#most likely the chat is between ravenclaw and slytherin
mayese · 6 months
Winter changes it all - Fourth chapter
Fred Weasley x fem!reader
Synopsis: when your friend needs help, you are willing to help her, no matter what.
Warnings: none
BIG note: hi!! I’ve been away for a long time hahaha I’ve never stopped thinking about this work, and I wrote more chapters, and I think it would be ideal to release more now! Also, I wanted to apologize for the way the reader blows up seemingly just because she couldn’t keep eating breakfast, and I’m sorry for that, but mornings are though to everyone ☕️
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Plants on the rescue
A week went by and you were surprised with the number of times you started to meet the twins, most of the time as an accident of course. You started to be comfortable around them, feeling like they were your friends. It´s a shock because, first, they´re Gryffindors. And second, they´re Weasley´s. Sometimes your head hurts when you think too much about it. You were seducing the problems yourself and thought you would regret it. But you were having fun. At least they treated you well and were nice and playful, which was something you liked a lot considering who some of your other friends were and how they acted.
Daphne and Tracy are the only ones you know would be by your side no matter what. Still, you were always alone most of the time, so being with Fred and George made you feel slightly happier, or more comfortable maybe, as if Hogwarts had changed for the better, even if it had changed for the worst after Dumbledore vanished and Umbridge rose to power. And things worsened even more when another one of her rules was hammered against the already full wall. It seemed like she was recruiting people for the Inquisitorial Squad, and you already knew who was going to apply.
"Tomorrow we´ll go to her office," Draco says with a proud smile while Pansy nodded. He wouldn´t shut up for all of the breakfast about Umbridge´s stupid Squad, telling everyone at the table of his plans and basically forcing every Slytherin to do the same, as if. "What do you pretend to do, Greengrass?" Daphne wasn´t paying attention to anything he had just said because she had been much more focused on the Ravenclaw boy she had stayed with a few days ago, becoming the target of Draco´s inquisitory.
"I don´t pretend to join her pathetic little club," she said bleakly, looking him in the eyes before seeping some of her pumpkin juice from her cup, and Malfoy frowned at her answer.
You smirked beside Daphne while you ate the delicious stake, happy that Draco hasn’t bothered to ask you if you would join Umbridge’s club. But he probably knew the answer already. "If the requisite is to have super greasy hair I think he´ll be the first one to be recruited," you whisper to Daphne without looking at her, only hearing her giggle quietly while you smiled. 
The conversation about Umbridge´s squad started to fade away, Daphne continued looking at the boy, Blaize was chatting with Tracy, and Pansy, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were talking about what they needed to do to be recruited. Meanwhile, you were eating peacefully in the middle, not sparing a glance at anybody else but your delicious food.
However, you found Blaize´s and Tracy´s chat very interesting when they started to discuss the Quidditch matches that were not far away. You never tried to get on the team because they played so dirty that you felt that if you entered you wouldn´t do anything, you would be bored, probably. But maybe the main reason is that you were unsure of your skills with a broom, and you didn´t feel like getting laughed at if you happened to fall off the broom. So you always watched the games enthusiastically.
You just wish that Umbridge doesn’t touch the Quidditch games with her sharp claws. But for now, the path is clear, and you couldn’t wait for the first match between the Ravenclaws and Gryffindor. You already knew who was probably going to win, but you still liked to cheer for Ravenclaw, quietly of course. Imagine a Slytherin cheering for other houses, not you. At least not out loud.
“Whoever wins we’re going to kick their asses later,” Blaize says with a proud grin to Tracey, and you are sure Tracey’s cheeks reddened a bit.
You looked back at the table, wondering what you were going to eat next for dessert, choosing to take a little bit of apple tart. You dig the spoon on the piece you took and got ready to eat it when Daphne startled you with her sudden call for your name.
“C’mon, I need your help to do an essay,” she said before getting up, but you continued sitting, weirded out by her sudden need for help.
“No! This tart is awesome-“
“Sinclair!” You frowned at her lack of good behavior, quickly eating two or three pieces of the tart before getting up and going away from the table with a furious sigh while she followed you.
When you exit the Great Hall you turned to Daphne, stopping her. “Why the fuck did you do that? You don’t have any essays! And you know how much I love that fucking tart!” Yes, it was a lame excuse to get angry, but today you weren’t in the mood.
If she wanted to talk, she could have said so to you.
“Look, I’m sorry. I just,” she said, pausing and looking both ways and you rolled your eyes. What was she going to say that nobody could hear? “I saw you with the Weasleys yesterday, near the principal courtyard, yes?”
Fuck. You didn’t want people to know you talked to them, like, talking in a friendly way and not insulting them every time you meet them. "With the twins? C´mon, you can´t possibly think I would talk to them spontaneously! I would ne-" Before you could continue stating the facts on why you wouldn´t talk to them, Daphne cut you.
“Look, I won’t say a thing. You know me,” she said, looking at you with a tiny smile. “And I know what kind of trouble you could get into for just talking to someone like them. So, even if you don’t help, I swear I’ll take this secret to the grave.” She puts her palm on her chest and closes her eyes, giggling while you chuckled.
Well, it isn’t as if you tried to hide the fact that you talked to the twins when you were in the halls or something, and it isn’t as if half of your Slytherin colleagues didn’t know you talked to them and already eyed you suspiciously. But you still wanted to keep it a secret, at least in a way that your parents don’t find out.
"What about it?" What could she possibly want with them?
"I knew you wouldn´t refuse to help your sweat friend," she screeched and grabbed your arm, making you walk along with her.
"Don´t push it," you warn, but she seems to have not heard it. “Anyways, what do you think that I can do for whatever you want?"
She stops you from walking, standing in front of you with a more stern look on her face. "I know it will sound stupid, but, remember Roger?"
You rolled your eyes at her question. "How could I not? You´re always talking about him non-stop." She snickers at your comment before you ask her what you should do. "But weren’t you sticking your tongue on his mouth early this morning? Why do I have to ask for help from the twins if you already know the guy?” You ask, genuinely curious and a bit frustrated by the fact that you had no idea how to help Daphne, and you were sure you would embarrass yourself in front of the two pranksters because of her.
"I- He told me he couldn’t see me anymore. Even though we just snogged for like, 5 minutes,” she said, whispering the last part completely bewildered. “He said that his parents wouldn’t approve and such, and I was baffled you know? The way he talked to me before we even tried anything made me think he actually liked me.” Suddenly you felt like this wasn’t a playful conversation anymore since Daphne seemed more serious, each word being pronounced like she was in pain.
You instantly wrapped your arms around her, squishing her body gently and stroking her back. “I’m not sure if I like that guy anymore, but if you really want to try again, I’ll help,” you say in her ear, not knowing if that was the right thing to do.
On one side, the guy seems like an asshole for pushing Daphne away like that after everything just because she´s a Slytherin. But on the other hand, she genuinely liked him, and you knew she wouldn’t give up that easily, even if he’s a douchebag.
“Thank you,” she said softly before taking a step back away from you, breaking the hug. “So, I’m thinking you should make them throw a party!” She said excitedly, and you chuckled, baffled by her idea and happy that she seemed to have recovered from the talk she had earlier.
“Sure, Daph,” you said with a giggle before you two walked away from the great hall, talking about how would you be able to help Daphne.
After attending your first class that afternoon you were on your way to the other one, walking around the halls while everybody around you did the same. However, your peace of mind was disrupted when Fred caught up on you, greeting you with his usual brightness that you weren´t sure made you nauseated anymore.
"Hello there gorgeous," he said while you two walked beside each other. And even without looking you felt his height, like, literally felt it. If you looked at him you were sure you would have to look up, and indeed you always had. 
You also remembered that Daphne asked you to talk with Fred, but you’re not sure if you should do it since you and Fred started talking more or less than some weeks ago.
You sigh in frustration, stopping your walk to your next class to look at him. “I already told you yesterday to cut that off,” you whisper to him, clearly irritated by the fact that he was very dear to your likes. It’s just that you don’t want to get that close to him, you just like his company. “Anyways, shouldn’t you be training for the game?” You ask so as not to let him answer what you said before.
“It’s going to begin in a couple of minutes,” he informs with a smirk, which indicated the upcoming of something you wouldn’t want to hear. “But, how could I not call you gorgeous, Sinclair?” He asks, faking to be shocked before trying to touch your face. However, you stop him by grabbing his hand, glaring at him deadly.
“Don’t,” you say menacingly but Fred keeps on looking at you with something in his eyes, something you can’t quite figure out yet. However, your eyes travel from his brown ones to his hand, and you immediately see something you had shamefully forgotten. “Merlin… Does it-“
Before you could say another word he abruptly takes his hand away, putting them in his pockets before smiling at you. “It’s always so nice to meet you my dear, but now I’ll have to go or Oliver may murder me when I arrive late to the pitch!” He says, and you didn’t have a second to say something while he walked away backwards from you.
"Goodbye darling!" He shouts, making every student that was present look at him before he turns around, disappearing through the halls and leaving you alone again. How could you have forgotten about the awful scar on his hand? You can´t imagine how painful that must be, which made you think about how well he hides the pain. 
"Hey!" Luna showed up suddenly behind you and startled you, greeting you softly, probably not acknowledging the fact that she almost gave you a heart attack.
“Luna.” You smile at her half-heartedly, still recovering from the scare she gave you. “Do you plan on watching the game?" You ask before walking to your class along with the blonde girl.
"Of course," she answered with her usual calmness. "I just hope Ravenclaw wins this time." You chuckle at her wish since you share it, but if you were being real, Ravenclaw would have low chances this year.
You and her enter the room and before you split up to go sit at your tables. You sit beside Tracey, greeting her with a quick hi. "I´m so glad Professor Sprout decided to give as a theoric lesson," you say with relief.
"Yes! Last time I pared up with Ron and he almost threw up on me because he touched the weed´s pus," Tracey said bitterly, remembering how awful it went when she was paired up with other people. Meanwhile, Professor Sprout entered the classroom, quickly starting her class.
Today you would be learning about something that perked up your interest the moment you heard Professor Sprout begin to talk, magic plants with healing powers. Your shameful moment from moments ago replayed itself in your head again, and you found it quite exciting to be learning this since you could use it for something. Were you really thinking he would accept your help? Would he really trust you with something like that? Maybe he would have his reasons to think that you would poison him.
Sometime later, Professor Sprout began with her questions which only Neville seemed able to answer. "So, can somebody tell me three examples of plants with healing powers?" She looked around the classroom with hopeful eyes, but to her desmise, she only saw Neville´s arm up while the rest of the class kept quiet.
You also looked around, seeing some students even dozing off. Next to you, Tracey was writing something that was definitely not related to Herbology, perhaps an essay she had to finish. 
“Just one example, Neville,” Professor Sprout said before sighing tiredly while Neville smiled before answering.
“Dittany,” he says simply, and Sprout nods in agreement before explaining what the plant did.
“Dittany is used in the Wiggenweld Potion. It is a healing potion with the power to awake someone from a magically-induce sleep,” she explains. “It can also be used to ease powerful stomach aches.” She added before looking around the class one more time. “So, can someone give me two more examples?”
Once again, nobody said anything. You peeped at Neville, watching as the boy tried to suppress the urge to raise his arm. It was almost hilarious how excited he was while the rest of your colleagues where almost dying of boredom. You guess he’s just passionate about Herbology.
Suddenly, Hannah Abbot, who sat two rows behind Neville, raised her arm, making an excited smile crack on Professor’s Sprout face, like as if her face had lit up.
“Go on, Hannah,” she encouraged, and you looked at the girl just like Neville did, curious about what she was going to say.
“Fluxweed and… Murtlap?” She answered slowly, unsure of the last thing she said. You had no idea if she was right, and so you glanced back at your teacher while Tracey was still caught up on her paper.
“You got one right, darling,” Sprout said with a smile. “Fluxweed is also used on a potion, the Polyjuice potion. But it can also be used to mend broken bones, to heal or stitch open wounds and also relieve stomach aches!” Your ears perked up even more the moment professor Sprout said the last part, and so you scribbled quickly the name of the plant on your paper, just for future reference and use.
“However, murtlap is not a plant, it is an animal. Murtlap essence is strained from their tentacles and therefore it is used to sooth and heal cuts and abrasions,” she says calmly while looking at Annah with a smile. “So anyone can give me one last example?”
You scribble again, “murtlap”. That’s perfect for Fred’s hand, hopefully you would be able to help him. But why were you desiring to help him? He didn’t even said that if it still hurts, and you don’t owe him anything.
But that’s when it hits you. If you help him with the wound, he may help you with Daphne’s thing. That way you wouldn’t owe him anything when you ask for his help. A favor for a favor. Alright, you think. Let’s hunt some murtlaps.
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arizonaraine · 5 months
Sorting Hat Chats: Heroes of Olympus
I did not write this, this is an original from @sortinghatchats. I found it on the wayback machine like two years ago and have had it saved in my notes. So this is my contribution to y'all's recovery efforts! Not sure whether to give credit to Inky or Kaden, let me know :)
OK, so I sometimes give speeches on long road trips about the Slytherinness of Percy Jackson. THAT KID. His fatal flaw is canonically that, forced to choose between the world and his friends, he would choose his friends. Slytherin Primary, all the way. Kid’s almost running around waving a banner with his hair dyed silver and green. 
He’s also a Slytherin Secondary. Yeah, I know, the kid’s loud and coarse and a bit of a bro (he is. I love him, but he is). But Percy thinks rapidly on his feet, adapts to dangers by snapping up whatever weapon (physical, godly, mental, emotional) is nearest at hand, and is shamelessly, easily comfortable with using others for his own gain. 
When the chips are down, the only thing he cares about are his inner circle: Annabeth, his mom, and sometimes Grover and Tyson. He’s content to use and sometimes destroy useful bystanders like Nico and “Bob,” to keep his people safe. He may like Nico and Bob, even empathize if someone like Annabeth isn’t in immediate danger, but at the end of the day he would (and does) trade their happinesses and safety for their utility. 
But Percy doesn’t look like a traditional Slytherin/Slytherin. The boy is not smooth. The kid is not slipping around corners and cleverly avoid ruffling feathers while he steals his victories out from other peoples’ pockets. Percy lives almost always in his neutral state— this is something we talk about more deeply in our Slytherin Secondary post. But the neutral state is when a Slytherin isn’t using the code-switching and ease that is inherent to this secondary. Most Slytherin Secondaries only do this at home, when they are safe, relaxed, and in the company of only their most trusted people. It is literally dropping your guard. And Percy leaves his emotional guard hanging pretty much all the time; he’s bluntly and rather uncouthly on his sleeve. But the moment physical danger sets in, he goes full torpedoes ahead with a guile that is rough-edged but certainly present. 
I’ll sort the rest of the Seven, Nico, and Reyna under the cut, hopefully with a little less verbiage. Slight spoilers forBlood of Olympus, but I did try to be a vague as possible. 
Annabeth, my brash, bright, idealist darling, whose greatest desire is to rebuild a broken world anew, and whose fatal flaw is hubris and pride, is a Ravenclaw Primary. She is right, certain, and willing to sacrifice herself for the things she values. Clever, studious, prepared, she’s also a Ravenclaw Secondary. 
Piper literally has the Slytherin Secondary as a superpower. Now, her charmspeak wouldn’t actually have any effect on her actual Secondary (your skills don’t matter as much as the methods you want, or respect in tactics). But Piper uses her charmspeak like her lungs by the end of the series, and even in flashbacks we find her conning people into giving her cars.
She House shares with Percy, actually: Slytherin/Slytherin, though she has a Hufflepuff Performance where Percy just… doesn’t… bother. Piper’s Slytherin Primary is most apparent in her dedication to her friends, and her decision over the course of The Lost Hero to sacrifice even them to save her father (a decision I’m not sure she’d make by the end of the series, when she’d bonded further to them). 
Jason is a Hufflepuff Primary raised in a world of Gryffindors—so, yeah, the kid looks really Gryffindor. But he learns to shuffle off the righteousness and rigidity of Roman life, and to embrace his own quieter service, empathy, and thoughtfulness for not only his crew, friends, and two camps, but also each of the forgotten gods. He’s at his most comfortable with a community to call his own that doesn’t demand his Heroism, and cause to dedicate his life to that involves serving and supporting people, not fighting for or leading them. 
His Secondary is Gryffindor—he earnestly and honestly charges his problems (his straight forward attempts to reassure Nico during the Cupid thing; the honesty and integrity Piper appreciates in him). Because his internal drive and motivations aren’t Gryffindor, he doesn’t look that obvious— his goals are often things like keeping the peace aboard ship, making sure everyone else has the things they need, and getting knocked out during fights. 
Leo reads a bit like a Slytherin, but i think he’s just a burned Puff Primary. Clearly a loyalist House, he’s guarded and sarcastic, bitter and a bit jaded, and doesn’t throw himself out with sacrifice and service the way Puffs like Jason might. He builds little communities, and big dragons. But while he likes Piper and Jason, or Hazel, his bonds aren’t anywhere near the intensity of true Slytherin Primaries like Piper or Percy. This suggests what he actually is is a burned Puff, a Hufflepuff Primary who’s been hurt enough that they keep their warmth close. When Leo does make decisions around people, it tends to be need-based rather than value-based— he’ll give up some of the people he loves because someone else who he loves, someone lonely and left *cough*, needs him more. 
Ravenclaw Secondary for the kid, of course. Leo Valdez, my tiny engineer friend, you tinker on. 
Hazel’s got a lot of layered-on traumas, losses, guilts, and misplacements that make her a little hard to sort*— her curse, her first death and her almost bringing Gaea’s apocalypse about early, her rebirth in a century not her own. But as she becomes more comfortable and confident throughout the second series, she begins to fall into a validating system of action, justice, and bravery. Her morality seems to be felt, and she is most at home with her weapon in hand, on Arion’s back, charging a clear foe with a clear conscience—she read, to me, like a Gryffindor who has stubbornly pulled herself out of a “stripped” state, with the help of some big hearts like Frank and Jason. 
(*Note: traumas do not make you less of your own House, or even less obvious of a House, exactly. What I mean here is that it’s harder to Sort someone burned as much as Hazel has been from the outside. Hazel’s got so much jammed inside of her, and even her POV is secretive enough in the first book, that she’s not obvious until she relaxes and confides in the reader a little more). 
Frank, dear Frank, with his willingness to burn himself out (literally) on Alaska’s icy plain, is a warm and solid Gryffindor Primary. That wasn’t about who needed him or who he loved; it was about right and wrong, and he was going to do right or die trying. A kind and worried rule follower, he seems to have Hufflepuff Secondary he feels like he should suppress. The Roman Legion is very much a Gryffindor-present-or-go-home kind of space— both Frank and Jason put on Gryffindor Models to fit in and feel at home. But where Jason is secretly a warm ball of Hufflepuff Primary, Frank actually is a Gryffindor Primary. The problem is, he doesn’t think his Gryffindor, his honestly strong and staunch sense of right and noble sacrifice, is good enough. So he models a more “brave” Gryffindor on top. Frank’s ascension to praetor, as Jason gives it up, was a beautiful step in both their journeys. 
Reyna’s Hufflepuff Secondary manifests itself in her dedication to doing things right, her (if stiff) kindness, her strength-sharing powers, and the care and emotion that earn her Pegasus’s honor. It’s her Gryffindor Primary, however, that earns her Athena’s respect—her refusal to stand down and her dedication. 
Nico di Angelo is a stunning Hufflepuff Primary. He loses his time, his world, his sister, any sense of safety at the camps of in his “friends,” any sense of home but perhaps a squat beside the River Styx— and when the world needs him, Nico doesn’t even think twice before running himself ragged trying to shut the doors of Death and defy Gaea. He’s not even part of the prophecy. He’s not liked, respected, or even wanted by almost anyone. But he shows up. He does what he can. He disappears without any expectation of respect, gratitude, or care. Thank goodness for people like Hazel, Frank, Jason, and Will. 
Nico’s not even quite a burned Puff. He doesn’t build himself a community (except for arguably Hazel), but he still takes it on himself to save and serve the world. 
It’s his secondary, more than his primary I think, that takes the brunt of his losses. He might have been a very young Ravenclaw secondary (cards! stats!) in his first appearance, and no matter how “dark” demigod he might be, the boy’s no Slytherin Secondary, but what his secondary actually is is rather unclear. He’s been beaten, stripped, and disillusioned. No tools feel comfortable in his hands. He’ll do whatever he has to do get the job done, and he doesn’t like any of it. The blossoming way he responds to Reyna and Hedge’s companionship, mutual respect, and affection however suggests he might be growing into a Hufflepuff Secondary once he finds a place or hearts safe enough to lay down roots. 
(I hope so. Kid needs a break). 
Percy and Piper are both Slytherin/Slytherins– deeply, sometimes destructively loyal, and masters of thinking quick and sideways on their feet. 
