#maybe my teacher last year just ended up picking all the books that did not vibe well with me by accident
ambersky0319 · 2 years
Me? Actually really enjoying a book I'm reading in English? Pretty likely apparently!
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starlightazriel · 3 months
nerdy school girl x popular boy az au
this is a one shot but it might turn into something more if y'all want it to
warnings: smut, fighting parents, oral f receiving, talk of drug addiction, cherry popping, sophomore x senior, self harm mentioned
wc: 4.4k
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The bell rang, and here I was. Biology. No one next to me. The only one without a lab partner. I couldn't say that I blamed them. Who would want to sit next to me? And if they did the only reason I could think of was that I would do all of the work for them.
The first day of sophomore year, another step closer to college, to freedom. Though, it wasn't the parties or even finally losing my virginity that interested me. My college appeal was different than my classmates, I simply wanted a quiet place to study away from my parents constant arguments. I was sure they wouldn't last much longer once I was off to college, I imagined that I was the last bit of glue holding them together. I doodled on my notebook while the teacher drawled on about the syllabus and what we would be covering for the semester, and what would be expected of us in the class.
"Azriel, how nice of you to join us, please take a seat, and lets try not to make a habit out of being late this year," the teachers break in his long, rather boring speech caused my head to snap up. A blush crept on my cheeks when my eyes met with the senior boy he was speaking to, and I realized he was heading straight for the only empty seat left. Next to me. I scooted over a bit even though it wasn't necessary and pulled all of my things to my side of the table, I knocked a book off the table, quickly picking it up, my cheeks burned brighter at the distraction. Luckily the teacher didn't comment.
It wasnt like I didn't know who he was everyone knew who Azriel was after the stunt that he had pulled last year at the homecoming football game, he somehow managed to have 'Starview High Football Team Sucks Cock' plastered on every electric billboard in the football stadium.
As a result, the entire football team and cheerleading team and their supporters cast him out socially from their personal groups as one of the burnouts, though somehow he still had all their respect to some degree or maybe they just needed to buy pot from him. I didn't know. much about the extracurricular activities that most of my classmates seemed to participate in, but I had heard from the grape vine that he was suspended toward the end of last year for selling pills and weed out of his locker. He was absolutely gorgeous in the most dangerous kind of way, tall, dark hair, mesmerizing hazel eyes, tattoos, muscular in a way different than the other boys, mysterious scars on his hands and arms, the tattoos snaked over them rather poetically... I held my breath for a moment when he slunk down in his chair. His cologne mixed with the smell of stale cigarettes and weed tickled my nostrils. It wasn't as unpleasant as I would have imagined. I knocked my pen off of the table trying to make even more space for him it rolled under his chair and I silently cursed myself for being so clumsy, he didn't say anything, just picked it up and placed it on my side.
His uniform was wrinkled, sleeves pushed up to his elbows revealing his tattoos, and scars, he didn't wear the same loafers as most of the boys, skate shoes instead, how cliche. I wondered where the scars had come from, most of the school had whispered about cutting but anyone could tell that those scars were from something much more serious than cutting oneself.
Azriel didn't say anything, for the entirety of the class, or even look in my direction, I stole glances when I could. I had a feeling I would be doing most of the work on the joint projects, that I was used to. I didn't mind it either, it was a distraction from the constant chaos that seemed to fill my house. When the bell rang, I got to my feet, gathering all my things. "You any good at biology, butterfingers?" Azriel spoke, rising to his feet. I had to turn my head around once to confirm that he was in fact speaking to me. My face burned at the nickname, I silently cursed myself again for letting my stuff fall earlier.
"Yes," I nod stupidly, my eyes finally meeting his, they were twinkling with amusement which only made me blush more deeply.
"Good, this time I have to pass. Or I won't graduate," and that was it, he just walked away after that, leaving me there watching after him. I quickly snapped out of it, hoping that next time I could say something besides just yes. I had zero experience speaking to boys, not that Azriel was someone I would ever seriously speak to, not that he was someone that would ever even give me so much as a second look if I wasn't his lab partner until December.
Azriel didnt show up for class every day, many days he would show up late with some note from the office excusing him. I never asked him any questions, though, I was beginning to get annoyed because some days, we needed a partner and I was stuck playing both sides, the teacher had stupidly praised me saying that I was lucky that I was so smart and could handle both roles considering I got an imaginary lab partner as he had begun referring to Azriel. He had come in late again today, though I was grateful he had at least decided to show up considering the teacher was going to be explaining our first project as we approached the end of the first quarter.
"You know," I say, pushing my safety goggles up a bit on my nose, they kept sliding since my glasses were in the way. "In order to pass a class, you have to show up," I say quietly, his eyes snapped to me, and he studied my face, we never spoke unless it was necessary for the class, so this was new.
"Im here now, aren't I, butterfingers?" he asks, leaning back in his seat, glancing up at the ceiling before looking back at me. My nose wrinkled at the nickname, he never even bothered to learn my real name, probably didn't even care. He must have heard it by now, I raised my hand often in class to answer questions that no one else volunteered for.
"Well yes but-" I was cut off by the teacher who began to explain to us what was required of the lab project we needed to complete. Presentation in front of the class, working on it with our partner outside of school, no big deal just the bane of my very existence. When he was finished explaining and we were cleaning up after our lap, I glanced over at Azriel. "Can we do the project at your house?" I ask, I always went to the other persons house, I didn't have friends over, at least I hadn't in years. Not that I had many friends to invite. over. He raised an eyebrow.
"I don't usually have people from school over," he admitted and shrugged his shoulders, my stomach twisted.
"Okay, we can do it at mine," I said quietly and cursed myself for being such a damn push over. "Uh, when?" I ask, part of me hoped maybe he wouldn't even show up to help, it wouldn't be the first time I did a presentation on my own, and would he really be any help anyway?
"Thursday, after school?" he asks, I nod slowly, gathering my stuff together again. "I'll come at five?"
"Yeah, that works," I shove my notebook into my backpack before quickly scribbling my phone number down on a piece of scrap paper and I hand it to him. "So you can get the address," I clarify, clearing my throat, it felt suddenly hot again.
It was about 5:24pm when Azriel finally arrived at her house. He had returned home and changed first, now wore some sweatpants and a tshirt. He hated the uniforms they were required to wear. He was only late because he had walked, it was a pleasant evening and he didn't mind the walk, he did have a car, his past 3 years of high school he had been stacking cash under the floor boards in his room just waiting for the right opportunity to leave his drug addicted father. Dealing drugs and pot to his fellow students had come easily to him, apparently his appearance matched the job.
He stood on her very clean and put together door step with a bag of chips in his hand as he waited for someone to come to the door. It was a complete smoke show who did. Her mother was tall unlike her, wore a tight fitted dress right out of desperate housewives and an apron that was tied tightly around her waist. She looked Azriel up and down as many women did, they couldn't seem to resist their natural instincts, he couldn't blame them, he knew he was attractive. Despite the scars he had from his father's abuse, he knew how good he looked to women. He politely greeted her and couldn't even step inside before butterfingers came running down the stairs, appearing behind her mother, he knew her name, he just preferred butterfingers, and the way it made her blush before him every single time.
"We can work on it in my room," she says quickly and points back to the stairs. Her father glances up from his newspaper, grunts quietly and looks back down at it. As we walked up the stairs Azriel could hear him grumbling something to his wife along the lines of 'are we really going to let that boy up into our daughter's room.' In response Azriel only smirked a little bit as he followed her up the stairs. Her room was very girly, soft, baby pink and white, a tv, a desk, a beanbag, a queen sized bed with a pink quilted duvet and many pillows, a collection of childhood stuffed animals hung from a small netted hammock from the ceiling.
"Nice place you got here, butterfingers," he says as he follows her into her room, plopping himself down on the bed. She blushes, naturally, it seemed like she always did in his presence. "Thank you," she says quietly and sits beside him, her laptop on her lap. That's when he really noticed her, soft beautiful jaw, full lips, big doe eyes hidden behind those thick rimmed glasses... And her body, soft curves, peaked nipples under the tank top that she was wearing, sleep shorts that had ridden up as she sat down, it didn't leave much to his imagination at all. It had been about 45 minutes listening to her ramble on about the subject and the plans for their presentation, Azriel didnt help much, though he tried his best. "Can I ask you something?" he finally says, he didn't get how he hadn't noticed her at school the way the he did here, she lifts her eyes from the computer screen, meeting his and blushing. "Yes?" she asks quietly, her breath seeming to get caught in her throat at his stare.
"Why are you so quiet at school? You're rather brilliant," he says the last part a little more quietly, he wasn't exactly known for dishing out compliments aside from the usual sexy and hot. Here in her room, vulnerable, hair down, cheeks and chest flushed pink she was practically the definition of both of those things, in a more innocent kind of way than most of his female classmates.
"I just..." she looks away again, she couldn't handle his eyes on her the way they were, it caused a burning deep within her, one she only recognized from reading cliche blockbuster books like twilight or fifty shades of grey. "Im shy, I always have been," she mumbled, focusing on the project again, if he wasn't mistaken, her fingers shook just a little bit on the keyboard, she couldn't be this nervous just under his gaze, could she?
"Well you know what they say about the shy ones, don't you?" his voice dropped again at the last two words, he felt like the air between them was becoming thick, a tension he was sure she didnt recognize. Her cheeks burned an even deeper red and she shifted in her seat, she opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it at the sound of her parents arguing downstairs.
"Not even one day can they shut their fucking mouths," she slammed the laptop shut and rose to her feet quickly, tossing it almost carelessly aside on the bed. Azriels brows rose in surprise at her cursing, that was new. He watched her tight little ass as she practically stomped to the other side of her room, slamming her door with intention and she just stood there a moment, he back facing him. She whirled around, their eyes meeting again. "Im- Im sorry about that," she breathed out, stumbling a bit over her words, he could feel the shift in the room. It was like it became so much smaller, the thickness in the air, just the sounds of them breathing, watching each other. She was blushing profusely, fidgeting with the strings of her shorts nervously. "This.. This is why I wanted to do it at your house, we'll just have to ignore them," she averted her gaze, snapping out of the sexual stare they had both been giving each other just a moment ago.
He wanted to ask more questions, ask if it was like this often, if it bothered her. Azriel could sympathize with her, though his toxic home situation was undoubtedly much worse than hers, he knew what it was like to not feel as comfortable as you should somewhere that should be a home. "You've been teaching me this whole time," he knew that he was in control of the situation here, he knew he could change how the night ended, he knew he could leave here with her feeling absolutely blissful, barely even remembering that her parents were downstairs. He didnt know why he wanted to do that for her, she was just a girl, one of the wallflowers that blended in and did everything they possibly could to disappear. "I think maybe, I should teach you something now, could be a good break... A good distraction," his voice had dropped lower, became raspy with desire. It was like a porno scene, the tension, the cliche, he could see the headline in his mind 'bad boy devours virgin school girl cunt.' The thought of the two of them possibly tangled in her sheets within the next half hour made him blush now, he shifted, fixing his pants to hide his growing erection. Her eyes followed his every move, it was like he could hear her heart racing from across the room.
"Okay," her voice was barely a whisper, and her pretty little white teeth slid over her pouty lower lip and she bit down softly. Azriel grinned triumphantly, patting the spot next to him on her bed. She walked slowly over to her bed, swallowing hard, her mind was racing, was this really happening? It felt like one of those books she had read, exciting, dangerous. She sat down beside him just as slowly as she had walked over, her heart raced in her chest as he turned slightly toward her and brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear, she shivered at the touch, warmth filling her belly and spreading.
"You might be fooling everyone else," he says gruffly and reaches up with both of his hands slowly pulling off her thickly rimmed glasses, she blinked twice, her eyes adjusting, she could see him easily anything beyond just a few feet in front of her became blurred. "But with me, you can't hide, I see you," he lips his lips hungrily causing her to part hers, she sucked in a small breath, her heart completely pounding in her chest. She hadn't given much thought to how she would lose her virginity, she never thought it would happen before college though, the air in the room, the things that were happening, the way she felt inside... It seemed to be headed in that direction. He leaned over her to place the glasses on her night stand, their breaths mingled, noses almost touching as he did, he used the same hand and slid his fingers over the back of her neck, earning a shiver, before he tilted her head back, pulling her even closer. Then, he kissed her, causing her entire body to melt into a puddle of nothing beneath him.
Her first kiss. Her hands were limp in her lap but soon squeezed into fists as his tongue glided over her lip, begging for an entrance. Alarm bells rang in her head, she didnt know what she was doing, she was going to make herself look like an idiot. She couldn't pull away, it felt way too good. He deepened the kiss, his other hand brushing over her arm before finding her waist, his large hand covering it, thumb pressing lightly into her ribcage, a little moan escaped her lips, she ignored the embarrassment, she couldn't help it. She had only read about this, seen it in movies, never had she imagined that it would feel like this.
Azriel kissed her jaw and up her neck until his lips were just by her ear. "Can I keep going?" his voice is husky and warm, the sound travelled through her bones making her melt even more, she could feel slick wet heat in her underwear. Azriel knew it, he knew what kind of effect he had, he was starting to ache for her. He was aching to show her everything that he could do, aching to watch her let go and forget about everything and just let him take her. But he wouldn't do it until she relaxed, he could feel her nerves radiating off of her.
"Ive never done this before," she breathed out, he slid his fingers up, placing his hand on her chest where he could feel her heart hammering. "I know," he said softly, it wasnt hard to tell, he was sure a boy hadn't ever even entered this room. "But I promise, if you let me... I'll make you feel so good you won't even remember they are here," her breath hitched at his words and she only nodded, quickly, "teach me," she whispers and it was all he needed to hear. Before she knew it Azriel was on his knees in front of her, he pulled her closer to the edge of the bed, and sat back on his heels inspecting her for just a moment before he lifted on of her legs slowly kissing the inside of her thigh, all the way down to her ankle he slowly peeled the sock off and pressed a kiss to the sole of her foot, she gasped and fell back onto her elbows looking down at him with shock and arousal. He only smiled, repeating the same on her other leg and foot.
Take your time Az. A voice echoed in his head when he quietly cursed at the sight before him, he had pulled off her sleep shorts revealing cotton panties, completely soaked through. Her cheeks were blazing as she looked down at him with curiosity and lust, her chest rising and falling quickly, nipples poking through the delicate tank top. He couldn't remember the last time he was this turned on, this was more arousing than the time last year he had taken Mrs. Abott in the janitor closet during the school assembly. "Damn you're beautiful," he mumbled, wrapping his fingers around the outside of her thighs and puling her even closer. He pressed his face into the wet cotton fabric, causing her to moan quietly, her back arching into the touch.
"That feels so good," she managed to choke out as he slowly dragged his tongue up and down the wet fabric, licking her through her soaked panties.
"I know," he said back gruffly against her before sucking hard through the fabric causing her to cry out, her hand flying to her mouth to cover it. He chuckled softly before sliding his fingers up and slowly pulling her panties off. "It gets better?" he groaned quietly at the sight of her perfect little pussy, his mouth watering, it was like he could already taste her. She seemed to be at a loss for words as she watched him, lips parted slightly, face flushed with arousal and embarrassment as she was bared to him. He wanted to tell her the last thing she needed to be, with a body like this, was shy, but instead he simply used his thumbs on either side to spread her pussy slightly open and he leaned down pressing a soft kiss to her center. She moaned again, encouraging him farther.
Azriel licked around her whole sex, causing her to whimper and squirm beneath him, her hands gripping her duvet beside her. He kept his hands where they were, keeping her slightly spread in front of him before he dipped his tongue into the pool of wetness and licked all the way to the top, circling his tongue around the bundle of nerves there. He could tell she almost came right there and then. "You taste so good, butterfingers," he chuckled quietly against her before dipping his tongue back down, curling it up inside her as his nose pressed to her clit. Her back arched off of the bed again and she pulled at the duvet covers, her breasts popping out of the top of the tank top, he moaned against her at the sight of her pretty pink nipples peaked in the air. He drew his head back again, not taking his eyes off of her, he kept one hand on her inner thigh, thumb still holding her pussy open for him, the other hand slid up her body and he gently rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.
She moaned quietly again, all control she had over her body completely gone, her hips bucked and he held her down, completely devouring her, savoring every last drop as she cried out quietly in pleasure and he softly licked her as she rode out her release. His hands slid down, resting on the top of her thighs and he sat back a bit on his heels, admiring her. She was looking down at him with such shock and surprise, lips and cheeks flushed, panting softly, pussy still throbbing.
"If you let me, I'll keep going," he says wincing a little bit as he stands up, the friction of his erection in his pants becoming almost painful. She didnt say anything, she only nodded quickly a small gasp escaping her lips as he pulled his shirt off from the bottom. He was muscular, tattoos everywhere, golden skin, deep v disappearing into his pants. He tugged his pants off, his long thick erection slapping his stomach as he did, her eyes widened, blush deepening. She couldn't believe this was happening, and really neither could he. She was too damn perfect, too damn soft and innocent untainted it almost felt like a crime to take her especially when he knew how young women could get attached after their first time and he had no intentions to continue anything after today, there was also the fact that they would be stuck at the same table once a day until December. He picked her up easily, pushing her farther up onto the bed until her head hit her pillow, and then he was over her.
His breath was hot and heavy, their faces almost touching. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he checks one more time, looking into her eyes, looking for any hesitation there, he saw only nerves and excitement. "Yes," she breaths out not shying away from his eyes this time. Azriel let out a small moan, looking down at her body, her tank top was now bunched underneath her breasts, the straps hanging at the sides. He bent his head down, taking time sucking n each one of her peaked nipples, causing her to arch her back up into his body again, the feeling of their skin together drove him mad.
Azriel reached down between them sliding his tip over her entrance before slowly sliding half of himself inside, he cursed and moaned softly, eyes not leaving her face. "You okay?" he breathes out, forcing himself to still a moment, she nods before he slides the rest of himself into her, filling her all the way up. She gasped, her eyes widening as she looked up at him, he grabbed the headboard, his other hand on the bed beside her. "Feel good?" he asks softly, slowly rocking in and out of her, he would have to hold back, she was so damn tight and wet... It wasn't the first virginity he had taken, but he couldn't help but think that this was the best pussy he had ever had.
"Y-yes," her voice cracks a little, her breaths extremely heavy, chest rising and falling quickly underneath him. "Oh yes," she says again as his pace quickens a bit, he gripped her hips tilting her a bit so he could get that spot and she cried out again, this time he covered her mouth, losing himself a bit too, forgetting where he was. His eyes were dark with lust and focus, his lip pulled between his teeth as he watched her come undone again beneath him. "Fuck," he cursed, pulling himself out just before he came spilling his contents all over her stomach and he collapsed next to her on the bed, breathing heavily, his body glistening with sweat. "Thank you- um for that..." she whispers awkwardly, the magnitude of the situation probably sinking in for her.
"Thank you, for letting me be your first," he grins lazily, his arm tucked behind his head. "Now.... Project?" he asks, her laptop was still on the bed, he was half on it now, amazingly it hadn't fallen on the floor.
"Oh, right," she swallows hard and uses the tank top she had been wearing to clean off her stomach, Azriel simply couldn't take his eyes off of her. He wondered to himself if he would have the self control to keep his hands off at school.
update it turned into more than a one shot see master list for additional parts
a/n don't copy my shit lol thank youuu <3 is it weird that I switched to third person half way through? was kind of just messing around with this one but if another part is wanted hmu ill get to it. lmk what y'all think xxxxxxxxxx
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the-record · 11 months
kissing lessons: 3
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synopsis: it was like she’d never left as you settled back into friendship, but how you wished there was more to it.
song: kissing lessons - lucy dacus
pairing: college!ellie x reader
warnings: nothing??
a/n: getting juicy now 😊😊
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
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“move in with me.”
was she crazy? you couldnt just move in with her.
