#me and the boys hanging out in the cursed isles that may or may not have killed a kite before
beepeircings · 1 year
Alone at the edge of a universe humming a tune
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With sparkling crystals souls aglow
A part of thee in the key of what we know to be every part without me
Knows only two can make it light
You'll live forever tonight
Snazzy piano intermission
rbs are super appreciated
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dragoneyes618 · 3 years
Ben didn't have official days off, but every so often he (and his mother) made himself ignore any pileups of work that may have been looming and relax. King of Auradon he may be, but he was also a teenage boy, and everyone needed some down time once in a while.
So now he was sitting in an armchair in one of the small, private sitting rooms that Belle referred to as her "hideaways." It was a small room, with comfortable chairs, beautiful curtains, and hanging lamps. And, of course, piles of books.
His mother was in her own chair across from him, reading. As he was himself. As even his father was, sitting near the door.
His mother was right, Ben mused. There was nothing quite like a good book.
Someone coughed.
Ben looked up.
A woman was standing by the doorway.
That in itself wasn't so unusual. There were many people who lived and worked in Beast Castle, after all, although this room was off-limits. But it wouldn't be the first time someone had snuck in, usually to read one of the books. Belle never punished anyone who did that-in fact, she always gave the perpetrator as many books as he or she wanted.
Ben vaguely recognized the woman as one of the new servants. He didn't know her name, though. He felt bad about that. He always did his best to know the names of all the workers in the castle. Their literal job was looking after his family; the least he could do in return was call them by their names. This woman, however, tended to avoid people, and so he hadn't learned her name yet.
She was elderly, with a lined face and hair that was almost completely white, with just a single strand of black running through it, tied up in a bun. She looked as though she could use a cane, although she wasn't leaning on one at the moment. She wore an old-fashioned dress, all black but with white lace.
Also, she was holding a pistol in her right hand. That was definitely unusual.
It too looked old-fashioned-the kind of pistol that had exactly six bullets, that you needed to manually reload and put in gunpowder each time you used that, that wouldn't work if it got wet, and that had an even chance of exploding when you fired.
Still, a gun was a gun. And she would only need three bullets to kill all of them, if she was so inclined.
"You-" the Beast sputtered. "How-Guards!"
Nothing happened.
"I'm afraid your guards are somewhat indisposed," the woman said, training her gun on the Beast. "They won't be coming to help you anytime soon."
"You didn't..." Belle whispered. Ben swallowed nervously; but they would have heard gunshots, right?
"Oh, they're all right," the woman said. "They're just a bit...tied up at the moment." She laughed. "I didn't do it myself, of course; my family still does have allies, you know. Even now."
"What do you want?" Ben asked.
Both his parents moved toward him, as though to shield him; but he was king. Surely dealing with dangerous assassins was his job?
The woman focused on him. Her face was lined not just with age, Ben realized, but with grief and stress. Her black eyes seemed to scorch into him.
"The boy king," she said musingly. "The one who overturned a generation of wrongs-or tried to, at least. Too late for most. But, as some say, better late than never." She sounded sarcastic.
"No one pays attention to the servants, do they?" she mused. "No one wondered who I was, or where I had come from. It was ridiculously easy getting a job here. I suppose you've gotten complacent, with all the villains on the Isle?" she sneered.
She looked at Ben. "What do I want? I want to have my say."
"Then-speak," Belle said. The longer this strange woman kept talking, the more time there would be for someone to find them, or discover the guards.
The intruder nodded at the Queen Mother. "My name is Madeline. Madeline de Vil. But you probably know me as Malevola."
Malevola de Vil.
"So you have heard of me," Malevola said with a wicked smile. "What do they say about me? That I was one of the greatest fashion designers of the last century? That I was the best owner of the House of De Vil in three generations? That I was a respected member of society? That I would do anything for my family?"
Her face darkened. "Or do they say that I, like all those bearing the de Vil name, are cursed? That I care more for fur than my family? That I am frightening, mad, evil, just like my daughter?"
Ben found his voice. "Cruella de Vil."
Malevola glared at him. "Don't call her that."
"But-that's her name."
"No, it is not," Malevola said, quietly, menacingly. The hand holding the pistol remained steady. "Do you really think that I would give my own daughter a name like Cruella?" She shook her head in disgust. "No. What runs in the de Vil family, particularly with the females, is that people-and by people I mean the general public, people who don't even know us-they give us nicknames.
"Not friendly, endearing nicknames. Perhaps nicknames isn't the right word. I don't know. I was ten when people started calling me Malevola. Ella was twelve when they called her Cruella. My own mother, her name was Dinitia, but do you know what people called her?" Malevola sneered, but in that sneer was anger and hurt at lifetimes-not just her, but many members of her own family-of mockingly being called the wrong name. Perhaps parody was the word she was looking for. Or travesty. "They called her Dementia. You think my daughter is cruel? At least she calls others by their proper names."
"They fear us, you see," Malevola went on. "And they scorn us. So they either name us to fit their beliefs about us, or they mock us, so that they can pretend we don't frighten them."
"I'm sorry," Belle started.
Malevola whirled on her. "You think I have finished?! I have barely even started!"
Taking a deep breath to compose herself, she continued. "You have done me, and many people, a great wrong." She sounded like she was trying to be formal, like she'd rehearsed this in her mind.
"What have we done?" the Beast asked.
And just like that, her composure was gone.
"What have you done?" she hissed, her knuckles white, her eyes wide. "What have you done? You take my children from me, and you ask what you have done?"
She laughed bitterly. "The enchantress who cursed you was right. You are a beast inside and out."
The Beast paled; that was his worst fear.
"First, you took my Ella," Malevola went on. "You took her, and you locked her up, and you said she was a danger and a menace to society and that we should be glad you were taking her away.                                                                          "For stealing dogs." Her voice shook. "Even young Anita said that the punishment didn't fit the crime. But no, you take her, you do not help her, and you send her away to an island full of murderers."
"She's a villain," the Beast tried to reason.
That was the wrong thing to say.
"She is my daughter!" Malevola screamed.
Ben suddenly understood why people feared the de Vil family. Malevola truly looked like her family's surname.
"And my son, Cecil, came to you," Malevola continued. Her voice was dangerously calm now. "And he begged you, lowering himself, a bearer of the de Vil name, for you. He asked you to help her, to be kind to her, to do something else-anything else-but you refused.                                                                    "Tell me, Beast, what is the line between villainy and insanity?"
The Beast did not answer.
"And with no other option left," Malevola continued, "my Cecil volunteered to go to your cursed Isle, to be with Ella, to help her, because he could not leave his sister alone. You agreed to that. And you sent both of my children to the Isle."
"Did you plan," Malevola wondered, "for there to be no communication from the Isle at all? Did you want us all to forget about them, to pretend the villains never existed?      
"I had no letters. My own were returned, marked Return to Sender. There were no phone calls. Nothing. The de Vil family has much influence, but I could do nothing.      
"Do you know what it is like, not to know if your own children are alive or dead? I would not wish that on my worst enemy."
She locked eyes with the Beast. "Twenty years I have waited for word of my children. For twenty years I have not known if they live, or if they were killed within days of arriving on the Isle. And now your son brings my grandson over..."
She sighed. "He looks like Ella. Cecil, too. He has the de Vil hair. All the de Vils, we look like each other. It is yet another reason people find us strange. But my grandson, he is frightened of me. We never knew each other. You took that from me, too. He fears I am too much like Ella, for he tells me that Ella has deteriorated..."
She could have been a hundred years old.
The Beast stepped forward. "If you are here to punish me, then-do so." Belle gasped, but he continued. "Do not make my wife and son pay for my crimes."
"You are brave," Malevola conceded. She looked almost surprised. "But no."
She looked at Ben. "I do thank you, you know. You brought my grandson off the Isle, and he brought me news of my family."
She looked back at the Beast, meeting his eyes directly. She did not speak for a long moment.
"You misunderstand me," Malevola–Madeline–said finally. "I am not here to kill you. I am here only to cause you the same pain you have caused me."
Moving swiftly, she turned, pointed the gun straight at Ben, and fired.
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
I´ve been so self indulgent during this week, thanks for your patience. I went overboard with this @whumpmasinjuly ´s prompt for day 3, “Love”. (2020)
Taglist: @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @giggly-evil-puppy @cowboysrappin @haro-whumps @burtlederp @neuro-whump @comfortforthepain @whumps-the-word @whole-and-apart-and-between @broken-horn @ashintheairlikesnow @rosesareviolentlyread @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @as-a-matter-of-whump  @whumpasaurus101 @grizzlie70 @twistedcaretaker @boxboysandotherwhump @unicornscotty
CW// Slavery, ´pet whumphuman trafficking, referenced conditioning and past dubcon/noncon, trauma survivors navigating relationships and recovery. Slightly Stockholm syndrome affected whumpees.
It was snowing slightly outside the supermarket. Sann had waited outside the house with his brown coat and muted blue sweater, when they came back home from work. Pushed Albus towards the snowy street to buy ingredients for dinner.
It was odd, because they had enough food for Christmas, which would be next week, but he couldn´t say no to Sann. Much less when he looked so happy going outside whenever he could. Stopping a few times to play with the snow. One of those Sann slipped and fell on his butt, making Albus jump to see if he was alright, right after he snorted and broke into laughter. 
“I’ll get you some cream for it later yeah?” The freckled boy´s jeans were still a bit wet when they went inside the store. Sann patting it with a pained frown on his face. 
“Hey Sann, look” Albus called when they were passing by the clothes isle. The other boy’s hand passing over the clothes like always before he turned. Sann´s face went from interested to a pout, noticing the other was holding anti-slip snow shoes with a shit eating grin. “Could´ve come handy earlier, maybe we should buy them” Sann hit his shoulder as the other snickered. 
A few steps away Sann took something from the book isle and trotted back to hand him it with that bratty smile he had. 
“Merry Christmas then” Sann signed when Albus pulled his eyes up, away from the “comedy for dummies” book on his hands. 
“Ha, you think you´re so funny don´t you?” he said pulling him closer from his coat. “I know how to shush my favorite comedian though” he quickly inhaled before he kissed the corner of his mouth, just a little peck on the lips that left Sann looking for more as he pulled away. Just staring into each other´s eyes for a moment. 
Sann gave him another quick kiss before he smiled and grabbed softly Albus´ chin. Shaking it a bit before he stepped away. “You should shush me more often” Sann signed, walking backwards to the cash registers extending his hand. Albus took it without thinking. Bringing it to his lips to give it a swift kiss. 
On the way back home, it was Sann who laughed at him when he slipped on the icy floor. The little groceries they had bought, flying in the air to land on the snow. Even though, as they were holding hands, Sann fell too. 
“We should have bought them!” Albus shouted as the other helped him pick up the things, giggling at the way he patted his own butt.
Walking in a bit of pain, they saw the lights flicker inside the house. Just before Albus turned to Sann shrugging, acting as if he hadn’t gone to the supermarket just to make time. Hiding his smirk from the boy as he opened the door with reddened fingers. Watching how his eyes turned from suspiciousness and wariness to shock. 
It was certainly a surprise to give him a party. 
He stared in awe at the “1 year” sign hanging from the ceiling with small triangular papers as Sann pushed him inside. Passed his eyes around the faces that had become his world, not a single trace of lies, of hidden intentions behind their smiles. Just genuinely happy about having him there. 
Tony and Sasha bathed him in hugs and Jeremy pulled him to sit on the table with delicious food on it. None of it spicy, which he knew was even a bigger gift. As he was the only one there who didn’t love spicy food.
“Hey, I´m the mute one here, say something!” Sann signed next to him. 
“I…Just don´t know what to say…Thank you is too plain” his cheeks went red, pulling his eyes back to Zarai. In a silent question, pleading for instructions. 
“Don´t look at me, it was Sann´s and Sasha´s idea” The albino looked at the two with not-so-guilty grins on their faces. He suddenly felt a need to jump and hug Sasha and shower Sann in affection. Proud of him for making a party, even if it was small, it had been hard to make him feel comfortable in that setting.
“Well a thank you is more than enough” Claude said putting a cup with mulled wine on his hands, like everyone had in front of their plates. They lifted their cups, waiting for him to join. He pulled it up with just the biggest smile anyone had seen on him “Cheers!”
They stayed playing something called “guess” until very late into the night. A simple game where a player had to think of a movie, series or famous person and the others had to ask things like “is it an action movie?” “Animated?” “Are they gay or European?” to get to the answer. Obviously, Sann, Sasha and Albus weren’t really good at it, but it was a fun way to learn about the world they had forgotten. The pain of remembering, kind of soothed by the wine.
To which by the end of the party, Albus couldn’t carry himself to the room and had fell on the sofa telling Tony he was just fine, didn’t understand why he was so worried if he felt so good! Jeremy and Sann bonded over animated films (which were Sann’s favorites) and some math thing used in economics Sann always tried to explain to him but never could quite understand. But whatever concept he could wrap his head around had helped him to land a project with a great commission all by himself. He was really happy Sann had a friend outside of their circle now. How he seemed to enjoy it too leaked on to his own mood.
“Having fun?” Sasha tucked some of his hair behind his ear. He gave her a few nods with shut eyes. A wide smile had been there since the very beginning.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy. Maybe even before” he told her in a daze. “Thank you Sasha”
He couldn´t believe it sometimes. How different his life had become since a year ago. If it hadn’t gone this way, he would still be in training, maybe just waking up from an endurance test, or maybe on a cold isolated cage. Hungry, alone, but safely away from other handlers. His body aching, but just desperate enough to be obedient and stay quiet behind the bars.
This honestly felt like a dream he didn’t want to wake up from.
“Your welcome, Al” she smiled at him before pulling him up “You will get used to this after a while. Trust me. It was difficult for me at the beginning too”
“Freedom” the boy hummed as reply “Alex wasn’t a bad person. Just in need of some help, until they didn’t” she stayed quiet for a second, rubbing her wrist “It was scary to hide it, that someone would call and I would go back even with my papers in order and all, but. I guess, people also helped with that” she said looking at Tony. “Made it easier to trust” Albus knew for a fact they would marry someday. Maybe sometime on May, if Tony finally showed her the ring, so he smiled at the love-struck look on her eyes. “And maybe not forget, but keep going despite everything”
“I hope Sann feels like that someday too”
“And you too, Al. Someday” she said pointing to his neck, where the collar still stood. He let out some air. A heavy sigh, one he didn’t show the real weight of. Putting a vague smile instead.
“If you need help with that, give me a call. I will help you find them”
Albus frowned “Who?”
“The people who helped me. You called me once to ask me about them, but you never brought it up…You don´t remember?” she asked him when he only ket looking at her with a tighter frown.
“When did I do that?” Albus asked, but he never got his answer as his attention quickly sled to the boy walking their way with a large shy smile.
Sann walked to them with a guitar on his hand before he sat in front of him. Other people taking out their phones to catch the moment Sann signed this was his present for him. That he would find a way to get him what they saw at the store, making the albino chuckle, lifting himself up to be sit upright when Sann inhaled deeply and put his hand over the strings.
It was a soft tune, wrapping him in the warm feeling of a rhythm that carried you like a butterfly on the wind. Playfully doing tricks as it went higher. Having a rustic touch to it that made Albus imagine a valley of wheat swaying with a soft breeze. At the middle of it Sann’s fingers moved slower, low tones in quick succession that gained speed, Sann’s fingers moved swiftly down the strings. Squinting his eyes to try smoother down the migraine trying to come for him. Slightly pulling him out of the roll before he finished in a twist, a combination of the butterfly and the low tones that made him think of stone alleys and high windows.
When Sann lifted his eyes to see his reaction, He had to be quick to put the guitar away to receive him on his arms. Clapping and cheering, slightly drowning the messy praise the boy gave him. Mixed with a few curses followed of I love you. Low enough only Sann could hear them.
After a while, he was clinging to Sann on the sofa. His legs over his lap and his arms around his shoulders. Foreheads touching each other. Whispering little things as Sasha and Tony said their goodbyes from the door. Jeremy long gone after a friendly hug and congratulations were given.
Sann wasn’t a light drinker. He was perfectly fine while listening to a drunk and affectionate Albus, with a grin on his face. Nodding whenever the other asked a question. However nonsensical it was.
“You’re so nice, Sann” he said. Face warm and flushed. Eyes glassy like he was about to cry “You with me when you’re so great….” he pressed his forehead against the other. Slightly nuzzling. “I don’t know what I did to have you in my life, but whatever it was, it must have been very good” it became Sann’s turn to get flushed red. He suddenly pulled away and with a very serious face he stared into Sann’s gray eyes. “I love you”
Sann was frozen on his place. But he pulled up his hand, keeping his middle and annular down. Albus didn’t took long to imitate the sign.
It was a bet, but he leaned on. Sann closed his eyes, checking if there wasn’t a voice telling him if it was the right thing to do, and pressing a bit with a little smile when he found none. Soft lips meeting his and pulling apart in a quick inhale. He was surprised, however, when he tried the tip and was met with a bold reply. A hand on his hair and a twist in his mouth. Even then, careful to not let slip his hands to his bare neck. Delicious and at the same time amazing as he knew the person it was coming from. Despite that, it didn’t feel forced, or practiced until mastery. It was messy but engaging, it felt genuine. So when they pulled away with a pop, Sann was wide eyed at the albino.
“Is that a good shush?” He smirked, red eyes glittering under the moonlight.
“Dunno” Sann’s dimples showed on his cheeks “I need a second try” he signed before putting away his glasses. Feeling the boy’s hands pass to his back and pull him closer.
“Sann…” he suddenly went in the middle of the twist. Pulling away “thank you”
“…For what?”
“For everything. For…this” he said putting the same sign he did before. Pulling it down and sinking on the other’s chest “I hope you’re happy forever, however it may be” he said before Sann’s face pulled into a slightly confused frown and lulled him to sleep. Carrying him back to bed after a while.
In their room, Zarai slept soundly on his chest. But Claude was troubled. Ever since he had shifted jobs, he couldn’t fall asleep easily. Tonight, it was the celebration stuck on his mind. He remembered the boy’s bloody papers. So he knew the day he had arrived, was the same as his birthday.
That’s why they had made him the surprise party.
But even when Zarai had widened her eyes, even when she had found herself angry she was even more shocked to not tell him. And Claude couldn’t know if it was the right decision or not.
As he woke up with a migraine and looking overall destroyed, letting Sann prepare breakfast for all of them and feeling slightly guilty for taking a pill, but exuding a joy that couldn’t really fit on the doctor’s head. As he saw him thank Zarai for letting him rest, Claude tried to think, to believe it was for the best.
I actually based Sann´s guitar thing on this thing my dad did. You can hear it here.
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myfeetkeepdancing · 4 years
Forbidden Love - 2 - | Tom Holland x Male!Reader
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Words: 9758
Warning: Smut
Thoughts far beyond the room, carried away by the pitch-black darkness stretching far into the starry night. Hunched onto the isle counter of the kitchen, gazing onto something that wasn't there. Absentmindedly swirling the alcoholic contents through your glass. With a sigh and sip of your drink, you snap out of it and return to your spot on the couch. Whatever you tried, your thoughts were only on one thing. Tom. You couldn’t shake it. You catch yourself falling back into old, bad habits. Nail-biting. This boy did so much more with you then you thought, emotionally and mentally. Yet your mind gathered dark clouds at the thought of the silences that were going to fall in-between the conversation. That is if he was ever going to show up…
It's been too long for your conscience to make sense of anything. The ticking of the clock drove you further down the path of doubt and worry. It couldn't have been. Your feet once again drag you to the other rooms. From the living room to the bar, into the adjacent room. A dark, spacious room with enough seating for any sports team, poles running from the ceiling to the floor, and various racks of alcohol spaced along the wall. But no one there to enjoy it. Only you and your damned nerves playing a part on you. A vast, luxurious hotel room for stars like you was a curse, high above the rest of the world. Living in a bubble of unprecedented wealth and fame. You didn't know what you were doing there. Gazing mindlessly at a row of bottles of alcohol. Stepping outside on the balcony, cooling you down for a moment. But only momentarily. Only for your mind to remind you, that you wouldn't be able to hear him arrive from here. You try to push it back. But soon, your feet scurried their way back to the living room. Taking a peek through the tiny spyhole in the door, glancing down the hall.
Just luxury and silence. Legs stretched out before you, you hang back in the sofa again. Absent-minded rubbing your forehead. Almost with a sense of lost hope. Staring through the large windows over the city at night. No sounds. Just lights. You tip the last bit of your drink down your throat. The alcohol burning a way down your throat. An involuntary hiss escapes in response. With a tap of your finger on your phone, you illuminate the screen.
Why wasn't he here? Did you play your hand? Where you too pushy? Did something go wrong in the club?
The questions keep circling in your mind. Recollecting every word you said to him. Weighing them careful against each other. As your overthinking mind went in overdrive. You can't help it. But if there's one thing that soothes your nerves and brings peace to your mind. It's playing your guitar. A simple tune. Gracing the strings in a calming fashion. Slow and steady, you play your mind free. Nothing unusual but-
The sound of a knock. Your eyes lock on the door instantaneously. A rush of heat shoots through your body. Jolting upwards. Stumbling over your own feet, you rush towards the sound. Halting just before the door, careful not to crash into it. For all you know, it could be someone from the hotel itself. So caught up in your own thoughts. Another knock follows. Every knock increasing your hammering heartbeat against your ribcage. Focus man. Focus.
That sense of relief. When you open the door, all hope returns. Followed by sheer joy. And more nerves. “Tom.” You hear yourself bring a bit too much excitement through your voice. “Hey…”
"(Y/N)" Tom said, his voice loaded with happiness, and with such a genuinely sweet smile, just the right touch of shyness. Just like that, Tom reminded you of all those years back. The aura of joy and vibrant happiness that hangs around him. That smile, contagious on the first sight. His eyes capture you from the very first glance. Difficult to let go, and pleasant to lose yourself in.
“Thanks for having me.” He beams, opening up his arms towards you. It’s unexpected. Partially because you felt slightly on edge. Nervous. But it sure is welcome. You lean into him, as his arms reach around you. Patting each other on the back. It had a certain energy, a feel to it you embraced. Nostalgia, familiarity. But it also carried something more to it. A vibrant warmth rising and turning into sexual tension as Tom’s muscled arms held you. Not only his touch making you all warm and fuzzy. But also your points of contact along his body with your arms. The feel of his muscled frame. No denying in that. Tom had grown, matured. Became manlier. And you could see that. For once, you could feel it. As you both let go, you share a moment of eye contact. Eyeing you with the same kind of joy that stirred up in you.
"Thank you for coming." Both holding back a moment. For the first time, you're finally able to take in his way of dressing. A perfectly tailored suit with a soft jacket against the wind. Returning the smile. "May I-?" Moving closer to him, offering to take off his coat. Revealing his broad shoulders under a buttoned-down white shirt.  Your nostrils were teased by his earthy cologne, a delightful odor that was worthy of Tom’s standard as a gentleman.
You share a moment of eye contact as you glance back at him while hanging up his coat. His hands tucked into this black suit pants, looking over his shoulder back to you. You both feel caught at the same time. That rush of heat tickles on your senses. Returning your gazes to whatever you were staring at. "I hope I wasn't interrupting something." His smile broadening on his face. "Heard you playing for a bit." Eyeing the guitar, you let slip to the floor once you heard his knocking.
“No, No. Not at all.” Feeling the flutters rise in your system. “I was… waiting for you.” You confess with a slight blush rising to your cheeks. “Helps me calm my nerves.” Tom followed you along as you led him further inwards. You were afraid of the tension, the unease of the situation. Your mind still occupied by the hug. And it’s sexual tension that came with it. Yet it felt right. Tom somehow made you feel comfortable around him. His way of talking, the way he carried himself.
“Really?” His smile stretching further across his face. “Well, I sure wouldn’t mind if you continued.” He said. “Sounded absolutely brilliant.” Feeling a slightly caught off guard by his genuine sweetness, you nod and suppress your ever stretching smile. His personality as a whole was so infectious. So kind and endearing. Full of life.
“T-This looks amazing.” Looking about the place with wonder. “You usually stay in swanky hotels like this?”
“Most of the time.”
“I must be doing something wrong.” He chuckles to himself. “This is a world apart from my trailer.”
“Well, perhaps you could think about a career change?” You tease him. “I mean, you handled yourself pretty well in that lip sync battle. Might be something for you in there.”
"Oh my god, that's literally going to be the only thing I will be remembered for." Shaking his head. "I mean, was it that good?"
“It really was, Tom. I loved it.” You wholeheartedly confess. The images flashing before for your very eyes. Burned into your memory. “Very much so… For one, your choreography was brilliant. And I think with your voice and that history in dance, you could definitely make it. God, I sound like a panel judge from television.”
"No, please!" He laughs. "Do go on! That’s a big compliment coming from you.”
“Well, if you hang up your Spider-Man suit, you got something to fall back onto.” You pat him on the shoulder.
“I’ll drop you a call once I’m there.”
From the adjacent cupboard, you bring a glass, lining it up with yours. A somewhat uneasy silence present in the room. Pouring the liquor into the glasses without even asking him. You're being lured in as you walk your way towards him. His brown eyes captivating you, reeling you in. "Your friends know you're here?"
“I’m a terrible liar, so…” Pressing his lips together, jaw clenched, and eyes fluttered. Shaking his head softly. Tom sure had perfected the look of that innocent puppy, being accused of tearing the toilet paper to shreds. “They had a very good idea where I was heading.”
"Well, I thought our little talk was quite discreet." Getting him here felt like a victory for you. But standing in front of him, it still felt different, even after all these years. There was a distance between you two. As if you were still treading on thin ice. Not sure where you both were taking the conversation. Yet you knew what you had discussed earlier that night. And somehow that was bound to be brought up. And at the same time, that fire burning inside you. A craving. “For the nerves.” Ringing the glasses together. “Cheers.”
“Not to them…“ He chuckled before eyeing the contents of his glass. “Gin….” Taking a good sip as he lets the alcohol do the rest. “Good choice.”
“How was the trip anyway?”
"That was awesome! I was amazed at how well everything was put up. Super discreet and sneaky. I felt like James Bond for a moment, slipping through those backdoors and such." Taking a gentle sip from his drink. And as you gaze at him. You begin to notice the blushes on his cheeks. They're small but… noticeable. Cute almost. Tom had changed in all those years. Despite his journey, he had regained that youthful look. The wrinkles at his eyes as he laughed. That smile. His enthusiasm. "You, eh… used that secret passage before?" He asks while scratching his throat after his first sip of liquor—a slight tremble to his voice.
You chuckle slightly at his question. Eyeing the floor for a moment, as you scratch your forehead. "It's… been used many times." You smile and return your gaze up at him. "But not once by me."
"Good. Good." He nods, noticing a sense of relief in his voice. "Hotel provides it?"
“Yup. Curtesy for the famous and the rich. We gotta lot to cover up these days.”
“With all the media these days, you gotta be careful.”
“I haven’t seen it mentioned on Instagram or anything, so you’re safe.”
