#no I'm not saying violence its symbolism
thepowerisyouth · 7 months
The news is grossly misinforming the public about an inherently flawed financial system.
We need to step back from any very very specific type of analysis and think of this as a centuries old problem
Wealth disparity
The "rentiers" (landlords, anyone who makes money lending out their assets and taking a fee for that lending) is inherently a supplier to the economy
Any person who is being forced to rent out assets from a rich rentier is, by nature, their demander
Demand sets the price first, so long as suppliers are slow to wake up to the reality of lack of demand in their world
Its the most basic economics in the world: wealth disparity must end unless they just kill us all and shoot off to space
When the PRICE to rent someones assets (no, not just the interest rates, but also renting a house or renting an underpaying job with the future promise of a better paying life) is too high that demand is faltering, and people are maxing out credit cards to afford bills-- we know it will all end soon.
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butchladymaria · 1 year
Immortality, Motherhood, and Pain: A Closer Look at Annalise and the Doll
Finally revisiting this from ages ago, because the parallels between these two are just SO fascinating. Content warnings for discussions of misogyny, genocide, abuse, and pregnancy/childbirth.
This analysis will cover the parallels between Miss Doll and Queen Annalise through the lenses of the misery of immortality, the trauma of marginalization, and the liberation they find in motherhood. Both the Doll and Annalise are undying, both coded as mother figures, both marked by death, and both very, very alone.
Miss doll and Annalise are the only characters in the whole game who are undying. You can kill them, but not meaningfully - not in any way that matters - and they seem to know it. Neither will try to stop you, nor will they fight back, should you choose to attack them. They will come back, and your violent betrayal will have seemingly meant nothing to them. They both are very aware they will outlast whatever violence you may inflict upon them. It's evidenced in their dialogue:
If you attack, Annalise says:
“Enough. If only Our life was so easily forfeit… Grieve not, for Us.” “How sad this is. If only Our life was so easily forfeit…”
If you attack Miss Doll, she used to say:
“I must have displeased you. Go on, shut me down… Even so, this vessel will remain in your service… So have no fear."
I think this point of comparison highlights just how deeply they've both been desensitized to violence and abuse. They do not beg for mercy, they do not put up a struggle - they only remark on it with distant chagrin. They both seem keenly aware that their flesh need not be in one piece to fulfill its purpose.
But where Miss Doll was made to embody the Victorian patriarchal ideal of womanhood, Annalise wields womanhood as her last weapon against the dehumanization of the church’s genocide through her queendom. Upon being resurrected the next time you return to the dream, Miss Doll will act as though nothing had happened at all. However, if you bring her flesh to the Altar of Despair, Annalise will call you an arrant fool, and remind you that “Vileblood or no, forget not; We are thy Queen”. Miss Doll kneels to serve the hunter, while the hunter must kneel to serve Annalise. Miss Doll has been conditioned to passively accept dehumanization and submission, yet Annalise demands respect through your submission even in her dehumanized state. Miss Doll is subjugated by the trappings of womanhood, while Annalise is lifted from subjugation by her womanhood, in some ways.
I find this fascinating, however, because while Miss Doll appears in every way as a pure, demure Victorian woman was meant to, they are also dehumanized through the denial of gender. To Gerhman, their creator, they are nothing more than another tool of the workshop. An object. Even the Doll themself uses neutral "I" pronouns to refer to themself in the original translation. I think it is pertinent to note that the only canonical reference to Miss Doll as a "woman" comes from Eileen. In the original Japanese text, she refers to the Doll with a term of endearment reserved for young girls. Miss Doll's appearance is the historical ideal of the subjugated woman - yet when Eileen confers upon her the status of "woman", she does so in an endearing and humanizing way. Therefore, for both Miss Doll and Queen Annalise, the status of womanhood is a rebuttal of their own dehumanizing subjugation: Annalise as "queen", and Miss Doll as "daughter".
Both characters are arguably seeking/find liberation through motherhood. Miss Doll gets "Childhood's Beginning": their creator and animator have both been put down, the hunt is finally over and they are no longer bound to serve its participants, nor must they watch their beheadings. They cradle the newly ascended hunter. It is a highly atypical “motherhood”. It exists in the performance of the role rather than the biology of childbirth. In the same way, the Doll possesses a highly atypical “womanhood” which exists in performance alone, rather than in biology or even identity — but nonetheless, it is real, and it is hers. I, perhaps too optimistically, choose read it as humanizing for them; because unlike their “womanhood”, Miss Doll is allowed to choose this for themself rather than having it imposed upon them.
In the same vein, Annalise seeks to birth a child of blood for a similar but perhaps more somber reason. She wants a child because she wants an heir — which is to say, because it is the only way she may once again have kin. Because it is the only way she may fulfill her duty as Queen. She witnessed everyone she ever knew or loved — surely her own family included — slaughtered before her eyes. Annalise seems to seek motherhood in order to be a homemaker - in the most literal sense possible. She wants to rebuild the community, the home, which was so brutally torn away from her. She wishes to restore honor to Cainhurst. For Annalise, having a child is an open act of rebellion against the genocidal eugenics-frenzied bloodthirst of the Church. I can't help but wonder if part of the reason Alfred is so hellbet on destroying her, why the Executioners imprisoned her the way they did, was to strip her of bodily autonomy so she couldn’t “reproduce”. Her desire for a child is her way of seeking liberation for her and her people.
In this sense, taking up the role of a mother, of "women's work", is what confers the agency upon both Annalise and Miss Doll which had been otherwise stripped from them. Annalise's by the genocidal eugenics of the Church, and Miss Doll by the pact of servitude she was seemingly born into.
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barrenclan · 10 months
sorry if this is spoilers bc we might learn more later. I'm super confused with Rainhaze's thought process. When he was saying its pointless. like. I get not wanting to go back bc he killed his mom. but what did that have to do with Asphodelpaw? Couldnt he just walk away? Did he see her and decide he wanted to be part of Defiance? And this was the tipping point to prove it? I'm super confused. Was it because if she left she'd tell someone? I assume we'll get a better explanation later?
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Absolutely! I've actually been waiting for a chance to really dig into this. Like Rainhaze himself, his issue is written with a lot of confusion and uncertainty, and it's not very straight-forwardly, so I understand why his motivations are easy to miss. So here it is!
Firstly; Rainhaze as he existed in BarrenClan and Rainhaze as he is now are two very, very different beasts. Obviously he's still the same person, but he's gone through a mountain of trauma, violence, and was forced to confront the fact that if pressed, he would kill a family member - even his own mother. Sure, in the moment he was threatened into doing it, but it opens the possibility that he'd even do that. Maybe he would've done anything to protect his family then, but it's been a long time.
Then, over many months, he's subjected to propaganda, murder, and terrible treatment. His mental state from where he was when he killed Dustfeather is massively changed. He's depressed, listless, and much more willing to kill. Not only that, but Defiance propaganda has worked on him.
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(Issue 24)
With so much constant killing in his life, and being constantly vulnerable, he begins to see death as a good thing. Something that ends suffering, something that doesn't really matter in the end.
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(Issue 28)
So now we're at Issue 31. Rainhaze is in a "doldrum", like Ranger says (a period of inactivity or lethargy). He's so torn between his new life and new beliefs, and his old regrets and old connections to BarrenClan, that he's basically attempting to end his own life through inactivity. Ranger doesn't want this. Here's his plan:
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Ranger knows that BarrenClan lives opposite the forest, across the prairie. He specifically orders Rainhaze to "kill something", planting that idea in his mind. He's hoping that Rainhaze will find one of his Clan members, and make the decision to kill one of them. This would push Rainhaze over into whatever full breakdown Ranger wants, and solidify his ties to Defiance. And that is what happens. So why did Rainhaze make that decision?
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We already have the basis of an incredibly traumatized Rainhaze. He views himself as he is now, and who he used to be, as different people. And he belives that's completely beyond redemption.
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Yes, all those months ago he promised he was suffering in Defiance for his family and Clan, but it's really hard to hold onto those noble morals when you're being put through hell every day. Rainhaze hasn't even seen his family in months. They don't seem real to him anymore.
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Then he is finally confronted by Asphodelpaw, the symbol of everything he's put himself through torture to protect, and all he wants to do is go back to Defiance. And here we go, getting to these lines;
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Rainhaze is a coward.
He's separated from Deepdark and Ranger, by at least several days. He could absolutely come home with Asphodelpaw and warn all of BarrenClan - they could evacuate in time, be far away by the time Defiance arrives on their territory. But then he'd have to face his family, face his sister whose mother he violently murdered. Have to stand there and have them look at him and know him and see the scars on his body.
When he says, "this is vile, pointless, irredeemable, monstrous", he understands that killing Asphodelpaw is a disgustingly cruel action. He knows that. He understands that he's choosing Defiance over her, and over them. But that's the choice he feels he needs to make to protect himself. He's not thinking about his family any more.
So he does something so completely vicious and irredeemable that he is forced to choose Defiance. Because there's no way that any BarrenClan cat would forgive him for this. There's no way he would forgive himself for this.
And thus, Rainhaze figures himself out, and burns every other bridge entirely. He makes his choice.
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burr-ell · 7 months
A Not-Necessarily-Exhaustive List of Good Moments from C1 1-27:
"I have an intelligence of 6, I know what I'm doing"
"We're here to right wrongs, and right lefts—" "And write comment cards"
Tiberius Kraghammer
"We'll explain later. You're on the roof of Osama bin Laden's house"
"We'll be taking your weapons, your armor, and I believe your pride"
Percy making the first trick arrows for Vex after a shopkeep was a dick to her about arrows, which is canonically when she began to fall for him
Keyleth killing that one duergar from the TLOVM flashback
"I encourage violence"
Lady Kima being freed and then pulverizing the corpse of the duergar who'd been torturing her
Matt's fucked up body horror monsters
Scanlan taking a dump on a bed for the first time
Pike's crisis of faith when she slits a duergar's throat with her mace and her holy symbol breaks
When the limited T-shirt run went live and then sold out before Marisha could finish reading the announcement
Vax getting his foot burned off in lava
Scanlan the Kingslayer
"Can I use my Luck feat for this?" "You don't have any feet left"
Kima and Keyleth's argument (it was good, haters eat my shorts)
The origin of The Cube
"I'm Vax that's Vex ->" "I'm Vex that's Vax <-"
"Screw you, I want my final words with you to be indignant and irritated!"
"He has three-quarters cover" "I ignore three-quarters cover :)" "...then fuckin' fire!"
"Some people have no sense of fucking honor!"
Travis's notes that just say "I don't trust Clarota I don't trust Clarota I don't trust Clarota"
Percy reacting to the Briarwoods being namedropped during a council meeting
Meeting Gilmore on-stream for the first time
The Belt of Dwarvenkind and Grog's obsessive attempts to grow a beard
Scanlan's blue-shit-scrying potion
Grog "Philip" Strongjaw vs Kern
Vax giving Minxie!Keyleth a belly rub
The hydra fight and the beef with the Slayer's Take
Episodes 18 and 19, in their entirety, but specifically:
Zahra and Vex's initial rivalry-turned-friendship-turned-"I have a crush on Zahra"
Lyra. She's just. so much. idk of what but she is it
"I'm wearing the pajamas with the buttflap and the buttflap is down. The buttflap is DOWN"
Scanlan introducing himself to Rimefang as Burt Reynolds and then Matt, in his scary dragon voice, calling him "Burt"
"I'm sorry, I'm a genius, I'm sorry! Oh, god I'm clever!"
