#marvel supernatural crossover
snaileer · 4 months
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A writers haunted past.
I’m literally having this issue with a fic right now🥲
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 166
So Danny is going to blame this on Vlad. Everything was going great, his parents had accepted him, Ellie is home for a while as was Jazz, Vlad was going to ghost-therapy along with Jordan to both get over apparently very bad obsession-sickness, and it was finally summer break! Which meant camping, and no ghost stuff for the first time in forever. 
He should have known everything was going too well, because that’s just the Fenton luck isn’t it? So he was going to blame this entire thing on Vlad, even if it might maybe be his own fault just a little bit. But how was he supposed to know the glowing rock formation that looked sort of like a portal was actually going to do something?! 
Urgh, he’s not going to deal with dimension travel, he already has to deal with time bullshit thanks to his peepaw! At least they’re all in this together and haven’t gotten separated? Ugh. This is going to be annoying. 
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vipower001 · 1 year
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peblezq · 1 year
I had such whiplash today
I recently got back into reading Stucky fanfic again and was browsing ye olde ao3 and stumbled on this great 21 jump street AU where Steve and Bucky are undercover cops in a high school. It was incomplete before it can even get to the good stuff. But the setup was so well done that I was enthralled and then utterly distraught when I realized it hadn't been updated since 2020...
Then I saw the user profile and realized.... oh shit. I wrote this.
TL DR; I bamboozled myself. I was the villain all along
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theslytherindragon · 2 months
REBLOG for more answers. Feel free to let us know what got you started if you said Crossover or Other! For me personally, the first fics I ever read were for the Gravity Falls AU called Monster Falls. Also, feel free to leave any Fic recs!
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paarthurnax59 · 1 year
"Soul Of Liberty"
Chapter 4
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Warning: angst and Swearing 
note: readers dress
      By a miracle or the grace of Chuck, Dean managed to get into the building by showing his fake badge. Yeah, he knew a guy in New York that can forge good fake IDs. He quickly went to one of the custodian closets and changed into a tux and stuffed the rest of his stuff into his duffle bag. He slicked back his hair and looked at the mirror, knowing he looked decent enough to pass as a guest. 
"Now or never, Winchester." He said as he left the closet and checked to see if anyone was around. He walked up the stairs to where party was being held. He found where the large crowd of well-dressed right people walking into one of the largest rooms in the museum. He stood straight and act as if he was part of the rich crowd. It was easy to act like a stuck-up wealthy bastard after all the times that he and Sam had to go undercover for a case. He grabs a glass of champagne when he was offered and shooed away the waiter. He stuck to the shadows as the party was lively. With a classic band playing and laying a lot mix of jazz and blues playing. Finest food being served and bright lights shining the entire ballroom. He scanned the room to try and find his target when a voice appeared behind him.
"Looking for something, tiger?" Said a feminine voice that made him turn around, now seeing a beautiful red-haired woman in a red silk gown that made him think that he was looking at a real-life version of Jessica Rabbit. He took a good look at the woman and realized that this was none other than Natasha Romanoff, Also known as Black Widow. The Avengers' best infiltrator and spy and former assassin. 
'Oh shit.'
'Told you this wasn't a good idea.'
'Shut up! Do you ever stop talking?!'
"No, not really just watching." Dean replied and hoping that she would leave him be. He knows for a fact that Natasha was a spy and could read him like a book given enough time. He doesn't need to have his cover blown and ruin his plans. 
"I see, just enjoying the Perks of being a Wallflower, handsome?" She flirted and Dean smiles back at the woman. If he weren't about to expose one of her teammates to her, He would have enjoyed the attention he was giving Natasha. 
"So far, I am, gorgeous." He flirted back.
"The name is Natasha, Natasha Romanoff." She sticks out her hand and for Dean to grab and shake it. Dean offers her his hand in return.
"Clark Harrison, pleased to meet you." He gave her a fake that he often used for cases shook her hand with a little bit of hesitation. 'Dean, relax don't blow your cover.' Dean then let's go of Natasha's hand and draw his attention back to the dance floor. 
"Well, Clark. You want to dance?" Natasha offered and Dean took her hand as they both walked to the dance floor. The two danced for a while as Dean continued to search the room for (Name). 
"So, Clark. What made you come all the way to New York? Business? Pleasure?" asked the red-haired woman while Dean glanced around the room for (Name). 
"A bit of both, actually." Dean admitted. He saw (Name) and some what they would call in the hunting world, 'unfinished business' and believe him what he's planning on doing would bring him a lot of pleasure.
"Guess you can find a bit of both I suppose?" Dean continued to look around the room in search of his target. He's got to act quick, or his cover is going to be blown. Suddenly, the music stops, and everyone turned to the stage of the event. 
