#my autism gives me spoons
demontouched · 7 months
me, when i am not creating: *gets 8 hours of sleep, drinks enough water, eats 3 well rounded meals a day, does chores in a timely, organized fashion*
me: i am so bored, everything sucks, i just want to do something :(
me, when i am creating: *can't focus for shit, no sleep, food? water? don't know them, laundry? don't know her either*
me: this is so good, i'm so happy! look at all this stuff i'm making. i wonder why i have a headache and i feel like i got by a train...
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oranberrie · 1 year
Ah the autistic experience of randomly remembering a situation from your childhood and realizing things
#i asked a teacher once if I could go Over the needed word count and she said something mean in return in front of the class#i used to write essays for fun and I remember that I liked the topic and I definitely wanted to infodump in the essay#i attempted to stay calm and realized I was going to really start crying and excused myself to the bathroom#where a really kind upperclassman immediately noticed my distress and hugged me and helped me calm down#or how about. the first time someone gave me a hug I actually enjoyed. and it was because he hugged me with really tight pressure#whereas all hugs I’d had previous were light and always left me uncomfortable from touching and having to lean over awkwardly#i always felt like i was about to fall over in hugs because I would try to return the favor of light touches and overbalanced myself usually#or how about. or how about. or how about.#so on and so forth. the autism was there at every moment of my life and no one noticed. even now unless I point out specifics#or spoon feed people tidbits of research I’ve done that upends their biases#people tend to immediately refuse to acknowledge or believe me. i don’t have the money for a diagnosis nor do I desire any of the#discrimination that comes from having a formal diagnosis. and the lack of one is almost always a point of contention when I explain things#hell I used to refuse to consider the idea myself because it felt like I was taking away from other peoples experiences#which was stupid because as the great High School Musical once said. We’re all in this together.#did Not help that I had an ex years ago who I did voice my theories to and got shut down rather harshly#idk just feeling nostalgic for the childhood I could have had in a perfect world.#a world where people were kind. a world with better healthcare. a world with better research studies to broaden understanding of diagnoses.#i want to go back in time on multiple trips and give my younger self tight squeezing hugs so often through my childhood that I would never#have had to think that hugs were supposed to be something you just tolerate
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bunnyb34r · 9 months
I'm so burnt out my dudes
#explains why the past two weeks ive been at my limit/only have like 2 spoons to deal with after work and by god do they go fast#like the tolerance i have for anything is so low lately and im sure it's autism burnout :/#and idk what to do ab it bc i can't bring up the tism to my therapist bc oh youre not autistic. bitch i mask well ive had to for 20 years#straight! and i only talk to you for an hour once a month so like... how would you know#anyway i have 0 tolerance for like anything anymore and it's so frustrating#and sometimes i give into that and will seek out shit that will make me mad so i have SOMEBODY to blame my anger on#i dont interact other than reading/lurking but i sit here irl bitching to myself like 'yeah that happens bc youre a little fucking brat'#and most of the shit is stuff id roll my eyes at and scroll past in a good/neutral mood! but the burnout brain is like no theyre doing this#on PURPOSE they're like this to piss me off specifically. and it's like... how do i channel this energy into a non harmful way when#im so fucking burnt out? aside from stepping away from social media bc id seek it out elsewhere lmao trust me id pry ab my#cousins bc they are so fucking stupid and rude and the 'perfect' ones to latch onto and bitch ab bc my brain needs something to#justify this rage and anger and it's so stupid but sometimes that anger feels good? idk it's stupid but like i said i never interact#directly bc im not an asshole lmao im not gonna like call my cousins and be like lol yeah thats all your fault xoxo hope that helps bitch!#marquilla#idk where i was going with this lmao#this barbie has autistic burnout!
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transsexula · 3 months
I really wish people would be straight up about what they mean sometimes. When you ask me why I did something and I explain why I did it don't come back at me with "excuses"!!! What the fuck are you talking about, excuses? You ASKED I am now TELLING YOU WHY IT HAPPENED why are you mad at ME for telling you??? When you asked?????
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shirefantasies · 5 months
Congrats on 100 followers!!
What are some of your lotr headcanons?
Thank you so much 🥳 Ooooooh good question 👀 lessee *cracks knuckles* I’m going to do some regular one & some romantic ones, enjoy 😘
Some of my LoTR Headcanons!
✧ Aragorn may have worn Boromir’s bracers, but he also kept a drawing he found in his pocket. Turns out Faramir had drawn it one day when they were boys and his older brother held onto it until the end of his days.
✧ Legolas is so soft around little ones. He tries to act all like a wise guide but devolves into letting them climb him and carrying them up to rooftops for starlight stories. Doesn’t even care if they grab his hair or his ears, he’s still smiling so gently at them.
✧ Pippin is what would be called in modern days neurodivergent, more specifically with autism and ADHD. His parents and Merry were the most understanding ones, the ones who knew what he needed to hear and how he would process it best when others didn’t always understand.
✧ Legolas and Aragorn had the habit of singing together at fireside, quiet elvish songs, until one evening Gimli decided to put a stop to it with a dwarvish drinking song. In the end, the others find it so funny they learn it and join in, all three of them leaving their troubles for one night of song.
✧ Lord Elrond? Elrond of Rivendell??? Makes the best cup of tea in Middle Earth, fight me.
