#logan and desiree.
f1loverleclerc · 3 months
Synopsis-She is the first female to win a Formula one Champion. She excelled in her races becoming a force to reckoning with.But not only is her return a shock to the world but out of all teams she chose to get signed to Haas to be teammates with Nico Hülkenberg. Having the opportunity to relive her short ended career. But what happens when a certain Ferrari driver starts to change up her whole plan.
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Isla Desiree Sinclair-Isla Desiree Sinclair is a four time formula one champion. She driven for McLaren’s her whole career till 2016 when she suffered a neck injury putting her out for two years. But now she is back and she is ready to win more world championships.
Born: September 14 1993 (age 27) São Paulo Brazil
Height: 5’7
Nationality: Half Brazilian & Half Dominican.
Parents: Nikita and Jace Sinclair (deceased)
Siblings: Lorelei SinClair
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Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc is a Monégasque racing driver, currently racing in Formula One for Scuderia Ferrari.He won the GP3 Series championship in 2016 and the FIA Formula 2 Championship in 2017.
Born: October 16, 1997 (age 23 years), Monte Carlo, Monaco
Height: 5′ 11″
Nationality: Monacan
Parents: Hervé Leclerc, Pascale Leclerc
Current team: Scuderia Ferrari
Siblings: Arthur Leclerc, Lorenzo Leclerc
The story takes place during the 2021 season. Prior to Joining formula one in 2010, Isla use to be a notorious street racer who was recruited by Formula one. Isla was also the only driver to ever to join formula one without any formula one training.She is known to do crazy stunt on the track. She was a untrained rookie when Mclaren, took a chance on her. Jumping her history making career. she became the first rookie to win a word champion in her first year. She earned herself the nickname of Lady Flash for her ability to drive beyond the car speed limits and any given limit. Isla doesn't care about pleasing anyone. She is a brutally honest person, she is dedicated to her career and she will stand up to anything or anyone that gets in her way.
She became champion in the years of 2010-2013-2014-2015.
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oughtnots · 1 year
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saw an incredible shirt today
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akajustmerry · 1 year
things *i* reckon everyone should watch during pride month!!
the bisexual (2018), created by desiree akhavan
a queer marxist analysis of the barbie films, video essay by alexander avila
the watermelon woman (1996). dir. cheryl dunye
that one episode of soulmates starring bill skarsgard and nathan stewart jarrett
paris is burning (1990). dir. jennie Livingston
every music video belonging to lil nas and mika
sort of (2021-), series created by genderqueer legend bilal baig
st trinians 2: legend of fritton's gold (2009)
bisexual lighting: the rise of pink, purple and blue, video essay by KyleKallgrenBHH
logan roy, rolling with the lgbt succession fancam
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historyhermann · 2 years
Sarah, the book jail, and the "sanctity of library property" in "Too Loud"
As you all might remember, back in February 2021, I wrote about Too Loud, a short-lived animated series, for I Love Libraries, calling it a "example of libraries in animation" which viewers of all ages can "enjoy its message about the value of libraries." However, the above shown episode is something I'd like to revisit in this post. When writing that article, I was under the impression that my articles for I Love Libraries needed to be positive and upbeat, resulting in me downplaying some criticisms I had when shows portrayed libraries in a negative way, so I'd like to revisit that, building on my original perception that the episode "does sound pretty negative." [1] In the future, I may revisit some of my other posts I wrote for I Love Libraries and be more critical than I was in the past. This post is part of that. I know that not everyone will agree with everything I write in this post, but decided to write this post anyway, even though it is obviously not comprehensive on any of the issues addressed in this article, only touching on the surface of them.
The episode begins with Desiree (presenting as Jeffrey), Sarah, and Sara crossing off late returns from the list, with Sara saying they don't mess around with late library books. The viewers then see a book jail of offenders which is guarded by Mildred, another librarian. Desiree confirms that, declaring that as librarians they rule "with a iron fist." This is a terrifying thought, with librarians coming and repossessing books through use of force, and it scares Sarah so much that she doesn't even want go along with the scheme, at first.
They go to find the last book on their list, about juggling, but the person, Logan, says the book "ties the room together" and that it is his copy, closing the door on them. So, they break into a person's house to get an overdue book. Sarah is unsure about this plan, calling it extreme, but Desiree keeps talking about the iron fist of the librarian and tells her to think about the “sanctity of library property.” Sarah agrees to help them and sneak into the house, becoming a rat queen, with Sara and Desiree distracting Logan. Eventually they get their handle on the book, with Sara describing it as "library property." After the room collapses, it turns out the book they had grabbed is the wrong one, with Jeffrey having the book in his "cavernous pie hole" but had forgot to re-shelve it. Following this, Sara and Sarah leave, while Desiree is left there, as a piece of the drywall comes and seems to kill (or injure) Logan, and the episode comes to a close.
When I originally looked at this series I said that Sarah, Sara, and Desiree learn the less that "being punitive with those who have overdue books is not worth it." I don't think that's the lesson at all. Instead, I think this episode is highlighting the importance of proper organization and cataloging. If Desiree had cataloged the book correctly, then it wouldn't have been on the overdue visit in the first place, and this whole incident would have been unnecessary. More than that, I would say this episode shows how libraries can be punitive with wanting to protect their property and implying the interconnection of this with the criminal legal system, embodied by the book jail:
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You could easily interpret that the episode as criticizing this punitive nature of libraries. Even so, the episode is relatively short, not even six minutes long, so there isn't that much time to explore these themes. However, the episode can still be related to how libraries, in the real world, work with the criminal legal system and the police force, something which has been contentious in recent years. This came to the fore when it was noted by Teen Vogue that the budget of the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) prioritized policing since John Szabo became the head of the library system,  with organizers finding that 5% of the library budget went to security in 2020 alone, and funneled toward the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).
Other libraries have done the same, like Austin Public Library and Denver Public Library, while there has been cop-free library movements in "St. Louis, New York City, and at Ivy League University libraries." A similar movement at the St. Louis County Library, the latter which was successful, and efforts to replace "police with social service workers," while community policing is used by the LAPD in libraries themselves was also noted. This is all part of a push for more library policing. This has been resisted by groups like the Abolitionist Library Association (AbLA), described as "a group of library workers, students, and community members who aim to divest money from policing in libraries and redistribute resources to communities." AbLA defines themselves as supporting a world without prisons or policing, with a goal to "create libraries that are rooted in community self-determination and intellectual freedom through collective action," achieving this by establishing a group of "library and information workers to support each other in doing divestment work," sharing ideas, support, and strategy for "abolition in libraries," along with "creating and sharing resources about ending police involvement in information spaces and...pressuring stakeholders and decision-makers to divest from police."
Whether you agree with AbLA or not, the fact is that libraries are intertwined with police departments in their respective cities and/or institutions. This makes sense since libraries are public entities, part of the government, university, or other institution, not something separate, for the most part, with some libraries created and run by their communities as an exception. Library literature itself, as noted by Ben Robinson in the publication In the Library with the Lead Pipe, often encourages library staff "develop close relationships with local police and security guards without considering the negative effects this closeness can have on patrons who are Black, Indigenous or people of colour (BIPOC), people experiencing mental illness, and people from other marginalized communities," even though research has shown the latter. Robinson argues that in order to make libraries safe places for everyone, those working in libraries need to "incorporate insights from other disciplines into their practice and begin to meaningfully address the complicated roles of police and security guards in the public library." Other articles noted that some libraries are revisiting how they have historically interacted with police, whether through hosting "police-led community programming...hiring off-duty police as security officers, or calling 911 on disruptive patrons," with divestment for police also argued for by the Library Freedom Project.
There is evidence that public libraries in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Washington State, California, and Baltimore, teamed up with police to share their data. If libraries are willingly partnering with police, letting them provide security, and supporting them in different ways, then how effective can libraries be in "stopping the school-to-prison pipeline that disproportionately impacts Black youth" which ALA President Wanda Kay Brown believed that libraries could do? It seems that if a library partnered with police it would invalidate any positive good which would come from anti-racist action. This would even be the case for the library preserving the websites of police unions, organizations which support the police no matter what, even if they brutalize and hurt people.
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I would further argue that this episode of Too Loud notes the connection between libraries and the criminal legal system rather than accepting it  as a norm. While I don't want to overthink this topic, I do think the fact that the books are described as "library property" that needs to be kept no matter the consequences to patrons is an interesting theme. It can easily be connected to the punitive nature of the criminal legal system, with some libraries coming down much harder on patrons than others. And this feeds into stereotypes about libraries, manifested by librarians aggressively shushing patrons in animated series after animated series. However, Too Loud does not fall into that stereotype. Instead, this enforcement, the library bringing down its "iron fist," is just seen as part of the library itself.
Perhaps that is the takeaway from this episode, that libraries are not always the rosy places we see them as, but can have a "dark side" as it could be called, which can be punitive. This makes it no surprise that some are intimidated by libraries, as fines can be punitive in various ways, especially since fine-free initiatives have not reached all libraries, with some sticking to it, even if it draws away patrons. Unlike Little Free Library and others, which actively cooperate with the police,  from what I remember, no police are ever shown in the public library in Too Loud, nor is the library flying any flags which support police unconditionally. That doesn't mean that police don't exist, in that world. By having something like a book jail, the library is clearly supporting the criminal legal system, if we are to take the visualization of the book jail seriously, and not as something that Sarah created in her head, which is a possibility, I suppose.
With an episode that is so short, there are a multitude of explanations here, but I believe that people can take from the episode, at most, about the interconnection of libraries and the criminal legal system, and at minimum, about the too often punitive nature of libraries, even those which have committed themselves to anti-racist actions. While the latter has been addressed with fine-free initiatives, the former has largely been kept in place in many libraries. With continued police brutality and terrorizing of certain populations, in the U.S. (where the library in Too Loud is undoubtedly located), libraries should rethink their relation to police and make sure they are not playing a role in supporting oppressive systems. You could say there are many reasons you could come up with for using police presence in a library, especially for security reasons, when it comes to stopping so-called "problem patrons" (i.e. usually unhoused people), "theft," or people protesting sensible mask mandates. Such approaches are often not done while considering that bringing police into a library will push away patrons, especially Black and brown people, who do not want to be in the same place as those who brutalize their communities, and the fact such people will not feel safe in those spaces. These approaches undermine the role of the library as a community space for all.
