#maybe it's because i've been looking at it for too long now
x-gabrielle-x · 3 days
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Withered Cards | III
Pairings: Jason Todd x Reader.
Warnings: Blood, gore, violence, murder, swearing, major and minor injuries, death.
Summary: Despite the many different problems you overcome with Jason Todd, you always eventually make it back to each other. Even after his death, how could you still love a man who changed so much? Even when you made a turn for the worst.
Series Masterlist
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Jason Todd 5:48am
"Mistakes are not something you can afford to make, Jason," Bruce commented, though his gaze was trained on the screen before him. "I told you this was an intel mission. You should have waited for my queue."
I adjusted my position on the chair I was currently sat on, my gaze burning into Bruce's back the longer he continued to stare at the projective computer before him. The tape that he had collected from the mission played on repeat, and truthfully, it was becoming painful having to rewatch it over and over.
Yes, I had been given strict orders to merely stay hidden within the shadows and report back to Batman with the intel I was instructed to gather, but I wanted to do more than be a sidekick to gather information.
“How was that a mistake?” I retorted, pointing to the screen. “If I hadn’t gone, you would have never known what was happening down there.”
Finally, Bruce turned in his chair, his voice just as deep as always. Like a parent scolding his child - which was true to an extent.
"You're telling me that you found out what that whole ordeal was about?" He questioned, gesturing a hand to the screen. "Because it sure doesn't look like you do."
It angered me more than I would have liked to admit that he was mostly right. The most I knew was that the Joker was up to something, but when was he not? The best possible answer I got was that he has an alliance of some sort. The girl seemed to be around my age, possibly younger, and yet she was one of the most skilled fighters I've fought. She was experienced, and no doubt deadly.
My nose ached from the harsh punch she had thrown, the wet rag that was now soaked with crimson blood was discarded beside me.
When Bruce noticed my silence, he continued to ignore me from then on. His fingers dancing along the computer and leaving an uncomfortable silence I wished to break.
Alfred walked in with a tray of coffee; something Bruce had waved him off to go and grab whilst he worked. Whilst the silence lingered, Alfred's gaze flickered up to the screen of the masked girl.
"I do not recognize this criminal," Alfred spoke as he settled the tray down. "Have we seen this girl before?"
Bruce shook his head, a frown etched on his features. "No, but there have been witnesses. Apparently, she's only showed up around Gotham the past two months."
Alfred hummed. “And what does this criminal do, exactly?”
Bruce pushed his body away from the desk with a long sigh, his brows still pinched into a deep frown as his hand dragged down his face. “Jason’s body cam just managed to pick up a little of their conversation before she ran off. The Joker is in on this, too. She knows him, and well.”
My curiosity was piqued. What was the Joker's intentions, now? Surely it was another scheme to lure Batman into a trap.
“Perhaps another laughing gas?” Alfred suggested as he glanced over at me, gesturing toward the tea as he offered to pour some, but I shook my head.
"Not a laughing gas," I concluded, digging into the suit that I still wore. I pulled out the familiar vial that I had managed to snatch from the masked girl, holding it up for everybody's view. "I'm thinking maybe a drug, or maybe some sort of crazy mutation serum!" I looked between the two, a satisfied smirk on my face.
Bruce remained silent for a moment, his gaze never leaving the vial in my hand. I was expecting praise, a congratulations, maybe even a pat on the back and allowed more freedom whilst on patrol. But Bruce's face remained stoic.
"Jason," he started, tone very far from what I had expected. Was it anger? Disappointment? Shock?
He was quick to saunter over and take the vial from my hand, analyzing it carefully as he twisted it in his grasp.
With a shake of his head, his frown deepened. If that were even possible. He placed the vial carefully onto the desk beside the computer.
"You're too reckless," he began. "Not only did you go against my orders, but now you are involved with a crime much deeper than what you can handle. You've put yourself in danger. And not only yourself," he pointed to the screen again. "But you got her in danger, too.
I felt my anger boil, ready to spill over any second. Could Bruce not see my success for once? Could he not give me the approval I desperately wished for? It was risky, but I got the job done.
"I did what I had to," I defended, the anger evident in my voice as I took a step closer.
Bruce quickly snapped back. "And what you did was wrong."
A pause.
"Next time something like this happens, you follow my order... otherwise the title of Robin goes to somebody else."
In the heat of my rage, I stormed past both Bruce and Alfred and made my way out of the Batcave, cape flowing behind me with every long stride. Before the door had slammed shut behind me, I just managed to hear a little of Alfred's voice.
"They're both just children, Master Wayne," he tried. "Much like you once were."
"I cant have him making more mistakes."
Y/N Y/L/N 5:27am
A harsh slap landed against my cheek, my head snapping to the side from the force. The burning sensation left behind caused for my eyes to sting with tears, my vision blurred.
His maniacal laughter was all i could hear despite the ringing in my ears, and I didn't fail to notice the very evident annoyance behind each deep inhale of laughter.
"I cant believe it!" Joker paced. "You really let that little rodent slip past your fingers, just like that? My, my, I might have placed just a little too much faith in you."
He crouched down before me, masking a frown as his thumb came up to swipe the blood from my lip. My tongue darted out to swipe at the cut he had left, the metallic taste lingering in my mouth.
"I must say I am very disappointed," Joker hummed, but oddly enough his hand came to rest on my shoulder, like an odd way of comforting. "But that's why there's always room to learn from mistakes!"
The vial that I was sent to retrieve merely a few hours ago was no longer tucked away safely in my pocket.
I had only realized once I was in front of Joker's latest warehouse that he used as a current hideout, my hands searching every pocket, each shoe in search for the vial. Robin had managed to slip it out without me noticing, and it enraged me.
He was fast, skilled, and very obviously sly. Although it was a tough fight, it brought some adrenaline and excitement into my night. Something I had craved for a while.
Joker clicked his tongue in thought, now sat on a torn couch across from me with his leg propped up on his knee.
"You'll make it up to me, right, my little clown?" his tone was almost mocking. "Perhaps next time you might run into the little birdy again, oh, that would spice things up!"
I inhaled a shaky breath. "I'll get it back," I said, but he waved me off.
"Nah, I'll just get the doc to make me a new one. Although, we cant afford any more mistakes now, can we, Y/N?"
He looked at me expectingly, dread washing over me the longer his gaze pierced my own.
"No, we cant."
"That's my girl!" He clapped his hands. "Harley! Come get the poor girl cleaned up, will ya? She looks like she's been through hell!" He let out a loud cackle at what he considered a joke, slapping his knee.
Harley's head popped from around the corner of the cracked wall, pigtails swinging with every movement she made. With one look at me, she was rushing over.
"Puddin, what happened?" She practically squealed, ushering me to stand up, though the small smile never left her lips. "Oh dear, lets get you all nice and cleaned up!"
The bathroom that she had practically dragged me into smelt of urine and had broken tiles scattered across the floor. Mold was growing along the ceiling and puddles of water crowded at the base of the sink. I had to hold back the look of disgust when Harley took a small rag and wet it under some water.
It wasn't long until Harley was finally finished with dabbing my split lip with the cold water and tending to the few cuts I had littered over my flesh. It was a poorly done job, but the moment I got to step into my own small room - a storage space that barely managed to fit the worn mattress I used to sleep on, I was instantly flopping down.
It was quiet and dark, but nothing I wasn't already used to. I enjoyed having some time away from the two clowns, after all.
Looking over, I reached for the same small bear that I've kept over the years, only now it wasn't as soft as it used to be, and the familiar smell of my old home was gone from the fur. Instead, it was now covered in dirt and grime. A button had been sewn on poorly as an eye after the last had fallen off, and its right arm was barely hanging on by a thread. Still, I carefully held it against my body as I laid on my side, alone and tense.
My mind refused to settle, thoughts swarming with the Robin boy who had managed to make my night go from alright to horrific in only a few hours.
He had outplayed me - tricked me - and still somehow, he had managed to get my mind swimming. Our fight was oddly thrilling, and it confused me with his cocky comments. Batman was nowhere to be seen, meaning that Robin had let me go. Why?
My knuckles had tightened their hold on the bear, a reminder of my life before any of this had happened. I didn't dwell on it, knowing that there was no way back. But the sadness lingered once I buried my face into the soft fur, allowing for the sleep to catch up to me. As usual it was never a peaceful one, but instead filled with nightmares and an all too familiar wide grin.
@annabellelee @stormz369
©x-gabrielle-x. Do not steal, copy or translate my works.
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lullabyes22-blog · 3 days
Snippet - First Kiss - Forward but Never Forget/XOXO
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Jinx finds sympathy in an unlikely quarter...
Forward, but Never Forget/XOXO
"I've gotta ask a question," Vi says. "And I need an honest answer. No games. No riddles. Okay?"
"Last night. When you dipped out on the dinner. Did you... meet anyone?"
"What? Like, a fling?" Jinx's smile cuts into the curve of Vi's neck. "'Cause, yeah, sis. You're not the only one getting busy."
"I'm serious. Did you meet somebody?"
"Maybe, what?"
"Maybe I did."  There's a singsongy tenor in her voice, one that's not entirely fake. But also, Vi can't help but think, distressingly sad in its lightness. "Maybe I didn't." 
"And whoever it is, did he hurt you?"
"How d'you know it was a guy?"
"Just a feeling."
"Hm. You're smarter than you look."
"Answer the question." 
Silence, but it's not the kind that Jinx wields as her ally. It's a silence with a heartbeat: the girlish giddy-up of excitement, undercut by a deeper, darker pulse of uncertainty. 
Vi thinks of how there are hunches that go gut-deep. Others that stop just shy of the liver. She knows—gut-deep—that Powder could sense when Vi lost her virginity to Nao. Her sister was too little then, and too innocent, to fully understand what that loss meant. But she'd known Vi was altered on some chemical level. Some molecular splitting, so Vi wasn't one, but two. 
The girl she'd been. And the woman she was becoming. 
Now, with her sister's body in Vi's arms—it's not the same. After last night, Vi no longer buys that Jinx and Silco are a package deal. Nor does she believe any longer that Silco's inveigled his way into Jinx's pants. She knows her sister well enough to realize that, for all Jinx's wildness, she's still the same girl who used to chase after Vi, begging to be let into the places of grownup vice. Places where Vi would always say no.
Because Powder, her Little Star, wasn't ready.
Jinx, the Bombshell, isn't ready, either. For all her flaunting and flirtation, the fact is, Jinx is a late bloomer. Vi would bet folding money that her sister's never even gotten her hands inside someone else's pants. Silco keeps too close an eye on her. Sevika would chug a triple-shot of cyanide before trying anything untoward. And the crew are too disciplined, too terrified, to get in their boss' bad graces. 
Not without ending up floating facedown in the river.
And yet there's a raw-edged tenderness in her sister's bearing. Her atoms aren't splitting. They're reeling, in the wake of a transformation that's in its first, dazzled throes.  The lingering aura of it—and of whoever's touched her—is a radioactive glow.   
The kind that makes Vi's hackles rise.
"Who was it, Jinx?"
The name, spoken with gentle firmness, does the trick.
"Doesn't matter," Jinx says. "It was a mistake." 
"What was?"
"Meeting him. Being so damn stupid." Her hand lifts. For a moment, her fingertips touch her own lips. "So damn... close."