“im sorry?”
ellie laughed, you looked at her like she was crazy. “move in with me! ive got an apartment like 10 minutes from here.”
“ellie, respectfully, i haven’t seen you for a decade, and you think im just gonna move in with you to an apartment ive never seen? that you don’t even live in?” you stood up, arms crossed over your chest and paced. “and, even if i wanted to, im still 17, i dont turn 18 until september. i cant just move out. my mom would, like, i don’t know… she’d probably call the police.”
ellie smiled was you through out every possibility under the sun. “she’d disown me. take back my car. she pays for it, not me. and i don’t know if my job even pays enough for me to pay rent.” your threw your hands in the air and finally saw ellie’s small laugh. “what are you laughing at?”
she shrugged, pulling you back down to her bed. “i don’t even move in until the end of september. and only someone who was considering it would come up with all that in two minutes.” she sighed when you rolled your eyes at her. “you keep rolling those eyes and they’re gonna get stuck.”
“oh my god, shut up.” she watched you try to hide a smile.
ellie couldn’t help but wonder about you even as you sat in front of her. what did you love and what did you hate? what made you tick? did you remember everything she taught you in her old room? on the mattress you sat on now. how to kiss, and how to get cole or justin or whatever guy had a crush on you.
she wondered what you wanted to do in life. who you were friends with at school. if you wanted to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss you. like old times.
your heads both turned as the street lights flicked on.
“i better get going.”
“stay for dinner.”
your voices overlapped before silence.
ellie smiled, getting up and holding a hand out to you. you took and she pulled you up but didn’t let go as she led you back downstairs.
god it was gonna be hard to be just friends.
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“so,” joel sat down his fork and looked at you. “have you thought about college? where you wanna go? what you’d like to study.”
you nodded, copying joel and putting down your own fork. “yeah, i was planning to stay here actually. instate tuition and all that.” you took a sip of water before continuing. “i think i’d like to be a teacher? maybe. i just know i want to work with kids.”
“wouldn’t even have to learn about them, considering you are one,” ellie teased. you kicked her shin under the table. “ow, fuck.”
“ellie no cursing at the dinner table.” joel winked at you as ellie scoffed. “what’s happened since we’ve been gone?”
you sat back in your chair, thinking about everything of sustenance. “honestly nothing. it’s incredibly boring.” you gasped as you remembered. “mel got pregnant last year.”
ellie nearly spit out her food. “no way.” you nodded, picking up your fork again. “with who? what’d her parents do?”
“owen.” ellie gasped as you nodded. “who, mind you, at the time was dating abby.”
“good god.” joel stood up, taking his plate with him. “thats enough for me.” you and ellie laughed as he left.
ellie cleared her throat as you took a bite. “20 questions?” you nodded and set down your fork before getting comfortable. “favorite song?”
you hummed, “kyoto, phoebe bridgers.” ellie nodded approvingly. “favorite movie?”
“the outsiders.” you groaned and ellies jaw dropped. “excuse me? whats your favorite then?”
“practical magic, duh.” you smirked as she rolled her eyes. “you keep rolling those eyes and they’re gonna get stuck.” you echoed her comment from earlier.
“you’re so annoying.” ellie flicked a pea at you.
you threw one back, hitting her forehead. “favorite book?”
she thought for a moment before she answered. “catcher in the rye.”
“good one.” she nodded. “wanna get slushies?”
ellie bolted up with a smile, “god i thought you’d never ask.”
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“i can’t believe you dont get cherry and blue raspberry.” you shouldered ellie as you walked back to your car.
ellie scoffed. “i can’t believe you do.” she pulled at the passenger door. “unlock the car.” you got in, closing your door and locking it. “angel.”
you smiled at her and turned on music, singing along between sips. ellie walked around to your window and knocked. your pretended to be shocked, turning down the radio and rolling down the window. “what can i do for you this fine evening?”
ellie leaned her arms on the car door with an innocent smile. “can i kiss you?”
“what?” your face and mind blanked long enough for ellie to unlock the door and pull it open. you barely realized before she was clambering over you to the passenger seat. “oh fuck you.”
ellie gasped, “how unladylike. you just sip your slushy and get me home safely,” she teased as she buckled her seat belt.
you fought the urge to roll your eyes as you shut your door and put the car in reverse.
how badly you wanted to have said yes.
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morgana-larkin · 6 months
Hey! saw u asking for prompts. I REALLY LOVE ur fic 'worth it'!
Anyway, can you write a fic based on '' we get married in our heads'" "I miss you on a train" and 'I think about you' basically based on About You by The 1975. Maybe mel and r have met in Italy, when they're both in vacation. Became real close or something but never really did talk and pursue what was really going on between them because both are scared, then they part ways and never had contact with each other 'cause they thought it's better that way, until reader arrives at abbott as the new teacher not knowing she'll see the redhead again
Hey, thank you for the prompt! I’m glad you’re liking Worth It. I hope you like this, it has a lot of angst because apparently my brain deemed it necessary but a happy ending.
Don’t Let Me Go
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, Sad Mel (yes this is a warning because I don’t like it when she’s upset)
Words: 3.6
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Beautiful green eyes stare back at you in your mind. You just got back from Italy where you were teaching a child English during the summer and that’s where you also met her, Melissa Schemmenti. She was visiting some family members of hers during summer vacation for 2 months.
You still remember meeting her. You were sitting on the patio of a coffee shop reading an Italian- English dictionary so you can help teach the child better. She saw you sitting there and thought you were beautiful, sitting there, with some sunglasses on, a smile on your face and the sun hitting you, making it look like you’re glowing. She decided to walk up to you and start conversation.
“That book makes you stand out as a tourist.” She told you and you looked up at her and saw those eyes, those green eyes that you still think about in your mind.
“Well I think the book and the fact that I’ll look completely clueless if someone talks to me in Italian will make people know I’m a tourist.” You replied back to her and she laughed. A laugh that you think about constantly that you hear in your mind.
You and Melissa became friends after that, you went out to places together and she showed you the places that Italy had to offer. You learned that she was a teacher as well and that she lived in Philly. You both talked about everything and told each other all about yourselves. And in the 2 months of you two knowing each other, you both became attracted to each other, although neither of you mentioned it. And then when the time came for both of you to go back home, you both decided it was best to cut contact, since you won’t see each other again.
“Are you sure?” You asked her and she nodded.
“I had a great time with you these past 2 months but we’re not going to see each other again so why keep contact?” She said and you nodded. “It’s for the best.”
5 years later…
You recently just moved from New York to south Philly. You were on a train, just coming back from picking up the last of your things from your parents house in New York that you gave to them to keep for you. You were listening to music when you saw someone with red hair walk on and then you thought about her, the beautiful Italian woman you met 5 years ago during the summer. You still think about her of course, and wondering if you should have told her how you felt before you parted ways.
The next day you wake up, you’re starting your new job as Abbott Elementary’s new 3rd grade teacher. You walk into the entrance of the school and went to the main office to get your badge and classroom key. As soon as you walked you ran into someone. You went to go apologise to the person, but as soon as you looked at them you froze. It was her, the woman who still sometimes occupies your thoughts and dreams.
“Melissa?” You say to her quietly, in disbelief that she was right here in front of you. Melissa was just as shocked as you were, and then you looked into those green eyes that you only saw in your dreams now and they made you feel safe.
“Y/N?” She said back to you, just as quietly. “Wha-what are you doing here?” She asked you.
“I-I’m the new 3rd grade teacher.” You stuttered out. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m a 2nd grade teacher here, have been for many years now.” She said.
Before either of you can say anything else you get interrupted. “Hey Melissa, can I talk to about the curriculum we got this year I have a couple of questions.” A younger teacher said to her. And then she saw you. “Oh hi, are you a new teacher here?” She asked you.
“Ya my name is Y/N Y/L/N, the new 3rd grade teacher.” You tell her and hold out a hand for her and she shook it.
“Oh how lovely to meet you! My name is Janine Teagues. I’m a second grade teacher here like Melissa here.” She told you.
You left Melissa and Janine to talk and you went to your classroom to set up before the kids get here in 30 minutes. You didn’t get the chance to do it the week prior as you were in the middle of moving and the principal said it’s fine and just emailed all the information that you needed to know.
You were putting up some fun posters with the help of a stool when she walked in without you realising it.
“Y/N?” She said. You didn’t know she was there so it took you by surprise and you fell off the stool face first. She caught you, of course, and when you realised she did, you opened your eyes and saw hers staring at you. “I’m sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” She said and let go of you when you found your footing.
“It’s alright, you caught me so it’s fine, no harm done.” You told her and walked over to your desk to organise some papers. “Was there something you needed?” You asked her. You tried to seem calm on the outside instead of freaking out like you were on the inside. The truth is that you missed her. You missed her as a friend. You only knew each other for 2 months but you became really close and even knowing that you only had 2 months, feelings had to of course get in the way.
“I thought I’d never see you again.” She said and when you looked up at her, she looked hurt. Hurt about what? You don’t know. Melissa was trying to be neutral about this, you both thought it’d be better to cut contact before you parted 5 years ago. And in that 5 years, she never forgot you, and seeing you again, she realised how much she missed you. She remembered showing you around, walking and running around, hand in hand, smiling and laughing. She thought about finding you constantly, she could have asked one of her guys to find you and they would have, but that scared her. She became attracted to you in those 2 months and she never told you, she knew you’d never like her back the way that she likes you. She knew you were attracted to women, but she thought you’d never be attracted to her.
“Well considering that we said it would be better to not have contact with each other when we parted, then I can see why you thought that.” You said coldly and she was taken aback by that. The truth is that while you were excited to see her again, it was originally her idea to cut contact, and she convinced you that it was for the best. And now here she is talking to you after she so easily left you behind. “Look Melissa, I don’t know what you want but, we became friends in Italy but we haven’t spoken in 5 years because you thought that would be for the best.” You told her and she nodded looking guilty. “So I think it would be best if we continue that way.” You told her and it hurt to tell her that but you have to protect yourself against her. She hurt you 5 years ago and while you wanted to be her friend again like before, she might just hurt you again. You’re not going to take that chance again.
Melissa’s heart broke a bit at you telling her that. She missed you and wanted to see if she could reconnect with you again. But if you don’t want to then she can’t force you. “If that’s what you want.” She told you and you looked at her.
“I think it’s for the best.” You said simply. Repeating the same words she told you before you left to the airport, leaving your heart in pieces and regret for not telling her how you feel. And while your feelings for her never left, you’re still not going to tell her, you won’t give her any chance to hurt you again, to break your heart, once was already enough. At that Melissa nodded and left.
And it seems the universe hates you as Melissa’s room was across the hall. You took a deep breath and continued getting ready before you went to go meet your new students.
You walked outside as students were lining up as they found who’s going to be their teacher this year. Someone called you over and told you to stand where they are so they know where to bring students that were going to be in your class. The universe had it out for you as you were told to stand 4 feet away from Melissa. You both did your best not to look at each other but every few seconds, one of you did.
At one point the sun hit you the exact same way it did when she first met you and the way it hit you again when she took you on a picnic to a beautiful park she knew. She thought you looked beautiful in the sun dress you wore, how it fit your body perfectly and your hair glowing in the sun. After you finished your meal you both layed down on the blanket and looked at the clouds in the sky and just enjoyed each other’s presence. And at one point you took her hand in yours and she turned to look at you, only to find you looking back at her with a smile. And she just layed there, looking into your eyes with a smile, the sun hitting your face, making you look like you’re glowing, like an angel.
It broke her heart that you wanted nothing to do with her now but she understood, she had basically told you that on that very sad day, when you said goodbye to each other, thinking it was for forever. Melissa was used to cutting people off, but it still hurt her when she did. Since you decided that you want the both of you to ignore each other, then that’s what she’s going to do. But she couldn’t stop a smile from forming when you were greeting some of your students with a huge smile.
Unknown to Melissa, Barb happened to look over at Melissa looking at you. She saw her looking at you with a sad smile and longing in her eyes. Barb heard your name being called and that’s when she put 2 and 2 together. Melissa told her about the woman she met on her vacation in Italy 5 years ago whose name was Y/N Y/L/N. And now here she was, the new teacher at Abbott. And from the look Melissa was giving you, Barb thought that seeing you again didn’t go well, since it seemed you were ignoring her. Barb decided that she’ll talk to Melissa at lunch.
The morning went by and Melissa kept looking across the hall to your classroom. She saw how you were with the kids and it warmed her heart. She saw how gentle you were, how you talked to them with a smile, and paid complete attention to them when they talked to you. She felt like she made a mistake letting you go 5 years ago but she thought that you would go and live your life and leave her behind in the end if you kept contact.
Lunch came and like always, Barb met Melissa in her classroom before they went to the break room together. But this time when Barb walked in, she closed the door after making sure it was only her and Melissa in the room.
Melissa heard the door close and saw Barb standing there giving her a look. “What?”
“So am I correct in assuming that the new 3rd grade teacher is the same one you met in Italy 5 years ago?” Barb said, straight to the point. And the sigh and look she gave was all the answer she needed.
“Ya, the same one.” Melissa said defeated.
“And I’m also guessing that meeting her again didn’t go well.”
“She said she wanted nothing to do with me. And used the exact same words I said to her 5 years ago when she asked me if I was sure I wanted to cut contact with her. That it’s for the best.” Melissa sighed and put her elbows on the desk and her head in her hands.
“Melissa…” Barb started but was interrupted by the redhead.
“I missed her Barb, I knew I did but after seeing her again, I realised how much I missed her. Even after 5 years I never forgot her. How is it that we spent only 2 months together and I still think about her 5 years later?” Melissa said, and her voice cracked at the end. Barb could tell she was on the verge of crying.
“Even spending a short time with someone can leave an impact on you. It’s not always the amount of time together but the quality of the time you spend together.” Barb says and Melissa looks up at her , with red eyes. “Oh sweetheart.” Barb says and goes over and hugs her, and that’s when Melissa starts crying. Melissa never told her but Barb knew she developed feelings for the Italy girl. “Have you told her how you feel?” Barb asked after Melissa stopped crying.
“No. Why would I do that?” Melissa asks like the reason was obvious.
“Because maybe she feels the same and that’s why she’s avoiding you.” Barb says and Melissa freezes. She didn’t think about that. But as always Melissa declines it, deeming it impossible.
But the week goes by and Melissa can’t stop thinking about that. She thought about it more and more and the only thing she wanted was to be near you. But during the week, you did everything you could to avoid her. You never put anything in the fridge and you always come in with your own coffee so you never have to go in the break room in the morning. You avoid any possible eye contact when you’re both standing at the doorway, greeting your students. At lunchtime you eat in your classroom or in your car. At the end of the day you don’t look at her and you leave before Melissa does. And when you pass each other in the hall, you don’t even look her way. She sees you talking to other people though, you and Jacob seem to take a liking to each other as you guys have a lot of the same interests. She’s seen you talk to Barb at the beginning of the week but then you found out her and Barb were best friends so you haven’t talked to Barb since.
Before she knew it, one week goes by, then another, and another, and then it was Halloween morning and by some miracle, it was on a Friday this year. Melissa came in dressed as the scarlet witch and of course she saw you checking her out. You came dressed as Captain Marvel. Of course you both had to pick someone from the same universe. Melissa thought you looked amazing in the costume. It’s safe to say that while you were checking Melissa out, she was also checking you out.
And when hell broke loose and the teachers had to find baby thanos, you and her got paired together. While you were walking in the halls together, she kept looking at you. She wanted to talk to you and she had the perfect opportunity too, but she didn’t know how to start.
“Would you stop looking at me please.” You told her, well I guess you started it.
“Sorry, I want to talk to you though.” She said and you looked at her.
“That’s interesting, because 5 years ago you told me that we shouldn’t talk to each other again.” You countered.
“I made a mistake.” You looked at her a bit shocked. She certainly got your attention now. “I shouldn’t have suggested that we stop all contact. I regretted telling you that right away. I thought about looking for you, multiple times but I never did.”
“Why didn’t you? Why did you suggest cutting contact if you regretted it?” You asked her, and she dragged you into the nearest classroom and closed the door.
“Because I got scared Y/N. I got scared of how I felt about you. I didn’t just think of you as a friend, well I did at first but then I got feelings for you. And I knew that if we kept contact then eventually you’ll find someone else and live your life and leave me behind. I didn’t want you to hurt me when that happens so I decided that it would be best if we forget each other. But it backfired, because I never forgot you, I thought about you constantly.” Melissa said, and she got a bit choked up trying not to cry. “And then when we bumped into each other after 5 years, all I wanted was to reconnect with you and tell you how sorry I was for letting you go. But when I tried you wanted nothing to do with me and it broke my heart when you said that.” A tear fell down her cheek and her eyes were rimmed red.
You looked at her after her confession, whatever you thought she might have said that, that was not it. You didn’t know what to say, your brain processed everything she said. “You had feelings for me?” You said, and Melissa looked up into your eyes and saw that you looked hurt, the same look you had when you two said goodbye to each other.
“Have actually, I still have feelings for you, they never went away like I thought they would.” She confessed and you were shocked.
“I have feelings for you as well.” You confessed.
“You-you do?” She asked, not believing it to be true.
You nodded. “That’s why I thought it would be best if we stayed away from each other. It hurt when you told me that we shouldn’t speak to each other again. So when I saw you again, I was excited to see you again and then I remembered the pain from you leaving me behind so easily. I didn’t want to get hurt again. So I thought that I would spare myself the pain in the future and just not talk to you now. I regret not telling you how I felt then, but I thought you wouldn’t feel the same way because you’re…well… you know, you’re u. You’re so amazing and sweet and gorgeous, you could have anyone you want. You told her.
“Anyone except you, I could have anyone except the person I actually want.” She said with a tear rolling down her cheek. “If I told you 5 years ago how I felt then I could have had you, but I guess I missed my chance.”
“Who said that was your only chance?” You asked her and she looked at you confused. You walked up to her and wiped away the tear that’s rolling down her cheek. Her breath hitched when you did that, she wanted to get close to you again for almost 2 months now and to think it might happen, she just couldn’t think right now. She wants to respond, to make up for lost time, she doesn’t want to fuck it up and lose you again.
“Are you saying that you’re still willing to be with me?” She said and you nodded.
“I constantly thought about you as well, and you ended up in my dreams at night too. Almost like you were haunting me.” You joked and Melissa let out an airy chuckle. You touched your forehead with hers as you both basked in the happiness you felt of being near each other again.
“Y/N, I missed you so much, I regret ever letting you go.” You pulled back and cupped her cheeks.
“Then don’t let go now.” You told her and she wrapped her hands around your wrists while your hands were still cupping her cheeks.
“I won’t, I’m not going to make that mistake again.” And with that you leaned in and kissed her. She kissed you back almost immediately. You both felt safe , you felt at home. She moved her hands from your wrists and laid them on your waist. While you moved them from her cheeks to around her neck.
“Well it’s about time.” Barb said, smiling from the doorway, and you both backed away and looked at her. “I convinced everyone to pair you guys up so you would talk to each other and hopefully work it out, and looks like you do.” Barb said proudly and Melissa smiled.
“Thank you Barb.” Melissa said and then looked at you and pulled you to her and hugged you. She then pulled away and looked at your eyes. “I promise I won’t let you go.” She told you and you smiled at her.
