#my babies doing my other babies justice
sketchy-tour · 7 months
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Warmup doodle, wanted to try drawing @weevmo 's silly little guy Nimrod!!! Not sure I did him the right justice but he was fun to try and figure out shape wise!!
Love the character designs for their upcoming project Corduroy Stew so so much! Silly puppet guys! Nimrod is my favorite of the bunch by far. He's just so!!! *squishing him
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blee-bleep · 11 months
How does somebody whose only shipped lesbian ships before become so obsessed with Erehisu?
Y'see, anon, it's a little something called "bisexuality"
#i actually watched aot becuz of yumihisu but then i read the manga and i slapped my head and said#'shit why did they cut off so many scenes of them together'#them being erehisu#and then ymir fritz dropped and THEN i listened to that Linked Horizon song where a baby wailed at the end#then im like yooooooo fcuking hell theyre future parents to this poor girl omggggg#honestly i stumbled into erehisu by my own becuz after reading the uprising arc in the manga i felt like i had to do the ship justice#just cuz how overlooked it was and how i realized that they probably had the better chemistry#the more i looked into their characterizations and parallels to each other#like them being burdened putting up a fake facade just for others and having to come to terms to it#as well as the way their family shaped them (carla frieda and freckled ymir are the goats)#it wasnt much back then BUT THEN i read apple and lamp theory#and its soooooooo fucking beautiful it just seared into my mind forever.#Enemies To Humanity is something so unbelievable yet fascinating to me as a dynamic but it all clicked the moment i put it in its context#i dont support whatever the fuck the alt-right part of the fandom has of it thats another ball game#i ship erehisu in the way i percieve it to be the most fitting to the mature themes of the story#its not the first 'straight' ship i liked but it IS the first ship where i think it's ultimately superior to others including the wlw ships#thats why im so obsessed with them
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findafight · 1 year
Totally with you on a) the defintion of shipping and b) that it would not be narratively satisfying to have the show go in the Will and Mike get together direction, for all the reasons you listed.
The dialogue around it also makes it nearly impossible to find meta or even just discussions around Mike that don't centre the possibility of a romantic relations with Will and it's so frustrating. I love that little guy and I just want to talk about how much he loves his friends!
But then the first thing I created for this fandom was a byler breakup fic so... I'm probably not in the majority.
Anyway keep on trucking and I LOVE Robin and Steve's Epic Platonic Soulmate Mixtape <3
Ah thank you! Yeah. The series is grounded in the friendship the party has. That's the first thing we learn about them. It feels insulting to both the characters and anyone who likes the non romantic aspects of relationships when people insinuate that Will couldn't have a happy ending without dating Mike. (Mike doesn't owe Will a romantic relationship. Will doesn't owe Mike one!! It also feels insulting that people say there's going to be a time skip and I guess Will is still pining for him? Let him let go at that point Sheesh.).
The basis of any romantic relationship, especially in canon, between Will and Mike (or any party members) is a deep and strong friendship. Acting like those aren't as important is so rude to people and mischaracterizes them. Mike Wheeler loves his friends so much he would jump off a cliff for any of them. He would deny their death with the barest shred of illogical proof even when presented with a body. He would try to contact a girl for almost a year to see if she was still alive. He holds his friend's hand when it seems he's fading away, insists on going into danger to help with a distraction, and apologizes better to a friend than his girlfriend. He's a moody, angsty teenager, going through a lot of emotions and confusion, and can be an asshole even to his friends, but my god what are you doing if you deny Mike's platonic relationships mean everything to him.
It's also disregarding Will's relationships too! Like. El is his sister now!! You cannot separate that. Would Will want to date Mike even? Loving and wanting to date are different. Dating a sister's ex? Legit so many arguments are just saying El doesn't love Mike, and I guess implying she wouldn't give a shit if Mike stsrted dating a friend that became a brother who is also the only one as deeply connected to the Upside Down as her. It gives me the vibes of people like...taking away the agency El has in her own feelings and saying she loves Mike.
Maybe he just wants to be able to honest about his feelings. Get them off his chest. Keep his friendship with Mike but have everything out in the open, and they can work through that together. Strengthen their friendship and maybe be open to potentially dating in the future (there is an apocalypse on!) while also strengthening their friendship with El. So many people just. Ignore her and her feelings in all this, as though both Will and Mike have not showed they valued her feelings greatly. Why would that not factor in at all? Why would Will put his sister into that position? Would it not be awkward for Mike too?
That's why it wouldnt be satisfactorily executed in S5. The characters and the audience need time to process any breakup between El and Mike. Let them cool off and us register it. Another anon said if they were going blr canon route they should have ended mlvn in S4, and I agree. It needs Breathing room. Not just them breaking up and a two year time skip where we're told time has passed but for us it feels like nothing, so the impact isn't the same and it doesn't have the same satisfaction of knowing they've worked it out but just being told about it. If that makes sense?
Plus the series has struggled with ending romo relationships, and the only one starting that wasn't awkward or weird (Both Nancy and Jon AND Joyce and Hop have Murray be the catalyst which annoying and kinda lazy, not to mention the cheating) was Lucas and Max. That doesn't paint a picture of confidence in me. Sometimes a ship going canon is not actually good. Sometimes in fandom you are actually thankful a ship that honestly should have been canon by the end, or at least post-series didn't, because whatever the show runners would have done with it would have probably ruined whatever dynamic that made them compelling in the first place. it may feel like a betrayal or rip off at first, and would likely continue to, but with time comes a feeling of oh. Maybe it's better this way... Would come.
So yes. Seeing how people reacted to me simply saying that, by the end of the series, I don't think it could satisfyingly become canon, while prioritizing their relationships with each other, Not a lot of nuance is allowed, it seems. Though I'm sure many shippers are cool and chill, it's really just a few people who are loud about it that try to inhibit discussion or meta, it's a damn shame that the only discussion allowed to those shippers is when or how it will be canon. Where's the fun in that? Everyone can interact with fandom differently, and it's a shame some folks want to dictate how others do so.
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vaiisravana · 9 months
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The crossover nobody in the world wanted nor needed but me.
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bombusbombus · 1 year
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Just two clever, quiet men hiding in their own shadow
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kg-clark-inthedark · 22 days
Just realized I made a panel on the last page of the comic I’m making look waaaay too good, and now I gotta go back and revise the previous pages because it’s making them look like dog water in comparison T_T
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Anyone wanna see baby photos of one of my cats?
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Here's the boy as he is now
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And here he is as a kitten (with his sister, we also adopted but she ran away)
He was so small
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cobwebbed-crow · 6 months
If your institutionally mandated "diversity survey" doesn't include a 'prefer not to say' option for every single question, congratulations, I now know better than to believe that your institution is safe for minority students.
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clownattack · 1 year
Fr tho why are people reading the dorian tales.
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girlofprey7 · 1 year
Ok imma be honest about the Mario movie cast.
I completely agree that Chris Pratt sounds pretty bad, and on top of that he doesn’t even seem that siked to be there.
(Like seriously wtf was up with that Nintendo direct it looked like he was trying to read cue cards behind the camera and had smoked weed prior to that)
But…I feel like if it wasn’t for the ‘political’ reasons for Chris Pratts hate, more people would be criticising Anya’s voice, or Charlie’s. They’re definitely not as bad as Chris, but they didn’t really sound amazing.
Charlie Day definitely has way more energy that Chris and Anya combined, but it doesn’t even seem like he’s trying the ‘Brooklyn accent’ that the bros supposedly will have. It just sounds like Charlie Day being Charlie Day.
