#my magic power to do everything down to the wire did NOT pull through this time. i'll never be phoenixkin :pensive:
t4tbruharvey · 2 years
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incomingalbatross · 2 years
"The Librarians and the Echoes of Memory":
All right, so Flynn really DID Do Nothing Wrong. Good for him. <3
Eve is the person least equipped to navigate Weird Magical Reality-Alterations, and she knows it, which is what makes watching her so fun. Just gonna shake her head and wing it.
Ah, a cartoony dystopia. Fun Times.
(And to be clear, when I said "Fringe Season 5" I was mainly thinking of the aesthetic. I stand by this.)
"Flynn!! Where are you? Are you okay?" "To answer your first question, I can't hear you." "That—that wasn't—"
^^ GREAT sequence.
I Fell Down, that great comedic successor to Where Are My Pants?
So I guess the Library is the actual embodiment of human wonder and curiosity? All right. Yeah. That's important.
Even in the Dystopia of Blandness, used-car salesmen wear bolo ties. In fact, it looks like they have to.
Eve doing her own version of calling up the trio's True Selves is very good.
Also. Have I mentioned that Eve is literally preserving the Library's existence by carrying the memory of it within her mind. Beloved.
Ezekiel is the world's lamest and also only celebrity?? That is. SO GOOD. Even here, Ezekiel can't blend into a crowd, and I'm sure he will be very smug about that later.
Cassandra and Jacob fanning over him is also very funny, obviously.
And of course he's chafing at this life. Of course he's picking padlocks in his dressing-room. Of course he is.
...Bad Ezekiel. Don't call security on your mom. :(
I will just point out, though, that if you want to keep Eve docile, maybe you shouldn't have let one of her people host the world's only TV show. But I guess you don't really care if she remembers...
Also. Don't stick her in the same ward as FLYNN??
FLYNN IS HERE! :D Asking questions! Talking! Indefatigably Being The Librarian!!
"Judson is a name. Jenkins is a name. Charlene is a name. These are all names that carry on in my head" :')
Good: Flynn going through an elaborate escape attempt just to make Eve laugh on his way back to his cell. Bad: Flynn getting Winter Soldiered.
Ezekiel I DON'T like your hair. Fix it.
The trio are Power of Friendshipping themselves back together!
AND Eve and Flynn pulled out True Love's Kiss again. That's a really handy resource if you've got it, honestly. All-purpose curse-breaker and all they need is each other.
Oh man. When I said they were Power of Friendshipping themselves back together, I hadn't seen anything yet.
Cassandra getting her mojo back was especially lovely. The boys are just "you, uh, you do--a thing! with numbers! and your hands!" And then she gestures and it comes and it's got COLOR. And she lights up too.
But also Ezekiel not needing to be told what he does, just seeing wires and security and going "I have no idea what any of this is but I know I'm GOOD at it :)" And being RIGHT. Insufferable (affectionate).
Jacob had to RIP HIS SLEEVES OFF to become more himself.
That is the best use of that running bit in the whole show. It's layered.
Oh no, they're trapped? Looks like they need a... back door.
Ah, well, materializing the Library around them works too.
I... I have... questions. About basically everything pertaining to Nicole. Starting with "what ARE these prophecies?" and ending with "is she still alive?" But all's well that ends well I guess.
(Speaking of which. I TOLD you I was holding my upset in abeyance. I KNEW they wouldn't go through with it. I figured they'd even fix the Graves of Time ending but I KNEW they weren't going through with THAT!)
Little upset about the lost character growth, but... I guess they can get most of it back, really. I LIKED the trio having been tried by the fires of division, but it's all still THERE whether it's been tried or not. Cassandra's solo adventure doesn't have to change much. Christmas Thief is honestly untouched. Feud doesn't have to change.
Genuine concern though:
What about the D&D group. What about all they represent.
...I will assume all is well with that portion of reality. Because it's Important.
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natedogx15 · 8 months
Miraculous Descendent Chapter 44: Bubble Bubble Toil and Trouble
Previous Chapter
"I'm sorry about this. When Gabriel makes up his mind about something, it can be difficult to get him to change it." Nathalie apologizes as she leads Nino out the gate of the mansion.
Nino doesn't say anything and glares at the ground as Nathalie leads him out.
"Try to have a nice day. I'm sure you and Adrien can still do something else later." Nathalie tries to reassure the teen before leaving him out front.
"Sure, if his old man allows that," Nino angrily mutters as he walks off.
He quickly texts everyone about what happened and what Mr. Agreste told him before heading to the park by himself, where he sits on a park bench and pulls out a bottle of bubbles.
"Ugh, this sucks. I can't believe there's a parent who doesn't want to celebrate their kid's birthday." Nino says as he uses the bubble wand to blow some bubbles.
While doing so, he suddenly hears crying and scans the area to see a parent dragging their kid away.
"But I want to keep playing!" The kid cries as they struggle to get free.
"Not until you finish your chores." The dad says while pulling them.
Nino sees this and scowls further, still upset about what happened earlier, and seeing this seems to be making his mood worse.
"Ugh, adults are the worst. They ruin everything." Nino mutters to himself.
Unknown to him, he's just reached a point that someone's been waiting for.
"Your anger toward me is appreciated. It makes you a perfect candidate for today's Akuma. It'll be a special one, too, since it's someone with a relationship with my son." Hawkmoth says as he creates a butterfly and sends it after Nino.
"Fly, my little butterfly, and make him into a powerful Akuma to celebrate today." Hawkmoth orders as he watches the butterfly fly away toward its intended target.
Nino continues to blow bubbles in the park to try and calm down. Unfortunately, he's so focused on trying to calm down; he doesn't notice the butterfly heading toward him until it lands on his bottle of bubbles and Hawkmoth enters his mind.
"Bubbler, my name is Hawkmoth, and I'm here to offer you the chance to celebrate your friend's birthday by ridding the world of all those who'd stop you," Hawkmoth explains in a confident and assuring tone.
Nino immediately falls under Hawkmoth's influence and smiles at his words.
"Let's party, Hawkmoth," Nino says before he's covered in the magical black substance.
Hawkmoth smirks until the transformation ends. When it does, it causes him to comically drop his jaw before angrily saying.
"Nooroo, dark wings fall."
The transformation is undone, and Gabriel is met with the sight of a smirking Nooroo.
"Did you have to take over the transformation to try and prove a point?" Gabriel asks his Kwami through gritted teeth.
"Yes, this is what you get for insulting my tastes," Nooroo tells him before turning away from Gabriel with crossed arms.
"All you're doing is proving my point!" Gabriel shouts in anger.
Gabriel's anger stems from how Nino's Akuma form looks. Bubbler looks far different from any other Akumas Hawkmoth made due to Nooroo's influence.
The Bubbler is wearing a black bodysuit; over Bubbler's upper torso, lower legs, and shoulders is red bubble-like armor. Under the red bubbles are two smaller blue and yellow bubbles. On The Bubbler's back is a giant bubble wand. The wand seemed to be connected by two wires to the Akuma's chest.
That's not including Nino's head, which doesn't look much better. The red chest armor expands into a skintight cover on his head with a bulb-tipped antenna on the top. His face is cyan blue with black dots above and below his eyes, with black circles around his brown eyes.
"Well, we'll have to see the rest of Paris' reaction. For all you know, this look could be in style. After all, I saw one of your human shows with a similar outfit on the main characters." Nooroo explains.
Gabriel sighs in frustration before saying.
"Fine. Nooroo, dark wings rise." Gabriel orders as he re-transforms into Hawkmoth.
When his connection with Bubbler returns, he sees the Akuma flying around Paris via a bubble-powered jetpack. The bubbles released from his jetpack expand to capture any adults within the city and send them into space.
With Nate and Adrien. The two watch their classmates spar as they wait for their turns. As they observe, Adrien hears some of his classmates talk about Nino.
"I can't believe that guy was trying to set up a party without Gabriel Agreste's permission. Talk about an idiot." One says, causing their friend to narrow their eyes.
"Don't you think that's a bit rude? All the guy wanted to do was throw a party for his friend." They tell the other one.
Adrien looks at them in confusion, anger, and worry, and Nate sees this.
"Are you okay?" He asks his friend.
"Uh yeah. Did Nino do something?" Adrien asks Nate to see if he knows anything.
Nate gains an awkward expression before explaining the situation. He tells Adrien about how Nino had texted everyone he invited about how Gabriel refused to let him stay out after fencing classes despite Nino wanting to throw him a party in the park.
Adrien looks shocked and sad when Nate explains the whole situation to him. However, before they can go over everything, a bubble appears in the courtyard, heading toward Armand D'Argencourt. Armand glares at it in confusion and moves to pop it with his fencing saber. To his surprise, the bubble doesn't pop and instead engulfs the weapon before soon doing the same to him.
"What is happening? Help! Quickly!" Mr. D'Argencourt shouts toward his students as the bubble floats upwards with him.
Some of his students quickly rush to help him and try to pierce the bubble with their equipment. However, D'Argencourt's prison merely bends when stabbed with the sabers and doesn't pop or look damaged.
The students hear another scream and see Mr. Damocles and a few other teachers, who stayed around the school, also being captured by bubbles before being lifted toward the sky.
"It looks like it's only going after adults," Nate observes in shock before pulling out his phone and dialing his dad's phone number.
Sadly for him, it doesn't seem like his dad's picking up.
"Shit, no, no, no. I need to call Marinette." Nate begins to panic as he changes who he's trying to call to warn Marinette.
While this happens, Marinette is relaxing in her room, working on her designs with headphones over her ears. Luckily for Nate, she has the foresight to put her phone somewhere where she can see it in case she gets a call and sees Nate trying to get in touch with her. Taking off her headphones and answering, Marinette says.
"Why are you calling? Did something happen? Is Nino's party back on?" Marinette asks.
"No, there's an Akuma trapping adults in bubbles. We need you over at the school now. While you're at the hotel, can you check if Dad and your mom are okay?" Nate asks the last part with a pleading tone.
Marinette's eyes widen, and she quickly jumps out of her chair and looks toward Tikki.
"It would seem there's no rest for you still. Hopefully, Hawkmoth won't use that power he did to make two Akumas like last time." Tikki says.
"Hopefully. Tikki, spots on." Marinette orders as Tikki flies into her earrings, and she transforms into Ladybug.
She exits her room in a hurry and runs down the stairwell to see if there are any bubbles in the hotel. Sadly, it seems like that's the case as bubbles fly out of different hotel rooms with various occupants inside.
"Help!" Some occupants shout in a panic as they bang on the bubbles to try and free themselves.
Ladybug quickly springs into action by throwing her yo-yo at one of the bubbles to either pop it or pull one of the trapped occupants out. Sadly, it has neither of the desired effects. The yo-yo bounces off the bubble, unable to pierce through it.
Ladybug pulls it back in shock as the bubbles fly through the hallway toward anywhere they can leave the hotel and float off toward the sky. Refusing to give up, Ladybug tries a few more times, but nothing seems to change. Ladybug begins to panic at her inability to do anything, but that's nothing compared to what she feels when she hears a familiar scream.
"Ahh!" Sabine screams as she and the other staff are pulled out of the kitchen.
"MOM!" Ladybug shouts in alarm, not realizing what she just said as she quickly takes action to save her mother.
"Seamstress!" She shouts as her costume transforms into Winter Seams.
Acting quickly, Ladybug uses her temperature-controlling powers to lower the temperature within the room. While doing so, she rushes toward the bubble imprisoning Sabine and touches it with the palm of her hand. The transparent orb freezes over before breaking apart to free Ladybug's mother. It takes Sabine a few seconds to process her surroundings and what happened to her. When it registers, she immediately jumps up and looks for someone.
"Marinette! Where are you!? Are you still here!?" Sabine shouts in worry for her daughter as she looks around the room, having heard her daughter's worried shout.
Ladybug looks at her mother in relief before pulling herself together.
"Don't worry, mam. Your daughter is safe. You need to get out of here and find somewhere to hide." Ladybug implores her mother to find somewhere to hide.
"Not without my daughter. I know I heard her shout." Sabine tells Ladybug with a glare as she continues to search for her daughter, calling for Marinette constantly.
Ladybug bites her lower lip when she sees her mom like this. However, the shouts around her from the others trapped in bubbles cause her to focus on freeing them. She quickly focuses on freezing the bubbles and manages to release everyone trapped. As everyone recovers, Sabine runs out the door toward a hallway while calling for her daughter.
"Marinette!" Sabine shouts.
Ladybug quickly follows after Sabine, only to see her get trapped in another bubble.
"Help!" Sabine shouts.
Wasting no time, Ladybug rushes toward Sabine and frees her from the bubble. She quickly grabs Sabine's shoulders and says.
"Mam, you need to get out of here and hide until Cat Noir and I have taken care of the Akuma. I promise your daughter is fine. I had her run off and hide so she's safe in case the Akuma shows up." Ladybug tells Sabine in a faux firm tone.
Sabine looks into Ladybug's eyes for a second before nodding.
"Alright. Please hurry and stop this madness, Ladybug. I don't want any harm coming to my daughter or husband." Sabine begs the girl.
Ladybug nods to her with a smile.
"Don't worry. We can handle this easily." Ladybug reassures her.
As Ladybug deals with the situation in the hotel, Adrien is simultaneously dealing with a problem at school. Unfortunately, not a problem with the bubbles themselves.
As Nate finishes his call to Marinette, Bubbler lands in the courtyard before Adrien, causing everyone in the area to back up and some to raise their fencing sabers defensively in case things take a turn for the worse and they have to defend themselves. Adrien and Nate especially take this action as Bubbler gives Adrien a good-natured grin.
"Dude! I'm so glad you're still here. Come on, I've got your party all setup." Bubbler says as he casually walks toward Adrien to grab him.
"N-Nino, i-is that y-you?" Adrien cautiously asks as he backs away for every step Bubbler takes forward while keeping his fencing saber between them.
Bubbler doesn't seem affected by Adrien's actions toward him and only grins at his friend.
"Not anymore, dude. You can call me, The Bubbler. And I'm here to give you the rocking party you deserve for your birthday. You don't have to worry about your old man either since I sent him and every other adult packing on a one-way trip to space." Bubbler says with a smirk. His words cause Nate to shout furiously.
"You did fucking what!" Nate shouts as he marches toward Bubbler with a furious and worried expression as he thinks about his family being in space.
Bubbler turns toward Nate with a raised eyebrow as Nate's fellow fencing students look at him in worry while others shake their heads while mouthing for him to stop.
"I sent the adults to space. That way, we can have fun and party without anyone breathing down our necks. Come on, it'll be awesome." Bubbler grins toward Nate. However, the glint in his eyes is dark as Nate continues to march toward him with a furious expression.
"Are you kidding me!? You sent my father and every other adult in Paris to space for a PARTY! A PARTY, NINO!" Nate angrily shouts as he swings his weapon into the ground while glaring into Bubbler's eyes without a hint of fear, only anger and worry for his father and others.
"It's Bubbler. And what's wrong with wanting to be sure our party isn't interrupted? Do you have a problem with parties?" Bubbler asks the last part in a dangerous tone.
"I have a damn problem with it when you send people to space to have it. Do you not realize how dangerous that is? What if they implode from lack of air? What if they freeze to death? What are kids unable to take care of themselves supposed to do while their parents are gone? Have you actually thought this through?" Nate angrily shouts at Bubbler, furious at their reckless plan for something as insignificant as a party.
Nate is furious. His father and some hotel staff have taught him so much to ensure he doesn't turn out arrogant because he comes from money, and they have a deep connection. So, hearing that his father may be in space along with the parents of every kid in Paris does nothing but anger him. Unfortunately, it's not helping his hindsight. 
If it did, he'd realize why confronting an Akuma like this was a bad idea. Or what had happened with Stoneheart.
"So you're on the adults' side then, huh? That's too bad. You were a cool dude. I was so excited to have you at the party for Adrien. But if you're on the adults' side. You can join them in space." Bubbler says as he pulls out his bubble sword and glares at Nate, who finally realizes the situation he's put himself in and loses his bravado.
As Nate realizes he's put his foot in his mouth again, Plagg claws at Adrien's leg to make him look at him. Adrien looks down at his Kwami to see them motioning toward the bathroom with his eyes. Widening his eyes, Adrien looks between the confrontation and his chance to escape, and Adrien doesn't know what to do.
"Ah, crud. Wait, wait, wait. Let's not do anything hasty. Nino, I'm serious. This isn't funny." Nate begs for Bubbler to stop as he raises his hand between them while keeping the sword down at his side and backing away from the Akuma.
"This isn't a joke, dude. You wanna be on the adults' side; you can join them in space while the rest of us enjoy our freedom. And I told you, it's The Bubbler." Bubbler says as he menacingly walks toward Nate.
"Come on, seriously. You can't blame me for reacting the way I did. What about your parents?" Nate asks in desperation.
Bubbler pauses slightly when Nate asks that before shaking his head and continuing to walk toward the panicking teen. Somewhat luckily for Nate, someone finally steps in to help him.
Clément rushes between the two and raises her weapon defensively toward Bubbler while keeping Nate behind her.
"Let's calm down. He just got a little emotional. We're teenagers; it happens. We're supposed to get emotional." Clément says as she comes to Nate's defense.
"So, you're taking his side too? Fine, you both can join the adults then." Bubbler says as he unsheaths his bubble sword and fires two bubbles toward the two.
Clément tries to stab the bubble with her sword, but it only ends up trapping the weapon inside. Luckily, she lets go of it in time to keep her arm, and she and Nate quickly back away to try and escape. They watch in fear as the bubbles close in toward them. Fortuitously, the two find themselves being pulled to the safety of the school roof by Cat Noir.
"Are you two okay?" Cat Noir asks them in worry.
It takes a second for them to realize what happened. When they do, Nate sighs in relief while Clément looks at Cat Noir with stars in her eyes.
"Thanks, Cat No-" Nate starts before getting cut off by Clément shoving him out of the way and grabbing Cat Noir's hand. She vigorously shakes it while saying.
"Cat Noir! I'm such a big fan. Thank you for saving me. Can I get an autograph? A selfie?" Clément baggers Cat Noir with rapid questions as she fangirls over meeting him.
"Uh, sorry, I've got to take care of this guy." Cat Noir awkwardly says as he points toward an angry Bubbler with his thumb.
"Oh, right, cool. Good luck." Clément says while giving him two thumbs up.
Cat Noir quickly turns to leap down, only to get tackled by a bubble jetpack-propelled Bubbler before being dropped on a car.
"Ow." Cat Noir groans as he gets off the car.
The Bubbler lands behind Cat Noir's prone position and glares at the hero.
"What's your deal, dude? I was just trying to get rid of a couple party poopers so we could have some fun. Why you gotta get in my way when I'm trying to throw my friend a party?" He asks the hero in anger as he prepares to attack.
"Maybe because you sent thousands to millions of people into space to do it. Look, I get it. It would be nice to throw your friend a party, but you went too far trying to do it by sending people off to do it." Cat Noir tells the Akuma to try and reason with him since Nino is his friend.
"No, you don't get it. I'm trying to give everyone a day where they can have fun. To do that, I need to send anyone stopping that away. Including you, now hand over your Miraculous!" Bubbler snaps at Cat Noir as he swings his bubble sword at the hero, creating a giant red bubble.
Cat Noir notices the color and tenses as the fast-approaching red bubble nears him. Before he can try jumping out of the way, the bubble explodes, and the force sends him backward. Luckily he is quickly able to regain his footing. Bubbler isn't done, though. He sends out multiple large red bubbles after Cat Noir to try and take the hero down.
Now understanding what the red bubbles can do and what he has to do to avoid them, Cat Noir extends his baton toward a building and latches onto the wall to escape the first wave of red bubbles.
"You're doing it wrong. Cats are supposed to chase after the bubbles." Bubbler quips with a smirk as he swings his bubble sword toward Cat Noir to send more red bubbles after the hero.
"Well, this cat is afraid of them. Especially when they explode on him." Cat Noir says as he jumps off the building to avoid the next barrage.
Realizing he can't keep at a distance, Cat Noir chooses to try and close the distance between him and the Akuma. Aiming his baton to the ground behind him at an angle, Cat Noir propels himself forward to close in on The Bubbler. Unfortunately, as Cat Noir nears him, The Bubbler quickly uses his bubble-powered jetpack to gain some distance in the air to avoid the hero.
"Nice try, dude. But no prize for you." Bubbler laughs while creating a bubble and standing on it like a platform to suspend himself in the air.
Cat Noir glares at him and is about to use his baton to launch after his controlled friend again. However, before he can, The Bubbler sends multiple red-tinted bubbles toward him to obstruct his path.
Cat Noir quickly focuses on avoiding the incoming explosives while Bubbler is laughing down at him. Sadly, for him, at least, his joy ends when a yo-yo wraps around his waist and pulls him off his bubble platform and onto the roof of a building, where he is met with the sight of a glaring Ladybug.
"Not cool. What kind of hero attacks someone from behind." Bubbler says as he gets up. Only for Ladybug to use her powers to freeze his legs and jetpack to the ground.
"The kind that likes to play things smart," Ladybug says as she cautiously walks toward him to find the object the butterfly is in.
Luckily for The Bubbler, he had kept a tight hold on his sword when he was pulled onto the roof and lifted it before Ladybug could completely freeze his arm. So, he manages to create a red-tinted bubble and make it head toward Ladybug.
As the bubble heads toward them, Cat Noir lands on the roof and sees the bubble heading toward Ladybug, who reaches out to freeze it like the ones she'd dealt with at the hotel.
"Ladybug! That one explodes!" Cat Noir exclaims as he rushes toward his partner in a panic.
Ladybug's eyes widen at that, and she tries to retract herself away from the bubble. Sadly, she's already too close and takes the brunt of the explosion, almost sending her off the roof if it weren't for her partner catching her.
"Thanks," Ladybug says to him after spending a few seconds recovering.
Cat Noir grins at her and says.
"No problem. The red bubbles can explode, while the green ones will capture you. So, be careful."
Ladybug nods in understanding before the two stare at The Bubbler. As Ladybug recovers from the shock, Bubbler takes advantage of it by blowing up the ice and building roof to free himself. He then quickly uses his bubble-powered jetpack to fly into the air while making a trail of red bubbles to attack the heroes.
Understanding her mistake from last time, Ladybug doesn't try to get close to freeze the bubbles. Instead, she tries to create a freezing wind and sends it toward the bubbles to freeze and shatter them.
The Bubbler looks down in shock when he sees this before getting angry.
"Seriously? What's your damage? Why do you keep getting in my way?" The Bubbler asks in frustration as he sees he's at a disadvantage.
"Probably because you tried to send my family into space." Ladybug snaps at the villain with a heated glare.
"You too. Why can't you see I'm trying to do everyone a favor?" Bubbler grouses.
Ladybug glares at him before getting an idea and looking toward Cat Noir.
"I have a plan. Get your Blackhole ready while I try and freeze his jetpack. We'll freeze him and hold him down." She whispers to her partner, who subtly nods in understanding.
Ladybug then puts her hands together and creates an orb of icy wind before firing it upward to try and hit The Bubbler. It expands into a far larger attack and manages to hit The Bubbler's leg and weigh him down slightly.
"Not cool. Well, cool, but not that kind of cool." The Bubbler says as he tries to break the ice with his sword.
Ladybug isn't letting him off that easy, though. She fires beams of ice from her palms to try and hit his slowed-down state. One of her attacks manages to scrape Bubbler's jetpack and cause it to freeze.
"Not Cool!" The Bubbler shouts as he starts falling.
Bubble quickly makes another bubble platform and climbs onto it with considerable effort since one of his legs is frozen. Cat Noir sees this and pulls out his baton before launching it at the bubble. The force from the weapon hitting it causes The Bubbler to fall off, and Cat Noir takes advantage by following Ladybug's plan.
"Black Hole!" He announces as he places a black hole near where The Bubbler would land, causing them to be pulled in and have half their body stuck within it.
The Bubbler tries to escape but can't, and Ladybug takes the chance to take his bubble sword from him and break it. She then quickly captures the butterfly and shouts.
"Miraculous Ladybug!"
The magic ladybugs fly around the city and into the sky. The heroes quickly look to the streets below to see if the adults are safe. To their relief, Miraculous Ladybug is bringing all the adults back.
Next Chapter
0 notes
natewriteslol · 3 years
Hey! Could i request the dorm leaders with an esper MC? Kinda like Mob psycho or Saiki k :) and maybe they don't really use this ability of theirs that much since in their world they're literally a teen who's trying to live a normal life(like Mob basically), so nobody knew about their psychic powers except Grim since the mirror said that he couldnt sense any magic in them(i'm pretty sure that psychic powers don't really count as magic but idk lol).
Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna write it! :)
 A/N: Ooh this was a fun one! I haven't watched Mob Psycho (I know about that fine ass blonde man-) but I have watched Saiki k and I loved it, still need to finish it tho jlafljhdas 
Characters: Kalim Al-Asim, Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Vil Schoenheit, Azul Ashengrotto, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia
P.S: I’m so sorry this is so long omg but I guess this is a strong comeback-
Warnings: none except for language
-You wanted to stay as far away as possible from him
-Riddle was part of the trio of people you wanted to stay away from: Riddle, Vil, and Azul
-Riddle paid so much attention to fine details that if something was up, he'd definitely notice it
-But unfortunately you were best friends with the two goobers of Heartslabyul: Ace and Deuce
-And Riddle had started to pay attention to you and your habits, and something was off with you
-It's almost as though you tried too hard to be normal, like Jamil
-And he could never let something like that happen again, so yes he was watching you
-One day you accidently slipped up and was irresponsible with your powers
-Grim was bothering you since he got into a deal with Azul for tuna and they were standing outside with the twins, since Grim lost
-You told him to fend for himself and teleported, however you didn’t plan where you would go
-And you teleported into the Heartslabyul dorm
-What sucks is that your teleportation power was literally flashy with a bright ass green light every time you popped in somewhere
-Just when you thought you were lucky since the whole dorm was uninhabited...except for Riddle who watched the whole thing
-He was completely shocked, he didn’t know what to say other than “What did you just do?!” 
-You explained to him, and that just pieced everything together
-How you solved overblots with such ease, and that one day you had a “strength potion to test for Azul” was such bs!
-Riddle ends up keeping your secret, since he values your privacy but if you do something major and mess up then he will tell!
-”I understand but please be more careful with your powers. I need to institute discipline and you are no exception, Y/N.”
-He really does care about you and doesn’t want you to be found out 
-Goes the extra mile to cover for you often, and in exchange you help him out with things :)
-He didn't really care about you at first but as you started to hang Jack and Ruggie, Leona started to get more suspicious
-Your scent had proven that you had some trace of magic, but Leona just couldn't put his finger on it
-So he sent Ruggie after you for a couple of days
-If you were a threat to Savanaclaw, Leona would crush you
-But Ruggie had only reported back that everything with you was perfectly normal
-"Just give it up Leona, they're just an ordinary human. The scent is probably weird because they're from a completely different world."
-But Leona still had that feeling, so he was keeping an eye on you
-You had made a deal with Crowley to keep your powers secret to solve problems on campus (it did cut repair costs and handymen costs in half so-)
-Your new quest was to rid the forest of the Angolo fungus that was manifesting into living fungus blobs 
-The one thing that gave you away was Grim, as you both had to stop by the Greenhouse to read some info about the fungus
-The cat beast was being far too loud, not understanding why he had to go and mess around with the icky fungus
-You simply replied “It’ll be quick, I’ll just use Hydrokinesis and dry out the fungus since they’re mainly filled with water. They become fertilizer once dried so we can just leave them there.”
-And there Leona was, ears perked up once he heard your voice
-Hydrokinesis? What are you talking about?
-So he set off, following you to the forest
-You started to fly, turning the once green and lively fungus to brown dust while Grim napped against a tree
-Leona for the first time in the while, was left speechless
-Once you noticed him, you realized you had to talk to him
-Confronting him later on, luckily Leona didn’t spill to anyone 
-He promised to never tell anyone about what he saw, and had no clapbacks for what you had to say 
- Leona doesn’t even benefit from this secret...besides mayyybee one day asking for your help if his pride lets him
-By the Great Seven why does everything have to not be in his favor-
-Another one who you have got to be careful around, since he’s incredibly observant
-More observant than Riddle
-Azul noticed that you’re an incredibly average person, and were incredibly relaxed even during the most stressful situations
-And almost every single time whenever you were in a tight spot, it works in your favor
-Just how is that possible? Solving overblots left and right? Every single time you disappeared the infestation of magical beasts are gone? 
-One day, you were getting picked on by a three guys, their stature far above yours and incredibly strong. How could you possibly win?
-Just as he was about to scoop in a save you, you slammed one of the men into the concrete, taking on the other two by electrocuting them, the blue lightning buzzing in your palms
-They were completely knocked out, dusting off your palms and picking up your things only to face Azul’s eyes
-After giving an explanation of what that was, he was still speechless
-Azul at first was incredibly shocked and then since Azul is Azul... later on realized this had benefits
-He could just blackmail you to be his new bodyguard!
-Oh how he always manages to bend life to his will-!
-So you could just wipe his memory... or turn him into stone...nvm
-You’re now Azul’s arch nemesis since you end up saving people from his scamming and you’re basically untouchable and there’s nothing he can do about it
-But he does find your great strength admirable (and a lil hot, I mean what can u say seeing someone floating in the air with electricity flowing through them is a nice look okay Nate shut up)
-Oh Kalim my beloved
-He just thinks that you’re incredibly talented and a little mysterious
-You have your little quirks and he has his! Who is he to judge?
