#not her fault everyone keeps throwing themselves at her
d00dlef0x · 2 years
This is a bit of a hot take please dont kill me lmao:
I find it funny how everyone but suletta is perceiving her relationship with elan as romantic when all she wants to do is get to know him lmao
Suletta: i would like to get to know this kid who is known to be closed off and stoic day in and day out, mayhaps we could be friends!
Everyone ever: clearly you want to date him
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greynatomy · 7 months
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alexia putellas x messi!reader
request here
with all the alexia angst being posted (my fault), here’s some fluff
In the world of professional football, rivalry between two players are always one that many fans are eager to watch.
In the men’s world of football, there was Messi and Ronaldo.
In the women’s, Messi and Putellas. Two of the most sought after female footballers of this time.
You and Alexia were known as fierce rivals on the field when competing for your country. You for Argentina, Alexia for Spain. Both of your competitiveness fueling debates among fans. Little did everyone know, behind the scenes, you both shared a secret that could rival the on-field intensity.
Away from the spotlight, you and Alexia were much more than rivals and teammates — you were married.
Your love story began when you’d transferred from playing in the Women’s Super League to Barça. From the first time she’d laid her eyes on you, there was an instant connection. At first she didn’t know how to feel about your transfer, only having played against you for the national team, where the rivalry grew and grew, but as you both played for Barça, the understanding and pressure you both experience helped you grow closer.
Late-night rendezvous, secret getaways, and coded messages allowed you to maintain your privacy. It was difficult to keep everything a secret, something you’ve both agreed on. Time moved quickly from the first time she’d seen you in a Barça kit to now, six years later.
You’re both cuddled up on the couch, watching a replay of the match you’ve just played, pointing out the things you and the team could have done better, when you heard some whining on the baby monitor searched up on the coffee table.
With a kiss to your head, Alexia got up to see what the fuss was all about. You watched on through the monitor, seeing how your wife delicately held and talked to your two year old, making you fall in love with her all over again.
“See look there’s Mami.” Alexia points you out, walking in with Rosa in her arms.
“Mami.” Rosa mumbles, arms reaching out for you, cuddling into your body once in your hold.
“How was your nap, bebé?”
All you got was a whine. Alexia cuddles back into your side as Rosa falls back into a slumber.
“I’ve been thinking.” Alexia starts.
“Uh oh. Mamá has been thinking.” You tease, earning you a playful shove.
“Seriously. Rosa turned two a bit ago and I want to be able to show her what her Mami and Mamá do or work. The environment which all the fans.”
Alexia starts to ramble. Saving her from spiraling, you place a hand over her mouth stopping her words.
“I was thinking the same thing.”
With a bright smile on her face, Alexia pulls you in a passionate kiss, careful to not wake your daughter up.
Three weeks later, Spain has a friendly match against Argentina. Everyone played hard no matter that it was only a friendly, the match ending in a draw.
As far as the public knew, you and Alexia were still rivals, enemies, or any other term they use, so whenever they see you conversing after matches, fans and media freak out, like right now.
What the fans didn’t expect was a small child running into your arms with laughter. Standing up with Rosa in your arms, Alexia wraps her arms around both of you, kisses being placed on her cheeks by both of her moms.
To say the fans and media were exploding was an understatement.
“Alexia, they need you for media.”
Alexia settles herself at the table in front of all the press, waiting for the questions to come.
“Hola, Alexia. Great game today.”
“Thank you.”
After a couple of questions about the match, a little kid is seen throwing themselves onto Alexia.
A second person is seen chasing after the child.
“Sorry, sorry. She’s gotten fast.”
You run in, trying to grab Rosa from your wife, who is wriggling to make her harder to hold.
“You can leave her here.”
“You sure?”
She nods so you give them both a kiss on the head and walk out the room.
“Sorry about that.”
“Who do we have here? If you don’t mind us asking.”
“Bebé can you tell them your name?”
“Soy Rosa Putellas.”
The room let out a collective ‘aww’.
“So-so she’s your daughter?” A reporter stutters, stunned by the little girl.
“And Messi’s?”
The room full reporters burst, questions being asked over the others. Alexia just stands up, walking out of the room.
“I think you broke them.” Is the first thing you say when she walks into the locker room.
“Eh.” She shrugs. “Makes it fun.”
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heliads · 1 year
Something More
Based on this request: "a jealous four. reader isnt oblivious and sees the way four looks and acts with her but she gets tired of him taking long to shoot his shot so she starts flirting with another dude to make him jealous"
request sourced freshly from wattpad
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Something in this room is driving you mad. You can feel the weight of it pinned directly between your shoulder blades like a knife, following you relentlessly no matter where you go. You can pace back and forth across the training room, you can traverse the whole of the Dauntless complex, but you still know it’s there, he’s there. Watching. Waiting. 
It is not an aggressive stare, this, it does not make you afraid, far from it. Four is not a threat to you, nor, you think, he will ever be. He is simply looking, simply observing, but for some reason that act has the power to completely throw you off kilter. 
Maybe it’s because he is only ever looking at you like this. Yes, that must be it. Four is an instructor, he has the responsibility to watch everyone here to keep them from harming themselves or others, but something is different when he’s around you. Instead of passively observing, he’s well and truly looking at you, like he likes what he sees and wants to see more, too. 
You try to put it out of your mind. Four is not your concern here, or not so anything more than the fact that he’s one of your initiation instructors and you’re trying not to get dropped before you enter the faction properly. It’s not Four’s fault if you get distracted by his attention. It’s not Four’s fault if it only ever leaves you wanting something more. 
As time goes on, though, and that something more never comes, you start to chafe against the constant pressure of his attention even more than before. He treats you differently than the other initiates, but only slightly, only ever enough to make you dream of the possibility of something changing down the line. He’ll never give you more than the time of day, but from the way he won’t ever stop his constant affiliation with you, you can’t escape the idea that maybe, just maybe, he wants that something more just as much as you do. 
The end of Phase One of Dauntless initiation draws ever closer, and Four fails to act on anything he may or may not be feeling. You could be wrong, of course, he could mean nothing by his ever present attention, but you’re not willing to take the risk of letting a small something fade away and be forgotten once initiation is over. 
If Four will not do something, well, then, the burden of acting on these impulses falls to you. Tricking an initiation leader into revealing his hand won’t be the easiest task in the world, but you’re not one to back down from a challenge. Four should know that, seeing as he’s so inclined to marking your every action. He should know that you would provoke him like this, and he should have seen it coming from quite far off indeed. 
You need one more person in your scheme to get under Four’s skin. You find your target with ease— Thomas, a dark haired boy also in your initiation class,  close enough to your rank that you won’t have to worry about keeping him close but just enough below that you’ll be able to drop him without needing to fear retaliation. Thomas is fast, smart, strong, all the things that would perhaps give someone like Four cause for concern. In short, he is perfect, and so the plan is laid. 
Next morning, you ask Thomas if he wants to spar together the next morning, just to practice. He nods readily; you’re one of the best people here, it’s why you thought Four started paying attention to you in the first place, up until the point when he stayed there in your corner even when you made mistakes. The two of you head to a fighting ring near the side of the training hall, and if you specifically chose the one right in Four’s line of vision, well, no one needs to notice that but the two of you.
You jump up and down, trying to get some blood back into your muscles. Across the ring, Thomas does the same. He grins at you, evidently proud that you’ve chosen him of all the other eligible fighters. “Hope you aren’t looking for a victory, Y/N, because I’m going to kick your ass.”
He’s grinning, though, so you smile back. “You wish. When we’re done, you’ll have more broken bones than everyone in the med wing combined.”
“Promise?” Thomas asks, laughing, and lunges for you. You roll just in time, hitting the ground right before him. 
Usually, this is the part where you get right back up again, ready to take him down for good. However, your primary motive for this little endeavor isn’t necessarily to win, just to get someone’s eyes on you. So, you stay down, grappling with Thomas so he has no choice but to pin you, up until the point where you escape out from under him and do the same.
Thomas raises a brow suggestively. “You know, I may have lost that round, but I’m kind of happy anyway.”
You grin. “Does that mean you’re fine with losing again? I’m sure my ranking and I won’t have any problems with that.”
Thomas opens his mouth to retort, but he’s cut off by the sound of an irritable shout. It’s Four, arms folded so tightly across his chest that he looks a few seconds away from breaking a rib. “Focus, initiates! You’re not here to talk.”
When you glance over at him, you can’t help but smirk at how furious he looks. Everything is going according to plan, then, he’s jealous, just as expected. He may be in charge of everyone here today, but damn if you can’t play him like any other. Looks like all that talk about so few fears and so much bravery doesn’t stand in the face of plain old envy.
In a great show of reluctance, you get off of Thomas, extending your hand to help him up. He takes it, knuckles lingering over yours for a few moments longer than necessary. You can just make out Four’s silhouette over Thomas’ shoulder, how every fiber in his body seems to radiate with barely controlled anger.
You can only push a ruse so far before it becomes too obvious, though, so you drop Thomas’ hand and get back into a fighting position. This time, you try a little harder to win, exchanging punches and kicks for a good period of time before ‘accidentally’ dropping your guard and letting Thomas tackle you around the middle. He’s obviously in the mood to play around too, and takes his time spinning you in the air before placing you carefully on the ground.
“You better watch yourself,” he says, breath uneven from the exertion of the fight, “I think I’m catching up to you.”
You look up at him, eyes half-lidded. Thomas’ dark hair falls around his face, given the impression of a halo by the light right behind his head. All of a sudden, though, he’s ripped away, and the blinding light falls onto your face to reveal a newcomer. You didn’t hear Four climb up onto the platform of the fighting ring, nor did you detect him coming so close until he pushed Thomas away from you.
Four’s face is a dark slate, devoid of any emotion except a sharp, cold fury. His voice is clipped when he speaks, and when he tells you to meet him outside, now, Thomas actually jumps out of his way. Thomas flashes you an apologetic look as you go, but you can’t find it within you to return it. After all, this isn’t a punishment, not for you. 
In fact, this is exactly what you wanted. A scene, a public show, some sign that Four would be willing to transgress his perfect picture of leadership to make his feelings known to you. You may have forced his hand more than a little, sure, but all’s well that ends well.
The door slams shut behind you, abandoning both you and Four to the dark emptiness of the hall outside the training room. All the other initiates are somewhere inside that cavernous chamber, running laps or practicing their form, and the other Dauntless are at their jobs. No one would see the two of you, then. No one would see what transpired here at all save you and him and the beating tension between the two of you.
Four’s face doesn’t lose its chill even when Thomas is out of sight. “Do you want to tell me what that was?”
You shrug as casually as you can. “I was sparring with a friend. I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
“Oh, really?” Four asks, “A friend? That’s what you call whatever that little display was?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you tell him. It’s far more fun to play the innocence card as long as you can, it certainly doesn’t help Four’s temper.
Four scoffs. “Of course you do. You think I didn’t see how often you were looking at me? That whole time you were with him, purposefully going easy so he could keep his hands on you. You think I wanted to see that?”
“I don’t know,” you repeat, “You haven’t given me any reason to think otherwise. All you do is stand there and watch. Maybe one of us had to do something.”
“So that’s what this was?” Four asks, brows raised, “You wanted to do something? I’ll show you something.”
You’re expecting the kiss, you have been all morning, but that doesn’t stop the breath from leaving your lungs in one rapid rush when it finally happens. His hand is on the back of your neck, keeping you there, with him, in that moment. It feels like drowning, but the thought of living after this is such an inconceivable notion that you’d rather just let the waters claim you whole.
He breaks away eventually, unfortunately, and even in the shadows of the corridor with his face only bare millimeters away from yours you can still tell that he’s proud of himself, corners of his lips twisted up in victory. “Was it worth it?” He asks slowly.
You let out a half-laugh, a needy breath taking over the rest. “It was,” you decide.
“Good,” he tells you, and kisses you again, just so you can be sure. Perhaps jealousy has its merits after all.
divergent tag list: @rogueanschel, @with-inked-solace, @gods-fools-heroes, @23victoria, @manyfandomsfanvergent, @imwaysthelastchoice, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed, @crazyhearttragedy, @alex-1967s-blog
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prodbyton · 5 months
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mx ☆ p.wb - 02
wonbin x fem reader
you bump into a hot guy at a band concert, but what happens when you realize the hot guy is a member of the band?
🎸 cw. foul language
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“dude where the fuck have you been? we go on in 15” shotaros already yelling before wonbin can fully walk into the room.
“probably lurking through the crowd again to find his next hookup,” seunghan chimes into the conversation, earning laughs in agreement from sohee and anton.
“ill have you all know i was going to get a drink at the bar, i’m not the slut you guys want me to be so bad” wonbin crosses his arms over his chest, trying (but failing) to beat the slut allegations.
“sure you aren’t wonbin,” eunseok rolls his eyes at the boy, knowing well enough what wonbins true intentions are whenever he’s just ‘going to the bar’
“oh don’t act like you’re better than me, eunseok. didn’t you have some girl over last night?” he scoffs, the attitude he tried so hard to hold back slipping.
“okay first of all, she’s not just ‘some girl’, we’ve been dating for a month now. a concept you wouldn’t be able to understand” oohs can be heard across the room, the rest of the boys suddenly invested in eunseok and wonbins little argument.
“okay mr loverboy, not my fault i don’t wanna be tired down at 22”
“you’re going to let the right girl slip through your fingers if you keep fucking around, wonbin” eunseok doesn’t want to fight, but he is getting tired of his friends bullshit. the amount of girls he’s taken home within the last year was insane, he’s seen some really nice girls lose themselves in wonbin, changing their whole personalities for him, all for him to push them to the side for someone else. wonbin would one day realize his actions have consequences and he’s stopping himself from experiencing romance.