✧ Faramir teaches Pippin his favorite childhood game, probably something akin to chess, not really expecting the hobbit to enjoy it but Pippin ends up beating him out of sheer luck
✧ Frodo, Aragorn, and Legolas could have totally talked some shit in Elvish to each other and I firmly believe they did
✧ Arwen thinks of Lindir as a friend, but he’s so formal that in his mind such a lady could never see him so casually, leading to comical differences in the way they address each other
✧ Pippin wants a shit ton of kids some day. Sam is happy with around three, Merry wants a boy and a girl, Frodo isn’t sure he even wants children at all, but Pippin? He’s down for five to ten no problem, and he will be best friends with every single one.
✧ Eowyn teaches Faramir a bunch of horse riding tricks and he falls in love with riding as a sport, smiling as he takes in an act he only performed in war during a moment of pure joy and prosperity.
✧ Merry and Pippin are both such passionate kissers. OMG you will be breathless
✧ Elrond is the gentlest lover, handling his partner so carefully as if they were like gorgeous blown-glass in his hands and could break.
✧ Boromir is the type to grab his partner’s booty when they’re kissing in private
✧ Frodo’s ideal partner is not the smartest person or the most well-read, but someone with lighter spirits than his, someone who can never fail to bring a smile to his face and a laugh out of him.
✧ Faramir absolutely adores surprising you with flowers, so get ready to find them everywhere.
✧ Legolas is incredibly shy, inexperienced, and unsure with romance, so he prefers you to lead so that he can respond in kind, learning and studying with each touch, each act. He discovers his favorite thing is tracing a hand up and down your spine as you embrace.
✧ Gimli likes to act so rough and tough for someone who, in modern terms, would be called a massive simp, practically rolling out a red carpet for his partner and worshipping the ground they walk on, kissing them almost reverently unless the mood shifted deeper.
✧ Eomer is so good at giving massages, his partner will feel like royalty whenever he helps them relax
✧ He doesn’t look it, but Sam 100% would be the type to hold you up against a wall as he kisses you
✧ Aragorn enjoys being little spoon quite frequently. Fight me.
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Hey, love the post you make about obscure disabilities. Could you make/ have you made about dysgraphia?
Sure. This will be my post for disability pride month tomorrow. Which I'm posting now because I don't have the spoons to schedule it for tomorrow.
I hope you don't mind I turn this into a combo one because I have a hard time mentally processing one of these conditions without understanding all three.
(Obligatory I do not have any of these conditions. This is not meant to be a diagnostic tool. Please do your own research. I'm only answering a question that was asked of me and it's really hard for me to explain one of these without explaining all of the similar conditions to differentiate them.)
And I hope that you don't mind my poorer language skills right now I'm recovering from a server sinus headache I've had all day.
Dyslexia vs Dyscalculia vs Dysgraphia (bonus round Dyspraxia)
These issues have like, a 30% comorbidity rate. So if you have one there's a 30% chance you'll have either of the others. People with conditions may be perceived as "slow" but they are not intellectual disabilities (Not that there's nothing wrong with intellectual disabilities. I'm just pointing it out because people will say "you can't have dyslexia. You're so smart.")
But the fact that they're comorbid and often comorbid with autism and adhd causes some misunderstandings around the conditions because people think they have one condition and attribute all of their issues to the one condition with no knowledge that its not just one condition they're expressing.
Dyslexia is characterized by the limited processing and comprehension of graphic symbols, particularly those regarding language. People with it have poor reading skills, flipping letter sequences and words, and poor handwriting. Although it is a learning disability, it's important to note that dyslexia does not impact a person's intelligence, although they may seem slower due to poor language processing skills. (There's nothing wrong with disabilities that impact intelligence, I just don't want people saying "he can't be dyslexic because he's so smart".)
Many representations of dyslexia often exhibit letters tap dancing across the page, shape shifting, and doing backflips. It's important to note that these are incorrect representations, because it's really hard to give a visual representation of what people with dyslexia experience. However, it's really harmful to express dyslexia in this fashion as it leads to people thinking that they don't have dyslexia when they actually do.
As I understand it, dyslexia is the eyes/ brain being able to flow seamlessly when reading large blocks of text. Ways to combat this is cut out a strip to block off lines when you read them. Use a highlighted strip of paper to highlight lines as you read them.
Fun fact, there's a few fonts that space the letters well enough and differentiate similar letters enough that make it easier to read. Comic Sans font is the most widely accessible accessibility tool for dyslexic people as it's one of the easy to read fonts that on every machine. (These accessibility tools have proven to make everyone read faster, dyslexia or no. But people with dyslexia have found them instrumentalin functioning. )
Another fun fact. Rick Riordan wrote Lightning Thief so that his dyslexic son could have representation in a character that had the same disability as him.
Dyscalculia is often called "math dyslexia". People with Dyscalculia have issues with numbers. They have poor math skills, issues interpreting graphs, issues doing basic arithmetic, issues understanding things like place value, issues understanding time especially when it comes to reading an analog clock, and issues seeing patterns. This often causes a high level of anxiety around math. Some reports say these people have issues with directions, remembering locations, and reading maps (though research is inconsistent on that one).