In the end, the Too Loud episode, "Checked Out," could be interpreted in so many ways, and I'm, personally, not sure which interpretation is the right one, and which is the wrong one. One conclusion that could be drawn from the episode is that libraries, and librarians by extension, are not neutral, but rather they are political institutions which are part of oppressive systems, whether they state they are, or not. Just as museums, archives, and other cultural institutions are not, and have never been, neutral, the same applies to libraries as well. That could be the biggest takeaway from this, as they are not shown cooperating with the police directly like the superheroes in DC Super Hero Girls in many of the episodes, and rather are enforcing rules on their own. With that, this post comes to a close.
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Sara declares a book on the shelf is library property and must be seized
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] In an email on Feb. 2, I told Lindsey Simon, formerly of ALA, this, adding that I wasn't sure about the episode, and saying that I believed they learn a lesson in the end, as the house the library is in literally collapses, adding that the book jail may be imagined, or even real, maybe in Sarah's mind. Also, the post's original title was "Having fun in the library: The uniqueness of “Too Loud”" but that was changed before its publication.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Library Review and Wayback Machine
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slutfornat · 3 years
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Shadow and Bone Masterlist
Marvel Masterlist
American Horror Story Masterlist
Criminal Minds Masterlist
MPHFPC Masterlist
Percy Jackson Masterlist
Harry Potter Masterlist
DC Masterlist
Hi, I'm Lucia, I'm 18. I write for several fandoms (above), I like animals and books. My pronouns are she/they and I'm pansexual. I don't mind writing for teen!reader so long as it's platonic. I will accept asks at any time and my inbox is always open but they might not be posted for a couple of days. My taglist is open if anyone wants to join it.
this blog does not support racism, homophobia, transphobia, antisemitism, sexism, or any other form of hate/prejudice. this includes jkr and tom felton. if you support these things, do not interact with me or my content. If you are interacting with any nsfw then 18+ but 14+ if it's just sfw or platonic fics that you are reading.
Here is my Kinktober Post. (all taken)
Kinktober Order
Here's my 1.2k Sleepover.
Thirsty Thursday Post
Kinkmas 2021 Post (all taken)
Won't Write: noncon, piss kink, incest, pedophilia, underage sex.
Marvel Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Yelena Belova, Bucky Barnes, Helmut Zemo, Carol Danvers, Peter Parker, Pietro Maximoff.
JatP Characters: Luke Patterson, Reggie Peters, Julie Molina, Carrie Wilson.
SaB Characters: Kaz Brekker, General Kirigan, Inej Ghafa, Jesper Fahey, Alina Starkov, Nina Zenik.
Marauders Era: Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, James Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Dorcas Meadowes, Sirius Black, Regulus Black.
Harry Potter Characters: Pansy Parkinson, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Blaise Zabini, Bill Weasley, Theo Nott, Hermione Granger, Mattheo Riddle and Ginny Weasley.
Criminal Minds Characters: Jennifer Jareau, Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia and Luke Alves.
Percy Jackson Characters: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Piper Mclean, Jason Grace, Thalia Grace, Silena Beauregard.
Titans Characters: Rachel Roth, Koriand'r, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Garfield Logan.
Murder House: Violet Harmon, Tate Langdon and Nora Montgomery.
Asylum: Kit Walker, Sister Mary Eunice and Lana Winters.
Coven: Madison Montgomery, Zoe Benson, Misty Day and Kyle Spencer.
Freak Show: Maggie Esmerelda, Jimmy Darling, Desiree Dupree and Dandy Mott.
Hotel: James March, Elizabeth Johnson, Sally Mckenna and Tristan Duffy.
Cult: Winter Anderson, Kai Anderson and Ally Mayfair-Richards.
Taglist -
@citrus-cider @evilcr0ne @wandaswifeyforlifey @invictusbabey
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multimusesblog · 3 years
Current Muses
A list of the current characters I play on this blog, organized by the first letter of their names
Abigail Lincoln (Codename: Kids Next Door)
Andy Hatsune (My portrayal of the Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin)
Angelica Pickles (Rugrats: All Grown Up)
Articuno (Pokemon)
Ashley (All That)
Ashley Spinelli (Recess)
Arnold Shortman (Hey Arnold)
AJ (The Fairly OddParents)
Angel (Lilo and Stitch)
Annie Knitts (South Park)
Android 18 (Dragonball Z)
Android 17 (Dragonball Z)
Android 21 (Dragonball Z)
Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Adyson Sweetwater (Phineas and Ferb)
Alejandro Burromuerto (Total Drama)
Alice Angel (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Alice Hatsune (Friday Night Funkin)
Arcanine (Pokemon)
Aquamarine (Steven Universe)
Aoi Asahina (Danganronpa)
Amy (Total Drama)
Artemis (Greek Mythology)
Athena (Greek Mythology)
Anne Marie/Rogue (X-Men)
Ami Onuki (Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi Show)
Bart Simpson (The Simpsons)
Bubbles (The Powerpuff Girls)
Benjamin Fairest (Friday Night Funkin: Soft Mod)
Buttercup (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bunny (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bliss (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bill Cypher (Gravity Falls)
Bebe Stevens (South Park)
Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas and Ferb)
Blossom (The Powerpuff Girls)
Brick (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bradley Biggle
Boomer (The Powerpuff Girls)
Butch (The Powerpuff Girls)
Bell (Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi)
Bendy the Dancing Demon (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Brittney (Alvin and the Chipmunks)
Ben Drowned (Creepypastas)
Buster Bunny (Tiny Toon Adventures)
Babs Bunny (Tiny Toon Adventures)
Bulma Briefs (Dragonball Z)
Clyde Donovan (South Park)
Craig Tucker (South Park)
Chara (Undertale)
Chris McLean (Total Drama)
Connie Maheswaran (Steven Universe)
Crosshatch (Creepypastas)
Chloe Carmichael (The Fairly OddParents)
Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa)
Carol (Friday Night Funkin)
Carol McCormick (South Park)
Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
Camillia/Monday Dusk Monolith Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Courtney (Total Drama)
Circus Baby (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Cornelia Vale (W.I.T.C.H.)
Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Damien Thorn (South Park)
Dick Grayson/Robin (Teen Titans)
Disgust (Inside Out)
Duncan (Total Drama)
Dwayne Junior (Total Drama)
Daria Morgendorrfer (Daria)
Desiree (Danny Phantom)
Dark Magician Girl (Yugioh)
Dovahkiin (South Park)
Dot Warner (Animaniacs)
Dora Marquez (Dora the Explorer)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Elsa (Frozen)
Eliza Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Elmyra Duff (Tiny Toon Adventures)
Eric Cartman (South Park)
Eevee (Pokemon)
Ember McLain (Danny Phantom)
Ferb Fletcher (Phineas and Ferb)
Fifi La Fume (Tiny Toon Adventures)
Frank/Saturday Night Swappin Boyfriend (Friday Night Funkin)
Firkle (South Park)
Flippy (Happy Tree Friends)
Fetch (Fazbear Frights)
Freddy Fazbear (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Frisk (Undertale)
Gregory (South Park)
Gretchen (Phineas and Ferb)
Ginger Hirano (Phineas and Ferb)
Giffany (Gravity Falls)
Gaz (Invader ZIM)
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy (Teen Titans)
Gatomon (Digimon)
Growlithe (Pokemon)
Grace Dearest/Soft Mod GF (Friday Night Funkin)
Gerald Johanssen (Hey Arnold)
Helga Pataki (Hey Arnold)
Holly (Phineas and Ferb)
Hecate (Greek Mythology)
Hestia (Greek Mythology)
Hades (Greek Mythology)
Hay Lin (W.I.T.C.H.)
Heidi Turner (South Park)
Heather (Total Drama)
Heather (South Park)
Houndoom (Pokemon)
Henrietta Biggle (South Park)
Hank J. Wimbleton (Madness Combat)
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro (Phineas and Ferb)
Ino Yamanaka (Naruto)
Itsumi (Salty's Sunday Night)
Inez (Cyberchase)
Jeremy Johnson (Phineas and Ferb)
Jenny Simons (South Park)
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Jimmy Valmer (South Park)
Jimmy Neutron (The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)
Jorgen von Strangle (The Fairly Oddparents)
Jackie (Cyberchase)
Kyle Broflovski (South Park)
Kenny McCormick (South Park)
Karen McCormick (South Park)
Kevin Levin (Ben 10)
Kevin Stoley (South Park)
Kevin McCormick (South Park)
Kim Possible
Koriand'r/Starfire (Teen Titans)
Komand'r/Blackfire (Teen Titans)
Kris (Deltarune)
Liane Cartman (South Park)
Lexus (South Park)
Lola Loud (The Loud House)
Lucy Loud (The Loud House)
Lord Dominator (Wander over Yonder)
Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons)
LeShawna (Total Drama)
Lila Sawyer (Hey Arnold)
Lilo Pelekai (Lilo and Stitch)
Leopold "Butters" Stotch (South Park)
Lola (South Park)
Luna Loud (The Loud House)
Leopold "Butters" Stotch (South Park)
Mickey Mouse (Disney)
Mickey Mouse (South Park)
Matt (Cyberchase)
Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
Mark Cotswolds (South Park)
Nelly (South Park)
Nights (Nights into Dreams)
Nichole Daniels (South Park)
Nene (Pico's School)
Olga Pataki (Hey Arnold)
Ororo Munroe/Storm (X-Men)
Phoebe Heyerdahl (Hey Arnold)
Porsche (South Park)
Pete Thelman (South Park)
Princess Morbucks (The Powerpuff Girls)
Pepper Ann Pearson (Pepper Ann)
Pico (Pico's School)
Pan (Dragonball GT)
Red McArthur (South Park)
Rachel Roth/Raven (Teen Titans)
Rebecca Cotswolds (South Park)
Sky (Friday Night Funkin)
Stan Marsh (South Park)
Stacy Hirano (Phineas and Ferb)
Shelly Marsh (South Park)
Sparky (South Park)
Sharon Marsh (South Park)
Scott Malkinson (South Park)
Shego (Kim Possible)
Timmy Turner (The Fairly OddParents)
Trixie Tang (The Fairly Oddparents)
Timmy Burch (South Park)
Tweek Tweak (South Park)
Tootie (The Fairly Oddparents)
Tori Vega (Victorious)
Vegeta (Dragonball Z)
Vicky (The Fairly OddParents)
Vendetta (Making Fiends)
Wendy Testaburger (South Park)
Wakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Yakko Warner (Animaniacs)
Zim (Invader ZIM)
Zapdos (Pokemon)
Zeno (Zatch Bell)
More will be added later
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batcavescolony · 2 years
So you can find out what your name could have been based on the year you're born and the ranking your name has. So I did that with comic book characters and the year they were introduced in comics.