“Couldn’t find anything about you either.” Sharing his screen with you. A small lump in your throat formed as you say all the different tags and searches Tom had thrown onto the internet. All involving your name. The thought of him searching for information about you. It was flattering. Your eyes widen, plastered to the screen. Tom’s search tab on Instagram, the moment it loaded. It was filled with pictures and edits from you. You desperately try to suppress your grin. At the same time, that immediate rush of heat coursing through your system. “See.” Looking back at you over his shoulder. “Nothing.” Scrolling past countless pages of your pictures. Before putting his phone away with that same face of innocence. You try to suppress the thoughts racing through your mind. That suppressed grin was inevitable. You just had to smile.
“What’s so funny?” He chuckles softly. Hanging back against a table, arms and legs crossed. Smiling at you, waiting for you to gather some sense.
“I was… I … couldn’t stop going down memory lane.” It wasn't a complete lie. Tom was clever. But not with tech. Never has and never will be. It made him so much more wholesome. So human.  
"I had the same on my way here!" He adds on with explosive enthusiasm. It's relaxing to listen to Tom, recollection memories, and stories from back then. Like an old couple rethinking their old days. It brought back so many good things. Reconnected the two of you in many ways. "That was one heck of a time."
“And we managed to keep it a secret.” Hinting at the sexuality issue. “We managed.” You could twist and turn around the subject, but it is inevitable to avoid. You were both here for a reason.
"Personally, it wasn't easy, I have to say." Biting the insides of his cheek with a gaze occupied elsewhere. Contemplating his choices. Hearing him sigh a little. Swallowing the lump forming in his throat. For a moment, you hesitate if you perhaps crossed a line. That moment of silence as he pondered, kept the silence going. But as he returned his gaze towards you, you’re met with big brown eyes begging. “It gets lonely.”
“I get it.” You nod. Drowning into this powerful gaze. “Luckily, our careers tend to need most of our attention."
“Our careers are important. Absolutely. But...” He sighed, voice heavy with sympathy. “Don’t you feel that emptiness, that loneliness? Late at night in your bed. Waking up to an empty apartment. Dinner alone. I got my mates over once in a while. But that feeling, for me, it's just getting worse each year."
"With a busy life and all, you tend to lose sight of your own needs." You say with an unintended sadness. Yet you completely agree with Tom. You shared that feeling—that experience. Being on the move many days of the week, not a single place felt like home. Life isn’t bad. It absolutely isn’t, far from it. Things are going well for you. Each year is better than the last. And money wasn’t a concern. But there are things in life that shouldn’t be bought with money. And your love life grew further away then you realized. The higher you build your barriers from the truth. You try to shield your eyes from reality. Yet something inside is so strong. It hungered. “I know that feeling… all too well.”
It craved—more than ever.
“Have you dated anyone?” A hint of insecurity rang in his voice. His posture was stiff, pausing for a moment, staring hard into your eyes. “Y-You know… with the rumors and all that." There was a certain unease to his way of saying—a hint of concern regarding what you would answer.
"I haven't…" Shaking your head. "No…" You could notice the sense of relief going through him. The way his shoulders loosened, seating himself more comfortable on the couch. That gentle curve on his lips slowly reappearing. "And you?" You ask, but receiving a look from Tom, you knew all too well from back in the day. "Don't give me that look, Tom."
“C’mon! I mean, people are literally lined up for you." He said with a laugh. "In front of stadiums etc. Not to mention the screaming ones in the front row."
"Oh! Speak for yourself, mister handsome. You're praised everywhere, and by everyone. And right so…"
"Mate!" He laughed, tossing a cushion your way. "The same goes for you!" Both of you waiting for each other to collect their thoughts. Pondering about what to spoil and tease each other with next.
“I’ve missed this.” You openheartedly confess, downing your drink in one go. Feeling it impossible to retain your smile. Spending time with Tom was just like the old days. You met when he was younger, shared many things, and clicked on multiple occasions. Turning into a friendship for years to remember. But eventually, time pulls people apart. Tom became busy with his acting role in Eliot. While you were taking the first few steps into the singing business. Taking not long to be discovered and climbing the ladder as the years progressed.
In that earlier time, of growing up, and preparing for adulthood. Started with being simple 'outsiders' during those school years. It brought you together. Sharing many hours together after school. Getting to know his family. Finding solemn and peace, quiet, comfort, and acceptance in each other’s presence. The things you enjoyed doing. Together. That resulted in years of fun trips and memories that you will always cherish. In the further years of growing up, relationships and their sexuality came in to play. A road of discovery. For both of you.
You always had been honest with each other. Tom knew you like the back of your hand. Recognized when you felt down or struggled to stand up for yourself. The same went for Tom. You knew precisely when Tom held back. He always was a kind and loving soul. Too kind for this world. And knew that Tom had difficulty saying 'no'. His weaknesses, but also admirable qualities. That level of trust and feeling of unwavering loyalty and friendship caused both of you to question the value. Misjudges things. Feel different things.
Feelings. On that road of discovery, we all begin to learn new things about ourselves. Give things a place in our lives. Our values and morale are formed—the first steps towards adulthood. But the one grew up faster than the other. Certain events and comments not helping. And so, you slowly began to lose sight of each other. Speaking less and less. Going to different colleges. Eventually losing numbers. And the ways to connect. But never the thought of each other.
"We should have done this much earlier." His sparkling eyes not letting you go. Without thinking twice, the words had spilled from your mouth. You avert your eyes away, sucking on your teeth, trying to contain your grin. "I've really missed this. You know… Us. Like this."
“Your right.” He nods with a big ass grin. “And your smile says it all.” Throwing the entire contents of his glass down his throat again. “Just like old time.” Releasing a hiss as the alcohol burned its way down. “Now we’re even.” Putting his glass aside.
“Alcohol sure did bring us together.” Thinking about his somewhat awkward ramble from earlier tonight.
"And closer." Reaching for the bottle, ready to pour you another. That hinting and a playful smirk on his face. Eyeing for your reaction. "Another?"
“I don’t mind.” You quip without a second thought.
“Which one?” He asks with a challenging tone to his voice.  
“Yes.” The grin stretching further along your face. The sexual tension was thicker than ever. You could feel it in the air. It was only a matter who’d initiate first. Tom, for sure, was playing along, as you watch him pour another. Handing you the glass, but holding onto it for a bit longer than necessary. Brushing fingers on the glass. Forcing eye contact. Deepening it. As if he was determined to find your goal or reasoning in your eyes. All the while, that seductive smile captivating you. It's almost magic.  "So… Have you dated anyone?" Bringing back the burning question that lingered in your mind.
“No… No... I haven’t.” He said, sipping his drink while sinking back into the couch. The way he smiled, drawing his thin lips tight. Keeping eye contact the whole time while silence filled the gap in the conversation. Taking a comfortable position on the couch. But you can’t help but stare. It’s so satisfying. Your eyes are drawn to his shirt. The way it wraps around him. The way it tenses, the fabric stretching. And that first button barely holding on. Teasing you. His pause was long and thoughtful. At first, you thought he had was mustering his courage to find the right words.
"Why, Tom?" You continue to prod into his charming offensive.
“I think it's the same reason as you." You could feel his gaze burning into yours. Making your heart beat faster and faster. "I still care about you (Y/N)." The way his voice carried your name was more than tantalizing. It provoked you. Played with you. "I can't deny it. And I won't." Raking his fingers through his curls. That movement alone, played in slow motion for you, watching his biceps stretch the fabric to its limit. It's hypnotizing. "Not anymore…" Meanwhile, his words burn into your mind. Feeling the heat rise in your system. Despite the alcohol in your system, you begin to feel the nerves taking over. The flashes of skin that exposed once he reseats himself on the edge of the sofa. Your eyes are glued to him. With a flick of his wrist, his fingers reach for the strap of his watch. Carefully sliding it out through the buckle, removing the watch from his wrist. Putting it down in front of him on the table. "I feel… that we… share that thought.” Before returning his gaze towards you, looking past his shoulder. That glint in his eyes. Awaiting your reaction.  “Or does silence imply consent…" His voice has a cocky edge to it, yet subtle and with a playful charm. Leaving you simply nodding with a growing smirk.
“Good…" He said, looking pleased. "Then you leave me with one burning question." Turning in his spot. His eyes devoured you as he watched your every move. "Regret..." He said while crooking his head ever so slightly. Squinting his eyes to sharpen his focus on you. Ever so determined to catch any wrinkle on your skin, every beading trickle of sweat, every twitch in your eye, any change in posture, as he awaited your reaction. He wanted to know. He demanded to know. "Do you have regrets about the things you didn't do?" His voice hypnotizing. Raising himself up onto his feet, straightening himself, before slowly stalking his way towards you. "Speaking from our past, that is.” You could see the glint in his eye. That grin spreading across his face. Closing the distance. Inching closer and closer. His fingers reach for the first button of his white shirt. Releasing the tension on the fabric as it pops open, revealing more and more skin. He knew what he was doing. And you were more than fine with it. You let the scene play before you as you feel your breathing quicken. You heart racing. And heat rising.
"They say rejection is far worse than regret." You grin, returning your gaze from his exposed skin. "Does that sound familiar?" Noticing he was mere inches away from you. Cornering you on that tight spot.
One hand reaches beside you. As he hovers closer to you. “It does…” He breathes against your lips. "Yet, rejection never ever crossed my mind..." He smirks. That slight tilt to his head, awaiting the careful caress of your lips on his. The closer they came, the softer they appeared. The deeper the cravings became. “I figured the saying was the other way around.”
Tom frame hangs dangerously close to you above the couch. Both hands clinging to the backrest, hovering inches above you. He glances down at you for a moment. Your heart races faster and faster. He raises his right hand, caressing your cheek, and slowly slid down your face, lingering on the chin for a moment. You reach around his neck, pulling him closer to you. "I know it is." You whisper, pushing yourself forward, lips parted, ready to lock into his.
“Doesn’t answer my question…” He pulls back from your approaching lips. Leaving your drawing a shuddering breath instead. Chapping your dry lips with your tongue. "-darling…" His voice low and raspy, teasing you. Neither of you says a word. You stare at each other for half a second or so. Drawn to each other. The little air between the two of you thick with tension. Lust. Passion. Desire.
Tom’s intense gaze forces the words from your dry and croaked throat. “I…” Tom’s lips part, and inch closer as you begin to utter the words. You knew the answer from the start. His hands closing in on you. Bodies brushing against one and another.”…-regret.”
Tom locks his soft, warm lips with yours. Pulling him into this slow passionate kiss. Your lips sensually dance against each other, while your tongues meet in between. Moaning softly into the kiss. The anticipation of being together in more than words, thoughts, dreams, and wishes, it electrifies every nerve in your body. Intoxicates. Warms you. Brings you to life like you never felt before.
His hands rove across your body with such intensity, prying the clothing loose from your body. As he breaks his lips away from yours. But continuing kissing the side of your neck. You feel a sudden shiver shoots across your spine, as his warm wet tongue connects with your skin. Sensually caressing the area around your neck. Down onto your collarbone and fumbling with the first buttons of your shirt. The excitement and ecstasy building up.
Your hands grasping onto his long brown curls. Returning the favor on his neck. Your body squished between the couch and his masculine body. Experiencing every curve and edge of his body against yours. It’s extremely arousing. You can’t help but grind against his force pushing down. The outlines of his muscles pushing down onto you. Through the fabric, you feel his erect cock pressed against yours. Both gasping a little as you share a glance at each other for a brief moment. Lust consuming his gaze. Without looking, you open the next button of his shirt. Your hands shake as they try to open the next.
Now slowly revealing his muscled frame. Your stomach's in ropes. Followed by a nervous flutter. Sighing dreamily as Tom has worked himself onto yours. You pull his naked torso against yours, his warm flesh pressing against yours. You violently kiss his lips as your hands slide down his back. Starting from his shoulder, down his back in a way, you free him of his shirt. Your hands ending up at his pants. Desperate to feel the roundings of his ass cheeks. Prying your fingers underneath the cloth, reaching for that fluid, round skin of his ass. They feel firm, tight, and incredibly satisfying to caress.  
But Tom takes over. Pushing your body back and deeper into the couch. Losing your grasp on his ass. Ripping the shirt from your body with both hands. As you lay there, held down by both his hands on your shoulders. Tom starts trailing kisses running from your collarbone, down your chest. An ecstatic thrill pulses through your body at the feel of his lips upon your naked skin. You let out a low moan. Numbed by the sensations of his lips gracing and praising your wanting skin. You've been touch starved for years. Now groaning in pleasure. As he continues down further and further. With your eyes closed, you feel exactly where he was. Sweat breaks out all over your body as you feel the immediate thought of him inching his way down with each grace of his lips. Your fingers intertwined in his curls helps him spur on. As he moves to play with your nipple, sucking and teasing it with his tongue. Flicking gently at the hardened skin. His hands gliding along to your hips. With a strong pull, your pants slide off, and your member springs up from its captivity.
Without hesitation, he bends forward, both hands holding it in place. A wave of pleasures warms you, seeing him sliding his mouth over the head. It’s ticklish for a moment. A feeling that makes you jump a little on the spot. Rocking your body. But that subsides as quickly as pleasure takes over your senses.
You can't help but grunt as he works in your length. The pressure is strange for a moment. The suction is breathtakingly satisfying. Mind-boggling. Tom taking you in deeper and further. The touch of his lips on the veiny skin of your shaft. Keeping eye-contact as he does. It's so warm and so incredibly soft. The tender the touch of his tongue on your tip, made you gasp even harder. Lashing at the slit. It's beyond this world, the way he circles his tongue. Playing with your sensitive skin. It's something you never experienced as heavenly as before. The slow laps, licks, and careful sucks make you shudder and moan to the smallest change. Rolling your head back, your hips bucking upwards. You groan uncontrollably, feeling your entire body shudder from the sensation. Clenching buttocks and trembling legs. Trying to shove your length further into his mouth. But he keeps control, pinning your hips down. As he slurps and wets your member with such passion, it's impossible not to cum already.
In response, he digs his nails into your stomach, raking it towards your pelvis. Forcing you to watch him work. Releasing your pulsing, rock hard member from his warm and welcoming lips. “You look so good… under my touch.” He smiles, sensually teasing you with his tongue on your shaft. “You’re going to bust for me?” Bringing his lips to the underside of your cock.
The sight of it leaves you disconnected from your body and brain. Your fingers tremble, toes curling up and throat running dry. With small kisses, he starts nuzzling your shaft. And with one hand, stroking your cockhead. You can't help but feel the pulses coursing through your cock. All your blood directed to one place. Twisting and turning his hand along the ridges of the head. Still incredibly slicked from his saliva. His grasp is firm, yet releasing the tension just at the right moment, sliding along the sensitive skin. The ridges are hard by the pounding of your blood. Craving more and faster rubbing.
Tom is just focused on that one thing. Your moans. Finding the right spot. Caressing the skin in a way you could never do yourself. You never felt yourself. Nothing you did yourself would ever come close to this. “Do you want me…” He groans, licking the drops of pre-cum from your slit with his soft and warm tongue. “…-to make you cum?” It’s sensational the way your body seeps fluids from your cock. Tom’s tongue tenderly lashing at the streams of pre-cum.
“T-Tom…” You groan deep and hard. Feeling an imminent release coming up. Taking over your senses. But Tom continues to tease. Rubbing the frenulum with his thumb as he peppers kisses all over, expect your cock. You try to pull him upwards, feeling yourself close to blowing your load. "P-…Please…"  
He continues kissing your belly, slowly working up. Paying no attention to your pleas. Rubbing himself against you, feeling his member rubbing against your thigh. Sliding further upwards, all nicely slicked. Creating satisfying friction of warm flesh and wetness. Latching one arm around his neck, the other on the pair of cocks. You help the incredibly satisfying grind increase pace. "I want you close to me." You moan to him, pulling him against you with your one arm. Tom doesn't linger long, closing both his arms around your neck. Both your chest together, grinding his hip into your tightened grip. Both gasping for air in the kiss.
“If you keep going like this…” He moans, looking up at you, heaving on your chest. Continuing to grind against you. “I’m…. I’m gonna blow first.”
"You're such a hot mess, baby." Releasing the hold on the pair of pulsating cocks, you dig your hands into his ass cheeks. "I'll take that load off you." You say with a grin on your face. A smile flickered on his face in response. Desperate to spill his load. The same going for you. But you wanted your turn at teasing as well. With all your force, you pull his ass cheeks towards you, lying flat on the couch. The entirety of his frame sliding across your sweaty body. Pushing the air from your lungs for a moment. His member meeting your face up close.
Tom's sigh on its own could make you burst as a whole. With a graceful lick and suckle on his balls, you force eye contact. Working your tongue up the shaft. Looking past his length, the beautiful curves of his abs, pecs, and collarbone grace your view. Watching his pleading expression as you continue. Tom's eye squint, while sucking his lower lip between his teeth, groaning with a deep and passionate volume. One hand on his length, you begin to slide your lips over his cockhead. It's large. It's firm. Wet. And incredibly smooth. You lips pop past the curves of his cockhead, onto the shaft. Your tongue meeting the head. Feeling the length twitch in your mouth as soon as your tongue slides further onto his shaft. The leaking drops of pre-cum smear across your tongue as you push further. Hitting the back of your throat. You stifle your gag reflex. Adjusting your mouth to his size. Tom's heavy moan followed up by shudder as he rolled his hips. An overwhelming experience. Your tongue wetting his shaft. Feeling the edges and ridges of his cock in your mouth made you even harder. Dripping from your own slit. After a few thrust into your mouth, you can already feel the momentum building. Stretching in your mouth. Shuddering movements. You would give him encouraging words, but your mouth was occupied. Filled with every inch of him. Slathering the entirety of his cock in your mouth.
To help his movement, you had your hands kneading into his ass cheeks. Pleasing white bums that cupped your hand perfectly. You slowly pried apart the cheeks. And with your fingers, you reach for his hole. Circling the tight flesh. Tom's moans increased as you begin pushing lightly against the resistance. Tom stops immediately. "B-Baby, please…" Groaning hard and long under your touch. His body quivers and shakes. And as you seek eye contact. You see him gasping, mouth wide open. His head hanging between his arms holding onto the couch. Trembling. Panting for air. "Ooh… s-s-shit!" Each push against his flesh, forcing an incredibly sexy moan from him.
That feel of his flesh weakening under your pressure. Accepting your finger, slowly, you begin pushing. Rubbing into his warm contorting flesh. Gripping around your finger tightly. Searching for that one spot. While caressing his cock with your tongue. Adding another finger made his knees weak. His whole body shuddering on top of yours. The anticipation building up in him. Pushing his cock further into your mouth and deeper down your throat. All the while, as his flesh softened, his hole loosening under your touch.
Your fingers drill deep and in motion with your sucking. It doesn't take long for his moans to turn short and shallow. "J-Just... like that!" He whimpers, leaning in towards you. The sudden shift of his cock in your mouth made you gag. Forcing it deeper down your throat. All swollen and wet. Dripping from your lips. You press your fingers deeper into him. As you feel him pushing into you. Plain right, fucking your mouth, down into your throat.
The moment you hit the spot is instantly noticeable. You feel the wetness dripping from his slit. The taste on your tongue. "That's it!" He cries out. Short, shallow thrust followed by a tortured growl. "Oh, my God." His whole body trembling. "Right there!" Continuing to shove his cock down your throat. "Keep doing that!" Following into your motion. Rutting his hip into you, short and shockingly. Waves of cum flooded your mouth. His dick pulsed on your lips. Feeling every vein contract and release wave after wave. Each thrust of your finger down his hole, surged the next. Your name cursed under his panting breath, as your struggle to gulp it all down. Trying to remember to breathe. Load after load gushed down your throat. Until a ragged, shuddering breath gave was the only thing you heard.
Releasing his still hard member from your mouth, you give yourself a breather. Gazing up from underneath, past his cock and heaving chest. You see that smirk on his face. Sharing a giggle as he helps you pull yourself up. "I'm so sorry." Kissing you gently on the lips, massaging your shoulders with both hands. "I let myself go there." Softly giggling.
"It’s alright.” You reassure him with a few kisses. “You can do anything, darling." Imitating his English accent.
"You shitface!" He chuckled as you take in his fluttered cheeks and a big smile. "I just hope I didn't harm that pretty voice of yours." Coming face to face with him again.
"That'd be quite a story." Planting your lips on his. "But, don't you worry… I can take it." Biting his lower lip sensually. Continuing to play with each other. "At this point, I wanna do it all.”
“Well, the night is long.” Licking the few drops of wetness running from your lips and cheek. “And there’s more after the sunrise.”
"That sounds so cheesy." You giggle softly as you let him pepper kisses along your cheek and down your ear.
"I’m helping you write a new song." Beginning to grind his ass cheeks against your length, while keeping a watchful eye on you. Sliding it up and down the crack of his ass.
"Shit… Tom." Running your hands down his figure. Captivated by his presence, up close, and all personal. "I can't fucking think straight." Kissing his collarbone and down to his pecs. The moans and groans he makes as you suckle on his nipple, flicking the skin with your tongue. Feeling it harden by your touch. His fingers clenching on your hair as you continue to suckle. Tom had a beautiful physique. And you soon found out he loved nothing more than being your kisses down your body. Completely overtaken by your praise of his body.
“I want you, baby.” He begs, trying to get your attention by squeezing your dick between his ass cheeks. “Every inch of you...” While you try to suckle on his exposed sweating skin. Every inch of him was pure heaven.
With one hand, you slick your member, ready to go. Keeping your lips on his collarbone. Tom moaned and moaned by your touch. Giving you an incredible boost in confidence. Digging the other into his lovely curved, round ass cheeks, the other onto your tip, guiding yourself to his hole. "I got this, baby." He groans. "I wanna feel it..." Taking your cock in his fingers.
All nervous and sweating, Tom pulls your head up, forcing his lips on yours again. Releasing a slow groan into the kiss. His fingers tremble of anticipation on your skin. Slowly guiding your cock to his hole. "I…" Nothing more follows. Your senses wholly overwhelmed. "...I'm lost…"
Lowering himself onto you, angling his pelvis just right, feeling his hole widen up, accepting your tip. Slowly pushing down on your cock. His lips quiver against yours, gasping for air. As you continue to push into him. Gravity doing the rest. The simulations grunt you both release by the sudden pleasure shakes your bodies. Unable to keep the kiss going. Leaning your foreheads against each other. Drowning in his captivating eyes. "This time…" He groans while drawing short breaths "-…I'll make you cum." His ass clamps down hard. Enveloping every inch of you tightly. Feeling his entire body shudder, goosebumps shooting across his skin. "I… promise, baby."
Tom was tight. Incredibly tight. "Fu-...uuuck…!" He growls, his face contorting in one of pain. But you were wrong. As his flesh convulses around your cock. The moment you slide in, he felt like you accepted him. But now, his skin convulsed around you. Squeezing you tight. "This… is… amazing." He keeps moaning. Burying his head in the crook of your neck, as the words escaped him in a ragged whisper. His continuous moans almost send you over the edge. "I…" He cursed under his breath. "I… can't move." He groans as you try to move.
Placing your hands on his ass cheeks, you help him get into the flow. Overwhelmed by his feelings, it takes you quite a bit of strength to get him moving. Slowly grinding his insides, his flesh starting to accept your rod with each thrust. Stretching him. Filling him. Pleasuring him.
Rolling his hips on your rod. Slow but sensual. The heat and smoothness driving you insane. Unable to find words. You stammer a few words as you help him ride you. But the words of Tom that make you stop for a moment. "You're gonna make me burst again, baby." Whispering into your ear. "Shit..." Moaning as he glances down onto his cock. Standing close to you. “Please… I’m…” He stammers before seating himself back up. “Im... getting… close...” You feel yourself harden inside him. The touch of your fingers makes him gasp in relief. It’s surreal for a moment. Feeling it so rigid in your hand. The way it’s warm and wet skin pulses in your hand. Each slow stroke you make, turning him more into a panting mess.
It's slow and sensual. Passionate. The grinding of his body against yours. The motion. The friction. Everything fell in the right place. His toned body riding your hard and eager cock. Tensing muscles of his rippled body. The moonlight casting a glow on all his hills and valleys, ripples and curves of his frame. It's just like a movie. Glistening in sweat. Like a song. A symphony of love and lust. Embed in your memory for eternity. His hands caressing your cheeks, while his lips close in on yours. Eyes locked. Release was imminent. Faster than you expected. A build-up of years. Finally there. It's all you ever wanted. "Just like that…" His words trailed off into oblivion as his eyes closed shut.
His hands shudder on your skin. Groaning vividly as he struggled to regain his focus. For a moment, he lost control. Groaning uncontrollably hard. Your fingers firmly wrapped around his length. Inching him closer and closer to his orgasm with each stroke. Massaging every ridge and vein on his pulsing cock. Focusing each stroke on the ridges of his head. Letting them ripple through your fingers through a tight grip. His moans were sexier then you imagined even in your dreams—all by your doing.
All it takes is looking him into his eyes. And the cum shot out in ropes. White strings off pure pleasure. One after another. His encouraging words made you speed up, making him shoot far and wide. It’s an incredible sight to see. Tom just cums and cums, spilling onto your hands and stomach. Praising you. Begging you for more. And as each shot launched into the air, his hole clenched around your cock. It synched up so perfectly. It turned you on immensely. Passing on the climax.
Jolts of energy, building up, searching for a release. A rupture of energy. Emotions. Spilling from you. Warm and wet. Gushing his insides, wave after wave. Your body locked in ecstasy and numbness. The grasp of your fingers fading on his flesh, curling your toes. Gasping for breath. Loss of words. Bliss.
Forever had you dreamed of this moment. Longed for it. That smile of his. The soft caress of his fingers on your skin. His moan. Long and deep. Groaning after your pulsing orgasm. Taking it all in.
“You’re a dream come true.” Cupping his cheeks. Connecting with his lips. This was meant to be. His body grinding against yours. Begging for more. Desires you beforehand only dreamed off. Now all surfaced. His masculine body thriving on top of you. Glistening with sweat. A hard rock cock, standing in-between you. Your eyes are drawn to it.
Tom cleared his throat, allowing a dry croak to escape his drawn, trembling lips. “I want this to last forever.” Moaning into the kiss. “Never... stop.” His arms wrap around your neck. Those rippling muscles in his arms were strong. Holding you in a tight hold. His torso grinding against you. It’s perfect. You can hear the harmony. It’s all true what they once sang. Love is all.
“Tom… I...” Getting kissed by him again. Unable to finish your sentence. With even more passion. Aggression almost. Fiercely exploring each other with your fingers. So few thoughts raced through your mind. Only Tom. Just the two of you.
Imposing a finger between your lips, breaking up the kiss, he tries to keep your lips sealed. Allowing you to draw much-needed air into your lungs. Watching him gather himself as well. Piece his words together. "If we're going to say it…"  He whispers, kissing you down your jawline while trying to hold you flat to the couch. "I want to be the first." Engaging your lips again. You can't help but giggle into the kiss. Fighting for control. And Tom was strong. Teasing you as you struggle to get a hold of him. Not only distracted by his person up close, but also by your naked bodies thrashing. Eventually rolling both off the couch. After a shared giggle and a laugh, you continue to roll around on the carpet. Your flesh on his. Loving every inch of him. Worshipping. Fingers digging deep into each other's skin.
