#new york Winter clothing in NY
fryingpan1234567 · 8 months
each of the batkids is New York vibes in a different way
look I know Gotham is closer to NJ but hear me out
Dick— Welcome To New York (Taylor Swift)
Babs— Morning In America (Jon Bellion)
Jason— HEROES (Macklemore)
Cass— That’s My Girl (Fifth Harmony)
Tim— American Boy (Estelle)
Steph— Boo York, Boo York (Monster High)
Duke— Empire State of Mind (JAY-Z)
Damian— Dancing In the Dark (Rihanna)
Dick Grayson is NY in a Welcome To New York way. Gotham, Blüdhaven, Jersey, it’s all the same— dark, rainy, a little bit evil at times. And yet he sees the beauty of it all, and he truly loves his city. No matter how many times life kicks his ass, he’ll get back up and keep protecting this place he loves so much.
Barbara Gordon is New York in a Morning In America way. God, she’s busy, she’s always busy, but it’s where she’s happiest. Being a cop, a librarian, a professional Guy In The Chair™️ for an entire family of vigilantes, shit gets crazy. But she’s got it covered. She always does.
Jason Todd is New York in a HEROES way. He grew up in the Narrows and Crime Alley. Superman who? How about Roman Sionis, who let people sit in his club during the daytime in the winter when the streets got too cold? What about the older kids, who smoked weed that smelled like shit but taught him how to make money off of dumb rich white people? Those are Jason’s people. He’s an NY boy through and through.
Cassandra Cain is NY in a That’s My Girl way. Ever jumped off a building with the sound of pure feminism blasting into your brain, wind and the sheer energy of Gotham City whipping by, tearing at your hair and clothes? Cass has. She lives for it. The city is alive, and it sounds like this.
Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne is New York in an American Boy way. Clean-cut, city boy, businessman who always has places to be and people to see. Busy. Alive. If the livelihood of New York could be filtered into a personality, it would be Tim.
Stephanie Brown is NY in a Boo York, Boo York way. Maybe a hint childish, but hey, maybe that’s what the people of Gotham need. The whole vigilante gig has turned her from a critical pessimist to a die-hard optimist, and she feels sometimes that other people just need to feel the city more. It’s changed her. It’s freedom. Freedom to be a kid again.
Duke Thomas is NY in an Empire State of Mind way. Even after all these years, he still hasn’t quite gotten used to the majesty of such a big city. She’s real, and she’s alive. He sort of loves being a city kid.
Damian Wayne is New York in a Dancing In the Dark way. It just… makes his soul happy. After living in solitude for most of his childhood, coming to a city like Gotham was like nothing he’d even fathomed before. He’s never alone, if only in spirit. It’s healing. And while he won’t gush about it like some of his siblings, he does love his city.
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Vlad, Viago and Deacon as parents [pt. 3]
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[part 1] [part 2]
Requested by @italakthoughts (btw, is it pronounced like “eehtalak” or “aytalak”?)
Author’s note: There will be some angst in this part, sorry guys, couldn’t help myself. This is probably the last part of this as headcanons, but I might make a one shot later. Also, I am still open to requests, but I will be a bit slower with posting, bc college is kicking my ass so hard it’s ridiculous.
All three have their favourite game to play with you.
For Deacon it’s tag. You run around the whole house, climbing walls and ceilings, turning into bats or dogs and always trying to outsmart each other.
With all the excessive energy both of you have, this is literally the perfect activity to get you to fall asleep faster, because your tag is hardcore. A human wouldn’t stand a chance.
With Vlad it’s blind man’s buff. Because of vampire’s heightened sensitivity, this game becomes all the more challenging for the one hiding, because you have to move very smoothly and be completely silent.
Of course, Vladislav still senses where you are, but he likes to give way to you. Your happy smile whenever you win is absolutely worth it.
Viago always goes for hide and seek. At first, you weren’t a very good at it and chose the most obvious hiding places. But with time you improved to the point, where Viago sometimes legitimately wonders if he lost you.
When he can’t find you for way too long, he just gives up and asks you to come out of your hiding place.
You also do a lot of tea parties together.
Just imagine the three of them sitting at a tiny table with toy cups filled with blood.
You usually made up some kind of weird circumstances for the party. For example, you pretend that you’re aristocratic mice, who conquered a cat’s lair and now celebrate your victory with a tea party. Or you are all wives of a wealthy king and you plot his murder to share the power between the four of you.
They really get into their imaginary roles. Though sometimes this can lead to them getting a bit carried away and actually starting a fight over a fictional event.
Nick and Stu often join in as well.
You really like playing with Vlad’s hair, since he has the longest out of the three and that means you can do a lot of funny hairdos. He doesn’t really mind, as long as you’re careful to not rip anything out (it grows back very fast, but it’s still an unpleasant feeling).
