#not ready to say goodbye to this duo :(
riotforbear · 4 months
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callmebrutus · 9 months
people are not talking enough about how good the dynamic in squirrels is. the lore bits here and there, teaching and learning portuguese, the way the communication between them goes so easily. and pac is doing such an amazing job as a leader, I've never been so proud.
the streams were so chill, but also so funny and interesting to watch. everyone is so effortlessly funny when all together. the whole boat bit during the hunt was hilarious and looked like a silly family trip.
and don't even get me started on the dynamics between qpac, qjvnq and qbatista. I've knows last too for what two days? i will die for them. they care so much about eachother it makes me sick in a pos way. they all are willing to go through hell for other.
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blehworld · 2 years
the eclipse series: a review
i will forever love this series and it’s characters. it will be hard to let them go and i will surely come back to them for comfort or nostalgia. i will miss the eclipse fridays, the community built around it and coming here to spend hours reading everyone’s breakdowns and theories.
the incredible cast! (best thing about the series)
first and khaotung as the main leads;
two amazingly talented actors with great real-life chemistry, that translated beautifully into akk and ayan. the dynamic that they created for akkayan, their micro-expressions and eye acting elevated this series! they’re amazing at the emotional, the dramatic, the serious, the fluff, the suggestive, …i hope to see more of them together. gmmtv hit gold with them, finding two actors that match so well. they have what it takes to surprise us with a completely different concept and story. i look forward to see them separately too, as i’ve enjoyed their previous roles and have seen the evolution and range of their individual talent.
neo and louis as the secondary couple;
i had already seen them together in futs, where they were very cute. i had also seen neo, in a couple of other shows. it was interesting seeing their duality. neo being usually a comic relief character, got to show a more serious and tough side, while louis went from loud and clingy, to reserved and distant. i’m curious of what more they can offer as a pairing, and would certainly support them as a main couple. they’ve said that they want to continue working together so, will gmmtv make them stay as a secondary couple forever?
ploy, pawin and aj;
they did great in their roles for the little time they had for onscreen development; as the conflicted young new teacher that chooses to compromise, the misguided kid that wants to be included and belong, and, as the conflicted student with big dreams of becoming an indie movie director, respectively. i think it’s time that aj gets a main role (maybe with ploy? they seemed to be pushing them together a lot). he really impressed me in ep 11 when he was mad at akk, there was something in his eyes, i’d like for him to explore that. i’d seen all three of them before in other projects and they’re pretty consistent.
pak, tee and petch: the world remembers gang a.k.a. the youth rights club;
i loved them. they were the strong ones, the victims all along and who did nothing wrong! they wanted what's best for everyone. they deserve the world! the actors played them delightfully. a series centered around them would be incredible! they were never used for laughs. the show always took them seriously and so did the characters, and i am so thankful for that! this is unfortunately not the standard in bl series.
the adults: p’yai, p’sine, p’iang, p’jum and p’ron;
the “adult” actors that stood out were teachers waree and chadok, and the principal. they were incredibly intimidating, and played great antagonists. i loved to hate them. i have questions about their characters, though that has nothing to do with the actors, like: did waree believe in the curse? was the principal a teacher for chadok, the same way he was for akk? did the principal allow all those changes to suppalo after chadok resigned? and more…. i liked aye’s mother, and was hopping to see more of her. i also enjoyed uncle dika’s performance. we saw him only as flashbacks from different characters’ eyes, and he succeeded in transmitting every good thing that they thought of him.
the plot
the idea of showing a school as an allegory for a nation isn’t new, but it always has great potential, and i believe that they hit the spot many times! it wasn’t necessarily innovative, but it was brave. a courageous story to tell, from it’s preproduction and it’s crew, to the social commentary and political messages at its core, verbalized mostly by the world remembers gang and ayan.
the mystery wasn’t perfectly managed, but it also wasn’t really the focus of the series. it was largely the background for these characters to exist and these relationships to develop. however, it did keep me guessing at times and asking different questions, that were later answered, one way or another.
the diversity of queer representation
my favorite thing about this show was the different types of lgbt+ journeys:
akk who seemed to be only starting it, who was so scared and repressed to be himself. his economic background already made him stand out in the school, he didn’t need to also not be “normal”.
ayan who had already fully and confidently accepted who he was, thanks to his uncle and mother who were so supportive of him.
the 3jums who never really had the choice to hide, so they owned who they were and fought for their (and everyone’s) right of self expression.
kan who knew but wasn’t sure, tried to repress it because society made him think that it wasn’t okay to feel what he felt.
thua who was out, not explicitly by choice. he couldn’t hide it, but he could make himself small, take as little space as possible, to the point of never speaking up, so he would be ignored.
chadok, who unfortunately lost his fiancé because of his own fear of standing up for himself. he chose the same antiquated system that had already hurt him so much for years, the system that doomed his lover, over his own freedom.
the cinematography and technical aspects
they didn’t have much budget, but the plot didn’t really demand it. the direction was purposeful and the cinematography was skillful; there were some very beautiful shots throughout the series. the symbolism of the eclipse always very present, sometimes quite obviously, but often subtle and organic. technically it was well done, with deliberate lightning and the sound being better than most bls. there were some small continuity errors, the biggest imo being the hair lenghts changing between some scenes.
however the writing;
as a whole (mostly the last two episodes) the writing was somewhat underwhelming, not meeting my initial expectations, nor the potential of the series… while most of the elements to make this series exceptional were there, what really affected the quality of the writing —not saying that it was otherwise perfect, but it was good enough— was that 12 EPISODES WERE NOT ENOUGH TIME!
this story, these characters, these conflicts needed, at least, a few more episodes to develop and come to a conclusion, at most, dividing everything into two seasons.
the pacing of the first 10 episodes was so pleasing to me. it gave me AND the characters, enough time to examine their feelings and talk through them. it focused on how the environment and the interactions in it affected the characters! we saw them exist in their world and with each other, without anything being rushed. it felt natural, i loved it.
but we lost this in episode 11. it was just revelation after revelation, leaving no time for the viewer, nor the characters, to process what was going on. unfortunately with one episode left, there wasn’t much they could do. so they ended up skipping what had once been their main focus; the internal emotional journey of the characters.
episode 12 was cute and fun;
i loved that we got to see akk come out to his parents, as well as him and ayan introducing themselves as a couple to them. those are important moments in the lgbt+ journey! especially for a teen.
i loved to see how after being finally out, the freedom akk felt was visible not only in his relationship with ayan, but also in his face and his whole existence.
i loved all the moments between akk and ayan; the rooftop scene, the pool side scene, everything at the beach and in akk’s room, the little classroom exchange, the —in the words of a twitter moot— mutual pinning,
i loved the full circle moments of opening and closing the series on the red boat, and, the school bathroom scene with the hoodies. these showed growth, making us think back at how akk was and felt at the beginning vs now; and how akk and ayan were and felt when they met vs now.
it brushed over the huge revelations of the previous episode and so the build up of the whole series fell flat.
the apology to the world remembers was one sentence each? i said it before, they deserved apologies and reparations! i needed akk to officially apologise to them, as well as thua, the prefects, ayan, all the students, and the teachers, too. i did like how akk wasn’t expecting to be forgiven.
actually, within the friend group, no one really apologized to one another. i wanted group therapy full of tears and apologies.
the outing was not addressed (as expected, but i had a slimmer of hope).
the changes to the school (although great) felt unearned… we didn’t see who made this changes and why? it just, felt weird to shove them in a couple of minutes at the end of the episode, when the school and its antiquated system were the main villain of the series! the change of heart of teacher waree also was too sudden.
i wanted to see a serious conversation between kan and thua about everything. i wanted thua to acknowledge his wrongdoings the way akk got to do, multiple times, with ayan. i wanted to see kan be there for him while he went through it. i needed this for closure with their characters and their relationship. these posts by heretherebedork go further into this better than i can. honestly, thua’s character as a whole felt very abandoned to me. they hinted at him having a possibly abusive stepfather, but then it was dropped. they showed us signs mental health struggles, with him wanting to disappear (did i imagine that?), they dropped it too. his friendship with ayan, or whatever they had going, was also dropped at some point. i think that, with him, they focused too much on kan, and not enough on thua as an individual. he’s the only main character that didn’t really grow and learn? everyone else ended different than they started.
WHAT WAS TEACHER SANI DOING AT THE BEACH WITH THEM, THEY WERE DRINKING? she traveled with them all the way to akk’s house… i was scared until the las second that she and wat would have a thing.
the ending felt a little too “coming of age” teen movie. not very fitting when the series touched on quite serious and heavy topics. i don’t mean the happy ending, i mean the way it’s was all so quickly wrapped up and summarized. i half expected the voice over to name each character and what they became. “after graduation, wat became a big name in the indie film scene; the world remembers gang became youth leaders for the community; kan and thua decided to adopt singto and moved in together; and as for me and ayan, he’s thinking of studying political sciences, to no one’s surprise. me, i don’t know yet what i want to do with my life, but that’s okay! for now we are taking some time off and traveling the world together, as boyfriends…”
closing comment:
all in all, i thoroughly enjoyed this series; the talented actors and lgbt+ diverse journeys being the main pull. a lot of work was obviously put into writing (most of) the characters, but the plot was underdeveloped. there was a weird tone and pace shift between the last three episodes, and i want to attribute that to a time issue. sincerely, i would not want to sacrifice the pacing of the first 10 episodes, for parts of 11 and 12 to feel less rushed. it needed additional episodes, not a faster pace.
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Yuu kissing the boys in the right cheek for the first time lolol
Riddle would be BAFFLED, Sebek will kill you if you do that to Malleus, and Idia? Dead
Or if Ace, Floyd or any other jerk pisses off Yuu with the teasing, they're attacking their necks. NOW THAT WILL BE INTERESTING👀
Especially if they have a crush on Yuu and their love language is teasing
Referring to this post: Yuu's Kiss language
Riddle turns into a red similar to a freshly painted rose when you greet him the first time, holding his cheek and stammering. WHAT WAS THAT?! He'd say off with your head due to shock but then you also do the same to Cater and Trey by his side and he's just ??? What? He'd look at the Adeuce duo trailing behind you and the two would just shake their head, equally baffled, obviously meeting the same fate as he did prior. It's your fault you didn't explain immediately, but in your defense, it was second nature to you! Riddle would warn you not to do that to others without permission, fixing your crooked tie but being unable to meet your eyes.
It must have flown over your head because you kissed the three upperclassmen, this time on the left cheek, when you said your goodbyes, rendering them speechless.
When Riddle begins to develop feelings for Yuu, he absolutely tries to stop their habit of kissing other people, explaining the social rules of Twst. He does accept your kisses to him tho , explaining that he knows the rules so he is not "other people", and thus will not misinterpret your kisses.
GOSH, imagine that the first time Ace and Yuu met in the first chapter, Yuu immediately attacked him for his senseless teasingly. Ace was ready to dodge an attack but instead was met with your arm pulling him closer and your lips on his neck! When the two of you become closer as friends (book 2 onwards) Ace has already learned your odd Kiss-language, using it to his advantage sometimes to get you to pepper him with kisses.
Floyd looks amused at your angry face while you struggle to catch him so that you can pull him in and kiss his neck.Usually he'd have more fun doing the chasing but seeing you struggle to run after him or reach his height so that you could challenge him in a fight is just wayyyyyy to fun!
Malleus , when the first time you kiss his cheek is obviously taken aback. He'd look at your face and ask why you did that and are you not afraid of him? Yuu would explain that its a greeting and it just amuses him more. Still, he kindly warns Yuu to not do it in front of his retainers unless Yuu was ready for the consequences.
Sebek the first time experiencing it is so surprised and appalled it takes him a few seconds to think. Then he's screaming into Yuu's ear about propriety and whatnot. Once he gets used to it, his automatic reaction when seeing Yuu in the hallway is to defend his honor by covering both cheeks with his hands until Yuu leaves. However, if he has grown fond of Yuu, maybe let them kiss his cheek, but only if they were alone!
Idia just dies there on the spot when you greet him the way you do. Ortho has to haul him back to Ignihyde to recharge.
I imagine Yuu kisses Ace and Sebek's fingers a lot cuz these two are are the noisiest, Ace with his teasing and Sebek with his scoldings. Yuu also give them flying kisses a lot, which sends all the wrong messages.
Tag: #TwstKissAU
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princessbrunette · 5 months
stepbro!jj 😩😩😩😩 i’d be playing footsies with him at the breakfast table in the morning, acting all coy like he didn’t bend me over his bed last night
i rlly love the idea of reader being the horny sick n twisted one whilst jj is trying desperately to cling onto his morality <333:
jj was not nonchalant by any stretch of the word, but now sat at the breakfast table — your cunt still aching from the way he’d fucked you through the night, he was seeming to play it incredibly cool and collected. no trace of a knowing smile or secretive glances, just his regular behaviour, sat reclined in his seat wearing his usual get up and a backwards hat. the dismissal would have maybe hurt if it wasn’t turning you on a little.
“i’m headin’ downtown for that AA meetin’. load of horse shit but ‘least i’m tryin’.” luke maybank chats as he messily spreads butter on his toast at the counter, taking a moment to lick some off his thumb. your mother is also rushing around the kitchen ready to head out on her own shift at work— you’re avoiding eye contact with her the most, more shameful of the acts you’d commit under the shared roof only a few hours prior.
“well, we are all proud anyways.” she praises, looking around at you and jj for contribution. you nod, and jj clears his throat, shuffling closer to the table opposite you on his chair.
“yeah, real proud pops.” you can tell it’s difficult for him to say from the way he looks down at his food as he says it.
“don’t get sappy on me, squirt.” luke’s words come muffled through a cheekful of toast, and soon your mother begins to fire overbearing questions at him about the recovery course he’s taking. as they talk, you zone out — eyes flickering to jj who is spooning up soggy cereal onto a spoon.
things felt very familial during moments like this. the whole family going about their regular morning routines, jj and yourself sat opposite at the table like a regular old brother and sister duo. you knew you were sick in the head from wanting your step brother in the first place, and now you were secretly fucking him — the idea that he was able to sit opposite you without a soul knowing he was balls deep earlier on was turning you on once more.
you glance over at luke and your mother, seeing them wrapped up in their own conversations — and you toe at the entrance of jj’s jeans, running your foot along the inner side of his calf. when he looks up at you through a heavy brow, cheek still full with cereal you can tell he’s warning you to stop — but knowing he couldn’t verbally express this, and that any vision of your feet was obstructed by the long gingham table cloth — you felt obliged to continue. no one even notices when jj winces and you giggle, too stuck in their own conversation.
you manage to stretch your leg to get your foot in his lap, briefly rubbing at his cock before he grips your ankle and throws it off him, angrily licking his lips and tensing his jaw, doing a double take at the parents when they turn their heads, the attention attracted by your whiny and dramatic ‘ow!’
luke scoffs out a laugh, walking towards the kitchen exit, shaking his head and spitting into a tin waste bin by the door. you truly wondered what your mother saw in him. “kids, huh. who’d have ‘em.” he comments before exiting, making jj cringe at the general insinuation that the two of you were in any way related, or kids.
your mother is quick to follow, barely sparing the two of you a glance. “i can drop you off some lunch if you’re going to be all day, i finish early and —” her voice trails off before the two of you hear her yell out a goodbye to you and the door closes. jj barely waits for them to be gone to push heavily out of his chair, letting it scrape on the floor and wander over to your side, gripping your jaw from where he stands beside your seat, forcing you to look up at him.