-Until one day you wanted to make the load lighter on Jamil, since the berries that Kalim had requested for were only in season in one country
-You decided to just teleport and then come back with the berries so Kalim wouldn’t be pouty 
-You were outside the door ready to teleport when last minute you felt a hand on your shoulder
- “Oh Y/N you forgot-!”
-And there both you and Kalim were, in a berry field thousands of miles away from the Scarabia dorm
-Kalim screams, falling to the lush green of the field
-What happened?! Where are we?! How did you do that?!
-You quickly gathered all the berries at light speed, making sure that you got back before Jamil realized that you were gone
-Kalim wasn’t scared of you, rather impressed that you were able to keep a secret for that long, he could never!
-You’re already super cool, and on top of this you have otherwordly powers!
- “It must’ve been stressful living your life like this! But don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret!”
-Yes he sometimes asks you to perform some of your powers for him, sorry Y/N-
-While you were his friend, he was incredibly suspicious of you
-Even though you wiped everyone’s memory, he still had the faint memory of when he was in overblot mode of you blasting him with a beam of light
-Vil was incredibly upset as one of his assistants had mixed up his items, and left one of his vital skincare items on the set of where they were filming a new commercial
-It was being shipped and would take 3 days to reach NRC
-His mood was horrible and you had to do something about it to give grace to the Pomefiore dorm
-So you went to the second story of the Pomefiore dorm, ready to use Apport (the power to pull anything before you) 
-However, Vil felt incredibly guilty
-He was acting like a child and he shouldn’t have taken it out on the people who he loves and values
- “Y/N, how I was acting was incredibly inappropriate and- is that my moisturizer? How did you get it?”
-Starts freaking out as this was impossible as it was on it’s way from being shipped from another country
-This was the last straw for him ther was no justification for this that wasn't done by some form of magic
-He takes you to his room to make you sit down and give him an explanation for this
-Once you finished, Vil understood but was still freaked out
-He cares alot about keeping your powers a secret and will cover for you
-"So my aport powers need to exchange something of equal value so... I exchanged it with that Scucci purse over there-
-He loves you, but you're dead to him, Y/N dear
-Before he knew you, he didn't really notice anything off with you
-A little quiet sure but he minded his own business, he had bigger things to focus on
-Until you hung around Ignihyde more often for a project, fixing a huge generator by yourself for one of your partners for a project
-They took a break only after you told them that they could and apprehensive went to go get food and water
-Anyone with eyes could see that there's an overbearing amount of energy flowing through the fairly large sized cube
-Wait, you were wearing no gloves, you could get electrocuted! Why would have your bare hands on something like that?!
-Just as he was able to yell, it was too late, your whole body was flowing with the bright blue energy... and then you let go
-You were walking completely fine, you went and held a random wire on the ground, placing the electricity inside
-The static from your hair was gone, and you looked completely normal. . .
-Just what the hell are you?
-He did hours of research trying to figure you out, even sending Ortho to monitor you
-Yet there was nothing, you were just a “regular teen” 
-Was ready to get S.T.Y.X.S on your ass- (is that too soon to joke abt my bad overblot boys-)
-Until one day he caught you again bending electricity to your will
-Is incredibly impressed with your power (lowkey wanting to experiment on you)
-After he realizes that you can read minds Idia is so damn frightened
- “O-Okay I promise not to say anything, just don’t tell anyone what I’m thinking a-alright?!”
-You were one of the only people who he trusted
-Malleus had always detected some form of magical aura that was otherworldly from you and it never seemed to fade
-And it wasn’t often, but it was almost like you knew what he was thinking
-Whenever he was deeply upset he felt a twinge of energy from you, and then you would insist and help him out with his problems
-And he flat out says “Are you reading my mind, Y/N?”
-You had never been directly outed like this before, you felt horrible 
-You never read people’s minds unless it was very necessary
-whenever Malleus felt deeply gloomy you felt like it was important to just read his mind and help him with the problem
-You explained it to him and apologized, but he wasn’t upset
-In fact, he was smiling?
- “It seems like we have alot of things that we’re hiding from each other. But... you always had the best intentions whenever you used your abilities”
-He let out a sigh and reluctantly admitted, “And, I know that I’m quite stubborn with revealing my feelings.” 
- “I will keep your secret as long as you keep mine, Child of Man,” the dragon fae said, you both shaking on it
- “I always had a feeling that you were special, but I never thought it would be something of this caliber...” 
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itsapeterthing · 3 years
You and Me || Peter Parker
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pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
summary: your best friend, peter parker, disappeared with the snap of thanos’ fingers five years ago. when he comes back after five long years things may have changed, but you’ll always be his
a/n: okay so here let’s pretend that even if you were snapped you still aged; reblogs and replies are super appreciated!
word count: 3.3k
warnings: angst w/ happy ending, a lot of this involved the battle scene from endgame so fighting, getting crushed and tony’s death
masterlist || request || taglist
"Y/n? Oh my God, Y/n! Are you seeing this on the news? It’s crazy! I- I don’t even know what that is! M- maybe it’s aliens! That would mean-”
“Woah! Peter slow down!” You whispered to your best friend on the phone, sneaking into the bathroom to take the call in the middle of class. “What’s going on?”
You could hear shuffling and heavy breathing on his end, no doubt swinging across the city while holding the phone to his ear. “So I was on the bus and then I saw this big round spaceship thing so I was like ‘Oh shoot! Mr. Stark might need me!’ so I had Ned distract the bus-”
“Wait. You’re following a spaceship?” You asked, watching as the only other person who had been in the bathroom finally left. “Peter that sounds really dangerous. Maybe... maybe you should let the big guys handle it.”
Despite your best efforts to conceal it, Peter could hear the anxiety laced in your voice even over the phone.
“Y/n, I- I have to.” He told you, and you could hear him stop swinging on the other side. “If you were nearby, you would do the same thing. I know you would.”
“Yeah, and if you were in my position, you would tell me not to too.” You chuckled, leaning against the bathroom wall.
“”Yeah, because you need me there to make sure you don’t get yourself killed.” He teased.
You rolled your eyes at what your best friend had just said. Despite him not being able to see you, you knew he knew you well enough to take the hint. “Shut up!” You gasped. “At least my powers are cool! I can do magic, spider boy.”
Before he could even argue with your nickname for him, reminding you that he was “Spider-Man” and not “Spider-Boy”, he cursed on the other line.
“Shit! This guy’s huge!” He exclaimed. “I have to go, Y/n.”
“Wait!” You shouted into the phone. “Be safe!”
“You got it, Y/n!”
Holding the phone tighter to your ear, you found the courage to finally say it.
“I- I love you.”
But before you could get a reply, the line went dead.
“Y/n!” You heard a voice shout, but you weren’t able to tell from where.
You opened your eyes only to be met with darkness and a heavy weight crushing your chest and covering every part of your body. Huffing you attempted to wiggle your fingers, seeing if there was any part of you not crushed by the absolute weight of concrete on top of you. When you felt a few of your fingers able to move freely, you stretched them out, allowing the golden glow of your magic to flow from your hand.
“Y/n?” You heard again, this time recognizing the voice as Cap’s.
“Hey, Y/n’s over here!” You heard Tony shout from above, closer than Steve.
Without another word, you felt the weight thrown off of you as Steve picked up the slab that had crushed you. You looked up only to be met with the somber faces of both Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, the wires sparking and dust rising around them. Steve kneeled above you, reaching out his hand to pull you up and still coughing you accepted it.
“You okay, kid?” He asked.
Standing up and stretching out your arms, making sure you could move everything, you nodded. “Yeah,” You replied, suddenly taking in the scene around you. What felt like seconds before you had been standing in the Compound, but now you were surrounded by ash, dust and destruction. “What happened?”
You followed them as they made their way over to Thor who was standing feet away, observing the field ahead of him. You watched as Cap shrugged.
“I think we’re about to find out.”
Minutes later when you were besides Steve, picking yourself up and off of the ground, you almost wished you hadn't asked. You watched as alien ships and Thano’s army flew overhead and marched into your line of sight. You grew hopeless. Although you and the other Avengers who were at the Compound were undeniably powerful, you knew that even Steve who stood at your side, strapping his shield tighter around his injured arm was aware of the likelihood of you all making it out not only alive, but on top.
Just then, however, you heard the voice speak through Cap’s earpiece.
Turning around you watched as a singular portal opened behind him and began to feel tears prickling in your eyes- as much as you would deny crying once the battle was over. As more portals continued to open up, you couldn’t help the smile that stretched across your face, seeing everyone who had disappeared five years ago beside you again. However, there was one face you couldn’t help but search for.
You finally laid eyes on him as a portal opened up from a remote planet you didn’t recognize. At first you only saw unfamiliar faces and nearly grew discouraged until you saw your favorite spider boy swing through the portal.
Before you could see him without his mask, you spun around as you heard Cap’s orders.
“Avengers... assemble.”
With that, everything happened so fast. You were floating across the field in seconds, shooting bursts of magic out of your hands at each warrior that came your way. Knocking each of the alien warriors to the ground, you couldn’t help but check around you, watching to see if you would be lucky enough to have him fighting beside you once again.
Before the blip you and Peter had always fought beside each other. The two of you were essentially inseparable and the whole team who knew the two of you knew it. You told yourselves that it was just because you were younger and less experienced- that a buddy system was beneficial to the both of you. You knew better though.
By the time that Peter had been snapped to dust by Thanos’ fingers, you had fully accepted the feelings that you had for your best friend. You were so adamant about being beside him on the battlefield because you had to make sure he was okay- to make sure he was safe. You knew how easily distracted he could get, caught up in the moment of being a superhero, so you were always sure to look out for him and cover his back, not just for him but for yourself as well. You never told him your feelings though in fear that it would ruin the relationship you had built.
It was your biggest regret for the past five years of your life.
Knowing he was back, you needed to find him.
It was as though God had heard you and answered your prayers when once you looked up from killing another one of Thanos’ warriors, your eyes met across the field.
As soon as you saw him, you watched as he tapped the side of his neck, the mask that had been covering his face, retracting.
He looked older- five years older to be exact. The baby face you had grown to love had matured into one that was recognizable, but undeniably new. His hair was a bit longer, his shoulders looked broader and you were sure he had grown taller. All the changes didn’t matter an ounce to you though- all that mattered was that he was your Peter and that he was finally standing right in front of you.
Your hands trembling at your sides, you looked at him and dared yourself to smile.
He smiled right back and in that moment you were sure that your feelings hadn’t changed a bit from five years ago. God, you missed him.
“Y/n?” He asked.
You couldn’t help but laugh, overjoyed to hear your name slipping out of his mouth again. No longer being able to hold yourself back, you ran across the space to him and he did the same. Meeting in the middle, he immediately slipped his arms under your arms and around your waist, picking you up and off the ground in a tight embrace. You were so afraid of him slipping away through your fingers- you grasped him so tightly you were sure that if his suit wasn’t made of metal, you would have left a mark on his back.
You sobbed into his neck while laughing, telling him that you missed him and that you couldn't believe he was really there.
When you finally let go, you pulled away, both of you still holding each other at arm’s length.
“I-” Peter began.
You laughed, shaking your head. “Sorry- you go first!”
Peter laughed, shaking you while he spoke. “Has it really been five years? Dr. Strange- do you know Dr. Strange? Anyway- not important- Dr. Strange said that it’s been five years and then he did the swirly thing and now we’re here and-”
You smiled as you listened to his speech, Peter talking about what had happened when he came back after five years away, sprinkled with questions like “Was the last Star Wars movie good? I can't believe I missed the last Star Wars movie!” and “Are there flying cars now? Sorry, that’s dumb. Who needs flying cars?”. When he finally took a breath, you cut into the conversation.
“Yeah, it’s really been five years, Pete.” You laughed. “You look... older.”
“Do I really?” He asked excitedly. “How much older?”
You quirked your eyebrows at him. This was Peter alright.
“Five years older, bud.”
“Oh... yeah.” He chuckled scratching the back of his neck. “Y- you look older too... in a good way! You also have um dirt all over your face, but uh... you always... look good.”
You smiled and even after all this time you could feel yourself become flustered by his compliment. You really were his.
“Thanks.” You said. “The uh... the Compound kind of fell on me so...”
“Wait what-”
Before Peter could ask you more about you surviving a building collapsing on you, the two of you watched as T’Challa ran through the battlefield, the gauntlet in his grasp. Snapping back into the moment, you let go of Peter. As he tapped the side of his neck, the mask covering his face again, you knew what he was about to do.
“Be safe!” You shouted.
Without a word you watched as Peter shot a web that flew right by you. When you spun around you watched as one of the warriors fell to the ground, held down by the web- a blade still in his hand.
“You first!” He called before swinging away.
The moment he left, you snapped back into action, taking out warriors left and right, moving on to help others when you cleared your area.
Your bones were beginning to ache, feeling the weight of not only the building that had fallen on top of you earlier, but also your relentless swinging and fighting to not only protect yourself, but humanity. The weight of the world felt as if it was on your shoulders and no matter how sore you were- you wouldn’t stop until it was over- for better or worse.
When the beams started raining down from the large ship overhead, you fell to the ground, concealing yourself within a forcefield in just enough time to protect yourself before one rained down right above you. The impact of it hitting the ground shook the earth beneath you and you could see nothing but the golden glow of the forcefield surrounding you and dirt exploding from the ground around you.
You pulled your knees into your chest and wrapped your arms around your head to shield yourself despite the forcefield surrounding you.
“See you in a minute?” You asked.
“See you in a minute.” She smiled.
For the first time since you woke up under the pile of concrete, you could feel your chest tightening and a ball form in your throat as tears were threatening to spill over.
You thought of Natasha, the woman who mentored you for the past five years, and how she sacrificed herself for all of these people to have their lives back. She died for the cause and as you sat there with beams exploding around you, you prayed that it wasn’t all for nothing- that you would all win, that people would get to hug their family members again and that you might even get to tell Peter about how you felt.
Peter. Realizing now that you would have died if not for your powers, you wished that Peter was safe carrying the gauntlet across the field. You couldn’t bare to lose him twice just when you had been given your second chance.
When you felt the ground stop shaking under you, you unraveled yourself, looking up to see that the raining beams had stopped. Removing your forcefield, you watched as the spaceship fell out of the sky.
Being given your second chance, you used your powers, picking up large pieces of the former Avenger’s Compound building, hurling them at large groups of Thanos’ warriors, crushing them instantly. In the distance you could see Thanos, Steve, Tony and Carol Danvers scrambling for the gauntlet.
As you went to make your way towards them, however, you felt a hand wrap around your neck and pull you back. Being thrown to the ground, the warrior fell on top of you, his knife attempting to make its way into your chest. You kicked your legs towards his torso, grunting as you grabbed his wrist, using all of your strength to keep the blade centimeters away from piercing itself into your skin.
Right when you were accepting your fate, growing exhausted from not just today’s, but years worth of fighting, you watched as a look of horror flashed across the warrior’s face and in a second he turned to dust in your grasp.
Pushing yourself up and off the ground, wiping the remnants of ash off of you, you spun around and watched as Thano’s army faded away to dust, facing the same horror that billions did on that one day five years ago. You could finally allow yourself to breathe a sigh of relief as they disappeared across the battlefield, slowly turning to ash.
When you looked back towards where Thanos stood seconds before, you ran over, nearly tripping over all of the objects in your path.
When you finally made your way over, recognizing Peter immediately from behind, you followed his line of sight to Tony who was sitting up almost motionless on the ground. 
You observed the way his arm was mangled up to the side of his face, similar to Banner’s earlier when he snapped half of humanity back into existence. You knew, however, that Tony wouldn’t be able to survive the same fate.
As Pepper placed her hands on Peter’s shoulders moving him to the side, you rushed to him, wrapping Peter in your arms as you held his head against your chest. As soon as he made contact with you, you could feel him tightly squeezing around your torso, crying into the fabric of your suit.
You hushed him, watching as Tony’s hand fell from Pepper’s one last time. You could feel your heart breaking in your chest over all that you had lost, but knowing in the end that you had won. 
The proof of victory, although costly, was evident to you by the crying man in your arms.
A week later when the memorial was held at Tony’s house, you saw Peter again for the first time since the day he had come back. You gave him space, understanding that coming back after disappearing for five years and losing your mentor was difficult to cope with.
After watching the last remanent of Tony Stark float across the lake, Peter found you standing to the side. When you heard a branch snap from a few feet behind you, you jumped, turning around only to be met with Peter’s face.
“Hey.” You smiled.
“H-hey, Y/n.”
“How are you feeling?” You asked him, leaning against the nearby tree.
He shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. “Well... May and I found someplace to stay and all of our stuff so... that’s good.”
You smiled. “That’s-”
“I heard about Black Widow.” He cut you off, fiddling with the cufflinks on the sleeve of his jacket. “About... about how she trained you all this time and stuff.” He finally looked up at you and met your eyes. “I’m so sorry, Y/n.”
You shrugged, wiping your eyes and taking a deep breath, willing yourself not to cry in front of him. You knew that to him five years ago felt like yesterday- that he couldn’t understand how your life changed in the past five years. Regardless, it meant a lot that he cared enough to check on you when there was so much else for him to worry about.
“It’s okay, Pete.” You sighed. “She... and Tony... they did everything it took to bring you guys back. That’s what mattered, you know? Whatever it took. Any of us would have done the same. It’s just... it’s just too bad that there wasn’t another way. I just wish that I could tell her that we won- that her sacrifice was worth it- that she saved the world.”
Peter nodded, taking a step closer to you, still fiddling with his sleeve.
“So you uh.. you think it was worth it then?” He asked.
You smiled, grabbing Peter’s hands to stop them from trembling and pulled him closer to you. “Of course it was worth it, Pete.” You said. “You’re standing right here in front of me again- of course it was worth it.”
Peter didn’t say anything back at first. Instead the two of you just gazed at each other, now leaning against the tree.
When he finally broke from your gaze, he shifted his eyes to stare at your hands in his.
“Do you still mean what you said?” He asked suddenly.
You know for him it had been a week, but for you it had been five years. What you had said could be any number of things, but you knew deep down what he was referring to.
When you didn’t answer, he answered your question for you. 
“That- that you loved me?”
You looked up when he spoke. Pulling your hands out of his, you placed your hand against his face, nudging his chin up to look at you. You could see his eyes still bloodshot and the bags under his eyes puffy, no doubt from crying over the past week. Even when he looked like this, you couldn’t deny that he was the most the most beautiful thing you had ever had the honor of laying your eyes on.
“As- as more than-” He began stumbling over his words before you cut him off.
“Yes, Peter.” You chuckled. “As more than friends.”
You could see a smile beginning to play on his lips as he searched your eyes for any hint of doubt.
“There wasn’t, uh, anybody else?” He asked. “Even after all this time?”
You shook your head, running your thumb along his cheek.
“Nope.” You smiled. “It’s always been you, spider boy.”
Despite the fact that he always used to argue when you called him “spider boy”, assuring you that he was a man and not a boy, he always loved the nickname you held for him, reminding him that he was more than just some superhero- that he was yours.
As soon as the words slipped out of your mouth he smiled and cupped your face in his hands, pulling you in for a kiss.
It was soft and gentle, just as you had always imagined it. 
For the first time in a week, you smiled into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck. Despite everything that happened to you two that had worked to pull you apart you found each other again every time. No matter what happened, at the end of the day it was you and him and that’s all that mattered.
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curlynerd · 3 years
What He Wants
Happy gift posting day for @starrynightdeancas gift exchange! My gift recipient is @bipridedean! She requested a Destiel, canon-adjacent fic, so here it is! I hope you like it! <3
Word Count: 2.6K Rating: G Summary: 5 times Dean said "I do" and 1 time he didn’t. Notes: Post canon, fix-it fic, oneshot, love confessions, Destiel wedding
Also read it on AO3!
The first time it happens Sam is the only one to hear it. They’re alone in the bunker, surrounded by months and months of tireless research. But finally, finally, Dean thinks they’ve discovered how to get into the Empty.
Dean wants to push through the night and get a portal up and running as soon as possible. Sam insists they both go to bed, pleading with Dean that he won’t be able to concentrate on the spellwork to maintain it without at least a few hours of sleep.
Dean spends most of the night staring at the ceiling, thoughts racing through his head at a hundred miles an hour. This time tomorrow, he could have Cas back. This time tomorrow he can--Dean is almost afraid to think it, afraid that giving form to what he wants will somehow curse it and stop it from ever coming true. After all, the thing he wanted most before this was for Cas to love him back, and that didn’t exactly end rosy.
Still, as Dean finally closes his eyes, he allows himself a small, private wish. He hopes this will be the last time he falls asleep alone.
The next morning, they’re both expecting some sort of bump in the road, some rare ingredient or some missing incantation that will set them back even longer, keep Dean from seeing Cas again for God knows how long. But fortune is on their side, and Sam executes the spell flawlessly.
Dean is armed to the teeth with every weapon and protection spell they could collect on short notice. His plan for finding Cas and dragging him back home sits clearly at the front of his mind. His heart pounds in his ears, fast but steady and strong.
“You know, if this doesn’t work, you could get stuck there. I might not be able to open a new portal.” Sam looks at the pulsating mass of black that serves as the portal to the Empty. Worry is etched deeply into his forehead. “Do you really want to do this?”
Dean thinks of Cas’ face, the way he had smiled as he said he loved him. He thinks of how he was so close to having the one thing he really wanted. How Cas had wanted the same.
There’s no peace in loneliness.
Dean tightens his grip on his angel blade, his jaw set, his eyes determined. He’s ready to get his angel back. “Yeah. I do.”
The second time it happens, it takes Cas by surprise. It’s been a week since Dean heroically pulled the love of his life from the Empty...and also since Dean lost all remaining courage. He choked. His unspoken response to Cas’ confession is a taut tension wire between them, keeping them inches apart, words suffocating in their tightly sealed mouths, both terrified to say anything and risk breaking something that can’t be mended.
Dean hates himself for it. It’s cowardice is what it is. It’s a lifetime of desperately fighting against the things that make him vulnerable. Against wanting things. Against believing anyone could love him. Even with Cas’ confession still crystal clear in his memories, Dean doubts.
He is deep into those self-deprecating thoughts when he finds Cas in the garage, struggling to figure out how to change a flat tire on his truck from a Youtube video.
“Cas? What’re you doing?”
Cas startles and immediately hunches his shoulders in guilt. He wasn’t expecting to be caught. “Dean.” He looks down at the lug wrench in his hand, and Dean can see the wheels spinning in his head, trying to concoct a cover story before he shrugs and gives up the truth. “I was trying to fix the truck.”
“You need to go somewhere? Cuz I can just drive you.” Dean’s heart pounds, his mouth going dry. Cas wouldn’t need to sneak around for a little errand.
Cas shakes his head and confirms Dean’s fears. “I wanted to have it ready. In case I needed to leave.”
“Leave?” Dean repeats, and his blood goes cold.
Cas deflates a little, resigned and sad. “I assume I’ll need to soon.”
“You can’t leave!” ‘Tell him!’ screams in Dean’s mind, but he can’t. He can’t. What if he’s wrong? What if Cas doesn’t love him like that? What if Cas doesn’t love him at all anymore? What if Dean screwed it up by staying silent and Cas realized he deserves to be with someone who can provide a simple answer to “I love you?” What if--
“I don’t want to,” Cas says softly. The pain is evident in his eyes as they flicker to his truck, like he expects to need to book it out of here at any moment. “But I wasn’t sure if you wanted me here after--” He cuts himself off and shakes his head. “I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” he amends.
“Cas, this is your home, same as me and Sam.” Cas doesn’t look so convinced. “C’mon man, you really think we don’t want you around?” Dean leans against the side of Cas’ truck to ground himself. “Cas, I want you here.” ‘I want more than that,’ he thinks, and it would be so easy to say what he really needs to say, but he can’t. He fights viciously with his own self-esteem, ripping at it, begging it to let him say more. “Please don’t leave,” he says, small and helpless, and it’s like moving a mountain to say that much.
Cas’ expression softens into longing. His hand clenches at his side, like he’s fighting the urge to reach out to Dean, but he smiles a soft, incredulous smile. “I can stay? You really mean it?”
Dean swallows thickly. A hundred words crowd his throat, fighting to get out, but his own fears win this round and keep them down. Instead all he can manage is a choked, “Yeah. Yeah, I do.”
The third time it happens, it takes them both by surprise. They’d gone on a hunt, just the two of them while Sam was visiting Eileen, and everything had gone sideways. What they thought was just a troublemaking demon turned out to be an extremely powerful witch, one with more than enough experience in Enochian magic to put Cas in serious danger. And of course Cas was reckless in his desire to protect Dean, and only managed to avoid getting killed by quick thinking and, to be honest, a helluva lot of luck.
The fight left Cas injured, and Dean pissed. “What the hell were you thinking!” he scolds at the end of a cold, silent drive back to the bunker.
“I did what I needed,” Cas shoots back with a steely glare.
“No, you didn’t need to go rushing in like that!” Dean’s worry leeches out as anger, the fear of losing Cas yet again clouding his reasoning that Dean himself would have died without Cas’ quick action. “You could have gotten a lot more hurt!”
“Why does it even matter to you?” Cas yells back, and it’s the note of hysterical bitterness darkening his words that makes Dean snap and say what he’s been hiding for far too long.
“Because I love you, you stubborn ass!”
The words freeze in the air between them, sharp and strong, wedging themself right where Dean’s anger was just a moment ago.
“You...love me?” Cas asks, his voice small, his eyes big.
And like that, Dean’s fears seem so foolish. Cas loves him. Cas died because just admitting he loves him was the happiest moment of his life. Cas has already done the hardest, scariest part for him. Dean doesn’t even have to fear Cas not feeling the same.
Silently, Dean takes a single step forward. Cas is frozen on the spot, staring at him like he doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He takes another step, and another, until he’s close enough to reach out and tug Cas into an embrace.
“Of course,” Dean breathes. He holds Cas close, tucking his chin over his shoulder and squeezing tight, like he never wants to let go. He doesn’t ever want to let go. Cas is slower to react, but when his arms finally wind around Dean, he breathes out a soft, sobbing gasp and clings to Dean. Dean turns his head to bury his nose in Cas’ hair. “Of course I do.”
The fourth time it happens, Cas doesn’t even hear it. Cas found out about a nearby crafts fair, and all it took was one particularly soulful look from those big blue eyes of his, and Dean was driving them a full hour and a half away to look at homemade pottery and local honey and overpriced tacky mesh wreaths and pretending that the entire atmosphere of the place wasn’t giving him hives.
Cas is having a blast. Dean is carrying bags and lurking in the shadiest spots he can find away from the summer heat while Cas browses. Cas is having an animated conversation about beekeeping with a honey merchant when Dean ducks into a large tent filled with the kind of flowy, bedazzled, polyester shirts he thinks of as “PTA Chic” because they also happen to have a large fan blowing.
“Lookin’ for something in particular, sugar?” The tent owner saunters over to Dean, her Southern accent thick and her top scandalously low. She’s stunningly pretty, and Dean’s eyes and smile light up out of a lifetime of habit. She responds in kind, dragging her eyes down, then back up Dean’s body. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were lookin’ for more than clothes.”
Dean chuckles and flashes her his best charming, but chagrined smile. He feels a little guilty for leading her on, and he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. “Oh sweetheart, if I were single, I’d gladly take you up on that offer, but I’ve already got my special someone.” Dean nods to the honey booth next door.
Her eyes trail over to where Dean gestured, and for a split second her brow furrows in confusion before she laughs just a little, more incredulous than cruel. “You really want someone like that over me?”
Dean looks over at Cas. And, yeah, Dean gets the question. He’s a grown-ass man wearing cargo shorts, carrying a canvas bag with the most obnoxious sunglasses-wearing beach ball Dean has ever seen, and his hair looks like it's been electrocuted. Dean grins, feeling a rush of fondness for his dorky, criminally unfashionable angel.
“Yeah,” he says softly, without an ounce of hesitation. There’s no one else in the world for him but Cas. “Yeah, I do.”
The fifth time Dean says it, Cas is the only other person around for miles. He drags Cas out of bed bright and early one Saturday, forcing him into the car before he’s even fully finished his coffee. Cas allows it, only because he can tell Dean is positively vibrating with nervous energy. Dean brushes off all of his prying questions during the long drive until they finally arrive at a small, peaceful meadow in the middle of nowhere.
He’s packed a lunch, because ostensibly this outing is meant to be a picnic, even though Cas is suspicious on that fact alone. Dean never picnics. It doesn’t really matter though, because Dean is too nervous to even consider eating.
“So why are we really here?” Cas asks after a few minutes of nibbling at his chips. Dean’s sandwich lays untouched on the blanket.
Dean steels his nerve and takes a deep breath. “Do you know where this is?” he asks, fighting the jittery bouncing of his heartbeat to keep his voice steady.
Cas nods. “This is where I returned when Jack resurrected me.” He looks around, smiling down at the flowers surrounding the two of them. The windmill behind him creaks softly in the wind.
“And where I spread your ashes.” Dean’s fidgeting fingers find a frayed edge on the blanket, and he starts picking at it.
Cas nods again and remains silent, patiently waiting for Dean to find the rest of his words.
“And it’s…” Dean pulls a thread out of the blanket and lets it fly away in the wind. “This is where I realized I love you. I’m an idiot who didn’t even realize how much I loved you until after you were gone.”
