#look i've said it before and i'll say it again:
songbirdseung · 2 days
happy accidents / park jongseong
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synopsis: maybe getting hit by a basketball wasn't so bad?
pairing: jay x reader
warnings: injuries?
wc: 1k
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Your solo trip to the park did not go as expected when you felt a sudden pain in your back. Ignoring the fact that your drink fell from your hand and almost ruined the white maxi skirt you were wearing, you turned towards the direction you assumed the ball came from.
"I'm so sorry, my friend is a clumsy idiot," a voice called out.
"Jake, shut up!" another male voice responded before facing you and apologizing for hitting you. "Basketball isn't really my thing, I'm more into guitars."
You blinked, still processing the pain and the sudden chaos. The guy who had spoken was now standing in front of you, looking genuinely apologetic. He had a warm, approachable aura that somehow made the whole situation less frustrating.
"It's okay," you managed to say, trying to smile despite the discomfort in your back. "Accidents happen."
Jake and another friend, who you assumed was Sunghoon, jogged over, both looking equally concerned. Jake had a sheepish grin on his face, while Sunghoon looked more serious.
"Are you alright?" Sunghoon asked, glancing at you with worry.
"Yeah, I'll be fine," you replied, waving off their concern. "Just a bit startled, that's all."
Extending his hand. "I'm Jay, by the way. Sorry again for that."
You shook his hand, feeling a bit more at ease. "I'm Y/N. And it's really okay, Jay."
Jake stepped forward, looking at the fallen drink. "Can we at least get you another drink to make up for it?"
You nodded, appreciating their efforts to make amends. "That would be nice, thank you."
As the four of you walked towards the park's cafe, you couldn't help but notice how easy it was to talk to them. Jay, in particular, had a relaxed demeanor that made you feel comfortable despite the awkward start.
"So, guitars, huh?" you asked, looking at Jay.
He chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, I've been playing for a few years now. Basketball is just something I do for fun with these guys."
"He's actually pretty good with a guitar," Jake added, nudging Jay playfully. "You should hear him sometime."
"Maybe I will," you said, smiling at Jay. "If you're not too busy accidentally hitting people with basketballs, that is."
Jay laughed, shaking his head. "I'll try to keep my basketball skills in check."
As you all reached the cafe, you realized that what started as a mishap had turned into a pleasant encounter. You got your new drink, and the conversation flowed easily among the four of you.
As the four of you sat at a small outdoor table at the park's cafe, the conversation continued to flow easily. You found yourself increasingly drawn to Jay's warm smile and easygoing personality. The initial awkwardness from the basketball incident had melted away, replaced by laughter and shared stories.
"So, Y/N, what brings you to the park today?" Jay asked, leaning forward with genuine interest.
"I was just taking a solo trip to enjoy the nice weather and watch the swans by the river," you replied, glancing in the direction of the serene water where you'd been earlier. "It's one of my favorite spots to relax."
Jay nodded, his eyes following yours. "I get that. Sometimes, you just need a peaceful place to unwind."
Jake and Sunghoon excused themselves to get refills, leaving you and Jay alone at the table. The air between you felt charged with a new energy, the kind that comes with the potential of something more than just a chance encounter.
Jay cleared his throat, breaking the silence. "You know, I really am sorry about earlier. I hope it didn't ruin your day."
You shook your head, smiling. "Not at all. Actually, it turned out to be a lot better than I expected, thanks to you guys."
Jay's face lit up with a smile. "I'm glad to hear that. Maybe we could hang out more often. You know, when I'm not accidentally hitting you with basketballs."
You laughed, feeling a warmth spread through you. "I'd like that. Maybe you can even show me some of your guitar skills."
Jay's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Deal. How about we exchange numbers? That way, I can let you know when we have a less hazardous hangout planned."
You both pulled out your phones, quickly exchanging numbers. As you saved his contact, you couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of seeing him again.
Jake and Sunghoon returned with their drinks, and you all spent a bit more time chatting before deciding to head your separate ways. As you walked back through the park with Jay, the conversation continued to flow effortlessly.
"You know, I wasn't kidding about the guitar," Jay said, glancing at you. "I really would like to play for you sometime."
"I'd love that," you replied, looking up at him. "And maybe you can teach me a thing or two."
Jay's smile widened. "It's a date, then."
As you reached the park entrance, Jay turned to you with a sincere expression. "I had a great time today, Y/N. I'm really glad we met, even if it was because of my terrible aim."
"Me too, Jay," you said, feeling your cheeks warm. "Today turned out to be pretty amazing."
Before you could part ways, Jay hesitated and then spoke up. "Actually, do you mind if I walk you home? Just to make sure you get there safely."
Before you could respond, Jake and Sunghoon, who had been lingering nearby, burst into laughter. "Aww, look at Jay, being all protective," Jake teased, nudging Sunghoon.
"Yeah, make sure she gets home safe, lover boy," Sunghoon added with a grin.
Jay rolled his eyes but couldn't hide his smile. "Cut it out, you two."
You laughed, appreciating their playful banter. "I'd love for you to walk me home, Jay. Thanks."
With a final wave to Jake and Sunghoon, you and Jay started walking in the direction of your home. As you strolled through the streets, the conversation flowed easily, and you found yourself feeling more and more comfortable around him.
As you approached your building, Jay turned to you with a soft smile. "Here we are."
"Thanks again for walking me home," you said, feeling a bit shy.
Jay shrugged, his smile warm. "Anytime. I had a great time today, Y/N."
"Me too," you replied. "See you soon?"
"Definitely," Jay said, giving you a wave as he started to walk away. "Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Jay," you called after him, watching as he disappeared down the street.
As you closed the door behind you, you couldn't help but smile. Today had turned out far better than you could have imagined, and you were already looking forward to your next meeting with Jay.
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xi-chan · 1 day
❦ 𝐒𝐘𝐏𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐒. sunday had a change of wardrobe and you admire him ❧ tags. sunday x reader, spoilers for 'Farewell Penacony' quest- and all penacony quests tbh, stellaronhunter!sunday, small teasing, fluff, comfort and angst ❧ a/n. ik it's not confirmed that sunday will join the stellaron hunters (yet), but c'mon- we all wish that he will join them, also I don't like this so I'll probably redo this when I've got the energy / outfit reference: oversaltedcat on twt
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"Oh, wow- You look.. I dare to say even more handsome than before."
"Surely you must be overreacting. I don't look that much different."
Right now, you were on another spaceship- which belonged to the infamous Stellaron Hunters- in another star system, complimenting your dear lover Sunday's new set of clothes, which Kafka had ordered to be specifically tailored for him.
the overall design was basically the same as before, yet, ultimately different as well. his blouse was white, covered by a long, dark vest adorned with golden accents and detachable sleeves on both arms. the brooch he usually wore on his left chest was replaced by another one, right on his collar, and instead of white gloves, his were now black.
you glanced down quick, seeing that the thigh-strap was still present- a piece that you always loved.
"never said you looked different." you muttered as you stood before him, evening out his collar and slightly grazing your fingertips against his neck. a small gasp was all he let out before composing himself with a deep breath. "You made it sound like it."
you took a few steps back to take a good look again, thanking the tailor who made the outfit in your mind before sitting beside him on the couch again, "I didn't," you said, "it was just a compliment."
he scoffed playfully, knowing he didn't have the energy to argument with you anyway.
sunday would have never thought that he, former Head of the Oak Family in Penacony, would end up as a new member of the Stellaron Hunters. Fallen from grace and saved from eternal damnation by one of the most infamous criminals known to the vast cosmos. Ironic, he thought the first time they all met, yet, he got used to their company quite fast.
He remembers waking up- not in the chair he was chained up before- but in a comfortable, cozy bed with you by his side. The headaches had subdued over the time being with rest and medication, but the memories of him and robin at the Penacony Grand Theatre have not faltered. The more he thought about it, the more guilty he felt. The last he'd seen of his sister was when she embraced him during the fall, right before they plummeted to the ground.
"why are you looking at me like that?"
"just admiring my boyfriend. can't I indulge in your new-found beauty?"
sunday ignored your playful comment as he stood up from the couch, patting down some wrinkles and adjusting his gloves until everything was smoothed out- he still cared for his looks being neat and clean, after all.
"there are.. actually more clothes from the tailor and I am in need of a judge..." he gave you his usual charming and cunning smile which you knew all too well before you jumped up from the couch as well, grabbing his arm and hugging it close to your chest.
"say no more, i'll be your judge." you beamed, "maybe the next outfit will make you even more handsome than the last."
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coff33andb00ks · 16 hours
American Idiot - LS
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American Idiot pairing: Logan Sargeant x reader summary: rule #1: don't fall in love. rule #2: don't break rule #1. rule #3: you broke both rules didn't you? word count: 3567 warnings: smut (18+ only), not proofread, Logan has a bit of a frat guy attitude in parts, mentions of past sexual assault (non explicit) {your mental health is more important than any engagement I get on this, so please don't read if that is a triggering subject for you ❤️} a.n.: here I wrote a happy thing for logan
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"Yes, baby, just like that," he moaned, gripping her hips tighter. He wanted to watch her but his eyes slipped shut and he dug his fingers into her skin. "Gonna make me cum."
Y/n suddenly lifted off him, causing his eyes to snap open. Her face was screwed up and at first he thought she was in the middle of cumming, but she let out a pained whine and he decided that couldn't be it.
"What," he gasped, wincing when her knee slammed into his hip as she collapsed next to him.
"Cramp," she whimpered. She lay on her side, almost perfectly still, leg bent at the knee while she lightly punched the mattress. "Fuck."
Logan exhaled harshly and dragged a hand over his face before shifting, sitting up. He could see her calf muscle clenched, lightly spasming under her skin and winced. "It's okay, I've got you."
"There's nothing you can – ow!" she cried out when he gently grasped her ankle and extended her leg. Immediately she was trying to bend it back but he kept it straight. "Logan, no, it hurts!"
"Relax, let me rub it out," he said softly, cupping his other hand over her calf. He began to massage, keeping his touch light at first while she pressed her face into the pillow and nearly screeched in pain. "Y/n, just breathe—"
"Fuck you," she whimpered. "I'm never riding you again. I always get a leg cramp."
"Because you don't stretch," he pointed out, applying more pressure.
She just turned her head and looked at him.
"What?" he asked.
"Oh, just waiting for you say you expect me to stretch you."
"I thought it went without saying."
She tried to kick him, hissing and tensing at the pressure it put on her cramp. "It's not working, Logan."
"I've been doing it for thirty seconds," he sighed. Leaning over, he kissed her cheek. "Please just relax, okay?"
She exhaled slowly. "It hurts, Logie."
"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'll never ask you to be on top again," he assured her, feeling the cramp starting to loosen. She whined and he was quick to shush her. "Breathe, baby."
She did, slowly and deeply, occasionally groaning in pain as he manipulated the muscle. "Sorry for ruining the sex."
"We can try later," he said with a shrug.
"Maybe I have plans."
"Do you?" he asked. He would be surprised if she did. She tended to stay in on a Saturday night, getting her drinks and partying done on Fridays so she could enjoy the weekend.
"No," she mumbled. "Do you?"
"Only thing I'm doing tonight is you."
She laughed at that, humming when he bent and straightened her knee. "Were you really about to cum?"
"Yeah, but it's fine." It wasn't as though she'd leave him hanging. It was the whole reason behind their arrangement: neither party leaves a meeting unsatisfied.
She'd typed out the agreement in full legalese. Then she'd presented it to him as though arguing a case in front of a jury. Complete with a sexy suit that had only encouraged him to agree and sign so they could get to business.
"Mm," she moaned.
"Better?" He already knew the answer. Her muscle was fully relaxed now, though he was sure it would be sore for a while. She nodded and he kissed her cheek again before sliding off the bed to throw away the wasted condom.
"Thanks, Logie," she murmured when he rejoined her in the bed. She scooted over, hissing softly as she lifted her leg to drape it over his. "Just give me a few minutes."
Her few minutes turned into an hour long nap but he didn't complain. Content to lie with her, he smoothed her hair while she slept, a little amused. She'd been his friend for years, and if anyone had told him even two years before he'd be sleeping with her regularly he would have laughed in their face. But here he was, and as he reached for the covers to pull over them it occurred to him that if he couldn't have sex with her when she woke up he wouldn't be too upset.
"You're so busy with racing, you can't spare time to make an emotional connection with someone enough to sleep with them. I'm busy with work and I'd rather kiss a frog on live tv than let some loser I meet at the club fuck me. It makes perfect sense."
It did, so he'd agreed. Maybe she caught him in a lonely moment, or an extremely horny one. Maybe she'd caught him during a dry spell. Either way, he'd agreed to become platonic lovers with her.
Friends with benefits.
Fuck buddies.
Booty calls.
She'd been right, it was beneficial. He was usually so sexually satisfied that when he met someone he could see as a potential mate, he could focus on actually getting to know them as opposed to getting them in bed. And, having met her coworkers and more than a few of the losers that went to the clubs she did, he knew he had to be a better option than what she had around regularly.
"No falling in love. We're friends, nothing more. No jealousy. If you find someone to love I'll be over the moon, and if I find someone you'll be happy. No unprotected sex. I don't want to be a mom before I'm 25 and you're not ready to be a dad. We both agree to regularly get tested if we sleep with other people. And, lastly, if one of us wants to end the arrangement we end it. Most importantly, we remain friends."
At first it had been amazing. Guaranteed pussy whenever he wanted or needed it? He'd been sold on the idea before she'd even finished the suggestion. If he was away for a race he could just call or FaceTime her for a quick phone sex session?
No pressure. No worries. He didn't have to deal with the girlfriend stuff. He didn't have to remember important dates or to pick up something for her on his travels. She didn't expect him to be her date to work events or to go around pretending to care about the stuff she wanted to buy.
And they still hung out. Sometimes before, sometimes after. Nothing had changed at all in their friendship. She still called him out for being a douchebag, he still insulted her music taste, they still laughed while watching stupid movies.
It was, he thought, like having a girlfriend without all the work.
Until, suddenly, it was different.
He didn't know why he'd bought the stuffed animal in Miami. Probably because she'd said she liked eagles. And it had an American flag shirt on which made it even better in his opinion. But he'd bought it, he'd shown it to Oscar, who'd groaned and laughed and called him painfully American, he'd packed it in his suitcase for the trip back to England.
