#no proofreading we die like wolf
whumpacabra · 7 months
Red Handed
Unsuccessful escape attempt, home invasion, firearm and knife mention, threats, beating
[Concurrent to New Friends]
The door slammed shut, keys rattling as locks engaged and footsteps pounded. David jumped from the bedroom, pulling flannel over his shoulders and pulling jeans over his boxers. Bear dove for the liquor cabinet, fishing for the weapon he had stashed behind the tequila.
“Bear - what’s going on?”
Bear ignored him, frantic hands laying out a never-fired pistol and a clip of bullets. He knew how to use a gun. He just never thought he would have to.
“Bear - Berto!” Dave’s hands were holding his own, his shaking fingers pried away from the weapon and pressed to his partner’s chest. “What’s wrong? You look like shit - are you - are you drunk man? High?“
“We need to go.” Bear breathed, voice unsteady and face pale as shouts echoed from the apartment stairwell.
“Why? What’s - “ Bear grabbed David’s shirt, fabric balled in a white knuckled grip.
“We need to fucking go. Grab the duffle from the closet.” He pushed his partner away and turned back to the gun, clip clicking into place and safety softly released.
It wasn’t supposed to come to this. He didn’t know how they knew - all that mattered now was that they did, and that they wouldn’t let him get away with it.
There was no knock. A heavy kick broke down the apartment door, hinges ripping and pitiful lock chain snapping like thread. Cortazar was leading the charge, Aaron and Ivan at his sides. No doubt there were still more downstairs.
Bear leveled his gun, breathing slowly as his hands steadied. He had bought enough time. David would be smart enough to take the fire escape and get to the car.
“I just want to talk.” Cortazar gestured to the pistol pointed at his chest, unfazed. “This seems a little excessive.”
“Tell that to my landlord when she sees what you did to the door.” Bear was trying to keep his voice steady, but panic was sending shivers down his spine. His feet were unsteady, unsure if he should bolt for the bedroom or pull the trigger.
Not that his trigger discipline was so poor that he dare let his finger hover over the mechanism.
“Cute place you got here.” Cortazar’s nonchalance was infuriating. “Though, your spider plant looks a little under watered - “
“Get the fuck out of my home.” It was a small victory to interrupt Cortazar and have the man actually pause his walkthrough of the kitchen to look at him. “Now. Or I swear to - “
The yelp from the bedroom drew his focus, Bear spinning to see its source. Any illusion of control or chance of escape was shattered, David’s exposed throat teased by a blade. His blue eyes were begging Bear for an explanation, a plan, a brilliant escape.
He had none.
He was already lowering his weapon as Cortazar spoke.
“Always nice to see an apartment building keep up to code with their fire escapes.“ His hand was strong and warm on Bear’s shoulder, the gun clattering to the ground. Bear felt tears welling in his eyes as terror seemed to consume his heart and lungs.
“I’m a bit disappointed, Berto. You really seemed like you had the balls to shoot me.” Cortazar shrugged and sighed, not releasing his iron grip on Bear’s shoulder. It was going to bruise.
“What happens now?” His voice was gutted of any fight. All he could do now was hope he could get David out of this mess in one piece.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing motherfucker? Huh? Fucking goddamn - don’t you - “ David gagged, air driven from his lungs by a solid kick to his stomach. Doubled over, he was at the mercy of the grunts’ steel toed boots.
Bear flinched, involuntarily fighting Cortazar’s grip. He was held back by a steady hand and the cool barrel of a gun to his back. Cortazar’s silver eyes watched the beating for a moment before he turned his icy expression to meet Bear’s wide, frightened eyes.
“Now, you see what happens when people steal from me.”
[Before Water and Warmth]
(Part of my Freelancers: Boy Meets World series)
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foxglovepng · 1 month
Race Headcannons 🥀🌼
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Requested: Nu uh I just felt like it
CW: Race, Rook Slander, Ortho spoiler Idia's part.
Characters: NRC students
These are my Race Headcannons for the NRC men. Some of these I just went by feeling a lot of these I did research about the movie setting although with the fishes + beast men I went by geography.
Some of these I'm unsure of (Heavy on Sebek) If anything is incorrect or you want to share your thoughts go ahead I'm always open to corrections and hearing others. (PROOFREAD FOR ONCE)
(Updated Epel on 5.12.24)
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Riddle (British)
I don't really have an explanation for this one other than the Red Queen in Tim Burton's version she was British and had a big goofy forehead (I have not seen the animated one help)
Trey (German)
Would you believe me if I told you I whipped out a map closed my eyes and threw a dart and it landed on Germany??
For this one I went with somewhere in Europe and I picked Germany because it just made sense to me I was gonna say Polish, but his Green hair was telling me German.
Cater (Scottish)
It's his ginger hair tbh.
Ace (Japanese)
A lot of people headcannon him as Filipino, but me personally I wanted to be quirky and different /j
This one doesn't really have any evidence I just went by feeling. I also headcannon it that he would love Jojo and Junji Ito.
Deuce (Mexican)
As a fellow Mexican I KNOW ONE OF US WHEN I SEE ONE OF US. He is Mexican and I WILL DIE ON THAT HILL.
Leona (Kenya)
I actually googled it and Lion King takes place in Kenya which is a country in the eastern part of Africa. For obvious reasons since he is based off Scar it made sense to make him Kenyan.
Ruggie (Multiracial)
I may get a lot of heat for this one, but this man got blonde ass hair and blue eyes, HOWEVER for the geography of spotted Hyena's I feel he is light skinned. He's got some Kenya in him but he also got some white genes. Geography wise I believe he is also part Arab since there are Arab countries in Africa. So therefore I believe he is white, black, and Arab.
Jack (Bircial)
Another one I may get a lot of heat for.
From what I remember Jack is from the same country as Vil? So, I believe Jack is part black, but also part European. It also isn't explicitly stated what movie he is from we just know he is a wolf.
Pop off Jacob Black (not sorry)
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Azul (Cuban) + The Twins (Filipino)
I googled Coral Sea locations and I came to these conclusions.
There are different Coral reefs going from Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, and Maldives. With the Twins I thought how funny would it be to make them Australian, but Filipino just kind of felt right like a gut feeling. The Carribean sea also has coral reefs so I made Azul Cuban. I was going to make him Venezuelan however I ended up going with Cuban, but I feel like both fit him in a way.
Jamil + Kalim (Arab)
I don't really think this one needs an explanation Aladdin quite literally takes place Agrabah which was based off of Baghdad, Iraq (source: Google)
There is an article that says the Architecture is based on the Taj Mahal which is Indian.
There is also a mention of Allah in the animated version BUT because I don't fully understand religion in general (And also Disney back then was kind of racist) I don't want to use religion as a justification to where specifically they are from. So I will simply just say they are Arab.
Vil (German)
Snow white was based in Germany. (I have nothing more to say :Skull:)
Rook (French)
Self explanatory
Epel (Sami)
The Sami People are people who are indigenous to Sapmi which is in Northern Europe. (Todays Russia, Sweden, Finland, and Norway).
From doing a bit of research the Sami people seem to be dying out and their language too. (If you want to feel free to Google the Sami people there's a lot to learn about them and it's really interesting. There was basically a bunch of policies put in place to kill them and mistreat them it's really sad)
So in short Epel is Sami Indigenous (If I'm correct he's the first Indigenous character we got so far which is nice representation) (I also hope my research was correct please correct me if not)
Idia (Greek)
Based on where Hercules takes place and because Hades is quite literally Greek Mythology he is Greek.
Ortho is just a robot, but when he didn't drop dead he was Greek.
Malleus (German/French)
I am not really getting a clear answer as to where Sleeping Beauty takes place so I made him a French German. He slayed tbh
Lilia (Romanian)
Dracula's castle is in Romania that is the only explanation you are getting
Silver (French/German)
I am being told he is based off Sleeping Beauty so I am making him the same race as Waka Sama.
Sebek (Biracial)
When I first was thinking of a race for him I was thinking Slavic kind of fits him (atleast to me) or possibly Asian. However I had a really hard time guessing so I made him SlavicAsian. Maybe possibly Slovakia and Vietnam?
If you enjoyed Likes and Reblogs are very much welcome. If you want to request something go ahead just read my rules first. <3
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rougepancake · 1 year
Do you still take request? I want prompt 20 with Silver wolf(I love her so so much), and kafka. Thank you!
Prompt 20 - “If you die, I’m going to kill you.”
Ft. Silver Wolf and Kafka
Warnings: Mentions of violence, slight gore??. Other than that you’ve got nothing to worry about. Not Proofread.
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“Hey! Look out!” You called, your body tensing up as you pulled the controller closer to your body, holding back a yelp as the monster that had been chasing you on screen finally caught up to you.
You didn’t know what to do. You’ve never played this game before. Do you ask Silver Wolf for help? Well… she is right beside you… and she is on the same team as you right now…
But would it be worth it?
“Hey uh…”
“I got it.” Her character appeared beside you and instantly killed the monster that had been following you. She let out an amused sigh and smirked at her screen, relishing in the items it dropped.
“Wow. How did you do that so fast?” You looked away from your game and over at Silver Wolf, who’s gaze was still fixated on her screen.
“I’m just that good.” She shrugged and met your gaze briefly.
When you turned back to the game, the monster had reappeared once again, and Silver Wolf’s character was nowhere to be seen. You jerked the controller and did your best to fight it, however your character wasn’t anywhere near as strong as hers.
“W-Woah-“ You gasped, barely dodging one of its attacks.
“Y/n.” Silver Wolf’s character appeared on the screen again. “If you die, I’m going to kill you.” She paused. “And then some.”
You didn’t know what she was planning, but you trusted her. If she was confident in her actions, then you would be too. It was only right that you did.
She was going to leave you with Silver Wolf and take Blade with her. That meant that you and Silver Wolf were in charge of making sure their journey would go smoothly, and if it didn’t, then it would fall back on you harshly.
There were serious consequences for when things don’t go according to plan.
You would know.
People die if they stray off the planned route.
“And yes we’ll need to keep up with those two, they’ll be watching us for sure.”
“We cannot afford to be caught by The Xianzhou Luofu. This is an in and out mission.”
She stopped and looked at you, her mouth hanging open slightly as if she planned to pick up her sentence as soon as you finished speaking. For whatever reason, it made you more anxious.
“If you die, I’ll kill you.” You gave her a stern look, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it to emphasize your words.
“Oh Y/n.” She chuckled. “People like us cannot be killed so easily.”
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heyo-428 · 10 months
ACFTL Sneak Peak (Well, now I guess it’s a leak) Chapter Thoughts:
Spoilers below!!
This isn’t proofread if something is confusing please ask me in the replies for clarification
- The dedication to “anyone who ever wanted a second chance” is… almost ominous. On one hand it seems it’s like just a normal dedication but on the other it’s almost as if it’s a warning. Like Stephanie’s trying to warn a person who wants a second that it’s not always gonna end well.
- The story from the beginning about doorknobs was told before I believe and I think emphasizing this again is to allude to her ability to open doors with her blood. Will she figure this out again on her own? The doorknobs to what is rumored (The rumor’s probably true) to be the Valor children’s rooms in Wolf Hall spoke to her.
- Evangeline being absolutely lost is actually so sad to me. While I was reading the second page and it said she was feeling as if she couldn’t breathe I actually started to cry a bit. She’s in an unfamiliar location with no clue how she got there, when she got there, why she’s there.
- Her last memory is her father dying. 😭
- She doesn’t remember anything about Apollo but does remember there was something important she needed to say to someone. She doesn’t remember but it’s that she needs to tell Jacks she loves him. She slightly remembers Jacks even though she’s not able to attach a name to it. (I’m latching onto any hope I can)
- “Your memories were stolen by someone who’s been trying to tear us apart” Apollo if you don’t shut your ass up.
- “…and over his heart was a vibrant tattoo of two swords in the shape of a heart with a name in the center: Evangeline.” I CACKLED. THATS SO BAD 😭 IM DYING FROM SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT. She doesn’t really want you Apollo please give up.
- Apollo says that the marks on his back was the price he paid to return from Hell. Also the price Evangeline payed for your stupidity when you decided to get tortured😐 Who even tortured him? Or was it like done on purpose to have a story for why he came back. Doubt it’s the ladder because the curse wasn’t having him thinking right.
- Okay so Apollo’s not lying when he says Jacks put him in a suspended state but, Apollo, PLEASE calm down it’s not that deep. AND STOP LYING JACKS WOULD NEVER INTENTIONALLY HURT EVANGELINE
- Out poor boy Jacks is gonna have a difficult time in acftl 😭
- “You’re looking at me differently” he’s acting like she shouldn’t be…
- No Eva :((((( you didn’t trade your memories to be with him :(((( HE STOLE THEMMMM
- He makes her go back with him and then almost instantly leaves her. She is left as a shadow of herself because of him and he leaves her in her room to go handle matters. Like PLEASE how does Evangeline think this is okay.
