tells him to “go play with your pretend american cricket and american rugby” to piss him off. 
(Marc retaliates by incorrectly pronouncing UK places. 
“Steven, maybe we should take a trip to Ed-in-b-row” 
“It’s Ed-in-bruh.” 
“How about Sus-SEX or Es-SEX?” 
“It’s Sus-SIX and Es-SIX.” 
“I do love Green-WITCH at this time of year.” 
“IT’S GREN-ITCH! Jake, you're from New York, how is Greenwich pronounced?” 
“I’m not getting involved.” 
“Ha! That’s because he agrees with me!”
When things get really heated, Marc threatens to make a cup of tea in the microwave. Steven says he doesn’t care because he makes coffee in the microwave all the time and it’s fine. Jake puts an end to it by saying hot chocolate tastes best with water and then laughing when both Marc and Steven gang up on him. 
“I cannot believe you think that mate.”
“You know how many different types of milk there are?”
“Absolutely disgusting.”
“Cow, goat, soya, almond, coconut, literally any of them instead.”)
Jake: Knitting
Wanted something to keep his hands busy, that he could pick up and put down, and that he could take in his cab when he was stationary and waiting for fares. 
Took to it a lot quicker than he thought it would, and can just zone out and knit. It helps keep him grounded. 
He feels like he has spent a lot of his time destroying and there is something so satisfying about being able to create. 
Once he mastered the stitch he quickly moved onto making clothes. Before Marc and Steven knew about him he used to knit jumpers for Steven and hide them in the wardrobe. 
Jake makes Marc a cartoony style baseball jumper that he also loves, and a thick cardigan for Steven that is covered in hieroglyphics (he spends months researching the language to get it to make some sense, and works in a dig at Khonshu in there and has Steven crying with laughter.) 
When they know about him Steven excitedly requests the “most garish and over the top Hanukkah jumper anyone has ever seen!” Jake does his best, presenting it to Steven (and trying to hide how nervous he feels) Steven loves it and refuses to take it off all winter. 
Most people think Jake has a stern glare when he wants, but you can never be sure if he’s planning your destruction or trying to work out how many balls of wool it would take to make someone your size a jumper.
Thank you for reading!
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pickypickypeak · 3 months
thoughts on descendants the rise of red ig.. don’t take this too seriously because sorry this movie can’t be taken too seriously (affectionate) some spoilers below
Bad. Bad movie. I say this with a broken heart. Descendants movies always had dcom level of writing but descendants 3 is a masterpiece in comparison
Feels like they tried to shrink a 10 book saga into 1 tv show episode
Too Many Characters, just as I predicted. Especially with this screentime you can’t allow yourself THIS many characters. The promos made it look like they all had roles in the movie but most of them feel like cameos when they have zero to one lines like wtf
How To Waste Brandy And Rita Ora
(I loved brandy in this. Like more than I expected. She was great. Still wasted tho)
I hate how much trap they put in this? TOO MUCH TRAP!!! Only lin manuel miranda should be allowed to use rap in musicals!! Jokes aside I liked bridget and ella’s songs the most. The other ones were… not bad just… not it for me
That homage in the beginning actually made me shed a tear. That was genuinely nice. China delivered it perfectly I love her I’m glad she returned
They addressed mal and company’s absence I liked that
The plot of this movie genuinely Makes No Sense. It’s useless to even start. How am I supposed to believe all these disney characters went in high school together😭 it’s not even about plotholes and stuff like this but what do you mean cinderella was in school of magic with her fairy godmother LMAO also aladdin and jasmine being in high school have you watched aladdin
I will not get over the villain group being so weird because it is composed of 1. Actual teen villains, 2. A villain’s sister (WHY NOT USE URSULA AND WHERE IS SHE IN THE PRESENT), 3. Morgana le fay’s son yeah you guessed it not a disney character but don’t worry! None of them does anything during the whole movie
Maleficent and hades (2 main characters in the descendants universe) Just Exist, also hades (the god of the underworld) goes to high school as well
They kept their outfits and hair perfectly still throughout all the movie like cartoon characters I mean chloe literally sang a song called get your hand dirty and she was even cleaner after
I quite like how they showed young cinderella in her house with her stepmother? Lady tremaine was weirdly on point for some reason
They actually changed the past and it didn’t affect the present aside for bridget being good now? Then why is she in the same spot as she was the first time if she doesn’t become evil queen of wonderland also shouldn’t it affect major events but most importantly why do I even care
I think this is it..
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sl-newsie · 1 month
Spelled (Descendants x Sanderson Daughter): Red's Rising
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“A 5-year graduation reunion?”
“Yes, following the opening ceremony for the upcoming school year. That’s next week.”
Fairy Godmother’s sink in. How has it already been five years? 
“But I didn’t officially graduate,” I reply with an arched brow. “Got run out of school, remember?”
The kind woman smiles and takes my hand. “You’ll be awarded a diploma nonetheless.”
An official education? Sounds fancy. But the past years of studying witchcraft have taught me far more than any textbook could. 
“This means that you can apply to be an official member of the Magic Committee.”
My eyes widen. Five years ago I would have killed to be on the council. To be taken seriously. But time can change one’s perspective.
“With all due respect,” I start slowly. “I think my place in Auradon lies somewhere else rather than discussing politics. Something… independent.”
She nods in understanding, though still saddened at my decision. “Will you be staying for the reunion?”
“Of course.” Now to tackle a different topic. “You mentioned that you have a meeting with Uma?”
Fairy Godmother’s eyes light up. “Oh! Yes! She’s probably on her way now. Um, would you like to stay? She can be a bit… bold.”
I chuckle and stand up from the couch. “Uma’s like that with everyone. I’m sorry but I’ve already promised Ben I would meet with him.”
I give her a final handshake and pass through the room, taking a moment to look at Carlos’ portrait hanging proudly on the wall. He would have been proud to see Auradon’s program come this far. How much everyone’s accomplished. Jane, being the ambitious go-getter she is, became a foreign exchange student in Auradon. Audrey, having found love in planning Mal’s wedding, became a wedding planner. Tiffany’s been working at Miss Muffett’s, Fiona landed her own spot on the Magic Committee, Lonnie is a member of the royal guard, Doug’s the best security technician in the kingdom, and Rosaline appropriately became a hair product saleswoman.
Back in the courtyard, Ben and Mal are waiting. Packed luggage waits next to them.
“Late honeymoon?” I joke.
The beared king laughs. “No, this isn’t a pleasure trip.”
“We’re sailing the Trident Seas for international diplomacy,” Mal says. “Ben says he’s wanted to do it for a long time but our kingdom needed to be dealt with first.
I remember hearing his dreams like it was yesterday. “And you left Uma in charge? Smart choice.”
“Well since FG’s being made the President of Auradon University, Uma will bring order for the time being. We thought about asking you, but…”
“I’m not exactly jumping for joy to boss around kids,” I finish for her. “You read my mind.” I snicker. “I gave up being Royal Advisor ages ago. Honestly, all the politics and rules are starting to bore me. I’ll pass.”