Zahra killing Rimefang
Percy and Vex working together on a history check (it's important To Me)
Wil Wheaton rolling five Nat 1s. In one session
Keyleth and Vax posing as a married couple to get information
Kash insight-checking Thorbir, believing he has to be actively sabotaging them because no one could possibly be that bad at their job (he's not, he really is just that unlucky)
Wil, playing a dwarven fighter, finally rolling a nat 20...for an insight check
The magic carpet losing its enchantment in a pit of acid and Laura's scream of horror from offscreen
"Rakshasaaaaaaa!" -jazz hands-
Kashaw and Keyleth, which was thankfully reworked in TLOVM but was also hilarious
Vex exasperatedly kissing Grog, portrayed by Laura kissing a bewildered Travis
Tyriok the cartographer
Grog, the Vasselheim merchant, and the first and only time Vex started beef with a retailer
Keyleth recounting a vision she had of her own death
The Aramente trial in Pyrah and a cameo from Thordak
Travis getting a medal from a fan for losing to Kern and Matt making it canon
Grog fighting Kern again and winning
Keyleth getting arrested. For the second time in Vasselheim alone
The first appearance of the man. The myth. The Viktor
Kynan's first appearance and Vax's idea of "tough love"
Percy telling his backstory to the party and them immediately affirming their support for him ("You don't have to get involved in this" "Oh, we are SO involved" "You said you wanted 'em dead!") and Taliesin himself being moved to tears over this
Percy creating Diplomacy
Vax and Keyleth bear-sitting Trinket and braiding pink ribbons into his fur
Gilmore finding out Vax wants to see him and teleporting in from half a continent away
Vax shaving half of Grog's beard and Travis breaking a mechanical pencil with one hand
The feast, where Percy actually threatens the Briarwoods to their faces while disguised as Vax
Vax and the Briarwoods. "Gosh you guys are good-looking"
Vax nearly dying and having a vision of the two people he cares about most: Vex and Keyleth
Sylas jumping out the window and doing a perfect 3-point landing...while Delilah blows the athletics check and faceplants in the dirt
Vex scoring two crits on Delilah
Tiberius getting Feebleminded
Percy's attack on Desmond. My horrid little skrunkly <3
"YOUR SOUL IS FORFEIT! DIE! DIE!" and Keyleth skipping her turn to just stare at Percy
Vox Moochina
Keyleth taking charge to save the ember roc
Keyleth conjuring a water elemental and Taliesin gargling water to translate her commands to it
And finally, the conversation between Keyleth and Percy where he privately confesses his own worries that he's going dark and that he's afraid of himself, and she expresses her concern for him and promises to be there for him
anyway c1 good
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kirbyluvr63 · 7 months
Some Thoughts™
About art, desire and John Lennon
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If you're active on the Twitter side of The Beatles fandom you'd know that just yesterday a collage John made for Paul titled "I Only Have Eyes For You" made the rounds and scared people whom, I guess, don't think about visual arts very often. Unfortunately I don't use the word "scared" lightly. People really used the words "disturbing" and "concerning" to describe this piece, with a hint of a "What was Lennon thinking about our poor Paul to make this with him in mind" sentiment that I don't think it's quite fair.
I tried to search more about this collage´s context, but all I could find (without having to buy Julian Lennon's book in which the image was featured) was that it was made in the 50s, while John was still at art college, but to be quite frank, I don't think the exact date matters too much.
What I see in this image first and foremost is desire, plain and simple. Red is a sexual colour, we have naked women sprawled, the head with its mouth open in a orgasm-like fashion, the eyes symbolizing voyeurism. If anything, as a friend of mine also pointed out while we discussed it, this collage is proof of the way John and Paul were so close they were even free to be honest about their sexual desires to one another. Even if the collage was made for another purpose and gifted to Paul later, this sentiment still stands, because Paul was the person he thought would receive this part of himself with open arms.
Is the collage "disturbing"? I guess, in a way. The same way I think growing up in the 40s and 50s in a hyper-convervative protestant society like England and discovering yourself would be disturbing. Even more if you're not entirely straight as an arrow. But I don't think John's talking about this here. This is about his feelings for the opposite sex, and they weren't always nice. Red is also the colour of blood and guts, John was also known for having violent outbursts. Would it not disturb you that the object of your desire also brings up in you violence? I don't think we'll ever know why he felt that way, but here we see that he's aware of it. At least I think so.
I saw another analysis of this collage that somewhat agreed with me, but presented this argument as if this was a bad thing? I don't know exactly what made me think this way, maybe the verbiage, but I'll never think a person exploring the nature of their desire, be it disturbing or not, is wrong. Of course domestic violence is bad and I'm in no way excusing it, but if you're willing to engage with The Beatles, you have to bear in mind they were shitty to the women in their lives in varying degrees much like every man ever in general, and specially at that time.
As a self proclaimed John Lennon Scholar i.e. I Wanna Crack Open His Skull And Look At His Brain With A Microscope, I'm happy this exists, and I think I need a little more time with it myself.
All of this to say: I like it, I think John Lennon was a good visual artist and stop being weird about art.
To lighten up the mood, look at the gay as hell collage John made for Elton in 1975! This one deserved its own post with a lot of tin hatting on my part, but whatever! I love them so much (and yes, I WILL find a way to mention their friendship in every post I make, shut up. One day the Lennon/John masterpost will come).
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the-matron-of-ravens · 2 months
Aeorians and The Gods are Mirrors of Each other
I've seen a lot of discussion about how contrasting and diametrically opposed the mortals and gods are. And (particularly on CR Twitter) that this is a tragedy of oppressive gods striking down mortals who dared to resist.
Well, I don't think that's entirely accurate. Rather than being opposites of each other I think that the Aeorians in power and the Gods are acting more like mirrors for each other. Reflecting the failings and flaws of the other.
Let's take a look at some of the criticisms that the gods have received from both Aeorians and fandom under the Read More (cause long):
the Gods have hoarded power and abilities and resources from mortals to increase their own power
the Gods have used disproportionate violence against and ignored the plight of mortals because they could/because they hated them
the Gods have taken domain of lands/worlds that aren't theirs and done with them as they want - even at the expense of mortals
When it became convenient/dangerous/tough the Gods caused this chaos and abandoned mortals to their fate or worse are actively trying to destroy the mortals
The gods don't care for mortals - at worst mortals are bugs to squash - at best they view mortals as "prized pets" and things to be controlled
Ultimately, having these entities with this much power and resources is fundamentally not just dangerous but an existential threat
There are others but those seem to be the main critiques that I've observed.
Well, now let's take a look at Aeor and Aeorian society that we've learned over the course of Downfall p.1 and p.2
When in Hawk's Hill, the most important goal of Aeorians was taking tribute via food, rare resources, and materials, etc. for their secret project. All the while people starving for food watched on as riches passed them by, and Ayden daring to help them was seen as a huge risk.
Aeorians - during the time of the Age of Arcanum - took a chunk of the earth, raised it (crucially) above the rest of the world because they could and because it signalled their power and superiority over everyone else.
Then during the time of the Calamity, Aeor - as the "last bastion of civilization/mortals" has shuttered their doors. As we saw with Hawk's Hill after the resources were taken on board, those that could *work and serve* were prioritized first. And those that were sick or religious? Left for dead and discarded. (Edit: this is to say nothing about the way Aeorians have tried to eradicate all traces of the natural world and its animals from aeor)
Aeorians have developed the ability to create an entirely new species of people with souls - Aeormatons, they have developed the power of creation. They have also developed a weapon so powerful it can kill gods multiple times over. And the decision of who to target or when is completely in the hands of those in power.
Aeorians have been seen subjugating fiends, devils, demons, constructs, elementals - all symbols of divine power. Humiliating them and displaying their superiority by treating them as pets.
Are you picking up what I'm putting down?
Both the Gods and Mortals are guilty of all of these things. Some more than others.
Civilian Aeorians had no control over the high ranking Aeorians building a weapon or subjugating other species. Just as the Prime Deities were helpless to stop the Betrayer Gods from manipulating mortals into starting the Calamity. Just as they were helpless to do anything other than take up arms to try and prevent a genocide of their children by their siblings.
The power differential there is massive - but the result is the same. Both are groups of people being collectively punished for the crimes of a part of them.
The problem is we've moved passed Mutually Assured Destruction - where theoretically there could be a stalemate because both sides know the other could take them out. We've moved into a situation where both Aeorians and the Gods feel that if they don't shoot first, it is them who will be dead.
Once both sides have determined that to give in/not shoot would mean their destruction? We're headed for a unavoidable trainwreck.
My final takeaway here is that I think Matt has very very intentionally made it so both the Gods and the Mortals are reflections of each other. There is no unequivocal bad guy in power here and there is no unequivocal good guy in power.
The only end result here whether the weapon is completed or the gods strike Aeor down is a tragedy where innocents die because of those in power.
The only end result here is a world in which those in power cause more destruction and death than they ever thought themselves capable of because they felt forced into it or were blinded by their hate. Where even those who thought themselves "good" and "fair" and "helping" look at themselves and the result of their actions and see waste and destruction.
But I do have a question...after the Calamity and seeing what it wrought - the Prime Deities made the decision to not just banish their traitorous siblings away but themselves as well. To limit their own power - and by extension their ability to harm.
Would the Archmages of Aeor have done the same?
I'm not convinced to be honest.
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starlithumanity · 10 months
I don't even know what you can say to the people who somehow missed that all of Ed's violence is a) anti-imperial, b) protective against direct repeated threats to himself and his loved ones, or c) self-destructive in the hopes someone will respond by killing him during his suicidal spiral. (That last example is fairly indirect and performative and comes from a place of severe nihilistic suffering.)
I don't know what you can say to the people who somehow missed that the violence is triggering and traumatic and exhausting for Ed, and that he is desperate for a chance to live differently but has also never known any other life. Stede gave him the one true glimpse he's had of something gentler! Ed didn't fully know how fucked up his life was before because that was normal to him. That's what growing up traumatized does to you.
I don't know what you can say to the people who somehow missed that the suicidal spiral is a result of Ed's circumstances: of Ed being threatened by Izzy after Izzy repeatedly found ways to force Ed back towards the violent life Ed wants so much to escape, of Ed losing his one glimpse at safety and happiness through Stede and now having to face the darkness knowing he nearly found something different, of Ed feeling like the only way he can survive in this world is by being an "unlovable" monster he hates--and then he's confronted by Izzy telling him he's still not getting it right. Of course Ed gives up then.
I don't know what you can say to the people who somehow missed the show's themes about how much harm is caused by toxic masculinity and by masking your true self and by cultures founded on trauma and self-hate and burnout. (You do see the burnout in Ed, yeah?)
I do get why some people might not understand the complexities of Ed's relationship with Izzy--how codependent and enmeshed their identities are--or the layers of symbolism that position Izzy in the story as a metaphor for traditional pirate culture and its harmful impact. (Which is particularly triggering for Ed on a daddy issues level because that's his original trauma.) If you understand those things, the unique nature of the physical harm Ed does to Izzy in this story makes even more sense.
Ed also frequently communicates through metaphor himself. Him cutting off Izzy's toes is not only a show trying to convince Izzy he's playing Blackbeard right and not only a response to Izzy repeatedly threatening Stede/continuing to threaten Ed, but also is meant to physically represent the harm that Izzy has done emotionally to Ed. Ed is communicating to Izzy the only way he knows how anymore: "See how it feels to be forced to lose parts of yourself? Stede was a part of me. My hopes of softness and joy were a part of me. You cut those off too."
There is so much evidence against the thought that Ed is some irredemable, monstrous lover of violence who will hurt Stede someday. Stede would have to repeatedly and directly threaten someone else Ed loves first (which Stede won't do), and even then, Ed would really have to fight with himself.
It's not his nature, y'all, and I'm so frustrated that some people keep insisting it is. I'm frustrated about what that says about people's ability to empathize and consider reasons for or contexts behind behaviors--particularly when the character in question is an openly queer and likely neurodivergent indigenous man. Is it so hard to have compassion and forgiveness for him? Please don't get stuck in that punitive, dehumanizing mindset.
Redemption is so important, which is why I appreciate that Izzy gets a growth arc once he stops centering his entire identity on the Blackbeard persona and clinging to toxic masculinity. (Seeing Stede's impact, how different things could be, vs. the harm caused by the traditional ways, changes Izzy too!) Izzy's time, as a side character and mentor figure and piracy metaphor, does end, but first he gets to live with more meaning and unlearn many of the negative behaviors. That's the goal, right? To move forward.
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peachymilkandcream · 8 months
Fraud | Part 1 | Yandere All Might x Hero!Reader
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(A/N: So I decided to start this instead of the Reiner one (which I have some drafts off for the future don't worry. But I'm currently rewatching the show right now so I'm just particularly more inspired by this one. So if/when I do the AOT one I'm not sure. Most likely not for a while unless I feel super inspired by it. And if so I'll probably write it all out and then post it on an additional day once a week. Since I usually post Break Me Slowly on Monday and now this on Tuesday, if I decide to do it I most post it on a Wednesday basis. I'm not sure. Also this won't follow canonical story line! For a little background, reader's hero name is Shade, and their quirk is that they can create shadow copies of their enemies. But thank you for reading and comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: implied noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, etc.
