#lmk mafia au
skittlescribbles · 1 year
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Finally got around to finishing the Wukong sketch for the winning trope on my other blog @skittlescripts I ended up going with LMK Wukong on this one since I’ve been making a lot of ITTW content lately~
The winning trope was this and it was sent by @coffee-or-hot-cocoa
Honestly, drawing Mafia AU for Wukong was a lot of fun and I’ll probably do it again!
Also using the cudgel as an earring was inspired by @theweepingegg who made a version of this but for my ITTW Wukong!
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shenxhi · 11 months
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My impulsive thoughts had won sooo drew something angsty in Mafia Xie ver 2 the detective one.
Since Xie is a detective her life is mostly in the line because she tackles about murderers happening in the city which is linked to a Mafia Gang called The Order Of Tomorrow or Lui Clan. The head of the Lui clan was getting anxious that Xie was getting closer and closer so they shot her in the abdomen hoping she won't live another day —
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fiona-kitsune13 · 2 years
Mafia Au updates!
Small facts:
Mk and his clones all have a crush on Red Son and each have a different nickname for the fire demon.
Porty Mk: Wildfire
Artist Mk: Muse
Delivery Mk: Fireflake
Desire Mk: Firestarter (when around others), Kitten or Princey (when alone)
Mk: Fire Lily
I do need help figuring out a normal name for the mayor character if anyone has suggestions.
The main warnings for this Au will be violence, death, self harm, rape and etc. Each chapter will have it's own trigger warnings.
Main Ships will be:
-PigsyxTang (I think the ship name is freenoodles?)
-SandyxHuntsman (dont know this ship name)
-Other ships might be added, I do take suggestions.
The first chapter is in progress and will be up soon!
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novelcain · 1 year
bitches be down bad for a monkey in a suit...
it's me, i'm bitches 😔
*puts a sticky note that says "bitches" on it on my forehead*
You don't know the half of it anon...
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kiratdw · 2 years
I mean, I do have like 20+ AUs of Wukong but this one is what I love to have fun with the most ^^
Mafia AU! Where Wukong is a well-known Monkie Killer Man, known to be fierceful and merciless! >:o
And then there’s MK’s crew with Pigsy starting a mafia cause another restaurant is stealing and using his recipe’s for their own good, which was kinda stupid Pigsy but whatever 😒
I describe him to be mostly an angry one, often lashing out and preferring to do things on his own all the time. But once getting to known closer, he’s quite the jokester and y’know, it wouldn’t be a Wukong without overprotectiveness (and ofc his peach loving self <3)
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He also wears glasses cuz he cannot see up close :3
Real footage of him actually getting close to someone!?!?!?!
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selsdraws · 9 months
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Bubbline Noir AU pt. 2
Marceline "The Vampire Queen" Abadeer
Marceline is a jazz singer at the underground, speakeasy, the Nightosphere, which operates under the protection of the Candy Kingdom mob. PB is def a regular around here, mostly overseeing business and conducting meetings.
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pamgkrthwrites · 7 months
Mafia!wukong and mafia!macaque with an involuntarily mute s/o that uses sign language to communicate.
(They aren't deaf they don't have a throat injury they just can't talk and haven't talked in years)
Warning, the following content has disturbing/triggering themes such as; Organised Crime, Mafia/Mobs, and others. I do not support or encourage these themes or actions, they are merely written fictional events for entertainment.
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He doesn't know sign language when you two first meet but I personally love the headcanon that he is able to pick up any language within a matter of hours.
He doesn't ask questions on why you sign. He has picked up that you aren't deaf and so he doesn't push.
If he notices you cover your ears, he'll lead you to a private room before softly kissing your cheek.
He signs back most of the time, but sometimes the times don't call for it. Like someone has a gun aimed at you.
He quickly pulls you away and yells at you run to the saferoom until he finishes dealing with whoever.
He usually is someone who likes noise, but for you he is willing to give that up.
If you do ever decide to speak to him, he'll try to hold back how happy he is to finally hear it.
He listens to you, trying to memorise the sound of your voice while he has the chance.
He still doesn't push you, he'll never push you. If you ever tell him why he'll listen but he'll never push.
Probably prefers the silence to be honest.
He likes not hearing at least one more thing.
That does mean to grab his attention though, you might have to lightly tap him on the shoulder.
Once he starts falling in love with you though, he wishes he could hear your voice so he could have something to drown out everything else.
Unlike Wukong, he does ask why you choose to be mute. He doesn't judge you on why and does keep his mouth shut on the topic.