And she said the same promise to you at the end of her vows on your wedding day.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta @imaginesmultifandoms
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mrs-kodzuken · 8 months
Fated Beginnings ♡
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Pairing: Kenma Kozume x fem!reader
WC: 4.1k
Genre: fluff
CW: fem!reader, teeth rotting fluff, date set up by Kuroo, slight introverted!reader, slight cursing
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"Kuroo, I don't feel comfortable doing this," I mumbled looking back down at the current book I was reading.
"Come on, (Y/n). It'll be fun!"
I sighed placed my bookmark on page 146, and closed it. I didn't have the time or guts to do this.
"Kuroo, you said that last time and last time I got clumsy and fell, multiple times if I may add." I coldly told him, looking up.
We were in the library at school, he knows this is how I spend my lunch. And yet still continues to bother me endlessly.
"I promise this one will be different, I know Kenma better than the other dude." He pleaded at me. He has been trying to set me up with people for God knows what reason.
I sighed once again and lightly put a lock of my hair behind my ear knowing I've picked the habit up from reading too much.
"Fine Kuroo, but if this one goes wrong, I will not speak to you for a week and you cannot set me up with another person," I spoke firmly at him, making my point known.
His eyes lit up at me and squashed me into a bone-crushing hug.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" He shouted, very loudly, after letting me go.
"Calm down or else you're going to get us kicked out of here."
Kuroo and I have been friends since day one, literally. Well, not literally maybe about a year apart. However, I didn't exactly like how much of an extrovert he can be.
We grew up together and in most situations I'd stay inside, much to his dismay. So, I've never been a fan of being outdoors especially when it's a sunny day. I'd even go to the length and say I hate sunny days.
"Why are you like this.." I grumble quietly and pick my bag up from the library's carpet floor.
"Alright, so I've been planning this for a while. Hence, why I chose Saturday for the date because it's going to rain. You and Kenma are going to be staying at your place. I've been waiting for my best friends to meet for so long." The excitement but mischief in his voice concerns me just a bit.
I rolled my eyes and headed out of the library, seeing as I had to get back to class.
Even if Kuroo is a 3rd year, we still hang out together. Correction, he still pesters me to hang out with him.
I could have used all that time for catching up on books and sometimes on special occasions, diving into some fanfiction.
"I'll see you later (Y/n)." He sent me a sly wink and headed the other way.
Heading to class I took my seat, which was far from the front. I was glad about the seating arrangement, it could allow me to read while the teacher couldn't see me.
My desk mate, whose name I'm not even sure about, came and did his routine.
He also took advantage of being in the back but he used it on video games. I'm not sure why, but I guess we have different hobbies.
To be honest, I didn't even know his name. He was so quiet, two toned hair covering his eyes and gave about half of the time.
However, then again so am I.
Occasionally, I'd look up at the board to see if there was anything I needed to write down or listen to. As always, it was pure nothingness.
When the last bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder. As I walked through the halls I continued my book because no bell is going to keep me from figuring out the murder mystery in this book.
I haven't ever stayed after school to watch Kuroo practice volleyball. I didn't see a point in it, I mean, I know he's good at it. He leads his team to nationals.
I passed and heard the squeaking sounds of their shoes and some harsh noises of balls being spiked.
"Kenma! Set me another one!" I heard a familiar voice speak up loud.
However, it wasn't the voice that attracted my attention, it was the name.
"No, that's your fifth one." I heard an annoyed voice speak from the gym.
I had the urge to go take a peek but then stopped myself.
Why should I? I have better things to be doing, like tidying up my room a bit and catching up on my weekend book.
Switching books occasionally wasn't a problem because my parents would always buy me more. I could even use my library card to go get more if needed be.
This meant that I had a huge bookcase filled with my favorite books in my room.
After securing my book mark, I glared up at the sunny sky. It pissed me off. I don't understand how someone could like sunny days over rainy ones.
After getting my house key from my pocket I unlocked my door. My parents did business work at the same office but would always get off late at night.
With that being said, I set my school bag down and grabbed my pink cleaning apron to start the process. I did a bit more than what I usually do, mopping the floors and dusting high places isn't a good match with someone like me.
When I got finished, I headed downstairs after tying my (h/c) hair up into a low bun and tied my cooking apron on me.
Just because my parents are gone doesn't mean that I can order pizza every night. And quite frankly, it gets boring.
I got started on an easy dinner, seeing as I wanted to get it over with. I felt like baked spaghetti was the easiest it was going to get considering I wanted a fulfilling meal.
After eating, a thought snuck into my head. I have to waste a perfectly rainy day on someone who probably wants to go out or something.
Why not just stay in the comfort of your bed and slob around in snacks and books? This is exactly why if there was a male version of me, I'd marry him immediately.
After cleaning the dishes I headed upstairs and started on my night routine. I grabbed an oversized grey shirt which said 'Do I care?' and some black shorts.
Knowing myself, that'd also be the outfit I'd wear when this 'Kenma' comes over tomorrow. I wasn't actively looking for a boyfriend so there's no reason to impress him.
Now that I thought about it, there wasn't anything weird I heard about Kenma from anyone.
I mean, I guess he got some love confessions from girls but he didn't waste his time on it.
I couldn't blame him, why waste your time on falling in love, which only ends in heartbreak by the way, when you can fall in love with fictional characters who'd never break your heart?
With those thoughts running through my mind, I set my book on my nightstand and turned off my lamp.
Now it's time for fanfiction, a small but devilish smile made its way onto my face as I opened Wattpad.
I'd always loved reading these, especially when they were about my favorite fictional character. I die inside a bit every day when I remember they aren't real.
Little did I know, I had stayed up a tad bit too late and before I knew it, it was 7:03 am.
I mentally cursed myself for doing this yet again. My eye lids were heavy and needed sleep however it was like some kind of drug to read fanfics.
I furrowed my brows and sat up hastily, shouldn't my parents have come in?
Pushing back my white covers with small pink roses on them, I grabbed a large red hoodie to go over my sweatshirt and some fuzzy socks. I headed to their room, surprisingly, it was empty.
I started getting worried and wondered if they had gotten in a crash or decided not to deal with me anymore. My parents weren't neglectful or anything but the anxiety didn't stop.
Those thoughts were the usual ones I'd always get whenever they did not come home.
I rushed to my phone and checked my messages, I didn't like getting notifications so I always turned on my reading focus mode.
Messages from my mom and dad came up on my notification screen. They stated that they had an emergency business trip to take.
I texted them back and sighed, they always do this.
I'm never mad or anything, I just wish we could have quality family time. But at the same time, I'm glad all the 'what-if's' were gone from my head.
I headed downstairs to put the kettle on, I wanted to make a cup of vanilla tea, my favorite. I smiled and peeked outside to see the rain coming down a bit harshly.
One of the reasons I love having a tin roof is that you can hear the sounds clearer. It was the most beautiful sound I loved hearing.
Just when I was just about to sip my tea, the doorbell rang.
Confusion rang across my face. I don't think I was expecting anyone this early.
Racking my brain for an answer, I opened it expecting Kuroo because he's just always there.
Running a hand through my hair, "Kuroo, it's Saturday, go home." I looked up to see not Kuroo, but my deskmate.
I stiffened, embarrassed. I immediately looked at my fuzzy socks and quietly spoke, "Oh, uh, you must be K-Kenma." I stumbled, my eyes widened a bit. I never stumble over my words.
He nodded and looked all over my flushed cheeks and lazy outfit.
Like the dumbass I am, I finally realized that it was still raining and he was bound to get soaked by the gutters if I didn't let him in.
I motioned for him to come and he mumbled a quiet, "Thank you."
I watched him like a hawk as he took off his shoes, setting them neatly beside one another. I awkwardly headed back to the kitchen for my tea then went up the stairs with him following me. I mean where else is he gonna go?
Wait, would he think I'd want something from him by immediately inviting him into my room? I shoved the weird thought from my mind and focused on where he was.
I sat on my unmade bed and grabbed my book from my nightstand. I clicked on the lamp, which was a beautiful, white flower lily.
"Uh, make yourself a home?" I questionably said, I never have been in a situation like this before.
I crossed my legs and opened my book as he sat on the edge of my bed which was weird. I had a white Ikea desk with a swirly chair, a reading nook in the corner, and a window seat. And yet, he sat on the edge of my bed.
After reading for a few minutes, I couldn't focus into my book. I mean, there's a strange sitting across from me. I looked up and he was playing on a switch.
That went on for hours.
Kenma had moved onto my bed more, sitting against the wall. His legs were crisscrossed and he was still playing his game.
I had leaned off the edge of my bed where half of my body was dangling off of it. I was hanging upside down and reading my book.
Kenma and I had settled into a comfortable silence and acknowledgment of each other. We hadn't touched but occasionally our eyes would meet when he lost a round or I discovered something juicy from my book.
The rain hadn't stopped which I was grateful for. I could feel the hunger rumbling in my stomach and I telling by his facial expression, Kenma was getting hungry too.
I sat up, earning the look of Kenma's curious eyes on me. I walked out of my room with the feeling of something that can only be described as nervousness in my belly.
I grabbed snacks from the kitchen, I wasn't sure how he felt about 'healthier' type snacks but it was all I had due to my distaste for 'junk' food. I returned  with the snacks and two bottles of water and two bottles of sugar free snapple.
Setting it all down on my bed, I took a few swings of my water while eating alongside him.
We resumed what we were doing after about fifteen minutes of silent eating
I guess Kenma had gotten comfortable with me because after eating he had set my legs in his lap. Well of course, asked me with his eyes, which honestly surprised me. He still had his eyes glued to the screen of his Nintendo switch.
Suddenly, the doorbell rang which made me jump. I had just gotten over the feeling of surprise from my legs in his lap and got to a good reading spot.
I sluggishly got up irritated at who would be at my door for the second time today. When opening it, I was faced with a bed-headed cat and his usual cheeky smirk. 
"What do you want Kuroo?" I asked quietly, afraid he would disturb my peace and quiet like he usually does. He waltzed right in, ignoring my question.
"Oya, so how are you two love birds doing? Hitting it off well?" He loudly spoke, which made me wince.
Kuroo headed up to my room with me, of course, trailing along. We found Kenma sitting how I left him, he was there snacking on my veggie chips.
"We're not lovebirds Kuroo." Kenma spoke up as my ears perked up from hearing his voice.
"What are you doing here?" I repeated my question and got myself comfortable with Kenma again.
He stared at us, his eyes following back and forth before trailing at my legs on Kenma's lap.
"Definitely lovebirds. Friends don't just lay the way you two are." His mischievous grin was irritating.
I gave him a 'you're a dumbass' look and glanced at Kenma.
"No kuroo, we aren't dating. Even if we were, I don't think we'd tell you," I said calmly picking my book up. I wasn't going to waste my precious time on a dumbass like him.
I saw Kenma nod, out the corner of my eye, he agreed with me.
"And what exactly have you and Kenma been doing?" One eye brown perched up on his ridiculous face, funny enough, the only eye brow we could see from his haircut.
"We've been lying here," Kenma answered for me and this time it was my turn to nod.
"So you're telling me, I set you two up and all you've been doing is playing games and reading.." Kuroo stood there dumbfounded.
"No, not exactly, we did eat some." I gestured over to the pile of half eaten snacks set in the middle of my bed.
"You two are hopeless...and made for each other." His voice trailed off as he left my room.
I perked an ear, trying to listen and see if he was gonna leave my house, and he did.
I snickered, returning to my book, I admit that my eyes needed new attention and that Kenma with his two toned hair was thinking the same thing.
"What do you want to do?" I hesitantly asked Kenma as he set his game down and me with my book.
"Can we make something?"
"Uh sure, I think my mom bought some ingredients for cupcakes last week. Is that alright?" I asked getting up and marking my book while setting it on my nightstand.
He nodded and we headed downstairs with Kenma in front of me now. I never really noticed it since we've mostly been sitting down but he's taller than me.
A strange thought came to mind as I was thinking of our conversation.
'A child.'
My eyes widened and my heart rate sped up. I cursed at myself for ever thinking that. What the hell? I've just known the guy for a couple of hours and I'm already thinking of a child? I've been reading too much lately.
I breathed out a sigh and tied my apron back once we were in the kitchen. I held out an extra apron for Kenma and he gladly took it.
"Three eggs please," I said reading the instructions from the cupcake box I grabbed from the cabinet. I decided to reach up and grab the flour from there while I was at it.
Once he found the eggs in the fridge, he broke the eggs into a glass bowl, making sure not to get any eggshells in the mixture.
'He can break my back.'
What the fuck (y/n)? Where are all these thoughts coming from?
Probably from the lack of sleep your dumbass got.
That's great. Now I'm talking to myself and responding.
I suddenly got nervous while pouring some flour in and accidentally got it on Kenma's chest. I fucking need sleep, how in the hell?
"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I nervously spoke trying to get it off. He raised a brow, took some flower and plopped it on my head.
I paused, just staring at him with my jaw dropped.
Holding eye contact, I grabbed up a handful of flour and threw it on his hair too. I cracked a smile as he shook his head and the flour flew out like snow.
Soon, we were throwing tons of flour on each other, the kitchen had become a war zone. Mind and his laughs were bouncing off the walls in the kitchen.
I squealed as he shoved some down the back of my hoodie.
"Kenma!" I threw my head back in laughter as I chased him around my kitchen, I wanted to put some down his pants.
"You're never going to get me!" He smiled at me. I felt my heart almost stop, he looked.. cute. Which was completely new for me.
I could feel my cheeks start to flush until an idea sparked in my head. I grabbed an egg from the carton and threw it at him.
This time it was his turn to stare at me with his jaw dropped. Just like the flour war, next came the eggs, then cocoa, and cupcake mixture.
At this point, we were the cupcakes just unbaked.
"Payback, (y/n)." Kenma whispered in my ear, making me shiver, or maybe it was the cold water that was just dumped on my head.
I gasped loudly, flailing my arms every which way. Kenma stood by me laughing, with his arms holding his stomach. What a lovely sound, it was pure happiness.
I smirked and shook my long hair next to him, the ingredients getting on him. Finally, it came to an end when we got tired of throwing ingredients at each other.
I went to the pantry to grab two hand towels that I didn't care to use to clean us up.
"What in the hell.." I looked up after cleaning my face with a towel. I saw Kuroo standing in the doorway, confusion drawn on his face like no other.
"What the hell did you two do?" He asked astonished at us and the messed up kitchen. I mean, it was a sight to see. I haven't had this much engaging fun in forever.
I started giggling at the mess and Kenma looked at me and started laughing alongside me.
"I leave and you two are sitting on your bed, all quiet and calm. But when I come back you two are making the biggest mess in all of history," He exclaims his eyes bolting around the room and his movements a little frantic.
"Kenma, can you help me clean up please?" I asked nicely and headed over to get the dishwater started.
"Yes ma'am," he said and smirked, bringing his hand up and sprinkling sugar above my head.
I sniffed by accident then sneezed when there was a molecule of sugar in my nose. I looked up at him afterwards and what looked like blush was coating his cheeks.
Smiling innocently, I took the dish hose and sprayed him lightly.
I earned a gasp and high-pitched but slightly drawn out, "(Y/n)." from him.
Before he could say anything else Kuroo's loud voice came over us.
"So you two are dating? Hitting it off well, oya?" He asked with a smirk that only seemed to hint at other things.
I glanced up at Kenma and he looked down at me.
It seemed as if they both silently agreed to ignore him. In our midst of cleaning, a grumbling Kuroo finally decided to help. The only things in the kitchen un cleaned were Kenma and I.
"Do you want to stay over and shower or..?" I waited for an answer while taking off my large hoodie, revealing my larger shirt underneath.
My hair was filled with gross food, well, technically cupcake ingredients.
"I guess I could stay over. I'll text my mo-"
"I'm staying over too." Kuroo announced without even asking.
I looked back at Kuroo to see if he has lost his damn mind.
"The hell? Just do whatever you want I guess." I rolled my eyes at him.
I was honestly surprised by my acts today, I'm not usually an outgoing person and yet I liked how today went. But I can also tell that Kenma isn't either.
"I'll go to my parents' shower, you two take a shower together or separately, I don't care." I smiled and gathered my things after giving Kenma my brother's clothes. He was in college so I doubt that he'd mind.
After I was done, I seriously thought that they had taken a shower together but it turns out they just took short ones. Who knows? I was in the shower trying to get egg out of my hair. I couldn't have had hot water either, it would've cooked them.
Instead of making an actual dinner meal like yesterday, I decided to order pizza just so Kuroo could shut up about it.
"You know Kuroo, I'm picking up actions that Bokuto would use. Not a good sign," I said and turned on a movie in my room.
"Hey! That's mean- oh." He realized, I guess he must've been spending much more time with him. Not a problem in my book though.
I was eager to sleep since I hadn't got any last night. Kenma and Kuroo slept on the air mattress we had blown up in the middle of my floor.
I dived underneath my covers, not even having time to adjust before I fell into a deep slumber.
I woke up from a gentle poke to my shoulder. I peeked up one eye and saw Kenma hovering over me. Groaning, I sat up and rubbed my eyes for better sight.
"Kenma? What's wrong?" I eyed my clock, it was one in the morning.
"Kuroo took over the air mattress. I'm gonna sleep with you." He softly spoke and lightly scooted me over to the wall.
"Uh, okay I guess?" I whispered, not sounding so sure but was too full of sleep to really think about it.
I closed my eyes and waited for Kenma to stop moving so I could sleep.
"(Y/n)? About what Kuroo said, if we were to date we wouldn't tell him right?" His voice talked into the darkness.
This meant that I couldn't really see his face, I could only guess what he was hinting at.
"Oh..yeah.." I answered, sobering up from sleep.
"Well, can we do the-uh, dating e-eachother." He stumbled over his words which made me smile a bit.
My face was burning underneath the covers that he could easily steal away from me.
"I think I'd like that very much, Kenma." I smiled, not stumbling over my words.
I felt an arm pull me closer to his chest and kiss my cheek. My heart beat like a drum inside my chest as I tried to find my slumber again. The weight of his arm around my waist. The kiss on my cheek. The warmth of-
"Goodnight, (Y/n)." Kenma's voice rang out, soothing my thoughts.
I smiled softly and closed my eyes. I guess this kind of love wasn't a waste of time after all.
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a/n: this is from my “Haikyuu x Reader Oneshots” on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you want more!
the header is from lena!! on Pinterest
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hjparisian · 10 months
always yours-harry j potter x reader
p: harry j potter x fem! reader w: TW !!! toxic relationship, abuse, fluff ending, cussing, not proof read summary: harry and (y/n) come across each other a bit after the war and reconnect. a/n: another request from a lovely follower! so sorry this is so late. i haven't had motivation to write and couldn't figure out what to even write. if any of you guys are in an abusive relationship, please try to reach out to someone! i know it's better said than done but you all deserve the best.
The light breeze felt perfect to (Y/N). It was her day off of work from the Ministry today, so (Y/N) decided to use this day for herself to relax. Merlin knows that her work and her boyfriend has her feeling drained.
(Y/N) had just exited Flourish and Blotts, nose in one of the new books she bought. Her focus was disrupted when she bumped into a large figure, making her drop her book.
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I should've been looking where I was going," (Y/N) said to the person as she went to pick up her book but someone else grabbed it first.
"Oh it's alright, no worries," a familiar voice said to her.
(Y/N) looked up to the person handing her her book back.
"Wait, H-Harry?"
The girl was in shock. In front of her was her old friend and former crush, Harry Potter. The last time they've seen each other was at the Battle of Hogwarts. Though she had returned to Hogwarts for her eighth year, Harry did not.
"What are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked the man.
"I was just grabbing some stuff for school."
"Yeah," Harry said. "I'm teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts."
"That's amazing Harry!" (Y/N) said to him. "I mean you were the best at the class. Plus you were such an amazing teacher when you taught Dumbledore's Army so it doesn't surprise me."
