#no one asked but uh yeh
anadorablekiwi · 2 years
How much of a Diluc simp am I, you ask?
… …
too much
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rafecameronssl4t · 3 months
For high maintenance reader! Can you write a prompt where they’re all talking to rafes friends at the country club or some party and they make some plans with rafe but reader gives him her signature look like raised eyebrow look and rafe just folds and is like ummm yeh I mean I can’t do that night or quietly asks reader if he can go just pussy whipped rafe
Whipped || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Rafe, always the center of attention, animatedly discussed plans for a guys’ hangout on Friday night out on the porch. “C’mon, Rafe, you have to come! It’ll be fun,” one of his friends insisted, grinning broadly as Rafe leaned against the railing. Inside, on one of the country club’s sofas nearest the door to the porch, you could practically hear every word.
Friday nights were usually spent at either your place or Rafe’s, watching movies or simply enjoying each other’s company—a cherished ritual. Catching Sarah’s eye, you exchanged a knowing glance, a pang of annoyance hitting you at the thought of those plans changing.
Rafe, sensing your gaze, hesitated before speaking up. “Ummm, yeah, I mean… I can’t do that night,” he stammered, his confident demeanor crumbling momentarily. You raised an eyebrow at him, giving him a look he knew all too well.
You watch him intently as he continues talking with his friends, knowing he is fully aware of your gaze. Every now and then, his eyes flicker over to you, a subtle acknowledgment that doesn’t go unnoticed. “Why not, man?” one of them questions in surprise, their voices mingling with the background hum of the country club.
Rafe shifted uncomfortably, meeting your eyes briefly before turning back to his friends. “I, uh, have other plans—with Y/n,” he finally said, a satisfied smile spreading across your face as you returned to your conversation, triumph settling in your chest.
A few minutes later, while carefully applying another coat of lip gloss, you feel the couch dip beside you. The familiar scent of Rafe’s cologne reaches your nose, confirming his presence before you even look. He sidles up close, arm resting behind you as his his voice dropping to a whisper. “Can I go?” he asks, his usual bravado completely absent, his thumb rubbing absent minded circles in your shoulder.
You take a moment to look at him, your eyes scanning his face. His expression is earnest, almost pleading. With a soft sigh, you lightly roll your eyes and return to your lip gloss. “Fine. But don’t make a habit of it,” you mumble, crossing your legs at the knees in a gesture of mild annoyance.
Rafe’s face lights up with relief, a grateful smile spreading across his lips. “Thanks,” he mutters, glancing back out to the porch where his friends are waiting. He stands up, ready to leave, but then hesitates. Leaning down, he aims to kiss your lips, but you stop him with a tap of your heeled foot against his inner leg.
“Baby, I just put on a new coat,” you sigh, leaning away and turning your head slightly, still a bit annoyed. Rafe lets out a sigh of his own, his eyes filled with a mix of apology and affection. “My bad,” he says quickly. He then gently kisses your cheek, his lips lingering for a moment longer than necessary, before straightening up and heading out to join his friends. As you watch him go, a small smile tugs at the corners of your mouth, your annoyance melting away.
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helen-with-an-a · 6 months
I am an Adult pt 3.5
Hi. So I wanted to a sub-chapter kinda thing about Lena's side of the relationship/first few months etc. So here it is. Also shout out to the anons who gave me some inspo for this - u really helped. Also, I would like to preface this by saying I don't really know much about the Wolfsburg team as a whole, so if anything's wrong please let me know.
In this fic - the bold text is meant to be in German (but I didn't want bascially the whole thing to be unreadable for people) so just imagine it's in German
Barca Femeni x Reader / Lena Oberdorf x Reader / VfL Wolfsburg x Lena Oberdorf
Description: R and Lena's relationship from Lena's perspective
Word Count: 2.7k
Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 3.5 : Part 4 : Part 5 : Part 6 : Part 7 : Epilogue
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Lena was too smiley. That was the first thing Jule noticed after the Barca match. The hotel they were staying in was nice, the weather was very warm compared to Wolfsburg, and the day off was well deserved.
“What’s up with you?” She asked her best friend, eyeing her suspiciously.
“Huh? Oh, nothing,” Lena dismissed her as she fell onto her bed, phone in her hand.
“Speaking English now, are we?” Jule teased, studying Lena. She had a slight flush to her skin that wasn’t there this morning. She seemed too happy for someone who had just been ‘exploring’ all day. “What did you do today?”
“Nothing … uh, nothing much; I just wandered ‘round a bit,” Lena said distractedly. Jule hummed in false agreement. Something was going on.
A gasp pulled Jule from her inspection. It was Lena, staring joyfully at her phone before hurriedly typing away. Ok, something was most definitely going on, and Jule was going to find out what and soon.
“I’m going …” Lena cleared her throat and shook her head as if to shake away the English. “I’m going to go shower … uh … yeh.” She gathered up her stuff and headed to the attached bathroom, leaving her phone on the bed. Perfect, it was time to snoop; Jule congratulated the universe on its opportunistic timing.
[Initial]💙❤️: SPOTIFY LINK – One Direction, ‘I Should Have Kissed You’:  https://www.spotify......
L💚: SPOTIFY LINK – Odeal, ‘Next Time’: https://www.spotify.......
Who was ‘[Initial]💙❤️’ ? And why were they sending Lena a link to old One Direction songs? Specifically, ‘I Should Have Kissed You’? And why was Lena sending a song back telling them ‘next time’? The bathroom door opened a little.
“Jule, did I leave my phone?”
“Uhhhhhh, yeh, you did. Here,” Jule quickly locked Lena’s phone and rushed to hand it to her.
“Gracias,” Lena said absentmindedly, closing the door again. Spanish? Since when did Lena speak Spanish?
Slowly, the pieces slid into place for Jule. Lena had been out all day. Lena came back too happy and constantly looking at her phone. Lena replied in English and Spanish. Lena had received a text telling her that someone should have kissed her. Lena responded with the promise of next time. Lena was definitely on a date.
It wasn’t confirmed for Jule until the return leg. Much like in Barcelona, Lena disappeared all day and reappeared, looking far too happy the day after. She definitely went on another date.
“So,” Jule said as she cornered Lena in the locker room during recovery. “How was your date?”
“Oh, it was great. We went-” Lena froze. How did Jule know about her date? “W-what date?” Lena tried to cover slip up. Jule grinned devilishly, refusing to let Lena weasel her way out of this questioning.
“You know, your date with the Barca player,” she laughed at Lena’s horrified expression.
“I didn’t … What … me? No … I don’t,” Lena rubbed the back of her neck, trying to hide the dark blush adorning her cheeks.
“Don’t lie to me, Lena Sophie! I am your best friend. You went on a date, 2 dates, and didn’t tell me,” Jule said, slightly hurt that Lena didn’t trust her with this. It was well known that Lena didn’t do dates; she didn’t do the emotional side of romance. She flirted, she charmed, and she took people home – only to have them leave the next morning, often not quite remembering their name when the sun rose. To see her friend finally consider a date, multiple dates - and maybe something more – Christmas had come early for Jule Brand.
“What d-” Lena started to deny, but after seeing Jule’s face, she knew she was caught. She sighed before spilling her happiest secret, “She asked me after the Barca match if I wanted to see some stuff in Barcelona. It was such a good time. We went to breakfast, and she made me try all these Spanish and Catalonian pastries. Then, she showed me all the tourist spots. She took me to lunch and stuff and then showed me all the quieter places she likes to go. Then, we ended with dinner, and it was just, ugh. So, so perfect.” Jule smiled, liking this side of Lena she hadn’t seen before. “And then, we so nearly kissed when she walked me back to the hotel and then she sent me a song telling me she wanted to kiss me and,” Lena sighed dreamily. “And we’ve been texted and phoning and whatnot, but I asked her out after our match on Sunday, and we went to the Christmas Market, even though it’s only November because she mentioned she’d never been to one before, and we ate far too much and then …” Lena paused, the romantic gushing so uncharacteristic of her. “She kissed me. She kissed me, Jule. And it was so perfect, and, ugh…” she trailed off again. “I’ve never felt like this before,” she whispered, grinning to herself as she confessed.
“She sounds wonderful, Lena. But who is ‘she’?” Jule teased lightly, nudging her best friend.
“Um … Y/N. The number 17 put 2 past us on Sunday,” Lena smiled as she said your name, a lovesick expression taking over. “She’s got this smile and, god, her laugh. It’s like angels or something. She so, so beautiful, Jule.” Lena gushed. Jule hadn’t seen Lena like this, ever, but she wasn’t opposed to the in-love ramblings. She liked this side of Lena and hoped she would stay for a long while. “But she’s also funny, and kind, and sweet, and just … she’s already picking up German for me. I didn’t even ask her to; she just turned up here, and at the Market, she went to ask a seller about this piece of jewellery, and it was in pretty decent German. She was so cute, she got all blushy and shy afterwards and…” she sighed again. Her fingers coming to fiddle with the woven bracelet on her wrist – a gift from you to remember you by. Like she could ever forget you.
“Wow, Lena. When can I meet the girl that’s got you so lovesick?” Jule teased gently, bumping her shoulder against Lena’s.
“Not for a while, sorry, Jule. It’s just, it’s all so new, and we haven’t really discussed what we are yet, and we won’t be able to see each other for a while because of our schedules and, um…” Lena had the decency to look slightly embarrassed at her response, but she loved the idea of being able to keep you all to herself for a little while.
“No, I get it, no worries,” Jule smiled understandingly. “I can see that she makes you happy, and that’s all that matters,” she added, squeezing Lena’s hand at her words. “But I will require regular updates from you about how things are going, ok? ‘Cos … my best friends in loooove,” she sang out, laughing at Lena’s bright blush.
“Yeh, yeh, let’s go to recovery, c’mon,” Lena said, shoving her friend out of the empty changing room.
[Initial]💙❤️: I want to tell them about u x
L💚: Tell em
L💚: Can I tell my team?
[Initial]💙❤️: Omg yesssss xxxxxxxxxxxx
Lena had permission from you to tell the team, and she was so, so happy about it. Telling Jule made everything feel so much more real; she couldn’t imagine how telling the team would go. She figured she’d start with the girls she was closest with.
Jule, Ewa, and Sveindis all gathered in her living room as Lena stood nervously in front of the TV.
“Um, so … I have something I need to tell you guys,” Lena said, fidgeting with the hem of her t-shirt. Why was she so nervous? She loved the idea of being able to take you out on dates without hiding anything; she wanted to be in the crowd when watching your matches; she wanted to kiss you in front of the whole world … and yet she was nervous about this. If she had to guess, she would say it’s because she hasn’t done this before. She doesn’t date, and she’s never had to introduce her teammates to a partner before, but here she was, about to burst your little bubble of private joy. You had told her you’d done it already – or at least, you didn’t discourage the team when they snooped and didn’t stop them from guessing.
“Oh, my god. Are you leaving?” Sveindis asked.
“What? No!” Not yet, anyway. Lena replied.
“Are you dying?” Ewa countered. Lena was slightly shocked at her question.
“Ewa!” Lena gasped.
“Are you pregnant then? Did something happen? Are you ok?” Sveindis sat up, full of concern for her friend.
“No, good God, no. No, I’m fine.” Lena looked horrified that that was what her best friend’s brain jumped to.“I … I just needed to tell you that I have a girlfriend…” There was a split second of silence before Sveindis and Ewa burst into hysterical laughter. Lena looked towards Jule, unsure of the scene in front of her.
“Yeh, right. Good one, L.” Sveindis joked between peals of laughter.
“A girlfriend, nice one, Lena” Ewa wheezed.
“Guys,” Jule tried. She could see Lena’s face fall. When Lena had invited them to come over this afternoon, she had been so excited—she could finally share with her friends, her family, that she had a girlfriend—an actual, real girlfriend who treated her well and made her oh-so-happy. And now they were laughing at her. Was the idea of her being in a relationship so comedic that it brought tears to their eyes?
“You know what, fuck you. Get out, get out now.” Lena shouted, causing an immediate cease to the laughter.
“Lena, c’mon. That was a good joke -” Ewa started.
“It wasn’t a joke. I have a girlfriend. And I wanted to tell you today, but you think it’s basically impossible for me to have one. So, Get. Out!”
“Are you serious?” Sveindis asked.
“Get the fuck. Out. Of my House.” Lena replied, moving to open the door for them.
“Not about that, about having a girlfriend?” She ignored the open door, a clear sign that she was unwelcome at the moment.
“Yes. And I was really excited to tell you, but you guys find it so hilarious that I could have a relationship.” Lena said, hurt that her friends were so disbelieving of her.
“No, it’s just … you’ve told us so many times that you don’t date. You are … were … so adamant over it.”
“And when you stopped mentioning your one-night stands and stuff, we figured you were going through a dry spell or something,” Ewa added.
“We’re sorry for not believing you,” they both hung their heads, embarrassed that they hurt a close friend. Lena closed the door gently and returned to the living room.
“Does this mean I can finally meet her?” Jule asked after a moment of awkward silence.
“You know who she is? That’s not fair; how come Jule gets to know first?” Ewa moaned.
“Not yet, Jule. I still need to tell the rest of the girls first,” Lena sighed, sitting down on the armchair by the window. “And Jule knows first because she figured it out.” She explained to Eva.
“You should have seen her after the Barca match. She was so giddy, all blushy, and staring at her phone. Ugh, it was so cute. And then, after the home leg, she came into the changing room and couldn’t stop smiling. I’m surprised you haven’t caught on sooner; she’s not very subtle.” Jule gushed.
“So, it’s a Barca player? Who is it?” Sveindis asked.
“No, wait, let me guess,” Ewa shouted. “Ba-Batlle? Is that how you say it?” Lena giggled as Ewa bounced excitedly on the sofa.
“No, she has that maybe-thing with Bronze. Coll?” Sveindis countered.
“No, she’s definitely in a relationship; they did a lock screen video thing, and she was her girlfriend” Ewa and Sveindis pushed their heads together, coming up with ideas of who might have stolen their best friend's heart.
“What about Y/S/N? Y/N? Is that her name?” They looked to Lena for an answer. Whilst a verbal one wasn’t given, it wasn’t needed. The beaming smile was all that was required.
“Awww, she’s a cutie.” Ewa came over to hug Lena
“Real sweet, too. She came to check on Camilla when Pina did that tackle.” Sviendis agreed. “Now, tell us all about it. I want all the details!” They all got themselves comfy as Lena spilt all the information about the best few months of her life.
L💚: I told some of them
[Initial]💙❤️: Omg really??
[Initial]💙❤️: What did they say?????
L💚: They didn’t believe me at first ahahahaha
L💚: They thought u may have been Ona or Cata !!!!
[Initial]💙❤️: ahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahaha
L💚: But then they said ur a cutie and real sweet
L💚: Which u r, obviously xxx
[Initial]💙❤️: Stoppppppp
[Initial]💙❤️: Ur gonna make me cry xx
[Initial]💙❤️: R u gonna tell the rest ?????
[Initial]💙❤️: No rush or anything xxx
L💚: Yeh I am xxx
L💚: I wanna tell the world ur mine xx
[Initial]💙❤️: now I’m actually crying wtf
[Initial]💙❤️: 1 photo image attached
[Initial]💙❤️: I wanna tell the world ur mine xxxxx
L💚: Schatzzzzzzz xxxx
[Initial]💙❤️: A nickname now?
L💚: Shut uppppp
[Initial]💙❤️: never
[Initial]💙❤️: Meine Liebeeeeeeee
L💚: 🩷🩷🩷🩷
“Obi,” Alex called as the training ended for the day. “I need to talk to you.” Fuck! Lena tried to remember what she might have done to piss Alex off. She had behaved all training session – for the most part; the thing with the water was Riola’s fault, not hers. She was guided into an empty media room and was met with Svenja sitting on the table. Fuckkkkk! What had she done? Two players she saw as maternal figures had their Angry Faces on.
“Before you say anything. It wasn’t me,” Lena rushed to cover her back.
“What wasn’t you?” Svenja asked.
“Whatever you think I’ve done,” Lena answered cryptically. She wasn’t admitting to anything.
“So, you don’t have a girlfriend then?” Alex asked. “Sveindis was lying to Vivi?”
“Um … my answer depends on how mad you will be.” Lena ducked her head to avoid Alex’s gaze.
“We’re not mad that you have a girlfriend, Lena.” Svenja pushed herself from the table and took Lena’s hand.
“We’re mildly irritated we found out from changing room gossip,” Alex added, coming over to squeeze Lena’s shoulders. “Look at me,” she instructed when Lena still refused to look her in the eye.
“Your girlfriend is Y/F/N Y/S/N, yes? Barca’s number 17.”
“Yeh,” Lena couldn’t help the small smile that spread across her face at the mention of you.
“Does she treat you well, Obi?” Svenja asked.
“Yes, she treats me very well.”
“And you treat her well?” Alex added.
“I like to think so. She said I make her happy.”
“Good. When will she next be in Wolfsburg? Or at a match?” Svenja asked
“I’m going to see her at her away game in Madrid when we have the free weekend, but our schedules don’t line up for a while after that. They match up again just after the international break, so she’s coming here.” Lena explained.
“Good, gives us longer to prepare a speech.” Alex said to Svenja
“Speech?” Lena asked, slightly weary of what might happen – she knew that the 2 women could be very intimidating, especially if you weren’t German or didn’t know them very well.
“Yes, a speech—the ‘do not mess with Obi’ speech. I don’t doubt you will get one from Putellas and maybe Bronze and Paños, too. They seem very protective of her.” Svenja pulled Lena into a hug as Alex ruffled her hair.
L💚: Whose speech will be worse? Alexia’s or Alex and Svenja’s?
[Initial]💙❤️: Hmm, scary Germans or scary Spaniards???