Eventually, you submit, rolling onto your back. Partially on purpose, but also out of curiosity. You take a moment to look at him. Your eyes run down his body, lingering over his straining chest muscles, broad shoulders, sculpted arms, and rolling abs. From his pelvis loomed his cock. Shining from the wetness, yet still hard, thick, and swollen. Completely ready for you. The anticipation made your heart race like never before.
"Prove it to me…" You ordered him. "I want you to show me your love." Not a moment of hesitation wasn't there. That sparkle in his captivating brown eyes. A continuous flow of love. Tom takes both your legs and spreads them apart. Inching himself closer to you. The way his eyes devour you sends a shiver through your whole body. Hooking one leg over his shoulder, he slides his shaft between your cheeks. Rubbing and teasing your hole. The touch of his hard tip on your tight flesh alone makes you whimper. He carefully watched your reaction. If he didn't stop already, you would bust right there. You couldn't help it—dizzy with anticipation. You watch Tom wet a finger with saliva. Spreading your cheeks apart with his fingers, inserting one into your flesh. You can't help but throw your head back. Tom wasn't gentle. He knew you wanted it. Your body craved it at this point. In one push, he forced his finger up there. "You like that, babe?" Adding another finger. Your whole body contorted around his movement. But Tom held you down. He leaned onto your chest, peppering kisses along your sweating skin.
A gasp of relief, emptiness, and desires sounded from your mouth. Tom's fingers had left an unrelenting desire to be filled by him. Your flesh had accepted such movements after a few thrusts, your body enjoying the slow teasing thrusts from his fingers. Leaving you in nothing more than a panting mess. Desperate. "Tom… Fuck me…" You exhale sharply. "Please…"
You watch attentively as he sucks his fingers clean. Stroking the length of his cock. To what avail you don't know. It was hard already. One hand on your raised leg, the other on his cock. He slowly sinks himself into you. That moment of when he pushed against your flesh. The resistance.  Your body strained momentarily as it stretched the flesh—resistance fading. And the overwhelming feeling of pleasure and bliss fall over you. You can't help but close your eyes and roll back your head. And you let that incredible feeling wash over you. As he slides in slowly, inch by inch. Forcing a numbness in your pelvis, radiating up into your body. Steadying your breathing as your hole seems to widen even further before clenching on him again. You didn't realize you where groaning until Tom overshadowed your sound. Before you realize it, he's sheathed all the way into you. Tom's loud breathing indicating otherwise. Barely holding on, as he balances himself on one hand beside you. Involuntary clenching your hole around him even more. "God…You're so tight." He pants heavily, feeling his breath on your skin.
It didn’t hurt. Not one bit. Just the feeling of having Tom so deep inside you makes you feel fuzzy and warm. Horny to a point you never experienced. Tom slowly starts to his roll his hips into you. Slow and passionate. All you feel is the cock hitting your insides again and again. And the strength ebbing away in your legs. This was the best feeling you could ever imagine. “C'mon, stay with me.” He whispers. Noticing your body going limb by the pleasure of his penetration.
The continuous grinding on your insides was more than heavenly. Each push of his cock, the flesh pounding against yours. The ridges of his cock rubbing your insides were so incredibly satisfying. You can't help but grin at his comment. "Tom...." You manage to moan out. "... I'm…"
The sensations building up are immense. You're driven close to the edge several times by the penetration of Tom's cock. Something so fantastic and otherworldly, it made your mind go blank. He slows his movement and locks lips again. Murmuring to you. "You're really into me..."
Tom’s comment didn’t register in your mind. The only thought was having him rut faster into you. "You're… You’re gonna make me burst..." You pant heavily. "I'm so… fucking close..." Groaning from pleasure. "Go faster, T-Tom!"  
"Shoot it for me, love." He whispers to you in a soft voice. He starts rolling his hips again. You buck your hips upward, feeling him reach deeper. The sound of bare naked flesh slapping against one another drove you closer and closer. "Blow your load." He groans in your ear. "C'mon… Look at me." Tom was as expressive with his words as with his actions.
You open your eyes to his flexed body muscles arching forward. Kissing you immediately as you begin to massage your shaft. Before abruptly breaking away. Leaving you wanting more. Instead, he holds on your thighs and begins to push deeper into you. His grip firm, yet careful and pleasing to the touch. Intensifying the moment. You arch upwards at Tom's sudden deep thrust. Pushing the air out of your lungs. Making your toes curl. Gasping for air. It felt as if his tip had touched your dick. Far and deep inside you. That warm fuzzy feeling now boiling up. Followed by a sweet explosive release. You cry out as a fountain of cum shoot from you. At the first sight of cum, Tom thrusts deeper again, pushing against the spot once more. Then, pulling your pelvis flush against his body. Penetrating you deep and rough. Again and again. Coating his stomach with your cum. "That's it, baby!" He exhales with you unload your cream. "Give it to me!" Your vision begins to cloud with dark hues and stars. As you balls churn load after load. His hand helping you drain the very last drop onto you. The other hand rubbing the wetness down his six-pack.
"K-Keep going… Tom." You moan slowly, regaining your senses. Enjoying his constant rubbing inside you. So warm and satisfying. You can't feel your legs. Only his cock sliding in and out. The rigid of his cockhead rubbing all the right places. And even after that explosive release, your erection doesn't fade away.
“I’m gonna bust all over you.” Clasping his hands to your sides. Picking up the pace again. Slamming his pelvis against yours. You grip both your legs and pull them towards you. Giving Tom a better angle to penetrate. He starts to gain momentum. Thrusting harder and deeper.  While you whimper uncontrollably. Squirming from pleasure trapped under his rough pounding body. You just want him to pound you again and again.
He grunts while his movement became jagged and irregular. The words caught in his throat several times. Drowning in each other eyes. “I love you (Y/N).”
Throwing your arms around his neck, you pull him towards you. Whispering his name. Praising him. Feeling him grow incredibly large inside you. Stretching you. Moaning into his ear. And he doesn't need more. He jolts upward from your grasp. Your legs falling back. Tom grabs his cock with one hand as he pulls out. Followed by a shallow grunt that announced his orgasm. He manages to stay on his knees for a bare moment. In amazement and lust, you gaze upon this cock, ready to burst. Drips of wetness leaking from the tip. But as soon as the sensations take over his body, he topples over. Resting on one arm, hovering several inches above your heaving body. The other stroking his length with an intensity you never have seen before.
You take a moment, just as he is about to burst. You force your cock under it. Grasping both of them together with your hands. And take over. Tom cries out as his eyes widen. Both rubbing the cock with the same intensity. The touch of your cock against his, and his balls touching your flesh made him cum immediate. Your load boils up in an instant.
From both the slits, a shower of cum jets forward. And as it releases, Tom cries out loudly. Calling out your name. Growling. Groaning from release. Large strings of wetness spill onto your chest. Each stroke releasing another. More and more. Coating you in wetness. Literally dripping everywhere down your body.
"Y-You're everything." Tom gasped after he recovered his breath. His lips caressing the side of your neck. Sucking the skin between his teeth. Making sure to leave a mark. His cock semi-hard rubbing against yours. You can't help but feel numb and paralyzed by the touch on your skin. His tongue sensually licking the wetness from your skin. While grinding against you. "I love you." His lips finding yours again. "I love you so much…"
"Damn… Tom." Slinging your arms around his neck. Pulling him closer to you. The wetness spilling from one body onto the other. "You came three times." Feeling his hardening length grow against your thigh. "And you're not done, I feel." You chuckle with a blush.
"You turn me on incredibly." He smiles. "That's no secret." Pressing small kisses on your collarbone, up towards your lips. "But I plan to even that score… tonight." Biting his lower lip. "If you allow me to that is…" Roaming his fingers along your skin. His mind occupied on all the ways he could.
“I’m might pass out before we reach the bed.” You smile as you feel him harder again. As you two cuddle within each other's embrace. Slow, soft kisses followed by muffled moans, and fingers tracing the outlines of sweating, shuddering, and drained frames.  
"Let's do it everywhere except for the bed." While searching for your cock with his other hand. Throwing one leg over, taking a seat on you. Rubbing the wetness and sweat down the crack of his ass. Teasing you with his hole. "Fill me up again." He growls, pushing down on your cock while spreading his legs. "I can't get enough of it." He shudders and groans as you begin to stretch him up again. Gasping as your sensitive skin was pleasured again. "And so do you, I see."
And so the night goes on. Time isn't of the essence. It's the realization that hits you. Love was always closer than you ever thought. Friends seem more than just friends. Fate sure had its saying in this. Tom was it all. From the start, you had been dreaming him into your life. And now it's finally there. Lying there beside each other.
The way it meant to be. After all those years. Keeping up a facade. Creating a life behind illusions. Hiding behind a mask, pretending to be someone that you're not. But people expect you to be. What people want you to be.
Hiding the truth. It's easy to hide at first. And it's comforting. Showing that other you. Living the easy life. Not confronting your daemons. But eventually, it starts gnawing at you. Your conscience chipping at that sense of security. Afraid the real you might show through the cracks. That people find the real you. It's terrifying. It's haunting. You found ways to put aside your needs. But deep down, there's always a longing. And to satisfy that feeling. You need someone. You have to be the real version of you. And that version is with Tom. Where it needed to be.
“There’s someone at the door.” Tom whispers softly beside you. “Wake up, darling.” His soft hands straddle across your back. Squeezing your ass cheeks in the process. Hearing him giggle to himself.
"Probably breakfast..." Rubbing the sleepers from your eyes. Releasing a long drawn yawn as your eyes adapt to the light coming through the curtains. Illuminating Tom's handsome features beside you. Your hand on an expedition under the blankets, looking for some of that skin of Tom.
“You hungry?” Tom rolling into your arms. His fingers tracing along your bare naked body.
"Not yet." Reeling him in for a morning kiss. You both couldn't stop smiling. "But, I do want something else."
“Oh, you bet.” He chuckles while his fingers trace further down. “But first… have I…” Tom stifling a groan and a laugh, struggling to keep talking as he moves onto you.  “...-told... you?” While fighting over the position who spoons who. “-…how much…”  
“I love you…?” Finishing his sentence with a laugh. Before pushing Tom on his back, and continue to go down on him. Receiving a chuckling laugh from him as he tries to intervene your ticklish touches. Peppering kisses all over his body. Hearing a click of a phone camera. “Are you going to post that?” You mumble in-between praising his body with your lips. “Because there’s nothing I want more.”
“Good.” He smiles as you take a rest on his chest. While Tom rakes through your hair ever so lightly. Watching him scroll through his camera roll. Filled with pictures of you. “I want to world to know.” Pressing a kiss on your forehead as picks the best one. Confidence and pride in his voice.
You halt him, leaning over and grabbing your own phone. “Promise me one thing.” Taking a selfie. “We shut down our phones after.”
“And then I’m so going to do you.” He grins.
“That depends... on who posts their pictures first.”
A/N: I hope this has been worth the wait. 
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theheartsmistakes · 4 years
The Last Night: Part XIX
A/N’s at the end:
Parts I-XVIII:
Here is Part I
Here is Part II
Here is Part III
Here is Part IV
Here is Part V
Here is Part VI
Here is Part VII
Here is Part VIII
Here is Part IX
Here is Part X
Here is Part XI
Here is Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Earlier that evening…
After seeing his mother to her room for her afternoon nap, Alastair retired for the remainder of the evening in the Institute library. It was the one room in the house, other than the unbearably small closet sized guest bedroom that the Herondales so graciously gave to him, where he could be alone.
After the past week of excruciating pain while the runes and Silent Brother’s magic repaired the bones in his leg, the damage to his head, waiting for Cordelia to wake up, and answering the barrage of questions from anyone with a tongue to speak, he craved the precious minutes he could find of peace. Charles, unfortunately, conducted most of the questioning, which often left Alastair with a headache worse than the one he’d woken up with after being thrown by the demon and cracking his head on stone. Even when it was just the two of them alone, Charles remained callous and professional, only bothering to ask how Alastair was fairing, but he directed most of the questions to the Brother Zachariah rather than Alastair himself. It felt as if their relationship had been nothing more than a figment of Alastair’s feverish imagination. Alastair began to question if it all had, in fact, all been a dream.
Most moments of quiet were spent beside Cordelia. When his mother retired for the night, Alastair would take up her position beside his sister and watch her chest rise and fall like he’d done when his parents brought her home as a baby. She was so tiny then. As delicate, round, and soft as a baby bird with tufts of red hair that already curled around her ears. Only a year and a few months older than his baby sister, he’d sit next to her crib and watch her sleep. He’d listen to the small shushing noise her breathing made, until he’d fall asleep. At some point in the night, he would be placed back in his bedroom, tucked under the blankets, and left under the glowing stars his bedside witchlight made across his ceiling. It wasn’t until Cordelia was a year old, and he was nearly three, that he stopped falling asleep on her floor, but only because his parents made him.
When Cordelia was awake, he wasn’t much different. The first few months weren’t terrible. She slept most of the time except when she was hungry or needed a change. It wasn’t until she was four months that Alastair thought he’d keel over from anxiety. His irresponsible mother would just place her on a blanket on the floor where anything and everything could fall or step on her. Not only that, but as time went on she’d begun to put everything in her mouth from leaves that had fallen off the giant fern in the corner, to splotches of mud from boots, and pieces off of the rug. Alastair was always there to fish out the foreign object from her gummy mouth before she could choke. He’d give her a proper scolding and she’d respond with a toothless laugh and gurgle that made Alastair’s insides feel like mush.
Cordelia was the first word out of his mouth when he woke up from his injuries. He wasn’t certain, but he felt he’d dreamed about her. The remnants of nightmares lingered underneath his skin like he’d been submerged in ice cold water for too long and couldn’t shake the chill. When he woke up and found Cordelia being held in an induced coma while her body healed from injuries inflicted while he’d been unconscious, unable to rescue her, made it difficult for him to breathe or to think. He’d felt like that little boy again sitting beside her crib afraid that the moment he looked away, she’d stop breathing.
When she’d finally woken up, he’d felt a rush of relief. He needed a moment to compose himself in the hallway before he went through her door to find her sitting up in bed, smiling at him with her own relief. But she’d forgotten everything that happened to her since the moment they left the institute, since she broke her engagement with James after he’d properly humiliated her.
He’d meant to warn James against ever speaking to his sister again, but the boy was like a shadow. He slipped in and out of the Institute before Alastair ever had the chance. He visited Cordelia when Alastair was asleep or bathing or being interrogated. And now, she was off galavanting with him and there was nothing Alastair could do to stop it. He wasn’t about to upset his mother by demanding that Cordelia not go with James.
On his way to the library, he practiced the speech he’d give James when they returned. He may be able to worm his way into the good graces of his sister, but not Alastair. It would take a lot more than his pathetic sallow looks and natural wind blown curls to win Alastair over. After everything James has done, he didn’t deserve Cordelia and Alastair made it his mission to make sure that James knew it.
By the time he reached the library, his leg throbbed under his weight. He’d been trying to use his crutch less despite Brother Zachariah’s advice to keep off of it. The sound of his grunt echoed mockingly through the library as he pushed open the door with his shoulder and stumbled inside with a curse.
A fire burned behind the elaborate grate and already had a decent bed of coals forming underneath it as though it had been burning for some time. A stack of books sat on the coffee table that stood in-between the fireplace and the two wingback chairs.
“Christopher,” said a familiar voice. “Is that you?”
Alastair seized and turned for the door. He was nearly there when the library occupant emerged from the middle isle and stopped when Alastair came into his view.
“Oh,” said Thomas, closing the book in his hands. “It’s you. What are you doing here?”
“I thought the room was empty,” said Alastair, adjusting his weight to his good leg. “I didn’t mean to disturb you.”
“How is your leg?” asked Thomas and tucked the book under his arm.
Alastair patted it with his hand. “It’s still there.”
“And your head?”
“Also there,” said Alastair. “The bandages itch something awful and I fear I’ll always have a slight pain in my knee when it’s about to rain, but otherwise, I am nearly mended.”
Thomas slid his hand into his trouser pocket. “Good. That’s good.”
“I never did thank you properly for coming to our aid,” said Alastair, braving a small chance at having a conversation with Thomas after not speaking with him since…well, since the night Matthew revealed Alastair’s deepest regrets. “I’m afraid of what would have happened if you had not come.”
“We did it for Cordelia,” said Thomas, without a note of sympathy in his tone.
“Right.” Alastair nodded. “Of course. Still, I offer you my thanks—“
“I don’t want your thanks,” said Thomas, turning his back to Alastair to return the book to the empty spot on the shelf. “I don’t want anything from you.”
“Thomas,” started Alastair as he braved a step closer. He felt as fragile as the thin ice that blooms on a lake at the start of winter. One wrong step and he’d break through. “I know what I’ve done to your family is unforgivable and if there is ever anything I can do to unravel the mess that I’ve created—“
“You can’t.”
“I understand but if there is—“
“My mother cried herself to sleep for months because of the lies you told,” said Thomas, calmly. “She locked herself in her bedroom and wouldn’t let my father in no matter how desperately he begged or how strongly he claimed the rumors were false. She made herself sick to the point where father left only so that she would come out of her room or let someone in to bring her food and water.” Warmth bloomed across Alastair’s face. He wanted to hang his head in shame and fall to his knees, broken or otherwise, and beg for Thomas’s forgiveness, but he did no such thing. Instead, he lifted his chin and continued to listen to the consequences of his actions. “She looked so frail when she finally emerged. Barbara was the first one she spoke to; the only one she spoke to. It took several more weeks before she’d even acknowledge my father. I think she had to convince herself that it wasn’t true before she could believe anyone else. I’m ashamed to admit that even I questioned the validity of it.”
Thomas took a deep breath, his eyes were rimmed with tears, and his mouth set in a hard line. “I just want to know why? Can you tell me at least that? Why attack me— my family?”
The truth dangled on Alastair’s tongue. The truth that would uncover every secret that Alastair buried deep inside and fought his whole life to remain unknown, to everyone, including his own beloved sister.
Because my father is a drunk.
Because I was afraid of anyone finding out the shame he’d caused my family for years.
Because the four of you: Matthew, James, Christopher, and you had something that I never had and would never have because I cannot allow people to get close enough to me in fear that they will be able to see the shame of my family; and they would see what I am. So I took the attention off of my family—off of me— and put it on yours and Matthew’s.
And I can never take it back.
“Tell me!” Alastair shuttered at the pain in Thomas’s voice. He’d never heard him shout, not once, even after Barbara died.
Maybe it was better if Thomas hated him. It meant his secrets were safe. In doing so, he’d keep Thomas from more ridicule and his family as well. Even if Thomas didn’t know it, he’d be doing him a favor. A small one that might cause more pain than redemption or forgiveness which they both seemed to be after.
So he’d let him hate him in hope that maybe one day the truth would be enough.
“I should go,” said Alastair, turning towards the door. “Cordelia should be arriving soon for supper.”
“You’re really going to walk away?” Thomas scoffed. “Are you such a coward that you can’t just tell me the truth?”
“What good would it do?” spat Alastair, the defense he’d carefully been building all of his life built up with even more strength. “You think there is some deep meaning behind my actions? Some explanation that will make me less of a monster. You were an easy target, the four of you. You were defenseless and weird and Matthew was the most irritating of you all. And I heard a rumor and I wanted to humiliate him, because I was bored, and because I could.”
Alastair’s chest ached as the tears spilled from Thomas’s eyes. He quickly wiped at them with his sleeve and when he looked at Alastair again, he recognized the hate that boiled behind his eyes. It was the same hate in his own eyes whenever he looked in a mirror.
“Get out,” whispered Thomas, his voice so low, Alastair almost didn’t hear him.
“Gladly,” said Alastair and pulled open the door. As he turned down the hall towards the staircase, he heard a loud bang hit the wall. He didn’t stop or hesitate, the tapping sound of his crutch hitting the wood flooring echoed through the hallway.
The door to the staff hall groaned open just as Alastair walked down the last step. Lucie Herondale, shaking the rain from her hands and muttering something to herself, looked up in surprise to find Alastair standing at the end of the staircase. Her elegant blue dress was stained black at the hem and discolored with rain. Droplets glistened on her skin as she came to a stop underneath a glowing witchlight orb hovering above her. He waited a moment for Cordelia to come in behind her, as she so often does, but when she didn’t his eyes narrowed on Lucie.
“Where is Cordelia?” he asked, subtly gone from his tone as he was far too tired to pretend any longer.
“She was just behind—“
He didn’t wait for her to finish. He had an idea that he already knew.
He moved around Lucie, still muttering her excuses, and pushed open the staff hall door. A few of the maids gossiping in the hallway quickly moved out of his way. Teeth clenched, Alastair followed the trail of rain droplets that Lucie brought in with her until they came to an end at the staff exit. Before he could stop to think for a moment, he grabbed the door handle and yanked it open.
A blind rage consumed him at the vision standing on the little porch. James Herondale with his hands around Cordelia’s waist and mouth consuming hers while her own hands were tangled in his hair.
They broke apart like two dropped links at the sudden intrusion of light.
A high pitched whistle filled his ears. With hands trembling, he reached out and grabbed Cordelia’s arm, wrenching her inside. When James attempted to pursue, he pressed the end of his crutch into his chest and pushed. “Haven’t you done enough to ruin my sister’s reputation?”
“Alastair,” said Cordelia, gripping the arm that kept her behind him.
After a few steps backward, James regained his balance, and smiled a malicious grin that was void of any kindness. “Haven’t you grown tired of causing other people pain?”
“Pain?” Alastair seized with disdain. “What do you know of it in your privileged little life? I’ve taken responsibility for what I’ve done. Have you?” He took a limp step out onto the small brick laid porch. The witchlight lantern flickered with the energy crackling between the two of them. “You may have beguiled her into forgetting what you’ve done, but I certainly have not.”
“Alastair,” cried Cordelia as a crack of thunder rumbled through the sky. He heard the pain and desperation in her voice and he ignored it.
“You’re toxic and dangerous,” continued Alastair as he stepped out into the rain, advancing toward James. “Everything you touch becomes ruin. Trouble pursues you. You use people for your own selfish gain. I may have turned a blind eye before when I knew the engagement was a farce to repair my sister’s reputation, but I will not allow my sister to come into an honest romantic entanglement with the likes of a half-demon sycophant who is only using her for his own selfish gain.”
James’s hands clenched into fists at his sides as he glared down at Alastair as though at any moment he would hit Alastair square in the jaw. Alastair wondered how much farther he’d need to push. What other buttons he’d need to press. “Walk away, Alastair.” James growled so low it was difficult to hear him.
“Or what?” Alastair met his glare. “Are you going to hit me? Go on then, do it.”
“I’m not like you,” said James as rain dripped down his face. “I won’t let you drag me down to whatever miserable level of hell you currently reside. I care about your sister and I’m trying to right my wrongs; I’ve made a lot of them I’ll admit, but I am trying. Can you say the same?”
The question shook through Alastair. The rain dripped down James’s face reminding him of the tears that spilled from Thomas’s face only moments ago because of Alastair’s words. It seemed the people he cared about were evaporating from his life, he wasn’t about to lose his sister too.
“Stay away from my sister,” said Alastair. “I won’t ask you again.”
“Alastair,” Cordelia hissed as he pushed her back into the house and closed the door before James could stop him. He clicked the lock into place as James jiggled the knob. With his crutch securely tucked under his arm, he grabbed Cordelia’s hand with the other. But before he could drag her along, she ripped free from him and pressed her back against the door.
“Don’t be stupid, Cordelia,” hissed Alastair. “You have to be smarter than this. Can’t you see what he’s doing? He’s trying to get back at me for what I did to him at the academy by hurting you!”
“I’m not stupid,” she spat back. Her hair hung in limp curls around her face. Her cheeks had more color in them than he’s seen in months. It irritated him further. “And he’s not. Unlike you he’s trying to move past all of that. You’re not children at the academy anymore, grow up! He cares about me and I care about him and neither of those things have anything to do with you.”
Alastair felt his chest explode, but only laughter burst from his lips. “He doesn’t care about you, Cordelia. He doesn’t. You don’t matter to him. You have to see that.”
“I do matter to him!”
“You don’t,” demanded Alastair. “I’ve seen the way he looks at Grace Blackthorn and it’s not the same way he looks at you. Have you forgotten what he’s done?”
“That was a misunderstanding,” said Cordelia, her eyes brimming. “He explained everything to me.”
“Did he?” asked Alastair. He pointed his finger at the door where James last stood. “How convenient that when he can’t have the girl that he’s actually in love with, he comes groveling back to the girl that gives her love so freely.” Cordelia’s cheeks bloomed red as she tore her eyes away from him. “He’s a liar and he’s trouble and you’re not to see him ever again, do you understand me?”
“You cannot forbid me to see him.”
“Yes, I can.” Alastair glared. “Because if I find out that you are seeing him, I will tell everyone that he was the one that burned down Blackthorn manor and the night we left it was he who was in Grace Blackthorn’s bedroom when you walked in.”
Cordelia looked at him as if he had struck her. “Why are you doing this? Why are you being this way?”
Alastair shook. “I am trying to stop you from making a horrible decision.”
“Stop trying to protect me!” Cordelia demanded. “I don’t criticize you for your choices on who to involve yourself with and I do not appreciate being told who I can or cannot love anymore than you do.” She smoothed the wet hair away from her face. “You promised. You promised you wouldn’t say a word of those secrets. How dare you throw them in my face to accomplish your own vindications. I will not be your pawn in this long standing war you have with him. If you say a word of those secrets to anyone, I will never speak to you again. Then you will truly be alone.”
She shouldered around Alastair, her skirts dripped water as she passed him, and this time Alastair didn’t reach out to stop her.
A/N: Good evening! I hope your October is going splendidly so far. I am experiencing some moderate to extreme anxiety due to work related issues. My job before quarantine has not asked me to return yet, so I found and started a freelance writing job, which in theory should be really exciting, but I have ZERO self-confidence in myself or my writing. So, I’m working through that. This chapter was a fun escape for me. I hope you guys enjoy it! Please hit that cute little heart, drop a lovely comment, and reblog if you feel so inclined. As always, be safe, take care of yourself, and stay healthy out there. Next update will be in two weeks, Nov 1.
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BakuSquad In Jail
I saw these pics randomly and talking with my friend, @thatweirdfrenchcanadian​ , we came up with some funny HCs for the BakuSquad and the reason they got in jail.
I have no idea who the artists are, I’ve been having the pics in my phone for a while, but if anyone knows the artist, please let me know so I can tag them appropriately!
Tumblr media
They were at a party, just the 5 of them, and they were happy for getting into Pro-Hero agencies, and now they weren’t side kicks anymore, so of course, they had to celebrate accordingly!
A huge party where they all let loose and have fun without anyone judging!
What none of them were expecting was to get shit faced drunk and do lots of weird shit, enough to somehow get into jail for whatever reason.
Kaminari Denki:
Baby Pikachu got so drunk that he made Momo make a Pikachu onesie for him, on the spot, along with a Naruto headband, and made Mina do some lines on his face, to resemble Naruto, then went out to the nearest monument and threw paint at it.