Richard (Grayson)
5th most popular boys name in 1940
Today-Elijah, 2000's-Daniel, 1950s-David
Timothy (Drake)
28th most popular boys name in 1989
Today-John, 2000s-Logan, 1950s-Douglas
Jason (Todd)
7th most popular boys name in 1983
Today-Benjamin, 2000s-Andrew, 1950s-Richard
Damian (Wayne)
137th most popular boys name in 2006
Today-Juan, 2000s-Grant, 1950s-Benjamin
Duke (Thomas)
570th most popular boys name in 2014
Today-Amos, 2000s-Clay, 1950s-Rolando
Cassandra (Cain)
87th most popular girls name in 1999
Today-Josephine, 2000s-Arianna,1950s-Suzanne
Stephanie (Brown)
8th most popular girls name in 1992
Today-Mia, 2000s-Samantha, 1950s-Karen
Bruce (Wayne)
63rd most popular boys name in 1939
Today-Landon, 2000s-Eric, 1950s-Roy
Alfred (Pennyworth)
77th most popular boys name in 1943
Today-Jameson, 2000s-Jeremiah, 1950s-Phillip
Barbra (Gordon)
519th most popular girls name in 1967
Today-Reyna, 2000s-Adeline, 1950s-Desiree
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lovehugsandcandy · 3 years
One-on-One: Love (N*FW, ColtxMC, ROD)
A/N: This is a birthday gift for the lovely @desiree-pow (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE! I hope that this bday is AMAZING - you deserve it!!!). This is also the last (maybe?) one-shot in the Colt!basketball AU that no one asked for. (Series here)
Length: ~1,800 words 
Rating:  N*FW (Swearing and sex)
Summary: That’s one way to improve morale after a loss.
Ellie bounced Jaylen on her lap, trying futility to keep him occupied as the final seconds ticked by. The Knicks were down by 11; even with thirty seconds on the clock, this game was over.
“Ugh,” she moaned, standing at the final horn and turning to Brandi, the sole friend she had made amongst the other players’ wives. “This loss means Colt is going to be in a god awful mood tonight.”
“Oh no,” Brandi replied, fixing her with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t mind when they lose. Kevin gets all his anger out in the best way, if you know what I mean.”
Ellie blinked, mind slowly catching up to the implication, as she cradled her son closer. Her thoughts raced before finally settling on awe. It was a fantastic idea; she was amazed she hadn’t thought of it before. 
She knew Colt better than anyone. 
She knew he liked winning.
But she knew he loved her more, desperately, ferociously; she had seen it repeatedly, from callused fingertips tracing ever so gently over goosebumps emerging on her bare skin to his willingness to temper even his worst impulses for her sake. His absolute adoration had quelled many of the ceaseless on-court fistfights, though the smart mouth spitting insults remained. His devotion had convinced him to refuse multiple trade requests for the sake of their family. And it had even reduced the constant bickering targeted at Logan, though nothing would squash every jab.
Together, they had navigated graduations and parenthood, dissertations and Championships.
Of course she could get him over one loss.
It was brilliant.
She heard the front door creak open right as Jaylen drifted off to sleep, easing the nursery door closed as quietly as she could, Brandi’s words still bouncing around her brain, she waited two beats to make sure that he didn’t stir before creeping away.
When she edged downstairs, bare feet slow on the carpet, it was quiet but, if she focused, she could hear quiet clicking, tapping of fingers on a keyboard barely audible from the living room. She peeked in; the laptop screen illuminated Colt’s face, game tape already rolling in front of him.
“Hey, Colt?”
He didn’t respond, eyes glued on the movement in front of him, tight fingers reaching for his cell phone.
“Hmm? Is the baby asleep?” He didn’t look up, not even when she stalked closer to lean over the couch and drag her palms over his chest, damp hair from the locker room shower tickling her cheek. “That fucking asshole,” he murmured, still transfixed by the screen; she rolled her eyes.
“Colt, come to bed.”
“In a minute, I gotta-“
“Coooolt.” Her teeth grazed his earlobe, and he shuddered, tremble rolling up and down his spine, but still his gaze remained on the screen.
“Baby, I-” His fingers were tense around the phone but his words cut off sharply, inhale whistling harshly through his teeth as her fingertips walked slow, teasing circles underneath his t-shirt, down the taut muscles of his chest.
“The tape will be there tomorrow.”
“But I need to-“ He sucked in a breath, again, as her teeth teased the tendon in his neck, and he grabbed hold of her hair when she paused, gently keeping her pinned in place as she nibbled a possessive mark into his skin. “Baby…”
“Come on.” She stood, edging backwards toward the stairs, and smirked when he turned to face her, leather couch creaking beneath him. His eyes trailed down, flashing greedy and dark, intent on where her fingers fiddled with the bottom hem of the grey sweatshirt.
“Logan’s supposed to call me, we’re gonna go over tape.”
She raised her eyebrows, saying nothing, and pulled her sweatshirt over her head, noting the exact moment when his eyes drifted down to the jersey underneath, Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed.
“We’re supposed to…” He trailed off helplessly as the phone in his hand began blaring, glancing between the lit screen and to where her hands were making their way to the front of her jeans. “Baby, this isn’t fair.”
She bit her lip when she popped the button, taking her time with the zipper, and had just started inching the denim down her thighs when he dropped the phone, still ringing as it bounced to the ground. He leaned forward, eyes intent on the emerging skin, and she grinned in victory, kicking away the fabric when it reached her toes.
She had just put her fingers on the hem of her jersey when he leapt clear over the back of the couch; she giggled as she stumbled backwards, but he was faster, long legs tracking her as if he were streaking towards the net. However, instead of the basketball, she was the prize. 
And Colt always demanded his prize.
“Fuck no.” He pulled her hands away from the Knicks blue, dragging her against his chest. “Leave it on.” 
“You are such a narcissist. You just want me wearing your name.”
“Our name,” he corrected, sliding warm fingertips up her sides to settle underneath her bra. “And it doesn’t matter ‘cuz you know you’re gonna be screaming my name in a minute.”
“You are such a- oh.”
His teeth were against her neck as she sagged against him, back resting against his chest as strong fingers dug insistently on her hipbones, leading her towards the stairs. “That was completely unfair. You cheat worse than the fucking Nets.” Behind them, Colts cell phone was still blaring from somewhere under the couch, but she could only focus on the hushed promises being dropped into her ear. “And, when we get to our bedroom, I’m gonna take you apart just like I did them in the fucking playoffs.”
But they didn’t make it to the bedroom, anyway.
She sassed back, “I think I can play tougher defense than they can.” But it was difficult walking, Colt plastered behind her, chuckling against her neck before his lips moved to the curve of her shoulder, teeth print on her skin marking her as his as much as the six letters on her back. He teased the line of her panties, fingertips dipping incrementally closer as revenge for her sharp tongue; by the time they got to the bottom step, her words were gibberish, unintelligible, and the muscled arms around her waist were the only things keeping her weak knees from giving out.
She made it one step, then two, the line of his chest solid against her back and his cock stiffening against her ass, grinding in an utterly distracting and entirely indecent way, and she couldn’t be blamed for missing the next step, collapsing to her knees on the plush carpet.
“Fuck, Ellie.” He followed her down, pinned to her the entire way, and his hands curved over hers on the step. “Ok?”
“Please,” she whined, the only coherent sound she could make through the fog over taking her body and mind. “Just please.”
“Fuck.” The word landed hot against her neck and he moved, shifting back, and she heard rustling, fabric being pulled away, her underwear tugged down to a rushed tangle at her knees, and then he was lining up behind her. Her forehead dropped to a stair as he slid inside her, her eyes squeezing shut and mouth falling open as the familiar stretch sent lightning up her nerves. “Ellie, God, you feel incredible.”
She inhaled, trying to somehow get oxygen into her heaving lungs; he felt incredible, joined as one and hard inside her, hands warm and solid on her hips, teeth digging designs at the curve of her neck. “Colt, move, just move, please.”
He huffed a laugh against her skin and obliged, slow at first, settling deeper and deeper until he was just right, her thighs clenching as pleasure flickered and flared up her spine, then back down, jolting every nerve ending until she could feel it in her toes.
She moaned, low and lusty and downright filthy, and her nails scratched against the carpet as his hips moved faster; she worried for a moment that she tore a thread from the floor but, with the next thrust, it didn’t even matter because all she could do was moan into the carpet. Her hand flew to her mouth to dampen the keening cry pulled from her lips, but Colt only dragged her hand away, interlocking their fingers as he moved faster, hips pushing her forward and forehead sliding over the rug.
“Fuck, I want to hear you, El.”
“But the baby…”
“Don’t care.”
“But oh God, Colt there, please- I can’t-”
He pivoted his hips just so and the noise that came out of her mouth was unnatural, high and debauched and inhuman. The world shook around her as her vision swam, carpet fading in and out of vision as she tightened her fingers around his, something to cling to as the world fell apart. She barely registered when he shifted, fingertips of his other hand digging into her hip bones to pull her hips flush against his, or his moan, low in her ear; she was still shaking, weakened body sinking lower until she and Colt landed flat on the stairs, a pile of limbs and ragged breath. 
She was a sated, pliant mess when he eased her up off the stairs, guiding her to their bedroom to tug off the jersey, her bra, and his entire tracksuit, now wrinkled and defiled beyond repair. He was just kissing down her ear when she bit her lip and grinned. “Are you feeling better about that loss now?”