“do you think this is funny? like — i’m almost certain you got some weird fetish for wanting to be caught but i don’t, alright — quit bein’ so obvious.” he scolds before letting you go, quickly lifting his hat to run a hand through his hair as he wanders to the counter to cool off and pour himself a coffee. he was already dressed, set to meet the pogues a little later whilst you wandered around in tiny pyjama shorts and a thin tank top that made him wanna slap you.
you giggle despite his sternness and push out your chair to follow him, poking him in the back as you speak. “oh c’mon jayj, s’just a little fun. no one noticed anyway. you’re acting like i got under the table n’made out with your dick. not a bad idea for next time actually.” you muse jokingly and he all but slams his coffee mug back down to whip around to face you.
“y’know i can just like, confiscate everything i’ve been doin’ for you. s’not hard to find pussy, and if you wanna keep actin’ like an actual annoying little sister i’m gunna start treating you like one.” he ticks his head, squinting in irritation and your eyes widen in faux offence and fear.
“aw, don’t do that to me jj. i thought you liked playing with me.” you pout, and oddly — despite knowing you were playing games with him, it makes him soften the tiniest bit, shoulders falling a centimetre or so.
“well, look— i do…” he rolls his eyes and you smile. taking your hands, you push your tits together, looking up at him with mocking babydoll eyes.
“yeah, just like playing with your lil sis too much, huh?” you coo and he yanks your hands off yourself, tongue in his cheek — clearly losing his patience a little.
“nah, keep it up. you’re not getting shit from me anymore i’m dead serious.” he raises his voice a little, that southern twang jumping out a little extra and you giggle elatedly at the threat. you spin around, pressing your ass to his crotch and looking over your shoulder.
“nuh-uh, you like this view too much.” you tease before your jaw drops, mocking quiet ‘uh-uh-uh-uh’ moans as you repeatedly thump your ass against him, the blonde watching with a deadpan, unimpressed expression and arms folded over his chest. he goes to say something, but the sudden banging of the front door closing wipes the amused expression off your face quicker than he can and you jump up straight, looking like a deer caught in headlights when your mother walks back through the door.
“forgot my keys.” she shakes her head before her eyes land on the two of you standing near eachother, jj looking smug and you looking guilty. “everything… okay?” she raises an eyebrow at the weird atmosphere.
“yes! yeah everything’s fine.” you squeak, sounding oh so innocent and afraid. jj snorts, turning back around to the counter and continuing to pour his coffee.
“well alright, see you guys later.” she smiles before disappearing once more, leaving you looking bashful.
once she’s gone, jj glances over his shoulder at you and pouts, barely concealing his grin.
“aw, that scare ‘ya, lil sis?”
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papa, me want more yandere jjk zombie apocalypse!!!
no pressure tho lol love your writing
Me when someone calls me Papa:
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But seriously thank you Hope you enjoy! 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Zombie Apocalypse: Yandere Jujutsu Kaisen (3)
1  • 2
When you awaken it’s Nobara and Megumi who retrieve you for another tour
This time taking the time to let you partake in the activities with some of the residents
But it’s all to pass the time before Suguru comes to retrieve you
“Hey (Y/n) we have a few more tests to run and after that, I’ll let you go have fun with Satoru.”
Despite your reluctance to deal with the boisterous man you follow Suguru back to the lab where you first met him in
Chatting about anything you could 
“So I finally wanted to inform you about why you can’t go to the other neighborhood and why you have that wristband.”
“Finally! Even if I can’t be with them I want to see them still–”
“...(Y/n)...I’m so sorry.”
Setting you on the patient table Suguru informs you that your blood is the key to immunity against the zombie disease
Using some advanced technology to find you and put the wristband on you to label you among your group of friends
But that wasn’t all 
Holding you close he confides in you that in separate interviews your friend group had proven to be willing to go to extremes to get their hands on the cure
Said extremes were violent and alarming
all suggesting they’d abduct you and make you a living blood bag for them
It was actually not that far-fetched to you
You knew your friends were loosening their morals
You had to 
Especially after the betrayal from one of your members
It was likely that they may have come off that way
But you wonder if that would’ve applied to you as well
You really had no way of knowing
“(Y/n) I understand that this is difficult to take in…just know that me and Satoru are here for you. We’re going to protect you, no matter what.”
He was holding your chin as he looked into your eyes with promise
Letting him hold you in a hug
Suguru has a hard time holding in a smile that twitches widely on his face
After this Suguru takes the day off joining you to experience the different activities 
Satoru joined you both shortly thereafter
“Yay! My two favorite people are baking so adorably! It’d be a shame if someone came and tickled one of them relentlessly.”
“Sorry (Y/n).”
“Wait what—Ahhhh! Hahahaha!”
They’re pretty persistent when it comes to chasing away the thoughts of your friends possibly being as dangerous to you as they were to the zombies you’d been running from 
Enough for you to miss them when you once again say goodbye to Nobara and Megumi after they lead you to your room 
But before you can completely settle on your bed to sullenly stare at the ceiling the door to your room clicks open
“Heyyo you ready for me to show you what movies we’ve got? Of course, you are! C’mon, sweetcheeks!”
“Hope we didn’t wake you but we figured we’d hate to leave you alone.”
“Uh, thanks, you guys.”
“It’s no problem, the mind on its own is a scary place.”
“That’s why we’ll never let you go there! Now are you ready for the ultimate movie night? You’re not going to get a wink of sleep!”
That being said by the time the sun rose you were already resting on the couple your head in Satoru’s lap while Suguru held the rest of your body up
Completely oblivious to the second time the lock to your door opened up 
“You two look cozy!”
“Do not yell someone is clearly asleep.”
“So? I have the key to this door so it’s practically mine too.”
“The urge to decimate you always returns with a vengeance.”
“Ouch so cruel~!”
Suguru groaned and rolled his eyes at the both of them checking if you stirred at all
 while Satoru smiled at the blonde one of the duo only to receive an annoyed push of his glasses
“Nanamin you came back earlier than I expected.”
“Yes, my…partner took a very impulsive approach this time around.”
Suguru figured he’d chime in too, “Mahito did you bring any of them back alive?”
Mahito made a face putting a peace sign up as he posed mocking the anime signage now left as relics of the world before
“What do you think?”
“I don’t necessarily care, it’d just make things easier for them.”
“It is unbecoming of you to lie Doctor Geto.”
“Yeah, I could tell you were just itching to get your hands on those pigs!”
Suguru chuckled reaching to brush his hand against your cheek
“Maybe I was hoping to…enjoy a roast. It’s unfair if you’re the only one to enjoy the results of our labor.”
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zara972935 · 9 months
Some people see Tsukishima with a cute girl after practice!
Kei had asked (y/n) to practice with him after the rest of the team had left. (he was so sure they all left, but nothing just goes his way😔)
mention of one little kissy kissy (reader and kei are in a relationship)
she/her prns used
hey (y/n), can you practice with me
the idiots finally left
haha sure! and i don’t think it’s very nice to call them idiots when they’re your teammates!
yeah yeah, lecture me after you help me
you lived close to the school, so you just packed a few things in your bag, telling your mom you’d be going out. you walked for about 6 minutes, slowly approaching the gymnasium. you saw the lights in through the windows, and pushed the door. you stepped in, seeing Tsukishima bumping a volleyball against a wall.
he turned around, noticing you entered. he hummed in acknowledgment, catching the ball and walking over to you.
“what do you even have in there? your house is right here anyways.” he glanced down at your bag that you set by the door, with slight sarcasm.
“i didn’t come here for you to be asking me what i have.” you playfully replied. “so you need help with your spikes or something?”
“spikes.” Tsukishima and you walked over to the cart full of volleyballs, rolling it over to where you’d being throwing the ball up so he could spike it.
“can i change up the distances?” you ask, trying to bump one of the volleyballs, almost immediately losing control, while Tsukishima walked over to where he’d start running from.
“yeah i guess.” he muttered, stretching his arms.
“yo-kay, tell me when you’re ready.” you had a ball in your hands.
although, not too far away, hinata and tanaka were in the club room (the two people who should NEVER be left alone), chatting with each other. “wait wait… shh..” tanaka looked out one of the small windows in the club room.
hinata’s eyes widened, suddenly thinking he was in a horror movie.
tanaka then scared him by fake jumping at him and yelling “BOO!” hinata jumped up, running out the club room and nearing the gymnasium. he slightly tilted his head when he saw light pouring out the windows of the gymnasium. did someone say they’d stay after practice?
tanaka had followed hinata, but was confused why he had stopped and was looking at spot he couldn’t see from his position. “uh hinata? what’s wrong?” he walked up to hinata, then noticing the light.
“hmm? i don’t remember someone saying they’d stay after practice.” the duo then suddenly heard loud laughing from inside the gym. they jogged to the windows, hoping to find the source.
you had thrown the ball too far along the net, and Tsukishima missed terribly because of you. but you couldn’t help but cackle as he scowled at you. you apologized, but it didn’t seem very sincere as you kept giggling.
“just keep going.” tsukishima walked back to his starting spot.
“here we go Kei!” you said as you crouched a bit to be able to throw the ball high enough.
tanaka and hinata were peeking through the windows, shocked to see Tsukishima Kei practicing with such a pretty girl! they pulled out their phones, snapping a few pictures.
soon enough, everybody went to their own houses, one duo giving a goodbye kiss before leaving. (i hope you know which duo…………………………………………….. oh and the boys someone got a picture of them doing the goodbye smoochie)
next practice had finally rolled around, and during a water break, hinata brought kageyama and tanaka brought asahi, dachi, sugawara as they approached Tsukishima with their phones ready. “Tsukki, Tsukki, lookie, lookie!” Hinata repeated what he once heard Bokuto say, waving the phone then showing Kageyama.
Tsukishima had ignored Hinata’s voice, not knowing that most of the team was behind him. he only then turned around when he heard Kageyama yell, “why is Tsukishima with such a pretty girl and i’m not?! i’m so much better than that loser!”
Tsukishima spun around, snatching the phone from Hinata, swiping through the photos of him and (y/n). “how the hell did you get these?” he then notice the third years slightly giggling, but then clearing their throats.
“tanaka? how do you have pictures too?”
“let’s just say, you need to introduce us to your girlfriend!”
“oh shut up. never in a million years.” he said, his voice and face telling no story. his ears though? you could’ve thought he had just be burned with how bright red they were!
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vera-deville · 5 months
I Will Say (I'm Fucked)
05/06/2024 - 05/10/2024
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x Reader Word Count: 2,027 Warnings: The usual cursing; Y/N does the infamous Wattpad stuttering (it's only one line, I promise-) Gender: AFAB Tags: @viviennevermillion, @achy-boo, @savanaclaw1996, @otomyoli, @chroniccorvus Notes: This is the third and final installment to this fic, so please read the previous two parts for more context!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
In which Leona finally asks out his favorite herbivore.
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"Shit." Y/N hissed as she swung open the door to her dorm, only to reveal a certain blonde stalker outside.
"You're late Trickster~" Rook sang.
"I know, I know, don't tell Vil though-" You replied, eyes practically begging for him to give you a free pass.
"Seeing as you're not in Pomefiore..." He began, "I suppose I could let it slide this once."
You heaved a sigh of relief, until you felt that heave get locked in your throat at the sight of another person behind Rook.
Vil Schoenheit.
Vil Schoenheit was the house warden of Pomefiore, a house belonging to the esteemed Night Raven College (or NRC for short). He was a well-renowned actor, a celebrity in his own right, and possessed beauty that rivaled no other (except for maybe Neige in the eyes of some Rook). He was known for his strictness, but no one could deny the results that emerged from them (except for maybe Epel).
Vil Schoenheit was also a good friend of Y/N. One of her closest friends, in fact. And as such, his generosity knew no limits with her.
Hence why she was getting torn into pieces as the trio walked to their respective classrooms.
"Vil, as much as I love you, I will not hesitate to throw your new eyeshadow palette into the garbage if you don't stop harassing me in the hallways this morning." You told the beauty queen.
Seething, he replied, "You will do no such thing." Eyes steel cold, he walked a little faster ahead as he continued, "As a Prefect, I expect you to uphold certain virtues even if you do not have many people in your dorm.
You sneered at this.
"Don't tell me how to do my job Schoenheit."
"Then do it properly Prefect."
Rook watched as the two of you glowered over one another, simply happy to be basking in the presence of his friends (plus it was always amusing when you and Vil would argue). He knew that despite your differences, the two of you were as close as friends could be. Even your bickering was in loving nature.
Soon enough, you reached your class and the Pomefiore duo bade goodbye to you before making their way to their class. Smiling to yourself, you played the last five minutes in your head over and over, highlighting your favorite bits as you sat in your seat.
Mozus Trein was a very particular individual. The subject he taught wasn't necessarily popular amongst the students of NRC, but amongst the fair few who did enjoy the class was the Prefect of Ramshackle.
History did by no means come easy to you, but seeing as you were in a completely different world and said world had magic in it, reading history books was more or less akin to reading fairytales. And there were so many of them-
In short, you were something of a fan of Twisted Wonderland's history.
And it showed great results.
"Well done again Y/N." Professor Trein smiled at you as he placed the test paper on your desk. "You seem to have done exceptionally well on the essay portion of your test."
You thank him and say, "Well, the history of Briar Valley is particularly fascinating."
"Every bit the teacher's pet, I see." The professor jested.
You gawked in response.
Class ended sooner than you wished (in your defense, it really was an interesting class), but the rumbling of your stomach opened avenue to better things in life.
In other words - lunch.
Walking alongside Grim, you meet the rest of your first year friends in the cafeteria. With your utensils in hand, you were oh so ready to dig in when a certain red-head interrupted you.
"Yo Y/N."
"What is it Ace?" You asked, annoyed at the timing he had.
"Leona's been watching you really intensely." He noted. But then his smile turned mischievous. "When'd you piss him off?"
Having had enough of him already, you smacked the back of his head, nearly breaking out a grin after hearing Deuce choke on his sandwich when he laughed at the action. "I didn't do shit Trappola. Don't jinx it-"
Rubbing the back of his head, he said, "You're fucking crazy, you know that, right?"
"Damn straight."
Jack, though not fond of the use of vulgar language, did also find the situation funny, and barely managed to conceal a snort as he ate his own food. Epel on the other hand felt no need to conceal his as he guffawed his enthusiasm all whilst bits and pieces of food fell out.
Unfortunately for Epel, he did not notice the looming figure of his house's warden steadily approaching him.
"It seems our lessons still haven't gotten through to you Baby Potato." Vil sneered as Epel whipped around to see him, clearly not expecting to see him. "No matter. I'll be sure to whip you into shape soon enough."
The rest of the first years watched as Epel visibly shivered at Vil's words and as he was dragged away by the said man.
"It's not fair! Y/N and Ace cursed too!"
Whipping his head around to glare at the other two perpetrators, Vil only shook his head before continuing to drag Epel to his immediate lessons.
Epel felt betrayed, and Ace's stink eye wasn't really making matters better.
Rook slunk around to you before anyone else could notice, and managed to say one thing before Vil called for him.
"Roi des Lions seems to be very interested in something in your direction my dear Trickster."
You looked around your friends, trying to determine if they'd heard what Rook had said, but Lady Luck seemed to be on your side because they were still busy watching Epel get dragged away.
Shooting Rook a glare as he went on his merry way to wreak havoc elsewhere, you decided to chance a peek at the lion who now two very annoying (but for some reason highly observant) people had mentioned was staring at you.
