#mushrooms will repair you
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flocon-tourne-en-rond · 6 months
(See the post about not being superstitious but maybe being a little stitious? Turns out I've been making up many tiny beliefs the past few years, and readopting some from my childhood also)
#i carve guardians in chestnuts and avocado pits and leave them around the flat in slightly inconvenient places#if they fall and break it's ok#it means in doing so they protected you from something ranging from slight inconvenience to threatening occurence#you can repair them once but if they break again they get retired#retired guardians must have their remains placed in nature in a pretty place or buried in a place of significance for the one retiring them#which of course means you can't repair them with any kind of glue#it has to be in a way so they're still fine to bury or leave in nature somewhere#also i never go empty handed to the forest and never come back empty handed either#but everything i leave has to be biodegradable and everything i take has to be either litter or already fallen or fruit/mushroom#i tend to leave mushrooms alone though because i can't recognise the ones that'd kill me/make me sick#i avoid lighting a candle with another if i can because for some reason that feels rude#i purposefully make tiny ''mistakes'' in the quilts i make and give hearts to plushies#when i get ink stains on my hands i can wipe them or rinse them so they don't bleed on what i'm making/writing#but i don't wash them with the intention to remove them#except if i need my hands to be especially clean to bake or meet with adultier adults#i always draw a heart or smiling face on the pie crust with a fork before adding any kind of filling#and i'm sure i'm forgetting some#and most of these sound ridiculous even to me#but also they're not hurting anyone and they're important to me#so eh#parenthèse
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its-jaytothemee · 23 days
A Blanket of Bear
Read on AO3
Word count: 1,098 one shot
Tags: Halsin x reader, fluff, fluff without plot, ear nibbles, soft Halsin
Summary: Halsin refuses to take a break since the two of you returned to Thaniel's Realm. Luckily for him, you always know what he wants without him needing to ask.
A/N: Just some more Halsin fluff that nobody asked for but you all definitely need. A quick one shot from a prompt in a discord server. Enjoy some tooth-rotting marshmallow fluff and ear nibbles.
Bedtime must have been an ordeal tonight.
You sit in your bed, book in hand, waiting for Halsin to finish his nightly rounds with the children. Normally, you’d be there helping but he insisted you get the evening off. The past week or so had been a long one. Two of the old buildings in Reithwin were crumbling beyond repair, causing a significant delay in rebuilding. On top of that, a couple of the children dared each other to eat spoiled mushrooms, causing a fever to spread through many of them. Then today, you found out that the new berry patch you had started a few weeks ago had been infected with a blight and had to be burned away.
You’d really hoped to have fresh berries to top the honey cake you planned to make for Halsin’s birthday.
Over the sound of the fire crackling in front of you, you hear the soft clack of your cottage’s door opening and closing. The familiar sound of his footsteps causes you to mark the page you were reading before setting it to the side. Not a moment later, Halsin is standing in the doorway.
“My heart.” He has a tired smile on his face, his eyes look heavy, and his shoulders are drooping.
“What is it, love?” You hold your hand out, inviting him closer.
“Just the fatigue of an old druid trying to keep up with eighty-some children.” He takes a deep breath before coming to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Then you should have let me help you.” You reach out and gently stroke his back. “You know, I could always give you an evening off as well. I’d say you more than deserve it.”
“Oh no, that’s not necessary. Besides, I shudder to think what chaos the children will cause should I fail to deliver a bedtime story.” His affectionate chuckle makes you feel warm from head to toe. He would never admit it, but he was tired. As much as he adored the children in their care and how much he believed in their cause of building this community, he just wouldn’t admit that the past months had also exhausted him to the bone.
“I can tell stories! I’ve told many, you may remember.” You cross your arms, a playful scowl clouding your face.
“Yes, usually with my help if I’m not mistaken.” He smiles that perfect smile at you, the one that makes your heart flutter, and your cheeks redden.
“Well, you do have the best voices for the monsters, my love.”
He leans over and presses his forehead to yours before placing a light kiss on your lips.
“You’re so sweet to worry about me, my heart. But this task was one I decided for myself, for us. I owe it to you and everyone else here to see it through.”
“Halsin,” you reach up to tuck a runaway hair behind his ear, “you don’t have to be everything for everyone every second of the day. You’ve spent more than enough time feeling responsible for others. Let someone take care of you for once.”
“Well, that’s what I have you for, is it not? The only person in a century to give me the chance to sit and enjoy nature once again.” He kisses the back of your hand before staring back into your eyes. Those gorgeous, hazel eyes have seen every part of you, loved every part of you.
“Of course.” You smile back at him, knowing exactly what he wants right now, although he’s never willing to ask it of you.
You scoot back in the bed to lean against the headboard, a pillow propped behind your back for comfort. A knowing grin tugs at his lips from the movement. You hold your arms out, inviting him to come lay against you. He turns his back to you, snuggling himself between your legs, laying his head on your chest.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders, letting your hands rest on his chest. He takes a few deep breaths as he relaxes into your embrace. With every stroke of your hand across his torso, he melts further into you. You slowly trace your fingers around his shoulders, the lines and grooves memorized from your nights together. He mirrors the light touches on your thighs, sending shivers throughout your body.
Halsin nestles himself further in between your legs, his warm body a comforting weight pinning you down. You know that if you can get him to relax just a little further, he’ll easily drift into a trance in your arms.
You continue your gentle massaging, easing the tension in his muscled shoulders and earning you soft, content sighs. When you run your hands through his hair he leans further into your touch.
“My heart?” He asks with the tired tone of a child fighting a nap.
“Yes, my bear?”
“Would you…” He trails off, still not willing to ask for anything for himself. You smile to yourself, thankful that you know what he wants without him needing to ask.
You pull him closer to you, once again wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders. Despite his size, he always feels so much smaller when you hold him like this. Like he shrinks himself down to fit into your embrace better. You lean forward a little so you can press a kiss into the skin where his hair meets his neck, just behind his ear. Slowly, you move your lips to his ear, grazing them up and down the edge, every now and then pausing to nip in the spots he liked – the pointed tip, the lobe. Your gentle nibbles cause little bumps to rise up all over his skin. You let your lips wander up and down his neck before coming back to his ears, those perfect kissable ears. Alternating between kissing and nipping his earlobes and nuzzling your face into his hair and neck, you hear his breathing slow down and you notice his eyelids have stopped fluttering.
 “I love you, Halsin.” You lean forward just a little more to whisper the words to him.
A small murmur escapes his lips, cutting through his trance to make sure you know he feels the same. “I love you, my heart.”
He may not be willing to take an evening off yet, but you can sleep soundly next to him knowing how relaxed he is in your arms. Knowing that at least for tonight, he’ll rest.
And how lucky for you to fall asleep with your loving bear as a blanket.
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ssaeri · 1 year
we fall to ashes
☆ tags: alex x gn!reader, he finds something that he never expected to see on your farm, this was going to be angst with an angst ending, but then my sister begged me to not write a sad ending, so have this relieving happy ending instead, LOTS of alex spoilers! ☆
Alex stretches his arms over his head and breathes in deep. In the distance, he hears chickens screaming—a sure sign that he's getting closer to your farm. The walk from his house isn't short, but while his grandparents would complain about the distance, he finds it ideal for cooling down after his harder work-outs. And he gets to see you at the end? He'd say that's a winner winner chicken dinner situation...out of earshot from your coop, at least.
"Hey there! Evelyn's boy!" Pam calls from his right.
He slows to a stop and waves. She sits in the driver seat of her newly repaired bus, window fully open, and takes another swig from her Joja Cola. Immediately, her face scrunches.
"Mornin', Pam!" he yells back. "How's that alcohol detox going for you?"
"Awful." She smacks her lips and holds the can up to her eyes, searching the ingredients for what makes it so fucking nasty. You often joke that it's the bitter taste of capitalism. "I could go for something stronger in this heat. You think the farmer has an extra glass of pale ale?"
Alex's smile tightens. Ever since Pam and Penny's trailer turned into an actual house, Pam's been doing her best to break old habits and he's glad for it—he can finally walk by her without the reflexive gag and hurried steps. You telling me I stink? she used to ask, angry in her drunken stupor, until she remembered why he showed up on his grandparents' steps nearly two decades ago.
She must read it in his expression now because she waves him off with a roll of her eyes. "I'm kidding, kid. Tell 'em I said hi. They're the only one who takes this damn bus anyway. I might as well take a nap." She slides sunglasses onto her face and reclines her chair until he can't see her anymore. "If I'm still here by the time you go home, wake me up."
Classic Pam, he thinks as he continues to your farm. Your dog is already running from the front door to greet him, panting and barking and disturbing your horse's peace.
"Come on, buddy," he laughs, shooing your dog until he can push open the gate. "I was supposed to surprise them."
