#no living being was harmed
dcfanforever · 9 months
I really miss revenge stories in fiction where they actually get the revenge!!
Not "I'm not gonna kill you because im better than that"
No! Inigo Montoya that shit!
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He killed his six fingered man! Be like Inigo Montoya!
More specifically, I need Jason Todd to kill Catalina Flores, cause Jason is okay with killing someone like her and I eeally need her dead without traumatizing Dick even more.
I'm actually legitimately thinking of writing my first short story/one sho (I've only started multi chapter fics, though I haven't finished any of them yet) where Jason kills Flores, or at least f*cks her up. Badly.
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nelkcats · 9 months
Haunted City
Danny could admit that pretending to be a "regular ghost" was pretty fun. He could hide in one place and scare people who were waiting for an open door and a creepy laugh.
Honestly, Danny could do a lot more than that, the ghosts people believed in were nothing like the ones he knew. He wondered if there were simply different types of ghosts, or supernatural creatures; it was quite likely, considering that the ghosts of the Realms weren't even of the same dimension so it wasn't a fair comparison.
Anyway, the halfa had spent a couple of days "haunting" Gotham. The place was too leggy and they needed a little excitement in their lives. Of course, this led to some rumors about a spirit suffering or something similar, he didn't really care.
The "heroes" of Gotham didn't seem to share his opinion, going through all the places that had been "attacked" (they were just jokes) and looking for some explanation before calling Justice League Dark, Danny had fun scaring them a little in the process.
But he wasn't too interested in being exorcised, banished or whatever they did with rebel ghosts, so he settled on a mansion that was too big for its few inhabitants. Scaring billionaires was almost therapeutic, although the butler didn't seem too impressed by his (minimal) efforts.
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lesbianshepard · 1 year
they should invent a driving a car that isn't scary
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coolcarabiner · 1 year
lesbians who are terfs will never make any sense to me crying about the supposed exclusivity of the “female experience” like my brother in christ she experienced an othered, lonely, confusing childhood where she was made to feel inadequate in her gender, sexuality, or both just the same as you and instead of letting this unify you against patriarchy you just enforce it on other people to maintain the sliver of “power” you think you have. how do u not see how dumb this is oh my god
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thottybrucewayne · 5 months
When I say "I'm rooting for everybody Black," I mean I'm including Black people who are usually overlooked outside and within the community. Black people whose Blackness becomes conditional the second they confront other Black people about bigotry within our community (Transmisogynoir, Transphobia, homophobia, ableism, sanism, etc.) not abusers and coons...
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aropride · 1 year
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"no guys i swear the cishet intruders are real this time, they're really invading our community, theyre taking our resources for real this time, trust me, they love getting called slurs and being discriminated against, this is a real thing thats really happening and affects me in real life, my exclusionism is good this time i SWEAR"
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uncanny-tranny · 2 months
So much love and recognition to the people who don't know how they feel about recovering. To the people whose scars are fading away, and there's a sinking feeling, despite knowing that it's a good thing. To the people who miss when they were "worse," when they felt "broken." To the people who mourn losing their coping mechanisms, even the ones that were destructive, scary, or unpleasant. To those who feel guilty they're healing because their past self wasn't ready.
Whatever it is, there is nothing wrong with any of those feelings. It's a natural reaction, something you don't have ultimate control over. There is nothing shameful about yourself, and I admire the strength it takes to recognize how you feel, even the parts that do feel like the "wrong" reaction to a Good Thing.
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depressiv · 3 months
ⁱᵗˢ ᵃˡʷᵃʸˢ ʷᵒʳˢᵉ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ⁱᵗ ˢᵉᵉᵐˢ⋅
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 2 months
I cannot articulate enough how badly I NEED Omega and Ezra to meet at SOME POINT
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mikakuna · 3 months
the way people care more about jason fighting tim than like any other rogue fighting tim during his robin run is...!
"they're brothers! jason is so horrible to attack his little brother."
aside from the obvious twinkification of tim, stop pushing the family narrative on two people who did not see each other as siblings at that moment.