Anya on the other hand, I may dislike her voice just as much as Chris’s. She just sounds like every generic white heroine in an illumination movie, with no flavour.
To quote Louise Belcher, when it comes to Peach’s voice:
“If she was a spice, she’d be flour, and if she were a book, she’d be 2 books.”
I’m also so fucking worried they’re gonna go the space jam 2 Lola bunny route and make have no real character traits or personality other than, ‘strong woman’ and ‘girl boss’.
I feel like the only actors I actually like are Keagan Michael key and Jack Black, mostly because they’re characters actually have resemblance to their game counterparts, but also because they have energy and Charisma when it comes to cartoony roles.
Long story short, when the movie comes out, I’ll probably just imagine what they’d sound like with my ideal cast of VA’s, which I’ll probably post about later. (;
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ashes-writing · 2 years
just what i needed | stranger things ; t.hagan
A/N ;  This uh.. it may or may not have been a true labor of love for me -as is the one I have going for Billy, tbh. I started this telling myself that I probably wouldn't ever do anything with it and then an insane lack of reader fics for this goofy freckled bastard -and a burning desire to at very least fix friendships and meddle around with what could've been (in the case of tommy and billy and friendship) and yeah.. Here we are. I go into this fully aware that literally nobody asked for this and most likely, this will not be one of the series that a lot of people read, but.. I can't just not post it. I can't.
So, if you've been looking for a short lil Tommy x reader thing, here we are, babes.Sorry it's a reader insert, this just worked for me, idk.
Pairing ; Tommy Hagan x Good girl!Fem reader
Timeline / Other Stuff to Note ; this one is set around the point in season 2 when Tommy and Steve have their falling out. It's written under the pretense that Carol dumps Tommy for whatever reason and there will be so much billy and tommy friendship fuckery (Despite me own personal belief that Tommy loved both Steve and Billy but also wanting to like.. let other tommy fans insert themselves into the picture anyway..) There will be no upside down + it's unholy terrors here. Just the same as allll the others, this is a teen rom com / slice of life thing so there won't be anything but the normal here.
Tag List ; @musichealsscars is the only person on my stranger things tag list. I throw a tag out to @rampagewriting -bae, if this is not your cup of tea, you can totally skip this, it's fiiine. if you'd like to be added to my taglists for anything including fandom piece in question is for, please let me know or add yourself -> here.
Warnings ; Tommy coming to a lot of huge realizations. Underage drinking (and yes, a short drive bc this is the 80's) and a no parents house party situation. Lots of sexual tension, mentions of fuck marry kill being played, a very very drunk reader and a slightly less cocky version of Tommy bc he's going through a lot here and he's getting his head around it. Huuuge potential that Billy and Tommy are more than a little OOC here. I've been dying to write them but i miiight not be the best at it.
Other Stuff ; tag list doc || my rules - fandoms and some characters I write for || requests are open (pls.. pls... send me things) but they're limited to headcanon asks + filth/fluff alphabet letters and I'm not accepting wrestling / wrestlers in my ask box. Any other fandom/character but wrestling that I happen to write for is fine and I beg of you -> send me things.
I do not consent to my work being reposted elsewhere or copied/reworked/rewritten and reposted here or elsewhere. You don't own this, I do. So like... don't steal my shit.
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“I think we need a break, Tommy.”
– when she said it, the first thing he thought was that she was just bored. She wanted to fool around with other guys and she’d come crawling back. That had been almost a month ago.
And so far? 
Carol Perkins hadn’t looked back a single time.
Tommy just wasn’t sure what exactly to do with himself. With Steve preoccupied with the situation with himself, Nance and Byers, Steve wasn’t in the right frame of mind to give him any real advice and they weren't talking anyway because they'd gotten into it for those exact reasons. Billy Hargrove turned out to be the one to notice his internal struggle.
Billy had taken him aside.
“Be dressed and ready at 8. You’re goin to Tina’s party with me tonight.”
Billy’s tone indicated clearly that he wasn’t fucking around.
So with the firm order, Tommy threw together a last ditch effort Halloween costume. A red bandana rolled and tied around his forehead. A sleeveless white tank top and some old oil-stained jeans he had lying around that had clearly seen better days. To give the outfit a little more realism, he even offered himself up to mow the lawn for his old man.
Around 7:45, he found himself standing in front of the mirror in his bedroom, the plastic Bowie knife strapped to his bicep. He laughed at how ridiculous it was, the idea that a stupid Halloween party was somehow going to fix the place his head was at lately. He knew it wouldn't, obviously. The problem was that this time, he just didn't know what the fuck to do to even begin fixing at least some of the problem.
He almost called Billy to call the whole thing off but right around the time he picked up the phone downstairs in the hall to do it, the loud rumble of the Camaro driven by Billy Hargrove came roaring up the street, an abrupt halt at the curb in front of the Hagan house.
Billy laid on the horn, half out the window, yelling out to him. “Get your ass in, Hagan. C’mon, we got shit to do.”
Tommy made his way down to the Camaro and got in on the passenger side. The drive was quiet at first. But Billy shattered the silence. “Remember my talk with Harrington? I’m gonna tell you the same thing so just fuckin listen, alright? Carol’s not worth it, man. Look, she was screwing around on you over the summer. You know it, I know it because you told me a thousand times. You weren’t really that happy either and she kinda treated you like shit, Hagan.”
“Yeah,yeah.” -but it’s hard to let go of an old habit and essentially, that was the perfect description of his relationship with Carol Perkins since as far back as 7th grade. The more he thought about it lately, the harder it was to remember why he’d even liked her in the first place.
She was blunt, rude, definitely spoiled. And while he always took up for her, she never seemed willing to do the same for him. They spent nearly all their time arguing -that is when they weren’t fucking at his house or hers or in his backseat.
Steve might have been onto something when he broke away from their usual girls.
Granted, he’d picked the worst one possible to experiment breaking away with, but  the fact remained… Steve did seem more at ease now that he wasn’t just amassing himself a body count.
“There are other girls out there, man. There’s other fish in the sea.” Billy said it with a shrug as he exhaled smoke and took the last drag of his cigarette. “Tonight, you’re gonna see that. You’re gonna see I’m right.”
Tommy laughed. “Doubtful, but whatever.”
Billy rolled his eyes. For whatever reason, Tommy felt the need to elaborate. “Girls don’t date the sidekick, Hargrove. They date, well… You or Steve. Not me.” Tommy said it with absolutely none of the bitterness or the jealousy this fact made him feel, just flat. As if it were something he’d come to accept. 
“I’m gonna smash your fuckin head against a wall, idiot.” Billy rolled his eyes. “Look. You’re not just the fuckin sidekick. You’re probably one of few actual friends I’ve got here. This is for your own good, man.” Billy’s Camaro pulls to a stop behind a red Mustang fastback that Tommy’s seen around the Hawkins High parking lot a time or two but never really bothered to pay attention to. When he caught sight of the license plate, he snickered to himself and nudged Billy, nodding to it. “TOOFAST, huh?”
Billy rolled his eyes. “Please. It’s Ford. The only thing it’s too much of is a pain in the ass when it breaks down on the side of the road. Ya know,” he rubs his chin and chuckles, “The driver’s this real cute little thing. Shy as hell, man. Her brother gave her the car.”
Billy could have told him that the driver in question was the same girl that had him stopping midsentence when he popped into the class BIlly just happened to have with her, but Billy wasn't about to do that, oh no. Where was the fun in doing that?