And he was watching her take it out of the gift bag now, a big stupid grin on his face when she began to laugh.
"Oh my god I love it," she said, hugging it to her chest then hugging him.
That was why he'd bought it, he thought a few minutes later when she was on her knees, staring up at him with pure lust in her eyes. And then he noticed that she kept it on her bed.
She went to Switzerland for something work related. He didn't know what, because she'd told him right before going down on him. They FaceTimed when they could during the two weeks she was out of the country, and when she got back she had a gift for him.
A cuckoo clock.
He loved it and laughed every time it went off, and felt a little rush of warmth because she'd thought of him. It turned out she hated it, because it had a knack for cuckooing loudly just when she was about to come, but he made up for that. At least, going by the way she'd murmur yay when he went down on her.
"So today marks the anniversary of the worst day of my life," she announced one summer afternoon as she walked into his place.
Logan grunted when she pushed her shopping bag at him. "Which worst day?" he asked, closing the door. "When you got dumped by that dickhead Dave?"
"No, that was in November."
"When you caught your boss cheating?" He peered into the bag and set it down, following her to the sofa.
"That was January, and that wasn't a worst day, just a weird day. Like, bad because he can't keep it in his pants but also good because I got a raise." Kicking off her shoes, she flopped onto the sofa.
He racked his brains, going over as many of her worst days as he could recall. The time she'd gotten food poisoning in Brighton? Apparently that had been in March. The time a guy got sick on her in the club? October, how could he forget? The asshole had ruined her costume. Groaning, he threw his head back in defeat, realizing he was rubbing her feet. "You gotta help me out, babe."
"Wow, you did forget." She sighed dramatically, throwing an arm over her face. "And I thought you weren't like other guys? Do you even love me, Logan?"
"I'm rubbing your gross feet—"
"They're not gross I just had a pedicure this – Fuck you," she snorted when he laughed.
"I'm rubbing your amazing feet," he corrected with a roll of his eyes. "The most beautiful feet in the world—"
"Ew, don't make it weird." She lowered her arm and sat up. "But really? You don't remember?"
"No… Wait, was it that time the guy came before you could put the condom on?"
"No, it's – Actually that's next week. Do you know I saw him a few days ago? He pretended he didn't know who I was."
"You made the guy cum in seconds, y/n."
"Okay, and? I made you cum in a minute thirty and you still talk to me."
"You…" He tipped his head. "You timed it?"
"It's my personal best. Aside from Preemie Pete but he doesn't really count because I didn't even do anything to him except grind on him—"
"What's my nickname?" Logan asked suddenly.
"Logie?" She looked confused. "Logie Bear."
"No, no, my nickname. Preemie Pete, Dickhead Dave. You called that guy you met at the store Sainsbury's Steve and the firefighter was Fireman Fred. What do you call me when you talk about me with the girls?"
"That's classified information. I'm not at liberty to discuss it with you, as you are not one of the girls."
"Bullshit, because you've told me all the others," he pointed out. "Go on, tell me."
"I'm not like Car Guy am I? Because that—"
He stopped rubbing her feet, fully turning to face her. "Wishbone?"
"Yeah. Wishbone." She swung her feet to the floor and moved to stand. "We still doing dinner?"
He grabbed her arm and dragged her back down. "Why Wishbone?"
"It's stupid," she groaned, pretending to fight against his hold. "All the nicknames are stupid, they don't really mean – When I first told them about you we'd just met and I said I wished the stupid American would bone me, okay?"
He let her go, even more confused now. "But I have."
"Yes," she said slowly, getting to her feet. "Many times."
"Then why am I still a wish?"
"Well they don't know you're fucking me." She shrugged, grabbing up her bag and heading to the kitchen.
He let that marinate in his brain for a minute before getting up to follow her. "Why don't they know?"
"I don't tell th… Right, I do tell them everything. But they know I was super into you back then and if they found out that you're the only guy I'm sleeping with they'd never stop teasing me. Chicken or salmon?"
"Chicken." She'd been into him back when they met? He tried to remember, to see if he could recall any obvious signs she'd wanted him then, but couldn't. Could only remember her rolling her eyes and looking annoyed when he talked about anything.
But he did remember—
"Oh, y/n," he whispered. "I'm sorry."
"I'm okay," she said quickly. "It was years ago. I'm pretty much over it."
"Don't lie to make me feel better." Because she did. Especially when it came to that. Pretty much over it. Rarely think about it. So far in the past it's hardly worth mentioning. But it was the reason she still slept with a light on. The reason she never went out alone at night. The reason she was wary of new men entering her life. The reason she was hyper aware of her surroundings in public, always mapping out an escape route if needed. It was one of the reasons behind her need to joke and laugh about everything, because she had to keep people liking her. It was the reason she spent so many of her precious days off working with the sexual abuse charity, willing to tell her horror over and over again so girls with similar cruelties would feel seen and understood.
He hadn't known her then. Would never know what she'd been like before her innocence and faith in humanity had been fractured. He only knew her as the woman she was. Fierce and protective and stronger than anyone he would ever know. He often wished he didn't know what had happened to her on that horrible night, but felt honored that she trusted him enough to share that side of her life with him.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked softly. She shook her head.
"Can we cook together?" she whispered.
"Of course." He hesitated, finally reaching to squeeze her shoulder. She lifted her head and he saw the tears shining in her eyes. She may not have wanted to talk about it, may have wanted him to just step away and wash his hands or whatever, but he pulled her to him, tucking his chin on her head while he held her, keeping silent while she let herself cry.
Wishing he could meet the monster face to face for just ten minutes.
He held her until her shoulders stopped shaking, until she sniffled and let go of his shirt. Pressing a kiss into her hair, he let go and offered to turn on music, making sure to pull up the playlist of songs that were cheerful and lighthearted. They cooked, or rather she cooked while he stood to the side to hand her things and clean up, and ate on the couch, watching her favorite movie.
And he realized it was his favorite movie now.
She stayed the night and he didn't care that she didn't want sex. Didn't care that she pulled her stuffed eagle out of her bag and held it close while he got ready for bed. Didn't care that the lamp was on. He was just happy to be there for her, to hold her while she fell asleep and then lie there watching her sleep. Even rocks needed support sometimes.
And it struck him – a full two months later – that he looked forward to just seeing her more than he looked forward to the sex. She'd become more than his best friend, more than his hookup, and he panicked constantly that he'd somehow let on that he'd broken the first rule of their arrangement.
But he had the feeling she knew, especially when he went straight to her office after flying in from Singapore to see her instead of going straight home to sleep off the jet leg. Her eyes lit up and she smiled brighter than the weak sun ever could, and when she hugged him tight and told him she'd missed him he knew she meant it.
"Dinner tomorrow?" he asked before leaving. The answer was yes and, no longer exhausted or feeling mediocre as he sometimes did after a race, he went home with a smile on his face.
She showed up at his door with that bright smile and oohed and aahed over the candles and the flowers. Teased him for being a try hard for wearing a suit and kissed his cheek.
Dinner might have tasted divine. Or it might have tasted like sawdust. He would never know.
God, she was beautiful. Always had been, he realized, wondering why he'd been so blind until just recently. But tonight, in her light blue dress and her eyes sparkling in the candlelight, she was stunning.
Heartbreakingly so. Because she would only ever be his friend.
"Yeah?" he finally murmured, realizing he was staring.
She stood up and left the table, coming back with her purse. Pulling out some papers, she sat down and bit her lip. "We need to talk."
Never a good thing when a woman said that. Swallowing hard, he took a sip of water to push down the lump in his throat. "About what?"
"You remember this?" She held up the papers and he nodded, seeing the contract she'd typed up and printed out for them both to sign.
"You want to end it?" he asked, anxiety curling in his chest, embarrassment heating his face at the way his voice cracked mid-sentence. Had she met someone?
"I think we need to," she said with a frown.
"Wh-why?" God, she'd met someone and hadn't told him and even worse, she'd fallen in love and now he'd be alone—
"I broke rule number one," she blurted.
"We don't have to end it," he said. "Rules get broken all the time. We can work it out—"
"I can't go back to random meaningless hookups anymore. I can't go back to models that don't know their ass from a hole in the ground—"
She let out a sharp giggle at that, clapping a hand over her mouth. "Logan!"
"I can't do it, y/n. Not when I've had the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I'm not even talking about the sex, it's just… We've spent more time together and I know I wasn't supposed to but I did it anyway because my heart's stupid I guess. I can't just go back to nothing with you—"
"Do you even remember what rule number one was?" she cut in, staring at him with wide eyes.
He froze, blinking slowly. "The one about protection, right?"
"Oh my god," she groaned, slapping her palm to her forehead. "No, Logan. Of course you don't remember. But you do, because you always remember everything, like how I need to sleep with a light on and can't watch horror movies after dark and that I only like white wine even if I'm eating red meet. You play the part of a fucking idiot so well because it shields you from people wanting to get too close and knowing the real you, like you're not the greatest thing America's made since chocolate chip cookies. Like you don't have a heart bigger than Texas."
"Um, y/n—"
"Which is exactly why I broke the stupid fucking rule that I made, because how could I not?" She threw the papers down and covered her face with both hands. "I didn't do it on purpose, you know? But I fucking did it, I fell for you, because the only bad thing about you is your annoying American pride."
"And it took everything in me to tell you this, but at least now I know you don't want to change this. You're happy just being fuck buddies and I have to be okay with it because I was the goddamned idiot that wrote the rules—"
"I love you too," he blurted.
She stopped. Lowered her hands. And stared at him.
"I love you," he said softly. "Always have, I think. I just… Never realized it until I wasn't supposed to."
"When did you know?" she whispered.
He sighed, shrugging one shoulder. He couldn't tell her. It would be embarrassing to admit he'd been holding it in since—
"Miami?" she asked.
"Oh come on, how could you know that?"
"Logan Hunter Sargeant, you brought me a stuffed eagle. You hate stuffed animals!"
"Yeah, but I love you."
She stared at him for a few seconds. Then, to his confusion, she began to laugh.
His favorite sound, followed very closely by her moan.
"Oh god, Logie," she giggled.
"When did you know?" he asked once she'd stopped laughing.
"When you left for Miami and I cried because I couldn't go with you," she said.
"God, we're both idiots," he muttered. Then he sat up straight. "Wait, hey, you said… You love me?"
She laughed again, nodding, and stayed laughing while he grabbed the papers and ripped them in half. And was still giggling when he pulled her to her feet and caught her in a sweet kiss.
"And we did break the protection rule," he whispered a lifetime later when they pulled apart.
"You pulled out, doesn't count."
"That's not in the rules."
She rolled her eyes, wrapping her arms around him. "There aren't any rules anymore, Wishbone."
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late-draft · 2 days
Hello, Dema here!
First off—I have fallen desperately in love with your artworks. You have a very particular style, strong and fluid all the same, and I can't help but admire the way you draw and how you approach character design.
And talking about character design...
I saw your post about Zuko's bold design in S1 when compared to what we got in S3 and—as much as I love S3-Zuko—I completely agree with you. Something I've always loved about Zuko in S1 is just how striking he was, how much of a presence he had, even when he was being tossed around by a twelve-year-old. That being said, I love Zuko, I love him in armor and pointy shoes and with a ponytail, and I loved your alternative design for him.
What do you think about his S2 character design? How does it flow with the story beats and his overall character arc? Much has been said about the Hair-Growth-Means-Character-Growth (and I find it interesting, also, that he cut his hair again before joining the Gaang), but I'd like to know your opinion on how that translates to character design and how the decisions made in the show could be either good or bad in that regard.
Sorry about the long ask! I've just been thinking about this a lot, lately, and would like to know what you think. Hope you have a good day ❤️
AAAA Dema hii!!! I'm so happy I got a message from you, I didn't expect it!!
I'm super glad to hear, I'll wear it as a badge of honour and I must tell you that I also love your art, you wonderfully do volume and the shading done through a contrast of sharp and soft areas! Super solid anatomy too and I'd be lying if I said I didn't look up to your art!
Yess the character designs in the show actually are rather strong, I like a good balance between memorable and functional. Zuko is just *chef kiss* but, considering just how many appearance changes he goes through, some are bound to be weaker than the starting one. That said, I'm gonna go through a few of his S2 looks and make this reply long, ha!
The starting one when he ends up huddling with uncle Iroh with other poor refugees, fits extremely well for the narrative at the moment. It's actually one of my least liked looks for him, and that's great!! It's precisely how it should be, because he's also arguably at one of his two lowest moral points in the story - he basically lost almost all hope, no clear goal, nothing to fight for, he's desperate precisely because of the lack of orientation and thus his morals degrade and sink veeery low. He gets on my nerves so goddamn much in this period LMAO I want to beat him up, he looks like a recovering drug addict... annoying, entitled whiny jerk stealing food and anything shiny for his uncle, but even then he just does not cross the moral event horizon. Excellent characterization. He just looks atrocious and it's great because it fits this low point.
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Next he gets the standard boyish square of a hair, no notes here...
But theeeen, he arrives at one of my favourite looks of his, and it's not just because the clothes fit him very nicely (I've seen fandom say they look too big for him which, maybe?? But it doesn't look like he's swimming in them to me) And a thing I've noticed which, maybe it was just an accident on design part but I'm not sure considering they colour coded the entire cave scene; in this part his clothes match the shape of Katara's, first one in bottom then the one in top. The collar is the same haf-circle design but I don't know, maybe there was a limited pool of clothes designs guide which they cycled through. Or, he really is meant to come close but miss Katara by a beat, like sine and cosine chasing each other.
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But besides this outfit fitting the inconspicuous Earth Kingdom customer service persona, it also (perhaps inadvertently) does this VERY cool thing:
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It makes his shape look closed off and guarded, supposedly non-threatening. It's most visible in his fight against Jet, whose shape is open and goes in many directions like an aggressive star. But then look at what Zuko's shape does:
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When he attacks, it opens up to reveal the hidden aspect, again the aggressive star shape shows up! The same thing happens in "Zuko alone" episode but I think it's most clearly visible in this fight against Jet because here he has a direct contrast and comparing with Jet. I think this is an example where the outfit, whose similar design exists irl, overlaps with a great visual metaphor and enhances the narrative at that moment in story. He's still that combative firebender but he has to keep that aspect concealed most of the time. Plus it just looks badass as hell!!