Deacon often gives you piggyback rides anywhere and everywhere. You basically use him as a jungle gym and while it sometimes annoys him, he rarely protests.
In winter, Viago always takes you ice skating. Even though you’re a vampire and you can’t catch a cold (or feel cold for that matter), he still insist on you wearing very warm clothes. People might think he’s not taking good care of his kid!
When they go to New York for the vampiric council duties (shoutout to wwdits show), they take you with them. Viago definitely takes you to see a musical. He’s not bailing on that. And it’s probably going to be something incredibly campy. Probably Andrew Lloyd Webber too.
You and Deacon have an absolute blast in the NY subway, scaring random people to death with little to no repercussions or getting into the last car and drinking whoever dared to sit there alone.
Some random blogger accidentally caught you and Vladislav turning into bats in an alleyway of Manhattan on video. So you had to hunt him down and hypnotise his whole audience into forgetting about the existence of that footage. It felt nice to be famous even if only for a bit.
As any flatting situation, these three have a lot of bickering and arguments.
They really try to avoid having any of those arguments in front of you, but sometimes it gets out of control. In those cases, they try to either deflate it or just ask you to leave the room and let them sort this out.
Petty or not, parents’ arguments are not something a child should be watching.
If you ever die from being burnt by sunlight or get killed by a vampire slayer they will be utterly devastated.
Vladislav is probably the best at handling it. He grieves silently by himself, reminiscing about all the fun silly things you’d say and do when he wasn’t in the mood. With time, the sadness numbs. But there is still that gaping emptiness somewhere in his immortal soul.
Viago would never forgive himself. Maybe if he took better care of you, if he paid more attention, if he took more precautions, if he kept a closer eye on you, if he was just by your side at the right time… maybe you’d still be running through the halls of this dusty house…
Deacon is just furious. He’s furious at whatever caused your death and he’s furious at you for being so reckless and getting yourself killed. Why do his closest ones keep leaving him so suddenly?
But that won’t happen obviously, you’re not dumb enough to die twice ;)
Genuinely, your time with them could be considered one of the happiest periods of your life. And if you tell them that, they will feel very proud of themselves.
All three of them really mean well and want to give you the childhood they never had.
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By: Douglas Murray
Published: May 16, 2024
Remember when we were all told to “Mask up”? Well perhaps it’s time for us to change that rule. How about: “Mask off.”
It still astonishes me how many New Yorkers still scuttle around this city with their N95s clasped to their faces. Assistants in shops. Straphangers on the subway. Even people hurrying through the windy streets.
With some people I get it. A few have underlying health conditions — like morbid obesity. Or different-bodyness. Or whatever it is we’re allowed to call what we used to term “overweight.”
And sure some elderly folks now on their 9th boosters have decided to treat COVID as they once did the winter flu season.
But how to explain all the young people — particularly the young protestors — who seem to be so unnaturally scared of COVID?
How to explain all those rage-filled keffiyeh-wearing students who just happen to mask up whenever a camera is around?
Perhaps the students at Columbia and other campuses really do have a mortal fear of COVID.
In which case let me set their minds at rest.
New York State no longer has a COVID-19 problem. At the height of COVID, in the week ending April 11, 2020 the CDC reported that there were 6,900 total NY State COVID deaths that week. By last month the total was down to 15 deaths in a week.
What is more, young people are at the lowest risk of dying from COVID. Last year COVID was the eighth leading cause of death for young people in the United States.
According to the official data people aged 18-29 comprised just 0.7% of COVID-related deaths in the US. And that is from a group that makes up 16.4% of the total US population.
College-age Americans are more likely to die by homicide, suicide or being hit by a bus than they are through complications caused by COVID.
Even better news for the mask-wearers — NY State is one of the most vaccinated populations in the world. Fully 81% of NY State’s population is fully vaccinated. While a full 95% of the state’s population has gotten one dose of the vaccine or more.
So rejoice, oh brave protestors. The masks can come off!
And yet, with something like inevitability, there is one thing you can predict about protestors in New York today.
Which is that anytime that they are protesting they will be strangely scared of COVID. At the height of the BLM protests in 2020 you might say that there was some excuse for this.
There’s nothing like a fear of COVID to keep you cautious as you smash up a store.
Indeed I am sure that it was always perfectly natural that people swiping a set of sneakers for social justice would at the same time mask up to protect their respiratory system.
But why is that in 2024 today’s brave protestors in New York are nearly always wearing a mask?
Why should it be that the students making their demands for ceasefires in the Middle East and humanitarian aid at home have to holler their demands through a piece of cloth?
