#memorable moments are when he has his arms around me and I try to move but then he pulls me in and tries to kiss me
all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months
1.2k / 18 / soap soulmate au, part 1
You're Soap's enemy. One of Graves' Shadows. You just betrayed him, and now he's seeing his name tattooed across your skin. The Las Almas night nearly eclipses the soulmark's inky color. But it's there, clear as day. He can't wrap his adrenaline-addled mind around it.
He ghosts up behind where you're posted--pacing, patrolling, on the lookout for him--and wraps his hand around your mouth. You react in surprise, grabbing his wrist. But before you can twist out of his grasp, he slides the blade of your fallen Shadow's knife against your back.
If you're his soulmate, it changes nothing. He'll still be one man against dozens, chances slim to none that he'll make it out of this alive. But he has to know.
"You," he growls. "What's your name?"
You still. You're trained to keep a cool head under far more extreme circumstances than this.
"Your name," Soap repeats, voice like gravel.
He loosens his grip just enough to let you speak.
You release a slow breath out. "Classified."
He increases the pressure of his knife against your back. "That bastard Graves trusts you, aye? Not many others posted this way. Nobody'll find you for awhile." He presses the tip of the knife back into the fabric of your uniform. He'll keep the pressure there until he gets what he wants. "Your full name."
You say nothing for a long moment. But then, you see no reason to die overlooking these twisting Las Almas alleyways. You tell him your full name.
It confirms what he already knows. It's the name printed on his own skin, the name he's repeated to himself thousands of times over. The knife disappears from your back.
"Look at me," he tells you.
You push his arm away and turn on him, drawing your sidearm and training it at his chest. You step back, looking him up and down. "You're the one we're looking for. Aren't you? Capture or kill--" Your voice falters when you see he pulls his shirtsleeve up, revealing his own soulmate. He doesn't give you one goddamn second to try to deny it or turn your eyes away the way you've been trained. Your name. Tattooed on your target's arm.
Seeing you eye to eye, Soap's breath catches in his throat. His own name on the side of your neck is clear as day to him now.
"You're her," he says, still not quite believing it.
You take another step back. What are you supposed to do? You should shoot him, yes, but could you even make your finger pull the fucking trigger now? You lower your gun, but you don't put it away.
"You should go," you tell him, voice low. "Now."
But he doesn't move. He wants to take this moment in, study your face, memorize every detail. You're the real thing. His blue eyes stay locked onto yours, and a myriad of scenarios play through his mind, just like yours. What happens if he leaves? Will he be able to find you again?
He takes a step toward you.
"Don't do that," you warn him, sliding back a step to keep the same distance between you. "Don't make me hurt you."
"You wouldn't." He moves for you now with the confidence of a man who believes that, too. He wants to touch you again. Just to make sure you're really here. His voice is rough and thick. "I need to look at you."
You bite down on a gasp when your heel knocks against the wall. He's getting too close. You can't let your control on the situation slip. You can't forget why you're here or what will happen if Graves finds out about this.
"Back off," you warn him again. You still have your sidearm in hand, but you're terrified he's right--pointing it at him is an empty threat.
He moves in close to you, his breath hot on your neck. You swear you can feel his body heat through the layers of both your uniforms. Your nerves are on fire. His scent is everywhere. This can't be happening. Not now. It should be a dream, meeting your soulmate, but it's a nightmare.
"Listen to me," you force out. "They'll find you and kill you. Leave. Now."
"Can't." Soap is close enough to whisper it into your ear. His hands close around your arms. "Can't think straight with you in front of me." His gaze darkens as he pushes forward, pressing you into the wall and pinning you there. If he's not going to live to see morning, he's going to kiss you. He has to taste you.
You hear another Shadow under you, boots thudding against the metal stairs, scaling up to your lookout perch.
You try to fight the panic welling up in your throat. You could both be shot for this. Killed for it. Worse.
You can't let them see him. If you give him what he wants, he'll go, right?
You grab his collar and pull him forward, meeting his lips in a searing kiss. His lips feel like stubble and taste like blood. He shudders, feeling your body suddenly pressed against his. He deepens the kiss. He's starving, but it's not enough. Just the taste and feel of you isn't enough. His fingers weave into your hair and he pulls you close, pressing even harder against your body.
You forget yourself for a moment. Your brain chemistry shifts hard, heat and want burning in your veins.
Then you hear voices from below and reality washes over you again. With a strangled groan, you push him away. "God damn you. Hide."
Soap has to force himself to let you go. It takes every ounce of control to keep from reaching for you again. But the look in your eyes when you push him away... he knows you've crossed a line.
He disappears the moment two more Shadows crest the top of the iron staircase.
You avoid rousing suspicion as you lie to your allies' faces, reporting no sightings of either target. By the time you're forced to leave your post and follow the others back to the nearest rendezvous point, you're resigned to never seeing him again. It's better not to wonder.
All you can think about are his fingers weaving into your hair, his lips on yours, the burning grip of his hands around your wrists. You tell yourself not to think about it... but then your mind goes back to it, over and over. No matter how much you tell yourself it's better not to fantasize.
Even when you learn he evaded capture, he's a wanted man. A dead man walking. You're better off pretending you never saw your name tattooed on his skin.
There is no other thought on Soap's mind but you long after he slips away into the Las Almas night.  The sight of you leaving with the other Shadows haunts him when he closes his eyes. He wakes up adrenalized, thinking about you in his hands, his heart pounding like it could punch through his rib cage.
His soulmate got away, and the weight of regret is setting in.
[part 1] / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10
more Soap / masterlist tag
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spicyspiders · 3 months
something that never existed
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Francis Mosses x male reader smut
1.4k words
This is really dark. Francis gives the reader a bottle of milk that makes him feel funny, follows him home, and then takes care of him.
It hits you during the middle of your shift. You aren’t sure of what, but the feeling of it has grown more intense each hour since it began. Pushing through the double doors is harder than when you did it this morning, your arms feeling heavy. 
The cool evening air against your skin nearly has you moaning. Your skin burns, and the refreshing air makes you want to tear off your clothes. Each step against the pavement feels heavy as you slug your way to your home. If you were a passerby, you would probably be annoyed hearing the loud sound of your shoes against the sidewalk, but even though the noise filled your ears again and again, you could also hear the quieter steps of someone behind you. 
Someone fucking drugged you. Or maybe something made it through the slot in your workstation. Or maybe–
You didn’t fucking know. All you knew was that because of it, you were half-hard by the time you made it to your front door. 
“Are you following me?” You asked loudly as you leaned your sweaty forehead against your door. You panted against the door as you waited for a response. You laughed to yourself as you stuck your hand into your pocket to get your keys. Great, alongside the lust, you were also going crazy. 
“You looked like you needed help. So yes, I followed you,” a voice said from behind you. 
Your eyebrows drew together, trying to recognize the voice. It only took a few moments to pinpoint where you knew it from. You heard nearly a hundred voices a day at your job, but there was something about the man’s voice that was different and made it memorable. 
You just couldn’t remember his name though. Frank? Fraser? Frederick? You didn’t really care to try and remember his name. You had more pressing matters, like picking up the keys you had finally pulled from your pocket and then dropped on the fucking ground. 
“Let me,” Frank, Fraser, or Frederick says, his voice much closer behind you. “Here,” he says, now beside you. 
You hold your hand out to accept the cold metal into your palm. You hope the man will just leave as you close your fingers around the keys and the sharp metal digs into your palm, but the man stays. 
“I’m fine,” you say to the man, sticking the key into the knob with your shaky hands. 
“Let me at least help you get inside,” the man responds, one of his hands moves to your shoulder, while the other goes to your waist to hold you upright.  
“Fuck,” you whisper. Where he touches you somehow feels warmer than the rest of your body feels, even over your clothes. His voice brings you back to earlier in the day when he showed up to the window to be let in. You thought it was pretty weird for a milkman to deliver to his own apartment building, but it definitely wasn’t the weirdest thing you saw during your shift. 
“Let me in?” He had asked you earlier that day. Through the window, you could see his carrier full of milk bottles, but you could also see an extra bottle in his other hand. 
“Making an extra delivery for today?” You asked as you looked over the papers he gave you. 
The man didn’t answer. He must not have heard you, you thought. He nodded in appreciation when you gave his papers back and pressed the button to unlock the door. You thought that was going to be that, but the man got your attention again after you had started going through other papers on your desk. 
“This is for you, actually,” he said as he held the bottle up. One corner of his mouth twitched up, making it look like for once, he wasn’t miserable. 
“Oh,” you said in surprise. You weren’t sure if you were allowed to accept gifts, but took the bottle anyway through the slot under the window. 
“You must get thirsty back there.”
“Yeah,” you chuckled lightly, “my mouth can get dry with all of the talking I do.”
He left after that, but you swore his eyes had flicked down to your lips before he walked through the door. 
“Did you put something in that milk?” You asked, pulling the key from the knob. 
Francis. You remembered as his hand went over yours on the knob. You could see the document in your head, as you tried to remember if the man with you now was the same from earlier in the day. 
“Did you like it?” He asked, “I made it just for you,” he said into your ear, his warm breath puffing across your ear. 
With strength you didn’t know you still had, you sent your elbow backward into the man’s chest. You thought that would be enough, but found yourself on the other side of the door with Francis on your back. 
“What’d you do to me?” You moaned against the door. His weight on your back was heavy as he held you against the door. This close, you could feel the length of his cock digging into your lower back. 
You let out another moan, but this time, Francis lets out one that matches yours when he grinds his hard cock into your back. His hands go to your hips to maneuver you around so he can grind his cock into the meat of your ass. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this,” Francis says, laying his body along the length of your back so he can say the words directly into your ear. 
Enough to drug you, you guessed. Whatever he gave you was enough to turn your brain to mush, and the only control you had was dedicated to pushing your ass back into his cock. 
“Please,” you whined, “it hurts.” Francis lets you fall slowly to the floor and makes his way to hold himself tightly against your back. What hurts is your hard cock, but of course, Francis knows that the relief you need comes in the form of his hands between your legs. 
“I’ve got you, sweetheart,” Francis whispers. His fingers skillfully get your pants open, and then his fingers– the same ones you saw earlier today hand you his papers, wrap around your cock. 