Dysgraphia is easy to mix up with dyslexia, which is why I needed to write all these out. Where dyslexia is difficulty reading. Dysgraphia is difficulty writing. Symptoms include difficulty writing words, expressing thoughts in written form, and organizing and processing your thoughts. This can cause issues with social communication for obvious reasons.
These people also may have fine motor perception issues, writing in a straight line, spacing their letters correctly, etc. Especially fine motor skills around writing. They may also have issues with grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
Bonus Round:
This one gets mixed with dyslexia two. Dyspraxia is issues with spacial awareness. They often say they can't tell where their limbs are in space. They may have issues with coordination, walking in a straight line, and balance. It's very hard for me to conceptualize, but people that have it may say that they bang their limbs against things due to poor spacial awareness. Which honestly, relatable. I've slammed me calf into a door before. And my shoulder blade. How? Good question.
These people have issues in social situations because their entire focus will be on their coordination, not making a mess, and not making a fool of themselves, etc. Their issues actually get better when they drink because the stress of sucked situations makes it worse and alcohol loosens them up. (I'm not advocating for drinking, but saying that the issues resolving when your drink validates your dyspraxia, not invalidates it.)
I think a lot of people that know of the condition may think people with low depth perception have dyspraxia. A lot of people have told me they think I have dyspraxia because my lack of depth perception negatively impacts my spacial awareness.
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void-ink-studios · 7 months
Prohibitedwish rambling I haven't seen in many (or any) fics but would like to pretty please
Y'all seemed to like my rambling in the last post, so have some more! I have a lot of thoughts about these two, okay? These might be more like prompts of fanfic I would write if I had the spoons for it.
Scarab having chronic pain/balance issues. The ripped wings head cannon (which I can imagine gets phantom pains or never healing right), along with people noticing his missing antenna (which is critical to a lot of insects for balance and orienting themselves), and I've had many thoughts about it. Scarab using his cane as a weapon to hide the fact he's not stable on his legs. Keeping himself prim and proper to disguise the fact he's on the verge of shaking because what's left of his wings hurts so much. And of course, Prismo notices. He notices his new roommate/frenemy teetering without his cane or hiding in the Time Core shaking in pain.
Prismo does not strike me as the type to say no to people. He's everybody's friend, he knows that's his reputation, and he does what can to maintain it. Meaning, he says yes to a lot of things he doesn't want to do. Scarab notices. And maybe, after they've developed a more mutually friendly relationship, and Prismo has helped Scarab be less defensive with people who might actually be chill with him, Scarab returns the favor. He defends Prismo and helps him get the ability to say no. Maybe to unruly gods, or even exceptionally rude wish makers.
Scarab gets really into some kind of craft or hobby (like Prismo's pickle making or banjo lessons) and at first tries to hide it because liking things are for losers and opens you up to hurt, but then Prismo actually likes/encourages it. It culminates in Prismo giving Scarab his own little room for it, like the pickle chamber.
Prismo reconnecting with his friends, with Scarab as a new addition to the group. Cosmic Owl and Death seem like good bros (at least before New Death takes over, but I don't know where in the timeline between Fionna and Cake and Together Again that falls). Scarab is hella awkward, and everyone's kind of cagy about him, but the walls eventually come down. They're all losers and dorks, but they can be that together.
This isn't really a prompt but an observation: Their whole dynamic is Scarab's "Must follow routine and rules to the letter" autism clashing with Prismo's "deadlines and regularity are poison and I will wither" ADHD. They overlap in a fanfic hyper fixation.
If anyone ends up using these ideas, please tag me so I can read it!
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
i know this isnt the meme but i would LOVE to hear your mumbo hot takes. whats the characterization thats important to you but "isnt canon" or "is only constructed from your own internal logic inscrutable to anyone else". or otherwise overlooked or underrepresented -girltws
OKAY SO. various mumbo things that are important to Me Specifically in his characterization:
if you have reduced mumbo to grian's emotional rock, you are writing mumbo wrong. mumbo CAN be the one who is acting as the emotional rock, but in the sense of. anyone who is close friends with another person can be. he's not a well-put-together, emotionally intelligent man, though. (i mean. okay IRL mumbo is probably a pretty well-put-together man from what i understand but you know what i'm trying to say.)
further point deductions if either mumbo's sole characteristic is "grian comforter" or "grian comforter about scar", a late-joining addition to my list of grievances.
also further point deductions if you write the grian/mumbo/scar trio but have put absolutely no thought whatsoever into how scar and mumbo interact.
(the above three items incidentally are often the ones that end up problems in the specific kind of watcher angst fic i find hard to read.)
mumbo is not responsible. he will, however, be appropriately flustered and concerned about irresponsible actions. this is not the same as being responsible, and his SCALE for what is or isn't irresponsible and should be worried about is wildly out-of-tune.
mumbo will also retaliate but he will be so wet and floppy about it. he gives as good as he gets he's just also pathetic about it the whole time. do you understand me.
mumbo is a guy who really, really wants his world to fall into order. this is not the same as being a stick in the mud or something - i am going to gesture at everything mumbo does in season eight, actually, as a really good example of "mumbo wants his world to be ordered but he doesn't necessarily mean for it to follow the same rules as everyone else, it's just ordered by his own internal rules". literally everything mumbo does about the potato situation and also the moon situation falls into this. another good example is the whole hobbit thing during hcbbs i think.
oftentimes, mumbo's attempts to maintain an ordered world that makes sense to him makes the world much more nonsensical, both to himself and everyone else. this then has a tendency to spiral.
also, mumbo is, in fact, smart. like, he's also a spoon, but he IS smart, and people lose that sometimes a bit, i think. (or lean too hard into 'smart redstone guy' and then make him the responsible adult for some reason.)