If they were human statues, he’d draw lightnings on their foreheads and write “VOLDEMORT WAS HERE” on their torsos.
If they were animals, he will paint them in weird colours.
And if they were some new art, he’d just throw random paint and say “IT’S MODERN ART, YOU’LL NEVER UNDERSTAND, NORMIE!”
If that wasn’t enough, he stole a shopping cart and made Kirishima push him in it down the street.
Street that was actually a slope made by Todoroki in an attempt to ice skate and show off.
Unfortunately, Kirishima got distracted by a pigeon and started running after it to become the new Snow White, and Denki kept going down the ice slope, shrieking in the cart, thinking he was in a roller coaster.
When the policeman got him, he started giggling, saying he’s not drunk, just super LIT, FAM, and started doing a super fast triple dab.
Triple dab that he ended up slamming his arm into his head so hard that he knocked himself out and he was out like a light.
Bakugou Katsuki:
You can’t blame a guy who goes to sleep earlier than 9pm and barely drinks alcohol, so he can have a perfect hero-training schedule that he got drunk from very few shots of vodka and now he was feeling light like a feather and wants to entertain people...
More or less because their awes and gasps of wonder boost his ego so much that he wants to show off his explosions.
Katsuki starts doing random explosions around the house, then, when people tell him to do flashier tricks, he goes out and pulls lots of different typed of explosions, flashier, with more light, with more heat, with more colour, with more sound and whatever else the audience wanted.
When the cops came, they wanted to charge him for illegal use of fireworks, which sent Bakugou into a blind frenzy since NOBODY CALLS HIS EXPLOSIONS MERE, LAME FIREWORKS, OKAY?!
He started roaring and growling at the policeman, showing him that he can do EXPLOSIONS not some stupidly lame fireworks, which only ends up with lots of curses, fighting, and it takes a lot of new policeman to get him an elephant tranquillizer to make him stop.
Of course, they needed special restraints for him, since he’s so violent, but that wasn’t a problem, and Bakugou was used to these restraints, since he was forced to wear them twice before.
Poor Sero was mostly innocent, and he is pretty used to light drinking and these types of parties, but he really wanted to let loose this time around, so he started playing beer pong, never have I ever with vodka and tequila shots, and many other drinking games that made him SO happy in his drunken state.
As well as that, he had some weed joints that he really wanted to smoke...
And some LSD, because what could be better than trippin’ at a party when you’re so happy?
Always time for first times!
He used his tape to get into a spiderman position, hanging down from the ceiling after getting the LSD and started smoking some joints, letting the euphoria take effect on him.
Hanta started grinning and giggling, swaying back and forth with that tape, until someone, that he still has no idea, even to this moment (Definitely Denki) dared him to play Tarzan out in the city, so he started jumping from building to building, yelling incoherently that he is the KING OF THE URBAN JUNGLE...Or something like that, it was mostly unintelligible.
When he got arrested, he got into a spiderman position again and winked at the policeman, asking if he wanted to be his Mary Jane.
Then passed out and fell on the ground...For some reason, giggling in that unconscious state.
Ashido Mina
Mina was drinking cocktails, martinis and tequilas with each costume she would do for the catwalk she created in the house, each time, flashier and more ridiculous outfits, but hey, they were fun, and for some reason, most of them had holes...From accidental acid drips.
She MAY also be on acid anyway, who knows...Mina says her name is symbolic for more than her Quirk...
She got dared to recreate some iconic make ups from James Charles and mid-way to her look, she realised she didn’t have everything she needed, so she went to the closest shop and raided the make up isle, trying out each and every one of the products there, using her selfie camera as a mirror and trying to do her best.
The shop assistants were horrified at the girls behaviour, but her only answer was “Hi, I’m the Alien Queen, wanna be my Predator?”
When the cop car came over, and the lights started going red and blue, she thought she was being photographer by the paparazzi, so she brought a random pair of sunglasses, with the tag in the middle of her face, and put her fluffy boa around her shoulders.
And started posing.
She didn’t have perfect balance for most of the posings, but she tried her best to mimic all those cool fashion pics she saw in magazines.
At the end, she asked the cop if he wanted an autograph, and when he refused, she giggled, took out her eyeliner and wrote on his forehead ALIEN QUEEN XOXO
Kirishima Eijirou
Kiri was the most innocent in all of this, and he shouldn’t have been arrested in the first place, but he wanted to be where he best friends are, so that’s just that.
Well, he was convinced by the rest of the BakuSquad that it’s MANLY to drink, so he had a drinking contest with TetsuTetsu, that ended up with both of them under the table pretty fast.
The bet of this contest was that whoever was the first to wake up would win, and since TetsuTetsu won, Kiri had to take the water gun that Tsuyu brought and pretend to play CS:Go in the nearest store.
Of course, he did just that, but he was completely oblivious to the fact that Tokoyami wrapped his bandana to his face, instead of his forehead, to look like a funny western cowboy or whatever, and when he got in the store, all not-so-stealthily, the shop assistants hit the alarm and called the cops for having a robber.
With all that loud noise, he started squirting water everywhere, shrieking and saying WATER IN THE HOLE, THROW THE GRENADE, TAKE COVER, HIT SPACE, AHHHHHH!
Needless to say, the assistants and customers were more confused than scared.
When the cop came over, he blinked at him confused, saying that he can’t get in jail, since he’s a shark, and then shoot water in the cop’s face.
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The end:
When they all woke up, Mina was the first to realise what happened, due to her phone buzzing like crazy to her Snapchat stories, and only then she realised what happened...At least to her.
Then, her jailer told her how she got there, and she could only laugh at how bad she was in only a few hours of the night.
Of course, Yaomomo was graceful enough to bail them out of there, was the caution was nothing more than a breeze and they didn’t actually do anything too bad to actually keep them there anyway.
All that, while Midoriya was bawling his eyes out like a waterfall to some random jailer, telling them how amazingly kind hearted and nice heroes they are, and that they did a mistake, and it won’t happen again...
Blah Blah Blah.
He didn’t even realise how Mina walked out of her cell and sprinted to the boys’ cell, where she stood on the ground, telling them what Jirou, Tsuyu and Tokoyami told them happened that night and how they all ended up there.
Of course, it was all in good fun, despite the fact that they were sure Aizawa was going to hunt them down and kill them for the idiocy they did...
But they aren’t called the 1-Braincell Squad for no reason, right?!
To commemorate such a weirdass experience, Mina took the picture with her phone, telling them all to look natural, so they did as told.
Except Bakugou, who was beyond pissed off at what happened and kept grumbling something about stupid fireworks.
They were SO doing this shit again.
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What a Sleepover
Okay, so I may or may not be plotting some headcannons for Zuko 👀👀
BUT, in the meantime- I must push this fic out because I've been thinking of it for a while!
Also, small psa. Just because two dudes are having a sleepover, hugging, holding hands etc. does not mean they're into each other, or gay. Same goes for females, we all just need affection sometimes and shouldn't have to be dating to do so!
Summary: Karma and Nagisa are having a sleepover because that's what best friends do :)
It was the last class before a well deserved free day. Well, it feels very well deserved.
It was a rough week of extra training not to mention crammed-in study sessions for the following tests. Finally, about ten minutes until school's was done for.
Nagisa was just bouncing his leg in excitement, especially because he is going to go home with Karma.
It wasn't very often they got to hang out anymore, so he was going to take this sleepover and enjoy it. And everything else can go shove it.
So yeah, Nagisa was quite excited. It was a time to just be stress-free. Not just from the normal teenage stress, but the stress placed on their shoulders about the end of the world.
So, when the bell finally rung, it took every bit of will power not to whoop. Instead, he said his goodbyes to Kaede like the gentlemen he is.
He then, packed his things, walking towards Karma's desk.
"You ready to go?" He asked.
"Yeah, give me one second." Karma replied, pulling his back over his shoulder. "Okay, you won't mind if we stop by the store real quick? I want to pick out a few things before we head to my house."
"Yeah, we can go." Nagisa said as they began to walk out the door together. "What are you gonna get?"
"Just some snacks, I don't know. If you see something you like, tell me."
Nagisa just nodded as they continued to their journey to the store. It was mostly accompanied by silence, but it was nice silence. Just listening to some music they've recently found with the occasional bob to the beat.
Once they finally made it to the store, Nagisa just followed behind Karma.
"You cooking tonight?" Nagisa asked seeing Karma picking out some beef.
"Yeah, I was planning on making some beef curry. Unless you wanna order."
"Nah, I always prefer your cooking."
"Damn right."
They got to the isle filled with snacks, Karma just let Nagisa pick out a few.
"Imagine if your parents were here." Nagisa mentioned making the other snort.
"God, they'd lose their shit. I mean sure they're gone but they're... something." Karma huffed, shaking his head.
Nagisa could remember the first time he met Karma's family, it was strange to say at the least. They were putting Karma on a strict diet, despite the fact that he was already skinny. It was just strange.
"Has it ever bothered you?" Nagisa asked suddenly.
"Uh, I mean, them being gone all the time. Does it bother you? Like don't you get lonely sometimes?"
"Not really, it's weird. I don't miss them if that's what you're asking."
"When was the last time they were here?"
"Uh, shit I dunno. A little before I was suspended last year."
"Oh don't worry, it's freeing if anything. It's nice. I'm not a people person."
"I know, I know. But still."
"How about, worry about yourself and your own jackass of a mother." Karma said lightly punching Nagisa's head.
He always does that.
"Well, welcome to my humble abode. You already know where everything is and whatnot. Do me a favor, set something up to watch while I make dinner, will ya?"
"You got it chef Karma." Nagisa soluted then retreated to the living room getting something to watch.
Long story short, Karma finished cooking, they ate it and it was absolutely delicious.
Like what couldn't he do?
They then watched some fun stuff, did whatever they felt like until they set up camp in the living room. Aka, Karma getting blankets and pillows, and for them to wrestle who got the couch and floor.
Then they just talked, talked about some woke shit, but not really woke shit ya know?
"Terasaka's a bitch." Karma blurted.
"You're an even bigger bitch." Nagisa retorted, snorting at the random statement.
"Hey, at least I take pride into it."
Nagisa just changed his position slightly by resting his head on Karma's stomach (they're resting like a T) Hey, bromance. It was normal, Karma wasn't very touchy feely but Nagisa was and Karma had to accommodate. Basically, Karma didn't have a say but he didn't really care. It was nice having someone trust him like that.
"This year is crazy." Nagisa said just staring into the ceiling.
"And it's not gonna be any less crazy any time soon."
"You think we're actually going to kill him?"
"On how sappy everyone gets."
"But we have to."
"There could always be another way. It always bothered me when Koro Sensei said that he blew up the moon and will to the earth. What is stopping him? He could've done it a long time ago when even the higher ups can't do shit. How come he's now giving us -fucking students of all people- a deadline. He could take us all out as easily as a blink of an eye, what it stopping him?"
"Should we ask him?" Nagisa asked, making Karma bark out a laugh.
"Absolutely the fuck not."
Nagisa just hummed in response. Karma then just sighed obnoxiously.
"I'm bored."
"What do you wanna do?"
"I dunno."
"You don't know?"
"Nope, entertain me."
"Wearing one of my mom's dresses."
"Fuck no!" Nagisa yelped, sitting up.
"What? It'd just be you in your final form."
"You're an ass."
"Ouch, I'm truly hurt. You've wounded me deeply Nagisa!" Karma said clutching his heart, turning to his side covering his head with a pillow. "Just leave me here wounded to such painful words you've set upon me."
Nagisa just scoffed, poking his side making him yelp sitting up quickly.
"Oi!" He pouted.
"What?" Nagisa asked pretending to be concerned.
"And you're calling me an ass?"
"You wanna see this 'ass'."
"Not really, I can already smell it." He snickered.
"Oh yeah?" Nagisa said putting his hands up. Karma catches them pushing them away from him.
"Nagisa, I will rock your shit."
"Yeah? And I can do the same."
"Sure thing pipsqueak."
"You'll apologies for that."
"Will I?" Karma said pretending to think for a few seconds, "I don't think so."
"You're so gonna get it."
"Yeah, whatcha gonna do about it?"
Nagisa then quickly let go of Karma's hands, tweaking his sides.
"Hey!" He yelped, "That's cheating!"
"How so, modern problems call for modern solutions."
"You did not just say that-" He cut himself off as he saw Nagisa snake his hands towards him. "Okay, we're not gonna do that!" He said pushing Nagisa's arms away from him.
"Why not?" Nagisa snickered, "Is it because little Karma's too ticklish?"
"Nagisa, shut the fuck up." He fumed, his face starting to get red.
"Awwe this is adorable." Nagisa was loving this, after all those times Karma embarrassed him to no end.
"Fuck oHOFF!" He yelped as Nagisa quickly started to squeeze his sides.
Did he fuck off? Nope. If anything, he continued to squeeze his sides. This made Karma fall not so gracefully onto his back. he was slapping and swatting his arms aimlessly at Nagisa, pulling at his hands trying desperately to pull him off.
"STOHOHOP NAGISA!" He screeched, laughing loudly and uncontrollably. He was squirming around as much as he could, trying to buck Nagisa off but the boy was determined.
"What's wrong? I thought you were said you were gonna 'rock my shit'." Nagisa teased. It was hilarious how easy it was to tease Karma.
The redhead was trying. Key word: trying, to retaliate by jabbing his fingers at Nagisa's ribs. Only reason it didn't work was because it actually hurt a bit. Thank god for Karma losing all sense of control when being tickled.
"Oh yeah? Do you think you're in any position to try that?" Nagisa asked, snaking his hands to the hollows of Karma's underarms.
He squealed, arching his back, elbows locked to his sides and laughter reducing slightly to giggles. It's his least ticklish spot, but it still keeps him going strong. He was able to spout out a string of curses and demands of stopping to Nagisa, but all fruitless.
This however, gave Nagisa full access to the spot he knows kills Karma: stomach.
As soon as his hands had even made contact to his shaking abdomen, Karma screeched.
"NOHODON'TPLEAHAHAHA-" He pleaded. He was trying his best to throw the smaller boy off him. However, it was deeming incredibly difficult with the unbearable sensations that spreaded all throughout his stomach. Nagisa made sure to squeeze every bit of his midsection before briefly traveling to his ribs.
He drilled his fingers between his bones without mercy.
"Are you going to apologize for calling me a pipsqueak?" Nagisa asked digging at his stomach again, making him squeal with every vibrating movement.
He knew that Karma could barely speak a proper sentence, but this was very fun.
What was more fun was seeing a bit of skin from his shirt that rode up from all the rustling. Nagisa tried to grab his hands with one hand, not very successful but better then not trying. His other went under Karma's shirt clawing at his twitching stomach making his laugh come out more panicked.
"Sorry, I can't really hear you." Nagisa grinned, vibrating his hand right around his navel making Karma nearly jump out his skin. His laughter went in and out of being silent. Nagisa felt bad and relented his attack.
The redhead in turn was panting out a few giggles holding his midsection.
"Gohod, you're such a dick."
"Meh, maybe. But you deserved it you mega dick."
"Whatever." He waved off Nagisa, sitting up. He turned his head to the blue boy. "You know I'm gonna get you back."
Nagisa just sighed pumping the air deflated, "Worth it."
"Well, I'm getting snacks and you aren't having shit."
"Why must you be so cruel?" Nagisa sobbed. Karma just chuckled walking to the kitchen.
Karma although wasn't a big fan of getting tickled the shit out of him, it was nice to let loose every once in a while. If course he isn't going to say that though.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Winner’s Curse: Epilogue
Note: Wooo boy, it’s over. Now I know not many people may have read this, it may not have the best editing and some parts are a bit vague and not the best. In fact I’ll probably revise some parts at a later date or if I ever decide to post on A03, but I am still super proud of it. I think I did some great character parts and there are some sections that I’m just super proud of. I’m also happy that I actually finished it. It’s my longest fic to date and I actually completed it! 30 chapters. Well 32 if you include the prologue and epilogue. So cool! Plus I wrote what I really wanted, which I’ll admit was not the plot. The plot was a bit wonky and maybe I had too many characters that I didn’t juggle well and didn’t give them all equal exploration. Also action scenes were hard for me to write so those were not the best. But still- getting to explore these characters and their relationships and include several of my favorite Disney characters. Very fun. Also thanks to @edream93 for encouraging me when this was just a little idea, looking over some sections and offering advice and for overall being an amazing person. Check out her WLTF and other descendants fics like London Fog Nightcaps. And for the final time, hope y’all enjoy reading.
Flash forward to summer break in Agrabah
Jordan stretched, cracking her back after sitting hunched at her desk for the past hour editing her latest video How to Date a Djinn Episode 3. She had finally convinced the tech-averse Calix to join her in making satire videos of all the most terrible dates she had been on. Initially, she had planned for it to be a serious thing where she reminded her viewers of genie autonomy and the idea they had feelings behind their wishing powers, but Calix was never good at playing emotional PSAs.
Besides it was more fun that way to spoof how terrible, and sometimes ridiculous her romantic suitors were. Plus the hilarity kept her from thinking too much about the bitterness of the memories.
She cracked her neck and poofed outside to Aziz’s room where her lamp laid on its usual perch. Outside she could hear the thump of running feet and the screech of confused peacocks.
“Malik! No riding the peacocks!” A servant shouted
“Yes, riding peacocks!”
“No, Noor, Fahran, that’s not allowed. Get off of them!”
Jordan shook her head in amusement at the kids' antics.
Noor and Fahran were having a blast hanging out with their new “little” brother as they called the 5 year old. Though they were family in a way. Jade was the half sister to Aladdin’s half brother, Mozonroth. And Malik was their nephew. Even though the family tree was a bit tangled and confusing to visualize in your head.
And where Jade and Malik were concerned, Jay was also included as Aladdin had originally planned in inviting the former thief to Agrabah so they could get to know each other, and Jay, to get in touch with the more savory side of his heritage. Jay and Aladdin had especially hit off as they compared lives on the streets and bragged about some of their more daring heists so any concern of whether the Jafar connection would sour things was gone. All together, Jay, Jade and Malik were new, though unofficial members of the family. Aladdin, and Jasmine decided to hold off any official adoption in respect to Jay and Jade’s feelings.
Though, having three new members meant triple the chaos, the running in the halls and inevitable breaking of antique objects. It was still triple the fun.
Razoul, predictably, despised the decision. But hey, he wasn’t the sultan.
Jordan peeked out to the hall, no sign of peacock racing or frazzled servants anywhere. Since she’d been inside so long she decided to go outside to the backyard.
Passing the living room, she saw Jay playing some sort of Wii-fit game against Carlos, Lonnie and Gil whose scores were also reflected on the screen even as they played millions of miles away in their own living rooms. Jordan checked the time, ah it was 2’o clock on the doubt. Jay always called his friends at this time since it was when the time zones converged suitably for all of them to chat.
Jade was lounging on the couch, facetiming her girlfriend, Yzla. Jordan waved, and Jade waved in return, focusing mainly on their conversation which involved some llama prank with Empress Malina. Yzla was staying with Emperor Kuzco and his family. A arrangement Kuzco had initially been against but his wife and son overruled him. Which was for the best because apparently Yzla and him were hitting it off like two peas in a pod, scaring Malina, by tricking her into thinking Kuzco had changed into a llama again.
Huh, that reminded her, she hadn’t checked social media in a few hours. So she scrolled through, looking at Ben’s new post that there was to be a new class in the fall. Magic 101 with Flora, Fauna and Merrywhether and many surprise guest lecturers.
The Magic 101 class had been one of Uma’s many ideas for the new and improved Auradon. She told Ben of Alexandria’s reasoning for the revolt, explaining that the pressure for magic creatures to deny their magic was a strong reason for resentment, and most importantly, unfair. And Ben, who had been present at several meetings where mermaids, fairies and others stated their petitions of complaints, agreed. King Ben had removed the magic ban and decided to institute the Magic 101 class. Contrary to the name, the class wasn’t for magical beings, they already knew how to deal with their powers and not use them to affect others or supposedly cheat at life. The class was a requirement for Auradonians to learn about their fellow beings, how it was a vital part of them and the greater natural world.
Ben had actually suggested that she’d be the magical liaison and teacher assistant for the new Magic 101 classes but she had politely declined. She did accept going as a demonstrator whenever it was time for her Dad’s guest lecture.
But a fulltime TA? It sounded like too much work, her powers were not applicable to the greater magical population, and most importantly, she really wanted to get back to doing her auratube show. Especially now that she was bound to have so many new subscribers thanks to her newfound fame for helping to defeat the Coven.
Jordan had considered doing a series about the Isle mission against the Coven in order to get the story straight and not create too wild legends regarding their month and a half there. And okay, there was also the fact that she wanted to renew her hits after losing subscribers after not posting for a month.
But she ultimately decided not to. It was their mission, only they’d get what happened in that wild untamed place of evil and poverty. Besides, it was very personal and she didn’t want to have to go into her fights with Aziz and Jay on Auratube. Or her encounter with Antiquam.
No she’d rather not think about the latter for a very long time.
Dismissing those thoughts she scrolled through several more posted announcements like the newly formed Minority Kingdom Council made up of representatives from Atlantis, Atlantica, Arrendelle, Kuzcoropia, and Pydrian, who were overrun by environmental and tourism concerns as Alexandria brought up. There was also a new class of Vks that were coming in. Basically the teen population of the Isle.
The orphans and kids from the Isle were sent to boarding elementary schools around Auradon as well as foster care with professional trained therapists for the abused youngsters.
Ben’s decision to bring the whole teen population in had been a controversial one. But he had stood by it, stating that he was taking the advice of his people, the ones from his generation who were to make up the future generation and a schoolwide vote had agreed that the Vks should be let in.
Granted it had taken a two month lobbying campaign led by Mal and Evie with Lonnie, Carlos, Jane and Jay’s help. But they did, they persuaded lots of royal kids that it was better to bring Vks over. It also helped that Mal, Jay, Evie, Carlos and Uma had been pronounced Auradon’s saviors thrice in a row so…
Though it wouldn’t be until August that all the Vks, with a few exceptions like the resolutely bad CJ Hook and Prince Lars, and Antiquam, would be able to get to Auradon. But they would, Uma was making sure of it. Even Zevon and Ginny were coming despite their actions in proudly helping the Coven, Ben believed they just needed to be removed from the negative influences of their mothers.
Some Vks had already come over like Carlos’ cousin. Diego had refused to enter the VK program through school, but through the work progrm. Now he and his band, Rotten Apples, could introduce Isle grunge rock to Auradon’s farmer populations and inspire them to use music to express themselves. Carlos informed them that Diego wasn’t too into that inspiration and empowerment stuff, but he was loving the popularity. And he often crashed to the Radcliff house to catch up with Carlos and get a break from his adoring fans.
Harriet Hook, also in the work program, was working in Neverland, serving as guard for docks and a pretty mean one too, Jordan heard. Any tourist that tried to sneak
Not that everyone was residing in the homes of their parents’ enemies. Celia Facilier was living with her sister Freddie, and Freddie’s girlfriend, Ally at the Mad for Tea Shop. Also as a student by day and helping her sister as the evening entertainment at night. Singing only. FG was still wary of introducing such sketchy magic as card readings. Celia did choose to be a TA to her sister’s class, Goodness 101. Freddie was taking over for FG to make it a revamped, less patronizing seminar of how to act in Auradon with Ally popping in for politeness lessons and Carlos with therapy dogs. Though FG still stayed in the room to supervise and make sure the class stayed on track and not turn into “Everything that’s wrong about sappy sweet Auradon.”
Dizzy was reunited with her mother, her aunt Anastasia, her uncle, the Baker and Anthony Tremine and they lived in the faculty building of Auradon Prep. Easy for Anthony and Dizzy to get to school and for the Baker to go to his new job as school cook.
His baguettes were to die for, so flaky and crispy. Even Chad reluctantly agreed to their goodness when she interviewed him for student reactions to the new cook. Anastasia and Drizella were the new cosmeticians in training at the school’s day spa even though the two still argued over what was a better color and such.
Also working in Auradon’s kitchen were Gil, and Cosette’s mothers who had taken in their other’s sister’s sons, Gaston Jr, Gaston the Third and Gaston (IV) the Great. Their mother had been deemed just as abusive as Gaston and was to stay on the Isle with him. Gil had been nervous about living with his brothers again but he had Cosette by his side and Harry and Uma just a street away. Harry was just as fiercely loyal as ever to his crew and to Uma, who he’d wait for outside of Ben’s office, waiting for their meetings to end.
Gil also had Jay on his side. And though Jordan had absolutely no proof, she just felt something between them, and she was planning to use this summer to sniff out just what it was.
It had been more controversial to bring back some adult villains like Anastasia and Circe, but Ben had explained that he was not in the business of tearing families apart and adults were able to change too. Smee, for instance, wanted to retire from swabbing desks and wanted his second act in life to follow his lifelong dream. Be a clockmaker, ironically enough considering his boss’ fear of the ticking. Same with other low level henchmen like Jace and Harry, and Hun soldiers that had been following the battle orders and propaganda Shan Yu had fed them.
Ben had promised not all adults would come over, especially not ones that had abused their children, and that he, Mal and Uma were designing a careful vetting process for this program.
As for the Auradonian bred villains. Morgana and Morgaine hadn’t stayed in the dungeon for long. One day the guards had come down to give their food and they were just gone. No one knew where they went and no magic had been able to locate them. Merlin said it was no use trying. The Le Feys were tricky and wouldn’t reappear again unless they wanted to.
Kyro, Victoria and Alexandria were in therapy now in a new building away from the dorms and those who would shun them for their actions like the media that had reviled them when the news leaked out. It was a bit of a depressing building Jordan thought since one could see it if they leaned far out their windows. The outside of it looked like an insane asylum but Evie enthused about how open- aired and peaceful it was inside. The point of it was to clear the outside world, and focus on healing. What’s more, since Uma learned of FG’s somewhat oblivious and condescending advice from Alexandria, they hired a new counselor. A Dr. Mickey Mouse.
So yeah, things seemed to wrapping out into a happily ever after for all.
Jordan walked into a door, rubbing her head of the bruise and cursing herself for not looking up. Tucking the phone in her pocket, she was about to open the door when Aziz opened it for her, heading inside from hanging out on the hammock.
He didn’t even look at her as he entered, he was busy chatting on the phone with who else, his new girlfriend.
Aziz had stayed true to his word that he and Lala were just friends, and remained just friends for three months. It had irritated Jordan to no end to watch them sneak discreet looks, study together since Lala only knew the Atlantean alphabet and not the English, and dance around their feelings as if the obvious wasn’t there. And it took all her self control to honor her vow to not meddle and send a flying carpet in to speed things up.
At least Aziz did not shut her out completely and still went to her advice for what to do when he asked her to be his girlfriend.
“What if she says no? Or doesn’t know what that is. Jay did say it was only gang activity. Or maybe she’ll just say no because she thinks she’ll go crazy like her mom. But I really want her to say yes. Oh Allah, what if I mess it up instead by acting like an idiot. Or she already thinks that. I walked into a wall yesterday.”