"Thanks, (Y/N). And what are you doing?"
"Oh, I just came from Flourish and Blotts. It's my day off from the Ministry and I was looking for new books."
"Well," Harry says. "What else do you have planned for today?"
"Honestly, nothing else."
"Do you want to come over to my place?" Harry asked her. "I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. I was just hoping we could catch up maybe?"
"I would love to," (Y/N) said without a second thought.
Harry and (Y/N) exited the Leaky Cauldron and apparated to Harry's place. It was an apartment not too far from London. Harry unlocked the door and let (Y/N) enter.
It was a rather simple but clean apartment. There were a couple photos on the walls from Harry's years at Hogwarts. One that caught (Y/N)'s eye was a picture of Dumbledore's Army during their fifth year. Harry was in the middle of the photo and (Y/N) somehow had a spot right next to Harry.
"Bring back memories, huh?" Harry said as he stood behind her.
"Yeah. I still remember the first meeting." (Y/N) said. "I wanted to punch Zacharias in the face."
Harry laughed at your comment. "Me too, but he did come around."
Harry guided (Y/N) to the couch in his living room.
"Did you want anything to drink?" Harry asked her. "I got water, butterbeer, firewhiskey."
"Some butterbeer please."
Harry left to the kitchen and returned with two bottles of butter beer, handing one to (Y/N).
"So, how are Hermione and Ron?"
"They're good. They got engaged recently."
"Really?" (Y/N) said in awe. "That's wonderful! I remember talking with Hermione about Ron back in sixth year. Finally got her to admit her feelings for him."
Harry nodded his head, grinning at the memories. "They were both too stubborn to realize it."
(Y/N) nodded before taking a sip of the butterbeer. "What about you Harry? You were with Ginny last I heard."
"I was but not anymore." (Y/N) had a shocked look on her face. "We broke up a while back."
"Really? And Ron hasn't killed you?" (Y/N) asked.
Harry chuckled a bit. "It was actually Ginny who ended it. It was mutual so no bad blood between us."
"That's good then."
A question had been burning on the back of Harry's mind. Thankfully, they were on the topic of it.
"What about you? Are you with anyone?"
(Y/N) set down the bottle she was holding before she answered. "I am actually."
Harry felt his heart drop a bit. "Who is it?"
(Y/N) started messing with the hem of her top, feeling a bit nervous. "Do you remember Cormac McLaggen? He tried out for keeper our sixth year."
For some reason, Harry felt his heart crumble a bit. That bloke Cormac is with (Y/N)? Those two couldn't be anymore different. How could that troll earn her love?
(Y/N)'s voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"Are you alright Harry? You were zoning out a bit," (Y/N) pointed out.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine. I remember him, bit of a jerk from what I remember in sixth year." Harry said. "Is Cormac good to you?"
(Y/N) avoided eye contact and kept messing with her shirt. "Oh yeah. I mean we have a few arguments here and there, but he means well. Do you mind bringing another bottle of butterbeer please?"
Harry nodded before getting up to the kitchen again. He didn't necessarily believe (Y/N), but he wasn't going to prod on their relationship.
The two had been enjoying reconnecting. Harry told (Y/N) stories from his first year teaching at Hogwarts, one including how a third year girl sent him a singing card on Valentine's Day. (Y/N) also told Harry about her job at the Ministry and how her coworker spilt coffee on Kingsley Shacklebolt's robes.
(Y/N) looked at the clock on the nearby wall to see that it was a quarter past twelve am. She couldn't believe that she's been talking to Harry for this long. She had to get home.
"Hey Harry, I have to get going," (Y/N) told the man sitting next to her.
Harry looked at the clock to also see how late it was. "Oh, sorry. I didn't realize the time."
"It's quite alright Harry, I had a wonderful time with you anyways."
"Will you be apparating home?" Harry asks her. "Don't want you to head home by yourself if you aren't."
"Yes, I am. You don't need to worry," she said to him. "Besides, I know a few spells thanks to a certain Gryffindor."
Harry smiled a bit, knowing she was referring to him.
"I'll see you later Harry," (Y/N) said while handing him a paper.
The girl disapperated, returning to her home.
Harry unfolded the paper, which revealed some numbers. It was (Y/N)'s phone number. Right under it, she left a small message.
Call me! :)
The next morning, (Y/N) woke up to hearing noises coming from the kitchen. She put on a sweater and walked out to find her boyfriend Cormac cooking.
"Good morning," he said to her.
"Morning," she said.
"Thought I'd make us breakfast before you go to work," said Cormac. "Also where were you last night? You got home pretty late."
"I was catching up with an old friend."
Cormac hummed before asking her the dreaded question. "Who?"
"Oh it's no one special," she nervously said.
Cormac raised an eyebrow at her before asking again. "Who were you with, (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) cleared her throat before speaking. "Harry."
"Yeah him."
(Y/N) looked at her boyfriend, seeing a look of resentment in his eyes.
"I never really liked that bloke." Cormac said while handing (Y/N) her plate. "Gave the keeper spot to Weasley just because that's his best friend."
(Y/N) just nodded, not wanting to say anything to make Cormac upset.
The two ate until (Y/N) had to go to work. While heading to work, (Y/N) felt her phone buzz. She saw it was a number she didn't recognize, but the back of her mind was hoping it was a certain boy.
(Y/N) took chance and answered it. "Hello?"
"Hello?" A familiar voice said. "Is this (Y/N)?"
(Y/N) laughed a bit before responding. "Yes it is."
"Oh good. It's Harry."
"I know," (Y/N) said, smiling. "I recognized your voice."
"Ah yeah," Harry said. "How are you?"
"Good. Just heading to work."
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I can call later."
(Y/N) felt herself smiling more.
"No it's alright! I have time. Besides, it makes the travel to work less lonely."
And so began a new routine of Harry calling her on her way to work. Which then went into them calling each other after work. On nights Cormac was away, Harry and (Y/N) would call each other.
Harry and (Y/N) began seeing each other more in person too. He'd join her on trips to Diagon Alley for more books or to grab a bite after a long day of work.
This change did not go by unnoticed by Cormac, though. He noticed how distracted she became, how she smiled at her phone more, how she left for work earlier and came back later, how she'd go out more.
The boy had enough.
One day, when (Y/N) had returned from work late, Cormac was sitting in her living room, waiting for her arrival.
"Oh! Didn't know you were here Cormac, I thought you wouldn't get home 'til later," the girl said upon noticing her boyfriend on her couch.
"Where were you?" The boy asked her.
Cormac had gotten up and walked towards her, glaring at her.
(Y/N) had begun to feel a bit nervous, knowing Cormac wouldn't like the reason she had returned late.
"I-I was at work," (Y/N) stammered out.
"What about after work?" Cormac questioned her. "Where did you go?"
"Just went to grab a bite."
Cormac began pestering her. "With who? You had to have been with someone if you've taken this long."
(Y/N) felt herself starting to shake. She had never enjoyed when Cormac began to act like this, knowing he was getting angry and a bit emotional.
"I was just out with a friend," she meekly said.
"I wanna know who you were with (Y/N)."
"It was just a friend, Cormac."
"Don't bullshit me. Was it with Potter?"
(Y/N)'s hesitation was all Cormac needed to get his answer.
"It was with Potter, wasn't it."
(Y/N) couldn't lie to him, knowing he figured her out. She nodded.
"Yes, but he's just a friend."
Cormac laughed at her. "Oh really, (Y/N)? Doesn't look like it to me. All those days you came home late, were on the phone for hours. Probably all with fucking Potter. Wouldn't be surprised if you went and shagged him."
--TW description of physical abuse--
"Cormac, I didn't shag him! We were just reconnecting, that's all. Please let's just tal-"
A loud smack echoed through the room.
Cormac had hit her.
"Shut up you bitch!"
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s face. Cormac took noticed of this and began laughing at her.
"You're crying?" The boy shoved her against the wall. "What if I give you something to actually cry about?"
"Cormac, stop!" (Y/N) sobbed.
He let go of her and let her drop to the ground. (Y/N) had begun sobbing loudly, hyperventilating.
"Get out (Y/N)! Go to your fucking boyfriend Potter for all I care." Cormac screamed at her.
--TW end--
(Y/N) had pushed herself up and got out the door before Cormac slammed it behind her. She decided to use her strength to apparate to the only person that could help her.
She knocked on the door and waited a second before it opened to reveal her former schoolmate.
Harry stared at her before bringing her inside and embracing her. She flinched, but began melting into his embrace after telling herself that it's just Harry.
"I just need to know," Harry began. "Did Cormac do this to you?"
(Y/N) just nodded, not wanting to speak.
Harry felt himself become angry. How could Cormac do this to her? She was an angel, unlike that asshole. He never deserved her. But did Harry himself deserved (Y/N)? He couldn't protect her, keep her safe. This could've been avoided if Harry was with (Y/N).
He couldn't think about that now when (Y/N) was in his arms needing care. He brought the girl to his bathroom, doing his best to try and tend the bruises that littered her skin. Harry drew a bath and brought a change of clothes for (Y/N).
"I'll be right outside, I promise." He told her. "I'll have to finish checking your bruises when your done."
Once (Y/N) decided to get out of the bath half an hour later, Harry made sure he didn't miss any other injuries before bringing her to his bed. He was just going to let her rest until a hand grabs his.
"Don't leave. Please."
Harry would always listen to (Y/N).
The boy stayed with her until sleep finally took over. As much as Harry wanted to stay with her, he had business to take care of.
Thankfully, he remembered where (Y/N) lived after dropping her off multiple times so he apparated in the night to her door. He banged on the door hard until it opened, revealing his new worst enemy.
"What do you want Potter? (Y/N) isn't here."
"Oh I know." Harry told Cormac. "Just came for a chat."
Harry stepped forward in an attempt to enter the house until Cormac stopped him.
"I'm busy right now."
"Well I guess I can try to make this quick," Harry said.
A punch was thrown at the older wizard, catching him off guard. Harry grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pushed them into the apartment, shoving him up against the nearest wall.
"I know what you did to (Y/N), McLaggen. How dare you hurt her!" Harry screamed at him.
"I didn't do such thing." Another punch was thrown.
"Don't you dare lie to me! I know you did it. You hurt her! You never deserved her."
"Oh but you think you do?" Cormac scoffed at Harry, while trying to push him off.
"I would've treated her way better than you ever have."
"You want a slut like her? You're pathetic Potter."
Those words had enraged Harry more than ever. The two continued fighting, Harry having the upper hand. One more punch landed on Cormac before he fell to the floor.
"You better stay away from (Y/N). If I hear that you stepped one foot near her I won't hesitate to punch you again," Harry spat at him before making his leave back to his home.
Harry headed for his room, wanting to make sure that the girl he loves was still there. Fortunately, she was, but she was awake.
"Where did you go Harry? I was getting worried."
"I just went to take care of something," he said, trying to reassure her.
"What do you need to take care of at this time?" (Y/N) said while walking toward him.
A small gasp slipped her month before her hand made contact with his cheek. Harry would be lying if he said it didn't feel nice.
"You're hurt Harry!" (Y/N) exclaimed before dragging him to his bathroom.
"(Y/N) love, I'm fine." He kind of wasn't. Harry looked at his reflection in the mirror and saw the marks Cormac apparently left him. He was too focused on getting vengeance for (Y/N) that he ignored it.
(Y/N) began cleaning his face. "Harry, you have dried blood on your face. I don't think that's considered fine. What were you doing?"
"If I tell you, you have to promise you won't be upset," Harry said to her.
"What?" (Y/N) paused, confused.
"Just promise me."
"Fine. I promise I won't get upset."
"Alright, well," Harry began. The adrenaline was gone and he began feeling nervous. "I went to visit Cormac at your guys apartment."
"You went to see Cormac?" (Y/N) squeaked. "Why would you do that Harry?"
"I couldn't stand what he did to you (Y/N). He hurt you. You didn't deserve what he did. I had to teach him a lesson."
"So you went to beat each other up?"
"Well, him more so than me," Harry joked.
"Why? Why would you beat him up for me?"
"Because (Y/N). I love you."
(Y/N)'s eyes widen in shock. "W-what?"
"I love you. And I think I always have. Seeing you brought back those feelings I've had back when we were at Hogwarts. I would do anything to protect you (Y/N)."
"Oh Harry," tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes.
Harry noticed and got a little bit worried. "It's alright if you don't feel the same way. I know you just had to deal with Cormac so-"
Arms wrapped around him and lips met his. Harry froze for a second before melting into it, gently placing his hands on her waist.
(Y/N) was the first to break the kiss, to respond to Harry's declaration of love to her.
"I love you too, Harry."
(Y/N) finished cleaning up Harry before heading back to his bed. His arms wrapped around her, keeping her warm and safe.
"I promise to protect you no matter what," Harry said to her. "I would do anything for you."
"And I will do the same for you, because you're mine."
"And I will always be yours."
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polyamorouspunk · 1 year
The first time I ever heard the phrase “pick your battles” was when I was about 12 years old in eight grade. The grade above us was filled with kids who drank and smoked and did drugs and the grade below us was filled with kids having sex in public bathrooms and somehow we were stuck in the middle, reaping the restrictions put on us for crimes we didn’t commit. One of these being that we were not allowed any personal bags in our wing.
Now, if you’re like me, you carry a *lot* of shit. I mean, there’s textbooks, reading books, food, water, phone, pens and pencils, an eraser that actually works, FeMiNiNe hYgIeNe pRoDuCtS, and idk? Random other shit? Too much to reasonably carry from class to class in your arms and pockets.
So my friends and I wore bags. Purses, if you will, though I hated that term because it was a bit too girly for me, and my “purses” came from the military surplus store. In fact, I still have the last one I got from there. Regardless, my point being that we wore personal bags to carry our shit in.
Except that wasn’t allowed because kids *before* us would sneak their alcohol and shit with them in bags.
Now, nowhere in the handbook did it say we weren’t allowed to have bags- trust me, we checked. Our parents helped us take up the cause- us being me and my 2 friends. But our teachers collectively decided we were not allowed to have them in our wing, they had to stay in our lockers. And so we asked: how them are we to transport them outside of our wing if our lockers are in said wing. If we can’t have them in the hallway how can we have them outside the hallway if we have to store them in the lockers in this hallway.
One day my teacher who had a soft spot for us pulled me aside. He told me he knew that I was on a campaign against this, but that sometimes we need to pick our battles. I had never heard of this phrase, so I sat on it for about .5 seconds before saying “then I’m going to pick this battle and continue fighting it.”
I understand now what he means though. We can’t change everything that we want to. There are so many causes out there, so many things that we should be aware of. But we’ll burn ourselves out trying to take them all on ourselves. It’s been said before to pick a few causes you really feel passionate about and focus on those because you can do more for change when you aren’t stretched out thin.
Beyond that, though, I think we need to pick and choose our battles because realistically there are not just things we can win, and at the end of the day some things *are* more important than others.
We live in a surveillance state. That’s clear in a lot of countries, including the US, but that’s clear on a global level. While this sucks, at least here in the US, it really seems like not enough people care to fight it. Hell, people are actively bringing surveillance devices into their homes in the name of convenience. Realistically, overturning our surveillance state doesn’t seem likely. While it’s a battle that’s noble to fight, it’s probably in vain.
But think about when Roe v Wade was overturned. How much outrage it caused. How much outrage it’s still causing. Enough people are fighting that there is hope to rectify it, I think. And when it comes down to it, if you have to pick a battle to “not be surveilled” or to “legalize life-saving medical treatment (again)” one of those seems a lot more pressing and important than the other.
It’s okay to personally put causes on the back burner. It’s okay to not reblog every single “awareness” or “woke” post you see. You’re not obligated to fight every fight. Even just reblogged activism post after activism post can be draining. It’s okay to take a step back, take a break. Don’t forget about these struggles. Keep them in the back of your mind. Maybe go back and reblog them later. But don’t burn yourself out fighting too many battles, especially if they’re losing one. Focus on a few, solid, tangible changes you can make: being kind to strangers; donating goods, services, and money; volunteering; teaching children; etc. and if you have the energy go above and beyond that. You can make a difference just by being kind. You don’t have to fix every single problem. But together we can fix a few at a time.
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thesamoanqueen · 1 year
Run this town
Raitings: 16+
Warnings: Age gapping! (I’ve made my research about the consent age, so its just a couple of years); a bit of sugar daddy; Mob Boss Roman.
A/N: Its a prologue of “Trust” but there’s no need to read it before, so enjoy~
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Lessons that day had been a pain and had drained her. She wasn’t backing up with the program, she liked studying and she had more than one reason to do so, but her mind was on strike that day. She was tired, sleepy, her stomach was almost empty as always and she couldn't help but think about what had happened the previous night. She couldn't stop thinking about him… the way his eyes had looked into her soul. It had been terrifying, in many dangerous ways.
- Watch where you go! - one of the chicks from the gymnastics club scolded her, hitting her with a huge purse and bringing Y/N back to her empty reality.
She glared at her and with a heavy sigh picked up the books that had fallen out, as she watched her trot to her friends. They were giggling and running their mouths about something out of school, probably some dude on the football team or maybe picking their victim of the month, she didn't have time for that nonsense. She had a whole day of lessons to make up for, some shopping – however meager – to do to avoid yet another unhealthy dinner and some gas to buy with some bucks the teacher had offered her, God bless her. She passed them in silence, her head down as she rummaged to retrieve the keys that ended up among her books and she only came out when was in front of her old bad shape car. Leaning on her knee against the door, in an absolutely not elegant pose, she was suddenly paralyzed, heart racing in her throat and mind in panic.
He was across the street. He was there.
He had found her.
Petrified, she clutched the car keys, watching him peer through the outgoing crowd.
Maybe she was wrong. Maybe he was there for someone else. But he couldn't have a daughter of her age, he was young, well, he shouldn't have been her age, but he was way too fit to be someone's daddy. Or maybe not. What the heck was she thinking now?! After what he'd seen the night before she couldn't tell those stories, it was clear he was there for her and that wasn't a good thing.
Before she had time to recover, she saw him turn in her direction, one of the two boys she had also seen with him last night, pointing at her without worrying about discretion.
Was she supposed to ask for help? Maybe none of her classmates would come to save her, she wasn't very popular, but maybe a teacher. She was surrounded by people, they wouldn't draw their guns there. Right? Would they use them against her? And did they have guns? She didn't really know what he was capable of, but he didn't seem like one who cared about what he could or could not do and she had been in the wrong place, at the wrong time that night with him.
The parking lot would be empty soon. She was supposed to drive away, but even if the traffic was in her favor, he had a SUV that could have driven over a tree and she had a car that struggled even to get her there. Was she supposed to call the cops?
She was panicking and it wasn't something she was used to. She usually knew what to do. She usually knew how to react with coolness, it was one of her qualities, the one that would one day come in more use as a doctor. If she would get to that day.
She tightened her grip on the purse, still motionless, still staring at him.
And he kept looking at her. Like the night before. Why did he look at her and do nothing more?
Sitting on the stands of the football field, she peered past her textbook as the distant sound of the departing car reached her. She saw the black car-body gleam even on that not-so-sunny day, the rims spinning faster and faster as he drove away from the back of the school and back into town, the tinted windows all closed now, even the one from which he'd watched her for more than an hour.
It had been two weeks since he had first been there. Y/N'd thought she'd die that day, having barely survived the night their paths had accidentally crossed, but nothing had happened. He'd let her go without a word that day, like the night before and it had happened again and again. She saw him every day, when she got to school or when she finished, on a couple of time she saw him during breaks between lessons. He didn't have a routine, but he was always there. Sometimes she also saw those two boys with him, sometimes a white well dressed man, but didn't change anything for her. He didn't talk to her, didn't approach her, just seemed to control her, he never even tried following her car or finding her when she was away from there.