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trans-cuchulainn · 9 months
had a really interesting convo yesterday about ethics and whether intent or results matters (eg if you tried to make an ethical purchasing choice but the business was actually exploitative as hell, does that "count") and very much came to the conclusion that sure, if you're concerned with your personal immortal soul, as a christian might be, then intention counts. but if what you're focused on is your impact on the world, then intention means nothing if the actions have negative results, right? (that doesn't mean you're to blame for them! you didn't know! but you also don't get "ethics points" for trying, you know?)
and this also got me thinking about the whole christian idea that sinful thoughts are as bad as sinful actions because. they're just not imo. maybe for the sake of your Immortal Soul they are points against you, if that's your jam. but in terms of putting good into the world, in terms of your impact on other people, the ONLY thing that matters is what you choose to do with those thoughts. there is no way that "was kind to someone who was pissing me off, for the sake of community harmony" or "helped an acquaintance with a task even though I felt resentful about the time spent doing that" is a Bad Thing for the world
and it made me wonder how much purity culture and thought policing is rooted in (mostly evangelical) cultural christianity and this idea that ethical choices are an individual thing because what matters is the impact of them on YOUR soul and not, you know, things we do because of what we owe the world around us / because of love for others / because a world where people are trying to put good into it is a hell of a lot nicer to live in than one where people are only worried about themselves
i grew up evangelical but like. fairly mild evangelical and even though there wasn't a big focus on hell and stuff, i definitely fixated on imperfect thoughts and behaviours that were putting absolutely no harm into the world, rather than focusing on what i could do to put good into it, and that individualistic vs outward-focused approach to morality has been something i've grappled with a lot as an adult. but i never really thought about it as simply as this and really that's what it boils down to. are you making the ethical choice because you're trying to put good in the world, or because it would make you a "good person" to do so? because the answer to that 100% defines whether it's the thought or the result that counts
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distressed-bird · 3 months
Kalina is the most interesting character to me because of all she has going on…
she is Cassandra’s familiar, she is simultaneously a pet and a friend and a servant and a family to a goddexx that is simultaneously her owner and friend and creator and parent and her god and reason to be—Kalina’s relationship to Cassandra is hard to put a name or label on (since what does being a familiar even mean?) but the bottomline is that this cat loves her deity enough to put everything and everyone on the line for her…
And adding in that she is a child of divorce. So to speak. I am extremely normal and haven’t been driven mad by the detail that baby itty bitty kitty Kalina was at Cassandra’s wedding to Ankarna and is remembered to have been toddling after her as she walked down the aisle…
Kalina will be the death of me /lh
#fhjy spoilers#fantasy high junior year#kalina#oh my god and the fact Kalina was there at that wedding—there at the period of time where Ankarna was alive and still a known god and not#presumed dead… this makes the Sylvairean Heresy even WORSE of a life event for Kalina and Cassandra…#the existence of baby kalina implies that Cassandra *raised* Kalina… and the fact they were married means that Kalina wouldn’t have been#raised by only Cassandra but *also* Ankarna.#you are Kalina and one of your parents just was killed by your uncle—their domains were too alike—and you can never talk about them again.#you can never speak their name—share in their memory—the only place they exist is quietly in your memories that must go unspoken due to#Oblivata Mori. And there’s nothing you can do about it…#And then the followers and clerics of your remaining parent start trying to kill her—being mislead by the followers of your goddexx’ sister#Cassandra is the only family Kalina has left—and Kalina’s sentience leds me to think she agreed to become a Curse#kalina let herself be unmade and changed to keep Cassandra alive… and even as the shell of herself—a familiar once but now a living plague—#is so deeply loyal and only interested in what is to the benefit of her *everything*… even if they are currently a Walking Corpse.#Kalina dislike Kristen so much because Kristen is just not being a good cleric and is in the precarious spot of being Cassandra’s only#follower… but ultimately won’t harm or attack Kristen—killing herself first—because Kristen is the only one keeping Cassandra uncorrupted.#yeah im crazy about the relationship and history between a cat familiar and her witch goddess and the layers of their relationship
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codenamesazanka · 19 days
Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy the false sense of peace All Might and Heroes created
Shigaraki/Tenko wanting to destroy everything that lead to the existence of that house, which he conceptualizes as the embodiment of rejection and injustice in the world. Be a Hero for the Villains.
AFO basically literally created that house
Shigaraki/Tenko helps defeat AFO
Deku telling him 'you already destroyed it' is... apparently Shigaraki/Tenko having finally gotten rid of the true cause of (his) rejection and injustice? main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society... solved? (main antagonist's big problem that represents an overarching major issue of the story/in-universe society not actually being the problem he thought it was but now also solved?)
No longer a need for there to be a Hero for the Villains, Shigaraki/Tenko dies.
Heroes not to be blamed in the first place. also fuck everyone else and all other 'actual' outcasts I guess.