“you guys can argue later, we go on in 5” shotaro sighs as he gathers himself and the rest of the boys to get ready to get on stage. everyone does a quick touchup on their outfits and hair, wonbin keeping his arms crossed up until they get on stage.
eunseok doesn’t know anything, wonbin grumbles to himself as he picks up his bass, squinting as the stage lights turn on and he shakes his thoughts once he hears the uproar from the crowd.
he couldn’t worry about romance when the feeling he got from being on stage was something nothing could ever compare to. he didn’t want to be tied down when he had a crowd to please, and he has endless girls falling at his feet, so why would he stop that to be with just one person?
throughout the show, his mind kept going to the girl he bumped into at the bar. she was so beautiful, her skin glowed in the dim venue lighting and she had this vibe to her that was almost intimidating, but he didn’t want her to walk away. it was alluring, the way you didn’t throw yourself at him like everyone else who likes him, because they knew him already, they know he’s famous. what if once you figured out that he’s part of the band and you lose interest?
he tries to look for you in the crowd, he spots you for a brief moment but your eyes are focused on someone else, and when his eyes travel across the crowd he isn’t able to find you again.
he wishes he had gotten your name, only knowing you by princess, the name he had given you. so all he could do now was hope you would come to more shows, and hope that he would be able to get you alone.
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a/n: short little chapter from wonbins pov… actual juicy stuff coming in the next chapter i promise 🫣
taglist: @starwonb1n @drinktaro @kyusqult @murariki @helovalley @miyawakiblossoms @nishimuraii @snoopyana @blooqz @bunni @b-riize @daegale @sunwoosberrie @rosesfortaro
reply to the masterlist or send in an ask to be added to the taglist !
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frozenartscapes · 8 months
I think the thing I’m most excited for (and what I hope actually gets explored) in Spy x Family isn’t so much the drama of the secrets being revealed - I’m excited for what comes after.
Imagine that sort of awkward transition stage where everyone is getting used to this new normal. Loid and Yor are tiptoeing around each other, not really sure what to make of their partner who has been lying their ass off the whole time. They’re both kinda mad about it, but also can’t really find too much fault because they’ve been doing the same thing themselves. Imagine a montage of all the Not Normal things both of them are guilty of and the both of them having a “ooooohhh that makes more sense now” moment.
But then treading into angsty territory: say their missions align or something and they have to work through the fact that their partner is not a civilian. Loid constantly ordering Yor to get back and take cover, throwing his arm up to shield her, but then Yor ducks around him and takes down, like, ten armed guys before he can even blink. Yor having a mini war in her head between Yor Forger and the Thorn Princess, because the Thorn Princess has a damn job to do but Yor Forger is constantly fretting about Loid and what he must think of her and if she’s still a good mom for Anya when she just skewered a grunt’s head so hard his skull exploded. It results in neither of them being on top of their game and eventually having to work through their issues before succeeding (maybe whilst tied up back to back in a holding cell or something).
But then there’s this sort of relief? For Loid especially, because suddenly it’s not just him protecting this family. He knew Yor was good at keeping Anya safe, but before it was as an insanely lucky civilian who’s very good at “yoga”. Now… He knows that it would take something monumental to take Yor down. Anything less than that and she’s walking away covered in blood that’s not hers. There’s this sense of safety that starts to bubble up, which is strange, because it should be the opposite. Yor’s one of the most dangerous assassins in the country - hell in both countries - and yet Agent “I don’t trust anyone” Twilight has complete faith in her.
Meanwhile, Yor’s feeling more validated in months because even after learning Loid/Twilight’s biggest secret…he’s still here. He didn’t just pack up and leave in the middle of the night the way spies do whenever they are compromised. And he learned about her and yet he stayed. He included her in on his schemes. And suddenly living together is just…so much easier. She doesn’t have to sneak out in the middle of the night or hide her injuries. She doesn’t feel ashamed any time her incredible strength slips through. She doesn’t feel like she has to lie to everyone - she has Loid to talk to now. She’s never had someone who knows but who also isn’t a Garden agent themselves. And with him being a spy there’s a level of understanding of the job that makes it really easy to be open about it. Probably to a worrying degree, but Yor trusts Loid with her life despite him being a foreign spy.
And then there’s the question of the degree at which the secret’s out. Do they know about Anya? Does Anya know? (Or more specifically, do they know that Anya knows?) (Anya comes home one day and overhears them talking about spy/assassin stuff and after months of being exhausted trying to help them keep both secrets she just sighs really loudly, “FINALLY!” Only to then be questioned on how she knew.) Would Yuri or Franky find out? Garden or WISE? But it would be fun in there’s a little while where the family knows about each other, the three (four including Bond) having a wonderful little stretch of time where the first true test of their trust for each other is passed with flying colours. (Enough for a Stella Star, even!)
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any soda headcanons?
Hi! I hope these suffice, I couldn't help but throw a little bit of Stevepop in :)
Sodapop Curtis Headcanons
-The Curtis house has a half finished basement which is where the laundry machine is, but the ceiling is FULL of spiders and spiderwebs. Both Darry and Pony are PETRIFIED of spiders, like Ponyboy is jumping from foot to foot and hyperventilating and Darry SHRIEKS when he sees one, so its always Soda’s job to de-spider the basement and he absolutely hates it (he's a little scared of them too, but not nearly as bad as his brothers)
-He has the friendship equivalent of those ‘you cheated on me in my dreams and now I’m mad at you”. One time he dreamed Steve left him stranded at the Dingo and was lowkey pissed at him the next day. Poor Steve was SO confused
-Loves both peanut butter and chocolate by themselves, but HATES when they’re combined together. Bro HATES reeses cups with a passion
-After the Curtis parents died he snuck into their room, stole his mother's half full perfume bottle and hid it in his bedside table. Sometimes before he goes to bed, when Ponyboy is busy brushing his teeth, he’ll spritz a little on his wrist because when he closes his eyes and smells her perfume he can pretend his mom is hugging him again.
-Thinks bananas are spicy (they’re not, he’s just mildly allergic but doesn’t realise it. Everyone in the gang thinks he’s making a joke every time he says it. He isn’t.)
-Him and Steve swing dance together at work sometimes when they’re working alone in the garage and his stomach flutters every time Steve dips him 
-Cannot sing to save his life and does it all the time anyway. Like, he sounds like he’s gargling with rocks, it’s actually painful. Dally has literally paid him to shut up before.
-Steve’s pet cat absolutely HATES him and Soda will always and forever be mad about it because “what did I ever do to her???”
-Can’t remember what his dad’s voice sounded like anymore. It haunts him.
-The easiest way to piss him off is to disrespect Steve in front of him. Sodapop is convinced the sun shines from his grumpy best friend’s glaring eyes, and if anyone doesn’t see that he WILL throw hands, no questions asked
-The Curtis’ have a chore jar full of little slips of paper with the really unpleasant chores they only have to do once in a while written on. Every three months they each draw two each so that way it’s fair who does what. EVERY single time Soda ends up having to clean behind the stove and he’s forever bitter about it because “it looks like a crime scene back there Dar and I know it ain’t just my fault!”
-He and Steve gave each other stick and poke tattoos once but his got SUPER infected. He would’ve had to tell Darry and probably go to the hospital if it weren’t for Evie, who luckily had some training from her tribe’s medicine woman and managed to fix him up.
-Him and Darry do rock paper scissors to decide who has to tell Ponyboy when he has a doctors appointment because Pony always gets SO mad and neither of them wanna deal with him
-Once walked in on Two-bit in an, ahem, compromising position, and hasn’t been the same since
-He used to socially drink pretty often but stopped when he realised how much drunk him really wanted to kiss Steve on the mouth
-Started drinking socially again when sober him kissed Steve on the mouth and the world didn’t end
-He draws faces on the eggs in the fridge, partially because he just finds it fun, but also because it always gets Darry to smile and shake his head fondly, and there isn’t enough that makes Darry smile these days
-Darry made him promise when he first started work full-time that he’d keep half his pay check for himself. He promised, but only ever keeps about 10% of what he makes as spending money. He’s determined to make sure neither Darry nor Ponyboy ever find out
-Wishes he was a bit more like either of his brothers, because even though he loves them more than anything, they have more in common with each other than they willl ever have with him and sometimes he feels like the odd man out in his own family, especially now his mom and dad are gone
-Had asthma as a kid but he grew out of it by the time he turned 10
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mysterycitrus · 9 months
Hey!! Love your art and your meta posts. I was wondering about your thoughts on something because I don't think I've ever really read about much of it in canon (might be missing something though), but do the batkids have their own Brucie Wayne-esque personas? I figure they'd be expected to act a certain way, like they've been taking in by a party loving play boy, they're gonna be a at least somewhat spoilt social butterflies right? I just can't stop thinking about the kids hitting like teenhood and having to adopt and put on that kind of act because it would be a little suspicious if nothing about Brucie rubbed off on them. Maybe they steal Bruce's cars or crash a gala, something staged just for the tabloids like that. Idk, I just find the idea of (most of) the kids not being raised anything like that and having to act up in the name of keeping their identities safe really interesting because I don't think they'd find it fun, I think it would actually gross them out to throw around money and act like brats.
lovely anon this is SUCH a fun question and i shall answer it in parts. the first is this — what is the purpose of the bruce wayne persona?
bruce created a specific public image of himself for several reasons — to deflect any suspicion that he’s batman, to justify his frequent disappearances from the public eye, and to be consistently underestimated by people he was in opposition with (gothams corrupt elite, the gcpd, etc). the popular interpretation of this is that he’s like a kardashian, but to be honest id say he’s a lot more like a donatella versace— relatively reclusive but who occasionally pops up doing the weirdest shit ever. he posts on dick’s insta like bruce WAYNE ❤️
wrt his kids, no, i don’t think many of them have that sort of glamorised persona. part of it is that the “gala” trope in fandom just…… doesn’t really exist in the comics? like bruce will take vicki vale to an event, or go to a luthercorp thing to gather intel, but the idea of everyone hitting up an event at the gotham four seasons is not a common story beat. and even then, again, the performance has a purpose outside of just being a distraction.
in particular, u have to consider how his kids are different from bruce. jason and dick were both lower class, if not actively below the poverty line and acting spoiled won’t win them any favours. cass straight up isn’t interested in that kind of performance. damian is honest to a fault. duke has his own family that he’s proud of. when u consider that damian and cass and duke and dick also aren’t white, u have to think about how acting like a glitzy idiot would help them in the same way it would bruce. short answer — it very much wouldnt. many people will think less of them regardless. it would be dehumanising, and because none of them have that same degree of disconnection from the standard person that bruce has, how would them being seen as spoiled idiots help them?
dick has always lived with civilian neighbours, had civilian jobs, and fostered civilian relationships. him being a cop was bad, but he takes a lot of pride in being someone who’s like… dependable. a good neighbour. jason is legally dead, but he wouldn’t have wanted to be seen as the dumb poor kid either. cass would probably play with peoples expectations of her, but not like an established persona that she has to take on. duke is, again, very attached to his family and where he grew up, and is very aware of assumptions people might make about that. damian would rather kill himself than pretend to be an idiot. tim, again, is a strong maybe, but i also don’t think he’d give a shit. he really values keeping himself as tim drake intact, away from robin. he wants to keep being himself.
i just think most of them would stay out of the public eye. remember — bruce isn’t active online. there is still massive control over released information about him, especially with babs. i think they would purposely make themselves boring and unassuming.
the short answer is that none of them, truly, possess bruce’s raw commitment to the bit.
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melodyatlas · 1 month
Hello, in honor of your JayTimRoy post, I bring you the idea of Jason and Tim interacting like two feral cats in the same space, constantly sniping at each other or getting in each other's way, stealing each other's stuff (clothes) and cases, pranks that are deeply concerning to everyone involved (Jason shooting in Tim's direction with real bullets and shooting him with rubber ones and Tim hacking Jason's helmet and making it 'lightly' tazer him sometimes), stalking each other and regularly complaining about each other, just clinically incapable of leaving each other the fuck alone.
With Roy in the middle, able to interact with both of them completely normally. Tim is a weird kid, sure, but he's brilliant and good with tech and planning and contingencies, and if Roy calls him up for help on something Tim is there for him no questions asked. He's also weirdly sweet, like yeah he's a stalker but he uses it to send Roy his favorite foods and drinks when he's feeling down, or keeps an eye on Lian for Roy and sends him initially creepy but reassuring updates about where she is at all hours of the day.
(Tim DOES understand boundaries, honestly, and he doesn't literally watch Lian 24/7, but if she's at school or daycare or with someone else, Tim usually has eyes on her just in case. There's probably been a few kidnapping attempts that barely got off the ground before Roy or Jason were notified, or Tim just showed up himself if they weren't close enough.)
Jason is Roy's best friend and yeah he's rough around the edges and has his issues, but he's loyal to a fault and deeply protective. Like he'll bitch about Roy being an idiot and getting into trouble but always while he's patching him up and making him food and tucking him into bed and forcing him to rest and recover.
So Roy can see that Jason and Tim's animosity and weirdness for each other does not come from hate or dislike but from a deep feral NEED for each other, they are just completely incapable of being normal about each other. He can ALSO see that they are both completely unaware of it in themselves, like completely blind to the fact that for all their hissing and spitting and fucking with each other, they have every opportunity to just... NOT interact much, they COULD just leave each other alone, but even suggesting that makes them both glitch out because what? Leave each other alone?? Impossible.
And much as Roy would like them to figure it out themselves (and maybe chill, a little bit) he likes them both, they both like him, and he would like for the three of them to have a movie night in or go out to dinner together or go to the park with Lian sometimes without the two of them starting to bite each other.
And for as smart as Roy is and as good at planning as he is, he leans more towards Jason's "apply molotov cocktail to problem" brand of planning over Tim's "4D psychological chess with seventeen built-in contingencies" brand of planning (which to him is all the more reason Tim should join Team Red, because honestly they could use that level of planning and consideration for their missions. you can only throw so many molotovs at a problem before your problem is 'too much fire' at which point the molotov does NOT help)
So Roy invites Tim over ostensibly to help him design new weapons, confirms Tim is interested, and then bends him over the work table (once the explosives are cleared off) and fucks him nice and relaxed and stupid, then cleans him up just enough before depositing him on the couch and calling Jason home. When Jason comes home and sees Tim, naked except for one of HIS hoodies with clear bite marks on one side of his neck, and Roy wearing some loose sweatpants and no shirt, his brain glitches out long enough for Roy to say "he's still pretty relaxed from when I fucked him, you wanna take round two or can I go again?"