“What loss?” he murmured into her skin.
She chuckled, craning her neck back as he reached that sensitive spot at her shoulder and continued down. “The game tonight?” It was getting harder to form words.
“What game tonight?”
She laughed again and had a smart reply at the ready before a tinny cry cut through the air. Colt dropped his forehead against her stomach. “I knew you’d wake the baby.”
“He has the absolute worst timing.”
“Colt?” She ran her fingers through his hair. “Can you…?”
“Maybe go see if you can put him back to sleep?”
He looked up, eyes narrowing. “Ellie…”
“Please?” She put on her best pout, curling her fingers over the sensitive spot behind his ears.
“But this was your night.”
She stuck her bottom lip out further, batting her eyelashes.
“Oh, my God! I can’t believe-” Colt groaned, standing up in a huff. “Fine. Fine.” He threw on some boxers, feet stomping heavy as he gave her the evil eye the entire time. “You are so lucky I love you.”
She laughed, listening to his footsteps recede down the hall; gradually, the crying quieted, then ceased, followed by a soothing voice and quiet coos. Twisting the ring around her finger, she smiled and whispered to the universe, “Yeah. I really am.”
Perma @desiree-pow @leelee10898 @emichelle @client-327 @choicesgremlin @brightpinkpeppercorn @thequeenofcronuts @lilyofchoices @choicesarehard @peaceinmidstofchaos @ritachacha @burnsoslow
ROD @omgjasminesimone @mskaneko @lovemychoices @troublemakerinspace @zaffrenotes @alyssalauren
@deimosensblog @alegria1580   @thefarrari @moonlit-girl-wonder @going-down-downtown @soniadotalves @jolietmaraud @flowerpowell@poeticscolt @zaira-oh-zaira @akrenich @sibella-plays-choices  @maxwellsquidsuit  @liamzigmichael4ever @octobereighth @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @theeccentricbibliophile @dancingboba @tempesrature @romewritingshop @shondideaira-blog @winchesterwolves @riyana
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god-save-the-keen · 3 years
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So, since I've been writing a little bit again I think is time to update my tags list! If anyone wants to be added to any, let me know, and if anyone doesn't want to be tagged anymore, also feel free to say it! If there's a LI you want to be tagged in case I write about them and it's not in the list, just let me know!
Thomas Mendez x mc ⚖️
@chetachisblog @annekebbphotography @princess-geek @lilyofchoices @ao719 @marycarrillo21 @kamybelen-blog @cxld-play @vaticanwaltz @kingliamrys @x-kyne-x @hatescapsicum @thecordoniandiaries @choicesfannatalie @ernest-harrington
Adrian Raines x mc 🧛
@senator-adrian-raines-wifey @alesana45 @choicesfannatalie @mattrodriguezmylife @bigmemesplz @perriewinklenerdie @x-kyne-x @livingpurpose @adriansbiss @badgoodfishes @amyraineshessa @queencordonia @bloodboundismylife @theitcaramelchick @bloodboundhoe @choices-addict-25 @lexilooloolovessenatorraines @bloodboundstuff @a-raines @nala-raines
Permanent tag list 💻
@gardeningourmet @eileendannie @desiree-pow @dawn-1994 @darley1101 @blackcatkita @flyawayboo @drakewalker04 @luckyferrero @mrawxs
RoD general tag list 🚓
@mskaneko @lilyofchoices
OH general tag list 🏥
@mskaneko @x-kyne-x
Ethan Ramsey x mc 🩺
Bryce Lahela x mc 👨‍⚕️
@annekebbphotography @aylamwrites @anotherbeingsworld
Prince Leo x mc 🤴
Logan x mc 🚗
@annekebbphotography @brightpinkpeppercorn
Daughters of Rheya (I will update it someday, I swear!) 🧛‍♀️
@dcbbw @texaskitten30 @raeylnnsmom @vi-ct-or-ia1 @itsjustwinter
Nik Ryder x mc: 🏹
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Fictober - Day 3
Prompt #3: “I’ve waited for this.” Original Fiction: Broken Mirrors Series Rating: PG Warnings: N/A
Characters: Isabella Desiree Hummel, Irma Gisella Floris Ships: N/A
Isabella smirked from her seat against the wall. Her queen had planned this well. She couldn’t believe that Queen Ethel had honored her with such an important task. All she had to do now was wait.
“Bella, I’m so glad that King Byron brought you along! It’s been dreadfully boring.”
She plastered on her fake smile, “Gisel, it’s nice to see you too. I just arrived. Who else is here?”
Gisella rolled her eyes, “As if you would ever come to something like this without knowing who you’d see.”
“Really I didn’t. It was a last minute change that allowed me to join my king. So my dear, who else came?”
Gisella scoffed, “The Ayers brought Nathan and Logan. You know who came with the Andersons, obviously you and Seyoung. Evie and Feli came with the Bellincioni. The Krupin seem to have brought Leon and Kevyn. I’m here with Rory for the Landviks. I’m pretty sure the Lund sent Lukkas and Dracul ahead of them. I saw Sadiq and Lotte following the Morelli in. The Volkov brought Inno and Rashida. Tapio and Kaylan are here for the Wyther. The Sweeney sent Tiino and Esme ahead of them as well. I’ve never seen King Byron and King Illario arrive without their wives though.”
Isabella nodded, trying not to let her nerves show, “Queen Ethel wished to remain home. She is feeling unwell.”
Gisella nodded, accepting her answer, before glancing over at Feliciano, “I’m going to go say hello to my cousin, but I want to catch up later. I’d love to learn what you’ve been up to. A little bird has said you’ve become high ranking in Anderson intelligence.”
Isabella eyed the petite girl as she walked away from her. Gisella was known for her intelligence gathering, and was a threat to her plan. She’d have to distract her somehow, or maybe she could poison everyone, regardless of not being a royal. Queen Ethel might reprimand her for being sloppy, but as long as she killed the royals gathered her mission would be a success.
“You’ve waited for this moment for two years now Bella, this is no time to get sloppy.”
She shook her head, maybe she can use the other servants as distractions for each other so she could slip into the kitchen.
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flowerpowell · 3 years
The Dream Life of Ellie Wheeler (Colt x MC // Logan x MC)
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A/N: .... I headcanon (fancanon?) that Colt and Ellie live in the same house as they did in The Boy Next Door (except we only have one bedroom here 😉). Sorry for the wait but I hope it’ll be worth it. Let me know what you think about this series because I’m still unsure 🙊 
Rating: G 
Tagging: @delightfullypinkglitter, @mskaneko, @desiree-pow, @lovehugsandcandy, @badchoicesposts​, @kingliam2019​, @client-327​, @walkerduchess​, @sophxwithers​ ❣
“I go on too many dates But I can't make 'em stay At least that's what people say, mm, mm That's what people say, mm, mm”
“My daddy commissary made it to commas Bitch, all my grandmas dead So ain't nobody prayin' for me, I'm on your head, ayy”
“Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake”
“If I gotta go hard on a bitch, I'ma make it look sexy I pull up, hop out, air out, made it look sexy They won't take me out my element Nah, take me out my element”
“Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake I shake it off, I shake it—"
“Hey!” Ellie exclaimed when Colt turned off the radio. “I was listening to something, you know!”
“I was listening to something as well,” he replied, his eyes glued to the road ahead of them. “But since you kept changing my song back to that pop shit, I’d rather drive in silence.”
Ellie rolled her eyes. They were on the road for many hours now and apart from the time she took to take a nap, they had been arguing about the music playing in the car majority of the time.
“Taylor Swift is not that bad, actually. I’m sure you’d enjoy—”
“Right now, all I want is to enjoy the silence.” Colt narrowed his eyes but still didn’t look at Ellie.
“Hey! I have that song somewhere on my phone! I can play it and—”
“Ellie! I’m driving! Can you keep your mouth shut for at least ten minutes?”
“Okay, okay. Sorry,” she quickly said and looked away. Not that there was much to look at but she didn’t want risk Colt changing his mind and driving her back to California. After all, he agreed to her plan and now they were driving to Oklahoma. Ellie really tried to be nice to him. Colt definitely didn’t even bother. Not that she expected anything else.
Her father also didn’t take it in very well. When she came home with marriage certificate in one hand, dragging Colt with the other one, detective Wheeler almost passed out from anger. And shock. But mostly anger.
She knew why.
Yes, he was angry that she got married without telling him but she married a Kaneko. And her father hated Teppei and devoted his life to find dirt on him. And now with Ellie being married to a Kaneko, Mr. Wheeler had to drop the case completely in the name of ‘no family affairs’ policy. Colt’s “hello Daddy” probably didn’t help either. In short, her father was so angry that Ellie was sure there was no higher level of angry.
Colt and Ellie left the same day and Ellie hadn’t spoken to her father since. Freedom tasted a bit sad but so good at the same time.
“Oh! McDonald’s! I’m so hungry, maybe we could—” Ellie pointed her finger at the restaurant as Colt picked up speed and they passed it in a blink of the eye. She looked at her husband and rolled her eyes. He couldn’t even bother to hide that awful smirk. Jerk.
“Your ten minutes of no talking isn’t over yet,” he noticed and Ellie sighed. This man was a nightmare.
Just a few more weeks. You’re doing it for Langston. Think of Langston. Think of—
“We have only six more hours. I think it’s pointless to stop anywhere to eat. You can make dinner when we’re home, wifey.” Colt finally looked at her and smiled smugly. Ellie wanted to punch him so bad but instead she only nodded and focused on the road.
Langston. Think of Langston.
Colt didn’t intend to make it any easier for Ellie Wheeler. She blackmailed him, him, and now he was stuck with her. He couldn’t even leave the country as he wanted initially because her father would be capable of sending literal troops after him.
He still remembered Mr. Wheeler’s face when he realized Ellie married him. Teppei Kaneko’s son. For a short moment, Colt thought Mr. Wheeler would explode. Literally explode because Colt could count every single vein on his neck and face. At least he had to drop his father’s case. Colt was safe, as Ellie promised.
He looked at Ellie as she was stretching after the long ride. She was like a weed, he couldn’t get rid of her no matter what he tried to do.