L💚: I will endure it
L💚: Just for u Schatz
[Initial]💙❤️: As will I
[Initial]💙❤️: Only 4 u meine Leibe
I hope you enjoyed this little sub-chapter thing. I'm on my uni holidays atm so hopefully I can write the next chapter fairly soon but I do have deadlines etc <3
Also thank you to all the love from the anons ahaha - it means a lot to me <3<3<3<3<3<3
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badlydrawnronpa · 2 months
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hi anon ty for sending the message! I did look through their blog and they very obviously use AI - I would've published the ask normally to let other people know but I decided against it in the end because after a closer inspection I noticed that all commissions are fake (besides being fake art I mean) and they're not actually scamming anyone because. uh. literally most of the blogs I saw interact with them are empty rp blogs that are blatantly controlled by them and one of the commissions I saw on their patreon was for a defunct ohsc rp blog from 2014??? Which honestly was really funny.
so yeah, they're very much not pulling any money from that, and on top of it all they posted pics of themselves sooooo yeh, not going to blast them on a blog with a big following for trying the 'i dont use ai im a real artist' but ultimately not scamming anyone out of their money. They're also not the best at like... hiding they're using AI because you can see their traditional art in other posts, and the style or experience level doesn't match at all.
I will post some of their AI stuff underneath the read more and point out the inconsistencies tho, to help out other people in spotting out ai shit (esp non artists that might have an harder time figuring things out). If you find out the original user that posted these, please don't harass them, be civil.
BTW I'M SAYING THIS NOW: if you see something I point out and say ''ah, I do that, I'm in trouble" - no you're not, if you actually draw the stuff yourself. You can see when an artist's work (and mistakes!) are genuine. Beginner's mistakes can be made by experienced artists too, but if you look at their entire body of work you can see when something doesn't add up.
to start off, I saw anon calling them out on this one so I'm just reiterating some of the points, but here's some junko 'art' they made
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when confronted abt it, they said that the fingers look weird because they can't control their shaky hands and drawing small is hard. anyway if you draw digitally you can zoom in on the canvas and work on a detail as big as you need, so that excuse doesn't hold
this other post was basically what made me just say 'yep thats ai' and it was just the second 'art' post I saw from them
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while taken alone they could've been a little harder to spot as AI, with them all bundled together you can easily see they came from the same prompt; the user tried to justify the inconsistencies saying it was because they were 'experimenting' with the design of their oc and gundham's scar but I'm telling you now, no sane artist fully renders four pieces that are basically the same concept while changing the design of the character just slightly in every single one of them. anyway, here's the breakdown of every piece:
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another that was way easier to break down because it's so full of inconsistencies the moment you really take a look at it
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also let's be real if you render art like that you're not gonna put a bright purple unreadable text on your supposed vtuber "art"
let's end this with the AI "commission" that could be harder to break down as AI if seen in a vacuum now, shall we? esp because our friend, the fucked up melty finger, isn't there
I honestly had to look for a while at this one because if you had shown it to me and I didn't see the other stuff this person posted, I could've just chalked up a lot of these mistakes to human error. Tangents between lines, scribbles for details, forgotten uncolored sections is all normal stuff. BUT we know this person used AI in all the other posts, so we know what to look at:
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again, some mistakes the AI does can be also mistakes actual artists do: be sure to check the other art the user makes before throwing accusations
they also posted a fake speedpaint that is so embarassing it made me laugh but if I start pointing out inconsistencies in an AI speedpaint we're gonna be here for a long time, so.
The classics: hands and fingers don't make sense, there's additional weird lines and they melt into other part of the drawing
long hair strands and other long or flowy elements can suddenly disappear behind objects and not reappear where they should
jewels, intricate details, hairpins and other accessories bend and melt into each other and other part of the design
the resolution of the image is very low and/or grainy - a lot of artists post lower res pieces online, but again: look for a pattern and combos of all the other signs
inconsistencies between multiple art posts, character designs constantly being different, sudden art style changes - while this can also be found with real artists, this is an additional tell of someone using AI, when combined with the stuff I mentioned above. humans mistakes usually have a reason for what they happen, AI makes them because it doesnt understand what it's doing most of the time
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angel-of-the-moons · 1 year
Hello hello! I would like to request a Hobie fic if that’s okay! If the concept makes you uncomfortable in any way shape or form I completely understand if you delete this or refuse. But I think the idea of Hobie getting baby fever after babysitting Mayday is so sweet. Him envisioning a little you and him running around with both of your features and he just scoops you up in a kiss, and shyly tells you about how he’s been thinking about how he wants a baby with you (I hope that’s not too uncomfortable or weird or strange!! Thank you for reading and I hope you’re having a good day/evening!!)
Ajsljdldnlsnldnldn this ask got me feral™ Ilysm
The Pitter Patter of Little Feet
Soft!Hobie Brown x Fem!Reader
Because I'm tired of repeating myself: HOBIE IS AGED UP IN THIS FIC
TW/CW: Hobie being a secret softie, baby fever, NSFW, oral Fem! Receiving, punk with a heart of gold spray paint, Peter knowing things™, pregnancy mentions, babies, talk of babies, oh, and Mayday's here, too!
All characters stated in NSFW situations in my fics are all aged up or of age.
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"Oi, like this." Hobie laughed at the toddler sitting on his chest, staring down at him as he laid on the carpet of he and his girlfriend's shared flat.
"Ho..." He started.
"Hoooo..." Mayday coo'd.
"Bieeee." He smiled, his mouth spread in a wide grin.
"Beeeeeee!" She squealed, clapping her pudgy little hands.
"Now say it: Hobie."
"Hah-buh." Mayday giggled.
"Ah, close enough ya li'le runt!" Hobie laughed, sitting up so Mayday was laying in his lap, tickling her little rolls on her tummy. "Ya lucky you're so cute, kid!"
Mayday grabbed his shirt and pulled herself up, looking at him with a happy smile, her unruly red-brown hair bobbing.
Hobie sighed as he looked down at her, huffing a small chuckle. "I swear, if I--"
"Had one of your own?" Peter B grinned, leaning on the pillar that was in between the kitchen and living room.
"Uh--" Hobie coughed awkwardly. "I wasn't..."
"Hey, man, I'm not surprised Mayday would make you want one of your own." Peter laughed, walking over and scooping up his young daughter.
"My little girl here seems to give people baby fever! Must be her mom's genes or something! Or maybe... Just that cute little face! Om nom nom!" Peter grinned, pretending to nibble on Mayday's cheeks, earning a loud squeal as she kicks and squirms from her father's affections.
Peter chuckled and tucked her safely into the chest harness, smirking at Hobie as he stood.
"You notice how Jess got pregnant not too long after I asked her to watch Mayday? I mean, it could be a coincidence... Or canon event."
Hobie groaned at his word usage, handing Peter the diaper bag. "Ugh, you sound like the ol' stiff at HQ."
"Hey, just making a joke. I gotta compensate for Miguel's lack of humor somehow."
Hobie shoved his hands in his pockets, sighing as he looked off to the side.
Peter put his hand on the taller man's shoulder. "Seriously... Are you thinking about having a baby?"
"I mean..." Hobie struggled, his jaw tensing. "I'd be lyin' if I said I didn't, but..."
"You're not sure you wanna bring it up with your girl?" Peter supplied, Mayday's tiny hand gripping his fingers.
"I mean, Pete, we're not even hitched." Hobie shrugged.
"Not all couples need to be married before having a runt of their own."
"Yeh, yeh..." Hobie sniffed, trying to sound bored.
"All right, I'm heading out. See ya, Hobie. I owe ya one." Peter grinned.
"That ya do, bruv."
When you came home, Hobie was sitting on the settee by the window, strumming idle notes on his guitar, bobbing his head to a tune only he could hear.
You dropped your purse and keys on the dining table next to the door, and slipped off your shoes.
Slowly, you dragged your feet over to the sofa opposite of the settee Hobie was currently perched on.
"You 'right, luv?" Hobie asked, setting the guitar down and walking over to kneel next to the sofa.
"Work sucked." You groaned into the cushions.
Hobie put his hand around the back of your neck and started to massage the tension there with the pads of his fingers, urging a gentle sigh from you as you turned your head to look at him.
"Very much so."
Hobie grinned at you, and barely gave you a moment before picking you up and swinging you in a circle, earning a shriek and laugh from you.
"Hobie! You shit!" You laugh, slipping your arms around his neck as he set you on your feet, looking up at him with those big gorgeous eyes.
"Had to see you laugh, luv." Hobie said, leaning down to bury his face in your neck, breathing into your perfume. "Laughter is the best medicine, as they say."
You sigh and relax into the embrace, a gentle pause in the conversation.
"Where's Mayday? You said you were watching her for Peter, today."
"He came 'n got her." Hobie mumbled.
"...What's wrong?" You ask, reaching up to flick one of his large fluffy dreads.
".... Nothin'."
"Hobie Brown, it is not nothin'." You say suspiciously, pulling back so he looked you in the eyes. "What's on your mind? You can talk to me, babe."
"Yeah, but..." Hobie looked at the carpet in hesitation.
"Hobie..." You prod.
"I..." Hobie suddenly felt a paralyzing feeling seize his gut. He could face Osborne's oppressive regime with a grin, can of paint, and a middle finger straight up... But this? This topic was...
"Sweetheart." You say, touching his cheek.
"Do y' wanna have a baby?" He blurted.
You blink up at him owlishly.
"I... Shit." Hobie groaned, separating from you as he marches back and forth, a hand to his head.
"Nah, nah, forget I said anything. I just..." He stood, his back to you, his shoulders slumped defeatedly.
"They'd look good, y'know? If we had a kid. Cute. Your eyes, your smile. That giddy li'le laugh o' yours. I just... Dealing with Mayday feels... I d'nno. I just..."
"Hobie... Are you saying you... You want to have a baby? With me?" You ask softly, touching his shoulder.
You chew the inside of your cheek, thinking.
Fuck it.
"...All right. We can handle it. I make enough money, we have enough room..." You start rattling off stuff, going into planning mode.
Hobie looked at you, his jaw dropped as you started muttering to yourself. It sounded like you were already four steps ahead, planning out budgets, where to get stuff for a baby, working on a schedule that you can juggle with work after the baby is born...
He felt his head catch in his throat as he watched you put your hand to your chin, a gesture you often made when you were putting serious thought into something.
He grinned widely, grabbing you by the waist and practically tackling you onto the sofa.
"Wha--Hobie! I was thinking!" You protest.
"I know." Hobie says, claiming your mouth in a hungry, heated kiss.
The passion of which he moved robbed you of breath. He pulled your hair out of its confines, rubbing his fingers through the silken strands, the healed callouses on his fingertips finding refuge there among the softness.
When he pulled away, he smirked at you, his dark eyes alight with a spark. A spark you knew well.
A spark that meant Hobie was up to no good.
"H-Hobie--" You gulp.
"Ay, you got me all in a sitch here, yeh?" Hobie grinned. "Can't jus' say all that, look at me with those big eyes and not expect me to wanna..."
His other hand went to your jeans, tugging the button out of the loop and pulling the zipper down, his body slipping off the couch to kneel between your legs, tugging the denim down your hips and tossing the fabric onto the coffee table. He didn't bother with your socks.
He smirked with satisfaction when he saw the damp patch in the lace of your panties.
"Been thinkin' about me, luv?" He hummed, looking up at you. "Work have you that stressed? Need a lil' relief?"
His fingers slid up your bare thighs, teasing the edges of the panties that hugged the plush of your thighs, and you shuddered.
"You... Ugh, I don't know what to do with you." You groaned, dropping your head back, sighing at the ceiling.
"Oh, but I know what to do with you." Hobie purred, pushing the damp fabric aside, blowing a cool puff of air over your damp slit.
You shivered. "You little..."
You wished your voice didn't sound so breathy.
"You always do that! Why--" The moment you looked down and met his eyes, his mouth latched straight onto your clit, growling and sending a wave of vibrations that made your toes curl and a shocked mewl tear from your throat as the piercing in his tongue added extra sensations.
One of Hobie's favorite hobbies was to eat you out. He could sit for hours and do it, licking and kissing until you couldn't feel your limbs from how overstimulated you became.
Your taste was probably the only hard "drug" he could ever imagine getting addicted to.
He licked a broad fat stripe up, then down, bringing his thumb to push against your clit as he delved his almost-too-long tongue into your hole, writhing and pressing, rolling and tugging as your muscles attempt to draw him further.
He pulled his tongue out and licked upwards, pushing not one, but two of his fingers inside of you, curling them upwards as his other hand pressed down on the lowest part of your belly in tandem with each crook of his digits and flick of his tongue.
You writhed, hands going to tug at the bushy dreads on his scalp.
"Hobie--fuck!" You cried out, rolling your hips to meet him, your orgasm already beginning to swell, burning low in your belly.
"Go on, luv. Cum f' me." Hobie growled, pressing his piercing up at your clit, his chin already dripping with your juices.
You whine, a hiccup bubbling out of you as he adds a third finger, thrusting them in and out of you at a pace that had the edges of your vision going fuzzy.
"Hobie!" You cry out, arching your back into him as he fucks you with his tongue and hands, pressing down on your skin to make the sensations more intense; your orgasm cresting and shattering your dam of restraint.
You dropped, limp onto the cushions as Hobie sucked his fingers clean, licking his lips and wiping his chin dry, licking up the remainder of your slick that was still on his face.
"Right, luv. Let's get down to business." He chuckled, climbing over on top of you, hastily unbuckling the belt, tugging his torn jeans down his hips, his boxers going along with, revealing how eager he was for you.
"We can get hitched after the baby is born, yeh?"
Pt: 2: Link
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queermentaldisaster · 8 months
Onto DogHybrid!Ghost.
Ghost is a Cane Corso hybrid. His hybridization was a result of his dad trying to play god, and get Ghost to be more loyal. Don't ask me how that motherfucker managed to get his hands on enough DNA to combine it with Ghost's, because I don't know.
Unfortunately it backfired and Ghost's aggression got dialed up a shit ton. But this also ended up working in his dad's favor because he was immediately loyal to his mom and Tommy, so his dad could use them as leverage.
Fast forward to everything with Roba. Roba used what is called trauma bonding to get Ghost to be loyal to him, including the manipulation tactic called love bombing, as well as various other forms of manipulation. (Source linked for trauma bonding.)
So combined with the trauma bond, the undying loyalty that came with Ghost's hybridization, and Roba telling him that no one would ever accept Ghost other than him, he stayed, despite constantly being hurt.
Then, one day, there was an infiltration of Roba's compound. Ghost was locked in the basement during this time, so he's not quite aware of what's happening, but he knows danger danger danger so he's freaking out while down in the basement, whimpering, crying out, things like that.
Well, about twenty minutes into the attack, the door is kicked down. In steps a soldier and Ghost immediately goes on the defensive. This soldier is Roach. Roach gets on the comms and gets the rest of the team down here, because he hasn't gone through the training on how to deal with hybrids yet.
So in comes Gaz and Price, causing Ghost to get more and more scared which makes him more aggressive.
Until a man with a mohawk and the most brilliant blue eyes steps in. Ghost immediately relaxes because this man feels safe. Maybe it's the lack of weapons on his person and the fact he's slow.
Soap has been trained to help aggressive hybrids calm down, and he's the first line of hybrid dealings. So he steps in the room, reaches out for Ghost and is surprised when this massive fucking Cane Corso hybrid just tackles him, his tail wagging.
Now uh...Price says they should drop him off at the shelter, and both Ghost and Soap immediately disagree. Ghost because his dad threatened him with the shelter, and Soap because he sees that Ghost needs a safe space to just be as human as he can be.
So, reluctantly, Price agrees to let Ghost stay with them. And shenanigans devolve from there.
(I don't know what to call this au yet so 😅)
@forestshadow-wolf @myriadblvck COME FEAST
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pabtsblueliving · 1 year
I loved Come to Papa! I have the biggest crush on Chibs 😍. The man gets hotter as he gets older! Can I request for Chibs, maybe a first date with him??? He's trying to impress her. Like it's hard, right? Thanks!
Baby, I'm Yours
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First date with Chibs
WC: 1.2K
Warnings: smoking, drinking, making out, like one curse word.
Hello, who doesn't have the biggest crush on him, hard not to. He was hot then and is still hot now. I started and finished when I got back from work, been wanting to write this all day. Bit rushed, but thank you for requesting, enjoy!
xoxo pabtsblueliving 💋
pabtsblueliving © 2023
You were nervous. A date.
You fiddled with the edge of your clay colored dress, sitting in your living room waiting to hear the motorcycle revving down the street. You were pleasantly surprised when Chibs Telford had asked you on a date.
You worked at the tattoo shop all the Sons had come through when they needed a new tattoo, or a new prospect was finally being initiated. You’d seen chibs a few times, never interacting too much unless it was a hello in that gorgeous voice, and a wink. A smile returned from you to him.
A few days ago he’d stopped in by himself, and you were cleaning up the shop. 
“Chibs, hey what can I do for you?” You smiled to him,
“Hi Lass, how’s the day?” He responded, “I’ve got a question, mayb’ bit out tha’ blue” He took his sunglasses off, put them on the counter, and leaned against it.
“Yeah, of course, what’s up?” You furrowed your brows, and taking off your gloves
“Ehm, would you want’a go on a date with me? Dinner, drinks, take yeh on tha’ bike?” He let out a breath he was seemingly holding since he’d arrived
Your eyes widened, and you smiled a bit, “Oh! Uhm, yeah, Chibs,” You looked down and smiled, then looking back up at him, “I would love to.” You beamed.
He gave you a smile, and a chuckle, “Alright, lady. Then uh, its a date” He picked up his sunglasses and began to walk out, confident in his stride. 
“Chibs, hold on.” You chased after him, meeting him at the bike.
He sat down and looked up, you continued, “When and where?” You chuckled a bit, he seemed to miss that part.
“Oh, ehm,” He let out a puff of air, “How about, tomorrow, 6pm, I’ll pick yeh up?” 
“It’s a date” You smiled and turned away, closing down the shop as he rode away.
And now, you find yourself, where we started. 
You fiddled with the edge of your clay colored dress, sitting in your living room waiting to hear the motorcycle revving down the street. You were pleasantly surprised when Chibs Telford had asked you on a date.
You’d just finished your third cigarette, in 30 minutes and a cocktail. You weren’t used to dates. You kept to yourself, provided your service of body art to the Sons, went out with friends sometimes, but that's really it. 
You let out a shaky breath. Did your hair look stupid, was your dress wrinkled, did your boots match your outfit? You were ripped from your thoughts when you heard the bike. His bike. You flew out of your seat, finding the nearest mirror and smoothing out your hair, adding lipliner and gloss to your lips.
He removed his gloves at the door, rapping his scarred knuckles on the door. Those three knocks finally pulled you into reality. You smoothed your dress and opened the door.