(He MAYBE could have introduced the idea a little more delicately, and admittedly he DID have to chaperone their first few times to smooth out the misunderstandings (things like Tim wants/needs to be held down and made to submit a little and Jason is terrified of pushing past someone's boundaries but also needs to bite Tim, hold down and SHAKE), but it all worked out in the end. He gets them to chill out enough that they can go on normal dates, and on movie nights Roy gets Jason as the perfect body pillow and Tim as the perfect weighted blanket and it rules.)
Roy is living his best life with his two feral boyfriends and really only has to hide from Batman that he's fucking two of his proteges since the rest of the Bat colony are basically like "fucking THANK YOU jesus CHRIST", because Jason and Tim are still unhinged about each other but at least they're AFFECTIONATELY unhinged now instead of constantly toeing the line of actively trying to kill each other. They work on cases together, Jason practically shoves Tim into his own (and Roy's) clothes, Tim steals Jason's tech (and Roy's) to upgrade it, they still bite and obsessively stalk each other (and Roy) but it makes them both feel reassured and loved.
aaaaaaaahh i have been thinking about this ask All Day, now that i'm finally at my computer i can respond with the time that it deserves 😂
you're so right, this is the exact dynamic they exude in spades. if someone didn't know them, its easy to assume that Jason and Tim do, in fact, hate each other, but Roy /does/ know Jason, and he's gotten to know Tim pretty well too from how much time he's been spending around them. so /Roy/ knows that they don't hate each other- if they hated each other, then Jason wouldn't miss when he shot at Tim, and he sure as hell wouldn't let Tim spend so much time in their safe houses, let alone the apartment Jason and Roy unofficially share in their off-time.
and if Tim truly hated Jason then he wouldn't bother with all the effort he puts in to work cases together, and he wouldn't spend so much time working to repair Jason's bonds with the other Bats. he probably still would rig up Jason's helmet to give him the occasional jolt or alter the voice modulator to make Jason sound like he just inhaled helium- just to be a little shit. but he definitely wouldn't make it so easy for Jason to fix.
Roy just gets so tired of getting caught in the middle of all of their little tiffs though, he's had to stop himself from just pointing out that Jason trying to strip Tim in the middle of their apartment because Tim stole his t-shirt isn't really "mortal enemies" behavior and clearly Jason just wants to see Tim naked. but /god/ did Roy want to point it out. especially when it happened more than once. Tim clearly doesn't realize the attraction either, because he never lets Jason catch him when they fight like that- always rushing from the apartment when Jason gets too close to pinning him. it's /probably/ a good thing, because Roy isn't sure Jason is at the point where he would know what to do once he actually catches Tim and takes the shirt off.
Roy wants to find out- wants to see Jason finally pin Tim down and strip him of all his stolen clothes and see what Jason decides to do with the bare Robin beneath him- but it hasn't happened and the longer it goes on the less patience Roy has with them.
Roy /likes/ Tim, /likes/ Jason, /likes/ seeing how they treat each other when they aren't exchanging blows (and sometimes when they are- but goddamn theres a limit to what he can take). he likes how Tim has inserted himself into their lives. Tim just /fits/ with them in ways that Roy wouldn't have guessed before he saw it himself. the way the little stalker genius helps them upgrade their equipment, the way he brainstorms with Roy about his projects, how he brainstorms with /Jason/ over cases, the way he plays with Lian is terribly heartwarming. he's stopped two kidnapping attempts with his stupid stalker tendencies, and after stopping the second one himself, Roy added Tim to the list of emergency contacts at Lian's school. he picks her up sometimes at /her/ request- and damn if that wasn't a blow the first time it happened. but Lian says Tim is funny and that he's better at coloring than Roy is.
so yeah, Roy wants Tim to stay in their lives, and he wants it to be in a calmer manner than currently because of this imagined beef with Jason due to them just being so infuriatingly obsessed with each other.
when Roy's patience finally runs out he decides to do something about it. invites Tim over under the guise of wanting a second pair of eyes on his latest weapons design project. the way Tim gives all of his focus to the project, clearly stating what he thinks should be changed and improved- it's cute how into it he is. there's something about the focus of a little genius like that- even when he's kind of dissing some of the work that Roy (who is also a genius) already put into it. Roy finds it funnier than anything else.
they finish the weapons talks and while Roy is cleaning up the work table he casually strips off his sweaty work shirt, using it to wipe his face and carefully checking Tim's line of sight and expression. bingo. Tim has a good poker face, but he's not hiding his gaze at all, eyes glued to newly exposed spanse of Roy's skin. so Roy tests his luck, shoots Tim his most charming smile, and takes him by the hips to draw him in. there's the barest moment of hesitation before Roy brushes their lips together and Tim melts into the contact.
it heats up quickly from there- a blur of touching and kissing and stripping each other until Tim is bare and bent over the work table, cheeks spread around Roy's length as he buries himself into the little bird. Roy digs his teeth into Tim's neck, sucking and biting and purposefully leaving marks because he /needs/ Jason to see the evidence later.
Tim thrusts back into his hold, meeting him thrust for thrust, until Roy makes his way up to mutter filthy words into Tim's ear, telling him how good he looks, how good he's taking it- how good it'll look to see him take Jason later and Tim /loses/ it when Jason is brought up. his noises had been soft- held back- but at just the idea of getting railed by Jason, Tim's voice ratchets up in volume and he somehow melts even further against the table, whining and rutting unevenly.
it doesn't last much longer, both of them having been building up to this for so long. and the idea of getting to go again when Jason gets home urges them on even faster. so they finish up and Roy gets Tim all cleaned up, handing over Jason's hoodie for him to wear instead of the clothes he came in with.
Roy is a little worried he broke Jason when he freezes at Roy's invitation to fuck Tim, but the animalistic noise Jason lets out when he finally moves make him realize this was probably best case scenario. it /is/ hard for Jason and Tim at first, going from having been in such denial for so long to finally having each other is a shock. and with Jason being a little scared of how roughly he wants to treat Tim- of not wanting to push /too/ far but wanting So Much from him. and with Tim not being able to just /say/ that he not only /wants/ the rough treatment from Jason, but really /needs/ it, makes it even harder on them. Roy personally thinks how lucky they are to have him there to smooth out the bumps as they start out, but then that makes him think about how lucky he is to have them in his life just the same.
he didn't expect Dick to practically /thank/ him when they finally talked after Dick found out he's been screwing both of them, but the relieved way he talks about how much easier theyve been to work with makes it easy for Roy to read between the lines.
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The Conversation
Final Part of The Interview [Part One] [Part Two] [Ao3]
Steve finishes putting on his boots, shoves a beanie on his head, and grabs his thermos of coffee before heading outside. Robin had texted when they left Pendleton so they should be arriving soon, and he wants to make sure the dogs stay clear of the driveway, and also finish some of the chores he is being lazy about. The mountain air is cold in February, and the snow is deep, but it's still warm for a winter day in Eastern Oregon.
His childhood house had been at the edge of a little forest. His current home is tucked away in the woods, trees for miles, and the nearest neighbor farther still than that. He's lived a lot of places, been able to see the whole of America almost, and in the process, he's learned that he'll always be a small-town boy. The real revelation is how at home he feels in this two-bedroom cabin sequestered away from any town at all. Sure, he's got to drive a little over half an hour to get to the nearest grocery store, but he's learned he likes that.
He's got 1600 acres of woods all to himself and the dogs. He's owned this property for almost four years, but recent events made him finally move out here. Originally, he'd bought it to make it as another flip project, but something in his gut told him to make it a vacation home / safe haven for his family instead. Robin, mainly, as a getaway from the LA life and overwhelming spotlight she'd started to face as her music career took off. He might be turning it into his permanent home and base of operations, but everyone knows they're still welcome.
Anyway, the day might be warm for winter, but the night won't be, so Steve sets his thermos on the top of the wooden railing of the porch and heads down the steps to the woodshed. The plan in the summer is to update the cabin, which includes adding central air and a good heating system, but until then, portable heaters are in the bedrooms and the wood stove gets the rest of the cabin. There's also plans to start the construction on the guest house. It's going to be a busy summer.
He replenishes the woodpile on the porch from the woodshed and debates chopping more but decides against it. That can be a tomorrow chore. Next is cleaning up the snow paths he's made previously. Doesn't want anyone falling on their ass on the way to the house, no matter how funny that'll be to watch. As usual, Pancake makes the task difficult because she wants to play with the snow shovel. Melody cries until he throws snow into the air by the shovel full for her to play in. Chowder, old man that he is, supervises from the porch, front paws hanging just off the top step.
It's rough going but he manages to complete the few chores, even with two dogs underfoot.
Steve is on the front porch, forearms holding his weight as he leans against the railing, thermos of coffee between his hands, taking in the afternoon sun and enjoying the silence when Dustin's work truck slides into the driveway. Almost literally, given the foot and a half of snow still on the ground. The driveway is long, okay. Steve's doesn't have enough time in his day to keep up with salting it all.
It'll be strange to see Eddie after all these years. He still can't believe Robin got him to come. When he'd asked how she did it, she brushed him off with an it's not important.
Speaking of Robin, she's the first person out of the truck, sliding out of the passenger seat and then cursing when she drops right into the snow. She shoots an accusatory look towards the cabin, and therefore Steve, like he placed the snow there himself, when the fault is Dustin, who has left the driver side with plenty of room between the truck and the snowbank.
Dustin gets out of the truck and Steve faintly hears him say this side, man, less snow before pushing his door closed and turning to brace himself as Pancake and Melody rush from the porch to circle like sharks, barely restraining themselves from jumping up. Chowder follows after slowly, taking his sweet time getting to Robin, his favorite human. Steve can't even be jealous about that because Robin is his favorite human, too.
The back driver side door opens, and he watches as Eddie Munson all but falls out of the truck. It's the least graceful anyone's looked getting out of the back of the truck and that's counting Chowder and his old man hips. Seeing Eddie again is- well, it's a lot of emotions all at once, but they're are all overshadowed at the moment by how Eddie looks... well, bad. His hair is longer than Steve's ever seen it, a little longer than mid-back length, but it looks like it hasn't seen a proper hair brush in a couple of days. Even from this distance Steve can see the bags under his eyes. He looks like he hasn't slept in days.
He pushes himself off the railing and meanders down the two steps, waiting for them to notice he's waiting. Robin trudges out of the snow berm and to the front of the truck, where Chowder is waiting patiently for his pets and kisses. Dustin has managed to get Melody to stop hopping in front of him so she can get her side scratches, and Pancake has realized there is a new, third person with a set of hands currently not petting her, and is circling Eddie, waiting for him to reach down and pet her but he just stands completely still, heading tracking her in her circles.
"She's friendly, I promise," Steve calls out, which makes Eddie's head snap up to look for the source of the voice. Well, everyone looks, but Eddie looks like he's seeing a ghost, which. Fair. Steve kind of feels the same way.
"Hello, Dingus," Robin calls as she stands from her crouched position, where she's been cuddling Chowder. As soon as she stands, he starts making his way back to the porch. "I have delivered one Edward Keaton Munson. You are not allowed to ask anything of me for, at minimum, a year."
"Steve! Why didn't you tell me you knew the Eddie Munson?" Dustin shouts.
Robin is scoffing, clearly offended. "Am I not famous enough for you Henderson!?"
"Get back to me when you've run a 24-hour Dungeons and Dragons live stream for charity!" Dustin shoots back, then has to dodge Robin's half-hearted punch aimed for his arm.
Eddie stays silent, looking more pale than when he got out of the truck. Steve's a little concerned he's going to faint.
"You been living under a rock, Dustin?" Steve asks. "My knowing him is apparently the only thing on the internet currently."
Dustin puts his whole head into the eye roll. "You spend a month backpacking with your girlfriend in the southern hemisphere and you never get to hear the end of it. I told you I'd catch up on your drama after I catch up on my DnD Live Plays."
"You also missed me winning a Grammy, you know."
"I thought Steve's thing was more important?"
"You are impossible, Henderson."
"You guys going to argue in the snow all afternoon, or do you want to come inside?" Steve says then places his fingers in his mouth and whistles. Melody and Pancake dash for the front door, where Chowder is already waiting. Dustin, Robin, and a still eerily quiet Eddie fall into line to walk the trail to the porch Steve had cleared.
Steve jumps the steps, grabs his thermos, lets the dogs in, and then holds the door for everyone else. Robin and Dustin breeze past, but Eddie slows, eyes jumping around Steve's face as they just look at each other for a moment. Eddie opens, then closes, then opens, then closes his mouth.
"Hi," Steve offers up, shifting a foot to hold the door open so he can wave his fingers at Eddie.
Eddie swallows thickly, then whispers back, "hey."
"In the house, Eddie. Don't want to let too much cold in," Steve tilts his head towards the doorway.
"Oh, right, sorry," that kick starts Eddie again and he crosses the threshold, Steve close behind.
Robin and Dustin are currently occupying the bench just inside the door, taking off their shoes. Once Dustin has his boots off, he leaves the bench, heading to the kitchen. Eddie seems lost, just standing in the entryway, so Steve takes the spot Dustin just left and proceeds to undo the laces on his boots. He gets one boot done by the time Robin stands, wandering after Dustin once she's hung up her coat, scarf, and gloves. Eddie doesn't move still, so Steve pats the empty spot beside him.
"No shoes in the cabin. Dogs track in enough snow, don't need us doing it too," Steve says, then busies himself with his other boot.