Honk honk!
The familiar limo drives up and Remus pokes his head out. “Time to set sail!”
The couple gives me one final group hug and they both climb in. Before they take off for the harbor Remus gives me a wave.
“Still up for that walk by the Bewitched River?”
A blush colors my cheeks. “Yes, when you get back!” I call as he starts to drive.
“A walk?” Uma taunts from behind.
I groan and turn around to face the aqua-haired VK. “Yes. A walk, nothing more.”
“Sounds like a date,” she smirks. “You deserve a treat, Sparky.”
“Treat? I want a treat!” A voice whines.
Dude comes bounding across the lawn and jumps onto a rock. The sight of the mutt makes me smile. After all these years he’s still got spunk.
“On a different note,” Uma continues. “I’m about to go talk to FG about my plans. I’ve decided to include Wonderland in our student program.”
Wonderland. Hm. I’ve heard rumors but never gone too deep down the rabbit hole. Literally. 
But Uma’s not finished. “And I’d like you to be in charge of magic security.”
My thinking comes to a halt. Magic security? Must be a new position. But why bring me into this? Uma knows I’m not a fan of high authority.
“No one else can? What about Fiona or Bianca?”
Uma pretends to think deeply. “Hm. A snippy fairy, or the most powerful witch in Auradon? It’s an easy choice. I trust you.”
Trust. The word feels refreshing. But the unknown of Wonderland still leaves me uneasy.
“Uma, is this a good idea?”
She takes a deep breath. “Magica. We both know what it’s like to grow up in an unwanted place. I need you to help me make the new student feel welcomed. How do you think she’ll react when she gets here?”
Uma’s right. This girl’s past could potentially mirror my own, or any other VK’s for that matter. 
“I can’t speak for others, but she could very well be scared. Auradon isn’t like Wonderland and she might need help adjusting.”
“Sound familiar?” Uma asks, then gives me a pleading look. “Please.”
Dude nuzzles against my boots, almost giving a sign to say yes.
“You’re right. And if Carlos were here, he’d say the same thing.”
One week flies by and before I know it it’s time to welcome the new students. If only some of the old ones weren’t leaving.
“Will you be returning to Oz?” I ask Evangaline as she hauls her luggage across the courtyard.
My green cousin stops to give me a tight hug.
“Yes. It’s my home. I’d love to explore Auradon more but I’ve been waiting so long to be home.”
“You’ve made wonderful progress at Auradon Prep,” I smile. “Your parents will be proud.”
Evangeline squeezes my hand. “And so will your mom.”
Mother. I do miss her. The spellbook containing my family is still safe at home but the thought of bringing them back has been taunting my conscience for the past year.
“Oh by the way, how’s Willow?”
Hilarious. Another jab from my past. After the whole turning Willow into a plant situation, I reversed the spell and returned her back to normal. In a sputtering mess Willow apologized and seemed to grow a genuine fear of me. I reassured her that there are no more hard feelings. 
“She wrote me last month. Said she’s settled in Charmington.”
“It’s good to hear that not all Sandersons are afraid of letting go of a grudge.” Evangaline finishes packing her luggage into her green car and gives me one last hug. “Goodbye, cousin.”
“Safe travels.”
So off drives another friend. Maybe I can make some new ones- Or rekindle old friendships.
“All set, Remus?” I ask as I approach the red head, who's wearing a spiffy white suit.
“I guess so. Uma’s stationed me near the front gate to inspect the cars.”
Is it wrong to think of how cute he looks in his suit? These past years have allowed my heart to heal from grieving Carlos, but have also allowed for me to detach from the idea of having only one true love. I know deep down that Carlos wouldn’t want me to keep myself stuck on him, so I’ve slowly been moving on. Remus has been nothing but patient and understanding. But has that been through friendship, or something more?
“Excuse me, where do we check in?” A dark-haired girl asks. “I’m Jade, by the way. Jasmine’s daughter.”
“Oh, of course! Right over there.” I point to the forming line.
Goodness, everyone showed up for the opening ceremony. Yzma’s daughter Yanitza, the Madrigals, Sylvia, King Arthur’s heir Adam. I can’t believe all these people have traveled here just to be part of this!
“Magica!” And here comes Lonnie in her new uniform. “Magica, since you’re now the head of magic security I thought I should touch base on a few things. Merida has set a perimeter just in case the Queen of Hearts isn’t so friendly. Where would you like us to escort Queen Anna?”
This all feels too familiar to when I was Royal Advisor. Only this time instead of carrying out Ben’s wishes I’m being asked for my own perspective. It’s starting to grow on me.
“I think the best place would be the tea room, so she won’t be crowded. She can give her speech after Uma kicks things off.”
The soldier nods. “Good choice. It’s better to think ahead before everyone gets here and starts running a-muck.”
My eyes spark and I hold my hands stiffly to my sides. No, no! Not now- But it’s too late. I start clapping and twirling around, unable to control myself. 
“A-muck, a-muck, a-muck-!”
“Easy now,” a calm voice says and I feel someone behind me. It’s Remus. 
“Is she okay?” Lonnie asks.
“Just excited, that’s all,” he replies and rests his hands on my shoulders, wearing a big grin. “Aren’t you?”
I get my own sheepish smile and look to the ground. Lord, why today? 
“Thanks,” I mutter once Lonnie’s gone.
“Don’t fret about it. I think it’s cute.” Remus suddenly gets a concerned expression when he sees someone behind me. “Is that them?”
I turn around to see who he’s talking about. It is. The Royal Hearts family themselves. Their clothing practically screams red royalty. The queen’s wearing a blood-red gown with roses making up the skirt. A giant heart is formed into her bodice and collar. Her daughter obviously shares her tastes. Her leather outfit reminds me of Mal’s old one, only it’s red too. Patterned with hearts, of course. They each share the same red hair, only Red’s is curlier.
And no one looks happy to see them.
Everyone gasps in horror and scatters out of the way as the red royals march up to the school entrance. The princess’ look hides a smidgen of apology for their harshness but the queen’s enjoying their fear. We watch them get to the line. People are still tense- Except for Queen Cinderella. Is it just me or does it look like they know each other? The red queen’s icy glare shows dangerous chemistry between them. It seems to be spreading to their daughters as well.
“I’ll go handle them,” I assure Remus and make my way over.
 I’ve never personally met Chad’s younger sister Chloe but from what I’ve heard she’s a lamb compared to the other Charming sibling. The blue-haired girl sees me approaching and she gets a giddy smile.
“Oh! You’re Magica Sanderson! I’ve heard so much about you!”
Her excitement to see me is not shared by Red. She gives an annoyed groan and leans against the wall while her mother banters with Chloe’s mom. Uma’s guess about Red wanting to be here could be right if the Queen of Hearts wasn’t so keen on spreading her ego today.
Something claws at my skirt. A feline I haven’t seen in years.
“Twilight?” I gasp and scoop up the black and white cat. “Where have you been, you frisky kitty?”