- I- Stephanie please stop with mentions of arrows it reminds me of the fact Jacks is the Archer and what he’s been through (this is obviously why she’s doing this and i love and hate her for it)
- Wonder which door handles belong to which of the Valor children’s rooms. If what the rumors say is true. Feel like the one shaped like a dragon is Dane because he was a shifter and the one story LaLa told about him picking her up as a dragon or something. I’m not sure about the fairy wing one or wolf head with crown (maybe Aurora??) because we don’t know a lot about the Valor’s besides the basics. I am very excited to learn more though, they have a very interesting story.
- The fact Evangeline’s having to relive the grief she felt over the death of her parent’s because she doesn’t know it wasn’t very recent (thanks to her memories being stolen) is so tragic. I feel terrible for her :( It’s terrible having both your parents die but to have to deal with the grief twice?
- The door handles speaking to her is crazy because if I remember right known of the others ever did. I wonder why they do that. Probably because they’re old and from a family of people with magical gifts lmao. Plus Eva is literally a part of a prophecy connected to them. It’s gonna have some importance (hopefully)
- Really looking forward to learning again (or hopefully remembering) that she can open doors with her blood.
- Wait crazy theory, what if Stephanie’s making references to things from ouabh and tbona throughout the whole book? Like important things Evangeline forgot? That’s a bit of a stretch but I am writing this at 1 am so
- A few things have happened that are almost like deja vu/repeating history moments. If you think about it, it’s happened a lot throughout the books too. I’ll make a more in depth post on this at a later point.
- The maid Martine seems important. I don’t know what yet but there’s something. How could he just have moved so quickly from the Meridian Empire?? Something isn’t adding up especially her pause in speaking.
- “Her heart still hurt as if it had been broken” This is so sad Stephanie will be expecting many therapy bills after this book.
- It’s so upsetting that Evangeline can’t remember anything like our poor girl :(
- I don’t like this doctor but the helpers are odd
- Wait Evangeline is 17. I guess it makes some sense but like wow that’s crazy.
- I still really hate that reporter guy he’s annoying.
- Who is Yrell really because like why did they shut Telma up? There’s gotta be some reason.
- Okay okay the reporter guy just… disappeared? Like it was super quick too. wtf? How? Probably reading too much into this but how does he just disappear. It’s not like it would take a while to read that card there was nothing on it practically and then he just is gone.
- “He would carry her through more than freezing water” Eva darling that’s not Apollo that’s Jacks please remember 😭😭
- Apollo you are a monster not Jacks so stop lying. You removed Evangeline’s memories, you literally hunted her down and I do not care if you were cursed Jacks got over it before.
- He makes me SO mad. How can he so easily lie??
- He’s selfish to think a ton of people would make him monuments and stuff. Apollo you haven’t even done anything grand to help the people (that we know of) why would they do that?
- Who else knows Apollo took her memories? He says that someone does but that he won’t have to worry about them soon. No one else was right there and able to know? Right? I thought they were all in the Valory. It can’t be Jacks because it goes on to talk about Jacks directly after and it’s in a different manner.
- Crazy idea, what if because Apollo knows the Valor’s are out he thinks the one who’s able to see the future (Think his name is Vesper I don’t feel like looking right now) knows what he did 👀 I doubt it but.
- Apollo’s really upset over Jacks being better that he’s making reporter guy make his crimes uglier until he’s caught. He wants his name synonymous with vile, Apollo, you are synonymous with vile please shut the fck up <3
- Was it previously mentioned that the Great Houses have a council? I don’t think so but that makes sense I guess.
- Them talking about Luc attempting to steal the throne and calling him a whelp 💀 Where’d he run to? Back to Chaos’s? Kinda doubt that they have issues because Luc won’t listen to him or something. Wonder where he’s at and if he’s gonna be important this book.
- So funny to me that Wolfric Valor just shows up and is under the house of “Vale” like whose idea was that? It’s like the worst disguise ever Vale and Valor sound the exact same.
- How does Apollo know the Valor’s aren’t really dead? Unless it’s a secret that everyone in the Arcadian family line kept because Wolf Hall used to be the Valor’s.
- Am I the only one who doesn’t like Wolfric that much? I get bad vibes.
- Plus the whole betrothing his daughter to a dude named VENGEANCE
- I know he didn’t exactly know his name before betrothing her but you think he would’ve been like “uhm maybe not” HIS NAMES VENGEANCE I MEAN HE CAN’T BE GOOD
(Sorry had to rant about that because that whole story is absolutely wild to me)
- Who tf is Byron Belleflower. Like I know who he is he’s some lord but like who tf is that??
This whole thing probably doesn’t make sense I’m sleep deprived
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sunshowerwriting · 2 months
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vincent x david (redacted audio)
being moon bound during a summer solstice was never fun, but vincent was having an especially bad time. luckily for him, david was here to help.
vincent may be a tad out of character, so sorry in advance if he sounds a little weird!
requested by: @broke-art-girl
lowercase intended. not proofread.
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solstices were never easy. especially summer solstices when you were moon bound. david and vincent knew this all too well. they had both gone through many solstices before they started dating, and this wasnt even their first together. that didnt change how much they sucked though.
vincent was having an especially bad time. if you asked him today, he would absolutely say this was the worst hes felt in his entire (undead) life. he was hot, he had a headache, his whole body was achy, and worst of all he was so hungry that he thought he was going to die of starvation at any moment.
perhaps he was being a tad dramatic, but he certainly didnt feel good.
he thought he was alone in his home. he was simply going to suffer in his nice plush bed, withering away to nothing and perhaps quietly crying to himself until sleep overtook him. that wasnt the case however. in his moment of pain and discomfort vincent must have missed the door to his home opening and a familiar wolf entering.
vincents lack of awareness bit him in the back when his bedroom door opened, making the vampire jolt upright with all of the strength he could muster. even in his current state there is no way he was going to go down without a fight. luckily for him there was nothing to worry about and the “intruder” was a much more welcome guest than he initially thought.
“david?” vincent said quietly.
“jumpy much?”
david gave a strained smile, clearly dealing with his own issues this solstice. the smile was appreciated though and vincent slowly started to calm down from his previous state of panic.
“what are you doing here?” vincent asked.
david shrugged, kicking off his shoes and coming to sit next to vincent.
“thought we could both use the company on a day like this.”
at the response, vincent flopped back against his bed, looking anywhere but david. his previous discomfort was coming back quickly, but now with david here there was an added layer. dont get me wrong, vincent was happy for the company, misery loves company and all that. but his hunger was starting to overtake him, and even though his senes were not the best on the solstice david was starting to smell like quite the treat.
out of the corner of his eye, vincent saw david raise an eyebrow at him. vincent huffed and raised his own eyebrow at david.
“are you alright?” david asked as gently as he could muster.
vincent made a displeased noise. “as alright as i can be given the circumstances.”
“well obviously. but it seems like its more than that.”
vincent sighed. david was bound to know one way or the other. he might as well come clean now. his very tasty partner could possibly help even. one way or the other.
“the solstice is kicking my ass… and… i havent eaten in a while so-“
vincents words were cut off with a displeased noise from david.
“take a bite.”
he spoke quickly, adjusting his shirt so vincent could get a better angle of his neck.
“you dont have to do this, i know the solstice has gotta be kicking your ass too.”
“it wasnt a request.”
with a very brief pause for vincent to contemplate this decision, he say up and buried his face into the werewolf’s neck.
“thank you david.”
with his quiet mumble vincent sunk his fangs into the other mans neck. the taste of his blood was enough to make the vampire go mad and for once on this horrible day a feeling of comfort washed over him.
davids hands came to rest on vincents back comfortingly. weather it was for his or vincents comfort was unknown but they stayed like that, holding each other for much longer than was necessary for vincent to feed.
more than just getting a drink from his lover, the comfort of being in each others arms was enough to make this day just a bit better.
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class-1b-bull · 11 months
class B with a friend/SO who loves to draw and paint? and is really creative
thank you 🙏
lord and saviour provider of 1B content
have a nice day :)
Thank you so much! Have a great day! <3
Also I leaned more towards the SO side on some of these but it could still be either or!
Not proofread we die like men.
Awase -
He LOVES watching your creative process when drawing and painting. If you start to pull out your sketch book or whatever he will try to look over your shoulder. Loves drawing little smiley faces in the corners of your art.
Sen -
His entire social media page is pictures of you, random ass scenery and your art work. Every time you finish a piece hes practically running to go take a picture of it. Hes so proud and it shows.
Kamakiri -
Honestly didnt care for the art at first until one day you doddled him or his favorite bug or something on a random piece of paper you found and now he adores your art. He doesent show it but he goes over the moon when you ask him what to draw
Kuroiro -
Hes really edgy about it. Everytime he sees you painting hes just like. "The jet black on the tip of your brush is represents my darkness tainting you, who is the pure white canvas..." or smthn and your just like "actually the background is just black on this one..." please let him be poetic.
Kendo -
Loves seeing the finished product but she loves it more if you show her the ugly stage first so she can see how much changed! She just loves watching your process and how each piece changes over time
Kodai -
She has a few pictures youve drawn hanging in her room but other than that shes not very interested in the actual process. She does like going shopping for supplies with you tho.
Komori -
The two of you make 3d art pieces together. You paint a painting and she grows mushrooms on the sides of it or on the canvas itself to make it look like pop up art <3
Shiozaki -
"$100 to paint jesus" she loves your art! If you ask her for suggestions theyre all gonna be either religion related or scenery because thats just what she likes the most. Shes also one of your biggest supporters!
Shishida -
He loves your art and he makes sure your at your best when painting! Thirsty? He'll make some tea or get you a glass of water. Hungry? Hes already making a sandwich. If youre about to accidentally drink your paint water he will point it out to you before you can.
Shoda -
Hes not one for art but he likes to help any way he can! If you ran out of a specific color he will go right to the store for you. Hes also getting your favorite drink while hes there just so you dont get thirsty!
Pony -
Theres two wolfs inside of her. One is saying to keep all of your amazing art forever. And the other says to watch people bid for it on e bay (with your permission) and sell it to the highest bid. No matter what she is always supportive of your art!
Tsubaraba -
Hes known to be a bit of a perv so if you do nsfw commissions, his wallet will always be empty.. even if you dont though he adores your art! There is no more room in his room for your works.
Tetsutetsu -
Has probably accidentally messed up some setting paint on a canvas and then grabbed a brush to try and fix it.... only making it worse. Poor dude almost cried when you caught him ngl. His life savings is going towards art supplies as an apology!
Tokage -
You two tag team every painting. Youre coming up with ideas while shes looking for good references. You say youll need some pink in a minute and shes already mixing it. Need paintwater cleaned or a pencil sharpened? Shes already doing it.
Manga -
You know that art challenge where you and a friend switch paintings every 10 minutes until your done painting, he LOVES doing those. He also just enjoys both of you silently drawing in the same room as eachother. The class fridge is full of you twos drawings.
Honenuki -
Anything that has your drawings on it he loves! Once you gave him a sticky note with a quick 15 minute drawing on it and he carries it with him EVERYWHERE! One of the pockets of his hero costume is that sticky notes dedicated pocket! After each drawing he will message your hand to stop any injurys from forming <3
Bondo -
Like Shishida, he just makes sure youre taking care of yourself while drawing or painting. What good is an amazing artist if your sick and cant draw.
Monoma -
"I could totally do that.." then you hand him the brush and suddenly he shuts up. Will talk shit about how easy art would be for him if he tried but he would fight anyone else that said it.
Reiko -
She coaxed you into drawing a creepy ghost once and she used her quirk to make it float and chase people around the dorms in the middle of the night. She now keeps that same painting on her wall <3
Rin -
I really like the idea of using his scales for textures idk why. Like imagine you just drag him away from whatever hes doing, you ask him to cover his arm in scales and you just start painting him yellow. He loves helping tho and if you ran out of room to store things in your room his dorm is always open!
When I was writing this I got a random flash back to me selling nsfw drawings to highschool students when I was in 5th grade. I dont remember what I charged but I ended up with about 2k by the end of the school year. :>
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atrwriting · 1 year
chapter nine: the wolf and the dragon (modern!gangleader!aemond x barowner!you)
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your favorite terror twins, back in action!
this is barely proofread we die like men
as always, warnings: alcohol usage, ED themes and practices, aemond is a dickhead
aemond caught his breath for a few moments while laying on you before he pulled himself off of you.
you both dressed your own person silently. since he finished, you hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the inevitable: where did this leave the both of you?
you couldn’t get over how fucking ridiculous you sounded asking yourself this. where does this leave us? what are we? he’s practically a prince of his family while having his own illegal deals on the side, and yells at you at your own bar which he probably thinks is his, too.
you never saw a soft side to aemond, so what were you to think?
you didn’t want to jump to conclusions, on either end of the severity spectrum. when you stood up, aemond laced a heavy hand on the middle of your back and led you toward the door.