Cas leans forward and rests his hand on Dean’s knee, warm and reassuring. Dean continues, “At the time I’d thought, ‘I can’t do this. I don’t want to live without him.’ Which was stupid because you were already dead. It didn’t matter what I wanted.”
Cas squeezes his knee. His eyes are gentle. “We’re both okay now.”
Dean’s heart warms. “Yeah. We are. But you know I...That feeling’s never gone away. You and me? I want us to be forever.” Dean reaches into his pocket. There’s no small velvet box, no shimmering diamonds, just a thick band of practical silver he found at a pawn shop. He looks down at the ring with a tender smile. “Man, never in a million years did I think I’d ever be doing this,” he marvels, and when he looks up, Cas’ eyes are wide with surprise.
“Dean?” His normally steady voice wavers.
Dean reaches for Cas’ face, his thumb gently stroking across his cheek. He holds up the ring. “What do you say, Cas? Wanna go legit about this?”
Cas’ expression is impossibly soft, eyes overflowing with love and devotion. He swallows thickly around a lump in his throat and takes the ring from Dean. He slides it onto his finger and stares at it like it’s his own personal miracle.
“You’re serious, Dean? You really want to get married?”
Dean smiles as he leans in close. Just before he kisses his new fiance, he whispers, “Of course I do.”
The sun is setting, casting long shadows down the sand. The shifting winds coming from the sea carry a chill, making the little crowd gathered around them draw their jackets close and huddle together, but the smiles on their faces are nothing but warm. There’s no altar. No stage. No decorations. Just Cas and Dean, standing in front of the ocean, wearing their favorite flannels and jeans, two bright yellow black-eyed susans pinned to their shirts--stolen right out of someone’s garden on their way to the beach.
They didn’t even bother trying to put out chairs for the ceremony, not knowing how many of their friends and family would be able to make the long drive to see Dean get hitched to his angel, but in the end it’s a good thing, because damn near everyone came, and they need to crowd in close to hear them over the wind.
It’s completely and utterly perfect.
Dean grins, unable to take his eyes off Cas while Donna, the only member of his overly-emotional family he trusts not to bawl her eyes out through the ceremony, finishes the last of their vows.
“Do you, Castiel, take Dean Winchester to be your, well, not so lawfully wedded husband?”
There’s a twitter of laughter from the crowd. Cas smiles a sweet, crooked smile and squeezes Dean’s hand. “I do.” His voice is soft, meant for Dean’s ears only, because Dean is the only one his promise matters to.
“And do you, Dean Winchester, FBI’s Most Wanted, thrice dead criminal, and the terribly generous gentleman who will surely be covering our drinks on this celebratory evening, take Castiel to be your husband?”
Dean looks at Cas. Even in the dim light of the setting sun, his eyes are impossibly blue. His smile is so warm Dean knows he’ll never feel cold again, so long as he can see it every day. Dean beams back and proclaims loud enough for everyone on the beach to hear, “Oh hell yes!”
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dramioneasks · 3 years
HP FESTS: DramioneFanfictionWriters (Part 4)
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Famous Shakespeare Lines, February 2021:
Short Life For A Daffodil by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Hermione and Draco have a wild daughter who likes to pull up daffodils and frustrate her parents, but the duo wouldn't be without their children.
Friends Dont by Lostinthenightrain - T, one-shot - "You don’t choose who you fall for!” “No, because I sure as hell wouldn’t be standing here now would I?” Hermione mourns the loss of a relationship.
The Malfoy Mistress by ThebeMoon - M, one-shot - Unable to bear the sight of Bellatrix carving into Hermione Granger at Malfoy Manor, Draco Malfoy whisks his hated former schoolmate to safety. He should have known better.
Rules of Engagement by Art3misiA - T, one-shot - Lucius just had to be difficult about the idea of Draco and Hermione getting married. Will Draco and Hermione allow him to throw his weight around, or will they bring him to heel?
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Popular 90's TV Shows, March 2021:
The Death of Theo Nott by Lostinthenightrain - T, one-shot - “Hermione.” Her head whipped up to see the broken expression in Draco’s eyes. “He wouldn’t kill himself.”
The Night of the Rats by rennaissance_woman - not rated, one-shot - What happens when a prank war goes too far?
Perfect Harmony by Talonwillow (TalonWillow) - T, one-shot -Professor Slughorn's star Potions pupil Hermione was tired of being the ugly duckling, so she created a potion that would transform her into a beautiful swan. Everyone seemed to like the shiny new version of her... Well, except for herself and maybe one other. Would Draco Malfoy convince her that what everyone else was seeing was what he saw every day, and would Hermione finally be able to live in Perfect Harmony?
Dramione Go Star Trekking by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Riker has made a pass at Hermione and she doesn't quite know how to deal with it.
Bloody Colonials by Maira - T, one-shot - Hermione Granger has had a long week, and the last thing she wants to do is leave the comfort of her home. But when her best friend asks for her help in dealing with a possible cursed object, what can she do but help? Brownies, Potion-making robe etiquette, and a cursed Nigerian mask all add up to a typical night at Hogwarts. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal challenge.
The Latest Teenage Drama by Art3misiA - T, one-shot - Teenagers. Gotta love em. Teenage dramas? Not so much. Draco and Hermione navigate the perils of unwanted teenage behaviour - 90s family sitcom style.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Around the World, April 2021:
The Assignment by Art3misiA - G, one-shot - Hermione and Draco, Aurors, have been sent to Cape Town on a top secret assignment - to track down a former Death Eater.
Finding Them by KrysKrossZee - T, WIP - After not finding her parents in Austrailia, Hermione enlists Draco's help and the two make their way to Vancouver when they have a new lead.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: The Language of Flowers, May 2021:
Spilled Ink by Maira - M, one-shot - It's nearly Christmas, and things aren't great. Draco Malfoy is still on house arrest due to the Wizengamot being a bag of dicks. Hermione Granger is out of the country on a job, which means he won't see her for a few weeks. And to top it all off, Hermione has sent Draco a plant. A green, spiky plant, for no reason that he can fathom. Oh, and a spelled journal that he's now supposed to write in. Because nothing could possibly go wrong with that plan. Written for the DFW Deal or No Deal Challenge!
Forever by Art3misiA - M, one-shot - Though they may be gone, our memories of them remain forever.
The Little Things by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - When Hermione buys Draco a cup of coffee and leaves it on his desk, it throws Draco through a loop and he wonders what he should get her in exchange.
The Climbing Vine by rennaissance_woman - not rated, one-shot - After receiving some startling news, Draco runs out of the house. He receives some advice from a surprising source.
Changing of the Seasons by Lostinthenightrain - M, one-shot - Hermione & Draco find a local park and two unlikely faces to greet them.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Draco's Birthday Soundtrack, June 2021:
Straight to the Heart by AdAsttra - T, one-shot - Draco's ready to tell Hermione how he feels, but Cupid has other ideas.
Stick Around by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Hermione doesn't know why Draco is the only one who makes her feel safe, but she is glad that she is able to get some reprieve from her brain.
Wild and Wired by Maira - M, one-shot - Need your lovin' here beside me, Need it close enough to guide me, I've been hopin' you would find me, You're the biggest part of me. - Hermione was expecting a fun night out with her boyfriend and her friends. She was not expecting ice cubes, sick ponies, and a serenade beautiful enough to melt her heart. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal challenge.
Let's Get Serious (Please, for the Love of Merlin!) by Art3misiA - G, one-shot - Draco wants to get serious, but Hermione isn't so sure. Will their opposing views make or break them?
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Magical Monsters, July 2021:
There's A Zouwu In My Basement by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - When a creature has broken into the Malfoy Manor dungeon, Draco has to call for help.
Miseria by crochetaway - T, one-shot - Hermione tames a Dementor.
Aegis by Maira - M, one-shot - Their world is in ruins, and their only protection against creatures wanting to kill them is about to fall. They make a plan to trek across the country to Hogwarts, where others have gathered to make a new home within the castle. There, they will be safe. One problem - before they go, there's a queen to kill. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal Challenge.
Fear & Desire by myladymay - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy wants to change his life. He returns to Hogwarts for Eighth Year and finds himself confronted with both his biggest fear and greatest desire, all wrapped up in a Gryffindor tie.
Innocent Monsters by itscometothis - T, 12 chapters - Draco Malfoy thought he had reasonable expectations for his mandatory Eighth Year at Hogwarts, where he would be confined to the grounds as part of his probation. Isolation, hatred, and passing his NEWTs were really all he had in mind. What he wasn't anticipating: 1) Having a small firstie latch onto him like a bloody koala 2) Said firstie adopting an erkling as if they didn’t feed on children. To protect his little nuisance, he’ll have to seek help from uncomfortable places, including the Swottiest Witch of Her Age. Joy of all joys.
Transformed by Art3misiA - T, one-shot - Draco and Charlie have a dragon to catch, and time is running out. Meanwhile, Hermione is missing, adding to Draco's woes.
DFW's Deal or No Deal: Legendary Duos, August 2021:
Three's a crowd, four's trouble by AnnaRitaLi - M, WIP - p>My sister is right. My life did change that evening. I just don't think Rosalind meant for me to steal her boyfriend, or I don't think I stole him, Draco, not precisely. You cannot steal something that doesn't want to be whisked away. That's my experience, at least, and I've stolen quite a few things over the years. So I can say this with confidence. You can't lose something you never had. But you’ll have to read it in the book, dear. While the Crown doesn’t wish for me to speak out in public, I have been silent for too long. You see, There were three of us in this marriage. And people, the press, have assumed many things over the years about Draco and me. So this book, as you’ll see, it’s my attempt to set the record straight. Yes, there were three of us in this marriage, but there were also much more going on than that. -- This is the story the Crown never wanted to get out. In other words, I bring you the x-rated version of the book ‘Diana - her true story - in her own words’.’ It’s the Dramione as Charles & Diana AU you didn't know you needed.
The Marquess and the Kitchen Girl by Art3misiA - E, 8 chapters - Draco Malfoy is the son of the most powerful Duke in Wiltshire. One day, he will be the ruler of a large duchy. Hermione Granger lives happily with her parents - that is, until tragedy strikes. Two children will become friends, and gradually discover a forbidden love that seems as if it might one day defy the odds. Alas, this is a tale of doomed lovers.
In Her Arms by KrysKrossZee - M, one-shot - Draco's worked his way up through Voldemort's ranks but it would seem that all of his work has been for nothing when Dolohov captures a new prisoner.
The Happiness I Seek by Maira - M, one-shot - To those without a soulmate, the world is devoid of colour. They say that if you are lucky enough to meet your soulmate, everything changes. The world is brighter, food is richer, and you find a love you never knew you needed. Draco Malfoy has never been lucky. Written for the DFW's Deal or No Deal challenge.
darling! by itscometothis - M, one-shot - When Draco and Hermione are invited to help demonstrate a path forward for Wizarding Britain and its reconciliation, neither really feel like they can refuse - Hermione for moral reasons and Draco for practical ones (read: Azkaban sounds bad). But they have very different ideas on how to play up this fake relationship. Written for DFW's Deal or No Deal: Legendary Duos - Kermit and Ms. Piggy. It's as ridiculous as you expect.
A Thousand Ships by floorcoaster - M, WIP - Draco Malfoy knows what he wants, and he's not afraid to reach out and take it.
Quiet My Demons by Lostinthenightrain - M, one-shot - “Unhappy, darling?” He murmured, his cigar placed on its resting dish, dashed out - a little puff of smoke rising into the air between them before disappearing. “Yes, completely.”
I Love Draco by crochetaway - G, one-shot - A few slice of life scenes with Hermione, Draco, and Scorpius ala I Love Lucy style!
DFW's Deal or No Deal: The Final Word, September 2021:
Crime & Punishment by itscometothis - T, 12 chapters - TRIAL TRANSCRIPT OF DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY IS FORMALLY CHARGED WITH THE FOLLOWING: CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT MURDER AIDING AND ABETTING A MURDER USE OF UNFORGIVABLE CURSES: IMPERIUS (2 COUNTS) USE OF UNFORGIVABLE CURSES: CRUCIATUS (47 COUNTS) PARTICIPATING IN A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION -- I don’t regret hoping. I thought I might, at the beginning, do you remember? But I don’t. I regret nothing about you, my love. Eternally yours, Draco -- A story of hope, punishment, and the nature of justice told in trial transcripts, visits in an interrogation room, and letters.
Boats Against the Current by AlannaTCooper - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy is trying to escape his past by running as far away as he can. But the past - and his nightmares - keep pulling him backwards.
By His Side by KrysKrossZee - T, one-shot - Hermione is lonely but there's at least one person who can break through her loneliness.
Trying To Live by IzzieStellar - T, one-shot - After her husband dies, Hermione can’t seem to remember how to live and her friends vow to help her.
In the Dead of Night by AdAsttra - G, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are some of the last people to leave Hogwarts under the veil of a cold, dark night.
This fest is ongoing.
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tiffdawg · 3 years
On Fire For You | A Din Djarin x Reader Oneshot
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Gif: @bestintheparsec
Pairing: Din Djarin x Reader (fem; no y/n)
Word Count: 2.5k
Rated: T  | Warnings: tropes galore, including but not limited to there’s only one bed, huddling for warmth, first kisses, and, of course, found family. And there’s one (1) mild reference to something spicy.
A/N: This is part of my follower giveaway! The lovely @aerolanya requested Din + “oh no there’s only one bed” and I’m only too happy to deliver on one of my favorite tropes. I hope you all enjoy!
Read on AO3 | My Masterlist
… . …
On Fire For You
It was a rare treat for you and Din to see Grogu for such an extended period of time, and you were excited to take him to an ancient temple at the Jedi Luke Skywalker’s instruction even if finding the site proved difficult but being stranded on a frozen planet in the middle of a blizzard was not how you envisioned the trip. Even with the upgraded console on Din’s new ship, it was impossible to navigate through to snowstorm raging on Polus. He’d been forced to set the ship down on the empty ice plains until it passed. Even now as you sat in the cockpit cradling Grogu, you saw nothing, but white snow and ice whipped by furious winds outside the transparisteel viewport. 
You held the small child tighter as his ears drooped at a shrieking gust of wind. You didn��t like the sound of that either. When your partner re-entered the main cabin, you quickly stood from the co-captain’s chair and faced him. “Is everything okay?” 
He nodded once as he brushed a layer of snow of his pauldrons. “Ship’s in good condition. We’ll be ready to fly as soon as the storm passes.” You nodded quietly as you processed the situation. And then he added, “as long as we’re not buried under ice in the morning.”
You didn’t like the sound of that either. “What are the chances of that happening?”
He gestured to the viewport you’d been staring out of as if to say pretty damn good, but at your worried expression, he made an effort to console you. “We’ll be fine for the night. Don’t worry.” 
You heaved a small sigh of relief as you pulled your shawl tighter around your body, making sure Grogu was securely tucked underneath the thick Bantha wool as well. If Din thought things were fine, then you’d be fine. Surely there was nothing to worry about.
… . …
As your frozen breath swirled around you with each exhale, you wondered why you ever listened to a word out of that stubborn Mandalorian’s mouth.
Bundled in your heaviest parka and wrapped in a blanket, you and Grogu watched as Din pulled apart the ship’s internal wiring and tried to put it back together. Inside the metal hull, the temperature was dropping by the minute and after nearly an hour of work, he’d had no luck powering up the ship. 
“Dank farrik.” Grumbling, Din tossed aside his pilex driver. “I can’t get the heating system back online. Hell, I can’t get anything back online. Not in these temps.”
“You’re telling me it’s colder than space?” you asked, desperately trying to hide your panic
“No,” he sighed. “I don’t know what’s wrong. I– I don’t know this ship.” His frustration was evident in the way he moved as he stood and looked around helplessly. You felt for him. He always tried his best to hide his struggles from you, but you knew losing the Razor Crest was like losing his home. Despite the cold, your heart warmed toward him. Of course, that was nothing new.
“It’s okay,” you said, even as your teeth chattered. You reached toward him, intent on offering some sense of comfort, but recoiled as soon as your hand touched his cuirass. The metal was so cold it stung. “Kriff! You’re freezing, Din.” 
“The armor is insulated. It’s only cold on the outside. I’m fine,” he assured you. Still, you eyed him skeptically. He never put much thought into his own good. More often than not, that was your job. “I wore enough layers,” he said pointedly. 
“I’m practically wearing everything I own.”
“I can tell.” You heard that hint of a smile in his voice, the one that stirred the butterflies in your stomach, but you only narrowed your eyes at him. He chuckled softly and offered you the last blanket. “According to my starmap, there’s a small settlement not far from here. If we can make it there, we might find somewhere warm to pass the storm.”
“Might?” you whispered so only Grogu heard you. As he blinked up at you, you could tell that he shared your apprehension. “Don’t worry, little one,” you said as you trailed a gentle finger down the slope of his nose. “Your father would do anything to protect you.”
… . …
Either Polus was known for its hospitality or you looked as pitiful as you felt, but by some stroke of luck, the three of you found someone willing to offer you safe lodging in the village. As he assured Din that his family would be safe and warm for the night, your cheeks burned so warm you were certain the snowflakes melted as soon as they touched your skin. Then the generous old man dashed away through the snowdrifts back to the warmth of his home and family, leaving you alone in the old cabin. Relief washed over you as soon as you stepped inside and out of the biting wind. 
“Ewoks live better than this,” you mumbled as you scowled at the sad, dark dwelling. It was well insulated but little more than a room and lacked something as basic as a refresher. The only one was in the village’s main hall which would require you to dash through the snow in the middle of the night should you wake up at some point. You would not be doing that.  You knew it was better than being out in the snow or freezing to death on the ship, but it was austere even for your nomadic lifestyle. 
“I’ve seen worse,” Din offered. 
“Oh, I’m sure you have.” You rolled your eyes behind his back, but as he craned his neck to look back at you, you thought he might’ve sensed the gesture. After a year of traveling together, the two of you could practically predict each other’s next move.
While Din lit a small fire in the hearth in the center of the room, you offered a small meal to Grogu from the meager supplies you’d been able to carry with you. Unsurprisingly, he took the tin of food eagerly and sat himself near the flames to warm up. With the roaring fire, you finally felt your limbs start to thaw. Still, you kept all but your wet outer layers on as you arranged your bedroll. Which was when you noticed a small problem.
“There’s only one bunk,” you stated dumbly. You looked around the room as if a second would appear magically.
“You take it,” Din said as he reclined against the wall across from the fire. He folded his arms across his chest as if to fall asleep like he did in his captain’s chair. 
“You won’t be comfortable like that all night,” you protested weakly.
“I’ve had worse,” he echoed. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes again.
“That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve better, Din.” You crouched next to him, trying to catch his eyes behind the visor. For all you knew, he was already asleep.
“You and the kid are all that matter,” he said softly after a moment. Your chest hollowed as the air escaped your lungs at his words. You felt the same sentiment deep in your bones. “Don’t worry about me.”
“Too late for that,” you said with a rueful little smile. You worried about the man constantly, but you couldn’t help it. Not when he carried your heart with him, and you needed him to keep it safe. Needed him safe. Even if he didn’t need to know that. You brushed the few remaining snowflakes off him even as they melted quickly in the warming room. “You shouldn’t sleep in wet clothes,” you offered pointlessly. “You’ll catch your death, and we can’t have that.”
Expecting him to gently chastise you for your concern, you didn’t wait for his response. Instead, you scooped up the baby, who’s eyes were blinking shut even as he still clutched the last of his meal in his tiny, clawed hand, and crawled into bed. 
As you arranged the blankets neatly around the two of you, you noticed Din’s stare still trained on you. You held his gaze from across the room. It was hardly the first time you’d caught him watching you, but as the flickering firelight reflected off the obsidian visor, you desperately wished you could see his true expression. 
“Goodnight, Din,” you whispered after a long moment.
“Goodnight, cyare,” he rasped quietly.
With that single word of Mando’a fluttering between your ribs, you settled in for the night.
… . ...
Perhaps an hour or two later you woke with a chill. As you all slept, the room’s only source of warmth had dwindled to smoldering embers and even as you curled up into a ball and cuddled the baby closer to your chest, it was not nearly enough to stave off the cold. 
“Din?” you called, your voice wavering as you shivered. He woke with a bit of a start before his visor turned to you. “We’re freezing,” you embellished. Maybe he’d take pity on you if he thought the kid was cold too.
Din nodded once, almost dutifully. Limbs still heavy with sleep, he moved slowly as he stood and stoked the fire, but he gave up after a minute and ignited his flamethrower with a flick of his wrist. The hot blue spark was more than enough to rekindle it and you felt the warmth flood the room immediately. 
You expected him to then return to his slumped position against the wall. Instead, he stared at you with his helmet tilted curiously. You watched with bated breath as he crossed the small room while pulling off a single leather glove. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from the sight of his tanned skin. Since that fateful night on Moff Gideon’s ship, you hadn’t seen him missing so much as a single pauldron. Din hooked a finger under your chin, tilting your face toward him, and ran the pad of his thumb across your lips. The simple action sent a shock through your system and every thought vanished from your head. All accept one. But you steadfastly resisted the urge to kiss his warm skin. 
“Take off your clothes,” he said softly. Your jaw dropped at the command. And then, if possible, even further as he started to remove his Beskar.  
“W– What?” you asked without bothering to hide your surprise. 
“You need body heat,” he answered evenly. That… that made much more sense. That was a logical, rational explanation. Although it was the opposite of what you’d been thinking. You silently scolded yourself as you stripped down to your modest underclothes. You did your best to advert your eyes while Din did the same before climbing into bed behind you. 
“Relax,” he said as he settled next to you. 
You did as he asked. Or rather, tried your best as you laid facing away from him. As you did, you heard the faint whir of his helmet’s locking mechanism disengaging. A muscular arm reached past you to set it on the floor. 
Understandably, all of the movement woke the baby. In the dim firelight, Grogu’s eyes widened as he smiled up at Din. He cooed happily as he reached for his father’s face. 
“Hey, kid.” Din greeted him as if it was the first time, he’d seen him in a while. And like this, it was. He laughed, deep and rich and real, and you cherished the sound. 
A smile pulled at your lips at the sweet exchange. But as much as you longed to see him, you kept your focus on the baby and let yourself see Din through his eyes.
“Alright, back to sleep.” For once, Grogu was tired enough to actually listen to his father. He curled up against your chest again and Din carefully tucked the blankets around the both of you. His soft snoring resumed almost instantly.
He shifted for a bit as if trying to find a comfortable position. You were acutely aware of his every move and every accidental brush of his skin against yours. At one sharp inhale, he spoke again.
“Are you okay?” Not quite trusting your voice, you nodded. Because the truth was, you were more than okay. There was no place you’d rather be than in bed with him. “Still cold?”
“A little.” 
Before you could tell him that way okay, he surprised you by wrapping a strong arm around your middle and pulling you closer until you laid with your back to his bare chest. Instantly, you felt the heat radiating off his body. The man was a furnace. 
“Any better?”
As your eyes fell shut, the words slipped out with a breath before you could stop them. “Oh my stars, you feel so good, Din.” 
His hold on you tightened. Then, in an unexpected but wholly welcomed move, his hand slid up your body to cup your cheek and turn your face toward his. You felt only a ghost of a breath on your skin before warm, chapped lips pressed against your cold ones. Scintillas of heat spread throughout your body.    
“Look at me, cyare,” he whispered as you parted.
Hesitating only for a second, you opened your eyes to find perfect, plush lips smiling back at you. Letting your eyes roam, you admired his soft brown eyes glinting in the firelight and the mess of tousled locks you wanted to run your fingers through. So you did as you pulled him back to you.
“I can’t wait to have you alone,” Din murmured against your mouth. Chills erupted across your skin that had nothing to do with the cold. But his kiss only lasted a moment before he backed away with a look of uncertainty. “Do you want that?”
You smiled at his bashfulness. It was completely unfounded, but endlessly endearing and so incredibly like him. “Yes,” you promised as you sealed your lips to his once more. Both of you fell fast asleep with soft smiles 
… . …
The storm passed overnight and the next morning the villagers set you on the right path to the ancient temple. Din got the ship up and flying in no time and the three of you were off. 
When you arrived Grogu seemed to instinctively know just what he had to do. Whatever he was meant to find in there, it was meant for him alone. With a gentle hand on his shoulder, just above the mudhorn signet that signified their bond, you held Din back as the baby toddled into the icy cave alone. You sensed his hesitation, but he stayed with you. He heaved a sigh under your touch.
“Have I ever told you that you’re a good father?” you asked as you slipped your hand into his. The gesture was new, but as he twined his fingers with yours, it felt like something the two of you had done a thousand times before. 
“All the time,” he answered.
“And do you believe me yet?”
Din was quiet for a long time before he turned to you. “You’re a good mother to him, cyare.”
Somehow, as you beamed at him, you knew your smile was returned. Finally, you could imagine it perfectly.
... . ...
Thank you for reading! 
... . ...
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darthkruge · 3 years
Anakin Skywalker x Reader ~ Help
Summary: The five times the Senator!Reader needs Anakin’s help but refuses to ask for it and the one time they do
Warnings: Language, reader is afraid of vulnerability, reader is going through it, angst, violence, fluff (it ends on a positive note, I promise)
Words: 4k
A/N: This idea has kinda been bouncing around my head for a hot minute and I finally decided to just go ahead and write it. And somehow it became the longest fic I’ve ever written! Is this self-indulgent? Who’s to say?!
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(not my gif)
Okay, so a right, then a left, then another left, then-
You groaned. You’d been going over the cryptic instructions Padme gave you back at the temple but they were, unfortunately, not helping. It was your first time alone in Coruscant and you were completely lost in the painfully literal sense. You had just been given your first actual mission with the Council as a senator, something you’d worked your entire career for. As an added bonus, you were on the same planet as your boyfriend, Anakin Skywalker. 
You’d gotten close over the last year and were elated when he asked you on a date the last time you were in the same place. This was the first time you were together in the two weeks it had been since then. 
Anyway, you were currently wandering around the bustling Coruscant streets, looking for the market. Well, you were looking for the market. Now, you realized you would probably never find it and were just trying to make your way back. 
You debated calling Anakin. You could. He would be able to guide you home easily, you rationalized. But it’s Coruscant! How difficult could it be? If people came here for missions all the time and didn’t get hopelessly lost, so could you! And Anakin was probably busy anyway, you didn’t want to disturb him. Besides, the relationship was so new! You didn’t want to annoy him. After weighing the odds, you pushed down the urge to reach out and decided to just find your own way.
This logic was ridiculous, you realized far too late. Fuck. There was no way around it, you were going to be late. Or at the very least, cut it exceptionally close. You started running, heart racing. It would be so stupid to be late to your first actual Council meeting because you got lost. You wanted them to take you seriously and think of you as a professional. Tardiness as a first impression went against all of that!
After sprinting and taking several aimless turns, by some stroke of magic you found your way to the Temple. You checked the time and realized you had two minutes to make it to up several flights of stairs.
Fuck it. You decided, taking off in a run. You took the stairs two at a time, stumbling occasionally before unceremoniously bursting through the doors to the meeting.
You gulped in air quickly, chest heaving while you desperately tried to calm your heart. You inelegantly brushed a hand through your hair and gave an awkward smile. 
“Hi, uh, everyone! Hi! I’m,” You took a quick break to breathe in some more oxygen as your gaze shifted to Anakin. He looked amused and concerned as he took you in. He gave you a discreet and supportive smile and head nod. You gave your own in return. He believes in me. “I’m Senator Y/N L/N” 
Honestly, you didn’t know how your speeder had broken. You’d been flying them for years and, despite being a senator, you were pretty damn good at it. It was something that gave you solace as a kid, those little moments of freedom. Even then, though, you were a decently cautious person and didn’t break many of them.
Thus, you ended up in your current predicament. Staring at the fried wires under the hood of your speeder, trying to figure out what the fuck went wrong. You knew Anakin was freakishly talented at fixing basically everything. He could probably look at the speeder for 10 minutes, know what’s wrong with it, and get it back to you in perfect shape.
You think this is why you don’t want to tell him. What if he thought you were stupid? Shouldn’t you be able to figure this out yourself? You fought with your instincts, feeling the conflict build inside you.
You knew he wouldn’t judge you. You knew he’d be glad you came to him for help. Even so, you felt physically incapable of moving to call or find him. 
Frustrated, you turned back to your work. You decided to pull this one gear, thinking it might do something. Well, you were right about that. A stream of oil sprayed out of the speeder, coating you in its thick, black paint. You stood there frozen for a second, trying to mentally comprehend that you had just been sprayed with oil because you were too afraid to talk to the man you were in a literal relationship with!!
You groaned, wiping your hands on your pants before grabbing a towel to wipe some of the grease off your face. You walked back into your apartment quickly, praying to the Maker that no one would see you like this. Honestly, they’d probably smell you first and run the other way.
You finally got back without problems and made a bee-line straight to the bathroom. Pulling off your clothes and turning on the hot shower, you sighed as you finally felt the oil washed off your skin. You spent about twenty minutes in there, scrubbing furiously to ensure you didn’t smell like a fucking garage. 
Finally, you went out and saw Anakin sitting on your bed, messing with a piece of wiring. 
“Hey, Y/N! Did you know your speeder was broken? It looks like you blew a cable, easy fix, don’t worry. I’ll have it ready for you by tonight.”
He looked up and saw your exhausted state and the clump of dirty, grease ridden clothes you were holding. 
His brow furrowed, trying to piece it together. “Maker, what happened to you?”
