#nobody using healing spells?? ok ????
cobaltfluff · 4 months
Me, meeting Ken for the first time: oh he's voiced by Megumi Ogata ... well... that's probably a character arc spoiler
Me, in the October cutscene: ha. this game is too obvious (sobbing)
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quintelly · 4 months
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Pairings- Theodore Nott x female! Reader
Summary- You've always known deep down that you were infact the other woman but you didn't expect it to have it spelled out infront of you
📍First time writing angst so please give tips or suggestions for other fics :3
Angst w/o comfort :3 Masterlist
You knew about it all along but you didn't expect it to hurt as much.
It hurt because you realized you just one of his many choices, you were just lucky you got picked
It really was tiring thinking if you were good enough, thinking if you could even compare to her. You did not in the slightest way, and right now it has never been clearer.
"Teddy, you wanna hang out tomorrow? Ive got a movie day plan for us"
"Dont call me that. And no i can't im busy."
"Oh then when are you free?"
"Fucking hell y/n you're so annoying can you shut the fuck up?"
"Oh sorry"
"God i don't even know why i put up with you"
With that he left the room, leaving you with tears spilling from your eyes.
You've been trying to reach out to him doing anything you could to get his attention. All he did was scoff or walk away.
While you were taking a walk in god knows where you saw a flower thag reminded you of him. Theodore.
You couldn't help but smile sadly because while you're out here thinking of him, he's out there not sparing you a thought.
It doesn't matter though, he'll come around. He'll love you as much as you love him. Right?
A day went by, and you've heard just now that he's been in a fight. You suddenly got worried and rushed your way to the hospital wing which people said he was getting healed in.
On the way, you saw him.
'Oh god im glad he's ok.' You thought but then you saw her with him
You ran away as fast as possible before they could see you
Then finally your pandoras box has been opened.
It really was pathetic on how you thought you could really be the one for him.
You thought you would be the one to make him smile and laugh like he was right now. With her.
It was pathetic TRULY pathetic.
Who were YOU to make him feel that way? You were nothing, a nobody. You just got lucky
Its was pitiful that YOU thought you could change him, fix him, love him.
You couldn't, you never could and you never will. Because you were a no one.
No one in comparison to him.
He was everything and you were nothing.
You really were never enough and you were a fool to believe that there was a chance, a little chance that you were.
You were a fool, an idiot to fall to his charms, to his sweet whispers, to his promises, to his capability of actually falling in love, with YOU.
You were in a delusional state to think that the both of you would actually work.
Then you realized, every time he would cancle or say he was 'busy' He was probably out with her.
You were that replacable. No.
You were never the 1st choice to begin with.
You were nothing to be replaced. You werent anything to be replaced. YOU werent worth ANYTHING, to be replaced and he made it known the very next day.
While passing through the hall you saw him, with her. Showing her around like a trophy.
It hurts because he didnt even do that to you. He said,
"I want to keep us a secret because i dont want anyone stealing you away from me"
what a fool you were to believe that.
Unfortunatley he spotted you and stared for a while. And to add she noticed.
"Teddy, do you know her?"
"No my love, just some delusional girl that annoyed me before"
He never saw you as anything but a plaything. He just liked the attention you gave him. The feeling you gave him.
It was all it was. You were just something that boosted his ego because after all,
Who were you to love him?
Fin (?)
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Yan overblotted malleus who kills his darling by accident, maybe loses his mind even more. Go crazy 💙
Warning(s): blood, death, hearing voices
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The ink clouding his vision slowly dripped off of his face, allowing him to see clearly once more.
"What... what happened to me...?" He asked.
But nobody was there to answer his question.
Malleus stood up on his unsteady legs. Nobody's around, where are they?
And then he found everyone. Silver, Sebek, Lilia, and the two Shrouds were huddled around... something. He couldn't tell what it was.
When Silver heard someone approaching, he immediately stood up and drew his sword, but calmed himself when he realized Malleus looked like he was back to normal.
But behind Silver, hidden by everyone else, Malleus saw a very bloody body.
"What happened?" Malleus asked.
"You overblotted." Silver simply responded.
"There's no pulse." He heard the younger Shroud say. "And... I'm not detecting any brain activity either."
"S-shit... Ortho, c-could you try shocking them awake?"
"I don't think it would be of any use at this point..."
"Ah, how tragic..." Lilia said. "Malleus will be quite displeased."
"Why... will I be displeased...?" Malleus asked.
"Malleus! You're ok!" Lilia said, turning around. "Such wonderful news-!"
"Lilia. Why did you say I would be displeased." He demanded.
"...Malleus. I'm sure you're aware you overblotted, yes...?" Lilia asked. He floated upwards and placed his hands on Malleus' shoulders. "(Y/N)... they tried to help us calm you down as they've done with all the other overblot cases but..."
It felt like all of the noise was sucked out of the world. He heard nothing, except for what Lilia said to him next.
"Malleus, you killed them."
It's easy to keep a human alive.
Just use a bit of magic, and just like that they'll be ok.
Lilia had clearly lied! You were just fine!
A simple spell to heal your injuries, and one to help with... preservation... and you were just fine!
You were alive, clearly!
You still looked alive, and your body wasn't at all decaying, so you're clearly ok!
You have to be.
Malleus Draconia was always known as a strange man, people just never commented on it because he's big and scary and one of the most powerful mages in the world, but now... people were starting to talk about him.
They were starting to talk about how Malleus Draconia was a man who always dragged a human's corpse around with him. He called the body "(Y/N)". He would talk to them like they were alive, and he always expected a response, before saying something along the lines of "Oh, you don't want to speak right now? That's ok, (Y/N), maybe later."
Everyone was now more unsettled by Malleus than ever before.
"(Y/N), what would you like for dinner?" Malleus asked, sitting you down in a chair.
But you didn't respond to him.
"...my dear, I know you're probably angry at me for hurting you like that, and I'm extremely sorry about that, but (Y/N)... we can't go on like this." Malleus said, grabbing your cold hands. "I can't go one more day without hearing your voice."
And after that, he could have sworn you said something to him. He heard a voice in the back of his mind, one that resembled yours...
"I knew it. You're still alive." Malleus smiled. "So, (Y/N), what would you like for dinner?" It felt so nice to hear your voice again. "Oh, that sounds wonderful, my dear. Shall we discuss wedding preparations tomorrow? ... Yes, my thoughts exactly!"
Lilia, Silver, and Sebek were peaking into the room to make sure Malleus was doing ok.
They did not expect to see what they did.
He's talking to you like you're still alive, like you're responding to him...
"Father, what do we do?" Silver asked.
"...I don't know."
"Is there nothing we can do to prevent Lord Malleus from marrying a corpse?!" Sebek yelled.
"Well, his grandmother will surely prevent that, but we should find a way to help him with... this." Lilia sighed. "For now, I suppose we just... let this happen. And try our best to help."
Malleus looked so happy, dancing with you.
But you didn't look happy, dancing with him.
Your expressionless, dead face could not display happiness anymore.
But Malleus... he saw you looking happy as ever. You looked as beautiful as the day he found you.
To Malleus...
You looked as alive as ever.
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xjulixred45x · 3 months
Can I please get HCs for Young Gojo and Geto with a boiling isles witch reader. Wherein both of them are utterly slacked jawed when they see her in action for the first. The context is Yaga was the one who enrolled them and acts like their guardian in the human world
This is kinda strange (? But okay! Whatever i love The Owl House so-
SatoSugu x Boiling islands! Reader
Genre: Headcanons
Reader: female
Warnings: some spoilers from Both series(JJK Hidden Inventory mostly) but nothing too relevant. Reader is a Witch. Fluff. Mainly comical.
OK! Taking what you said as a reference, I imagine that (reader) is a Clawthrone, and that is precisely why she had access to a door that led to the human world.
(although this may only be an option because it is canon that there are not only witches on the boiling islands, but on other islands, so it will be more ambiguous from now on)
but in general (reader) she was something like a reject from magical society (probably for not wanting to join a coven, like a boss) and that's why she started using the door constantly.
because 1- she could get human products that helped her survive and 2- if they chased her for too long she would simply go to the human world for a while.
Fortunately her magical abilities were not affected by the new world, yes, she was weakened, but she was still strong.
Besides, it's pretty cool to be "interesting" in an unknown world when in the world where you're known you're a juvenile delinquent or...a nobody...
Although in general I think that (reader) would end up staying for an indefinite period of time in the human world living as a vagabond precisely because they wanted to force her into a coven.
So now she's in the human world trying to adapt.
In general (reader) only used her magic if a quick escape was necessary or, even if she knew it wasn't the best idea, when there was a human-related emergency.
Let's say that (reader) realized that there was something strange with the country she was in...something familiar but at the same time VERY dangerous...
That's how Yaga found her.
He had followed several reports about a mysterious woman who used "magic" to prevent incidents, heal injuries, even fly on a kind of stick (Palisman).
At first Yaga thought it was simply an unidentified or unlicensed sorcerer, but she realized very soon that (reader) really didn't exist anywhere, no matter where she looked, there was nothing about her.
Besides, the way she used her "magic"...was definitely not sorcery. He had to know what it was.
It would probably take Yaga a little while to get (reader) to trust him, he probably lost her the first few times he caught her, but the more they interacted the more (reader) gave in.
and eventually decided to learn "sorcery" from those of the human kingdom.
(Let's say that Yaga was scared when she saw the living conditions she had (reader), even if she told her that it was fine like this and that it was only temporary, that only made her grab her pointy ears and give her a lecture about hygiene😅)
Yaga tries to learn as much as she can about (reader's) magic before sending her to the academy, to see what things can adapt to her fighting style and what can't.
there is a lot of trial and error😅
But is it worth it.
(reader) still uses mainly the fighting techniques of a person from the Boiling Islands (a witch) but now she also knows the basics of sorcery, so she will be able to easily pass the entry topics.
Now, when she knows the group she was assigned to, I'm not going to lie...
They laughed in his face.
Although well, she doesn't blame them, if she hadn't had the door and had visited the human world several times before, she wouldn't believe any of this either, but she definitely got quite angry with that reaction.
to the point where he did a spell in which he made plants grow on their heads... and maybe some abobinables...
It wasn't until Yaga arrived that things calmed down and were better explained.
Gojo was the first to laugh.
although also the first to get confused.
yeah, right, like those things happen-- and before he knew it his seat was being lifted by some kind of...purple golem??
Geto doesn't want to laugh. oh really.
but you can't really ask him to take this seriously.
although he is definitely surprised when out of nowhere he gets trapped in a vine that appeared OUT OF NOWHERE in the living room.
When Yaga explains the situation, that (reader) is not lying and that she really comes from another realm, they demand to see the portal. There has to be proof...
and when they take a look at the world of the boiling islands...Bonesburg (they had to pinch each other to know that this was real and not a collective hallucination)..well, they definitely believe him now.
Although definitely when they return to class they feel a little bad for having laughed at her in her face, so they try to ask her things about her.
It definitely doesn't work at first, but little by little you can see that (the reader) is losing her bitterness.
Both Geto and Gojo try to help (reader) adapt to a "more normal" school environment where doors don't bite you and your locker doesn't eat your books.
Speaking of which, they are quite curious about the "cultural differences" between worlds.
Gojo definitely wants to get on a flying boat. or see the giant skeleton that the boiling islands are on (although Geto questions how hygienic that is).
Imagine the reactions of both when they find out that the Giraffes are from the Boiling Islands but that they were banished by the ancestors of the witches 🤣
or that opossums are considered myths and not real! (reader) definitely goes crazy when she sees a real one.
Geto LOVES (reader's) Palisman, plus he seems to gravitate toward the natural one when he's feeling sad :')
Geto definitely wants to know how (reader's) magic works on a technical level (I don't think he can use glyphs, but maybe adapt some of the reader's moves into his fighting style).
Gojo wants to learn to do poses solely and exclusively for PRANKS, fortunately Geto avoids this.
Geto is more interested in the culture of the islands, more than anything when they both learn about the "coven system" of this "Emperor Belos" and why (the reader) did not want one despite it being dictated by law.
Let's say they understand it.
Geto strongly suspects that more than a security measure, it is more a way to limit power, which he can tell with certainty from (the reader's) level of strength even when weakened.
Speaking of which, they both have a difficult time with (female reader) at first.
whether due to illusions, unwindings, roots, etc.
All this without mentioning fireballs or snow coming in all directions or large constructions that look like something out of Fullmetal Alchemist.
the three of them flying! Geto in the rainbow dragons, (reader) with his Palisman and Gojo with his infinity.
If things end well (with Geto not turning evil, Amanai still alive, etc.) they are like a chaotic trio.
I highly doubt that island magic can be taught in the human world without glyphs, but it can definitely be taught as I mentioned before, by adapting movements.