Sure enough, he was indeed staring at you.
Not in a smoldering way (which is what you assumed), but rather a lazy manner which befit his personality wholly.
And upon noticing you looking at him in return, Leona's lazy stare mutated into a sly grin (also befitting his personality wholly) before he finally turned his gaze to his food.
The interaction left you feeling a tad giddy, but mainly because he was such an intimidating figure. Not because you had a large sweltering crush on him or anything.
Oh wait.
We're done being in denial now, aren't we?
So maybe, just maybe, the giddiness could be attributed to the chemical infatuation you had with the man.
It was later on in the day, around the time that classes were ending for the day that you found Ruggie.
Or rather, Ruggie found you.
And boy was he weird as hell (weirder than usual, that is).
You noticed that the lavender-colored flower petal tangled in his scarf as he simply watched you for a full 5 seconds (yes, you counted), and then proceeded to do his little hyena laugh before saying "Have fun Y/N~"
However, Twisted Wonderland was full of weirdos, and if you gave every single one of them the time of your day, you'd be stuck the resident therapist. Not that you don't already do that.
Besides, you had to get to Professor Crewel's class, and no one wanted to be late for that-
This time, Lady Luck was not on your side because you had in fact been late (albeit by a few mere seconds), but it was enough to be called out in front of the whole class by Crewel and put a damper on your already dampered mood.
You couldn't wait for classes to be done with already-
Sucking it up, you propelled through the class, only to lose all motivation by the end of it, because Crewel had assigned homework. And a lot of it.
The homework in itself wasn't anything too difficult. If there was something you didn't know, all you had to do was reference a textbook, and that'd be it. The problem lied in the fact that Crewel had assigned a 1,500 word essay regarding any potion of the students' choice and they had to finish it over the weekend.
This was too much. Even for Crewel.
Grim wanted to go watch Ace's basketball practice with Deuce, and you figured that you could use the time alone and maybe even get a head start on your essay, so you walked with vigor back to Ramshackle.
When you got there, a tall figure rests against your door, and you nearly jump back in fright from the sight.
"Leona!? What are you doing here?"
"Waiting for you."
Oooooh, that was smooth (although anything that came out of his mouth seemed smooth at this point).
Deciding to be a little braver than usual, you pranced right up to him, faking a confident smile and asked, "what for?"
And that's when a flurry of lavender was gently jolted into your line of sight.
It took a few seconds, but you were eventually able to will yourself to look at Leona instead of the flowers.
"I'm here to ask you out."
Now your heart had gone quiet too.
"Uh-" You started, "I-me?"
Real smooth.
"Who else for, Herbivore?" Leona asked, eyebrow raising questioningly.
"Just wondering," you make out meekly. So much for the brave confident girl act.
Trying to regain mobility in your arms, you tried to gracefully accept the flowers.
"You look like a mechanical doll." Leona commented on the strange way your limbs seemed to move.
That seemed to snap you out of your lovestruck daze as you grabbed the flower bouquet with one hand and hit Leona's arm with the other.
Not it felt awkward.
You still hadn't responded to the whole 'I came here to ask you out' thing and you'd also just slapped the guy (although it wouldn't have done any damage whatsoever on him) right after you grabbed the flowers he got for you.
You kinda wanted to disappear at the moment.
"So?" Leona prodded. Looking up at him again, trying to find the words, he continued "do you want to go out with me?"
You like to think it was his eyes. His eyes though intimidating, also bring some strange sense of calmness over you. And it was those eyes that made you answer him clear-headed.
"Yes. Yes, I do."
And now that you were a little more clear in the mind, you noticed how Leona's facial expression showed the tiniest bit of expression - relief. And that's when you realized that you weren't the only nervous person in this situation. Leona (although to what extent, you were unsure) was also anxious, clearly about what your answer, your decision would be.
"Great. I'll see you at The Winstonian next Friday at 7:00 P.M."
The Winstonian? That sounded fancy.
"I'll see you then Leona."
Nodding, Leona started walking away when you interrupted him with a question.
"Hey Leona? What's the dress code?"
"Just wear something formal."
That was a problem. You didn't have anything formal in your closet (aside from your NRC uniforms, but you really didn't think anyone would wear that to a first date-
Leona waited a moment to see if you had any more questions before sauntering off back to his dorm.
He turned around.
Pushing your rapidly beating heart down your chest, you asked, "Can you help me with this essay I have to write for Crewel?"
It wasn't much, and sure, the date was in a week, but letting him go now seemed like such a waste. Maybe you could spend just a teensy bit of time with him before the big night.
Leona's eyes glowed a green ember.
"Sure Herbivore."
You couldn't help the grin from spreading on your face as you invited the lion into your dorm and at the idea of a totally not study date with him before the actual first date.
God you were so fucked for this man.
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Author's Note: Alright, so this (not originally planned to be) series is officially over! I hope I did the last part justice and that you enjoyed reading it (not gonna lie, it feels like it's missing something), but I have decided that if I ever find out something that I want to add to this, I can always do so in the form of drabbles. Also, it's worth mentioning that the original idea I had for this story was that Leona would keep trying to ask out the reader, but fail a whole bunch of times before succeeding. I obviously went down a different route, but I might write that story idea separately (not affiliated with this series). Thank you for reading!
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lecsainz · 1 year
from pit stop to push-up
pairings: lando norris (platonic) x driver!reader
summary: you go to the gym "of your own free will" with lando.
authors note: I can say that I love writing about the reader driver and her friendship with the drivers. in my head, she and lando would be the most chaotic duo on the grid.
word count: 770
☆. . . masterlist!
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Y/N groaned as she pulled herself out of bed, dreading the upcoming workout with her trainer. She knew it would be tough, but she also knew it was necessary if she wanted to stay in peak physical condition for the racing season.
As she made her way to the gym, she spotted her teammate Lando Norris chatting with some other athletes. She tried to slip past him unnoticed, but Lando spotted her and called out a greeting.
"Hey Y/N, what's up? Ready for some training?" he asked, grinning.
Y/N scowled. "I'm never ready for training. You know that, Lando. It's always a nightmare."
Lando laughed. "Ah, come on. It's not that bad. Besides, I hear your trainer has some new exercises that are supposed to be killer."
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Great. Just what I need."
They entered the gym and met up with their trainer, who greeted them with a wicked smile. Y/N knew she was in for a tough session.
As they started their workout, Y/N couldn't help but complain. She grumbled about the exercises, the weights, the reps, and everything in between. Lando just laughed and teased her, making her even more frustrated.
But as they neared the end of their session, things took a chaotic turn. Y/N was in the middle of a difficult set of squats when she suddenly lost her balance and stumbled. She crashed into Lando, who was doing pull-ups on a nearby bar, causing him to lose his grip and fall to the floor.
Their trainer rushed over to see if they were okay, but Y/N and Lando were too busy laughing to answer. They helped each other up and continued joking and teasing each other, making light of the accident.
As they left the gym, Y/N realized that despite the chaos and the tough workout, she had enjoyed herself. She felt grateful for the camaraderie she shared with her teammate and the support of her trainer.
"Same time next week?" Lando asked, still grinning.
Y/N groaned, but she couldn't help but smile. "Sure, why not? But maybe we should stick to individual workouts next time."
Lando just laughed. "Where's the fun in that?"
As Y/N and Lando finished their workout, they said their goodbyes and headed off in different directions. Y/N, thinking the training was over, started to head towards the exit, but her coach called her back.
"Hold on, Y/N. We still have one more exercise to do." Her coach insisted.
"Oh come on, coach! I'm already exhausted. Can't we just call it a day?" Y/N complained, already tired.
The coach finding amusement in the excuse she always gave and simply replied with the same thing after every training session. "Nope, we need to work on your endurance. Let's go, one more round."
Y/N groaned, but reluctantly followed her coach to the next exercise. As she started the workout, she couldn't help but complain. "Why do I even bother coming here? This is torture."
Your coach stated the obvious. "Because you want to be a better driver, right?"
Y/N joked. "Yeah, but I don't want to die trying."
Lando, who had come back to retrieve his forgotten phone from the gym locker, overheard Y/N's complaints and couldn't help but laugh.
"Come on, Y/N. You can do it. Don't be such a baby." Lando made a joke about his best friend.
"Easy for you to say, Mr. Fit and Fabulous. You probably do this in your sleep." She stuck her tongue out at him.
Lando struck a pose, flexing some of his muscles. "Hey now, I work hard for this body."
Y/N rolled her eyes, "Well, you can keep it. I'll take a pizza and a nap any day." saying dreamily.
Everyone laughed as Y/N finished up the workout, feeling both exhausted and relieved that it was over.
Y/N celebrated. "Finally! Can we go get some food now?"
"Sure, but don't forget to stretch first." The coach spoke, interrupting the celebration.
"Oh, come on! Can't I just skip it?" She said, trying to convince him.
"No, you can't skip it. You know the rules." The coach gave her a playful look.
Y/N grumbled as she begrudgingly started to stretch, but deep down she knew her coach was right. If she wanted to be the best driver she could be, she had to put in the work, no matter how tough it was.
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rippersz · 7 months
𝙰𝚕𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚊 𝙳𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚝𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚞 + 𝙻𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚊 𝚆𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝙰𝚜 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜 #2) (Slightly NSFW):
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OH THE PASSION. THE LUST. THE LOVE. Here’s how you met these two beautiful creatures :3 :
ʚ♡ɞ Larissa has gone through a lot of dry spells in life. She spent a long stretch of adult life alone when first returning to Nevermore and becoming Principal. She was constantly busy and never had time for anyone else in her bed, much less herself. So anything regarding sex was put on the back burner. It became hard when she thought about it, but after soaking herself in heaps of work, it wasn’t so bad returning to a cold bed.
ʚ♡ɞ Then… you. And Alcina, of course. But first you. You, who started at Nevermore as a faculty member. You were a hit with everyone - especially the Principal. She thought you were funny and intriguing, and often found herself gravitating toward you at important events and staff meetings. Her eyes would always seek you out, and her heart began to pound whenever she thought about you walking into the room. It was hard to come to terms with this ‘crush’ - she hasn’t had a very good track record when it comes to romantic relationships, one night stands, or interests. You, however, melted around Larissa. You became best friends in no time. The dynamic duo of Nevermore. Wherever she was, you were usually close behind if you weren’t busy with classes or lesson planning.
ʚ♡ɞ And soon enough! You kissed. One warm night in her office, with you leaning against the couch, your bare feet in her lap. There was a glass of wine beside her kicked off heels and a glass of easy champagne in your hand. You were never a heavy drinker - and you always wanted to keep your wits around Larissa. But she was so… spectacular. She made you laugh until you cried, snarking about this person or another, and her hand was so warm on your calf. Those polished fingernails of hers drew random shapes along your skin, and you couldn’t help but fall into a state of utter happiness. Pure joy. You were so content you could’ve fallen asleep. But then the night was ending and she was shifting to get up and you leaned forward to sit up and your faces were suddenly so close and neither of you could pass up the moment. Not at all. Two seconds later, you were sharing a slow hesitant kiss. It was a soft press, and then a breath, and then another soft press. It was easy to fall into it, but she slipped a hand onto your shoulder and gently pulled away. A small talk ensued about your jobs - and you said you were already looking for a place in Jericho. Working at Nevermore was lovely, but you needed a bit more independence. She said to let her know when you were ready to go and kissed your cheek chastely before letting you go, blushing madly as you went.
ʚ♡ɞ So you began dating. It was beautiful. Slow and steady and not at all boring. Larissa herself was so fascinating that even a night in together, with no other plans, was a good enough date for you. There were picnics, restaurants, nights at her office, walks around Jericho in the light rain, even a vacation to Paris once over the summer.
ʚ♡ɞ It was amazing! Perfection.
ʚ♡ɞ Until you walked into a bar one evening, took a seat at a booth, and heard a deep rich voice break the comfortable conversation. It was angry and loud. Distinctly feminine but also a bit scary. You instantly made eye contact with Larissa, who looked rather (appropriately) startled.
ʚ♡ɞ “I don’t understand how you ever passed Kindergarten! Did you lose your ability to read in the huge clown pockets of your ridiculous suit pants? It clearly says ‘served chilled.’” And hard hitting heels spiked against the wooden floor. “No wonder this hole has such a poor rating! You can’t understand a wine label! Thank god I’m opening a business here. You’ll be out within the month. I suggest you start packing. Goodbye!”
ʚ♡ɞ And from around the corner came a woman even taller than Larissa. You saw her first and your eyes flew so wide, your lover had to turn right around in her spot and go “What’s wrong??” before the words died instantly on her lips.
ʚ♡ɞ There was a raven-haired beauty, sleek and curvy, that came stalking around from the back office. Her lips? Deep red. Her eyes? Hidden behind sunglasses. She didn’t seem to care if it was nighttime. Her attitude radiated arrogance and strength. She was obviously pissed, and obviously pre-occupied, but something stopped her. You and Larissa, probably. But you didn’t understand how she saw you - she was looking away! Apparently that didn’t matter, as a second later she stopped - and her head whipped around to face you two.
ʚ♡ɞ Instantly, you sank back into the booth. Larissa looked at you with wide eyes. You looked at her with wide eyes. It would have been comical if you weren’t so nervous. She definitely saw you. And she looked expensive. Opening a business? Out within the month? Who the fuck is she?
“Excuse me.”
And like one person, you and Larissa turned to look up. She was, somehow, taller than your lover. Larissa stood at a beautiful 6’3”, but the stranger stood at… 6’9” probably. She looked nearly inhuman. Pale, striking, and her nails were so… sharp.
“I couldn’t help but notice you’re the only ones occupying this… establishment,” she spoke so properly, drawing out some of her vowels with a drawl. You swallowed. Larissa stared. “I must be honest, ladies. It’s really not worth your time. Why don’t I show you a better spot? I have a feeling you’ll enjoy it.”
You shared a confused, worried glance with your lover. The woman’s smile was sharp.
“I um- Larissa? Thoughts?”
Your lover blinked and quickly gave you a polite smile.
“I think it would be rude if we passed it up… what do you think, love?”
“How about this,” the woman interrupted and placed her palms on the table, and her sunglasses slid down the bridge of her nose. Suddenly, you were both pierced straight through by sharp golden eyes. Definitely not human. You and Larissa shared a look. “To apologize for my… earlier outburst… I’ll treat you both to a brilliant dinner. I insist.”
ʚ♡ɞ And so you went out together. She said she’d send you back to pick up your car later and then you all packed into the back of a limo. Clearly, she had money. You clasped Larissa’s hand. And then the woman went soft with charm. She took off her glasses, shook your hands, and introduced herself as Alcina Dimitrescu. Instantly, you knew the name. Dimitrescu Winery. The vineyard. And this was the Queen Bee herself.
ʚ♡ɞ It was riveting eating with Alcina. She got the best service, the best food, and the rich restaurant you went to some miles outside of Jericho seemed to welcome her with open arms. You talked about your job, Alcina mentioned her new business opening in Jericho, and Larissa kept herself quiet about her job. She was always weary. Thank goodness that changed as soon as Alcina gave her a once over and engaged her in the most intriguing conversation. She wanted her to be comfortable. Larissa squeezed your hand under the table when Alcina asked about her job, and you squeezed it back. When Larissa finally spoke about Nevermore, Alcina lit up.
“It seems like a marvelous place. I know I would have loved going there when I was young.”
ʚ♡ɞ You talked politics, dinner, jobs, men, and women. Alcina could obviously tell you were involved - and you were so used to people mentioning it somehow that it was weird how she didn’t comment on it. Until she mentioned an ex-wife, and you squeezed Larissa so hard she had to stop herself from bursting out laughing.