“Aziz, she likes you,” Jordan reassured him, “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Like a leopard with dinner, she totally wants to eat you. In a sexy, hungry with desire way. Not cannibal way. And really, walking into a wall? That’s not a dealbreaker or even embarrassing. If you want to talk about embarrassing, nothing can top the time you popped in front of that yoga instructor you were trying to impress.” “I had food poisoning from the oysters!” Aziz yelled indiginantly.
“Doesn’t change the fact that you shitted during downward dog,” Jordan smirked at Aziz’s flustered angry face, “Nor was it like that time when you tried to impress Anxlin with a butterfly knife and ended up-”
“Will you stop bringing up the past?” Jordan decided to change tactics and be the serious, comforting big sister that he wanted, “Just speak from the heart. You’re on the same page with so many things, and you talk so much. Sooo much, it’s kinda annoying. Especially when you’re yapping in my room when I’m trying to watch a movie. But anyway, I think when the time comes your heart will guide you to say the right thing. And if not… your lips can speak for you.”
So with that fabulous advice if Jordan said so herself, on the last day of school, before they went their separate ways for vacation. Aziz went to her room and asked her.
And while she said she wouldn’t meddle, Jordan totally turned into a bee to go through the keyhole and eavesdrop on their conversation. For moral support. Just Aziz didn’t know about it.
It was endearingly awkward as Aziz stammered through some rambling monologue of how he liked her a lot, and only if she was okay with it, but he really thought they had something so woud she maybe consider being his girlfriend.
Aziz should probably have gotten some lessons from Jay on the art of smooth, but Lala seemed to get it. “So if we’re in a relationship we do what we do now… but with kissing?” she clarified.
“Yes!” Aziz agreed eagerly, then tried to dial down his excitement, “I mean sure, if you want.”
“I would really like that,” Lala bit her lip nervously but her expression was hopefully as Aziz leaned in.
Their kiss was short, two seconds at the most. Jordan would have given it a three out of five. It was unsure and the two seemed to be surprised they even did it. But it was clear from the look in their eyes, that they only saw each other and the rest of the world was already fading away for them, that that small kiss was perfect to them.
So they kissed again. Much more purposefully this time. Oh Allah, Jordan was so proud when Aziz added some passion and slipped tongue first. He was really growing up.
And they kissed again, and again and soon they were making out on Lala’s bed, which was starting to get kinda gross and Jordan was feeling weird about watching them. So she took that as her cue to leave.
But now she had plenty of new things to annoy Aziz about so she took it as a plus.
Grabbing him by the arm to stop, Jordan grabbed his camera.
“Hi, Lala, how are you?” Jordan waved, mugging for the camera as Aziz grabbed it back, and tried to push her out of the frame. The white-haired girl was dressed up in Evie’s new line of summer clothes with her hair up in a bun, and most startingly, her brown eyes were human.
It was silly that Jordan was surprised by Lala’s human eyes, she had been the one to change them when in a burst of good will offered all their allies on the adventure a wish. Lala hadn’t used the offered three wishes, just one, which was to remove the leopard spell Queen La had put on her. She lost her cat eyes and the habit of walking on all fours, but she still had her cat-like grace which Jordan chalked up to natural ability. It had been three months since that wish, but she had been so used to Lala’s cat-like slits with the dilated pupils. It had been a unique marker like the scar that everyone could see on Lala’s leg when she wore shorts.
“I’m well. Aziz sent me your new vlog about Odiferous, it was very interesting.” Lala nodded curtly. Jordan knew Lala was usually guarded against everyone so the coldness didn’t bother her as much as it used to. Thanks to hanging out with Aziz and Jade, she was starting to slowly warm up to people she wasn’t close to even though her tone didn’t reflect it.
“How are the Porters?” Jordan asked, cutting off whatever Aziz was about to say next. He glared at her, but she ignored. Hey, she said she’d stop mothering him. So now it was back to  annoying big sister privileges.
“They’re well. Kerchak and I are going tree surfing tomorrow.” Lala answered. When Ben put up the invitation of Vks in need of foster homes or adoptive families, the Porters offered to take in Clay Clayton, and Lala. Clay refused and went with his Aunt, Lady Waltham who was thrilled to meet her surly nephew for the first time. Lala joined the Porters where she was helping their gorilla reserve, connecting with animals instead of hunting them for food and survival.
It was bound to be awkward considering their daughter’s actions, but Auradon seemed to consider it part of their penance even though they hadn’t known what Victoria had planned to wrought. But according to Lala, they did their best to skirt around that sensitive issue and treat her like a guest, and she was starting to befriend Kerchak. He even gave her a leopard of her own which she named Euware II though the pet made Tarzan a bit wary. Still, Lala had to stay in her room on weekends when Victoria visited from therapy.
“That’s great. When are you coming to visit? I know Jade is just dying for you to visit. It’d be fun. We can go sand surfing, oh and explore some of the caves under the citadel. Oh, oh and I just know Aziz wants to show you some of the secret alcoves in the palace. They’re great for making out and-” “Go away!” Aziz waved her off
“You want me to leave? But who will chaperon you two? Who will tell Lala all the embarrassing stories from your childhood? I’ve been holding onto blackmail for a reason, Aziz. I must tell her,” Jordan turned to the screen, “But seriously, come visit. I’ll leave you to it.”
“Thank you!” Aziz sighed in exasperation, “Give me 5 minutes, I’ll join you to go to the bazaar later, Jord.”
“See ya!” Jordan called over the shoulder as she headed to the palace kitchen, still hearing some snippets of Aziz’s conversation about his summer psychology classes. His new passion since Jordan had suggested that since he liked overanalyzing and counselling other people's problems, he could research into being a psychologist.
Upon reaching the outside, Jordan took a big breath of the sweet summer air with a hint of jasmine and the coconut and sighed.
Life was good.
Of course, life was always good when it was summer vacation but it was more than that. She had really committed to what she had learned on the Isle. She lived in the present now, and tried not to wallow in the anger and resentment that extended to almost every human she met.
Did that kind of positive mindset always work? Hell no, sometimes, someone would grab her arm, requesting for a wish, rubbing her jacket as if that was the lamp and not her. Yeah, that stupid event would irritate her all morning but she didn’t go into her spiral of how all humans were greedy monsters, her life sucked that she had to walk among them and so on and so forth. She learned to vent to Aziz and let it go.
She would always meet bad people in her life, when that happened, if the situation was appropriate, she would blow a mini sandstorm in their face and move on.
She’d also gotten more sensitive about complaining about humanity in front of Aziz. She tried to complain of an individual person and not make broad generalizations about the mortal race, and repeat that Aziz and his family were the exception.
Well Aladdin’s family, and Uma, and Jay, and Lonnie, and Calix and Ben, and she was starting to realize her circle of those she trusted was expanding.
It felt good to have that knowledge.
Even if Aziz might not always be there, though she’d kill him if he wasn’t, she still had others who cared about her.
Then again, she, Calix, Aziz, Jay and Uma had been through a harrowing adventure that nearly destroyed the world they knew, and had to face their greatest fears and insecurities to do so. If that didn’t make you trust a person, what would?
There were also her parents. Her parents always had her back.
That was another thing she’d been committed to doing since she got back from the Isle and saved Auradon.
Her parents had been the first ones to get there, magical teleportation after all and were laying out the blue carpet and making plans for the greatest party in all of Agrabah for their daughter, the hero. Instead of getting annoyed by their zany antics as usual, and annoyed at how they ignored the fact she faced possibly life-ending danger against their enemies, she just hugged them.
The act had clearly surprised them because both of their jaws broke off and fell to the floor before snapping back up like a ball. But they loved the change in her nonetheless.
Ever since then, she’d been going out with them every other weekend, be it ice skating on Saturn’s rings or clubbing or going out to drink in celebration of the banning of the Magic Ban.
She had thought for so long that if she let herself act even a little bit like them, she’d be signing herself to a fate of servitude, never being taken seriously, and becoming a negligent oblivious person who only wanted to focus on fun.
She had worried that if these things didn’t come naturally to her, she’d have to fake it in order to fit in and be palatable to her own parents. So they wouldn’t become bored with her. She hadn’t liked thinking about it, but she always felt that was the underlying reason they left her.
But she lived in the present now and shoved all those thoughts away. She did what she wanted without thinking of the implications. And she found that actively listening to what they were saying, how they constantly suggested ideas for their next adventure, how it was too bad she had school and couldn’t come with them to their trip. They didn’t think she was a damper on their party style, they wanted her to be with them. And she usually said to each invitation.
YOLO, right. Well more like YOLFSMAWEI.
(You Only Live Forever So Might As Well Enjoy It. Not as catchy but infinitely more accurate)
Family time was a lot more enjoyable that way instead of brooding that once it was over, they were going to forget about her and go about their lives as if they didn’t have a daughter.
Although, Jordan still did crave for a meaningful talk where she got to tell them about some of her issues with their lack of parenting oversight, and maybe delve into how abandoned she felt when they wouldn’t discuss such issues like her rape, they still weren’t ready for that.
Though Aladdin was talking to her dad on her behalf, and it seemed he was starting to soften to it.
Until then, she had two sets of parents. Aladdin and Jasmine, probably the first humans who she trusted, and respected. The first ones who saw her as a child and not a being for wishes. They gave her the love and attention she had craved when she needed it. They stood by treating her like everyone else, as she wished, even when it meant disregarding her excuses that her genie-ness exempted her from getting in trouble. They were always present her lives and were the ones that reminded her that her supposed fate was not a fate, that no one could shackle her, not unless they went through them. They encouraged that there other sides to her besides being a genie. That she should work hard, be kind, be honest and be independent.
Her mom and dad, who loved her with all their hearts and thought of her as their best friend. It wasn’t the most parental relationship but she had started to accept that it would never be. They were genie parents, not human ones, and it was finally sinking in that the rules would always be different from them. No matter that Jordan looked human and was raised by them. But that’s what made them special. No one else in the world would get her quite like her mom and dad.
Aziz opened the door, knocking her in the back and she moved over so he could wait beside her.
She checked her phone. Her parents were supposed to come here five minutes ago so they culd go to the bazaar together.
They probably weren’t going to come for another twenty minutes.
Ah genies, Jordan sighed, they were never going to be punctual. She wondered how many years it would be before she started viewing time as an unimportant mortal construct.
She was about to pose that question to Aziz, whether it would occur in his lifetime or in her 5,000s when a green and blue poof popped up in front of them.
“We’re here!” The two blew the smoke away to reveal the pair in matching red and white striped tuxedos with a blinking “Genie and Eden” sign hanging behind them.
“It’s Genie and Eden!” Eden announced
“Eden and Genie!” Genie intoned.
Then with a snap of a finger, the props and costumes disappeared, and Genie sat thoughtfully in the air, “We can’t quite choose which sounds better.”
Eden went back to a form-fitting black leotard with a black bowler hat, smoking a cigar in her best Liza Minelli voice, “Whaddya think, daughter dear, whaddya think?”
“I think we should go to the bazaar and have the people decide which is better.” Jordan suggested, knowing that if they did it here, they wouldn’t leave.
“By george, she’s right!” Genie exclaimed transforming into a nerdy account, “Statistically, it is always better to test things with a test audience, and according to my calculations that the Agrabah bazaar has the best cross-pool of audience with 10% bearded, 40% kids..” He transformed into his usually big blue self, “Aaand let’s get outta here!”
“Wait up!” Jay yelled, nearly running into the four of them with Jade at his side, “I wanna go to the bazaar too, there was that awesome scimir I wanted to buy.” “Yeah me too, I want to steal things too… I-I mean buy. Buy with money. That I did not steal from the mean guard.” “His name is Razoul, and you really shouldn’t. He already doesn’t like you.” Aziz shook his head.
“I don’t like him, and that’s what makes it so tempting.” Jade defended.
“Yeah, he kinda has it coming,” Jay agreed.
“Now, now, we won’t say anything about it. But you must stop,” Eden warned in a prim British accent, poofing into a blue serge suit like a certain famous nanny, “Now spit spot, hurry up, we don’t want to be late to the bazaar.”
Genie transformed into a Bert to his wife’s Mary Poppins, adding, “Come ‘ere ye kiddos and ‘urry it ‘up.”
Jay and Jade stared at each in the classic “What the hell?” expression that bystanders always had whereas her parents were concerned. Aziz and Jordan just shrugged and smiled.
And so they went off to the bazaar and as the sun beated down on them, and Jordan whipped up a hijab from air to keep off the heat, she hummed a familiar tune which Aziz and her dad easily picked up.
“As you wind through the streets at the fabled bazaars with the cardamom-cluttered stalls. You can smell every spice while you haggle the price of the silks and the satin shawls. Oh, the music that plays as you move through a maze in the haze of your pure delight. You are caught in a dance. You are lost in the trance of another Arabian night…”
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ladypaulsvn · 4 years
Hello! Can you write something for Ally with “Do you still like me?” “Don’t ask me that.” Maybe she and reader dated when they were younger and it didn’t work out but they cross paths again, please? Have a good day :)
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Ally Mayfair-Richards x Reader
Word Count: 2,402
Summary: You bump into Ally, your high school sweetheart gone wrong, at a grocery store in your home town.
a/n: don’t kill me.
You didn't want to be here, back in this town that made you miserable for 18 long years. You hated your home town, and your yearly visits for the holidays were no exception. As much as you loved your family, this town had too many bad memories.
Including your first love, who stole your heart, then smashed it. Ally. The two of you had dated all throughout high school, yearning for the future and your life together outside of this miserable town.
When Ally told you that she got accepted into a college across the country from you, you weren't phased at all! You loved her! You could do long distance. You thought Ally felt the same, until things started slowly falling apart.
She seemed as excited as you were, and kept up the facade as you both moved across the country from each other. You made sure to fly out to see her once a month, or once every two months if life got extra busy with finals or a build up of work. You called every day, or at least texted. You told her everything, just as you always had.
Things crashed and burned the time you decided to surprise her for her birthday. You had told her you wouldn't be able to see her this year, you had so much going on and weren't able to get off work. You thought you had tricked her pretty well!
So it was much to your surprise when you arrived at her apartment, a gift in hand, to find her in bed with another woman. You couldn't process what you were seeing and your heart immediately broke in two. Ally called after you, but you simply dropped her present and ran.
She tried to fix things with you. Apologize, tell you that it was a mistake. That she was drunk and it wasn't what it looked like. But it was exactly what it looked like. You broke up with her. And you hadn't spoken to her since.
It was 10 years since then, and this year, things were a bit on the brighter side. The weather seemed to be better than past years, your family wasn't fighting as they usually were which was a plus, and the house was decorated more than it had ever been. It seemed like the perfect holiday.
This morning, you were sent out on a small grocery hunt. It was a bustling Monday morning a few days before Christmas and everyone was out, picking up last minute presents and ingredients for Christmas dinner. Your mother needed a pie crust, that’s all.
You skimmed down the isle, why were pie crust so damn hard to find? You walked slowly, passing sugar, cake mixes, flour, sprinkles until finally! Pie crusts! You picked one with a graham cracker crust and turned around, giddy to get back home and help your mother bake your favorite, a coconut cream pie.
You crashed right into someone. "Oh i'm so sorry!" You said, picking up their basket and handing it to them. Your eyes went wide as you recognized her features. "Ally?" You whispered. Her face was riddled with shock as well.
"Y/n? Wow! I never thought I'd see you again." She laughed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. You smiled, "Yeah, how strange. What are you doing in town? I thought you were across the country?" You asked, rocking on your heels.
"Oh yeah, I am! Just visiting the family. Usually they come out to Cali but this year they wanted snow." Her laugh brought back a million memories. "What about you?"
"Oh, same deal, kinda. I always, um, come here for the holidays." You we're getting anxious. "How's your mother?" She asked and you cursed internally. Why was she doing this?
"Oh um, she's fine. I got this pie crust for her actually, were making co-" You held up the pie crust.
"Coconut cream pie?" She cut you off with a smile. You nodded, laughing, "Yeah. Coconut cream pie."
"Those were always my favorite. Your mother was such a good baker." Her smile was warm and bubbly. Just as it always was.
You stood in silence for a few seconds. "Would you like to..." She bit her lip as she trailed off. "Like to what?" Your heart was racing.
"Get a coffee, maybe?" You could see the hope in her eyes, so you nodded. "Sure."
Why the hell had you said yes? You texted your mother that you were meeting up with a friend for coffee, and you'd be home with the pie crust soon, before cranking up your car.
You sighed as you buckled your seatbelt. You really were stupid, weren't you? The drive to the coffee shop was under 5 minutes, it was a small town after all. You immediately saw Ally closing the door to her car and locking it with a button on her keys. You took a deep breath. You could do this.
You parked and made your way inside the small shop, searching for her brunette bob. You spotted her at a window seat and she seemed to spot you too, waving you over.
"I ordered for you, I hope you don't mind." She said as you sat across from her. You shook your head in response. You looked up the ceiling, the rafters were exposed as they always were. Cobwebs drifting between them. It had been forever since you sat in this spot.
"So..." Ally pursed her lips "Do you have a partner? Work? Kids? What's up in y/n's world?" Her boldness caught you off guard.
"I don't have a partner, actually. But I'm working on my second doctorate right now." You said and her eyes went wide. "Second?"
"Yes. I have one in Psychology and i'm working on one in Criminal Justice." You shared, proud that you seemed to impress her.
"That's very impressive y/n." She said as a waiter came by and handed you both your respective coffee's.
You took a sip. "Thank you."
"I can't say i've done anything nearly as impressive but I am married... That counts for something right?" She laughed and held up her hand, a sparkling ring attached.
"Oh wow, that's amazing Ally. Do you have any kids?" You asked and she nodded.
"A boy. His name is Oz. Hold on I have a picture." She pulled out her phone and showed you a picture of a little blonde curly haired boy with glasses.
"He looks precious." You smiled and she thanked you.
"This coffee is terrible." She leaned across the table and whispered, causing you to laugh. "It really is. The Blue Jay has gone down hill." You joked and her laughter filled the air again.
"Definitely. Remember when we used to come up here every Saturday morning?" Ally asked and you reminisced on the past.
"Then we'd go down to the pond." You added and Ally smiled at your remembrance. "I haven't been to that pond since... well since we last went there I guess." Ally frowned.
"They were good times Ally." You reminded her and she smiled again. "Yeah, good times." She looked to her cup of coffee, stirring it with the little stick.
"So you really haven't found anyone?" Ally looked up again and you were taken aback by her question. "Well uh, no. I don't think i'd have a reason to lie about that." You laughed.
"I did see someone for a couple years though. Ended a year or two ago now, so It's not something I think about the daily or anything." You explained and Ally nodded.
"What were they like?" Ally asked and you wondered why she had such an interest in your love life. She had a husband, and a child.
"Well, she was really nice. Her name was Lana and she was a reporter, wrote a lot of articles. We traveled a lot together. She was really fun and addictive but she wasn't the type to settle down. When things got pretty serious, she dipped. Not that much of a story, really. Just a little chunk of my life that had a lesson to learn I guess. Like us." You told your story and Ally listened intently, soaking up every word.
"Like us?" She asked and you nodded. "Yeah. We were a lesson. Something I had to go through to grow as a person. Not every relationship is meant to last a lifetime, Ally. You've just found that person already. Mine is out there still." You were open and honest and Ally was dazed by it. "Yeah... a lesson."
Your phone dinged. Your mother texted, asking if you'd be much longer. "I think I may have to go Ally, I'm sorry. You know how impatient my mother is." You told her and she nodded, understanding.
You thanked her for the coffee before leaving the shop, heading back to your car.
"Y/n!" You heard Ally's voice across the parking lot as she jogged up to you. "I'd really like to catch up more. Can we meet up another time before I have to leave back home?" She asked and you contemplated.
"Here. Take my number and think about it. Text me." She handed you a piece of paper with a smile before walking back inside the cafe.
When you got home, you helped your mother bake the pie and spent the night hanging out with your family, almost forgetting the eventful day you had, seeing Ally.
You were in bed, about to fall asleep when you remembered she had given you her number. You laid there for awhile, going over your options in your head. Did you really want to see her again? After all this time?
It wasn't so bad today. She seemed to really want to see you. Maybe one more time couldn't hurt...
You punched her number into your phone and hit dial. Within three beeps, she had answered. "Hello?" Her voice was upbeat. "Hey Ally, it's y/n." You said, suddenly regretting your choice.
"You realize its 10 pm right, y/n?" She laughed and you checked the time, shocked. "Oh wow, I'm sorry. I didn't realize. But hey! You picked up." You said and heard her laugh. "You got me there. Did you decide if you wanted to meet up again?" You could almost see her biting her lip through the phone, a nervous habit she always had when you were together.
"Um, yeah. I'd like to meet up again." You said before you could stop yourself. Well, there's no going back now. "I'm so happy you said that! I was thinking maybe we could go out by the pond? Like we used to." She suggested and your breath caught in your throat. That damn pond.
"Uh, sure Ally. When'd you wanna do that?" You asked, nervously twirling a piece of your hair around your finger. "Are you free tomorrow?" You thought for a moment. "Yeah, i'm free." She giggled through the phone at your response. "See you tomorrow then, goodnight y/n."
"Goodnight Ally." She hung up shortly after. You plugged your phone in before switching off your lights, curling up in your bed. You really hoped this wasn't a mistake.
The next morning, you met Ally by the pond like you used to all those years ago. You would sit on the giant rocks and spend hours upon hours talking about anything and everything.
The two of you had been here for awhile, sharing a bag of jellybeans and a couple beers. It was like high school all over again.
"Remember yesterday?" Ally asked and you laughed, "If I didn't, I think that'd be a problem I needed to get check out."
"No I mean like, our conversation at the Blue Jay. You said that we were a lesson, and that I had found my person already but yours was still out there." Ally explained and you nodded.
"Yeah I remember, what about it?" you asked, curious as to what she was thinking.
"Well.. it had me thinking and if i'm honest, I don't know if my husband really is that person for me." Ally said her thoughts aloud slowly, gaging your every reaction.
"Why do you think that? I mean, you married him for a reason, right?" You asked, confused. "It felt like the right thing to do at the time. I was pregnant and he was such a nice guy, is a nice guy. I just...” Ally added.
"You just, what?" You guided her and she sighed. "I'm not happy. I'm content, but I'm not happy." Ally's volume was nearly a whisper.
"Ally I... I'm sorry you feel that way." You tried to comfort her but you were met with silence.
Ally stared out onto the water, "Do you still love me?" Ally asked and you were dumbfounded. "Love you?" You choked.
"Love me." She nodded. "Don't ask me that Ally. Please don't ask me that." You shook your head. "Where the hell did that come from?" You asked, finally looking towards her.
Her face was still towards the pond, her side profile on display. "I never stopped loving you... y/n." She whispered, swiping away a tear that fell from her eye.
"Ally... please." You begged. You didn't want to have this conversation. "Don't do this right now."
"The one and only time i've ever truly been happy, especially in a relationship, was with you y/n." Ally turned to you, visible tears raining down her cheeks.
"Ally I can't do this. You're married for fucks sake." You said, standing from the rock and you could see the panic rush through Ally as she stood to stop you.
"N-no no! Wait wait wait please y/n I'm sorry I didn't want to scare you away I just needed you to know that-" You could hear Ally behind you as you turned and grabbed her face with both hands, crashing your lips into hers.
You pulled away. "Ally. I have always, and will always love you, but you're married. I need to go now." You said as Ally stood frozen, a hand on her lips as she watched you walk away.
She didn't bother to stop you now, she knew you wouldn't stay. She just hoped that the universe would bring you back to her again, let her have just one more chance.
tags: @8plasma @poulengp @zamoimagines @wholesomeslut @natasha-danvers comment to be tagged in future works <3
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myfanfictiongarden · 4 years
Storm- Descendants fanfic
The clouds are dark and heavy, a menacing presence over the Isle, the winds throwing the rain manically through the dirty narrow streets. Shops are closing down for the day and the market stands are being deserted, everyone surprised by the force in this recent storm. To have bad weather on the Isle is not unusual, more the norm, having cold winds chill your bones or constant showers of rain drenching your raged cloths. Yet once in a while the winds decide to show no mercy on those who would despise such act anyway and one is only left to creep into any kind of shelter that he considereds home.
Skipping over the slippery rocks along the beach, the steep cliffs already far behind, Uma curses under her breath as heavy rain rolls down her face, her hair already dripping wet, her clothes a mere joke in this weather. A tiny hope arises in her that maybe now at least the rain may finally wash out the everlasting smell of shrimps out of her braids that has caused her such misery throughout the last three years, but this hope is thin as not even stolen Aurodonian soap could do such miracles. In front of her Harry easily aclimbs the last rocky obstacle and she follows him her feet finally having wooden planks under them, the path along the Wharft being uncomfortably slippery too. They had just met up after school at the rocks on the beach, only waiting for Gil to arrive so they could start their “treasure hunt” (as in “stealing”) in the market, but the weather has turned abruptly even before their companion could join them.
She has been following Harry through the rain without even asking where he was leading them, sure he would know some good place to take shelter, which was the reason why she now for the first time stopped realizing where he was taking them and wondering if that was truly their only option.
“This is the best you could cone up with? Isn’t your dad, like, at home or something?” She asks standing one foot on the plank that is leading on the famous Jolly Roger.
“Nah, he is still at the shop by now, and surely won’t consider coming home in this weather.” Harry says just slightly turning in her direction before disappearing through the double doors leading inside the ship, and she is left to simply follow too. Everyone knows the Jolly Roger and her famous captain, and Uma has often been standing at the harbour admiring that mighty ship, impressive still after long past it’s glorious days. To set foot on it was not an option. On the Isle you are usually not friendly with your neighbours, especially if they want to enter your property. Being wet to the bone as she was there was not left much to think about.
Passing through the entrance door she climbs slowly the stairs down to the living quarters, a grin on her face as she has the unexpected honour of entering that ship. Coming down to the first level she scans her surroundings, on the one end having a door leading to the mass with a stow and pans and long table being visible, another door indicating the shared bedroom of Harry’s sisters (the roughly engraved name of Harriet and the more joyful one of CJ declaring it as such) and the stairs behind her leading further down to the quarters of the crew that doesn’t live there anymore and the storage level that only storages dust and rats these days. 
What catches her attention the most though is the open door at the end of the hall at the far end of the ship: the Captain’s quarters. Her curiosity getting the better of her she lets her feet lead her there with a ever broader grin on her face, not noticing that Harry was about to lead her in the opposite direction. Her eyes are firmly fixed on what is in front of her, not ready to let this chance slip. How often can one wander Captain Hook’s ship anyway? The door is quite wide open, good, she would be able to take a look without touching anything. 
As she finally arrives at the doorframe she suddenly stops. The room in front of her is exactly how one would imagine it to be. Great windows on the far end cover the whole back of the ship, fine red curtains that look splendid even with the moth holes, a huge table in the middle with countless maps spread on it, a great piano in one corner and a small stowe to keep the room warm in winter in the other end, a curtain hiding what must be the sleeping place. But this are not the things that made her stop so abruptly. Sitting in a chair by the table is a woman of middle age, dark blond hair falling messy around her face to her shoulders, streaks of grey mixing with the blond, a dirty white blouse and a black and green long skirt being her attire, a round golden earring visible on the left ear. It is the manner in which she sits that makes the scene eerie, the thin hands holding needle and thread and a piece of fabric like about to sew, but all they do is move through the air in small movements, the lips twitching from time to time, the eyes holding a stare lost somewhere in the distance.
