#lizard lady and turtle lady
taringill · 1 year
Yes... I was gone for a long time... Study, homework. It is also necessary to get used to it. It's hard so far. But it's okay, then I'll get used to it, I'll have to. But I also drew
Да... Меня долго не было... Учёба, домашка. Надо к этому ещё и привыкнуть. Пока тяжело. Но ничего страшного, потом привыкну, мне придётся. Но я ещё и рисовала
I present to you the best friends: Lizard Lady and Turtle Lady🦎🐢
Представляю вам лучших подружек: Леди-ящерица и леди-черепаха🦎🐢
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Miwa:"If you lay a finger on my best friend, trying to harm her, I will break all your bones or kill you! Is that clear?"
Miwa and Mona Lisa spend time together/Мива и Мона Лиза проводят время вместе
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My baby girls🩷🤧
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(у Миве на футболке написано:"Хорошая, но это не точно")
Miwa is very hard on the outside, but sensitive on the inside. Well, it's a base. And she really appreciates those who appreciate her. But at first, at the first meeting, she may not trust. She didn't have much friends before the Mona Lisa, unlike our sociable lizard. After the mutation, Miwa's life changed a lot. It's not just about mutation. Miwa has found those who care about her. This is Leo, her future boyfriend, and her best friend Mona Lisa. The fact that Miwa and Mona Lisa are bf, I mentioned in one of the answers to the question.
Мива очень твердая снаружи, но чувствительная внутри. Ну, это база. И она очень ценит тех, кто ценит её. Но сначала, при первой встречи, может не доверять. Друзей до Моны Лизы у неё особо не было, в отличии от нашей общетильной ящерицы. После мутации жизнь Мивы поменялась сильно. Дело не только в мутации. Мива нашла тех, кому она не безразлична. Это Лео, в будущем её парень, и лучшую подругу Мону Лизу. То, что Мива и Мона Лиза - лп, я упоминала в одном из ответов на вопрос.
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 months
"When I was a young man, I fell in love with a woman-"
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"Oh, hey, is it that late?"
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This is such a funny father and son moment between these two, and I love it way too much.
Not only with Raph trying to get out of hearing a story from his dad that he's not interesting in/in the mood to hear, but also immediately wanting out the second he realizes it's about his dad's love life.
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lesbianbeeliker · 5 months
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6 characters challenge!! ty to everyone who requested someone :))
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~ 🦎 87 Mona Lisa in a dress 🩷 ~
It should be illegal that I ONLY drew 2012 Mona Lisa in pretty dresses and NOT her OG counterpart! That was absolutely despicable of me and I wanna apologize for my HORRIBLE actions everyone.
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silversunskyless · 1 year
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There an oldie, but a goodie. I haven't uploaded art in forever but Mona Lisa from TMNT will be a muse to me forever.
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halltastic · 1 month
Texas Spiny, Mediterranean House Gecko & Sliders
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lunarflare64 · 1 year
Just had the thought that if we beamed up Nora then doesn't that make our OC Julie her gf and Nora immediately jumped in with "LISTEN-" and it was so fucking funny, we didn't even know Nora was here, turtle jumpscare
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
On the subject of Damian and the axolotl, I feel like people do send him pictures of animals and stuff and he gives a rating, idk tho
Stranger: I thought you'd like to know that Lacey had her puppies. *sends a pic*
Damian: For once, a mother who should be proud. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a derpy cat pic* This is my cat Momo, short for Movie-Theater Mozzarella-Sticks. He just turned 3 and likes to eat pillow feathers.
Damian: Truly the cat of all time. 10/10.
Stranger: I think I saw Krypto the Superdog on my way to work. *sends blurry video of Krypto flying*
Damian: There goes Metropolis's hero. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a pic of a lizard in a pointy hat* This is King Gizzard, my lizard, as a wizard for Halloween.
Damian: I would give him all my candy. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a video of their parrot*
The parrot: Polly loves crackers and Damian.
Damian: Tell Polly I love her too. 10/10.
Stranger: Bruh there are so many gophers at Gotham U. *sends pic of gophers chilling in the quad*
Damian: 10/10. Good for them, living their best life.
Stranger: Do fish count? If so here's Bubbles. *sends video of a goldfish*
Damian: They absolutely do. 10/10.
