#not written by me btw
waning-star999 · 6 days
Top ten people who needs therapy ^^
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Stop self projecting you’re gonna worsen both of your traumas 😤
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lostmar · 10 months
Murd’rous Machines: A Comedy
Act 1, Scene 1
Note: the numbers correspond to footnotes that you'll find at the bottom of the post
Characters in play: Uzi Doorman-a working Dron’
   Khan Doorman-Father of Uzi, a working Dron’ gatesmithy
3 Disassembly Dron’s
   N-Well meaning friend of Uzi
   V-Vicious and vengeful Dissassembly Dron’
   J-Leader of Dissassembly Dron’s
Thad-Pupil and a working Dron’.
Doll-Pupil and a working Dron’ of Russian origin
Lizzy-Pupil and a working Dron’
The Unnamed Worker(1)-Gatekeeper, a working Dron’ 
Various Working Dron’
[Uzi and Teacher in a classroom. Filled with students, among them Riley].
Uzi: Robotic workers art(2) we who toiled
To succor(3) Mankind to his ultimate
Goal of conquest and colonization.
Behold! Plan’ets on edge of the knowing
And dread(4) sense of Man have since becometh 
Our domain to shred for his service
To th’ dishonorable Lord Jensen.
Who behaves to our wondrous kind species 
Mere servants to windows crisp(5) despite our
Innate, humble nature
Gaze in some delight as th’ colony 
Of Man ceases to function for profit
‘Cause of his utter arrogance come here.
Like th’ Icarus ‘fore him he fell down
And left us thou richst and gentle(6) plan’et;
Gave us this Copp’r-Nine to settle here
As our one and only true home for us.
This plan’et was wiped clean of man’s touches
And he graciously allowed us to live
Among ourselves as we raised our issue(7)
From our humble colony out lonesome,
To busy former Silicon City(8).
But ‘lo! Yond murd’rous tyrant Lord Jensen
Dispatched his servants of evil ‘gainst us
Who breathed out unspeakable crimes ‘mongst us
They did ruin our gentle cities and kin.
What remains most grievous to me is th’
Lack of care in which thy parents hath shown
Toward th' well being and prosperity, 
Th' rough mortal body of I and thee. 
As we cower behind th’ iron gates,
Thrice they art, to guard us from th’ thin air
Unneeded they art; they stir up more mess
Th’ med’cine to this ail is in mine palms.
Beholdeth! I present to class this gun
Crafted with th' power of th’ devil
To exterminate th' murd’ous machines
Of th' vile tyrant Lord Jensen’s joint stock(9).
Why(10) doth you fear like fatherless children?
Stand for your country and battle as men!
This weapon sees not good operation now;
Testing more needed, but p’rhaps it fire!
Riley: Woe! This unleashed chaos vexes(11) me soul!
Lazy pupil. 
Thy problem was to count thy melons.
By some perchance doth this f’rearm suffice?
Teacher: Nay to question, an’ feelings thou shareth
Count but two marks on thy exam present(12).
To add, thy ‘arm’s colour seems most jealous(13).
Great woe am I and my class here present!
This gun exhausts itself with splendid heat
And fires free onto th'students front!
Railgun explodes. All Exit hastily.
(1)-Technically, according to the SMG4 and Murder Drone Wikis, this character is named Braxton. I thought it appropriate to call him unnamed as a joke from the pilot episode references his lack of a spoken name.
(5)- Uses us to clean windows
(7)- Descendents/Heirs
(8)- Silicon City fell to the Murder Drones in 2674 AD. 
(9)- A company
(10)- Classmates panic/cower here
(11)- Annoys/Angers
(12)- Or, two points on the test/assignment.
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starvinginbelair · 5 months
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the best explanation of the pre-flashpoint batfamily i think i've ever seen
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cardentist · 3 months
fandom isn't activism by the way. there's no way to do it good enough that it can stand in for putting in the work of real activism, but there's also no way to do it Bad enough that it cancels out any of your actual beliefs (as long as you treat the real people around you well, of course).
like, there's a difference between noticing that women tend to be under-represented in fics and linking that to societal misogyny (fandom as a whole is simply big enough that these trends are at least partially reflective of societal biases as a whole), and measuring specific characters and ships against each other and deciding that if one number gets below the other then feminism is LOSING.
or going up to specific People and grilling them about which characters they talk about most and why.
if someone is nice to women in real life and posts about wanting to raw old men all the time online then I think it literally doesn't matter at all actually.
recognizing that a trend As A Whole is probably influenced by societal bias doesn't translate to that Same bias being ever-present on an individual level. there's no way to write fanfic in a way that saves feminism.
fanfic is the Symptom, not the solution or even the problem. you treat the Societal Bias and the fanfic numbers change, you don't change societal bias by arguing with people online about the fics they do or don't write.