“He hitched a ride with us from Wonderland,” Red speaks up. “She must have fallen down the rabbit hole.” She scans me with uncertainty. While all the other AKs are wearing cheerful sundresses, my own attire of a purple corset dress and laced boots sticks out like a sore thumb. “You are… different. Are you a VK too?”
“Indeed. Magica Sanderson, at your service, Princess Red.”
She huffs a laugh. “Red, please. Being a princess is being a prisoner.”
So I’m right. Red does want to be here but it’s to escape her mother’s parenting. Can’t say I blame her given my own family history.
“Try being the daughter of a witch who wants to eat children’s souls,” I joke lightly.
Red chuckles. “Touché. Eh, no matter. Once school starts I’m gonna paint Auradon red.” Um, alright. Not sure what to say to that. She looks around the courtyard with slight surprise. “How did commoners get in?”
How different are things in Wonderland? 
“Actually royal status doesn’t matter at Auradon Prep,” I explain gently. “At least it shouldn’t. There are some, not giving names, that still hold themselves high for it.”
Chloe rolls her eyes. “Stop the teasing, I know you mean Chad.”
“Yes. Remind me, how did he get into college?” I mutter under my breath with a doubtful tone. 
“What about her?” Red points to a ‘“commoner” girl on the bench reading a book.
“That’s Annie Kelly. Her mother runs the orphanage and her father works in our stables.”
Red nods and points to another new student. “And him?”
“That’s her cousin Denton Jacobs. His parents work for the biggest newspress in Auradon- I’ll take that.” I reach out and swipe another boy’s cigar.
“Hey! That’s my cigar!” he whines.
My eyes narrow and I wave a finger at him. “No smoking in public places.”
He scowles and takes off sprinting to follow some other kids. “I wasn’t gonna smoke it!”
“Antonio Higgins, if I catch you running again you’ll be scrubbing floors for a month!” I warn. “Celia, Elvin, stop encouraging him!”
Forget magic security. My biggest challenge is going to be keeping these rascals in check.
“By the way, do you know Maddie Hatter?” I ask Red.
“I know her brother, Maddox. He’s my tutor. And my… friend.” She pauses. “I talk to him when mom’s not being the friendliest… which is often.”
Oh. Red’s got so much potential. Why does her mother have to hold her back?
“Coming from someone whose aunt worships the Devil, I know what it’s like to not get along with family.”
Red’s stern gaze softens. “How do you deal with it?”
“I don’t let my heritage define my future. At first I never thought I could fit in at Auradon Prep, much less make friends. It took some time, and a few mishaps, but it’s how I’m here now. That, and it helps that my coven is locked away in a spellbook.”
That sparks her interest but we’re interrupted when Cinderella walks over.
“Hello, dears!” She smiles kindly at us and playfully nudges Chloe. “I hope my daughter’s behaving.”
Chloe rolls her eyes. “Yes, mom.”
“I’m going to miss you.” Cinderella squeezes her into a hug. “And so will your father.”
She walks off into the courtyard to take a seat. I’ll admit her daughter is a peach compared to Chad, but how did he not end up with the blue hair?
Chloe groans. “School's gonna be a break from my family. I love them dearly but I’m sick of seeing my parents make heart eyes at each other.”
Red and I share a look. We were just discussing our troubled family dynamics and she complains of having loving parents?
Uh-oh. The red queen’s noticed us and is coming this way.
“Darling!” She smiles tightly and pulls Red to her, eyeing me closely. “Who is this?”
Careful. Don’t set off her temper. If it’s anything like Aunt Winnie’s I want no part of it and I don’t feel like having my head chopped off. 
I curtsey politely. “Magica Sanderson, your Royal Highness.”
The queen tilts her head. “Finally, someone who recognizes power. The daughter of Winifred Sanderson. I should have guessed from that ridiculous pointed hat.”
“Actually I am Sarah’s daughter,” I correct her.
She puts a hand to her chest and chuckles. “Oh that’s bupkis. How is the daughter of Sarah so… level-headed?” 
My jaw drops. It’s like a broken record. The instant people begin to respect my heritage, someone comes along and kicks it into the mud. Red catches my appalled reaction and leads the queen away, who's still laughing at me.
“Don’t listen to her,” Chloe says. “Maybe being in Auradon will help change her.”
I scoff. “Which one? The prejudiced killer queen or her clone of a daughter?”
Normally I wouldn’t think such dark thoughts but how much more must I have fingers pointed at me? Instead of screaming in terror at my name the queen mocks my mother’s dumb kindness.
“Come on, Magica!” Chloe pulls me along. “It’s starting!”
Maybe the welcome ceremony will lift my spirits. Fairy Godmother stands ready on stage and signals for everyone to be quiet.
“Attention please! Parents and students, it has been a great privilege to serve you. But the time has come for another to take my place. So please join me in welcoming Auradon Prep’s new principal!” 
We all turn to see Uma’s crew flipping down the aisle chanting her name. Out strides Uma, making her grand entrance as usual. Hasn’t lost her touch.
“What’s my name?” She asks the crew.
She smirks and points to the audience. “That’s Principal Uma to you. So you better get it straight, or you’ll be walking the plank.”
“She’s just kidding, just kidding!” Fairy Godmother assures the crowd.
“I never got to go to Auradon Prep. But as its captain I am proud to be charting a new course to a bright future. Beyond the old ways of heroes and villains.” Uma finds me standing in the back and we both nod. “So in that spirit I’d like to welcome Princess Red of Wonderland.”
Everyone looks expectantly at Red but the royal red pair remains seated. The queen seems to be toying with something… Playing cards?
“Excuse me.” The queen’s head rises to look at Uma. “Do you mind?” she asks kindly.
"I do, actually,” she replies tartly, looking at the crowd. “Hm.”
“Mom, what are you doing?” Red asks nervously.
“Oh, I’m playing my favorite game.” She chuckles as she stands and shuffles the deck. “Waaaarrrr!”
The queen’s Hellish cackle fills the air. She throws the cards into the sky, causing a cloud of red cascading across the sun. Pop! Pop! What in the name of Auradon-? They’re soldiers?!
Red heart soldiers pop from the cards and land all around, caging us in. The queen flicks out more cards and they block the exits. Uma’s trying her best to fight the soldiers with her sword but I can already tell it won’t be enough. Where’s-? Fairy Godmother! She has her wand!
“Bibbidi bobbity-”
The red queen’s icy glare stares her down. “No.”
Another card flicks across and collides with the wand, snapping it in two. Dear God. 
Fairy Godmother stands there still as stone, trying to piece together what just happened. Red’s watching it all with the same expression.
“No! Let go of me!” Uma grunts.
There’s no way I can fight these soldiers hand to hand. Even my most powerful magic is too dangerous to use. I could hurt the captives. Oh! My invisibility cloak!
I slip it on just in time to see the queen striding towards Fairy Godmother with a triumphant smirk.
Red’s still shocked. “Mom, this is crazy! Even for you!”
“Crazy, crazy that it’s taken this long,” her mother mutters with malice. “I have been waiting years to be welcomed back into Auradon! So thank you, Red. You finally did something useful.”