He sees Eddie sit and begin to untie his- jesus, he's not even wearing boots. Just a black pair of sneakers. Eddie unties his shoes in silence, sitting rather stiffly next to Steve.
This quiet, obedient Eddie is not what he expected.
"You want something to drink?" Steve asks, once both of them are free of their shoes.
"No, thank you."
"Alright. Have a seat, then," he gestures towards the couch. The cabin door opens up directly into the living area, which Steve has set up as 3/4th a living room and 1/4th dining room, in that a small kitchen table is along the far wall. Beyond that wall is the kitchen, where Robin and Dustin are undoubtedly helping themselves to his coffee or hot chocolate.
Eddie shuffles off to sit on the edge of the couch, as close to the armrest as he can get. Now that Steve can see him closer, he can see he's added more piercing to his face than just the eyebrow ring he wore in high school. Snake bites, a septum piercing, and a second eyebrow ring next to the original. He's sure that if Eddie's hair wasn't covering his ears, he'd see more metal there. Eddie had hung up the coat he'd been wearing but under that is a hoodie he didn't take off, so Steve can only guess if he ever got those tattoos he'd been planning in high school. His entire outfit is black, which just makes him look sickly in the cabin lighting.
Steve drops himself into the chair facing the couch. It's Melody's favorite chair to curl up in, but Steve thinks she'll forgive him for taking it. There's tension in the room, so he tries to break it. "You look like you've seen a ghost, dude."
Eddie makes a weird nose, almost a whimper or a whine, but before he can say anything, Robin rounds the wall, holding a mug of hot liquid and she says, "Oh, I'm sure he feels that he has. I didn't tell me we were coming to see you."
"Robin!" Steve is shocked.
"What? You said you wouldn't mind getting some closure, so I got him here. Does it matter how?" She takes a seat on the opposite end of the couch from Eddie, making a show of how comfortable she is in the space by sitting cross-legged and leaning back against the couch, in comparison to Eddie who is sitting up completely straight, barely on the couch with how close to the edge he's sitting.
"Yeah, it does! If he's not here voluntarily- if Eddie doesn't want to talk to me you can't-"
"I do," Eddie says. It grabs Steve and Robin's attention and Steve sees Eddie almost wilt under their twin stares. He clears his throat before continuing, "I mean, I would have come still, if she'd told me. I do want to talk to you. Apologize for.... for everything. So much I don't even know where to begin, or how."
"Uhh, this feels like something personal," Dustin says from where he's standing with his own mug, hovering nearby. "Should I be here for this?"
Good question. Steve doesn't care if Robin and Dustin hear what they talk about, but Eddie might. "How about we just relax a bit. How was the drive?"
Eddie scrunches his face, a half confused expression on his face.
"Fine," Robin says at the same time Dustin says, "Tense as fuck."
"Those two things don't seem like they match," Steve says.
Dustin moves to plop himself on the couch in between Eddie and Robin, then quietly curses as his drink sloshes over the edge of the mug. He starts mopping at it with the sleeve of his shirt as he says, "Robin is a liar. The tension in the truck is going to linger that's how bad it was. I'll be feeling the tension every time I get in the rig. Clients will feel the tension when I pull up to their curbs!"
"It was not that bad!" Robin swats Dustin. Successfully this time, since there's no way for him to dodge unless he wants to spill his drink again.
Steve just laughs. "Robs, light of my life, mate of my soul, knowing you and your grudges, Dustin's probably going easy on the description of the tension here."
"Well, there wouldn't be tension if I was allowed to say what I want to say."
"Can we go, like, five minutes without your negativity?"
"My negativity!? I'm not negative, I'm rational and level-headed!"
"You are not sounding very level-headed right now."
Dustin chimes in, "Steve's right. Level-headed people don't have to shout that they're level-headed."
"What say you, Eds?" Steve asks, the old nickname slipping out. He doesn't have time to be embarrassed about it though.
Eddie stands quickly and flings his hands in the air, having reached an invisible limit Steve is unaware of, pacing about the living room as he basically shouts, "Why don't you hate me!? You should hate me! I hate me! I can't- why are you just sitting there, trying to have a-a decent conversation with me? You should be screaming at me! You should be mad! Why aren't you? My fuckin' song ruined your life!"
The silence in the living room is heavy following that, all eyes on Eddie. Even the dogs, who had been in various states of sleep, lift their heads and look in Eddie's direction.
He looks mortified by the out burst, and his face turns red. "I-I'm sorry. I- I'm just, I'm sorry. I need air."
They all watch silently as Eddie jams his shoes back on and goes out the front door without tying them or grabbing his coat.
Steve sighs, deep and annoyed. At Robin and himself. He looks to Robin and she looks shocked by Eddie's outburst. She was watching the door, but turns her head to meet Steve's eye, a small frown on her face.
"Well, it's not like he's going far," Dustin says. "You going after him?"
"I don't know if I should."
Dustin scoffs. "Don't be an idiot, of course you should. We drug that guy to the middle of nowhere to talk to you. He agreed to come to the middle of nowhere even though I could have been a hit man hired by Robin to off him in the woods and he didn't even complain. Didn't even question. I don't know what happened, but I think you two need talk it over."
Steve blinks at Dustin. "Since when did you get so wise?"
"I've always been wise. You just refuse to see it with your ageism. Go. Robin can fill me in on the beef, here in the toasty, cozy cabin, while you two chat in the cold, and freeze your asses off."
"I don't have ageism-"
"Wrong argument to be having, Steve!" Dustin interrupts. "And take another cup of coffee with you. Even if he doesn't drink it, dude doesn't have gloves either so y'know, warm the hands."
Steve does just that. Fills his other thermos with coffee, taking a chance by adding cream and sugar, before putting his boots, coat, and beanie back on. He throws Eddie's coat over his arm and tucks both thermos' against his body with that same arm so he can have a free hand to open the door.
Eddie isn't far. He's pacing back and forth in front of the truck, talking to himself.
Taking a deep breath to steel himself, Steve steps off the porch and makes his way to Eddie. "Hey."
The pacing stops and Eddie turns to look at Steve. They just look at each other as Steve approaches. Steve doesn't stop until he's close enough to reach out and touch before he shuffles the two thermos's to his other arm and extends the one with Eddie's coat on it out.
"Thank you," Eddie says, taking the coat and shoving himself into it quickly.
"Brought you coffee, too," Steve holds out one thermos and after a pause, Eddie takes it, too, then almost instantly brings his other hand up to cradle it, warming his fingers.
He looks up from the thermos and meets Steve's eye. "I am sorry, Steve. I'm sorry for how things ended between us, and for the song I wrote, and for-for not thinking about how people would be able to work out that you were the Steve from Hey Steve. You should hate me for that alone. I'm so sorry for everything that's happened because I didn't think of the consequences."
"I don't- I don't hate you man. Not... not anymore. Not for a long time."
"Well, you should!"
Steve frowns. He wants to argue because who is Eddie to tell him how he should feel? But that's not going to help anything. "When Robin called me. During her interview after the Grammy's and asked if she could tell the truth I never- I didn't know what she meant by the truth. But. Well, nothing she said was a lie, but it wasn't the full story."
Eddie stays silent, seemingly waiting for Steve to continue.
"Those first two years after our breakup were- I'm not going to lie, they were fucking awful. I think I received my first bit of hate mail the very same day Hey Steve released. It was harsh. All from the same person, but sent to my Facebook and my Twitter and Instagram. Guess they really wanted me to read it.
"And then, with each passing day, a new person, new message, just as awful. After three days I deleted Instagram and Twitter. Then I locked down Facebook but like- physical letters showed up at my house. I can't lie, it certainly felt like you'd ruined my life."
Eddie makes a wounded sound at that. "That's because I did! What I did was unforgivable and-"
"You don't get to decide for me if I forgive you or not!" Steve snaps. "I haven't actually said I did forgive you, did I? All I've said is I don't hate you."
That gets Eddie quiet again for a moment, then he says, "you ended up hospitalized because of me."
"Robin said I ended up hospitalized, and that's true, but it wasn't- It was more complicated that just being your, and your fans', fault. For people who were supposedly on 'your side' of our breakup, they used a lot of homophobic language. That's how my mom found out. The letters were easy enough to just get rid of because all the bad shit was on the inside, but someone sent a post card, and mom collected the mail that day. It's... I don't like talking about this."
"Then don't," Eddie is quick to say, "you don't have to explain anything to me, or make yourself relive these events. It's- you don't owe that to me."
"I think I need to. I wrote you a song, said I'd do it all again, and I meant that. I want you to understand why. Just. Just give me a minute."
Eddie nods and takes a sip of his coffee. He looks pleasantly surprised and takes bigger drink before his face falls into a frown as he stares down at the thermos and Steve has to look away. He turns and squeezes his eyes shut to continue. "Mom showed the postcard to my father, and he confronted me that evening. It was.... it didn't start off bad. He asked if it was true. That I was gay. I made a choice, then. I didn't have to; I could have lied. I could have told him I was straight and that I didn't understand what the postcard was saying, but I didn't.
"I knew how he felt about queer people, and I told him the truth anyway. I was bisexual. I thought it was a miracle that he didn't kick me out instantly. Instead, he calmly asked me if that meant I liked woman. I said it meant I liked more than just woman.
"Then he told me that didn't matter. That so long as I liked woman, I would be with a woman, and that we never had to speak of this again. And I told him no. He didn't get to decide that for me. He said that he would rather have a dead son than a faggot one. And I thought- I never- surely he was just meaning, like, metaphorically, right? Like, he'd disown me, kick me out or something so I scoffed and said- God, I was so stupid. I knew it wasn't safe, but I was so angry at him, I shouted 'dead or alive, I'm your faggot son so deal with it.' And he- he said 'dead it is' and he attacked me."
He hears Eddie suck in a breath, hears the crunch of snow in what could only be Eddie taking a step towards him but stopping after just one step. Steve doesn't know if he wants Eddie to close the distance and give him the hug he knows Eddie wants to do. Steve doesn't know if he'd welcome the embrace or not. He sucks in his own shaky breath, and continues, "He almost beat me to death that night. The only reason he didn't was because mom dialed 911," Steve turns around, looks at Eddie and sees the tears falling down his own face reflected on Eddie. "As far as I know, dad's still serving time for his attempted murder, so like, at least I don't have to worry about him. And mom... I don't even know what to think of that.
"She called 911, didn't want to see me die, I guess, but also couldn't have a gay son. She sold the house, and everything in it, while I was still in the hospital, and just... disappeared. Robin's family took me in. She told that story during the interview, you knoe, but I wasn't even at the house when that guy with the gun showed up. I was meeting with a lawyer.
"She-Mom was- I don't know what she was trying to do but she gave me the family business. The whole company! It felt like she was trying to buy my forgiveness, except she didn't ask for it and still hasn't contacted me. It's like... she felt guilty about what happened but hated me at the same time. Felt she needed to do something to alleviate her guilt? Or maybe she just wanted to cut herself free of the whole Harrington name; free herself from me and my father. I don't think I'll ever get closure for that one."
Steve quits talking, needs to take another moment. He'd already rambled on about more than he meant to but talking to Eddie had always done that to him. Afterall, before they dated, they'd been friends. He sips at his coffee, not knowing what else to say.
"Jesus, Stevie, I'm so sorry. I didn't know- It's no excuse but I'm just so sorry."
He doesn't think Eddie knows he called him Stevie, but it's nice to hear. "So, see, it wasn't your fault. Your song set things into motion, for sure, so it's nice to hear an apology, but like, if anyone is the bad guy in this situation, it's Richard Harrington."
"But Robin said she just had to help you move to here. That you still get hate mail, and doxxed. That's on me. I saw your list of addresses, Steve! You've had to move, like, eight times a year!"
Steve can't help the cackle that springs from him. He surprises himself with the laugh, and Eddie, too, if his wide eyes and eyebrows hidden behind his bangs are any indication. "I- yeah, I move a lot. And yes, this most recent move was because of a brick with Hey Steve scratched into it broke my living room window, but like, I've only had to move because of harassment like, four times, if I'm counting the whole mom-selling-the-house thing."
Steve holds up a finger, adding a new one as he counts them out. "Mom sold house. Scary gun guy at Robin's. The year anniversary of your first album's release. I was still in Hawkins, figuring out what to do with all the money I'd, uhh, inherited I guess, so I was easy to find. And the most recent one. Not sure what inspired it this time. Usually, the hate mail resurges when you go on tour, but it's less and less every time. Anyway, none of those other moves are because of crazy fans."
Eddie blinks at him, a picture of confusion. "But I found a YouTube video and that guy- he showed all your old addresses. He said- I thought..."
"Well, there are a lot of addresses. But not because of your fans. I move for my job. Do you... did you even read the truck?" Steve gestures to Dustin's truck and Eddie steps around to see the printed H&H Project Flip and below that is their website.
Eddie looks back to Steve like that answers nothing. Which, fair, but it would answer a lot of questions if Eddie had looked up the website. "After that surge of anniversary hate, I knew I needed to get out of Hawkins. Robin was graduated, then, and headed to college. I decided I wanted to see more than just Hawkins. I followed Robin to college in Chicago, and uh, bought a house. A real fixer upper but that was fine. I had plenty of money to throw into it. On a whim I thought, what if I try to fix it. I had a lot of free time and if it ended up badly, I could afford to pay a professional to fix whatever I broke. I found that I loved doing that."
He's still just being looked at like he's not making sense.
Steve rolls his eyes, "I flip houses, dude. Me and Dustin. Harrington and Henderson Project Flip. I was in Chicago for three years, lots of addresses for that city. But then Robin pointed out there were a lot of states. That I should see all 50 of 'em by renovating a house in each. She'd moved in with her then-girlfriend by this time, so she said I should go. See the States at the least. So, I did. I find it easier to just live in the house I'm renovating, so I'm not paying mortgage and then rent somewhere else in the same city."
Eddie looks like he's had a rug pulled out from under him and he lets out a laugh that's a little hysterical.