Sometimes people only write fics about gay sex because they're gay, and that's fine actually
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yuviur · 1 month
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Summer vacation, 4am.
Tons of easter eggs in this one! Click the image to find them (and for better quality ofc)
Close ups and process shots under the cut, description in alt text
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xiakeik · 1 month
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Im plotting something so here's some Stanford Pines practice sketches (+Billford(?))
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latolover · 2 months
I like von lycaon but i also like yanderes so here are my thoughts on yan?VonLycaon
Imagine that you work for a company that often collaborates or is close with Victoria Housekeeping Co. and thats how you both met.
Lycaon enjoys your company and admires your work ethics, you're punctual, respectful and very social towards his co-workers. He takes notes on the way you interact with his fellow co-workers, especially how you go the extra mile to bond with the anxious Corin.
Im almost so certain that Lycaon says the most romantic things to you without him even knowing. Have you heard his voice lines??? "Praise me for my loyalty" and "my only desire is to see my Master's wish fulfilled". He would offer you services with discounts specially reserved just for you. Need someone to clean your home? Take care of your pet while you're off-station? Need a hand in meal prepping ? Give him a call!
Lycaon would try to appeal to your gaze physically and emotionally. If you allow him to keep doing favours for you, you'd start to associate him with positivity. Your houseplant? Oh yeah, he recently revived it didn't he! He helped you carry your bags when you went shopping, how about we take a break and immortalise the moment with that photo booth? He never shows it on his face but Lycaon is over the moon about it inside.
Eventually your home will have his scent mixed in it but he wants something physical as a reminder. Lycaon would contact Rina, another member of Victoria Housekeeping to make a doll based on his likeness and shove a few of his fur in the stuffing.
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oldbutchdaniel · 1 month
daniel has never been revolted by armand btw. if you even care. all he’s ever felt for him is ravening and hopeless desire.
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raiiny-bay · 7 months
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summer '93
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appri-dot · 6 months
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@ballcrusher74 BOO MF!!!!!!😈😈😈😈
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friendly-alien-fucker · 7 months
Being with an ooman brought forth a good number of oddities, most of which they adored.
You were different from them, in terms of looks, yes, but also in terms of culture. And as they whiped away the liquid streaming from your eyes they realized once again how different you were in terms of morals as well.
"I'm a monster!" you sobbed, your voice frantic and shaky, and they took you into their arms on instinct at the sound.
"You're overreacting." They attempted to console you, which didn't quite work as intended they came to realize as you slapped their chest.
"I killed it! The poor little fella... they already have such a short lifespan..."
Seeing you in so much pain over the death of a being that didn't even have a conscience, they wondered how you managed to think of them as anything other than a monster. With their walls of proudly displayed trophies.
Some of them had only half your life expectancy, some lived longer than them. Some even had family.
"Fella?" they instead focused on consoling you through your strange breakdown "what makes you so sure it was male?"
You gasped, your eyes suddenly wide in horror "I didnt even think of that! What if it was female? What if it was expecting? What if I just killed an entire bloodline??!"
Though they were apparently not very good at it.
Unsure on what to do or say, they simply continued to hold you, the purring that they've subconsciously started to do getting louder.
"If it brings you any comfort", they began quietly as they heard your sobbing come to a slow stop "its unlikely it felt any pain, being the size that it was."
"It does," you mumbled, only parting from them shortly to whipe at your face "thank you."
They simply nodded.
How your species managed to become your planets apex predators remained a mystery to them.
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lostmar · 10 months
Murd’rous Machines: A Comedy
Act 1, Scene 2
Note: the numbers correspond to footnotes that you'll find at the bottom of the post
[Uzi bandaged, sitting in sick bay. Lizzy and Doll nearby.]
Lizzy: Fie! ‘Tis a shame thy wast not slain anon(14).
Thy des’rves th' condition thou finds in.
With gross negligence and empty-headed,
May thou neverst walk on Copp’r-Nine again!
Lizzy and Doll Exit
Thad [Within](15):
My brother Chad! Thy manliness is a
Rev’rent symbol yond shall not ever err.
Thad Enters
O, me(16) Uzi! Thou worst than I expect’d.
Uzi: Th’ condition of my adolescence
Breeds rebellious action ‘fore others.
