#mage in a wolf pack
lectorel · 1 year
Rabbit Heart
(Inspired by the Mage in a Wolf Pack original fic series on AO3, you'll need to read a few of those first.)
Jaime . . . floats. One step out and to the left of himself, ice-numbed to sensation. Wake. Work. Obey. Cast, in the short moments when he was given back a sliver of his strength. Bow. Obey. Eat. Sleep. Wake. Lay Limp. Wash. Work.
Hums, sometimes, tuneless little things that taste like memories. ‘digger, digger, singer of songs…’
This doesn't change, when he is passed to other masters. The lines change, but the pattern stays the same. Wake. Cast. Work. Strip. Obey. Sleep. Wake. Eat. Jaime exists entirely unmoored from time and place, in the smothering fog of over-extension and apathy. 
He rarely notices when one master becomes another. Mostly when the new had a taste for flesh the old had not, or the reverse. His current masters are kind, in the careless way hunters are prone to. A person is given orders. An object is used. There is power in breaking a person to heel, but all ruining a tool proves is carelessness. 
If he is sick, if he’s injured, he’s likelier to make mistakes or mishandle a spell. So he is fed, and given clothes to cover his body, and treated if he is injured. He is a useful thing, to be maintained and then forgotten when unneeded. 
Like all tools, there are some uses he is better suited to than others. Jaime is not allowed to heal - no hunter would be careless enough to let a mage, even a collared one, work magics on their bodies. But neither is he required to bind and chain unwilling captives. Instead, he is set to warding chicken coops, warming water for the wash, repairing damaged walls and decaying fences. Simple things that require neither force nor strength of will.
They don't travel - or at least never enough of them at one time that he is left without supervision or required to accompany them. Jaime has never bothered tracking the passage of time, but he thinks he's been in this place for a while. He mostly remembers now how to get from one building to another, can plan a path to accomplish his duties without too much doubling back.
It is an easy life, and Jaime knows that easy never lasts. Sooner or later, he will be put to the work he was first collared for. There is no point in waking.
Jaime floats, and his body obeys.
Runa had noticed the problem by mid-summer, but back then, she’d believed her pack would fix it. It’s nearly winter now, and her faith has run out.
The adults of the pack refuse to see it, refuse to understand, because the mage had hurt uncle Dimitri. They were angry, and they wanted someone to blame. The mage was an easy target. But all the pretending in the world couldn’t change the truth. And the truth was, he’d never acted out of malice.
Malice would require the mage to remember people existed when they left his line of sight. The mage had to be ordered to bathe himself. and occasionally ended up frozen in place because he'd forgotten what he was ordered to do and the collar’s bindings forbade him from acting without permission. All he’d done was obey his Alpha, the same as Runa is supposed to obey Lada.
He isn’t capable of intending harm. There’s something fragile in him, like the lightning-struck tree Runa found two summers ago. From afar, it had seemed healthy, as if it had escaped the storm with only a few branches lost. But when she’d gotten closer, she’d seen the long seam where sap had boiled and split the tree open from the inside. It had survived the first winter, but it’d never woken after the second.
The mage, too, is slowly dying, and Alpha had ordered everyone not to help him.
Runa had never disobeyed her parents or her alpha. Not really. Little rules sometimes, like going to bed on time or taking turns, but never the big rules. The ones that even the adults had to follow. And the rules about the mage were big rules - Alpha had explained that to all the puppies in very careful words.
But Runa had already known the rules - if you can’t kill something cleanly, you don’t kill it at all. If someone isn’t pack, you don’t bring them into the den. If someone wants to leave, you have to let them. If a person’s hurt, you need to help them.
Alpha is the one who broke the rules first, her and all the other adults; she put the mage in a collar like it wasn’t the exact thing the pack had killed hunters for doing to uncle Dimitri. Alpha is wrong, and she keeps pretending she’s not, keeps saying that the mage is an exception.
It’s dangerous to have magic now, in the Heartstone pack. Alpha has made it that way. And Runa is the only one who knows it’s Toby, not the mage, who keeps the candles lit all night.
There are uses for collared mages. Alpha made that very clear. Runa isn’t going to let the pack collar a second one.
Alpha makes the mage sleep in the storage shed, with only a worn fur to keep out the cold. With the first storm of winter threatening, the pack will either need to move him inside soon, or let him freeze. The adults are still fighting about it, which makes now the only chance Runa has to get them all away.
The night is dark, only a single sliver of moon to light it, and the wind cuts through Runa’s sleeping shirt like a knife. Toby whines in his sleep, but doesn’t wake. The shed door isn’t locked properly - Runa jammed it a few days ago, when she oiled the door hinges to keep them from creaking. She slips inside, soft as a fieldmouse through grass, and shakes the mage awake. 
“We’re going now, sweetheart,” Runa says softly, pulling the mage to his feet with her free hand. “Can you hide us?”
The mage blinks, once, twice, eyes only half-focused on Runa and Toby’s sleeping form. Runa holds up the command token, thumb pressed to the center symbol, and pushes her will into it. Unlock. Not a full release - only the collar’s keybinding, locked away among Alpha’s things,  could do that - but enough for something like awareness to flood into the mage’s expression. 
“We’re leaving, all three of us,” Runa repeats, and asks a second time, “Can you hide us?”
“. . . You’ll be faster without me,” the mage says, after a long, long moment. “If you steal me, it will be. Bad.”
Runa tilts her head in acknowledgement. “Staying would be worse.”
 “If you do, when they catch you, they will kill you,” He looks at Runa for a single second, gaze darting to Toby’s sleeping form and then away before she can interpret the expression he wore. Runa hears an echo of familiar candace in those words, and wonders if he’s ever heard the rabbit song, before the Alpha chained him. 
“They might,” she acknowledges. Six months ago she couldn’t have imagined the possibility. Now, though, all her certainties about her family have been shattered. However - “But first, they must catch me.”
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captainkirkk · 11 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-Kun
Sick Days by IcyPheonix
Iruma encounters a side effect of living in the demon world he'd never considered before.
He has absolutely no immunity to demon sickness, and when a mild seasonal cold sweeps through the school, Iruma is wholly unprepared for what happens.
how to be a good person by thewunderkind
In the middle of one of the harshest winter in the Netherworld, they found a human child.
Beef Consommé by Vamillepudding
Parenting is Bruce's thing, and Jason isn't planning on messing with that. But when Bruce fails to spot the countless red flags about Tim's home life, it falls to Jason to step up. Of course it does. Because he's literally the only one in his family who knows how to be responsible, and if Dick disagrees, he can suck it.
stay with me by envysparkler, Periazhad (+podfic)
Jason knows it has to be bad if Bruce is asking him for help.
The prince and the admiral by Buridanio
Iroh was exiled many years ago. Instead, Zuko is sent on his Avatar hunt on the ship of the abusive admiral Zhao. Until they cross paths with the ship of Chief Hakoda of the water tribe who, despite Zuko's insistence, for some reason refuses to kill him.
A Start by RumpleByRam
After long years at sea fighting the Fire Nation, Hakoda hopes the shipwrecked prince will have some useful information to end the war.
After long years at the mercy of General Zhao, Zuko hopes that the Water Tribe chief will kill him and be done with it.
Neither of them get exactly what they want, but somehow, that's better.
No patch job by Buridanio
Fury wants Peter Parker to join the team of Avengers. The Avengers aren’t unanimously thrilled about the idea. But they get to know him, come to care for him, and start to realize that he really, really needs their help.
Clone Wars
Get the Balance Right by litrapod (litra), wanderingjedihistorian (RangerJedi67)
"It’s why we have to get the balance right,” Cody pointed out. “You are my mate which means in our pack hierarchy your word carries weight. But if I’m there and you speak up when I don’t?” Realization dawned on Obi-Wan’s face. “It could come across as me trying to take authority from you,” he said. “The very thing our mating is designed to prevent.” Cody nodded, grateful that Obi-Wan finally understood.
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envysparkler · 2 years
your original series with Jaime really caught my interest the other day and i was wondering if we could write stuff for the AU if we credit your original work and tag you?
Yup! The more writers that join our little whumpy universe, the merrier! Let's make Jaime suffer.
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storywolf · 1 year
mini tag drop
📚 book dynamic // wolf & the twelve mages // what is home if not the first place you learn to run from
📚 book dynamic // wolf & the first pack // if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is; maybe i could get over this
📚 dynamic // wolf & rozalina // local dumbasses knew what they were getting themselves into and did it anyway
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Hi!! First of all, thank for all your work and still being here!
Second, can I ask for Hale family recs, like they’re alive and well and they’re a big part of the story.