Red’s invitation. Her mother used it to infiltrate Auradon when our guard was lowered. She can't even be proud of her daughter for wanting an education.
“I should've known this was never about me,” Red whispers, shaking her head.
Her mom’s eyes narrow. “Everything I do is for you.”
“That was my invitation. My school. My life.”
“Someday you’ll thank me.” She pats Red’s shoulder and smiles at Fairy Godmother, holding what looks like a small mirror. “Oh! And we’ve already seen the ending. Spoiler alert! We win.”
Through the scrambling crowd Cinderella makes her way to the front, only to be stopped by the queen’s guards. “Stop it, Bridget. You’re better than this.”
Her Cheshire grin sends chills down my spine. “Let her through.”
The guards comply and push the blue royal ahead.
“This is too far. I know what happened was hard on you but that was ages ago.”
Talk about never forgetting. And I thought my family held grudges.
The red queen simply looks down at her with murder in her narrowed eyes. “Feels like yesterday to me.”
Cinderella shakes her head “It was a stupid prank.”
“Stupid? Who could forgive humiliating a girl at her first dance? Turning me into a monster in front of everyone? Now that’s just cruel.”
“You’re right,” Cinderella admits.
The red royal sneers. “You didn’t care then. You were off with your prince. Ooh, but you will now. You will all show me the respect I deserve!” She points down at her. “Now kneel.”
“I will never kneel to a tyrant,” the blue queen rejects.
“Ugh. She’s denied a royal order.” The Queen of Hearts looks at her daughter. “What do we do about that, darling?”
This whole time Red’s stayed quiet. There’s no denying the guilt behind her eyes. She’s too young to be given an order to kill someone.
“Look. All you have to do is pledge allegiance. Is that so hard?”
Cinderella also seems to see she’s hesitant. “If it means giving up everything I stand for, yes.”
Her mom is getting impatient. “Who are you loyal to, Red? Hm? These strangers? Or your mother? Hm? Now make me proud. For once.”
“Come on, Bridget. Even your daughter knows it’s wrong. She can’t do it.”
That sparks something. Why did she have to say that? That’s just edging Red on even further!
“Treason. She’s guilty of treason!” Red declares to the crowd of captured guests.
“Exactly right, my dear. And that means off with her head!” 
Lightning crackles across the sky. An execution? Lord, I have to do something! But what?
“Shoo.” The red queen waves her hand at the guards, signaling for them to drag Cinderella away. 
“It’s gonna be ok, Chloe.”
But her daughter is far from calm. “Mom? Mom!”
“I love you! Be strong, Chloe!”
The blue royal is dragged away to the dungeon. Chloe tries to follow but the guards block her path. She grips her sword and stands to challenge the red royals.
“That’s not fair! Let her go!”
The queen shows mock surprise. “Oh, bless your heart.”
Chloe charges with her sword held high. In the corner of my eye Red’s pulling something out. A pocket watch-?
The two girls collide and a snap of light engulfs them. I’ve seen some strange magic in my time but that was something completely new. That was no portal, no spell… What could possibly have caused them to vanish?
One of the guards crashes into me, sending us both tumbling to the ground and my cloak slips off. Oh no-!
“Well well, what have we here?” The red queen looks down at me. “Here, let’s fix you up, shall we?”
She snaps her fingers and another guard hauls me to my knees. Ow! I feel them clasp something around my neck- A metal collar. Attached to a red chain.  
“Stop this madness!” I order and hold up a hand. But no magic sparks to life. An enchanted collar?
“Obey, Sanderson.” The queen yanks the chain and I fall to the muddy ground. “Do you want these people to suffer?”
“Let her go!” I hear Remus growl somewhere.
The queen huffs. “No.”
He fights his way forward. His suit is just as torn as my dress. “Take me instead!”
Wh-What? No, Remus! What are you doing?
“Hm. A Sanderson witch or a simple peasant? I don’t think so.” Guards seize Remus and force him to kneel. The red royal approaches him slowly with an intrigued smirk. “Interesting… Oh, how precious! You love her.”
My pulse snaps. Love? 
Remus doesn’t back down. He keeps glaring up at her with his jaw set tight. In a split second his gaze flickers to mine. He’s biting his tongue. Why would he speak out to save me? Quit it, Remus! She’ll chop off your head!
“Yes. I love her. Please don’t hurt her anymore.”
My jaw drops. He loves me? 
“And I thought your father was pathetic,” the queen sneers. “The question is does she return your love?”
Everyone’s eyes turn down to me. Do I love him…? Yes. I do love you, Remus. Despite my stubborn mind telling me not to, my heart can’t let you go. But how can I answer yes? She’ll use Remus as leverage against me. I can’t put him at further risk.
My lip quivers as I lift my saddened eyes to the diabolical royal. “No. I do not love him.”
It’s convincing, because the reaction it gets from Remus shows me his heart just broke. I know that look all too well. I’m so sorry.
“Aw, boo-hoo,” the queen mocks and waves her hand. “Lock her away and I’ll find use for her later. Maybe a housemaid.”
Locked away. My fears are coming true. Go ahead, Royal Highness. Lock me away in the dark where no one can ever find me. I’ve been broken before, I can heal again. But will Remus?
The chain is tugged and I’m forced to follow, but suddenly a man bursts through the crowd. The guards grab him just before he reaches the queen.
“Ah, Charming. So nice to see you again.”
He must be Chloe and Chad’s father. God, how to tell him his wife is being executed and his daughter has vanished?
“Where is she? Where’s Cinderella?” he demands.
“Why? Are you looking for these?” The red royal holds up a gleaming pair of silver heels that’s just been handed to her. Oh Lord. I’m too late.
Charming’s face falls. “What have you done?”
She lazily flings them to the ground and they shatter. The king falls to his knees and reaches out for the gleaming shards.
“Not so funny now, am I?”
“No… No! No!” I screech as I’m pulled away. 
“Quiet!” The guard leading me barks. 
I hang my head in shame, crawling pathetically down stone stairs into the inky darkness. Whatever prison or dungeon this is, none will ever be able to hide my disgrace.
“In here!”
The sound of creaking metal means a door is being opened. The guard grips my torso and tosses me in, locking the cell. How did I let this happen? I was supposed to be in charge of magic security. Is there no right place for me in Auradon?
How long has it been? How many more innocent lives have been slaughtered because of the queen’s rage? Why must she keep me locked down here instead of killing me too?
Thud thud thud!
Hurried footsteps alert me to look up. Someone’s coming. Probably to finish the job-
“Remus?” I gasp weakly.
He kneels down and clings the bars separating us. How can he still love me after what I said? Why would he risk coming down here?
“I’m sorry, I had to see you. I-I’m sorry about earlier…” He pants and hangs his head. “I know what you’ve been through and never want you to feel that pain again. But… I love you, Magica.” He softly presses his hand to mine. “Even though you’ll hate me-”
“No, no,” I quickly interrupt. I’m not going through this again. I’m not pretending to not love someone anymore. “Remus I could never hate you. I… I think I love you too. Even though I’m supposed to have only one true love.” I try to ease the atmosphere with a small chuckle. “Guess I cheated Fate after all.”
