#no matter who you are and how you identify you are loved and welcome here
basicallyahedgehog · 11 months
This is going to seem random but I promise it’s about your writing!! I’m pretty new to realizing I’m Ace (like very new) and I’m struggling with coming to terms with it, and with being really afraid of being alone my whole life, and like actually really grieving thinking I was just a picky bisexual (until listening to other people talk about attraction and realizing that is not my experience). And just generally having a pretty hard time.
But I just wanted to tell you that your fic ‘A Little Bit of You’ was so good. Like the beginning part of Harry not understanding that he’s flirting but just very casually affectionate is literally my life. (A part of my life that I have found baffling because doesn’t everyone want to hold their friends’ hands or play with their friends’ hair??? How is that flirting???) I literally started crying when I read that, I felt so seen and validated. Also just like the very real fear of never being loved, of being alone forever, of always being simultaneously too much and not enough. It’s like you took my whole entire heart and put it into a fic. And then you handed my fears the hope that for someone, doing life together is enough; making food together, snuggling on the sofa, getting to travel and adventure 🥹🥹😭😭😭
Anyway. Please pardon my rambling. It’s just that I’ve been really afraid and sad lately, and for a couple of minutes it felt like maybe everything will be okay. Thanks for sharing your writing. 💕
Hi Nonnie.
First off, congratulations on discovering this part of yourself! I know it feels huge and scary but I'm so so happy that you know yourself a little bit better now.
I'm so, so, so glad that my fic helped you, even just a little bit. Fanfic - specifically drarry fanfic - is where I first came across asexuality as a concept, let alone realising that I'm ace. So this feels full circle in a really beautiful way. If you haven't already, I'd encourage you to check out the fics linked in these lists. So many of them were instrumental to me discovering, accepting and feeling comfortable in my own aceness, and any I've read more recently always feel like a warm, affirming hug.
Harry in this is fairly heavily based on my own experiences. The amount of times I've been accused of flirting - and also was apparently being flirted with! (Can we normalise physical affection between platonic friends? Please???).
I promise, that someday, everything will be okay. I can't tell you what that is going to look like, but I truly believe that one day you will look back on this time and smile knowing just how far you've come. Whether that future includes a partner or not, you will be happy and have fulfilling relationships. Because being ace does not take away our capacity to love or be loved - it just looks different.
I didn't know I was ace until more than four years into my marriage. I figured out my demiromanticism even later than that. But those two facts about me don't change the fact that I have a husband whom I love - in my own, Rowan way - and who buys me light up keyboards and makes sure I have enough blankets and huffs when I hog the sheets.
Anyway, this has been a ramble of my own! But thank you so so much for reading my little fic, and for reaching out (I will treasure your words forever). If you ever feel comfortable, my DMs are always open (to you, and to everyone else).
But more than anything, Nonnie, I want you to know that you are valid and loved exactly as you are.
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genderqueerdykes · 4 months
from the almost 32 year old butch dyke who has been getting called both of those things my whole life, i just wanted to say that if you feel you are or want to be a butch dyke, you are one. it doesn't matter. cis, trans, gender non conforming, whatever else, if you say you're butch, you're butch.
transfemme butch dykes are not obligated to perform womanhood in any way for you, if we are women. transfemme butch lesbians are butches no matter how masculine, no matter if we take HRT or not, no matter how we dress or if we identify as men in some way. transmasc butches are part of the butch & lesbian communities if they say they are. nothing about being transmasculine means you are not a butch dyke. transmasculinity does not disqualify you from lesbianism, sapphicism, or being a butch or dyke. transfeminine and transmasculine dykes have been a part of the lesbian community since the beginning.
genderqueer, non binary, agender, abinary, two-spirit, bigender, multigender, and "other" gender butches are butch dykes. nothing about being part of a "third" or "other" gender disqualifies anyone from being a butch dyke. the butch community has historically been full of people with unique and different experiences with gender. many butch dykes feel they experience multiple genders. many feel they experience no gender at all. many have fluctuating experiences with gender.
intersex butches are butch dykes. it does not matter if they are a cis identifying woman and their body looks masculine, it does not matter if they are a cis identifying man and their body looks feminine, it does not matter what combination of secondary sex characteristics they may have, it does not matter what genitals they have, and it does not matter if they are trans, genderfluid, isogender, intergender, or cis- all intersex butch dykes are butch dykes because we say we are.
there are a lot and i mean a LOT of people who fall under this umbrella. a lot of people are called butch and dyke who don't even identify that way. many queer people develop a strong connection with the labels because of how much they are referred to by these terms, even if they do not fall under the strict "woman loving woman" definition. the butch community has never been here solely for masculine cis women- it is for all women, men, and people who identify as butches, studs, bois, lesboys, guydykes, lesboys and other masculine lesbians, sapphics & dykes. if you feel you identify as a butch dyke, we welcome you with open arms. diversity is what makes our community strong.
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sugar-petals · 11 months
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⌈ pile I - QUEEN OF CUPS „i adore you so much“
⌈ pile II - ACE OF CUPS „i’m your lover in plain sight“
⌈ pile III - JUSTICE „i’m the one you deserve“
🔓 select the tarot card that you noticed first.
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⌈ NOTE 🌹 ➝ welcome to this extended nsfw reading. at the bottom of the deck i found the 5 OF WANDS (see below cut) so the overall theme is: teasing 😏 let’s find out what it means for you individually in your piles. what steamy thoughts are running circles in your person’s mind? tell me what you got and enjoy 🐝
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[ deck used | the wonderful golden art noveau tarot by Giulia Massaglia — gilded example cards below, not the actual piles ]
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{ 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝/𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝚖.𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 }
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the FIVE OF WANDS - today’s overall energy is playfighting. 
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message. they want to give you a sexual challenge rather than indulging in a soft and hesitant mood: tease them right back and they’ll appreciate it. it’s all in good spirits as long as both play along. boldness is appreciated and keeps the chemistry running. 
no need to fear conflict, this is all friendly banter without the intent of hurting. behind all of that is the idea of testing limits + experimenting sexually through fun and activity rather than keeping it a guessing game what the other person might like. 
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pile i - QUEEN OF CUPS „i adore you so much“
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Oh hot damn… Lucky in Love or Drunk in Love are the type of lyrics I’m getting from this. Nothing prevents them from thirsting over you lmao but it’s a good thing! Because they’re confident in liking you so. Damn. Much. And they know you like them back. What a secure lover this person is becomes apparent in their ambitions: They reflect dedication. Meanwhile, they’ve got a balance of mature and outgoing/youthful energy alike. And I feel like they really went from being serious in your presence to just letting it all out! Good for them, because they’re on a roll since they met you slash made contact.
The main kink I’m seeing here is teacher and student, hands down. They are seriously into pretending there’s a difference in power, authority, knowledge, age, looks, all of that. Doesn’t have to be real, it can be roleplay, but they do consider you to be someone to look up to. They pleasure themselves like mad to those thoughts, honestly. The Daddy or Mommy kink is real in this one because whew, QUEEN + EMPEROR? That’s a big deal. You two are either two bold personalities coming together (or they fantasize about that, some major powerplay) or they identify you as that person who pulls all of their strings with little to no effort. Far from intimidated, they are ready to learn and enjoy because they’re your babe.
This person is not a starfish though. Happily under your spell, I can see them quite actively horny because wow Pile 1, their sex drive is just impressive, to say the least. Not scattered, just very strong in general. And they see you just like that as well. They know you are in charge, they feel that you’ll handle the shit out of them without hesitating. Boss of their body is what I’m hearing! Not an inch will belong to anybody else. They love how madly possessive they are.
At the same time, they also think you can learn together, it’s not so set in stone. I like that contrast in the cards. Sovereignty and mature sex versus being carefree and raunchy like a student party. Like they want you to pounce on them and dominate their every cell, but they also want to be your cute little pet to fool around with. I get the impression that this person worships the hell out of you and thinks you’re the best in bed, no matter your degree of experience. That’s the thing, they would be happy with a virgin and a sexpert alike, as I said they hardly care! Because you charmed them and made your standpoint clear! Even if you have a hot VERSUS stone-cold demeanor and sex appeal, they feel inspired by that.
Your sexual energies complement each other well I feel. In their mind, you could top them so easily. They gladly submit to an orgy of pleasure. I think they trust you a lot, they just want to lose control and be chased. They won’t chase you! You’re too prideful and want to set this up on your own terms. This relationship is yours to create, they won’t interfere. They’re too starstruck and want to gather their resources first, only to find out you’re tremendous fun to be with and they had nothing to worry about.
You are the sun of their universe Pile 1, you seduced them so much. If only you would boss them around, they want it so badly. This scenario could be a total clash of titans since you are both a total smokeshow in your own ways.  They looked at you and wanted you to open up, leave the stiff old life behind and feel younger again. Since you’re so foxy to them, they treat you like the bombshell you are, with lots of reverence and respect. I’m even getting service sub vibes from your person, Pile 1, they’ll just do whatever you ask `em like you’re royalty, long as it’s consensual of course, but I don’t get any toxic fantasies from this pile, just very dom-sub centered ones.
{ 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝/𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝚖.𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 }
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pile ii - ACE OF CUPS „i’m your lover in plain sight“
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Whirlwind kind of romance right here, lots of ups and downs in their anxious mind. You left them feeling powerless to all the energy they perceive you to so blazingly have, Pile 2. They were thunderstruck by your presence, were frozen on the damn spot. Tied. Up. Which leads us to the card imagery, by the way. Bondage fantasies is a huge theme here. I’m just sayin’… That’s their sexual fantasy when they think of you. If you’d blindfold them, or try something like knife play, even (as the swords card indicates), that would get them going so much. Despite their freaky imagination, ironically they are the mellow one, while you are the fiery counterpart that doles it all out to them in their wet dreams.