Thank you!!
Hi anon! @kevaaronday made this list for you!
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Divided We Stand by KouriArashi (29/29 | 156,742 | Mature | Sterek) Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....
No Homo by orphan_account (12/12 | 84,092 | Explicit | Sterek) Stiles' sophomore year starts something like this:
3 FourLokos
+ 1 peer-pressuring cat
- 1 best bro to end all best bros
= 1 Craigslist ad headline that reads "str8 dude - m4m - strictly platonic".
Derek is the fool who replies.
The Price we Pay by Gia279 (37/37 | 66,603 | Teen | Sterek) Twelve years after inadvertently stopping Kate Argent from burning the Hale pack alive, Stiles is sleepwalking again, dragged unwillingly to witness horrible accidents, floods, house fires, and other disasters. He wakes, confused and blindfolded, at the incidents with power rising sharp and exhilarating in his chest, and he doesn't know how to stop it. Is he the one causing these horrible things or is he just there to witness them?
Derek has been curious about the magic that saved him and his pack for years, and when Stiles's powers manifest again, he's determined to figure it out. With the whole of Beacon Hills being thrown into chaos and Stiles, apparently, just on the edge of that chaos, Derek finds himself being drawn to fix it all and keep Stiles out of the danger that keeps calling to him.
We Met, We Loved, We Made by Fogsy_Feel (3/3 | 56,820 | Explicit | Sterek) The Hales are the real American dynasty. Pinnacles of wealth. A powerful pack fiercely protective of their own, with all the resources to do it. They don't take kind to strangers infiltrating their ranks...Which means they definitely won't take kind to a Polish twenty year old marrying their oldest son. Stiles knew all this for the most part, but when you find the one? Well then all that drama suddenly seems inconsequential.
— Derek doesn't know what he expected from Poland. Maybe some great food and some less great snow? He certainly hadn't expected to meet the most annoying person he'd ever come across. Nor did he expect to fall in love and marry him, not all of a month after meeting the guy. Stiles is strange. He's weird and a little mean. He's probably Derek's soulmate. Who really knows. It's all progressing a little fast. He wouldn't change it for the world
Marking Against Instinct by fullmoontonightt (1/1 | 44,620 | Mature | Sterek) The guy in front of him is looking around the shop with interest, letting his eyes scan over the flash art on the walls. He's beautiful and Derek's wolf purrs in his chest, wanting to get closer. He frowns when he realizes the guy is human.
Derek faces him, eyes serious. “You know this is a wolves only shop right?”
Alpha Derek Hale has had his wolves only tattoo shop for years. Before Stiles Stilinksi walked in, asking him for help with a tattoo, he'd never thought about how a single tattoo could change his life.
One More Again by HelloWhyTheFuckAmIHere (16/16 | 22,238 | Not Rated | Sterek) When a strange man appears in the Hale Pack territory with an unusual proposition for Stiles and Lydia, Stiles is unable to resist going back in time to stop the Hale House fire. 
Even after a few bumps in the road, Stiles finds himself in the past with one nearly-insurmountable goal - getting Talia Hale and the rest of her family to trust him with their lives.
Don't know how to reach you when you get like this (waiting for you to come home) by dearericbittle (1/1 | 21,339 | Teen | Sterek) Senator Talia Hale is going to be the first werewolf president. She is also his mother’s best friend, who’s in desperate need of a friendly mage to help her break the curse on her children. Stiles likes a challenge - and the free vacation in DC for his parents.
Chicken Soup for the Incredibly Fragile Human Soul by aurevell (1/1 | 3,029 | Gen | Sterek) Stiles comes to the Hale house to cram for a test with Cora as planned. Unfortunately, he's definitely coming down with something.
Even more unfortunately, no one in the entire Hale family seems to know what to do with a human who has a cold.
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kitchenisking · 10 months
Sterek Fic Rec
Second night of chunnuka!
As it Should Be by KuroKitty (HaleYes) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7,240, sterek)
Stiles comes home from his 18th birthday party at the bowling alley to find a surprise waiting for him in his room.
Or, the one where Derek has no chill.
Daddy. by Krose_16 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,430, sterek)
Stiles smells like someone else. A certain alpha doesn't like it.
Daddy's Boy by Snare - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,822, sterek)
Stiles has been blushing around him all week, sputtering and cheeks going red. It’s only after a pack meeting when Derek finally sees the soft pink lace peaking out from under his waistband.
you're still you by EvanesDust - (Rating: T, Words: 7,292, sterek)
[excerpt] Stiles takes a deep breath and follows the pull of their bond to the kitchen. He stops short when he sees Derek sitting at the table. His brows are furrowed with worry and his eyes are closed. But that’s not what makes Stiles’s heart skips a beat.
No, it’s the fact that Derek, his thirty-two-year-old husband, looks half his age now. As in literally half his age. There’s no way that the man sitting in front of him is older than sixteen.
“What the fuck?” Stiles blurts out, and Derek’s eyes shoot open, the chair clattering back as he stands as if Stiles surprised him. And that just goes to show that something is seriously wrong because Stiles has only ever been able to do that when Derek’s stressed and lost in thought. “What the hell happened?”
…or the murder husbands fic that’s mostly sweet while bby Derek takes care of his pregnant mate.
Neither Here Nor There by FelOllie - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 7,083, sterek)
"Yeah." Stiles ran a hand through hair he hadn't washed in days, not since he'd come home from his dad's to find the loft littered with shotgun shells, black blood staining the floor and the heavy scent of wolfsbane cloyingly thick in the air, with Derek nowhere to be found. "We'll get him back. But..."
"What?" Scott asked, crossing the floor to stand before Stiles, lifting a comforting hand to his best friend's shoulder.
Stiles met Scott's eyes, his own orbs glittering with terrified tears. "What if he's just ash by then?"
Bright by thedevilyousay  - (Rating: Not Rated, Words: 4,102, sterek)
"The strongest warlock in all the land uses his power to constantly kidnap the princess. Most people believe it’s because he’s in love with her, but they have it all wrong. He’s in love with the knight who always comes to save her."
Allison finally lets out all the air that’s been trapped in her lungs to giggle, a noise she quickly tries to cover with her hand. This is all too much though, honestly. Stiles isn’t even dressed, Derek has no idea that the mage only does this to see him, and she suddenly can’t remember if she took the kettle off the fire in Stiles kitchen before walking out here to greet her Knight. She tries to gather herself before she speaks.
Nothing Gory Means No Glory (but baby please don't bore me) by DefNotForWork - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 13,537, sterek)
“I don’t like them touching you,” he rumbled. “I don’t want anyone else touching you.” He leaned forward, and Stiles’ eyes went wide, thinking for one crazy second that the wolf might be leaning in for a kiss. He stood, frozen in place as Derek pressed in close, chest to chest, dragging his nose and then his stubbly cheek against the corner of Stiles’ slack, shocked mouth, down over his jaw and then to his neck. Stiles recognized it as scenting, but damn did it feel like so much more.
Stiles puts himself in the way of a succubus, gets munched on, Derek talks about his feelings, and then they find true love. Not strictly in that order.
At Peace by RisingQueen2 (FallenQueen2) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,801, sterek)
Stiles spies Derek looking adorably soft and can’t help but go to him.
The End is the Beginning by AClosedFicIsNeverRead - (Rating: Mature, Words: 6,496, sterek)
When Chris returned to the living room, rifle in hand, Stiles – God help him – looked so relieved. 
“Thank you,” Stiles sighed. He sat up and closed his eyes, trying to hold himself somewhat still as he waited to die.
Chris clenched his jaw. Raised his rifle. Aimed with tearful eyes. And pulled the trigger. 
- OR - 
The one where Stiles is bitten and left for dead by a rogue Alpha without anyone knowing, becomes increasingly unstable, and asks Chris Argent to put him down. It doesn't go the way he expected it would...
let the tension seep from your bones by To_fill_the_sea - (Rating: Mature, Words: 3,510, sterek)
Derek comes home from tracking a rogue alpha that was encroaching on his territory and threatening his town. When he finally fixes the problem and comes back home he finds Stiles crying in the shower. He then does what he can to soothe and help him.
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casually-eat-my-soul · 2 months
I just recently rewatched the Witcher and WOLF WITCHER DEREK HALE and jaskier coded Stiles. I absolutely love the witcher and teen wolf and their ideas kinda overlap.