Tommy’s brow quirked. “A girl drives that.”
“Mhm. Like a little old lady out for Sunday brunch, but she drives it.” Billy laughs from the front step of Tina’s house as he looks back at Tommy who is still admiring the car. Tommy shrugs. “Not bad.. For a Ford, I mean. It’s red.”
Inside the crowded house party, you dangled your keys in your hands while nursing a heavily spiked cup of punch and somehow, wishing it was stronger. Parties were not your thing. People -especially the viper pit known as the cool kids at Hawkins High, were even less your thing. You only tolerated Hargrove because he wasn’t fake like the rest of the ‘cool kids’. And he knew your older brother, so you kind of had to tolerate him at this point. And maybe at some point, tolerance turned to an odd sort of friendship, and that odd friendship was the reason you were even here tonight. Sneaking out to a party which was not something you'd normally do. Neither was drinking but.. It was taking the edge off.
It was Billy’s idea to talk you into coming out to this alcohol fuelled open grope fest.
But you were annoyed. It was too loud. Too cramped. Just too much.
And Billy, the asshole responsible for talking you into sneaking out tonight, well.. He was running late as usual.
“Five more minutes. If he’s not here in five more minutes, I’m out.” you say it to yourself as you slam back the contents of the red plastic cup in your hand. You make your way into the kitchen. There are a few people in there but not as many as the living room or out back where the keg is set up, waiting to be tapped.
Madonna gives way to Ballroom Blitz and you bounce around on your feet a little, grinning.
 At least this isn’t more of that shitty pop music Tina and Carol have been playing on a heavy rotation all night. At least it’s… something.
You’re swaying your hips to the music as you dance around the kitchen, opening cabinets and just being nosey overall. When your eyes light on the bottle of vodka, you raise a hand and giggle. “This oughta numb the stupidity my eyes are beholden right now.” you muse as you scramble up onto the counter and grab for the bottle.
You’ve just uncapped it and taken a huge sip when your best friend Layla wanders in and gapes. Not only are you at Tina’s stupid party, you’re drinking vodka straight from the bottle. She nods to the bottle in your hand. “Pace yourself, lightweight.”
“Oh my god, fuck off, Lay.” you laugh a little. Your eyes flit around, taking in the drunken mass of teenagers at varying stages of drink or fuck. All that’s missing is a brawl. And you laugh as soon as that thought comes because with Billy supposedly coming out tonight, that’s a very real possibility.
“Is he here?”
“Who?” you answer, taking another sip. The burn of the vodka is starting to lessen. It’s starting to go down a lot smoother now.
This probably should’ve been your warning to stop but sadly, it won’t be.
“Billy! You’re the one who’s friends with him, God knows how that one got started..” Layla has that dreamy look. The one she always gets right before she does something so stupid it’s almost incomprehensible. It usually ends with her, crying in her room -or yours, while she talks about boys being dogs and insisting they don’t want anything but sex.
“Hey!” you pout and you find yourself glancing around. Billy isn’t here. But to be fair, Billy isn’t exactly the person you’re looking for right now, either. No, the guy you’re looking for is Tommy Hagan and the fact that you can’t seem to stop yourself from searching for him in a crowd frustrates you to no end.
Layla’s still going on and on about how neat it must be to be partially in-crowd when you zone back into the present and out of your daze. You laugh hysterically because it’s just not true. 
They’re royalty -supposedly, and you’re just.. Not.
You’re the quiet one. The awkward one. The girl who doesn’t really do well with others. People always assume you’re a sweetheart -and you are, but.. This comes with the nifty little annoyance that they also feel like they can just plow right over anything you say or any boundaries you set. And if it weren’t so damned hard to just speak up, to just let yourself get good and angry like you want to sometimes, if you had the spine to stand up for yourself, they’d find out real quick that you’re not the girl to mess with.
“Oh my god, did you see who Carol is here with?” Layla finally changes the subject. At the mention of Carol Perkins, you roll your eyes. “Nope.” the p lingers as you say it. Calmly raising the bottle of vodka to your lips to take another long pull. “Don’t really care, either.”
“Ben! She’s here with Ben.”
“So?” you shrug. It did sting a little, knowing the queen bitch of Hawkins High was at Tina’s Halloween party with your latest ex, the one who dumped you because you were “too boring.” Which was bullshit, it was guy code for “won’t just crawl into my backseat willingly.”. 
But then the stray thought crept in. Tit for tat.
You are real quick to shove this out. As if Tommy Hagan, with beautiful eyes and goofy smile -and admittedly, not a working brain cell in his head, bless his heart, and those goddamn freckles and that fucking dry sense of humor.. As if Tommy Hagan would ever look twice at you.
“So? You’re not upset?”
“She can fuckin have him, honestly.” you shrug and laugh as you take another sip, “And he can take a flying fuck on a rolling donut.” your words slur just a little and at the two times you say fuck in the same sentence, Layla glances from you to the bottle in your hand and she just laughs.
“Hey… Let’s get Isla and Dot… Maybe we can play a little Kill,Fuck,Marry or somethin.. Maybe make this bullshit party at least a little fun for us, the peasants.”
You shrug.
On cue, Isla rushes in and she’s all laughter and trying to grab you both to kiss your cheeks. She absolutely reeks of alcohol and she’s probably a good two of three sheets to the wind. Dot wanders in behind her, a cup of punch raised to her lips.
“Did you see who your ex is here with? He downgraded, girl. He downgraded so bad.”
You roll your eyes and shake your head no while shrugging. “Layla already told me and honestly, I don’t fucking care. Ben can go fuck himself.”
Dot blinks. Then she sees the bottle in your hand and she giggles. “Oh.” she laughs out. “Oh… so you’re actually letting the sassy side out to play tonight, hm? This can be fun.”
“Or it’ll be a complete fucking disaster, either way. I’m here. So.. are we playin or not?” you hop up to sit on the counter. There’s a radio sitting beside you and mostly to combat the pop bullshit in the living room, you turn it on and flip through the stations until you find your preferred one. 
After a little tuning -and a giggly smack to the back of the radio, Steveie Nicks  just barely picks up and you hum along with Dreams as you work the heeled boot off of one of your feet with the other. It’s just now that Isla seems to notice your lack of a costume.
“This is a costume party. I thought you were the living embodiment of spooky, bitch?”
You shrug. And with a roll of your eyes, you brandish the stupid cat headband you’d picked up last minute at the general store in town. “I wasn’t planning on coming here but somebody insisted.” you drawl out, laughing. “And then, naturally, the asshole is late.”
Isla and Dot share a look and Layla fills them in. “Billy.”
Their eyes light up and you roll your eyes. “Oh no. Nope. Absolutely fuckin not, alright? Look. he’s my friend and all but I can tell you with absolute certainty that he is… Not lookin.”
They all pout in unison. Layla slips up onto the kitchen island to sit and Isla hops up onto the counter next to you. Dot grabs a dining chair and drags it over, turning it so the back of the chair is pushing up her tits because of course she is, she’s also wearing a low cut pirate dress.
“Okay, when we left off last weekend in Kasey’s treehouse, it was your turn.” Layla smirks at you as she makes grabby hands at the bottle of vodka. You take a few sips and grimace. The burn is dull, but every other sip or two it sneaks back around to surprise you. You can feel it working, you’re lightheaded. Lightheaded and you can’t stop laughing.
Or saying wildly inappropriate things, as you’re just about to find out.
