#no awkward beating around the bush
consumare · 1 year
i love being friends / mutuals for a long time and them bursting into my dms like 'i have a new ship for us'. i'm like YEAH GIVE ME MORE.
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nympippi · 1 year
Headcanon: Robin’s feelings for Finney are hidden in plain sight just waiting to be noticed by his beloved
Real and true.
To everyone else it’s so painfully obvious and everyone is so tired of it too 😭😭
Both Finn and Robin are like:
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jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 7 months
How would the aot boys react if they heard a rumor that reader has a crush on them
i heard a rumor….
eren jaeger is so nosey when he hears the rumor going around. he’s intrigued by your crush on him and he wants to know every little detail, of course by everyone else and not you. he gathers everyone’s opinion and saves you for last. he doesn’t beat around the bush; he tells you he knows that you’re crushing hardcore on him. he’s playful and witty, trying to get you all flustered.
armin arlert, bless his heart, tries to be cool about it. and he does a fairly good job you think. he often finds ways to get you two alone but he never makes a bold move. he asks if he can help you do things, tries to find common interests, etc. you know he knows because you find him trying to spend too much time with you, not that you’re complaining. he just lets things take their course.
jean kirsteins plays the disinterested, too-cool-for-you character. he’s damn good at it too. his actions and short replies hurt your ego and your heart. so, you give him the same treatment back. this, he’s not a fan of. he demands that you tell him why you’re treating him like this and you respond that you’re just dishing out what he is. that makes him go ‘oh’ and it results in a very around the bush way of telling you he has some sort of feelings for you but he was trying to repress it.
connie springer grins from ear to ear for days end when he hears the news. he was already crushing on you big time and now that you like him back, he’s convinced your soulmate. shamelessly, connie asks (it’s more of a statement) that you go on a date. you cant believe he knows. you want to just disappear when he confronts you but he doesn’t understand why. “am i coming on too strong? hold on, i can get weak in the knees real quick.”
levi ackerman acts like he doesn’t know about your feelings for him. his behavior isn’t much different than when he didn’t know- his eye’s just tend to linger on you a bit longer. his gaze makes you feel…violated. it’s like he’s looking right through you or undressing you with his eyes. hard to tell. he continues driving you crazy in various subtle ways until you can’t take it anymore and wind up confessing at him in a ‘why are you doing this to me’ moment. he just laughs.
reiner braun's interest is piqued, that's for sure. he's not so smooth about it, always turning into a flustered mess when he's around you. you, now beginning to panic he knows your secret, turn into a shorter flustered mess. your awkwardness makes all your friends laugh and they just tease you more, which causes more stuttering and the cycle repeats. eren's the one who finally sets you up, not able to bare any more of reiner's incoherence.
bertholdt hoover makes the brave decision of telling you how he feels. he doesn't pick the greatest time. he tells you in front of all your friends and that leaves you feeling a little pressured. so, you get up and drag him away from everyone. the two of you share a raw confessional in peace and quiet. it leaves your heart full.
zeke jaeger texts you as soon as eren tells him. he doesn't wait for any more clarification. the text reads, heard you're basically in love with me. I'll pick you up later: a man of his word, he comes and picks you up. you try to him he's ridiculous but he knows you're his future wife.
erwin smith does his best to avoid you. a crush is meaningless to him.but fuck, the way you look at him makes his heart stop. he's beginning to think that there's something wrong with him- he can't breathe when you're around him. one night, he has too much wine to drink and accidentally lets it slip that he knows. he decides he doesn't care anymore and kisses you on the forehead, leaving you confused about the way he feels about you.
porco galliard's too fucking cocky. he starts spreading the rumor himself once he gets wind of it. he tells everyone he knows, bragging about it over and over. the rumor makes it's way back to you and you want to cry. so, that's what you do. you know everyone knows, so he must know. porco catches you crying and is upset with himself for spreading it. he didn't know you'd be so embarassed, considering he ‘obviously feels the same way’
please go read my jean fic 🤍
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samkerrworshipper · 8 months
Initiation | Barca Femení x reader
part 1
warnings: insinuations of smut, sexual references, don’t read if you aren’t open to non monogamous relationships lol
you are responsible for your own digital consumption this is not made for anybody below the age of 18!
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When it all had been proposed to you, you’d been shocked.
It was no secret amongst the soccer world that certain clubs had certain initiation customs, it was also no secret that inside a lot of clubs, especially the European ones, there was a lot of sexual fluidity across teammates. You weren’t oblivious, you’d heard the many stories from your national teammates, but when you’d signed with Barca and had two of your teammates approach you to talk about the Barca initiation you’d been shocked.
You were having coffee with Keira and Lucy, the afternoon after you’d signed and finished up all the media that had been required of you for Barca to put up on their social media and website.
You were sipping on your iced latte, whilst trying to finish off the pastry that Lucy had bought you, when they’d popped the question.
“Has anybody talked to you about Barca initiation?”
It was Keira who had piped up, her voice anxious from the other side of the table.
This was your first senior professional team that you were a proper member of, being only 22 you’d played the majority of your junior career with Manchester United, and your senior career had been a lot of bouncing between different teams. You’d never signed a contract that had you dedicated to a club for multiple seasons, so Barca was a big change for you.
“Lucy said that she had to sing a song or something.”
You hadn’t really thought about it much, you’d gone through the singing thing at your English call-up when you were 17.
“Right, but there is a little bit more to it than that.”
You looked up from your croissant, one of your eyebrows raised in questioning at your two older mentors.
“Are you going to tell me what you are talking about or continue to look at me like I’m about to explode?”
Lucy laughs, the anxiety on Keira’s face only becomes more prevalent.
“Okay, so a lot of the professional teams have different rituals that happen at the start of every season, initiation nights.”
You nod along, this isn’t new information to you, but the squint in Keira’s eyes at your obliviousness is enough to tell you that you aren’t catching on to whatever she is saying.
“Keira, can you get to the point?”
You're getting sick of Keira beating around the bush like you are a 10 year old.
“Barca has a night every year, a special night, it’s very important to some of the girls, no phones, no technology, it’s a very personal night, where some things that could be deemed unprofessional occur.”
You are still so lost, and you are certain that it’s being portrayed in your facial expression, is she talking about alcohol? Dancing? Pranks? Hazing?
“Keira, just tell me.”
Your statement is a plea, a plea for Keira to end this whole awkward encounter and just get to the point.
Lucy laughs heartily at the terrified look on Keira’s face, when she realises that Keira is stuck at what to say she takes over the conversation, both of her hands thudding down on the table.
“At the start of every season, we all get together, we have fun, no rules. This is different to your substandard initiation, this night is about connecting, on a different level with your teammates, on a sexual level.”
Your jaw slackens almost immediately, your eyes blinking aimlessly as you take in the last piece of Lucy’s statement.
“Now, that’s not to say that you have to do anything, if you want we can forget I just said that and you don’t have to be apart of that part of the night, it’s completely optional, a lot of the girls chose not to participate, but we just wanted to let you know that it is a option.”
An option.
It’s such odd wording, like it’s just an everyday decision.
“Sorry, I just need a few seconds to process.”
You take your time, taking a deep gulp of your coffee and a big bite of your croissant before you look back up at your teammates.
“Can I have a bit more of an explanation? I just want to understand this a little bit better.”
Lucy nods her head eagerly, a big smirk covering her face.
It’s such a taboo conversation to have at a fucking cafe, over breakfast, but neither of the other women seem very bothered by it.
“It’s a free for all, a survey is given out every year beforehand, things you are and aren’t open to engaging in. It’s separate to the other initiation, that happens during pre-season. This is different, It’s all very consensual, and if you choose to participate then you're limited on alcohol consumption, for safety reasons. It’s a lot of fun, a lot of pleasure and exploring. Alexia's been organising it for a few years now, so it’s a very secure process. It’s kind of seen as a final hoorah before pre-season and training starts. Normally they book out a suite at a hotel somewhere, but some years it’s been done at teammates' houses or airbnbs.”
You nod your head, it’s a very interesting concept, one that you are completely shocked by. Sure, you’ve heard about sexual innuendo amongst groups of players in clubs, but this is a completely different level. It’s uncharted territory for you, you definitely aren’t any form of prude or innocent type. You enjoy sex, you’re experienced enough to know that you are good at it. But you’ve never experienced anything near what this is.
“You’ve both been a part of it?”
Lucy nods definitively and Keira nods almost ashamedly.
“You’re okay with your partner being with other people?”
It might be an over step, but you figure this whole conversation is an over step.
“It’s not like that. I speak for both myself and Keira when I say that we both like to see each other having fun, that’s what this is. It’s a night of fun, and it’s with people that we both trust and spend every day with, there isn’t any worries about jealousy. There are a lot of the girls on the team that are in relationships, Ingrid and Mapi are together and they participate, Jenni and Alexia, Caro and Marta, there are also people in relationships outside of the team, it’s all consensual amongst both partners.”
You nod your head, it’s not like it matters to you, your not in a relationship, but it does make you feel a little bit better about the whole interaction.
“Sorry-I’m asking a lot of questions.”
Lucy just smiles and shakes her head.
“Don’t worry about it, I had plenty of questions to ask and I didn’t have a national teammate to ask about it. Ask away, it’s better to ask now then wonder later.”
You nod your head, you are still so shocked by this whole encounter.
“I-What happens at this night?”
It’s a broad question, and you almost palm yourself in the head for asking it.
“I seriously don’t need to give you the birds and bees talk do I?”
Lucy is jesting you, so you roll your eyes, pivoting to Keira with a genuine look of curiosity.
“It differs each year, depending on what people want to do. Toys, kinks, bondage, anything really. If you want to do something, someone is probably likely to want to oblige you. For example, last year, Luce put down that she liked to watch me service other people, and I got the opportunity to do that.”
Keira is stuttering over her words, it’s kind of cute, especially when you catch the glance that Lucy throws at her.
“This is the only time it happens every year.”
Keira cocks her head, looking at Lucy for some kind of permission before shaking her head.
“Not quite, there are agreements between some of the girls, on trips and things often happen but that’s more private, this is common knowledge amongst the team. Although, if you enjoy yourself there is a more than likely chance that more opportunities will come up, if you catch my drift.”
Keira is like your older sister, so sitting down and talking to her about sex has never been something that has ever crossed your mind remotely, but you are kind of glad that it is Kei that you are talking to. Because Keira doesn’t joke around the same as the others do, she wouldn’t make fun of you about something like this, nor would Lucy consider she’s Keira’s codependent.
“So, correct me if I’m wrong, and I'm going to be blunt about this. Every year, before the season starts, the Barca women have a massive sex free for all that’s disguised as an initiation party.”
Keira hesitantly nods, but not before she can correct you a little bit.
“It’s not disguised as an initiation party, there will be other new signings there, Ona, who you would know from United, and a few other girls. I can promise you that the newbies get the most attention, if that’s something you want, of course, there is absolutely no pressure for you to participate, this is about you doing as little or as much as you’d like.”
You take a few minutes of silence, whilst you toss up all of the words that have been spoken in the conversation between you and the couple.
It’s a lot to think about, and the thought is massively daunting.
Especially considering that you are going to be walking into a room full of women that you’ve hardly talked to. You’ve met Alexia, she dropped in to meet you when you were going through the process of your signing, but it had been a fairly rushed interaction and you’d been too busy being in awe of her to even think about anything besides the fact that in a few months time you’d be playing on the field beside her.
“If I said I wanted to?”
Lucy broke out into a fit of giggles, a big smile breaking out across her face.
“I’ll text la capitana, she’ll text you any details, you’ll probably get a visit or a phone call confirming your interest.”
You were still a little bit shocked, this whole conversation felt like it had been a dream, so much so that you’d had to reach down to your thigh and pinch it to confirm that this was in fact your life.
“That’s it?”
Lucy smirked and nodded, reaching over to pat you on the shoulder.
“You aren’t signing yourself off to the devil, Ale will be in contact, if you have any questions you’ll see Kei and I everyday leading up to it, and if you want to pull out at any stage that’s completely fine, no hard feelings, no judgement.”
You nodded your head, unable to do much more than that.
“It’s as easy as that?”
Lucy nods her head.
“Easy as that.”
It’s two days later, when you are properly acquainted with your captain.
You are sitting at your kitchen counter, finalising some university work that you are trying to get ahead of when you are rudely interrupted by the sound of a light knocking at your door.
You close your laptop, and turn down the volume of the playlist you have playing across your speakers, before you jog to the door of your apartment.
The last thing you expect to be faced with, is the face of your newest captain.
“Hola, Capitana.”
You don’t really know what else to say, you’ve had zero warning about this sudden visit, and whilst you are honoured, it’s also a little bit daunting having one of the best players the game has standing right in front of you.
“Lo siento, puedo pasar?” Sorry, may I come in?
You are nowhere near fluent in Spanish, Lucy had been giving you crash courses over the past few months once she’d found out about your signing, you had managed to get a cusp of basic conversational talk, the club had told you that once season commenced you’d be assigned a spanish teacher and a translator, so you hadn’t been super worried about it.
“Please, make yourself comfortable, would you like something to drink? I’ve got water, juice, coffee, tea?”
You list off everything that you can think of, as you open the door fully to Alexia.
“Just water should be fine.”
You are slightly shocked by the Spaniards' flawless pronunciation over her English, and also extremely relieved that you aren’t going to be forced to try and understand Spanish, because it certainly isn’t a skill you’ve even begun to master.
Alexia takes a spot sitting at your island bench, directly beside your uni work that had been the previous centre of your attention, which is now being completely occupied by your Catalan company.
“Here you go.”
You pass the glass over to Alexia, electing to stay positioned on the opposite side of the counter, instead of sitting down beside her. It feels less confrontational, more conversational and less one on one.
“Gracias, I’m sorry for dropping in without any warning, I was in the area and I figured it was best to discuss this all with you in person, I won’t be here long, I don’t want to disturb anything.”
You smiled at Alexia, shaking your head at her.
“It’s no trouble at all, I was just getting ahead of some course work, what can I do for you, Capitana?”
Alexia gives you a wry smile, reaching for her handbag which she’d set down on the floor.
“Please call me Alexia or Ale, none of the formality is necessary.”
You nod at her, Ale, it sounds nice coming off of your tongue, it makes you feel a little bit less terrified of the woman.
“Okay Ale, what can I do for you?”
Alexia smiles at you, a genuine smile that somehow warms your soul, it’s like magic, and you give yourself a mental note to ask Lucy about the effect later on.
“I’m just here to talk to you about our initiation night on Friday, Lucia tells me that you are keen to join in, si?”