Geto still has a great friendship with (reader)'s Palisman! and it makes him happy to know that the little friend will easily live longer than him :,)
Gojo is somewhat jealous of the Palisman, it seems like they compete for the attention of their partners and Satoru definitely LEGITIMATELY says that the Palisman blames him for things (sometimes yes, sometimes not).
Although I think they would both protect the palisman with their lives.
They are affectionate couples, and I think that together they manage to empathize better with (reader).
especially if you are homesick.
so they could take a vacation getaway to the boiling islands!
and it's actually pretty fun.
Gojo doesn't stand out in the slightest for once in his life and it's a little strange at first, but he gets it after 15 minutes on the busiest street.
Geto and Gojo now understand (reader's) strange tastes in food. Do you have anything to eat here that doesn't have eyes?...or guts?
They go to places of historical importance to understand a little about the culture of the islands, they avoid scammers, they go to eat somewhere that has food that Suguru and Satoru can digest, they avoid more scammers, they see the emperor's palace from afar, etc. .
(aunaue definitely seeing the place gave them BAD YIKES)
BOTH ALMOST DIE FROM BOILING RAIN, or when Gojo wanted to dive into the water without knowing it was also hot😭
They would both appreciate it FOR LIFE.
In general, these types of experiences help them to better understand each other mutually. and it also happens the other way around.
They have gone several times to the Thousand Red Doors with (reader), who, being (reader) wanted to go through ALL
They saw the old Buddhist temples, the trails, some mountains.
Although the cherry trees are definitely the best, especially when the three of them are alone and (the reader) uses magic to make the trees even brighter and more beautiful.
definitely a beautiful view...
In general, they appreciate the literally otherworldly beauty of their partner, they really love how unique she is and they wouldn't really change anything about her.
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Shares, reblogs and comments are very welcome!
Thanks for the Request ❤️
I don't like writing for SatoSugu THAT much, but this was fun🥰
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 year
ok I do have to talk about it I guess
but I saw a incredibly funny post tag diving that claimed Ed and Al operated on protagonist centered morality in the manga and "didn't face consequences for their actions" and that has to be the weirdest claim ever when the title of Fullmetal Alchemist might as well be "Ed and Al Face Consequences for Their Actions".
If you're annoyed about Ed forcing his personal morality about killing on others, good news, Ed literally gets stabbed completely though his body, is out of action for six months, and has to sacrifice part of his lifespan to heal because he recklessly interferes with a military operation to follow his moral code. He literally says "there are the consequences for my actions" afterwards. Ed is constantly eating the consequences of his actions. His character arc is that he needs to let go of his pride, and he does so in the end by sacrificing his alchemy. I dunno how much more clearly it could be spelled out.
some quibbling about the specifics of the post and differences between versions under the cut and then I'm back to never mentioning this again.
In my quick glance I think the main argument is in 2003 there's this moment where Scar calls out Ed on letting the military interfere with Liore because in 03 canon the people of Liore are a minority similar to Ishvalans so of course the miltary slaughtered them. (From my memory Ed is sad about it but then he continues comfortably blaming Scar for everything and it never ever comes up again, but I haven't seen 03 for a long time so I could be wrong, also I watched the dub back then and the sub might have had him self reflect more, and also the point is moot anyway- he did get called out and that's all that matters. )
The reason that doesn't happen in the manga isn't because Arakawa isn't afraid to question Ed, but because Liore is not a city populated mostly by a minority people related to Ishvalans in the manga. It was a mix of ethnicities just like every other city in Amestris in the manga, and it was 03 that decided to make it connected to Ishval. 2003 Ed did do something kind of bad, because he should have known based on his military's history of genocide that yeah, the military isn't going to be helpful to these people who are specifically minorities, maybe keep an eye on that.
But manga Ed's crime is...not knowing there were evil immortals who would use the confusion to cause a riot and would thus draw the military to kill everyone because actually there's a secret government conspiracy to cause bloodshed at certain points in Amestris? ??? Dude, literally nobody knew that! So it makes no sense for Ed to be "punished" by the narrative specifically for the sin of not knowing that. The homunculi would have fucked up Liore regardless of whether Ed exposed the local cult leader or not, and exposing a cult leader is not a bad thing someone needs to atone for. If Rose or someone had blamed Ed for what happened, they would have looked pretty unreasonable. I do agree that the positivity about rebuilding in the manga can easily rub people the wrong way, and I would have liked it to reflect the messy emotions that come in the aftermath of violence more too, but there was no narrative purpose in making Ed and Al carry guilt for it, and it would have felt forced.
The manga and 2003 had different aims with how they executed their plotlines. Liore in the manga and 2003 are different. Before you blame one for not ending up like the other, you have to consider whether that would have even made any sense. Anyway that's my last word, might delete this later.
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shallowrambles · 1 year
Ok so, another thing somewhat more lighthearted about the bunker dismissal. (I promised some lighter takes.)
Obviously, it wasn't going to take forever to heal Sam.
Meanwhile, Dean was agonizing about whether to leave Cas in Peace or not ("Nobody wants him here more than me" and then Dean can't bear to tell him the Heaven spell was permanent, lol).
But in the later dialogue between them, it also kinda looks like the temporary-ness might've been a Known Thing. If that's the case... It makes the whole thing 1000% more hilarious. They're that broken up that they, quote, "can't work together...for a little while."
Also, shoutout to Cas for figuring out that this shit was related to Ezekiel quick. And Dean is dropping such heavy hints, too, lol. He's dying to open up. You can practically hear the gears turning here in 9x09:
CASTIEL: (clears throat) I, um, I noticed you look... kind of uncomfortable whenever Sam mentions my leaving. Doesn't he know that you told me to leave?
DEAN: Here's the deal. When Sam was doing the trials to seal up Hell, it messed him up. Okay? The third one nearly killed him. If I'd let him finish, it would have. He's still messed up, bad.
CASTIEL: You said the angel, Ezekiel, helped heal him.
DEAN (looks down, avoiding the question): Look, I got to do anything I can to get him back. Now, if that means that we keep our distance from you for a little while, then... Then I don't have a choice. I don't feel good about it, but I don't have a choice. It's great to have your help, Cas. Okay, but we just can't work together.
In Dean's perfect world, Ezekiel heals Sam, gets outta dodge, and Dean explains and invites Cas back to The Bunker.
Also in this same episode, we see yet more evidence of Cas's renewed confidence and actual preference to stay away once he's re-considered the danger. We could argue out his emotions, sure, but even before getting Grace, Cas is strategically embracing his Heaven's Most Wanted status (perhaps because April the reaper and the Riet Zen both found him, after all).
He's re-enlisted and re-embraced war and his Heavenly responsibilities. This parallels some of the themes of Cas using hunting to run away from his Heaven messes in season 8's Hunter Heroici, except this time he resolved to face the fight, even as a "human." And then, later he resolved to forcefully amass more power/Grace TO survive and fight.
CASTIEL (on the phone): Dean, I don't have a lot of time, so listen. The leader of the opposition is an angel named Malachi.
DEAN: How do you know that?
CASTIEL: He had me. I, uh, I was tortured. But I got away.
DEAN: How?
CASTIEL: I... I did what I had to. I became what they've become. A barbarian.
DEAN: What are you – Cas, where are you?
CASTIEL: It's better I stay away. They're gonna want me even more now. But I'm gonna be all right. I... I got my Grace back. Well, not mine per se, but it'll do.
DEAN: Wait, you're – you're back? You got your mojo?
CASTIEL: I'm not sure. But I am an angel.
DEAN: And you're okay with that?
CASTIEL: If we're going to war, I need to be ready.
DEAN (pause) Cas.
CASTIEL: Dean. There's more.
DEAN: What?
CASTIEL: Didn't you say Sam was healed by an angel named Ezekiel?
DEAN: Uh... Yeah, why?
CASTIEL: Ezekiel is dead.
DEAN: What?
CASTIEL: He died when the angels fell.
DEAN's face has a very concentrated "oh this is bad" expression.
I just think it's neat. There's a lot of soldier stuff Cas works through that has nothing to do with Sam and Dean.
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lycanthrology · 2 years
1. Your first OC ever? / 2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? / 12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot / 19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) / 25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) / 32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? / 44. Something you like about your OCs in general
Yeah this is long
1. Your first OC ever?
I could dig up some old notebooks and share some of the worst characters you’ve ever seen in your life. One that’s sticking out to me is a werewolf called Maze. When I was 7 or so, my friend group got me to write them into a sparticle mystery inspired apocalypse situation. The characters were NOT meant to be us 😡😡😡 but it was very clear that they were. Each was a different fantasy/horror creature like vampire, ghost, siren etc and I can't remember anything about Maze except she was a werewolf and my shitty self insert. And I got very angry because a teacher read it and pronounced her name as Maisy. It’s Maze like the labyrinth like the CORN
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Lennox and Kaleela mean so much to me. Especially when they talk to each other. It’s fun to write their interactions. I’ve been getting into William a lot recently. Underrated.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
Your OC Weston!! I might’ve spelled his name wrong. I don’t know much but I think about him often. @vonkarma2 ‘s wizard world is rotting my brain near on 24/7. Rocio, Cirillo, Lucia, Gloria, + Jacinto in particular.
If anyone ever wants to talk about their OCs, please message me. I love hearing about them and will get so excited
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Oh I can’t do this. I’m going to say Crow but not for the reason you’ll expect.
I haven’t talked about this much but Crow has Klinefelter's and is intersex, and even though this has very little impact on the actual narrative (debatable. I don’t have the time to explain this but there is quite a lot of subtext) and he doesn’t even know it himself, it’s so important to me that he’s there living in that body.
I can count the amount of intersex characters that exist on one hand. And most of them are offensive or distasteful. Like two characters merged into one body, mutants, or some kind of alien or nonhuman creature (<- yes I know crow is nonhuman too but it’s ok this time because i said so. Also if you know him he’s far more than just ‘nonhuman creature’) Even if an intersex character is considered ‘good representation’, they’re always so boring!! Even in independent work by LGBT+ authors there are rarely intersex characters. Forget about intersex headcanons or OCs. There’s nothing at all and it’s so isolating. And even if there is, people erase their intersexuality by calling them trans or nonbinary when they’re intercis. Just make intersex characters!! Do it!! If you get it wrong, at least you’re trying
So when Crow fits the archetype of the beloved miserable bad boy, wrestling with his identity and personhood, murderer with so many problems begrudgingly working with the protagonists, but he’s existing as an intersex man(!!) That’s revolutionary to me. It’s very healing. If nobody else is doing it, you’ve got to take matters into your own hands
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
I’m like Harry Dashwood because I want to be in the House of Lords and would push Crow down a flight of stairs. That’s a joke. Kaleela because I’m annoying about bad films, love my friends, and have an unfounded fear that everyone hates me.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Lennox. He’s smart, and brave, and he knows when to quit. But he’s so recklessly curious. Kind of guy to investigate a strange noise in a forest alone at midnight. Kind of guy to spend a month trying to solve an ARG. Kind of guy that escapes the narrative then comes back a year later because [bloodborne voice] oh how the secrets beckon so sweetly. He isn’t an idiot and he won’t persue something pointless or overtly dangerous. Sometimes something will get lodged in his head and he Needs to investigate it.
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
Name one good decision any of them have ever made. You can’t.
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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The poor man’s Area 51
On the 20th of September in 2019, the day which took the internet by storm when a bunch of nerds tried to raid Area 51. Oh, how much did Audrey wished she could be there. Sadly, she is an adult with a job now, so she couldn’t go. Furthermore, at this point, living alone with only a cat in the middle of the desert was starting to drive her insane. So, Dawud caved in, and he accepted to drive the 24 hours to visit her. 
Ok, caved in sound like it’s something he didn’t want to do. It’s more that he didn’t really want to drive all alone for so long. Especially since he knows how to drive, but he kinda hates it and has never owned his very own car. So he got Daniele to come with him...only to find out Daniele never even tried to pass his driver license, so he obviously doesn’t have a car. But you know who knows how to drive and has a car? Matteo. And you also know who Daniele has been trying to introduce Dawud to for a while?
Eventually, they made it to Strangerville, and you know, as compensation for the fact she couldn’t be at the Area 51 raid, they decided to bring Audrey UFO haunting in the outskirt of the small town. After all, if there’s one person who can confirm that indeed, weird things are flying above the Strangerville’s sky, it’s Dawud.
Daniele: Finally, you get to meet my best friend since we were babies. Her name is Audrey Newberry. She works in a chemistry lab, she loves aliens, and she’s also extremely smart. We used to be in the same program for gifted kids. Daniele: Ciao bella, I’m Daniele, should have been the heir to one of the most powerful spellcaster family in the world but they disowned me when I was around 12. Audrey: Are you flirting with me? Dawud told me you’re gay so I’m confused. Daniele: I love your honesty and straight to the point approach to conversation! Dawud: And me, Matteo, I’m your cousin’s roommates. Matteo: I kinda know you at this point, I spent the equivalent of an entire day with you in a car, and we took a break in a shady hotel room. Dawud: To be fair, it wasn’t that shady. You just grew up rich so you have squewed expectation of what a hotel should be and that place smelled kinda bad. Daniele: “Kinda bad”. It smelled straight up rancid. But anyway, next time I should try using a teleportation device.