..........when i write mumbo he normally also comes out autistic gonna be honest here. this is at least 50% projection but is also somehow vital to characterizing him in a way i like, i think.
honestly the stuff about "mumbo wants an ordered world but is also a very chaotic person" and the autism beam are probably the most singularly "i am pretty sure these are just me" things and also i'm never good at explaining characterizations i like in plain language but something like this,
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 2 months
Hi there my online name is Claudia and I’m autistic and I’m also a mom of an autistic 6 yr old boy. I made a website called autism-awtysm.com for parents of autistic kids (geared towards neurotypicals) and I wanted feedback for it.
I so far have reviewed products on it and made some suggestions for other products but I am going to be expanding on it and adding more in depth info covering things such as the horrors of ABA therapy (might not call it exactly that tho) and why Autism $peaks is not good, stuff like that.
I want to be an informational hub for parents to be able to go to get advice from an actually autistic parent of an autistic child.
Eventually I’m going to branch out into my community irl as well and make a place for parents to share and exchange products they have tried for their kids that they no longer need etc.
But for now I wondered if you or maybe your followers had the spoons to give me some feedback on the website, for example accessibility, usefulness so far, or whatever y’all can think of to mention.
If that’s okay, if not feel free to ignore me lol. Thanks for your time!
Hi there,
I would really like to look at this website. My followers could be interested too.
Feel free to share it whenever you want
Thanks for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 1, Poll 14
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Ashton Greymoore-Critical Role
chronic pain due to literally shattering into pieces and being put back together with molten gold. canon nonbinary [he/they]. i don’t have the spoons for a ramble on their character arc but i am holding them gently in my little hands.
Has chronic pain and TBI and goes by he/they pronouns
They are canonically depicted with chronic pain. This a major part of their character development and how they interact with other characters in the campaign. The actor who portrays them is also bisexual and deals with chronic pain; Taliesin Jaffe.
they’re a punk-rock punk rock!! he has cool quantum powers and a huge glass hammer!! they’re slowly learning to live with the mortifying ordeal of having people that care about them and that he cares about in turn!! what’s not to love
A literal jaded punk rock. They were soft once... and then they turnd into stone. His body was shattered and glued back together by his enby housemate with melted gold. They have a hole in their head covered with glass through which you can see the brain and the chaos magic that brought them back from the brink of death. They're Constantly in pain and sometimes they don't remember who they screwed over(they crime) and what their relationship is like with people. He's a barbarian and when he rages he warps time, space, gravity or probability around him. Strongest member of their group/family Bells Hells. There's strength, but there's pain. There's pain, but there's strength. I love him very much. I'm not enby, they still give me gender envy (just like every other of his creator's characters). His coping mechanisms are not healthy in any way and he means a lot to me.
See above. Also, Ashton uses he/they pronouns and is canonically aromantic.
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @hawkeyeloveshawkeye is the third submitter.
Robin Buckley-Stranger Things
Canon lesbian and VERY heavily coded to be neurodivergent in some way (but it's the '80s so she's not catching a diagnosis any time soon). And by very heavily coded I mean literally says the words "I don't really have a filter, or a strong grasp of social cues."
Canon lesbian with an iconic coming out scene! Is also described as hyper, knows a shit ton about languages (and in fact knows 4 including English) and films and rabies, is bothered by certain textures, is distracted easily but also notices a lot of smaller details, talks very fast, and doesn't have a good grasp of social cues. Also of note is that she mentions taking 6 months longer to walk than most babies, which is notable because developmental delays usually accompany autism. Robin is also noted to be less coordinated or balanced than her peers (to the point that there are a couple moments where another character reassures her about doing something requiring coordination) as well as being a "weird runner." This could possibly point to dyspraxia, which in addition to being it's own thing, is also known to have high rates of comorbidity in those who have ADHD and/or ASD. With all of this in mind, a lot of people see her as having ADHD or Autism, or even having them both. Again, it's not like she can just get diagnosed in the show to confirm it given the time period (hell, it's hard for people, particularly women, to get diagnosed even today). Additionally the lack of vocabulary to properly explain her experiences, or for other characters to do the same in regards to Robin is also due to the time frame (See: "she's hyper", "a weird runner". That being said the first time has the character saying it later befriend her and the latter ends up being used in a more fond manner. Even Robin herself mentions thinking that her whole life is "one big error", because, again she doesn't have any resources to show her what might be going on). As a nice side note, her friends generally treat her well, such as the aforementioned instance of reassuring her in an area she feels less confident in, and her friends in general enjoy her company and stick by her if need be, which I thought was nice (One of whom she has come out to, which makes it all the more meaningful in conservative small town Indiana in the '80s because... yeah.) Basically, there's a lot of evidence and also I just really like her character so here we are. Given season four is where a lot of this comes up, I am whacking away anyone who said she got annoying in season four.