You nod your head cautiously, it’s impossible to miss the little dimple in Alexia’s cheek as she licks her lips and smirks at you.
“Perfecta, I can assure you that you will have a lot of fun. Has Lucia talked to you about it, or would you like me to give you a bit of a debrief?”
Technically, Lucy has given you the debrief, but you are curious to learn more and see if Alexia has anything else to add.
“Lucy talked about it, but it was pretty brief and non-specific.”
Alexia nods, and gently pushes a sheet of paper across the table to you, one look at the words across the sheet had your eyes nearly bulging out of your eye sockets.
“On the left, you’ll see a list of girls' names, those are the girls from the team that are choosing to participate. Some just come to watch, others come to please, others come for pleasure. Everything that happens on the night is exclusive to the team, and if talked about outside of the team there are consequences. On the right you’ll see a list of common things that occur. I'll send out a survey to you later, the majority of those things will be on the list, you do not have to engage in anything that makes you uncomfortable, there is absolutely no pressure for you to do anything. Please understand that.”
You nod dutifully at Alexia, your eyes scanning the page and taking in the amount of names as well as different sexual acts and activities.
“We’ve rented out a house, it’s on private land, nice and spacious, lots of privacy. I’m sure Keira and Lucia will take you along with them, you can be as included as you wish, we take care of newbies, anything you want you’ll get, just don’t be shy to ask for it, okay?”
You nod sheepishly at Alexia. This conversation would make you uncomfortable normally, but talking about it with ‘La Reina’ like the two of you are discussing the weather is perplexing.
“Don’t stress about it, cariño, you’ll be well looked after, you are well sought after amongst the group, I’m sure that you’ll be very popular if you desire so. If not, I’m always happy to look after our newest additions.”
Alexia sends you a sardonic smile, sweet and sultry, full of teeth and a chunk of her plump pink lip caught in her teeth.
You think that Alexia can sense that you are stuck on what to say to her, a little bit star struck and still trying to process the words that have just left her mouth.
“Well, unless you have any other questions I'll see myself out, I’ll see you in a couple of days, adios.”
Alexia is up and out of your kitchen in a matter of seconds, barrelling towards the door, your body following hers and managing to speak out just as her hand connects with the brass of your door knob.
“Alexia, thank you for coming around, I really appreciate it, just one last question if you have a second?”
Alexia pivots on her heel, turning around to face you fully.
“Ask away.”
You nod your head, working up the confidence inside of you to ask the question.
“What should I expect?”
You are well aware that it’s a broad question, and you don’t know what kind of answer you are going to receive, but there is a part of your gut that’s just begging for more information, for something.
“You really want a spoiler?”
You nod your head definitively, you aren’t a person who enjoys surprises, you like to know what to expect, what’s happening. You’ve been this way since you were a child, and it’s followed you up until now.
“It’s an atmospheric experience, the feeling, the endorphins. There is nothing that matches being in a room full of people full of desire, nothing like being in a room full of women reaching levels of pleasure they never even imagined. I don’t know what else to say, it’s an out of body experience, there is a reason why it is so sacred amongst our team, as a newbie it’s daunting, I know it’s hard to believe but I was once in your position as well, and the best chunk of advice I can give you is to just let go, let yourself live in the moment whilst you are there, nobody is going to judge you, take a leap of faith, okay? I’ll see you in a couple of days, text me if you have any more questions or if you think I’ve left anything out, even if you just want to chat I’m here, take a read from the list I gave you, it should provide some insight.”
Alexia’s words resonate with you for days to come, the way she talked about the whole situation like it was gospel, her words making it seem like a holy sacrament. You study the sheet she’s given you as if it is the holy bible and you are trying to learn your scriptures.
14 women.
15 including yourself.
That’s a lot of people, and yet as you read over the names it seems nowhere near as magnitudinal as it sounds.
The list of kinks and situations is a source of a lot of your late night self explorations.
You’ve experimented with a lot of things over the years, but some of the things on the list have you weak at the knees just reading them. When your receive the email from Alexia it takes you a whole day to work up the courage to open up the attachments. The first one, as previously discussed is a survey. It has all of the things from the sheet Alexia gave you, plus a surplus of other things, and then some more questions to be personally filled in. It’s near impossible to work through it, it takes far longer than you think it should, but by the end of it you are left with a warm feeling in the bottom of your stomach, anticipation, shock at what you are looking at.
There are four boxes for each topic, yes, no, maybe. And below every maybe box there is a little text box which reads ‘please specify’.
It’s well organised, and you have a feeling that Alexia will have put a lot of time into it, from the very short amount of time that you’ve grown to know her you’re under the impression that she takes her role of captain very seriously.
Fingering? yes. Vaginal pentration? yes. Spanking? yes. Bondage? maybe - no ropes or handcuffs. Oral receiving? yes. Oral giving? yes. Use of toys? yes. Double penetration? yes. Anal? maybe - only experimented but open to trying. Sensory deprivation? maybe - no gags. Humiliation? no. Sex with multiple people? yes. Orgasm denial/control? yes. Sex with a couple? yes. Praise? yes. Degradation? yes. Choking/breath play? no. Dominant? no. Switch? maybe - most likely not. Submissive? yes.
The list goes on, it covers every single thing you’ve ever done and then more, it makes you quiver in the depths of your core, just with anticipation.
Once you’ve finished the yes no part of the survey and answered the questions down the bottom you move onto the other attachment, which from a quick skim over outlines the rules, expectations and details of the night.
The main things that cathc your eyes are the sentences relating to safe words and consent. It seems important so you pay extra attention to it. It talks about the traffic light system, that once you consent to the night it is your responsibility to use your words, there will be regular check ins but unless you use your safe word there is no expectation for anything to stop.
Some other topics that catch your eyes are details about time, place, clothes, etcetera.
The majority of it is just information that Lucy and Keira had already outlined to you, the newbie run down.
Three days later, and you are slowly getting ready for your night to come.
Over the past 72 hours there has been one thing on your mind, tonight. You aren’t spared a minute from your thoughts and when Keira and Lucy walk through your front door, running an hour late you are buzzing. You are well aware of the fact that you look like a 8 year old who has just skulled a bottle of cola, every single extremity connected to your body shaking wildly.
You were lost on what to wear, and it had taken a long chat with Keira yesterday to convince you that apparently it was nowhere near as big of a deal as you were making it in your head.
You settled for a matching sweat combo, just because you figured it would be coming off anyway. It was paired with one of your nicest pairs of lingerie, a red set which was probably leaning towards a size too small. The set accentuated every single part of your body though, it hugged your curves, made your ass pop and your tits look delectable.
It felt almost criminal to cover it up with a tank top and nike tracksuit and sweater, but you also found comfort in the extra layer of clothing, it feels like a layer of armour.
You’ve been sitting in your apartment, contemplating everything for an hour and a half when Lucy and Kei finally show up.
They walk in without any warning, and it’s certainly a sight for sore eyes.
You aren’t sure when was the last time you’ve seen either of them glowing and looking so smiley, but it’s definitely a moment where you take a mental picture for the future.
They’re both dressed similarly to you, and for once you don’t find yourself guilty for being curious about what hides beneath the couple's clothing.
Even your words are practically dripping with anxiety, your voice shaky and stuttery.
“Hola amor, you ready to go?”
Lucy looks especially delighted.
Her hair is down, something that you don’t see very often. She’s got a light layer of makeup on that compliments her facial figures without making it look like she’s over done it.
Keira looks similar, her hair is down and curled every so slightly, if you didn’t know her so well you probably wouldn’t have realised but the effort is noted inside your brain. She’s also got a very light layer of makeup on, both women look stunning, perfect together, the picture of love.
It makes you hopeful, hopeful that one day you’ll find somebody that looks at you the way Lucy does at Keira, and vice versa.
You don’t get up from the couch, all of a sudden you feel unable to move.
Keira recognises it fairly quickly, taking a seat down next to you, her hand falling on top of your knee and squeezing lightly.
“Everything alright, little one?”
Keira’s voice is so soft, it makes you feel safe, like you’re at home.
“Just nervous.”
As far as nerves go, you're fairly certain the euros final doesn’t even match this, it’s weird.
“You know that if you want to back out that’s completely fine, nobody is going to make fun of you.”
You shook your head, backing out was the last thing you wanted to do, but it didn’t make everything else less daunting.
“M’ fine, just need a sec.”
Keira’s hand slowly moves up from your knee, to your thigh, her grip becoming a little bit lighter.
“I can think of a way to calm some of those nerves.”
Keira’s voice is unusually confident, and it surprises you greatly when she reaches down to your chin and pulls it upwards so you’re looking at her.
It’s just then that you realise exactly how close the two of your faces are, so close that you can feel Keira’s breath on your face. It’s warm and it tickles against your skin in a way that you’ve never felt before. She’s smiling at you, but there is a deeper connection through her eyes, the way she's looking at you makes you feel like you are the only person in the world.
You’re well aware of what this whole night ensues, but it doesn’t settle the slight niggle in your gut that you definitely do not want to be reading this situation wrong.
“Yes, honey?”
Keira’s eyes don’t waiver from your own, even as yours look across the room to look at Lucy, who is giving you a similar look to Keira, somewhat predatory in the best way possible. Her voice is practically dripping with confidence, doused in assertiveness.
You look between the both of them, realising that there is definitely no push back from either of them.
“Please tell me I’m not reading this wrong.”
Keira silences you by pressing her lips to your own, you freeze up for a few seconds, your mouth completely unmoving as you realise this really is happening, that for the last week you haven’t been walking around in some kind of weird dream that’s been created because of some weird delusion in your head.
After a few seconds, you relax into the kiss, moving your own lips against Keira’s and savouring the flavour of strawberry gum and coffee that is fresh on her lips. It tastes how Keira feels, warm and content and it calms down any of the previous nerves that were occupying your stomach, the shaking across your whole body as Keira’s hand on your jaw gently caresses the skin with the pads of her fingertips.
After a few more seconds of Keira sucking and biting at your lips she retracts herself, a big smile on her face as she continues to stare at you.
“Luce you need to try, she tastes divine.”
The compliment makes you blush more than you were already, the redness spreading down to your neck as you feel the couple's eyes on you.
“All in due time Kei, we don’t want to overwhelm her, now I think it’s about time we get a move on, hm?”
You nod subconsciously, your brain still floating on a different planet as you compartmentalise exactly what just happened. All you can think about is how Keira’s lips felt, addictively soft and supple, it’s a feeling that you are certain you won’t forget.
“God you’ve gone and broken her Kei, already?”
The feeling of Keira squeezing your knee once again manages to awaken you from your trance, your eyes darting between the couple cautiously.
“You ready to go, honey?”
Keira’s voice is as soft as her lips, you're so effortlessly enraptured by her that it makes you more than a little bit excited for whatever is to come.
You’ve never seen Keira look this carefree, this cheeky and it makes you feel so much more at peace then you had previously.
You allow Keira to guide you out of your own apartment, your brain still working at a snail's pace so before you even realise you are sitting in the backseat of Lucy’s very nice mercedes. Instead of sitting in the front beside Lucy, Keira has elected to sit in the backseat with you, her body pressed up against your own and her hand resting comfortably on the inside of your knee.
Your knee is bouncing up and down under Keira’s hand, and before you can say anything, her hand is moving up to your chin and rotating it to meet her lips.
This time the kiss is more motivated, more purposeful but sweet all the same.
You give Keira control, your lips practically melting into hers as her hand tangles into the back of your head, tugging at the tresses of hair at the nape of your neck.
It feels so good, so good that you part your lips to moan, instead your sounds are silenced though by Keira’s tongue.
Keira kisses with passion and fervour, it’s quite shocking based off of her personality and all the times you’ve seen her around Lucy, but it makes you giddy on the inside all the same.
“Keira, behave.”
The words come when Keira’s spare hand comes up to your covered breast, you don’t even really notice until you see Lucy looking directly at Keira in the rearview mirror and the look on her face is a mixture of displeasure and humour.
“You're just mad that I got her first.”
Keira’s hand doesn’t move, and it’s fairly clear that Lucy isn’t pleased about it.
“You keep talking like that to me and you won’t like how the night goes for you.”
Keira’s hand quickly moves down from your breast but she doesn’t remove it completely, instead moving it down to your lap again, but her kisses don’t stop, she litters little kisses all over your jaw and neck, all whilst you maintain the eye contact with Lucy in the rearview.
She’s smirking, her eyes don’t leave yours unless they go back to the road, and even when they don’t you keep your eyes on her.
Keira is only egged on by the little sounds and moans that leave your mouth as she finds different spots across your neck and face that make you melt even further into her.
“How does she feel honey? Is she getting you warmed up?”
Lucy’s words are directed towards you, it takes a few seconds for your brain to wrap it’s way around them but once you do you reply quickly.
“Feels good, m’ sorry.”
Lucy’s eyebrows furrow, and when the next red light comes she turns around completely to look at you.
“What do you have to be sorry for?”
Lucy voice is more questioning than accusatory.
“Sorry for getting Kei in trouble and kissing her without your permission.”
Lucy scoffs and Keira snorts from her spot on your neck.
“Oh honey, not your fault that Kei is choosing to be a bit bratty, these nights always get her quite over zealous, as far as kissing her you’ve got my full permission, you don’t need to ask.”
You nod cautiously, moaning as Keira begins to suck a mark right into the pulse point on your neck.
“Kei, behave yourself, you know what Ale said about not getting over excited.”
It’s the mention of Alexia’s name that has your ears perking up.
It seems to get Keira to back off a bit, her lips at least, her hand continues to rub gently at the inside of your knee and thigh and you slowly drive down a dark and windy road.
“Y’know you're all Kei’s been talking about all week, she’s been very excited for tonight.”
You look over at the older English woman, feeling a little bit confident when you notice that Keira is blushing wildly and avoiding your eye contact completely.
Keira is clearly embarrassed, which must mean that what Lucy is saying has come truth, which means that Keira has been thinking about you.
“All she’s been talking about, I can say the same about quite a lot of the girls, you are a popular topic.”
It makes you feel all giddy in your stomach with the acknowledgment from Lucy, she’s the last person that would lie to you, so it makes you feel especially good.
Keira groans and hides her head against the window.
Lucy scoffs once again at the shock in your voice.
“Trust me honey, pretty sure there will be girls queuing up for you, us oldies don’t get that kind of attention.”
Keira rolls her eyes, which is enough of an answer for you to realise that Lucy is trying to be humble.
It’s just as you’re about to say something that the car pulls into a driveway, which is already full of cars.