What is it about the outside trouble-makers who come onto this city’s campuses that makes them at one and the same time brave enough to cause disruption to students and citizens and yet terrible hypochondriacs over COVID?
Well I would like to suggest a reason. And it has nothing to do with CDC data, vaccination rates, COVID or anything similar.
The reason is that they are bullies. And like all bullies they are at the same time terrible cowards.
Despite pretending that they are world-beating revolutionaries the protestors who now push people in this city around are trying to keep their identities hidden.
Perhaps it is because they are professional agitators — drafted in by a range of left-wing “grass-roots” organizations to cause trouble. That is certainly what many people — including the police — believe.
Perhaps these people want to cover their faces because the media in this country might just notice that the same professional revolutionaries tend to turn up wherever there is trouble, almost as if they are paid to do so.
Presumably they want to keep their identities hidden as much as possible.
But what about the students at Columbia and elsewhere who want to sit in their tents and “bravely” protest about something they don’t know anything about?
Maybe, just maybe, they too are not actually afraid of COVID. What they are afraid of are the opinions they are espousing.
Because they know, at some level, that bullying other students and shrieking about things they don’t know about is not a good look. They want to intimidate people, but they never want to be intimidated themselves.
So I have a suggestion. At all future protests in New York State let’s have a masks off policy.
The KKK was the last organization in America that was so proud of their beliefs that their members covered their faces during protests.
Now “Students for Jihad” are doing the same job. For strangely similar reasons.
So let’s demand they take the hoods off too.
Sorry — I meant masks.
Shame of a canceled commencement
Talking of Columbia, yesterday morning I was invited to give an “alternative” Commencement address to students who have completed their studies.
Since the leadership at Columbia had canceled their official graduation ceremony, a number of faculty and student leaders arranged an alternative event for students and their families.
Attendees at the event in the city included students who had served in the US military, Jewish students, Christian students and conservative students. All from a bewildering variety of backgrounds.
We also heard from one of the students who had protected their campus when student radicals were trying to trash it earlier this year.
It was a great honor to speak with them all. And a great pleasure to give them a few words of advice as they set off on what I’m sure will be great and adventurous careers.
But what an indictment that students at Columbia who can actually think have to organize a graduation for themselves.
These privileged, entitled students at elite Ivy League colleges being paid for by their daddy want to agitate and roleplay as revolutionaries today, without negatively impacting their ability to work for a Fortune 500 company or get into a prestigious law firm tomorrow. They're fucking hypocrites.
You saw them as they were being arrested and their masks removed - many of them resisted and tried to hide their faces.
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garadinervi · 2 years
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Bernadette Mayer, Midwinter Day, Turtle Island Foundation, Berkeley, CA, 1982, then New Directions, New York, NY, 1999- [Written on December 22, 1978 at 100 Main Street, in Lennox, MA] [Allen Ginsberg Project]
From dreams I made sentences, then what I’ve seen today, Then past the past of afternoons of stories like memory To seeing as a plain introduction to modes of love and reason, Then to end I guess with love, a method, to this winter season Now I’ve said this love it’s all I can remember Of Midwinter Day the twenty-second of December
Welcome sun, at last with thy softer light That takes the bite from winter weather And weaves the random cloth of life together And drives away the long black night!
– from the 1999 New Directions edition, p. 119
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chiefhalliday · 10 months
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❝ the new york city police department strives to foster a safe and fair city … and solve the problems that create crime and disorder through an interdependent relationship between the people and its police … ❞
[ sky - 23 - she/her - gmt - no triggers ]
tw: death, cancer, injury ↴
✧・゚— B A S I C S
— NAME: Rowan Jameson Halliday
— NICKNAME/S: Ro (by those closest to him)
— D.O.B.: 6th January 1950 (age 74)
— GENDER, PRONOUNS, SEXUALITY: Cis male, he/him, demisexual
— HOMETOWN: New York City, NY, USA
— AFFILIATION: Law Enforcement
— JOB POSITION: Chief of the New York Police Department
— EDUCATION: High School ; NYPD Academy
✧・゚— P E R S O N A L I T Y
— MBTI: ENFJ – the protagonist
— POSITIVE TRAITS: Considerate, charming, selfless, patient, observant, loyal
— NEGATIVE TRAITS: Meticulous, stubborn, reserved, modest
— LIKES: reading, hot drinks, homemade food, history, baseball, old films, flowers, classic cars
— DISLIKES: tardiness, prejudice, injustice, insects, bitter food, hot weather, pranks, heavy metal music
✧・゚— R E L A T I O N S H I P S
— MOTHER: Lenora Florence Halliday (née Jameson)
— FATHER: Winston Robert Halliday (deceased)
— ‘THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY’: Loren ‘Evie’ Yvaine Hawkins
✧・゚— A P P E A R A N C E
— FACECLAIM: Tom Selleck
— EYE COLOUR: Blue-green
— HAIR COLOUR: Black with flecks of grey
— BUILD: Tall
— HEIGHT: 6’ 4”
— SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: A small scar from a stab wound on his right thigh
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✧・゚— F A V O U R I T E S
— FOOD: Cream cheese bagels
— DRINK: Root beer and whisky sours
— BOOK: The Call of the Wild by Jack London
— FILM: Bullitt (1968)
— TV SHOW: The MLB and any kind of nature documentary
— SEASON: Winter
— COLOUR: Blue
✧・゚— B I O G R A P H Y
— Rowan was born at 2:36am on 6th January 1958 in New York City, NY, to Winston and Lenora Halliday. He also has a sister four years his junior.
