#now it seems like hes just getting mad at the dm for not having the world bend for his boy
ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 4 months
Grizly is driving me crazy in the suckening because he will do literally the dumbest shit ever and then blame it on Charlie who's having the world react reasonably
"I don't get a saving throw or anything?"
"Bro you opened your eyes. The thing i SPECIFIED not to do or bad bad things would happen"
"(Deep sigh)🙄 You're the dm."
And then he complains that his character is suppost to be smart. BRO YOU ARE PLAYING HIM! IF IT BOTHERS YOU STOP PLAYING HIM LIKE A HIMBO!
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one of the reasons i will always have a soft spot for swtor is that i was playing it at the end of my last relationship, and it made my ex so mad that i was doing something without him/having fun without him that he almost broke up with me over it. its kind of fucking hilarious
the other is its where i met my now best friend; which is more important
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gamarancianne · 5 months
Azriel x reader - In Between part 2
Part 1
Summary: trying to regain your confidence after your broken heart, you met someone in the same position as you and developped one of the best friendships you had ever had. A genuine and sincere friendship. But this person may be closer by other ways to you than you thought.
Warnings: still angst, alcohol in a not healthy way, heartbreak again, hypocrite Elain (kinda slander ig), Lucien being the best.
Note: well maybe a part 3 ig 😅, I was really inspired tbh. Thank you all for having loved the part 1 and shared it with me ! Ily 💗💗 and don't hesitate to ask me something or chat with me in my inbox or dm, or in the comments !
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You had been a crying mess for two weeks now, sometimes you went out in a bar to drink so much you would forget even your name. That was the point, forget the constant sting in your heart and you head. Forget him, his beautiful Hazel eyes and inked tattoos on his broad and golden chest. And here we go again: the tears flooded themselves on your face. It was a day to drink today, or tonight, you didn't really have a time notion for the past two weeks: waking up at dawn or dusk, eating, crying and sleeping. You had to forget about all those beautiful things about him, you had to empty your brain and heart. You didn't want to feel something again.
As you were walking to the nearest bar, you thought about those letters elain had sent you, saying you were her dearest friend and asking if your confession went well. You knew she knew that it was you in her apartment that cursed day, but she still pretended and even was saying the complete opposite of what she had said to azriel, falsely comforting you. Was she ever was your friend at this point ? Or has she always criticised and stabbed you behind you back ? Anyway you had decided that it was way better for you to ignore her and keep living your life, if you could still call what you were living a life, without her.
You didn't even noticed when you had arrived in front the door of the bar, but you did and entered, going directly to your now favorite spit in front of the barman : the alcohol was there easier to get. You didn't see then, the redhead man who was at the exact place you had been the few days prior. How dare he steal your chair like that ? Approaching slowly you stilled and you understood that this man was surely in the same situation as you, a heartbreak, seeing his bent frame and the many empty glasses in front of him. They could only have been his because no one was seated near him, and everyone was judging him. They were all avoiding the poor man whose name you didn't know.
"I was almost mad at you for stealing my favourite seat" you stated, seating next to him as his head shot to your side wondering if you were really talking to him.
"Yes I'm talking to you"
"Ah, I'm sorry for your seat do you want it back ?" He asked, genuinely embarrassed, his cheeks flushed.
"No I'm fine here, I can speak with you ...?" You asked ?
"I'm yn, and as I was saying, I can speak with you here Lucien" he nodded.
"Nice to meet you yn, but you don't wanna talk to me, don't you see all the glares everyone sends me here ?" He drank in a one shot what seemed to be whisky and stared again at his now empty glass.
"Oh gods you men !" He looked at you confused "I know what I'm doing fuck ! I'm a grown up woman and I can make my own choices ! You re the second on in two weeks who tells me what I want or not." You snapped.
"Oh I'm sorry, then stay if you want." He apologized quickly.
You asked shots to the barman and stayed silent a bit nefore you both asked in one voice "what are you here for ?". You two chuckled a bit before you said "you first".
"Well I've kinda learnt that my mate, who knows that she is my mate is dating someone else. And I feel like I'm not allowed to have just once an ounce of happiness." You were hurt for him as you heard his story that he told you with a careless demeanor. He must really be at his lowest.
"Ouch that hurts, I'm sorry man. She's a fool if you want my opinion." He smiled sadly at your answer and pointed you from his chin asking you silently your story.
"Well im heartbroken as well, my best friend encouraged me confessing to the man I love, but he rejected me, and not in a nice way. But as lucky as I am, I learnt that he is dating my best friend who is a back stabber." I emptied my glass in one drink.
"Ouch that hurts too, I'm sorry." He said echoing my words.
We spent the night drinking, and drowning ourselves in alcohol but in a more joyful way than usually.
I then went more and more at the bar to see him, but we drank less and less, leaving place to real conversations between us. It became quickly a routine, and Lucien became one of my best friends, well my only friend of the time actually. And I was one of his only friend as well. Two broken hearts healing parts of eachothzr then didn't even break. Lucien had explained to me his family problem, and how his former male best friend was a toxic man in relationships, how he had been poorly treated in his biological family, and how his actual best friend was his mate's sister so he didn't know how to approach her anymore. He came a lot in my appartment to spend time with me, he even slept in sometimes, because he couldn't face his current family. He practically had his room in your home, some of his stuff never really left.
After 2 knocks on your door you unwillingly got off your couch and opened it letting a wild and out of breath Lucien appear in front of it.
"Lu ? Are you okay ?" That was his new nickname, he loved it, because he felt like he was loved for once in his life.
"Yes.. no ? I need you to come with me like right now ! "
"Oh okay let me get me keys and I'm coming" you trusted Lucien too much to ever doubt about him, if he needed you then you were there for him.
You left your apartment and went to the direction he indicated. After a while you panicked a little, seeing that you were going to the high lord's house.
"Lucien you know I love you but where are we going?"
"To a family dinner, I can't go alone. See, my mate's relationship got complicated and she always complains to me when I'm alone, which is all the time. So I feel like I'm just a plan b and I'm really uncomfortable when she does it. Don't worry I've told them that someone was going with me."
"I understand Lu, but at the high lord's ?" You asked sceptical.
"Well yes, because my best friend I told you about is Feyre."
"What ?" Lucien, had never told the names of his family members, and you neither, so discovering that his friend was you high lady so that you were going to see Azriel made you weak to the bones.
"Lucien ? Your mate is Elain ??"
"What, yes ? How do you know ??" He exclaimed as he stopped on his tracks.
"She is the fake friend I told you about !" You answered on the same tone.
"So it means that.."
"I am in love with Azriel... yes."
"Oh gods" you both sighed.
"Hum yn ?" He asked unsure of what to say.
"Have I told you that Cassian and him were the ones to get us to the house?"
"No, no, no. Please no ! But what would we even need to be picked up ?"
"We can't winnow so it's either that or climb 10 000 stairs".
Both fearing the fast approaching dinner, the last part of the walk was silent and the air heavy with tension. You held your breath when you saw two winged big figures, Cassian and Azriel. The first one shot his head in your direction and smiled confused.
"Yn ?" Azriel stiffened as he heard your name. "What does owe us the pleasure to see you ?"
"I'm the one to go with Lu today but I didn't know it was with you...". Azriel froze completely still turning his back to you. He wasn't sure it was you but now it was certain and he couldn't face you after the mean things he had said to your face. He hadn't talked about it to anyone except Elain and he kinda regretted it now. Things had got complicated between them because after your love confession she had grown so much jealous! He couldn't bear it anymore, he was a free man, he hadn't wings for nothing! They would argue a lot more and he hated that because it triggered bad memories in him. Plus he felt a bit bad about you. You hadn't done anything to him to deserve to be treated that way, he was ashamed of his actions because he knew that, as insecure as you seemed to be, you might have been spiralling since. That wasn't him, that wasn't how he was supposed to be. When he got Elain, she changed him a lot, and he wasn't sure anymore that it was for the good. She crushed all of his efforts to keep the bad parts of him inside. He was meaner, colder, he wasn't himself. Rhys have scolded him a little about that and he had really reacted in a bad way. An evidence of what Rhys had advanced. Azriel was sure he had made you feel bad, and he didn't want it : you were a nice and smart female, a little clumsy but still beautiful and lovely. As he finally turned to you, all of his regret splashed on him when crossing your look and seeing you pained eyes. You quickly put your head down and he felt even more bad to have made lose enough confidence for you to fear to hold his gaze. Thinking about it, he didn't understand you insecurity of the beginning, before the altercation. How could you, a very beautiful female, ever doubt about yourself ?
Realisation hit him, that he would have to take you flying because it would be awkward if he took Lucien, his girlfriend's mate. He knew she was complaining to him, and he felt even sorry for the poor Lucien. But a question lingered in his mind: how did you two know eachother ? And why the fuck would Lucien bring you to a family dinner ? Were you dating ? Fear crossed his eyes for a second before regaining his composure. You couldn't be dating Lucien, it was impossible, you had just said two weeks ago that you loved him. Could you have moved that fast ? It frightened him, knowing that he had grown to like you when thinking of your shared moments at training, where you two had laughed, sometimes until crying joy tears, and regretting the mean rejection he had given you in return of something so intimate and innocent as your love and devotion for him. Damn him he had even insulted you ! He cursed himself more and more until he got out of his head when Cassian called him.
"Azriel wake up ! You take yn." He said when shooting in the sky Lucien in his arms.
You both stayed in an awkward bubble, without moving an inch, avoiding the gaze of one another, for 30 long seconds that felt like hours.
"I'm sorry" and "so how are you doing" came at the same time from him side you. You awkwardly chuckled but he stayed still so you stopped finally having the guts to look at him in the eye for more than a millisecond.
"I'm sorry." He repeated, louder this time. You froze. You didn't want that to happen. You didn't want him to face you abut what happened. It would made it real, and you still hadn't enough courage for that.
"What for ?" You asked, your voice breaking.
"You what for".
You hesitated a lot before responding. "No actually I don't. Was it for mean rejecting me without an ounce of regret or nicenessin your words ? Or maybe the fact that you destroyed my confidence? Oh no ! I know, it was for the time you mocked me in front of my friend, who is in fact your girlfriend, and a fake friend!"
"You weren't supposed to be there that time." He said, suddenly finding the floor really interesting.
"Maybe but I was, so it's the same result and the same mean words that came out of your mouth."
He knew you were right. You were completely allowed to be mad at him for the way he treated you. But it was still hard. Azriel had never been in proper relationships nor had he ever been confessed to. It wasn't a proper excuse but it still made it hard to accommodate to those things for a boy deprived of love for all his life. He didn't know how to react, so to him, the better solution was to stay silent. You sighed, disappointed and he came awkwardly closer to you to hold you and shoot in the sky, following Cassian and Lucien, long arrived and waiting for you worried (especially Lucien).
Elain was waiting for Azriel, or Lucien, no one knew, on the balcony of the House of Wind and almost fell when she saw you. You in Azriel's arms, accompanying Lucien. Azriel struggled to let you go, especially after your conversation, but the second you were out of his hold, Elain held you in a crushing hug. You rapidly got out as well, feeling uncomfortable after her hypocrisy. You gave her a sad smile and Lucien introduced you to Feyre and Rhysand who had already told you to call them by their name, and to Mor and Amren. They all welcomed you warmly except Elain and Azriel of course who both looked like ashamed puppies with their tails between their legs.
After dinner, everyone went out in the garden for a tea and you found yourself on a couch behind Lucien sat on the floor. Automatically, because it was something you were now used to do, your hands found his head and started playing with his hair. Everyone had their eyes on you, confused on your proximity but you didn't notice and kept going on braiding his hair.
"I'll do yours later I promise" Lucien said, looking at you from above.
"I hope so !". Leaving everyone even more confused now.
When you were ready to left with Lucien, Elain caught you and asked you to have a word with her.
Lucien gave you a worried look and you nodded making him understand you were okay for now.
She led you to a private room and paced in it awkwardly. She opened her mouth twice and closed it almost instantly like she wanted to say something but didn't know where to start.
"So, you ans Azriel ? Huh"
"You have actually no right to be mad at me." She cut you off.