"And moving so much has allowed me to meet so many amazing people, y'know? I got friends in all the states. So, like, yeah, you did ruin my life, but like, just my life from 18 to 20. So, yeah, I'd do it all again. Did you think I've been living in perpetual misery for the last ten years?"
"Robin certainly made it easy to assume that, so yeah!"
"I think she did that on purpose. To hurt you back."
"I deserve it," Eddie says. "I didn't even try to check in on you. Well, once, but when I couldn't find you on any socials I just. Gave up."
Steve shrugs. "I didn't reach out either. And if you'll remember, I broke up with you. Screamed in your face that we were over and went home."
"I don't know when, or even if, Corroded Coffin will tour again, but I swear to you, we'll never play or release Hey Steve again. And I'll release a statement, or go on camera, or something, and address this. I can't make it right, but I can make a change starting now, to do better and be better," Eddie says this while gripping his thermos to death.
"I believe you, and I forgive you."
Eddie nods grimly, then looks from Steve to the cabin, and back to Steve. "Do you think Robin will ever forgive me?"
"I don't know. You hurt her pretty badly, too. We were all best friends in school and when we broke up, you cut off Robin, too. And then, when she started to gain her own fame- I think when she first moved to LA, she thought you'd try to reach out. But you never did."
A silence falls over them, and Steve refuses to break it. He's done enough talking. They drink their coffees 'til they're empty before Eddie speaks.
"Where does this leave us?"
Steve thinks about it before answering. "You were my best friend before you were my boyfriend. You'd been in my life longer than you've been out of it. We don't have to be anything. We can have our closure and go our separate ways, if you'd prefer. But, I think I'd like another chance at being your friend."
"I can do friend," Eddie says slowly, like he's picking his words carefully. "I can. But, full transparency, I think I still love you."
It hurts to hear, after all the pain and the time, and it's a bittersweet kind of hurt. "I'll always love you, Eds. I meant it, you know, every word of the song. But I don't know if we can, or should, try again. We were so good until we weren't."
Tears spring from Eddie's eyes when Steve says he loves him, and they don't stop falling even as he's nodding along with everything Steve says. "No, I know. I know. I just, I needed you to know. Friend is, it's so fucking great. More than I ever expected, and certainly more than I dared hope."
"Come on. Let's go inside where it's warm and chat with Dustin and Robin like civilized people. I need a break from the heavy talk."
"Yeah. Me too. Thank you, Steve. For the chance."
Steve shrugs and shoots him a crooked grin. "Yeah, well, ruin this a second time and Robin will rip you to shreds on live TV, probably."
There's more to talk about. More hurts to heal and things to discuss, Steve knows. And maybe after all the talking, they'll learn they've changed too much to even be friends. But that'll be okay, because if that's how it goes, it'll be because they talked it out instead of screaming at each other in a living room.
If they've changed too much, this time, it'll end gently.
It doesn't stop Steve from letting a little bit of hope in. That this won't end, that they can find a way to be in each other's lives again.
As friends, or more.
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missvelvetsstuff · 4 months
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Bucky x Sharon
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
**Previous chapter**
Cookie looked at the cold face of her friend, the man she had loved for 2 years and rasped out "Bucky. Please." She looked into his emotionless eyes and she realized this was it, she closed her eyes and tried to say "I forgive you" as she lost consciousness.
Chapter 6
Note: sorry this chapter took so long, hope it's worth the wait.
Warnings: Swearing, angst
The Soldat was distracted by a door slamming open, the sunlight that shone through it and the shield that hit him in the chest, knocking him back. He dropped an unconscious Cookie and turned in the direction of the distractions before stalking over towards them. He approached the man who threw the shield and a man in a red and gold metal suit but before he could throw a punch the guy in the metal suit put his hand up and some red mist came out. The Soldat covered his mouth and tried not to inhale it but failed.
Bucky coughed and shook his head before looking up to see Steve and Tony in front of him, holding defensive positions as they waited to see if it worked.
Bucky rubbed his eyes "Steve? What the Hell is going on?"
Bucky looked around as his head cleared and saw Cookie, crumpled on the floor and rushed over to her, falling to his knees.
"Cookie! Nonononono. Fuck! What did I do? Please doll, you have to be ok"
He started to reach out to her but pulled back when he saw the bruises starting to form on her neck. He turned to look at Steve and begged "Help her, please."
As soon as he sprayed Bucky, Tony aimed the mist at Nat, Sharon, Yelena and Antonia. All but Antonia shook themselves out of the trance they were in while Antonia tried to escape up the stairs. Unfortunately for her, Nat and Yelena were faster and tackled her to the floor.
Steve carefully picked Cookie up and hurried towards the quinjet.
Bucky stood, looked around and saw Sharon. He glared and started towards her when Tony stopped him. "We'll take care of them, you go back to the jet with Rogers and Cookie.
Bucky flinched when he heard her name "I don't think-"
Tony cut him off "Don't think, just go, everything here is handled."
Bucky just nodded and turned in the direction Steve had gone. When he arrived at the jet he saw Steve standing next to the medical bed where he had laid Cookie.
He turned to face Bucky "Friday is monitoring her but there doesn't seem to be any serious damage just some bruising. She'll be alright, Buck."
Bucky scoffed "Yeah, no thanks to me. I'll just keep my distance." and sat as far away from her as he could.
Steve tried to comfort him "C'mon Buck, it's not your fault. They were controlling you."
Bucky just turned his back to him without a word and Steve knew he would need some time.
Tony and Sam walked up the ramp with Antonia, Nat, Sharon and Yelena all in front while Clint and Sam were last so they could keep an eye on everyone.
Antonia was restrained and belted into one of the seats with Sam and Clint on either side. Tony took the pilots seat and they raced home as quickly as possible.
Cookie felt herself being pulled awake by an annoying beeping in her room. She tried to tell Friday to turn her alarm off but quickly realized that no sounds were coming out. She tried to clear her throat but it was painful like a sore throat when you're sick but much worse.
She tried to open her eyes but the room was too bright and as she sniffled detected a strong antiseptic smell.
Once she put it all together she realized she must be in the med bay.
Cookie opened her eyes again and was able to keep them open this time. She felt a hand holding hers and looked around the room to see dark hair. She squeezed the hand gently and tried to speak, which made her cough and woke him up.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling?"
Cookie tried to speak but on squeaked and coughed. She shrugged and pointed at her throat.
"I know, I'm sorry Cookie. We tried to get there before it went that far but I'm glad we found you in time. Here, have some water." He sat her bed up and held the cup of water so she could drink from the straw. As she drank he explained that Bucky, Sharon, Nat and Yelena had all been controlled by Antonia with a serum that the Red Room had been using on the Widows, to keep them in line.
The cool water soothed Cookie's throat but when she tried to speak it still came out as a croak "Sammy" and made her cough again.
Sam set the water down "Dr Cho said your throat will be sore for awhile so no talking for a few days. If you can manage that, Imma be seriously impressed. Here, this will help." he handed her a tablet so she could type out what she wanted to say.
Cookie slapped his shoulder before taking the tablet and trying quickly into it. *How's Barnes?*
Sam shook his head "After everything that's happened, that's the first thing you wanna say?" he sighed "Bucky is fine. He's been in the waiting area all night but won't come in here. Blames himself, which he should, if you ask me."
Cookie scowled at him and started typing again
*I didn't ask. According to what you just told me, wasn't his fault. Tell his dumb ass to come in here!*
Sam looked at her, frustrated "I also just told you he won't come in here. Did he mess up your hearing too?"
Cookie sighed *Tell him I said so*
Sam shook his head as he left the room to talk to Bucky. It didn't go well.
Bucky refused "Goddammit Sam, I already told you I wasn't going in there. What if I see her and he decides to come back and finish the job? That was his last order and I don't know if it'll still be there when I see her. She deserves better than me. I'm stupidly damaged and can't promise she won't end up hurt, whether it's by someone I've hurt, Hydra wanting me back or just me and my unstable mind. I can't risk hurting her again. Just tell her I'm sorry."
Sam tried to reply but when he looked where the super soldier had just been standing, the entire waiting room was empty.
When Sam returned to Cookies room she frowned and he shrugged "I told you he wouldn't. He bailed before I could convince him. You're gonna have to wait till he's ready."
A few hours later Cookie was released by Dr Cho with the conditions that she take it easy and not try to talk for a few days. On the way back to her room she saw Nat and Yelena. Both women looked at the floor and mumbled apologies as she walked past.
Cookie was happy that she made it to her room without seeing Sharon. Even if she was being controlled, Cookie couldn't wipe the images of Sharon and Bucky all over each other or the nasty comments she had made. Maybe after some rest and time to put it all into perspective she would feel more rational about it.
Cookie wasn't sure what her next move should be since her being here seemed to be traumatic for everyone involved in her adventure. DC and Boston were always options. She could transfer to either one and still do her job without much trouble, thanks to Stark tech and wouldn't be too far away by plane or Dr Strange in a real emergency.
She knew that seeing Bucky every day, especially if he stays with Sharon or finds another "friend", would be challenging for her. Distance would help her heart heal, or so she thought.
She figured being out of his sight would help Bucky deal with his own trauma and guilt without her reminding him that the Soldat was still lurking.
After a couple of days Cookie was getting her voice back and had been released to go back to work. She noticed that Bucky always seemed to be lurking around but bolted everytime their eyes met. He wouldn't stay in the same room as Cookie unless there were briefings where he wasn't given much choice.
When Maria came to her office a week later, to see how she was feeling, Cookie told her what she was thinking and Maria tried to talk her out of it.
By the time Maria left her office, Cookie was sure of her next step and sent the papers to Nick Fury, already begrudgingly signed off on by Maria.
When her work day ended, Cookie headed to her room to start organizing and packing. She would miss her view of the lake and her friends here but she felt like she just couldn't stay with the way things were. Maybe in a few years she could get her head together and figure out how to convince her heart to let go of Bucky but it wasn't happening here.
Cookie told Sam that she was moving but made him promise not to tell anyone, especially not Bucky. She wasn't up to a teary goodbye with the whole team and didn't want Bucky to feel like it was his fault.
At her last team dinner two weeks later, everyone was there even Steve and Tony but only Sam knew it was her last day at the compound. Everyone else thought they were celebrating her clean bill of health the day before. As always, Bucky was nowhere to be seen while Sharon, Nat and Yelena were there but none of them had even tried to speak to her since they all returned to the compound.
Cookie figured they were dealing with their own guilt even if it wasn't really any of their fault but she knew Dr Raynor would help them work through it all. She convinced herself that her move was best for them as well, so they don't have to see her and feel bad about what happened.
The next morning she woke early, left her room packed for the movers to pick up and Sam flew her to her new home for the foreseeable future.
@erelierraceala @capswife @ozwriterchick @cjand10 @wintrsoldrluvr @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @browneyedgrli @greatenthusiasttidalwave @hhiggs @dontworryboutitsweetheart-blog @behindmygreyeyes @pattiemac1 @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @calwitch @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @ordelixx @blackhawkfanatic @casey1-2007 @scott-loki-barnes @selella
Chapter 7
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belit0 · 1 year
Would you be willing to write angst where Madara and indra (separately) finally broke the last straw and they and their lover have a heated argument. It escalates to the point where she threatens to take off her ring. How would they react. (The argument was their fault.)
I am convinced Indra is one of those persons who says hurtful things without feeling it just to make the other one angry, and no one can change my mind.
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He knows the argument is his fault, he is aware of how he pressures (Y/N), and how she feels lesser for not being able to give him a child. It is no one's fault really, only the Otsutsuki's impatience and helplessness for not being able to control nature itself.
Indra is mighty in every way, the most powerful man in the world, but he is failing at the one fundamental task of his present time: to conceive an heir and start a clan with his own blood.
He does not know where the failure lies, he has no idea if it is because of him or (Y/N), all he cares about is how he fills his wife with his seed every single night, hoping for an immediate result that never comes. It is frustrating, having achieved the most difficult goal of his life, conquered everything he wanted, and not being able to achieve the most common and ordinary task of any man.
An afternoon of problems is when he explodes against his beloved, bearing the pressures of his followers and resolving situations within the village he managed to create after his victory. Everyone counts on him, everyone needs him, and the pressure of authority becomes exhausting.
(Y/N), worried about her inability to grant him an heir, seeks validation and reaffirmation from him. She just needs to hear everything is okay, that they will get through it together, and that patience will be the greatest virtue for them both to get through the predicament, finally getting a child. The woman goes to her husband's private training camp, where she always counts on being able to find him. The man senses her arrival and stops his practice to give her his attention. "It's nothing urgent, my love, I'm just worried."
With a cold stare, Indra hides his concern, refusing to let his wife see the worry is shared. Unable to show he feels fear about it too, he chooses a distant stance, kicking the problem down on her, "You should be, it's been a while since we started trying."
"You talk like it's my fault...we have no idea what's going on and-" (Y/N) is interrupted by curt words, throwing responsibility on her actions, as if she doesn't want to have a family with him.
"I'm not certain about that, and I'm afraid consequences must happen soon." The Otsutsuki glares at her, red-eyed from his height, inwardly regretting not knowing how to put his feelings into words without hurting her in the process. He knows his position will only lead to trouble, but he can't do anything about it, riding a train with no brakes.
"Consequences...would you risk all our years together for a stone in the road...? Indra, I've been with you from the beginning, long before everything that happened..." There are tears in (Y/N)'s eyes, threatening an early free fall down her face. The woman stares at him in disbelief, genuinely mortified with every response she receives. Does her company mean nothing to him, the unconditional love she gave him through all their moments?
"My life was built upon losing people I believed to love. If I had to lose you for this, it wouldn't be news, (Y/N)." His sentences are like many kunai burying themselves in different parts of her body, and the woman can do nothing but rethink everything until now.
"You should probably keep this then." She throws the gift he gave her on their wedding night, a beautiful ring engraved and embedded in red gemstones, at his feet. Pain is visible on her features, and the anger with which she turns away from him is palpable.
