#lots of non peter parkers now
theriu · 1 year
I want a superhero to meet his otherdimensional counterparts and discover that HE’S the one with the nonstandard color palette.
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cherienymphe · 1 year
Basic Training XII (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, MURDER, violence, kidnapping, captivity, public sex, degradation, forced pregnancy, forced marriage, stockholm syndrome, ptsd, housewife kink, cop!Peter
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ | divider by @whimsicalrogers​
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➥ series masterlist
summary: A pit stop during a road trip ends tragically when a small town cop sets his sights on you. You’re the newest addition in a long standing fucked up family tradition.
“Why do you listen to everything Steve says?”
Peter’s movements paused at the sound of your soft voice. The bath water had cooled some but was still warm and soothing on your skin. Your chin rested on the side of the tub as Peter sat before you on the floor, squeezing the rag and raining water down on your back. At least, he had been until you voiced what had been on your mind for some time.
Outside of the obvious thing they had in common, Peter seemed so different from the blond. He was so much more gentle, understanding, and you couldn’t fathom what the connection was. Why was Peter so content to hear the man out or even give weight to the things he said? Why did he even care about Steve’s opinion? Why did he even care about Steve, at all?
“I don’t listen to everything he says…”
“No...not everything,” you relented, recalling that if that were true, you would’ve been in the basement several times over. “…but what he thinks clearly means something to you.”
Peter was gently brushing your shoulder, now, and when his dark eyes met yours, he gave you a brief crooked smile.
“Steve does mean a lot to me.”
You frowned a bit at that, and Peter noticed, taking his free hand brushing his fingers along your cheek.
“He’s my brother,” he told you.
You blinked at that, and you were sure that your confusion was all over your face. Your gaze rose as Peter stood, and you watched him lean over to let the water out. Taking a bath with Peter, or with him simply there, was not uncommon for you, now. Sometimes he sat behind you in the water, gently scrubbing your skin, and sometimes he was merely next to the tub, talking to you and occasionally washing some part of your body.
Sometimes even your hair.
He wrapped the towel around your shoulder, helping you out by your shoulders. You found yourself leaning into him as he dried you off, leading you into the bedroom as he did. When he sat you down on the bed, he moved towards the dresser, picking out something for you to sleep in.
“They all are,” he continued as he returned to you. “Our parents took it upon themselves to adopt as many children as they could handle.”
Your eyes were wide as you listened to him, lifting your arms when he motioned for you to, and the nightgown slipped down over your head.
“All of us were babies or practically that when they did,” he told you. “I was the last to be adopted, and growing up in a house full of older brothers was something.”
Peter smiled as he said this, like he was thinking back on fond memories, and you found yourself wanting to know what they were. Your mind whirled as you took in this new information, and you felt silly for never considering that before. You’d thought their closeness and camaraderie came from being friends for years as well as coworkers.
Not brothers.
At that, you looked around the room, taking it in through different eyes. This house was where Peter—where all of them—grew up, and your lips parted. You had the hardest time imaging Peter or Steve or Sam running around the yard as children, running through the house as children. You briefly wondered if this was Peter’s room, the one he’d grown up in, and you voiced that thought.
“It is,” he answered, gently rubbing your arms as your eyes met his again. “…and when I decided that I was ready to take a wife too…when I decided that I had to have you…”
He leaned in, gently brushing his lips over yours.
“I made it so nice and pretty for you.”
You looked down at that, unsure of how to feel.
“I never did ask…but I assume you like it since I haven’t heard any complaints,” he softly said.
You nodded.
“It is pretty,” you quietly assured him. “It’s the prettiest room I’ve ever had.”
That wasn’t a lie, and you almost felt bad for saying it, briefly thinking of your mom. Peter took your hands, kneeling before you, and your frown deepened.
You trailed off, wondering if you should voice your thoughts.
“Why do you do this? Why did you take me? Why did Steve take Margaret? Laura? Sharon? Surely your parents can’t be happy with this…”
You said that, but in truth, you didn’t even know. In fact, there was a large part of you that wondered if they were even alive. While possible that they simply left and left this house to their sons, you doubted that, and you found that your suspicions were correct.
“Well, they both died about six years ago,” he informed you, looking sad about it. “Our dad was a cop too…”
Peter stood, joining you on the bed, and you found yourself enraptured by what he was saying, getting a glimpse into his world and life.
“Died in the line of duty,” he confessed, and without thinking, you wrapped your hand around his wrist. “Mom had been with him for so long, forty something years, and it broke her heart.”
His tone of voice gave you an inkling of what he was going to say before he said it.
“Tony found her about a week later. They said it was a heart attack.”
Against your will, your heart sank, and you found yourself feeling…sad for Peter. You didn’t know why. He’d kidnapped you, after all, and knowing great loss himself, he’d allowed his brothers to make you go through the same. Still, if you changed your mind right now and decided that you wanted to see how your mom was doing, you didn’t doubt that Peter would do it.
He didn’t have that luxury.
“I’m sorry,” you eventually whispered, and he gave you a rueful smile.
“I’m better about it, now,” he assured you. “…and…about everything else…?”
He exhaled, leaning back on his elbows.
“Our dad did the same to our mom when she was only nineteen.”
His words had your eyes widening some more, and you looked at him in shock. Peter had said it so casually that you didn’t quite comprehend what he’d said at first, but when you did, you moved closer, bringing your feet up onto the bed.
Peter nodded, looking like it was the most normal thing in the world, and you supposed that for him, it was. If he knew that was how his parents had met, then clearly it wasn’t secret. Or…at least…not a well-kept one.
“By the time I was adopted, he didn’t have to punish her as much, but Steve says that when him, Bucky, and Tony were taken it, it was a regular thing to hear her crying in the basement or see him give her a few lashings.”
The thought made you swallow, and now, you couldn’t imagine Peter growing up in this house for a whole other reason. His mother’s life sounded horrible—familiar—and you recalled that Peter implied she’d died of a broken heart. You didn’t need to be a genius to realize that she’d succumbed to her own captor, and fearfully…that realization also sounded familiar.
You were pulled from your thoughts by the feel of Peter’s hand on your arm, tracing patterns into it with his fingers.
“She grew to be really happy with him,” he tried to assure you, and he didn’t need to address the words that went unsaid.
So would you.
The implication was there, and you let him twist his fingers with yours.
Now, it all made sense. They’d grown up in a house with a rapist and captor for a father and victim for a mother. They grew up witnessing her abuse, internalizing, accepting their version of normal as it was passed down to them. They grew up to repeat history, and you got the sick feeling that their father would be proud.
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You looked over as Natasha swayed, worriedly eyeing her as you distractedly stopped what you were doing. This was the second day in a row that she didn’t look much like herself, almost haggard. You both were preparing dinner, Christine having stepped outside to grab some thyme from the garden.
“Are you okay?” you finally asked her.
Truthfully, she didn’t look the best, but you didn’t want to say anything lest that wasn’t intended. The redhead didn’t respond right away, and for a moment, you were worried that she’d ignore you. Natasha had been a little off as of late, quieter around everyone really, not just you, and it worried you. It wasn’t like her.
“I’m…fine,” she breathed. “Just feeling a little lightheaded, that’s all.”
At that, you completely stopped what you were doing and neared her. She shook her head when you asked if she minded, your hand out, and you pressed it to her forehead. She didn’t feel feverish, and you told her so.
“I don’t think I’m coming down with something, so I wouldn’t expect to be,” she sighed.
Her tone and the expression on her face made you think that she had an inkling as to what was wrong. You started to voice that when a familiar voice drew both of your attention.
“That smells great, pretty girl.”
You smiled before you could stop yourself, only allowing it to fall some when you blinked, silently chastising yourself.
“…and Nat,” he teasingly drawled, making his way to you.
“Thank you, Peter,” the redhead evenly said, returning to the food before her.
You eyed her again as Peter’s hands settled on your waist, frowning to yourself as you watched her continue her work like nothing was wrong. You seriously got the feeling that something was going on with her, and it’s not like you felt comfortable to bring that up with Peter in the room.
You only just realized that Peter was saying something.
“Do I get a sample before the rest of the house?”
He already knew the answer to that, and you gave him a look.
“I’m barely even done,” you told him. “…and besides. You know that Steve wants us all to experience it together as a family.”
You made sure to face away from Peter when you rolled your eyes at that. Steve being the equivalent of the first-born son made it click as to why he seemed to be the head of the household for the most part. Learning about their childhood and their relationship with one another also made it clear why Peter only took half of what Steve said to heart.
It’s why you were unsurprised when Peter reached around you to taste the pot of soup anyway.
“Needs more salt,” he said, but his tone was light. “See…”
He gripped your chin, turning your head and making your lips meet his in a small kiss. It took you by surprise, and you made a noise in the back of your throat, more shocked with yourself when you started to kiss him back just as he pulled away. Peter smiled at you when his gaze met yours, and he quickly kissed your cheek before finally pulling away.
“I guess I can just add more at the table. It tastes great.”
He squeezed your sides, saying goodbye to Natasha. You looked after him as he went, oblivious to the fact that you’d stopped staring in order to do so until Natasha called your name. You softly apologized, and you could feel her gaze on you. It was silent between you two again…for a while.
“You seem to be adjusting pretty well.”
You looked at her, thinking on it.
“I guess I am,” you slowly told her, frowning. “I don’t think I ever apologized for my birthday dinner, by the way. I know it was weeks ago, but…”
“Don’t,” the other woman argued. “You had every right.”
You watched her heave a sigh.
“None of us enjoyed our first birthday here. Considering your…circumstances, I would’ve been worried if it was anything other than what it was,” she sadly said.
In truth, Natasha had been off ever since she found out just how you’d been taken and her husband’s part in it. You imagined that it had to affect the way she saw him, and as she grew quiet again, your desire to check on her won.
“Natasha, are you okay?”
She briefly paused at your question.
“You just seem really unlike yourself, lately, and… You look unwell.”
You watched her face harden, lashes fluttering as she blinked, and for a moment, you didn’t think she’d answer. She glanced over her shoulder, and when she spoke, you almost didn’t hear her.
“I think I’m pregnant,” she told you, making you sharply inhale. “…and I don’t want Bucky to know. Not yet.”
You felt flattered that she trusted you wouldn’t tell, and you wouldn’t, not even to Peter, but you did wonder why she didn’t want Bucky to know just yet.
“I kind of hoped I could avoid this, you know…? I’d always been told it would be hard for me to conceive, but not impossible, and it’s not like Bucky hasn’t been trying…but…”
Her shoulders sagged, and she wouldn’t look at you.
“Either Bucky was going to take someone else’s baby, and two more innocent lives would be ruined or…a miracle would happen. Bringing another life into this was inevitable, anyway, but I’d hoped…”
She shook her head.
“I’d made peace with starting a family with someone I’d trusted who grew up to betray me in the worst way possible…I’d made peace with who I thought he was, but… He murdered your friend.”
She looked at you, and your chest tightened.
“…and he might as well had murdered the rest too. I don’t know if I can make peace with that…”
You could see it on her face that she was struggling with all of this all over again with these recent developments, but you didn’t know what she was getting at. You didn’t understand where she was going with this…or if she was just ranting.
“…and you’ve known all along and had to be around them this whole time and try to suck it up and cope as best as you can…and…Peter…”
She breathed his name, a look of disgust and anger on her face. She shook her head, and her eyes met yours again.
“I can see that…you’re taking all of this better than before,” she noted, eyes falling to your ring. “…that you’re trying to find some peace in this, but there’s something you need to know about Peter. I know that you-.”
“So much of the thyme wasn’t even edible, anymore,” Christine said as she came into the kitchen. “I had to pick through so much.”
Her presence had Natasha swallowing her words, and your brows were drawn together as you stared at her. You weren’t paying attention to a word Christine was saying, too focused on what Natasha was going to say. You feared that with the other woman’s presence, you wouldn’t even have another chance to know what Natasha was going to say.
As the brunette pulled the other woman into conversation about stuffing the chicken, you forced yourself to let it go for another day. After all, what didn’t you already know about Peter?
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You sat on your bed twiddling your thumbs as you waited for Peter to return. He was downstairs with the rest of the men, talking about work, you assumed, and considering that Steve hadn’t had much appreciation for that night you’d dozed off on the stairs, you decided to wait for him here.
As much as it was killing you.
Every time you were away from Peter, you just felt so anxious, and you didn’t like it. Truthfully, you should feel relieved and like a breath of fresh air anytime he was gone. After all, when you were alone, it was like he couldn’t get enough of you. You absentmindedly reached up to touch a tender area of your neck, and when a shudder traveled down your spine at the memories, you weren’t so sure that it was one of fear.
The only time in this house where you could just be was when you were with Peter. More specifically…when you were under him. When you were with him, it was the only time where you weren’t obligated to pretend. He let you be sad, and ask questions, and talk about your friends. Peter allowed you to have a space that was safe…and the irony in that was not lost on you.
When you were under him, your mind was blank, unable to process anything but the feel of him inside of you. It was a feeling you were starting to crave whenever you felt overwhelmed, and you hated it. You shouldn’t want Peter. You shouldn’t enjoy Peter, but your only safe space was Peter.
As if your thoughts summoned him, the room door finally opened.
“Oh, hey!” he said with surprise when you hurried off the bed, wrapping your arms around him. “Not asleep yet?”
Still at war in your mind and unable to voice your thoughts, right now, you shook your head.
“You should be getting more sleep,” he told you, touching the skin beneath your eyes when you pulled away.
“That’s hardly my fault,” you dryly reminded him, and Peter chuckled, a half smirk on his pink lips.
“Sorry, pretty girl,” he said, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. “I just can’t get enough of you.”
When he started to lead you towards the bed, you stopped him. He looked at you in wonder, and you pulled your lip between your teeth.
“What is it?” he softly asked, concern dancing in his gaze.
“Can we go outside?” you quietly wondered, continuing before he could refuse. “I didn’t get to go outside, today, and… I don’t know, I just feel really down.”
Natasha’s confession and your feelings regarding Peter were weighing you down. You knew that the men liked to know as soon as possible if their wife was pregnant, but Bucky wasn’t your husband, and it wasn’t up to you to tell him something so personal about the redhead. Besides, as long as he didn’t suspect that she or anyone else knew and kept it hidden, it wouldn’t be a problem.
…and Peter…
You tilted your head at him, just wanting to be outside and feel the air on your face with the one person in the house you felt you could be open with. Peter told you that he liked that you wore your heart on your sleeve, and it had made something bloom in your chest, a feeling you’d quickly tried to squash down.
“I know I’m not allowed to be out this late, but…”
You couldn’t tell if Peter was considering agreeing or not until he threw you a soft smile, tightening his hand on yours. You both were quiet as he led you through the wing and down the stairs. You didn’t know where Steve was, but you knew that if he came out like the boogeyman, Peter would protect you.
He always did.
It was so much cooler with the sun down, the half-moon taking it’s place. You really loved the pond, and so you weren’t surprised when Peter started to lead you there the moment you both made it outside. You kept looking up at the stars, recalling how while living in the city, you hadn’t been able to see them. It was something you always envied rural areas for.
“You’re like a little kid, sometimes…”
You looked at him at that, sitting down.
“Always need to come outside and play in the grass and see the water,” there was a smile on his lips as he grinned down at you. “It’s cute.”
You wanted to tell him that being trapped inside for days on end would do that and what else did he expect? However, proving what he said to be true, your thoughts were clearly all over your face.
“I get it,” he exhaled, lowering himself next to you. “Of course, you’d want to be outside all the time.”
Peter reached up, brushing his fingers along your cheek.
“…but you understand why, right?”
He continued before you could say anything.
“To keep you safe. To keep all of you safe,” he told you. “There’s so much that could happen to you out here, and…”
He trailed off, but you finished for him.
“You don’t trust us… Me.”
Again, you didn’t know what Peter or Steve expected from you. If you’d wanted to make a run for it so badly, you would’ve tried already.
“I know you would never,” Peter whispered, taking your face into his hands. “…but just think of what would happen if you did manage to get away and tell anyone.”
He frowned at you.
“It would take a miracle for them to believe you, and on the off chance that they did…”
Peter sighed, a sad sound, and now you frowned.
“Imagine what would happen to Margaret and poor Sarah. Growing up without her dad? Her uncles?”
You looked down at that, having never thought about that before.
“…and Jane would be heartbroken without Thor. It would be so hard for her to move on. I don’t think she ever would to be honest.”
No, you never had any intention of escaping, but these were things that had never crossed your mind. God, you hated Steve. You hated and feared him more than anyone in your entire life, but from what you’d seen, he thought the world of Sarah…and she adored him just the same.
You shook your head, not wanting to think about that.
“I’m not saying you would…just something to think about.”
“I know,” you mumbled.
Peter tilted your head up, his dark eyes searching your own.
“You wouldn’t…right…?”
“Of course, not,” you quickly assured him.
He stared at you for a long while before nodding.
“Good,” he murmured, leaning in. “I would be really hurt to think that you would.”
Peter kissed you then, and you didn’t kiss him back.
At first.
His lips were so soft against yours, they always were, and you hated that it was something you noticed. You noticed a lot of things about Peter lately, most of them when he was touching you. You noticed how toned he was. Not as muscular as Bucky or Thor, but enough to tell you that he could hold his own with the rest of them, could hold his own against you if need be.
You noticed the way he always needed to touch you. Not even sexually, but just to feel you and confirm that you were there. He liked brushing his hand over your back at dinner or resting it on your thigh. He liked walking up behind you in the kitchen and touching your waist or resting his chin on your shoulder.
He especially liked bathing with you, taking it upon himself to clean you and look after you, like it was his responsibility to make sure you were well cared for in the best way possible. Especially after sex. Peter loved cleaning your skin and holding you while you caught your breath and telling you that you were okay. The contrast of how roughly he could thrust into you and hold you from how gently he cared for you when it was over was great.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered into your shoulder.
The night air had you shivering as he undressed you by the pond, and your movements were hesitant, almost refusing. You were outside, and even though you weren’t right in front of the house, it was still within view. The thought of someone seeing you made you shrink in on yourself.
“It’s okay,” he murmured against your lips. “It’s just you and me, pretty girl.”
You gasped when he pushed himself into you, stretching you out slowly. Your fingers pressed into his arm and back, thighs opening for him as he pulled his hips back. Peter loved having sex with you, and you guessed that if he had it his way, he’d be inside of you all the time.
You hated that you didn’t hate it.
You could feel yourself relaxing beneath him, letting yourself go on the grass. It really did feel like it was just you and Peter whenever he was inside of you, curving his hips into yours and forcing moans from your lips despite how much you wanted to swallow them down. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction, but you thought to yourself—who cares? It’s not like Peter didn’t know how much you needed him. You’d made that clear the day you’d almost lost your mind at him having to go back to work.
You made it clear when you couldn’t even make a decision without looking at him first. When you couldn’t sleep without him. When his mere presence put your heart at ease. In this nightmare, you needed Peter, and you wrapped your legs around his waist. He groaned at that, leaning in to kiss you again.
“Atta girl…”
When his lips trailed to your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses, you turned your head. The house wasn’t completely dark. It was still kind of early in the night, so, you wouldn’t expect it to be. However, what was unexpected was a figure standing in an upstairs window. It was in a different wing of the house than yours, and you blinked in shock at the sight. A shudder of fear traveled through you, and you turned your head towards the crook of Peter’s neck…
…trying to block out the unmistakable sight of short blond hair.
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Difference of Opinions (Part 1)
Fandom: Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Across the Spider-Verse, Miguel O'Hara, f!Reader Summary: You went against the man you loved and helped Miles escape. Now you must face Miguel's wrath. Word Count: 1821 TW: Angst, Betrayal, Anger, Glitching, Left for Dead, Miguel has a temper Notes: I told myself I wasn't going to get sucked into writing for this movie, but this idea wouldn't stop nagging at my brain so here you go!
Prequel, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Series Masterlist
*Spoilers for Across the Spider-Verse*
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As you watched Miles disappear in a flash of the Go Home machine, you couldn’t help but smile. For a moment, you had been afraid that he wasn’t going to make it. That despite everything you, Hobie, and Margo had done to help him, Miguel was going to stop him before he could escape. But he got to go home to try and save his father. He had a chance.