You immediately fuck your hips into his fist, much closer than you expected. You hoped that with your release, Francis would be leaving along with it. Maybe you had fallen asleep at your station and this was some fucked up dream you were having. Letting your head fall forward to thunk into your door didn’t wake you up, so it’s likely that this was real. 
“You’re so wet here,” Francis says in amazement as his fingers collect the precum from the head of your cock and what had already leaked down the shaft. He hooks his chin on your shoulder before he pulls his hand from your cock, and up to his mouth. 
He groans into your neck when he gets the taste on your tongue, “Francis,” you whisper, hoping that saying his name would be enough. You didn’t want to beg, after all, your hard cock should be evidence enough of what you needed. 
“I’m sorry,” Francis says, kissing his apology into the soft skin of your neck. Though it wasn’t on your lips, the press felt electric. “I just needed a taste.”
His words go straight to your cock and you feel another bead of precum drip from the head, just in time for Francis’ fingers as they wrap around the base. 
You cum to Francis’ long fingers around your cock and to the feel of his cock digging into your back. With his chest pressed to your back, the groan he lets out as you come undone under his hands travels through your body. It almost feels as if he’s so close that he’s a part of you and the noise comes from your mouth. It makes you feel crazy. What makes you feel even crazier though is how much you moan for the man as your orgasm courses through your body.    
Francis holds your body up with an arm wrapped around your stomach as you pant against the door and come down from the orgasm that just shot through your body. “Let’s go to bed, sweetheart,” Francis says, his voice full of promise, “it’s been a long day.”
It must be the drugs, you thought as you let him pull you up from the floor. Your soft cock gives a twitch from where it hangs between your legs. You weren’t even sure if it was worth buttoning your pants back up. 
Francis was right, it had been a long day, but you had a feeling that you also had a long night ahead of you. 
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iloveavatar · 2 years
deja vu
neteyam x fem!reader
in which the things neytiri hears from y/n and neteyam makes her have deja vu…
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neytiri is fiercely walking towards her eldest son after hearing he took the blame his younger brother again,when she hears that y/n has beaten her to the scolding of neteyam. her ears twitch as she picks up on a familiar saying that leaves y/n’s mouth.
“you’re like a baby! making noise, don’t know what to do!” she stated as she lightly hits the side of his head.
neteyam gently scoffs in annoyance.
neytiri watches the scene play out from afar with a small smile on her face. she realizes that neteyam and y/n are much more alike to her and her jake than she had thought.
“don’t hiss at me! you’re the one that got yourself in trouble in the first place. and thinking you could come here, without getting scolded was stupid. you’re stupid neteyam.” she angrily expressed towards him.
“i don’t see why you care so much. it doesn’t affect you in any way.” he said as he turns his head to direct his eyes to the ground.
y/n’s ear twitches as he says that. a small growl leaving her throat as she turns around with her eyes wide. she makes slow intimidating steps towards him.
‘oh shit’ he thought.
neteyam slowly took small steps back to avoid her wrath.
neytiri saw the look on y/n’s face and slowly moved in toward the two teens to protect her son. however she stopped when she witnessed the next thing.
“why do i care for you? why do i care so much huh? well maybe, because the moron i like keeps getting himself in trouble!” she slightly yelled
neteyams eye grew wide at her statement. ‘she likes me?’ he thought.
neytiri’s eyes widen as well at the confession. she slowly backed away, sensing the two needed this moment alone. she silently turned around and started heading towards her jake to tell him his eldest son might have potentially found someone to keep an eye on him.
y/n kept going on with her rant. her arms flailing around, trying to explain to neteyam how she felt.
“… and if you think for one second, that i won’t scold you for acting so irrationally, you’re dead wrong!” she yelled as she continued to rant.
neteyam wasn’t listening to a single word she was saying. except he was paying more attention as to how she was so expressive while trying to explain her feelings to him. he had this soft look in his eyes that he had only seen his father give to his mother. if he knew that he got to see y/n’s face like this up close, he would definitely try to get in trouble more often. but he doesn’t want to admit that out loud.
y/n slowly stopped her rant as her breath was uneven due to all of the yelling she had just done. she made eye contact with neteyam and realized that everything she said went in his one ear, and out the other.
she sighed and looked at the ground in exasperation.
neteyam gently moved towards her and lifted her head towards him. he slowly leaned in to the point where his breath fanned her lips.
neither of them wanted to move. they wanted to stay in this position to savor the moment. to memorize every detail of each others face.
“please don’t slap me again for saying this.. but when you tell me how worried you are for me, it makes me realize that i only worry you for a specific reason..” he started to say.
“and that reason would be?” she questioned.
“that I see you” he answered softly. almost as if he spoke any louder she would turn into dust and float away.
her eyes pointed up as a giant grin broke out onto her face. she then grasped his jaw and finally closed the space in between the two.
the kiss they shared had many hidden emotions that have been bottled up for so long,finally spill out and reveal themselves. this moment was where the two finally understood how the other felt. they continued the kiss until they broke away for air.
slightly panting neteyam says “we should head back before my mother finds us and tries to send me to meet eywa”
y/n softly laughs and grabs his hand. she starts to lead the way back home. where the two could finally start a relationship. a relationship where they can understand each other.
as they walk back, neteyam catches sight of neytiri waiting for them. he slightly avoids eye contact in fear of getting punished.
neytiri stares at them for a few seconds before a small smile breaks out on her face. she slowly turns around and heads back to where she had originally emerged from.
neteyam takes this as a good sign and realizes that he might’ve found the neytiri to his jake.
as the two teens continue to walk. neytiri is back inside their home, realizing that her and her jake fell in love almost the exact same way. the two teens gave her a sense of deja vu to when her and jake had met. she would accept y/n if she was the one neteyam chose. in fact, she wants neteyam to choose her.
to think that she witnessed something that was very similar to her own love life.
“hm, eywa must be giving me deja vu to tell me about their possible relationship on the way” she thought
and from that moment onward, the two teens formed a beautiful relationship that neytiri and jake accept, since the two remind them of themselves.
MERRY CHRISTMAS (to those that celebrate it) !!once again, i have no idea what i’m doing i’m just hoping it turns out ok! pls let me know if you want certain type of stories or something! writing is kinda fun LMFAOOO ~S
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seraphmeraph · 8 months
brr vrr ba dap bop pa
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How they'd be with a virgin reader - Headcanons Part 1
MK1 NSFW headcanons with Lin Kuei brothers aka Tomas Vrbada, Kuai Liang, Bi Han, and as a bonus Syzoth.
TW: oral sex, fingering, conventional sex, bit of possessiveness, gn but hints of afab, first time
A/N: working on requests mb for taking so long I'm just lazy. I'll do more headcanons of this with other mk1 characters soon so this is part 1
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Tomas Vrbada • Smoke
Tomas has minimal experience but'll try his best to act experienced. He will constantly ask if you're okay or need to pause, and he keeps asking if he's doing good.
He gives so much foreplay; as you're doing it, he'll be admiringly gentle.
Tomas laid your back against the bed, your legs propped on his shoulders. He peppered kisses throughout your body. "Are you ready?" He asks in a gentle tone, his face showing his nervousness.
You nodded, ready for him to take your virginity.
One of his hands rested on your knee while the other guided his dick to your warmth. You both moaned unanimously as your heat wrapped around him.
He let you adjust to his size, waiting just a moment so he doesn't hurt you. "Tell me when to move, okay?" He spoke.
He began as soon as he gave you the okay, moving with slow, coordinated thrusts, letting your legs fall off his shoulder as he leaned closer to you, trapping you between his arms. "You feel so good, princess," He whimpered into your ear.
He was desperate to make you feel good, putting you above himself. "Doing so well for me," He spoke, pulling you into a kiss.
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Kuai Liang • Scorpion
Like Tomas, Kuai Liang will be admirably gentle, ensuring you're always satisfied.
He'll give excellent foreplay, not as much as Tomas, but still a lot nonetheless. For your first time, he wants to make everything memorable, dimming the lights and prepping the bed.
He'll praise you so much, you'll never not feel loved by this man. Even if there's nothing to praise, he will find something.
After eating you out, Kuai Liang retracted his head, letting you come down from your high. He grabbed you by your ankles and pulled you towards him, making you lay your head against the pillows.
He could sense your nervousness and kissed your lips softly. "There's no need to be nervous, sunflower. I promise you'll feel good," He whispered against your lips, kissing you once more. He trailed his head to your breast, kissing around your nipple.
"Do you want me to continue?" He asked, pulling back to look at you. He cupped your cheek.
You nodded eagerly, wanting to lose your virginity to him. He couldn't help but smile. Without losing another minute, he led his dick to your heat, slowly pushing inside you.
He let out a low moan, thrusting into you slowly. "Good girl, taking me so well," He spoke, his hands gripping your thighs tightly.
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Bi Han • Sub Zero
He felt possessive when you first told him you were a virgin. He felt like it was a way to claim you as entirely his.
He's rough and demanding, yet still gentle, not wanting to be the reason you're hurt. Will literally edge you for hours before taking you.
"Tell me how badly you want me?" He teased, his fingers remaining inside you, yet he's not moving them. You whine out his name, begging for him to take you, and when he finally has his fill of teasing you, he'll let you come.
Bi Han would stick his fingers in your mouth, watching as you sucked them clean.
He'll have you in missionary for your first time simply because he wants to see how much pleasure he's giving you.
After letting you come down from your orgasm, he'll wait until you give him the okay to stick it in. Slowly, he'll let you get used to his girth, wanting to be the last person who'd ever hurt you. Once he thought you were okay, he began slow, coordinated thrusts, eventually turning rougher.
"You're mine, mine to take," He growled, slamming into you with no regard anymore.
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Syzoth • Reptile
When Syzoth found out you were a virgin and you were allowing him to take you, he kept you in bed for days, showing you what you were missing.
He would spend way too much time kissing you and worshipping your body, whispering how sweet you taste and how he can't wait to feel your insides.
Syzoth is absolutely a switch, so for your first time, he would definitely have you top him, cowgirl style.
