#not saying this to throw anything at new or older crowd... i just want everyone to read the book and embrace uncomfortable ambiguity
jacksprostate · 4 months
one of my favorite things to do is scroll through the fight club tag and go 'he would not fucking say that'
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Your mama’s crying
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x daughter reader
Warning: death, angst, Ian Doyle, depression, Ian calling reader by her “name”
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It had been seven months…
Seven months since your mother had passed, your best friend had died at the hands of your father Ian Doyle. Seven months of losing yourself and recreating a new version of who you once were, everything had changed once she left, even me.
I couldn't bare looking into the mirror to stare at the dark eyes, raven hair that I mourned the loss of so I dyed it. Pink. Purple. Blue. Green. Red. Before settling on a beautiful Blonde that she would've loved. I swapped my glasses for coloured contacts, it hurt to see the ghost of my mother in myself.
Seven months and yet it felt like seven years..
The first day had begun a month after mum had passed, I was curled in her bed my face smothered in her blankets that were slowly loosing her scent. Morgan had burst into the room throwing my gym clothes at me telling me to get ready, we ran ten kilometres that day only stopping at the lookout on the hill to yell out our frustrations at the world.
It became a routine of sorts and sometimes Penelope would join us although she couldn’t keep up with us as often. It was okay. We would be okay, Sergio clung to me more as the months grew almost as if he just knew.
I sat with Derek on the roof, his arm wrapped securely around my shoulders as we spoke "I miss her" I whispered curling myself into him more. "Me too, miniP' he kissed my head before resting his cheek on it"me too he repeated sadly "she'd be proud of you, you know that right?" | nodded biting my lip.
I hope she would be
Although I wanted revenge
I had graduated university top of my class with the team cheering me on in the crowd, how was I to see those two guilty faces. It hurt my mother not being in the front row like she was meant to but I imagined she had been.
My father loved me in a strange way
The team thought it best to use me as the bait to catch him, I called him to a cafe just a quiet one that I had visited him before at. Staring at him I felt nothing, his face was blank “whats the softest way to say you took away my friend, my buddy?. Whats the kindest way to say you took away my friend?”.
“You wouldn’t understand Alora” he whispered “so help me understand father” hopefully the team should walk in any moment. “It was simply fate my dear, we have a past” fate? Fate took my mother? My heart had shattering once more.
I wanted to scream and cry, throw anything available at him but I was just so numb and maybe he knew that as he leaned over. Placing a gentle kiss on my forehead before the team burst in “Je t'aime Y/n” he whispered I love you Y/n “Adieu père” I whispered. Goodbye father
How dare he simply call it fate
“Elle m'a enlevé ma fille”
She took my daughter away
I was bound to him, mum was bound to him
I was his daughter
It was all a blur as he was arrested, I had become numb but I knew I hated France it would never be the same I’m not sure Virginia could be the same anymore.
I never went home that day, finding myself at Penelope’s front doorstep tears streaming down my face. Her arms had become home I wondered if my mother would be disappointed in me- of who I had become.
“Oh my sweetheart”
I wished I could’ve told her sooner about my adoration for women of my harboured feelings for an older blonde that I had no chance with. I had an internship with the bau while I found a job that I actually wanted, I had plans just as my mother once had.
We had been called into the conference room, I stood near the back “everyone take a seat” Hotch sighed as JJ stood beside him. "7 months ago I made a decision that affected this Team." he said, and I knew immediatly that this was about mum.
"As you know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. The doctors were able to stabilize her and she was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under a covert exfilitration. Her identity was strictly need-to-know." he said and I felt sick to my stomach.
"She stayed there until she was well enough to travel, she was reassigned to Paris where she was given several different identities which we had no access to for her security." He goes on.
"She's alive?" Penelope asked.
"But we buried her..." Reid says hurt.
I had buried my mother
I had buried my mother
Yet she had walked into the room with a smile on her face as if these seven months had never existed, I had buried my mother for nothing. These seven months had been a lie, all the words JJ and Aaron said had been lies all those tender hugs and kisses were full of guilt.
I couldn’t help but leave quickly as mum made her way around the team giving out hugs unaware she had watched me go. I couldn’t be there, I couldn’t be in that room not with everyone so happy to have her back, I grieved my mother.
I mourned someone who wasn’t dead
Maybe it was selfish of me but I left the team that day, finally moved my things out of my mothers apartment now that she was back. I ignored her calls so angry she could do such a thing the same went with Aaron and JJ, how could they? my mother?.
The team had called me often saying how my mother had been crying, her sobs begging for me and maybe in some sick way she knew just how I had felt.
I laid with my head in Penelopes lap as I sobbed, her soothing hands running through my hair “I know it’s hard right now Y/n but maybe it would be a good thing if you started talking to her again”.
“I’m just so scared Pen”
“And thats okay baby cakes”
It wouldn’t be another two weeks before I worked up the courage to talk to her, Rossi was hosting a part while I had arrived with the blonde. Mum made her way beside me “I’m proud of you Y/n” she slowly placed a hand on my shoulder.
She took a deep breath in tears already staining her waterline “and I’m sorry, if I could’ve taken you with me I would’ve but Aaron had said no. I asked them everyday about you and I’m sorry I couldn’t be here I’m sorry, I put my little girl through all this pain”
She moved her hands to cup my face “my baby girl, and when you graduated Uni. I made sure Aaron got me a clip of you. I never once stopped thinking about you, Mon cher I love you”
“And I am so so proud of you” the warmth of her lips pressed against my forehead cemented she was real “I’m sorry mama” I cried. “I was just so angry, I didn’t mean to make you cry” she pulled me into her chest rocking us gently side by side.
After a while she chuckle causing me to look up confused “you and Garcia?” She smirked with a raised brow
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olivexii · 7 months
⁀➷ ┄─ ˑ I . ☆ ──ㅤ Knee Socks
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Joseph Descamps x reader
Chapter 1
Warnings: none i don’t think. a lot of awkward eye contact..
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
The radio was blaring through my small bedroom, a mix of song, news, and adverts played as I looked at myself in the mirror. My baby blue dress that landed just above my knees swayed slightly in the wind from the open window.
Starting a new school is always difficult, especially when the one you’re joining is the first co-education school in France. Being one of the only 12 girls joining the school was going to be challenging, but it was the only school my parents would allow me to go to, my older brother already going there.
“Y/N! Hurry up or you’re going to be late.” My mother called as I pulled on my white cardigan and turned off the radio, the September breeze giving me goosebumps.
Making my way downstairs I throw my satchel over my shoulder clumsily before apologising.
“Stay close to your brother today, I don’t know how well you’ll get on in a school like that.” My mother instructed, smoothing out the shoulders of my cardigan.
I nodded in agreement, turning my head to look behind at my brother.
“And you, look after her, I don’t want anything to happen that could stain our name.” Mother said sternly to him.
He rolled his eyes, chewing on a piece of toast and walking past us to pick up his coat.
“Come on then.” He said reluctantly while opening the door.
My mother let go of my shoulders before giving me a re-assuring smile and I left the house with him.
“Don’t talk to me unless you need to, don’t provoke anyone, don’t get into trouble.” My brother, Michael, said as he pulled on his jacket.
I nodded at him before looking down at my feet, black shoes clanking against the pebble road.
The street wasn’t very quiet, a few people walking past with groceries, or riding on a bike. The soft hum of cars from a close road filling the street along with distant chatter.
Soon we arrived at the gates. I stopped as soon as I realised how many boys there, Michael looking back at me in confusion.
Scanning the grounds I noticed two girls stood by a board and relief washed over me. I followed slightly behind my brother in an attempt to shield myself as I walked through the crowd of boys.
He walked over to his friends, greeting them, while I walked over to the only two girls there, no longer able to hide behind my brother.
I felt all eyes on me as I walked towards them, my eyes looking at the ground but occasionally looking up at where I was going.
“Go talk to her!”
“How many are there going to be again?”
“She’s pretty.”
My eye was caught by a boy a few feet away from me, he was tall, had glasses, and was standing with a couple of other people.
I immediately looked back down at me feet once I realised he was looking back at me, his eye brows slightly raised.
“I was scared for a minute, I thought I was the only girl.” I giggled once I had reached the two girls that were looking at the board.
“So did I, I just waited by the gates until Michèle here turned up!” The girl with short black hair exclaimed, “I’m Simone.”
“I’m Y/N.” I smiled back at them both as they nodded their heads.
“It feels like everyone’s staring at us!” Simone says nervously, turning her head slightly to look around.
“They are.” Me and Michèle say in unison before giggling slightly.
“Who was that you walked in with Y/N?” Michèle asks me, tilting her head.
“Oh that was my brother, Michael.”
“That’s handy, having a brother in this school, I wouldn’t feel as scared.” Simone turns back to us with a small smile.
I hear foot steps coming up behind me in the distance, “I think a boys coming over here.” I whisper to the both of them, not daring to turn around.
They both look behind me quickly before trying to make themselves look busy, turning back to the board.
The foot steps still behind me.
“Oh no…” The boy sighs.
“Is there a problem?” Michèle questions him as we all turn to look at him curiously.
“My home room teacher is Bluebeard.” He states, turning to look at us and the board nervously.
“Bluebeard?” I ask.
“Yeah, we all call her Bluebeard.”
“Her? I thought you were talking about a man.”
“I thought Bluebeard would have a beard, but now it seems ridiculous.” Michèle giggled beside me.
The chatter from the boys around us got louder and we turned to see what was happening.
A girl with long blonde hair and a dark blue dress walks through the grounds, her hair and dress swaying in the wind as she carries her coat in her hand.
“Do you know her?”
The boy just shakes his head softly.
Out of the corner of my eye I see the boy from before stand up, his friends encouraging him, and looking our way.
Just then the bell rings, and he stands awkwardly.
After what felt like an hours long speech from one of the teachers, we finally made our way into our classrooms.
Luckily I was in the same class as Simone and Michèle, which made me feel much more relieved.
They sat down at a desk near the window, me taking a seat close to them as most of the tables were already taken.
The girl from before was one of the last ones to walk in. She stopped at the front of the class, scanning for a place to sit.
We made eye contact quickly before she looked away. She went to sit in front of me, next to the boy from the billboard before.
His feet shuffled against the wooden floor as she placed her things down.
The classroom was bustling, everyone waiting for the teacher to walk in.
I picked up on a conversation to the left of me:
“You can talk to her at lunch?”
“I will, I don’t need you telling me what to do.”
Curiously, I turned my head to look at who was talking before making eye contact with the boy from before. He was leaning on his desk, arms folded as he looked at me through the rims of his glasses. His eyes were shadowed and dark as he looked into mine.
I quickly turned away, embarrassed that I was caught looking at him.
Just then the teacher walked in, an old woman woman with straight posture. The class goes silent as I zone out.
“What’s your name?” ‘Bluebeard’ calls out sternly. I snapped back into reality, scared she was calling on me, but she was looking at the desk in front.
“Annick Sabiani.” The blonde girl stated as she stood up.
“And do you think it’s okay to sit next to a boy? Grab your things.”
Annick reaches down for her bag, but is quickly stopped.
“Not you! Pichon, grab your things and move to the back.”
“Mrs Giraud, I can’t see from the back.” Pichon complained while hesitantly picking up his bag.
“Back row, now!” Her voice pierced.
Annick sat down as he stood up and walked towards the back. I gave him a look of sympathy before he tripped up.
The boy with the glasses laughed with his friends and they watched Pichon. I glared at him and he turned to look at me, his laughs quietening slightly before he raised his eye brows at me.
“Quiet!” Mrs Giraud shouted before I turned back to face the board.
The next class was no different. I still sat alone, Michèle and Simone at the desk to my right.
There was soft laughter and chattering on my left again, except I didn’t need to turn to know who it was.
I zoned out again and next thing I knew Michèle was standing up for a boy named Laubrac.
“But it’s not his fault, he didn’t do it!” She exclaimed as she stood up.
Soon they were both sent out of the classroom, and I turned to look at Simone. She was already looking at me with a nervous smile.
Looking back at the board I felt a pair of eyes on me. Slowly I turned to look, and it was the same boy again, chewing on the end of his pen as we made eye contact.
This time he was the first one to break it, looking back at the board quickly when he realised he had been caught.
I slowly turned away, admiring his features as I did so, before focusing back on the teacher.
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
A/N: i have a habit of writing two chapters then disappearing so hopefully i carry on with this one 😭
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maladaptiv3 · 2 years
i have found what you are like
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I mean...how could I not?
Content: A nice lazy, rainy Sunday morning reading on the couch.
Warning: age gap, a little possessive, it’s kind of cheesy but I don’t really care! lol 
I started this piece a long time ago and I am just hitting a wall...so here is what I have so far. I don’t know if I will finish it. 
Word Count: 1174
*original content by maladaptiv3* please do not repost my work
(new screen name hey)
The soft patter of the rain on the roof was the only sound that filled the house for most of the day. The back door was open slightly and there was a now damp towel near the opening that had been placed to catch the bouncing raindrops from the patio outside.
Your Sundays were a ritual—his eyelashes on your cheek beckoning you to wake up, eyes still heavy with sleep as you lift your cup of coffee to your lips, arranging farmers market flowers as he finishes carrying in the rest of your treasures—but it was raining today. The rain was a welcomed distraction, it shifted your routine in a way that you had been craving. It had been a long while since you had enjoyed each other's silence. Silence seemed to be rare in his world. You only experienced pockets of it, stolen away from everyone's eyes. He woke you up that morning, pulling you into him, and melting into you, "It's raining, love." You hummed, "My favorite." The rain made the morning move in slow motion. There was no early morning coffee or having to find parking at the already getting crowded farmers market. "Let's have coffee in bed. I'll go make it," his smile was sweet. You scrunched up your nose, "I wanna watch the rain." He was amused, "Of course you do." 
Your mind wandered back to the current moment. Your back was against the arm of the couch and your legs were bent at the knee. A warm blanket was in your lap, covering one-half of you. You had a book in one hand and the other was running its fingers through his hair. He was settled between your thighs, slightly propped up on a throw pillow. His fingers were tracing lines on your shin as he turned the page of his book with the other. You mused, wondering how you had the privilege to live in this perfect moment. If you could bottle it, you would. His hand would occasionally ghost up your leg and settle on your thigh, his arm stretching slightly so he could grip it. You would slightly tug on his hair, playfully of course, "Shh...I'm reading." He would squeeze your thigh once more before going back to the words on his page, "I didn't say anything." He didn't have to say anything. This was a game you knew all too well. The rain was still falling outside and you wanted to bask in this feeling for as long as you could. The comfort of just merely touching each other was enough to keep you going for days. 
After a while, you heard him sigh. You put the business card posing as your bookmark back into your book, "Something on your mind?" He laid his book down flat on his chest, "You've been reading that book for years, you think you would have finished it by now." You rolled your eyes, "I've been finished. I just like to revisit it. It's one of my favorites." He sat up to face you, his legs crossed in front of him, "Well, what about it makes you revisit it?" You were astonished, "You're telling me that Mr. Booksnob himself has never read Jane Eyre? It's a classic." "Hey! I am not a book snob." "You kind of are." He took the book from your hands and examined the cover, "So, what is it about?" You took a minute to think, "It's about a homely governess who falls in love with the older man she's working for." His fingers were drumming against the book, "What's with you and older men?" You snatched the book back from him, "That's just what's on the surface. It's a story of painful love, independence, and feminism." He nodded, "Now, that makes more sense. Read me some." "Like what?" "Read me something that reminds you of me." You had it highlighted. It was a new quote you liked. The spine was not yet used to the continuous flipping to the page every time you pulled out your beloved copy. You licked your lips and cleared your throat a bit, "All my heart is yours, sir: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever." He blinked a few times and seemed to be entranced by the words you just spoke, "You belong to me?" You swallowed hard, "This book isn't about us." Your breathing was shallow as you waited for him to say something. His eyes were fixed on yours, "Do you belong to me?" You were quick to nod your head up and down, "Yes." He ghosted his lips over yours, "Good answer. Kind of anti-feminist, though?" You pressed your lips against his, "Is it?"
You pulled back, "Your turn to share. What are you reading?" He took his book from its place on the coffee table, "Poetry." You wiggle the thin green book out of his grip, "I've never really been a fan." His jaw dropped, "You? Miss I Buy A Book every time I leave the house, doesn't enjoy poetry?" "I guess not." He took his book back, "Well, it's only fair I read you something." You reached out trying to take the book from him, "Can I choose?" He clutched onto it, "Absolutely not." He began to flip through the pages, "You at least know who E.E. Cummings is, right?" You shook your head, almost offended, "Obviously." He found the page he was looking for, "I think you'll enjoy this one."
You pulled back, "Your turn to share. What are you reading?" He took his book from its place on the coffee table, "Poetry." You wiggle the thin green book out of his grip, "I've never really been a fan." His jaw dropped, "You? Miss I Buy A Book every time I leave the house, doesn't enjoy poetry?" "I guess not." He took his book back, "Well, it's only fair I read you something." You reached out trying to take the book from him, "Can I choose?" He clutched onto it, "Absolutely not." He began to flip through the pages, "You at least know who E.E. Cummings is, right?" You shook your head, almost offended, "Obviously." He found the page he was looking for, "I think you'll enjoy this one."
His lips parted and he set down the book:
i have found what you are like the rain,
      (Who feathers frightened fields with the superior dust-of-sleep. wields
easily the pale club of the wind and swirled justly souls of flower strike
the air in utterable coolness
deeds of green thrilling light                               with thinned newfragile yellows
                  lurch and.press
-in the woods              which                stutter                      and
And the coolness of your smile is stirringofbirds between my arms;but i should rather than anything have(almost when hugeness will shut quietly)almost,                your kiss
You guys just stared at each other for a second. 