ʚ♡ɞ Alcina made you both blush. She was so engaging, so haughty, and clearly flawed. But you and Larissa looked at her with sparkling eyes. It was a marvelous evening. You exchanged numbers.
ʚ♡ɞ And then there was another meet up. And another. And soon enough, you were three best friends. Three best friends with a shit ton of tension. By the time you and Larissa spoke about your mutual interest, you knew a lot about Alcina. You trusted her with everything. On one of her less busy days, she brought Larissa lunch because she forgot hers. And one evening when you were working late, she showed up with a cup of hot chocolate and coaxed you into going home. She was very sweet on you both.
ʚ♡ɞ Eventually, you had the talk. It was in Larissa’s quarters. Alcina had invited you over to her very luxurious apartment many times, but on that evening, you were lounging in Larissa’s living room. Heels all kicked off, Alcina’s wine on the table, and you came up with the half tipsy idea to play spin the bottle. It was silly, made them laugh, but you put the emptied bottle on its side and spun and soon enough you were kissing Larissa. It was a gentle, slow kiss. Then she spun and oh… oh. Of course. You’d both have to kiss Alcina at some point. And something in her eyes glinted with sadistic pleasure. Larissa was a little nervous, but she threw caution to the wind and kissed Alcina soundly on the lips. You were buzzing with anticipation and nervousness—which quickly slipped into desire when Alcina let out a filthy groan and kissed Larissa back. She was quickly overpowering, shuffling closer, but your lover pulled back with a raspy gasp - And Alcina leaned over the table, took the bottle, and pointed it toward you. No spin necessary apparently as she moved across like a lioness, grasped your chin in one hand, and pulled you into a deep kiss. Again, she groaned. Larissa was blushing all the way to her toes. You were nearly fitful with pleasure. And when she sat back, satisfied with her smudged lipstick, looking bizarrely outrageously handsome, you and Larissa shared a look. But Alcina spoke first.
“Forgive my… overzealous nature. I’m sure it’s no surprise. I have just been… eager.”
“For how long?” You asked her.
The smile she gave you was sheepish.
“Since the first time we shared dinner together…”
ʚ♡ɞ And of course that led to your amazing power throuple.
ʚ♡ɞ It’s the best relationship you’ve ever been in. They’re mature women, but also incredibly childish at times. Alcina especially. Larissa has a better handle of her emotions and yours. She just knows how to be a good partner - probably because she’s spent a lot of time alone, wondering about all the ways she’d treat her lover.
Alcina, however… well she has her moments.
They’re usually in the bedroom.
ʚ♡ɞ Her nature is incredibly domineering and on one of your official dates together, she explained herself.
“I don’t think either of you will be surprised, but honesty is of course the best policy,” she cleared her throat. “So I should probably tell you both that I’m a dragon.”
Her bluntness had you laughing, but she was not joking around. Larissa could only gape.
“A dragon? That’s your gene pool?”
“Indeed, draga.”
ʚ♡ɞ So it did actually explain a lot. Her possessiveness, her strength—she doesn’t know how to be any way else. And her lust for blood, too… it’s something you try not to talk about in depth. She tells you her practices are safe and consensual, and she’s not interested in fucking anyone who isn’t you or Larissa. The crassness has Larissa blushing, but it’s endearing. And you both trust her.
The Bedroom is a different story.
ʚ♡ɞ There, the differences in your personalities stand out a lot.
ʚ♡ɞ There, you are the small quivering submissive doll that Alcina loves to play with and the sweet little darling that Larissa loves to tease. It’s rather unfair, but when you get both of their hands on you, you can’t complain.
ʚ♡ɞ BDSM is a big part of your relationship, as I’ve mentioned in the past. It’s something that means a lot to all three of you, and the intricacies are something you learn with passion; so titles (for example) is a thing you indulge in often.
ʚ♡ɞ Alcina is Mommy. It’s just how it is. And Larissa is Miss. Or Mommy. Or Mistress. It really depends on how far gone you are. If you’re deep in sub-space and shy, she’s Mommy. If you’re feeling a bit brat-ish and frustrated, it’s Mistress. Alcina’s title also changes sometimes, but it’s usually Mommy. Something about it gives her a power trip - which she lives on of course. And it’s… whew. It’s WHEW.
I’ll probably do an NSFW Alphabet for both characters. What do you all think? Let me know ;)) Thank you for the support! - Rip x
TAGS!: @oddball21 @kaymariesworld @bloommushroom @readingtheentrails @thegoddamnfeels @theonefairygodmother @theflashesoflove @sweetderacine @opalthefrog @gwensfreak @shyladyfan @erablaise-blog @bellatrixsbrat @sunnyanon @emilynissangtr @lex13cm @sugipla @hasthebaconinhispants @deongocrazy @nocteangelus15 @eveymay @one-pining-queer @azu-zu @niceminipotato @hopelessly-sapphic @barbarasstar @enchantressb @syrenacrainn @im-a-carnivorous-plant @willowshadenox @aemilia19 @ladylarissaweems @scarlettssub @ladysdraga @willisnotmental @gela123 @h-doodles @zillahofviolets-bayolet @weemssapphic @the-bearr @amateurwritescm @dovesintherain
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peacheeeliz · 27 days
011. hurry up we're hungry (1k wc)
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“Thank you all for joining today, and I hope you enjoyed the stream!” You speak towards your camera, waving goodbye to chat with a sweet smile. “See you guys on Wednesday for the fourth session of empires!”
You say a few more goodbyes before you finally shut down the stream, letting out a sigh. Playing with Yuyu went great, and you had a lot more fun than you thought you would. But after streaming for about five hours with him, you were ready to hit the sack and sleep until noon tomorrow. You're about to just walk away from your desk completely before a deep chuckle brings you from your sleep-filled thoughts.
“Feeling tired?” He questions. You totally forgot you were still on call with him, as he kept quiet while you did your outro.
“Yeah, a little,” you answer, laughing softly. “But, knowing me, I'll probably just be lying in my bed for hours, scrolling through TikTok.”
He lets out another laugh at that comment, “same, not gonna lie.”
You smile softly at his laughter, leaning back in your chair. “If you're not in any rush to head to bed,” you start, playing with the wire of your headphones. “Would you mind maybe chatting for a bit?” He falls silent for a bit, and you continue before he has a chance to answer. “Just because it feels like we don't know each other that well, is all. Want you to feel more comfortable with me, despite the whole war going on and stuff.”
“I'd love to,” he responds, and you can almost hear the smile in his voice. “I don't really know anyone on the server that well, to be honest, so I kinda needed this.”
“Not even Yeonjun?” You ask, hearing a quiet ‘nuh-uh’ as your answer. “I'm surprised seeing as he invited you to join the smp.”
“I think it's just because I'm another popular streamer, honestly,” Yuyu answers truthfully, and you hear the shuffle of his shoulders shrugging.
“But you're not just any other popular streamer. You're obviously more than that,” you tell him, a small frown forming on your lips. “How did you even start streaming? You started just over a year ago, right?”
“Yeah, July last year,” he tells her, finally smiling as he reminisces about that time. “I always played Valorant, you know, it's been my favorite game ever since it came out. So, when my friend suggested streaming in my downtime, it actually sounded really interesting.”
“You don't stream all that often, though,” you note. “You must not have a lot of downtime?”
He lets out a pained laugh at that, “you got that right. My job is pretty demanding,” he pauses for a moment. “But, I really enjoy it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.”
You smile at that, “that's really sweet.”
“I mean, that's how you feel about streaming, no?” He questions. “That's what I'm assuming, anyway. You stream a lot more than me, and it seems like you really enjoy doing it.”
“Yeah, I guess you're right,” you respond with a small nod, despite the fact that he can't see it. “God, I've been streaming for so long. It's not really a job for me anymore. You know? Like I can just hop on stream, play silly games with my friends, and it keeps me stable on top of all of that. It's crazy to see how far I've come and how far we've all come.”
“Yeah, you started way back when, huh?” He jokes, laughing through his nose. “Six years ago, right? Sorry, I have a friend who's a big fan, so I know a lot more than it might seem.”
“Aww, you do?” You tease, leaning forward once again to rest your chin on your hand. “I'd love to meet him one day.”
“Trust me, you do not,” he warns. “He's already threatened to crash my stream today. Almost disowned me after I killed you during the first empires session.”
You let out a soft chuckle, “that's cute. Come on, it won't be that bad if we just talk for a bit, you tell him, drawing out a couple of words.
He shakes his head lightly, “I'll think about it, alright? But I really don't think you two will be a good duo,” he starts, hearing your exaggerated gasp through his headphones. “He's crazy, and you're…. also crazy.”
“Wooow,” you exclaim, letting out a pained laugh. “Says the one who just blew me up the other day.”
“Hey, hey, that,” he pauses, chuckling. “That was an accident. I really did think Soobin was going to walk in first.”
“Oh, I'm so sorry for foiling your plans by walking into my building first,” you say, rolling your eyes. “Thank you for rebuilding it, though. Very sweet of you,” you tease, smiling softly.
You can just tell he's rolling his eyes in response, “it was the right thing to do, after killing you what? Three times now?”
“Even more if you count the Among Us stream,” you comment, giggling.
“Damn, I owe you big time, don't I?” He replies, sighing. “I'll make it up to you whenever you ask.”
Before you can respond, you hear a muffled voice coming from your headphones. Yuyu gives a quick ‘sorry,’ before responding to who you assume is his roommate. You sit there quietly, trying your best not to listen in or interrupt the two.
“Sorry, forgot I had plans with a few of my friends after the stream,” he comes back to you, frowning that your time together was cut short.
“No, it's all good, don't worry,” you tell him. “Go hang out with your friends, have fun.”
“Thanks for understanding,” he says, smiling. He hesitates, but doesn’t forget to tell you: “We should, uhm, do this again sometime. It was nice.”
You smile as well, “we should. I'm here whenever, alright?” You respond. “Well, unless Sungchan pulls me away. He gets a little jealous when others get more attention than him.” His deep chuckle rings through your ears again. “Talk to you later, Yuyu.”
“Yeah, talk to you later, Y/N,” he replies, waiting until you leave the call to finally close out of the app. He leans back in his chair again, smiling to himself.
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synopsis ⤏ you're trying to peacefully build your starter house on the empires server when your neighbor so rudely (accidentally) kills you, starting the biggest war on the server just one day in.
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nom-nommmm1 · 8 months
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Masterlist for more !!
A/n: this is just something small while I work on my request pls be patient with me :(
Content warning !!: it’s all just fluff and some swearing
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Euro tries to act tough in front of the guys but when he’s only with you he is the sweetest little thing ever
He totally keeps snacks EVERYWHERE “just in case” idk why I think he does that buttt he does in my mind
If you have a different native language than him he will totally learn the basics of it, like I love you, good morning, hello, goodbye
He isn’t a huge fan of cuddling but he knows you like it so he cuddles as much as he can with you
In public he stays a little ways away from you, but when you get closer to him he always has his hands on your shoulders, arms, waist, always.
When he’s in public he will be going behind you and hold you by the waist whilst kissing your shoulder softly
He’s absolutely whipped for you and tried his best to hide it from the guys because it wasn’t “metal of him”
Even before you guys were even a thing, before you even met Euronymous he would stare when you came to one of his friends parties. Of course his friends noticed and told him to shoot his shot
You guys love to play pranks/jokes on your friends, like just trick them to think something
Very mischievous duo, you two
You’d tell Faust that there was going to be a party in downtown but when he got there he went into the quiet house, all he found was a note that read ‘thanks for being gullible, we love ya - Euro & y/n’
Stupid pranks like that
Now Euronymous is very big on the metal scene but I think if you had different style then him but the same music taste as him he’d be very interested in you, he’d watch you (not in a creepy way) he just wants to understand your style more.
If you had the same style and music as him he’d love it too. He’d rant to you about “the bullshit some people in the scene call music” and all of his work problems
Euronymous wakes up very late every single day, and when he does so he just keeps you in bed with him, almost suffocating you while you’re just trying to get up and go to work.
I think the first few weeks of the relationship Euronymous would’ve been cold, not because he didn’t like you but he was afraid he’d mess up by opening up and you’d leave him just like that.
But when he realized you would never leave him he clung onto you for dear life
He loves movie dates. I feel like he’s super anxious around even though you’re his partner he gets very conscious of what he says around you, and movie dates are perfect because you can exchange very little words to each other but still sit in comfortable silence and enjoy each others presence
I think he also counts cleaning his shop every once in a while with you a date. You guys just cleaning for hours together.
You sigh, you’d been scrubbing the floors of Euros shop for hours. “You ready to get out of here babe?” He asks coming over to you once he’d finished reorganizing all of the records in the shelf’s and setting up with display. You stand up before turning to face him “yea let’s go” he brushes a stray hair out of your face as you hand him his keys. You guys lock up and head off to your house for some movie watching and giving over some lyrics he had thought would be good for a song.
Speaking of lyrics for a song, he always makes you read and listen to his song before he puts it out to the public. He trusts your judgment more than his own when it comes to music.
He has a special blanket he puts on his bed everytime you come over because he knows it’s your favorite.
You give this man stuffed animals? Yeah he keeps them on his bed, his shelf’s for decor? You name it he’s got it there. He loves to stare at them and just think of you.
Especially at night, this man doesn’t care if you’re going to a club or Walmart to get something to make a midnight snake he LOVES it. He loves just being there with you making casual conversation while having his hand gently placed on your thigh.
If you get insecure about yourself when you put your hair up he will put his hair up like yours and keep it that way till you take yours down.