As you sink down onto his dick, he'll let out a hiss, feeling your warmth wrapped around his cock. One of his hands would go to hold your hand while the other rests on your hips. He'd thrust up a few times, getting desperate already seeing you on top.
"Mmph-" He bit his lip to contain his moans. "So perfect," He whimpered, admiring your body, how your heat just perfectly took him.
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cameronspecial · 9 months
Let Me Protect You, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Mentions of Death
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
Summary: Rafe's only mission in life is to protect his girlfriend.
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Rafe has a few rules when it comes to being his girlfriend and he always gets upset at Y/N when she doesn’t use them. One of those rules: be careful with your beverages. The multiple drinks Y/N has drank over the night have built up in her bladder, so nature is now calling to her. The only problem is she doesn’t know where to leave her drink. Luckily, she spots Rafe’s tall figure in the crowd. She pushes her way to him and taps his shoulder. “Hey, Angel. What’s wrong? Are you ready to go?” he worries, checking her over for any wounds. She shakes her head and holds her drink out to him, “Nothing is wrong, I just need to pee. Can you please hold my drink?” 
The glassy look in his eye gets blinked away as he grabs onto her drink. His long fingers round the top of the cup, so his palm is covering the opening of the drink. “Of course I can. I would be more than happy too. Let me walk you to the bathroom and check to make sure no one is hiding out in there,” he offers, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and taking her to the bathroom line. Nobody would’ve guessed that Rafe is so protective of his girlfriend. It makes Y/N giggle at how cute he gets when he takes her safety seriously. 
Another one of Rafe’s rules: always tell him when she is cold. The winter breeze snips at her nose and she wrinkles her nose to try and heat it up. This action doesn’t go unnoticed by Rafe. He gives her a disapproving look, “Rule number four, Angel.” She doesn’t need him to say anything more because she already has the rules memorized. “Rafe, I’m cold. Could you please give me your jacket?” she grovels. He grins at her words and takes it off immediately. He hands it over to her, “Absolutely, it’s what I am here for. Are you okay with staying in line by yourself for a second? I’m going to get my extra jacket in the car.” It really doesn’t surprise her that he keeps an extra jacket for moments like this. “Thank you for the jacket. And I’m okay with waiting. Why didn’t you just give me the extra one though?” she questions, fiddling with the bottom of his jacket. 
He gives her a kiss, “Because I always wear a jacket that matches your outfit when we go out just in case I need to give it to you. The one in my car is merely a random one.” Her heart flutters at the thought he puts into everything he does for her. 
The rules that Y/N likes to contest are the one that also regards his safety. They exit the bookstore side by side with bags of books in hand. As they walk down the sidewalk to the parking garage, she moves herself to the opposite side of Rafe. Before she can process it, she is back on the other side of Rafe again. They go through this charade again. “Why can’t I be the one that protects you from getting hit by a car?” she pouts, trying to get back on the side closest to the road. He tuts her head and moves her back, “Because I am your boyfriend and it is my job”
“Well, why can’t it be my job to protect you as your girlfriend?” 
He shakes his head at her words, “Let me protect you, Angel. If something happened to me, you would be able to live on without me. If something happened to you, they would have to dig another grave beside yours.” This makes Y/N stop in her tracks to look him in the eyes. The tears brimming at the thought of her death break her heart. “Rafe, I would not be able to live without you either. You are so important to me too. But if protecting me makes you feel better, then I’ll stop bugging you about it. At least for now,” she promises, pulling him into a hug. His head buries into her neck, “Thank you, Angel. I’m glad you finally realized that I was made to protect you.”  
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fun-loving-peach · 11 days
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Different Types of Kisses with Toji Fushiguro
a/n: the last one is so long omg I just had too 😭 if anybody wants to be on the tag list comment or send me an ask, have a lovely day my little peaches 🍑✨
Divider by lovely @plutism 🤍
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Toji loves to wake up to sleepy kisses, you both haven’t even opened your eyes and are already wanting each others lips. Mumbling things that are half incoherently as your lips brush against one another. Before y’all go to sleep once more for a little while longer
Toji can’t bring himself to open his eyes for a few moments after kissing you. Something about having you so close tasting you smelling you feeling your warmth makes him absolutely melt against you.
Toji lets out a hoarse “kiss me.” As he pulls you in eyes dark wether it’s lust or anger, depending on the day. He completely forgets anything that happened and focuses solely on you.
Toji knows what you want once you trail your hands around his neck with a look only meaning one thing. And he’ll be damned if he doesn’t want it too. He throws his arms around your waist pulling you close as tightly as he can. He leans down capturing your lips in a passionate kiss before things get heavy.
Toji can kiss you for hours as if his life depended on it. If you’re not sharing each others breath he’s gonna keep going. He loves heavy make out sections where the only thing you can do is pull away for a second not even catching you breath completely before diving back to one another’s lips.
Toji can’t just give you a kiss and get on with his day. He’s gonna reel you back to devour your lips as he pushed you against any surface so he can have you squirming and whining for more before he pulls away with a shit eating grin telling you to wait until he gets back. Jerk <3
Toji french kisses you as if there’s no tomorrow. Guy literally traces all your teeth as if trying to memorize them. And don’t even get me started on how sloppy it gets too. Chins slightly dripping from how he’s kissing you and not letting go for a second.
Toji has to kiss your neck every chance he gets. Whether you have your hair up and it’s just tempting him or he has you wrapped around him and the view is just to good. He can’t help it you have the sweetest neck and the sweetest noises you make when he trails kisses on it just make him go feral and pin you down as he takes you right then and there.
Toji has you on his lap as he caressed your curves. He trails his fingers on your skin as he looks up at your hazy eyes just full of want and need. He presses you down closer so you’ll feel he’s just as full of want and need. He grips your neck pulling you down as he captures your lips and a hungry passionate kiss. Mouths devouring each others as whines and groans are heard around the room.
Toji gets home after all you’re teasing in public and releases chaos. He pulls you in kissing you hard not caring about anything else as he moves around the house to try get to the bed. He pushes you against the wall gripping your thigh pulling it to his waist as he kisses your neck trailing a hand to your heat feeling how wet you were. He picks you up wrapping your legs around his waist as he kisses you before reaching the bedroom and tossing you on the bed roughly. He takes off his shirt before crawling to you not getting you any peace for the rest of the night.
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Taglist: @ladythornofrivia
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dragon-watcher03 · 9 months
Mk1 men react to s/o in a dress like this
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Credit to artist at the top.
Ft. Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Smoke, Reptile, Johnny Cage, Raiden.
Note: headcannons and scenarios. Enjoy. Afab reader btw-
Scorpion (Kuai Liang)
My man would instantly make you a second wife if he could.
The temperature of the room was raised when his eyes landed on you once you walked into Madam Bo's.
Has his eyes glued to you the entire time with a faint blush (that is thankfully covered by his mask).
When you stand near him, which would be most of the time, he'd have his hand placed on your lower back to show others that you were already taken. And his hand might travel down a bit towards your ass.
You 100% teased him for it.
You best believe the second you get home, he's gonna rip that dress off and take you right there.
"How could I resist such a beauty in front of me, dearest?"
Sub-zero (Bi-han)
Oh lord-
You better pray that you can walk tomorrow.
For the first time, he actually felt a little flustered. His cheeks are a nice shade of pink and despite being covered by his mask, it was still noticeable.
You don't tease him for it, you know better than that. Unless you never want to walk again.
He's honestly afraid to get closer to you in fear that he'll ravage you at that very moment.
But if you do get close to him, he's got his hand on your thigh or ass. And he purposely makes his hands cold so he can see you squirm under his touch.
"You're making it hard for me to resist you right now, lovely..."
Smoke (Tomas Vrbara)
Poor baby is so flustered.
He'd get so nervous when he sees you and tries to keep his eyes off of you so he doesn't make himself more flustered.
He'll fiddle with his hands and look down at them to try and distract himself from thoughts of you.
He'd never seen a woman so beautiful in his life, and now she was wearing that? He might as well already be in heaven.
If he manages to stand near you, he'll intertwine your pinkies so you don't lose each other.
"By the God's... You look stunning Dove."
Reptile (Syzoth)
Jaw is on the floor.
He'd immediately be stuck by your side the whole time with his arm around your hips or waist.
He wants everyone to know that you're his and to show you off as well.
Constantly looking at your thighs and ass, but how could he not.
If he's feeling a bit risky, he'd slip a hand up your dress from under a table and tease you. He's smirking the whole time as well.
"What's wrong, M'lady? You seem tense?" chuckles
Johnny Cage
Good God, he's gonna be all over you the entire night.
You'll never escape his flirting and touches. He may flirt with other women, but they never get any of his pick-up lines that are actually good. And yes, he has pick-up lines that are actually good.
His arm is wrapped over your shoulder the whole time. He might even make you sit in his lap, depending on how much he wants to show you off. And if you do sit on his lap, he'd caress your thighs and ass with one hand while the other holds his martini.
Just to tease you, he'll move your hips while you're sat on his lap.
But that's all he does, he can't give you too much after all. When he teases, he teases without mercy.
"Are you a script? Cause I wanna slam you on my desk and memorize every part of you." wink (I hate myself-)
Shy boy like Tomas.
His eyes widened, and you swore you saw a bit of drool when he looked at you. But despite being so flustered, he can't take his eyes off you.
Kung Lao notices and teases the f*ck outta him for it.
His arm is wrapped around your waist and his hand rests on your stomach. When he knows you aren't looking, he gets a quick sneak peek at your cleavage. It's risky, but to him, it's worth it.
Nervously smiling at you when you look at him, he's also sweating a bit cuz you're just so hot to him.
"Not even the Elder Gods can comprehend your beauty, my dear."
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estellan0vella · 18 days
Reunited & Dearly Departed ❀ Yuta Okkotsu Masterlist
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The chaos of Shibuya is deafening. The cacophony of crashing buildings, anguished screams, and the grotesque roars of curses create a symphony of despair. You stumble through the shattered streets, the weight of exhaustion and pain dragging at your every step.
Blood drips from a gash on your forehead, mingling with the sweat and grime that coat your skin. Your limbs feel like lead, each movement an agonizing effort, but you push forward, driven by a singular purpose: finding Yuta.