— From a young age, Rowan had a great admiration for both of his parents. Being a police officer himself, Winston taught his son the values of trust, comradeship, respect, and a sense of purpose. They would play baseball together for hours on the weekends, go to the cinema, and even go on fishing trips out of state. Lenora taught her son patience, kindness, dedication, and optimism. Before retirement, she was an actress (mainly working in theatre and television) and then later a tutor at the prestigious Juilliard School, but she would always let Rowan offer his own creative insight in her work.
— Rowan was bullied at school until his father taught him to fight back. He’d do his best of ignore the boys that picked on him, but when they started to push him and hit him then Rowan knew he had to do something about it. So when the boys got a taste of their own medicine and were finally put in their place, Rowan got into trouble with the principal, but wasn’t punished by his parents- in fact, they were proud of him- and the boys never bothered him again.
— Rowan always worked hard at school. He got top grades in his English and gym classes and average grades in the rest, but he already had his heart set on following in his father’s footsteps to become a police officer. After graduating high school, he enrolled in the academy where he greatly excelled and gained a name for himself as a sharpshooter in target practice. However the process wasn’t as straightforward as Rowan thought. Whilst he was outstanding at his job, he had a tendency to doubt himself and thought that he could never live up to his father’s expectations and reputation. His mother was always trying to reassure him that he didn’t have to be a replica of his father and that he should just be himself: the considerate, brave, loyal, and benevolent man that he grew to be.
— Upon graduating from the police academy, Rowan was assigned to the 13th precinct in Manhattan South, staying for 6 years, before being transferred several times as his career progressed. He passed the sergeant’s exam first time around and a year later, when Rowan was 27, his father was shot in the line of duty during a drive-by and spent a week in the hospital. The injury effected his mobility and was forced to take early retirement. Rowan hated seeing his father so depressed and once Winston was able to travel the two went upstate to fish together for a weekend.
— Rowan had just received his promotion to Captain when his father got sick and not long later died of pancreatic cancer. It was a time when Rowan was considering changing careers, but after finding a letter written to him by Winston before he died, Rowan was spurred on to continue in the NYPD and he always keeps that letter close to him as a reminder.
— Fortunately, Rowan himself was never shot, but came close on a number of occasions. The worst injuries he suffered were a broken arm and a stab wound to the thigh- both of which left him doing administrative duties for several weeks. During this time though he gained an appreciation and respect for members of the NYPD who weren’t officers or detectives, understanding the importance of the so-called minor roles that were actually just as important. If he ever saw an officer or detective treating a sketch artist or a secretary badly he would waste no time in standing up for them.
— Despite being qualified for the job, and with several commendations to prove it, Rowan never wanted to be the police chief. When he was the top choice for the job, he initially turned it down, citing that he was too old and due for retirement, not a promotion. But his modesty was dismissed and after a little more persuasion (particularly from his mother and sister) he took the job. He knew that being Aaron Keaton’s successor would come with its trials and tribulations, but Rowan is prepared to give it everything and to make a difference to people’s lives.
✧・゚— W A N T E D C O N N E C T I O N S
— FAMILY FIRST: Family has always been important to Rowan, especially after the death of his father. This wanted connection would, most importantly, be for his sister (any FC who could pass would do!), but maybe also for his niece/nephew. You would have free reign with their career, personal life, etc., but would have a tight knit relationship with Rowan. Bonus points if the niece/nephew followed Uncle Rowan into law enforcement!
— THE RIGHT HAND: This connection, of course, would be for the deputy chief of police and Rowan’s most trusted confidant. Their opinions and views matter most to Rowan and not only would they be close friends, but they would work side by side in ensuring the people of New York City are safe and that crime rates come down.
— REMEMBER WHEN: I would absolutely love for Rowan to have a former partner or good friend who he worked with back on the beat. They could meet up often, reminisce about the good old days, and attend each other’s family gatherings amongst other things.
