#nerd pun
latenight-dnd · 2 years
What do you call slutty algae ?
A. A protistute
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waxcloth-din · 3 months
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Rainy mornings in Blood Gulch.
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cat-cosplay · 8 months
How to "Wash" your cat
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spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
I just noticed, in your HHStargazers AU no one has pupils - except for Alastor and, if she's canon, Carmilla. Does that mean slit pupils are a sign of a demon in disguise?
Good eye! 👈👈👀 (Pun unintended.) Though I don't really plan for this trait to be repeatedly shared amongst the disguised demons. Mostly to not limit my designs to an obvious tell. But the slit pupils were indeed intentional flaws I added in for those two in particular. Because according to MY headcanon, both angels and demons are beings beyond human comprehension. Thus, it's only to be expected that even when they TRY to fit in, they'll be unable to keep EVERY aspect of their uncanny nature concealed. At best, they're imperfect imitations of what "normal" should be. It just so happens that in my AU, angels have a much easier time concealing most of their little quirks and oddities away than the sinners for my own reasons and as for WHY no one ever grew suspicious of the eye thing, it's because Charlie's curiosity could be easily curved. While for Lucius to point this out, he'll have to admit that he's been staring at Alastor's eyes a lot whenever he gets close enough to drown in the depths of his gaze and- EHEM!!! Which he's NEVER done, mind you! AhahaHAH- What slit pupils??? Never noticed those before. Nuh-uh. NO siree. NOPE! Lucius is normally so, SO normal about Alastors VERY much normal eyes in a TOTALLY normal amount of normal. A-ANYWAAAYS!!! Lucius would also be a hypocrite if he was bothered by them considering his own occupation and the people he's usually surrounded by (yet to be revealed). As for the other humans, Alastor doesn't care enough about their opinions for it to be a threat to him and people often just avoid the guy unnerving them with his creepy ass stare. So it's all good! Hope you like these bonus fun facts! 'Cause I have a feeling I left you with just as much questions as answers, but that's the fun of an ongoing story, yeah? Stay tuned~! 😉✨️ -Bubbly💙
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For those that hc Jason Todd as a theater kid, would you say he tends to make … much ado about nothing?
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artejoke · 7 months
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Love long and prosper
Emil Doerstling, Prussian love happiness, 1890, Deutsches Historisches Museum
Prussian army bandmaster Gustav Albrecht Sabac el Cher and his wife Gertrude Perling
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returquoise · 2 months
I don't follow the Olympics but the sports news reader just had an absolutely beautiful pun regarding thriathlon and swimming in the Seine.
"--uinnin vastavirtaosuudella Seine oli pikemminkin seinä--"
"--on the upstream portion of the swim, Seine was more like a wall--"
I think the only other language it would work in besides Finnish is Estonian because google tells me wall is sein in Estonian.
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rosetta-j-stone · 11 months
The French word for "staff" is something that can be so personnel
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dkettchen · 2 months
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absolutely unintelligeable meme I made during bootcamp lecture this morning
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illuminopseudonymous · 9 months
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Photo of one of my many shirts like this
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Moira and I have a lot in common: we're both smart, academically gifted, a bit awkward, can't really dance but still enjoy it, sarcastic, cynical, rather logical AND we're getting played on a daily basis.
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sofancydancy · 3 months
Rules: make a poll with five of your all time favourite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favourite!
Thanks for the tag @novemberhush 💜✨️
I feel like this poll can go many different ways...
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@sponge-rob @wolvenhour @calamity-talvi @oh-goodness-loki @queersforpluto 💜
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green-tea-lemonade · 1 year
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somehow when he tells the puns its always funnier
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crepes-suzette-373 · 1 year
Locked and Coded
Galaxy brain hyper overthink, kind of wildly off base SaNami-tinted (re)interpretation of the Sunny's fridge password.
Now in AO3!! [link]
When Sanji told Nami the fridge's password, hearts in his eyes and a goofy grin on his face, he told her it was their secret.