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Animators really knocked it out of the park with many frames. I think Jun was too early and missed his better hairstyle, but Katara was just in time.
I agree it's super funny how his hair in the Beach is awfully long, covers his face to an uncomfortable degree and then he apparently shortens it before joining the Gaang, insane behaviour Truly an "I'm so angry and depressed I won't show my face nor be capable of seeing anything because there's nothing nice to see in my life" look...
I guess all his appearances in S2 cover his mental states, but only one of them is extremely Extra (the tea server, doesn't even take the apron off and goes to fight) and I don't see any spot where a similar tier design could be shoved in, narratively speaking. So all in all, S2 did as much as S2 could have. More tea server arc please though, the Guru episode really feels like it skipped 800 km of plot and everything that happened in it is so crammed and pretty sus in terms of character behaviour.
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papergirllife · 1 day
Lee Jeno (M) TEASER
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fratboy!Jeno x reader
Jeno has a past that holds him back from what life could potentially offer him, and one of those, he thinks, is you.
warnings: minor character death (in the past), themes of grief and moving on, tooth-rotting fluff, Jeno being down bad but he was sort of an ass for a bit, crying during sx, sp@nking, mc's a masoch1st (kinda), body worship, unprotected sx, 0verstimulation, oral sx.
The worn out couch sinks as Jeno takes his seat, he watches as Jaemin talks about something animatedly with bombastic gestures and his tone pitched higher, he's going to be the perfect kindergarten teacher after he graduates being an education major and all, then there's Shotaro, watching wide eyed, engrossed in whatever tale Jaemin is telling, he's going to miss this, Jeno notes to himself, sighing at the fact that his sophomore year has begun and in a year's time he's going to say goodbye to all of this.
“Renjun said you'd be studying, didn't expect to see you tonight,” you say as you take the empty spot next to Jeno, Renjun on your side, you've always been his beloved little sister, Renjun is tiny, but for you? He'd pack a punch any time, his last victim was a 6 feet guy who was too handsy for his liking and dude ended up with a broken nose, he broke a finger too, but no one mentions that unless they want to end up in the same fatal tragedy.
“Finished studying, so I thought I'd come down here and join the rest of you,” and maybe because he wanted to see you too, not that he'd ever admit that, to himself or others, he has no right to delve into these emotions, it wouldn't be fair to you or her.
“Wow Jeno, no need to brag about your smarts like that, all of us know you're the top of the department,” you joke with a nudge of your shoulder, and with that slight movement, your thin cardigan slips down your smooth shoulder, revealing the strap of your tank top.
“Says the one that doesn't need to study and still passes,” Jeno retorts as he lets his eyes linger for a bit, before he decides to finally scoop up the collar section of your cardigan, covering your shoulder once again, and from the corner of his eye, he sees Renjun watching him.
“That's because I only aim to pass, unlike mister high achiever here, and I'm not cold, don't worry,” you say, but regardless, your body naturally inches closer to his, his warmth seeping through his bomber jacket has you hooked.
“Enough about me, what about you? What type of content are you shooting next?” Jeno asks, you're an almost full time influencer, the only reason you're still in college is because you want to get the degree as plan b, and Jeno, one of the few with a car, secondhand from his sister, always offers to drive you and sits through shootings with you, whether it be a trip to Olive Young or the newest cafe on the block.
“Probably gonna try doing those ‘a day in my life as a college student’ vlogs cuz some of my followers have been asking, but I'm not sure, it's a lot of work to film, might just end up going through my PR boxes instead or a review of this lip balm I've been looking for an excuse of getting,” you joke, knowing you, Jeno knows you're gonna get it and review it regardless, unless it's sold out, then he'd be one of the firsts to hear about your complaints.
“I could hold the camera if you want to,” Jeno offers, he always does, and you knew he would, it's why you asked in the first place.
“Thank you, my sweet assistant, knew I could always count on you,” you say before booping Jeno’s scrunched up nose, he always does that when you call him that, very textbook Taurus of him.
“Hey Jeno! Wanna play beer pong with us?” a girl comes up to him over the back of the sofa, tapping on his shoulder, probably his coursemate or something.
“Sure, I'll see you around, let me know when you wanna film, I'll see when I'm free,” Jeno says before giving you a little wave, following the girl to the beer pong area, and everyone knows she's going to end up inviting her to his bed, whether you like it or not.
That's all for now, the full story is coming soon!
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anakinstwinklebunny · 11 hours
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No warnings, pure fluff..this is awfully long
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Your boyfriend was your complete opposite. In many ways.
despite being polar opposites, the two of you got along surprisingly well. However while you were more of a morning bird, anakin preferred spending hours in bed after waking up. You preferred salty and sweety food, while anakin was obsessed with spicy food. You preferred winter, while he liked summer. And when it came to being sick, you didn't really act overly dramatic about it, unlike anakin
"Gosh, I'm gonna die.." Anakin groaned as he shivered under the covers, desperately attempting to pull them higher and burrow deeper into them
you couldn't help but let out a light chuckle at his overdramatic display "ani, you're not gonna die"
"I am.." he rasped through a hoarse throat, his voice weak and strained "My throat hurts like hell..my head feels like it's about to explode and-" he was suddenly cut off by another coughing fit "...god..see? I'm about to die"
you chuckled once more at his dramatic declarations. the soft clatter of pills inside a plastic bottles echoed in your ears as you searched for the right medication to soothe his pain
"You're just sick.." you gently reassured him "you won't die, I promise"
"How can you be so sure?" anakin rolled onto his side, nuzzling his face into the pillow "..I'm seriously dying..my throat feels like a sandpaper!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." you giggled, approaching him with a glass of water and two pills "but i need you to sit up, baby"
"Do I really have to..?" he whined
when you gave him a firm stare, he begrudgingly pushed himself up to lean against the bed frame. He eyed the pills in your hand skeptically "what are those for?" he asked
"they're supposted to help beat the fever"
anakin had a habit of becoming extra dramatic when he was sick. He would act like he was on death's door over a simple cold, which was both amusing and slighty annoying at the same time
with a sigh, he reached for the pills and swallowed them with the sip of water. Afterwards, he slumped back down into the bed. You could see his body trembling under the thin layer of blanket and the idea came to your mind "I feel like hell.."
"I know," you sighed, heading to his wardrobe to grab another blanket. "Are you still cold?" you asked, raising your voice so he could hear you.
"Freezing," he mumbled, pulling the covers up to his neck. There was a brief pause before he spoke again. "Can you come here?..I need cuddles.."
"Of course, Ani" you said, leaving the wardrobe and approaching the bed. You spread the blanket over the covers to give him extra warmth that he craved so much
He looked like an overgrown child, buried beneath a heap of blankets. Only a few disheveled locks of dark blond hair and weary blue eyes could be seen peeking out from underneath. He grasped your arm gently and tugged you down onto the bed. "There," he murmured, “Now hug me.”
You chuckled affectionately at his neediness, crawling under the covers to snuggle up beside him. Anakin promptly enveloped his sore arms around your waist, resting his head upon your chest with a soft groan. Becoming his personal pillow, especially at these times, could be seen as your never ending job that you even enjoyed. But if anyone would pay you for doing it, you'd find yourself swimming in a pool full of cash, which wasn't the worse
"You're so warm," he mumbled, pulling the blankets tighter around both of you. "Why aren't I as warm as you are?"
"you're trembling.." your fingers brushed through his messy curls, taking note of his shivering body. Somehow you felt a pang of remorse for laughing at him earlier even if his behavior was specific to say the least
"Of course I'm trembling," he clinged to you as if you were a lifeline. "I've got a fever, I'm cold and sore and sick and tired and miserable..." he continued, listing off his symptoms with a pathetic whine. "..so I'll cling onto you until this stupid sickness is gone."
Unable to contain your amusement, a small smile tugged at your lips. Despite his childlike behavior, you couldn't help but find him utterly adorable. The way he searched for physical contact and clung to you for comfort and support made your heart flutter.
"God, I hate being sick," he grumbled, burying his face into your chest. "Being around you is the only thing I enjoy right now."
You soothed him with a soft voice, twirling a curl around your finger "It's okay, baby. The meds will kick in soon enough."
"Everything is just so annoying right now," he complained, his words muffled against your chest. "My head hurts, every part of my body feels sore and throbbing...and I don't know what'll kill me... a headache or the misery itself."
You planted a gentle kiss on his warm forehead, trying to soothe his 'concerns'. "It's just a fever, Ani. you'll be okay."
He grumbled in response, knowing you were right but still feeling entitled to exaggerate his discomfort. "But everything hurts," he whined.
You rolled your eyes playfully, already having grown accustomed to his dramatic antics. "I know, you've already said that," you teased.
"Don't stop rubbing my hair," he mumbled drowsily out of nowhere, relishing the soothing feeling it was providing to his tired head. "Feels so good..."
As the meds slowly began to take effect, you hoped they would soon lull him into a peaceful slumber. But before that happened, he piped up with an unexpected request.
"You gonna make me meatballs?"
You chuckled softly at his random craving. "You're craving meatballs?" you asked, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips.
He nodded weakly, his eyes practically lighting up at the thought of your homemade dish "Yeah..I always feel better after you make them. Make 'em extra spicy too.." he pleaded, his voice filled with hope.
"Ani, you know you shouldn't be eating spicy food right now. Not with a fever and a sore throat," you gently reminded him.
He pulled back from your chest and looked up at you with puppy eyes and an exaggerated frown. "Are you really going to deny me my favorite spicy meatballs?"
Despite knowing better, he wasn't above asking for special treatment, relying on his boyfriend privileges to get what he wanted, even if it wasn't good for his health.
You gently brushed a stray curl out of his eye and replied firmly, "You'll have to wait until you're healthy again."
Anakin let out a melodramatic groan and draped his arm over his eyes, flopping back onto the pillow with a heavy sigh. "But I want them," he mumbled pathetically
"It's for your own good.."
He let out another melodramatic sigh, realizing that you weren't budging. But, true to form, that didn't stop him from trying to persuade you.
"You're so cruel to me," he pouted, feigning a wounded expression. "Starving me and denying me my favorite food while I'm ill and dying..." His tone was playful, clearly enjoying the banter.
"You're so dramatic," you teased. "Is there anything else you'd like to eat?"
He paused for a moment, pretending to think carefully about his food request. "Well, nothing much. Maybe just some soup and tea," he said casually, before sneaking in a hopeful whisper. "And spicy meatballs.."
You dissolved into laughter at his persistent attempt to break the no-spicy-food rule. "Ani, no spicy food," you reiterated
He let out a frustrated groan, burying his face into the pillow and sulking like a child denied his favorite toy. It was adorable how his demeanor completely changed when he was unwell, transforming him into a grumpy, bratty boy.
He muttered sulkily, "You're mean...what if I said please?"
"We just talked about it,"
Another groan of disappointment escaped him as he, again, flung an arm over his weary eyes, acting like a frustrated baby who was just about fed up with everything. Despite his best efforts, his worn-out muscles and tired mind kept him from pulling off his usual whining and pouting. After a moment of silence, he slowly removed his arm again and looked up at you with hopeful eyes.
"Please...? Please, just a few meatballs. I'm craving them so much.." he pleaded, sounding like a sad puppy with his tired and raspy voice.
You sighed, knowing that there was no easy way to make him see reason. The basic, logical facts didn't seem to register in his sick-addled brain. "I'll see what I can do," you responded, resigned.
His demeanor instantly brightened, a small, victorious smile illuminating his face. He looked like a kid who had just won the jackpot, thoroughly pleased with himself. Suddenly, he remembered something else, and his expression brightened even more.
"..And I want cuddles.."
"you're so demanding, you know that?" it made you frown jokingly, letting him nuzzle closer once more
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TAG LIST: @kingdomhate @ysrjune @divineani @mistress-amidala @catnipaddictt @haydensprettyprincess @erosmutt @fuckmyskywalker
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pro-memoriia · 2 days
Some head canons for how I think the ghouls (IMPERA, including Aether) can be in bed.
TW: Mentions of blood play, knife play, asphyxiation, and hitting + hair pulling in a sexual context in Sodo's section. Highlighted in red. Please skip if you're uncomfortable.
NSFW below the cut. You have been warned.
Note: I was going to do the ghoulettes, but I lost all my brain power. I might make a PT2 for them.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Exhibitionist. Not with strangers, but with Papa and the other ghouls, he loves to show off how pretty he is.
Unpredictable attitude. One minute he can be whimpering and pleading and then a second later be giving sassy comebacks to things his partner (s) is saying.
Switch, leaning sub. He's very adaptable since he's had his fair share of partner's who've liked different things. He overall prefers to be a sub and a bottom, but he can absolutely switch if he needs to. He's also a very good power bottom.
He's a dacryphiliac. Whether it's him crying or his partner, something about the smell of the tears and the way they look cascading down a beautiful face arouses him.
Loves playing dress up. He enjoys wearing lingerie and dresses and stuff because it makes him feel pretty. And he definitely won't complain if his partner wears something nice either...
Hates background noise. He doesn't like if there's something playing in the background, even music. It distracts him and sort of kills the mood. Especially if it's a show or movie or something.
Hates erotica. He doesn't like reading sex.
Will not ever fuck in his bedroom with the big light on. Small lights or no light.
Very open-minded. He will try pretty much everything at least once. As long as it's consensual and not harming anybody, he's down for at least trying it. However, there are certain kinks he does like more than others.
The biggest switch you'll ever meet. He can top, bottom, dom, sub, whatever is needed of his partners. He can be mean or sweet or anything. Very skilled when it comes to being in different positions.
Absolutely loves giving head. It doesn't matter whether his partner has a dick, or a vagina, or both. He will absolutely go down on them with enthusiasm. (He's also an avid cum eater.)
Not often serious. He prefers to joke around or at least be casual during sex. If his partner wants completely serious sex, he'll do it, but he prefers to be able to let loose a little.
He absolutely loves sexual media. He loves sex scenes on TV, he loves erotica, even fan fiction.
Extremely good at aftercare. Food, drinks, baths, kisses, cuddles, praise, everything. Will absolutely dote on his partner afterwards, no matter if he's been rough or not.
Has a specific playlist for sex. He enjoys fucking to the beats of songs and some also just get him in the mood.
Will do it pretty much anywhere and any time. Of course, he knows to be respectful and keep it contained in front of people who don't want to be involved, but nonetheless, he's DTF at almost any moment.