Your chest was tight and tears started to well in your eyes, "That was beautiful." He look worried and cupped your face with his hands, "No, no, no -- why are you crying?" 
Your chest was tight as you tried to keep the tears from welling in your eyes, "You memorized that?" He nodded and took your hands in his, "I find myself searching for it when I'm thinking of you. Sometimes I get asked what it's like to love you and I always tell them to read this poem. I never understood what Cummings meant when he wrote about someone being like rain until I fell in love with you." You just looked at him, your thumb brushing his, "I wouldn't believe that coming from anyone else, but for some reason, I believe it from you. I also think you kind of want to get laid, but I still believe it." 
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waywardstation · 2 years
Turned Upside Down
Ghetsis Wins AU
Ingo and Emmet were simply waiting in the subway for Elesa to arrive, so they could enjoy a Friday night out together. They didn’t expect the incoming Team Plasma attack.
I’ve wanted to write something like this for months!! Ever since we’ve developed the Ghetsis Wins AU (Ghetsis recombines Kyurem, Reshiram, and Zekrom into the original dragon and freezes over Unova), I’ve thought about the beginning, and how things might go down. Ghetsis has just reconstructed the original dragon, and is most likely creating a new ice age as he makes his way across the region, while Plasma grunts are creating chaos in places he hasn’t yet reached, trying to get as many Pokémon from people as possible.
OR read here on AO3!
“I think we should go see Red Stride instead.”
“But we already decided with Elesa that we’d see Under the Rain.”
“I looked it up, and it’s a romance. The trailers lied. And it has bad reviews that say there is a verrry awkward bedroom scene. Terrible. Red Stride is a thriller! That sounds more fun, and it’s playing at around the same time.”
“I suppose we could discuss the track change with Elesa when she arrives. You know she likes romance movies.”
“Not as much as thrillers, though.”
People shuffled through the underground station in cluttered droves as Ingo and Emmet discussed their evening plans near the subway platform, waiting for Elesa to arrive. Dinner and a movie - their simple after-work Friday night tradition had long since become a staple activity in their weekends that they all looked forward to.
Somewhere in the station, a system dinged and an announcement went off, but it was difficult to hear over the droning 9-5 crowd that filled the subway, slipping past each other in a lethargic yet focused hurry to reach certain platforms. Eager to arrive home and relax, or get out and enjoy their evening in Nimbasa.
The after-work crowding was mildly unpleasant, persuading Ingo and Emmet against a set of pillars in an attempt to ease the unintended but incessant bumping of shoulders. But Elesa was due on the next incoming metro - soon they would be back above ground, no longer breathing in everyone else’s air.
Speaking of…
“The metro is running behind schedule.” Emmet pointed out as he peeked above the sea of heads crowding the platform, onto the empty tracks disappearing into the dark tunnel. There was no train in sight - no tell-tale headlights in the black, and no precursory rumbling of the rails. He glanced down at his Xtranceiver - It should have arrived eight minutes ago. “We might have to change dinner plans as well to stay on schedule for the movie.”
“Food trucks are a faster alternative, if we should need to make an adjustment.” Ingo reflexively peeked into the tunnel himself, copying his brother. Nothing was coming.
“Anything is fine, as long as we don’t get garbador plates again.”
“What’s wrong with garbador plates?” Ingo crossed his arms, trying to keep eye contact with Emmet as a group of people passed between them.
“They’re verrry messy.” Emmet argued. “And I am wearing a lot of light clothes.”
He gestured to himself, his subway uniform having been replaced with his usual off-hours white cap and grey hoodie that had been pulled over his button-down. He was very bright, compared to Ingo’s darker cap and two-tone jacket.
“You just want to go to that hot dog stand instead.” The older twin accused.
“That too.” Emmet didn’t deny it. “But I will throw up if we have to watch Under the Rain and see that awful bedroom scene. Garbador plates are not a safe choice, Ingo. And hot dogs are better anyways. And when Elesa gets here, she’s going to side with m- hey!”
Emmet was interrupted as a short string of people holding hands to stay together pushed past him, brushing roughly against his side in their apparent hurry to cram themselves onto the already-full platform.
“Careful!” Emmet called after them, but they were already gone amongst the sea of people, perhaps even unaware of what they had done.
“It appears the other metros are late as well,” Ingo commented, glancing at the empty tracks framing either side of the subway. “There are more passengers waiting to board than normal, and it appears some are quite eager to depart.”
A quick but observant glance around, and the general state of the subway did seem to be… durantsy. It certainly felt more crowded than it was ten minutes ago, and looking down the length of the station, Ingo could see more people trickling in than out, shuffling into the station through entryways that turned around corners. And it was loud as ever, voices mixing with the mechanical sounds of the subway to create a steady unintelligible buzz.
“There may be a holdup,” Ingo attempted to explain. “Too many people trying to board can cram the doors and slow the schedule.”
“I can’t wait to couple with Elesa and get back above ground.” Emmet’s smile took on a sort of strained quality as he readjusted his cap. It took a considerable amount of crowding for him to want to get out of a place like a subway. “People seem to be forgetting to follow the rules of safety.”
Another glance down at his xtransceiver. Ten minutes now. Emmet almost frowned.
“Perhaps we should call her-”
Amongst the activity, a long-awaited sound finally filled the subway, interrupting Emmet - the rumbling of tracks announced the inbound arrival of a metro to the left.
The twins both perked up - this was supposed to be Elesa’s metro. Unfortunately, everyone else in the station heard it as well, and a general shift was seen as a considerable amount of the crowd shuffled to all the left platforms.
Finally - the metro pulled itself from the darkness, headlights bright and horn blaring to announce its arrival. It drifted into the station, and slowed to a clunky stop at the platform with a mechanical hiss. A quick look through the car’s windows, and the subway bosses immediately spotted Elesa near the doors - she waved enthusiastically to them both, and they each returned the sentiment with a wave of their own.
Thankfully, everything was fine, just a little behind schedule. At last, they could get out of this packed underground station, and move on to enjoying the rest of their night together-
With a puffing sound, the doors opened. And to Ingo and Emmet’s absolute surprise, a drove of impatient people waiting on the platform shoved inside before anyone could exit. Elesa, who was right in front of the doors and should have otherwise been able to make a quick exit, was instead pushed back further into the car, along with the other passengers who were barred from exiting. And it kept going - instead of an organized period of emptying before people boarded, people were squeezing past each other both to get on and off the car.
“Hey now!” Ingo called out, instinctively moving forward to try and help Elesa out. Emmet was right beside him, already reaching out for her and voicing similar sounds of surprise.
The twins cooperatively helped Elesa out of the metro car as they used their bodies to create a small exitway for her, Elesa hand in Ingo’s, and Ingo’s jacket in Emmet’s grip. Once onto the platform, they both pulled Elesa with them back to the pillar they had been waiting against, away from the wall of people still trying to filter between the doors.
“Thanks, you two,” Elesa heaved a sigh of relief, collapsing against the pillar between the two of them - she might have been taller, but they provided a good barrier from her, safe from the human current. “People sure are in a hurry to get places, tonight!”
“That was just rude. And dangerous. They can get to their places without inconveniencing others.” Emmet commented. It was common courtesy, but moreso expected, to let people exit anything before others entered. “Outgoing passengers have the right of way, always!”
“If this is how boarding passengers are behaving, I can now see why your metro was delayed,” Ingo added, watching people continue to cram for the open doors - it was becoming more incensed. “Did something happen? People seem unusually impatient to board. There is no need-“
A shout from down at the end of the subway rose above the buzzing of the crowd. Then three shouts, then ten. Heads turned at the sudden attention, to see a fresh wave of people burst from the entryway.
This was more than just a few small groups of inconsiderate people pushing onto a metro car. They weren’t just trying to move through the crowd, attempting to keep a tight schedule.
They were pushing and shoving. Hurrying the best they could through the confined space. The wave split, some making a sharp turn to rush up the steps leading to the exit, while others headed straight for the open doors of the already-crowded metro cars. And it was only stressing out the rest of the crowd, some of who were blindly beginning to join in.
Ingo, Emmet, and Elesa watched as they rushed past them, squeezing past the metro car’s doors.
“Something is wrong, Ingo.” The new strain in Emmet’s voice was noticable.
Something was wrong.
They would not be making that dinner and movie tonight, would they?
“Elesa, we should go-“ Ingo began to move away from the pillar, towards the subway steps at the end of the stretch of platforms. They had to get out of here-
The shouts collectively raised as something bright burst from the distant entryway, thick clouds of particles spraying over the heads of panicked people and dispersing into the air. A sharp crackle, a flicker of the Subway’s overhead lights, and the particles exploded.
The station erupted into chaos, quickly becoming an ocean in a storm as people bolted for any exit they could find - terror overriding any confusion or curiosity. And with the waves, the beasts responsible surfaced.
Three krookodile reared their large heads above the crowd, spilling in from the entryway. And behind them, three people clothed in black, Plasma emblems on their vests.
In an unsynchronized fashion, sand burst from the Pokémon’s mouths - sand attack - followed by electrified maws snapping down quick - thunder fang. The air crackled with static. Sand burst, crystallized shards of hot glass spraying out. The crowd of people cover their heads.
The edges of the hot burst showered over Emmet, Ingo, and Elesa. The three turned away at the bright sparking, only to see more Plasma members making their way down the subway stairs behind them.
A Team Plasma attack? Right in the subway?
Deep rumbling filled the station, thunderous, and more felt than heard amongst the deafening panic.
The second metro on the right side of the platforms was arriving, and it was coming way too fast for it to be making a stop.
The hulking chain of cars sped right through the station, piercing through the darkness at one end of the subway just to charge right back into it at the other end. The blaring of its horn warped as it faded into the distant darkness, and the tail end of the train left nothing but a trailing surge of wind chasing after it, people stumbling in its wake.
It was ultimately a good thing. Why would it stop here, if only to bring more people into the disaster, and add to the chaos? The metro was saving every passenger onboard by getting out of there.
And they had to too.
People still rushed for any escape they could find, bodies pushing against bodies in attempts to further themselves from the sand-spitting, dark-eyed beasts that pressed forward, electricity cracking from their fangs. Pushing past Ingo, Emmet, and Elesa with shoulders braced, and arms pressed tight against their sides.
No room. There was no room to call out their Pokémon. No room to battle. No room to defend and protect. It was impossible to safely do anything of the sort when they could barely get a foot of space between themselves.
This was almost the worst place to be during a Plasma attack. The second worst place had to have been inside those metro cars, packed impossibly tighter with pressurized doors ensuring everyone was stuck inside, almost trapped-
Ingo and Emmet only had to look at each other to realize they both knew what was going on.
Elesa turned back to the metro she had just exited, the doors still forcibly open with people trying to push inside. Shouldn’t they get back on, like everyone else? Within seconds, it could close its doors and whisk them all away to safety. A set of hands against her back pulled her away from the enticing doors before she could even voice her idea.
“Do not board!” Emmet redirected her, moving her down the platforms to follow Ingo and keep close to him - he was already searching for another exit for them, and warning anyone who would listen to find an alternative exit. “They’re trying to trap people in the cars.”
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nescaveckwriter · 8 months
Wandering Love - Chapter Two 🐞🤠
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Benny Lafitte x Reader
A/N: Awww there's nothing I like more than to write, but to write, about Benny + it being a Western, is even better.🐞🤠
Side Note: Thank you so much for the love and support 🐞🩷🐞
Warnings: Some violence, some swearing, anything else let me know 🐞🤠
The sunrise, paints the sky, a red orange mixed in with the blue and white clouds, it transcends into, a almost purplish - pink sky, breaking mist of the early morning, alerting every little creature walking the earth it's a new day, everyone except the rugged cowboy, that's spayed open, on the ground, near the burnt out fire, his old brown leather cowboy hat, is pulled tightly over his eyes, drowning out any sight of the light.
Her lips, looks so alluring as she places hers, on his, the gentle kisses quickly turns into sloppy, very wet kisses, his eyes screeched open, removing his Old hat, his voice rough and filled with bitterness , "your not Willow, damn horse, go on scoot" irritated he rubs his mouth, with the back of his hand, trying to remove every last bit of the horse's grass eating slobber.
 Dusting himself off, rolling up the mat, he slept on, picking up the ant filled, baked bean tin, shaking the ants out. Then glancing over at the bottle of 'Jack' "there's still a few sips left" he remarks. "Best way to start your mornings Shadow, brushing your teeth, with some leftover whiskey" he let's out a chuckle as he looks over at the black horse.
His days are mostly filled, with conversations too Shadow his horse, with the ghost's from his past, and endless memories of Willow his love, as for other people, he don't like them one bit. He's a loner some would say, but in honesty he just dislikes most people. Most men he met, is good for nothing, just air thief's roaming the earth, and most women he sees, while drifting through the one horse town's, is well a little too easy for his taste.
Whistling too Shadow, to stand still so that he can get on up, as he needs to get to the nearest town, that's a half day away, looking for a new bounty, it's the only thing that keeps him going really, that and well, the hope of seeing his love once again some day. 
He rode into the town, on a skew wooden board the town's name 'Dessert Water' some older woman standing in a circle, most probably gossiping about whatever happened in this forsaken town, he just tilts his hat forward with his fingers greeting them back, as they wave to him.
Some kids running around playing, he never could quite figure out, if he wanted a few running around himself, well truly he never thought he'd make a good father. Flinching at the memories off how his father treated him and his brother, he jumped off, the black stallions back, tying the rope over the wooden rail.
Striding over to the sheriff's office, taking a peek at the bulletin board, "ah! There you go" he pulls the wanted poster, off. focusing on the reward  'a thousand dollar reward will be given for Bobby Singer for the murder of his wife, dead or alive' folding it up and placing into his long black leather jacket.
But first he needs to find out some information and what better way than, visiting the saloon. He does feel thirsty. He walks, on in, pushing through the two doors, not much of a crowd he sees, some old men sitting at a table, eating lunch and then some sleezy looking men in the corner. He walks on closer, sitting down at the stool, 45' still nicely tugged under his dusty jacket.
Ordering a whisky straight, "and make it a double" he demanded. The barman just slid the whiskey to his hand, his fingers pushing into the glass, he doesn't waste a second, he throws it back in his throat, "another" he demanded
Feeling a small hand tracing over his shoulder, the woman's voice sing-song as she says "ain't you a fine looking gentleman" her smile alluring
Her wrist is caught in his grip, his blue eyes, almost dead looking, he utters "not interested"
She smiles, "for you Hun, I'll charge half-price"
His voice rough, "look I said no thank you, now go on, leave, I would like too enjoy my whiskey in peace"
The woman's face is as white as snow, and without a word she leaves.
"There's other's where she came from" the barman said.
Benny's face just puzzled as he looks at the dark haired man, "where the hell is my whiskey" he questioned
Without a single word the man hands him, his whiskey. After he drank it, he got up, glancing over the room, and then his voice rough and loud, "I'm looking for a old friend of mine Bobby Singer, if anyone have seen let me know!"
A younger looking man, glared at him, he got up, five other men following him, his voice low "you better not be looking to collect the reward"?
A smirk on his face ''Listen fellas, I'm not looking for no trouble, I just asked a question'' 
A cocky smile on the younger man's face, ''Yeah! well I did too, old man, that reward is mine, you hear, now stay out of our way, or I'll have to make you''
Looking between the five men's faces ''Make me! Oh! That will make my day, my fist's are itching, so please throw the first punch'' he say's mockingly 
The young man, balls a fist, swings it towards Benny, but the gets stopped as the rugged cowboy, takes ahold of his scrawny fist, with a smile on his thin lips, ''Hold your horses, now son, first , I need to light a smoke''
The man looks at him, as if his gone crazy, as this tall man, lights up a smoke, taking a few puffs, before taking off his hat, revealing the slight silver in his brown hair, the age lines around his blue eyes, shows, he had a few years more on earth than they did, but he stood there planted in his brown leather boots, on the wooden floor. The older man, just nodded, that he's ready for the fist to come towards him.
The man, balls his fist, throwing it up in the air towards the other man's jaw, missing him with a few inches, as he ducks into another direction, knowing that, the older man has a few tricks up his sleeve, he signals, his four men, to start throwing some punches at him as well.   
One bigger guy hits him, sideways on the jaw, making Benny stumble a little backwards, his eyes pierces through the man who just gave him a jab, ''fighting dirty are we'' he warned and without further hesitation, he starts hitting them, taking turns between them, throwing more punches than he takes, in a matter of minutes, the five men, were lying around like ragdolls, covered in glass, from the broken bottles and wooden splinters from the tables that were scattered by the tossing of one of the five, making the blackjack cards fly up in the air.
Taking his jackets sleeve to remove some of his own blood, adjusting his hat back on his head, cigarette still in his mouth, he asks ''anyone of you know where my old friend Bobby is''
''H...He was last seen at his home, two towns over.'' the words came from the busted lips of one of the men on the ground.
''Now was it that hard young man'' he smirked. Glancing over too the stunned barman, ''They'll make right with you'' he chuckled. 
Getting back on his horse, clicking his tongue, as he gently squeezes the horses ribcage, to make him move, he rides off into the sunset, removing a worn out picture, of the beautiful woman, saying underneath his breath, ''sorry, sweetheart, I once again gotten myself into a fight, I'll be the man you love next time''
Chapter Three Here :)
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nicolewoo · 2 years
Cub Part 13
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Pairing: Roman Reigns X Reader
Synopsis: Roman, Seth and Dean are a pack of werewolfs. Protecting their city from the scumbags of the world ends up with a surprise when a victim left for dead imprints on Roman Reigns.