“I had a fight with the speeder. And lost”
Anakin bit back a laugh before his confusion compounded. “Wait, you know I can fix this, right? Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I didn’t want you to think I was an idiot. I mean, I did something and broke an entire speeder and somehow didn’t even know what I broke! It’s humiliating!”
“Cables are hard, it’s not your fault you didn’t know what to do, love.”
“Really?” You asked, unconvinced. 
“Really. Come on, let’s go throw those clothes in the wash and I’ll get back to fixing this.”
“Oh, no, Ani you don’t have to-”
Anakin cut you off with a kiss, distracting you enough to quickly take the clothes from your hands.
“I’ll have it ready within the hour, my love.”
Who the fuck decided to put the plates that high up?!
You jumped again and again, arm outstretched as far as possible. Once again, you didn’t even get close. Sighing, you looked around the apartment and noticed a ladder. It looked a bit unsteady but you would be fine, right? You were a whole ass senator, you were sure you could handle an old ladder. 
Pulling it over to you, you climbed up and reached out. Much closer this time, but you still couldn’t reach them. You went on your tiptoes, eyebrows furrowed and lip bit in concentration. You angled your body just a little further, a little further-
The ladder was suddenly ripped out from under you and you desperately shot your arms out, hands clawing to try and stop your imminent fall onto the hard kitchen tiles. Bracing yourself for the inevitable pain, you squeezed your eyes closed. 
“Y/N!!” You heard as your fall suddenly stopped. You opened your eyes and noticed you were barely floating above the floor. Anakin ran toward you and noticed the ladder strewn on the floor beside you. 
“What the hell were you doing?” He said, offering you his hand and pulling you up.
“I was just-” You gesture lamely to the plates, realizing how ridiculous you must look.
“Y/N, no one can reach those! Next time, just call me, I’ll get them for you!”
“But-” You sigh, hating this. “I wanted to be able to do this, I don’t want to rely on you and your Jedi powers all the time”
Anakin’s gaze softened. He knew you had trouble relying on others. Even so, he couldn’t even start to think of what would have happened if he’d arrived home even 10 seconds later.
“I know, baby, I know. But, please, try. You’d have to rely on me a lot more if you break your legs falling off a ladder.” 
“I know” You reply softly, giving him a shy smile. “I’m working on it, I promise”
You’d been up all night working on a new presentation for the Council. You’d spent hours going over it, the facts, the plans, the details. Everything was set. Well, everything except one little piece. To make your point stronger, you needed the statistics from the latest Jedi missions. 
The only people with access to those were Anakin and Obi-Wan. You knew, logically, that if you asked Anakin he’d give them to you without hesitation. He supported you always and knew that you only used your power as a senator to improve lives. 
Even so, there was that part of your brain that told you he wouldn’t give them to you. He would think you’re just trying to use him for his connections as a Jedi. Or perhaps he simply wouldn’t care enough to search through the reports to find the information.
All of this was, of course, completely inaccurate. But you’d never had someone who actually wanted to help you. It's always been “okay I’ll do this for you but only if you do this for me, too.” No one ever looked out for you and you’d grown accustomed to it. It’d become almost comforting, in a way. At least you knew what to expect. 
This was how you ended up seeing your beautiful boyfriend across the halls of the Jedi temple and walking another way. Your heart tugged painfully and your brain screamed at you. Why don’t you allow yourself to trust him? Why would you assume the worst? Why can’t you fight these thoughts? 
You took one more look back at him. You didn’t want to be closed off by any stretch of the imagination. You wished you could turn off the thoughts and the doubt. You knew Ani didn’t deserve it. You sighed. There he was, training by himself in the courtyard. You looked away and took a moment to compose yourself before your legs carried you away and toward your good friend.
“Hey, Obi-Wan, could you help me with something for the next Council meeting?”
You were running. You were running and as fast as you moved, you never got closer to him. You were never safe. A masked figure was chasing you and you just couldn’t get away. Your legs burned with the effort, your lungs straining to grasp oxygen. You were exhausted to your core, your sheer panic the only thing keeping you awake. 
You looked back and saw the man gaining on you. Tears started streaming down your cheeks. You knew what he was capable of and had no doubt he would kill you if he caught you. You didn’t want to die, not like this. You didn’t want him to beat you. You were so, so scared. You screamed as he caught up to you, your body no longer moving. You pleaded with your legs to work, reasoned with the heavens, did anything you could, and yet you wouldn’t budge. 
The stranger’s claw of a hand twisted around your neck, squeezing. You fought. It was pointless. You began to black out, feeling the life slip out of your body. Dark spots appeared in the corners of your vision and you tried once again to kick your way out of his grasp-
You bolted awake, eyes shooting open. Your chest was heaving and tear stains marked your cheeks. You placed your hands on the bed sheets, bunching them up and trying to feel the texture to remind yourself that you were safe. You tried to breathe, tried to calm yourself but nothing was working. 
You got up, pacing quietly. Out of all the nights to have a nightmare, it had to be today. The one night you and Anakin weren’t together. Since you had to hide the relationship, you couldn’t technically share an apartment. This didn’t stop you from spending basically every night together, though. His chambers became yours after the first month or so of dating, neither of you wanting to spend time apart. 
But, unfortunately, the Council seemed more cautious as of late and you didn’t want to risk it. Thus, you decided to spend tonight apart. Still, you couldn’t bring yourself to care right now.  You grabbed one of his Jedi robes, pulling the black fabric around your body. You were immediately calmed by his scent and wrapped it closer around you. You started to make your way down the hall. You knew it was risky but after that nightmare, you just needed him. 
You made it to his apartment, went to knock on the door, and abruptly stopped. What are you doing? You can’t just go to him! He’s exhausted, he’s been working all week! He finally got home from a mission and you want to wake him up in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare? It wasn’t even real! Maker, get a hold of yourself, Y/N! 
Your hand hovered over the door. You wanted him, you did. But those lingering thoughts, those lingering emotions remained. A childhood of neglect, of constant feelings of unimportance left scars you couldn’t avoid. You hated that your parent’s inability to show you affection or care manifested in your inability to be vulnerable. Despite this, you somehow understood. You’d spent years letting them in and only getting invalidated in return. Like all patterns, this one wouldn’t go away just because you wanted it to. 
Now, every time you tried to let Anakin in, it’s like an alarm was tripped in your brain. Every part of you that wanted to allow him to know you was combated with the overwhelming fear that, if you did, if you went to him for comfort or help, he would think of you as a burden. He’d leave, just like the rest of them did. So you pushed the urge for comfort aside, dropped your hand, and made the lonely walk back to your room. 
You got back to your room, mentally beating yourself up. You wished your brain worked differently. You wished you would allow yourself to be loved. You wished you could trust, fully and completely. You sighed. Knowing you wouldn’t be getting any sleep, you made yourself a cup of tea and sat on your cough, the room solely illuminated by the moonlight. You kept Anakin’s robes around you, wishing it was his arms. You sat like that until morning, sipping the drink on and off until it grew cold. You were zoned out, staring out the window at the Coruscant traffic. Your thoughts either drifted to him or your past trauma. Maker, you wished you could change it. 
Fuck. You’d been driving around on your speeder, zipping in and out of alleys, for the last twenty minutes. There was a bounty hunter after you. A damn good bounty hunter, at that. Being a high profile senator, it made sense you’d run into the occasional person trying to kidnap you. Or kill you. 
Damn, this bitch is good. You kept trying to lose them but you couldn’t shake them. You didn’t even  know who they were but it didn’t matter, you supposed. At the end of the day, regardless of who was in that speeder, they wanted you dead. And if you didn’t figure out how to get out of this mess, you would be. 
They’d been shooting at you for a while now but you’d been able to avoid the blasts. Whether it was skill, luck, or a combination of both, you weren’t sure. Even so, you didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t shoot back at them, as you stupidly forgot your blaster. Who could blame you, though? All you wanted to do was go for a ride to clear your head, you didn’t expect to be fucking shot at!
You continued like this for a while. All you had to do was get back to the Temple. You were probably about 10 minutes away if you continued at this pace, 7 if you really pushed it. You looked ahead and saw the walls of it come into view and suddenly safety didn’t feel so far away. Despite the circumstances, a smile graced your face. You could do this. 
Or maybe not. As you tried to swerve between more buildings, they hit you. You felt your speeder plummet 10 feet instantly and screamed. Your engine sputtered and your heart dropped. Mind racing, you tried to drive but came to the chilling realization that there was no way you’d make it back. Your engine was done for, it wouldn’t make it 3 minutes, yet alone all the way back. 
Your mind went to him. Anakin. Fuck, you loved him. You let out a humorless laugh. Since you started dating, you almost never asked him for help. You couldn’t let him in. Something in your brain stopped you every single time. And yet, now, all of that felt stupid. It felt juvenile. When you looked at your speeder, slowly but surely stalling and the bounty hunter approaching, you felt this overwhelming sense of clarity.
You were going to die. This person, they would get to your speeder and shoot you. You didn’t have a single weapon. It was inevitable. Your mind, however, wouldn’t relent. It was stuck on him. In this moment, you pressed the comm button in your speeder, hoping beyond hope that it would still work. 
“Y/N?” Anakin’s staticky voice cut through the speeder and went straight to your heart. 
“Hey, Ani” You said, your voice broken up with unshed tears.
“Y/N? Where are you? What’s happening?”
“I’m- Anakin, I’m in trouble. A bounty hunter is after me, my speeder is hit and going to stop working probably within the next 20 seconds. I don’t have any weapons to defend myself. I, I, uh, I need your help”
“I’m coming to get you, stay where you are.” His voice was firm, his need to protect you overruling everything else in his body. 
“I’m just a few-”
“I’ve got you, love. I can sense you in the Force. I know where you are”
Of course he could. You took a few deep breaths and you speeder sputtered out, stopping in a deserted alleyway. You looked around and saw the bounty hunter, now obviously male, stepping out and making his way towards you. 
“He’s here, Anakin” Your voice was tight, anxious. You were quiet, paralyzed by fear. 
“Please, Y/N, fuck! Hold on, I’m almost there”
“Ani, Anakin I’m scared! Ani! Ani!” You were hysterical now, screaming and sobbing his name as the man punched the top of your speeder, fracturing the glass. He pulled you out of it by the hair and threw you harshly onto the concrete. 
You yelped in pain as he kicked you directly in the ribs. He backhanded you across the face, the power from his hit making blood pool in your mouth. Harshly you spit it onto the ground, looking up at him with pure hate. 
He placed the blaster to your head, right on your forehead. You let your eyes flutter closed. Your knees were scraped, legs bruised. You were sure at least one of your ribs was broken. You could feel blood running from your temple. Your arm was radiating pain from landing on it. Despite all this, the only thing you thought of was Anakin. Funny, you thought, how the brain chooses what to focus on in its last moments. All you hoped was that he didn’t feel responsible for your death. All you hoped was that he knew you loved him. 
“You’re finished, Senator”
“I don’t think so” Anakin’s smooth voice, tight with anger, cut through the air. His lightsaber unsheathed, he swung it directly into the man. You gasped, everything happening so quickly. As soon as the blaster was gone from your forehead, you scrambled back. 
Anakin walked up to you but, from the shock, you pulled back even further. 
“Hey, hey, it’s me, it’s Anakin, okay? I’m not gonna hurt you”
You whimpered, looking at him and placing a hand on his jacket before harshly jumping into his arms. He gripped you to him, both of you sighing in relief. 
“You came for me” 
He looked at you like you were insane. “Of course I did! You needed me, you called! I’m always going to be there for you, Y/N. I am always going to show up”
“Thank you” You said, voice muffled against his chest. His hands raked through your hair while you just breathed him in. His scent comforted you, his strong chest and large arms grounding you after a day so intense and horrifying that nothing felt real. 
You were still trembling, the aftershocks quite apparent. 
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you. You’re safe, he’s dead, he’s gone. No one’s ever gonna hurt you again, I promise.” Anakin whispered these affirmations into your hair, holding you until the shaking ceased. 
“Thank you for calling me, Y/N. I know that couldn’t have been easy for you.”
“It wasn’t that hard, to be honest, I- wait? What do you mean, you know it couldn’t have been easy for me?!”
Anakin looked at your sheepishly. “You honestly think I haven’t noticed your problems with asking for help? We’ve been together for almost a year and, contrary to popular belief, I can be quite perceptive. I didn’t want to call you out on it, I assumed you’d be embarrassed. But I’m glad that when it actually came down to life or death, you called me.”
“I’ve always known I could call you, Anakin. Please, I don’t want you to ever think my inability to be vulnerable is rooted to anything you do. You’re, fuck, you’re perfect. You’re kind and compassionate and caring and you’re always looking out for me. Look, I know I haven’t been too open about my past and I still struggle with that. I guess what I’m trying to say is I’ve never had someone who actually wanted to be there for me. This thing where you care and want me to come to you when I’m hurting or simply just want affection or company or help with the little things, it’s foreign to me.”
Ani’s heart broke at your words. “I’m sorry I didn’t know you back then, Y/N. I hate that this” He said, gesturing between you both “is unique to you. But, seriously, anytime you need anything I’m someone you can come to. I honestly want you to come to me. Regardless of if you think it’s something small or this life-altering favor, ask me. I doubt I’d turn you away and, on the off chance I do, I’m not gonna hold that against you.”
“You won’t leave? Even if I show you all of me? Even if I rely on you?”
“I won’t leave you, beautiful. So long as you allow me to show you all of me, too. And you let me rely on you, too.”
Your eyes widened at his words. “Of course! Of course, Ani! I’m here for you, I got you, too, always.”
“I know you do” His flesh hand went up, cupping your cheek. 
“I know you do, too.” You sighed into his touch. You were exhausted beyond belief, your body and mind pretty much shutting down from the stress of it all. Even so, you relaxed further into his body. Yeah, this was new. Yes, it was scary. But you were going to try. Even though it terrified you, you wanted to be loved. You wanted to be loved by him.
tagging julia bc she asked when i was textpost-complaining about having to edit this <3
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Some philosophical angst idea I had: Post-Belos-defeat, someone stumbles upon a method that _might_ be able to turn petrified people back but. they aren't sure if it will actually work, that the turned back will be alive, that they will not suffer horrible side effects. And that there isn't a better method out there. What's more, some were partially smashed. Should they test the method on those? Wouldn't it be cruel to wake them only to make them suffer?
Bullshits some magic explanation. Bullshits some magic explanation. Bullshits some ma--
Not so much "stumbles across" as "actively looking for," but here you go!
Luz stared up at the stone statues—the ones they’d been too late to save. “Do you think they’re still… alive?”
“I don’t know,” Lilith said in a small, subdued voice, “I never thought to ask. At least you destroyed the wretched thing.”
Hunter made a “hm” noise, and the two of them turned to face him.
“Out with it,” Lilith sighed.
“Belos was working on fixing it. I uhhhhhhhh saw him with the blueprints a few times. Do you wanna smash it again, or…”
Luz grabbed Hunter by the shoulders. “Do you know where the plans are?”
“I mean—I could probably find them—yeah. Why?”
“If we know how it works, we can reverse it,” Lilith picked up, “If we find the plans, we can find out how it works.”
Hunter sighed. “Okay. Yeah, let’s… go to my uncle’s room.” He led them through the keep to the room that used to hold the portal. His hand stalled on the doorknob, but he turned it and pushed the door open. “I don’t know how many of his blueprints and designs survived everything, but… this is where he did most of his tinkering. If the plans are anywhere, they’d be here. The thing itself is down in the dungeons, if you want to take a look.”
“I do. Lilith, can you find the plans?”
Lilith delicately nudged a book with her foot. “I can try. Where’s Edalyn? This will go faster the more pairs of eyes we have.”
“She and King are busy helping out with rehabilitation for the wild witches that were locked up. Amity’s working on dismantling the remaining abomaton soldiers. Willow’s helping with growing more palistrom efforts, and Gus is helping. It’s just us. Give us a shout if you find it!”
Luz followed Hunter down to the dungeon, and he blasted open a door. The petrification machine was behind it. Luz hissed in. She hadn’t seen it since it had nearly killed her mentor. “I hate that thing.”
Hunter was hooking it up to the ceiling and pulling it off of the ground, removing a panel on the bottom. “Try not to break it again, we need it in one piece. For now.”
Luz stood under it, peering up at its inside. “Huh. That’s a lot more… wires and stuff than I thought there would be.”
Hunter gingerly reached into the machine. “Well—Belos didn’t have magic of his own—so he used a lot of machinery—to harness magical powers—got it!”
The machine powered down, and Hunter pulled a small green crystal from the inside. “Power source,” he explained, “The machine itself just taps in, so you can probably figure out anything you need to know from those blueprints—you want to figure out the magic that turned those witches to stone? Look at the source.” He dumped the crystal in her hand. “I’m going to the library, see if I can find any other sort of cure. Try not to accidentally turn yourself to stone.”
“Can it do that without the machine?” Luz called.
He shrugged as he walked away. “I dunno. Have fun!”
“You got anything?”
Hunter yawned. “A couple of ideas. There have been ‘turn people to stone’ curses before, and some of them had cures, but… I don’t know that this is the same. Any luck on your end?”
“I’ve gone through almost every crystal compendium, every gem gazette—nothing. Not a single mention of this… thing.” She tossed the gem up in the air for emphasis. Her hands fumbled it on its way down, and it dropped. Hunter hit the floor as it sparked with green magic, sending out a pulse. Luz quickly threw up an ice wall to protect herself.
Hunter crawled out from under the table, glaring at her. “Hey! Be more careful with that thing!”
Luz gingerly picked the stone back up. “What do you think that does?”
“If I had to guess? Turn living things to stone.”
“…Wanna test it out?”
“Noooooot particularly. You feel free to turn yourself into stone.”
“Not on us. We’ll use a plant or something.”
“… alright. You turn me to stone, I’ll kill you.”
Luz poked her head over a wall of ice. “Ready?”
Hunter pulled out his staff, levitating the crystal “Ready.”
He dropped the crystal into the ice container Luz had created, then ducked behind her ice wall. They waited, then moved back around. Luz gingerly pulled the ice shield away. The plant inside had turned entirely into…
“Ice?” Luz poked the plant gingerly. “Why’s it ice?”
Hunter gingerly picked up the crystal. “It doesn’t turn people to stone. It releases—what, some magic pulse on impact, integrated with whatever it touched last? In this case, the ice.”
“The machine. The blueprints. The machine was stone—it integrated the blast, and—”
“Stone people,” Hunter finished.
“Okay. Sure. How do we undo it?”
Hunter shrugged. “Drop it on a witch?”
Luz frowned. “You think that’ll be right? I mean, what if that just turns them into the witch we use?”
“Can’t hurt to try, right?”
“It can definitely hurt to try, Hunter! What if we just make things worse?!”
“They’re turned to stone. I don’t think it gets much worse. If it bothers you that much, we can try it on one of the smashed ones.”
Hunter threw his hands up in the air. “What’s the issue now?”
“I just… I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”
“Again. They’re stone. They’re already broken. We can’t make it worse.”
“So, what, you bring them back to life just so that they can feel their arm being cut off? So that they’ll just suffer and die in immeasurable torment?”
“You don’t know that it’ll happen like that.”
“You don’t know that it won’t! Besides, what if there are—are—long-term effects?”
Hunter grabbed her by the shoulders. “Luz! They! Are! Made! Of! Stone! Even if there are long-term effects, are we really doing anything bad? I mean, option one: remain a statue forever and ever and ever and be functionally dead. Option two: Slight risk of bad side effects upon turning to life. They’re stone. They’re basically dead. The only place they can go is up.”
“What if there’s another way?”
“What if there’s not?” Hunter shrugged. “Okay, quick test.” He grabbed one of their other test plants and put it in the ice container. He used his staff to levitate the crystal again, this time ramming it into living plant before ducking behind the ice curtain. Luz slowly walked back to the plant. Both of the plants were living again.
“Works!” Hunter crowed, “Come on!”
“Wait!” Luz called, “What if it won't work on something more complex? What if the plant dies in a couple of days, or doing this links the two living things together? And what if using you as our template here makes them not have magic or something?! We should get another witch! Juuuuuust in case.”
Hunter rolled his eyes. “Are you trying to buy more time to try to talk me out of this again?”
“No! Just… let’s use someone else. Because with you… y’know. And I don’t want to accidentally give someone Lilith’s owl beast curse.”
“Fine. Call your girlfriend.”
Luz used her Tamagotchi to send Amity a message, shifting from one foot to another. “What if it just turns them into a pile of flesh?”
“Gross. Functionally. Dead. It doesn’t matter.”
“Yeah, okay, Frankenstein.”
“I don’t understand that reference, but I’m going to assume it’s bad.”
“I just… if we wake them up just to suffer and die…”
“They’re already basically dead, don’t you want to give them at least a chance?”
“Is the chance worth the pain we might cause?”
Hunter shrugged. “Was taking a chance on me worth the pain it caused?”
“That was different.”
“Was it? I don’t know, Luz, I just… I think we should try. We can do it on a broken-off arm or something. If that makes you feel better.”
“What about some of the stuff you found? For the other curses?”
“We can try those if this doesn’t work. I’d be even more suspicious of trying those out, though. They were made for an entirely different curses—if you think this carries risk, using the original source material, those are even riskier. We’d be treating a symptom, not the curse itself.”
“I guess.”
Hunter sighed. “Look, if it really bothers you, just… don’t watch. Go away. Keep looking for your nebulous other cure. I’ll take all the ethical responsibility for this one.”
“I can’t do that, I know you’re going to do it, I’m not just going to close my eyes and pretend you’re not.”
“Alright, then. Come on.” Hunter waved the green gem at her. “We’ve got some witches to un-petrify.”
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Talk So Pretty, But Your Heart Got Teeth
AYO another day another oneshot as a part of the MGI Trope Tussle! BUT WAIT THERES MORE thanks to @nightlychaotic for letting me continue her oneshot that can be found HERE! 
Fics Masterlist
Dickinette Oneshot 2.8K words 
“Nightwing was desperate to figure out Kit Noire. For reasons beyond professional.” 
without further ado:
Some days, you're the only thing I know
Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold
Can't look away, can't look away
Beg you to stay, beg you to stay, yeah
It had been two weeks since Nightwing had last seen Kit Noire. While the lack of thefts and reported break-ins was doing wonders for his day job, he found his nightlife severely lacking its usual luster. He had done some research into her powers, cross-referencing with some of his more magically inclined coworkers. Aquaman had an interesting story about some god of destruction but it was Atlantean lore that led nowhere. He was drawing blanks on what his next move was going to be. Conflicted on whether to bring her to justice or to help her get justice. 
His team was of no help either. Batman was adamant on chasing her out of Gotham, her destructive powers too dangerous in the city, while his siblings were more engrossed in teasing him about his affections for the cat thief. Jabs about ‘learned behaviour’ and ‘truly being the next Batman’ went ignored for his own piece of mind. He loathed to admit it but his intrigue in her, his adamance to be involved with her case, stemmed from less professional intentions. He was compromised in this investigation but he was unwilling to relent to anyone else.
Kit Noire was his to solve. 
Sometimes, you're a stranger in my bed
Don't know if you love me or you want me dead
Push me away, push me away
Then beg me to stay, beg me to stay, yeah
He finally found her one night by the Gotham Harbour. She was in the middle of an altercation with the same guy who had stolen some grimoire from her. ‘Guardian’ he had called her. 
Rather than intervene immediately, Nightwing hung back in the shadows, observing the two of them. The man was obviously much older than her and was particularly equipped to combat her style of fighting. He used what appeared to be a wooden staff and was dressed in Buddhist-inspired robes. Another piece to add into his investigation. 
Their fight was approaching a stalemate, neither willing to yield to the other. Nightwing decided to make his presence known. A couple smoke bombs were tossed into the fray, halting the fight. Taking the opening, he jumped in between and threw two bolas at the old man. He was wrapped securely in the wires and collapsed gracelessly on the planks. Not giving him anymore attention, he moved to intercept Kit Noire; choosing the evil he knew over the one he didn’t.
“Sorry, songbird.” She spoke with more bite than usual, her frustration with the older man still clinging to her. “But I already have plans tonight. None that involves you sadly.”
“What?” His casual drawl, partnered with his carefully crafted smirk did nothing to placate the hissing cat in his arms. “I can’t let the kitty have all the fun.”
“Please,” she scoffs; she slackens in his hold only fractionally. “As if I need a little birdy like you to give me permission to do anything.”
She slipped under his grasp and shot a leg up directly into his chin. He was taken completely by surprise and before he could react, one of his own smoke bombs was thrown at his feet. He was disoriented and by the time he switched his mask to infrared, she was already gone with the older man. His discarded bolas were the only thing that remained between the clearing haze of smoke.
Call me in the morning to apologize
Every little lie gives me butterflies
Something in the way you're looking through my eyes
Don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive
He was pulling into the precinct parking lot for his morning shift with a poorly concealed bruise on his jaw and excuses already on his tongue for how it got there. His ego wasn’t fairing much better but that was concerns for his punching bag back at his home gym. Now, he was Dick Grayson, rookie cop at the GCPD. Now, his nighttime problems can’t reach him.
Or so he thought.  
He didn’t make it ten feet into the building before detective Montoya was slamming a file into his chest. He quickly glanced into the file, partially listening to her debriefing of the case, then immediately wished he hadn’t. In the file there were pictures taken from the most recent crime scene and sitting on top of the pile was a picture of a wall from the local aviary. The words ‘Sorry about last night, Songbird -KN’ were spray painted in steel blue. 
He felt his irritation flare as heat crept up his neck while a weight settled in the base of his spine. His warring feelings drowned out everything around him as he fixated on her very obvious declaration. Kitty Noire had been gaining infamy for never being caught by both the cops and the bats. Some in the precinct hadn’t believed she was actually real, just some urban legend the streets were stirring up to cause trouble. To let herself be caught like this, and to admit to contact with one of the bats— it didn’t take a genius to guess which side of the law she was calling out with ‘songbird’— was damning to say the least. 
Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet
Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go
Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet
Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go
It was another week before he was crashing into her midleap, throwing both of them down onto the nearest roof. They rolled a couple of times before he stopped them by pinning her down. Both of her arms were held above her head; his grips were tight around her wrists, avoiding her palms in fear of what her destructive powers could do. They were on top of the platform that had the doorway to the building’s stairs. Her distracting smirk curled up further as she was about to speak. Probably a suggestive comment but he wasn’t in the mood for their usual back and forth.
“Enough games, Noire.” He shifted his knees to brace on her shins, in case she had any ideas. “You need to tell me what’s going on. You’re bringing suspicious people into the city, dangerous people, and it’s my job to drive them out.”
“I’m not bringing anyone into the city,” she all but spat at him, the fury in her eyes burned bright at the accusation. “He tracked me here.”
“And he is…?” He was getting tired of being out of the loop, meta-abilities and magic are safety hazards if left unchecked in Gotham. He needs to put a lid on this before it spirals any further.
“He is my business and soon to be not a problem for the both of us.”
“Why should I believe you?”
“You have no other choice, songbird. Above your paygrade, remember?” She mumbles something he doesn’t hear but from the shape of her lips it looked like Cataclysm. He didn’t have time to react before the roof was caving in under them. 
The freefall was disorienting but he could see from his periphery that Kit Noire was prepared. She had extended her staff out to fit between two walls and was hanging on, dangling over what was probably twenty flights of steps. Nightwing wasn’t so lucky and he had to angle his fall to crash into steps a couple flights below her.  
“It was nice crashing into you, songbird, but I have things to steal and people to rob.” Retracting her staff, she let herself freefall to the bottom floor of the building. Nightwing dove after her, shooting out his grappling line to one of the higher railings. She had reextended her staff, this time aiming for the height of the building, and was sliding down it like a pole. Banishing the improper thoughts of ‘Noire’ and ‘pole,’ he questioned how the staff was even able to extend that far. 
Right, magic.
Once they were more comfortable feet above the bottom floor, she paused in her descent and let him over take her. He wasn’t given a chance to question her actions as she immediately swiped at his grappling line, snapping it with her rather sharp claws. This time he was prepared enough to brace himself for the fall. He landed on his feet and crouched to roll out of the harsh impact.
“I thought it was cats that landed on their feet, not birds,” her jeer echoed against the walls. He looked back up to see her rapidly climbing her staff. She was gaining distance fast and he was running out of options just as quickly. He didn’t trust climbing her staff so he took to climbing the steps from the railings, jumping and swinging himself around to gain altitude.
“Maybe you’re rubbing off on me.” She had made it to the door that led back to the roof and her staff retracted in an instant. He was still a couple flights away but he knew he wasn’t going to catch her. He resigned himself to knowing that tonight was another failed night. He had let her go again.
Some days, you're the best thing in my life
Sometimes when I look at you, I see my wife
Then you turn into somebody I don't know
And you push me away, push me away, yeah
Something Kit Noire had said was bothering him. She said she was a hero once. That she had given it up because of accusations that ruined her reputation. He had half a mind to not believe her. Write it off as one of her tricks to try and get under his skin. But the other half, the louder, more desperate half, implored him to keep searching. To uncover the cat themed enigma he had grown frustratingly fond of. 
He expanded his search, looking for anything or anyone cat themed with destructive powers. A deep web search had him discovering an old video. It was labeled ‘Reflectdoll’ and nothing else. It was a part of some long forgotten blog that had an entire catalogue of videos labeled in similarly vague ways. Desperate for answers, he rationalised that if anything else, he would cross this source and narrow the search further.