#i understand that Tenko not having 'supposed' to be rejected doesn't mean the rejection didn't occur for the other League members#but taking that away from Tenko/Shigaraki - leader of the League of Villains - wanting to be their champion#symbolically being their collective grievances and wills condensed into one#taking that away makes the story a lot weaker#GOD what happened#nalslastworkingbraincell#honestly making everything AFO's fault#and making Tenko's main issue being his despair toward himself (created by AFO)#allowed for the (seemingly for now) clean resolution of 'get rid of the both of them' possible#It's AFO's fault? Kill him! Problem solved#Tenko's issue not actually *harm caused by other (non-AFO) people* but instead *harm caused by his self-conceptualization/his own self*?#Tenko's projecting his own self-loathing and anger onto the world and causing trouble for everyone and making his crusade meaningless?#let him die too. Pity but problem solved!#AFO gave him the specific quirk that was Decay because it was such a brutal and deadly quirk that would guarantee rejection#you cannot tell me he could've been fine after manifesting Decay if only AFO wasn't there to tell him he has an innate need to destroy#not after what we've seen of Shinsou and Toga#other 'normal' people would not have let him live a normal life#that *is* also very much a problem that should be addressed#but it was AFO who gave him Decay and Decay was also actually not naturally existing#so everything's fine! no changes for anyone!#all this could've been saved if this was transferred to AFO - AFO also seen as a victim of societal apathy#especially since he was BORN A TRASH RIVER RAT ORPHAN#but he's just a lonely guy who was too unpleasant to form real relationships#so. only real issue Hero Society ever had that needed to be addressed was civilians being too hard on Heroes#gotta love them more and demand less of them#yippee
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severalowls · 2 years
Are you capable of passing a street musician without making a sneering remark? When a hawker tries to sell you random trinkets they made, do you grasp them by the shoulders and tell them how much you hate them?
If so, you may be able to scroll past a blazed post of somebody's art you don't like without leaving a rude comment!
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balkanradfem · 1 year
Women are not protected in today's society, and they're not protected by m*n. Here's how the world would look like if women were, protected by m*n.
M*n would be creating systems that would euthanize, eradicate and dispose of every pedophile, predator and rapist. Society would be cleansed of them because they would be recognized as a major danger to women and their children, they would be the public enemy number one and disposed at even the first sign of predation.
Instead, pedophiles are given light sentences, only convinced if they've repeated offense and then allowed to walk free and commit more offenses. Media is led by pedophiles, and promotes pedophilia to the point where the society is so oversaturated, you can see pornographic views of children even in their own cartoons. Fashion, desires appearance of women, beauty standards and even intellectual standards for women are all set by pedophilia, women are supposed to emulate children or they are not viewed as desirable. We are living in a pedophile-led society.
Predators and rapists are not only allowed, excused, tolerated and not taken as 'real criminals', but they're often celebrated and approved of, by male police force, who will go over and beyond to disprove victims, to neglect rape kits, to find a way to make it women's fault. Intimate torture of women is treated as 'small theft' issue, even as it leaves women severely traumatized and unsafe. Not to stop at that, males have decided to take control of women's bodies after rape, and force them to bear children if rape has ended in pregnancy. They've managed to get rights over the children, to the rapists. This is not how 'protecting women' looks like. That's how torturing, exploiting, and pushing women into despair and trauma looks like.
If we lived in a society where women are protected, domestic violence would not exist. It would be unthinkable to lift a hand at a woman, let alone abuse or murder one. Hitting or injuring a woman would be an offense punishable by death. Woman in her home would be in the safest place in the world. Yet, one of the highest cause of female death is their domestic or romantic partner. Homes that have a male head of the family are places where women most often end up exploited, overworked, abused, emotionally abandoned, coerced or forced into situations where they're easily sexually assaulted, isolated, devalued, regarded as a servant, and ultimately, killed. M*n have not created a world where women can safely live their lives in nuclear families; instead the families were custom-made to enable m*n to have offspring and servitude from women, while doing ultimately nothing in return, only keeping those family members alive, sometimes not even that.
If we lived in a world where m*n protected women, pornography would not exist. Women's sexuality and intimacy would be sacred, and not something that could be bought, or taped, at the risk of women feeling uncomfortable, violated, injured, coerced, traumatized, exploited and hurt. The levels of injury, emotional damage, body harm and trauma inflicted on women during pornography is so high, they often have to undergo medical procedures, just to stay alive. They have to keep themselves inebriated or medicated just to be able to go thru such type of torture. In a world where m*n cared for women's safety, this level of harm would be unacceptable. Nobody would want to watch a woman get potentially hurt, violated, humiliated or injured in any way, there would be a huge outcry against using women as human sex toys and leaving them severely traumatized, just for someone else's pleasure.
If we lived in a world where m*n protected women, there would be no prostitution or human trafficking. Prostitution has proved to be not only traumatic, but deadly, slavery-like experience where they could get injured, violated, forced against their will and exploited at someone else's will. Women would never have to subject themselves to anything like that for mere survival. They would never be put in a situation where they would feel it's their only way, or only thing they're worth for. There would not be an industry of grooming female children into prostitution, because average age of entering prostitution is only 13. Nobody in the world would want to groom and brainwash the self worth of a 13 year old girl in order for her to be repeatedly raped. Nobody would even think of something so disgusting and inhumane. Nobody would be able to look at female children and women being trafficked without putting a stop to it. It would be unthinkable.