Vi's own eyes, inexorably, trace the little gash on her sister's upper-lip. It's more pronounced now; a quarter-inch cut. Almost perfectly straight. Like a blade had nicked her there.
Or a kiss.
"Close," Vi repeats, and her throat crimps. "As in kissing-close."
A little up-and-down nod.
"First kiss?"
Again, that tiny dip.
"It wasn't Viktor, right?"
The scoff is the verbal equivalent of an eyeroll.
"A stranger, then?"
"Not a stranger. Someone old." Her fingertips press the gash, as if trying to re-create the sensation. "Someone new."
"Did this someone... force themselves on you?"
Vi is choosing her words with the painstaking precision of a tooth-splinter tweezed from a split lip. She has to. If her sister's been hurt in any way—if her trust has been violated—
Jinx only shakes her head.
"He made me... feel. Not a bad feelin.' Just... it's like it woke a voice in me. One I've had under my skin for a long while. Kinda whispering in the dark. I didn't mind it. The dark's a safe place. Nothing can hurt me when I'm there. I see everything. Everyone. And nobody sees me." A deep, shuddering breath. "Not until him." 
"What d'you mean?"
"He kissed me. And it came outta nowhere. Just—boom. A flashbang. The dark went away, and I was there. Smack-dab in the light. So shiny. So strong.  He kissed me, and the voice wasn't whispering anymore. It was singing. This beautiful, beautiful song. One that's been there all along, and I just never knew." She touches the gash again, and her fingers shake. "I never knew." 
"I didn't plan it!" It bursts from Jinx on a hitched little cry. "I didn't mean to—but he made me want to mean it! He looked at me like I wasn't crazy. Like I wasn't a bomb or a monster. He looked, and he kissed me, and the darkness was gone, and the song was so bright, and gods, I didn't want him to stop. I didn't want it to end." Her body burrows into Vi's, clinging fiercely. "I didn't."
Vi keeps her voice steady. "What happened then?"
"I ran away." A sniffle. "Like a damn coward."
"Did he chase you?"
"For a bit. Not far." The sniffle thickens. "It's not neutral territory. Not where I am. Not even close."
Vi doesn't understand what Neutral Territory signifies. But she hates the pitch of distress her sister is radiating. The tears are hot and bitter and real. But there's also a yearning there. A livewire ache that Vi knows all too well. 
She'd felt it, every minute, when she was with Caitlyn. 
"I'll kick his ass," she says.
"Whoever he is. I'll track him down and break his knees. Then I'll break his arms. Then I'll make sure he never, ever, lays a finger on on you again." Her arms enfold Jinx tighter. "Ever."
Shock leaps off Jinx's skin. For a moment she's all jellyfish softness and barbed-wire stiffness. Then the shock fades, and a laugh bubbles out. Not the villainess' high-pitched cackle, or the trickster's guffaw. This laugh is soft, shaky, a little too close to a sob. 
"Oh, sis," she says, and there's a strange wonder in her voice. "You really do care."
"Of course I do."
"Enough to go to war?"
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ann-atar · 1 day
Another thought after the Annatar & Celebrimbor scene from ep. 7:
Annatar has been keeping him in that tower for a very long time. Probably weeks, maybe longer, and now that Eregion is under siege Annatar probably isn't letting him sleep. The only other living thing Celebrimbor has seen since he tried to escape the tower is Mr. Mouse.
And Celebrimbor definitely isn't in his right mind, but it doesn't seem like Annatar is either. You can see Annatar suffering even as he's pushing Celebrimbor to his limit and beyond.
Also want to add:
Charlie Vickers has elevated his performance this season to something I could not have imagined last season.
That's not to say I didn't think his performance was good in season 1 because it was, but this is on another level.
Having Charles Edwards opposite him in these scenes is just incredible, like the tension and anxiety between them as they get more toxic and codependent makes it impossible to look away.
This season feels different too because I feel like they are really drawing on not just book canon, but on the long history of interpretations of these characters in second age fandom.
While it's true that they're adding characters in the series and altering some of the relationships in general, there are storylines like Celebrimbor and Annatar in Eregion that seem to be made with old school fans in mind, and some of the interviews I've seen imply that even if the actors are not quite fans of the Silmarillion etc., they are at least aware enough of that source material to honor it with performances that stand out above and beyond what we saw last season, like what we're seeing from Vickers and Edwards now.
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triannel · 2 days
HI!!! I adore how you write bill, an my own birthday is tomorrow an im ✨Terrified✨✨,, n was wondering ifff. You could do a sorta angst-fluff where its the readers birthday, but every single one of his birthdays has been awful. And like, now that bills here with the reader he feels like maybe he wont have to Just survive his birthday? That even with his god awful family, it might be ok. Like yeah the meds help, but it doesnt fix anything if the people youre with are why youre fucked yknow? IDK and maybe bill decides to take it upon himself to remove the readers family😋 cant be a neglected middle child w all the responsibilities of the eldest if youre an orphan/J AN I DONT MIND HOW CLOSE YOU STAY TO THIS I LOVE YOUR WRITING ANYWAYS!!
(,,,o n also the reader maybe be a grungey scene kid kinda guy? Lots of piercings, an is more feminine than his parents think he should be, especially as a trans guy, So thats smth. Love bones n bugs and shinies an is like if a dog n crow were a guy,, n supr srry if this is a bad req!! Im jus excited cus i love bill, and im also stressy out cus of my burthdayy >_<“) SO NO PRESSURE TO RESPOND ESPECIALLY IF THIS IS TOO LONG OR ANYTHIMG!!!/gen
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Hello and Happy Birthday 🌙 anon! I've managed to whip this up and I hope it gives you at least some sort of comfort for today. I really do hope you're situation gets better soon, take care of yourself and have a great day! (Also, don't worry, I never really do mind long asks.)
Oneshot | Bill Cipher x Reader | Fluff/Comfort?
Warnings: Mention of Death, Implied Abuse, Implied Trauma, Implied Bad Birthdays, Bill Cipher lol
Quickly stepping upstairs, you lock yourself in your bedroom, blocking all the noise emenating from downstairs. Exhaling, you drop to your bed, letting yourself relax into comfort of the soft mattress and fluffy pillows.
Only needing rest by this point, you close your eyes. Wanting nothing more than to leave this place behind.
"WHOA, DIDN'T EXPECT TO SEE YOU SO EARLY!" A voice suddenly spoke, booming loudly for you to hear.
Ah yes, there he is. You can't exactly say he's your best pal, but right this moment, you truly do feel more at ease with him than being back there.
"It's honestly been a long day so..." You shrugged for a moment before continuing, "Does it bother you?" You ask, giving a lighthearted smile.
"NOT AT ALL, I WOULDN'T BLAME ANYONE BY WANTING TO MEET YOURS TRULY," he spoke, blinking slowly in a dramatic way to show off his 'impressive looks'.
You chuckle slightly, shaking your head, "I mean, I don't think I'm exactly the one to choose to be here..." speaking your thought aloud just to perhaps tease him a little as you glance at him for a moment before slightly chuckling once more.
You never really did know how you even get to meet him to be honest, he somewhat always manages to show up in your dreams, so overtime you guessed that he might be the one approaching you...That, or it might be because of something else entirely.
For a moment, you thought you saw him become nervous for a second, but maybe it didn't happen at all as you only saw it for less than a second.
"WELL, JUST WANTED TO CHECK HOW YOU'RE DEALING WITH KNOWING YOU'RE ONE YEAR CLOSER TO YOUR DEATH," he flatly said, in a weird, eerie way. He always did love being weird so this type of behaviour wouldn't be uncommon by this point.
"Right... Well, what's the agenda for this time then? Or are you busy?" You ask, avoiding your 'birthday' in question. You'd much rather not talk about your birthday at all to be honest. Not a single one ever went well...
Adjusting his bowtie, he started to speak, "WELL..."
Snapping his fingers, your surroundings completely change.
The rest of your 'dream' went on a relatively good note. Having a cup of tea, playing chess, you both did the usual activities you both would do when meeting in your subconscious mind. But the only thing is that, he seemed to be more...well a bit more charming and noticeably, but only slightly more open to your suggestions on what else to spend time on.
He'd usually take the wheel and drag you through any activity he wants, but this time though, this time he was a bit more...considerate.
Now playing a board game with him, you take the dice and roll it. Getting one, Bill chuckles slightly at your misfortune for a second before taking the dice from you.
He might be treating you like this because it's your birthday, but you'd doubt it... Well at least for now-
"EY, IT'S YOUR TURN TOOTS," he snapped his finger a few times in front of your face.
Chuckling, you mutter an apology before taking the dice. Rolling it in your hands, you then let it go. As the dice lands on the floor, it lands on a six, letting you be the winner for the match.
"Yess, I won!" You raise your arms, smiling back at him.
"CHECK AGAIN." Bill spoke, pointing at your piece. Looking down at the board, you see a newly added tile in front of your piece, moving the finish line out of reach. You raise your eyebrow, giving him the side eye.
"WHAT? I DON'T MAKE THE RULES," he raised his shoulders, smiling mischievously with his eye.
Shaking your head, you chuckled at his silly banter while giving him the dice for his turn.
It's unexpected but, this dorito triangle man truly has made a significance on making your birthday much more bearable. Be it his choice to do it or not, you're honestly just glad to at least have some semblance of joy sprout on this day.
I haven't been able to post for a week because unfortunately I became rlly busy at the moment and it isn't helping that I do tend to procrastinate at times. I'll post more regularly later, but for now at least, I'll post this here. Once again, happy birthday 🌙 anon!
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thatwritterbeach · 1 day
One messed up bat pt.2
Dc masterlist all other parts found here
Batfam x reader Jason Todd x reader
Summary: the batfam's approach to Y/n self harming, Bruce is a meanie, and neglectful meanie
warnings: Angst, self harm (active), self hate, depression, anxiety, eating disorder,mentions of alcohol and drugs but not use of either, sexual assault mention, non-con mention, joker has bad touched y/n, puke, purging,
I do not own dc, kinda short sorry. Full bruce hate, I never forgave him for not killing the joker, among other things
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Bruce, Dick, Tim, and Damian all sat around her while Alfred poured tea. Her leg was bouncing and her fingers were tapping on her knees.
"Somebody gonna fill me in," Bruce asked into the silence.
"I second that," Jason said.
"Well, we are here to support-" Tim started to say before Damian cut in.
"Y/n was cutting herself and you have to fix it," he said from his spot next to her. He latched himself onto her arm and rolled her sleeve up to show off the bandage.
"Y/n," Bruce said softly, running a hand down his face in exhaustion. He's too tired to put up with you.
"Why," Jason asked moving to sit next to her and grab her other hand. Tim was sitting on the back of the couch behind her, Dick was perched on the arm next to Damian and Bruce was across from her in an arm chair.
"I'm in a family of superheros that spends more time looking after strangers than they do their own people."
"Y/n," Dick said on a sigh.
"It's our job," Bruce said. Like that excused all the neglect.
"If you're just gonna undermine everything I say and bring up 'the mission' as an excuse for everything there's no point in having this conversation cuz it's just gonna make things worse," she seethed glaring at Bruce.
"No more work talk, just tell us about you," Dick said.
"Damian go help Alfred with dinner."
"Go." He rolled his eyes but stomped out of the room.
"I've been cutting since Jason died-"
"Shit," Tim interrupted quietly.