Upon opening the door was Chibs. He looked different, but handsome. He had black slacks with boots, a black button up that had more than a few buttons undone, and his cut. God, he looked great. 
You smiled and pulled your purse to your shoulder, “What do you think,” He started, “Clean up ok, for an old crow” His hands went up, presenting himself.
You laughed, “Clean up maybe too well” You winked. “Ready?” He held out his hand and a helmet. You nodded, strapped on your helmet and climbed behind Chibs, wrapping your arms around his sturdy frame.
And off you went, to the best date of your life. You went to an outdoor, casual, restaurant in the desert, 20 minutes from home. You had a chatty dinner, followed with a few drinks. You didn't want it to end.
You swallowed a sip of your cocktail, and took a drag of a cigarette, handing it to chibs as he leaned back in his chair taking it. The sun was setting on the desert, and he looked incredible.
“So,” You said, blowing out the smoke, “I’m surprised you’d asked me on a date.” 
He took a drag and chuckled, “Why’s tha’, Lass?” He raised a brow.
“I don't know, we’d never really spoken too much before, here and there. A wink and a smile maybe…” a smile broke out as you spoke, and he laughed.
“Well, em, I’ve had my eye on yeh for quite some time, Darlin’. Just recently grew the balls to finally talk to you and ask you.” He winked, bastard.
“Well, then thank god for your…balls…” You began to giggle and he chuckled, handing you the cigarette back.
As you took a final drag he spoke up, “How about we get outta here, love?” 
He handed you your helmet and put his sunglasses on, leading you back to the bike, and you rode off back to your home. 
He walked you to your door, a large, warm, hand at the small of your back leading you gently. You dug for your keys, nervous about his sudden silence.
“Damn…keys…uh,” You chuckled out an apology, and looked back. Finding him with his hands in his pockets, looking right at you. 
You finally grabbed your keys, and asked, brows furrowing, “What?” you questioned.
“Nothin’...I just eh, had fun…” He stalked closer, the space between you and your door, and him was getting increasingly smaller.
“I had a lot of fun too, Philip. I’d love to do it again sometime…soon…” You dropped your purse on the floor, and he trapped you between him and the door, arm above your head. You smelled his cologne, hoping it sticks to every item of clothing you're wearing.
You began, “so maybe like in a few days we can plan someth-” you started, cut off by a soft “shut up” 
You felt the chill of his rings on your cheek, and the smell of the leather and cologne on his skin, tasting the cigarette you shared not long ago, before you reached up and grabbed the shoulders of his cut. You quite literally melted into his kiss.
The arm above your head moved to the small of your back, bringing you in, This wasn't a normal kiss. It was sweet, slow, nothing too heated or sexy. 
You were soon interupped by the shrill of his cellphone, and he pulled away, breathing heavy as he sighed and answered the phone, while you remained in his grip. 
“Yeh?....Alright’ well, mate yer fecking interruptin’....You need me right now? Where?....” He answered on the phone, keeping eye contact with you then sighing, “Alright, Jesus christ, Tig give me twenty minutes.” He slammed the phone shut, forehead falling onto yours.
“I gotta go, lass…” He whispered, bringing a hand and stroking your hair.
“It’s ok, do what you’ve got to do Phil.” You gave him a wink and a smile, kissing right below his scar on his cheek
He winked back, and began to walk to his bike, “So, ill see yeh’ again, yes?” He yelled from down the driveway.
“After tonight, baby I’m yours.” You yelled back, a smile etched into your skin that would remain there for the whole night.
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suugarbabe · 9 months
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[Chapter 8]
Word count: 4.8k
Warnings: mentions of drinking/drunkeness, mentions of blood, kidnapping, torture, use of torture curses
An: so sorry this took so long, I was sick and mentally exhausted from other things and also debating where to end the chapter and where to start the next one; hope its alright :)
Enzo clutched his arm, rubbing the spot you had just harshly hit with your fist, “Okay, ow! You didn’t have to hit me that hard, Angel. T’was just a joke, yeh?” You rolled your eyes, picking up the box in front of you and setting it on the pallet. “You know she wouldn’t have hit you if you weren’t being such a twat,” Pansy spoke without looking up from her clipboard, marking off which weapons from the artillery stock you and Enzo were packing for the next ‘business meeting’ and what was left.
You shot a sickly sweet smile Enzo’s way, “Yeah, Enz, don’t be such a twat.” Enzo scoffed, “I was not being a twat! I simply asked if I could have your room since you and Riddle obviously sleep together. There’s no point in you each having your own room and I know for a fact he gave you a bigger room than mine.” You reared your fist back as if you were going to hit him again, causing Enzo to flinch slightly. You smirked at this, “You’re the most dangerous of the family but you’re afraid of lil ol’ me?”
Enzo shook his head, “Nuh-uh, I know there’s something else deeply hidden within you that we haven’t seen yet. I’m not pushing my chances. And you’re avoiding the question.” You huffed, placing two large rifles in a long wooden box before turning to face him, hands on your hips, “For your information, if Mattheo and I do sleep in the same room, it’s my room. I’ve never in been in his room. So maybe you should go ask him if you can have his room.” Enzo’s face dropped slightly, “Mmm no, I think I’m good. But answer me this,” the smirk that formed on his face gave way that you were going to hate what he was about to say, “Does Riddle make you call him boss during sex?”
A low groan left Enzo’s throat as he clutched his arm once more, “Shit, Pansy! In the same spot, really?” You high fived Pansy, “Serves you right.” You stuck your tongue out at Enzo, who mirrored your action. Pansy opened her mouth to tell you both to stop acting like such siblings when Draco’s voice rang between your ears, Family meeting, dining room, five minutes. You glanced between the two in front of you, “We all heard that right?” Enzo nodded, “You mean the annoying voice of a ferret ringing in my head?” Pansy slapped Enzo in the arm, in the same place of the two previous punches, “Merlin’s beard, can I not have any fun anymore?”
The three of you apparated back into the foyer of the house, making your way into the dining room to see everyone but Mattheo already sat at the table. You took your place to the left of Mattheo’s chair, still glaring and making faces at Enzo sitting across from you. Theo leaned closer to Pansy on his left, “What’s with those two?” Pansy shook her head, “Please don’t ask.” Theo opened his mouth to respond again only to be cut off by Mattheo walking in to the room, his presence alone enough to silence the table.
All eyes focused on Mattheo sat at the head of the table. “Tonight is an important deal for us. The De Luca family has been making deals with us since the beginning, they’re some of our most trusted muggle allies. Theo and Enzo, you two will load the pallets on the truck while Blaise, Draco and I go and meet them at the discussed location.” The boys all nodded at their assignments, not questioning what they were told. “What about us?” You motioned between yourself and Pansy, essentially halting some of the boys midway as they had begun to stand up. Almost as if he anticipated your questioning, Mattheo had a simple answer for you. “You’re not going.”
You huffed, rolling your eyes, “And why the bloody hell not?” Mattheo’s jaw clenched momentarily as others around the table widened their eyes. No one spoke to Mattheo that way, not when it came to business deals. Taking a deep breath to center himself before turning to you, his eyes a dark onyx as he spoke, “You’re not ready.” You narrowed your eyes at him, clearly not satisfied with his answer. Mattheo mirrored you, not stepping down from his decision, “I understand this may be frustrating, but I’m not willing to risk a repeat of the last time. You’re just not ready yet.”
It was your jaw that clenched now, “A repeat of the last time?” Mattheo had his tongue in cheek, clearly trying to keep his composure and his tone authoritative, “Yes, the last time. Lest not forget you nearly getting sexually assaulted and the boys and I having to kill five fucking people, or has that occurrence slipped your pretty little mind, Princess?” You tensed slightly, your eyes squeezing shut at the memory. Forcing yourself to meet his gaze you tried to match his demeanor, “No, Mattheo, it has not.” He gave you a saccharine smile that you took as anything but sweet. Leaning back in your chair you crossed your arms, pouting in defeat.
Mattheo felt a strange pang in his chest, like a tight ache that was telling him to change his mind, but he had to stand his ground, “You and Pansy have the night off. Enjoy it. It won’t happen much in the future.” He avoided your gaze, looking everywhere but your eyes because he knew once he did he would give in. Instead he kept his stare the the black mahogany beneath his tapping fingertips, “I’m doing you a favor. You have the night off.” You leaned forward on your elbows, making sure to keep your tone sweet and even, “Thank you, boss, I truly appreciate it.” The use of his title stung, but he did not have the time to dwell on his feelings.
Giving the boys all a curt nod, the group stood. Each man disappearing with a chorus of crack-like pops. When the last one was out of site you turned to Pansy, letting out a frustrated, “Can you fucking believe that?” At the same time she blew out a laughing, “You are so fucking lucky, Birdie.” You blinked at her in confusion, “Lucky? How am I lucky? I essentially just got sat from a business deal because other men can’t handle I have fucking tits.” Pansy just smirked, shaking her head, “The sooner you acknowledge your feelings for each other the better all of our lives will be. I mean him too by the way. That little lovers quarrel you guys had at the table had us all at the edge of our seats. You should’ve heard the things Theo was saying.”
You groaned, “Spare me.” Pansy couldn’t help but laugh, giving your shoulder a light squeeze. “C’mon. Let’s go shopping or something, get your mind off it. We have the night off, remember?” You smiled then. A slow, almost sinister smile that had Pansy shaking her head. You stood up, walking out from the dinning room. Pansy was quick on your heels as you hustled up the stairs, “No. Birdie, whatever it is you’re thinking the answer is no.” You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop the wheels in your mind from turning, “He told us we had the night off, Pans. Then let’s do what any hot, single women would do…let’s go out.” You walked into your room, making a b-line for your closet, “Help me pick out an outfit.”
You turned to see her still standing in the doorway, nervously shifting from one foot to the other. “Oh come on,” you walked back towards her, grasping her wrist and dragging her inside fully. “Help me pick one out and I’ll pick one out for you. You know they never come back from these business deals until the next day, hell, sometimes the next evening depending on how it goes. We’ll go out for a few hours, have some fun, and then we’ll be back here asleep in bed before they even knew we were gone.” Pansy chewed on the inside of her cheek, “Just one club?” You took your index finger, lifting it up to the center of your chest and making a small ‘x’ motion, “Cross my heart.”
Pansy’s shoulders relaxed then, her smiled growing two fold, “Okay…then I say wear,” she flicked through your options, giving a sad pout after a moment, “Wear something of mine, because for Salazar’s sake, Birdie, we need to take you shopping.” You groaned out a slight giggle, “I know…maybe if I play my cards right I can convince Mattheo to buy me some.” You were mostly joking, but the look Pansy gave you told you it would be worth a try in the future. After a few outfit changes, the two of you were turning in the mirror and examining your final choices. After much debate, you finally landed on a blood red corset top with a black leather skirt while pansy opted for a black body-con minidress.
You let out a low whistle as you took in your reflection, “Salazar’s fucking sake we look good.” Pansy nodded, “If we don’t get free drinks tonight, there’s something wrong with the male society.” You huffed a laugh in agreement. After a few finishing touches to your hair and makeup, the two of you apparated down the street from the dance club. As the two of you made your way down the pavement, you were acutely aware of how different you felt compared to a few months ago. “You know, Pans, I haven’t been out like this in a long time,” you hooked your elbow with hers as you guys approached the line to get in. Pansy leaned her head on your shoulder briefly, “We’re gonna have a good time tonight, Birdie. You deserve it. Just relax and let loose. Who knows when we’ll be able to do this again.” You giggled, smiling sweetly at the bouncer as he nodded and let the both of you in without hesitation.
As you entered the club the sound of bass was nearly overwhelming. You could only mildly hear the melody to whatever song was playing, let alone your own thoughts. Pansy hooked her fingers with yours as she led a path towards the bar. You could feel men’s eyes on the pair of you the whole way up. While at your own club Pansy was stoic and focused on her job, this seemed to be an environment where she thrived. Pansy gave a particular pair of tall, handsome men a wink as she squished the two of you between another pair of guys. “Oh, excuse me handsome, we were just trying to get a few drinks, maybe a shot or two,” Pansy’s tone was coated in honey as she batted her eyelashes at the broad blonde next to her.
Her seduction trick was flawless, the blonde man buying both shots and both cocktails. She thanked him and gave a pat to his cheek before dragging you to the dance floor. This became a repeated pattern for the night: bar, batted eyelashes, dance floor. You had to give it to her, the routine worked. “Go on, Birdie you try. How about…” her eyes dragged over the sea of bodies near the bar, “him.” Her manicured finger pointed at a taller man near the center of the bar. He was handsome sure, tanned skin and dark curls on the top of his head, “Why him?” Pansy gave you an incredulous look, “Because he looks like Mattheo.” You were thankful for the amount of alcohol in your system to help hide the burning blush that flooded your cheeks, “Okay, fine.”
You made your way to the bar, Pansy close behind. As you got closer you tried a different approach than Pansy’s earlier tactic. Coming up to the man you stood directly behind him. You motioned for Pansy to stand next to you, her giving you a questioning look. The bar area was crowded, and all you needed for you plan to work was exactly what was about to happen. As another group of people tried to squish through the crowd behind you, your body was bumped forward, causing you to put your hand out and catch yourself on the man in front of you. As you’d hoped, the man turned around and you made your eyes wide and innocent as you looked up at him through your lashes, “Oh, gosh, I’m so sorry. These crowds are terrible.”
The man smiled down at you, his eyes weren’t the same as Mattheo’s. The man’s were more of a walnut brown and felt cold, like this was all a game to him just as much you . His smile also was nothing near as stunning as Mattheo’s…but regardless the man was clearly falling for the charm you’d put on, eyeing you up and down as he spoke, “Oh it’s quite alright, beautiful.” You let out a bashful laugh, looking down at the ground. The man caught your chin between his thumb and forefinger, lifting your gaze back to his, “Let me buy you a drink, your friend too.” His eyes flickered over your shoulder to Pansy.
“O-okay,” the boldness of his touch causing you to stutter over your words. Your chest ached once he turned to order the drinks. The interaction didn’t leave you as satisfied as it did Pansy, if anything it left you yearning for something else. You turned to Pansy after the man handed you the drinks, “I didn’t like that.” She hummed in acknowledgement, “Yeah I was more so testing a theory.” You raised both eyebrows at her, “Mind telling the whole class, Miss Parkinson?” Pansy shook her head, smiling as she downed half her drink, “Not, yet, Professor.”
The more you drank the more your chest ached. And the more you felt yourself longing for him. You were far beyond inebriated, not thinking clearly, but what Pansy couldn’t hear couldn’t hurt her. Mattheoooooo, you closed your eyes and called out to him, not even knowing where he was with the deal, if he was possibly fighting someone. You just wanted to hear his voice. Princess…what’s wrong? You smiled to yourself. You were sure to Pansy it seemed like you were just enjoying the music as your body still ebbed and flowed with the beat.
Mattheo’s frown turned down further, something that wasn’t unusual during business meet ups, but this one was going fairly well. “What’s up, boss?” Enzo leaned in to whisper to him. Mattheo held up a finger, trying to focus on your voice in his head, Teeeooooooo, miss youu. Mattheo’s jaw clenched, Birdie, where are you? You hated using your legimens, the fact that you were communicating with Mattheo that way, along with how you were talking was causing him high concern. I’m dancing wiff Pansy, she’s such a good dancer, Teo. I wish I was dancing with yoooou. Mattheo eyed Draco, silently telling him to take the lead before Mattheo walked off back towards the truck. Birdie, are you drunk? There’s no fucking dance floor at the house? Where the fuck are you?
He rubbed both hands over his face, trying to control his breathing. Not drunk…maybe drunk…don’t member the club name, like a pretty flower. Mattheo walked back towards the others, “Are you happy with the product or not?” He was being stern with the man but Mattheo needed this deal over with. The De Luca family member nodded his head, “Yeah, we’re happy. Well wire you the money first thing in the mornin’. Always good doin’ business with you, Riddle.” Mattheo nodded, shaking the man’s hand before grabbing Enzo’s collar and dragging him away with it. “Ow, woah, hey what the fuck?” Enzo was confused by the motion. “Birdie and Pansy went to a fucking club and now Birdies drunk, we have to go get them.”
Theo jogged to catch up, “Which club did our little trouble makers go to?” Mattheo scowled slightly, “This isn’t a fucking joke, Nott. And she said something about a pretty flower? She’s fucking drunk, she’s fucking talking to me through legimens and even then I can tell she’s slurring her words. You were a man whore in your prime, Nott, which club is that.” Theo huffed out a snort but didn’t deny Matthoe’s allegations, “Sounds like probably The Dahlia.” Mattheo nodded, “Draco, Blaise, you two take the truck back. Enzo, Theo, you’re coming with me.” The boys all nodded at their assignments as Mattheo reached out to you again, Stay put, Princess, I’m coming to get you. He rounded the corner with the other two boys to make sure they were out of sight before apparating to the alley down the block from the club.
Your voice rang in his head once more, Are you going to dance with me Teo? I miss you so m- Mattheo stopped in his tracks the moment your voice cut out causing the two behind him to almost smack into his back. “What is it, what happened?” Enzo was taking in their surroundings checking for threats he may have missed. “Her voice, it just…cut out. She was talking to me and then it was like something cut it off before she could finish.” Enzo wore a worried look, glancing over at Theo whose lips were downturned. Mattheo started walking again, only faster this time. As they approached the entrance to the club, the bouncer must have recognized Theo because he pulled back the rope and allowed the three men in without question.
As they approached the edge of the dance floor Mattheo gave one instruction, “Find them.” The three spread out, weaving through swaying, sweaty bodies as they tried to catch a glimpse of anyone that looked remotely like either you or Pansy. Running into Theo, Enzo asked if he had any luck. Theo shook his head, “Not yet. Every bloody black haired woman looks like Pansy out here and I can’t catch a glimpse of Birdie anywhere.” Mattheo approached the two, eyes asking the same question Enzo had moments before. Theo shook his head, Enzo’s height giving him an advantage in the middle of the crowd. “There,” he pointed over the heads of those around him. Theo and Mattheo turn, following his indication until they’re face to face with a very far gone Pansy.