"Excuse me ? But I have every right to be mad at you right now ! You have treated me poorly faking to be my friend and laughing at me when you should have been comforting me !" You snapped, angry.
"Well, it's not like someone could ever treat you well."
"What, what do you mean ?"
"Look at you yn, nobody would ever really be with you. You're not ugly but you're not beautifu, you're not dumb but you're not smart, you're just.. Well you. And that's clearly not enough." She looked at you disgustingly.
"But Lucien is treating me well.." You said tears welling in your eyes.
"Don't be blind, yn, he's a man, and like Azriel he will ran to me when he'll see that you're no longer interesting. You were nice and all, you listened to me but I guess I just got bored of you, anyone would." And with that she left the room, leaving 8 pairs of eyes on you as she opened the door. They instantly approached you, Feyre apologising a thousand time for the mean behaviour of her sister and Azriel staying in the back, his eyes full of worry and apology. He was trying to make you feel like everything she had said was false, that you were so much more than that, worthy of the stars,of two shining stars. Because yes they had heard everything. Lucien made his way to the crowd of his family surrounding you and hesitated before he hugged you out of nowhere. Azriel clenched his jaw and his hands turned into fists. When Lucien released you of his grasp, your expression hadn't changed, its like you were empty, just one single tears had escaped your eye. Cassian and Azriel flew you to the ground of Velaris and the last one had kept his hand on yours to make you look at him.
"I'm sorry, for what she said. It's not one bit true."
"Don't worry, she's surely right..." You had answered your gaze falling on his hand. You had never noticed the scars an them, they were so beautiful, so textured, so unique. You eyes widened at the sight and Azriel quickly hid them behind back before keeping going.
"No she wasn't, please don't doubt yourself because of what came out of her mouth because of jealousy. Because that's what she was and still is, jealous."
"Thank you Az really." You sadly smiled at him before joining Lucien who was waiting for you.
He didn't know why, but something clicked in him seeing you walk away under the arm of Lucien and hearing again his nickname from your mouth. He thought it rolled well on your tongue and really wanted to hear it again, as soon as possible. And it tensed him a lot to know that this man who touched you, was probably sleeping at yours tonight, maybe in your bed to comfort you after this emotionally hard day. It puzzled him a lot and didn't even know why, until his shadows came to his ears and murmured repeatedly "want to be him".
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astraaa3 · 4 months
please please please can you do valentino and male reader please i really like your writing
anything sfw and/or nsfw is fine :3
A/N: You want it, you got it, Anon. Thanks for the request toots. Had a blast writing this one. >.<
Feedback is much appreciated (also, if you would like to proofread the degenerate shit I write please send a dm).
Valentino x Male!Reader
Note: You can imagine the reader to have whatever body type you prefer. While in this request Reader has a bodyguard position that doesn't mean that he was chosen for his physique. (Valentino is an asshole so he most likely hired Reader for shits and giggles) Now off we go.
Valentino likes teasing you. A LOT. Grabbing your hips, hugging you from behind, patting your head, rubbing your cheeks whenever you forgot to shave, linking his arm with yours, he always found an excuse to touch you.
Why was Valentino so tactile? Well, his love language was physical touch. Of course, he would take any chance he could to indulge. That said, the biggest reason was how you always blushed or laughed embarrassed at the public displays of affection.
Valentino loved teasing you. From changing in front of you to other…. explicit acts, he adored flustering you. And he wasn't quiet about it either. "Aww, what's wrong baby? I'm just helping you accomodate~" or "Oh come on papi, don't tell me you don't like what you see." (at one point you started keeping a catalog of the pet names he used for you)
After you decided to ask Valentino out for a date (you hyped yourself up while looking in a mirror for days before actually being able to get the words out), you found out that there was more to your boss than you had come to know. You learned that Valentino ADORED fast food, that he was shit at taking care of pets (Queef reference whom), and that he loved dancing and laughing at romcoms.
You asked him out initially out of some pathetic crush, but after the first few dates, you fell. And you fell hard. Following him around like some love-sick puppy, pouting when he was hooking up with girls at the club.
Valentino thought that it was fucking cute. So he did what he always does with things he finds interesting. He took you to bed. He didn't expect you to cuddle him the moment you were done. Much less for you to praise him. HIM. He had a minor mental breakdown while you fell asleep.
After Valentino came to terms with the fact that he started caring for you more than he planned to initially, he immediately claimed you as his. Taking you out in public and overplaying how lovey-dovey the two of you were, dressing you up in tuxes, and dining at high-end restaurants. Getting 'accidentally' caught fondling you inside of one of the clubs he owned, Valentino did everything to make sure there was not a single soul in Hell who didn't know that you were his.
A fun fact that Valentino learned about you when you officially started dating was that you would melt after being praised. And oh boy did he take advantage of that. Flattery fell out of Valentino's mouth like a waterfall whenever he saw the opportunity. "You are so handsome sweetheart, turning heads wherever you go. But those worms better keep their hands to themselves or I will FUCKING END THEM." (cue aggressive moth clicking noises)
You did get into fights with Valentino. Particularly about his short temper. While you were rarely on the receiving end of his rages, you did witness them quite often. Thankfully, Valentino agreed to try to be less rash and aggressive when he got mad. But it was still a work in progress. And there was a LOT of progress to be had.
Small prompt: How it started
You had just gotten used to your new job when your life took a new turn yet again. It seemed like a normal day at first, you were just helping with putting the props in their places when the door slammed open, Valentino angrily stopping in his moth wings unfurled hanging behind him like a cape. It was the first time you saw Valentino without his signature coat…wings….whatever on. You blushed and started dumbly at him as your brain tried to process… heart…. nipples….(homerotic panic ensue). Valentino being Valentino of course noticed this. And making a mental note of your admittedly cute reaction he made a decision.
The next day you were called to his penthouse at the top of the V tower. You once again found yourself staring dumbly at the pictures of Valentino hanging up on the walls, your whole face turning red. Hearing a chuckle behind you, you immediately turned around embarrassed, fiddling a bit with your pants to hide the reaction caused by the pictures. (if Valentino noticed it, you were thankful that he said nothing about it or you would have died on the spot from embarrassment).
"Is this the first time you see any of my photoshoots, amorcito?" Valentino said with a smirk staring at your flushing face.
"U-uh. Yeah. I didn't know you also work in front of the camera and not just behind it." you said trying to sound more professional than you actually felt at the moment, it helped calm down the flush on your cheeks a bit.
Valentino nodded heading to the plush couch in the room sitting and crossing his fishnet-clad legs. Staring at you for a second, he took a drag of his cigarette.
"To keep matters short, you're getting promoted. From now on you will act as my bodyguard."
You stared at him confused for a second. He was an Overlord and well, you were just some random sinner who barely knew how to defend himself.
"I'm sorry, Sir, but I... I'm a bit confused. You are an Overlord and well, I think you could protect yourself better than I would be able to. Respectfully."
You could see his eyebrow twitching in what you could tell was annoyance. Smiling a few too many teeth at you, some pink liquid dripping from his lips, Valentino snarled out.
"Do I need to explain myself to you? Don't forget who's your boss bitch. You're working as my bodyguard from now on because I say so, bitch."
His fury seemed to disappear in an instant afterward, getting up and sliding his hand across the back of your shoulders in an overly sweet manner.
"You're going to do great amorcito. Now, off you go, enjoy your last day of setting up props."
With that, he sent you off. Sighing nervously, you couldn't help but think: 'Well, this is going to be interesting. That's for sure' (You had no idea how true those thoughts would prove to be) =========˚ʚ♡ɞ˚========= Send requests ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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ferris-the-wheel · 6 months
@b-floyd-o-leech-b here, Tumblr doesn't allow you to send asks using your side blogs-
May I please just give Floyd a nice pair of shoes without expecting anything in return?
(If he gives me something back though, I wouldn't mind).
It can be afterschool in the hallway, and my current TWST oc is a grumpy guy named Bob that is a little bit tsundere, but he's a bit of a self-insert for my bad moods so if you just want Floyd to refer to him/me as in the 2nd person, I don't mind.
If I forgot or missed anything, please DM me, I read through the rules and probably still forgot, like, half of them. (My memory isn't great, sorry. 😅)
Totally fine >:D I'll do my best!!!
Christmas Secret Santa Event
m!reader x Floyd Leech
: ̗̀➛ Scenario: You decide to give Floyd an early Christmas gift so you track him down after classes end.
A/N: So what I got from your description is that reader is gonna be a grumpy/tsundere for Floyd. Hope I interpreted that correctly *nervously sweating*
ೃ⁀➷ Just 💖
ೃ⁀➷ Mutual crushes
ೃ⁀➷ Reader isn't Yuu
TW: None
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"Y/N~~ What did you want me here for?" Floyd asked as you rounded the corner, him trailing behind you. "Azul's gonna be mad if I'm late for work at the Mostro Lounge." He said.
"I- I wanted to give you something." You said, growing more embarrassed by the minute. But you knew that if you gave him the present— or more likely, he'd get it from under the tree himself— that he'd make a huge fuss and make even more of a scene. Sooo, you decided that you should give him his gift alone and spare yourself the embarrassment.
You held out the box to him, feeling your cheeks turn red and you turned away. He blinked for a moment, likely not expecting you to be giving him something, but his droopy grin returned and he laughed. "Awwwww, Y/N~ you got me a gift?" He said in a drawled-out way. He took the box, making sure to touch your hand in the process with a sly grin.
You scowled at him and went to walk away but he grabbed your wrist with a pouty face. "Y/N~~! You aren't gonna wait until I unwrap it? That's so meeeean!" You gave an exasperated sigh and stood where you were. He snickered and opened the present.
When he pulled the new shoes you'd bought him out of the box, his face lit up and he gave a little gasp of happiness. "New shoes? Awww, you're so thoughtful!!" Before you could react, he pulled you into a tight squeezing hug. You momentarily lost your breath as you squirmed around, trying to free yourself, though you only got away because he let you go.
"Aw, but I don't have anything to give you in return!" Floyd exclaimed, his mood shifting to being sad. "T- That's fine! I don't need a gift anyway!" You replied hurriedly, holding up your hands.
"But that'd be unfair if you gave me something and I didn't do anything in return. Hmmmmmm...." Floyd didn't appear to be listening to any of your protests, until he finally decided on something. "I got it!" He said, eyeing you with his semi-sadistic looking smile.
You were not in the mood to figure out what that meant, but he grabbed you around the waist dropping the box in the process which you thought was rude since they were brand new and gave you a quick kiss on the lips. It ended pretty much in the same moment as it started, but the suddenness of it made your face heat up and you were certain that your face was bright red.
It also left you unable to form a proper sentence. "F- Floyd! I— you— what—" Floyd gave a giggle and scooped up the box, then started walking down the hallway like nothing had happened, leaving your mind racing. "Eh— FLOYD!!!!"
Now that you had collected your thoughts, you chased after him down the hallway. When he realized that you were now following him, he took off running as well, turning only to playfully stick his tongue out at you.
I'M DONE OMG 🥹 I had no idea how I was going to start this off and this was like the only thing I could think of. Also Floyd seems to be VERY popular. He might actually have more fics than Riddle soon lol. Anywayyyyys, I hope everyone enjoyed this kinda short post (especially you, @b-floyd-o-leech-b!!!!) and I look forward to more requests for this event <3
Taglist: @officialdaydreamer00 @mermaidfanficlibrary @edith-is-apparently-a-cat @lyle-my-beloved @haruhar-u @cookiesandbiscuits
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lukall705 · 2 months
Hii!! Can I req Chuuya x SH reader? Can be both angst and fluff, you don't have to tho if you don't wanna <3
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𝓒𝓱𝓾𝓾𝔂𝓪 𝔁 𝓖𝓝! 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
This is another thing i didn't expect people to request, and it brings me so much comfort when i find sh comfort fanfics:(
If you are struggling with sh please know i'm always open to talk if you want:) and i'll try to comfort you to the best of my ability! (i'm usually not on here during the day so you can ask me for my discord in dms)
Also, English isn't my first language so please dont mind any spelling errors!!
TW: SH, gore? Talk about fresh SH cuts, Might be ooc😓 please tell me if i missed anything!