— BROKEN TRUST: On the other hand, your muse could be a former partner who turned bad (or perhaps they were corrupt all along) and a once great duo formed on trust and friendship was ruined by the poison of crime and corruption. Part of Rowan hopes he never sees his old friend again so he doesn’t have to punish them, but that would be an occupational hazard of being the police chief.
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girlactionfigure · 2 years
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How one viral video, six years ago changed my life...
On a cold winter night, I invited 6 men to watch the super bowl in New York City. There was food, drinks and the big game of course - but what really stuck out and what changed them and myself was the human interaction, eye contact, interest in their lives - connecting with our wins and our challenges. At the end of the night the men felt seen, heard and a whole lot more hopeful and excited about life and how they wanted to live it. 
The video from that night went viral and the next year people started reaching out - asking how they can get involved in helping the less fortunate. 
I love this quote from the Lubavitcher Rebbe
"If you see what needs to be repaired and how to repair it, then you have found a piece of the world that God has left for you to complete."
That year in 2018, Super Soul Party was held in NY and LA and the following year it kept on growing with more cities getting together, housed and unhoused people connecting. At these gatherings there are barbers, clothing, food, mental heath counselors and items of necessity for those who need it most. 
As an organization we plan to help a person from the inside, out. Providing mental health support through the year as well so people can feel like people again and grow in this world with dignity and grace.
Please support: https://causematch.com/supersoulparty
Your donation goes a long way and the time is now to help. 
Thank you! 
Meir Kay
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sxlveira · 1 year
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[raúl esparza - 50 - he/him] Introducing EDGAR SILVEIRA. Word on the street is they are an ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY affiliated with THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY. Though they are RESERVED and BLUNT, they can also be RESILIENT and CARING. In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in.
[sky - 23 - she/her - gmt - no triggers]
✧・゚— B A S I C S
— NAME: Edgar Daniel Francisco Silveira
— NICKNAME/S: Ed (by his family) ; Eddie (by others close to him)
— D.O.B.: 4th April 1973 (age 50)
— GENDER, PRONOUNS, SEXUALITY: Cis male, he/him, heterosexual
— HOMETOWN: New York City, NY, USA
— AFFILIATION: The Syndicate
— JOB POSITION: Assistant District Attorney
— EDUCATION: J.D. degree, LL.M, and S.J.D. from Harvard Law School
✧・゚— P E R S O N A L I T Y
— MBTI: ESFJ – the consul
— POSITIVE TRAITS: Hardworking, resilient, intelligent, observant, organised
— NEGATIVE TRAITS: Stern, reserved, argumentative, blunt, cynical
✧・゚— F A M I L Y
— MOTHER: Isabel Marie Silveira
— FATHER: Ruyan Isaac Francisco
— OLDER BROTHER: Frederico ‘Rico’ Isaac Francisco Silveira
— ‘SEEING EACH OTHER’: Anaïs Murad @anaismurad
✧・゚— A P P E A R A N C E
— FACECLAIM: Raúl Esparza
— HAIR COLOUR: Dark brown with greying patches and beard
— BUILD: Average
— HEIGHT: 6’
— SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: A 5cm scar on his left calf from a childhood accident
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✧・゚— F A V O U R I T E S
— FOOD: Pizza (particularly pepperoni)
— DRINK: Bourbon
— BOOK: Slow Horses by Mick Herron
— FILM: Road to Perdition (2002)
— TV SHOW: Elementary (2012-2019)
— SEASON: Winter
✧・゚— B I O G R A P H Y
— Edgar was born on 4th April 1973 at 12:09am and is the youngest of two sons born to Ryan Francisco, a neurosurgeon, and his wife Isabel, a court stenographer. His brother Rico is older than him by 4 years and they were both taught to speak fluent Spanish by both of their parents. They lived in Queens.
— Edgar’s first love was baseball. He always played with his brother in their yard and their local park, often spending hours watching it on TV too. Their father took them to their first game when Edgar was seven and it remains to be his favourite memory. He also loves espionage novels and enjoys his downtime by reading them with tea and cookies.
— He grew up happy, although his father spent a lot of time out of the house due to his demanding job. Edgar looked up to Ryan, admiring his ambition, skill, compassion, and for a very brief time Edgar wanted to be a surgeon too (only after wanting to be a zookeeper, a scuba diver, a professional baseball player, and an astronaut, though). He was also close to his brother and mother: they would go on days out into the city together and spend time reading in the evenings amongst other things. This was when his love of literature began.