Part 13
I was exhausted after the flight and the ensuing boat ride, but as I stood on the stern of the boat, watching as we glided to the shore, I saw the crowd waiting for us. Probably 100 people had gathered to greet us. Drums pounded out a rhythm, and teenagers danced in welcome. I took in every sound, every smell, every piece of tropical beauty as we neared the shore, and I was energized again.
A small group had gathered on the dock to greet us. “Cub, welcome to Samoa,” an older woman said as she put a lei on my neck. The other members of the welcoming group placed leis on the necks of the rest of our group. “I am Filemu, Tribal Chief for our tribe. It is an honor and a joy to meet you. Thank you for your sacrifice.”
Sacrifice? I questioned Roman through our mental link. “They mean thank you for adding a new blood line to strengthen our tribe. We’re not gonna throw you in a volcano or anything” He answered back as he kissed my temple. I stifled my desire to laugh.
I didn’t know how to answer, so I just nodded. “Let’s get you seated. Do you need anything? Anything at all?” Filemu asked as our party started moving toward a building.
A particularly bad muscle spasm in my leg started and I felt myself start to collapse, but Roman was quick to pick me up and carry me bridal style into the building.
Inside the small, squat, concrete building, I was surprised to find a state of the art interior. Three tables ran along one wall. That must be where the tribal counsel presided. At the center of the table, the Tribal Chief sat in an elaborate chair, and motioned Roman to set me in the chair next to her. “Let’s get our guests some food and drink”, Filemu commanded, and as the rest of our party filed into the hall, a young woman came to see what I wanted. I settled on some pineapple juice; figuring it should be amazingly fresh, and I was happy to find it was better than I expected.
As the tribe filed in, I started to see the disapproving looks from some of the tribe; the men in particular. Roman wasn’t acknowledging the looks or the murmurs, but I could feel the guilt inside him. Some of these men had helped raise Roman. They had helped shape his morality and ethics, and knowing he broke the most sacred tribal rule, he knew he’d let these men down.
“Hey,” I thought. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” I squeezed his hand reassuringly.
“I should be comforting you.” He answered.
My answer was cut off when Filemu’s attention focused on me again. “Ok, Little wolf. Tonight, we celebrate you joining our Tribe. We’re throwing you a huge party.”
A cough caught our attention. Roman’s father, the imposing figure, stood before us. “My Tribal Chief, I’m very excited to announce that Y/N went into heat on the plane.” Really? Did he have to say it so loud? I had just a second to cringe before I realized that nobody in the room seemed phased.
“Oh! Well! We’ll have to move the party back a few days.” Filemu said, and I heard some panic about all the food that was already cooked.
“No. No. Please! You’ve all gone to so much trouble! Let’s have the party. Maby we can sneak off somewhere if the need arises.” I said.
Filemu smiled wide. “It would be our honor to host your mating room.”
I was beginning to protest. “Oh please don’t go to any troub….” I could feel Roman stop me.
“It really is an honor” he said to me, and I let it drop.
“I truly appreciate everything, and I hope I have a chance to thank everyone.”
Filemu put her hand on mine and tapped it gently. Looking up, she commanded the tribe to settle without a word. “Who would like to prepare a mating room?”
Immediately, a hoard of teenagers raised their hands, hoping for the chance to impress their Tribal Chief. Filemu picked a few teens who rushed into action as soon as they were chosen.
Filemu focused on me again, “Now that’s settled. Would you like to go to the hotel and rest now?” Even though it was a question, her tone of voice indicated it was an order.
“With all due respect my Tribal Chief,” Filemu focused her attention on me. “I’m anxious to settle this matter of the imprinting immediately. That’s why we flew here.”
“Little wolf, aren’t you tired?” Filemu asked.
“I am, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to relax until my mate is out of hot water.” I answered as reverently as I could.
Filemu stared at me, assessing my mood, and finding me serious. She inhaled deeply “I understand. I cannot guarantee I’ll be able to assemble the entire counsel today, but I will try.” She looked me directly in the eye, and I knew she was telling the truth. “Would you like to rest while I get everything prepared?”
I smiled warmly, “I would. Thank you.”
@mindofasagitarius   @lclb13 @serenityfiretrash @lustyromantic @reigns-5sos @bigpsychicbagelauthor @omg-im-such-a-masochist @marlananicole @wickedsunfire @starwithaheart @spookys-girl @pitlissa22
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Better Days ~ Chapter Seven
A/N: This is the follow up to Playing With Fire, but can be read as a standalone. I thought Frerin deserved a nice, steamy romp just like his older brother got with Leda, so this is his story. I know I’ve got like three other fics to update, but I thought maybe I’d throw this out there and see what everyone thought of it… 
Summary: Frerin Durin had the perfect life, until he found out his wife was cheating on him. Now, he’s navigating uncharted territory as an about-to-be divorced single dad. Dating is a mess, he’s dealing with the fallout where his kids are concerned, and really, he would just love a vacation away from all of it. 
Elena Madison is new to Sidleburg, and also navigating life as a newly single parent. The last thing she needed was for her daughter to come down sick, when she hasn’t even had time to unpack the moving boxes, never mind find a pediatrician. And the last thing she ever expected was to meet a man like Dr. Frerin Durin…
Neither Elena nor Frerin were looking for anything, but fate has a way of messing up even the best laid plans. However, both have been hurt and both aren't at all sure they trust themselves, never mind trusting someone else...
Pairings:  Modern!Frerin  x ofc Elena Madison
Characters: Frerin, Alyssa, Elena, Thorin
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 4.3k 
Tag List: @mrsdurin @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc @buckybarnes-thorin @glassgulls @evenstaredits @heilith @asgardianhobbit98 @albionscastle @absentmindeduniverse @way-too-addicted-to-fandoms @sazzlep @court-jobi
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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After dropping Jake off, Frerin turned back onto Route Seven heading east and a few minutes later, eased into a parking space between a Lexus and a Camaro in the crowded FitZone parking lot. Thursday mornings meant Zumba and that meant a ton of women. Good for the eyes, not so good for parking. Still, he really didn't mind Zumba days, even if it meant he had to park at the far end of the lot. Eye candy was always worth a little extra walk.
He spotted Thorin’s Accord at the opposite end of the lot. At least, he thought it was Thorin’s. But there were so many on the road, it was hard to be sure. Either way, he’d find out soon enough. 
The gym itself was on the third floor and as he emerged from the stairwell, he saw Thorin over in the squat rack at the far end, nearest the classroom. Once upon a time, that rack would’ve been chosen specifically to admire the view, but somehow, he didn't think that really factored into it this time. Thorin and Leda were happy. He’d never seen his older brother as happy as he’d been since meeting Leda, even if their twins were an unplanned and Leda had gotten pregnant very early in their relationship.
It was funny how their roles had switched, but while Thorin had been content to be single for as long as he was, Frerin couldn't say the same. He didn't necessarily want to jump into another relationship, but at the same time, being single was weird, too. He’d gone out a few times, but it never went beyond a good night kiss, and even that wasn't a guarantee. He just wasn't interested in sex at the moment.
At least, he hadn’t been until he met Elena. Now, she was on his mind all the time, and even more so since the night on her sofa. Since then, sex came screaming back into his brain to poke it at some of the most inopportune times. 
He tried to shove the Elena thoughts from his mind as he approached Thorin’s squat rack, where his brother was adding a thirty-five pound plate to either end of the bar. “How’re the kids?” 
Thorin looked up and tugged his left earbud out. “What?”
“Your children,” Frerin grinned, “how are they?”
“Fevers broke last night. When I left, all three of them were sound asleep.”
“Good. Although,” Frerin took in the purplish smudges underneath his brother’s eyes, “you look like you should be doing that instead of killing yourself here.”
“I wish. The Dunraven opens at eleven and I’ve found it’s better for me to just push through. I’ll sleep the sleep of the dead when I get home tonight.”
“You are the boss, you know. You could call out.”
“Yeah. But, I’m short a bartender and I don't want Leda worrying about it.”
“What happened to Christie?” Frerin let his bag drop to the floor, then crouched to unzip it and tugged out both knee sleeves and his leather lifting belt.
“I do not want to talk about it.”
Frerin paused in his rummaging about for a bottle of water and looked up at him. “What happened?”
“I just said I didn't want to talk about it.”
“Which means,” Frerin finally snagged the wayward bottle to pull it free and straightened up, “you are definitely telling me.”
“I’m married, dude. Why would she think I was interested in sleeping with her? Has she seen my wife? No way I’m dumb enough to cheat on her. I know a good thing when I’ve got it.”
Frerin fought the urge to roll his eyes. “Must be tough, having women always throw themselves at you.”
“Kiss my ass, Frer.” Thorin moved around to the far side of the rack to add the weight on that end of the bar. “What about you? Looks like you’ve got a few admirers.”
“What’re you talking about?”
“Front desk. Two bunnies checking you out, little brother.” Thorin grinned. “You could have a good time with them, from the looks of it.”
Frerin glanced over his shoulder and as he did, the two women—one blonde, one a redhead—whipped toward one another and laughed over something. They were hot. Too bad he wasn't interested. “I’ll take a pass.”
Frerin turned back to Thorin. “You remember Elena, little brunette who was here the other morning?”
“The one with the daughter you took care of the other night?”
“That’s the one.” He smiled. “I’m going out with her on Sunday.”
“Yeah, and it’s only Thursday. That leaves you Friday and Saturday.”
Frerin chuckled. “It does, but I’m not interested.”
“Are you serious? Frer, this is your time, man. Your kids will be out of the house for the weekend, you’re unattached. Why not?”
“I’m just not feeling it, I guess.”
“You disappoint me, little brother.” Thorin shook his head as he stepped into the rack, then looked down and adjusted his lifting belt. “You have no idea what you’re missing. You and two women who look like them? You’ll be kicking yourself come tomorrow morning.”
He didn't doubt for a moment Thorin did know. And maybe he, Frerin, was missing out, but he didn't really care all that much. “I’ll take my chances,” he replied dryly, “and somehow, I think I’ll manage to survive.”
“Your loss, man. Anyway, you want to work in with me?” Thorin crouched to slip beneath the bar and let it rest on his shoulders.
“If you don't mind.”
“I don’t. I’m actually glad you’re here. I thought I might have to ask that jackass over there to spot for me and I’d rather break my spine clean in half than do that.”
Frerin looked over and without Thorin saying anything more, he knew which jackass he meant. It was the same guy Elena had tagged Grunty McWeighthrower. “You’d be safer without him. Guy walks around like he’s the shit, but look at him. Christ, I think Leda could kick his ass if she wanted to.”
“You say that like she’s some kind of creampuff. She could kick your ass if she wanted.”
“But she wouldn’t.”
“Probably not. We need you right now.”
Thorin grinned, then straightened to lift the bar from its rests and took two steps back. He squatted, exhaling heavily as he slowly came up from it. As Thorin got near ten, Frerin stepped up closer, just in case. 
On the last rep, Thorin groaned, “Help.”
Frerin got closer, pressing his palms into the bar as Thorin slowly rose and staggered to the rack to set the bar down. “Not bad. You only made it to what? Seven last week?”
“Six, but thanks.” Thorin tugged his tee shirt up to swipe across his forehead. “How much you want?”
Frerin smiled. “Add ten to each side.”
“Damn, little brother, you feel like hulking out today?”
“I’m inspired to push myself.”
“Heh, afraid your new girl is going to think you’ve let yourself go when she sees you naked?”
“My new girl? Thorin, we’ve been out once and I don't even think that counts, since it was dinner at her apartment with her sick daughter.”
“She had you over for dinner already?”
“I pounced and put her on the spot, I think. I don't know… I haven’t dated in a long time, remember.”
“Did you kiss her goodnight?”
Frerin sat and pulled off his sneakers to tug on his leg sleeves. “I might have.”
“Anything else?”
“It was our first date.”
“So?” Thorin faced him, leaning gently against the bar, and offered up a proud grin. “I wasn't even dating Leda first time we had sex. I just showed up at her door in the middle of the night. I thought she’d kick me out, but instead… I was up all night rolling around with her.”
“Yeah, well, I’m not you. I prefer to know more than her name the first time.”
“Don't knock it, little brother,” Thorin offered up a wolfish grin and a wink. “We went at it so hard, the dents stayed in the sofa cushions for weeks.”
Frerin shook his head as he stood to fit his lifting belt about his waist. “I don't think it would’ve been a good idea for us to go at it on the sofa. Her daughter would’ve caught us.”
“Oh, yeah… kids…” Thorin sighed. “Can’t wait for my sex life to dry up once the twins are mobile.”
“You learn to work around them. You’re quieter. Quicker sometimes. But,” Frerin stepped up to duck beneath the bar this time, “inevitably, one of them will walk in on you. Just hope they’re young enough where you can tell them anything and they’ll believe or young enough that they won’t remember it.”
“You sound as if you speak from experience.”
“I’ve got three kids, Thorin. Each one of them has walked in on me and Toni at some point. Fortunately, none were old enough to be scarred by it. I’m pretty sure a fourteen year old would be beyond traumatized and I’d really rather avoid that, if possible.”
“I can understand that.” Thorin stepped up behind him. “You sure you can squat this?”
“Not at all. Spot me?”
“You thought you had to ask?”
Ninth period for Elena was her last Social Studies class of the day. Sidleburg Middle School divided its seventh and eight graders into pods, or teams as the district referred to them, and each grade had four. Each pod had three or four teachers, depending on its size and while the students all changed classes and followed a bell schedule, the only classes outside of the teams were specials like music, home ec, woodshop, and art. Her pod was Team 7-B and she replaced the previous Social Studies teacher, who left on maternity leave at the end of the previous school year and just never came back, and as far as school districts went, this one wasn’t bad at all. And considering they’d had several substitutes since the first day of school, the students seemed relieved to have a full-time teacher at the front of the room.
She smiled as twenty seventh graders all moaned the bone about the paper they had to work on. “Oh, it isn’t that difficult and you know it. Five pages and you get to pick the topic, as long as it has to do with the American Revolution from Lexington and Concord to the surrender at Yorktown. You can do Philadelphia, Constitution Hall—although it was not called that in 1776 because it was called the Pennsylvania State House—or you can do Jefferson or Adams or Ben Franklin or even Benedict Arnold. As long as it is about the Revolution.”
“Mrs. Madison, it’s almost Christmas break!”
“Ashely, I am painfully aware of that.” She rose from her chair and moved to the board. “Look, it’s not going to take you weeks of research to do this. All I ask is that you use almost any source that is not Wikipedia, although, Wikipedia is perfectly acceptable as a jumping off point.
“Now, I want you think of a topic this weekend and present it to me on Monday, along with a preliminary bibliography of at least two books or articles or websites. And not just any websites. They should be legitimate. I’ll look them over and if I approve them, you’re good to go. We’ll go to library on Tuesday for you to take out whatever books you’ve had approved and then you have the whole break to work on it.”
More protests but she just shook her head. “It won’t kill any of you. Five pages. That’s it. But,” she gave them a stern look, “do not even think of using a huge font or wonky spacing. Double spaced. Times New Roman. Twelve point font. Anything else and you’ll be redoing the assignment and I’ll drop a letter grade for each day after the due date that it’s late. Keep that in mind.”
The bell rang and they all grumbled even as the scooped together their notebooks, laptops, pens, and stowed everything in their backpack before filing out of the room. She sighed softly as she moved to erased the blackboard. You’d think she’d assigned them a twenty-page term paper to be due on Monday. 
“They look happy.”
She looked over at Dave Lesser, who taught English in Team 7-B. “I gave them homework over their vacation.”
“Evil.” He came into the classroom. “So, they’re cursing us both out because I gave them work over break, too.”
“We should probably both sleep with one eye open, huh.” She set the eraser on the metal tray and brushed the chalk dust from her hands. “What can I do for you, Dave?”
“I need to ask a huge favor.”
She moved back to her desk and gathered up her notes from that day’s lesson. Four classes of American history for this unit. Four classes’ worth of papers on the American Revolution that she’d have to read, but that was all right. This pod had some of the most creative writers in it she’d ever seen and she actually looked forward to what they’d come up with over their Christmas break. 
“What kind of favor?”
“We need chaperones for the Spring Fling.”
“Oh, no… I don’t… I can’t leave Alyssa home alone until midnight on a Friday, Dave.”
“It’s not until May. You can probably find someone to keep an eye on her by then.”
“Okay, how’s this? I don't want to do it. I chaperoned my fair share of Activities Nights and dances at my last school and Activities Nights here and I do not want to chaperone the Spring Fling.” 
“I need you to take one for the team, Lena.” 
“No,” she shook her head as she tucked the papers into a folder, then slid the folder into her leather briefcase, “I’m not taking one for the team and don't call me Lena, if you don't mind.”
“Sorry. Elena. It’s not that bad. I’ll be there. Rich said he’d do it and Marnie is as well.”
“Good for them. Go ask one of the others because I’m not doing it.” 
“No,” she shook her head again, “stop.”
“Why not? What is so awful about chaperoning this dance?”
“Nothing. I just don't want to do it, is all.”
“Just think about it, okay?”
She sighed, snapping the briefcase closed. “You aren’t going to leave me alone about it, are you?”
“Look,” he perched on the edge of the desk right in front of hers, “it’ll look good if you want tenure here. The district is really big on having school spirit and getting involved and I know it has nothing to do with your qualifications as a teacher, but they will take it into account.”
“Really. Trust me, we all end up having to do shit like this that no one wants to do. And I’m betting you want tenure.”
“It would be nice.” She raked a hand through her hair. “Okay, fine. Put my name down and I’ll do it if you really need me to.”