Hearing this, Matteo just popped off at him. Doesn’t he know teleportation device are not only extremely rare, less than 10 models left in the entire world (though it’s highly likely the Rossinis have one lying around considering their status), but they’re also illegal for several reasons. First of all, just having anyone be able to teleport anywhere would be a mess, which you could argue only spellcasters can use one as it is magic powered...But more importantly, it also has a 15% chance of killing you, and that is when it’s used perfectly and as intended, so imagine when it’s like...not.
Matteo: And also, magic is cheating. It’s the 21st century, you don’t need it 99% of the time. Daniele: Boohoo, we get it, you’re a self-hating spellcaster. Nobody cares, get over yourself. And don’t act like you never threw a healing spell on yourself when you were sick. Audrey: ANYWAY! Gentlemen, the sun is setting, which mean potential UFOs might be seen at any time now. We got to start looking now.
And so, the four of them looked at the sky, laid on the desertic ground, stargazing for hours upon hours, waiting for something. Though, every single time they saw something flying above them, it was very obviously an airplane, though Dawud did get lucky and manage to spot a shooting star at some point. What did he wish for? Well, he could have wished for Daniele to love him back, but he decided to be a bit less selfish and have a wish that has less...weirdly brainwashing implication assuming he doesn’t love him. In short, he wished for Audrey to be united yet again.
...Actually, he could see how this would play off. She sees a flying saucer, the same government agent who sent him to San Myshuno does the same to her, and there it is. Her loneliness is fixed, she has some proof of alien life, they live near each other again and she can join his new friends group, which will allow her to meet Kino. All would be great!
Sadly, it was eventually 3 AM, and still nothing. At that point, everyone in the group was exhausted, and as much as Audrey did not want to give up, she’ll wait til sunrise if necessary. But the boys wanted to leave, so she had to take the L.
Audrey: I-It’s so unfair. It seems like everyone in this town has an alien story, except me. Even you Dawud, your alien story in fact changed your life for the better. Do even extraterrestrial life form think I’m a weirdo and want nothing to do with me just like humans do?  Dawud: Look, we’re staying with you the entire weekend, we still have three days to see UFOs.
That wasn’t enough for Audrey, now she was afraid. What if the aliens really do indeed not like her?!
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cosmicangel888 · 10 months
Conglomerates, Corruption ~ Human Testing ~ 5D New Earth
And when I offered to years of sick voodoo blocking stalking and spell work and my teams told me ‘they are stealing from you’ and ‘there are more people watching than you know;
Truman show’
My teams this week told me that ‘this week conglomerates will come down’ pulled up by our purging of darkness, returning to value, worth, and deeper human respect for life - living in your truth and knowing when something corrupt is going you call it
Judicial, policing, every person involved in the dark deeds of humanity not aligned wiht value, not healing the inner wounds that would ever allow such degradation as being 'ok' when it crosses every law and spiritual law available
Every person, every intention, ring-leaders, and all involved, fake clients, false prophets working for any platform, the social hacking, blocking, stalking -
GOD SEES ALL - lie, deny, pretend you are innocent when you have done nothing but harm, degrade, take, abuse energy, withhold and steal - God sees all - all will face their won deeds - all have years to do what is right - even until the last minute - all choose;
Make it right and truth or watch the falling to every person, every intention - to that which is divine -
Deceive, spell cast confusion spells, and illusions spells all you want, hide evidence and destroy what you think you will have an upper hand to not be seen for who you are - what you do, is the intention of your own life, God, legions of those that are working with light beings for the benevolence for humanity, legions of beings that what you think you are hiding - will always prevail and come forth in others and other way - none play God - will be the only way out of the mess all have made involved in such -
TRUTH IS the only way through - So lying, hiding, pretending you had no part in the corruption and harm, be it YouTube accounts being hacked, shadow-banned, using my energy, wisdoms, light, abusing me on every level - when you were all to learn soul lessons and make right - now the karma is ever deeper -
See how trending, controlling, viewership, viewing to the public, where mail and donations go, to be fed to those that simply are living purely on selfish wounding ego, and demon time - control, energy soaking within stories that want your energy / sacrifices and spell work man’s now all imploding I was seen as ‘special’ and they gave me ‘mind scraping’ to deconstruct and see how much you can take - there are those that recruit other vulnerable and lighted ones / karma right now
Human testing on me and none nothing will make right what happened to me - human testing, animal testing, is not ok - discrimination, malice, soul degrading and affects the entire creational reality©
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How sick to know many just watched; conduit high functioning empathic healer none have any idea the trauma I was put under / I was brought back 4 times by my teams and the my were relentless and didn’t stop - overkill - all knew what part they played and what they did.
None had the right,
None had authority
Those were bidding to play a part to take harvesting ought to their ownership of my light and consciousness and destiny to swap / God is protecting and I have legions around me / none are allowed and testing will be done
The damage was done and nothing will make right what was done and I will sue every person company for privacy invasion
* human rights * discrimination * enslavement * torture
None had this authority I am a conduit and what was done was torture / nobody would understand /
All that played a part have 24hours to bring truth to your authorities / all will be brought by God either way None will be missed
My word is
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I am Christ Consciousness and offers Gods story for humanity to awaken and return to sacredness - yes knew what they were doing
I know what I experienced and I was hurt in ways that none could ever imagine - for you are not a conduit, not high functioning and aligned in pure God,
My teams, God showed me they were testing me to see if I would could be used as a destructive being - I know what occurred / it was evil
Those that do harm, ill will, back stabbing to get your own way, selfish gains, every person involved - all will be called on and none will be missed - none will be missed and regardless of what you any think has been destroyed and evidence hidden, or those paid in silence, and those in petty immature revenge games - none will be missed - what you do hidden will come forth - God is.
Tread so very lightly dear ones - patience has run out. Companies, politicians, and those that have taken the oath, taken masked care to serve and protect others and yet there is nothing but damage and pain intended - now is time to balance the scales -
Return what is owed to those that you have harmed - the timelines are now shifting - make right on 3D now - this is the word - what lessons are you being shown.©
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
They did harm me - when you place a mother in such, all intentions affect every child they are connected to, and the conduit of humanity, for the children, all women - affects every person and every life therefore and thereafter - so be the equal karma
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The my harmed me and I still suffer PTSD and focus daily hourly on healing, transmuting - plots of human downfall is not ok; it is pre-meditated murder and sickness, and mental, spiritual corruption - this is being shown - none will be left out of what they chose and played a part in - none have any right of my life, or any others life for money, greed, and spiritual false power - none are aligned - none know anything about pure source and Creational laws, and why God is - sacrificing will = immediate karma - none had that right
sacrificing my health,
sacrificing my spiritual destiny which in spiritual court is the most egregious acts and deepest of soul debt to karma -of the daughter of God - all are now facing their choices - to party hard on energy and light, and wisdoms, and money that is not theirs
None play God to any
how dare all of you that were a part in such, in any way
My PayPal tab --> DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
is everywhere None have such rights never did All my templates and accounts will be opened up and no more shadow banning
How unfair and discriminatory that I work devotedly even under relentless attack and none of my work which is what I am here for /
Gods divine plan is never seen nor received by those that truly need it while plans plots to literally erase me while cloning projects that simply failed
For you / those that choose to do, be a part of such, underground covens, groups, cults, that abuse energy and information, or abuse the liberation of any other - be it trafficking or abuse of information or taking over ones channel or social platform, or personal property, or mail, or monies due - none have the right to dominate and control another's life of ill- will and interfere of what hinders another to progress, explore, express and when one is aligned - that is evolution for all creation
What most do not GET - when 1 person on our planet lives purely and joyfully in their life light, - ALL ARE SERVED - so in the hindering of ME: all have been hindered and how such will now have to sit with, face, in their own karma - #corruption #conglomeratesincorruption #humantesting #inhumanetreatment
Those that choose selfish actions, testing, the torture I was specifically put through -
Civil Rights, Human Rights, Heavenly Spiritual Rights - when you do such without permissions, and relentless pushing pressing on someone that is 100 times more sensitive than those that do the tests - you have no idea - you are not evolved and not aligned - and such is the degradation of humanity, light not received that could have been and the constant suicidal imprints, impressions, and harm that were forced into my pure essence
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Multi-Verse Species lightships
By the way - for those inquiring minds - those of the past you have no idea you have made it thus far due to my light, my light work, and the wisdoms you have stolen - and you were tested to do right by such - and so too is karma - #ascensionbooks
Never justify horrible treatment - that is normalizing abuse conformity of abuse - those that manipulate to get what they want and keep you in controlled harm #mindscraping #mindcontrol #mentalabuse #emotionalabuse #spiritualabuse #humanabuse
None have any idea what I have offered all unconditionally - and all they do is take - harmful, horrible treatment - you have no idea - disrespect beyond
Those that do such are not divine when you choose from superficial detached ego idiocy to do such - not preparing me no permissions and is ethically so very wrong
Called Judgment now - All involved - every person / there was slit of monies change hands / silenced and corrupted paperwork 24 hours to bring truth to have God work with you and repay every penny stolen withheld-and be ready for court
I am surrounded by Angelica of the most high and held by God - none will touch me and any spell is returned immediately
And they will lie to their last day - that they have been nothing but righteous - when those that behind closed doors do nothing but harm and degradation - their false elite titles, powers - abuse of powers - none of the past will ever be allowed to enter my space again - damage done - continued abuse - if you do not do the work - you will not be in the seat - deep pockets mean nothing to spiritual decree - order, and Gods plan; all must learn to heed ©
I believe in humanity doing what is right - I believe because all truly want better for themselves and others - wounded souls create in wounding unless they are aware - why cycles are cycles - learning and expanding from the 'Wheel of Creation' and what it means for you in every moment of any interactions - work on your shadow -
You will always be a student - always be allowing for the humbling - to be and live in spirit - God is offering eternal life to those that surrender to IT - fight, deny, lie, or judge - it will be a rough ride - but all choices lead back to God -
* spells to erase my memory
* spells to force incompetence for scans schemes
* the most horrible torture that god and the celestials have been working tirelessly to restore my DNA of which none will have as each person I am connected with genetically are not of the strain I am - have not sorted that out yet but find it so obsessive to track, spy, recruit, test and torture the innocent and hyper sensitive and special - that is what selfish arrogance will get you In court and law suits for invasion and discrimination of human rights
How dare you
Good luck with your karma
My PayPal tab is on all our videos and my channel
And all of my platforms, and accounts will be cleared of all spells, hexes, curses - hacking shadow-banning will be now be cleansed;
I will be known, seen, and following my unique path wiht Source, God, the Systsm of Light and no person, no earthly authority will out-rank God and humanity's destiny
I will be offering my teachings, and sacred wisdoms to all that so desire and none will have power to stop - we are and have our rights for all that we are within - none have power over this.
I will be opened to the worlds and as such inhumane experiments are being dismantled and brought forth in our own unique healing, bringing forth truth, all will be known;
Destroy your evidence or not / all involved will bring truth / all will be doing what their souls know is right / Sacrifices implode upon itself That is the way
TikTok - I offered such unconditional love and healing from day 1 -
My word is
What I have been speaking about for years is now coming to the fore - all had infinite opportunity to do right and change around -
Thus life is proof - truth is
Ego and denial disbelief and your own lack of direction self made you all think 💭 any of this was humane and or ok and all get to reflect upon this - and as spirit just offered; 'what would a world look like if this such events of human testing, controlled experiments that none even know about occurred all the time?'
Do you claim your energy, consciousness, light, choice, voice, health unto yourself - this is reclaiming of our birthright and sovereignty that is the same message Jesus spoke, taught, died for - and why His body will never be claimed by lesser - this is our turning point dear ones - I am that messenger ~ will you heed, or will you continue to ignore and numb to what is happening under your nose?