Annabeth is the sole Ravenclaw Primary. She shares a Ravenclaw Secondary with Leo, who’s a burned Puff. 
Frank, Reyna and Hazel are all Gryffindor Primaries, with Jason the odd Hufflepuff out. Frank and Reyna have Puff secondaries they try to cover up with Gryffindor models (hello Rome), while Hazel and Jason both have Gryffindor’s charging Secondary. They’re both most at ease facing their problems head on and with honest integrity. 
Nico is a Hufflepuff, burned in terms of letting himself have nice things, but not burned in terms of feeling like he needs to save the world, even if it keeps spitting on him. 
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in-flvx · 1 year
It's the middle of the week post a wip
Thanks for the tag @heartofspells and @pinkluminesce
Have some of my prologue for my very far from finished jily road trip fic:
"Who is that on the front page?" Remus suddenly interrupts, his eyes drawn to the photograph on the Daily Prophet.
Lyall clears his throat and closes the paper to get a better look. Then he rolls his eyes. "The heir of the most ancient and noble House of Black with his betrothed, at some Gala."
"But he looks my age!" And extremely pretty, but Remus keeps that to himself. With his long black hair, which is pulled into a sleek low ponytail, and those full lips, he looks somewhat like Remus had always imagined Astro to look today. Apparently Remus had a type.
"Well, as the heir of one of the Sacred 28 he has duties to fullfil. Namely bringing more purebloods into the world. And they aren't taking chances. His father was engaged to be married before he even came to school himself too."
"Do you know him?"
"We were in the same year in Hogwarts, though he, of course was in Slytherin."
"Of course?"
"The entire family went there. Well, except for.." Lyall pauses to look at the paper again. "Sirius here. That was quite the scandal back then. The first Black to be sorted into Gryffindor, apparently ever."
"But why is he on the front page now?"
Lyall skims the article.
"Looks like a publicity stunt. The Gryffindor heir with his Ravenclaw fiancee. Photographed at the premier of a play by halfblood director. About the struggles of living between the cultures."
"We should go, this actually sounds interesting," Hope chimes in. Remus nods along, thoughtfully.
I nominate @black-sparroww @evilhersxlf @eyra @cami-chats if you want to share anything
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twistyprefect · 1 year
MMM: (G) Care of Magical Creatures
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"I think I have Care of Magical Creatures." They said, showing the timetable with the abbreviation to the table. Ace and Deuce grinned, with Jack nodding happily.
"Us too! Cool." Deuce said, grinning and giving the prefect a thumbs up. They smiled and gave him a thumbs up back before turning back to their breakfast. The other Gryffindors kept eating and chatting, preparing for the upcoming class. Jack seemed the most excited for it, though it was a bit hard to tell. They glanced at Epel, who had mentioned his Divination class which earned some teasing from Ace. The prefect smiled at their newfound friends, hopeful for their future in the house of the lions.
The group headed down to the forest edge, where Professor Serephim was waiting for them. She smiled and introduced herself, telling the students to sit in groups and wait for the rest of their class. The prefect smiled as they say with their fellow Gryffindors, joined shortly by Sebek as some Hufflepuffs reached the groups. Another Hufflepuff joined the group, grinning predatorily at the younger students.
"Ruggie! Didn't see you all summer!" Ace said, tossing an extra quill at the newcomer. The Hufflepuff, Ruggie, rolles his eyes and snatched up the quill.
"None of your business." He said, grinning at the ginger. Before Ace could retort, another student plopped down nearby. Ace paled and scooted away from the shorter student with bright red hair, who was glaring at the Gryffindor.
"You better be behaving. I won't hesitate to take off points." the Ravenclaw said. Ace groaned and rolled his eyes, sticking his tongue out.
"Calm down Rosehearts, we're just having fun. That's not against the rules, as much as you wish it was." He retorted, causing the Gryffindor prefect to snort in laughter a bit. The Ravenclaw glanced at them and then back to Ace.
"Whatever." He mummbled before straightening his back, his eyes glancing at three new students nearing the slightly large group. All three were wearing the trademark green and silver uniform of Slytherin. One was freakily tall, with teal hair and a single black streak through it. He looked weirdly similar to Floyd, reminding the prefect that Floyd had mentioned a twin. The second student was a bit shorter, but still seemed kind of tall, his long black hair half braided and pulled back behind his head, his sharp eyes calculating. The student in between them was grinning and looking around excitedly, their two-toned ponytail bobbing as they waved to the professor. They definitely didn't fit in with the other two Slytherins, but it didn't seem to matter to them, or to the students the prefect was sitting with. Jack and Ruggie seemed to be more alert, glancing at the trio of vipers as they approached.
"Room for three more?" The middle student asked, grinning. Ace nodded and grinned back, immediately launching into an inquisition about their summer. The two students chatted eagerly, other members of the group eventually joining in. The prefect glancing around at the new students they hadn't met yet, unable to catch anyone's names yet. The professor clapped to call everyone to attention, splitting everyone into groups to meet some of the creatures they'd be working with that semester. Everyone eagerly gathered into groups, cooing over and petting the animals.
"So, now that you've all met the creatures, I have a surprise for you all! I am giving you a month long project. It will be with a partner, and you will be writing a report on your chosen creature! Multiple groups can do the same creature, but you will still be in pairs." She explained, lining the creatures up. The prefect smiled and looked over all the creatures, trying to decide which to pick.
"I think I'm gonna work with the Diriclaw!" The odd Slytherin (who had eventually introduced themself as December Rubio) said. The tall Slytherin, Jade, nodded in agreement, looking at the bird-like creature again. Jamil, the other Slytherin, expressed his interest in the Knarl, a small hedgehog-like creature. Riddle agreed with him, smacking Ace's head with parchment when the ginger teased him. Ace and Deuce both wanted to work with the Fire Crab, while Jack and Ruggie seemed to be vying for the Hippogriff. Sebek seemed interested in the Glow Bug. The prefect was surprised to see so few students looking at the Bowtrickle, only one small Hufflepuff student with wild blue hair seemed to be interested in it. The prefect considered their options for a moment before deciding on their creature and partner, heading to...
[what creature and which student do you want to work with?]
...the Diriclaw with Jade.
...the Knarl with Jamil.
...the Knarl with Riddle.
...the Fire Crab with Ace.
...the Fire Crab with Deuce.
...the Hippogriff with Jack.
...the Hippogriff with Ruggie.
...the Glow Bug with Sebek.
...the Bowtrickle with the Hufflepuff.
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coldnessinheart · 2 years
Theodore Nott comforts Slytherin girl
Slytherin was famous for its impeccability. With his cunning and absolute self-confidence. What can we say about the significance of purity of blood. This was the most important difference between the Slytherins and all the other students from other faculties - only purebred wizards and witches could get into the serpentine faculty. And so it was almost always like that. But times change, people change and new views on life and a new vision of the world appear.
Y/N has never regretted being a half-blood. Even when she noticed the contemptuous or dissatisfied looks of students from her own faculty. Even when her mother who was a witch herself found out that her daughter was Slytherin (her beloved mother studied at Ravenclaw, so her daughter's dream to enter the same faculty was quite obvious).
The manifestation of feelings in public was not typical of Slytherins. All this was well hidden behind a veil of sarcastic smirks, secret glances and skillful hints. But sometimes even the proud students of this faculty allowed themselves such insolence - they exuded this spicy smell of hatred and anger towards others, not even hiding behind their friends, but throwing all the quips in the face of the enemy or just the competitor.
Y/n was in a similar situation. And it was impossible to call it pleasant. The value of blood was still second to none, according to some of the Slytherin students. And Felicia Shine was one of them. Seeing Y/N, she slowly lifted her chin and nodded in her direction. A few minutes before, she was chatting with her friends in the Astronomy class with such a haughty look, as if she was the most important person here. The classroom was half empty, so no one was really going to intervene if something happened.
- Y/N, honey, you forgot to wipe the stain off your robes again… ah, sorry, dirty blood can’t be washed off just like that, you were just unlucky to be born like that.
Felicia broke into a slight arrogant smile, glancing at Y/N's blushing face, who had a small blood stain left on her robe sleeve after a difficult Care of Magical Creatures lesson where she had to deal with a mini version of one of the most dangerous dragons - the Hungarian Horntail. A bunch of girl friends, running after Felicia, giggled in unison. The young man with dark curly hair sitting at the last desk frowned, but remained out of the field of this "conversation". He slowly twisted in his hands a small flask with a cloudy liquid, more like mud from a swamp. The wand lay on his desk unnecessarily. Y/N, deciding to ignore another taunt from the Slytherin girl, sat down at her desk and quickly cast a cleansing spell, after which the speck immediately disappeared. Felicia frowned, but didn't show it and immediately decided to act even more decisively. Standing up abruptly, she pointed her wand at Y/N.
- Y/N, I told you, dirty blood is not easy to clean up.
The spoken words alerted Y/N, who did not even have time to put up a defense, but it seemed as if nothing had happened. Only her head was spinning from a sharp clouding of consciousness. And then she realized what spell the nasty Slytherin student had decided to test on her. Blood gushed out of Y/N's nose, so much so that the robe got wet almost instantly, and the milk-colored blouse under the robe began to soak in red. Staggering, Y/N tried something to stop the flow of blood, but only managed to squeeze out an awkward hum.
And from the back of the desk, anxious brown eyes watched her. The counter spell, after some delay, was cast almost silently without any use of the wand, which testified to the high level of the young wizard. Felicia turned to the young man just as sharply.
- Theo, you're ruining all the fun! Again you pry where you were not asked.
Felicia pouted, but instantly her face lit up.
- Okay, I forgive you, you probably wanted to play a joke on this half-breed one yourself.
Nott stepped forward, hid his anxiety for another young girl behind a charming smirk, and said:
- Felicia, you have no idea how wrong you are. Let's start with the fact that people usually have scarlet blood. Dirty, or, as I would put it, black, it happens when it is polluted, which, for a moment, happens to all people. Such blood usually travels through the veins, and then clears itself. Now let's turn to noble blood, or as you say - pure blood. Well, such a phenomenon really exists, this is also the name of blue blood, which usually flows in the veins of octopuses, spiders, crayfish and scorpions. Do you consider yourself one of those species, Felicia? Or do you have very thin skin that shows blue veins?
Some of the interested students glanced at Felicia's wrists, which looked normal and did not acquire a blue look at all during this time. But the face of the Slytherin young girl became covered with red spots, and her lips trembled slightly.
- I think this conversation can be ended. If you want to read about the colour of blood among your relatives, go to the library, Madam Pince will be happy to help you.
Theo, grinning his most charismatic smile, was already heading towards Y/N. Grabbing her by the arm, he quickly led her out of the classroom into the corridor and dragged her to a nook between the pillars in the wall. There you could hide from prying eyes.
Y/N was doing well all this time: after suffering a decent amount of blood loss in such a short time, she was still on her feet, and even her mind was not clouded.
- Are you okay? Nott asked deliberately cheerfully, holding Y/N by the shoulders.
- Yes, I seem to be fine, - Y/N said in a hoarse voice.
- You shouldn't let her do this.
It was only now that Y/N saw how angry Theodore was. His milk chocolate eyes now radiated real distaste, but not for her. Seeing that the Slytherin girl was looking at him, his gaze changed dramatically, and he even somehow became embarrassed and cooled down. He gently stroked her cheek and said softly:
- You have to take care of yourself next time. Otherwise, she will continue this bullying. Show her that you didn't end up in Slytherin for nothing - the faculty of cunning and arrogant snakes.
Theo's eyes sparkled with laughter. And her lips stretched into a smile.
- Well, now I'll show you exactly how to stop it.
Theo glanced cheerfully at his watch and after a couple of moments nodded and said, "Now." Immediately after that, a stunned Y/N, starting to fall into unconsciousness, heard Felicia scream, and then saw her in all her glory. Swamp-colored mucus spread all over her skin, starting at her hands, slowly drifting up her forearms, soaking inward. Theo twirled the empty bottle with the dark liquid that had previously been there in his hands and grinned charmingly.
- I just took the mucus of magic snails for testing, I heard that the skin becomes so elastic after it! Perhaps I could overdo it with the quantity ... although it looks flawless to me.
Y/N began to chuckle softly, but the loss of blood still made itself felt, and the girl somehow suddenly went limp in Theo's arms, who was still holding her by the shoulders. The young man noticed the condition of the girl and, without wasting a second, picked her up and hurriedly carried her to the hospital wing, from time to time looking at her pale cheeks and listening to her labored breathing. However, he had no doubt that Madam Pomfrey would easily heal the girl he was going to take to Hogsmeade next Saturday.
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The gif is not mine.
Your coldnessinheart, xoxo
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Here's chapter one! Hope it's not too terrible. Wanted to write it in first person but found it easier to write it like this. Link to my original post is above (I hope, I'm not use to posting things on here yet lmao).
Chapter one below!
The Only Spell We Need Is Time
By: Dragonborn_Eldenlord
Links to read elsewhere:
Here's the chapter....
Chapter One: Hufflepuff:
Ophiuchus meets Snape for the first time during the first day of school for Hogwarts when the first years are all doing the hat ceremony going to their house's tables and meeting the older students. Bledsoe and Snape don't exchange words, just Snape raising a brow curiously at Bledsoe when he takes a seat on the other side of McGonagall at the teacher's table.
Snape had known that Dumbledore had hired a new teacher but he wasn't expecting someone so young and naive looking.
The first time they actually talk is a few days later when Snape stops by Bledsoe's classroom (a beautiful building with large arched windows and a glass ceiling, the building attached to a large greenhouse via a circular door in the back of the classroom beside Bledsoe's large black desk) to collect some herbs from the greenhouse for his Potion's Class; some students had managed to plow through his supplies by using far too much in their potions, which of course ruined their potions and made a disastrous mess in the classroom.
Bledsoe greets Snape with a kind shy smile, typical of a Hufflepuff Snape thinks to himself, and allows him to enter the greenhouse without much discussion before he returns to grading papers. Snape notices books on the small bookcase behind Bledsoe's desk before he enters the greenhouse.
Books about things he wouldn't typically associate with Hufflepuff's. Darkness in the Herbs, Poisonous Plants, Loki's Guide to Mischief and Magic, and Forbidden Knowledge of the Herbalist. All the books look well-read and worn, with sticky notes between multiple pages. Perhaps not all Hufflepuffs are the same, he thinks....
Snape is reminded not to judge people for their houses by the second week of school...
It was Snape's free period of the day and a student forgot to go collect some herbs that were low in the class from the greenhouse so he figured he'd go ahead and go to the greenhouse, knowing Bledsoe only had a handful of first-years so there wouldn't be a bunch of people to deal with or the possibility of awkward forced conversation with Bledsoe. He's seen the young man chatting with Hagrid and Minerva plenty of times and he's somehow managed to avoid speaking with the man more than necessary; socializing isn't Snape's strong suit.
A few students, two Pureblood first years (Ravenclaw and Slytherin), had found out that Bledsoe was a Muggle-born and decided to kill his favorite plants (bachelor buttons, a common muggle wild plant from his home state) he had grown outside of the small building/greenhouse. They left the words MuggleScum burned into the ground in front of the doors to the building.
They expected him to cry. To be sad and weak. To possibly cancel class to grieve over his stupid flowers. Instead, they watched in surprise and fear as Professor Bledsoe seemed to stand taller and a hard expression filled his face as he turned his gaze on his previously snickering (a few students hadn't been snickering and instead had been looking at the destruction with pity or empathy) students.
His gaze filtered over the students, not even acknowledging Snape approaching and taking in the destruction, and he pulled his wand from the holster on his right thigh before seeming to draw a symbol in the air over the words burned in the ground, not even looking away from the students.
A few moments later, the plants quickly regrew and he had a small smirk tug at his lips as he spoke in an eerily calm manner to the students.
"If no one confesses to this destruction, then everyone in this class will have detention every day after classes for the next three months with me. And I can guarantee it won't be a fun hour like I try to make my classes.
No. The first punishment will be working in the yard outside of the greenhouse and planting all of the trees and various plants that will be shipped here soon.
After that, you'll be pulling weeds in the gardens and the greenhouse.
Once there are no more weeds, you'll be scrubbing the floors of the castle. And I'm sure that will last the rest of the three months."
After a few moments of heavy silence, he smiles coldly, "So, what's it going to be? Detention for everyone or a simple confession?" He says, adding flippantly, "Of course, I do know who actually did this and they will be sent to Dumbledore's office regardless, but the extent of the punishments and what I tell the Headmaster will fluctuate depending on if you both confess."
No one says anything for a few moments so Bledsoe shrugs, "I guess you'll all be having detention for the next three months then."
"And if I may add," Snape says, gaining Bledsoe's attention, at Bledsoe's nod and shy smile, Snape continues, "After the three months of detention with Professor Bledsoe, you'll all be having detention with me for the following month. I'm sure I can find use of your time. Cleaning cauldrons, scrubbing the potion room floors, etcetera," he says calmly in his typical flat and monotone voice, the Snape-Disappointed-Single-Raised-Brow-Glance™ over the students causing many to pale.
"Jonah and I did it, Professor..." a Ravenclaw Pureblood steps forward towards Bledsoe, looking a mix of apologetic and fearful.
"Coward, Juliette," the Slytherin Pureblood hisses at her.
Bledsoe has a small smile tugging at his lip, "You both will go to the Headmaster's Office immediately. And you'll both have detention with me for the following three weeks every day except Mondays. And ten points from Ravenclaw and twenty from Slytherin."
After the two students make their way towards the castle, Bledsoe gestures for the rest of the students to enter the class and smiles kindly at Snape.
"Thank you," he says simply but sincerely.
Snape feels the tips of his ears redden but manages to keep his stoic and disinterested expression.
"No trouble at all, Bledsoe," he says calmly, "I came by to pick up the jars of Screaming Dragon Lilies that one of my students was supposed to pick up this morning."
Bledsoe nods, accepting Snape's direct manner of avoiding small talk, and enters the class. He makes his way past the students' desks and towards his desk. Snape follows and stands a few feet away, nearer to the door of the greenhouse than to Bledsoe.
Bledsoe waves his wand over three large jars on his desk before lifting the crate of jars and handing them to Snape.
Snape quirks a brow at Bledsoe, silently questioning why he used his wand before he had picked up the crate.
"I simply removed the warding to prevent anyone from touching the crate or its contents. I didn't want to be covered in large purple and pink polka dots," he explains with a small chuckle, earning a faint smile from Snape.
Bledsoe had noticed during his first three weeks at Hogwarts that Snape was almost never in the dining hall during meals unless there were important announcements to be made that involved himself; wednesday of the second week, Dumbledore announced that Professor Snape would be teaching dueling to the sixth and seventh year students that were interested one saturday evenings.
And so, Bledsoe decided that since he too did not enjoy or find much necessity for being present during meals at the castle, perhaps he should invite Snape to join him for some tea and cookies he'd made. To stave the boredom. And perhaps the loneliness as well.
It was a typical boring Tuesday afternoon, as a Hufflepuff pranced into a Slytherin's lair, not knocking at all as he went through the open doorway, startling the grumpy and reclusive man so much so that he nearly toppled a stack of precariously placed old tomes.
"What the bloody- oh, Bledsoe," Snape sighed and appeared to be fighting the urge to roll his eyes at the younger man, "To what do I owe the... pleasure, of your sudden entrance to my space?"
Bledsoe smiled, seeming shy but despite the urge to retreat he simply smiled stood up straighter, and feigned confidence, "I've made a couple batches of cookies and thought I'd ask if you'd be interested in joining me in the sugary indulgence. I also have some chamomile tea I could fix up as well."
Snape raised a brow, looking surprised but also curious, "For what reason would you want my company? Surely Minerva or Hagrid would indulge your request."
Bledsoe seemed to deflate slightly at Snape's words, "Well," he says, forcing a small smirk, "I thought perhaps some sugary cookies would sweeten your sour soul, Snape. But perhaps it's far too late," he says with a casual shrug.
Snape actually snorted at the remark, causing Bledsoe to grin widely at the accomplishment of making Snape snort. Snape even gifted him with a very small smile of his own.
"Perhaps it is, Bledsoe," he says softly before shrugging slightly, "But I suppose we could at least try, correct?" he says coyly as he stands from his desk and lays his quil down upon the wood.
Bledsoe grins up at Snape, "We must certainly shall. And," he says with a shrug as they leave the room, "if it seems to fail, we could always try again every Tuesday."
Snape raises a brow but a slight smirk tugs on his lips when he notices Bledsoe's slight blush, "Perhaps, Bledsoe."
"Call me Ophiuchus," he says with a kind smile, "I honestly don't like my last name at all but I haven't figured up a suitable replacement as of yet."
Snape nods, "Very well then...Ophiuchus," he says lowly, and Bledsoe swears the hairs on the back of his neck just stood on end. But not from fear; nay, it was arousal. From simply hearing the older man say his name in that low grumbly voice, "But you must call me Severus in return."