Words: 1,3k
sometimes in life things don't go the rigth way, is what people say, they say "sometimes in life things don't go the way we want, but thats just how it is"
But right now it felt like absolutely nothing was going the right way, you felt like the whole world was against you, like you were some useless peace of garbage that could be thrown out at anytime, like there was no one in this damn world that would sit down and listen to your pityfull problems. you were at your abselut worst.
And the only thing that could help the with it was the razor in your hand, which is cutting your thigh. you move almost like a robot, you don't even feel the pain of the razor anymore. everything seems like a dream, all the blood coming out of your cuts and dripping and mixing in with the water of the bathtub, your vision being slightly blury.
You can feel your heart pounding in your chest as you bring your razor to your Radial vein. you shake slightly as you look down at your wrist debating if you should cut it or not.
As you start breathing faster you look at the suicide note you left on the chair next to the bathtub. you wondered how long it would take for chuuya to find you, would he even care if you died?
you feel tears start to run down your face and you start to sniffle uncontrollably.
As you're about to cut the vein you hear a loud knock on the door, "[name]? baby are you in there..?" your boyfriend chuuya asks in a quiet voice.
You quickly wipe your tears and panic a bit as you didn't lock the door since you weren't expectinc chuuya to come home this early, "Y-yeah.." you say trying to not sound sad, but knowing chuuya he most likely heard the saddnes in your voice.
"Darling.. is something wrong..?" He asks in a conserned voice, "i'm just.. washing my hair" you try to come up with an exuse while your whole body is shaking. "Darling, you washed your hair yestarday tho? are you really okay in there..?"
'Damn i forgot about that' you think while trying to find a place to hide the razor. While you panic you some how bump into the soaps and knock them down making a loud noise. "Baby are you okay? i'm coming in" he says and opens the door, "NO WAIT!" but before you can stop him, he has already opened the door and seen your cuts.
After a few moments of silence and staring at each other, chuuya finally makes a move closer to you.
"...Chuuya.. please i'm sorr-.." You try to explain but your voice starts to shake and you feel a lump in your throat. "...shh.." He quitelly walks closer to you and wipes the small tears that have started to for in your eyes.
"...I'm so sorry.. i k-know i said i'd.. try to stay clean for you.. i tried my best.. i swear.. i'm sorry.. please.. p-please don't get mad.." You sob as more and more tears start falling from your eyes. Your vision is starting to blur from all the tears, so much so that you can't even see chuuya anymore.
"....shh... darling.. i would never be mad at you.. what could ever make you think that..? i understand how hard it is to recover from something like this.." He whispers into your ear while holding you close, not even caring about the blood staining his clothes.
All you can do is cry and cry, you cant even manage to answer his question, all that came out if your mouth were pityfull sobs and 'i'm so sorry'. Chuuyas shoulder was becoming wet form all the tears but he didn't mind, he would do anything just so that you could feel better.
After some time of Chuuya trying to comfort you and trying to get you to tell what happened, did you finally calm down slightly, just enough for you to able to answer his questions.
Chuuya starts washing your cuts gently, you both sit there in silence with the only sound beinf your small sniffles and some small choked sobs.
After a few seconds chuuya decides to break the slience, "..Darling, please.. what happened that made you relapce..?" he asks with a gentle tone while holding your shaking hands in his. For a moment you stay slient, wiping your tears. "...i... i-i've...", you say in a shaky voice trying to break out into a crying mess again. Right at this moment you didn't know what to say, you really didn't know how to say what made you do it.
"...take your time..", Chuuya's soft voice snaps you out of your trance, you feel his thumbs rubbing on top of your hands in a comforting way.
"...its hard to say.... i-i don't know how to put it into words..", you whisper, hoping chuuya wouldn't be mad. You're scared he'll be mad at your answer, scared he'll force you to talk, force you like your mother would always do. You remember the first time you relapsed she got mad and forced you to talk, even when you were crying.
"..thats fine.. its not always easy to put something like this into words.." Chuuya caressed your back in a comforting way, making you want to just cry, cry so hard and let everything out, everything that has been bothering you, all your worries and troubles. You felt so comfortable in his arms, like you were safe. "would writing it help?", he asks and runs his fingers through your hair.
You burry your face in his neck and nod, feeling him pick you up and carry you over to your bedroom. He gently puts you on the bed and you slightly whine from the stinging pain that came from your cuts, holding back your tears. '..i'm sucha an idiot..' you think while watching chuuya leave the room to go get paper.
Chuuya comes back after some time with a piece of paper and a pen. He gives you the stuff and sits down next to you while waiting for you to write on the paper.
You sit there for a second before starting to write about how you've been feeling really insecure about yourself and thinking that you arent enough for him and that he should be with someone else. Once you're done writing you hesitate to give the paper back to chuuya for a bit, but you decide to just do it.
Once its in Chuuyas hands, you look away embaressed about the thngs you wrote, hoping he wouldn't judge you for it.
After a bit of silence, chuuya finally says something, "Darling.. why didn't you tell me..? i could've helped you feel better.." He says quietly and you just look down ashamed feeling like everything is your fult. You knew you should have told him, maybe then you wouldn't be in so much pain at the moment.
You felt like you were about to cry again, you felt weak. You just wanted to lay down and forget about the world around you.
"...i was scared.. i'i was so scared you'd be mad at me..." Your voice breaks as you try to explain everything to him. Chuuya sit there with you in his arms listening to you with a worried look on his face.
"...darling i would never hate you.. you're the most important person in my life, i would never be mad at you for relapcing.." He says while stroking your hair and rocking back and forth slowly. you hug him tight, like your scared he'll be gonne once you let go of him.
For the rest of the night chuuya keeps you in his arms while he comforts you and tells you how much he loves you.
Grr the end was rushed 😓😓
Anyways, pleae give me some feedback, it really helps me when people tell me what i should try to be better at.
Do not repost this on any other website without asking me first and giving me credit!!
Requests: Closed for now
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kitchenlittle · 1 year
I want to make a little PSA and warning about future content being posted to my page very soon. I will not stand for the slander of writers who choose to write about Miles Morales due to popularity of the movies. Let me make something clear since it seems there are many fake Marvel Fans out there who know nothing about the universes. THERE ARE UNIVERSES WHERE MILES IS ALREADY AN ADULT.
Earth-8 comes to mind where Miles is LITTERALY a full grown MAN MARRIED TO GWEN STACY and they have 2 CHILDREN TOGETHER. Their names are Charlotte and Max Morales. LOOK IT UP IF YOU DONT BELIEVE.
Every universe has a differing age/look from the Miles Morales we see in the movies and know why? BECAUSE THERE IS DARN NEAR THOUSAND IF NOT INFINITE universes of Miles. SO YES. There is a universe with events just like the movie with slight differences and Miles over the age of 18. So litteraly any story about about Miles would litteraly be cannon in someway!
Just like how we can have a Adult Peter Parkers like in the movie exist at the same time as underage Peter Parkers like Tom Holland's. Or should I say," -Dr. Strange and the little nerd on Earth 199999 (AKA Tom Holland)"~Miguel O'hara. And if you were paying attention to the movies you'd know that Miles cannonly exist in live-action human form. Uncle Aaron played by musician and actor childish gamebino mentions he has a nephew who wants to protect to Spiderman. You see that same prowler Childish Gambino Uncle Aaron captured in the new movie. He was captured by Hobie Brown and locked uo as anamoly needing to be sent back to his universe. Meaning that Adult Miles can exist at the same time as kid Miles!
NOT ONLY THAT. But here is some hyprocracy I have found. THE ANIME FANDOM. The most popular characters in the anime are 15- 16. FROM Deku and Bakugou FROM MY HERO, to Luffy FROM ONEPEICE, to Sukuna/Yuji from JUJITSU KAISEN and many many more. Most main characters are highschool age. HOW IS IT? That they can age up charecter that alot of times we will never see 18 or older and write a fanfic sometimes while the charecter in the story is still 15-16 and get a away with it. But Miles Morales authors go out their way to age him up before they even write it and litteraly aren't wrong since their are universe where he is older, are weirdos and pe***. I don't see some anime writers doing that? Make it make sense?
A message for my unsure authors out there.
~So for all my writers not their scared to post their fics. Label it Earth-8 Miles who is a father and husband to Gwen and say it's a headcannon of what ps happend he's 18-25 before he got married if you feel that weird about it.
Some of ya'll are fake fans who completely missed the point of the movie and it's implications. Don't come in my DMs telling me to take anything down because I'm not. You will be blocked and locked out of interacting with my page. And if you feel uncomfortable block me. Just know if you block you will be missing out of 50+ fics I've been working on 18+ characters for about a year now and will be posting starting in July. It's littersly an event I've been working on called the 'Lemon Fest', since it's my birthday month.
Once again every charcter I write about had a cannon adult version of them made by the creators or is already an adult. I was going to keep this a secret by I've gotta protect my fellow authors especially if they are being wrongly targeted. Wanna get mad? Wanna get angry at some authors? Get mad at the ones the ones that write about you favorite anime charecters that are likely 15-16 then ask them to delete it...oh wait...you won't.. because if done that would litteraly be deleting 3/4 of the fanfiction written on this site.
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AITA for setting a boundary on a Minecraft server that I didn’t want to interact with one of the admins after he quit my partner’s dnd campaign?
I (20, nonbinary) was on a lgbtq+ discord and had become friends with a trans guy (henceforth referred to as A) who was a minor. This was easy to forget as he made raunchy jokes, got drunk and high on call, and I have horrible memory issues (so I often opt to just remember people’s names and topics I should avoid around them via making little notes.)
We would very often end up in a vc together with others from the server, including our respective partners, chilling, playing games, sharing fun things we found. (His partner will henceforth be referred to as B, and mine as C) (I had known his partner before from another server and was happy to see them getting along then eventually getting together)
(C especially would always give advice like “if you’re drinking, make sure to eat/get some carbs, drinking on an empty stomach is bad!” Because they love researching medical effects to make their writing and worldbuilding feel more realistic)
There were a handful of incidents where I believe I was the asshole
I loved showing off games and musicals to people, and this has the unfortunate effect of sometimes unintentionally saying words that anger people.
Incident 1) I was playing a game and mindlessly saying location names- and I got a dm- I pause to glance at it- and I got a message saying “hey remember [redacted] is A’s deadname and he’s uncomfortable that you keep saying it”. I pause, make a mental note of “but. It. Wasn’t directed at him?” Then continue playing, dodging saying the name for the rest of my time showing the game.
Incident 2) I was showing off a musical I like- and there’s a cute scene where a character suggests a name for another character, saying that they don’t need it anymore, and it just so happened to be A’s deadname again.
Incident 3) I was playing Sea of Thieves solo- and struggling. I’d been hit by lightning, and now was being attacked by a shark. A and B were making fun of the fact I had slipped into an accent out of sheer panic so I (enraged and not thinking at all) said “I’ll name the damn shark after you, fillet and gut it!” (A really likes sharks. I also like sharks but apparently not as much as him)
(I apologized for this on call later, saying that I was emotional and mad, and if I’d been thinking I wouldn’t have said that. I also apologized for the previous incident about the deadname)
A and B had also joined C’s dnd campaign alongside another one of our mutual friends, D (who did not leave the campaign, but that’s not important right now). I have reason to believe C told the others they couldn’t be either of the two classes I said my character thought they were, but I don’t know. Things went great (or so I thought) we got some plot trails (one connected to the race of my character, one being D’s character’s family) and everything seemed fine- A was flirting with a lot of the enemies and NPCS (C found the character arts via google images and unfortunately ‘attractive’ seems to be a main character design commonality)
Then one day, I woke up to check the campaign discord because of a ping and noticed both A and B had left the server and there was no new messages- confused, I hopped into call with C- who explained that A had dropped a long list of accusations about Myself and C, essentially insulting us and accusing us of things like ‘sending NSFW things to kids’, ‘acting like the victim’, ‘naming a character A’s deadname’, ‘DM favouritism’, and a whole bunch of other things. I was- shocked.
(A also apparently messaged D and said something like “sorry for ending the campaign like that, if you want to use your character you can always write with me!” And got angry when D said they didn’t leave the campaign.)