Conglomerates are coming down / 1 and all involved / ancestors all over this Deities from all dimensions and timelines and it will be like the most profound story of grace ever told / that is how God works It is pure It is sacred It is unconditional It is respecting to that which is the light of new gardens for all children and benevolence God is
There is money, viewers, my work, energy and light, truth, that belongs to me and was created, inspired through me - I want what is mine, and what is owed - all had been given 2 years to repay - and return what was stolen - all cords, all stories, all situations will never be allowed to use, be in my space - all is facing karma distributed by Source, God - when you do spell work, intentions, interference - HARM is - karma is - deal with it -
I deserve to be fully who I am and what I offer with God, Source, beings of all creation - and God will assure what is mine is returned - and the legions of all realms I teach, offer on the behalf of
All life deserves to be heard, known, seen, respected - this is Gods Creation - beyond religions and how any are told God is - God, Source, is all life - None have any right to defile, degrade, or dictate any part of IT
I work for God and God only - for divine plans - none replace this ever -
I will be always in my word; human testing aside - I am
#5Dnewhumandivinelaws #humanrightsDivinelaws
#rewritinghumancelestialOnenessLaws DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
This is my word God is an essence
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
Scientists Have Discovered A Light Worker. A Powerful Child Of The Light
Youtube channel - Joannas Ascension Work
#5d #5DnewEArth #5thdimensionalconsciousness #God #Unity #oneness #healingcorruption
#obsessions #addictions #healingGodcomplex
#healinghumanity #karmiclessons #soulgrowth #humantesting #healingfromdiscrimination #divinefemininediscrimination
#testingonthesensitives #blackmagic #healingfromvoodoo #healingfromspellwork #healingfromhumantesting #balance #universalLaws #selflove #God #Source #5Dnewearth #healing3D #healingourchildren #newearth #Oneness #unity #humantrafficking #shadowbanning #healingshadow #competition #energyhealing #joannaswork
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darkphoenixlady · 1 year
Queen Buffy - Episode 1 - part 1
Episode 1 – part 1
“T'o-Ba'sall have you seen my special egg anywhere?”
T'o-Ba'sall looks at Arry, “What special egg?”
“I didn’t want to leave you alone if someone managed to kill me. So, I laid a special queen egg with all of our ancestral memories and the abilities we’ve gathered. It took me a week to plan it out, and a day to lay it over the Christmas holidays. Anyway, I left it in this locker so that nobody could accidentally activate it.”
“I can’t say I’ve seen anything touch that locker.”
“Damn it!”
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 Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Buffy looks down at a battered Dawn, “Dawn, I don’t know what you are, but you will stay away from my mother.”
Dawn looks up at Buffy, confusion clear on her face.
Buffy kneels down beside a dying priest as he’s gasping his last breath, “The key, you must protect the key.”
“What key?”
“We sent it to you to protect it.”
“I don’t understand.”
“We gave it a human form, and made her your sister.”
Joyce looks at Buffy sadly, “Buffy, you know that ‘nothing’ that’s been going on recently?” Buffy nods, “Well, it turns out it might not be nothing after. I have an appointment for a scan tomorrow.”
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Buffy sits sadly in the waiting room of the Sunnydale Memorial Hospital. Beside her, Dawn has just finished asking her why a CAT scan is called a CAT scan.
After an eternity, that seems to pass far too quickly, a nurse comes out to talk to her.
“Miss Summers?”
Buffy looks up in surprise, “Yes, that’s me.”
“Your mother has just come out of the CAT Scan, and the doctor is talking to her now.”
Morosely, Buffy looks at the nurse’s expression, “Can I see her?”
The nurse nods, “Come this way.”
Dawn looks up at them, “Can I come?”
Buffy glances at the nurse’s expression again before looking back at Dawn, “Dawn, I think it would be best if I went alone.”
Dawn nods, “Ok”
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 As Buffy’s mind starts to regain coherency, she looks around the cemetery that her wandering brought her to, Angel’s old crypt standing in front of her. But he’s not here now, and her mother has a shadow on her brain.
The doctor said that one in three people with this condition go on to lead normal lives. ‘But, that means that two in three die’ her traitorous brain adds.
Kicking out at a grave marker, Buffy screams, “I’m the Slayer for Christ’s sake. There must be something I can do to help solve this. Some spell or thing I can use.”
Life comes back into her eyes, and she makes her way back to the city center, the broken grave marker lying forgotten behind her.
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 After a brief moment to clean up the evidence of having cried in a public rest room, Buffy makes her way into Magic Box, the shop that Giles owns.
There, she sits at the large round table that’s covered in books, and explains what she’s just learnt to her friends. Even if Giles keeps having to serve customers.
Once she’s finished, she looks around everyone, “So, there has to be some spell or ritual that can help, right?”
Willow nods excitedly, “Oh, yes, sure. I’m sure we can find something.”
Tara reaches out, and puts her arm on Willow’s, “Willow, I don’t think it’s that simple. Everything I’ve read says that there’s always undesirable consequences to these spells.”
Plaintively, Buffy asks, “But surely there’s something we can do.”
Giles leans over, both fists on the table, “Buffy, I’m sorry. The truth is, uh, the mystical and the medical. Well, they aren’t meant to mix, Buffy. Sorry. Uh. The human mind is very delicate. Just too much could go wrong.”
Tara nods, “Yes, I’ve read stories about healing magic. And we could make things much worse, for everyone.”
Buffy slumps at the table, and in a heartfelt voice says, “I just… I wish there was something I could do.”
Giles goes to say something, but Anya talks over him, completely ignoring what Buffy just said, “Oh, yeah, we’ve done enough about making things worse for one day, haven’t we.”
As Giles looks away with a guilty expression on his face, Buffy asks, “Why? What do you mean?”
Xander looks at Anya with a meaningful expression, “Nothing. Anya broke a bippity-boppity-boo. A thing. Don’t worry about it.”
Anya looks offended and exclaims, “I did not. I didn’t break…”
Softly, Giles says, “Anya. Buffy doesn’t need to hear about your, uh, clumsiness right now.”
Anya huffs, “My clumsiness. I mean, that is so…” as Willow, Tara, and Xander all give her the side eye, she picks up with, “Like me. Slippery, slippery. Butterfingers.”
Buffy sharply looks up, “What happened?”
Giles takes off his glasses and looks down at the table, “Nothing to concern you.”
Buffy looks him straight in the eyes, “Giles.”
Putting his glasses back on, Giles glances at Buffy’s eyes before looking past her, “The, uh, demon woman was here. The one who attacked you.”
Willow adds, “It’s no biggie. She just got an amulet and a bloodstone.”
Anya adds, “That can create a monster.”
Willow looks askance, “Okay, biggie.”
Immediately concerned, Buffy looks around, “My God, are you guys okay, though? Did… No one got hurt right?”
Scratching at his earlobe, Giles answers, “No, no. Thankfully, no violence to speak of.”
Buffy looks surprised, “Okay, so that’s good. How did she get away with this bad mojo stuff?”
After a long, uncomfortable silence, Anya softly says, “Giles sold it to her.”
Giles looks defensive, “I… I… I didn’t know it was her. I..I mean, how could I? If it’s any consolation, I may have overcharged her.”
Tara adds, “And Anya figured out what the demon lady’s up to.”
Anya nods, “Yeah, A few thousand years ago, there was this cult, the Temple of Sobek.”
Buffy glances between the two girls, “Sobek?”
Anya nods, “Reptile demon. Sobekites were reptile worshipers.”
Xander spreads his hands in a ‘why me’ express, “Just once I would like to run into a cult of bunny worshipers.”
Anya deadpans, “Great. Thank you very much for those nightmares.”
Xander flinches, “Sorry.”
Anya twitches, “Anyway, their high priest, Kohl, had great mystic powers. He, um, forged an amulet with a transmogrifying crystal.” While she’s talking Giles sits down at the table.
Willow turns to Buffy, “Transmogrifying is changing a living thing into a different kind of thing.”
Giles turns to face Buffy, “We’ve managed to translate the markings that were on the bloodstone that I sold… That she left with. A cobra. She’s going to transmogrify a cobra.”
Buffy breathes deeply, “Okay, so she’s making a monster. What for? What does it do?”
“That’s the part…” Giles clears his throat, “We’re working on it.”
Buffy tilts her head to one side, “Well, you keep working on it. I’ll go kill it.”
As she stands up and starts walking out the store, Giles stands up, “Buffy?”
Buffy spins around, “What? I’m going.”
Xander leans forward, “Buffy, this chick creamed you last time.”
Buffy leans forward, “That’s because I wasn’t ready for her last time. I am now.”
Willow looks at her worriedly, “But you…”
Buffy looks at Willow, “But what? Will, I can’t just sit here. I have to do something.” Left unsaid is that this is something she can do something about.
The shop is silent as Buffy makes her way out at a jog. Her earlier wish all but forgotten in light of the more immediate problems.
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 It doesn’t take Buffy long to get to the most reliable source of reptiles, Sunnydale Zoo. As she’s making her way into the reptile house, her ears pick up the sounds of chanting in an ancient language.
Picking up the pace, she hears a woman’s voice say, “Ah! Dark incantations. Always overwritten. Why can’t they just cut to the…”
It’s at this point that Buffy gets a clear look at the inside of the reptile house and launches herself at the blond woman in the skimpy red dress. Her charging attack takes the two of them into one of the textured concrete walls.
The woman in question chirps, “Fight? Ooh. No fair…” as she stands up to face Buffy. Only to reel back into the wall again as Buffy kicks her in the face.
As Buffy knees her in the stomach, the woman doesn’t even sound winded as she continues, “Attacking when I wasn’t even looking. Ooh. Help.”
Abruptly the woman stands up and grabs Buffy’s hair, before slamming her face first into the concrete wall, “No. This is no good. I’m out of the moment.”
Buffy recovers quickly and throws another punch, which the woman dodges before grabbing the outstretched arm and putting Buffy into an arm lock, “And you’re not giving me anything I can use.”
While Buffy tries to pull her hand free, the woman calls over to the other person in the room, a grey skinned, and scabby looking man, “Dreg, I’m not hearing chanting! Continue!”
Silently, Buffy curses herself for not noticing him earlier, however, a punch to the face before being slammed back into the wall knocks that thought out of her mind, even as the man says, “Yes, Glory.” And starts chanting.
As she slumps down the wall, ‘Glory’ reaches down and pulls Buffy back to her feet, “Hey, hey, work with me here.” Before throwing Buffy back into another wall.
“There, that feels more real. Don’t you think?”
As she’s thrown clear across the room, and rolls along the floor, Buffy groans, “Oh, no.”
Her recovery time is short lived, as Glory picks her up by the lapels on her jacket, “Even if I do have to carry your performance.”
A kick to her stomach sends Buffy flying across the room again, and through the glass on one of the enclosures, then through the plywood backing of the enclosure, to the care and maintenance access behind the exhibits.
There she hears Glory call, “Scene!” just before a large leathery egg falls down onto her stomach, and knocks the wind out of her. Staggering to her feet, Buffy just has time to see a white clay jar explode, and a giant snake monster appear, before something grabs her throat from behind and then gags her with its hands.
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  When she comes around, the reptile house is empty, and the hands turn out to be some sort of spider like thing. Clambering out of the enclosure, Buffy makes her way back to the hospital where her mother should be coming out of the emergency procedure to biopsy the tumor.
Once she arrives, she heads straight to the unit reception, and waits for the nurse to finish with his paperwork.
The nurse looks up, “Hi, can I help… Buffy wasn’t it? Your mother’s still in surgery, but they should be bringing her to recovery soon. I hope the walk helped.”
Buffy nods numbly, “A little. It’s…”
The nurse leans back, revealing that he’s actually an intern named Ben, “Overwhelming. Don’t think about it too much yet. The doctor is very good at his job, not so good at talking to the patients or their family. Take it one thing at a time. At the moment, we don’t know what it is. That’s why she’s having a biopsy at the moment. Best case, it's benign and we stich her up and she goes home tomorrow. More likely, it’s operable, and they remove it. Then she goes home in a week. There will probably be changes to her personality or ability to do stuff, as it’s a bit like having a stroke. That’s the bit that doctor always leaves out. Most people will go on to live at least 5 years after their surgery. The one in three figure is for people who have no adverse effects from the removal of whatever’s causing the shadow.”
As Buffy listens, she nods as she remembers the scans she saw earlier. With the shadow in the left frontal lobe, the pressure it puts on the brain is likely to affect her mother’s personality. If it’s still growing, this could cause mood swings, problems with memory, and even impulse control.
Buffy puts her hand on the counter and blinks rapidly at the information that just hit her. How did she even know that? Vivian Granger was a British Prescribing Psychiatrist who had to study damage to the frontal lobes as part of her training, due to the well-known effects that damage to that part of the brain can cause.
As her hand comes up to her forehead, Ben asks, “Are you alright, you seem a little…”
Buffy nods weakly, “I’m fine. I just… remembered learning about Phineas Gage in school, and how he took a railroad spike through the brain.”
Ben chuckles, “You’d be the first. Well, don’t worry, it won’t be anything so drastic, as we don’t make a practice of shoving spikes right through our patients brains with dynamite.”
Buffy laughs with him, “Yeah, that has to be up there with returning to electro-shock therapy to cure epilepsy. Um, I’m just going to call a friend and buy myself a snack while mum’s still in surgery.”
Ben nods, and Buffy flees to the main entrance, and the public phones.
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 Buffy quickly dials Magic Box from memory, and waits for the phone to be answered. As soon as she’s sure it’s Giles, she says, “Giles, it’s me, Buffy.”
Giles responds with some surprise, “Buffy, are you ok?”
Buffy shakes her head, “I’ll be fine, physically anyway.”