The bottom-est bottom to ever exist. He might get a little rough at times, but he is absolutely not dominant.
Only praise, no degradation. If he is degraded, it will go to his head and he will cry.
Secretly wants a ghoul there to ground him. If he's with a Sibling Of Sin or something, he might get a little anxious or shy. If Rain or Swiss or Mountain and somebody from his pack shows up, it gives him a lot more confidence.
Messy eater, if you know what I mean. He absolutely loves going down on others. He likes knowing he's making somebody feel good and likes getting praised. However, he's still learning, and even if he weren't, he'd probably still be just as sloppy. But it's over, because it's so sweet to look at him and see his face covered in cum.
He's like a puppy. He's so shy, yet so eager. All he ever wants is to make his partner feel good and happy, and get praised in the process.
He will fold for the simplest of things. Compliment him, pet him, praise him, kiss him, anything and he will be on his knees for you in the blink of an eye.
His favorite "teacher" is Swiss. Swiss is where he learned some of the kinks he had, different positions, how to please people with certain anatomy, etc. Literally involve Swiss with anything and he'll follow.
Tail wagger. If he's getting fucked real good or really absorbed in getting head, his tail will move like a helicopter. Back and forth, super fast. You can't get angry with him for it though, he's too sweet.
Dewdrop / Sodo:
Aggressive. It does not matter what position he's in or anything, unless he's sad, he's at least a little bit aggressive.
Will use his own tail. He loves using his tail to give himself and his partners pleasure. Whether it's rubbing their clit, jacking them off, or rubbing their nipples, he loves it. He thinks it's fun.
Major tease. This little brat will do anything to fuck with his partner. Whether it's small touches cocky remarks about their sexual secrets. He just loves causing trouble.
Loves when his partners are loud. Not only does he find it arousing, he also finds it amusing. He can and will use it against them outside of the bedroom too.
A slight sadomasochist. He's not incredibly big on it, but he likes some pain play. If a partner asks to bring knives or something into bed, he'd do it. And he's totally down for some blood (even periods). And you've seen him choke Rain, he's open to breathe play. But seriously, pull his hair, bite him, even slap him, he'll love it, and he'll do it back if you ask nicely.
Loves having multiple partners at once. Invite him to a threesome, foursome, fivesome, even so much as an orgy, he's 100% down. He loves the extra company.
Temperature play. If they're into it, he'll totally use his element to file his partner's up. He's hot in more ways than one.
No. Stuffies. He hates doing it around toys or stuffed animals or anything because it makes him feel like he's being watched and judged. And also he gets thrown off when he looks away from his partner's pleasure filled expression to a little stuffed unicorn or something.
Soft dom, all the way. He is the sweetest, most doting fucking teddy bear one could ever have for a partner.
Gentle manhandling. He will basically bend and reposition his partner in any way he wants during the act, but he's very careful about it so he doesn't hurt them.
Very, very fixated on communication. While the others discuss boundaries with their partners, nobody will do it like this guy. He's always checking what he's allowed to do, if they're comfortable, if they know their safe word or need to say it, everything. He wants to do everything in his power to take care of his partner and would be absolutely devastated if he hurt them or crossed their boundaries in any way.
"I just wanna take some pictures." If they let him, he will take photos of his partner during sex. And if they really feel like being nice, he'll carry those photos in his wallet and phone case. He just wants to look at them when he's missing how they feel, it helps him get off.
Breeding kink... He doesn't know why he likes it so much, but the idea of filling his partner up with cum and just keeping them stuffed full of him makes his dick and his heart throb.
Loves any close and intimate position. He loves being close to his partner and being able to touch and feel and kiss them. If not, it'll throw off his rhythm when he's fucking.
Much prefers coziness. He loves having sex in his bed the most. When he's intimate, he just enjoys having pillows and blankets and more plush and soft surroundings.
Aftercare king. He will feed his partner, bathe them, carry them, kiss them, cuddle them. Anything they want. He just made them feel good, but he can't just stop after an orgasm.
Huge. Ginormous even. He's a big guy with a big cock. And that's okay.
Mostly gentle. Unless he's really stressed out or he's near/in his rut, he always prefers softer, sweeter, slower sex. Especially if he's the one penetrating somebody else. He knows his size can hurt already, but going at his hard and fast would probably give his partner a tummy ache and he doesn't want that.
Loves outside sex. Whether it's in the forest or the greenhouse, or even just on the patio outside the Ministry. He just loves being intimate in his element.
Ghoulish head... He will purr and his tail will wag when he gives head, especially if it's AFAB anatomy. It's like he gets drunk or sleepy when he goes down on his partners. His tail will move all swiftly, he'll be pretty much vibrating from purring, and he'll smile up with pearly white fangs and a tongue coated in cum.
Quiet, for the most part. He really just whimpers and grunts a lot. Except he can be talkative sometimes.
Cannot and will not be involved with degradation. It's awkward for him to be on the receiving end, and if he does it to someone else, he might cry.
Very sensitive to smell. If he gets a whiff of his partner's arousal, he will immediately be alert. His tail will wag, his pupils will dilate, and he'll be almost shaking, but in a good way.
Kind of has a thing for double penetration... He's mentioned using a drumstick in other ways before but always played it off as a joke when rejected. But with another ghoul in the mix, he'll be so excited and that partner will not be walking straight or sitting comfortably for at least a few days.
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dira333 · 2 days
dira my darling!
can i request a fluffy plotbunny with bakugo? something with casual dominance, bc i would love to have someone boss me around. like,, he says sit and im sat? Im very bossy/pushy overall so a bf that's casually dominant and who i dont have to think around or help lead like i do everything else would be a dream come true xD
thank you for being so kind as to share your amazing pieces with us!!!!
*Pretending I have the time to write by eating my lunch in front of the computer* It's called Multi-Tasking
Also, I've had a hard time with this prompt because it feels like it's skirting along the line of suggestiveness, or is that just me being weird?
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Going back in time...
"Stay," a voice whispers as you get up, warm lips pressed against the shell of your ear. "I'll get your drink."
"If only you'd listen to someone else like that," your best friend scoffs the moment you're seated again.
"Hah?" You ask, hackles rising.
"You know exactly what I'm referring to," Mina scoffs yet again, staring you down. Or at least, she's trying.
Your best friend of almost twenty years might just be as bossy as you are, but that doesn't mean you bow to her whims. Like she'd do it for you...
"What are we talking about?" Kirishima leans in, propping his head on his girlfriend's shoulder.
"How my best friend in the world does not listen to me." Mina points one pointy nail at you. "Especially considering I'm the one planning her surprise party."
"Please," you scoff, "like it could have been a surprise. You could never keep a secret from me. I'm just taking care of it."
"Bakugo!" Mina calls for the kitchen where your fiancé went seconds ago to get you another drink. "Help me here! Your fiancée's still trying to weasel her way into planning her own surprise party."
"Like hell, I'm helping you," Bakugo scoffs, looking down his nose at her. "And if my Baby doesn't trust your taste, I fully trust hers." He leans down to kiss you, pressing the glass into your hands.
"But I'm getting the flowers tomorrow."
"But-" You try to intervene but one look from him has you silent.
"See!" Mina asks Kirishima, pointing at the two of you. "One look and she shuts up. It never works when I do it."
"Yeah, but it's Bakugo," Kirishima offers like it's all the explanation needed.
"Do you ever listen to somebody?" Bakugo asks, raspy morning voice cutting through the Silence. You barely keep yourself from flinching, but the smirk on his lips tells you that he noticed. It seems he loves surprising you the most, mainly because you pride yourself in not getting surprised.
"I listen to a lot of people," you claim as you return to checking the Buffet table. You'd asked for Vegan Options and an egg-free dessert for the new secretary. Sweet-tooth, but highly allergic. It happens.
"You hear them," he says, "but you don't listen. Because I definitely heard Yukon tell you that he had the Buffet under control yet you're checking his work."
"And rightly so," you point out. "We're missing the egg-free dessert option."
"So? I asked for it. He said he'd get it done. Do I have to do everything myself here? Apparently so."
"Sit down," he orders calmly, and you'd maybe wonder about his lack of temper had you not experienced him being like that around you for the last three years. Apparently, Bakugo turns into the chillest little prankster you could think of, but only around you. "I'll get it done."
You want to say something, but you decide against it. You've seen Bakugo deal with other stuff before, stuff that was definitely more important than getting an egg-free dessert for the new secretary. You know he can get this done.
"Fine," you huff, "But make it quick. I still need to go over the new recruits with you."
"Have I ever kept you waiting?" He asks as he turns away, leaving you flustered.
"Maybe we should appoint her for Class President," Sato offers quietly, but not quietly enough. "She's managed to talk Mina down in less than five seconds and it doesn't look like she takes shit from anyone."
"The title of Class President is-"
A loud boom interrupts whatever Iida has tried to say. When the smoke clears, there's only a small force field keeping Bakugo from strangling Kaminari, who looks a lot less frightened than anyone in his position should be.
"Calm down, will you?" You ask, looking down at Bakugo from where you're standing. Keeping up the force field is taking its toll, but you'd rather puke than admit to it. Not in front of Bakugo at least. "Aren't you better than that?"
Surprisingly, that seems to work. He calms down quickly, leaning back in his chair with a scoff. "True." He says, but his blood-red eyes don't leave you. It feels like a Challenge. One you're not sure you'll win.
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thequeenofsastiel · 2 days
Rewatching season 1 and I'm STILL furious that they not only had Lestat almost kill Louis, but they ruined their first flight together. For those who haven't read the books, it's at the end of Queen of the Damned. Lestat had only just acquired the power, and had never flown of his own power before. He chose to have his first flight with Louis. I'll transcribe it, for those who want to read it:
I kissed him suddenly, thrilled by the warmth of him, the soft pliant feel of his near human skin. God, how I hated the whiteness of my fingers touching him, fingers that could have crushed him now effortlessly. I wondered if he even guessed.
There was so much I wanted to say to him, to ask him. Yet I couldn't find the words really, or a way to begin. He had always had so many questions; and now he had his answers, more answers perhaps than he could have ever wanted; and what had this done to his soul? Stupidly I stared at him. How perfect he seemed to me as he stood there waiting with such kindness and such patience. And then, like a fool, I came out with it.
"Do you love me now?" I asked.
He smiled; oh, it was excruciating to see his face soften and brighten simultaneously when he smiled. "Yes," he said.
"Want to go on a little adventure?" My heart was thudding suddenly. It would be so grand if--"Want to break the new rules?"
"What in the world do you mean?" he whispered.
I started laughing, in a low feverish fashion; it felt so good. Laughing and watching the subtle little changes in his face. I really had him worried now. And the truth was, I didn't know if I could do it. Without her. What if I plunged like Icarus--?
"Oh, come now, Louis," I said. "Just a little adventure. I promise, I have no designs this time on Western civilization, or even on the attentions of two million rock music fans. I was thinking of something small, really. Something, well, a little mischievous. And rather elegant. I mean, I've been awfully good for the last two months, don't you think?"
"What on Earth are you talking about?"
"Are you with me or not?"
He gave another little shake of his head again. But it wasn't a No. He was pondering. He ran his fingers back through his hair. Such fine black hair. The first thing I'd ever noticed about him--well, after his green eyes, that is--was his black hair. No, all that's a lie. It was his expression; the passion and the innocence and the delicacy of conscience. I just loved it!
"When does this little adventure begin?"
"Now," I said. "You have four seconds to make up your mind."
"Lestat, it's almost dawn."
"It's almost dawn here," I answered.
"What do you mean?"
"Louis, put yourself in my hands. Look, if I can't pull it off, you won't really be hurt. Well, not that much. Game? Make up your mind, I want to be off now."
He didn't say anything. He was looking at me, and so affectionately that I could hardly stand it.
"Yes or no."
"I'm probably going to regret this, but...."
"Agreed then." I reached out and placed my hands firmly on his arms and I lifted him high off his feet. He was flabbergasted, looking down at me. It was as if he weighed nothing. I set him down.
"Mon dieu," he whispered.
Well, what was I waiting for? If I didn't try it, I'd never find out. There came a dark, dull moment of pain again; of remembering her; of us rising together. I let it slowly slip away.
I swung my arm around his waist. Upwards now. I lifted my right hand, but that wasn't even necessary. We were climbing on the wind that fast.
The cemetery was spinning down there, a tiny sprawling toy of itself with little bits of white scattered all over under the dark trees.
I could hear his astonished gasp in my ear.
"Put your arm around my neck," I said. "Hold on tight. We're going west, of course, and then north, and we're going a very long distance, and maybe we'll drift for a while. The sun won't set where we're going for some time."
The wind was ice cold. I should have thought of that, that he'd suffer from it; but he gave no sign. He was merely gazing upwards as we pierced the great snowy mist of the clouds.
When he saw the stars, I felt him tense against me; his face was perfectly smooth and serene; and if he was weeping the wind was carrying it away. Whatever fear he'd felt was gone now, utterly; he was lost as he looked upward; as the dome of heaven came down around us, and the moon shone full on the endless thickening plain of whiteness below.
No need to tell him what to observe, or what to remember. He always knew such things. Years ago, when I'd done the dark magic on him, I hadn't had to tell him anything; he had savored the smallest aspects of it all on his own. And later he'd said I'd failed to guide him. Didn't he know how unnecessary that had always been?
But I was drifting now, mentally and physically; feeling him a snug yet weightless thing against me; just the pure presence of Louis, Louis belonging to me, and with me. And no burden at all.
That's one of my favorite scenes in the whole series, and I just wanted to share it. I hope y'all got as much enjoyment out of it as I did.
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defnotanarc · 8 hours
Clegan Fic Recs 💖
I hit 100 followers! 🥲💕 so here's my lil list i've been meaning to compile for a while now... 😅 Note: I'm a whore so practically all of these are smut.
Close and Yet Closer by Anonymous・E・29.3k WIP
“Thing is,” he said, “If you do tell me to go, I’m gonna need you to make me believe it, Buck. Really make me believe it. Tell me, ‘I love Marge. She’s the only one for me.’ Tell me, ‘I wasn’t trying to make you jealous in there, Bucky, I swear.’ Because I know I was. Tell me you didn’t like it when you made me come. Tell me you didn’t like it when you pulled your cock over me. Tell me you don’t want me like I want you. Tell me all that, Buck, and I’ll believe you.”