"Burning too when I feel like it. Definitely have an eating disorder, depression goes without saying. All forms of anxiety, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, hmmm," she paused in mock thought looking to the ceiling for answers.
"What do you mean burning," Jason asked before she could continue.
"I use a lighter to heat up a blade, or something else metal and hold it to my skin. Just 1st and second degree, enough to blister. I prefer burning because the pain lasts longer," she explained casually. Stop talking you idiot!
"Y/n," Dick muttered, so sadly the guilt crept up her throat.
"How else do you hurt yourself," Bruce asked sliding her tea closer to her, like that helped.
"I think that's it, don't know I've done shit for so long I don't even think anymore. I blink and there's a few new cuts I don't remember making." Stop talking!
"Oh my god," Tim whispered.
"You black out? Do you drink," Jason accused, unwilling to ask about drugs.
"Nope, never touch the stuff." Where her hands shaking or was she imagining that? Didn't matter Jason's warm and rough hand enveloped both of hers to stop them. Are your eyes meant to get fuzzy when your crush touches you?
"What can we do to help, what do you need from us," Bruce asked eyeing their hands with a touch of unease?
"Oh, now you care. What fifteen, twenty kids later you care? I don't need or want anything from you, actually, no, what I want is my damn job back." Is your heart supposed to be at 150 BPM?
"Sweets, I can feel your heart through your finger tips."
"I'm fine, my heart rate's always a bit fast." But she was starting to sweat.
"Are you having any other systems, how often do you have anxiety attacks," Dicks asked sitting beside her to hold two fingers to her pulse and count.
"Once a week, once every two weeks, I don't know, why?"
"Do you feel like you're going into one?"
She took a deep breath and did a mental self-assessment. Fast heart, sweat, shaky hands, but clear thoughts.
"I don't-I don't...it doesn't feel like it? Maybe just heightened anxiety, I don't know, I feel more anger than anxiety," she told him smacking his hand away when he tried to check for a fever.
"Does your heart rate usually get to 160 when you're mad," Dick asked.
"Sounds right, I have anger issues." Jason snorted out a laugh.
"Welcome to the club kid." His hand moved to tug on her hair then dropped to her neck to rub circles with his thumb.
"When you call me kid it makes me feel small and useless," she told him with soft smile.
"Shit, sorry."
"I cal you kid, like ninety percent of the time," Dick panicked.
"Chill big bird, it's not gonna drive me to a cliff."
"You're not going back to work."
"Wayta' read the room, Bruce," Tim chastised dramatically draping himself over the back of the couch.
"Careful, Tim your fruit is showing," Y/n said, laughing at her own joke. ( Tim is bi in this)
"His what," Jason whisper yelled whipping his head around to check his brother fly. Dick who was 'hip' to the kids slang these days just laughed and high fived her.
"What's fruit then?"
"When someone is gay you call them fruity," she explained gesturing to Tim's totally not straight pose.
"Oh, got it. Wait a damn minute, that's what you meant when you called me a mango nerd the other day."
"Dude you said and I quote 'you can't wear that spring outfit with that fall purse you heathen' with a hand on your hip."
"It was for a benefit ball, I was trying to help you, you fashionably challenged fool."
"Get a room," Tim complained throwing a hand over his eyes like even watching them was painful.
"Was it that peach dress with the blue clutch," Dick asked, of course, he hadn't attended but he saw the papers and news.
"Sorry, I thought I was the girl in this family, let me just turn my closet over to you-"
"Can we get back to your issues," Bruce interrupted, freaking buzzkill.
"Sorry, was my bonding time with brothers I haven't seen together in over a month cutting into your plans. Are you trying to wrap this up so you can put on your Halloween costume and go beat up poor people. Sorry my depression is such an inconvenience for you. Don't worry, me slicing into my own flesh can take a backseat to your useless and selfish vendetta.-"
"That's enough, I do care-"
"Really! Did you care when your second robin got murdered and you couldn't be bothered to stop his killer, did you care when you forced me into that suit and took me out with basically no training? Did you care when the man you refused to kill took me hostage, when the devil you clearly love sank his claws into my innocent skin? Did you even ask when I came back to the cave with blood running down my legs-" Her jaw might have popped from the grinding of her teeth if Dick and Jason hadn't cut her off.
"What the actually fuck, Bruce!" Jason.
"What the hell!" Dick.
"I didn't know," Bruce said hanging his head and shoving his fingers into his hair.
"You didn't fucking ask. Why the hell else would I have come back looking the way I did, did you even notice I was gone?"
"I don't care," she interrupted with an eye roll, shaking the boys off her to try and leave the room. Tim was faster and blocked her path but she knew he would cave, they would all give her alone time after the bombshell she'd just dropped. She tried not to smirk when Bruce moved to follow her and both Dick and Jason stood in his way.
"So not only did you fail to stop a kid from being murdered, you failed to tell me he was even dead until after his funeral, and you failed to protect her."
"I hate you," Jason said and they all knew he meant it. The guilt was back, clawing at her insides and making bile rise to her throat. They'd been mending their relationship and she just turned Jason on Bruce without thinking.
"I'm sorry," he tried.
"We don't care," Tim spoke for all of them stepping aside to let her through. She hurried to leave before they changed their mind but stopped short with a soft 'shit' when she nearly ran into Damian.
"You heard it all didn't you?"
"Father's an idiot."
"I'm sorry you had to hear that."
"Tt, I'm sorry you had to go through that, my beloved." (he calls her that cuz she's his favorite and acts almost as a mother figure)
"You mind telling Alfred not to set my place?"
"Of course."
Thank God, he didn't insist on following her. With a quick hug and hair ruffle she sent him off and nearly sprinted to her room, her trained feet not making a sound on the polished wood. They hadn't taken any of her blades yet so she had her pick for one last hurrah before they found her. With what could only be described as a quiet evil laugh she selected a simple pocket knife and skipped to her en suit locking the door behind her. her shorts were off in a flash and she had four quick and clean cuts in no time, the sting was ok but not enough to ease the guilt from blabbing her big mouth so she did a few more. The feeling didn't ease and her chest only got tighter in panic of being found so she cleaned and bandaged them then sank to her knees in front of the toilet. Pressing on her stomach right where her ribs met she was able to bring up her food without shoving her fingers down her throat. When nothing but foam came up and her eyes stung from tears she rose to clean up.
"Y/n, you have two second before I kick in the door," Jason warned. Well shit.
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chippedshake · 2 days
14 and I'm thinkin' 'bout God again
Ponyboy had never gone to church before. He’d never seen the point in it. No one in his family was a believer, and if he was going to spend a couple hours watching someone talk, he would rather have it be a movie than a sermon. 
But now that his parents were gone, he started wondering where they were. They would’ve made their way into heaven, he was sure of that. But did it even exist? Was someone else right? Was there another sort of afterlife? Were they sent to hell for being non-believers?
Was there nothing? Had their souls just disappeared? Were they really sleeping forever, unconscious? If that was what was waiting for everyone, what was even the point of being alive? The sun would explode and consume everything and they would be gone and all that would be left would be a void. No life. No thoughts. No memories. 
He slipped into the church with Johnny right before the service began, trying to be quiet so no one would notice them and their not-so-clean clothes.  
In the back of our car, everyone is so far from me
Marcia wanted to phase through the backseat and reappear in her bed. Bob and Randy had been drinking and Cherry was glaring holes into the back of their heads and Marcia was exhausted and couldn't garner the energy to join in.
She was tired for everything these days. Too tired for rallies and protests. Too tired to play with her little sister. Too tired to care about Randy and Bob drinking until they threw up. Too tired to pay attention in class. Too tired to care about how Bob being behind the wheel was illegal and about how it was illegal because it could kill them.
She just wanted things to be easy. Why did everything have to be a fight?
Maybe it’d be easier if she just stayed in her room alone and did nothing. Staring at the ceiling, laying on her bed, fading in and out of sleep. Maybe it’d be easier if she just stopped existing. 
17 and I'm feelin' so out of place, I've been movin' too much
Dally slept where he could. Buck said he didn’t need the rent money, but Dally knew better than that and tried to stay away for as long as he could because there was no way Buck would accept any form of payment from him. Not even helping around the bar or cleaning up after they closed. 
He stayed at Tim’s a couple times, but he was definitely an outsider there. Angela always gave him the stink eye – she was friends with Sylvia – and Curly gave him a wide berth. Tim was nice enough, but clearly didn’t want his bad influence around his kid brother and sister. A bit hypocritical, maybe, but imagining Tim palling around with Johnny made Dally understand why Tim seemed three seconds away from strangling him when he told Curly a dirty joke.  
There was Sylvia’s, sure, but they were always fighting and didn't get along too well even when they weren't. The Curtises’ couch was taken by someone else – usually Johnny – most of the time and Dally would rather die cold and alone on the street than force Johnny out of the only place he could call home. 
(Nevermind that it was his, too)
And lately, I've been runnin' 'round in circles every day
Johnny paced the lot for the third time. He couldn’t sleep. Not so soon after. Everytime he closed his eyes, he swore he could hear the low rumble of a Mustang coming around the corner to finish the job. 
To follow through with all those threats. 
He knew he should go to the Curtises’, but he didn’t want to bother them. Darry had enough to worry about without having to pick up charity cases.  
Fourth lap. It was nearing midnight. He wasn’t getting any sleep tonight. 
19 and I'm gettin' too drunk again
It was noon on a Wednesday and Two-Bit was nursing his third beer.
He thought about Steve’s face curling in disgust whenever he smelled alcohol on Two-Bit’s breath. Susie looking at him in disappointment with those big, brown eyes whenever he came home drunk. Sodapop’s pitying looks whenever he had beer for breakfast and Darry telling him about AA meetings and Ponyboy reciting statistics in an attempt to get him to stop. 
He thought about visiting the hospital and seeing Johnny, laying there, useless and in pain. Being useless and watching, helpless, as he died slowly and painfully. He thought about Dally crumpling under a streetlight, seventeen and hopeless. He thought about how he was never going to leave their neighborhood, how he was never going to graduate from highschool, how Ponyboy and Darry would leave and find someplace better and Steve and Soda would open their own gas station and he would be left there alone, still nursing his third beer on a Wednesday morning when he was thirty. 
He took another swig. 
And I'm fallin' in love with everyone just for a minute
She was pretty. A brunette, not a blonde, and brown eyes, not blue, but she was pretty. And she was funny and smart and really liked Soda. 
They’d had fun that evening and she was a bit older than him so she lived alone and they were at her place. He should be happy. He should be enjoying himself. But all he could think about was blond hair and someone else’s kid. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured as he stepped away, buttoning his shirt back up, “I can’t.”
20 and I'm runnin' away from everythin', I dropped out of school
Whenever Darry had a problem as a kid – homework he couldn’t figure out, a fight with some friends, someone being rude to him –, his dad would always remind him he played football, not track. He didn’t run away from things, he tackled them. He would force him to face the problem head-on and figure it out and not let it rest until it was solved. 
Lately, he’d been thinking that maybe he could replace Ponyboy as the track star in the family. 
Sure, he paid the bills and got custody and made half-hearted apologies when he was too out of line with Ponyboy, but the moment sadness poked its head out, tentatively asking if it could heal his wounds now, he shoved it down twice as hard as last time. He hadn’t let himself cry once in the last seven months, no matter how many times he wanted to. That wasn’t about to change any time soon. 