“Here we are,” Colt said, taking his suitcases and leaving Ellie’s still in the car. “Take your stuff and you can start making dinner. I’m quite hungry.”
“You wouldn’t be if you’d stop at McDonald’s! Or literally anywhere else.”
“Why would I do it if my wife works in a coffee shop and is great at cooking?”
He heard her taking a deep breath and counting quietly to ten.
As he said. He had no intention of making it any easier for Ellie Wheeler.
After dinner, for which Ellie ordered pizza since there was nothing edible in the house, Colt went upstairs to his bedroom, leaving Ellie alone downstairs. Her suitcases were still in the living room and she wondered where she was supposed to go. The house was pretty small; there was a spacious living room and a kitchen on the first floor and one bedroom and a bathroom on the second.
Ellie climbed up the stairs and hesitantly knocked on Colt’s bedroom door. At least two minutes passed before he opened the door.
“Umm… Where can I sleep?” She asked hoping there was another bedroom which she hadn’t noticed before. She surely didn’t want to sleep with Colt in the same room. Considering what Colt thought about her, she was sure he felt the same.
“Definitely not here,” he replied.
“That I know.” Ellie took a deep breath. “But I need to sleep somewhere.”
Colt shrugged. “Not my problem. Should’ve thought about it before you made me marry you.”
“I’m sorry, okay! It’s only temporary, I’ll ask around and find a place in a dormitory and you’ll get rid of me.”
“You can sleep in the living room. Sofa’s comfortable.” And with that, Colt closed the door, ending their conversation.
Ellie went downstairs and put her blankets and pillows on the sofa, taking a mental note to buy some bedding. She took a quick shower, taking another mental note to buy a shower gel because the one she found smelled like Colt and she didn’t like it. Feeling a rush of anxiety, she ran to her improvisatorial bed. She closed her eyes, dreaming of her life here, hoping her mother would be proud.
“See you’re already in a wife mode.”
“What?” Ellie stopped reading a book to look at Colt.
“Wearing baggy sweats and all. I think I’ve seen you in this Langston sweatshirt a million times and I’ve known you only for a few days,” Colt mocked her, not trying even for a split second to be nice to someone who blackmailed him.
“Well, it’s not like I have anyone to impress,” Ellie snapped back and Colt rolled his eyes. If he thought his job was difficult, he clearly never experienced being fake-married to someone like Ellie Wheeler. Although to be fair, he was probably more awful to her than she to him.
“Good,” he thought to himself. “She blackmailed me. She deserves it.”
And even though he hated her, he also understood her. She wasn’t the only one with a terrible father.
“Did Mona leave the country?” She suddenly asked.
“Hm? Why are you asking?”
“Just curious. You said it was your last job so I assumed…”
“Yeah, left. I would too if someone didn’t force me to put a ring on my finger.” He waved his left hand to prove a point. He wasn’t even sure why he was putting this stupid wedding band onto his finger every day. Ellie wasn’t wearing hers.
“As I said… I’m sorry. But at least my father dropped the case. And as far as I’m concerned no one else was involved in it but my father so… you’re in the clear.”
“Gee, thanks. How nice of you.”
“So it was you and Mona then? Only the two of you? Or is there someone else?”
Colt eyed her suspiciously. “Why are you asking?”
“Just curious,” she repeated. “When Teppei was still around I didn’t see anyone else. And then only you and Mona.” She was silent for a moment. “Colt?”
“I’m really sorry about your father.”
Colt didn’t say anything for a while and Ellie assumed it was the end of their conversation. She went back to reading her book when he spoke.
“Just me, Mona and Pop.”
“Like three musketeers.” Ellie smiled.
“No. Like MPC.”
“Geez, don’t you have classes to go to or something?” Colt rolled his eyes.
“Not in another two hours,” she replied. The classes technically hadn’t started yet but Ellie signed up for additional classes for freshman students.
“Mercy Park Crew. That’s us.”
“Hmm, I’ve seen MPC somewhere in my father’s files but I’m pretty sure he never realized it was you.”
“And hopefully he never will,” Colt added. Why was he telling her all of this?
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Was there anything in the files?” Colt asked. “About other car gangs?”
Ellie looked at him curiously. “No… Are there any other gangs?”
Colt was looking somewhere in the distance and it took him a moment to reply. “Yea. Our rivals. Forget it.”
“I could… do some research if you’d like—”
“Just go to your class, okay? Stop with this investigation,” he said and left the house, banging the door on his way out.
Ellie sat stunned for a few minutes before she finally decided she’d rather come too early to her class than stay in the house for another second.
Freedom smelled like fall, felt like sun warming her face, tasted like cold air and looked like Oklahoma.
Ellie’s dream life was finally starting.
She felt tears forming in her eyes as she looked at her Langston University. Everything she went through, the arguments with her father, marrying Colt, bearing with Colt… it was all worth it.
Slowly, looking around as if not wanting to miss a single thing, she made her way through the campus. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Freedom filled her lungs. She was walking with her eyes closed, smile on her face. Everything was—
“Ooof!” She bumped into someone and would have fallen if the stranger didn’t catch her in time. Dream life or not, she still was clumsy.
“You know,” the stranger started, helping her stand up. “There are easier ways to get my attention.”
“I, uh… Thanks. I’m sorry about bumping into you. I won’t happen again, I promise.”
“It won’t? Too bad.”
“I… I’m sorry… I…” Ellie stammered as the handsome stranger smirked.
“First day?”
“Yes,” Ellie got her voice back. “I’m Ellie.”
“Nice to meet ya, Ellie. I’m Logan.”
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theanticool · 4 years
Bellator signed a ton of fighters recently
Bellator capitalizing on the fact that no one knows when regional MMA will return in full force and just signing a ton of fighters. Happy they are trying to fill out bantamweight and get some new faces in at lightweight in particular cause those divisions have stagnated a lot for them. They really just need depth and new faces. So here’s a quick catch up for you folks. 
Brett Johns (17-2) - Former UFC bantamweight who went 5-2 in the promotion (only loss to Pedro Munhoz and Aljamain Sterling). Coming off 2 wins in the UFC.
Jared Scoggins (10-1) - CFFC bantamweight champion. Brother to UFC and Rizin veteran Justin Scoggins
Jaylon Bates (9-0 amateur) - A bantamweight prospect from TUFF-N-UFF
Usman Nurmagomedov (11-0) - Khabib’s younger cousin. Also competes at 155lbs.
Rustam Khabilov - UFC veteran that went 10-3 in the promotion.
Jaleel Willis (13-2) - LFA welterweight champion but will be fighting Patricky Pitbull in a lightweight bout.
Cody Law (5-0) - Former D2 Wrestling champion that fights at lightweight.
Jeremy Kennedy (15-2) - Featherweight. PFL and UFC veteran. Went 3-1 in the UFC and 2-1-1 in PFL.
Justin Gonzales (11-0) - A DWTNCS alum who recently won the LFA featherweight title.
Viktor Nemkov (30-7-1) - The older brother of Bellator LHW champion Vadim Nemkov. Also a LHW. Viktor has fought for PFL, Rizin, and M-1. He was the former M-1 LHW champion.
Bryce Logan (12-4) - LFA’s Light Heavyweight champion
Steve MacDonald (4-0) - A Canadian light heavyweight who most recently won a fight in RITC. 
Shawn Teed (5-2-1) - The CFFC heavyweight champion and a former fighter on the DWTNCS (he lost).
Jose Augusto (6-2) - A Pitbulls brothers trained heavyweight.
Vanessa Porto (22-8) - The most recent Invicta FC flyweight champion.
Randi Field (2-0) - A strawweight from Canada. No idea if Bellator is starting that division or if she’ll move up or down to 125 or 105.
Desiree Yanez (5-2) - Another strawweight who I think will be fighting up at 125lbs.
Mandy Bohm (7-0) - She already fought on the Bellator card from Italy yesterday, but Bellator has signed Bohm to the roster recently. She’s the former TKO champion.
Katharina Lehner (7-2) - TUF alum and former Invicta FC bantamweight title challenger. Is moving up to women’s featherweight and set to fight Sinead Kavanagh tomorrow.
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omgjasminesimone · 4 years
The Talk
Logan x MC (Ellie)
Word Count: 1217
NSFWish because they’re talking about sex.
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The loft is quiet besides the soft sounds of their lips meeting, caressing, and then separating for the briefest of moments for air before connecting again.
As their make out session intensifies, Logan gently pushes Ellie down onto the bed, and then reaches down to undo his belt.
“Wait.” Ellie calls out hesitantly, hand pressed to his chest.
“What’s wrong?” Logan asks.
Ellie sits up, running a nervous hand through her hair. “Do you have a condom?”
Logan shakes his head no, but he’s undeterred. “We don’t need one, I promise I’ll pull out.” Logan insists.
“Condom use isn’t just to prevent pregnancy. Safe sex is also important to prevent STDs.” Ellie adds, voice stern.
Logan is still dismissive. “It feels better without a condom. Come on baby, don’t you trust me?”
“No glove, no love.” Ellie retorts, arms crossed.
Logan’s seductive expression cracks, a grin that slowly turns into a chuckle and then a full body laugh that sends him collapsing to the bed.
Ellie pouts. “Logan! This is supposed to be serious! And that’s like the 5th take you’ve ruined! My camera is going to run out of battery before we get this done.”
Logan obediently tries to stop laughing, but a few chuckles escape anyway, causing Ellie to narrow her eyes at him. He smiles apologetically, managing to quit laughing completely.
Ellie reaches over to the nightstand to stop the camera pointed in their direction. She rewinds it back to delete Logan’s laughter.
“I’m sorry Ellie, I know you worked hard on the script for this, but it just reads like your dad wrote it or something. I mean, come on, no glove no love?”
“It’s a safe sex PSA! It needs a catchy saying!” Ellie insists.
“What is this for again? And where are you planning on screening it?” Logan questions.
“My 6th period health class. It’s extra credit. And I’m gonna screen it in class, why?”
“Just double checking that no one who’s seen my wanted poster is going to see it.” Logan answers. “Alright, I’m ready to be serious. Should we start at the make out session?”