(C is also a generally sex-repulsed Asexual. They were forcing themself to become more comfortable with it because of A’s raunchy jokes)
This was followed by some harassment from A and B.
A tried publicly calling out C on social media (which C had only used to make a single post sharing something they had made for someone’s art/design) for “sending nsfw things to minors” and on another platform for “being a fake ass bitch”, as well as both of them heckling a new haircut I’d been nervous but excited to try and get for years and just figured out how to ask for (responses such as “omg no ew why would you do that”), as well as A saying “no I don’t” a picture I shared of C and I going to see a musical together with the caption “you wish you were here!” (All were shared and reacted to publicly on the discord server)
(To be fair about the haircut- the stylist had cut part of it a little too short and it made my face look especially chubby)
This is where I start to feel less like the asshole
So I went on the discord for the Minecraft server and said “hey, I don’t feel comfortable interacting with A after the allegations they’ve been making”. A immediately got defensive and angry about me saying “allegations” and kicked me from the discord before I could defend myself (and C).
I explained the situation to the admin of the server we’d met on, who also owned the Minecraft server, and apologized to them that they had to moderate. Both A and I lost our mod privileges on the discord, and I also found out A had been given multiple “cease and desist”s for… saying/sharing vulgar/nearly nsfw things on the discord before. And they did it again. The reason they were never banned or kicked was that the admin had made it in hopes that A would make friends.
Now. To a part that still horrifies me.
A legitimately found out C’s mom’s number, and called her to insist that C sent NSFW things to minors. (C suspects that they got it from a time C called the police out of genuine concern for A who hadn’t responded to any messages in around a day)
C also told me that the most they had sent A was like. Attractive anime guys from the first page of google images because C really liked big anime man chests. A apparently sent C full on p*rn once.
The problem is- I feel like I was the asshole- even though most of the “incidents” were accidents because I try to not remember someone’s deadname because- it’s? Not their name anymore? And it didn’t help that I genuinely do not remember being told it was their deadname until after incident 1.
Was I the Asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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mantisgodsdomain · 3 months
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Falling victim to madness in the Chilaios Discord part one (with a link to the post mentioned at the end). Part 2 linked here (note: slightly more nsfw text). Transcript below cut.
A Discord conversation between three discord users - us, nicknamed Speculative Vore Cookbook, Cup of Chilaios Soup, and Oh Kay! (wormlette).
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Experiencing the impulse to rewrite the changeling chapters for fun and profit. Do you think that considering that half-foots apparently see dwarves as Extremely Attractive Laios sparks some kind of Thing in Chilchuck as a dwarf
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Listen considering Us there will be spec bio about this but. Listen. Since we've been doing the species as "uncanny-valley-type not quite Like You" for the most part with just a little bit of increased compatibility within "families". Do you think that it would be fun if he can suddenly see all of Laios's features in this new light of this particular species. Where all of the tallman features abruptly come into focus in a format far more recognizable and all of a sudden he can draw some Very Certain Lines to someone who is abruptly several times more recognizably attractive rather than, like, would be very attractive if it weren't for the subtle distortion of species.
Cup of Chilaios soup: my third eye has opened
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Do you think being a tallman himself would help with that? An abrupt distortion of the brain. Do you think he would be able to draw back those memories to abruptly have the uncanny-valley barrier splinter under the force of, y'know, he knows precisely what that translates to, and with the added perspective it seems much less alien, and much more "for the love of god he's not supposed to be getting crushes on the job"
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We need to make elves Weirder for this also. They're like the only race on the chart right now that Doesn't have a close-relation group where things like attraction translate more easily we need to make them more fucked up Absently rotating the idea of dwarves having an excellent sense of smell compared to their other close relatives both for enhancing their appreciation for Good Food (a surprising amount of taste is tied up in your sense of smell) and for underground navigation & communication And Laios will absolutely be Weird About It
Cup of Chilaios soup: Laios: wow Chilchuck why do you smell so breedable (gets crushed by a rock)
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Walks up to Chilchuck and starts sniffing him unprompted so he can deliver a food-critic review of his scent Breedable waits for whenever we actually get ourself to do sex pollen heatfic and can also do cool spec bio stuff but like with reproductive cycles Still rotating the idea of making DM tallmen Weirder. We already know they're taller than IRL humans we need to add like some extra fuckshit in there We've got to do the speculative biology first you see. Make it more fucked up. We've already set it up so they're fairly closely related to orcs we might as well add some fantasy bullshit in there.
Cup of Chilaios soup: Tallmen have slower metabolisms maybe? And they need to at A Lot to support their mass? You are so correct eat A Lot*
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (replying to initial message): wait hold on holy fuck man.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: So far what we have for them as their Thing They're Known for is like. Endurance. Tallmen Specifically are known to be able to walk for hours without growing too tired. Not quite as strong as orcs or ogres, of course, but they're tall enough that they practically eat up ground with every stride, and they just don't stop moving.
Cup of Chilaios soup: passing the braincell around like it's a joint KINGS OF TIRING THEIR PREY OUT
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Orcs and ogres are ofc known for their brutal strength, which is Significantly Less Pronounced in humans - but all that strength burns energy, and they'll tire out far faster. Humans just keep going, far beyond what they really should be capable of.
Cup of Chilaios soup: guys who will climb a fcking mountain and be like ":D wanna walk back to town on foot"
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We think that the Big Thing People Know for elves would be their magic but we think that the magic thing is less about being naturally predisposed to it or whatever and more on the fact that enough of their society circles around it that pretty much any elf you meet's been deliberately raised to cultivate their magic, We think that their actual primary feature, like, physically, would be like. We're basing them on ungulates, right? Elves have long, willowy limbs, especially compared to their bodies. Look very graceful as adults who have had centuries of experience walking around and like wretched ganglebeasts at any point when they haven't gotten the hang of it yet. ABSURDLY fast in a sprint, because those long-ass legs are useful for Something, and that Something is being on runnable stilts. Not much stamina, though. (we are returning to this because we are fond of Marcille and we want her to be, like, Weird but in a way where they pass it off as Normal Elf Weird until the Changeling Thing happens and they have to cope with the fact that actually, elves are way weirder, and Marcille is weird in how close she is to other races as opposed to. Uhh. That Fucking Setup
Speculative Vore Cookbook (replying to Cup of Chilaios soup": "guys who will climb a fcking mountain"): Tallmen will climb a mountain carrying equipment on their back and need like a thirty minute breather tops before they're back up and at it like "okay now time to go down the other side" We think it's fun if it's a thing like the half-foot/dwarf/gnome cluster's enhanced senses, where the Absurd Stamina is part of what their other close relations have going for them, but whereas orcs and ogres have it to a Reasonable degree, Tallmen specialize really hard into doing this One Thing and get it in spades. Much like how half-foots spent all of their stat points in their ridiculously sensitive senses, to the detriment of things like strength and durability, tallmen have stupid amounts of stamina. Don't have to be as strong as your close relatives when you can simply outlast them!
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (replying to Speculative Vore Cookbook "returning to this because we are fond of Marcille): really like learning abt elf weirdness in the context of marcille, specifically as a half elf. really liked how that reveal was handled, since fionil is also a half-elf i didnt notice for a LONG time that she was perhaps different than other elves. i really like that!!! tall-men just have a lot of stamina. basically canon re: how much shit laios carries around. particularly in a good dog RIP they're like. alaskan mal specced. they just keep going and going forever
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We think that her, like, subtly softer features and such get Very Fun especially with the potential familiarity aspect vs what full elves have going on if we go full weird on elves because we fucking love how Absolutely Fucked ungulate anatomy is and it scratches a little itch in the back of our brain to let the Graceful Forest People overlap with, like. You Know The Specific Flavor Of Creepypasta Beast
Oh Kay! (wormlette): ^forever comparing everything to dog breeds
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We casually mention that Falin's wrist bones are shorter than elf wrist bones in Drain Your Well Dry and we really need to elaborate on that some day Marcille is like the shetland pony of elves in that she's got like WAY more just… bulk, compared to an elf that's normally like 98% gangle 2% meat And she's still, like, insanely boney compared to human standards. We like to think she has the build of a greyhound. Insanely long for no reason.
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting Speculative Vore Cookbook "casually mentioned Falin's wrist bones are shorter): I NOTICED!!! I LUV THAT… marcille studying ennervation and everything… it kills me… i always thought of her as so carefree looking in her little spellbook and walking around and now im haunted by like. how much of it was her studying human anatomy for what she feared was inevitable!
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting "like to think she has the build of a greyhound"): oh yeaaaag sighthound build would be GOOD for elves.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: But she still looks… More Similar To Other Races, y'know. You can see the similarities to her and other races and it makes it a tiny bit easier to slowly feel more at ease around her. Elves are weird and you don't see them often, but y'know, you've been around This One Elf long enough to start picking up on stuff, y'know? She's not that different from you, when it comes down to it, and sure she's a bit childish but that's probably normal for longer-lived races who're in the first halves of their lives, honestly. Aging slower and all. You can draw the lines if you pay enough attention, you've spent enough time socializing with other species that you can figure out the basic key, and though there are some things in there that really throw you off, as with any other race, it's not like you're handling an entirely new skull structure like with kobolds, right? It's readable, with enough time. Similar enough to tallmen that you can use your experience there and then fill in the gaps. And then you meet full-blooded elves when the Canaries come knocking and these guys are WAY more offputting than you thought actually. What the fuck is up with them? What the hell?
Cup of Chilaios soup: They have the reflective deer eyes from those horror edits
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Putting elves as a weird isolated branch in the humanoid evolution tree was a galaxy brain decision for us tbh. Their whole Weird Superiority Thing very much gets worse when they're the only people who don't have close relatives they can reference from. The other long-lived races seem to mingle FAR easier than them, and though we know it's The Attitude and such, it's fun to make them just… offputting.
Oh Kay! (wormlette): your miiiind
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting "not like reading an entirely new skull structure like kobolds): btw dont you love the thingie about kobolds having a vocal chord structure that doesnt realy support them speaking common. so no matter how smart they are they seem "animalistic" to humans. i love that a lot it's like. hmm. i really like when it's not body horror by itself but put into a societal context, it BECOMES horrifying. u know? it would be fine. except the dehumanization it leads to
Speculative Vore Cookbook: YESSSS it slaps so hard. We think that there should be more bonus subtle differences with just random other races we think it's SO fun when biology fucks you over just as firmly as society.
Cup of Chilaios soup: SO TRUE KAY Rotating all these thoughts in my mind
Speculative Vore Cookbook: It's not that something is wrong with you. It's that you weren't built for this world the same way that everyone else was.
Cup of Chilaios soup: The parallels,,,,, the themes,,,,, Biting my leg
Speculative Vore Cookbook: Anyways do you think that part of the reason Kabru is so Like That is because he went from normal human body language to a bunch of elves with the same general bauplan but next to no shared body language vocabulary, Do you think he had to like manually learn how elves express social emotions with a race so isolated that they're probably developing whole separate methods of socialization completely divorced from anything the short-lived races even do and then had to relearn how to act like a Human when he went back into the world.
Cup of Chilaios soup: OH MY GOD Also sorry but Idk how far some of the peeps reading the manga are, perhaps it would be nice to spoiler the Kabru thing:0 BUT I AGREE THIS IS SCRATCHING MY BRAIN KABRU MY BELOVED THIS HEADCANON IS SUCH GOOD BRAIN FOOD
Speculative Vore Cookbook: We love making fantasy races like just a little bit more fucked up
Cup of Chilaios soup: As you should!!!!!!!
Speculative Vore Cookbook: TBH it widens the gap between species if they're, like, similar enough that you think you Should be able to interpret the signals they're giving off because they look Just Similar Enough that they should emote and socialize and such like you, right? But the similarity is, as they say, mostly just skin-deep, because it does so much more to widen cultural differences when the cultures also work on different biology. Anyways we think half-foot communities should be really dense in population because they descended from an ancestor with the Meerkat Strategy of having a fuckton of people with very sharp senses all looking out for the same colony in such a way where there's always at least one person awake to raise the alarm and we think it's fun if half-foots are set up for a significantly more tactile & densely-populated community than most other species.