He smiled. “I have a feeling you’re going to fit in just fine around here.”
“Ha ha.” She picked up the briefcase and skirted her desk, scooping her car keys up in her free hand. “I’ve got to get home. Alyssa wasn’t feeling well against this morning and I’m hoping it doesn’t mean another run to the ER. You wouldn’t happen to know of any pediatric groups that are taking new patients, do you?”
“Sorry. No kids, so no need for kid doctors. Ask Marnie. Her little guy is always sick.” 
“I will, thanks. I’ll see you Monday.”
“Yeah. See you Monday.”
She smiled as she ducked out of her classroom and made her way down the wide corridor to the front doors. She parked in the far lot, and the wind had picked up during the day, practically sweeping her to the black Honda parked in the last row. A hint of snow hung in the air. Maybe they’d have a white Christmas. It’d be nice.
Of course, no matter what, this Christmas would be far better than the last two. Two years ago, Dan finally admitted to what she’d discovered almost six months before he confessed—he was having an affair and had been for over a year at that point. Last Christmas, she and Alyssa spent Christmas with her parents in Pennsylvania while Dan took his mistress to Hawaii. 
This Christmas, she and Alyssa would do dinner on Christmas Eve and spent Christmas morning together, but then she’d take Alyssa to the airport and put her on a plane to Florida, where she’d spend the following week with her grandparents—Dan’s parents—in Naples, while Elena would stay home. Despite her problems with their son, Elena had a fine relationship with her in-laws and so when her former mother-in-law invited them both to spend the week in Naples, it was difficult for Elena to turn down the invitation for herself. But, it was easy to encourage Alyssa to go and visit for the week. The warm weather would do her good and her grandmother would spoil her silly, and she would have them all to herself. Besides, Elena didn't mind being alone, and actually kind of looked forward to it. Solitude suited her, and she didn't have quite enough of it these days. 
Of course, now it would all depend on how Alyssa was feeling, as she said that morning that she felt achy all over again. Elena really hoped she wasn’t relapsing. The high school had an attendance policy of no more than nine absences for semester-long courses and eighteen for yearlong courses. Alyssa didn’t get sick often, but when she did, it was things like this and she tended to get hit hard. 
Elena sank into the driver’s seat and turned over the ignition. The parking lot emptied quickly once the buses were gone and today was no exception. She waited patiently in the line of cars to steer her way out of the lot and by the time she was pulling into her apartment’s parking lot, snow had begun to fall. 
“Lyssa?” She stamped the snow from her shoes as she stepped into their apartment. 
“How’re you feeling?”
“I’m okay. The Tylenol helped and I don't hurt any more.”
“Good.” Elena dumped her keys in the dish on the sideboard, the mail on the breakfast bar, and shrugged out of her coat to drape over the back of the stool at said breakfast bar before making her way down the short hallway to Alyssa’s room. 
Alyssa’s room was dark, save for the glow of the television (this time, she was not watching any of the Fallen movies) and Alyssa lay wrapped in one of her four soft fleece blankets so that only her face was visible and the other three lay draped over her at various angles. The ceiling fan whirred softly, the window was open a crack, and Elena wanted to shiver as the wind stirred to sweep through the tiny room. 
“How are you not freezing?”
“Because I’m cozy.” Alyssa burrowed out, picking up the Kindle Firestick remote to pause The Boys. “Is it snowing?”
“Like mad, yeah.”
“Maybe we can make a snowman tomorrow.”
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, but the weather man is only calling for a dusting.” Elena came over to lay her hand against Alyssa’s forehead. “You don't feel warm.”
“I told you the Tylenol did the trick.” Alyssa peered up. “I should be able to go back to school on Monday.”
“Are you suggesting you want to go back to school??”
“Yeah. I’m kind of bored, actually.”
“Okay, give it a shot. If you start to feel lousy, you can always go to the nurse.”
“So, how did the rest of your date with Dr. Hottie go? You never said and I forgot to ask.”
“It went fine and he was here, Lyss, not exactly a date.”
“It’s close enough.” Alyssa offered up an impish grin. “Did he kiss you goodnight?”
Heat shot through Elena at the memory of her and Frerin on the sofa. “Yes, actually. He did.”
“Really?” Alyssa’s eyes widened. “Give me the deets, Mom. Was it weird? I mean, because of the beard and all?” She gestured to her own chin.
“Not weird—well, maybe a little weird. It was kind of scratchy, but otherwise very nice.”
“And are we seeing him again?”
“We are not. I however, am. On Sunday.”
“You’re leaving me home alone? Who are you and what have you done with my mother?”
“Very funny. You’re almost fourteen and I think I can trust you to not burn the building down while I have dinner with someone.”
“Not just someone, Mom,” Alyssa grinned. “Dr. Hottie.”
“Yes,” Elena sighed, rolling her eyes, “with Dr. Hottie.”
“That’s so cool, Mom. He really is cute.”
“What? He is. I mean, he’s kind of old and all, but he’s still cute.”
“Kind of old? He’s my age, Lyss.”
“Yeah—kinda old.”
“I’ll pretend I didn't hear that.”
Alyssa snuggled deeper into her blankets. “His daughter is in my algebra class. She’s really smart and really popular. Like, everyone knows her.”
“So, say hi to her.”
“Yeah. I can go up to her and say, ‘Hi, I’m Alyssa and you don't know me but my mom is dating your dad. Wanna be friends?’ That’d go over like a fart in church, as Dad would say.”
“Your father always did have a way with words.” 
“Anyway, she’d think I was freak and they all already look at me like I just dropped down from Mars, so I’m not going to do that.”
Elena sank onto the edge of Alyssa’s bed. “What?”
“Yeah, I’m the new kid. They all stare at me and then whisper about me when they think I’m not looking. I hate being the new kid.”
There was no self-pity in Alyssa’s voice, just a flat matter of factness that Elena related to with more ease than she’d care to think about. She knew how it felt to be the odd one out. “Well, we’ve only been here a few weeks and if things work out with Frerin, you’ll meet Maura.”
“Yeah, and she’ll probably hate me because you’re dating her dad.���
“Why? You won’t hate her because her dad is dating me.”
“Well, yeah, but it’s different.”
“It is. Anyway, yes, I promise I won’t burn the building down, as long as you promise not to stay out all night.”
“I’m not staying out all night, so you have a deal.”
“Although,” Alyssa said after a moment, “I suppose if you wanted to stay out a little late for some smooching time with Dr. Hottie—”  
“Okay, enough with calling him Dr. Hottie and try to remember I’m not one of your girlfriends.”
The grin faded and Alyssa cast her eyes downward. “Sorry, Mom.”
“Okay.” Elena rose and patted her leg through the blankets. “Are you hungry?”
“Yeah, actually. I am.”
“What do you want?”
“What do we have?”
“That is the ten million dollar question,” Elena said as she moved to the doorway. “How does pasta sound? I only have jarred sauce, but it’s Michael’s, so it’s the good jarred stuff.”
“Michael’s is good, but yours is better.”
“I’ll make some while I’m on break after Christmas and you can have it when you come home from Grandma and Pop’s.”
“I might not live that long.”
“Lyss, you had the flu and you’re getting over it. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”
“I hope so, but you never know.”
Elena gave her a look. “Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes.”
“Right, Mom.”
By ten-thirty, Alyssa was back tucked away in bed, watching the Game Grumps on YouTube and Elena sank onto the sofa with a glass of the chardonnay Frerin had brought the other night and a stack of quizzes on the winter at Valley Forge that still needed to be graded, along with her trusty purple pen. She made her way through five when her cell rang and she smiled when she picked it up and saw Frerin’s name on the display.
“Hey, it’s Frerin. I’m not calling too late, am I?”
“No. I was just doing some grading, what’s up?” Her stomach fluttered. He sounded very serious and she wondered if he was calling to cancel on Sunday. “Everything okay?”
“It’s insane here tonight, and if you’d told me when I picked my specialty, that I’d be running like a lunatic in the ER as a pediatrician, I’d have told you you were nuts. But, here I am, running like a lunatic in the ER yet again. But, we hit a lull and I just felt like calling. I’m not bothering you, am I?”
“No, you’re not bothering me at all. I’m just trying to get a jump on a stack of quizzes that need grading before they become an avalanche hazard.”
“I’ll let you go if you’re busy—”
“It’s okay. I can take a break.”
“Well, I know I promised you O’Connors, but then I got to thinking and was wondering, how do you feel about Thai food instead?”
She smiled. “I like Thai food. Where did you have in mind?”
“The Thai Kitchen, over on Olden. You been there before?”
“I’ve only been in town a few weeks, so no, I haven’t.” 
“So, how about we go there on Sunday? Unless you’d rather go to O’Connors instead.”
“Thai is fine. I’m looking forward to it, Frerin.”
“Yeah, me, too. So, how’s your daughter feeling?”
“She was complaining of being a little achy earlier, but she seems okay now. She’s just tired.” She hesitated, then added, “Should I be concerned about that?”
“No. Flu knocks you for a loop. Is she running a fever again?”
“Then you don't have to worry. Let her rest for the weekend and she should be ready to go back to school on Monday. I gave you a note, didn't I?”
“You did.”
“Good. I thought I had, but wasn't entirely sure.” He cleared his throat. “So, is seven still a good time?”
“Yeah. Seven works just fine.”
“Good. Oh, damn it. I’m being paged. Hold on one second, okay?” He didn't give her a chance to respond, as he added, “It’s the ER. I’ve got to go. I’ll see you on Sunday, then.”
“I’ll see you on Sunday.”
“I mean, unless you’re planning on working out tomorrow at all.”
“I might be. It’ll depend on what time I drag myself out of bed.”
She heard the squeak of chair casters and the schwiff of fabric—his lab coat, maybe?—and then he said, “Well, maybe I’ll see you sooner then. If I don't fall asleep in the on-call room tonight.”
“I guess we’ll see.”
“Yeah. We will. ‘Night, Elena.”
“‘Night, Frerin.”
He clicked off and she smiled as she set down her phone. It had been a long time since she looked forward to a workout, and an even longer time since she looked forward to seeing any man in particular. She’d forgotten what it felt like, those flutters of anticipation that went hand in hand with the impatience of time suddenly dragging its heels. While she usually dreaded hitting the gym on a Saturday, which always seemed so damn crowded on the weekends, she had the feeling she wouldn’t mind that crowd so much come tomorrow. 
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casspurrjoybell-24 · 11 months
Sugar Punch - Chapter 43
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Theo -
The moment Maddox stepped out, the room shifted and the crowd went wild shouting his name at the top of their lungs.
The arena was so loud I felt my chair shake as everyone stood up and started yelling and screaming, it was too loud to hear what everyone was saying but I got the gist of why they were so excited.
Tonight, was going to be the best fight ever recorded live on TV and not only was so much money at stake, the two fighters, Zane and Geoff were heavily requested for years, since Maddox won his first big fight as a professional fighter.
From where I sat, I could see everything, the shape of each muscle to the lining on his face, it made my heart pound loudly against my chest as I watched Maddox look around the room, like nothing could touch him.
"He's hot," Arthur whispers in my ear as the crowd started to die down, I choose to just ignore him and try not to let his comment bother me.
It felt strange seeing him, back when we dated, I desperately wanted to watch him fight live like this, who would've thought that I'd be watching him now, two years later with my boyfriend sitting beside me, crushing on my ex.
It didn't bother me, if anything I agreed with Arthur, Maddox has gotten two years older but if anything, he had gotten even more irresistible, his body was a piece of art and I noticed a few new tattoos on his neck as he waved to the crowd.
Part of me hoped he didn't notice me in the crowd but then the other part of me also wish he did, just to know I was here cheering him on and that I still admired him.
Not long after Maddox entered the ring and after some talking which, I couldn't understand from being so close to the ring, the fight started and Maddox and Victor started throwing punches.
It was the first round but the moment the bell rung, Victor was on Maddox like a wild tiger, hungry to tear him to shreds, I was on the edge of my seat as I couldn't tear my eyes away from Maddox as he dodged a punch.
As the fight went on and minutes past, the fight had gotten brutal and it was starting to show on both of their faces, as they rested in their corners, faces swollen and covered in blood, sweat and cuts.
"It doesn't look too good, is it normal to bleed that much?" Arthur whispers in my ear as I looked at him from the corner of my eye to see him looking at Maddox.
"He'll be fine," I said, believing it from knowing Maddox first hand.
Maddox had a particular fighting style, he was a professional in every way and learned his opponent's down to every single detail, from the time I did speak to him about his training, he told me he studied how they fought like a religion of sorts.
The final round was starting and they both looked like they met their match as Maddox threw a jab at Victor and hitting him in the face, making him stumble back, Maddox didn't stop there though as he kept coming for him, blow after blow.
It was like something changed in him, Victor couldn't get out to hit him back as he kept his gloves up, protecting upper half and with another blow, Maddox broke through his defence and used that moment to land the finishing blow.
It all happened so fast as Maddox threw a powerful right hook so quick that I was sure everyone missed it as it landed directly on Victor's face, making his whole-body jerk before he fell to the ground, the bell ringing not long after he hit the ground.
Cheers erupted as the referee started the ten second countdown, the crowd joined in as the arena filled with cheers so loud, I felt my ears pop as I kept my eyes on Maddox, his chest rising and lowering as he kept his eyes on Victor.
Then it was announced, Maddox had won by knockout and the crowd went wild.
"YES," I shouted, along with everyone around me as I got up from my seat, feeling the adrenaline of the crowd as I watched Maddox cover his face with his gloves, then rising them to the air as he looked out at the crowd, almost like he was searching for someone.
I felt my stomach drop when his eyes got to my section and almost like he knew I was here, his eyes found mine and he never tore them away from mine as his team started crowding the ring to wrap their arms around him in celebration.
After what felt like an eternity, he looked away with a growing smile on his bloodied mouth as he hugged Jordan back, his trainer and best friend as I stared at him in complete shock at what had just happened.
He looked right at me.
Maddox was looking directly at me, in the eye.
Nobody else, just me.
'How? Why? Did I miss something?'
There's no way he knew I was here, unless someone told him, there were thousands of people inside the arena, to find me in a crowd was almost impossible.
Tony... he must've told him... he was the only one who knew I was coming tonight, I should be mad, I should be anything other than what I was feeling right now, like nothing had changed between us.
"That was so amazing," Arthur excitably grabbed me, turning my head to kiss me on the lips. "Did you see him look over here? Oh my god, so hot."
My head was spinning and everything was starting to make me feel nauseous, I needed air... I needed to get out of here before I threw up in front of all these people.
Whilst everyone around me celebrated, I grabbed hold of Arthur's hand and pulled him along with me as I moved past people in my row, as I made my way towards the exit, not looking back at the ring as I kept my head down.
"Theo?" I heard Arthur but I couldn't stop, I had to get out of here and I had to get out of here now.
Once I pushed past the mountains of people, I finally made it outside with Arthur and it felt like I could finally breathe again as I crouched down and grabbed my head in my shaking hands, taking deep breathes as my heart felt like it was seconds from leaping out of my chest.
'He saw me.'
Maddox looked directly at me, I thought he'd be upset I showed up not alone but he almost looked glad, amused even...
I can't get his face out of my mind, as he smiled at me whilst he kept his dark eyes on me.
"You're shaking Theo..." Arthur's panicked voice came out as he bent down to rub my back. "Should I go and get somebody? You're starting to scare me."
"N-No," I grab his arm as I released a shaky breath and forced a smile. "I just needed some fresh air, it got a little much...sorry, I didn't mean to drag you out here," I apologized, as I stood up.
What the hell was I doing?
If Arthur didn't find me suspicious then, he sure as hell did now, I knew he was looking at me the moment Maddox looked our way but in that moment, I didn't care, I couldn't think.
"Okay... should we go back in? Or do you want to go home?"
Dammit, I didn't come here for this, this was supposed to be a date and right now I was ruining it by my freak out but I couldn't deny that I felt my heart skip a beat when his eyes locked on mine, I had forgotten all about Arthur and everyone else for that matter.
This feeling... it didn't go away and I knew what I was doing to Arthur wasn't fair, not when I was still so much in love with Maddox.
I was still in love with him, so much that it was impossible to forget about him and move on, I had to be miserable, as long as he wasn't with me, I felt like I would never be happy.
I had to stop being selfish, I had to break up with Arthur.
"I'm sorry... Arthur, I don't think..."
"Theo, is that you?" a voice startled me, as I turned around to see who it was as my heartrate spiked.
Once I laid my eyes on him and to my surprise, I never thought I'd run into him again, especially not outside when the fun was happening inside.
He walked closer and it really was him, he had longer hair but it was definitely him, it was Aiden, Maddox's cousin.
"Shit, I thought it was you."
He came closer and wrapped his arm around me in a 'bro hug' before moving back, a grin on his face as he checked me out.
"How are you? I haven't seen you in what... two years?" he asked, as I smiled and nodded my head.
"Yeah, almost two years... and I'm fine, uh."
I looked at Arthur standing there awkwardly looking between me and Aiden, already knowing what's he's thinking.
"This is my boyfriend, Arthur Jones... uh Arthur this is Aiden," I said, not missing the way Aiden's eyes widened like they were going to pop out.
"Hi... how do you know each other?" Arthur asked, as he shook Aiden's hand, who was looking at me with now sad eyes as he looked between us.
From his face alone, I could see that he knew what happened between Maddox and I only hoped he didn't say more than that, as I haven't told Arthur about my relationship with Maddox and didn't plan too anytime soon.
"Oh, it's not what you're thinking," he quickly noted, before cringing. "Not that I have anything against gays," he added, making Arthur laugh. "I met Theo through... a friend, we go way back," he smiled at me, then Arthur.