(It changed a month later as he hugged his brothers in a hospital waiting room when it finally came to be too much.)
To end up wakin' on another cold park bench
Steve’s father was kicking him out more often. It used to be once a month, for maybe two or three days. Now it was practically every week. 
It almost wasn’t worth going back. 
He couldn’t go over to the Curtises’ that often. Not just because it wasn’t fair for them to have to put up with him for so long, but also because it was humiliating. If he wasn’t even good enough for his own father to want him around, then who would?
Johnny would see him at the lot and Dally would see him at Buck’s so he went to the park. It was deserted at night and was on their turf so he could sleep undisturbed. 
He tried to ignore the shame rolling around in his chest when he woke up at sunrise to clean himself up with the fountain’s icy water. 
And I've turned off a part of me 
Soda wasn’t allowed to have feelings anymore, apparently. He wasn’t a person anymore, just a rope. A rope for his brothers to tug back and forth until he tore right down the middle. 
He’d never been all that good at following rules, but this was one he could follow. No feelings? He could do that. He could make himself a smiling, steady presence for his brothers. He could stretch himself thin enough to cover everyone. 
He could keep his family together.  
that I can't find anymore
He’d tried. Ponyboy swore that he’d tried.
But he couldn’t finish Gone with the Wind. He couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to concentrate on a sentence for more than a couple seconds before his mind started to wander. Johnny had been better than him at finding meaning in things. There was probably something there that he couldn’t see. 
Why even read if he couldn’t know what Johnny would have thought? What he would have felt? Why should Ponyboy get to read words that Johnny never would?
How was he supposed to stay gold when the golden part of himself was rotting underground?
I'm sick of always questionin' myself
Cherry walked home alone from the drive-in for the fourth time this month. Every time. He got drunk every single time, no matter what she did. 
Was she doing something wrong? Did being a good girlfriend mean turning a blind eye and pretending like she didn’t care? Was it all her fault? Maybe if she was better in some way – not as annoying, more obedient, nicer – he wouldn’t have to drink himself stupid every Friday. 
It’s not your fault, she told herself. It was not her fault. It was Bob’s. She didn’t have to be more submissive, he had to stop drinking. 
But it wasn’t his fault either. He didn’t conjure up alcohol out of nowhere. Store clerks and older kids and adults, they turned a blind eye. They let a boy, a child, get something that was almost a drug so they could put some money in their pockets and he would have the courage to beat up other children.  
And what I'm doin' wrong
Randy watched as Bob swung another punch. He was wearing rings. That was going to scar. The kid was almost crying. 
What were they even doing? Why were they here? What did they want to prove? The kid hadn’t even done anything wrong, he was just wandering around. 
Randy’d seen the guy around school. He was quiet, kept to himself. Had bruises sometimes and always told teachers – the few that cared – that he’d fallen. It was obvious he hadn’t. Who falls into hands around their neck? 
Why were they beating on someone who already had it so rough? It wasn’t the kid’s fault he was a greaser, just like it wasn’t Bob’s fault his parents let him get away with murder and it wasn’t Randy’s fault his parents didn’t let him take a breath without telling them about it.  
It was wrong, it was all so wrong, the way they all thrived on violence, acting like it made some sort of a difference to anyone. Who was watching them and deciding the winner? Who would make the rules change if they just beat on one more innocent kid, made one more little boy scared to walk around at night?
I've been fightin' with who I am inside my head
Sylvia collapsed onto the couch with a sigh, half expecting her mother to come out to scold her for being unladylike.  
Not like that was going to happen anytime soon. She’d chosen herself over her children when she’d up and left with no warning. So now there was no one around to tell Sylvia to wear longer skirts or less makeup or tie her hair back or go back to school. 
School. It was four. Remmy'd finished an hour ago. She had to pick him up. Fuck. She’d let Evie drag her along to a rally and lost track of time. 
The teacher rolled her eyes when Sylvia showed up half an hour later, muttering about whores and how it wasn’t her job to take care of accidents. Sylvia figured she could have nicely corrected her and told her Remmy was her baby brother and she was late because she’d been trying to get equal rights, actually, but she didn’t really feel like it. Saying that bitch’s boyfriend was the father was much more satisfying.  
It wasn’t worth it, though, when Remmy stormed off alone down the street and she had to run after him. He was mad. Of course he was mad. She’d been an hour and a half late picking him up and instead of apologizing and taking him home quietly, she’d picked a fight with his teacher. 
She really was useless, wasn’t she? Every day she told herself today would be the day she changed for the better, but she never really did. 
And I don't know me anymore
Maybe a label was supposed to be enough. Drunk. Brother. Dreamer. Useless. Girlfriend. Greaser. Soc. 
Why wasn’t it?
And I wish I was somebody else
Just to feel like I'm enough for myself
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johnwickb1tsch · 6 hours
Donnie US Marshall revenge 🤭
Well gaddam, my babes! So many of you asked for it that I've decided to just give you what I've got. 😆 Thank you @discoscoob , @scarlettspectra , and the lovely Nonnie who asked!
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warnings: mention past underage abuse, domestic abuse, mention police violence (this is a donnie fic, i assume you're not faint of heart here) Not a pro-Donnie fic.
You have to go back to your small town for the first time since you graduated high school, to bury your mother. 
The first time Donnie Barksdale grabbed your ass, you were just 15. It was the first time he hit you too, because you were so startled you dumped hot fried chicken in his lap. He was your mom’s boyfriend, and he seemed to think that meant you came in the deal too.
There were times back then when you hated Donnie, and other times not so much. Like when he was kinda sweet, and would bring you a candy bar from the gas station, and you wished he wasn't so good looking because you knew what he was really like when he started drinking. 
It was hard to understand why your mama put up with him, the way he whooped on her. He didn’t have a job and didn’t do anything around the house. You supposed Donnie’s knowledge of the location of the clitoris put him in high demand in your small town. It also didn't hurt that he was good looking as the devil himself, with a silver tongue to match.
After the funeral, you find that night being alone in the house where you grew up unsettles you. You decide to put on jeans and an oversize flannel– to hide the Glock at the small of your back. You put your badge in your pocket, not on your belt, and head to the local watering hole. 
You sit by yourself for half an hour, nursing a vodka cranberry and watching the room out the corner of your eye, when he walks in. Tall and handsome as ever, shaggy in that mountain man way that still does not fail to make your treacherous pussy flutter, even while your head absolutely screams ‘danger!’ 
The sight of him just does something to you. Something unholy.
You’re not fifteen anymore, you have to remind yourself. He can’t bully you anymore, the way he’s bullied every woman in this town. 
He glances your way, that sly sideways look that always reminded you of a lion on the plain. You know he recognizes you, from the way he pauses, but he goes to join his friends by the pool table who are already 3 sheets to the wind.
It takes about half an hour for him to strut over to you, taking the bar stool on your left like you’re old friends, and you don't remember what it was like to take his fist to the side of your face when you were still practically a child. “Well, well. As I live and breathe. Y/n’s finally come home.” 
“Just here to bury Mama.” 
“Heard about that. Sorry.” 
You look him over. Your mother wasn’t much older than him, but drugs and alcohol had practically withered her to a husk until the last fix took her. Somehow, he looks fine as ever. Maybe he made a deal with the devil. 
Maybe he is the devil.
You know he doesn’t mean it a lick. He was always more interested in her government draw check than your mother herself. Having a teenage girl at home didn’t hurt either. 
You’d just turned sixteen, when he took your virginity in his truck at the county fair. He’d been on the edge of thirty. 
You can hardly believe the balls on this man, when he pulls you in close with those long legs tangled in your barstool. 
“How long you gonna be in town?” 
“Just till tomorrow.” 
“Aww, that ain’t no time at all. You should stick around, sugar. Remember the fun we used to have?” 
It’s almost amusing to banter with him here, where you’re safe in a crowded room–and you’re armed. 
“I was a child then, Donnie. I’m a woman now.” 
He looks you up and down with those dark eyes that always could light a fire in your loins. 
“Honey, I noticed. So what you been doin’ with yourself out in the big world? Heard you run off to join the army or some shit.” 
He takes a sip of beer, and you clench your jaw. 
“Marines, actually.” 
He whistles at that. “Damn girl. You always were a tough cookie.” He leans in a little closer. “You ever think about me on a lonely night?” 
“I dream about you all the time,” you admit, and your heart has started pounding in your chest. You do not mention that he is the star of your nightmares. 
He gets that sly look that makes him look like a handsome snake. “Baby girl, do tell.” 
“I dream about giving you a set of bracelets.”
He looks puzzled at that, and you suppress the urge to laugh. “Huh?”
“Steel ones.” 
The look on his face is worth his weight in gold, when you take your badge from your pocket and set it on the bar between you. The silver star gleams in the low light, the embossed text proclaiming in a circle, UNITED STATES MARSHAL. 
You’ve never seen Donnie Barksdale look scared before. You never knew it could feel this good. 
“Are you threatening me?” 
“Not yet. But what’s the sentence for statutory rape in Georgia? 20 years? You should probably leave me the fuck alone now.” 
It’s possible this is the first time in his life that he’s been dismissed by a woman, and you can see in his eyes that he does not like it. 
“Go on,” you egg him further, wiggling your fingers. “Shoo.” 
He’s had enough to drink that he thinks it’s a good idea to grab you. But you’ve paid attention this whole time to the way he’s sitting on the edge of his stool, and it takes one good kick to send it out from under him, and Donnie sprawling on his back on the floor. Before he’s even pushed up on his elbows with murder in his eyes you are on your feet, and the Glock has materialized in your hand. 
“You crazy bitch!”
“Motherfucker, did you think we were going to arm wrestle?” He juts those bottom teeth, grinding them back and forth the way he does when he’s really seeing red. You remember that look, and you realize a part of you hopes he’ll do something stupid. 
“Second in my class at Glencoe, Donnie. You wanna try it?” 
Though you know it kills him to do so, he lays back down, his head thunking on the wooden floor. “No ma’am,” he growls.
The whole room has gone quiet, staring at the two of you. The only sound is Waylon over the sound system, belting out about how there ain’t no good in an evil hearted woman. 
You have a theory now that most every bad woman has had a worse man that drove them to it.    
You lower your voice, even though you’re sure most everyone is straining to hear. “You wanna know what I learned out in the big world, Donnie?” You pause, but he gives no answer. “I learned there’s a whole ocean out there, and you are just one fucked up little fish in a tiny fucked up pond. Go to hell.” 
You throw some cash on the bar, and you leave, knowing you’ll be seeing him sooner than later. The whole town will have heard about this by noon tomorrow, and a man with an ego like Donnie Barksdale’s can’t let it slide. 
You’ll be ready. No man was ever more worth the paperwork for a justified homicide, than Donnie Barksdale.
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stormysunday9 · 6 hours
I've been editing this for too long now and I just need to put it out into the world. The ending doesn't feel quite right...but maybe that's because this story just isn't done yet!
Featuring: happy Joe, some 18+ stuff, and a bit of cheese.
The Missing Piece
I was now five blocks from work and the man who had  stepped out behind me after I locked the door was still following closely behind me.
I started to panic, I was at least another ten blocks from home. It was starting to get dark. I was 5'5 and all I had to protect me was my lunch bag and the yogurt I didn't eat. My heart was pounding. I didn't need to turn around to see him, I could sense him there.