As contradictory as it sounds, reciprocating and giving back is the dynamic here, though. For instance, if you bought stuff for them, they’d be so happy and fawn over you like wild. Since this is a rollercoaster ride, however… I can’t quite tell what exactly their constant feelings are for you, Pile 2, as they are just so changeable. From no sex drive to reckless abandon to self-control to begging to being a fool in love. What a journey they’ve been through because of you. You make them feel all of this, and they’re saying thank you.
One day they want to be controlled by you, the other, they want to unleash their passion without any help and do their own dance to impress you. They have an edge but they’re romantic, they’re hopeless and they’re hot shit, they’re fair and then such a tease giving you less than you deserve, full well knowing it will keep you hooked and coming for them like an avalanche.
They want you rushing to their home like it's the firefighters. Because well, well… they’re feeling way too hot, aren’t they. At the same time, that’s the puzzling thing, they also want you to keep them at an arm’s length. If you aren’t confused about this person yet, at this point, you gotta be: Which mirrors them, in fact. They don’t quite know what they want consistently, you left them too dumbfounded to understand the situation for sure. Pile 2, this individual is head over heels for you.
Now this starstruck person dreams about being acted upon by you and they love that. Pillow prince/ss is what I’m seeing all over the spread, they have that receptive energy for the most part. They might be a little unruly once they get out of their comfort zone or don’t feel like they’re acknowledged by you (they might as well have a come-save-me fantasy… do them a favor and help them out). But when they do get signals, they are back in love romantically, yes, not so much sexually, they’re touchy-feely like crazy. Just when they felt like roaming free before! If there’s some hunter-prey fantasy going on here I wouldn’t be surprised, they want to keep you on your toes.
As I said, you get the best of both worlds Pile 2, your person is not the predictable type. Maybe that’s why you like `em. They are flirts and then they’re not. They want rough sex and then they want affection little by little. But the final note in their mind is always this: They want you to glued to them, to go wild for them, to witness them like a fish in the water: Through requited love. All they want is to be asked out and live their dreamy, sensitive love. Confusing you is not their intention. Don’t forget they just want love at the end of the day.
{ 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝/𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝚖.𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 }
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pile iii - JUSTICE „i’m the one you deserve“
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What started out as a sensual, stable connection which didn’t go down in flames of horniness now turned their head into a mush. Which then turned into them bursting with vitality! An online message of yours shook them up, or something you said. But in a positive way, because they’re so happy now. Romantic, personal, sexual bliss, they’re feeling so good about themselves because of you, the dull days are over. What a mood boost you gave them, and they’re confident in their looks because of your steady presence/communication, oh my word.
Because you started out easygoing and then picked up speed, they are absolutely feeling themselves like it’s nobody’s business. I’m so happy for you, Pile 3, because your person is just prancing around like a child after you’ve been frank with them. Talking it out was so needed. Approaching it from a headspace was. Being chatty with them made your person super hot and bothered, too. Hell, they are totally into your voice, the way you take your time when you walk, the way you carry yourself, how you dress up, the way your hair is tousled (if you wear it longer), how you treat yourself, how you choose your words, and how you smile especially.
At first, they were so scared how serious and single-minded you came across. Now they’re blushing and sweating their ass off because you said what you said and you paid attention to them! When they thought they were the knight in shining armor, you gave them a reality check and dodged the bullet, stood your ground instead of playing helpless — which worked in their favor not to get their hopes up and invest right away. That’s how you made this person’s libido explode. But in a good, wholesome way.
This proper mix of humor and the crazy slow burn (!) between the two of you has them going nuts without actually making them crazy, you know? Just healthy adoration and warmth they feel. I get the impression your person has lots of sexual stamina, Pile 3. They know what they’re doing, y’all… they might come across as a total sunshine, but they are, oh my word. Fertile as hell, go all the way, ready to make those babies and live the good life. In this economy? Your person thinks so, who am I to judge, they want that settling down and parenthood. They just know you’d be good at raising kids. But without compromising the mental stimulation, which you give them consistently.
And because you’re such a hottie with charm and good looks, they’re at your feet. You rule them! Your sex appeal has their pretty head spinning, their routine is broken, they can’t get enough of you, they want this in-depth (literally!). For long, they fantasized about having carefree sex with you out in nature, wild and free. Never too much of a good thing with you. You’re so juicy to them, graceful, steamy, gorgeous, you seem to have it all in their eyes. 
They think you have elevated status or just carry yourself in a way that shows your life is fulfilled and abundant. Oh hell, what don’t they like about you. Maybe you can be too direct and frank at times? They prefer your magnanimous, silly, soft, giving, cute’n’comfy side. They need to be taken care of a little, or need your cheer-ups. Because they want to take it easy, and not have conflict and difficulty in communication. Healthy, loving, and lasting (!) sexuality is the gist of this, I’m thinking. Quite Venusian of them, I see their sexual thoughts as Libra/7th house or Taurus/2nd house-themed. An all-around feel-good reading, Pile 3, I love the positive cards you got.
{ 𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚝/𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘 𝚖.𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 }
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FINAL NOTE. meet me in the reply section if you want, and if you got stuff i can improve about my PAC posts, drop a comment as well, i want to brush up my format again!
⭐️ DISCLAIMER // there is no guarantee for accuracy. believing in the cards is a choice. 
© 2017-2023 sugar-petals. All readings for entertainment purposes only: They do not substitute any professional advice. Take what resonates, discard the piles that don’t hit home. If you aren’t drawn to any pile that’s okay, these messages aren’t for you. Do not repost my readings.
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thedevilrisen · 2 months
Summer Quam's
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Description: “It’s like 500 degrees, we are not cuddling!” “But you already threw off all the blankets?!” “I don’t car- STAY ON YOUR FUCKING SIDE!”
Welcome back to thedevilrisen fic's! I am looking forward to writing the more! I think I may be a little rusty, sorry in advance!
Word Count: 1.4k
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Distraught storm clouds rolled over the horizon, their gloomy rumbles accompanied by piercing claps of thunder as blinding flashes of lighting embellishing the cool grey and cinder coloured sky.
With them they brought warm, moist air which was just on the side of uncomfortable, when the summer storm's roll in the humidity dial permanently spins, like a compass without an identifiable magnetic force. The only hope of relief being the rain that would come, days dragged by, elongated as clouds grew larger and larger, dense and weighed down by droplet's begging to be released from their misty prison.
Movement inside the apartment was very little, dehumidifiers hummed in several different rooms, fan's purred as they fought to circulate the hot air. Still nothing changed, the uncomfortably of the night never dulled as the sparkling lights in window's dimmed into a lightless cavity.
However in your apartment, calmness was not achievable not matter what happened. Restlessness was prominent throughout the evening, the constant changing ice packs to keep cool. The refusal to eat hot foods made it very hard for Connor who was trying to make dinner and stick to his meal plan because according to him a pint of Ben and Jerry's was not an appropriate even when you were dying.
Yes. You were told you were being melodramatic and to come and help chop tomato's for the salad Connor was going to make as a compromise to not eat hot food. Thinking that the cold food would be less problematic. He was so wrong.
"Connor." you whined, for most probably the fifteenth time in a span of about five minutes.
"No, Y/N." he stated, slightly irritated, the heat creating a simmering tension that danced like a mirage. Utterly fed up with not only the heat but your complaining Connor was very much now regretting asking for your assistance. "How about you just go and get a shower or something? I'll finish up here."
You frowned slightly at his borderline begging tone, you knew for basically being a polar bear who lived in the cold the heat was not compatible for him. Knowing it would be better than risking a small, meaningless argument you agreed and meandering down the hallway, soft carpet compressing and splaying underfoot as you moved to the bathroom.
Even though it would be sensible to bathe in freezing water, you didn't, finding the cold water jarring and instead opting for a mid-warm shower instead. The water, slid down your body, cooling you off but not dropping your body temperature completely. Taking the edge off the heat but after stepping out of the shower, seeing the steam still curing up towards the fan on the bathroom ceiling which hummed, as the light gently flicked.
Not bothering to wash your hair tonight, knowing that it would be a nightmare to dry with the moisture in the air and running the hair dryer would create more heat which was not needed in the apartment.
Moving back into the hallway and venturing into the kitchen where Connor sat, left leg swinging beneath him on the bar stool. His fork stabbed at the green leaves and cooked meat in the decorative bowl his mother had sent as a gift set when you first moved in to the apartment six months ago.
"Your's is in the fridge, I wanted to keep the smoked salmon cold because I know you don't like it warm." Connor mumbled, looking down, guilt swirling in his stomach at the fact that he had snapped earlier, he didn't want to but the heat did funny things to him.
"Thank you, love." You moved, cautiously across the tiled kitchen, sighing as the grey tiles cooled the bottom of your bare feet. Opening the fridge, squinting slightly as the all-but surgical light shone out, picking the porcelain plate up off of the top of the tupperware containers in which the plate was so precariously balanced on top.
Feet pattering back across the floor as you moved to slide into the vacated chair, that Connor left after he had his food so he could shower before bed. Stabbing into the greens and listening to the crunch as the fork pierced though leaves and you brought them to your mouth. Connor's cooking was always delicious but something about the heat was altering it, or maybe the lingering tension left in the air from the tense exchange previous.
Swallowing the last mouthful food, slipping off the stool and around the counter top. Placing your hand on the corner of the bench that protrudes to stop your hip from bumping it and aiding the already blooming bruise from when you hit it previously that day, you placed the plate into the sink, gently on top of Connor's.