However, the smile slowly faded from your face as Miguel roared and ripped the arm off of the Go Home machine. You had been so focused on getting Miles off of Earth-928 that you hadn’t considered what happened afterwards. This was going to be bad.
The room had filled with other Spider-people who had all been involved in the chase for Miles and they all just stared at Miguel. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Margo’s avatar disappear and you sighed in relief. At least she would escape Miguel’s fury. 
Right now, his focus had turned towards Gwen. As they began yelling back and forth at one another and Miguel dragged her into the Go Home machine, you started to back out of the room as inconspicuously as possible. While part of you wanted to run to Gwen’s aid, she was being sent back to her own universe. It was heartbreaking to watch– especially knowing what was going to happen to her father when she returned –however, she was getting off easy considering her part in getting Miles involved in the Spider-Society in the first place. Things could have been a lot worse for her. As they would probably be for you if you didn’t let Miguel cool down for a while before confronting him.
You had just about made it to the door when you heard a snarl behind you. “And where do you think you’re going?”
Red webs coiled around your arms and legs pinning them to your body and making you fall to the floor. Before you could try to squirm your way out, Miguel yanked hard and you flew backwards into him. He caught your chin with one large hand, his nails sharpening into claws and digging painfully into your skin as he held you off the ground. 
His red eyes flashed dangerously as he roared in your face, “Did you think I wouldn’t see you trying to slink away? You helped him escape! You! Of the hundreds of us in the Spider-Society, you were the last one I ever imagined turning against me.”
“I haven’t turned against you, Miguel. You know I love you too much to ever do that.” With your face still pinned in his grasp, you tried your best to keep your expression calm and non-confrontational. You knew how he got when he was like this and it was better to not get him even more agitated. However, your voice remained firm and unwavering. “But right now, you’re letting your past cloud your judgment and you’re not thinking clearly. I was just trying to–”
“He’s trying to alter a second canon event! We still haven’t dealt with what he did in Mumbattan and you just let him get away to do it again!” He bared his sharp teeth at you as he growled deep in his throat. In all your years together as friends or as lovers, you had never once feared Miguel would hurt you…. until this moment. All reason seemed to have left him and all you saw when you looked at his face was fury and pain. There was no trace of the man you loved before you.
Trying to keep the quiver out of your voice, you calmly said, “You said it yourself. Miles is an anomaly. He was never supposed to be one of us so who’s to say he has to uphold the canon events? From what I can tell, the Peter Parker of that world already lost his captain before he died. So maybe Miles has a chance none of us ever got. Maybe he doesn’t have to bear this loss like the rest of us. Maybe he can change his fate.”
“‘Maybe! Maybe! Maybe’! You risked the lives of an entire universe on maybe!” Miguel’s grip on your face tightened and you mewled slightly as his claws broke skin. “Whether or not he was supposed to be Spider-Man, he is now. And that means he must follow the canon. If he was different than the rest of us, he wouldn’t have already lost his uncle.”
“Or may– possibly becoming the Prowler is what got that Aaron Davis killed, not because he was Miles’s uncle.” You tried to reach up to stroke Miguel’s cheek, to calm some of his anger, but your hands were still pinned to your side by his webs. “Miguel, don’t do this. I’m begging you. Please, let Miles try. Trust that I know what I’m doing.”
Slowly, Miguel’s fury faded from his face until there was nothing left but pain. Pain that you knew you had caused. He lowered you to the floor and loosened his grip on your face though he didn’t release you. Then, as he stared deeply into your eyes, he spoke in an agonized whisper. “I did trust you. I would have gone to the ends of the multiverse and beyond for you. I gave you my heart even after I swore never to open myself up to anyone again but you turned your back on me the first chance you had.”
Tears sprung to your eyes and you squirmed against the webs, desperate to touch him. To hold him and make him feel that your love for him never wavered. “You know that’s not true. I’ve stood by your side from the very beginning. I’ve loved you and helped you build this Society so we could uphold the canon across hundreds of universes. But I just… I just couldn’t stand by this time and not at least give Miles a chance to try and save someone he loves. I’m sorry.”
For just a moment, you thought you saw a glimpse of compassion or love in his gaze but it was quickly replaced by bitter cold indifference. “I’m not.”
His claws slashed through his webbing, freeing your limbs. But before you could move, Miguel grabbed your arm, ripped your portal watch from your wrist, and hurled it against the wall where it shattered into pieces. Still holding your arm, he tossed you across the room. You crashed into the floor and slid another dozen feet or so on your side. And just as you slowed to a stop, you glitched as this unfamiliar universe attacked your cells. 
You felt like your body was simultaneously being compressed and stretched in a hundred directions at once. When the glitch ended, you let out a small whimper but the sound didn’t cull Miguel’s rage any. Even as you lay in a heap on the ground, he tossed a disk in your direction and suddenly a red transparent field surrounded you. 
Unable to believe he was really doing this to you, you called out to him but he ignored your plea. Instead, he turned his back on you and growled, “Jess, Ben, come with me. And somebody catch Spot.”
Jess glanced at his retreating form then back to where you were now confined. “Miguel. You can’t just leave her like this. Without a watch–”
“She made her bed, now she can die in it,” he snapped without turning around. He simply opened a portal and said, “Let’s go.”
Ben fell in behind him, but Jess hesitated, her hand reaching out towards you. But you shook your head. Miguel had judged you and once that happened, no one could change his mind. Jess had too much to lose by trying to help you and despite hating to see her leaving to track Miles down, you knew she was just as trapped now as you were. So, reluctantly, she turned and followed Miguel and Ben into the portal.
Now alone, you pulled your knees up to your chest and buried your face in them. You didn’t regret helping Miles, but you never imagined this would be the consequence. Miguel had a right to feel betrayed yet the fact he would go this far– that he was alright with you slowly glitching out of existence – broke your heart. Miguel had never been a saint but you never imagined he could do this. Not to you. How could his love sour so quickly that he was willing to let you die rather than try to understand why you did what you did? 
No. I won’t accept that.
Miguel was just not thinking clearly after everything that had happened today. Deep down, he still loved you. He had to. Just as you still loved him despite him leaving you to die in this cage. If you could only show him that you were right and Miles was different, then maybe Miguel could forgive you for going against him. And maybe there was still hope for the two of you. Or maybe he would still want you dead. 
Wow, Miguel was right and you did rely heavily on “maybe”.
However, there was just something about this situation that made you believe in those maybes. For years you had protected the multiverse by Miguel’s side and you had never questioned his decisions or a canon event. But something in your gut– in your spider-sense –was telling you this time was different. That Miles really could break from the canon without the same consequences as the others. But you would never know unless you found a way out of this cage!
Suddenly, you remembered how Miles managed to escape the same sort of prison an hour before. You might not have his Venom Blast powers but maybe Miguel presented you with your own way to escape. Spreading your arms and legs out as far as you could, you pressed yourself against the force field so you covered as much area as you possibly could. Then you waited.
About four minutes later, it happened. You glitched again but this time, you were ready for it. Using all the strength you could muster, you fought against the glitch and kept yourself pressed against the field. As your body began to flicker and change, so did the force field. When things finally corrected themselves and you were left moaning on the floor, you opened your eyes to see what was once your cage had been transformed into a pile of random junk from across the multiverse.  
Giving it a slight push, the pile collapsed and you walked out of the remains of your prison. You were free. Now, you just had to find a way off of Earth-928 and back into the multiverse to find Miles before Miguel did. And you thought you had an idea about where to start….
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Thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and/or rebloging! I am planning a prequel to this fic showing how Miguel and Reader met and I may also do a sequel fic to this one. If you are interested, please let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! Thanks!
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starlazergazer · 1 year
Through the Looking Glass
Pairing: Anakin x Reader / some Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Anakin and the reader stumble into the MCU where they meet peter parker (other MCU Y/N’s boyfriend) who is so relieved to see her he kisses her sending Anakin into a jealous rage. Queue extra possessive/protective jealous Anakin
Warnings: Some swearing, jealous Anakin
Word Count: 6K
A/N: Not gonna lie I’m not sure where in Marvels timeline this takes place (maybe just before infinity war? Maybe?) I just wrote in the characters I wanted. Had a lot of fun creating a cute little love story for the reader and peter so I hope you enjoy that!
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 You tried to force calm breaths. Tried to ignore the way everyone in the room was wearing clothing unlike you had ever seen before, sitting on furniture unlike you had ever seen before, in front of a window that bore a skyline unlike anything you had ever seen before.
But no, there was an explanation for this, there were thousands of planets in the galaxy, each one completely different, it wasn’t unusual to stumble across something you weren’t familiar with.
But still that didn’t change the feeling of wrongness that settled in your gut, didn’t change the fact that the glowing circle you and Anakin had stumbled through somehow seemed to have changed everything about the environment, didn’t change the fact that each person in this room was looking at you with wide eyes and slightly opened mouths.
That was another thing of note, they were all looking at you, not Anakin. He got little more than a passing glance, but just you, the moment you stumbled through whatever the glowing circle had been every eye had been glued to you.
Apparently this was something you weren’t alone in noticing.
Anakin was in front of you the second his own shock broke, hand already on his saber as he surveyed the large group in front of you suspiciously, waiting to see who would make the first move.
Every member of the group before you reacted together, each dropping into their own fighting stance, eyes finally breaking from you to Anakin.
The entire room had been pushed to the edge, the slightest movement from either side could send you over and into chaos. Anakin was a good fighter and you worked well by his side but there’s no way you could take on this many people, though something inside you told you that you didn’t want to either.
Hesitantly you stepped forward, placing a hand on Anakin’s shoulder to pull him back softly, whispering to him “stand down”. And though he didn’t necessarily listen to you, he did back up slightly, letting you take the lead.
“Hi I’m Y/N” you introduced yourself awkwardly with a small wave, trying to make yourself seem as non-threatening as possible “knight of the jedi order, do any of you have any idea where we are right now?”
A dozen eyes scattered around the room, making confused, worried glances at one another before eventually all turning to look at one man with tinted colored glasses and a goatee off to the side, a man that had an expression you could only describe as sorrowful.
“We’re going to have to warn the kid” was all the man said with a sigh, eyes finally breaking from you to meet the groups gaze.
“What’s going on?” A sad, broken voice fighting to stay upbeat spoke from behind the group and you watched every member go stiff, wide eyes split between staring at you and looking back behind them.
It was like a bubble pushing through the crowd, each person moving slightly to give the man at the back room as he slowly slipped through them. A call came seconds before he emerged, a small halfhearted “kid wait” before he appeared to you, a man roughly your age in a bright red and blue suit.
As soon as he escaped the group his eyes fell on you and you watched him freeze in place, his mouth falling open ever so slightly.
His face was covered in cuts working to heal, lines of dark red dried blood and deep purple bruises littered his figure, a state of being you were more than used to inhabiting. But he had a glossy sheen over his eyes as he looked at you and you could feel it had nothing to do with his injuries.
And it wasn’t just that he knew your name somehow but the way that he seemed to choke on it, you had the feeling that he knew not just your name but truly knew you.
“Kid” another soft call, a hand immerging and pulling back his shoulder that he brushed off no problem, his eyes never leaving you.
And you were so caught up in the arrival of this mystery man, so shocked by his reaction to seeing you, that you didn’t even comprehend the fact that he was approaching you, moving across the room faster than you had thought possible.
Long fingers traced their way below your ears, tangling themselves in your hair as thumbs rested naturally on your temples. And there was something strangely familiar about this action, something oddly comforting in a world where nothing seemed to make sense.
His lips were planted on yours before you could even think to object, your eyes fluttering closed more on instinct than anything. And his kiss was so desperate, so passionate, so…so brief.
Suddenly he was being ripped away from you, fingers tangling in your hair for a second as they were forced back roughly. Then the only thing you could focus on was the familiar sound of a lightsaber activating, a blue hue taking over your previously black vision behind your eyelids.
Opening your eyes you saw Anakin standing protectively in front of you, saber drawn and held up in front of him. The man who seemed to know you was sprawled out on his back on the floor, staring daggers up at Anakin before him.
The rest of the room were raising up what you could only assume were weapons, all pointed directly at Anakin and you knew you had to do something, knew at the very least they didn’t seem eager to hurt you.
“Ani stop” you cried out, pulling him back with his arm, taking a stepin front of him in turn, trying to ignore the sad broken voice that repeated your words in a confused whisper from the floor, “they clearly know as little about what’s going on as we do”
“Because that was clearly the actions of a guy who doesn’t know you” the anger in Anakin’s voice clearly wasn’t helping to calm the rest of the room, nor the way he waved his saber in the guy’s direction.
“Anakin” you hissed back at him, a hand coming up to his, pushing his saber down until he was forced to shut it off, the entire room visibly relaxing at its disappearance.
You could feel the way his chest heaved with every deep breath, his eyes glaring daggers at every person in the room as he fought to take a step forward in front of you again, you effectively stopping him with a hand on his chest.
“Y/N?” Again there was that voice, a sad, confused voice calling out to you, the man pushing himself up to his feet before you, a hand almost instinctively coming up to reach out to you “what’s going on?”
Anakin was pushing forward at the same time, a growl slipping from his lips though you had him silenced with a glare and a raised brow, daring him to push you any further.
“I don’t think that’s Y/N kid” a man from the group spoke up.
His words had the man before you shaking his head “No I-“
You cut him off before the conversation could get any more confusing for you “My name is Y/N” you insisted, forcing your eyes away from the man before you to the rest of the group “and I need someone to explain what is happening right now”
The group before you sent worried glances to one another, a silent conversation you were not privy to taking place before your eyes. Instead, your attention was drawn back to the man before you as he placed a hand on your shoulder, an action that had Anakin pressing forward into the palm of your hand once again.
“Baby what’s going on?” and he said it with such concern, such sincerity, that for a second you believed that there was something wrong with you, that you were meant to have known him all along.
But it only lasted for a second before Anakin was between the two of you, roughly pushing the man back from you, getting in his face as he spoke “I’d keep my hands to myself if I were you spider boy”
The man was already rearing back on Anakin, his hand coming up before him with fingers in a weird configuration before a hand wrapped in shiny red armor caught his wrist, effectively stopping him.
Immediately you were pushing yourself between them, two hands coming up to Anakin’s chest to push him back, not missing the way his eyes never left the mystery man’s figure.
“You cannot keep starting fights here” you hissed at him, putting your weight behind your next push, sending Anakin staggering back a few steps.
“I’m not the one starting fights” he insisted, a hand pointing angrily at the mystery man behind you.
“You are” you objected, forcing his gaze back to yours with a small push “and I need you to chill out”
His clenched his jaw angrily as he stared down at you, arms crossing in front of his chest defensively “I am being chill”
You let out a strained chuckle, raising an eyebrow at him “really this is chill? Then why don’t you work on being chill in the corner while I figure out what’s going on here”
“I’m not leaving you alone with him” he spat, eyes going over your shoulder to the stranger behind you who was apparently having a very similar argument as you.
“Why don’t you sit this one out kid” you heard from over you shoulder, the familiar sad voice desperately interjecting quickly. “But Mr. Stark-“
“Well it looks like he won’t be there for this either so you can both sit this one out” you hummed back at Anakin with a triumphant smirk on your face, watching him sputter as he tried to come up with his next excuse.
“I’m not leaving you alone with the rest of them!”
“I can handle myself” you rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms over your chest “besides they seem to know who I am they won’t hurt me”
“Yeah they seem to know who you are a little too much” he groaned, eyes casting back over your shoulder.
“Ani” you called his attention back to you with a small sigh, reaching out to take his hand and give it a small squeeze, trying to be as reassuring as possible, fighting down your rapidly growing annoyance “look I want to get home as much as you do, they’ll be more inclined to speak with me if you aren’t there”
“You don’t know that” he groaned, practically begging you to drop it.
“I think we both do” you sighed, casting a glance behind you to see the stranger in the blue and red suit being led away down a hallway, eyes glued to you the whole time “just give me a few minutes, okay?”
He sighed, watching the man be led away, looking back over the group to see their attention torn between you and the kid, confusion and worry etched into every expression “fine, a few minutes, but you’re staying in my sight line”
With a small chuckle you gave his hand a soft squeeze, ushering him to a seat in the corner with your eyes before finally making your way over to the group only to see them all already watching you.
“I’m sorry about him” you apologized awkwardly, noting the way they all seemed to glare at Anakin, a look he was more than eager to return from across the room “today’s been a lot”
The group seemed to ignore your apology completely, Mr. Stark instead talking to seemingly nobody “Friday-“
“Already on it sir” a voice seemed to speak from the room itself, putting you naturally on the defensive as you searched the ceiling for its source. “Vitals are normal, heart rate slightly elevated but that is to be expected, she seems healthy sir”
Grave looks were shared amongst the group only furthering your confusion. “Was that voice talking about me?”
Again your question seemed to fall on deaf ears, a silent conversation occurring before your eyes once again before Mr. Stark spoke up. “Okay kid why don’t you tell me what you remember”
And you felt yourself start to grow frustrated at the statement, at the condescending tone, at the implication that the issue laid entirely within your own head. “Look I don’t care what you all think you know but you definitely don’t know me. I have never met any of you before in my life” you could feel Anakin shifting to his feet at the sound of your raised voice from across the room, forcing yourself to take a deep breath and lower it you showed him a small open hand, telling him to stand down “all I know is this morning Anakin and I were on a mission like normal and this spinning yellow portal appears out of nowhere, we step through it and now we’re here”
They all seemed to perk up at that, all eyes going to the man off to the right in the weird blue robes, “Strange what does she mean yellow spinning portal”
“I’m not sure” the man spoke with deeply furrowed brows, eyes casting downward in thought “I certainly didn’t do that, besides with her having a completely different set of memories that can only mean one thing and we haven’t figured out how to do that yet”
“Yes but spinning yellow portals are your thing” Mr. Stark spoke up, anger and frustration edging into his voice as he did before you cut him off.
“Hold on no” you held your hands up, effectively silencing them all “I’m sick of everyone in this room knowing more about this than me. Someone explain now”
Hesitant looks were shared before each set of eyes slowly started to fall on the same man, a sigh escaping Mr. Stark before he spoke “how much do you know about the multiverse theory?”
You took a deep breath as you stood just inside the open door you had been directed to.
It didn’t occur to you that you didn’t know what to say until you were standing in the doorway, it didn’t occur to you till then that maybe Anakin was right and you weren’t the person he would want to talk to now, all you knew was that you wanted to be there for him, in whatever way you could.
His gaze connected with yours the minute you walked in, you unable to focus on anything but his slightly red, puffy eyes, barely even noticing Mr. Stark’s quiet “I’ll give you guys a moment” before he slipped past you out the door.
Peter’s eyes never strayed from yours.
“So…” he prompted somewhat awkwardly, breaking a silence you hadn’t realized had been going on for too long until that moment “you’re not actually Y/N then”
“I-uh-well” the words stumbled out, forcing a small chuckle to your voice to try and ease the tension.
“Right” he chuckled back, eyes casting down to his hands “just not my Y/N”
“yeah” you sighed softly, wrapping your arms around yourself “I’m sorry about that”
His laugh felt slightly more genuine this time, eyes casting back up to meet yours with a soft, almost sad smile “you’ve got nothing to apologize for” he assured you “if anything I should be-“ and his sentence died in his throat, his eyes going slightly wide as a hand rose to run anxiously through his hair “oh my god I kissed you”
And this time your laugh was more genuine, immediately shaking your head softly “yeah no worries tho-“
Peter immediately cut you off, zero indication that he had even heard you “Y/N I am so sorry I didn’t know it wasn’t you, or that it was you? I don’t know. Either way-“ he was rambling quickly, working himself up into a frantic pace.
So you reacted without thinking, walking up to him and grabbing his forearm, physically pulling his attention to you “Peter stop, it’s fine”
He froze beneath your touch, eyes going immediately to your hand, mouth falling open ever so slightly at the action. It was only then that you realized your mistake, your eyes going wide as you started to let go “I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have-“
His reflexes were quick, his hand coming up to stop yours from moving before you could let go, resting for a brief moment on top of your own before he spoke “no it’s okay I-“ and he paused, a breathy laugh escaping before he finished “I can’t decide if this is helping or hurting more”
A sad smile grew on your face in response, giving his arm a soft squeeze “I understand, just let me know if you figure it out yeah?”