The world's symbol of peace and justice, a hero for all. Great and mighty. People all across the world knew him, he was the ultimate authority on this planet. Respected and revered.
All Might. The Symbol of Peace.
As a pro, Shade of course respected him above all other heroes, he was the ultimate role model that everyone should look up to and adore. Admittedly that had to do with her desire to become just like him since she was a bit of a fangirl. But regardless, there was nothing so bad about wanting to follow his ideals, was there?
She was determined to meet him one day and make an impression. Hopefully, he would see her talent and invite her to be one of his sidekicks. It wouldn't be totally uncommon, Sir Nighteye was already his right hand man, surely a hero as busy as him could use some more help to keep Japan in its state of reigning peace.
Ever since she was little she dreamed of becoming a pro just like him, she enjoyed watching his battles and keeping up with the news of his latest feats to inspire herself even on her daily commute, who wouldn't want a chance to impress their idol by embodying the same ideals he has?
Besides, her success as a pro was...lacking, to say the least. Her quirk was impressive enough, creating shadows of her enemies and even comrades to fight with her in battle. However the problem lied with the fact that some people believed her quirk seemed rather villainous from outward perspective, apart from some of the teens who enjoyed more intense heroes she had a small fanbase. Most of the ones who did follow her stopped after they discovered her personality didn't match her hero persona at all.
A boost from All Might's agency would really help her brand.
Eventually she could go out more on her own and maybe in form a team with her new found friend and mentor.
"Wake up Shade! Unless you want to be sprayed with acid in the face!?"
On the scene of the crime several pros faced off against a dastardly villain, his quirk was to spew acid from his mouth, and the power of it was disintegrating her shadows. It always seemed like the moment she had a chance to make a name for herself it was against a villain who completely outmatched her quirk type.
"I'm awake, okay? I've got it."
Nothing was able to touch this villain, all hope seemed to be lost until the laugh she had gotten so familiar with filled the air.
"Fear not citizens, hope has arrived!"
An expression of wonder and awe comes across her face when the gust of wind followed by the monstrous form of the Number One Hero steps into the scene.
"Because I am here."
One punch is all it ever took for the criminals to surrender and admit defeat, but this was the first time she had seen him in a professional setting, he was even more amazing then she ever could have believed!
Now was her chance to become a hero just like him.
"Well done fellow pros, that evil-doer was certainly a heavy hitter, but all of your valiant efforts to keep the peace are much appreciated." His smile never wavered.
"You were amazing All Might, I think I can speak for all of us when we say thank you for saving our butts back there. None of our quirks were really suited for it." Shade's giddy expression never left, truly in awe of the man before her.
"Anytime, but I don't think I've seen you before, still a newbie I take it."
She blushes ever so slightly. "Yes sir, I'm just starting out, my hero name is Shade, it's super nice to meet you-"
"The pleasure is all mine ma'am," His stare was piercing, as if deciding if she really was a hero. "now I must be off, a hero's always got somewhere to be!"
With that he flew off, leaving her behind even more inspired than before.
"He's the most amazing hero in the universe, one day I'll be just like him-"
All Might returned to Nighteye religiously pouring over his computer screen, only around his sidekick could the hero's mask fall slightly. His smile disappearing.
"Excellent work on that takedown, your approval rating keeps going up."
"I want you to do something for me. There's a new hero in town, goes by Shade. A newcomer. Find out everything you can about her."
"Why? Another one of your little projects?"
"You could say that."
"All Might this is twice this year now."
"Does that matter? It's not my fault the last ones couldn't handle me."
He rolls his eyes. "I'll find what I can. But go easy this time, alright? I barely was able to cover it up last time."
"Agreed. I'll be more careful."
He shut the door behind him to his personal quarters, staring down at the city below. Being the strongest in the world came with a deep sense of dissatisfaction, he was untouchable, unbreakable.
He needed something to break.
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sherwood-scribblings · 4 months
Sunrise on the Reaping theories + thoughts so far (pt 1)
here's a collection of the most likely and most interesting head-canons and stuff I've seen, both fandom-made and my own
• Tigress pov, as an audience member, maybe she's Haymitch's designer
• we got a tribute pov, a mentor pov, now we could get an audience pov because of the themes of propaganda she emphasizes... we could also get multi pov if she wants to do smth crazy and appease all fans
• Unreliable narrator, perhaps screwing with the reader's head on what actually happened in the games, capitol editing footage out
• Perhaps Tigress observes the games and originally starts off oblivious to the truth but the more she watches and helps Haymitch the more she begins to see the truth, and so the capitol punishes both her and Haymitch for it
• Lucy Gray is midnight, Haymitch/Maysilee is sunrise, Katniss/Peeta is sunset (symbolic of the progression of the games. Lucy Gray wiped out and forgotten, Haymitch the escaped glimmering sliver of change, Katniss the blazing fire and finale)
• Maysilee wore the mockingjay pin in the arena but the capitol edited it out of all the footage
• Themes of light vs dark, truth vs lies, the audience starts out unaware and conflicted but comes to see how things really are
• Katniss parents could appear??? Maybe we'll see Mr. and Mrs. Everdeen fall in love??
• (canon) The arena is an illusion. Flowers, water, fruit, mountains, animals. It's beautiful, heavenly, too good to be true, it doesn't seem real... well, it's not real. Everything seems normal and like you know what it is, but the Entire Setting is actually poisonous and deadly. JUST like the theme of propaganda and lies, she says the book is about. The arena itself is a meta layer to things not being as they appear.
• the cover will have a mockingjay and a sunrise or sun-flare, gold against purple
• the "sunrise" in the title is symbolism, for a person and a theme, likely symbolic of Maysilee Donner because of her kindness and humanity and spirit casting light in the face of violence and war (the reaping). A light the capitol would've snuffed out, to hide the truth. (I have a whole essay on this + maysilee's importance pls check my feed)
• Maysilee is the real mockingjay, and very important, not just a random dead background character who passed down the pin to Katniss. We know how Collins' brain works. Look at TBOSAS. Look at how she foreshadowed Lucy Gray as early as the first book. 
• the mockingjay isn't just one person, but a symbol of resistance and goodness and freedom, that anyone can take on as a mantle, an idea rather than tied to one thing or person. Lucy Gray, Rue, Katniss, and likely Maysilee.
• a rebellion almost happened with the mockingjay pin and Maysilee and Haymitch and perhaps Tigress seeing the truth last minute, but the capitol snuffed it out and destroyed all the evidence of such a thing ever happening, including Haymitch's family and punishing Tigress, leading Panem and the readers themselves in the dark and at peace. Maysilee is the warm sun to bring the spark of a fire, her pin symbolically passes onto Katniss through her niece, thus passing on the resistance and legacy. ....symbolic of how the mockingjay had the will to survive, even when it was destroyed and wiped out.... It escaped and became stronger in the face of its enemies....
• ...for all we know, Katniss' dad didn't die in a coal mining accident, but perhaps was a rebel himself and the capitol planted explosions in the mines to get rid of him. we can't just blindly trust the narrative.
• If Haysilee is a parallel to Everlark, what if Haymitch's girlfriend is a Gale figure? This isn't just because I'm a haysilee shipper I'm built to be a multishipper I'm FIGHTING not to be biased I'm openminded, but i feel the haysilee content in my bones and it's definitely a possibility
• the capitol (and Snow) believes that humanity is vile, that humans will always give into instinct and fend for themselves, that you can't trust or love or anyone lest it lead to your downfall. So... If Ballad was about humanity's corruption, perhaps Reaping is about humanity's goodness (the bond between Haymitch and Maysilee, Tigress seeing the truth despite being a capitol/audience member, perhaps the Capitol cut the footage of that bond to prevent a rebellion like Everlark's relationship later induces) 
• Most people are saying this book will be super depressing and focused on the capitol's propaganda succeeding to stop a rebellion, and I do agree, but, that doesn't cancel out highlighting themes of goodness and friendship but rather enhances them. Perhaps that very thing is what we're missing from the footage, what the capitol succeeded in covering up, raw humanity being the thing that defies their propaganda the most, and punished anyone who acted otherwise (Haymitch, Tigress...)
PART 2 IS COMING SOON to address the fandom discourse with my personal thoughts on whether this book will be about Haymitch and if we need more District 12.
and why Collins would logically choose to tell this story (regardless of pov because that could be anything at this point she'll upset someone either way)
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perpetuallyconfused10 · 11 months
could you maybe write something where hotch and the reader are the only two awake on the jet after a long case, neither of them plan on sleeping so they sit at the back away from everyone and reader is listening to music whilst hotch does paperwork but after a little while he asks what she’s listening to and they end up listening to music together? i really love your writing, the way you write for the reader is incredibly good.
I'm so sorry it's been so long! Full disclosure, this is very different than what you sent in (aka I wasn't feeling cool and mysterious enough to figure out the right music to use) so this is what we have - thank you so much for your request! I hope this did it some form of justice &lt;3 Content Warnings: Mild discussion of injury/Canon-typical violence (non-graphic), Reader is self-blaming, Written quickly and not proofread, Chess References, Aaron Hotchner quotes Kung Fu Panda WC: 1.2k
A Game of Trust
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Footsteps sound from down the aisle. You don’t look up until they’ve stopped, right next to you, and Hotch slides into the seat next to yours. Offering him a weak smile, you bow your head and return your attention to the newspaper in your hands. 
He doesn’t accept your ignorance as a valid form of dismissal. 
“Are you alright?” he says. His voice is low, likely so he won’t wake the team. Even so, there’s a wariness to his expression. He’s approaching you like he would a caged animal, poised to strike at any intrusion of its engineered peace. 
Maybe he isn’t wrong. You don’t feel quite as far away from snapping as you usually do. 
You nod. “I’m fine, Hotch. Just tired.”
When you bow your head again, the black-and-white symbols on the page blurring just a little, he gently takes the paper from your hands and sets it on the table in front of you both. Even if you were fine before, you aren’t now. 
“Hey–” you say, shifting in your seat to glare at him. He’s as composed as usual, his head tilted to one side as he stares you down. As much as you want to stay angry with him, the concern you think you spot in his eyes foils that plan for you. 
“I think everyone on this team, and probably off of it, knows that ‘I’m fine’ never means ‘I’m fine’,” he pauses. You watch his eyes flicker towards the newspaper on the table and the frown that tugs at his mouth when he spots the unfinished chess problem you’ve been pretending to work on. “Reid’s okay, you know. He is.” 
You follow his line of sight, stubborn enough to try to work on it from a distance. Three pawns, two kings, a rook and a bishop. That’s all there is to it. It’s simple enough, but without Reid’s murmured commentary in your ear, you can’t think your way through it. But Spencer isn’t here. He’s one week into a mandatory leave of six, so you’ll have to solve the problem yourself. 
And you try. If you move the rook to the seventh rank…but that doesn’t work, black’s bishop takes.
Hotch isn’t pleased. He flips the paper over so you’re forced to look up at him. You bought it from the small town the team just closed a case in, as your tradition demands, and you’ve forgotten to rip off the headline. It’s a blaring reminder of the violence you’ve seen over the past five days. 
You scoff. “He’s not alright. He took a bullet to the shoulder, Hotch–”
“–Instead of you,” he says, and doesn’t back down when your eyes narrow at him. “That’s the issue, isn’t it? That he went in first? That he got hurt, and not you?”
Your breath hitches, and the frown you’ve levelled at him softens ever so slightly. Patient as ever, Hotch watches you, scans your face whilst he waits for your answer. 
It pours out of you in a hapless string of words you’re surprised he can understand. “He shouldn’t have. We should never have split up. I should’ve called for backup–”
Hotch’s voice is soft, but firm. “There was no time for backup. You know that.”
You hate to admit it, but he’s right. It’s been nine days since Reid’s been stuck at home recovering. In those nine days, you’ve visited his apartment with home-cooked meals, watched God knows how many episodes of Doctor Who, and called him every evening you’ve been away on this case. In those nine days, you’ve reconstructed – down to the millisecond – the crack of the gunshot, then Reid’s collapse; the unsub’s, then the warmth of Spencer’s blood staining your hands as you pressed down on his wound.
Hotch is right. There’d been no time to wait for help once the two of you had realised the man you were set to interview was the unsub you’d been searching for, no time when you knew a young girl’s life was at risk. But that knowledge doesn’t make the whole affair sting any less.