"Excuse me. Excuse me everyone!" Said the familiar voice of Tony Stark everyone focused their eyes on where the ostentatious billionaire was speaking from. He was wearing a classic black and white tuxedo and standing where the band was playing. "First of all, I like to thank everyone for coming tonight to help raise funds to benefit aiding people around the world effective by hungry and poverty. Your donations will help greatly to those effected by war and disaster and we cannot thank you enough. And I speak for all of us when I say this The Avengers thank you for your aid." He raised his glass and the rest of the crowd followed. "However, that's not the reason that I am up here! I know this is charity event, but I honestly just couldn't help myself! It has come to my attention that we have a birthday today and had to take the opportunity to embarrass her for it. I'm her uncle Tony after all." the. They crowd cheered with their wine glasses in the air, for the soon to be revealed birthday boy or girl. "I would like for this said person to come right up and let us sing in celebration of the day that she came out the birth cannel." Tony said and people chuckled at his inappropriate joke and other's just shook their heads. Dean looked around the room, still trying to look for his ex-wife. 
And speaking of the devil and she appears. 
"(Name) (Last name)! Come on down, Game of Thrones! and say a few words!" Tony exclaimed and then the stage shined on Dean's left direction and saw (Name) shining right in the middle of the dance floor with Steve with his arm around his shoulder, trying so hard to hide her face from embarrassment by cover her face in Steve's chest. Dean watches her shake her head probably saying she don't want to go up there. Which is rich considering what an attention whore she really was. She couldn't stand not having Dean's attention for one second and make him drop everything just to spend time with her.
She tried to run away but sudden a large, blonde-haired man, who Dean recognized as Thor picking her up while laughing his ass off throwing her on his shoulders. The Thunder god he carried her to the stage with Steve laughing seeing his girlfriend being carried like a sack of flour as Wanda and Vision stood next him. Dean quickly slicked away from Natasha as her eyes were on (Name) being carried to the stage and smiling. Dean scowled while looking at Black Widow clapping for his ex-wife.
'Let's see how long you'll be clapping when I'm done, Ms. Romanoff.' Dean thought as he slips away into the shadows in order to get to (Name). he just had to stick to the shadows and remain hidden from sight, until he can get (Name) lone and confront her. 
Thor Finally reached the top of the stage with (Name) and plopped her next to Tony as the stoplight shined on the two of them. Tony then gave her the mic and hugged her muttered a happy birthday to her. (Name) took a deep breath and raised the mic closer to her glossed lips and smiled.
"Thanks, Uncle Tony." She chuckled now zoning her eyes onto the audience of the wealthy and power looking at her. "First, again. Thanks so much for your donations and generosity for helping the needy and less fortunate around the world. I can't tell you how much this means to me. Personally, I mean." She said as the crowd listen intently of what the heroin was saying while Dean just zoned out, only waiting for her to get off stage. He doesn't need to be hearing her empty of words of fake empathy. "As someone that had grown up in an orphanage, I didn't have anything. No home, no parents, no family-"
"No heart? No Conscious? Or a human soul?" Dean muttered under his breath as he heard (Name)'s speech. Boy, did he want to gag at her being so fake. Yes, it's true she grew up with nothing, and did not have an easy life by any means. However, Dean and Sam were the ones that took her in and gave her his heart wholeheartedly and she stomped on it. He gave her a home and a family, though it wasn't a literal home. Living in a new motel every week or having to sleep in the Impala wasn't exactly appealing or even stable. At one point, he wanted to stop hunting and just build a life with her. Have a home together and have a family. But she ruined it, no! She demolished it. Now, she was trying to do the same to the Avengers and to her beloved Captain. All because she wanted to live out some insane fantasy of being America's sweetheart and the arm candy of Captain America. Just so that she can be the one on top after their divorce. 
"It was hard. Really hard not knowing who you really were. nothing but a name. I was just dumped on the doorsteps of some orphanage in Kansas. No, I can assure you that I am not Superman or anything. Though, being able to fly would make my job so much easier." She jested as the crowd chuckled and laughed at her reference to pop culture. Dean for some reason thought that last bit was quite funny and smirked. "But the worst part of that was how alone I was and how lost I was. The only real family I had was with my best friend who I grew up with in the orphanage. She had passed on when we were in college at Duke at nineteen and I ended up dropping out. Sense then, my life was a mess, and I didn't think I could ever come back from it. Until I met Steve Rogers and the rest of the Avengers." She continued and Dean could swear he saw Steve blushing at him mention. Dean again felt like he wanted to vomit. "I have usually kept a lot of my past a secret, that is well known. Only my teammates know the full extent of it. I'd like to keep it that way."
"Not all of it, sweetheart." Dean whispered, knowing full well there is no way that she had told them about her life as a hunter (and a terrible one at that) and was also married to him and cheated on him.