Almost tip-toeing down the hallway to your bedroom, you stepped inside, hand holding the door, opening it slightly before shutting it behind you. Glancing around to see Connor pulling on a pair of sleep shorts, hair still damp from his shower.
Shuffling along the carpet into the bathroom as you picked up your toothbrush, off of the charger. Uncapping the toothpaste and squeezing a blob onto your brush. Coming to life with a purr you brushed your teeth while straining to listen to what Connor was doing.
Spitting out the foamy liquid when the electric brush pulsated to signal you were done. Pulling a folded hand towel out from underneath the sink, cleaning the corner's of your mouth from the foamy remnants before hanging it to dry over the faucet.
Moving with purpose back out into the bedroom where Connor had dimmed the lights and drawn the curtains before clearly settling into bed himself. His large frame, draped in the sheets fidgeting around trying to get comfortable amidst the heat.
Walking around to your side of the bed, picking a loose fitting sleep shirt off of the floor, that you are pretty sure belonged to Connor six months ago but was somehow commandeered during a visit to his apartment in Chicago and gently pulling it over your head. Opting for just the shirt instead of sleep shorts and a shirt.
Pulling the cotton covers back from the mattress and plunking down into the gap made, swinging your feet onto the bed and tucking them under the sheets, before dragging them up your body and shuffling into a laying position, in the same place you normally lay. Close to Connor so you can feel his body heat, and more often than not. End up cuddling.
Tonight though, you hesitated as Connor could potentially be personified as a windmill. Writhing in the sheets as though they were gripping him and trying to force him somewhere against his will. Rolling over away from his flailing limbs as he flug half the sheets to the foot of the bed, in what seemed like a mad ditch attempt at getting comfortable.
Finally after a few more seconds of tossing and turning, whatever vice that was supposedly gripping him and refusing the respite of sleep let go. Settling onto his side you saw this as your perfect opportunity to snuggle in, tucking yourself under his arm allowing the weight to lull you into a floating state.
That was until he snapped, an angry and guttural sound of irritation projected towards you, "It's like five-hundred degrees, we, are not cuddling."
This made you giggle slightly, even in his anger clouded state you knew he would never mean that. Like a defensive child he pushed you across the sheets, clothes gripping as he did so.
"But Con! You already threw off all the blankets?!" You whined back, thinking that once he'd done that would have been enough, but it was not, beginning to wriggle back towards him.
"I don't car-" he cut himself off, feeling your warm skin brush against him again. "STAY ON YOUR FUCKING SIDE!"
You erupted with giggles, rolling around on your side of the bed, finding his defensiveness hilarious, accepting the fact you weren't going to get cuddles tonight and hoping the heat would die off by tomorrow.
Later into the night, when the clouds rolled over and the droplets fell, chasing each other down windows and dispersing the heat from the air. In the slumber that was once restless but now no more, Connor dragged you into his arms where you laid, tangled till the morning sun rose.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
Yoonkook x Reader
Touch-Starved [Main Story]
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Yoongi has a crush on you, but is convinced you're not interested in him. You have a crush on Yoongi, but are sure that he'd never like you if he knew your secret. Jungkook has a crush on you but won't admit it to anyone, and you have a crush on Jungkook, but you think you know that he'd never see you as a possible partner, because he knows your secret. It's all just such a mess. How could you ever sort this out?
Tags/Warnings: Wolf!Bangtan, Wolf!Jungkook, Wolf!Yoongi, Dog!Reader, Puppy!Reader, DDLG aspects and themes, no judgement allowed here, non-sexual regression!!!, none of those themes are sexualized in this work, hurt and comfort, major fluff but also lots of angst and insecurity, friends to lovers
Length: idk long didn't count
-> Masterlist
There is no taglist for this fic.
Yoongi is not good at things like affection, or relationships at that.
He easily turns red as bright as a spanked ass whenever he has to try and compliment someone he's even just remotely romantically interested in, or he will otherwise simply not find the courage to do it at all. Backhanded compliments are a regular thing with him, his character not allowing him to show someone he cares without implying that he doesn't- a trait that he hates about himself.
He'd learned it from his father, making him even more upset since he never really got along well with that man in the first place. Yet the more he thinks about it, the more it seems like his family history will just repeat itself, and he will find himself in a marriage simply created because of convenience, not love.
He cringes at that, throwing the rest of his sandwich away. His appetite has been long gone anyways.
The reason of his foul mood is in the dorm currently, sitting comfortably on the couch playfully wrestling with Jungkook over a pack of chips he can't identify from his spot.
He hates Jungkook sometimes.
He's always pictured as a shy boy, yet he's actually the exact opposite - easily likable, charming, and most of all- he's your age. The maknae and you are merely half a year apart in age, and he can see why you get along with him. He is a nice person, with his bright smile and large eyes, talented, strong, and likes video games as much as you do.
Yoongi himself does play some games to a small extend, however, he rather buries himself in his work, losing sense of time whenever music is involved.
Overly confident is not how he would describe you- you are simply uncaring of trends of the masses. You don't crave to stand out like Taehyung does, you rather enjoy simply living for yourself and what makes you happy no matter what people would think of your 'goals'. You love stuffed animals and soft colorful things no matter how childish it might make you look. You rarely take selfies of yourself, and never really pose much in images- you just smile, simple as that.
God that smile. If there is an emotion for hate and love at the same time, he is constantly feeling it when it comes to you.
Yoongi wants to be close to you as well, maybe even the closest if he is honest, yet he doesn't know how the hell he is supposed to do that. You both rarely text- he is too unsure if he can, since he is only in a groupchat with you, and only got your ID from Hoseok, who gave it to him in case Yoongi needs to text you something important. You rarely visit him in his studio, but then again, he never told you you'd be welcome anytime. Every small thing he does for you he either brushes it off as nothing speci¹al, or sometimes even tells you that he didn't do it, but one of his members, claiming that he has no Idea what you are talking about. You also show absolutely no interest in him whatsoever.
Which makes his embarrassing crush on you all the more awkward.
He's Min Yoongi for god's sake! He could have anyone if he really tried, if just for his fame and wealth and status as a full blooded Wolf-Hybrid coming from a 'clean' bloodline- yet he is stuck with you, the tiny dog hybrid who sees him as a friend only- if even that at all.
"Yoongi! Finally leaving your wife in there to join us in being social for once?" Seokjin remarks with his signature laugh following, making you chuckle as well.
"Don't be mean Jin." You softly scold the oldest. "Yoongs works hard in there." You look over your shoulder, one of your floppy ears unfolding while you smile that goddamn smile at him- not huge, not a smirk, simply a nice friendly gesture towards him, curled tail wagging a little.
The nickname doesn't make it better.
He hates nicknames, however, he could definitely keep living with your cute versions of his first name any day of the week. He wants to answer you, give you a verbal response, yet all he can bring himself to do is a shrug of his shoulders.
What the fuck.
But you only playfully hold your heart, falling into Jungkooks lap with a dramatic sigh. "Ah, always so cold-!" Which makes the guys laugh, and himself involuntarily smile to himself. He sits down, managing to actually place his ass next to you on the couch without instantly retreating for once. You bravely put your legs over his lap, and his mind is beginning to form the same amount of error messages like his PC system the last time he spilled his iced americano over his MIDI-board.
Yet he only grunts on the outside, and takes his phone out to search for something.
You chuckle, mumbling a sorry under your breath and move to slide your legs off of him again, but his unused hand stops them, shifting them back. His fingers are touching the small patch of bare skin on your calf between your leggings and fluffy sock that had slid down a little- and he has to use all of his self-control not to burst into flames.
He's never really had any very close contact with you, and always imagined what your skin may feel like- as creepy as that sounds. The smile he can see you forming from the side of his view makes him relax, as well- the first sign spotted that he might have some sort of effect on you. Taehyung makes a noise, but is silenced by namjoon who pulls him into a conversation to avoid embarrassing the producer, well aware of his own personal dilemma with you. He is the only one who really knows of his feelings towards you- having told yoongi that you actually feel the same way, yet a bit different. You are, according to namjoon, scared to overstep boundaries with Yoongi, worried that he may snap at you like he did a few months back.
There's that certain feeling whenever you do something stupid and then want to apologize, but you miss the chance and now weeks after it's just awkward, so you don't mention it, while also having to deal with the consequences daily.
Yeah. He still thinks of that moment he'd yelled at you sometimes at the most random of times, cringing internally at it. He'd been stressed with the new Album he wanted to put out, having been stuck on one song, and you had just turned up at the wrong time. You didn't cry or anything like that, you simply apologized for opening his studio without knocking, and left with your tail tucked between your legs. Since then however you'd become a bit more distant with him, more careful, and less touchy than you were with the rest of the pack.
He knows you're a sucker for skinship and cuddling, especially as a dog hybrid who's grown up in a carecenter between many other hybrids, yet you also respect if someone wants space. He loves how much attention you pay to your surroundings, eyes always wide open- you remember things for a long time, and you are able to keep track of so many things at once- yet he's also seen your apartment, a glimpse of your more raw personal side that you tend to keep close to yourself. You're a chaotic person, and he doesn't know how you find anything on that desk of yours.
You struggle to keep track of chores and your own health sometimes, yet you try hard, he knows that. And that makes him feel such an extreme need to make sure you're always happy and taken care of, that he's the one to take care of you.
"Oh, YOONGI!" You suddenly gasp at him, and he raises his eyebrows, looking at you as you move around a bit, your hands searching in your sweater pocket for something. "I actually cleaned up my apartment yesterday, and I found this. I think I borrowed it sometime ago, but lost it- sorry for that again by the way, won't happen again I promise!" You say, showing him a black and silver USB stick, your curly tail wagging in excitement.