She pouted as they approached, assuming they were there to break up the fun. She opened her mouth to complain when Matthoe effectively cut her off, “Where’s Birdie.” Pansy rolled her eyes, turning around the point at the person behind her. Only you weren’t there. Pansy turned in a circle, once, twice, three times before stopping and facing the men in front of her. “I swear, Mattheo, she was just here. She’s been by my side all night. We were dancing on each other not even five minutes ago.” Mattheo’s face grew hot, a sense of worry rushing over him that he’s never felt before for any kind of person, “What do you mean she was just here. Where the bloody fucking hell would she go?”
You groaned lightly, your head pounding as you tried to sit up. The floor beneath you hard and cold, your outfit doing little for warmth. As you pushed yourself to a seated position you felt a weight in one of your wrists. Looking down you saw your wrist wrapped in a thick metal cuff, a chain attaching it, and effectively you, to the wall behind it. “What the fuck…” a low whisper left your lips as your eyes started to adjust to your surroundings. The floor below you was concrete, leaving a persistent chill running throughout your body. Around you seemed to be the layout of an old factory, abandon machinery and materials littered about the space. It was darker in the building, the emergency lights appearing to be the only functioning electricity around you.
Hugging your knees to yourself, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to call out to Mattheo. You repeated his name, over and over and over. You groaned out in frustration, slapping the floor next to you, causing the chains to rattle. “Whatever it is you are trying to do will not work.” You stiffened, the sound of his voice was something you thought you had forgotten, but hearing it ring through your ears once more brought a flood of painful memories with it. You looked around, trying to anticipate the direction the voice was coming from, the the old walls of the factory had the sound reverberated from every direction. “You know I didn’t think you’d be knocked out this long. But then again, your drunken state must have heightened the effects of the Stupefy charm.”
You watched his figure emerge from the shadows, the fear you once felt quickly returning like a white hot burn all over your body. You scooted yourself back until you were nearly flat against the wall, your knees hugged to your chest as his name fell from your lips like a ghosted whisper, “Damiano…” He smiled, flashing all of his teeth like a snarling predator as he towered over you, “Hello, Sunshine. Did you miss me?” You stayed silently, trying to press yourself impossibly further away, leading him to let out a low and menacing chuckle. He squatted down to your level, forearms resting on his knees as he balanced himself on the balls of his feet. He reached out slowly, like he was going to touch your face. You turned quickly, swatting his hand away.
He smiled once more before grabbing your face harshly, forcing your gaze to meet his, “Don’t be like that, Sunshine. I’m being very nice only chaining one arm down, but if you misbehave I have no qualms doing the other.” You huffed out your nose, still refusing to speak to him. You closed your eyes once more, desperately trying to reach Mattheo, or anyone from the family for help. Damniano applied more pressure to his grip, surely leaving the beginning of what would be a bruise on your face when he was done. “I already told you…your little tricks your new boyfriend taught you aren’t going to work. I figured he was a legimens like his failure of a father. I put a spell on the building; he can’t hear you and you can’t hear him.” Your lip quivered slightly, a new sense of fear enveloping you.
Damiano tsked at you, “I knew it. I always knew you were a stupid, weak, little witch.” He let go of your face before swinging his palm and slapping your cheek with enough force to split your bottom lip. You gasped, coughing slightly to catch your breath again, spitting blood onto the cold stone before you. You glared at him, “You think I’m weak because I’m not like you? Abusing and torturing those that don’t agree or don’t do my bidding? Why am I even here, Damiano. What do you want with me?” He looked down at you once more, a devious smirk adorning his features, “This is why you’re stupid, Sunshine. Can you not see it? Godric, okay. Let me spell it out for you. I don’t want you. You’re nothing to me. Even when you were mine you were nothing, just a tool. And that’s what you are today. Well…more like…a tool.”
Your face fell, which only caused a laugh to emit from his throat, “Oh dear girl, don’t worry. We’re not going to kill you. But we’re going to make sure Mattheo and the rest of his little group get the message. He stole something valuable from me. You, Sunshine, were nothing, but your abilities were everything. I can’t just steal you back or he’ll sick his fucking dog Berkshire. Can’t have that can we? But what I can do, is send him a fucking message.” He drew his wand as he stood a few feet away from you. You held your breath, trying to prepare for whatever he was about to unleash, but nothing could help with what he casted. With a red light leaving the tip of his wand your body was instantly aflame with pain, your muscles and limbs contorting and squeezing with agony. Your breath felt like it was knocked from your lungs, your mouth agape and gasping for air.
Two more figures appeared beside Damiano, their wands also drawn and prepped for whatever torture they were directed with. After a few moments he broke the spell, grinning as you gasped for air and tried to hold your body up from the floor. “You know, I was really hoping you would scream. I sometimes find myself missing the sound of you squealing in pain when I used to punish you. No one has quite the same ring to it you had. Guess I’ll just have to up the intensity of it all. Boys,” he turned to his cronies on either side of him, “together this time.” In perfect unison the mumbled the spell together Crucio. Immediately your back arched off the floor, your arms and legs contorting awkwardly as the searing pain once again entered your body. A blood curdling scream left your throat, the sound nearly as defeating as the pain you were feeling. Your eyes rolled at the immense pain, your mind going blank.
As you felt like you were on the brink of passing out, Damiano instructed them all to stop. He turned to them once more, giving specific instructions, “I want you to rough her up a bit more, but don’t touch her face. I want her to be recognizable when they find her. The two men nodded before approaching you together. You managed to sit yourself up again, holding yourself up on wobbly arms. This position didn’t last as one of Damiano’s men quickly landed the heel of his boot to your shoulder, your collarbone cracking with the action. You flew back slightly at the action and collapsed on your back. You groaned in pain, clutching the area and turning to your side. The men began kicking you; in the stomach, in the ribs, in the back. You were a rag doll for their game of human football, barely audible grunts and moans slipping past your lips. “That’s enough,” Damniano’s voice rang out. You coughed, spitting out more blood that seemed to fill your mouth.
The two men left your side immediately, walking back to their previous positions to watch as Damiano approached you. He crouched over you again, taking your face in his hands. With his thumb he spread your blood over your lips, “I always did like red on you.” You tried to pull away, but your strength was null, “Like I said, Sunshine, you…are weak. But you were mine first. And I can’t let you, or anyone else, forget that.” He shoved you from his grip, you falling back down to the ground. You were limp on the cold concrete as Damiano lifted your skirt over your hips. You felt him grip the meat of your thigh closer to your hip before the tip of his wand began to dig into your skin with a white hot burn. A whimper left your throat as he carved into your skin; you could smell it burning. Once done he grabbed the back of your head, tilting your neck awkwardly so you could see his handiwork on your body. On the outside of your thigh, closer to your hip was a small symbol that would make it impossible for you to ever see it without thinking of Damiano. A sun.
A single tear fell down your cheek, Damiano leaning in and licking it off your face with a satisfied hum. “You know I love it when you cry, Sunshine. But I can’t stick around to watch. As soon as I’m gone, the blocking spells will be lifted. Then you can call your little dark lord boyfriend. You’re at 1538 Woodbury Lane in London. Really wish I could see his face when he finds you.” He pulled your skirt back down over your legs once more, patting your leg where he just carved your skin before walking away and apparating out of sight with a low popping noise. You waited a few moments, just to make sure he wasn’t coming back, before tightly shutting your eyes, your entire focus on Mattheo and anyone else in the family that might be able to hear you.
1538 Woodbury Lane, London. 1538 Woodbury Lane, London. 1538 Woodbury Lane, London. You repeated the address over and over again until finally you heard him, We’re on our way, Princess, don’t move. You opened your eyes, at the sound of his voice, tears now flowing freely down your face. The irony of that statement ‘don’t move’ was not lost on you, causing a forced laugh from your lungs. With Mattheo’s confirmation that he was coming, you finally allowed your body to relax into the concrete below you. As if that was all the permission your body needed, your eyes felt heavy and soon, everything became dark.
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undyinwxnchester · 4 months
‘Everybody knows that I’m a good boy, officer.’
(Officer!MaleReader x DeanWinch).
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‘Everyone, and I mean. Everyone knew who Dean Winchester was in the force, FBI, and so on. And it seemed whilst pulling a black impala over, you just so happened to be lucky enough to pull him of all people over.
You weren’t aware of what he looked like, just name. So given the fake ID name you are thrown off guard.’
“yeh, names Ozzy Smith.” He says. Odd name, but you brush it off. But you have to still question him given the speeding and lack of paper work.
“Uh-Huh. Why don’t you step out for me, son.” You say in your usual tone, just keeping it stern but not so much to the point it’s going to scare the person off. He doesn’t as first, but complied after a moment. Even in your late 30s, your not dumb enough to think a kid a decade younger than you is going to be named ozzy.
Even if he had shit parents name him. Your sceptical.
His hands fidget in his pockets, a clear sign of something off to you.
“How old are you?”
A simple question he should be able to answer. Still his ‘ID’ in hand, he’s been caught out.
At that - it’s not a surprise he ends up in cuffs, not knowing his supposed age on the ID by heart seems silly. You end up in his trunk, plenty of fake ids, weapons. Everything you don’t want to find in someone’s car.
Hes trying, so hard to do something. Swoon and beg his way out. The flirting is new, for men anyway. But it doesn’t work anyway.
“Oh come on man! Cut me some slack, I didn’t do nothing wrong.”
That’s all that escapes his lips, excuses. Dean is beyond annoyed - he hadn’t planned on being pulled over for little reason and he knows it’s going to be annoying to get out of this. Sams at some cheap motel an hour away without baby. And it seems this cop won’t budge.
He tries his hardest - his usual charm, being oblivious. His usual cocky ‘Fake manner’. But your not a woman, that’s not as easy. So he takes a latter when you’ve eventually got him in a questioning room, alone and cuffed to the table.’
You sit opposite him - your a small department and little of the others know how to question people. Especially people like him. They’d probably end up in tears or confused.
He’s seemingly tired - seemingly.
But acting odd, shifting in the chair and cuffs, before he asks the usual question.
“Need the’ bathroom.”
So, you provide the right like you’d supposed to even if you know it’s something fishy. Your correct. Soon as you unlatch him from the table; even with his cuffs still on.
Your pinned, he’s a big kid. Some muscle on him so it’s no so hard for him to do with you, as you grunt and the cuffs press at your throat you realise this probably wasn’t the best person to allow a bathroom right.
You struggle - eventually pushing him away and able to grab him, but in a rather odd place given he knew his way around a good fight. He ends up.. bent. Over the table.
Your body behind him and you sort of. Freeze. This doesn’t look good. At all.
His breathe hitches - this is a new position for him. Usually he’s the one bending someone over but - welp.
He bucks, tries to. But it ends up with him pressing his behind against your groin, you grunt. And just pin him more in response. This isn’t good at all. For either of you.
“You know- you could have bought me a drink.” He teases, of course when given the circumstances he will in fact still be a weird about it. He’s that kind of guy. Even though he feels.. odd. He’s not used to such kind of people near him.. but he’s not’
Opposed to it. So he uses it to advantage, even though it’ll probably get him into more trouble.
Before you can respond to his crude comment - he bucks again. But more, and more. He’s not used to doing this but he’ll do it for the sake of hopefully getting out of here. His rear moving swiftly, slowly but with a harsh push. You feel your cock twitch - its interested. Your head isn’t.
You move he gets away - you don’t move he gets his own way. Your screwed- oh it feels so good though. He’s not bad looking at all. A pretty kid.. and that ass is just. Speaking wonders.
You fucked it- your screwed. Your fired for sure. So sure. After his little charade you ended up giving in, he didn’t mind even though he sort of shit himself at first. Your cock deep into his hole as he’s leant against the table. Cuffs rattling with each heavy thrust.
He’s a heavy moaning mess - and your groaning behind him. As his tight behind sucks you in like no other, taking your inches generously. It’s a little dry, you only used spit but it serves well enough. You don’t care if it hurts him - he’s a criminal after all.
Your hands are tight on his hips, each pound earning you a whine as it barely pushes against his prostate. He’s so close. So close already. Cock leaking onto the table as it shifts with each movement from behind, leaking pre and swelling for some form of attention. It doesn’t get any.
You grind, and you thrust. He even meets your movements- back arching just that bit to move with you. Till he pops. His ropes of white lathering against the table. You continue with him. His orgasm ridden out and his hole just that bit tighter because of it.
Your closer now too. But need just a bit longer. This isn’t an intimate moment. It’s just a fuck. No words are or will be exchanged - or so you thought. He mutters, just barely with such a gruff husky groan, And you almost immediately finish as he does.
‘A-Hah- Right there deputy..”
He’s filled to the brim right after.
He leaves. You let him go - no questions asked. Of course you do.
He could just decide to snitch on you and it’ll cost your job, you help clean him up before he does go of course. Little words exchanged, glances at best. Before he goes though. He gives you - his number.
And your left with guilt and dread - fear of your job. But that all heavy feeling of lust and want for more.
You didn’t think The Dean Winchester would end up a good fuck.
Request anything if you want!
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jannythewriter-pt2 · 10 months
Collage Feels Pt.4
⚠️Warning ⚠️ SMUT
You begin to kiss Connie slowly but passionately, your lips clash in a messy frenzy and the kiss is hungry and wanting. He begins to rub your thighs, a little hesitant to touch you. “Con it’s fine, you can touch me” you say breathlessly “are you sure ma, I want you to be comfortable” he says quietly, “yes, yes baby please” you say, the hormones beginning to get the best of you.
Something switched inside of Connie at that moment, and you saw it in his eyes too. He then flipped you over onto your back and hovered over you, “is this your first time mama?” Connie asked breathlessly, “y-yes, but it’s fine you can-“ you are cut off by Connie kissing you roughly. “Nuh uh ma, we’re taking this slow, I’m not fucking you on the first night, but I will eat your pussy until your squirting.”
Not even a minute later Connie is pulling your shorts off, and low and behold your dripping like a waterfall. You try and close your legs because you’re shy but Connie opens them right back up. “Nuh uh don’t hide from me ma, let me see that pretty pussy” he says, hunger in his voice. “I-iv never done this before are you- oh f-fuck” your cut off by Connie’s lips hitting your pussy like a train. “O-oh fuck Connie, fuck w-wait wasn’t ready, sh-shitt”
He’s slurping up your juices like a starved man and letting out groans that go straight to your cunt. “You like that ma, your so wet f’me, this pussy all mine nobody else can eat you out like I can” hes says as he adds a finger in there. “Fuckkkk” you drag out the word at the new stimulation. Connie then sucks on your clit hard and you grab his hair, you’re a moaning mess and you feel a tight knot in the pit of your stomach, but there’s something else that’s foreign.
“F-fuck baby wait something’s comi-FUCK OH GOD, DADDY” you yell out in pleasure as you squirt on Connie and his fingers, and he doesn’t stop either. “Yeh ma that’s right, cum on these fucking fingers just like that mama, pussy so fucking good” he says encouraging you “baby it’s t-too much n-ngg~” you say overstimulated at him playing with your pussy after you just squirted.
“Ok ma I’ll stop for now” Connie says as he takes his fingers out of you, giving your pussy a kiss before he removed his head form in between your thighs. He then goes in the bathroom of your dorm suite and gets a warm towel, starts a bubble bath for the two of you, and gets you a bottle of water. “Drink ma, you need water, you look tired baby” he says as he gives you the water. “Thank you Constance” you say tiredly “you better stop using my government before I put a baby in you” you both laugh simultaneously.
He brings you to the bath and you both cuddle up together, (he put the sheets in the washer before y’all got in) he was rubbing your back and whispering sweet nothings into your ear . “So what are we now, we locked in or is you finna be locked out?” you say. “Nah I’m not going no where, your mine now, plus I see how all them other mfs look at you, gotta let them know that I’m the only one who finna be putting dick all up in yo guts, not them” he says seriously. “Well shii” you say happily.
Iv been gone for too mf long to not give yall a treat, double mf upload for the gyals 😌😫
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daisyblog · 1 year
Unexpected Visitor
Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN has an unexpected visitor.
It had been a few months since Harry had began filming for Don't Worry Darling. YN had always been supportive of Harry and any opportunity he was given. She has supported him through his time in One Direction, when he decided to go solo when the band went on a break. Even when they weren't on talking terms for a while, YN still supported him silently behind the scenes, she was his biggest fan.
It was evening time, Harry had been on set all day and decided he needed to go for a run just to get some sunlight. YN was at their house in LA, enjoying the sunshine in the garden with Teddy as they waited for Harry to return. It was a Friday evening, which usually mean't it was pizza and wine night in the Styles/Tomlinson household.
So YN was surprised when she heard the buzzer at the front gate. She wasn't expecting any guests, due to the pandemic and also Harry knew the code to enter. Looking at the camera that showed the front gate, she noticed an older woman with wavy dark hair. As the woman turned to face the gate, YN recognised her as the Director of the film. Pressing the open button on the screen, YN headed to the front door ready to greet the guest.
As Olivia noticed YN stood at the front door, her eyes widened slightly. "Oh hi, I'm looking for Harry".
"He's just popped out, can I help you?" YN politely smiled at the older woman. She had never felt small but standing in front of a powerful woman, YN felt insecure.
“Oh Harry invited me over, sorry but who are you?” Olivia asked as a frown appeared on her face as she eyed YN up. YN thought she may have been joking, but when she raised her eyebrows at her, she realised that she was being serious.
“Sorry, how rude of me, I’m YN..Harry’s girlfriend” YN continued to be polite, even though she felt something didn’t feel right.
The older woman looked confused as she questioned “Girlfriend?”.
“Uh yeh…sorry am I missing something here?” YN wasn’t one to hold back, if something needed to be said then she would have to say it. 
Olivia was quick to explain “I am so sorry, Harry never mentioned he had a girlfriend…I would never have accepted his invitation to come over if I knew”. 
YN’s heart was telling her that Harry would never do something like this. She wasn’t sure what Olivia’s motive was but something just didn’t sit right. 
“Well you’re welcome to come in and wait if you’d like too”. She was more determined than ever to keep up the kind persona, not wanting to jeopardise Harry’s career.
Panic appeared on the older woman’s face. “Oh no…no..no that’s okay, I’ll be on my way..sorry again for disturbing you”. YN watched as the director hurried down the gravel drive, not giving her a chance to say anything else.
“Repeat that again….she just turned up and said Harry’s never mentioned you” Louis voice spoke through the speaker of YN’s phone as it sat on the kitchen island.