“How did you get on?”
Buffy hesitates for a moment, “She made a big snake thing, not mayor big, but still big enough.”
“Do you know why she made it?”
Buffy shakes her head, “No, I think she summoned something to stop me interfering as I remember something grabbing me from behind after she threw me through an exhibit.”
“I’ll get the others to grab some crossbows, and we’ll head out to look for it.”
Buffy shakes her head again, “Giles, what’s the time?”
“Um, 4:30”
“Dawn’s finishing school. You need to pick her up and keep her safe.”
Buffy can almost hear Giles’ nod before he says, “I’ll make sure to do that. Buffy, is there anything else you need?”
Buffy swallows hard, “There’s one thing. Could you ask Willow if she knows who Phineas Gage is?” When Giles goes to answer, Buffy adds, “Specifically Willow, I know you might know.”
She waits as Giles covers the mouthpiece, and a moment later Giles uncovers the phone, “Willow doesn’t know. Buffy, why do you want to know about one of the first known cases of a violent personality change that wasn’t caused by possession?”
“Because I know that he was impaled by a railroad spike after the explosive went off while he was tamping it down. And that it caused a massive personality shift, and was the first indication of the role different parts of the brain have on our day to day life and personality. I also know that someone called Vivian Granger was a British Prescribing Psychiatrist, and knows how to read CAT scans of the brain.”
“Buffy, if you’ve been possessed.”
“Giles, it’s not possession. I don’t know how I know, but it’s not. Giles, it’s scaring me that I’m not scared of what’s happening, just surprised.”
“Buffy, when did this happen?”
“About an hour, an hour and a half, ago. It’s not like I could just grab a bus here.”
“Buffy, you should come in and get checked over.”
Buffy shakes her head again, “No Giles, mum’s coming out soon and I need to be here for her. Look, I know it’s going to take you time to look up the right ritual. Why don’t you find it, and draw it out in the training room…”
“Buffy, why would I need a ritual? We already found the spell we need.”
“Because we don’t have… wands? Giles, why did I just assume you need a wand to cast magic?”
Before Giles can respond, the phone starts beeping at Buffy, and her last quarter falls through to the cash box. Staring at the handset in disgust, she slams it back in its cradle and stalks off to the small shop, where she buys a sandwich and a coke.
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 It’s less than an hour before Buffy finds herself lying beside her mother, her eyes red with unshed tears, as the doctor gives them the bad news. Her mother has a grade 3 malignant tumor growing in her brain. Fortunately, it hasn’t metastasized, but they want her in for surgery as soon as space can be made available in the theatre schedule.
Much to her dismay, the doctor actually becomes more friendly when Buffy shows that she somehow understands the medical speak, and is able to ask intelligent questions.
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 Queen Potter, a summary of the first 20 chapters as it’s relevant to this story.
Harry Potter is abducted from the Dursley’s doorstep by aliens. Within hours of being aboard the ship, a xenomorph egg hatches and infects one of the crewmen. Several hours later, a mostly mature worker xenomorph finds Harry. With a bout of accidental magic, Harry turns into a chest burster, and the worker starts to feed him royal jelly so that he’ll eventually form a cocoon and become a queen. As she grows up, she takes the name Arry because that’s all she remembers of her name.
Several years later, a Predator called T’o-ba’sall boards Arry’s ship for her chiva (coming of age hunt) and makes her way straight to the queen’s chamber. There she is disarmed by a humanoid Arry before Arry reads her mind to find out why she’s attacked. Finding out that not only is she just a child, but also too young to be going on her chiva, Arry develops a special egg to bring T’o-ba’sall into the hive without killing her. These are later called adoption eggs. Between then and her 11th birthday she adds a couple of children from Skarli and Laprey heritage.
Shortly before her 11th birthday, Fawkes is sent to find Harry by Albus Dumbledore. However, Fawkes flames in too close to Arry while she’s in her queen form, and Arry bites the head off of Fawkes. When Fawkes doesn’t die, instead they are reborn, Arry makes a tiny adoption egg and magically adds the natural abilities of a phoenix to her hive, along with Fawkes memories (turns out Fawkes is female and named Ptiana in her own language).
Over the next few days she stabs Albus through the heart, and puts him in an autodoc on the ship (configured for Skarli, a four armed species, rather than human). Brings Minerva McGonagall and Pomona Sprout into her hive, and scares Luna Lovegood into becoming a chest burster, who she starts feeding royal jelly to.
Towards the middle/end of August Arry adds Hermione to the hive along with a few more Yautja (predators). Then, on the day of the train journey, she adds 33 House Elves, Vivian (a prescribing psychiatrist) and Henry Granger (a dentist), Professor Babbling, and Priya Dunns (Minerva’s assistant while she’s acting head master).
During the school term, there are no further adoptions to the hive. However, over the Christmas break Arry adds Sally-Anne Perks, her mother, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, and Amelia Bones to her hive before she’s finished laying a Queen adoption egg as an insurance against her own death.
A few days later, the Queen adoption egg has vanished.
Next Chapter
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Bakugou Turns Into A Dog - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Fluff, crack, lowkey pervy Katsuki, cursing, (writing not spell checked!)
Request: Bakugou’s been hit with a quirk that has given him the body of a dog. He’s still has his own human thoughts and voice but now..he’s a dog. Just how will he abuse his new power with f!Y/N
It was supposed to be a normal day! Well, as normal as it could get for UA. But of course, trouble just had to strike, and of course the ones at the center of it all was the infamous Bakusquad. More specifically, the man the group was named after.
“I-...I can’t believe that actually just h-happened!” A cheerful blonde cried out as tears fell from his face and laughter rang out from his voice.
“C’mon man, don’t be laughing at what just happened. This is serious,” Kirishima said with concern as he looked down in his arms.
“Are you serious? This has got to be the best thing that’s ever happen since we met Bakugou!” Kaminari replied with while once again dying of laughter.
“Oh yeah? With what quirk lil pupper?” Denki slickly replied while booping his nose. Bakugou’s been making fun of Denki for the longest, this was the perfect revenge. His dear friend has been turned into a dog! Not just any dog, and not the dog you would expect. He wasn’t a german shepherd or rottweiler. Katsuki Bakugou sits in Kirishima’s arms as a fluffy, blonde, angry pomeranian.
Luckily, kinda, the only thing that changed about Bakugou was his body. He could still speak and understand the human language and he could still think like one too, but now it’s all that in a fluffy, round, adorable body. Now, he was all bark and no bite......sorta.
“OW!” Kaminari yelped as Bakugou latched onto his finger and growled. Passerbys watched as the young group of teens watched their friend throw his hand around in pain with a tiny floof dangling on it. Kirishima went in to grab Bakugou and calm Kaminari down.
“Damn, you little rugrat,” The electric blonde started, “just wait till Y/N sees you, she’s gonna die.” Kaminari teased. Once those words left his mouth, Bakugou’s puppy eyes went wide.
‘Oh hell no!’
Kirishima saw how his friend was shaking in his arms and grew concerned so he asked, “hey man, are you alright there Bakubro?”
Bakugou was extremely nervous. He couldn’t let his longtime crush see him like this! Like a weak, soft, puffball! If you saw Bakugou like this, the second he’d turn back to his normal self, he’d dive out the nearest window anytime you were around.
The entire Bakusquad knew of Katsuki’s little (HUGE) crush, and the fact that one of them was now able to use that information against him mortified the lil guy now.
“Aww c’mon Denki, that’s not very nice,” Mina said as she pet Bakugou’s little head before he snapped at her hand. Thankfully, she dodged it.
“Yeah well Kacchan hasn’t been very nice either! Damn mutt nearly bit my finger off!” This received a growl from Bakugou, which was unsurprising pretty normal.
“At least the cops told us the quirk will ware off in two weeks.” Sero stated. Kirishima joined in.
“Yeah. Sheesh, I still can’t believe what happened. That random criminal really jumped outta nowhere.” The red head said.
“Tch, I still can’t believe someone could be stuck with a shitty ass quirk like that. Turning people into pets. Ridiculous.” The blonde dog said.
“Imagine what it’s like being on the receiving end of that quirk. Must be just as ridiculous.” Mina teased.
Bakugou jumped down from Kirishima’s arms before speaking. “Yeah! No shit Pinkie!” He said while standing on his hind legs and motioning towards his new body with his front paws as if he were human.
As the group made it to the front doors of the dormitory, Bakugou stopped them before entering.
“Listen up dumbasses! Nobody better say SHIT to Y/N. Just say I’m some random dog found on the street and you guys opted to take care of me till you found me a home. If she asks what happened to me, tell her I was forced onto a trip with my parents. Got that?!” Bakugou strictly spoke.
“Got it!” The group said in unison, but a certain blonde had a different plan in mind. As they entered through the doors, Kirishima hid Bakugou into the side of his jacket but it only made comical sense that you were the first person to greet them.
“Oh! Hey guys!” You said with your award winning smile as you walked towards the group. Before anyone could say anything else, Kaminari spoke up.
“Hey Y/N! You wanna guess what Kirishima has in his jacket?” Denki exclaimed.
“Oh, no I’m sure Y/N has better things to do!”
“Maybe she shouldn’t,”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,”
The 3 friends were throwing out excuse after excuse to keep you from seeing the little devil.
“Woah woah! Hey! You guys! Chill. If you don’t want me to see then I won’t force you. It’s fine.” You kindly said.
‘Whew’ the squad all thought
‘She is so awesome!’ Bakugou thought while in the jacket
“Oh c’mon guys, show her the puppy!” Kaminari said. Now that grabbed your attention.
“Wait? Puppy?! That’s what you guys are hiding. Awww no fair!! Can I please see it! Please please pleaseeee!!!” You begged. After your constant pleading and the squad’s constant denial, Bakugou thought he could just give in this one time. He knew that his friends would cover for him and say he’s just some random dog and you would drop it so he began to stick his snout out of the jacket. Kirishima took it as a sign to show him to you.
“Oh my goddd!!! It’s so cute!!! Boy or girl?” You kindly asked while petting Bakugou’s head, something the dog was enjoying a little too much.
“It’s a boy,” Kirishima said. “We found him on the street so even though we’re kinda busy we wanted to take care of him and heal him up till we can find him a new home.” Mina added on.
“Guyssss c’mon!! Tell her the best part! Tell her exactly who that dog is.” Kaminari begged. The Bakusquad including the dog looked towards Kaminari with a warning look, but Kaminari didn’t care. The ultimate revenge starts now.
“Y/N! That’s Bakugou!” Kaminari exclaimed. As everyone started denying it, you looked towards the dog and saw that it did resemble Bakugou a lot, but then again Bakugou did look like an angry pomeranian time and time again.
Before you chose to listen to one or the other, you weighed your options. Kirishima the chivalrous and honest, the manliest man, or Kaminari the jester himself? It’s was obvious who you were gonna listen to.
“Oh stop that Kaminari. Bakugou may look like a fiesty fluff ball from time to time but he’s not really a dog.” You said while petting the pupper’s chin. Everyone sighed in relief at your words.
“But that’s really-“ Kaminari was cut of with Sero wrapping his tape around his mouth.
“Hey if you guys need a healer, I could use my quirk to help out with that. It may not be a full on healing quirk but it should help the little guy. Plus, I don’t mind spending the next...?” Kirishima helped you out.
“Two weeks,” he said.
“Right, I don’t mind spending the next two weeks with the little cutie.” You said. The dog’s eyes went wide at that as a plan came into mind but the Bakusquad once again started denying, saying it was fine but you insisted since Mina just previously said they were all busy. Throughout the chaos a VERY human like sound came from the creature in Kirishima’s arms.
“Woof.” Bakugou said with such a casual demeanor. He said ‘woof’ in such a human like voice, it was absolutely absurd. As everyone looked down at the dog, the only thing that could be heard was Sero awkwardly giving out a cough to break the silence.
“Ok...well umm that may be a sign that he’s ok with me taking him!” You said with an excited smile. Kirishima looked at the dog and as Bakugou looked back up at him, his best friend knew that he should give you the dog.
“Ok Y/N, he’s all yours. But you’re right about one thing. Since he does look like Bakugou, we named him Blasty, so that’s what you should refer to him as,” he said while placing the dog in your arms. The pomeranian was excited as what appeared to be a small smile showed up in his face and he squirmed around in Y/N’s arms, cuddling up against her pillowy breast.
“Awesome! For the next two weeks, it’s me and you Blasty!” You said while carrying Bakugou in the air facing you and looking at him. He was too cute so you pulled him in for a hug and kiss on his little head. Everyone could see Bakugou had a smug look on his face.
“Alright guys! I better get to healing him!” You said as you ran off with the pupper still holding a smug look, this time directed at Kaminari.
“Looks like your plan backfired dude,” Sero said.
“And it looks like Bakugou is gonna be enjoying these next 2 weeks a little too much,” Mina said and the group shared a laugh. Well, except for Kaminari who was kinda irritated that his revenge failed, but happy for his friend nonetheless.