- Y/N! Here you are! I thought you were gone... take this. Your pass. – called her, Mrs. Tray, leaning forward without climbing into the stands, with a look of hurry and a small plastic bag in her hand.
- My pass? – she asked, taking out the contents, on which they had stamped a code and her full name.
A cafeteria pass? She had never had something like that. What…?
Another week had passed and after the pass, new books had arrived in her locker, a tracksuit for gymnastics lessons, bags on the backseat of her car, still closed and full of gas, with everything she usually wouldn't have been able to afford and more than even a girl with a family could ask for. She'd never heard of a criminal paying someone's hush with cafeteria pass, books and gifts, but she was sure by now that he was behind all these new additions to her life.
He kept standing there in front of school, at a distance, not talking to her or approaching her, but when she went to the convenience store next to the bowling alley and the owner refused to take her money like she had a virus, all doubts disappeared and Y/N decided she had enough. It was clear, that he didn't follow her because he knew perfectly where she went, yet he only showed up in front of her school. He was playing with her, but she didn't like it and she'd been through too much already at her age not to want an explanation.
With her bag over her shoulder, without hesitation she crossed the street, marching straight towards the car parked in a corner of the parking lot. She watched the front door open and one of the twins rush out, looking surprised as if she had caught them off guard, as he positioned himself beside the window from which he was watching her as always.
- Hey, hey! – he braked her, reaching out to stop Y/N and keep some space between them.
- Roman Reigns, right? - Y/N asked, completely ignoring his warning.
She saw him raise his brown eyes to hers, not as impressed with her tone, as her friend next to her seemed to be. He had an almost amused expression, a shadow in his luscious gaze that was all too dangerous and when Y/N saw him curl his lips in a grin, something in her stomach turned and it wasn't the kind of feeling she should have had in front of the man who ruled their city.
- You already know – he nodded slowly and his low, smooth voice seemed to move earth under her feet, her grip suddenly less firm on the purse, legs softening.
Was she afraid? Or was it something else? She couldn't think about it now, it was too late. She was there, in front of him now and she demanded answers, even if it was the last thing she did.
- I know I saw something I shouldn't have seen and you let me go anyway. I know you perfectly know the places I go and when I go there. I know you paid for my pass, for books, and you put those things in my car. I know you've been here for a month, but you do nothing to me. What I don't know is what you want – she said, teeth clenched and head high, as he raised an eyebrow.
- Did you want me to do something to you, babygirl? - she heard him inquire, and her face burned suddenly at the petname, as if she had built it out of matches.
- W-what? – she stammered, seeing him frown a little playfully.
- Just ask. Im a generous man.
She was pretty sure nothing could have prepared her for that kind of audacity, and though her body, due to some hormonal imbalance, had just decided to find alluring whatever this man was making her suspect, her mind was screaming for her to regain consciousness. He was a criminal, the mob boss of their city, she couldn't be so naive and stupid as to put everything aside just because he was young, too young to be in such a position of power and breathtakingly attractive.
- so its funny playing with me? Is that the point? Im a joke – she asked, pushing the blush away from her cheeks to tighten her knuckles when she saw the shadow of a smile even on the guy standing next to her.
It was embarrassing, offensive and ridiculous. They were teasing her without even pretending and she at least wanted to know why before the situation escalated, because it would. It was inevitable at this point and she had been the one to speed things up, but deep down she had never had an alternative. Her life had been an endless series of dead ends, there had never been nothing at the end, no future. That was yet another test.
- I'm not playing. I will take care of you. – Y/N heard him assure her, his expression serious, too serious for her liking.
What was that story now? Taking… care of her?!
They didn't know each other. Not enough to warrant something like this. He didn't have a good reputation and she didn't want trouble of that magnitude, she didn't want trouble, period. Their paths had crossed by mistake, it shouldn't have happened, but she couldn't end up like this, she wasn't stupid enough to believe it. Why should he care about her? Why should he care when even her parents didn't want to be around her? It was just a bad Y/Nke, another way to play with the stupid girl before getting her out of the way, and if it was going to happen, she didn't want any sugar coating.
- You have time and money to waste – she replied abruptly, looking him straight in the eyes without pulling back.
He didn't seem impressed or offended. For a heavy, long moment, his expression didn't change until another faint grin curled his lips as he nodded at her.
- Get in the car.
- I already have my car.
- Jey.
- What?! No! Stop! Leave my car out of this! It's all I have, no! – she tried, reflexively turning to Roman, who still sat staring out the window.
She didn't get an answer, but she immediately heard the clanging of the old rusty and dazed door and she watched that guy named Jey slip in and start the engine, as if he had the keys and it was a car that left the dealership. It took her ten minutes each time to do same and him, how long? Ten seconds?
- Get in. I promise to be good. - Roman called from behind her and she turned to look at him again, speechless.
- You have to go there to study, not to be a teacher.
She felt his hand caressing her shoulder before seeing him, his large firm body occupying almost the couch entirety in the corner of the club, suit stuck to his pecs, arms spreading across the back, engulfing her too. He always had that aura, as if the rest of the world couldn't touch him and ever since they had first spoken, Y/N wanted nothing more than to succeed on this challenge. She tried to resist, not to think about it, to keep herself away, but it was an almost impossible feat.
- I don't like to be unprepared – she muttered, swallowing hard to cover the warmth that had assaulted her feeling him close, the book she was studying suddenly uninteresting.
- You won't be. And I have something for you. - Roman smiled, placing in front of her a key with card.
Speechless, she took it between her fingers, the music still soft in the club filling the silence in which she was sunk. It couldn't be what she thought, it sure wasn't what she thought.
- I want you to stay there until you finish college. Then we will see – she heard Roman say, his head cocked a little to the side to get a better look at her.
It was exactly what she thought instead and realizing it made her snap like a spring. She spun abruptly to face him, hand flailing angrily in front of his face.
- Whats your problem?! Are you doing charity now so you don't burn dirty money? This was not in the deal! – she scolded him without caring that anyone would listen to them, book now closed in protest.
The last few months at school had been a dream for her: no more vending machines, no books falling apart or frozen feet in order not to turn on the car heater. She even had a place for the night in that club, not the best, but definitely more than the seat of her car. But that... it was a house they were talking about, a house with someone's name on, with bills to pay, mail to receive!
- I said I'd take care of you, that's the only deal. - he cut short, his expression serious.
Having someone looking after her wasn't something she had been used to, she hadn't had a family, not even a community to grow up in that she felt she belonged to. In foster homes things didn't go that way, everyone thought of himself and all her life Y/N had thought that this was how the world went, but Roman had thrown her beliefs down without even asking for permission. He didn't ask anyone's permission, he was the law there. For some absurd reason, the look they had exchanged in that parking lot, more than six months ago now under the worst circumstances imaginable, had attracted his attention and he always said laughing that where he comes from, the head of the table looks after the rest of the family. Y/N had no idea why he thought she was part of the family, maybe because she lived on the streets and the streets here were all hers, but she had believed him. Partly to take advantage of that windfall, partly because she really wanted to believe she was of value to someone. And he wasn't just someone and strangely he was good to her.
- It's just an alternative to the dormitory, not a home for us, don't worry. But no visits, no friends and no men, ya heard me? My cousins and I have the keys, wouldn't it be a nice visit for them… hm? - he punctuated with a nod to emphasize his words and she would have really preferred to die there, at that moment, of a cardiac arrest without help.
Why did he always say those things? It was-was…
- I don't do that kind of thing. – she murmured, feigning offense and immediately felt him reach out his hand, fingers again stroking her shoulder, up to the back of her neck.
- Good girl ‘cause I don’t share. - Roman blew into her ear, causing her yet another flush of heat where shouldn't have.
He acted like a sugar daddy when they talked about those stuff, not that she knew anything about them, she'd never been in a relationship like that and she highly doubted that with that look and fame, Roman was running out of women to have fun with and he needed to occupy time with someone like her. What's more, he had never really done anything that made her suspect true interest or that he wanted something like that in return for his help, just words and those caresses were not worth, even if they had begun to have a weight for her.
- Stop that. There’s nothing to share – she moaned, feeling him move down her back to spread his hand, the touch different, her fingers twisting anxious the cover of her textbook.
- Because it's all mine, understand little one?
It was nice to believe that there was more, even if it wasn't the love story every girl dreams of and it didn't bode well even in her fantasies. It was good after all that time, to know that there was someone watching where she was or that nothing bad happened to her and did it really matter that he could have done that bad to her? It never happened, he just spoiled her, and a few jokes never killed anyone. Aside from her sanity, who was probably compromised and would require more than a few sessions of psychoanalysis and self-examination.
- You suffer from unmotivated control freaks. - she added, trying to fill the silence with which he was looking at her.
- The things we care about require attention and sacrifices babygirl. - he said with his mind who knows where, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, before getting up.
She felt her cheeks burn, her heart pound and a strange sense of dejection at knowing that he was leaving again, not telling her where or when he would be back. She had gotten used to him too quickly and now she was starting to worry too. Definitely not one of the variants contemplated when she had decided to take advantage of the help of who had power over an entire city.
- Keep your head on the books. - he advised her thoughtfully and she bit her lip.
- I'll sew you up when I learn to stitch - he laughed, nothing could touch him.
It was strange to hear his voice on the phone after all that time. Her stomach had closed up as soon as she read his name and now she felt like the walls were falling down on her too. The apartment was silent, she could hear his low breathing on the other side, who knows where.
- …You haven't called in two weeks… - she said, her eyes fixed on the blanket that covered her legs to keep her warm as she lay on the couch.
If Y/N had imagined that day a year earlier, she would have sadly laughed without believing it. No one had ever looked for her every day, no one had ever called her out of the pure desire to know how her life was going. No one had ever been like Roman and without even realizing it, in less than a summer, she had basked in that feeling until she became addicted. She'd never really known what she'd been missing in life until Roman had given it to her, but she'd only realized in those two weeks what it was and it wasn’t about the apartment he'd gotten her, the fridge full and the gifts she kept finding in the living room without knowing how they got there.
And she had also realized how easily everything could disappear, when just as he had come to her, he hadn't shown up again for what had seemed an eternity to her. No calls, no news, not even a visit from the twins, the only ones who had continued direct contact with her after she'd moved there for college. She had waited, keeping her thoughts to herself, she couldn't call him. After a week she gave up. Everything around her was back to how it was before, empty and silent. She had saved up the money in the account, looked for a job: sooner or later the house would disappear too, but she didn't care. She had moved on, pushed by the flow of her new life there, enduring, resigning herself to being alone again. It had been like a strange dream and it hurt, had continued to hurt. But another week had passed and his name had popped on her phone.
- I was busy. How are the lessons going?
Busy, sure. The city was in his hands, and that sort of thing couldn't wait like her. He seemed calm, his voice was not worried. It must have been a business matter, he was fine. He was fine but she wasn't. At all.
- Well.
- Well? That's all?
- Well. Everything is okay here too, the house is in order. - she said flatly, instinctively looking around.
She heard him laugh a lil at that last comment, he never cared what she did with what he gave her, money or things, but she always remembered all of his recommendations regarding that apartment. She didn't want to piss him off, she wanted to show him that she could be trusted, that she was… loyal?
- How was the test? – she heard him ask and she bit hard her lip.
She had erased it from her memory, and even though she would have been happy in another moment that he had remembered it, now she just didn't want to think about it. It would have been like going back, feeling that emptiness again... she had hardly slept in those days, she hadn't been able to concentrate, she had had the impression that they sucked her energy away, it had been horrendous.
- It was last week.
- So?
- I have to do it again. - she admitted in a heavy voice, torturing the edge of the blanket, eyes lowered despite the fact that there was no one there to look at her with reproach.
It was her dream to become a doctor. She had worked day and night to be able to enter that college and have an opportunity and she knew the value of opportunities, so she didnt fail her exams. She never failed her exams. That had been the first.
- … what happened? - Roman inquired after a long moment of silence, his voice serious, low and she felt her stomach tighten, a strange anger building inside her.
- Nothing. I have to do it again…
- Babygirl.
- You haven't called in two weeks.
- I didn't know I had to call you every day and I don't understand what that has to do with the test that went wrong.
He was getting annoyed, she could tell by the tone he was using, but it didn't matter, it wasn't going to get any worse. She was tired, they weren't going to continue that conversation. It was useless and she no longer felt like talking. She could have memorized every book, but she'd been about to screw it up just for a silly fantasy, because her mind had gone where it shouldn't… she was disappointed in herself. He was so clear…
- I’ll study more, I’ll do better. - she promised, looking at her reflection in the window and putting down. The empty house around her and her eyes watering.
She was angry with herself. With her self and no one else. But was that really the reason she felt so sad?
Her alarm clock marked almost five in the morning, outside the sky was slowly beginning to take on colour, but the house was still dark. She stared at the closed door to her bedroom, concentrating on the inaudible noise that had come from the living room. If she hadn't been half awake she probably wouldn't have realized it, but she had heard it and she was starting to worry. There was someone in the house with her and certainly wasn't one of the twins: they made noise at any hour, that someone didn't or was trying not to do. She huddled against the headboard, waiting a few more seconds, in one hand her phone and in the other the cup that she had forgotten on the bedside table, the only thing she could think she could use as a weapon. Nothing. Slowly, she pulled the covers aside and moved to get off the bed, but before she could even put her feet on the floor, the handle snapped, letting in some light from the living room.
- Did I wake you up? - Roman asked with a heavy sigh when he saw her and without thinking too much, Y/N crossed the bed again, throwing her arms around his neck to bury her face in the crook of his neck with a sigh of relief.
She had been afraid. She had been about to call him, she hadn't thought of anyone else and he was there now. She hadn't seen him since the first day of college and the last time they spoke didn't end well, but he was there now and as soon as she fully realized it, her hands started touching everywhere, attention at an all-time high, looking for any trace, forgetting the rest.
- Are you hurt? Did something happen? - she looked at him seriously, his big hands still on her hips and eyes fixed on her.
He'd never come there to see her, which wasn't a good sign. If he was there something must have happened. Not that she could ever be of any help in his business and she didn't even want to get in there, but maybe he needed a place to hide out, maybe he needed a few hours. Maybe it had to do with his disappearance two weeks ago, was he hurt? Had they, whoever they were, hurt him? She had to figure out where he was hurt, timing was everything.
- I had to make it up to you - Y/N heard him admit and suddendly she froze, lifting her eyes to meet him.
… had he gone there for her? For that call?
Speechless, she felt her heart on her throat and thanked the almost total lack of light in the room, because she was only realizing at that moment that she had stuck to him and was absolutely sure that her face had completely changed color now. He held her by her hips, his torso completely covering her as she knelt on the bed, he was warm, inviting and she had never felt better than in that moment, feeling him so close to her. Roman always had that effect on her… it was a curse.
Their first meeting had been a waking nightmare, the kind of situation that anyone should avoid and from which she herself had tried to keep away for months, even when their paths had crossed again. But what happened next, was able to erase that memory as well. Her mind was still screaming at her to stay away from him, not to trust him, that he was dangerous, but there was something in the pit of her belly that stopped her from doing it and those weeks without him had destroyed her more than years sleeping in a car, with nothing to eat, struggling to get to the next day.
He had gone there for her. No one had ever done all those things for her.
- You scared me - she said seriously, feeling him caress her hips with a nod of his head, but she didn't give him time to speak or do anything else, arms twisting around his neck.
She kissed him quickly, almost slamming against his mouth, with pretension and the same state of mind in which she could have jumped off a plane. Her head seemed about to explode, torn between the terror of that choice, the desire to continue and the fear of being rejected. His lips were soft, his beard was tingling her face, and his warm breath against her was making Y/N toes curl. She hadn't thought about what to expect, but when she felt one of his hands travel up her back to bring her closer, her body seemed to melt, her mind suddenly blank.
- You can do it, bear it for me - she heard him blowing against her mouth, the arm with which he had held her until then, lifting her body to lay her down.
Before she had time to do anything but cling to his shoulders, Y/N felt her back press into the bed and his body make its way over her, covering her completely. A kiss and another, fingers exploring under the shabby pj she was wearing, the heat rising from her and his teeth marking her. It was dangerous and continuing on that way would lead her to a point of no return, but there was nothing in that moment she wanted more than to lose herself in Roman hands, letting him erase even what he hadn't taken yet.
- My brave girl - she heard him laugh when a moan made her vibrate under him.
It sounded good. His breathing in a dark room, his laughter drowned out by the sound of clothes ending up on the floor, that “my” all for her. It sounded so good it made her want it for the rest of her life. Nothing bad could happen, as long as they were together, nothing could touch her but him.
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyyaanna @angelreigns444 @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @claymorexpunisher @keybladeofsteel @iovereigns @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @civildawn @romanmydaddy @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @wrestlezaynia @reignsx @reigns-central-blog @kianaleani @daguenoire @extra-11 @thedonsfactory @snowpanda18 @brattyfics @mzv11 @romanreignseater @namjoonspinkytoenail @tribalchiefdaily @2baddies2furious @vebner37 @depressedneedingrevenge @cyberdejos2 @thewarlordsworld @jeonmahi1864 @jxtina-86 @harmshake @harlem11680 @joanoai @southerngirl41 @blkbutterfly816
244 notes · View notes
vqrtualheartss · 1 year
CCan you do one where miles find out reader is literally obsessed with art and has a room alone for her drawings and paintings one of them being him
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ᴅ☆ᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴀʏ|
9:12 pm This is my first request and I love you for it. Anyways, I'm trying to keep this one short and cute because I just realized I cannot make a story short for my life so yea lol.
The like, plot about the senior partner programme is taken from a book I read on wattpad called 'His Tesoro' by sjpwell and I heavily recommend you read it. heavily.
For fem readers, no specific race disclosed
Warnings — idk, bad grammar
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In all honesty, deadass, I would've been asleep by now if not risking my hands to ink poisoning or that our teacher was picking the pairs for the annual senior partner programme. You'd basically share classes, be expected to hang out and by the end of the year write a report based on what you learnt about them. There wasn't anyone I was against being paired with but there wasn't anyone I was looking to either, all of them were the same people just different fonts, nothing interesting.
"And lastly we have Miss Valentine and Mr. Morales. Until your new schedules are emailed to you, you are expected to interchange the order of classes starting with the male's in the pair. Happy bonding"
Before I could get up, someone tilted down my phone screen, shifting my attention from it to them, the Mr. Morales— Miles. My nose slowly twitched, as I tried to fight the tug on my lips.
"Hi angel" I sighed, smiling at the nickname. Apparently my last name reminded him of Cupid and because Cupid's somewhat an angel, it makes me one
"Good morning Miles" pushing out my phone gesturing for him to hold it, I gathered my stuff preparing to head to his class. "Formal as always" he shook his head looking down at me with my bag on one shoulder, the other strap swaying freely. I shrugged at his comment, bringing out my hand to retrieve my phone, instead of handing it over, he held onto my hand, intertwining them as he examined the free-styled drawings.
"Talent much? Cool if you could put some on me?" He smiled widely, dangling my phone in his other hand as some type of persuasion. The smile grew evident in my voice, "Alright". I mean, why not, for his half of classes I didn't have to do anything in them so might as well.
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"These dopee. Y'know low-key we should get matching ones sometime" . I smiled, "Maybe"
Annoyed at my frequent one word responses he turned around to face me as I slipped from underneath his arm " I hope you're not gonna be like this when I come by later."
Standing infront him with my mouth slightly agape, I questioned, my arms mirroring his crossed ones. "When you do what?"