More people were coming outside now from the venue and soon outside would be overflowing with hundreds of people, high on adrenaline from tonight's fight.
"I'll uh see you around Theo, Mads is expecting me and if you haven't noticed, I'm a little late too for the fight," he laughed nervously, before smiling weakly at me.
"Oh, sure, yeah," I stuttered out, as I accept his hug once again, before he we both pulled away.
"See you Theo and nice to meet you, Arthur," he said, looking at Arthur before he walked away and went inside the venue as people came out.
Arthur interlocked his hand in mine and stared at me in awe as he connected the dots from what just happened.
"Babe... what the hell... Did he just say 'Mads was expecting' him?" he gaped. "Does that mean he knows Maddox Zane? The fighter?"
I swallowed hard and nodded my head slowly as I looked away from him to where people were coming out of the venue, the music and the cheers inside still loud and going strong, as I heard people still celebrating Maddox's win.
"Aiden is Maddox's cousin."
Arthur started to freak out as he started asking me questions after questions but all I could think about was how crazy tonight has been and how it's been so long since I've felt like the old Theo again, just from seeing his face.
Once Arthur finished asking questions, I didn't feel like answering seriously, I decided I needed a drink, a really strong drink, which Arthur didn't mind as I dragged him along with me to the nearest bar to us.
Tonight, had been wild and totally unexpected but one thing that I was sure of is that whatever was running through Maddox's head when he saw me, was the exact same thought as mine.
Something was still there between us and it was far from over.
It confused me, excited me and made me feel as though I was cheating on Arthur, so I wasn't going to drag this false hope I had on any longer, I had to stop these thoughts of Maddox and I somehow getting back together.
Maddox had broken my heart and then stomped on the pieces two years ago, and left me a complete wreck, I wasn't fine for months after he cut all contact with me, no matter how hard I tried to talk to him.
His smile tonight reminded me just now of the last time I saw him, when he opened his mouth and said 'but the sex was good' I felt the same sickening, heartbreaking feeling, despite my heart beating like crazy.
Arthur wasn't Maddox, Arthur isn't going to hurt me, I should try and be the best boyfriend I could to him and stop this obsession with Maddox...
Maybe moving in together is what I needed to fully move on?
"Move in with me," I blurt out, as Arthur and I walked hand in hand down the street, towards my apartment.
Arthur stopped and gaped at me, before tears filled his eyes and his mouth turned into a smile.
"Are you being serious right now, babe?" he squealed, as I smiled and nodded my head, ignoring my gut clenching hard.
Arthur instantly wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips, you'd think I just purposed to him as he pressed his lips roughly against mine, pecking me on the lips, over and over again.
"You're not going to regret this," he said excitably, his arms still around my neck. "I love you, Theo."
I'm not going to regret this... I'm not... but then why do I feel so unhappy?
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Gif credit @discoelitist.
Requested by @mypridefulsoul27. Hope you like it. Thanks for the request.
Taglist: @nocturnalherb16. @jesseswartzwelder. @mypridefulsoul27.
"So what are these pills called again"? Antonio asked about this new drug on the street. It already had forty overdoses under its belt and growing.
"Pez". You replied, handing him a sample of the product that you got off a dead guy.
"Like the pez candy"?
"Yeah, it even comes with it's own pez dispenser and everything. Makes it popular with the kids". You tell him as you went to put the last two overdoses on the board. They were thirteen and sixteen that had a bright future before them.
"That's Eva's and Diegos age". Antonio sighed.
"From what we know, the dealer is a strip club owner named Marco Stewart. He has connections to strip clubs, porn studios and apparently schools as well. He has a record longer than my arm. Mostly drug charges and a few DUI's, assault with a deadly weapon and a breaking and entering". You tell Antonio and the others as they started to come in.
"A model citizen". Jay chuckled.
"Yeah, his club has been shut down for redecorating and looking for new talent. So if it's alright with Voight. I was thinking I could go apply and someone else". You looked at Voight who was noddling his in approval.
"I'll go. I can go be a bartender or something". Antonio volunteered.
"They're looking for dancers and a bouncer". You tell Antonio. He lifted a eyebrow.
"Alright set it up. You sure you're cool with this, Y/N"? Voight asked.
"Yeah. I want this guy off the streets. Parents will sleep better at night". You smiled and went to get your coat.
"A stripper? Of all undercover missions I have to miss is, Y/N being a stripper. That hurts". Adam held his chest dramatically.
"Eat your heart out". You laughed as you walked past him. Antonio snickered as he followed.
Adam playfully dropped on his desk dead. Kevin and the other laughed. You were taking this serious.
"So what's your name"? Marco Stewart asked, looking you up and down. A toothpick sticking from his mouth.
"Heaven. I'm a little piece of Heaven". You batted your eyes and flirted with him.
"More like a big piece of Heaven". Marco chuckled, his eyes went to your breast.
"Oh you're so funny". You playfully hit his arm.
"You're hired. So what about your boyfriend"? Marco watched Antonio out of the corner of his eye. Antonio was looking at the stage in the club.
"His names Johnny. Just got out of the pen. Had five years but did three for good behavior". You smiled.
"What was he in for"?
"Possession of a controlled substance". Antonio turned to talk to Marco. "That's what the asshole cop said once he planted it on me". Antonio looked between you and Marco than laughed. Marco laughed as well.
"You use to deal"? Marco asked intrigued.
"Yeah back in Brooklyn. I dealed for nine years and nothing but they catch me picking up a ounce of weed for my moms and I'm in prison before I can bat my eyes. It was bullshit". Antonio put on a thick Brooklyn accent.
"Alright. You're hired too. Both you be here Friday night, six o'clock. I got something for you two do before you go on".
"Wow, thanks. I cant wait to show you my moves. I promise it'll be amazing". You gushed, hugging Antonio and planting a kiss to his cheek. "We got the job, baby".
"Let's go home and celebrate". Antonio growled and picked you up carrying you out of the club.
Antonio put you down and headed to the car. "That was easy".
"Yeah. Now we have to figure out what he wants us to do". You say as you and Antonio drove to the station.
"Heaven? You chose Heaven as a stage name"? Adam scoffed.
"Yes, I'm a little piece of Heaven". You seductively purred.
"Yes, yes, you are". Adam smiled like a fool. Antonio rolled his eyes.
"Do you think he wants us selling drugs for him"? Antonio asked.
"Maybe. We could get a few undercovers in there as customers. Give us a better chance at catching him with the drugs". You suggested.
"We can do that. But we dont want to spook him. Since theres two new faces in the club and then add more. He'll know somethings up". Voight replied.
"Yeah. You're right. We go in tomorrow at six".
"Alright. Make sure you two are ready and prepared for this. I dont want it going bad and someone getting hurt. No dealer will go down nicely". Voight reassured.
"Yes, sir". You say. Antonio and you had a rough night sleeping. Your minds raced.  Tomorrow was a big job, a lot was depending on you two. You couldn't screw it up.
"My little piece of Heaven". Marco greeted you as you came into the club his arms open for a hug.
"Good even, sir". You purred in his ear.
"Oh, sir. I like that". Marco laughed. "Come on, I got something for you guys". He waved you and Antonio into the back room.
"So tonight is going to be big. Huge! We have Heaven here making her debut and everyones coming. Everyone. So I need you two to be selling some of our delicious product. It taste just like candy". Marco chuckled as he opened a box that had about five hundred pills inside. Enough to kill a whole school of kids.
"I've heard about this drug. It's supposed to make sex even more amazing". You wrapped your arms around Antonio's waist and started kissing his neck. Antonio went along and grabbed your face deepening the kiss to your lips.
"Fuck yes"! Marco cheered.
Antonio pulled away panting, you licked your lips. This was the first time you two let your sexual tension free on each other. It was there but you two kept it bottled up.
"I like you two. This is going to be a great partnership". Marco grinned.
Around seven, people started arriving. Each person got a pez and a pat down from Johnny the bouncer. Antonio was taking his job seriously. You were going around getting drinks for the customers until you were called to the stage.
"Baby, why dont you take this fifty and we go back to the back and play"? A creepy older guy slapped your ass as you sat his drink down on the table.
"No thanks". You smiled and went on your way. You had to breath cause if you didnt you would have taken the drink tray and popped him up side the head with it.
"Heaven, baby. It's almost time". Marco pointed to his wrist and you nodded. You went back to the dressing room and changed into a diamond bralette that didnt hide anything and a pair of black cut up booty shorts. It wasnt your taste but Marco wanted you to wear it. You splashed on some glitter and perfume before you heard your song come on.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a new comer here that has blessed us with her beauty. Please give it up for a little piece of Heaven". Marco introduced you to the cheering crowd. You walked on stage and put your hand on his shoulder.
"We also have a special guest to share the stage with her, our own bouncer Johnny Boy". Marco put the spot light on Antonio which caught both you and him off guard. You didnt know his was in your performance.
Marco waved Johnny on stage, Antonio gulped and went up. Marco had a chair for Antonio to sit in as you danced.
"Show em what you got baby doll". Marco slapped your ass.
You smiled at Antonio, he looked nervous. The combination of spot light, the men sitting around watching and the part where he liked you this was a bit to much for him to stand.
The music was flowing through your veins. You swayed your hips to the music in between Antonio's legs. Your hands on his knees, your ass on his lap. Antonio licked his lips, he got the courage to put his hands on your hips and guide you along.
You smirked, rolling your hips. This was all work but you could throw in some play as well. The crowd of cheering men disappeared when you turned around and straddled Antonio's lap. Your hand wrapped around Antonio's neck as you grinded on him. He looked into your eyes as he helped you move your body.
Your eyes wondered over his face, his eyes sparked in the lights, he had a slight smirk on his face and you could see Marco deal out a baggy of Pez.
"Now". You said and Voight and the team busted in. You got off of Antonio and went after Marco, Antonio followed your lead.
Marco didnt run, he had his hands up and ready for cuffs.
"For a dealer, you went easily". You told Marco as you handed him off to Jay.
"I'm just the bottom of the food chain, baby. I'll get a slap on the wrist". Marco laughed as he was taken away.
"Great job, you two". Voight nodded and walked away.
"You look absolutely beautiful". Adam smiled like a bigger fool as he came over. You looked down and covered yourself up.
"I'm going to go change". You hurried to the back.
Antonio slapped Adam on the back of his head. "Watch it". He pointed at Adam. Adam stood there confused. 
You got dressed quickly and headed out front. Suddenly all eyes were on you.
"What"? You looked down at your outfit. You had tight red pants on with a red jacket and a black see through corset. You may have taken it from Marcos wardrobe.
"You look good, Y/L/N". Jay chuckled along with Adam and Kevin.
"Thank you". You giggled.
Antonio came by your side. "You do. You look really good. Um, you wanna get coffee"? Antonio rubbed the back of his neck.
"Are you asking me on a date"?
"A coffee date".
"Oh". You were kinda sad that that was it.
"Just for now. I'm kinda tired so coffee will hold you over until Friday night". Antonio sent you a wink.
"Yeah. I'd like that".
"Great". Antonio held out his arm for you and you wrapped yours around his. "Where did you learn to dance like that"?
You laughed. "Believe it or not there was a time I wasnt a detective. But that's for another time".
Antonio smirked as he lead you to his car and you were off on your first date.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I Saw It Coming When You Threw The First Punch
Batmom x Batfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 1.7K Warnings: Explicit Language, Mentions of Violence
Author's Note: I honestly feel like I get my irritation from people out by writing stories where the characters punch people. I live vicariously through my characters. Enjoy! -Thorne
Getting the call that his wife had been taken into GCPD custody was not one that Bruce had ever expected to receive. Not in a million years. And yet, low and behold, Gordon had called sounding apologetic that she’d been detained after a physical altercation at the gala she’d hosted earlier that evening.
Which was absolutely baffling to him, because the only person more anal retentive about screwing up at a gala than Alfred, was his wife. So, something must’ve seriously set her off if she’d hauled off on somebody. And Gordon had made it quite clear that it was his wife that threw the first punch, though beyond that, he didn’t know what else had occurred because she’d invoked her rights to the company lawyer and to remain silent, simply staring at the wall while the other officers tried to get a story out of her—Bruce knew she wouldn’t crack. Other than him, his wife had a reserve that no man, alien, or god could break. He’d never say it, but he was envious of his wife’s willpower.
He arrived rather quickly with all four sons in tow, knowing that the sight of the entire family would probably help her chances of getting out and they waited patiently to be escorted to where she was being held.
When they arrived at the interrogation room, they saw her sitting there with crossed legs, hands placed palm down on the table. Her eyes were closed in what Bruce recognized as her deep meditative state; the one she used to fight off telepathic control from enemies—she was probably recounting what happened that night.
“What are the charges?” he asked Gordon and the older man sighed.
“Simple battery and public disturbance.”
Bruce hummed lowly in his throat and gazed at his wife. “How do you see this playing out for her?”
“If the woman she keelhauled doesn’t press charges, there’s possibility of probation with community service.”
He had to play naïve. “And if she does?”
Gordon met his gaze. “Then you’re looking at your wife going into lockup for a year.”
Bruce let out a sigh. “I’ll call our lawyer then.”
“I’ll give you and your wife some privacy,” he replied, hitting a button on the keypad beside the door, and the glass went dark while the glowing red button recording the room turned off.
“Thank you, Gordon,” he said, and the detective waved as he walked off, closing the door to the interrogation room behind him. Bruce looked at his sons. “Let’s go see what set your mom off tonight.”
The door to the room opened but she didn’t open her eyes, still under the cold water in her retreat.
“(Y/N),” someone murmured and though the voice was familiar, she didn’t come to yet.
“(Y/N),” they repeated a bit firmer. “Come back up.”
Ever so slowly, she allowed her mind to come back from the deep waters and she opened her eyes, smiling at her husband and sons.
“Good evening family.” Damian immediately sprinted to her and buried his face in her neck, and she laughed, running a hand through his short dark hair. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“You are in trouble,” he murmured and pulled away to look into her eyes. “We will do whatever you need, Umi.”
(Y/N) snorted. “Don’t worry about me baby. Knowing Little Miss Martha May, she’s not going to press charges over our spat.”
“I think simple battery is bit more than a spat, mom,” Dick worried, brows furrowing in concern. “What did you two even start fighting about?”
Her eyes darted to the glass then to Bruce and he said, “Gordon turned off the cameras.”
“Mom,” Tim started, and she looked at him; he held up his phone screen. “I just assured that you’re protected here.”
She nodded and let out a sigh. “I knew I should’ve just walked away but I couldn’t help it. She just set me off like a match to gunpowder.”
“What’d you guys even duke it out over,” Jason questioned, and she sighed again, recounting the night.
“You’ve thrown another wonderful party, Miss Wayne,” Lucius murmured, handing her a champagne glass.
She grinned widely, thanking him. “Thank you, Lucius, I try.”
“Clan couldn’t come tonight?”
“You’ve always been perceptive about us, haven’t you?”
“To use your words, I try,” he laughed, and she nodded.
“Patrol started early tonight,” she said inconspicuously, eyes shifting around to glance at who was walking near them. “Besides, most of them only come to these to appease the crowd.”
“Ah, yes, I forgot that you’re the only one who actually enjoys these.”
“Only when Bruce and the kids are here,” she corrected. “It’s easier to bullshit when they’re here to pick up the slack.”
He barked a laugh and she chuckled in return when someone walked up to them. She turned and immediately grimaced at the old classmate of hers.
“(Y/N), such a beautiful party you’ve thrown tonight,” the woman greeted, though it was laced with cheerful fakeness.
She plastered a smile on her face. “Good evening, Marianne. I didn’t expect to see you tonight.”
“Oh, you know me, I’m always up for a party.” Her eyes drifted around. “Where is your husband? I wanted to thank him for the gift basket he sent after my operation.” Marianne gave her a sarcastic smile. “Isn’t it rather off for a host to avoid his own party?”
Note to self, yell at Bruce for sending her a gift.
“He had to work late tonight. So did the boys.” (Y/N) matched her smile. “I’m sure they’d be delighted to know that you thought of them though.”
Something shifted in Marianne’s eyes. “Oh yes, the children you have.” She leaned in close and murmured, “You know I’ve been hearing some rather negative rumors about yours and Bruce’s decision to adopt orphans rather than have some of your own.”
(Y/N) blinked, not sure if she should be shocked or unimpressed. “Really? Care to enlighten me?”
Marianne waved a hand. “The major one is that you simply took pity on the strays because you were barren.” She felt like she’d been slapped across the face and her jaw dropped as she gaped at the woman.
Apparently, that was all the ammunition that Marianne needed because she offered a sympathetic smile an placed a hand on (Y/N)’s arm. “Oh, you poor dear.” She patted her arm again. “You should’ve come to me instead of adopting orphans. I would’ve been happy to be a surrogate for you.”
(Y/N) shrugged the hand off her arm and reached up, pulling the silver teardrop earrings from her ears. “Yeah, those orphans aren’t mine, not biologically.”
She pulled off her diamond wedding rings and handed them and the earrings over to Lucius who took them and stepped back.
“But you know what they are?” she glowered at Marianne and seethed, “They’re my sons.”
The next thing anyone knew, the two women were rolling on the floor, their hostess throwing punches that seemed to make everyone wince when they connected to the woman’s face.
“And all I remember was being escorted down here,” she finalized, eyes drifting to Bruce’s.
He simply stared at her for a moment before he let out a heavy sigh and put his face in his hands. “I’m proud that you defended our family, but at the same time, I’m disappointed that you let Marianne set you off.”
(Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, so you’re taking her side?”