“Yeah” he chuckled back, eyes coming up to meet yours “it’s weird you’re so much like her”
An awkward clearing of a throat startled the two of you, Peter instinctually jumping back from you, your hand dropping from his in response as you looked to the source of the noise, Anakin brooding in the doorway.
“Am I interrupting?” he asked in a tone that told you he really didn’t care if he was.
“uhhh” you looked to Peter who stared back at you with wide eyes, the memory of Anakin pushing him off of you no doubt fresh in his mind “no, no you’re not. What’s up?”
“Tony’s set aside some rooms for us and I know you haven’t slept in far too long” he pointed back behind him, pointedly only looking at you, avoiding all eye contact with Peter.
You in turn turned back to the man, sending him a silent question with your expression that he picked up on no problem “Yeah go ahead I’m good” he shrugged you off with a forced smile.
“Are you sure?” you asked him, not liking the idea of leaving him alone quite yet.
“Yeah” and this time you saw his smile reach his eyes, only a bit but enough to make you feel somewhat better “go get some sleep Y/N”
So, slowly you conceded, working your way back across the room to Anakin, his hand immediately going to the small of your back as he stepped aside to let you out, ushering you softly further down the hall without another word.
You couldn’t sleep. Not that that should have been a surprise given the day you’ve had but it still sucked staring at the ceiling for hours on end. So you decided to change that, getting up you pulled on a sweatshirt you were given to borrow and crept out of your room planning to take a walk around the tower.
Taking a few random turns with no real care as to where you ended up you eventually found a light at the end of a hallway, soft clinks of a metal spoon against a bowl drawing you closer to find none other than Peter hunched over the kitchen island eating.
“Hey” you called out softly, not wanting to sneak up on the poor guy “what’re you doing up?”
A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he started to answer “I could ask you-“ but his words died in his throat as his gaze came up to meet yours, freezing mid-sentence the second he laid eyes on you.
And immediately you were cursing yourself for saying anything in the first place, he was trying to be alone, probably worrying about his girlfriend, he didn’t need the living embodiment of her sneaking up on him now. “Sorry I shouldn’t have-“  you were apologizing quickly, starting to back out of the room before he stopped you.
“No wait-“ he called out, halting you in place “It’s just-you’re uh-you’re wearing my sweatshirt” he stumbled out, pointedly avoiding eye contact as you did so.
Your eyes went wide at his words, looking down at the sweatshirt you hadn’t thought twice about throwing on before you left “I’m so sorry it was given to me in a pile of clothes they said I could borrow I can-“ and you were already starting to take it off, getting one arm out of the sleeve before Peter stopped you with a small laugh.
“No no keep it” he assured you with a smile, looking down into his bowl as he said his next words a lot softer “It’s always looked better on you”
And even though you knew you weren’t really the person he was talking about a heat still rose to your cheeks that had you grinning at the floor to keep him from noticing. “Whatcha got there?”
“Ice cream” he answered you with a soft smile as you approached the other side of the island, taking one of the chairs. “My Y/N and I have this unspoken agreement that if either of us is having a bad day we meet late at night for junk food”
And you liked the way he talked about her, the fondness in his voice, the small smile on his lips, the way he never really seemed to focus on anything else in the room as he told the story, fully enwrapped in the memory of it.
“Is it good? The ice cream?” you asked, nodding vaguely to the bowl as you rested your chin in your palm.
“Of course it’s good” he laughed with a soft shake of his head “it’s ice cream how could it not be”
“I’ve never had it” you giggled back at him, peering curiously at the brown sludge that inhabited his bowl.
“What how can you-“ and suddenly he paused, eyes going wide as he looked up at you, dropping the spoon into the bowl “do you not have ice cream in your universe?”
And you couldn’t help but laugh at his expression, unable to do more than shake your head in answer.
“Unacceptable” he declared, grabbing his bowl and dashing around the island to sit next to you, pushing his bowl in front of you “you have to try this”
“I feel like you’re hyping this up way too much” you shook your head at him with a smile while nonetheless taking the spoon.
“Alright lets see you say that after taking a bite” he challenged you and you tried to ignore the way his knees so casually bumped into yours as he sat next to you, the sparkle in his eyes when he looked at you so eager to hear what you had to say, to see your reaction. You could certainly see why another version of you would’ve fallen for him.
Appeasing Peter you took a bite of the incredibly cold concoction and the second it hit your tongue your eyes went wide, “holy shit”
“Right” Peter laughed, leaning back in his chair in triumph.
“Its so soft and creamy and sweet” you gushed, eagerly taking a second bite without thinking “why would you eat anything else?”
Peter chuckled back in amusement at you, leaning forward to steal the spoon when you finally let it go, keeping the bowl in front of you but stealing a bite for himself “just wait, tomorrow I’ll take you to get pizza”
“I’d like that” you nodded eagerly, taking the spoon back from him as a silence fell over the two of you.
It wasn’t a tense or awkward silence, but it wasn’t exactly a comfortable silence either. The silence of strangers with no real idea how to navigate the conversation going forward.
“Couldn’t sleep?” you asked him hesitantly, not missing the way his gaze shifted to the distance, avoiding you as much as possible.
“I mean, can you blame me?” he asked softly, crossing his arms over his chest with a sigh.
“For what it’s worth” you offered softly, pulling his gaze back to you with your words as you leaned forward slightly “if Dr. Strange is right and your Y/N just switched places with me then she is in very good hands”
“Yeah?” he asked with a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
You nodded to reassure him, leaning forward to rest your forearms on the countertop “Yeah. Before Anakin and I came through that spinning portal thing we were on a mission with Master Obi-wan Kenobi and Captain Rex. Obi-wan basically raised me and there is no one I trust more to have my back in a fight than Rex.” You said honestly “there’s no doubt in my mind they’ll have her back”
Peter nodded at your words, eyes casting back across the kitchen as he mulled them over, and you sincerely hoped he found at least some comfort in them.
“You on the other hand” you poked him in the side playfully as you stood, earning at least a small chuckle from him “you look like shit. Get some sleep Peter”
“I’ll try” he assured you softly, not looking your way as you stood up and headed for the door before calling you back, spinning in his chair to look at you now by the door “Hey Y/N…thank you”
You smiled softly back at the boy, giving him a soft nod “You’re welcome Peter” and that was it before you slipped from the kitchen and started heading back to your room, hesitating when you noticed a figure sitting just outside of your door, a very familiar figure with his back leaned against it.
“Ani what’re you doing?” you asked with a soft chuckle, still in a rather warm and fuzzy mood after your talk with Peter
“couldn’t sleep” he shrugged, his tone cold and icy as he stared back up at you “figured you probably couldn’t either so I came to keep you company”
You chose to ignore his tone, chose to chalk it up to him being tired, to it being a long day, and started to tell him about this great new food you had just discovered, when his next question spoiled any good mood you had that night.
“How was you’re ice cream with Peter?”
And it wasn’t the question that set you off, rather the way he said it, the way he seemed to spit it at your feet, as if you were somehow betraying him by comforting a man who’s girlfriend is actively missing.
“Have a good night Anakin” you spat back, shoving him to the side with your leg as you stepped around him to get into your room planning to shut the door in his face when his next question stopped you.
“You know you’re not his girlfriend right?”
And you decided then that you have had it with his attitude this entire time. Besides it’s not like you were getting any sleep tonight anyways. Holding open the door you ushered him inside, “get in here”
He raised an eyebrow at you in response, clearly not expecting any more than a door slammed in his face.
“I’m not fighting with you in the hallway while everyone else is asleep so get in here” you grunted, stepping aside to allow him in before shutting the door securely behind him.
Anakin did nothing but stare down at you, eyebrows drawn in confusion as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, waiting for you to speak first. You weren’t aware that was something angry Anakin knew how to do.
“Alright I get it” you spat at him, trying your best to avoid working yourself up even further, trying to keep your voice low “you’re mad that we ended up in an entirely different universe”
“That’s not-“ Anakin tried to interrupt but you silenced him with a glare, silently daring him to interrupt you any further.
“You’re mad that we have no way of getting home, you’re mad we’re stuck here with no idea as to what is going on, but you do not get to take it out on me”
“That’s not what-“ Anakin tried again but you cut him off
“That’s exactly what you’re doing” You insisted with a raised brow “every second you are over top of me, complaining every time I try to talk with the other people here about what is going on, and maker forbid I try and have just a normal conversation with any of them to try and lighten the mood. I am just trying to get us out of here and you are actively making that more difficult with every step”
Silence fell briefly as Anakin took in your words, shaking his head softly with a sigh before running a tired hand over his face “I’m not mad about any of that”
You raised a brow at him “then what are you mad about”
And for whatever reason that question seemed to shut him up. Anakin’s mouth opening and closing multiple times as he tried to think of what to say, his eyes bouncing down to your shirt multiple times before he sighed, his hand dramatically coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose “can you at least take off his sweatshirt while we do this?”
Rolling your eyes back in response you slipped out of the sweatshirt without a word, dramatically tossing it onto the floor, raising your eyebrows back at him inviting him to continue.
He let out a deep breath once you took it off, giving you a small nod before thanking you awkwardly, another brief silence passing between the two of you before he finally answered your question “I’m mad at Peter”
You sighed at his ridiculous response, slumping back against the wall behind you as you spoke “why are you mad a Peter?”  
“Because he’s in love with you” his answer came quick with no hesitation, his own eyes boring straight into yours as he said it making you furrow your brows.
“Peter is not in love with me he’s in love with a different universe’s me” you reminded him.
“That doesn’t really count right now and you know it” he insisted, holding up a finger the minute you started to object “not with that kiss he gave you right after we arrived, not with the longing looks he sends your way whenever you’re in the same room, and definitely not when he’s flirting with you at 3 in the morning over ice cream, whatever that is”
“It’s actually very delicious-“ You muttered under your breath, half hoping he wouldn’t even hear you
“that’s not the point at you know it” he raised his brows at you, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Then what is the point?” You challenged him, crossing your own arms to mirror him “he misses his girlfriend who I happen to be exceptionally similar to in basically every way, so what?”
“So you’re not his girlfriend” he pointed out “you are notably an entirely different person than his girlfriend”
“Again so what?” you demanded “He’s sad, I offer some comfort, that is the extent of our relationship so, so what Anakin?”
“So what happens when we go back to our universe?” he asked, his voice peaking up in anger “what happens when it’s time for you to say goodbye to Peter. I heard your conversation in the kitchen, I see the way you blush around him. Are you going to be able to say goodbye to him?”
You scoffed at him “oh so this is all out of concern for me then Ani? You’re so concerned that when we figure everything out Peter’s going to break my heart or whatever?” You raised an eyebrow at him, challenging him to correct you.
He took a deep breath before doubling down “I’m just trying to look out for you-“
“Bullshit” you interrupted “tell me the real reason”
“That is the real-“
“Tell me the-“
“Because he looks at you the way that I look at you”
His sudden outburst caught you off guard, your posture subconsciously straightening as you furrowed your brows at him, waiting silently for him to continue.
Anakin seemed almost as surprised by his own words as you did, his chest heaving with heavy breaths as his mind scrambled for the next thing to say, opting instead to just lay his cards on the table.
“He looks at you the same way I have looked at you since we were eleven and less than 24 hours later you’re wearing his clothes and he’s calling you beautiful while you blush at the floor and it kills me”
You mouth hung open slightly at his words, your brain struggling to wrap itself around all of this new information. “Ani I-“
“No” he sighed, cutting you off as he sat down on the edge of the bed, his elbows going to his knees “I-“ and he paused, struggling for a moment for the right words “you don’t have to feel the same way, I know I’m not entitled to anything from you, you don’t even have to say anything right now if you don’t want to but you wanted to know why I was so angry and that’s it.” He chuckled bitterly, shaking his head softly “Because Peter somehow has everything I want with two different versions of you”
“Ani” you couldn’t help but chuckle back, moving across the room to sit down next to him “I don’t like Peter like that”
“Yeah?” he asked, sending a skeptical look back your way that had a soft smile playing at your lips.
“I don’t even know the guy how could I?” you shook your head, slowly leaning forward so your posture was in line with his “Besides there’s already someone else”
He raised a brow in your direction, wordlessly waiting for an explanation.
“A guy I grew up with” you started slowly, reaching around to loop your arm into his, fingers stretching out to intertwine with his own “A guy who used to let me win in lightsaber duals because he knew it made me feel better, who always managed to make me laugh no matter what mood I was in, and who has the unique ability to make the already terrible experience of being inexplicably transported to another universe even worse by throwing a temper tantrum.”
Finally moving your gaze up you were immediately met with Anakin’s already on you, a soft smile on his lips “a temper tantrum huh?”
“Yes a temper tantruem” you chuckled softly back to him “that’s the best way I can think to describe it”
He shook his head softly as he bumped your shoulder playfully, turning more fully to face you “well I think he sounds pretty great you should tell me more”
You laughed at that but played along, turning to face him in response “well for a guy who claims to have been looking at me since we were eleven he’s pretty oblivious, and…” you drew out the end of your sentence, reaching a hand up to grab at his chin giving his face a few turns “I guess you could say he’s pretty handsome”
“And..” he prompted with a smug smile making you roll your eyes.
“And he doesn’t know when to quit” you muttered, already pulling his face down to yours.
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Difference of Opinions (Part 1)
Fandom: Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Across the Spider-Verse, Miguel O'Hara, f!Reader Summary: You went against the man you loved and helped Miles escape. Now you must face Miguel's wrath. Word Count: 1821 TW: Angst, Betrayal, Anger, Glitching, Left for Dead, Miguel has a temper Notes: I told myself I wasn't going to get sucked into writing for this movie, but this idea wouldn't stop nagging at my brain so here you go!
Prequel, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Series Masterlist
*Spoilers for Across the Spider-Verse*
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As you watched Miles disappear in a flash of the Go Home machine, you couldn’t help but smile. For a moment, you had been afraid that he wasn’t going to make it. That despite everything you, Hobie, and Margo had done to help him, Miguel was going to stop him before he could escape. But he got to go home to try and save his father. He had a chance.
However, the smile slowly faded from your face as Miguel roared and ripped the arm off of the Go Home machine. You had been so focused on getting Miles off of Earth-928 that you hadn’t considered what happened afterwards. This was going to be bad.
The room had filled with other Spider-people who had all been involved in the chase for Miles and they all just stared at Miguel. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Margo’s avatar disappear and you sighed in relief. At least she would escape Miguel’s fury. 
Right now, his focus had turned towards Gwen. As they began yelling back and forth at one another and Miguel dragged her into the Go Home machine, you started to back out of the room as inconspicuously as possible. While part of you wanted to run to Gwen’s aid, she was being sent back to her own universe. It was heartbreaking to watch– especially knowing what was going to happen to her father when she returned –however, she was getting off easy considering her part in getting Miles involved in the Spider-Society in the first place. Things could have been a lot worse for her. As they would probably be for you if you didn’t let Miguel cool down for a while before confronting him.
You had just about made it to the door when you heard a snarl behind you. “And where do you think you’re going?”
Red webs coiled around your arms and legs pinning them to your body and making you fall to the floor. Before you could try to squirm your way out, Miguel yanked hard and you flew backwards into him. He caught your chin with one large hand, his nails sharpening into claws and digging painfully into your skin as he held you off the ground. 
His red eyes flashed dangerously as he roared in your face, “Did you think I wouldn’t see you trying to slink away? You helped him escape! You! Of the hundreds of us in the Spider-Society, you were the last one I ever imagined turning against me.”
“I haven’t turned against you, Miguel. You know I love you too much to ever do that.” With your face still pinned in his grasp, you tried your best to keep your expression calm and non-confrontational. You knew how he got when he was like this and it was better to not get him even more agitated. However, your voice remained firm and unwavering. “But right now, you’re letting your past cloud your judgment and you’re not thinking clearly. I was just trying to–”
“He’s trying to alter a second canon event! We still haven’t dealt with what he did in Mumbattan and you just let him get away to do it again!” He bared his sharp teeth at you as he growled deep in his throat. In all your years together as friends or as lovers, you had never once feared Miguel would hurt you…. until this moment. All reason seemed to have left him and all you saw when you looked at his face was fury and pain. There was no trace of the man you loved before you.
Trying to keep the quiver out of your voice, you calmly said, “You said it yourself. Miles is an anomaly. He was never supposed to be one of us so who’s to say he has to uphold the canon events? From what I can tell, the Peter Parker of that world already lost his captain before he died. So maybe Miles has a chance none of us ever got. Maybe he doesn’t have to bear this loss like the rest of us. Maybe he can change his fate.”
“‘Maybe! Maybe! Maybe’! You risked the lives of an entire universe on maybe!” Miguel’s grip on your face tightened and you mewled slightly as his claws broke skin. “Whether or not he was supposed to be Spider-Man, he is now. And that means he must follow the canon. If he was different than the rest of us, he wouldn’t have already lost his uncle.”
“Or may– possibly becoming the Prowler is what got that Aaron Davis killed, not because he was Miles’s uncle.” You tried to reach up to stroke Miguel’s cheek, to calm some of his anger, but your hands were still pinned to your side by his webs. “Miguel, don’t do this. I’m begging you. Please, let Miles try. Trust that I know what I’m doing.”
Slowly, Miguel’s fury faded from his face until there was nothing left but pain. Pain that you knew you had caused. He lowered you to the floor and loosened his grip on your face though he didn’t release you. Then, as he stared deeply into your eyes, he spoke in an agonized whisper. “I did trust you. I would have gone to the ends of the multiverse and beyond for you. I gave you my heart even after I swore never to open myself up to anyone again but you turned your back on me the first chance you had.”
Tears sprung to your eyes and you squirmed against the webs, desperate to touch him. To hold him and make him feel that your love for him never wavered. “You know that’s not true. I’ve stood by your side from the very beginning. I’ve loved you and helped you build this Society so we could uphold the canon across hundreds of universes. But I just… I just couldn’t stand by this time and not at least give Miles a chance to try and save someone he loves. I’m sorry.”
For just a moment, you thought you saw a glimpse of compassion or love in his gaze but it was quickly replaced by bitter cold indifference. “I’m not.”
His claws slashed through his webbing, freeing your limbs. But before you could move, Miguel grabbed your arm, ripped your portal watch from your wrist, and hurled it against the wall where it shattered into pieces. Still holding your arm, he tossed you across the room. You crashed into the floor and slid another dozen feet or so on your side. And just as you slowed to a stop, you glitched as this unfamiliar universe attacked your cells. 
You felt like your body was simultaneously being compressed and stretched in a hundred directions at once. When the glitch ended, you let out a small whimper but the sound didn’t cull Miguel’s rage any. Even as you lay in a heap on the ground, he tossed a disk in your direction and suddenly a red transparent field surrounded you. 
Unable to believe he was really doing this to you, you called out to him but he ignored your plea. Instead, he turned his back on you and growled, “Jess, Ben, come with me. And somebody catch Spot.”
Jess glanced at his retreating form then back to where you were now confined. “Miguel. You can’t just leave her like this. Without a watch–”
“She made her bed, now she can die in it,” he snapped without turning around. He simply opened a portal and said, “Let’s go.”
Ben fell in behind him, but Jess hesitated, her hand reaching out towards you. But you shook your head. Miguel had judged you and once that happened, no one could change his mind. Jess had too much to lose by trying to help you and despite hating to see her leaving to track Miles down, you knew she was just as trapped now as you were. So, reluctantly, she turned and followed Miguel and Ben into the portal.
Now alone, you pulled your knees up to your chest and buried your face in them. You didn’t regret helping Miles, but you never imagined this would be the consequence. Miguel had a right to feel betrayed yet the fact he would go this far– that he was alright with you slowly glitching out of existence – broke your heart. Miguel had never been a saint but you never imagined he could do this. Not to you. How could his love sour so quickly that he was willing to let you die rather than try to understand why you did what you did? 
No. I won’t accept that.