He gets angry if someone else tries to get you to talk. If you are going to talk, he doesn't want to you to be pressured into it.
I think it'll take him a few months to learn how to sign, though that doesn't mean he doesn't understand what you are signing. More like he isn't use to the hand movements.
When he does finally hear your voice, he doesn't really connect the dots until he sees your mouth moving and sound comes out.
His full attention is on you now, and it's the best thing he has ever hard.
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yarochan · 16 days
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Everything is based on general information about the mafia in the world and in China.
There may be inaccuracies and inconsistencies in the AU. This is not accidental. All actions take place within the criminal world. There will be cruelty, blood, and violence.
Briefly about the important things..
Difficult times have come in China, many people had to commit crimes in order to survive by any means. Pigsy, Tan, and Sandy made a deal with Wukong by joining his Triad and being under his protection, but in exchange they worked for him. A little later, Sandy escaped, at the moment his whereabouts and status are unknown.
MK was also planted and raised by Pigsy and Tang, he was literally raised by the street and the mafia. Until he reached adulthood - to the surprise of everyone, Wukong did not touch the boy - but on the day of his 18th birthday, he put forward conditions for joining a family.
At the moment, MK is a boy doing dirty work that Wukong doesn't want to do. Surprisingly, they are very close, and Wukong initiates the boy into all current affairs.
In China, as in other countries of the world, there are their own criminal groups. The most famous of them, called the "Triad," have been clandestinely engaged in criminal activities in the PRC for several centuries. 
Current Triads in China
The Triad of Dragons
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The largest and most influential mafia family in China, in addition, they do not have one common boss and they are known in all corners of China (Dragon of the West, East, etc.). Their activities are connected with casinos and some large companies in the country that they finance. They are little known for their murders, but who says that their life path could not have turned out that way?
The first head of the family was May's great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, he actually raised the authority of the triad in the criminal world, which persists to this day.
The Bull Triad
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Information about the leadership of the princess iron fan
A female boss is a rarity in mafia circles, but when it's a wife or a trusted person who can curb several thousand thugs, it's a completely different matter. With the loss of her husband, she also lost all influence in the criminal world, since everyone remembers her police past and simply does not trust her.  
Out of desperation, she took up the mafia's dirtiest niche - drug distribution in China. She got rid of all the traitors and weaklings and restored her family's influence in China. approx. Previously, the Triad was engaged in the supply of weapons together with Wukong.
The Wukong Triad  
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Second in influence, but last in numbers. Large families differ in the number of members and high staff turnover; the Wukong family is only those whom he really trusts and those who are fixated on negotiations with the most armed countries in Europe.
No one thought that Wukong would be able to achieve anything in criminal circles, but after an unsuccessful attempt on the head of the police station, he surprisingly quickly blew up into the air.   At the moment, the family has contracts with the head of state and people who are not averse to buying several thousand cars. The family is not bloodthirsty, but enters into armed conflicts to protect and collect debts.
The Lady Bone Demon Triad
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A little-known family, all spies and informants were executed by the boss of this triad.   It is known that the family removes quite influential people from their places, destroys groups and conducts a very aggressive policy.
If we talk about the relationship of the triads, it is worth noting that at the moment all the Active groups are angry at Wukong, for one reason or another. There is periodic bloodshed on all sides because of these disagreements.
No one is focused on the LBD, but it is the main danger (as in the series).
All the heavenly ones are the police or representatives of any other organization for the protection of citizens in the country (the special services of the People's Republic of China). Of course, their task is to stop the activities of the triads, but who says they can't be under the mafia?  
A little bit about the characters and their designs
is a performer, that is, the youngest member of the family. He was accepted into the group through a traditional rite of passage - he drank wine with his blood and swore an oath of loyalty to the Boss.
It seems that Wukong treats the boy with some love, but at the same time, MK is most often involved in armed conflicts, as well as in other similar work, such as debt collection / fights / etc.
His mother is an employee of the police station, until a certain moment the baby did not even know about it, a little later there was a conflict between parents and the child.
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Red Son
He belongs to the Wukong triad, but is not a member of it, such are commonly called mercenaries, but Red san came to Wukong of his own free will and swore allegiance to him on his blood until it became known what had become of his father.
Red escaped from the Bull Triad because before the return of the KDB, the PVJ allowed his family to trade drugs in order to maintain authority among other groups. But besides the fact that this is the most disgusting kind of activity, even by mafia standards, Red also grew up surrounded by police officers, former colleagues of his mother. Some kind of moral framework was laid down for him and he simply feels disgusting.