“Yeh pretty much” YN agreed. Despite knowing it couldn’t be true, YN still had insecurities and doubt crossed her mind. “Lou…do you think she was telling the truth?”.
“Tiny c’mon, you can’t think it’s true…that boy loves the fookin’ bones off yeh” Louis tried to reassure his sister, no doubt in his voice. 
YN nibbled on her lip as she thought. “I know he does, I just don’t want to lose him again Lou”.
“None of that shit…you and Harry had a blip but you’re strong yeh”.
“Yeh…you’re right…I miss you” YN admitted. She hated not being able to see her family, especially her older brother, who always played the role of her best friend, her go to person for advice.
“I miss you too Kiddo…but we’ll see each other soon yeh”.
YN was in the kitchen with Teddy following her every move when Harry arrived back. His black T-shirt sticking to him from the sweat that covered his body.
Entering the kitchen, Harry noticed YN standing there deep in thought as she was mindlessly stirring her cup of tea.
“Hey baby” Harry’s voice startled her, making her jump and leave out breath. 
“You’ve got to stop doing that” YN pleaded, Harry chuckling knowing it’s a regular thing. 
Harry sensed something was wrong because before he’d left for his run, YN was her chirpy and bubbly self, but now she was withdrawn and her thoughts seemed elsewhere. “Everything alright?”.
YN paused deciding if she should tell him. “Uh…Olivia came here looking for you”.
Harry frowned, creases appearing on his forehead. “What…why?”.
YN shrugged her shoulders, wondering the same thing. “She said you had invited her over”.
Harry let out a chuckle at YN’s words. “No I didn’t…why would I do that?”.
“She also said that she didn’t know you had a girlfriend”.
Harry scoffed at this. “Yeh o’course she didn’t”.
YN had a feeling there was more to this than what she originally thought. “Harry, what’s going on?”.
Harry began to play with his bottom lip, trying to think of the best way to explain the situation to YN. “I don’t know…I thought she was just being friendly but...the last few weeks she been acting strange towards me..but turning up here is crossing the line…she knows about you…fucking hell the whole set knows about you…Florence wants to meet you because I talk about you so much” Harry rambled on. 
“Bubs…calm down” YN walked around the island to wrap her arms around his torso. “I trust you…you know that”.
Harry placed a peck on her forehead as he squeezed her slightly when his arms landed on her shoulders. “Sorry...I just hate how many times you've had to deal with this sort of thing".
"It's your fault...nobody can resist your charm" YN tried to make light of the situation, despite feeling a bubble of anger in her lower stomach at how another woman was trying to come between her and Harry.
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats @harrysbbyh0ney fanfictioncafe lilfreakjez jerseygirlinca iamahallucinationnn @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r 
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legostars · 7 months
Note from Author: Why are you guys being shy to share your ideas with me for the part 3༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
I just asked a friend of mine for ideas since he's got ideas.(⁠´⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠ω⁠°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥⁠`⁠) (that truth is I got it from my younger brother. Yeh I'm a loner;-;) And some are from me. And there's also romance and like some... Smooches and dogday is like Uh... Yeh I ain't spoiling it. (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠)
Warnings: Bad grammar, bad English, lore?, sensitive lore?, Uh Smooches?
Romance level: 9/10
Lore level: 7/10 or 6/10
An Unfortunate past
Y/N's past used to be filled with joy and happiness. Till things... Took a turn. Y/N's parents got into a divorce when they were Eleven years old.
Y/n chose to live with their mother, but after she got into a car crash accident. They had no choice but to live with their father but.. (I'm just gonna call you she/her) her father, became an abusive drunk bitch.. Y/n had to get Yelled, Abused and anything that her father does to her. Y/n had to put up with her father for 3 years...
Y/n still love her father despite everything... But her neighbours noticed this and called the police. She was taken to a hospital and she had to be forced to live in a orphanage.
She had no choice. She live in the orphanage with the other orphans, since she was the oldest, the orphans sees her as a mother figure. She cooks, she comforts and anything she does, it convinced the orphans to see her as a mother.
Y/n didn't mind. She loves to take care of them if the caretakers are tired from taking good care of them. The caretakers adores Y/n, the way she helped them is like they are seeing an angel Infront of them.
One day, Y/n told the caretakers that she wanted to apply a job. Of course, they asked why. She explained that she wanted to save money if the time comes for her to leave the orphanage. They were stunned but, they still agree to her wishes. There Y/n applied a job at a Cafe.
She worked hard and do her job everyday. The other workers were stunned to see such a hard working child. Despite the hard past, she still moved on. Because she always remembers what her mother used to say to her. "Even if I'm gone... You still had to move on. No matter how it hurts, I will be by your side." She never forgets her mother's words.
5 years had passed and Y/n was already nineteen. She had to leave the orphanage, she bid farewell to the younger orphans and the caretakers and she had to quit her job and find a new one. Despite the hard goodbyes she will always remember them in her heart.
Y/n kept applying different jobs but none approved her. She kept applying jobs to jobs for 3 years, till. Poppy playtime co. Approved her.
(Well, it's not that bad of a past. Right?)
The present day
It's been 3 months since the day you started working in playcare. "Well, The last task left is... To clean the areas which were around the office area. I guess it's not that bad." You grabbed a broom and started to sweep the floor near your office. You put your headphones on to listen to lady gaga's song called METAL BAT LOVER (HECK YEAH!).
Unfortunately you started to sing while doing your task. But, you didn't noticed dogday and the kids watching you sweep the floor as you sing With ✨ Elegance and grace ✨ in your voice. Dogday just watched you sing and do your task as he stares at you with love in his eyes 🤭
As your song was about to end, you turned around to see dogday and the kids staring at you.
You stood there in embarrassment as your face began to turn red. "..." You put down your headphones on your neck as you slowly backing away and walk inside your office and slam the door. Dogday was just standing there with the kids confused.
Meanwhile in your office. "WAAH!! WHY ME!? WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME!? GETTING ALL EMBARRASSED BECAUSE I JUST SING ALONG WITH LADY GAGA!? WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS EMBARRASSMENT!?" You screamed at yourself but don't worry. Your walls are sound proof 👍
Because of the embarrassing incident. You kept avoiding dogday any chance you got. Dogday noticed this and tried to reassure you but you always run away. Dogday felt kinda hurt but he was determined, to reassure you. Tho, you know it's making dogday feel hurt but you had to because your brain tells you.
One day. You arrived in playcare, and you started walking to your office. And there, as you closed the door and after you came in.
You turned around to see dogday sitting on the couch legs crossed looking at you with a hurt angry looking expression. You stood there quietly and he started talking to you. "Angel..." You shaken a little bit as you replied back. "U-uh y-yes?" You begin to feel that something bad is going to happen.
Dogday stood up from the couch and walked towards you. You slowly moved backward but he ended up pinning you on a wall, he raised your chin up to his face and glared before questioning.
"Why are you avoiding me, angel?" You began to feel hot seeing how close he is to you. (Oh shit. From Cheerful dog to Hot and cooled mafia dog, Sheesh. You ded fr XD)
You stayed silent as you began to get flustered. "..." Dogday wasn't having it. He wanted answers but you were being too shy to answer his question. He sighed knowing you won't answer him, but he already knew how to get you to talk. 😏 (You ready to have a heart attack? Well, don't die btw💀)
He pressed his lips to yours as you were caught off guard by the sudden kiss. He held your arms to the wall and continued kissing you. And to be honest, Dogday was enjoying himself that he forgot about the question. You tried to resist but you failed and kissed him back. When you finally gave in, he slip his tongue in your mouth as both of your tongues met each other. (HEEELPPP I CANT- I CANT😭😭 ITS TOO HOT HELP😭)
Dogday kept kissing you until you broke the kiss and trying to catch your breath as both of you were sweating and feeling hot. You kept breathing for air as for dogday is just watching you with love in his eyes. "S-sorry angel... I.. I couldn't help myself.. " you looked away blushing insanely.
(Yeh... Im gonna..)
A few hours later after the smooching incident.
Both you and dogday avoided eachother after what happened back at the office. Your heart kept raising, thinking about it. but you kinda like the feeling of the kiss and the same for dogday (hehe boi😏👍)
As you were about to leave your office to go home. Dogday was standing in front of your office door staring at you, you tried to walk past him but he pulled you back in the office with him. You were confused till he held your hand a bit tight and pulled you and kissed you again holding your waist as he kissed you passionately. And of course, you returned the kiss.
The kissing was getting intense every second as he held you in his arms and you wrapped your arms around his neck. But you broke the kiss and looked away as you blushed. "C-can I.. go home now?" You were getting flustered but he understands why you needed to leave. "Okay.. but one more thing." He bent down to your ear and whispered. "I'll see you tomorrow~" you blushed as you rushed out of there and he watches you rushes out with a grin.
Note from Author: Hello? Are you ded? Ah. I murdered someone. You enjoy it? Or no? Well leave a like I guess. Sorry for making it short but, gotta do my science activities so I won't fall behind. Yeh, I don't like school since I'm a loner and refuses to talk to my classes bc yeah. I get pissed easily on them if they annoy me bc I was kinda advanced from my surroundings that I rather work alone. Well, bye. (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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F The Police- Spencer Reid x Alternative!Reader
Summary: Reader takes ‘f the police’ a little literally
Word count: 1, 162
A/N: Has tones of being anti-cops so if that’s not your thing please don’t read
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Even though you despised the police and especially the FBI, you couldn’t deny how cute the agent in front of you was. He tried to be professional while asking about your missing coworker but you couldn’t help but make him blush.
“So is that all the questions you got, doc?” You asked him, standing in the empty car park of the bar together, your hand not very subtly reach over his cardigan.
“U-uh ahem, ye-yeh for now.” He asked trying to maintain his composure.
“Well if it’s alright with you, I’d like to ask you some questions.” You smirked up at him, slightly backing him against the wall.
“O-okay.” He stuttered out nervously as your hand skimmed his chest.
“If you promise to not bring the badge and gun would you come back to see me on Saturday? We had a band fall through so I’m gonna play some songs.” You stare up at him, batting your lashes at the handsome agent. “Although that’s not the only way you can hear me scream.” You whisper in his ear, lightly kissing his cheek.
You know you shouldn’t be so forward with an officer who’s interviewing you about a disappearance, but the way he blushed, and the slight moan you hear as your breath fans along his neck, you just couldn’t help it.
“Wh-what time?” He slightly moaned out as you lay sweet kisses on his neck, his hands now lightly on your hips.
“Be here around 9.” You almost order as you step away from him. “Got any requests let me know.” You shout over your shoulder with a laugh as you walk back into the bar.
Spencer shouldn’t have done that, he really shouldn’t have. He should have stopped you and certainly shouldn’t have pretty much said he’d see you play, but he couldn’t help it.
You weren’t really the type of girl Spencer would usually get all flustered for, but he couldn’t deny how beautiful you were and he couldn’t help but be commanded by you.
“So you did ended up making it, Doc.” You smirk up at Spencer as you both stand at the bar, the bartender handing you a glass of water.
Spencer barely registered what you’d said, too busy staring at your smudged makeup and sweaty body, especially your chest.
“Ye-yeh!” He nervously shouted back.
“Not really your scene is it, baby? Maybe we should go somewhere a little quieter.” You spoke loudly in his ear over the music.
“Ye-aaahh mhmm.” Spencer began to answer before your bites and kisses on his neck made his body tingle and his words slip.
“Come on, Doc.” You encourage as you take his hand, pushing him through the bar and to the toilets.
Luckily for you they were surprisingly empty.
Before Spencer had a moment to worry or spout off facts about hygiene and bacteria, you had him shoved against the toilet door, quickly overpowering his mouth. Reaching your hand down, you began to unzip his trousers, already feeling how hard and desperate he was.
“W-we shouldn’t be doing thiiiiss.” Spencer whined out, your hand now palming him over his underwear.
“Here or in general? If you want to stop now we can and I won’t judge you, but if you want to fuck in one of those stalls where no one can see us then we can.” You explain gently against his ear, sweetly nipping at his neck as you begin to palm him faster.
Spencer weighed up his options. He didn’t feel pressured by you and he did really want you, but he also knew all the laws about doing such things in public and all the facts about how unhygienic these toilets probably are. Soon his rational mind begin to quiet as he simply craved you.
“Please, please let me fuck you.” Spencer suddenly blurted out, your teasing becoming too much.
“You’re so dirty, Doc.” You tease him as you roughly pull at his hair, pushing his lips against yours in a bruising kiss.
Not bothering to break from the kiss, you backed up until you both fell into the toilet stall. Manoeuvring each other around, you pushed your own back against the wall of the stall, Spencer crashing into you hard and fast.
Making quick work of Spencer’s pants and underwear, you pulled them both down, revealing his leaking and bouncing cock.
“All this for me?” You tease him, smirking as you begin to jerk him off.
“Yes.” He answers breathlessly, his head thrown back in ecstasy.
Letting go of his cock, Spencer’s eyes shoot to yours, pleading you not to stop. Before he can protest too much though, he sees you’re stepping out of your panties. Cheekily smiling up at him, you put them into his jacket pocket.
“Hold onto those for me, baby.” You smile at him as you pull a condom out of your bra.
Opening the packet, you jerk Spencer’s cock a few times before putting it on him. Once it’s slid on, you raise your leg to sit over his hip, opening yourself up to him.
Surprising both of you, Spencer grabs both of your thighs as he holds you up against the wall and pushes deep inside you.
“Oh fuck!” You shout as Spencer quickly fills you up with his cock.
Spencer is quick to setting a brutal pace and you’re quick to grab at his hair and begin biting his neck.
“Fuck, baby! You really are a dirty boy!” You shout as he fucks you hard against the door.
Your nails begin to dig into his scalp, pulling his hair back to expose his neck. Licking, sucking and biting at him, you make sure not an inch of his neck and chest is left without a mark or saliva.
The room is filled with both of your moans and grunts, grabbing at each in, desperate and animalistic need driving both of you.
Feeling Spencer was close, you keep one hand in his hair as the other makes its way down to your clit, rubbing it so you can both meet your ends together.
“You close, Doc? You gonna cum for me? Come on baby! I’m so close.” You moan out as you throw your head back against the wall, the pressure becoming too much.
Spencer seeing an opportunity for a little pay back, leans down to your exposed neck and begins sucking his own bruises.
“Aaah-ah! Fuck I’m gonna cum!” He shouts as he thrusts a few more times into you, both of your releases coming at the same time with loud shouts and moans.
Rocking into you a few more times, he places you back onto the bathroom floor. Both of you wobble slightly as your hazed-filled minds come back down.
Spencer truly was a sight right now, all roughed up and sweaty.
“Maybe you should come to more of my shows.” You joke as you stare at the sweaty, bruised and roughed up agent before you.
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neptuniadoesstuff · 1 month
The DoD Cast but my Version | Part 01
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(Wanna see Part 2? You can click here)
This is part one of the cast of DoD by my ver/AU designs of them.
From left to right we have: Clay, Tsunami, & Glory.
These designs are based on what I would I have done if I made the designs for the tribes (bcs I think the Canon designs for the tribes just look... kinda boring imo? Plz dont attack me plz, i just wanna be creative + THESE ARE MY VERSIONS! Not redesigns.)
Anyways some changes I made to them:
Clay now has a grey-ish brown tint which can become even greyer if in contact with water or a bright red color if he goes into contact with heat.
Clay now has droopy ears (bcs you don't want mud in yur ears do u?) & strange antennas to feel the air when going into mud. They're meant to Mimic cattails or rice plants but whatever I was lazy as hell.
Tsu now has a orange underbelly due to the fact that water can also be a orangey brown. (Alos bcs it felt weird to just have a sea dragon only be blue & green with out taking in the fact the same is pretty colorful)
Tsu has semi-squidish eyes. Don't ask why I gave her these i just thought it be neat to give her the eyes of a squid which are round. (Also gave her more head fins bcs well.. FISH!)
Didn't change much about Glory other than her coloration which is slightly based on the moring glory. I did however give her some more patterns & whiskers. (Bcs of what a frend told me)
I did infact swap the eye color of both Clay & Glory since well... Idk I just like it when the eye is a different color from the main body itself.
Thats really it for the changes of these designs.
Anyways here's a bonus of a non-glowy Tsu:
(Also lil Spoiler for anyone who has NOT read any of the WoF books which includes the first book)
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Yeh.. Nothing changed much other than the glowy stuff being there.
Anyways uh... Imma prob gonna draw Starflight & Sumby (Sunny) now & maybe make a Skywing fella afterwards named Sulfer who deff isn't gonna be the Skywing that was supposed to be in the prophecy but then his egg got smushed so in this AU of mine imma make it so the egg he was in was STOLEN from Hutvr (I can't spell his name help-) & was raised as a thief. (Bcs in the original Hutvr fracking dies also)
Anyways uh CreMbiTs.
Characters belong to Tui T. Sutherland but designed by me.
Art is mine.
Program: IbisPaint
Bub's TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my profile's bio clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.)Also plz only remix this project with a project of the same topic... Unless said otherwise by me.
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liamgssunshine · 3 months
COLUMBIA (liam gallagher x reader)
characters: liam gallagher x reader
summary: you were oasis biggest fan, you were working at a cafe as you saw liam and noel gallagher enter, he invited you over just as you became sexually fustrated…
warning: oral sex: fem receiving, unprotected sex, p in v sex, language, fluff
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it was a normal day at work and to be quite honest a really tiring one, i had rented out an apartment ever since i travelled to manchester. My father used to be a massive oasis maniac, i mean who isn’t, their music is amazing. i was suddenly took out of my trance as i heard my boss about me. “y/n! table 15, look alive!” i nodded at him as i wrapped my apron around my waist highlighting my body slightly before heading off to the table.