Alex scratches your horse's ear as he passes its stable. Grape vines twist and sag on the trellises you've set up for the season, the structures nearly bursting with fruit, and he makes a mental note to stop by tomorrow to help with the harvesting. Maybe it could substitute for a work-out. He's helped you ship boxes of produce before and wondered how ripped he'd be after a month of your lifestyle. Between the trellises, the melons are just starting to come in. He doesn't know how long it takes for them to ripen, only that they taste really good when you drop off a basket for his grandma.
He calls out your name. Not in the fields, not in the pasture. Your new greenhouse, maybe? You were muttering something about ancient fruit last night. Or the mushroom cave, something he still can't believe is a feature on your farm. If Demetrius could add that, maybe Alex could talk you into installing an outdoor lifting station.
He walks past your workbench and active machines...
...and walks backwards again, hoping that his eyes are deceiving him. Crystalariums reproducing diamonds to sell, charcoal kilns working double time for enough coal, bone mills churning out fertilizer, geode crushers crunching rocks into pebbles, furnaces roaring as they smelt ores into bars—and right on top of the furthest furnace sits a wrapped bundle he's only seen in his (second to) worst nightmares.
He hears your content humming now, somewhere in the main farmhouse. Under normal circumstances, he would've called it cute, but the sound rings mockingly in his ears as he approaches the darkened flowers. A wilted bouquet. Fuck.
"Oh, hey there!" Alex called out as you got closer. He tossed his ever-present gridball into the air. "You here to catch fish again? I think you can find salmon in the river this time of year. At least that's what I heard."
Once you came to a stop in front of him, you shook your head, hands still behind your back. "I'm not fishing today," you said. "I actually wanted to give you something."
"Yeah?" His lips quirked into a grin. Another toss into the air. "Wouldn't happen to be a Salmon Dinner with extra lemon, would it? Those are one of my favorites, but I can never catch any salmon myself. Another egg would be cool, too. I've been adding your weekly deliveries to my workout meals."
You only shifted from one foot to the other, unable to take your eyes off his shoes, and a part of him faltered. You weren't intimidated by him, were you? Ever since you found him crying on the beach, he had been a little more flirtatious than usual, layering on the teasing and showing off. Maybe he came on too strong. Haley always told him that subtlety wasn't his strong suit. The grip on his gridball changed as he tossed it higher.
"You okay there? Did I do something...wait, this is—ow!"
The ball bounced off his head and landed in the grass, but he couldn't care less. He pointed to the bouquet in your hands. Not a regular bouquet, but the Bouquet made to order by Pierre. In a place as small as Pelican Town, there was no need for Pierre to have it in constant stock, so when the signature blooms made the rare appearance, they attracted everyone's eyes.
"...you want to get more serious?" he asked, incredulous.
Something in your expression changed, and you drew the flowers back to your chest. "Oh, sorry, did you not?" You gave him a wide smile, already stepping away. "I must've read the signs wrong. My mistake."
"No! That's not—I mean, you read the signs correctly. I, uh, I feel the same way." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling his face flush. "So I guess we're together now? Should I be asking you out on a date or something? Or wait, are you asking me out on a date? How does this work?"
You laughed, a genuine sound this time. "We can continue the way we were before."
And so you did, but some things changed for sure. He could hold your hand now as you ran errands around the town, carrying half of the gifts you handed out to the townspeople. He could kiss you goodbye at his door in the evenings, though George cleared his throat loudly every time. Alex remembered making some snide comment about his grandpa, who yelled out a gruff I heard that! before being shushed by Evelyn. When It Howls in the Rain was being shown at the town theater, you bribed him to a screening with the promise of Stardrop Sorbet, but as much as he loved the treat, he would've gone anyway—it was one of his favorite movies with one of his favorite people. Good thing he'd seen it before because he spent most of the time staring at your side profile, wondering when he could finally go pro and have you stare at him on a screen.
Your dog nips at his fingers. He pets it absently. He thought everything was going fine between the two of you. Just yesterday, you came over and had dinner with him and his grandparents. You told them about your mining adventures in the Skull Caverns and, to his horror, showed off your old stitches from Harvey. (George chided your reckless behavior and gave old-timey advice that you nodded along to.) You talked about the new farm you're setting up at Ginger Island—Ancient Fruit wine all year! you told them excitedly. It's a farmer's heaven!—and the Beach Resort you're trying to restore. (Evelyn hummed at your energy, asking rapid-fire questions about the flora there.) You even promised to bring over a season's worth of eggs and leeks as soon as you got your hands on them. (Alex's mind flashed to the old mariner and the mermaid's pendant he could see hanging around your neck in the future.)
So why is a wilted bouquet sitting here, right on top of your furnaces?
No point in guessing when he can just find out the answer right from the source. He takes the flowers and goes to your door, knocking twice. It opens before he has time to second guess his choice.
"Alex! I didn't know you were coming over," you say, beaming at him. He wants to immortalize this version of you: face full of dirt smudges and t-shirt collar soaked through with sweat, yet glowing in your element. Until your eyes drop to his hands. "Oh, that's..."
He sets his jaw. "Can I come in and talk?"
Your expression falters further at his cold tone, but you step back and lead him to the living room. Your dog trots in and settles by the TV, head on its paws, watching with blank eyes. Alex sits in his usual spot and you yours, and suddenly he hates how familiar he is with your space.
It's still silent.
You clear your throat. "So," you start, wiping your palms on your jeans. A nervous tick he knows well. "What did you want to talk about?"
He puts the bouquet on the coffee table between you.
"Right." You pause, likely waiting for him to continue, but he doesn't say anything. "Alex, can you at least be less mean about this? I feel like you owe me that much after all this time together." He says nothing. "Like, tell me what's wrong instead of sitting here stone-faced. Things were okay. Why are you breaking up with me—"
"Why am I breaking up with you?" He barks a laugh. "Baby, I found this outside on your furnace! I'm not going to beg for you to stay, but what the hell is this?"
Your forehead furrows. "What? I wouldn't."
"If it's not yours and it's not mine, then whose is it?"
"I don't know! Alex, I wouldn't—I never even thought about breaking up," you insist. "Why would I lie about that?"
After scrutinizing your stricken expression, his relief comes in waves. He sinks into your couch, hands rubbing at his face.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just—" He laughs again, the sound mostly air. "Yoba, that scared me. If someone left this here as a prank, I'm hunting them down tonight." He lifts his head to look at you and opens his arms. "Can you come over here?"
You wrinkle your nose. "I'm gross."
"You could be playing in mud with your pigs, and I'd still jump in."
With a roll of your eyes, you hop over to curl into his side and he buries his face in the crook of your neck. You stink, but so does he after a good workout. Now that he thinks about it, he's still in his gym clothes.
"You scared me, too," you tell him, gaze trained on the table. "Not the best thing to see on a Friday afternoon. But now I want to know whose this is. Did you check it for clues?"
"Didn't bother. Thought it was yours." His arm around your waist tightens as you lean forward. "Does it matter?"
But that doesn't stop you. You have the bouquet in your lap now, prying at the blackened ribbon and wrapping. "Look at this," you say, holding it between two fingers. "The ribbon isn't blue, and Pierre always uses blue. The wrap is pretty much disintegrated, but this corner—he always puts his store brand." You suck in a breath. "Oh, duh! Where did you say you found this?"
"The furnaces right outside by the workbench."
"Okay, so mystery solved. This is mine, but not in the way you think."
He raises an eyebrow. "Explain. Don't say you're breaking up with a secret partner because I don't think I can handle a second shock right now."
"I made a wildflower bouquet to put on Grandpa's grave a few days ago, but I totally forgot where I put it, so I made a second one. This one must've been the one I misplaced."
He blinks. "How the hell did you not notice it since?"
"I came back from Ginger Island yesterday and went to sleep right after dinner! The flowers must've wilted from the furnace heat."
"You," he says slowly, pinching your cheek and ignoring your squeak, "are the absolute worst. I can't believe you nearly broke my heart and it turned out to be a whoopsie."
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amateurduhhh · 9 months
What About Me | Harvey x Reader
Summary: A story about how Pelican Town's bus revamp sends Harvy into a world of worry with the farmer.
Content warnings: injury
It was a calm evening in Pelican Town. Closing time was nearing, but Harvey always stood by for any emergencies that may need to be addressed. That was part of the glory that came with living above his practice.
"Okay, Dr. Harvey, I just clocked out, I'm gonna head home now!" Maru declared.
"Alrighty, see you!"
He leaned back in a desk chair, filing paperwork and checking inventory. In a quiet town like Pelican Town, it was relatively uncommon for anyone to need something when he wasn't open. Occasionally, the farmer would pass out in the middle of god-knows-where and that horizon would only be expanded by the new bus repair that was somehow managed.
Harvey didn't mind helping you out. In fact, he found it amusing at first. He understood it may have been hard to fully understand the body's limits with the work experience of an office worker. It was just something to scoff and roll his eyes at. What a silly farmer, he thought. 