Alexia is right, it’s the only light that you’ve seen for miles, there is nobody for miles, which is a big comfort.
Lucy opens your door for you, helping you out and immediately beginning to assess your neck.
Once she’s certain that there are no marks she moves her vision up to your face, reaching down for a quick kiss.
It’s different to Keira, rougher, her lips more coarse.
It still feels equally as good.
Lucy releases fairly quickly, Keira’s already walking up the stairs to the house, an extra pep in her step as she makes it to the door.
Lucy and you are quick to follow her.
The door has a keypad on it, Keira quickly punches in a four digit code before the door pops open. The entry hallway is completely empty and silent, all three of you toe off your shoes and leave them and your socks by the door.
Lucy leads towards the door at the end of the entry way, you loiter behind, completely terrified of whatever is going to be behind it.
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Would I be able to request Navia, Clorinde, Natasha and Himeko bathing with their S/O whilst S/O is just getting increasingly flustered (NSFT or fluff idk) (also maybe Stelle but I feel like the only reason she'd take a bath would be for NSFT reasons unless forced too)
(Genshin Impact/H:SR) Sharing a bath with their S/O
Genshin Impact - Navia, Clorinde, Dehya, Furina, Arlecchino, Chiori Honkai: Star Rail - Natasha, Himeko, Firefly, Stelle
Mild NSF-W Implications below the cut!
Because you don't take a bath with your clothes on. At least, I hope that you don't, dear reader.
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As Navia is relaxing into the bath, she notices that her S/O is actively avoiding meeting her gaze.
And truth be told, she wasn't immune entirely herself as her face started to heat up as well, and not from the hot water.
But that being said, Navia didn't mind. She thought it was cute more than anything that S/O was getting flustered.
(Navia) "S/O? You alright?"
(S/O) "J-Just fine, thanks!"
With a soft chuckle, Navia shifted over to them with the water rippling as she did so, sitting directly next to them.
(Navia) "You know I don't mind, right?"
Her heart began to pound as she took S/O's hand into her own and out of the water.
(Navia) "I'm here right now because I want to be, S/O."
That finally got them to stare lovingly into her eyes, with Navia returning the gesture before she couldn't resist the urge to not kiss them any longer.
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Clorinde is enjoying the silence, but at the same time it was admittedly a bit awkward.
Both her and S/O were doing their best to remain respectful and not stare too long at each other in the bath.
Yet, she would catch them stealing the occasional glance as they noticed her doing the same.
At the very least, she appreciated that S/O attempting to keep some form of modicum, but at the same time, it was a bit redundant to do so considering they decided to bathe together.
Especially since they were lovers.
(Clorinde) "Would...it be easier for us to simply look where we please?"
(S/O) "...O-Only if you don't mind, Clorinde."
Realizing just how needlessly the two of them were beating around the bush, they let out a small laugh together.
(Clorinde) "I only request that you don't stare too long. You have my word I will do the same."
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Dehya is no stranger to sharing baths, so it didn't really bother her too much to do the same with S/O.
Though the idea of doing so with her lover gave enough pause for at least a second upon first consideration.
S/O on the other hand looked like they were on the verge of exploding, which tempted her to tease them for it.
(Dehya) "Jeez, you look like you're going to pop a vein."
(S/O) "D-Do I?"
Letting out a hearty laugh, she gives a pat to their naked back, which makes them yelp out.
(Dehya) "I'm joking! You can loosen up a little, y'know. It's just me to see you like this."
(S/O) "That's exactly why I'm panicking!...Uh, I mean-"
Dehya ruffled their hair, letting droplets of water go onto the floor, not that she particularly cared.
(Dehya) "S/O, it's fine. I promise I don't care. Well, too much anyway."
Part of her wants to do this again solely just to see what kind of reactions S/O would make, but she figured she tortured them enough for one night.
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Furina is extremely quiet as both her and S/O shared the bath, the silence and tension hanging in the air to the point it could be cut with a knife.
Her fingers slightly fidgeted with each other under the water, doing her best to not stare at S/O.
Which both Furina and S/O failed to do.
Balling her fists up, she decided to take the first step! Scooting inch by inch over to S/O, who noticed her working up the courage to get closer.
In which they bumped into each other, before staring wide eyed at each other in silence.
Instead of saying anything, Furina embraced S/O in a tight hug, a deep exhale leaving her body and finally relaxing.
(Furina) "Can we...stay like this for a while?"
(S/O) "Hah...anything for you, Furina."
The feeling was completely alien to her, being able to feel someone so intimately, but she didn't hate it. The farthest thing from it, in fact.
Furina loved this.
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Arlecchino decided to go along with S/O's request to share a bath, partly just to see what would happen.
She never did anything so intimate with another person before, but it wasn't the worst thing in the world.
Meanwhile, S/O already looked so nervous asking Arlecchino to come along, now they actually had her with them.
And honestly? They didn't think they would get this far.
Arlecchino leaned against the tub with her eyes closed, knowing fully well S/O was peeking glances every now and then, something that amused her.
(Arlecchino) "S/O."
Her calling their name caused S/O to freeze up in mild terror, making Arlecchino let out a breath of amusement.
(Arlecchino) "You needn't be so nervous. Had I wanted to strike you down for looking, I would not have accepted your request."
(S/O) "I know it's...I want to be respectful you know?"
Arlecchino hummed in response, whether that was acknowledgement or indifference, S/O didn't know.
A few moments later, S/O worked up the courage to hold her hand, a gesture she returned by simply squeezing theirs and saying nothing.
(Arlecchino) "...With all that being said, we do not speak of this to the children, understand?"
(S/O) "Y-Yes, ma'am!"
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Chiori rolls her eyes at the blush on her S/O's face.
First of all, it's not like this was the first time they've seen her without clothes on.
Secondly, it was their idea to take a bath together and-
Her thought process was interrupted as Chiori felt the muscles in her legs loosen up.
(Chiori) "Ugh, today was killer. Thanks for warming up the bath for us at least, S/O."
(S/O) "Y-Yeah, no problem, Chiori."
(Chiori) "And no need to be so jittery. Yes, we're both naked, it's nothing that should get you that nervous."
(S/O) "I feel like you'd kill me for staring."
(Chiori) "In public, yeah. But if it's just us, then who cares? I stare at you all the time, y'know."
Turning Chiori head to them, she gives S/O a small smirk, playfully tapping their nose with her finger.
(Chiori) "Besides, nothing I haven't seen before. I am the one who takes your measurements."
(S/O) "I guess that's fair..."
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Natasha is a little embarrassed herself to be sharing such an intimate space, but it quickly washes (HA) away after a few moments.
She smiles at S/O trying to look away, but feels their entire body stiffen in response as she hugs them.
(Natasha) "Aw, what's the matter? Getting shy?"
(S/O) "N-Nat!"
S/O's voice whined, making her tighten her embrace.
(Natasha) "Don't worry too much, S/O. Otherwise I'll have to do an impromptu physical right now-"
Not being able to hold back her laughter anymore, she caresses their cheek as soon as Natasha sees them pouting.
(Natasha) "Joking aside, you're allowed to look. It's a privilege only you get after all."
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Himeko's beautiful laugh fills the bathroom air as her hand grazes their shoulder, feeling them jerk upwards in surprise.
(Himeko) "Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you. You just look so tense."
(S/O) "Hah well...The most beautiful woman is next to me, how could I not?"
(Himeko) "You could at least say that when you've actually looked at me once, S/O. It's not a crime to look."
She moves closer to them, kissing their cheek and watching their face turn into an even brighter shade of red.
Not that she wasn't a little nervous herself, but she figured they could at least see that, instead of having to tell them herself.
(Himkeo) "Please?"
With a sigh, S/O turns to Himeko, staring at her smile for what seemed like a small eternity.
Before Himeko closed the gap again to kiss them on the lips, S/O not saying anything in protest this time as her hands brought them closer.
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Firefly's face was burning a bright shade of red, at least at first.
She had never done so with a lover, and things were awkward with S/O not knowing what to say either as they sat in the water.
But Firefly couldn't resist staring, and just affectionately eyed them up and down before speaking up.
(Firefly) "Is...it okay if I can move closer, S/O?"
(S/O) "O-Of course."
Her shoulders slumped downwards, taking their hesitance for rejection before S/O quickly cleared up the misunderstanding.
(S/O) "Ah! Wait, I want to be close with you! I'm...J-Just a little nervous too, is all."
Instead of a smile or even a demure look like S/O was expecting, Firefly instead pouted.
(Firefly) "T-Then why did you invite me to a bath if you were nervous too?"
...And to be fair, that was a good question.
But they both knew the answer to that already.
S/O made the move first against their rapidly beating heart to hug Firefly close, the action making her freeze up.
Before Firefly quickly relaxed and returned the embrace, her admittedly adorable pout melting into an even cuter smile.
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Stelle sat in the waters with S/O, expecting to chat away or even get a little more...spicy in their interactions.
Instead, S/O was looking at the walls, everywhere except for her.
To show her disapproval, Stelle playfully splashed water at them, which got S/O to momentarily forget themselves.
(S/O) "H-Hey!"
(Stelle) "Hands slipped."
S/O smirked and splashed water back, making Stelle's stoic expression break with a smile of her own.
(S/O) "Take that, ya little punk!"
The tense atmosphere was quickly replaced by a more lighthearted one, with the two splashing water at each other before Stelle closed the gap between them, almost kabedoning them in the tub.
Which got S/O to quickly become silent again.
(Stelle) "So why'd you invite me in here if you were gonna get so embarrassed?"
(S/O) "I just wanted to spend time with you but I didn't think it'd be so...well, awkward at first."
Stelle smiled and rolled her eyes before sitting down next to them, getting S/O to relax.
...To which she promptly splashed water onto their face again.
(Stelle) "Whoops."
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coralinnii · 9 months
Can I ask for Vil, Took or Malleus (any of them, or multiple depending on how cool you are with it) when they find their s/O gives them cute handmade gifts? Baked treats, books, paintings and such. I completely understand if you can't get to this, but if you decide to take this up, It'll be really really cool! Thanks and have a great day!
‎‧₊˚✧Made with Love✧˚₊‧
↳ Reader S/O who made him handmade gifts
feat: Vil ❋ Rook ❋ Malleus genre: fluff note: no pronouns used with the reader, established relationships, nicknames were used for readers (spudling, mon tresor, dear, child of man), probably bad grammar and usage of French because of Rook,
To anyone who were wondering for my sudden MIA status…I got sick, like hella sick. I’m not the greatest at taking care of myself and apparently my body decided to teach me a lesson for that by leaving me down for the count for 2 weeks then giving me migraines if I spend even 20 minutes in front of a screen for another week. To be fair, I could have recovered quicker if I actually…rested and took care of myself but hey, lessons were learned.
I literally started this a month ago but now I need to relearn the characters because my brain can’t remember anything, so I’m sorry if it isn’t the greatest T_T
2.7K Followers Writing Event 2023
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To say he was suspicious was an understatement. Vil was a man of routine and he could tell when something was amiss as the days went by. Little differences were of no cause of concern, but when his little spudling is just acting too skittish, the blond just couldn’t let it go.
At first, Vil was content with scolding you for the little bad habits you started. He caught you too many times hunching your neck and back, and the eyebags forming under your eyes were too concerning to him to ignore.
He had to physically hold in his gasp however, when you refused to come over to his dorm for a skincare date. He tried to be understanding when you claimed you had too much homework to come over, but he could do without Rook having to point out that he was sulking.
Yes Rook, Vil is very aware he could get early wrinkles.
Frustration turned to concern as Vil was quick to pick up that you were hiding something from him. Occasionally, he could see you quickly hiding something from his sight before smiling.
Insecurity soon struck him as alarming thoughts swirled about his mind. Was he the problem? Or is there a problem but he was too undependable to you to confide in?
Not one to beat around the bush, he approached you.
You were surprised that your lover requested to see you so suddenly. But, you thought the handsome blond sounded uncharacteristically solemn so you agreed, which led to you sitting in the lounge of your dorm/home.
Maybe you misread the tone of his voice, because the man before you certainly didn’t seem solemn. Sitting next to you on the sofa, Vil watched you silently with his arms crossed and a leg over another.
“So, Vil…how was your da-”
“I know you’re hiding something from me, spudling.”
From your flinching and awkward avoidance to meet his eyes, Vil’s suspicions were correct. Upon closer inspection, Vil spotted small cuts littered about the skin of your fingers. His lilac eyes softened somewhat, but he kept his voice stern.
“I admire you for working so hard for yourself,” Vil made it clear to you as his eyes gazed towards the small cuts on your fingers, “But, I hope I’m not someone so incompetent that you can’t rely on me, especially when you’re needlessly hurting yourself so.”
In a smooth motion, Vil raised his manicured hand towards your face, gently grazing your cheek to keep your attention to him. “So spudling, no more secrets…what has gotten you so busy and reckless?”
The gig is up, you supposed. Sighing, you asked for your blond beloved to wait as you quickly rushed to your room. Upon your return, there was something in your hands to which you nervously handed over to your upperclassman.
It was a soft ribbon with a charm attached to its end. The deep purple ribbon was embroidered with what seemed to be golden leaves attached to vines twisting and curling across the length of the ribbon. The charm was of a crown, a cheap trinket that was clearly inspired by the Fairest Queen.
“I know how hard you’ve been working for classes so I made you a ribbon bookmark, something you could use while you study or something.” you explained, a little embarrassed. “But I haven’t been getting the pattern right, so I couldn’t give you until I got it perfect.”
Vil has been gifting you so much, from customized skincare products of his creation to matching outfits that enhanced your beautiful form. But it’s not just fancy clothes and luxurious products. Vil worries for you, takes care of you, and helps you to see the potential in yourself and to strive for it.
He gave you so much, so you wanted to give him something in return. Something thoughtful, something that shows how much you cherish Vil. More than for his looks, more than for his fame.
“This didn’t turn out as well as I wanted, but I’m working hard so I can make a new one and get the embroidery just right,” you assured him as you reached for the bookmark. “So, please be patient with me.”
But, Vil kept your gift out of your reach. He examined your handiwork with such focus, taking note of the effort in every stitch. It was by no means the level of professional, but he could see how you thought about him. From the color of the ribbon and thread to resemble his honorable dorm, to the consideration of his dedication to his studies rather than his looks. Your gift told him that you saw not Vil Schoenheit the actor, but Vil your hardworking boyfriend.
Seeing your nervous expression, Vil chuckled as he finally spoke, the cute bookmark firmly in his grasp. “If this is for me, I believe It’s for me to decide if it’s acceptable.”