He adores matching with you, so you guys basically do it everyday, even it’s just something little like having the same slayer pin on your shirts. He loves it so much
He loves rubbing his fingers along your knuckles, it’s almost like a nervous tic he does. In public when he gets overwhelmed while holding your hand he’ll just sit there and play with your hand until you guys have to let go
He loves eating meals you cook bc it makes him feel proud that one day his children will have you as a parent
If your not happy he’s not happy, he can’t be happy when your suffering because his whole life basically revolves around you
Thank you for reading !! :)
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19ndonboy · 1 year
do something, babe - mason mount
words: 2.7k
A/N: i’m back with a new imagine, i got inspired by you’re losing me and hits different (surprising ik). i hope y’all will like this one and leave feedback pls :’)
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you and mason were it for each other. visiting london, you randomly met in a restaurant on a night out. as cliché as it sounds, you two ran into each other as a result of not looking in front of you, too absorbed in your conversation to give it a thought. and just like in the movies, it immediately clicked between you and your next days in london were spent getting to know each other.
his favorite movie, his favorite artist, his favorite holiday destination, his favorite food but also what makes him happy, what matters the most to him in his life… it was fair to say you knew almost everything about him in such a short period of time.
your favorite chocolate, your favorite artist, your favorite series, your safe place but also what scares you the most and what keeps you up at night… he knew everything he needed to know to affirm he wanted you by his side for a long time.
days went by and you had to go back to your hectic life in the city you call home. you stayed in touch with mason for months. both of you being way too busy to see each other, evenings would be spent on facetime talking about your days. updating him on the dramas going on in your friend’s love life and him telling you how ben and him had a lot of fun scaring their teammates today. you would have killed for that smile as he told you all about it, to this day still.
you ended up meeting those said teammates a few weeks later, visiting him for two weeks. all loved up, this trip couldn’t have been any better even if you tried to. and it went on like this for a year and a half, satisfied with this relationship you two had until it wasn’t enough anymore.
the three words you two were longing for to hear had slipped on the last night you spent together before you had to go home again. your head laying on his chest, his hand tangled in your hair as you were tracing invisible patterns on his skin, the first “i love you” slipped out of his mouth. with sparks in your eyes and a big smile plastered on your face, he wish he had said them before if the price was to see you happy like a kid on christmas day. it felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders when you said it back, but he swore he didn’t even need to hear it when your eyes said it all. lord, you had never looked at him like this and something happened in his stomach that night.
lots of kisses, lingering touches and words were shared that night, and the words which changed it all for you were his, “stay here”.
what followed after was you going home to sort everything with your work, the place you lived at and say your goodbyes with your family and friends as you promised to come back and to also invite them to what would be your new home. and two weeks later, you were back in cobham ready for a new chapter.
you could’ve not asked for anything better for what followed during the next three years. happiness, love, communication and trust. sure there were downs but you had gotten through them and always ended up stronger as a duo.
well that was what you thought until four months ago when the black hole was too deep to get out of it. what was at first just a rough patch happening at chelsea ended up being the cause of your relationship going downhill.
how did it go from nights spent at home cuddled on the sofa in front of a movie when he could, days spent in bed when he was exempt from training to him being locked in his game room all day and out with god knows who all night.
you had accepted it all, his sudden mood changes, him taking you as his punching bag after another loss, forgetting to show up at an event for your job. until you couldn’t hold it anymore. you were slipping through his fingers, he was losing you and he did nothing. the fake smiles, the tears at bay you were keeping every time he was kissing you on your forehead as he was leaving for another night out in a club. your heart couldn’t handle this pain anymore. it became too heavy, you felt like you could explode at any minute.
you gave him so many signs, he was blind not to see them. you two were too far gone, you didn’t recognise him anymore and moreover you couldn’t recall what you had created as it all vanished in front of you so fast. so four months ago, you decided to leave. as he was walking down the stairs, you following him, you said the dreaded words, “i’m leaving.”
of course he was too stuck in his own world, not to realize what he was doing was wrong and an argument followed. you wish he didn’t go out when you threatened him not to be here when he would come back at 3:00 am sharp. was it childish of you to say so? yes but you didn’t know what to do anymore and you were too exhausted to think twice before speaking. but the sad truth was that you meant them.
he didn’t take those words seriously and he wished he had. you know what they all say when you don’t know what you got until it’s gone. it stings. he lost you and it hurt. he tried to contact you all night after he got home to an empty house. fresh flowers you had bought the day before and all your decorating pieces left were all here to remind him that until a few hours ago, there were two people living here.
that was four months ago. time went by so fast since. you found yourself a place to live at in central london. your days were spent at work and your nights were spent in your bed in a blanket. what you wouldn’t admit to your friends is the t-shirt you have buried in your arms every night. mason’s.
his past four months were similar. his days were spent at training, trying to somehow find his will to be back to his best level. and nights were spent at home, wandering in the empty rooms, hating how quiet it was in all of them. what he wouldn’t admit to his friends is the times he found himself blaring your favorite taylor swift’s songs in his kitchen. he would always complain after hearing the same ones playing over and over again but deep down he loved to see that smile on your face as you were singing them. he even ended up knowing the lyrics to back to december, you are in love and who knows how many more.
too lost in his thoughts to notice the looks his teammates and therefore friends were giving him at training, he didn’t notice them approaching him. they wanted to put an end at this misery, they couldn’t handle seeing their friend like that. they hated to think about him going home to your once shared home which only reminded him of you and what he lost. and they did what seemed right to them in this moment. mason couldn’t even bare to argue, and to be honest, he hadn’t even heard them talking but he said yes to their proposition anyway. and this is how he ended up in a nightclub.
to his friends’ ignorance, your friends had the same idea. and with london being one of the biggest cities in the world, you two still ended up in the same place for the first time since you left. lucky you, you didn’t see him for the night. and you had a lot of fun for the first time in months. feeling free, you danced for hours on the dance floor with your closest friends and a drink in your hand. but time was ticking and you couldn’t handle standing in those heels after 2:00 am and you called it quit for the night.
waiting outside for the taxi you ordered, you wish you didn’t go out when you saw him outside. with a girl standing next to him, her hand on his arms, too close for your liking. you pictured him with other girls in love and it hurt every time, but not close to how it did now. who was she, was she the reason he faded away and only became a memory, did she make him happy. you threw up on the street and that was when he saw you. he had seen you in every state for you to be ashamed of that, but it didn’t mean you wanted him to approach you. as he walked closer, your taxi finally arrived and while one of your friend helped you, the other one was pushing him away much to his complaints.
it physically hurt. he felt his heart dropping to his stomach as you obviously didn’t want to have anything to do with him anymore. god, he didn’t even know the name of the girl who was talking to him. he just wanted to talk to you. the truth was he couldn’t bear to live anymore time alone because everything at home reminded him of you and how he had lost the best thing he ever had in his life.
as you hopped into the taxi, tears started flowing and you couldn’t do anything to stop them. one of your friends, ava, stayed at yours for the night helping you to clean yourself up, to get you a big needed glass of water and to wipe away the tears on your cheek as you rambled about how much you missed mason. you’re trying really hard to move on from him and what you had but at this point you don’t think you could get peace.
miles away, mason was no good too. he couldn’t stay with his friends and went back home. too exhausted, he slept on the sofa. he swore he felt your touch on his cheek as he was falling asleep. but again that was the ghost of you dancing around his – your – house, playing tricks with him. as he woke up five hours later after what felt like one of the worst nights of his life, he dragged his feet to his kitchen. medicine well needed, he opened a cupboard and the first thing he was met with was your hot chocolate cup with the lipstick stain almost faded.
you were everywhere. not too long ago, two weeks maybe, he found himself crying on the floor of the dressing room as he put his hand on a taylor swift t-shirt you thought you had lost. nothing had ever felt so wrong in this moment. why did he find it if you weren’t here to jump around, happy like a kid who found his cuddle toy.
you are the one he loves and he was going to make sure you knew that. had you ever doubted he loved you, you did and the thought of it made him feel sick to his stomach. if there was one thing he would always be sure of is his love for you and if he had to scream it on a rooftop for everyone and you to hear, he would.
jumping in his shower, he quickly got ready before he hopped into his car with one thing in mind, to mend your – and his – broken heart and get you back in what once was your shared home. on the way to your place, he thought about everything he could tell you when he finally sees you. too engrossed in his thoughts, he didn’t even notice when he arrived at his destination. and that’s when the nerves hit him. what if you slam the door in his face, what if you let him in your flat but not in life again. he almost lost it but he was here now and he couldn’t chicken out.
silence was haunting you, ava had left a few minutes ago and you were now alone with your thoughts. until you heard a car in the parking lots of your building. not thinking too much of it, you didn’t pay attention to it until someone knocked on your door. weird, you thought as you made your way to the door, your brows furrowed.
you opened it and you felt your heart stop as you saw who was behind the door. was it real or did you lose your mind? you couldn’t wrap your head around what was happening until he whispered your name in a desperate tone. rather daring of him to pretend he was the one hurting when he got you there in the first place, you thought.
“i just wanna talk, please… i’ll be gone after if you want me to”. you got nothing to lose and you wanted to hear what he had to say, so you let him in with a sigh. he felt his head spinning when he inhaled your scent in the room. oh he missed it and you so much. making your way to the sofa, you both seated at the end of it, too far away for his liking but it was his own fault.
“i’m sorry. for making you go through this, for making you feel like you didn’t matter to me when you’re my first thought when i wake up and my last one when i go to bed, for making you think i don’t love you anymore when there isn’t even a word to verbalize how much i do. i’m sorry for not fighting for us and giving up on us so easily.”
your breath hitched in your throat the more he spoke. you wanted to stop him and speak but he nodded and continued.
“i was too stupid to realize what i was doing to you and to us. i know a sorry will never be enough but this is all i can do until you let me in again. i know better now. and what i mostly know is that i miss you, i miss waking up to you by my side, i miss you being in charge of the music in the car, i miss you complaining when i eat the last piece of chocolate.”
your mind went empty and you had no idea what to add as he was looking desperately at you, waiting for something to come out of your mouth. but as seconds that felt like hours passed by, every tiny hope he had was fading. “please say something y/n.” and you really wanted to but you couldn’t find the words.
if you listened to your brain, you would tell him to go away and that you had moved on from him already. but as you watched stand up from the couch and making his way to your door, you followed your heart and finally spoke.
“stay.” you said so quietly, you almost wondered if he heard you but he did as he stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at you. “a part of me wants you to walk away but the bigger part of me wants you back in my life, and forever.” you said with tears in your eyes. “i tried really hard to move on from you and what we had but it’s almost impossible.” you told him as he looked at the floor.
“i don’t know what the future brings me, i’m actually scared.” you chuckle. “but i wanna give us another try. i don’t want to live with the regret of not giving it another chance and wonder what it would have been like if we had tried.” the more you speak and the more he felt like he didn’t deserve you. how did he get so lucky to find you years ago.
“we will be okay. i know we have a lot to work on but you won’t regret this and this part will soon be long gone.” he said as he stared at you, his eyes trying to tell you everything his words couldn’t express. you will be okay. and with both of your hearts being full, on the verge of exploding, you walked to each other and as he held you tight in his safe arms for the first time in months, your heart started again.
tag: @pulisichavertz @mountymase @fallinforerling
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imraespace · 1 month
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At a certain time, when the sun is down and the moon is up, you normally will hear the sounds of sleeping. That peaceful feeling of letting go of everything while regenerating your energy is a feeling that everyone loves. Especially yourself, yet you're here up at 3:49 AM, re-reading that one part in the book where the character "fell in-love".
"Her mind goes blank everytime she sees him.. // Thoughts cannot formulate anymore.. // Before she knew it, she had already fell.."
Your eyes scanned the words, reading what it feels like to fall in-love. So before, what you felt wasn't love, it didn't feel like how it is in the book. So when will you fall in-love? Even though you always say these simple words, "Relationships are too much work..", but sometimes, a girl can only just dream.
The darkness that surrounds your room blackens out your thoughts from the outside world, leaving you alone in your bed, under your blanket with your phone light, showing you the words you wished, secretly wished, to feel one day.
And so, with those thoughts the darkness swallowed you entirely, leaving you to dream with romance on your mind.
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It has been 5 minutes since your alarm went off but finally, it reached your ears causing you to awaken from your slumber. A little bit of drool pooled around one spot on your bed as you realized that the posture you fell asleep on, caused your mouth to hang a bit.
The sun from your window gave you some sort of guide to understand your surroundings a bit better. A little too good actually..
"Why can I.." you mumbled, touching your face until you finally got to your eyes, feeling your frames. You groaned, rising from your position, leaving the open book on your bed as you reached for the phone next to it.
Finally, the alarming sound was gone and now it was just silence. It didn't help that you haven't achieved your full 8 hours of sleep, rather you got 3 hours this time.
Staring off into the distance of your room, debating if you should go back to sleep, or get ready for school. Maybe checking your socials will help a bit..
So you opened Instagram, to shake the sleepiness off but after two scrolls..
Back into that position you woke up in! Even with the glasses on.
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"There's no way in hell I'm gonna deal with this again." An annoyed Reo said. Here he is, glaring at you with his hands on his hips, ignoring the boy next to you.
It was now 7:00 AM and Reo had a time waking the both of you, which is normal and this "talk" as well is normal. Yet he always ignores the boy..
Though he always says "Thanks to you both, my mornings aren't perfect.", or something so, both you and Seishiro were too busy trying not to sleep through his rants.
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After the very normal morning routine in your home with the boys, you three were finally in school. Reo and Sei said their goodbyes as they left to go to their class while leaving you alone to enter into yours.
You placed your items on your table, then..
"Rise and shine! No sleeping here!!" A voice stopped her from resting her head on the desk.
Your eyes shifted from the desk under you, to your one and only best friends! Meguru and Yoichi!!
"Are you okay? You look kinda.." Yoichi started, pulling up a chair to sit next to you but his eyes never left your face.
A pout was formed as you thought about how many hours of precious sleep you lost.
Meguru sat himself on your desk, patting your head.
"You look kinda dead!" Meguru boldly pointed out.
"I stayed up until 3.." You mumbled. The patting ceased and confused looks shot at you.
The duo looked at each other and then at you.
"Are you depressed?"
"Are you sick?"
The sudden wave of questions caused your eyebrows to knit together in confusion as you stared back at them.
"Why are you asking me these questions..?" You glared at them.
They looked back at you as if you asked the most insane question ever.
"Well um, you're the only person we know who sleeps longer than 8 hours." Meguru started, as Yoichi supported him.
"We rarely see you stay up, almost never." He said.
Now that you think about it, they do have a point. You're not the one to stay up, mostly just sleeping through everything.
"Oh I was up thinking about love." You simply stated.
And with that bomb-dropped sentence, the boys went dead silent. Until Meguru started laughing.
"WHAT'S SO FUNNY?" You lashed out, standing up from your seat.
"Seems like she's not sleepy anymore.." Yoichi mumbled.. "She sounds grumpy though.." He continued.
Meguru on the other hand had to stop himself from falling off the table, while laughing. You stared at him for a while, with a scowl on your face, waiting for him to stop laughing.
Yoichi, who held a small smile on his face, watched how his friends interacted with each other.
"I won't say it's funny but it's not normal for you." He said, trying to not turn the situation into a funny one.
"Yeah I know I was just thinking, okay?" You mumbled, finding yourself back in your seat, watching as Meguru had finally died down.
His eyes landed on you, giggling a bit at the idea, which caused you to form a small pout on your face. You rolled your eyes and sighed, dropping your head softly on his lap, only because he was on your desk.
"I'm sorry for laughing..!" He softly exclaimed, petting your head that rests on his lap. His habit of petting your head always seems to cheer you up or calm down. Another one is Yoichi's hugs. Those seem to be your favorite.
Twisting your head on his lap, only to see who had entered the classroom thus far, you began to stare at a boy. He wasn't looking in your direction but something about his side view seems.. capturing.
The more you stared, the more Meguru petted your head, the more you drifted off into the dreamland and no one seemed to stop you this time, accepting the duty of waking you up when it's class time.
However, that same boy had noticed your staring. His eyebrows knitted together in confusion yet he shook it off as he saw that you were falling asleep.
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ฅ^._.^ฅ : some things about y/n !! she mostly sleeps through the day, only does stuff IF needed !! with her given gift of being effortlessly smart , all she does in her free time is : nap , eat , sleep. hmm what if.. one day y/n develops a crush and now has to ACTUALLY work to achieve a goal ? : date rin itoshi !!
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TAGLIST!!: @deezy12299 @kuroronana (OPEN)
-`♥︎´- for this story, i'm trying a something new, which includes words/phrases, foods and hometowns from japan and germany. if there's any errors please point it out !
-`♥︎´- word count : 1k
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illiterateaffairs · 1 year
pairing: jamie tartt x f!reader (ted lasso)
rating: T (language) 
word count: 4,772
summary: you arrive in richmond anxious about starting your new life, but quickly feel at home among this new cast of characters. one of them is of particular interest to you for some reason. 
A/N: thank you to everyone who read the prologue, sent messages, and left nice comments in the reblogs and tags!! would love to continue to hear your thoughts. 💕
distractions masterlist | previous chapter
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The next two weeks are somehow the slowest and quickest two weeks of your life. You put your notice in at work the second you can. The coworkers you mingled with the most are sad to see you go, especially Kara. On your last day, she surprises you with flowers and candy, and you wish you’d spent more time with her. You make a mental note to reach out to her from time to time. 