That is until it became more frequent. It took a copious amount of begging and guidance to improve your habits. Harvey even informed you of the purple mushrooms, starfruit, magma caps and nutritious meals that might keep you in good shape while monsters tear at your flesh. As a result of your constant accidents, he made sure to keep his elixirs extra stocked. He only hoped that the distance from the Calico Desert and Ginger Island from Stardew Valley would encourage you to be safer.
A shrill ring from his phone blared next to him. He sighed and picked up the receiver, holding it to the side of his face. Regretfully, Harvey never even glanced at the number who called. Never did he expect it to be dispatch, calling in about an emergency trauma situation.
"Emergency? How bad is it?" Harvey stood up, and scrambled through the building to prepare for the patient. "Uh- y-yeah, bring ‘em in... I have the supplies."
He prepared an operation room as fast as he could. 
The emergency door burst open, and two people propelled a bright yellow stretcher to his operation room. The person was unconscious and blood sprouted out of their arm in sync with their heartbeat. "Patient was found in the Skull Cavern mines of Calico Desert. Patient is hypotensive and we can't find a pulse. We believe they suffered blunt force trauma to the chest. We recorded several medial lacerations on their left arm. There is atrial hemorrhaging–"
"I can see that!" He said. Harvey, examined the patient, his eyes catching sight of the face, causing his stomach to lurch and anger to set in his chest. In his residency, he was always good at handling the sight of blood, broken bones, and organs. It was never an issue. Until they had come from you. It wasn't something he could prepare for. The sight had caused a rock to form in his stomach.
"What the hell," he breathed out in white-hot rage. Harvey was fuming. "Why hadn't you put a tourniquet on their arm yet!"
"Doctor," the paramedic's voice was worried. "Patient's heart rhythm..!"
Harvey's eyes widened at the monitor. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. There was no other option than to remain calm.
"Sinus Tachycardia. Shit, the hemothroax is making her heart tamponade. Get me an eighteen gauge needle, I need to get the fluid out of their chest, ASAP."
"I'll prep the EGC first!" A paramedic offered.
"I don't have time for an ECG, dammit!" Harvey snapped. The paramedics scrambled at his outlash for his request.
He felt his nerves explode and knew it was for the worst. Panic made his hands sweat and slick underneath the latex gloves he wore. There was a great tightening in his chest like a furnace of hellfire every time his eyes dared glimpse at yours.
The paramedics prepared the entry site and handed Harvey a large needle. Now he knew he had to get it together. He drew in a sharp, deep breath. To calm his nerves he thought it was good you were unconscious to spare you the image of the largest needle you'd ever seen plunge into your chest.
The thin needle glided through to your flesh, without any navigation Harvey bore the task with nothing but intuition, until the needle penetrated the pericardium. Behind him, one Paramedic had their back turned, unable to watch this infinite medical wager. A true test of a gut feeling.
Sweat slid down Harvey's forehead when he felt the needle had found the pericardium. He steadily lifted the syringe, the paramedic watching it fill with blood while Harvey had his eyes on the heart monitor. A great flood gate of stress opened and deposited his mind to see your heart rhythm steady.
After the surgery, and the departure of the paramedics, Harvey remained slumped against the hospital wall. It took a while for him to work up the energy to be upset. First, he was thankful, second, he was angry. He decided to wait until you woke up to be angry.
Days passed since the surgery.
As of now, he stood weakly beside your bed, he had a tight grip on your hand. His brownish locks swept messily over his eyes, dangling like vines in front of his glasses that slid down his nose. He was no longer wearing his white lab coat and the sleeves of his button down were rolled up, his necktie was nowhere to be seen.
After shock exhaustion hit him hard– something he experience a lot during his career but even harder since it was you on the operating table.
Harvey began coming up with random grievances, many of them being very valid. Like why is there no medical center near a very dangerous mine, let alone a desert. And why must you always venture alone? Especially without telling anyone? Why didn't you think things through before going down there?
A soft groaning sound came from your mostly motionless form. All except your eyelids remained still. A sudden wave of fatigue and a bone chilling pain all over made it almost impossible to move without wanting to die.
"Har... vey...?" you muttered, slightly craning your head to the side. He was just in the corner of your vision. His flustered face in all of its glory.
Harvey's physician instincts kicked in and began checking your vitals as well as asking you questions. "Do you know what day it is?"
"'s it the seventh of sp...ring?" you recalled.
"Where do you live?"
"Stardew Valley."
"Do you know my name?"
"Now last question," said Harvey, a little irritated. "What the hell is wrong with you?"
It took you a moment to reply. The question didn't quite sound like it had an answer. You opened your mouth to answer but nothing came out.
"What?" you said, tensing up a little.
"I've lost count of how many times I've asked you to please be careful." His tone was desperate and distraught. You didn't pick up on the sincerity of his voice, being too involved in the pain in your side.
As soon as you realized what this was about, all the tension in your shoulders deflated. You rolled your eyes and sighed. "Come on Harvey. I'm going to be okay."
"You don't know that," he stressed. There was a hot anger in his tone that sent tendrils of worry down your spine. "So stop acting like your skin is made of platinum. You don’t even realize it, but you may just be the luckiest person in the Ferngill Republic! This isn't the first time you came into my clinic an inch away from death and every goddamn time... I don't know if you're going to make it."
You frowned. "Now... wait a minute..." Everytime this happened you saw the way Harvey's jaw locked, waiting for you to go home from his emergency surgery so he could break down over the fact he'd have to do it again.
He felt like his soul was becoming too big for his body, like a shaken Joja Cola threatening to burst. All he could do was tremble with desperation and anger. "You can't go back to Skull Cavern... and don’t think I don’t know about your little ventures into the Ginger Island volcano, hell, even the local mines-- you’ve lost your fucking mind-- you can't--."
You felt indignant. "That isn't your call Harvey." Even in your most vulnerable state, you stood your ground. It made sense to Harvey why you always ventured out into danger. "I can't believe you would even suggest that... that's so... selfish!"
"Maybe it is," he argued.
"What about my job, I make money by doing this! What about me leaving Joja Corporation to be here? The community center, too. Didn't get fixed without a few broken bones. What about that?"
The Joja Cola inside Harvey had finally exploded. A loud thud shook the bedside table and Harvey was standing, fuming. Tears cascaded like waterfalls down his eyes, ignited with fire and determination. His voice was broken and sounded like a scratched CD. 
"What about me!" He gestured to himself with intensity. “What about me! Oh, it’s just one crisis after another and it doesn’t seem like a crisis to you, but every time I see you on that goddamn gurney I feel like my world is coming to an end! Dammit, if you come in again, and I can’t save...” he choked on his words. “I thought you were going to die, don’t you get it?”  
You clenched your jaw, your face radiated heat. Harvey had scanned your eyes, as if he was frantically searching for something. He must have seen something because seconds after, he looked away, rubbing his eyes from underneath his glasses. 
“Would you save me again? If I ignored this little debacle between us. And as soon I could get back up on my feet, and I go back into the mines, come in with a hole in my chest, the size of your hand. Would you save me, if you knew you could? Or… or even if you knew you couldn’t?”
He winced, his moustache wrinkling on his lip. His head bobbed, nonetheless. “You’re so cruel, you know that.” he said, looking at you like you asked what color the sky was. “You have this terrifying grip on me and I don’t think you realize it. I would rather not think of anything like that... you dying. Yet you force me. Not just now, but every time I see you rolling into this hospital. If you died, if you were on my operation table, my emergency room, and you flatlined... I doubt I could bring myself to hold a scalpel again. I am so deeply in love with you. I'd save you a billion times in a billion different lives. Again and again and again, I would save you in a box, with a fox, here or there, or anywhere. I am saving you now, and you’re oblivious. The most potent medicine I can administer for the madness within you is my own goddamn pleading.”
"I'm tired of this," you confessed. There was long a silence of him examining you. There was dark reddish-purple bruising around your face and various large ones dotting the lengths of your appendages. Old bruises that hadn't yet healed reopened and fading lacerations from being handled by Void Spirits throbbed around your wrists. "You're right. I... need a break from the mines. I haven't let myself heal."
Harvey looked caught off guard. He froze, eyes glued to your pathetic, ragged form. Hooked up to countless monitors and machines. 
"I can't keep getting hurt like this. I... I try to act like it's no big deal but... I haven't been sleeping, it's so scary. I need stone and ore and money to expand my farm. I've gotten so caught up in boosting my efficiency I've completely turned into who I was when I worked for Joja."
Harvey was silent for a good moment. He took your hand. "(Y/N)," he spoke tenderly, his throat raw and shakey. "You live comfortably enough to take a medical leave from work. Doctor's orders, you understand?"
You frowned. Farming was your passion. But he was right, and the break might raise the prices of your crops if they become higher in demand. You took a deep breath, barely managing a nod. "I'll be awfully bored and lonely if I'm not working." You complained.
"Don't worry." Harvey managed a gentle smile. "I'll make my visits frequent."
"And long."
Harvey smiled. "One day, they'll be permanent."