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goodbyeapathy8 · 5 months
Departure letter
As mentioned in this post, that outlines why I needed to let this be my last message in the Kindergarten Mafia Discord server... here is the Scathing Letter™. ------------------------
It is time for me to go. 
I absolutely loathe having to do a departure announcement because this is not an airport and I’m sure not a lot of people care. 
But as someone who has spent 10+ years of their life actively decolonizing and liberating my viewpoints, it would be absolutely remiss for me to not leave final remarks here expressing my utter disappointment and feelings of not being safe in this space. Not just as POC but someone chronically ill and autistic. Y’all have not made it kind for someone who has any sort of marginalized identity, as evidenced by the public dogpiling in this thread as well as the now deleted messages in clarifications.
I’m not going to address the majority of the drama except for what started it all : someone refusing a Native person’s (well-deserved) call out for a culturally appropriative phrase. 
It is devastatingly clear to me that a large portion of folks in this server have a poorly curated personal life extremely lacking in diversity. 
The defensiveness and elitism (really? Dictionary definitions?). Refusal to actively listen and instead attack others about lacking critical thinking. Self-claimed expertise. I could go on. 
So I revise what I had posted previously. Everyone is a little racist and this server is full of white supremacy tenets. 
This is my last attempt at educating some of you, which will go poorly, I’m sure. 
I spent an inordinate amount of time/energy/spoons to provide coherent context the last time but to find the entire thread deleted with no respect for the effort I spent there, has been one of the final straws. 
Frequently mentioning your volunteer status is frankly laughable. I have volunteered for quite a few places, including mutual aid organizations, and across multiple timezones and never have I seen so many excuses to say that y’all do not care about POC. (1/2)
I don’t care how old anyone is, what their job IRL is, what works you’ve posted with how many kudos, etc. I *do* care about the fact that multiple people, when speaking up, are treated with callousness and hurtfulness. That is a larger indication of your mental age and capacity than any other words you can type. 
That I felt safe enough to be so vulnerable in this space for a while was an illusion. There are continued indicators that POC words are ignored, especially calling out that I know both Jynx and William have requested their labor be deleted in the server but have not been. 
Last, but not least, I’m sure people will read this and think oh it’s Phoenix banding together with their friends. I say this with as much passion I can muster : I would have the same amount of disdain for the actions seen in this server without any personal friendship ties and emotions. That is how the social justice aspect of my autism works. 
You all have so much work to do when it comes to respecting other human beings that have different experiences than you. If I weren’t so consumed with the feelings of my actual divorce, recent termination, and the continued trauma of world events like that in Falasteen, I’d feel bad for you. 
As it stands, I believe my energy is precious and I simply cannot spare any more in spaces where I (and others) am not welcome or given respect to. Let it be noted that I’ve actually gone viral on social media before and I still have not left THOSE spaces and yet am choosing to leave this one. The troll comments I received on Tiktok can be ignored because they are from complete strangers that I do not give a single fuck about. The ones here, purportedly from those who claim it’s “safe”, are even more insidious in nature. 
Whatever race or ethnicity you are, to take people who have shown you their vulnerabilities and turn around to show your entire behinds in the least sexiest way ever, is not a good look. Ever. 
Leave the ass scenes to KinnPorsche. 
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sensivs · 2 years
My hcs on my fav cod boy: KÖNIG :D !!!!!
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• I personally think that König has a soft music taste, he listens to lofi and instrumentals. But he also has a playlist that is completely different from what he regularly listens to. (He’s a huge weeknd fan btw) (oh and also a huge Tyler the creator fan)
• The most softest boy in the world, both physically and relationship wise. He has a skin care routine that he follows religiously, he also loves being cuddled, he likes being the little spoon since it makes him feel more closer to you.
• Writes love letters and leaves them on the counter when knows he’s going to be away for a while.
• Writing and listening to music are both coping mechanisms for him!!
• He LOVES back hugs, whether it’s giving or receiving, he just loves them so much.
• Movie nights are an absolute YES for him, he loves being by cuddled you, but he also accepts cuddling you.
• He’s a more giving guy more than a receiving guy, he always thinks that when you give him gifts he’s just wasting your money on him:(
• He loves having his hair played by you, if you give him any sort of physical affection he just melts in your hands. He’s so cute:(((
• Huge bubble bath fan
• ADHD vs Autism (he has adhd)
• silly little goofy goober<3333333333
• no joke he has a serious problem with being extremely loud when he’s having sex
• He’s loud both dicking you down or you dicking him down
• He tries his very best to try to quiet down but its just too hard for the sweet boy:(
• Not fond of degrading, he’s too soft for it :c
• But is a super huge fan of praise
• Tries everything to make you feel the best you’ve ever felt
• 10 inches, curves to the left a bit, very girthy, doesn’t know how to work it but tries his best
• Gets flustered very easily
• Loves gripping the sheets or gripping your shoulders.
• Sometimes scratching your back when things are getting intense, the first time he found out he was the one leaving scars on your back he cried. Poor bby:c
• He can go for hours but if he thinks he’s doing too much he just stops to ask if you’re alright.
• When you both had IT for the first time he was really insecure of his large package and thought you couldn’t take it, but when you did he was very impressed and made sweet love to you.