“Okay,” Layla is glancing at you with a wicked gleam in her eyes, “Kill, Fuck Marry… Steve Harrington, Ben or…” she glances around and rubs her chin thoughtfully as her eyes settle on someone just outside the room. “Tommy Hagan.”
You scowl and flip her off, laughing.
“Oh god.. Ben’s dead. And I’m reversing the damn car to make sure he doesn’t come back. Steve is.. Out entirely because honestly, he’s so…” you rub the bridge of your nose as you try to think of a word to fit the way you feel, your eyes brightening when you come up with the perfect one, “over-rated. Yeah.. yeah, that’s the word I’m lookin for.”
“You can’t–” Isla and Dot are about to argue that you can’t place one person into two categories but Layla shushes them. You don’t notice it, you’re swinging your bare legs against the cabinet below the counter you sit atop as you stare at the red polish on your toes, but Layla nods to Tommy, who just happens to be standing right outside the kitchen with an almost comical look of shock and awe on his face, at least a little invested with this little game of hypotheticals.
After all, how can he not be? His name was mentioned.
He’s hanging around because his name is the only one left. And the realization that this means for once, he’s been chosen.. Noticed.
And the fact that it’s you, well..
The poor guy is struggling heavily inside himself right now. But he’s listening because he just needs to hear you say it. There has to be a reason.
“We’re waiting.” Layla clears her throat.
You shotgun a generous sip from the bottle in your hand and pass it to Isla when she nudges you and nods to it. You burp and then you laugh, a snort coming that makes your three friends double over.
“Wait, whoa.. Let me get this right.. You can pick between Steve Harrington and Tommy Hagan and you’re picking.. Him..” Isla wrinkles her nose as it sinks in. “Okay, I’ll bite. Why?” she hands the bottle back to you. Dot reaches for it and you lean out and nearly faceplant the damned kitchen floor in the process and you would have if Isla hadn’t grabbed you by the arm to pull you back. You’re laughing as you lean your head back against the cabinet behind you. “Y-you asked for it.”
“Well?” Layla taps her wrist and she’s barely hiding a smirk. Tommy is frozen in the doorway, watching you like a hawk. Like it’s the first time he’s ever seen you before and he’s absolutely fucking… smitten. And Layla knows he’s standing there, she could easily tell you he’s standing there but honestly, she’s figured out a long time ago that you might or might not have just the teeniest crush on the guy. And she knows you’ll never say it without a little push. And a lot of liquid courage.
“Ugh, fiiine.” you raise the bottle to your lips. When the radio at your side starts playing Careless Whisper, you glare at it and flip it off. “Ew, fuck.” you grumble.
You’re stalling, of course.
“First of all,” you speak up after things have settled down a little. “Carol Perkins was fuckin lucky to have him, okay? Lucky. All the shit he put up with outta her and he protected her and stood up for her? Marriage material, bitches. Like seriously, just ugh…. Watching him stand up to somebody for her used to get me so damn hot. He deserves better, y’know. I mean, shiiiit.. Anybody is better than Carol no tits to speak of  Perkins…” you turn the cat ears over in your hand thoughtfully. Then after a second or two, you slip it onto your head. Crooked, but of course it is.
You’re laughing again, that same dreamlike look on your own face that you were taunting Layla for when it came to Billy Hargrove earlier. You sigh. “As far as the fuck verdict. Listen, if I’m going to..” you’re hiccupping and as you do it, you frown at yourself and a hand raises to your lips as if to stop the soft sounds. You’re not a drinker, not by any stretch.
Outside the kitchen, Billy’s noticed Tommy lingering. Watching you. He smirks to himself. He’d known it the second he got to know you somehow. Tommy Hagan would absolutely eat up the whole cute and quiet little thing you normally have going on. And when he got to really know you and realized that you have this sass, this fire that you keep hidden… Oh god.
It was the whole reason he dragged Tommy out to this party. Well, that and the fact that Tommy had to come into the class you have with Billy earlier in the afternoon before he asked you to come and when Tommy walked in, Billy couldn’t help but notice the goofy little smile. Or the way you were flushed and flustered to a point where you dropped your pen at least three damn times while staring and trying to make it seem as if you weren’t.
Oh and, he’d also noticed Tommy doing his own fair bit of sharing when you weren’t looking, when you had your nose buried in the magazine you’d stashed inside your textbook while you pretended to pay attention.
This needed to happen.
So when he hears the topic being discussed, he can’t help but chuckle and nudge Tommy. “I’m gonna go make my rounds, Hagan. Kegstands later, right?”
Tommy nods.
Fixes his focus back on you. Waiting. His heart is beating so loud he can feel and hear it in his ears.
And inside the kitchen, you speak up, digging the hole for yourself even deeper when you do it.
“Have you seen his hands? Y’know what they say about a boy with big hands or big feet…” you’re especially giggly at the thought, your skin burning hot all over, but you’re only going to keep talking. Keep digging yourself down deeper into a hole you don’t even realize you’re digging yourself currently. “All I’m saying is if I’m actually going to give up my virginity, I wanna be with somebody who knows what the fuck he’s doing. I just.. Look, you three can stop fuckin lookin at me like that, “ you pout, your voice a soft and lazy drawl because the combination of the alcohol coursing your system at the moment and just the… Thought.. Of the things you’d let Tommy Hagan do to you that you’ve kept hidden all this time, well.
You’re in a daze.
“I’m not like you, damn it. I can’t just hop in a backseat and just get it over with. I kinda..” you’re fidgeting with the sleeve of the flannel shirt you were wearing over the thin little dress you’d thrown on to wear for the night, “I want it to mean something and like.. I’ve liked him forever now, oh my god. The short answer here is Tommy fucking Hagan can absolutely wreck me, alright? Just.. yes.. Yes..” 
“Wait..” Isla gazes at you. “Was he?” she trails off, shaking her head. A little stunned because for some strange reason, she’d had the feeling it was somebody else entirely. 
Dot laughs and asks quietly, “So the guy you wrote all that stuff about for creative writing. The little shorts and the poems that had the goddamn teacher so flushed she couldn’t even read it out loud like she said she planned on doing to all of us last year…” Dot swings her feet and reaches out for the bottle as The Chain comes on the radio and you start to sing along, sighing as you shrug. “Yeah. They were about him, alright? Don’t start your shit with me, damn it. I know it’s stupid and I know I’m a sap. I don’t care.” you take the bottle back from Dot, leaning out too far again and laughing about it through a wild mess of hair as it swings down in front of you, your palms flat against the countertop to catch yourself.
When you sit back up and at least make an attempt to do something with your hair and the headband, you’re still hiccupping, laughing and your hand raises to your mouth.
“She’s soooo fucking drunk right now.” Layla laughs when she says it, giving you a little grimace.
“Girl? Are you gonna be okay?” Dot asks, snickering quietly.
“Oh sweetie.” Isla winces as she thinks about the headache you’re going to have in the morning and slips an arm around your shoulders to pull you into her side, “Your hair is gonna hurt. That’s how bad your hangover is gonna be.”
Your eyes widen, you’re starting to realize that you are well beyond the level of tipsy you set out for and you are now blitzed. Blitzed as in you’re suddenly not entirely sure if you’re walking out of the party later or you’ll wind up finding some way to con your older brother’s best friend Billy to carry you.
Layla clears her throat. “I’m going for a smoke.”