The video was quite the fanfare, looking something out of a movie with impressive CGI. He was about to label this video as another bust but something paused him in his tracks. Her. Kit Noire, or at least a younger version of her, lept into the action. Her and some ladybug patterned partner dealt with the fiasco and Nightwing watched, enthralled and hopeful, as the two worked to take down the foe. He was both impressed and even more confused because he recognised that infamous tower but had no memories of there ever being attacks of that caliber in the city of love. He had done several missions there over the years, and there was never any call for help or an attack to get his or the League’s attention.   
Just what was going on? 
Call me in the morning to apologize
Every little lie gives me butterflies
Something in the way you're looking through my eyes
Don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive
Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet
Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go
He had her pinned again, one of his hands holding both of hers above her head, the other was fisting her braid in a tight pin. They were staring at each other, neither wanting to tip the scales in their own favor. The air was charged and each breath felt like one step closer to a dangerous precipice. Nightwing was struggling with what to do. He had a responsibility to this city. This was his home. And he was letting some magical ex-hero trample all over it because he let his infatuation get to his head. He was too involved but he didn’t care. She was his case to solve. 
“Something you would like to share, songbird?” Her smirk was enticing and infuriating. He couldn’t look away. 
“I have a lot on my mind.”
“What? Is keeping me here not entertaining enough for you?”
“I’m not keeping you here for entertainment.”
“That could be rearranged.” She had surged up to kiss him, her lips soft and inviting. He would be a fool to pass up the opportunity.
Blood on my shirt, rose in my hand
You're looking at me like you don't know who I am
Blood on my shirt, heart in my hand
Still beating
She was hurt. The old man found her again and left her with a painful reminder of who she was up against. Nightwing wished he could track him down and beat him to bloody pulp but right now he was more concerned with patching her up. She was lucky he found her when he did. The gash on her side would be easy to stitch but he first needed to get her to somewhere safe. His options were limited. No clinic would take them in, she was still a notorious criminal after all. Batman would have his head if he brought her to any of their safe houses. The cave was completely out of the question. 
But she was still losing blood. 
“Why the long face, songbird?” Her voice which was usually jovial was tinted with strain. 
“Oh, you know, just getting blood on my suit while a cat bleeds out in my lap.” He tried to lighten the mood and her chuckles were relieving. 
“Don’t apologize. Just need to find somewhere to put you.”
“Oh, is the birdy worried about his kitty cat?” She was teasing him, he knew, so he decided playing along would do more for his own peace of mind than trying to refute.
“And if he is?” He mirrored her own joking tone but he couldn’t help the taxes of sincerity that slipped in. She caught on if the slight widening of her eyes were an indicator.
“Oh.” The stunned look she had on her face would be adorable if it weren’t for their situation. “I have a place, not far from here you can drop me off there.”
“Lead the way,” he said, picking her up bridal style. If he pulled her closer as she wrapped her arms around his neck then no one had to know.  
Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet
Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go
Fight so dirty, but your love's so sweet
Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth
Late night devil, put your hands on me
And never, never, never ever let go
Nightwing never noticed this before but Kit Noire was small. Her waist fit in the palms of his hands so well and her legs were slender and lean as they tied themselves around his hips. He looked like he could overwhelm her but he knew better. He knew how strong and dangerous she was but the mental image of just holding her down as she submits beneath him spurred him on further. Her lips were cherry sweet and intoxicating. And her weight on his thighs left him reeling, silently begging for more.
“Someone’s eager,” she had pulled away from his mouth to speak but rather than entertain any conversation he just moved to suck bruises into her jaw. The hand she had in his hair tightened and pulled at the short strands. Her breathing became laboured as she pants into the night sky. He wanted to coax out more reactions from her, wanted to see if she can really mewl like a cat. 
A wayward hand had her grinding down harder in his lap. They were in their own bubble on this abandoned rooftop; it sat between two skyscrapers, both casting the roof in an almost impenetrable shadow, one would really have to be looking to see them. The sound of traffic below was nothing more than white noise, a background soundtrack for their current encounter. Using her grip in his hair, Noire dragged him up from her jaw and crashed their lips together again. Her kittenish licks asked for entrance and he eagerly granted it, savouring the taste of her as she mapped out his mouth with her tongue. 
He gripped her tighter, not wanting to let go, blind in the pleasure of her lips and tongue and teeth.
Never, never, never ever let go
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talkfastromance4 · 3 years
Temporary--Luke&Lily series
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a/n: so sorry it’s taken me a month to complete this. It’s a heavy topic with a lot of emotions and I was feeling what my characters were feeling. This is very detail oriented, some medical jargon (I did my best research and some of it was from watching Grey’s Anatomy which I know isn’t realistic but I tried)
warnings: NICU mentions throughout, premature birth, C-section, sadness, moments of grief and loneliness, some sexual content. **Please read very carefully, this is a sensitive topic**
word count: 9.7k
Luke&Lily Masterlist
Magical Memoriess&Misfortunes (<-- catch up here)
feedback is always welcome, I hope you enjoy it.
It’s like you’re in a horrible dream. You’re frozen in terror at the multiple bodies moving above you, their voices warped but all you feel is immense pain and fright. You search for Luke through your blurred and clouded vision. The lights are too bright. It hurts your eyes.
You think you hear your name through the thick cotton cloud that has somehow gotten in your ear. Why can’t you hear properly? Where’s Luke? How did you get on this moving bed?
Another white-hot-blazing pain slices through you. You think you scream. Hands are on you and then it goes black…
…When you wake up, you’re still in this horrible nightmare that won’t seem to end. Usually when the terrible things keep happening, you wake up in a cold sweat.
“…. lovie…”
Your head lolls to the side and you see Luke’s eyes peeking out above a blue mask and a blue cap. It still feels like you’re stuck in a cloud and you feel a tug below you. Before you can look down, Luke cups your cheek and shakes his head.
You don’t know what he means but tears start rolling down your cheeks and then you close your eyes again. Why can’t you wake up? You just want to wake up, get out of this night terror…
…Coming to again and you hear more voices and commotion. You hear the urgency. Their words meet your ears, but the meaning doesn’t register with your brain. What is happening? Luke still has a firm grip on your face, but you look beyond him and see a group of people in blue gathered around a small thing. Their hands work quickly. You wish your tears would make what’s happening clearer.
“He’s breathing! It’s very labored!”
“Intubate him. Page Dr. Chambers.”
“Move people!”
He? Who’s he?
You look to Luke and he’s smiling through his own tears, his forehead pressed to yours.
Just as you’re about to connect the very blurry dots, more pain ensues. This is the worst thing you’ve ever felt in your life. It’s all over your body and it’s in your chest, collapsing onto you.
More voices.
More urgency.
More terror.
More questions.
Then, you drift off once more, the pain ceasing with each gasped breath.
Soft, methodical beeps drift you awake. You’re not on that strange cloud anymore but your body feels heavy, weighted. You search your brain for where you are, the sheets are crisp and your feet are cold. Disney World swims by and you’re confused because you remember waking up after you fainted.
Was that real?
Or is this real?
Then it hits you, like the snap of a rubber band breaking all the distorted memories and voices and hands all come back. The pain. The tug. He…
You gasp and flash your eyes open. You’re met with a white ceiling and wires and tubes suspended above you. There’s commotion to your left then Luke’s face is in your vision. His eyes are red with dark circles underneath them; his hair is a disarray as if he’s been pulling his fingers through it repeatedly.
“Oh, thank God, Y/N I was so worried. They told me you’d be asleep for a while because you lost so much blood…so much blood…but you’re okay now. You’re awake. I’m right here, lovie, I’m right here,” he rushes out in a frantic whisper.
He touches your forehead carefully and he’s so warm. You’re still trying to string everything together but there’s so many gaps in time. You’re pinpointing things by the different types of pain you experienced.
“What…what happened?” you croak then try to swallow. But your mouth and throat are so dry it’s like trying to swallow sand. It hurts.
When will the pain stop?
Luke’s eyes soften, he continues to stroke your forehead and into your hair. He licks his chapped lips then shakes his head.
“Did I lose the baby?” you whisper, voice sounding like broken glass. Tears well up in your eyes again.
“No, no, no…shhh, shhh,” he soothes wiping at your tears with his other hand.
“They don’t…” he takes a deep shuddering breath, “you had a C-section. He’s in the NICU being monitored, I only got a small glimpse of him before they took him away. He’s so small and I don’t know what’s happening, no one has come by and I’ve been worried you wouldn’t wake up.”
And then you’re comforting him by pulling his head to yours, he sobs into you and you pet his hair. Your voice is lost, you feel the sudden loss of your baby not in you anymore, your heart is very fragile and seeing Luke like this terrifies you.
But Luke also said ‘he’ and a small smile appears on your lips. You have a son.
“I’m so glad you’re awake, baby,” he whispers. You feel his hot tears soak through the gown on your shoulder.
“Can you call for a nurse?” you ask kissing his hair delicately. At least, you hope you do because your lips are also very chapped and dry. You need some damn water.
“What hurts?” his head snaps up and you see why his eyes are so red; from his tears.
You swallow and swipe at his own tears.
“We need damn information about our son, and I need some damn water,” your voice shakes with ferocity. Luke punches the call button repeatedly until a nurse runs in.
After hydrating yourself with water, Luke took your hand keeping his gaze on you as you demanded the nurse to get your doctor, or your son’s doctor, to come and give you information. You’re never normally one to yell at someone, but your memories have so many holes in them you need to know what’s happened.
The nurse tries to console you but you’re hell bent on finding out about your son. Your son you haven’t even seen yet.
“I will walk there if I have to,” you threaten through gritted teeth. The more frustrated you become the more prominent the throb and ache below your waist also becomes.
“I will go find your doctor right away, ma’am,” the nurse nods frantically and runs from the room. You glare in his wake.
Luke squeezes your hand; you look at him.
“I love you,” he says simply but you hear way more than that.
I’m scared, too. I don’t know what to do either. We’re in this together. I’m never letting go.
Shortly after, a doctor walks in the room, her expression timid and she’s scrolling on her iPad.
“Mrs. Hemmings, how are you feeling? Any pain we can help with? I’m Dr. Wilson and I administered the C-section.”
“I’m fine. Take me to my son and let me know what’s happening,” you demand.
“Mrs. Hemmings, with your son being born at only 25 weeks the next 24 hours is very critical. We are monitoring him as we speak, I have my best staff on his watch,” Dr. Wilson explains, her voice cool and collected.
“What happened?”
Dr. Wilson steps closer to your side of the bed, her round face and almond-shaped eyes show both kindness and fire in them. You’re still on the fence on how to feel about her because she didn’t tell Luke anything.
“Part of your placenta was twisted, and it caused you to go into early labor which also caused stress on your baby. Thankfully, you got here in time and we were able to get him out before it became worse. His breathing was labored and with him being so small and born extremely early, his organs haven’t fully developed yet.”
“Why are the next 24 hours critical?” Luke asks, his hold on your hand is like a death grip.
“Because he’s still so small, his lungs aren’t at the correct size they should be. Lack of oxygen can cause severe brain damage or heart failure. We have an ET, endotracheal tube in his mouth which is hooked to a ventilator to help him breathe. An IV is also administering the nutrition he needs, we’re monitoring his heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen levels, and he’s being kept in an incubator that helps simulate the inside of the womb.”
You take in all the information, your heart longing for your baby boy that you have no idea what he looks like.
“What’s the survival rate for a baby born at 25 weeks?” your voice cracks. Luke shifts closer to you, his other hand covering yours.
Dr. Wilson glances between you and Luke before answering solemnly, “Between 67 to 76% survival.”
Luke lets out a choked gasp and you shift your eyes to the ceiling to keep the burning tears from falling.
“I can promise you Mr. and Mrs. Hemmings, that we are doing everything in our power to make sure he makes it through the next 24 hours. He’s a strong little guy.”
“Is there any way we can see him?” Luke’s voice wavers and is thick with emotion.
“Infection is very prominent right now; any outside contact can make him head in a worse direction.”
“Please,” you beg in a whisper meeting Dr. Wilson’s eyes. You notice that they’re brown. “I need to see him. I don’t want him to be alone if he…if he…”
You bite your lip and shake your head; you’re too overcome with emotions to finish a sentence you don’t even want to think about.
“Mrs. Hemmings, I can’t risk your stitches tearing. You’ve lost a lot of blood; your blood pressure is extremely high due to the stress of early labor.”
“I don’t care! Please, let me see him. I need to see what my baby looks like,” you cry. Luke rubs at your shoulder affectionately saying your name. You can’t look at him now. If you do you’ll lose this fiery courage that’s inside you right now.
“I understand. I’ll see what I can do, but are you sure you aren’t in any pain?”
“My stomach hurts,” you whisper.
“I’ll have a nurse fix that for you. I will be right back,” Dr. Wilson smiles then leaves the room.
The male nurse you screamed at comes back in and makes quick work with your IV. You’re too distraught to look or even speak to Luke so you keep your eyes fixed on the white board on the opposite wall. The name of your nurse is Tom, and you look at each yellow face on the ‘rate your pain’ scale. You’re fixated on the number zero face, it’s the happiest looking one with a wide-open smile.
That scale is wrong. The pain and fear and worry you’re feeling doesn’t equate a ten. It’s too powerful, it weighs down on you but at the same time you feel nothing. The pain is too much that it’s also gone. Your pain is at a zero, a big circle of nothing and everything all at once.
You’re not sure how much time has passed before Dr. Wilson comes back.
“I cannot take you to see him, but I found a way where you can see him,” she smiles then hands you her iPad.
It’s heavy in your hand and you gasp upon the first look of your baby boy. He’s surrounded by blankets under a large light with tubes, wires, and circular patches attached to his tiny, tiny self. You see his small chest moving rapidly with his breaths and you see the tiniest hat on his head. Luke drapes himself next to you, his lips pressing onto your temple.
“There he is,” you whisper touching your finger to the screen. “He looks so helpless…”
“How is he?” Luke asks.
“His oxygen level is still very low, but he’s taking the nutrients very well.”
You’ve already got his features memorized, and yet you can’t stop looking at him. You wish you could touch him, let him know you’re there and that you love him.
“Can we keep this in here?” you ask.
“Of course. I’ll be back with more updates, but I need you to rest and heal yourself, Mrs. Hemmings. Is there any family we need to contact?”
“The girls!” you gasp and turn to Luke.
“Shit,” he exhales then checks the time on his watch. “Lily’s with Cory by now and Posy…shit! I’ll call Ashton and then call Cory…”
He continues to mumble to himself as he searches for his phone. You turn back to the screen, your heart longing for your little boy.
Hours have gone by, the room you’re in is darkened from the night sky peeking through the blinds. The iPad is still on your lap and you’ve heard every conversation Luke has had while he made phone calls. Daycare called Ashton when neither you nor Luke picked Posy up and both of your phones went unanswered.
According to Ashton, Luke sent out a text to the band group chat that said ‘at hospital. Emergency get the girls will call’ but he doesn’t even remember sending it. Everything happened so fast and yet it felt like it dragged.
Posy is at your home with Ashton and KayKay who said will stay with her for as long as you two need. Just when you think of Lily, Luke already asks if they’d be all right picking her up from Cory’s on Sunday and they said yes.
“Lily might want to stay with Cory,” you tell him after he hangs up with Ashton. He’s tapping away at his phone, probably texting Calum and Michael or his family. Or all of them. You’re not sure but now you have Lily and Posy on your mind.
“It’s too late to call him,” Luke mutters and falls into the chair beside your bed. He scoots closer and peers at the iPad screen.
“Where’s my phone? I’ll call him so he and Ella can discuss it,” you hold out your hand.
“Lovie, it’s almost ten thirty at night—”
“Give me my phone so I can call him, Luke,” you interrupt a little too harshly. “Please.”
He holds your gaze for a moment before reaching into his other pants pocket. He hands you your phone and you scroll to Cory’s name under your favorites. You stare at your baby boy as the phone rings.
“Hey, Y/N, what’s going on?” Cory asks and you feel your emotions rising to the surface at the sound of his voice.
You force them down.
“Um, me and Luke are at the hospital. Something…” you suck in a large breath but your voice still trembles. “Something went wrong and I had an emergency C-section and the baby is in the NICU. Posy is home with Ashton and KayKay and they said they’d pick up Lily tomorrow but I know she’d probably want to stay with you. And I…I know it’s a lot to ask of you, but Lily needs to know. She’s been seeing everything going on around her and I don’t want her to be scared.”
“Of course, they can both stay with us. I still have Lily’s toddler bed. How are you? Tell me what’s going on.”
You tell him everything. Luke holds your hand as you do, his thumb rubbing soothing circles over your knuckles and your wedding ring.
“The doctor said he’s all right for now but he has to get through the next 24 hours?” Cory clarifies gently.
“First of all, congratulations on a little boy,” he says and you can hear his smile through the phone. “You’re doing fine and he is too and he’ll continue to get better because he’s a fighter.”
“How do you know that? He’s so small, Cory….”
“I know it because you’re a fighter, I’m sure you’re giving the nursing staff hell and highwater to get answers,” he chuckles.
“Maybe a little. I feel bad about it.”
“You’re scared and you’re worried and this all happened so fast. But Luke is with you and you’ve got all of us supporting and loving you. You should try and get some sleep and I’ll tell Lily everything in the morning. Do you want me to call you so she can talk to you?”
“Yeah, that’d be great. Thanks, Cory.”
“Tell Luke I say hi and that I’m here for you two, okay?”
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Love you, Y/N.”
“Love you too,” you sigh then the call ends. You turn to Luke, the circles under his eyes seem to have darkened and you reach over to touch the shadows on his cheeks. “He said he’ll keep the girls and will call tomorrow so we can talk to Lily. He says hi.”
Luke nods slowly then laces his fingers with yours. He kisses the tips of your fingers, his eyes closing.
You and Luke were sent hourly updates on your son. He’s been in the same condition each time, you try to find positivity in that because he’s not getting worse, but he’s also not in the clear yet. When Cory called again with Lily on the phone, you and Luke tried to make your voices sound positive. She asked a lot of questions and wondered when she could come see her new brother.
“He’s a little sick right now, honey. We need him to get better so we can all be together, okay?” you told her and she was silent for a while.
“When are you and dada gonna come home?”
“Hopefully soon, my love,” Luke tells her.
“What about Piggy?”
“Uncle Cal has her at his house,” you make up then quickly look to Luke who’s already pulling out his phone to text Calum.
You’re being horrible parents, forgetting everything like this but all of it still doesn’t seem real. Probably because you haven’t actually seen or held your son in your own arms. Your stitches are healing nicely but your body still seems to think it’s pregnant and that stirs up even more conflicting emotions.
“Be a good girl for your daddy and Ella, okay my sweet?”
“Okay. Can you give my brother a kiss for me?”
“We will, Lily. We love you so much.”
You and Luke tried to occupy your time by watching tv but you’re only watching the bodies move across the screen. You nod on and off but always jerk awake in case you miss the doctor or nurse coming in. Luke comforts you each time, assuring you that there’s no change and points to the screen where you can see your son.
The circles under his eyes only seem to darken with each passing minute. He helps you walk to the bathroom and back into bed. You try telling him he can go home to shower and get more clothes but he refuses.
“I’m not leaving you or our son until I know he’s okay.”
One of your favorite movies is playing on the tv, it’s a black and white film about a couple who adopts a baby girl. It goes through their funny moments trying to figure it all out but it ends tragically with the little girl getting sick. You drifted off before it came to that part and then you were shaken awake by Luke.
Dr. Wilson enters the room with a big smile on her face. You and Luke take hold of each other’s hands, holding onto each other in desperation.
“He’s in the clear. His oxygen levels have elevated and he has a steady heartbeat. It’s still going to be a while until you’ll be able to take him home, he’s still at risk for a lot of infection and we want to make sure his organs continue to develop correctly,” Dr. Wilson explains.
“He’s okay?” you whisper.
“He is. He’s a little warrior.”
“When…when can we see him?” Luke asks.
“Let me check on your stitches first, and if they look all right I can take you down now, if you’d like.”
“Please, please,” you nod scrambling to move your blankets off you.
Luke is wheeling you down the brightly lit hallway in the NICU ward, you see other parents hovering around the incubator their baby is in. You and Luke had to be fitted into the light pink gowns with masks and gloves before you could see your son. You were more than okay wearing the odd things if it meant being able to finally see him.
Luke rolls you in between families until Dr. Wilson stops at the last station near the window. A nurse is standing by writing down something on a chart and then you’re right next to his incubator. First, all you can see is a mountain of swaddled blankets with tubes and wires sticking out from every direction. Then you see slight movement and you lean forward and come face to face with your baby.
Tears are rolling down your cheeks as you stare at him. He looks like he could just barely fit in your palms, you see the quick flutter of his heart through his thin chest that has wired tape. You press your hands to the reinforced plastic, the warmth from the light radiates through the gloves.
“Hi, my baby boy, I’m your mama,” you whisper and you’re aching to touch him. You see the two round openings for hands and you move your hands before looking to Dr. Wilson.
“You can touch him, let him know you’re here,” she encourages.
Very carefully, you insert your arm stretching your finger to his small body. You press against his cheek as lightly as you can, he’s warm and that makes you feel better.
“Hi sweetheart,” you continue to talk to him and you hear Luke sniff behind you. “You’re doing so well. Keep it up so you can get big and strong and we can take you home to your big sisters. Your daddy’s here, too.”
Dr. Wilson moves and Luke takes her place. He puts his arm through the opening and strokes his finger down your son’s arm. Your baby trembles a little then leans into your touches. You can’t help the wet smile from forming, he’s perfect. You rub at his forehead gently.
“We need to name him,” you say looking across globe of your son’s new home.
“I haven’t…do you have a name?”
“One popped in my head just now.”
“What is it?”
“Oliver,” you smile glancing down at him. “I was searching through names online and this one stuck out at me. It has a lot of meanings like peace, wisdom, health, and luck.”
“I think it’s perfect,” Luke smiles. “I know he’s only 24 hours old, but he seems very wise to me, don’t you think?”
“Wise and healthy.”
Tension has been high between you and Luke. You were at the hospital for a week and a few days more because you had contracted an infection at your incision site. It’s pretty common for an infection but that meant you couldn’t go visit Oliver. Once your infection was cleared you were discharged to go home.
You and Luke moved around each other like orbits just passing by. When you wake in the morning you move about the room like robots, barely looking at each other until you’re ready to go. Cory, Ashton, and the others stayed with Lily and Posy during the day while the both of you went to the hospital to visit Oliver. You missed Lily and Posy terribly and only saw them when they were fast asleep by the time you got home. 
You’d even forgotten about Posy’s birthday and it made you feel even worse than you already felt. Your hormones are abnormal and your body still feels like it’s pregnant even though you know you’re not. It’s a weird feeling, it’s a sad feeling because you can’t even hold your baby that is no longer inside your stomach. 
To your surprise, Ashton and KayKay had orchestrated Posy’s birthday for you and Luke. 
“We have to put on a happy face for Po,” Luke says softly on the morning of her birthday.
Your bodies are set to an automatic alarm because of the hospital visits. You’re staring at the ceiling then roll over to face Luke who is also facing the ceiling with his hands behind his head. You take in his profile, the sharp angle of his nose, his full beard and the smooth skin of his arms over lean muscles. It’s been so long since you’ve touched each other. 
Does he miss you too?
“I’m trying to,” you whisper and silently beg him to look at you. To kiss you. To hold you. To tell you that everything is going to be all right.
Instead, he sighs then rolls out of bed. You watch the muscles in his back pull and tighten when he puts on a t-shirt and heads into the bathroom. You flick your eyes back to the ceiling, swiping away the tears that fall anyway. You’re only allowing yourself those two tears because you know you won’t stop once you start. 
Luke can’t see you break. Lily and Posy can’t see you break. 
“Ash said he and KayKay will be here at ten to start decorating. I want to make the girls breakfast, hopefully make up for lost time,” Luke announces out of the bathroom. 
“Good idea,” you nod then will yourself out of bed. You force yourself to not touch your belly, but like every morning, you always do. It’s still a little swollen from the pregnancy and the incision, but you know it’s empty. 
Before you grab your satin robe, you glance at Luke who had his eyes fixed on your hands over your belly. He meets your eyes for a moment, looks like he’s about to say something, but he leaves the room. 
You’re tired of feeling broken and empty.
The girls were ecstatic waking up to you and Luke. Posy was situated on Luke’s hip as he made her favorite breakfast and Lily filled you in on what’s going on at school and with Roman. She talked until Ashton and KayKay arrived and your heart had sunk all the way to your stomach because of how much you’ve missed in Lily and Posy’s life the last few weeks. 
You helped where you could with the decorations and then you remembered Posy wanted a dinosaur cake but before you could panic, Cory and Ella arrived with the cake. 
You tried to keep on a brave face throughout the party. You helped Posy open her presents, you talked with your friends and family. You couldn’t help the way your eyes gravitated towards Ella who is about 35 weeks along now. 
It’s another reminder that you aren’t pregnant and that your baby is in critical condition. You shake it off because you have to. Your phone sends you updates on Oliver by the hour, and he’s remained stable for the whole day which is improvement. 
“Thank you so much for doing all of this,” you tell Ashton and KayKay as they’re leaving. Aside from Cory and Ella, they’re the last to leave.
“No problem at all,” Ashton smiles pulling you in for a hug. He kisses the top of your head. “We’re more than happy to help. We’ll plan another one when our boy Oliver is home.”
“We’re all here for you, love you,” KayKay smiles and wraps you in her arms. 
“We love you, too.”
“Unca Ash bye-bye?” Posy asks next to you. She looks up at Ashton with big puppy eyes, her arms up. 
“Yeah, little one. We need to go to bed, just like you!” he lifts her in his arms and blows raspberry kisses on her cheek. “Did you have fun at your party?”
“Yeah!” she claps her hands. 
“Good! Now, you go to bed like mama says and we’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Love you.”
“Luh you,” she sings and hugs his neck while KayKay takes her hand and kisses her fingers. 
“Let’s go to bed, Pose,” you take her from Ashton then wave one last time as they head out the door. 
“I’ll be outside, babe. My feet are killing me,” Ella tells Cory then she moves to you with Lily’s hand in hers. “We’ll be here bright and early so you can go see how Oliver’s doing.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry we’re--”
“You have nothing to apologize for. It’s what families do. Try and get some sleep tonight,” Ella touches your arm, her face turns into a frown. “You look exhausted.”
“I’ll try.”
You know you won’t. 
She kisses Posy and gives Lily one more hug then waddles outside to the car. Cory and Luke are cleaning up last call cups and you take your girls to their rooms to do their bedtime routine. You try and keep Posy in your arms as long as you can, hugging her and loving on her. 
She doesn’t even make it halfway through her favorite book, Where the Wild Things Are, and then you take Lily into her room. 
“When can I see my brother?” she asks as you tuck her in. 
“I don’t know yet, sweetheart,” you reply sadly, “he needs to get better first. Dada and I talk about you and Posy all the time to him.”
“You do?” her eyes widen in amazement. “Can I bring him a present?”
“I think he’d like that very much.”
“Hm?” you tuck her snuffy and bunny next to her under the covers. 
“I missed you,” she says quietly.
Your heart jolts. You stop fixing up her toys and look down at Lily, your first baby, and she’s playing with the ear of her bunny. The pink bunny she’s had since she first met Luke.
“I miss you, too. I’m so sorry we haven’t been here with you and Posy. Dada and I are going to fix that, okay?” you ask and she nods. You lean down to give her a kiss and a hug, her arms tighten around your neck.
You don’t let go until she does. You shut off her light and close the door, with just a small crack left open. You’re going to talk to Luke, you’ve decided as you head back downstairs. You tried having just one of you go to the hospital while the other stayed home with the girls but neither one of you wanted to be away if Oliver’s health took a turn. 
Just as you’re about to enter the kitchen, you hear your name between Luke and Cory. 
“Y/N’s in bad shape,” Cory says.
“Yeah, I know.”
“This has happened before, where she shuts down and tries to fix it herself but she can’t.”
“I know that, too, considering she’s my wife.” Luke’s voice is clipped, each word sharp as a knife. You’re shocked at it; he and Cory have always been on good terms with each other. 
“Have you tried talking to her about it? Because the way you two were acting tonight was like you didn’t even want to be near each other. She doesn’t need that, not right now when--”
“Look, I know you and Y/N have a close bond. It’s something I’ve tried to understand but I can’t and there’s nothing I can do to change that. It doesn’t bother me as much as it did in the beginning, but I don’t need your advice on how to help my wife.”
What did he mean ‘in the beginning’?
“Yeah? You had no problem taking my help when you broke up with her those three months,” Cory’s voice now has more of an edge to it. 
“I’m surprised you helped in the first place. You think I didn’t notice how you looked at her? We’re handling this on our own.”
“You’re not handling anything! Neither of you are! Yeah, I care about Y/N, that won’t ever change and she’s hurting. Bad. If you won’t do something about it, then I will.”
“The hell you will. I appreciate all you’ve done for my family, but you’re crossing a line.”
You whisper the word as you stand in front of them but it catches their attention. Luke’s hands are balled into fists at his sides and Cory’s body is in a similar defense stance. They look to you.
“I am trying, okay? I’m trying to stay strong and hopeful for Oliver. I’m trying to keep on a brave face for Lily and Posy. I’m trying to decipher which feelings I should be feeling or which ones are still phantom pregnancy ones and I don’t even know if those are real. My body has already fallen apart, I don’t need my family to as well.”