Red has tattoos all over his back and arms, which is the main distinguishing sign of the mafia, although it is not mandatory in modern triads. Red's mother did this as soon as the child's body was formed, because after losing her husband, she wanted to see a new wealthy boss of the family, since it was very difficult for her alone.
She belongs to the Wukong triad but is not a member of it, such are commonly called mercenaries, but he is under the protection of the group because of MK at his request. Thus, the MK will be responsible for Mei's tests, but the girl will never allow this.
A daughter in a mafia family is certainly a joy, but apart from traditionally finding a faithful husband from the same criminal world to continue the family, and be a beautiful background for men, May could not offer anything more. She ran away from her triad, hoping to realize herself in the world.
The girl is an excellent gambler and cheater, knows a lot of card games and will be able to beat you even if she is naked.
All her legs are filled with tattoos, especially this image of a Chinese dragon with a lotus. She did it against the will of her parents, and her tattoos do not belong to the criminal world in any way.
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The head of the family and a respected citizen of his country. The main goal of his triad is to supply weapons throughout the country.
He used to be an ordinary thug who didn't value his own life or anyone else's. During this period, the police even took him away, but he escaped safely, tore up the entire station along the way, climbed into the office of the chief of police, wrote nasty things, stole important documents and photographed this outrage and sent the newspaper to the editorial office. It was a wonderful morning for the representatives of the law.
At the beginning of the journey, I worked with an organization, they called themselves the Brotherhood. But Wukong himself prefers not to talk about them.
He appreciates MK, sees him as a replacement for Macaque, and is afraid of losing him, as well as his best friend.
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He is an assassin in the LBD triad, a subordinate of the mayor and the second favorite of the Lady.
According to the newspapers, he has been dead for several years, buried without a body, and, according to Wukong, in principle, he is not in this world.
In one of the skirmishes, he was severely wounded and subsequently abandoned by Ukun, as he thought he had lost him. The LBD found him in a deplorable state and took him under its wing.
She was cold, and he had burns incompatible with life, so they came together.
The Macaque harbored a grudge against Wukong and never wanted to meet him after this incident, he believes that he did it on purpose, knowing that the Macaque was alive, in his opinion, Sun Wukong deserved only revenge. He learned about MK from informants in the LBD. The boy became his target.
For him, the preferred method of killing is to act in the shadows, quietly and without noise, that is, covertly.
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Kapa, or one of the leaders, monitors the actions of MK, Mei, Red San, Teng.
The noodle shop is in place (acts as a typical mafia bar) and still works, delighting visitors with noodles. However, there is now an automatic revolver and several combat knives behind the counter. But it's true...just in case.
An informant of the Triad, surprisingly he knows everything that ordinary people could not know and does not know what everyone knows. In principle, otherwise it's still the same Tang, only now in a leather jacket and tattoos on his arms.
Ne zha
Inspector of the 3rd class of the China police in the status of a detective working on the case of Sun Wukong under the leadership of Erlan.
Not to say that he is the most successful detective, because somehow Wukuna always turns out to be one step ahead.
After several years of work, he has become so used to Wukong that he can meet him in a bar and tell him how things are at the police station, simultaneously throwing mats towards the Boss of the group. Maybe during this time they just became good friends? Who knows.
Recently, the mafia has begun to shed more blood, so the investigation and investigation have resumed with renewed vigor.
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Sorry if there are mistakes in the text, I hope you like it!!!
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frownyalfred · 1 year
Hey, Res! What do you think about superbat but Mafia au?👀👀👀
I love mafia AUs! I actually wrote the first chapter of a superbat/batfamily one will once but haven’t gotten around to updating it, despite really enjoying the dark path it was taking.