"Deal," Bledsoe says with a cheeky grin as he playfully bumps shoulders with Snape, "But I think I'll indulge in a few nicknames for you as well, Severus. How do you feel about Sev? Or Sevy?" he asks with a silly smile.
Snape rolls his eyes, though it's a fond expression rather than his typical annoyed eye roll, "I suppose I couldn't really stop you since you seem quite stubborn. Unless I used a Silencio on you, but that would grow quite tiring."
Bledsoe chuckled, "Yep, you're stuck with my annoying friendliness and goofiness, Sevy. Welcome to friendship."
Snape had a thoughtful expression on his face, "Friends..." he mumbled softly to himself, Bledsoe didn't hear him. Snape hasn't had a friend since... since Lily.
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nami-writes · 9 months
Seek, And Ye Shall Find - Harry Potter
[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 ]
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Harry is beginning to see why Draco was re-sorted into Gryffindor.
It’s small. Little things, like showing up to breakfast to eat with his head down at the end of the table. He actually moved into his dorm room— a pretty large thing in comparison, to be fair. He attends every practice and performs so well the rest of the team has quickly gotten over their hesitation at Malfoy being their Seeker.
But most importantly— to Harry, at least— he talks to him in class. And between classes. And in the common room. And late at night. It’s like they’ve been mates all year. Just mates, chatting during class and when they’re bored with school. It comes so naturally he almost doesn’t notice the odd looks they get.
Ron and Hermione think he’s gone insane. Mostly Ron, who’s aghast at having to sleep in the bed next to Draco’s, but Hermione’s coming around so Ron slowly is too.
Maybe Draco isn’t a Gryffindor. Maybe he isn't a Slytherin either, or a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. But he’s brave and ambitious, loyal and quick-thinking, all at once. He’s the best of every world, on the Quidditch pitch and when he chooses to be.
God, is he glad Draco is choosing to be.
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delilac · 3 years
ravenclaws when they sit down to study 2021
highlighters, ballpoint pens, sticky notes, notebook, notebook to rewrite notes, and textbook is out on the table
mere minutes ago they decided, and i quote, “lol frick school get rekt i can marry rich” but the independent killjoy in them won so here we are now
music is playing in the background
we have our coffee in one corner and lets go✨✨
they really try to make studying look pretty
“oh wow, mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”
they use word association to find the answer
“alright so cell membrane, mem-brain, brain controls, controls the passage of materials in and out of the cell bOOM” [ drops notes ] “okay now 1 down, 10 more”
they spot ONE WORD in a textbook and get distracted
“‘...it is vital for cell division’ must be that motisis thing anyway— huh. im not even sure thats the right word..morisis? nono its has a t in it im sure”
[ searches up motisis cell division ] “OH MITOSIS— did we learn that?”
because to be honest they werent even paying attention to the session
too busy maladaptive daydreaming
they survive off of the powerpoints their teachers upload after class
[ tries to recall what the teacher said while we pretended that our fictional significant other gives an angry love confession ]
oh god.
hey dude r up??? did miss discuss about mitosis
its literally 11 pm right now
what r u talking about its not that late
she didnt discuss that
are u sure
r u mad at me?
seen at 11:11 pm
crumpled sticky notes lie in one corner, coffee is chugged, essential oil is practically shoved up their nostril, and is that mario party music playing in the background?
one page in their notebook is just full of sticky notes
but dont worry, they’ll rewrite it anyway on their prettier notebook
if they mess up the rewrite AHAHA NO PROBLEM [ rips out the page and starts again ]
back is hunched over as they highlight nearly everything on their printed learning guide
the printer is the loudest thing in the world at 12:38 am in the morning
they HAVE to make sure they covered everything
okay lets cut the cameras for a sec okay. do they really need to study this hard? no. ravenclaws are some of the most intelligent people ive ever met, when you give them information it sticks to their brain. the thing is, they have absolutely no faith in themselves. and im pretty sure most of them have impostor syndrome so they feel the need to constantly prove that they are worthy and hard-working. okay that got kind of dark.
back to our regularly scheduled programming
“finally, im done with the phases of mitosis. now lets go back to the basic parts of the cell.”
“ooooooo i love the colors in this illustration” [ prints it out ]
the photo comes out in black and white
that is their breaking point.
shallow breathing and ripping scratch paper as a stress reliever
okay its all good now. i just watched an snl compilation and aggressively wrote down my thoughts
after choosing a nice color scheme and rewriting the notes with foldable tabs they finally went to bed at 1:56 am
they take the test the next day, only to discover that mitosis was NOT in fact part of the lesson
oh. well then. the more you learn. [ screams internally ]
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Around the Corner (Part 4)
The Ravenclaw and Gryffindor Quidditch teams practice together while their captains practice being friends.
Oliver Wood x Ravenclaw!Reader
1.9k words
Part 3
Something seemed to snap in Oliver. He smiled at people in the hallways, participated in class, and barely screamed at his teammates when they messed up at practice.
Most noticeably, he didn’t start a single argument with Y/N.
Instead, he said hello to her when they passed one another. He asked her to read over his answers on their charms assignment before turning it in. He complimented her on the potion she made in class. Their whole year was confused by the sudden change, and no one was more thrown off than Y/N.
She was especially surprised when he approached her on Thursday afternoon as she entered the Great Hall for lunch.
“Hey! Y/N!” He jogged over to her with a small smile.
She looked up at him quizzically, as if she were waiting for the start of a row.
“What’s up, Wood?”
“You’ve got Slytherin this Saturday, yes?” This wasn’t really a question; they both had the quidditch schedule memorized.
Y/N nodded. “That’s right. Gonna try to get down to the pitch early tomorrow night for one last practice.”
Oliver nodded. “You know, I’ve got the pitch tonight.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “You guys could come join us if you want. We could drill and scrimmage together.”
“Really?” Y/N’s eyebrows flew up. Oliver Wood was notoriously private about Gryffindor’s quidditch practices.
“Really,” he repeated with a grin. “Let’s just say I really want to see Flint lose.”
Y/N grinned back now. “Completely understandable. He’s an absolute prat.”
“And you know what they say,” Oliver added. “The enemy of my enemy is my-” He stopped. They both stared at each other a moment, letting the unfinished sentence hang in the air between them. Oliver gulped.
“Friend,” she finally finished for him, flashing him the smile he found he was slowly getting used to seeing. “So, we’ll meet you lot there after dinner?”
Oliver nodded and gave her shoulder a gentle punch. “See you then!”
“You’re practicing with the Gryffindors?” Maggie nearly dropped the fork in her hand as she and Penelope gaped at me during dinner that night.
I shrugged. “Yeah. What’s the big deal?”
“Oliver’s really weird about their practices,” Penelope pointed out. “Percy told me he hates having anyone there. Like, boyfriends and girlfriends aren’t allowed to come watch or it’s extra laps for everyone. McGonagall had to stop him from trying to bribe Peeves to guard the pitch for him. And now he’s inviting the Ravenclaw quidditch team to practice with them?” She rose an eyebrow at me.
“He just really wants Slytherin to lose,” I clarified. “I mean, can you blame him?”
Maggie shrugged. “Just seems kinda weird to me.”
Pen nodded. “Same here.”
Before I could retort, someone tapped my shoulder. When I turned, Oliver Wood was standing behind me, his hand up in a half-wave.
“Hey,” he greeted casually, as if the people around weren’t staring at us like they were witnessing Armageddon. “I was thinking we should chat about practice tonight. Wanna make sure we’re on the same page.”
I stared at him a moment. Was this really Oliver Wood standing there, chatting with me as if we were friends? As if we hadn’t spent the last few years snapping at each other and playing cruel pranks on one another?
“Sounds like a good idea,” I slowly agreed.
To the surprise of probably the entire Great Hall, he held is hand out to me. “You ready then?”
The image of his outstretched hand sent a shiver down my spine. Twelve-year-old me would have given anything to have Oliver Wood offer me his hand. How many hours had I spent that year imagining this?
Shoving those memories to the side, I allowed myself to be helped out of my seat by the boy I normally couldn’t be paid to touch. His hand was warm in mine, softer than I expected. As soon as I was off the bench, I pulled my hand back, praying that my cheeks did not look as warm as they felt.
Keeping my head down, I followed him out of the Hall, trying to reassure myself that not every whisper along the four tables were about us. But honestly, who could blame anyone for being as confused as I was? We were notorious for our fights; at one point, poor Professor Sprout had to keep us after class to clean up the literal mud slung by both of us in the greenhouse. Even Professor Dumbledore once joked that if we ever dueled, it would probably rival his famous 1945 battle.
“So, what drills do you usually start with?” Oliver asked nonchalantly as we left the castle and headed down towards the pitch. As if we had these kinds of conversations all the time.
“Oh.” I cleared my throat. “Usually some easy laps to get started, then we take turns making shots…”
We went back and forth on our way to the pitch, sharing some of our favorite practice strategies. Together, we came up with a few things we’d do with our teams before scrimmaging our teams against one another. I had to admit, he was an excellent coach; the boy definitely had a future in the sport.
“… and to end practice, just for fun, sometimes we play keep-away with the quaffle,” he explained with a laugh. “It’s kind of silly, but it’s also good chaser practice. Should we do it?”
“That actually sounds fun,” I admitted. “Let’s do it!”
It wasn’t long before twelve pairs of eyes were watching us quizzically as we explained our plans to them. And I totally understood the confusion; of all the people at Hogwarts, our teammates were probably the greatest witnesses to our combative relationship. Seeing us stand shoulder to shoulder, practically finishing each other’s sentences, was probably more astonishing than if one of us suddenly grew a third arm.
Despite the initial shock, the practice went well. We ran some drills, and my teammates told me they really appreciated Oliver’s tips and coaching. Even some of the Gryffindors were asking me for advice during the drills I led. By the time we started our scrimmage, everyone was feeling that happy tiredness that always follows a great practice.
Oliver eased his way over to me on his broomstick. “You ready?” There was a light edge of teasing in his voice; I couldn’t help but smile at its friendliness.
“Are you ready?” I challenged back.
He looked thoughtful for a moment. “How about a little bet?”
I cocked an eyebrow in response.
“Losing team throws the after-game party on Saturday,” he offered.
“Assuming we beat Slytherin,” I added.
Oliver flew a circle around me as our teams got into their positions for the scrimmage. “Trust me, you’ll win.” He shot me a wink before heading to his position in front of the hoops; I hoped he’d assume my flushed face was a result from our workout.
The scrimmage was exciting; the score leapt back and forth like a yo-yo, a testament to both our teams and their talent. Each time I approached the hoops with the quaffle, I found myself admiring the intense look on Oliver’s face, rather than my usual reaction of feeling tempted to throw the quaffle right at it.
Despite the talent of Oliver’s seeker, I called out with excitement along with the rest of my team after Cho caught the snitch. We all landed back on the grass, calling out “Good game” to one another and exchanging high-fives. Oliver reached his hand out to mine and gave a firm shake.
“Guess I owe you a party,” he mused, giving my hand a squeeze before letting go.
“Make sure the butterbeer’s cold,” I answered with a smirk.
Letting out a breathy chuckle, Oliver turned to the two teams waiting to be dismissed. Instead, Oliver picked up the quaffle and tossed it to George Weasley. “Keep away!” he called out.
The Gryffindors jumped into action, clearly familiar with the game. George passed to his twin, who passed the quaffle to another Gryffindor, and so on. Always on their toes, my fellow Ravenclaws quickly caught on and began jumping between Gryffindors in attempts to intercept the ball. After a few tosses, the ball changed hands.
“Oi! Over here!” I waved my arms, signaling my teammate to pass me the quaffle. As the ball landed with a thump in my hands, I felt something wrap around my waist. Without taking note of what- who- it was, I quickly tossed the quaffle to another teammate before I lost my footing and landed on the ground, something heavy landing on top of me.
“S-sorry about that,” Oliver breathed, his golden eyes blinking over and over again. Our noses were practically touching.
“’s alright,” I managed, neither of us rushing to move. I could feel my heart racing through my robes. Or was that Oliver’s?
Oliver cleared his throat and lifted himself off the ground. He held out his hand to Y/N. “Should we go ahead and call practice?” he asked, forcing his voice to take a nonchalant tone.
“Hmm?” She shook her head as she allowed Oliver to pull her to her feel. “Oh. Yes, good idea.”
Knowing both teams could see his flushed face, Oliver called everyone over and congratulated them on a good practice. “Now go shower and get some rest!” he shouted with a dismissive wave. Everyone shouted their thanks and left the pitch in groups of twos and threes, brooms over shoulders or at their sides. Oliver quickly gathered the quaffle and his own broom, noting that Y/N was still on the pitch as he approached the equipment trunk.
“Need help carrying that?” she offered, shouldering her own broom as she walked over, watching him double check that all the balls were secure.
“Ah… sure,” he agreed, taking one of the handles on the trunk. After she took the other end, they lifted it and started walking towards the familiar changing rooms, neither quite looking at each other. They settled the trunk into its usual spot and turned to each other awkwardly.
She shifted her weight from one foot to the other. “Guess we should head up to the castle,” she said.
Oliver nodded. “Yeah… actually I’m gonna go fly a few laps before I head back.” He tightened his grip on his broom. “But you go on ahead.”
“Oh. Yeah.” Was that disappointment on her face? “Guess I’ll see you in class, Wood.” She waved halfheartedly before turning and walking out the door, her face noticeably red.
Oliver collapsed on the bench and gulped. He felt so stupid; of course he wanted to walk back to the castle with her! But he had a note to write and deliver before heading up to Gryffindor tower, and he jolly well couldn’t do that with Y/N hanging around.
After checking the door to make sure she didn’t come back, Oliver quickly grabbed his bag and pulled out a quill and piece of parchment.
Hello friend, he started. Well, I must admit I’m relieved that I misunderstood the situation! I’m glad this was all a silly misunderstanding.
Oliver paused and looked up in thought. Should he suggest another attempt at meeting? Was he ready to reveal himself? He was enjoying this newfound… friendship? Yeah, he assured himself. They were becoming friends. But would they stay friends once she found out who her admirer was?
With a sigh, he shook his head and went back to writing. He wouldn’t be the one to suggest they try again; but Merlin help him if she did.
Part 5!
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embrassemoi · 3 years
Saudade 𐂂 J.P
Summary: James Potter realized he spent years chasing after the wrong girl. But is it too late to finally tell you how he feels?
Pairings: James Potter x Reader, James Potter x Lily Evans, Sirius Black x Reader 
Content: Jealousy, pining, unrequited love, brief mentions of NSFW, NOTHING EXPLICIT, angst, no spell check, first fic ever!
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The Gryffindor common room was in full swing as soon as the sun set. They had just won the last match of the year against Slytherin. With the rivalry between the two houses, well amongst all of the houses viruses Slytherin, the celebration was inclusive. Students second year and up from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were asked to celebrate alongside the red and gold. It was a petty move, disrespectful at most. Nonetheless, the party was vibrant and was nowhere close to ending.
In the corner leaning against the wall closest to the drinks, James was already on his third glass of firewhiskey, chatting away quietly with Sirius alongside a couple of other Gryffindors on the quidditch team, planning out the next years team. Out of the corner of his eyes, James sees the entrance to the common room open. Curious to who would come to the party this late, he extends his neck only to see you enter the room, hands filled with small wrapped gifts and dressed in a short yet casual dress. Turning to talk to Lily, James' eyes never wavered, even with the presence of fiery-red hair.
It was shocking to him, he didn't expect you to come, you weren't known to party until he remembered that you were dating Sirius who joined the quidditch team this year. Of course, you would come to congratulate him.
You and James were first introduced by Remus. You and Remus had rather an academic friendship at first until she had stumbled upon him in the hospital wing after a nasty full moon. Soon afterwards, a beautiful friendship bloomed that rivalled his friendship with the Marauders until Sirius, James, and Peter forced him to introduce you to them.
In all honesty, James had not paid you attention when you two were first introduced. He admitted, you were pretty, smart, and had a fun personality. That was rare, indeed rare when someone had the full package but nobody could compare to his hyper fixation on the so-called love of his life, his Lily-Pad, the girl of his dreams. But that was two years ago and over time, the constant rejection from Lily had caused James to lose confidence. The chase was no longer fun, her irritated attitude towards him had worn him down. However, James continued to engage in the push and pull with Lily. It was mostly out of habit and his hard work finally paid off. It seemed like a waste to not at least pursue a relationship with Lily.
But within those two years, James fell out of love with Lily and instead fell in love with you. Instead of being shut down for telling a joke, you laughed and encouraged him to continue. Never had you tried to change him, to be quieter or less annoying. You simply let him be who he was and enjoyed his company. It was quite a drastic change from Lily to you and he couldn't pinpoint when he decided to choose you. Maybe when he started to look for you in the great hall rather than Lily or decided to ask you for help. But he did know he fully realized he had fallen for you when he didn't smell lilies, old books and Lily's perfume in the Amortentia Slughorn brewed but instead smelled coffee grounds, the rain and your perfume. You always smelled of coffee, rain and the sweet sugary smell of your perfume he had bought you for Christmas.
Days, weeks, months and then years went by and James Potter still couldn't bring himself to tell her how he felt. If anything, it felt as if his heart was pressed against a microphone, booming with every rapid beat.
But if he was honest, the familiar pain of unrequited love settled in his heart. The once unrequited love he received from Lily was nowhere close to the pain he felt for her.
What made it harder was that he would never be able to express it to her as James snapped out of his daze to feel Sirius leaving his side and made a beeline to her. He saw how his best friend's eyes light up when she smiled back at him. How the light twinkled back in her eyes when she smiled back.
"I never thought in a million years it would be her," a raspy voice says beside him. Remus had replaced Sirius' spot and he grabbed a red solo cup on the table beside them, leaning against the same wall as James.
With a forced chuckle, James let out a breathy laugh. "Yeah, we always thought it would be you pal."
A loud groan comes from Remus' mouth, "Would you stop with that, Prongs! She's practically my sister you prat!"
Never once did his eyes leave her until Sirius leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. Gazing downwards, James took a sip of the burning whisky and closed his eyes. He felt his heart crack all over again and felt the painful sensation to cry build up. A beat passes again, Remus was starting to become worried about the change in his friend's behaviour. Deciding to break the silence, he turned back to the couple and spoke again."You know, I think she's the one."
James swore he felt his heart crack as he opened his eyes and stared back at his friend, frowning. Even if he wanted, and he very much wanted to, he could never choose his happiness over Sirius.
Never over Sirius' happiness. Not after what he's been through, not after when his family abused him, broke him down and disowned him. Not after all the times Sirius had been there for James. Not when he considered him family.
But it was also undeniable their spark, even James couldn't deny it. Dropping his head, he rotated his red cup to stare at the amber liquid. Instead of the bright contrast of the red reminding him of Lily, the deep comforting golden brown reminded him of you. Another nudge from Remus had James quickly looking up.
"James! Remus!" you greeted, quickly pulling Remus then James into a hug. He took a moment before handing his drink to Remus to fully wrap his arms around her waist, basking in her warmth and the smell of her hair.
Having been friends and having feelings for James for so long never served you any good. You would always be second to Lily and everyone knew that except you and James."Look at you! At a party? Whew, finally came out of a cave, eh?" he said when you pulled away, eyes glazed over and jaw clenched.
"Hardy har, Prongs. I had too and I wouldn't have missed it," you smiled, slightly turning back to look at Remus now talking to Sirius across the room. "You think I would miss yours and Sirius's last quidditch game... ever! If so, my, my, my Fleamont! You really are that daft then, aren't you?"A smile appeared on both of their faces before a gut-wrenching had both of them laughing before James glanced down at her hands. It was a small wooden box painting in both red and gold with a bow on top. Pointing to it he asked, "Who's that for? Sirius?"
"No actually, I gave him a gift earlier. This - this is for you," she said in a shaky, quiet voice. Reaching for his hand, you pulled it towards your body, turning it over to see the palm of his hand. As you placed the box into his hand, James' body felt electric, going into overdrive from your touches. "This better not be some prank you and Sirius are pulling on me," he said, starting to get a little nervous.
"No, seriously. Open it."
As he unlatched the small hinge on the box, the inside was furnished with soft red velvet. In the middle sat a golden ring with the word 'Saudade' engraved inside the band.
"Saudade?" he asked, still looking down at the ring.
It was your time to glance down. Avoiding the question, she asked, "So do you like it?" Panic started to arise when he didn't respond. Perhaps he didn't like it?
Repeating, "James, do you like-." As she continued to stare at James, she saw teardrops falling onto the soft velvet. "James, oh my god I'm sorry I didn't think-"
"I love it." Finally looking to see her face, he gives a weak smile, snuffling. He takes his hand to wipe his face and pulls her back into a hug. "Thank you, I l-love y-." He pauses before starting again, " I love it so much."
"I got it made about a week ago. It was the last game you were going to play so I thought I should get you something special. To remember it."