“This job is all about calculation,” says Hotch. His eyes trace your face, refusing to let you sink into self-blaming territory. “It’s about decision-making when there’s no time for it. It’s about guessing at the odds and acting on that instinct. Reid knows that better than anyone. That’s why he’s still alive. It’s why you’re here, too, with this team.”
You make no response. Sighing, he takes the newspaper and sets it down between the two of you, then reaches for the pen you left on it. The unfinished puzzle stares at you from the back page. 
Though far from your usual self, you can’t resist teasing him just a little. “Thanks, Master Oogway.”
His returning expression is one reserved for the worst of the police chiefs you encounter as a unit, but you swear you see his shoulders sag as much as his rigid posture allows, and his eyes are soft. 
“You are too concerned with what was and what will be,” he quotes, deadpan. From the moment the words pass his lips, you know he regrets it. Then, raising an eyebrow, he hands you the pen and stares down at the page in your laps. 
Minutes pass without a word spoken by either of you. With a tentative smile threatening to form on your face, you look up at Hotch. “Do you even play chess?”
“Sometimes, with Jack,” he tells you. “Reid wasn’t Gideon’s only student. Someone had to be the guinea pig.”
“Guinea pig?”
Hotch hums. “He got bored, in the end.”
You laugh, and within another half hour, the two of you manage it. It’s far from the five or ten minutes Reid waits before explaining the solution to you, hands flailing as he does, but you’re almost glad for the change. That’s a tradition reserved for the two of you; one on hold, but not finished with. 
Rook to the sixth rank, black’s pawn takes. White’s pawn to b7, checkmate.
It’s really that simple. Embarrassingly so. When you finally figure it out, Hotch drags a hand down his face, huffs out a laugh. Something warm builds in your chest that you decide not to question.
You’re not exactly happy, not without your closest friend next to you and rattling off every aviation statistic he knows. But you are somewhat reassured, and you’ve a completed chess puzzle to take to his apartment and gloat over when you next see him.
There’s movement in the seat next to you, and you have to suppress a frown when Hotch gets up and walks back towards the front of the plane. It’s the most he’s moved in an hour. You see him grab a few files from the briefcase on the couch, and then he’s back in his prior position with a pen in hand and a concentrated frown set in place. 
You aren’t sure how much time passes, but it’s wordless and comfortable, spent on your end with your head resting against the jet’s window.
The periodic scribble of Hotch’s pen eventually pulls you towards sleep. Before you’re all the way there, you register the distant rustle of fabric. When you wake a few hours later, it’s with a jacket tucked around your shoulders, and your head nestled in the crook of your boss’ neck. 
sorry for disappearing for two months! if you sent something to my inbox and I haven't written it, I'm very sorry! It's definitely not a lack of interest on my part, but more time constraints and a limit on how often I end up writing - please feel free to send a request/thoughts my way - even if I can't get around to them, I love reading them :) if you want them written especially soon though, I might not be your best bet!!
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anshelsgendercrisis · 10 months
I appreciate learning from your blogs (both transmasc stuff and Jewish stuff), so if it's not overstepping, I am interested in your thoughts on something. Knowing that the terms Zionism and Zionist are being misused so frequently, I did some introductory reading from a few sources, one of which was the ADL. I've found their Hate Symbols Database helpful in the past, and I was looking into their anti-bias training resources since the school I work for has been failing (spectacularly) at such training. Reading their page on Zionism answered some basic questions, and their Myths and Facts about the ADL page also mentioned that "anti-Zionism equates to antisemitism".
Knowing that you (if I am remembering the specifics correctly, sorry if I'm misremembering) are an anarchist and against the existence of all states (including a Jewish one, thus you have explained you are neither Zionist nor anti-Zionist), I was wondering what your general thoughts are of the ADL's perspective on Zionism, and on the ADL as an organization. I hope this question doesn't come off negatively; I know I'm lacking a lot of knowledge, so I'm very grateful to be corrected on anything I said that's wrong/hurtful/ignorant/naive.
Once I get my recent medical stuff figured out, I look forward to signing up to your Patreon and giving more consistently than here-and-there Kofi donations :)
a little background on the adl: it was founded after the conviction and lynching of leo frank. its original purpose was to pressure media and businesses who engaged in antisemitic discrimination or defamation (hence the name). some of the things they engaged in early on were boycotts, demanding prior review of theater productions to screen for antisemitic content, and pressuring advertisers who relied on antisemitic stereotypes. this was in the time leading up to the holocaust, when violence and discrimination against jews was surging all over the world, so it makes a lot of sense why an organization like this was founded.
in terms of the modern organization, i have mixed feelings. i think their hate symbols database can be helpful, and i think some of the data collection is good as well, but there are a lot of stances they have and statements they've made that i really do not agree with, and some of which i think are harmful. that, for me, is why i don't generally use the adl as a primary or sole source for any news or info. i always double check multiple sources and try to use pages like myjewishlearning for educational things.
the adl is also very explicitly pro israel, as in supportive of the current state and government of israel, which is something i'm very much not. as you mentioned, i am an anarchist so i oppose the concept of states in general, including israel, and i'm also highly critical of the current israeli government.
their page on zionism is...accurate from their point of view, and from a lot of progressive zionists' points of view. but i think it paints a rosy picture of zionism that avoids any of the problematics or history of political zionism, which is just not helpful at this point. they're correct that for most people, zionism means advocating for jewish statehood in eretz yisrael, and that there has absolutely been a sort of "yearning for zion" in the diaspora for hundreds of years. and they are correct that there are many zionists who do not support the current israeli government or who advocate for a two state solution.
i also staunchly disagree that antizionism is in and of itself antisemitism. i think it is an ideology and movement that does very easily and too often fall into antisemitism, just because of the nature of how intertwined the conversation is with jewish identity and the jewish people, and we have seen many examples of this over the past month. however, because of the nebulous nature of the definition of zionism, the definition of antizionism is also going to be nebulous. if someone says "i'm a zionist", unless they elaborate i'm not going to know if i'm talking to someone who thinks that jewish people should be able to live peacefully in eretz yisrael alongside other indigenous people or to someone who wants a sovereign jewish state where jews are the ones in power. if someone says "i'm an antizionist", unless they elaborate i'm not going to know if i'm talking to someone who opposes the current state and government of israel and the occupation or someone who thinks (((zionists))) control the media and the banks and that jewish people as a collective are killing palestinian babies for fun. so for me, the terms "zionism" and "antizionism" are kind of useless unless the person i'm talking to further explains their stance, which means trying to label either zionism or antizionism as entirely inherently Bad is counterintuitive to any goal.
so to wrap this up, for me, an unwillingness to tackle the problematics is why i tend to clash with a lot of zionists and zionist institutions and organizations, and it's why i don't generally trust the adl on anything related to israel without other sources to verify.
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zepumpkineater · 6 months
I want to talk about my personal favorite fanon interpretation of Hank.
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It all begins with Hank driving through a ruined Nevada, not an uncommon scene at all in Madness Combat. This cartoon begins with the typical expectation, in classic Hank fashion he's on his way to cause untold violence unto those who wish him harm.
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And in no time flat, Hank does exactly that. One by one, the bodies of AAHW begin to rack up, incorrectly colored blood Engineers and all. All in all, it's a pretty good action scene. Not the smoothest animation the Madness animation scene has provided, but pretty impressive for 12 years ago.
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But here's where this cartoon changes pace, and begins to divert from your traditional Madness animation. We see Jeb and Sheriff, characters that we're used to seeing in an antagonistic role, promising a better Nevada with their brand new Factory. Kind of wild how this parallels Jeb's misguided attempts at saving Nevada in the main series, when this one aired in 2011, before we even had Nexus Classic to give us Jeb's backstory. It's clear this factory is doing Nevada no good, and the story changes from here.
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Here we see a looming, massive tower, not at all unfamiliar to the sight of the Nexus Tower looming in the distance, a symbol of Nevada's destruction. This tower is no different, Hank looks over it and his goals are immediately recontextualized. Hank's violence suddenly seems a lot less meaningless, less fueled by the pure desire to cause chaos and to kill. Instead, the goal is clear. Get to the top. Destroy the factory. Save Nevada.
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A familiar foe stands in his way. Is he up to his old tricks, to play with his old pal Hank, or is there something darker hiding beneath that metal mask? I always got the vibe that Tricky wasn't fighting for himself here, but rather because he had to.
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After a prolonged battle with the Clown, we are greeted with a most unique sight in a Madness cartoon. Blue skies, green grass, flowing water. Serene music as the birds fly through the air. Hank looks alien here, like he doesn't belong, a product of a ruined world in a small bastion of perfection.
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This is one of my favorite shots in the whole cartoon. Hank, this bloodthirsty killer we've come to know and love, doing something so very vulnerable and human. Reaching for the sun, basking in its warmth. Something he probably hasn't felt in a very long time. Something worth killing for, something worth dying for.
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And die he does. With the last of his conscious self, Hank fruitlessly reaches for a flower next to him as he dies. Hank doesn't look any less like a foreign invader here, an entity from a world that doesn't belong here, and I really appreciate that contrast. This small gesture of him reaching for the flower speaks volumes on the kind of Hank this is, one who has some love for the world he so effortlessly murders his way through. Someone who, somewhere deep inside, wants that killing to stop. One who wants to appreciate life, instead of living in death.
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Jeb doesn't look any less alien here, a savior twisted and corrupted by the doomed world he promised to save. Again I'm extremely impressed in how Pegosho managed to capture Jeb's moral ambiguity here, in spite of it being somewhat nonexistent in the cartoons at the time. I think it also says something that his halo appears to be more in line stylistically to the world around him, as he sticks out like a sore thumb.
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Jeb's last moments are spent looking in awe at the corpse of his fallen adversary, with his own factory's slogan taped onto the bomb that's about to spell his doom. Say what you want about Mr. Wimbleton, but you can't say he doesn't have a flair for irony. Maybe it's spite, one last spit in the face of Jebus, or maybe it's because he really does believe in that slogan. He wants the world to be alive, and maybe he has to die to accomplish that.
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My personal favorite shot in the entire cartoon. A massive tree, perfectly contrasting the intimidating tower producing a cloud of suffocating smog, now breathing life into this ruined world. Hank's sacrifice was not in vain, and though he didn't live to see it, he bought back a piece of life into the cruel and merciless Nevada. It's hopeful, it's beautiful, it's everything Madness normally isn't.
As we all know, Hank is acting very out of character in this cartoon outside of his murderous pursuits, but I enjoy and love it all the same. Again, this is a favorite fanon interpretation. This Hank has so many layers of depth to his morality, his goals, his violence, and he never speaks a single word in the entire cartoon. He simply acts. Through small gestures and actions we can glean his personality and how it contradicts his canon counterpart. It's really great.
I love this cartoon. It's called Madness: Ascend. Please consider watching it, in spite of its age, it's one of my favorites.
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b0xerdancer-writes · 5 months
The Rockrose and the Thistle
Tamlin x Reader
Summary: After Feyre had destroyed Tamlin's life he had just started to piece his life back together when he discovers his mate, sadly the mother has a sick sense of humor for Tamlin.
Prompt: Mates/Flower Language
Warnings: Angst, graphic violence, death, war, not a happy ending at all.
Word Count: 3,342
Notes: Short but its angst and I made myself cry thinking about this one so here we go!
Based off the song of the same name by The Amazing Devil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Rockrose, a low maintenance plant that is drought tolerant and can survive with minimal attention; they are seen as symbols of endurance, strength, and determination.
Thistle, a sharp flowering plant that is characterized by the prickles that cover its exterior, sometimes seen as terrible weeds but particularly amazing for pollinators; they are seen as symbols of protection, strength, devotion, bravery, determination, and victory.
Tamlin strolled through his garden, new additions had been added as he tried to rebuild the manor for her. His darling mate. A dull ache throbbed in his chest, there had been no good days since she had been injured in the war, before Hybern he had just begun to put himself back together after Feyre’s departure. 
He had met her, a lesser fae that was half forest nymph, in one of the villages close to Rosehall; he had rode out to see what damage had been done and what repairs needed to be made around his court, when he had seen her kneeling beside a crying child offering him a dandelion.
“Make a wish Percius, don’t say it out loud, hold it in your heart and wish upon the flower.”  She spoke softly.