Miguel was just not thinking clearly after everything that had happened today. Deep down, he still loved you. He had to. Just as you still loved him despite him leaving you to die in this cage. If you could only show him that you were right and Miles was different, then maybe Miguel could forgive you for going against him. And maybe there was still hope for the two of you. Or maybe he would still want you dead. 
Wow, Miguel was right and you did rely heavily on “maybe”.
However, there was just something about this situation that made you believe in those maybes. For years you had protected the multiverse by Miguel’s side and you had never questioned his decisions or a canon event. But something in your gut– in your spider-sense –was telling you this time was different. That Miles really could break from the canon without the same consequences as the others. But you would never know unless you found a way out of this cage!
Suddenly, you remembered how Miles managed to escape the same sort of prison an hour before. You might not have his Venom Blast powers but maybe Miguel presented you with your own way to escape. Spreading your arms and legs out as far as you could, you pressed yourself against the force field so you covered as much area as you possibly could. Then you waited.
About four minutes later, it happened. You glitched again but this time, you were ready for it. Using all the strength you could muster, you fought against the glitch and kept yourself pressed against the field. As your body began to flicker and change, so did the force field. When things finally corrected themselves and you were left moaning on the floor, you opened your eyes to see what was once your cage had been transformed into a pile of random junk from across the multiverse.  
Giving it a slight push, the pile collapsed and you walked out of the remains of your prison. You were free. Now, you just had to find a way off of Earth-928 and back into the multiverse to find Miles before Miguel did. And you thought you had an idea about where to start….
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Thank you for reading, liking, commenting, and/or rebloging! I am planning a prequel to this fic showing how Miguel and Reader met and I may also do a sequel fic to this one. If you are interested, please let me know and I'll add you to the tag list! Thanks!
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irondadfics · 2 months
Hey umm sorry if I am bothering you with this but there is a ao3 fanfiction I thought I saved this but I can't find it all I remember was it was no way home event and tony is alive and I believe was the only one to remember Peter and I think Peter had a job in a bar as bartender?? If you can't find it do you have some recommendations of ao3 fanfiction of tony being alive and is the only one who remembers Peter?
we couldn’t find the one you were looking for, but here’s a few recommendations. The last two don’t have Tony remembering, but are still worth checking out. Happy reading!
To Be Better by autumdragon
Peter shakily says, “you need to let me leave.” “You will,” Tony reasons gently. “You will. Those doors will open the second you calm down.” The indignation morphs into fierce anger because “those doors will open the second you input the security override code,” he snaps. Peter may be freaking out right now, but he’s not an idiot. Caught, Tony pauses to look at him, to zero in and search. And Peter, terrified, grits his teeth and looks away. He can’t stomach being studied like that, and – he just, he really needs to leave right now. The standoff lasts for a few more seconds before finally Tony eases off: “FRIDAY, temporarily deactivate Baby Monitor Protocol – override code One-Zero-One-Seven-Two-Zero-Two-Three.” 1-0-1-7-2-0-2-3 October 17, 2023… Feeling sick, his lost eyes snap back to searching ones. The elevator doors open behind him but he doesn't move, choosing instead to stare at Mr. Stark as the weight bearing down on his chest sinks just a little further. Squeezing his shoulder, Tony explains: “The day I got you back.” Despondent, Peter pushes the hand off him. “The day I lost you.”
Peter Parker's Tapeworm by Ginevra_Benci
Everyone forgets that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Everyone includes Peter Parker.
Blue memento by Bergen
Post-NWH. The Avengers haven’t been much of a group since they defeated Thanos, since a large fraction of the team died, retired, went AWOL or MIA. It’s mainly up to Sam and Bucky – with some help from a still recovering Tony – to catch the latest enhanced serial killer roaming the streets of New York. Until a random college student from MIT named Peter Parker suddenly seems to have some answers. Sam is cautious. Tony is intrigued. Bucky is the voice of reason for a change.
O Brother, Where Art Thou? by theskeptileptic
8 year-old Morgan is struggling after the death of her mom. Her dad is working non-stop and her extended family of emotionally constipated superheroes are just as uncomfortable with her grief as their own. To top it off, she can't stop dreaming about a brother she's never had and all the trouble he might be in. When she convinces Tony to take her with him on a work trip to Caltech, she meets a student who looks a lot like the boy in her dreams. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem very interested in her. Good thing her dad always knows what to do. A sort of No Way Home, Everyone Lives (Except May and Pepper) Fix It story, where Morgan channels major Pepper Potts vibes, Tony channels major concerned Dad vibes, and Peter channels major college age-Tony Stark vibes. Served with a splash of angst, a heap of trauma, and a sprig of making adults take proper care of one depressed spider child.
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tonystarchive · 1 year
Last Updated: September 2023
As promised, here is my long overdue Irondad Whump Masterlist! This list took an embarrassing amount of time to compile and over forty pages in my Google Docs (!!!!!).
Due to the sheer amount of fics, I will be posting in parts. Within these posts, each fic will categorized by its most prevalent trope/theme.
I hope the work from these talented contributors brings as much whumpy joy to you as they do to me!
Also, a very special shoutout to my most treasured Irondad authors iron_spider, for_the_night, madasthesea, losingmymindtonight, AdVitemAeternum, MotherKarizma, and so many more! This post is dedicated to you. ♡ 
Adoption/Tony Stark is Peter Parker’s Biological Father
5 Times Tony Acted Like Peter’s Dad by for_the_night
Summary: “And the one time he actually was." *Featuring an award evening, nightmares, a father-son field trip, appendicitis, and a very special gift—oh, and SO many forehead kisses.*
Alive and Healing by Watermeloness
Summary: “‘...bank robbery gone wrong in Queens. We’re receiving live footage from the crime site, where a 15-year-old teenager has been severely injured. Witnesses report a young boy getting shot after trying to stop the perpetrators. The last we’ve heard, his state is critical and he’s being rushed to…’ Statistically, there are a lot of 15-year-old teenagers in Queens. The city is filled with 15-year-old teenagers that are all brave in their own ways. This doesn’t have to be their teenager. But Peter is not picking up his phone.”
Dad Is Just A Word (You Give It Meaning) by madasthesea
Summary: “Father's Day, two years after May dies. Peter has something special to give and something important to say.”
For Want of a Dad (In Need of a Son) by GhostInTheBAU
Summary: “So, have you given the camping trip any more thought?’ Ned asks, and he groans internally at the change in subject.  He'd much rather go back to talking about his non-existent love life, thanks.  The trip is during spring break—a four-day long trek out into the wilderness, camping and hiking and gathering who even knows what, learning all about nature and the great outdoors. But the real kicker?  It's an event specifically designed for fathers and their sons, which is something Peter doesn't have, and something he will never be. Not again." Or: Peter longs to have a deeper relationship with his mentor, a more meaningful connection; but he's managed to convince himself that the only reason Tony Stark spends any time with him at all is purely because of his enhancement. Because of Spider-Man.
Homebound by AdVitamAeternam
Summary: “Shortly after Homecoming, Peter starts having panic attacks. Tony happens to have some experience with those. What do you do when everyone around you has a tendency to die? What do you do when the last person, the most precious, the one you absolutely cannot lose, maybe wants you? Do you give in, or do you run? Do you take what they offer, or do you keep them as far away from the disaster that is your life as you can?”
I Love You More Than Anything Series by iron_spider
Summary: “The highs and lows of Tony unexpectedly becoming a single dad at 31—from Peter’s early baby years, all the way past the defeat of Thanos”
I’ll Always Protect You (Even If You Don’t Want Me To) by JAWorley
Summary: “So much changed with Peter’s body chemistry after the bite that new things are still coming up that surprise him. One day he and Tony are having a fight and Peter is so stressed out he ends up having a seizure. Seizures… great, so that’s a thing now, and Tony has decided that the best thing is for Peter to stop being Spider-Man. The more the seizures happen, the more protective Tony becomes. All Peter wants is to have his life back." Or: May asks Tony to take joint custody of Peter to help with the Spider-Man thing and this new stress seizure issue. Peter learns that sometimes parents do what’s necessary even if it’s not a popular choice with their kids.
Questions of Science, Science and Progress (Do Not Speak As Loud As My Heart) by l_u_c_k_y_c_l_o_v_e_r
Summary: “I had to find you, tell you I need you. Tell you I set you apart." Or: Peter stays with Tony for a few weeks, and the pair get into all kinds of shenanigans. And maybe, just maybe, those few weeks will usher in something more.
These Days I’ll Sit On Cornerstones by Finny3120
Summary: “Tony was ill-prepared to find that the vigilante he'd recruited was a 14-year-old boy. He was even less prepared for Peter Parker to be mute. But Peter hasn't spoken since his uncle died. And the more Tony works with the teen, the less it matters to him. He hears Peter just fine.” 
You’re Stuck With Me by for_the_night
Summary: “I’m adopting you. I don’t care what you have to say.’ Peter gaped. Of all of the entrances he’d expected from Mister Stark after being alone in a hospital room for hours, that wasn’t one of them." Or: Peter gets taken to hospital with a ruptured appendix and Tony comes to a daunting realization of just how little hold he has on the kid outside of Medbay.
Alternate Universe
My Baby, My Baby by SpaceCowboysFromMars
Summary: “Silence falls over them like a warm blanket. Distantly, there’s commotion down on the street as people walk home from clubs. Peter thinks Tony might be his best friend in the whole world. After a long, peaceful moment, Tony says, voice dripping with warmth, ‘Night, kid.’  ‘Goodnight, Mr. Stark." Or: Tony and Peter in the middle of the night, in five alternate universes.
Visiting Hours by Sara (ctrsara)
Summary: “Boss?’ Tony jolted out of his half-asleep state. ‘What’s up, FRI?’ ‘There is a visitor here to see you.’ Tony jumped up. Anyone he knew would usually call or text first, so he was immediately on alert.   ‘Who is it, FRI?’ ‘I need you to have an open mind, and know that I do not believe this person is any threat.’ Oh, yeah, that made him feel better.  ‘Excuse me? How about you let me decide that, Watson?’ He started walking towards the door, activating his watch gauntlet.   ‘Wait, Boss.’ He was annoyed, but he trusted his AI enough to stop and listen. ‘I also need you to know that I have performed biometric scanning, and this person is who they appear to be. However, they insist they’re not from our universe, and that is the part I don’t understand." — In a universe where he never invented time travel, and never brought anyone back, Tony Stark gets a late-night visitor he never could have expected. Prompt taken from @idk-bruh-20 Irondad fic idea #97 on Tumblr. Idea from @derpmallow.
What The Heart Knows by AdVitamAeternam
Summary: “When Peter wakes up, his head is being assaulted by a sledgehammer. He has no idea where he is. He has no idea what happened to him. He has no idea who he is, other than ‘Peter.’ But then, he looks over at the man who is scrutinizing him with worried eyes, and he knows who the man is. That's his dad." Or: The one where Peter gets hit over the head really, really hard and has temporary amnesia, and makes a very reasonable assumption based on the data presented to him.
A Far Green Country by madasthesea
Summary: “He just wanted Peter to be happy. More than anything in the world, he wanted Peter to be happy. Oh, Tony thought as that realization sunk down into the pit of his stomach and took root. I love him.”
A River To Skate Away On by frostysunflowers
Summary: “Peter has survived a spider bite, a building falling on him, turning to dust and being a teenager. He can handle anything. Except being forgotten.”
Agape by canon irondad (tomlinsoul)
Summary: “It's Tony's first date night with Pepper since the Snap, and Peter can't wait to spend some quality time with his little sister. Too bad a pair of hapless intruders, head trauma, and a panicked helicopter ride throw a spanner in the works." Whumptober 2022 Day 8: Head Trauma + Day 7: Seizures + Day 19: Repeatedly Passing Out + BTHB: Big Brother Instinct
Broken Heart Syndrome by iron_spider
Summary: “Tony is clearly really upset, the kind of upset that Peter’s only seen the likes of a couple of times, and it’s too close after everything happening to really talk about it. He can definitely see that now.  ‘I’m sorry,’ Peter says. ‘I’m sorry, I should have answered—’ ‘Yeah, you should have answered!’ Tony yells. His bottom lip is trembling and he shakes his head, his eyes wild. He runs his hand over his forehead. ‘Okay, okay, I’ll know for next time,’ Peter says. He doesn’t know what’s gonna make this better. Probably nothing. ‘There better not be a next time,’ Tony says, dropping his hand from his face. ‘God, like this? Pete, no one knew where he was but you, and you—you kept it that way so nobody knew what the hell was happening, and you—you weren’t answering, kid, and that asshole sent me all that shit plucked directly from my nightmares, and I was trying to be strong for May because she was worried, too, and you—and you, I—I thought I wasn’t gonna ever—I thought—Jesus, Peter, you don’t think, you don’t—’ Tony bends over, clutching at his arm and breathing hard through his mouth.”
Dead In There, You’re Dead In There by iron_spider
Summary: “Peter, you’ve been acting insane for the past however many days and it’s giving me an ulcer, what’s going on, what did I do? Tell me. Tell me and I’ll fix it.’ Peter is still stalking around, and Friday is listing off his injuries, from a concussion to broken ribs to a sprained ankle, and Tony feels sick looking at it all. ‘You’ll fix it,’ Peter says, glancing over at him with pure disdain, the look bookended by matching explosions somewhere behind them. ‘Yeah it’s something you can’t fix, if it happens, nope, can’t fix it, it would just—but you’re just saying—’ Tony starts forward towards him. ‘Pete, explain to me what’s happening, please.’ ‘The protocol, the protocol,’ Peter insists, waving his hands through the air. Tony shakes his head. ‘The protocol?’ ‘The Avalon Protocol, Tony,’ Peter spits out, with venom.”
Dead-Eyed by iron_spider
Summary: “Hey,’ Tony says, fast, into the phone. ‘Everything alr—’ ‘Hey, no, I don’t know where he is,’ MJ says, in a rush of breath. ‘I don’t know where he is, Tony, and I know I have access to that tracking thing, but it feels weird for me to do that, and it doesn’t feel weird for you to do that, so you should do that. And find him and tell me what’s going on.’ ‘Okay, calm down,’ Tony says, getting up and stepping back from his workstation. ‘You know you can’t tell me to calm down, because I’m calm, and I’m always calmer than you because you’re like, inherently, not calm. At all, about anything, but especially about your family—’ ‘Okay, this is not calm,’ Tony says, starting to pace, even though he’s not calm either, she’s right. She sighs loudly in his ear. ‘When was the last time you saw him?”
Earthly Dust From Off Thee Shaken by ExpectoPatronum
Summary: “It had started with leaving his bedroom light on at night before he went to sleep. For a while, that had been enough. But then it wasn't.”
“Forever” by WithACherryOnTop
Summary: “Peter could feel the darkness creeping up on him again, like it had only moments earlier in the Avengers Compound bullpen. ‘‘ony.’ ‘Just go to sleep, bud.’ Tony gently scratched his nails at the nape of Peter’s neck. Peter collapsed bonelessly in Tony’s arms, all evidence of the tears, crying, and sobs hidden except for a stained shirt and the boy’s even, congested breaths. Tony wiped a hand over his face, a bit flustered. ‘Wow. That went way worse than I expected." Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel and/or Sony. I do not give permission for this work to be copied and/or posted to any other sites.
Gonna Pick Up The Pieces by orphan_account
Summary: “I don’t want to talk to you,’ Peter says. He’s been hiding for the better part of an hour, sitting in the cabin’s laundry room, wedged between the washer and the dryer. Something about the sounds coming off of them calms him, weirdly. The swish of water, the rumble of the motors, cotton rubbing cotton, the button on a pair of jeans dinging the side of the barrel.  ‘That’s bullshit,’ Tony says. ‘You always want to talk to me.’ As true as that usually is, this time it rings discordant and tense. Peter clenches his jaw. ‘Not really,’ he says. ‘You just sorta assume that.’ ‘Of course I do. I make for lovely conversation.’ ‘Eh.”
Head’s On The Fritz by augustheart
Summary: "Hello?’ ‘Tony?’ ‘The one and only. What’s up, kiddo?’ The answer rises up in Peter's throat. Stops at the back of his tongue and wobbles there, heavy and leaden. He wants to spit it out, to cough it into the unbearable silence, to not be loud—but, to be steady. ‘I—’ he says. He trembles. ‘Can you—come over? Please?" Or: Tony makes things better
Hold Me Together by An_Odd_Idea
Summary: “Peter still doesn’t feel quite solid. Sometimes Tony can’t believe he’s really there either. They cope.”
I Have You by sweetspiderstew
Summary: “Tony has Peter all to himself, and there's nothing else like some good quality time in the workshop, but little mishaps happen, and there's a lot of hugging.”
I’ll Be Right Here by An_Odd_Idea
Summary: “Peter has a nightmare, and Tony goes to be sure he’s okay. It’s not the first one of its kind.” 
It Came At Night by Marvelous_Writer
Summary: “What’s supposed to be a normal weekend visit to the Compound turns into one of disaster when unexpected visitors show up." (Set after Spider-Man: Homecoming) Whumptober Day Five: Gunpoint
It’s Time to Leave (and Turn to Dust) by hopeless_hope
Summary: "We’re going to help you, I promise, but you’ve got to trust me. Do you trust me?’ Peter looks at his mentor, fear written across his face. He raises a shaking hand back to Tony’s chest, and Tony places his hand over the kid’s. Peter closes his eyes and feels the hard surface of the arc reactor against his palm.  Peter doesn’t like soft things, but this isn’t soft. It’s solid and steady and strong and feels like a truth he can believe in. It feels like presence.  ‘Yeah, I trust you." (In which Peter has trouble coping with the events of Infinity War, but a certain Tony Stark is there to help.)
Meltdown by inkinmyheartandonthepage
Summary: “You said two-thirty,’ Peter said, acting as if he hadn’t heard Tony. ‘I forgot that you changed it to two thirty and not three.’ Tony took a step towards Peter. ‘Hey, Pete. It’s fine. You’re not that late kiddo. Hell, I’ve been to board meetings hours late.’ The joke didn’t land, and Peter’s eyes started to well with tears. He took in a hiccupping breath. ‘Oh god. I forgot. I forgot." Or: Peter isn't coping after Titan and has been doing everything to keep busy and not think about it. Everything comes to head when he forgets that a time was changed in his busy schedule leading to a meltdown.
Mine, And Yours by crowkag
Summary: “Is it Peter?’ He was met with loaded silence. The anxiety spark became an anxiety plunge and twist. ‘Happy. Is it Peter?’ ‘It’s… well. Who else would it be, right?’ ‘Hogan.’ He hated this. The spark, the plunge, the twist. The tension creeping from his shoulder blades, clawing down arms both flesh and metal, somehow, someway, and bunching up inside his palms. The hysteria of it all. ‘It’s—alright, I won’t sugarcoat it. The kid’s alive, but he got shot, Tony. Twice." Or: Tony reunites with Peter in a less-than-ideal manner.
Relax, Just Breathe by hailfire_73
Summary: “Tony,’ said Peter, lifting his head from the glass, his stubbornness spent. ‘I don’t feel so—’ ‘Do not,’ said Tony, through gritted teeth, and meeting Peter’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He had just one hand on the steering wheel as he drove them into the night. ‘Finish that sentence.’ Morgan leaned over, hung out of her booster seat, and whispered, ‘It gives dad attacks." Or: The Starks go on a road trip that goes wrong when Peter gets food poisoning from questionable carnival food.
Scars Can Heal And Reveal Just Where You Are by parkrstark
Summary: “Jesus Christ, Pete,’ the voice says again, and it's not just a voice. It's a voice that belongs to the shadow. The shadow is light in the dark. It's warm. ‘What are you doing on the floor? You're lucky you're by your bed or else it would have been you breaking my fall.’ Peter blinks at the shadow and can't tell if he's comforted or irritated by the new company. ‘What? No quip about me breaking a hip?’ There's silence. ‘Peter?" 
Shots Ring Out by itsluckyyou
Summary: “Peter Parker had training. Training to deal with robbers, petty crime, and possible alien invasions. Nothing could have possibly trained him for this, though." Or: There's a shooter wandering the halls of Midtown School of Science and Technology.