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forestanomaly · 1 month
Ok I've been putting it off long enough now, time to show this bunch of little guys that live in my head. A lot of text and images below .D This is Fungi (they/them), they started off as a minecraft skin and then grew into being a whole character with lore and friends and stuff!
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Fungi is part of a species called funguswalkers that live in the nether in this story. They are essentially sentient mushrooms, all born from myceliums of warped and crimson forests. They build villages on top of the myceliums, creating communities and sending out scouts to spread the spores and create new villages. I wrote a bunch about their story on their toyhouse page, but to summ it up: they were born with overabundance of overworld energy in them, which sometimes happens with warped funguswalkers and causes them to be attacked by skeletons (opposed to usually just being ignored), see dreams and visions of overworld and often become outcasts in their community.
After spending some time scouting for the village Fungi saw enough visions to convince themselves that the weird place they are seeing is real, so they set out to find it. On their quest they got promptly kidnapped and held hostage in crimson village, befriended the crimson funguswalker that was supposed to guard them (their name is Shroom, they/them! I made them for my gf .), ran away with said guard after causing a lot of rucus in the village aand finally repaired one of the portals laying around enough so they can come in!
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Fungus villages traditionally name their young with something that reflects how they contribute to the community and mycelium. Fungi's first name was actually The Cursed (because of the overworld energy. This is how warped walkers call almost every one of the young who were born like that. They often die pretty quickly so they don't bother), and Shroom's was the Guard. Obviously, after all that mess with being held and holding hostage, being a reason of the death of the whole crimson scout party and all other nice stuff the Cursed Ones were getting those names didn't really felt right. So when they first stepped in the overworld and met - ah, a familliar creature! - an enderman - they accepted the nicknames she gave them pretty quickly.
Enderman's name was Oak, she's eleven and she's obsessed with botany and mycology. You could imagine her exitement when after years of living with only her unkle Darkwood in stronghold under a dence dark oak forest she stumbled upon two sentient mushrooms from the other world.
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Here's Oak! Unfortunately I don't have the picture for Darkwood yet, it's on it's (slow-paced) way. But we're getting there!
It didn't took long for Oak to talk Darkwood into letting the intruders stay around and setting up a camp near their place. So now this crew of four (+Snore, Fungi's cat, and a couple chikens Darkwood was keeping) is living kind-of together and getting into all sorts of adventures .) I have a lot more to tell, but I thought it would be a nice introduction into the setting. Would be happy to answer to some questions about them if you have some! I have more info about funguswalkers, some story bits and a bunch of art that I will be uploading slowly.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 6 months
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Word count: 2400+
Warnings: language, mentions of trauma
I noticed that most of you aren't Tamlin's fans, but give him a chance😉
Part I | Part III
One day you woke up into gloomy morning, heavy rain drumming on the leaves behind the windows. You couldn't go out, so you cuddled down with a blanket into your favourite armchair in front of the fireplace with cracking wood in it. Slowly sipping fragrant tea you dived into a book laid on your lap.
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After the beast was gone your life returned to its normal. You spent your days taking walks in the forest, picking up herbs, fishing and collecting berries and mushrooms to eat. You still thought about the beast, of course you did, but after all it was his decision to leave. All you could do was hope that there's somebody who would check on his wound, making sure it healed properly.
Suddenly front door burst open harshly and the beast broke in. He was soaked, water dripping on the floor. But the sudden invasion wasn't what scared you the most. It was the beast's expression. He looked so wild, so dangerous, so angry, the rows of sharp fangs bared, his angry eyes sizing you. Huge body filled small space of cottage, sucking out all the air.
Your fingers clenching tighter around the mug, was the only sign of fear you allowed yourself. Maybe after all, they were right saying the High Lord went crazy. There's no other explanation to this. You looked straight into the green eyes with gold flecks waiting, leaving the first move to him.
He growled, the sound full of rage and pain shook the walls. He began to pad around, the dagger-like claws had left scratches on the wooden floor. You were watching him with bated breath.
After few minutes he came to you, sitting down he pressed his wolf's head to your knees and exhaled deeply.
"I'm sorry," he muttered. "I didn't know where else to go."
"It's okay," you breathed out swallowing hard. You could still feel his rage seeping from his body.
"And I'm sorry for the door. I'll repair it." You looked to the remains of what used to be the front door. The spicy smell of magic filled the air and the debris disappeared immediately replaced by new door.
"Thank you," you whispered still clenching the mug. Even thought he seemed to be calmer now, you could sense bad mood hadn't left him yet. Your eyes fell to the side where he had been wounded. "I see you healed."
"Yes, all thanks to you and that tea you gave me." He didn't offer any explanation of why he disappeared without a word, so you wouldn't ask more about it. You sat silently in that strange position for a while, not sure which topic was safe to take out.
"Is.. everything alright?" you tried your luck, hoping he wouldn't bite your head off.
"No," he answered simply and you could sense new surge of anger building in him. "She looked so satisfied..so happy next to that bastard. As if she was laughing right in my face and saying: he fucks me better than you. He even made me his.." He abruptly halted, probably thinking he said too much.
But you already knew who he really was. You suspected it before and today his words just made you sure of it. You swallowed hard. There wasn't much you could say to that without revealing you knew his true identity. So you decided it's better to remain silent.
The beast exhaled deeply and closed his eyes. "Would you mind if we stay like this for a while?" he asked, voice full of pain and resignation.
"No, I don't mind it," you offered small smile. And so you sat there in silence with beast's head rested on your legs. The fire in the hearth crackled, raindrops drummed on windows and roof and the wind blew through the treetops.
Lost in your thoughts you watched beast's slowly drying fur while sipping your tea. Reaching out your fingers gently ran over the soft fur. The beast tensed under your touch and holding breathe cracked his eyes open. Only then you realized what you had done.
"I'm so sorry," you quickly untangled fingers from fur. "I didn't mean.."
"It's okay," he interrupted you. "I.. like..it.."
It's so surprising, you weren't sure what to do. Was it permission to continue? Hesitantly you touched him, gently scratching soft fur between the antlers. He purred lowly and shut eyes closed. Heat consumed your cheeks. Treating High Lord as some pet. How rude. You couldn't believe your own audacity. Thankfully nobody else saw that. Your fingers slid down behind his ear.
Shiver ran down his spine and startled he sat up, breaking off contact. His unusual green eyes locked with yours. Some strange energy surged between you and then he blinked and it was gone.
Turning his gaze to the fire, he cleared his throat. "Don't you...have more of the tea? It smells nice."
"Oh, sure," you babbled, accepting the way out he'd offered you so generously.
While you were pouring tea to the bowl, you could feel his intensive gaze. He didn't stop even when you returned back and offered him the tea.
"Thank you," he mumbled. Both of you sat and drank your teas, silence was stretching. When it was clear he didn't want to talk anymore, you picked up your book, found where you left off and started to read.
It was almost dinner time. The beast was lying in front of the fireplace fast asleep. His gentle snoring and unceasing rain were the only sounds in the darkening room. You put the book aside. Lighting candles along the way you stalked to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.
The beast didn't make even slightest move, but you knew he's awake. When food was on the table you hesitantly stepped to his side and touched his shoulder. He looked up at you.
"Come and eat something," you invited him. Obediently he followed you to table and sat down across from you. Sitting on the floor he was still taller than you. Looking down on you he watched as you took first bite. Only then he started to eat too. He finished in no time and liking his muzzle looked at plates on the table.
"Would you like some more?" you asked him.
He stiffened slowly looking up at you. "No, I'm fine." Lie. You could not only see, but also hear his hunger. You smirked, took his plate and put another portion of food on it.
"Don't be shy to tell you are hungry." He hesitantly nodded and started to eat.
When you finished, you began to clean table and dishes while he watched you with interest. "I wonder why you don't use your magic. It could be done in no time."
"I have no powers," you snorted amused.
"But you do have some," he insisted. "I can feel it. Especially when you make tea, medicines or cook."
"You must be wrong," you tried to laugh it off nervously. "I don't—can't.."
"Believe me. I can sense quite great power from you. Even now. It's suppressed, but it's there. You're on the same level as any High Fae."
"Can we just stop talking about it?" you asked him. You felt uneasy. Any mention of your magic made you feel so since you could remember. You didn't know why, anything that happened before you started to live in this cottage, was blurred. You didn't know where you came from, who you were or who your parents were. You only knew you didn't want to find out. All this magic talk made you feel nauseous. "I'm going to take some logs for fire," you announced, needing to get out of there. You didn't wait for his reaction. You needed fresh chilly air immediately.
His eyes narrowed as you rushed out into the dark. He noticed your pale face, but decided not to mention this topic anymore. Obviously there was something about it that bothered you. You didn't push him about his inner wounds, you didn't demand any explanations and he would do the same.