Pulling back to look him in the face, she smiles again and reaches up to ruffle his hair. "I'm glad you like it, James." His heart soared at the mention of his name before finally breaking apart. Sirius strides over, arms wrapping around her waist before tucking her head under his chin.
"Wow, Prongs, buddy, you alright?" Weakly nodding, he smiles back at him.
"Damn, you broke him didn't you, love? Trying to steal my spot as best friend huh?"
The three giggle before Sirius once again whispers in her ear and James returns to his spot leaning against the wall watching heat rush to both of his best friends' faces. Unable to continue to look, he looks in the opposite direction where he spots Lily and Remus. Lily was chatting away excitedly to him, presumably about life after Hogwarts, but Remus was already staring back. A look of recognition finally rushed through him. He was too observant for his own good. As Remus stepped forward, James' attention turned back to the couple in front.
"Hey Prongs, we have to go. We'll see you tomorrow."
Bidding their goodbyes quickly, you and Sirius both leave, hands wrapped together as you both head up the towers leading to the dorm rooms.
In his daze, Lily touches his arm, peering at him through her eyelashes. She begins to talk, choosing to hold his arm and lean her head against his shoulder. James tries his hardest to focus on her words but the cracking of his heart is louder.
Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. It won't slow down.
Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. It's becoming dangerously loud.
He looks back at Remus, a smile of pity gracing his lips.
Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump. Tha-Thump. Thump
                                                                                That very night, after James and Lily had made love for the very first time. As Lily was fast asleep on his chest, James slowly detached himself from the red-head and crept out of her bed, snuck out into the shrieking shack and cried. He cried for hours until the sun raised. He yelled, he broke items in the worn-down house, until he was too tired to move. He felt disgusting and guilt riddled every bone in his body. He had never felt emotional pain similar to this. The pain was inexplicable, pretending to have never loved you and Lily instead. The anguish of having to see his best friend love you instead. The grief he felt when he found out Sirius was planning to propose, and the unbearable discomfort he felt when he was asked to be his best man. The agony he felt as he put on his most expensive suit with Lily by his side. The hurt he felt when he saw your beautiful face walk down the aisle, eyes never once leaving Sirius. The despondency he felt when he had to give a speech about how you and Sirius were made for each other.
And as James watched the love of his life and best friend have their first dance as husband and wife, he never felt as hopeless as he did in that very moment. With the wrong woman by his side, a golden ring strung onto a chain underneath his suit shined bright, close to his heart.
The nostalgic yearning to be near something or someone again that is distant or has been loved and then lost. It also means that an object or person of longing that might never be had again. Some refer to the word as "the love that remains."
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amjustagirl · 3 years
Hogwarts AU (Haikyuu!!)
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feat. Kita Shinsuke
Previously: Miya Atsumu. Miya Osamu. 
Masterlist link here
Warnings: Tooth-rotting fluff
A/N: Any other characters you’d like to see? Send me an ask! 
You knew of Kita Shinsuke, certainly - at least from your gigging girlfriends.
He’s known for his stellar grades (second only to your own) and his reserve position as the keeper on the Hufflepuff team. 
You found him serious and studious when you partnered with him once or twice in class.
But otherwise, you weren’t well acquainted with him. 
That all changed when you were appointed head boy and head girl respectively, and had to share an office for prefectorial duties. 
‘Shall I get started on the disciplinary reports due this week, or draft the allocation of duties for the month?’ You ask him when you met him to split up the work for the first time. 
‘Neither, I’ve done them both’, he replies curtly. A stack of reports in his neat, square handwriting drops in your lap.  
‘Oh’, you say lamely, feeling a little redundant. ‘Is there anything else I can help you with then?’ 
He shakes his head, a clear dismissal as he turns back to his work. 
He’s too high-handed, you complain to your friends. He takes charge of all briefings, tries to refuse your help for most tasks, only accepting when you archly remind him that you’re his peer, not his subordinate. 
He’s infuriating, you continue to complain. He doesn’t have a spark of humour in his eyes when you try to joke around with him, he’s stern and harsh with the other prefects, who all end up protesting to you. And worst of all - his grades are catching up to yours, slowly, steadily - your pride doesn’t appreciate him nipping at your heels. 
 You don’t dislike him. But you don’t like him either. 
That is - until you’re two months into your final year, and you’re off on a solo round one night. 
Your mind was full of the entrance requirements for the Healer course that was just released this evening that you completely forgot where you were (the side staircase between the ground floor and the second floor is tricky, even the first years know that) and stuck your foot right into the vanishing stair.  
It’s a full moon tonight. Your foot is stuck in the stair. All incontrovertible facts. It’s so late that you’ve long given up hope of anyone rescuing you until dawn, so you crouch on the stairs, head huddled in your arms, prepared to camp here until dawn. 
Anyone, that is - save for one Kita Shinsuke. 
He clears his throat, rousing you from your nap, and though you glance up with hope, you end up deflating when you realise it’s him. 
‘You didn’t report back after your round’, he says, the faintest shadow of a smile on his face as he looks down on you, uniform rumpled, eyes heavy with sleep. 
‘I kinda got stuck’, you admit, letting him pull you up, and you mutter a resentful thanks when he frees you from the accursed stairs. 
‘I can see that’, he chuckles, and you blink owlishly. 
Kita Shinsuke, laughing? You must be hallucinating. 
Still, for all his flaws, he’s a gentleman, insisting on walking you back to Ravenclaw tower. It’s such a shock to your system to find that he’s actually human that you find the courage to voice out your long held complaint that he’s not letting you do enough work, that it makes you feel redundant. 
He apologises earnestly. ‘I didn’t mean to do that - I’ve been so used to just tryin’ to do everythin’ by myself that I forget I’ve a partner to help me with this’. 
You accept his apology with a laugh, wishing him farewell and goodnight. 
As you get ready for bed, your face heats up for some reason when you think about him referring to you as his partner. You’re glad he didn't pick up on it.  
That marks a turning point in your relationship with him. 
True to his word, Kita starts to treat you like his partner in all prefectorial tasks, splitting all tasks equally with you, seeking your counsel when he needs to. And you start to see why your friends giggled helplessly when you told them that he would be head boy, and would share an office with you. 
‘He’s hot!’ They protested, when you scolded them for being silly twits. 
And now, you have to agree - staring shamelessly at the sight of his broad shoulders filling out his quidditch uniform, his light grey hair tousled in the wind as he glides gracefully down on his broom towards you. 
‘Yachi-san forgot to get you to sign the report’, you tell him, waving the sheaf of papers at him. ‘And don’t scold her, she’s still terrified of you’. 
The younger girl still shakes whenever Kita speaks to her, and she even begged you on her knees to seek him out in her stead. You should be the one thanking her, you think amusedly, appreciating the sheen of sweat on his forehead, the proud curve of his neck as he signs the documents, giving you a wave as he returns back to practice. 
Then you discover he’s not as heartless as his demeanor led you to believe. 
‘Kita, what are on earth are you doing?’ You gasp at the sight before you. 
You heard some rustling in an empty classroom, and assuming it to be another amorous couple getting frisky (you would turn a blind eye, really but you’ve had to clean up after them far too many times for you to have lost your patience by now), you kicked the door open, only to be greeted by the absolutely adorable sight Kita Shinsuke surrounded by a whole gaggle of younger students seated in a circle around him. The younger kids giggle, and even Kita breaks into a smile. 
It turns out he’s been tutoring the weakest students in his downtime because, as he says - magic is hard for those not born into it, like him. Refusing to be left out, you join him in these tutoring sessions, cajoling him to hold it in your office, magicking up beanbags and cushions to make the entire tutoring session a much more comfortable affair. 
‘Well done!’ he exclaims in excitement as the shyest first year succeeds in casting a wingardium leviosa for the first time. 
‘Good work!’ he tells another second year approvingly, as she shows him her top marks for her transfiguration essay. 
Watching him take the whole brood of younger kids under his wing makes you look at him in a different light - a softer light, for the first time. 
‘Would you like to go to Hogsmeade together?’ you ask him after a prefects’ meeting, as you walk back to your office together to gather your things. You’ve practised far too long in front of the mirror to channel your inner Gryffindor (even though you’re at heart, a studious Ravenclaw) to mess this up. 
‘Sure’, he responds without skipping a beat, and you grin, fist pumping behind his back. 
But when you turn up at Hogsmeade, the entire batch of final year prefects is there too. 
‘It was a good idea to have a batch outing’, Kita says, as he turns around to chat with Kiyoko from Gryffindor. 
Kuroo from Slytherin, who you hear would’ve been head boy if Kita didn’t beat him out, grins knowingly as he notices the lip gloss you used specially for this occasion, and even kind, funny Aran from Gryffindor bumps your shoulder sympathetically as you look utterly downcast for the rest of the afternoon. 
You’re a Ravenclaw, for Merlin’s sake, so you take a hint, lick your injured pride, and stop any further romantic overtures towards one Kita Shinsuke. 
But when you notice his eyes growing tired, his hand faltering over another report he should’ve delegated to someone else, you shoo him stubbornly out of the office, pertly telling him it’s time to take his own advice and rest - or you’ll write to his grandma, and see if she doesn’t send him a howler to take care of himself. When he’s gone, you promptly take over the report, and in complete defiance of your own words to him, you keep yourself up all night finishing not just that report, but the rest of the reports on his plate for the week. 
It’s what a friend would do, you tell yourself, gritting your teeth and setting your quill viciously on an accounting report that bloody Daishou managed to push off to Kita instead of doing it himself. 
It’s dawn by the time you faceplant into the stack of reports you managed to plow through. 
‘Et tu, brutus’, he mutters when he finds you asleep on the desk the next morning, head still pillowed on the mountain of reports. His eyes crinkle at the edges when he gazes down at you, laughing softly when you shy away from his attempts to wake you.
‘Kita?’ you mumble, when he finally takes hold of your shoulder and gently shakes you awake. ‘Didn’t I tell you to go to sleep?’ 
Wait a minute. Is it morning already? 
You jolt awake, swiping the drool collecting at the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand, flushing red in embarrassment at cool, collected Kita catching you like this. This is a bloody nightmare - you grab at your things, making hurried excuses to leave the room when he catches your wrist. 
‘Would ya want to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?’ 
‘With the rest of the prefects?’ you mumble shamefacedly, not even noticing that he doesn’t let go of your hand. ‘Sure, I guess.’
Kita laughs again. Twice in a day, you note distractedly. Did you miss something in Astronomy class about the stars aligning with Jupiter or something? 
‘Nope, just with me.’ He tugs you towards him, standing so close your ears flame bright red. You’re sure that if he takes a step closer, your ears might explode. 
‘Kita?’ you stammer, unsure if you’re awake or lost in your dreams. 
‘I owe you an apology’, he says, eyes trained on your lips. 
It definitely isn’t a dream because oh Merlin you can feel his breath fan against your lips. 
‘I only realised you were askin’ me on a date the last time after Aran set me straight. And I’ve been waitin’ for the right moment to ask you out to set matters straight.’
‘You don’t have to - ‘ you squeak, but your words are swallowed by his mouth slanting hungrily against yours and oh gods you’re one of those couples you have to book for making out in school, aren’t you - but does it count if you’re doing it in the head prefects’ office - and wait, does this mean you have to book yourself -  
Then you lose all train of thought when Kita swipes his tongue into the seam of your mouth. Clinging to him for dear life, you tangle your fingers in his hair. 
‘I want to’, he promises, when you separate for breath. 
Your mind is still blank as you nod dumbly, agreeing to meet him at the Great Hall next weekend. You’re still touching your swollen lips, completely distracted that you don’t even notice the squeals and whispers in the corridors when he walks you to class, hand in hand. 
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professorrw · 3 years
Last Chance, a Remus Lupin One-Shot
Pairing: female reader x young Remus
Warnings: protected sex, loss of innocence, swearing, alcohol, partying
A/N: BOTH PARTIES ARE 18! This takes place during their graduation from Hogwarts, so May of 1978, which means Remus was 18. (This is a repost because the tags weren’t working)
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It’s graduation. Seven years at Hogwarts over in the blink of an eye. It felt like just yesterday when you met Sirius, Peter, James, Lily, and Remus. Oh Remus. You’ve liked him since third year. You’re about to graduate and he still doesn’t know. Merlin, what was keeping you from telling him? Pure fear, that’s what. Because what if he doesn’t like you? What if you ruin your friendship?
Maybe, just maybe, you could work up the courage to tell him today before it’s too late. 
You looked around at your friends at the Gryffindor table, waiting for Professor Dumbledore to begin the graduation ceremony. Lily could tell how nervous you were, seeing that your hands were shaking a lot. She was the only person that knew you liked Remus. She was also the person that encouraged you to tell him today. 
Remus noticed that you were shaking too, but assumed it was from having to walk in front of all those people. That wasn’t the reason though, you weren’t afraid of large crowds. You were, however, afraid of messing up a perfectly fine friendship. But were you content with just being friends?
The boys were chatting about their plans for the night. Sirius and James want to have a huge afterparty in the dorm as their last hurrah. Tonight would be your last night at Hogwarts, the last night in your second home. So many memories filled the halls you could write a book about all the mischief you six got up to.
The attention was drawn to the head of the room as Dumbledore began to speak. “My dear students, you have accomplished a great feat, school!” There were a few laughs from the crowd of seventh years. “I commend you for getting thus far. You have a journey ahead of you, and I would hope Hogwarts has prepared you to take on each and every one of them.”
Dumbledore got through the rest of his speech then called up each of the graduating students to give them a certificate and handshake. Lily was the image of grace as she walked through the tables and up to the front of the room. The claps from you and your friends were louder than the rest of the Halls.
Remus’ name was called a while later and when he was in front of everyone James and Sirius wolf whistled at him, causing a light blush to spread across his cheeks. You giggled at the sight. Godric, he was adorable.
The rest of the names were called and the rest of the professors spoke before everyone was dismissed. This last night was supposed to be for packing but that wasn’t what the Marauders had in mind. As soon as they crossed the threshold of the Gryffindor common room they bolted to their room, gathering up everything they would need for the party. It was yours and Remus’ job to get the word out.
While Lily, James, Sirius and Peter set up, you went down to the dungeons to tell the Slytherins. Most were hesitant when you invited them, but you left it to the more rambunctious of the group to convince the others. You arrived back at your common room door soon after. 
When you entered the common room was transformed. Red and gold streamers were everywhere, the couches and chairs were pushed to the side to make a sitting area sort of thing, and there was a disco ball floating around the ceiling. That had to be Lily’s idea. 
Peter was putting out drinks on the desks meant for studying. He had a small variety of alcohol already set out with plastic cups stacked next to them. Leftovers from the feast earlier were also splayed across the tables. Never underestimate the gathering abilities of Peter.
You went up to the girls’ dormitory to change clothes. Lily was already there, shuffling through her trunk. She was only half dressed, so she must have been looking for some bottoms.
You ruffled through the different outfits you had and decided on your favorite one. The party wasn’t going to be formal, that was for sure. You still looked good though, tonight you would confess your feelings toward Remus. He was your closest friend other than Lily. If he didn’t take your feelings well you didn’t know what you would do. You pushed that thought aside and decided to think positively.
You went back downstairs and helped decorate for a while before people slowly started to trickle in. First to arrive were the Hufflepuffs. Dispute their innocent image, they could really party. The Ravenclaws followed after, leaving the Slytherins for last, which was typical. No matter how many parties were held, they would always be reluctant to show.
The common room was soon packed and music swelled from the walls. The party was in full swing within minutes. Sirius was already on top of a table, swinging around his discarded shirt. James hollered at him from below, “Dance Black!”
Following orders, Sirius started to dance on top of the table. He pulled out all the moves, rotating in a circle for all to see. You and Lily laughed from the couch, sipping on some random beverage. It was only seven, and you didn’t want to drink so early. That wasn’t the case for Sirius, who already had a cup of beer before anyone arrived.
Two or three hours in, you had danced with everyone in the group, including Remus. It was amazing to feel so carefree. You didn’t know when you would feel like this again, so you relished the feeling. You didn’t have a set time to tell Remus, you were waiting for the right moment. 
After being on your feet for so long, you sat back down. Lily walked over with you and sidled up in the seat next to yours. She looked at you expectantly, “So how’s it going? How’re you feeling? Are you ready?” 
“I’m feeling great. I’ve danced, I’m loosened up, I think I’m ready.” You nodded your head to solidify your answer. Thinking too hard about what you were about to do would only make you nervous.
“Well go! There he is!” She pointed to the drink table where Remus was.
“I’m gonna do it,” you said. You got up and confidently walked over to where he stood. When you got next to him he looked over and smiled.
“Enjoying the party?”
“Yeah it’s super fun,” you paused before continuing, “Actually I have something to tell you.”
He raised his eyebrows to acknowledge he was listening. You weren’t going to tell him in the middle of all that chaos.
“Not here. Could we go to your room?” You bit the inside of your cheek, trying not to look as nervous as you were beginning to feel. 
Remus was visibly confused for a second, brows furrowing to give you a questioning look before he agreed. You followed him through the crowd and up the stairs to the dorms.
You closed the door behind you before sitting next to Remus on his bed.
“What do you need to tell me? Is it bad? Are you okay? If you don’t want to be down there you can stay up here, I’ll keep you company.” He was genuinely concerned at this point.
You let out air through your nose and shook your head. “No, nothing like that. It’s actually about you. Remus I- I have liked you for so long. I’m sorry I waited so long to tell you because now we’ve graduated and we’re about to leave and-” You rush through it a bit too fast, but Remus heard every word you said.
“Really? James didn’t put you up to this? Because if he didn’t, Y/N I feel the same way.” He basically whispers as his face moves towards yours. His lips are centimeters away from your when you answer him.
“James didn’t put me up to anything, he doesn’t even know I like you.” You speak in the same hushed voice as Remus did. Your gaze drifts from his eyes to his lips, anticipating what's about to happen.
He doesn’t even respond, instead closes the distance between you. His lips meet with yours in a kiss that makes you melt. You waited so long for this moment. All your worries slipped away, your mind focusing on Remus and the way you're connected. 
His hands go to your waist, pulling you into him. Your mouths mold and work together, tongues sliding against one another’s. When you finally pull away you're completely in awe. You had no idea how this night was going to play out, but it was fantastic so far. You decided to take a chance, “Remus I want you.”
“Are you sure?” Remus was ever the gentleman, he didn’t want to push you into anything too quickly. He looked at you with the same gentle concern that made your heart skip a beat. 
“I’m positive.” That much you were sure. You didn’t plan on taking things that far, but it felt right. Besides, it was your last night in Hogwarts. There was no telling where you guys were going to be next. You hoped you would all still be close. James and Lily were in a serious relationship so they would be together of course.
Remus nodded and unbuttoned his shirt. You took that as a sign to also start undressing. You stood next to each other, stripping until you were both naked. You admired Remus’ body, every single inch of it. Your eyes danced over the scars that littered his body. You stepped closer to him, hands around his shoulders while his hands rested on your hips.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek before sliding onto the bed. Remus’ eyes trailed after you before the rest of his body followed. Before getting in he stopped at his bedside table. He opened the drawer and pulled out two things. One was a little square packet, a condom, and the other was a bottle, lube.
“Has he done this before?” you wondered. He saw your questioning eyes and decided to ask the question that hadn’t yet slipped from your mouth. “I don’t- I- It’s from Sirius. I haven’t done this before.” 
That made you feel slightly relieved. He was a virgin. That meant you weren’t the only one that was inexperienced.
“Me either. I don’t think I would have if given the chance though. Not when I liked you so much. It wouldn’t have felt right.” While you talked he opened up the tiny packet and pulled out the rolled up condom. He sat on the bed in between your open legs. He put it on his nice sized cock. You watched his every movement with anticipation. You had no idea Remus could make you feel so riled up when he hadn’t even touched you.
He squeezed the lube onto his hand before smearing it on his covered dick. Your breath hitched as he slowly inserted himself into your pussy. Remus’ head lolled back as he began to move in and out slowly. Your eyes shuttered shut as he picked up the pace. For your first time, it didn’t hurt as much as you were told it would.
“Remus, you feel so good,” you breathed out. He groaned as his fingers dug into your thighs. You moaned as he hit a spot in you that sent ripples of pleasure throughout your body. His pace wasn’t perfect but it was enough to get you both close to your orgasms. Remus heard the difference in sounds when he hit your g-spot and tried to do it again. After multiple more thrusts you could feel your body reaching its climax.
Remus gave a particularly throaty groan as his dick twitched inside you. You couldn’t feel his cum but you knew what happened. Even after his orgasm he didn’t stop, wanting you to reach ecstasy as well. 
His next thrusts were sloppy but they still pushed you further nonetheless. It didn’t take much more. You gripped his forearm as your walls clenched and milked his condom-covered dick. You moaned one last time as Remus rode out your high. He pulled out after a few slow thrusts, collapsing by your side.