— Unlike his brother, Edgar was ambitious and always wanted to be challenged, especially at school. He was influenced by his mother and became interested in law because of her. He wanted to be the most successful prosecutor in NYC, so ensured that he studied hard to get through high school to focus solely on learning the law and making his parents proud. Meanwhile, Rico was getting into trouble with his teachers and also with the authorities. He’d been involved in the wrong crowds, getting involved in thefts and drug dealing, and brought shame to their parents. At the age of 19, Rico eventually left home in the dead of night and left a note to Edgar saying how sorry he was and that he’d be okay on his own. They wouldn’t see each other for another seven years and that meeting was a very brief one in the Christmas shopping crowds of lower Manhattan.
— Edgar graduated from Harvard at the top of his class. He had a four year long feud with a fellow student named Thomas and had vowed to beat him into getting top scores. They ended up being best friends and whilst Thomas ended up moving to Washington DC, they stayed in contact and see each other around the holidays.
— Edgar moved back home after graduating and after spending a couple of months helping his parents renovate their house he completed a strict study regime for his bar review before passing the bar exam first try. He then got his first job at the Queens District Attorney’s office as a clerk before working his way up to ADA. At the age of 32, he transferred from Queens to Manhattan, upping his workload and moving into a city apartment and has been there ever since. He still visits his parents often, though.
— He became an inadvertent affiliate of The Syndicate when he helped out his brother in certain dodgy dealings and in turn met Anaïs, who he tried not fall for but he did (and did so hard even if he won't admit it out loud to anyone other than Anaïs herself). In what little spare time he has, Edgar works for her father- Syndicate leader Petros, who made him realise that his talents could be put to good use in the world of crime with great rewards.
— Although ambitious and wanting to be a District Attorney (and even Attorney General), Edgar has been very comfortable in his ADA career and despite his experience he thinks he still has a way to go (little does he know that it’s just the self-doubt talking). He understands that it involves a lot of power and responsibility and doesn’t want to be watched too closely by government officials or the public considering his ties to crime.
✧・゚— W AN T E D C O N N E C T I O N S
— COLLEAGUES & ASSOCIATES: If your muse also works in law- especially in Manhattan- then it’s likely they’ve crossed paths with Edgar. Maybe they’re friends or maybe they’re rivals, but I’m up for discussing anything!
— OLDER BROTHER: Rico (or name UTP) is almost four years older than Edgar and has been involved in crime since his mid-teens. He’s an efficient thief and has evaded arrest on countless occasions. The two were very close when they were younger, but as soon as Rico left home things changed drastically and now that Edgar is lowkey involved in The Syndicate I’m also up to discussing anything in regards to how that might have changed their relationship (maybe it brought them back together or maybe there’s still a wedge between them)!
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luckylulu82 · 2 years
How cold is New York right now? I have always thought that it was much colder than in my country and now that we are in winter I go very warm clothes, that is why it is so strange for me to see Pedro only with a denim jacket and a short-sleeved t-shirt underneath in the middle of February in NY. No wonder how he catches those fevers 😂
Im in Washington so I do not know.
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homcbound · 2 years
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Hey! I swear I saw HUNTER SCHAFER last night but it was just TAYLOR ALEXIOU. The 23 year old TRANSWOMAN [she/her] is a CAM GIRL living in GREEKTOWN. I heard they're BRASS, but also FEARLESS.
NAME: Taylor Nikolas Alexiou
AGE: 23
BIRTHDAY: Dec. 30 1999
GENDER: Transfemale
She has a small lip print tattoo on the top of her left ass cheek
She learned greek as a kid from her grandma
She could live off Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos & oreos
She hasn’t talked to her mom since she left New York
She came out at age 5, went on blockers as a teen, started to medically transition when she was 18 and left NY
She has a large dog, Ventura
She would give someone the shirt off her back to help them out if they needed it.
She cleans up nicely, but spends most of her days in flannels/sweaters and jeans
She eventually wants to have a trans forward business
tw transphobia ; She was given to her aunt and uncle because her parents didn’t approve. They helped her set up life as a woman 
Kept her name because it felt right to keep it. Didn’t feel like changing it.
Decided college wasn’t for her and used the tuition money (with approval) for surgery instead.
Got a taste for film and ran with it
FAVE DRINK: red wine
FAVE FOOD: french toast
FAVE CLOTHING:  black jeans
FAVE DAY OTW:  Thursday
FAVE SONG: The Kids Aren’t Alright - Fall Out Boy
FAVE MOVIE: Ghostbusters
THREE GOODS: smart protective loyal
THREE BADS: selfish cold 
BEST SKILL: De-escalation
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inarustyle · 23 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New York & Co White High Neck Cropped Jacket 0.
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milleniummarket · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: SOHO NY&CO | Lace Up Sweater | SOHO Jeans Sweater | Grey Sweater | Winter Wear.
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thekeyofreason · 2 years
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Forgotten Bookmarks found in books (x)
1) Vintage paper coaster from The International House of Pancakes. Found in "Unseen Life in New York" by William Beebe. Published by Duell, Sloan and Pierce, 1953.