You didn't know how long you were sitting under the tree in the dark cold forest pressing your hands to ears, rocking back and forth. Screaming female's voice echoed in your mind. No doubt it was something you witnessed in the past, some lost memory, but you didn't want to know what it meant. You only wanted it to stop.
When you finally regained your usual composure, you took few logs and returned to cottage. The beast was again lying in front of the hearth. He looked up at you. "Everything okay?"
"Perfectly fine," you put logs away and sat down to your armchair. Suddenly realising how cold you were, you pulled up the blanket. The beast watched as you settled into the armchair and then put his head on the paws. The rest of the night you two spent in silence.
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Three days passed since that day. You lived just as before. Only one thing changed - you weren't alone anymore.
The first day the beast stayed inside while you went on your regular walk, picking up herbs, mushrooms and berries, and fishing. He was probably bored all alone, because next day he joined you and went out with you. He was rather quiet companion, mostly just looking out for you while basking in the sun or helping you to carry the basket.
He was often lost in thoughts. Something bothered him, but he wouldn't say a single word. You didn't ask about it either. You just made sure he knew you were there if he needed.
Today wasn't different. You were sitting on the bank of small lake fishing while the beast was lying on large rock nearby, watching you out of habit.
"Don't you hunt?" he asked you suddenly.
You shook head. "I don't. I couldn't possibly kill an animal. I feel sick to even think about hurting small mouse."
He made a sound that remotely resembled the laughter. "You are really a vicious witch."
You frowned at him. "There's nothing wrong with it."
"No, it isn't," he agreed, his voice playful. It was the first time he had such good mood since you met him. For some reason it warmed your heart and you smiled too. "Have you ever eaten meat except of fish?"
"To be honest I don't know. I don't remember my life before I came to this forest," you admitted.
"Why?" he asked carefully.
"I don't know," you shrugged.
"Did you try to remember or search for someone to help you?"
You bit on your lower lip and shook your head. "I feel that it's better not to know."
"I see," he turned back to the lake, putting this conversation to the end. He wanted to know more, but it seemed to be dangerous topic. You were already pale enough.
For the rest of the day he stayed silent seemingly thinking about something. His good mood disappeared which was a pity. You quite liked that change and his teasing.
After the dinner he sat down in front of you, resolution in his green eyes.
"There's—there's something I should tell you.."
You patiently waited for his next words, giving him an encouraging smile.
"I..I'm not beast," he breathed out, watching you carefully, waiting for your reaction.
"I know. You have human eyes," you said calmly and took a sip of tea.
"You are really special," his mouth widened into something similar to the smile, but more wild, eyes shined brightly.
He looked at you, jaw tightening. "There is more.."
He inhaled deeply, those gleaming green eyes never leaving yours. His features started to change. You just sat there and watched. It took mere seconds, a flash of light and there was a young male kneeling in front of you only in ragged brown breeches. His golden hair were long, tangled and as dirty as the rest of his muscular body. Big silver scar on his ribs was the only proof he was the injured beast you saved.
On the first look he was High Fae, there's no doubt about it. His magic was so powerful your insides shivered. You couldn't take eyes off of him, lips slightly parted. Even under the layers of dirt he was still attractive. You'd already seen all kinds of fae males, but no one like him. Nobody was so handsome, so graceful. Nobody made your heart jump to your throat. You realized you were staring at him. Ashamed you looked down on your hands.
He nervously cleared his throat. "I'm.. Tamlin.." No titles. Okay, you could play along.
"Ehm, nice to meet you," you mumbled.
"I'm sorry for my messy appearance. It's quite some time since I.. you know.. I've spent several days in my animal form.."
"It's okay," you shyly took another sip of tea, so you didn't have to look at his broad chest.
He shakily inhaled. "Listen.. I know this is sudden, but.. the war is approaching. I had a peaceful time here to think things over, which I'm really grateful for.. but you have to go.. flee to another Court or maybe even to continent. This place won't be safe. If Prythian looses, this Court will be destroyed as first.."
Tamlin wanted to continue, but you stopped him. All feelings aside you found your balance once again and he could see why other Fae had avoided you. You were empty.
"I will not go anywhere," you stated coldly.
"It wasn't request," he matched your tone, anger building up in his voice, sharp claws slid out.
"You have no right to command me around. It's up to me if I want to leave or no." You spoke calmly, it wasn't in your nature to shout at others.
"Actually I.." Tamlin halted, biting down on his lower lip. "Do as you wish, you stubborn little thing. I warned you," he growled, stood up swiftly and without another word left.
You remained seated in your armchair grasping mug in your fingers. You understood his concern, but high lord or no he had no right to order you to leave your cottage, the only home you had ever known. This was your comfort zone and you couldn't even imagine life behind the borders of this forest.
You closed your eyes trying to calm down. You almost started to like him and his silent company. You didn't want to be angry at him. You didn't want to feel anything at all. Feelings were just troubles and troubles hadn't place in your life. And so you pushed and pushed until all of the feelings disappeared and you again felt yourself.
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takeachillpillshawty · 9 months
Very specific TWST head cannons
Jack was accidentally given alcohol by a third year at a party because they thought he was also a third year.
Ruggie would make bets with students if they can guess Jack's age correctly.
Malleus would stay back at after the final class of the day just to sing, he likes the sound of the empty class room. He stopped doing that because a rumor about a "haunted class" was spreading.
Sebek yelled so hard one time, he couldn't talk the next day due to the pain.
Vil watches those self care videos, as in the earwax removal, black head removal, technically any of those gross removal videos. It's a guilty pleasure of his.
Cater is a hot cheeto girl, he and Idia would make ramen and put hot cheetos in it.
Silver is a heavy sleeper...like heavy sleeper. One time a fire broke out in Diasomnia and everyone was screaming. Only after the fire was out did he wake up.
Malleus used to talk to stuff animals as a kid.
Sebek monologues to himself, and everyone can hear him.
Sebek when he was a kid chased another child with a broken ruler for saying Malleus' name in vain.
Riddle and Jamil have this weird friendship, basically it's just them trying to relax but remembering there are idiots who are in the dorms and can't rest until they get things done.
Each dorm has their own WiFi router, Idia usually hacks into the others in case Ignihyde's one is down or he just want to see people's search history.... Let's just say he's not comfortable around certain classmates.
Idia permanently puts Ortho on child lock so people won't ask him to look up not so friendly things on the internet.
Ortho can get sick from viruses or corrupted data he accidentally downloaded.
Jade and Rook have a passive aggressive rivalry. Like imagine them in the botanical garden having lunch and Jade handed him a poison mushroom infused tea and Rook just 'accidentally' pours it in a plant watching it wither. While looking Jade dead in the eyes, both have smiles on there faces, as they passive aggressively try to kill each other.
Cater x Jade or Rook would be so fucking funny. Like imagine dating the most dangerous students in the school but hey at least the dick is crazy.
Trey has a collection of his baby teeth and his siblings baby teeth on his night stand. No-one brings it up...ever.
another reason why Cater doesn't eat sweets is because he'll get a tooth ache just eating a smore.
A student once asked Crewel if it was possible to make 'crack' in potionology..... Crewel wasn't getting paid enough for this.
Crowley has committed tax evasion.
Azul Is thicc. I said what I said, and don't boo me. I'm right.
Ruggie is banned from Monstro Lounge due to finding loop holes in Azul's contracts and getting free stuff.
Malleus hates cake with too much frosting, It defeats the purpose of the cake.
Malleus would use fae circles to teleport prefect to him.
Floyd likes to just bite things, especially his phone case.
Rook takes the best photos.
Sometimes people forget that Vil is an actor and model, so when seeing him in a movie, commercial or magazine they just get jump scared and remembered .
" oh yeah....Housewarden Vil is a celebrity.."
I think prefect is desensitized to meeting famous or high status people that they're not a big deal to them. Imagine Prefect going to a cafe and THE KALIM AL ASIM Is paying for their drink, everyone is shocked that someone who's richer than royalty is paying for you and all you say is " Oh thanks Kalim. "
I feel like up to book 6 every dorm leader helped out in repairing Ramshackle adding there own piece of their dorms in there. A gaming room from Idia, A luxurious bathroom with skin care supplies and designer clothes from Vil, pantry and groceries from Heartslaybul and Scarabia and a cook book from Trey and Jamil respectively. An indoor and outdoor pool from Savannah claw, wallpaper and decor from Azul, and finally furniture and jewelry from Malleus.
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judasgot-it · 10 months
Hellooooooo! I would like to request, how do you think hunting dogs would be when they play Minecraft with their s/o🤭
I have so many asks in my inbox so I'm now getting to them. Also, minecraft time babyyyyyyyyyyy
Headcanons: playing minecraft with the hunting dogs
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He can't really play along with you since it's point-and-click, so sometimes he'll partake in listening in on your Minecraft sessions that you play with everyone else
He gives unnecessary advice and will insist on killing any mob you spot. Even the sheep :(
Jouno also named all of your dogs. He was heartbroken when Teruko killed one on accident and demanded retribution
You give him a play-by-play of the shenanigans that go on in the community server. He tries to get you to kill Tecchou and if you're playing during work hours he'll mess with Tecchou or Tachihara occasionally.