Stranger: I went to my aunt's farm and got to ride the horses. Meet Dash. *sends Instagram story with a horse*
Damian: A fine specimen. 10/10.
Stranger: Opinions on this stingray? *sends scuba diving footage*
Damian: Superb. 10/10.
Stranger: I found a worm. What should I name him? *sends pic*
Damian: He looks like a Kevin. 10/10.
Stranger: This is me and my stepdad with the hens we've been raising. *sends pic*
Damian: What lovely ladies. 10/10.
Stranger: I went to a butterfly garden today. *sends video of a butterfly landing on their hand*
Damian: Stunning. 10/10.
Stranger: I just got back from a safari. *sends album of savannah herds*
Damian: Next time take me with you. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends a Ratatouille GIF*
Damian: Don't tell my family but I'm training my rats to do the same. 10/10 by the way.
Stranger: This is Herbie, our class bunny. *sends a pic with the teacher fumbling in the background*
Damian: He looks more intelligent than your teacher. 10/10.
Stranger: *sends pic* Got bored and bought a frog. I'm naming him Toad.
Damian: I hope your life is as dull as ever. 10/10.
Stranger: Tzu Tzu keeps leaving her laundry everywhere. *sends video of a snake shedding its skin*
Damian: You're her assistant. Do your job. 10/10.
Stranger: I finally got a hamster!! *sends video*
Damian: Now treat them like royalty and get yourself some tubing. 10/10.
Stranger: Ideas for decorating my hermit crab's shell? For context his name is Juan and he likes the color yellow. *sends pic*
Damian: I suggest black and gold. 10/10.
Stranger: I saw a turtle on my morning walk. *sends a pic*
Damian: Ethereal. 10/10.
Bruce: *sends a family photo*
Damian: *blocks and reports*
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tapakah0 · 1 year
Wait! What about the little kid that survived?! How did they react to everything? Did Casey become their teacher after the turtles explained what flowers and trees were?!
I... am more interested in showing Casey right now and didn't show a lot of things because I want to finaly draw Raph and Donnie *cough* not as robots.... They found some more survivors and built a houses for everyone (Kid is living with lizard lady now), it was... hard for everyone and you have no idea what kind of look Casey and this kid had when they first saw an animal... real animal... Lizard lady taught a kid about world and also they had Donnie for explanations They are like a veryyy little village "We are trying to get over the hell we just survived" now
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i think if i get reincarnated i want to come back as like a dog or a lizard or turtle that some incredibly nice lady has adopted and she lets me decide between two different little treats everyday. ‘oh what does Taylor Lautner the turtle want today? blackberry or banana?’ (she had a twilight phase)
god let me just live so simply the hardest part of my day is choosing between a blackberry or a banana
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mousetoe-wc · 1 year
I Got bored one time awhile ago and made a list of every prefix plus some into organised sections so I thought I might as well share.
All the ones that aren’t cannon to warriors, yet at lest are bold
Describing names
Colours: red, russet, copper, golden, amber, yellow, green, blue, violet, pink, white, gray, black, ebony, dark, pale, silver, brown, tawny, fallow
Pattern, Texture + Size: spot/ted, dapple, speckle, freckle, brindle, patch, mottle, ragged, tangle, kink, bristle, fuzzy, curl/y, wooly, soft, sleek, little, tiny, small, slight, short, tall, long, big, heavy, crooked, broken, half, stumpy, shred, torn, jagged
Actions + Character: flip, pounce, bounce, jump, hop, crouch, down, low, drift, flail, strike, running, fidget, mumble, whistle, snap, sneeze, shiver/ing, shining, flutter, fallen, lost, rush, fleet, quick, shy, sweet, brave, loud, quiet, wild, hope, wish,
Other: claw, whisker, dead, odd, one, spike, fringe, echo, song, hallow, haven
Time + Weather: day, night, dusk, dawn, morning, sky, sun/ny, moon, storm, lightning, thunder, cloud/y, mist/y, fog, snow, blizzard, ice, frost, dew, drizzle, rain, clear, wind, breeze, gale, shadow, shade, bright, light,