The Pills (They Gotta Go) by searchingforstars
Summary: “Tony. What are these?’ Tony glances up. Sees the packs of pills clenched in Peter’s fist. He’s sure some of them must be dust judging by the force that Peter is holding them with. ‘My pills?’ ‘Why are they sitting at the back of the pantry?’ Peter asks, voice dangerously low." Or: Tony decides taking his medication is optional. Peter strongly disagrees.
We All Have A Hunger by MotherKarizma
Summary: “Morgan,’ he croaked, throat afire, and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. ‘Hey—hey, it’s okay, I’m just…’ ‘You’re sick.’ She mustered up something like bravery, using it to straighten her back and plaster a very grown-up look on her face. ‘I’ll get Daddy!’ ‘No!’ Morgan jumped, eyes wide. Peter fought to calm his voice. He offered her a smile that couldn’t have been convincing, not even to a five-year-old. ‘No, you don’t have to. I feel better  now. You don’t have to tell him.’ Morgan’s lips wobbled. Peter knew what her fake pout looked like well enough to know this wasn’t it. ‘Petey…’ Peter had a lot of reasons to feel guilty. He felt guilty for scaring her. He felt guilty for forgetting to lock his bedroom door, for making scaring her a possibility. He kind of, in a way, felt guilty for doing it in the first place, though not nearly enough to stop. But more than anything, he felt guilty for this: ‘Morgan, promise me you won’t tell him. He…he won’t let us swim anymore if you do. And I’m not sick, my tummy just hurt a little bit, but I’m all better now. Promise me you won’t tell him, okay?’ ‘But…’ ‘Morgan. Promise.”
We’re Here by An_Odd_Idea
Summary: “Comfortember prompt 3: Nightmares Peter has nightmares about when Thanos stabbed Tony on Titan”
Who Needs a Happy New Year When You Can Have a Happy Forever? by searchingforstars
Summary: “Peter's already feeling insecure about his place in Stark family holiday traditions, but it turns out it doesn't really matter because New Year’s Eve is significantly less fun when you’re a pair of PTSD-riddled superheroes, anyway." Or: Tony has a panic attack in a Burger King.
Without You (I Was Broken) by parkrstark
Summary: "How did you get shot? You just webbed me up 5 stories from being shot!’ ‘D-Didn’t know it was coming.’  ‘Dammit, Peter! This isn’t the first time your spidey sense hasn’t worked. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt because Rhodey told me I was being insane. Why didn’t you tell me it wasn’t always working? You shouldn’t go out into battle like this when your powers are being wonky and—’ ‘You’re here.’ ‘What?’ ‘You’re here.’ He takes a deep breath. ‘I don’t...I can’t really feel the danger when you’re around."
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madeforstarker · 18 days
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Peter has thoughts. Tony is definitely ready to indulge those thoughts.
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Content Warning: Trans Peter Parker, AFAB Language used for Peter's Genitals, Explicit Content, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Sex, Breeding Kink, Creampie, Bareback, Unprotected Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Lactation Kink (mentioned)
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for a while now so please enjoy this very messy, non-beta'd smut.
You can read on AO3 here.
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Peter looks at the movie he was watching with his longtime partner, staring at it but not really processing the plot. His mind’s all over the place after spending some time with Gwen’s kid. He feels Tony’s fingers run through his curls and gently tugs on them.
“Penny for your thoughts, bambino?” Tony drawls out softly, “you didn’t even laugh when that McFly kid’s mom tries to flirt with him.”
He hums softly at his boyfriend’s question, heart fluttering slightly at the knowledge that Tony knows which parts of the movie makes Peter laugh the most, “I— I want to have a baby,” he blurts out, pulling it off like a bandaid.
Kids were never really a topic between him and Tony even if they’ve been together for five years already, Tony already had Morgan with his ex-wife, and Peter doesn’t really know if that’s something his boyfriend wants again.
The older man’s chest rumbles with a pleased sound, “is that so, baby?”
Peter hums before sitting up and looking at Tony shyly, “y-yeah— someday soon, maybe? I mean— we don’t really talk about it and I don’t know if you still want kids but—”
“Breathe, my love,” Tony whispers, taking his hand and guiding him to straddle the older man’s lap, “having a kid with you would be a wonderful dream come true,” his boyfriend whispers softly, “but, love, would you be ready for that? This is your body that’s going to change, you might get a whole lot of dysphoria, and I don’t want that to weigh you down.”
“It’ll be worth it,” Peter whispers, enjoying Tony’s touches on his skin, shivering at the idea of being round and full with his boyfriend’s child, a small gasp escaping his lips, “very worth it.”
A small smirk crawls on the handsome face of Tony, his thumb dancing on the waistband of Peter’s shorts, “seems like you like the idea very much, bambino,” Tony murmurs, nipping on his jaw.
A small whine escapes Peter’s lips, “I— I do.”
“Oh, really?” The man rumbles out, sucking on the skin of Peter’s neck, “do you have something to share with the class, my pretty lover?”
“I— I like the idea of you— filling me up— breeding me, getting me pregnant,” Peter murmurs shyly in between soft moans as Tony starts kneading his ass. Condoms were never an option for them, the moment Tony sunk into him during their first time, the man had sworn off condoms, definitely. But Peter had his IUD stuck in him. And the thought of having it taken out— so Tony can finally knock him up? Fuck.
Tony growls against his neck, biting down harder into his skin, “fuck, Peter,” he murmurs, bucking his hips up against Peter’s clothed pussy, “you’re treading on dangerous property right now, amorino. If you’re not careful, I will really fuck a baby inside your pretty little womb.”
Oh god.
“Please,” Peter begs, unable to stop the desire anymore, “I— I need you to do it— please, love,” he says desperately as he licks the sharp curve of Tony’s jaw. His boyfriend lets out a low rumble and presses their mouths together for a soul-consuming kiss. Their tongues danced languidly against each other.
Tony grips his asscheeks and begins grinding his clothed cock against Peter’s overheated core as his boyfriend swallows every moan Peter releases.
His large hands travel under Peter’s shirt while he continues to kiss the fuck out of him. Peter could feel the man’s beard dragging across his skin as Tony paws at his body, until it’s not enough for his boyfriend anymore and he pulls the oversized shirt off of Peter.
Peter’s tiny tits bounced at the movement, his nipples perking up at the cool air and Tony groaned, cupping one breast while pressing kisses around the other’s nipple, “fuck, I can’t wait for these tits to be swollen with milk when I get your pregnant, bambino,” the man murmurs before sucking a nipple into his mouth making Peter let out a loud moan, his words and actions making him even wetter, his hips grinding down on Tony’s cock.
“Fuck— fuck, love— please,” oh god, Peter sounds like a whore and he’s not even ashamed of it.
Tony doesn’t give him any repose as he continues to suck and lick on his nipples, switching them as he kneads the other greedily, groaning as if he’s eating the best dish in the world.
“Play with me please— I need you, I need you so bad,” Peter mewls in impatience, his pussy already so wet and throbbing from his boyfriend’s ministrations.
The man doesn’t respond, instead, he stands up with Peter, those biceps bulging deliciously as he takes them to their bedroom. Tony drops him carefully on the bed before he kisses down Peter’s chest and down to his stomach, “gonna breed you deep, Pete, make your flat belly big and round with my child,” Tony hisses as he licks a line on Peter’s stomach, tongue circling his navel as he pulls Peter’s shorts down along with his boxers.
“Good fuck, you’re already so wet and ready for me, aren’t you, my love?” his boyfriend asks as he bites onto Peter’s thighs making Peter’s eyes roll to the back of his head from both pleasure and pain.
“Yes— fuck, please— need you to fill me up, love—” Peter whimpers out just as Tony pressed a thumb against his clit making Peter mewl in delight, splaying his thighs wider, “need you inside me—”
Tony tsked, “greedy boy,” his boyfriend murmurs, thumb circling his clit making Peter’s thighs shake in stimulation, “gotta make sure this little pretty pussy can take me, love, you’re always so fucking tight.”
Before Peter can protest, he already feels Tony’s mouth on him, his eyes widening as he throws his head back against the mattress, “oh god— oh fuck,” Peter mewls in pleasure as Tony sucks on his clit, using some teeth before licking down to where he’s the wettest, tongue fucking his pussy wildly.
“Love— fuck— feels so— good,” he manages to choke out. Tony hums against his pussy before pressing a finger inside him, his walls instantly clenching around Tony’s finger greedily. So thick and long, pressing on his sweet spot repeatedly as he sucks greedily on Peter’s clit.
He could feel his orgasm already build up and he whines, tugging on Tony’s hair, “Please— please fuck, I need you inside me—” Peter practically sobs.
“Shhh, love,” Tony whispers, kissing the insides of his thighs as he continues to fuck Peter with two fingers, scissoring his tight pussy, “I’ll give you what you need, bambino, just a little more, yeah?”
Peter whines again, “please—”
Tony growls and pulls his fingers out of Peter’s soaked pussy and he watches as his boyfriend licks his own fingers clean groaning, “God, tesoro, you taste wonderful,” his boyfriend grunts as he removes his shirts and sweatpants, that fat and long cock slapping against his toned stomach, “on your fours.”
Fuck, fuck.
He obediently gets on his fours, his body practically moving from pure adrenaline. Peter lowers his upper body against the mattress, arching his spine and spreading his thighs, his pussy on full display for Tony.
His boyfriend makes a feral sound, he could feel the bed dip until he feels two thumbs spreading his pussy open, “fuck, look at this pretty pussy, so wet, so breedable, so mine,” Tony hissed out as he slaps Peter’s clit making him moan in pleasure, “fuck!” He exclaims, hips moving backward, “please— please, love— fuck me!”
He could feel Tony’s thick tip press against the opening of his pussy before the man sinks inside him slowly. Peter lets out a low moan as he finally feels the man bottom out, his hips flushed against Peter’s ass.
“Oh god,” Peter whines, he feels so full.
“Fuck, my love, you feel so good,” Tony hisses, pulling out almost all the way before slamming his cock back inside Peter, hitting his cervix and punching the air out of his lungs, “taking me so well, made for me, fuck baby, gonna fuck a baby into this little pussy.”
Peter whines and moans as Tony’s movements turn harder, sharper and faster. Fucking Peter into oblivion. He feels Tony’s hand reach under him until he feels the man pinch his clit hard, making him whine, his pussy clenching, tightening around Tony’s cock.
“You like that baby? God, Pete, you’re such a slut for me, aren’t you?” Tony hissed out as he grips Peter’s curls, making him crane his head back, his spine arching obscenely, “you’re so wet, love, making a mess on my cock.”
He moans out loud. His boyfriend’s thrusts were harder and deeper, his brain floaty and hazy as Tony kept pinching his clit while abusing his sweet spot and cervix. His brain full shuts down when Tony wraps his fingers around his throat before pulling him up, his back against the older man’s chest, and fuck, the angle is deeper.
“Always takin’ my cock so good, my little cumdump, my breeding whore, that’s you, aren’t you, baby?” Tony whispers against his ear, one arm wrapped around his waist, keeping him upright, the other around his throat.
“Yes, yes, yes— fuck fuck, yours— please! Breed me please—” Peter mewls desperately, his body already tight and pent up, his orgasm already on the edge.
“Oh, you betcha I’m gonna breed you, bambino,” his boyfriend growls out, he pulls out and Peter lets out a whine of displeasure before he finds himself being manhandled to his back. Tony holds his ankles together before he slams his cock back into Peter making him let out a very loud moan, the sensation making him squirt unexpectedly as his orgasm crests.
“Fuck! Baby!” Tony growls as he continues to slam his cock violently inside Peter’s oversensitive pussy, Tony’s mouth biting on his calves and ankles greedily, as his cock fattens inside him, the tip hitting his cervix repeatedly.
“Fill me up, breed me, love— please, need it so bad–” Peter cries, tears falling down his red porcelain cheeks, his body already over sensitive from his orgasm.
“Yeah? You’re so desperate for my cum baby? You want my child inside you? Gonna fill you up, baby—”
“Yes, yes, yes!” He mewls in delight, eyes rolling to the back of his head.
“Fuck, fuck— take it, bambino, take it!” Tony growls out, slamming back home, making Peter cum again as he feels Tony spill inside him, filling him up, the man’s cock throbbing inside him as his pussy tightens and milks Tony’s balls dry.
He feels soft kisses against his ankles before Tony gently lowers his legs down, he could feel his boyfriend pull out, “fuck, gotta buy you a pretty plug for your pussy so you can keep me inside you, baby,” the older man grunts as he feels Tony push his cum back inside Peter’s pussy.
Peter lets out a tiny overstimulated sound, feeling spent and he knows he’ll be sore tomorrow. Tony slowly and gently takes his time cleaning Peter up, kissing every forming bruise. When they’re both fresh and clean, with the sheets already on their bedroom floor, he looks up at Tony, his head on the older man’s chest, “should I go to Dr. Cho tomorrow? Have my IUD taken out?”
His boyfriend smiles at him, pressing a kiss on his forehead, “alright, I’ll come with you so I know what to do if you don’t feel okay after having it taken out.”
He sighs dreamily, he couldn’t help but feel lucky that Tony thinks of everything when it comes to Peter’s well being, “Okay,” he whispers, “I love you and— and I can’t wait to start this new journey with you, love.”
“Me too, Pete, more than you would ever know,” Tony whispers softly, “thank you for this honor you’re giving me, I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
Peter wants to argue that it’s him but he accepts it this time as he pressed a kiss on on Tony’s chest, sated, pleased and excited for what the future will hold for him and Tony.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Welcome to New York 3
Find the series masterlist
We’ve got a POV switch this chapter! Time to see what Miguel is thinking. Or, in which his friends pester the hell out of him. 
Warnings: Swearing, Miguel is Done with Everyone, Mayday being cute, everybody just terrorizes Miguel. 
Eventual Miguel O’Hara x f!reader
Word count: 1.8k
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Miguel was a busy man. Keeping the multiverse intact was not easy, no matter how much help he had. There were anomalies to keep track of and hunt down, Spider-people to corral, and his own world's problems to deal with. 
In short, he did not have time for this shit. 
"She wasn't a threat," Peter B. Parker, bane of Miguel's existence and continuous pain in his ass, said. "Mayday liked her!" 
"Your baby is not an accurate judge of character," Miguel ground out, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
"Sure she is, she knows good people," Peter continued, aforementioned baby giggling from her spot against Peter's chest. "She wouldn't go to just anyone!"
"What is your point?" Miguel asked, turning away from Peter and back to his screens. He still needed reports from the last mission, and the list of anomalies waiting to be sent home was getting longer. Which meant they were behind on paperwork. (Well. Digital paperwork, but even so.) 
“My point is that you don’t have to be so suspicious of her.” Peter shrugged. “Might help your blood pressure to be less paranoid.”
“My blood pressure is fine.” Miguel flicked through another screen, frowning briefly. “Lyla, why hasn’t this report been filed with the rest?”
“I’m only doing about a hundred other things,” Lyla said, popping up reclining in an invisible seat. She pushed her glasses a little further up her nose, looking supremely unimpressed. “If you want the reports done I’ll have to stop some other process.”
Miguel clenched his jaw. “Seriously?”
“Yup.” She popped the p, just to be annoying. Miguel had not programmed her to be this annoying. He had no idea where that came from. 
“And Spider-Byte?” 
“Busy.” Lyla shrugged. “She’s got stuff on her plate.” 
Miguel dropped his head. Of course. Hundreds, thousands, of Spider-people, and it was like herding cats - unless there was a clear threat, there was a lot of doing whatever they wanted. 
“You do have some other options.”
Miguel picked his head up to look at Lyla. “No.”
“Shouldn’t you at least listen?” Peter piped up. “What’s your idea, Lyla?”
“Weeeeeeell.” Lyla glitched out to reappear next to Peter, cheshire grin in place. “We do know someone who is really good at organizing things, and researching, and put together a beautifully organized timeline and comparison chart on her own free time.”
“No,” Miguel said, though he felt like nobody was listening to him. (Which was true - Lyla and Peter both ignored him.) 
“Wow, sounds like a great potential employee!” Peter’s grin was amused. “You should do something about that, Miguel.”
Miguel groaned softly. He was not going to kill Peter. That would cause more problems than he wanted to deal with. “I’m not bringing her in.”
“Why not?” Peter shrugged. “Sounds like she’s got all the skills you need right now, and you won’t have to try to corral anyone else into doing it. Frees up Lyla’s time, helps everyone in the long run.”
“She’s not one of us.” 
“And? You’ve okayed jobs for three other non-Spiders in the caf.” 
Dammit, Miguel had forgotten about that. He’d known that was a dangerous precedent to set. 
But he got lucky - Lyla switched back to actually working. 
“Looks like an anomaly popped up on Earth-5119,” she reported. 
“I’m on it.” At this point, jumping through an interdimensional portal to avoid this problem seemed like a great idea. 
“This isn’t over!” Peter yelled, even as Miguel dived into the portal. 
Miguel had three days of peace from that particular argument. Not that it was an argument. Because his mind was made up. 
“Heard something interesting today.”
Miguel grunted, glancing back at Jess, which was close enough to admitting he was paying attention. 
“Margo told me she had a look through the filing system. Apparently it’s in rough shape.” Jess leaned one hip against his desk, arms crossed loosely over her chest. 
Miguel grunted. Yeah, he knew that. Lyla knew that. This was not news, nor was it interesting. 
“Apparently it’s keeping several anomalies from being sent home.”
“And?” Miguel tried not to snap. He did. But he was busy and this was not news. 
“She wants help, since she’s got other things to do too.”
Miguel stopped. Turning slowly to face Jess, he narrowed his eyes at her. But she was immune, holding his stare easily, one eyebrow quirked. “Which one put you up to this?”
“Nobody did. Margo asked for help, that’s all.” Her smirk was all amusement, though. “And I asked Lyla for suggestions.”
One hand lifted and pinched the bridge of his nose with a deep sigh. He knew where this was going. “The answer is no.” 
“You didn’t even let me get it out.”
“The answer is still no.”
He looked away first, swearing under his breath. Jess had a very effective disappointed parent voice, he was quite sure it would come in handy with her little one on the way. “What?” 
“I know you have a thing about non-Spiders in the building,” she started, and then paused a moment. “Well. In this part of the building.”
He scoffed. She was not wrong, but he wasn’t going to admit that.
“But we could use the help,” Jess continued, unphased by his attitude. “You and I both know that trying to get one of us to do all that work is not gonna happen.”
Miguel made a face. He did not want to admit she was right, but, well… Margo was unwitting proof of that. And the thought of trying to make any of the Parkers do something like this? It would never get done. 
“Bringing her in would guarantee things would get tagged correctly,” Jess continued, clearly trying to sway him. “In a timely manner, even.” 
“I don’t trust her.” Miguel shifted his weight, planting his hands on his hips. 
“So set someone to watch her for a week.” Jess shrugged. “Have you even checked in on her since you saw her?” 
No. No he hadn’t. Lyla was supposed to let him know if anything happened, since she had access to cameras across the city. 
“Look, if you’re that worried about her, set someone to watch her for a week,” Jess offered, waving one hand while the other propped on her hip. “Make it a training exercise for a few recruits.” 
It wasn’t a bad suggestion, actually. And he hated that he was considering it, that he was even thinking of bringing you into this. You were not to be trusted. There was no way you had really just gathered all that information just because you could. 
But Jess was right - the work did need to get done. 
“I’ll think about it.” A little white lie. He had thought about it. 
Jess narrowed her eyes at him a little before she nodded once. “Go get something to eat,” she threw back at him as she turned away. “You’re looking peckish.” 
Miguel scoffed to himself. He was not! Besides, he had work to do still. 
Since nobody else was going to work on getting the information filed and tagged correctly, he’d just do it himself. 
He lasted less than a week. Six days of going through the information and tagging it in between the thousand other things he had to do. His temper, always short, grew even shorter, until he actually threw an empanada at Peter B. Parker. (It was one of the rare times he did not have Mayday with him, because Miguel never would have thrown anything even close to Mayday.) 
“Is this a bad time?” Jess asked dryly, looking at the smear of empanada on the wall. 