Before the Dawn by atlanticslide ・ ・ M ・ 38k
His eyes are closed when Buck pulls back and whispers so close to him that his lips brush against John’s, “How many goddamn times I gotta tell you the name’s Gale, asshole?” And then kisses him one more time.
Reverie by Avonne @avonne-writes・E・55.7k
Gale's lips split into the biggest grin Bucky had ever seen. “I knew it was you!”
Aubade by Avonne @avonne-writes・E・7.1k
"Well, we're very good friends."
In the Heat of the Night by Avonne @avonne-writes・E・4.5k
“Careful, John, I might mistake you for a gentleman.” “I am a gentleman.” “Uh-huh, knocking me up before marriage?”
the air between us by burglarbilbo @buckyclevens・E・34k WIP
“Sweetheart, Abbie was not my sister,” Lennie says. Gale, coming back to the table from the sink, starts to apologize when Lennie holds up a weathered hand. “She was my wife.”
Asleep Inside the Cannon's Mouth by Coolguyreiner (luciferswhiteloafers)・E・3.1k
He was John’s conscience and John was his beating heart, walking around the world out of his chest, saying what he couldn’t, indulging where he feared to do so.
To be alone with you by Damn_Illusive・NR・22.8k
I'D RATHER YOU WERE CRAZY THAN DEAD John roars, into his own head.
Because I Liked You Better by electric_android・E・3.8k
The playful question is accompanied by a hand wrapping around his cock and pulling a frankly humiliating squeak from John who can barely stop himself from finishing like an inexperienced virgin.
Don't Forget To Breathe by FascinationStreet @fascinationstrt・E・2.1k
“Gonna come in a sec doll,” he whispers as he traces Buck's lips with his thumb, “you want it?”
Electra by fitzgender @nigesakis・E・5.2k
A girl after all, hm, Gale? He mocks.
little fix by ForASecondThereWedWon @forasecondtherewedwon・E・2.7k
Gale reached up and braced his palms overhead, just to wait John out, but when John turned, he knew he’d caught the scent of the cologne again. Mostly because John went, “Oh, god,” and swept his gaze down Gale’s body.
I'll be coming home, wait for me by FreeLove (smallMar)・E・10.5k
“Land for me today, Gale, alright? Can’t do this without you,” he says, looking straight into Gale’s eyes, and for a moment Gale is short for words. Bucky has never called him by his given name. Ever.
take in the sweetness by hart・E・23k
“This where all your volume goes, huh?” John says, breathless as he speeds up. “Quiet thing, I thought, when we met. God- you just need a good fuck, then you’re loud as bells.”
this must be the place by hart・E (Violence)・4k
He lets go of Buck’s hand, stands up slightly to bend over him, holding his face between both palms and pressing their foreheads together again. John kisses the space between his brows without thinking, but if Doc reacts at all John couldn't care less.
I Don’t Wanna Be Alone Tonight by johnslittlespoon (quickcatton) @johnslittlespoon・E・4.2k
The few times John comes to bed late, he realizes he’s not sure how to fall asleep alone anymore, which evokes a lot of feelings, none of which he quite feels like unpacking.
Would you do anything for me? by MarionetteFtHJM @marionettefthjm・E・22.6k
“That he saw our little Gale in training one day and couldn’t resist his sad, sad eyes. So he adopted him, took him home like a pup, gave him his name and then told everyone else to fuck off.”
You treat your mouth as if it's Heaven's gate by MarionetteFtHJM @marionettefthjm・E・9.5k
No, he’s not John’s wife. And it’s not like he’d want to be, but. But.
and the waxen wings of ambition melt by MarionetteFtHJM @marionettefthjm・E・26.8k
“Mom and dad fightin’ again,” Curt sing-songs under his breath like he’s asking for an ass-kicking.
I might survive by MarvaLamb @lambcow・E + T・15k
Gale has a wicked smirk on his face. “Don’t forget your manners, Major,” Gale whispers in the most rugged voice Bucky has ever heard from Gale’s lips in his life, and Bucky’s brain absolutely short circuits.
That man antagonizes the fuck out of Buck at any given chance and Benny doesn’t even think he realizes it. And the worst thing is they both seem to like it.
Synchronicity by mercess @spaceshipkat・E・28.3k
P.P.S. You told me once that I was the Hundredth’s unicorn. What I never told you is that you’ve always been mine.
bomber's moon by moonrocks・E・13.8k
“I love you, Gale,” John says quietly. “I need you to know that, alright? I’ve always loved you.” Gale just stares at him, forgetting every word he’s ever learned.
5 times John asks Gale to kiss him (and one time Gale asks him instead) by NiciJones @nicijones・T・9k
How can Buck stand there and accuse him of loving him like a summer fling when John loves him like war loves death, relentlessly and inevitably?
if that isn’t love, it’ll have to do by phlegmatic @irregularcollapse・E・23k WIP
“You couldn’t beat me indoors and sober,” Gale drawls back, but it’s the easiest thing he’s done tonight to wheel his bike around and swing his leg over it. He’s already pedaling when he adds, “You definitely won’t beat me drunk and queer.”
You and me (Against the world) by PinkSiames @pinksiames・E・3.1k
“Well it seems to be making you blush, is that what you are? A girl Buck? My girl?” John’s voice dropped an octave on the last question.
breathing in (under your skin) by plulu・M + E・9.1k WIP
“As a wise man told me, Buck, I’m their commanding officer.” Gale winced, words thrown back in his face. “It’s my job to set an example. To raise morale.”
There was a moment of tandem, of perfect harmony, as if they were a unit that had never been separated. They moved as if they weren’t thinking, like their brains hadn’t caught up with their instincts. Gale felt without registering the coolness of the wall as his back collided with it, felt the warm pressure of John’s front as it suddenly pressed against his chest.
Chocolate Squaresby pyrotechnicbean・E・3.1k
“I wanna fuck you.” He leaned down and whispered the words against the shell of Gale’s ear. “I wanna fuck you until I forget my own goddamn name.”
Do You Believe in Luck? by pyrotechnicbean・E・3.7k
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that?” Gale chuckled, shock and uncertainty fading away. “Tell me.” “Since you dropped out of that fort in Texas with your hair all over the place, winked at me and said ‘Nothin else like her.’” Buck had forgotten about that, too many other things crowding for attention in his mind but now he laughed. “I wanted you to notice me real bad.” “Oh I noticed, Buck. I definitely noticed.”
Born To Ride by shayde_hale @bucking-mustangs-with-wings・E・17k
Both of them moan gently at the sensation, Buck's eyes trailing over the sight in front of him as he watches his own cum seep from the slight gape of John's hole, clenching around the ghost of him and has to fight valiantly against the small twitch of interest his damp cock makes at the image.
Under his tattoo, beneath the Born To Ride in black marker, were the words Gale Cleven in perfect handwriting scrawled across the skin.
in our bedroom after the war by stereobone @stereobone・E・29.6k
"Well, I'll be damned," Bucky says. "Gale Winston Cleven. You're cooking me a roast."
"What, Gale, you worried I was going to let him think we're queer?" [...] "You think I was going to tell him that you sleep in my bed most nights and like cooking me dinner?" [...] "How much longer are you going to keep pretending that you're doing all that for me?" [...] "That it's not good for you too?"
A Suite at the Ritz by stillheremydear・E・2.2k
“You do know how to make a girl feel special.” “Nothing but the best for my baby doll,” quips another familiar voice, Major Egan.
Amoretti / Little Beasts by Swifty_Fox @swifty-fox・E・28.9k WIP
“Know I’m so deep up in your cunt but y’gotta be quiet sweetheart."
BONUS: John/Gale/Marge OT3
Who Are We To Fight The Alchemy?・by edbl・E・23k
He feels Marge shudder above him and John sigh long and drawn out, before he guides the head of John’s cock to Marge’s entrance and with his thumb, presses on the underside of the head until it slips inside her. Marge gasps, a short stuttered sound that draws out into a sigh to match John’s, synchronous in their pleasure as she sinks down onto John and the length of his cock disappears inside her.
Making Sure to Take Care by Perpetual Motion (perpetfic)・E・3.1k
"Seems I interrupted something," Buck says after another moment. He sets Marge on her feet, then traces his hands up and down her torso, drinking her in. "Can't say I mind."
where our heads lived and were by seresins @everyangel・E・8.3k WIP
He smiles crookedly, charming lines appearing on his face, and Marge is struck so suddenly by how handsome he is that she wants to kiss him again in earnest. The urge is so strong that it’s all she can do to swallow it down.
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swarvey · 3 days
screaming over paper rings. stardew and taylor swift?? PEAK ‼️ so, in a similar vein, i have a lil request
could you possibly write a one-shot with any taylor swift song of your choosing? i'd like for it to be x sebastian but i know he's not one of your favorites, so if that's uncomfortable i'd be down with haley. either is fine, i would just love to see what you'd come up with! your writing is wonderful, and i can't wait to see what else you write <3
- 🪩
when you've moved on | sebastian x gn!reader
summary -> you're with alex now, but is he really the one you want? warnings -> none! seb smokes a cig and there's some swearing, that's ab it. just angst. heh. word count -> 1817
a/n: ahhh ty disco anon!! i'm glad you're liking the taylor/stardew crossover as much as i do <3 decided to do my take on the trope where they watch you move on with someone else in town, enjoy!!
the way i loved you ->"but i miss screaming and crying and kissing in the rain."
"see that?" you point up to the stars, eyes wide and bright. "that's orion's belt. if you look close enough, you can see his whole body."
raising a brow, sebastian squints up at the sky, noticing the three, shining stars all in a row next to each other.
"huh. guess you're right," he says, smiling lightly at your excitement at the stars.
you'd been ecstatic when he offered to take you stargazing, riding out to the spot where he'd kissed you for the first time. the picnic blanket beneath the two of you is soft, and although the evening spring wind is chilly, seb feels warm enough to fall asleep with your head resting on his shoulder.
"we should do this more often," you sigh happily, grabbing onto his arm and pulling him closer to your side.
he kisses the top of your head gently, closing his eyes. "whatever you want, sweetheart."
"yeah?" he responds, keeping his eyes closed.
"sebastian, wake up!"
sebastian wakes with a start at the sound of his mother shouting, groaning as he sits up reluctantly.
scratching his head and yawning, he asks, "what time is it?"
"nearly eight-thirty, seb, you said you'd be up by eight," robin chides. "come on, we're going to be late for the festival."
he scowls. he's tempted to lay back down and cover his head with his blankets again, but he would rather not deal with more of his mom's antics.
"fine. i'll be up in a minute." as she heads back upstairs, sebastian groggily pulls on some warm clothing, trying to ignore the stinging in his heart. why, why was he still dreaming about you? he knows you've moved on, so why has he been cursed to see you every night? sometimes, he wakes up and forgets you're not his anymore, forgets about the fight you two had, forgets the sharp, hurtful words that came out of his mouth he didn't mean at all.
he'll never forget, though, the words you said back to him, an unforgiving amount of hurt and anger in your eyes as rain poured down on the two of you.
"i'm done with this, seb," you'd said, voice shaking and weak from arguing with him. "i've given you enough chances to prove me wrong, to show you actually care about me, but i guess i was wrong. i can't do whatever this is any longer."
then, you'd walked away, leaving him alone in the downpour in front of his house.
how could he have been so stupid? no one in his life has ever known him better than you did, and he still let you slip from his grasp. what an idiot, he thinks, scoffing at himself as he makes his way upstairs and joins his family.
though, as they enter the festival of ice, seb immediately regrets not staying in bed.
you laugh as alex pulls your winter hat over your face, grabbing a handful of snow and throwing it at him in retaliation. haley rolls her eyes as she stands to the side, annoyed as she pulls out her phone and begins absentmindedly scrolling. meanwhile, alex starts to chase you, grabbing you from behind and hugging you tightly before pressing a kiss to your cheek.
seb looks away. he thinks he might gag.
"hey, seb! you made it!" his blond-haired friend runs up to him like an excited kid, snow already scattered in his hair. "geez, did you just wake up or something? you look kinda rough, buddy."
"thanks," he replies flatly.
sam scratches the back of his neck, flashing an apologetic smile. "sorry, didn't mean to tick you off. come on, abby's waiting over there!"
sebastian keeps his gaze on the trees as he follows his friend, trying his best to tune out the sound of your laughter he once craved to hear. how did you end up with a douche like alex, anyway? he never understands why sam speaks so highly of him, and now you go off and date him?
"helloooo," abigail sings, waving a hand in front of his face.
"oh, hey," he greets, blinking out of his thoughts. "sorry, i'm still waking up."
she raises a brow, studying his face. "right. had another nightmare?"
"i guess you could call it that."
abby shakes her head, crossing her arms. "i'm telling you, sebastian, if you would just listen to me and move on, life will start to be much nicer to you."
"i have moved on," he snaps, though quickly sighs when he sees the knowing look she gives sam. "i'm sorry, really, but i'm fine. i promise."
"if you say so," she says, her tone unbelieving. he can't blame her for being worried — abby was the one who was most concerned about him after the two of you broke up, knowing how much he'd cared for you.
or, more accurately, how much he still cares for you.
"how about we go check on vincent?" sam suggests, obviously trying to lighten the mood. "the little guy was super excited for today."
as the three make their way over to find sam's younger brother, seb finds his eyes wandering over to you once again, unable to keep himself from checking on you. to his surprise, your eyes meet his for a split second, only for you to jump slightly and turn back to alex and haley.
did you miss him, too?
after the festival ends, sebastian finds himself lingering around a little longer, telling his friends and family that he'll catch up with them later. he walks over to the river, listening to the comforting sound of running water as he pulls out a cigarette and his lighter.
"i thought you quit?"
he whips his head around at the sound of your voice, nearly dropping the items in his hand into the water.
"i did," he replies after a moment, continuing to light the cigarette. "just felt like i needed one right now."
you wordlessly walk closer and stand beside him. he can feel your eyes burning into his face.
"well, how have you been?" you ask, rubbing your arm. "i heard you . . . haven't been sleeping well."
he huffs. "what, did alex tell you?" i told sam to keep his mouth shut.
"does it matter?" he doesn't have to look at you to know you're frowning. "it's been nearly a year, you can't let this keep dragging you down, seb."
he ignores the painful twinge in his chest at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue. seb. sure, almost everyone tends to use that nickname for him, but it just sounds so right coming from you. it used to make his heart warm every time he heard it, no matter the place or time; while doing chores, eating dinner, in bed.
even now, when you aren't his anymore, a part of him is glad to hear you still say it with the same tone.