Worst of all, Indra does not feel any of the words he said. He would never abandon her, even if it meant not being able to bear children of his own blood. He cannot control the image he pretends to have in the outside world, even if that includes hurting those he truly cares about.
(Y/N) has been with him since before his curse, was with him during his eternal fight with Ashura, and helped him build the place he now calls his. She is his safe space, his little home, but he can't help the awful unreasonable words flowing out of his mouth in frustration, anger, and rage. She knows him, and understands he's usually a pain in the ass to argue with, but this time she seems to have been truly affected by his statements.
Maybe he took it too far, without even meaning to.
He picks up the ring at his feet and puts it in his pocket before deciding to run, get away from the place, and find a distant and remote village to kill every single one of its inhabitants. Indra lashes out at the life of all the innocents he finds in the tiny town, destroying children, women, and fathers alike.
His anger is directed at himself, raging at his inability to control and suppress his reflex to hurt others. Of course, ironic to analyze his own self while dismembering humans left and right.
It is in the early evening when Madara decides to leave in search of (Y/N). Having arrived earlier than usual, he wanted to surprise her at home, but she was nowhere to be found. He opted to go to Izuna and ask about her, his brother always being everywhere and nowhere, knowing the whereabouts of every person in the clan.
The younger Uchiha recounts how he saw her walking a while ago, presumably towards the local Uchiha market, intending to buy something to make Madara some dinner. How Izuna knows so many details is none of his concern, yet he is grateful for the information.
Arriving at the market, he scans the place for her presence, too tired to use the Sharingan and deciding to do it the old-fashioned way. He walks among the stalls and greets every person who dares to speak to him, being stopped many more times than he would like at this hour.
As he talks to a little old lady, he sees her in the distance, having a very animated conversation with a man he recognizes from his army. He is an average warrior, one of the many Uchiha who never managed to develop a Sharingan, and he is too close to his wife for his liking.
Quickly excusing himself, Madara frees from the old woman to get closer to where (Y/N) is, without revealing himself to her but close enough for the man to notice. Behind his wife's back, the Uchiha stares at him with eyes full of hatred and menace, causing the warrior to flee in terror without even saying goodbye to her. Confused, (Y/N) turns around to see what spooked the man, caused him to be so horrified, and meets her husband face to face.
Judging by his expression, it looks as if he has just met Tobirama, and the woman is extremely embarrassed when he lifts her over his shoulder, abducting her from the market and concluding her shopping moment.
"Madara what the fuck! Put me down now!" She yells angrily, slamming a fist into his back and trying to lift her head to keep all the blood from going to that area. He doesn't comply with her demand until a few minutes later when they are in the privacy of their home, and away from any prying eyes.
"What got into you?!" (Y/N) exclaims indignantly, trying to understand what could have affected him enough to not even say hello.
"Who the fuck was that man and why were you conversing so cheerfully with him?" He asks with both loathing and resignation, expecting a terrible answer from his wife. Maybe it was her lover, maybe it was the person she would want to replace him with, or maybe she already had.
"He's one of the guards you assigned to take care of me today, you idiot! He was with me all day, under your own orders! Don't you even register what you decree, all day locked up in your office?!"(Y/N) is overcome with indignation, being indirectly accused of unfaithfulness wrongfully.
The Uchiha is speechless, not knowing what to say about it. He deals with so many things per day and at the same time, he tends to forget one or two matters. He feels disgusted for having assigned such a weak warrior as his wife's bodyguard, but even more so for not being able to remember it. The stress was consuming him to such an extent he was beginning to forget important things, skipping some and erasing others altogether.
"Even if that hadn't been the case, seeing me talk to another man doesn't give you the right to freak out like that! Interacting with people of the opposite sex doesn't mean I'll be looking to cheat on you, Madara! Grow the hell up, and learn to respect me as your wife, or it ends here!"
Enraged, (Y/N) storms out of the house, leaving a stunned and shocked Uchiha in the middle of the room. The only thing Madara is thankful for is the fact she didn't take off her ring, which could mean two things: either she didn't notice, or she doesn't see it as serious enough to genuinely leave him. Either way, he feels terribly guilty, and can't understand how he lets himself be driven by jealousy like that.
Unfounded jealousy, even worse.
The Uchiha is left pondering in solitude before he goes off to find her, determined to apologize on his knees if that's what it takes to get (Y/N) not to be angry at him anymore.
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kimbappykidding · 10 months
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Other Parts: Part Two, Part Three and Part Four.
You'd started dating V 2 years after he debuted. Your company Cube were not thrilled about it. They knew they couldn't stop you or any of your G(I)-dle members from dating but they hoped you'd atleast date someone from the big 3 so if it got leaked you'd get a ton of publicity (you'd also get a ton of hate but they didn't care about that). BTS hadn't blown up yet so they saw you dating V as pointless, but you didn't.
V first caught your eye because of how good-looking he was. Then you also saw how sweet and kind he was and you knew you had a thing for him. You admired him for a while before you started trying to express your interest in him. You started bowing more to him, smiling, saying small things like "good luck" before BTS went on stage. It worked and you became friendlier and friendlier until one night V came over to you at a party and asked you out. You of course said yes and got on instantly. You really weren't slumming it by dating someone like V and it was your company's fault if they couldn't see that.
The two of you were really happy for a while. You had 3 years of bliss but that all started to change when BTS' fame skyrocketed. At first, you were thrilled for V! You knew how hard he and the guys worked and how they'd been overlooked for 5 years but fame is weird and we all crave attention and praise so you didn't fully blame V for what happened.
Suddenly everyone wanted to know him. Guys who couldn't be bothered to respond to him when he bowed to them were inviting him to A-list parties. Girls who'd never even spoken to him were acting like they were best friends with him. Particularly the ones from big companies. You decided to let V do what he wanted with it and let him enjoy parties and events on his own. He deserved the praise, not you and you didn't want to be accused of riding his coattails. Plus you never liked all that party stuff so you just waited home for V but slowly things started to change.
You saw V less for one thing and when you did see him, things were different. His team were styling him weirdly and trying to change things about him to make him appeal to an even wider audience. They toyed with his appearance like he was doll and started changing more personal aspects of him. His interests began to change and even the way he spoke altered. It would take him a few minutes each time you were together for V to shed the idol V and just go back to normal V. You loved when your V was back but it took longer and longer reach time. Not to mention when you did see V on the idol circuit you didn't like what you saw. You hardly recognised the man and didn't like how flirty he was. Sure there were girls throwing themselves at him all over the place but that didn't mean he had to reciprocate. Didn't he care about how you felt watching it?
Apparently not because when you brought it up in the car on the way home V was not happy. He didn't get it and saw your reaction as a lack of trust, completely misreading everything. You argued the whole way home and opening the door to your apartment, V still could understand what was wrong with his behaviour. "V you were flirting with her don't even try and pretend you weren't!". "Okay sure but what's wrong with that? It wasn't really me flirting with her just my character". You blinked "V that makes no sense! We're not actresses and even if you chose to flirt with her because your company asked you to I'm not okay with that". "Why?" V asked "you know none of that is true". "It doesn't matter though the girls you flirt with don't know that and neither do the others watching. Plus why would you even do that? There are some lines you don't cross V and when does flirting turning into more?". "More like what?" V asked and you shrugged "I don't know? A sexy dance together, lingering hands, a kiss...It will only keep getting worse and the lines will keep thinning and people will think that you're up for it" you argued but V was just getting more frustrated.
"I don't get why you're so worried about what other people think. Who cares if they think I'm fucking everyone in the industry, it's not like I'm actually sleeping with these girls and you know that!" V said and you laughed "wow thank you so much for doing that major favour for me!" you said and V rolled his eyes "why are you being so difficult?". "Can you really not see why I'm upset?" You asked and V shook his head "it's not like I'd ever actually cheat on you, I wouldn't go that far" and your jaw actually dropped. "V I don't want you to go anywhere near! It's not good enough that you didn't go too far! I got at first it was exciting having pretty girls from big companies talking to you but how can you not see through it? It's been a year now and none of these people wanted you before you were big!". "But you did so I should be grateful to you?" V asked. "That's not what I'm saying I just...I can feel you pulling away V and if you want out just say so" you said.
That stuck with V and he immediately switched to comforting you, telling you there was no way he'd want that and he'd make you see that. You wanted to believe him but a few months later it started happening again. This time you didn't fight it. You let V break away from you and do his own thing and you ended it 3 months later. You think there was relief from both sides when you did.
It didn't take long for V to start using his newfound freedom and you mainly just tried not to watch but it was hard because now everyone was watching him and news travels fast. You heard how he was seeing a model and then an idol and then an actress and then two models at the same time and it continued. At the few after-parties you went to, V could usually be seen making out with some girl and then another one later in the night. You'd heard he'd jumped into booze, girls and drugs head first and honestly didn't know how much Big Hit was paying the newspapers to keep it quiet but it must be a lot.
Fast forward to 2 years later, BTS were the biggest band in the world and you were happy for V but didn't really think about him much. The V today was a different person from the one you knew who didn't exist anymore. So you didn't even think of them as the same person. It was almost as if V had retired or moved away and there was just this guy who looked and sounded like him but you knew it wasn't him. However there was one person in the world who was sure if anyone could get the old V back, it was you.
You woke up to hear your phone ringing at 4 am. You glared and then gasped as you saw who was ringing, it was V's mum. You'd always been close to V's family when you were dating, especially his mum and towards the end you talked to her more than V. When you told her you'd ended it she understood and said she knew he'd lose you if he wasn't careful. You hadn't spoken to her since apart from Christmas cards so immediately shot up worried this had to be some emergency.
"Y/n it's V! He's not answering his phone and he needs to be at the airport in 2 hours! The boys can't get through to him and they won't let them leave the airport. Y/n he's missed so much if he misses this trip he'll be disciplined or worse" she said near tears and you nodded letting her words sink into your sleepy brain. "Okay so V is late for a flight?" you asked "what time does he need to be there". You confirmed all the details with his mother and then nodded "okay Mrs Kim don't worry I'll go get to him" you said without really thinking. You quickly pulled some clothes on as his mum sang your praises and thanked you a million times. You couldn't believe how quickly you'd offered yourself but for V's distressed mum you'd do anything you could. You promised to text her with updates and then closed your car door. You hadn't been to V's place in years and you hadn't ever planned on going back but here you were
You weren't even sure why V still lived here. Sure it was convenient but he could afford somewhere 5 times the price of this with all the fancy amenities but he'd stayed here for some reason. Maybe he was never here long enough to care about moving.
You walked up the stairs to his place and wondered if he still kept the spare key in the same place. You were kind of counting on it. You searched in his flower pot (which now had a fair few cigarette buds in which was a lovely touch) for the fake rock he'd bought. You found it and pulled it apart to reveal the key. Well some things hadn't changed. You took small comfort in that and opened the door.
The first thing that hit you was the smell of alcohol. It stank and was stale, as if the smell had been there a while. The apartment had changed a lot since you'd been here. Pretty much all the furniture was different and you could see the jump in V's fortune. You didn't like it though. It looked like someone else had decorated as none of this was V's style and it was all too tacky and showy. Then you reminded yourself that the V you knew was gone and this was probably the new V's taste which made you scrunch your nose in distaste.
You made your way further into the living and saw the coffee table was covered in a mix of alcohol bottles and some substances. You tried not to look too closely at everything and hurried through the living room trying to get past the smell and called out for V. You still remembered where the bedroom was and knocked but got no response. So you threw open the door.
V was in bed but you couldn't see him clearly because of the other girls in his bed. Two, one on either side. They were all naked and you assumed V was the lump in the middle. "V get up!" you yelled and knocked loudly on the door. The people in the bed jumped and began to stir. They all made a noise as you yanked the blinds up. V sat up and you realised you'd missed another girl who had been entwined with him. 3 girls and counting you thought, expecting another one to pop out from under the bed.
"Y/n?" V asked confused and you nodded "get up, you're late". "No I'm not I've got until...shit" he said seeing the clock. You nodded "yeah so get up!". "But why did they send you?" V asked and you shook your head "that's not important. What is, is that you've got a plane you can't miss so get up and get dressed. Ladies please gather your things and leave. I will order you a taxi to take you home". The girls did as you said, clearly thinking you worked for V or something and filed out. "You've got 10 minutes to get in the car or I'm leaving without you" you said and walked from the room. You made sure the girls got in their taxi and then went to grab V's suitcase, which was by the door, to find it empty.
You groaned, so annoyed he hadn't even packed and shoved open his bedroom door again to see V had left his bed but hadn't found his clothes. He wasn't shy and turned to face you, without a care in the world and actually smiled. He leaned on his wardrobe slightly "Y/n if you wanted a go all you had to do was ask" he said. You rolled your eyes "been there done that, I'm here because you haven't packed anything" and you walked past him and put the suitcase down on the bed. You turned around to see V standing right behind you, still naked and jumped. You hesitated for a second before your resolve came back. "Why don't you go clean up while I pack, you smell like a nightclub. Where's your passport?". "They have it" he said and you nodded "go wash up" and turned away. "Whatever you say Y/n" V said passing very close to you and he left the room. His words were incredibly sexually charged and you figured he must still be drunk. You could feel his eyes on you as he left the room but refused to turn and look at him.
You grabbed a bunch of clothes, shoes and underwear and shoved them in the suitcase. Then you grabbed his chargers and added them. You knew he'd need his skincare but he was in the bathroom with it and you didn't want to give him any more misguided ideas. You sealed the case and knocked on the bathroom door "5 minutes V, I'll be in the car" and waited.
4 minutes later V appeared, hair still dripping, looking like he'd been in a hurricane but dressed and ready. When he got in you told him to text RM you were on your way and ask where he should go. "Done, so now are you going to tell me why they sent you?" V asked "was it the boys' great idea or management?". "Neither, your mum called me in floods of tears because she thought you were going to be fired". "My mum?" he asked and you nodded "I never deleted her number and I guess she never deleted mine". "Did you delete my number?" V asked and you chose not to reply, putting the radio on instead and V let it drop.