“That’s not what I mean, and you know it,” Bruce shot back. “If she decides to press charges, you’re going to be in lockup for a year.”
“She’s not.”
“You don’t know that, (Y/N).”
“No, I do,” she blinked and leaned forward. “If Marianne doesn’t want me to ruin her image with shit she did when she was a teenager, she’ll keep her mouth shut and take the blame for this.”
“What’d she do, Ma?” Jason questioned curiously and she turned her attention to him.
“Enough that’ll disgrace her image amongst every elite this side of the globe if she tries me anymore.”
Before anyone could say anything, the door opened and they turned, seeing Gordon walking in. “Good evening, Miss Wayne,” he greeted, and she smiled.
“Good evening, Jim. How’s your night so far?”
He chuckled. “Not too bad. I got to detain my favorite socialite and listen to all my officers speculate what she did.”
(Y/N) lifted her hands palm up beside her shoulders. “I live to please, Jim, you know that.”
“I do.” He walked over and handed her a few papers. “When asked if she wanted to press charges, Marianne Walters declined. She instead gave a rather detailed statement that she instigated the fight and threw the first punch.” He stared at the busted lip she had. “Does that match what happened?”
She quickly looked over the papers and nodded. “Yes, that’s true.”
Gordon sighed. “Do you wish to press charges?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “No,” she smiled. “There’s no reason to make a fuss about this.”
“…Miss Wayne, you and Miss Walters are all over the news.”
She shrugged. “And people have very short memories. They’ll forget about this.” She handed back the papers. “Send this to my lawyer and she’ll handle it with the prosecutors.”
“You think they won’t press charges despite Walters?” Gordon asked and she nodded.
“Oh, they won’t,” she said then looked at the clock. “Am I free to leave? It’s been a long night.”
Gordon let out a heavy sigh and nodded. “Yes Miss Wayne, you’re free to leave now.”
(Y/N) rose. “Wonderful.” She looked at her sons. “Boys, let’s go.”
They followed her and Bruce stood from the table, standing beside Gordon. “Thank you, Jim.”
Gordon grunted. “I know (Y/N) threw the first punch.”
“You do?”
“Of course, I do.” He huffed. “And I don’t blame her either.” He watched (Y/N) laugh at something Dick said while the others groaned around him. “You’ve got a good woman, Bruce. Good wife. Even better mother.”
Bruce looked at his wife and let an easy smile cross his lips as she pulled them all into hugs. “Yeah…yeah, I do, don’t I.”
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vrishchikawrites · 3 years
You know what would be interesting?
JC never lost his golden Core.
And Wei Wuxian did not lose his.
But he still gets dropped into the Burial Mounds. And like I dunno how, but he comes out of there having mastered the new form of cultivation.
Jiang Cheng acts like a dick that's par for cannon. And this Wei Wuxian who has survived the burial Mounds with his golden core intact has no time for his drama.
He definitely confesses to Lan Wangji o ce he is out of the burial mounds.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in the Sunshot campain would be brilliant. Cultivating and * *wink wink nudge nudge* * dual cultivating.
JC is seething with jelousy. He has everything. The gentry name, the money and sect leadership but the whole world is only speaking about Wei Wuxian and his like awesome cultivation. Both the sword style and with his flute.
Wen Qing and Wen Ning- Wen Ning convinces his sister to join the war. Wen Ning wants to be on Wei Wuxian's side.
What would JC throw a tantrum over if he doesn't have anything to throw a tantrum over??
Like for example he blames Wei Wuxian for Lotus Pier burning. Obviously it's not his mistake. But one day he is yelling at Wei Wuxian about it and sect leader someone maybe XiChen, maybe Sect leader Nie. Whoever. Comes and like defends Wei Wuxian.
What would he do then faced with the facts? Cling all the more to his warped world view? Or apologize?
It will be interesting to see.
You don't have to take this prompt if it's too messy or whatever. I love you and your writing.
Also, thank you for choosing to write my previous prompt.
(this is a little similar to trapped and patient but also quite different. Hope you like it! The format is a bit different because this is a lot of time to cover in a short prompt)
When he stumbles out of the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian is stunned. He can't believe he made it, that he was able to survive it, without his sword.
Wei Wuxian walks forward shakily, one unsteady step at a time, putting distance between him and that wretched place.
He feels weak, drained, devastated in small ways.
But he is free.
Yiling offers shelter in unexpected ways. He's able to hide in a temple to recover. His condition is wretched enough that he's mistaken for a beggar. A few people take pity on him and offer fruits and buns.
It takes him a week.
That's all it takes for him to recover.
Wei Wuxian washes all traces of Burial Mounds off him, soaks in icy river water for hours on end until he feels purified and reforged.
Now, he's ready for revenge.
Wei Wuxian has only tried his cultivation method on the dead. He has used it to repel the fierce corpses, fierce ghosts, and spirits soaked in resentment.
When he tests the method on the Wens, it proves to be even more effective. They scramble like mindless beasts, driven by fear and confusion. The sounds of his Dizi pierce the air and induce madness.
He watches from a distance, indifferent as the Wens turn on each other, swinging their swords, shouting at phantoms, all sense and intellect gone.
He turns away.
Jiang Cheng's arms wrap around him and the fog around his mind starts to slowly recede. He stands stiffly, blinking a little before looking beyond his martial brother.
Lan Zhan is there, staring at him with wide eyes. There's so much open concern on his usually stoic face that Wei Wuxian wants to turn away.
"Wei Ying,"
It is only then, under the power of that golden gaze, that his fugue state dissipates. He sees Lan Zhan step forward, almost reaching out only to pull back at the last moment.
Jiang Cheng pushes him away and punches his shoulder, "Where have you been? How dare you abandon us and just frolic off somewhere?"
Wei Wuxian swalllows with difficulty and answers their questions with his habitual dismissive charm.
But that honest expression of open concern on Lan Zhan's beautiful face doesn't leave.
He meets those golden eyes and feels something shift within him.
Shaking his head, he dismisses the feeling. There's no time for sentimental reunions. He turns his attention towards Wen Chao, unsheathes his sword, and kills him in one clean strike.
There. Done.
The war is already in full swing by the time he joins it. His martial brother and Lan Zhan are quick to take him to Qinghe, not even letting him ride his own sword.
"Wei-gongzi, I'm happy to see you safe," Lan Xichen greets, running a discreet eye over him. The older Lan brother's concern is well hidden but Wei Wuxian senses it nevertheless.
The man looks like he's just about ready to banish him to the healing halls.
He opens his mouth to reassure Lan Xichen but Nie Mingjue intervenes, slapping his back solidly, "I hear you're responsible for the devastation at Yiling. Good work!"
Wei Wuxian smiles brightly, hoping to banish that increasingly familiar look from Lan Zhan's face. "Thank you, Nie-zongzhu." He smiles up at the man, "I can give you a full report of what happened if you wish it."
The Chifeng-zun's expression shifts into one of approval and he nods, "I do wish it."
"I would like to know as well, if you don't mind," Lan Xichen says and Nie Mingjue nods before he glances at Lan Zhan.
He chuckles, "Lan er-gonzi can join us as well."
Wei Wuxian doesn't realize he's been spending more time with the Lan brothers and Nie Mingjue until Jiang Cheng angrily points it out.
"You're too good for us, are you?" He demands, "Abandoning us in favor of your new friends! Even in the battlefield, you and Lan Wangji are inseparable! Have some shame! How dare you abandon your responsibilities and mess around with that man?"
"a-Cheng," Shijie reprimands gently but her voice is weak.
"Aiya, Jiang Cheng, who keeps track of such things amidst a war? They're all our allies. It's not like I have abandoned everyone." He still trains with the Jiang disciples and leads them in battle after all.
"Wei Wuxian!"
"Jiang Cheng," His voice makes his irritation clear, "Is this really the right time to worry about such trivial matters? Who cares about appearances during war? Are were not all one when on the battlefield?" He asks, narrowing his eyes on the furious Jiang, "We don't know whether we'll live or die when we ride out and you're concerned about who fights alongside me? Just who are you speaking of?"
"Who I am speaking of?" Jiang Cheng snaps in return, "Your obsession with that man is unseemly and reflects poorly on the sect! You know it and yet you carry on shamelessly-"
"My obsession?" He demands, "Just what are you trying to imply, Jiang Cheng? You're going to be a brat just because Lan Zhan happens to be the only one able to keep up with me?" It is no secret that his three month stint sharpened his cultivation in ways people find hard to fathom. He didn’t just develop a new cultivation method, he grew. Surviving the Burial Mounds is a feet beyond the skill and endurance of most cultivators. 
Wei Wuxian has earned his already formidable reputation.
Jiang Cheng reels back at the reminder, his face twisting with rage.
Never let it be said that Wei Wuxian takes things lying down. He has spent a lifetime appeasing Jiang Cheng and dealing with his insecurities.
He no longer has the patience.
He reaches out instinctively, pulling Lan Zhan out of a blade's path, spinning around to block the strike with his bare arm.
His thick leather brace manages to minimize the damage and he doesn't lose his arm but it is a near thing.
With a hiss, he crowds against Lan Zhan and brings Suibian down in a sharp slash, cutting the Wen before him from left shoulder to right hip.
"Reckless." Lan Zhan says later as he carefully stitches the cut.
"I couldn't let you get hurt." Wei Wuxian says softly, peering down at the kneeling figure before him. He has seen Lan Zhan in various states of indignity, covered in blood, robes soaked in the disgusting sludge of a war-torn field.
Nothing diminishes his beauty.
Wei Wuxian's heart races, his head spinning as he smells the scent of sandalwood. He swallows as Lan Zhan shifts closer, carefully snipping the excess thread and studying his neat stitches.
This close, he feels overwhelmed and realization dawns.
"I love you," He breathes, stunned.
He loves Lan Zhan. The knowledge strikes him now, suddenly, without warning. "How did I not know?" Wei Wuxian feels strangely dazed. How could he not know? It is so obvious to him, his constant need for Lan Zhan's attention, "I hate it when you ignore me." The feeling of those snapping golden eyes on him when he finally manages to gain Lan Zhan's attention, "It's thrilling when you don't."
He has never met anyone more beautiful, "I find you better looking than any maiden." Lan Zhan's proximity now makes him feel-, "Breathless," He says, "When I'm close to you I feel- how did I miss-"
Lan Zhan grip is like vice around his wrist.
Wei Wuxian stops, going pale as he realizes how brazenly he had just confessed love to a man. If Jiang Cheng were here, he'd definitely gut him with Sandu, "Lan Zhan, I-"
Lan Zhan surges forward, eyes blazing and expression dark.
Warm lips slide over his and his mind goes silent.
He doesn't think a single thought that night.
War doesn't wait for anyone and Wei Wuxian doesn't say anything in protest when Lan Zhan pulls away from him. He watches with heavy eyes as Lan Zhan shrugs on his discarded outer robes and glances at him.
"Is your body alright?" He asks and Wei Wuxian feels a blush crawl up his neck.
“No! Of course it isn’t,“ He complains even though his body is buzzing with lingering pleasure. He pouts up at Lan Zhan, who studies him with careful golden eyes, “Really, going on and on, taking your pleasure without any care for my virgin body.“ Lan Zhan’s ears are delightfully red, “Who knew er-gege could be so bold?“
“Wei Ying,“ Lan Zhan’s expression is flat but his voice carries a hint of a waver. Wei Wuxian just grins in response, “Be serious.“
In all honesty, his body is already back to its regular state of being. His Golden Core is still spinning furiously and the lingering energy from Dual Cultivation has healed any aches and pains he might have. 
“Fine,“ He says in a petulant tune, inwardly delighted that Lan Zhan is now his, “But er-gege must kiss me to make me feel better.”
Lan Zhan doesn’t hesitate, leaning over him and gently tipping his chin up for the demanded kiss. 
Wei Wuxian sighs, sinking into it as a curtain of silken black hair forms a private cocoon around him. 
The war ends but Wei Wuxian’s problems don’t end with it. Three issues stand before him; helping the Wen remnants, helping rebuild YunmengJiang, and figuring out how to marry Lan Zhan. 
One obstacle stands in the way of two of these three goals. Jiang Cheng absolutely refuses to lift a finger to help the Wen remnants, even though Wen Qing’s assistance helped them win the war. Jin Guangyao may have killed Wen Ruohan but Wen Qing prevented thousands of casualties.
Wen Ning was also responsible for rescuing Jiang Cheng from the Wen capture before he lost his Golden Core. It was fortunate that Wen Zhuliu had been called to visit Wen Ruohan and Wen Chao had to wait to enact that punishment. 
Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian managed to steal Jiang Cheng away just hours before Wen Zhuliu returned.
And yet, Jiang Cheng chooses to side with the Jins on the matter instead of listening to Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjue. Wei Wuxian knows it is partly because their sister is marrying into the Jin clan and they can’t afford to make things difficult for her, but still.
Jin Zixuan will obviously protect shijie. There’s no need to be so cautious, especially if three out of four sects oppose imposing any sort of punishment on innocent people. 
On a personal front, Jiang Cheng’s disapproval of his relationship with Lan Zhan is blatant.
Jiang Cheng can’t really stop Wei Wuxian from marrying whoever he wishes. He doens’t need the sect leader’s permission as he’s not really the member of the family. But his shidi is making things difficult with his sneering disapproval and contemptuous comments in public.  
He has already alienated Lan Xichen completely by calling Lan Zhan’s honor in question (boy did he earn the punch Wei Wuxian had leveled at him - sect leader or no). Nie Mingjue will never side with some upstart over Lan Xichen. 
Lan Zhan himself doesn’t care. He has never liked Jiang Cheng and he never will. He only retaliates when Jiang Cheng tries to attack Wei Wuxian. 
His protective er-gege as no tolerance for anyone trying to harm him.
Which is what, ultimately, breaks Wei Wuxian’s ties with YunmengJiang. 
The confrontation is embarrassingly public. He doesn’t mind Lan Xichen or Nie Mingjue being present but feels upset about Jin Guangshan and Jin Guangyao being there as well. 
“Twin Prides of Yungmeng, isn’t that what you promised me?“ Jiang Cheng demands, “Where will your pride be if you break all of your promises and get into...” He waves his hand at Lan Zhan in disgust, “Is this how you intend to repay us? My father raised you to be the Head Disciple of the Jiang Sect and you would rather be some sort of deviant?“
“Jiang Cheng-“
“And you would side with the Wen dogs too! Was this always your intention? Did you always want to bring down my sect and support its enemies?” 
“The Wen remnants have helped us. They’re not our enemies.“
“They’re not our enemies now,“ Jin Guanyao interjects calmly, his voice soothing and patient, “But surely you see that it may not remain so? We cannot risk another war.”
“They’re barely a few hundred people and we have already taken most of their resources. They’ll live as poor peasants. How can they be a threat to us?“ Wei Wuxian asks. 
“You’re indeed naïve, Wei-gongzi,“ Jin Guangshan says in a gentle, placating tone, “Perhaps your fondness for Wen-guniang is making you turn a blind eye. Beautiful women have a tendency to do that.“ He chuckles indulgently.
The sly implication in his tone isn’t lost on anyone. Lan Zhan’s expression turns frosty and Wei Wuxian feels a surge of fury strong enough to make his blood boil. There are so many things wrong with that statement that Wei Wuxian, for once, is rendered speechless.
“You question the honor of Wei Wuxian of all people?“ Nie Mingjue demands, taking a step forward, “I have stayed silent because Jiang Sect business isn’t my business but I will not have you slander and belittle a proven warrior in my presence!“
“Indeed,“ Lan Xichen says calmly but there’s no mistaking the sharp look in his eyes. Lan Xichen rarely reacts to provocations or interferes in sect matters that don’t concern him. But he’s not going to let anyone upset his younger brother carelessly, “The matter of the Wens is easy to resolve. Let us give them a small piece of land, let them set up a village, and forbid cultivation among them.“
“Er-ge,“ Jin Guangyao begins but Lan Zhan is out of patience. 
He steps back and bows to all assembled before placing a hand on Wei Wuxian’s back, “Wei Ying will choose his own path. Wens will remain free. Wei Ying and I will marry.“ He meets Jiang Cheng’s furious gaze, “Jiang-zongzhu must decide whether his brother’s happiness matters to him.“
Wei Wuxian winces. 
“My brother’s happiness?“ Jiang Cheng demands, “All everyone has ever cared about is his happiness! What about me? What about our Sect? A sect he nearly destroyed because of his loyalty towards you.“ Jiang Cheng looks at him, “Did you forget my mother? My father? How do you intend to repay the enormous debt you carry, Wei Wuxian?“
Wei Wuxian stares back at him, “What is my repayment, Jiang Cheng?” He asks softly, “What will it take for you to consider that debt repaid?” It has been over five years since the fall of Lotus Pier. Wei Wuxian has bled and slogged through war to restore that place to its former glory. He has kept Jiang Cheng safe, helped renegotiate shijie’s marriage, and used his name to draw skilled cultivators to YungmengJiang. 
What more can he give? 
“Loyalty.“ He stills, “You devote your life to YungmengJiang and nothing else.“
Lan Xichen makes a faint, alarmed noise while Nie Mingjue huffs in disapproval. 
Wei Wuxian takes a deep breath, feeling Lan Zhan’s fingers flex on his back. He levels a flat look at Jiang Cheng and thinks on the matter of debts. He thinks about Madam Yu’s refusal to bend, of Jiang-zongzhu’s passivity and lack of planning. He thinks about the Wen’s unprovoked attack on Cloud Recesses and the inevitability of war. 
He thinks of his Lan Zhan and shijie’s Jin Zixuan, without swords and facing an armed group of Wens under Wen Chao’s orders. 