I love fics where the batfamily is its own kind of mafia. I love how those stories can explore their canon origins but in a darker, less heroic way…
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mintiicinnamonii · 3 months
hi! i’m sam! my pronouns are they/them and I’m a singer, author, and voice actor! I am the creator of many TMNT fics (with some Lego Monkie Kid things on the way..) and my goal is to entertain you all and bring a smile to your faces :]
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casting call club: https://www.castingcall.club/mintiicinnamonii
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How to Cope by Leo and Mikey: TW FOR SUI//CIDE AND SH https://archiveofourown.org/works/54116335
Blue Skies: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52240417
Forest Town: (my most popular story!) https://archiveofourown.org/works/49123036
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles: (original iteration!) https://archiveofourown.org/works/51520576
Virtuoso: (original story!) https://archiveofourown.org/works/55264348
Year of the Dragon (lego monkie kid) https://archiveofourown.org/works/55940575
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#virtuoso: all virtuoso based posts
#forest town au: all forest town related posts
#teenage mutant hero turtles: all TMHT related posts
#blue skies au: all blue skies related posts
#the path au: all path!au related posts
#year of the dragon: all YOTD related posts
#mintiipaints: when I color fanart/attempt to be an artist and fail miserably (apologies in advance, art kids)
#gender mafia madness: when me and my friends (@thatonesmartkidfromschool, @eclipsecatsstuff, and @mads-does-stuff) terrorize with our shenanigans (we will steal ur gender)
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Fernando and Fisi pictures that I like and enjoy a normal amount (pt. 1: 2005)
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#please please please lmk in the tags which are your favs and why#ill go first: the one where theyre holding up the engine in a very babygirl way and the one where theyre being picked up#but also all the post aus gp ones(the ones where they're holding hands above their heads)#ALSO THE ONES OF THEM IN STRIPED SUITS IT IS SERVING CORRUPT MAFIA MEN#actually i need to stop before i list every pic...like the point of the post is that i love all these pics....#anyways i think theyre v endearing to me as a duo bcs theyre relatively the same height and those cute renault suits make them look shorter#so theyre like twins or smth to me LOL#(btw i was so surprised to learn that fisi is almost a decade older than nando! they rly dont look that much different in age)#also this is not an insult btw but fisi is endearing to me bcs his smile always looks like hes looking directly into the sun LOLOL#i think at some point i should rly make a fisi comp post bcs i ended up saving a lot of pics of him bcs he is my unexpected blorbo#these are all def 2005 but if not feel free to come admonish me for mixing up djkskd#ill make a 2006 pt 2(bcs ive yet to delve into those archives just yet)#i could probably make a 2005 pt2 honestly bcs i have like uhhhhh...2-3x the amnt of pics here of them!#so yeah lmk if you would like those too :) the grind never stops in terms of deep diving pics#this post kinda makes me wish i made photo highlight posts along w my post-race gifs#also if you want to enquire as to what race/event a specific pic is feel free to drop an ask or dm#fernando alonso#giancarlo fisichella#renault#2005 formula 1#formula 1#f1#formula one#renault nando#fa14#fisico#fisi#we do a little bit of f1
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shenxhi · 1 year
— Shadowhydrangea Mafia AU!!.
In this AU Macaque is one of the powerful Mafia bosses.And has a huge Criminal empire.To hide all his shady business he covers it up as a CEO/owner of Cello Weapon company.And Xei(my oc) is his little miss secretary.Macaque took her in after being kidnapped and ever since that he's been looking out for her.And Xei (My Oc) is aware that his a Mafia Boss,he doesn't mind working for him honestly and she minds her own business aswell.Shes quite oblivious that she is in potential danger due to being very close to him and Macaque would keep her close at all times.—
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fiona-kitsune13 · 2 years
Oc Meiying
So before I start writing to much for my Au's I thought I could explain my oc Meiying. Her role slightly changes depending on the Au.
Meiying is a fox demon, her normal abilities consist of a blue fire that she can combine with spells (her fire isn't as hot as red sons).
She can create illusions however how long she can hold it depends on how complex it is.
She can shapeshift but theres limits to it, like she can only copy other people, it cant be random.
Her fox form has three sizes small, normal and big.
Her special ability is a spirit thread, this allows her to change things in a person depending on the point she hits on your body. If she hits your head she can summon strings that connect to memories which allow her to change them. This ability is very draining.
She has an artifact that she is training her adopted daughter to use. It's an orb that can shrink, she keeps it trapped on a necklace. The orb is connected to different dimensions, this becomes useful in the What If Au as it allows the user to travel to different dimensions.
She is married to Silver and has one daughter that she adopted. She runs a bakery called the marble fox. Shes super close to the six eared Macaque, hes practically family to her. Through Macaque she makes friends with princess Iron fan and she bonds with Pigsy over cooking. Most will go to her for her honest insight and advice, shes always honest in her opinions.
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novelcain · 1 year
ahem, lol hi, i saw wukong in a suit and ascended, just imagine the thought of bandaging up his wounds after a nasty fight he won, Wukong having to have his suit jacket off and his dress shirt open, while reader is nearly on his lap disinfecting a cut on his forehead and with him just casually and gently grabbing reader's chin and making her look straight into his eyes while saying "here's a better angle, though it might work better if you're closer to me, no?'