"So, at my lowest point, I had met Steve and he basically became my rock and my center for the foundation of my recovery. He was the first to take a chance on me, to train me and has not left my side sense. Many accuse us of being long lost twins at birth. I mean do I look like a hundred-year-old plus woman to these people?" The crowd burst into laughter at another joke. "But, seriously. All I want to say is that even though I love everyone on the team, I would not be here today celebrating another birthday, without that old geezer down there. I wouldn't be who I am today without you. All of you. I love you and I'm proud to call you family." (Name) then ends her speech by hold a flute glass up in the air with the mic still in her hands. "Cheers, to friends, family and second chances." 
"CHEERS!" The crowd hailed as they drink from their glasses. Dean then drinks from his own to not draw attention and blend in. He placed the glass on a nearby table and moved a bit closer to the stage. He noticed that (Name) was about the exit the stage giving Dean a chance to corner her. When suddenly Tony came back up and grabbed the mic from her and spoke once more. He really wished he would be able to punch Tony right now. 
"Lovely speech, Game of Thrones. Really touched my robotic heart. However, before you all go back to dancing, I just want to give one last opportunity to humiliate my girl just a little bit more. Bring it out, Stann!" Tony exclaimed and an old white guy in dark glasses in a waiter's uniform came out with a large delicious looking chocolate cake with the amount of candles that matched (Name)'s age. Dean watches as she hugged the man that delivered the cake and the old man hugged (Name) and muttered a happy birthday to her. "Alright! On my mark! One. Two. Three!" The crowd began to sing "Happy Birthday" to (Name), making Dean think back to the time that he and (Name) celebrated her birthday together as married couple for the first time. 
"Happy Birthday, Sweetheart. As good as this cake looks, it's still not going to be as sweet as you." He said as he held out the cake to her and she gave him the biggest smile.
"Oh, Dean. You didn't have to do that." She muttered softly as her eyes lite up after her husband had took the time to make her a cake.
"Yes, I do, (Name). I love you and I wanted to show that everyday for the rest of my life." He said as (Name) blushed and covered her face.
"That's a big commitment, Dean. Hope you are up for it." She laughed still feeling flushed at her husband's charming gesture.
"I plan on it, Sweetness."
"If only you held up your promise, sweetness. You promised to love me and be faithful to me until death do us part. I'll never forgive you for breaking your vows and for breaking my heart. I loved you with all I had, and you broke it. I won't let you do that to anyone else. Not even to captain heartthrob." Dean pulled out his gun and his demon knife, ready to fight his former love if he had to, maybe even kill. Yes, if it meant exposing (Name) for her fraudulent public persona. He watches (Name) leave the stage after she blow out the candles and unfortunately, she disappeared when the old, white guy in glasses started cutting the cake and distribute it. With the crowd was distracted with their gluttony, Dean hunted for (Name). finding no success, he decided to go outside of the ballroom and to the hallway. He took a deep breath and placed his hands on his head going down a hallway filled with exquisite statues.
"I'm in way over my head, right now. Every time I find her in a crowd, she disappears in the last minute." Dean gasped trying to get away from the crowd of rich snobby pricks that would never experience a day of what Dean lived through. The hunter was about to go in when he noticed on the he sees the white-haired young woman he was hunting down walked out from the ballroom. Before (Name) could notice him, Dean hides behind a pillar, hoping she wouldn't see him. He hears footsteps fade away through the echo of the hallway. Dean looks around and could see that (Name) was gone. He walked away from the pillar that hid his frame. He quietly walked down the hall and to the corner and saw (Name) looking up at some of the artwork hanging on the walls, looking like she was lost in thought. 
Dean got a closer look at her and never really realized on how beautiful (Name) truly was and how much she physically changed since he last saw her. She looked like an eternal, shining star casting her light among unworthy mortal men. The woman's white, starlight hair shone like the full moon on a clear, cloudless night. her (S/c) skin was clear and free of any blemishes or scars, making her look ethereally flawless and don't get him started on her figure. Though she was wearing an A-line gown, Dean could see just how fit she had become. It was slimmer, curvier, and toned than when he last spoke to her, when he called her fat and ugly. Her midnight blue gown made her appearance the ever more radiant and her perfectly even make up made her the ever more immaculate. He finally got close enough to notice that she was wearing what looked like a golden neckless shaped like a star with a diamond in the middle. Her new boyfriend must have given it to her he thought, scrunching his nose up in repulsion at the thought. Even Maria whom he praised and dangled in front of (Name), mocking he that she will one day be his new wife, paled in comparison to what his ex-wife looked like now. He never thought she could look this good, this regal.
The longer Dean kept looking at her, the more he kept thinking of the night of their first date together. He remembered how beautiful she looked that day. In truth, Dean had always thought (Name) was stunning, even when they were dating. However, after what she had done to him that ended their marriage, she became the ugliest person on the planet to him.