Remus’ melancholy face shifts to one of bewildered enchantment. He leans his forehead against the bars and slips a hand through to caress my cheek. I’d forgotten what it’s like to feel loved. I miss it.
“Is this okay?” he asks softly, his eyes never leaving mine.
“No tricks,” I answer honestly and press a soft kiss to his cheek through the bars.
If there was no cage separating me I would bury myself in his arms and give all the love I have left. But even through this small act Remus moans against the bars to show his affection.
“I won’t let them hurt you,” he promises and gets up to search for the key. “I’ll get you out of here-”
I grab his hand to stop him. “No. If I rebel against the queen she’ll hurt you.”
Remus kneels down again, this time with a stern look. “Do not ask me to have to witness you walking to the courtyard to have your head chopped off.”
Aw. Gory, but still very sweet. He’s-
Ow! Something tugs at my head, almost as if an invisible knife is slicing through my brain. I buckle down and Remus starts panicking.
“Something’s happening…” I grunt in pain.
“Magica! What’s wrong?”
“Something’s… changing.”
Indeed, I feel the magic around us being warped. What-?
“What’s my name?” She asks the crew.
She smirks and points to the audience. “That’s Principal Uma to you. So you better get it straight, or you’ll be walking the plank.”
“She’s just kidding, just kidding!” Fairy Godmother assures the crowd.
“I never got to go to Auradon Prep. But as its captain I am proud to be charting a new course to a bright future. Beyond the old ways of heroes and villains.” She finds me standing in the back and we both nod. “So in that spirit I’d like to welcome Princess Red of Wonderland.”
Everyone looks expectantly for Red but she’s staying near the back while her mother remains seated. The queen seems to be toying with something… Playing cards?
“Excuse me.” The queen’s head rises to look at Uma. “Do you mind?” she asks kindly.
I do, actually,” she replies.
“Mom, what are you doing?” Red asks nervously.
“We’re my favorite game.” She chuckles as she stands and shuffles the deck. “Hearts!”
The queen’s red and white gown stands out in the crowd. Wait. I could've sworn her dress was all red. And she’s… smiling? The cards fly across the sky and pop into heart-shaped bubbles. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” She apologizes to the crowd. “I couldn’t help myself, I’m just so excited for my daughter to be here.”
Her loving gaze traces back to Red, who’s approaching with her own smile. 
“Well nothing I say is gonna top that, so… Have a great year, y’all!” Uma finishes.
Something changed. But what? It feels like a faint dream but I swear I was imprisoned in chains.
The crowd laughs in delight as Twilight and Dude run to and fro through the sea of people. While the students and parents dance and enjoy the snack table I walk up to the redhead VK. 
“I don’t know what you did, but you’ve proven to be good, Red. But thou be warned: manipulating the future has a cost. The bill will come due.”
But before she can respond her mother tugs her away for a dance. Uma walks up from behind and we both watch Red and Chloe jig about.
“Getting your way can be dangerous when you mess with the fabric of time,” Uma says. “They did something, didn’t they?”
I nod. “You and I both sense it. Something shifted not too long ago.”
Just then Remus walks into the room with Adam in tow. Remus. Does he-? Could that have been a dream too? Or maybe…
“Go to him,” Uma says. “It’s time you went on a date, Sparky. Though I never pinned you for a ginger fan.”
I roll my eyes. “Uma-”
“No, no, I get it!” She holds her hands up defensively. “A Rumpelstiltskin and a Sanderson? It sounds like a match! Now go.”
She pushes me forward and I nearly trip on my skirt.
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” I giggle. God, please let it be so. “Remus! Can I talk to you? Alone?”
The spark in his eye tells me he does feel the same. “Sure! See ya later, Adam.”
He offers an arm, which I graciously take, and we walk out to the gardens where it’s less noisy and more private.
“So, what’s on your mind?” he asks. “I think today went pretty good.”
“Remus, would you like to go out on a date sometime?”
The question throws him off guard. Remus stops in his tracks and looks at me as if an angel just descended. 
“Wha- Really? Yes! How did you know?”
“I just… Know. Once upon a time you might have confessed to me. Not that you remember- It’s complicated.”
Remus shrugs and nudges my shoulder. “You know best. So… Does that offer for a date still stand?”
I nudge him back with a playful smile. “Yes.”
He catches my gaze again and we stop walking. No words, just two young people testing the waters. Time truly is a fickle thing. We’re not quite grown-ups, but I’m worlds away from where I used to be. Who I used to be. Maybe Remus is the person who’s been there for me all along.
Remus breaks the silence. “Does this mean things are normal again?” he whispers.
I have to stop myself from smirking. “Things are never normal for us, Remus.”
“Yeah, but… Can we abnormally be a couple?”
He’s leaning closer. Unknowingly I’ve gotten closer too. We each see an unspoken message and our lips finally meet. No memories of Carlos trouble me with guilt. I just feel Remus, and the love that he feels for me. It’s no wonder people enjoy love so much. It’s time to end my time of being alone and search for the next step in my life.
We break apart to breathe, but don’t stray too far. Whatever the future brings… It shows so much potential.
“With a little bit of luck, I hope so.”
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k4pp4-8 · 4 months
Is there anything you wished the Show Ok. Ko Lets Be Heroes focused more on? Whether it be a character, relationship, arc, villain ect?
1. FIRST OF ALL I REALLY wish they had more time to focus on the big reveal because I waited since season for them to talk about the whole POINT situation and when they finally DO reveal laserblast's identity it's completely rushed. This is such an emotional plot line for MULTIPLE characters yet we only see a fraction of it! LIKE PLEEAAAAASE I WANT TO SEE MORE OF HOW THIS AFFECTED CAROL!!! What she went through is so tragic, she lost her love, her dream, her friends, AND she had to raise the child of her dead lover alone. And yet she stayed strong through all of it and became the best mom ever. (Carol I love you plz marry me)
ALSO I WILL NEVER GET OVER THE FACT THAT WE DON'T SEE GAR'S REACTION TO THE REVEAL!! He literally blamed himself for laserblast's death, who was his teammate, his best friend's lover AND K.O's father. Just imagine how he felt like knowing K.O looked up to him as a father figure while thinking it's his fault K.O doesn't have a dad???
And also every other POINT member's lives were immensly affected by laserblast's death, like Rippy roo who dedicated years of her life trying to find a way to bring him back or Greyman trying to make a hero people could look up to or Foxtail still holding a grudge against Gar for what happened. I reaaally wanna know how they would react to knowing not only their friend is alive but he is also a successful villain.
2. Another thing I REALLY wanted to see was Rad and Dendy's relationship actually being explored! I used to think her "obsession" with Rad was nothing more than a gag but I saw that there was supposed to be an episode explaining that "she looked up to Rad because he's unashamed of who he is even though he comes from he considered as unusual family background." AND IT JUST MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!! I think that would've been an amazing way to explore both of their characters.