Earth/Water/Fire names: stone, rock, boulder, slate, flint, pebble, gravel, sand/y, dust, mud/dy, meadow, hill, rubble, river, ripple, whorl, float, rapid, shimmer, lake, swamp, marsh, wave, wet, bubbling, splash, puddle, pool, creek, fire, flame, flicker, flash, blaze, scorch, ember, spark, ash, soot, cinder, smoke
Trees: alder, aspen, birch, beech, cedar, cypress, pine, elm, willow, oak, larch, maple, bay, rowan, timber, bark, log, wood, twig, acorn, cone, seed, spire
Berry/Nut/Fruit/Herb: juniper, elder, sloe, holly, yew, mistle, bramble, hickory, hazel, chestnut, nut, apple, cherry, cranberry, olive, pear, plum, peach, chive, mint, fennel, sage, basil, mallow, parsley
Flowers: aster, poppy, primrose, rose, bluebell, marigold, tansy, pansy, briar, cherry, daisy, dandelion, daffodil, tulip, violet, lily, myrtle, thrift, yarrow, heather, lavender, blossom, bloom, flower, petal
Other: leaf, frond, fern, bracken, sorrel, hay, rye, oat, wheat, cotton, reed, pod, cinnamon, milkweed, grass, clover, weed, stem, sedge, gorse, furze, flax, nettle, thistle, ivy, moss, lichen, bush, vine, root, thorn, prickle, nectar
Mammals: mouse, rat, mole, vole, shrew, squirrel, hedgehog, bat, rabbit, hare, ferret, weasel, stoat, mink, marten, otter, hog, wolf, hound, fox, vixen, badger, deer, doe, stag, fawn, sheep, cow, pig, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, milk
Birds: robin, jay, cardinal, thrush, sparrow, swallow, shrike, starling, rook, swift, dove, pigeon, crow, raven, duck, goose, heron, wren, finch, swan, stork, quail, gull, lark, owl, eagle, hawk, kestrel, buzzard, kite, hoot, feather, bird, egg, talon
Fish, Reptiles + Amphibians: pike, perch, pollack, trout, tench, cod, carp, bass, bream, eel, minnow, fin, snake, adder, lizard, turtle, frog, toad, newt
Bug type Names: bug, lady or ladybug, moth, spider, ant, snail, slug, beetle, bee, wasp, dragon or dragonfly, bumble, worm, maggot, cricket, fly, midge, web, honey
Skyclan + Warriorclan: Bella, Billy, Big, Harry, Harvey, Snook, Ebony, Monkey
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taringill · 1 year
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Baby Mona Lisa🩷
Next - Raph with Mona Lisa
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percyaugod · 6 months
Othello AU: Summary Part 1
Okay, there is a lot when it comes to the Othello AU, including multiple what-if scenarios, so he's the basic summary.
We start over five centuries ago. Karai trying to find what keeps attacking the cattle and stealing crops finds a small yokai. It's the size of a three-year-old and resembles a turtle. She eventually gains his trust and calls him Kappa. Because I fully believe Karai, like Splinter and his colors, is bad at naming things. It's hereditary.
Karai takes Kappa in as if he was her own child and raises him. He's smart and quickly learns to speak and fight from her. She also teaches him to sew, care for the animals, and garden to better appreciate the crops and fabric so sees how much effort goes into taking care of them so he's less careless with them.
The rest of the clan, do not like the Kappa. It's unpredictable and dangerous. They've seen the massive creatures it has destroyed and brought back as "gifts" for Karai. Without her to control it what's to keep it from turning on them?
A couple of decades after finding Kappa Karai sacrifices herself to seal Shredder. Kappa growing slower than the human only appears to be about four or five. Karai asked him to protect the other child and can she left behind. He can't though because the clan banished him and cursed him so he can't harm them. The amount of power in the spell weakens the Hamato clan when the foot clan starts hunting them down.
Kappa survived on their own for centuries after. Fighting to survive and avoiding the Hamato clan. No one called them Kappa in a long time. So when stories started spreading of a large turtle yokai of devastating intelligence, size, and strength people came up with names for him. Othello is the one that stuck around.
Everywhere he went there was only fear in people's eyes. Othello spent most of his time trying to come up with a way to make more creatures like himself so he wouldn't be alone anymore.