It was a crisp fall evening when Dean had come and picked her up from Bobby's when she stayed there. 
"I'll get it, Bobby!" She called from the other side of the screen door as she turned the knob and revealed herself wearing a long-sleeve green sundress with white flowers and holding a denim jacket for the cool air. Her (H/c) hair was braided up and curled in a way that showed off her lovely neck. She wore only little amount of make-up that brought out her own natural beauty. It still made Dean's heart skip a beat when he saw her.
"Wow, you look fantastic sweetheart!" Dean gasped looking at his lovely date for the evening. 
In all honesty, Dean was more nervous about taking (Name) on an official date for the first time. He never had been truly formal with a girl and taking her out like a real man. He had always been the kind of guy that would just spend the night and leave in the morning. That was only because that was the only thing could give the women in his life. Dean didn't believe he was relationship material, due to the life he lived. But after meeting (Name), he felt taking a chance on trying for one. 
"You look pretty great yourself, Dean." She replied back looking at the handsome hunter with that charming devilish smirk of his that made her face turned beet-red, especially when he was wearing that leather jacket. The couple were interrupted by an old man popping out of the door glaring at Dean.
"Remember Dean, no funny business. She's a good girl and doesn't deserve to be a notch in your-"
"Bobby, relax. It's not like that. We're just going to a dinner and a movie and we will back around 12 o'clock." Dean said with a nervous grin. It was almost like his whole cocky demeanor changed when the older hunter emerged from his doorway. 
"Make it 10, son. No later." Bobby retorted with his arms folded to his chest. Ever since (Name) became a hunter, he had taken it upon himself to be a surrogate father to the young new huntress. Though he had known Dean for much longer, since his childhood, he more protective of (Name). Mostly because of how much of a ladies' man he is. To help ease the tension, (Name) stepped between the two men.
"Bobby, give him a break. Tell you what? I will be back by 11 tonight? No later okay?" She suggested and waited for the old man to answer. He rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Alright, you win, sugar. 11 o'clock, no later. Got it?" He pointed at Dean and the young man comedically and anxiously game the old man an thumbs up. 
"Got it, Bobby." Dean agreed and (Name) walked up to him and grabbed his hand and happily sprinted to Dean's Impala. It was the best date Dean ever had.
As Dean's memories distracted him, he then hears even louder footsteps come out from the ballroom and saw Steve Rogers coming out with two plates of cake. The hunter watched the couple as (Name) grabbed a plate from Steve, smiling at him. Dean's emotions rapidly changed as he saw the pair converse, growing angrier as he watched Steve put his arm around her shoulders. She giggled as he kissed her on the head in an extremely affectionate way. It made Dean realized the reason that he was here. He was here to expose the monster that his ex-wife truly was. A cold heartless, dishonest cheater that no man would love, and he was going to end her little charade tonight, be any means necessary.
As Steve walked away from (Name), Dean then took his opportunity to walk up to, with his gun in hand. She had her back turned as Dean walked closer to her slowly and quietly. He was only a few feet away from (Name) when he finally spoke to her for the very first time in nearly four years. 
"(Name)." He coldly uttered to her loud enough for her to hear. He noticed her flinch as her breath hitched, making Dean smirk watching her squirm as she turned around slowly. He could have sworn that her beautiful (E/C) grew twice their size when she laid eyes on him. Her mouth dropped as she had forgot how to breath.
"Dean?" She whispered in absolute and utter disbelief that her ex-husband was standing right in front of her. Dean did nothing but smirk as (Name) shocked expressing didn't faulter as she gawked at him. 
"Darling, it's seems you and I need to talk."
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masoena · 26 days
"You really are Steve Rogers, aren't you?"
A Marvel Cinematic Universe and Supernatural Crossover
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Dean Winchester
Rating: Explicit
This is a prompt fill for @sweetspicybingo's 2024 Hurt/Comfort Bingo and is a fill for the following square: self doubt to sleeping with each other.
No motorcycles were hurt during the research and writing of this fic.
Tags: Motorcycle Sex, One-Night Stand, Top Steve, Bottom Dean, Implied Switching, Crossover Pairing, Hurt/Comfort
Dean snuck out of the motel room which he shared with Sam in the Midwestern town, self-doubt and guilt cursing through his veins, itching for some numbing with some help from Jack at the bar a short drive away. He wandered in and took in the clientele. It was the usual mix of locals and transients, a motley crew of truck drivers, construction workers, cougars and a few guys that looked like cowboys straight from one of the ranches on the outskirts of town.
He was checking everyone, both because hunter instinct never sleeps and because he was curious who the suped-up bike belonged to that was parked outside. Much like classic car guys they tended to park in a way that kept their precious away and out of the path of drunk drivers i.e. at the far side of the lot inconveniently far from the front door of the bar.