“I think we’ve got that part.” Ellie replies.
Logan tugs Ellie onto his lap. “Are you sure? I think I could give a better performance.” He flirts, kissing her neck.
“The camera isn’t even on.” Ellie informs him.
“Test....run....then.” Logan murmurs between greedy kisses.
Ellie indulges him for several long moments before she pulls away. “What’s wrong with my script, specifically?” Ellie questions.
“Hmmm.” Logan contemplates, absentmindedly massaging her lower back. “It’s just not realistic.” He answers honestly. “It’s like all the stereotypes of the douchebag villain from a teen romcom. From the script, I can tell you’ve never actually been in this situation.”
“Well I couldn’t draw from my own experience. The assignment was safe sex, not abstinence.” Ellie defends with a slight blush. “So what would you actually do in this situation?” Ellie queries.
“I’d get a condom. Any guy our age who’s about to get lucky wouldn’t potentially mess it up by being an asshole about wearing a condom.” Logan answers.
“But what if you didn’t have any condoms and you didn’t have any money to buy some? Not everyone deals stolen cars you know.” Ellie counters.
“Fine, if he didn’t have any money, then he might use the ‘I can pull out’ line.” Logan admits. ”But if she said no, at that point he’d probably just steal the condoms from CVS if it came down to it.”  
“Have you ever used the ‘I can pull out‘ line?” Ellie asks, a blush steadily overtaking her face as Logan regards her. She knows he’s not inexperienced like she is, and she’s curious.
“No. Vaughn taught me that you never have sex with a side show girl without a condom.” Logan reveals.
“Vaughn gave you the sex talk?” Ellie questions. She can’t imagine a teen-aged Vaughn and Logan sitting down for such a serious discussion.
“Reluctantly. He knew there was no one else to do it.”
“When my mom got sick, she gave me the sex talk. I think she would have wanted to wait until I was older, but she knew my dad wasn’t going to do it. Mom told me to wait until I found someone who truly loved me, who I’m totally comfortable with. Otherwise, she said it wouldn’t be any good.”
“That’s good advice.” Logan comments, shifting so he can lean against his headboard as Ellie straddles his waist.
“I guess. At the time, I kind of thought I’d never be that comfortable with anyone.” Ellie had been glancing off to the side, but now she raises her eyes to meet Logan’s gaze. “But I’m starting to feel that comfortable with you.” She adds quietly.
Logan smiles softly at her, hands moving to gently knead the skin between her shorts and her tube top. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I mean, we’re sleeping in the same bed. And you’ve been nothing but a complete gentleman. You gave me a place to stay when my dad put me out. I trust you.” Ellie lists out all the reasons why she’s comfortable with him. “And when you look at me, I don’t feel invisible.” She concludes, arms wrapping around his neck in a loose hug.
“You were never invisible.” Logan insists, kissing her jaw. “You caught my eye right away.”
“Well, I literally ran right into you. Kind of impossible to miss me.” Ellie quips. She shifts so she can look down at him. “I think it was fate. Us randomly meeting in the high school parking lot of the school you don’t attend. Having you in my life has made it so much better.”
Logan’s smile slips for a second at that, but it’s back before she can read too much into it. “I don’t know if I believe in fate, and before you I didn’t really believe in luck either, but the day I met you was a very lucky day for me.” He lies, knowing that their meeting was orchestrated. Knowing that she won’t feel such comfort with him if she ever finds out at the beginning he’d simply been using her. Part of him wants to come clean, especially since his feelings are very real now. But he doesn’t want to spring that on her now, not with her and her dad on the outs and her having nowhere else to go. 
“I’m the lucky one. There probably aren’t too many guys willing to make cringey safe sex PSA videos with me. Especially when they’re not even required assignments, just extra credit.” Ellie quips. 
Logan chuckles. “I like that you’re the kind of girl who does extra credit assignments.”
Ellie raises a brow. “Yeah?”  
“Yeah. Smart is sexy.” Logan replies. 
Ellie blushes and looks away. No one has ever called her sexy. “Maybe we should get back to the movie before we get too distracted.” She deflects. 
“Ok, but first remind me what the next line is after no glove no love.”
Ellie grabs the script from the nightstand. “Then you say, ‘Come on babe, everyone is having unprotected sex. Don’t be such a square.’ And I say, ‘I’d rather be a square then end up round from an unplanned pregnancy.’ ” 
Ellie pouts as Logan starts laughing uncontrollably again.  
Taglist: @debramcg1106  @choicesarehard @brightpinkpeppercorn @regina-and-happiness @drakexnadira @flyawayboo @fairydustandsarcasm @alesana45 @maxwellsquidsuit @lahelable @god-save-the-keen @mrsmckenziesworld @paisleylovergirl @iplaydrake @sinclaire-made-me-sin​ @choicesgremlin​ @lovehugsandcandy​ @blades-of-light-and-shadow​ @justdani14​ @emceesynonymroll​ @emichelle​ @badchoicesposts​ @client-327 @riverrune​ @liamzigmichael4ever​ @princessstellaris​ @mskaneko​ @anxious-arliah @zaffrenotes​ @iam-ankita​ @ohsnapitzlovehacker​ @desiree---1986​
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historyhermann · 2 years
Sarah, the book jail, and the "sanctity of library property" in "Too Loud"
As you all might remember, back in February 2021, I wrote about Too Loud, a short-lived animated series, for I Love Libraries, calling it a "example of libraries in animation" which viewers of all ages can "enjoy its message about the value of libraries." However, the above shown episode is something I'd like to revisit in this post. When writing that article, I was under the impression that my articles for I Love Libraries needed to be positive and upbeat, resulting in me downplaying some criticisms I had when shows portrayed libraries in a negative way, so I'd like to revisit that, building on my original perception that the episode "does sound pretty negative." [1] In the future, I may revisit some of my other posts I wrote for I Love Libraries and be more critical than I was in the past. This post is part of that. I know that not everyone will agree with everything I write in this post, but decided to write this post anyway, even though it is obviously not comprehensive on any of the issues addressed in this article, only touching on the surface of them.
The episode begins with Desiree (presenting as Jeffrey), Sarah, and Sara crossing off late returns from the list, with Sara saying they don't mess around with late library books. The viewers then see a book jail of offenders which is guarded by Mildred, another librarian. Desiree confirms that, declaring that as librarians they rule "with a iron fist." This is a terrifying thought, with librarians coming and repossessing books through use of force, and it scares Sarah so much that she doesn't even want go along with the scheme, at first.
They go to find the last book on their list, about juggling, but the person, Logan, says the book "ties the room together" and that it is his copy, closing the door on them. So, they break into a person's house to get an overdue book. Sarah is unsure about this plan, calling it extreme, but Desiree keeps talking about the iron fist of the librarian and tells her to think about the “sanctity of library property.” Sarah agrees to help them and sneak into the house, becoming a rat queen, with Sara and Desiree distracting Logan. Eventually they get their handle on the book, with Sara describing it as "library property." After the room collapses, it turns out the book they had grabbed is the wrong one, with Jeffrey having the book in his "cavernous pie hole" but had forgot to re-shelve it. Following this, Sara and Sarah leave, while Desiree is left there, as a piece of the drywall comes and seems to kill (or injure) Logan, and the episode comes to a close.
When I originally looked at this series I said that Sarah, Sara, and Desiree learn the less that "being punitive with those who have overdue books is not worth it." I don't think that's the lesson at all. Instead, I think this episode is highlighting the importance of proper organization and cataloging. If Desiree had cataloged the book correctly, then it wouldn't have been on the overdue visit in the first place, and this whole incident would have been unnecessary. More than that, I would say this episode shows how libraries can be punitive with wanting to protect their property and implying the interconnection of this with the criminal legal system, embodied by the book jail:
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You could easily interpret that the episode as criticizing this punitive nature of libraries. Even so, the episode is relatively short, not even six minutes long, so there isn't that much time to explore these themes. However, the episode can still be related to how libraries, in the real world, work with the criminal legal system and the police force, something which has been contentious in recent years. This came to the fore when it was noted by Teen Vogue that the budget of the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) prioritized policing since John Szabo became the head of the library system,  with organizers finding that 5% of the library budget went to security in 2020 alone, and funneled toward the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD).
Other libraries have done the same, like Austin Public Library and Denver Public Library, while there has been cop-free library movements in "St. Louis, New York City, and at Ivy League University libraries." A similar movement at the St. Louis County Library, the latter which was successful, and efforts to replace "police with social service workers," while community policing is used by the LAPD in libraries themselves was also noted. This is all part of a push for more library policing. This has been resisted by groups like the Abolitionist Library Association (AbLA), described as "a group of library workers, students, and community members who aim to divest money from policing in libraries and redistribute resources to communities." AbLA defines themselves as supporting a world without prisons or policing, with a goal to "create libraries that are rooted in community self-determination and intellectual freedom through collective action," achieving this by establishing a group of "library and information workers to support each other in doing divestment work," sharing ideas, support, and strategy for "abolition in libraries," along with "creating and sharing resources about ending police involvement in information spaces and...pressuring stakeholders and decision-makers to divest from police."
Whether you agree with AbLA or not, the fact is that libraries are intertwined with police departments in their respective cities and/or institutions. This makes sense since libraries are public entities, part of the government, university, or other institution, not something separate, for the most part, with some libraries created and run by their communities as an exception. Library literature itself, as noted by Ben Robinson in the publication In the Library with the Lead Pipe, often encourages library staff "develop close relationships with local police and security guards without considering the negative effects this closeness can have on patrons who are Black, Indigenous or people of colour (BIPOC), people experiencing mental illness, and people from other marginalized communities," even though research has shown the latter. Robinson argues that in order to make libraries safe places for everyone, those working in libraries need to "incorporate insights from other disciplines into their practice and begin to meaningfully address the complicated roles of police and security guards in the public library." Other articles noted that some libraries are revisiting how they have historically interacted with police, whether through hosting "police-led community programming...hiring off-duty police as security officers, or calling 911 on disruptive patrons," with divestment for police also argued for by the Library Freedom Project.