Also it's pretty ironic because Rad IS ashamed of who he is! Since day one he's been hiding things he loves and acting like a jerk to cover up his insecurities. I think Dendy telling him she looks up to him would've encouraged him to change the way he acts just like in the "Radical rescue" episode, when he tells K.O he doesn't want him to imitate his bad behavior.
I REALLYYY wish we had more moments of vulnerabilty with them. Pretty much every single one of their scene is comedic and, while I do ADORE the comedy, I still wish they were taken more seriously. Like their whole situation is really tragic in many ways yet it's completely ignored. I know it's a mostly light hearted show but the boxbots are never given a genuine moment that felt like their feelings were taken seriously. It's probably just me who's wayyyy too attached to them but my favorite moments are when we get to see the more "human" side of them. Like when they act like an actual family, playing board games, having dinner together, hanging out, or bickering like siblings
I wish they explored how being robots affects them and the way everyone treats them. It's like robots are not considered like "real people" to some degree. We already know that in the okko universe being a certain species will change the way people perceive you and treat you (ie aliens and kappas) and it's shown to be a bad thing when it happens to Rad and Dendy, but when the bots are treated badly it's always seen as a joke and brushed bc you know , they're robots so who cares. There's like an implication that all robots are inherently bad because they're robots, K.O even said Mr.logic was "one of the good ones" implying he's just an exception (also it's crazy that he actually said that sentence and no one batted an eye)
And finally the ONE thing I really REEAALLYYY wanted to see more of is *drum rolls* LORD COWBOY DARRELL (who could've seen that coming)
LISTEN THERE WAS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH POTENTIAL THERE IT ACTUALLY MAKES ME CRAZY JUST THINKING ABOUT IT I WISH I WAS EXAGGERATING!!! Like for the first time we actually see boxman suffer the consequences of his actions, his kids FINALLY stand up to him after being treated like crap 24/7 and then he's forgiven in episode two??? And we don't even see how this affects the other bots!! Like Raymond and Shannon also loved boxman but they seemingly didn't hesitate to side with Darrell over him. I wish they explored how they chose their brother over their father who they were absolutely devoted to since birth.
I was actually disappointed to see Darrell forgive him SO easily and all the character development he could've had was thrown out the window in two seconds!!!! We actually get a glimpse of Darrell's potential but it's all forgotten as soon as Boxman becomes the boss again
I loved seeing Darrell actually fight back for once because he is one of the characters who gets mistreated the MOST by the whole cast. Half of his scenes are just him getting beat up and insulted, he's always treated like an idiot or a joke character so it was incredibly satisfying to see him actually stand up for himself and take charge. Like yeah he is goofy as hell and very immature and I love that about him! But when he became Lord Cowboy Darrell we actually got to see a whole new side of him. He was cunning and smart and resourceful and it KILLS me that we never got see that side of him again. I wish people aknowledged how competent and mature he can be instead of treating him like an actual child. I actually hate how infantilized he is sometimes
Anyway I could go on and on and on forever about the boxbots but that's just a few things i wish the show focused more on, there's probably more but I can't remember them rn
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bugzrc00l · 4 months
Lego Movie Rant
I can’t believe that the Lego movie came out 10 years ago. Even watching it now is a whole experience, looking back and finding things I hadn’t noticed before!
Let me start off with the animation. As a kid I remember my dad and I both being confused whether they had used real Legos or computer animated. Both ways are impressive, the stop motion would have taken 10 years by itself, but the way they made sure to include small details such as finger prints and even the little extra plastic from the mold on Emmet’s hair. The difference between The Lego Movie and any other Lego movie is astounding when you compare the way they animated the characters even moving. With the old Lego movies we got fluid movements, smooth textures, and realistic limb bending, however in The Lego Movie the characters are obviously limited in their movements realistically based on their Lego limbs.
Another amazing thing about The Lego Movie is the universal nature of all of it. Throughout the film we don’t just have a few main characters that take themselves seriously, instead we have a whole cast of characters from different media that are fun and play on their original personalities and plots. There is seriously things for everyone to enjoy, they have Legos, wizards, ghosts, pirates, cowboys, DC characters, spaceships, robots, Will Ferrell, and a whole glittery rainbow universe! All of these components in a movie and it still manages to make it work, using the creativity of a child’s mind to really make everything flow. Even better is that the movie doesn’t take itself too seriously, it plays on jokes and gags from many different medias to make the humor funny to any person who watches. This movie is very character driven and it does a super good job in that aspect.
Along with the looks and characters in the film there is obviously the storyline. I think the reason so many of the characters and different settings work is because of the story being so simple. They keep the story as: an extremely normal man tries to become creative in order to save the universe. In the start we get to see the way most movies start out, pretty basic with a not so special protagonist. This protagonist meets a woman (manic pixie dream girl) and then he becomes special. However at the end of the movie it comes out that it was all a lie, that Emmet is just some regular guy. I think this was really important to emphasize because throughout the whole first part of the movie we are thinking that Emmet is truly the chosen one and there had to be some fate attached, that he himself couldn’t have made a change without becoming special first. But this thinking is wrong, if this movie teaches anything it’s the fact that individual will and support from the people close to you is what makes a change. At the very and when all the “normal” societal members start to embrace their individuality and free will is when we see their rebellion working.
The Lego Movie feels close to the neurodivergent experience of growing up in a way. In the beginning of the movie we are shown the way Emmet quite literally follows all the rules. He keeps a booklet with him at all times, checks off the list as he goes, and tries his best. Our main character is enthusiastic about everything, he knows everyone’s names, and does as they all ask. In some parts of the film we are able to see the way that his coworkers and neighbors seem to brush him off. The only time when his coworkers really acknowledge him is when a cop asks about him, to which they all respond with the fact that he is so normal that he’s boring. It really was heartbreaking watching the scene when Emmet first realized that they really didn’t enjoy his company, after he had worked so hard to be normal like he was taught to be. Later we also see that when exposed to the seemingly “only” other option of being creative and always thinking outside the box we see that he is lost and hesitant. He soon comes into his own sort of creativity not completely starting from scratch but using what he knows and building off that, he just needed creativity to be put in a different perspective.
The filming, characters, plot, messaging, and silliness of the movie really do make it amazing. The creators were able to bring together so many different things that mesh so smoothly into one film that it was surprising at first. Not only did this film show true passion and love for its creation it also showed that things don’t have to be serious all the time. Through the storyline, jokes, and nods about such serious topics we are still given valuable messages and a fun movie with memorable characters and jokes.
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moxiebustion · 6 months
I'm not even remotely religious in any way, but I am begging people who are going to write about a character going into a monastery/nunnery whatever to please, please, please read some of the Cadfael Chronicles before you cast an entire population of people as fire-and-brimstone, self-mutilating, repressed, fanatical zealots.
For the uninitiated, the Cadfael Chronicles was a long series of medieval-set (specifically set in the 12th century) murder mysteries where the gumshoe role is taken by a monk who is well into middle age, a skilled herbalist and a former soldier and sailor who joined the Order late in his life (which for one, did happen!).