He thinks of love. Of what it means to be truly, unconditionally loved. 
No sorrys and no thank yous. No debt owed for simply being a part of someone’s life. 
He thinks of acceptance that comes with an older brother’s amused smile. He thinks of an uncle’s gruff admonishment to behave followed by a stiff reminder to eat, you’re skin and bones already. 
He takes a deep breath and decides. 
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bokuroskitten · 3 years
Just some Kuroo thrists cause he takes up every spot in my brain literally 24/7
These are both sfw + nsfw
Tumblr media
Kuroo hears you talking about that new anime your really into and will binge it all in one night
Even though his sleep is so important to him, he wants to be able to talk to you about your current favourite thing
If he finds merch for it he’ll get it for you, even if it’s not your fav character
“Hey kitty, saw this my hero academia T-shirt in the window of hot topic, do you like it? Try it on for me bubs!”
If there are kids playing volleyball at the park he’ll play with them.
Especially if the volleyball rolls over to the blanket where the two of you are having a picnic.
Kuroo will be like 👀👀 and of course you tell him to go
And the moment he gets one spike in the kids are LIVING
“Show me how to do that mister?!” “You’re so tall how did you get this big?!” “I wanna hit the ball hard too!”
And he teaches them, just like the good captain he is. And you watch with a big, goofy grin.
also if you pull your debit card out around him to pay for literally anything he will not hesitate to literally throw it away.
“Oh no babe your cards over there you should go get it—“
Always packs you a water bottle because he knows you can be bad at staying hydrated.
Okay the nail painting carries over here BECAUSE
Of course he uses those two fingers to sink into you when your feeling very needy
And when he pulls them all the way out, seeing his fingers covered in your slick he smirks.
“Yea kitten, this colour does look really good on you.”
If your wearing his jersey it’s came over.
Especially when the two of you are older and he’s exhausted from work, tugging at his tie. But when he sees you, thighs smooth and his old jersey the only thing hiding your naked form he cannot hold back.
You have a couple, of course (what I can say he likes to spoil the hell outta you) But he likes when you wear the thin leather black on out in public
It had a sliver plaque on the side, his initials engraved on it.
The best is when you come bring him coffee at work and your wearing it.
He will lift you onto his desk and strip you down until nothing but the collar is left.
“My pretty little kitty, gotta make sure everyone knows your mine, isn’t that right?”
He will keep your panties after that in his pocket for the rest of the day
And he does sniff them from time to time, sure it’s pervy but your scent is just too addicting.
Despite popular belief he LOVES when you send him naughty pictures while he’s at work.
He’ll pull his phone from his slacks and have to hold back laughter when he sees your skirt pulled off, showing off your slick folds. Or a nice mirror shot of your pretty tits.
It only makes him that much more excited to wreck you when he gets home <3
This man doesn’t give a FUCK and will come to work with the hickies on his neck showing
Because “my baby left these, aren’t they pretty😌”
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andvys · 3 years
Longing (part 1)
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Warnings: “enemies” to lovers type of thing, slow burn, cocky!ellie, alcohol consumption
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
Ellie always thought you were the prettiest girl she’s ever seen in her life, you had the most beautiful eyes, the way they would always get lighter in the sun and the way they would always light up whenever you were happy about something. She loved how you would always put your hair into a braid and would still have strands of hair fall in front your eyes, you’d always put them behind your ears only for them to get loose again and fall in front of your eyes once more. She loved how fierce and badass you are, always ready for any situation. You are one of the best fighters in Jackson despite your age. Having seen it herself when you patrolled together, you fought skillfully, making Ellie wonder about where you have learned to fight like that. Anytime something went wrong or someone would say something about hunters or a horde of infected coming Jackson’s way, you’d always be first to volunteer to go and get rid of them. The way you held yourself, Ellie was sure that you could actually get rid of a group of people before they’d even make it to the gates of Jackson. She would never underestimate you. You really were a fascinating person.
If you just weren’t such a bitch.
You were nice to everyone but to her, well except for Seth. Always getting into a fight with the older man.
You weren’t necessarily mean to Ellie but you weren’t exactly nice either, you were sarcastic and feisty with her and you loved to push her buttons but you weren’t as good at it as she was, Ellie always had the upper hand in your little banters and she teased the hell out of you, leaving you annoyed making her smirk every time. She’d also jokingly flirt with you or make dirty jokes, leaving you uncomfortable or at least that’s what Ellie thought. She just loved getting on your nerves.
Dina would always try to convince Ellie that you actually liked her and you just had a funny way of showing that. Ellie would laugh at that every time, she knew you had some sort of resentment towards her for whatever reason.
You wanted to be friends with the girl you really did but something about her annoyed the hell out of you and she made you feel weird. You constantly bickered like little kids and you seemed to have a stand off every time you were patrolling together. She just pissed you off.
“You going to the dance tonight kid?” Joel asked you. Right now you were cleaning the rifles and shotguns in the shed you kept them in. Having injured your shoulder while on patrol a few days ago you were off patrol for a few weeks. So you were assigned for keeping the weapons clean. You were annoyed at that, you had worse injuries before and still fought but Maria wouldn’t let you out, not wanting to risk your health. So here you were boring yourself to death, at least Joel came in to keep you company.
“Umm I don’t know, it’s not really my thing.” You said. Laying the rifle on the table you looked at the older man. Since he and Ellie came to Jackson he became something like a mentor to you. You respected the older man, you already learned more from him than your own father and he was there for you whenever you struggled with yourself.
“That’s what Ellie said too.” You avoided looking at him at the mention of Ellie. You thought, he assumed that you two must be friends, considering you’re in the same friend group. You didn’t even know they were talking again.
“She did?” You asked avoiding his eyes.
“Yes.” He studied your face. He was not stupid, anytime he’d bring up Ellie you got quiet and awkward same with Ellie she reacted the same way at the mention of you.
“Are you going?” You asked him, changing the topic quickly.
“Yeah and you should come too.” He said.
“We’ll see, do I get to have a drink?” You asked, giving him a hopeful smile. He never let you drink.
“Are you 21?” He asked giving you a pointed look.
“Ugh come on Joel, I’m 19 plus I’m allowed to blow up things and kill people and infected but I’m not allowed to have a drink every once in a while?” You said shaking your head.
Joel laughed at that “well maybe you can have a little.” He said.
“Finally, I wanna get drunk.”
“You’re allowed to drink but you’re not allowed to get drunk kid.” Joel said sternly.
“I’ll take what I can get.” Smiling at him. He got up and walked towards you, ruffling your hair.
“I gotta get going, I’ll see you at the dance.”
“Ugh, see ya.” You said annoyed at him for messing up your braid.
Stepping out of the little shed once you were done with your assignment you stood there enjoying the fresh air for a second after being in that shed all day.
Deep in thought you were looking down on your way home, not watching where you were going you ran into something or rather someone, almost falling down if it wasn’t the strong arms catching you by your waist, grabbing their arms you looked up at your savior only to realize that it’s Ellie still with her hands on your waist she had a cocky smirk on her face.
“Careful there (y/n), you almost fell for me.” Smirking at you.
You groaned at that, letting go of her arms you took a step back making her hands let go of your waist.
“Do you want me to escort you home? I don’t want you tripping and falling for someone else.” She said, teasing you
“No thanks Williams, now if you’ll excuse me.” You said, trying to walk past her only for her to step in front of you not letting you go yet, probably to annoy you some more.
“You going to the dance tonight?” Ellie asked. Studying your face.
“Yup.” You replied, looking down on your shoes, avoiding looking at her pretty face.
“Nice, I’ll be there as well.” Ellie said.
“I know, Joel told me.” Shit why did you just say that, you wanted to slap yourself now she knew you and Joel talked about her. Now she would think you’re interested in her, well you are but she doesn’t have to know that.
“Oh, talking about me with Joel when you could talk to me?” She teased.
“Whatever I’m gonna go now, see ya Williams.” You said, this time she stepped aside, letting you leave.
She watched you leave, deep in thought about you she didn’t notice Jesse appearing next to her, throwing an arm around her.
“Man you have it bad for our girl here.” Jesse said, smirking at her. He was aware of Ellie having some sort of feelings for you. It wasn’t hard to see that, Ellie always looked like a kicked puppy around you.
“Shut up, Jesse” Ellie said annoyed.
“She likes you too.”
“What?! No she doesn’t. I’m pretty sure she hates me.” Ellie said, looking down, she began walking away.
Jesse followed her. “She doesn’t hate you, I’ve seen how she acts around people she hates and you aren’t one of them.” He said.
“Well I- so what she likes me now?” She asked. Not believing that you could feel anything towards her but hate.
“She likes Dina and Joel or Tommy and Maria, I’m pretty sure she likes me too, I’m awesome.” Jesse smirked at the last part. “But you? I’d say there’s a little more than “like” Ellie.”
“Are you trying to tell me she has feelings for me?” Ellie laughed at that. Jesse was ridiculous and stupid if he thought you could have feelings for Ellie. Not that she didn’t wish for that but it was too good to be true.
“You know what they say about hate. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin.” Jesse confidently said.
Ellie laughed at that, “alright whatever.” She thought about that. She genuinely couldn’t see you liking her.
It was a little crowded at the dance once you got there. You usually avoided going to these things, not liking being around many people but Dina always made you come. Looking at you with her puppy eyes, you couldn’t say no to the girl.
Looking out for Dina and Jesse you weren’t able to find them. Huh she bugged you about being there on time but she herself wasn’t even here yet. Looking around you saw Ellie standing at the bar. You stared at her for a while.
Suddenly she looked your way, catching you staring at her she started smirking, rolling your eyes at her.
She waved at you to come over. You’d rather have Dina and Jesse be there as well, not trusting yourself to be around the girl without anyone around but you didn’t wanted to be alone so you walked over to her.
“Hey (y/n), if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were just checking me out from over there, that’s kinda creepy.” Ellie said with a teasing smile. Leaning against the bar.
Feeling embarrassed now you rolled your eyes.
“You wish, Williams.” You said sitting down on the bar stool next to her.
“What if I do?” She asked you, smirking.
“I- um.” Not knowing what to say you quickly changed the subject. “I need a drink.”
“I’ll get you something, wait here.” She left you alone.
“Alright, thanks I guess.”
Coming back she gave you the drink. Taking it from her hand your fingers touched for a second, avoiding her eyes you took a sip of the drink. Almost coughing at the taste, Ellie laughed at you.
“You never had whiskey did you?” She asked.
Shaking your head “you?” You asked curiously.
“Yeah.” Nodding at her words, you looked around.
Sitting in silence for a while, you watched all the couples dance. Feeling Ellie’s eyes on you the whole time. You glanced at her, noticing that her glass is empty, you figured it’d be a good opportunity to get away from her for a second.
“Should I get you a new one?” You asked her. “A drink I mean.”
“Uh sure.” She gave you her glass, you walked towards the bartender guy. Ellie had a chance to admire you from the side.
Waiting for the bartender to bring you your drinks, you saw someone heading your way from the side, turning to look who it was you saw it was Joel.
“Hey kid.” He pulled you in for a hug. He always gave the best hugs, they were always warm and safe.
“Hi Joel.” Smiling at him.
“I see you and Ellie are alone tonight.” He looked towards Ellie, who was taking a seat at one of the smaller tables, waiting for you.
“I- yeah. We are waiting for Dina and Jesse.”
“I’m afraid they’re not coming tonight. Haven’t they told you?” He asked.
“What? But I- they told us they’d be here.” You said confused. Why would they tell you come here if they weren’t even here.
“I talked to Jesse today, he said him and Dina are having a date tonight.” Joel said.
“Oh well, I didn’t know.” You laughed. Great now you it was just you and Ellie.
The bartender brought you your drinks, putting them in front of you hitting you with the smell of whiskey, you gave Joel a cheeky smile.
He put a hand on your shoulder, “drink responsibly kid, and take care of Ellie.” He said.
“Yes of course, I promise.”
“Alright, well go on and have fun.”
“Alright you too Joel, I’ll see you.” You smiled at him taking the drinks in both hands you walked over to Ellie. Setting them down on the table you sat down next to Ellie.
“Well it seems like our friends have ditched us.” You said annoyed.
“What?” Ellie furrowed her eyebrows at that.
“Yeah Joel said they have a date night.”
“Great.” Ellie suddenly felt nervous. Being alone with you would surely end bad, she was scared that she’d accidentally confess her stupid crush on you or something.
“I know we’re not friends or whatever but I feel like getting a few drinks, what about you?” You asked. Ellie hated that you didn’t even see her as a friend but you usually avoided her like the plague and you’d never ask her to hang out with you, a year ago you’d just leave if none of your friends were here but Ellie guessed you must’ve warmed up to her a little if you asked her to keep you company.
“Yeah sure.”
Throughout the whole night you and Ellie bickered about every little thing, sarcastically replying to everything the other would say. You definitely wouldn’t be friends anytime soon but you two did kind of enjoy this night.
You were currently walking home side by side. Having a discussion about weapons. Arriving in front of your home, you talked for a few more minutes, fighting on which weapon is the better choice, in any situation.
“Alright, whatever Williams you’re right, I’m wrong.” You said, rolling your eyes at the girl. Walking backwards to your door.
“You know I’m right (y/n)!” Ellie said teasing you.
“Go home Williams!”
“Yes ma’am.” Ellie grumbled, turning around she started to walk back home.
Ellie thought about this night. It was the first time you willingly spent time alone with her. She enjoyed it even if you were still your usual sarcastic self, she still enjoyed it. Hoping to see more of you, without having the rest of your friends around. She liked to be alone with you, not that she would admit it to anyone.
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comfortwriting · 3 years
A Triwizard Baby Part 1 - F.W
Masterlist, Requesting Rules, Writing Prompt Masterlist,Taglist
Part 1 Fred Weasley x Fem Reader mini series
Requested/About: Best friends, Y/N and Fred Weasley share a night of passion together during the Triwizard Tournament, after that, everything changes and Fred can’t figure out why until the night of the final task. Y/N has the world on her shoulders, and Fred slowly finds himself losing everyone around him. 
Want to be tagged? Let me know!
A/N: the ages/school year has been adjusted so everything is legal.
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, intoxication, drunk and unprotected sex, losing virginity.
It all started when the more outspoken, confident twin crashed into you on the Hogwarts Express in your first year at Hogwarts. Sure, you were upset, embarrassed, and annoyed, but when you looked up and realised who had swept you off your feet, you knew it wasn’t your brain messing with you - from that moment you had fallen for him; Fred Weasley.
After your first train ride, classes, and many more along the way, over the years, you and Fred became best friends, going through thick and thin together, sharing the worlds loudest laughs, best pranks, and even the biggest tears. Your tiny crush on him blossomed into something much more, a love that couldn’t stop growing and spread out of control, but you were sure that Fred didn’t feel the same, and as you became older, reaching the end of your years in the education system, Fred discovered other girls and sex, whilst you drowned yourself in the life of parties and bottles of fire whiskey.
Fred loves the parties, he loves fire whiskey too, but he loves the other girls and the sex in a different way because they feed his ego, and it helped take his mind off you and the fact he didn’t have the guts to pursue you.
You were labelled as the party-girl which every girl wanted to be and wouldn’t challenge to a drinking game if their gold was on the table, and Fred gained the title as the play-boy, who made every lad jealous and watch in envy as he never got rejected and could flirt with any girl he wanted.
You had to hear the stories of your best friend fucking your classmates, and how much they loved it, praising him and gossiping about how skilled he was with his fingers, tongue, and cock. You were jealous, and you didn’t want to admit it, but you couldn't invent your sex life to reach Fred’s rank - you had never had sex - you were a virgin through and through.
Sitting next to Fred on the edge of his bed in the hospital wing you shook your head, laughing at the state of him and his twin, George.
“I’ve got to say, you’ve got a magnificent beard.” You laughed, the sight of George being an old man funnier than you expected.
Fred smirked despite still being pissed off with George “I never knew you were into older men” he winked.
“Well, you never asked.”
George groaned out “get a bloody room, the pair of you!”
You rolled your eyes at him and pulled Fred’s pillow from under his head, causing him to slump down, you bashed George with his pillow, sticking your tongue out at him and pulling a face.
“Y/N, don’t encourage them!” Madame Pomfrey hurried over, retrieving Fred’s pillow “Out! Out!” she shooed you.
Standing up and put your hands up in defence “Alright! I’m going!”
Fred’s smirk turned into a grin, “Watch the first task with us?” he asked.
You nodded “with pleasure, I heard Bill is going to be there.”
And you weren’t wrong, the first task came within the blink of an eye, you were honoured to meet Bill in passing - more like a “Hello!” with an awkward wave, followed by “Goodbye!” and another awkward wave, but the dragons fascinated you, and Fred spent the majority of the task watching you instead of the Hungarian Horntail, Swedish Short-Snout, Chinese Fireball, and the Common Welsh Green. George had to keep reminding Fred that their money and future business was on the line.
During the celebration party as it got later in the evening, you and everyone else surrounded Harry, clapping and cheering as he lifted the golden egg infant of him, parading it around, all of you watching and waiting eagerly, encouraging him to open it in hopes that it could liven up the party - giving everyone an excuse to stay up late and continue drinking.
Fred and George lifted Harry up, propping his legs on either of their shoulders, their arms strapping him in so he was above the large and busy crowd.
“Knew you wouldn’t die, Harry.”
“Lose a leg.”
“Or an arm.”
“Pack it in altogether.”
Fred and George stopped heaving Harry into the air, Seamus begging for a clue, you stared at Fred, your eyes getting lost in the strands of his long golden hair, but you weren’t the only one - the girls behind you were fixating on him, whispering about his good looks and height.