Consume my care good sir; thou ignorant!
However one question remains on mind. 
Thy name is simply well known; how doest thou
knowest mine; shameful and alone sit me?
Thad: Thou respectful grease(17) is borne from Doorman’s(18).
But I darest not mention any more
Thou fearst(19) may blow th' last side of thy head 
From its rightful way atop of thy breast.(20)
Thy assessment of my behavior 
Is splendid, though my father is not for
Your concern. How has thy found himself in 
Th’ medic ward? Has thy manliness split 
Thy from th’ nave to th' chops(21)? An’ trea’sur’d
A beauty?(22)
                 That ‘tis possible to do?
I impress myself with th' function of
My body. But injuries reveal
Th’ fair sight of beauty an’ loveliness 
Uzi: Why, you villain!
I abhor thou speechst toward my well being.
O! I spot ‘hind thee-
Uzi:                                     -Th' caliver of hell!
As I point in thy direction, marvel 
in near fictit’us power! Murd’r Dron’s 
With pale heart doth shelter out th’ gates
Shall then surrender final part to me 
To liberate Copp’r-Nine from her cruel
Oppress’rs. Doorman will finally view
My self-isolation as worthiness.
Thad: But thy Doorman, inventor of th’ gates,
Grants safe haven inside our warm abodes; 
Sep’rating us from th’ Murd’r Dron’s
 an'  allowing us inactive in fight.
Thy emotions  an'  rebellion of 
Doorman cloud thy incorrect conscious mind.
Uzi: Vile traitor!
State not on my state of mind ‘gainst Father
Lest my ‘arm blow th’ ‘chips(23) out from thy skull!
Thad: Lady, I profusely apologize
So! I was unawares-
Uzi:                                   -Consume my care!
[Uzi Exits then Enters]
My anger does not stem from thy statement,
It is borne from th' weakness of my young
Adolescence  an'  of womanly sex.
[Uzi Exits.]
(15)- Line/action done offstage
(16)- Exclamation of surprise
(17)- Grease talks about oil, or blood. Meaning heredity
(18)- Possibly referring to both position as Father and his job/title
(19)- Fears from father will destroy her
(20)- Uzi’s fears of Doorman may cause outbursts and destroy her.
(21)- Sliced half way through
(22)- Loved a woman
(23)- Microchips. Other important thinking parts.
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boothillz · 2 months
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steel limbs clank together, the sound akin to the clattering of metal spoons against ceramic cups as boothill shuffles along. he's carrying you in his arms, your own looped around his neck as you rest your head on his shoulder.
the night is dark and starry. the moon hangs high in the sky, a silver disk among the endless black, and the air is crisp and cold. the two of you had just returned from the shooting range and you were exhausted—having used nearly every ounce of energy you had trying to out shoot boothill. you'd failed, of course. his aim was impeccable and you had yet to best him in a single match, but it didn't stop you from trying again and again and again until the two of you finally called it quits.
you can hear the sounds of his joints creaking and the soft mechanical hum of his internal systems as you near your shared room. you’d have to remind him to oil them later—not that he would forget. the man was meticulous in the upkeep of his body, after all.
as boothill sets you down on the bed, you tug at the collar of his jacket, urging him on top of you, his harsh feeling body clunking against your soft one, a dull pain throbbing in your bones at the impact. it fades away quickly though, and you wrap your arms around him, relishing the warmth of his metal chest.
yes, boothill is quite cold. the temperature of his body could sometimes be chilling, his metal limbs frigid to the touch. and while most people wouldn't dream of being anywhere near him, much less touching him, but you find warmth in his company. and boothill found it in yours.
as you lie in bed, wrapped in each other's arms, boothill's voice sounds from deep within his chest, reverberating through the metal frame of his body.
"lil’ shooter," he says. "let's get you to sleep, alright? ‘s been a long fudgin’ day.”
you hum an affirmative and he chuckles, the sound vibrating against your skin, his breath fanning across your face as he presses a kiss to your forehead, his lips hot, pleasant.
"night, night, darlin’. aint no bed bugs gettin’ ya whilst im here so rest easy.”
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gay-jesus-probably · 1 year
Let me just preface this by saying everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, TOTK is a really fun game, and I'm glad that other people have been able to enjoy the story as well.
...But I'm being dead serious with my complaints about the narrative being 100% imperialist propaganda. And I'm getting really tired of people replying to those posts by saying it can't be imperialist propaganda, because imperialism is bad and the game says that Hyrule is the good guys.