You were both breathing  heavily against one another. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you against him. Your cheek rested against his bare chest. The quick thud of his heartbeat was mesmerizing.
“I’m going to miss you,” you whispered.
“You don’t have to; I’m not going anywhere.”
Permanent Taglist: @bellamy1998​ 
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hxseok-honee · 3 years
3005 || part 11
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3005 [part 11] || "Perks of dating a Slytherin"
[no matter what you say and what you do // when i’m alone, i’d rather be with you]
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a/n : mayhaps i,,, went a little crazy,,, writing this,,,
taglist [open] :
@deepseavibez @lele-bb @monamone @unadulteratedlyunique @bluefaeriefury @hooniepie @loveyoongles @lilacdreams-00 @ramyagovindraj @skyrro @diminieshoe @calling-dips-on-j-hope @yuusilverscar @butterflylion @dingzerenistall @miki-chi @army-moa75 @drpepperobsessed @cecedrake2217 @somelazysundays @xxxanimangxxx @cosmicdaylight @navybluewonderland @itismochirice @dreadity @secretlycrazyhummingbird @taeshuworld @lochness-butmakeitsexy @beeeb05 @preciouschimine @thetrueghostqueen @sonderkook @pb-n-juju @aviwasabi21
a/n : there were some blogs that tumblr wouldnt let me tag -- sorry about that!
“Jeez, it’s insane in here -- we’re packed like sardines!” Y/n trails into the Three Broomsticks after Jimin and Tae, barely managing to catch the Ravenclaw’s complaint over the noise of the crowd. She’s barely made it in the door of the pub, but she can already see that she might be stuck there a while. It’s full to capacity, a sea of colored scarves and matching hats -- early November has brought nothing but cloudy mornings and chilly nights, the lower levels of Hogwarts particularly affected by the evening drafts. She’s lucky that Hufflepuff is kept at a consistent level of cozy warmth, but she can tell Slytherins must deal with constant cold by the way that Hoseok and Yoongi, who hover in the doorway behind her, have only draped their deep green scarves over thin long-sleeve shirts.
From the front, Jimin complains, trying to no avail to push through the mass of students and find a free table or even call dibs on one that’s busy. And even from behind Tae, Y/n can see the Gryffindor is pouting, which is entirely endearing, but she doesn’t get the chance to point it out to him -- there’s a hand on her waist, gently guiding her to the side. Another hand wraps around her wrist, this one shockingly warm against her cold skin, and she turns to see Yoongi pulling her in silently toward him while Hoseok brushes past her on the other side. The smaller Slytherin pulls her in close enough that she has to cross her eyes to properly see him, but he’s not even looking at her. He’s gazing expectantly in Hoseok’s direction.
Following his eyes, she sees that something of a miracle is occurring -- the mass is parting for Hoseok, students bumping into each other as they rush to get out of his way. He says nothing, simply making his way through the crowd and beckoning them in after him. Tae stumbles after Jimin, and Y/n only follows when Yoongi quietly moves his hand to the small of her back and nudges her in their direction. Before she can get too far from him, she feels his lips press against the shell of her ear as he whispers to her.
“Perks of dating a Slytherin -- nice, huh?” Y/n’s heart jumps to her throat, and she lurches forward slightly, putting distance between them. She still hears as he snickers behind her, but she ignores it and follows after Tae.
As she goes, she sees that, ahead of her, Hoseok has reached a round booth, just big enough to fit the five of them. There’s a couple of Ravenclaws that get there at the same time he does, and when he turns to look at them, Y/n can see exactly why the crowd had parted for him. He’s got a look in his eye -- nothing compared to the look he’d given Remus in the forest all those weeks ago -- but it’s almost as if he knows he doesn’t need it. His face is blank and his eyes are empty, something entirely terrifying to someone unfamiliar with Hoseok. He looks like a true Slytherin, one that commands obedience with his mere presence.
One of the Ravenclaws takes one look at Hoseok and is immediately stepping back, pulling his companion along with him. Hoseok only nods gratefully to them, clearly showing that he hadn’t meant to be intimidating -- it’s just who he is. Then he turns and waves them forward, Jimin rushing in a bit fast and shooting his housemates an apologetic smile. He slips into the booth, Tae following close behind. They file in like that, Hoseok sliding in after Yoongi and letting his hand fall comfortably to his boyfriend’s thigh once he’s settled. Y/n sees the movement and notes in the back of her mind with surprise that Hoseok’s hand is much bigger than expected -- it covers almost all of Yoongi’s thigh.
“See something you like, Princess?” Hoseok leans in to whisper it, but, judging by the looks of disgust that cross Jimin and Tae’s faces, he hadn’t been quiet enough.
“And on that note, I’m gonna order us some food!” Jimin scoots out of the booth, making a beeline for the bar as Taehyung reaches dramatically after his best friend. He turns back, resigning himself to the strange dynamic of the trio before him. But Y/n only scoots in to cling to his arm, smiling up at him, and the Gryffindor relaxes.
“So, is there anywhere you guys need to go after lunch? Jimin and I want to stop at Honeydukes!” Hoseok nods along to Taehyung’s request, humming in consideration.
“I could really go for some jelly slugs…” Y/n and Tae stare at him in disbelief, unsure if he’s just messing with them. The idea that Jung Hoseok -- the guy that had just moved an entire crowd for them with no more than a look -- could enjoy something so… sugary… is beyond them. But apparently, it’s a topic of regular conversation in the 7th year Slytherin boys’ dorm.
“I told you, that shit’s bad for your teeth--”
“Says the one who sits in class chewing on sugar quills instead of using a real quill to take notes.” Hoseok cuts Yoongi off with finality, challenging him to continue, but the shorter boy only grimaces and mumbles under his breath about Jimin taking too long. Y/n and Taehyung look to each other for answers, only finding more confusion.
When Jimin does finally return -- somehow managing to balance 5 plates of food in his arms -- the group settles in to eat, chatting about various things until they finish their food. It’s nice, Y/n decides, to hang out with friends she doesn’t always find herself with. Although she’d become rather close with Jimin and Taehyung recently, she’d spent every Hogsmeade weekend with Jin and Namjoon until now, so this is all still relatively new to her.
It’s especially new to hang out so closely with Yoongi and Hoseok -- she admits that she’d definitely gotten comfortable with them since the day that Yoongi had claimed her bed as his own while she’d had a strangely deep heart to heart with Hoseok, but she still feels slightly tense around them. Their constant flirting has been more than disarming, but it flusters her most when they’re right in front of her. At least when they’re texting, she can hide in the comfort of her room, but here… she has nowhere to run if they decide to start teasing her.
As if to drag her out of her thoughts by proving her right, the warmth of a palm sliding across the expanse of her thigh startles her back to reality. She glances down quickly, taking in the fact that there is actually a hand on her leg, before following the arm up to its owner. Hoseok only eyes her with confusion, having reached across Yoongi to get her attention.
Turning quickly to Taehyung, she looks up at him with confused panic, as if to confirm that she’s not hallucinating. The Gryffindor’s already staring down at her leg, having seen the movement out of the corner of his eye. He meets her gaze with wide eyes before turning away, as if to tell her it’s none of his business what she gets up to with Hoseok in the middle of this pub. When she tries to lean in further for his attention, Tae only turns his whole body away from her, sipping at his drink and denying her silent plea for assistance with feigned ignorance.
He catches Jimin’s eye in doing so, and the Ravenclaw glances over quickly, his gaze catching on Hoseok’s ringed fingers resting on the inside seam of Y/n’s jeans. Immediately, Jimin’s choking on his food, turning away with reddening ears as he puts his napkin up to his mouth. Hoseok looks around, eyes wide with confusion at the reactions he’s getting. Yoongi only closes his eyes and nods, fully having expected this chain of commotion in the booth.
Y/n looks down at the hand in her lap once more, hating that the only thing coming to mind is that now she can definitely confirm that Hoseok’s hand is as large as she’d noted previously. She stares down at it, scandalized, only coming back to reality when Hoseok squeezes her thigh, drawing her attention back to him. He’s smiling, but it’s filled with bemusement.
“Princess, I’ve been talking to you for like five minutes -- where was your head?”
It was thinking about yo--
Y/n blinks, shaking her head both to answer Hoseok and to rid herself of the intrusive thought she’d just had. She looks to Yoongi quickly, terrified that he might somehow be sitting close enough to have heard the unexpected words that had crossed her mind. He’s examining her carefully out of the corner of his eye, but his face is void of emotion except for the hint of amusement in his gaze. When she makes eye contact with him, he leans in, holding her gaze and whispering to her in a low voice.
“He’s only trying to give you your potion for today -- are your thoughts wandering somewhere they shouldn’t be, babe?” Y/n leans away the closer Yoongi gets, deciding they’re both much too close for comfort. Pulling her leg gently from Hoseok’s grasp, she scoots in the booth until she’s flush with Taehyung, who continues to sip at his drink with vigor, as if he hadn’t just heard the entire exchange. She’s about to force the Gryffindor to acknowledge her existence and help her, but there’s another hand falling to her lap, this one different but warm all the same.
It’s Yoongi’s, and while he has his palm turned up toward her -- a vial filled with familiar contents sitting innocently there -- the contact is enough to have Taehyung elbowing Jimin urgently, decidedly finished with his lunch. The Ravenclaw scoots toward the edge of the booth, taking one last gulp of his butterbeer before gesturing vaguely at his coat pocket, where his phone sits untouched.
“Text from Namjoon -- bookstore -- gotta meet hi-- bye!” Wrapping his hand around Taehyung’s wrist, he pulls the boy with him out of the booth, and with that, the two of them disappear into the crowd and out the door. Y/n stares after them, panic seeping into every fiber of her being as she turns slowly to face the two Slytherins she’s been left alone with. Hoseok’s also staring at the spot their friends had disappeared into, but Yoongi only presses his hand further into Y/n’s lap, urging her to take the vial.
“Full moon’s tomorrow -- drink up, babe.”
“No, that has to be a fucking joke -- you’re lying to me--”
“I’m not lying! I hiked my ass up that fucking tree and sat there throwing sticks at this girl so she would stop hurting herself until 5 o’clock in the morning!” Y/n groans and hides behind her hands, laughing out of sheer humiliation while Hoseok retells the story of the night they’d met -- the night she’d almost killed him. Yoongi leans his head back against the booth and breathes out a laugh, unable to believe what he’s just heard. He turns to Y/n, reaching out and tugging on her wrists until her eyes appear from behind her hands.
“Thank you very much for not ripping my boyfriend to shreds before I could confess. I would have been pissed.” She pulls her wrist from Yoongi’s grasp, pushing at his shoulder with another groan. She notices out of the corner of her eye that Hoseok’s gesturing silently toward the bar, holding up three fingers before pointing at their table -- their third set of refills in the last two hours. The glint of the metal bands on his fingers catches her attention, and she swallows hard as she returns her gaze to Yoongi’s face. The look he’s giving her tells her he’s caught her staring, but he only smiles when she clears her throat and attempts to move on.
“I just think it’s ridiculous that -- for someone who claims to be obsessed with magizoology and all things magical creatures -- Hoseok didn’t think ahead before wandering out to the Forbidden Forest on a full moon night.” Hoseok cracks a smile, rolling his eyes good-naturedly at her jab before focusing in on the waiter that’s sliding three fresh butterbeers onto their table. He slips the man a tip with a quick thanks, man, before pushing two of the drinks over to Y/n and Yoongi. There’s something so effortlessly smooth about the way Hoseok had handled the entire interaction -- as mundane and simple as it’d been -- that sets Y/n’s nerves on fire, and she accepts the drink shyly. Her mind flashes back to the one time she’d been here with her brother and his friends, the way Remus had stumbled over his words and almost spilled his drink on the table. It isn’t as cute to her now as it was back then--
Wait, what the hell?
“Princess?” She looks up from her drink and finds both Hoseok and Yoongi staring at her, heads tilted in matching confusion. Hoseok’s eyes flick down to her drink, and he gestures toward the bar with his thumb. “You’ve been drinking them cold this whole time, but I can get you something else if you don’t want it--”
“No! No… Thank you. This is good.” Hoseok stops short at her outburst, Yoongi’s eyebrows lifting past his fringe in surprise. Y/n only looks between them for a moment before lifting the drink to her lips awkwardly. When she sets it down again, she doesn’t notice the line of foam stretching across her top lip. The boys focus in on it, Yoongi taking his bottom lip between his teeth as he decidedly leans toward her after a moment. Resting two fingers under her chin, he swipes his thumb slowly over her mouth, sitting back and sticking that same thumb in his mouth to clean the sugar off his skin when he’s done. Hoseok watches the exchange with unwavering intensity, following the path of Yoongi’s hand all the way to the smaller boy’s mouth. Y/n doesn’t realize she’s done the same.
Seeing that he’s being stared at, Yoongi smiles awkwardly, leaning his elbows on the table as the tips of his ears turn pink. Looking to his boyfriend, he opens his mouth.
“So… it’s your fault you almost died?” Hoseok blinks, the moment gone. Y/n takes another sip of her drink, giving herself time to hide behind the large mug that covers much of her reddening face when she tilts it back. She swipes self-consciously at her mouth with her sleeve when she’s done, hoping they wouldn’t have to repeat the intimate display from before. She thinks that, if not for the fact that she’s found herself sensitized to the sound of Hoseok’s voice, she would have missed his response.
“Alright, I feel like I have to defend myself here -- I mean, I was 13 and way too excited about finding that pack of sentient wolves I’d read about. You really can’t blame me for not expecting there to be students of Y/n’s… special nature.” Hoseok glances around the pub inconspicuously, and Y/n finds herself covered in goosebumps when he lowers his voice at the end.
What the hell is happening to me?
Y/n blinks quickly, willing her frazzled state to just disappear, and focuses on what he’d said previously instead. She meets his eyes, sighing slightly when she sees that he’s already peering at her, thoroughly entertained by whatever it is that he’s finding on her face.
“So--” Hoseok straightens, discarding whatever he’d been thinking about to pay attention. “--are you just a total magizoology nerd then? Is that what you wanna do after graduation?” As if he hadn’t been expecting her genuine interest in his life, Hoseok bows his head slightly at her question, visibly shy. Beside him, Yoongi smiles fondly, and Y/n’s reminded of that day in the forest, when their roles had been switched.
“Oh… Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m interested in…” Hoseok trails off, but Y/n watches Yoongi nudge him almost teasingly, urging him to continue what he hadn’t wanted to say before. “I-uh-- I’ve been looking at internships at St. Mungo’s, but I really don’t think I’m gonna get--”
“He’s going to get in. They’d be crazy not to take him.” Yoongi interrupts him, practically beaming with pride. “How could they not? He’s got real passion for it, it’s obvious. I’m kinda jealous -- I wish I could do something cool like that.” Hoseok takes a sip of his drink, clearly doing what Y/n had done earlier to hide from them, but she lets it slide with a teasing glance when he meets her eyes over the rim of the glass. Turning to Yoongi, she hums, noting that he doesn’t seem fazed at all with admitting something about his future.
“You can’t do something cool like that?” She doesn’t mean to pry, but even after she realizes that the question could be sensitive, Yoongi only breathes out a laugh, shaking his head. She’s relieved he hadn’t taken any kind of offense.
“Nah -- my parents are what you’d call… elitist freaks. They’ve got a serious hard-on for that psychopath running around with his cult, so… I’m honestly lucky if I make it out of this war with all my morals intact.” She is deeply unprepared for Yoongi’s response, the sudden heartbreak she’s experiencing only worsened by the fact that he says it with a straight face, as if he’d long resigned himself to the truth of his words. When he sees the look on her face, Yoongi’s expression softens, and he tilts his head to look at her, his eyes twinkling with endearment.
“Don’t pout at me like that, babe -- you're making me want to kiss it better.” If Y/n hadn’t been expecting that comment, Hoseok really hadn’t been expecting it. He chokes on his butterbeer immediately, waving at Y/n frantically when she tries to help. Slamming his drink down on the table, Hoseok grabs Yoongi, pulling the smaller boy to him, hiding his face in his boyfriend’s shoulder while he finishes his coughing fit. Yoongi only pats his back, making a face of playful disgust at being used as a napkin.
“Well, now that Hoseok’s thoroughly embarrassed himself and his Slytherin reputation in front of, like, a million people, I think it’s time we go get him his jelly slugs.” Yoongi nudges his boyfriend out of the booth, gesturing with a nod of his head for Y/n to follow as he sets some money on the table and slides out of the booth.
In contrast to the way Hoseok had entered the Three Broomsticks, he leaves with his head bowed, ears red as he slouches his way to the door. Yoongi chuckles from behind Y/n, shaking his head as he guides her through the crowd with his hand on her waist.
“Look at him go -- my tall, embarrassed boyfriend. How cute. Gotta get him his jelly slugs.” He says all this like he’s talking to himself -- not quite in full sentences, each word full of a kind of exasperated adoration that Y/n finds impossibly cute. Yoongi’s shaking his head like he’s disappointed by Hoseok’s rare awkwardness, but he’s smiling like he’s in love. Y/n feels both giddy by the display of affection and strange that she’s granted this kind of access to their relationship. She feels torn, quite frankly. Like she shouldn’t be allowed to see this side of them.
By the time they finally reach Honeydukes, Hoseok has regained his confidence, going so far as to walk backwards while he talks to them. It’s ridiculous, really, the way he changes before her eyes -- the slouching boy from before transforms into the arrogant Hoseok she knows well, the one who practically hangs off of her now, looking for any excuse to touch her. One hand pulls at her scarf, adjusting it, while the other grabs for her fingertips, asking with a smirk if she’d like him to warm her up before linking their fingers together playfully. Yoongi only follows along, smiling and feigning innocence when Y/n turns to him for help.
They’re so busy causing chaos amongst themselves that they don’t notice another group headed straight for the doors of Honeydukes -- when Y/n does finally see them, she’s startled simply because, in any other case on any other day, she would have noticed them from a mile away.
“Y/n, hi!” Remus smiles wide at her, waving excitedly when he catches her attention. Y/n stops short, shocked by his sudden appearance which, really, is not all that sudden. “I texted you to see if you wanted to meet up today, but I guess luck’s on our side, huh?” Making a noise of surprise, she reaches for her coat pocket, where her phone remains unchecked. She hadn’t even felt the vibrations of a notification, too distracted by Hoseok and Yoongi.
As she’s checking her phone -- and seeing that she does, in fact, have an unseen message from Remus -- she misses the way James’ gaze hones in on where her hand is still attached to Hoseok’s, but she certainly feels when Hoseok rips his hand from hers and stuffs it into the pocket of his jeans. Looking up in confusion, she finds that he’s not looking at her, only staring with determination at the display in the Honeydukes window. He looks conflicted, almost guilty, and when she turns to the Marauders, the expression of scandalized surprise on James and Sirius’ faces tells her why. If Remus had seen them holding hands, his face betrays nothing.
“I’m gonna just… go get my jelly slugs. I’ll see you inside.” Hoseok brushes past her, leaving her there with Remus as he heads into the sweets shop. Yoongi looks after his boyfriend, and Y/n sees him start to follow but stop in his tracks, choosing in the end to remain beside her. The decision throws her, but she’s learned that Yoongi doesn’t do anything without thinking it through first, so she lets it go. Turning to the boys, she smiles sweetly, addressing them with surprising ease, considering she’s in the company of her childhood crush.
“Did you guys just get here? I didn’t see you at the Three Broomsticks at all.” James shakes his head, pushing away the memory of her display of physical affection with Hoseok as he responds. Sirius, however, continues to squint suspiciously, looking between her and Yoongi as he hovers near Remus.
“Nah, we were just at Zonko’s for like two hours -- gotta stock up, you know.” He shakes a large plastic bag filled with tricks and pranks for effect, and Y/n steps forward to peer inside.
“Woah… I can only imagine how many detentions this’ll get you.” The boys all laugh at how well she knows them, but Sirius leans in with a conspiratorial grin.
“Say, Y/n -- I feel like we haven’t seen you in forever! Why’s that, hm?” Y/n meets his eyes, lost.
“What do you mean? We talk all the time--”
“Well, yeah, but with your brother glued to Jin now, our crew’s been feeling so… empty these days. The Telepathy Twins have abandoned us!” He drapes himself over Remus’ back and cries out dramatically as he finishes complaining, something that has Y/n rolling her eyes with a smile.
“I’ve been here, Sirius -- we can hang out whenever you want!” Sirius perks up, leaning in toward her face with a sly grin.
“How ‘bout now?” Y/n lifts a single eyebrow, leaning away from him with a look of disbelief.
“Now? But…” She’s about to say that she’s busy and can’t leave with them, even if Remus is right there offering to hang out. But her hesitation sets Yoongi on edge, and he steps in quickly, wrapping his fingers around her wrist and tugging her back toward him. When she’s close enough, he takes his arm and throws it around her waist, moving behind her as he pulls her flush against his chest. She’s suddenly trapped against him, something made more clear in the way Yoongi leans his chin on her shoulder. She can almost feel the smirk spread across his lips as he speaks, his voice vibrating against the shell of her ear.