Guy seemed to be a fan of the Avengers too as it had the logo on the fuel tank in black powder coated finish. The model was a Harley-Davidson 750 Street model first released in 2015, a beautiful ride that looked like a modern two wheel twin to Baby. Sleek shiny top coat on the fuel tank, powder coated finished exhaust and muffler with a black leather seat, black and chrome spring forks and red suspension springs in the back for a splash of color.
The owner turned out to be easy to spot, his leather jacket hanging from the hook below the bar top, motorcycle helmet on the barstool to his left. The guy was built, broad shoulders and thick muscular arms picking an unfair fight with every seam on his black cotton tee except at his waist where it only accentuated the trim size of him. His butt looked juicy in the dark wash denim that fit him perfectly and black leather boots finished up the look. His profile looked classic American handsome, solid chin, straight nose with blue eyes and a messy from the helmet head of medium length hair.
Dean wasn’t looking for a hook up tonight, just some comfort from a bottle but he wouldn’t say no to this dark blonde glass of tall and handsome. Excited at the prospect of being pinned down by those corded arms with ease and for the guy to fuck him right into next week and out of his self-destructive state of mind. He played up a good game around Sam but the mark was getting to him, increasingly so.
He ordered two shots of whiskey neat and gulped them down without any preamble, eager to numb the emotions he felt.
“Rough night huh?” Blue eyes met green through sideways glances.
“Something like that.”
“Name’s Steve. What’s yours?”
“Dean. We are just traveling through me and my brother.”
“Roadtripping or work?”
“We go all over for work, so roadtripping is part and parcel of it.”
“750 Street model outside, that yours? She’s a beaut.”
“Yeah she is, thank you.”
“Can appreciate a nice bike even if she’s a bit more modern than what I like in my vehicles.”
“Oh yeah, what do you drive, hot shot?”
“67 Chevy Impala SS four doors, could be a twin to your bike given how nice and shiny they both are.”
“Can we get another round, two each for my friend and me there.” The guy simply commandeered attention in the room, the bartender wasn’t anywhere near them but brought the drinks without question and without Steve having to raise his voice.
“Thanks.” Dean said as he clinked glasses with him.
The conversation lulled as they downed the first glass but sipped the second one.
“So what do you and your brother do?”
“Pest control.” The lie flew off his lips with ease.
“Must be going after some big stuff, given the heat you’re packing in your waistband.”
Click here for the full fic on AO3.
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r1ghtecusmcn · 6 months
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────── steel to my trembling lips, how did the night ever get like this? one shot and the whiskey goes down, down, down. bottom of the bottle hits, waking up my mind as I throw a fit. the breakin' is takin' me down, down, down. ,y heart's beating faster i know what i'm after . . .
R1GHTECUSMCN is a private, very selective roleplay blog for DEAN WINCHESTER from CW’S SUPERNATURAL. blog is based on the show up to a point and mostly on headcanons. blog is not compliant to the show in the last four seasons. PENNED BY JJ.
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sergeantpixie · 6 months
Too 5 TV OTPs? In order if possible :)
...Now feels like a pertinent time to remind people that ships are personal opinions because I have no popular TVD OTPs tbh.
EDIT: LMAO TV NOT TVD I probably should've ate dinner before I answered this question....
Dean Winchester from Supernatural/Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries
Alison DiLaurentis/Aria Montgomery from Pretty Little Liars
Lenny Bruce/Midge Maisel from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Rory Gilmore/Logan Huntzberger from Gilmore Girls
Chidi Anagonye/Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place
#asks#ask games#and-suddenly-life-had-meaning#thank you!#the vampire diaries#supernatural#the good place#pretty little liars#gilmore girls#the marvelous mrs. maisel#*screams into my own hands as I resist the urge to include crossover ships*#maybe now I also say 1) my oldest tvd headcanon formed literally as the pilot aired is that caroline is a lesbian#who's been in love with elena since she was a little girl#and 2) elena gilbert is my favorite character Ever#I was gonna limit myself to two elena ships#until I realized that would mean bonnie isn't on my list at all#and I am not okay with that lmao#(she asked for OTPs not ships pls remember that)#oh also yes this is in order!#but also at the same time 1 and 2 are interchangeable#yes i do think it’s funny that my two OTPs for elena together are the most popular ship in this fandom lol#(to be crystal clear no i don’t ship a character i think is a lesbian with a man but also no i have no objection to the ship)#this time around I challenged myself to pick some canon ones#what can I say? I have unpopular opinions lmao#could not resist deanlena they are my OTP of OTPS and also both from tv shows so!#and Alison/Aria isn't not canon in the sense that Ali definitely had a crush on Aria if you're paying attention to the subtext#so really deanlena is the only non-canon ship and that's not their fault!#they've never met/don't exist in the same universe#(also ya know canonically they're 13 years apart in age...)#they are still in order technically but tbh everything after 1 and 2 is interchangeable
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alissa3000 · 1 year
So hear me out here 😭
In the spiderverse movies it’s basically established that every universe has a spider man, it’s a canon event it’s bound to happen
I’m thinking (even tho I know it’s not possible two completely different subjects) spiderverse x supernatural? 🤔
I just think that would be a funny little idea, the Winchesters who were taught to hunt down everything with a seemingly supernatural presence/ ability and then there’s just this silly little guy swinging around New York City in a silly little costume with his silly little spider abilities, they probably try to figure out what the hell this guy is
But to no avail, like there’s just nothing? No lure in any books, no history of anything like this before, he just kind of appears one day? And Sam and Dean are just kinda stumped? Like they have no clue how to handle this situation, maybe Sam’s just like what if we…talk to him? Like idk he fights crime why not? So they do, even better if it’s like a silly little guy like Peter b Parker, he’s just chill and down for whatever almost
Idk I just think it’s a funny concept 💀😭
This is like one of the longest random post I’ve made sry if it doesn’t make sense 😭
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kaya-fandom · 11 days
Weird crossover AU
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Bitches really be writing a whole alternate universe for warrior cats where the avengers inhabit the clans And they be adding additional groups and trauma for said marvel character's to still have their whole backstory explored and maybe add some more domestic avengers stuff.