"How else are we supposed to get to know eachother? And I'm guessing you're eager to kick me out and wrap this up" Narrowing my eyes, I pinched and rubbed my nose bridge.
There weren't many reasons why he couldn't stay over but they held alot of weight, one being my art room and two I'd probably make a fool of myself.
Looking up at him to protest, he swiftly transferred his initialized chain from his neck to mine before walking off and shouting, "Text me the directions and I'll be there" .
I dragged a hand down my face, I was going to send him them but that bitch.
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knock knock, the door creaked open as a faint light faltered to the floor
"Miles? If that's you come in" "Woww, now imagine if I was a serial killer" Taking off his jacket, he continued "You would've been dead by now"
I shrugged , eyes never leaving the sketchbook propped on my right knee. He turned around, a dead expression on his face as he dragged the book from my lap "Nah, you gave your word" I most definitely did not
"Okay, fine, my attention's yours and yours only. Happy?" I gave him a tight-lipped smile as he sat on my bed, flipping through the pages "very" .
I remained a neutral expression as if my heart wasn't waiting to jump outside my chest.
Recently he's been the center of attention of my art and obviously I don't need him to see that. My heart rate calmed, his eyebrows furrowing, the pages seemingly went blank "I thought you drew more than this?" "I recently started that sketchbook,"
My expression softened, smiling internally as relief took over my body. However, my mind went as blank as the pages. Where the hell are those drawings then ?.
He hummed, moving from the bed to the office chair. He slid it over beside me before holding onto the chain with a finger of his, bringing me even closer to him.
"This makes it look like you belong to me in some way".
I copied his 'hm' in response despite my stomach flipping on end. He tugged on the chain releasing it. "I swear to god I'm going to make you talk. One way or another" leaning back into the chair manspreading, I smiled while maintaining a scowl. "Ew, you look like a man"
"Oh so now you speak?" He scoffed before continuing "Where's your bathroom" "Straight down, first door on your..." I paused a bit unsure of the direction to tell him ".. right, first door on your right"
He leaned on the door frame, crossing his arms "Don't know your directions by now?" "Get out"
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Glancing at the time on my phone a few times, it took me a while to register that Miles was gone for more than 20 minutes "That's weird". Heading outside, I shuffled to the bathroom that he would've went to find it empty. I stood with my hands wrapped around my torso trying to figure his whereabouts. Shit. I went to the one place I hope he wasn't, my art room.
Approaching said room I saw the door slightly ajar, his shadow lingering on the walls. Without a plan I went inside, harshly biting down on my lip to brace myself for future embarrassment.
"You really weren't going to show me this?" I nervously laughed, eyes darting around the room inspecting for any sketches, drawings or paintings with him as the centerpiece. My eyes lingered on a drawing of Miles a little longer than I should've, he sent himself in the direction of my gaze. I shut my eyes, squeezing my fists tighter with each passing second. He took up the sketchbook situated on the desk, twirling through the recent pages before turning.
"Is this me?" His eyebrows drawing nearer as he grinned. I bit harder onto my lip before attempting to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation, even if it was just on my side. "No?"
"Looks an awful lot like me" Placing the book into its original position he folded his arms, sitting infront the desk
"I do not have the mental capacity for this" I sighed, shaking my head. A bead of blood formed on my lips.
Looking up and down my frustration filled body, he replied "Got me on your mind a lot, huh?" Laughing at his own teasing, I used the base off my hands to rub my eyes viciously, an honest attempt to push in my eyeballs.
Morphing into a ball of embarrassment, a smug expression splashed on his face. Hissing my teeth, the colours of his eyes went onyx as he stared. I returned his challenging gaze before he stood up, walking over and standing dangerously close.
Towering over my height, he smirked holding my chin between two fingers. What the fuckk. In that second I felt.. wierd, warm and fuzzy on the inside.
©vqrtualheartss 2023 ©dae 2023
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Hellooooo I have been DYING to know this from you 👉👈. You know how there's a lot of tips for writing stuff? Well do you happen to have any tips for reading stuff? I want to read the books you recommend but I fear I'm just too dumb 😭 and won't understand what is going on let alone the themes and philosophies discussed. I feel like I would be insulting Dostoevsky by reading his work looool. We were never taught this stuff in schools ;O
I'm talking about critical thinking and analysis skills, media literacy, being able to picture and visualise sceneries; characters' voices/appearances etc., and just overall being able to comprehend one sentence that doesn't use the most basic active voice structure 😭 thank you if you choose to answer!!!!
this is coming from a survivor of the american education system, so it might not be universal, but my experiences in middle/high school made me dislike reading books. no joke. i didn't see the point and thought reading the classics was a waste of time. i'm sure that's partially teenager arrogance, but from the conversations i've had with others, reading was rarely framed in a way that stoked intrigue. we're not given the tools to engage with the text so i'm rarely surprised when i see the worst takes imaginable on a piece of media i enjoy from a 14 year old.
i'm still learning myself when it comes to media literacy, it's an ongoing journey. when i read notes from underground for the first time last year i was literally so confused. i can normally read anywhere from 80k-100k words in one day if i'm motivated enough, but NFU, a novella at around 43k words, took me over a week.
i say all this to reassure you that you're not alone!
some advice that comes to mind when reading a dense work:
do some background research on the author. i know teachers hiss at wikipedia for some reason but reading a few paragraphs about the person's life, beliefs, politics, etc really helps put their writing into perspective.
look into the time period it was written. what were the pressing social issues at the time? who was in charge? what conflicts were ongoing/just ended? what was the predominant religion? books don't exist in a vacuum, a lot of the classics are filled with jabs at ideologies the author doesn't like (i'm looking at you, dante).
if the author's from a different country than you, getting a basic grasp on the culture helps a lot. with reading dostoevsky specifically, historical events like the emancipation of the serfs was an entirely new concept to my american brain.
not everything is going to make sense. sometimes the cultural/historical layers go so deep you'd need to have been alive at the time to immediately get it. fortunately, there are nerds with degrees in book who do extensive research and can give insight. i'll think i maybe understand a book okay, go to read a journal article on it, and go ??????? wat???? page 632 paragraph 3 references euclid's optics?? how was i supposed to know that.
finally, you're not going to like every book you read, even if it's well written. there's a difference between persevering and actively torturing yourself with words. if you dread picking it up again, there are other books to check out instead. there are some classics that i don't care for much (some of edgar allen poe's short stories, the fall by albert camus, no longer human by dazai osamu, to name a few).
ask yourself questions while reading. why did this character do that? is there a reoccurring motif throughout the work, and if so, why might the author be trying to highlight that? what perspective is the work from? is the protagonist lucid, are they an unreliable narrator? what themes are being explored here?
i hope some of this helps dsfhgkdjshgks there's a lot to be said on the subject but i didn't want this post to be miles long.
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gracexthoughts · 5 months
of violent delights chap 16
too sweet
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7  june 1996
Euphemia’s POV 
We made it back to the hospital wing last night in the nick of time and the discovery that Sirius had escaped sent Snape into a conniption. I won’t deny it was slightly amusing; while Snape tends to be nicer to me than Harry, he’s still a prick. Pomfrey let Harry, Hermione, Ron and I leave the hospital wing at noon this afternoon, although most of the students are at Hogsmeade for the last trip before the train leaves tomorrow. 
Exhausted, I’ve chosen to rest instead of going to Hogsmeade. We may have gone to bed around eleven last night, but I added about 3 extra hours to my life so I feel like I stayed up most of the night but first, Harry and I decide to pay a visit to Lupin. His office door is open and as we enter, I notice most of his things have already been packed. “Hello Mia, Harry,” Lupin says before he turns to see us, “I saw you coming,” he smiles and motions to the Maruader’s Map open on his desk. He has more scrapes across his face and he looks terribly pale. “I’ve looked worse.” 
“You’ve been sacked?” Harry asks, looking around. 
“No, I’ve resigned. Professor Snape let slip the nature of my condition and I feel its best to get ahead. At this point, the outcome is inevitable.” Lupin sighs, taking books from the shelf behind his desk and into a case. 
“That’s not fair! You didn’t hurt anyone! Maybe Dumbledore-” 
“Dumbldore has already risked enough on my behalf,” Lupin interrupts me, raising a hand to stop me. “By this time tomorrow, owls will start arriving with angry letters from parents. Like I said, it is inevitable. It’s alright, let’s just say I’m used to it.” 
“Doesn’t make it fair,” I sigh. “You’ll come live with us, won’t you? Now that Sirius can’t, we have the room.” 
“I will visit, I promise, but I won’t stay. I have my own place in London and you don’t need a guardian anymore, Mia.” Lupin moves around the desk and leans against it to face us. “I’m quite proud of the two of you and how much you learned this year. Tell me about your Patronuses.” 
Harry and I tell him what happened, both times, and what forms our charms took. “Our father, his animagus form was a stag wasn’t it?” Harry asks at the end of his story. 
“Yes, that’s why we called him Prongs,” Lupin says, smiling faintly at the memory. He stands suddenly, as if just remembering something important, and moves back around his desk and hands harry back his Invisibility Cloak. “I brought this back from the Shack this morning. And, since I am no longer your teacher, I feel no guilt about giving this back to you as well,” he says motioning to the map. “I dare say that James would be very disappointed if his children never found any of the secret passages in the castle.” We all chuckle at that. 
“None of it made any difference,” Harry says sadly, looking down at the cloak in his hands, “Pettigrew got away and Sirius-” 
“Is alive. That makes all the difference in the world,” Lupin implores, looking very deeply into Harry’s eyes as he places a hand on his shoulder. “You did a very noble thing, stopping us from killing Peter. Your parents would have most certainly done the same, and Sirius may not be absolved but he is free. And the two of you are certain of his innocence. That, for now, is enough… Now, I must say goodbye. Send me an owl once you are settled in your apartment, okay?” Lupin asks, handing me a small piece of parchment with an address scribbled on it. 
“I will,” I nod, smiling up at my godfather and he nods, picking up his suitcase and his walking stick but before he does, he turns to the map still on his desk and, with a flick of his wand, mutters “Mischief Managed,” with a nostalgic smile and leaves the office and the classroom, leaving Harry and I in his office in silence, just the two of us once again. 
Mattheo’s POV
I step into the already raging party, instantly hit with loud music and flashing lights, the air is thick with warmth and smoke as a majority of the student body celebrates the end of the school year. I push through the crowd until I see Theo, Enzo, Elladora and Astoria and make my way towards them. 
“Hey mate, finally decided to stop moping and join the party?” Theo chuckles, lightly smacking my shoulder. 
“Shut up,” I grumble and take the liquor bottle that he’s holding and take a swig. 
“Why were you moping, Mattheo?” Astoria asks from the arm of the chair to my left. 
“He got stood up by the princess last night,” Enzo says sitting down next to her, his comment making Theo chuckle. Enzo and Theo had been the unfortunate two that were still in the common room when I finally came back last night and I told them everything which I am now severely regretting. 
“You planned a date with her?” Elladora cries, disgust on her face. 
“No!” I growl, reaching around Astoria to smack the top of Enzo’s head. “We were supposed to have rounds. She bailed and I am not moping.” 
Ella watches me for a moment before stepping closer and leaning up to whisper in my ear, “When she breaks your heart don’t come crying to me.” And with that, she shoves past me and further into the party. 
“For the record, I think the two of you would be great together, Matt,” Astoria says, squeezing my hand for a moment. 
“Yeah, The Girl Who Lived and the Heir of the Dark Lord. Common sense pairing really; what could go wrong?” Enzo mutters behind his drink, earning another smack but from Astoria this time. 
“Why should that matter? The war is over and your father’s gone, isn’t he?” 
“I need a drink. Feel free to stop discussing my life,” I grumble and turn away from my friends, their laughter following me. I push through the crowd towards the back wall of the room where the drink table is and at it, I see a familiar figure making a drink. 
“Well, well, well, look who I found,” I say lowly in her ear, startling her and she turns to face me. 
“Hey! You scared the shit outta me!” Mia says, her face lighting up with a large smile. 
“Hey Princess,” I say with a small smile. She’s wearing lightly distressed jeans and a tight and cropped green shirt which makes her auburn hair look more vibrant; all this to say she looks fucking hot. “You look great,” I say, resisting the urge to tell her how good she looks in green and how lovely she’d look wrapped up in the dark green sheets of my dorm bed. 
“Thanks,” she says, her cheeks flushing as she tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. “Hey listen, I’m so sorry about last night,” Mia says earnestly, “The whole thing was so much more complicated and insane than I ever could have guessed and I couldn’t get away. I’m sorry.” Her green eyes are wide and honest and all the bitterness that has sat in my chest the last 24 hours melts away. 
“‘S’arlight, Mia. No big deal,” I say with a shrug, hoping I’m hiding the disappointment I felt last night. 
“I’m even more sorry that my brother interrupted us yesterday,” she says, picking up the drink she had been making and taking a sip. 
“We do seem to get interrupted a lot, don’t we?” I chuckle, pouring myself a cup of Firewhiskey. I tell myself that us getting interrupted is for the best but still everytime I’m left wondering what would have happened if we were left alone for another minute or twenty. “So, what happened last night that was such a mess?” 
“Ugh, Godric,” she sighs with a chuckle. “It’s a very long story but it involved a secret tunnel, a werewolf, a rat, a dog and several dementors.” 
“Bloody hell, what did you get yourself into this time?” I chuckle, eyes wide and Mia laughs. 
“A mess for sure,” she laughs. “But it ended up being for the best, I think.” 
“You didn’t have anything to do with the runaway hippogriff and Sirius Black escaping, did you princess?” I ask, stepping closer, and very intrigued at hearing her story. 
“That’s preposterous!” She exclaims, sarcastically scandalized. 
“Salazar, it’s a party, Potter, not school. Who actually speaks like that?” I tease. 
“Huh, and here I was starting to think you liked the way I talk,” she fires back without a moment’s hesitation, her eyes flicking to my lips only for a moment. 
“Hey, Mia, there you are. You said you’d be right back and I got worried. Everything okay here?” One of the Weasley twins asks, his eyes boring into me as I step back from Mia and he wraps an arm around her. Mia’s shoulders tense slightly as irritation flickers in her eyes for a split second. 
“Peachy,” I deadpan, returning his gaze as I take a long sip of my drink. Interrupted, again. 
“Hey, Freddie, Matt and I were just talking. Do you need a drink?” Mia says and I suppress a smile at Mia using my nickname so casually in front of Fred because it seems to cause him to bristle. Fred raises an eyebrow and looks back to me, his arm still around Mia’s shoulders casually, the sight twisting my gut into a knot.
“Oh yeah? Sure, I’ll take a drink,” he says, not taking his eyes off me as he grabs an alcoholic Butterbeer bottle but it seems like he’s had quite a few already. 
“Yeah, Freddie. No need for a guard dog,” I sneer, leaning back against the table, my gaze not leaving Fred’s, jealousy raging in my stomach and chest. Fred stiffens, his jaw ticking, as Mia moves out from under her arm. 
“Okay, unnecessary,” she snaps at me before looking back to Weasley. “Can the two of you cool it with whatever macho-testosterone-filled-pissing contest you’ve had going all year? Unless you’d rather go to the bathroom and measure them just to finally settle it all?” Mia snarks. “Mattheo and I are friends now, I told you that earlier, so there’s no need to be protective,” she says to Fred before turning to me, ”and there’s no need to be defensive.” She looks between the two of us, daring one of us to defy her. 
“Mia, how can you be friendly with him? His father-”
“I am very aware, Fred, and if I, of all people, can move past it then certainly you can as well!” Mia fires back, interrupting Fred. 
“I don’t need you to defend me, princess,” I bite out, my gut twisting more and more every time Mia looks at him. Mia turns to me, hurt hiding behind her eyes and I immediately regret saying it. 
“Hey, don’t talk to her like that!” Fred snaps, reaching out to push me back but I swing on instrict, my fist connecting with his face, and force him to stumble back. 
“Stop!” Mia cries, stepping between us as a crowd forms a circle around us. Mia pulls Fred’s hand away from his face, nothing bleeding but he’ll take a shiner home tomorrow. Fred pushes Mia behind him, her much smaller frame easy for him to push back as he comes to get in my face, using the inch of height he has on me to his advantage. 
“You leave her alone. She has enough trouble in her life without you adding more,” he says lowly to me, trying to be threatening but, to me, the pranksters of Hogwarts are just clowns. 
“Back up, Weasley, or I’ll send you home to your mummy in a box,” But I don’t get a chance to make good on my threat as Mia wrenches Fred back by his arm and starts shouting at him how she’s not a helpless damsel in distress and she doesn’t need him to protect her from anyone but I stop listening and stalk through the crowd and out of the party. 
At the back of the room, there's a slightly hidden staircase that leads up to the boat house and the lake. I take the stairs two at a time, no longer in the mood for parties or people, and take a deep breath as the warm night air hits my face and enters my lungs. She’s too good for you. She’s better off without you in her life, the voice in my head reminds me, souring my mood further as I reach for a cigarette. I try to spark my lighter but it refuses to light, out of fuel, and angrily I chuck it into the water of the Black Lake, sending ripples across the otherwise still waters as I sit on the edge of the ancient dock. 
I sigh, looking down at the unlit cigarette in my hand and try to snap the fingers of my free hand, desperately hoping to produce a flame long enough to spark. After a few tries, I manage it; a small but steady flame at my fingertips, the warmth dancing along my skin but not burning, and I inhale the smoke into my lungs and let the flame extinguish. The waning moon shines brightly on the surface of the lake and the hum of insects and birds and creatures fills my ears, slowly draining the angry blaze in my chest to smoldering embers. 
I don’t know how long I sit here, smoking and staring at the water and thinking about Mia; the physical manifestation of all I want in the world and everything I can’t have. Of course the first girl I want more than one night with is her. She’s too good, too sweet, too gentle for the likes of me. Men like me don’t get the girl, they don’t get happy endings, they don’t get what they want and I hate myself for allowing my heart to convince my brain that I could have all that. I take a final drag of my cigarette and flick the roach into the water, sending more ripples across the surface as it floats away with my hope. 
“That’s littering, you know?” A voice pulls me from the dark depths of my own mind and I turn my head to see Mia standing by the stairs. 
“Gonna give me detention? Get a head start on next year?” I ask dryly, turning back to look out at the water. I hear Mia’s footsteps across the wooden dock until she appears in my peripheral and sits next to me at the edge of the dock. 
“I’m really sorry about Fred. He’s drunk and he’s being stupid and protective and a jerk. He shouldn’t have brought up your dad, you don’t deserve that, I’m sorry,’’ she says, her voice soft and gentle. 
“‘S fine,” I grumble, resisting the urge to look at her. 
“No it’s not. He was totally out of line, that’s not okay,” she implores. When I don’t respond, she reaches out, placing her hand on my knee and setting me on fire, but I can’t give in to it, I can’t, so I pull away and stand up.
“I’m used to it. It’s whatever. Have a good summer, Potter,” I force myself to say, sparing one glance at her beautiful face clouded in hurt, before I tear my eyes away and start back towards the party. 
“So that’s it?” Her voice rings out, stopping me in my tracks against my will. “The year is over and you’re just going to go back to hating me? Pretend that nothing happened this year? That something didn’t change between us? That there’s nothing here? You’re just gonna run away because you’re scared?” Hurt clouds her voice, changing it from the clear, sweet, tempting sound I’m so used to and I turn around to face her. She’s standing now, her back to the water and her hair blowing out behind her in the gentle breeze, her eyes dark in the low light but confusion shines in them. Even with her face in shadows and her features contorted by pain, she’s still the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. 
“I’m not scared,” I manage to say, my fists clenched at my side. 