“I-I guess?”
“Good, because I’ve decided to keep this.” Closing the gap, Vil placed a kiss upon your face, teasingly close to your lips. With a confident smile, Vil took pleasure with your burning cheeks.
“Thank you for the gift, my cute spudling.”
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If it wasn’t already clear to everyone, Rook’s primary love language are words of affirmation. You could sneeze and suddenly he has written a sonnet about how beautiful the cringling of your face was.
I’m only slightly exaggerating.
Rook is by no means afraid to show his admiration for anyone, least of all his beloved. All of his words and actions are all done without an expectation of getting something in return.
But lately, you have become a bit of an enigma to him. You would spend hours upon hours with him, smiling and capturing pictures of the two of you. Other times, you would swiftly leave back to your dorm, excusing it as needing to study but you would vehemently decline his offer to help you.
Don’t get him wrong, watching your concentrated gaze is gorgeous, the way your heartbeat steadies and letting out soft but longer exhales as though you’re making decisions secretly in your mind. Rook couldn’t help but wonder, what is it that captures your attention that has you gazing off away from him?
“Rook, can I visit you today?”
Oh my, it has been a while since you last requested such a thing. Partially because you both knew his Housewarden would have a fit if he wasn’t aware. But eventually, Vil gave you special permission, mostly because Rook would have found a way to either sneak you into his room or he might sneak in the middle of night to see you. Vil knew Rook would never have gotten caught but he’d rather let you stay than have the migraine of a vice-housewarden breaking curfew and ruining his beauty sleep.
“Oui, mon trésor. I would request approval from my Housewarden immediately.” Rook could never deny you of anything, especially if he means you could have more time to admire you in the comfort of his room.
When night fell and the two of you were alone, sitting on the hunter’s bed. You were nervously wringing the handles of the bag in your hand. Doubts filled your head as you wondered if the gift was even slightly capable of living up to your boyfriend’s expectations, regardless of how silly that sounded.
You knew that whatever you would give him, Rook would love and appreciate it with full sincerity. But, that doesn’t mean you weren’t nervous. The gift should be considerate, you thought. Something that shows the love you had for the eccentric blond and his odd… let’s say interests.
You looked to said odd man, who’s piercing green eyes caught your gaze. Rook noticed your nervousness and the mysterious bag but said nothing. Instead, he kindly waited for you as you calmed yourself, soothing you with gentle touches to your knee. The huntsman can be a lot to some, but he’s also patient and so supportive.
Finding your strength, you presented your gift to Rook. Curiously, Rook took what seemed to be a journal from your hands. It was only when he opened the book to see its content was he surprised.
Him. He saw him in a multitude of photographs that decorated the pages of the journal, lined with cute frames and drawings. Some photos were of moments he remembered, such as days where you visited him during his club, cute dates around the town, or simply just moments of serenity between the two of you.
Rook felt his cheeks flush as his eyes caught the little captions written near the photographs, dates and words written in your handwriting.
“My handsome mad scientist” “His dashing profile is so cool” “His warm arms around me ♡”
“I realized the last time I came to your room that you only had photos of other people” you had glimpses of the wall of photos that consist of people he admired the most, you included. “So, I wanted to give you a photo album of what I find beautiful…you.”
Your boyfriend scared you as the young blond suddenly stood up from the bed, eyes sparkling with excitement as he scanned through the pages filled with memories. “Mon tresor, this is absolutely exquisite! To think my beloved has been watching me with such an unwavering, loving gaze fuels a pleasurable delight within me. Oh, très bien!”
But Rook worriedly commented on something notable. “But, there are still pages left unfilled. Were our moments too few and rare to fill the album?”
“It wasn’t that.” you rubbed your hands as you felt the nerves return. “I was hoping that we could fill the last few pages together…like a couple.”
It was then the hunter kneeled before you, his hands reaching out to grasp yours as he looked into your eyes with a special loving gaze only shown to you. You couldn’t tell if you were captured in his devoted gaze or if it was Rook that felt compelled to hold you, to comply with each and every one of your wishes.
“You speak as though I would dare to deny my precious beloved. I’d be honoured to make more memories with you, now and far however long you will have me.”
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With constant surveillance from his wards *coughSebekcough*, Malleus’ moments with you were rare but still meaningful. Some nights, Malleus would wander near your dorm, especially when he noticed the lights of your room, signifying you’re there and awake. And like always, you would open your doors for him with a sweet laugh and inviting smile.
But lately, Malleus has seen that your bedroom lights would be dimmed, and that you would take notice of his presence slower than usual. Once or twice would be of no concern to him. But, as it slowly became a habit, he began to worry.
He spoke of his concerns with Lilia, perhaps in the older fae’s experience he came across a similar predicament amongst humans.
Only for the veteran fae to be of no help, instead chuckling in amusement before giving his young dragon a cryptic comment “You will understand soon enough. My, how you are in for a treat~”
Malleus chose not to question further, nor did he question the odd coincidence that you asked him to visit you that very night.
“I don’t suppose there is a hidden agenda to your invitation, dear?” As Malleus made himself comfortable in your guest room, he noticed some changes since his last visit.
Firstly, the furniture were arranged to be more spaced out, although the TV was still quite close. Then, there were almost an absurdly large amount of pillows and blankets, to the point that some have started to pooled onto the floor.
“Hmm, you sound as though I’m being suspicious” you laughed good-naturedly, “But I do have a surprise for tonight.”
Coming from the kitchen, you pulled out a stacked fairly large, cold container. With Malleus’ keen senses, he could pick up a very subtle sweet scent mixed with a chilly sensation, and a familiar delight came to mind.
You nodded. “Made by yours truly. I asked Lilia if there was a particular flavour you like, but he said you weren’t really picky.”
Unceremoniously, you sat down next to the tall fae before handing him an ice-cream container. “I was trying out different recipes and ideas all week, tweaking it along the way.”
The results of your work appear to be a multitude of flavours with varying degrees of sweetness. From classics such as chocolate and vanilla to more subtle sweet flavours such as coffee and pistachio. Some were swirls of combinations with fruits or nuts, and some were flavours unique to his hometown, which he imagined were hard to procure.
“I may not be able to shower you in riches, or protect you like your knights…” you gave an embarrassed smile and gaze at your silent companion. “But I could at least make you something sweet, just so you could smile even a little.”
Behind your nonchalant smile, you do feel anxiety swirling as you worry your efforts pale in comparison to the luxuries your powerful boyfriend owns. Malleus is a fae of the highest standing and thus, his actions have more impact than the average man or fae.
But…he was your amazing boyfriend nonetheless, who smiled softly back at you.
“Thank you, child of man. Knowing the effort my beloved has done for me alone, I shall cherish this feeling for centuries to come.”
Your cheeks burned slightly over the sincerity, so you quickly diverted the conversation. “W-Well, just giving someone ice-cream would be too boring, so I thought we could spend the night watching bad rom-com movies while we eat. Call it a human custom of sorts.”
“Is it imperative that the movies must be bad?”
You shrugged “Not really, but it usually is.”
Setting the movie up, you returned to the makeshift nest of comfy blankets and pillows with Malleus sitting by you. The confused fae watched as you handed him a tub of handmade ice-cream and a spoon before picking a container for yourself, a strange feeling of intimacy unfamiliar to him…but not an unpleasant one.
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oriistar · 10 months
How about headcanons for how Wyll, Halsin, Gale, and Astarion would react to his shy gn crush confessing to him?
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Reactions To A Shy Reader Confessing
Wyll, Halsin, Gale, Astarion x GN Reader
Warnings: None, all fluff!
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First of all, I'll just start by saying Wyll is such a sweetheart. Like actually such a cutie.
He's definitely a romantic! So if you get all flustered trying to confess your feelings for him? He'd be smitten with you.
Wyll is definitely the kind of guy to lay out his feelings outright.
He doesn't see a reason to hide them so honestly he'd probably end up confessing to you first if you're too shy!
But if you are the one to approach him? He's floored.
Watching you stumble over words or even try to just beat around the bush instead of outright telling him how you feel, he thinks it's adorable.
The way he's looking at you doesn't make it any easier either.
He's got this awestruck look on his face as soon as he realizes you're trying to confess.
Literally looks like he's just been shot with Cupid's strongest arrow it's so cute.
So as you're trying to confess he's just staring at you with eyes full of so much love and although its sweet, its also kind of intimidating for someone as shy as you!
How are you supposed to focus on choking out your confession when he's looking at you like that?
You can't for real, giving up midway through or he's gonna have to take over and let you know he feels the same way.
Although he'd love to hear you make it through the whole confession, he's very understanding of how nerve-wracking it can be!
Don't worry, he loves you so much already he'll just help you coax out your feelings later into your relationship because he is DEFINITELY asking you to be his partner right then and there.
Halsin is pretty old.
He's open about the fact that he's had many past lovers and committed partners.
He can smell your feelings for him a mile away. (Probably literally, the fuckin animal)
He's absolutely no stranger to confessions and he's probably so used to people approaching him to say they're attracted to him in some way.
So when you finally work up the nerve to confess your feelings for him, he watches you with a very amused look.
Of course he would never make fun of you! But he can't help but find it entertaining to watch you be so shy about it.
Despite all of his experience though he definitely gets butterflies in his stomach when you start with your (very rehearsed) confession.
He likes you a lot, adores everything about you, so when you're flustered and stumbling over your words he can't help but think about how precious it is.
Halsin is a very big man with very protective instincts. If it seems like your nerves are working you up an awful lot through this, he's definitely the type to scoop you into a hug and reassure you that you're not making a fool of yourself.
Although the hug would probably fluster you so much more than the initial confession.
He's patient too, so he won't cut you off or save you from what you're trying to say.
He'll stand there patiently with his arms crossed and smile lovingly at you while you clumsily say it.
He finds it very endearing, over all absolutely in love with all of your awkwardness.
He's also silent through the whole thing which, if you struggle to look him in the face while confessing, you might mistake his silence for rejection or expect him to have a disappointed look on his face.
Definitely doesn't help that now he's accidentally making you think the worst.
But don't worry, he'll give you the best bear cuddles of your life after he lets you know he feels just the same way of course.
Ugh the love of my life!!!
Gale gets a lot of bad rep but he's such a gentleman, I love him.
I wouldn't say that Gale is shy like you but he's definitely a little hesitant to admit his feelings at first.
He's very much an 'all or nothing' kind of guy so if he's planning on confessing to you then it'll be properly planned out.
Honestly a little bummed out if you approach him first but only because he had this whole speech and stuff planned for when he finally decided to go all in LOL.
Absolutely overjoyed that you feel the same way though!
He's got a lot of self confidence issues (when I catch you Mystra 👊)
So seeing you all shy and nervous to tell HIM that you LIKE him? He's on cloud 9.
Might feed his ego just the slightest bit.
He's just shocked that you like him, let alone like him enough to be nervous to tell him.
He'll listen to your entire confession and commit it all to memory, no matter how many times you get sidetracked due to your nerves.
He doesn't care, he's just too thrilled that you actually like him the poor man.
I wouldn't say that Gale doesn't have any game, he says that he's had lovers other than Mystra so that must mean that he pulls at least a little bit.
He's definitely awkward about relationships at the start though.
He doesn't know if it's too much too soon or if he's not being forward enough with his wants. Definitely an adjustment for him.
I feel like his sheer excitement definitely has him pulling you into a tight hug, which he'll apologize for after since he didn't ask permission first.
He'd definitely want to spend the rest of the day with you after and will pout like a puppy whenever you have to go, poor thing.
We all know that Astarion is a little shit.
Right out of the gate he's teasing you relentlessly.
Due to his own trauma, he'll think you're trying to hook up with him before he thinks you're just confessing your feelings.
Definitely flirtatious about it and very much trying to make you even more of a nervous wreck than you already are.
Probably asks you if fucking vampires is some kind of kink of yours, which you'll scramble to deny and it'll totally make him smirk all smug and shit.
When he realizes you're actually just telling him that you genuinely like him, his attitude changes.
Astarion is very familiar with being used but to have someone like him for him? He doesn't really know what to say.
He's embarrassed and his face is already flushing red as he hears you out.
His heart is absolutely swelling with affection though.
He's liked you for quite awhile but would never dare to tell you in fear of rejection or the fact that you might just want a sexual relationship with him.
He'd probably get pretty shy about telling you he feels the same way too.
He thinks it's so sweet watching you stumble over your words.
I honestly feel like he might end up on the verge of tears, his eyes always look so wet in game when he's saying something genuinely affectionate to Tav.
He's not fully comfortable with casual physical touch but he might gently hold your hand after it all and run his thumb over your knuckles.
Generally very soft with you for the rest of the day but don't think his sass is all gone.
After your initial confession he'll probably ask you if you're actually sure that you love someone like him 😭
If you're lucky and your nearly fumbled confession touches his heart deeply enough, he might apologize for how he teased you when you first tried to tell him how you feel.
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All of my writing is original work created by me. Please do not repost, translate, or alter them in any way.
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byuntrash101 · 11 months
realistic sex with yunho
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yunho x f!reader fluff | smut | mdni a/n: our big puppy boy yunho is the next entry to this series where i try to imagine how each member would actually fuck, as ✨realistically✨ as possible. disclaimer: i say realistic but lets be honest this is pure delulu behaviour and total fiction. everything is solely based on the vibes the boys give off.