Geralt and Derek have to same character dynamic —Grumpy, I could kill you on sight, only soft for one person, enough gulit in their shoulders to kill atlas. But in the end a good person who wants to be good, (Derek wanting to be a good alpha, Geralt wanting to be a knight)
Stiles and jaskier have the same coded character, uses a mask to hide the real him in public, cunning and smart, sarcastic little shits, someone who has an infinite patience for a grumpy man.
I’m going to go a little off script because although derek and stiles fit the mold of the character archetypes they would have different backgrounds/motives
So for Derek I’m picturing:
maybe he was from a rich family that were killed by the Argents (Kate 🤢) and he goes to Kaer Morhen (the wolf school) and goes through the trails. Boys his age don’t really survive the trails so the fact that he did made him the strongest to survive so they put him through the trails again making him the “alpha”. The hale pack Erica, Boyd, and Issac were also from the wolf school. He later gets called “the butcher” after he finds Kate later on and kills he and a few knights.
He was dropped off at the wolf school as a child and Talia takes him under her wing as he goes through the mutagen’s that turn him into a Witcher. Kate is one of the witches that are working on the boys, she manipulated him and uses him to sack Kaer Morhen leading to the death of most of the hale pack. Peter goes feral and he is forced to put him down leading to the nickname butcher.
For Stiles there are many different option one could go with because although he shares many traits with jaskier I cannot see him as a bard. Maybe he’s also a Witcher from the cat school who ends up traveling with Derek after it gets a little to dangerous to as a lone Witcher.
Maybe he’s a traveling healer/herbalist/apothecary who keeps running into Derek and healing him. He graduated from Oxford, and helped smuggle out elves into safer locations(spy stiles). Maybe Derek trusts him to save him because stiles smuggled him out of an argent jail cell, a move that could have cost Stiles his life. So as a thank you Derek swears to help protect him in times of need (overprotective bodyguard Derek, my beloved). Stiles allowing Derek to play out his knight fantasy by protecting him.
“Looking after you is my duty”
“Is that the only reason you do it?” (Taken from Epic the movie)
Or maybe Stiles is a spark, he studied at one of the main mage school like Aretuza, and joined the brotherhood. While there he finds a conspiracy to create new Witcher loyal to the crown and the mage schools. One of the trails, Scott. So he grabs Scott and betrays the brotherhood, leading him to seek out Derek to help. Together with the hale pack the take down the corrupt leader and the argents.
There are so many options but the potential is so amazing!! Derek who hates everyone but stiles. The soft intimacy of their interactions. Stiles healing Derek in soft candlelight, light touches on his skin as not to overwhelm him. Derek being surround by stiles scent, a safe place to rest.
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thedemonofcat · 4 months
Inspired by The Accidental Warlord and his pack, this tale originally casts Vessimer as the warlord after the Sacking of Kaer Morhen, with Geralt chosen as his heir.
When Geralt was young, freshly made into a Witcher, he met another boy, Prince Julian of Lettenhove. The plan was for Geralt and Julian to marry one day, uniting their realms into a new kingdom.
At first, their relationship was awkward, but Geralt and Julian soon developed a strong friendship. The wolf within Geralt began to see Julian as his mate.
One winter, devastating news arrived: Lettenhove had been attacked, and the entire royal family, including Julian, had been killed.
Heartbroken, Geralt spent most of his time on the path, trying to avoid any memories of Julian.
Years later, in a tavern, Geralt encounters a bard named Jaskier, who has no memory of his past. Jaskier is enslaved by a mage, typically kept in the form of a bird and only returned to human form for specific tasks.
Something about Jaskier feels strangely familiar to Geralt.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Jack Howl - Platinum Jacket Vignette
"Happy 100th Anniversary"
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
Jack: Oh, this painting has wolves in the snow chasing an intruder that was romping through their territory. Very brave of them.
Jack: And this painting… Ah, it's a wolf that raised an orphaned baby. Didn't know one did that.
Jack: There's so many wolves to be proud of.
Jack: ―Ah, oops. I can't help lingering whenever I see a painting of wolves. Since they invited me all the way out here, I should take a look at the other stuff as well.
Jack: Hm? What's that painting of those animals over there…?
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???: Oho? This is quite the tasteful art piece.
Jack: Oh you're… Malleus-senpai. So, you like this one, too?
Malleus: Indeed. It is truly a scene to behold that I could not help myself stopping before it.
Malleus: The sight of the baboon walking through the throng of animals, all whom have their heads bowed, is majestic and beautiful… Whatever could they be doing there?
Jack: I think this is… Yeah, a depiction of when all the animals gathered to celebrate the birth of their prince.
Jack: The baboon in the center there was respected by all the other animals as a real capable sorcerer.
Jack: Not only was he an amazing mage, he was also good at drawing, and was real strong, too.
Jack: Don't you think that's amazing? It's only natural that he'd remain in the history books, especially being that skilled.
Malleus: True, those with exceptional talents have a charming tendency to attract the attention of others.
Malleus: And you, Howl, seem to have quite the font of knowledge, with how you to readily are able to answer my queries...
Jack: Heh, I just a thing or two about the history of animals, since I'm a beastman, and all. Back when I was a kid, I'd have a ton of picture books, and I'd hear all about them.
Jack: But I think it was the tales of the King of Beasts that really made me actually go to the library and want to study more on it.
Jack: Take the fact that he was the leader of his pride. He must've been a head above everyone else in all his abilities.
Malleus: Heh… I'm certain that was the case. At any rate, it sounds to me as though this conversation has lit a fire inside of you.
Malleus: You seem to have some form of attachment to the King of Beasts.
Jack: I wouldn't say attachment… I just respect the way he pursued his life.
Malleus: Respect, I see. Well then, have you ever thought of seizing the position of pack leader as the King of Beasts did?
Jack: Nah. I don't like being part of a pack, and I'm not one for leadership.
Malleus: Oho? I was under the impression that wolves hunted in packs.
Jack: If we have the same end goal, sure, I'll team up with whoever. But it's not like I'll obediently wag my tail for everyone.
Jack: A pack leader needs to be wiser and more responsible than anyone else.
Jack: If the guy at the top makes the wrong judgement, then everyone else will suffer.
Malleus: So, you consider "wisdom" to be the key trait of a leader?
Jack: I mean, it's not enough to just be wise. They also have to be physically strong. There are folk out there that'll use sly and cowardly methods to do what they want.
Jack: If they don't have the strength to completely crush 'em down, they're not worthy of that spot at the top.
Malleus: Heh… You sure do tout some lofty expectations, Howl.
Jack: I just don't like compromising. And, since these are expectations, there'd be no point into setting them so low in the first place.
Jack: Sometimes people say I'm overly conscious, or a pain to deal with, but… So what?
Jack: No matter what anyone else might say, I follow what I believe in. I decided that long ago.
Malleus: Heh, I see that you're a rather stubborn one, Howl. However, I cannot say that pride is a terrible thing to have.
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Jack: So, this museum also has a painting of a young lady wishing at a well, huh.
Jack: Back home… I mean, in the Shaftlands, you'd see this pretty much everywhere, but it's been a while since I've laid eyes on one, myself.
Malleus: Hm? Is this painting that well known in the Shaftlands?
Jack: Not really this painting, so much as the actual story behind it. To the point where you'd see artwork based on it displayed all over the country.
Jack: You'll get people tryin' to make a wish in the well like she does, too.
Jack: My little sister'll run to a well every time she sees one. Not like there's any proof that it'll grant her wish, but she still does.
Malleus: You make it sound as though you've never wished upon a well, Howl.
Jack: Uh, well… I did try when I was a kid… But only once.
Malleus: Oho, and why was that?
Jack: At the moment I tried to cast my wish, I fell into the well…
Jack: At the time, I was a little too short to look over the edge of the well. So, I tried to hoist myself over the rim, but I put a little too much oomph into it.
Jack: It was an old well, so there wasn't any water, but a huge pile of fallen leaves, so I didn't get hurt… But it did startle me pretty bad then.
Jack: On top of that, that well was in the middle of the forest, where people didn't really walk past. No matter how hard I yelled, no one came by.
Malleus: What misfortune. However, as you are standing here before me today, I must assume that someone did indeed come and save you.
Jack: Nope, I got out by myself. Luckily, the inside of the well had real blocky walls, so I was able to use them as footholds as I climbed out.
Jack: But that definitely wasn't easy. Back then, I wasn't training or nothing, so I didn't really have any muscles, either.
Jack: I thought I was going to fall so many times, but somehow, I got out of there…
Jack: As soon as I got out of the well, I collapsed, 'cause I was so exhausted and just couldn't move for a while.
Jack: I really thought I was in a huge pinch there, but… At the same time, I was also a pretty impressed.
Malleus: Impressed…?