You reached the airport 20 minutes later and V undid his seatbelt. "Thank you Y/n for doing this for me". "I didn't do this for you I did it for your mum" you said but you knew that was only half true. "Well thanks for caring for her, I would like to say I kept the same links with your family but that was never possible huh?". You couldn't believe he was bringing this up now and actually laughed "really? Still not over that?". "I don't think I'm unreasonable for still being upset your parents don't know who I am". "You want them to know who you are? Are you sure about that?" you asked "do you really think they'd be your biggest fan after everything that happened?". V looked down because you got him there and he sighed "sorry I'm still hungover, forget I said anything. Thanks for coming out of your way, I'll call my mum before we take off". You nodded and pressed the button to open the boot "I obviously can't come in with you" and V nodded "thanks again" and stepped out of the car. You didn't wave or anything but when you got far enough away that he couldn't see it...you looked back and saw V disappear inside.
You checked the headlines the next day to make sure V made the flight but other than that you went back to your life, V fading out of it. You didn't even tell your members where you'd been. You didn't know if they'd be upset at you for helping V or get hopeful this could mean something more. Yuqi was firmly of the opinion he didn't deserve anything from you but you knew Shuhua and Seoyeon still held out hope for you two despite everything. They thought V would give up his new lifestyle to be back with you but he couldn't give it up to keep you when he first got it so why would years later be any different?
Then a few weeks later you got some flowers delivered to your building. It was a huge extravagant bouquet that must've been really expensive. You guessed who sent it but sure enough, there was a card with one letter on it. "V". "Who sent them?" Minnie asked and you crumpled the card behind your back "oh just that brand I did that photoshoot with". "Awww that's so sweet!" Soojin said "mine never do that" and you just shrugged but one thing stood out to you. V still remembered what flowers you liked and had the bouquet made custom because they were all there. You remembered just how good a boyfriend V could be when he tried but that was the thing...it was all dependent on him giving a crap.
Some small part of you thought there might be more to this. That V might reach out to you again or this would be a wake-up call to him but no. The girls were always honest with you with any rumours and so a week later Miyeon admitted V had been kicked out of a club for having sex with a woman in the toilets. He'd apparently laughed it off, talked his way back inside and then left with a different girl. You scolded yourself for ever thinking he could change.
So when your friend Kai's birthday rolled around you were feeling a little restless. You wanted to banish any thoughts of V from your head and when you explained the whole thing to Kai he got an idea. He was friends with Jimin who had asked if he could bring Junkook and V with him. Kai checked you were okay with it and then told him yes...but that was months ago and now Kai had his own agenda because he'd heard V had been seen with his ex. "Now I know this is petty but what would you say if I suggested we do something to show V and my ex they're not the only hot idols living their best life?". You smiled "what do you have planned?".
Kai's party was huge because he was Exo's Kai and everyone loved him. So many idols showed up and he rented a mansion which only just fit them in. His party had everything from huge ice sculptures, to trapeze artists and fire breathers (not near one another of course) and the most amazing food in the world. But Kai had purposefully set up a stage overlooking the dance floor outside and about 2 hours in he made his entrance...with you by side.
Kai was the king of dance and so to kick off his birthday he did a dance with you but not any dance, it was sexy even for Kai's standards and you loved it! You adored the sexy concepts and Kai was the dream partner. Kai had choreographed this himself and you were so proud of your best friend so threw yourself into the moves...literally! Kai caught you in his arms and ran his hands down your body as you clung onto him with your legs tight around his waist. Then the next second he flipped you over and you sprang onto your feet beside him. You'd both practised very hard for this (more than you'd care to admit) but this was so much fun! Kai had been through a lot lately and wasn't sure if his ex-girlfriend had cheated on him with V so to see him so happy warmed your heart. You did everything you could to make Kai seem as sexy and amazing as possible and it wasn't hard.
You and Kai had warned your members that you'd be doing this dance but they still cheered and acted like it was the first hearing about it and to be fair their surprise was genuine. The girls hadn't seen you be this carefree and sexy since you broke up with V and they loved it. The Exo members saw Kai was in his element and screamed for him as loud as any EXO-L.
The dance finished with you and Kai pressed together, faces inches apart and the room erupted. You were pretty sure you could hear each of your members individually screaming in the roar and Kai recognised Suho's scream anywhere. Kai was so excited and had a beautiful smile on his face as he pulled you towards him and looked at the crowd. "Fuck him Y/n you're gorgeous" he said and your eyes found V in the audience. You moved them off him immediately and back to Kai "and so are you, she doesn't know what she's missing" and Kai smiled "and this is why you're my best friend, let's get down there!" and you agreed and took his hand descending down the staircase together for the night of your lives.
The party went on until the early hours of the morning and Kai only finally went to bed at 7 am. You set him up in one of the bedrooms upstairs and decided to do a sweep of the house before also going to sleep. You were in the garden wondering if to leave Sehun asleep in the bushes when you felt someone behind you.
You turned to see Jimin who smiled awkwardly. V had left ages ago, not long after your dance actually, but Jimin and Jungkook had stayed late. "Hey" Jimin said "I left my phone here accidentally and was naively thinking it might still be here. Have you seen one?". "Grey/black swirl phone case?" and Jimin's eyes lit up "you've seen it?". You smiled "I found it last night and put it somewhere safe" you said directing him to the kitchen. You opened the oven and saw Jimin's jaw drop. "Hey this is a fake house and nobody was going to start cooking so it was safe I promise". Jimin clutched his phone tightly but nodded" thanks Y/n" and you nodded to him "no problem".
An awkward silence settled and you had no idea what to say to him. The elephant in the room was V but how could either of you bring that up naturally? "Congratulations on the Grammys" you said and Jimin looked back up from the floor "thank you, it was surreal but so fun". You smiled "you deserve it, we were all cheering you on". "Thanks Y/n" Jimin said "I'm glad you're happy" he said when you frowned he gestured upstairs "with Kai?" he half asked. You didn't want to tell him it had all been a ploy to make his friend jealous but also didn't want to lie and say it was true so you just looked down nodding. "Thanks...I should probably actually go see if he needs any help with anything" you said and Jimin nodded "of course thanks Y/n and with a bow, he left.
One thing was for sure, the party and your plan was a raging success. You were sure you'd never hear from V again...but you did.
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This will be a four-part series and I will post the new parts at the top of this page when they are up!
I hope this goes without saying but this is all fictional!!!! I am not saying V does any of these things and took creative liberty. This is all made up and I am not trying to imply anything. So...if you want a fun fake kpop story with the very hot Taehyung then stick around.
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Hi, I wanted to write ghoul’s night out antics, so here it is. This is pointless, they’re just being chaotic.
It’s late, the ghouls are all different degrees of drunk, it’s getting harder to maintain their glamor up in the dim light of the bar, and Swiss and Ifrit can’t keep their hands off of each other.
They’re probably the drunkest out of the little group that decided to go get drinks in town this otherwise boring Thursday night, and it shows. 
Swiss has a hand in Ifrit’s back pocket, an impressive fit given the vacuum sealed black jeans he’s wearing, groping the fire ghoul’s ass without any shame whatsoever. Ifrit isn’t much better, two hands shoved under Swiss’ shirt, roaming unsubtly on warm skin.
They’re swaying clumsily to the music, so close their foreheads keep knocking together, giggling and blushing in between heated kisses.
« Too much tongue, » Mist comments idly from her chair, spinning her beer bottle in her hands, « why do they always put too much tongue ? »
Rain shrugs on the stool next to her.
« Swiss likes it messy. »
« And Alpha taught Ifrit, » Pebble adds in a snigger that gets cut short when Alpha kicks his chair already kept in a precarious balance on two legs, sending Pebble sprawling on the floor. 
Dew silences them with an annoyed hush, invested in the two ghouls all over themselves a few feet away.
Swiss is mouthing at Ifrit’s neck now, the fire ghoul melting against him, hips canting up and knocking against Swiss’.
« Fritter’s getting worked up, » Aether chuckles, rubbing circles in the back of Dew’s hand.
« Bet his tail would be wagging if he were unglamored, » Pebble hums, still rubbing his elbow with a glare in Alpha’s direction, only looking away when the fire ghoul grins feral at him.
« ´s cute, » Mist huffs. She tilts her head back to down the rest of her bottle, gently knocking knees with Rain.
It is, in a way. At least until Ifrit scrambles for Swiss’ waist, pushing their hips together again. They rearrange themselves, heads on each other’s shoulders, in what could be a way to accommodate the slower romantic music, if not for the way their hips relentlessly grind together. 
They’re too drunk for subtlety, and what little costumers are still hanging around couldn’t miss what’s going on even if they tried to.
With a snort, Dew slouches against Aether, drumming his fingers on the arm the quint wrapped around his shoulders.
« Should we separate them, for decency’s sake, or wait and see how far they’ll go ? »
« C’mon, puddle, we all know you like the second option better, » Mist points out. She tries to take another swing from her bottle, only to to be reminded it’s empty. Aether hands her his, still half full, which she returns with a nod after a long sip.
The unmistakable sound of a half choked moan reaches their too keen to be human ears, Ifrit visibly biting his lip raw to keep some semblance of silence.
« Never been a quiet one, Ifrit. He’s gonna embarrass himself before the end of the song, I’m calling it, » Alpha huffs, now manspreading the day away next to Pebble, who, surprisingly, doesn’t protest.
Rain shakes his head, throwing his long legs on Dew’s lap.
« Nah, I have faith in him. He’ll hold on for two songs. »
« Oh you’re on, tadpole. »
With all their staring at Swiss and Ifrit, everyone misses Alpha’s hand slipping under the jacket thrown on Pebble’s lap, the way the earth ghoul tenses, a muscle twitching in his jaw, before he seemingly helplessly give in, legs parting slightly more.
Everyone but Mist, who sinks more comfortably in her seat to wait for when they’ll inevitably get kicked out. 
Who’s fault it will be is yet to be determined.
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heckyeahponyscans · 6 months
Imagine if the police stormed into southern Los Angeles in militaristic tanks. Bystanders watch in horror and shock as the police blast buildings and throw grenades into them.
"We are liberating this neighborhood from evil gang members," the police explain as children scream and cry. "They are using innocent people as human shields."
A man runs into the street with a bloodied child in his arms and without missing a beat a policeman shoots him.
"I knew he was a gang member because he's a man, and a non-white one to boot." The officer does not pay any mind to the child lying in a pool of blood. "We will keep shooting everything that moves until the gang members march to the police station and turn themselves in. At which point we will kill them. Given that knowledge, I'm sure their surrender is imminent. And if not, it will be their fault when I continue to shoot people. Not mine!"
"The gang members embedded themselves in the civilian population," he continues, "living in civilian houses and selling drugs and guns out of residential buildings, so what option do I have but to destroy everyone and everything here. I am but a helpless pawn. Do not deny it, lest I tell you about all the policemen killed by gang members, which I'm super sad about. We, the police, are the victims. We, and no one else."
Behind him a policewoman rams an apartment building with a bulldozer; it crumples. More screams--some from inside, from from outside as more fleeing people are shot down.
"Ah, how peaceful it will be when all the gang members are dead and no one feels rage or aggression towards our squadron." The police officer turns away as a woman weeps over her husband's body. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must set the corner store alight, shut off the utilities to the neighborhood, and raze the hospital. I have it on good authority that the Crips go there to tend their booboos."
(Free Gaza now.)
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opossum-rights · 7 months
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The Way Things Happen
After being caught in a villain attack, your life is intertwined with those of the aspiring heroes that saved you.
<<Prologue|Last Part|Next Part>>
Word Count, 3.2k
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Weeks after the incident, you’re finally discharged. Though it’s not the joyous occasion you thought it’d be. It’s about the time that work studies should be ending and the students set to return to the dorms, but everyone thought it would be better if you were to spend a couple of days at home first.
Wouldn’t want to overwhelm you by throwing you right back into the swing of things. You would have preferred it.
You’d even rather have one of your teachers pick you up and drop you off, despite how embarrassing that would have been.
“I bet you’re excited to finally be out,” a cheerful nurse exclaims as she assists you into a wheelchair. She’s well-intentioned, but it’s hard to keep the grimace off your face. You shuffle a bit, a hand pats you on the shoulder. The nurse seems to assume your sour mood is just you having a hard time adjusting to the wheelchair. She’s partially right; the seat is stiff after spending weeks sitting in a padded bed, and your leg is acting up from the new position.
She helps you down to the receptionist desk, where your guardian is signing the last of the paperwork. They turn to you, seeing you for the first time since you left for the agency on the morning of the robbery. They keep an impassive expression, with only a hint of judgment in their eyes as they look over your admittedly disheveled appearance.
Geez, you think, it’s not my fault I was stuck in bed with a broken leg.
“Looks like we’re all good to go!” Your nurse hands them the duffle bag your belongings were stuffed into. She starts pushing you towards the door, waiting for them to point out which car is theirs. With a bit of a struggle she helps you get set up in the passenger seat, placing your wheelchair and your bag into the back.
The nurse comes by your door to say her goodbyes, that she enjoyed meeting you but hopes she won’t see you again too soon. It makes you smile. She gives you a hug and waves as you pull out of the parking lot.
The only sounds you hear are the car and the ones that pass it. You and your guardian were never close-not that you particularly wanted to be, but it’d be nice living in a not-so-hostile environment. What silence is left is tense and uncomfortable.
“You’re going back to school in two days.” They state; no room for negotiation even if you wanted to. You only give a hum in response.
After an hour of packed roads and darkening sky your apartment building comes into view. You brace yourself for them having to help you into your chair. You barely talk, much less touch. They pull into the designated spot, shutting the car off and rounding the side. It’s definitely more of an ordeal than it was leaving the hospital-less gentle hands and more harsh movements. When you’re in they take your bag and drop it on your lap. You wince, feeling the edges of a book poking your thigh.