“Me too.” Dot and Isla chorus. You almost say you’ll go too because shit, why not… you’re trying out the drinking and the stupid cliche house party, the sneaking out of your house bullshit that nearly got your ass broken when you underestimated exactly how much weight the trellis by your window could hold safely.
You almost go bopping right outside with your three best friends, but.. You’re not about to try to get off the counter and fall straight down to the floor and kiss the tiles.
“The floor is lava?” you question, palming your face and leaning your head back against the cabinet behind it as Layla, Dot and Isla leave the room. When the local pop station starts to dominate the airwaves and your chosen channel is nothing but a faint ghost in the background, you scowl at the radio and reach out, snatching the cord from the plug in.
Billy makes his way in. His brow raised at you. “Are you drunk right now, pint size?” he’s barely hiding laughter in the teasing accusatory tone he takes. You’re laughing to yourself and you hold a finger up to your lips. “Shhhhhhhhh!” you look around as if any second, somebody will pop out and you’ll be in trouble for drinking.
Billy plugs the radio back in but you glare at him. You shake your head. “Too loud.”
He chuckles to himself. “Why are you sitting on the counter when there are chairs, hm?”
“The floor is lava. It’s lava, Billy.”
“The floor is lava.” Billy’s trying not to howl in laughter and in effort to hold back, he’s nearly shaking.
Sweet Caroline comes on the radio and if Billy only suspected you were totally off the tits drunk before, he gets his biggest confirmation when instead of ba ba ba you find it hilarious to yell out fuck fuck fuck.
Loud. Louder than he’s ever heard you be before. And this includes all the times he was present at your place when you’ve chased your older brother down while yelling at him about eating your ice cream or leaving the toilet seat up or using your fancy conditioner because he likes the way it makes his hair soft. Billy wasn’t entirely sure you possessed the  vocal range you’ve just demonstrated until now, truth be told. And that thought has him laughing. Grinning in amusement.
Tommy is going to eat this shit right up. Guy has a bit of a protector kind of bend to him and Billy knows with no doubt that he has to go through with his plan now.
“Jesus christ.” he rubs his forehead. Then he catches sight of the bottle of vodka sitting at your side and he yanks it away. “Give me that shit! No wonder you’re fuckin drunk. How in the hell did you find vodka?”
You reach up and tap the cabinet door while snickering. “Climbed my ass up and got it, duh.” you stick out your tongue.
“I can’t right now, I fucking can’t. I’m gonna.. Let me go find you a babysitter, alright?” Billy gazes at you in concern. You’re one of the few people aside from Tommy he actually considers a friend and given that your older brother is one of the few best friends he has in this pissant little town he’s been plopped into, he feels like it’s kind of his duty to look after you.
It’s a task he’s about to relegate to Hagan’s quietly lurking ass. Because you’ve just gift wrapped yourself with a shiny red bow and suddenly, Billy Hargrove knows exactly how he’ll go about casually nudging you and Tommy Hagan together.
“Hagan! Yo! Tommy! C’mere, man!” Billy’s whistle draws Tommy out of hiding where he’d been sitting in the hallway just replaying your confession over and over again because his brain wouldn’t let him let go of it.
Tommy can’t help but laugh when he sees you, swinging bare feet off the edge of the counter and the cat ears perched on your head are crooked, sagging as if at any second they’ll just fall right off. 
“Yeah?” he finally manages to say something but he can’t stop staring at you and he hasn’t yet.
“Pint size says the floor is lava and she won’t get down, buddy.” Billy nods to your perch on the counter. Tommy drags a hand over his hair. When you hiccup a few times and you start giggling, Tommy feels a smile start to creep to his lips. It’s something he hasn’t really done a lot lately.
“The floor is lava, huh?” Tommy eyes you in concern. Swallowing hard when you’re staring right back at him. Everything you said about him comes rushing back and he tries to pull himself together. But he knows beyond all doubt that tonight only ends one way. He’s determined to get closer to you. Actually get to know you.
Because somehow, he knows that he’s fucked. If he tries to ignore what he knows it’s just going to keep popping up. And hearing you say everything you did earlier, everything he’s always wanted to hear, it’s just… He can’t just let you -or whatever this could turn into, slip through his fingers.
For as mouthy and vocal as you were when it was just you and the girls a few minutes before, you’ve clammed up again. It always happens around him and you feel like maybe it comes out as you being indifferent to him when the truth is, the way he makes you feel overwhelms you most of the time.
You manage a nod though, and Billy clears his throat. “ You’ve got this, right, Hagan?”
Tommy laughs quietly. “Yeah.”
“Awesome. I told some of the guys I’d go pick up some more alcohol. While I”m out I’ll find that one’s brother and let ‘im know he's gotta pick up his car.. Got it?” Billy is firm when he says it but Tommy agrees with no hesitation and then Billy is  gone in the blink of an eye and this leaves you in the kitchen of Tina’s parents house all alone with Tommy.
“C’mere.” Tommy steps closer. Your heart does that stupid lazy little flip. The one you always get annoyed with yourself over when it happens. Your filter is gone right now though, so when he beckons you closer, you lean in. Against him a little because you don’t trust your sense of balance and the room is spinning all around you.
“You’re not a drinker, huh?” Tommy questions.
You shake your head. Laughter bubbling out. You’re not sure what to do with your hands and he’s so fucking close to you that for some odd reason, the idea that comes first is to grab hold of the front of the dingy white tank top he’s wearing and just kind of melt against him. “Too much potato juice.” your voice is muffled and soft and Tommy barely manages to make out what you’ve said but then he spots the half empty bottle of vodka you’ve been slamming most of the night that Billy put out of your reach on the space between the top cabinets and the ceiling and he grimaces.
“Ouch. Yeah, that’ll hurt in the morning, princess.” Tommy’s staring again. First your eyes but then his gaze shifts down. Settles on your lips. They look so fucking soft. And you smell like apples and cinnamon candy, the realization comes when he finally just can’t fucking take it anymore and winds up putting his nose against the top of your head. The tension in the taller boy’s frame just kind of melts away, all the anger and the stress he’s been carrying around because Steve’s awol lately and then Carol decided to abandon ship too, it all just kind of  vanishes.
Your legs wind up around his waist and you breathe in deep. Because he smells like cologne and cigarettes, the cheap beer he’s been nursing all night and for some reason, fresh mown grass. It’s a combination that’s odd and somehow, it’s relaxing. “Oh man,” you hiccup out as you take a deep breath or two, “I-I’m g-gonna be i-in s-serious shit, for sure. Deeeep shit.”
Tommy gingerly grips your chin to make you look up at him. “Yeah?” he questions softly. “Why’s that, hm?”
Your hand goes to your mouth and you giggle. He reaches up to lower your hand and you answer, explaining that not only have you never really been a big drinker, you also snuck out of your parents house tonight to even come to this stupid party. And then Tommy realizes that when Billy tore off earlier it's because Billy had a plan in mind. You tell him that Billy conned him into coming to the stupid party in the first place.
At first, Tommy’s a little jealous. But then he thinks about the whole ‘other fish’ speech in the car on the way over. Billy’s not the most subtle. He kind of hinted around about you at one point, bringing up the fact that he caught you staring when he had to come into the class you’re in with Billy earlier in the day to get something he’d left in Billy’s Camaro.
And it hits him. Billy dragged him out to the party tonight because the shithead was going to play cupid. Or try to. And Tommy’s laughing to himself because it’s in that moment, something clicks  for him further.
Billy, a Camaro driving badass that everybody’s scared shitless to cross.. Billy actually does really consider him a friend. He’s not just a sidekick.