You built a house for the two of you in game. There's a homemade torture chamber inside just so he can enjoy the sounds of pistons and villagers being pushed into lava.
It's constantly being repaired due to Teruko's griefing
For the most part he does his own thing and adds commentary. Does cuddle with you when it's a more chill game.
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You are the classic "builder vs. Miner" couple
He collects flowers for the two of you and gets distracted a lot
Insists on building iron golems for villages and fighting pillagers
You will get distracted EASILY with this guy
He won't play easy mode with him he has to do it hard mode. He needs the challenge
Tames every dog he sees and is sad when he loses one
Treats them like they're your kids
Your house is overrun with them. Stop him please.
They're all named after foods.
His builds aren't aesthetic, definitely a dirt hut kind of man. He'll mine diamonds for you though
If you're a miner then good luck
You'll have a beautiful dirt hut. Or a pretty cave ♡
Probably beat the game in like 3 minutes and is now just fucking around
Has no idea how potions and enchantment work tho. You need to build that shit for him, since he probably has more levels than you and can enchant all your stuff.
Dude is just gonna use some random iron sword he found in a villager's chest anyway. He cares about providing for you more than himself.
Rip to whoever he robs. Probably local villages. He lives like he's homeless. Probably is.
Most likely he would just live in an old desert temple or village if it weren't for you
Also insists on riding a horse everywhere. Doesn't matter if there's a faster method. He wants to be a cowboy ○]:)
Loves the Minecraft farmer life
The one building he does have is a stable. His horses deserve the best life. He doesn't even have a bed most of the time.
Will gift you all of his goods tho. Anything you want? He'll get it. Only the best. Man will go to the ends of the blocked earth to get you a mushroom cow if you want. He's that guy.
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Redstone god
Literally will automate the whole game
Find him a dungeon and BAM automated
Don't try and test him, he's just good
But he's hopeless in the beginning, he runs away screaming and crying from creepers
Protect him
After you beat the game and go to the ender he is PROVIDING
Literally, don't let him go mining he will die 30 different ways
If you do at least protect him. Seriously.
He will most likely die from a creeper. they are his mortal enemy. Creepers? Awwwwwww man.
But do let him build. He's just a natural genius
Probably builds like the notre dame in a day
you guys have the cutest house. builds you whatever you want, wherever you want.
Puts your beds next to each other and is like :3
Cries over creepers tho. They destroy his builds all the time. He loves his Minecraft cats and names them after his friends ♡
Has a dog named after you. He's sentimental like that
He built half of the buildings everyone uses. Is at war with everyone else since they keep letting mobs destroy them
And then has the audacity to cry about phantoms attacking him even when he has OP armor.
When he's building you need to be there other wise he'll 100% die from fall damage probs. He just always does.
Getting materials with him is great, you find the best spots for your Minecraft dates
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She's the worst
Literally has nothing
She will just keep getting flint and steel and burning shit
or finding TNT and blowing up random shit
With nothing she will keep fighting whatever she can
Lives off of raw meat and villager farms
Please keep her alive
If it's a community server she is a serial griefer
Seriously someone stop her
She relies on everyone's leftover stuff from their mining trips
Will follow you when you go down and demand a 50/50 split
Does protect you from mobs tho
Best person to take to the nether for some reason. She's just immune to fall damage and lava.
Will always luck out and find exactly what you're looking for.
She will never destroy Tachiharas Redstone farms. But will destroy his house. They are at war rn
She declared war on everyone and took over several villages. She's trying to establish a tax system
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Played for like 3 days
Has a house that's abandoned
Teruko lives there sometimes
Tachihara put up a poster of two guys kissing right by his house and no one has taken it down
Fukuchi doesn't even know the chaos his Minecraft home causes on the daily
There's now a giant dick-building contest right next to it and no one wants to admit a loss.
It builds morale
everyone plays when he's gone on some special meeting. It's unspoken.
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skyenish · 1 year
What would the Twisted Wonderland characters post if they had YouTube?
Riddle- doesn’t post anything but is a grammar nazi in the comments
Trey- baking vids and tutorials
Cater- vlogs
Deuce- motorcycle repair vids
Ace- ‘is fortnite actually overrated?’
Leona- wouldn’t upload anything but has a lot of followers (mostly Ruggie alts)
Jack- workout vids
Ruggie- ‘freestyle parkour- RUNNING FROM THE COPS???! (live)’
Azul- those weird business yt shorts with like fake customer complaints and stuff (or kids content a la billion suprise toys because of the money)
Jade- ‘watch mushrooms grow in 1 minute (timelapse)’
Floyd- ‘Should I eat my toothbrush?’ ‘I ate my toothbrush’
Kalim- dance vids and magic carpet rides
Jamil- pissing people off intentionally (anonymously say something extremely offensive or controversial and watch the chaos unfold)
Vil- beauty hacks and advice
Rook- wildlife vids: ‘picking flowers in the wild’ ‘skinning and gutting a rabbit’
Epel- also workout vids (or something about the countrylife)
Idia- anime AMVs and unboxing
Ortho- national threats: (has a nuke in the background) “if you don’t stop bullying my brother I’m going to bomb the shaftlands”
Malleus- doesn’t know how to YouTube, doesn’t post anything. Lilia made an account for him and Sebek and Lilia are the only people following it.
Lilia- gaming videos or family vids with Diasomnia
Sebek- that one annoying guy in the comments who’s like “excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Malleus Draconia?”
Silver- doesn’t post anything but appears in Lilia’s videos.
I made this at like 1 am enjoy
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like-likes · 1 month
I've just inherited my late father's farmhouse. No I'm not kidding - That's why I haven't posted in a few days. My husband and I decided to take over his old colonial house after lots of consideration with the current housing market being ridiculous and unaffordable and such.
The house needs a complete room to room cleaning, fresh paint, a few major repairs and many minor repairs. 2000+ sq feet of living space with an enormous attic. Thankfully it has a newer heating system and a new roof already. I already had the septic tank repaired while we were prepping the house to go on sale last fall.
So I guess in a way I am playing Stardew Valley IRL, The property sits on a 4 acre lot. I can't see my neighbors... Surrounded by trees,,, It's beautiful! There is a barn foundation/pit we like to use for cozy little fires. I'm really happy for the opportunity to honor my late father in bringing life back to this old house. I'm also pretty excited for our 2 kids to get out of the suburb/city and into this much quieter, slower paced place. I lived here when I was their age. It's peaceful.
Anyway, got to get going... I'm thinking of starting a side blog for the before and after pictures and overall process. Or would you like to have me just post them here? hmmm....
I'll still play Stardew - I always come back to it! Yes at the moment - My mind is filled with ideas on how to make this place a happy beautiful home that reflects some of the original style of the house (colors for the walls, curtains, rugs...) mixed with some modern comforts and designs...
My kitchen is going to be mushroom themed! Never had a themed kitchen before :) So fun!
See ya ;)
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yuurei20 · 4 months
Jade and Floyd Info Compilation part 34: Mostro Lounge, Jamil, Jack
Both Jade and Floyd work at Mostro Lounge, with the two of them running it by themselves during Book 6 after Azul is kidnapped.
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Floyd mentions that he has come up with a secret menu for the lounge but he seems less serious about it than Jade, with voice lines about swiping food meant for customers and running off when he is supposed to clean up.
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Jade describes himself as a waiter at the lounge but he also trains new employees, creates recipes, cooks, gets cookware repaired, expresses concern about leaving the lounge unattended and seems to always be on the hunt for new cuisine.
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Jamil does not seem to have a lot of overlap with Jade, but he is still of the opinion that everything Jade says sounds shady.
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Jamil may have less patience for Floyd’s mood swings than others and tries to sneak out of basketball practice when Floyd decides he no longer wishes to play.
Floyd says that Jamil plays basketball “like a goody-goody” and, until Book 4, he’d had no idea that Jamil is a vice housewarden.
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At the end of Book 4 he describes Jamil as “an enormous dirtbag” and during Halloween he references Jamil’s habit of intentionally pretending he is an underachiever when Jamil tells him to put in some actual effort, responding, “Right back atcha.”
Jamil seems to have low expectations for Floyd in general, saying he has reservations about how seriously Floyd is taking their assignments during Vargas Camp and reminding him that he can’t skip out on campfire duty, to which Floyd says he sounds like Azul.
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Jamil needs only minimal convincing to take up Floyd’s tasks at the end of the event after Floyd, Ruggie, Sebek and Jack succeed in Vargas’ final challenge.
Floyd says that Jamil’s habit of getting hung up on details isn’t preparedness: “More like paranoia, if you ask me.”
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Jack overlaps with the twins twice in two different vignettes: in one he accidentally throws away a log that Jade was using to cultivate mushrooms (believing it was trash), leading to him working at Mostro Lounge for a week in compensation. The twins seem to grow fond of Jack while he is there, giving him head pats and asking Azul if they can keep him.