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting Speculative Vore Cookbook "part of the reason Kabru is so Like That): I DO. I DO THINK THAT. DO YOU THINK THAT tallman socialization feels so coarse and simple and easy-to-read by comparison.
Speculative Vore Cookbook: It's cool & fun if Chilchuck has to deliberately avoid almost all forms of touch to avoid being demeaned and seen as Lesser And Childish while also being wired to have like minimum five hours of skin contact with colony members per day tbh. Touch starve that man in ways that are difficult to understand for his party that he will actively have to muffle if he wants to be taken Seriously because most other races see it as Childish to cling
Speculative Vore Cookbook (quoting Oh Kay "I DO THINK THAT"): YES and we think it's very fun if him having to manually relearn tallman socialization also makes it so he finds it easier to interpret other races because he already has to like work out what Everyone's thinking from a pre-prepped body language dictionary and it's just so much easier to interpret when he doesn't have to re-invent the wheel every time
Oh Kay! (wormlette) (quoting Speculative Vore Cookbook "childish to cling": @_@ im so FUCKING normal
Speculative Vore Cookbook: :333 The changeling chapter constantly lives rent-free in our brain we think it's fun if like anyone who gets half-footed starts experiencing the intense skin hunger cravings like less than an hour in and have no idea what the Fuck it is because they've never lived in a body made to be that Social before and Chilchuck has to like take over to offer a bit of touch even if it's undignified since. Y'know. He knows how it feels. No reason to subject them to that, even if it's gonna cost a bit of dignity. It'll cost them more dignity if they start freaking out over it. It's efficient :333 Dealing with senses cranked up so high that you can tell when someone's moving around clear on the other side of the building probably makes it a whole lot harder to handle even More stimuli in a normal and dignified manner Something something we're grabbing a cool post we made
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yelenasdiary · 11 months
Hi !
I have a request, you don't have to write it :)
But, Like Nataha was sa her whole childhood by Dreykov [and his men], and when she confronts him in his office she breakdown and stabs him repeatedly to death and after. After that she sobs in a corner then dissociate. She is later comforted. Like there is angst feels despair but fluff you know ?
Thanks 😊
It's Okay, I've Got You
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: After helping Yelena & Nat take down Red Room, you find Natasha in a state you’ve never seen before.    
Heavy Angst | Fluff | Mentions of Sexual Assault | Disassociation | PTSD | Mentions of Blood | 1.1K | 
AC: Please only read this if you are comfortable, I will not be mad or offended if you don’t feel like reading this. With every SA related fic I write, please make sure to double check the warnings before continuing and of course, if you ever need a friend to talk to for whatever reason, my DMs or asks are always open! 
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"Lena, where's Nat?!" you asked as Yelena came running out of the damaged building. She shrugged, "she said she was going after Dreykov" she replied. Worry quickly filled your mind as you knew that Natasha would've been done by now if she had won the fight. "Stay with the others! I'm going to go get her!" you said in a hurry before racing off into what used to be Red Room. 
"Natasha?!" you called out serval times but no answer, you checked every room you passed just to be sure, still calling out her name. "Nat! Can you hear me?!" You called once more but still, no answer. You walked the long hall, opening every door until finally you found her, and it wasn't a scene you expected to see. 
Natasha was sat in the corner, covered in blood with Dreykov's lifeless body only meters away from her. Her combat knife still in her hand as she looked miles away from where she was. You'd never seen her like this, she doesn't notice you standing in the doorway or how you slowly walked up to her and kneeled in front of her. "Nat?" You spoke softly but she wasn't there. 
Gently, you placed your hand over her shaking hand that still held the knife that clearly killed Dreykov. You took the knife from her carefully and placed it besides you before looking back at her. It was obvious to you that she was disassociated and had no idea that you were even kneeling right in front of her, and you didn't want to frighten her by any means. 
"Nat, it's me, it's Y/n. I'm just going to check to make sure you're not hurt, okay?" you spoke before you gave her a check over and to your relief none of the blood on her seemed to be coming from her. Your heart broke at the scene in front of you, there wasn't much time to waste but you didn't care about that right now, all you cared about was Natasha and her wellbeing. "If you can hear me Nat, I'm here" you spoke softly before you kindly wrapped your arms around her and pulled her into you. 
Instantly the redhead broke into a sob as she clung to you, "he's gone now, he can't hurt you" you spoke softly as you comforted the assassin you proudly call your girlfriend but you knew that right now and in this moment, she wasn't the girlfriend you knew and loved so deeply but instead she was a scared little girl who needed know everything was okay, that she was loved, protected and most importantly, safe. 
You knew little about the things that went on in Red Room but you knew of the sexual assault Natasha endured from the hands of Dreykov so you let her cry into your arms as much as she needed too until Yelena came looking for the two of you. 
"Y/n, we have to get o-" Yelena came running into the room, stopping her words when she saw the state of her crying sister in your arms. "Natasha" she spoke softly as she took a few small steps towards the two of you. "Lena, she's okay, I promise. Get the jet started, we'll be there in a moment" you looked at the blonde when you felt Natasha's grip on you tighten. She needed space and you knew as much as she loved Yelena, she didn't want her to see her big sister like this. 
There was no argument from Yelena, she simply nodded and made her way back to the jet. It only took a few more moments before you were able to walk Natasha to the jet, keeping an eye on her the entire flight home. 
Once back at the compound, you ran Natasha a shower which she sat on the ground letting the water run over her as she stared into space. You told Yelena to let the team know that Nat will be taking some time off and that you'd explain things at a better time but for now, your focus was solely on Natasha and making sure she was okay. 
While she was in the shower you grabbed her favorite Pjs and laid them out on the bed before you made sure you had other essentials like fruit and bottled water to make sure Natasha would eat. You didn't want to push her in any form to talk to do anything she didn't want too, you promised yourself that you'd be whatever she needed. 
Nat came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. Even with a wet face you could tell she had been crying as she looked over to you. "It's over" she spoke before sitting down on the end of the bed, "it's really over, he's dead" she added as you sat down beside her. You placed a hand on top of her knee, your thumb stroking her skin with care as you nodded at her words. 
"What do you need love? Whatever you need, I'm here for you. If you want to talk, I'm here to listen, if you need to cry, I'll hold you, if you need to scream, I'll join you" 
Natasha smiled softly at your offer, thankful to have somebody love her for her, somebody who wasn't scared of her or ever held her to her past. "I don't want to do what I always do, I don't want to push this down anymore" she spoke, placing a hand on top of the hand you had on her knee. "I thought killing him would make me feel better, that somehow it would free me from the memories I have but honestly, it just brought it all back and I felt like I remember more than I've ever remembered. I want help" she explained as tears built up in her eyes once again.
"I want professional help. This isn't something I can play off anymore, I know that now" Natasha added. Gently, you cupped her face, wiping the tears that broke free from her eyes, "I promise you Natasha, you're not alone. You are the strongest woman I know, and I'll be here to hold your hand through all of this, all will. We'll get through this together, no matter how dark the days get or how hard the storm comes crashing down, we're in this together" 
Tears uncontrollably streamed from Natasha's eyes as she crashed into you, wrapped her arms around you tightly, as you wrapped your own arms around her and placed a kiss on the top of her head. She sobbed once again in your arms and no matter how long she needed to let out her emotions, you held her until she was ready to get into her pjs and even after when she curled up into a ball in bed, you were there to assure her she was never alone. Not now, not ever.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @natasha-belova | @blackwidow-3 | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @observeowl | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @ahintofchaos | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | @imnotslouching | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok | @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @marvel-madnessx | @scarsw1fe | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @natashaswife4125 | @katiemay-025 | @aphrcdtes | @romanoffs-widow | @natsxwife | @maria-403 | 
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
holy crap i'm really glad your allowing requests today for tomorrow cuz surly i would've forgotten ^^; can i request a sans prompt 1 and 24 from yandere-daze's prompt list? here's a little plot for you if you wanna follow it :3
darling has done a genocide run NOT because they wanted to or hated/was afraid of monsters, but to get rid of sans and live on without killing asgore and anyone else (maybe idk, they would probably erase the world to out of guilt) in the judgement hall, that's when the prompts come in? like i said, it's up to you to follow the plot! also, answer this in dms, are we allowed to send more then one request? i wanna make sure before request more. keep up the good work btw! :)
Ahh... so if they just want to kill Sans it's more like a neutral run? Either way, I hope I take this in a good direction, friend :)
A/N: I was screenshotting the original fic to send to the requester for editing... only to delete it and have to rewrite the fic from screenshots :')
Prompts Here
Yandere! Sans The Skeleton Prompts 1 + 24
“ I love you so much you have no idea.”
“ It’s okay for you to love me.”
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Heavy manipulation, Violence, Possessive behavior, Angst, Isolation, Yandere attempts to "redeem" himself, Kidnapping implied, Murder implied, Dubious turned forced relationship.
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Sans partially understood your behavior. Despite this, he still thought he kept you happy. You two finally had a true pacifist run after so long.
Only you and Sans were aware of your resets... which was a reason he was close to you and loved you.
He thought you wanted to be happy together. You two were finally able to be together in that timeline. However... even Sans had to admit you didn't seem happy about it near the end.
Perhaps he was too selfish. Near the end of your perfect run he had become more and more... possessive? Controlling?
He loved you... when he saw that look in your eyes, he begged you not to reset. He'll better himself. He's obsessed with you... don't throw this way.
However, Sans didn't get better. He got worse. When you noticed him lock you away in a room, away from everyone else, you reset the run in hopes it will fix things...
It doesn't.
The multiple times afterwards doesn't fix things either. Sans retains that odd anomalous behavior towards you. Why was he the only one that was wrong?
So you figure out there's only one way to try and fix things....
Sans can sense the change in atmosphere when you greet him in the Judgment Hall. He sees the knife in your hand, he sees the dust on your clothes. His smile falters... what were you hoping to accomplish?
Were you that scared to love him?
"Human... you-" Sans tries to say, sockets locking onto the tears in your eyes. What was he feeling? Fear? Sadness? Guilt?
He thought he made you happy... why do you treat him as though he's done something wrong?
"I need to fix things, Sans." You try to say, stepping forward. "I don't want this, neither do you, but you won't let me go."
"Let you go?" Sans echoes, sockets narrowing. "I love you so much you have no idea... why would I let you go?"
"You don't love me. None of what you've been doing is love." You seethe, but Sans can tell you're pained. "I'm going to end this... I haven't hurt that many... I can fix this if I just remove you."
"You don't want to do that." Sans sighs, a sadness in his tone. "You're just... scared. If you just abandon this run now, we can be happy again!"
Sans steps forward this time, watching as you back away with tears streaming down your face. Why won't you let him comfort you? This isn't you... why won't you let him love you now?
"It's okay for you to love me." Sans continues, stepping closer. "We can make things work. I'm... not mad. I'm not mad because this isn't you. Don't you remember when I made you happy?"
"You locked me away! You hurt my family and my friends! You wanted me all for yourself!" You counter, going to swing. Said swing of your blade misses and you see Sans vanish from your sight.
"And I'll do it again," Sans whispers in your ear, using his power to shove you against him. "Because we belong to each other. There's nothing to be scared of, you know I'll take care of you."
There's a deafening silence between you two. Your grip on the knife trembles and you try again. However, Sans moves and snatches your knife.
"You couldn't even do the whole Genocide Run." Sans hums. "You don't really want to hurt them or me, hm? Even after all those other runs?"
You stare at the skeleton as he holds your cheek. His grin is haunting and his eye flares blue. He oddly looks smug... but pleading.
"You still love me... I know you do." Sans whispers, pulling you in for a tight hug. "Just reset one more time... and we can make things just like they were before. You know you can't get rid of me... you know you need me."
His manipulation seems to have worked as you begin to sob into his hood. You've tried so hard to make things right. Yet it appears Sans will always haunt you... and he will always remain the same.
You can't get rid of him just as he said...
In the end, you'll always belong with Sans... just like you did before.