“Sorry boys, but Y/n’s really hard to get a hold of these days. Hoseok and I barely managed to reserve time with her today -- what kind of person would I be if I just let you steal her away from us?” Y/n’s not sure what to do with the show Yoongi’s putting on, and she knows by the way his arm is firm against her waist that he’s not letting her go anytime soon.
She watches lamely as Sirius hums contemplatively, having expected some sort of reaction from Yoongi but not quite this. Remus’ eyebrows lift in surprise as his gaze drops to the arm wrapped around her, but he doesn’t say anything. James is the first to respond, shaken from his shock at Yoongi’s bold move by the realization that this looks not unlike a literal standoff right in front of a crowded shop.
“Well, we’ll just have to schedule our own time later on, then, won’t w-- oh!” He reacts when the doorbell above the Honeydukes door rings out, revealing Hoseok as he exits, holding a bag of jelly slugs and sugar quills for Yoongi. There are a couple chocolate bars in his hand, something he knows helps Y/n after the full moon. He’s so busy sifting through his bag that it takes him a second to see the scene he’s just walked into.
When he does look up, he’s stopping short, eyes trained evenly on the compromising position his boyfriend’s in. Whatever thoughts are crossing his mind in that moment are unseen on his face, his eyes unblinking as they pass over Yoongi’s arm, Yoongi’s chin, Yoongi’s lips pressed against Y/n’s ear as she’s pressed against his chest. They all stand there for a moment, frozen, waiting for Hoseok to react.
And then he’s blinking, looking away as he moves toward Remus and holds out one of the chocolate bars in his hand. Remus takes it, uncertain of what’s happening in Hoseok’s head right now. The Slytherin explains with one line and a polite smile.
“You look tired.” He’s not wrong -- Remus’ eyes show his exhaustion, his face and shoulders more slouched than usual as his body fights against the force of the moon, almost full. He looks how Y/n feels inside, but the adrenaline from the day spent with Hoseok and Yoongi -- apparently not yet over -- had kept her from feeling the full effects of the near future. Now that Hoseok’s mentioning it, Y/n feels herself start to become drained of energy, something that she knows Yoongi notices when she shifts in his arms and he tightens his hold on her.
Remus takes the chocolate with a tired smile, thanking Hoseok under his breath. And then he’s leaning around the Slytherin to wave kindly -- albeit a bit awkwardly -- at Y/n and Yoongi, still entangled in each other’s limbs.
“Good luck tomorrow, Y/n -- let me know if you need me, okay?” It’s innocent, it truly is. And Y/n’s grateful for it, the way Remus has always looked out for her. But the way Hoseok glances over his shoulder at her, his eyes appearing almost resigned, leaves her unsettled. And when the tips of Yoongi’s fingers dig into her side, betraying his annoyance with the comment, Y/n can’t help the fluttering feeling that rushes into the pit of her stomach. A feeling strictly reserved for Remus -- until now.
She waves awkwardly as they go, painfully aware of the sudden wave of crisp air hitting her back when Yoongi finally steps away from her. He holds his hand out for Hoseok’s bag, offering to carry it. Hoseok hands him the sweets, passing Y/n her chocolate bar without a word. The three of them are quiet as they exchange items, none of them quite certain how to proceed from what had just happened. Y/n feels guilty, like she’s the reason Hoseok and Yoongi are silent with each other.
Then, Hoseok’s turning to her, decidedly ignoring the entire situation with an easy grin. But there, in his eyes, is a glint of mischief, something teasing and light but intense enough to tell her that he won’t be forgetting about this moment for a long time, and that ignites something in her that she’s never felt before -- not even with Remus. It sends her heartbeat straight to her ears, muffling everything around her as her stomach drops in a way that she can’t bring herself to describe negatively. She barely registers Hoseok’s hand on her elbow, calling for her attention as he directs a bright smile at her.
“Ready to go, Princess?”
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slightlymore · 4 years
part of the ‘soulmates collection’
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(slytherin) doyoung x (ravenclaw) fem reader
others: (gryffindor) haechan | renjun mentioned like once 
genre: one-shot | smut | angst | fluff | romance | enemies to lovers | slight dark academia vibes | fantasy au | inspired by hogwarts but only for the names and separation in houses. this is a university setting with different magic (different spells, no wands etc., slytherins have some cool ass rooms and very questionable powers) 
warnings: oral f and m, penetration, unprotected, marking m receiving, body possessiveness in a magical way (? i made this up lol I hope its not that weird. like the plot point is a little cringy but I found it hilarious as I wrote it so I hope you don’t get mad at me when you discover what’s it about lol); a lot of bickering and insults; swearing
words: 9.5k (lol) 
requested by anon that wanted academic fights turn into mad sex aha I got inspired by that to make a longer fic with more depth to it (if it's alright) hope you like it! this is one of my favourite pieces I’ve written so far!!!! 👀👅👀
As the rays of the sun hit the announcement board, your eyes darted on the pages filled with small characters. 
A little crowd of people started to chatter behind you, trying to see the ranking sheet as well, but no one dared to come close enough to push into you - the Ravenclaw Prefect. 
“Renjun? Whose dick did you suck to get 6th?” a voice giggled before a loud smack transformed the airy laugh in a dramatic “ouch”. “Lee Haechan, I swear I’ll-” but you didn’t get to hear the rest as your vision got suddenly blurry with rage and your ears started to whistle when your shoulder got bumped forcing you to make a few ungraceful steps to the side. 
“What’s that face for, YLN?” 
You tightened your fists. 
You could have recognized that annoying voice in a thousand others: Kim Doyoung, the Slytherin Prefect and the person you hated most in the whole universe. 
“Ah, right,” he hit his fist on one palm turning his head with fakely widened eyes. “You’re second place. Again.” 
You hated Kim Doyoung and everything that had to do with him. 
His voice? Hideous. 
The fragrance of the fabric softener on his clothes? Repugnant. 
His favourite dishes at the cafeteria? Revolting. 
His favourite authors? Idiots. 
Everything reminded you of him and one time you had a literal meltdown in a supplies shop as every notebook and pen has been seen in his backpack at a certain point. 
“I see that manners are still very difficult for you to master, Kim,” you spit out his last name. 
Doyoung laughed. “I apologize profusely for not following useless societal rules such as manners the way your finite mind intends.” 
An echo of little “ohh” surrounded you but abruptly stopped as you threw a venomous glance at the little crowd behind you. 
“Is this what you’ve been doing to get in the first place? Not following the rules?” you cocked an eyebrow at Doyoung. 
The tongue inside his cheek moved around for a few seconds before he crossed his arms on his chest and got closer until his feet clashed with yours. 
You didn’t step back. 
“Is this an accusation?” 
You pursed your lips as if thinking and Doyoung let you put on the little theatre act before he could hear your “Maybe?” 
A single dry and unamused scoff came out of his lips as his eyes stared you down from head to toes. 
“So you’re resorting to - this?” he gestured vaguely. “You’re that bitter that you couldn’t keep your first place for two whole semesters now?” 
“Oh? It hurt so badly the first time that you kept track of it, baby boy?” you cooed. 
The new nickname threw him off for a split second and although he was quick to come back to his usual expression you noticed it and you smiled triumphantly. 
The crowd was collectively holding its breath. 
He opened his mouth to say probably something stupid as usual when the voice of the professor interrupted you and the spell got shattered. 
“Come inside little roosters. Preserve that energy for the class debate.” 
Previously silent to not miss a single exchange you had with Doyoung. everyone suddenly started to chat while making their way inside the classroom. 
You both still didn’t move a single muscle, your eyes still trained on each other like predators. “I said-,” the professor clicked his fingers between your faces, “-come inside.”
“I can’t fucking believe this.” 
Your university was overall a good place with good and proficient rules. You followed them all and you enjoyed it. But there were also a few rules you suddenly realized you hated. Like the “your seat in the study room will be your seat for the rest of the semester and whoever seats in somebody else's seat during the year, said somebody can slash their shins”. 
You would have loved to see Doyoung sitting at your place. His long legs could use some kicking. But unfortunately, something even worse happened. 
He was sitting right in front of you. 
“Why are you here?” you added, throwing your bag on the desk in front of him and making a few of his papers fly on the floor. 
Doyoung sighed seeing his stuff gently falling around and raised his eyes with the most venomous smile he could pull off. 
“The Gryffindor gentleman over there-” he indicated towards his previous’ semester desk, “took my seat so I had to find another one.” 
You followed his pointed finger and spotted Lee Haechan in the midst of popping a chewing gum bubble. 
He winked. 
You rolled your eyes. 
He made an obscene gesture revolving a tongue in the cheek and hand motions. 
You returned the favour with your middle finger. 
“And you had to sit here of all places. You let a Gryffindor snatch your place.”
Doyoung licked his lower lip before taking it inside his mouth for a moment. 
“Miss ‘manners’ and miss ‘following the rules’ is mad that I, mister ‘fuck useless rules’ and fuck ‘useless manners’ didn’t smack a boy in the head to get a desk?” 
You breathed in slowly and exhaled before you could scream at him. 
“I don’t want to see you every day in front of me.” 
Doyoung pinched the base of his nose before speaking. 
“Listen, I also don’t want to see your face this close every day for a whole semester but it is what it is. All the other seats are taken. Stop whining or go and suck Lee’s dick to get his desk instead.” 
You scoffed incredulously and plopped down with force, ignoring the boy’s sighs as the movement made some other papers fall. 
"You're insufferable,” he whispered. 
"I am insufferable?" you stopped taking the books from your bag then suddenly dropped the heaviest one, making the whole desk tremble. 
Doyoung looked at you then smirked. "You're in a worse mood than usual. Is it because you couldn't reach the top?" 
He leaned in as if about to share a secret. "Are you frustrated that I'm always in your mind 24/7?"
His dark eyes looked like two abysses and suddenly you felt like falling into them. Then he blinked once, slowly, and you blinked too, the sudden silence chatter of the study room bringing you to the surface. 
Fuck Slytherins and their weird-ass magnetic eyes. You wanted to smack him in the fucking face. 
"So I see you keep wanting to be ridiculous as always," you replied but you both realized how soft your tone got. 
You cleared your throat - don’t talk to me anymore! it said - and you opened your books, eyes unable to look at Doyoung's face. 
He got the hint and leaned back into his seat amused, playing with his pencil. It rolled on his fingers, then on his knuckles and when he placed it on the desk with sudden force you jolted. 
"If you want to surpass me, stop staring at my hands and get on studying."
Doyoung had to slide away with his chair for you to not reach his throat and choke him.
"So do you want to choke him with his tie or do you want him to choke you with his tie?" "I want to choke you." Haechan smirked. "I'm not sure I'm into that stuff but we can try it out." "I can't believe you did this to me." "Ah come on. Everyone is having fun. He's having fun. You're the only one taking it too seriously." "I am not taking it seriously. I'm just annoyed every time I see his face. 'The best option is to reinvent yourself'" you mocked Doyoung's voice during philosophy class. "You can reinvent the world first. What kind of selfish nonsense is that?" "Slytherin nonsense. But still, he had good points to his discourse- ahi." "Go and be his friend then." "I would, but I'm stuck here with you because--ahi." 
"You're always getting hit, Lee," that voice interrupted your discourse. 
You rolled your eyes and breathed out so heavily that for a split moment you thought someone transformed you into a horse. 
"Hit on, by girls." "I will hit you too if you don't leave my desk," Doyoung smiled peacefully.  "Well," Haechan got up slowly, "I wouldn't mind that either."
Doyoung bit his lower lip amused and to your absolute shock he winked at your friend. Haechan laughed and left you two alone. 
"What was that?" 
Doyoung sat down ready to get to work. "Huh?" 
"Were you friendly just now?" 
Doyoung blinked at you as if processing the question. "Yeah? I am friendly usually."
"Why are you not friendly with me?" 
Doyoung's expression suddenly trembled on his face like a mask. He looked up surprised and for a split moment, he appeared weirdly younger, with his open lips and wide eyes. You stared at each other for a few seconds and it was the first time you didn't feel like opening up his guts.
But then he smiled and it all got back to you. "Because I hate you,” he explained.
The ball was okay. A normal ball just like all of the other boring balls you were forced to attend each start of the semester. No alcohol, at least not offered from the university but definitely offered by the older students. All said students dressed well, but following the decency rules which led to boring outfits. 
Your red dress was the boldest thing around and Ravenclaw cheered upon your entry in the Grand Hall. 
A cool Prefect? Yeah, you had to be one if you wanted to beat Kim Doyoung. 
At the moment everyone liked him more since he let his people smuggle liquor into the university but you weren’t about to fall to such low standards to win. 
But food? Hell yeah. 
It was not illegal and everyone wanted to have pizza instead of finger food made of hell knows what. 
“Y/N, if you continue like this, I’ll probably fall in love with you,” a random dude smiled, helping himself. You smiled back at him, glad that cute guys wanted to talk to you. 
“Well-,” you started, ready to bat your eyelashes, but the guy suddenly jolted, the piece of pizza he was holding literally flying from his hands and landing on his face instead. 
You yelped, bringing your hands to your mouth in shock, staring at the way it slowly slid from his nose down on his impeccable white shirt. 
“Shit,” he threw the pizza away on the bin at his right and made his way through the crowd with spicy tomato sauce in his eyes. 
“You got all kinds of pizzas and not my favourite topping,” Doyoung suddenly materialized near you with a dramatic sigh, scaring the shit out of you.  “You!” you turned your head to him and pointed your finger at his face. Doyoung stared at your fingertip then at your eyes. “You did that to the guy just now!” 
The boy blinked at you as if you were crazy. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he shook his head but when he took a piece of pizza and started to munch on it, one hand waving at you and walking towards his friends, you noticed the way he smiled.
A few hours later, people were scattered around the campus, most of them in bed “sleeping”, some of them actually already sleeping since it was almost morning. 
The prefects were still in the hall, wrists twisting and eyes annoyed at the chore of having to clean up after the ball. 
“It’s going to take you only half an hour, my children,” the headmistress chuckled brightly. “You’re prefects for a reason. Other children don’t have your advanced magical power and would end up cleaning for a whole day. Responsibilities. Am I right?” 
“She could clean in 5 minutes yet here we are,” the Gryffindor prefect mumbled after she left, leaving behind an obnoxious perfume cloud. 
If the ball would have at least been fun, it would be different now, cleaning while at least being a little euphoric. 
But not only was it the most boring and uneventful party ever, you also had to do Kim Doyoung’s part since he was as slow as a snail. 
“Get your shit together. We can clean much faster if you get your ass up,” you stared him down with hands on your hips.
Doyoung looked up at you from the chair he was sprawled on, one hand to sustain his head, the other twisting while his finger lazily transported a flying bottle of beer across the room. 
“I am working.” 
You scoffed. “You’re the best at object moving. If you wanted, you could also finish everything in 5 minutes.” 
The boy tilted his head to the side, suddenly focused and amused. “Are my ears failing me, or did you just compliment me?” 
“If you need my praise to do your job, then yes, Kim, you’re very good at this type of magic.” 
Doyoung chuckled happily and got up. With a smack of his lips, he rolled his wrists and all the trash disappeared from the floors and tables appearing into the trash cans instead. The Hufflepuff prefect whistled, impressed, and the Gryffindor sighed upon realizing he had worked his ass off for nothing. 
You put your tongue in your cheek annoyed but also secretly happy he actually did it. “Floors.” 
Doyoung took out his tongue in the most annoying habit he had. Your eyes involuntarily darted towards it and he smiled. 
“You’re such a snake when you do that.” “Okay, crow. Deal with your floors yourself then,” he passed you and walked towards the exit. 
The other prefects already left, too tired to deal with your bickering and probably relieved that someone else could clean up much faster. 
You stared at his back, annoyed, then twisted your wrist to pull his body back towards you. His black jacket moved as if a gentle breeze blew across him and Doyoung stopped. 
“Wait, sorry-” he laughed and turned around, his voice echoing in the gigantic empty room ringing inside your skull. “-were you perhaps trying to do-” he twisted his wrist and you yelped, feet dragging across the pavement as if your body was being pulled by an invisible force until you clashed on his chest, “-this?” he finished. 
Your hands were up on his shirt and for a few moments your brain couldn’t think anything besides, first, how good he smelled, and second, it was the first time for you to actually touch each other. 
“If you’re so good at this, then clean the floors as well, so we can finally go.” 
He stared you down.
“Ask nicely.” 
You scoffed incredulously. “I’d rather clean it with my own hands than do that.” 
He smiled. "You want to kiss me so badly, Y/N." 
“I-- what? Are you drunk?” 
“Why are you so flustered?” 
“I am--not-” you grabbed the hand he raised to cup your face, “flustered! I am appalled.” 
“I want to kiss you.” 
Breathing has never been a difficulty for you and you’ve always laughed at main characters in books talking so extensively about air, but at that moment, your hand still holding Doyoung’s one, your chests pressing against each other and his eyes, fuck, you actually started to slightly pant. What was wrong with him? 
“If you stopped using your snake powers-” “This is no power. It’s just you being attracted to me,” he finally cupped your face and this time you didn’t move away. “Check on it. You can pull away.”
He was right. But if that wasn’t some slytherin doing then you were probably going crazy because you saw your hands move almost on their own on Doyoung’s shoulders. 
Then you actually leaned in and he met you halfway. 
Your limbs were trembling when he brushed his lips on yours and to your surprise, they were warm and soft. 
Then he pulled you even closer and you whined for no reason besides your brain yelling ‘this is so nice!!!! we love dopamine!!!’ at you. 
And you sought for some more. 
When you licked his lower lips, Doyoung’s hands had a tremor on your waist but he was quick to adjust to your sudden burst of passion with the same energy. 
Of all the things that you anticipated that night, making out with Kim Doyoung was definitely not one of them. Then why you felt relieved as if finally doing somethig you’ve ached to do for so long?
Did he want to kiss you? 
He was currently kissing you at that moment? 
Yet there you were, panting and desperate for each other, unable to stop drinking each other’s breaths. 
“I’m taking you to my room,” he whispered and the look in his eyes was something you’ve never seen before.
You were suffocating as your breath was taken away from your lungs at Doyoung's every touch on your back. 
First your neck with his cold knuckles, then your spine to reach the zip of your red dress. He opened it slowly imitating the pace of his soft lips on your jaw. And when the fabric fell to your feet you turned around, your arms quick to pull him into a messy kiss, while his hands fell on your hips, pushing you towards the silky bed. 
You sat down and got quickly on your knees to be able to reach his face again. 
Doyoung, standing near the edge of the bed, closed his eyes when you drifted your attention from his lips to his neck then chest, placing a kiss on the newly exposed skin every time you made a button pop open. His abdomen twitched every time and when you reached his navel you palmed his torso up, enjoying his shaky breath when the shirt fell off his shoulders.
A little chuckle coming from you made him look down at your sultry face, the hue of the red lights and lit candles dancing on your skin. Then he stared at his own body. Dozens of kisses adorned it in the colour of your lipstick.
"If I can't mark you, I can at least do this," you raised one eyebrow at him, hands gently dealing with his belt. "Who said you can't mark me?" "Hm?" you opened his pants zip and you could have sworn that Doyoung's eyes flickered. "You really want to go around all covered in hickeys?"
The boy smiled and cupped your face, his thumb slowly caressing your lower lip. "Do it where it can't be seen then."
So you let your tongue out on your amused lips and leaned down to reach the skin above the waistband of his underwear. Your tip wetted his skin making his take in a deep breath. "Is here alright?" you whispered against his warm body.
Doyoung's hand found his place on your nape and you took it as consensus, gingerly taking his skin inside your mouth and sucking on it. A red spot already started to form and you sucked again near it, and again, before suddenly placing a kiss on his clothed bulge instead. 
Doyoung drank air through his teeth at the unexpected touch and his fingers got to your shoulders, pushing you into the bed before your legs could wrap around his waist. 
His tongue inside your mouth was as delicious as the silk your body was rubbing against. It made its way down your neck then chest and when it reached your perked nipples your knees buckled and you grabbed that red silk with your fists. Little soft whimpers escaped your lips and they became louder as Doyoung's fingers got between your legs. They scratched the lace of your panties and you lifted your hips as he dragged them down. The boy, then, palmed your skin and placed open kisses on it from the ankle down and every touch closer made you lose a bit of your self-control. 
You really were about to fuck Kim Doyoung. 
What kind of sick and twisted situation was that? 
Were you bewitched? 
Did he do something to you?
But when his lips reached your dripping core, tongue quick to collect your juice, it didn't matter. 
If this was the consequence of you getting bewitched, you wanted it to happen every day. And you told him. You hand gripped his hair and your back arched, profanities quickly spilling out of your chest. Doyoung cupped your ass, pressing his thumbs into your flesh and you let your thighs drape over his shoulders. 