She humoured his comments, inwardly thinking she would've figured it out herself eventually, even if he hadn't. She may not use her cat burglar skills quite as often, but they were still top notch. Besides, that password is very typical Sanji, anyone who knew him well enough should be able to figure it out.
7326. Nami - Sanji- Nico Robin.
Naturally, she wasn't surprised that Robin also knew the password.
It's a good thing that the only person who was in any way invested in trying to sneak past that lock, namely their ever-hungry captain, could never piece that together.
One day, Nami was working on her charts in the dining table, and right on cue Sanji swayed by to bring her refreshments. It didn't escape her that the drink and snacks were carefully selected and placed to minimise risk of drops, crumbs, and spills. So thoughtful as always, and it made her smile.
A curious thought floated in her mind as he was twirling away.
"Sanji-kun, if Vivi joined our crew instead of Robin, what would the fridge password be?" she asked, "Or if another woman joined us?"
He stopped, then he looked to her with a perplexed expression and asked back, "Why would it be any different?"
There was an oddly poignant pause that prickled at Nami, but then Sanji had already turned back to the kitchen, and the moment passed.
That was kind of a weird answer, she thought idly, and he didn't even ask her if she was jealous. She shrugged it off, though, and went back to her charts. Their crew was perfect as it were, and he probably meant he never considered anything different.
Except that for days upon days, the subject kept popping back in her mind and wouldn't let her go. It's ridiculous how simple numbers could bother her thoughts so much, and yet there she was, wondering what's so special about the password time and time again.
Determined to get her peace, Nami marched to the kitchen to ask. She'd braced herself for any awkwardness (or even gushing from his part), knowing that there were all sorts of implications coming with her having dwelt on the issue for so long.
Surprisingly, for all his usual stream of sweet words, he was actually quite evasive about this one. It took a lot of wheedling before she managed to get him to giver her answers.
7326. "Nami and Sanji's lock".
Nothing in all the four Blues could have prepared her for that, nor how intensely her feelings reacted to it. She could feel her cheeks burning, and was certain her face had taken the hue of boiled lobster. Every second of silence was punctuated by her heart thudding so hard in her chest, she thought she could feel the reverberation in her fingertips. Her mind raced for something to say, but what does one say in response in this situation?
Something suddenly exploded outside, followed by a lot of yelling. Glad for the interruption, they both rushed to check on whatever havoc had been wreaked on the deck.
Then, even later, she found that Robin was never told the password. Robin had puzzled it out herself. Sanji really had meant it when he said it was their secret.
For weeks after that discovery, Nami couldn't look at that darned lock and the ship's resident cook without blushing (and thankfully, nobody seemed to notice).
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The standard reading for the 7326 password is 73 for Nami, 32 for Sanji, and 26 for Nico Robin (2 is ni, 6 is roku but represents just the "ro" sound here). I reinterpreted the roku as "lock" (rokku) for this story based on this one time I saw this funky splash ad for a Japanese book or event where "goku" was romanised as "gock" in alphabet.
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cynosurus · 4 months
I played around with the HSK quizzes at allmusing.net and got this question:
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I guess love between two women is not 爱情 but 火拉拉的爱情 then?
See also canmenandwomenbefriends.com.
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artejoke · 6 months
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I wanna be curated
1. Lavinia Fontana, Self-portrait, circa 1577-1585, Saragossa Museum 2. Friederike Julie Lisiewska, Self portrait of the artist, aged twenty-one, 1793, Staatliches Museum Schwerin 3. Na Hye-sok, Self-Portrait, c. 1928, Suwon Ipark Museum of Art 4. Elisa Counis, Self-portrait in Uffizi Gallery 1839, 1839, Galleria degli Uffizi 5. Marietta Robusti, Venecian lady, 16th century, Museo del Prado 6. Alice Pike Barney, Self-Portrait with Palette, 1906, Renwick Gallery 7. Elin Danielson-Gambogi, Self-Portrait, 1900, Konstmuseet Ateneum 8. Henriette Lorimier, Self-portrait, between 1804 and 1806, Musée Magnin 9. Lucia Anguissola, Self Portrait, 1557, Castello Sforzesco, Milan
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