Jack: Yeah. I was having trouble just climbing up to the edge of the well in the first place, but then I was able to climb the whole well up to the surface.
Jack: I was able to do something that I didn't think I'd be able to do. That means that any wish can be granted…
Jack: So, basically, anytime I'd have extra time that would have otherwise been spent wishing on a well, I just worked out, instead.
Malleus: Fufu, you truly found an extreme approach… But I see. Essentially, this incident was not completely misfortunate.
Jack: Yeah, I'd say so. I think I'm how I am now, because of what happened there.
Jack: Now that I'm thinking of why I got into all this training, I kind of want to work out now.
Jack: When I get back to campus, I'm going to throw myself into my training even more, so that I can overcome anything I encounter with my own power!
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[Land of Dawning – National Museum of Art]
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Jack: The Queen of Hearts, huh… I feel like I see her depicted alongside animals a lot.
Malleus: True. However, that is a rather unusual bird.
Malleus: It appears to be a flamingo; however I've never seen a lime green one in my life.
Jack: From what I heard, in the country that the Queen of Hearts ruled over there were flamingos of various colors, not just pink.
Jack: When Heartslabyul do their traditional croquet tournaments, they use magic to color the animals to match this tale.
Malleus: Oho? You certainly know much about this.
Jack: Me and those two from Ramshackle got invited by Ace and Deuce to play croquet with them, so…
Jack: It's just something I heard back then.
Jack: …Ugh, man. Talking about it reminded me of how I lost pretty bad then.
Malleus: Those in Heartslabyul are quite familiar with croquet. Is it not surprising to lose to them?
Jack: Even if I've never played it before, I'm usually pretty good at any sport I try. Only…
Jack: The croquet they play in Heartslabyul has real weird rules, and you need to get the animals to work with you.
Jack: During our game, the flamingo and hedgehogs were nervous only with me, so they didn't move like I was hoping they would.
Jack: They weren't scared of Grim and [Yuu], even though they were also playing with us...
Jack: The fact that I lost without being able to do anything really frustrates me.
Jack: Or more like… Can that game even be called a sport, in the first place?
Malleus: Certainly, I would agree that it is a far cry different from what one would consider an ordinary sport. I was also surprised when I first observed it.
Jack: You think so too, right!? It's just weird, needing to work alongside the animals like that...
Jack: Seeing that all the sport-loving types in my dorm haven't ever played it before…
Jack: I really don't think they could even be put in the same category. But I can't deny that I did lose the game.
Jack: When the next time comes that I play croquet with them, I can't show a terrible display like that again.
Jack: So that just means that I have to keep up in my Animal Linguistics classes!
Malleus: I see. So, ever since you lost, you've been continuing to improve yourself.
Malleus: They do say that the languages of smaller animals is rather difficult to absorb. Good for you, putting your all into even a mere game.
Jack: That's 'cause I don't want to lose the same game twice. Next time, I'll make Ace and Deuce lose face.
Malleus: Fufu, I shall hope for your efforts to be successful.
Malleus: ―Well then, I shall make my way to a different exhibit. You should also make an effort to look at some more of your favorite paintings.
Jack: …There he goes. He just does his own thing, huh? I really don't know what goes through his head.
Jack: Well, whatever. I guess I'll head towards another exhibit too. …Hm? This painting…
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Jack: Ah, a lion prince, and his hornbill attendant. Heh, how can such a pathetic lookin' lion really become king?
Jack: I'll only ever accept someone strong. If they're to be king, they need to have the power to crush all greedy and sleazy people down.
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Requested by Anonymous.
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green-eyedfirework · 5 months
It was a slow day, and Dick was finally getting around to reorganizing his herbs after Tim and Cass had gone through them.  He loved his little siblings, he really did, but Tim’s organizational system could only be comprehended by him, and Cass had a bad habit of not cleaning up after herself.  His last client had hobbled home to finish resting her once-broken ankle, the house call to the new mother and baby was over in early morning, and he had all the time to rearrange his cupboard.
The door creaked, and a shift of fresh air tugged at his hair, accompanied by heavy, bold footsteps.
Well.  Dick stared at the array of herbs spread around him and sighed.  Maybe he should invite Jason over, his little brother wouldn’t be able to help himself from organizing Dick’s stuff.  “I’m coming,” Dick called out, levering himself off the floor and clearing a path to the front with a snap of his fingers.
Three sets of footsteps and no greeting, so Dick wasn’t expecting anyone from the village.  He lived a little further into the woods—closer to the plants he needed and the wild call of nature he used to replenish his magic—but most of his clients came from the village.  They were familiar and friendly.
He sensed the spark of wild magic a second before he saw the scowls on their faces.  Werewolves.
“Hello,” he said pleasantly.  “What can I do for you today?”
The one in the lead, silver hair bound tightly in a braid, bared her teeth at him.  It would’ve been a lot more intimidating if she wasn’t a teenager.  “You can come with us, mage,” she sneered, “We require your services.”
There was a chill down his spine, easily brushed off.  Everyone and their pet wanted a collared mage—the trouble was putting the collar on them in the first place.  Someone like Dick, who’d honed their magic for years?  It would be easier to put a leash on a werewolf.
Healing and killing were two sides of the same coin, after all.
“Are you injured?  Is someone in your pack injured?” Dick asked, still pleasant as he sent out a testing probe.  Three werewolves here, three more skulking at his back window, two outside the front door.  No more in the immediate vicinity, but their pack had be close by for a show of force this large.
The posturing werewolf snapped her teeth.  “We have enough wolves to take you down,” she threatened, “Either you come with us quietly, or we’ll drag you behind us.”
Dick let his smile drop.  “Well,” he said in the tone of voice he used whenever he found Tim and Damian fighting, “That’s rude.”
On his little brothers, it could barely quiet a vehement argument.  On the wolves, it sent them skittering a step back, hackles raised.
“You’re coming with us,” the wolf said, but her voice wavered, her gaze locked on his hands as he rested them on the table.
The door behind them swung open.  In the distance, they could hear growls and curses.  “You should probably not threaten a mage in their own home,” Dick chided lightly, and flicked his fingers.
The wolf’s eyes widened to pale blue saucers, but she couldn’t get out more than a half-strangled, “Wait—” before they were spun out and the door slammed shut behind them.
Dick exhaled slowly, and let the sparks of magic recede back under his skin.  Then he stepped back, over the piles of unsorted jars, and picked up his satchel.
The curse is a nasty, sunken, barbed thing.  Half of it is hidden, which means that Dick spends more of his magic than is wise before he realizes the scope of the thing, realizes he can’t just yank the thing out.
Under his hands, the wolf is screaming.  He does his best to tune it out.
The surge of magic battling magic is enough to keep any interference away, so Dick settles into the slower, longer, more meticulous path of prying the curse out, tendril by tendril.  It fights his attempts to destroy it as he goes, so he has to expend even more magic on containing it until he can get the whole thing out.
It’s tedious, draining work.  It’s gone firmly dark by the time he finishes sliding the last piece out, and the twist it takes to compress the curse into a tiny speck and shred it to whispers nearly makes him stagger.  His magic reserves have gone distressingly low.
Dick abruptly remembers where he is.  The camp around him is full of wolf growling, loud and agitated.  His patient is passed out, skin gray and clammy and looking ten times worse than when Dick started.  The cuts—the cuts are bleeding freely, red and thick.
He needs to leave.  He has just enough magic to put on a show of force if needed, and he needs every last sliver to bluff his way out.  He cannot be caught here.  Not by a pack that’s already expressed interest in putting a collar around his neck.
The boy is bleeding.  He will die, werewolf healing or not.  Dick can sense the corruption the curse wrecked, magic gone but its effects lingering.  If he heals this, it’ll take every scrap of magic he has left.
It’s a choice that’s not a choice.  Dick’s a healer.  He can’t go against his nature.
Dick breathes in and breathes out, and lets his magic pour out.
Heart and lungs and kidney and liver, a thousand tears in muscle where the wolf tried to fight the curse, blood loss and weakened bone and a hundred small damages.  The cuts, large and bloody, slowly knitted together under his trembling fingers.  Too slowly.
His vision is going black.  Dick fights it, fights it with every breath.  As long as he can remain upright when it’s done, as long as he can walk out—he’s proved his fighting capabilities, as long as he gives them no reason to doubt him—
Dick’s head swims.  When he forces himself back to consciousness, he’s half-collapsed against the bed.  He uses the movement to examine the wounds, as though that was his intention all along, his heart pounding loud and sluggish.  They’re almost closed.
Something pops in his ears and the growling disappears to a low buzzing.