Uma didn’t even notice she had been holding her breath, until a gentle touch on her shoulder made her nearly jump, and turning around she can see Harry gesturing with his head she should follow him. Feeling suddenly incredibly awkward she looks down to her feet where a puddle of water has formed by now before silently following him.
He leads her to another door at the other end of the hall she realizes must lead to his bedroom. The door squeaks a bit as he opens it and steps in, not even turning around to see if she had been following him. 
His room is messy and not really big. He takes of his drenched red fake leather jacket (his biggest pride at the moment, he managed to bring a goblin to sell it to him for half the price) his black hoodie under it not looking much better, and ruffles his wet hair with his free hand, water dripping all around. Throwing the jacket over the only chair in the room he lets himself down on the floor under the round window opposite the door, stretching his legs and leaning his head on the wooden planks of the wall. Her hair still dripping (but not too much anymore, and she considers if she should start braiding it all the way around and not just in parts, that way her locks wouldn’t be an complete disaster in rain) she is a bit unsure what to do with herself and crossing her arms she starts to pace the room a bit. 
On the wall right from the door hangs a collection of various pocket watches and clocks, most of them already having a chipped glass, none of them working. She knows Harry likes his weird collection. There is a bookshelf with a bunch of rolled up papers, most of them probably sea maps one can not use on the Isle, and two actual books, one on the history of piracy and the other on sea monsters and myths. Opposite there is no bed but a simple hammock with a pillow and blanket. On the left from the door a chest stands, but judging by the look of it it doesn’t hold any treasures and more like dirty laundry. She can see the sleeve of Harry’s old shirt peaking out, the deep cuts in it telling her some sword fighting didn’t end too well for him. The middle of the room is taken by an table and chair, the chair not looking all too safe to sit on she decides to stroll to the wall where Harry still sits motionless on the floor.
Crossing her legs she lets herself down, lightning striking outside, followed by a deep rumble of thunder not far off. Waves rock the ship as they both sit in silence, she suddenly feeling itchy to talk.
“Was that your mom?” she asks as casually as possible, not sure if he would reply.
“Ay, the one and only one. Didn’t think I had one, right? Thought some dirty glowing fairy raised me, isn’t it?” His laugh, as he says that, seeming weirdly out of place.
“Of course I knew you had one, dumbhead.” She scoffs turning her head away, faking insult while actually still wondering about the sewing woman. On her right stands a wardrobe and the cutting marks tell her the doors must have stood in for quite a few of Harry’s angry outbursts. She can hear his pose shift, like he is reaching out for something on his left and soon enough he punches her arm a bit, a cup in his hand and dice on the other. She smiles slightly at the good idea and they spend the rest of the afternoon playing a game of dice.
Even though none of the clocks in his room work she knows a lot of time has passed, the sound of rain having calmed down, the sound of thunder dying away. Knowing her mom would throw her tentacles after her if she came to late to her shift again, she decides it’s time to face the ever present wrath called mother, and laying down the dice she makes her way about to leave, Harry following her suite. She walks into the hallway, dark and empty, wooden planks squeaking with every movement of the ship. On the far end she can still see the door to the Captain’s quarters being open and her feet stop at the stairs, her head turning slightly in that mysterious direction.
“She gets such fits once in a while.” Harry’s voice is nothing more than a whisper, nearly lost in the howling sound of the wind outside. Without another word he makes his way up and she follows him.
The clouds aren’t that heavy anymore, the evening sky already dark. Her steps are quite quick, yet she can still hear his steps being nearly as quick, him walking only slightly behind her. She isn’t sure why he decided to follow her to the shop, she doesn’t need any protection in the dark (although it does feel better) and it’s not like she has to expect every day to have a bucket of old fish been thrown over her head (she believes it would now happen even less often since she broke that dumb boys nose last week in school). The harbour is nearly deserted when her mom’s shop appears in eyesight and Harry stops to give her arm a slight punch before turning on his heals and starting to head back in the direction they came from. Some barrels standing by the side he decides to make a jump over them, getting hand of some rope hanging down and swinging on it a few feet through the air before landing on his feet again. He’s crazy Uma thinks. 
As she watches his silhouette disappear in the thick evening mist she notices he has neither his jacket nor hook with him.
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marvel-ousnesss · 5 years
The pirate and the witch (part one)
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Pairing: Harry Hook x daughter of Narissa!reader
Word count: 2477
Summary: Y/N, an orphan VK who was taken to Auradon at a young age, returns to her old home by request of the crown prince. However, things tend to go south at the Isle of the Lost. 
Warning: Mild cursing 
A:/N: Okayy, here goes nothing. This is my first fic and I'm really excited about it. Comments and feedback (and title suggestions 'cause I suck) are appreciated. I think the whole story might have five or six parts which I'll be posting ASAP. 
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE DISNEY DESCENDANTS CHARACTERS NOR THE SANDERSON SISTERS. All credit goes to the creators, writers, and producers. Same with the HP charms, credit goes to J.K Rowling. 
Part two       Part three         Part four       Masterlist
I can’t believe I agreed to do this. Of all places, it had to be the Isle of the Lost. I look at the empty sky as I waltz my way through the lonely, and dark alleys; desperately trying to forget that the clock is about to strike midnight. 
Even though I’m currently in one of the scariest places that I can actually think of, I pay attention to every detail as I walk. Particularly, I notice the poor construction of the buildings and the few people that I see asleep against walls or trash containers. Every minute that goes on here makes me wanna go back, yet I’m motivated to help make this a better place — or, at least that's what I tell myself. 
Last week, my friend Ben approached me after a meeting he had with his father. He wouldn’t stop talking about how terrible the conditions at the Isle are and insisting on doing something about it before the preparations for his coronation. So we talked to my parents, the king and queen of Maldonia, and concluded that we needed to see the situation first hand to come up with a good set of solutions. But, given that Ben’s parents would never let him go, I begged mine to allow me, arguing that I could blend in, being a VK myself. 
I grew up in Auradon, and not on the Isle, because my mother died years ago, in another realm. According to Fairy Godmother, she was one of the most dangerous villains ever seen, and one of the evilest. Yet, instead of abandoning my on the Isle, like most would have done, —and after some arguing between royals— the king and queen of Auradon allowed Queen Tiana and King Naveen to raise me as their daughter; but I never forgot the piece of The Isle that runs through my veins. 
By this, I mean my magic. According to my parents, my mother was a very powerful witch. So, when I turned twelve and officially celebrated eight years on Auradon, I asked the king and queen for permission to learn magic; which they granted, under very specific parameters. 
Since my powers have a dark nature, or so says Fairy Godmother, she asked the three forest fairies, Fauna, Flora, and Merryweather, to tutor me at their cottage —this being the only place where I’m allowed to use my powers. 
I arrive at the small loft —or should I say hideout— that the royal guard of Maldonia had prepared for me, and take off my black cloak, setting it on the bed, right next to the few notes I have taken. Finally, after the longest day that I’ve had in a while, I let myself fall on the firm bed and drift off to sleep. 
Woken up by the sound of my alarm, I get up and get ready, repeating the steps of my plan like my life depended on it —who knows, it may. 
Fairy Godmother warned me about the gang rivalry that has been going on for a while and told me about some VKs who have shown to be the most dangerous. 
The one she talked about the most is Mal, daughter of Maleficent. Apparently, she is the leader of the most feared squad of the Isle; which happens to be formed by none other than the children of Jafar, Cruella de Vil, the evil queen, and well, Maleficent. 
Aside from them, the headmistress mentioned the pirate crew that hangs near the docks, which is the biggest competition for the so-called ‘Core Four’. It’s most known members are Uma, Ursula’s daughter; Gil, son of Gaston; and Harry Hook, Captain Hook’s son (obviously). According to my notes, Uma is the captain and Hook is her loyal first mate. 
I should be fine, as long as I stay away from their little gang battle. But, being as stubborn as I am, I decide that being part of this will be the ultimate Isle experience. 
I do my best to blend in as I stroll down the market and grab a few things, earning a few glares and weird looks as I pay for them. I don’t like being the center of attention, so I put on my hood and avoid all eyes. Preparing to head back, I grab a small bread loaf from a stall to my right and, when the woman behind it is about to protest, I hand her a few gold coins. 
Then, I abandon the market, unaware of the two sets of eyes that I have on my back, those belonging to a certain Arabian young thief and the son of Cruella de Vil. 
I become aware of their steps lurking behind me when I’m a few blocks away from the market, so I walk faster and then I find myself running from them. I manage to keep them quite far until the two of them jump their ways to the ceilings above me. 
I curse Fairy Godmother for not telling me about Carlos’ talent with parkour. She said he was dangerous because of his way with technology, nothing more. Yet, here I am, running from a thief and a thirteen-year-old geek who happens to be a fucking ninja. 
I run and run, without looking up or behind me. I’ve always been pretty active, so I lose them after a few minutes. Nevertheless, I don’t stop running and continue in whatever direction my feet are taking me. 
I should’ve taken a right. That way, I would’ve arrived at my place ten minutes ago; but my dumb ass decided to take a wrong turn so I ended up in the Sanderson sisters’ hut. And, just before I turned on my heel to make an exit, I find the three awful witches standing right in front of me, displaying wicked and hungry grins.
—What have we here?— inquires the redhead, — seems like today’s our lucky day, sisters. They’re both a teeny tiny bit big, but that’s what you get here. Kids are running out these days. 
I try to run but my feet fail me, and I feel an electric shock running through me before blacking out. The last thing I hear is a chorus of excited voices singing ‘double food delivery, double food delivery,’ and a strong thunder of psychotic laughter. 
I wake up in a small, round cage that hangs from a bronze chain, next to a boy who I recognize as a member of Ursula’s daughter’s pirate crew. What’s his name? Henry, Howard, Helio? Harry, the first mate, that’s it! Anyway, I look around for a possible exit, but find nothing but the front door, which is right next to the cauldron and the three witches —who remain oblivious to me being awake. 
Minutes go by and they remain carried away by whatever they are brewing; at least until my cage mate decides to wake up all grumpy. 
—Hit my nappeer, them howling witches…— he grumbles, trailing off; but it seems enough to draw their attention. 
With wide eyes and wicked grins, they make their way to us with their arms intertwined. When they are close enough, the youngest takes a look at us and licks her lips and the raven-haired one pushes her nose against the bars and sniffs us, sighing in content when she’s had her fill.
— They’re so cute, Winnie, can we keep them, pretty please?— she asks, jumping in her place a couple times. 
—You can play with them until the potion is ready, but not a second more. Do remember, — she sing-songs. — Youth and beauty, beauty and youth. 
—Hear that? We’re gonna have a good time!— States the ebony-haired witch, as she pokes Harry, who’s still semi-conscious, with a wooden stick. That seems to fully wake him 
— Oi, watch it!— he hisses while trying to dodge the harmless, yet annoying tip. He doesn’t have much success due to the lack of space, which amuses me a bit.
—Ooh… a feisty one! — grins the blonde one. —Too bad we can’t keep you, handsome; it would’ve been delicious. 
The look on her face seems to be full of physical hunger, but I detect a not so faint tint of lust in her demeanor. The reason why, with those words and the witch’s obvious intentions, my face contours in disgust, which I immediately regret. 
—What’s your problem, dear one— she says, as she surrounds the cage, — don’t like me talking ‘bout your little boyfriend like that? Didn’t mommy teach you to share?—. When she’s right behind me, she sneaks a bony hand through my hair and grabs a fistful, to which I reply with a groan. 
As she is about to continue the teasing, Winnifred calls her sisters. 
—We can’t feed them the potion yet — she scowls.
—Well, duh… my playtime hasn’t finished— replies the blonde. 
—no, Sarah, were missing the knotgrass, the fluxweed, and the rat foot— clarifies the third sister, with her pointy nose buried in the cauldrons aroma, — it hasn’t turned green yet. 
—At least one of you isn’t completely dense. Come on, sisters, off to the market we go. 
As if on cue, they head to the door and close it behind them.
A faint ‘don’t go anywhere’ is heard from outside, followed by another chorus of wicked laughter. 
—Gaunnie hook ‘em— spits the pirate, stretching his arm in a miserable attempt at grabbing the hook that lays on the floor beneath us. 
I shrug, and then proceed to peak my nails, — Might wanna get out of here first, Hooky. 
—Any ideas on how, lassie?— he asks between gritted teeth, growing impatient and tired of failing at hook fishing. 
— A few, actually, but the sight of you in front of me, struggling like that, is quite lovely and entertaining. 
With my comment, his demeanor changes completely, becoming cockier and self-assured. This, although he’s still desperately trying to recover his signature weapon. 
—Then come to the docks with me,— he smirks, as he changes positions to find himself sitting in front of the lock, and begins picking it with a rake that he had inside his left boot, — we’ll get hammered with me crew and, you know, keep the heid. 
As he works,  his nose wrinkles, his brows come together in concentration, and his lips tighten in a thin line. 
 —As tempting as that sounds, I do have things to do.
It would be convenient to go with him. Ben and King did me specific instructions for my little trip, and this would make it easier. However, it just wouldn’t be my type of scene. I feel like I’ve had enough ‘new experiences’ for a few years, maybe.
—Aww, lass, ya hurting my feelings,— he fake pouts and, to no avail, tries to use a different rake. 
 —Feelings? Didn’t see that one coming,— I mock, gently pushing him to the side, and claim my turn with the tricky lock. 
He’s about to complain, but I shush him and close my eyes. Due to the wards placed on the Isle, my magic is significantly weaker than it is on Auradon, but I can concentrate enough to channel it thanks to a locket that the king gave me for emergencies. 
I grin as the cage opens itself, and immediately jump down, followed by my slightly shocked companion. Before he can, I grab the hook by the handle, and point the tip at him, just to swiftly turn it around for him to grab. 
With his hook safely in his hand, he approaches the table and grabs a book, together with what seems to be a shell necklace. Then, he catches up with me outside the front door. We walk in silence for a few blocks, given that there is only one way out, and he breaks the silences that lingered between us. 
—So, you know me name, yet I don’t know yours— he glances at me with curiosity and caution, —ain’t fair, lassie. 
—What can I say, Hook, you are quite famous around here. I, on the other hand, am quite a lone wolf.
—Haven’t given me an answer yet, doll face,
— Name’s Y/N, daughter of queen Narissa.
—Y/N,— he tries it out, —and how come you have magic?
—Let’s say I found a loophole in the barrier. 
—Uma’s gonna love this, — he says, giving me a smirk. 
—Assuming I go with you, that is. I said I had things to do — I quirk a brow at him. 
Before he can reply, we hear three sets of boots approaching us in a rhythmic pattern. It can only be them. 
— Shit, — grumbles the pirate, then he grabs my arm and pulls me behind him and into a dark corner. 
We remain silent as the steps die down, and then continue walking. 
—Now that was close, thanks Harry,— I say, patting his left shoulder. 
—Ya know how to properly thank me, lass,— he shrugs. His cockiness is beginning to become annoying but, to be honest, I cannot say that I don’t enjoy flirting. So, I decided to follow his game. 
—Kind of sad, really,
— Away on, dollface, the hell ya mean by that? 
I give him a sigh and shrug, — I just thought your game was better. Can’t believe that you sway every girl off her feet with a thick accent and a smirk. 
— I did just save yer little witchy ass. You’re a buck eejit if that ain’t impressive. 
— Not a ‘buck eejit’, whatever that shit means. — I chuckle dryly, — I’m just not gonna fall for your oh so great pirate act. 
He shrugs, seemingly unbothered, — same here, doll, mysterious past ‘n shit gets boring real fast.
— Yet, here you are, still following some like a lost puppy. 
Between flirting, bickering, and some laughter in between, we arrive at the corner that connects the docks to the way to my place. 
— As much as I enjoy your gentlemanly antics, time to part ways. 
— You’ll come to the ship tonight, I know it. 
— You know, you’re not even my type, Harry— I claim. 
He is kind of my type, you know? Handsome, witty, cocky, and fun to be with. Not totally boyfriend material, but maybe just for a good time; a rest from Auradon’s Perfect Peachy Prince wannabes. 
Without a second glance, I start walking to the building I slept in but, before I’m out of view, I hear him say,—You do one me one, little witch,— and I grin. 
— See you ‘round, Hook, — I reply over my shoulder. 
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Harry Hook x Blind!Reader - wow
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saardeforche7 on wattpad
Heya!! Can u pls do a one shot of you being blind on one eye(or both idk),Harry Hook x reader, would really love that❤❤
There was another request for blind reader x harry that had the reader go to Auradon to get her eyes fixed and shes like ‘my imagination did not do justice’ when she sees harry again, but I can't find that one
The second daughter of the evil queen, the five minute younger sister of Evie, that’s who you were, (h/l) (h/c) hair, a perfect (body type), and would be perfect eyes, but… they were only hazy grey ones.
Your mother had tried to give you perfect blue eyes when you were young, only resulting in blinding you.
You were a secret from most of the isle, only Evie, mother, and Evie's friends knew about you.
Oh, and Harry Hook, your boyfriend.
Now how was he your boyfriend? I'll tell you.
But I’ll start with how you met
It was a cold rainy night in fall, you could hear the thunder in the distance, but you didn’t care, reading a carefully brail translated book from Carlos and your sister, which was named -Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone-.
When a rattle started to come from your window, you gasped, turning your head to where the sound was coming from.
“shit, fuck come on ah!” the sound of a boy muttering behind the window was unnerving, the strong accent making it even harder to understand, then the boy got it open, and fell through the opening.
You heard him wince, and the scratch of metal on the floor as the boy stood.
“Alright, now wher-“ he stopped, and you knew he had seen you. You squeaked in fear, stepping back and tripping over a chest with your clothes in it.
You heard the boy curse as you lay on the floor in pain, and you heard his light footsteps walk over to you and hands start to grip your shoulders. You yelped, reaching out with a fist and striking a torso.
“oof!” the boy fell back, wheezing “hey, im trying teh help!”
You huffed, palming around for a sturdy chair to heft yourself up before you felt around metal around one arm and a warm midsized calloused hand around the other, pushing you up.
“There ye go, I didn’t know anyone was up here, only thought the evil queen and her daughter lived up here.”
“well” you whispered shyly carefully stepping away from the boy with a pretty voice. “that’s not a false thought”
You could feel the confusion from the boy before you heard a small gasp. “the rumor~”
You hummed tilting your head at the voice “rumor what rumor?”
“well,” the boy started, which started to move away, presumably rummaging through your things if the shuffling of clothes and jewelry was a sign of anything “there is a rumor goin around the isle that the evil queen had two kids, two daughters to be exact. and that the younger one was locked inside the castle, I got dared teh find out and well…here yeh are”
You sniffed, slightly turning to face the boy's voice “so, what are you doing now exactly?”
“oh um…”
“stealing my stuff I guess?”
“well…yes, yeh gonna stop meh?”
“well I can't exactly” you mumbled awkwardly, fiddling with a worn sleeve of your shirt.
You sighed, opening your eyes wide and turning to the voice, and the boy gasped, seeing your gray hazy eyes for the first time.
“im blind”
The boy with the pretty voice’s name was Harry, Harry Hook.
It took him a week to earn your trust enough to learn yours.
He was lucky that your mother never caught on to his nightly visits.
He was probably the only reason you were still alive, due to bringing you food each time he visited.
You remember the day evie found out, she was hanging out with you after mother had forbidden a day out after she had not perfected her eyeshadow.
And harry had decided to tumble through the window while she was in your room.
“harry!!! What are you doing here?!” evie screamed, jumping to her feet and placing herself in front of you.
“i-I um” harry stuttered, you could hear the shuffling of his feet, he didn’t expect your sister to be here today.
“go get! I’ll tell mal about this!” “Whatever!” he screamed back at evie, you could hear him grumbling to himself and climbing back out the window.
You heard evie sigh in relief, walk over to the window, slam it closed and lock it, making you flinch.
“how’d he even know about this place anyway?” you stayed silent
You broke
“he's known for about a year?”
“What?!! Wait, you know harry?! How?!”
You spilled everything, from the exact date he discovered your existence to when he started to visit you every night.
You expected evie to permanently lock your window and send jay to hunt harry down. But…she didn’t?
“omg that is soooo cute!!! I never expected harry to act like that!!” you blinked surprised, picturing evie cupping her cheeks and swaying side to side.
“uh, what?” “ohhhh I really hope I didn't scare him off permanently, climbing up our tallest tower every night just to see you! That’s just so romantic~” you choked on your spit
Eve giggled, taking your hands and stepping closer to you.
“I mean its obvious, he likes you~”
“but-but” you stammered, tilting your head down at your lap. “evie we’re on the isle, that’s dangerous”
“so? If we learned anything from our parent's downfalls, love conquers all~!”
You felt your face heat up and you covered it with your hands. “evie!!!”
“omg a princess and a pirate!! That is the best thing ever!!”
That’s when evie started to try to matchmake you two, but the most she was able to make harry do was give you a necklace.
He gave you his mothers ring on his own.
But that will come up later. Let's talk about how he asked you out.
It was spring, about a year and a half after you met, and he had snuck you out of the tower, through the front door by the way. evie had given him a spare key to the castle (she didn’t want him to fall to his death trying to visit you).
And he took you to a spot with oddly fresh flowers that surrounded you with sents that you’ve never smelled before.
You didn’t see harry pick roses, pink, white, lavender, and red.
He looked at you, your hair ruffling with the cool breeze in the isles oddly greenfield, your grey eyes were hidden by your eyelids, closed as you let yourself daydream of living somewhere else than the isle.
You hummed, looking to Harry's voice. And you felt him grab your hands and carefully place the flowers in your palm.
“Harry?” you whispered, now feeling his hand on your cheek. “um, have Evie tell you what those mean when yeh see her tonight, and then tell me your response tomorrow, okay?”
His accent was thick, probably really nervous. But why? You felt a feather-light pressure on your cheek, and you gasped lightly.
A kiss?
“umm” harry muttered, taking your hand once more, and leading you to a picnic. “you hungry?”
You giggled at Harry's awkward question and nodded, placing the flowers down on your lap, and reaching out for food.
Harry placed a roast beef sandwich in your hand (which was hunted by gil and the bread baked by evie) it was…pretty good!
“mmm! Wow, where’d you?”
“ I had some help getting better food from yer sister”
You hummed happily as you munched on the sandwich.
Two hours later, Harry noticed that it was getting dark and stood, picking up the flowers and placing them in your hand before helping you stand and escort you back to your house.
“This was really fun Harry!”
“im glad yeh had a good time princess” Harry shyly mumbled, a blush settling on his face.
He unlocked the door and carefully guided you to your room, keeping silent as you passed your mothers room.
“goodnight love” Harry whispered, “I’ll see yeh later yeah?”
You softly laughed and nodded, reaching out to grasp Harry's shirt as he began to walk away. “(y/n)?”
You trailed your hand up his chest, feeling his breath hitch as you did so, your fingers ghosted his neck, reaching his jaw and cupping his cheek, feeling his soft lips on your thumb.
“love?” he whispered, ou leaned in, going to the right of Harry's lips and kissing his cheek.
“thank you harry”
You could feel the blush on his face, you smiled and backed into your door. “uhh,-ye-aye yer welcome love- ill just-ill-bye”
You heard harry speed down the stairs and you bit your lip and grasped the flowers and brought them to your chest.
You opened the door and carefully maneuvered around your room. You felt a presence in the room sitting on your bed.
“evie, you may squeal now”
Thankfully she wasn’t loud so she didn’t burst your eardrums.
“Evie! Sensitive ears!”
“sorry but how- omg are those ros- they are!!the colors omg!”
As Evie told you the meaning of the flowers you felt your face becoming hotter and hotter.
‘have evie tell you what those mean when yeh see her tonight, and then tell me your response tomorrow, okay?’
Harry was asking you to be his girlfriend, oh. My. God. Harry was asking you to be his girlfriend.
You squealed along with Evie, careful to keep quiet as not to wake your mother.
You made your decision.
As Harry opened your door, softly calling your name, you grinned and pounced on him. He stumbled back and laughed softly as you tightly wrapped your arms around his neck.
“yes Harry yes”
Harry stopped, his grip loosening on your for a moment before tightening again. “yeh, yeh mean you want to be meh?”
You pulled away from Harry, finding his face and cupping his cheeks feeling heat under your fingertips, smiling in his direction “I would love to be your girlfriend harry”
You heard a soft ‘yes’ from harry and he hugged you tight, spinning you around your room.
So that’s how harry asked you out, and that was four years ago when you were both 12, you had met harry when you were 10.
“(y/n)! come down here!”
You sighed, hearing your mother call for you, you heard a quick set of footsteps come up to you, heels, Evie.
“(y/n) come on, mommy wants to tell us something”
She grasped onto your arms leading down the spiral stairs and into a chair, next to mal, her lavender/ash scent wafting over.
“you five, are going to Auradon tomorrow” maleficent spoke and continued talking about a plan.
But you couldn’t hear anything, panic setting.
Auradon? But harry, you would be leaving harry!!! You didn’t-you wouldn't!!!
“and (y/n), they say they are going to heal your eyes”
Your mind stopped, heal your eyes?
“you might be able to see harry” Evie whispered to you, not letting mother or her friends hear what she said.
See harry? You would be able to really see harry!
Evie guided you to the pirate's wharf, taking back alleys and secret doors, you arrived at Harry's apartment that was a little ways from Ursula’s chip shop. She knocked on the door, looking around for threats as you heard heavy steps walk up to the door and stop before the latch was quickly undone and the door was flung open.
“princess?! Evie?!” Harry's strong arms wrapped around you, you remembered when his arms were similar to sticks and pressed you to his chest, you gave a happy hum and wrapped your arms around his built torso.
“what are yeh doing here?! Someone could have-“
“im sorry harry but she needed to see you and it couldn’t wait till tonight”
Harry made a confused noise as he leads you and evie inside, you clutching onto his arm the entire time.
“what happened than yeh needed to see meh so bad (y/n)?” harry asked, helping you sit on his couch, plopping next you.
“um, well”
“shes going to Auradon”
“what” Harrys voice went dark.
Evie repeated herself, not caring for Harry's dark tone, knowing it wasn’t aimed at her. “(y/n) is going to Auradon, I am too”
Harry started to rant, standing from the couch and pacing around the room, before you quietly spoke up.
“they say they’ll help me with my eyes.”
Harry stopped, you knew he was looking straight at you, mouth agape.
“what?” he whispered, “mother said that they said they would help me with” you waved your hands in front of your face “these, to help me see”
Harry took a couple minutes to connive him to let you go to Auradon, but he relented when you said “I would finally be able to see you”
Evie had left at that point knowing you would want a moment alone with harry.
“lassie, promise you'll come back for me?” you nodded, reaching out, harry grasped your hands in his and guided them to his face, letting you cup his cheeks.
“I promise, I’ll even have evie write to you”
Harry nodded, taking your right hand and sliding something on it.