His experiments were put on hold when a little lamb came seeking him out looking for his help trying to eradicate humans. After pointing out the flaws in young Draxum's plans the poor creature looked so lost. Othello let him stay until he figured things out. He teaches Draxum about fighting, science, and alchemy in the meantime. Draxum never did leave.
Neither did the little lady. A young spider yokai who wanted Othello's help in ruling with intimidation. She never did tell him her real name, only calling herself Big Mama. She seemed to make herself right at home sitting on Othello's shoulder.
Draxum and Big Mama are constantly at odds. Othello even has to stop several of Big Mama's attempts on Draxum's life. Draxum never did outgrow taking her things without permission.
When Big Mama moved out to start her business Draxum stayed behind to watch over Othello. That sounds ridiculous considering he's one of the oldest and strongest known yokai. Yet Draxum once had to hunt Othello down because he snuck out of bed and found him out in the garden. Along with some skeleton he never met before!
Hueso had broken into Othello's garden because of the rare herbs Othello grew. He saw Othello also sneaking around because he wanted to garden, not sleep and thought he was also trying to steal. Othello wanted to see where this went and helped Hueso rob him until Draxum caught them both. Othello will always treasure the look on Hueso's face when he learns who he was sneaking around with.
Othello thinks the bone man is amusing and won't leave him alone. The dumb lizard.
There's a lot more, but tired of typing. More later.
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I’ve been reading your work for the past few days (because your work is amazing) specifically the mob turtles and I was wondering if you could write the mob turtles with a s/o who loves exotic pets (like blue tongued skink, sugar gliders, leopard geckos, tegus, armadillos, etc) because I love exotic pets their so adorable I wanna like have a picnic with them and put them in cute fancy outfits
Thank you so much!! I love love love blue tongued skinks so much, had a dream about one the other night and work up sad that I didn't actually have one. If you don't mind, I'm going to run with the last part you said- the boys walking in on you having a tea party/picnic with your exotic pets because I think that could be fun!!
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it's been a long ass night, it's about 9;30 am when he gets back to the lair
he's so ready for some decent sleep, when he cracks open the door to his room and finds you sat on the floor and you're not alone
you've got a blanket spread out, a small china tea set laid out and a bunch of critters all around you who you occasionally have to pick up and put back on the blanket at their place at the tea party
"what you got there?" he asks so confused
"Oh, just a tea party with my favourite people"
"they're lizards..."
"you a turtle and you a person!" you say indignantly
he backs off after that and sits on the bed
"can I join?"
you welcome him in and introduce all your friends
he asks where you got the outfits from and who would sell them that tiny
"I make them, Leo. I'm very crafty like that now drink your tea and stop moving before you crush Mr Beans, he's right there!"
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"That is one freaky looking dog!" he damn near screams when he walks in
you have to explain that you almost collect exotic animals and you love them a lot and that the "dog" is actually an armadillo
an armadillo wearing a cravat and cowboy hat because he's obviously from the wild west
"do...do they bite?"
"Only if he thinks that this town ain't big enough for the two of yous"
Raph is beyond confused
but he likes this weird little world you live in
until he sees your bumblebee ball python
then he is up and running out of the room yelling "NOPE!"
it didn't help that the snake was in a witches hat
"Oh well, don't worry Lady, I think you look lovely"
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he wants to touch and pick up all of them
I mean like hug them too tight and squish their faces
who let this man near a bunch of reptiles???
oh wait that was you....
he's having such a good time ignoring you telling him to stop and he loves the tiny outfits you've put them in
when your leopard gecko, who happens to be wearing a ruff, latches on to his nose and won't let go
"you've gotta respect their personal space, baby..."
he keeps a safe distance after that
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"Is that, is that a fucking komodo dragon??"
he is already up and standing on the coffee table
"yes, his name's Biff"
"when tell Biff to stop fucking coming towards me"
you laugh and pick him up, scratching under his chin
you then get a 10 minute lecture about how they're all muscle and their bite is so bacteria filled even if the bite isn't lethal the bacteria will kill their prey within a few hours
you laugh and say "you hear that Biff? You're ripped!"
Donnie doesn't find it too funny
eventually he comes down from his hiding place but keeps a distance
"when I said to make yourself at home here, I didn't really expect you to bring a zoo with you"
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shadowlorddemon · 2 days
Miraculous Ladybug Animalverse AU
Where Everyone is an Anthropomorphic, including insects and fishes.