Somehow, the halls of your building are more drab than that of the hospital. You're moved into the entrance of your unit, then left to your own devices as they busy themselves in their room. The apartment isn’t anything special-just enough room for the two of you.
It takes some work; you’re not used to navigating yourself using the wheelchair. You tap the wall a bit going into your room and almost fall as you stretch to shut the door, but you make it in one piece.
You’re pretty exhausted, having moved more today than you had in weeks. Only having the energy to take your meds and shuffle into your bed, you throw your bag in the corner, not even bothering to change.
It’s around noon when you wake up; you’ve been spoiled by the lack of daily obligations you had in the hospital. For a while, you just lay and stare at the ceiling. Even with the sunlight phasing through the curtains, the room is still cold. All of the decor and items strewn about that made the place feel lived in were moved to your dorm. All that’s left is empty shelves and things you grew out of. Another thing you miss about the dorm is the noise. You can always hear your classmates moving about-never loud enough to bother you, just to comfort you that there’s life around you.
“Time to get up,” you mumble, sore joints making you groan as you move about. You get changed, taking a moment to look at your cast and the names on it. You find yourself missing the boys, only being able to meet up with Todoroki and Midoriya once more before being discharged. You haven’t heard anything from Bakugou yet, though you’re not entirely sure how to feel about him.
It isn’t worth the time to unpack, you think, you’re leaving again tomorrow. A bit of time is spent scrolling social media before a low rumble comes from your stomach. Even though you’re out of the hospital, you’re not really looking forward to lunch/dinner. Your guardian’s taste is just as bland as the food was back there.
Some leftovers would do, you grab a container from the fridge and warm it up in the microwave without bothering to see what’s in it. A bottle of water sits beside you as you eat in the living room, staring disinterestedly at the tv.
“One of your teachers is driving you back tomorrow.” A voice breaks you out of the clouds. They stand in the entryway, just getting back for the day.
“Oh, you’re not?”
“I have to work. Already took a day off this week because of you.” You wince at their accusatory glare, bringing your gaze down to your feet. Their eyes follow, pausing when they see the signatures-probably shocked you know people who would do that. You can tell when they read Bakugou’s, a light scoff sounding out. You don’t dare let your chuckle out until they leave the room.
The day had been spent doing absolutely nothing. You don’t have the motivation to do anything, you assume thanks to your dull environment. As it stands, you’ve been on your bed staring at your laptop for hours, trying to start on an essay. Sighing, you finally shut it, putting it to the side as you lean against the headboard.
You wish you were already back at the dorms. You wouldn’t call any of your classmates friends, but everyone was still casual with each other. They’d talk to you, offer a seat next to them at meal times, and generally make your school experience all the more pleasant. Hell, even the hospital would be better than here. The nurses were sweet whenever they came to check on you and you even had some nice conversations with other patients.
In general, you just wish you were anywhere else. You wish you didn’t have to feel like an unwanted guest in your own home, especially now that you have a broken leg and are treated like even more of a burden.
Getting caught up in your head, you almost fall right out of bed when your cell rings.
It’s Bakugou.
“H-hello?” You stutter out while bringing the phone to your ear.
“Where the hell were you?” an aggressive tone comes through the other side.
“Weren’t you let out yesterday?”
“Of the hospital? Yeah, but they wanted me to spend some time at home first. I’ll be back tomorrow.” You’re confused about why he cares so much, and also surprised he hadn’t deleted your number yet.
There’s a stretch of silence for a few moments, so you decide to just ask what you’re thinking.
“How did you know I got discharged yesterday?”
“Deku and Icy-hot were bitching about how they couldn’t visit you yesterday,” it doesn’t feel like he’s telling the entire truth, but you’re still giddy at hearing that the other two were disappointed about not being able to see you.
“So you overheard them talking about me and got… worried when I didn’t show up today?” You try to think of a good word; immediately you can tell it was the wrong one.
“Why would I be worried about you? We’re in different courses, how the hell would I even know if you were at school or not!” You’re wondering about that yourself, but you think it’s better if you just leave it.
“Well, tell them I’ll be back on campus tomorrow, but my first day back at class isn’t until the next day.”
“Don’t tell me what to do. I’m sure they’ll be on you like mutts the second you get back anyway,” he states. It makes you smile a bit, you can tell he was wondering when you’d be back too.
“I’ll keep an eye out for you during lunch and stop by your table.” You say knowing that’ll get a reaction out of him.
“What? Like I’d want to hang around some extra like you,” he lets out a tsk.
“But didn’t you come visit me in the hospital?”
“Just to give that letter!”
You try to push down your laughter but can’t. It’s the first time in a long while you got to banter like this with someone.
“What are you laughing at?!” Little do you know, on the other side of the phone Bakugou’s cheeks started to heat up.
“Nothing, nothing! I’m just having fun talking to you.” There’s something about him. Even when he says harsh things you can tell he doesn’t always mean exactly that. It’s also just fun to egg him on.
“Having fun being a dumbass more like.” He mutters out, “I’m hanging up on you now.”
“Bye, Bakugou. See you at school!”
“No you won’t!” You hear a bang then the call cuts off.
What a guy. You can see why he’s such a hot topic around school.
The next morning, despite not having to leave until after noon, you get up extra early to get ready. You’ve found yourself putting extra thought into your appearance; knowing you were in the hospital for a while not able to take proper care of yourself has made you a little insecure. People at school were bound to notice you now that you’re wheelchair-bound.
You also need a little extra time to make it down to the parking garage, having to push yourself to the elevator.
The teacher who was sent to get you wasn’t there yet. You busy yourself on your phone.
Footsteps echo on the cement. A man steps around a car. Your eyes widen, he’s not one of your teachers. Bloodshot eyes copy yours. He glances around, probably expecting someone to have accompanied you down. He quickly schools his features.
“You’re the kid I’m supposed to grab? I’m Eraserhead.” He nods his head slightly in greeting. You lightly bow and introduce yourself. Still in his hero uniform; he probably just finished a class. The school day isn’t over yet-you really hope you didn't make him waste his prep time.
Here, he must see that you’re still not used to the wheelchair. He takes your bag and slings it over his shoulder, moving behind you to push you.
“Is this alright?”
“Y-yeah, this is fine. Thank you,” you rush out. It’s just as embarrassing as you imagined, even more so since they sent a pro hero when you were just expecting one of your business course teachers. Erasure helps you around to his car, smaller and more humble than you would expect from a pro hero. When you need assistance getting into the seat, he doesn’t make you feel like a burden. He’s gentle; studying your face for any sign of pain. He doesn’t rush you; letting you do as much as possible while acting as a support in case you need it.
In a way, he reminds you of your guardian-both not very expressive, both professional in going about their lives. But where they are cold under that solemn manner, he’s warm.
Must be part of being a hero, you think, caring about those more vulnerable than you, even if just in the little ways.
The drive back is spent staring out the window, quiet music being played on the radio. You assume he put it on for your sake, he definitely doesn’t seem the type to listen to girl groups.
“You can wait another day, if you want.”
“Huh? I’m sorry, what was that?” You backtrack thinking how rude that might have sounded.
“Your homeroom teacher is giving you the option to stay in tomorrow and attend classes starting the next day. Having just gotten out of the hospital, no one would blame you. You weren’t even supposed to be back on campus yet, but I was told your guardian insisted.”
“I think I’m fine,” you reassure. Sounds like they were eager to get you out of their hair.
“Speaking of which, thank you for taking the time to come and get me. I’m sorry if I took you away from work.”
“Don’t worry about it, it’s my prep hour anyway. Besides, I need some time away from those brats.” He stretches his neck and sighs.
“Oh, yeah? I guess the students in your class do seem pretty eccentric,” you chuckle out. Having to spend all day with Bakugou would wear on the nerves.
“That’s one way to put it.”
“Still, I’d imagine the hero course draws in the interesting people. They’re a lively bunch compared to the business course, that’s for sure.” U.A.’s first and foremost a hero school, so every department has a different view of them. Jealousy and admiration from the general studies kids, a sense of comradery from support, and an analytical approach from business. They were definitely the stars of the show.
“That’s not always a good thing. Would’ve preferred it if some of them knew how to stay quiet.” The bags under his eyes stick out against his skin. You feel slightly sorry for him, but there’s an undertone to his words that expresses a sort of fondness. With all they’ve been through this year, it’s no wonder they’re such a close group.
Erasure parks the car in the staff parking lot, the first time you’ve seen it. You can confidently guess which of the other vehicles is Present Mic’s. He helps you back into your chair, not letting you carry your belongings when you offer.
The walk through campus to the dorms is pleasant; the sun warm on your skin. You take a moment to breathe in. It’s the first time you’ve really been outside in weeks. Even with U.A.’s towering buildings around you, you feel calm, happy to be back.
Your home for the next 2 and a half years comes into view, your class number in bold above the wide doors to differentiate it from dozens of identical buildings. The entrance is unlocked, and you’re pleased to see the common room no different. Various students’ things thrown about, not enough to be messy but enough to make the place feel lived in.
“Again, thank you so much.” You take the bag from Erasure, sitting it on your lap.
“Like I said, don’t worry about it. If you do decide to take tomorrow off, be sure to contact your home-room teacher,” he says, scratching the backside of his neck. He starts to walk off, pausing at the door before looking over his shoulder.
“Also, if there’s anything you need don’t hesitate to ask.” You figure he’s talking about you maybe needing help getting caught up. If that’s the case, you’d probably just go to your own teachers. He seems genuine though, so you smile and nod as you say your goodbyes.
You feel much more at home in your dorm room. Plenty of decor around showing off your current interests, being able to freely express yourself. It’s not a room in someone else’s house that you live in, it’s your own space.
You make quick work of unpacking, rearranging everything to how it was before you left. As you do, the sound of your classmates getting back bleed through the walls. The unintelligible conversations and footsteps down the hall were something you found yourself really missing while you were away.
Feeling truly comfortable for the first time in weeks, the afternoon is spent lounging around. A couple of your classmates stop by to welcome you back, even bring you dinner thinking you probably wouldn’t want to make the trip yourself. A knock hits your door, and sitting at your desk, just tell the person to come in. It isn’t anyone who’s in your class.
“Todoroki? What are you doing here?” You ask with a confused smile, waving him in. The boy looks a little lost, but softens up when he gets a good look at you.
“I stopped by the faculty office and asked your teacher for any papers that you missed getting.” He holds a small stack out to you, a grimace makes its way onto your face. Only two days and still so much.
“Are you okay? Does your leg hurt?” He sets the papers down on your desk, looking you over in concern. You shake your head and gesture to the stack.
“No, no! It’s just a bit much.”
“Oh,” he loosens up a bit, “if you have trouble catching up I could help.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I assume most of this is course related. Unless… you’d be willing to figure out agency financing for me?” You quirk an eyebrow.
“I could try. There’s definitely people at my father’s agency I could ask.” Todoroki furrows his eyebrows, nodding his head as he thinks to himself. You let out a little laugh, assuring him that you were just joking.
“By the way, how’d you know I was back today? I’ve been told that I was early.”
“Bakugou mentioned it this morning after Midoriya was wondering about it.” You imagine it was more like him yelling at Midoriya to make him shut up about you, but you knew he would end up telling them anyway.
“Well you’ll be seeing me around more starting tomorrow.” Though you never really saw him in school before your injury, so you’re not sure how much more.
You make a bit more small talk-mostly about what he and the others have been up to, how the rest of their work study was. The boy’s not much of a conventionalist, so you do most of the talking, but he doesn’t seem to get bored. You do notice he’s making more of an effort to pipe in now that it’s just the two of you.
Soon enough the room is bathed in an orange glow from the sunset.
“Thanks for stopping by, it’s been really nice seeing you again!” He gives you a nod, a small smile on his face making yours heat up.
“You’re welcome. I enjoyed our time together.” You can see why some of the girls around school call him a prince. He leaves, gently closing the door behind him.
You take a look through the papers he dropped off, wincing at what you read. An essay, math, an essay about math-maybe you could’ve used his help after all.
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Just to add, all relationships between reader and the teachers/pro heroes are completely platonic. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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wolfsnooze · 1 month
we’ve talked about hycalon!hunter, but what about Gus?willow? Amity? More Luz? VEE?
how did they react to their bestie going missing?
also did Hunter just get too close to the animatronics or did BELOS do evil shit.
OOOO. Caleb and Evelyn. What. About. Them.
-🐺🪶 (he/they/it)
oh i have so much thought out for all the characters. im really excited about what i’ve been working on for them! i can’t say a lot of it yet because again i wanna save a lot for the actual project, but —
1) so, a big thing in the au is dealing with grief. a lot of the characters have already lost somebody, and losing hunter is like, their world has just completely crumbled down around them. it’s the unexpected blow to whatever sense of normalcy they’ve achieved. their friend is just gone. they don’t even know if he’s dead or not, there’s no closure. it really, really turns their reality upside down
some of them manage better than others, at least outwardly. willow still has a lot of that “keeping it together for everyone else’s sake” that she has in the show. some throw themselves into their hobbies or coping skills and some, like Luz, dedicate nearly all their time to trying to bring things back to the way they used to be (even if that’s impossible). the group is really strained after what happened
everyone has their “thing” that sorta gets them by. gus is really into supernatural phenomena, willow her photography, etc.
aside from that — they’re all in school together (minus hunter, who was homeschooled). luz writes short stories for the school paper, while gus does journalism and willow photography. amity is in STEM classes and robotics with mattholomule. vee is doing dual enrollment and takes art classes. outside of school, they used to hang out in freddy’s (minus vee. she hates the place. i wonder why?) or at each other’s houses for movies and game nights and all that. they all have a really strong bond <3
2) hunter’s death was definitely someone’s fault🙂
3) caleb and evelyn… :) they’ve got some fun stuff going on lol. they’re hunters parents, but there’s a reason why hunter ends up in belos’s care and a reason why no one wants to associate with the Clawthorne name
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