“What do you want.” Miguel couldn’t even make it a question, voice flat. 
“Got an SOS from Earth-10436, two anomalies slipped through there.”
Miguel didn’t react for a moment. Two anomalies. “Peter, you’re with me. Get Spider-Noir, too.” His mask materialized around his head. 
As soon as Peter was gone, Miguel took a moment to look at Jess. 
“You still serious about that side project?”
To her credit, Jess caught on immediately. “Sure am.”
“Fine. You’re in charge. Two week watch, minimum. I want a full report at the end of it.” He narrowed his eyes at her, aware the motion transferred through the mask.
“I’ll take care of it.” Jess turned and sauntered out, subtly smug in her way. 
Miguel wanted to be mad that he’d given in, but mostly he was just tired. One deep breath and he took off. Time to go take care of some anomalies. 
He could admit, to himself, much later, that maybe they needed the help. Him trying to do it all wasn’t sustainable (as evidenced by the healing gash in his side where he’d gotten careless). And if, as he suspected, you were not trustworthy, he’d simply find someone for the job. 
Not that he’d admit as much to Lyla, not unless he really needed to. 
Allowing himself to groan as he collapsed into bed, Miguel starfished out. If only the multiverse would stop misplacing people and cooperate. If only. 
Two weeks passed in a blur. Two new Spider-people were brought in. Canon continued to be maintained in all universes. 
In other words, things continued about as smoothly as could be expected. Something that Miguel never took for granted, considering the absolute chaos that life could be. 
That didn’t mean he was exactly pleased when Jess sent him her report. Lyla had even helpfully attached the pictures from the surveillance. 
Jess had nothing but good things to say. Which would be suspicious, but Miguel knew Jess. She wouldn’t sugarcoat things, wouldn’t lie to him. Not about this. 
“Yeah?” The AI appeared in a flash of yellow, watching him. 
“I need an employment contract.” Miguel clenched his jaw, half-hating that he was doing this. But. If it would help them, it would be worth it.
“I’m sorry, you need what?” Lyla grinned, buffing her nails. 
“An employment contract.” Miguel knew what was coming before she even said it. 
“What’s the magic word?” Lyla looked up at him from behind her heart-shaped glasses, mischief clear in the curve of her smile.
“...Please draw up an employment contract.” Miguel tried not to sound too angry, because she’d just make him repeat it.
“Yeah, already done.” Lyla waved one hand, pulling up the contract on the nearest pad. “Have fun reading!” 
Sometimes (often times) that little AI was more trouble than she was worth. At least, that’s what Miguel told himself as he sat down to read through the contract.
The sooner he got this taken care of, the better.
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thatsnotmygunflash · 1 month
WIP Title Tag Game
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @incorrectcoldflashblog for the tag!! I have a ridiculous amount of WIPs, and this was a great way to finally sit down and make a list of all 92 of them 😅  I didn’t add my Sterek WIPs, mostly because there are 75 of them and I don’t have the time right now, but maybe I’ll do that at a different time. 
A Brighter Future
An I’ll Use You As A Warning Sign 
Burn Notice
Cause Maybe You're That Thing I Need To Save Me
For Better Or Worse 
I Love to Hate Who I Was Because It Means I Could Change
I'd Cross Galaxies to Find You
I'll Tell You All About It When I See You Again 
I've Got Decades On You
It's The Second Glance That Ties Your Hands
Life Worth Fighting For
Love Me Silently 
Make Me Feel Seventeen Again
Maybe You Don't Know What's Lost Till You Find It
More Then What We Seem
No More Bad Boys
Romance Isn't Dead 
Side Effects May Include 
The Horrors I've Endured 
We Could Be Enough
Well Shit, If It Isn't The Consequences of My Actions 
What Are Friends For 
You Bring Stars To My Eyes
You Give Me Headaches 
You Got This Heaven In Your Eyes
You Know In Your Soul
You Need To Allow Me To Help 
You Should Be Here
A Day In The Life Of Someone Else
A Flight For The Fallen, Flies the Crow
I Dance With Demons On A High Wire 
I Won't Find A Way Out Looking Inside  
409 In Your Coffeemaker
I Wish I Wasn't All Talk
I'm Your Mother Now
Never Gon' Get Away
One Of The Epics 
Robins Sanctuary
The Bat Academy 
The Nest
Waiting For Never
The Sparrows Tend To Fall Asleep
Dedicated To You
Everything Blurry Looks The Same
I'll Be A Better Man Today
Maybe If We Went Another Way
Product of Our Upbringings
Silent Protector 
Sit Back And Watch The Beauty In The Fall
The Robin To My Hood
You Are My Dream Come True
Your Name Has Echoed In My Mind
Falling Back Into You
Only One Place To Run To
Operation Osprey 
Family Vacation 
Growing Pains
Wash Me With Your Water
Wayward Waynes
Breakfast With Buck
Couches Make Great Metephors 
Call Me Anything But My Name  
Cowboy Like Me
The Other Mr. Diaz 
Am I Too Late
Ana vs. Buck
You Never Have To Pretend With Me
Who Gave You So Much Power?
Turn Back The Clock
Uncle Frank
How NOT To Seduce a Mercenary by Peter Parker
I'll Be Your Reason 
Same Side Of The Tracks
Spider Behavior 
Spideypool's First Couple's Retreat 
The Definition Of Insanity 
The Years Start Coming and They Don't Stop Coming
Yoda You Be My
People Say That's Love's a Game
73rd Hunger Games 
Everything Went Right 
Family Engagement
Free Will Orphanage
The Rebels 
A Little Bit Of Sugar, But Lots Of Poison Too
Courting an Addams
Love Drunk On Your Blood Till Sunrise
Percy Jackson
The Age of Prophecies
The Favored Son 
Trending Water in the Wishing Well
I'm tagging @thefastestqueeralive @simpledontmeanpeachy @vexic929 @nytephox @tiger-in-the-flightdeck @tiacat11 @whaaaaaaaalllle6 and who ever else wants to do it!
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birboon · 3 months
ACT 1 - Chapter 3
PAIRING: Peter Parker x Dick Grayson
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HOW HE'D GOTTEN  himself into this situation, Dick didn't know. 
One moment he was sitting back against the leather interior of Mercedes's newest sporting model, the next he was sitting in the vents of the new Wayne Tower and staring down through the metal grating at the lead-lined floor, still as a mouse and cursing his super-stupid friends for not shutting up. Every time his phone vibrated in his pocket he winced, knowing the rattling of the metal around him was just as loud and audible to those who weren't inside it. 
They hadn't cared about his epic escape from the clutches of an evil fashion corporation (well, no one except Connor but Superboy cared about everything) and now - although he was too scared to move to reach for the device to silence it - he was pretty sure Roy and Wally were having a battle of non-existent wits. When he got the time, Dick was going to make a new groupchat with only the girls of his team.
The 'men' were all idiots. He needed culture.
Looking at his watch and squinting through the half-light, Dick concluded that there was a half-hour before the grand opening of the new Washington office. The receptionist preparing the front desk for the event had told him that 'Mister Wayne' was in a board meeting with some foundation sponsors but Dick had gone there to surprise the tricky man and found nothing but angry, tired businessmen and women at their wit's end because Brucie Wayne had charmed his way from the room before it'd even started. 
So now Dick was stuck hiding in the ventilation systems of Bruce's office, waiting for the man to come and collect the real copies of the ledgers he'd left unsigned so he could jump down and throttle him for giving Alfred even more reasons to lecture them. Besides, it would be a nice surprise for the big guy! He loved when Dick visited him in the office; a not-so-rare occurrence whenever the teen was on break and bored.
And Dick Grayson got bored a lot.
Another buzz from his pocket and he gritted his teeth,  frustrated, risking a grab for the phone. Just as his nails slid across the glass screen, elbows slamming into the sides of the cramped crawlspace as he twisted round, he heard a click. Lightning quick - though Wally would beg to differ - Dick spun back around, eyes wide, to watch the door slide open with a twist of the handle. Soft hair brushed against the metallic ceiling, gathering static as he leaned forward to peer carefully through the narrow slits below:
A surprise rally from above. That's what he wanted to do - get the drop on Bruce, if only to hear the man congratulate his stealth. Dick grinned to himself; he'd never see it coming. Or hear it coming, for that matter. 
"Dick, come out and say hello to our guests," came the ever-familiar voice, dark and rich. Expensive footsteps echoed through the  sizeable room until a tall, handsome head of dark hair came to a stop next to the desk, directly below him. Dick blinked. 
"What?" He whispered and could almost hear the man roll his eyes. 
"Get out of the ceiling," Bruce replied sharply, looking over his shoulder to check for company. He cast the classic playboy grin towards whoever was approaching and waved meekly. "Shouldn't be a second. Feel free to, er, touch whatever you want. Except the walls - I don't want to pay someone to repaint them."
"I wasn't aware you were having visitors," Dick snapped, grunting as he shifted the loose grate off to one side. His fingers latched onto the side of the vent as he gently lowered himself down, swinging to a perfect stop in front of Bruce. The man sighed and folded his arms, watching with warm eyes as Dick slotted the vent cover back in place. "How'd you know I was up there?"
Bruce levelled him with a stare that said all Dick needed to know. A classic i'm-batman look that he was all too familiar with. Bruce held up a tiny, beeping device. A schematic of the building's ventral system glowed on the screen, a single portion highlighted in red:
"Aren't you supposed to be modelling right now?" Bruce supplied, pocketing the new WayneTech prototype. He dusted off Dick's shoulders, spinning the boy around the face their 'guests'. 
"Aren't you supposed to be in a meeting right now?" came the reply, more of a huff than a biting remark. Dick let Bruce maneuver him towards a group of people that instantly left him feeling more embarrassed than he had been in a long time.  He'd not felt this tortured by a social interaction since Barbara had invited him to that sleepover with all her girlfriends.
Needless to say, he was not feeling the aster.
The striking mustard-yellow blazers looked a stark sickly-green beneath the quality lighting of Bruce's office. Dick didn't realize the new Wayne Enterprise building was some sort of attraction  but then again... he was in and out of them all the time. And this wasn't Gotham. Bruce Wayne leaving his city to set up shop somewhere else was always a novelty.
And here he was, Wayne's ward and heir, standing barefoot with dust-bunnies on his expensive clothes and smudged make-up on his face. With no way to escape the awful situation, Bruce pinning him to the spot with a hand firmly on each shoulder, Dick swallowed his pride and raised a hand awkwardly towards the small group of teens.
"Uh, hi," he croaked out towards the stunned crowd. The silence was deafening. A familiar face turned a bright pink as his gaze raked over them. "I'm Dick."
"This is my ward, Richard Grayson," Bruce clarified. "I ran into this wonderful group on my way to Starbucks, Dick! Can you believe it?"
Some of the students snickered and Dick resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He never liked the version of Bruce that he put on show for the world: "I can believe it."
"We're in town for a competition," a man - presumably the teacher - supplied. Dick raised a brow, scanning over the sea of yellow-clad faces. Peter no-surname looked a little nauseous, refusing to meet his eyes. 
They didn't seem the sport type. Far too... well, he didn't want to say nerdy because he knew a couple nerds and Wally West was one of the fastest people alive (and if that's not sporty then Dick didn't know what was). But this group wasn't going to be competing for college scholarships in football, that's for sure.
"Mathletes?" He guessed.
"No, we're- close enough. It's close enough," the teacher supplied. He was wearing a cardigan despite the heat outside and his mousy, thinning hair was beginning to stick to his forehead.
"Mister Harrington, we're not mathletes."
Mister Harrington suppressed a sigh, chest jumping with the action, pushing his glasses up his nose. He turned to one of the students, a girl with impressive curls draped over her rather pretty face. "We don't need to bother the Wayne's with specifics Michelle."
Dick couldn't find it in him to remind them that he technically wasn't a Wayne. He may be Bruce's foster kid, but he wasn't is son. Not biologically, anyway. He loved Bruce, he did, but he wasn't going to start calling him daddy. Michelle shrugged and popped her headphones back into her ears. If he strained, Dick could just make out the tinny sound of Black Sabbath blaring from her phone. 
"It's a decathlon," Liz added, ducking away from Dick.
"Wasn't the Olympics last year?" Bruce queried, smiling handsomely behind Dick's head. The boy pulled away from his guardian, trying and failing to dodge the hand that shot out to ruffle his hair as he did so.
"It's academic, Bruce. You know that," Dick muttered, folding his arms over his chest. He caught the eye of one of the students closest to him - a kind-faced boy whose eyes were wide as the sun as he stared at Dick. "Can I help you?"
"Oh my god, Peter - he just acknowledged my existence!" The boy whispered, a hand shooting out as if he needed to steady himself on his friend's shoulder. Peter didn't seem too impressed, stance awkward as he decided between crossing his arms in an imitation of Dick or letting them hang loose by his side. "Do you know what this means? I'm friends with a celebrity!"
"Friends?" Peter contained a laugh, eyes darting nervously towards Dick. "Ned, I don't think-"
"We're totally best friends now, Ned. Don't listen to him," Dick butted in with a sly wink towards the non-believer, watching Peter's jaw tense. He held out a graceful hand, encouraged by the other boy's forwardness and grinned as Ned shook it excitedly with both hands. Dick gathered he was something of a fan. "Do you have snapchat?"
"Yes! Yeah I do," Ned exclaimed, digging through his jeans for his beat-up iPhone. His smile was contagious. "Dick Grayson wants to add me on snap, wow."
Ned's bitmoji looked impressively like him, Dick noted. They'd even coordinated outfits, wearing the same shitty t-shirt. He was suddenly conscious of his own, glancing down at the cashmere shirt that lay airily against his chest, unbuttoned and elegantly fascist: "Sorry," he said suddenly, voice bordering on shame. Peter quirked an eyebrow towards him. "I've just come from a shoot... I'm not exactly dressed up for the occasion."
"Occasion?" Peter coughed out, tone what Babs would describe to be 'playing coy'. Dick just found it venomous.
"Meeting guests is an occasion."
"Right, because you care so much about first impressions."
Dick felt his mouth settle into a firm, begrudging line, as his lips pressed together. He willed himself not to frown as he watched Peter aberrantly look away. There was a stale tenseness in the air that Ned seemed unable to comprehend, because he kept sunnily speaking as though he didn't even notice the uncomfortable atmosphere:
"A shoot? Like a photoshoot?" Ned repeated excitedly, ignoring everything his friend had said. He was practically buzzing on the spot. "That is so cool."
Dick scratched at the back of his neck sheepishly, turning the entirety of his attention towards the teen he hadn't met before. "It's pretty sick," he agreed. "So... a decathlon, huh? You guys must be pretty smart."
"Not really," Peter began. As if he hadn't earlier boasted to Dick how he'd won awards in science. His contradictory words were cut off by Ned quickly, almost as if it were a common, practiced occurrence. 
"Peter's super smart. Like, if he had a superpower, it would be intelligence. Definitely not something else, like super strength or reflexes or whatever."
"I don't have any sort of powers," Peter reassured, glaring towards his friend through the corner of his eyes. Dick hummed, not missing the silent communication. That was something to keep in mind, then. He watched as an unspoken promise swept between the two teens.
"Right. Me either," Dick announced diverting his attention from the boys towards their classmates. Brucie wasn't finding it all that difficult to rally the troops, it seemed. The students - as well as their teachers - were hanging onto his each and ever word as though he were some sort of prophet foretelling an arbitrary second-coming.
"- and so that's when I told her that the champagne wasn't Dom Perignon but actually Lois Roederer! You should've seen her face, she looked as though... Oh, Dick! Dick, come here - you know this story. Remember when St Cloud -"
"No one wants to know about Silver's alcoholism, Bruce," Dick sighed, turning into the man's addictive aura. "Why did you bring them here?"
"They're from a Technology school Dickie! What better experience for a bunch of nerdy students than a tour through WayneTech's science-y parts?"
Dick sighed. Upon bringing back the rag tag group of high schoolers there was no doubt in his mind that Bruce had forgotten to mention that the WayneTech branch wasn't actually supposed to be starting full operation until next week. He must've had a good reason for leading them here: Bruce had a good reason for just about everything. But Dick was either too close-minded or not observant enough to see what it was.
"Follow me then. You'll never get your tour if you keep pandering to his ridiculousness," Dick announced, spinning on his heels and catching Bruce's eye. The tall man gave him an almost indiscernible nod as he moved to bring up the rear of the herd.
Dick led the way from Bruce's extravagant office, through the winding, grandiose halls of the new Wayne building. He knew where he was going well enough after his little adventure across the grounds searching for the man who'd gone to Starbucks, and tried not to feel hurt when Peter dragged Ned towards the back end of the queue instead of upfront with Dick himself.
WayneTech was the biggest division of Wayne Enterprises - specialized in retrieving and researching alien technologies outside of the public's knowledge, and in security detailing inside of it. It was no surprise to Dick, then, that they had an entire five-floor spread dedicated to their laboratories in the new Wayne Tower. If the new D.C office had been up and running for longer than five days, no one would have been allowed access to the main labs. Mister Harrington and his class were lucky they'd caught Bruce in a 'good' mood, despite whatever ulterior motive he had planned.
"This is the first floor's entrance to the test center," Dick explained as he led the gaggle of wide-eyed students to a dead-end. The wall opposite was embellished with a large painting - a façade of Alfred's favourite piece called The Ghost of  a Flea. It was a William Blake special event, the original art hanging high and proud in Wayne Manor. 
Dick stepped aside as Bruce swam through the shoal of people, movement fluid and calming like a deceptive predator. With a calculated flick of his wrist the entire wall rippled and plunged inwards, falling away like puzzle pieces to reveal a ringing, metallic decontamination vault with heavy steel doors and hazard symbols plastered all over it. 
"I hope you all have insurance," Dick joked, reveling in the momentary look of fear in Mister Harrington's eyes and snickering with the rest of the students as he stepped inside. "Company policy states you're all going to have to take off your shoes and wear these -" he jutted a thumb towards the right wall, hydraulics hissing as it folded upwards to reveal racks of lab coats and white sterile plimsolls. " - Totally monochrome, I know, but it's regulation."
Dick shrugged on one of the embroidered WayneTech coats and donned a pair of protective goggles. Amongst the exchanging of shoes and frisking of all personal items - phones, keys and anything else that could prove to interfere with experiments in the lab weren't allowed past that point - Dick noticed Bruce loitering near a particular tray of belongings. 
Peter was busily untying the laces of his worn-out converse, Ned shuffling eagerly beside him. It didn't avoid Dick's notice that as one of the lead research scientists came to collect the high schoolers with a tired smile and the pair looked away, Bruce took the split-second to slip the tip of his finger beneath the solo of one of Peter's shoes. 
Dick narrowed his eyes at the singular red flash that emitted from the beacon, petering out of existence as it activated. He grabbed Bruce's arm as he attempted to follow the class through the laboratory, grip like iron as it closed around the man's straining wrist:
"A tracker Bruce? Really."
"It's precautionary," the man replied with a wave of his hand. Dick could see the muscles moving beneath his suit. "It's Stark's kid."
A wave of surprise swept through Dick's blood, ice cold and sharp. Schooling his features to what he hoped could pass as indifference in the eyes of Bruce Wayne, Dick raised an eyebrow, releasing the handful of bespoke material:
"I wasn't aware he had a son."
"Because he doesn't. The kid's an intern," said Bruce. Dick studied his mentor's face carefully, meeting his steely eyes as recognition dawned on him.
"You think he was there? At the Avenger's pity-party?" Dick asked, bewildered. He stumbled back from Bruce, raking a hand through his hair brashly. No Way. Peter somehow-not-a-model? Absolutely not.
"The Sokovia Accords are a serious problem, Dick."
"Please, you're just jealous you're stuck with the league," Dick snickered, bouncing after Bruce as the man shook his head and continued into the lab. "Face it, B, there's no way Supes is going to start a revolution. Maybe you could try and rile Hal up, but -"
"That's enough work talk, Dick," Bruce cut him off sternly. They lingered behind slightly before rejoining the others, Bruce's steady hand gripping his shoulder. Dick wasn't particularly interested in another lecture on xenobiology by one of Barbara's brain-crushes. Not that Doctor Lovell wasn't worthy of being listened to - it's just that Dick had heard it all before. He'd experienced it first hand, he didn't need to be told how Amazo's copy-catting worked. "Remember where you are."