“come on. i’m starving, and i hate strip clubs.”
there was no affection in his voice. just his usual dry, sort-of-aggressive tone. your heart fell at the sound of it.
you hopped on his bike, and you were off.
you didn’t think he would join you up the stairs to your apartment, but he did. you walked silently in front of him, leading the way.
“you said you were hungry?” you said, keeping the door open for him. “what’re you hungry for?”
“anything,” he grumbled. “fuck — i smell like a strip club.”
“you can shower if you want,” you replied, shrugging. “there are clothes in my bedroom.”
he didn’t reply. he just immediately went to the bathroom.
you swallowed thickly. what were you to do? pretend it didn’t happen?
you set to work quickly on dinner. you decided on steak, as aemond liked it last time. throwing together some sides was easy, but thinking while you were doing it? another story.
all you could think about was aemond. it was understandable why — he did give you the best lay of your life, after all — but suddenly you didn’t just seen him as the annoying, grumpy man who was scary and mean at times. you saw a side of him during sex that you never thought you’d see, let alone something he was capable of, that you couldn’t shake.
however… would you ever see it again? especially in a non-sexual sense?
that was the real question.
you were finishing up cooking while you were in deep thought. you didn’t realize aemond had entered the kitchen once more and stood behind you.
“you appear as if you’re stewing on something," he began, "and it does not appear to be the beef.”
you froze in place, biting your lip. your breath caught in your throat, but there he was — beginning the conversation. you had to respond.
“i’m…” you began. “i don’t really… know what to… i don’t know how to explain it -- i mean.”
“do you regret what occurred between us?” he asked. no emotion.
“no, i don’t regret it,” you said, turning around to face him. you reached behind you and grabbed the kitchen counter to lean on. “i just… i’m not a fan of casual sex. i’m not having sex with anyone else right now, and haven’t seen anyone since i took over the bar, so… i guess what i’m saying is… i don’t want to have sex again if it’s just going to be casual thing. i’m not saying i need a relationship to have sex with someone, but… s-sorry, i’m not good at these things… i don’t want only a friends with benefits type of thing, that i know.”
that was all he said. all of it. your breaths were shallow as you waited for him to possibly elaborate, share something — anything, fucking anything, but he didn’t. you just stared up at him with big, wide eyes and hoped he’d say something to salvage the situation.
you knew you were in deep shit when you realized you were hoping he’d say something.
but he didn’t. that was all he said in response. he looked down at you, expressionless, also frozen in place.
“is there…” you began, swallowing. “anything… you wanted to say…”
“not particularly, no.”
“okay, um…” you swallowed again, averting your eyes to anywhere besides his gaze. “we should… eat…”
you handed him his plate and some silverware and you both retreated to the couch. you both fell into the couch, but kept space between the two of you. it was hard to get comfortable against the cushions as your emotions kept you stiff. you tried to concentrate on the sitcom playing on the television, but their voices sounded like charlie brown adults talking in your head.
you didn’t understand how you were so down bad for a man that infuriated you most of the time and you only had sex with once. after you finished, you placed your dish on the coffee table and stated you were going to take a shower.
when you got out of the shower, about a half hour later, all of the plates were in the dishwasher, but there was no aemond. he had left you alone.
you knew you were fucked when your heart sank at the realization.
fucked. so fucked.
* * *
it was easy to throw yourself back into your work the next day. what use was there in dwelling on a man like aemond? you had a right to be upset and uncomfortable, sure, but how you felt was your own responsibility. if the world wasn’t going to stop for aemond targaryen, you wouldn’t either.
you couldn’t. you had a business to run.
by the time midday rolled around and a bodyguard hadn’t shown up, you figured aemond didn’t consider it important. you disagreed, especially after the fight the previous night between the sides of the family. you couldn’t tell if you were relieved he didn’t show up, but you didn’t have much time to consider whether or not you did… because he then walked in with the rest of the staff.
he took his usual seat at the bar and pulled out his phone, minding his own business and keeping to himself. when your staff had all filed to their stations, getting ready to open, you walked over to him.
“drink?” you simply asked, placing your hands on your hips. "food?"
“no, but my brother will most likely be when he gets here,” he responded without looking up, typing.
you swallowed, considering your options. “i’ll place an order for the infamous dream team when he gets here.”
and then you walked away.
it’s not like he didn’t care that you guys had sex… with the way he was acting, it was like it never happened at all.
a sour taste settled on your tongue when you thought more about the situation, stacking cups and wiping down counters. a few reasons and options went in and out of your head.
well, first off, you had told him you don’t do casual and, on top of that, stated that it wouldn’t happen again if it was just going to be something casual. that was the boundary you laid out on the table for him.
you weren’t exactly sure how he was taking it. he wasn’t even being rude to you like he normally was, just fucking vacant. he got under your skin like he was a bacteria, and yet for some reason… you wanted his banter back. this cold, distant feeling between the two of you was something you realized very quickly you did not want. you didn’t know how you were going to get rid of it, and you didn’t even know if you could, but you figured realizing that was at least a step in the right direction.
there was the possibility that he put this space between the two of you because he couldn’t give you what you did or didn’t want from him, and he knew that. you wanted to know if it was because he couldn’t or because he didn’t want to, but getting more words out of aemond targaryen was harder than getting an answer out of any of the seven gods.
unfortunately, it appeared as if you would have to wait for him to approach the situation. if he ever did.
nothing made your skin crawl more.
as the night drew on, you tried to lose yourself in you work as much as possible. once aegon arrived, appearing drunk, you threw two glasses in front of them and gave them an old bottle. you would’ve served them and stopped to talk to them, but the crowd tonight was busy and demanding. your staff was doing the best they could to fill the orders and take care of everyone, and you knew right then and there they would be receiving a large tip at the end of the night.
“marcos! can you throw two orders of fries and tenders on?” you yelled over your shoulder. “aegon’s here.”
“coming right up, boss!” he screamed back.
with a lull in orders and everyone eating, you busied yourself with finally wiping the bar down. the sour mix loved to leak, but closing was almost there. when the bell rang, you immediately grabbed the food and placed it in front of the brothers.
“i love you!” aegon yelled, folding his arms and laying his head on top of his forearm. he reached two fingers out to grab a fry.
“how are you already hungover?” you laughed.
“he’s not,” aemond said in a warning voice.
you scrunched your eyebrows at the drunk man. “aegon… are you going to be sick?”
“yes,” he groaned, back heaving with his breaths.
your eyes flicked over to aemond, who’s gaze was on his food as he ate quietly. “can you get him into the bathroom? i can come help soon, i just need to get someone out here first.”
aemond rolled his eye. “your bartender training didn’t teach you how to deal with drunks?”
you quirked an eyebrow. “get him into the bathroom, aemond.”
another eye roll. superb.
aemond grabbed his brother by the back of the jacket like he was a puppy. aegon’s eyes were droopy and closed with his mouth hanging open. the color in his face was off, but you couldn’t exactly place it. you bit your lip in anxiety.
“hey —,” you called into the kitchen. “can i get someone up front? sorry guys. i think someone’s going to be sick out here.”
“on it!” someone called.
you followed the two into the bathroom. aemond carelessly threw aegon to the floor, letting him lay down on the tile.
“cold,” aegon grumbled. “feels good.”
“you don’t look good,” you trailed off, staring at his face. “and, dude… it’s close to close. that floor is definitely sticky.”
“don’t care,” he grumbled once more, drooling. “cold.”
you placed your hands on your hips as your eyebrows scrunched in confusion and frustration. your eyes stared down at the helpless, drunken man, who was definitely a danger to himself and a liability for your business, and instinctively… your teeth sank into your bottom lip. you knew you only had one option.
“aemond…” you began. “i think we have to make him get sick.”
he huffed in annoyance as he stared down at his brother. “fucking imbecile…”
“i need to throw up,” aegon sputtered, his eyes drifting closed and open. “i can’t move.”
“can you help me?” you asked, glancing towards aemond.
you could see the anger rise in aemond’s eyes like he had reached some sort of breaking point. his jaw was clenched, a vein was sticking out in his neck, and his face began to turn red. “i’m leaving.”
when he went to exit the bathroom, you grabbed the fabric on his shoulder and twisted it in his hold. “you want to act like a bitch? fine. i don’t know what’s going on with you, but so help me god if you don’t help me help your brother, i will make you feel worse than he does right now, got it?”
he went to shove you away, but you held on.
“you can act like a bitch and leave after he’s taken care of,” you spat. “you got that deal because of me and my ass, my literal and metaphorical ass, alone. you owe me one. get on the floor and hold him up. now.”
his nose began to crinkle in annoyance as a mixture of reluctance, frustration, and defeat pulled at his iris. you were breathing heavily, using all of your strength to keep him in place and look as mad as you felt. you weren’t fucking playing around, and you needed him to know that.
“i'll hold him up, but the princess herself is sticking her fingers down his throat,” he settled. “and she owes me a fucking drink.”
tag list:
@hopebaker @iiamthehybrid @chainsawangel @okfashionista @wondergal @stickycrusadecollective @tssf-imagines
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thomine · 10 months
sheep in wolf's clothing | tartaglia
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RELATIONSHIP } tartaglia x reader
TAGS } teens and up audience, graphic description of violence, stabbing, blood, longevity au where humans do not die unless killed in a very specific way, not proofread
SUMMARY } in a world where humans are blessed with longevity, the only way to end a person's fate is to find their achilles heel. you know where childe's weakness is, but is that the real reason why he keeps you around?
WORD COUNT } 900 words
INFO } au august 2023, day 3 (tattoo) | more
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Everyone wears their heart on their sleeve, except it’s not always on the sleeve. Sometimes it’s behind the ear, under the forearm, on the neck… the spot of vulnerability marked by a small tattoo—find it, strike it, and the person, no matter how fast he heals, will fall. That is the law of this world.
“Look out!” you shout, hoping your desperate plea reaches the ginger who’s the epicentre of a fight in the alleyways. He ducks before the dude targeting him from behind could drive the knife through his spine. He finds the blade stuck in his neck instead, and in that moment their eyes meet, the ginger, Childe, grins.
In the attacker’s last attempt to turn the tides, he grabs onto Childe’s collar and tugs. The buttons come loose, exposing a chest clean of scars, and, most importantly, a mark.
Childe lets the man gawk before buttoning up his polo shirt, eyes glowing with danger as he takes a step closer. He grabs onto the chin of the attacker, twisting his head enough to silence an oncoming scream.
“Bingo,” Childe mutters when he notices a tattoo just above the man’s collarbone. It has been covered with makeup, but the constant flow of sweat has thinned the layer. He rips the knife from his neck, barely wincing, and presses it on the mark.
The man falls limp in Childe’s arms and is then tossed to the ground to add to the scene of bodies littered around him.
You close your eyes, unsure how to feel after witnessing all that and growing numb to it. Your partner (it’s complicated) glides towards you with pride puffed in his chest. He slings his arm over yours and gives his thanks as usual.
“Now, where were we?” Although there are traces of blood on his clothes, the wound closed as if he wasn’t just stabbed. His fingers grace over your left chest where your tattoo hides while you place your hands on his back, just above his hips. His touch drives a tingling sensation throughout your body—you hope yours reminds him of his weakness too.
“You said you were going to show me something,” you reply, trying to keep up with his strides. “That… wasn’t it… right?”
Childe chuckles and grabs your hand before he quickens his pace and shoves you in position.
“Follow me,” he says, pulling you along with him as he pushes past bystanders rushing towards the crime scene.
Some would call you Childe’s lover with how he always has you around. Others might look at you pitifully, aware of the way he holds your hand like a leash. Those who have seen you grown understands it’s nothing unusual. Since you were both kids, Childe would take the lead and you’ll watch his back.
“Childe,” you mumble, trying not to fumble this rise in emotion gnawing in your chest. “Ajax,” you say firmly, and it’s only then does he pause to consider your voice.
“We’re almost there.”
“Who were those guys first.”
Childe shrugs. “They’re dead.”
You sigh, squeezing his hand. “You know that’s not what I want to hear.”
He stops in his tracks. “If it’s your safety your concerned about, I’ve added a fake mark on you to throw them off guard. But have I ever let you down while defending your front?”