Once you got back to your room you placed Blasty on your bed and started to check him for places where he needed healing.
“Huh, looks like you’re not really injured Blasty. Oh well, that’s fine! Just means I can spend more time with you without having to worry!” You said while rubbing his head. Bakugou leaned into your hand with a small and then rolled onto his back for belly rubs. He was hoping you would pet him some more but you didn’t.
“I’m sorry Blasty, but you need a bath before you hang around anymore. Let’s go!” You picked him up and he was wide eyed and bushy tailed. A bath. Whatever. As long as he got your attention. You placed him in the tub but realized you would be getting your clothes dirty, so you changed into some pajamas you wore the night before that were sitting in your hamper in your bathroom. Basically, you changed right infront of Bakugou. He was staring at you as if you were a meal. As you undressed infront of him he saw you in your panties and bra, matching of course, and damn your body was the exact definition of perfect. He licked his lips as he stared until you put on a cami top and black booty shorts.
“Damn..” he whispered.
When you came back to Bakugou you went down to his level and began to scrub him. You reveled in your touch and soaked in the hot water. When you took him out to dry him off you looked at the time and noticed it was pretty late.
“Alright, I guess we should head to bed. I’ll put on a move and we can sleep. Here, let me go set up some pillows for you to sleep on.” You said as you grabbed your spare pillows and placed them on the floor for Blasty.
As you got into bed you felt a little movement on your mattress. Apparently Bakugou hadn’t appreciated being on the floor. He wanted to sleep next to his future girl. So when you turned over and looked at him, he gave you puppy eyes.
“Oh...why the hell do you have to be so damn cute,” you said as you picked him up and placed him on your bed. Bakugou cuddled up in your chest and took in your delicious scent. You both drifted off to sleep while Bakugou was just having happy thought.
‘This is gonna be the best 2 weeks of my life!’
Ohhh what a week. You thought taking care of Blasty would be fun and exciting and adorable but it was that and more. It was also kinda frustrating. The damn dog would “bark” and growl at everyone, especially guys who tried to talk to you, and would only eat human food. He refused dog treats and never wanted to approach other dogs. Hell, this dog didn’t even go outside to use the bathroom. He went into the actual bathroom! Oh and don’t even get Y/N started on the “barking.” That dog had the most clear and humane “woof” any dog’s ever had! Another thing! This dog’s behavior is a little outta line. When Y/N would shower, it would try to follow her in and just sit there. When she would change, it would lay on her bed smiling and staring at her. When she would sleep it would ONLY cuddle into her breast or booty and one time when she woke up in the middle of the night, Blasty was up too. Again. STARING. What is up with this dog?
“Ugh!” Y/N said as she face planted the table. Her lunch completely disregarded and the Bakusquad (minus Bakugou because apparently he had to go on a trip with his parents...or so you thought) watching as the blonde mutt poked around her head on the table.
“Having fun there Y/N?” Mina asked to which Y/N replied with a stare and a twitching eye.
“Blasty is INSANE!” You roared out. The Bakusquad and Blasty (aka Bakugou) watched on. “Don’t get me wrong, I love having the little guy around but he has some weird habits for a dog. He won’t eat like a dog, use the bathroom like a dog, interact with other dogs, and don’t get me started on the barks! I’ve never heard a dog say WOOF like a human,” you took a breather before continuing, “another thing, Blasty is a lowkey perv sometimes. Well if he were human at least, but he has perv tendencies. Like the staring whenever I’m a little underdressed or in the tub or SLEEPING.”
With that rant, Bakugou felt his ears fell and he backed up into a corner on the table. He was starting to feel insecure. Had his crush really thought of him as a pervy little thing? When you saw Blasty’s reaction, you noticed he might’ve understood what you said.
‘Can he....no there’s no way.’ You thought about the dog. Was there a possibility he could understand everything you just said?
“Oh Blasty, don’t be so dramatic. I’m just saying, for a dog, you’re a little weirdo, but it’s okay because for the time being, you’re my little weirdo. I still got love for you!” You said while holding him up in the air. Once again, the dog had a reaction to your words.
The squad was starting to notice the gears in your head turn and Kirishima quickly took him away for a little “walk.”
“Oh hey Y/N, why don’t you finish your food and I’ll take Baku- BLASTY! For a walk. Yeah, maybe he needs some outdoor exercise.
“Oh no Kiri it’s fine I-“
“THANKS!” The red head said as he dashed out the cafeteria with the little floof. Oh well, might as well enjoy your last few minutes of peace.
“What the HELL SHITTY HAIR!? She was all up on me back there! You didn’t have to drag me away!” Bakugou spoke as Kirishima held him from his armpits.
“Sorry man, but you were the one who said you didn’t want your cover blown and she was starting to figure it out. And c’mon Bakugou, she knows you better than someone who would go on a trip with his parents. Not only that but your looks are so obvious. What dog had red eyes and spikey blonde hair?!?” The red head explained. The blonde dog only crossed his arms in a very human like manner and turned to the side.
“We’ll be fine, the quirk will ware off in another week so get over it. Besides, there’s no way she’ll know! We have everyone that was there covering it up for me. It’s fine!” Bakugou replied.
His best friend sighed before saying “alright man, if that’s what you want,” and placed him down to head back to the cafeteria.
“Thank you! Jeez, now let’s get back to the cafeteria. I wanna have lunch with my Y/N.” Bakugou walked on all fours with his head held proudly.
“You may be a tiny dog, but that huge crush on her that you got going on is still going strong,” the red head said.
“You’re damn right, Shitty hair!”
As the boys walked, they didn’t know that from around the corner, Y/N heard everything.
‘Bakugou?! Quirk??? CRUSH?!!?’ Oh this was too good. With this new information, Y/N walked off with a smirk and a plan.
The next few days passed and like always, you work up with Blasty, oh you mean Bakugou, on your chest. You slightly smiled knowing this past 2 weeks, your crush had been coddling over you. You got even more excited knowing your feelings were mutual. You woke up and got ready for the day.
Now, the same thing happened as always. You got up and went to the bathroom to shower and Blasty would follow. He would watch you undress and step in the shower and step out and change. You would pick him up, hold him tight, kiss his forehead, and then be out the room. This time, your routine felt a little different knowing it was actually Bakugou staring at you this whole time.
Oh. He had seen you naked multiple times. You didn’t know whether to be embarrassed or flattered. Oh well, he kept on staring is he must’ve been enjoying the show, except this time, you actually gave him one. You slowly stripped outta your clothes and made slight and soft R-rated noises as the warm water hit your skin. You bent over as you put on your underwear and slowly got dressed. You couldn’t believe yourself. Serving these looks to a dog.
Bakugous cheeks would be so red under that fur, the way you moved this morning was everything. He didn’t even notice the drool slipping from his mouth. As you stood there in nothing but your panties and bra, you turned towards Bakugou. And idea came to your head.
“Hey Blasty! You wanna help me pick out a look today? We sure are lucky the school staff has an all day meeting! Free day for us!” You picked Bakugou up and held him against your nearly bare breast. Bakugou just had to rub himself in between your mounds a little, and you noticed this, and released a slight whine.
“Mm..hey Blasty, stop that.” You placed him down and dressed into a mini skirt and tube top. You matched with a pair of everyday causal heels and went out with Bakugou following along. He would walk directly under your side and look up. He enjoyed the view of your lace panties and the jiggle of your ass everytime you took a step. Man, was this a perfect Friday or what?
Well it would’ve been if it hadn’t been for a certain Icy-Hot. What Bakugou didn’t know, was that you texted Todoroki the previous night to help you with this little plan of yours.
“Hey L/N.” Todoroki greeted you with kid kind eyes and gentle smile.
“Todoroki, stop that. I told you that you’re one of the people who can call me Y/N.” You said.
“Well alright, then I insist you call me Shoto in return.” He said.
“Only seems fair!” You said with a giggle to which Todoroki stared at.
“You have such a beautiful smile.” He complimented. You blushed at his words, especially since Todoroki really wasn’t one for..umm..emotions.
“Thanks,” you bashfully said while stepping a little closer. As Bakugou watched this whole interaction go down from below, he couldn’t help but release a small growl. No way in hell is Half and Half taking his girl!
“Actually, there was a reason why I called you over.” Todoroki said before speaking again. This caught your attention and Bakugou’s. “I was wondering if your wanted to go in a date with me. Tonight. It could be really casual and we could even do a small movie night here in the common rooms. Just you and me. What do you say?” He asked. Bakugou was fuming.
“A date huh? Mm, I’m sorry Shoto, but I’ve actually kinda been waiting for Bakugou to get back.” You said which made Bakugou flip his head towards you.
“Bakugou?” Todoroki asked.
“Yeah. I’ve had a small crush on him for awhile, and I was hoping my first date would be with him.” You explained. The cartwheels Bakugou’s heart was doing in his tiny body was ridiculous.
‘She likes me back She likes me back She likes me back!!!!’ The dog thought to himself. His tail began wagging and his smile grew bigger than ever.
“Well I heard he’ll be gone until Saturday,” Todoroki started, “so how about just for tonight, I keep you company with a movie, maybe some chocolate, maybe some flowers, and see where the night goes?” He asked. Bakugou snarled at the two toned boy with his fangs until he heard your voice.
“Sure!” You said.
“Really?” Todoroki asked.
‘Really?!’ Bakugou thought.
“Really!” You said, “Bakugou will be gone for another week so I see no harm in hanging as friends!” You smiled once more.
“Great! This’ll be amazing Y/- OUCH” Bakugou had interrupted Todoroki by latching onto his leg and holding on with his life as Todoroki did everything he could to shake the blonde mutt off. You reached for “Blasty” before apologizing to Todoroki.
“I’m sorry, Shoto. He gets like this sometimes.” You explained.
“Ah..no worries. Uh, I’ll see you later tonight?” Todoroki asked you.
“Yeah, definitely. See you then!” You said as you walked off with a grumpy pomeranian in your arms.
‘On every level. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?’ Bakugou thought to himself as you carried him away.
You walked into your room to with Bakugou to freshen up a little for your date with Todoroki. A little sprits of perfume here, a dash of blush there, and a little tweak with your hair. Your outfit was cute enough for a friendly little date. As you turned to Bakugou, you saw his sad puppy face.
“Oh, don’t worry Blasty! I’ll be back in a few hours! I’ll see you soon, ok?” You said as you kissed his forehead and made your way to the common room. Just before the door shut, Bakugou slipped out with you. If he couldn’t be on this date with you, then he’d just have to ruin it for Todoroki.
As you finally came in contact with the handsome boy, he greeted you and spoke of your plans
“We’ll be watching a movie, but we gotta get some great snacks first.” He said.
“How about just some popcorn and candy, they’re already right here in the dorms. Come over here and help me prep!” You said pulling on his hand and dragging him to the kitchen. Bakugou didn’t take too kindly to this and quickly went to tear Todoroki’s jeans and bite his ankle.
“Ouch!” Todoroki screamed in pain.
“Are you alright?” You looked around and saw his lower leg had been damaged.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Just a scratch.” He said reassuring your troubles.
“Well alright, if you say so.” You said and resumed your snack prep. But that was only the start of this horrible night. Throughout the date, Bakugou tortured the poor boy and did everything he could to ruin the little get together. He ate the popcorn and candy while your backs were turned, he chewed on the wires to the TV, stopping you guys from watching, and even peed on Todoroki’s leg while you guys just sat and talk. Although Todoroki saw this coming with Y/N’s plan, he had enough of torment from Bakugou. He decided to move into the final plan, right here right now.
“Y/N, you’re an amazing girl and any guy would be really really lucky to have you,” Bakugou watched this little speech from afar, growling at the two, “and I know you’re waiting for Bakugou, but since he’s not back yet, I kinda just wanna end this night with something special.” He said as he began to lean in, you had no intent on stopping him. Seeing this, Bakugou began to run towards the couple with every intent on stopping this kiss.
“HEYYY!!! Those lips are reserved for me!” Bakugou screamed and you both turned towards the little dog. Bakugou jumped into the air to leap onto Todoroki and at the strike of midnight, His body turned into a human again (fully clothed, don’t worry) and fell on Todoroki, making them both fall back.
“You stay away from my girl, icy-hot!” Bakugou said while on top of Todoroki, clinging to his shirt.
“She’s all yours, you angry pomeranian,” Todoroki said as he escaped and ran to his room. Bakugou only looked back at you with a fierce smirk. He walked up to you, grabbed your face and pulled you in for a kiss that you happily returned. He pulled away after a minute and began walking with you hand in hand.
“You’re mine now.” Bakugou said
“Whatever you say....Blasty.” You snickered.
Bakugou turned his head in shock. “You knew?” He asked.