2) Trade card advertising I.H. Leyden and Bothers, Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Syracuse NY. Found in "The Pioneers" by James Fenimore Cooper. Published by Appleton, 1879.
3) Amusing advertisement for "Force's Roach Exterminator." Found in "Backgrounds of American Literary Thought" by Rod Hudson and Herbert Edwards. Published by Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1952.
4) Trade card. Found in "A Handbook of American Speech" by Calvin L. Lewis. Published by Scott Foresman and Company, 1916.
5) Antique temperance trade card: “Wine is a Mocker; Strong Drink is Raging.” Found in the lovely "Poems of Passion" by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Published by W.B. Conkey, 1883.
6) Small cardboard advertising "coin" - “TRY OUR FRESH Cottage Cheese“ Found in "Last Night at Black Hammer" by Gene Olson. Published by Dell, 1960.
7) Advertising trade card, this one is for "Hood's Sarsaparilla." Found in "Willy Reilly" by William Carleton. Published by John Lovell, circa 1896.
8) Trade card advertising Fuller and Warren stoves and furnaces, as sold by Fayette Allen, Schuyler's Lake NY. Found in "The Rover of the Andes" by R.M. Ballantyne. Published by Thomas Nelson, 1885.
9) Found in "The Neal Pollack Anthology of American Literature: The Collected Writings of Neal Pollack" published by Perennial/Harper Collins, 2002.
10) Found in "Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyl" by John Greenleaf Whittier. Published by Ticknor and Fields, 1866.
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smarthilarie · 2 years
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Full Name: Hilarie Isabelle Smart
Nickname(s): Hil, Lala
Age: 32
Date of Birth: 25 October, 1990
Hometown: New York City, NY 
Current Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Neighborhood: The Drive 
Gender: cisfemale
Pronouns: She/Her
Orientation: Heterosexual
Religion: raised Episcopalian; currently agnostic at best.
Educational Attainment: BFA in Dramatic Writing from NYU
Occupation: Film writer/producer
Living Arrangements: long-term house rental 
Language(s) Spoken: English, French, German, Spanish she learned against her parents’ wills
Face Claim: Sarah Snook 
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 1.65 m (5′5″)
Weight: 58 kg (128 lbs)
Build: Slender
Tattoos: none
Piercings: both ears double pierced, cuff on the right ear 
Clothing Style: mostly professional or business casual, smooth/soft fabrics   
Distinguishing Characteristics: cornflower blue eyes, prominent cheekbones, light freckles
Signature Scent: Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue, something a little tart or citrus more than flowery
Allergies: soy sensitivity
Sleeping Habits: satin sheets, cool and dark space, generally tired around eleven and up by seven in the morning. 
Eating Habits: fairly clean, lean protein, as little dairy as possible but 
Exercise Habits: yoga, pilates, spinning, swimming on occasion      
Emotional Stability: calm on the outside, storm on the inside.  The quieter she is, the more someone should be very afraid.      
Sociability: formally polite, but very direct and a little sarcastic once she’s annoyed with someone. 
Addictions: None  
Drug Use: None 
Cigarette Use: Very occasional and only if there’s some sort of social advantage.
Alcohol Use: Occasional, socially  
Positive Traits: decisive, sensible, even-tempered
Negative Traits: ruthless, irascible
Goals/Desires: professional success, a strong personal relationship with someone who loves her and she can love back without agendas
Fears: being taken advantage of, that she’s more like her parents than she is like a normal human
Hobbies: plays the piano, making floral arrangements, fashion, travel, voracious reader of anything, journaling, going to the theater
Likes: unique architecture, bold colors, handwritten notes   
Dislikes: children, electronic communication in personal relationships, any activity where her two feet aren’t on the ground, opera
Weather:  fall and winter, cooler temperatures, rain, snow  
Color: gold
Music: Broadway/stage, jazz, big band  
Sport: Tennis  
Father: Bracken Smart, politician, retired - estranged
Mother: Meredith Ford Smart, socialite, retired - estranged 
Sibling(s): Andrew Colin Smart, politician - estranged 
Significant Other: None
Spouse: No
Children: None
Pet(s): No
Family’s Financial Status: Upper class 
Current Financial Status:  Upper middle class, trust fund + working
Astrology: Scorpio sun, Capricorn moon, Gemini rising   
MBTI:  ENTP, ‘The Debater’
Hogwarts House: 
Primary Vice:  
Primary Virtue:  
Element: earth & water 
► BIOGRAPHY; tw: toxic relationship, revenge, murder, deceit
The infamous Smart family of New York City had it all - a patriarch, Bracken, who held onto elected office with all manner of truth-spinning and fact-bending. A matriarch, Meredith, with her hands every major event the city had to offer.  A handsome, well-groomed son, Andrew, with a promising political future.  And a daughter, Hilarie, who never did the debutante thing quite the way they wanted because she had a big mouth and a devious brain.  