"Yeah well, I still don't think you should bug a high schooler, Bruce."
"You're a high schooler," Bruce insinuated. Dick wrinkled his nose as he leaned into the man's space.
"Your point is? I wouldn't want to be tracked by you," he retorted. He absently felt around his collar and cuffs, checking for a similar device. "Or by anyone, for that matter. You've never planted one of those on me have you?"
"Planted what on you?"
Dick froze. The dynamic duo, Peter and Ned, were staring at them from across a workbench and were flanked by the Michelle girl. She didn't look half as interested as the two boys, absently glaring into the distance with her head in her hand. Peter just appeared to be bored... probably of Ned: the teen was practically swooning at every action the Wayne Heir took. Dick wasn't supposed to be caught off guard like this - why the three of them weren't watching the awesome display of Green Lantern's cosmic constructs was beyond him.
Bruce squeezed his shoulder and Dick stared up at him. The slight pressure told him to keep quiet; the Bat would do the work for him. "My ward's always trying to avoid using the phones made by my company - which gets kind of expensive when he keeps taking them places he's not supposed to." A subtle dig towards Dick for that time he took his phone on patrol. It hadn't ended much better than a dislocated shoulder and a furious Bruce. Dick felt his cheeks heat up at the man's decisive stare. "Silly as it is, I've resorted to slipping the blasted things into his pockets when he's not looking."
Dick nodded mutely, pushing his hands into his pockets. The cold glass screen of his WayneTech phone pressed at his finger tips. "And he always succeeds," Dick said through his teeth, parading the phone for all to see. It wasn't even on the market yet.
"I thought phones weren't allowed in here," Peter recalled and Dick rolled his eyes. 
"There are exceptions to every rule," Dick muttered. He looked up through his eyelashes towards Peter's frowning face. "It may be pure favoritism, but, well... I am his son."
This just deepened the other boy's expression, much like the laugh elicited from Ned made him slump further down the table. Bruce sighed: "You're not supposed to be in here barefoot either, Dick. What happened to your shoes?"
"I lost them in the studio. They were giving me blisters."
"Oh. Saint Laurens?" Bruce assumed, face twisting as his ward nodded. "Understandable."
"Couldn't you have just worn a pair of these?" Michelle interjected, flicking her leg to rest on top of the table. The stark-white trainers cut a bold contrast atop the onyx workbench. "We all had to."
"Obviously you all don't have any taste. No one who knows anything about fashion would willingly put them on their feet. Why would I?"
"Because it's protocol?" Peter suggested. He seemed almost offended. Dick couldn't see why he would be. It was a perfectly reasonable observation to say that he had no dress-sense - a no-brainer. The dude was wearing the type of t-shirt Wally  would wear, one of those with the dorky science puns. There was no way anyone who dressed Kid Flash on his days off had good taste.
"Not for a Wayne," Bruce replied coolly, steering the conversation to the left. He checked his watch, eyebrows knitting exaggeratedly as he frowned. "Well then, Dick. I've got to be off. Time really does fly, kiddos."
"You're leaving?" Ned asked somberly. Bruce flashed him his 'Person fo the Year' winning smile, laced with regret as he looked to Dick.
"I have business to attend to and an opening to attend," the man sounded sincere. Dick wondered if he'd been contacted by the league, because there was no way Bruce was actually going to go to the Tower's christening. Maybe Diana had buzzed in for a date. Or Selina. Or- "My CEO wishes to remind me that Wayne Enterprises doesn't run itself. Mister Harrington-"
"Call me Roger, Mister Wayne -"
"Alright, Richard. I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut out time together short," Bruce said solemnly. "Doctor Lovell, if you could finish this up rather quickly and have Dickie show these lovely people out? Thank you, dear."
His embellished his words with a wink, face melting into one of irritation as he turned so only Dick could see him 'Clark' he mouthed, face grim-set as he swept away. Dick's stomach churned - it must be important, then. Unless Clark had offered to take Bruce on a date. Dick always had wondered about the two of them. He grinned, watching the hulking figure of Bruce Wayne abandon the theoretical ship through one of the emergency exits - one that lead to a stairwell onto the roof, Dick noted.
As Doctor Lovell wrapped up her explanation of whatever theoretical science she was explaining, shutting down the hologram display of the Justice League's last fight with Amazo, Peter finally turned to face him. The eye contact was awkward and Dick had to refrain from looking away as the other boy pushed himself from his seat. It was almost as if Bruce's presence had been a dampener on whatever he'd been meaning to say.
"Does he always just walk out like that?" he asked. Ned almost tripped over the legs of his stool in his effort to be the first to stand beside Dick.
"Mostly always," Dick countered, waiting for the disappointed students to swarm towards him in an orderly fashion. "Sometimes he lasts longer than five minutes though, if you can believe it."
"Can't say I can," Peter said, staring off in the direction Bruce had ventured. "How does he run a multimillion dollar company?"
Dick frowned, looking over his shoulder to follow Peter's gaze: "Multibillion dollar company. He does a lot for Wayne Enterprises - you can't begin to understand the work he puts into helping this business succeed."
Peter had prodded one of Dick's more tender issues with Bruce's public persona. He couldn't stand people thinking the man was an idiot. Bruce was- Bruce was amazing. The most capable man Dick had ever and would ever meet. With everything he did to protect and serve... all people like Peter saw was Brucie.
"I didn't mean to offend," Peter retreated quickly. His eyes were warm and Dick felt somehow lighter as he stared into them. "It's just, with people like Tony Stark in the business how does he manage to stay afloat?"
"You're awfully talkative all of a sudden," Dick snapped, not un-kindly. Peter reeled back ashamedly:
"I... I'm sorry?"
"Apology not accepted. Maybe if you stop scowling at me I'll rethink," Dick said. "Y'know, I thought we were getting on okay earlier, but I guess not. Ned seems cool though."
"Ned is cool," the man himself supplied from his position on the floor, pulling off the white abominations from his feet. 
"I just didn't clock who you were before I saw you in Wayne's office, that's all!" Peter replied, ignoring him. "And then I was like... oh god, he's rich and a model and famous - It's kind of a lot to take in, y'know?"
"A lot to take in?" 
"'Cause I said all that stuff to you and I never would have if I'd know, I swear!"
Dick felt his chest deflate. Of course. He wasn't just another teenager to Peter anymore: He was Richard Grayson. Heir to the Wayne fortune, with far too much status to even consider speaking to. Dick's intrepid eyes scaled the walls opposite, thumb running over the material of his sleeve. "It's okay. I get that."
"You do?" Dick didn't enjoy the relief he heard in Peter's voice. 
"Yup," he replied, voice strained, and he leant against the doorway to decontamination to watch the boy struggle to remove his lab gear. His eyes flickered to the beat-up trainers Peter began to pull from his tray, mouth dry as he watched the boy begin to undo the laces. "Uh, hey Peter -"
He had half a mind to let Bruce's schemes alone. What did he care if Bruce's tracker was stuck to the guy's shoe? But a guilty feeling rose uncomfortably up his throat, threatening to choke him, as he observed the tying of grimy shoelaces.  "Er, about your shoes -"
"What about them?" the boy replied, not bothering to look up. It was a good job he didn't, too, otherwise he might've seen how obvious Dick was being as he went about this whole thing. He didn't exactly have a plan: He was flying by the seat of his pants here.
"I need them."
"Give me your shoes."
"Look, you heard me," Dick hissed, and he was pretty sure any friendliness recovered between the two of them was destroyed at that exact moment. He could feel his onw cheeks beginning to flame. Forget earlier, when he'd crawled from the ceiling in front of everyone: This was embarrassing. But he couldn't just let Bruce track the poor guy. What if it were Dick being tracked? He'd never let it happened, of course - Bruce would (figuratively) murder him. But he couldn't shake the bad feeling away. Someone knowing his every move? Possibly the grossest thing ever. "Hand them over."
Peter stared at him as though he'd grown a second head and for a moment Dick wished he had. It would've been easier to explain. 
"Are you serious?" Peter said, letting out a nervous laugh. Mister Harrington was beggining to shoo the other students from the boxy room single file. 
"Why do you want his lame-ass shoes?" Someone asked. A taller boy, with dark hair and a confused look on his face. "You can have mine, they're way cooler."
"Let's go, Flash."
"But Sir-"
"Beat it."
In the boy's defense, Dick did think the kid's Nikes were cooler than Peter's worn converse. Although he wasn't sure he'd want to wear anything from someone named Flash. He'd never hear the end of it from Wally. 
"Peter, I'm not joking. I'm tired of being barefoot and you- you have socks on!"
"Look, Di- can I still call you Dick?" Peter asked uncertainly. The other teen nodded rapidly, fingers twitching. "Er, I'm not sure why you're asking for my shoes but I'm definitely not giving them to you."
"But I need them," Dick pleaded.
"Sorry, I guess? Bi I 'need them' too. I have to walk back to our hotel," Peter said, standing up straighter. He still hadn't successfully put on both trainers, the left being wedged poorly onto his foot with the laces draping dangerously on the floor. He peered over Dick's shoulder towards the rest of his class slowly walking away nervously. "Hey wait- Ned, wait for me?"
"Look, Peter I'm sorry but... you're really not leaving me with many options here, man. I really need those shoes."
"Can't you just buy a new pair like them?"
Dick rolled his eyes, pushing away from the wall. He could see the faint glow of Bruce's tracking device lodged into the material and inwardly cringed. He could envision what he was about to do and it was not going to look good on record: 'Dick Grayson, Wayne Heir, assaults Academic Decathlon student'. 
Had he no shame? Of course he did! Was the shame going to stop? Of course not.
"You're not understanding me here," Dick said slowly, voice a low treble. He tried to add in a bit of gravel, like Bruce did when he spoke as Batman. It only served to confuse Peter more greatly.
"Look, Mister Grayson, you're kinda starting to freak me out - can you let me pas-" Peter's frankly shitty attempt to de-escalate what he hadn't known to be an escalated situation didn't fill Dick with any comfort as he lunged for the boy.
His quick movement obviously took the boy by surprise because the shriek Peter let out as he was barreled to the floor was nothing less than fantastic. "What are you doing? Get off me!"
Dick had to hand it to the guy, Peter was strong. Much stronger than he looked. After only a few attempts he was able to shove Dick off of him and scramble to his feet but Dick's work was already done: he grinned up at Peter from where he was laying on the floor, waving those terrible converse in hand, and bounced up to his feet with triple the grace of Peter, daring the high schooler to do something. 
The teen's chest heaved rapidly with adrenalin and alarm, and he lurched forward to grab the objects from Dick's hand but with all the dignity of a gymnast Dick spun away and wheeled out of the room. His laughter echoed down the hallway as he sped away. Peter's eyes were wide as he watched him get away.
"What the hell?" Peter breathed out. He made eye contact with Ned, who was standing stock-still with his phone out. A terribly angled selfie was displayed on the screen:
"Do you think he'll send streaks?"
[Next chapter]
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cherienymphe · 1 year
Basic Training X (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Warnings: NON-CON, DUB-CON, MURDER, violence, kidnapping, captivity, public sex, degradation, forced pregnancy, forced marriage, stockholm syndrome, ptsd, housewife kink, cop!Peter
➥ banner by @vase-of-lilies​ | divider by @whimsicalrogers​
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➥ series masterlist
summary: A pit stop during a road trip ends tragically when a small town cop sets his sights on you. You’re the newest addition in a long standing fucked up family tradition.
“Alright. Time’s up, pretty girl.”
You pouted a bit as Peter’s words reached you, signaling to you that you’d been outside long enough and that you’d have to help get breakfast ready soon. You longingly stared at the pond as you stood up, hating how little free time you were allowed. Unlike you, the other women didn’t need someone standing over their shoulder whenever they stepped a foot outside. Clearly Steve or Peter thought there was still a chance you might try and make a run for it.
That opportunity had long passed.
You straightened, brushing some dirt off of your dress before making your way to Peter. The dark-haired man took your hand with a smile, leaning in and brushing his lips over your cheek as he walked you back to the house. Peter did that a lot more as of late. Taking your hand, kissing your face, just touching you in any small harmless way. You didn’t know how to feel about it at first, seeing it more as the price you had to pay to keep Peter so close.
…but just like his presence became a comfort, so did the feel of his hand in yours.
Steve was standing at the back door as you both neared the house, and you held Peter’s hand tighter. You relaxed only slightly when Peter squeezed your hand, and you did your best to avoid Steve’s gaze. Sometimes you wished that you were capable of what Steve clearly thought you were. At least then all of his scrutiny wouldn’t be in vain.
Truthfully, you didn’t know what he expected from you. You were weak. He’d said so himself that day in the basement when he’d decided you couldn’t even last another day. You were nothing like Natasha or even Margaret, something that was a great source of discomfort for you.
“Why do you think you need to be more like Nat?” Peter had asked you one day when you brought it up.
You’d shrugged.
“I just feel…really…pathetic, sometimes,” you’d mumbled, playing with your fingers and avoiding his gaze.
Peter had taken your face into his hands, looking almost sad as you voiced your insecurity. You both knew why you wished you were more like the beautiful redhead, but Peter didn’t say anything about that. He’d simply pressed his lips to your forehead, keeping them there as he talked.
“You’re you, and that’s why I like you,” he’d whispered against your skin. “If I had wanted anyone else…  If I’d wanted someone more like Nat, I would’ve swiped her before Bucky had the chance to.”
That was when you learned that like Jane and Thor, Bucky and Natasha had known each other before this too. Such a thought hurt your heart, and you couldn’t imagine the betrayal she’d felt. Peter had mentioned something about them knowing Natasha since she was a kid, her having grown up in this town too. That level of betrayal had clearly made her heart harden against Bucky in the beginning instead of having some softness for him, leading to her being down in that basement for literal months.
It also explained why Bucky had seemed very upset when he mentioned it.
Natasha was still quiet around you these days, but you couldn’t help but notice that ever since she’d learned the truth about how you were taken, she wasn’t so…harsh. Before, where you could tell that she was that way for your own sake, just wanting you to fall in line for your benefit, now, you could see the patience and understanding in her eyes. They all seemed much more careful around sharp objects, now, having clarity on that incident in the kitchen with the blood.
You didn’t know how to feel about that either.
On the one hand, you didn’t feel so alone anymore. It’s not like you talked about it, but it felt good to be surrounded by people who not only knew what you’d been through, but who also cared. The silent support did make things a little easier. On the other hand, though, you didn’t think that you liked being pitied. You weren’t the only victim in this scenario, and you felt wrong being treated like the only one.
What about Jane who’d liked Thor before he kidnapped her? Or Natasha who’d grown up in this town, who’d grown up with Bucky and the rest, and was betrayed by a man she thought was her friend? Several men that she thought were her friends. To you, their situations seemed just as traumatic.
Even Margaret, whose origin with Steve you didn’t know, still had to live in a perpetual state of fear of being brutally raped by that man for all to see over the smallest of infractions. You helped Laura in the garden as the other woman walked around the property with her daughter. She cooed at her and looked as happy as could be, but you often wondered how much of it was fake for the sake of survival or how much of it was real as a conditioned way of coping? There were many times you leaned towards the latter…
…and there were many times you worried that would be you.
As if you’d conjured him up with your thoughts, you felt familiar hands on your shoulders just as Laura glanced up.
“Hello, Peter.”
The almost robotic way in which they’d all greet Peter anytime he joined you in some household task was almost frightening. Peter allowed you to be so casual with him, and you were reminded of that day he’d snapped at Jane in the greenhouse. It was a reminder that these women probably knew Peter much better than you did. Some of them had lived in this house with him for years, and they knew a whole other side of Peter that you didn’t.
“Laura,” he evenly greeted. “What are you and Y/N planting?”
“Just squash seeds,” she replied. “A personal request from Sam.”
She chuckled as she recalled when Sam had run into you both earlier. He’d seemed very enthusiastic about growing the vegetable, and Peter hummed at that. You felt him rest his chin on your head as you knelt, and if Laura was uncomfortable with his presence, she didn’t show it. You’d kind of gathered that it wasn’t normal for any of the men to be so involved with activities that had been dubbed as something solely for the women in the house.
Peter was just very lenient and accommodating with you.
You didn’t need to be a genius to know that Steve didn’t like it very much. If the blond had it his way, you would’ve been in the basement several times over by now, and any whiny request you made of Peter would’ve been answered with a spanking. That train of thought had a spark of gratitude flowing through you, and absentmindedly, you reached up to cover Peter’s hand on your shoulder with your own.
Laura glanced over at the action, but otherwise said nothing.
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“Happy Birthday, Y/N.”
Those were the words you woke up to a few days later, eyes blinking open and face twisting in confusion as Peter’s face materialized before you. He hovered over you, one hand pressed into the bed at your side and the other resting on your stomach, playing with your fingers there. You stared at him in silence for an embarrassingly long amount of time. You heard what he said, but you couldn’t quite make sense of the words.
It was your birthday?
You paused to think back on how many months had passed, and with shock, you realized that Peter was right. It was certainly your birthday month, and while you didn’t keep up with the days as well as you would have liked—they all blended together now—Peter had no reason to lie. In fact, you were sure that Pepper had mentioned the date the other day, and you hadn’t even made the connection that your birthday was fast approaching.
The thought made you…sad.
This time last year, you’d been planning that trip with Wanda and MJ and Pietro. You’d been excited to look back on the memories on your next birthday, probably even planning another one. This time last year, you’d been free and cutting a cake that your mom had baked and cleaning up a mess after Pietro had smashed your face into the icing.
Now, you were in a prison. Your friends were dead, your mom was alone and probably stressing herself into an early grave over you, and you were staring into the face of the man who’d made it all happen. You were celebrating your birthday in a house that you didn’t want to be in and surrounded by people you didn’t want to be near. The thought made your eyes water, and Peter noticed, his face falling as he straightened.
“Hey, hey, what’s the matter?” he quietly wondered, touching your chin. “Why are you crying?”
You tried to hold them back, but your tears spilled over against your will, and your lips trembled.
“I shouldn’t be here…”
Realization hit Peter as he sighed.
“I’m supposed to be with my friends,” you tearfully told him. “…and my mom.”
“I know,” Peter breathed, moving closer and pulling you into his arms.
You pressed your face into his chest, trying to hold in your sobs, but it was no use.
“…but I’m here…and you don’t have to lift a finger today…”
Peter’s voice was soft, hopeful, as he tried to cheer you up.
“We can stay outside as much as you want,” he told you, stroking your back. “…or we can stay in here all day. Anything you want.”
You knew that ‘anything’ had limitations to it, but you still pulled away at the mention of being outside all day. Ever since you could, it was all you really wanted to do. Peter’s smile told you that he could see it in your eyes, and he reached up to wipe your face.
“The girls are going to cook your favorite,” he continued, gently cleaning your face. “Doesn’t that sound nice?”
It did…and it didn’t, but you nodded anyway.
You were having the hardest time accepting that it was actually your birthday. Even as Peter ran you a bath, something that wasn’t unusual, you still stared at the flower petals in the water in disbelief. When you made it downstairs only to be greeted with well wishes and birthday congratulations, it still didn’t feel real.
Each of the women—and Thor—hugged you, while the rest of the men only cheerfully wished you a happy birthday. It was jarring to see a smile on Steve’s face, and even now, you couldn’t tell if it had been genuine or forced.
You were one year older…and so very far from wiser.
Peter was content to lie in the grass with you by the pond. It was all you really wanted to do, just bask in the fresh air and savor this day before you had to return to household chores and allotted outside time. You could feel Peter playing with your hair and your dress as you laid there, staring at the sky and thinking on how drastically your life had changed in a year.
“What are you thinking about?” Peter asked you. “When you’re not crying or asking me to hold you, you’re so quiet…and I always want to know what you’re thinking.”
You blinked, frowning a bit.
“Just how different things were last year,” you whispered. “I feel like…it’s finally hitting me…that I’m going to be here the rest of my life.”