You're right, that is his. He actually had forgotten about it.
"Took you long enough." He simply says and takes it from you to put it in his own pocket, seconds later cringing at his sentence. He could've definitely phrased that better, or maybe even simply thank you for giving it back even after all this time. Yet the timeframe of saying thank you without making it seem weird or out of place is already overstepped now, so he has to suffer.
Jungkook chimes in instead.
"I helped her get some order back into that place. Poor puppy had been so stressed with work that she couldnt keep up anymore." He says, laughing along with you, and Yoongi lets a chuckle of his own slip. But instead of telling you what a good job you did, or any praise he really wants to tell you, he only pats your leg gently two times, running his thumb over your calf for a second, internally imprinting into his mind how soft your skin is.
You however beam at this, visibly feeding off of his small gesture like a touch starved pet- and he can't help but find it cute.
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A knock on his door makes him look at it, giving a verbal response in a low "Hm?", as he hears your voice from behind it.
You're not really saying anything, just a sound of confusion and discomfort escaping you from behind the door, and he can slowly hear your slippers softly moving away, when he gets up from his chair to open his door to see you stop to look at him. You're standing in front of him with wide eyes and lowered ears, one of them being pulled on by your hand as he can hear the rest of the pack laughing in the main living room of the dorm. He chuckles at that, waving you into his studio, making him and yourself smile. You thank him somewhat quietly, and go to sit down on his small couch he has inside his studio, laying down so your feet still touched the ground as to not overstep any unspoken rules he might have.
Yoongi however walks up to you, and puts your feet up for you, grabbing a spare blanket from besides the couch, something he always kept here since he sleeps in his studio quite often. You thank him quietly for that, the soft buzzing of his studio PC and the nice air conditioning already helping your fuzzy head a lot.
Jumping over your shadow and coming here was a good idea after all, it seems like.
Yoongi sympathizes with you when it comes to headaches- and it's clear from your behavior that you probably have one, which could also explain why you don't really talk, since it probably hurts. Due to the fact that he seems to solely survive off of caffeine and a cup of instant ramen smashed in between his busy schedule, he gets them more often than he would like to admit. Yet he also remembers how you'd told him once how easily your headaches evolved into migraines if you weren't careful, so he is mindful to help you in avoiding that this time. He digs around in his mind for any small excuse to talk to you, yet ultimately decides against it, thinking it would probably be better for you to have as much silence as possible.
He wonders what your secret is.
Namjoon had mentioned something you kept secret 'for a reason', but he wouldn't tell the producer what it could be, not even a hint. You hopefully know that nothing could ever really make Yoongi see you any different than he does right now.
Except maybe murder- but he doubts that that's what you're hiding.
He also knows that Jungkook is aware of it too. Maybe you both are a couple? He does sleep over sometimes after all, seems to be awfully good with calming you down whenever you're anxious or panicking. It's like the young wolf is aware or something Yoongi isn't, able to manage you when you're becoming restless about things.
Another knock is heard. Yoongi attempts to call out- but gets up to walk to the door instead so he won't shout and worsen your headache. It's Jungkook- because of course it is.
"Hey- is- oh, there she is. I was wondering where she went " jungkook says, entering after the rapper walks aside, silently giving him permission to come in. "Hey- everything okay?" Jungkook wonders softly to you, and you quietly shake your head, whining slightly to yourself before you pull down your ears once more over your eyes, clearly signaling your headache to him as well. "I told you to drink more, puppy. Come on, let's get you home." He gently says, helping you sit up.
"She can just nap here, I don't mind." Yoongi offers- but there's something in Jungkook's eyes that seems oddly suspicious as he looks for an answer inside his head it seems like.
"Ah, I'll rather take her home, but thanks hyung." He tells him, averting his gaze as he instead occupies himself with you who's silently reaching out for him, clinging onto him as he picks you up, showing clearly how used to it both of you are. Jungkook holds you almost effortlessly, while you're instinctively laying your head on his shoulder, arms around his neck.
Yeah, you're probably a couple, and you just don't want to say it out loud.
"You know, you could just tell everyone." Yoongi grumbles more or less as he opens the door for the two of you, Jungkooks wide eyes looking at him. "No one's gonna get mad or something if you told them." He shrugs, and Jungkook looks around for a second, on edge. "You're together, right?" He asks, and Jungkook shakes his head- though with a hint of shyness in his face.
"Ah no- hyung.." He sighs. "I'll- she'll explain when she's ready okay?" He says, as you whine into his neck. "I have to bring her home now- thanks for looking after her!" He says already walking away-
leaving Yoongi confused.
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Jungkook honestly wishes you and him were a couple.
But life doesn't work like this, and sadly, you're not into him like that. You see him as a comfort person, a packmate and a friend- but nothing more than that. He remembers when he first 'caught' you in the midst of regressing in your home-
the whole apartment a mess, cluttered and absolutely disorganized.
You're one of only three percent of dog hybrids that fall into a different headspace when stressed or overwhelmed. It's not something you can control, and neither is it a trauma response- it's just nature playing a cruel joke on you, making your mind shut down to a certain degree to protect you. It's like your brain is overprotective- trying to shield you from all potential mental harm.
But all of that comes with a lot of issues and troubles, such as difficulty holding a job, or simple things such as keeping your apartment clean.
Jungkook remembers how terrified you were of him finding you in your messy apartment- having had to calm you down for a good hour or so before he could even attempt at helping you clean up and take care of your needs. He's not sure why you're so adamant on hiding it from the rest of the pack- but he's got an idea.
Dog hybrids with your condition are alienated, isolated, judged terribly. And you're probably terrified of being cast out of the pack for it, leaving you alone and without anybody.
Your personal nightmare.
So he just instead has decided to take care of you, and wait until you feel ready to tell someone else. You deserve happiness and the feeling of safety and comfort, but he can also understand that you're worried of how it'll be taken by the rest of the guys.
And yeah, he also gets to be a little selfish himself when he's got time with you like this. He gets to live out a little dream here and there, where you're actually his to love. Because he does love you, to the moon and back- and he knows his heart will surely break a little one day when you find someone to give your own heart to, instead of him.
So he takes these moments for himself, and enjoys those daydreams for now, until he has to wake up.
"There we go, that's already better isn't it?" Jungkook hums after he'd taken out your hairtie, fingers massaging the spot where it had been pressing against your scalp for the past few hours. You hum in agreement, nodding against his shoulder while you move a bit to get comfortable on his thighs.
You don't even know that you almost exposed your secret to Yoongi of all people- the one wolf of the pack you've got a crush on.
Everyone kind of knows it, everyone also knows about his crush on you as well- though you seem rather talented in finding excuse after excuse as to why that can't be true. Jungkook knows your main fear is what you're right now- and that Yoongi could find you appalling, or childish, or anything else negative that could come to your mind.
And Jungkook can't say he doesn't understand your fear- because he does.
"You're gonna get all stiff if you nap like that." Jungkook chuckles, patting your back a little, making your curled tail wag happily. "Don't be a brat now. Come on, we'll take a nap on the couch, yeah?" He hums. You whine. "No? Not a nap?" He wonders, but you nod now. "Okay, yes to a nap, no to the couch?" He navigates, laughing when you nod now, tail wagging. "Puppy if we nap in bed you'll sleep for hours though." He sighs.
But you simply wiggle out of his lap, before you run to the bedroom-
The wolf hot on your heels, when your doorbell rings.
When Jungkook opens the door, it's Yoongi- the producer holding up a jacket. "She left it at the dorm." He informs Jungkook, who reaches out to take it- though Yoongi holds it back. "I'd like to give it to her myself-"
"You can't." The younger wolf denies, panicking a little when he hears something jingle, and feels the toy hit his back softly, fabric ball tumbling to the ground, bell inside the cotton filling the cause of the noise. Jungkook closes the door a bit more now to keep you out of sight. "Just- uh, she'll grab it tomorrow-"
"Her phone and purse are in the pockets." Yoongi says. "I'm sure she'd like it back right now." He challenges, and Jungkook can feel himself squirm uncomfortably under the strong gaze of his packmate, having to avert his gaze. "What's really going on?" Yoongi asks, as the toy hits Jungkook's back again.
"Look, this is really bad timing right now-" Jungkook whines as he kicks the toy back with his food go occupy you at least for just a second to give himself more time to think of an excuse. "-She's.. not feeling well right now." He tries to justify.
"Jungkook you're not being very convincing right now." Yoongi sighs. "What the fuck is going on? Does she hate me?"
"NO!" Jungkook barks, before he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Ah.. God, fuck, alright." He sighs, defeated, letting the door slowly open more, while he turns around to throw the soft fabric ball towards where you sit on the floor, toy flying over your head, making you flop onto your back as you try to catch it.
You don't even realize it's Yoongi who's now in the doorway whole Jungkook sits in front of you to start a game of tug-of-war with the soft llushy toy with you, successfully pulling your attention away from the producer who just silently enters the apartment, and closes the door behind him before he hangs up your coat.
It takes him one good look to realize what's going on.
The hazy look in your eyes. The way you don't even greet him, rather occupied with the game Jungkook plays with you. Your almost clumsy way of movement.
"So that's the secret?" Yoongi hums as he sits down near his packmate, watching you with an unreadable expression.
Jungkook nods. "She's scared of anyone finding out." He reveals, while he watches you now nibbling on his finger instead of the toy, before you yawn.
"Why?" Yoongi wonders. "It's not like it's her fault or choice." He mumbles.