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syngrafaes09 · 1 year
Pivot | Dr Strange x Y/N
In continuation of 'I can help with that'
W/N: Keeping up with the ideas sent by @lady-harvey and @thearcadeyel in the DM, things keep pivoting between...
Warnings: Absolutely 18+
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I could melt, Stephen thought as he silently slid under the covers. He had long forgotten what it would be like to return home after work to find someone warm and beautiful waiting in bed for him.
Y/N mumbled and churned, feeling the dip. She had finally retreated to sleep after her roommate didn’t pick up her calls nor Stephen seemed to return soon. She sighed as gentle fingers caressed her fuzzy hair.
He felt a bit of disappointment when his arms pulled her closer to his chest. Fucking piece of cloth. But it soon followed a wave of guilt. He had left her without a word halfway through… It wasn’t entirely his fault, was it? Wong had held him up longer than it was required. He let out a breath, glancing outside the window. The sky was still filled with the black fog. It will clear out soon now that we have sent those creatures back to their dimension.  
Y/N blinked several times trying to adjust to the light. She remained still, silently watching him stare somewhere, jaw clenched, lost in thoughts, feeling his fingers draw light patterns against the shirt. Even with the messy hair and few dull red cuts across his face he undeniably- She shot up abruptly as the realisation of the events of the past hours coursed through her.
“Sweetheart,” Stephen began, unsure of her thoughts and emotions, “I’m sorry about last night. There were things from other dimensions. I had to go…”
“It was alright. I mean, it was literal life and death, right?”
“Yeah, but—”
“Then I can wait. I’m not that important.”
Faint amusement darted through his weary eyes. “Thanks for the understanding.”
He toyed with the collar of the shirt she was wearing. His shirt, technically. “I thought I left you naked.”
“Naked and aroused,” she corrected.
He hummed and ran a thumb down her neck and in between the valley of her clothed breasts. Her nipples pebbled in anticipation.
“This is not appropriate,” he said, undoing the first button and sweet baby Jesus, she threatened to liquefy under his intense, scolding stare. “This has to come off. Did you try to leave?”
“I had wanted to,” she breathed as his thumbs circled her nipples for a moment.
He noticed the use of past tense and nodded. “Good,” he muttered, pinching her pebbled flesh between his fingers, “It will take some time to clear out the mist. Everyone had been instructed to stay indoors until then. ” It was then she noticed the dark gloomy night instead of the bright sunny morning.
Then he just grabbed handfuls of her aching breasts and crushed them between his palms.
She shoved him away. Then she put her hands on his shoulders, straddling him, her tits were right at his face, and he leaned forward, nuzzling between them. Stephen closed his eyes, mouth drifting towards her nipple. His lips parted over it and latched to it like a newborn’s. 
She arched at the suction and he put his hands on her back so she couldn't get away. She groaned, so aroused by alternate waves of suction and his tongue swirling around it, she squirmed in his lap.
He held her down, shifting his attention to the other nipple.
His tongue languidly swirled in circles around the pigmented skin until the skin was drawn as tight as possible. Drawing in a cold breath through his mouth, he flicked his tongue against the bundle of nerves.
She whimpered and pressed herself further into him. He grinned, looking up at her, one hand travelling between them, rubbing circles on her lower abdomen. Eyes closed, her head tipped towards the ceiling, getting lost in the sensations. He returned to sucking her gently before tugging it in between his teeth.
As he felt her body tense up, he sucked harder, nibbling  - driving her into madness.
“I n-need you in me.”
Stephen pulled back and set her loose. “Condoms’ in the bottom drawer,” he informed, leaning back on the headboard.
Y/N leaned down, opened the said drawer and sucked in a sharp breath glancing at the contents. She had never been much into toys. And he had quite the collection. She grabbed the least complicated appliances of all and a bottle of lube.
“I have never tried this before but… the idea… I would like to try this,” she said toying with the cuffs and the cockring.
Strange smiled at her, “Anything that makes you happy baby girl.” He kissed her one more time, tugging at the cuffs.
“What?” He asked, confused when Y/N didn’t hand them over.
“I wasn’t thinking about myself tied to your bed. I want to restrain you.”
He was swept away by utter bewilderment. No one had done that. To him. Ever. I have always been the giver. Never the taker, he thought. He has been so lost he didn’t realise she had already cuffed one of his wrists to the bedpost until Y/N tugged at his other one.
“Besides, I think it’s fair after what you did to me.”
“Fuck,” Stephen muttered under his breath, straining the restraints, “Thought I was already forgiven.”
“You are. This is a penance.”
“Fine, have me as you like,” he snorted.
She smiled, settling in between his legs and leaned in to kiss which he happily complied. He groaned into her mouth as she slid her hand down his chest and squeezed his growing erection through the sweatpants.
She pulled back only to let her lips roam around his neck, shoulder and chest. Working her way up, she blew a warm breath over his ears, kissing the shell while her fingers gently pinched and teased his nipples.
“Jesus,” Stephen moaned, “Woman where have you been all these years?”
Y/N smiled, resting her hands at his waist, teasing the waistband of his pants, “Learning the anatomy of pleasing you.”
Stephen chuckled, raising his hips for her to pull down the pants. He sighed in relief as his cock sprang free.
She bit her lip at his knowing smirk, lubed him and slid the ring to the base of his shaft. He was big. And thick, she thought, lowering herself on her stomach as she pumped him before turning on the vibrations.
He groaned, the muscles of his leg going all stiff as her tongue darted out and swirled around the head. She continued to lick, peppering kisses, along the length of him. He hissed, buckling his hips, as her mouth licked and sucked his balls.
Y/N smiled, stepping up the speed of vibrations.
“I might lose my patience and use- fuck.”
She took as much as possible of him in one swift go. Her eyes watched him throwing his head back and wincing upon hitting the headboard. I’ll never forget this one. She had been nervous - Would I be able to give him enough pleasure with so little experience? However as her mouth squeezed, caressing up and down, satisfaction burned on his handsome face.
Stephen sat there entrapped, watching her head bobbing, one hand stroking what length of him she couldn't fit in her mouth and the vibrating ring… He continued tugging now and then against the hard metal of the handcuffs even though the wrists burned in pain. He never thought he would like this so much. Oh, her nails, dug into his thigh.
“You're taking me so well, sweetheart-,”
He took a sharp breath, gasping as he felt her teeth gaze at him very gently. She looked up at him, all doe-eyed, flickering her tongue on the underside of his cock.
He wanted to break free, caress her hollowed cheeks, pull her hair to the back, and wantonly fuck that mouth. “Oh, my,” he grunted, feeling himself near the base of her throat. His hips thrusted of their own accord. “I’m so close.”
Y/N stopped immediately. “No,” he cried out at her. She gave him a slow, devilish grin. And sat up, scrambling away from him. It took a tremendous amount of effort when every bit of her ached for him.
“What are you doing?” he grumbled watching her climb out of the bed, relaxing into one of the armchairs beside the bed, across the fireplace.
“I’ll let you come only when you beg nicely.”
“I don’t beg,” Stephen snapped.
Y/N shrugged. She flaunted the control before turning down the strength of the vibrations.
Stephen strained his neck as he continued to glare at her. “You’ll be punished for this baby girl.”
She gulped looking at his darkened eyes. “I-is that so?” Don't be intimidated, she reminded herself.
Y/N hesitated for a moment, then ran her hand down her stomach and in between her legs. She spread her knees and slowly began touching herself. She closed her eyes, knowing that he was watching her every movement, she imagined it was his fingers stroking the bundle of nerves. She smiled wider when she slipped her fingers into her slick slit.
How have I turned into such sex hungry woman?
“I could do better,” he voiced once she started to whimper. She wanted him to but she didn’t want to halt now. Not when she-
She shivered as the wave of heat washed over her.
When she opened her eyes, Stephen was staring at her hungrily, but strangely patient. “Since you are done with yourself, you might finish what you’d started,” he said with a pointed look. “Please,” he added.
Y/N sighed. Still, a little wobbly from the orgasm, she settled in between his legs. He relaxed back watching her slide off the cockring. She wrapped one hand around the base of his cock, squeezing him, while her tongue played around following each line, curve and crevice, as he was the most teasing appetiser imaginable.
Stephen let out a deep low moan, thrusting his hips upwards.
He cursed under his breath as her mouth sheathed him, working him up again.
“Y/N,” he grunted, thrusting his hips in a slow rhythm. Leaving his cock, her hand rubbed his thighs before cupping the balls.
“Don’t stop,” Stephen whimpered as she quickened the pace.
“You look so pretty like this. Guess you’d look better only when my cock goes rampant in that pussy.”
He had been silent most of the time except for the few noises he made, she almost choked at his filthy words. Looking up at him she couldn't think it possible, but those light grey eyes darkened even further when her fingers trailed below his scrotum, applying subtle pressure around the perineum. He jerked in her mouth when she found his sweet spot.
“Yeah,” he moaned, “S-so close.”
Amazed by her own boldness, she stroked him harder.
His insides were screaming guttural exhilaration. He was sure he would go crazy by the time they were going to finish. His hips jerked unsteadily, grinding against her mouth until everything stilled.
It was more and more. Tears welled at the corners of her eyes as she choked on the sheer volume of his semen. Her throat was already full and his ejaculation was nowhere near an end. Lots of it, as if he hadn’t come in months, years, maybe never.
“That was ethereal,” he breathed, “you tortured me so sweetly…”
Y/N smiled, wiping away the drips of cum lining her mouth. “I’m glad you liked it,” she sat up and kissed him. It was slow and gentle at first, their lips moving languidly. When he kissed her harder, she threaded her hands through his hair, pressing herself further against his hot, slick body.
He cast a simple spell after it was too much to bear. She grasped when hands clutched her waist, moving her around. He settled her amongst the pillows. “You have no idea what it took not to break free of those cuffs and fuck you as animals do.”
However before she could say anything he reached beneath, pinching her clit hard, until it hardly even felt like it was a special nub, but something else entirely. “Now, it's my turn to return the favour.” His looming figure left to reach out into the drawers. He snapped his fingers and a red cloth blinded her. “And torment you in the sweetest way possible.”
Stephen stroked her thighs, gradually sliding his hand up until he touched that heated core of her womanhood.
“Oh, doctor!”
“Do you like that, baby?”
She nodded wordlessly.
He put his head between her legs, nuzzling at first. His beard was a little rough on the insides of her thighs. He stroked her with skilful fingers. Then with his lips, and his tongue, he struck fire. A slow, fat lick brought his tongue to her aching button, and as soon as he touched tip to tip, white light exploded through her. His skilful tongue rubbed, nudged, and poked in a rhythm like a giant pulse. She cried out in astonishment, in appreciation at being touched in that right place.
Y/N’s legs twined about his head and shoulders desperately, she was beginning to buck her hips, beginning to come. She bit her lip to suppress a moan as her skin exploded into flames. Holy fuck, Stephen.
“Let me hear those noises, sweetheart,” he crooned against her sensitive flesh, making her wither under his subsequent licks.
She moaned gutturally, her hands grasping fistfuls of the sheet on either side of her hips as a shudder shook her head to toe.
Stephen smiled and gently began to pet her with his fingers. He glided one finger along the gaping cleft, then very slowly and gently penetrated her. Y/N whimpered. He touched her lightly at first, testing her with one finger, moving carefully. Then he stretched her with two fingers, curling them upward as his thumb began to rub tiny circles. He never took his eyes away from her, listening to her breathing speed as his curled fingers found her spot inside. He bowed his head in admiration, bringing his lips to the top of her inner thigh, teasing her before taking the flesh into his mouth and sucking with abandon, while continuing the movements of his hand. It was an extraordinary combination.
Y/N put her own hands on her breasts and her palms rotated the nipples.
He took her again in his mouth until she was weak and quivering, fondling her breasts until they were swollen with hot blood, the nipples stiff.
She tightened even more around his stroking finger and he increased the speed and depth of the thrusts. She reached the peak swiftly, spasms of her pleasure shuddering through her entire body, pelvis rising from the bed as if seeking something in the air.
He reached up his free hand to rub her quivering belly and fondle her breasts. She jerked and made a little sound, and he raised his head to look down at her. Heat bloomed over her cheeks as his thumb brushed over her nipple.