“Then why are you acting like this? C’mon Mattheo, we’ve been towing this line for months and you’re going to just walk away? Try and make me think it's all been in my head?” She asks, moving to close some of the distance between us. 
“Mia,” I breathe out, her magnetic field threatening to pull me in the closer she gets to me.
“No. Say it. Tell me it's all in my head,” she implores, looking up at me pleadingly, like I am her last life line. 
“I'll stop if you can look me in the eyes and tell me its all in my head...You can’t say it, can you?” She asks, now a mere breath away from me, her perfume invading my senses and it takes all of my crumpling willpower to not reach out and touch her. “You’re many things, Mattheo Riddle, but you are not a liar. Not to me. You can’t say it because you know it's not true. You’ve felt it too.” 
“I’m not a good man, Mia,” I say, my voice rough. “I’m not a good person and I’m not going to pretend I am because running around pretending you are a good person is worse than just accepting you aren't one. I’m not good for you; everything I touch I break and I don’t want to break you.” 
“I think you are a good person. I’ve seen it, I know it. You’re just afraid to show anyone because you think it makes you weak but it doesn’t!” 
“I’m not afraid of anything,” I snap. 
“Fine, then prove it!” She says so loudly it echoes over the water for a moment. We stand there for a moment completely still, our eyes locked and our breath uneven. I want nothing more than to close the distance between us but I don’t because she’s right. I am scared. I’m scared because there is no way this works out well. I’m not a good man and I’m not a good partner and she deserves the world and I could never give it to her. “Why are you so bloody stubborn?” She breathes out, shaking her head slightly before she takes a step forward and, cupping my face in her hands, presses her lips to mine and my world explodes. 
All my willpower crumples under her touch and I give in; my hands find the bare skin of her waist, pulling her body closer to mine, as our lips move in tandem. All I’m aware of is her; her lips, the way she smells and tastes, and the feel of her body pressed against mine. The world could implode around us and I wouldn’t notice, all my senses are consumed with her. Her hands are in my hair, tangling with my curls and I pull her impossibly closer as my hands clutch her to me desperately; one still on the bare skin of her waist and the other on her cheek, wrapped up in strands of her hair that is as soft as I’ve always thought it looked. I kiss her like the world is ending, like a starved man who hasn’t eaten in years, like kissing her could absolve me of all the darkness in my soul and make me anew. 
She pulls away slightly after a moment, both of us breathless, and I’m in awe of her like this: her lips swollen, hair tousled and pupils dilated. “Matt,” she says breathlessly and I lean back in, capturing her lips once more. I step her backwards until her back is pressed against the wall of the boathouse, eliciting a small gasp from Mia’s mouth as her bare skin collides with the cool glass. I smirk against her lips, pressing further into her body as I deepen the kiss, taking advantage of her gasp. My body takes over, no longer thinking through my actions or their consequences, and I just feel. All that exists to me in this moment is us and for once I’m not the son of the Dark Lord and she’s not The Girl Who Lived. We are just Mattheo and Euphemia, Matt and Mia, and right now that is more than enough.
a/n; ahhhh!!!
yes this is named after too sweet by hozier bc its sooooo mattheo riddle coded and fit really well and I was listening to it while i wrote this. also this gif makes me literally feral so enjoy ;)
one more chapter to go in PoA year and then we get to move on to GoF so yay!
taglist; @purplegardenwhispers @somethingswiftandstyles @weasleyreidstyles @mayamonroem @girlbooklover555 @stxrszurzolo @abaker74
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stephstars08 · 11 months
Anxiety With a Happy Ending
Zach Turner x Reader
Warnings: Anxiety, Adult Language, Jealousy, Mention of Vehicle Crash, Mention of Daddy Issues, Mention of Stealing Alcohol, Angst but with Fluff at the end, and Maybe Some Grammar Errors.
Description: Y/N has been trying to get in contact with her Best Friend who she secretly has feelings for all day but has gotten nothing. But, once she hears about what happened that morning her Anxiety takes over her entire body.
Word Count: 1,763
Author’s Note: Hello Everyone! My first Zach Turner one shot is finally here and I apologize if it’s a little short! I kinda lost inspiration towards the end. Sorry about the description being short too! I’m bad at writing descriptions because I’m scared I’m going to spoil too much.
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Y/N was sitting in her last period of the day. As her teacher rambled on about a topic, she didn’t give a shit about she kept glancing down at her phone that was sitting right beside her textbook. Early this morning she had been texting her best friend Zach. She was trying her best to talk him out of cutting school with the bad girl of the school who is also a year older and one grade level up than them. Ever since he met the girl, he’s been acting out. Not that Y/N is surprised by him acting out because she knows he’s just trying to get his father’s attention, but she doesn’t want him to get into big trouble with not just his parents but with the school as well.
However, ever since she arrived at school, she hasn’t heard from him. The last text she received from him said that he got busted, so he will be at school, but she hasn’t seen him at all. They have about every class together and he hasn’t shown up to one of them.
Y/N has been trying her best to not worry, but every time she glances at her phone her nerves begin to pace. She glanced over to her left at the empty desk and chair where Zach sits. She felt her anxiety rising, so she took a deep breath to calm her nerves down.
She saw her phone light up, so she quickly picked up her phone. She was hoping it was a text from Zach, but it wasn’t. The number was unknown, but in the text, it read that it was from Mila, the girl Zach has been hanging out with. Mila told her to meet her outside of the school because she needs to talk with her which confused Y/N. How did Mila get her phone number and why does she want her to meet her at the front of the school. Y/N really didn’t want to meet up with Mila since she wants nothing to do with that bad influence, but then again, Mila might know where Zach is or have heard from him. She quickly sent Mila a text back letting her know that she will be there.
After Y/N hit the send button the bell rung signaling that the long school day was finally over. Y/N put her phone in the pocket of her sweatshirt and started to pack her stuff back into her book bag. She stood up from her chair grabbing her book bag off the floor and wrapped the straps over her shoulders. She walked out of the classroom and into the busy hallway.
Y/N decided to stop by her locker before she met up with Mila. She quickly opened her locker and put some of the books that were in her book bag into her locker since she didn’t need to take them home with her. After she was done, she closed her locker and zipped her book bag back up. Again, Y/N had to squeeze her way through the busy hallway to get to the front doors of the school. “Got to fucking love high school.” Y/N mumbled to herself with a roll of her eyes as she squeezed by people.
When she finally walked outside, she felt like she could finally breathe fresh air. She looked around till her eyes spotted Mila on the side street leaning on her motor bike. As Y/N walked closer to Mila she noticed the front over her bike was all banged up. “What the fuck took you so long?” Mila asked her in a nasty tone in her voice. “Oh, I’m sorry. Are you in a rush to go steal alcohol from the liquor store?” Y/N shot back which made Mila let out a harsh laugh. “I love how you think you know me.” Mila said as she folded her arms over her chest. “Are you in a bitchy mood because you crashed your bike into something?” Y/N asked in an annoyed tone. “I crashed my bike into the back of Zach’s dad’s car.” Mila told her which made Y/N’s heart rate speed up.
“So, you have seen Zach today.” Y/N said still annoyed. Did Zach lie to her saying he was really coming to school when in reality he wasn’t. “Yeah, for like a fucking minuet.” Mila told her crossing off Y/N’s theory. “What? What happened?” Y/N asked now confused, but her anxiety rising again. “I was just riding my bike down the street behind them when his dad just randomly slammed on his breaks making me crash into the back of his car.” Mila said explaining what happened this morning in annoyance in her voice. “Was everyone alright?” Y/N asked as her anxiety was taking over her body. “I don’t know. His dad just sped away.” Mila said with a shrug.
“That’s why I wanted you to meet up with me. I haven’t seen or spoken to Zach since that happened.” Mila added as she stood up straight. “No, I haven’t spoken to him since this morning, and I haven’t seen him.” Y/N answered her questions. “Great.” Mila said with a heavy sigh. “I have to walk past Zach’s house to get to mine, so I’ll see if he’s home.” Y/N told her trying to hide the worry that was rising in her veins. “Okay, can you text me an update.” Mila asked her.
Y/N did see some worry in Mila’s eyes which made her jealous. Is Y/N jealous of the type of person Mila is? Fuck no! Is she jealous of all the attention Zach has been giving Mila? Fuck yes! But is this the time to be petty towards Mila? No, that can wait. “Yeah.” Y/N answered with a nod and started her way down the sidewalk.
Y/N was able to keep her nerves on the down low all day till what Mila just told her. There’s no way that she can keep her anxiety levels down now. All she kept thinking about was Zach and if he is alright. She doesn’t know what she would do if something happened to him. Y/N hasn’t told anyone this, but she’s started to develop feelings for her brunette-haired best friend. That’s why she gets jealous when Zach spends most of his time with Mila.
When Y/N got to Zach’s house she felt her heart drop. There was nothing but police cars around the house and two officers were blocking the front door. “What the fuck is going on?” Y/N whispered to herself. She quickly ran down the sidewalk to her house that was just down the street. She ran up to her front door and unlocked the door. When she walked inside her house, she dropped her book bag down to the floor and pulled out her phone to call Zach. She really needed to talk to him and know what the fuck is going on. When Y/N put her phone to her ear the call went straight to his voicemail. “No, no, no.” Y/N said in complete panic taking her phone away from her ear. Before she could redial someone called her. It was Zach’s mom, so she quickly answered the call.
“Hello?” Y/N said after putting the phone up against her ear. “Y/N.” She heard Zach’s voice on the other line which made her heart rate skip a beat. “Zach! I’m so relieved to hear your voice.” Y/N said into the phone. “Come to the hospital.” She heard him say in a serious tone. “Zach, what’s going on?” Y/N said as her relief quickly melted away. “I’ll tell you when you get here.” She heard him tell her. Before she could say anything else he hung up. Y/N let out a heavy sigh as she called for a cab to take her to the hospital since her mom wasn’t going to be home from work till after five.
As Y/N waited for the cab outside her house she sent a text to her mom letting her know what’s going on. After she hit the send button the cab showed up. When she got into the back of the cab, she told the driver where to take her. During the car ride Y/N did all she could do to keep her nerves down, but she couldn’t. As she stared out the window all she kept thinking about was her phone call with Zach. She was finally so relieved to hear from him, but the way he was talking quickly drained that feeling out of her.
Y/N was so deep in her thoughts that she didn’t realize that the cab has arrived at the hospital. After she thanked and paid the driver she got out of the cab.
She took a deep breath and walked into the front doors of the emergency room of the hospital. Her eyes scanned the room till they finally landed on Zach who was sitting in the corner of the room by himself. “Zach!” Y/N called out to him as she quickly walked over to him. When he looked up, she noticed scratches on his face which made her heart ache. Zach stood up and gave her a big hug which she returned right away. “I’m so happy to see you.” Zach told her as he held her as close to him as he could. “Same here.” Y/N told him.
“Before I catch you up on what happened I need to tell you something really important.” Zach said pulling away, so he was looking at her, but he still had his arms around her. “What is it?” Y/N asked him as she stared into his brown eyes. Zach didn’t say anything. Instead, he connected his lips with hers which took her by surprise. She still returned the kiss, but she was still in shock that she was kissing her best friend. When they pulled away from each other’s lips they rested their foreheads against one another’s.
“After the scary and fucked up day I just had, I knew the first thing I had to do was tell you that I have feelings for you.” Zach told her taking both of her hands in his’s. “Well, I’m happy I get to tell you that I have feelings for you, too.” Y/N told him smiling for the first time today.
Zach smiled as again he leaned in and connected his lips with Y/N’s again both so happy to finally be with each other after a day that was filled with nothing but anxiety.
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annie-creates · 2 years
What an evil thing to do
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst (sort of)
Words: 1000
Note: English is not my first language so there might be some mistakes. I never expected my first fic here to be angst but here we are. There probably won't be part two as I might use a similar plot as part of a series I'm planning (and hopefully will write). I'm aware this isn't my best work but I need to get into writing in english somehow.
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You were sitting in your office late at night, grading tests from today’s lesson. Uniting the faculties of good and evil wasn’t exactly easy at first, but with time you all got a hang of it. Your students learnt to accept and tolerate each other and the teachers who had mixed classes, including you, learnt how to treat them equally. At the beginning of the year, you’d say their differences were almost insuperable… but today, giving out As and Bs for an identical test on villain and hero qualities, you believed the differences were almost overcomed.
You had the same trust in your relationship with Lady Lesso. You’ve been teaching in the school for good for some time, yet not enough to not be still considered new by some. Maybe that’s why you were asked to teach a mixed class, you didn’t have time to fully take up the prejudices about the other school and it’s students as your own. Obviously you were in some sort of contact with the dean of evil since you started teaching here, but she didn’t seem to do as much as bat an eye on you. Uniting the schools helped to change that. Suddenly you were forced to share weekly meetings with the teachers and deans, sometimes taking hours and elongating long into the night.
And all of a sudden, the evil dean slowly picked up an unusual interest in you. At first it was just staring you down during teachers’ meetings or breakfasts in the dinning hall. Then she started visiting you at the end of your class under the excuse of making sure her villainy students are given proper education. Then she started asking your opinion on different books, graduate students and their fairy tale stories or historical events. You were surprised she even read, and that she noticed you liked it too. But nothing can go unnoticed to the eye of Lady Lesso.
That’s how you slowly but steadily got yourself into a relationship full of secret dates, nights spent at each other’s chambers and hours of proving your love to each other. You didn’t have a doubt you two would overcome every branch thrown under your feet as long as she was by your side. Actually that’s exactly where you were going the moment your pen left the last test graded. The dark blanket of night has already fallen outside your window hours ago, but you didn’t want to leave your work unfinished to be done the next day. You still made it your point to go through the corridors basically unnoticeable, even though all of the students should be already long in beds with their heads full of dreams.
You did expect the light to be still on under the door of the evil dean’s room, it wasn’t unusual she was waiting for you to show up. If she got tired of waiting, she went on a quest to find you wherever you were at the moment and get you where she wanted to have you. She wasn’t one to be extra patient. However you didn’t expect to hear multiple people talking behind the closed door loud enough to be heard in the stoned hallway.
“Seriously, I’d never think the dean of evil herself will fall so weak.” You weren’t sure who her companion was, but they didn’t sound so happy with whatever was going on between them.
“I’m not! You better choose your word’s carefully Sader…” your lover exclaims through gritted teeth and you hear her significant cane move and slam into the other teacher’s chest.
“All I’m trying to say is, Lady Lesso, I never took you as one for love.” Says the other teacher in a noticeably calmer tone.
At that Lesso laughed so throaty she might even start grunting. “Please, love is a childish fairytale. There’s no love in villainy. Most definitely not anywhere near me. Evil doesn’t love.” She said the word with such hatred she might as well have a mouth full of snake venom. “And the goodie teacher’s pet? She’s nothing more than a desperate overachiever destined to burn out. This idea of good and evil together… it’s repulsive.” She mocked the younger girl with disgust.
“I suggest you better tell miss Y/n that. Have an awful night dean.” With that the other teacher opened the door to leave and you pushed yourself into the wall behind the door hoping to become one with the cold stone. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. Lesso wasn’t one for much affection, sure, she was more of a passionate person… but did she really think so low of you? Were you really just a pet for her to play with whenever she got bored of her evil life? You heard a shattering come from the room and at the same time you felt like it’s the breaking of your own heart.
Your breath quickened up paired with your thumping heart. Not really knowing how, probably thanks to your body remembering the way from muscle memory, you got out of the hallways and to the old bridge over the lake that wasn’t being used anymore. You could hardly see though the tears in your eyes, leaning on the low wall of the bridge. The rough stone was cutting into your palms, but all you could concentrate on was the words of the woman you so stupidly fell in love with.
Did she always think like that? Did she seduce you just for the thrill and fun? Were you just a naïve girl whose feelings weren’t important? Who she secretly found disgusting all along to begin with? Maybe she was right, evil couldn’t love. Yet you believed the two of you would rewrite this stereotypical rule too. Guess you weren’t that important to her after all. She got you entangled in her web of sweet words and passionate kisses and now you were broken and tattered by her cruel words. What an evil thing to do.
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hay-389 · 1 month
A little snippet of something I’m working on. It’s mainly supposed to be from Morgan’s POV, but there will be a little of Tony’s, Pepper’s, and Peter’s added in the full story.
So, at the end of the school day, roughly around 12:00 pm, she sat coloring at a table waiting to be picked up. It was a Friday which meant her dad would be getting her. Usually Uncle Happy and her dad rotated shifts and on occasion when her mommy didn’t have any work she would show up and surprise her. Morgan knew the schedule like the back of her hand so she wasn’t surprised when her dad strolled into the classroom like clockwork wearing his usual pair of black shades and baseball cap.
“Hey there Morgana, ready to make a prison break?” He knelt down to her level, eyeing the picture she had all her focus on before he interrupted.
“Whatcha got there, kiddo?”
Tony picked it up off the table and held the slightly crinkled paper up to the light to get a better look.
“That’s you daddy,” Morgan informed him, slightly rolling her eyes and huffing because it was obviously him dressed up as Iron Man. She used the perfect shade of red and yellow to color his suit in. How could he not tell?
“Right, of course, that’s me. And I’m totally kicking those guy’s butts because they’re the super villains hell bent on ruining the day.”
Geez, did she have to explain everything to him?
“No daddy, you aren’t fighting them, you’re flying away.”
“Now why would I fly away from them when I have perfectly good repulsors on my hands that can blast them into next Sunday? Hmm.”
“Because, those are the bad people who took you away. That’s you escaping them.”
For just a moment Morgan watched as the wide grin across her father’s face fell into a grim expression. It didn’t last very long, just a few seconds, but she knew she saw it because it was very similar to the one he sometimes wore when telling her stories about her dead brother.
“Who told you that, Morgan?”
“Well,” her father spoke, exchanging his rather sad look for a smile. Morgan thought it looked kind of fake. “I think Ethan is too nosey for his own good. Let’s get out of here.”
Her father didn’t say anything else, instead grabbing her book bag and lunchbox from her cubby, then waving goodbye towards her teacher and helper as they left the classroom. She held his hand as they walked to the car and occasionally looked up to see her dad staring down at her drawing. It didn’t seem he liked it all that much. Had she upset him by coloring it?
Morgan stayed quiet as she was buckled into her car seat and even when they pulled away from the school and started heading towards the ice-cream shop she knew he was taking her to. It was normal every Friday for them to stop—it was their own little secret. She would get two big scoops, one cotton candy and one chocolate, in exchange to keep quiet about it from her mommy who didn’t like it when she had loads of sugar.
“What’s wrong, Mo? You're usually bursting my eardrums with all the talk about how school went. Why so quiet?”
“Daddy,” she asked, a serious expression on her face she clearly inherited from her mother. “Did I make you sad?”
Tony startled at the question, his fingers drum, drum, drumming on the steering wheel trying to think back on why she would assume such a thing.
“When you saw my drawing you looked unhappy.”
Huh, maybe she had inherited Pepper’s scary ability to be able to read him like an open book too.
“No kid, your picture didn’t make me sad. I love your drawing. I just…I haven’t thought about that in a really long time.”
“How come?”
That was certainly a good question. A complicated one asked by someone way too young that if she really understood the horrors that went on in that cave in Afghanistan, then she probably wouldn’t have asked it in the first place.
It’s been over a decade since Tony found himself clawing his way out of there, about 13 years now. Since then he’s had so much happen in between that time. He became an avenger then fought aliens. He watched his son grow up into this bright brilliant teenager only to lose him in his arms not long after. He got married to Pepper and had Morgan. He gave up being Iron Man and moved upstate to a quiet little cabin in the middle of the woods. Those were just the major events, not even including all the other shit he had to deal with along the way.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
5 | Acting like an Ass
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring:  (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: Panic Attack
A/N: Might be a few mistakes
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Since last night Lydia has been ignoring me because she didn't like how I talked to Jackson last night. Like I was just going to let him talk to her that way? We might not get along well but she's still my sister. "You look more like... well you before we became friends." Stiles takes his seat next to me in class.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask looking at him.