You remember the last time you saw him, his eyes fierce and determined as he promised to return to you. You had parted ways with a lingering kiss, a promise of reunion hanging unspoken in the air. But that feels like a lifetime ago. The world has shifted beneath your feet, plunging you into a nightmare where survival is a tenuous thread, and hope is a fragile whisper.
The streets of Shibuya are a labyrinth of destruction. Buildings that once stood tall now lie in ruins, their skeletal remains casting eerie shadows in the flickering light of fires. Your heart pounds in your chest, a relentless drumbeat that drowns out the distant sounds of battle. You have faced many enemies, but none as relentless as Kenjaku. His power is overwhelming, a force of nature that has left you battered and broken.
You had fought bravely, using every ounce of your strength and skill to hold him at bay. But it wasn't enough. He was too powerful, his cursed energy a tidal wave that swept over you, leaving you gasping for breath. The memory of his cold, calculating eyes sends a shiver down your spine. He had toyed with you, enjoying your futile attempts to stand against him. And when he had finally struck the decisive blow, you had known in that moment that your time was running out.
The pain in your side flares up again, a sharp reminder of the injury that is slowly sapping your life away. You press a hand to the wound, feeling the sticky warmth of blood seeping through your fingers. The edges of your vision blur, but you force yourself to stay upright, to keep moving. You can't afford to stop, not now. Not when you're so close.
Through the haze of pain, you hear a familiar voice calling your name. It is a sound that cuts through the chaos, filling you with a fleeting sense of relief. You turn, searching the wreckage for the source, and your heart leaps when you see him.
Yuta is a vision of both strength and despair, his face a mask of worry as he battles his way through the debris. His clothes are torn and bloodied, his hair matted with sweat, but to you, he is a beacon of hope. You try to call out to him, but your voice is a mere whisper, lost in the tumult.
He spots you, his eyes widening in horror as he takes in your condition. In an instant, he is at your side, his arms wrapping around you in a desperate embrace. The warmth of his touch is a stark contrast to the cold numbness that has settled into your bones. You cling to him, drawing strength from his presence even as your own strength wanes.
"Stay with me," he pleads, his voice breaking. "Please, just hold on a little longer."
You manage a weak smile, your hand reaching up to cup his cheek. His skin is rough beneath your fingers, a reminder of the battles he has fought and the scars he bears. "I'm sorry," you whisper, your voice trembling with the effort. "I tried..."
"Don't apologize," he interrupts, his eyes filled with a fierce determination. "We're going to get through this. Together."
You want to believe him, to hold on to the hope that his words offer. But the darkness is closing in, and you can feel your strength slipping away like sand through your fingers. You look into his eyes, memorizing every detail, every line and shadow. You want to remember this moment, to carry it with you wherever you go.
"Yuta," you say softly, your voice barely audible. "I love you."
Tears well up in his eyes, spilling over and tracing paths down his cheeks. He leans in, pressing his forehead against yours, his breath warm against your skin. "I love you too," he murmurs, his voice thick with emotion. "More than anything."
You close your eyes, letting the weight of his words wash over you. For a moment, the pain fades, and all you can feel is the love that surrounds you. It is a fragile, beautiful thing, a beacon of light in the darkness. You hold on to it, cherishing it as your vision begins to blur and fade.
"I'm so sorry," Yuta whispers, his voice choked with grief. "I should have been there. I should have protected you."
You want to comfort him, to tell him that it's not his fault, that you don't blame him. But the words won't come. Your body is shutting down, the fight finally draining the last of your energy. You can feel the warmth of his tears on your face, the gentle pressure of his lips as he kisses your forehead.
"It's okay," you manage to whisper, your voice barely a breath. "It's okay, Yuta."
He holds you tighter, his body shaking with sobs. You wish you could stay, to soothe his pain and share his burden. But your time is running out, and you can feel the pull of the darkness growing stronger. You take one last breath, savoring the scent of him, the feel of his arms around you.
As the world fades to black, you hold on to the memory of his love, a light that will guide you into the unknown. And with your last breath, you whisper his name, a final testament to the bond that has brought you this far.
Yuta's cries echo in the darkness, a haunting reminder of the love you shared and the future that will never be. But even as the pain fades, you know that you will carry his love with you, a part of you forever intertwined with his.
In the end, it's not the pain or the fear that lingers, but the love. The love that brought you together, that gave you the strength to fight, and that will endure long after the darkness has claimed you. And as you slip into the unknown, you hold on to that love, knowing that it will guide you wherever you go.
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jobean12-blog · 7 months
Pairing: Javier Peña x female reader
Word Count: 948
Summary: Javi's working late so you meet him before going home but you hate waiting...
Author's Note: Saw this picture and I nearly lost my mind...maybe it's just me but either way this is what popped into my head. Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always!❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics Thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: flirty teasing and fun, softness and fluff, f-in-g-er-in-g, o-ra-l (m rec), light praise
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Pedro Pascal Masterlist
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“I can hear you thinking from here.”
Javi casually leans in the window of his cruiser, indifferent to the fact that you’re holed up in the back, bored and pouting.
“How much longer?” you ask.
His perfectly shaped lips lift into a sideways smirk. “What’s the matter angel? Bored?”
Your eyes drift over his face then down his neck to the open buttons at the collar of his shirt, lingering on his exposed skin.
“Maybe,” you retort and nibble on your bottom lip.
“Wanna tell me what’s on your mind?”
His long fingers drape over the ledge of the vehicles window, dangling enticingly as if he knows he’s teasing you.
“Just you Javi.”
He slides his glasses down his nose and winks. “Not much longer gorgeous.”
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Across the console he takes your hand and traces your fingers with his own.
“We’ll be home soon,” he assures you.
You’re about halfway there when you turn to him. “Javi, pull over.”
“What?” he asks, immediately worried. “Are you ok princess?”
“Pull over,” you repeat, pointing ahead to a deserted area off the side of the road. “Over there.”
He does, his eyes shifting and alert as he takes in his surroundings.
His hand shifts the truck into park and he meets you gaze.
“Angel, I…”
His words are cut off as you practically lunge across the center console, kissing him hard. His surprise is gone in an instant as he kisses you back, running his hands up your back to pull you closer and secure your body against his.
“Wait,” he growls as you take a breath and make a move to crawl into his lap. “Back seat.”
In the next moment you’re over the seats and sprawled out as much as you can be on the leather of the bench seat. His belt is hanging loose and his pants are undone before he even unlocks the door, his fingers already working open the buttons of his shirt when his boots hit the ground.
You’re ready and waiting for him when he opens the back door with your dress pulled up over your hips and your silky panties on display. His eyes drink you in as he climbs in and locks the door.
The dome light above dims, bathing you in nothing but the glow of the moon. There’s no need for light anyway. He has your body memorized and he wouldn’t risk anyone seeing you from the road.
Because you’re his.
“Come here,” he commands as he shifts his body.
You crawl into his lap and settle against the hardness between his legs. He wraps you in his arms and pulls you down again and again, teasing you.
When you moan loudly in his ear he squirms beneath you, trying to find leverage in the tight space to give you more.
His hands slide down your body, soft caresses before rough grasps, the contrast making you tremble in his arms.
He grabs your ass forcefully and grinds your hips down as his hand slips between your bodies and he pulls your panties to the side, finding you soaked.
“All for me angel?” he says breathily, his eyes screwed shut as he runs his finger through your arousal.
“For you, Javi.”
You lean forward, pressing against his chest and catching yourself with your hand on the window. Your hips move faster against his hand, his fingers buried deep inside you as your walls squeeze and you whimper his name.
Your fingers slip along the condensation on the glass, leaving a long swipe of a handprint. His free hand traces over your curves before he slides it higher and wraps it around your throat.
You choke out a whimper and buck your hips harder.
He tightens his grip as you tighten around his fingers and with a gasp you hover on the edge. His thumb presses just the right spot and you fall apart.
You sag against him and he holds you close, the only sound your heavy breathing until…
A tractor trailer zips by with a loud honk and you both jump like teenagers caught in the act.
With a giggle you nuzzle your face in his neck and place soft kisses along his heated skin.
“Your knees okay angel?” he whispers.
“I don’t know yet. I lost feeling in my feet a while ago…not that I care.”
You smile into his skin as he reaches for your toes, massaging the circulation back into them. With a light moan of pleasure you snuggle closer to him, dipping your hand down between his legs to wrap your fingers around his hard length.
“Angel,” he hisses as he pushes up into your grip.
You work him over until your name is falling from his lips in a whispered chant. You move and kiss your way down his chest, rearranging your position as you bend forward and take him into your mouth.
He can barely see you in the darkness but he can feel every sensation of your tongue, lips and hand.
“Fuck,” he groans, unable to say anything else.
His hands slide to the back of your neck and he holds you down until he’s swelling inside your mouth, the only warning you get another growled “fuck” before he spills his release down your throat.
You slide your mouth off him, sucking and licking up every last drop as you go.
He slumps against the foggy window, the outline of your hand print still visible near his head and he takes you in his arms again.
“Such a good girl for me angel.”
His words of praise are whispered against your lips before he kisses you, stealing your breath all over again.
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@hiddles-rose @lorilane33 @kmc1989 @littleseasiren
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ultralightpoe · 5 months
Power- Bucky Barnes
Authors Note: The last and final part to the avoidance series, I dragged this series out of my drafts and tbh have always hated how it ended which is why I never posted it.
Word Count: 3496
Warnings: Shitty writing, like I hated how I wrote this part.
Main Masterlist Here
Part One - - Part Two - - Part Three
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(Thank you for the gif @unearthlydust )
You weren’t you.
It was something Bucky had to remind himself everytime he saw you, the voice that eased himself down everytime you dashed to hide by Steve.
You looked like you, your hair a bit longer and your eyes green from the amount of power the main difference, but the physique was all yours, the very same once he had memorized after countless sleepovers with you.
But there was something unexpected about you now, that graceful stillness he had never seen you have.
Since the moment he met you it had been a whirlwind of clumsiness. Tripping, falling, dropping things and hitting your head on just about everything. At some point in the friendship he had learned how to move with you, reaching a hand over you to block you from hitting a cabinet as you stood straight or just catching you with his metal arm around your hip when you slipped on an ice sheet.