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yunho is the kind of man that knows exactly what he wants. so when he got to know you he knew instantly he wanted you. maybe he didn’t know right away he wanted to pursue a romantic relationship with you but he definitely knew he wanted to explore this as a possibility
yunho goes to people he’s compatible with, therefore there's no awkward first stage. he pursues you but is never annoying or pressing but he's not a smooth talker either (he can be though) he just puts you at ease. he makes sure you feel comfortable around him and lightens the mood often with funny comments and little jokes or even silly faces.
basically makes you laugh all the time.
the goofball™
that's how you fell for him without even noticing. because you were just laughing all the way through enjoying spending time with your friend until he was way more than this.
getting together with him was so natural that at some point the lines got a little blurry and when you finally asked what you guys were he looked at you with big round puppy eyes
"what kind of question is that you're? you're my girlfriend, silly" was his response. to him it was so obvious that he didn't even need to label your relationship. to his defense he's been sure about you since that first day he made you laugh for real. not the polite controlled laugh but snorting laugh you could be self conscious about. but to him it's the single most endearing thing about you.
he loves that side of you and that he's known for quite a while. the man doesn't hesitate and doesn't beat around the bush
(aries much? yes very)
overall yunho is very gentle maybe because of his height but he's very much conscious of his body and strength and he's not the kind to accidentally hurt you when you play fight
and that's how you know than when he does hurt you. he means it. (more on that later hehe)
many people assume that since yunho is like tall tall that's he has a size kink. I am a firm believer that he actually doesn't. he knows he's tall, he doesn't need the size kink ego boost. but you know who has a size kink? san! 
ofc if you're into it yunho will be more than happy to tap into it calling you little and bending you're tiny body in various position where he will look and feel huge over you just to make you shake and whine for him <3
the main thing that gets yunho's blood boiling is very simple: control.
well that's now that he is comfortable with you. because the first time you were intimate i feel like he was very very shy and you even thought it was cute how he got flustered the first time he saw you undress for him or how blushy he got the first time you told him how big he was (more big cock!yunho down below heheheheheh)
but as soon as he became comfortable the golden retriever boy vibe was out of the window as soon as you stepped in the bedroom.
yunho is a dom. plain and simple.
what he wants is for you to submit. he's not even necessarily the mean dom type (he def can be though) he's just the kind that would enjoy for you to be blindfolded or other kind of sensory deprivation or even bounded (if you're into that) he will go absolutely crazy for that
he would enjoy controlling you, getting you to lie down blindfolded and having you be completely at his mercy. He would trace his big hands across your nude skin and leave goose bumps scattered on your body, making you shiver with light touches just to get your blood boiling. He loves to see you pant and squirm with just a few touches. He’s the kind to tease like this until you have no choice but to beg him for more.
there only the real fun would begun skdlsklslkdls
most of the time yunho is making love to you. he doms you but he’s gentle, he whispers words of affirmation in your ear and is very attentive to your queues. he is very observant and will know when to stop/slow down/keep going. and particularly when he penetrates you. Since he's like big big. he always makes sure to go real slow. the one first stroke is always slow and deep, he pushes his big fat cock into you very slowly so you have time to adapt to him. and how he loves to see your lips go round when he bottoms out and his cock comes to kiss your cervix. h absolutely loves to hear your little gasps.
but most of the time you don’t take too long because he already prepped you with a nice session of fingering (and maybe one orgasm or two hehe). yunho doesn't have a hand kink himself but if you have one (if you are a yunho stan lets be honest here you have one lol) he will ABSOLUTELY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT. at first it always starts as a joke to tease you. he knows how much you like his hands and he just loves to tease. at first he just strokes your thighs just to look at you hold your breath and ogling how his hand wraps perfectly around your thigh and how his veins pop out on his forearms when he squeezes your thigh a little. he plays it off as if he’s just minding his business pretending he’s unware of the effect he has on you but when you catch on to his teasing and playfully hit him he just throw his head back and laughs with that crystal clear laugh and creased eyes that made you fall for him. (he's just so cute and handsome and cute and handsome and slkdlskdlkdk)
but then his hand goes back to your thighs but with more purpose, it goes higher on your thighs closer to your center earning a little whimper from you and suddenly this sound makes him forget about the joke altogether. now he pushes his fingers inside your mouth, smirking when you instinctively wrap your mouth around them and suck on them while moaning, eyes fluttering close. 
he presses his other hand to your clothed core and just rubs you there until you lose your mind before you are even undressed
“you like that baby? you like my fingers in your mouth?” "what's that baby? you want them somewhere else too" *snickers cockily* "so eager" “thats it baby make them nice and wet for me so the slide right in your pretty little pussy”
before you know it he pushes two long fingers inside you making your back arch against his broad chest and broken cries fall off your lips.
one other thing: like i said mingi like to be praised and yunho likes to praise you (thats why yungi is match made in heaven)
he loves to see your reactions every time he praises you.
“that’s my good girl” “baby you feel so good around me” “look at you taking my big cock, you’re doing so great for me” 
of course that is interlaced with low groans and pants because i don’t think he’s the type to scream and moan a lot but he’s definitely not the type to keep all the beautiful sounds he can make to himself.
also like i mentioned in other parts of this series yunho is the jealous type. i think possessive even. but like contrary to hongjoong (who would just be upfront about it, confronting the person that hits on you) yunho is more subtle. if he sees you flirting with someone else he would come up behind you and wrap his arm around your waist, throw a defying (and ravaging) smile to his rival. but that’s the thing with yunho. his authority comes from within. he doesn’t even need to use brute force to get his point across he doesn’t need to raise his voice. everything is in the aura. nothing scarier than a mad and angry golden retriever energy boy.
as soon as the opponent taps out yunho is pushing you to a more secluded spot at your current location. If it’s a party it might be a bathroom or an unoccupied room. if it’s a mall it might be a quiet corner of the parking lot. truthfully he doesn’t care because right now he sees red and he needs to remind you that you are his. his only.
he would push you up against the cold concrete wall of the parking lot behind two big cars to be sure no one else can lay their eyes on you and overstim you out in the open until you can’t take it anymore. making you cum on his fingers and cock over and over again until you beg him to stop and he demands an apology from you which you comply to immediately in broken moans and sobs chanting 'sorry’s' and 'i wont do it again’s' until he’s satisfied.
but that is only if you piss him off. so dont piss him off (or do)
i feel like he almost 100% of the times finishes inside you. He just loves to stuff you full and hopefully make you a mom someday (even though he doesn't say it) so he considered this practice for when you are both ready
he loves for you to cockwarm him to sleep after he’s fucked your brains out and you both sleep cuddled up into each other <33333
screaming into the void because how cute (and incredibly hot) can one man be????
BONUS: tw: feet (don't read if it makes you uncomfy <3). idk if my brain’s chemistry was permanently altered by all the memes about this but i have started to believe yunho is actually into feet (yeah boo me if u wanna) when you think about it foot fetish is one of the most common one literally the most vanilla flavored kink ever (i don't make the rules) so it’s not impossible and i dont think it’s improbable. so here you go for this bonus: i feel like yunho likes the mating press for this very reason. because that way with your thighs pressed to your chest he gets to see your feet. when he pounds into you and he feels he’s close he would take hold of your foot and bring it to his face, heavily breathing and panting, getting your toes into his mouth and groan as he fills you up full of cum. one other way he likes to include some feet play is just to get a foot job, he would press both your feet together fuck his fat and mighty cock right between them. and nothing gets him more feral than to do that before he takes you and fucks your tight little cunt. you like the way he ruts into your feet because every time he does he sounds more rough, more primal then ever and you just think that's a good look on him. (not to mention he gets so worked up it’s guaranteed that he’s going to wreck your whole word right after) <3
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want to see another member? request it in the comments or asks <3
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withlove-angel · 11 months
How would they confess to you ?
(Luffy, sanji, zoro, Buggy, law)
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I think Luffy would be very straightforward with his confession, he wouldn't want to beat around the bush or cause any confusion. He would be very clear about his feelings for you and how much you mean to him. He might not be the most romantic person in the world but he would try his best to show you how much he cares about you and how important you are to him.
He might start by saying something like, "You know, I've been really enjoying our time together, and I have to say...I'm starting to fall for you!" Then, he might add, "Oh, who am I kidding, I've completely fallen for you! You're the only person who can make me smile like this and I never want that to go away." He might even end his confession with, "So, wanna be my treasure?"
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Well, Sanji might not confess right away, but he might start with subtle hints. He might drop little compliments or flirt a lot more. He would also make an extra-special meal to impress you. Eventually, he might get up the courage to tell you how he feels, and he would say something like "You're so beautiful and kind, it's hard not to have a crush on you"
That's true! Sanji does like to flirt, but he's also very respectful of women and their boundaries. He wouldn't push if you said no, but he might be a bit... persistent... if you said maybe, or said you wanted to get to know him better before making a decision. He might ask you more questions about yourself and your interests, or try to impress you with his cooking or fighting skills. But he wouldn't force you into anything, even if he does really like you
"I love your smile, and your laugh. Your eyes sparkle like jewels and your hair is like the sun on a sunny day. You're strong and brave, and you don't let anything stop you. I want to be the person who makes you smile the most in the whole world. My heart is yours; will you please accept it?"
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The way I envision it, he'd confess during a time of quiet, peace, and contemplation. He'd be hesitant, nervous, probably even a little awkward in his own way, but he'd do it without hesitation because it's what he's feeling. He'd want it to be genuine and sincere, and maybe it'd even be a spur-of-the-moment decision. If it's a more emotional moment, his swords might even be discarded to the side, as a symbolic gesture
*deep breath*" Oi. You know it's me, right? There's something I wanna get off my chest. It's not easy for me to put it into words. I don't know if I'm making sense... But here goes. I kinda like you- like like you. A lot. I think I've felt this way for a while now, but I haven't been able to say it. I know it's a lot to just say out loud, and it feels a bit... reckless. But I gotta just get it out. I like you."
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Buggy likes to present himself as powerful and intimidating. But deep down he's just an insecure guy who worries about what others think of him. In a private setting with someone he trusts, I think Buggy would be a lot more honest and open about his feelings. But he would still do it his own way, maybe in a roundabout way without actually saying the words "I love you".
I think Buggy would be very loyal and protective in a relationship, and he'd make sure that his partner knows that he values their connection deeply.
He would be careful not to say anything overly cheesy or melodramatic. He might try to lighten the mood with a joke, or compliment you in a way that makes you feel special and important to him. He would probably try to impress you with his strength and courage, and show off his abilities as a fighter and leader.
He would probably also be quite thoughtful and sweet, and show that he really cares about your well-being and happiness. But he wouldn't want to be too vulnerable or emotional, so he would likely try to keep things light and playful.
"So.. I.. err.. *cough* you're the most beautiful and amazing person I've ever met. (Turns all red) *cough* I mean... err... you're not too bad I guess. (Tries to smile) Wanna.. err.. be my partner.. I mean... umm... *cough* wanna be my romantic partner? Yeah, that's it. *cough* That was a joke, right? Right?"
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Law is the type to give subtle hints that he likes someone while keeping his feelings under wraps. If you like him too, you'd probably have to make a move first. He's the type to deny his feelings until the moment they're expressed. He has a hard time displaying his emotions, although he's quite a warm person internally.
If you confess he would probably be stunned at first. He wouldn't expect this to happen. However, once he processes what's occurred, he would probably say something along the lines of "Oh... hmm. Is that so?" His expression would definitely display his surprised and potentially pleased state. Though, he'll probably keep his answer brief and ambiguous. But the slightly blush and smirk on his face dont lie...
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deepestnightcolor · 5 months
Hello ~ I just binged all of your Sam fics and am obsessed!! I would love to see your take on what happened during Sam's 10 heart event if you stay in the bed hehe. Thank you for your writing!!
ᴀ/ɴ: Thank you so much for the compliment and the request. It really, really means a lot to me. I simply love writing Sam as a pussy-whipped slut. I hope you enjoy, thank you for your time!
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☾ ʜɪᴅᴇᴏᴜᴛ ☽
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: Sam (SDV) x Fem!Reader
ᴡᴄ: 3402 words
ᴍᴅɴɪ ✧ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: creampie, mentions of blood, drool, fast sex, mentions of being caught, I guess?
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"Well, don't do too many push-ups, then. Good night, dear."
The click of the door signaled that Jodi had left the room, the sight that left Sam only verifying your assumption. Still, you waited. Quietly, patiently. There was no need to rush now, was there? And besides, Sam's bed smelled _so_ good. Like vanilla and cola, like fresh air. Like him.
"Shit...I'm sorry. You can come out now."
You didn't want to. Surrounded by his scent and the warmth that your position beneath the yellow sheet had caused, you felt comfortable and safe. Still, Sam could watch you shift around before your head popped up from below the bed sheet. Your hair was ruffled, and your cheeks were red. If from the rush of having to hide, or embarrassment, he didn't know. But he knew he himself was bushing due to the two things combined. He hadn't wanted to hide you, but he was painfully aware that the whole town would have known about...this had his mom seen you. And he didn't even know if you wanted this.
He gave you a smile, small and sheepish. "I'm sorry for hiding you-"
"Your bed is comfortable," you interrupted, stretching your body before slowly lifting the yellow sheet. "Try it. It's a really good hideout."
For a moment, his orbs were filled with disbelief. Confusion, even. That didn't last long, though, the look on his face quickly being swept off and replaced with a lighter one, maybe one of relief. Feeling Sam almost jump on the bed and snuggle up to you, you realized it had been a look of excitement.
His arms felt warm and heavy around you, and there was no other choice but to give in to this comforting touch.
"You know...," he murmured, snapping the rubber band around his wrist behind your back. "I usually put on rubber bands when I don't want to forget something. But this time this was unnecessary...I mean. I... I could never forget how I feel about you, you know?"
Your heart was beating up in your throat, and your breathing was now heavier. You tried to find words.
Really, you did. But all you could do was form a smile on his lips, the throbbing of your heart in your throat screaming at you to make it calm enough for him to go on.
To your great joy, Sam did. "Y'know...I...well. I haven't felt like this about anyone ever...and I-I...y'know."
Say it. Yoba, please.
"I always knew there was something special between us. That..that I really like you," he whispered, gently gripping your chin.
The smile that was plastered on your lips stayed put until you felt Sam's soft ones against yours. You heard your blood rushing in your ears as you flung your arms around his neck, kissing him back.
It started out so soft, so gentle. Mouths moving in sync, whispering the words neither of you had found in your awkwardness without using words.
You seriously didn't know how it could have escalated like this; Sam's tongue was in your mouth now, dominating yours as you eagerly sucked on it. His large hands were tracing up and down your sides, until they finally found the hem of your shirt, vanishing beneath the fabric before you could do as much as even lift it.
You moaned when the palms of his hands pressed against your tits, a sound that riled Sam up. His head was spinning, and he was pretty sure it was because of the lack of blood which slowly made its way elsewhere.
Actually, that was a lie. His dick was hardening faster than he would have ever wanted to admit, and your leg wrapping around his slender hips certainly didn’t help. He could feel the heat of your lower body matching his now, and Yoba did it feel good.
“Sam,” you whimpered in his mouth that pressed sloppy kisses to yours. Only now did he realize that his fingers were pinching your nipples through the lacy fabric of your bra, leading you to grind into his erect penis. It was so tempting, after all. Right there, hot and throbbing against you.  “Mhh?” he grunted back, but the time he gave you to react was barely non-existent as his sloppy tongue entered your mouth again, teeth cluttering together when you inched closer.
 Neither of you cared, too involved in the heat of the moment. Sam’s long fingers wandered behind your back, unclasping the hooks of your bra and pulling it from beneath your shirt.