He does one last check for any lingering damage as pink, waxy skin unfurls across the wounds.  There are some minor injuries left, but the werewolf can heal those on his own as soon as he’s gotten some food.
It’s time for him to go.
Dick curls shaking hands on the edge of the bed and allows himself one breath before he lets go.  Everything is curiously muffled, muffled and ringing, and when he drags his head up, he can see the alpha on the other side of the bed.
Mouth moving.  He’s saying something.  Dick can’t hear him.
He takes a step back, away from the bed, away from the alpha—he needs to get out, needs to watch for a path, needs to avoid being cornered because all he has is dregs and it’s not enough to scare off a bear.
His head aches, like someone took a hammer to it.
Dick needs to leave.  Now.  Only he’s not sure he can turn without everything spinning.  The ground feels like it’s roiling under his feet.
He blinks, and the alpha is suddenly much closer.  Dick stumbles back another step in surprise.  His stomach turns over, but there’s nothing in it.  He worked too long and without food.
Dick has to get out.  He has to—everything inside him is screaming danger—he can’t stay, they want to keep him, he needs to leave—
Something wet touches his lips.  Dick raises a hand, feeling like he’s moving underwater, and wipes it across his mouth.
It comes away red.
It’s the last thing he remembers seeing.
No one can get to Grant, no one can even touch him with all the magic swirling around the mage, and Slade is forced to stand there, a few steps away, and watch his firstborn scream under the onslaught.
Nothing works to stop it.  Not words, not weapons, not every magic-dampening sigil they’ve ever collected.  Slade can do nothing but wait.
Grant stops screaming.  His wounds run red and red and red.  Slade’s claws are fully extended—he will tear the mage from limb to limb if it’s the last thing he does.  He just needs an opening.
Slade doesn’t know how long before the magic falters.  It’s just a second, but the second is enough to register how much worse Grant looks, like the mage is draining his life away.  By the gods and the moon, they should’ve left it alone.  At least Slade would’ve been able to hold his son while he died.  At least he wouldn’t be in so much pain.
The magic swirls back before anyone can attack, and the pack paces restlessly along the perimeter.  Everyone’s expressions are twisted in grief and fury.
The mage will not leave here alive.  That much Slade swears.
The magic is…quieting almost.  Like it’s slowly winding down.  Still impenetrable—Rose tries and fails to get past it, but the shimmer is receding.  Slade stares at Grant, half-dreading that his son is already dead.
But Grant’s chest still rises and falls.  The amount of blood loss is…shrinking.  The wounds seem to be closing over.  In fact, when Slade darts a glance at his son’s face, Grant appears to be getting better.
His skin is no longer ashen, his breaths are fuller, and as the magic recedes, Slade steps forward, stuck in an incredulous daze.  Grant looks better.  Grant looks like he’s healing.
Slade pays no attention to the mage’s movements, his gaze fixed on the miracle in front of him.
The magic dies down to nothing but flickers, and Slade can finally touch his son again.  Grant is warm and alive and healthy under his fingers, and Slade lets out a shuddering gasp.
“Thank you,” he says hoarsely, lifting his gaze to the mage.  He doesn’t know what the man did, but Grant is alive, Grant is healed, Grant is safe.  “I don’t know how I can ever repay you—”
The mage looks terrible.  His skin is waxy and gray, his eyes sunken, his frame curled in on himself.  He’s trembling, and his breaths keep breaking.  As Slade watches, the mage takes a step back and nearly trips on flat ground.
“Hello?” Slade calls out slowly, tension creeping back in.  “Hello, can you hear me?”
The mage looks at him blankly.
Slade rounds the bed, casting one last glance at Grant—alive, healthy, alive—before inching closer to the mage, who looks as worse as Grant had at the start.  Slade doesn’t know a whole lot about mages and magic, but he doesn’t think this is a good thing.
“Can you hear me?” Slade repeats, before he notices the red creeping down from the mage’s ears.  The mage’s expression has gone unfocused.  There’s red creeping out of his nose too, blood smearing across his lips, and the mage raises a hand to wipe it off.
He blinks down at the blood on his hand.  And then he crumples.
Slade is close enough to lunge and catch him before he cracks his head open on the ground, and the mage is alarmingly light.  “What’s the matter with him?” Slade growls as the pack presses in, all concerned murmurs.
Villain manages to fight his way to the front.  “Magic overuse,” he diagnoses after taking in the mage’s—too weak—pulse and examining his face.  “He’s drained himself nearly dry.”
Slade looks back at Grant, sleeping peacefully on the cot, and down at the mage, who appears to be two and a half steps from death’s door.
“Will he recover?” he can hear himself ask.  Slade was willing to do near anything for his son’s health, but to use a life to restore life?  That kind of sacrifice, from someone not pack—
“He should.  Time, and rest, and enough food.  Come, he’s too cold, he needs to be kept warm.”
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A few rough sketches of my original characters that will appear in my Debtors of Inkwell comic! OCs won't have too much of a role in my AU but I thought it'd be fun to share them anyway. Also, these designs might change very slightly when they appear in the comic.
Baron Biscotti and Baroness Beignet VonBonBon, the kind and regal rulers of the fief of Sugarland, and parents of Baroness Brioche BonBon.
Winona Warbles, wife to Wally Warbles and mother to Willy Warbles, who gets bored of domestic bliss and leaves the nest.
Barnaby Bailley, the eccentric ringmaster of the Traveling Inkwell Circus and Beppi's mentor and father figure.
Olga Berg is Hilda Berg's grandmother, renowned mage who was one of the founders of Hexenwerks Magierakademie (Academy of Magic).
The Primordial Ooze is a manifestation of hate that haunts Goopy Le Grande and fills him with self-doubt.
Gourdy 'O Hallow is a down on his luck bum who helps The Root Pack get back on their feet.
Nikos the Goatherd knew The Legendary Chalice and the Calix Amini hundreds of years ago.
Scylla and Charybdis, the two aunts of Cala Maria, who teach her about the world dividing men and monsters.
Nefurrtiti is an ancient deity that Djimmi The Great befriends on his travels.
The Patient is an ill-fated figure that is a passenger on The Phantom Express.
Privates Fidget and Hodgepodge are two of Werner's fellow soldiers drafted into the Inkwell fighting forces.
Sir Chaucer Canterbury is a knight who has found his own calling and befriends Grim Matchstick.
Gustavo the Gardenia, Pascal the Pansy, and Bailey the Bluebell are flowers that live in the garden with Cagney.
Vespa Flaxenjacket is a wasp from the other side of the island who has her eyes on Rumor's hive and empire.
Shep Hyde, who's determined to make his client, Sally, a star and might be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
"JugORum" Bellows, father of Ribby and Croaks, who has ties to the Moonshine Mob.
There's a few others I haven't illustrated yet, and then there will be several NPCs from the game that will be important (I'll be drawing some of them too!), as well as the Debtors/bosses themselves being the main characters! I'm really excited to start working on this AU again! Hope you like em!
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army93bangya · 8 months
The Moon Goddess’s Chosen | Chapter 3 | MYG [M]
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*Chapter 3
*Summary: A mate connection has been made between Y/N and Alpha Min. What will Y/N's Father and Darius do now? How will Yoongi and Y/N react?
*Genre/Rating: Mature, 18+, Werewolf/Fated mates, eventual smut? 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️
*Warnings/Potential Triggers: Talks of Child Abuse, Abuse, Non-con Touching, Mistreatment, Non-con Confinement, Angst, Anxiety, Nervousness, Character Poisoning, Explicit Language, Mention of plotting Murder, Mention of Murder/Massacre, Reader is going thru it, Confrontation, Violence, Choking, Panic Attack, Possible future Smut,….more to be added in future chapters
*Disclaimer: This work was written and owned by Army93bangya and there is no consent for anyone else to post it as theirs, this story is intended for entertainment purposes only, this is a work of fantasy, seems a bit ridiculous to say but I do not own or have rights to BTS or the members and the characters in this story are a fictional interpretation of members.
*Words: 3780
*Notes: This chapter was harder to type out than the previous ones. I knew how I wanted this to go in my head but getting it out and written took me awhile. Nevertheless, I am satisfied with how it turned out and I hope you the readers can pick up on the words and emotions that are unspoken here. I have a feeling the next chapter might take me longer to get out but please be patient with me. 😊 I would love to hear thoughts after reading, it makes me very happy! As always thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!