Why was he that good? It honestly offended you to find out that Kim Doyoung aced pussy eating too besides everything else. 
And when he stopped to breathe, you saw his eyes and his juicy lips. 
It was the sexiest view you’ve ever seen in your life so you yanked his head toward your face and he obliged with a panting smile. 
Making out while his long fingers pumped inside of you was the highlight of your university career, and you cared about the curriculum a lot. 
And when he curled them upwards, touching spots inside of you that made you lose vision, you were ready to beg him to do it to you as often as possible. 
"Cumming- I'm--ah-" 
Doyoung got back between your legs and added his tongue to the action again. 
It was too much. 
His books flew from his shelves as you reached the highest climax of your life. 
He chuckled, peppering your shaking body in soft kisses. “I thought you weren’t good at object moving.” You breathed heavily a few more moments before finally finding your voice again. Doyoung reached your lips and you shivered upon feeling his hard cock resting between your legs. He stared at your expression as he lightly hit your oversensitive clit with its tip then rubbed himself between your folds with a sigh. “You’re the one good at moving, so please, move.” The boy bit your lower lip, stretching it out a little before sucking on it, one hand to cup your hip and the other grabbing the silk near your head. He got you so wet that he didn’t need much to easily slip inside of you. He cursed with heavy breath and you wondered if your nails were leaving marks on his back skin as he moved his hips. 
You didn't have Doyoung only in your brain like usual, thinking about him day and night. You finally had him physically so deep inside that you thought you were about to lose your mind. 
So this was it, the sweet overwhelming sensation of being in the present instead of chasing something in the future. 
It was just like everyone described it to be, everything. 
But it wasn't a moment in time or space as you’ve anticipated. It was a person and that person, you realized, was Doyoung. 
If your mouth wasn’t busy spilling his name out of it inside his soft lips and if his hums didn’t make your whole being vibrate, you would have probably laughed at the destiny. 
"You are, so fucking, hot-," you whispered breathlessly, eyes barely able to stay open to drink in his image. "So you admit it. You think I'm sexy," you could see his smirk even in the red darkness of his room. "I wouldn't let you ram into me like this if I thought otherwise." "Oh really? And yet I was here thinking you were doing charity since 'no girl would want to make my dick wet'." You chuckled before the sounds could get interrupted by your high moans instead, the frustration that phrase gave to Doyoung translating into his hips thrusting even harder. "I take that back." "Are you trying to say that you want me to slow down? You can’t take this?" "Oh, no, I love how you're fucking me as if you hate me." "But I don’t actually hate you”, you wished to hear at least for a split second but no word came out of the boy's lips, his hips slowing down instead as he buried his face into the crook of your neck.
It was as good as his fast thrusts, his strokes so fluid and deep it made you grunt every time he pressed into you. He was so good that it irritated you. 
"You really like to do the opposite of what I want, huh?" "Yeah," his voice inside your ear made your skin get goosebumps. “I love your frustrated expression and mannerism.” "Ah, shit-" you dug your nails into his back as the bed started to creak. "A good girl like you swearing like this? Who taught you?" "It's your influence." "Am I turning you bad?" "Yeah. Every time you're around I want to do bad things and I have no idea what's going on." You didn't expect to be that honest but Doyoung's intimate presence was like a drug, making you feel so high that you were ready to get twisted by him in every way he wanted. 
No. You desired it. You wanted Doyoung to play with you and for once you would not resist it at all. You would beg for more.
And when he actually took you there, in a place where your thoughts did not exist anymore, where only his touch grounded you, the hand that pushed you over the edge and the one bringing you back up, you did just that. You asked for more, shaking uncontrollably on his luscious bed and he did what you wanted. For once he granted every wish you had and even beyond that.
Your desire to leave his room that night was not as strong as you anticipated. 
Doyoung arms didn't want to let go and you didn't fight him at all. 
Sighing, you got back to his chest and didn't comment on the way he tightened his hold on you. If this wasn’t the way people-that-hate-each-other-but-like-to-weirdly-fuck-for-some-reason behaved, it would be a concern for your conscious mind and not for your fucked up one. 
His scent was inebriating and if you didn't know the way he could make you feel, you would have thought that it was the highest form of aphrodisiac. 
And maybe it was actually making you feel high because under your lids you could have sworn that the room slowly changed colour. 
You opened your sleepy eyes and stared at the wall behind Doyoung’s shoulder, blinking hard. 
It was dark blue, almost black, with a myriad of little bright lights. 
The candles went out and the room did get dark after Doyoung rolled over breathless, his cum dripping slowly on your thigh, but you were pretty sure there were no stars before. 
And when you shifted to rest on your back you almost choked on your own spit. 
You weren’t looking at the night sky. 
No. You were inside the sky. 
Purple, whites, yellows and pinks all melted together to form galaxies and cosmic dust. 
No roof, no walls, no pavements, just the bed, Doyoung and you in the middle of everything. 
Your fingers dug into the arm Doyoung had thrown across your chest and perhaps you made some type of sound because the boy opened his eyes to stare at your profile. “Do you like it?” he murmured. Your head snapped towards his face and his eyes reflected the infinite little lights as if he held two other universes inside of them. “How is this possible?” He smiled sheepishly. “Slytherin rooms. They change based on the owner’s mood.” You felt your mouth open on its own. “This is your doing?” Doyoung hummed and closed his eyes again, pulling you towards him to hold you like before. You let him place his chin on top of your head and breathed in his scent yet again. 
“So the red room?” “I was horny.” You smiled. “And how do you feel now?” “A little less horny. If I’m not careful you’ll see a whole star engulf us soon.” “This is so unfair. We don’t have such cool rooms.” “Or maybe you do but being Ravenclaws you’re all thinking of boring, brown looking rooms.” 
You rolled your eyes even if he couldn’t see you and gently, you placed a hand on his chest, close to your face and above his heart. You could feel the calm and peaceful beats in syntony with the night sky. To know that inside that boy’s mind could be such beauty made your heart not beat as calmly as his heart did. 
You had no idea what you were doing, hugging so intimately with your sworn enemy, and maybe it was the romantic vibe that made you do it since there was no rational explanation to any of it, but you raised your face to meet his lips. 
And you just kissed him. Slowly and softly, barely brushing them with yours. 
Doyoung opened his eyes for a moment, as if surprised, but upon feeling you pressing yourself on his body he closed them again and pulled you on top of him. 
The universe didn’t change, although, when you let your tongue inside his mouth, slowly, as if having all the time in the world at your feet, the stars flickered and got brighter. 
“Are you trying to see a star up close? I can make it happen without you rubbing yourself on me,” he smiled on your lips. “What happens when you suddenly lose control?” Doyoung’s pupils trembled and the room started to shake. You knew it wasn’t real but you still jolted and looked around terrified. “Let’s find out.”  
"I, saw, you, leave, with, Kim, Doyoung, last night," Haechan chanted teasingly as he sat down with his breakfast tray. 
You wanted to keep a poker face but your facial muscles weren't under your control so you smiled. 
"Oh!! Look at her! Oh my God. So- wow. Okay. Okay," Haechan tried to compose himself. "Is he any good?" he leaned in lowering his voice. 
You sighed and nodded. "So fucking good."
Haechan squealed and hit your shoulder before wrapping it with one arm and wobbling you around. 
"Stop it!" you hissed amused. "Everything hurts." "EVERYTHING HURTS! So he's got a monster cock."
"Shut up!" you pressed your hand on his mouth scandalized as Doyoung made his way inside the cafeteria with his friends. 
You breathed in slowly and just as slowly you exhaled, trying to relax. Haechan made an effort to appear calm as well. "Sup, Kim." You smiled. 
The other boy looked your way as he walked behind your table. "Hey, Lee," then he turned to you. "Y/L/N." 
And left. 
Just like that. 
He looked at you for one second and continued on his way to the Slytherin tables. 
No smile. 
No acknowledgement. 
Cold just like before. 
As if nothing had happened. 
You stared at his back, feeling your limbs heavy like stone. Turning around slowly, you grabbed your fork and started to eat in silence. "Hey." Haechan lightly bumped your arm with his shoulder. "He's probably just feeling awkward." You munched slowly and took it as an excuse to keep quiet. "Hey, come on." "What?" Haechan sighed. "You can say that you're disappointed that he-" "I don't know what you're talking about."
For the first time, instead of feeling rage inside your gut, you felt anxious. 
Doyoung was in front of you, face almost hidden under his hair as he typed into his computer. He greeted you as he usually did before the, well, before you let him see the deepest parts of you, figuratively and physically. But after that single “hey” no other words came from his part. 
It wouldn't have been that weird if only a few hours ago he didn't kiss your lips in heaven. 
When you woke up that morning, the night sky wasn’t there anymore. At his place were clouds. White fluffy clouds in the middle of a pink sky. 
It was breathtaking and you felt like flying. 
And he did kiss you softly. 
And now he acted as if you weren't even there. 
Maybe Haechan was right. Maybe he was feeling awkward. It's not like he could suddenly act lovingly in front of the whole campus. You were still enemies after all. And maybe you were also right. 
You've just fucked. It's not like you started to date. He had no obligations towards you. 
Yet, when his fingers drew your spine and his sigh caressed your lips, it didn't seem just fucking to you. 
Was Doyoung like that? Was that his personality? Was he doing that to all the girls he brought into his room? Making them cum multiple times and showing them his soft side? Was that a well-plotted plan? Was he trying to hurt you? 
You were ready to let him do whatever he wanted to you the previous night, yet at that moment, under the bright sunlight of the study room, you felt sick. It was a weird feeling. It grabbed at your throat and travelled down to your heart making it difficult for you to breathe. 
You trusted him with your feelings and you let him see your vulnerable side. 
Did he laugh? Was he feeling triumphant now? Did he win a battle against you? He had you on his palm? Because, God, he did have you on his palm now and with only a twist of his wrist he could get you into his arms again. 
And you would have let him.
You hated it. You fell so hard it hurt everywhere. You were dizzy and confused and you couldn't look at him anymore.
It was easy to avoid Doyoung for the following days. It was almost too easy as if he was trying to avoid you too. So walking towards the library you jolted hearing his low voice inside one of the classrooms. You stopped in place and after a few seconds of thinking you peeped inside. Then you gulped and hid under the door window. 
He was resting his hips on the professor's desk, eyebrows furrowed and arms crossed on his chest. In front of him was standing one of the most beautiful girls you've ever seen. 
She was talking with a peaceful tone and Doyoung suddenly laughed. You got up and quickly walked away.
"How the fuck would I know?" the girl asked. 
Doyoung rolled his eyes. "Your dad designed them. You must know more than me."
"Listen. We're the only house with mood rooms because we're the only people who can control their emotions. It's not my fault you're a terrible Slytherin and your room has been pitch black for the past days." 
Doyoung sighed in irritation. "What the fuck does that even mean though?" 
"Usually mourning."
The boy shook his head. "No one died."
"Then it can be a general pain. Or confusion," the girl explained. 
Doyoung raised his gaze on her. "What would I be so confused about?" 
She shrugged. "You're the only one that can know. Chill out maybe and stop thinking when you're inside of it. I'll ask my dad how to turn it off and I'll let you know. Now leave me alone, I'm busy," she said and left the classroom.
"Hey," Doyoung said. "That's my pencil."
You looked down at your fingers and furrowed your eyebrows. 
"No. This is mine."
The boy sighed. "I can sense it's mine."
"I legit bought it yesterday. And what are you? A psychic? 'I can sense it's mine'." 
"I'm a Slytherin. We're snakes. Everything I lick is mine. And I can sense that's mine." 
Your mouth opened slightly and you waited for him to laugh but Doyoung remained serious. 
"That has to be a joke."
"Okay, keep it. It just makes me feel giddy when things I own are used by other people." "Because you're selfish." "It's a real sensation. I know when something I licked is being used by somebody else," and he raised his eyes on you. You stared back and the weight of his words made your throat close. 
I hope it doesn't work with people too, you wanted to ask, but the noise on your left interrupted you. 
"Can I talk to you?" the same girl from a few days ago suddenly made her appearance near your desk. Doyoung looked at her surprised. "Yeah." "Bring me to your room," she ordered.
You shouldn't have been there. 
It was useless and it would only make you further lose your mind. 
But your feet descended the Slytherin corridor, nose following the trail of the girl's perfume until arriving at Doyoung’s door. 
You remained still for a moment and after a few seconds of indecisiveness you suddenly turned around going back. 
That was too creepy. You had absolutely no reason to be there. If Doyoung wanted to fuck that girl, so be it. 
But then you stopped again. 
Just, just a little glance. Just a tiny little glance. Just the colour. Just to be sure. 
You didn't turn around to actually see anything. With your back towards the door, you twisted your wrist, doing the most illegal thing one can do inside the campus - transparency spell. A tiny portion of the wall disappeared at your silent command and you could see the red hue spilling outside of it on the dark pavement at your feet. 
It was enough and you barely saw the stairs when you got out of the basement.
"You weren't lying when you said it's pitch black. It even absorbs magic light."
Doyoung sighed. 
The girl presumably turned around because Doyoung heard her voice more clearly when she spoke again.
"Okay, so this is what we're gonna do. Sit down somewhere and relax." 
The boy let himself fall on the carpet with a grunt. 
"Close your eyes."
He obliged even if he could have let them open too for all it mattered. 
"Now, think of someone of your choice." 
Doyoung's mind automatically drifted towards you and the room besides being dark, felt suddenly very cold as well. 
"No, okay, Doyoung, change the person." "She's the only one I can think about." The girl sighed. "Well, at least we know the reason for all of this. God, it's so fucking cold, try to not think about anything for a second!" 
"It's hard, okay?" 
"Okay, fuck. Think about her but imagine something else. Think of a good memory you have with her."
Doyoung sighed irritated and furrowed his eyebrows even more. "I don't think this is going to work."
But when he let his mind imagine your panting expression underneath him, a slight red hue started to create from the floor going up to the walls. 
The girl exulted. "Yes! Don't stop. Continue thinking about that!" 
Doyoung opened up one eye as the girl exulted again and he could finally see the furniture in his room. 
It was a dark red, not the bright red he actually had his room painted in when he held you into his arms, but enough for him to not get a headache 24/7.
"Well it's not like I can think about--that, every time I need to be in my room, can I?" he got up. 
The girl knew what red meant and she chuckled. 
"Don't you have any other good memory with her besides fucking?" 
The room got bright red. 
The girl laughed even harder. 
"Ah, shut up." "Hey, I helped you out." "Barely," he plopped on the bed and put his face into his palms. 
It could have been considered a gesture coming from embarrassment if the lights didn't start to get dim again. 
"God, you're really all over the place, huh?" she sat near him. "What happened? Is she your ex?”  
Doyoung sighed and directed his gaze upon an indistinct point in front of him. Maybe he was tired, or maybe it was the dark room and the fact that Doyoung didn’t even remember the girl’s name, making her a safe stranger, but he whispered. 
"I made a mistake. I thought she was into me so-- fuck, I went down on her."
The girl made a surprised sound but waited for the most important part. 
“Well, she’s not into me, but I am.”
"You're so stupid!" 
"Yeah okay, thanks."
"We're Slytherins! It's not like we don't give head because we're prude, it's to prevent this! You horny dumbass." "I thought she liked me! I had no idea she'd- fuck someone else right after!" Doyoung grunted frustrated and fell back on the bed, the room getting to the pitch-black from before. 
The girl let the silence calm him down a bit before talking. 
"I am sorry. I had things used by others but I don't know what it feels like with people."
"It's not necessarily painful but- knowing the reason, it's just-" 
"Yeah. You just have to let her go so the bond is receded. Like with things, you know?"
"It's easy to let go of a thing that's yours. How can I manage to let go of her?" 
The girl sighed and remained in silence.
You had no idea how you managed to remain seated in front of Doyoung that morning. 
His complexion was paler than usual and his eyes were very tired. As if he didn't sleep enough last night. Or at all. 
You had to breathe in and out slowly to ease the pain inside your stomach. 
"You look terrible."
Doyoung's dark irises under his low lids made your skin crawl when he looked up at you. 
"Is someone keeping you too active to get enough sleep?" you asked again, trying hard to get back to the tone you both were used to before. 
The boy tightened his lips in a mockery smile. "Yeah. As discussed, I have no problem keeping my dick wet."
"Well-," you frowned with a raised chin, your lips forming a pout for a moment before you forced them to keep the poker face, "-I started to see someone lately too."
He looked unbothered. "As in dating or hallucinations?" 
You ignored his comment. 
“We’ve already been on three dates,” you lied. 
“And you’re telling me this because-?” 
You shrugged. “Conversation.” 
“I hate small talk.” 
“Is there something you don’t hate?” 
“Silence. And smart people, which given your latest test results, you’re not.” 
You had no idea what it was. 
You and Doyoung had always called each other names, insulted each other’s intelligence and the sorts, yet at that moment, maybe because of your failing tests, the alignment of stars or the fact that you were actually in love with him, you burst into tears. 
It took Doyoung a few good seconds to realize that you were wailing in front of him.
He crouched on the desk to be able to see your face from underneath your arms. You hid it even more. 
“Y/N,” he lowered his voice. It was as soft and delicate as when he whispered your name under the sky. 
You suddenly took your stuff and ran away from the study room.
Doyoung was slowly but surely losing his mind. 
One day, two days, three days and you were still nowhere to be seen. 
His room has been different shades of grey, which was better than black but now the walls had water running on them and the floor was constantly wet. 
Altogether, not a good time. 
“Holy shit, are you that depressed?” 
Doyoung raised his eyes from the book he was reading before rolling them so far up that Haechan thought they wouldn’t come back anymore.
“What do you want?” 
The Gryffindor took a step inside the room with hands behind his back and took a lazy stroll to where Doyoung’s dresser was crying. “Your flowers are all dead. Throw them away.” “They keep appearing every time,” Doyoung started to read again, the little line between his eyebrows showing how hard he tried to understand whatever the pages were trying to say but failing. 
“I’m here because it’s boring to not have you yell at Y/N in the study room as always,” Haechan spoke again nonchalantly, fingers rubbing against each other, as to get rid of the imaginary dust they collected from Doyoung’s furniture. Given the situation, the room probably made up piles of mud as well. 
"Who's the guy?" Doyoung suddenly asked. 
Haechan furrowed his eyebrows. "What guy?" 
"The one she's fucking."
The other blinked at him surprised. 
"You mean, Kim Doyoung?" 
The Slytherin's eyes widened and Haechan saw how he looked with flushed cheeks for the first time in his life. 
"Aw, come on. Of course, I know everything."
"If you know everything, then tell me who the fuck this guy she's been fucking beside me is!" Doyoung got up from the bed. 
"There's no other guy. What are you talking about?" 
"Fuck, I felt it how he touched her and it drives me crazy!" Haechan opened his mouth to talk but jolted, eyes staring at Doyoung’s arm extended to hit the wall behind his head expecting to see a dent in the hard brick from how much force he put into that.  
"Is it you?" “Uhm? What the fuck?” "Answer me." "Okay, first of all, take a step back."
Doyoung leaned in even more and Haechan gulped. 
"Okay! Okay, gosh. No. There's no guy fucking her as far as I know."
"Where is she?" "I don't know." "What kind of friend are you if you don't know it?" 
Haechan crossed his arms on his chest. "Am I seriously getting scolded on friendship values by Kim Doyoung right now? You that made her cry in the common room? You that made her rest her weapons in front of you just to see you treat her like scum? After using her? We don’t have mood rooms but we have things like hearts and mouths which we use to, you know, ask other people how they feel-" "I don't have enough patience and you know that."
Haechan breathed in and out before finally opening his lips again. "She's in the dorms. Obviously. Where the fuck would she be-"
Doyoung turned around on his heels like a tornado and walked towards the towers. 
"She doesn't want to talk to you!" Haechan told the other boy's back but he wasn't sure he heard him.
She doesn't want to talk to you. 
Fuck it. 
Doyoung knew he was self-centred and he knew that your absence had something to with him but for once he really wanted to be wrong. 
Used you? You really thought Doyoung used you? When you used him and then got somebody else to touch you like that? 
Fuck, if Doyoung were in his room at that moment it would probably resemble a killing storm. 
"Hey, you can't be here," some random guy stopped him as Doyoung stepped into the Gryffindor common room. "How did you even enter-" 
"Shut the fuck up." 
Doyoung looked around, eyeing all of the different doors and chose left, venturing down the corridor, for once - and cringingly so - listening to his heart. 
Haechan was right. You didn’t have real mood rooms but he could physically feel the energy of each and one of them with his heart. 
He knew it was your door before even getting close to it, the feeling coming from it making his blood boil in his veins just like he would feel when you were around. 
With a twist of his wrist, he tried to open it but it didn't work. 
"Are you seriously trying to barge into a girl's room like that, Kim?" a scandalous voice said behind the door. 