A ring.
“I want yeh teh have this love, it was my mothers, and it's now a promise ring” his forehead pressed to yours “a promise that you will come back to meh”
You leaned forward slightly finding Harry's lips and pressing yours to them. Harry's breath stopped, the first kiss.
You pulled away, feeling Harry's stutter breath on your face.
“a promise” you whispered out. Hands intertwining with Harrys.
Three hours later, Harry was escorting you back to the castle, growling at anybody who looked at you.
“here we are my princess”
You giggled, releasing his arm and clutching onto the door handle “thank you, my pirate…will you see me off tomorrow?”
Harry stayed silent, “i-I don’t know, uma or da might be having me do stuff”
You nodded sadly “I understand, well if you are unable to come tomorrow, goodbye harry”
“goodbye my princess”
One last kiss to your forehead and he was off, his heavy footsteps receding on the gravel road.
“I love you” you whispered to the wind, wishing for it to carry your words to harry.
He didn’t show up, but you didn’t blame him. if he was leaving, you didn't think you would be able to stomach it.
“im sorry (y/n)” evie whispered to you, helping you into the car
“it's okay” you whispered back, a tear falling from your eye “id do the same.”
You scooted to the back, curling into jays side.
Evie locked eyes with harry across the way, his eyes misty with tears. He mouthed a ‘thank you’ and evie nodded and mouthed back ‘I won't let her forget you’
Harry sniffed and nodded, wiping his eyes and walking to the wharf, he didn’t want to see (y/n) drive away from him.
That was three agonizing years ago, it had taken a year for your sight to fully return, a stack of returned letters to harry sat on your desk.
Today was vk day, evie was going to the isle, and she was bringing the letters with her to give to harry.
You glanced down at the ruby ring sitting on your finger. It was gorgeous.
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And now maybe if harry put in an application, maybe evie would pick him next time, next month.
You knew dizzy would be Evie's first pick, but she promised next vk day Harry would be her pick.
And then the Audrey situation came along.
You were at janes birthday party, laughing with her as chad scrambled to where people were taking selfies.
Then the curse, jane was about to pull you into the water with her, but she missed your arm and you were sent into a deep sleep.
Jane couldn’t bare to leave you there, Evie would kill her, so she mustered up her strength and carried you along with her to Evie's cottage, it was the closest place to the enchanted lake.
When she happened upon Carlos, Jay, and two other boys, who were fighting a beast looking thing, jane set you down and sprayed the beast with enchanted lake water.
It was Ben all along.
Jane had called for jay after he had caught Ben up to speed and had him carry (y/n) to evie cottage, jay picking her up, but taking her over to the hooked boy, which made ben and janes eyebrows raise.
“(y-y/n)!?” the boy called harry whimpered, dropping the silver hook to the floor and snatching (y/n) from jays arms.
“love, princess come on wake up!!” harry was getting hysterical, his eyes gleaming with tears.
Ben blinked confused, looking to Carlos and gesturing to harry and (y/n). Carlos smiled sadly “they were together on the isle” ben nodded.
“harry come on” jay muttered  “maybe evie has something to wake her up”
Harry sniffed and nodded turning to where jay was beginning to walk still carrying the asleep (y/n), Gil picked up Harrys hook, then a thought struck him.
“Harry!” Harry's eyes shot toward gil, who was bouncing in place “true loves kiss!!” harry blushed, but nodded.
“um, turn around?”
Gil nodded, grinning, and made the others turn with him.
A wave of multicolored magic passed by them moments later, and gil couldn’t help himself, turned around and saw (y/n) staring wide-eyed at harry, who glanced at gil nervously.
(y/n) sat up, cupping Harry's face in her hands, laughing slightly
“wow” she mumbled, staring into Harry's ocean blue eyes “my imagination did not do you justice”
“yer not” Harry grabbed one of (y/n)s hands and held it “yer not disappointed?”
“hell no” (y/n) smirked, pulling Harry into another kiss.
Jay coughed, making the two reunited lovers glare at him.
“cute, but were kinda on a mission?”
(y/n) and harry sighed, standing and following the group to Evie's castle.
(y/n) and harry not letting go of the other's hand.
---the end---
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twstedgrils · 4 years
Oc Master Post
Alright! I finally have all my ocs designed and written down! This is the official debut post for this oc blog! It’s really long (gotta go through 10 ocs lmao) so I’ll put a read more so it’s easier to scroll past. If your interested, please read and even ask me questions! I really want to interact with this fandom since everyone seems so nice and funny!
And yes, I did put grils instead of girls on purpose...I’m funny I swear
So I first want to say that my ocs are in an au, one which has NRC have female students (but still in low numbers) and an 8th dorm based on Captain Hook (making Ramshackle the 9th). Also Crowley is a tiny bit nicer to our mc in this au, mostly cause he’s basically her weird dad lol
There’s another addition to this au, but that’ll be addressed in my MC insert’s bio.
I’ll also list additional info that the text in the refs don’t address, including body types because I wanted my ocs to be diverse in that aspect.
Another thing, shipping. Oh great seven, shipping will be a free for all for me. I really like shipping. So any ship and every ship will be possible (as long as it’s not with Cheka or Ortho, cause no. Human Grim is fine, but he has to be in human form). With that in mind this blog will be very self-indulgent when it comes to shipping and such. 
I’ll come back to this to edit when I develop these girls more.
So first off we’ll start with my MC!self-insert!
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I didn’t know what outfit to put her in, since Ramshackle doesn’t have a dorm uniform, so I just put her in her pjs (which were provided by Crowley).
Birthday: Feb 4 (my b-day lolol)
Best Subject: Math
Worst Subject: PE (for valid medical reasons)
Hobby: Drawing
Homeland: Not of TW
Body Type: Average
Charlotte (or Charlie as people call her) is usually quiet, especially when she first arrives in TW. But the more she’s comfortable around the people, the more she reveals her inner sass. She doesn’t want to admit it, but she’s as much as a dumbass as the ADeuce duo.
She’s also has albinism, but she used to constantly dye her hair into a more strawberry blonde so she wouldn’t get picked on by other kids. This condition also leads to her having to take many breaks during PE so she won’t burn.
She may like cats, but Grim really tests her fondness for them. But once it’s found out he can take a human form (and becomes more chill due to the amount of energy it takes to maintain said form) the two actually become the best of friends, which shocks the first year gang. 
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Design Inspiration: White Rabbit and March Hare
Birthday: Feb 29
Best Subject: History
Unique Magic: Golden Doorknob (Summons a golden doorknob on any surface, making it a door to anywhere the user thinks of. Example, placing the knob on Ramshackle's walls and walks into NRC's Cafeteria via the door)
Worst Subject: Chemistry
Hobby: Track
Homeland: Afterglow
Body Type: Pear shape
Whitney is what you expect from a rabbit, timid, nervous, shy, anxiety filled, and easily intimidated. At first. If you manage it anger her, suddenly you’ll be hit by both a Scottish war cry and a rabbit kick. When she’s angry, she’s a rage filled bunny who throws the most foul of curses. Her switches are rivaled to Deuce’s bad boy switch. And just like the boy, when she calms down she get’s very flustered. 
She doesn’t talk to many people, as she hates attention. But after some she does become acquainted with the boys, almost on the line of friendship with each. 
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Design Inspiration: Shere Kahn and Tigger
Birthday: Set 28
Unique Magic: Fun! Fun! Fun! (turns any part of their body into a bouncy spring. Often the tail is used)
Best Subject: PE
Worst Subject: Chemistry
Hobby: Basket Weaving and making jewelry
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Body Type: Apple shape (broad shoulders)
Kaya is seen as a tough no bs girl, many females admire how she can go woman-to-man with the Savanaclaw males. But actually she’s nothing but a goofball that loves to tend to baby animals and make cute things. She has a talent for making beautiful woven baskets and earrings. She helps Ruggie a lot whenever she sees him overun by errands. 
She does have a tendency to nap anywhere and everywhere like Leona and Silver, but she apologizes sheepishly when woken up. Because of her napping habit, she tends to stay up late into the night.
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Design Inspiration: None
Birthday: May 24
Unique Magic: Second Chance (let’s the user go back to a certain point to try again. Only activated when close to death)
Best Subject: Chemistry
Worst Subject: History
Hobby: Singing and baking
Homeland: Coral Sea
Body Type: Petite
Wendy is a very small moon jellyfish mermaid. She was home-schooled by her mother under the sea, while her father ran a business on land. She visited land often to see her father, fascinated by all neon lights shining in the city.
She’s very quiet, like she’s actually a selective mute. She doesn’t tend to hangout with people because she fears most don’t like her because of her selective muteness. Oddly enough though, she’s always seen with Floyd, to the bafflement of everyone. She finds the eels mannerisms amusing.
She loves to sing, but doesn’t want anyone but her secret singing buddy (Daria) to listen to her. Her voice is very high pitched, but soft that it’s almost hard to hear. She also loves baking, often seen helping Jade and Floyd with preparing the sugary foods and drinks Monstro Lounge offers.
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Design Inspiration: Iago and Jasmine’s red outfit
Birthday: Aug 5
Unique Magic: Dancer’s Delight (charms anyone who sees her dancing, perfect for distraction)
Best Subject: None
Worst Subject: None
Hobby: Dancing
Homeland: Land of Hot Sands
Body Type: Hourglass
Layla is like that one person who teases everyone and sees most as her friend. She uses both her height and pretty features to get a rise and fluster anyone. Her main victim is Jamil, much to his displeasure. She gets along great with Kalim, fueling his antics of carpet riding and shenanigans. But she does help Jamil in taking care of Kalim, often seeing the snake whisperer overworked.
She’s usually seen hanging out with Kaya and Whitney (with the rabbit being flustered by both of the taller females). She’s drawn to most in the Savanaclaw dorm, as she has the urge to pet their ears. She and Kaya are in the same class, so the two always buddy together, helping each other if needed.
Back home she comes from a line of exotic dancers, always entertaining other for money. With this in mind, she practices her dancing everyday. She hopes she can live up to the expectations her family has put on her. She’s not wealthy, but she’s not poor, so she doesn’t get too surpised over Kalim’s wealth. But she still does, especially when Kalim once offered to get her a tiger cub (she refused though).
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Design Inspiration: Myself and Medusa (Hercules tv show)
Birthday: Mar 27
Unique Magic: Snake Eyes (paralyzes anyone with her stare if activated, even herself if she looks in the mirror)
Best Subject: History
Worst Subject: Math
Hobby: Painting and singing
Homeland: Isle of Lamentation
Body Type: Chubby
Daria is another quiet and reserved girl, she’s not shy per say but she prefers people to approach her than the other way. She doesn’t particularly like that she was sorted into Pomefiore, cause all she wants to do is paint and sing. This leads her to grow close to Epel and anger Vil. She purposefully doesn’t do anything to her appearance, only brushing her hair as she hates tangles. 
She tends to stay in a secret area with Wendy, singing with the fellow quiet girl. If not that then she’s doing artwork in her dorm room, ignoring anyone who dares to pull her away from her work. Often times this leads to both her and Vil having a glaring contest cause she didn’t sleep (”Too busy painting” she says.) or forgot to do her morning skincare routine.
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Design Inspiration: Phosphora (Kid Icarus) and Electra (backstory)
Birthday: Jul 16
Unique Magic: Sparks Fly (allows the user to transfer any electricity from any device around her into her prosthetics)
Best Subject: Math
Worst Subject: None
Hobby: Modifying her prosthetic limbs
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Body Type: Top heavy
Elina is the mom friend, always giving others affection and helping them when she can. Because of her affectionate self, she treats Ortho like her little brother. You’ll often see her playing with the boy, or in her room working on her prosthetics (with Idia helping). She loves making her limbs look non-human, but she has more human structure legs for school (as to not weird out her classmates too much). She’s made them since young, always improving and modernizing her limbs.
Because of a tragic accident, she has prosthetics for both legs and her left arm. And has trauma over car races or cars going over the speed limit. She never mentions her family around others, but it shows how much she cares for them. The same could be said for her friends.
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Design Inspiration: Chernabog
Birthday: Jun 6
Unique Magic: ???
Best Subject: History
Worst Subject: Chem
Hobby: Making Clothes
Homeland: Valley of Thorns
Body Type: Shortstack
Maria is basically the opposite of Lilia, while he looks young but acts maturely she looks mature but acts like a complete child. Most believe she’s staff before she has to explain that she’s a student. She’s not a brat (thank sevens) but she is very naive and innocent. This causes for her dorm mates to become somewhat protective if someone makes a pass on her (she never notices cause she thinks they’re just being nice). 
She has a talent with designing clothes, no one can explain why. Many have approached her to pay for her designs, but she refuses. She says she much prefers to just make and gift her designs to anyone. When she’s working, it’s the most mature you’ll see her. Everyone she’s interacted with has at least one thing she’s made, whether they wanted it or not.
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Design Inspiration: Hook and Scarlet (the female animatronic from the pirate ride)
Birthday: Dec 25
Unique Magic: The Sea’s Rage (a passive ability that allows the user to access inhuman strength, allowing her to lift even Jack or Malleus)
Best Subject: None
Worst Subject: All
Hobby: Pick-pocketing
Homeland: The Savage Seas
Body Type: Flat (Looks average thanks to her corset)
Jessie is the dorm leader of Bonäuber, a dorm based upon The Captain of the Seas, who is held almost as high regards as the Great Seven. She’s a very childish and extremely cocky girl. She always praises herself for being the best out of everyone, when in actuality she’s not the brightest. The only thing she is good at she is shooting a gun, loving a good hunt. She also has a child fascination for board games, so she often plays (and loses) with Azul and Idia. 
Most don’t like her because she has a bad habit of stealing from anyone and everyone. This is because of her hard childhood, having to steal to survive with no family. The Savage Seas, and the isles among it, were tough on those with no wealth. It wasn’t until a kind pirate gifted saved her from a beating and gifted her a gold coin, her first coin. She now wears the coin on her neck and vows to become a pirate as great as The Captain, using her loot to make others who were in her shoes to have a good life. Because of her ambitions, she always goes for the rich when looting, Kalim being her main target. But because of how nice and generous he is, she gets flustered and runs away without a single coin. (It’s really cute ngl)
As a dorm leader she’s overly not strict, the most she can be is over how clean the dormitory is. Uniform isn’t strict as well, only forcing those in the dorm to wear the striped shirt, vest, belt, bandanna, and boots. Bottoms can be anything, and the corsets were optional. Most dorm members were interestingly mostly females, which confused many. 
Their dorm building is a functioning pirate ship, usually docked on a deserted island. Occasionally the dorm will go on an adventure, since most are those who love the sea and can’t stay in one place. 
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Design Inspiration: Smee and Tick Tock Croc (and maybe Louis from the princess and the frog)
Birthday: Oct 3
Unique Magic: When I’m Human (let’s the user take a human form with little drawback, like Kalim’s Oasis Maker. This slowly wears off if the user is over emotional, most commonly anger.)
Best Subjects: All
Worst Subjects: None
Hobby: Making tea and treats for Jessie
Homeland: The Savage Seas
Body Type: Hourglass (looks more exaggerated thanks to her corset)
Sammy (what Jessie calls her) is the vice dorm leader of Bonauber, she’s very mysterious and weird to most in the school. She’s always by the shorter girl’s side, and always takes care of her. She is a big enabler, sharing her ambitions with the leader. She’s very humble about her intelligence and abilities, often only giving praise to Jessie. She’s almost like a mother for the leader.
She’s secretly a crocodile that saved (and traumatized) Jessie when they were younger. As she saw the little girl run from an adult, causing the reptile to attack the adult. She didn’t know why, but at the time a sudden feeling of protecting for the girl took over. Ever since then the reptile was drawn towards the girl, almost obsessive. It wasn’t until she developed her unique magic that she stuck with the girl from childhood. Jessie never realized, as Sam is very keen on keeping the object of her affections(?) in the dark. If anyone threatens the two, Sam will open her eyes and glare with her slit pupils as scales appear faintly.
And that’s all of them! After posting this I’ll start working on two things.
1: cards, I want to draw cards for them as if they are canon characters. I’ll work on the school uniform cards first!
2: Grim’s human design, this one will be easier as he’ll just be a sketch. 
Again, feel free to ask any questions! I’ll answer with in character sketches! (with more elaborating in artist’s text) I’ll try my best to answer as many of them as I can! You can also dm me if you wish to just talk about twst with me!
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A Completely Rotten Christmas to the Core
Merry Christmas to @bunny-lou from your Secret Santa. I know you're a Jaylos lover, so I thought I'd try my hand at writing your boys. I hope you don't mind that I also included some Malvie, which is for all intents and purposes my lifeblood. I hope you enjoy, and that you've had a wonderful Christmas.
Her cheek swollen from Mother’s slap, Evie curls up in a corner of the of the Rotten Four’s clubhouse, flipping through the pages of a children’s Christmas story. The pages are torn and tattered, but something about them eases the pressure in Evie’s heart. Each of them is painted with images of Christmas: Trees as big as a room, glittering with multi-colored lights; children sneaking downstairs at first dawn to open piles of wrapped presents; snow fluttering from the sky, swirling into a world fresh with white.
She presses her fingertip to her eyelash, still wet with tears, and gazes at the Isle world outside. A world where it is never white, where fresh snow never falls. A world where Christmas does not exist for the daughters of Evil Queens.
A world where mothers force their daughters into too-short skirts and shirts that plunge down down down. Where they force them to sit beside men-who-could-have-been-princes (but have become pirates), and whisper things like Kiss him, Evelyn…Touch him, Evelyn…Practice to become a princess, Evelyn… Did you really think it was all cleaning and cooking, Evelyn…
A world where pirate princes run their calloused fingers across the cheeks and along the lips of girls frozen to their chairs. Where those same pirates howl in pain when those same girls bite their fingertips. And where mothers smack daughters who do not behave.
A world where Christmas is disguised as cruelty, and misbehaving daughters tumble outside into the ice, tears stinging their eyes and pain stinging their hearts.
Evie sniffles, swallowing her tears. She pulls her shirt higher, as high as it can go (which isn’t saying much, with the plunging neckline), and flips another page in her tattered children’s book. She loses herself in a scene of a family standing together around a Christmas tree, with fresh snow peeking through the window in the background. And she wonders: Are her friends faring any better this Christmas than she did?
Seriously. This whole Christmas thing is cracked. Mal huffs and falls back against the outer wall of a tin roof house, as Mother cackles and knocks on the door.
“Mother?” Mal calls, crossing her arms. “Why are you bothering to knock when –”
The door opens. A little girl stands in the doorway, clutching the arm of a beaten-up teddy bear.
Great. “Run,” Mal singsongs to the child. “And hide your teddy bear.”
But the girl is too captivated by Mother’s glowing green eyes. She stares, transfixed, as Mother pounces, curling down upon her with claws outstretched. “Why, what a beautiful little girl you are,” Mother coos, tracing a claw beneath the child’s chin. “Are your mommy and daddy home?”
The child whimpers.
“Eldora?” calls a scratchy feminine voice from inside. “Who’s at the d– Oh.” A woman stumbles to a stop, her eyes flying wide, her final oh sharp and horrified.
Mother’s lips serpent into a smile. “Hello, dearie.” She remains coiled around the child, her claw at the girl’s throat. “Feel up to paying your tribute today?”
The woman grabs the child’s shoulder and jerks her backward. “It’s Christmas, Maleficent.”
“Why, yes.” Mother’s claws slip to the girl’s bear. She yanks it from her arms.
“Mother,” Mal says, her voice edged.
So edged, Mother turns and glares.
There may not be magic on the Isle. But Mother’s cold green glare cuts through Mal like cutlery.
“Is there something the matter, Mal?” Mother curls her claws around the bear’s throat, as though she is silently promising Mal the same fate.
Mal freezes in the vortex of Mother’s stare. Her hands begin to tremble. She shoves them into the pockets of her leather jacket. She will not let Mother see them shake. She opens her mouth to respond. To fight. To get Mother to leave these people alone. It’s Christmas. The little girl is no more than five. The mother’s face is grey as the ice coating the Isle streets. She takes a deep breath and wills fire into her eyes. Wills it until her eyes burn with the fire of the fae. Burn in challenge to Mother’s freezing glare.
But Mother taps into her own powers until her gaze smolders and intensifies. And then she begins to tear the head off the bear.
The child’s whimpers turn to cries.
Mal stares into Mother’s eyes and pinpricks of pain slice into her skin. Any words of battle are lost to the silence, as her throat closes down in fear. With a disgruntled cry, she snatches the bear from Mother’s claws and wraps it in her arms. “Fine,” she chokes out, breaking away from Mother’s smoldering stare. “But I’m not hanging around while you steal their Christmas presents.”
“Such a disappointment.” Mother taps her claw against her lips.
“Better than being an evil witch.”
Mal has had enough. The last thing she needs is a recitation of everything she’s done wrong. She marches past Mother and into the starless night.
Stalking through sludge turned grey, she clutches the arm of the tattered little bear.
Wearing a thief-sized grin, Jay slinks through the door of his father’s hut with a bag full of loot. In the last two hours, he’s managed to slither down six chimneys and steal several of the trinkets moms and dads had planned for Christmas stockings. Cups and horns and coins and porcelain dolls. Enough to make some serious bank.
“Jay, is that you?” His father calls.
“In here, Dad.” Jay slings his sack onto the floor, near where he sleeps. Who knows? Maybe all this loot will be enough to score him a bed for the night. After all, it is Christmas.
Jafar steps into the room, where his gaze travels to Jay’s sack. A shadow seems to flit over his features. “What did you bring me?” There’s a pirate’s-blade edge to his voice.
The same kinda edge he uses whenever Jay has failed to do something right.
Jay’s grin fades. “Check it out.” He rips open the sack, where all the trinkets are on display. “It’s –”
“Junk.” Jafar’s nostrils flare. “You’ve been gone for two hours, and you brought back junk.”
“But, Dad.” Jay falls to his knees and scoops out a silver cup and a porcelain doll. “This stuff’s legit. Real silver and porcelain.”
Jafar stomps two steps closer and stares down at Jay’s trinkets. “You incompetent fool. The doll is missing an eye and the cup is cracked.” He forms a fist and knocks the trinkets from Jay’s hand.
Jay winces. “It’s the Isle,” he says, dumping the trinkets back into his sack. “You know what trinkets are like around here.”
“What about the Christmas presents then? Why bring me trinkets when you could bring me real goods?”
Jay stares down at his hands, which are stained with chimney soot. Truth is, he almost did go for the gifts. But he couldn’t do it. Because… “It’s Christmas, Pop. Don’t you think the Isle deserves a little good cheer?” He dares to glance into his father’s face.
A face that ghosts white and then bleeds red. “Good cheer?” His father spits the words. “You’re a thief, boy. Learn to think like one.” He whips back his hand, bringing it down across Jay’s cheek.
Pain explodes across Jay’s face. “I thought I was,” he chokes, cradling his cheek.
“And for that,” Jafar says, lifting the sack of trinkets, which clinks together as he carries it to the door, “you’ll sleep outside with your stolen trinkets.”
He tosses the sack outside and waves his arm for Jay to join it. “Next year, bring me real goods and I might let you sleep on the sofa.”
A burning sensation stings Jay’s eyes. He whips his hand across them, unwilling to let Dad see. Instead, he marches out the door, a son-turned-thief.
He waits for the door to slam, and then he picks up the sack and hefts it over his shoulder. His cheek throbbing in the cold dark air, he begins the trek back to the first house he stole from.
Turns out, he’s only up to collecting junk this year. So he might as well take it back to where it came from. Because even Isle kids deserve a Christmas.
Carlos sneaks from his house, closing the door behind him. Inside Hell Hall, his mother curses and crashes through piles of fur. Fur Carlos was supposed to keep clean. Fur he soiled when he fell after four lashes of Mother’s whip.
One lash for failing to properly clean her fur.
One lash for failing to properly paint her nails.
One lash for failing to properly congratulate her on the strength of her lashes.
And a fourth lash “Because it’s Christmas, darling, and little boys should understand just how good they have it all the other days of the year.”
A fifth lash whooshed toward his back, but Carlos fell onto the coats he hadn’t cleaned and soiled them further with his blood.
“You worthless fool,” his mother cried, dropping her whip and cuddling her fur. “How dare you soil my poor little darlings?”
“I – I’m sorry.” Carlos backed toward the door. “I didn’t mean –”
“Didn’t mean to bleed on my precious coats?” His mother growled, snatching up her whip. “Come back here, Carlos.”
But for once, Carlos didn’t listen to Mother. For once, he turned and sprinted from Hell Hall, out into the freezing night.
He slams the door behind him, cringing at Mother’s curses and shrieks. The cold air bites into his skin, sinking into his wounds. His shirt is in tatters, his skin knitted together with blood and bits of leather flakes torn from Mother’s whip.
But he wraps his arms around his body, gritting his teeth when the movement stings. And he jogs far and fast from Mother’s Hell.
The streets are brighter tonight, even in the Isle shadow. Certain shops glint with Christmas lights, and a browning Christmas tree shimmers in Isle Square. Even the moon shines slightly through the clouds. Shines a few doors down, where a boy carries a sack up onto someone’s dilapidated porch.
Jay. Carlos’ chest constricts. Of course. Who else would show up when I look like crap?
The splintered moonlight slides along Jay’s muscles. Muscles that bulge as he lifts trinkets and places them onto the porch. And when Jay glances up from his sack of gifts, the moonlight caresses his eyes, softening them and turning them a velvet black.
Carlos ducks behind a bush. The last thing he needs is for Jay to see him looking like this.
Jay whistles. A moment later, his footsteps crack along the icy sidewalk. Closer and closer, they come.
Carlos slides back along the bush, ducking beneath the foliage.
But Jay, ever stealthy, catapults over the greenery, landing stooped in front of Carlos. “Trying to hide, my friend?” He greets Carlos with a grin that does wicked things to a boy’s heartbeat. “Or just playing peeping Carlos?”
Carlos forces out a laugh. And says the first words that pop onto his tongue. “Mother’s on a rampage.” He cringes. Dammit. Stupid, stupid, stupid. He swallows a breath, waiting for Jay to notice his wounds. Waiting for Jay to stare at him as though he is weak.
But Jay’s eyes do not dance, as they so often do when he’s getting ready to tease. And they do not darken with pity.
They remain a velvet black, deeper now, more understanding. “Did she hurt you again?” There’s a bitterness in his voice.
A bitterness that seeps into Carlos’ muscles like a balm, comforting and warm. “Oh, you know.” He shrugs. “It wasn’t so bad.” The words are stale and tasteless, like so many lies.
Jay stares at Carlos for another shattered heartbeat. And then he opens his sack and pulls out his jacket. “I’m actually pretty warm tonight.” He holds his jacket out to Carlos. “You wear it.”
“Are – are you sure?” Carlos touches the buttered leather.
Jay never lets anyone use his stuff. Carlos once tried to borrow a shirt after a brutal pirate fight, and Jay nearly took his fingers off with a sword.
“’Course I’m sure.” Jay shrugs and wraps the coat around Carlos’ shoulders. His fingers linger along Carlos’ throat, sliding along his skin. “Our parents are jerks, man,” he whispers. “We’ve gotta look out for each other.”