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They overlap again when Jack mistakenly believes that someone is trafficking a dangerous potion through the school cafeteria. He immediately accuses Jade and Floyd, forcing his way into a briefcase that contains a beauty lotion (presumably for Vil). Jack apologizes for ruining the lotion and offers to them back for it.
Floyd mentions jump-scaring Jack during Halloween (“How can someone that big be such a fraidy-cat?”) and says he finds it weird that Jack went out of his way to pick a fight with him during Beanfest, but Floyd and Jack actually have that in common: they both have a thing about fighting people in general (and Leona specifically) at their strongest.
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panem-crustus · 9 months
I am the one and only Carbohydramancer on/ in the @wizard-island-trading-co! I am a Carbohydramancer, that is, a manipulator of Carbohydrates. A bread wizard, basically. My magics are based mostly on semantics. If it can technically be called bread, I can make it.
Pronouns: He/Him
Battery Acid Hawaiian Buns: An extremely potent electromagical power source. Boosts the power of any electromagical devices and machines hooked up to it. Requires Bottled Lightning and Lithium to bake. Handle only with insulated gloves.
Loaf of Armorsoul: Temporarily boosts defense In organic beings and repairs Automatons when consumed. Any bread baked using @odd-animated-armor's chest cavity results in this bread. This is the only way I've been able to replicate the recipe thus far.
UPDATED: Starlight Sourdough: A mystical, mostly untested recipe. A potent, edible source of mana that is arguably more appetizing than a vial of purple goo. I used the Spores of a rare Starlight Mushroom as yeast for a Sourdough Starter, resulting in a promising way to cultivate the notoriously finicky fungus. The recipe has been stabilized, and is being used as a mana power source for @wizard-island-trading-co's Moon-Garden Dyson-Swarm.
Starlight Sourdough-Based effects (made to order):
Total Cleansing: clears all magical status effects and transformations, aside from Trans Magics.
Vitality Enhancement: Enhances your body to handle deadly poisons and fight off any disease or other foreign infection .
SPONTANEOUS MANA COMBUSTION: Causes your mana pathways to overload and have a meltdown that deals devastating damage at the cost of your ability to use magic, at least until you can be properly healed. ⚠️USE WITH EXTREME CAUTION⚠️
Bread Bowls full of The Stew: They're bread bowls full of The Stew. Delicious. Mmmm stew. NOT LIABLE FOR ANY INJURY CAUSED BY THE STEW.
Accursed Garlic Bread of Breath Cleansing: Asexual Vampires Rejoice! Consumable for vampires and freshens the breath! All the good of garlic bread with none of the bad! Hurrah! Huzzah!
Sunlight Loaf: Imbued with Radiant Energy, this bread is a bite of sunshine on even the cloudiest of days. It perfectly replicates the nostalgia of Mom's cooking (or nostalgic equivalent) to give a bit of comfort when you need it.
Moonlight Loaf: Baked with Midnight Flour, this bread is a taste of darkness on even the sunniest of days. It perfectly replicates the traumatic experiences of your youth (or any point in your life) to add a dash of despair when you just need a good cry.
Need a pita with a purpose? A magical managerie of baked goods can be at your fingertips! Just tell me the desired effects and I'll see what I can do. I don't take money for my services, however. I take exotic ingredients from which to craft new and exciting pastries.
Please place your orders through the root post or askbox, thanks :)
Biscuit of Testicular Torsion: Leave this unsuspecting biscuit in your victim's fridge. They will eat it, guaranteed. Just wait and listen for the screams. Does not work on those who lack testes.
Baked Horrors: do not. dont. Don't do it you won't like it. Neither will they. Dont.
Bread That Gives @the-gnomish-bastard a migraine every time you take a bite of it: This bread's effects are a mystery.
Not Bread: this is just some gravel I shoveled off of a riverbed.
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aromanticautiesworld · 6 months
finn x fem reader whos really into science, rambles on a bunch and finn actually listena to her which she hasnt seen anyone do and actually CARE about what shes saying and immediately starts crushing (they were og friends but it just made her heart flutter and it was a pretty sunset)
YES YES ABSOLUTELY love this <- fixated on astrophysics since he was six and is considering becoming one in the far future
finn with a fem reader who’s a science nerd
word count: 745
Finn called you over for repairs to their telescope not too long ago, something about a fight with the Ice King where he cracked the lense. The sun had already gone down, and the stars (now more visible after all the human’s pesky light pollution was gone) came out of their hiding spots along with the crescent moon.
You stopped the video game you were speeding through, the call being a necessary distraction to pull you out of what would otherwise be many hours straight of gameplay, and a significant lack of self-care.
You pack your bag with snacks, and (of course) books about astrophysics and astronomy (just in case the hangout became a sleepover, or you suddenly needed them. Things can get very chaotic very quickly with Finn), two of your favorite and very closely related sciences. Unlike him, you didn’t want to adventure for your whole life, you did eventually want to become an astrophysicist, maybe study with Peebs.
“Why do you even have a telescope if you never use it?” You say, looking down at the new lense you were trying to install.
“‘Cuz we need it to see any incoming baddies,” Finn waves his sword around, whacking imaginary enemies.
“What about, like. Using binoculars instead,”
“Telescope sees better,”
“Fair point, fair point,” You raise an eyebrow at him, “You do actually know what it’s for, right?”
Finn pauses to think. “I mean…you look at the stars. At least I think you do. I dunno why you’d look at them through that when you can see ‘em perfectly fine from here,”
“It’s cool, trust me! It’s to see them in more detail,”
Finn stares blankly at you.
“So, in space, there’s, like. a hundred billion things—things we can’t even see from here—and this telescope lets you look at all the stuff you can’t see and all the stuff you can see but better,”
Finn sheathes his sword, “I thought there was just the stars, planets and the moon in space?”
“Oh, well. Yeah, but there’s also asteroids, meteoroids, all those decayed satellites from before the mushroom war, supernovas—oh oh oh! Do you know what a supernova is? They’re so cool—they’re basically a big, big star that after becoming a red supergiant they implode in this huge burst of energy that lasts years—and at the end it either makes a neutron star, or a black hole. Black holes are actually super cool too, they don’t let anything out—not even light! Most black holes are smaller than Ooo but there are some massive ones at the center of every galaxy—which is a whole other thing—that could’ve been formed by being compressed at the center of giant stars back in the ancient universe. Also, they’re probably going to be the last thing in the universe but because of hawking radiation eventually they’ll fade away too, and…um…”
You look back over at Finn, who now sat criss cross on the floor of the balcony. He’d been intently listening (even if he didn’t understand some of it) but in your eyes you were boring him. Most people don’t have the energy or desire to listen to your long rants about space, and once you start, the conversation fizzles out and they’re too tired to talk to you.
You look down at your hands, “Sorry, I was rambling again. We can talk about something else if you want, haha…”
“No, no no no,” He had zoned out many times during PB’s talks of numbers and other things kinda irrelevant to him, but for you it was different. Maybe he just likes hearing the sound of your voice, he doesn’t know. “Can you keep going?”
Your heart flutters.
Your rambling continues on into the night, moon and stars slowly moving across the skies. Finn doesn’t add much to the conversation, mostly watches with a fluttering feeling he couldn’t figure out in his chest. Man, you were pretty when you talked.
Many hours later (you don’t know it, but the sun’s coming up soon), you sit by Finn’s side, both of you sleepy from staying up all night.
Finn looks over to you, “Tonight was fun,”
You’re quiet, “…the funny thing is, most peeps don’t like to hear about it. The stars,”
“I wanna hear about the stars, if it’s you talking about them,”
Your eyes practically sparkle, and you pull him into a hug. Finn’s face grows hot, and he freezes before hugging you back.
“Tier one, dude,”
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Mc is actually nice for once part 2
you made him hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies!?
you didn´t have to Mc and not only that you´re even willing to spend the day with him doing whatever he wants
what a marvelous change of character
but it does make him curious about what made you act so out of character
you wouldn´t mind him asking some questions only the both of you would know, right Mc?
of course he isn´t suspicious of your motives or if it even is you, which means you shouldn´t worry about what he will ask you
now what to ask you
no Mc he will not take a day of to spend time with you
… and no acting cute won´t help you this time and yes he knows Diavolo told him he can take the day of
Barbatos will fight tooth and nail just so he doesn´t have to take a day of, but you need him to take a day of because you want to take him to gather rare tea leaves he was searching for
you actually had to drag him out of the castle, while Diavolo was cheering you on
you never saw him glare harder than he did in this moment
you got him poison? you didn´t have to!
not only that but you got it from a rare species of monster which is know for it´s ability to hide from others
impressive but of course his best apprentice would be able to get it and this is just what he needed for his newest recipe for a cake
what´s with the concerned look? you don´t have to worry he will save a piece for you
why do you look like you´re about to faint and why are you writing like you´re in a panic?
you got his type writer repaired? how did you manage that?
he was very grateful but suspicious because Mc doesn´t do nice things just for fun
but after confirming it´s you he made you some food as thanks
but he still kept an eye on you, because his second thought was thinking you might be dying either that or you got seriously sick
he was actually very unnerved when you said you´re nice just cause
he also kept Raphael close in case you did actually want something in exchange for doing something
if you did anything suspicious he would have Raphael pelt you with spears
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
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Good question! :0 The Glamrocks would be quite creeped out. And actually, so would the sister location gang!