But now, you moved with an unnatural grace, keeping a hand on Steve at all times as he lead you around the kitchen to make breakfast and Bucky could do nothing but watch from his spot on the counter top, Sam seated next to him. No one said a word, and the room held a tense atmosphere as Bucky noted every single movement you made.
The graceful ease of you backing up so Steve could grab the flour, and the sheer warmth in your smile as Steve smiles down at you, his eyes gleaming. Bucky was going to kill him, what a piece of-
“I love pancakes.” You laugh, pulling Bucky out of his thoughts as he realized Sam had asked you a question.
Steve watches you carefully as he starts pouring the pancake batter, watching how you interact with Sam in this moment.
“I don’t doubt you do. You know, Buck right here showed me this really cool diner that his friend showed him. They have pancake night every Tuesday.” Sam smiles, and Bucky notes the way Steve tenses up but he can’t tear his eyes from you.
“Buck….” It’s like you’re testing the name on your tongue, something dimming in your eyes as your head tilts, like you were trying to picture something. Like the memories were struggling to surface.
Panic lunges at him as he realizes he might be able to make you remember, that chord tied to his ribs and chest tugging a bit. “Actually you showed me! We go there every week for pancake night and rate the flavor of the week, Doll.”
“Doll.” You repeat, nothing more than a breathy whisper that has Steve tensing.
Nothing happens at first, and Bucky waits with a baited breath, until the plant on the fridge lunges out and all hell breaks loose.
The pot the plant was held in shatters once all the roots burst from it and Bucky moves to block you but Steve is already there, wrapping his body around you as the vines cover every surface of the room. They bend and snap at anything in their way, and though Bucky reaches for you once more Sam pulls him back with a newfound strength, making sure he didn’t get in the vines path.
Steve murmurs something, and Bucky has to tilt his head to hear the next few words, chest tightening. “I just need you to breathe, okay doll?”
Doll. That fucking called you doll. He watches as you mouth the word, your eyebrows pinching for a moment before your face goes into one of ease and you close your eyes, breathing in and the vines stop their path of destruction.
“I’m tired.” You mumble, a small dot of red coming from your nose that’s got Bucky all but snarling when Steve reaches to wipe the blood away and kiss your forehead.
“Let’s get you to your room then? Okay?” He whispers, leading you away softly as Bucky struggles against Sams hold.
When has Sam ever been able to hold him?
As if realizing the change too Sam let’s go quickly, eyes traveling his arms while Bucky blinks too.
“What the fuck?!” Tony snaps, looking at the mess of the kitchen. “Alright. Team meeting now. Everyone but her!”
The room was filled with that same quiet tension, everyone sat around the table as Tony prepped for the meeting, the second everyone was ready the table lit up with footage.
“Starting from the top, we found plant princess a week ago and I’m sure you’ve all already noticed that something is off.” Tony starts, making Bruce snort. “Over the past week we have had her come in for some testing to see what might be going on,”
The footage on the screen shows you sitting in a chair with Wanda talking to you, hooked up to tons of different devices.
“You ran testing on her?” Bucky snaps, whirling to Steve. “You let them test on her?”
“I was in the room the whole time.” Steve sighs back, eyes not leaving the footage.
“What we can figure out is that she’s gone on a full mental block, the amount of energy that her powers are taking up has wrapped her in a blanket of sorts.” Bruce explains. “The last time we found her it was the same, it’s like the power beneath her skin is a moving breathing creature that needs to protect them.”
“She’s never said that before….” Nat mumbles, eyes showing nothing but shock.
“Well she’s almost always been able to control it. Her and the power working together at her will. But when we originally found her things weren’t the same.”
Bucky had talked to you a bit about life back then, but neither of you got into gruesome details. There was always a line that you both had drawn to keep from heading back to the dark place.
“She never told you about anything regarding this?” Nat asks him.
“We talked about most things, but there were things we didn’t talk about. There were boundaries for both of us.” Bucky shrugged, not liking the way Nat was looking at him. “We had boundaries, believe it or not.”
She merely blinked at him before whipping her head away.
“I hadn’t known that Stevie was the one to find her.” Bucky snips, enjoying the way Steves jaw tenses as his fists clench.
“We found that Cornell, one of the scientists left from the war- or well his son- had taken up his fathers assignment and had been experimenting on people. When we breached the compound we found….. her. Wrapped up in vines just to keep warm, looking wild and hiding from us. She was terrified,” steve explains. “I was the first person to talk to her. She kind of clung to me after that.”
“Clung?” Nat asks.
Steve shrugs. “We became best friends. Until….”
He doesn’t have to say it, no one in the room has to say it. Until Bucky.
Bucky never realized that he had stolen you from Steve. Had never cared..,… and he doesn’t care now. “So what can I do to help her.”
“Right now? Don’t push the process. That might have been what triggered her outbreak today, she dug for the memories and the power leeched.” Tony sighs.
“So, Tin Man, you need to keep your distance for a bit.” Tony snaps.
“What?! No!”
“Oh come on Buck. I figure this would be the easiest task for you.” Steve snipes and Bucky all but lunges across the table.
Bullshit. He would not. Everyone nods, agreeing that Bucky will stay away. He. Does. Not.
Is it a shock that the very next day Bucky goes out of his way to find you? No.
He finds you sitting in a window seat, letting the sunlight hit your skin as you keep your eyes closed from the warmth. There is no one near you, surprising since Nat and Steve had been hovering around you since they brought you back, and he takes his chance while he can.
Even if you don’t remember him he just wants to hear your voice.
“Hey.” He whispers, moving closer but not enough to crowd you as you open your eyes. “Mind if I…..”
He points with his flesh hand to the spot across from you and you pull your legs in to give him room so that he may sit, a smile gracing his features as the sun warms him up instantly.
“You like this spot?”
“It’s the only quiet place here.” You mumble, shrugging.
“I can hear pain.”
“I’m sorry?” He blurts, head tilting as he stares at you, heart thundering.
“It’s…. Right here.” You bring your finger up and press it lightly in the center of his forehead. “Beating against everything, whispering where everyone is hurt.”
“It tells you where everyone is hurt?” He whispers, his voice not strong enough to speak any louder.
You don’t answer him at first, but you slide your finger down the side of this face to his neck and once you get to his chest you add more fingers until your full hand is pressing against his chest, right over his heart.
“You hurt here.” You murmur, your eyes glowing a bright green. “But I can’t fix it….”
“It’s not your job to fix it.” He smiles lightly. “But I can promise ya that you being here helps.”
“You talk like I know you.”
“Don’t you?” And there it is again, that unnatural grace as you quirk your head to the side and your eyebrows pinch together.
You get that foggy look, like you can almost see him, before you’re snapping your hand back. “You were mad.”
“No.” He croaks, pain flooding his chest. He didn’t want you to remember him that way, didn’t want you to think he was mad those last couple days. “I was never-“
“Hey.” Nat snaps, and you sit ramrod straight, backing away from Bucky. “Bucky you’re wanted in the training rooms.”
“Not right now Nat.”
“Not. Right. Now.” He snaps, but it’s too late, Steve is coming around the corner with wide eyes until they land on you.
“I was looking for you, you said you wanted to tour the med center.” And just like that you are gone, following Steve down to the med area that you had made for the general public.
It isn’t long until the blue eyed brunette finds you again, the pull on your rib cage drawing your attention to the door where he slowly enters.
You had spent 4 hours in the med bay, Steve having to leave you a little while ago to help with an issue, and you had taken to helping out people who came in. There was something natural about this, like you had done it every day. But you had no recollection of it.
Just like the man with the metal arm, you felt like you knew him, every inch and emotion of him. But he was still nowhere in your memory.
When he spots you his eyes widen a bit before he is making his way over, something clutched in his hand as the girl in front of you prays under her breath before hopping down and rushing to tell her mother what you did.
“Are you okay?” The stranger asks, flesh hand reaching out to touch your cheek as you try to blink away some of the light in your eyes.
The girls mother sobs loudly, and both of them are rushing back to thank you, but you had no clue why. Where had they come from?
The stranger keeps a hand on your shoulder as you blink at them, your body set aflame as they both begin praying again.
“Where am I?” Where am I? Where am I? Where am I. “Is Cornell coming?”
“Okay. I think that’s enough for today.” The stranger mumbles, his tone filled with panic and fear as his hand slides down to grab your arm, pulling it back with a hiss of pain as just the touch burns him. “Wait. No. Focus.”
Who is he talking to?
Where were you?
“Hey. Can you hear me?” A voice sounds out and you try to find it. Who was talking? What was that feeling?
It hurt, something was hurting you. Burning. You were burning from the inside out.
“Clear everyone out!” A new voice calls as something wraps around you tightly, crushing you tightly to pick you up.
There was so much light and so much pain.
You couldn’t see anything, and soon enough the ringing in your ears started.
“GET THE SHOWER STARTED!” Bucky yells, keeping you clutched to his chest as you burn through his tactical suit, eyes glowing brightly while blood pours from your nose.
“That doesn’t look good man.” Sam grunts, helping lead the way to the locker rooms as Bucky carries you in his arms, breathing out as he tries not to focus on the burning.
“Just get the shower started.” He grunts in pain, panic coating his body and his mouth going dry.
The second Sam has the water running he is reaching for the next nozzle, going around the shower section until every single shower was running with cold water, Bucky kneeling in the center with cradled in his arms.
Within seconds you’re both drenched, and the water hits your skin with a hiss before it begins steaming around you, but slowly your body begins to cool down.
He doesn’t know how long he sits with you under all the showers, laying you across his thighs so he can cradle your head closer and wipe away some of the blood that had poured from your nose.
“Buck.” Someone calls, but he can’t drag his eyes away from you, right as you’re cracking your eyes open.
“It hurts.” You whimper, and his heart all but shatters.
“I’m sorry Doll.” He whispers back, leaning to press his forehead against yours. He feels your hand reach up, shaking from exhaustion as you press it to his chest, right over his heart.
“I can feel your pai-“
“Don’t focus on that right now.” He orders gently. “Focus on something else.”