If we lived in a world where women were protected by m*n, wars would not exist. Not only wars are the sure ways to kill countless people that women have birthed and raised, causing endless pain to women who dedicated their lives to making sure those people are safe, nurtured, that they grow up and live to be someone, but wars have proven to be traumatizing and deadly for women, even more so than they are for m*n. Women end up in wars only without any training, protection, ability to defend themselves. And they're the primary targets of rape, torture, sexual violation and forced pregnancy. The highest count of victims in any wars are the civilians – and those civilians are often women. But instead of only being murdered, they have to deal with the insane possibility of being raped, tortured, impregnated and carrying some male monster's child, which is such unthinkable level of torture, a lot women commit suicide rather than be subjected to it. If we were protected, this would not, and could not possibly happen. No female child would be considered 'spoils of war' and subjected to rape from soldiers. No woman would be imprisoned or raped by m*n. Nothing in the world could make any m*n act this way, if they cared even one bit about protecting women.
Women are not protected. We are not safe, we're the first on the line to get hurt, and m*n have continually and relentlessly put every single action to protect our attackers, torturers, rapists and murderers. Women are abused in their homes, by the people who are supposed to love them the most. There are types of work that exist only to cause abuse to women, that expect women to take part in it, to pretend to enjoy it. Women's quality of life is expected to be low. Women are supposed to be inebriated and pretend that they enjoy it. Our heads are filled with how 'm*n protect us', but they don't, there are no indication that a woman was protected at any point in her life, by any m*n. M*n see us as property and will not put an effort to protect what they don't even think is human, what they don't think experiences pain in any meaningful way, except when they take pleasure in causing it.
We have to start protecting each other. We have to stand together, and make actions to keep each other safe.
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louisdelac · 28 days
it's like. louis attempted to tell this story to daniel the first time, broke down, and attacked him before he could finish it.
and then decades later he's convinced himself that it was leaving the story unresolved that's holding him back from living his life fully now. so he invites daniel back again. and louis is sitting poised and put together, confident in his ability to recite his history in a pretty, poignant, neat little narrative that will resolve all the guilt and yearning and emptiness inside of him. that if he can just tell a compelling, satisfying story, maybe it will actually be that, and not the life he lived through, with all the pitfalls of his own failures lurking inside.
and then season 1 ends with him once again being forced to confront that the story he wants to imagine and the life he actually lived aren't the same thing. the boundaries around his narrative are shredded and he's left exposed, and subsequently able to face his past for the first time since that original interview. and you think, you think, "well this is it. they've crossed the event horizon. there's no use hiding the truth anymore, not after it's come flooding out into the open like this"
and then season 2 opens. not only is it back to the original, practiced distance, we now have armand literally enforcing that distance. a man sitting at the table who's interjections must be disregarded, an intentional interruption to the flow of the story. he doesn't exist to aid or add detail, he exists to distract louis when he gets too deep in the story. the only time we do get louis allowing any deep truth to come out is when armand leaves the room.
it's like. louis wants a story that's true, and the truth is what he's convinced will leave him satisfied. armand wants a story that will satisfy louis, to the extent louis will accept it's true.
#genuinely THE juiciest way to tell this story#like it's SO good#there's this coy little humor behind the ep#where louis and armand are very much like 'haha okay daniel you've caught us out. you've seen behind the curtain. this is the whole truth'#meanwhile daniel's getting '8 hours on how to avoid the sun and torpedoes'#like it's a faux revelation that completely backtracks all of the progress made at the end of season 1#and even louis's (very touching) moment this episode where he tells daniel the truth#is a very digestible and ultimately non-harmful dive into his past#armand doesn't like it because it's part of a slippery slope of remembrance#but he doesn't actively get in the way of it being told because it's a revealed memory that doesn't ULTIMATELY mean that much#like i'm assuming we're all on deck as far as believing louis doesn't remember the full extent of claudia's death atm.#i could be wrong about that. but like. it is kind of the elephant in the room at the moment#so it's very much a case of armand getting to couch his own fears and attachment in 'doing the greater good for louis'#ultimately who does it serve if louis remembers everything and realizes armand's more negative role in his life?#all that will do is make him miserable. deprive him of the one person in his life who cares for him#better to have a palatable lie than a truth that could leave louis a danger to himself#('as long as you walk this earth i won't taste the fire' <- but she doesn't walk this earth and the reason why is sitting by his side)#isn't it the kinder and better thing to manufacture a world where louis can live with himself?#anyways. teehee. i missed this show so much. <3#iwtv
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