“Of course I knew. I knew Blasty was you, I knew it was you whenever you stared at my naked body, I knew it was you whenever you cuddled into my chest, I knew it was you when I overheard you speaking like a human to Kirishima. It also helped that I just watched you transform back to your normal self. But me knowing it was you was the whole reason why I came up with this plan with Todoroki. It’s about time you made a move on me, Blasty.” You said with a teasing voice.
Embarrassed and frustrated at the fact he’d been caught, Bakugou let out an outburst.
“YOU FUCKING TEASE!” he screamed with his hands holding little explosions.
“Yeah, but now, I’m your tease. And it’s ok, because I know you like me. It’s easy to tell with that kiss and whole possessiveness. But that’s fine, because I really like you too Blasty.” You said with a smile as you wrapped your arms around his neck and Bakugou returned it with a smirk and a hug.
“Damn straight, Princess.” He said as he held onto you tight. “You’re mine.”
A/N: y’all this is not spellchecked bc after the week I’ve had, I just couldn’t. I’m sorry if this isn’t to your liking but I had to finish this so I sloppily wrote it down. I hope you enjoyed it at least! See you next time Bear Cubs💗🧸
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nixotinix · 2 years
Been a while since I've made a post about dnd! But here I am again, back on my bullshit. And today, I'd like to bring you..
The Unspoken Rules of Dungeons and Dragons
Rule number 1, and the most important. Always watch your fellow PCs' backs. I don't care how much your character doesn't like their character and I don't care how deep into a shit hole you are. Better to heal them somehow than leave it to chance with death saves. If there's anything you can do to prevent your teammate from dying, do! It!! My fighter took a fireball to the face to keep the sorcerer (who'd failed 2 death saves) and the bard (whom the fighter doesn't like) from taking more damage, and our ranger managed to get them back on their feet. Nobody wants to roll up a new character because you wanted to be cool in combat.
Rule 2, this one has been talked about to death and back. Don't. Split. The. Party. Especially not in a dungeon or combat. One, it's a surefire way to get everybody killed. God forbid you or anyone else in your group doesn't know healing spells because the cleric took a different path. Two, it can cause some players to feel left out. Someone I play with left a campaign because the DM ran 3 hours of dnd in which they were the only PC not included. Splitting the party never leads to good things happening. It's fine to split the player characters from NPCs, but don't separate the PCs.
Rule 3. Don't metagame. If you don't know what metagaming is, the best way I can describe it is using out of game knowledge to affect things that happen in game. For example, if you know you're fighting a certain enemy later, and you look up its stats and see it's resistant to fire damage. So your spellcaster doesn't cast fireball. Or, an easier example, looking up a creature's armor class so you automatically know what hits and what doesn't. This can spoil the fun for everyone at the table, including you. So don't do it.
Rule 4. This one's important. It's ok for your characters, or even players, to argue. If your cleric thinks what the rogue and bard are doing is a dumb fucking idea, it's ok for your cleric to voice that. My fighter and the bard at my table argue all the fucking time, to the point where an NPC and our sorcerer have compared them to a married couple. But it is important to separate the game from real life. Yes, the fighter and bard argue often. But we don't hate each other in real life. We've had our issues with each other, but I'm not gonna call him a stupid fucking bitch.
Rule 5. If you don't say it, it doesn't happen. If the DM isn't present, it doesn't happen. For an example, my DM pulled the sorcerer into a different voice chat and told me and the other 2 party members to talk about what the course of action was. And we did talk about it. In character. Big mistake. When DM got back 20 minutes later, he immediately retconned our conversation and told us to redo it with him there. In hindsight, it's funny as fuck. But in the moment, it was kinda dumb.
Rule 6, this one added in post. It's common to have quieter players at the table, whether they themselves are quiet or it's their character. Try your best to help them feel included. And if it's someone at the table who's making them go quiet, address it. For example, my group recently had to kick a player. I'd only played 2 sessions without this person, and the other 3 people in the group agreed that I did better without them. So we kicked them from our party and I'm doing better now. But while they were still there, our ranger often had to pitch into conversations like "*insert fighter name*, what do you think?" Or things of the like. I didn't talk because I never got the chance. If you see something like this going on, or notice that any other player is beginning to feel upset, bring it up to at least the Dungeon Master. D&D is about fun, and nobody should be spoiling the fun for someone else.
Now for some more rapid fire tips.
If a character's accent or manner of dialect changes, no it didn't.
Saying "what's the worst that can happen" is the most surefire way to assure that the worst will happen.
Have fun! Start bar fights. Trick the red dragon with a deck of illusions. Be an idiot. Dnd is about fun.
Don't betray the party.
Don't edit/write on someone else's character sheet.
Don't mock other players.
ALL players should have their chance to shine. This goes just as well for the players and the dungeon master.
If you do something shitty because "it's just what my character would do", don't be surprised when your character gets beaten to death and thrown down a well.
Don't start genuine PvP. Sparring and fighting is ok, but PCs trying to kill each other won't go over well.
Stay off your phone at the table.
If the DM says no, the answer is no.
A tip for the DMs: your goal is to make a fun world for the characters to interact with. Your goal is not to make a world that the characters just kinda. Inhabit.
Don't let the rogue get you into a situation the fighter can't get you out of.
Everything has consequences. Yes, even that.
If it can't be solved by violence, you aren't using enough violence.
If all else fails, scatter.
Don't use D&D as a revenge fantasy against a player.
And that's all! I hope this was insightful and at least entertaining to read. I've got plenty of D&D stories and advice to share, so expect me to talk more. Til next time!
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notsarareallynot · 2 years
Part 1 (The Beginning)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Summary: You are Tony Starks daughter and find yourself falling head over heels for Bucky Barnes, but will he fall for you?
Warnings: a bit swearing
I'm sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes...
Part 2 >
The warm sun is shining trough your big windows on your face, waking you up.
You look at your alarm clock. 9 am.
,,What?! Shit... Jesus, why did nobody wake me up?"
You get out of bed and walk down the stairs to the kitchen.
The kitchen is empty.
,,Where the hell is everyone?" you think to yourself.
You pour yourself a coffee in your favorite mug and start walking towards the living room.
You see Bucky sitting on the couch reading a book.
,,Hey Bucky, where is everyone?"
,,In the conference room, they are having a meeting" he says giving you a small smile.
,,But why are you not there then?"
,,I don't know, Steve just told me to wait here and that he would explain everything to me later..." he said looking back into his book.
,, Mhhh.. thanks Bucky I'm gonna go"
You walk towards the conference room, the door is slightly open so you enter the room seeing everyone gathered around the table listening to Tony.
,,Oh hey kiddo" Tony says looking at you.
The rest of the team is now looking up towards the door where you're standing.
,,Why did nobody wake me up if we're having a meeting?" you ask in your still sleepy voice.
,,We got a new mission, but you can't go yet, so we didn't wanna wake you up" Tony says.
You got hurt pretty bad a few days ago on your latest mission that's why you have to take a short break from new missions.
,,Oh yeah I forgot, but I'm feeling way better now and it doesn't even hurt that bad anymor-"
Before you could even finish your sentence Tony interrupts you,,Oh no no no. We have already talked about that y/n, you stay here and recover till Banner gives me the ok that you're good. Understand?"
,,Yeah... but Tony I talked to Bruce yesterday and he said that its almost healed and that-"
,,Banner is that true?" Tony interrupts you again, looking towards Bruce who is sitting in the corner of the room.
,,Well I just said that it's almost healed, but you still need some time y/n..." Bruce says looking at you.
,,Hey y/n just sit out this mission and then you're gonna be back kicking ass on the next one" Natasha says laughing.
,,Language" Steve says.
Everyone started laughing.
,,Okayyyy....looks like I don't have a choice then, staying here and die because of boredom." you say annoyed rolling your eyes at Tony.
Tony is like a father to you and you love him like one, so that's kind of your relationship.
,,Y/n, it's gonna be fine. Also Barnes is gonna stay here with you, so it's not gonna be to boring." Tony says.
,,Why is Bucky staying here?" You ask quiet concerned.
It's not like you and Bucky don't like each other or are super close he is just more of a quiet person, but when he talks to you he is nice and polite. And if your honest he is really good looking.
,,The mission is to take down a few hydra bases so I thought it's better that Barnes sits this one out" Tony says.
,,You know because of his past" Steve says.
,,Oh yeah I understand..." you say.
You didn't really know what exactly happened to Bucky, just that he was the winter soldier back then. Bucky didn't really talked about what had happened but he didn't talked that much in general.
,,So when do you guys leave and how long are you gonna be gone for?" you ask looking at Tony.
,,We're gonna leave in 2 hours and I think Fury said that it's gonna take us three or four weeks maybe?" Tony answers.
,,What?!" You almost scream out.
,,Hey it's okay we're gonna be fine" Tony assured you with a smile.
—————————Time skip—————————
,,If you need anything just ask Jarvis, alright kid?" Tony tells you.
,,Yeah I know...."you say trying to blink away your tears.
,,Hey no no no, don't do that, it's a mission like every other one we had."
,,Mhm.. it's just so long and I was never alone for that long." You we're now fully crying.
Tony takes you in his arms for a long hug.
Steve comes up to you.
,,Hey Buck is gonna be here with you, I know that he isn't very talkative but he really likes you y/n."
Thor comes up to you and hugs you tight ,,It's gonna be alright Lady y/n"
Nat also comes up and hug's you.
,,Hey it's not that long, we're gonna be back before you know it."
Bucky comes out and also says his goodbyes to everyone but mostly he talks to Steve.
After you said your goodbyes to everyone they all walk into the quinjet and the doors close behind them.
You stand there tears streaming down your face, with Bucky next to you.
After a while he broke the silence between the two of you.
,,Do you maybe wanna watch a movie" he asked quietly giving you a slight smile.
You saw that he really tried to help.
,,Yeah that sounds nice" you say still crying a little bit.
You two walk into the living room and Bucky sits down on the couch. You sit down right next to him.
Bucky was clearly uncomfortable with you being that close to him, but he let it happen because he could see how sad you were.
Halfway into the movie you start to get tired and to fall asleep on Buckys shoulder.
He looks at you while you're sleeping.
Buckys thoughts:
,,She is so beautiful when she is sleeping, how can someone look that peaceful and cute while sleeping? How can she sleep next to me why isn't she scared?"
After a while Bucky also falls asleep.
I hope you liked it so far...
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zafirosreverie · 3 years
Can I request a Agatha x reader where there in west view and its the final battle (but let’s pretend there having it on the ground) and Agatha gets distracted by something and isn’t ready so human reader stands in front of Agatha and takes the blast so then Agatha goes full on witch and like almost kills Wanda and then goes a takes reader home and heals her. Happy ending please.
Sorry it took me so long dear! But here it is! Hope you like it <3
Harkness or Y/L/N? (Agatha x Fem!reader)
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Where the fuck were they?
One second you were having breakfast and the next one hell exploded in front of your face. Agatha and Wanda broke out of the floor and quickly disappeared in the sky. Red and purple magic wrapping them. You blinked and looked at the giant hole in your house. You could see your basement from there. Oh no. Agatha must have revealed herself to Wanda. 
Oh shit.
You ran out of the house, looking at the sky, but you couldn’t see any of them. This was bad, really bad. 
“Y/N!” you turned to see Tommy running to you. 
“Tommy! What happened?” 
“Mom and aunt Agnes are fighting! There are soldiers and dad is fighting another dad but white” he quickly said and you frowned
“What the-”
“Billy said to come for you” he said, taking your hand and not giving you time to process it all. 
A second later you were in the park. You gasped. People were running away, soldiers were entering Westview, Vision flew away with White Vision, Geraldine Monica had Billy against herself, protecting him, and Wanda and Agatha were in the middle of everything, throwing magic balls at each other. 
You ran to Monica, holding Tommy’s hand. She sighed in relief when she saw you. She thought something had happened to you for a moment. 
“What’s going on?” she asked 
“The hell i know?” you said and turned to look at the two witches. “They’re going to destroy everything if we don’t stop them”
“Why is aunt Agnes attacking mom?” Billy asked and you frowned.
“She’s not. Mom’s the one attacking her” Tommy said before you could answer. See? This is why he was your favorite.
“It doesn’t matter” you said “We need to stop them. Now” 
“How?!” Monica asked again. 
You looked around, trying to come up with a plan. You knew that you could calm Agatha, convince her to take this fight to another place, somewhere with no people around. 
“Ok, here’s the plan. Do you think you could stop the soldiers?” They nodded “Good, I’ll try to talk with Agatha, maybe i can make them stop at least for a moment. That should give you enough time to take everyone out of here”
They nodded again and ran to fight. You took a deep breath and turned to the witches. Agatha was powerful, but Wanda was furious. You didn’t know what the hell happened between them in the basement, but it wasn’t good. 
“At least they’re not flying” you thought. It would have been harder to stop them if they were.