“They’re all in pain-“
“No no no. Think about pancakes, yeah? Or maybe that book that’s coming out? You remember? You all but dragged me to the book signing the last time one came out.” He tries to smile down at you, keeping you lifted enough so your foreheads stay pressed together. “Think about ice skating or ornaments on a tree.”
“It’s raining.” You blurt, body coiling closer to his. He is confused at first, then realizes that you must be confusing the heavy water falling on you as rain. “I don’t like the rain.”
“I know. I know.” He murmurs, holding you closer. “I’ve got ya Doll. Ain’t gonna let anything happen to ya,”
“Buck.” You sob, eyes closing. “I don’t feel good.”
“I know.” His chest felt so tight, and tears were beginning to fall from his eyes onto your cheeks. “I’m sorry. You want Steve?”
“Bucky.” You sob again, the hand that was covering his heart clenching into what was left of his leather jacket from his tactical gear.
“I’m here. I’m here. What do you need?” God just help her. Find a way to help her please. Anything anything anything.
“I can’t stop it.” Your eyes open again, once again glowing brightly, so much so that he has to close his own from how bright they are. But he keeps his arms wrapped around you, tight. “Buck, it’s-“
There a feeling in his own chest, expanding and expanding and expanding, he feels like his lungs are constricting and every molecule in his body is about to burst. He’s sure it’s what you’re feeling right now I’m tenfold so he merely pulls you as tight as he can.
“Let go. You gotta let go doll.” He breathes out, eyes still slammed shut as he grunts out as your skin starts heating again.
“Not with you-“ you sob. “Go!”
“No. I can take it doll. I’m not leaving.” He murmurs, pressing his forehead to your cheek, no matter how much it burns. “I swore to never leave you again.”
It’s then he realizes that you had been speaking to him, you had remembered him and it all makes sense. That blanket of protection you had formed for yourself wasn’t a cocoon from memories. It was keeping this power trapped in tight, your emotions connected to it.
“I can take it. Just let go.”
You scream, pure pain and torture sounding as your body heats even more. There’s a loud shout of both your names, the flash of red white and blue nearby and a dash of red hair lunging to the man holding the shield.
Buckys body freezes up and he keeps you held tight as you unleash that power, finally letting everything you had bottled up go.
He feels nothing but pain, heat and burning the main source. All his bones felt like they were breaking and his heart squeezed in his chest, but he kept his hold on you. Even as he succumbed to the pain and the darkness consumed him.
You wake up in your own bed, tucked tightly into a roll of blankets like a worm, body aching. When you struggle to sit up a hand reaches out to help you, sturdy on your side as you blink in the afternoon sunlight.
“Hey there.” The voice is calm, but there is a small hint of panic laced into it. And you already know that Bucky was doing his best to play cool.
“I hurt.” You mumble, closing your eyes and trying to relax your body once more since the pain was just a little too much.
It’s silent for a moment and you’re close to passing back out before there is something pressed to your lips, and immediately your drinking water as Bucky helps you gulp it down.
“Easy.” He mumbles, hissing in pain at the movement on his ribs. You stop drinking finally, gasping for air as he takes the cup away and means to put it on the nightstand, you lay flat, pain in your back splintering.
“I’m sorry.”
“We’ll talk about it all later.” He sighs, flesh hand sliding to find your own as you both succumb to the darkness once more.
He awakes with you wrapped in his arms, and he already knows he’s still tense, serum or not your power had done a number on him.
You were still sleeping, curled tight in his arms and your fists clenched in his shirt as everything began focusing in his head.
He had originally woken up in the hospital, body immediately jolting and searching for you as Steve and Sam tried holding him down.
It had taken all but 30 minutes for him to get to where they were keeping you, hanging from Steve and Sam’s arms as they dragged him through the halls.
Your temps were normal, and you were going in and out of consciousness, it was decided that once Bucky was released you would be too. Only you would be taken to your room so you could sleep off some of the powers shock to your system.
Bucky himself had carried you to your room, pain or not, and when he had tried to leave you merely kept ahold of him. He had been with you since.
There is clanking in the kitchen beyond your door and he already knows the team is probably about to bombard you both like mother hens.
“I can hear your heart.” You mumble, voice cracking as you’re just waking up, keeping your ear pressed to his chest l. “It’s really slow.”
“I’m relaxed.” He mumbles back, trying to blink back some of the grogginess. “What was that?”
“A breakdown.”
“Obviously.” He laughs, his sides aching as he does so. “Have you been holding onto all that power this entire time?”
“Yeah. It’s easier to control without stress.” You explain, struggling to sit up. “And lately I’ve been-“
“Cause of me.”
“No…..” you lie, blinking. “Well yeah.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
“No it’s not.” He sighs, trying to sit up with you, his forehead pressed to your shoulder. “I just….”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“I….. I could feel everyone’s pain, and yours was right there.”
“So you know I was avoiding you because-“
“And you know I -“
“Yes. James.” You smile. “And just for the record, I love you too.”
A smile breaks out on his own face, leaning closer to you as he inhales. “We need to find a better outlet for your power. Because that was terrifying.”
He missed your shoulder then, before leaning to kiss your lips passionately. He would find a way to keep you with him, forever.
That outlet became a garden….. more like your very own rainforest.
Any time you felt that power rush up you went there, and just released it to the earth.
(I never posted this series when I originally wrote it awhile ago because I hated the ending. Still do hate it)
@m00n5t0n3 @hizzielover @ozwriterchick @ordelixx @millercontracting @aboobie @sandyruston @paankhaleyaar @bisexualnikkisixx @kaitlin013106 @mich1551-blog @fandomsfeminismandme @kandis-mom @sadieurlady @aesthetic0cherryblossom @louxbloom @casa-boiardi @scorpiosaintt @mrsbarnes-avenger @sapphirebarnes @cjand10 @officialnighttime @violetwinterwidow01 @redbloodedgurl @wasalreadyhere @hereforfun-31 @scott-loki-barnes @lexi-anastasia @just-henny @traderjoesmints @buggy14 @stoner420things69 @mereptt @differenttyphoonwerewolf @abcdestinyyyy @lokislady82 @spookyparadisesheep @minaxcarter @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @whatishappeninghere81 @vicmc624 @elite4cekalyma @unaxv @scott-loki-barnes @zephyrmonkey @classyunknownlover @luciaexcorvus @littlewhiterose @cyberficlya @m00n5t0n3 @donttalktosposts @magnificentsvn @jenniferpendragon @ozwriterchick @calwitch
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webslingingslasher · 1 year
frat peter has a mommy kink, he told me himself. ‼️
sex talk!
no, but he really did.
he let it slip one night, he had gotten a little wasted and couldn’t stop himself from hanging all over you. kissing your cheeks over and over until you pulled him up to his room.
it was a shift, a kind of hookup you hadn’t had before. he was the submissive, he was a whimpering wining mess below you, thanking you for fucking him so well, feeling so good around him, saying you’re so kind, always so, so, kind to help him out.
“i’m your baby, right?”
your hips didn’t stop, grabbing his chin you lock your eyes on his face. “course you are,” maybe he was drunker than you thought, he was being almost vulnerable. every time you thought you had him figured out, he’d send you for a loop.
baby brown eyes blinked up at you, looking for you to help him.
“so you’ll make me cum?”
“yeah,” you breathed it out, and connected your mouth with his, making out while you roll your hips and lightly bounce.
peters breath hitched, you rode him quicker but his hands gripped your hips to keep your slow pace. he wanted intimacy, feelings over actions, it was a first.
his body tensed beneath yours, hips bucking up as he curled into your body, his forehead glued to your chest, hands clutched your ribcage so tightly you hissed. grunting one word escapes as he’s come harder than he ever had before in his life
it was soft, but you heard it. either he doesn’t care or he hasn’t realized what he said, holding his head to your chest you rock on him until he’s squirming with over sensitivity.
a kiss to your sternum, “please, mommy,” begging for the torture to end. you slow and ease off him gently, humming when he’s out, cold air noticeable.
hovering over his body his eyes are shut, you kiss the corner of his mouth, “you good?” he nods slightly, “mm hmm,” you kiss the same spot, “good, i’m gonna get a rag, hold on.”
the bed shaking when you move off, making a quick dash to his connected bathroom, and sitting on the toilet before wiping your thighs clean.
peter’s snoring when you return.
the next morning? oh you are for sure asking about this.
mommy kink? that’s a massive one, that’s one that doesn’t slip out, that’s one he’s been thinking on.
he may have escaped the questions last night but this morning, he was on his side, arm thrown over your waist as he slept. he was beautiful, he never let you get the chance to really fawn over him while he was aware of it, when he slept you could count every freckle and memorize every line.
your fingers ghosted over his lips before dragging down and pulling at the chain around his neck.
“you’re staring,”
why doesn’t it embarrass you?
“i am. you’re very pretty, mr. parker.” your finger sliding in and out of the ring around his necklace.
peter’s eyes blink open, he looks in yours and it’s a quiet moment. it’s like he’s thinking of a million things at once and trying to read you at the same time. the hand around your waist draws small circles, it tickles but you’ll cuddle with him as long as he allows.
“you didn’t finish last night.”
he’s testing the waters, subtly hinting he remembers. wondering if you’ll find him disgusting, leave him and tell everyone.
he’s never done it before. never brought it up to anyone before. he’s never felt safe or comfortable enough and right when he got a little too loose it spilled out before he could even ask you about it.
brushing small curls behind his ear, which pop right back up, “i didn’t. but it’s okay.”
“i’m sorry.” he’s never left you high and dry before.
your words had a double meaning, peter could see the twinkle in your eyes when you said it.
“there’s a first for everything, isn’t there?”
he shifted, you think you fucked up. you shouldn’t have pushed it, the one big scary thing he shared with you and you’re playing around with it.
instead he hovered over you, cupped your face and gave you the worlds softest kiss. it almost made you cry, the delicacy unlike anything else.
there’s a lot of walls and push back from peter but that kiss told you he fucking loved you.
“i better not hear anything about dating me for a month, i just gave you the ultimate girlfriend privilege."
it always made you mushy when he said the 'G' word, he avoided it at every cost so when he says it, it stands out.
your hand trailed down his chest, sliding over his abs you smirk.