The piece of clothing landed in the middle of his room without much more regard to it, fingers now pressing down on the exposed flesh, hard enough to send little waves of pleasure through you, but not hard enough to satisfy the greedy hunger that was growing within you, to ease the wetness pooling between your legs.
As if reading your thoughts, he moved his head. Your lips separated with a smack and the moment you didn’t feel them on yours anymore, you craved more. The softness of them, his tongue sloppily massaging yours; the taste of his spit. You wanted it again, felt so lost without them until they met the heated skin just below your skin.
“You are so pretty,” Sam cooed, sucking the skin in his mouth. The wetness combined with the warmth made your head spin, your hips bucking forward in a search for more, more, more. What you were met with caught you both by surprise and yet filled you with contentment as the blond pressed you into the mattress, his face now hovering above yours. “Fuck, I know this is fast-“
“Just fuck me,” you whispered back, voice just barely above a whisper. You at least had to try and be quiet in here, didn’t you? After all, Jodi could hear and check up on you again.
Sam didn’t seem to share the same kind of sentiment; the moan that left his swollen lips – you must have bitten down too hard when you kissed – was loud, edging on a whimper. Even his face looked like he was already close to his orgasm, a sliver of drool falling from the corner of his mouth as he took you in.
You wanted to urge him on some more, slowly but surely growing impatient by the slowing pace, yet you didn’t have to. Long fingers found the waistband of your pants, and with one, strong tug, you felt air caress the skin of your thighs. Your breath was just barely able to hitch before your panties found their way to the ground next. Blue eyes were drawn to your pussy, staring at the glistening wet between the plush of your thighs. You bit your lower lip and spread them slowly for him, allowing him a more exposed view of what he was craving.
Sam couldn’t take his eyes off you, the look in them was one you would have never been able to describe. So full of lust and desire. His tongue was now sticking from beneath his teeth, the tent in his pants so obvious it was rewarded by a moan coming from you.
You couldn’t be quite sure what was going on behind those pretty eyes of his, but you definitely felt like he was fucking you with eyes.
“You okay, Sammy boy?” you asked, letting your fingers dance down your own body. You pinched your nipples for him, enjoying the way his eyes followed each and every move. They followed your finger, all the way down to your clit where it now was rubbing gentle circles into the bundle of nerves. You threw a small, breathless moan in his direction, watched how he licked his lips. One time, two times. His cock was twitching in his pants, you could see it strain against the fabric. Even now he looked absolutely delicious. “Don’t you wanna fuck me?”
That seemed to bring the blond back to life. His hand flew to the fly of his pants, shaking fingers trying to slide it down. But it seemed that the zipper tried to punish him for his sudden impatience, getting stuck more often than it slipped down. You watched with an amused look in your eyes, yet if you had to be honest, this was killing you. It felt absolutely amazing to be desired in such an open, shameless way, and yet it was like your pussy was throbbing with agony over the fact that Sam wasn’t acting on it. “Come on, Sammy boy, ah fuck,” you sighed, tilting your head back into the pillow, your hips bucking upwards just as though they were inviting him. His scent was still surrounding you, which only turned you on more.
A moan was to be heard, coming right from the man towering above you. “You clenched around nothing,” he whispered, albeit his words were more stammered than coherently formed. You grinned to yourself, which was harder than it seemed because the pleasure you felt from adding pressure to your sweet little clit had you scrunching up your face. “And to think, all this time, it could have been you.”
Something wet touched your thigh. You did not need to look down to know that Sam had drooled on you, but what you hadn’t expected was to hear a ripping sound. Your head shot up, and you saw that Sam had simply ripped his jeans. The blue fabric hung loosely around his hips now, though not for much longer. Without even a moment to blink, you could hear the sound of Sam’s cock smacking against his stomach.
Your throat tightened upon seeing it; it was big and red with how hard it was. A piercing adorned the drooling tip, and if you looked closely, you could see globs of pre-cum dribble down the thick shaft, kissing the pulsing veins along the way.  “Finally- Fuck!” You gasped out, spreading your legs wider in an attempt to accommodate the red tip that was prodding at your entrance already.  “Gonna be..shit, you’re..suckin’ me in so good, baby,” he breathed, closing his eyes in a desperate attempt to at least regain a small amount of composure. But your cunt – holy fuck, your cunt was pretty, so, so, pretty – sucking his tip off so well… how could he? He couldn’t, because there was no composure left.
His knuckles turned white as he slowly pushed forward, pierced tip entering you, just for his shaft to stretch you slowly. The movement of his pale hips was accompanied by a low moan that tore from the place of heated pleasure you felt deep within you. He had to stop- just had to. He was about to cum, fill you up despite not even being halfway in. You simply sounded so sweet, and your squishy walls were so wet, so welcoming. So… tempting.
That was why it wasn’t his fault! It really wasn’t – not at all. His hips did what they wanted, shoving forward quickly before he could stop himself. The moan that filled the room now came from two bodies but entered the air as one. Sam was big. Stretching your walls in an almost uncomfortable way, especially since he reached so deep. Your world seemed to spin; the only thing you could actually focus on was the face of pure pleasure above you. A thin layer of sweat had formed on his forehead, strands of blonde hair sticking to his face. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed, eyes searching yours.
The bright blue sea had turned into a dark one now, and you could have drowned in them. If there had been the time.
Sam pulled out of you, only a little at first, just to thrust forward again. His eyes still were plastered on your face, gauging your reaction. You sucked in a sharp breath through your gritted teeth. Another thrust; again he was still filling you up almost completely, just to thrust into you, bottoming out. This thrust felt better than the first one, much better. And fuck, his pretty, pretty face. He was focused, working hard to not just lose control. You could see it in the way he was staring at you, in the way he bit his lip hard enough for it to draw blood. His brain might have switched to standby, but he still didn’t want to hurt you. Even if he felt like a bitch in heat right now, your comfort was his highest priority.
“Sam-“ you breathed as another short thrust filled you up. The sound of his name mixing with pleasure leaving your sweet mouth, swollen from the kisses you had shared, it all was too much. He had seriously attempted to take it slow, but his hips moved faster than his brain could think.
He leaned down to kiss you again, and this time you could not only taste his saliva but also the metallic taste of blood. You sucked on his lower lip, feeling a sudden emptiness threatening to wash over you. That feeling didn’t last long, though as Sam quickly fucked his dick back inside of you. Short, deep thrusts had now become long ones, and his hips moved fast enough to make your body bounce. Your tits jumped along with his fast rhythm, not that you cared. All you cared about was the feeling of being so perfectly full, of having his lips press kisses all over you. “So fuckin’ hot, ya know that? Listen to your pussy, baby- fuck you’re suckin’ me off,” he gasped, one hand moving beneath your thigh to push it towards your bouncing chest. The stretch his girthy dick caused was long forgotten, and again you felt the desire to have more. Lucky for you, Sam was happy to deliver.
His hips humped into you with a fast speed – the blonde wasn’t one to thrust hard, but he did thrust deep. The squelching sounds of your cunt trying to suck his wettened dick back in whenever he left you filled the room, just like Sam’s whimpers and whines of your names. He tried to busy his mouth by leaving wet spots all over your body, here and there he even was able to focus enough to suck a hickey into your flesh. Yet you doubted that it was to stay quiet; you yourself didn’t even care much anymore.
You moaned his name shamelessly, your hands finding the fabric of his shirt, fingers twisting into it. You were sure that your nails dug crescents into the skin despite the thin layer of protection, but even if you did, it didn’t seem like Sam cared. Quite the opposite, actually. Lapping at your nipple through your shirt, his hips pounded into you what he had tried to tell you before.
That he found you amazing, absolutely gorgeous. That he wanted you and needed you to be his. Even though no words were shared, your body seemed to understand, nonetheless. Working with Sam, your hips bucking up to allow him deeper. “Such..such a good girl,” he praised, the faltering of his voice, however, was a clear enough sign that he had long lost all senses of control. His dick was fucking you fast, the bed beneath you creaking dangerously, but why should he have cared? Fuck, he wanted to fuck you through the mattress, break the damn bed, too. It didn’t mean he would have stopped. “Sam!” Your moan was now high pitched, eyes clenching close. You were nearing your climax; the way you clenched around him only proved it further. It was like your  pussy was scared of him to stop, trying to prevent him from slipping out of you before you could get your sweet release.
Sam was in quite a similar position. His eyes for once had left your face, now following how well your cunt took his dick. Watching how you swallowed him whole, and how he pulled out with some more wetness covering his pulsing dick. He wasn’t sure if it was his precum or your wetness, maybe it was both. What he did know was that he wanted more. Despite his balls already pulling tight, he sped up his hips. Hands clinging onto your body to refuse you all opportunities to escape, he humped into you as if his life depended on you. Droplets of spit from his lolling tongue landed on you, but they didn’t get the string of moans and begs that now left your mouth to cease.
Suddenly, it was there. Grabbed you, threw you in the air. Your toes curled, your back arching upwards as you tried to chase Sam’s dick with your hips, your eyes rolling back in your skull. Your orgasm pulsated through you in a way that made your face and legs feel numb, and still feel the pounding into your cunt.
“Fuck, go- where do you want me-“
You were barely able to form the words that described the desperate, hot need you felt. His dick was twitching within you, and you knew he was dangerously close to the edge. Sam was panting now, his head slowly falling back. Your high was still lingering, yet the perverted need that filled your head needed to be spoken out.
“Fill me up,” you begged, your voice barely above a strained whisper, but it was enough for the blonde.
A sharp slam forward made the bed creak and the headboard slam into the wall, though the feeling that washed over you distracted you way too much. Ropes of hot cum filled you up, marking your bullied walls as Sam’s property. His head was still thrown back, his thighs twitching as he whimpered your name, voice a pitch higher than normal, and yet he shamelessly exposed what you did to him. The load that filled you up was much more than anticipated, and yet it was the only thing that could have filled the pit in your stomach that had been feeding on greed and lust for Sam.
Panting replaced the sound of skin against skin, the sound of moans as the blonde finally pulled you out, biting his lower lip when he saw some cum drip from your pretty cunt. He dropped down next to you in exhaustion, one arm immediately wrapping around you.
“Fuck,” the two of you breathed in unison, just to share a laugh. Sam smiled at you, tiredly, but also contently. You gave him a small smile back, before pressing your lips together in a last, sleepy kiss.
You had slipped out through the window with Sam after the blond had helped you clean up. He had removed any trace of dried spit and cum that he had been able to find, even though it had been much to your dismay. The walk to your farm had been quiet, but a silence that was comfortable. Your hand was wrapped in Sam's, the blond carrying a goofy smile on his tired face. The sun had just begun to rise when Sam and you shared another kiss on the front porch of your house, promising one another to meet again the very same afternoon, and Sam had left your farm both feeling giddy and totally exhausted.
He slipped in through the window of his bedroom, just barely able to get the sheets off of his bed when he heard someone clear his throat behind him. Turning around, he was met by his mom. One of her arms was crossed over her chest, the other held up a bra.
“Samson,” she began, one brow cocked. “I thought I raised you better.”
Blood shot in his cheeks, his brain whirring as he tried to come up with a way to explain things, but Jodi just shook her head.
“Hiding a nice girl like her; she deserves better than that, Samson! Here. I put her bra in the wash and dryer, so at least be a gentleman this time and give it back to her.”
He felt like the blush that had blossomed on his cheeks had now wandered to his lips, making them too heavy to speak. Instead, he stared at his mom, with his mouth open.
Jodi rolled her eyes, throwing the bra at him. “You know, there was a time when I was young, too,” she said, already turning to leave his room. Sam looked at the piece of clothing in his hands, swallowing thickly.
“Oh, and Sam?”
It was the first time he had been able to speak: “Yes, mom?”
“Next time you do “push-ups”, be quieter. Or maybe visit your gym buddy.”
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mobbu-min · 10 months
☆ erm, let's not do that ☆
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requested by anon! Hi there! So i would like to request The overblot gang with a S/O who likes to pick on their fingers whenever they are stressed and considering what Yuu have to go through, they would have a bloody hand if it werent for the fact they use gloves when they are really stressed out. (They dont wear gloves often because it will look weird when it doesnt fit the outfit but will wear it if necessary). So what are the overblot gang (seperate) reactions when he learns why his S/O pick on their fingers and wear gloves? P.s. you are an amazing writer and i love your work, keep up the good work! Hope you have a lovely day/night!
a/n so it's been awhile... how have you guys been? i've been okay, been dealing with post graduation fatigue and depression. been wondering what the hell am i doing with my world and wondering if things are really worth it. i miss bts, i miss jin and hobi and most of all yoongi. i miss the person i used to be. i miss the person that was my rock for a good few years. i wish this whole life thing wasn;t so hard, but! twst makes my brain go brrrr, so that's good i guess lolol. i'm working on stuff dw! and i'll try to post more, so thank you all so much to those who have been waiting! i love you all!!! <333
characters mentioned: overblot boys!
!tw! blood, would this be considered self harm? (an actual question btw)
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Riddle Rosehearts <3
⋆ He’s so concerned. Honestly, when he saw the state of your hands, he gasped like some Victorian man seeing an ankle for the first time.
⋆ He’s not the type to beat around the bush, but he’s gentle about it. He’s quick to voice his concern for your health and if there’s any way for him to help you. 
⋆ Knowing that he is part of the cause of your pain, sorta sends him spiraling somewhat. It really makes Riddle want to become a better person after seeing the after effects of his tyranny.
⋆ Whenever Riddle sees you picking at your hands, he kinda swats at your hands like an angry cat. A disappointed pout on his soft features. He really tries okay. 
⋆ Riddle will patch your hand up. He’s so gentle about it too. Holding your hands as if they were blessed by the Queen of Hearts (honestly there’s probably a rule about it)
⋆ He’s taken to holding your hand when you're together. He stutters out a quick ‘I-it’s to help you!’ before dragging you away to study. When you're alone, Riddle has the habit of kissing your hands, mumbling sweet words. 
⋆ Overall, Riddle is concerned but willing to do anything to help you.
“If you ever find the urge to harm yourself, no matter how small, I ask you to seek me out. I will always spare you a moment. Afterall, I care about you, please don’t forget that.”
Leona Kingscholar <3
⋆ He noticed the state of your hands the moment he met you, but didn’t mention it until you grew closer. Like Riddle, he doesn’t beat around the bush. But unlike Riddle, Leona is so incredibly blunt.
⋆ After you tell him it’s a habit you’ve picked up after certain events, Leona drops the subject. The both of you are too awkward to keep it going. Afterall, you both knew what events could have led you here. Guilt was quick to snag Leona’s heart.