What I had in mind for my circus gang was that their face plates are not meant to move around to make them look more life like. They have the face plates for easy repair, replacement, cosmetic changes, and easy access to the endoskeleton if needed. When the animatronic is active, the faceplates are locked up tight and are not meant to open while the animatronic is active. Again, its just for easy repair and replacements.
So since the animatronics are not meant to move their plates, if one of them looked in a mirror and their face plates moved or opened.? They'd freak out! That's not meant to open! I must be broken! And they'd run to an employee for help <XD
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Maybe! :0 I haven't thought that part of the story through but I wouldn't be against that idea!
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Funny how you say that when recently Browns headlights went out. Yeah he really does need glasses XDD
(He's fixed now btw don't worry👍)
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She wasn't intended to have much of a role in the AU, considering Mario and Luigi are the only humans in the mushroom kingdoms dimension..
Maybe she could have been a childhood friend that they knew? Maybe she was their next door neighbor? Or perhaps a customer of theirs? What ever role she had in their lives back on Earth, it wasn't meant to be significant enough to remember/miss her..
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The sister location gang? Prooobaly Circus Baby, with Funtime Freddy as a close second.
The Glamrock gang? Probably the daycare attendant XDD
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@neo-metalscottic (Post in question)
AAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :DD I'm so glad you liked my designs! And I'm also glad that my more mellow "go with the flow" vibe for Freddy was seen! That's what I was aiming for! :DD
As for the map bot question, yes! The beloved map bot is alive and well <XDD He's not a threat to Gregory currently and he thankfully doesn't bother the main cast much. He just hangs around until he sees someone in need of a map! XD
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Hmm,, good question. I think if Funtime Freddy was decommissioned but they kept the Bon's around?.. They wouldn't put the bons with Circus Baby or Ballora becuase they'd be out of place. Ballora and the reenas are humanoid. They're pretty, delicate, and are ballerinas. Circus Baby, Ennard and the Bidybabs are all humanoid as well and clown themed. With specific color palettes and a clown performance.
What they'd probably do is put them with Funtime Foxy and just expand his act to accommodate for the extra people. They'd make Foxy a magician/ringmaster and somehow incorporate the Bons into his act. Since him, Chica and the Bons are all animals it would fit better.
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You can just put it in a paint program and white out all the characters like I did. :0
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I did keep some of Jevil's powers from the game yeah. :0 But I've altered almost all of them in some way-
In the Grillby fight he's seen "teleporting" to avoid Grillby's attacks. I believe I saw a gif of Jevil teleporting and there looked to be a motion blur effect..? So I interpreted that as he doesn't necessarily disappear and reappear...? More he just moves incredibly fast.
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He miiight be able to turn into the scythe.? But I've mostly just interpreted that as he is able to summon a scythe to his hands when ever he may need it. I haven't made use of the cloning ability because, well, I didn't know he could do that- <XDD I'll definitely have to add that though!
For Goner kid I'm not too sure.. my version has her as Monster kids little sister. And I've seen a lot of interpretations of MK having fire breathing powers. Maybe she has fire related powers too..? Either way, it'll take a long time for her to remember the powers she has, and even longer to learn how to control them. So as it stands right now she's pretty defenseless..
Spamton is supposed to have most/all of the powers that original Spamton does in the game. But his attacks are kind'a.. broken. Spamton's physical injuries leaked down into his very soul and cracked it. So all of his attacks are messed up. I'd have to do some research on what his attacks actually are, and then make them broken if he ever tries to use them.
Like for example, 2/3 projectiles he summons will fly off in the wrong direction. Any weapons that he summons will have bent handles and break easy.. stuff like that :(
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I've heard about that power, but as far as I know Mario and Luigi just kind'a.. have that power naturally.? While in my AU, all the bros power come exclusively from powerups. If there was a Firebrand mushroom and a thunderhand flower? Sure! But if its something they can just do without any powerup assistance, then it wont fit into my AU.. :/
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(Video in question)
XDD I can see that happening to Shellington and Kwazii
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With DJ, Sun and Moon? Its very possible XDD
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I think they'd get a long great! My version of Funtime Freddy is toned down a bit compared to canon Funtime <XD No crazy, "HEY BAWN BAWN!!"
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(Post in question)
Yes! Even though he has nothing to do with sister location (as far as I can remember--) I've still thought about adding him in some kind of cryptic way.. 👀
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Nope! They're all very colorful and sparkly, but they are not intended to be Glamrocks. :}
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Yoooo that's a good idea! I'll have to at least do something with the Electrobab XD
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
Thank you!! :DD I cant fully retrace my thought process- But I believe I wanted to make the Minireenas not scary. So I gave them cute faces and dresses. But I thought that having all these tiny little doll girls running around might feel a bit creepy to little kids..
So I thought hey! What if I slap some wings on them and make them fly around like fairies?? And to make them even less scary, I can make them look like familiar bugs that kids like! Lady bug, butterfly, bumble bee, dragon fly... and then I thiiiink I designed Ballora after.? Or maybe Ballora being based on a butterfly was what first inspired me.?
Either way- Ballora is based on a Blue Morpho butterfly! Very pretty :}}
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Sorry, I don't take requests! But that's not a bad idea.. 🤔 Maybe someday XD
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Awe, thank you!! :DD I'm glad you like what I make!! :}}
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Jevil and Seam do not reveal their injuries to anyone unless they absolutely have to. And when they do, yeah its only to each other..
Like for example; if Seams eye socket started to hurt and it needed to be looked at/tended to. Seam would only feel comfortable having it tended to by Jevil. But the whole time he'd still be incredibly uncomfortable and would cover it back up as soon as he could..
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I'm not sure if I've answered this ask before and forgot to delete it, or if its an old ask that got buried and I never answered it at all-- either way!--
Yeah, Jevil would be pretty spooked by his original counterpart. Because original Jevil is clearly insane.. But he'd also feel kind'a bad for his original.. he's still trapped in a cell..
Seam is definitely envious of his original. He thinks his original got off easy. He doesn't even have shackles. And his stitched mouth doesn't seem to bother him..
My Goner kid arguably has it better than the original. Considering the original is still lost in the void somewhere..
And I intended for Grillby to encounter another version of him. Maybe not the original, but at least another version. He saw his other self with his daughter.. it was really hard for him..
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@luna-purple454 @elegysonnet (Post in question)
Sorry for the late reply you three! I was intending to draw a comic for this but I never got around to it.. haha,, <:D ..anyways-
What ends up happening is Papyrus offers to help. Seam is scared out of his mind but he ends up taking Papyrus' offer.
Papyrus picks up Jevil and helps Seam stand up. They make their way out of the dying forest, stepping over fallen trees and branches. All the while Papyrus is talking to Seam. "What's your name? Where are you from?" Seam tells him their names but that's about all he can manage to say through his trembling..
All the while they're walking something just.. feels really off. Why are all the trees and grass dead? Why is it so warm around here? Seam is sure he's seen this place before in other AUs. Isn't there supposed to be snow on the ground?
Eventually they make their way into snowdin. Seam was so stressed that he didn't really take the time to scan his surroundings. Although he did notice that they were walking through snow now. They get to Papyrus' house and walk inside.
The house is lit by candles, and all the lights are off. Seam and Jevil are put on the couch, Papyrus goes into the kitchen to make some soup for them to eat.
This when things takes a horrifying turn. While anxiously waiting for Jevil to wake up, Seam looks out the window..
The snow outside isn't like a blanket of snow. Rather its gathered in big piles. The big lumps of wispy snow cover the ground in front of the houses, but don't go into the forest and it isn't on any of the trees..
And then he notices.. there's children's shoes and coats buried in the.. "snow"..
Seam is a darkener, so he does not turn to dust when he dies. But he knows that AU's that have a snowdin town in it.. the monster's there turn to dust when they die.
There are mountains of bodies outside. What happened here? Who killed all those people? Thats why there's no power to the house isn't it? That's why its so warm, that's why all the trees are dead. The people who man the core are all dead. Everyone in this AU is dead, everything is dead. But who killed them? What happened?
..Did Papyrus....?
Horror washes over Seam. It was Papyrus wasn't it. He killed all those people. And now Seam is in Papyrus' house. He doesn't have the strength to get up, he cant run- he cant escape-
Its in that moment of pure dread.. that Jevil started to stir, and Papyrus walked back in..
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