He’s not a sidekick and he was chosen. Noticed by a girl. You didn’t notice Billy or Steve, you noticed him. You wanted him. And Billy actually valued his friendship because Billy tended to keep a distance and not get personally involved in other people’s shit otherwise, he knew Billy Hargrove well enough at this point to know that. And yet, Tommy thinks with a genuine smile, he’s getting involved right now.
The shock of it all fades away and he locks eyes with you. “You wanna come outside with me?”
You nod quietly. “Not s’ sure I’m gonna be the best walker..” you give this cute little sheepish shrug when you say it. He laughs and shrugs too. “I gotcha.” he scoops you up to carry you out the back door and your arms wind up around his neck and you’re laughing because you can’t stop thinking about what you admitted to your friends during your little stupid game earlier.
Parts of you are tempted to just let it all slip out but the other parts of you, the parts of you that know better and know it’ll be a disaster, they override the overwhelming urge, thankfully.
You’re just kind of quiet, kind of content to take what you can get -fully aware that you’ll pretend this went further than it did later on when you’re all alone. The thought elicits a soft purr that tickles this one spot on Tommy’s neck that’s the quickest way to drive him crazy.
He has to tighten his grip because when he hears -and feels, the sound, it’s all he can do not to drop you because it goes straight to his cock. And the inner turmoil grows. Because now, he’s not only dealing with whether to sit on what he’s overheard or bring it up somehow but in addition, he’s dealing with the fact that it’s been quite a dry spell, this is the longest he’s gone without some kind of physical affection, even if it’s just a heated kiss to shut his former girlfriend the hell up.
So every little noise, every little shift your body makes against his, all of it… It’s really driving him crazy right now. He’s real riled up but… He’s determined to behave himself.
This needs time. You’re not in the shape right now and Tommy’s honestly just enjoying the night for what it’s turned into for once. He hasn’t felt this happy in a really long time.
Since 7th grade when Carol just sort of drifted into his life and Steve stood up for him with some asshole in their class who constantly tormented him about any number of things, from his teeth, to his freckles or the way he dressed back then.
He’s forgotten what it feels like and now that he’s being reminded, he just isn’t in a hurry for the feeling to end.
He digs around in the pocket of his jeans to retrieve a lighter and you’re clinging to him. “I’ve gotta be getting heavy to hold.” you gaze at him in concern and Tommy’s brow raises. “Are you kiddin me?”
“Well, I mean..” you laugh softly. “I’m not a feather, y’know.”
“You’re not a cow either, holy shit.” Tommy laughs and the laughter dies away. You don’t feel right clinging to him the way you are or making him hold you so you slip out of his arms. Tommy pouts a little to himself, the pout fading when you compromise by leaning against him. He lights his cigarette and takes a long drag. “Hey..” he nods to a lounge chair on the deck, “C’mon. Let’s get you sitting. Pretty sure everything is spinnin right now, huh?”
You giggle. Hold up your fingers and drawl that it is.
He situates himself in the lounge chair and pulls you down so that you’re sitting between his legs. You lean yourself back against him and before he can stop himself, an arm is slipping around your waist. He tells himself it’s just so your ex boyfriend will fuck off and leave you alone tonight, because he happens to be lurking outside and watching the two of you intently, 
But deep down he knows that isn’t the only reason.
You spot a cluster of stars. And you glance back at him. “I think that’s Cassiopeia.”
Tommy’s blank look prompts an explanation and about halfway through, you feel like maybe you’re boring him to death because you have to be, this isn’t gossip and that’s what he’s used to because he’s one of them, after all. You trail off and go quiet.
Tommy leans into you a little from behind. “What were you gonna say?”
You finish telling him about Cassiopeia and the way she was elevated to the sky along with Cephus and Princess Andromeda as a star but her punishment for boasting came in the form of embarrassment, she was forced to wheel around the North celestial pole and spend half her time clinging to her throne just so she doesn’t fall off.
Tommy chuckles quietly. “There’s uh.. One problem, princess. We’re probably a little too far away from the North celestial Pole for that to be Cassiopeia.” he tries not to but he winds up resting his chin on your shoulder and you laugh softly. “You’re probably right.”
The wind picks up a little and he rubs your arms. “Cold?” he asks the question with a laugh.
“Kinda. But it’s okay.” your teeth are chattering. His jacket winds up around your shoulders and despite telling himself not to do it, he winds up positioning himself even closer so that his chest is pressed completely against his back and both of his legs cage in both of yours on the side. You gulp and when you take a few deep breaths after, they all come out shaky.
You huddle into the jacket over your shoulders for warmth and all you can smell is Tommy. All the little things that make up his scent have you smiling like an idiot. And the warmth of the jacket, you make yourself laugh quietly when you have the thought that he’s an actual human furnace.
Across the patio, Ben is watching. Seething and fuming.
Furious because you barely let him touch you and yet you’re sharing a lounge chair with that idiot Tommy Hagan. Carol notices his attention’s drifted from her and when she happens to glance over to see why, she’s flooded with hurt and jealousy.
And anger because how dare him. He wasn’t supposed to get over her like this. It’s only been a few weeks.
Tommy happens to glance up just in time to catch both Ben and Carol watching you both and he tenses. Grumbles to himself about it quietly but decides right then and there that he’s not worried about either of them. If Ben wants to try something, he’ll start and finish whatever Ben attempts. 
Tommy isn’t the only one whose noticed the latest happy couple of Hawkins High as their gazes burn into the two of you.
“What the hell are no tits and no brains lookin at right now?” you mutter mostly to yourself. Maybe it’s the vodka or something else that leads you to do it, but you stare right back at Carol, sticking out your tongue as you roll your eyes. 
“Take a picture, holy shit.” you grumble and this makes Tommy laugh. Then he remembers that Carol used to tease you a lot when you were all kids. And he cringes at the mental replay because thinking about it now, it’s clear to him that she had to have been doing it because she was jealous, same as when she constantly gave Nancy hell last year when Steve started dating her.
When Tommy catches Ben glaring at him all he does is raise his middle finger. Unlike you, he’s loud. With a razor sharp tongue and sarcasm that knows no bounds. And he’s not afraid to say what’s on his mind.
“Keep lookin over here, Thompson. It’ll be your last fuckin mistake.” Tommy calls out to Ben.
“Have fun with your downgrade, Tommy.” Carol cozies up to Ben and smirks. Tommy is hurt a little, it does sting because you don’t just spend the largest part of your life with somebody and suddenly you can just turn off everything you felt at once, but.. The anger he  feels at her comment overshadows it briefly and he comes to the realization that Carol Perkins has always been this exact brand of miserable bitch.
And he’s starting to see that maybe he was getting tired of the misery and the fighting or the way that the only time they seemed to click was whenever they were making everyone around them miserable too. This leads to his final realization.
While Steve missed his point about Nancy Wheeler entirely, Steve hadn’t been wrong to say some of the shit he said to the two of them the last time they spoke. And he knows it’s gotta be tense for Billy because they were slowly starting to be friends and then the fight happened and the rift started. They’re all on the same basketball team and this rift has definitely caused chaos in the dynamic on the court.
Maybe if he was ready to cut ties and move on, maybe he needed to try. To offer some kind of olive branch to Steve, at least tell the guy he was right, that he had been an asshole.
He decides that he’ll go over to Steve’s in the morning and he’ll try to talk to him. In honor of turning over what he hopes will be a new leaf.