⋆ He’s not upfront about his emotions. Leona’s quite bad with vocalizing his worries, but he’s always been a firm believer in actions over words anyways.
⋆ Expensive gloves, creams and ointments from his land, heck even fidget toys he’s seen Cheka play with, shows up at your door. Anything he believes that could help you, he’s getting.
⋆ If you’re together and your hands get particularly bad, he’s dragging you to the infirmary to patch you up (he ends up snagging/buying bandages to keep on him just in case after) He doesn’t really talk much, but the sentiment is there.
⋆ Like Riddle, Leona will hold your hands to stop you from picking at your skin. His grip is tight, but not in a way that seems like he’s scolding you or mad, but tight in a way that's comforting. As if saying ‘I’m here.’
‘Oi, stop that… Yeah, I’m aware, but I’m here now. Let’s find other ways to deal with your stress, yeah? (whispering) I think I’ve got a few ideas, if you’re up to it, herbivore~’
Azul Ashengrotto <3
⋆ He beats around the bush. Azul is weirddddd about it.
⋆ On one hand, he’s worried about you. On the other hand, his capitalist side wants to find some way to profit off it. Somehow he manages to quell both sides. (he ends up making hand cream/ointment using like floyd’s mucus thing, rip floyd)
⋆ Azul, despite his incessant need to bottle up his emotions for others, finds it hard to ignore the state of your hands, and likewise state of your health, any longer. He doesn’t know how to approach the topic. Does he ask right away? Should he ease you into it? He, for the first time since his overblot, is lost for words.
⋆ He does eventually get the guts to ask and oh boy, he never knew guilt felt this bad.
⋆ Azul kinda sucks at helping you, he won’t hold your hand (only in private) and he’s kinda frivolous with money (so no expensive gifts) but he’s good with his words. And when he sees you starting to pick at your hands, he immediately starts running his mouth. And he can talk for hours. And he’s entertaining too. Leaving you so enraptured by his words that you forget about the need to pick at your skin.
⋆ He’s always good at always keeping you busy. And no this isn’t some way to get free labor out of you. Typically you help him with paper work, just you and him in his little office.
⋆ Azul may always be boasting about how kind he is outloud, but you both know his true kindness is always quiet.
‘Ah, that’s enough paperwork for today. How about we go to the lounge for a few drinks? There’s plenty more I wish to share with you about the stock market.’
Jamil Viper <3
⋆ He doesn’t notice until you’re hissing in pain from something spicy touching your tender skin (listen i know this does make sense, but trust me, it hurts) He’s confused and worried at first and confused and worried after.
⋆ Jamil scolds you for working without some sort of protection while he tenderly washes your hands.
⋆ I feel like Jamil also has some bad coping habits, so he’s quick to put two and two together. He doesn’t ask, but there is a noticeable shift in his behavior. Jamil is a lot more gentle, not in a demeaning way, but in an awkward ‘I want to help you, but idk how, just please appreciate my efforts’ sorta way.
⋆ Since he still has his duties as Vice Housewarden and Kalim’s aid, he’s pretty tight on time, but he tries his best to spare you a few minutes. And if he can’t, you’ll always find a lunch box sitting on your desk.
⋆ Jamil is always willing to bandage your hands if they get particularly bad. He’ll use healing ointment that smells like home and is as gentle as his voice.
⋆ And while he can’t give you extraordinary gifts or talk for hours on end, Jamil is always ready to lend you a hand to heal your own destruction like how you healed him.
‘Stop squirming so much, I’ll mess up your banadages. -sigh- You really have to start wearing some sort of gloves… Mh? What was that?… You like it when I bandage your hand? E-eh- ahem, well if you like it so much, I might as well start charging you. …Ahaha, I never said thuarmarks, did I?”
Vil Schoenheit <3
⋆ He takes one look at your hand and instantly brings out a 12 step hand routine.
⋆ Listen, he doesn't care if you do it out of stress, he’s going to fix your hands while helping you find better ways to handle it.
⋆ He rubs like this gel liquid thing that tastes bad to prevent you from biting away the skin near your nail (it’s an actual thing don’t worry) He’s pulling all the stops to prevent you from injuring your hands even more than they already are.
⋆ Vil often walks the fine line of being really gentle or really strict about it. And it doesn’t stem from his perfection issues, he is just kinda bad at expressing his emotions in a way that is both productive and compassionate. He does care, you’ll just have to look for hidden meanings in his long lectures.
⋆ No doubt, Vil is getting both of you matching gloves with your signature colors as accents.
⋆ The whole 12 step hand routine actually does become routine for the both of you. Typically taking place at Pomefiore, you’ll both talk about your day. Vil sees this as a way to check off all three boxes.
⋆ He gets to do his nightly hand routine.
⋆ You're improving day by day from talking about your emotions with him.
⋆ And he gets to spend one on one time with you!
⋆ It's a win-win situation! And your hands have never been softer!
‘And Epel just had to prove his point, which ended up with him casting a Zip Tight Spell on him. Despite not even being able to move his mouth, I could tell there was so much anger running though his little body. Goodness, how ridicu-hm? Did my little spudling fall asleep? How rude~ -sigh- Sweet dreams, darling~’
Idia Shroud <3
⋆ It’s Ortho that brings up your problem. Worry evident in his voice as he showed pictures of your hands to his big brother.
⋆ Despite being gaming buddies, Idia really never paid attention to your outer appearance. Too preoccupied in his desire to beat you at every game you both play.
⋆ And poor Idia, guilt grabs him by his long ass hair and flings his lanky body across the room multiple times (not really, but in Idia’s head that what's happening)
⋆ Unlike all of the others mentioned, Idia’s way of help is rather unconventional. He’s not good at talking nor is he good at physical touch, but you know what he is good at? Yeah, making things.
⋆ After a long night, Idia shows up at Ramshackle holding a small box. What is in the box? Well your own personal health robocat! This cat is kinda like Ortho just to a lesser degree (think of the robocat seven made mc!)
⋆ Listen, he knows he’s severely lacking in multiple departments of this whole dating, heck even friend, thing, but he is trying! And RoboCat is the ultimate form of his love! It’s quite romantic really.
⋆ Is Grim happy about the new intruder? No! But your health is more important than his feelings!
⋆ Idia swears he died of pure happiness at your expression. His two favorite things together!? Eek! It’s too much!
‘A-and next time you find yourself in trouble, just c-call for Robocat and she’ll come flying!… A laser beam like Ortho? Good idea! I’ll make sure to add it in her name update!’
Malleus Draconia <3
⋆ His heart aches to see the pain you put yourself through. If it was up to him, he’d simply whisk you away to a place where no stress could muddle your beautiful mind. If he could, he would kill stress itself.
⋆ But alas, he can’t kill something that doesn’t have a physical form, how sad~ (lilia had to convince him not to go after Crowley)
⋆ Malleus is doing everything he can to help you. Just name it and he’s doing it.
⋆ Multiple gloves made of the finest materials? Got it!
⋆ Healing ointment from the farthest land made from an extinct organism? Done!
⋆ The heads of your enemies? Why didn’t you say so sooner!
⋆ He’s so silly ahahaha.
⋆ But seriously, Malleus sorta never feels stressed (he does, just thinks stress is a human emotion that only humans can feel) but he’s always willing to listen to you. Afterall, you’re always willing to lend your ears to him, it’s the bare minimum.
⋆ Advice? It’s so-so, sometimes he comes off vague but that really just because of his faeness. But he tries and is actively trying to be better, trying to be more intune with your emotions and his. (lilia has been great help, and surprisingly enough, watching silver and sebek on a more friendly level has also helped him be more in tune with emotions)
⋆ You shouldn't have to suffer in silence and he’ll make sure you never will for as long as the universe will let him.
‘You’ve been such a good companion, my dearest child of man, so please let me return the favor. Allow me to see the deepest parts of your soul, of your mind and heart. If you fear that I will cast judgment, do not. I could never judge the soul that has welcomed me with an open heart.’
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facefullofsadness · 7 months
Can I request reader eating hanni out like the same thing you did with the Sakura fic
precious baby hanni I love her sm 😩
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content - highschool!au, smut (virginity taking/first time, cunnilingus, gagging *not throwing up but stuffing the mouth to suppress sounds*), fluffy
wc - 1492
a/n - I have a gf!hanni hc that she calls her s/o darling with her sweet lil aussie accent and that her s/o loves calling her honey bc well, hanni!
hanni is suchhh a high school sweetheart.
I think it's a cliché heartthrob, oblivious, teen love story where you two became best friends overtime after meeting each other in class on the first day, your seating arrangement forcing you to talk to each other. and the more you got to know her, the more you started to fall. her smile, her aura, her personality, her voice, her talent, everything attracted you to her.
and she's sooo in the same boat with you. she lights up at the mention of your name, perks up when she sees you from across the room, runs after you and suffocates you in an adorable embrace. everyone around you two roll their eyes because neither of you can see how fucking in love the other is, too scared of rejection. so expect groans and "finally!"s to come out of your friends' mouths when you guys get together (minji and haerin were sick and tired, but dani and hyein were fangirling).
it took some time to build up to anything sex related. you both were young and inexperienced virgins, being each other's first kiss and everything, and even that was really hard and awkward to get over. even just talking about it made hanni's cheeks flush red, and you would just nervously laugh (how insufferably adorable hmph). BUT, being young also meant being unbelievably hormonal and horny, so eventually, when it got too much to handle, you made the first move.
a sleepover at hanni's. you and all of your guys' friends having a cute lil girls' night filled with games, movies, and snacks! you and your girlfriend cuddling on the couch as the night goes on and each girl knocks out one by one, dragging themselves upstairs to sleep in the guest bedrooms, leaving you and hanni left in the living room. a random chick flick plays on the screen as you pull her even further into you, nestling your face into her neck and planting kisses.
she squirms slightly in your grasp and giggles at your actions, lacing her fingers through your hair with one hand, another hand gripping your thigh beside her.
"darling, that tickles! what are you doing?" she questions.
"hanni... I don't know how much longer I wanna beat around the bush with this," you mumble against her skin, your eyes closed and your hands slipping under her tank top.
you feel her stiffen slightly in your hold, making you stop your kisses. she knows what you're talking about, but she panics slightly at the thought.
"darling, I don't know... they're just upstairs," hanni states hesitantly.
"I know honey, but just be quiet for me? yeah? can you do that?" you whisper sweetly.
her face looks distressed when you look up at her, wanting to say yes but too scared to go through with it. you pull away slowly, accepting her silence as a rejection like the respectful girlfriend you are, but she pulls your arm back, burying her face into your shoulder and mumbling.
you smile and kiss the top of her head, "we don't have to do it if you don't want to, my love."
"I want to!" she expresses a little too loud before lowering her voice again, "I want to, I'm just nervous."
you hold her face in your hands and place a soft peck on her lips, "It's okay, I am too. we'll learn together, right?"
she nods and grins slightly, leaning in to start making out with you, her hands in your hair pulling you into her. you reciprocate her needy kiss and push her backward to lay on the couch. your lips travel down her jaw to her neck, kisses gentle but passionate, leaving marks in discrete places, hanni biting her lip to suppress her whines.
you whisper into her ear, "turn the volume up."
she nods and reaches for the remote, increasing the sound of the movie on the tv, immediately releasing a small whimper when she feels your thumbs around her nipples. you travel down and undo her shorts with your mouth, sliding both articles of clothing off of her legs.
"we're gonna have to be quick if we don't wanna get caught, okay?" you tell her.
her eyes plead with you to keep going, but she responds anyway, "okay, that's fine. what about you?"
how sweet, always thinking about her gf.
you smile back, pecking her lips, "maybe next time, it is YOUR sleepover after all."
she rolls her eyes and pushes you back, giggling, "stupid."
you return back to before, sliding down her body and pushing her legs apart gently, your hands caressing her thighs. you look up at her for approval and she nods her head at you, anticipating your next move. so you move in, tongue swiping against her puffy pussy. you hear her breath hitch as the wet muscle between hanni's legs twirled and licked at her clit and cunt, clutching your wrists in pleasure.
"does that feel good?" you gasp out against her pussy lips.
"mmf, fuck, yes darling, feels s-so good..." she pants, your tongue going back to work.
she tries to bite down on one of her hands to suppress how good your mouth feels around her, your lips sucking at your clit while your tongue flicks at it, sometimes going and repeating the action to her entrance, your tongue darting inside and massaging inside her walls. but the pleasure was just too much, she couldn't stay quiet.
suddenly, you pull away and pick up her panties from the floor. hanni panics and worries that you stopped because she was being too loud, resulting in you making her get dressed again. but before she could speak up and apologize for her volume, you ball up her underwear and stuff it in her mouth, making her whimper when you do.
you kiss her cheek and look into her eyes, locking your gaze with her wide one, "you need to be quiet for me hon, be a good girl for me."
she gulps and you can see the lump travel down her throat before she nods and grips the material of your clothes on your shoulders. you lower yourself against her entrance before drinking in her essence, coating your tongue and drinking it down. her grip on your clothes tightens and she bites down on her gag, clamping her eyes shut and panting into her underwear.
her hips are moving uncontrollably, her stomach twisting and turning with pleasure at this new feeling. of course she's masturbated before, but she's never felt this good. with you eating her out like a pro below her, she swears she could get addicted to the feeling of your mouth on her. and she feels so warm, you're so gentle with her and treating her with the utmost care, but giving it your all to make sure hanni feels fucking amazing, and she does.
even through the loud movie and her panties in her mouth, muffling her moans, you can hear her tiny whimpers escaping her throat with every stroke of your tongue. the way her hips jolt and her legs shake, her upper half squirming in your hold, you know you're doing good and you smile against her core.
with a final suck of her clit, you feel her body tremble, her back arches into you, and her nails sting as they dig into your shoulders through the material. you open your eyes to look up at your girlfriend as her head is thrown back against the armrest and eyes clamped shut, biting down on her underwear for dear life, you're scared she might hurt herself.
you stop your movements and lick gently against her pussy, helping her ride out the high, pulling away as soon as she jerks from overstimulation. crawling up to face her sweaty forehead and hazy eyes, taking her panties out of her mouth. her mouth hangs open as you feel her hot breath panting against your lips. you kiss her sweetly and smile against her.
"good?" you ask simply.
"really good," hanni replies, her blinks slow as she passes out on the couch.
you melt at how adorable she is, slipping back on her clothes onto her limp sleeping body before finding a blanket and draping it over the both of you, laying your head on her shoulder before drifting to sleep too.
the next morning, you're both awaken to loud groaning. you rub your eyes of exhaustion to find an angry minji.