This was a pretty affluent neighbourhood, maybe I could just pretend I lived here. I walked past a couple more homes, then started the journey up one of the long driveways, not daring to look behind me. When I reached the front door, I pretended to unlock it, hoping I'd sold my story to my creepy shadow. When I twisted the knob, the door opened easily, and since I was no longer thinking clearly I just stepped inside.
After a moment of relief from being off the street and into safety, I looked up to see a very tall man standing in front of me with a look of both shock and concern fleeting over his icy blue eyes.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so so sorry! There was a man, I don't know, he's been following me since I left work! I still have so far to go, I was getting scared, I didn't know what to do, your door was unlocked, I didn't mean to come in...." I was still tripping over my words as the man placed his hands on my shoulders and tried to meet my wild eyes .
"Hey, hey." He said firmly but calmly. "It's ok, you're ok. I know, I saw him on the camera, he was following you up the drive. Do you want me to call the police?"
"No, I don't think so. I don't know. I didn't even get a good look at him." I replied. "Do you mind if I sit down?" I asked embarrassingly, the adrenaline was fading and I felt like I might fall over.
"Yes of course", he ushered me to the couch, "and my security camera, I have a clear shot of him on there."
"Oh smart. Ya I can get an image from there then, I'll file a report tomorrow. I'm so sorry for all this." My head was finally starting to stop spinning and my heart slowing down, allowing me to take in my surroundings a bit more clearly. This was a very nice house. Very clean. No clutter. I looked over my shoulder to see him coming back from the kitchen.
He carefully sat down near me on the couch, being sure to leave a full cushion's worth of space between us. He handed me a glass of water and said, "I'm Joe, by the way."
"Hi Joe", I responded, and took a quick drink of water before adding, "you should really lock your doors."
He let out a chuckle and a grin spread across his face. "Well, in this particular instance, I'm kind of glad I didn't. My manager was supposed to be stopping by, so I left it open."
"Oh my gosh, let me get out of your hair then. I don't want to get you in trouble with work! I just need to call an Uber." I started searching my bag for my phone.
"I would like to drive you home if that's ok. Not sure how many more strange men you should add to this day." He raised an eyebrow at me, presumably waiting to see if I was going to laugh or start crying.
I laughed. "That's very kind, but what about your manager?"
"Don't worry about that, my job is pretty secure," he smiled, "let me grab my keys and my shoes."
I noticed he was wearing slippers currently, slippers which I could only describe as old man slippers. He did seem to have an old soul aura about him. I followed Joe out to his garage, that housed multiple vehicles - a very flashy sports car, a futuristic looking truck, and a Mercedes G Wagon. And it looked like we were taking the latter. He must be some kind of tech mogul, I thought to myself, but what's a tech mogul doing in the middle of Ohio?
When we reached my house, which was about an eighth the size of his, I turned to look at him. I couldn't help but think how warm those cold blue eyes looked. 
"Thank you so much, seriously." I said. "You're a real hero."
He chuckled. "Would I be able to give you my number?" He asked.
My wide eyed expression must have given away what I was trying to keep my mouth from saying because Joe immediately spoke up.
"Not like that!" He backtracked shaking his head, "just in case you need more security footage, or a witness statement of something. Or anything at all really. I'm usually around. Except Sundays. I work Sundays." 
I handed him my phone and he quickly typed his number in and handed it back to me. 
"I'm Casey, by the way" I said as I stepped out of his truck. 
"Hi Casey," he smiled.
"Lock your door, Joe!" I yelled over my shoulder as I walked to my front door.
I saw him give me a hand to forehead salute through the passenger window. I walked inside, locked my own door, and peeked out the window, just in time to see him pull away.
The next couple days were less eventful. I had security cameras installed at the shop. I filed my police report at the station. And I ordered some bear spray from Amazon. I was glad when the weekend finally rolled around, and on Sunday headed over to my friend Jess' house for our weekend supper tradition. Jess and her husband always hosted, and our other friend Kate and her boyfriend joined, and then me, the obligatory fifth wheel. The boys usually watched football and us girls caught up on gossip and played board games.
The girls and I were playing a very distracted round of Uno while the boys yelled at the game on the TV. I casually glanced over at the TV after being served multiple miss a turns in a row, and what I saw put my heart in my stomach. 
Unforgettable icy blue eyes.
"Ummm, who is that, Trevor?" I anxiously asked Jess' husband.
"Joe Burrow.", Trevor replied.
"I can read the screen, Trev, I mean who IS he?"
"The quarterback for the Cincinnati Bengals. And you're a disappointment to the whole state of Ohio for not knowing that."
"Harsh, but ok...and like, he's pretty good? Or what?"
Trevor rolled his eyes and turned to look at me, "ya he's like top three in the league, easy. Why, Case? You finally gonna become a football fan?"
I excused myself from the Uno game that I was never going to win anyway and grabbed my phone from my bag. I searched my contacts. J...O...E...
Joe with the Unlocked Doors.
There he was. And with a sense of humor at that. I opened the contact and began to type.
Wow. Your overconfident sense of job security makes so much sense now!
Presumably he wouldn't be texting back anytime soon. Based on the tv screen he appeared to be rather busy at the moment. 
Later that evening I was laying on the couch, working on a bracelet I was making and watching Netflix when my phone lit up.
Shocked Pikachu gif. (Classic choice.) So you're not a football fan then?
I just don't know anything about it. But today I learned Joe Burrow is the quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals. And that sometimes he leaves his doors unlocked. 🤷‍♀️
Ha! Both of those are true. I'm glad you texted.
It was a shock response.
I'm glad anyway. So now you know what I do, what do you do? Aside from walk into strangers houses, of course.
I'm actually a dog groomer. I make pups pretty for a living. I have a little shop on Hudson, which is where I was walking from when I broke into your home.
That's unexpected, and so cool. Love that you've got your own grind. 
Well my grind doesn't garner me multiple vehicles in my garage, but I do love it. It only affords me my old Bronco that starts half the time, and not at all in the winter.
Is that why you walk?
Sometimes. But I do like being outside. And "that day" I chose to walk. Looking back, evidently a poor choice.
Maybe not all bad since you met me?
Haha, I dunno, I got to meet the quarterback of an NFL team and didn't even ask for an autograph! 🫤
Funny. Maybe don't think of me as that, just think of me as Joe.
...with the unlocked doors! 
Exactly. 😉
We continued to message back and forth, joking and laughing while also learning a bit about one another, when I looked at the time on my phone and couldn't believe how late it had gotten.
I think I better get some shut eye. Early start tomorrow. Nice chatting with you. Goodnight, Joe!
Goodnight, Casey. Sweet dreams.
It took me a while to fall asleep that night. What is happening? He's so nice. And absolutely gorgeous. Now that I could think about him a little more clearly and not in a fear filled state of adrenaline...wow. He had to be a full foot taller than me, with what appeared to be the strength of a Greek god, and the fluffiest, wavy hair that was just being begged to have hands run through it. And a little curl that kept falling onto his forehead no matter how many times he pushed it back. And those eyes...oh my gosh those eyes. 
Pull yourself together, Casey! I scolded myself. I was being ridiculous. And I needed some sleep, it was back to my not so lucrative grind tomorrow.
Monday morning I was back in my element. The Bronco started, my first dogs of the day were settled on the floor around me, my coffee was just right. Maybe it would be a good week. With my headphones on, and high velocity dryer blasting, I almost didn't hear someone walk through the door. I looked up, startled so see a man with a hoodie pulled over his head and wrap around sunglasses on his face. He must have seen the fear in my eyes as he immediately reached up to push the hood off his head and replace it with his sunglasses.
I felt my face flush. I turned off the dryer and put my headphones around my neck.
"What on earth..." Was all I could get out.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just figured that you saw what I do, so I wanted to see what you do...I hope that's ok." I could see a worried look in his eyes.
"How did you find me?" I probably should have reassured those baby blues, but I was still so confused.
"Well you told me your shop was on Hudson. And there was a dog groomer on Hudson called Casey's Place.....so I guess I'm a detective?" He was still feeling out if he'd made a mistake.
I laughed. "That's fair I guess. You googled me?!"
He let out a chuckle. Those seemed difficult to evoke from him, but I felt like I could make it my full time job just to hear the sound and watch the corners of his eyes crinkle.
"You haven't googled me?" He asked with mock accusation.
"Actually, no," I admitted, "I think I'd prefer to learn about you from you."
He smiled, "well I guess we've determined who's the better person then!"
He suddenly sat on the floor cross legged, and the three dogs already on the floor immediately ran to him and began climbing and licking him maniacally.
Jealous, I thought. But only said, "well that's a good sign."
"What is?," he asked while trying to avoid getting dog tongue directly in his mouth.
"Never trust someone your dog doesn't trust! And they seem to love you."
This time he blushed.
I lifted the dog on the table down to the floor so he could join the fun. 
Joe tried to untangle himself from the dog pile and stand back up. "I was wondering if I could take you to lunch?" he asked, barely making eye contact.
Wow, is he...nervous? I wanted to say yes so bad, but I was the only one in the shop today, and I couldn't leave the dogs unattended. 
"Could I take a rain check?" I asked, hoping my eyes didn't look as desperate as I felt.
"Of course," he replied, "I knew you were working, I'm sorry."
I gave him a little pout, and the corners of his mouth turned up. 
"I'll talk to you soon!" He said and quickly turned and walked out the door.
My heart sank. Did I just turn down Joe Burrow on a date? But my job, I've worked so hard for this shop, and surely he gets that. I hoisted the dog back onto the table and got back to work, while my heart continued to chastise my brain for being too responsible. Then my phone chimed. I looked at my watch to see a message from Joe. I pulled out my phone to open it.
Do you like onions?
Well...I guess he still wants to get to know me? First what I do for a living, now my produce preferences?
I typed back, Yes with a question mark.
Message read, no response.
This man is an enigma. 
And then 10 minutes later my door dinged and in walked Joe with two greasy paper bags, a tray loaded down with drinks, and a smile that could light up the dark.
"You still have to eat, right?" He said with a shrug of his big, broad shoulders and began to spread out a selection of burgers and fries across the grooming table that wasn't currently in use.
"I got you a soda, a milkshake and a coffee because I don't know what you like yet." He explained 
Yet. Oh my gosh he was adorable. I melted, perhaps obviously.
I pulled up two stools, suddenly a little unsure if one would even support Joe's enormous size. He sat down and it looked almost comical.
"I'm so sorry," I apologized, unable to choke back my laughter, "I don't normally cater to football stars". 
He brushed it off, quickly. "All good, a lot of furniture is too small for me. Or I'm too big for it. Whichever."
He took a big bite of a burger while I grabbed a couple fries, unable to take my eyes off him, trying to understand what these last several days were coming to. My overthinking brain couldn't take it anymore, and I just spit out "Why me?"
Joe turned to me, looking straight into my eyes, with surprise. "What do you mean?", he seemed genuinely confused. 
I took a deep breath. "Well, like, you're you. You're obviously super attractive, you're a famous athlete, you're talented, smart, focused, funny, kind, charming... I'm sure you could have your pick of anyone in Ohio - no, in America. Maybe even Canada too. And then, I'm just me."
"You think I'm attractive?" He said, eyebrows raising, blue eyes mischievous.