Previous Chapter ------- Next Chapter
Fuck her. When you come back to yourself that's the first thought you have, being faced with the situation before you. Alpha Min is your fated mate. The alpha that massacred not one, not two, but three packs. The alpha that enlisted rogues, criminals, to aid him in his atrocious endeavors. She supposedly blessed him, giving him strength more immense than any other living alpha. Then she gave him her mage wolf, you, as his fated mate. She champions this alpha that murders, who seems to have no benevolence for innocent life among the bad. What is her vision? Whatever it is you want no part of it anymore, and yet she has once again chosen your path in life for you, she compelled you to make eye contact, commanded you to make the connection to this alpha with a force so powerful you had no choice but to oblige.
Alpha Min is standing about ten feet from you, who is just about being fully held up by Darius’s grip at this point. You loathe to admit that to you, he is the most attractive man you have ever laid eyes upon. With pale skin, eyes that seem to be able to glimpse into a person's soul, hair so dark it is almost black, and long enough to reach the nap of his neck while also framing his face. And what an exquisite face it is. What is surprising is that for a wolf who is said to be some high-powered alpha, his stature does not match up to his speculated reputation. You now understand Darius’s outburst earlier a little more now, but you of all people know that looks can be deceiving. If you yourself were to stand right in front of Alpha Min, the top of your head would probably reach slightly above his shoulders. You're supposed to be powerful as well, but you are short for a wolf and at the moment you just look and feel pitiful.
He does not acknowledge the person that greeted him. No, instead he is staring you down with an expression so blank you wonder if he has any emotions at all. What is he going to do? He knows you’re his mate now. Holy shit your father! Your father and Darius are right here too! Throwing a quick glance towards the man, your fathers body language speaks of his frustration and rage at the situation before him. His fists clenched and the look behind his eyes burning with intent to kill, although you know he won’t pull anything with so many people around to witness. You internally start to be filled with even more panic. What is your father going to do now that you have made the connection to your mate? Darius and him have both told you if you bonded, they would kill your mate. But this alpha is formidable, you can feel the power radiating off of him while you are left feeling faint from all the stress you have gone through today, the wolfsbane, the mate connection being made, it is all too much.
“You're Unwell.” Eyes growing wider you stare at his now back to normal dark brown ones as those are the first two words he utters and they’re directed at you. You can't even process what he means by his words to think of a response before Darius is answering for you. “She is fine, Alpha Min, just tired. The day has been long already and we were just about to retire back to our camp.” Fuck! Darius' arm that's almost fully holding you up looks possessive, his scent is still all over you, and now he is speaking for you. To any wolf that sees the two of you it's blatantly obvious that he is laying claim to you. At this point though you pray that this alpha does not dispute or is hopefully disgusted by this display and walks away, walks away from his fated mate, from you. You who has obviously been chosen by another, even without being marked, and you never thought you would see the day when you would be okay with Darius’s disgusting possessive nature of you. But the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know, and right now Alpha Min is definitely not someone you want to get to know. His entire aura feels threatening. The concerning part though is how Alpha Min is reacting, even with you in Darius’s arms, and his words.
Like before Alpha Min does not physically respond to Darius’s words either, which you just know is infuriating the bonehead to no end, being so disregarded has got to bruise that over-inflated ego. He just continues to gaze upon you, but there is a flicker of expression on his face, you try to decipher the best you can, but are left confused when the only thing you can come up with for that fleeting change was apprehension? Concern? You're not sure but don't have time to consider anymore, because Alpha Min, for the first time since you made eye contact with him, and a mate connection, looks away from you.
He looks away from you, then directly at Darius in a way that seems to say he has less worth than a bug underneath the alphas boot, before finally settling on your father, who has been quietly observing and assessing the situation so far. Probably trying to come up with a new plan, because there is no way in hell they thought an alpha this powerful would be your mate, even with all the stories of a mage wolf's mate being born strong enough to protect the goddesses chosen. Oh. Well now that makes sense, why the moon goddess would bless this alpha. The fact that you had yet to put together this corresponding correlation makes you feel incredibly dumb. Alpha Min's posture is relaxed and you can't help but think that it is done in an arrogant, mocking manner. To appear so unbothered being surrounded by so many who might wish you harm shows an extreme level of either confidence or ignorance, and you just know it's the former. 
“Rumors almost always have a measure of truth to them. Shall I enlighten you on some of those truths?” Holy Shit! How? How could he have known that's what was being discussed by these three, they were speaking low enough, and he had to be far enough away that even wolf hearing should not have been able to pick up on it! Darius' mouth falls open in shock surprise, Alpha Sharp takes a quick inhale of breath, and your father impressively appears undisturbed, which does not bode well. Gone is the subtle rage you were able to discern from being ‘raised’ by the man, when he presents such a passive exterior, you know that he is conspiring. Suddenly three of your fathers betas appear and position themselves around your group, ready to defend or attack at command. Alpha Min does not respond to the betas whatsoever, doesn't move or withdraw even a inch. Your father studies the younger alpha before responding. “If you wish to regale us with the truths of mindless gossip, Alpha Sharp and I shall oblige you. Darius, why don't you take Y/N back to camp now to rest?”
Darius starts to turn with you when Alpha Min's eyes transfer to him with such a sinister look you can't help the shiver that runs through your body, reminding you of your pain all over again. “Move one step and both your arms will be removed from your body before your pack betas can even think to intervene.” Five men appear and stand behind Alpha Min forming a half circle, faces serious and ready for trouble. His betas. You freeze, Darius freezes. Before anyone else can respond Alpha Min shoots a quick glance at the arm wrapped around you and then looks away from the two of you, focusing back on your father like he didn’t just issue a threat. 
“The ‘mindless’ gossip questions if I have been blessed by the goddess and born stronger than that of a normal wolf. But if the goddess truly was to bless me upon my birth would she just give me enhanced strength? Or enhanced senses as well. For example, hearing amplified enough that it is effortless for me to hear conversations and gossip better done in private.” You're stunned. In fact you think everybody on your side of this confrontation is mutely astounded. He smirks. “Or maybe even my sense of smell so heightened I could smell my mate from a half a mile away, even with her completely enveloped in your mutts scent.” He looks back at you, smirk gone, and you can definitely see the scarce worry in his eyes now. It leaves you feeling bewildered and uncomfortable. 
“While Alpha Sharp was relaying you with all the humorous stories that are being told about myself and my pack, I couldn't help but inspect my mate's appearance. What's concerning is how unwell she appears to be while you three chatter on around her outwardly unaware of her distress.” His expression turns tense while still somehow appearing calm. “I was puzzled as to why none of you seemed to notice or care about her noticeable discomfort. So I decided to come over to check on her myself.” His eyes have now turned frigid, the murderous aura radiating off him enough to have just about any wolf running for it with their tail between their legs. “Imagine my surprise when I got closer only to notice another scent coming from her. A normal wolf would not be able to pick up the scent with such a miniscule amount.” He turns his full body to your father, giving him a look promising hell on earth and retribution. “Wolfsbane. This she-wolf has wolfsbane in her system, and judging by the fact that you two seem untroubled this entire time, I can only conclude that you are both aware of the poison coursing through her.”
Silence. Utter silence with what must be shock before Alpha Sharp seems to recover and respond. “That is a serious accusation Alpha Min, One that only you can seemingly prove if you can smell the wolfsbane on her like you say you can.” Your Father immediately cuts in. “It's insulting and incredulous is what it is! Why on earth would you think that I, her father, or my successor, who is to be her chosen mate, would poison her!?” He's quite the actor, he seems considerably offended. Studying the man you can see his body is radiating stress, this day has not gone the way he was hoping and now he has to come up with a different plan immediately. The tension is permeating the area surrounding you and starting to draw attention from onlookers. 
Alpha Min turns his head back towards you and inspects your person with an intense expression. You refuse to look at him instead choosing to stare at the ground before your feet. You didn’t need to see this alpha viewing you with such pity and aversion, Or worse would be  him inspecting you like you are his property. That is about all you feel like anymore, seen as nothing but property. He must notice the attention that has been brought to this conflict, because his next words are much lower to only be heard by the wolves in his vicinity. “Some of the Min packs history is known by all. But as the last Alpha of that pack's son, I was raised learning so much history of not just the Min pack, but the Kim pack as well. History that other packs were not privy too. I know what the gifts that were given to me by the moon goddess means, know what purpose they are meant to serve.” He focuses back on your father with an amused look, like catching a petulant child in a poorly made scheme. 