"god guys, if you're gonna fuck, PLEASSSEEEEE let me NOT be here," she huffs, pouting in her pajamas and plopping down on the other sofa with a bowl of cereal.
"they were fucking? I'm never coming back to this house," haerin echoes in the kitchen while you blush, feeling your gf bury her face into your shoulder.
"I told you to be quiet," you whisper into her ear, making hanni hit your shoulder.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
so... about what happened back there.
did you mean it?
was that the truth?
i'm really glad you told me.
how long have you known?
i'm glad you were the braver of the two of us.
what was that all about?
it sort of... slipped out.
does this change anything between us?
you wouldn't happen to feel the same way, would you?
i just need some time to think.
you make it hard for me to think straight.
what the hell were you thinking back there?
that was a pretty big confession you made back there.
did you mean to blurt that?
so... can we talk about what happened?
are you angry at me?
it was a long time coming, that's for sure.
what if i said i love you, too?
it was the heat of the moment.
that was the wrong place, wrong time!
what on earth are you talking about?
i didn't mean to say it like that.
i told you the truth.
i think i'm just in shock.
it's a lot to consider.
you made things a bit awkward.
i thought i'd never see you again.
did you have to go and say it in front of them?
it was an accident. i didn't mean it.
i thought we agreed we wouldn't cross that line.
you said... "i love you."
i feel the same way, you know.
friends don't say stuff like that.
everything i said was the truth.
i'm not mad, i just need to think about it for a while.
this is a lot to process.
you could have waited to say that.
that wasn't fair.
i think i love you back.
i can't change how i feel.
maybe i've been feeling this way for a long time.
you didn't know?
i think i feel the same way.
i'm not sure what to believe.
we were about to be separated... it slipped out.
i thought i was about to die. i figured i should tell you the truth before that happened.
i can tell you're mad.
we're just friends!
cut the bullshit. tell me the truth.
maybe we should talk about this another time.
stop beating around the bush.
well... that happened.
were you ever going to tell me?
you just made things ten times more awkward.
once this is all over... let's talk about this again.
maybe we can work things out after all.
for what it's worth... i feel the same way.
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chuusheartattck · 29 days
Chapter 30- It’s whatever ☕️
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You were already there when you texted Xiao. You just needed extra time to mentally prepare yourself. Originally you had wanted to cut him off over text, but he didn’t deserve that. You knew it was wrong to do it over the phone.
You were sat on a bench scrolling through twitter. It was a chilly night and you should’ve brought a jacket. You felt anxiety coursing through your veins. With every passing minute your heart rate increased and you kept looking around anxiously for any sign of Xiao. You were so on edge and for what? You’re the one who called him out in the middle of the night out of the blue. He should be more nervous.
As you were scrolling through your phone, you heard footsteps approaching you. You didn’t want to look up, worried for who you were about to see. The footsteps stopped in front of you and you could only see a pair of converse in your peripheral vision. You looked up and met eye to eye with Xiao.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he sat down next to you.
You weren’t ok at all.
“Why did you want to meet up? You’re not breaking things off with me are you?” He was only half joking.
“About that,” You began. You needed to be stern about this and not beat around the bush, “You’re a really great guy and I’m sure you’ll find someone that’ll like you the way you want them to. However, that person isn’t me.”
Your voice got quieter after the last sentence. You were scared on how he was going to react. You’ve never done anything like this before and his intimidating aura didn’t make you feel any better.
He let out a small chuckle and looked away, “It’s Scaramouche isn’t it?”
Was it that obvious?
Your silence didn’t make it any better as you looked down to your hands. You didn’t know what to say. Only tension and awkwardness filled the air.
“Have you once considered how I felt?”
You looked up meeting his amber eyes. You raised an eyebrow.
“How do you think I felt every time you would talk about him? It felt like you never liked me.”
Are men always this idiotic?
It’s understandable that he feels rejected but you never told him you liked him back. You liked being his friend but he went too fast and didn’t ask you how you felt about anything.
Annoyed, you argued back with him, “You’re right, I never did. You can’t just guilt me into thinking that I never considered how you felt when you never thought about feelings. I never wanted to be more than friends with you. Yes I did find you attractive and there were times where I would flirt back, but that was it. I tried giving you a chance, I really did, but it was only after you tried convincing me to. It was never going to work out.”
He only stared back not saying a word. Probably speechless at your sudden outburst. You took this opportunity to chew him out even more, “You can’t force someone to like you if they’re infatuated with someone else. I’m sorry if you thought differently but I only wanted to be friends. You’re a fun person to talk to but nothing more.”
This time, he was the one who looked down at his hands. There was a moment of silence as he tried for find the best words to say. You felt bad for being so blunt, you did have a way with being brutally honest when you needed to.
Xiao finally spoke up, still looking down, “If that’s how you feel then so be it.” He sighed before continuing, “What’s so good about Scara anyways?”
“His impurities. The weak part of him, the goodness in him which is still a mess, but little by little, he changes, and I don’t want to miss out on those changes. I don’t get what makes him the good guy but I do know I don’t want him to disappear from my life.”
When did you turn so sappy?
“I expected it everyday since we decided to take things slow so I was nervous everyday that you were going to leave. It stings but I feel a bit relieved I don’t have to feel that way anymore.” Xiao admitted.
You’re started to feel bad for him. Did he like you that much or was he that desperate for a relationship? Either way you knew you weren’t the right person for him.
The only thing you could say was, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I shouldn’t have pressured you into anything. It was my fault that things turned out this way.”
You gave Xiao a small smile, apologized again, and quickly hugged him goodbye. You didn’t want to say anything else, afraid it was going to cause a more intense riff between you guys.
Were you satisfied with how things ended? No, not really. However, do you have any regrets? Absolutely not.
You knew you were going to have to see him at award shows and pretend you two didn’t just have a falling out. It made you sad that you lost a good friend. Maybe one day you guys could reconcile.
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Masterlist II Previous II Next
A/N: End of act 3!! Literally 10 more chapters till ttme finishes 😨😨 Hopefully act 4 will make up for all the pain and suffering you guys endured while reading this 🥰 I would also like to apologize to team xiao. Anyways!! Chapter 32 will have major scarayn so be prepared 😜
ALSOOO lmk if you guys want your users to be added to this au and i’ll make you a twitter user :)
Synopsis: You’re a new idol that just debuted under ‘Fontaine Entertainment’ with your new single ‘Espresso.’ You just graduated high school which means all your classmates are shocked to see you into stardom. Including your old situationship, who happens to be an actor.
Taglist: @skyoverkill1 @quacking-simp @lolmeowing @astro-stars @kaitfae @sl-vega @scarawiki @yuminako @samyayaya @skyvella @kur0kki @practicoi @kukikoooo @scaraenthusiast1 @shutingstar @lloovvv @moonjellyfishie @miy-svz @xionri @lalalaloveallmydays @hearts4lizzzz @kathiwis @state-of-grac3 @morgyyyyyyy @scaradooche @theyluvkatt @meigalaxy @noirechomps @crimxeorcremeexistspeacefully @vxcmx @ariesloves @cayl33n @animeobsessed56 @heartsforni-ki @feikyuu @ichcocat @strayharmony943 @chscklvr @kunikissr @jiminscarmex @sp1ng @bananasquash @aceakariii @thegalaxyisunfolding @ariilies @hisfuture @automaticpatroltragedy @sartrst @cheriswag @kokomiskiss @albedomestic-airline @lxkeeeee @sundays-prince @wvvyq @amurotoorudesu
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dezzie-wurks · 1 year
Realizing They Have a Crush + Confessing
Characters ;; Hobie, Miles, Gwen, Pavitr !
Extras ;; No warnings, sfw, headcanon style !!
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Hobie Brown
He realized very quickly. He liked being around you too much. He loved giving you stuff. He loved seeing your smile and hearing your laugh when he stuck up an attitude with people.
He wasn't for labels, but damn he just might for you. He liked the sound of you being his in reality. You'd definitely get a pass if you worry about that type of stuff, too. I mean, he said he doesn't believe in consistency.
And so, he admitted his fondness for you very quickly.
He didn't see a point in beating around the bush, if you liked him great! If you didnt, well he'd like to stay friends.
Yet when you said yes, he couldn't help and smile widely, throwing his arm around your shoulder as a prop.
"Mine, eh?" He'd ask with tease filling his tone
He was all for spending time with you. I mean, you made him feel so good. He also loved having an arm around your waist, holding your hand, anyway to know you're by him still. Only you get to see his soft guy interior when he calms down at the end of the day.
At the end of the day, his heart swells a little when you two exchange 'I love you's.
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Miles Morales
At first he just thought he had a fondness for you.
But when he flipped through his notebook and saw your face plastering almost every page, he got hit with realization. Sure, he drew all his friends, but you were different.
Every time he saw you, he felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach. He couldn't push the feeling down.
He asked Hobie for help. All he got told was "Be honest," and that didn't help.
His confession was an accident entirely when he had been alone with you, and he was trying to describe his crush in a way for it to not sound like you.
"They're really cool! Yeah.. really.. cool." He sounded lost in thought, heat rising to his face. Didn't help that you had peeked in his notebook and saw the drawings of you.
But when you acknowledged that it was you more than likely, he fumbled, trying to say no. But when you kissed his cheek, he felt on cloud nine.
Was geeked to be called yours. Especially since his parents loved you(you didn't call them by their first names)
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Gwen Stacy
She immediately knew she loved you, but she was scared.
She was too scared of losing you, just like... nevermind.
It didn't matter, though, you would find out easily by how she acted. Her excited toe to heel jumps when you came around or just her bright smile when you talked to her. She found opening up to you easy.
She found the emotions all too troubling. So telling you was a huge problem for her. Especially since she found you clouding her mind so often, she zoned out during class and other activities.
She told you by starting a conversation. Hanging out, a sleepover maybe, and slipping it in during a heavy talking moment. She thought you didn't hear.
But you did, and you being excited warmed her to no ends. "Wait, really? You're serious!" She'd happily chirp out.
She got more allowing with touch. Actually, she was more touchy. Hugging on you or using your lap as a pillow.
You're her safe haven, and yes, she's so scared of losing you, but she's learning to worry less and love more.
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Pavitr Prabhakar
Absolutely love sick puppy. He had a crush for a long time before he realized that his feeling with you was special.
But everyone knew, including you. There was no real need to confess. I mean, his pupils ere practically hearts around you.
Truly, you were his sun, and he revolved around you. As far as he was concerned, it should be the same way for everyone else !
Besides his following you around like a lost dog, he wasn't overbearing. He gave you space when asked, though he might be awkward the next day he completely respects it.
He finally decided to tell you in a cheesy way. Showing you his favorite spot in his universe, and he mentioned it quietly.
He would be.. okay, if you said no. But he didn't have time to think of that because before he knew it, you were already agreeing to being official.
Absolutely ecstatic. Totally ruined the romantic moment with his squeals, but your laughs were music to his ears for all he cared. "Jeez, that was nerve-wracking." He'd say after the moment calmed down.
Extremely flaunty that you're his. Made matching bracelets that consist of his spider suit colors for you and your favorite colors for his. Or your spidersuit colors, if you're one too!
Hope you guys enjoyed this. I really hope this uploads without fail this time!! Requests are open☆☆
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toxycodone · 2 months
boyfriend hcs + modern au kabru
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Genuinely...one of the only chatacters that makes for a semi-normal relationship and and actual good boyfriend
OKAY FOR ONE MODERN AU KABRU. HEAR ME OUT. He dresses in a really specific way to me. You know how like, maybe the male romantic lead of a 2000s disney movie would dress? With the short sleeved shirt, jeans, some bracelets on either wrists?? Like it’s a very basic outfit but he doesn’t need anything too crazy. Kabru’s beauty carries him so far he seriously does not need to dress insanely well or I fear he will make too many strangers fall in love with him.
You're a bit of a fixation to him. He's not like going as far as Laios to actually take physical notes and such, but he makes a lot of mental notes about you.
The way you brush your hair? The expression you make while you focus? Perhaps even littler things like how your brow quirks when you try to be polite but he knows you're lying? Yeah. He can read you like a book.
I think this can kinda cause issues because in his little mind palace he's like. anticipating how you will react to things and has a lot of communication issues surrounding it. Instead of just outright saying things he tends to beat around the bush and test the waters before like eventually being forced to say what’s on his mind.
(Or in some cases he may feel it’s better to withhold info which like. Is an entirely separate can of worms. MAKE HIM TALK AND BE HONEST YOURE AN ADULT YOU CAN HANDLE IT).
However this perceptiveness DOES benefit him a lot and make him a good partner though. He can sense a depression episode coming from a mile away. Or when you’re stressed.
But for smaller things, he tends to keep things you like around the house and in stock. Down to your favorite chips to the body wash you always use. Just yeah 💞 He’s sweet and makes sure these things are in stock (and will bring things he thinks you’d like home now and then. He gets happy when it turns out his hunch was right!)
Never ever forgets a birthday, an anniversary, anything. If it’s a date you two deem important, he will ALWAYS get it right and you two will have plans accordingly.
Not a huuuuge PDA person. Kabru’s more lowkey, he’ll have an arm around you or a hand at the small of your waist while you two are around others. You’ll get a kiss to the cheek or a quick peck on the lips but he doesn’t wanna like. Go super crazy in public.
YOUR PARENTS LOVE HIM. THIS IS A GIVEN. Oh my God it is genuinely impressive how easy it is for him to get on your entire family's good side. He's the type of guy that gets the "so when are you guys gonna get married?" comments. If you two break up, you're getting a lot of sly comments about him being the one that got away. Future partners have HELLA big shoes to fill
And your friends? Yeah he fits smoothly into that group as well. No issues at all. I think all your friends would at least have a positive view of him if they don’t decide to start hanging out with him themselves.
Honestly, I think people get a little jealous. He likes to turn up the charm around others (for his own amusement really) and I just KNOW people are seething with jealously because he’s so charming and you are so lucky.
^ This also means he’s gets flirted with in public. He likes it, but he’s very quick to politely shut it down. But he’ll tease you about being jealous afterwards, but you know he’s not going to do anything to betray your trust.
Regarding. Kabru’s own family life. I think he’s really apprehensive to introduce you to Misril. It’s not that he doesn’t want you to know his family. It’s just…complicated. He and Misril are complicated. I think he’s gonna have to lay down some ground rules with you as to not like make things awkward (guilt trippy mom you know they vibes)
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