"Hurt, pissed, alone, overall a done look."
I raise an eyebrow at him, "I'm fine." I shake my head.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"I said I'm fine." I look to the front of the classroom.
"You're not though."
I huff, "It's just Lydia is pissed at me because I talked back to Jackson last night. I literally was just standing up for her and she doesn't care." I explain to him.
"She will at some point." He tells me but I ignore it not believing.
After class, Stiles drags me to go listen in on his dad. "If he sees you... he's going to get on you." I laugh as we head towards where his dad was.
"Yeah, but I wanna see what's up." He continues to drag me to the office.
"So why do I have to come with you?" I ask laughing.
"You're in the wrong place at the wrong time." He says but I let it go as we sit on the floor outside waiting. "Favorite color?" Stiles asks hugging his bag.
"Purple. You?" I do the same as him.
"Blue. Oh, favorite type of fries?" He glances over at me.
"Curly fries all the way." He puts his hand up for a high five so I give him one.
"Best kind ever." I laugh at him.
"Favorite song of all time?" I ask.
"Dear Maria, Count Me in." I shake my head at him.
"Wherever You Will Go." He nods his head and as the bell ring for us to get to class, his dad comes out.
"We are watching his family's house. Maybe he'll wind up there. Give me a second." He walks over to us. "Don't you have a test to get to?" He asks his son.
"Don't mind Julia, she's good. What's going on? Did you find Derek yet?" Stiles asks.
"I'm workin' on it. You go take your test." His dad tells him.
"All right, Dad, listen to me." Stiles tries to talk making his dad raise his voice. "This is really important. You have to be careful tonight, okay? Especially tonight." Stiles tries to tell him.
"Stiles, I'm always careful." He tells him.
"Dad, you've never dealt with this kind of thing before, okay? At least not like this." I could understand where Stiles was coming from.
"I know, which is why I brought in people who have. State detective. Go take your test. Also, try not to get your new friend in trouble." His dad smiles over at me so I return one as we head to class.
"You have 45 minutes to complete the test. 25% of your grade can be earned right now simply by writing your name on the cover of the blue book." I see Stiles quickly write his name. "However, as happens every year, one of you will inexplicably fail to put your name on the cover, and I'll be left yet again questioning my decision to ever become a teacher. So let's get the disappointment over with. Begin." Mr. Harris tells us.
After a few minutes, Scott rushes out and Stiles follows but I say in class. Stiles comes back after some time but Scott never comes back to class. "Because of the full moon tonight?" I ask Stiles as class ends and he nods his head.
"You helping me lock him up tonight, right?" He asks as we walk.
"If you want help yeah. I'm not just going to insert myself into y'all's life like I'm been a best friend as long as you two have been." I explain as we head to the cafeteria.
"Why not? You're part of the team now." He nudges me.
"Well, I don't wanna invade y'all's personal lives at times." I try to explain.
"Julia now that you are on the team... that means we're gonna be best friends soon, and we all get up in each other's personal life." He smiles at me.
When it was lacrosse practice I met up with the guys in the hallway. "Can you pick up on stuff like, I don't know, desire?" Stiles says as I join them and I'm guessing he just learned Scott can smell like emotions.
"What do you mean desire?" Scott asks him.
"Like sexual desire?" I shake my head at Stiles knowing what he wanted to know.
"Sexual desire?" Scott repeats.
"Yeah, sexual desire. Lust, passion, arousal." Stiles explains.
"From Lydia." I tell Scott.
"What? No, in a general, broad sense, can you determine sexual desire?" Stiles looks at me then back to Scott.
"From Lydia to you?" Scott says so Stiles says yes.
"Fine, yes, from Lydia to me. Look, I need to know if I have a chance with this girl, okay? I've been obsessing over her since the third freakin' grade." I roll my eyes knowing she doesn't care about him.
"Why don't you just ask her?" I motion over to her.
"Well, to save myself utterly crushing humiliation. Thank you, Julia. Okay? So, please, can you just go up and ask her if she likes me? See if her heartbeat rises, pheromones come out." Scott says okay and walks over to her as we head outside.
"You don't even need Scott to ask for you because I know the answer." I say as we get to the benches.
"No, because you aren't close. She could keep it as a deep secret. You're just jealous that she could like me." I laugh at him then walk over to Jackson.
"Can I borrow your lacrosse stick real quick?" He laughs at me.
"Why would I let you touch it?" He asks.
"So I can throw a ball at Stiles. I wanna hurt him for a second." I explained to him and he groans handing it to me. "Thank you. Now when I get a ball I need you to get him to turn around so I can get him from behind." I smile then take a ball from coach. "Excuse me, I gotta borrow this." I see Jackson get Stiles' attention.
"What are you d-," Since I didn't wanna hurt Stiles too badly I aim for his shoulder, then threw the ball at him with a behind-the-back shot.
"WHAT THE HELL JULIA?!" He spins around holding his shoulder.
"Don't say what you said next time." I walk back over giving Jackson his stick back.
"Hey! If you ever think about playing, I'll let you join the team!" Couch shouts at me.
"Maybe next year." I let him know.
"Hey. What happened?" Stiles asks as Scott shows up.
"What?" Scott seemed not like himself.
"What do you mean, what? Did you ask her? Did she say anything? Did she say she liked me? Did she imply she liked me?" Stiles just gets asking.
"Yeah. Yeah, she likes you. In fact, she's totally into you." Stiles gets happy but by his tone, he was lying.
When the guys were practicing Scott knocks down all the others including Danny at the goal. The whole team rushes to check on Danny so I rush over too. "Dude, what the hell are you doin'?" I walk over to Scott with Stiles.
"He's twice the size of me." Scott tells us.
"Yeah, but everybody likes Danny. Now everybody's gonna hate you." Stiles tells him.
"I don't care." He walks off from us.
"Your lipstick." I hear Jackson tell Lydia so I turn around to look at them.
"Oh. Oh, wonder how that happened." She checks herself. "Yeah. I wonder." He says sarcastically. I look at Stiles and his jaw was hanging open shocked.
"In fact, she's totally into you... Listen to me next time and watch what you say, or the next ball is hitting your spine, harder." I cross my arms looking at him.
"I'm sorry, but you play?" He asks as we walk back towards the school since practice was canceled now.
"Yeah, it's a secret hobby of mine." I laugh.
"From the pain, I'm still feeling... you're good." He rubs his shoulder.
"Thank you. I hit you with a BTB." He stops to stare at me.
"You're telling me you don't suck at back shots? I suck at those." He tells me and I decide to joke with him.
"You suck at lacrosse all together not just your back shots." I smile at him and he punches my arm.
"I hate you." He walks into the locker room while I go to my locker. "Okay, here's the plan. We head to my house get things ready for tonight then head over to Scott's and chain him up so he doesn't kill anyone." Stiles shuts my locker on me. "Then when the night is over I'll take you home." He smiles like a dork.
"Sounds like a good plan." I agree not really having a choice.
When we get to his house he runs straight to his room while I said I was going to get a glass of water first. "Stiles that you?" His dad walks in.
"Nope, he's in his room." I smile so he smiles back.
"So you're a friend of Stiles? New. I'm guessing since I've only seen you come over once." Sheriff Stilinski asks.
"Yes Sir. I just became friends with him and Scott. After years of only a few small conversations in class, we finally started to hang out." I explained to him.
"He's not paying you to be his friend right?" He asks making me laugh.
"I wish he would." I joke and he laughs too.
"Julia!" Stiles shouts for me.
"You sure? You really volunteered to become a friend of his?" Noah asks me as I clean my glass by hand.
"I sorta did. There are times when he doesn't give me a choice. There was like only one option for me and I had to deal with it."
He nods his head, "I believe that." I nod my head now.
"For example, he told me at school after lacrosse practice... Okay, here's the plan. We head to my house get things ready for tonight then head over to Scott's." I take a seat at their dining room table.
"Sounds like my son alright." He takes a seat too. "I never got your last name." He asks.
"Oh, Martin. My mom is Natalie Martin and my twin sister is Lydia." I tell him.
"I can see that now." He chuckles.
"You're actually the first to say that. When I tell people my age or older they say I'm lying at first because I'm so different from them." I let him know.
"That's ridiculous because you all share some features. Also, it's okay to be different, if being different makes you you, then keep being different." He tells me and I can't help but smile. "I saw the look in your eyes when you said differently so I just wanted you to know." He explains to me.
"Thank you Mr. Stilinski." He nods his head.
"Please call me Sheriff or even Noah, I don't care. I like you, you're a sweet girl." He laughs as Stiles marches into the room.
"What the hell? I called you?" He crossed his arms at me.
"I know but I was talking to your dad. I'm not going to be rude." I tell him.
"Can I take Julia now?" He asks his dad.
"Yes, I wanted to tell you before I head out that I'll be out all night." He tells Stiles.
"Remember be safe, especially tonight." Stiles tells him as he walks over to me grabbing my arm and dragging me away.
"See told you no choice. Be safe tonight Sheriff, bye." I tell his dad.
"Nice talking to you Julia." He shouts back.
"Really ditched me for my dad." Stiles shuts his door.
"Again was having a conversation with him and wasn't going to be rude." I explained again that Stiles shows me what he has for tonight.
Once we leave to go to Scott's, I notice Stiles glancing over at me from time to time. "Can I help you?" I ask him starting to get annoyed.
"No. Why do you ask?" He asks looking ahead.
"You keep side-eyeing me." I explain.
"What my dad said to you... If being different makes you you, then keep being different. He was right, I feel like if you were the exact same as Lydia... I probably would never get to start to know you. Plus you're fun to talk to." He explains as I look over at him.
"You were eavesdropping?" Is all I say.
"Yeah, from when you said who you were." He says as we pull up to Scott's.
"I'm sorry." I tell him before we get out.
"For?" He asks confused.
"That Scott kissed Lydia behind your back and then lied." I let him know.
"You were right... Now let's go." We get out.
I watch as he uses a key to unlock the door and open it going in holding the door open for me to come in. "Scott?" Melissa calls out.
"Stiles and Julia." He says as she walks into the room.
"Key!" She looks at the key in his hand.
"Yeah. I had one made, so..." He explains.
"That doesn't surprise me. It scares me, but it doesn't surprise me. What is that?" She asks about the bag as he drops it on the floor making the chains make a sound.
"School project it's really complicated to explain what the guys are trying to do." I explain to her and she nods her head.
"I believe that." She then looks over at Stiles. "Stiles, he's okay, right?" She asks.
"Who? Scott? Yeah. Totally." Stiles says weirdly.
"He just doesn't talk to me that much anymore, not like he used to." She says upsets.
"He's had a bit of a rough week." I sum it up for her.
"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Yeah, um- Okay, uh- Be careful tonight." She tells us so we say you too.
"Full moon." She adds but makes Stiles freak. "There's a full moon tonight. You should see how the E.R. Gets. Brings out all the nut jobs. You know, it's, um, actually where they came up with the word lunatic." She says before she leaves the house.
"Lead the way." I tell Stiles so we head to Scott's room.
"Oh, my God! Dude. You scared the hell out of me. Your mom said you weren't home yet." Stiles bumps into me as he leans back.
"I came in through the window." Scott says acting creepy.
"Okay. Uh, well, let's get this set up. I want you to see what I bought." Stiles bends down to the bag.
"I'm fine. I'm just gonna lock the door and go to bed early tonight." Scott tells us and I don't believe him.
"You sure about that? 'Cause you've got this kind of serial killer look going on in your eyes, and I'm hoping it's the full moon taking effect, 'cause it's really starting to freak me out." I let him know and Stiles agrees.
"I'm fine. You two should go now." Scott tells us.
"All right, we'll leave. Well, look, would you just at least look in the bag and see what I bought? You know, maybe you use it, maybe you don't. Sound good?" Stiles suggest that Scott comes over to look.
"You think I'm gonna let you put these on and chain me up like a dog?"
"Actually, no." Stiles quickly handcuffs him up.
"What the hell are you doing?" Scott yells trying to get lose.
"Protecting you from yourself and giving you some payback. For making out with Lydia." Stiles tells him and then leaves the room so I follow.
"Really?" I ask as I see him get a dog bowl with Scott's name on it.
"I don't care if it's the moon. He's being a asshole." Stiles had a point.
"It's actually funny." I cross my arms trying not to laugh. "I won't interfere unless you want or need to me." I say as we walk back up to the room.
"I brought you some water." Stiles pours the water from the bottle into the bowl.
"I'm gonna kill you!" Scott throws the bowl away making Stiles walk back into the room from the hall where I was.
"You kissed her, Scott, okay? You kissed Lydia. That's m- like, the one girl that I ev- and, you know, the past three hours, I've been thinking, it's probably just the full moon, you know, he doesn't even know what he's doing, and tomorrow, he'll be totally back to normal. He probably won't even remember what a complete dumbass he's been. A son of a bitch, a freaking unbelievable piece of crap friend." Stiles goes off on him so I head downstairs.
"Anything!" I hear Scott yell.
After a minute I head back up and sit next to Stiles on the floor. "What are you doing alone downstairs?" He asks.
"Giving you two space." I force a smile.
"Julia, you're just jealous everyone likes Lydia and not you." Scott says as we hear him struggle to get free. I close my eyes trying to ignore him. "I can smell it. Jealously, sadness, loneliness, it's pathetic but then again you are." He laughs as he struggles and I try to breathe calmly but I can't so I rush downstairs for a drink.
My hands were shaking as my heart was pounding and I couldn't breathe. "Hey, hey, breathe. Try to breathe. Focus on me, look at me." Stiles grabs my hands forcing me to look at him. I just stare into his eyes and it helps a little but my panic attack stops after he pulls me into a hug till I was breathing normally again. "You have panic attacks?" Stiles asks letting me go.
"I used to a lot in the past. Haven't had one in years. I guess what Scott said triggered some old memories." I try to laugh it off.
"I used to get them when my mom died. I knew you were having one as you rushed away." I just look down. "I'm going to stay down here for a while if that's okay?" He nods his head.
"It's okay. If you need me I'll be in the hall floor." He smiles leaving me alone. From downstairs on the couch, I could hear Scott screaming so I cover my ears. "JULIA!" Stiles comes running down the stairs. "Scott gone. He broke the handcuffs." He pulls out his keys so we rush to the jeep.
"Question, where the hell would he be?" I ask.
"I don't know, that's why we are driving around." His thumb taps on the steering wheel paranoid.
As we were driving we see flashing lights so Stiles stops the jeep rushing out to look for his dad. "Dad? Dad? Has anyone seen my- has anyone seen my dad?" He asks then walks towards the body.
"Stiles. What are you doing here?" His dad shows up making Stiles hug him relieved he's okay. "Again, what are you doing here?" His dad asks as they stop hugging.
"We were just driving around then saw the lights and got worried. When Stiles got out to look for you he panicked not finding you." I explain to the Sheriff.
"We just found a body that was out in a dead bomb fire." He lets us know.
"That sucks." Stiles says making me hit him.
"Come on, Stiles some respect for the dead guy." He rubs where I hit him.
"I didn't know what else to say." He hits me back so I hit him back again.
"I like her. Keep Julia around Stiles or you're grounded till your dead." His dad points at him.
"What? I-," He's cut off.
"It's late and I think you should take Julia home now then head home yourself. I'll be home soon." Noah tells him.
"Fine, see you at home." Stiles walks back to the jeep.
"Goodnight Sheriff." I smile giving him a goodbye wave.
"Night Julia." He returns one.
"Wow, he really does like you. I believe just by what was all said in one night, likes you more than Scott." Stiles says driving me home.
"You said once we become friends we invade each other's lives... Guess what? I'm making my way into yours easily." I laugh.
"Make yourself right at home then." He laughs. As we pull up to my place Stiles stops me before I get out. "It's not pathetic that you feel those ways at times. I'm starting to feel them myself with Scott being a werewolf now." He lets me know.
"I get what you mean but it's still different for me. I live with Lydia and she reminds me every day." I look at him.
"If you ever need to rant about things or want someone that will listen to you... Give me a call or come over." He gives me a smile.
"Night Stiles." I open the door.
"Night Jules." He smiles as I shut the door and head inside.
I already am starting to feel the pain of what's to come.
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its my sisters birthday in two days, and i was thinking about what to get her. but the thing is i think im the only one, and i've been kinda in charge of gifts for a while now. my parents kinda have stopped.. thinking hard about presents...? i dunno. for the past year or so from my sisters reactions the gifts i get and pick out for her are her favorites. its not that my parents are bad gift givers; they got my sister a cute notebook from her last birthday and she's been using it all year for her drawings. and they just booked a hotel water park thingy for her birthday which cost a lot, so they do care!! and there's a school camp trip thats in two weeks that she's going too (and im going to help out thanks to a program at our school) but so far all the gifts that i had to argue with my mom to buy were all from me. yesterday i had a small argument with her about gifts. she told me that she had an ideas, and that was to get her a bracelet. i asked her what else. she was quiet for a good 10 seconds and then i asked again, and she got all kinda mad and said 'i dont have to tell you everything' and i think i speak for all kids is that thats the reaction of a parent who doesnt know. its the same as because i said so. i've found two other gifts for her that are on sale and i hope that my mom will get them for her. she told me that 'i cant do everything for her' and yeah well i wouldnt be if i knew that you were already doing so.
i remember when i was in fifth grade, me and my friend were talking about our birthdays since they were on the same day, and after she told me about what she did she asked me what i did. i told her i went to a trampoline park. she asked what i got. i said i didnt get anything. she was shocked. my teacher asked us what we did too, and when i was answering she asked what else we did. i was quiet for a few seconds, and she asked if we went out to a restaurant. i lied and said that we did, that we went to a fancy one. she asked for the name and i said i didnt remember. we were actually supposed to go to one of my favorite places. it was simple and nothing fancy but i really liked their burritos lol. we didnt go tho, my mom (kindly may i add; i feel like i've portraying her as bad but i swear she's good) asked if she could just make salmon at home instead because it was easier. i said okay, because yeah i would have prefered to go out but i liked the fish she made. to my memory though she didnt end up making it. my mom actually got mad at us that year, so none of my siblings or i got any gifts. it was okay though. we still had fun though.
two years ago, a week ago my mom had to fly back to her old home because my grandpa (her dad) died. i cried in the front of the whole class for a bit when i was called to leave early. but basically my mom was leaving and was going to be back on my birthday. when she came back, we welcomed her and all. i was waiting for her to say happy birthday to me. i tried to tell her and get her to say happy birthday excitedly, but i dont think she did. she gave me a smile and nod and turned back to my dad. tbh it was valid. her dad died a week ago and she hadnt seen her family back at her home in a year and us in a week. i think i still cried a bit in the car ride form the airport though. we waited until saturday to do something for my birthday. but like, it wasnt all that bad though. she brought back gifts, and i got two, maybe three extras vs my siblings as a birthday gift. they were really nice. we celebrated my birthday two days after on a saturday, with cake and happy birthday.
but yeah. this al got really off topic. hopefully my mom listen to me about my sister or gets her some stuff on her own.
dunno if this counts as one of your weird anons, but yeah. praying i dont come off as selfish im just getting my thoughts out. your my new therapy inbox if thats okay. thanks.
-bad at feelings anon (help im writing this and listening to gracie adams and some ttpd there were some tears at some point)
It’s ok I can be your therapy inbox if you’d like
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