It's me... I'm bitches.
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“Who the hell is ‘Scarlet Witch’ and how the hell do we stop her?! This is really like nothing we’ve ever been up against...”
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evilhorse · 6 months
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Wolverine #36
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blondie20000 · 6 months
Every Queen needs Their King - Loki x Abaddon
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Warning: Major character death
"What is it you want Loki?"
Abaddon crosses one leg over the other.
She taps her sharp, red nails onto the table and waits for the God's response. Loki takes a deep breath.
"I want the throne."
She paused at that. She tilts her head.
"You and me both." She stands up and walks towards him. She stops inches away from him. "As they say." She smirks. "Every Queen needs their King."
She rakes him up and down with her eyes and her tongue slides across her lips. Loki raises an eyebrow.
"Are you proposing an alliance?"
"I decline." He replied sharply. Abaddon wasn't backing down that easily.
"Honey if you want to rule the world you are going to need all the help you can get."
"I have my resources." He glares at her. "I don't need help from a demon." He spat out the word like it was venom. "I would never associate myself with vermin."
She laughs at that.
"Here I thought you would be different."
"What do you mean?"
"You sound like them...Asgardian."
Loki opens his mouth to argue that he is in fact Asgardian but then paused. He remembered he isn't Asgardian he never was. He was always an outsider, a monster from the scary stories parents told their children. Lies. He grew up living a lie.
Now he had no one.
Loki grits his teeth as the familiar feelings of rage and fury bubbled up inside him. Abaddon's grin widens. She knew she hit a nerve.
"Poor little Frost Giant." She mocked him. "Daddy didn't give you enough cuddles."
Abaddon suddenly gasped as Loki pinned her against the wall.
"Shut up!" He yelled in her face.
That only made her laugh harder.
He grabs her throat and wraps his fingers around her tight.
The laughter soon dissolved into coughs and gasps.
But the madness remained in her eyes.
She is enjoying this.
Through the struggle Abaddon's smile grew. Disgusted by her reaction Loki lifts her up and throws her across the room.
Abaddon crashes into the table. She fell on the ground with a mighty thud.
"Yes!" She sits up and shakes the pieces of wood out of her hair. "Let's do that again."
He clenched his jaw.
"Or not." She stands up and brushes herself down. "You know..." She blows the hair out of her face. "I have several tricks of my own like this one." She raises her hand.
A sharp piercing pain shoots through him. The God cries out and doubles over clutching his stomach.
"Hurts hmm. How about now?"
She clenched her fist.
The pain increased tenfold.
Loki bites his lip to stop himself from screaming.
"Oh no no." She shakes her head. "I wanna hear your voice. It's quite a turn on. Actually I have a better idea." She grins. "Kneel."
He glares at her.
"I beg your pardon."
"Get down on your knees and worship your Queen."
She spreads her arms out and raises her head. That made Loki push through the pain. He straightened up and glared daggers at her.
"No! That will never happen."
"How do you know that?"
"Because in the end...You will be bowing down to me...Your King."
"I don't bow down to anyone sweetheart."
"Guess that's now all going to change."
"You challenging me?" She huffed an amused laugh. "For a God you are naive. I was created by the Devil himself."
"I am Loki and I am a God and I am burdened with glorious purpose. Soon I will fulfil that purpose and when I'm King I will wipe you all out."
She pretended to look scared.
"I'm shaking to my boots right now."
"Continue to mock me and you will pay."
"Depends on the type of payment." Her eyes linger on his crotch. "I wouldn't resist if you offered."
He shook his head with disgust.