“Did you honestly think her mate wouldn’t be able to tell who she is? Even without my knowledge of what she is I could tell as soon as the connection was made. You’ve been hiding her from the world Alpha Y/L/N. Which explains the wolfsbane and her current state, i'm guessing you poisoned her to keep her weak and compliant, your lackey scenting her enough to mask her scent, It's quite a clever plan but in the end proved futile.” Your mate is quite perceptive and you can't help but think that doesn’t bode well for you either. This entire situation is fucked. You look up and survey Alpha Sharp. At Alpha Min's words, he is looking at your father with confusion. As his ally and close friend, maybe he is hoping the man will enlighten him as to what the hell the younger alpha is going on about. Despite your jest about his intelligence earlier, you know that Alpha Sharp is very clever and it will not take him long for the puzzle to be put together.
“What do you want? You can not have my daughter, she has been promised to Darius and even if she wasn’t I will not allow her to leave my pack. So we will have to come to some other arrangement.” Astonished. You are utterly astonished that your father has now sunk to bargaining with this alpha. Your mind racing, you begin to ponder what could possibly be going through his head right now. He must be desperate in his desire to keep your abilities to himself. After analyzing your father for a long moment, Alpha Min finally opens his mouth to respond. “Other than my mate you have nothing that I could possibly want. And you are going to give her to me, Otherwise it would be quite unfortunate for you to have your secret come out here. With so many packs gathered I can not begin to imagine how they would take hearing such deception all together, what actions would arise from such treachery. My only internal conflict is would I stand by and watch the brutal justice that would most likely ensue, or partake in the execution that I am sure would be quite creative. As for your lapdog, I find that he is too ignorant and would be an inadequate mate for someone such as her. A very poor choice on your part.”
The scene that unfolds before you has you on the verge of passing out, whether it be from terror or your current condition finally taking its toll is undetermined. Darius for the first time since you got to this clearing releases you from his hold causing you to drop to the ground like a sack of potatoes, and begins to charge at Alpha Min. The betas all move to respond, but it is the Bangtan pack betas that advance quicker. Three of the unknown men have your fathers betas on the ground pinned at the same moment like it was some synchronized dance they practiced for months. Another of your fated mates betas has made the decision to progress to you. Kneeling himself behind you, he then gently lifts you into a sitting position, taking your weight and cradling you in a protective way. Utterly alarmed you begin to attempt to move away but he shushes you in a comforting manner before whispering in your ear. “It is okay Luna, we will get you out of here and seen by a healer soon. Just rest.” What the hell did he just call you!?! Hearing that title directed at you from this betas lips has left you completely dumbstruck causing you to cease any half-assed attempt to flee.
A hair-raising growl rings out, drawing your attention away from the beta that is basically back hugging you, to the scene developing a few paces in front of you. Alpha Min has Darius lifted in the air with a hand around his throat, his last remaining beta positioned in a defensive stance between his leader and the two remaining alphas. But both Alpha Sharp and your father are motionless as if they have been paralyzed. It is an inconceivable thing to behold that would make you wonder if you’ve finally lost your mind, if not for the shock that has seemed to grip everyone. Alpha Min, who is perhaps four inches shorter and weighing maybe thirty-five to forty pounds less than Darius, has his arm locked and raised completely above his head with your fathers chosen heir in his grasp. His wolf side has come forth through his eyes again and a fierce look on his face promising suffering to the man he is depriving of oxygen. 
Darius has both hands at work between gripping the hand attached to his neck trying to pry it off and slapping at the alphas arm attempting to break the hold. He has panic in his eyes and you wonder if this alpha, your fated mate, is about to kill him in front of all these packs. But Darius changes his efforts realizing due to the height difference just how close he is to the alphas body that has him hoisted in the air. He draws his right leg back with the intent to drive it into Alpha Min’s body, hopefully landing a blow that will cause the alpha to release him. But the now proven blessed alpha is quicker, right when Darius’s leg is drawn back as far as it can go and before he can propel it forward, Alpha Min swings his body and the arm that he is using to restrain Darius and launches him toward your father. 
Darius lands right at your fathers' feet and begins coughing with quick attempted inhales while clutching his neck. The man that has done his part in tormenting you for the last few years is curled on the ground looking as pitiful as he always tried to make you feel. Your father is glaring at Alpha Min with a look full of hatred. The younger alpha composes himself and looks to you in the arms of his beta before examining the rest of the situation at hand. At his nod the three betas that have been subduing your fathers' wolves release them and immediately two of them come over to guard you while the third joins the beta at his alphas side and resumes a defensive position. Alpha Sharp has disappeared from the area, probably to find his betas. You didn't think he would be one to abandon his closest ally and friend, but then again if he has figured out the implications of Alpha Min's words you do not know how he will take your fathers deception.
Your father has been bested and he knows it. If he tries to object to your mate taking you he will be outed and most likely killed with his head spiked onto a piece of wood from one of the many piles in the clearing. If he engages in a fight with the Bangtan pack there is no guarantee that he would come out victorious, in-fact with the display the younger alpha and three of his betas just demonstrated you father has no chance if he attacks head on. Not to mention in the midst of a mate gathering, spilling blood or killing will get your pack banned from future gatherings which would be detrimental to the pack. As it is right now, this skirmish can be concealed as two wolves disputing over a mate, which is not uncommon at gatherings and a believable excuse.  You see the moment your fathers expression changes to a beaten frustration, resigning himself to the inevitable outcome.  
You know that this isn't the end of it, your father will not go quietly and accept defeat so easily. He is probably currently fuming with rage over everything that has occurred this day. Your mate finding you and it being none other than the blessed Alpha Min Yoongi. Not being able to manipulate the situation and turn it in his favor, which he is an expert at. The embarrassment he is probably feeling over Darius’s failed attack and that he was defeated so easily. No, your father is going to yield and comply today so that he can regroup, come up with a sinister plan he can execute in the shadows, and be able to get away with. All of this deductive reasoning brings you to a horrifying realization, your father is going to let Alpha Min take you. He is going to take you and there is nothing that you can do to stop it, too weak to fight back and you hardly think he is the type to listen to you if you verbally refuse. 
The new wave of panic you feel is too much, you're breathing harder now. Ears ringing and your vision going in and out of focus, you know you are very close to passing out. It is all too much, you can't hold on for much longer. You feel arms tighten on you a fraction before you are being lifted with an arm around your back and another under your knees. You hear the beta carrying you, the one that named you his luna, call out to his alpha. Alpha Min has been staring down your father looking for the cue that there will be no further intervention from him or his pathetic protege, who is just now sitting up from the fetal position he was in. Upon hearing his beta, he glances to see you in the man's arms struggling to remain conscious.
“I’ve got her Jimin, we need to get her back to camp quickly and have the healer take a look at her.” Those are the words that you hear but it all sounds hazy, like you are underwater and there is a loud boom coming from above. You feel slightly jostled as you are being transferred from one pair of arms into another. Oh. These arms smell nice. In your unaware state, you find yourself shifting your head to bury your face where the scent is strongest. Nose pressed directly against skin, you inhale and begin to feel your entire body relax as it sinks further into the depths of a comatose like state. It smells like comfort, like settling into a warm comfy bed after a long day. It is utter relief. The last thing your senses pick up on before you are plunged completely under is a rumbling coming from the soothing scent, and you think it means contentment.
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captainkirkk · 22 days
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
how to return home by JBS_Forever
Flash Thompson is a good person, but not a great one, so when Peter Parker accidentally gets drunk at his house party, all he can do is say, “Shit.”
Or: the one where Flash is just trying to be a decent person and get a drunk Peter home. Peter, on the other hand, has different plans.
scandal of the century by joshriku
The headline reads:
“All right,” Charles says. “I wouldn’t call it steamy, you know, that’s an exaggeration.”
“That is seriously not the point, Professor,” Jean answers.
(A sex tape is leaked. PR crisis ensues).
two vigilantes carry a cake across gotham by JBS_Forever
Jason's had a nagging suspicion that Bruce keeps stalker-esque levels of tabs on all the places he’s lived, so when Tim Drake shows up at his apartment door, it takes only a half second for Jason to level his gun directly at Tim's stupid face and to say, bored, “Give me one reason not to shoot you.”
Honestly, he knew Bruce had a problem, but sending a bat to his doorstep? This is just ridiculous.
Or: in a scheming attempt to make them bond, Bruce forces Jason and Tim on what should be a simple quest: retrieve Alfred’s birthday cake from across town and make it back before the party.
But this is Gotham. And nothing is ever simple in Gotham.
racing on the thunder by merils
Fortunately or unfortunately, Clark Kent is kind of used to getting phone calls about his too-curious-for-her-own-good wife being held hostage somewhere. Superman usually handles it.
Conner Kent gets a phone call meant for Clark Kent, who is Superman, who is currently in space. Uh.... Have no fear, Superboy is here!