"as i've been telling everyone else," he says after blowing smoke out from his lips, "i'm fine. there's no need for you to worry about me anymore, anyways — you got mr. pro over there to care for now."
"don't talk about him," you snap, a sudden defensiveness coming over your voice. "you don't get to bring him up."
seb scoffs, finally turning to look at you. god, you look just as breathtaking as he left you, snowflakes glittering on top of your hair and eyelashes. there's a certain glint in your eye he doesn't recognize, though, and he decides to test it.
"why?" he questions carelessly. "are you scared i'll be too honest with you?"
"what? i—"
"well that's too bad, sweetheart," he interrupts, his old nickname for you filled with an unfamiliar venom. "i'll be truthful with you, just like i always have been. i wasn't perfect with you, not at all — i ignored you and hurt you, over and over until you got sick of it and left, so i know i could've treated you better."
he sees your eyes begin to water, and for a moment, guilt overcomes him, but he goes on anyway.
"but there's one other thing i know," he continues, taking a step closer to you. he points behind him in the direction of the town. "you and him? you'll never love each other like we did. sure, we had our fuck-ups and arguments, but i have never loved someone like i did with you, and i know you feel the same."
"you don't know anything," you whisper, though the confidence you had before has vanished.
he huffs a sarcastic laugh. "really? you sure about that? tell me, does he know you always sleep in every saturday, since you're in the mines until late on fridays? or how you always go to the saloon, just to play your favorite song on the jukebox?" he pauses. "i bet he doesn't know anything about the stars, does he? have you even asked him to look at them with you?"
"stop!" you demand, fists clenched tightly as you give him the same look you had when you left him. "this is different, okay? alex and i are taking our time, so neither of us ends up making stupid mistakes like we did."
"as stupid as they were, that's what i liked about us," seb says, his voice a level gentler than it was before. "we weren't perfect, but we didn't pretend to be. it's what made us so real." he shakes his head, lifting his cigarette to his mouth. "but if you want to go live your high school daydream, then by all means, go ahead."
you scowl. "you know, i came here to check in on you, but i see now that you're as helpless as you were when i broke up with you."
he winces slightly at your harsh words, but remains stoic nonetheless. "go ahead and think whatever you want, sweetheart, but i think one of us is clearly more helpless than the other."
"fuck off, seb. get over yourself."
as you start to walk away, he turns to look at you once more, watching as you hesitate.
"i wanted us to work," you say quietly, void of any hostility. "i tried so hard, but you made it impossible."
"would you do it again?"
the question is slipping out of his mouth before he even realizes it, but he can't take it back now. he expects you to turn around, to storm at him and laugh at how he can even think that.
instead, you leave him with no response, hugging yourself with your arms as you head back towards your farm.
interesting. he throws his cigarette down into the dirt beneath him, putting it out with the heel of his shoe. he wonders why you didn't say anything.
that night, for the first time in weeks, sebastian doesn't dream.
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cremateyourlife · 14 hours
Endeavor sucks so here's a rant cause i've seen too many people say he isn't that bad lately
(CW / TW for abuse, ptsd mention) going in best order of episode events, but also including manga spoilers (sections are indented so you can skip the manga parts)-
this is pulling from source material but also very opinioned based. I get people saying he's an interesting character (kinda) but i hate seeing people excuse what he did because "aww he feels bad now." like him if you want but hating on other's for not liking him is just stupid.
it will also be long, but I have a lot of thoughts, hope at least some people agree with me lmao
i started typing this around when ch 390 came out so i know this has all been said before but with the new season coming out and like i said more people defending him i wanted to finally post this
"The Boy Born With Everything."
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"That kid of mine will beat you some day, I'll make sure of it. That's why I created him."
Endeavor admitting he only had kids to be heroes, ones better than All Might, shows he does not truly care about his children. He only wanted them because he couldn't handle his failures. He sees them as a tool, not as his own kids, not as people. That's obvious in almost everything he says to and about Shoto.
And while I hate him, he isn’t a failure hero wise. He’s literally the # 2 hero out of however many hundreds there are. He’s simply mad he can’t beat AM? What is he a child who thinks he deserves everything he wants because he’s never been told no?
When Shouto finally used his fire Endeavor yelled about him finally realizing his “purpose.” More proof he sees his children, Shouto specifically, as tools. They aren't humans to him, they don't have their own feelings or goals, they are a means to an end. A means to his end. Shouto overcoming his own guilt (guilt caused by Endeavor) doesn’t matter to him. What matters is he now feels Shouto is worth something.
Class 1A vs 1B (i dont remember the exact episode names)
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the flashback we get after Tokoyami talks to Shouto we hear Endeavor say, “Touya was close… Come on Shouto you’re the only one who can master this move.” Endeavor was putting the weight of his dead son's “failure” on the shoulder of his 5 (?) yr old kid. Making the kid who just lost his older sibling feel like he has to be better, or he could die too.
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“Quit pretending to be weak.” Bro that is your very young kid. He is weak. Train him early, sure, whatever, but this is just abuse. You aren’t training him. Pushing your kid to the point of throwing up isn’t just training. It isn’t him being weak. It’s abuse.
I know this show is very flashback heavy in the first place but I really do interpret all the flashbacks Shouto gets of his dad as PTSD. Often times when fighting and in battle, after getting hit, he has memories of his dad. Sure, this could just be his motivation but I think it’s more than that.
"The Unforgiven."
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"I thought if I saved you, that you might never say a word to me ever again." Aka Endeavor saying, "I should save my son, so he maybe likes me again." Natsuo my beloved. I love when he is an ass to his dad. His own son is saying he could never forgive him because why does he "need to be the one to make an active effort to change?" and that even though Endeavor wants to make up what does he think he can do now? Natsuo will always see his dad as the one who killed his older brother, and I don't blame him. Because that is who Endeavor is.
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"He literally says in the episode he doesn't want forgiveness." And? He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't need to make Natsuo feel better for hating him when he has every right to after what his dad did to him and his entire family.
Sure, this episode is us seeing a "change" in Endeavor because he wants to be better, however, this is my post so I will say why I have a problem with this lmao. When did we see Endeavor start to change? After he became the number one hero. After he realized people were going to be looking at him even more.
The only good thing he does is realize that in order for his family to be happy he cannot be in the picture.
"Dabi's Dance"
Not including all the scenes I want to bc if I did, I'd just insert the entire ep lmao
"Oh, but he is changing. He regrets his actions." Why didn't he have regrets years ago when, to everyone's knowledge, his 13 yr old son had died? Endeavor didn't start feeling "guilty" until he became the number 1 hero. (as stated before)
And yes, we see and hear how upset Endeavor was over Touya’s death, but did he change? Did he stop being abusive and neglectful? Did he apologize and see his faults? Nope. So how bad did he really feel.
Dabi himself called him out on this during "Dabi’s Dance" when he said, “Is that why you finally decided to try to bond with your children? Keep looking toward the future and you can be a better man?"
On top of it all, Endeavor didn’t even step in to fight. Yes, he was shocked seeing his dead son in front of him again, but do you not think Shouto was shocked seeing his dead brother? He still fought.
Chapter 350
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Many people say Dabi was born in the fire. However, that isn't true. Touya didn't die in that fire. He died and Dabi was born 3 years later when he went back home and had seemingly been forgotten about. He woke up in a strange place, covered in burns and sounding completely different. He wanted to go home. He wanted to apologize for all the awful things he said. He was told that he has been severely injured and once again that he was a failure. He was scared and alone. So, he goes home thinking he will be accepted with open arms, that maybe everything would be better, and everyone will celebrate yet he gets there, and his dad is still the same. Abusing his siblings and his mom is gone. Not only that but to Touya's POV, he has been replaced by his younger brother.
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Plus does that not show you who Endeavor is as a person? That even after pushing his son to death he didn’t change.
"The Wrong Way to Put Out a Fire"
i won't include any clips or panels from this bc it is very intense and while this post will talk about it i still don't want to include those pictures
Going ahead and getting this out of the way because people love bringing it up for some reason, while what Rei did to Shouto was awful, obviously, it is not even close to being on the same level as the things Endeavor did to the entire Todofam. Rei was scared to look her own kids in the eyes because when she did, she saw Endeavor. She saw Endeavor's rage and feared for her safety, and in a moment of a clear panic attack and mental break defended herself, because look at Rei and tell me that woman doesn't have PTSD.
If the entirety of this ep didn't make you hate Endeavor and see he is incapable of change then idk what to tell you. Him convincing his very young child that his sole purpose is to be the next number 1 hero. He then finds out his kid physically won't be able to do that he tells him that he simply isn't good instead of sitting down and talking to him.
Buying Rei because he wanted to create his perfect child, then forcing her to be some baby machine. (Random fact that always haunts me is that Touya and Fuyumi were born in the same year.) Abusing Rei repeatedly. As well as, hitting her in front of the kids with a very young Shouto between them while the other two hide in a corner. Blaming Rei for Toya continuing to train when it is his own fault. Then on top of that, not going to Sekoto peak. He could have shown up for 2 seconds but no.
We also see another instance of Rei seeing Endeavor in her own kids when she tried to stop Toya from going and training like when Shouto came to check on her when he was little.
When Touya had a breakdown and tried to kill Shouto, instead of seeing the pain Toya was feeling and realizing his own mistakes, Endeavor just isolated Shouto from his siblings. Didn’t let him play with them, by what Natsuo said at dinner he monitored what he ate and when.
Also, I don’t wanna her “Dabi was insane from the start” after trying to kill Shouto. That was an abused child, turned neglected child, asking to be seen. Begging to be looked at. He, like Rei later on, snapped. He realized that if he wanted to be seen then the only one his dad cared about needed to be gone
Chapter 390.
Shouto finally shows up and brings Dabi down. Somehow Dabi is still alive and this is where he states that everyone, including him, should die. Endeavor then apologizes. Sure, he apologized, better late then never, whatever. However, it just really feels like he is speaking over Dabi. Dabi could be dying, could be saying his last words, and Endeavor starts talking. I will say I like how he acknowledges exactly what he did in some way. That he "pushed Rei past her breaking point", "put everything on Fuyumi's shoulders", and "abandoned Natsuo." It just all feels so empty and really doesn't mean anything with his entire family burned and scarred and Dabi lying on the ground, as well as Shouto passing out.
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Endeavor’s “I’m sorry” only goes so far when his son is lying almost burned to death yelling for them all to die, Shouto over working himself to stop Dabi when even his dad couldn’t, and his non hero family standing on the battlefield as well.
In conclusion, Endeavor is an abuser. He pushed his 13 yr old son to death, pushed his wife past her breaking point then sent her away, neglected his other two children because they weren't what he wanted, and only felt bad after he achieved his dream. After he got everything he wanted despite it being built on a broken home and the victims he created along the way.
Like I said if you want to like him that's fine, but don't get mad at others when they don't like him. The Todoroki subplot hits home for a lot of people. It is a very serious and real situation. Take away the hero aspect and Endeavor is just another abuser in the world, something many people have been through.
Anyways if anyone read all of this hope you enjoyed. Hope some people agree. If you didn't leave an ask or comment lmao let's debate.
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44 turning into 45 with Will Miller for the kisses prompt. I just love him… need him.
*I'm not currently taking any more prompts from this list
Prompts: Tentative kisses given in the dark; Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
Warnings: Smooches
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The summer evening heat was hell, and the blackout interrupting the barbecue hadn't brought the mood down the way you'd expected. Of course, hanging out with a group of ex-Delta Force members meant that they were much better prepared than a lot of your friends would be. Before you knew it, there was a fire going in the fire pit. Most of the lights in Will's house were off to preserve energy while they could—considering they were all armed to the hilt with flashlights.
"I'm gonna go grab another beer. Anyone want?" You offered, standing. The chorus that answered made you cackle. "I'll just bring out a couple of six-packs. Should I grab a cooler to keep them in?"
"No point, they'll be gone before they need to be cooled," Ben laughed. You nodded, standing and heading over to the patio door.
"Hang on!"
You turned at the call, smiling as Will jogged after you, flashlight in hand.
"Right," You chuckled. "Thanks. Forgot."
Your fingers seemed to tingle as they brushed against his. You avoided his gaze, dipping your head as you hurried inside. You slid the door shut behind you, hearing woos and teasing coos from the guys, chased by Will's grumble of shut up.
It had been a long-running joke that you and Will looked after one another like an old married couple. And sure, you cared about him, just like you cared about the rest of the guys, but Will was a little different.
You just seemed to get one another. You could spend hours with him in comfortable silence, trade glances in crowded rooms that contained entire conversations. Things with Will just felt right and easy...Until of course you tried to make things romantic. The two of you seemed able to bridge all other gaps, but this one seemed just a touch too wide. You opened Will's fridge, frowning when you didn't see any beer. Maybe you'd gone through all of that you had up there...Better check the basement.
Will's basement was as neat as the rest of the house, so it wasn't difficult to navigate, even relying on the beam of the flashlight. You looked around, eyeing the wide, plush couch that was the group's go-to for movie night. You looked at the bookshelf next, smiling at the photos of Will and Ben in their uniforms, standing beside their parents. You reached out, gently thumbing over the photo before you turned around.
Now where was the mini-fridge again—
"Shit," You groaned as the flashlight flickered, then died. You whacked the back of it a couple of times, but to no avail. Damnit, where was the light switch? Then again, maybe you could feel around for the mini fridge and just grab the beer. You set the flashlight down on the bookshelf before you reached out, taking slow, careful steps.
Your heart leapt into your throat as you heard the thud of footsteps coming down the basement stairs.
"You okay down here?"
"There wasn't any more beer upstairs. Did you bring your flashlight? Mine died."
"So that's what's taking you so long."
"What did you think it was?"
"...I wasn't sure if you heard what the guys were saying."
Your stomach twisted as you continued to feel along the wall. "It was nothing that they haven't said before, right?"
"Right, so—I mean I didn't really hear-it hear-it, but I've heard it—Oh!" You went still as you bumped into something—well. Someone. Will's hands steadied on your hips as your hands found his chest. You swallowed thickly, face heating. It was a boon that he couldn't get a good look at you.
"I um...I'm guessing you didn't bring a flashlight," You mumbled.