“I’m worried for your safety—”
“I have you,” he concludes. “I’ll always have you.”
He stops in his tracks. Just ahead is a quaint coffeeshop with neon signs and vines climbing up its walls. It sits snugly among the high-rise buildings of the city. It would have been a delightful sight to see if not for Childe’s towering stubbornness you’re forced to face.
“You said you wanted to try this coffee store, didn’t you?” he quips as he drags you towards the entrance. “
“With my other friends,” you correct. “You know how they feel about you.”
“Will there be a difference?”
“No…” you lower your gaze although there’s nothing to hide. Childe hardly ever turns and stares into your eyes. It’s a privilege only his enemies share with him.
“You’re getting tired of me, aren’t you?”
When you raise your head, you’re surprised to find him tilting his face to look at you. It catches you off guard when you remember that the spark his eyes held like a guiding star has vanished.
You take in a deep breath.
“No, Childe. You’re getting too comfortable with a version of me I am not.”
He emits a single blow of air; the birth of a laughter that could not finalise itself.
“Who am I to you?” you add, steeling your feet to the ground even if he’s pulling you along.
“Must we settle it now?”
“I can’t let you continue pulling me around, can I?” you probe. He glowers. “All I ever wanted was for you to actually face me, but because you have enemies on the hunt for your death, I was just a piece to advance your goals. Have you ever thought about what I wanted?”
He points to the café in front.
“You aren’t listening,” you say.
“It is not the right time.”
“Then when is? You’re always being chased by people. Don’t you think I’m tired of seeing you get hurt?”
“Do you think I’m that weak?”
“You know what? Maybe you are, and you know that deep down. I never needed someone to look out for me because I can see my mark clearly. But you—your weakness is out of sight. Why else would you so desperately cling to me?” You lift your intertwined hands. Even in such an awkward position, his back remains the main thing you see of him.
He is quiet.
“You don’t know what dangers lurks in the shadows,” he says before he looks ahead. “I’m doing it for us.”
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novelmonger · 2 months
Book Review: Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer
Recommended by @sailforvalinor for the 2024 Book Rec Exchange
Premise: When she was a child, Echo Alkaev tried to save a white wolf from a bear trap, but when it escaped, it slashed her face with its claws and scarred her terribly. Ashamed of her scars and the way everyone stares at her and whispers about her, Echo tries to be content with living out her days simply helping her father with his bookstore, hiding away from the world. But then one winter her father goes missing, and she finds him lying half-dead in the snowy forest. The very same wolf who wounded her appears before them, offering to save her father's life--if she will agree to live with him in his house for a year. She agrees, and goes to live with a talking wolf in a magical house filled with impossibilities. And there is one more rule she must follow: At night, she must sleep in the same room as the wolf, but she must never light the lamp and look at his face.
Quote that should have been on the back of the book: "'The power to save him is in your grasp,' said the wolf. 'Choose. Come with me now--or let your father die.'"
Thoughts: So basically this is like Beauty and the Beast + Cupid & Psyche + a whole bunch of other myths/fairy tales...in Russia! With wolves! And lots of books! I loved it right away, because I'm an absolute sucker for anything related to Beauty and the Beast, and I love wolves. I can guarantee that if I read this when I was a teenager, I would have been absolutely feral about it. And even now, I still had a great time with it! It really captures that fairy tale feel, with inexplicable, impossible magic like the book-mirrors and old curses that can only be broken with the power of love. I think because of that, the book kept on making me think of Diana Wynne Jones and Studio Ghibli.
I have to admit, I got so wrapped up in the Beauty and the Beast parallels through the majority of the book that I almost forgot the Cupid and Psyche elements! But then those elements came in at the last minute, suddenly changing the whole trajectory of the book and going in a direction I wasn't expecting (and changing the very style in which it was written!). But that's the way of some fairy tales too, and I loved all the plot twists. There were several moments in Part Two that were seriously epic, and I even ended up crying at the end - which I was not expecting to do!
One negative thing I'll say is that the book felt strangely...unedited? Or like it needed one more proofreading pass, at least. I found a frankly embarrassing amount of typos for a published book, sometimes as much as one or two words that were missing entirely. There were also a couple moments where a character would more or less repeat what had been said right before, without acknowledgement that it had already been said. It just felt like Meyer had written a second draft of the scene and forgotten to remove the first-draft stuff. Nothing story-breaking or too confusing, but it got rather distracting at times. Maybe I just got the first edition and a later edition would iron out those wrinkles?
But on the plus side, I have to give Joanna Ruth Meyer mad props for writing a truly excellent Actually Strong Female Character. Her strength of will and the things she's willing to endure for love were truly inspiring. She didn't have to learn how to use flashy magic or wield a sword to demonstrate her strength (though she does learn quite a lot about magic and does some fencing). She loves books and music, she longs to be beautiful and to just settle down comfortably with a family who loves her. She's basically the opposite of the annoying "girlboss" trope...and yet she is so strong. She would walk to the ends of the earth, endure excruciating pain, and never let go of the people she loves, because her strength comes from her compassion and love. I absolutely adore that. We need more stories like this one.
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myewten · 2 years
- a Tagalog term that describes getting absolutely shit face drunk
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Enhypen hyung line reaction to seeing you ride a mechanical bull
: alcohol, this literally just sexual tension and mentions of male masturbation, exhibitionism??
A/N : I've been itching to write this idea when I saw this vid on porn hub and here now here we are
No proofreading, I die like a man
Comment or send an ask if you have ideas and to be tagged in future parts!!
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You had just broken up with your now ex boyfriend Nicholas. You weren't really that hung up about but it did present you with very good excuse to finally live the college life that was portrayed in movies and not just the endless torture that you were experiencing.
you: are we still on for Saturday??
Rina: yeah, meet at chae's?
Gaeul: 9pm?
Chaewon: yeah and wear something slutty y/nie😛
Ryujin: wanna borrow some of my clothes?
you: can I get a please before you treat me like a common whore? I mean I'll do it but still 😀
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Saturday came faster than expected that you didn't realize you were already getting pushed into chaewon's bathroom to get dressed in a black and white lacy camisole dress that honestly looked like it belonged on a Victoria's secret mannequin. You take a look at yourself in the mirror and get stunned at how hot you looked even though the dress was out of your comfort zone. The dress accentuated all the right places and showed a lot of cleavage in addition to its short length. 'nothing a cardigan can't fix, could use a necklace though'
You walk out the bathroom and immediately hear the wolf wistles of ryujin and the flirty comments of Karina.
"You sure you ain't into girls?"
"I'll tell winter you said that to me."
"Bitches it's almost 11 and we aren't even ready yet so chop chop."
After chaewon's instructions you and the girls finished getting ready before pre-gaming with some of chaewon's mom's pink gin to fully prepare yourselves for the night that was to come.
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Heeseung was casually taking a sip of some Tanduay ice and looking around the roudy old western style club as he wasn't planning on getting drunk. Automatically getting assigned as the designated driver being the eldest and the only one out of the five roommates that actually had a car. Jay was beside and was slightly tipsy but sober enough to hold a decent conversation with strangers that he randomly talked to. Jake and sunhoon however...for lack of better words are completely trashed.
Jake was currently on the dancefloor dancing with girls he didn't even get a fuck about. They weren't you but they'll do for the moment. Sunghoon however was currently making out with a girl he met 30 minutes ago by the men's restroom which happens to be near the mechanical bull that was an attraction of the night club.
The four had decided to go out and get drunk in order to cope with the stress of finals and their mutual unrequited feelings towards you that they all accidentally found about. They had their own ways to cope that you would never look at them the way that they looked at you. The four had thought that without the presence of your boyfriend you might finally pick up the very obvious signs that they like you sexually and romantically for some.
But to their dismay, you had proudly announced your plan for the next couple months.
"fuck men and their commitment issues, only good thing about them are their dicks"
You didn't explicitly say it but that statement basically translates to "I'm not yet ready for a relationship so I'll just fuck around"
That then leads us to the present where your group finally entered the infamous night club and went straight to the v.i.p area that gaeul had acces to due to her older brother being a manager here. A round of shots was passed around before ryujin pulled you to the dance floor along with Karina. You felt your body let loose and get lost in the music. You were beginning to think that you were wrong when you said that the one party scene in euphoria was unrealistic now that you were kind of in a similar situation.
You were so lost in the moment that you didn't notice that your four roommates were also in the vicinity.
'so this was her "having a sleepover at chae's".'
'you really won't leave our minds alone, huh'
'why does this chick's breath smell like garlic— WAIT IS THAT Y/N!'
'i should fuck her in that dress'
You see gaeul and chaewon make their way through the crowd towards the three of you. "Having a bit too much fun without us now are we?"
Letting out a drunk giggle, you drag them to dance. You see in your peripheral vision some people leaving the dancefloor to go to a more lit up corner of the club. You of course, get curious and check it out only to find out it was the mechanical bull that this place was famous for. You normally would've just watched the scene as various people were getting thrown off the machine but drunk you had different plans.
"HEY CHAE WASH ME RIDE THIS BISTCH!~" were you going to regret this tomorrow when you wake up not only with a hangover but also with bruises? Yes. But it looked like fun and it wasn't like you weren't used to riding stuff all the time.
This also happen to catch the attention of the four boys that have been secretly keeping an eye on you through the crowds.
Before the responsible ones can stop you, you were already lining up for your turn. You fail to realize that what you're currently wearing would surely expose your underwear due to the position that you'll be put on but whatevs is all you can say to the sliver of your sober self.
And before you know it you were being given a pink cowboy hat and guided in the little arena where the sleeping bull lays. The worker that you also deemed quite cute lifted you by your waist onto the bull, whispering a quick 'good luck, pretty' that was caught by the watchful gaze of heeseung.
You heard a certain song start to play and it was like you were possessed by the soul of Nicole Scherzinger. The bull started to move and so did your hips. You weren't just riding a bull, you were riding it. It was a scene straight out of an early 2000's music video. You felt everyone's eyes on you and for once it actually felt good. So good that you didn't realize your dress had ridden up to show your ass and white lacy underwear. The song eventually came to an end with the bull slowing down and making your friends cheer you on for a successful ride.
The four men stood there stunned at your performance, all with matching uncomfortableness in their pants. Jake didn't think of himself as a pervert but what else was he supposed to think about when his crush just did that. Sunghoon was no better either, praying to God for forgiveness because of all the thoughts that ran through his mind on what he wanted to do to you.
Jay and Heeseung however, had a different approach. They shared a glance at each other, understanding without saying anything that you were too drunk and needed to go home before you do something like that again. Of course they cared about your safety but they also couldn't stand the thought of other people looking at you the way that they did. You were too hot for your own good and that made the two immediately sober up.
You finally see the two of them when they approached your table. "𝐇𝚎𝕖! ᴊ𝒶ʸ! ᴡ𝒶𝒕𝒄ᕼ𝙪 𝘥𝗈Ⓘ︎ⁿ 𝖍ǝ🅡︎𝘦~"
You were definitely shit faced after not having drank for a long time as you can see.
"it's good that you guys are here, I was about to call for an Uber anyways."
"we can just drive you guys since I brought my car with me and I haven't drank much—"
"we won't fit in a sedan cause I'm assuming you're with the other simps, I'll take Karina and Gaeul with me and you can drop off Ryujin since her building's close to you"
You get passed off like a sack of potatoes to jay's arms by Karina which you drunkenly complain about. Ryujin was in a bit of better shape than you but was currently ranting about politics to heeseung who politely nodded along while trying to contact sunhoon and Jake to meet at the parking lot.
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When you got there with the help of the sturdy arms of Jay you see two figures waiting by the car and immediately recognize it as you favorite and least favorite roommates.
"𝘑ᗩⓀ︎ᵉᵉᵉ𝔂~" you immediately ran to the man while laughing at Sunghoon's face just because it's Sunghoon.
"Come on let's get in, you might freeze to death with what you're wearing." You all follow Heeseung's command and ryujin gets in the from seat as she was getting off first. That left the four of you to squeeze in the back seat of the civic. "Just sit on my lap so we aren't so cramped."
You mindlessly follow Sunghoon's order but sit on Jay's lap instead since he was in the middle and hand the most leg room for you. This left hoon slightly disappointed but that soon turned into irritation when he saw Jay's smug face at the corner of his eyes. However Jay's smile soon faded when you wiggled around to get comfortable on his lap and leaning back so you were flush against his chest. Okay, so you may or may not be that drunk and using this situation to test out the waters between you and your roommates but that details aren't important. Not when you feel jay's rapid heartbeat against your back and his growing erection against your barely covered ass.