Your landlord lets you leave most of the furniture behind since you won’t be needing it all at your new place. Rebecca promised the flat she had for you was both homey and chic. Despite being eager to get out of there, you feel a sense of loss as you say goodbye to your apartment before heading to the airport. Even though your relationship was far from perfect and ended tumultuously, you and Mason made some good memories there. You watched your first Richmond game there, even though you had no idea what was going on. And now here you are on an eight hour flight to London, getting ready to work for Richmond. 
You thankfully sleep most of the trip, having opted for a late night flight, so by the time you land, it's the afternoon in local time. You have no idea how you’ll manage to sleep at a reasonable time tonight, but that’s later-you’s problem. 
The butterflies that have taken up home in your stomach since you left finally take a break from aggressively fluttering around when you see Ted and Beard waiting for you outside. You break into a huge grin before jogging over to the duo. You instantly feel at home when Ted is engulfing you into one of his signature hugs, and you come to the realization you haven’t seen him since he started coaching over here. Same with Beard, and while the two of you wouldn’t normally go for a hug, you find yourself wrapping your arms around him briefly anyway, and you can tell he doesn’t mind at all. 
“How was your flight, Kiddo?” Ted asks as they lead you to a fancy black car parked nearby with an even fancier-dressed man. 
“It was good,” you respond distractedly, “I’m sorry, do you have a driver?” 
Ted smiles as he pulls out the back door for the two of you, Beard rounding the other side, loading your bags into the trunk. “Courtesy of Rebecca. She wanted to make sure you arrived in style.” 
In the back of the car, you fit snugly between the two coaches and you couldn’t be happier. 
“And don’t worry,” Ted continues, “We came over here as soon as training ended, so most of the team should be out for the day. And as far as everyone else knows, we’re just two generous colleagues who offered to pick up the newly-minted foreigner from the airport. No one will know we’re secretly two of your favorite people in the world.”
You chuckle, but you appreciate his words. Turning to glance at Beard, he mimics zipping his lips shut and you mirror him with a giggle. 
The car ride back is filled with loud chatter as the three of you- mostly you and Ted- catch up, while you try not to be alarmed by the fact you’re driving on the left side of the road. When you pull into the parking lot of Nelson Road Stadium, you feel the butterflies start to return. Here we go. 
The driver follows you, promising to wait in the lobby until you’re ready to head home for the night. Beard heads to the coach’s quarters while Ted introduces you to everyone you pass on the way to Rebecca’s office. You try not to seem overeager to meet her in person - which you are. You cautiously follow Ted into the room, overhearing the familiar sound of Rebecca’s voice mixing with someone else’s. When their attention is drawn to where you and Ted are standing, Rebecca enthusiastically stands from her couch to greet you and you’re instantly taken with her presence- she’s even more beautiful and tall in person. 
You go to shake her hand but she opts for a warm hug as she tells you how excited she is for you to join the team. She and Ted introduce you to Leslie Higgins, Richmond’s Director of Communications. He shakes your hand with a kind smile, but you can tell he’s surprised when he hears your American accent for the first time. The three of you don’t give him a chance to question it as Ted drags you back on your welcome tour. But not before Rebecca demands you text her later that night to tell her what you think of the flat she readied for you.
Ted takes you back downstairs to where the locker rooms and coaches offices are. To Ted’s earlier point, not many players are around but you can’t help but be intimidated by the few you meet briefly. You’ve never been around famous athletes before. You try to remember their names - Colin and Isaac are the two that have stuck so far. You smile at Beard’s familiar face when Ted takes you to their office, knocking on the window to grab another man’s attention. Ted informs you that the man is Roy Kent, a name you recognize from the handful of games you’ve watched over the years. He’s another coach for the team now. Roy grunts out a ‘nice to meet you’ without bothering to turn around, but Ted lets you know that's a pretty nice gesture when it comes to Roy, so you take it. 
As you leave the locker room, you meet the team’s kitman, Will, who immediately seems like the sweetest person in the world and you hope to get to know him better during your time here. 
Finally you make it to what Ted describes at the main event - the pitch - and he was right, it was glorious. You’ve never been in an arena of this size, and despite not being too big of a sports person, you feel excitement engulfing you. You’re only pulled out of your trance as Ted calls out to one lone straggler who seems to be getting in some last minute practice on the field. 
“Hey Jamie!” Ted yells across the field, “Practice ended over an hour ago bud! Grab a shower and go home and get some rest.”
Jamie jogs over to you two with the soccer ball under his arm, “Aye aye, Coach.” Out of breath, the not-unattractive footballer looks you up and down. “Who’s this?”
You introduce yourself and Jamie shakes your hand once before dropping it.
“She’s Rebecca’s new PA we told y’all about earlier this week. She’s going to be helping out with some social media posts and what not.” Ted reminds him and Jamie seems to nod in recognition.
“Guess I’ll be seeing ya around then.” he smiles politely and then heads back inside. 
You and Ted spend a few more minutes admiring the stadium but your interest shifts to Jamie. He looked familiar, but not from the football matches you’ve watched, you don’t think. But where else would you have seen him?
Eventually Ted leads you back inside, finally showing you where you’ll be spending most of your time. He explains that your office used to belong to the team’s PR person, Keeley Jones, before she left to start her own firm. He says the club is still one of her top clients, so you’d be working closely with her from time to time, and that he couldn’t wait for you to meet her, claiming you’d absolutely adore her. You believed him. So far you were taken with everyone you’ve met. Rebecca was incredible, Higgins seemed great, Colin and Isaac a fun pair, Will a sweetheart, and Roy an interesting man you looked forward to learning more about. Even Jamie - who you couldn’t get a read on just yet - still intrigued you. 
You plop down in the desk chair now belonging to you and can’t help but spin around a few times. Ted chuckles and tells you he’ll leave you to get comfortable for a bit while he finishes up some things for the night, promising not to be long before he comes back to take you home. 
Finally having a moment to yourself after almost 12 hours, you let out a long breath you didn’t know you were holding in. Distracted by the excitement of being in a new city, catching up with Beard and Ted, and meeting your new coworkers, you hadn’t had a chance to process that you did it. You uprooted your life and successfully made it halfway across the world to start a new one.
Before you let complete panic sink in, you open the laptop sitting neatly on your desk. There’s not much on the computer, but there’s a folder with information about AFC Richmond and the players. You decide maybe you should start learning everyone’s names since you’re going to be responsible for curating their social media presence and such soon. Looking at the team roster, your eyes immediately find Isaac and Colin’s pictures, feeling proud that you at least know a couple players' names. Same with Jamie, but then you scan the rest of the roster and realize there are a lot more names and faces you don’t recognize. Your mind scrambles to come up with some mnemonic device to help you remember everyone, but before you can come up with a comically long sentence, there’s a knock on your office door. 
Looking up, you expect to see Ted, but instead find a younger man with a bright smile. You feel a burst of recognition and glance down at the roster on your computer, matching the face of your visitor with one on the screen.
“Oh, hi! Are you…Sam Obi…”
His smile doesn’t falter as he steps into your office. “Sam Obisanya,” he pronounces smoothly, and then says your name just as eloquently. “I just saw Ted, and he told me you’d just arrived and I wanted to take the chance to say hello and welcome to the team.”
Warmth spreads across your chest as you smile back at him, “That’s so kind, thank you.”
“Of course! I know you haven’t been here for long, but how are you liking things so far?”
“Oh it's been good,” you trail off, finding yourself unable to lie to his sweet face, “A bit intimidating.” 
He frowns, “Why’s that? If Jan Maas said something strange to you, he’s just blunt because he’s Dutch.”
You chuckle, briefly glancing back down at the roster to put a face to that name. “Noted. But no, I think I’m just realizing how much I don’t know about soccer, or football, I guess. And that there are a lot of you to remember.”
Sam laughs, “We are a large team. Anything I could do to help?”
Part of you wants to be nice and tell him he doesn’t have to stick around any longer, but the anxious part of you grabs onto the life line, “Actually, yes, could you help me get to know all the players’ names- like, tell me things about everyone so it's easier for me to remember?” You lean back and tilt your computer towards him so he knows he’s welcome to stay, and he immediately gets settled in one of the chairs on the other side of your desk. 
You spend the next thirty minutes getting to know Sam as well as the rest of the team, and you already feel more at ease. Sam proves to be even more wonderful than his first impression gave off. He shares hilarious anecdotes about every footballer on the team, and before you know it you’re able to recall who people like Dani and Zoreuaux and Bumbercatch all were. 
Sam and you also exchange some personal stories. You tell him about your life in Chicago and how you were looking for a fresh start, albeit leaving out a few details you don’t want to burden him with on the first meeting. Sam shares that he'd moved to England a few years ago from Nigeria, and that he was going to open a Nigerian restaurant here soon for a little taste of home. You told him you couldn’t wait to try it. By the end of your conversation, you feel like you have someone you can call a friend in Richmond, and Sam even offers to show you around the city during some off time later this week. 
As Sam gives you one last quiz about AFC Richmond’s player’s and your eyes linger on Jamie’s picture again, your brain finally remembers how you know him. You flashback to a memory of Kara practically giving a full PowerPoint presentation to your office back home on the drama going down on her favorite British reality show. 
“Oh, my God,” you yelp, scaring the hell out of your potential new friend who rests his hand over his chest, “Sorry, I just realized how I know Jamie.” 
“You’ve met him before?” Sam questions, surprised. 
“No, I’ve just seen him on that one show, Lust something…”
Before you have the words out, Sam is cackling, “Yes, Lust Conquers All! Not Jamie’s finest moment but definitely a memorable one.” 
“God, he was such an asshole,” you comment, recalling the way he acted in the few clips Kara showed you. 
“Oh, he was,” Sam nods, “He used to be a total prick. He still is sometimes, but more in a loveable way.” At your unsure expression, Sam elaborates, “Jamie’s been through a lot. And yes, he used to be very self centered. But since Ted’s been around, he’s become a better teammate, and a better friend.”
You can’t help but smile at the nod to Ted’s impact. It doesn’t surprise you in the least; he’s always bettered the lives of the people he’s met. Still, your heart swells with pride. 
“Well, either way, I look forward to seeing what he’s like off the screen.”
Sam heads out a little after that, with another promise of being your tour guide this weekend and another to have lunch tomorrow. Then Ted’s coming back to collect you to take you home for the night. You bid a farewell to Rebecca in the parking lot before you’re driving off. After making sure you can get into your apartment building, you say goodnight to Ted, who promises to walk with you back to the stadium for your first official day tomorrow. 
When you enter your new flat, you’re taken back by how much you love it already. The furniture is feminine but not overly posh. The décor and colors are bright without being over the top. It feels more like you than your old apartment, even though you picked out that place and the furniture yourself. You quickly remind yourself of Mason inserting his opinions over yours when it came to those choices, before you push all thoughts of him away for the night. 
You spend the rest of the night unpacking your clothes and other small belongings. You’re pleasantly surprised that you're eager to sleep as it gets close to an appropriate time for bed. You quickly change into the first set of comfy clothes you find and climb into your very large and very comfortable bed. You text Rebecca to express how much you adore the flat and how grateful you are for everything. She responds pretty quickly, telling you that you never have to thank her but she’s glad you’re settling in. 
You bury yourself under your covers, trying to coax your thoughts away for a good night’s sleep. But your mind runs rampant with thoughts of working with Rebecca tomorrow and hanging out with Sam. A new country, new job, and (hopefully) new friends. It’s only been one day but you were already feeling reassured about your decision to move here. Which is good because you only bought a one way ticket. 
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Your first few weeks with AFC Richmond could not have been more of a dream. You didn’t expect to enjoy working for a football club as much as you do. Where your old job was drab and had you focused on making boring food and clothes sound appealing, with this job you got to spend time with the players who were actually interesting people you got to promote. On most days, you got to hang out with the team and film content while they practiced or played. Sometimes events occurred after training or games so that’s when you’d gotten to know a lot of them. You were closest with Sam, who you’d begun to spend more time with when neither of you were working. On other days, you’d work more closely with Rebecca, assisting her with more mundane tasks, but still more enjoyable than any of the grunt work you did back in America. And Rebecca had quickly become one of your favorite people to be around. You didn’t think you’d meet a more remarkable woman until a week in when she introduced you to Keeley, who you’d already heard so much about. No surprise she lived up to the hype. 
Keeley is the friendliest and most talkative person you ever met, and you hope her and Rebecca’s energy rubs off on you even just a little. The pair of them quickly included you in their girl talks and invited you to sit with them during games when you’re not busy capturing content. They also quickly caught you up on the gossip around the club, first and foremost that Keeley is still getting over a breakup with Roy, and apparently she doesn’t quite understand why they had parted ways. While she seems to be mostly handling it alright- meaning not taking a job an ocean away from home to run away from him- it gives the two of you something to bond over.
When you have time to yourself, you try to sit down and write. Sometimes you’re able to get a few sentences typed out in a Word document, before you’re furiously smashing the back-space button because you hate every word. One day, you share your writer’s block struggle with Trent Crimm, a former journalist who Ted is letting shadow the club for a novel he’s writing. Roy and the team had been pretty bothered at first, but everyone is on better terms these days. Despite your respective preferences for non-fiction and fiction, Trent gives you the advice to not force anything. You’ll write when you’re ready. And while you appreciate and try to take the advice, you wish you were ready now. With a job that doesn’t make you want to rip your hair out and a beautiful city you’ve been exploring, you should be more inspired than ever. But so far no such inspiration has struck. So you try to be patient. 
Instead you focus your energy on helping Keeley with the new Bantr campaign she has AFC Richmond collaborating on. Most of the team is staying past practice to get new promotional pictures shot and in a few weeks you’ll be helping Keeley shoot video footage for the ads. You couldn’t help but feel excited to be on this side of the advertising world, and actually be a part of the team that's being advertised.  
You're squatting on the ground, off to the side so you’re not blocking any shots. Your phone is unlocked and ready to capture some BTS of the photoshoot as Isaac is the first team member to get his picture taken. As you're about to press record when the photographer begins to shoot, you can’t help but giggle at how serious Isaac is taking this. He stands stick straight with his hands clasped behind his back and lips in a straight line. 
“Something funny, new girl?” he asks without breaking eye contact with the camera. He’s been calling you that since you arrived despite now having been around for a month. You think he means it affectionately, though he probably wouldn’t admit it. 
“No, it's just you look so…stern?” you chuckle as you start recording a clip, “If this is for a dating app, shouldn’t you try to look more appealing to any potential suitors?”
“I thought they were blurring our faces?” he asks with furrowed brows, referring to the fact that the app was anonymous and this ad campaign would be following suit.
“Yeah, but don’t you want to be a sexy blur?” 
This makes Isaac crack a smile as he lets out a surprised laugh. You snap your fingers at the photographer, “There, get that!” 
Satisfied with your first piece of content for the night, you stand up and join Keeley where she’s observing everything from behind the monitor displaying the photos as the photographer takes them. 
Keeley smiles at you, “That was pretty good! They could all stand to loosen up a bit - they’re not taking mugshots.”
“That’s literally what all of their football headshots look like,” you joke, “Is there no smiling in football?” You laugh together as another idea strikes, “Hey, what if we play some music? That might relax everyone and loosen them up?”