• Gets very sensitive after the first round
• Sweet most of the time, rough when you ask him to be 🤭🤭
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vallikesgivinghugs · 1 year
Big spoon autistic this, small spoon autistic that. No, no.
I bring you, spoon size/utensil type depends on what specific food you're eating and you can't eat that food with the wrong one or else autistic.
Like I can only eat yogurt with a tiny baby spoon but eating soup or stew with a little spoon give me the super jeebies and I will actively avoid that option. And this happens for several other foods, some of which I can only eat with fork even if it would be easier to eat it with a spoon. (A pie that's kinda liquidy like a blueberry pie or something would be easier to eat with a spoon, that way you can get tge juice but no. I cannot eat pies with anything but a fork without feeling uncomfy.
And the thing is I have no idea why it's like this. Why those specific foods have to be eaten with specific utensils to make my brain happy when for other foods i'm completely fine. Maybe it my ADHD and autism fighting over wanting a routine and throwing the routine to the curb. Who knows.
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frogmanfae · 9 months
Newsies as Things I Heard This Week Number 4
It's a long one
Medda: That was vewy scawy
Race: she did not just say vewy scawy in front of a class at 7 am on a Monday-
Blink: *shows duck earrings*
Elmer: *gasp* I love him his name is jaramiah
Blink: No
Elmer: Yes
Blink: All my ducks are nonbinary
Elmer: ...Their name is jaramiah then idfc
Davey: Can the sun just... Go away for a minute?
Race: Forever. It can just blow up and be gone
Davey: ...No then we'd all be dead
Katherine: Omg I love your outfit!
Sarah: Oh thank y-
Katherine: It's giving like... Rosie the Rivitor we can do it but like... Gay
Sarah: ...
Sarah: Thank you...? I actually love that hold on-
Hotshot: Why do you have 2 sandwiches??
Spot: One of them is for Race
Hotshot: Oh
Albert: Awww they're having a lunch date
Spot: *glares*
Albert: ...No response?
Spot: *GLARES*
Albert: Why are you looking at me like that?
Elmer: *shrugs*
Albert: ...Is it because I just swore really loudly and angrily from the other room?
Elmer: Yeah what was that about?
Albert: The spoons fell when I opened the silverware drawer
Elmer: That seems like an appropriate response
Albert: Shut up
Morris Delancey: Do you ever like see an Elephant shit and like... You like it? Like like like I don't know! But like! I liked it! I don't know! It's just like- *very clearly desperately trying to be relatable and floundering*
Denton: *walking past a group of students eating lunch* Hey I just had triscuts today!
Davey, the guy who brought an entire box of triscuts: They're good right?
Denton: They've been around for 50 years! *leaves*
Race: ...Guys what's a triscut? ... What's a triscut???
Davey, about Romeo: He drank a whole can of tomato soup in the middle of band! Like uncooked unheated, not diluted, straight up- like who does that?? What is he- ashuguwah
Jack: She said we don't have total freedom in America because if we did you could just say you're hungry go to your neighbors house take their baby and eat it
Davey: ...Yeah I don't know what's happening right now but we have work to get started
Race: Om nom
Jack: What??
Davey: *pokes boob with bass drum mallet*
Sarah: *mid sentence* :0
Buttons: Look at me! The football fan! I loove NFL footba-
Crutchie: Shut the fuck up
Buttons: :0
Crutchie: You are a lying piece of they/them shit
Davey: *writing something on notebook paper*
Race: I asked you if you had note book paper and you said no!
Davey: No I didn't?
Race: Yes you did!
Davey: You came with me to my locker to get this??
Race, gay: *shows Jack a picture of a guy*
Jack, bisexual: Smash
Katherine, bisexual: Eh, pass
Jack: Of course you say that it's a guy
Katherine: I am attracted to men
Race: Uh huh
Jack: Hey do you ever think about color theory?
Race: Oh yeah all the time
Katherine: Uh wait back track what do you mean uh huh???
Romeo, watching a video of an artist slowly revealing his work: I'd tap. Not him, the drawing. Oh wait its of a woman nevermind
Race: *steals Davey's phone out of his lap* I just took your cock
Davey: *not paying attention, writing notes* oh I'm just making a...
Race: Did you hear me?
Davey, now realizing Race did not, in fact, ask him what he was doing: ...
Davey: *sigh*
Jojo: Look at this *shows Romeo a video*
Romeo: Ooh
Romeo: I'd fuck a... Biblically accurate angel...
Jojo: ...
Jojo: That's a weird kink
Elmer: I like shiny things
Buttons: Of course you do, faggot
Elmer: :0
Elmer: Periodt
Davey: *random noise random noise* I have autism *random noise random noise*
Race, watching asmr: Ooh I think I'm gonna like this... Oh yeah. Yeah I like that. Hot knife and gummy worm, that's a new kink
Davey: Pff-
Race: I wonder if if that says anything about me
Race: I'm gonna send you into epidemiological shock
Davey: Is that a thing?
Race: *looks at notes he's currently writing on epidemiology*
Romeo: Why are you fondling nuts like that
Albert: *drops Race's phone* oh shit-
Race: You!... Hooker!
Sarah: I wanna take my hoodie off but I'll look like a whore
Davey: I cried over harry potter’s dead parents yesterday
Race: the line has been drawn
Davey: Get off your phone!!