"I don't need one. I know where everything is."
"Right." Your fingers flexed in the fabric of his shirt, your skin prickling with the heat and unmoving air of the basement. "So you...Know where the fridge is."
"Yeah...Does it bother you?"
"Why would I be bothered by you knowing where your fridge is?"
"No, smartass," Will chuckled. "I mean what the guys say. Does it bother you?"
"It's just talk. I've heard worse from all of 'em." You blink into the darkness. "Besides, what they say isn't so bad."
Will's hands slid along your hips, drawing you a little closer.
"Can't say I mind it myself."
"You don't?"
You felt the brush of Will's breath against your mouth, his nose nuzzling against yours. You tipped your chin up just a little, lips skimming against his. You raised a hand to cup his cheek, as his arms curled around you, drawing you more firmly against him.
You hummed softly as he began to steer you back in slow steps, trading slow, syrupy kisses. You grunted as you felt the sharp edge of the coffee table against your calf.
"Sorry," Will muttered.
"S'okay," You breathed, waving backward blindly until you felt the back of the couch. You turned Will, nudging him down. You heard him huff as he landed on it before his fingers skimmed over your sides, pulling you down with him.
At any other time, in any other circumstance, you'd gripe at how crushingly hot it was without being so close, but right now it felt like the two of you couldn't get close enough. Will's hands slid covetously over your body, dipping just under the hem and teasing your sweat-dampened skin. You fisted your hands in his hair, swiping your tongue across his parted lips.
The click and whir of the house coming on again jolts the two of you as the power comes back on. You both went still, the kiss breaking nervously. You could hear the guys cheering as the fairy lights come back on in the yard. You bit your lip, a wave of self-consciousness rising as you felt the full weight of Will's gaze on you. When you met his eye, you melted a little. You dipped your head toward his again, catching his plush lower lip between his teeth and giving it a little tug before letting it go.
"The guys'll come looking soon," You mumbled.
"Give me ten seconds to put the six packs at the top of the stairs and shut the door."
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Vampire Wedding Premium
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors and inaccuracies.
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When the ceremony ended, we returned to the ship, and I immediately pushed Mitsuki onto the bed.
Mitsuki: "Drake, I..."
As Mitsuki, still in her disheveled wedding dress, reached out to me, a drop of blood trickled from the bite mark on her ring finger.
Drake: "Haah..."
I couldn't resist the sweet temptation before my eyes and grasped her outstretched hand, running my tongue over it.
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(More, I want more.)
My head was consumed by the pleasure I had longed for, so I pressed my fangs against the bite mark in search of more blood.
I barely managed to restrain my desire and tightly embraced Mitsuki's body to endure it.
Drake: "Damn it. I feel dizzy."
Mitsuki: "Drake..."
Her face, looking up at me with concern, overlapped with the image of her losing consciousness in the past.
It was from a time when I had lost myself and ravaged her impulsively.
(I never want that to happen again.)
Drake: "Don't make that face. I'm calming down now."
I tried to steady my breathing and reassure her by kissing her temple.
She bit her lip tightly and, with determination, spoke up.
Mitsuki: "Hey, why did you go so far as to form a blood oath with me?"
(Why indeed?)
Comte: "Congratulations. I'm happy to hear the good news."
Drake: "Well, you're sort of like Mitsuki's guardian, so..."
Drake: "I thought it would make sense to inform you before proposing to her."
That day, without telling Mitsuki, I visited the mansion to inform the master of the house about my intention to propose to her.
As Comte sipped his tea, he suddenly remembered something and spoke up.
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Comte: "Speaking of marriage, Drake, do you know about the blood oath?"
Drake: "Yeah. I've heard of it. It's a wedding ritual passed down among vampires."
Drake: "So, what about it?"
Comte: "I was just curious if you were planning to perform a blood oath with Mitsuki."
I couldn't help but give Comte a somewhat exasperated look at his gentle inquiry.
Drake: "You must be joking. If I drink Mitsuki's blood on a full moon night, I'll end up devouring her on instinct."
Drake: "Being half-vampire is such a damn hassle."
Comte quietly listened to my self-deprecating mutterings and then spoke.
Comte: "But the vampire blood is also a part of you, isn't it?"
Drake: "…….."
Comte's words slowly sank into the depths of my heart, spreading ripples.
As those ripples faded, Mitsuki's face came to mind.
(She faces me head-on, no matter what kind of person I am.)
(What can I give back to someone like her?)
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Comte: "Well then, I wish you success with your proposal."
Drake: "Yeah."
I stopped my hand from opening the front door and turned to look at Comte, who was standing to see me off.
Drake: "I've decided to form a blood oath with Mitsuki."
Comte's eyes widened in surprise at my casual words.
Comte: "May I ask why?"
Drake: "Just as you said earlier, half of me is human, but the other half is a vampire."
Drake: "Mitsuki accepts and loves me for who I am, so I think it's a good opportunity to face this blood that flows within me once again."
(Because I'm both human and vampire.)
(I want to pledge my eternal love to her as both.)
Without voicing my final thoughts, I waved my hand lightly and turned on my heel.
Drake: "Pray that my sanity holds out and I can get through this."
Comte: "Drake."
When I looked back, Comte was gazing at me with a gentle expression.
Comte: "Make her happy."
Drake: "Yeah, leave it to me."
---------Flashback Ends--------
Drake: "The blood oath is like a way to show my resolve."
Mitsuki: "Resolve?"
Drake: "Yeah. In my own way, as a dhampir."
It was my human self who chose the night of the new moon to propose to Mitsuki.
And it was my vampire self who decided to swear my love through a blood oath.
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Drake: "I wanted to tell you that I love you, no matter which version of me it is."
Saying this, I kissed the finger marked by the bite wound.
Drake: "I'm a human, a pirate, and a vampire. That's who I am."
Drake: "And I know you can accept me, no matter who I am."
I peered into her eyes with a hopeful heart.
Mitsuki: "Of course."
She nodded firmly and gently took my hand, placing it against her warm cheek.
Mitsuki: "I love the human you, the pirate Drake, and, of course, the dhampir you too."
Mitsuki: "I'll accept you, no matter who you are."
Her unwavering resolve was evident in her gaze.
Drake: "Hahaha!"
Drake: "You really are like the sea—wide, deep, and capable of embracing all of me."
Drake: "You truly are my destined woman."
When I kissed her tenderly, Mitsuki closed her eyes and accepted it.
I unconsciously traced her neck as I felt the urge that had settled down rising again.
Drake: "You're too irresistible. It looks like the Blanc's effect wore off."
Drake: "I can't hold it any longer. Can I bite you?" 
When I whispered this, she arched her neck willingly.
Mitsuki: "Do as you wish. Don't hold back."
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Drake: "You really are something else."
Drake: "How much more do you plan to make me fall for you?"
As I sank my fangs into her neck, the sweet taste filled my mouth, burning through my brain.
I stripped off the wedding dress I had dressed her in and kissed her now-flushed skin.
Drake: "Mitsuki, don't hold back. Tell me what you want me to do."
I whispered in her ear, and she looked up at me with eyes already melting with desire.
Mitsuki: "I want you to fill me up completely."
Drake: "My bride sure knows how to ask for what she wants."
I held Mitsuki tightly as she let out sweet sounds, my fingers delving deeper, seeking more heat within her.
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Part 1 ╎ Part 2 ╎ Premium ╎ Epilogue
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tyudearyous · 1 day
good heart, bad heart - k.ys
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pairings : kang yeosang x reader (f)
genre : angst, fluff
themes : romance, ennui in a relationship and overcoming it
wc : 3.6k
author's note : i cried writing this man... am i too emotional but i hope you get slightly emotional too LMAO
🎵 mimi - youra
the buds of the flowers slipped on the forehead
i think of you enough to get hot
it makes it pretty hot
plates clinking from the cutleries, an unspeakable silence between you and your lover. it has been months since things started to get weird in your relationship. you kept fighting, endlessly. it wasn't even anybody's fault, but you kept fighting. yeosang usually is a quiet one and he doesn't complain much but somehow these past few months, he'd been starting arguments left and right over the smallest little things. was it exhaustion that depleted him of his emotional capability? or was he falling out of love? you genuinely don't know.
yeosang finished his meal before you do and stood up to wash his dishes. "i'll do the dishes tonight. you can rest, sang-ie" you said while trying to finish your meal. "it's fine" he shrugged it off and washed his dishes. you were a slow eater, while yeosang wasn't. he would wait for you to finish your food before doing the dishes, usually. but yeah, he hasn't been like that recently.
he finished cleaning the dishes relatively quickly before entering your shared room. you were left alone yet again, sadly eating the dish that has gone cold from how long you were eating. when the click of the door was heard, tears started to well up your eyes.
where did it go wrong, genuinely?
i find my dreams in vain arms
i look for the young trace
it makes me cry sadly
it was your second anniversary. you both were homebodies, so you didn't really bother to spend it elsewhere. just each other's company is more than enough. "can you wear the dress i bought you last time?" yeosang suddenly asked you. you tilted your head in confusion. he was smiling, he was planning on something.
"just do it, won't you baby?" he pouted with puppy eyes begging you to say yes. you laughed at his desperation, so you agreed on it. once you got changed, suddenly the yeosang who was wearing a simple t shirt suddenly wore a dress shirt which sleeves are rolled to expose his forearms. "suddenly?" you ask him in a mocking tone. "go get ready, i'll be waiting in the living room okay" he kisses your forehead before going out of the room. he's definitely planning something.
you did your makeup lightly and curled your hair to create loose curls that added volume to your hair. when you were finished, you went out and saw yeosang holding an entire bouquet to you. "happy anniversary, my love" he smiles extra proudly. you couldn't help but laugh at how adorable he is.
"did you plan this all?" you took the flowers from his hand and smelled them. it was a bouquet full of the flowers you loved. white roses, baby breaths and several asters scattered. "this is just the first one, you know? so... you ready for the next one?" he asked you. you nodded in enthusiasm.
soon, the two of you were off to a nearby lake. it was nearing night, so the sun was setting. "so, um..." yeosang nervously said after the two of you walked plenty on the lake area. "what is it?" you chuckled. he was getting all blushy and embarrassed. you then scooted closer to tidy up his freshly bleached hair, tucking the parts that were getting near his eyes to his ears. "since we've been you know? it's the second year but i made up my mind, you know?" yeosang continued. "what do you mean by that, hmm?" you were admiring his features. how did you get so lucky with yeosang huh? you were broken from your trance when yeosang suddenly went down on his knees. "um, these... promise rings... i know you don't want to get married yet and we haven't even finished our degrees too but i've made up my mind you know" he proposed. "oh my" you covered your mouth in pure happiness. he then put the ring on your ring finger and looked at you with pure love and adoration. you immediately went in for a hug.
that moment was pure joy for you.
good heart, bad heart
take it off only enough that it won't be a sin
bad heart, that bad heart
whose neck are you going to bite?
good heart, that bad heart
doesn't that tree have a season to lower its head?
bad heart, that bad heart
those pretty hands, those pretty eyes
post graduation, the two of you immediately decided to start cohabitating. you both chose a simple one bedroom apartment because you didn't mind sharing a bed anyway. it had been nearly 4 years into your relationship and your relationship got sturdier than ever. yeosang genuinely was the best boyfriend you could ever ask. he was caring and understanding. he even took the time and effort to memorize what you liked, what you disliked, what are your pet peeves and everything. basically everything about you. you couldn't be more than grateful to be with him.
"yeo" you called out to him. the two of you were laying down on the makeshift bed you made after unpacking almost half of the things you both brought. "mm?" yeosang was visibly tired. his hair is very messy now and he was sweating buckets. you moved his hair slightly to reveal his birthmark. you then used your fingers to trace around his birthmark.
"do you know, birthmarks are where you were most kissed in your past life?" you asked, jokingly. yeosang immediately laughed at the random "fact" you said. "oh yeah? what about this life?" he asked with a smug grin. "well of course it's here!" you moved forward to place a chaste kiss on his lips. he smiled into the case before encasing your body with his arms to continue the kiss.
this was pure bliss on earth, for you, and for him...?
disappear slightly
why did mimi leave me
why is love gone?
friend, please find me
post graduation, the two of you were hit with reality. the real world is tough and ruthless. barely giving the two of you space to be with each other. your time were spent mostly in the cubicles of your offices and it became increasingly hard to properly find time to properly be with each other. sure, you lived together but the only thing you do is sleep and eat breakfast and dinner together. that's it, no cuddles, no kisses, nothing.
perhaps this was the start of the downfall of your relationship.
perhaps this was the start of where it all went wrong.
"yeo, can you squeeze in time this saturday?" you asked him during dinner. he sighed loudly. "y/n, i told you we're having a big project and i can't leave it alone" he spoke with a slightly annoyed tone.
"but, mom is coming over and" "so what? that's your mom. it's not like i must be there? i'm sure she only wants to see you, not me" he slammed his cutleries, resulting in a loud cling resonating through the apartment.
you took another big sigh. "why are you acting this way? i only asked you. i didn't force you to? you didn't have to be so mad. why are you like this?" you tried holding back the tears that were threatening to stream down your face. "i'm tired, y/n. can't you see?" yeosang replied with a tone that sliced your heart open. it wasn't too loud but it wasn't like him. it wasn't him, it wasn't the yeosang you knew.
"do you think i'm not tired too? i never take it out on you though!" you threw your cutleries to the table before standing up and letting out the biggest sigh you could make.
"you're just being over sensitive. i'm not taking it out on you" yeosang argued. you really couldn't take an argument with him right now, so you went to the bathroom to cry and lock yourself for a second.
why are we like this, you thought.
disappear slightly
why did mimi leave me?
we meet again
we are again, we are again
"it's weird seeing you here" jooyeon poked at you. "oh come on, some people need to take it out on, you know?" you opened the bottle of soju with ease before taking shots after shots. you rarely went out to drink because you'd drink at home with yeosang usually. "did something happen?" yuri asked you before giving you a piece of grilled chicken feet. "thanks and no, don't worry about me" you immediately devoured the food. honestly? the ones yeosang made you tasted better but it wasn't an option right now.
"yeah, you don't bother going out usually. what's up? is it about yeosang?" jooyeon asked you. you took a second before nodding your head. you then explained everything to jooyeon and yuri, while downing nearly 2 bottles of soju by yourself.