Keeley’s light up. “That’s a great idea,” she turns to face the other players waiting for their turn, “Oi, does anyone have a speaker?”
Colin raises his hand, “I’ve got one in my locker.”
Moments later, the locker room is filled with upbeat music from a playlist Keeley curated on the fly. The team’s energy instantly escalates, and so do the pictures of them. As Dani takes over Isaac’s spot in front of the camera, you hear someone whispering your name from outside the locker room. You find Sam waving to you from the doorway. You smile and jog over to meet him.
“Looks like a party in here,” he comments amusedly. 
“Yeah, why aren’t you participating by the way? Got a secret girlfriend you’re not telling me about?” 
Sam flushes, “Not quite. I just don’t want to appear too…available.” 
You quirk your eyebrow, “Suspicious but I’ll allow it. So what's up?”
“I wanted to know if you were free Friday night? We end practice early that day and I was wondering if I could take you to that museum I told you about if you still haven’t been?”
“No, that sounds perfect, I would love that!” 
You share excited smiles. “Great! I’ll see you tomorrow then?” 
“Bright and early.”
As you bid good night to Sam and return your focus back to the shoot, you note that Jamie is getting his photo taken now. You accidentally catch his gaze and successfully fight the urge to break eye contact. You offer a smile as you go to get more footage for Richmond’s Instagram, but Jamie returns the smile seemingly half heartedly. You try not to take it personally since you haven’t really had the chance to get to know the guy since you’ve been here. You wonder why that is. While you weren’t very close with many members of the team, aside from Sam, most of them have taken opportunities to get to know you a bit. Except for Jamie.
You try not to dwell, knowing enough about his reputation to know not being close might not be a bad thing. 
The rest of the photoshoot goes extremely well. The Instagram stories you post of the guys are already gaining a lot of attention, and the photos look incredible. You ask Keeley to see if you can get Bantr to let the club use the photos as some of their new imagery online, knowing it would be a shame to just blur them and not have the world see the player’s personalities. As the team files out for the night, you stick around to help Keeley and the photographer pack up, wishing them a good night as you need a few things from your office before you head home. You think you’re the last one there until you hear a voice coming from the parking lot as you exit. Once you’re outside, you recognize the voice as Jamie’s with his distinct Mancunian accent. He appears to be on the phone but you can't make out anything he’s saying on the other side of the parking lot. Even from afar, you get the sense that it's not a pleasant conversation, so you linger by the door to give him some space. Luckily, Jamie’s hanging up with whoever it is a few seconds later, giving you the chance to resume your journey home. You try not to startle him as you get closer but you do anyway. You immediately apologize, letting him know you’re just passing by and you didn’t mean to sneak up on him.
“It's alright,” he assures, though he still seems a bit off, “Didn’t know anyone else was still here.”
“Just me,” you shrug. You know you shouldn’t say anything and just continue walking home, but you have to ask. “Is everything okay? I swear I wasn’t eavesdropping, but that phone call sounded tense and you look…unwell?”
Jamie eyes you like he’s trying to figure out what your angle is. You hurry to reassure him.
“I know we hardly know each other, so in no way do you owe me an explanation, but just figured I’d check in.” 
Jamie nods slowly. For a second you think he might share something with you, but instead he just lets out a quiet sigh, his shoulders sinking, “Nothing you need to worry about.”
You accept his answer and nod. You’re unsure of what to say next, or if you should say anything. You’re about to turn around and wish him a good night when he’s the one that speaks up. 
“So you and Sam seem quite close.” 
You turn back to him and narrow your eyes at him, “Yeah? He’s been showing me around the city.”
Jamie nods thoughtfully, “Are you two…,” your eyes narrow in a full squint as you cross your arms to egg him on, “Seeing each other?”
You can’t help but laugh. In no way were you expecting him to ask that. “Why do you care? Do you have a crush on Sam or something?”
Jamie’s face scrunches up, “No!”
“What then? You gonna tell me Sam’s nice-boy persona is actually an act and he’s secretly been plotting to murder me?”
“No, Sam really is that nice.” 
“Then why are you asking if I’m dating him?” 
“I’m just curious,” he spits out defensively, “Wasn’t sure if it was alright for players to hook up with the club’s employees or whatever.”
“Oh,” you lower your defenses for a second, “...So you have a crush on Beard then?”
Jamie’s defensive resolve melts away as he actually lets out a laugh at your teasing. “No he aint my type. Beard’s too scratchy.” 
You laugh along with him and enjoy that he played along. 
“Well then to answer your question, no Sam and I are not dating, we’re just friends. And no, I don’t think there’s technically any rule against any consensual mingling between the staff and you footballers.
“Hmm,” Jamie nods, his lip pouting a bit, “Good to know.”
“I’m glad to be of help, but I should get going,” you start walking backwards towards the parking lot’s exit, “But I’ll see you tomorrow I guess?”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Jamie steps towards you, “You’re just going to walk home alone? At night?” Jamie glances around and answers his own question when he doesn’t see another car in the lot besides his own. “Can I drive you?”
You shake your head assuredly, “Don’t worry about it. I walk home everyday. My place isn’t far.”
You can tell he wants to respect your answer, but asks one more time, “Are you sure?”
“Positive,” you smile, “Have a good night, Jamie.” 
He gives you a small smile back, “You too.” 
You wave before shoving your hands in your coat pockets and take off down the road. When Jamie’s sports car drives past you, he honks the horn twice and you chuckle. 
During your short commute to your flat, you replay your interaction with Jamie. You weren’t sure what you were expecting him to be like. While your conversation was brief, it seemed like he was a decent guy and that he had a sense of humor. The way his hair fell messily on either side of his face was nice, but that was neither here nor there. Maybe Sam was right. Jamie Tartt wasn’t so bad. 
A/N: mwahahahaha
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833 notes · View notes
taesancore · 3 months
the playlist i never sent
woonhak x f!reader
(𝐈𝐈𝐈) So let’s go see the stars
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a/n: so pt.3 took mUch longer than i thought it would-and its not the final part either😭, anyways this one’s a little longer than usual so i hope yall like it!!
🧸.ᐟ series masterlist ❕
🧸.ᐟ genre: f2l, (idiots to lovers🤡), angstfest in this part
🧸.ᐟ warnings: angst, depictions of anxiety and similar symptoms, crying, rich people setting, kind of an emotionally insensitive mother :/, mentions of enhypen’s ni-ki, riize’s anton, seventeen’s jeonghan and dino, lmk if there are more!!
wc: 4981, lowercase intended.
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“heyyy rikiii !!” you said brightly as you walked into art class. “what do you want” came the weary of your classmate and partner during art class, nishimura riki. he continued to stare at you suspiciously as you shot him a huge smile, unlike your usual snarky remarks that were a part of your usual banter. but you had to admit, you two made the best duo in art class whenever projects were assigned.
“so are you free this week” you blurted out, watching his expression turn confused.
“no…but why?” he asked. welp.
“nothing really!” you replied in that same cheery voice as you sat down next to him.
“…you’re being weird today” he eyed you as your teacher walked in.
you ignored him, furiously working your mind and thinking of other ways. riki wasn’t an option now…who else was there?
“something’s up isn’t it? tell meee” riki whined as you shushed him.
“…need a date for a business party this week” you muttered, wincing as you
“just ask woonhak” he replied as you huffed.
“he has a date on that day—“
you blinked at his startled exclamation.
“are you sure? but that makes no sense…” riki mumbled. he was positive that the younger boy was madly in love with you, so how on earth was he ready to go on a date with someone who wasn’t you??
you sighed.
“well it’s true so he’s out of the question…do you have anyone who’s willing to accompany me? i’ll even pay if they want!”
“you need a date?? for what?” came a voice from behind you as you jumped.
out of all the people, why did it have to be han jihoon??
“yo woonhak has a date?? who the fuck??” riki questioned jihoon before you could say anything.
“he WHAT??” jihoon squawked, making all the heads in the class turn towards him. mrs. moon sent him a little glare as she continued to silently observe the students, while jihoon muttered an apology.
“woonhak said yes?? to seowon??” he whisper yelled as riki shrugged.
“that’s what y/n said”
“is it true?” he asked you, wide eyed. you nodded as jihoon smacked his forehead.
“wait then why do you need a date? is it a double date?” jihoon questioned further, still unable to fathom the new bit of information he received. just why on earth would woonhak say yes to seowon??
“ah um…did i say date? i meant hate!! yeah i reallly hate riki you know? haha” you laughed, shoving an offended riki beside you as jihoon looked at the two of you with a skeptical gaze.
“that was a pathetic excuse you know” jihoon said bluntly as riki snorted. luckily the bell rang loudly at that moment, saving your sorry ass from replying to jihoon and defending yourself. you squeaked out a quick “goodbye!” before dashing out of the classroom, desperate to avoid any further encounters with him.
phew. god saved you with that one.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“still didn’t find anyone?” eunchae asked softly as you two stood in line for lunch. you spent almost the entire day carefully observing your classmates to see whom you could ask. but then it would be weird to straight up go ask any of them to be your date…after all they were just your classmates!
the mere thought of walking up and asking hanjin, or maki or any of your classmates, most of whom you’ve known since elementary and middle school made you cringe, that would remain as an awkward memory forever and that was the last thing you needed amidst all the current drama.
“why just why do i end up doing these kind of things?? even my mom thinks i’ve got a boyfriend now!!” you lamented as eunchae stifled a giggle, remembering yesterday’s events that you had filled her in with the minute you entered school today.
“did i hear that right? have you really got a boyfriend now y/n?” of course your mom had to hear that. she strode towards you with a confused stare as you tried your best to mask your panic.
“that’s right mom, i figured i’d reveal him at the party itself…” you said, words flowing out of you automatically. was this how liars lied so easily? you could become a pro at this rate.
your mom did something unexpected, she beamed at you as eunbin scowled. “that’s great sweetie! i can’t wait to meet him now!” she said as you gaped at her.
now you really needed to find a date—no boyfriend.
“i think i’ll just go dateless chae” you sighed, placing an apple on your tray as the line moved forward. “and let that greaseball eunbin annoy you further? hell no” eunchae scoffed, making you wince at the thought of his smug face if you walked in dateless.
“if only you didn’t go ahead with your plan, woonhak would’ve been your date but noooo you martyred yourself!!” eunchae scolded you for the nth time, and for the first time you found yourself doubting your actions.
but martyring yourself was the best option in this case…he’d be happy with seowon.
“speaking of woonhak, i haven’t seen him all day?” eunchae wondered, missing your guilty expression that took over your face. truth was, you had been avoiding him ever since the seowon incident in the corridor as you had no idea to act around him now.
seowon being around him most of the time made it pretty easy for you, but when she wasn’t, you found yourself hiding behind walls and turning in the opposite direction whenever you saw him nearby.
you wanted to be normal truly…but now that him and seowon were making progress, you had to find a way to keep the green monster inside you at bay…even if it meant ignoring your best friend.
“woonhak? i bet he’s with seowon again, that girl can’t leave him alone to save her life” came the voice of haerin as she joined the queue.
“y/n weren’t you looking for a date?? i know someone who might be of help” she added as you perked up at this information. looks like the world didn’t hate you after all.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“yah kim woonhak!!” hollered jihoon the minute he found his friend in the class.
“what the blazes were you thinking? you’re really going on a date with seowon??” he cried as woonhak looked away.
“she might be the dove girl jihoon…i don’t know” woonhak said half heartedly.
“and what about y/n?”
“what about her? she doesn’t like me anyways and you know that!” woonhak snapped, startling the boy next to him.
“i know okay? i know…i like her, fuck i like her so much it hurts, i wish she was the one in the mask that night, things would’ve been easier but what can i do? she’d never see me the same”
jihoon could only watch sadly as his friend hung his head low, clearly overwhelmed with the entire ordeal. clearly this was not the best time to break the news of you having a date to him as a moody and jealous woonhak was not a combination he was ready to deal with at the moment at all.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“have you found a date yet?” mr. yoon asked you that evening as you went home from school.
“i think? i’m yet to text him though” you murmured, scrolling through the profile haerin had sent to you.
“i’m still surprised that woonhak has a date, that kid is literally in love with you” jeonghan mused as you scoffed.
you: hi is this taesan?
han taesan: yes, are you y/n?
you: yes, i’m assuming haerin told you about sunday’s event…i hope you’re free?
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
the only time han jihoon had seen his friend woonhak lose his shit was once when he accidentally deleted his entire project which he was partnered with you for, and when he heard that their senior yang jungwon had a thing for you. both the times, you were involved when he exploded and it was always jihoon who served as his emotional support.
but today? jihoon could tell he was close to losing his shit over his date, with the amount of texts seowon had been bombarding him with since yesterday but his usual signs of him normally losing his shit were…unusual today.
“so...did y/n talk to you?” he asked casually, trying to bring up a familiar and favourite topic to help him analyse why woonhak was currently expressionless as he rummaged through jihoon’s wardrobe.
“It’s been 6 days since she has—hey where’s that red jacket of your’s?”
“six days?!”
woonhak hummed as he pulled out a simple denim jacket, matching it with his outfit, one that he wore often when y/n would drag him to the cafe near her house— stop. stop thinking about her.
“anyways, forget about y/n for now, are you excited for the date??” jihoon quipped as woonhak put his phone down, unbothered to open the endless row of unread messages from seowon.
“I’m only doing this to find out if she’s the dove girl jihoon, and to return her earring of course” woonhak sighed as he turned towards his friend.
“honestly, I’d be more excited if y/n texted me right now instead of seowon” he chuckled bitterly as jihoon’s pursed his lips.
“ayo woonhak—isn’t y/n l/n your girl??” came the voice of jihoon’s brother taesan as he entered the room.
“yes—but what happened?” Jihoon questioned before woonhak could deny him
“why’d she ask me to be her date then…what a small world” taesan mumbled to himself as jihoon’s eyes widened.
“she wHAT??” if woonhak was expressionless earlier, he sure wasn’t now with his current nonplussed state as jihoon winced. what a small world indeed.
“s-so you were the date..” jihoon stuttered as woonhak turned to glare at him.
“you knew about this?? why didn’t you tell me—I’m gonna kill you han jihoon—“
“I couldn’t risk dealing with your hormonal ass if I told you?? you’ve got a date too anyways!!” jihoon cried as woonhak sputtered, still trying to fathom the news he just heard.
why would she even need a date unless—
He took in taesan’s attire, a neat blazer with shirt—a business party again.
“hyung” he spoke out as jihoon and taesan looked at him
“you can’t go with her”.
seowon: woonhak im near the ferris wheel! Are you here yet?
seowon: you must be running late, I’ll be near the carousel, ive taken cotton candy for the two of us!
seowon: it’s been half an hour already…is there a lot of traffic?
seowon: woonhak?
seowon: will you be coming today..?
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
you were a mess. and your day was going to be a mess too. and it was all taesan’s fault. the emo looking guy had bailed in the last minute and now you were back to square one: dateless.
mom is gonna kill me, you thought as you politely greeted some of your moms colleagues, trying not to visibly wince because of the tightness of the threads of your dress that were tied near your waist.
your heart was thumping loudly in your ears as you felt beads of sweat forming on your forehead. god please, now was not the time. you spotted your mother entering the ballroom of the hotel as people clad in fancy suits and dresses stopped by to chat with her. you scowled as you spotted eunbin too, hair greased back with gell and all as he smiled artificially at his father’s friends.
“y/n darling! there she is my daughter!” your mom called out, smiling widely as she beckoned you over to her work seniors.