Race: Noo!
Davey: You have a concussion!
Race: I don't care!!
Davey: Brain damage is no joke!
Race: Ho life or no life
Sarah: Hey I also have a flannel on!
Davey: Woah
Sarah: You'll just never see it cuz I have a hoodie-
Davey: You're gay too!
Sarah, who has a whole ass girlfriend: Ew! Gross! Don't call me that slur!!
Albert: I don't understand why I can't just drink water it's like- gsgatsv!
Denton: ...Okay I'm gonna start class now
Elmer, talking about things he'll remember after high school: With the black mold trombone!!
Race: Black mold trombone will go down in history
Race: Okay but first, water bottle flip
Race: You know what makes me happy? Pheromones
Jack: Why are you so obsessed with pheromones??
Race: Because I- actually I'm not gonna say that
Specs: Did you know that nothing would happen if you threw a glass of water on the sun? *yelling* THIS IS BECAUSE THE WATER WOULD NOT REACH THE SUN
Crutchie: I miss covid
Denton: I just wanna watch the football and go home
Race: watch the football
Davey: watch the football
TW SH JOKE Jack: I hope all cutters go to hell. Not like arm cutters like line cutters. I'm going to hell anyway because I'm gay
Albert, singing a choir warm up at band: Mango mango mango mango mango mango mango mango banana banana banana whoo
Crutchie: I'm not in choir but I recognize that and I just realized you're autistic
Denton: That was weak. That was weak sauce. But I think it worked *enthusiastic thumbs up*
Elmer: I know my flowers
Spot: He does, he went to flower camp
Elmer: I did, it was fuckin SICK
Denton: Good news, you both exist!
Jojo: It's good to exist!
Crutchie: ...Okay
Spot: I'm gonna eat you and kill you
Davey, out of nowhere: *soft gasp* heliocase...
Race: Can you imagine if cells bullied each other? Like like "pff- you got a goofy lookin nucleas, idiot"
Spot: I'm gonna eat you, chew you up, and show your pieces to the world
Albert: Imagine just getting home from a long day of work and you just get c o n s u m e d
Elmer: It's super pretty cool
Jojo: Super pretty cool?
Elmer: Super pretty cool
Jojo: Oh nice
Race: I can't get embarrassed
Albert: You-
Albert: But-
Race: I've never been embarrassed in my life
Race: Yeah I don't even think I'd know what that feels like
Spot: What about when you got something nicknamed the "toddler disease" as an adult
Race: :0
Race: Look that's-
Spot: Even if you're not embarrassed, you *should* be!
Race: :00
Spot: Loser! With your toddler immune system !!
Race: Thats just dirty
Davey, a science teacher: What did you get out of reading this study? (About an experiment performed on lizards)
Class: *silence*
Davey: Did you.... Did you like it or-
Splasher, a student: Lizard...
Davey: What was that?
Splasher: For my senior pictures I'm gonna have a bearded dragon
Davey: Uh... Okay did you like the study or-?
Medda: I would never get rid of any of my beloved cello players!
Medda: ...
Medda: *holds up L on forehead*
Race: Pff-
Medda: No! I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I wouldn't get rid of Romeo!
Romeo: :0
Sarah: *zoning out in class, internally* omg his pockets are really deep
Denton: We've all heard that phrase before, we know what that means-
Myron: *has never heard the phrase ever* We? All??
Spot: *threateningly* you'll be the next lizard I test
Davey: *about science* it's like lasagna. It makes you want to choke but you love it because it's your favorite food
Denton: You should read the titles of some of these studies. I mean some of the TITLES are like a paragraph long I can only imagine what the articles are-
Denton: I suppose that's an analogy you could make
Romeo: It's just like Fall Out Boy for real
Jojo: Does that mean if I step on a baby I'm 72℅ Jesus? (I have no idea what this was about)
Davey: *sneezes*
Sarah: How dare you!
Katherine: *at the same time* bless you
Davey: Thank you, KATHERINE
Albert: I run at 5:40 every morning
Finch: Why would you-
Albert: I don't like it :(
Jack: Man come 8pm and I am WORTHLESS
Medda: I know student schedules are very busy so I won't give you any homework so you guys can focus on... Whatever you do... Homework, practices, jobs, injecting lizards with bacteria...
Katherine: I'm an advocate for highlighters I will always support highlighters
Jack: 🤨
Katherine: I support highlighters rights
Race, a scientist in the middle of a big project, exhausted out of his mind: *on the phone* honey, I- I can't watch the kids tonight. I got all these lizards to invest with bacteria and they're all dying and it's my- I did this to them
Spot, also exhausted out of his mind: And you did the kids to me you better get your ass home!
Davey: *loudly cracks his back*
Crutchie: ... BRO-
Davey, as if this happens a lot but this time in particular was bigger: That was intense
Denton, freshman academic biology teacher: It's that time of year where all the freshmen are like "I hate academic biology academic biology is so hard!" and all the sophomores taking advanced chemistry are like "I miss academic biology academic biology was so easy..." *big sigh* it's the same every year. Falls right in line with the pumpkin spice
Buttons: You can't make jokes like that, Mr. Denton
Denton: Yes you absolutely can and you should it was a good one
Davey, teaching a class: I have an occasional glass of red wine but other than that I'm not too wild
Les, a student in said class: Oh please
Davey: ...What?