Yes,” she whispered, all her senses hyper-focused on the overwhelming touches.
Stephen kissed her, his mouth skimming over her taut abdomen. 
“Harder,” she pleaded but he paid no heads.
He was kneading her breast gently, and when his mouth finally reached her nipple and closed over it, she moaned and clutched at his shoulders, her hip bucking against his fingers, her senses nearly drowned by the waves and waves of burning pleasure.
Along with those waves came those strange creatures: gratitude and hunger. Gratitude at being touched in the right place, in the way, at the right time. Hunger for something she was after, something she was trying to achieve, and there was always the danger that she’d miss it, wouldn’t find it, or get hold of it. She couldn’t get enough of him. It felt like a punishment.
A silent invisible wave squeezed and squeezed her hot throbbing sex. She felt her entire abdominal area cramp as it would during her period. It was like the sweet torment he had warned her about. Anytime now, she thought, I would burst like a sea fish held under the tap water.
The entire torrent, the pulsing flood of sensation, sent her over an unseen barrier, and she slid, throbbing, down, down, down into hot squeezing pulsing incognizance.
“Oh my God, Stephen,” she squealed as a spray of fluid came gushing out of her pussy and soaked the sheets beneath them.
“Had told you,” he whispered near her ear, “I could do better.”
After regaining some of her senses, she tugged free of the blindfold. As her eyes adjusted, she saw him emerging from the washroom, drying his hands in a towel.
“I’m so sorry,” Y/N said, tears blurring her vision.
Stephen immediately went to her on the bed and scooped her up into his strong arms. “What's the matter, baby?”
“The bed’s a mess,” she cried, burying her face in her hands, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s just a little wet, it’s no big deal. Are you…are you embarrassed about squirting?”
He watched her face turn red with shame beneath her hands, and he gently pulled them away from her face, shaking his head at her.
“No, no. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I loved it. It’s so fucking hot. It meant I had given you the most pleasure.”
Once he was sure she was over the edge, he asked her to lie on her stomach and wait for him. He held an unfamiliar bottle, squeezing out a generous amount of lube into his palm, then bending over and rummaging through his toys.
She swallowed hard glancing at the beaded silicone toy, “I couldn't take that…”
“Have you ever tried?”
She shook her head.
“It won't be nasty,” he said, “trust me.”
“I want to but that thing is scary.”
He obliged, tossing it back from where it came and settled, parting her legs.
“Tell me when it gets uncomfortable,” he said, sliding his fingers between her legs. She nodded into the pillow, mumbling okay.
The fingers of his right hand trailed through her cleft, gathering up her arousal, and then continued its indecent path up, slipping between her cheeks. He swirled over the taboo spot, each circle smaller than the previous one until the tip of his index finger was there, pushing gently to gain entrance.
“How does it feel?”
Her breath came out stuttered. He was naughty and corrupt. But he stopped the movements at once.
“There are a lot of nerve endings here.” His finger resumed its swirling, proving his point. “Trust me sweetheart I won’t be doing anything that could remotely hurt you. And I would stop whenever you want me to.”
“Okay,” she murmured.
A shudder rolled down her body as his finger probed the ring of muscles.
“Squeeze and relax,” he guided.
She did as instructed, making little ‘uhs’, as his finger slipped through the virgin muscles of her asshole.
Shame and euphoria battled in her mind as his finger slowly, gently thrusted in her. Her thoughts swirled wondering how she ended up here. She was supposed to be on the giving end. Giving him penance. Instead, he was in charge, finger fucking her ass.
With no warning, she climbed the cliff and jumped off as heat bloomed from deep within her.
Y/N felt tired and sore but she didn’t care. She couldn’t get enough of him. She wanted him inside her. She wanted the ache. She wanted to squeeze him in. She wanted to watch his face. She wanted him in ways she had never wanted anyone before. It was like something had been invented. By him in that very bed. Or something he had unleashed. It was something raw she couldn’t put her finger on.
Finally, when he returned to her side, she got on top of him like her original plan. Her palms rested on his chest, as her hips moved to press and rub her swollen lips against his groin.
She’d never done it before. And couldn’t really believe she was doing this. It felt like she was in charge.
He watched with a hooded gaze as she reached back, held him and tried to put him in.
“Condom,” he reminded her but she denied it.
“I’m clean of STDs if that’s what you are worried about,” she spoke, guiding him in. She was so hot and wet, he slipped in faster and deeper than she anticipated.
“The way you came over my fingers, I can guarantee that you have barely ever fucked anyone.”
She snorted and squeezed her muscles making him hiss.
“I don't want you to get preg-”
“I’m on birth control for medical reasons.” She squeezed him again, “Can you come? Just from this?”
Stephen smirked. “I might if you try harder and longer.”
She continued to clench around him, rotating her hips, and rocking softly until he went mad. He bucked, splitting her in two. His hand flew to her waist, holding her body, lifted her off and drove her down impaling on his cock.
One thrust was enough to have her addicted, he knew that well, so he let his hands rest under his head.
She repeated the action, again and again, ramming herself down on him. Her thighs burned with the exertion. Sweat dampened her forehead and hair as she rode him, her breasts bouncing between the force of gravity and the thrusts. However, she was getting fatigued.
She gave in when his strong, capable hands wrapped around her and pulled him closer towards him. Her head rested on his chest as his hands caressed her back. Then he slammed into her, so deeply, she thought it couldn’t be possible. Wordlessly he proved her mistaken as he did it again and likewise. It felt like he was making her from the inside out. He speared her, plunged inside her, crushing her into him.
She was close and could tell by the way the muscles in his chest tightened, he was close too. She saw his jaw bulging as he gritted his teeth, trying to keep from coming as long as he could. She wanted him to come. To lose control. Just like she had.
Closing her eyes, Y/N channelled the heat of her orgasm to squeeze him, and at just that moment, she felt his cock jump inside my body, seemingly growing even bigger than it had been, then half a second later blasting his hot semen inside her.
Somehow, after many minutes of silence, they smiled at each other and laughed.
“We should do it another time at least,” she said, finger doodling on his bicep.
“Studying or having sex?”
“Both,” Y/N replied, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
Stephen hummed in agreement, “We should do it regularly.”
Tags: @lady-harvey @thearcadeyel @butchers-girl @newavenger
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
GABE!!!!!!! Jailbait!Dream who keeps going into old peoples's DMs and pulling this! And silver fox Hob who just can't let this pretty brat escape 😩😩😩🥵
SCREAMING. the "really, sweetheart?" one got me fr. Hob would definitely say that.
Look, Hob really isn't looking for a sugar baby or anything of that nature. He's in his 50s, he's been married, he doesn't consider himself old - but he does consider himself sensible enough not to get involved with a boy barely 20 years old. But that was all before Dream came along.
Dream is shameless, and he wants as much attention as he can get (yeah, he'll unpack it all with a therapist later). Boys his own age are too stupid and selfish. Dream wants the worshipful appreciation of an older person. Dilf, milf, whatever. He just wants to be somebody's precious little treasure.
And Hob does worship Dream. Kind of. When they meet up irl for the first time he fucks Dream in the back of his very nice car. Then they go for dinner. Dream’s legs are shaking. And Hob teases him, laughs at him, makes him angry. Dream wants to march off in a huff, but he just... he can't. He wants to make Hob respect him! Too bad Hob seems to have the upper hand. He's playing with Dream like he's a funny, pretty little toy.
And yet, Dream keeps coming back for more. He can't help himself. At the same time, he tries to better himself. He deletes his dating apps and starts working more on his art portfolio. Hob rewards him with sex that feels like ascending to heaven, and he doesn't laugh at Dream quite so much.
Dream thinks he might have been manipulated into forging a better life for himself. And he can't even be mad. Especially when Hob finally presents him with a set of keys for his house - "you've earned it, sweetheart. now get on your knees, there's a good boy."
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
as you wish ♡
best friend!eddie munson x plus size!fem!reader
you're stressed and eddie's more than willing to help you feel better.
cw: 1.3k, smut, pregnancy/breeding mention, breeding kink but no one's getting knocked up here, period/ovulation mention, p in v sex, super self indulgent smut because this is where I'm at in my life lol
18+ only
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"Hey, you okay?"
Eddie rubs his hand across your back. You're rolling a character for a new campaign he's running and all your rolls so far have been trash. It's not the only reason why you're having a bad day but it's not not making it worse.
"You seem kinda, and please don't get mad when I say this, but you seem kinda irritable."
You huff and slap your pencil down on the kitchen table. This can wait. You feel like you're crawling out of your skin and Eddie's patient hand making circles on your back isn't helping. 
"I'm ovulating."
Eddie's already big brown eyes grow even wider.
"Uh. What does that mean? Are you on your period? Are you,  do you need to see someone? Are you in pain?"
You wave your hand, dismissing his increasingly frantic concerns. He's such a good friend. A great friend who doesn't balk at period talk, just wants to take care of you, make sure you're okay.
"No, this happens before my period,"  you sigh and look at Eddie. He looks so unsure. He wants to help and doesn't know what in the world is going on.
You're a little out of your mind today it seems because the things you say next to your best friend can't be taken back.
"It means I want you to bend me over this table and stuff me full of your come," Eddie inhales sharply and you lean into his space.
Fuck it.
"My body is screaming at me to beg you to pump load after load of come deep inside me until I'm round with your baby. My pussy has been throbbing all day and all I can think about it pulling your cock out and riding you until I'm leaking your come all over the floor. Do you understand? I'm going haywire because of a biological need to get bred. So I'm sorry if I'm a little irritable. I need to come so bad, Eddie, but I know it won't be enough if I do it on my own and, god, I'm sorry but I want you so bad right now it hurts."
You're squirming in your seat almost to prove your point. Eddie sees it, sees you cover your face in shame, sees you hunch over in regret even as your thighs clench under your skirt.
"I know."
His hand is still on your back, so you know he doesn't hate you for that little outburst. God, what is wrong with you?
"Does this happen every month?"
"Pretty much."
Eddie pulls your hands away from your heated face. He's smiling. Like it's funny. Like you didn't just go on a hysterical rampage about how you want him to breed you. Fuck, did you really say that out loud?
"Does the baby part have to happen?"
"What? Oh god no, I'm on birth control."
"So, how do you want to do this?"
Eddie's still holding your hands. The rings on his fingers feel cool on your warm skin and you don't know what he's taking about.
"I guess I'll leave," you try to pull away from his grip. "I'm sorry for dumping all that on you."
"Whoa, hey," Eddie tugs you back down when you try to stand and awkwardly shuffle away. He lets go of one hand to cup your cheek, tipping your face up to look at him again. "I asked you a question. How do you want to do this?"
"Eddie, you can't be serious. I'm sorry I went a little crazy there but-"
"Do you want me to fuck you? Want me to stuff your little pussy full until you can't take any more?"
Your usually goofy friend was using his DM voice on you, all low and serious. The voice he uses to create tension from behind his screen that always makes your toes curl.
"Yes. Please."
His thumb caresses your cheek as he moves in closer. He smells so good. A mix of his cologne, soap and something so distinctly Eddie.
Your stomach tightens and you feel a rush when his lips capture yours. It's slow, cautious at first and a little unsure, but you feel safe here in his hands. Eddie's your best friend. He won't hurt you. You trust him to make you feel good and when he asks you for a third time, "How do you want to do this?" You tell him, "Here. Now. Need you inside me."
Eddie quickly fumbles with his belt, pulling it open and off before dragging the zipper down on his jeans. Your hand sneaks inside and he groans, panting in your mouth when you find him and grip him tight.
His hands are on your hips then, tugging you into his lap as you pull him free from his boxers. Your hands are frantic. His are pushing your shirt up and over your bra, tugging the cups down so he can get at your tits. They spill over and he sucks a nipple into his mouth, sucking greedily on the sensitive bud.
"Fuck, Eddie!"
"Right, that's the plan."
You'd tell him to fuck off for being a smart ass but he's right. You need him inside you instead of holding him with a tight grip while he leaks all over your hand like you're currently doing.
You pull the gusset of your thong to one side and line Eddie up with your cunt. As soon as he feels your wet heat on his tip he's cursing into the swell of your breast, nipping and biting at your tender flesh.