The boy's sobs slowly turned to siffles as he nodded to what she said and blew the small white specks of dandelion to the wind.  She rubbed his back and helped him to his feet, the child thanked her before he ran off.
The white mare made a noise as he entered the village that drew the female’s attention, her eyes had struck his soul and he clutched at his chest; a golden thread attached the two and her own eyes widened. 
He jumped from his horse, the white mare following obediently behind him. “Its a pleasure to meet you my lady, I’m Tamlin. I come to your village to aide in any recovery efforts you may need. It would be a pleasure to have you escort me around so I may get to know my mate.” 
“A pleasure to meet you my lord. Your recovery efforts are not needed thankfully. We have a good relationship with the dryads and nymphs in this area, they helped us with rebuilding.”  She introduced herself with a pleasant smile. “However, if you still wish to get to know me, I can give you a tour.” 
“It would be a pleasure, my lady.” He bowed. 
He had toured the village, impressed by the unique style and structure the nymphs and dryads had weaved together with the ruins of the older building.
“If you don't need to move on yet my lord, would you be inclined to join me and my family for dinner tonight?” She offered.
“I would like that, my lady.” Tamlin responded. 
“There is something about my family you should know before we head to the house, my father is a forest nymph. I'm half nymph and so are my little brothers.” She chirped anxiously.
“How fascinating, though I think nothing of it.” Tamlin replied.
“My father can come off as a bit protective.” She noted.
“As any good male should be over his family.” Tamlin smiled.
“Okay. I think that is all I have to warn against in my family.” She huffed dramatically and Tamlin snorted in amusement. 
“Then let us join your family for dinner.” Tamlin mused.
She led him through the dirt streets to her family’s home, a small farm on the outskirts; she led the white mare into the barn and removed her tack before letting her back into the field, she had seen the fern green hair of one of her younger brothers dart into the house and sighed.
“We have company, we better head inside now my lord.” She mumbled, enjoying her time alone with the pleasant male. 
He smiled and cupped her face gently in one hand. “Don’t let the boys bother you darling, they are young and inquisitive.” 
She nuzzled against his hand before leading him inside, the two small boys peaked from behind the counter before scrambling to hide in their mothers skirts.
“Welcome home dear, the boys told me you have brought a guest.” The female, heavily pregnant, looked up from the pot on the stove.
His mate cleared her throat ready to introduce him and their newly formed relationship, she was soft, gentle, and everything she was not. “Yes mother, sorry I did not inform you sooner. This is Tamlin, our high lord and my mate. I invited him to get to know you all.” 
Her mother looked up quickly, excitement evident in her eyes. “Mate? Oh that's wonderful love! It's a pleasure to have you dine with us tonight! My husband Siriden will be home soon, he went to help the Hawkley family with some repairs to their animals coop. My name is Renata, the twin boys are Caius and Kyren. Please make yourself at home my lord.” She ushered him to sit, the multi-green nymph eyes of the boys stared around the edge of the cabinet.
“Please lady Renata, Tamlin is fine.” He smiled sitting in the carved wooden chair Renata had pulled out for him.
“Please my lord, Renata is fine.” She blushed and patted his back.
The second Tamlin was sitting, the boys stared him down from around the edge of the counter. Tamlin flashed them a fanged smile and they came running over, surrounding him and asking question after question about what he did as a lord, how cool it was to fight naga, his beast form, any and all things little boys could think of asking someone like Tamlin. His mate however joined her mother in the kitchen helping her set the table and plate the food. 
Siriden pushed the door open and the boy's attention jumped from Tamlin to their father and they swarmed him.  “Caius! Kyren! My boys! How good it is to see you.” 
The male's nymph blood was evident, his skin tanned and faded into dark green at his knees and elbows; his eyes the same as the boys at his knees, a dark green sclera and a leafy color iris.  Dark fern green hair mixed with vines and leaves was pulled half up in small braids. Tamlin could understand Renata’s appeal to the male.
Tamlin watched as his mate dried her hands on a cloth and moved towards her father, taking his coat from him. “Welcome back father, I hope everything went smoothly at the Hawkley's farm. We have a guest with us this evening.”
“Thank you dove, everything went smoothly besides having to herd the hens back up.” The male's eyes moved from his daughter to Tamlin. “My lord! Apologies for not greeting you sooner, it is an honor for you to join us but may I ask why?”
Renata lit up and came to stand behind Tamlin, her hands resting on his shoulders. “The High Lord is our daughter's mate.” 
Siriden’s eyes widened. “Really! Well I must know how this revelation came about! I'd love to hear the story over dinner.” He took his seat at the head of the table, the boys to his left.
“It's nothing that exciting sir, as I’m sure you're aware, I've been making efforts in restoring the court.” Tamlin explained, “I was riding into town and she was knelt down by a small boy who was crying, she offered him a dandelion to wish away his worries. It reminded me of something similar my brothers would do when I was a babe. Then the next thing I know is the Golden thread connecting me to her. She offered to introduce me to everyone here after showing me around the village.”
“Dryads and nymphs are tight family groups, we normally stay with our parents till we marry; as a way to help raise our siblings since numbers within a family can become so large for us, we normally are all incredibly close till we die.” Siriden chimed, “it's why she wished to introduce us so early.”
Tamlin nodded, Renata brought Siriden and the boys’ plates, his mate brought him his before sitting beside him. The evening was great, Tamlin had laughed so hard tears had found their way into his eyes and his ribs were sore; it had been so long, he thought, since he had laughed like this. 
The next day he brought her and her family up to the estate. The boys ran around the garden all afternoon, while he discussed courtship and marriage with her father. He led her around the halls on a tour like she had with her village and then they had dinner in the grand dining room, they joked and laughed till the boys collapsed on the couch; Tamlin hada carriage take them back to the village, he had helped her in and kissed her hand before closing the carriage door.
The two were married within the month and the bond had been consummated the night they were wed. He had worn a dark emerald green tunic and riding pants with his knee high boots, crown, and tabard. She had worn a sleek lace dress traditional in Nymph and Dryad communities, it was off white, the lace made images of flowers and nature, it was off her shoulders  and Tamlin couldn't imagine her in anything better.
She supported him when he explained his plan with Hybern, he needed the intel and he needed her to play along as the oblivious doting wife but be present amongst the dryads, nymphs, wraiths, and other elementals incase he needed them to join his army in the war. And play the doting wife she did, Hybern never even suspected a thing until the night Tamlin helped Feyre and her sister escape his camp; she had been ‘kidnapped’ by Rhys and Feyre, when really she was rallying the forest folk and the ancient fae that were rumored to exist in the woods around them. When Tamlin had defected she tucked herself right into his side, a deadly glint in her eyes. Feyre would admit the female had scared her when she had first seen that glint and was just happy that the glint wasn’t pointed at her, even though she definitely deserved it.
One thing no one had expected was the fae bane antidote barely working for the elementals. Something Hybern had put in the bane had the potential for fatality if an elemental came into contact with it, but thanks to the antidote it kept them from immediately dying but immediate action needed to be taken to save the fae. In the throws of battle several elementals had fallen before they realized what was happening; they had lost approximately 70 nymphs, dryads, wraiths, and other variants of elementals. There had been a meeting with the healers to determine why the elementals had taken such a massive loss in comparison to the others that had been hit with the bane, at least the cause had been evident due to the pronounced purple veins. Tamlin had rocked her to sleep that night as she wept, she had felt like she let her people down.
The next fight had better results, an emergency squadron had been implemented with every battalion; if any fae went down it would be treated as an emergency and if it was an elemental triple antidote concoctions had been implemented until they could get them to the med tent. The plan had been working, Tamlin and his wife had been thrilled, his battalion had consisted of him, his mate, her father, 6 members of the spring court guard, and 4 other elementals. Their squadron had been on foot when they were ambushed, a barrage of arrows had come their way, the familiar purple glow of bane on the tips of the arrow heads. 
Her father had been in a close combat fight with one of Hybern’s soldiers, she had seen the first arrow of the barrage before the rest had; she had howled out the warning for the barrage and rushed towards her father, he had cut down the soldier and turned to see her just as she pushed him out of the arrows path.
Tamlin felt his world shatter as his mate’s scream echoed in his ears. His blood roared as he ran to cover her collapsed body as the arrows buried themselves into his own back. Once all arrows  had hit the ground she had been rushed to the med tent and he had all of the arrows pulled from his back, then his rampage had begun; he had ripped a wound through Hybern’s wall of soldiers so he could get back to her, back to his wife.
Unfortunately, the healers in his battalion were ill equipped, they were short two vials of antidote. They had been able to inject her with one additional vial of antidote, the bane had found its way far enough into her bloodstream before they made it into the med-tent and injected another dosage into her that it had caused permanent damage. When Tamlin pushed through the privacy curtain his heart broke further as he fully felt her pain through the bond; he had wanted to scream and break down for her since she couldn’t, they had to restrain and gag her as the bane burned its way through her body.  
The healers had to pull Tamlin from the room as her body began to convulse in reaction to the bane in her blood. Siriden had comforted the male as they waited for news of the female’s wellbeing. Eventually, a nurse came out to the awaiting males, a sad look in her eyes. 
“She’s pulled through, unfortunately the bane was in her system strong enough and long enough to permanently affect her.” The female sighed. “We don’t know how it will affect her, she's asleep right now.”
Both males had thanked her and slipped into the room, one on each side to hold her hands and ask the mother for help. A silent look between them of complete agony, the atmosphere of the room was an embodiment of sorrow itself and the on edge tension was palpable to anyone who walked by.
Tamlin had hoped she would pull through, but as he stood in the garden arranging a bouquet for the vase of her room. She had never fully recovered, the bane burned her veins so badly she had been bound to the bed of her room in agony. Every move she made, even breathing hurt her, he had to step out after her screaming and begging had become too much for him, the dull throb of her pain in his chest numbed every day as he had gotten used to it; he truly hated what he was doing, hoping if he made her endure it eventually light would show at the end of the tunnel and they could begin working on getting her back to her feet. 
The flowers in his hand echoed back at him as tears began to well in his eyes, Rockrose, a promise of endurance and his determination to see her through this; and thistle, a promise of his protection over her and his devotion to her.
He wiped the tears from his eyes and he tried to push her begging to let her go from his mind. She had given up, he knew all the fight she had was gone,  but he just couldn’t let her go yet. He had lost one love, he couldn’t lose his mate too. He sighed and slipped back inside, he had instructed a healer to slip her some milk of the poppy to get her to sleep; she slept softly almost like she wasn't in pain at all but the purple of her veins was a brutal reminder of her waking agony.  Tamlin set the combination of flowers into the vase, pressing a kiss to her forehead he pulled the thin quilt over her body. 
He had kissed her goodnight, opened her window to let the soft breeze into the room, and disappeared into their old bedroom. Tamlin tossed and turned every night now that her side was cold and barren, the blanket was never messed up now and it was agony to him. In the middle of the night he had been awoken to the screams of his love, he let the nurses go every night so he slipped back down the hall and into her room. She was sitting up and sobbing, the blankets pulled back and her legs dangling from the side of the bed; Tamlin moved a few steps into the room and tried to comfort her but she shoved him away.
“I can’t do this anymore Tamlin.” She sobbed.
“Love please, you can make it through this.” He begged.
“It's been a year Tam, I should have recovered from this already if I was. The bane should have been deadly, Tamlin let me go please.” She broke down.
“We can talk about this in the morning, love.” Tam soothed trying to coax her back into bed.
“There won't be an in the morning Tam, I’m done fighting through this. That's why I’m asking you to let me go now.” She sobbed and sniffled.
“Sure there will be love. It’s just the fever and delirium speaking.” He crooned and picked up the small pitcher of poppy milk and poured it into the serving glass.
She drank it with a sigh. “Okay Tam.”
TAm kissed her head, and tucked her back in; when he got back to his room he broke down into a sob, her asking him to let her go was the final straw for him. He knew the day would come when every ounce of fight left her but he would give her his fight, he'd guide her through this. Eventually he had cried himself to sleep only to be woken by a panicked nurse. A small female, whose face had paled; an ache in his chest was the answer to his question before he had even asked it.
“Prepare her body then, I’ll be there to see her as soon as I get dressed.” He had taken a sharp breath, tears biting at his eyes. 