You didn’t sound or feel particularly sad as you said it. Truthfully, you didn’t know what you felt, but you knew that it felt strange. You were lying on the grass with your captor, talking to him like he was a friend while he played with you. The man responsible for your captivity was the same one you confided in. That was something you grappled with every day, and with each day that passed, that fact felt less and less weird.
“I told you…it doesn’t have to be a bad thing,” Peter whispered back, his hand on your face. “I’m going to make you so happy.”
You didn’t want Peter to make you happy…but the only other alternative was to live out the rest of your days miserable and angry and scared. You felt like you were being so ungrateful to think like that, noting just how much worse you could have it. Compared to any of the other men, Peter was a Godsend, but he was still the same man responsible for your kidnapping.
You turned to watch him as he sat up, and you watched him reach into his pocket.
“When I went to check on your mom all those months ago…I also got this…”
You didn’t sit up, just watching him as he held a small jewelry box in his hands. The sight of it made your heart jump for multiple reasons, and you didn’t really know what to do as he opened it. As expected, a ring was inside, but it strangely didn’t look like a typical engagement ring. You figured that one would come into play eventually, and you hated how casually that thought passed through your mind.
It was more of a band, yellow gold and dainty. It reminded you of a tree branch—or vine—twisting and curving into a shape. There were golden thorns that caught your eye, reminiscent of a rose bush, and you felt frozen as Peter took your hand. He was careful in sliding it onto your finger, and you soon understood why.
When Peter pulled on it, the thorns dug into your skin, and you hurriedly sat up with a hiss.
“I had this custom made,” he murmured, turning your hand over and admiring the painful piece of jewelry. “You can’t take this off without scratching up your finger and possibly leaving behind a bloody mess.”
He gently played with your fingers, admiring it some more before his dark eyes lifted to meet your gaze. Peter’s expression was entirely serious as he threaded his fingers with yours, bringing your hand up to kiss the back of it, his pink lips soft on your skin.
“You’re mine,” he whispered without breaking his gaze. “…and I want you to be reminded of that every single day.”
He rested his chin on the back of your hand.
“Just like I am every time I look at you…”
Your heart skipped a beat, and you took a deep breath.
“You understand…?”
You struggled to swallow, hesitating when he squeezed your finger, pressing the metal thorns into your skin, and you winced.
“Yes,” you told him, breathless. “I understand.”
Peter’s entire demeanor changed at that, a smile dancing along his lips as he leaned in to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth.
“Good,” he whispered, kissing your cheek, now. “Happy Birthday, pretty girl.”
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You sat at the table as everyone around you sang.
The cake that Jane and Sharon baked was so pretty. Beautiful even. It looked like something you would’ve seen online and begged your mom to buy before she ultimately decided to just make it herself. It had the appropriate number of candles, and you stared into the flames as the song came to an end.
You felt Peter’s lips at your ear as he urged you to make a wish.
You blinked, eyes burning as you thought about the one wish you knew wouldn’t come true. The ring on your finger felt like a weight was tied to it, a reminder of just who you belonged to and the circumstances surrounding how you’d gotten here. You stared into the candle flames with tearful eyes, wondering what on earth you could possibly wish for.
Freedom was out of the question. There was no doubt in your mind that that would never happen. You considered wishing for happiness, but like earlier, you thought that you didn’t want to be happy with Peter. At least, you didn’t think you did, but living out the rest of your life in misery sounded like hell, like the worst thing that could ever happen.
…and yet, with tears in your eyes, that was what you wished for.
The other women clapped, cheering for you, but you could hear it dying down when your tears spilled over. You didn’t mean to start crying, and like every other time before, embarrassment filled you. You could feel Peter’s hands on your shoulder as he stood behind you, and when you glanced up, your eyes caught familiar green ones. You didn’t miss the concern on Natasha’s face as she eyed you.
You really did try to keep it together, even just for your own sake, but it was harder than it was supposed to be, and when everyone else grew quiet, you didn’t even need to look over to know that Steve’s hard gaze was on you. You wiped your face, but the tears just kept coming, and you heard Peter sigh.
“Here,” you heard Margaret say, her chair moving. “Let’s cut you a piece of-.”
“Sit down, Peggy.”
Steve’s cold voice was loud and clear in the otherwise quiet room, and you couldn’t even bring yourself to look at him. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at anyone. It was your birthday, and it was nothing at all like you expected it to be. Never in your wildest dreams would you have ever predicted your birthday—any of your birthdays—being spent surrounded by a household that you were taken and forced into.
When you finally glanced over, you were unsurprised to meet Steve’s cold blue gaze.
“Jane and Sharon spent so much time on your cake…”
You looked down at that, and you felt Peter’s hands tighten on your shoulders.
“You rested the entire day, as you should because it’s your birthday…and you’re crying…?”
“You let her get away with too much, Peter!”
You jumped as Steve raised his voice, and you hesitantly looked up as the blond stood. His handsome face was taut, jaw ticking as he looked between you and Peter with anger.
“Tantrums, crying fits, holding her hand with every single chore,” Steve continued. “After everything you—and I by extension—have allowed her to get away with…and she’s still ungrateful…”
Your eyes met Steve’s then, lips trembling as he turned his venomous gaze onto you.
“You still have the audacity to cry like a spoiled brat and for what? Because your birthday isn’t at all what you expected it to be, what…a year ago?”
More tears spilled over at that, and your eyes widened as Steve strode towards you.
“You’re never seeing your friends again, you’re never seeing your family again…”
“Steve,” Margaret murmured.
“It’s high time you accepted that and stopped crying like an overindulgent child.”
With every word that left Steve’s lips, you could only manage to cry harder, and you could hear Peter saying something to him, but it was impossible to make out over the sound of your sobs.
“No, she could have it a lot worse,” you managed to catch. “You’re too lenient, too accommodating, and for what? She’s not in charge, you are.”
You could feel Peter helping you stand, and you stumbled as he pulled you against him.
“If she belonged to me…you know exactly what I’d do to straighten her out...”
The thinly veiled threat had you shuddering, more tears falling as you recalled the memory of Steve and Margaret in the yard that morning. You clung to Peter at Steve’s words, and the brunette held you close.
“Maybe you should remind her of just how bad things could be.”
Steve’s parting words still echoed in your mind when Peter brought you back to your room. He was quick to shut the door behind you both, and no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t stop crying. Steve’s harsh words combined with the surrealness of your birthday being celebrated in captivity was sending you into a downward spiral.
The worst of it all was that Steve was right. Jane and Sharon had spent so much time on that cake, and it showed. Peter did let you get away with a lot, especially in comparison to the other men, and it could be so much worse for you, but that still didn’t make your situation better.
Nothing about any of this was good.
You could both hear and feel Peter trying to calm you, but it was of no use. Your forehead rested on his shoulder as he rubbed your arms and back, soothing sounds leaving his lips, and the sound of his voice made you flinch for some reason. Pulling away from him, you reached for the ring, hissing when it only served to dig into your skin.
“Y/N, stop- what are you doing?”
Peter’s hands were on yours, stopping you, and you only cried harder.
“Get it off,” you shrieked. “Take it off, take it off!”
“No,” Peter spat back. “You’re mine and-.”
“I don’t want to be yours,” you screamed, descending into a fit of sobs. “I want to go home, and I want my friends, and I want my mom.”
You pressed your hands into your face, stumbling away from Peter.
“I want my mom,” you cried.
The other man was quiet as you sobbed, chest heaving and aching. You scooted back towards the headboard, wiping your face as Peter stared at you with an expression that was unreadable. You couldn’t stop shaking and crying, and you bit your lip when Peter stood. His dark eyes drank you in, glinting with something unknown to you, and you watched him take a deep breath.
“You don’t want to be mine…?” he slowly asked.
You pressed your lips together, looking away.
“You don’t have a choice, pretty girl.”
Unlike all the other times, the term of endearment wasn’t dripping with sweetness. There was an edge in Peter’s voice, and you sniffed as he reached for your hand. He squeezed the ring, making you wince, and Peter softly chuckled to himself.
“Steve was right, you know… Things could be so much worse for you.”
“I know,” you tearfully replied, trying to get your hand free.
“I could take you like some animal for the whole house to see like Steve…” you blinked back tears. “…or maybe I should be like Tony and make you wear a leash when I decide to punish you.”
“I’ve been nothing but sweet to you…haven’t I…?”
He looked between your eyes, and you reluctantly nodded.
“…and yet you don’t want to be mine.”
He was still holding your hand, and his free hand came up to rest on the back of your neck. Peter was leaning in, nose brushing yours as he studied your face. He suddenly sighed, his expression falling.
“This was supposed to be a happy day for you,” he murmured, frown deepening. “It’s your birthday…and I spent it with you, they made you a cake… You were supposed to be happy, today.”
You didn’t know how to tell Peter that nothing about this day could be happy. If anything, it was sadder than any other day you’d spent here. It was your birthday…and you were so far removed from the people you loved.
“…maybe it still can be…”
You didn’t really understand Peter’s words until his lips brushed over yours. It took you by surprise, and you jerked, but Peter didn’t seem to mind as he kept kissing you. His hand on the back of your neck kept you from moving anywhere, and when he deepened the kiss, you gasped. Peter took that opportunity to taste the inside of your mouth, and your free hand pushed at his chest.
“It’s your birthday…you shouldn’t go to bed angry on your birthday,” he murmured into your skin as he kissed along your jaw.
You cut yourself off with a gasp when you found yourself on your back, Peter’s frame covering your own. The dresses and nightgowns you were made to wear were thin, and you felt every bit of Peter as he pressed himself against you. It wasn’t quite registering what was happening, and you felt almost removed from your body as Peter’s hands ran up and down your frame, lips lingering on your neck and jaw and lips. It was only when he started to push your nightgown up did the tears finally collect in your eyes.
“Peter…Peter, wait… Please,” you tearfully pleaded, pushing against him.
He ignored you, fighting against you to get your nightgown off, and your panic only grew as he struggled to undress himself too. One of his hands tangled at the nape of your neck, pulling your head back and baring your throat to him. He grazed his teeth over it, and you shuddered.
“You may not want to be mine…but you are,” he whispered, lips grazing your ear.
His bare chest brushed against your own, and he quietly kept telling you that it was okay as you cried.
“…and accepting that will make things so much easier for you…will make you so much happier.”
You shrieked, nails pressing into his arm and the other hand twisting into the sheets. He was pushing into you, slow and torturous, and it took your breath away, making your chest burn. When Peter was fully settled, fully sheathed into you, filling and warm and throbbing, he took a slow deep breath, like he was savoring the moment and feel of you.
He had you completely pinned beneath him, and you didn’t even try to hold in your sobs.
“Happy Birthday, pretty girl.”
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mary-laib · 11 months
I love the idea of Loki, Peter Parker, and MJ all being trans. Specifically from the avengers/Tom Holland’s Spiderverse. Like MJ in that universe give non-binary vibes. She probably switches between he/they and she/they and Peter always calls them his girlfriend. Peter would be transmasc and Loki would be gender-fluid (obviously).
But in this particular au I feel like Peter and MJ would talk about Loki a lot bc MJ thinks they’re hot (“The hotness practically makes up for the murder, Peter.”) and Peter is just looking for other gender-non-conforming people within hero society and Loki just happens to be the only one he’s ever heard of. Peter and MJ are also mythology nerds which doesn’t help.
Stark also loves and hates this for his child. He is happy to see Peter excited about something and wants Peter to be happy and comfy as a trans person but does his role model for the trans community really have to be Loki? The dude literally tried to take over the earth and wrecked New York (“Yeah, but that was before I became Spider-Man and she’s chill now so no hard feelings.”)
Loki: *exists within proximity of Peter*
Peter: Omg my girlfriend and I are big fans
Stark: You’re what-?
Peter: *proceeds to rant about trans visibly within hero society and asks if Loki will sign the nearest item that can be written on for him and MJ*
Loki: *pretends to understand what Peter is talking about because while he has never had a chance to talk to other trans people, she also never had to deal with the blatant transphobia that Peter is describing and now he’s a little concerned, and is also a little smug over the fact that Stark’s Spiderling child is a fan of them*
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Into the Ninjaverse: RC9GN AU
Alright, I finally managed to have some time to myself-
I had two different directions for this verse and I've yet to decide which one I want to use. I'll start with one that's more 'true' to the canon of ITSV/ATSV and the idea that OG! Randy takes the spot of Miles Morales (and poor Randy is definitely going to go through it-). I'm honestly thinking that across multiple universes, there are other Ninjas (none of which are Randy, for ahems reasons-). Unfortunately for our hero, he finds one of the Ninjas in his own dimension and decides he needs to help them.
Randy is startled to realize this is the First Ninja, only... different. He doesn't know what to do, deciding he's just flat out bringing him home. I honestly think the reason he makes the connection is either outfit design OR Finja takes the mask off in front of Randy and that's how he knows, but moving on-
So Randy now is finding out other universes exist- this poor kid is a little overwhelmed because he's been the Ninja for less than a year and is struggling to wrap his mind around it. Unfortunately, things spiral out of control when other Ninjas appear- it's now caught the attention of McFist, Viceroy, and the Sorcerer which is a massive problem. The Ninjas will have to face them head on as the final arc, but of course I could still be a menace if ATSV and the "Ninja Society" is integrated into the storyline. We'll be getting to that later!
Option 2 is honestly based off of having OG Randy meeting the different AU's I've created- the problem is just choosing the right ones, or pick the ones my readers (and myself because this is incredibly self indulgent) would be most interested by. I honestly think this could be done as a season finale type thing where I kind of just chuck Randy into a portal and is now stuck in another reality with no way to get home but ends up in other dimensions, and it's a whole mess because reasons
Although genuinely, I'm leaning more toward the first one so! I'm providing a brief depiction of each of the characters- both in the OG and alternate timelines
Randy Cunningham (canon universe)- 14 at the start of ITNV. He's only been the Ninja for a few months and is still adjusting to his duties but overall, he's doing pretty well. He ends up finding an alternate version of the First Ninja and decides to help him (how could he not when he literally finds him unconscious?)
Howard Weinerman (canon universe): pretty much the same as canon! Nothing really changes yet-
First Ninja / ??? (alternate universe/dimension 616): meant to take the role of Peter B Parker, this version of Finja has long since retired from his responsibilities as the Ninja. Due to things going wrong in his timeline, he hasn't been as active as he could be and his meeting with Randy only happens by pure chance
Howard Weinerman/??? (alternate universe): This version of Howard is still in the works, but I like to think he's not the Ninja per se- genuinely thinking of incorporating a version of Howard who works for McFist and Viceroy, or even something to do with tengu! Howard. Only... he's extremely startled and surprised to see Randy (though why?)
Theresa Fowler/The Purple Ninja (alternate universe): I feel like she'd be a little adjacent to Penny from ITSV! Because I said so- there's not really a lot for her right now, but I don't consider Fowlham endgame for this AU at all (i have other things in mind, that's all i'm going to say)
Nomi/Nomicon/??? (alternate canon): y'all are going to hate me for this- or you might not, but I do consider there's the one singular universe where the Nomicon is human and takes on a role eerily similar to Miguel Rivera for... ahems reasons (i think you can figure it out, but for now- consider all of this to be non-canon to the ITNV world! at least for now)
I like to think canon! Nomicon can have a human form but chooses not to reveal themself- as a personal quota to remain cold and neutral to all Ninjas but at the same time, they can't help seeing something different in Randy. This is self indulgent, I'm going to write what I want hahah
There's also a lesser version of this idea where it's more like the Ninjas are still Ninjas, but also have like- spiderman-esque vibes as well? I keep thinking of a fusion between the two, and now honestly I might just switch between the three versions until I settle on one I like!
For now, these are my current thoughts! Please comment on this or something- I genuinely want to see who's interested!
Current Tag List:
into the ninjaverse / ITNV - general tag
ask itnv - for asks about the characters!
itnv talks - responses/answers to the asks
I'm not really expecting this AU to garner a lot of attention but just in case- I have these setup because someone's got to be interested!
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marvel headcanons
weirdly specific headcanons for my favorite characters,
some traits may not align with canon or popular fan opinions. these are just my opinions, to each their own !!
!! TW: s/h , ptsd , disability , neurodivergence , anxiety , depression , alcohol
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Gwen Stacy :
lesbian + non-binary
has a secret spider-girlfriend
obsessed with pop-tarts and tries them in every universe
spends her free time at the animal shelter petting dogs, the workers from many universes know her since they come by so often, and they always welcome her.
won’t admit it but secretly wants to be an english teacher when she grows up
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Peter Parker :
trans ftm + bisexual
his parents are rich lawyers who travel a lot, so he’s always lived with his Aunt, May. doesn’t have contact with his birth parents
has social anxiety and a severe anxiety disorder
has a soft spot for dalmations
in the process of filing for a psychiatric service dog for his panic attacks
has adhd
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Wanda Maximoff :
bisexual with a female preference
has a wife !!!
massive swiftie
has two twins and an adopted daughter
disability mom, billy has angelman syndrome and tommy has autism and epilepsy
in therapy to work on her trauma trigger responses ie. controllingness
has suffered with severe depression
loves loves loves dogs (has two goldendoodles, snowflake and rocky)
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Yelena Belova :
queer woman
convert jew, found herself in the religion and found a community through a support group for, and run by, woman in her synagogue.
absolutely in love with Kate Bishop
very protective over kate and shows her off to everyone
has a ptsd service dog named sasha, who helps with her flashbacks
has struggled with s/h, but is in therapy and getting better
has a very sexual relationship with kate and everyone in the compound steers clear of the hallway where kate and yelena’s rooms are
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Kate Bishop :
pansexual + demigirl
madly in love with Yelena Belova
super innocent but would do unholy things for her girlfriend
hates all dogs. except her dog, pizza-dog-lucky. lucky is different.
slight mommy issues
bottom asf , and a massive brat
super snarky but easily gets her feelings hurt
was homeschooled her whole life, and she never lost that childish energy
thinks her girlfriend’s protectiveness is cute, but loves to push against it to see yelena get all hot and bothered
always spends the holiday season with clint’s family (partially bec she loves them and partially to save on heating bills in the colder months)
spam posts every detail of her life on insta stories + makes mini-vlog reels 24/7
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Natasha Romanoff :
demiromantic + unlabeled
hates labels, she likes who she likes end of story.
has a massive soft spot for cats, and has 3 of her own, Tumeric, Spots, and Dart.
has a massive unrequited crush on wanda
she’s labeled as the “bed-hopper” by her friends for her string of serial hookups after she left the redroom, but she wants nothing more than to settle down with a wife and even more cats.
big mommy issues and that usually comes across in her relationships, as she seeks out (sometimes older) people with nurturing qualities.
battled alcoholism during the dark days in the blip from losing her sister, but she has an amazing therapist and is now sober
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Kamala Khan :
really into tarot
best friends with America Chaves and has a small gay crush on her
constantly gets in trouble with teachers for being too loud and talking in class
has inattentive adhd and always forgets to take her meds
has a very popular carol danvers x fem reader fanfic on A03 that she hides from her parents but she always neglects her homework to make sure she updates regularly for her readers
loves tacos
has sensory issues and gets sensory overload breakdowns due to sound and this can trigger her powers to go haywire while she’s overstimulated
her family puts a lot of pressure on marriage but she just wants to live in a house with america and spend the rest of their lives together reading fanfic and rewatching avengers movies
she kissed america once and they never talked about it again, though they both have hinted at wanting to do it again.
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thenightwolf51 · 6 months
Im reading a spidermanxdc crossover called Leap of Faith (Catch Me, If You Can) and i im really liking it so far but i found a connection ive never thought of before and havent seen in a fic.
So two of the tags are "Dick Grayson and Richard Parker (Marvel) are the Same Person" and "Past Rape/Non Con" and the first thing that came to mind was Tarantula
I havent found a lot of fics where Dick is Peter's biological father (by means of alternate dimension selves) but to make the DC version of Peter's mother the spider themed vigilante who canonically assaulted Dick as Nightwing makes so much sense to me.
I haven't finished the fic yet but so far that doesn't seem to be the case, just what came to mind when i saw those tags next to eachother.
The Past R/NCon is actually in relation to Peter's past and in awful news i now know that the character Skip Westcott exsits
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