“I feel horrible that I forgot Posy’s birthday. How could I forget that? My mind is constantly running and I’m so exhausted but I can’t sleep because I’m worrying. Please don’t fight, I can’t handle it.”
“Y/N... what can I do?” Cory asks almost pleadingly. 
Luke scoffs and rolls his eyes.
“I think you should go home. I know you mean well, Cory, but you don’t want to keep Ella waiting in the car.”
“I can--”
“Just go, Cory,” you say in a softer tone. You glance to Luke who is pointedly staring at a spot on the wall then look back to Cory. “Luke and I need to talk.”
Cory keeps staring at you as if checking that you really want him to leave. You nod. He sighs. 
“I’m sorry, you’re right,” he steps away from Luke then grabs your hand. “Call if you need anything.” He gives you a squeeze as you nod at his offer. 
The door closes with a soft snap and it’s just you and Luke now, all of your demons joined together. 
“What did you mean when you said, ‘it didn’t bother you like in the beginning’?” 
“I can’t talk about this now,” he shakes his head and shuffles towards the basement door where his music room is.
Good. It’s soundproof and if there will be yelling, it won’t wake the girls. You follow him downstairs.
“We are going to talk about this now. I feel like I’m walking on eggshells with you and I don’t know what to do! We don’t talk about Oliver, so let’s talk about you and Cory!” you follow him until he turns around quickly. His eyes ablaze.
“No, let’s talk about you and Cory. You’re only talking to him about Oliver. You called him right after everything happened.”
“Because he had Lily! You called everyone else!”
“None of them are in love with you!”
“WHAT?! That doesn’t even make sense!”
“When we started dating, I had a feeling Cory still loved you. I saw it in the way he looked at you and he’s been looking at you that same way now. You don’t talk to me about Oliver, you talk to him. How do you think that makes me feel? Oliver is our son.”
“I try to talk to you! But you always pull away! He doesn’t love me like you think he does, and the fact you’re bringing this up now, years later, is ridiculous.”
“Right,” he snorts, “it’s ridiculous that the ex of my wife who is the father of her child still loves you.”
“Yes!” you screech and fist your hands in the air in frustration. “Do you even hear yourself? He’s engaged to Ella. He’s having a baby with Ella!”
“Then why do you talk to him about Oliver and not me? Huh?” he advances towards you, towering over you. 
“Because I blame myself every day that this happened and you do, too. You can’t even look at me and I…” you choke on your words; Luke’s hardened expression softens as your words sink in. “I feel like I’m losing you.”
Then you’re gasping for air as the tears you’ve been bottling up come crashing down. Your weird emotions, your worry, your fear, everything you’ve been feeling finally falls out in the open. It crashes between you and Luke like a tidal wave. Your body feels weak and you almost collapse onto the small couch but Luke grabs hold of your waist, his other hand cupping your face.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey. Look at me, look at me,” he rushes out. “I don’t blame you; I could never blame you. This isn’t your fault; do you hear me?” his eyes have a half-crazed look in them and somehow that grounds you.
“W-why wo-won’t you l-l-look at m-me?” you sob coughing out the words. 
“Oh, baby,” he sighs then awkwardly shifts around until you fall on top of him on the couch. He holds you tight against him. You’re immediate to wrap yourself around him like a pretzel “It’s because I don’t know what to say. I wish I could make this all better, make Oliver healthy, take all your pain away. I can’t even imagine what you’re going through right now and it kills me to see you like this.”
“I’m a horrible mom,” you cry harshly into his chest. 
Luke pushes you off of him and he’s blurred through your tears. 
“Don’t you ever say that again. You give everything and a million times more in love to our children. I see how hard you’re trying to keep it together, and it kills me.”
“I’m s--”
Luke mashes his lips to yours and you close your eyes. It’s wet and salty, it tastes of heartache and regret and yet his kiss feels like home. 
“You have nothing to apologize for,” he mumbles. “Stop--” he kisses you again “--just stop--” he kisses you once more with his fingers tangling in your hair. 
You wanted to be closer to him, feel every part of him touch every part of you but you aren’t past the six weeks mark yet. 
“I love you,” you whisper.
“I love you, too. Let’s take a warm shower and talk things out.”
After a warm shower of kisses and roaming hands, you snuggled against Luke in your bed and tried to come up with a plan where you could be home and at the hospital equally. And you both decided that as soon as Dr. Wilson gives the okay, you’re going to bring the girls to meet him.
When you’ve talked and finalized plans, you gaze at Luke as his eyes start to close. You stroke the slope of his nose, itching to ask him about the fight he had with Cory earlier. You open your mouth to ask and then close it just as quickly. Luke’s eyes open up and he pulls you against him, his fingers tickle the skin of your back. 
“I know you want to ask, so ask.”
“Why do you think Cory is still in love with me?”
He sighs heavily.
“I don’t. I guess I went back to old thoughts and insecurities.”
“So, you thought he still was at one point?”
“I knew he was because he told me. When we weren’t together those three months, he came by and told me how you and Lily were doing. The way he looked at you...it’s how I look at you. And when he tried to help us tonight…” he closes his eyes and shakes his head in embarrassment. “I was stupid. I shouldn’t have said what I did.”
“I’m sorry you’ve been feeling this way for so long,” you caress his bearded cheek.
“I honestly don’t think about it anymore, it just sprung up in my mind tonight,” he sighs. “I appreciate everything Cory’s been doing. I’ll call him tomorrow and apologize.”
“You know how much I love you?” your fingers brush his damp curls from his forehead that you press your lips too. You breathe in his shampoo, his skin soft and his own fingers slip under your shirt to keep caressing your back.
“About as much as I love you.”
He kisses your chin as you kiss his cheek and eventually your lips find each other.
It’s been a month and Oliver is still in the hospital. He’s progressing well and getting stronger every day. Posy and Lily were able to come visit him with Michael and Calum in tow. Posy ran to Luke who he picked up and peppered kisses to her cheeks and Lily ran to you with a little gift bag in her hands.
“What’s this?” you ask her as Luke points Oliver out to Posy, Calum, and Michael.
“Unca Mikey said this will help Oliver feel better,” Lily pulls out a small green octopus.
“I read online that it helps them feel comforted if they can’t be held yet,” Michael explains and you give him a smile.
“Can we give it to him mama?” Lily asks setting the bag on the floor.
“I think that’s a great idea,” you kiss her cheek then stand. “Let’s head inside.”
When you’re all gathered around Oliver, Calum lifts Lily in his arms so she can see him from up above and you slip the little octopus inside the round hole. You press it under his arm delicately, his tiny, tiny fingers latch on to one of the tentacles.
“Baby!” Posy points.
“He likes it!” Lily exclaims and Calum grins at her.
“Of course, he does, it’s from you and Po,” Calum says.
“And me,” Michael grumbles stepping a little closer to the incubator. His eyes soften when he looks over his nephew and you can almost sense his sadness.
“Thank you for getting it for him,” you link your arm through his and rest your head against his shoulder. “It was very thoughtful.”
“How long do you think it will be until you can bring him home?” Michael asks watching his tiny chest flutter with each breath.
“Until he’s at a healthy weight and can be taken off the ventilator,” Luke answers.
“Is he going to sleep with me?” Lily asks.
You and Luke share a look. You hadn’t thought about that. Before all of this happened, you still had a lot of time before you got his nursery ready. There is the playroom you could transform into a nursery…
“No, he’ll have his own room, sweets. When he’s home he might cry a lot and wake you up at night.”
“That’s okay. I can help.”
“You’re the best big sister ever, you know that?” Calum looks to her and she smiles sheepishly.
“Would Crystal help us change the playroom into a nursery?” you ask Michael.
“I think we should tell them his middle name,” Luke smiles at you.
“What is it?” Calum asks.
“Well, we decided on Michael,” you grin at Michael whose eyes widen. “You jump started us trying for another baby and when we decided on it Oliver sneezed. So, he likes it and it fits him perfectly.”
“Oliver Michael…” Calum tests it out then nods. “Yeah, sounds good to me. If you guys have another one, Calum’s a pretty kick ass name.”
“That means a lot guys, thank you,” Michael shifts his arm so he can pull you in for a hug. He kisses the top of your head.
A few weeks later, Ella had her beautiful baby girl, Violetta. You wanted to give them some time alone before bringing the girls over to their house to meet her. Lily sat on the couch with Violetta resting on a pillow on her lap and Posy sat next to her, staring at Violetta with curious eyes. It was odd to see the size difference between her and Oliver.
“She’s beautiful,” you tell Ella. She just took a photo of the three girls together.
“Thank you. I can’t believe she’s finally here,” she sighs tiredly then glances to Luke and Cory who are talking outside. “Cory told me what happened after Posy’s birthday.”
“Oh,” you clear your throat awkwardly, “he did, did he?”
“I know you two have a special bond, you have a history and Lily…I’m sorry that things escalated like that. How’s Luke?”
“He’s okay now, we talked about it. Ella, I hope you know that I don’t love Cory how I love Luke.”
“Oh, I know! We’re all a big, blended family, sometimes things get messy but I’ve never had a big family before. I adore you and Luke. I’m not upset at all, I understand.”
“Good. We adore you, too,” you smile then gaze at Violetta. You see more of Ella in her than Cory but she also resembles Lily a little.
“Would you like to hold her?” Ella asks gently.
“I’d love to,” you smile then push her back in her seat. “Rest, I bet you’re still sore. Lily, I’m going to hold your new sister now, okay? Why don’t you and Posy go play for a little bit.”
You lift Violetta off of Lily’s lap and the two girls run into Lily’s room. Violetta rests comfortably in the crook of your arm, she sleeps peacefully as you sway from side to side.
“Hi, pretty girl,” you coo. “You are such a pretty little one, aren’t you? Yeah, you get that from your mommy.”
“How’s Oliver doing?”
“Better, they’re talking about taking him off the ventilator soon and see how he does. He’s gaining more weight, not as fast as they want but it’s something,” you smile.
“Good, I’m glad to hear that. And you and Luke?”
“We’re…coping. We’re still trying to find the balance between the hospital and home, but now that Lily’s out of school it’s much easier to come and go.”
“If you and Luke ever want to take a long weekend, the girls can stay here.”
“Oh, no, not with Violetta just being born! I don’t want you to feel overwhelmed—”
“I insist. It will give me practice if we have more kids,” Ella smiles.
“We’ll be outnumbered then,” you laugh. “The kid to adult ratio is even now.”
“You’re right,” Ella laughs. “They’re going to rule our world.”
“I don’t mind, they’re pretty awesome,” you shrug and gaze down at Violetta. You hope you’ll be able to hold Oliver like this soon.
Luke’s birthday is approaching and he’s told you repeatedly he doesn’t want a big party or anything this year. The only thing he wants is to hopefully bring Oliver home by the end of the month. You were finally able to hold him and have some skin-to-skin contact.
You sat in the rocking chair next to his incubator and the nurse placed him on your chest. His skin is warm and beneath the starchy hospital smell, he had that natural smell all babies have. You couldn’t help but cry after finally holding him after almost three months of just looking at him. His fingers flexed on your chest before you slipped your pinky between them. He held on tightly.
“Hi baby boy,” you whisper kissing the top of his little hat. “Remember me?”
“How does he feel?” Luke asks, his voice thick with emotion.
“He’s that piece I’ve been missing.”
You could sit there for hours just holding him but you know how badly Luke wanted to hold his son so you changed places. He unbuttoned his shirt and the nurse helped you place Oliver on his chest.
“He’s so small,” Luke smiles fondly. “Hi buddy, I’m your daddy. You’re doing so good getting all big and strong. Your mama and I can’t wait to take you home. We’re going to have a big party, but I promise I’ll make everyone keep it quiet.”
“It’s nice to see you holding him,” you sniff and he starts to rock.
“It was nice to see you hold him, too,” he smiles. “We’ll take him home soon. We’re almost there.”
On Luke’s birthday, you and the girls surprised him with breakfast in bed and a brand-new record collection he’s been talking about. Michael and Crystal offered to watch the girls while you visited Oliver. You promised you’d be back by dinner time and you secretly arranged Luke’s favorite food to be delivered.
The two of you sat with Oliver and talked about how far he’s come along. He’s at four pounds already and is now in an open crib rather than an incubator. His organs have developed how they should and he’s had no complications. Dr. Chambers wants him to stay until he’s five pounds just to be sure he’s still gaining weight like he should.
The nurse told you you could try and start breast feeding him soon.
With multiple kisses to Oliver, you left him for the night to continue Luke’s birthday at home. Michael told you the girls wanted to bake a cake and he sent you photos and videos of the whole experience. You couldn’t wait to surprise Luke with the meal.
When you got home you noticed Michael’s car was gone and the house was quiet. There was a big balloon on the kitchen table next to the delivery bag of Luke’s favorite restaurant and the cake the girls made along with a note.
“’Our birthday gift to you is two things: a night alone and a new room. Enjoy your birthday! Love Michael and Crystal,’” Luke reads off from a note. He turns to you with a lopsided smile.
“A new room? What does that mean?” you examine the note.
“It better not be some kinky sex room,” Luke mutters and you nudge him in the shoulder. “Let’s go explore.”
He takes you by the hand and you make your way upstairs to the bedrooms. The light of the playroom is on so you turn in there and gasp. It’s been transformed into Oliver’s room. There’s a beautiful white crib filled with small stuffed animals and a dinosaur blanket. His name is above his crib in block letters and there’s a bookshelf with some trinkets and books.
You page through them and see each one was given to you by your friends with a little message written inside for Oliver. You can’t wait to have Oliver in here, safe and warm.
“I have a feeling Michael is going to spoil Oliver.”
“Probably,” you giggle and turn to face him. He’s looking at the other shelf that holds some clothes and blankets.
His shoulders are broad in his simple black shirt, his curls have gotten curlier because he’s let his hair grow out along with his beard. Your stomach flips as a dirty thought of feeling his beard on the inside of your thighs enters your mind. How’d you get so lucky to have this strong, handsome, talented, kind man to be your husband?
“They’re spoiling us too, you know,” you step closer to him tickling your fingers up and down his arm. He looks down at you. “We have the whole house to ourselves birthday man. What do you want to do first?”
“I’d love to do you.”
You’re both careful as you get reacquainted with each other’s bodies. He removes your clothes carefully and you fall onto your bed, arms stretched out for him. You watch him with hungry eyes as he removes his own clothes then climbs over you. Before he can kiss you, you press your palms against his chest and stomach, feeling his heartbeat and warmth of his body.
“I’ll never get over you like this,” you sigh leaning up to kiss his collarbone.
“I’ll never get over you like this,” he repeats and pushes you back. He falls with you, pulling deep kisses from you before leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your body. He makes sure to kiss at the scar from your C-section. “So beautiful. Every inch of you.”
“Have I told you how much I love your beard?” you ask scratching your nails through the soft hair. “It’s very sexy.”
“Yeah? I don’t look like a lumberjack?”
“You’d make a sexy lumberjack. I wouldn’t complain.”
Soft loving words are exchanged along with wandering hands as he works you up. When you finally connect, you sigh and squeeze your nails into his shoulders. His thrusts are shallow and controlled making sure not to hurt you but also wanting to make this reconnection last.
“Feels so good to be in you again,” he mumbles in your neck. You glide your hands down his back and to the globes of his ass, you give a squeeze and try to make him move faster. “Missed you.”
“Missed you, too,” you sigh turning your head and your tongues connect.
It’s gentle and intimate and your orgasm is slow building but when it washes over you, you’re left in a warmth that you’ve been craving. It’s a warmth only Luke can provide, it’s his love and your love coming together.
Afterwards, you heat up the food and eat it in bed along with the cake. Being cheeky, you swipe the frosting on your finger and drag it onto his stomach.
“Who’s gonna clean that up?”
“Mmm, me,” you straddle his thighs, the shirt of his you wear to bed rides up and you press your hands onto his waist. You lean down and lick the frosting up with your tongue, he sighs heavily beneath you as you lick some more.
When he’s finally clean, your fingers slip beneath the waistband of his boxers continuing your kisses to his half hard cock. You swipe your tongue over his shaft, circling it around his tip and he springs to life.
“Lovie…” he groans.
“Shh,” you hush glancing up at him. His chest is heaving as you take him in your mouth. He groans again, his fingers tangling in your hair but letting you move as you see fit.
You love pleasuring him this way and it’s been so long since you have. You bob up and down, your spit dribbling down his shaft. He moans with each pull of your mouth, his hips rising to meet your motions. You feel his thighs clench so you know he’s close.
“Y/N…baby…lovie,” he pulls you off him then drags you up to him. “Wanna make you come again.”
He pushes himself inside you and you let out a loud moan as you sink down onto him. You start to move but Luke grips the sides of your ass and fucks up into you. Your mouth falls open at the pace, his balls slap your ass and your toes start to curl.
You’re chanting ‘yes’ and his name, the words tumbling over one another and you’re coming again. With a small scream you feel Luke pull out as his release is expelled between you. You’re pulsating and his fingers twiddle with your clit so you’re still coming together.
When you’re both finished, your breathing is hard and you giggle when you open your eyes. His cheeks are a little pink and he has this glazed over expression on his face.
“I think we should go clean up, hm?” his fingers tickle your thigh and you tremble at his touch. You nod.
You used a washcloth to clean up leftover frosting and his orgasm. Luke kisses your neck and your shoulders before he moves to the large tub and turns the taps. When the tub is full of bubbles and the jets are on, he holds you in his arms. The records you bought playing softly in the background.
“This reminds me of when we first started dating,” you say playing with his fingers. “We couldn’t keep our hands off each other.”
“If I had my way I’d want to do this all the time with you,” he chuckles in your ear before nibbling on the lobe. “But we have other responsibilities.”
“We’ll be able to bring Oliver home soon, right?”
“Of course, we will. This is just temporary until he’s five pounds. You’re going to be able to breastfeed and he’ll gain that one pound so fast.” He kisses your temple next and you sit in silence for a while.
“Did you imagine any of this happening when you met me at the coffee shop?”
“No, but I wouldn’t want my life any other way. You’ve filled my life with so much adventure and love. I never pictured myself with three kids, but I couldn’t imagine my life without them, or you. Did you imagine our life like this?”
“No,” you smile against his arm and kiss it. “But it’s the best. I’m thankful Oliver has come along this far, and Posy is our rambunctious girl and Lily is starting to become her own person now. It’s all happening so fast but with you beside me…I don’t have enough words to describe it. You’re the love of my life.”
“And you’re the love of mine,” he collects you in his arms. “We’ll bring our boy home soon.”
On August first, you were told you could bring Oliver home. You couldn’t even believe it but when Oliver’s NICU team and Dr. Chambers and Dr. Wilson showed up with balloons and a farewell card you started to cry. You hugged and thanked them all from the bottom of your heart and promised to keep in touch.
Oliver would need frequent doctor visits until he was about three to check his prognosis but you were so happy to bring him home finally. Luke called everyone while you got Oliver settled in his carrier, you made sure to put his octopus next to him. You sat in back with him while Luke drove, you couldn’t stop looking at Oliver. He’s grown so much and he’s healthy and strong.
You notice all of the cars parked along the street and you’re welcomed with your family as you and Luke enter your home. There’s a banner above welcoming Oliver home finally. You appreciated them all keeping their distance and not overcrowding Oliver, but you were happy they were all there to welcome your sone home.
Lily and Posy couldn’t stop looking at him in his carrier while he slept and Posy kept bringing some toys to show him. Everyone stayed for another hour and then you had to feed Oliver. He squirmed and cried because you woke him but you were on a tight feeding schedule so he would stay on track. Lily and Posy watched curiously as you breastfed. Luke watched fondly and then he told the girls their lunch was ready.
All four of you stayed around Oliver until it was time for him to go to bed—then you’d be feeding him in a few hours. Posy and Lily snuggled with you and Luke on the couch as you all watched a movie, their giggles at the animations jokes filled your heart with joy. Luke reached over and took your hand so he could kiss it, mumbling an ‘I love you.’
You were finally a family of five, home and safe.
Taglist:  @calpalirwin @myloverboyash @loveroflrh @cxddlyash @princesslrh @spicyca @notinthesameguey @itjustkindahappenedreally @calumance @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @thatscooibaby​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​ @creampiecashton​ @calpops​ @littledrummeraussie​ @sexgodashton​ @f-mu​ @mystic-232
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Yandere alien Bucky x astronaut darling
I find this request very unique! I’ve never actually thought about this before, so thank you for bringing this creative idea <3
P.S. The action takes place in the future.
The Reason
Tumblr media
Pairing: alien!Bucky Barnes x astronaut!Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, kidnapping, death of minor characters, allusion to breeding and non-con.
Words: 2985.
When you finally managed to open your eyes, everything was pitch black for a couple of minutes. Your body hurt so much as if someone threw you into a well, then pulled your dead body out, and threw it back in. The oxygen mask on your face felt heavy as hell.
You easily recognized the monotonous sounds of life support system since it wasn’t your first space mission. Damn, what had happened? Did you finally get that significant brain damage Dr. Strange was so concerned about? You didn’t remember blacking out so violently after your last spaceflights. This one wasn’t even your longest.
When you saw the room, you stared at the unnaturally high ceiling that you couldn’t blame on your blurry vision. It just didn’t look the same. Did they move the Adaptation Center to a new building or something? Did Dr. Strange mentioned it before? You couldn’t remember, really. You didn’t think he did.
Despite the fact that you felt weightless, moving your body seemed nearly impossible as you struggled to move your legs. Shit, and there you thought those magic drugs NASA offered you last time were way better than their usual treatments. 
Wait. You didn’t finish your mission. You weren’t returning to Earth yet as you had around 6 more months to spend in space. Had something happened? Did Dr. Str-
Oh yes. Dr. Strange was dead. You still remembered his face when Sergeant Barnes, an extraterrestrial from Theseus-17, had shot him right in front of you.
When you saved them from their greatly damaged spacecraft, it was five of them: Steve Rogers, the Captain, their leader; Tony Stark, the Pilot; Bruce Banner, the Doctor; Vision, the Pastor, and James Buchanan Barnes, the Soldier. All of them simply used human analogues of their true names, but the members of your crew didn't protest: since Theseus-17 was incredibly far even for your highly technologically advanced spaceships, you knew very little of its inhabitants. Apparently, they attempted to establish a good relationship between your races - especially since you had so much biological similarities. In fact, they might be the closest to humans among other species you had ever encountered before, you thought.
Well, it was true, but you failed to see they would use it to their advantage to the fullest.
They were a militaristic alien race with predominantly male population controlled by stratocratic government. Their planet was three times smaller than Earth, but their technological advancement was unbelievable, especially compared to human's: it allowed them to invade several other small planets and colonize them in the past. However, due to some extreme DNA mutations, their female population was declining decade after decade resulting in zero births over the last five years. The Hydrarirans, as they called themselves, were rapidly facing extinction, Steve told you while explaining the reasons why they were so far from their home.
You had a pretty long talk after Bucky had shot Dr. Strange, and Tony strangled Wong. You barely remembered what had happened next, though you could guess you ended up being drugged by Hydrarians. Fuck. Did you send a signal back to Earth? You couldn't tell. Well, you certainly remembered Dr. Strange sending a message about saving the crew of Theseus-17 spacecraft. If you went missing, it would be a clear sign of something going very wrong.
But you still were God knew where. Gradually becoming extremely nervous with each passing second, you looked at the countless wires attached to your body and started to pull, forcefully taking them out of your skin and silently crying - you didn't remember feeling so much pain since the times of your first space mission. Violently throwing away the oxygen mask, you crawled on the bed until you fell to the floor with a loud thud. Shit.
You stayed there for a couple of minutes, afraid Hydrarians would quickly discover what you were doing, but since you heard nothing, you crawled further from bed to a wide glass wall, your vision still blurry. Where were you? It didn't feel like a spacecraft. It felt like you were brought to an unknown planet, and when you saw two red suns shining in the black sky, you realized it was exactly like Steve described his planet to you.
No, no, it couldn't be. Theseus-17 was God knew how many light years away. Their ship wasn't in the condition to fly you there so fast, yours even less so, and you certainly hadn't been put in a cryostasis. However, how well did you know what technology these alien freaks possessed? What if they could be using some teleport able to cover enormous distances? It could easily be an option.
Crawling further to the window, you had finally reached it and touched its cold surface. It certainly looked and felt like a glass beneath your palm.
The black meadows you stared upon were nothing like the ones you saw from a window of the little house where you spent your childhood. This place was wicked, evil. You could feel it in the air as you inhaled that strange, sickly sweet oxygen or whatever it was. No wonder their women couldn't handle living here, and you wouldn't last here either. It was clear what you were brought here for, and even the thought of it was repulsive to you. How dare they? How barbaric were these freaks, intending to use human women as some breeding machinery? If their military experiments made them facing extinction, then let it be, you thought, horrified and disgusted at the same time.
You rubbed your droopy eyes, feeling the wetness on the back of your palm as you tried not to cry, thinking what were your options except to submit silently to your abductors. How were you going to navigate a ship back home? How were you going to steal a ship? Actually, how were you going to leave this damn room, considering that your body was almost unable to move because of the time you spent in space? Recovery would take quite some time, unless Hydrarians had advanced medical support for cosmonauts. You hoped they did, because spending months to recover while staying with these savages wasn't an option.
Huh, it was better to listen to your mom and become a doctor. Now you'd be sitting in your cabinet and listening to concerns of elderly ladies, not being locked away on a planet with no female population. You had hard times imagining what they would do to you if you end up being thrown in a crowd of mad men yearning for intimacy for years.
Rubbing your eyes again, you exhaled loudly. You were in deep, deep shit.
When the white wall beside you suddenly moved to the side, allowing a tall, menacing man in a black military suit to enter, you held your breath, watching Sergeant Barnes walking into the room. You thought of his metal hand with a red star engraved on it - he could snap your neck with one swift motion if he wanted to, though he could probably do it with his flesh hand, too. Certainly, he was both skilled in combat and cybernetically enhanced, so escaping with him guarding you would be extremely problematic. You'd prefer to meet Vision instead of the grim Soldier.
"What are you doing, woman?" Barnes asked as he saw you on the floor with your back pressed to the glass wall, your arms bleeding from violently tearing the wires of the life support system out of your body. Apparently, you didn't look as good as he expected you to.
"A woman has a name." You said sternly, watching one of your abductors marched through the room and trying your best not to tremble. If he was raised in a stratocratic society, he valued power and strong will more than anything else, probably, so you had to pull yourself together.
“I am sorry.” He suddenly said, bowing his head as he stood right in front of you. “If it pleases you, I will refer to you by your name only, Y/N.”
You blinked, your vision still unfocused and blurry - a part of you was thankful for that since you couldn’t see Soldier’s face clearly. You doubted he looked very friendly, despite talking to you with some respect.
“Don’t touch me.” You commanded as he leaned closer to take you back to bed, his shiny combat boots touching your bare leg just slightly, making you shiver involuntarily.
“We have medication to nurse you back to health, but you still need the life support system. Please, do not resist.” Sergeant Barnes once again tried to pick you up, but you grabbed him by the wrist instead, silently staring at his pale face half-covered by that black mask he wore.
The man got silent and froze on the spot, looking at you with a strange glint in his eyes. He certainly didn’t seem menacing or angry, but there was something in him you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Why wasn’t he upset by your behavior? Soldier didn’t try grabbing you forcefully, nevertheless.
Could it be your contact, then? You might be the first woman to touch him in years. Thinking of it, the very next moment you recoiled, crawling away to increase the distance between you two.
Maybe the man was disappointed, but you couldn’t see it with that blank expression he wore as he suddenly sat down on the floor close to you, and then took his mask away, showing you his rather handsome, yet gloomy face. He looked... human, and it truly scared you. 
“I know you think we are a threat to you, but we are not.” He said calmly, watching you. “I will not hurt you. I promise.”
You were ready to laugh at that. “You’ve killed my crew, people who I’d been working with for years.”
“Yes, and I am sorry for that. It was necessary.”
Necessary. What an interesting word he found to describe what he and his comrades had done.
“Don’t you understand what will happen once people from Earth learn about you and things you did?” As he cocked his head to the side, his dark uneven hair falling on his shoulder, you realized he wasn’t scared at all. “We can wipe you out of existence. Even if all of your kind are soldiers, there are billions of us, humans. You aren’t a threat.”
“We are not trying to be one.”
He extended his hand in attempt to touch you, but you recoiled and crawled away a bit further, narrowing your eyes at Sergeant. Whatever he was doing, it couldn’t be good for you.
“Please, do not be afraid. Right now you are the most precious being on our planet, and anyone trying to hurt you will be beheaded at the very least.” 
Of course, you were. If Captain told you the truth, you were the one and only young woman on Hydra. You would be treasured, but you dreaded what they would do to you. Even thinking of it made you face twist in revulsion.
“What makes you think using me like a cattle won’t hurt me?”
“A cattle?”
For a few seconds Soldier got silent, and you realized he was searching the meaning of this word - now you managed to see a strange device on his ear that looked like an old Bluetooth garniture or something. Then the man looked at you with a surprised expression on his face, and you felt an urge to bite your tongue to stop thinking how human he appeared now.
“I assure you, you will never be degraded to such an inferior being. On the contrary, we can give you anything you wish for. I know the status of women on Earth is still far from being equal to men’s, but you are godlike to us.”