I rolled my eyes.
"But seriously, Casey," he continued, "I'm intrigued by you. I love that you know who you are, and what you're about. You're beautiful, you're smart, you're focused. And honestly, I kind of liked that you didn't know who I was."
I could feel the flush of red flowing up my face, I've never been good at accepting compliments. Especially from this remarkable specimen of a man sitting so very close to me right now.
"I really don't think you're giving yourself enough credit", he continued, "I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the day I laid eyes on you. I wasn't going to push it, but when you texted me yesterday, I knew I didn't want to let you get away." 
He placed his large hand on my thigh, I think to comfort me because he could tell I was overwhelmed, but it had the opposite effect and made my heart beat 10 times faster.
"I like you too, Joe. I just don't know what this would look like. Dog groomer dates NFL superstar? I'm an introvert. Sometimes I get anxious if the grocery store is really busy."
Joe burst out laughing. "Maybe just don't overthink it, and we can see what happens?" He smiled, his eyes pleading with mine, feeling like they were reaching in and pulling directly on my heart. A smile started creeping across my face, despite my best efforts to convince myself there was just no way this was happening, and then Joe leaned in and planted his full, beautiful lips on mine, leaving absolutely no doubt that it really was. 
The rest of the week was bliss. Late nights facetiming until we fell asleep, Joe stopping in with coffee for me at work (now that he knew that was my drink of choice). I was living for getting to know and understand him. I'd never known someone so focused, so loyal. He was incredibly intelligent, loved his family, he was thoughtful, awkward enough to allow me to believe he really was human, and so adorable when he tried to flirt. And probably most surprising, he was quite introverted too, preferring to keep a small circle, and still navigating the fame that he had now achieved. 
I also learned that the day before game day, as far as anyone in the world is concerned, Joe Burrow does not exist. He takes the day to focus, watch tape, and avoid distraction and chatter at all costs. He definitely takes his job seriously, but I get it, he loves what he does.
So Friday night he picked me up to go to his place for supper. He wanted to avoid a public outing, to avoid the media storm that was sure to follow. I thought that sounded like a great idea. He pulled up in his white G-Wagon around 7pm. 
I climbed up into the passenger side. 
"Did you lock your door?" He joked.
"Hilarious.", I replied, "why do you always drive this thing? Don't get me wrong, you look hot as hell behind the wheel, but I know you have a garage full of choices."
He blushed and tried to hide his smile. "Those were all phases I thought I was going through I guess. This thing is my favourite. And the least conspicuous". 
He put the vehicle in gear and reached across the console to hold my hand. It was a short drive to his house, despite us living in very different neighbourhoods. We walked into his house that already smelled like food as his cook was busy preparing game day prep-appropriate nutrition. We sat down on his oversized couch (he seemed to have purchased furniture more suited so his size), and he turned to look at me. He grabbed both my hands in his, making them all but disappear. 
"I have a question for you," he started.
Uh oh. Serious Joe was also unreadable Joe. 
"Oooook," I said nervously.
He squeezed my hands. 
"It's nothing bad, I was just wondering if you wanted to come to my game on Sunday. You don't have to sit in the suite, I can get you tickets for the stands. You can bring friends if you want. Whatever you want."
Oh boy. There is nothing I wanted more than to be there to support him, cheer him on, watch him do his thing, see him in those tight pants in person... But I wasn't sure I was ready for that kind of debut yet.
He could sense my reservations immediately.
"It's ok," he reassured me, "I wanted you to have the invitation, I totally get it if we're...not there yet." He seemed genuine, but also a little sad. Damn those puppy dog eyes.
"It's not that, I just haven't really told anyone about us yet, I wasn't even sure there was anything to tell, and I barely understand the game, and if at any point you'd be there with me I'd be all for it, but I know that's not how game day works. I will be there, and soon....I think I just need a little more time." My eyes were pleading with him to understand. 
And of course he did. He wrapped me in a big hug. "I'm looking forward to that day, and it makes me unreasonably happy to hear you talk about the future, even if you're just talking three weeks from now." He was grinning like a fool. I was absolutely falling for this man.
"I have a proposition, perhaps a bit of a compromise. What if you come to my place after your game. I would really like to see you, especially if I have to be Joe-free tomorrow." I tried my best puppy dog eyes, and they seemed to work.
"I can do that," he agreed, "but if we don't win, I can't say how good of company I'll be".
"If we don't win?!" I mocked, "well that doesn't sound like Joe Burrow at all!"
He laughed. That was still my favourite. They didn't come easily, but I would spend my last day trying just to hear that beautiful sound. 
Sunday afternoon I plopped down on the couch with a coffee, a blanket, and my phone. I turned on the tv to the game. And suddenly felt very, very nervous. I wasn't sure what the superstitions were about talking to the players before the game, but I decided to send Joe a quick text. Knowing him, he doesn't even look at his phone prior to a game. 
Have fun today. We're the lucky ones, getting paid to do what we love ❤️
He replied with the kissing face emoji: 😘
I spent most of the game googling - offside, the pocket, roughing the passer, why are they punting, what is a punt.....this was gonna be a steep learning curve. I also spent part of the game covering my eyes when Joe was about to get hit. This was so intense. It was a hard fought game, but three hours later the Bengals finished with a loss by two points. Now I was even more nervous. I was about to meet After a Loss Joe. Knowing how seriously he takes his job, I knew losses must hit him pretty hard. 
45 minutes after the game ended, the G Wagon's headlights shone into my front window. Well, he still came over so that was a good sign.
I opened the door to him not standing as tall as he usually does, but he still wrapped me in a hug and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. 
"Hi", I said softly, meeting his eyes. "I'm proud of you, that was amazing to watch". 
He offered a small smile and walked across the room to collapse on the couch.
I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of tea  and him a glass of water, then joined him in the front room. I set the cups on the table, and sat down on his lap, running my hand through his freshly washed hair. He wrapped his long arms around my waist and rested his head against my shoulder. I didn't say anything, just listened to him breathe, while I breathed in his fresh shower scent, and enjoyed how small I felt on his expansive lap, with his strong arms enveloping me. 
Eventually he swung his legs up onto the couch and scooted down so he was laying down, taking up the whole length of the couch. He moved me to the side so I was tucked in between his body and the back of the couch. I rested my head on his chest.
"I just hate letting the guys down," he finally spoke.
I didn't offer a response. I didn't think he was looking for one.
"I fumbled that snap, I don't even know how, but that was about to be a big play, and instead it was nothing."
I pushed myself up onto my elbow so I could see his face. He stared at me for a minute.
"Aren't you gonna say anything?" He asked.
"What could I possibly have to offer? I spent the whole game googling terminology and covering my eyes cuz I was scared you were gonna get hurt!" I admitted.
Unexpectedly, his face relaxed, and he laughed. 
"If it helps, I thought you looked great, I found the game really exciting, for what I understood, and I kinda hoped you were gonna show up here in your uniform still because wow, apparently I love a man I uniform." I said with a knowing look. 
"Is that so?" He asked, a smirk on his face
He sat back up, and scooped me back onto his lap, this time so I was straddling him and looking right into those beautiful eyes. He stared at me for what felt like forever before saying, "You're my missing piece." 
"Sorry?" I replied, confused.
"It's just, I have everything I ever could have wanted from life, and I couldn't figure out why I still wasn't where I wanted to be. This is the first time I've ever held onto a little hope after a loss, because I still had something to look forward to. I was excited to come here. It's you, Case. I was missing you. And now here you are. And I'm sorry to tell you, but now that I have you, i'm never gonna let you go." His face was so soft, relaxed, certain.
I felt tears prick the corners of my eyes. His sincerity made me emotional. I didn't risk speaking, as I knew my voice would give away how much I was feeling for him in that moment. Instead, I leaned into him and kissed him deeply. His tongue forced it's way into my mouth, playing tag with mine. I ran my hands through his hair like I'd been dreaming of doing all week. 
He slipped his hands under me and lifted us both off the couch in one swift movement. I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, still kissing his mouth, his cheeks, his neck. 
He gently laid me down on my bed, and I shimmied my body up to my pillow. He climbed onto the bed on his hands and knees, hovering over me like a real Bengal tiger about to devour his prey. He started at my forehead and began working his way down, kissing every inch of me. He pulled down the shoulder of my shirt and planted soft, yet hungry kisses on my bare skin. He then pushed my shirt up, exposing my belly, kissing me more. I pulled the shirt over my head, exposing my bra. More kisses between the exposed parts of my breasts. Down to my belly button, where he began to unbutton my jeans. 
"You're so beautiful" be breathed out between kisses. 
"Hold on," I begged, and pulled his shirt over his head. I almost gasped, taking in every inch of his expansive, muscular torso. A bruise on his bicep, a scar on his belly, and the most phenomenal abs I'd ever seen. 
"You're ethereal." I panted.
"Your vocabulary is so sexy", he grinned, and continued planting kisses all over me. He pulled my jeans down and kissed his way back up my legs. When he made it to the warm, increasingly wet place between my legs, he sat up on his knees, taking in all of me. I should have felt self conscious, but instead I felt safe, even beautiful. I pulled him back into me and began sliding his track pants over his hips. He wasn't wearing underwear. His cock sprung out, erect and very large. I looked up at him, he was waiting for a response. I may have whimpered.
"Is this ok?" He asked.
"I can't think of anything I want more", I replied, perhaps a bit desperately.
He slid my panties down and let his fingers enter me. I couldn't have been any more wet, but the feel of his hard length rubbing against my thigh as he fingered me was making me feral. 
I put my hands on his shoulders, drawing his attention back to my face. "I want you," I panted, "all of you."
His face was flushed, and he smiled. He positioned himself back on top of me, and slowly pushed his hard cock into me. It slid in easily with how wet I was, and filled absolutely every bit of me. When he finally bottomed out, I gasped 
"Are you alright?" His face showed genuine concern. 
"Never been better," I reassured him. I wrapped my legs around him, taking in every inch, while he kissed my neck and thrusted into me, slowly, steadily. I was digging my nails into his back. He felt so good. I never wanted him to stop. He continue to place soft kisses down my neck, on my breasts, letting his tongue linger on my nipples. Despite how strong this man was, he couldn't have been more gentle and attentive. 
When his face was near mine again, I told him to roll over. Excitement flickered over his eyes, he smiled, and obeyed.
I straddled him and began grinding my hips against him. In this position, he went even deeper into me, I could feel him in my belly. I couldn't stop staring at him. The more I took in every perfect angle of his face and body, the quicker my body forced itself against him. My clit rubbing against his abdomen in my own slickness, I could feel myself reaching my climax.
"Are you close?" I breathed, holding onto him tightly.
"I'm ready when you are," he smiled.
I began rocking harder, faster, reaching around to cradle his heavy testicles, watching his face writhe in exquisite pleasure until I felt every nerve in me release while I pulled him in even deeper and tighter in the throes of orgasm. I felt him buck his hips into me while moaning in pleasure, savoring his own release. I collapsed onto his hard body, completely blissed out. 
He wrapped his arms around me, and whispered "wow..." Between ragged breaths. 
I rolled off of him and curled in beside him as tightly as possible. His arm around my back, mine draped over his perfect torso.
"After that, I won't be going anywhere either, just so you know." I told him while tracing small circles with my finger around his chest. 