One of Wanda’s power balls made a building fall and you gasped. There were people under it! They could die! But a purple smoke stopped the concrete pieces in midair, giving people time to run and escape unscathed. You smiled to yourself. At least your girlfriend wasn't completely evil after all (Not that it mattered, you'd follow her to the end of the world even if she was). 
But it seemed that the other witch didn’t care, using the distraction to attack Agatha.
It all happened too fast. You saw Wanda’s angry expression and the giant ball of red energy forming between her hands. Agatha wasn’t paying attention. You ran to her instinctively, yelling her name. 
You screamed in pain as the red ball mercilessly struck your body, sending a wave of electricity through your veins and raising your body temperature significantly.
In other words, you were burning alive from the inside out. And hell it was painful.
Wanda gasped as you fell unconscious on the floor. Where the hell did you come from?! But she wasn’t the only one staring at you in disbelief. Agatha not only heard you yelling her name, she also felt your pain when you took Wanda’s attack. 
“Y/N!” She ran to you, kneeled beside you and tried to wake you up “Please, love, don’t do this to me” she begged you. 
Wanda was still in shock. She didn't want to hurt you! You weren’t supposed to appear out of nowhere just to help Agatha of all people! She knew you were her girlfriend, but she assumed you would change your mind when you discovered Agatha’s real colors. Little she knew, you were a huge fan of that color palette.  
“Ags” you whispered and the witch sighed in relief, hugging you close to her chest. You felt her heart racing. 
“Why did you do it? You shouldn’t have done it. I could have lost you” she was almost crying.
“Because I love you, silly” you smiled. You were too weak, but you managed to caress her cheek “Aggs..”
“Yes, love?” She asked, confused at the smirk that was slowly appearing on your face.
“Unleash hell” you said before closing your eyes again. 
The witch gasped and you knew she thought you were unconscious again, but you weren’t. You waited until she let you on the floor carefully, and heard her steps getting away from you, to open your eyes again. 
Wanda took a step back when Agatha turned to her. Her eyes weren’t blue anymore, not even purple like the first time she used her magic in front of her. They were completely black. There was no trait of white in her eyes, as if she didn’t have eyeballs at all. And then there was the purple glow again, coming out from the darkness. 
“You shouldn’t have done that, little witch” Agatha interumped Wanda “You Really. Shouldn’t. Have.”
Before Wanda could do anything, a purple smoke swallowed her. It was strange, because she didn’t feel much power coming from it, but looking at Agatha’s lifeless eyes, she knew she was in trouble.
Vision, Monica, Billy and Tommy turned to the women when Wanda screamed of pain. Agatha was just standing there, your body lying on the floor behind her. Wanda was trying to attack her, but every time she threw a spell, it would hit the purple dome Agatha put around her and then hit her back with more strength. 
Monica took the twins away while Vision flew to the witches. She knew what was happening. 
Wanda was slowly killing herself.
You smirked. Damn your girl was hot. You felt bad for Wanda for crossing paths with an angry Agatha, but well, she tried to kill her, and that’s something you wouldn’t forgive. Nobody touches your witch.
When the younger witch fell to her knees, too tired and injured from her own spells, Agatha smirked. She felt Vision floating to them, but she didn’t even turn to him while she put a dome around him too. At least the android knew better and didn’t try to attack. He knew it would just come back to him.
“When your little wife wakes up” she said to Vision, but kept staring at Wanda “be sure she understands how lucky she is. Tell her how thankful she must be. Thankful that my precious Y/N has a bigger heart than any of us together and that she loves those children of yours. Because that, dear Vision, is the only reason i won’t kill her.” 
With that, she released the android. He just nodded and watched as Agatha made the dome around Wanda get smaller and smaller until the purple smoke was wrapped around her. She threw one last ball to Wanda’s head and the witch fell unconscious on her husband’s arms.
“If she ever places a single finger on my girlfriend, ever again, i’ll kill her without a second thought” she warned Vision, her eyes still black. The man nodded again and flew away with his wife. 
You smiled as Agatha approached you and took you in her arms. Her eyes slowly turned back to normal when she noticed you were awake. She couldn't believe you. You knew! You knew the power you had over her.
Three days after that, you were still in bed. Agatha had taken you back home, your real home, and quickly healed you. It didn’t take much time and almost all your physical wounds were gone. But your head was still hurting like hell. So, of course you would make a drama out of it. Currently, you both were lying in bed.
“I love you” you whispered and took Agatha’s hand “Please remember that”
The witch smiled and kissed your temple. “I love you too”.
“Please take care of our beloved son. He might be a bunny, but he can take over the world, Aggie. He can”
“I have no doubt of it, Y/N” she giggled and rolled her eyes.
“You know what’s my biggest regret?” you asked, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her closer to you
“What?” she asked, trying so hard not to laugh.
“that my gravestone is going to say Y/N Y/L/N and that’s unfair” you pouted.
Agatha lost it and laughed. God, you were so cute. 
“That’s your name, love” she chuckled and kissed you softly. You smiled against her lips. 
“Yeah, but it shouldn’t be” you argued. 
“First of all, stop being so dramatic, you’re perfectly fine, you’re not going to die” she said “second, what in the world should your name be then?”
“Y/N Harkness” you answered without hesitation. 
That made her freeze and you laughed as her cheeks slowly turned pink 
“Or maybe yours should be Agatha Y/L/N, haven’t decided yet. It’s hard to take such big decisions on your deathbed”
“S-shut up” she mumbled and you laughed again, kissing her head. “Aren’t you supposed to be dead by now?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be grateful I'm not?” you said, loving her grumpy face “besides, I’m not leaving this world until i make sure my gravestone will say Y/N Harkness” 
“Your name won’t change until i make sure you’ll stay with me forever” she said, taking your head on her hands.
“Deal” you said, kissing her again. 
“Which one do you think he’ll like better? Señor Scratchy Harkness or Señor Scratchy Y/L/N?”
“Y/N, I love you, but it's 2 a.m, go to sleep, I’m begging you”
“Señor Scratchy Y/L/N is it then”
“The hell it is!”
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Let’s talk about cults- a letter to witchblr
You probably know me from this blog or perhaps from @desertandstorm or maybe you just never heard of me. The point is, I used to consider myself magically inclined. Unfortunately, it’s been ruined for me. People always say that you never expect to join one and honestly that is incredibly true! These people were my friends and my mentors, I never knew it would blow up in my face like that.  When we think of spiritual safety, people on this site most often bring up spirits or herb safety, never fully touching on the topic of the overlap of covens vs. cults. I don’t blame them, it is truly a messy subject to properly handle without convincing someone all covens are cults (which is absolutely not true) So here’s my go at it based off of my experiences RED FLAGS
They’re pushy about their beliefs 
They try and separate you from the “others”
Slander other groups
proclaim they’re the only right
“nobody else knows what they’re doing”
Something about them just always has to be one step ahead 
The head of the coven can’t accept criticism 
Denial of problems
Conflicting info and logical fallacies 
This is iffy but casual godphoning of several gods and goddesses especially ones that they just started working with
Invasive actions such as unwanted readings and spells
(goes with the last one) refusal to take responsibility 
Gaslighting and other forms of emotional manipulation
treat you special when you first join
leave you in the dust after you lose your novelty
(please feel free to add more in reblogs)
you feel like you’re failing them somehow
your mental health worsens because of them
This list is based off of my own struggles I’m still trying to come to grips with
Cults are only physical!
I got snagged by a Discord server. They can be anywhere where you are vulnerable.
Cult leaders are creepy old dudes
The ring leader was a dude in college. They can also start off as your friends. Cults exist to take advantage, there is no set way for them to appear
Aren’t cults like devil worshippers?
No, we were a diverse group who all didn’t share practices. (I’m a pop pagan and no one else was)
It’s so obvious
While I knew something was wrong, it wasn’t until after I left and someone pointed it out I realized what I was in. 
Isn’t the damage physical? like brandings and shit
No, the damage was very much psychological and spiritual. While I believe someone did carve their arm under the influence of a leader, nothing physical happened to me. However, I can’t touch Aphrodite, Lilith, or Loki related things given their current associations. I can’t even worship Set now because I feel... dirty, like I was such a fool. 
once more based off of my experiences if someone would like to add advice for physical situations please do 
Assess your situation
if they hit a good amount of red flags, they’re probably a cult
if they hit a few red flags, they’re a toxic group
Cult or toxic group it doesn’t matter. They showed red flags, it isn’t worth it.
You’re going to feel alone, it’s ok. It’s ok to feel alone after all that time. You aren’t alone in that.  
Cut ties
Delete all related social media you used pertaining to the group
Make sure to work backwards so they can’t trace you 
Delete everything that could’ve touched your tumblr or discord or however else you were in contact. 
If you can’t delete certain accounts, change the username/ profile pic/ description and lock it down to private 
Pick a new internet handle to go under for awhile and don’t tell people your old name. fae rules. 
Lay low around the spiritual community and don’t try and interact unless it’s with people you trust 
It’s ok.
I’m serious we’ll get over this
To those struggling right now, you are strong you are brave
I know it’s so hard to feel like you’re so small that everything you did was lies, but please don’t let your work go to waste. Your first reaction will probably be to destroy your previous alters or delete all your journal posts, but just hold on to them. Save them for later you might be surprised. 
Your pain is valid 
Closing thoughts
Quite frankly, I miss spirituality. I miss the community it brought. I miss the Dolorosa and working with Sutekh. I am beyond pissed that was forcibly taken from me, and even now, slowly but surely, I am trying to make my way back to where I was. Before making this post, I was ashamed. So horribly ashamed of myself and just filled with disgust and hatred. I also used to worship Aphrodite and to see her have been made a mockery of just breaks my heart
and its ok. 
I accept my normal now wasn’t the normal before. To expect my mind to just ignore everything that happened is stupid. That isn’t what healing is. Healing is... acceptance. Not of what happened, but of yourself. I will honor those that I used to by honoring myself and striving to create my own future free from those that wish me harm. 
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friend-of-giants · 2 years
From this ask game for Miss Wren :P Tagging @sheirukitriesfandom @reachfolk @dirty-bosmer and @gingerpositivibee as these are your questions! I just got a lot, and some of them were duplicates so I just made one big post. I should have just done all of the questions and put them here!! 🤷‍♀️
4. Preferred weather?  Preferred, warm and not too windy.  But her very favorite is when the sun comes out after a storm (or rises after it's stormed overnight), with the scent of rain still lingering in the air.  She feels that it makes the world “fresh” and makes her want to get out and do some leisurely exploring. 
5. What’s their sleeping schedule?  She’s fairly normal when it comes to sleeping, preferring to sleep at night.  When at her own home, she likes to get up very early and sit out on the balcony to eat and reflect on things, if she needs to.  She’s somewhat of a morning person. 
7. How’s their cooking?  Depends on what’s on the menu.  Wren excels at grilling meats and making stews, but has never gotten the hang of making desserts or most other types of cooking.  Thank goodness she can just walk down the alley and buy sweetrolls from the general goods store. 
12. Something small they enjoy?  Honestly, books.  Stealing them, reading them, smelling them.  It’s all good. 
13. How do they feel about physical contact with others?  If she doesn’t know you, just… don’t touch her, unless you want Mehrune’s Razor up your butt.  With those that she’s close with, some contact is OK.  Is very touchy feely with people who are more than just friends, in a "how do I get this little gremlin OFF me?" sort of way. 
14. What is enough to bring them to tears?  Aside from the obvious “things that make you sad”, it would have to be getting thanked for destroying Alduin.  Practically nobody has thanked her for what she had done, and it hurts considering all that she lost along the way to save them.  When someone actually does give her the recognition she deserves, she doesn’t know how else to react and will absolutely cry over it.  
15. Biggest pet peeve?  People who don’t take her seriously due to her small size. She's practically bite-sized, but is capable of more than most people think.
21. Do they get lost easily? Will they ask for directions if they are?  Having spent her entire 70+ years of life in Skyrim, Wren does not often get lost outdoors anymore, but inside unfamiliar ruins can get her out of sorts.  In her younger years when first traveled to new areas of the country, she did get lost, but would use what survival skills she knew to get back on track.  She is far too proud to ask for directions. 
27. Is there anything they’re bad at?  Magic!  Despite being a Dark Elf, who are supposed to be effective magic users, she just absolutely sucks at it, minus a few spells.  It’s not for a lack of trying, either, she had plenty of time to learn throughout the decades.  She can use flames for utility purposes (lighting fires, warming food on the go) and is decent with healing, though her restoration skills are limited to stopping bleeding and minor pain relief. 
29. Any past injuries?  A lot, far too many to list- you should see the scar map I made for her.  A few notable ones besides basic combat injuries: uppercut from a Spriggan on a drunken dare during her bandit years (hello face scars), one rather severe dragon bite to the side/hip, and one of the closest brushes with death she’s had- losing a little chunk of her ear.  Hear me out (pun intended lmao), that missing bit of ear is due to her just barely dodging a glass mace, which would have surely killed her had she not moved. 
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