The female had nodded quickly and ran from the room, Tamlin dragged himself from bed slowly; he pulled the only black tunic from his closet and threw his tabard across his chest. He leaned on the door frame, and tried to breathe through the pain in his chest; he slipped from the room and out of Rosehall, down to the priestesses temple. His lover laid on a stone slab, he bit his tongue as all of the females gave him sympathetic looks. 
“Decorate her body in thistle and rose rock please.” Tamlin had to fight the sobs from his throat.
“Weeds? My lord I-” a female had interrupted.
 Tamlin roared. “I said I. Want. Her. Body. Decorated. In Roserock. And Thistle. They are symbols of strength and protection.” 
The females squeaked and the one who had called them weeds apologized profusely,  the rest of the females began work immediately. Tamlin pressed one last kiss to her forehead before he stepped back through the grand doors of Rosehall. At a loss for words Tamlin climbed the steps to the room she had occupied since her return from Hybern.
The window he had opened for her the night before was still open, the sheer curtains blowing in the wind, the room was sterile and medical except for the vase that sat on the end table; full of the rockrose and thistle he handpicked yesterday, the wind blew across the vase and the flowers. A whistle echoed through the room as he watched the flowers shift in the wind. The whistle sounded so much like that of the arrows that ruined their lives, he couldn’t fight the sobs any longer. He sat on the floor and let the sobs rack over his body as he thought back on every moment he had gotten to share with his darling little mate, the rockrose to his prickly thistle. Taglist:@tamlinweek
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bruciemilf · 1 year
A Ratatouille type AU where Bruce takes his tentative first steps into detectivism.
Gotham's so massively drowned out in crime that he's barely making a scratch surface level.
But you know who does know Gotham? Knows every nook and cranny among the narrows? Knows no fear? Stole Batman's tires when no one had the guts to?
Jason fricking Todd.
" Wait, -- no no, that's not when Penguin makes his deliveries anymore. That's when the pigs buy from him and take everything for free. You're gonna wanna bust him tomorrow, genius,"
"Jason," Bruce weights his trust carefully. " If I let you go... Are we in this together?"
Jason snorts, imaginary spit in his hand, shakes Bruce for it. And then runs. Leaving Bruce in a golden street light. Leaves him staring with his shoulders down.
"Oh, brother."
It's a pretty good deal; Jason gives him tips, he gets a comfy, puffy head, fresh food, and surprisingly?
Lots of hugs. Sunshine kisses on his nose and cheek and forehead.
" And how," Alfred rubs his temples around Bruce so much Jason thinks it's a reflex at this point, " Will you explain to the public why Batman carries around a sidekick with a curfew?"
" An unjust curfew."
" Jason will work at the Batcomputer."
" On my batchair, sipping on some bat-hot chocholate, from my bat mug. I mean, -- it's Gotham. We're not going anywhere."
Except. Lex Luthor, as most middle aged men who grew up with too much freedom and too little consequences, never learned what a rejection is.
"...The justice league?"
" Yeah, hot shot! I mean, you've been giving us some issues in the popularity department, my friend," He doesn't like the smirk on Lex's smile; As if he owns the whole world and wants to own him, too,
" The people are crazy for Superman punching a nazi, -- I don't like violence in my politics, but agree to disagree, -- Flash running for charity, Wonder Woman visiting some dying kid at the hospital. Everyone likes them. But nobody trusts them. They trust you."
" And it'd look very good for you to have a human on your team. After... That happened."
That includes the suspicious assassination of his political rival. Bruce begins to suspect its not suspicious at all.
" Bingo! See? I know a showbiz kid when I see one. Superman can show you the ropes. Guy's a better liar than me. That's saying something."
Jason's voice is protective and hissing like an angry viper in his ear, " I don't like this, Bruce. Don't take the deal."
But Bruce wanted to meet Superman outside of his city. Wanted to weight the risks. Wanted to see how big the man behind the symbol really is, and If humanity's lifespan is ended at one bad day.
So he accepts. And Superman Is nothing like he expected.
Passionate, angry, and uncomfortably handsome. That's who's got Bruce pinned to a wall, staring with barely surpassed annoyance,
" When I think he can't go lower, he surprises me."
" We're in this together, superm-"
" Oh no no no no. Your position as a citizen was secured the second someone shoved that silver spoon in your mouth. I didn't suffer years under that sentient ballsack so a tax dodging bastard like you can just walk in here, --"
" But I'm no--"
" I know who you are, Wayne. You're a troubled brat who gets what he wants. But I'm not daddy, or mommy, or your seriously scary butler. So if you wanna survive out here, you play by OUR rules. Got. It?"
"...Tell him to shove the biggest piece of kryptonite up his a--"
" We get it."
Superman's brow quirks, "We?"
" Me and my...Mental illness."
"...You're a weirdo, Wayne. I hope you know that much, at least."
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kinglivv · 1 month
I love your Kate Stewart fics! I'm so glad she's getting the attention she deserves.
I have an idea for a Kate x fem reader
(Older woman x younger woman)
Reader is colonel Ibrahim's younger sister and pops in to UNIT to annoy her older brother as they have a very childish dynamic. It's become routine that Kate knows exactly when to expect her and looks forward to these little moments with reader . Little does she know reader has the hots for her older brothers boss .
Forbidden fruit trope kind of thing .
Forbidden Fruit
Kate Lethbridge-Stewart x f!reader
Summary: As Colonel Ibrahim’s younger sister, it would be completely inappropriate for you to date his boss. But what he doesn’t know can’t hurt him… surely?
Warnings: Mentions of grief, gun violence
A/N: I’ve been working on this all month on and off between various commitments! Enjoy
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Contrary to what you believe, Christofer sees it first. He sees it from the moment you and Kate initially lock eyes.
It had been in the UNIT boxing gym. You didn’t work for his beloved organisation, but you’d freelanced once for them on their lower levels and were making the most of the free amenities before your clearance ran out. You and him had been boxing partners since your parents died, training each other being a way to harness your shared grief.
“Come on,” he teases you from across the ring, “you can do better than that!”
You make a swipe at him, but he’s quick on his feet and you almost lose your balance.
“Footworks getting sloppy, Y/N.”
“Shut up Chris,” you wait for the second he glances somewhere other than you, and then you take his legs out from under him and pin him to the floor.
“Hey-“ he says as he hits the mat with an oof, “that’s playing dirty.”
The voice rings out across the gym and you look up from your position hovering over your brother to see a blonde woman stood in the doorway. Christofer watches your face, and sees that look cross it, that look you used to direct at your ex-girlfriend when your relationship was in its honeymoon stage. Sharp suit, long legs, big brown eyes - just your type. He should have known.
“Y/N,” he says from his rather undignified position on the floor, “this is Kate Lethbridge-Stewart, my boss.”
“Nice to meet you Kate Lethbridge-Stewart,” you parrot with a smirk.
She gives you a curt nod, and then looks back to Christofer.
“Bit of a situation upstairs. Could use your assistance.”
He nods, and then realising you’re still staring at the woman, uses your momentary distraction to throw you off him. You’re tossed to the side with a shriek and he dusts himself off. He trails out of the room after Kate but when he glances back at you, it’s not him your staring after.
It escalates when they bring you in on a job.
You’re a mathematician by trade, and a code breaker by hobby. You were the smartest person Christofer knew, and so when a difficult Sontaran dialect is picked up and seemingly un-translatable, he suggests they draft you in. You’d already assisted UNIT in an advisory capacity before, what’s a little desk work?
Kate begrudgingly accepts the suggestion, more because she has an undying faith in his judgement and so few options left, and you turn up at the office that evening, clad in an expensive dress you wear to your real job, handbag in hand.
“We’ve had a dozen experts look at it,” Kate explains. “No one can figure out what the hieroglyphics mean.”
You’re staring up at the screen they’re projected onto. Christofer watches as you chew on the end of your pencil, lost in thought, and standing entirely too close to his boss.
“Can I get some paper?” You ask. “And a desk?”
Kate blinks.
“Sure. Use mine.”
She shows you to your desk and you start scribbling on a notepad. She raises and eyebrow at Christofer, who merely shrugs. Two minutes later, you hold up the paper, triumphant.
“It’s not hieroglyphics,” you announce, “or even a dialect. It’s a chemical composition. See these symbols? They represent different elements. And then these lines? Isotopes. You’ve got yourself an incredibly rare Earth element here.”
Kate comes round the desk, places a hand on the back of your chair and leans over your shoulder.
“You’re right…” she confirms, momentarily rendered speechless.
“But what does that tell us?” Christofer asks.
“You said rare?” Kate asks, already on the scent like a bloodhound.
“Yeah,” you drum your fingers on the desk. “Only occurs in North East America. Just the right climate.”
“North East America…” Christofer ponders, and then at the exact same moment it clicks.
“That’s the target!” You chorus with him.
Kate slaps the back of the chair. “Of course!”
As Christofer begins to relay this information through his radio, he doesn’t miss Kate leaning down next to you, hears her murmur “Just when I thought I was pushing my luck with one genius Ibrahim, you come along.”
He doesn’t miss your smirk, either.
He makes a mental note to tell you to quit it. He’s familiar with your antics - how couldn’t he be after the steady stream of girls you’d had in and out the house throughout university? He’d never minded before, but this thing you had for his boss absolutely has to stop. Naturally, Kate offers you a job, but to her surprise you’re not interested. When Chris asks you why, you teasingly tell him you’re not giving in without being chased. He can’t quite tell if you’re joking or not.
He’s most certainly not ready for when Kate begins to express an interest. She starts to ask about you in passing, when they’re in the lift or stood by the water cooler. She takes an interest in your freelance work. She drafts you in on a couple more jobs. When he raises tbus to you, all he gets in response is a cheeky “your boss has the hots for me Chris, what about it?”
At some point to his horror, you get her number. He wouldn’t have known had you not left your phone on the kitchen counter and a text from “KLS” had popped up. It was a sweet “yeah of course, pick you up at 9? Xx” and so entirely out of step with how he perceived his boss that he didn’t quite believe it was her. When he asks where you went that evening, why you got back at 1am, he gets some vague answer about being with friends.
When he next asks you about Kate, there’s no flirty remark, no teasing joke, you clam up completely. You brush it off, deflect in a similar way to what he’s been taught in interrogation training. Kate ceases to ask after you at work, almost as if she already knows exactly how you are.
The next time you turn up at UNIT, it’s to drop off the lunch he’d accidentally left at home. A terribly domestic gesture, but that’s not what takes him aback. Rather, it’s the fact you hadn’t requested clearance from him to get in the building.
“Who let you in?” He asks, feigning casual interest as he takes the lunch from you. He doesn’t miss the way you glance guiltily at Kate’s empty desk.
“Dunno,” you lie, “they must recognise me.”
As if a military unit would ever let someone past security just because they were a friendly face.
You wave him a goodbye and disappear down a corridor. It’s then that he decides he’s quite like to get the bottom of this and naturally follows you… all the way to Kate’s office.
“Hey,” he hears you say softly as you knock and enter without waiting for approval.
“What a lovely surprise this is.” The sound of Kate’s chair creaking.
“You say that as if you didn’t just call down to security to let me in,” you laugh.
“Yeah well, maybe I,” a sentence punctuated with a kiss, “just really wanted to see you,”
Christofer is holding his breath. He can’t quite believe what he’s hearing and he can’t stop himself from creeping closer, just peaking in the window on the door to make sure it’s true. There, sure enough, you’re wrapped up in each other’s arms.
He walks away rather stiffly.
The next time any of this surfaces, it’s weeks later and after a bad shoot out. A shoot out that ends with him in hospital, barely conscious for a whole week. A doctor tells him that had the bullet been half an inch to the right, he’d be dead.
Naturally, you’re in and out every day, not leaving his side during visiting hours. Sometimes he’s awake, sometimes he’s not, but nonetheless you read to him and play music and tell him about your day. You tell him you want him to find a new job, a safer one, one that doesn’t make you fear his life will end like your parents.
Kate visits a few times, brings him chocolates and looks generally guilty. The third time she visits, he’s two weeks into recovery and you’re already sat by his bedside. He shuts his eyes tight and pretends to be asleep - this is the first valuable piece of entertainment he’s had in weeks.
“Hey,” you look up at her from the bed.
Kate glances at Christofer and judges him - incorrectly - to be asleep. “How are you holding up?”
“As well as can be expected,” you shrug. “Roses for my brother? Should I be jealous?”
“They’re for you, darling,” there’s a rustle as she hands over what he can only assume to be a bouquet, “figured you might be feeling just as awful as him right now.”