"Yeah, I know." Jungkook shrugs. "But I get it, you know? You hear horror stories about it all the time. Friends and family being weirded out and stuff." He explains, and Yoongi grows quiet.
It really is understandable.
"So that's why you sleep over so much?" He asks, and the younger wolf nods.
"She used to be triggered easily since she didn't have a person to rely on." He explains. "But when I took on that.. role, I guess, she became more stable. It doesn't happen so randomly anymore, she's got more control over it. Today was just a bad day I guess." He shrugs.
"She must be tough to handle." Yoongi mumbles.
"Not really." Jungkook denies. "She's very sweet. The beginning was hard, yeah, but mostly because I didn't know what to do. These days it's become easier." He nods to himself, though Yoongi doesn't miss the look on his friend's face.
"You love her." He states.
And Jungkook only nods.
"I do." He agrees. "It's hard not to."
Yoongi hums in agreement, and Jungkook wants to be swallowed by the ground. Now that the producer knows, he'll take over the care of you- you'll grow closer, emotionally and physically, and you'll no longer need Jungkook to care for you.
His dream is ending, and he hates it.
"She loves you too." Yoongi offers. Jungkook laughs a little.
"Situationally, yeah." He nods.
"No, in general." Yoongi argues, but he can't seem to push through the thoughts of Jungkooks mind, the wolf having already decided his stance on things. "Jungkook.."
"You'll take good care of her, right?" He asks, looking at his packmate with round eyes that try hard not to let any tears fall. "You'll make sure she doesn't have to.. feel ashamed, or bad, right?"
"I'm not taking her away from you." Yoongi shakes his head, and Jungkook nods.
"I know you're not." He says, trying hard to keep it together even as you crawl into his lap to comfort him, sensing his distress.
"She was never mine to begin with."
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You're absolutely mortified when you're informed of what happened- or rather when you connected the dots yourself, after waking from your nap with both wolves next to you in bed.
One look exchanged with Jungkook signals to him that you've pulled yourself out of your headspace- body shaking now with the overwhelming sense of shame you're feeling as Yoongi sits up now as well to look at you with a sense of worry.
"Hey, it's fine." Jungkook reassures easily. "He doesn't hate you or anything, he's cool with it."
"Oh god this is so weird.." you hide your face in your hands, embarrassed by the events unfolding like this.
"Its not. It makes sense, really." Yoongi shrugs. "So this is why you don't want to move into the pack dorm with us?" He wonders, and you nod.
"Its weird. You can say that, I know myself that it is." You sigh.
"You're not weird." Jungkook shakes his head, taking your hand to reassure you. "Promise."
"I agree. This isn't weird, it's something that happens to some." He shrugs. "I still like you." He says without thinking, as you slowly look at him.
"You.. do?" You wonder, and he nods.
"Very much." He smiles a bit awkwardly, when Jungkook let's go of your hand, clearing his throat.
"I'll.. I'll see myself out then." He mumbles, and at that your head snaps towards him.
No- he can't leave like that. Yoongi might've..somewhat confessed, but you still need him. You still want him here.
If Yoongi likes you, and toy like him back, and that leads to you Noth becoming partners, that's great. But if that means you can't have Jungkook, you don't want it. You need jungkook.
You love jungkook, too.
"Hey, Yoongi will stay with you, you're not alone anymore-" He tries to settle your clearly bubbling panic, but its to no avail. Your head is filled with the fact that Jungkook wants to leave, and you don't want that.
You want both. Why can't they both stay?
Your cheeks are wet with tears as your puppy-mind refuses to accept the situation. You've slipped right back again, as you make jungkook hold yoongis hand, before you yourself hold onto them, stubbornly holding onto their connected hands, before you lay down on them, eyes closed and ears pinned back.
"I uh.." Jungkook stampers a big awkwardly, attempt at pulling his hand away responded to with a low growl from you, eyes glaring.
"Seems like we'll have to share." Yoongi teases surprisingly, catching the younger wolf off guard as hemeeys the older one's gaze.
"I mean- uh-" he stammers, unsure. "Is that.. will that even work out?" He worries, while you happily fall asleep hiding both their hands.
"Guess we'll have to find out." Yoongi shrugs, laying down again next to you, Jungkook slowly doing the same a few seconds later.
Looks like his dream didn't end after all-
Maybe it just begun.
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Here’s some positivity for fictives of villains, antagonists, and evil characters!
For any introject, our source does not have to define us, and actions taken by our sources have no real reflection on us and who we are as individuals! Regardless of how you may feel about our sources, as an introject you belong in our community and should be welcomed into plural spaces with open arms! Here’s to all the fictives of villains, antagonists, or characters that are considered evil!
✨ Shoutout to fictives whose source has committed grave atrocities or unspeakable harm to others!
🌹 Shoutout to fictives who don’t feel like their source was bad, but have heard others make that distinction!
💟 Shoutout to fictives who are trying to let go of the guilt they hold due to actions taken by their source!
🌀 Shoutout to fictives of villains and antagonists who still feel connected to and identify strongly with their source!
✨ Shoutout to fictives who feel their source’s villainy or antagonism is only a matter of perspective!
🌹 Shoutout to fictives who are trying to become their own person and develop outside of their source for their own comfort!
💟 Shoutout to fictives who still engage in their source’s content or fandom and have positive interactions despite their source being a “bad character!”
🌀 Shoutout to fictives who have difficult or unwanted exomemories of committing crimes or other harmful acts!
✨ Shoutout to fictives of villains and antagonists who want to separate from their source but are struggling to or don’t know how!
🌹 Shoutout to fictives of villains and antagonists who are learning to embrace and accept themselves as they are!
Fictives of villains, antagonists, and evil characters, you are beautiful, brilliant, and an integral part of the plural community. Our spaces simply would not be the same without you here! Regardless of how you feel about your source, you matter, your life has worth and value, and you deserve to be cherished and cared for, no changes necessary!
We truly hope that you can have a wonderful day today. Please do your best to treat yourself and your system with kindness and gentleness! Know that we love you, and we embrace and accept you just the way you are. We hope that your future will be filled with so much love, joy, and self acceptance! Thank you so much for reading, and take care!
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gvtted-ratz · 3 months
- Read all tags/ratings if there are any. They are important and give you all you need to decide if you want to actually read. If you do not like the tags/rating, please do not read.
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A Boyfriend Who Dissociates (Will, Hannibal)
Last Edited: April 17, 2021 10:47 PM
TW: dissociation
Anon: Hannibal and Will (separate) with a boyfriend who dissociates a lot? (or, if you’re uncomfy with it, a boyfriend who gets lost in their own thoughts it okay too!)
Word Count: 228
Will Graham
• “Don’t worry, Buttercup, I’ll take care of you.”
• Will knows what it’s like to just be in his own thoughts or feel disconnected from himself.
• There are times after each case where he dissociates and he can’t help it.
• He always tries to get his boyfriend what he needs and/or wants.
• Will just wants him to know that he’s there to help him through it and will always be by his side.
• Nothing will stop him from being right beside his boyfriend and even if his boyfriend says he doesn’t want/or need anything, he’s going to bring him his favourite snacks and tell him how much he loves and cares for him.
Hannibal Lecter
• “It’s quite alright, Mylimasis, I’m right here.”
• Hannibal has seen many patients dissociate and knows how to deal with it.
• He’ll ask him to focus on something in the room, ask him about the item, and ask him questions about it to ground him.
• Hannibal is very patient with his boyfriend, knowing that it can be tough when he dissociates.
• He’ll love him no matter what goes on and will always help ground him when needed.
• No matter how long it takes to get his boyfriend back from his dissociation, he’s right by his side, ready to help.
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
Okay. Kenshi hanzo Takeda and Liu Kang with an s/o who is secretly a villain pt2? But it turns out s/o was being controlled?
I'm so sorry this took so long, it took me a while to find the first post, but here is part 1
MK Lads x Secret-Villain Reader Part 2
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Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion)
Whether or not you were able to communicate that you were being controlled previously doesn't matter, in a fit of grief and desperation Hanzo works it out himself.
After revealing yourself as a villain, Hanzo would've ended your relationship. It took several months for him to work out what was happening to you, but when he finds out, he realizes that he can't rest until you're free.
Hanzo will lift any curse or evil magic-doer who was controlling you to their own ends and will check on you as the spell wears off to make sure you're all right.
Once he's confirmed that you are well, he will leave politely, making sure not to overstay his welcome. If you loved him once, you might love him again, but Hanzo believes you should take the time to re-establish your life and individuality before starting a relationship again.
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Liu Kang
Once it's revealed that your villainous actions were the result of some sort of mind control, Kang takes this as a sign, a sign that he was never wrong about you, that you truly never would've done those cruel and evil things.
But he's aware of how precarious the situation is, he can't give away that he's aware of you being controlled, lest the puppet master behind your deeds tries to stop him by using you.
So he stays as close to you as possible, acting completely happy and content, trying to gather any information that he can so that he can save you. He'll realize that you keep making excuses to go somewhere, to a location that you would never specify. Whenever Kang stops you, you are quick to fly into a rage that seemed to hide desperation.
Kang takes this as another sign and lets you leave. Little do you or your puppet master know that Kang followed you in secret, in hopes that you would lead him right to the source of evil that plagued you.
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Thankfully for you, Kenshi is able to work out you are being controlled, just as your villainy was revealed. Despite his heartbreak, things weren't adding up.
There were continuous unexplained shifts in your thought patterns, shifts that couldn't be explained by even the most bizarre brain waves.
Despite his pain, Kenshi decides it's not worth killing you, not yet at least. So he'll tie you up and take you on a little journey, to find whatever was causing your mind to completely flip.