(Almost Like Zootopia & Beastars crossover that takes in MLB setting)
(If you have any questions about the AU, ask me and I would try to answer to my best)
The Cast & their animal species
Marinette = Asian Lady Beetle
Adrien = European Shorthair Cat
Alya = Red Fox
Nino = Red-eared Slider Turtle
Alix = European Hare
Rose = European Shorthair Cat
Juleka = Giant Otter
Mylene = Chinchillas
Ivan = Grizzly Bear
Nathaniel = Red Giant Flying Squirrel
Kim = Yellow-cheeked Gibbon
Max = Leopard Gecko
Chloe = Yellow Jacket
Zoe = Yellow Jacket
Sabrina = Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog
Lila = Swift Fox
Marc = Green Iguana
Aurore = European Badger
Mireille = Black-footed Ferret
Ondine = Sea Otter
Kagami = Giant Horned Lizard
Luka = Giant Otter
Caline Bustier = Capybara
Ms. Mendeleiev = Raccoon
Mr. Damocles = Northern White-Faced Owl
Sabine Cheng = Asian Lady Beetle
Tom Dupain = Spotted Lady Beetle
Andre = Yellow Jacket
Audrey = Yellow Jacket
Gabriel = European Shorthair Cat
Emilie = European Shorthair Cat
Amelie = European Shorthair Cat
Felix = European Shorthair Cat
Nathalie = Blue-tailed Skink
Otis Césaire = Red Fox
Marlena Césaire = Red Fox
Nora Césaire = Red Fox
Ella Césaire = Red Fox
Etta Césaire = Red Fox
Armand D’Argencourt = Friesian Horse
Alec Cataldi = European Mink
Bob Roth = Snaggletooth Shark
XY Roth = Snaggletooth Shark
Jagged Stone = Giant Otter
Penny Rolling = Saltwater Crocodile
Ali = Asiatic Lion
Clara Nightingale = Common Nightingale
Wang Fu = Chinese Pond Turtle
Nadia Chamack = Prairie dog
Manon Chamack = Prairie dog
Placide (Gorilla) = Mountain Gorilla
Socqueline Wang = Orange Ladybird
Su-Han = East Asian Bullfrog
Marianne Lenoir = Leopard Gecko
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artzzyb00-27 · 8 months
{❤️Brotherly Advice❤️}
Mona Lisa/Y'Gythgba is here!
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Y'Gythgba. His Mona Lisa. The most beautiful and strongest woman Raph's ever met. Well lizard lady, but his opinion still stands. Despite her scaled features, Y'Gythgba has been one of the sweetest souls he and his brothers have had the pleasure of working with.
Surprisingly enough, basing their initial opinions on an alien ship that landed in the water of the Hudson without people suspecting anything. When Donnie's UFO detectors went coocoo over a giant Star Trek looking navigating system, they all immediately panicked thinking it was another Krang attack. Turns out the Salamandrians were only there to retrieve an old artifact left by there ancestors on midgard while it was still in it's early stages of evolution.
Unaware of the fact that the turtles were friends and not foes a battle broke out. Specifically between the commander and his right hand. Their advanced spears and knives surprised the brothers but they were to hold their own. For about 8 minutes. Y'Gythgba came in and swept through the quartet and dazzled the second oldest. Her style of fighting resembled Tai Chi and Kung Fu mixed together.
Efficiently sweeping the red-clad turtle off his feet. Literally and poetically. After explanations rang out she pulled them up off the floor despite the height differences and apologized profusely.
"It's alright."
"Don't worry about, I respect a well trained fighter."
"No worries girl, I'll gladly get my ass kicked by a pretty girl."
"........" The brothers turned to look at Raph who was looking,... shy?
Gaining weird expressions Y'Gythgba thought Raph was angry at her still and went up to him.
"I really am sorry, I wouldn't have attacked on impulse if I knew you were on my people's side and would get upset about it." Shit. His heart sped up. By a lot. Panicking he quickly shot down her thought process.
"No, no no no! I'm not upset! I'm actually impressed you're really strong and kick ass!" Okay now Donnie thinks he's having a stroke. Cause how the hell did Raph get his ass handed to him by someone who's a whole smaller than him(he's 7,1) and not get embarrassed when she used her tail to lift him up like a 5 pound weight.