There is evidence that public libraries in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, Washington State, California, and Baltimore, teamed up with police to share their data. If libraries are willingly partnering with police, letting them provide security, and supporting them in different ways, then how effective can libraries be in "stopping the school-to-prison pipeline that disproportionately impacts Black youth" which ALA President Wanda Kay Brown believed that libraries could do? It seems that if a library partnered with police it would invalidate any positive good which would come from anti-racist action. This would even be the case for the library preserving the websites of police unions, organizations which support the police no matter what, even if they brutalize and hurt people.
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I would further argue that this episode of Too Loud notes the connection between libraries and the criminal legal system rather than accepting it  as a norm. While I don't want to overthink this topic, I do think the fact that the books are described as "library property" that needs to be kept no matter the consequences to patrons is an interesting theme. It can easily be connected to the punitive nature of the criminal legal system, with some libraries coming down much harder on patrons than others. And this feeds into stereotypes about libraries, manifested by librarians aggressively shushing patrons in animated series after animated series. However, Too Loud does not fall into that stereotype. Instead, this enforcement, the library bringing down its "iron fist," is just seen as part of the library itself.
Perhaps that is the takeaway from this episode, that libraries are not always the rosy places we see them as, but can have a "dark side" as it could be called, which can be punitive. This makes it no surprise that some are intimidated by libraries, as fines can be punitive in various ways, especially since fine-free initiatives have not reached all libraries, with some sticking to it, even if it draws away patrons. Unlike Little Free Library and others, which actively cooperate with the police,  from what I remember, no police are ever shown in the public library in Too Loud, nor is the library flying any flags which support police unconditionally. That doesn't mean that police don't exist, in that world. By having something like a book jail, the library is clearly supporting the criminal legal system, if we are to take the visualization of the book jail seriously, and not as something that Sarah created in her head, which is a possibility, I suppose.
With an episode that is so short, there are a multitude of explanations here, but I believe that people can take from the episode, at most, about the interconnection of libraries and the criminal legal system, and at minimum, about the too often punitive nature of libraries, even those which have committed themselves to anti-racist actions. While the latter has been addressed with fine-free initiatives, the former has largely been kept in place in many libraries. With continued police brutality and terrorizing of certain populations, in the U.S. (where the library in Too Loud is undoubtedly located), libraries should rethink their relation to police and make sure they are not playing a role in supporting oppressive systems. You could say there are many reasons you could come up with for using police presence in a library, especially for security reasons, when it comes to stopping so-called "problem patrons" (i.e. usually unhoused people), "theft," or people protesting sensible mask mandates. Such approaches are often not done while considering that bringing police into a library will push away patrons, especially Black and brown people, who do not want to be in the same place as those who brutalize their communities, and the fact such people will not feel safe in those spaces. These approaches undermine the role of the library as a community space for all.
In the end, the Too Loud episode, "Checked Out," could be interpreted in so many ways, and I'm, personally, not sure which interpretation is the right one, and which is the wrong one. One conclusion that could be drawn from the episode is that libraries, and librarians by extension, are not neutral, but rather they are political institutions which are part of oppressive systems, whether they state they are, or not. Just as museums, archives, and other cultural institutions are not, and have never been, neutral, the same applies to libraries as well. That could be the biggest takeaway from this, as they are not shown cooperating with the police directly like the superheroes in DC Super Hero Girls in many of the episodes, and rather are enforcing rules on their own. With that, this post comes to a close.
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Sara declares a book on the shelf is library property and must be seized
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] In an email on Feb. 2, I told Lindsey Simon, formerly of ALA, this, adding that I wasn't sure about the episode, and saying that I believed they learn a lesson in the end, as the house the library is in literally collapses, adding that the book jail may be imagined, or even real, maybe in Sarah's mind. Also, the post's original title was "Having fun in the library: The uniqueness of “Too Loud”" but that was changed before its publication.
Reprinted from Pop Culture Library Review and Wayback Machine.
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zaffrenotes · 4 years
In Another Life
Players: Logan, MC (Jinrae) Rating/Warnings: PG (language/suggestive lime) / trigger warning: mention of cancer Author’s Note: * All main characters belong to Pixelberry, I’m just borrowing them * Set in an AU to my AU, following Mixtapes & Milkshakes, where single girl Jinrae (Jin) initially had feelings for Logan but turned him down after hearing she was just a mark, and there are unresolved feelings while they work on the relationship as friends (or more). * submission for @choicesfebruarychallenge Day 20: crying, hosted by @cxld-play and @bi-cookie, along with Slice of Life Prompt 30: argument, requested by @desiree---1986 * Word Count: +/- 2800
Taglist (let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from this list): @annekebbphotography @blackcatkita @brightpinkpeppercorn @choicesarehard @desiree---1986 @gibbles82 @innerpostmentality @janezillow @lolablackwrites @smalltalk88 @thecordoniandiaries @debramcg1106 @mskaneko @client-327 @omgjasminesimone @emichelle @iplaydrake @lovehugsandcandy​ @lovemychoices​ @saivilo​
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Logan grunted underneath the body of the Mustang he was currently working on for a customer. The muscles in his arm flexed as he fought to loosen a bolt, bonded by years of neglect, and his grip on the socket wrench slipped as the air around him warmed. With an agitated sigh, he adjusted the angle of the wrench to try again, when someone kicked his ankle. Above him, he heard a harsh whistle. He rolled his eyes, knowing exactly who was trying to get his attention.
“What the hell, Colt?” Logan grumbled, pushing himself out from underneath the car.
“Jin’s asking for you upstairs,” Colt smirked. “You two better not be hooking up while you’re on the clock, I’m not paying you to f—”
Logan rose to his feet, standing mere inches in front of Colt’s face. “Finish that sentence, I dare you,” he huffed. His hand gripped the socket wrench still in his hand.
Colt’s lips curled into a sneer and he leaned back. “Calm down,” he scoffed. “You got ten minutes, and remind her that just because I sit at the desk it doesn’t mean I’m a messenger.”
Logan set his tools back in his toolbox and left the garage, heading up to the loft space. He unzipped his coveralls halfway and slipped his arms out of the sleeves, tying them around his waist while he made his way up the stairs. “Jin?” he called out, turning the doorknob. “Don’t you have class this afternoon?” He froze as the door swung shut, noticing Jin rocking herself softly on the well-worn couch. “Jin?”
Jin continued rocking back and forth, blinking several times. She began wringing her hands together and felt her stomach flip, working up the courage to speak.
“Jin, baby, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Logan took four long strides before kneeling next to her, about to place his hands over hers before muttering to himself. He pulled a shop rag from the back pocket of his coveralls, hastily scrubbing his hands free of the grease and dirt covering his fingers, before resting a hand on hers. “Jin, talk to me,” he pleaded, mind racing with worry.
“I… did a thing,” she squeaked out, voice breaking with nervousness. “Please don’t be upset with me.”
Logan felt his stomach drop, but he bit his tongue. “Just tell me what’s going on, Jin.”
Jin took a deep breath, squeezing her hands together, and let out a long, shaky exhale. “So you know how you told me about your first crush, Grace? And how you lost touch with her because you were always moving around?”
Logan clenched his jaw, which didn’t go unnoticed by Jin. For two weeks after their movie night, nearly every conversation with Jin was peppered with questions about Grace – trying to bait him for a last name or where her family lived. His fortitude was no match for his hormones or her determination, when he slipped up and mentioned the name of the hospital during a particularly memorable makeout session, featuring a lack of undergarments. “Yeah,” he replied, trying to contain his emotions.
“Well, I sorta went looking for her,” Jin answered, eyes trained on a clock on the wall. She bit her bottom lip before continuing. “Based on where the hospital was located, and a deep dive on Facebook,” she continued, speaking faster. “It would’ve been easier if I’d known Grace was her middle name, but with a little more digging...”
“Please tell me it ended there,” Logan warned. He could easily have looked for Grace if he wanted to, but he had little desire to live in the past or wonder about who would be in his life if his situation had been different. “Jinrae?”
“I messaged her, told her I was friends with you, and we got to talking and—”
Logan pulled his hand away. “Why’d you do that?” He blinked harshly, his brows pinching together across his face.
“I just thought that…you’d lost touch all those years ago, and she was probably wondering what happened to you, or maybe you wondered what happened to her, and—”
Logan couldn’t register what Jin was saying; the only thing he could hear was the sound of blood pumping through his veins, its white noise in his ears from panic, or anger. Maybe it was a bit of both. He couldn’t remember saying anything in response to her admission, or the way she raised her voice in defense. He couldn’t remember what he said, but he hated remembering the way she looked as tears streaked down her rosy cheeks, her eyes full of the hurt he’d caused the last time they raised their voices at each other in the street, right before he confessed Teppei’s plan to use her as a mark.
He lowered his voice and tried to calm down, even though all he wanted to do was to get in his car and drive off. He tried to explain his side of things, wanting to leave his past behind him despite her prodding. Jin’s face crumbled as she looked on at him, and she grabbed her book bag from the floor, digging her hand inside for something. She flung an envelope at him like a frisbee, a corner of it stabbing him in the chest when he tried to catch it.
Logan stared at the envelope as Jin stormed out of the loft, her footsteps heavy on the stairs as he looked at his name on the front of the rose colored stationery. The handwriting was oddly familiar in the way the letters looped together, but he tossed it onto the coffee table to run after Jin, leaping halfway down the stairs to catch up to her, ignoring the looks from everyone in the garage. He stopped short on the sidewalk, bent over with his palms resting on his knees as he saw her car speed off down the road.
“What the hell did you do, dude?”
Logan waved a dismissive hand at Colt’s question, heading back up to the loft in silence. He picked up the envelope on the table, flipping it over. It was unopened, and his heart pounded when he read the name on the flap – Natalia Grace Williams.
It was late when Logan pulled up outside of Jin’s apartment building. His calls and texts to her went unanswered, mostly – he hoped – because she was in class the rest of the afternoon. When she didn’t return to the garage for dinner as she usually did, he asked Toby to message her. When she replied within seconds, Logan knew he’d messed up. He made a stop at Kelso’s to order a few of Jin’s favorites before driving to her place, his insides forming knots the closer he got to her apartment.