"Nothing would make me happier," he smiled, and turned to kiss my cheek. 
I guess I better start figuring out how to be a little more comfortable in crowds....
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voxofthevoid · 1 day
Yo, time for Demon/Hunter Horror Wednesday #5 👁
The fic has currently stalled at a hefty 41k because I've been writing sukuita nonstop for around a month now (Gojou's still two chapters and probably over 10k away) and snapped from goyuu withdrawal. Poking at a quick-and-dirty goyuu oneshot that's...dirty for sure but not quick at all. All @nearalways's fault, again.
Anyway, to switch it up from the creepy church demon sex that's been happening over the last few posts, this week's snippet is entirely a conversation between Yuuji and Megumi. Enjoy?
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“Do you think having sex makes it harder to jerk off on your own?”
Fushiguro chokes on nothing, whipping his head around to stare at Yuuji with eyes that’re twice their usual size. “What.”
“Y’know…” Yuuji gestures. Fushiguro’s expression screams that he does not know. He looks a little like he doesn’t want to know anything ever again, really. “Don’t look at me like that! I’m just asking!”
Fushiguro sucks in a deep breath, screwing his eyes shut so tight that it hurts to look at. “Why are you asking me?”
“Who else? You saw how Kugisaki reacted when I asked her about sex. She’d rip my dick off.”
“I,” Fushiguro grits out, “will rip your dick off.”
Yuuji gasps. “You wouldn’t!”
Fushiguro’s eyes narrow. “You sure?”
Yuuji opens his mouth to say yes, but…he can’t. Even narrowed like this, there’s too much white in Fushiguro’s eyes. He looks a little crazy, just in a cute way. Yuuji definitely shouldn’t tell him that.
But he does need to tell him something so that Fushiguro won’t get any ideas about the scissors on his table.
“Your dad would think that’s foreplay,” Yuuji states confidently. “And we don’t want that.”
Fushiguro makes a noise. “What the hell, Itadori?”
“Yeah, I’ve been saying that a lot too,” Yuuji mutters, gesturing at his crotch.
Fushiguro’s eyes drop and dart back to Yuuji’s face, wider and wilder than a second ago. “Itadori!”
“I can’t get off anymore,” Yuuji blurts out in self-defense. “No, I mean—I can. I could, with him. But I can’t jerk off properly. It gets hard, but I can’t, y’know, finish.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Fushiguro asks. His tone is kinda weird; Yuuji can’t tell whether it’s despairing or curious. Incredulous either way, just like the way he’s looking at Yuuji. “How are you telling me this?”
“Huh?” Yuuji slides down till he’s lying fully on Fushiguro’s bed. For good measure, he turns onto his front, keeping his dick out of sight and snipping distance. “You’re a guy too. I figured you’d get it.”
“I don’t,” Fushiguro says repressively. Then, after a long moment of very loud silence— “What do you mean you can’t…finish?”
“I can’t come.”
“I got that.” Fushiguro sighs, putting his book away and leaning forward in the chair, all his attention on Yuuji. Usually, Yuuji would sit up straighter in response—Fushiguro can get really intense—but right now, he’s more interested in protecting his dick. Plus, this mattress is comfortable. “I have no practical experience with sex, but I’m fairly sure doing it with someone doesn’t mean you can’t give yourself a hand. That’s basic biology.”
“Yeah, I thought so too, and it’s not like it’s been like this the whole time, just…” Yuuji blinks, realizing several beats too late what else Fushiguro just said. “So you are a virgin!”
“Not the point!” Fushiguro snaps.
“Alright, alright. Hey, I’m not judging you, I swear. I also didn’t—”
“Itadori,” Fushiguro cuts in sharply, “focus.”
“Right…” Yuuji thinks for a moment, trying to find words that won’t spook Fushiguro—or piss him off. He’s already almost glaring. “There wasn’t anything weird at first, even after I started fucking him. Doing him felt better than my hand, obviously, but I still jerked off all the time. More than usual. I was horny all the time. I’m still horny all the time.”
“You sound like some sex addict,” Fushiguro says with a grimace. But his cheeks are a faint pink.
Yuuji shrugs. “Maybe. Kind of. It’s not the sex, it’s—”
It’s the place. That church. Except not really. Deep inside, Yuuji knows that the church is just set dressing. It’s the priest who’s the problem. Everything Sukuna is, everything he makes Yuuji feel—addiction isn’t really a wrong way to put it. Yuuji’s never felt anything like it before; he’s never wanted anything like it.
Sometimes—a lot of the time, more and more often this last week especially—it’s a physical need, a hollow ache that haunts his gut and his bones.
His dick too.
“It’s…?” Fushiguro prods after Yuuji’s silent for a while.
Yuuji blinks at him, refocusing. “It’s him.”
Fushiguro makes a noise in his throat, like he was expecting that answer but doesn’t like it much. Yuuji can’t blame him. He doesn’t like it either.
“You really like that guy so much?” Fushiguro asks.
“Ugh.” Yuuji shoves his face into the mattress, suffocating in the darkness for a few blissful seconds. Then— “No. Hell no. He’s an asshole. Nobody would like him.”
Yuuji still doesn’t understand why he’s apparently popular among the churchgoers. He’s never brought it up with Fushiguro and Kugisaki after telling him he’s fucking a guy because he wouldn’t put it past them to put two and two together. They’re both weirdly intuitive, and together, they’re worse. Plus, Yuuji’s not the best liar.
But Fushiguro’s looking at him like he’s lying right now, and that’s very unwarranted.
“It’s true,” Yuuji insists. “I never ever want you guys to meet. He’s that bad.”
Fushiguro blinks very slowly. “And this is the guy you’re dating?”
“We’re not dating!”
Shockingly, that doesn’t seem to help.
“Having sex then,” Fushiguro says, his frown deepening. “That’s worse. Makes it sound like—”
Yuuji waits, pushing himself up for his forearms for a more level view of Fushiguro’s expression. It’s twisted into dark lines; Yuuji can recognize displeasure and disapproval, but there’s more there, he can tell.
Fushiguro lowers his eyes, scowling at the floor. “Never mind.”
“Are you being safe?”
Yuuji’s jaw clicks shut. “Um…”
Fushiguro’s eyes snap back to his face. “Itadori!”
“Define safe?” Yuuji ventures.
Fushiguro drags a hand down his face, skin catching on skin in a way that makes Yuuji wince in sympathy. “How do you get into these situations? You’ve been here for less than six months.”
“Hey, you make it sound like I do dumb shit all the time!”
“You do,” Fushiguro says mercilessly. “At least you admit this is stupid.”
“Yeah, well…” Yuuji flattens himself against the bed again. “The sex is really good though.”
“How would you know? He’s your first too.”
“That’s true. But he’s kind of a freak. I didn’t even know—”
“No,” Fushiguro interrupts, his tone flat but still cutting. “No details. I don’t want to hear this.”
“Fair enough,” Yuuji says, but then something occurs to him. “Is it because he’s a guy?”
“Huh? What—” Realization widens Fushiguro’s eyes, which narrow right after. “No. That’s not it. I’m fine with that.”
“Oh. Cool.”
“I am,” Fushiguro says more firmly; Yuuji can see his fists clench. “I’d be a hypocrite otherwise.”
Yuuji frowns at him, trying to— “Oh. Oh. So you’re—”
“Yes. Still not the point.”
“I don’t think we have a point anymore,” Yuuji muses. He sits up, finally, shifting to perch on the edge of the bed, mirroring Fushiguro’s pose on the chair. It’s as close as he can get to the guy without walking over there, and the way Fushiguro’s staring at him says he might bite if Yuuji does that. “Thanks for telling me, Fushiguro.”
“Oh, for—” Fushiguro looks away furiously. “It’s not like you couldn’t guess anyway.”
“I…didn’t really think about it? I mean, there’s all the stuff your dad says, but—”
“Shut up,” Fushiguro hisses. “Go back to talking about your sex addiction.”
“Do we have to?”
“You brought it up.”
Yeah, fair point. Yuuji’s not sure what he was hoping to achieve. But Fushiguro’s pretty much the only person he can talk to about it. The internet wasn’t helpful. Hell, parts of it were trying to say his balls weren’t working because of cancer or something. Yuuji’s not opposed to calling Sukuna a kind of disease, but it’s not literal.
And thinking about Sukuna is a bad idea because there’s a lot to remember, most of it not innocent, and Yuuji’s dick is on a hair trigger these days. Heat pools between his legs, and Yuuji grabs the nearest pillow, putting it on his lap.
Fushiguro’s confused for only a single second. “Are you kidding me?!”
“I haven’t come in a week,” Yuuji whines.
“You—” Fushiguro looks pleadingly at the ceiling. But nothing there seems to help him any. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but just…go fuck the guy.”
“I can’t,” Yuuji whines again.
“Why,” Fushiguro grits out, “not?”
Yuuji tries to figure out how to put it without giving away that he’s going to the church to fuck its weird, creepy priest who may or may not be infesting his dreams.
He settles on, “He’s only available at night. And Nanamin’s back now, so I can’t just leave like I used to.”
“But you don’t have a curfew or anything.”
“Yeah, but—” Yuuji gestures. “He’d have questions if I came back in that state. And it’s his house. I don’t want to be rude.”
Fushiguro’s expression softens. “At least you have some sense.”
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would-you-punt-them · 14 hours
Possible reasons: heart/blood issues (ie: maybe your heart was beating too fast or there was a sudden change in blood pressure), thyroid issues, or hypersomulance (ie: narcolepsy or IHS). But there is a LOT it could be. These are just ones that I’m aware of. I highly suggest seeing a dr if you can and at least getting SOME kinda test done! Hope it’s nothing super serious!!
I genuinely don't think it's that serious; I was worried for a while because before it was happening constantly, but it's been happening less and less frequently each day, and today it hasn't even happened at all
So I think whatever was causing isn't a long-term condition, and I'm in the clear
Actually I think my willpower proved too strong for it, because I can control it now - even though it doesn't seem to do it randomly anymore, I can still do it on command, so at any moment I can decide now is sleepy time and shut down instantly, whether I feel tired or not
Though I do think there might be some lingering side effects that are super weird, and I do want to know if anyone can relate because I've never heard of this kind of thing happening before
Basically, since this started happening I've only been able to sleep in short bursts, even at night, and that hasn't changed - I wake up for like 1-2 minutes, and then go back to sleep, over and over again, so instead of a solid 8 hours in bed I'm basically taking a series of naps
Now here's the weird part - my dreams carry over
I'm having a dream, I wake up, and I'm like "wait no I want to know what happens next", so I make myself fall straight back asleep and it picks up where it left off
And I've discovered that apparently I can use this against my enemies - last night I had a dream where I was in court, and because I was struggling with the case I asked for a recess so I could grab my phone real quick, woke up, picked up my actual phone IRL, googled legal advice, then went back to sleep and got back to the courtroom, and was like "sorry I'm back, I just looked it up and have an objection now" and the judge allowed it
When I got up properly I assumed that me "waking up and using my phone" was part of the dream (you know like how sometimes you wake up, go through your morning routine, then wake up a second time because the first time was actually still in the dream)
But then I checked my phone and the website was still open
Shit like this has been happening every night for days now, has anyone had experiences similar to this
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 day
Ahh!!! I'm finally on time again for wip Wednesday! I'm so excited! I would love some Angel Neil.