You decide to turn so that you’re facing Tommy and when you do, this causes you to put your legs over his thighs with your feet dangling off the chair. Tommy’s eyes catch on your lips again. He licks his lips and you swallow hard, your eyes following the way his tongue drags over his lips. 
When you blurt it out before you can stop yourself, you want to disappear, melt away through the the patio straight into another dimension never to return.
“You uh.. You have really pretty eyes.” you mumble quietly, your gaze settling on the way your bare legs top Tommy’s jean clad thighs. Tommy swallows hard and chuckles. And there’s this little rush, the slightest lazy flutter in the pit of his stomach.
“You do too.” he answers after taking another drag of the cigarette he’s nearly smoked to the butt end. He flicks the cigarette at a bucket nearby full of glass bottles, ice cream wrappers, other food wrappers and a few other cigarette butts.
Then he turns his attention back to you.
Across the way a little, Ben and Carol are both fuming about their respective losses. Carol smirks to herself as she decides that if she can’t have Tommy some little nobody like you is getting him either. She fully intends to make your life a living hell from Monday onward.
Maybe if she pushes hard enough, you’ll back off and Tommy won’t move on, leaving her behind.
And Ben agrees to go along with it simply because he’s an asshole and he genuinely can’t stand Tommy Hagan.
Billy arrives back at the party with an armload of beer that he dragged your older brother out of bed to get and you cringe when you ask, “So.. uh.. How much trouble am I in?”
“You’re good, pint size.” Billy shrugs and grins.
You raise a brow. Billy laughs. “Relax, woman. Just fucking like.. Enjoy tonight.”
You nod.
Tommy takes one of the cans for himself and gets one of the other guys on their team who’s heading back inside to see if Tina’s still got Sprite or something in the house.
“My girl’s kind of toasted, buddy.” Tommy explains to Eric with a chuckle. Eric gives him a thumbs up and glances from you back to Tommy. “Your girl, huh?” Eric chuckles again. “Sprite. Comin up, man.”
You blink a little but you don’t try to correct Tommy when he says it because deep down, you wish it was true.
Eric comes back out a minute or two later and he tosses the Sprite to Tommy. Tommy pulls the tab and hands it to you. “I don’t think you need to mix vodka with this shit, " he holds up the beer he's drinking and continues, "princess. Hangover’s already gonna be hell tomorrow, I think.”
Billy winces but he laughs. “And I’m going to come over bright and early just to be loud.”
“You, sir, are a dick.” you pout and stick your tongue out at Billy.
Billy shrugs. But he laughs. “Nah.”
You stick out your tongue at him.
Tommy chuckles quietly.
“I’m gonna talk to Harrington tomorrow. Try to clear the air, man. We’ve got that big practice game next week.”
Billy nurses the beer in his hand and nods. “Yep. We all need to be on the same page, Hagan. Guy needs to get his head in the game. So do you. But I think you’re gonna be okay… Right?”
Tommy laughs and nods in agreement.
Billy chuckles. “It’s about damn time, Hagan.” he tosses him another cold one after Tommy’s crushed the can of the one he’s just finished in his hand. “Chug, Hagan.”
Tommy laughs, but he starts to chug down the beer Billy’s just given him.
The party is coming to a quiet conclusion inside. Billy stands and stretches, giving a lazy yawn. “I think this party is dead now.”
“Totally dead.” Tommy agrees and all you do is yawn sleepily and give a thumbs up. Tommy snickers and then his gaze settles on you. Billy speaks up. “Pint size… You comin with us or what?”
“The car.” you start to speak up and remind Billy that you did drive your Mustang to the party tonight, but Billy shakes his head, shutting it down with a shrug.
“Your brother said he’d get it in the morning if there wasn’t a dependable DD to drive it. You realize you’re gonna owe him one though… Right?”
“Yeah.” you grumble about owing your brother one but you’re happy that he’s actually not going to rat you out to your mother because she’d have a small farm if she knew that you not only snuck out tonight to come in the first place, but you were also too drunk to really function for most of the night.
And the lecture you’d get, oh my god.
Tommy stands and this puts you wrapped around him. His arms caged underneath your ass and he’s holding onto you nice and tight so he doesn’t drop you. “I got the back seat, man.”
“Neither of you were gettin shotgun anyway.” Billy states, glancing from Tommy to you as he holds up the half of the case he’s got left. “Where else am I sittin my drinks, hm?”
Tommy laughs. The three of you make your way out to Billy’s Camaro and as it pulls to a stop a few houses down from your house, Tommy slips out and holds out his hand. “C’mon. I’ll help you get in.”
“Y-you don’t have to.”
“I want to though.” he insists. You can only nod and let him grab your hand and pull you out of the backseat. Then you’re being carried again, deposited on the steps by the back door.
Tommy’s hesitant to leave, so he’s lingering. Stepping closer to you as he leans in and one of his hands catches in the hair at the back of your head. Your noses bump clumsily and you both laugh. The kiss is sweet but awkward, your hand gripping the front of his shirt as you raise up onto your toes to close the distance between your mouths. When your brother finally drags himself down to open the door, he chuckles and sizes Tommy up.
As you’re about to disappear into your house, Tommy runs back up.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” he wants to kick himself because he meant to ask you if you wanted to do something the next day. Not tell you he’d see you. “Fuck.” he grumbles, annoyed with himself. “I meant to ask if you wanted to go to the Hawk with me tomorrow night. That uh.. The Terminator is playing, I think.” and again, he wants to kick himself because this is not something he’s used to at all. He laughs. “Or we can see something different.”
You giggle. Raise up to tiptoe to brush your lips against his as you place your hand against his shirt. “The Terminator is fine… Rambo.” you give him a little wink before vanishing into your parents house because you just can’t resist the urge.
Tommy grins like an idiot and as he bolts back down to Billy’s idling Camaro, he pumps his fist in victory.
Billy’s laughing as he watches Tommy race towards him. The Camaro speeds off and Billy smirks when he glances over at Tommy out of the corner of his eye as he drives away and casually repeats what he told him hours ago when they were sitting at the curb outside Tina’s party. “I told you, man. Plenty of other fish in the sea.”
Tommy chuckles. “Yeah, okay. Yeah you did.”
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spkyscry-a · 2 years
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Since I’ve been assassinated by our lovable local eldritch horror, I have a question. This blog’s mostly just been spookycore but not outright HORROR muses, but would ny’all be down if I added actual horror muses? Too much? Too little?