This led you to not realize that you were already at Ryujin's street. "Jake switch to the front once Ryujin gets off so you guys are more comfortable back there"
It was a heroic sacrifice in the eyes of Sunghoon, a sacrifice that will finally get you off of his friend's lap and calm his jealous ego. Jake however was slightly disappointed but felt it was worth it, just for you and Jay to finally separate and not make him suffer anymore. Once Ryujin got off with Jake getting out the door and making sure she got inside her building safely, the four of you began your journey to your lovely home.
The only sound that you can hear inside of the car was the sound of the road and the car itself since everyone forgot to turn on the radio and it would be too awkward to ask for the aux when you guys are already five minutes away. You see your building and let out a light sigh of relief because you were starting to feel the adrenaline wear out of your system after your stunt with Jay.
'Another late night "shower" for me then'
You guys finally reach your flat with Jake accompanying you in case you trip despite having drank a lot himself. He still insisted to make sure you get to shower first and drank some water before he lead you to your room once you were already in your pajamas and fresh out the shower.
But you were stopped when you heard him call your name in a tone that you can't describe. You turn your body to face him and slightly tilt your head to ask why he called for you.
He suddenly got close to your face to look into your eyes but stopped when he saw the look of panic that washed through your face. He then smirked and got close to your right ear before whispering something that will definitely be in your wet dreams for the next week or so "thank you for the show, sweetheart."
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taglist: @parkhonnie @lix-freckle3 @yoswagmuffin @mxlkywxy05 @muffinminnie @enhasengene @heeyounext @arizejkt19 @nshmrys @happyasakura @wonsieur @zerasari
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catboygirlboss · 2 years
The Wolf Who Cried Boy
no proofreading we die like warriors
why write the actual book when i can write fanfiction about it? 🥴🥴🥴🥴 hope y’all like this expansion of aidans character!! im trying really hard to write it in a way that’s accurate to who he is but this bitch is so difficult to write lmao hope you enjoy!!!
Summary: Aidan is pursued by a hunter while in wolf form. How will he get out of this one?
Characters: Aidan, Elsie, Keith (briefly) Emilio, Jenny, Mikayla, Alexis
Warnings: gunshot wounds, technically animal harm? complicated, hospital, cop discussion, and some existential crisis at the end! i think that’s it but lemme know if i missed anything!!
Word count: 2,631
Aidan released a breath as he transformed, hair growing all across his body, canine ears sprouting from his head, his face stretching into a muzzle. The process was painless, but uncomfortable. Being in the body of a wolf was taxing on his brain, as it didn’t know how to handle such a feeling, but regardless, it was worth it.
He took off running into the darkness, traversing amongst the trees. He felt the wind in his fur, tickling his skin as he ran. He felt powerful, as though nothing could stop him.
Wolves have a weakness, though. Hunters.
Aidan yelped and hit the ground. Pain radiated across his left front leg. He whimpered as he tried to stand. It was no use.
I may have to transform back, he thought. But I’ll be naked, fuck that.
He tried once more to stand, balancing more on his right side than his left. He began walking back from where he came, needing to return to the Riker Institute.
He heard a rustling from behind him and picked up his pace. Some voices trailed through the air but he couldn’t pick up on what they were saying. As they got closer, their voices became clearer.
“I don’t wanna!” a young boy cried.
“It’s in pain now, you know that, right?” an older voice said. “Put it out of its misery!”
“I can’t!”
“You took the first shot, now take the last one.”
“I thought one shot would be enough, I didn’t sign up for this!”
“Then give me the gun!”
Aidan needed to transform. He needed to show these people that he was human. He didn’t like that he would be naked, but what other choice did he have? If he died he would transform back and be both naked and dead. It wasn’t a worthy hill to die on.
He focused as best he could on his human form, but found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t transform. He was stuck like this. How could he possibly get out of this alive?
The father and son were still arguing over the gun. Aidan stopped and turned just as the son began to hand it to his father.
He didn’t know what else to do.
He lunged at the gun and grabbed it in his mouth. A shot fired.
Aidan felt numb across his entire body, his ears ringing from the sound of gunfire. He froze in place, waiting for the pain to sink in.
It never did.
The father fell to his knees.
Aidan dropped the gun.
The son rushed to his father’s side, seeming to forget about the wolf that stood before them. Aidan didn’t know what to do.
So he ran.
As fast as he could on three legs, he ran.
He reached the clearing where his backpack sat with clothes to change into once he transformed back. His head was too cloudy to even try now.
Did he just kill a man?
No, did he just kill a man and flee the scene?
He was starting to get dizzy, either from the shock or the blood loss. He looked down at his mangled leg. Big mistake.
Seeing it only made the pain more real. He began to whimper and whine as his vision blurred. He fell to the ground on his side, and everything faded away.
He awoke, still in his wolf form. He saw a bright light and wondered if he was dead. Then he smelled the overly sterile scent of a hospital.
No, a veterinarian’s office.
Who took him to a vet and why? Could vets even operate on wolves? He supposed the biology was similar, but wolves were wild animals.
That’s when he noticed the muzzle over his snout.
“Easy, easy,” a gentle, feminine voice hushed. “It’s alright, you’re safe.”
Aidan whimpered.
“I know it hurts, but you’re safe, it’s okay.”
The vet paused for a moment before leaving, but she was close enough for Aidan to pick up her words with his advanced hearing.
“Surgery went well, and he should be better in a couple weeks. Once he’s healed, we’ll release him back into the wild.”
Back into the wild? No, he needed to get back to the Riker Institute. If they took him to the wild, there was no telling where he’d be. He would likely be lost.
“Thank you for letting us know.”
Was that… Elsie?
“Yeah, we were really worried.”
And Keith?
“Of course,” the vet assured them. “If you’d like, you can write down your phone numbers and I can let you know if anything happens.”
Yeah, like if I turn into a human, Aidan thought.
He focused on his human form, trying his best to transform. His head was pounding and his vision was swimming. Why could he not turn back?
Last night it made sense, he was too panicked. Why now, though? Was he on too many wolf painkillers?
He passed out for a while and awoke in an outdoor pen. He was alone. Plenty of time for him to think about his actions.
Was that hunter okay? He hoped so. He couldn’t handle that kind of blood on his hands. Killing bad guys was one thing, but an innocent person? Aidan couldn’t stomach that.
The vet from before suddenly approached the pen, a smile on her face. “Hey. Feeling better?”
Not really.
“Got some guys from the Riker Institute here, and apparently one of their trainees went missing. An Earthmancer. An Earthmancer who likes running through the woods as a wolf. Know anything about that?”
A chill went down Aidan’s spine.
“Can you not transform back?”
Aidan shook his head.
“Why not?”
Aidan just stared up at her.
“Well, we should probably get you back where you belong, so you can be healed. Hopefully you’ll be able to turn back soon.”
The vet opened the door and let Aidan go, and she led him to where Emilio and Jenny were waiting.
“Aidan, you troublemaker,” Emilio teased. “How long were you gonna keep up the charade, hm?”
“He can’t seem to transform back,” the vet explained. “He’s stuck like this.”
“Interesting,” Jenny said. “Could it be a mental block? Caused by the gunshot wound, maybe?”
“Possibly,” Emilio agreed. “We’ll take it from here, Dr. Caulfield, thank you.”
“Take care.” She looked down at Aidan. “Especially you, Aidan.”
He felt almost embarrassed to be alive.
Aidan got in the back of the car, sleeping most of the way. Once they got back to the Riker Institute, he got out of the car.
“Something’s preventing you from shapeshifting,” Emilio said. “I don’t know what it is, but we’ll figure it out. Can you try again?”
Aidan nodded and sat in the grass. He focused all his energy on transforming. His skin tingled, but otherwise nothing.
“Maybe you need to heal first,” Jenny suggested.
“Injured Earthmancers can shapeshift if they choose to,” Emilio pointed out.
“Advanced Earthmancers. Graduated Earthmancers. Aidan’s only in his second year.”
“True. Alright, let’s bring you to a Starchaser for healing. Who has high marks in healing, do you know?” he asked Jenny.
“I’m not sure, maybe Erica would know? She’s the Starchaser trainer.”
“Let’s go find Erica, then.”
Aidan followed the two of them to Erica’s office, trying not to think about the stares he was getting. She told them that the trainee with the best healing abilities was Mikayla Dennison. Off they went to find Mikayla.
He was in his room with one of his roommates, Alexis. He saw Aidan and quickly grabbed his crutches, getting to his feet and stumbling backwards a bit.
“Is that a wolf?” he asked cautiously.
“Aw, cute!” Alexis cheered.
Aidan huffed.
“This is actually Aidan Bellcamp,” Emilio corrected. “He’s hurt and can’t seem to shapeshift back into human form. Would you mind healing him? We think it might help.”
Mikayla visibly relaxed. “Uh… alright! Sure, why the hell not.”
Aidan stepped forward and Mikayla sat on his bed. He set his crutches aside and held out a hand. Aidan placed his injured paw on his hand. He placed his empty hand on the gunshot wound, which began to tingle. After a few seconds, Mikayla let go, and removed the bandaging on his leg.
“There you go, good as new. You may still feel pain because of the body trying to, like, catch up with the healing. It still thinks there’s an injury, so it’s almost like a phantom pain. Hopefully you can turn back soon.”
Aidan placed his paw on the ground, finding it was still somewhat tense. He didn’t like that it still hurt, but at least he didn’t have a bullet wound now.
“Thank you, Mikayla,” Emilio said. “Come on, Aidan, let’s see if that worked.”
Aidan sat in the bathroom with a bag of his clothes beside him. He tried to transform back but nothing was working. It was hopeless. He was stuck like this forever.
He was stuck in the form that took a man’s life.
He relived the moment in his head over and over again. He was racked with grief. He just needed to know if that hunter was okay.
He put his paw on the handle and opened the door. He walked past Emilio and Jenny and headed for the front door, ignoring them as they called his name.
Jenny got in front of him. “Where are you going?”
Aidan huffed.
“I know communication isn’t easy right now, but you can’t just ignore us.”
Emilio stood by her side. “Yeah, let’s figure this out together.”
Aidan growled lowly. Teamwork made him sick.
He ran past them and managed to get the door open. He went back to the woods and began his search.
He walked through the woods in search of the father and son. He sniffed the ground, hoping their scent would stand out. He caught a whiff of something metallic and instantly knew what it was.
He followed the scent trail until he spotted the gun on the ground. He sniffed it, trying to pick up their scent. They went left.
He followed their scent all the way out of the woods and to the side of the highway. This was where the scent ended.
He should’ve been satisfied with the theory that this was where the ambulance picked them up and they were fine now. Of course he wasn’t.
He went back the way he came, trying to retrace his steps. He then encountered Emilio and Jenny.
“What are you looking for?” Jenny asked.
Aidan growled and grabbed her shirt, dragging her to the part of the woods where the gun was left. He nudged it with his nose to make sure they saw it.
“Is this the gun that shot you?” Emilio asked.
Aidan nodded.
“What happened last night?” Jenny asked.
“Someone went to the hospital last night with a gunshot wound,” Emilio said. “I saw it in the paper this morning… the hunter’s son claimed that a wolf tried to kill them both. I’m sure it was a misunderstanding, right?”
Aidan nodded.
“Maybe if Aidan knows the guy is fine, his mental block will go away. Maybe that’s what’s preventing the shapeshifting.”
“How do we do that, though?”
Elsie held the phone up to Aidan’s face so he could see the screen, which showed the hospital that Emilio and Jenny were visiting. They went up to the front desk and asked to see the hunter, whose name was Elton Prescott.
Aidan was nervous about this. What if he was in critical condition? What if he was barely hanging onto life?
Emilio and Jenny went to his room and opened the door. He was laughing. Laughing. His son was smiling along with him.
“Who are you?” Elton asked cautiously.
“We read about your injury in the paper and… felt like coming in to see how you were doing.”
“What, so you can call me a liar like the stupid cops did?” Elton’s son asked.
“Graham!” Elton reprimanded. “Mind your manners!”
“I’m telling you, Dad, cops are useless!”
Aidan liked this kid.
“What do they think you’re lying about?” Emilio asked.
“The wolf grabbed the gun from my hand!”
Aidan’s fur bristled.
“But the cops think otherwise?” Emilio asked.
“They think I shot my dad on purpose. Why would I do that?”
Aidan couldn’t help but growl. Fucking pigs.
“I’m fine, though,” Elton spoke up. “Let’s just… move on.”
Move on.
Aidan wasn’t just stuck in this form. He was stuck in the moment.
He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about what had happened since it happened. He needed to let it go so he could shapeshift back. How, though? Did he need to forgive himself for what happened? The problems started before Elton got shot, but it felt different now. Like he couldn’t move on.
He needed to forgive himself for getting Elton shot.