You zoned out completely, the same jealousy and bitterness spreading through your veins, you had to talk to him, tell him you loved him, but how?
Harry opened the egg, bright light of gold broke out followed by loud screeching, breaking you out of your toxic train of thoughts, Fred and George dropping Harry and flinching like you and everyone else, covering your ears and begging Harry to shut it up.
“What the bloody hell was that?” Ron interrupted.
Fred huffed and shook his head “As if this party couldn’t get any worse.” he turned around and tried to flee to his dorm room, calling it a night and encouraging everyone to get to bed.
The two girls behind you who were salivating over Fred pushed past you and called him over, blushing and batting their eyelashes at him.
“We’re throwing a party of our own” she eyed him up as if he was something to eat “tonight doesn’t have to end on a downer.”
Her plan worked, instantly gaining Fred’s attention, he grinned and nodded “Wicked, can I bring someone along?”
“George is already invited” her friend replied, smirking at George.
“Can I bring someone else too, though?” Fred asked.
The girls exchanged looks with one another cautiously, but they didn’t want to let him down or uninterested him, “Of course! Who?”
Probably his friend Lee or some girl he’s fucking.
“Y/N!” Fred called out, smiling at you “You want to join this party with me?”
The girls glared at one another, muttering and swearing under their breaths to one another.
This is your moment, Y/N, don’t mess this up, shoot your shot.
“Yeah!” You smiled back, feeling honoured and slightly shocked “Yeah, sure!”
Once everyone had cleared off, you and your new group sneaked out of the common room and into Moaning Myrtle's territory, all the professors were either partying or fast asleep, even Mr Filch and Mrs Norris grudgingly had the night off.
The dark and grubby bathroom spun around whilst you got onto your knees, the cold tile floor making you shudder when coming into contact with your warm legs. The two girls smirked and sat down too, the shorter one pulling Fred to sit down next to her, her hand continuously placing itself on his knee, ticking you off.
“Well, since Y/N decided to drink her feelings, we’ve got an empty bottle and we could do with a game to lighten up the mood.” The shorter girl spoke out, causing Fred to give her a dirty look for calling you out.
“What is it then?” George asked “Pretty shit place for a party.”
“Careful” you hiccoughed “Don’t want to make Mrytle cry.”
“We’ve decided truth or dare, but with spinning the bottle. Whoever it lands on has to answer a truth, or accept a dare from the spinner.”
You rolled your eyes “Seems very... tween like of you.”
Fred laughed.
“You weren’t invited, so feel free to leave if this party isn’t good enough for you.”
You ignored her and played along anyway.
“George” she squealed “Truth or dare?”
George hesitated for a moment “Truth”
“Does Fred keep you up at night with all the girls he brings back?”
After what felt like an eternity, the bottle finally landed back and George, and he spun the bottle, causing it to land on you.
“Y/N, truth or dare?”
I swear if you ask me anything stupid -
“D-dare.” you hiccoughed again, trying to act bigger than your boots.
George stared at the two desperate girls and looked back at you “I dare you to snog my brother.”
Okay, I really wish I went for truth, what was I thinking? Bloody hell!
“Okay then” you replied nervously, crawling in the middle of the circle, Fred crawling over to you, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
Fred’s warm, large, gentle hands cupped your face, leaning in, his lips pressed against yours shocking both of you as if a spark had ignited, whilst you kissed back, your hands tangled in his long golden hair and the two of you were suddenly hit with the realisation of how in love with one another you actually were.
More students had caught wind of the lame party and livened it up, playing music and brightening the bathroom up with colourful moving lights, bringing more fire whiskey and encouraging everyone to dance.
Everyone around you watched as you and Fred continued to snog, his tongue dancing with yours, his cock starting to support a semi, everyone cheered aside from the two girls who felt as if they had shot themselves in the foot.
“Okay!” the girl called out again, trying to pull Fred away “Times up!”
but he didn’t want to stop, and neither did you, the memories you shared playing out in front of you.
“I’m sorry for crashing into you” he frowned, sitting next to you on the train “is your head alright? I can try and make the bruising go away.”
You couldn’t stay mad at him, you chuckled and shook your head “It’s okay but thank you for offering” you smiled.
His twin brother entered the carriage, “Fred-” he stared at you “what’s happened to you?”
“I wish you were coming with us” Fred sighed, grumbling to himself.
“Oh don’t be silly, you’re going on holiday!” you beamed “just make sure you take plenty of pictures, I’ve heard Egypt is lovely!”
“I’ll write to you and I’ll send the photos through the owl post if I’ve got enough time.”
“We’re supposed to be studying for our O.W.Ls!” you hissed at Fred, hiding your answers from him as he continued to make your stationary levitate and drop onto your head.
“Please take part in this prank, Y/N” he begged “I promise I won’t ask for anything ever again.”
“But you always do, Freddie!”
He stared at you, pouting and making puppy eyes.
“Fine” you sighed, giving in “Let’s go and do it then.”
Fred punched the air and grabbed you by the hand, pulling you away from your desk, the two of you smirking and giggling with excitement.
“I didn’t realise it would be this cold” you shivered, standing outside of Honey Dukes, snow falling from the sky and sticking to the pavement.
Fred pulled off his knitted jumper “Put this on love, don’t want you freezing now do we?”
The memories snapped away as Fred fell back, his arm in the girl's hand, you were desperate for more and opened your eyes, frowning that he had been dragged away for a dance with her, you watched as she wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands rested on her waist.
Getting off your now red cold knees and standing up, you downed some more fire whiskey from the first bottle you laid eyes on and decided to copy Fred - dancing with anyone who wanted you - grinding against them, having them hold you close and breathing down your neck, you had to admit, for someone who had never done this before, you were doing a pretty good job, almost as if you had done it before.
Fred couldn’t get you, the kiss, the feeling of your lips, tongue, and the replay of memories out of his head. Breaking away from the girl, he approached you as you pulled away from the tall Hufflepuff lad, finally reuniting with the love of your life. Almost instantly, Fred’s lips collided with yours, your hands back to being tangled in his hair and his hand squeezing your behind teasingly, alcohol on your breath and his.
“I want you.” you breathed, pulling away from the kiss “I want you to fuck me like you do everyone else.”
“I want you too” Fred replied, taking your hand and fleeing from the party.
After what seemed like a marathon, you finally burst into Fred’s empty dorm room, he shut the door behind him and locked it before kissing you passionately, lowering you onto the bed and taking your clothes off.
This was it, the moment you were craving for years on end, this was it, this was how you would be losing your virginity, this would be giving yourself to your best friend entirely.
But Fred had no idea that it was your first time, in his head, you were having just as much sex as him.
Fred couldn’t get over the sight of your naked body, your breasts, your tummy, your bum, your inner thighs, your exquisite crotch - you were the definition of perfect, he had forgotten about every girl he had ever seen naked at the sight of you, you were making him feel as if this was his first time all over again.
Fred sucked on your nipples whilst he stimulated your clit with his fingers, warming you up, the sensation of his warm tongue and mouth sent shivers of pleasure down your spine, and as nervous as you were, you couldn’t stop yourself from moaning as he played with your touch starved clit.
“Are you ready, Y/N?” Fred asked, pulling away from your breasts.
“Yes,” you breathed out, slurring slightly “I’m ready Freddie.”
Fred’s head, like yours, was also spinning. He stumbled and reached for the lube, applying it onto his length and then across your tight hole. Fred felt as if he had forgotten something, but the more he wracked his own brain, the more he couldn’t remember what he needed. He laid you on your back and climbed on top, lining himself against your entrance.
Looking at you one last time to make sure, you nodded, and he slowly pushed himself inside of you, stretching you out as your walls tightened around you. You winced as you experienced an entirely new feeling, Fred slowed down and stayed still inside of you so you could adjust to his size when you were ready to continue, Fred started to trust himself inside and out of you gently, holding your hand and kissing your head as you started to feel incredible pleasure, your soft moans spilling from your lips.
Fred couldn’t believe he had gotten so lucky, he was fucking - no - he wasn’t - he was making love to the most perfect girl in the world, someone he actually cared deeply for and had feelings for, you weren't a stranger, you were special, you weren’t temporary, you were soothing his aching heart - your absence was the cause, and your love - the medicine.
You watched as Fred’s hard cock slid inside and out of you, you admired his perfect body, the way he moaned and expressed the pleasure he was feeling through his facial expressions, you gripped onto his hand tighter as he picked up his speed and throbbed inside of you, you didn’t want this to end, you wanted to live inside this moment forever.
“My- My tummy feels tight” you panted, not knowing what was happening.
“Cum for me, Y/N.” Fred panted too “Don’t hold back.”
Oh, so that’s what that feeling means?
The pressure built up until it burst, you felt yourself explode as the pleasure became more intense, you relaxed and released, creaming down Fred’s length, your walls strangling him.
“Fuck!” Fred panted, the beads of sweat spreading across his forehead and back “I’m cumming baby!”
Fred released his sperm deep inside of you without realising he didn’t have a condom on, you didn’t know whether he had put one on or not either, you didn’t know to ask or mention it, you were on birth control up until last week, you had to come off it due to the side effects and stress you under as your N.E.W.Ts approached.
Fred slowly pulled out and collapsed in your arms, the two of you holding one another, your eyes too heavy to stay open.
As you drifted off to sleep, your life was about to change forever.
Taglist: @amourtentiaa @reeophidian @alwaysnforeverfangirl @inglourious-imagines @horrorxweasley @sebby-staan @onlyfreds @pandaxnienke @xmalfoyweasleyx
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oumaheroes · 3 years
Congrats on 100+ followers, you deserve it! I love your blog and writing! For the writing-promp, how about some outsider pov fruk?
Word Count: 1690
Characters: England, France - FrUK, America, Canada
‘It’ll be fun!’
‘No, it won’t.’
‘Yes it will,’ America insists, leaning forward to get a better look at the screen. England’s face through the webcam is decidedly unimpressed.
‘I don’t like house parties,’ he says, but America can hear slight resignation already there in his voice and so pushes again to seal the deal.
‘Please? Come on man, it’ll be great. Right after the G20 meeting in Texas too so there’s no work to worry about; just stay one more day for it. And hey, if you don’t like it you can leave.’
England raises an eyebrow, ‘You invited me to stay withyou.’
America shrugs, unbothered, ‘Then don’t! Or, do- whatever. It’s up to you.’
England sighs and looks conflicted. America seizes the opportunity and goes in for the kill, ‘Everyone else will be there too; you don’t wanna get FOMO.’
‘I don’t get FOMO,’ England snaps, looking affronted, and America instantly knows he’s won, ‘But fine, if it means that much to you, I’ll come.’
America tries to school his face into something that doesn’t look too triumphant, ‘Awesome! Kay, so it’ll be casual, no need to dress up or be all fancy or anything.’
‘Yes yes,’ England waves a hand dismissively and shifts in his chair, ‘I know how a house party works. I do go to some, you know.’
‘Cool cool cool, just making sure.’ America can’t really picture England at the sort of house party he is thinking of, people lounging about on furniture and playing silly drinking games. But it must happen, he supposes- he’s seen England drunk in pubs before and he’s boisterous so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to imagine him in an even more casual setting.
Suddenly, America notes the darkness of England’s surroundings and checks the clock in the bottom corner of his screen, ‘Hey, it’s getting pretty late for you over there, isn’t it? I should let you go.’
England glances at his wrist, entirely ignoring the PC he’s using, ‘Yes, I suppose so. Okay, likely I’ll see you next month then.’
‘No backsies, you said yes,’ America reminds him.
England rolls his eyes, ‘I meant that I won’t see you until then, I already said I was coming; I’ll come.’
‘Good!’ America moves his mouse to end the call, ‘See you there, old man. Try to be fun.’
‘What is that supposed to-‘
Canada glances about the room and nods, ‘It’s not bad.’
America reels back, ‘Not bad? Dude-‘ he gestures to the living room they’re in the doorway of and then to the pool outside, both places spilling over with nations chatting and enjoying themselves under the beat of the music, ‘-it’s more than not bad!’
It really was, in his humble opinion, probably one of his best in recent years. Nearly everyone had turned up who said they were going to and there had been a steady flow of conversation and dancing all night. America had scoped the place out every now and again, making rounds through the house to make sure there were no stragglers sitting somewhere on their own but there wasn’t a need for it- things had run smoothly without him needing to intervene and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. This is why he liked house parties, more than any other type of ‘function’. House parties had a more relaxed vibe, where no one felt the need to impress or do themselves up too much (unless you were one of the older ones, that is; it seemed that no matter what you told them they’d still arrive a bit more formally dressed than everyone else, as if they had some sort of inbuilt compulsion).
Things going so well was probably helped, too, by the fact that America had only invited friends and family. One, because inviting the entire world and putting them in one place anywhere would always result in some form of argument, but also because this was his house and he didn’t want it to get trashed, (regardless of what England had groused when he first arrived and had seen the condition of the place).
Canada shrugs and takes a sip of his drink, ‘I’ve been to better.’
America frowns, disappointed, before jostling his arm playfully when he notices the small, guilty shift of Canada’s eye, ‘Stop messing with me.’
Canada grins behind his cup and nudges him back, ‘Well, no one’s dead yet. That’s always good.’
‘Amen to that,’ America raises his glass in a toast which Canada meets and downs the rest of his drink, ‘Want a refill?’
‘Come on then, I ain’t your servant.’
Canada gives him a flat look but wordlessly follows America out of the living room and through to the kitchen. Australia’s there with Mexico, digging about in the lower cupboards for something and Denmark is showing Japan a video on his phone that’s making Japan’s eyes go almost unnaturally wide.
‘Alfred mate, what happened to those Tim Tams you promised me?’ Australia stands up from his crouch on the floor and looks at America reproachfully, ‘I feel swindled.’
America opens his mouth to speak but Canada cuts in first, ‘I hid them.’
America turns to him in confusion, ‘Why?’
‘Zea asked me to, seeing as they couldn’t come. Something about what you did to them at Christmas?’
Australia throws up his hands and scoffs, ‘Jesus fuck, when will they get over that. Where are did you put them? Come on, don’t be a dick, I promised Mexico some.’
Mexico shrugs delicately, ‘I don’t really care, to be honest. I just heard they were bad and wanted to see how bad.’
Australia looks down at her scandalised, ‘Who told you that?!’
She readjusts to sit properly on the floor, ‘People.’
‘Yeah, sorry, I’ll get them.’ Canada’s job has been carried out to the minimum requirement and America knows that he’s happy that he can now take himself out of the silly argument New Zealand and Australia have slyly pulled him into. He goes out of the kitchen, leaving his empty cup behind, and America follows him curiously through the hallway in the direction of the study.
‘What did Australia do to Zea at Christmas?’ America has missed out on England’s most recent yearly family function; he’d wanted to go surfing with Hawaii instead.
‘Don’t ask,’ Canada says tiredly, the air of an older sibling who had seen far too much. America is offended Canada hasn’t told him already. He opens his mouth to say as much when Canada goes to open the slightly ajar study door before stopping abruptly in the doorway, causing America to almost crash into him.
‘Hey, what-‘ Canada hurriedly squeezes America’s arm and tugs him sharply away in a warning for quiet, catching his eye before glancing into the room meaningfully. America peers around him into the study, wondering what he’s seen.
At first, he’s not sure what he’s supposed to be looking at; it looks empty. The main study light is off, leaving the room lit only by one table lamp by the sofa that casts a warm, buttery glow about the place, softening the corners with shadows. He looks to Canada for help and Canada tilts his head in the direction of the French doors, eyebrows raised.
America follows his gaze and understands. The darkness outside has turned the glass to mirrors, reflecting the front of the old sofa that America could previously only see the back of. On it are England and France, curled up together with France’s head on England’s chest and England propped against the armrest, one knee brought up high for him to rest an elbow on. He has his other hand in France’s hair and is gently running his fingers through it, long languid strokes that feel entirely too intimate for America to process.
It’s a strange thing for him to see. He has accidentally caught England and France doing other things throughout his life but intimacy isn’t really something they display. They argue. They bicker. They fight and scream and laugh, sometimes, but they do not do this in front of other people, this gentleness. Neither of the two are what anyone could ever consider gentle, even France, for all his intentional touches and flirtations -the soft ghost of his hand on a shoulder or resting warm around a waist- are not this, not personal. France is very free with his physical affections but they are shallow things, meaningless and ordinary. There is something removed and detached about how he moves amongst crowds, gathering himself close about someone to brush against them as he stands that speaks of friendliness yes, but not closeness. Nothing special to note.
But here, curled on a sofa and unaware they are being watched, there are no guards up or cold pretences between them, just a natural, domestic openness that America finds oddly normal, for how little he has seen glimpses of it. England and France together are many things, have experienced every extreme and mundane state possible for two people to experience, and this side of them is just another shade, as hard as it is to find.
France tips his head back more and opens his eyes, crinkling their corners as he murmurs something low under the muted music that causes England’s lips to twitch into a rare, open smile. They could be anyone then, just two people on a sofa, young and mellow, and for a split-second America can’t see them as anything else. The warm mood hides their identity and blurs their age- familiar strangers tucked away on their own.
America jumps, startled, when Canada nudges him, an elbow into his side and he turns to find his brother gesturing with his head back into the hallway.
He agrees. America knows both England and France would be mortified to be caught like this, boneless and out of character around the person they often so openly despise, so it’s best to leave them as they are undisturbed.
Australia can wait, America will squeeze the truth out of Canada about Christmas and maybe take Zea’s side just for fun.
Sorry for the wait anon, but I hope you see this and I hope that you like! Thanks for the ask and for your kind words, this was a lovely prompt and I really liked thinking about how I could do this justice ;u;
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