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The way I'm fucking sweating reading this rn! istfg you can't just make me simp so hard like this it's illegal!😩
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Also I'm glad you liked it!😊
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sameteeth · 2 months
anyways, i do think its really interesting that chuuya figures out that dazai was putting pieces into place to get him ousted from the sheep like a month ahead of time... its also really interesting to consider WHY dazai did it and the implications it carries. dazai watches shirase and yuan pressure and guilt chuuya about "doing his part" for the sheep as a person with an ability, then immediately takes action to relieve pressure from chuuya
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which is kinda funny bc dazai at least in the short term is following what shirase is saying - dazai has the ability to help save the hostages, and he does lol. demon prodigy indeed. MORE IMPORTANTLY though. dazai recognizes that chuuya is being controlled by the sheep even though he is the leader. chuuya and mori make good comparisons here - this arc starts with mori bemoaning his responsibility as the boss of the port mafia, and we see chuuya consistently failing to do his responsibility as the leader of the sheep. he even denies the title of king, stating that it's only his ability that puts him above the rest. to digress a bit, i think this is partly why when chuuya joins the port mafia he so quickly submits to them - he is no longer the sole ability user, and thus the responsibility doesnt rely entirely on him to protect the group. something to be said here about the way bsd almost never touches on the ability user vs non-ability user dichotomy but ill save that. back to the main point. dazai takes it upon himself to free chuuya from the sheep. he acknowledges the limitations chuuya has to function under as the leader of the sheep and the weight of the responsibility he bears for no reason other than his ability
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but then! dazai forces chuuya into the port mafia to save him from the sheep ! doesnt that seem contradictory??? isnt that hypocritical? chuuya seems pissed about it!
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granted, I'd be pissed too if my friends stabbed me with a switch covered in rat poison then tried to gun me down. regardless, chuuya can see how dazai set him up to be outcast from the sheep without having to break the tie himself. chuuya is loyal to the sheep, even when they distrust him. But! this gives chuuya a chance to escape, even if it's to the port mafia. i think the important thing to focus on here is that the port mafia is an Actual organization made up of adults. the sheep are a bunch of kids, ones that are easily led. the limited pieces we see of them are shirase and yuan, who throw temper tantrums and try to clumsily manipulate chuuya when he doesn't listen to them. they admit to stealing alcohol from mafia-adjacent territory and just generally seem immature... because theyre kids. but what we see of the mafia is much different. mori is a strong leader because he is smart and rational. he thinks ahead. he, unlike chuuya, is the leader because he wants to protect yokohama, and understands the sacrifice necessary to do so. chuuya is the leader because no one could beat him in a fight. the port mafia offers a chance for growth (ignoring that these are children in the mafia ok play with me here) as a fighter and as a leader - chuuya becomes an exec when he's still a teenager i think (theres not a specific age anywhere i can find) and is a much more calm and smart fighter once he joins.
so it's good (play with me) that chuuya is able to join the port mafia. BUT he would never have been able to leave if dazai had not forced his hand. this paradox - the idea that chuuya obtains freedom from being forced to leave something he doesn't want to - is SUPER interesting to consider !! here i will dissolve into rambles. i learned about this paradox in the context of mary wollstonecraft and the vindication of the rights of women - wollstonecraft believed only educated people could truly be free, as they were not only free of oppression but also no longer slaves to their emotions, and were able to have opportunities and use their education for their own betterment. the situation with chuuya reminded me of this, because with the sheep chuuya had no one to rely on or to teach him, limiting his capacity for growth and ultimately his freedom. the sheep were reliant on him for protection, and feared him, but chuuya had everything to lose if he were to try and leave the sheep. he had nothing without them, and they needed him for his power. but they were beholden to their emotions, immature and uncertain how to actually get power. their primary motivators for action are retaliation - dazai mentions this when chuuya attacks him, and shirase and yuan mention this when they are urging chuuya to help them. but when chuuya talks to mori and koyo (<3) about their actions, both of them are much more forward thinking than that. mori is very cunning and sly, and koyo tells chuuya that even if things go south in the meeting she's taking him to to, they know how to move forward. chuuya's world has expanded beyond the sheep's limited gaze.
of course, he's still trapped in the port mafia, but if you REALLY want to discuss free will..... we'll be here all fucking night. free will is really hard to pin down and i always have to talk about determinism and its a lot to wrap ur head around and i just like drawing connections between stuff i like
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I'll draw and write lore for the most popular one.
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