"You want to know what will happen Loki? You will lose because you are a weak."
" I'm not weak. "
"This..." She gestures to him. "Is an act this isn't you...You don't really want the throne."
"You don't know me."
"Sweetie I'm a demon it's my job to know everyone. I know pain and boy you are drowning in it I can smell it from here. The throne is temporary something to fill a hole but what you really want is to not be alone...You miss him your brother."
"He is not my brother."
"You still love him. All you wanted was to be his equal, rule with him but that was never going to happen because you are not them...Remember Frost Giant? No matter how desperate you want to be them. Frigga only put up with you because she had to Odin forced her to raise you."
"That's not true."
"You were nothing but charity."
"I was destined to rule."
"You were destined to die...You still are and that's what will happen. Sure you have the resources and soon you will have the tesseract in your possession but it's not enough you will be exposed for what you are a child throwing a tantrum." She clicked her teeth. "Pathetic. That's why the throne needs someone like me. I have no burden, no pain, guilt I'm as tough as nails I will never break because...My soul is already broken twisted, tainted too far gone to be saved. I like it. I like what I am and I will embrace it. You on the other hand can only do this act for so long eventually you will break and you will suffer because of it and when that happens I will not help you. I offered a team up and you refused. May you suffer the consequences."
Loki remained silent as Abaddon spins on her heel and pours herself a drink. She sips it and raises an eyebrow at him.
"Cat got your tongue."
He looks at her. A range of emotions go across his face.
"You know I'm right." She continued. "That's why you can't argue back. You know maybe I was being a bit harsh back there. The offer still on the table. I do want to help you Loki I can make all this go away. The pain poof gone like that. No more doubts, no more feelings you will be stronger than ever." He gives her a suspicious look. "You have every right to question me...but I've been honest the moment we met unlike Odin."
Judging by the slump of his shoulders Abaddon knew he agreed with her.
"Gone." He said out loud his voice sounding uncertain.
"We provide pain and take away the pain. You just got to let me in Loki." She holds out her hand. He takes a step back he became defensive again.
"You could still be a King." Abaddon nods. "You do have the potential but you will need my guidance if you want to achieve your goal also I will offer you what no one else will...A chance to rule as a equal my equal. You and me against the world. Come on Loki you have to admit that sounds tempting. It's a delicious offer. We both want the same thing it makes sense for us to team up come on! Say yes, join me! I know you want too." She has closed the space between them again. "It's time to stand up and be a God a better God than Odin, Thor, better than them all that will happen if you accept this offer."
Her eyes have become wild and his lips form into a smirk. Loki should have been troubled by this but instead he found himself looking into her eyes. He could have sworn he saw himself reflecting back at him. A image of himself sat on the throne with her by his side. King and Queen of the world. Everyone kneeling down, submitting to them.
His glorious purpose right there within his reach. Maybe this is where he needed to be maybe this is what he needed to do.
Abaddon offered her hand again.
This time he took it.
She brings him in and seals the deal with a kiss.
As soon as her lips went on his Loki felt something in him change. All the emotions stirring inside him are gone. Now he is hollow. Empty. He felt nothing.
It was like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He felt good he felt free.
Loki smiles into the kiss. Abaddon pulls away and cups his cheek with her hand. The black smoke tickled him as it travelled back to her mouth.
"You feel that?" She asked.
He shakes his head.
"I feel nothing."
She grins.
He sighs with relief.
"It doesn't hurt anymore."
"Stick with me and I will make it permanent."
Her lips return to his again. He eagerly kisses her back allowing himself to be consumed by the darkness allowing her to slowly corrupt his soul.
Loki lies her down on the floor and starts kissing her hungrily. Abaddon smilies as he begun removing her clothes. He needed her, every part of her.
Abaddon gasped as his lips grazed her entrance. That immediately made him turn feral.
It wasn't long before he removed his clothes and buried himself inside her. Abaddon's eyes turn black as he started to thrust her.
"Fuck!" She cursed out loud.
He responded with a growl and increased the pace.
Abaddon smiles widely and lies her head back.
Moments later Abaddon feels something cold pressed against her skin. She looks down and sees a dagger pressed against her neck. She then looks up.
Loki looks down at her. The disgust has returned to his face. His eyes expressed his doubt.
"A fighter." Abaddon looked overjoyed by his reaction. "I like that."
"Scum." He spat out.
She sighs.
"Better than darling and dear I suppose. Loki do not fight it those feelings of yours are a weakness. A true King must not be weak. "
He can feel her hovering. Her darkness creeping towards him. He can hear the mad Titan's words which sent a chill down his spine.
The torture he endured all came flooding back.
The God grits his teeth.
He can feel himself drowning again.
His mind screaming.
She places her hand on his.
The noises stop.