"How did you know it was me?" Doyoung placed one palm on the wood. 
"Only you could force open a door without even knocking," you replied. "And the spell is made for you specifically, so I know."
The boy rested his forehead on the door and closed his eyes. "You were waiting for me." 
The silence on the other side made him sigh. "Open up. Let me talk to you." 
It got even quieter than before. "I wasn't waiting for you. You had no reasons to come," you finally whispered. 
Doyoung twisted his wrist and the door in front of himself vanished from his eyes. Apparently, you didn't anticipate he'd be able to use the transparency spell since you didn't even preoccupy yourself to block it and he could tell you didn't even sense it, so concentrated on your thoughts. From your perspective the door was still there and, previously leaning against it with your back, you rolled on it now and unknowingly imitated Doyoung's position, foreheads almost touching if not for the layer of old wood. 
"What do I have to say?" he asked, looking at your face. He saw how you bit your lower lip at the sound of his voice and the genuine sadness in your face made him even angrier at the whole situation. "You don't have to say anything," you finally replied. 
Doyoung's jaw muscles tensed. 
"Please, please, open this goddamn door." 
The intensity of his voice made you raise your head and your senses got sharp again, feeling the energy he put into using his spell. 
With the twist of your wrist, the door flew open and you finally saw Doyoung's face. 
"You used transparency," you suddenly looked furious. “You know you can’t do that inside the university.” "Fuck, I was," he stepped in. "What if I was naked?" "Nothing I haven't seen before." 
You rolled your eyes. "You make me so frustrated."
"I am making you frustrated? Then what about me, huh?" 
"What would you even be frustrated about if you don't even care about me? You tease me and you insult me and then you make love to me like a desperate man and then you go back to being your selfish, deprecable self. What is this? Why do you keep playing with me? Is it fun? You find it amusing to see me like this?" 
Your words completely floored him. 
"I can ask you the same thing. I can feel it inside my chest when someone else touches you and it drives me fucking insane. I made a mistake and I gave in thinking you had some feelings for me and that I wasn't just a fuck toy you could use one night and throw away." 
Your mouth fell open. 
He could feel it? He could feel you? So you did belong to him?
"This is crazy. You hid something like this from me! Now you have access to what's going on with my body without my consent!" 
"I had no idea I was in love with you, okay? It has never happened to me before. I don't want to know either when someone else eats you out! I just- you’re here hiding in your room and crying as if you have feelings for me or something when you let someone else-" he stopped. 
You looked at his reddening neck and closed eyes. 
His breath was shaky and you realized how you've never actually seen him angry or upset before. 
"No one has done anything to me, Doyoung. Unlike you, who fucked that Slytherin girl after showing me the fucking heaven. Did you do that to her as well? Sweet talk? For what? Is this your hobby? Making girls fall in love with you?" 
The boy shook his head in confusion."What are you talking about? There's no Slytherin girl."
"The one that had the urgency to see your room?" 
He pinched the base of his nose with a grunt of realization. "She helped me to figure out why my room was pitch-black and why it's currently grey with wet fucking walls."
"Oh yeah? Because to me, it looked very much red."
"You've been spying on me?"
You huffed and sat down on the bed like a child when they're found guilty but they're too proud to admit it. "You used transparency just 5 minutes ago too,” you justified yourself as if you were equal now. 
"And did you see me fuck that girl?" 
"I didn't want to actually look inside like a creep! But you were pretty much horny. The corridor got all red."
"I was thinking about you! And now I’m also thinking about you and I’ve been thinking about you all of these days and months and probably all of these fucking years since I first met you.” 
Your brain felt like mush. 
"Then you knew? You treated me like that because you liked me? Only children tease the person they like."
"I didn’t know. I had no fucking idea before. And apparently, I am a fool for not having realized before and fuck, perhaps I’m a child as well then. I’m insecure. Because I wanted you to think about me too. And perhaps you don’t even remember but I’ve tried to be nice to you before and it didn’t work. But you started to give me attention when I made you mad. It was easy and playful and I saw how you often smiled when I turned my back to you and- fuck, I got hopeful. That you’d start to feel the same.” 
“I do feel the same, for fuck’s sake! I am in love with you.”
Doyoung swallowed dryly. “Then why-” 
“It was me.” 
The boy furrowed his eyebrows. 
“That morning after I left your room I took a shower, and-,” you looked around as if trying to find the courage to say what you had to say, “- I was thinking about you, so-”
Doyoung understood before you could finish the phrase and you saw his face fall. 
“Wait, is it possible? Even if you do it?” 
You scoffed incredulously. “You’re the Slytherin here. Until a few days ago I didn’t even know you had magical spit making you feel whatever I did to my own pussy!” 
Doyoung closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as if he needed a moment.
“But I researched it when you told me about the pencil. It has to do with some weird-ass Slytherin shit where couples own each other’s bodies. Most people find it hot to know when the partner is-” you cleared your voice as it got suddenly tiny from talking about that shameful topic. 
“So no, I did not let anyone touch me. If you were smart enough you would have noticed that it didn’t happen anymore after you treated me like shit.” 
The boy looked as if his soul left his body.
The silence engulfed the whole room and you avoided each other’s eyes. 
But then it got disrupted by his movements. With slow steps, he walked the space from the middle of the room to the feet of the bed where you were sat down. 
With weak limbs, he let himself down on his knees in front of you and slowly he let his face fall into your lap. 
Your breath fell short. With trembling hands, you caressed his nape, lightly as if afraid to touch him, then his hair, patting it gently. 
“I’m sorry. I’ve been a fool this whole time. Like, I am so stupid.” His voice was muffled by your clothes and his arms wrapped your waist even more while saying it. 
“You’re the smartest person I know. But you could’ve just asked instead of assuming.”
He shook his head. “Yeah. Hey Y/N, so I can feel inside my gut that you orgasmed hard just now. Who did it? I thought you liked me.” 
He raised his head again, his hair messy on the forehead, eyes lit up by the sun coming from your big windows and violent red cheeks. He looked young and vulnerable and suddenly the whole situation seemed so ridiculous that you laughed. 
“I am sorry,” you chuckled and cupped his face. “You’re right. It was a weird situation. We should work on communication. And you should work on not being so insecure.” “You also assumed I fucked a girl just because I was talking to her.” 
You rolled your eyes. “Okay. We both have to work on that, alright?” 
He sighed relieved seeing you smile. 
“I’m sorry. I should have told you about that whole thing before. But I swear, I had no idea my feelings for you were that deep.” “Does it not work with mere crushes?” He shook his head. 
"Well, do you know what I want now? For you to obtain my forgiveness?" you asked. "Me to kiss you." You flicked his head. "You will never drop that attitude of yours, will you?" He smiled even more. "I love to see you like this."
“I want something else,” you explained. Doyoung turned his head to the side. “Me eating you out?” 
“Oh my God! No!” you tried to get away from his hold but he pushed you back on the bed and crawled beside you. “But that pussy is mine-” “Shut up!! Don’t say that ever again! You still need to apologize some more for that. Now I can’t even masturbate.” “You don’t need to masturbate if you have me.” “I fucking hate you so much.” “I love you too. So what was the thing that you wanted?” 
“It’s just-- it’s unfair. So I-- also want to know.” “You want to own my cock?” he chuckled in the crook of your neck. “Why do you really have to use such words?!”
“You can do it. You just need to go down on me too.” “Even if I’m not a slytherin?” “If you’re in love with your slytherin partner, you don’t need to be one to be tied to them like that.” “Pants off then. Now.” _____
Haechan walked through Doyoung’s room with a chuckle, trying hard to avoid all the flowers that suddenly started to grow tall until reaching the ceiling. 
With the corner of his eyes he also noticed the way all of them started to turn red and with a disgusted face, he moved faster, exiting it and closing the door behind him.
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keijislove · 3 years
One sickle: Tom Riddle X Reader
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“Professor?” you knocked on your headmaster’s door, “It’s Y/N.”
“Ah, miss L/N, come in.” the voice of Armando Dippet beckoned hazily, as if his mind was elsewhere, which it undoubtedly was.
“Er, yes sir.” You walked inside, taking a seat.
“Miss L/N...” he began, “I am so sorry I have to ask of you for this, I am aware that you haven’t done this before.”
“What exactly, professor?” you were confused.
“As you know that due to the unfortunate circumstances involving Myrtle Elizabeth Warren of your house, Ravenclaw tower shall be searched tonight by her family members and a few Ministry officials, and I, being the headmaster of the most prestigious wizarding school that there is... I must appoint two prefects each for the corridors of Hogwarts... I have appointed a Slytherin prefect alongside you for the forbidden corridor on the third floor.”
“But sir, why would that place require patrolling?” you asked in a bit of a panicky state. “The bathroom is off-limits, Warren just died there!”
“I am aware, Miss L/N.” he waved off, “And I am also aware that you are one of the most promising pupils I have the delight of teaching.”
You flushed.
“And do not worry, your companion is not less by any means,” he assured, “You may leave, your duty begins in an hour.”
“Thank you, sir.” You muttered, struggling to keep your voice even.
An hour passed in no time and soon, you were hurrying off towards the corridor on the third floor.
You caught sight of your companion already present there, his back to you, crisp uniform with hands behind his back and everything.
It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out who he was, even from behind. The mysterious, dangerous, frightening, irritatingly handsome prefect of Slytherin house – Tom freaking Riddle.
“Ah-hem.” You cleared your throat.
Dammit Y/N, you can’t even clear your throat without stuttering
His head swung around as if he knew you were there.
“Uhm, good evening.”  You began at the lack of response from the dark-haired boy.
“Good evening.” He replied, surprised that you were willing to make conversation with him when most people just hurried past.
“Nasty business.” You remarked, “Warren, I mean.”
“Yes. Particularly nasty indeed.” His expression was not polite or welcoming. Instead, he stared at you with a calculating look.
You shrugged slightly, “Bit unexpected, that’s all. A murder at Hogwarts, I mean.”
“Yes, let’s hope Hagrid keeps his monstrous pets away from the school, then.” He rolled his eyes.
“He did strike me as odd.” You muttered, “I didn’t know it would be this bad. Still, it’s more concerning what the fate of Hogwarts will be than Warren’s death.”
“What do you mean?” Tom suddenly asked.
“All I’m saying is... deaths and accidents happen everyday.” You explained, “Warren was just an unlucky victim of one. I’m just.... worried. I hope they don’t close the school, I can’t go back to my adopted family.... it’s positively awful.”
“Is that so?” Tom was beginning to talk in a more relaxed manner.
“I’m afraid it is.” You shrugged, “Call me cold-blooded or whatever.”
“How are you not in Slytherin?” he demanded, “You would’ve done well.”
“The hat did consider it.” You explained, “But instead I’m in-”
“Ravenclaw.” He answered for you, “You’re in my Arithmancy class?”
“Oh.” You flushed, knowing he noticed, “Y-yeah, I am.”
“Alright miss Slytherclaw. We’re supposed to be on duty. We’ve been chatting here for ten minutes.” He said in a light teasing tone.
Now you really turned beetroot.
There were no more words exchanged between you as you stalked around the corridor, and you sank into your daydreaming.
And it had to be the stupidly attractive face of the prefect next to you.
“A sickle for your thoughts?” Tom asked, as politely as he could.
You smirked, “My thoughts cost a lot more than that, Riddle.”
“A sickle for an insight, then.” He insisted.
You sighed. “I’m thinking about... someone.”
“I don’t think you wanna know the answer to that.” You scoffed.
“You are really bad at hiding things.” He remarked.
“How so?”
“You just made it pretty bloody obvious whom you were thinking about.” He smirked. “Like what you see?”
“Hey look, I can’t help it, okay?” you said in exasperation, “I don’t even like you like that, I just appreciate that you’re... attractive a notch above normal.”
“That’s a compliment anyway.” He huffed, “It’s alright, you’ve got hormones. I get it. You don’t have to like someone to appreciate their looks.”
“Thank you.” You spoke.
You had begun to get more confident. You glanced at your watch.
“Argh, dammit. It’s past time.” You groaned, “Well, see you later.... Tom.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.” he spoke.
You turned to leave, but he called behind you, “By the way, we’ve got to patrol this month!”
Life was getting simply outrageous for you – you were failing Divination and History of Magic because you weren’t able to get your work done on time, having to stay up all night patrolling that stupid corridor.
Not that you didn’t enjoy Tom’s company, though. Two consecutive weeks of knowing each other and you were already talking as if you’d known each other for years. He just understood you in a very, very weird. It wasn’t al sunshine and rainbows though. You already didn’t have any friends and now you were labelled as the weirdo who hangs with Riddle.
Tom’s company was more than satisfactory however, and you were fine with having one friend who understood you than several who didn’t.
You were finishing up your Arithmancy project alongside your partner, Olive Hornby, when a certain Slytherin decided to approach you.
“A sickle for your time?” Tom asked, but it was not as jokingly as his statement a few weeks prior.
“I would say my time costed a lot more than that, but I can see this is serious.” You spoke. “Yeah?”
“I need to talk to you.” He explained.
“Privately.” He added, looking at Olive in disgust as she battered her eyelashes.
You scoffed, getting up and dragging him out the classroom with you.
When you reached a decently secluded spot, you spoke, “Yes?”
“I want you to answer this very truthfully.” He began.
“Can’t make no promises.”
He ignored your statement. “Are we friends?”
“Huh?” you asked in confusion, “Of course, why-”
“No, no, no.” he messed up his usually neat hair, “I meant... if you found out something about me.... would we still be friends?”
“Like what?” you questioned, wondering where this was from.
“Like... maybe if I’m dangerous?” he whispered quietly.
You snorted slightly, “Tom, that’s not how friendships work. Everybody has their secret to keep, and they’re 100% entitled to it. I wouldn’t ditch you just because of something you did.”
“Are you so sure you will stick to that when you find out what I’ve got to say?” he quietly asked.
“I- it can’t be that bad, I- I will.” You stuttered, slightly afraid.
“Okay.” He finally spoke, “Alright, fine. C’mon.”
He led you to the corridor where you’d been patrolling.
“What are we-” you began.
“SSH!” he hissed, dragging you inside the girls’ washroom.
“This place is of limits!” you hissed.
“I’m aware!” he hissed back.
You scoffed.
Tom led you to a worn-out and broken sink before crouching down.
“Please mean what you say from this point on.” He whispered.
“O-okay.” You said, genuinely frightened now.
“Open. I command you.” Tom hissed at the tap.
“Does it really open?” you asked, as Tom’s head snapped your way so fast, you thought you heard a crack.
Not speaking, looking at you with wide eyes, he pushed you in before climbing himself.
You let out a soft shriek as you fell into an entrance of sorts.
“Wh-wha-” you spoke.
“This.” Tom spoke. “Is the Chamber of Secrets.”
“What?” you shrieked, “No way. No way, no way, no way! Get me out of here! We’re going to die.”
“Relax, Y/N.” Tom rolled his eyes, “You’re going to be fine. Also, why didn’t you tell me you were a Parselmouth?”
You flushed, “I didn’t think it was of significance. Anyway, what are we doing here?”
“Be careful not to speak in Parseltongue.” Tom warned, “You’ll wake it.”
“Wake what?”
“The Basilisk.” He said simply.
“What- a basilisk?!” you sputtered, “Tom, what the heck? First the chamber and now a basilisk? This stuff is dangerous and-”
“I thought you said we all had a secret to hide.” He muttered.
“Oh well, yes, but I’m saying this because I care about you!” you explained, “I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s all-”
“Well then don’t!” he yelled, “Don’t care about me. Don’t attach yourself to me!”
“Why not?”
“Wh-what?” you asked.
“Tom.” You hoarsely whispered.
“Did you say, um, something about a basilisk?” you asked. “Because I think it’s awake.”
Both of you panted heavily, emerging from the Chamber and collapsing on the bathroom floor.
There were tears in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall, especially in front of him.
“There you go.” Tom angrily snapped, “I’m a complete monster. I already killed Warren, and I nearly killed you. Go on. Tell me how awful I am. Tell me you hate me.”
“I don’t.” you whispered, “I don’t hate you. I.... I’ll still stick with you. Look, I don’t know what happened to you, Tom, but I can tell you’re... hurting. I hope I can help with that.”
You saw his nostrils flare as if he was contemplating something.
Your lips were glistening from a mixture of water and tears, making you look gorgeous.
“A sickle for a kiss?” Tom shakily asked.
“My kiss costs a LOT more than that, Riddle.”
“Ten galleons then if you want.” Tom said before closing the gap between you.
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lowkeyerror · 3 years
My Brother is an Asshole
Luna Lovegood x Reader
Word Count: 929
Warnings: Bullying
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Y/n Malfoy wasn't the type of girl you'd call your stereotypical Slytherin. She was very sweet and caring towards almost anyone she'd met. However she was probably the most ambitious person you'd ever meet. She worked hard and took no shortcuts to acquire everything she had.
She didn't take handouts from her family and refused to take the path they had laid out for her. She felt sorry for her twin brother, he fell right into the pressure that their parents applied.
Obviously he had been their favorite because of her refusal to follow their wishes. That affected her school experience at Hogwarts immensely. Draco had basically turned the whole house against the girl.
She was almost completely friendless at school. The other houses were skeptical of her because she was a Malfoy and Slytherin wouldn't accept her. The only friend the girl had was the most peculiar of the Ravenclaws, Luna Lovegood.
Y/n and Luna had a weird type of relationship. They never really had conversations they were just fine being near each other. Very little was ever said between the two besides hi and bye.
Y/n sometimes felt like a burden to the younger girl. After all Luna did have friends. She had Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, and Ginny Weasley. She was friends with the Gryffindors that despised Y/n and her brother. To Y/n, it made no sense that Luna would spend time with her.
" Hey there Loony, why don't you do yourself a favor and stop hanging around my sister," Y/n's head snapped in the direction of the confrontation.
Draco and a group of Slyrherins had Luna cornered. The younger girl didn't seemed bothered at all by this. She just clutched her books and patiently waited for the group to dissipate.
Draco then slapped the books out of her hands before yelling at her," Don't you hear me speaking to you Loony. You're supposed to respond."
Y/n had heard enough for once in her life she was going to act like a proper Slytherin. She marched to the group shoving her way to Draco. When she got to him she punched him hard causing him to fall on the floor.
" I see you have nothing better to do than to pick on little girls Draco. What is Potter too busy or something?" The group around snickered at her comment while Draco scowled at her.
" We were only having a little chat," he said, getting up and dusting himself off. Y/n was not in the mood for Draco's bullshit. She grabbed his collar and slammed him into the nearest wall.
" I'm not dicking around Draco, leave her alone. If I see you around her again I'll make sure your life mimics a living hell. Keep in mind I'm your sister and I actually know exactly how to ruin everything you want to accomplish. Now run back to daddy Draco, I'm sure he has errands for you to run."
Y/n dropped Draco who gave her a dirty look before running off with the other Slytherins following him.
" I'm so sorry Luna, my brother is an idiot," Y/n started to bend down and pick up Luna's books.
" It's ok Y/n I'm used to the harassment by now. He's been telling me to stop talking to you for almost a month now," Luna said nonchalantly.
Y/n was taken aback by this. This had been going on for a month and she hadn't even noticed. It frustrated her that Luna never told her.
" Why didn't you tell me Luna? I would've stopped him the first day," Y/n said slightly angered.
" I didn't want to bother you. I could handle it, it's just some light teasing," Luna was speaking softer than usual. The eye contact the two shared was soon broken.
" Luna, you could never bother me. I'd have to be like them to be bothered by you. You're literally my only friend, I don't interact with anyone besides you. If my prick of a brother is bullying you, I think I have the right to know."
" I'm sorry I didn't know it meant so much to you," Y/n stepped in front of Luna stopping the girl from entering The Great Hall.
" Luna, I care about you. I don't want anyone hurting or bothering you," the Ravenclaw blushed at Y/n's words.
" Y/n I.."
" LUNA WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN BREAKFAST IS ALMOST OVER," Ginny shouted from her place across the room. She marched her way over barely sparing Y/n a glance. " In a minute Gin, I'm speaking to Y/n," the blue eyed girl turned attention back to Y/n.
" Will I see you in the library tonight?"
" When am I ever anywhere else? Of course I'll be there Luna."
Ginny interrupted their conversation once again," Luna did you forget you're supposed to help Neville with his paper later tonight."
" It's ok Luna maybe another time then," Y/n spoke directly to Luna with a sad smile on her face.
" I'll help Neville finish his paper another time. Tonight I'll be hanging out with Y/n Malfoy in the library if you should have need for me," Luna smiled brightly at Y/n before walking off with Ginny.
Y/n felt her heart flutter as she watched the blonde witch walk away. She stood there until Luna was no longer in sight, shaking her head with a dopey smile on her face that spoke volumes. She would definitely have to figure out how to get Luna Lovegood to be her girlfriend.
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