"sounds more like the ultimate mommy-" his hand grabbed your wrist and pinned it down by your head.
"no. that's not how this works."
you wriggle your arm but his hold stays, "this is an absolutely only between you and me thing, and only in this scenario. we do not talk about this outside the bed, ever. i choose when it happens, and please, don't try to initiate anything with that word."
frowning, "so you'll tell me when you want me to be mom-"
"please stop saying it." he took a deep breath, "i've never... you know? with anyone. and it's not an all the time thing, i don't know. i'm still figuring it out."
you know what it was, "it's a when you want to be taken care of thing." peter's head tilts, he never thought of it that way but when he thinks about the times he'd held back the urge... yeah.
"i think you're right, trouble." then, a soft peck, "thank you, mommy."
"peter! you just said-" you take a sharp inhale as he kisses down your neck, humming when he trails down your torso, stopping when he reaches below your belly button.
"after last night it's only fair i treat you to breakfast."
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kissitbttr · 7 months
hello! i read you miss having asks and i don't know if you maybe miss having some requests (in case you aren't taking any you can ignore this and i hope you'll have a good day <3)
but what about some domestic Miguel and spending your first Christmas together? just imagine sitting on the couch in front of the TV, with a blanket covering both of you, watching some way too romantic soap opera, while drinking some hot chocolate and just enjoy the moment <3
(i know this is so early and we are still in November, but I swear, I can already feel the nostalgic feeling of Christmas </3)
xmas with miggy? say no more baby!!
it is absolutely one of your favorite holiday, ever. the music, the decorations, the presents for your loved ones, the cooking and baking. everything about christmas just screams fairytale,
miguel has never been the one who’s fond of this specific holiday, or any holiday for that matter. he would drown himself in work to avoid any invitations from friends. sad but anything to get away from interacting with strangers.
now ever since you stepped into his life, he can’t help but see how this year’s christmas would be different. having you with him to celebrate together just changes his perspectives. now he has someone to hold and love, this christmas would bring joy into his life.
you and him had been pretty busy with the decorations and stuff. buying a Christmas tree, getting pretty ornaments, looking for presents etc.
“need a hand, baby?” miguel steps into the kitchen, seeing you take out fresh cookies from the oven. you look so… comfy. dressed in his old t-shirt with your hair tied up in a bun—his clothing is basically a dress so there’s no need to be putting on some pants other than underwear—
you nod, looking up at him before setting the cookies on the counter. “can you put those hot chocolates on the table, my love?” you ask with a smile,
his heart soars at the nickname before grabbing the two cups of hot cocoa with tiny pink marshmallows in them. “you pick or i pick the movie?”
you’re quick to raise your hand in a child-like manner, causing him to laugh. “me, duh!” you answer as if it’s the most obvious thing. “we’re tuning in The Mafia Dolls and La Reina Del Sur”
miguel groans at the choice, shaking his head as he put the tray down on the table before grabbing a blanket. “you just want to watch Kate Del Castillo because you have a crush on her” he points out,
shrugging you showcase an expression of no shame. “she’s hot. you know i would leave your ass for her”
miguel jaw drops open, hand over his heart as he watches you stifle a giggle. “i’ve had enough time dealing with men trying to hit on you on a daily basis and now i have to compete with Kate Del Castillo too?!”
“her and Eva Mendes” you nod, arms crossed, smiling to yourself as he rolls his eyes before throwing you a playful glare and sit on the couch. “you’re going to pay for that comment”
you give him a cheeky smile. grabbing two cookies as you stride towards him, his large arm coming to wrap itself around your waist. he gently pulls you down on the couch, letting your head rest against his chest as you feed him a cookie.
“mhmm” he hums in approval. “new recipe?”
“yeah. you like? grandma sent the recipe to me. said that i have to treat my man something nice every once in a while” you giggle to yourself as he put his arm behind you. his lips plants a kiss on top of your head.
“tell her i said thank you” he mumbles as he turns on the tv. “i like this you know?”
a hum rumbles from you as you lay your back comfortably against him, taking another bite of the cookie. “what is?”
then he smiles, eyes landing on you. his fingers move to stroke your soft hair gently, catching that sweet scent of your strawberry mint shampoo that he finds obsessed over.
miguel can’t exactly remember when he had something like this. probably in his childhood? not quite sure. even if it was true, he doubts that it’s actually memorable. he remembers there were a lot of screaming match and broken plates though. maybe that’s why he avoids christmas like a plague. it was never magical.
but you… oh god, you.
you changed it for the better. the decorating christmas tree, wrapping up presents for each other, counting fails at an attempt to create gingerbread house, cooking up delicious traditional food instead of unseasoned dish that he sees people are making. and it might not be a big christmas party like in movies or how his co-workers do it, but that’s okay really. that’s just how he prefers it.
you, him and christmas.
“being with you” he responds, not minding the chatters coming from the tv. “estoy agradecido por ti, princesa”
“so, so grateful” he mumbles, pressing another quick kiss on your temple.
his words cause your gaze to soften. you slowly turn your head to look up to him from the tv, who’s eyes glued into the screen. your heart warms at the sight of miguel being comfortable with you, a small smile attached to his face.
leaning forward, you give him a soft kiss on the corner of his lips. he sighs out of contentment at the gesture, hand around your waist tighten.
“i’m grateful for you too.”
aaa this feels like it’s rushed but i hope u like it anon! I’m sorry it took too long:(
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ppnuggiex · 1 year
HII ur aesthetic is just so pretty and the way you write is so shekehsjjdkd fell in love when I read the first sentence, I'm not even joking😕
BUT ANYWAYY could I req diasomnia, heartslabyul, and/or octavinelle with a gn!reader who has a habit of squishing peoples cheeks whenever they hold eye contact 4 too long? /*flutters eyelashes cutely*/
THANKYOU PO IF YOY ACTUALLY DO THIS HOPE U DONT DROWN IN REQS OR SMTH HAVE A GREAT DAY MWAMWAA also i don't even know which characters are good with this kinda prompt so honestly im dependin on u 2 choose whoevee u want 🙇‍♀️ bye sissymars 🥺🥺🤭🤭🤗🤗
      TWST x gn reader
    『 malleus ,, sebek ,, riddle ,, cater ,, floyd ,, gender neutral reader    』
  -> reader who squishes cheeks when ppl stare too much
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack
  — TYSM 😭♥️♥️ this made my day omg ,, so glad you like my writing ,, i kinda did a few from each dorm you asked for except for octavinelle bc character limit is 5 for me 😭💔 but youre more than welcome to request for others ! :D hope you enjoy this 🙏❤️
    - malleus
| • he usually doesnt mean to stare for too long ,, always knowing it was rude and how it feels to be stared at by others
| • though he was focused on talking about the gargoyles at the gates and hadnt tore his gaze away for a moment
| • he shut up immediately the moment you reached out and squished his cheeks ,, eyes wide in astonishment
| • how fearless you are ,, child of man
| • he does ask about it ,, wondering what the reason was for ,, and when he learns why he apologizes and promises not to do it again
    - sebek
| • bro was on another rant abt his master ,, how courageous and how kind he is for putting up with these stupid humans everyday
| • oh how he adored his master ,, how pure and wonderful he was
| • it got to the point he was shaking your shoulders and making direct ,, intense ,, eye contact
| • annoyed with how long he was staring ,, you reached up and squeezed his cheeks
| • he jumps back ,, so confused and offended
| • why would you do that !?? explain now human !!
| • he huffs and puffs about the reasoning ,, but listens and respects your boundaries
    - riddle
| • he was probably ranting about another reckless first year making a mess of the kitchen or some students ignoring the queen’s rules
| • he didnt mean to stare for too long ,, most likely already knowing about how you get about it
| • when you squish his cheeks ,, he may or may not have let out an embarrassing squeak
| • he’ll puff his cheeks and apologize ,, telling you not to talk abt the squeak to anyone
| • his face is so red by the end ,, embarrassed he let himself stare too long and let out a squeak
    - cater
| • knowing how observant he is ,, he’d know about it immediately when he sees you do it to ace and deuce
| • he’ll be quick to discard his eyes when he realizes hes been looking too long
| • though he sort of stared a little too long once ,, trying to take a selfie with you
| • when you squish his cheeks outta nowhere ,, he’ll jump back a little and almost drop his phone
| • he apologizes and says he was adoring you for the moment ,, before taking the selfie and moving on to focus on that
    - floyd
| • he probably stares on purpose when he gets ahold of this information
| • its only so you can squish his cheeks ,, hes a bit weird abt it ,, craving your touch and if staring at you long enough grants him that then he will gladly do so
| • but if you get rlly bothered by it than he will stop
| • this time he just happened to do it accidentally ,, trying to memorize your smile as much as he could while it was there
| • he didnt realize what he was doing until you squeezed his cheeks with a huff
| • he blinked a few times before giggling and pulling you into his lap ,, wrapping his arms around you
| • “ ahhh sorry shrimpy ~ i didnt mean to stare too much ,,” he purred before pressing a kiss to your head
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spitdrunken · 2 years
Rollo corruption kink???🤨🤨🤨
I wanna ruin him so bad but bros probably worse than me PFFFT
notes: corruption
PLEASE. MAYBE HE WOULD BE?? i'm still trying to figure out what type of horny he is... i just can't see him as the type of 'desperately repressed' guy, personally. to me he just kind of feels like hm,,, sex or masturbation has just never particularly interested him, and he would probably not know much more about it than what's told in mandatory school lessons. (not to mention, if it really is as pleasurable as he’s led to believe... someone such as him would not deserve  it.) PLUS he spends most of his time around magic students nowadays and maybe he just wouldn’t wanna fuck them lmao. ANYWAY, ENJOY. 
Rollo is a horrible kisser. Mere pecks on the lips already have him freezing up and leave him unsure of how to handle himself, much less anything more. He wouldn’t want you to stop, not even close, but he’d never be able to ask you to continue either. His own inexperience hadn’t crossed his mind much before dating you, but now he’s growing more self-conscious with every touch you bestow upon him. As diligent as he is, he would use the same strategies here as when he’s struggling with anything else: copious amounts of research. 