Now, there are some dated things about the writing that bears some examining; Ellis Peters (psued for Edith Pargeter) first started writing then in the late seventies (the last book was published 1994, a year before her death), and while she was a fantastic amateur self-taught scholar (she was so good she got an honorary degree from Birmingham University, having never even been to any higher education than high school) she is writing about the time of the Crusades and the Crusaders who invaded Jerusalem and she doesn't really delve that deep into the implications of her characters being involved in that, even though the characters are portrayed as the good guys, especially the titular one. But it's very possible most of the scholarship she had available for research at the time was all Western perspectives, which, you know, history is written by the winners, etc. She has a writers bias towards her protagonist, so of course he is framed fairly glowingly, though not without flaw.
But whether she had a view on the moral implications of the Crusades or not, the way she wrote medieval Britain and medieval Wales is absolutely textually fascinating because she doesn't flinch away from the fact that yes, Britain at this time was a feudal serfdom with slaves included, and was hard on marginalized people, chock full of patriarchy that did affect the lives of her female characters or that the Church was a big landowner themselves, and there was plenty of political tension and violence due to an ongoing civil war, but nonetheless the town the Chronicles are set in and the monastery where Cadfael lives is portrayed as a community.
Seriously. They don't just pray and whip themselves for 'bad thoughts'. The monks can be funny, snarky, and shy, and ambitious. They can be irreverent - yes, even about God, that thing that they are meant to be the most reverent about. They can have petty rivalries, they can annoy one another, even the Abbot, and not be sent for a backbreaking penance. They aren't thumping on bibles and telling people that if they don't make the cut that they're going to burn in hell.
They care. They take care of the children left in their charge, whether they're rich scions there to get an education or some poor thing left on their doorstep. One monk, in charge of the children, expresses real and genuine concern over a new novice that is having horrific dreams, worried that he has suffered a tremendous hidden trauma (he's right) and they're all concerned about what they can do to help him. A pair of teenagers literally fuck on one of the altars and the reaction from Cadfael is rueful amusement at young people's folly, not disgust or anger. They collect alms for the poor, redistribute everything given to them to help people survive. They crack jokes and show each other kindness and...
... look, I'm not saying that there weren't and still aren't zealots in religion. No religion is really innocent of that. And yeah, those zealots have done some pretty heinous things when they're put in charge - see Witch Burnings, Various Inquisitions, Crusades, Terrorism, etc. But I do wish writers wouldn't write about religious life like everyone who ever entered it was either a complete bag of bible-thumping assholes or just miserable all the time.
For one thing, that's really boring. Religion is a way we can tell stories about the complex reality we live in and the rules we think are important when dealing with other people. To reduce all that potential down to Miserable, Repressed, Self-Harming, Witch Hunting Jerks is intellectually lazy at best.
For another thing, you are losing the opportunity to portray a fundamentally queer experience. I don't mean they were all fucking (although some of the proscriptions that they felt the need to write down would rise your eyebrows - hand holding was apparently banned at one point); I meant that this was a group of people that took themselves out of the amatonormative status quo entirely and dedicated themselves to something that wasn't marriage, children, mercantile endeavors or anything 'normal' like that. That was, at the very least, a queer experience with clear queerplatonic overtones (not to mention, there were FTM trans monks that literally went on to sainthood, chosen gender kept intact).
And also? It just isn't historically accurate. Plenty of men and women actively chose a life outside the norm because they wanted to serve god and the community. They're just a group of people, all living together, making space for one another, all trying to serve people in whatever way they can. These people were less raging witch-burners and more Jedi without the lightsaber.
In the Cadfael books, they have brushes with zealots and they're reviled as bad guys every time. One (in the very first book) more or less fakes a whole-ass vision to manipulate the order to go to Wales and try and acquire a Welsh saint's bones and ends up doing even worse things because he believes he is destined for greatness and will get it by whatever means necessary. The head of the mission (who edges close to zealot territory himself and fully buys into the con for his own benefit) tries to buy the saints relics and causes a massive diplomatic incident as a result of this insult that makes him look like an idiot.
The other zealot that gives them trouble is a priest appointed to run the church. This man is as big a bible thumping, hellfire and brimstone dickhead as you might always picture a medieval priest to be and he is uniformly despised by both the monks and the township at large because his zealotry and strict adherence to only the letter of religious law and nothing else actively harms the community.
He's so hated, in fact, that when he (spoilers) dies, the reactions of all and sundry is mostly just relief that he's gone.
The Catholic Church has a lot of sins that it forgets more than it reckons with, but that doesn't mean that life in a monastery was all hair shirts and self-mortification, every abbot a little dictator. People have lived just fine in small communes for a lot of human history and they didn't all have small-minded tyrants continually cracking the whip. Most of them didn't.
I know it's an easy shaft to mine angst from, shoving people into an oppressive environment that they must either endure or overcome. And yes, the way we write about religion is sometimes a product of working through a complicated and traumatic relationship with it. I'm not trying to say any writer can't or shouldn't write that because your art is always supposed to be about putting parts of yourself out there, about telling the world a story about how you see it; and if you're working through something, if you need to tell a story about the scars that zealotry absolutely have and do leave, go for it, more power to you. That's a story that should and must be told.
But if your character is going into a monastery, try to remember that humans are social creatures. We make friends more than we make enemies. Even under intense tyranny, we make allegiances and form bonds and find ways to make the world were in a little bit more bearable wherever we can. And we tend to show each other compassion and mercy, even when we don't always like each other. It's true today, and it was true then too.
Monastic life was a queer experience that happened right under the noses of the dominant power structures for centuries. I think there's a story or two to be mined from that as well.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 18]
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Me whenever Khan ogles Bakara: boooring.
Me 5 seconds later ogling Atcham the same exact way: oguhuhhggghuhhq
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They only just met, and are already a perfect team. :)
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I like to think that Joris has always wanted to hear the other side of the story, be it from Atcham, Lou, or Indie. This isn't the best time to ask, but he might not get another chance...
I also guess that Atcham's deep hatred for Kerubim bewitches Joris as much as Joris's love for Kerubim bewitches Atcham.
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Out of all the possible answers, — from the implied bullying, to being abandoned and called a psychopath by Kerubim, — the answer that Atcham gives is so fascinating.
Because he's pretty much acknowledging, that he hates him because he feels inferior. He's always been mistreated because he's the opposite of Kerubim. He's not handsome, or lucky, or good with people, so he's suffered, — and Kerubim is everything he wishes he could be. Even if it's not Kerubim's fault that he suffered, he hates Kerubim the very most because he's a walking-talking reminder of how life could have been.
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Joris is even a bit taken aback by this. I bet he expected something deeper.
And it is deep, don't get me wrong. But it's not "when we were kids, he never helped me, when others did me harm." or "he had always looked down at me."
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It's literally just "other people dislike me, and not him, even though he had the exact same shitty life as me. The only reason he lives better than me is that he is prettier and luckier. I want to punish him for that. Because it's easier, than hating a god, or the kids from the temple, or anyone else. It's easier because he's nearby, and I know him the best out of all of them."