How does someone forgive themself? Aidan had never had to do that before.
I forgive you… me, he thought. It was an accident. How was I supposed to know grabbing the gun would get him shot? It’s fine. He’s fine.
He focused on transforming back and felt his body slowly and gradually change. He realized Elsie would see him naked and he threw a hand over their glasses.
“Can you get me a change of clothes? I feel… vulnerable.”
Aidan stretched his arms, so happy to have his human form back. He flexed his fingers just because he could.
Mai, Axel, and Martin were all asleep while Aidan laid in bed thinking. Martin’s loud snoring was getting to him, though, so he snuck out of bed and went out the door.
He went to the Earthmancer living room, surprised to find Elsie laying on one of the couches. They looked up at him and quickly sat up.
“Oh, sorry. I-I like sleeping in the Earthmancer living room ‘cause Searra snores and you guys tend to sleep in so I feel like I… have it to myself more?”
Aidan snorted. “It’s fine, dude.”
“How you feeling? After… ya know….”
Aidan shrugged. “Fine, I guess.”
“Can’t sleep, though?”
“I also have a snoring roommate.” Aidan sat down on the couch. “I’m just… having thoughts.”
“About what?”
He paused. “Morality?”
Elsie blinked. “Oh. That’s… a lot to think about at midnight.”
Aidan huffed. “Yeah. Well… is it worth it… being a good person? I mean… Elton seems like a good person, and he ended up getting shot. It just feels like good people have the worst things happen to them. And I mean… I got that guy shot. Maybe I’m a better villain than a hero.”
“That’s not true!” Elsie argued. “I know you’re a good person, you just… need the right motivation to be one.”
“I… I thought Polly and Matt were. I want them to be safe. I wanna be able to protect them. I just… what if I’m the thing they need to be protected from?”
“No! That’s not true! I mean, you went out of your way to look for Elton when you got back.”
“Yeah, after fleeing the scene in the moment.”
“Still. You wanted to make sure he was okay. That’s a good person trait.”
Aidan sighed. “I mean, I guess. But being good… could get me hurt. Or killed.”
“No path of life is guaranteed to grant immortality. Which is a dramatic way of saying… good or bad, death is inevitable.”
Aidan looked over at them. “So my death should mean something.”
Elsie paused. “Your life should mean something. Not to other people, but to you.”
Aidan grinned. “Anyone ever tell you you’re awesome at giving advice?”
Elsie chuckled. “Thanks.” They held up their phone. “Wanna unwind with some YouTube?”
Aidan’s smile grew. “Hell yeah.”
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whumpacabra · 7 months
Unexpected Guest
Home invasion [technically], angst, missing persons, exhaustion, referenced blood and food, implied past alcohol use
[Directly follows So much for sobriety]
Dave bolted upright at the shriek - his mother’s voice carrying throughout the house. The hangover he was supposed to feel from the night before was drowned in shaky adrenaline, abandoning his crutches to crawl up the basement stairs.
He almost fell when he crawled to his feet and threw open the basement door - tucked in the back corner of the kitchen - to see -
To see Casey standing at the stove, with his mother’s pink and a cream apron. David’s eyes snapped to where his mother stood, pistol in hand but not even cocked.
(Where the hell did she get that?)
Casey turned toward David, his mother’s eyes widening in panic.
“Don’t you dare touch him.” The snarl in her voice was venomous, Casey flinching back and throwing his hands up (the right had his mother’s red oven mit). “Who - "
David’s unsteady legs moved before he could think. Casey. Casey who he thought - who RJ feared - was in trouble. Casey who left without a word one day and only answered when Harrison’s calls got desperate. Casey who hadn’t answered any of their calls in weeks. Casey whose leaving was like a link dissolved; the team lost their binding factor, shattering the years of life they had built around each other.
The slap connected, a sharp backhand leaving a brief red mark across the man’s pale, freckled face.
“You son of a bitch!” David couldn’t ramp down the anger in his voice, the tears in his eyes torn between frustration and relief. He balled his hands in Casey’s shirt, both to keep him from moving away as well as to keep his own shaky balance. “We thought you - you - you were - why the fuck didn’t you answer? Where the fuck have you been? Why - why are you back now that - now that - “
His voice hitched, a sob hiccuping in his chest as he swayed, releasing Casey to lean his weight on the edge of the counter. Why was Casey back now that everyone else was gone? Why hadn’t he been here - if he had, would he be gone too?
David flinched as Casey’s heavy arms wrapped him in a hug, also helping hold him on his feet. He smelled like sweat and sulfur gunpowder and blood. The eyes that looked down at him were etched with exhaustion, framed in dark semicircles and bloodshot.
“Sorry.” Casey’s voice was chipped - like he had been screaming (or crying). His words were soft, and the pained fatigue on his gaunt face vanished with a flickering smile. “Crappy motel service. You know how it is.”
“You know him?” David’s mother had lowered the gun, sharp blue eyes darting between her son and the man that held him in his arms.
“Mom, this is Casey.” David’s voice was hoarse, crackling through his drying tears. “He’s good. He’s…good.” Dave’s head lolled, leaning against Casey’s broad chest as he flicked his gaze up to those tired eyes. “You gonna explain what the fuck’s going on big man?”
Casey’s lips parted then closed, fear and grief and guilt flashing in his eyes before his face settled in its comfortable facade of contented warmth.
“Can I finish making some omelettes first?” He shifted his eyes to Mrs. Pinkerton, expression apologetic. “I’ll go grocery shopping later - I don’t want to eat you out of house and home.”
“No, why are you in my house - “
“Please?” There was something desperate in Casey’s voice that silenced even Mrs. Pinkerton.
“Food. Then we talk.” Dave said, gently pulling away from Casey’s embrace to lean against the counter. He could see bruises half hidden by the tattoos running up and down Casey’s arms.
“Food, shower, nap - and then we talk?” There was a bite of pleading mischief in his voice, smirk melting to apathetic exhaustion as he turned back to the stove. Mrs. Pinkerton opened her mouth to answer, but Dave interrupted.
“Sure thing man.” He could see the tremor of Casey’s hands, the dried blood around his shirt collar half hidden by his jacket. He had waited weeks for any response from RJ, from Sarah and Harrison - he could wait a little longer.
[Before Bad Habits]
(Part of my Freelancers: Post-Retirement series)
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selfcarecap · 2 years
Thoughts for when you wake up. I also didn't proofread bc I'm sleepy and lazy. Apologies:
Escape Room 1: it was a nice concept! Fresh and fun, I though. Plus, I really love psychological thrillers, so this movie was up my alley. I think the characters behaved quite naturally for people placed in the situation they were in, and they were all unique enough to where they evokes certain emotions from you. The cinematography was awesome and I enjoyed a majority of the film. The ending was a bit, "eh..." for me. Mostly bc wtf was that plane scene? I also didn't like how they "seemingly" won, but it turns out they just got fucked over again by some allknowing being like...shut up
Escape Room 2: the ending from the last one didn't have me too excited for the second one, ngl. I was happy so see Holland Rolland in it, however, so it was okay. I said, "they finally got her in something other than teen wolf" ☠️☠️☠️ anyway. I'll be real, the second one didn't have my full attention one hundred percent of the time lmao. The scenes were still very pretty, but the premise was too similar to the first one. And like...of course it's gonna be? Bc they're in the same type of situation?? But damnn, I didn't need a lot of this. And it was very :/ bc the main girl (I forget her name) was acting more reckless in the second film like...wasn't she supposed to be the cautious one? And the dude who didn't gaf was more logical most of the time? Come on man... I also didn't like how they were all like, "ooh, in my game..." like...this isn't your first game, focus on the now omg
And don't get me started on how they kept bringing back people! Why didn't the military vet die?? Her plot and why she was making the game was stupid and it felt like someone pulled it out of their ass at the last minute 😒
Part two was annoying and I barely remember the ending. I feel like they set it up for a part three? But who knows...
Now, I have another question. Have you ever seen The Exam or The Lodge (both psych thrillers)?
Ahh thank you for sending them <3😌 (probably) big rant ahead lmao
Omgg I agree, I enjoyed the first one, it was an interesting premise and it had a good set of characters. Also at first it wasn’t quite clear (to me at least) who the MC was or if there even was one and I thought that was kind of cool too? Or for example I knew Zoe (?) wasn’t actually dead when she died from that poison but still. Predictability doesn’t always have to be bad. Omg it was annoying that they all kinda worked alone tho? 💀 like whenever someone found a clue/hint/whatever they would spend 5 minutes trying to solve it on their own like I’m sure at least one life could have been spared if they actually talked to each other dhsks
But I didn’t like the end either like I hate how nowadays they’re always setting everything up for a part two like ofc I get they want to make money but chill. If you’re a good writer you can easily make a part two even if you didn’t set up the whole plot in the previous film. And tbh even after the second film I didn’t understand how the ‘boss’ (idr his name) knew EVERYTHING. like i was so sure there was gonna be something supernatural involved bc even with all the technology we have today and genius people.. it’s just way too unrealistic that they planned everything THAT well. And idm unrealistic films but like this was supposed to be a realistic psychological thriller so.
I was happy that Holland was in it too! And yeah I think I’ve only ever seen her as Lydia tbh 😭and she looked so different (and more grown up obv) but I was happy to see her. And omg yeah I mean maybe it was just the novelty of it but I liked the rooms in the first one more too. And same same same I mean Zoe was so shy in the first film and I liked that she became more confident but at the same time.. aren’t you traumatised lmao. And I would have liked if they gave her a different arc with her confidence like idk in the first one she was shy and got a bit more confident bc she solved some clues and obviously the end but idk. They did talk about the trauma tho which I liked bc usually in those type of films the go through a life altering situation and two days later they’re sitting on some beach and chilling like shouldn’t you be in therapy💀 good for them if they’re not traumatised but it’s usually so unrealistic. And yeahh they kept talking about their old games that, in the end, had nothing to do w this one as if they had any time to waste lol.
ALSO i didn’t realise that they were not together??? At the end of ER 1 i thought they were together and on a date and in the second one i also thought they were together but then when he “died” she was like ‘he was my best friend’… ma’am didn’t you see how you were looking at each other? They didn’t kiss but that didn’t matter like they were clearly in love and I was at least hoping for friends to lovers bc it was just annoying that nothing romantic actually happened between them. And yeah the end of the second one.. I think they set it up for a part 3 but I stopped paying attention by then shsksjssk but the girl (the actress who plays that esther orphan girl) locked her dad in and said she’s gonna make her parents proud by making even cooler escape rooms but like i said i wasn’t fully paying attention so maybe that’s not what she said lol
Okay that’s enough sorry shsjsjsks
I haven’t watched either of those but they seem interesting 👀 but there are a few films called the exam so is it the one with Gemma Chan? And omg Jacob Barber is in the Lodge? Shsjs he’s everywhere lmao but I get it he’s perfect for those genres lmao there’s something weird about him (or he plays it well i mean he’s probably not like that irl but idk i’ve never watched an interview i think). Seems interesting but also like it’s a bit more horror than thriller? And I have to be careful with horror bc then I have trouble sleeping for weeks to come shsjsjsj so lmk how scary it is bc it does seem interesting 👀👀👀
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poisonhemloc · 5 years
I am putting my headcanons for Wolf here cause I was planning on doing it anyway honestly. They’re all over the place so good luck
He’s trans and aroace
Not sure how old he is but tends to tell people the rough estimate. In game time he’d probably say he’s 35 but when someone asks his birthday he will 1) be very confused; thats a thing? 2) admit he has no idea and 35 is based off Owl’s guess
He also definitely does not remember what his name was before he was orphaned. Not the given name, definitely not the clan name. The silence when someone asks him isn’t shinobi stuff it’s cause he doesn’t know
Wolf thinks that how he was raised by Owl is normal for someone who isn’t from a noble family. Kuro expressing horror or Emma and Isshin doing a double take if he mentions something he thought was totally fine at the time makes him start to realize that it was not normal (”Wolf normal people don’t make their kids splint a broken bone without helping”)
Adding to that he has a couple of poorly set broken bones? Mostly from before Owl found him but one or two after. He’ll kill Genichiro again rather than admit it but the poorly set left arm break hurt more frequently than the phantom limb pain he gets there now so it’s an improvement.
Wolf’s priorities tend to run 1)Kuro 2)Kusabimaru because it is Kuro’s Sword He Was Entrusted With 3) the prosthetic, the scarf and the haori 4)the rest of his armor/weapons 5)himself. The scarf and haori both all he has left from his birth family so he can be protective.