"okay halt on the drinks, so you're saying he's changed?" jooyeon kept your alcohol intake in check. you nodded. "i don't know, i know he's tired but he shouldn't have done that..." you pouted before taking another bite of the food you ordered.
"maybe it's ennui" yuri stated. you tilted your head. "perhaps he's feeling ennui. you've been dating for what now? five years?" you nodded. "he's tired and he probably thinks your relationship was just becoming a bother to him but he doesn't have the heart to break it off, causing him to be sensitive, you know?" yuri explained and you broke into tears. yuri and jooyeon immediately panicked and apologized to you for making you cry.
everything yuri said made sense and it just hurts your heart even more. because you know that what she said was true on some levels and because you know, he was probably getting tired of you.
after the crying fiasco, you wrapped up your reunion dinner. yuri and jooyeon were picked up by their partners respectively while you were there, going home alone even though you have yeosang. it was lonely but you didn't want to strike his nerves so you held in the feeling. your eyes were probably puffy as heck by now. you cried so much on yuri's shoulders, her coat probably has a huge patch of tears now.
it hurts so much, you wished for things to get better but it just seems impossible.
between sleep and some sleep
i think of you enough to get hot
it makes it pretty hot
yeosang had been going around the apartment, wondering where you'd be. it was almost 11 PM now and you weren't home yet. you'd usually tell him if you were working overtime but then you'd finish your overtime by 10 PM usually. he tried calling your phone but you didn't pick up. he was waiting in front of your apartment building, worried and scared. scared you'll leave him.
when your silhouette was visible from afar, he immediately ran to grab you and hug you. "where were you, gosh" whilst hugging you tightly. you didn't hug him back, you didn't have the capacity to. "i went to drink with jooyeon and yuri, don't worry" before pulling him away. yeosang was taken aback. "you drank? and you didn't ask me to pick you up? what the hell y/n?" he was getting furious. "you're tired aren't you? i didn't want to bother you, that's all." you replied, not even bothering to spare him a glance.
"what the hell? if you drank you shouldn't have... sigh it's helpless with you" he picked up his pace to walk in front of you. "see! you're always like this" you cried out again. "like what!?" he turned his back to see you completely broke down in tears. when he realized you were crying, he walked closer to you and cupped your cheeks.
i have to do it until the day is bright
i was eating soft grass
it makes me remember sadly with tears
"shit, i'm sorry. i'm so sorry okay? don't cry" he was feeling guilt pool over him when he finally saw how puffy your eyes were. how you had visible tear stains from your mascara running down. he used the sleeves of his hoodie to wipe off your tears.
"you're always like this, that's exactly why i went home alone even when jooyeon and yuri were picked up by their boyfriends. do you not know how embarrassed i was to cry in front of them just because i felt lonely? you would never understand yeosang, you never would" it felt as if a lump formed on your throat and it was incredibly hard to even properly speak.
"i'm sorry, forgive me okay? i'll be better okay? call me next time you drink, please. i was worried" yeosang explained while kissing of your tears away.
"if you were worried you should've never done any of that to me" you stared at him while biting your lips to hold back your tears. "please don't be like this, y/n. let's just get inside okay? you're cold, okay?" yeosang tried to calm you down.
"no, kang yeosang. just how long are you going to feign ignorance to everything? i'm hurting and you don't even understand. do you know i cry every night in the bathroom? you don't right? why? are you tired of me? is that why you kept raising your voice at me every single time i try to talk to you? am i annoying to you now? answer me kang yeosang!" you were screaming at this point. passerbys were looking at you but you couldn't care less. it was the only time you could talk to him, a moment where he won't raise his voice to you because you were raising your voice to him.
"if you're so tired of me, let's just break up. we can cancel the lease, it's expiring soon anyways. i'll return this ring to you, happily even. i can move away fast if you needed me to. i won't... i won't annoy you anymore" you were crying again. you were so tired of crying that your legs simply gave out and you were now on the ground, crying. you felt so miserable.
"don't be like this, come on. let's go home, okay? my love?" he was crying as well. your heart that was already crushed now shattered to pieces. "come on, my love. let's go home okay?" he hugged you while crying into the sides of your neck. he then stood up to make yoiu stand up and walk back home with him. the entire elevator ride he held your hands, so tightly as if you were going to slip away any moment.
good heart, bad heart
take it off only enough that it won't be a sin
bad heart, that bad heart
whose neck are you going to bite?
when the two of you arrived back home, yeosang was quiet. he was probably collecting composure. he then took of your coat for you and even took care of your shoes. this was his apology perhaps.
"you haven't answered me yet" you broke the silence. yeosang just looked straight into your eyes and started begging you to not be like this. tears welled up on his eyes again.
"i asked you, do you wish to end things? because if you do, i'd gladly give you the chance, yeosang-ah" you asked him. "y/n. if you leave me i'd gladly die. i'm sorry for being a bitch. i'm sorry for neglecting you but i don't want you to leave, no just don't leave me. i can't live without you. i can't do it" he begged down to his knees while holding your hand, so desperately.
"then you shouldn't have... you even stopped waiting for me to eat you shit. you know damn well i eat long, you used to wait but you stopped. you kept arguing with me, you kept making me cry every night. you hypocrite" you weren't ready to forgive him that easily. you weren't planning to. it hurt too much for you to immediately forgive him just because he begged for forgiveness.
"i know, i messed up. i'm sorry okay, baby? please. give me another chance. i won't disappoint, please?" he stood up to cup your cheeks asking for forgiveness. you didn't respond, at all. you only stared straight at his eyes. he was sincere but, it hurt too much...
good heart, that bad heart
doesn't that tree have a season to lower its head?
bad heart, that bad heart
those pretty hands, those pretty eyes
seeing your lack of response, he leaned in to place a kiss on your eyes. "i promise i won't make you cry anymore. i promise you won't have to sneak out of our bed to cry in the bathroom again. i promise i would wait for you no matter how long you eat. i promise i would love you with all of me again. so, come back to me please?" he then leaned in to kiss you. it was gentle but all the emotions within it was way too strong to not be felt.
he pulled back slightly to look at your reaction. you immediately brought him in again for another kiss. it was more aggressive this time, heck you even grazed his lips, causing a wound to appear. none of you cared though. none of you cared about anything but to make up for all the lost time between you both.
disappear slightly
why did mimi leave me?
why is love gone?
friend, please find me
"i'm sorry, okay" yeosang tucked your stray hair to your ears. you were now laying in bed together. this time though, you were in his embrace. you didn't answer, you just nuzzled further into his embrace. he then kissed the top of your head. before interlocking your hands with his to kiss your ring finger that adorned the promise ring he gave you 3 years ago.
"we'll work this out. we will" he reassured you. "you know?" you said, making him tilt his head. "i hate how despite everything you put me through, i still love you so bad. i love you you asshole" you said, making him laugh slightly before hugging you again, making you go deeper into his embrace. he muttered apologies while hugging you.
everything will be alright, everything will be alright.
disappear slightly
why did mimi leave me?
we meet again
we are again, we are again
"sorry! did you wait long?" yeosang ran towards you, who was waiting in front of his office. "precisely 21 minutes, so i guess pretty long?" you pouted slightly, teasing him. he sighed before ruffling your hair. "you're becoming feisty now huh?" he teased you. you then snuck your tongue out to him, earning a hearty laugh from him.
he then guided you to his car that was parked on the parking lot next to his office. once you both were in the car, he drove off to a lake. the lake where you celebrated your second anniversary. "we're here" yeosang unbuckled your seatbelts. you tilted your head in confusion. "come on, just follow me" he opened the door for you and guided you to an area where the moonlight reflected so beautifully on the lake.
in that area as well, there were roses and candles adorning the entire area. "what is this, yeo?" you asked him. he didn't answer but he was smiling. was he planning on something?
"we've been through a lot, right?" he asked you before taking your hands and holding it. "what are you doing?" you asked, confusedly. he then took off your promise ring and went down on his knees.
"y/n. i may have disappointed you a lot along the way but, i love you too much. i want to prove myself better for you. i love you so much, y/n." then he brought out the small red box. "will you, spend your entire life with me? please? i promise i'll treat you well. i'd bring you happiness, heck even i'd buy that overpriced pink couch you loved so much if you wanted to. what i mean is, would you marry me?" he was fumbling over his words but his point came across.
you immediately cried before nodding and saying yes. "yes?" he asked. "yes, kang yeosang yes. i'd like to be your wife, please" you managed to say despite the happy tears causing your words to become slightly mumbled. he then stood up to hug you immediately.
"oh wait the ring!" he clumsily puts the ring onto your ring finger before hugging you once again. "you dumbo" you said before pulling him in for a kiss.
love never left the two of you.
between the good heart and the bad heart,
the two of you were complete nonetheless
the end.
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ros3kill3r · 24 hours
HIT ME HARD AND SOFT lyrics as Marauders Era characters.
1. “Fell in love for the first time, with a friend it’s a good sign.” - bartylus, rosekiller, or wolfstar.
2. “People say I look happy, just because I got skinny.” - either Peter or Lily maybe??
3. “And you said I was your secret. And you didn’t get to keep it.” - jegulus.
This song is literally just all the lesbian ships into one. It’s like Marlene finding out she’s gay asf and having a gay panic with this song in the background or smth 💀
1. “Did you, take, my love, away, from me?” - regulus about jily.
2. “I don’t know why I called, I don’t know you at all. // but there’s a part of me that recognizes you. Do you feel it too?” - Sirius and Regulus about each other.
3. “Wringing my hands in my lap, and you tell me it’s all been a trap, and you don’t know if you’ll make it back, I say ‘No, don’t say that.’” - regulus to Sirius before he ran away.
1. “Birds of a feather, we should stick together, I know I said I’d never think I wasn’t better alone, can’t change the weather, might not be forever, but if it’s forever, it’s even better.” - the pantheons, the marauders, & the valkyries about each other. + platonic prongsfoot and platonic rosestarkiller.
2. “It might not be long, but baby, I, I'll love you 'til the day that I die, 'Til the day that I die. 'Til the light leaves my eyes, 'Til the day that I die.” - evan about barty, or regulus about james. maybe even barty about regulus himself.
3. “I want you to see how you look to me. You wouldn't believe if I told ya, you would keep the compliments I throw ya. But you're so full of shit. Tell me it's a bit, say you don't see it, your mind's polluted. Say you wanna quit, don't be stupid.” - james to regulus or evan to barty. Perhaps Sirius talking about how regulus looks up to him but he always denies it??
4. “I knew you in another life. You had that same look in your eyes. I love you, don't act so surprised.” - literally every single ship in this fandom including the black brothers.
WILDFLOWER (there’s so many more references in these songs I’m just so lazy!):
1. “Well good things don't last, and life moves so fast, I’d never ask who was better 'cause she couldn't be more different from me; happy and free in leather. And I know that you love me. You don't need to remind me. Wanna put it all behind me, but baby.” - regulus about jily getting together.
1. “I'm trying my best to keep you satisfied.” - regulus and basically every single pureblood out there towards their parents.
2. “Let you get your rest, while I stayed up all night. And you don't wanna know how alone I've been. Let you come and go,” - regulus about Sirius after he left.
3. “Man, am I the greatest, my congratulations. All my love and patience, all my admiration. All the times I waited for you to want me naked made it all look painless. Man, am I the greatest.” - regulus about james when all he ever wanted was lily and never reg himself.
4. “And we don't have to fight when it's not worth fighting for (Fighting for).” - regulus when fighting with james about the mark he had just gotten and acknowledging that it was too late to fight about this because he already got the mark forever.
5. Basically this whole song is jegulus and the black brothers coded.
1. “But I need to confess, I told you a lie. I said you, were the love of my life. The love of my life. Did I break your heart? Did I waste your time? I tried to be there for you. Then you tried to break mine.” - regulus after lying to Barty about liking him back romantically when he in fact didn’t. Barty trying to break his heart by dating evan but it not working and resulting in Barty shattering Evan’s heart instead when he finds out it was all just to make reg jealous.
2. “It isn't asking for a lot for an apology, for making me feel like it'd kill you if I tried to leave. You said you'd never fall in love again because of me, then you moved on immediately.” - barty to regulus when asking for an apology for lying and breaking his heart and regulus just saying that he’d never fall in love after barty but then immediately moved on to james.
3. “So you found her, now go fall in love, just like we were if I ever was.” - regulus when he finds out rosekiller is a thing.
4. “Thought I was depressed or losing my mind, my stomach upset almost all of the time. But after I left, it was obvious why. Because for you, I was the love of your life, but you were not mine.” - regulus when in a relationship with barty because it was before he transitioned and it was the regulus that barty was in love with and it felt so toxic and degrading for reg because that’s not who he truly was. For barty, regulus was the love of his life, but for him barty wasn’t because he treated regulus like a girl, and he always would.
1. “I can’t fall in love with you.” - again, regulus about barty. Lily about James, and if you wanna get really dark with it; James about Peter.
2. “'Cause I can't fall in love with you no matter how bad I want to.” - regulus with barty bc he knows barty would try his best and would understand this change but he just can’t fall in love with him!
BLUE (good god…):
1. “I try to live in black and white, but I'm so blue.” - every single fucking slytherin ever??
2. “I'd like to mean it when I say I'm over you, but that's still not true.” - this can mean so many things, it’s just all up to our imagination.
3. “I thought we were the same birds of a feather, now I'm ashamed.” - Dorcas and pandora about barty, reg, and evan because Dorcas began to work for the order and her best friends didn’t and she was ashamed, yet she thought they’d always still together and they’d choose the right path.
4. “You were born bluer than a butterfly, beautiful and so deprived of oxygen.” - pandora.
5. “Colder than your father’s eyes, he never learned to sympathize with anyone.” - barty.
6. “I don’t blame you, but I can’t change you. Don’t hate you, but we can’t save you.” - all the slytherins (JUSTICE FOR MY SLYTHERINS!!)
7. “You were born reachin’ for your mother’s hands, victim of your father’s plans to rule the world.” - regulus.
8. “Too afraid to step outside, paranoid and petrified of what you’ve heard.” - evan.
9. “But they could say the same 'bout me I sleep 'bout three hours each night means only twenty-one a week now, now.” - Dorcas about herself after leaving her friends who were her true family for nearly her whole life.
10. “And I could say the same 'bout you; born blameless, grew up famous too, just a baby born blue now, now.” - Dorcas about her friends.
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