It starts with him searching kissing tips online, trying to memorize the things one is ‘supposed’ to say or do in these scenarios. He watches kiss scenes in movies, reads how they’re described in novels, and tries to find variables that determine a good kiss. In reality, he’s not getting much better. He knows that if he were to try and copy scenes he’s seen, it would feel so unlike him that you’d likely start laughing. Perhaps he should just ask you to help him practice, and yet... His online searches eventually lead him to filthier content he’s never had much interest in viewing prior.
Watching two people making out is enough to get him slightly flustered, but only because he imagines doing such things with you. The two strangers on the screen touching each other, seeing their tongues and their spit... Makes him feel vaguely ill. It’s filthy. But your tongue caressing his own, the tip of your tongue rubbing against the top of his mouth- It makes him squirm. Rollo is no stranger to getting random erections, every guy his age gets them occasionally, but he’s certain this one is not merely random. Never before has the urge to touch himself been as strong as now. The scene on his phone screen has long since been abandoned, and all he can think about is you. He tries to pace around and wait until it goes away.
His building thoughts culminate into a single moment, where he finally makes a move while you lean in to kiss him. Rollo, despite all his research, has no idea what he’s doing, and simply pushes his tongue against your closed lips. Immediately, he pulls away.
“Ah... I, I- My apologies.” Rollo fumbles to pull his handkerchief out of his pocket, and nearly drops it to the ground in doing so. His face is burning up like never before. He feels a little better after taking a deep breath or two. “I shouldn’t have done that without asking. Was it- Are you alright?”
You smile at him, and it has his heart fluttering. “I’m fine, really! I barely felt it.” You laugh a little, but he doesn’t feel like he’s being made fun off. “But, please be honest- I know kissing isn’t like your favourite thing in the world, so you aren’t just doing this to make me happy, are you...? You don’t have to force yourself for me. In fact, please don’t.”
“I can promise you that’s not the case,” Rollo says. “This was something... Of a personal desire of mine, yes. I’ve never minded your kisses in the past either.” He crosses his arms and presses them close to his chest. “I will admit that I simply didn’t know how to respond yet. I’ve tried to educate myself further on the subject, but, ah... I’m not certain I’ve made much progress yet.”
Something in your expression, your smile, shifts a little. “The only way to get better at kissing, is through practice. Nothing else. Should we try?” Rollo’s throat suddenly feels a bit dry, but he finds himself nodding nonetheless. 
When you press your lips to his, and your warm cheek presses against his cold skin, he’s already content. You mirror his previous action, the tip of your tongue brushing against his mouth. He parts his lips without hesitation. Your mouth makes a little noise as you readjust your head, tilting it a bit further to the side as you slide your tongue in. For a moment, Rollo’s surprised at how well he’s still breathing, until it feels awfully obvious.
Your tongue inside him feels both bigger and smaller than he expected. He tries to reciprocate, and though he’s sure the way he’s swirling his tongue around yours is clumsy, he hasn’t felt this good in ages. When you slide over the top of his mouth, a noise he’s never made before gets pulled from his throat. It’s a much more sensitive spot than he could have imagined. 
Your kiss swept most of coherent thoughts from his mind. Once it’s over, Rollo is a little dazed and breathless. He leans forward to try and chase your touch when you pull away, without even realizing it. He doesn’t even try to hide his face. Nor does he clean it, despite a dribble of spit sliding down his skin. (It’s not filthy, as long as it comes from you.) All at once, he becomes conscious of just how warm he feels within, and folds his hands over his lap in a flurry of motion.
It’s such a sudden and suspicious movement, that you know instantly what’s happening to him, and it’s all just a little too much. He gets up in one jerky movement, pulling away from you and staring straight past you before excusing himself. The exact words he uses are immediately forgotten as soon as he says them. You don’t have a chance to protest before he’s gone and, the moment the door closes, he regrets it. Ah, he’s really hopeless, isn’t he...?
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pupkashi · 11 months
congrats on your milestone!! ^^ :3 Could i please request "why are you staring at me?" "you're pretty..." with naruto? i've been having naruto brainrot lately :<
thank u friend !! I’ll happily write for our sunshine boy :3 this is my first time writing him so i hope this isn’t too ooc </3 let me know what you think :]
join the party!
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“should i cut my hair? i feel like it’s getting a bit long” naruto huffs, running his hands through his golden hair and ruffling it a bit, smiling when you smooth it down for him.
the konoha sun is beating down on the two of you, y’all blades of grass surrounding the small blanket you found yourselves on. you can’t help but notice how the way the golden rays of the sun look on naruto’s honey skin. his eyes seem to be a bit bluer than usual in this lighting, it makes you fall for him even harder.
“think it looks good a bit long like this” you smile, kissing his cheek and relishing in the way his cheeks turn pink, “you’d look good with shirt hair too though” your words causing him to pout, throwing himself backwards and laying on the blanket, a pout on his face.
you only stare at him as he rambles on about his hair, not completely sure what was saying. you could only focus on how pretty he looked. his pink lips moving as he spoke, nose scrunching adorably when he described how bad he’d look with his hair completely up.
“- what if i tried kakashi-sensei’s hairstyle? is mine long enough for it?” he asks, staring at you expectantly, his eyes sparkling as he smiled up at you, a confused expression on his face before he speaks up again.
“why are you staring at me?” he’s laughing a bit at the way you giggle at him, laying down next to him and brushing his soft hair out of his eyes.
“you’re so pretty” you sigh, a love struck smile on your face as his cheeks heat up once more. “you could cut your hair short as you want and i know you’d still look just as pretty” you mumble, leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
“wha- so suddenly?” he laughs nervously, still trying to get used to being complimented so often by you.
“cant call my pretty boyfriend pretty? what has the world come to” you frown, propping your elbow up so your cheek rested in the palm of your hand.
naruto didn’t say anything, his brain too fried from the amount of times you’d called him pretty while looking like you were heaven sent yourself. he only managed to scoot over a bit, arms snaking around your sides and easily moving you so that you were cuddles close to him, your head resting on his chest.
the two of you were quiet for a while, watching the clouds pass overhead. you soaked in the moment, trying to memorize the way the sky was painted in reds and pinks, your eyes fluttering shut and smiling as you got a whiff of Naruto’s cologne.
it was peaceful, listening to the distant voices of people in the village, hearing the wind rush past the two of you, birds singing as they flew by. you wished the moment could last forever, not being interrupted by-
“so should i cut my hair?” his voice was louder than he anticipated, a sheepish smile on his face when he apologized for making you jump a bit.
“nah, i kinda like it like this” you mumble, face still resting on his chest. naruto didn’t say anything, humming in agreement and smiling. if you thought he looked pretty, he wasnt gonna change a single thing.
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Hello! May l request a Yandere Childe Headcannons with a GN darling who is like Dazai Osamu from Bsd?
B-But...you're my only darling anon. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) ( Also GN means Gender Neutral right? And does darling pertain to anything, or is it like, a personality trait? Sorry, I am not with the times, I am a hermit, but want to clarify, and try my best. Sorry if my writing didn't meet that need )
Trigger Warning: Suicidal jokes, self harm, stalking, Yandering.
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Childe as a yandere, he would often stalk you, and take your things without you realizing it. Such as your garbage, broken and used makeup containers, half eaten foods, anything that has "you" on it.
He would often try and get your schedule down and memorize your address.
For a while, he stayed in the shadows and watch you, and even have articles of your clothing on him, near him, with him, ones he stole from your closet that you don’t wear, or ones you have thrown away.
However, he noticed that you were talking to men more, and hanging more out with other men. This made his face go dark and his eyes go blank.
Despite being in the fatui, he was smart enough to not make a move yet, but he was planning to make a move.
Now over a few months, he would purposely bump into your shoulders, and return certain things to you, as if you lost it.
You would see this, and as friendly as you are, you would make jokes with him, and be friendly to him. Even make suicidal comical jokes which Childe would pretend to laugh or pretend to be off putting by it. But he loved every moment of it. Maybe he can be your savior, get you to depend on him.
However, things hit the fan when he saw a friend of yours, a small male friend of yours was getting particular close to you, he was able to hold back by digging into his hands and scratching his arm deeply to remind himself of his place...as he watched this man put his arm around you, and wipe food off your cheeks.
But, this man crossed the line, he kissed your cheek with a blush on his cheek and yours. Childe gripped his arrows as he wanted to shoot it through his head and licked that kiss off your lips.
At that moment, he devise a plan. He will change his stalking routine, and stalk the man that kissed you and try his best to not kill but scare him enough to never return again.
At night, around 2:45 am, he followed this man who dare to taint you with his slobbering disgusting lips, into his home. He had been for a few days, so at this time, he hopped through the window waited behind the bedroom door.
Once the man walked through, and took off his coat, Childe walked up and pushed the man on the bed, he climbed on top of the man and held a knife to his mouth. "H-Huh?! W-Who are you!?" Childe pushed his knife into his mouth and glared down at him.
"Such disgusting lips...I want to mutilate them..." Childe glared down at the man.
He grabbed the man's cheeks hard and held a knife to his lips, ready to carve it off, until he was interrupted.
"So it was you." You were standing behind Childe watching him.
Childe turned around with a shocked but dark face. "You..." His face then turned into a delusional expression with crippling glee. "Ahaha, you noticed me and talked to me...my dear, give me a few moments, I need to deal with this pig..."
You then walked to Childe, and gently stroked his cheek, with a gentle smile of your own. "I always noticed you. For months, behind the tea house, taking me things, I always knew...I just had to lure you out with a bait..."
Childe smile turned into a dumbstruck face slowly, as his eyes glanced at the man behind him without turning his head, a man who had no idea he was the bait at all.
Childe gaze then turned back to you, as your hand was still on his cheek. However, your face still had a sweet smile, that was now the scariest thing to be witnessing right now.
You ran your fingers across his lips. "Life...living, it's all so meaningless, yet you found a way to cling onto life through me and use me to verify your living...how ironic..."
You then pulled away, keeping the smile. "By the way, there was poison on my hands, please enjoy the next 5 hours as best as you can, okay?~"
Childe's eyes widen as he realized that his lips suddenly started to feel...tingly.
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