Carefully lifting his hand again, Barnes had took a shiny black glove from his flesh arm and showed you his hand with five fingers, spreading them for you to see he was as human as you. For the first time you felt like you wanted to cry, and bit down on your lower lip. God, why? Why did he look just like any other man? Why was he trying to seem kind to you? It would be so much easier if he was hurting you, pressing your face into the floor and binding your arms.
“I swear to you on the name of my mother, I will do anything in my power to make you happy.” 
Apparently, it was some sacred oath, judging by the way his cold blue eyes gleamed, but you weren’t buying it. Make you happy? The one and only thing he could do was letting you go back home, to your own kind, and allow you to forget what had happened above your ship, the image of Dr. Strange with a wide hole in his chest still making you clench your fists.
“Why are you so sure we are a good substitute? If your own women weren’t able to survive here, what makes you think human females can?”
“Because our extensive research proves it. Moreover, a couple of human females have already been living here for several years.” Your face became distorted with horror at his words. “Captain’s wife was even able to give birth to two healthy children this year. They are the first children to be born on our planet in the last five years.”
“Humans will destroy your planet. They will kill all of you when they learn you’re kidnapping our women!”
“We are already in contact with your kind.” Dropping the glove to the floor, Barnes attempted to smile at you, confirming your suspicions he barely knew how to do it. “It is true, you are much greater in number than we are. But all of us are warriors with far more advanced technology and abundant resources. We will be able to damage your planet heavily before you eradicate each and every of us.”
The more he talked, the harder it was to follow - without the life support system, the lack of oxygen was making it harder for you to breathe, impossible to focus as you started breathing heavier, louder than before, but still refused to come back to bed, staring at the man in front of you with disgust and fear. God, it was better to suffocate than stay here with him.
“Do you know we possess twenty times more the amount of Vibranium you humans do?” Crawling closer to you like a spider, Soldier was watching you with both great interest and concern written all over his face. “We also have tritium and plutonium, too, as well as minerals you do not have on Earth at all. We are ready to trade them for something humans have in abundance.”
You were close to vomit, your eyes tearing up as you rubbed them furiously. You tried convincing yourself no one knew you were going to be captured by ruthless aliens. Of course, no one on Earth knew anything about that. There was no agreement between Theseus-17 and Earth to trade women for Vibranium and other resources. It would be direct violations of human rights and...
And it was very likely of humans to do, considering the lack of resources you had been facing over the last couple of decades.
When you started weeping, horrified of the things awaiting you in the nearest future, Sergeant finally reached you, wiping away your tears with his flesh hand. His touch was very subtle, gentle even, as he tenderly pressed his finger to your cheek, feeling the warmth of your skin. His hand was warm, too.
“It’s not true.” You cried, turning your face to the glass wall and leaving wet marks on it. “They’ll come for me... I won’t become s-some shared property.”
“Of course you will not,” he shushed you gently, enveloping you in what seemed like a hug, lowering your head to his shoulder. “You will be a queen to me. I will treat you right, I swear.”
Stilling, you bit down on your tongue, feeling the metallic taste filling your mouth as you drew some blood. Concentrating when your brain was lacking oxygen wasn’t easy, but you could still breathe, inhaling deeply, trying to calm yourself. He said something about Captain’s wife, didn’t he? He said she gave him two children. He said you wouldn’t become a shared property.
Dear Lord.
“I won’t be yours.” You whispered through tears, pushing the man’s chest in desperate attempt to keep him away from you. “I’m not your possession. I won’t be yours!”
You saw him frowning at you, his expression growing darker, more impatient, enraged even as you crawled away from him, your legs too weak to hold you. Oh, he didn’t like you looking at him like that when you realized you were given to him like some prize he won in an amusement park.
But Soldier wasn’t having it. Had you ever thought what it cost him to spend years in combat to earn his privileges, his right to travel among the best of the best? Did you know how much time he travelled across multiple universes to find exactly what he was searching for? Huh, you couldn’t even imagine what he felt when the team got coordinates of your ship, when he saw you for the first time on hologram, smiling and laughing at jokes of Dr. Strange.
Grabbing you forcefully and lifting you off the floor, he raised you in the air above his head, making you silent in fear of being smashed against the floor.
“I have fought for you.” He let out a guttural growl like an animal. “I have killed for you. I have earned my privilege to have you, and no one can challenge my right. You are my woman, and you will stay here with me.”
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki @helenaeisenhower​ @villanellevi @hurricanerin @void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @soleil-dor @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @iheartsebastianstan ​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @ninefuckingoneone
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flyingkiki · 3 years
We Played Dangerously (2/?)
Are you ready for the delirious start of some adult nonsense? I am.
Chapter 1 Here.
Past, years ago. Titan’s Tower
Raven stared at the devastated training hall, her frown deep and her annoyance just bubbling slightly under her skin. She shot Tim an aggravated glare while he busied himself with fixing the simulator. Having Connor and Cassie ‘go all out, no holds barred indoors’ was a terrible idea. A random part of the simulator fizzed by her feet and she kicked it away to avoid getting shocked.
There was a crash from the far corner of the training room and Raven whipped around to watch in disdain as the small pile of parts she earlier piled up scattered across the floor. Raven glared at Bart, who sent her a sheepish smile after having accidentally sped through the pile in his efforts to clean the place up.
"SORRY!" Squeaked Bart, withering under Raven's glare. "I didn't mean to -- I was just cleaning up the left wing and I didn't --"
"Just leave it," Raven interrupted, sighing loudly. She sent the younger boy a dismissive look and waved him off. While he meant well, when it came to cleaning, Bart was more trouble than good with his energy.
"Nah, I can just --" Bart disappeared and whizzed past her, bumping into her and accidentally making her drop a pile of rubble she was holding with her magic. There was another crash and Raven's frown deepened. "WHOOOPS!"
Raven was tired, her muscles ached, and she desperately wanted to catch a shower and crawl into bed. Tim pushed them to their limits today and she just wanted to rest tonight and not spend a good amount of time cleaning shit up and trying to fix the training room.
"Leave it, Bart." Raven said with a sigh as she set to picking everything up again.
"Yeah, but I can --" Bart began to fumble with some of the parts.
"Leave it,"
"But --"
"Just hit the showers and go to bed, Bart," Tim appeared across from them, sending Bart an easy smile. Raven frowned as Tim sent her a placating smile, before turning to the rest of the beat tired team. “Raven and I got this, everyone else hit the showers and let’s call it a night. I’ll see everyone after breakfast for another run,” he said and pointedly ignored the collective groans. “And for us to fix some of the wiring, it’s too late tonight anyway,”
“Told you it was a bad idea, man,” said Conner, grinning over his shoulder as he passed Tim on his way out.
Raven rolled her eyes in annoyance as the two best friends laughed and exchanged fistbumps. Rolling her shoulders and allowing her muscles just a little reprieve, she set to cleaning up and piling most of the parts that went together. She waved at Rose as the younger woman headed out of the training room before turning to the fizzing console and tried to turn it off. She wondered how long it would take them to fix the fight simulator, not that it mattered since they had a few more for them to use.
"You good over there?" Tim called from across the hall, picking up some of the spare parts that got thrown across the hall when Cassie accidentally threw Connor into the projector.
Raven looked up from levitating the last of the rubble into one corner. She shot Tim a dark look. "I think you should be the one on cleaning duty. Your stupid idea, your mess, you clean it up," she said sourly.
Tim threw her an amused grin as he stood and hauled a large metal plate to the side. "Where's the fun in doing this alone?"
Raven rolled her eyes and ignored his teasing as she set to find their tool kit from the equipment closet. "I don't recall signing up for clean up duty today," commented Raven offhandedly as she walked towards one end of the room. Ignoring Tim's ungraceful snort of laughter, she opened the steel door and tried to locate their tool box through all the mess. "Why does it feel like Beastboy was assigned to cleaning our equipment closet? This looks exactly like his room: total shit," Raven glowered and squeezed into the closet, ruffling through boxes and supplies. Hitting her head on a protruding pipe, she cursed loudly, and ducked lower into the closet. Raven groaned as felt her muscles cry in protest as she bent over. A nice hot shower would be nice. "Where the fuck is that tool kit?"
She felt Tim appear next to her, the press of his aura familiar and warm. "Maybe look up?" He chuckled, ducking into the cramped space with her. Raven felt his shoulders brush against her side as he reached over her head to the top shelf and pulled down the grey box filled with tools.
Raven straightened and ignored how Tim grinned down at her teasingly, his presence warm and clearly enjoying her frustration. Frowning at him and then at the tool box, she grabbed the heavy steel-reinforced box from his hands. "Thanks,"
There was a beat and Raven felt her pulse quicken for just a second as they just stood there, with Tim crowding the entrance and elbow lightly pressing into her side. Raven watched Tim smile down at her, that familiar teasing smile she knew well. Rolling her eyes, she nudged him out of the way and squeezed past him and through the door.
"I'm going to fix the console. Finish cleaning up, bird brain," announced Raven as she marched towards the still fizzing console and knelt down next to it. Her knees popped at the movement and she sighed. What she would give for a hot shower and her bed. In the background she heard Tim laugh and shuffle around her, picking up a broom and promptly sweeping through the rubble.
"You could just use your powers and sweep this all up," commented Tim, voice just a bit bored.
Raven looked up from the dead wiring she was fixing and did not lose the irony of the situation of how their roles were reversed. Usually it was Tim who fixed all their equipment and machines, but given how exhausted she was, Raven thought sitting down on the floor and trying to make sense of a shitton of spaghetti wires seemed better than standing and using her powers. Fiddling with the pliers in her hands, she sent Tim an amused grin. "Where's the fun in that?" She asked.
She watched as Tim released a bark of laughter and stared at her. Raven caught his amused grin and the corners of her lips curled into a teasing smile. Ignoring the familiar press of his emotions, Raven rolled her eyes at him as Tim’s grin widened before turning back to her task at hand and weeded through the fried wires.
They worked in comfortable silence for the next hour, cleaning up the training hall and fixing the training console (or at the very least got the system to boot up again to cast a kitty hologram, it was the best Raven could do at this point). Standing up from her spot hunched over the myriad of spaghetti wires she had fixed, Raven resigned to the fact they had to finish this tomorrow and get Tim to look over her work. At this point, she was sweaty, her muscles were on fire, and her fingers ached from working with the pliers. She made a face at how her uniform stretched across her sticky skin and mentally prepared herself for a long hot shower, comfortable pajamas, and sleep.
“Excellent job on the cat hologram,” Tim commented after having hauled the last of the training mats and debris into a corner. They’d leave the major repairs for everyone to fix tomorrow (err, later?).
Raven made a face and turned to Tim, watching the teasing smile cross her leader’s face. Tim had long removed his mask and blue eyes shone back at her in amusement. “It’s the best I could do,” she said and glanced at the cleaned up hall. “Can we call it a night now and go to bed?”
Tim made a distant sound of approval and nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah, sleep would be nice,” he said as they packed up and slowly headed out of the training hall.
“You sleep? That’s new,” Raven threw him a teasing glance over her shoulder as they waited for the elevator to arrive. She watched in amusement as Tim made a face and she curiously watched a few beads of sweat roll down his neck. The little wet trail disappeared into his uniform.
Looking back up, she caught Tim staring at her and there was that familiar tug of emotions that bubbled low beneath the surface as she stared at his bright blue eyes. Tim smiled and held her stare for a moment and Raven wondered if he always had a few dark blue flecks in his eyes or if it was just the lighting. Another errant little bead of sweat traveled down the side of his neck.
The elevator signaled its arrival with a low ding and Raven pulled herself out of her thoughts with a soft sigh. She watched the elevator’s doors open and out of the corner of her eyes she could see Tim’s amusement bubble low.
“Don’t make fun of my sleeping habits,” Tim commented as they entered the elevator and hit their floor number. He shifted his weight on his feet and looked thoughtful. “It’s unique,”
“It’s terrible,” countered Raven.
“Hah,” Tim chuckled and watched as they reached their floor. The metal doors of the elevator slid up with a soft hum. Allowing her to step through first with an exaggerated flourish of his hand, he grinned at her.
They walked silently down the hall, mindful not to be too noisy with the rest of the team already asleep. Reaching her room first, she tapped in her code and watched her door slide open. Turning to offer Tim a small wave and a sleepy smile, she nodded. “Well, good night. Don’t stay up too long obsessing over reports,” she mumbled. “We need you awake to fix the training hall tomorrow,”
Tim chuckled and nodded. “Good night, Raven,”
Stepping through her door, Raven sighed as tension finally left her shoulders and she welcomed the cool air of her dimly lit room. Ignoring how her emotions still bubbled low under her skin and the familiar tug and pull of achingly familiar sensations settled low in her belly, she pulled off her cloak and dropped it into the hamer. Pulling off her boots, she sighed in relief as her toes dug into her plush carpet. Running a hand absently through her hair, she started making her way towards her bathroom, a shower would be perfect for her keyed emotions.
There was a knock on her door.
Raven paused and felt her stomach jump. Maybe not a shower then.
Turning around, Raven went back to her door and her lips curled into a teasing smile as she felt the familiar energy behind the steel door. Opening her door, she leaned against her doorframe and tilted her head in amusement and stared up at bright blue eyes. She felt her emotions purr.
“This better be good. I was about to take a shower,”
An unmasked Red Robin grinned down at her, his emotions warm, playful and teasing. Raven’s skin tingled. It was ridiculous how easy she could get lost in his blue eyes or get caught in his warm emotions. She unconsciously swallowed. Raven raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for an answer as continued to study her. “Well?”
Stepping through her threshold and ducking just a little lower to her height, Raven caught that familiar glint in his eyes as his body fully brushed against hers when he entered her room. The knots in her stomach jumped and she felt that distinct electric tingle in her lower back radiate to her lower abdomen.
“Who am I to keep a girl from her shower?”
Tim’s voice was low with a teasing lilt that made her skin tingle. Her bedroom door closed and locked behind them with a hiss. They were engulfed in silence as they stared at each other, lips curled teasingly and an intensity in the air that Raven was all too familiar with.
Raven watched, her emotions falling into that familiar tumble of heat and electricity, as Tim turned on his heels with an achingly familiar smile that held secrets and promises and he stepped further into her room. She watched as his broad shoulders disappeared into her room and through her bathroom without further preamble. The familiarity of these movements gnawed at her stomach but she paid no heed.
Her steps were silent as she followed him into her large bathroom and she paused at her doorway to drink in the sight before her.
The sound of Red Robin’s belt dropping onto her floor reverberated through her bathroom and Raven watched as the other utility belts followed, dropping onto her purple bathroom rug. Gloves followed and his top next, and Raven watched as well defined powerful back muscles rippled with each movement. Scars upon scars danced for her in a familiar dance she had since memorized as Tim bent over to pull off his boots and socks. Her eyes traced each scar watching them disappear into dips of muscle. She felt her chest tingle as heat and anticipation bubbled harshly under her skin.
Raven watched Tim straighten, her gaze lifting from the way his abdominal muscles rippled at the movement and her gaze paused at his teasing face as he turned around to face her and his fingers stopped at the clasp of his pants. He caught her shameless staring.
"Are you just going to stand around and watch? I thought you wanted a shower?" Tim asked teasingly, his voice a low rumble.
Raven hummed, her resolve breaking under his long stare and the thickness of Tim’s familiar emotions crawling deep under her skin and seeping low into her nerves. She stepped into her bathroom and kept her eye contact with him as she reached behind her neck to unzip her uniform. The movements of undressing under his watchful eye were practiced and familiar. She lost count of the number of times Tim would pause at what he was doing to just watch her undress and reveal her skin - scarred and injured like his - for him to hungrily drink in. As she pushed her uniform and underwear down her legs she felt her heart stutter under his penetrating gaze, blue eyes darker and a familiar flurry of emotions hurdling into her, clawing at her skin.
In the muted lights of her black bathroom, Raven watched sharp blue eyes travel down her body, seemingly memorizing every scar, dip, and muscle, just as she had earlier. She reached behind her and unclasped her sports bra, allowing it to slide down her arms and drop by their feet. She stood before him, naked and just a little breathless, as heat bubbled low within her and greedily drank Tim's own hot anticipation.
"Well?" She whispered, standing in front of a still half-naked Red Robin, seemingly too caught up in watching her to finish his own task of underressing. Raven smiled teasingly as Tim chuckled and began to pull his own pants and underwear down his legs and step out of his clothes. He stood in front of her, naked and fully erect, lips curled into that deliriously handsome smile that made her lower abdomen throb.
Raven watched Tim turn around and open her shower door, reaching in he turned on the shower and fiddled with the knobs to get the temperature right. The bathroom was filled with the noise of her overhead shower hitting her tiles. A few seconds later the bathroom filled with a pleasant warmth that sent even more tingles down her spine.
"C'mon," Tim commanded and stepped into her shower. Raven watched as water slid down his back and sides, sliding over scars and ripples of muscles. It was such a tempting sight.
She followed him into the shower, his light order making her nerves hum in delight. She stood in close proximity next to Tim, deliciously warm water slipping over her shoulder and cascading down her back and in between the valleys of her breasts. They stood there in her shower, their dark gazes drinking in each other and feeding off a heat that the shower did not supply.
Her world disappeared and her mind turned foggy as Lust purred when large calloused hands finally, finally, slipped over her waist and dug deep into her flesh to pull her flush against solid, slick, muscle. She groaned as lips brushed against her own in a bruising kiss that stole her breath and she lost all strength in her legs as Tim’s lips all but consumed her, drinking her every moan.
The warmth of the shower and the heat of the moment made Raven delirious and she dug her fingers into the thick muscles of Tim’s shoulders and arms to keep her upright. She moaned his tongue slipped against hers, greedily drinking her sighs, and his hands eagerly slid down her body, cataloging every dip, muscle, and scar to memory as if it was their first time.
It wasn't.
Far from it.
"Fuck," Raven gasped and briefly pulled away to suck in a wet, ragged breath as she felt Tim’s cock slide teasingly in between her legs. She bucked into him and whimpered at the delicious feeling of the thick, slick length teasing her throbbing core.
“Shhh,” he whispered, terribly out of breath and Raven felt herself purr in delight at how ragged and delirious his emotions clawed at her. He pressed a kiss to her neck, tongue and teeth scraping against her pulse point before dipping into the junction of her neck and licking the light dusting of freckles. Tim squeezed her left breast and tweaked the perk nipple, grinning into her neck at the sharp gasp that echoed through the bathroom. “Others are asleep,”
It didn’t matter, really. They had a silencing charm up in her room, just for them. Humming softly, Raven’s fingers slipped up his chest and over his shoulders, fingertips pressing into dips of hard muscle. Pushing him gently away from her neck, she kissed his cheek and reached over his shoulder to grab her body wash. “Wash me,” she said, pushing the lavender body wash into his hands.
Tim released a breathy laugh, gently pushing her shoulders away and steering her around. Pressing a soft kiss to her nape of her neck, he set to work washing her back, lathering her body with silky suds. Fingertips pressed firmly into her back, working through knots and tight muscle, making Raven sigh in relief. “You weren’t kidding when you said you needed a hot shower,” Tim commented, working through a particularly tight muscle in her shoulder.
Raven sighed and arched her back as Tim worked on her back. She offered him a small amused smile over her shoulder and she arched her back as large hands dragged themselves down to the small of her back. “This is all your fault,” she said lowly.
Chuckling, Tim pressed a kiss to the side of her face. His hands slid down her back and rested on the dips of her waist. Pressing his chest into her back, he nipped her earlobe. “I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to you,” he said in a husky whisper that sent another wave of tingles down her spine. She sighed in delight as his soapy hands travelled up her stomach and over her ribcage before sliding over her breast and gently massaging them. She felt Tim place his chin on her shoulder, his hot breath fanning over her cheek as he watched his fingertips slide over her nipples and tweak the pert tips. They both watched fingertips feather over her hard nipples. Raven gasped loudly and released a soft whimper as his cock slid between her legs again, teasingly stroking her.
Tim pulled away and Raven sighed at the loss of contact. She allowed him to turn her around and she caught his playful smile as he leaned down to press kiss on the underside of her chin, teeth scraping teasingly against her pulsepoint. She watched through hooded eyes as Tim made quick work to lather her legs, bending down and gently squeezing her leg muscle. Rough fingers slid up her inner thighs and she inhaled sharply as they slid over her core, teasing her clit for a few moments before sliding down her legs again.
“Tease,” she gasped as her breathing hitched and she watched through her haze as Tim grinned up at her, long hair falling into his eyes and fingers digging playfully into her thighs. She pushed most of the hair out of his eyes and her fingers slid down his cheek and cupped his chin, tugging him up for another heady kiss that left her breathless and her knees weak.
“Your turn,” she whispered, nudging him away and reaching out to get his brand of body wash he kept around in her shower for these delirious occasions. The fresh scent of eucalyptus filled the shower, mingling with her soft scent of lavender. Gathering a healthy lather on her hands, Raven set to work on Tim’s shoulders thoroughly enjoying the sensation of her hands sliding down well-defined muscles. She always secretly enjoys how well Tim’s body looked, with all the work he put into working out and mastering the Bō. She shot him an amused smile at his sharp intake of breath when her hands slid lower, fingertips pressing into the dips of his abs and her forearm brushed against his erection accidentally.
"Raven," Tim hummed with hooded eyes and he watched her slide down to her knees, soapy fingers dancing down the outside of his thighs.
Warm water beat down her back as she knelt in front of Tim, the heat of the water and their heady emotions wrapping around her nerves in in a delicious thrill. Entranced, like so many times in the past, by Tim’s deep breathing and his greedy emotions, she felt her body purr in delight, allowing herself to tumble head first into this delightful encounter. She watched in pure satisfaction as his leg muscle twitched under her fingers and she continued with her work. Tim shifted in front of her, she could feel his anticipation and desire raging wildly under his skin.
Tim pushed her hair away from her face as he tilted her face to look up at him. Raven's lips curled into a satisfied smile, drinking in the desire and anticipation that filled Tim’s face. Digging her hands into his hips, her gaze dropped to his erect cock in front of her. Her heart throbbed in excitement.
Pride swelled within her at Tim’s sharp inhale as she languidly licked his entire length, her tongue teasing his tip before repeating the same all over again. Fingers slid into her hair and tugged, sending delicious sparks down her spine.
“Raven, fuck.” Tim whispered, his breathing ragged as she took his length into her mouth, relishing the feel of him against her tongue. Raven hummed as Tim tugged her hair with every suck and stroke of her mouth and she catalogued every new reaction and groan from him for later use. She looked up as she continued her ministrations, sucking on his length, and reveling at the sight of watching her leader come undone.
She released him when Tim gently pulled her away. Sending him a languid grin, Raven leaned back and took in the soft flush that spread across Tim’s cheeks. “Tease,” he whispered, fingers releasing her hair and softly tracing down the side of her face. Relishing the touch, Raven hummed and leaned into his hand and allowed him to tug her up. Kissing the underside of his chin, she steered him back underneath the warm stream of her shower and they washed their hair and washed all the soap off their bodies.
After the last of the suds slid down the valley of her breasts, Raven watched as Tim drank in her naked form before leaning down to kiss her languidly underneath the shower stream. She sighed into his lips, arms crossing over his neck giving her a little lift and she practically melted into his body, drinking in his heady emotions and searching for more.
As teeth scraped against her pulse point and fingers hungrily pressed into old scars, Raven rocked into Tim as she felt his erection press into her abdomen. She whimpered as Tim continued to tease her, fingers sliding over and tweaking her nipples, followed by lips and teeth scraping over the sensitive nubs. Over the steady noise of her shower, their heavy breathing and her soft whimpers filled the room, driving her closer to the edge, and just begging for release.
Finally, finally, calloused fingers slid in between their bodies and feathered over her, teasing her clit and probing her. She gasped and whimpered, bucking into his steady hand, chasing that much needed release, and she practically drank in the pride and sheer satisfaction that swelled from Tim, knowing only he could milk her this way.
“Fuck. You’re practically dripping, Raven,” Tim groaned into her ear, breath hot against her and she moaned as fingers continued to probe and fuck her. Her legs buckled and and her fingers curled into his arms for support as heat and desire seemed to practically consume her and she wanted nothing more to be ripped apart and engulfed in flames.
“What,” she gasped as two thick fingers pumped into her. “Are you going to do about it?”
Growling into her neck, Tim pulled his fingers out of her and pushed her into the bathroom wall. He easily hoisted her up and held her by her waist and draped her legs over his arms and spread her open in front of him.
And he fucked her.
Raven gasped loudly and threw her head back in pure ecstasy as finally Tim filled her, stretching her out and consuming her whole. Her back pushed roughly against the wall as Tim pressed further into her waist, holding her in place as he practically plowed into her, stroking a fire that was close to consuming her whole.
His strokes were sharp and strong, hips snapping into her harshly and she bounced along, trying to rock into him as best as she could. She could barely hear the noise of her shower over their grunting and moaning, and the delicious sound of flesh hitting flesh. She greedily drank in their heady emotions that seemed to practically suffocate her as she felt her world slowly disappear into an inferno. Close to tittering over the edge and going up in flames, Raven clenched around Tim’s cock and moaned loudly.
“Shh,” Tim teased as he hoisted her a little higher and scraped his teeth across her pulse point. He fucked her harder, hips angling just the right way, and he groaned into her neck as she fluttered around him. “What will the neighbors think?”
She was sure she was losing all feelings in her legs as they remained draped around his forearms but the heat that pooled low in her abdomen was more than enough to keep her going. Gasping and rocking into him, she regarded the smirking Tim with a heated stare. “That you should fuck me harder,”
The world seemed to snap at her words as Tim growled and all but fucked her into the wall. She mewled and gasped as his cock continued to stoke the inferno within her. His teeth buried into her skin as groaned, she was sure that would leave a satisfying mark (she’d deal with that later).
Everything disappeared and the Raven found herself tumbling over the edge, falling into the flames and just chanting Tim’s name as she came. She could hear nothing as the world exploded and Raven continued to fly through an explosion of nothing and everything as she continued to buck into Tim, milking every last dredge of pleasure. She felt him gasp and moan her name, as he joined her tumble, and pressed his body fully into her, snapping his hips roughly into her as his cock milked her with long and measured strokes. She drank his high, relishing his delirious emotions and consuming them greedily.
They stayed that way for a moment, gasps ragged, heartbeats erratic, and their bodies singing. The world slowly came back to them when Raven could finally hear her shower again over her erratic breathing and she slowly opened her eyes to catch Tim watching her, a smile playing on his lips.
“You think you can stand?” he mumbled into her ear.
Raven sighed and nodded. She shuddered as Tim pulled out of her and he gently helped her back on her feet. Her legs felt like jello and she had to hold onto Tim to steady herself as she regained some sense of balance. She leaned into Tim, allowing him to wrap his arms around her to ground her for a moment and get her bearings in order. As they stood there, she felt his cum slide out of her and down her legs.
“That was amazing,” Tim hummed and pressed a kiss into her shoulder.
Raven hummed in satisfaction. It was fucking hot. Who knew that shower sex, albeit dangerous, could be this thrilling? They should definitely do this more to blow off steam. Coming to her toes, she pressed a kiss into his neck. “Let’s clean up. I’m sleepy,” she mumbled.
They quickly cleaned up and wrapped themselves in fluffy towels before silently padding barefoot into Raven’s room. They silently changed into more comfortable clothes for bed, Raven watched as Tim went to her dresser and pulled open a drawer that had slowly been designated as his over the course of time, grabbing a pair of boxers and a spare shirt.
After slipping on a pair of underwear and her camisole, she watched curiously as he stood at the foot of her bed. As dark shadows danced across his features cast from the light of her tableside lamp, he looked incredibly attractive. Raven ignored how her stomach leaped.
“Are you staying?” she asked while approaching her side of the bed.
She watched Tim mull over his answer before slowly walking to the opposite side of her bed. She stared at him across her black bedsheets and watched a small smile play on his lips. “Who said we were done?”
Hours later, Raven woke up sore and to an empty bed. Reaching out, she touched the side Tim previously occupied. It was cold. Sitting up slowly, she stared at the empty space and blinked. It was a sight and system she (they) had grown accustomed with.
Sliding out of bed, Raven went into her bathroom for her morning routine and changed into a fresh uniform. Tim’s Red Robin uniform was gone from her bathroom floor and her old uniform from last night was neatly stowed away in the laundry hamper. Trust Tim to clean up after himself. Her stomach churned at a stray thought but quickly dismissed it.
Pulling on her robe and boots, she made sure she had everything and silently stepped out of her room. Her muscles were still sore, but she could manage through the day. Walking through the hallways, she headed to the kitchen for breakfast. There was a cold case she and Rose were working on and Rose had hoped they could go through some files later.
“Hey, Raven!” Garfield greeted her from the stove as she entered the Titan’s kitchen. She made a face at the familiar smell of tofu sausage. “Do you want some breakfast tofu sausages?”
“No,” she breathed and made a beeline towards the kettle for some tea. After preparing her tea, she grabbed her mug and joined the rest of the team at the table. Sliding into her seat, she politely greeted the rest of her team a good morning and reached for a croissant roll.
“Good morning,” Red Robin offered her a smile as he sat down across from her.
Raven watched him take a swig of his coffee, she could feel the soft amusement rolling off of him. Nodding at him, she returned his smile. “Good morning,”
Tim blinked, staring at her for a second, before turning to the rest of the team with an easy grin. “We need to fix the training room today, after Conner and Cassie totaled it last night. After breakfast, everyone is on repair duty,” he said.
A collective round of groans of protests filled the air. Raven blinked and watched as another regular day at Titan’s tower began.