Les: You heard me
Race: If you were a woman, you were a prostitute. It's what you did
Katherine: What history class are you in??
Crutchie: The sun is blindi- oh my god! What iss that??
Finch: It's new with the reset
Crutchie: What is that bright... /thing/??
Finch: It came with the latest update
Denton: Your lungs look like a carpet! A very outdated carpet, nobody makes carpet like that anymore. When I was a kid everyone's grandma had that carpet
Davey: Anyone else think that's super cool?
Everyone else: *silence*
Davey: Just lie to me
Race: Whoo!
Jack: Incredible!
Albert: So dope!
Davey: Yeah! There we go! Awesome!
Blink: Anyone? Just a piece? A little piece of inflammation?
Elmer, about Pulitzer; I don't think he sleeps.
Crutchie: Pff-
Elmer: No seriously. He responds to emails at midnight and he's at the school by 4 am. And he lives like 2 towns away.
Crutchie: Holy shit
Elmer: I know
Spot: Yeah! I got a jar and you don't!
Albert: Disgustingly gross child of Satan.
Race: Noo don't say that about yourself!
Albert: That's my dad. Satan.
Race: Oh. I mean yeah.
Race, a physics teacher: Alright! Sorry for the interruption, we were saying-....
Race: ...
Race: Position time graph! We-
Race: ...
Race: What were we talking about? Slope!
Davey: *drops paper* that's unfortunate
Sarah: What's up with that? It's like 2 pieces of paper. You can't handle 2 pieces of-
Davey: Shut the fuck up
Crutchie: Cholera! Hello!
TW SUICIDE JOKE Crutchie: You're the cell
Jack: What?
Crutchie: The cell is like "kill me please" you're the cell
Jack: :0
Davey: And then you walk into your- SNEEZE CLOUD!!!
Davey: I'm so gay, I love Crash Course with Hank Green
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angelpuns · 10 months
Alr! RA has done a little googling and reading and so far what I've found is it probably isn't time blindness, but general time distortion. So according to this psychology website I found generally time awareness and such are, as most things are, connected to dopamine and we all know certain things (adhd, ptsd, autism, really most mental illnesses/disabilities) mess up your dopamine levels (it's also connected to norepinephrine which is basically adrenalin), so the main thing I saw that messed with your perception of time is waiting for something that gives you a boost of those. Generally it's a pretty common experience for it to feel like getting what you want is taking forever, but because with most of the previously listed disabilities/illnesses, a person would tend to get hyperfocused on what they want and it'll also feel like it's taking forever. It could also happen at random because again, with those, your dopamine levels especially are all out of wack and when that's messed up, everything controlled by it is messed up too, hence the time distortion. That's just what I found, I'm taking a psychology course this year in highschool so I'll ask if we can talk about that a bit too! :3 hope that helps a little.
Ahhh that makes sense. I've been like this since I had a big thing happen back in October ( thankfully it also coincided with me getting into tmnt so yay ) so it makes sense that waiting for something good to happen is messing with my funny lil head :)
It really does feel like things are passing me by sometimes even though some of them happen say of and I just??forget :///
Oh well, it is what it is. Hopefully when I get my own space again my mental health will start being a bit better.
Thank you RA!!! I usually look into this stuff myself, but I've got a lot less spoons lately than I usually do ;-;
I hope you enjoy your class!!!! Tyyyy
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acidsplashes · 4 months
I want to learn more about different Transformers characters 0:
‼️‼️ for this reason, I request that y'all tell me all about your favorites :] least-favorites, too, if you'd like to rant
make it however long, however detailed, however understandable 🤲 gimme all the things (at your leisure) <3 any gen, any form. ships, too, if you'd like
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I'll go first :] in short rambles, because the brain is scrambled today auahab
(vv rambling ahead!!)
my man my beloved my my my little logic man my smart but dumb but he cares my
autism 💕
blorbo. I can't decide what my favorite characterization of Prowl is, but I love it when he's kind and considerate and dedicated to his job and his friends, but he's also so dense (/aff) and he finds genuine comfort and joy in his work and calculations and he's terrible at socializing but he's Trying okay. He's not a doormat - he can hold his own. But sometimes he's in over his head and needs some help 🤲
very responsible. much lovely. I love prowl/jazz they complete each other mwah <333
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chaotic but undeniably intelligent
dance dance revolution
he's wonderful
capable of so much good but he can be dangerous when he wants to be. my guy knows 100 difference dances for 1000 different genres and 3+ ways to kill a mech with a spoon in every single one
responsible, but in a looser way than Prowl, if that makes sense??
he's so dumb he's so he's he's not even dumb he's just a silly little guy you guys
he wants to be a writer!!! he has a dog!!! also i read a fanfic where he and Bluestreak become pen-pal friends (TC has the vibe of a very caring big bro figure) and it has taken over my whole brain (Blue doesn't know who TC is yet, bc TC is using an autobot alias - if you want the fic link besties i gotchu IT'S SO GOOD)
found family dynamics mwah mwah
seeing him makes me happy
*tempted to do more, and I want to, but this is just gonna keep getting longer if I give in sO
um. if you want to know you can ask :3
okay thank you love you bye
~ splashes
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