"It's okay." She smiled. " Aunty Abby we'll take care of it for you. "
The roles reverse and this time Abaddon is on top. She pins him down and gives him a wicked grin.
"Shh." She places her finger on his lips. "Block it all out focus on my voice." She digs her nails into him. Loki cried out. Abaddon grabs his hand that still held the dagger. She presses the tip of the dagger against her stomach. "Do it." She ordered .
He hesitated.
"Channel it." She growled. She pulls him forward by his hair until they are eye to eye. "Unleash it!"
She grips his hand.
The doubt crept back in.
He didn't like to hurt people she knew that. That will all change once she is done with him.
She grips his chin with her hand. He stared into the bottomless pit of her eyes. There was nothing not one bit of light in those dark eyes. Within a blink he saw his throne again. His purpose.
"Glorious purpose." Her voice echoed across the room.
She kisses him again. Loki desperately wanting to feel nothing again kisses her back.
"Go on." She told him in his mind.
He brings her forward.
The dagger goes through her.
Abaddon laughed and told him to do it again.
He did.
And again.
He did.
She returns to her original position and surrenders herself to him. He continued to hurt her, to torture her just like how the Mad Titan tortured him. He pours all his pain and hatred into each strike letting it all come out. He screams with rage and slashes across her stomach.
Abaddon this time did scream.
It is soon followed by laughter. She laughed like a hyena high pitched and crazy.
Hungry for more Loki kisses her, allows himself to be drenched in her blood. He licks her body and sucks up every last drop of her. The demon blood burns but also excites him. It made the world come into a much sharper focus.
He felt unstoppable.
He laughs as well. A wicked laugh.
It felt so freaking good.
Abaddon places her blood stained hands on his face.
"My King." She purred.
"My Queen." He replied his voice husky.
He wanted more. She is like a drug to him. Abaddon reading his thoughts rolls them over and she is back on top of him again.
She lowers herself on to him and grasps his length in her hands.
"Pleasure is all mine." She grinned.
She then drew him in her mouth. Loki sighs and lies back.
He allowed the darkness to fully take over.
"It's time." Loki turns and gestures. "To join your friends."
Hawkeye slowly nods. His eyes glazed over.
"Now." The God ordered.
Hawkeye raises the blade and slashes his neck. He sputtered as blood poured out of his neck. He then collapsed on to the ground and seconds later he died.
Loki raises his boot and kicks his body. The body tumbles down the steps and joins the other fallen Avengers.
"There's no one to save you now!" Loki yelled at the crowd. "Your precious heroes are gone!"
Thor tried to stand up but the chains held him down. Loki quickly turns round and glared at him.
"It's over Thor."
"No." Thor shakes his head. "Brother."
Loki grabs Thor by the chin and pulls him forward.
"Now it's your turn." The God of Mischief snarled.
The God of Thunder again shakes his head.
"Brother l love you. This...This isn't you this is the witch's doing."
"Witch!" Abaddon looked offended. "I'm a demon you asshole. How dare you associate me with them." She scowls and waves her hand. "Kill him Loki."
"Loki please." Tears formed in Thor's eyes. "It doesn't have to be this way."
Loki hesitated. The familiar doubt returns to his eyes. Thor gives him a smile and his eyes softened. Loki's lip trembled and his hands shook.
The shaking stopped when she held his hand. She turns her head to him and shakes her head.
"Remember what I said." She said.
She squeezed his hand.
The doubt washed away.
Loki angrily looked at the other God.
"You are wrong. This is the only way."
Before Thor could react Loki kills him.
Abaddon watched with a big grin on her face.
"Bro... "
Thor coughs blood. His eyes are wide with shock and hurt. He then collapses struggling to catch his breath. Loki struck him again and again he kept going until the God of Thunder looked unrecognizable.
The crowd fell silent.
The final Avenger now deceased joins the other bodies.
The God of Mischief turns his head away. He felt nothing. Not one emotion crossed his face.
Abaddon knew her work is done.
They join hands again and face the crowd.
The people looked on feeling shocked.
"YOU HEARD HIM!" Abaddon screamed. "KNEEL!"
Feeling completely hopeless every single person got down on their knees.
Loki smiles and raises his hands taking it all in.
He has finally fulfilled his glorious purpose.
He looks at the demon.
And it's all thanks to her.
Abaddon smiles in his direction.
Equals. She scoffed. Never.
She holds on to his arm.
You belong to me now God of Mischief.
Her hold on him tightens.
A smirk spreads across her red painted lips.
You will always be mine.
The End
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jughead--jones · 1 year
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"Sometimes you gotta realize... If you ask a stupid question, expect a stupid answer."
-- Semi-Selective -- OC, Crossover, Multiverse Friendly -- Past-Tense Paragraph Roleplay -- Multiple Version Choice (All Adults) -- Adult Themes, Violence, Dark Subject Matter
Minors: do not interact.
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