Through his own psychic abilities, Kenshi is able to identify the source of your disturbance, eliminating it permanently. While your mind is stable, Kenshi needs more time to trust you again before letting his guard down once more.
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Takeda Takahashi
So none of your villainy was willing and you were actually being controlled this entire time? Oh thank the gods, Takeda is relieved! He wants to say that he knew it wasn't really you all along, but that's a lie, he really had his doubts.
He hopes that what/whoever is controlling you is physical so he can cut them up into tiny, screaming pieces.
Turns out it was some magic asshole who was making you do all those evil things. So Takeda goes off on a noble quest to hack that fucker up, and at this point he's too pissed off to listen to any excuses magic fucker might have.
Don't be surprised if he returns to you on horseback, saving you from an evildoer has got him feeling all knightly and romantic.
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
hii, its the anon who asked about lgbtq+ readers.
what i had in mind was a nonbinary 9th member who uses they/them pronouns and interviewers and talk how hosts etc keep misgendering them and using the wrong pronouns, saying how theyre the only female member. the boys are the one to keep adamantly correcting them, no matter how many times they have to do it. the reader would be annoyed at the interviewers but glad the boys had their back, maybe the boys reassuring them at the end.
obviously only write it if you feel comfortable, thank you for answering my original ask!! your writing is great and a big comfort, i honestly think youd be great at writing it but this is your blog and only write what you feel comfy writing <333
who I am
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stray kids x ninth member non-binary!reader (platonic)
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: ignorant interviewer, misgendering
word count: 1.4k
summary: the boys support y/n for who they are, and show them that they truly have their back when a podcast goes wrong.
Thank you so much! Ok! I finally wrote it! I hope that this brings you great comfort like my other fics do too! And please give me feedback that this was written okay because I would never want to misrepresent anyone or their feelings in my writing.
As always, like, reblog if you enjoyed, and my asks are open for any requests you may have. And let me know if you'd like to be tagged when I post :)
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"Welcome back to the podcast! Today we have a special guest, or guests, should I say, Stray Kids! Everyone give it up for Stray Kids!" the interviewer, Oscar, introduces us, the camera panning to us all sat in a cosy studio setting. We were currently in LA promoting our new album.
"Thank you inviting us!" Bang Chan says bashfully. We all knew of the podcast, well, us English speakers did, and we were so excited to be on the show.
"So, let's get right into it, you're here to talk about your new album, right?" Oscar smiles, looking down at his notes before asking us the question.
"Yeah, we've just released our new album 5STAR, and we hope that our fans enjoy it, and, yeah!" Felix begins to explain, smiling as he trails off, not knowing what else to add on. You give him a rub on the shoulder, letting him know that he was doing a good job. That's what you loved about being in Stray Kids, no matter who you were, you had each other's backs.
"It really is so cool to have you all here, and may I say, this really is a unique bunch of members you have here," Oscar waves his hands as he explains.
"Well, we like to think that we all bring something different to the table haha," you laugh along politely.
"Well, that's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Y/N," Oscar turns his body towards you slightly.
The others go 'ohhh', making you blush slightly.
"You want to ask me?" you brush your hair back, your newly cut black mullet, which went down a treat with stays.
"Yes, the reason I say you're in quite a unique situation, is because, well, it's so rare to see 8 guys and a girl in one group together!" Oscar smiles.
Your smile dropped.
Maybe you had gotten your hopes up, thinking he'd be talking about your input on the fashion of the group, considering it was quite well known, especially with the group's growing popularity that you created many of the pieces that yourself and the boys would wear.
But no. Somehow you didn't think that this topic would be brought up once again.
"Stray Kids is family, no matter what," Hyunjin spoke up, communicating as best he could in English that gender didn't matter.
The boys could sense your discomfort at Oscar blatantly calling you a girl. Surely he's done enough research that he knows you identify differently?
Even the less confident English speakers, Lee Know and Jeongin seemed to catch on what was happening.
"And what an interesting family you are indeed," Oscar didn't notice your unease or the slightly more defensive stances that the boys acquired from their seats.
"I also wanted to comment that I think Y/N is my bias, you guys!"
Seeming to think there was a more lighter mood in the room, Y/N themself to relax a bit and laugh along.
"Come on boys, don't be jealous, I just think she's got this special quality about her," Oscar continued, thinking the frowns on your members' faces were playfully jealous of his comment.
"They are very special to us, we feel lucky to have them in our group," Han spoke up, subtlely linking his pinkie with yours as a form of comfort. The boys knew that such situations like this still hurt you, because of how you struggled to understand why you felt different and finally knew why, it was frustrating when other people, who were clearly in a position to do some research, didn't know.
Of course you'd give the benefit of the doubt, maybe he didn't know and he might be apologetic, in which case it would all smooth over.
But it wasn't in this case.
"Actually, Oscar, Y/N is non-binary," Chan began, looking towards you to see if you wanted to continue.
"Yes, I use they/them pronouns and don't identify as either male or female, I'm just, me," you shrug it off and say casually, because that's how you felt it should be. It wasn't a big deal,.it was just who you are.
"Oh wow, that's quite interesting, so you don't look at it like she's your younger sister? Or you don't think that as a boyband you have a disadvantage having a female member?" Oscar furrowed his brows.
"We don't feel the need to recognise our member by a gender," Seungmin grabbed the mic provided by the studio and calmly spoke into it, it almost fully calmed you down, his soft voice as he spoke in English filling the room.
"It doesn't matter. We are a group. Just a group of people who like making music and entertaining our stays, and that's how they like it, so..." Felix's knee bobbed up and down, and you couldn't tell if the ray of sunshine was slowly turning into a thundercloud or if he was nervous to speak his mind. You were thankful either way.
"Right... I mean, it's funny, it must be weird, like having her as a novelty to the group, almost?" Oscar said genuinely, like he didn't see an issue in how he was conducting himself.
"They are best," Jeongin threw a cheeky smile your way, making the weight on your shoulders feel just a little bit lighter.
"We're a unit. A team. I mean, it's funny, we don't feel the need to separate ourselves based on gender," Chan passive aggressively said, using the man's previous words to show he would not take anymore ignorance to how his member was being treated.
"Look, I don't expect people to understand straight away, but I can appreciate them looking at me not just for what I believe is a socially constructed view, one that I don't align with, but for my talent," you slowly explained, nerves filling your body as you hoped the way that you had explained yourself had made sense and would get a message across to the interviewer.
"See, that's something I think would bring even more attention to your success! Y/N do you think that creating this facade has brought you more fans?" Oscar questioned, his kind intentions slipping away.
"Excuse me?" you were taken aback. Facade? He thought that you were pretending?
"Hyung? We can go now? Yeah, ok, great. We'll be leaving now, thank you for your time, I think," Chan sarcastically smiled at Oscar after getting the green light from their manager that they could leave.
"So, that wraps up our interview with Stray Kids today..."
You sighed as you all got into the van, leaving the studio all together. You sat in the back with Lee Know and Changbin.
"What did he say at the end?" Lee Know questioned, rubbing your knee soothingly.
"That I'm a fake," you scrunch your face, looking at the ceiling of the car to trap your tears and avoid them from escaping.
"He has no idea what he's talking about, Y/Nnie," Changbin turned to you as best he could at the back of the van.
"I just wish I could feel normal, but sometimes it's things like this that just alienate me from everyone else, you know?" you sigh, tapping your leg with your fingers to distract yourself.
"You're far from an alien, Y/N. We don't care about what other people say, you're a part of us. Chan hyung was right, we're a unit, and we'll stay as one forever," Hyunjin reassured you.
"Plus, if anyone is an alien, it's Hannie," Seungmin savagely chuckled.
"I'M AN ALIEN ON THIS EARTH!!!" Han took that as his cue to sing his song loudly, causing you to groan and cover your ears.
"Someone help him return to his home planet," you giggled, making the other boys laugh along with you.
"Seriously though, we've got you, hm? Stupid interviewers like that have no respect..." Jeongin shook his head, feeling irritated.
"He was nice at the start..." you trailed off, thinking about Oscar's bright personality which was for sure what brought in viewers and listeners of the podcast.
"But then he showed his true colours, he was rude, you didn't deserve the disrespect, end of," Chan said from the front of the car, making his voice a little louder than normal so everyone could hear.
"Thanks, Channie," you smiled, the two boys in the back of the car with you letting you relax against them as the stress seemed to leave your body.
They had your back, always.
tagged: @skz-streamer @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @kiraisastay
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weightgainworld · 8 months
Lack of visibility in the feederism community
I saw a Reddit post about a lack of people of color in the feedism community, and I realized I want to expand on what I had as a reply. The issue is not a lack of POC in the community. There are lots of black male and female feedees, but they are often overshadowed or ignored. This is something that is always an issue in society, but it is more noticeable here since this is a community where not fitting the standard can lead to hate or being cased to the side. If you do not know any feedee of color or any race besides the norm, then I highly suggest you look for some. I would provide some, cause I would genuinely love to promote them. However, I do not want to include anyone in a post where the message is a sensitive topic like this. I might not get any hate or objections for it, but rather not take the rest and send toxic people are creators. I am sure we have all seen that happen time and time again. On the topic of being ostracized for being different, even when you fit the standard, there are always people who make it difficult to identify yourself in this kink space without fear of doxing. I and many others do not show our faces because of that fear. It sucks, I hate it and wish it would change. Not only does it make the community look smaller than it might be, but it does not lead to people feeling like this is an exclusive safe space. I am a feeder and feedee, but as a feeder, me and others need to remember how lucky we are to be able to engage in this space so easily without even showing a picture of ourselves. You can encourage or tease anyone with relative ease with just your words. Even on video, you don't have to show your face to feed someone else. A feedee does not have the same luxuries. You can be seen as fake for not wanting to share yourself, not like there are bad actors who add to those issues. However, it feels like you can not truly be a part of this community as a feedee unless you are showing your belly. I love this community, but who can honestly feel 100% safe when massive issues are coming from people who do not respect boundaries and hate being told they are doing something wrong? It is embarrassing to hear people call themselves feeders, and more importantly, members of this community, while also driving others away just because they do not answer a message fast enough. Back on the topic of POC. If you want to see more people in this space, we as a community need to be more welcoming to them. Some people are trying to do their best to create that space, but as a whole, we are failing. If I told you to name an African American feedee, of any gender, most couldn't even come up with a name. When it comes to ones who are even popular, I know 1 and only 1 that I could even say is the stereotypical definition of popular. That is not good. I won't act like I have been doing anything to make the space any easier to be a part of. I am not making it worse obviously, but inaction is still action. I hope while reading this, everyone in this community can continue this long journey of making it a better more inclusive place. Also, doesn't matter what size, gender, or race you are, you are a feedee. If that message wasn't strong enough from the beginning. Nobody gets to take that title away from you just because you wanted to lose weight or stop posting. Even if you never posted a picture or video, you belong here too.