What could possibly go wrong?
Original Works
Halfway Home for Wayward Mages by hoebiwan
Part 24 of mage in a wolf pack (This whole series kills me)
He wouldn’t mind it if Lada collared him, if Khalida or Dimitri collared him, because none of them have forced him to hurt anyone, whether human or wolf. They mostly just want him to—
Live, Jaime. Live.
In which the wolves rescue Jaime, but he doesn't realize he's free.
the sin eater by whitegeraniums (puertoricansuperman)
Part 25 of mage in a wolf pack
Lada, alpha of the Hearthstone wolf pack, finds herself in possession of a captured, broken werewolf hunter.
Keeping Ones Head Down by ApoplecticAtPeace
Part 3 of May You be Noticed by The Fire Lord
Bao lost his ability to walk when he was 19. Despite the prejudice of many Fire Nation citizens, he got a job as an accountant in the Royal palace, in the Department of Education. After 11 years of working quietly, keeping his head down and allowing his work to be claimed by others, he expected nothing to change when Fire Lord Zuko took the throne. He didn't expect the entire department to be reformed under the new Minister Shu-Lin, and Bao's overlooked position with it.
Clone Wars
Something in the heart beat like a drum by CombatBootsandDreams
Most Jedi only have to take three formal sexual education classes. Obi-Wan, in all their blessed biology has to take five.
Or: Obi-Wan growing up in a galaxy where Stewjoni are Succubi. This changes very little--but it does make certain things a hell of lot more interesting.
A Stewjoni are succubus au that has way less to do with sex, & is more about logistics, medical problems, and cuddling. Featuring Qui-Gon being an excellent master, codywan, aromantic Quinlan Vos, Obi-Wan using he/they/she pronouns, and plenty of costume changes.
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Howl Little Sister: My big brother is the coolest Savanaclaw mage!
Cheka: No, my unc'a is cooler!!!
Note: To give y’all age references, Cheka is canonically 5 and Jack’s little sister is 7. Jack also has a younger brother (not featured in this particular interaction) that is 11!
M-Mentor L*ona... OTL
Family means Nobody is Left Behind or Forgotten.
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Tch, babysitting’s such a pain in the tail.
Laid across a warm rock, Leona yawned and grumpily flipped onto his side. He had hoped to retreat from the bustle of Family Day in his territory, but alas. Noise—those damn kids—followed him wherever he sauntered for silence. Falling asleep in three seconds or under was a talent—but for as talented as Leona was, he couldn’t ignore the growing racket around him.
Cracking open one keen green eye, his gaze slid over to a pair of arguing children and the poor freshman hovering over them. Jack glanced between a wolf girl that wore a similar scowl as him and a lion cub with fluffy red hair—a prince.
Cheka was puffing up his cheeks and squealing, “Nooo, Ojitan’s cooler!! He plays magift and he said he’ll teach me how to play the next time he visits home!”
“Well, my big bro could outrun and outlift your uncle!! He gets good grades and he cares lots about me!! So he has strong muscles, a strong brain, and a strong heart! Those are all important for being a good mage!”
“Ojitan plays with me tons when I come to NRC! He can make stuff go poof into sand just by touching it, so he’s kinder and stronger! He can also beat me and papa and Kifaji at chess, so he’s smarter too!”
“Sis, drop it,” Jack cut in awkwardly. He looked mildly uncomfortable, like a stiff cactus that had cropped up in a field of flowers. Intervention, Leona scoffed, is not his forte. “It’s not that important.”
“No way,” his sister snapped, fiercely indignant. “I’m right and I know it!!”
“Can we at least compromise?”
“NO!!” both children shouted in union. On that, they could agree on.
“Urk…!” Jack’s ears flattened in defeat.
From his resting spot, Leona chortled, and Jack’s ears automatically stood again, hopeful. “L-Leona-senpai, sir…!”
“Don’t bother, it’s a waste of your time and energy,” his dorm leader replied. “Let the tykes fight until they tucker themselves out. It builds character.”
“See?” Cheka smiled and clapped excitedly. “Ojitan’s so cool! He knows how to fix problems.”
“What part of that was ‘fixing' this problem? Nothing's fixed!"
They exploded into a fresh fit of arguments. Emboldened for their own cause.
Leona groaned, a growl rumbling in the back of his throat. A migraine started to set in, wisps of a dull pain running along his skull. At this rate, he would never catch up on all his missed nap time.
Better settle this now then.
He begrudgingly pulled himself up, resting an arm on one leg, and raised his voice above the juvenile squabbling. It was low and spiced with sweetness—just enough to lure in his prey.
“Jack,” Leona drawled, “I couldn’t ask for a more model student. As your dorm leader, I’m proud to call you my own.”
“What? Saying that all of a sudden… Where is this coming from?”
“I’m serious,” Leona insisted, a little louder than he had before. Smooth, resonant. Cheka and Jack’s little sister stopped and stared.
“You… are?” Jack looked just as confused as the children did.
Leona nodded. “You humble yourself, but your character is truly morally upstanding and straight as an arrow. You care so much for the kids you’ll put yourself between them in an attempt to get them to hold hands and sing kumbaya.”
Leona held up both of his hands and sighed. “I concede. You have me entirely beat. I can’t possibly hope to hold a candle to you.”
“Er, that’s not exactly what I—”
His dorm leader was quick to cut him off. “What’d I tell you? As humble as they come.”
Both Cheka and the young Howl appeared utterly entranced by the net his words had cast. It wad as easy as throwing a zebra leg to a pack of starving hyenas.
Leona smirked to himself and reclined back into his napping spot.
There, spat settled.
“He’s right, my big bro IS super upstanding!” Jack’s sister declared, her chest puffed out with pride.
“I don’t know what that means, but if Ojitan thinks your brother's that amazing, then he must be!” Cheka shuffled his feet, looking slightly downcast. “Um, sorry I was being mean to you before…”
“Hmph, it’s okay. That was before I saw how cool your uncle was! He knows how to command a room and when he’s lost to someone else. I understand why you were trying so hard to change my mind!”
"Whoa... He talked them into calming down and agreeing with each other..." Jack clenched a fist and grinned. “It looks like there’s still a lot I have to learn from you, Leona-senpai!!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Leona waved a hand, dismissing him. “You can start with learning to keep quiet while the kids have their precious play time."
"Yes, sir! I hope I can live up to your expectations of me!!"
"Me too, Ojitan, me too!!" Cheka added. He bounced on the balls of his feet, beaming as though he was the sun itself. "I'll work hard so I can be juuust like you when I grow up!"
"Great. Knock yourself out then. Now, if you'd kindly excuse me to--"
"M-Mister!!" The stammering voice came from Jack's sister. She shyly played with the fur on her tail, not fully meeting Leona's eyes. "I... I wanna learn from you, too!! Please teach me how I can be as cool as you and big bro!!"
"Classes aren't in session, and I don't do office hours," Leona snarled—but all three of them were already regarding him with eager, shining eyes. The Howl siblings’ tails, too, wagged—a telltale sign of their zeal.
So now there's three furballs barking at me instead of two...
"Rrrrrr... Family Day can't be over soon enough!!"
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storywolf · 1 year
wolf is the youngest of his siblings, and he had 11 older siblings. there is also quite a gap between himself and his siblings, so when he came around, most of them didn't really care that much. some used his youth as a reason to use him as a punching back or be overly judgemental. some were jealous bc despite being the youngest, he was more magically powerful than some of them. so they bullied him. some just didn't care about him enough to bully him or stop the bullying. the one of his siblings actually seemed to care. the eldest one. she was the only one wolf could stand to be around for a long time too.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
For the ask "
Stiles was really hurt but the pack didn't realise and kicked him out and they were really shitty mostly. But Danny found Stiles and he and Aiden and Ethan like helped Stiles alot. Stiles was also a Spark/Mage and Danny a witch and there was like puppy pile cuddling in Stiles bed where Aiden and Ethan took Stiles pain and Sheriff Stilinski saw and was like "....okay wtf" and the wolfs and Danny were like "uhm no homo". I think it is 'can't rely on me' by littleredridinghunter. I don't remember that last scene (it's a long fic) but the rest fits
Thank you @nerdherderette!
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Can't rely on me by Littleredridinghunter
(12/12 I 116,206 I Not Rated i Sterek)
The pack let him down, that's not really a surprise lately.
When Danny finds Stiles nearly bleeding to death the next day it's the start of a beautiful friendship.
Can the pack make amends before it's too late? Will Stiles ever forgive them for not being there for him when he needed them the most?
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