Like, guys. That's not the argument you think it is. Yes, I am aware that the game tells us Ganondorf is a flat, one dimensional character with no ambitions, interests or motivations beyond destroying the entire world for the hell of it, and also it's totally not racist because he's green, not brown like literally every other member of his race. Unfortunately literally all of these things are kind of the entire goddamn problem.
See, the thing is, everyone trying to make these arguments is accepting the game at face value. Hyrule is the perfect and almighty nation chosen by the demigod Zonai, and whose royal family has the right to rule due to their divine heritage. The other races exist to serve the glory of Hyrule, and they're happy to do it. Ganondorf is pure evil and must be stopped at any costs.
But that's not how anything works. The story informing me that Hyrule is the ultimate good that has done nothing wrong is the whole goddamn reason why I don't trust Hyrule at all. There's always more of a reason than that. And the game fucking suggests there was more going on! Ganondorf mentions Rauru has repeatedly 'invited' the Gerudo to become Rauru's subjects, and let's be clear here, it doesn't matter how peaceful those 'invitations' were, when the guy who owns every single magical nuclear missile in the world repeatedly demands you surrender to him, there's always going to be an implied threat of 'do it or get magically nuked'. Just that power difference alone shows us exactly why Ganon would feel threatened enough to invade. It's because Rauru was holding a gun to his head, and Ganon was expected to just trust that he'd never pull the trigger.
And yes, even if it wasn't intentional Hyrule was always threatening to wipe out the other nations, considering the entire royal family walked around openly wearing their magical nukes as cute accessories. If they couldn't be safely hidden away, there wouldn't be four other secret stones sitting untouched in a vault until the last second.
But that's never acknowledged. Of course Hyrule is the only nation with the right to the secret stones; even if other races get to touch them, they can only have them if they swear eternal blind loyalty and servitude to the glory of King Rauru and Princess Zelda. Ganon wanting to have one magical nuclear bomb out of a stockpile of eight of them is proof that he's dangerous and evil. I mean my god, what if he just walked around all day wearing a magical nuke and using its power for his own benefit, that would be terrifying. It's only okay when Hylian royalty does it.
And you can't argue that Ganon betrayed his own people, considering we don't get to know fucking anything about his relationship with his people. He's shows as the leader of the Gerudo, we're told he's a hero to his people, he has soldiers that loyally follow him into battle... and then oh nevermind, they all hate him and will spend eternity trying to atone for sharing a race with him. How did the entire race do a complete 180 in the span of at most a few months? Who cares, what's important is that now they accept they exist to serve Hyrule so they get to be the good guys now and we don't need to know why they were following Ganondorf, or why they stopped following him.
Basically my point is that yeah, I fucking know how the game insists everything went down. That's the entire reason I think it's imperialist propaganda, because the entire story feels like Hylian propaganda to conceal and justify some horrific atrocities that caused all of this. I literally do not believe that I'm getting the story through reliable narrators, especially considering that the only people allowed to actually tell me the story are all the characters that have the most reasons to be heavily biased in favour of Hyrule.
When the game shows me protagonists that have a massive amount of power and control over the entire world, then says the bad guy doesn't like that system just because he's evil, and literally nothing and nobody in the game says anything to oppose that take, I have some questions about what the fuck the story isn't telling me. And I'd really appreciate it if people would stop trying to argue with me just by telling me to stop asking those questions.
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idyllcy · 1 month
city night - nightwing! leon kennedy x reader || (inspo by lavamars)
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Raccoon City is... dark. The corruption ran deep in the bones of the city across the entirety of the law, and it wasn't safe to go out at night. So, the introduction of vigilantes to the city wasn't surprising, but what was surprising was the appearance of a certain blue vigilante, domino mask covering his eyes, hair unmistakably someone you see often.
"Hey, little bird." Nightwing!Leon makes a spectacle of visiting you at night, takeout in hand or pizza steaming hot. "Nightwing's nightly delivery at your service."
"You're so funny, birdie." You press a kiss to his jaw as you accept the plastic bag. "What's on the menu tonight?"
"You don't feel bad for killing distant cousins all to satisfy my late night cravings?"
You can feel him rolling his eyes at you despite the white of his mask.
"I have to get back to patrol." He brushes his thumb across your bottom lip, lips pressed to cheekbone as he hums. "I'll see you in a bit."
"Stay safe, birdie." You hum. "Don't come back with too many bruises."
"Of course." He launches his hook. "Only for you."
and the darkness of Raccoon City returns, this time, a little brighter from your beloved birdie.
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milkbreadtoast · 11 months
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**I am talking about exactly no one but myself
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