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attractthecrows · 7 days
retconning stroud out of the deep roads so i can shove laure amell and the hawke siblings and varric and anders all into the same little camp. they would all have such a bad time
#carver: dying of blight. with an inferiority complex. but mostly dying#danie: MY BROTHER!!! MY BABY BROTJER HELP HIM!!!!!#anders: oh god oh fuck. wait a minute. i recognize this area. isnt this where the commander should be? oh hell#varric: we are all going to 🪦die⚰️ in a 🕳 hole. not even a GOOD hole#warden commander laure amell of ferelden and amaranthine: oh. anders. glad you're not dead or a darkspawn but Why The Fuck Are You Here#anders: oh hell. uh.#warden commander laure amell of ferelden and amaranthine: actually shut up. darkspawn incoming. its too open here so follow me to camp#'uh- commander-' 'shut it. there are shrieks about. this is a nasty area to be in with non-wardens' [glaring disapprovingly]#they awkwardly walk to camp. sigrun and a couple other wardens are there. they all sit down & drop their stuff#amell sits on a stump and pulls out a corked bottle. pops the cork. sniffs it. takes a swig. her white hair almost seems to glow?#she coughs then asks anders 'so why *are* you this far in the deep roads with a band of nonwardens? how'd you even get here?'#anders pulls out the map and hands it over. she looks at it. her expression darkens. she rolls up the map and says 'Anders.' he looks up.#she whaps him on the head with the map and gripes 'do you have ANY idea how long I spent looking for these fucking maps?!' whap 'you dick!'#she whaps him one more time then stuffs the maps into her bag. 'that still doesn't tell me WHY you're here. out with it.'#varric speaks up: 'my asshole brother locked us in a thaig. we came down on an expedition and found an idol that he betrayed us for'#amell frowns. 'a *thaig*? there aren't any records in the shaperate of any out this far. this isn't even a main branch of the deep roads.'#'it could be ancient!' sigrun offers 'or an unsavory secret the shaperate 'lost'. like Caridin?' amell nods & turns back to varric.#'so you're looking for a way out.' they nod. 'and just happened to come by this way?' anders says 'no commander- we need your help.'#amell takes another swig of her bottle. her hair is definitely glowing slightly. 'who *doesn't* these days. but for a pair of old friends-'#she winks at anders. 'what is it you need?' danie interrupts. '-please- my brother is sick- if you can't help him he'll die!'#amell looks at hawke then at carver. gets up and steps over to him. kneels in front of him and unceremoniously grabs his face#tilts his chin up (carotid + jugular blackened) peels his eyelid back (sclera greying and bloodshot) pries open his mouth (tongue greying)#then releases his head and stands shaking her hands. 'oh yeah. that's blight for sure. this is why you sought me out?' anders nods.#'we'll take him. but you know- he may not survive the joining.' 'any chance is better than letting him die!' 'i agree.' amell says coolly.#'youre lucky. we can do it here but the prep will take time. rest. eat. be on your guard. and DO NOT touch my whiskey if you're not a mage.'#it takes like a day of prep. also no one has used amell's name so they havent figured out the Cousins thing yet#eventually amell pulls carver over to the fire and hands him a cup of the joining potion and says 'you get one warning. *don't flinch.*'#he drinks it. he lives. but he's unconscious. amell sends the party on their way#to anders: here. i found this not long after you left. *hands him the phylactery* you and justice be careful. it's getting chaotic out there#to hawke: for what it's worth im sorry. if ever you need the wardens' assistance i grant it under the authority of warden-commander amell
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trashmakerarticle · 7 months
Y’all think about those rare times when Batman talks about his sons before they were introduced to the justice league he talks bout his ‘babies’
Batman: ahh yes nightwing, he’s my little boy. Always is full of energy. I love him. He’s just a happy little boy. In fact I have called him here and there he is, my little boy, a bundle of joy he is.
Nightwing: *a fully grown man and almost the size of Batman himself* hey guys :D
JL: that’s not a little boy???
Batman: *pointing to red hood* this is my baby, he’s just a precious baby and I love him so, he is fragile so please don’t make contact. He’s so cute and precious, he’s my precious baby boy.
Redhood: *a 6’2 man, absolutely covered in guns and is the size (if not slightly bigger) then Batman himself, glaring at all of them* don’t talk shit b
Batman: language.
Batman: this is my other son, he is my little genius. He’s so full of innocence and so pure, I love him dearly. Don’t be fooled by that stare, he’s so full of love he can hardly contain it. In fact he is friend shape.
Red robin: *staring down the JL with his Batman glare, already in a fighting stance* I will not hesitate
JL: I do not feel safe
Batman: this is robin, my son. He is very nice, though he might pick at you slightly, he is harmless. He can be prickly be warned but overall he is such a lovely baby and I love him so much
Robin: *gripping his swords, glaring at them ready to fight*
JL: oh my god we’re gonna die
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blackpearlblast · 6 months
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[ID: drawings of a golem animated by a palestinian flag painted on its forehead. it is seen: holding out its arms protectively in front of a crowd of children, the children also hold each other supportively; catching an air strike missile from the air and throwing it away or crushing it in its fist; turning its back so that a child can warm her hands by the earth oven built into its back, food in a pot is cooking on the fire and a boy holds a cup of steaming tea to his face and enjoys the aroma; clearing away rubble so a man can help up his wife who was buried underneath, she is clutching a baby to her chest; stooping down to look at a kitten a young boy is holding up to show it; and dissolving small flakes of clay from its finger into a glass of water, purifying it. end ID]
@fairuzfan asked people to create and share art for the strike. i wrote an artist statement and then set about trying to draw what i envisioned. artist statement below.
This golem is a protector that I wish I could gift to the children and adults in Gaza. The flag on its forehead is to show that love for the Palestinian people is an animating force for people fighting for a free Palestine all over the world, especially for those in Palestine who are trying to free themselves and their people. Love is the motivation for the call for a free Palestine, not hatred like people try to claim. It is very strong and fast and can catch air strikes out of midair and crush them to dust or throw them back in the direction they came from. It can lift all the rubble of a collapsed building very quickly so nobody can get trapped underneath. It has an earth oven in its back with an ever-burning flame that people can use to warm themselves and cook food and heat water to use to bathe themselves or make tea. Pieces of its clay can be crumbled up and mixed into water to make even the most brackish and unclean water pure and safe to drink.
The golem is always a bit of a tragic figure so I don't imagine it staying around forever once Palestine is free and it is no longer needed. I think it would use its great strength to help rebuild the destroyed houses, churches, schools, universities, hospitals, and mosques and then dive into the Jordan river and dissolve. It would clean the river of all pollution and make the water splash up over all the newly replanted fruit trees, causing them to grow big and strong. Its love for Palestine and its people can be tasted in the fruit they grow for generations.
I choose a specifically Jewish icon of protection because of how it feels to witness such horrors done in the supposed name of Judaism and the Jewish people. For many anti-zionist Jews, we feel like we are acting directly within the teachings of our stories and communities by opposing this genocide. It is difficult to understand how the very people and institutions who taught us these values now fight against them so fiercely. While obviously I would still oppose Israel were I not Jewish, the way I oppose Israel is directly informed by my Jewishness. I hope that someday, somehow, Judaism can bring as much joy and support to the Palestinian people as it has brought grief and destruction. That Jewish symbols used in the name of love and justice will bear more significance than the ones used in shows of hatred. Knowing the depth of the harm caused, I do not know if this is possible. But this artwork and everything I have dedicated myself to these past few months and continue to dedicate myself to in the future is born from this hope. I love you. Thank you for being on this planet with me. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! And it will be beautiful.
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discotenny · 8 months
Oh the Jiro one was your idea?! It sounds so cute, I love your ideas
Also looking forward to the sleeping positions one 🥺💗
-jaku anonnn I am sleepy and have not a lot of words </3
All of the prompts except for ur request were mod ioten originals ehe >.0 A lot of the times I come up w ideas by talking w my friend and just ramble on and on abt silly scenarios that could go on 🙈🙈
Those were the four fics I had worked on the most 🤔🤔 So there’s still a few requests that are in the drafts but not completed enough to tease as up coming ehehe.
Sleeping positions one is like 4/18ths done LOLOL. MTC is giving me a bit of trouble just cause I can’t imagine Jyuto and Rio sleeping for sm reason ajaheidjdkdjdkw. Thank you for ur support as always Jakurai anon 🙈🙈🙈
Have a wonderful day / night / afternoon €.€ And that goes to everyone reading this :3
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