After reassuring that they weren't here to take over Earth, the turtles returned to their home and began questioning their brother.
"You wanna talk about it?"
"The way you got all shell-shy with that lizard lady?" Leave it to Mikey to bombshell everything. This time though, Leo would let it slide, especially when his little brother seemed to gained a puppy crush after years. The only ones they've had were on celebrities. Men and women.
"What? She's awesome. I wanna take her to Tom's, sue me." Raph gained a nervous smile but was lost in thought. Leo smirked, he's got it bad.
"Wow, you've really got a crush on this Salamandra hottie?" Raph semi-glared at his little brother who through himself on his brother with an arm over his shoulders. Whilst Donnie smacked him on the back of the head for his brother. But continued on from the comment.
"I'll admit I'm surprised she's your type. She's smaller, stronger, and a more efficient fighter than any of us." Nodding in slight agreement, Leo thought about it a little. He didn't expect Raph to like a girl Y'Gythgba. He expected someone more cutesy and human. That is till-
"Exactly! What a woman." Yup. He's gone. Well, if it was going to continue, he wanted Raph to actually know what he was doing before hand.
"Well if you want any advice-"
"Please! You and bunny boy are going strong, no? You two can help-, no offence guys." The other two siblings shrugged and walked off to do something around the lair. Mikey probably went to go find Splinter and Donnie to work on an unfinished project. Rolling his eyes, leader in blue thought fondly  of his small boyfriend. They'd been going strong for about a year and a half. So Leo became the Sudo for his younger brothers on how functional relationships work.
"Alright hold up, lemme call him." Pulling out his phone, Leo smiled into the call and asked his lover to come over. Raph found himself smiling too. Thinking it must feel nice to have someone be your outer-soul. Raph didn't like "other-half". To him personally, he was already whole, he's just adding some sprinkles to the perfect milkshake.
Ten minutes later, Usagi sped into the lair and threw himself at Leo who caught him and spun him around. Clearing his throat Raph turned their attention to him.
"Cute, but can we get back to my problem please?" Rolling their eyes they all went into Leo's room and closed the door for privacy.
"So what do you want to know?"
"Well I know how you got together, I was there." The pair smiled at the memory. These sick fucks. "But I want to know if you had plans to confess differently."
Thinking for a bit Usagi shook his head and turned to Leo. Sighing he started talking pulling Usagi closer.
"I wanted to ask him in place important to us. So first things first, form a platonic bond first. And not just one that's on and off talking. One where she becomes one of your best friends. That'll be easy seeing as you don't have many other friends to begin with." If he could, he would flip of Leo.
Usagi got the message somehow and pinched Leos' side with a smug look.
"If I hadn't been caught rambling about how hard I fell for this guy then I probably would've shown him somewhere that's important to me and confessed their. Like my hidey hole. Only Leo and Uki know where it is." That's why Leo turned off his location sometimes. Gross.
Thinking it over, Raph decided the next time he had the chance he would ask if Y'Gythgba wanted a T-phone to communicate with all of them easier. With the side intention of speaking one-on-one. Even better because the could set up private meetings easier without scouring the Hudson for an invisible ship.
So that's what he did. At least what he tried to do. When he found the ship he Y'Gythgba sitting on the edge of the ship looking out to the city. Piulling off some ninja moves(totally not to impress her) he landed next to her and sat down.
"Hello." She smiled. Ralph could only gaze into her eyes slightly. They were cognac brown and she had weirdly shaped pupils, but for some reason he found it cute. Made her more interesting to him.
"How you liking Earth so far?"
"It's beautiful, although I wish we didn't have to hide from most of the population."
"I hear you. Me and my brothers have to stay hidden to protect them. Sucks that they don't even know it's us and not the people who are supposed to defend them."
Tilting her head in confusion and thought she spoke again.
"That doesn't seem fair. You risk your lives for a civilization that doesn't even appreciate you."
Ralph chuckled softly. It was nice for someone other than him to be frustrated by the fact that, yeah, they risked their necks for people that would scream at the mere touch of them.
"It's not that bad. At least we get to pull pranks on people sometimes."
Light bulb. He knew how he could bond with her and show her how to relax Earth style. May Loki have mercy on Donnie's lab experiments.
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