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wannabe-fic-writer · 3 years
All Over Again - Chapter 2
Summary: What was lost can be found. 
Warning: 18+ Smut, Language, Violence. This chapter gets a little science nerdy!
Ch. 1
* * * * * *
“How did you do it?” 
Looking up from the red glowing gun, your eyebrows pinch together as you look at the man stepping into your lab. His eyes, like always, flick around to take in your equipment. All your weapons lining the walls. 
You lay the sword down,“ what did I do exactly?”
Tony leans on the counter across from you,“ Luthor Corp just bought six shares of Stark Industries and sent multiple emails detailing possible partnered projects.” His eyebrows rise,“ I’ve been trying to go into business with Luthor Corp for years now.” 
“Congrats?” You narrow your eyes at him,“ still not seeing where I come in at.” 
Your hands glow red as you run them along the side of the rifle, effectively removing it’s glow and energy charge. 
“Side note, if you could come do your glowy magic thing on my new reactor, that’d be great.” You save your comments on that for later.“ Anyway, Pepper told me that you made quite the impression on Miss Luthor. I have a hunch her new found interest in my company is because of you.” 
“Probably not. We never talked about Stark Industries. We talked about a lot but never the company.” 
Frowning, he tilts his head to the side,“ it was an investment dinner, the purpose was to-” he sighs,“ nevermind that. You’re going to National City tomorrow correct?”
“I really don’t want to play company rep Tony. We’re just working on a project of hers.” 
Which you found out the day after the investment dinner. 
You’d contacted Lena about going out there. She confirmed your guess that she wanted to get your take and help on the power core. For the past two days you’ve been getting a few things done, mainly stuff that needs your immediate attention, so you wouldn’t be leaving anything undone. 
After some pleading from Tony you tell him you’ll consider giving Stark Industries a little good press with Lena but you make no promises. Then finishing up your work and leaving the lab. 
Sighing, you roll your shoulders, feeling how tired you are. Doing almost a week's worth of work in two days isn’t the most healthy thing. 
“Hey, you okay?” 
E/c finds deep green and you nod,“ fine.” The smile you try to give turns out to be a grimace. 
Natasha watches you,“ you sure, you look pretty tired. I know you’ve been-”
“Romanoff, I’m fine.” 
The redhead sighs. She quickly pulls a blank expression and moves to stand directly in front of you,“ how long are you going to act like this with me?” 
“Like what?”
“Indifferent Y/n. Every time we talk you give me some off handed generic response like we haven’t known each other for nine years. Three of which we dated.” 
You narrow your eyes at her,“ all three you spent keeping secrets. And then left me for said secrets immediately after. I’m not indifferent towards you Natasha I’m fucking hurt.” You don’t mean to snap but you can’t help it. 
Since your break up Natasha has moved on and has tried to interact with you like everything was fine. Like she hadn’t broken your heart. Better yet, as if she was scared you’d hurt her. 
Getting to the end of the hallway, you turn to her,“ you know what’s funny? Had you just told me, beforehand, that there was something between you and Doctor Banner, I would’ve understood. Because the worst part was being blindsided.” 
“Y/n I’m sorry.” If you were close enough you could see the regret in her eyes, might’ve been able to hear her heartbreak. 
You nod,“ I know. You told me.”
Avoiding the ex-assassin has become a bit of an everyday thing now. So much so that you almost don’t have to put any effort into doing it before you have to leave. You spend a little time training with Sam and Bucky, walking them both through their new supercharged weapons. You coordinate with Steve on the mission you’re being assigned after you get back. 
You also take a moment to research Miss Luthor and Luthor Corp. Alongside finding the controversial opinions on the company and the woman running it. You ended up, not surprised, but impressed with her work.
And of course you spend some time with Wanda. Said woman not leaving your side at all, even as you go to bed. She occupies the empty side of your bed through the night and truthfully you’re grateful for the company. 
When you wake up, you make quick work of showering, getting dressed, and starting to pack. Wanda doesn’t move a muscle, much more content with reveling in the warmth you’d left behind, while trying to get you to not go. 
“I won’t even be gone long, back by tomorrow for sure.” You push a set of shirts in your bag. 
Wanda groans loudly and cuddles further into your fluffy blanket,“ but I just got back and you promised to take me to see Harrison.”
You chuckle lowly,“ it’s Hamilton, Wan. And I’m still gonna take you, just a little later. Think of it as an anticipation builder.”
“Don’t you think I have enough anticipation.”
Shaking your head, you zip up your overnight bag, and sit down beside the young woman,“ come on Wan, it’s not like I’m leaving you alone.” 
“Basically you are. Steve and Bucky never leave each other’s sides and Sam follows them around always, and Natasha has Bruce!” She exclaims, only to jolt up when she realizes what she’s said.“ I’m sorry.”
You do your best to laugh it off,“ it’s fine really. Natasha does have Bruce.” You quickly change the subject before that familiar ache returns,“ why don’t you take Clint up on his offer to stay with them for a while?”
Wanda looks down, playing with her fingers,“ I’m not ready to do that just yet.” Those eyes then lock with yours,“ besides I can’t leave you.”
“Hey,” you pull her into your side,“ you know I’m always here for you right?” She nods. Deciding not to leave on a somber note, you joke,“ except for tomorrow, so endure Miss Maximoff, and text me.” Standing up, you press a very chaste kiss to her forehead, and then leave out with a wink. 
“Headed out Y/Ln?” 
You nod to Steve, holding up your bag in emphasis,“ yeah, I’ll only be gone a day you know.” He nods.“ Oh and Rogers, do me a favor and keep an eye on Wanda yeah?”
While she’s doing significantly better after everything, you know she still has her moments. When they hit they hit hard and feeling/being alone doesn’t help. It’s one of the many reasons Clint invited her to go stay with his family for a while. But Wanda has reservations about that for reasons she hadn’t yet told you.
After getting Steve’s agreement to do so, you leave. 
To you, the worst part of traveling is all the little stupid stuff in between. You loved driving, hated traffic. Flying was calming and you loved looking at the clouds sail by, you hated TSA, baggage claim, and boarding. 
Luckily National City is merely five hours away and the second you land you feel the difference in NYC and NC. While both are skyscraper filled, fast paced, cities. There’s something about National City that seems freer. People are nicer, the sun shines brighter, the air smells cleaner. 
Perhaps it’s just being on the West Coast.
Being the woman she is, Lena has a car service for you, the driver waiting with your name on a white board. You confirm your identity and follow the woman out to the car. On the drive to Luthor Corp, you take in the sights of National City.
Lots of skyscrapers but still a surprising amount of greenery. Eventually you approach your destination, the tall glass building branding the large Luthor Corp logo. 
“Thank you.” You nod to the driver, slipping a tip her way, and getting out of the car. 
Stepping inside the building, your eyes take in the sunlit interior as you approach the front desk. The young receptionist asks what he can help you with and you respond that you’re here for Lena Luthor and he asks for your name. 
In the end you’re told to wait as she’s in a meeting, so you pass the time by texting Wanda, replying to the dozen texts Tony had sent. You tell him you’ll do it if he can get you decent Hamilton tickets and he agrees instantly. 
“Y/n,” her voice, while still new to your ears, is easily recognizable,“ I’m so sorry for making you wait.” 
You’re waving her off in an instant,“ it’s fine, I’m no greater than anyone else, I can wait.”
She chuckles, nodding in understanding, and silently pleased with your humility. A number of people would’ve demanded they go in immediately. 
From there she directs you toward the elevator. As you walk the people walking around look to Lena in seeming amazement. 
“It seems your employees are also fans, rightfully so.” You tease honestly. 
“They’re a part of a small group believe me. I have more opposition than you could imagine.” 
Raising an eyebrow, you shrug,“ a powerful woman is intimidating, especially one as brilliant and compassionate as you Miss Luthor.” 
A light blush fans her cheeks and her eyes watch you on the elevator,“ if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re trying to flatter me.”
“I’m being honest with you Lena, it just so happens that your truth is pleasing to hear.” The elevator dings, letting you both off to a floor of labs, some walled off by glass and others concrete. You look around, some machines and equipment familiar to you and others you don’t recognize. 
Lena guides you down the halls to a room at the very end. It’s dark inside at first and then a purple light rises. Repeatedly it shines and then dims and you walk closer in amazement. 
Octagonal, metal, plates surround the rock like material in the center, each plate connected by thick wires. The purple light emits from the rock. Lena flicks the lights on and it powers up the monitors and the core. 
Still watching in fascination, you walk around the core, remaining a few decent feet away. A very low hum sounds from it and you can practically feel the power of it. 
“Wow.” Lena smiles at your amazement.“ I imagine you had to build a stabilizer before you could move it.” You look up at her.
“I did. It was in a ship when I found it so I reutilized the ship's engine.” 
Eyes wide, you smile softly,“ instead of the engine pulling energy from the core-”
She nods,“ it pushed the energy back into it.” 
“How did you stop it from overloading?” 
“Reworked the wiring to continuously transport the energy so there was never an overwhelming amount in the core at one point in time.” 
You look back at the core, noticing that is also how she’s currently keeping it from overloading.“ Remember when I said you’re brilliant?” She nods.“ That was an understatement.”
With another laugh and a bashful blush, she brings you over to her monitoring equipment. 
The next few hours pass with the two of you working on it. Lena loved the idea of turning the one power core into multiple ones which would require harvesting pieces of it. But it’s not like they make Alien Rock saws or anything on earth. 
You’d have to invent a tool strong enough to cut through it without it disrupting or agitating the energy. 
It’s well past the late hours of the night when hunger sets in for both of you. Lena insists you join her for dinner. After locking up her office, the two of you go to a restaurant that she sings praises for. 
The maitre’d is quick to seat you both, your waiter bringing water, and asking if you’d like anything else to drink. Lena orders wine and you get an old fashioned like usual. 
“So outside of being well versed in science,” Lena starts,“ what other talents do you have?” 
“I can make a great cup of coffee.” You joke, the woman laughing.“ No um, I’m a weapons specialist. It goes hand in hand with science and my powers. Mental materialization allows me to create just about any weapon with my mind, of course it doesn’t last forever. For the most part I enhance the weapons the team already has though I’ve invented a weapon or two.”
Brown eyebrows raise,“ invented?” Intrigue enters her eyes and you’ve already become accustomed to it.
You nod,“ at the time my team and I were facing a threat we never had before. It required a special type of weapon and of course it didn’t exist.”
Before you can reply, the waiter returns. They set down your drinks and take your orders, both of you smiling politely before they walk away. 
Looking back at Lena, you sip your drink, and respond,“ yes. It took a lot of trial and error, messing around with their own weapons to finally get it. I ended up using the alien technology to build the weapons.”
“And you say I’m the brilliant one.” A smirk plays at her lips over the rim of her wine glass.
It’s then that you replay your own words in your head being hit with a startling realization!
“Lena!” You exclaim. Green eyes widen slightly, eyebrows raising simultaneously.“ A laser saw. We’ve been trying to come up with a material strong enough to cut through it instead of using its own energy to do so.”
She understands quickly, a disbelieving chuckle leaves her lips,“ oh my god, you’re right. Of course we’d have to neutralize the core before cutting it. That amount of energy against itself could cause a cascade of energy failures or something much worse.”
“You figured out how to stabilize it with it’s own engine and now you’ve got me,” she smiles amusedly,“ I’m sure two scientists of our caliber could work something out.”
Lena agrees. Then insisting you two talk about anything other than the work. 
As much as she loves her work, she’s been intrigued by you since your first meeting. With this being a much more casual setting than the investment dinner and her lab, she wants to get to know you. 
She’s learned how intelligent you are, even if that’s just the tip of your iceberg, but she’s dying to know more. And she does.
Over dinner you both get to know each other better. Lena’s disdain for her last name but need to clear it is something she, almost subconsciously, divulges. You’re not exactly surprised to hear that she went to MIT, in fact you would’ve been shocked if she went anywhere else. 
While she avoids going in depth about her family, she does make mention of being close to her brother when they were younger and loving her father endlessly. Her sincere compassion is a trait she seemed to have always had despite the briefly mentioned opposition she faced over being so.  
Her taking over the company after her brother was for a number of reasons the main one being that she wanted to prove herself. Luthor doesn’t mean evil, not always anyway. You’re led to believe that while many don’t agree, there’s proof through Lena’s work that she isn’t a bad person. 
In turn you tell her about your time as an Avenger. All of it started back when your father worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. Being the dedicated man that he was, he often brought his work home, and being the daddy’s girl that you were, you lingered around and watched as he worked.
You’d picked up on a lot of things from him involving the weapons. By the time you were 16 you knew most guns inside and out from standard pistols to compact grenade launchers. 
After high school you went to Stanford and majored in Mechanical Engineering, getting the opportunity to intern at the one and only Stark industries. Upon graduation you had taken an actual job at the company. Some time later you were approached by Fury to assist Stark in building the Particle Accelerator to save himself and take down Ivan.
Tony took a liking to you during your time working together and afterwards was more than happy to work closer with you, especially since you still worked for Stark Industries. Those connections lead you to being picked up by Fury every once and a while with S.H.I.E.L.D business. Until S.H.I.E.L.D fell, your last mission with them being Sokovia.
Eventually, despite the very late hour, Lena’s phone starts to buzz almost incessantly. With a small,“ excuse me,” she picks it up, reading the messages she received. 
“Are you up to a few more drinks?” She asks with a soft smile and you find yourself unable to say no under the gaze of her green eyes. 
She settles the check, relenting and letting you leave the tip, before you’re both in her car and driving to a different location. This place is a lot less upscale than the last. Funnily enough you find it a lot more comfortable than the restaurant. 
You follow beside Lena, who approaches a table surrounded by a decent sized group of people. They all smile brightly at the CEO, a blonde hugging her excitedly. Then all eyes fall to you. Before Lena can even introduce you, a voice speaks. 
“Oooohhhh my god!” A man about your height nearly vibrates with excitement in his seat. Brown eyes widen and he bites his lip.“ You’re Artemis, the Avenger!”
It’s impossible to not chuckle at his enthusiasm.“ I am, but without the getup you can call me Y/n,” you reach a hand out to shake his.
“Y/n, yeah of course.” He shrugs with an understanding nod. 
Going around the group of people, you shake hands and learn names. After Winn, sits Kara Danvers(Lena’s best friend as she introduces), Kara’s sister Alex(definitely an agent of some sort), J’onn(also an agent), and James Olsen. 
While they all seem fairly nice, you can see Alex’s and J’onn’s studying expressions. They watch you cautiously and you don’t blame them. Winn and Kara are the more open ones, excited to meet you and engaging in a seeming nonstop conversation. And James, well you aren’t sure about him yet but he seems okay. 
Alex takes a swig from her beer, elbows leaning on the table top,“ what brings you to National City?” 
“Lena actually.” All eyes widen, eyebrows rising as well.“ In a strictly platonic and professional way.”
The CEO beside you chuckles softly, hand resting on your bicep,“ Y/n’s assisting me with a project of mine upon my request.” 
“What kind of project?” The auburn haired woman asks.
Something in her tone tells you that she’s skeptical, almost untrusting of the woman at your side. Whatever history is there is a little rocky, you can’t place why but it is. And even though you don’t know anyone here all that well, you’d hate for everyone’s seeming enjoyable night to take a sour turn.
“For now it’s merely a test for a new energy source. If it’s not clean energy or it’s unstable it won’t go further than this.” 
The woman seems satisfied with your answer, at least a little, and nods. Lena sending you a smile in thanks. 
“So, what kind of drink recommendations can a tourist like me get?” 
With your simple, easygoing question, conversations start back up. Each person gives you a drink recommendation and you take it, trying each one. Some you don’t like but most of them are great, and strong.
By the end of the night there isn’t a single person who isn’t laughing. The effects of the alcohol you’ve consumed hit you and while you aren’t wasted, it definitely makes things lighter for you. 
“Alright, I think it’s time I get this one back to her hotel so she can get home tomorrow.” Lena lightly pats your shoulder.
“Awe booo!” Kara and Winn say at the same time, the latter much more intoxicated than the former.
You pout, looking at Lena,“ don’t you want to hear about the anti-gravity gun Winn is working on?” 
“It’s handheld.” He adds in a whisper.
The brunette chuckles,“ I’m sure Winn would be more than happy to tell you about it some other time.” 
Sighing you nod,“ fine. She’s right, I have a flight later.” You rise up, the support of the table a great assistance,“ it was a great pleasure to meet all of you, had a lot of fun.” 
Kara’s big blue eyes find yours,“ you’re going to visit again right?”
“Not sure when but I will definitely be coming back.” 
With a goodbye to everyone, you and Winn slapping hands and nearly missing, and you and Kara high fiving perfectly, you leave. 
For the third time tonight you’re in Lena’s car. She leans back into her seat after telling her driver where to take you. It’s a fairly quiet ride back to the hotel, you drinking from the water Lena gets from the center console, and her occasionally looking over at you. 
She took great delight in watching you interact with her friends, especially with the amount of alcohol you’d consumed. Drunk wasn’t the proper state to describe you as but the intake definitely had you a lot more talkative and energetic than Lena has seen, though that’s only been twice. 
Telling her driver to keep the car running, she accompanies you up to your room. She’d hate if anything happened to you before a friendship could even begin. 
You swipe the card over the door sensor and push it open, turning to lean against the frame and address Lena.“ Thanks for today.”
“The whole day?” She chuckles.
“Yes ma’am. I loved every bit of it. Your friends are awesome and I’m really excited to see how the power core works out.” 
A little smile pulls at her lips,“ well I may have started this by myself but you’re definitely a part of it now. So let me know the next time you’re able to come back.”
“Really?” Your eyebrows pinch together. Compared to how much was done when you’d arrived everything you did felt like adding two measly cents. 
Honestly speaking, you’d genuinely loved every second of working on the power core with her. As much as you love saving the world as an Avenger, there was a newfound excitement and intrigue in you while you worked on this. It could save lives in a way you can’t as an Avenger. 
“Only if you want to.” The CEO says, slight hesitation hidden behind her teasing smirk. 
“I’d love to.”
* * * * * *
Taglist: @username23345 @depressed-bi-bitch @fayhar @trikruismybitch @aznblossom
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rosiehunterwolf · 3 years
two halves of a broken whole
Prompts: Scars and Free Space (stealing Post-Fight from the twixt board)
Word Count: 2,191
Characters: Nya and Zane
Timeline: Immediately after season 9
Trigger Warnings: Blood, Needles, Brief Swearing
Summary: The Sons of Garmadon have been defeated. Garmadon is in prison. The city has been saved.
In the aftermath of the battle, Nya is more than ready to take a much-needed break. But the life of a ninja is messy. Recovery is never that simple. Although the wounds may have healed, the scars still remain.
Zane’s scars seem to match up, though. And maybe together, they can begin to heal.
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Nya stumbled through the dark kitchen, searching through the cabinets. She gritted her teeth as pain flared in her arm. Where are those painkillers? Ugh, how does Skylor find anything in here? There’s no system!
She gasped in relief as she finally found the medicine cabinet, but as she reached out to grab a bottle, she bumped her bad arm against the cabinet door. Crying out in pain, she jerked her arm back, and the bottles came tumbling down and clattering loudly to the floor.
“Damn it all,” she groaned, leaning her head against the cabinet. “Stupid, stupid arm, why do you have to be so weak-”
Nya jumped, hitting her head against the cabinet door. “Ow! Zane, what are you doing here-”
The nindriod crossed the small kitchen in two steps, yanking off the damp towel she had draped across her upper arm, revealing a long, bloody cut stretching across the length of it.
“I knew it,” Zane muttered. “Nya, why would you hide something like this?”
“It’s not that big of a deal, I-”
“Not that big of a deal? Nya, this is serious! You need stitches! Next time, say something!”
She winced. “I didn’t want to bother you guys- Lloyd was way more hurt than I was, you guys had your hands full with him.”
“You could’ve gone to Skylor.”
“I wanted to prove I could do it, okay?” Nya snapped. “Skylor was so strong, walking off Garmadon’s power corruption like it was nothing. And she was being so generous, letting us all crash in her house like this- I didn’t want to bother her anymore, but instead, I just ended up bleeding out all over her bathroom floor.”
Zane shot her a sympathetic glance. “Nya, don’t worry about that now. Skylor will understand, and I can clean it up. The only thing we care about is that you are safe. Here, go sit down.” He gestured towards a kitchen chair and headed towards the cabinet. Nya slumped over into the chair, still clutching her arm, and Zane rooted through the medicine bottles, finally pulling out the painkillers and handing her three large pills and a glass of water. She eyed them warily.
“Isn’t this a little much? I mean, it hurts, but not that bad.”
“I still have to give you stitches, remember?”
“Oh. You’re doing that now?” Zane turned away, and Nya took the opportunity to down the pills, using the cheap coffee she had made herself to help her swallow instead of the water Zane had given her. “Nya, if I don’t do this now it will only make the cut worse.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know- ow!” she yelped as Zane rubbed at the wound with a wet, antiseptic-soaked washcloth, the fabric quickly staining red.
“I need to clean it, Nya. This would’ve been much easier if you hadn’t spent so long walking around with an open wound.”
“Okay, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”
“I’m going to go get a needle and thread, I’ll be right back.” Nya sighed, slumping back against the chair. This was exactly what she had been trying to avoid. The guys had been through hell recently. The last thing they needed was having to worry about her, too.
Nya jerked her eyes open, turning her gaze towards Zane. What happened? Did I doze off?
Stupid coffee, not doing its job.
Zane seemed to catch on to this too, and frowned. “When’s the last time you slept?”
“I don’t need sleep, I have this magical liquid called coffee.”
He shot her a stern glance. “Nya.”
“Fine! I don’t remember, okay?” She reached for the paper cup again, but Zane snatched it from her hand.
“You can’t live off of coffee. First of all, it’s horrible for your health, second, it can never replace a full night’s sleep.”
Nya crossed her arms, grumbling. “Hey, at least I’m better than Lloyd. He dumps like five pounds of sugar into his.”
“Yes, well, Lloyd is sleeping. Like you should be.”
“Which is so not fair,” she huffed. “I spent weeks trying to get him to sleep and the second you guys get back, he does it instantly.”
Zane smiled, but his eyes were sad. “Kai’s always kind of had a way with him.”
“I know.” She turned her head, sighing. “I wasn’t trying to sound ungrateful, I’m so glad you’re back, but-” Nya let her hand fall to her side, where it bumped against Zane’s. Gently, she rubbed her fingers across the smooth metal, her heart pounding in her chest. Suddenly, she squeezed Zane’s hand, her breath coming in heavy pants as she closed her eyes.
Her eyes snapped open. “I’m fine. Let’s just get this over with.”
“Nya, it’s okay if you’re not fine.”
“I am.”
“I’m sorry we left you as we did.”
“It’s not your fault, okay?” She tugged away from him. Her hands were trembling now- from the coffee? The painkillers? The fear? She didn’t know. “It’s not your fault.”
Zane closed his hands over hers, steadying them. “No, but it still wasn’t fair to you. I’m sorry you had to go through all that.”
“You don’t know,” she whimpered. “You don’t know what it was like. I wanted to give up so bad, and Lloyd-” she closed her eyes, breathing out slowly. “I don’t even know how I got him through it. He was so depressed. I can’t go through that again.” She turned sharply towards Zane, grabbing his hands. “I can’t. You hear me? That can never happen again.”
Zane squeezed her hands back, his eyes sad. “Believe me, Nya, I will do everything in my power to make sure it never does. But we are ninja. Dangerous things are going to happen, and if we spend our whole lives fearing that, we’ll never get through. We need to live life one day at a time. We need to trust in each other.”
“I do trust you!”
“Good.” He placed a hand on her arm, just below the wound. “Then you’ll let me patch you up?”
Nya glanced at the needle and swallowed, looking away. “Just go ahead. Don’t make me watch.”
“We really don’t have the proper numbing medication,” Zane said. “The painkillers will help some, but this is still going to hurt.”
“Believe me, I’m sure the sword going in felt a lot worse.”
Zane pressed his lips together. “Yes, I suppose it did. Ready?”
“Stop asking me if I’m ready and just do it already!” Zane flinched away, and she quickly added, “Sorry. I’m just a little on edge.”
“You’re going to be fine. Just hold still.”
The needle was cold on her skin, and then suddenly it was piercing through her flesh. It took all of Nya’s willpower not to jerk away, and she bit down hard on her lip, forcing back a scream. “Holy shit- Zane!” she broke off in a whine.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry. It’ll be over soon.”
She tried to focus on her breathing as the needle pricked her again and again, Zane’s tugs quick and tight.
“Augh, remind me to visit Kryptarium later and go scream at those assholes for doing this to me.”
“We could’ve gotten you to a proper hospital if you had spoken up earlier. This is your own fault.”
“Oh, yeah, blame the victim. Besides, I hate hospit- aaugh, Zane, are you almost done?”
“Done.” Zane neatly snipped the thread, and Nya slumped over onto the table, grinding her teeth together and clenching her fists.
She felt Zane’s hand on her back. “Are you okay?”
“Gaugh, I will be, but son of a bitch, that hurt!”
“Alright.” Zane’s voice suddenly sounded cross. “It’s over now. That language is no longer necessary.”
“Are you seriously scolding me for swearing right now?” The table muffled her yelp. “I’d like to see how you cope when your arm stings like hell.”
“You’re impossible!” Sitting up, she told him, “If you’re going to be such a goody-two-shoes, could you at least get me an ice pack?”
Zane got her the ice, and after about half an hour, the pain had finally dulled to something she could sleep through.
Exhausted as she was, though, she wasn’t done yet.
“Come see me in the morning,” Zane was saying, cleaning up the last of the bottles and putting them back in Skylor’s medicine cabinet. “It should be fine, but I want to check just to be sure. And try not to sleep on that side. I don’t want the stitches coming out during the night.” As he turned to walk out of the room, Nya grabbed his wrist.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
He blinked. “To bed? Like any sensible person should be at this hour?”
“Not so fast, now it’s your turn.”
“My turn?”
“You patched me up,” Nya told him as she turned and rustled through Skylor’s junk drawer. “It’s only fair that I return the favor.” She pulled out a few screwdrivers, some scrap metal, and- score, a circuit board. And in pristine condition, too! Skylor always had the best stuff lying around. When you could find it, that is.
“But Nya, I’m not injured!”
She put a hand on her hip, glancing him up and down. Scratches and dents littered the ice ninja’s skin, and if she knew Zane, that was usually an allusion to something bigger going on.
“Oh please, the four of you came back a mess.” She walked around him, inspecting him. “Don’t tell me you came out of that whole ordeal unscathed. And I didn’t see anyone check you over today. Aha-” leaning forward, she rapped her knuckles against a spot on his back, near the shoulder, and the panel shuddered beneath her touch. “I knew it. This section isn’t sturdy. Take off your shirt so I can get to it better.”
“Nya, I am a nindroid, injury is inconsequential-”
“I said, take off your shirt! Or are you going to make me do it for you?”
Zane sighed, pulling off his pajama top so that Nya could see the damaged area better. The panel appeared cracked and loose, so, gently, she pried it off, revealing several frayed and broken wires. Part of the exposed circuits were fried.
“And you were telling me off for hiding my injuries?”
“It’s hardly the same. Human bodies cannot withstand the amount of force that a nindroid’s can. Plus, you are susceptible to infection.”
“Zane, I don’t care!” She got to work snipping at the wires and pulling some of the damaged parts out. “You’re still one of us. Just because you can take this sort of damage doesn’t mean you should!”
“I know. I was just worried about the others.”
“Well, it’s about time you thought of yourself for once. You can’t properly care for us if you’re not functioning at full capacity, anyway.” Sticking the tweezers between her teeth, she readjusted the wires and got to work on the circuits.
“I… I don’t like asking for help.”
Nya’s fingers paused.
“‘E ei’er.” The tweezers muffled her words, but Zane got her point clear enough.
“Sometimes we do need help, though. We are part of a team for a reason, after all.”
Nya removed the tweezers and wiped her grease-stained hands on a towel. “You’re forgetting that I was Samurai X before I was a ninja. I didn’t need any help then.”
“I didn’t forget, I just remembered the important parts. We were still there for you afterward, even on your solo missions.”
Nya was quiet for a moment. “Maybe that was why it was so hard with you gone. It was like a piece of me was missing. I couldn’t fully uphold the Resistance without you guys there to help.”
Zane’s fingers skirted across his heart. “I don’t know how we went on, with part of our souls realms away.”
Nya put a hand over his. “But we’re here now.”
“But you weren’t. We have all the pieces again, but they feel… broken.”
“Hey.” Nya pressed the metal against the gap in his back, using the screwdriver to secure it into place. She leaned back, admiring her work. Good as new. “I fixed you, didn’t I? Nothing will stay broken forever.”
“I can fix a car,” Zane sighed. “Or the Bounty, or the oven, or myself. But I have no idea how one goes about putting pieces of a broken heart back together.”
Nya sat down next to him. Their eyes met- stunning, electrifying blue against deep, gentle brown. “Neither do I. But maybe… we can figure it out.” She leaned her head on his shoulder. “Together.”
“Together is good,” Zane agreed, putting his arm around her. “I think I like it a lot better than being alone.”
Sitting there, on the hard wooden chair, raw stitches in her shoulder, with Zane’s hard metal arms wrapped around her, she couldn’t have been in a more uncomfortable position. Yet Nya felt more at ease than she had in weeks.
For the first time since the guys had gone to the First Realm, Nya’s sleep was peaceful and uninterrupted.
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