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nebulaic147 · 1 month
Suggestion for a New Flag
Hello my friends,
I have been reconsidering parts of my sexuality recently. I have found it difficult to find a title that works with my specific, fluctuating relationship to asexuality and allosexuality. Graysexuality came closest but it still didn't sit right for me.
So, I would like to propose a new sexuality term:
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Trochosexuality (from the Greek prefix trocho- meaning ‘wheel, hoop’); an individual who identifies with this label is trochosexual, or a trochi/trochee (there is no gender definition in this distinction, it's more a matter of personal preference as 'trochee' is also a term associated with poetic metre).
Trochosexuality fluctuates between asexual and allosexual in varied degrees and intensities, generally with a sex-positive outlook. It is related to graysexuality where a person experiences little or no sexual attraction. However, trochosexuality is defined by undulating patterns of attraction. Sometimes, one is sex-repulsed or -indifferent, other times, sex-favourable.
The key difference from graysexuality is that one can experience sexual attraction (sex-favourable) on a relatively frequent and intense basis, but only at certain times and under certain circumstances. The same is the case with sex indifference or sex repulsion. One might have no allosexual inclinations, no asexual inclinations, or a blend of both at different times and in different situations.
It is possible for these patterns of attraction to overlap and co-exist (for example, feeling sex-favourable but having enough of a repulsed or indifferent edge to not want to act on it). Trochosexuals can but do not necessarily shift from one extreme to another (from sex-repulsed ace to sex-favourable allo). Periods of attraction and non-attraction can shift slowly or swiftly.
The Flag
Purple: Represents queerness and community; Can also be taken to represent the ace flag
White: Represents a lack of attraction and/or sex-repulsion; May also be taken to represent the allo flag
Orange: Represents presence of attraction and/or sex-favourableness; Has historically been used in flags as a symbol of healing, independence, and nonconformity (as with maveriques and gender nonconforming persons) - here, one might extend that meaning to trochosexuality's nonconformity to societal standards about sexual attraction
Yellow: Represents the middling or layered presence of attraction and/or sex-indifference; Can also mean joy in one's sexuality and sexual attraction/lack thereof
NOTE: The fluctuation of more and less vibrant colours in the lines represents the shifts of trochosexual attraction.
The hoops: Represent one’s cyclical, yet complex and often interwoven patterns of attraction. The threaded links–whose black and white lining and inner colours are inverted–reflect how attraction can weave and overlap seamlessly.
Let me know if you want clarification, there is confusion, or if you have any further suggestions to elaborate or change. Everyone who relates to this term is fully welcome to use it regardless of gender or sexual or romantic orientation.
If you plan to share this information, please reblog and/or give me credit.
With love, T. C.
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gnar-slabdash · 1 year
Speaking of last names.... and I'm just totally spitballing here in the interest of getting some representation for something i wish I saw more of.....
My favorite headcanon about Sophie's name is that the reason she never admits to a "real name" is because after all of her different identities and all of her identity crises, being Sophie Devereaux is how she got the opportunity to really decide who she is and where she belongs, so she's decided Sophie Devereaux IS her real name.
Nate, meanwhile, his name is so very tied up in his history with his father, who he still loves but doesn't necessarily want to identify with. And when he got his dad a new identity, he put his mom's maiden name on it, wanting to tie both of them more to her history rather than the ignominious one that has Ford stamped on it.
When my parents got married, my mom felt a lot of loyalty to her family identity, and her family was really good at welcoming my dad in and making him part of the family too. My dad on his side had the opposite experience, his family was very controlling and very excluding and neither of them really wanted to continue to be part of that. So they decided what worked for them was, my dad took my mom's name. And you know what's fucked up? That was in the mid-eighties, and to this day I've only met like one other person whose parents did that, haven't ever met a M/F couple of my generation who did that, and definitely haven't ever seen it in media. It's weirdly isolating to never see representation of this one little thing. What the fuck is up with that? Is this one bit of patriarchy just THAT pervasive that the idea of just choosing whichever name works best for the couple is just unthinkable?
Right, so, I was talking about Leverage. Now I'm not saying Nate would ever in a million years be the one to SUGGEST it. And it would definitely take some arguing to come around to it. But I think in the end he'd acknowledge how awesome it would be to throw away the patriarchal demand to uphold a family tree he's trying to break away from, and instead take a completely fictitious name that became, through love, his wife's real name. I think it would be in the true spirit of building a found crime family based on what matters to them, their relationships to each other, and not having to do things the way they've been told they should.
Also I think they should force Sterling to officiate and have to be the one to stand up and say "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Devereaux."
btw if you DO know of media where this happens or if you or someone you know has done it, I would love to hear if you're willing to share :)
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In regards to a recent submission (that has been queued because I want to be fair to everyone), I want to confirm that I get many more positive and kindhearted submissions than ones that contain any sort of bigoted or hateful language.
A few days ago, I posted a reminder to be careful of ableist language in submissions because I received a single submission that contained language that was harmful towards people with personality disorders. It's a word not commonly thought of as bad or ableist but I'm friends with people who are genuinely hurt when this word is misused so I decided to not let that submission go through and post that message on the topic.
That type of submission is a rarity. In fact, I think that's the only submission I've reviewed that contained ableist language (to my knowledge: I have been known to miss things and always appreciate when such things are pointed out to me).
In addition, only once (again, to my knowledge) have I received a submission with transphobic language. And I don't believe I've ever received a submission with racist language.
The monster fucker community is amazingly diverse and very open minded to those who are different from themselves. Yes, there are people who hold bigoted ideas within the community but from all that I've seen, those people are few and far between.
I love how the submissions here range from blatant horniness to just brutal honesty about the human experience. And clearly I'm not alone! I see the notes on the posts of people saying how much they relate to the anons. I see people saying how they feel less alone because of the submissions here. It's a beautiful thing and I feel very fortunate to be in the position to provide this place for everyone.
Monsterfucking appeals to a lot of people for a lot of reasons and I want this blog to be a safe place for them all.
Sorry for this little ramble. I just want you all to know that I appreciate you, no matter your reason for being a monsterfucker (or even if you don't identify as a monsterfucker yourself!). You're welcome here.
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itwasntimethatdidit40 · 2 months
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Hello and welcome to my blog!
About me:
All of my works are +18 and NSFW, please don’t interact if you’re a minor. English is not my first language and I have no beta reader, please have mercy.
Particularly sensitive topics marked with: 💔
Queer couples marked with: 🏳️‍🌈
Smut is present in all of them so make sure to read the warnings, I don’t want to make someone uncomfortable.
Joel Miller:
• Perfect ~ Soft Boyfriend!Joel Miller x Curvy AFAB!reader
No outbreak. Basically Joel worshipping you and your curvy body
• Be still, my foolish heart ~ Soft Single dad!Joel Miller x Curvy f!Reader
A meet cute at the clinic where you work leads to finding the best date you could ask for… our one and only Joel Miller
• Happy Birthday, little finch ~ Jackson!Joel Miller x AFAB!reader
Everyone forgets your birthday but you receive an unexpected invitation (wink) that will change the fate of the day. (No spoilers from the original second game, Jackson is totally made up by me)
• Guess ~ Soft boyfriend!Joel Miller x AFAB!reader
Pwp inspired by Guess by Charli xcx featuring Billie Eilish. Joel guess the color of your underwear and then eats you in a restrooom.
(Yeah, I have no excuses for this lmao)
• Special Needs ~ DBF!Joel Miller x F!reader, no outbreak
Joel lets you convince him that you can help him get back in shape.
• Shirt On ~ Sub!Joel X Soft dom! F reader
Joel getting pegged by you while you wear his flannel shirt.
• On a razor’s edge ~ Joel Miller x f!reader
Joel helps you shave. There.
• It started out with a kiss, how did it ended like this? ~ Young!Joel Miller x f!reader
You meet Joel at a party, everything is fine, he’s beautiful… will it end well?
• The right ones ~ soft!Joel Miller x reader / fluff and comfort (written in a neutral way so every person who menstruates can identify with it ❤️)
Joel buys you pads. ‘Cause Joel provides, you know, no matter the situation.
• Slow ~ Joel Miller x afab!reader
Tiny drabble, just pure smut.
• It feels like hope ~ Hot Priest!Joel Miller x f!reader
There's a new priest in your parish and he's very different from anyone you've ever known. / there will be smut. lol
• It wasn’t your fault ~ Sweet gentle priest!Javi G X hurt grumpy!Joel Miller, post cordyceps outbreak.💔🏳️‍🌈
Javi G helping Joel to accept his loss.