Carlos sucks back a breath at Jay’s touch. And his gaze lands on Jay’s bruised cheek. “You, too?”
“Yeah, well.” Jay drops his hand from Carlos’ throat. “I didn’t exactly get everything on Dad’s Christmas wish list.” He leaps to his feet, grabbing his empty sack.
A sack that a few minutes ago had held a bunch of trinkets.
Carlos slides to his feet and grabs Jay’s hand. “Hey. Did you – you didn’t return everything you stole, did you?” Could Jay have really had the strength to defy his father like that?
“Sure I did.” Jay shrugs. “It’s Christmas.”
But Jay is no longer looking at Carlos. He’s dropping the sack into the bush, burying it beneath the greenery. “C’mon,” he says, kicking it into the dirt. “I have an idea.” With that, he laces their fingers together and pulls Carlos toward Isle Square.
Carlos waits, but Jay never lets go of his hand.
There’s a light gleaming at the top of the warehouse. Mal stops outside on the street and stares up at the yellowish glow. During her walk there, the teddy bear has somehow become cuddled within her arms, his half-severed head leaning against her chest. She strokes his matted fur and sighs.
She never walks away from Mother.
She never gives up on Mother’s schemes.
Her goal in life is to become Mal, Mistress of Evil. Mother’s frickin’ clone.
But something inside her broke tonight. Something shattered when Mother tore apart this teddy. When Mother tore into Mal’s gaze with her cold green glare.
The light in the warehouse seems warm. A tinge of yellow lighting up the dark Isle night. Beckoning Mal to a place Mother does not know. The home discovered just weeks ago by the Rotten Four.
Still cradling the teddy, she snatches a rock from the street and tosses it at the yellow sign that serves as their lock. The gate to the warehouse rises, and Mal stalks toward the stairs.
Whoever’s waiting in the warehouse, whoever turned on the light, has gotta be better than Maleficent.
Evie caresses the page of her book with a fingertip. The family painted on the page circles around their Christmas tree, their faces alight from the yellow glow of the lights. A fire crackles in the fireplace, casting a crimson gleam. Keeping the family warm from the fluttering white snow piled up outside their window.
Something inside Evie’s chest aches. She tries to picture herself and Mother standing around a Christmas tree, but the image flickers and fades. She cannot bring it to life.
She’s freezing in this warehouse. The clothes Mother forced her to wear are too low-cut. The shirt plunges so low, her chest is cold. A cold that seeps deeper inside each time she thinks of Mother.
She sighs and touches the page, prepared to flip, when someone stomps up the stairs.
Evie glances up from her book to discover Mal. Her purple hair is as wild as her eyes are green. She cradles a beaten-up teddy bear, stroking it as though it is a long-forgotten child.
Their eyes lock, and Mal’s face flares pink. “What are you doing here?” she asks. Her voice is rough – as rough as when Evie first came to Dragon Hall and Mal vowed to make her life miserable – but stitched within her words are threads of vulnerability.
Evie’s breath falters.
Something has changed. This girl, this wild Mal, is suddenly unguarded.
A smile springs to Evie’s lips. There you are. The words spring to her mind, and she realizes in that moment that she’s been waiting. Waiting months for Mal to take off her mask.
“Why are you staring?”
Evie shakes her head. “I’m not staring.” She tilts her head toward the space beside her on the Four’s overstuffed couch. “C’mere and I’ll read you a story.”
Mal hides behind a refuge of her purple hair, which has fallen into her eyes. “And just why would I want to hear a story?”
Because you look like a lost little girl. “Because it’s Christmas, M. And people listen to stories on Christmas.”
It’s the first time Evie’s used the nickname, even though it’s been dancing on the tip of her tongue for weeks.
Mal flips her hair from her face and catches Evie’s gaze. The green in her eyes darkens, intensifies, as though from just one nickname, she’s gained the power to glimpse Evie’s thundering heart. “Fine.” She shuffles across the room, bouncing onto the couch by Evie’s side. “Read me a story then.”
Evie tries, she really does. She even curls her fingers around the storybook.
But now that Mal is close, Evie finds herself lost in the green of Mal’s eyes. In the way Mal’s looking at her, just her, like she really sees her. Evie reaches out and touches Mal’s hand, which is as cold as the night outside. “What happened tonight?”
Mal cringes, hiding her gaze beneath a fall of her eyelids. “Mother.” The word is cut from the harshest of fabrics, and sewn together with stapled stitches.
Evie knows it well. The same stitches are holding together her own broken heart. “I’m sorry,” she whispers.
Mal’s eyes open, the green somehow even more intense. Words sketch themselves across her face. Her features soften. Her lips curl upward. And she allows her cradled bear to drop from its place against her chest and land upon her lap.
As the bear falls, Mal’s eyes fall, too, sliding over Evie’s clothes. She stiffens. “What are you wearing?”
Evie sighs. “My mother was up to her own games tonight. She tried to make me…” Her face flares with heat, the memory of the pirate prince slicing through her thoughts. “She gave me princess lessons.”
Mal’s hand forms into a fist beneath Evie’s palm. “Give me a name and I’ll make sure he never walks again,” she growls.
A fog horn pierces the night, and Evie bites back a laugh just as harsh. “Don’t bother. I bit him so hard, I think he’ll need stitches.”
Mal’s hand twitches. And when Evie glances up, she finds Mal’s mouth twitching, too. “That’s my girl,” Mal murmurs.
Evie’s breath catches. The words knit themselves within her mind, woven in so many shades of emerald. The color of Mal’s eyes, which widen when the words leave her lips.
Mal opens her mouth, maybe to reclaim the words.
Before Mal can speak, Evie presses her lips to Mal’s parted mouth. No way, M. I’m not gonna let you take it back.
Mal’s lips are cold, and when Evie kisses her, they freeze. Mal freezes, a fairy girl crafted from ice.
Evie slips back, just enough so that their lips are no longer touching but their breath still mingles. “Kiss me back,” she whispers, tracing her fingertips along Mal’s hand. “I dare you.” I dare you to let go. I dare you to unfreeze. I dare you to let me inside.
Mal stares into Evie’s eyes, lost in the vortex of her stare. And then her gaze slips to Evie’s lips. All at once, she melts. Her lips part in a groan, and she slides her fingers through Evie’s hair, pulling her forward. Crushing their lips together in a kiss.
Mal’s lips slide along Evie’s, and Evie’s world turns to warmth. She is no longer freezing in the clothes forced onto her by her frigid mother. Her skin prickles with heat. A heat so intense, it slips beneath her chest, warming the place left cold by her mother’s slap. She wraps Mal in her arms and holds her close, finding herself in the warmth.
Long after, when they have stopped the kiss to catch their breath, when Mal has leaned her head against Evie’s shoulder, when Evie has wrapped her arm around Mal’s back, when the bear curls into its own corner of the couch, Mal gazes down at the book still opened on Evie’s lap. “Is this the story you were going to read me?” she asks, thumbing the painting of the Christmas tree.
“Mmhmm.” Evie nuzzles the top of Mal’s head, breathing in her fiery scent. “Someday, I’d like a Christmas like this one.”
“Mmm.” Mal kisses Evie’s shoulder. “Someday.”
There’s a promise in that word as it leaves Mal’s lips. As if she isn’t just repeating what she’s heard. As if she’s rolling it along her tongue, tasting its angles and curls.
Before Evie can discover its meaning, though, there’s a clatter on the stairs. Two boys appear in the warehouse. Carlos, lost in the contours of Jay’s leather coat, and Jay himself, who carries a browning Christmas tree.
“Did someone say Christmas?” Jay asks, wearing a mischievous grin.
A bubble of laughter springs from Mal’s lips. “You stole that tree from Isle Square, you thief.”
“Yup.” Jay turns the tree upright, allowing it branches to fan out. Dangling from all but a few is an ornament, and stretched between the ornaments are strings of tiny lights.
Carlos touches the branches. “Jay and I have decided we’re gonna have a Christmas, right here in the clubhouse.”
“Like a family,” Evie breathes, sliding her fingers through Mal’s.
Mal leans her head against Evie’s shoulder. “Someday,” she whispers.
Evie’s heart glows.
Mal glances at Jay. “Set up the tree,” she says. “I’m gonna add some finishing touches.”
In the darkness of Christmas night, when the Isle streets below are coated in grey sludge and the sky fails to shine with the brightness of stars, the Rotten Four find in each other a family.
Jay guides Carlos to a corner and strips the boy of his jacket. Then, with touches careful and lingering, he applies a balm to the wounds along Carlos’ back. The concoction seeps warmth into Carlos’ muscles so that, when Jay is through, the sting is almost gone.
“I got you, man,” Jay murmurs, sliding Carlos back into his jacket.
Mal shrugs out of her own leather jacket and wraps it around Evie’s shoulders. “To keep you warm,” she says, placing a kiss on Evie’s cheek.
Jay coughs and rubs his mouth with a fist, hiding a smile.
A smile that vanishes when Mal glares, daring him to make another sound.
“Whatever,” Jay says, holding out his hands. But his smile returns, and he winks at Mal, who blushes.
Warm in Mal’s leather jacket, Evie skips away from the scene to find a needle and thread, and to collect the teddy bear. Cradling the bear in her arms, she sews his seams. And then she washes him with soap and water, until he is made new.
Setting the teddy bear beneath the tree, she calls the boys to the couch and opens up the Christmas story. Though the story is written for children, Carlos leans back into Jay’s arms and Jay nuzzles his chin against Carlos’ shoulder, and the two sit and listen to Evie read.
While Evie’s voice drifts through the room, Mal strides to the cupboards, where she uncovers cans of spray paint. The spritz of the paint mingles with the sounds of Evie’s story, filling the clubhouse with a kind of wild creativity.
Finally, when the moon dares to peek through clouds fat and grey, when the Christmas tree glimmers with lights plugged into the clubhouse walls, when the last notes of the story have been spoken and Evie has closed the book, Mal caps her spray paint and steps back from her work.
There, painted behind the tree, there is a window. And within the window, there is the fall of snow. On the opposite wall, there is a fireplace. A fireplace painted warm with crimson flame.
Mal gazes at Evie, her eyes alight. “Who says that someday can’t be now, E?”
Evie’s skin prickles with warmth at the light in Mal’s eyes and at the nickname that falls from Mal’s lips. She rises from the couch and grabs the bear. “No one at all,” she whispers, placing the creature in Mal’s arms.
Mal smiles down at the toy, smoothing her fingers along its seams. “You fixed her.”
“Fair trade.” Evie gathers Mal in her arms. “You fixed me.”
“You were never broken.” Mal murmurs the words against Evie’s heart.
“Neither were you,” Evie breathes the words into her hair. “You were always Mal.”
She gazes down at her girl, and touches their lips in a kiss. A kiss both gentle and soft, but filled with heat.
Jay clears his throat. “Yeah. If you two are gonna make out…”
Evie laughs against Mal’s lips. “We’ll continue this later then,” she murmurs. Stepping back, she turns to find the boys.
“Merry Christmas,” Carlos says with a grin.
“What he said.” Jay nods at the boy, grabbing his hand.
Evie raises her eyebrows at their touch. And at the way Mal slides her arm around Evie’s back, pulling her close.
Things have changed tonight. Changed in ways that are good.
They have found their Someday.
Together with her family, Evie gathers around the Christmas tree, gazing at its lights and savoring the warm glow deep within her heart.
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Can I request one where the reader is the daughter of Davy Jones and has a major crush on Carlos,but her curse don't allow her to love?
Thank you for the request this was fun to make! Maybe Part 2?
Cursed Love
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Warnings: angst, swearing(like one word), blood(? Not really, just a mention), sickness, mentions of death
So the curse is pretty much if the reader falls deep in love with someone she will fall into sickness and soon after, death. If her heart is broken then pain will manifest in the chest area and soon spread.
Summary: Reader was always intrigued by the de Vil boy who was shy and very intelligent. She would often hang around him until he left for Auradon, luckily she is given the chance to see him again as she jumps through the barrier before it closes along with two of the Sea Three. Carlos has definitely grown and the reader can't help, but fall in more love, but her curse only stops her from those feelings. Will she get the chance to love or will her curse hold her back?
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It was a quick jump with a swift landing, now (Y/n) would of never teamed up with Harry and Gil, but it was her only chance to get off the isle and explore Auradon for bit. (And get to see and talk to Carlos again, but no one need to know that.)
"We made it, bro!" And "We made it," Was heard as (Y/n) looked at the isle behind her. Smiling the pirate turned around as the other two tried to pass the "traitors" as Uma would say. The cursed pirate cleared her throat and everyone looked at her. She gave a fake smile and waved "Did ya miss me?"
After the whole dispute with Uma and Mal everyone agreed to work together until the whole Audrey thing was over. (Y/n) was asked on why she was working with the Sea Three and she replied with "Harriet asked me to watch over her little brother, she wouldn't want him to get hurt!" Teasing Harry was always funny to (Y/n) and she got a laugh out of the others.
As they were looking at the sleeping people Carlos walked up to (Y/n). "Hey, uh what's up?" Carlos was definitely nervous to talk to the pirate, they were not on a good note the last time they talked to each other and knowing the girl standing infront of him did not let go of grudges easily.
"Oh you know the usual, being left on the isle while ya friend went to Auradon then being stuck there for how long again? I've forgotten the days, feels like forever. The best part is not being told that they were leaving and only found out by rumors around town." She coughed, it was happening again.
Carlos winced, right he didn't tell her that he was leaving. Though he had a good reason, his crazy mother was going well crazy about him leaving and then Maleficent was making a plan for the wand. He really did want to tell her, but he just wasn't able to.
"(Y/n) I'm-," he was cut off by Evie who showed them the stoned people. They walked towards the group and discussed where to go.
"You're telling me he left for Auradon and told me nothing about it?!" (Y/n)'s voice raised with each word. She couldn't believe it, after all Carlos and she went through and he left her. Yes she understood that he finally got a chance at a happy ending, but he promised that his happy ending would be where she was apart of it.
It felt like only yesterday that Carlos left (Y/n). She felt lucky being able to be near him again, but still it never felt right. She knew if she fell more in love with the de Vil that her curse would only kill her.
While walking next to Carlos she felt sick. She knew what was happening so she blocked the boy out of her mind and sped up next to Harry who she gave a small smirk to, which he did the same.
"Oh Carlos~ where are you?" The girl looked around Hell Hall, until she climbed the ladder to the roof and found who she was looking for. "There you are! I was looking for you everywhere."
The boy turned around and gave a heart warming smile. "Sorry I was just looking at the view," he gestured to Auradon as (Y/n) sat down next to him.
She sighed, "One day I want to go there and just live a simple life. No stealing, no fighting, no problems. Live in a small house and be at peace. If I could I would find the Black Pearl and sail, traveling places no one has ever gone to."
"And I would be by your side." Carlos said as he put his hand on (Y/n)'s. "What do you want Carlos? If you are able to get out of this place where would you go?" She looked at Carlos, smiling.
"Well. . . If we got out of here, my happily ever after would just to be with you. Where you would go I would follow, I would never leave you. You are all I have (Y/n)." He looks at Auradon. (Y/n) was still smiling, but a headache began to grow.
Mal betrayed them. She lied. (Y/n) walked up to Mal, facing her, practically looking into her soul. "You lied to us all, what kind of monster are you?" (Y/n) saw Harry's saddend look before it turned into anger as he said something to Ben. The girl grabbed his hand and started to walk. "They aren't worth it, Harry. None of them are," Carlos called out her name, but she kept walking.
Audrey was defeated, but she fell into a deep sleep just like her mother once upon a time. (Y/n) and the Sea Three were heading back to the isle.
Carlos ran up before (Y/n) got into the limousine. "(Y/n) talk to me please!" She turned around and gave him a look. "What do you want from me?"
"I'm truly sorry," he grabbed the cursed pirates hands with his own, "I would've told you that I was leaving, but I was busy. You know I would never leave you, my happily ever after will never happen until we are side by side."
There was a pang in (Y/n)'s chest and it got hard to breathe. Then there was someone calling Carlos.
Jay ran up, "You're girlfriend was looking for you, Jane is blaming herself for Audrey," He looks at (Y/n) "See ya." And he walked away
. . .
Heartbroken. Pain spread through her chest once more, but worse. She pulled her hands away from Carlos'.
"Oh a girlfriend? How nice. You know what, forget about happily ever after the isle is my life and Auradon is not my type of place," she hold back her tears, "have fun living your life, I need to go back to my home."
"(Y/n)? Wait!" It was too late the door was closed. Carlos stood there silently before walking off.
(Y/n) closed the door and closed her eyes tightly. "(Y/n)?" She opened her eyes looking at Uma who gave her a sad look, "Come here."
She may not have been close with the Three, but right now she just needed someone. She moved next to Uma who had her arms open before wrapping them around the heartbroken girl.
She started to cry, then it turned to sobbing as Gil rubbed her back. Uma was shushing her, Harry was cursing Carlos under his breath saying that this girl didn't deserve this.
The pain got worse everyday, staying in her room all day and only coming out for food. She would cry from the feeling of betrayal. Yes Carlos was only a friend, but when they were on the isle together there was always something else in between the friendship.
(Y/n) wiped her mouth as she tried to get the taste of blood and vomit out of her mouth. Over time the pain went towards her stomach, now she would vomit often and now blood has come into the mix.
"Shit!" More blood came out of the suffering girl's mouth. Her life was never supposed to be like this yet her she is crying as her body is slowly shutting down on her.
(Y/n) wasn't ready to die, but she just couldn't get over Carlos, except for Harriet, he was all she had.
In a flash spots started taking up her vision and she started to feel dizzy. All she heard was crackles and she started to breathe heavy.
Love was truly a curse.
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Teaser to Triumph Games
Okay, so maybe I will go through with the Hunger Game AU for Descendants. I thought I’d tease it up a bit more and see if anyone had any opinions or comments. Here is part of two scenes labeled by the year. I’d appreciate any comments or feedback, lol:
October 1992
“You cannot be serious, Adam,” Aurora fumes turning to look at the older king before switching her gaze to his quiet wife. “Belle, you can’t tell me you support this.”
The French Queen opens her mouth, but a pat from Adam has her closing her mouth and Aurora frowns. Helplessly, Aurora scans the rest of the council room feeling Phillip’s hand come to rest on her lower back coaxing her to settle down. It does little to dissuade Aurora, hazel orbs piercing her fellow rulers—Jasmine matches her gaze headstrong, as do Mulan and Tianna, but Duke Weselton sneers in her direction and Prince Florian and Prince Charming glare while Ella and Snow shrink away. Megara clears her throat, but Hercules shakes his head and pulls her away despite the Grecian woman’s glare.
“This is inhumane,” states Aurora, sinking back into her seat at the silence of the room. Suddenly she feels so much wearier than any eighteen year old should ever feel. Glancing at Adam again Aurora frowns, she can see the lines around his eyes—the markings of sleepless nights marring a twenty-eight year old’s face. The weight settling in her shoulders as she takes into the lack of arguments from the rest of the ruling monarchs. Despite it all, she pushes forth: “You asked us to come under your reign for the betterment of our nations, not to imprison part of our population.”
“They have caused unimaginable suffering amongst us all!” Naveen exclaims and Tianna winces at the loudness of her husband. The Prince chest heaves in exhaustion and it takes all that Aurora has in her not to shout back at the man. “This is taking pity on them.”
“I agree with Prince Naveen,” nasally Duke Weselton intervenes and this time the blonde scoffs in the back of her throat. His hair is plated back, suit pristine with gems and stich work only the wealthy could dream of affording. It nauseates the blonde at the utter lack of sense the Duke carries and blatant hypocrisy he spews. “They are guilty of unspeakable crimes.”
“Should you join them?” spits Aurora crossing her arms and taking pleasure in the bristling of the older man. “We all know you’re not exactly a poster-image for a hero or good citizen.”
“That is enough Aurora,” quiets Queen Ingrith next to her son and Phillip offers a squeeze on his wife’s waist as an apology. “The Duke speaks the truth and you may not be aware of the full extent of these crimes. I support King Adam’s decision and we all should.”
Clearing his throat the King Beast stands his posture rigid. Taking a deep breath, Adam sweeps across the room eyes boring into Aurora’s. Slowly he speaks: “We are a land of democracy. A country of many nations; we all have a voice. Let’s put it to a vote, we’ll start with House of Cinders.”
Prince Charming and Princess Ella glance around skittishly and Aurora’s heart cracks when Ella avoids her gaze.
Charming clears his throat and nods: “We agree to the terms, we stand behind House of Beast.”
Adam nods, shoulders slacking a bit before continuing: “House of Li.”
Mulan faces Shang, a silent understanding passing between them before Mulan opens her mouth to speak. “We abstain from participation.”
The drone endures down the line of remaining rulers and as each one answers, the fissures in Aurora’s heart break open. Auradon nation of many, but controlled by seventeen houses and led by one man casts the future—a future held by ancestral beliefs. Standing again, Adam nods his head as he recites the ending vote.
“It is decided,” says Adam, his eyes locking onto the sheet of paper with the final tally. “The houses who abstained from answering and forfeit their vote are the following: House of Li, House of Atlantica, House of Kingsleigh, and House of Pan. The houses who denounce the proclamation are: House of Frost, House of Olympia, House of Smith, House of Agrah, House of Radcliffe, and House of Moors.”
Aurora matches Adam’s glare despite the pit growing in her chest—the vote still against her. Breaking away to look around, the princess nods in gratitude for those who stood in solidarity with her and thanks them for their attempt. Sultana Jasmine nods minutely, Aladdin offering a pained twist of lips, Anita sobs quietly and Roger does his best to comfort her, the others offer saddened looks Aurora does her best to ignore them.
“Those in favor of the proclamation,” reads Adam, voice projecting across the room, “House of Beast, House of Cinders, House of Maldo, House of Blanche, House of Ulstead, House of Trenches, and House of Fae. Seven to six—the proclamation will go through.”
“You’re bringing people back from the dead, Adam,” Aurora growls, throwing her last futile attempt for a change. “You’re using dark magic to rebirth them only to imprison them in a land of no magic. How does this make us any better than their unspeakable acts?”
“Phillip,” Ingrith mutters, nails tapping the table. “Control your wife.”
July 2013
Despite the thick fog englobing The Isle of the Lost the crisp horns ring through the heavy layer. Children and beggars alike scatter to darker corners—seeking cover. The singular large screen that hangs above the Isle’s Court in the main square comes to life. The Auradon Crest proudly on display—a countdown appearing underneath marking forty-seven hours fifty-nine minutes and fifty-eight—fifty-seven—fifty-six (and so on).
From the top of the Bargain Castle, a group of teenagers glower at the square, dread filling the pit of their stomachs. The horns dim to distant rings, but the echo plays out inside all of their ribcages. It shakes them to their cores as they trickle back inside—each falling into a place around the crumbling room.
Turning with the knob, Carlos curses quietly—nimble fingers working quickly to procure an image on the decades old television. Behind him Freddie hovers watching the youngest boy fiddle with wires, taking a knee when Carlos shifts to offer her a better view.
Jay leans against the decaying counter, eyes honing in on the monitor. “Who do you think will be chosen this year?”
“Clayton is unbearable,” Harry groans, plopping himself next to the oldest boy. “He would be better off dead. My bet is on him and hopefully Scar.”
“The adults are dwindling,” Uma chimes in, braids swaying as her gaze hardens. “Anyone above ten is fair game. We saw that with Anthony and Mei Lei.”
The room sobers at the names. At the echoes that accompany the weight of those lost.
“I don’t understand how a land full of heroes can convince themselves that this is a good idea,” hisses Mal, watching how the cracked screen flickers an image of King Adam, Queen Belle, Prince Ben, and Fairy Godmother over a burning ember. Behind them a royal blue banner waves against the sky, bold letters painting the number thirteen in gold.
Evie hums from her spot against the wall, lipstick slipping into her pocket. She eyes the group critically—sensing how they all turn to look at her. Mal may have been the gang’s de facto leader, but Evie was the second in command and the oldest of them making her in some cases the wisest. 
Swallowing, thickly the older girl toys with the hem of her skirt—mulling over the words in her head. “It gets rid of threats while providing entertainment and painting them as victors. In a sadistic way its genius.”
“Fuck, I get it with some of our folks,” Freddie huffs, “but they’re letting kids in it too.”
“It’s not like we’re innocent,” sighs Carlos, falling back onto his heels as sound begins to pour from the busted speakers. “Or that they would even care.”
Without further ado our Auradon Hero to honor his ascent to the throne Prince Benjamin.  
Mal’s lip curls in disgust and Uma’s brow quirks. Jay and Harry chuckle lowly at the nervous glint playing out across the Prince’s gaze. There’s a pause from the screen and unconsciously the teenagers draw themselves closer to one another.
Now for the remaining tributes …
Collectively, the tenseness in their shoulders diminishes. Four more spots, there was hope.
“Well there’s one at least, mate,” whistles Jay bumping his shoulder against Harry. The pirate nods hesitantly, but his heart hammers. Three spots left.
“Three more to go,” Uma whispers, fingers twitching on the hilt of her sword. Mal’s shoulders draw up and Evie glances out the balcony. 
“We should head to the square,” Carlos murmurs, drawing to a stand, his hand settling on the scabbard attached to his left hip.  “The guards are bound to start appearing and we just fixed the door.”
Deftly they rise and begin to trickle out, sticking to the shadows each armed. Evie’s trusted bow swung behind her shoulder hand interlinking with Mal’s for a moment before letting it fall away. Projected across the dome of the Isle Fairy Godmother’s voice carries out continuing to drone.
The Court Square draws closer and despite only one slot remaining the heaviness of the situation dawns on all of them. At the forefront lines of guards in blue decorate the steps of the only building not riddled in graffiti or broken windows. Behind them on the platform a hologram of the Royal Family alongside Fairy Godmother stand looking over the growing crowd. 
“Now for the last tribute,” Fairy Godmother begins hand reaching into the chalice in front of her. The older woman’s eyes sadden and her voice embraces an empty echo. Reluctantly, she clears her throat. “Drizella Tremaine Jr.”
The chatter seemingly stops and Dizzy’s piercing cry shatters the noise of the Isle. Freddie’s arms wrap around Celia feeling her younger sister begin to shake in sobs. Carlos pales considerably and Jay’s hand slips from his sword while Harry swallows and Uma turns to look for the girl. Mal’s mouth hangs in horror turning to face Evie (knowing that the older girl would do anything for the youngest Tremaine).
“E, no—“
But Mal’s pleas fall on deaf ears, because before she knows it there’s a loaded bow. An arrow knocked back that misses the Auradon Guard (just barely) who drags a wailing ten-year-old to the stage over the fifth stand. Loading a second arrow—the guards raise their own weapons pointing them to the daughter of the Evil Queen.
“Well it appears that this is a first. A willing participant in place of another. Evelyn Grim daughter of the Evil Queen (defeated in the tenth annual game) will take Drizella’s place. Thus, it is with our great honor to announce the thirteenth annual Triumph Games. Where five Villains will be picked at random against each other and one champion from Auradon to survive. May the odds forever be in your favor.
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