“hi welcome to bennys can i take your order.” i spoke a pen and notepad in my hands as i looked up to see two brothers, two famous and hot as fuck brothers. “uh yeh, we’ll have a cuppa tea, that’s it.” noel nodded looking up at me smiling, i turned my head to see liam was running his hands through his hair “y-yeah coming right up.” i smiled ‘whats yer name?’ noel asked as i slightly blushed ‘y/n’ i nodded as he nodded back before i hurried off ‘holy shit’ i mouthed quietly before hurrying to take their order.
once i had gave them their drinks, they headed out leaving a mess making me slightly groan as i went over there to clean it up. i found a napkin with a phone number on it and a address ‘from liam.’ the napkin read as i looked at the window to see if anyone was there before shoving it back into my pocket.
the end of my shift came as i decided to check this address out, “hey y/n, you alright?” noel smiled as i nodded “yeah i’m good, you uhm wanted to see me?” i stuttered as he nodded ‘yeah take a seat’ i saw liam sat on the sofa as he smiled at me before turning his head back to the tv. ‘aight i gotta go but ill be back later yeah?’ noel spoke before heading out
the night went by i was nervous as hell, my legs shook as i bit on the end of my finger nails out of anxiety causing me to whine at the slight discomfort. i constantly glanced to the side to see liam, his legs spread as he was seated the sofa, his mouth held a cigarette resting his left hand on his thigh slightly tapping his thumb against his blue jeans.
i gulped the ball in my throat down, i looked him up and down. ‘damn he’s hot.’ i thought to myself, ‘the way the tobacco smoke exhaled from his rosy lips made me go crazy it’s like he was doing this on purpose’. I looked back to the tv back to watching this shit cooking show that he appears to like, i shifted slightly trying to shake off this knowing feeling.
doing everything i can, crossing my legs, running my fingers through my hair or biting my lip. he turned to me in confusion slightly smirking “you alright love?” his mancunian accent highlighting the tone of his voice. i nodded slightly smiling “yes.”
‘what the hell who says yes?!’ i mentally slapped myself in the face feeling slightly embarrassed ‘what if he noticed how nervous i was.’ he nodded before turning his head back to the tv, i crossed my legs squeezing them tightly to release slight pleasure.
i squeezed my thighs together slightly tighter than i should’ve making me quietly let out a whimper, hoping he didn’t hear that. all liam could think about how your shirt clung onto your body like that, the way your hair ran down your body. the way your lips were swollen from biting them for so long and the way you clenched your legs, and oh how he wondered what it would be like if your legs were clenched around his neck as he ate the hell out of your pussy.
i turned my head to see his sexy grin, the way he smiled drove me crazy, the way his nose was shaped like a greek god and how his brown hair highlighted his pearly blue eyes. i thought to myself ‘i better shoot my shot it’s not everyday you see liam gallagher and it’s not everyday you get to fuck him either if i could ask him he might say yes.’ i turned my head to speak but before i could say anything his lips collided on mine, my eyes widened in shock as he pulled away slowly ‘fuck man, i shouldn’t have done that fuck i’m sorry y/n-‘ before he could speak any more i slammed my lips against his.
as he pulled me up to stand with him, he broke the kiss looking into my eyes asking if it was okay as i nodded he smirked slightly.
his hands ran around the curves of my body, slight groans erupting from his mouth as i felt his hot breath on my neck breathing in and out and in and out. the way his muscular hands roamed the bare flesh of my body drove me crazy, i threw my head back out of spite. it was so painfully slow, the way his hands controlled all of my reactions were mental. ‘yeah you like that?’ his shit eating grin made me flustered turning me on so much more.
his hands slid under my tank top, nearing my breasts before i could get a say in what i wanted him to do, his hands gripped onto my thighs pulling my up so i was wrapping my bare legs around his crotch. his hands squeezed my ass before heading to the bedroom his sudden actions making me squeal out due to his sudden movements.
he opened the door with his foot, sucking the skin on my neck knowing what he was doing was driving me insane. i tugged on his hazel hair slightly causing him to groan once more as he laid me down carefully on the king sized bed.
my ears began to capture the music that was now coming from the tv, it sounded just like an oasis song. ‘being fucked by liam gallagher whilst an oasis song was playing whose dream is this right now?’ i unraveled my legs from his waist as he tugged on my tank top asking for permission, as i just nodded.
in an instant my shirt was now thrown across the room as his eyes lit up like fireworks “fuckin ‘ell.” he panted not taking his eyes off my body, ‘i mean what a day to not wear a bra am i right?’ i blushed at his expression as i sat up undoing his blue button down shirt as fast as i could whilst placing my lips onto his.
our lips moved in a fast but loving motion, our saliva became one as by each second we were getting more aroused than ever. his tongue slowly slipped into my mouth asserting dominance and exploring my mouth. i groaned at the taste of cigarettes, though i didn’t smoke it was a really nice taste.
once i finished unbuttoning his shirt, i pulled it off his arms throwing it across the room, it accidentally hitting a lamp on the nightstand. i slightly jumped pulling away from the kiss turning my head to see what had happened.
once i turned my head, his hand placed along my jaw pulling my head back instantly before slamming his lips back onto mine. his hands roamed to both of my breasts slightly caressing them as i broke the kiss my mouth slightly agape as his fingers ran across my nipples.
‘your so fuckin sexy, love.’ he said as i wrapped my arms around his neck, his hands now undoing the buttons on my shorts, his touch making me shiver as he slightly chuckled looking back up at me with those pearly blue eyes. i but my lip out of anticipation becoming slightly impatient. ‘liam. c-can you hurry please.’ i begged not looking at him in his eyes out of embarrassment
as soon as i said those words i knew i was gonna regret it, he pushed me back onto the bed making me slightly bounce up and gasp, in a flash my shorts were off and on the floor somewhere. he began to palm me through my soaking panties making me moan out.
his hands wrapped around my thighs pulling my waist to the end on the bed where he crouched down not taking his beautiful eyes off my soaking cunt. ‘god baby your so wet.’ his eyes were filled with lust, the way he talked could make me cry out in orgasm just right there.
he licked his swollen lips, before trailing kisses up my stomach and down to my thighs. his teeth now gently bit into my thigh making me bite my lip ever so tight. he noticed how my teeth dug into my lip making me bleed, he gently kissed my lips to stop my pain.
his fingers ran up and down my cunt making his hand and mattress covered in my juices before slamming his two fingers into my hole making me cry out in pain and pleasure. his pace was at an incredible speed.
tears ran down the side of my eyes of pleasure as my legs shook on his shoulder. ‘that’s a good girl.’ he smirked not taking his eyes off my reaction making him harder and harder at the second. ‘oh liam.’ i cried out loudly ‘yeah love i’m right here.’ he slightly sunk his teeth into my inner thigh so close to my cunt.
i squeezed my eyes tight ‘l-li-liam… your so good holy shit!’ i gripped onto the mattress sheets, arching my back, pulling his fingers out he licked my wet cunt with his tongue, swallowing it in the meantime.
his wet tongue drew circles on my sensitive bud making me wrap my slender fingers through his hair as i cried out his name, his teeth grazed my clit as his fingers began to pump in and out of me. ‘oh fuck li-li no no i’m gonna cum!” i whimpered clenching my legs around him as he pulled his fingers out of me.
he licked all of my excess juices before i looked at him with confusion, my face was all red and flustered as i panted. ‘why’d you stop?’ i whined at the sudden loss as he slipped out of his jeans ‘hold on sweetheart.’ he spat on the palm of his hand pumping his member before lining it up with my entrance
i looked down as he slammed himself into me with no hesitation, at this i arched my back. he slammed immediately to my g spot making me cry out in pleasure ‘fuck! oh yes yes yes.’ i cried out as he moaned and moaned over again ‘fuck your so fucking wet love.’ his rhythm slammed into me again and again and again as i felt like i was passing out and waking up again.
i moaned out as i felt my walls clench around him making him drop his head back, the way he looked engulfed in pleasure made my high reach quick ‘b-baby i’m gonna cum!’ i moaned out as he moved his pace even faster ‘go on sweetheart, me too. fuck.’ he groaned out forgetting to pull out since he didn’t care at this point, if he got you pregnant he wouldn’t care, the way you looked and the way you acted made him fall head over heels for you anyday.
i cried out in pleasure as my climax waved over me making me see stars, i stared at the ceiling panting and exhausted as liam shot his load in me as he held himself up hovering over me for a few moments before falling down on the bed next to me.
‘your fucking amazing you know that?’ he smirked as i giggled ‘maybe.’ i shrugged leaving a kiss on his lips…
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a1sh1teruu · 1 year
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guns and needles ; c.jh
— synopsis: Weird patients weren’t a rarity in the ER, but what happens if one of those patients suddenly appears in your apartment in the middle of the night?
— contains: mafia/gang au, fluff, kidnapping, profanities, injuries, hospital things, blood, weaponry
— wc: 10k
— note: this is my part of @ssaboala’s outlaw project, though, this didn’t meet my expectations and it didn’t turn out the way i wanted. so yeh, here it is. thank you anne for your patience and understanding of this delay! this might have some errors, i do apologize, i’ll proofread this once i have time on my hands 😭
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“(Y/N)!” One of your colleagues calls from the other end of the long hallway. Multiple patients and nurses giving him dirty looks for being so loud. Looking up from your check-list of the day, you see the tall man approach with quick steps. He already changed from his light blue scrubs to his jeans and T-shirt. “I knew you’d be on time as always,” he exhaled, the exhaustion evident in his tone, “I hate working night shifts.” His silence worried you a bit until he pulled you into a tight hug, “My hero has come to unburden me!” The tall man dramatically wept into your shoulder, voice muffled by your clean scrubs.
You chuckled as you pat his back, pulling away. “I am glad you’re happy to see me, Yunho.” Just as Yunho started explaining his night shift, another nurse stuck her head out of the doorway leading into the ER and called your name.
“Enough, you two. I need Ms.Patients-Favorite now.” Yunho’s shoulders visibly sunk as you gave him an apologetic smile, walking towards the ER.
“Finally, you’re here, (Y/N)!” Eric exclaimed, holding your shoulders in a vice grip, shaking you slightly.
You smiled as you took his hands in yours. “Eric,” you paused, blinking at the pink-haired nurse, “it’s not even seven a.m, our shift hasn’t even started yet. And I thought the head nurse told you to dye your hair back to brown?” Your brows were furrowed as you asked him the question, only getting a scoff from him as an answer. “Who cares about her.”
A few hours into your shift, you already got tired. Running from one side to the other, treating the patients and sending them off when their treatment was done. With a glance at the clock that hung on the wall, you saw that it was nearly the end of your shift. You couldn’t contain the smile as you already imagined the food you were going to eat, until your bubble burst when the doors of the ER slid open, revealing two paramedics supporting a man, who obviously was too weak to walk on his own. As the men neared, you noticed the large blood stain on the man’s dark dress-pants. “Uh– come with me, yes, follow me,” you stuttered, eyes wide. With quick steps, you reached one of the trauma exam rooms, holding the heavy door open.
The paramedics carefully laid the injured man onto the hospital bed, eliciting a pained groan from him. Sitting down on a stool, you quickly pulled a pair of gloves on and grabbed a pair of scissors, “Hello, sir, my name is (Y/N). May I know your name?” You asked carefully, wincing as you heard him gasp.
“J–Jongho, Choi Jongho,” he answered, pinching his eyes shut in pain.
“Alright, Jongho, I have to cut your pants open. Is that okay with you?” The fervent nodding of Jongho’s head gave you the go. Pushing his dress-shirt up a bit, you already saw a dark bruise peeking from his pants. You cut into the delicate fabric, drenched in crimson blood, clutched each end and pulled harshly, ripping the fabric, revealing the source of the heavy bleeding. Your breath hitched as you noticed that the wound was caused by a bullet, oozing blood. Pulling your cart of supplies, you picked the bottle of saline solution. “It seems like the bullet is still inside your thigh. I’m going to flush the wound now, I am very sorry in advance, it will hurt.” Not even trying to sugar coat it, you tipped the bottle over, letting the saline solution flush the wound.
Suddenly, you felt a sharp pain in your jaw, throwing you off your stool. He just kneed you in the jaw so hard you saw black spots clouding your vision. Groaning, you clutched your chin. “Fuck,” you gasped, the metallic taste of blood on your tongue. You looked up at one of the paramedics through teary eyes. “Call Eric and help me hold his legs down.” On shaky legs, you stood up and sat back down onto the stool. The dizziness dissipated slowly as you grabbed the solution again. “I need you to stay still, sir,” you huffed out, eyes moving to the door as it opened, revealing Eric and the paramedic. With an exchange of nods, Eric moved to Jonghos’s midriff, planting his hands on his torso and the paramedics holding each of his legs down.
You worked quickly as you washed out the wound and took the medical tongs to fish the offending piece of metal out. A blood curdling scream left Jongho’s chest, accompanied by the sickening squelch of the wound. The bleeding got worse, the sight of the thick liquid making bile burn your throat.
After digging around in your patient’s thigh, you finally got a grip on the bullet and pulled it out. A sigh of relief left your lips as you looked at it, examining if any fragments were still somewhere in Jongho’s flesh. The bullet was smooth, nothing broken or chipped off.
“(Y/N),” Eric’s shaky voice pulled your attention. “He’s out.”
Beep. Beep. Beep.
After you finally treated your patient and stabilized him you transferred him into the trauma department. You sat down onto the couch of the break room. “This was,” you trailed off, closing your eyes in exhaustion.
“Draining,” Eric huffed out next to you. “Can’t wait to get home.”
The way back home went by like a blur, and just like that, you were already unlocking your door. Smiling, you peeked through your door to see your cat stretching. As soon as she was done, she walked to you, meowing as you entered your home. “Hey, Kitty,” you greeted her in a high pitched voice, bending down to pick her up. “Are you hungry?” You asked her as if she could answer with words, but these three words were Kitty’s favorite words, immediately meowing as loud as she could.
After feeding your cat and taking a shower, you let yourself get sucked into the beautiful darkness of unconsciousness.
The loud, offending ring of your phone disturbed your beautiful sleep, pulling you out of your deep slumber. You groaned loudly as you reached for your phone and looked at the bright, blaring screen with squinted eyes. The head nurse was calling. “Yeah?” You picked up, voice groggy, exhaustion basically dripping from your lips.
“(Y/N), Yunho is taking over your day shift, you will take his place in the night.” You hated night shifts, they were so scary. Especially the walk back home, when it was still dark and quiet at the crack of dawn.
“Can’t Eric take over instead?” You tried to hide the desperation, but to no avail.
“No, I’m sorry.” With that, the head nurse hung up, wishing you a good rest of the early morning.
You let the phone fall next to your head, covering your face as a dry sob left your lips. With a new surge of energy you picked your phone up and dialed Yunho’s number. After a few seconds, you heard his voice, angering your tired state even more. “Fuck you, Yunho.” The loud, boisterous laugh you got in return made you huff in annoyance and hang up.
If looks could kill, multiple nurses and doctors would be motionless on the floor by now. Dark eye bags were decorating your face and the corners of your lips were pulled into a deep frown, brows pinched together. Even Eric got out of your way as you walked to the staff room, wide eyes looking at Yunho, who was munching on his sandwich, oblivious to your menacing stride towards him.
“Yunho,” Eric tried to get the tall nurse’s attention by sharply whispering across the room. He didn’t react, instead, he bit into his sandwich again, free hand checking off his to-do list. Before your pink-haired friend could warn Yunho, you had already reached the table and cleared your throat. “Totally dead,” Eric mumbled, quickly exiting the room.
As Yunho looked up from his half-eaten sandwich, his face immediately fell. “You will take over four of my night shifts, and if not,” you trailed off, tracing your thumb across the skin of your neck with a dark look on your face. All Yunho could do was gulp and nod hastily, standing up and excusing himself.
Even with great exhaustion, you still did your job excellently. Greeting and sending the patients off with a smile. It was already 3am, and the ER wasn’t full. Only a few people, who were waiting for their partners, parents, or whatever relatives. You were currently going through the unfinished files, filling them out if needed. Until a nurse from the trauma department stuck her head through the staff door and called your name quietly. “Yeah,” you whispered as to not disturb the peaceful silence in the waiting room.
“One of my patients wants you to treat him. He won’t let anyone near him.” You tilted your head, not knowing who she meant. “The guy with the gunshot wound.” Ah, him.
“Okay, I’m coming. But could you stay here for me?” The nurse nodded and sat down as you left the waiting room, walking to the trauma department. With quick steps, you reached the man’s door and knocked a few times before entering. You stopped as you saw two men, dressed in dark, expensive suits, stand at the foot of Jongho’s bed. “Oh,” you mumbled, slowly entering the room, eyes falling on Jongho. He was awake, as expected, eyes following your every move. “Hello, how are you doing?” you asked in a cheery tone, grabbing the clipboard that was fixed on the foot of his bed. “It seems like you are well taken care of, seeing your bodyguards looking at everything I do.” Your lighthearted joke fell on deaf ears as none of the men responded to it. Smile falling from your features, you looked at the clipboard, checking the vitals that got last recorded, but there was nothing. “Nobody checked on you during your stay here? I have to report that.” You said in a serious tone, this time. Fishing for your pager in the pocket of your scrubs but stopping as you heard Jongho’s hoarse voice.
“I didn’t let anyone check up on me, that’s what it is,.” Nodding slowly, you let your phone fall back into your pocket.
“And why’s that?” You felt like you could sink through the floor with three pairs of eyes analyzing your movements.
Jongho’s next words confused you. “I trust you the most.” His statement pulled a chuckle out of you as you waved your hand.
“Sir, I am an ER nurse, not a bedside nurse,” you said, looking at him with a smile. “I do appreciate it, but I don’t think I will be able to keep up with you, seeing as my post is in the ER.” You literally saw the man’s brow tick a bit. Probably out of anger, annoyance, pain? “I am only doing it now because the ER isn’t full right now. And after that my colleagues will take over. I can’t leave the ER just like that, I’m sorry.”
You turned around to go to one of the medical cupboards to get everything you needed. Needles and vials to draw some blood and new bandages. Walking to his injured side, and putting everything on the bedside table. “No, I want you to do it.” You sighed, a stubborn one.
“As I said, I will only be doing this now.” Your voice was a bit stern, trying to get your patient to comply. Said man let himself relax into the cushions, knowing that he won’t be able to talk you through it. “Stretch your arm out for me, please,” you instructed softly. At first, Jongho just looked at you, eyes round and empty. “Mister Choi,” you urged, “would you please stretch your arm out for me, so I can measure your blood pressure.” At that, Jongho stretched his arm out, looking away from you. He felt the rough material of the cuff that you wrapped around his upper arm. After having fixed the cuff around Jongho’s thick bicep, you put your stethoscope in your ears and held it to his skin as you pumped air into the inflatable cuff. “It’s gonna get tight, don’t get nervous.”