“this is my daughter—darling where’s your date?” you gulped at her camouflaged glare and slight change in tone, which went unnoticed by the people around you.
“he’s gonna be here soon mom, don’t worry—it’s a pleasure to meet you ma’am” you simpered with a huge smile, eyes darting away from your moms as you tried to focus on anything—anything else other than her, or eunbin at that moment.
the world went blurry around you, you weren’t sure for how many minutes or seconds it lasted but once your vision cleared, you registered one of your moms colleagues—executive lee who was introducing his son to your mother.
“…graduated last year, and he’s off to yale soon, my son chanyoung!” he beamed as your mom gushed at this information. the boy—was he your senior? chanyoung looked like he’d rather be anywhere else but at the party as he sent a nervous smile at your mom who was still raving about his studies.
“that must be so exciting!! i’m sure you’d have a lovely time at yale dear, it’s so nice to see young people working so hard…if only my y/n could be like you, congratulations chanyoung!!” your mother smiled widely at him as her seniors expressed their congratulations too.
you merely laughed along at her statement, avoiding chanyoung’s sympathetic expression towards you as you ignored the familiar pang of bitterness inside you. this wasn’t anything new after all, if anything you had gotten better at masking your hurt.
“you bet he will! my son was just like you y/n dear, but look at him now!” executive lee boomed as he gave his son a mighty pat (more like a slap) to his back as he winced.
lee chanyoung looked like he was a second away from running out of the hall with the way everyone was surrounding him now; you could make out eunbin’s envy as he smoothened his jacket, while conversing with some of the other children of the businessmen in the party and shooting poor chanyoung the occasional glare.
“y/n dear where is your date? is he running late?” you didn’t miss the hint of distaste in your mom’s tone as she questioned you again, still maintaining her polite persona in front of her seniors.
“yeah, where is he y/n? did he dump you?” eunbin joined the conversation, further escalating your growing anxiety.
“don’t be silly! he’s probably stuck in traffic—it’s a sunday after all” you laughed softly, smiling lightly as your mom continued to look at you suspiciously. your vision tunnelled again as you racked through your brain for solutions, anything to escape this situation.
“are you sure? i’d be surprised if your, ah imaginary boyfriend does somehow show up” oh how badly you wished this slimeball had a mute button. some of your mom’s colleagues turned towards you two, interested in the conversation as chanyoung who was still in the group near you shot you a look of concern, the only one observant enough who noticed your tensed state.
“but hey…i’m always here in case you—“
“kim woonhak?” came a soft voice—from chanyoung as you turned around. woonhak?
“woonhak?!” your echo of disbelief attracted quite a few people’s eyes as you brought a hand to your mouth. red-faced, you bowed out apologies fervently as kim woonhak, decked in a neat black jacket with a white shirt underneath and black pants—oh wow, walked towards you with his usual smile.
“i’m so sorry i came late—mrs.l/n you look lovely as usual” woonhak greeted your mom as he gave her a bouquet of flowers. it hadn’t even been a minute and he already charmed your mom, you couldn’t believe kim woonhak. scratch that, you couldn’t believe your current situation right now seriously why is he here—
“so you’re y/n’s date?” eunbin butted in again—the urge to tape his mouth together was so strong. he eyed woonhak up and down as you glared at him.
“boyfriend actually, and you are-?”
you knew that woonhak knew who eunbin was, but that was the least of your concerns right now because
one one hand you felt like you were in a netflix drama, where the males had one of those dramatic stare offs. woonhak’s usually cheery tone was replaced with an air of coolness, a tone which was quite unfamiliar for you who had at the most, heard him whine out complaints occasionally.
on the other hand, you were frozen on spot as one of his arm went around your waist, pulling you closer to him. eunbin’s scoff drowned in the sea of the chatters from your mom and her colleagues as he strode away. but you didn’t care. your mind was floating once again and you weren’t sure if your heart was pounding from the earlier nerves or his arm around your waist now.
“i knew it—it took you two long enough didn’t it?” came chanyoung’s sly voice as he beamed at woonhak—riight he was on woonhak’s dance team, you failed to recognise it as he had dyed his hair a deep red, unlike his previous dark hair.
“anton sunbae! how’ve you been!” woonhak made his classic little woah of surprise as he in for a bro handshake.
“if yall are done with your bromance—woonhak, a word?” you tugged on his arm at the last bit as chanyoung waved a goodbye at you two.
once you pulled him outside the hall near the fountain lit garden, you faced him.
“what are you doing here?? and where’s taesan?” you burst out.
“seriously? not even a thank you?!” he scoffed, folding his arms.
“and what did you mean by boyfriend?! last time i checked we’ve been together since never!!”
“what—does the idea of being my girlfriend sound that bad??” he quoted your words from earlier, shooting you a glare that mirrored your own which was directed at him.
“i’m being serious woonhak—oh my god your date?? what are you doing here right now?!” your voice grew higher with each word as it dawned on him. right. his date.
“oh god i—no im so confused right now—why would you miss your date—how’d you find out about the party?!” you continued rambling, mind spinning as you began registering what happened. woonhak missed his date to come here? why was he here?
“why the fuck are you worrying about that date y/n—seriously is that what you’re panicking about right now?” he said incredulously as you continued to walk around in circles, the only thing going on in your mind right now was woonhak missed his date. and it’s somehow my fault.
“i swear to god—i don’t get why you didn’t tell me about today?? you didn’t have to hunt around for a date when i’m right here y/n!!” he could feel his temper rising but he didn’t care, woonhak really was feeling quite betrayed about you keeping things from him—was this why you were avoiding him?
“you’ve avoided me for a week y/n—and i don’t even know why!! and now you’re worrying about my date when i came all the way here for you??”
he finished angrily, breathing loudly as you finally stopped pacing around, freezing as you looked at him with a broken look.
it was too much. you had successfully pissed woonhak off. your previous anxiety came crashing down as a tidal wave of emotions swept across you. it was too much, god you missed him so much but you fucked everything up. everything was too much, the past week had been hell for you and it all came crashing down as you let out a sob you had been holding in for god knows how long.
“i’m sorry—god i’m sorry woonhak, i’m so sorry”
you couldn’t keep your composure for longer, sinking onto the wet grass as tears freely trailed down your cheeks and fell on the fabric of your dress as you hung your head low.
“wait—shit, y/n—“
he made you cry. woonhak wanted to kill himself at that moment, seeing you cry because of him? fuck his temper, that stupid temper that made him lose control of his words. he wasted no time in bending down to your level as he pulled you into a hug, his hold on you was firm and tight as you sobbed your heart out into his chest.
“i’m sorry…it’s too much” you said between sobs, confusing him. he still held you, shuffling slightly so that your smaller frame was now nestled in his lap as he felt you first the back of his jacket tightly as your tears stained his shirt.
“what’s too much—y/n what aren’t you telling me?” he pleaded as you continued to let out choked out apologies while hiccuping out tears.
“can’t…breathe” you gasped between tears as he loosened his grip. huh—oh. his hands reached out to the ridiculously tight knotted satin around your waist as he pulled them out. you continued to breathe in heavily as he squeezed his eyes shut. what had he done??
“shh breathe…breathe in y/n..” he whispered as you let out another “i’m sorry”.
“no..i’m sorry y/n—fuck i didn’t mean any of it” he murmured as he lightly rocked you while gently stroking your hair.
woonhak thought his heart broke when he realised that you’d never feel the same way as he felt for you, but he was sure it physically broke today as he heard you whimper out a “please don’t get mad at me” while you trembled like a leaf in his arms. he silently vowed into the dusky skies that he’d never ever make you cry again, or he’d really die of misery.
“i’m sorry…for everything. and i missed you so much” he felt you mumble into his shirt as your breathing reduced its pace. you loosened your fists as you let go of his now crumpled jacket, small hands rested themselves on his back as you continued to sniffle lightly.
“im sorry for your date…i know i fucked it up—“
“shh. you didn’t do anything okay? i chose to come here instead and i’d do it anyday” woonhak said softly but firmly, and you knew that was the last time you’d be bringing up that topic again.
“i missed you too y’know” he murmured, resting his head above yours as he continued to comb his fingers through your strands.
the two of you sat in silence in the grass, the music from inside the hall floated softly though the garden as you began to calm down. inwardly, you didn’t want to leave the comfort of woonhak’s warm embrace, his arms felt like a second home.
reluctantly, you pulled away from his warmth and sat back on the grass as you found yourself face to face with a devastated woonhak.
“you look like a puppy who’s been kicked” you let out a watery giggle as he gaped at your change in demeanour.
“and you look like someone who’s failed at applying their mascara” he said as you let out a full blown laugh. he started laughing too as he heard you struggle to hold in your laughs and just like that, the ugly fight was forgotten.
“woonhak” you said once the two of you calmed down.
“let’s go see the stars”
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“so you’re telling me taesan is jihoon’s brother?! oh my god what are the odds?” you marvelled as woonhak snorted.
“i still don’t get why you asked him though, like hello i’m right here??”
you could hear the pout in his voice as you smiled. the two of you were currently on the roof of your house, the telescope lied abandoned as you two lied on your backs, gazing at the night sky which was freckled with stars.
“i didn’t wanna ruin your date…” you admitted slowly as woonhak turned towards you. his previously neat hair now lied messily on his forehead, tousled by the gentle night winds.
“why are you like this…always placing others ahead of yourself” he chided softly as you turned to face him too.
“i don’t like seowon like that, and i don’t think i ever will” he confessed as your brows flew up. what??
“then whom were you talking about?!”
“huh?” you echoed back, cursing yourself inwardly for letting that slip out.
“…anyways, don’t ever do that again..putting yourself before others, especially with me” he emphasised, eyes boring into yours.
“i’ll try” you said lightly, facing the sky again as he did the same. all you could think about right now was how the two of you watched the stars just like this at school during the ball, except this time there were no masks involved.
“you know…we did this at the ball too” woonhak chuckled softly as you stilled.
“me and the dove girl…we looked at the stars after we danced, just like this”
you kept your mouth shut as he continued to reminisce, fearing that you’d blurt out something else again if you spoke up.
“i never told you this…but she kissed me y’know” he said bashfully as he avoided your eyes.
“do you like her?” you questioned slowly as he furrowed his brows.
“nah. i don’t think i do” he said after a beat as he faced you.
“do you like someone though?” you continued, more curious than ever now that he told you that it was never seowon whom he liked.
“…i do, but she’d never like me back” woonhak said slowly. truthfully, he had no idea why he was out here confessing his secrets to you. but why did you look so sad when he said that?
no way. he needed to stop bringing his hopes up for the smallest of gestures.
“are you upset that i didn’t tell you?” he asked softly as you shook your head.
“i don’t believe that she doesn’t like you back y’know” you said, trying to conceal your previous downcast expression. and you meant it, how could anyone not like him?
“whoever she is…she’s a lucky girl woonhak, you’re a really precious person” you whispered as you moved closer to him, still looking at him in the eyes.
“really?” he asked you with a small voice.
there was a soft expression on his face as he smiled at you, before pulling you into a tender hug. you snuggled into his warmth for the second time that night as his arms encircled your smaller frame, his faint heartbeat thudding against your ear.
“you’re a really precious person too y/n” he murmured, kissing the crown of your head silently as you hummed. and he meant it, he really did.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“look at the two of them, god i can’t take this anymore” lee chan made a sound that was a mixture of disgust and endearment as jeonghan snickered next to him.
“i don’t think they know that we can see them” he continued, watching you and woonhak cuddle on the uneven roof of the house from below, where the car was parked. “they’re so in love it’s sickening”
“nah, they’re both so oblivious it’s sickening” jeonghan corrected as he hopped off the car’s opened boot, enjoying the fresh night breeze.
“wait— they aren’t dating?!” chan cried in disbelief, eyes darting back to the love struck teenagers on top who were now exchanging some more silent words.
“how do you not know their lore by now…” jeonghan sighed, heading back towards the car as chan prepared himself, eager to learn about the history of you and woonhak.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
“alright guys! i’ll be assigning you in pairs, please hold hands and don’t get lost in the museum!” you looked around nervously, dreading whoever your teacher was going to assign you with. middle school trips were supposed to be fun but you were terrified in the crowded museum, bustling with kids from other school younger and older than you.
“y/n and woonhak!” your teacher’s voice rang out as you raised your hand. a smiley boy caught your eye, waving happily as he ran up to you.
“hi i’m woonhak!! you’re y/n right?” you shyly avoided his eyes, hesitantly holding out your hand for him to shake it. mom always taught you that shaking someone’s hand is a sign of expressing politeness.
he shook your hand quizzically, then proceeded to hold it tightly as your group walked behind your teacher. you glanced at your hand in his, heart thumping fiercely as he smiled at you again.
“woah!! aren’t those dinosaurs?” he exclaimed excitedly when you two stopped near the prehistoric section.
“yep, they’re stegosaurus, they’re herbivores” you said softly as he turned towards you. “you like dinosaurs?”
“yeah..” you mumbled, trying to blend into the background once again as he beamed at you.
“i love dinosaurs too! what’s your favourite one??”
soon the two of you found yourselves strolling through the prehistoric section, hands still interlinked as your school group was far forgotten. he would excitedly point towards the displays of early men and prehistoric creatures as you tried to remember information about them.
“ooh they’re homo erectus! they’re one of the earliest human species” you quipped up as woonhak snickered at the name. “seriously stop” you giggled with him as you two dissolved into a fit of laughter.
“i thought i wouldn’t be able to make friends with you” he said once you two calmed down. “you’re really quiet..but you’re so cool during science class” he said shyly as your cheeks bloomed pink.
“are we..friends now then?” you asked with a small smile as he broke out into a large grin. “hell yeah we are—hey where’s mrs. shim?!”
later that evening when you two got scolded soundly by mrs. shim for wandering away in the huge museum, the two of you left her office with large smiles instead. you were thrilled at making a new friend and woonhak was overjoyed as he finally got to talk to the cool girl from his science class.
꒰ 💭 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
you had no idea how you were back in your room, or how you were now on your bed with woonhak fast asleep next to you. did he carry you down here?
you slowly got up from the bed as you tiptoed into the empty hall, the clock currently read 3:12am which meant your mom was either still at the party or on her way back.
you crept back into your room as you took in its messy state, the reason being you and eunchae hunting for the perfect dress for the party the day before. your closet was open with clothes strewn haphazardly in it—
oh my god. oh my—
your stomach lurched as you nearly zoomed towards your closet, shutting it close as you nearly gasped out for air. you stood in front of the closet with your back plastered to it, as woonhak continued to soundly sleep. had he seen it? there was no way he could’ve missed it…what if he did see it?
it wasn’t your fault, you truly didn’t expect woonhak of all people to enter your room while you were rummaging through your wardrobe the day before. yeah, he could’ve missed seeing it. maybe he did.
the only thing you could do was silently pray, that he missed the sight of your peach coloured dress you wore to the ball. despite it being hung neatly next to all the gowns you owned in the previously wide open closet, you prayed that he somehow missed it.
you didn’t want to think about the possibilities that could occur in case he did see it. you really didn’t.
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a/n pt.2: yes, i had to add anton to this, blame his new hairstyle not me😓😓.once again i’m so sorry that this took so long for me to write😭😭, i’m ngl this isn’t proofread rn but i’ll get to it by tonight!! tysm for reading this and being patient with my extremely annoying uploading schedule~ :,)
🖇️: @woonagi-lemon @huhuiiiisworld @helpsplease @jmclouds @minkkumaz @woonsbot @unhakki @dearly-somber
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