Keeping himself clean is low on the list of things to do and generally anyway his preference is wait til night and use whatever clean body of water is nearby and doesn’t let people sneak up on him. Exception was getting the Lotus; He grabbed the flower, was about to start heading back to Kuro, then stopped and looked at his stuff. And realized his nose had shut down in protest. And went to try and get clean first (Emma and Kuro were both surprised he showed up still slightly dripping but he did not stop to shave. That was not as important)
Do not touch Wolf if he is not expecting it. It’s a good way to get kicked or stabbed.
He will really eat anything. When the basket dude in Mibu was talking about how weird the hunter was and mentions that he ate wild animal meat Wolf is just going “....okay but i do that too.” If there’s a chance it’s edible he’ll try it
Since he’s kinda always been around tall people Wolf has gotten really good at adapting. This leads to Kuro asking him to get something off a tall shelf and Wolf just sprinting up the wall grabbing it and flipping to land back on the ground. Once he has the Shinobi Prosthetic no where is out of his reach Isshin bans him from using it in the castle
Wolf is not 100% human. He has the Night Eyes and honestly it’s really hard for him to get food sickness from anything. He is aware of this and a grand total of no one else is. Kuro finds out eventually Owl does not pay attention if it’s not part of his plans and has no clue about anything
The prosthetic cannot do knots or anything that requires that kind of dexterity. Wolf has had more trouble figuring out how to tie his obi again than figuring out literally anything else with the prosthetic.
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Hello! how are you? I don't know if your requests are still open, but I would like to ask Ragnar something... with a lot of dirt, something like Ragnar falls in love with a Christian she meets his desires with a lot of dirt... lol thank you! (sorry my first language is not english) 😝
Thank you so much for this request, you have no idea how much your support for my writing means. Not proofread we die like men
Requests are open
Little Doe
4,166 words
Warnings: Fluff, smut, P in V sex, oral sex (M and F receiving), fingering, loss of virginity, running away to live with a handsome Viking, talks of religious repression and arranged marriage. While this sort of fits with the cultural timeline, I must stress that it's all consensual. Period typical treatment of daughters and women.
Ragnar sees you from far away on a raid. It's love at first sight, and now he has to have you.
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He had been trudging through the woods when he saw you, crouched by a stream in nothing but your undergarments washing your clothes.
He was awestruck, it was like Frigg herself had opened up a window to Valhalla to shine upon you.
The rustle of other raiders behind him pulled him out of his daydreams; you in the river, coming out with your clothes stuck to your form.
"By the Gods, she is beautiful" at that moment Ragnar hated the sound of that man's voice, you were his alone to look at, to admire.
"She's not yours to pluck Olaf, we must stay quiet or we'll reveal our position." Ragnar felt like a wolf staring down a doe, you would be his.
He gave a whispered order to the rest of his men "we have no idea how many people are in the area, we need to backtrack and go through a more dense area of forest."
His men listened without a question, he knew he was just adding hours to their journey but there was no way he would put you in their path.
"Frode take them men around the back while I stay here and check for scouts" Ragnar knew there were no scouts in the area, the men here were lazy and clearly didn't know how to fight. He was there to take a longer look at you, maybe he would even get to hear your voice.
He moved closer methodically, being careful not to make a sound, then he slipped on a loose rock.
You're head shot up at the soft sound, you have heard rumours of men from the north coming to your shores and you were prepared. Your damp clothes forgotten, you reached behind a rock to produce a sword.
Ranger watched as you took the stance of a warrior, sword held in hand like a practised expert. He felt pride spread through his chest, maybe his little doe was more of a wolf than he thought.
He slinked away, content at his first experience of your beauty.
Your POV
You were being watched, you could feel it like cold hands running up your back. A soft crack directed you towards a cluster of trees, for only a brief movement you saw a flash of white flesh and the outline of a large man.
A realisation of both fear and excitement crossed over you, the Northmen were here.
"I saw a man in the trees this morning father." You had mentioned it in passing while you chopped the vegetables, your Father was sitting in a wooden chair doing nothing, as usually.
"It's was probably one of the boys spying on you, I really wish you would wash from the well, you will dishonour my good name if you keep it up."
You hated the man, he was a lazy, rude, drunk. Not only that, but he was planning on marrying you off to the highest bidder the moment your older brother left. You were already late to marry, having turned down every suiter at your door, your Father would be very displeased if he found out you had no plans on marrying the man he had lined up for you.
Ragnar POV
He could not think of anything other than the feel of your skin under his hands, he imagined it would be soft but with the hardness of village life underneath.
He imagined the children you would give him, he could see girls as brave and beautiful as you, with his eyes and your hair.
He imagined you as his Queen.
Your POV
It had been three days since you saw a flash of a man by the river. A storm had come upon the area, God was angry for some reason, maybe it's because you couldn't stop thinking about a faceless man whisking you away from here, away from your Father and your wrathful God.
"We need water!" your Father's voice was far too booming for your small home. It was pouring outside, the rain so cold it had turned into shards of hard ice.
"Father I collected enough for the day this morning" you knew you should have kept your mouth shut but it was so cold out there, and your bother had taken all your furs to go hunting.
He was not having your backtalk, before you knew it, you were being tossed outside, and the bucket was being launched at your head. "Go get some water from the river or you will sleep outside tonight."
The only thing you could feel was the cold, you were soaked the moment you started walking, but you could hear the river racing close by.
Wary of the things that might be lurking in the woods, you walked as fast as you could in the almost pitch dark. You hoped your Father had the sense to start a fire for your return.
As you got closer, the raging river was spitting icy water at your face, it felt like the brush of tiny knives. You have moved to a slower moving area pilled with rocks, at least if you fell in here you wouldn't be swept away. But it was slippery and the heavy bucket was weighing you down, all it took was one foot wrong and you were falling into the unforgiving water.
Ragnar POV
He had split from the group to have some time by himself and found himself by the same river he saw you washing in three days ago. His thoughts drifted to you for the millionth time that day when he heard a pained shout, his head flung over just in time to see your form falling under the water.
His legs were moving before his brain gave him permission, he could see you losing the flight to the cold and the current. He did not hesitate to pull off his tunic and drive into the shallow water after you.
The cold didn't bother him, many swims in the frozen North Sea had prepared him for this very moment, he reached you with speed he didn't think was possible, it was as if Hermod the Swift had taken control over his body.
Your POV
This must be the coldness of death, your lungs burnt with the urge to breathe, you had seen people disappear under the cold water more than once, you knew you had to get out but the rolling surface was drifting suther and further away.
Then you felt it, an agonising heat that felt like the hands of a demon, and then you could breathe. The last thing you saw was a face and a mass of hair before you passed out.
Ragnar POV
You were shaking and there was no life to your skin, gone was the woman who looked ready to slit him from navel to nose, he felt as if he was holding the most fragile thing in all the nine realms.
He saw the looks he was getting as he came upon his tent, he did not care. Your clothes were stuck to you in the worse way possible, he could almost see them sucking the heat from your skin.
"You can never let someone stay in wet clothes, they will steal the warmth from someone. I've seen people die faster from wet clothes than from the cold water" He was ever grateful for Kattegat's healer, the insistent that everyone learns how to treat a drowning victim had never gone astray.
This was not how he imagined removing your clothes for the first time. In his dreams, you were awake and responsive, he imagined you would moan like a valkyrie.
He chose to advert his eyes while he pulled off your life-sucking clothing, he would look at you when you were awake and soft and small under his touch.
Duty done, he wrapped you in as many furs as he could find and went about building a fire close enough to the tent that you would be able to feel its warmth.
Your POV
God must have taken pity on you, for you were sure you were in heaven. You were wrapped in something warm that smelt of spices and musk, you could hear the crackle of a fire and smell the burning wood.
Except as you opened your eyes, you didn't think heaven would look like a small canvas tent. When you sat up, you could see someone sitting just inside the tent, the man shared the same shape as the man you saw in the woods days ago, the man that picked you from the icy depths.
The warmth meant that it took time for you to realise you were naked. However, you felt no pain, only heat and safety. Regardless you looked for a weapon and your eyes fell on a small dagger in the corner.
"I'm not going to hurt you little doe, there's no need to stab me" his voice was foreign but friendly, his tongue slid over the words like cream falling over baked apples.
He looked like one of the paintings in the church, made by God himself and painted in his image. He had the kindest blue eyes you had ever seen, like pools of seawater in the winter.
"Thank you sir, but I must go back home. My Father will be worried sick" you knew he wasn't but that didn't matter, the rumours would spread fast and you couldn't be seen near a Northmen encampment.
"No, he won't, I overheard some men in your village talking about how much he wanted to get rid of you" he seemed very angry, it wasn't directed at you by you found it hard not to be scared of him.
When he saw the change in you he softened himself. "He sent you out in the freezing cold to collect water you didn't need, he hasn't sent anyone to look for you and he hasn't come looking himself." He was not being mean or harsh, his tone was kind, like how a parent explains a nastiness to a sensitive child.
You had no idea how he knew all of this. Maybe he was a demon.
"Don't be alarmed, little doe, you talk in your sleep" thoughts of evil were gone, all you could think of was this nice stranger wrapping you in his arms to keep the cold air at bay.
"You may stay here as long as you like, your clothes are almost dry." He looked so sad as if he was letting go of a bird whose wing he had healed.
"Or, you can stay and I can show you the world and make you my Queen."
That night had been uneventful after that, he had collected your clothes and turned his back while you dressed. When it came time to settle for the night he pressed himself to the opposite side of the tent so you could sleep in peace.
That didn't matter, by the time the morning glow drifted into the tent you were in his arms with your face pressed into his chest.
"Good morning little doe, did you sleep well?" he had a smug smile on his face, he knew something he wasn't letting on.
"Yes actually, for the first time in a long time I'm not waking up feeling like the walls are falling in on me."
"You really do talk in your sleep, I had no idea you thought I was so tall" you went to hind your face in shame but he grabbed your hands.
"There's no need for that anymore, when you come back to my kingdom you can have me as much as you want" it felt as if you'd known him your whole life, there was no doubt in your mind you would follow him to the ends of the earth.
He looked over your face carefully "So you are staying with me?"
You took a deep breath and squared your shoulders "I see no reason to go back, you've shown me more kindness in the last few hours than I've had in my whole life"
"Do you have a name little doe?" he didn't know what would fit you, he imagined it was something that reflected all he saw in you.
"Perhaps I should introduce myself first, I'm Ragnar Lothbrok, king of Kattegat and the scourge of Christians through all of England.
"I'm y/n, I have no titles or claims or royalty, just y/n." You seemed so sad, like you had been told being you wasn't enough.
Ragnar POV
He wanted to blood eagle your Father, however, he didn't deserve a warrior's death. So he would settle for raiding his village, corrupting his daughter, and then, he will make watch while he makes you his Queen.
He could see far more of you this close, the found the colour of your eyes and the fall of your hair more intoxicated than any mead or wine he has ever drunk.
His thoughts were drifting again, your hair wrapped in his hands, your lips around him. His thoughts didn't matter now, as far as he saw it you were his and he was yours.
The raid had ended much easier than he expected, the village was poorly defended and there was very little to take. In fact, per your request, no one unarmed was hurt and the men kept their hands to themselves.
Ragnar never had the stomach for that sort of thing, real men fought with their fists and swords so he had no problem telling his men to take the loot and leave the women.
Your younger Cousin had decided to follow you to Kattegat, wooed by Ragnar's brother's tales of women being able to learn to fight, of being able to own property and partake in the law.
The only one that was dragged away against their will was your Father. He was put in chains and made to walk behind Ragnar's horse, you could feel the steady breathing of the beast under you, Ragnar had been stunned by your care for the animal, your worry that he couldn't hold both of you.
The ride to the boats was calm, the horses trotted along stopping occasionally to eat some grass or drink some water. Your Father soon learnt to keep his mouth shut, he had met his match in Ragnar, all it took was one look and the man was shrinking away from him.
You had always been frightened of the ocean but the broiling sea may as have been an ocean breeze when you were in Ragnar's arms, you spent the journey hearing of tales from your new home and of the Gods.
As you got closer you could feel the excitement, it was like a charge in the air. Your cousin had taken a liking to one of the younger men, he couldn't have been more than 16 but he was tall and already had tattoos over his arms and chest. Ragnar told you he was a good choice, that he was a brave warrior and good man.
At the end the of last day you could see the fires of Kattegat burning in the distance and see the tall watchtowers. As the ship pulled into port you'd felt like you were coming home after being away for years, this place was so much brighter than your tiny hamlet.
Nightfall brought a huge feast, you had never seen so much food or so many kinds. Ragnar look at you with joy as you tried all the new things, fresh berries and tender meat that had been cooking for days
Ragnar lifted a sticky yellow goo to your mouth. You had grown to love every one of his touches, each one portraying his building affection.