“Oh,” you say. “Thank you,”
There’s the unfamiliar sound of his Commander shifting awkwardly from foot to foot.
“Kate,” you say cautiously, “I’ve told Chris I want him to find a new job.”
A pause.
“He’s my best Colonel.”
“He’s all I’ve got left,” you say shortly.
“Does he get a say in this?”
“You know he’ll do whatever I ask.”
“That’s hardly fair.”
“I’m not losing him and our parents.”
“What would that mean for us?” Kate’s voice is slightly choked.
“It wouldn’t change a thing Kate,” your tone softens, “I just can’t live like this, worrying everyday that the two people I love are going to end up dead. At least I can get him out of it.”
“You said you love me.”
He hears you stand up and leave his side, pulling Kate into you, pressing a kiss to her lips. It’s then he decides to peak an eye open.
“Ha!” He exclaims, “Knew I’d catch you at some point.”
Your heads jump apart and turn to look at him in such exact sync it’s almost comical. He raises an eyebrow at the sight before him - your hand curled in her lapel, the roses squished between you and Kate’s hair rather mussed.
“You - you knew?” You squeak.
“I’m an intelligence soldier, of course I know.”
“You’re not angry?” Kate asks. It’s the first time it strikes him that she might be worried about his reaction. That she might have worried she’d broken their valuable trust.
“Right.” You swallow, and your hand drops from her blazer, pulling away from her. “I’m going to the vending machine then.”
“Y/N…” there’s a hint of whining desperation in Kate’s tone as you abandon her to a room alone with your brother. She turns to look at him.
“I’m sorry,” she manages.
“I lied to you,” she states, “Carried on with your sister behind your back, undermined the trust we have in each other. I’ve put our working relationship at risk -“
“Kate,” he stops her, “she’s been happier this last month than I’ve known her in years.”
A blush forms across her cheeks.
“She makes me very happy,” Kate confesses. “Promise I won’t hurt her.”
“You better not,” he quips back, and although his tone is teasing, Kate knows he’s deadly serious. The Ibrahim family, clearly, were not one to be crossed. “You should tell her.”
“That I won’t hurt her?”
“No. That you love her too.”
The pink in her cheeks increases ten-fold.
“I will.”
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sadboi-writer · 2 months
Dear Jack (Series)
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Chapter Five: Swords and Magic
Summary: Milton and Y/N get bailed on by their friends because it's "not their thing". But, Rudy offers to help. Then the dojo realizes they're stronger together.
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, medieval cursing
Masterlist ~ Chapter Four ~ Chapter Six
Everyone was stretching in the dojo when Jerry ran in.
"Guys, huge problem!" He started, "Kelsey Vargas, the coolest girl in school, is on her way down here."
"Don't panic." Jack assured, "We've trained for this. Guys, bust out the emergency deodorant."
Y/N rolled their eyes, "So you'll put on deodorant for Kelsey, but not for Kim and I? Way to make some girls feel special."
Jerry rolled his eyes, "I don't need deodorant!"
"Yes, you do." Y/N said
"We all need deodorant. We're teenage boys." Milton replied, " Our bodies are a smorgasbord of smells.
Eddie nodded, "I'm not taking any chances, I'm wearing a necklace made of air fresheners right now."
He pulled out a necklace of tree shaped air fresheners and inhaled.
"This week I'm Alpine Meadow."
Jerry shook his head and turned to Y/N and Kim.
"I told Kelsey I was a martial arts expert and the youngest sensei in history." Jerry explained
Y/N cackled, "Oh, you're screwed dude."
Kim made a face and walked off. Rudy approached Jerry.
"Jerry," Rudy greeted
"Oh, Rudy, Kelsey's on her way." Jerry replied, "Dude, please hook me up with that black belt!" Rudy frowned, "You can't have this belt! Its a symbol of hard work, honor, and respect."
"Well, then why do you use it to walk your dog?" Jack asked
Rudy turned to Jack, "That was one time and it was an emergency. I had a pug with the squirts and new white carpet! Look, can we stop talking and get to sparring please?"
Rudy looked around, " Jerry, you're up against Kim. Milton, you're with Y/N. Eddie, you're with Jack."
"Jack?!" Eddie despaired
Jack did some warm up moves, much to Eddie's dismay. Y/N chuckled.
"Don't scare him too much, Jack." They hollered
Jack smiled, "Wouldn't dream of it."
"Uh, hold on. My phone is vibrating," Eddie panicked, " You know I hate to be that guy but- Hello?"
Eddie held his wallet to his face.
"You mean the guy who pretends his wallet is a phone?" Jack replied
Eddie shushed him, "Please, shh! Can you hear me now?"
And Eddie left the dojo.
Rudy clapped his hands, "Come on, guys, let's go!"
As they all prepped to spar, Kelsey walked into the dojo she stopped standing next to Rudy. Y/N waved lightly as they settled into their stance opposite Milton.
"Hi, Jerry," Kelsey greeted
Jerry spun around, "Kelsey, what a surprise."
"So, these are your students who fear and respect you?" She asked
Kim smiled tightly, "Yes, we are. I'm about to fear and respect the living grits out of him right now."
"Oh, no," Jerry panicked, quietly toward Kim, "Not my grits, I'm gonna need my grits!"
Kim was quick to grab his arm and flip him. Y/N cackled, offering Kim a high five.
"Wipeout!" Y/N chuckled
Jerry stumbled to his feet, "Yeah, I'd say you've got that move down pretty well! Oh, you guys take a five. Kelsey and I are gonna get a froyo."
Jerry stumbled toward Kelsey and Rudy.
"Oh, come on, Kelsey," Jerry groaned
Kelsey put out her arm to go with him, but Jerry stumbled and wrapped his arm around Rudy instead. Leaving Kelsey confused.
At school the next day, Jerry was all grump because of Kim embarrassing him.
He stalked down the stairs, "Hey, thanks a lot, Kim! You cost me a date with the coolest girl in school!"
"What are you gonna do, sensei, "She asked sarcastically, "throw me out of the dojo?"
Eddie chuckled.
"Kim, in the future, let's respect Jerry enough not to embarrass him in front of the girls he's lying to." Jack teased
Jerry completely missed the point, "Thank you , Jack! It's called decency, Kim."
The four heard a kazoo playing fanfare and kids laughing on the other end of the hall. They watched as Milton and Y/N marched through in totally embarrassing (in their opinion) royal garb.
Milton trotted to the staircase and announced, "All hail Miltonius, and his enchanting sidekick the Lady Y/N/N! The newly crowned king and queen of Narnia!"
"See, Milton, this is the reason you had to go to spring formal with a bio lab skeleton." Jack pointed out, "And Y/N what are you doing?"
"I'll have you know that Bonita is an excellent dancer," Milton protested
Y/N shrugged, "I'm having fun, Jack. I even made mine and Milton's outfits, do you like?"
Y/N did a little twirl, showing off the intricate design they'd sewn. Jerry smiled and offered a little clap for them.
Eddie interjected, "Hey, I know what's going on! It's that time of year when all the dorks come out and play swords and magic in the park!"
"Or if it rains we use the bingo hall at the senior center!" Milton added, "We tear it up!"
"Yeah we do!" Y/N cheered, giving Milton a high-five
As they spoke, Kelsey walked past the group.
"Hi, Jerry," She greeted
Jerry pushed Milton and Y/N out of the way, "Hey, Kelsey. I was just talking to these kids I've never seen before! I don't even know their names! Right, Milton? Really, Jerry?"
Milton ignored him, "Guys, big news! This year, you guys are all gonna participate in the battle with us!"
"It's going to be so fun!" Y/N chimed in
"What happened to all your other friends?" Kim asked, "You know, the ones who throw up when I try to talk to them."
"This years things are a little complicated," Milton explained, " Francis has a bassoon recital, Jeffrey is a finalist in the Mathlympics, and Louis got grounded for teaching his cockatiel bed words."
"Dude, we're not gonna be a part of your nerdfest," Jerry protested
Milton chuckled, "Very funny, Jerry."
"Nerdfest is in Minneapolis in October, duh!" Y/N laughed
Jack stood, "See, Milton, a bunch of dudes in tights running around the woods beating each other senseless with foam swords-- It's just not our thing."
"Well, it's our thing," Milton proposed, gesturing to Y/N, " And we wanna share this moment with my best friends. That's you guys."
Eddie shook his head, "I don't know. I just quit the cello and threw out my panda bear backpack. I'm just starting to get cool!"
"Come on! Just give it a chance!" Milton pleaded
Y/N looked at the ground, realizing their friends weren't going to budge. Which suddenly made them feel very uncomfortable in their outfit.
"Soon you'll know the exhilaration of bonding down a hill, cape aflutter, to slay a half-elf with a foam rubber axe!" Milton insisted, "Are you with me? All for one and one for- Gah!"
He shouted in despair as he realized the rest of their friends had left them.
"I probably lost them at 'cape aflutter'!" He bemoaned
Y/N played with the lace on the cuffs of their sleeves, pulling lightly at the loose threads they had yet to surge off. Milton came over and put a hand on their shoulder.
"I already made their outfits," Y/N mumbled
"I know, buddy, I know." Milton said empathetically before guiding them away
After school, Milton and Y/N were the first to the dojo. Immediately, Milton was complaining to Rudy while Y/N sat sullenly on a bench.
"I can't believe our own friends bailed on us!" Milton grumbled
Rudy shrugged, "I don't know. Running around in the woods, beating other dudes senseless with foam swords? That just sounds like a good time to me!"
Milton huffed, "Y/N made their costumes and everything!"
"You know what?" Rudy asked, "I love stuff like this!"
Y/N's eyes shot up, a small smile on their face. Milton turned and looked at their sensei.
"Are you saying you'll go into battle with me?" Milton asked hopefully
Rudy smiled, "It would be an honor... my lord."
Rudy bowed to Milton, who couldn't wipe the smile from his face.
"Wow," Milton acknowledged, "You two may be the only real friends I have."
Milton turned and grabbed a bo staff off the wall. He held it high with a smile.
"With this bo staff I bud thee, Rudy, my faithful squire!" Milton announced
"I can't believe it," Rudy giggled, "I'm a squire! I'm a squire! I'm a squire!"
That weekend, Rudy, Y/N, and Milton all took to the park with their weapons and costumes to go into battle. Rudy, being the squire, had the backpack full of everything. The three stumbled into the clearing where battle would start.
Rudy gasped for air, "You know, I don't think this squiring thing is for me."
"This turkey leg isn't gonna salt itself!" Milton insisted
Y/N chuckled, "My lord, I think we ought to give him a break."
Rudy huffed and pulled out his salt shaker, salting the turkey leg as Milton had asked.
"Dang it, I left my grape juice in the Port-a-Pooper!" Milton complained
Rudy shook his head.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go get it!"
Rudy turned and hobbled away to get Milton his grape juice. Y/N turned to Milton.
"Don't get me wrong, Mil. I'm glad Rudy is here," Y/N began, "But, I kind of wish Jerry or at least Eddie was here."
Milton sighed, "Yeah, me too. But, at least Rudy didn't leave us hanging, right?"
Y/N shrugged, "Yeah, I guess it just hurts that they weren't really willing to do for us what we do for them. I almost kissed Truman for Eddie, and he won't put on a cape and beat some guys up for us?"
"Yeah, I know Y/N/N, but we have each other. And we have Rudy."
Meanwhile, back at the dojo Jack, Eddie, and Kim exited into the food court as Jerry danced up. He was in a really good mood.
"Oh, guys, check it out! I smoothed everything out with Kelsey!" Jerry announced, " I promised I would never lie to her again, and I got a date with her this afternoon."
"Yeah!" Eddie encouraged
"The kid is back in the game! Whoo!" Jerry cheered
Jack dapped him up. But Eddie pointed out something behind them both.
"Nerd alert," Eddie stated
They turned around as Sidney and his friends approached.
"Greetings. We are the Dark Knights!" Sidney announced, "Warriors known for being brave and ferocious and-"
Kim cut him off, "Ferocious? Sidney, you cried in science when your fruit fly died."
"That fruit fly left behind 3,000 babies." Sidney narrowed his eyes, " Milton and Y/N said they put together a band of loyal warriors that will finally capture our grail and defeat us. Like that's going to happen!"
Sidney gave his best (yet it was still terrible) evil laugh. Jack cringed.