Did you notice his nervousness? It felt like time stopped for Jongho while you were counting the beats on the manometer. “Okay,” you broke the silence, taking off the stethoscope and opening the valve of the cuff to let the air out. Looking at Jongho, you smiled, “Your blood pressure looks very good, I don’t think the doctor has to prescribe you any medication except painkillers.”
You were writing down the numbers on the clipboard when Jongho asked, “are you going to do anything else?” He sounded hesitant, almost scared, eying the needles that rested next to his bed.
“Yes, I do have to draw some blood to see if there might be an infection that isn’t visible,” you explained, looking at one of the men near the bed. One of them leaned over to his friend, a smirk on his face as he was whispering something. “Keep that arm outstretched like that, I’ll be back in a second.” You noticed his breath hitching as you plopped down onto the stool next to the bed, wrapping the elastic band around his bicep, “Form your hand in a fist and pump.” The man complied, doing everything you instructed him to do, although a bit nervously. You poked around the prominent vein and wiped it down with a disinfectant. “It’s gonna sting,” you mumbled, slowly pushing the needle through Jongho’s skin. And just as the needle broke skin, Jongho pulled his arm away from you, eyes wide, looking at you. Suddenly, the two men behind you started laughing hysterically at their friend's behavior. “Gentlemen,” you warned, tone sharp.
You turned back to your patient, eyes soft and reassuring. “It’s going to be okay,” you whispered. “I’m scared too, and I’m an ER nurse, what an irony.” Your chuckle made Jongho settle a bit, but not totally. With that, Jongho stretched his arm out again. Redoing the disinfections again, you took a new needle and started to poke at Jongho’s skin. “It’s gonna sting, okay.” You heard a hum of approval come from him and you finally stuck the needle into his vein. “Let your fist loose,” untying the band around his bicep, you let the blood flow into the small tube in your hand.
After getting enough blood, you pulled the needle off and put a small label on each tube. “Thank you,” You heard Jongho’s small voice, making you chuckle.
“It’s my job, Sir.” You turned around, a big smile on your tired features. “Now, I need to check that wound of yours. Don’t want it to infect because of your stubbornness,” you whispered the last part, slowly peeling off the bandaging. You checked the wound, taking a pair of sterile tweezers and poking around it. “The skin looks very irritated and is probably dead,” you looked up with furrowed brows. “My colleague probably has to cut some off and stitch it again. It’s normal, don’t be panicked.” Jongho’s face immediately straightened when he met your eyes, your words slightly worrying him.
He shifted before asking, “I won’t have to amputate my leg?” His heart dropped when he heard your loud laugh.
“No, no,” you chuckled, “your leg won’t get amputated as long as you let the nurses do their job.” Reaching over, you sanitize your hands and pull a pair of gloves on. “I’ll bandage your wound now, and in the morning, my colleague will take over, yeah?”
The two men in the corner watched you intently as you worked, hands quick. It took you less than ten minutes to get him wrapped up, smiling when you left the room. You released the bedside nurse when you arrived at the ER, exchanging a small handover.
Thankfully, nothing too big happened the rest of your shift, and you were already on your way out the hospital.
As soon as you open the door to your bedroom, you let yourself fall face first into your blankets, a groan muffled by the thick sheets. While your cat was happily munching on her food, you were slowly drifting into a deep slumber.
A few days had passed and you almost forgot about Jongho, almost. You were relieved that he left you the rest of his stay in the hospital and you were able to do your work in the ER.
“I got your favorite drink,” you heard Yunho next to you, eyes following the paper cup he put on the desk next to you. “As a thank you for taking over the night shift, you know.” You chuckled as you thanked him for the drink, quickly typing the last sentence in the patient’s file and closing it.
“It was no problem, Yunho. Just a little heads-up would’ve been ideal,” you explained, waving a dismissive hand in front of your face. “By the way,” you started, “did the patient with the gunshot wound get discharged? His name was… Joongho?”
“Choi Jongho,” Yunho corrected, smiling when you let out an ‘aha!’ but when you gave it a second thought, you looked at your co-worker with a puzzled look. How’d he know him? You didn’t give it much thought, though, it was gone as fast as it came. “Eric got written up, by the way!” Yunho blurted out, a sinister grin on his face. Instead of questioning him, you just sighed and shook your head. Of course it was because of his damn pink hair.
Ever since Jongho stepped foot into your hospital and you treated him, you felt something weird. Like something has gotten out of place. Yunho was having the same shifts as you, even walking you home after work when it became dark. The Yunho you knew never did that. “Urgh, I’m too tired, (Y/N)!” He’d whine, sulking. But what did you do? Ignored it. What should you do anyway, everybody has these weeks sometimes. Right?
Today was the first day in a few weeks since you had a shift without Yunho, and to be honest, you were kind of feeling lonely without him. After your shift, at around eight p.m., you started your walk home. You were exhausted and stressed, another shift waiting for you the next day. But while you were walking, you noticed a car driving ever so slowly behind you. This made a ball of fear rise in your gut as your steps quickened, praying to whatever God there was, that nothing would happen. Just as you were about to turn the corner to enter your apartment complex, the car sped off, the loud exhaust causing you to flinch and let your keys fall to the ground.
A week passed and since that day, nothing like this happened, making you doubt that the car was actually following you. Maybe they were looking for something or someone, right?
Three weeks later, while you were sitting behind the front desk in the ER, spaced out, you didn’t notice the familiar man walk into the waiting room. “Sorry,” the low voice made you flinch softly, quickly arranging your posture. You recognized the familiar face, but not really pin-pointing it. “I’m here to get my stitches removed. Choi Jongho,” aah, that’s him.
“Ah, hi, Jongho,” you smiled, standing up and signaling him to follow you into the back. While you got the utensils ready, Jongho sat down on the exam table. “You can take your pants off,” you said over your shoulder while unpacking the sterile scissors and tweezers. You didn’t see the way Jongho’s face flushed when you told him to take his pants off. It was weird, it was weird how he didn’t care how he looked, or how much skin was revealed when he was brought into the ER. But now that he was fully conscious, he was getting a tad bit flustered.
“You’re awfully quiet,” your voice pulled Jongho out of his trance, startling him. “Sorry, I just found it funny how the change of circumstance can affect people.” Jongho nodded softly as he stood up to push his pants down to his knees, laying back down onto the exam table. “So,” you started, pulling the small cart with you that had the utensil lined up. From sterile gloves to sterile scissors and a scalpel. “Want me to explain the procedure, to get the nerves out of the way?”
He softly nodded, lips pulled into a tight line. With a smile, you calmly explained what you’ll do, which wasn’t too bad actually, Jongho thought it would’ve been worse. “Okay, I’m ready,” he assured as you put the gloves on.
“He speaks,” you teased with a smile, sitting down on the stool and sliding close to him. “So, how have you been?” Jongho noticed the way you tried to get his mind off this, your hands soft and feathery as you worked on his leg. You pushed his shirt a bit upwards to make space for the disinfectant.
Jongho swallowed thickly before he started talking, “I’ve been resting a lot, actually. I got sick days from work too, so I’ve been having a lot of free time, and some friends of mine always came over to cook. Doc had said I shouldn’t be on my feet for more than fifteen minutes at once, you know, so yeah, I’ve been spoiled.” He chuckled when he said that last part, his smile faltering when he realized he was ranting. “I… I’m sorry, it was too much at once.”
“No! It’s okay, I like listening to you.” The smile you sent his way made his heart leap. You were just so cute.
And so he did, he talked and talked, until he had nothing else to say. That’s when he saw you smiling up at him, gloves already discarded and a brand new plaster on his leg. “All done!” you exclaimed happily as you pushed yourself away with the stool, quickly scribbling down onto a piece of paper. “The wound itself looks pretty good, I also sent the doc a picture of it and he approved.” Jongho stood up and rearranged his clothes, but before he could leave the room, you called after him. “Your stories are cool!” He smiled at that as he left the hospital, his friend waiting by the car.
"Aw! Our baby bear is in love! He’s growing– Ow!”
A week later, while you were grocery shopping, you noticed a weird man follow you through the aisles. You were looking at the canned cat foods when he stepped closer, side-eyeing him. Maybe he also had a cat or something, right? You put a few cans into your cart and continued walking. His thick shoes made noise as he walked behind you, making you tense up.
“May I help you, sir?” you asked harshly, one hand on the cart and the other propped on your hip.
Before the stranger could answer, a heavy arm fell onto your shoulder, startling you. “Babe, here you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” he said, making you look up. It was Yunho. “What did the gentleman need?” he asked, a passive aggressive tone in his voice. Said man just glared at Yunho before he walked away, leaving you two alone in the aisle. “That dude was weird,” he whispered as he took your cart and walked to the checkout. “I’ll walk you home, if that’s okay with you.”
You nodded with a grateful sigh, quickly glancing over your shoulder to see that the man had disappeared. “He was really weird.” What was even weirder, how Yunho appeared out of nowhere to save the day.
As promised, Yunho walked you home and even invited himself for a drink, which turned out to be him falling asleep on the couch while a movie was running on your TV. In the meantime, you fed your cat and did your laundry. “Yunho,” your voice echoed through the living room as you rummaged through your freezer for ice cream. “You want ice cream?”
“Yes!” Of course he’d wake up to that question.
“Are you okay?” Yunho’s sudden question made you look at him with a confused expression. “I mean you haven’t been yourself recently, you know. I don’t know, you seem a lot more cautious than you are.” At some point he was right. You really were a lot more cautious these past couple weeks, getting startled by almost every small noise, especially when you shared a night shift with Yunho. He was looking at the ice cream in his hands as he waited for an answer, shortly glancing at you.
You shrugged, “I mean, a lot of weird things happened the last couple of weeks.” Yunho nodded, signaling you to go on. “Uhm, I’ve noticed that sometimes cars follow me up to my apartment complex and then speed off when I open the door, you know. And the man at the store, that wasn’t the first time someone followed me around in the store.” Your voice had a slight tremble, the anxiety bubbling in your gut, spilling as you felt thankful that you could explain to at least someone what has been happening. “Yeah, and at night, I always see the same man walking around the apartment complex. One time I even caught him looking up at my window.” You pointed to the parking lot in front of your window. At times like these, you were really grateful that you chose the fifth floor to live in.
“Have you tried contacting the police?” His question made you glare at him.
“By all means, Yunho. They’d call me paranoid and crazy, you know how these bastards are.” Over the course of years, you had developed a specific hatred toward the police. They felt too entitled, the police brutality was over the moon, and you remember how a police officer manhandled you because you wouldn’t let him arrest your patient in the ER, a patient that was bleeding too much for your liking. Due to that officer’s actions, the patient died, bled to death basically. “They wouldn't care one bit.”
“Also true,” he shrugged, sipping the last bit of his drink. That night, Yunho slept over, his big body barely fitting onto your couch. You insisted so much that he should’ve slept on your bed instead of your couch, but all he said was, “what, I wanna feel tiny for once.”
That night you didn’t get a wink of sleep, tossing and turning in your bed, that queasy feeling back. You decided to get up and drink something, your eyes flitting to the angry, red digits on your clock that was resting on your desk, two a.m. With a sigh, you made your way into the kitchen, carefully dodging the toys your cat had scattered around. Yunho was peacefully sleeping on your couch, one leg dangling and the other laying over the armrest. This didn’t look comfortable at all. Softly shaking your head, you made your way into your kitchen and rummaged through your fridge. Your hands wrapped around a half empty bottle of coke, pulling it out and unscrewing. At this point you didn’t care and directly drank from the bottle.
While you were in your own thoughts, a sudden knock on your door pulled your attention. At this hour? You felt your heart in your throat as you quickly walked into the living room. “Yunho,” you whispered, shaking his shoulder, but no answer. “Yunho,” this time your voice was harsher, your hand squeezed his shoulder as you desperately tried to wake him up. “Yunho!”
“I’m awake, I’m awake,” he groaned, quickly sitting up. That action almost caused your heads to collide, but you were fast enough to get out of his way. “What’s wrong?” He asked, his voice raspy, laced with sleep.
“There’s someone at the door.” As if on cue, another knock echoed through the apartment. It was like Yunho never had fallen asleep, his eyes widened and he immediately stood up. “Please, be careful.” He held a slender finger in front of his lips to shush you as he walked to your front door.
Your friend looked through the peephole, scanning the person who stood in front of your door. He turned the lock on your door one time, making it able to open a gap but not all the way. “How can I help you, sir?” You stiffened as you heard that it was a man, a shudder running down your spine. You heard the stranger take a few steps back as you were hiding behind the door next to Yunho.
“Sorry, got the wrong door,” he apologized, shuffling from side to side.
“Who were you looking for, maybe I can help you,” Yunho offered, leaning on the wall next to the door. You noticed him glancing downward every now and then, as if he was scanning the stranger.
“(L/N) (Y/N),” your hand flew to your mouth as you heard him say your full name, surname included. Not many people knew your surname. “I believe she lives somewhere near, am I right?”
Yunho straightened, not daring to look behind the door to make it obvious that there was someone with him. “I don’t know anybody with that name, gotta disappoint you.” You heard the man hum in understanding, his feet dragging as he slowly walked away. Without warning, Yunho slammed the door shut and locked it, turning to you with concern in his eyes. “Were you expecting him, (Y/N)?” he asked, brows furrowing when you shook your head, no. No, you didn’t know that man, hell, you didn’t know any men except the ones from work. “Then why did he know your name?” he pried, stepping closer.
His questions made you tear up in realization that strange men knew you and knew where you lived. “I don’t know, Yun. No one, especially at two a.m in the fucking morning, comes and ring my doorbell,” you whispered shakily, a few tears escaping your eyes.
“That’s it, I’m calling the police.”
“So, this has been going on a few weeks?”
“One month, actually,” you corrected the officer, glancing at his small notebook as he scribbled down few informations.
“And you are saying that almost everyday you notice a weird man following you?”
“Yes, a few times there were cars, but I assumed that they were looking for something.” You felt your heart in your throat, the more the young officer wrote into his notebook, the more you doubted that they were going to help you. And you thought right.
“Ma’am, I’m really sorry to say this, but there’s nothing we can do to help. I need an actual assault report to be able to do something,” he said calmly, too calm for your liking.
You stiffened, inhaling sharply as you looked at the officer with furrowed brows. “There’s no way you are being serious right now,” you asked sharply, stepping forward, “you are here, telling me that they need to attack me for you to do something?” With clenched fists, you turned around and walked away. “Get out of my apartment,” you said, pointing to your front door.
With one last glance at Yunho, you went into your bedroom and locked the door behind you. You didn’t get a wink of sleep that night, Kitty kept meowing in front of your door. Normally you’d let her inside, but right now you couldn’t lock the poor cat inside the room with you. You weren’t mad at Yunho, you were mad at the situation and the way the police handled it, as if you were delusional. You had lost track of time until Yunho’s voice echoed through your apartment, “I’m going to work, (Y/N), see you later!”
Finally, you fell asleep, sleeping through half of the day until you woke up to get some stuff done. To get your mind off things, you decided to go on a walk at around six p.m. It was already starting to get dark, the air cold and gloomy. You calmly walked through the park, buying a hot chocolate from the small stand, sipping it as you sat in front of the small lake. You swung your feet back and forth as you sat there, time unknown to you. Before you knew it, the only sources of light were the poorly lit lamps and the moon. After finishing your hot chocolate, you walked back to your apartment, steps slow and steady.
You felt a sense of calm wash over you as the warmth of your apartment complex surrounded you, sighing into the warm air. Once you reached your door, your fished your keys out and unlocked it, smiling as the soft tune of Arctic Monkeys 505 was playing. But as realization hit, you stopped dead in your tracks. What in God’s name?
You took a cautious step forward, grabbing the long, metal shoe horn. You stopped behind the corner that led to your living room, praying internally that your cat accidentally pressed the radio, but when you heard a man clear his throat, your heart fell into your belly. Daring to peek around, you saw a broad man holding a cup in his hand, drinking from it. His back was turned to you as he looked out the large window.
“(Y/N)?” You gasped when he said your name, quickly covering your mouth with one hand. The stranger slowly turned around, meeting your eyes. It wasn’t just someone, it was Jongho, your patient Choi Jongho.
“Don’t,” you hissed sharply, pointing the shoe horn into direction, “stay where you are.” You felt your heart in your throat as you looked at Jongho. “It was all you, right? Psychopath,” your voice was shaky as you took slow steps backward. Jongho mirroring you by stepping forward. “Stay there!”
Your sudden screech made Jongho wince. “Look, (Y/N), I really mean no harm. But you have to come with me,” he said calmly. “I can explain everything once we are in my car.” Your jaw fell slack in shock, brows furrowed and hands tightening around your makeshift weapon that would probably do no harm to Jongho. “Put that shoe horn down, it’s making me nervous.”
His words pulled a scoff out of you, making you raise the shoe horn. “This is making you nervous? Well, fuck you, Choi Jongho, what do you think I feel like right now?” Suddenly Jongho grabbed the shoe horn and pulled it out of your grasp, his other hand covering your mouth. He let the metal rod fall and wrapped his arm around you, your scream muffled by his hand as you fought against him.
“Be quiet,” he said harshly, pulling you harder against him. “They’ll hear you,” he whispered, sighing as he felt you still in his hold. He slowly pulled you into your kitchen, pressing you against the wall and covering most of your body with his. “Promise me that you’ll trust me,” when he said that, Jongho had to close his eyes at the ridicule of the situation and his words. Your wide eyes and furrowed brows said everything he needed to know. “Got it, I understand it, but if you don’t then it might cost your life what’s about to happen,” he explained calmly, peeking around the corner into your hallway. “Please, (Y/N).”
“Jongho?” Someone called, the voice awfully familiar. “Jongho, are you here?” Heavy boots approached you two until a tall man entered the corner of your eyes, his form blurry due to the position you were in. “Oh—” was all he said. Jongho’s grip on your head softened a bit, making it easier for you to turn your head, and you wish you didn’t. “Hi, (Y/N),” Jeong Yunho, your co-worker Jeong Yunho, nurse Jeong Yunho.
You let out a loud scream, which was muffled by Jongho’s hand still, as you tried to thrash out of Jongho’s grip. “Guys?” A head of pink hair appeared, the guy from the ER who suddenly disappeared. What the fuck was going on?