(I loved the long snippet from last week but obviously I will love anything of any length you post)
WIP Wednesday (9/18) | Guardian Angel Neil AU (Part 235)
So he's going to once again get Bee's thoughts on the angel. He's going to make her tell the truth and admit one way or another if she thinks he's got a serious problem. (If she calls Neil an imaginary friend again, Andrew might bite her. No, no. He wouldn't bite Betsy. But he might light a fire in her office.)
See, Andrew ruled out Neil being a side effect after Monday morning. He'd come charging up here first thing during his nightmare-induced rampage, without taking his meds, and Neil was here waiting for him like always. Andrew's quite sure he's not actually psychotic, no matter what his teammates like to say. But he wants to check his notes against Bee's one more time.
This way, if he ever starts to doubt Neil again he can remind himself that Betsy thinks he's fine and that Kevin knows the Butcher's son. That's what he would need, reassurance from the two people he trusts most. God, how did Kevin Day end up on this list? Andrew digresses. The biggest problem with grilling Bee about this is Neil himself. Because Neil said he would stay as long as Andrew believed in him. If he were to overhear anything... Would he leave for good? Is he actually able to? Andrew does not want to find out.
Andrew realizes with a start that his cigarette is nothing but a tiny burned up nub between his fingers. He looks at it, annoyed, then flicks it into the bushes below. When he turns, Neil is staring from where he's propped on an elbow. Has he been staring this entire time? (Andrew thinks he could stare at Neil for days. That's beside the point.) He cocks a brow.
"You know, I'm right here." Neil says, looking amused. "That means you can actually talk to me instead of just thinking about me real hard."
Andrew flusters and bristles simultaneously. "Who said I want to talk to you?"
Neil laughs like Andrew's being stupid. "Your head is going to explode, Andrew. Or maybe mine is. I can't tell. But it's getting annoying, so just say something."
"I hate you."
"There you go." Neil smiles. "Let it out and stop pounding on the insane of my skull."
"Is that what it feels like when I think about you?"
Neil sighs, "Not always. Sometimes it's a little pinch. Maybe a tap on the forehead, a flick to the ear. But sometimes you get real... Thunderous."
"Yeah. Like I can't think because you're too busy thinking about me." Neil says, sounding only slightly accusatory. "You're doing it now. Want to tell me why?"
"You told me you don't come into Bee's office. Is that still true?"
"Of course."
"Isn't it the angel's right to know what's going on with me?"
Neil looks almost offended that Andrew thinks he'd eavesdrop. "No. I've told you before. Whatever you have to say to her is none of my business and I certainty don't care to hear what she thinks about me."
"Right. I know."
"Then why are you asking this again?" Neil asks suspiciously. "Should I be listening in on you for some reason?"
Oh fuck, time to backtrack.
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As requested by the wonderful
@chineseshoestore I hope it's everything you've wanted and more.
It's a rare night when Dean strikes out. its even rarer that he wouldn't try again, with a different girl.
Maybe fate wanted this to happen.
Who is he kidding, it's just plain old bad luck.
It's the early, early morning and dean is just outside the motel. The lights are on inside, so he's not worried about making too much noise.
Clearly that didn't matter. When he steps inside it's like he walked into another world, one where everything is wrong
Because dad is on top of Sam one of the beds. Actually it takes him a few seconds to really realize what's happening. Dad is fucking sammy, baby brother.
It takes him another couple of seconds to unstick from his place in the doorstep, seconds where they don't notice him.
Dads making these little grunting noises, ones that he's heard before, thought it was nightmares or pain. Sam's making noises too, little squeals and whimpers, high and sobbing.
He's heard that before in the night too.
At least three years ago, when Sam was younger, young. How long has this been going on under his nose?
Too fucking long.
There's a gun on his waistband and smoothly, surely, he grabs it.
Everything stops when he gets it into his hand.
Somehow, somebody noticed him.
Shaky, gun held up in front of him, he steps forward into the room. The stench of sex invades his nostrils.
At first his voice just cracks, but then Dean gets a full sentence out. "Don't you fucking touch him anymore dad, get AWAY FROM SAMMY" yelling at the end.
Dad seems scared, gets off of Sam, pulls out with a gentle grunt, dick slick with lube and soft. He's not even fully undressed, still got socks on.
That doesn't matter. The only thing that matters right now is sam.
"hey sammy, he's not gonna hurt you anymore just- just get off the bed, please Sammy"
Sammy doesn't say anything. Not protesting that his name is sam. Not saying anything. Sammy's chin is quivering.
Then dad starts to talk. "Dean! Dean, he wanted it I swear to you I promise, I promise he wanted it, I would have stoped if he wanted to."
It's a wonder that dean doesn't shoot him there.
Instead, he circles over to the bed, keeping his gun of dad the entire time. Sam's still on the bed, not moving, but there's something in his eyes.
Dad just stares.
"hey, hey Sammy, just get off the bed and put some clothes on, just wait in the car for me, okay, 'comon sammy" Sam is still almost still, but starting to sit up.
Sam just sits up, doesn't pull the blankets over him, doesn't cover up.
"dean. I know you want to"
Dad's still just there, fully clothed now but still standing, not pleading for forgiveness. Why does this even matter, Sam knows.
does he?
"I know you want to. I've seen how you act when i'm just 'outta the shower"
"you can do it, I wont mind"
He gives a little giggle, some noise that he's never really made before. "you- you 'cant mean that, comon Sammy, you cant mean that"
It feels like he's quivering, muscles barely holding him up.
Even as they've been talking, Sam's been shuffling closer to him on the bed, Dean's hands on his belt buckle.
Glances over to dad, unconscious need to check with him, make sure it's okay. Dad looks like he's okay with it, like he's not mad at all.
Backs at Sam, looking for all the world like he wouldn't want to be anywhere else. He hears the gentle metal clink of his belt buckle before he realizes that it's being opened.
By sam.
Sam whose mouth his hot and near, mouthing through his boxers. Making eye contact with dad the entire time, making sure that this is okay.
It feels like pleasure is coursing through his veins, like all those girls in bars and bathrooms have been nothing.
Dad's hands are in his pants.
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call-me-copycat · 17 days
Did I hear right? They animated my favorite manga panel?! ( ・`ω・´)✨
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This is great! This is amazing! I'm so happy right now!
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sciderman · 6 months
I swear I have read your big post regarding Peter Parker's neurodivergence and why it is best to avoid labelling him, but he definitely has a weird brain
Can't find it and feel kinda sad about it cuz I deeply related to it
i know exactly which post you're talking about and i can't find it either! i've raked through my archive, and it's just - nowhere to be seen. i think tumblr eated it (it happens.)
really, tumblr's search functionality is so so useless, i don't know what to tell you. there are plenty of keywords i can search to find it that post, but the search functionality actually just does not work!
undiagnosed audhd-addled peter parker, my darling, my light, my life, my everything.
i think peter parker's such an interesting creature to write, because a lot of people will point to a certain behaviour about him and say "this is an autistic thing, right?" but a lot of those behaviours are actually, in my head, tied to certain traumas in peter's life too.
people say "oh, the food thing, peter's a picky eater because he's autistic" and yes, absolutely. but also it's tied to his trauma with his parents.
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peter gets overstimulated, and yes, it's an autism thing, but also he was bitten by a radioactive spider and his senses are dialled to 11.
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it's a similar case i've found for myself, too – where a lot of friends i have kind of diagnose me because i have autistic traits, but actually - i'm hesitant to claim the label or pursue diagnosis because, actually, i know where these certain behaviours come from, and they come from certain traumas. there are events i can pinpoint in my life and say "yep. that's where this behaviour comes from."
so - i think there's a lot of overlap between trauma and autistic traits. the brain is very complex! i think the reason for that overlap is maybe as simple as the fact that people with autism and people with trauma are both doing the same thing - developing behaviours to protect themselves or soothe themselves. so - i think it's nice to be able to see a character like peter parker, who may or may not be autistic, but recognise behaviours in him and see yourself in him.
people who go undiagnosed for whatever reason - people who are really good at masking - so good, in fact, that they have no idea they might be on the spectrum - everyone and anyone at all can look at peter parker and recognise themselves. because i think we discredit the thought that every single brain does the same thing! develops certain behaviours in order to survive. every brain has that same software - we've just all been faced with different hardships that we need to overcome, and that's were all the differences come in.
autism is a spectrum, i guess - everyone falls into it to some degree. and i think events in your life probably push you along on it. but i don't know, i didn't study brain science. probably what i'm saying is very stupid and uninformed. of course there's brain chemistry involved. but i know people in my life living with autism and certain events in their life have exacerbated certain behaviours or made coping with it a lot more difficult. so maybe trauma is a catalyst.
#a lot of my traits have been exacerbated lately and i remember it was much easier for me before#and some of my friends have said “oh it's because you've been masking too long and now you're facing autistic burnout.”#and that made sense to me i think.#but then i found out about the stress thing. me overproducing stress hormone. and that's a very physical thing.#and that explains why i've been overstimulated more than usual lately. and why everything feels like too much.#and i wonder how many of these traits of mine are going to subside once i have lamar removed#and it makes me wonder a lot of things. and it's so weird how much your brain is tied to your biology.#i wonder how much i'll change. i wonder how i'll feel. i wonder if i'll still feel like me. i wonder how much me is me right now.#and how much of me is being altered by weird freaky hormones. who am i?? who will i be??#i'm almost looking at this as like. a superhero origin story of some sort. like this is my spider-bite moment. maybe.#will i be different? will i cope with things differently?? now that my body isn't fighting something anymore??#maybe i'll be normal. i don't know. i don't know.#i don't know what it'll mean for me.#but all of these things mean i relate to peter parker in a certain kind of way#i don't think you have to be diagnosed with autism to recognise and empathise with those traits i think#i think everyone can see themselves in peter. and i think that's the benefit of having characters that aren't diagnosed.#because there's so much overlap in the human experience. and certain feelings aren't exclusive to just one group of people.#peter has such a rich identity actually. it's an autistic thing. it's a queer thing. it's a jewish thing. it's a trauma thing.#there are so many overlapping parts of peter's identity that inform who he is and how he behaves and it's never just one thing.#it's a product of all of his things.#just like me! just like everyone.#so me? i guess i can be a million things. you can explain what i am in a million different ways.#a hundred different psychologists can all come up with different ways to explain why i be the way i be.#i don't think it's something that can be simplified.#sorry wow. i'm really going off here in the tags.#i hope people don't think i'm stupid. i don't know brain science. i'm just philosophising as usual.#sci speaks
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marclef · 9 months
THE EYHM COLLECTION GROWS!!!! managed to make some space without having to move too much so they can all be together!!
(i made the smaller ones into stickers bc i'm running out of picture frames!! hope that's ok!)
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*sharp inhale* @eskariolis-con-salsa @oddpizza @woobab @the-little-knight @moon9931 @misdreavusplush @noodletime @witch-tower-au !!!!!!!
hope you all have a good holiday season!! love you all! *MWAH*
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That moment when you see that Walmart sells Kingdom Hearts cakes (well, you can buy edible Kingdom Hearts images from Walmart to put on cakes) and one of the options is just Yozora pointing a crossbow at you... why?
-am tempted to just buy that cake so i can eat his face, as revenge for his super difficult boss fight that i'm still angry about-
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