Marcus Acacius:
• Don’t say a word if this word is not “please”. ~ General!Marcus Acacius X slave trader!Javier Peña 💔🏳️‍🌈
Basically two people who hate their guts reciprocally but also want to f*** each other.
Oberyn Martell:
• Move, baby ~ Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand x f!reader 🏳️‍🌈
P*rn with very little plot, reader is a sex worker and happens to have a very great night with both Oberyn and Ellaria
Frankie Morales:
• You look like a fun place to sit ~ neighbor!Frankie Morales x f!reader
You decide to enjoy a night at the movies, your neighbor Frankie ruins it all. Or maybe not?
Javi G:
• A perfect day ~ Javier Gutierrez - The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent X Gabriela
Javi and Gabi, happily in love, spending time together on the beach.
Happy reading!
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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𝐃𝐈𝐘 𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞: 𝐀 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐞𝐰𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦. Welcome, aspiring conspiracy theorists and antisemite! Tired of relying on others to tell you who’s behind your troubles? You’re in luck! We’ve crafted this easy-to-follow guide just for you. Whether you’re the type who blames Israel for attempting to assassinate Trump or the one insisting Trump is owned by Israel, we’ll show you how to spot Jewish influence in every conceivable problem—all by yourself. Let’s dive in!
Step 1: Identify the Problem First, take a good look at the issue at hand. Is it personal, economic, political, or environmental? No matter the nature, every problem has one thing in common: it can be blamed on Jews. Here’s how to identify your scapegoat.
Step 2: Establish a Baseless Connection Next, draw an imaginary line from your problem to the Jewish community. This doesn’t require evidence or logic—just a vivid imagination. Here are some examples: •Economic Troubles: If you’re broke, it’s because Jewish bankers control all the money. If you’re rich, they’re manipulating you into complacency. •Political Chaos: Lost faith in your government? Clearly, Jewish politicians are pulling the strings. Is the government too stable? They’re just setting you up for a bigger fall. •Natural Disasters: Hurricanes, earthquakes, and floods? Jewish weather machines are to blame. Lack of disasters? They’re saving them for a better moment.
Step 3: Ignore Contradictions A key skill in blaming Jews for everything is the ability to ignore contradictions. For example: •If Jews are controlling the media, how come negative stories about Jews exist? Simple! It’s a distraction technique. •Are Jews accused of both communism and capitalism? Perfect! This shows their unmatched versatility in conspiracy.
Step 4: Use Circular Logic. When someone questions your logic, just use circular reasoning. Here’s a handy script: •Questioner: “How do you know Jews are behind this?” •You: “Because they control everything.” •Questioner: “What’s your evidence?” •You: “The fact that there’s no evidence is evidence of their control.” See? Easy!
Step 5: Handle Contradictions with Confidence If you ever notice that your theories are contradicting themselves, don’t worry! Just follow these steps: •Double Down: Insist that the contradiction itself is part of the Jewish plot. Claim they are creating confusion on purpose. •Shift the Blame: Accuse your questioner of being part of the conspiracy for pointing out the contradiction. •Create New Theories: Invent additional layers to your conspiracy that explain away the contradictions. The more complex, the better!
Step 6: Personalize Your Blame Take every minor inconvenience in your life and find a way to blame Jews: •Missed your bus? The driver is probably part of a Jewish plot. •Burned your toast? Jewish control of appliance manufacturers. •Argument with a friend? Jewish influence in societal norms is the root cause.
Step 7: Create Complex Theories The more convoluted, the better! People love a good, intricate conspiracy. Mix historical events with wild assumptions: •Combine the Spanish Inquisition with modern banking practices. •Link ancient religious texts to current technological advancements. •Blend cultural achievements with sinister plots.
Step 8: Spread the Word Now that you’re a self-made expert in finding Jewish blame, share your “discoveries” with others. Social media is your playground. Make sure your posts are as inflammatory and vague as possible. Bonus points for using historical photos out of context.
Final Thoughts: Perfecting Your Craft Remember, the key to this approach is dedication to your narrative. Facts, logic, and evidence are the enemies of your worldview. With practice, you’ll become adept at seeing Jewish influence in everything, making you the ultimate DIY conspiracy theorist. Happy blaming!
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june-doe-event · 1 year
Hello !! Welcome to the June Doe Ride The Cyclone event !!
This is a 30 Day Art (of any sorts !!) event that runs throughout June, however I will rb any posts with the prompts until mid July.
(Rules, Prompt List, & such are under the cut.)
1. Absolutely no NSFW of ANY kind, the rtc kids are, in fact, kids.
2. Please tag this account in any posts (on here) that you make w the prompts !! I wanna see them !! :D
3. I'll rb posts made with the prompts from after June up until July, but after that I'm done w this acc for the year shsh
(Not a rule but just something that should be known, I have quite a few tags blocked so I might not see some posts, but I will try my best to rb all of them. If I don't see your content, send it to me in an ask !!)
This event accepts any forms of art, from drawings, to writing, to gifs, to edits, etc etc !! Be creative !!
Prompt List:
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June 1st — Pride Month / Identities
Centered around any queer hcs with the choir !! Can range from coming out scenes 2 them going to pride, list is endless :)
June 2nd — Pre-Canon / Post-Canon
The choirs childhoods, right before the accident, what you think happens after the show, again, the list is endless !!
June 3rd — Favorite Platonic Relationship(s)
Maybe they're familial, or maybe they're just best friends !! Just, no romance :)
June 4th — Favorite Romantic Relationship(s)
Your favorite ship(s) !!
June 5th — Ricky's Birthday
Happy Birthday Ricky Potts !! Celebrate their birthday in whatever way you please !!
June 6th — Swapped Roles
Maybe Ocean is the most romantic girl in town, maybe Noel is the angriest girl in town !! Aka, the choir swaps titles & sorta personalities
June 7th — Legoland
The first play in the Uranium Teen Scream Trilogy !! Legoland content is ofc welcomed (& encouraged !!) for all of the prompts, but this is Legoland specific (if you don't have the script pdf & you'd like to read it, you can dm me either on this acc or on my main !!)
June 8th — Alternate Jane Doe
(Or John !!) Maybe Oceans parents never identified her, or maybe Noel was mangled beyond recognition !! Either way, someone else is left doll-like and confused.
June 9th — Someone Else Goes Back
Maybe Ocean votes Constance, or maybe the vote was unanimous like originally promised! Jane stays, someone else leaves.
June 10th — Mega Mall
The one(1) thing to do in Uranium. And Noel's personal hell.
June 11th — U-Pop
Ocean & Constance's (scripted) improv duo !! Sound off !!
June 12th — The Fair
What'd the choir get up to before the crash ? What were they doing ? What rides did they go on ? What'd they eat ?
June 13th — Uranium City
The Pride And Joy of Sweet Saskatchewan !! (<- literally a nightmare) !!
Or, something about the town itself !! It's history !!
June 14th — The Accident.
How'd they die ? What happened ? How did people react to it ? Who witnessed it ?
(If your content for this is gorey, please tag it appropriately.)
June 15th — Everybody Lives / Nobody Dies
Maybe they never rode the Cyclone in the first place, maybe they did but they survived, either way, everyone is fine !! (Or are they?)
June 16th — Religion
Ocean has three of them !! Something surrounding faith of some kind — or lack thereof !!
Alternative June 16th Prompt because I know some people may find the topic uncomfortable — Animals !!
Ricky's fourteen cats !! Penny & her love of animals !! Anything !!
June 17th — The Blackwood Cafe
The best (and probably only) cafe in Uranium !! Constance's family cafe, their pride and joy :)
June 18th — Cut Characters
Cut Character Submissions are welcome here no matter what, but this is specifically dedicated to them !! What was their reaction to the accident ? How did they die ? What was their backstory ?
June 19th — Zolar
The Fantasia Of Ricky Potts !! Anything to do with the world inside their head :)
June 20th — Songfic / Lyrics
Something surrounding a song you associate with the choir (or a certain member) !!
(Disclaimer this works for any type of art I just called it a songfic in the prompts list because it's. Easier ykyk)
June 21st — Summer
Happy Summer Solstice !! Anything 2 do with the current season :)
June 22nd — Graduation
What if they didn't die before they could graduate? How does that go?
June 23rd — Choir Event
Maybe it's last years Kiwanis, maybe it's a separate event !! Either way, they're performing again !!
June 24th — Production Specific
Instead of just general RTC, this prompt centers around a certain production !! (Be creative with it !! Use smaller ones !!)
June 25th — One Off Lines
Like how Ricky said in the 2016 previews that his mom read him the Little Prince TWENTY THREE TIMES (it was weird, he likes it), or how Ocean says that Constance 'has been a loose cannon since kindergarten' in the 2015 ver !! Anything surrounding stuff that they don't expand on.
June 26th — Jane's Dolly
How'd she find it? What if she had a different type of dolly? Just surrounding our favorite doll girl & her dolly :)
June 27th — Talia
Miss Talia Muruska Bolinska !! Is she real? How does she find out about the accident? How'd she meet Mischa? What was her life like?
June 28th — Families
The choirs' parents, them as a found family, the list goes on !! Just anything surrounding family :)
June 29th — Funerals
Because, these kids are dead, they have to have a memorial service of some sort !!
June 30th — Free Day
And, for our final day ( :( ) , we have a free day !! Do whatever you'd like !! :D
That's everything !! Feel free to send me asks with any questions you have !! :D
— Your moderator, @undescribed1mage :D
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