“Look, (Y/N), I can explain everything if you come with us, please.” You shook your head like a small kid that had a tantrum, stomping, purposely aiming for Jongho’s feet. “Tell Seonghwa to get the car ready, we’ll have to take her as is.” Panic arose in your eyes as you trashed and kicked, Jongho dragging you out of your apartment and into the elevator. The ride downstairs was awfully quiet, only your heavy breathing could be heard with the occasional thuds of the elevator. Finally, the elevator doors slid open, Jongho pulling you with him as Yunho and San waited in front of the big SUV, the trunk open.
Realizing what is about to happen, you tried biting into Jongho’s hand but failed, a loud screech stuck in your throat as Jongho heaved you into the trunk and closed the door into your face. The rest of the men got in one by one, the car speeding off before anyone could buckle up.
“Let me out!” you yell as you bang against the window that was separating the trunk with the front. “Hey!” when realization hit, your voice cracked as a dry sob fell from your lips. Giving up, you laid down on the dusty mat and waited for the car to stop, which felt like eternity. Even through your exhausted haze, adrenaline was still high in your bloodstream. You fought against sleep as you looked out the window and noticed that they were taking you out of the city.
“Aren’t we a bit harsh on her?” Seonghwa’s question broke the silence in the car. Kitty was meowing in her transport box that laid between Yunho’s legs. “Like, Yunho, you could’ve explained everything to her instead of just taking her like this, this will probably leave her traumatized.”
“If you knew who came to her doorstep at two a.m. in the fucking morning, then you would too, try to get her into safety as soon as possible. And you, Jongho, I have to exchange quite a few words with you, once we arrive,” Yunho’s stern voice made Jongho sigh as he crossed his arms.
Falling asleep was what you were trying to avoid, but it happened nonetheless. You don’t know how long you’ve been asleep, but it was just enough for you to wake up when the car stopped moving. “Good morning, sleepyhead!” A cheerful voice pulled you out of your daze as the trunk opened, making you turn around and see the pink-haired man, San. “You slept a little too long for my liking, but at least you got some sleep,” he said as he stepped aside to let you get out on your own. You didn’t move, though, looking at him suspiciously, which he caught on. “I promise you, I won’t do anything. Yunho will show you your room,” he explained, holding his hands up to his temples.
With hesitant movements, you got out of the car and stood there until Yunho came. “Come with me, I’ll show your room and then I’ll explain everything to you.” The house was big, the first floor was the living area, then it had two more floors, which had four to five rooms each. “Big, isn’t it? Well, we are eight people here,” he chuckled at your expression. “Don’t worry, they are all nice,” he assured, opening the door to a room. It had a big window and right across the window was the bed, freshly made. You flinched softly when Yunho closed the door behind him, your eyes following his every movement. He signaled you to sit on one of the chairs next to the window, and he sat on the one right in front of you. “Look, this will be confusing and it’s also hard to tell you everything at once, but I want you to listen to me carefully,” he started explaining, starting from A through Z.
“So, I’m being targeted for helping Jongho?” You asked, brows furrowed. “And they think that I, a simple ER nurse, am your ‘private’ nurse?” He nodded. “What the fuck?”
“We are trying to get the target off your back, but it will take some time. You’ll have to call in sick.”
“Oh, Yunho, fuck you,” you exclaimed. “This is all happening at once. First you hide this second identity, then you kidnap me, and now you are telling me I can’t go to work? Am I supposed to stay here all the time while you and your mafia friends go get this damn target off my back, which by the way, your friend got onto me?”
Yunho’s lips were pulled into a tight line as he looked at you. He understood that you were mad, he understood that you were shaken up, but he couldn’t do anything but wait. “You won’t stay alone, you have Kitty and…” he trailed off, avoiding your eyes. “And Jongho.” At this you groaned loudly, letting your head fall into your hands.
Meow. “I know, Kitty, I don’t want to be here either.” You were rummaging through the drawers to see what type of clothes they had. Simple T-shirts, sweatpants, sweaters, and underwear. You sighed as you plopped down onto the bed, Kitty immediately climbing into your lap.
Yunho and the others were gone to talk to some strange men, while Jongho was left behind.
A sudden knock pulled you out of your thoughts, it could be no one other than Jongho. “Yes?” You didn’t bother standing up, Kitty on your lap as she purred.
“Can I come in?”
“No,” you declined bluntly, you heard the sigh he let out behind the door. “What do you want?” You weren’t hiding that you were annoyed by him, giving him the cold shoulder.
“Look, I just wanted to apologize,” he trailed off, feeling his heart skip a beat. “I didn’t realize that my behavior would’ve caused all of this and i feel bad about this.” After a beat of silence, Jongho heard your steps approach and as soon as you reached it, you pulled it open.
Jongho stood frozen in front of you as you pointed an accusing finger at his chest. “Because of you, I can’t even feel safe in my own home, and now i have to live with seven strangers, plus Yunho who hid everything from me, in one big ass house, and you all expect me to just sit idly in a corner and turn thumbs while i wait for you to lift that target off my back,” you finally breathed, your nostrils flared in anger as you glared at Jongho. His flustered state made you kind of feel bad for your outburst, but who were they to judge? All of them would’ve reacted the same. “I don’t know what you expect me to say to your apology, but I for sure do not accept it.”
The man was avoiding your eyes while you glared holes into his head. “If you need anything, just tell me, I’ll be downstairs.” With that he turned around and left, quickly walking down the stairs. You shut the door harshly, angry and annoyed by the situation.
After a few hours of straight boredom you dared to open your door and step outside, flinching at every little sound. Carefully, you walked down the stairs and straight into the kitchen to grab yourself something to drink. “Do you need anything?” The sudden question made you flinch and whip your head around, eyes wide and hands pulled tightly against your chest. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Jongho chuckled. “I can cook you something, if you’re hungry?” It sounded more like a question than a statement.
You eyed the fridge before you looked back at Jongho. “No, I’m fine,” you declined, walking around Jongho to go back to your room.
The man just sighed as he went back to the living room, waiting for his friends. It didn’t take long for them to arrive, though, bursting through the door. Everyone sat around Jongho, either throwing a leg over the other or simply laying on a couch. “It doesn’t look good,” Seonghwa sighed, running a hand through his tousled hair. “Their boss is somewhere overseas, they won’t give us any form of contact,” he explained, looking at the rug beneath his feet.
Jongho felt bad, really bad. He threw this all on your shoulders just because he was scared of some needles, all the while he worked with weaponry goods day in and day out.
It’s been a couple of days since you started staying at their place, and to be honest, you started to quite like it, though you didn’t leave Yunho’s side.
Loud laughter echoed through the large dining room as you sat between Yunho and that one Mingi guy, who seemed to be best friends with Yunho. You were poking around the food on your plate, slowly chewing on what’s in your mouth, oblivious to Jongho’s stare. “Hey,” a voice cut through his thoughts, making him look to his side to see Wooyoung mischievously smile at him. “She’s cute, isn’t she,” he slurred, earning a glare from the younger. “Or you just feel really bad,” he whispered, his lips pulled into a pout, mocking his friend.
“Shut up,” Jongho hissed. Wooyoung just snickered, munching on his garlic bread.
“(Y/N),” Wooyoung called, looking at you with a playful glint in his eyes. “Since when are you a nurse?” His question kind of threw you off guard, making your pinch your brows together slightly.
You quickly swallowed the bite of food you’ve been chewing for a disgustingly long amount of time before answering. “I graduated two years ago, so I am kind of fresh in the business.” You tried to keep your answers short as possible. Even though you’ve started to get used to the men, they were still strangers to you. So, keeping your distance was the best option. “I started working in pediatrics but that wasn’t for me, so I got myself transferred to the ER,” you added. Wooyoung let out a hum as he returned to his almost empty plate.
“And you like your job?”
“I do,” you answered truthfully, looking at Wooyoung with a confused gaze. After that, an uncomfortable silence took over the room, the clanging of metal against porcelain deafening. You continued eating silently.
A week went by with you ghosting around the house, getting familiar with your new surroundings. San’s sister, Yunjin, saw you one day and you never saw a stranger get so happy over your mere presence. She immediately had her arms around you, thanking the guys for having a girl over, finally. She was also a small shove in getting comfortable with the guys. She took you out, mostly with Jongho shadowing you two, to go out and eat, shopping, and whatnot.
One night when she was smearing an aloe-vera face mask on your damp skin, she made a comment that had your eyes rip open in an instant. “I think Jjongs is into you,” she blurted out, softly humming as she continued to spread the face mask on your face, as if she just didn’t say anything. “Don’t look at me like that.”
“No?” It came out as a question rather than a statement. You felt your heart in your throat, denying everything. But if you had to be honest, you did find him… attractive. Yunjin looked at you with knowing eyes, a smirk slowly curling on her lips. She was just like her brother. “Look, he’s basically a stranger to me. The longest conversation we had was when he had to get his stitches removed,” you explained, looking at Yunjin.
She finished spreading the mask and leaned back to lay down on your knee. You wiped her face with a wet towel before applying the mask on her face. “Don’t you see how he looks at you, that guy blushed when you smiled at him,” she giggled, “that guy never blushes.” Your heart leapt when she explained her observations. “He’s totally into you,” she sighed, closing her eyes.
And you were totally into him, but who were you to admit?
A sudden knock pulled you two out of your cute, little world. “(Y/N)?” It was Jongho. Yunjin shot you a knowing smirk before she called out to Jongho. “Can I talk to (Y/N) for a sec?” The girl stuck her tongue out to you before she opened the door, greeting Jongho with her signature cheshire smirk.
“I’ll leave the two of you alone.”
Jongho’s jaw clenched when he understood what she was insinuating. “It’s just a quick chat, dumbass,” he grumbled, turning back to you with tense shoulders and a strained smile. “Can I come in?” His question only earned a nod from you, following his movements with your gaze as he walked in and closed the door. He sat on your bed, looking anywhere but your face. A sudden warmth spread on your ears when you remembered that you still had that face mask on. “I just wanted to tell you that we kind of cleared your name, so the boss of the gang that was following you has dropped their target on you, but,” he trailed off. “It would still be kind of dangerous for you to go live on your own, though, the choice is yours. We just wanted to keep close contact in the meantime, but now you don’t have to fear for your life,” he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.
“So, I can go back to my apartment and work?” Your heart sank when Jongho sighed.
“We got you a new apartment, only your stuff has to be carried there.” You nodded, letting silence fall upon you two. “I- I’m sorry,” he whispered, finally looking into your eyes. “This was all my fault that I got you into this situation. I didn’t know they would take it this far.” His apology made your heart flutter, the ghost of a smile dancing on your lips. But all you could do was nod, pulling your lips into a tight line. “Then I’ll be going.”
“Stop apologizing,” you said, Jongho stopping in his movements, his fist tightened around the doorknob. “I kind of understand why you wanted to keep me close in the hospital, but I gotta be honest, I’m still confused about this whole situation. I am still mad at all of you, especially Yunho and you. But what happened, happened. We can’t reverse anything,” you smiled softly, the mask slowly cracking around your mouth and nose area. “But thank you for the effort.” Jongho nodded with a soft smile as he bid a goodnight and left, Yunjin coming in after him with a smirk on her face. “I don’t want to hear a single word.”
“You’re totally into her,” Wooyoung mumbled as he adjusted a few screws on his new gaming-chair. “The way you look at her when she talks to any of us,” he added, glancing at the younger. “And she’s oblivious to it all.”
Jongho sighed as he threw an arm over his face. “There’s no way,” he groaned. “She’s cute and I am attracted to her, but there’s nothing between us. Once she’s gone I won’t see her ever again,” his own words made his heart clench. But he barely knew you, and you kept avoiding him. “Plus, she was my nurse, isn’t that a bit unprofessional.” Jongho scrolled on his phone, a sudden slap on his shoulder startling him.
“Don’t say never,” Wooyoung said, pointing a finger at Jongho. “Like, why don’t you try it? Take her out for a coffee or a walk,” his friend suggested. Jongho thought about it, but there were too many odds, so he decided against it.
“I don’t want to involve her even more into this,” he said, looking at Wooyoung.
“Oh, fuck off, Jongho.”
The loud blaring of your alarm had you almost fall out of your bed, Kitty meowing on top of your back. Work. You got ready, your eyes still laced with sleep. Your steps were slow and heavy as you walked down the stairs to the front door. “I can drop you off,” a voice echoed from behind. Turning around, you saw Jongho with a soft smile on his face. “Your alarm woke me up too, so I thought why not drop you off,” he explained, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. Swallowing thickly, you nodded, grabbing your shoes to put them on. Jongho walked to one of the many cars in front of their house and unlocked one, an old-school Mercedes. He opened the door for you, his hand pointing at the seat.
“Thank you,” you smiled as you got into the car and buckled your seatbelt. Jongho closed your door and climbed into the driver’s side, buckled his own seatbelt and started the car. He put the car in reverse and started to pull out of the drive-way, one of his hands behind your seat to look through the rear window. Your eyes fell on the way his shirt strained against his arms and chest, your heart immediately skipping a few beats. But before Jongho could notice, you averted your gaze and watched straight ahead, a soft warmth spreading in your belly. “Sorry,” you mumbled.
“For?” Jongho asked as he put the car in drive and drove down the road.
“That my alarm woke you up too,” you explained, looking at his side-profile. “Wasn’t my intention.”
His chuckle made you clench your jaw, the deep rumble in his chest reverberating through the car. “My alarm would’ve gone off ten minutes after yours, so don’t worry about that. And,” he trailed off, a second of silence falling upon you two. “I wouldn’t have been able to drive you to your workplace,” he looked at you shortly, his lips pulled into a wide smile. You involuntarily smiled to yourself, a flush visible on your cheeks as you let yourself relax into the warm leather seat.
There was a comfortable silence between you two, the soft rumble of the exhaust lulling you into a state of relaxation. Once you left the fields, you entered the city side, more cars and commotion on the streets. And in no time, Jongho was in front of the hospital you worked at. “Have a nice day, and make sure to call me before you clock out. I’ll pick you up and then I can drive you to your new place,” he said, reaching over to the glove compartment. A shiver ran down your spine when his hand made contact with your knee, softly pulling away. “Sorry,” he mumbled, looking at you. As if lost in a daze, your eyes stayed fixed on his as he looked through the glove compartment. “Here,” he pressed a card into your hand, it had his number on it. “Then I’ll see you tonight.”
Time just didn’t seem to pass as you sat in the ER, your leg bouncing up and down constantly. “What’s gotten you so worked up?” Eric’s question made you turn to him with a pout.
“I think I have a crush on this guy.” Your answer made Eric gasp and sit down next to you, both of his hands grabbing yours, urging you to explain everything. And you did. Well, not everything, but some parts. Eric told you he’d crush Jongho’s balls if he even dared to hurt your feelings, which you promised him you’d tell him if something like that happens. “Yeah, and he’s picking me up today,” you giggled.
“Ooh, I wanna see him!”
A loud yawn dragged out of your lungs as you walked out of the hospital, your eyes droopy and heavy. As you walked, a car halted in front of you, the window lowering itself and revealing Jongho. “Get in, Miss-Patients-Favorite!” You smiled at the nickname, bidding Eric a goodnight before you walked around the car to the passenger seat.
Eric just stood there dumbfounded, mumbling a ‘traitor’ under his breath.
“Hi,” you greeted, all exhaustion drained from your eyes. Jongho smiled at you as he drove off, leaving Eric behind.
“How was your day?” He asked, eyes fixed on the road in front of him as he listened. You told him everything about your day, his small comments here and there showing you that he was listening. And when you were done, he turned to you as you reached a red light “Want some ice-cream?” He asked, adding, “I know a pretty good place around here.” When you nodded, he took off once the ligjt turned green. “Then let’s eat some ice-cream.”
You watched the cars drive by as you and Jongho sat on a bench, each of you with a cone of ice-cream. The weather was hot, perspiration on both of your foreheads. While you were concentrating on one side of the cone, you didn’t notice the ice-cream melting on the other side. You softly flinched when you felt Jongho’s hand wrap a handkerchief around your hand, his palm pressed against yours. A huff left your lips as you smiled sheepishly, “I’m messy when I eat ice-cream.” This made Jongho blush, the color moving from his ears to his cheeks.
“I noticed that much,” he chuckled. But a moment later his smile fell from his face. “Let’s eat up and then I’ll show you your new apartment.”
The ride to your new place was silent, both of you in your own thoughts. You knew that you wouldn’t see them as much as you did, hell, you lived with them. But it was fun, especially with Yunjin. You noticed that your apartment was quite near their place, just where the fields begin. It was still near your workplace, though, that you were glad for. The car halted in front of a new looking complex, your eyes widened in awe. “That looks expensive,” you mumbled, earning a chuckle from Jongho. When you got out of his car, you were met with the other guys, each of them heaving as they went down the stairs. “You look… exhausted,” you deadpan, all of them laughing.
A look of disgust took over your expression when Yunho draped a heavy arm on your shoulder. “Well, you’ll see why we are exhausted.” With that, he dragged you along. You looked over your shoulder, meeting Jongho’s eyes, which didn’t last long until Yunho pulled you into the apartment. “Are you ready,” he dragged the words with a sense of excitement that had you beaming involuntarily. Once Yunho opened the front door, your smile fell from your features, awe just spilling from your eyes.
Everything was new. It was the update you needed. “Yunho,” you whispered, your steps echoing through the rooms, the smell of new just wafting through the air. “This is too much,” you turned to Yunho, but instead of him, Jongho was leaning against the door with a smile on his face. “This was you?” You asked, your heart dropping when he nodded. “How can I repay you?”
Jongho pushed off the wall and walked towards you. “This is my apology for everything I caused you,” he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. “Because I was too scared of a few needles.” His answer made you chuckle as you walked towards him. His gaze followed your movements and once you stood right in front of him, he raised his brows in curiosity. Suddenly you wrapped your arms around him, your face buried in his chest. “You’re welcome,” he murmured, running a hand over your back.
You pulled away to plant a kiss on his cheek, warmth spreading through your body. “Let’s go for an iced americano, yeah?”
“I’d very much like that.”
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— tagging: @kflixnet @ateezlovenet @cromernet
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@a1sh1teruu 2023 | ©️ do not steal or plagiarize
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