"Dude, dude, dude," Jack protested, "That evil laugh is so not working."
Sidney turned to his other friend, "Thanks, Benny. You told me it was intimidating!"
Benny shrugged, Sidney stormed off past him. Leaving the four Wasabi warriors in their place.
Jack was first to break the silence.
"Woah, guys, Milton and Y/N called us their loyal warriors." Jack considered, "Now they're gonna be out there all alone against a flock of dweebs hopped up on Honey Buns."
Kim grimaced, "Uhm, Jack, are you saying we should go to the park and help them? Because, uhh- I-- I can't. My, uh, Aunt Charlotte-- yeah, she's coming in from, uhm, Charlotte and we're gonna go watch Charlotte's Web. Wow, I am not good at lying."
Jack sighed, "Look, they've both always been there for us! Jerry, what about that time where you tried to get Kelsey jealous by making her think you were dating a cheerleader? Who helped you out?"
"Milton," Jerry conceded, "Wow, you're right. He was there for me... Did you know that Brian Donnelly actually asked him out?"
"Eddie," Jack insisted, "What about you? You hate going to visit your nana."
Eddie nodded, "That's because she always wants to do things to my hair."
"But who always goes with you?" Jack asked
"Y/N and Milton," Eddie answered, "Sometimes I think nana loves them more than me. And I'm okay with that!"
"And Kim!" Jack continued, "What about that time at the St.Patrick's Day Concert when you lost your voice? Who got you through that?"
Kim sighed as she thought back, "Y/N."
Jack looked around at his friends.
"Guys, I think you know what we have to do." He incited
They all went inside and changed into the outfits Y/N had hung up for them in the locker room. Eddie and Jack exited, Eddie dressed like a bardish elf and Jack dressed like an English knight.
"Seriously?" Eddie complained, "Is this really what we have to do?"
"Yes, it is!" Jack insisted, grimacing himself
The two tried to adjust themselves to be as comfortable as possible. As Kim and Jerry exited. Kim wearing the pink and purple princess dress that had been sewn for her, and Jerry in his tartan kilt.
"Come on," Jerry grumbled, "Let's go to the park."
"I don't get it," Kim groaned, "Why do I have to be the princess?"
"I am not swapping!" Eddie was quick to say
Then the four took off toward the park. Jerry slowed for a moment and looked at a lady who had been staring.
"Hey lady," he snapped, "Eyes up here, okay? Ugh, these sexy legs are a curse!"
The four tromped through the park, out of breath and sweaty as all get out.
"I can't take this anymore!" Eddie hollered, "It's hot, my feet are killing me, and these elf ears are starting to get sweaty!" He pulled one of the ears off and wrung out the sweat from it to prove his point. Causing Jack and Kim to grimace.
"You don't get to complain," Jack countered, "We could have stayed on the path to the battlefield, but noOoOoO, you knew a shortcut through the woods!"
Jack snatched the ear out of Eddies hand and yelled into it.
"This is not a shortcut Eddie!"
"Relax!" Eddie insisted, "I'm an Explorer Scout! I was trained to navigate by the stars!"
Kim started smacking her palm with her wand, "Oh, I can help you see the stars alright!'
Jack grabbed her shoulders and stopped as she moved towards Eddie angrily.
"Woah, woah, come on guys," He mediated, "We have to focus. Their battle starts in a half-hour."
Meanwhile, Milton and Y/N stood with Rudy as they met at the summit prior to the battle.
"So, where is this big loyal army you've been bragging about?" Sidney asked
"Yeah, guys, where are they?" Sidney's wizard asked
Rudy stuck his arm out, "I've got this, your highnesses. Yeah, we may be outnumbered, but my king and our queen have the heart of a lion! And I have the speed of a--a-- you know those animals with the pointy ears and they're really fast?"
"A gazelle?" Sidney offered
"Yeah," Rudy agreed, "Wait, no, no, they're skinny and they don't really run so much as--as just bound! And they kind of go grrr! And, oh it's right on the tip of my tongue!"
"Squire!" Milton interjected, "Let's just go over the rules. One, the first team to capture the other's grail and place it on the pedestal of glory next to their own is the winner."
Sidney nodded, "Rule two, if you get struck on the chest you're out."
"Cheetah!" Rudy shouted, "Sorry, it's the animal I was thinking of earlier. It just popped into my head. Sorry, keep going."
Y/N stepped up, "Rule three, no cursing or foul language. Unless it's a medieval word like 'zounds'!"
The Dark Knights gasped, Rudy placed a hand on their shoulder.
"Y/N, you are better than that!" Rudy insisted
"Not today I'm not," They smirked
The three went to their base to prepare for battle. They watched the Dark Knights parry with their swords.
"Oh, this will not end well for us," Y/N mumbled,"Milton, I fear our defeat is imminent."
Milton looked at Y/N with a bit of sadness in his eyes.
"Rudy, this looks bad," Milton spoke, "They'll be coming for our grail soon and I think you should know, I probably won't be going home with you."
Rudy's eyes hardened, "No, don't you talk like that. You're so young! You've got your whole life ahead of you."
"No!" Milton clarified, "I won't be going home with you because my mom is picking me up here to take me to the orthodontist."
Rudy nodded, "Look, whatever happens down there, It's been an honor to serve under you."
Rudy saluted vigorously. Y/N smiled.
"Rudy, can I get a ride back to the dojo after this?" Y/N asked
He nodded.
"Rudy, I've been thinking," Milton said, "If you're the only one who stood by us."
Milton looked to Y/N for permission, they nodded willingly. Milton unsheathed his sword.
"I hereby dub thee, Sir Rudy, our faithful knight!"
"I can't believe this!" Rudy cheered, "It's all happening so fast! Pretty good for a kid from the wrong side of the tracks with nothing but a pocketful of dreams! Not gonna cry... not gonna cry."
"Get it together!" Y/N snapped
The fanfare blew as they said that.
"We're going into battle," Milton announced
Y/N drew their rubber sword, Milton handed Rudy his then pulled a backup.
"Men, I can think of no greater warriors to fight with." Y/N complimented, "May our souls be lain in glory."
The Dark Knight collectively yelled, "Charge!" Then, Milton, Rudy, and Y/N were back to back. A triangle of threat to anyone who dared go for their grail.
All the while, Jack, Jerry, Eddie, and Kim were still running from the bees that they'd agitated.
"I think we finally lost the bees," Jack panted, "Where's Kim and Eddie?"
Jerry huffed and puffed for a second, "Oh, Kim got her hair tangled up in a thorn bush. Eddie's trying to get her out."
Eddie ran into the clearing, "It took a while, but I finally got Kim's head out of that bush! Luckily I had my official Explorer Scout pocket knife."
Kim walked in, her hair spiked up where Eddie had had to cut it. The three boys gasped. Kim smiled at them.
"Guys, the battlefield is just over there," She pointed out, "Come on!"
She ran off toward the battlefield, leaving Jack, Jerry, and Eddie behind.
Jack turned, "Eddie, even if you make it out of this battle alive, Kim's gonna kill you."
Then Jack took off in a run toward the battlefield. Jerry stepped toward Eddie.
"Wait, that was Kim?" Jerry asked
In the heat of the battle, Milton, Rudy, and Y/N fought valiantly. Swords clashing with fervor as they guarded what was rightfully theirs.
"I don't thinkI have much left," Rudy commented, "My tights are riding up, I got sunblock in my eye, and if I don't get a potty break soon something really bad's gonna happen."
"Rudy, focus!" Y/N insisted as their sword clashed with Sidney's
"Something better not happen!" Milton replied, "Those pantaloons are rented! Battle on! We must protect the grail at all costs!"
"Aye, your majesty!" Y/N shouted as their sword locked with the wizards this time
Sidney knocked Milton's sword from his hand, "It's over Miltonious! Prepare to taste my foam!"
Before Y/N could move to protect Milton, a foam axe flew through the air and hit Sidney. Knocking the sword from his hand. All eyes shot to the perpetrator.
"Ow! Who threw that!" Sidney whined
Y/N's face broke into a huge smile as the four sprinted across the battlefield screaming to join them.
Y/N heard Sidney say, "His arm is made of ogres!" Y/N took a swing with their swords, "That is a princess and her loyal knights, you Scobberlotcher!"
Sidney and his knights gasped at the words Y/N had used. Sidney swept up his sword from the ground.
"Retreat! Retreat!" He squeaked out
The four joined Milton, Rudy, and Y/N at their pedestal of glory. Y/N smiled and gave Jerry a tight hug.
"You guys made it!" Milton smiled
"I hoped you would show up," Y/N revealed
Jack panted, "This may not be our thing, but if it means something to you guys, then we're with you, King Miltonious and Queen Y/N/N!"
Milton's smile widened, "Thanks! Who's the dude with the punked out mullet?"
Y/N's eyes scanned and landed on Kim and her janky hairdo. A gasped escaped them as their hand flew to their mouth in shock. Kim looked just as confused.
"All right guys, hands in," Jack was quick to switch subjects, "We've got us a grail to capture."
Everyone piled their hands in, "Wasabi!"
"Charge!" Milton shouted
The group took off in a run toward the Dark Knights, a battle cry loud in their throats. Jerry immediately took down one guy, Eddie psyched out three on accident and they were taken out, and Kim got two.
Rudy stayed a guarded the grail with Y/N on the foreground trying to prevent anyone from getting that close. Jack was taking care of five of them at once. While Y/N had another three. One knocked their sword from their hand. Y/N surely thought they were done for. But, Jack came in from the back, kicked them their sword and fought back to back with them.
When he was done with his enemies Jack celebrated, doing a stupid little running man.
"Yeah!" He hollered, " Don't mess with the Jack!"
Y/N chuckled as they watched him fall into a bush.
Across the battlefield, Milton was locked in battle with Sidney. When his sword was knocked from his hand. He used the swing set to kick Sidney away, then used the flag to pole vault over the knights. Milton got his hand of their grail and grabbed a loose sword. He charged back toward their base and slipped through the knights as they charged. He tripped on his way down, turning the knights attention to him.
Y/N watched Milton set the grail on the teeter-totter. Immediately, they nudged Jack.
"Give me a boost, huh?" They asked
Jack looked and understood what they meant. He cupped his hands as Y/N backed up to get a running start. Y/N ran and ket Jack cup their foot, giving them lift as they launched across the battlefield.
Y/N landed harshly on the upside of the teeter-totter, punting the grail to their side of the field. Milton stood and ran after it as the Dark Knights watched in awe.
Milton ran as fast he could as the battle stopped around him. He dove and caught the grail, slamming it down onto their pedestal.
"Victory!" Milton shouted
Y/N cheered, "Yes!"
Jack ran to Y/N, picking them up in a hug. When he set them down, they looked into an each other's eyes for a moment. It was like the world was quiet and nothing else mattered. Until Jerry joined their hug.
"Whoo!" Jerry shouted, "We did it!"
"Oh! Come on!" Sidney complained
As the Dark Knights dispersed, Jack, Jerry, and Y/N joined their friends by the pedestal.
"Way to go, Milton!" Jack praised, "You did it!"
"No, Jack! We did it!" Milton insisted!
Kim smiled, "Here you go, Milton. Here's your grail, you've earned-"
She screamed as she saw her hair in the reflection of the grail. Kim looked ready to cry.
"My hair,"She squeaked,"What happened to my hair? Eddie?"
Eddie laughed nervously.
"You are so dead!" Kim promised
Eddie screamed as he took off sprinting, Kim hot on his tail. Y/N laughed, leaning into Jack's shoulder.
"Oh, she's going to kick his butt," Y/N chuckled
Later that day, after Milton's orthodontist appointment, the group went to the dojo. Where Y/N was already steaming and mending their costumes. None of them hadn't seen them yet.
"Thanks a lot guys," Milton complimented, "I know you were embarrassed by those costumes. But don't worry, you'll never have to wear them again."
Y/N frowned, they had worked hard on those.
"And no one at school will ever have to know!" Milton insisted
Jack caught sight of Y/N, "You're right, Milton. They don't, but they will."
The following Monday, Jack, Jerry, Eddie, and Kim all wore their newly mended costumes with no fight. Partly to make Y/N feel better about thinking they were embarrassed to wear them. And partly, to just support their friends.
They got laughed at, and Jack officially lost any hot dates he'd been working towards. But, at the very least, he thought it was worth it to make Y/N and Milton happy.
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