"Is this honey?" There was a wonder in your voice that made his mind drift to other things.
"Try it and find out" he didn't know what you'd do, he was hoping you'd take his finger into your mouth so he could get a taste of what was to come.
You leaned forward and licked the tip of his finger, the slight of your pink tongue was making his life even harder. You couldn't help the smile that came over your face, it was the most delicious thing you had ever eaten.
You could see the expression on Ragnar's face, like he wanted to consume you whole, like he wanted to climb inside your chest and see what was going on in there.
"Perhaps you can show me to our new quarters?" you didn't want to overstep, maybe you only slept so close in the last few weeks because of the lack of space.
"Of course, my doe, it's getting late anyway."
The room was huge, in the middle was a vast bed that could have slept at least 4 people, it and the floor were covered in various furs and there were draws and chests throughout the room. It was lit with a few large candles, casting a soft yellow light that faded at the edges.
"This is your home now y/n I want you to have anything your heart desires"
"And if my heart desires you?"
You knew what you wanted to say but you were having trouble getting the words out. The open and casual contact was a lot to get used to. You had come from a place where you don't even kiss a man until your wedding night, and you were about to crawl into bed with someone who only a few weeks ago, you thought was a godless heathen.
"I heard some of the other men talking, they said you would enjoy me." You took another deep breath.
"I would like to be able to enjoy you as well"
Ragnar reached up to you with a soft touch, your eyes closed on instinct as he leaned in to kiss you. This was not the first time you two had kissed, it wasn't even the tenth but this one was different.
You could feel an edge, an urgency. You wanted nothing more than to collapse into him, to let him have you in whichever way his heart wished.
"I'm yours little doe"
With that you were falling to your knees, Ragnar looked a little shocked, if not very happy.
"I heard some other women talking, it sounded fun"
He let you undress him, let you run your hands over his body and regard him. You were a little taken aback when his undergarments were gone, sure you had seen one in person but it didn't look like that.
Ragnar saw your curious look, "We are much cleaner than English men, there's no need to remove anything when we bathe every day"
You suddenly looked shy.
"I'm not sure what I'm doing here" he ran his hands over your scalp, it was a gesture full of love.
"Do whatever feels right, I'll help you if you need it"
You wrapped your hand around it, you were surprised at how warm and soft it was.
"Can you show me what you like?" you wanted it to be good for him, you knew men strayed when they didn't get what they wanted.
He looked at you with such fondness as he reached down to wrap his hands over yours, his grip was a little harder as he moved your hand up and down his cock.
His head was slowly dropping back and his mouth was slightly open, you leaned forward and mimicked what you did to his finger earlier in the night and Ragnar inhaled like he was dying to breathe.
"You're doing so well my doe" Ragnar wanted nothing more than to fuck your face until he came down your throat but there's was plenty of time for that later.
Emboldened by his praise you put the tip in your mouth and sucked gently, Ragnar made the mistake of looking down at you and he realised that if he let you continue the night might end sooner than he wanted it to.
"Your turn y/n"
He stood to his full height and you suddenly felt very small. He was deliberate in removing your clothes, each piece gone was met with a brush of his hand over your skin and a kiss to your face.
"You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" by the look on his face you believed every word.
"Lay on the bed and relax"
You knew what was coming next, all the older girls talked about it.
"It always hurts, the sooner you put up with it the sooner it's over"
"Men don't care how we feel, they just get off and leave"
"Don't deny your husband ever, it will just make him hard to live with"
Ragnar saw the change in you, his touch become gentle and benign.
"We won't do anything you don't want to do and I promise I will never do anything to hurt you, if you don't like something or it causes you pain it stops"
You wanted to weep with relief, maybe the hushed whispers between some of the women were true and this would be good.
He kissed just your face at first, then he slowly moved down your body. Over each collar bone and to your breasts, he kissed your nipples and when you let out a breath he pull one into his mouth.
He looked up at you, assessing for a change of heart. When he found none, he continued his path down your body, over your hip bones up both your legs and then towards your centre.
"You're so wet already, good girl"
"Please" You had no idea what you were asking for but he seemed to. With a practised movement he licked from your clit to your entrance and then back again.
After doing that for a few minutes, he brought your clit into his mouth and sucked softly. Your back bowed, there was no way this could feel so good.
It got even better when you felt something breach you, it didn't hurt quite the opposite, it was a wonderful pressure that created an exquisite stretch. Another gasp, this one higher and more desperate.
"More, please more" all you could hear was the rush of blood in your ears and Ragnar's soft chuckle against your skin.
You felt him shift and the pressure increased, it was just past the good side of comfortable.
"I feel so full"
Ragnar didn't think he could get any harder, you were going to be so much fun.
"It's just two of my fingers my love, how about we do this for a little while then see how you feel?"
You nodded and then moaned as he pressed his fingers upwards. You were starting to feel overwhelmed in the best way possible. You felt something snap and within the next heartbeat, you were filled with amazing pleasure.
You lost count of how many times you reached that peak before Ragnar pulled away from you. He was spreading the ample wetness from his earlier work all over his cock.
"You are ready little doe?" You nodded violently.
"Remember, if it hurts we stop" the look he was giving you gave you the impression that he really meant what he said.
"Yes, please I need you"
With that, he was on top of you laying soft kisses on your lips, you could feel him moving his body around and then one hand was holding your leg open.
You felt more pressure, this time more intense.
And then it stopped and you felt as if he was going to spilt you open, he took in the look on your face and your small breaths.
"Do you want me to stop?" you shook your head.
"Do you want to stay here, just like this for a little while?" you gave a tentative nod and he pressed some more weight onto you. It was comforting, the added weight of his body added to the floating feeling that was taking over your brain.
It may have been a minute it may have been a heartbeat when you felt the uncomfortable fullness fade.
"Move please" with another kiss to your lips Ragnar began a slow drag in and out.
In out in out in out in out in out.
Your fingers dug into his arms.
In out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out.
Your back bent as you shook.
"Y/n, by the Gods you are a gift" he let out one last groan and you felt him pulse inside of you as he dropped on top of you.
You shuttered as he pulled out.
"Sore?" he sounded worried.
"No, just a little sensitive"
After a few moments, he got up and got a cloth to clean you up. Then he was pulling you into his arms and draping a blanket over both of you.
"I love you little doe"
"I love you, Ragnar"
I hoped you liked it, it's by far the longest thing I've written.
Feedback is very much appreciated.
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real-gifted-chaos · 2 years
You're Not Alone Anymore
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~Requested~ Can it be from Teen Wolf with Stiles Stilinski we’re we are best friends and I’m a banshee and I’m over at his house studying and we’re joking around telling sarcastic jokes and playful fighting when I have a banshee sense and start to freak out and scream he tries to calm me down when we end up kissing and it’s all sweet lol thanks :) also, can you tag me in it? @gpiggy98 |Catagory| Imagine |Theme| Teen Wolf |Paring| College! Stiles Stilinski x Banshee! Reader |Warning(s)| Minor language, mentions of death, fluff, not proofread but will be 2/13/22 ~~~ When life gives you lemons, you're supposed to take advantage of them. Use them for the greater good and do something for others besides yourself. Like some mishap miracle, you're granted a banshee. Banshee; a spirit in the form of a wailing woman who appears to or is heard by a member of a family as a sign that one of them is about to die. You were that banshee.
Using your spare key, you entered Stiles's two-bedroom loft. Like always when you planned to come over, his loft was spotless. Every pillow on the right couch, every blanket folded neatly and placed in a knitted wool basket, and no speck of dust to be seen. When his place looked like a tornado had swiped past, he still took the time to leave his loft looking presentable to you because valued your opinion very much. After taking your shoes off, setting them by the door, and dropping your bag on his black leather couch you began up the stairs on a mission to find Stiles. He knew you were coming, you guys planned this two days ago, but the loft seem quiet -- too quiet. "Stilinski? Hope you're not trying to scare me because that would be a really terrible idea on your end." You joked with a fake laugh. The game room is filled with old arcade games and a huge flat screen smart tv was empty, where he'd always be which seemed odd to you. Had he left and not told you? You thought. As you continued to walk down the lightly dimmed hall towards his bedroom, you pulled out your phone and dialed his number ready to yell at him if he answered. After a few rings, you heard his phone ringing behind his door. Quietly and slowly you opened the door and peeked in, seeing Stiles starfished in his bed lightly snoring. At this, you laughed. Knowing Stiles since high school you learned a few things. No matter what this boy did even if it was something small, he was always tired afterward. He spent his free time either hanging out with you or in his bed asleep and you couldn't honestly blame him. College is stressful on a different level. "Stiles," You sang whilst you gently laid on his back in the same starfish position he was in. When he showed no sign of waking up, you rubbed your nose playfully against his cheek, tickling him like you always did in order to wake him up. He started to stir a little, finding that very difficult to do when he noticed you made yourself comfortable on his back. "Y/n," "Yes, Stilinski?" "I love you, you know that right?" "Yes, love you too." "Good. So you wouldn't be mad if I just knocked you off of me right?" "No, I would be furious." "Understandable. Why are you starfished on me?" "Because you're starfished on your bed and I was trying to wake you up. Now come on, get up. We have to study for our exam." Removing yourself off of him and onto the other side of the bed, allowed him to fully get up and stretch his sleeping muscles so he was fully awake. It wasn't until your eye traveled down his body when you realized he was shirtless, and damn did he look good shirtless. "You know if you're going to stare you mind as well take a picture. It'll last longer." "Haha, trust me, Stilinski. If I wanted to stare at a toned-chiseled chest all day I'd call Scott or maybe even Derek." "Oh really? You sure 'cause you got a little drool right there-" He pointed towards your chin and you slapped his hand away with a playful glare. "How about you hurry up and I'll be waiting on your wonderful cold couch." "Sounds like a plan, princess." "Whatever." You would never dare to admit it out loud but you had a crush on Stiles ever since Scott introduced you two junior year and quite frankly you have no idea why. Maybe it was the way his smile lit up a room, the way he made you laugh even when you were down, maybe it was the way he was always gentle with you and never forced you into anything. Maybe it was everything about him. When you had finally made it down the last step, you sat down on the cool couch and started taking out your notes and textbook. In front of you, Stiles's curtains were opened, letting the moon glisten in and you see a wonderful view of all of New York. "Hey, I forgot to go to the store and grab some snacks but if you wanna cook something up you're more than welcomed to." "Aw, if you like my cooking so much Stiles all you had to do was ask." "Actually your cooking reminds me of my mother's so by all means be my guest." "Whatever loser." You were about to open your textbook to the right page when
you felt a pillow hit the side of your face violently. With your mouth agape, you turned to look at Stiles who held the same pillow in his hands trying so hard not to laugh. Seeing your face he held his hands up in defense but you were having none of it. You took the closest pillow next to you and slapped him back a bit forcefully making him slightly fall back. He had started a war and planned to finish it. By now, you both played fighting with the pillow, feathers spread all around you like a perfect horror movie scene. Then... you felt it. The same feeling you always dreaded and not far behind the feeling was an image that popped up in your head. It was a little girl wearing a baby blue dress with white butterflies and a matching headband crossing the street innocently until a truck came out of nowhere and hit her, splattering blood over everyone who was near. Suddenly you screamed loudly, your voice sounding like a midevil siren as blood substituted for tears in your eyes. In your hair, a piece of white started to form, just a few strands turning it to your now officially hair color. "Hey, hey. It's okay. You're not alone anymore." Stiles comforted you on the floor, letting his hands tangle into your scalp and through your hair. He buried your face in his chest as he continued to quietly shush you and lull you back to reality. After a few minutes, you had started to calm down letting the softness of Stiles's voice bring you back to where you were. When you felt strong enough you lifted your head from his chest and looked up at him. "I'm sorry-" "No, no. Don't apologize. Are you feeling better?" He asked in a whisper, grabbing a tissue from the table in front of him to wipe the red stains under your eyes. He had never seen anything like this before but he still decided to not ask questions. He respected your privacy and whatever you weren't ready to tell him he understood. Your eyes met his as you searched for comfort. But there was no need to search when it was literally right in front of her. You noticed how he started to lean in a bit hinting that he maybe wanted to kiss you and you couldn't help but lean more, granting him every access. His hand caressed your face gently and your noses touched. "Can I kiss you?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. You could feel your eyes flutter shut as you nodded your head yes and without any signs of hesitation he pulled you in closer letting his lips clash into your passionately. You both waited forever for this moment, for this perfect moment and it was finally here but at the worst time possible. You pulled away with fear painted in your eyes. "Oh my god, the little girl." In a hurry, you got up from the floor and started putting your shoes on, Stiles right behind you still confused. "What girl?" "The little girl that lives upstairs. She's about to die..."
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