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They are two sides of the same coin. Both of them are orphans. Both of them hate their own bodies. And both of them could probably talk for hours upon hours on what Kerubim makes them feel.
Except Joris feels lucky to have had Kerubim, indebted even, — while Atcham is the opposite, feeling like Kerubim, simply by existing, took everything from him.
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Joris appeals to their solidarity in his attempts to defend Kerubim's Honour: while it sure sucks, Atcham's struggle with being hated and degraded by people is neither special nor unique.
Note: I understand it might be somewhat controversial to say this, but I do think that both Joris and Atcham are disabled, or at least discriminated against.
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Atcham is referred to as disabled in one of the canonical sources, even if it is a joke. Logically speaking, even without any canon sources, within the universe's context his lack of fur is undoubtedly a disability.
Joris, in the context of the real world, would definitely be a person with dwarfism, which, just like Atcham's lack of fur, canonically impacts his social life, with the way he is often not taken seriously by other people.
So, their solidarity is very cute to me.
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Besides that, he appeals for Atcham to understand that his negative experiences with Kerubim aren't universal.
Or maybe, he appeals to whatever positive memories Atcham still he has of him.
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And I am pretty sure Atcham knows what Joris is doing. And it's working.
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Joris really dislikes how shallow Atcham's dislike for Kerubim is, when Kerubim has done nothing but support and love him, because of how different he is from others.
But for Joris to feel so passionately defensive, — like Kerubim has done him a service by treating him well, — we can understand that Kerubim's "I want my son to love himself as he is" parenting didn't work that well.
You can't really parent your way out of your son noticing he's short, bald, and weird compared to other people. And at some point, saying "you're special" probably just feels insulting, or, more likely in Joris's case, like Joris has failed at feeling special, and that Kerubim would be sad, if he knew how Joris really felt about his body.
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If Atcham didn't love Kerubim, — if he didn't feel nostalgia for the times they were still close, — none of what Joris said here would ever work, y'know?
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While the show had 52 episodes and then some to sell me on Kerubim and Joris's dynamic, the movie only has three scenes to develop what goes on between Joris and Atcham, and we've already seen two of them.
And let me tell you, by god, does it succeed.
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Yes, Atcham and Joris are foils to one another, because of their orphanhood, body issues, and relationship with Kerubim.
But Atcham and Bakara are also foils: because of their feeling of inadequacy, compared to their brothers.
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Bakara can't acknowledge what she feels: hatred. Towards herself, for not being good enough. Towards Julith, for seemingly taking her brother away. Towards Joris, for being the product of the woman who ruined her life. Towards Kerubim, maybe for taking Joris and giving him a good life, devoid of having to face or know any of these terrible things, or maybe for not dying instead of Jahash.
And she hates Jahash too. For leaving her alone. And for leaving such a huge void where he once stood — one she can never hope to fill.
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Atcham is quite the opposite, really. He needs so badly to hate Kerubim to feel better, that he can barely face the fact that he loves his brother too.
Honestly, is it even hatred, when all you do is sing him praises? "You're the coolest, the hairiest, the luckiest—" doesn't suddenly stop being a compliment, if it's followed "instead of you, it should be ME." (yes, I am taking this moment quote one of the most Atcham-core songs ever created at you. hi.)
There's a very thin line between hatred and love, and I think, that in that line there lies jealousy and obsession.
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Atcham's purr is so cute....... kbitty.
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This confirms that under the fur, Kerubim and Atcham look pretty similar (we been knew). If you shaved Keke, you'd see a mini-Atcham, and vice versa. The main difference is the ear size, and the fact that the sides of Atcham's face point downwards, instead of upwards, like with Kerubim
However, I have some qualms with this design: sphynx cats have spots in the same exact places that they would have if they had fur. if Atcham had fur it'd be more like this:
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And man. It makes him look even MORE like Kerubim. jhgsjkfgsdfg
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jungle-angel · 11 days
Random Salem's Lot Headcannons: Part 1 (Ben Mears x Reader)
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Warnings: Parenthood, communal living, mentions of child abuse etc.
Notes: I did include two separate versions of Dr. Cody in these. In this universe, I have the movie version as a relative of Jimmy Cody (haven't decided between sister-in-law or aunt)
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @lewinblue @rhettabbotts
You and Ben decided that with all the vampires and monsters running amuck all over the lot, you guys would need to form a coven of monster hunters
Everybody pulled their money together and decided that after you guys got back from your honeymoon, they'd buy the house
You and Ben spent a full week up in Boothbay Harbor after you got married and by the time you got back, the guys had already bought the house
But ya'll were NOT expecting the house to be a giant fixer-upper
The first clues should have been all the memes that Matt Burke and Mike Ryerson were sending you guys, joking about how the rats were bigger than their heads, the stacks of leftover porn in the closets, the weird tentacled creature coming out of the toilet (no seriously, Father Callahan ran out of the house one day yelling about how the toilet needed an exorcism)
It took you guys until the beginning of September to be able to fix that place up. Whoever said fixing a gigantic Victorian house at the end of the street would be easy was a dirty liar
You and Ben moved in first as soon as it was done. You guys had officially adopted Mark Petrie and Randy McDougal the week before so they already had their rooms ready. Mark literally has shelf after shelf in his room filled with books. Randy was only two months old when he was taken away from his birth parents and placed with you and Ben, but Mark loves having him for a little brother (Randy's nursery was in one of the rooms that had no windows just for safety reasons)
Father Callahan moved in some weeks later. He was still the priest at St. Andrew's but Mrs. Curless was driving him nuts and he didn't wanna deal with it anymore. He's awesome around the house but under no circumstances is this man allowed to make a Manhattan while he's cooking dinner
Matt Burke was the next familiar face to move in. He just randomly showed up one day with milk crates full of books, cassette tapes and rock n' roll records
Mike Ryerson moved in after his asshat of a landlord jilted him on his rent. His first words as he walked in the door were "he asks me for rent one more time and my foot's going inside him!!!" (lol)
Jimmy and Jennifer Cody moved in not even a week after Mike. The hospital had to cut a bunch of people's pay but they were more than happy to pay whatever they could for rent, but you and Ben wouldn't have it
Bonnie Sawyer and Corey Bryant were next. Reggie had gotten arrested and had to sign the divorce papers while he was serving his jail sentence, leaving Corey and Bonney to be together. Mabel Wertz, Nolly Gardiner and Parking Gillespie were the last three to move in
You guys will all team up together and go out on late night hunts on the weekends. As soon as Mark's done with his homework, you guys will gear up and head out into the woods. Ben will carry Randy on his back and everybody has a cooler bag with their dinner in it
There was a huge, hairy creature living in the woods that was attracted to loud noises so any opportunity to attract it, the guys took it. You guys all sang along to "No Diggity" by Blackstreet (damn Father Callahan and Ben can both rap like CRAZY) and the creature came loafing right out of the trees. Don't worry, he's friendly
To Be Continued in Pt. 2
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