#most of these are Tim and it’s made me realize I low-key kin him
vivianthepigeon · 7 months
Batfam as quotes from my life (with little to no context) pt 10
Kate: “Screw women”
Bruce: “You want to.”
Jason: “Sorry I made that uncomfortable. It’s one of my many talents”
Steph: “That’s hot.”
Steph: *face goes red and hides himself*
Tim: “HES DEAD-“
Dick: “Yk I told dad once, Dad just so you know, I am so grateful for you and I love you so much and he just kept on walking”
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lady-dinah · 6 years
Batfam PJO AU
Look I love the Percy Jackson AU for the batfamily and I definitely feel like there isn’t enough about it, so here’s my two cents. I mean you already know that every Greek God or Goddess wants to fuck Bruce Wayne. 
Dick Grayson:
I always see Dick as either Aphrodite’s kid or Zeus’s. Aphrodite it’s pretty self explanatory besides the fact that Dick is hella hot, he’s also a charmer. Gets everyone in the room to like him. 
With Aphrodite Bruce met her at one of his many Galas. At first, she thought he would be one of her many forgotten mortal lovers. Just a quick night of passion to satisfy her own needs and she would be gone before the morning. But once she got close to him, and started to use her charm speak to enchant him to her bed, she noticed that beside his obvious charm and his handsome features, Aphrodite was most attracted to his desire. His desire to do good, his pure heart, his need to save everyone, his lust for heroism, his romance with his city. Those were the true traits that lead her to realize that she may be in love with him. That one promised night of passion, became quiet long walks along the Gotham harbour, or Sunday morning picnics. She didn’t find his ass or his abs that attractive (not saying they weren’t, they were quite a spectacle after all) no, it was his eyes. His bright blue eyes that became windows to his soul, his wants, his desires. So for her final stay, she decided that their child would have the exact same eyes. 
Aphrodite came bearing Dick Grayson with all pride and love, announcing him as one of her greatest creations, one of her many forms of desire. Bruce, without hesitation, took their son, and Aphrodite saw that same love for his city (maybe even more) reflected in his eyes, but it wasn’t about Gotham anymore.
With Zeus, Dick is all about flying, so it would make sense for him to be the literal son for the God of the sky. Not to mention, Dick is famous for his anger. So imagine lightning demi-god Dick Grayson getting angry. Even Zeus, who is rarely ever shaken, shivers when he feels thunder clap because of his son’s fury. 
Zeus met Bruce Wayne as batman. He was in disguise as a low tier hero, someone the justice league would soon forget ever existed. But he was curious to see the people who mortals say, rival the Gods themselves. That’s where he saw a regular mortal man, Bruce Wayne, standing in front of everyone, commanding them, leading them, with no use of powers, or threats, or anything. Just simply using his voice and his intelligence. A single mortal man could bring God like people to their knees, could get Gods to listen to him. Zeus knew that out of everyone he had witnessed in this era of the earth, this mortal man, deserved to bare his kin. 
Bruce was quite surprised when Zeus himself was standing infront of Wayne Manor, holding a small basket made of gold. Without a word, he passed the basket to Bruce and vanished into the air. Bruce picked up the small child, and was taken a back when he was the skies themselves in the baby’s eyes. Bruce knew this one would be destined for great things. 
Jason Todd: 
I mean as much I love the idea of Ares being Jason’s father (like Aphrodite!Dick Grayson and Ares!Jason duo is the best) I really like the idea of Jason’s father being Hades. And the idea that Jason’s wasn’t claimed until after his resurrection. 
Hades saw the batman in action in a particular bad night. When batman was more beast than human, more monster than man. Where batman would beat the rapists and harassers senseless for what they had done onto others. With blood on hands and sweat in his skin, this is when Hades knew Batman must be his. Although Hades was very much attracted to Bruce Wayne’s darkness, he made the mistake of setting their child in the streets of Gotham, hoping the batman would find him there. Instead, someone had stolen Jason, and Bruce did not find him until he was stealing tires from his bat-mobile. Bruce knew Jason was not mortal, as monsters and other entities would attack Jason rather than Bruce, but he couldn’t figure out what God or Goddess he belonged to, and no God or Goddess even bothered to claim him. Of course this used to upset Jason at times, that his other parent didn’t even care for him enough to even claim him, but Bruce would assure him that they were probably just busy at the moment, and that he would love him for the both of them. But when Jason got the idea that his birth mother may be Athena (the boy likes books and was quite intelligent so it made sense), he went to Ethiopia to confront her. Turns out it was just the joker playing tricks to lure the young demi-god away. 
Hades, was furious when we found out that his son was killed, murdered. He brought darkness and grief all throughout Gotham, fuelling the dark knights fury. When he found his son’s soul, he felt a sudden sympathy for the young boy and did the one thing he vowed never to do.  
Bruce finally found out Jason’s God parent, when his son stood there, back from the dead, commanding the shadows around him, his eyes green like greek fire, as Hades symbol shone bright and proud a top his head. By then it was too late, Hades influence had gotten to his son, Jason was death itself. And Bruce’s heart broke knowing he had truly lost his son to the darkness, but even the God of Death held mercy. 
Tim Drake: 
I like to think that Tim is Hephaestus’s son since Tim is pretty technologically advanced. Not to mention Tim is a bit of fixer, both in a physical and relationship sense (he did ‘fix’ Bruce after Jason died). 
Hephaestus actually met Bruce Wayne during a Wayne Tech event where they were announcing their newest creations and inventions to potential investors and current shareholders. Hephaestus, in disguise, was curious to see the technological advances mankind was currently involved with. Although every time he spoke to an individual they would either gawk at his rather unattractive face or were too nervous about saying anything offensive to say a single word. In the end, when Hephaestus was about to give up and damn all their useless creations, Bruce Wayne had personally approached him and began explaining what each and every invention did. Bruce apparently had seen his employees failed attempts at explaining what the machines intended use was and decided to take it upon himself to explain them to the curious God. 
Hephaestus was intrigued, and quite impressed that billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne knew so much about his own inventions, and had a sort of fiery spark in his eyes when explaining what each thing did. Not to mention the man had the gall to approach him, even look past his rather unsightly looks. 
A few days later Bruce went down into the batcave, ready to continue working on the new blueprints for the batmobile, when he saw a small child wrapped in a single wash cloth, a make-shift metal toy clutched in the baby’s chubby hand. When Bruce picked up the child he just knew, he was the key to fixing everything wrong in his life. 
So these are my thoughts so far, gonna finish up the rest of the batkids and post them later on. Let me know what you all think!
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