Well, three out of four ain’t bad.
Andrew was the one being groomed from the very start, clearly and obviously both Bracken and Meredith’s pride and joy.  He was athletic, polite, handsome, and endlessly catered to and doted upon.  While Hilarie definitely wasn’t neglected, she was more likely to be told she should be seen and not heard, should fit into the lines and boxes they’d drawn rather than the margins, where she sometimes wanted to be.  And it wasn’t like she wanted anything unreasonable – she was always more of a writer than an athlete.  She won several writing competitions through school and flew through her English composition classes with the greatest of ease.  She didn’t want to dance or prance or have her photograph taken.  She didn’t care about philanthropy for the sake of it, preferring anything along those lines to be anonymous at best rather than on display. She was more of a friend or partner than she was a leader.  More likely to be on yearbook staff than the student council.  
None of that was good enough for the Smarts, for the next gen of the political dynasty Bracken was trying to build, and they made that abundantly clear.  If she wanted to be in front of a camera, it was clearly stated she should be some sort of press representative at her dad’s political office.  If she was going to be a writer, she should be a speechwriter within the family machine.  She declined time and again, but the pressure was building.
Just about the only thing she seemingly got right started to fall into place her senior year of college.  Bowden Seinfeld, Bowie, was everything she wanted in a partner.  He praised her writing, encouraged her to pursue it, and proofread her essays.  He met her family and assimilated seamlessly, a feat even she hadn’t managed.  It was love, or so she thought.  She felt so strongly about it she isolated herself from her friends as she prepared to graduate and get married, in spite of their warnings about him.  It didn’t formally fall apart as much as Hilarie blew it up, though, once she found out her brother had machinated the whole thing on behalf of his buddy who had some political ambitions of his own.  Andrew had mistakenly believed Hilarie could be manipulated into being a politician’s wife only, never mind what she wanted for her life.  He’d had the full support of their parents, too, which only made it worse.  Hilarie made sure Mr. ‘Not those Seinfelds’ slunk home to Rochester in disgrace and financial ruin.  It wasn’t enough, though.  She yearned for the opportunity to bury her brother alive, with an added bonus if she could destroy both their parents, too.  She’d officially had more than enough.      
Her chance came when Bracken was running for mayor.  His lifelong best friend, Devlin Campbell, who was just as big of an asshole in Hilarie’s opinion, was running for Manhattan’s District Attorney seat.  It so happened a gripping and bizarre murder case had the attention of the New York elite because Devlin’s daughter, Elise, was the victim.  Her husband, a crime fiction writer Hilarie had met a few times at various functions, but found largely unmemorable, sat on defense, accused of the crime. Through a series of events she would never fully outline to any one person, Hilarie stumbled onto an awkward truth: the brother she resented had been engaged in an extramarital affair with Elise Campbell Hazelwood.  The proof she found was circumstantial, but extremely convincing of Andrew’s guilt.  Like something out of a crime novel written by the accused, she became the confidential informant who cleared T.L. Woods.  Once the dust had settled, it was a terrible look for the patriarchs of both families based on the different ways they’d used the crime to play on public sympathy and boost their own odds of winning the elections.  Hilarie could never say and didn’t really care what happened to the Campbells, but the reveal was everything she wanted for her own family.
Without political maneuvering to hold them together, the Smarts fell apart.  Andrew went to prison and, by the end of the trial, everyone had scattered.  No one knows where Bracken is.  Meredith went to live out her days somewhere in Italy.  Hilarie, for her part, retreated into a furious period of creativity, traveling around the world and gathering stories to curate for films.
Imagine her surprise when she stumbled on Talos Hazelwood living in Vancouver.  It may not be the most obvious place to settle, but she has a legitimate opportunity to direct a film she wrote, plus time and money to spare.  She’s in no rush.  And she’s pretty sure adapting his story for the silver screen, the success it's bound to bring, will be her coup de grâce at the family that never thought she could do anything for herself.  Doesn’t really matter if they aren’t around to see it; she’ll find a way to get the news to them.
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screaminoutfits · 4 years
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(s t y l e  and o u t f i t s )..
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fashiongagaohlala · 7 years
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beauty-by-tyy · 4 years
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Mango Women's Chunky Knit Cardigan - Light Beige
A chunky knit cardigan that has been crafted with a wool and alpaca mix by Mango. This thick knit cardigan sports a wide, medium design along with dropped shoulder seams and long sleeves for your comfort.
I’m Tyy
Macy’s Style Crew Ambassador
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