He knew she was just trying to do something nice, and he’d overreacted. He also knew that he’d explained to her on more than one occasion that opening up to her was a process, and one he wasn’t used to. He slipped the letter into his back pocket and curled his fingers into the brown paper bag full of fried food, making his way to the building’s call box, and buzzed the button next to her name.
Static crackled the box to life. “Who is it?” Jin’s voice replied.
“I’ve got a delivery here from Kelso’s, from a young man who’d like to apologize for being a bonehead,” Logan answered back. He started counting off the seconds in his head – anything more than twenty meant Jin wasn’t going to let him in. He breathed a sigh of relief when the door buzzed after ten seconds, and he let himself in, riding the elevator to her floor in nervous silence. He knocked on the door, holding up the grease-stained bag in front of his face when it opened. He flashed Jin a small, awkward smile as he lowered the bag. “I come bearing sustenance, and if you let me in, I have an apology for you as well.”
“You’re lucky I skipped dinner,” Jin huffed, stepping aside to let him pass.
They were silent as they walked inside, Logan setting the bag on the counter to unpack its contents. Jin pulled two plates from a cupboard, along with a stack of napkins. He set everything on a small tray and carried it over to the coffee table, where Jin was setting aside some of her books and notes. He grabbed two sodas from the fridge and sat next to her on the couch, the pair of them arranging small portions of food onto their plates from the containers.
After a few tense moments of eating and absentmindedly watching a rerun on the television, Logan set his food down and wiped his fingers clean on a napkin. He turned sideways to face Jin, and she set down her drink with a sigh. “I’m sorry for the way I reacted earlier,” he began. “I…you caught me off guard, and I panicked,” he added, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.
“I wasn’t trying to hide anything from you,” Jin replied meekly. “I just thought you might want to reconnect with her, and I reached out to see if she remembered you.”
Logan reached across their legs and took her hand in his, giving her a reassuring squeeze. “No secrets between us, right?” Jin nodded. “I guess what upset me most is that, well…look at me,” he sighed, pulling his hand away to shrug his shoulders.
“What’re you talking about?”
“I’m a high school dropout with a rap sheet. I work on cars to make an honest living, and sometimes I hate it. I miss having the money that came along with the uhh, less than honest living,” he laughed wryly. Jin shot him a disapproving look and shook her head. “I wouldn’t have anything to say to Grace even if I did want to catch up with her.”
“Logan,” Jin sighed, turning her body to face his. “You’re smart, you know you’re smart. You could go back to school and get your diploma, and I’d help you find a way to go to college if that’s something you wanted to do. There’s still plenty of good things you could share about your life.”
“Like what? Being homeless? Living on the streets? Stealing cars and getting into fights?”
“You’re…well-traveled, and worldly,” Jin offered. “A self-starter with a thirst for knowing how things work, and you know self-defense.”
Logan chuckled. “You wanna write up a new resume for me?”
“Aren’t you the one who says there’s always an angle to a story to put it in a different light?” She flashed a tiny grin at him. “The only reason I waited as long as I did to say anything was because I wasn’t sure if reaching out to her would lead to anything.”
“But?” His eyes widened with curiosity.
“But…as soon as I mentioned your name, she remembered you,” Jin answered. “I speak from experience, you’re not an easy guy to forget.”
“Is that so?” He grinned at her playfully, leaning closer as he did.
Jin smirked and weakly pushed him away. “You know you’re memorable, ass.” She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips, and Logan pulled her closer, nipping at her lip with his teeth. His hand curled around her slender neck and his fingers tangled into her hair. She moaned softly into his mouth before pulling away, ending their kiss sooner than anticipated. He grinned when she bit her bottom lip before looking up at him. “I care about you, Logan. I just…I know what it’s like, trying to keep part of your past locked away. It doesn’t do anyone any good. And I want to know about you. The good, the great, and even the bad things that make you…you.”
“Can you give me more time?” he asked, running a hand through his jet black hair. “I’m not used to sharing every little thing that happened to me, and it makes me feel…”
“Vulnerable,” he sighed. “I know you wouldn’t use anything about my past to hurt me, but there’s this part of me that wonders.”
It was Jin’s turn to reach over and stroke Logan’s cheek, before she tucked his hair behind his ear. “I wouldn’t do that to you, Logan. I care about you too much to do something like that.” She tipped her chin down before looking up to meet his eyes. “If you need more time to open up, I can give you that. You’ve done the same for me.”
“Thank you.” He smiled shyly at her, running a hand through his hair again, and reached for something on his plate. “Mac and cheese ball?” He held a golden, breaded ball of fried mac and cheese between his fingers, Jin giggling at him, and he offered it to her, exhaling slowly when she opened her mouth and teased him by wrapping her lips around his fingers. “Unfair,” he muttered.
Jin continued to giggle as she chewed and swallowed the food, smiling at Logan. “You um…” she bit her lip and began to fidget with her hair. “You could stay here tonight, if you want. Roomie’s working on some group project, so I’ve got the place to myself.”
“Is that so?” A slow, sly grin spread across Logan’s face and he gave Jin a playful wink before leaning in to kiss her.
She tugged on his shirtsleeves and leaned back against the couch cushions, spreading her legs so he could maneuver between them as their lips met for a heated kiss. Logan didn’t hesitate, allowing the weight of his body to press against Jin’s as he kissed her jaw and neck, nipping at her earlobe while one hand slipped under the hem of her shirt to brush against her soft skin.
Jin hooked her ankles against the back of Logan’s knees, pulling him closer to her. Her chin tilted to the ceiling as he peppered her neck with kisses, letting out a small, breathy moan in response. She raked her hands down his sides, feeling his body respond in kind, until she moved her hands across the rear pockets of his jeans and felt the sharp corners of an envelope in one of them. “What’s that in your pants?”
Logan paused, flashing a lascivious grin as he looked down at her. “You know exactly what that is, Troublemaker.”
“No, the paper in your pocket,” she replied, suppressing a giggle. Jin wriggled out from underneath Logan, pulling the item from his back pocket. Her face fell as she recognized the rose envelope, handing it over to him. “You didn’t read her letter?”
Logan sat back against the couch, smoothing his hair back, and flipped the envelope over in his hands. “I thought I’d wait to read it with you,” he answered quietly. “I’ve got nothing to hide, and I know you’re probably curious about what she has to say either way.”
“You don’t owe me any answers here,” she protested, sitting up straighter.
“I know,” Logan answered. He reached for a pen on the table and used it to rip open the top edge. “Let’s just…read it together.”
Jin shifted closer to Logan as he pulled the page out from the envelope, her focus moving back and forth from the round cursive letters on the matching rose colored paper, and up to Logan’s face as he began to read. She wrapped her arm around his back and rubbed small circles against his shoulder blade.
“She uh…” Logan paused, just before bouncing his knee up and down. “She went into remission, and she’s studying to be a doctor,” he chuckled softly.
“That’s amazing news!” Jin exclaimed, patting his shoulder.
“And she thinks you’re a good friend to have looked for her to get us to reconnect,” he added. “But I don’t get what she means at the end of her letter,” he continued.
“What’d she say?”
Logan flipped the paper over, hoping for more of an explanation, but the other side was blank. “She said it’s a wonder that we never crossed paths, all things considered. All things considering what?” He turned his head to look at Jin. “Wait, the address,” he said, reaching for the envelope. “Why was it addressed to your PO Box?”
“I wasn’t sure if you wanted her to know where you were, so I didn’t give her the address to the body shop,” Jin answered.
“Okay,” Logan replied, narrowing his eyes at her. “What aren’t you telling me?”
“She’s a chem major, junior year,” Jin answered. “At CalTech. Less than twenty minutes from here.”
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johneckels · 3 years
i  am trying to clear all my stories the best I can
Hot girl mud Center I want a pretty girl that that Jeremy of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania good girls from human human. Mom Mom is not getting no younger that's not getting any younger younger I go find someone to love me
I got my sister does mile last night when I said that about meAre you trying to tell my story to build a key and for your guys without messing up I know my words are not perfect but I'm trying to be a perfect Corner blog sometimes my words are messing up set alarm trying to go tell my story the best I can for your guys it's not perfect I'm trying my best I'd like to tell my story the best I can
I was born in Logan Ohio I was Normal In telling we mood to Polk City Florida   I was for the 4-month’s -old  doctor Leff  ley their 36 hours with no treatment time I got was in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania It was too late  John is cool. Guy. talk to And yes John is In a wheelchair,
what is what happened to me my wife Rose 4 months old but I still like girls Google I have a girlfriend no I don't girl Wonder Girlfriend yes I do2010 wife yes I do go in somebody to take care of me you have me all Wells fuel points in the back of the end why does Sum 41 call Donal stallion. Yes I want to work grodno the participle are there multiple local DJ41108 how big is a DJ adult all one level I'm he told my dad I'd Quinn video today but I knew I had to go to school all nude Alphard who sucks being the world struggles duty at work helping somebody else take care of you lower corner near the 60s and 70s call that's why I'm trying to find some for the young and healthy The Big Three Army oh yeah living cinnamon I'll talk to my sister feeling last night he told I told her I want to do best wheelchairs yeah it's me how are you going to get there I got her to laugh that was a main point of me saying that but no later than cinnamon I do want to find a grill I do not want to be alone in the morning how do you feel alone I don't want to be single anymore oh well love somebody I Wanna Hold somebody homeowner will detective picture well when I do book somebody I want all of it I want to hold the hand I want to just just started to filter I do what I want to do with a woman will Logan gentleman I have not done that yet what I'm talkin about what I'm trying to do on my blog call Susan. I kind of log
I have two more sisters and a brother five nieces and nephews I love them all but I don't see my one nephew many more Elizabeth Berg volume three search in the floor cuz that's what I'm going to do for girl I want to do drugs Gmail what I ordered drugs I don't want her to do drugs like when I like I told you my last couple blogs on love About Georgia how I felt I still feel like that way call Desiree off and raised with all drugs in my life in your life certifit.com 454 hooker yeah, well how does but now I can't my life is not perfect and no one's in this I cannot help it if I have gum in the world of my life call just want to be loved Elmo's videos fact in my latest oh good oh good lady the one that don't ask you for
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