"Use me, honey. Ride my cock. Want you to feel good. Wanna stuff you full of my come," Eddie rambles as he squeezes your tits. His hands and mouth feel so fucking good you swear you could come from that alone. Some other time maybe.
Right now you're slowly sinking down on his length. He's girthy and you have to focus and breathe, make yourself relax so you can take him. Because fuck you're determined to take all of him.
"So fucking tight, honey. Pussy's so wet for me. Be good for me and take it."
Eddie's hand is on your hip, gripping you tight and helping to guide you down. You cry out when he moves, tilting his hips to get a better angle.
"Oh fuck. Right there, huh? That feel good?"
You nod your head. You can't speak, all your thoughts zeroed in on finally bottoming out on his thick cock.
"Shit, honey, feel so fucking good. Ride me, baby. I've got you."
You grab Eddie's shoulders tight and bounce. It doesn't take long for your thighs to scream from exertion but you can't stop, you won't stop. The sound your cunt makes, your soaked thighs slapping against his is enough to push you to the edge, but you need more to push you over. He fills you and consumes you. Every ridge, every vein. You can feel all of it as you hold on to him for dear life.
Your tits are in his face, practically smothering him but Eddie doesn't seem to care one bit. His tongue and teeth worship your devour you like you're his last meal.
"Eddie, please."
"Please what?"
"Need to, need you to-"
"Need me to breed you? Fill this tight little cunt up?"
"Yes, fuck!"
"Take it then."
Eddie holds your hips still and you scream when he starts pistoning into you. He hits your walls just right and you gush around his thick length, soaking his boxers and thighs.
"Fuck, that's it, honey," Eddie wraps his arms around you waist and pulls you down, slumped on his chest while he uses and abuses your cunt. "Gonna come, gonna fill your pretty little cunt up. Everyone will know you're mine," he growls in your ear, "my pussy, all mine."
Eddie slams his hips a few more times before they stutter and grind into you, pushing into you to the root. You can feel him unload deep in your cunt. Hot splashes of come, as well as Eddie's pelvis griding against your clit, push you over the edge one more time and you scream into his sweaty neck.
You're both panting and sated, not caring for now that Eddie's come is slowly dripping from your stretched out cunt.
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lotus4kino · 11 months
Jealousy — Gojo Satoru X f!reader (angsty)
Contents: flirtatious behavior with others while in a relationship, non-communicative relationship, slight gaslight/manipulation
Today’s Music Recommendation: Is There Someone Else? By The Weeknd
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He was a stubborn and self-centered man, the strongest sorcerer, Gojo Satoru.
Yes, he was an excellent teacher, an encouraging man, he was most likely to be the ideal person for the most of the students in Jujutsu Tech. But this guy also figured that he can get easy access on anything just because of his angelic appearance. He had a shit load of fan girls who he could play around every time life got boring. He looked good and he knew it.
But you? you are just an ordinary girl from a decent school who is living her ordinary life, no cursed user or anything. you barely understand how these techniques works, why would anyone believe you are dating this attractive man from the Gojo Clan? even a fool would laugh at you for reaching out for something you couldn’t reach.
But you were seriously dating this guy, you were told by your friends that you should be considering yourself as lucky to have the opportunity to be in a relationship with him, but in reality, you supposed it is extremely difficult for you to hold on to that opportunity.
This man, Satoru, only had you as his side chick. You didn’t want to believe it yet the truth was bitter than you expected.
Every time you both got into an argument, he wouldn’t let it slide, instead he would play the victim card even if he was the reason you had to argue. He would act all childish and sulky about it, he had never apologize once because he knew you wouldn’t let him go, he was too precious and worthy for you to let go. he knew you were too overwhelmed by his charming appearance to let go. he knew you were hopelessly in love with him to let go.
but oh boy, he was wrong.
that day..that day when you lost it all, he lost you too.
it was raining heavily that day, you two had been remained silent for a good while now. the tension between you both was extremely intense. you actually didn’t want to talk about it, you were too exhausted to bring it up. but then you heard his phone rang, he picked it up.
“hey ladiess.. what’s up?” he slyly grinned and spoke to the phone, some feminine laughs and chatters were heard from the other side. you sighed in annoyance, you were quite done with this bullshit.
“..yeah I’m currently with a friend right now,..mhm? yeah no problems, drop y’all locations through dm, I’ll let you know when I’m picking you up.” he said, his gaze was turnt towards you before giving you a quick wink. currently that was his proper apology for labeling you as a friend.
beep, he hang up the phone and shoved it into one of his pockets. the rain didn’t seem like it’s going to stop anytime soon.
“Satoru,” you called him out through the harsh sounds of the rainfall.
“Mm?” he playfully hummed,
“let’s break up” you said, a hint of hesitation was heard in your voice as your fingers reached out for the raindrops.
finally those three words managed to escape from the mouth of yours.
“..what?” he let out a sarcastic laugh, “are you mad at me again? I’ve already told you I don’t expect you to come back once you lea-”
“Oh trust me, I decided not to waste my time fighting you over your little female friends.” you sometimes couldn’t even tell if those affectionate words and actions he did in past were just an act.
his face turnt into something serious as his eyes bored in your eyes. “then do it, why are still dating me if you can’t even understand your own boyfriend?”
“there are things called boundaries, Gojo Satoru. I never expect you would be that dense.”
Calling him dense pissed him off, a little. “For how long?”
“come again?”
“How long have you been considering to break up with me?” he looked at you like a lost puppy,
you remained quiet for a second, “I lost my count on days, but it’s certain how I don’t do decisions without thinking about its consequences, it’s for the best.”
“I see.” he mattered, a dark shadow was casted upon his face. you nodded in confirmation, your eyes never leaving the drops of the rain before you. “..i actually don’t want you to, I can promise I would do bette-”
“It’s been the fifth time you’ve been saying this, ‘think I had enough.”
“but what about our date night tomorrow, I’ve already booked a luxurious room for us?” he tried pinpointing his sacrifices for you, knowing you feel guilty every time he did this.
“you can go pick up some extra girls and invite them over if you don’t want it to go waste.” you fixed your posture, pulling the handbag on your shoulder closer to you. “thank you for everything, Satoru. having you was really nice.” a slight sadness appeared on the smile you gave him.
only the sound of the rain could be heard in the background till you clicked your heels and walked away from the white haired man, who watched you disappear in the distance.
But little do you know that he only ever meant to make you jealous, he didn’t mean to push you further away from him.
He expected you to come back to him the following days but you never did.
weeks, months, years.
he waited for you come back but you never did, and you promised yourself that you never will.
Jealousy had boundaries and it is not kinky or hot to have a person feel jealous and insecure about something you did. This could bring you to the point where the person may end up losing interest and worst, leaving you behind.
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it is currently 3 am in the morning and I couldn’t sleep so I decided to write down one of my opinions on the things that has been going crazy all over the world. (I apologize if satoru is a bit a ooc, I’m feeling so sleepy that I can’t even double check my mistakes further more.)
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ifancyharry · 1 year
The Instagram poll
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What it is: YN feels anxious about her interview with Nick Grimshaw, when she tries to tell Harry, they fight; angst to fluff
Word count: 3.5k
let me know if you liked it!!!
YN was pacing around her and Harry’s bedroom when she got Nick’s text, her phone already unlocked and opened on Nick’s Instagram account.
‘They chose you!! Told ya Xx’ 
Followed by another one with the details of their soon to happen encounter. She felt her heart fall into her stomach. 
When she had joked that no one would want to see her on his BBC Radio program, she certainly didn’t expect Nick’s followers to vote for her on the ‘which guest would you like on the radio’ poll Nick had posted on his Instagram Stories.
It wasn’t a secret, who she was, and in the time of social media, where anyone knew everything about anyone, articles started to come pretty fast when she was first seen with Harry, and in less than an hour, her entire life was published on the Daily Mail. Her college major, her school’s annuary picture, her parents’ names, everything in the open for anyone to read. 
Harry had obviously contacted the gossip magazine, threatening to sue if they didn’t remove the article, but YN had to remind him people could have already screenshotted it and started sharing it online. 
It’s not like YN was naive, she knew who Harry was when they first started dating, and she debated a long time whether he was worth it — turns out, he was. The only thing she didn’t realize is how obsessive people can get with his partners. She really thought no one would care about her! Why would they want to know her mum’s name? She still couldn’t get an answer to that, two years in her relationship with Harry.
When Nick told her Harry’s fans were invading his dms, requesting him to bring YN on his program, YN had laughed in disbelief. 
“You don’t believe me?!” Nick had shouted, a little bit wine tipsy, “i’ll prove it to you.” 
She had shrugged at his words and didn’t think much about it for the rest of the evening, enjoying her time with her boyfriend and his friends. 
It was only the day after — still tangled in the silky sheets, half awake and with Harry sleeping soundly next to her — that she realized Nick was serious; he had posted an Instagram story with a picture of her along with two other pics of two influencers (she remembers their names were Alix Earle and Emelie Lindmark), with the poll ‘which guest would you like on the radio?’, followed by their names. She had chuckled a bit through her nose, quietly trying not to wake Harry, and voted for @emitaz, confident that no one in their right mind would choose her. She started to panic when, after voting, Instagram showed the percentage next to the respective names, her already being at 67% this early in the day.
She checked the poll all day, almost every hour, to see if something would change, snapping at her phone like a maniac when the number only seemed to increase. 
When she had told Harry, she thought he’d get upset, but he’d just laughed and kissed her forehead, mumbling something about how if he’d known he would’ve bet with Nick on the results. She felt defeated. If she’s being honest, she’d hoped Harry would get mad, because then she’d have a reason not to go along with it. She’d just tell Nick Harry thought it wasn’t a good idea and she knows he’d never question his friend. 
But Harry had laughed. He had laughed! Obviously unaware of the turmoil that was happening inside her head from the moment she checked her Instagram that morning.
That’s why, after receiving his text, she had texted him back agreeing on meeting. 
Sometimes YN doesn’t know why she’s like this. She clearly didn’t want to do it, why would she agree anyway? Why wouldn’t she speak out on something she wasn’t comfortable doing? She doesn’t know why she needs a reason to decline. She could just own up to her decision and tell Nick she didn’t feel like doing it. But now she had agreed! So she basically was forced to do it, because she knew as soon as she texted him back, he had everything set with the radio.
So she tries to go on with her day without thinking too much about it. They scheduled her appearance for the beginning of the next week, so she had a couple of days to pretend she didn’t have to go. 
Pretending actually came pretty easy to her, because if she pretended it didn’t happen, her anxiety subsided, and when she felt that familiar gut wrenching feeling, she’d just push it down reminding herself she still had a week to prepare. 
The problem with pretending is that when the night before arrives, you can’t pretend anymore, and all those feelings you put aside, are pushing down on your chest like a weight impossible to ignore, because, sadly, anxiety demands to be felt, and pretending to be fine doesn’t do it any good.
So YN, trying to take big breaths to calm down the ache she felt in her chest, hurried down the stairs, her socked feet moving fast against the floor.
When she walked in the kitchen, she spotted Harry cutting some tomatoes on the cutting board, humming happily a song she couldn’t quite make out.
“Hey baby!” He smiled once he raised his eyes from the board, “dinner is almost ready.”
YN nodded her head but didn’t move from her position on the doorframe, her legs suddenly feeling heavy and her head swarmed with words she dreaded to say. 
“Harry…” she whispered, her eyes falling down to her feet avoiding his, “i don’t think I can go tomorrow”
She blew out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding, but the heavy weight on her chest was still there, a cruel reminder of her carelessness, because despite feeling a little better when the words came out of her mouth, she knew Harry would be disappointed in her; he hated when people would cancel last minute. He thought it was unprofessional, and in his many years of career, he had always tried to do his best to show up, even if that meant singing with a sore throat or doing an interview with a headache. 
YN, however, was different. She liked to prioritize her mental health, and if that meant appearing rude, so be it, she’d stress out over it for a while, but then she’d feel a lot better for not going. This time, though, things were a little more complicated, because Nick was Harry’s friend, and she didn’t want to cause problems between them. Plus, she really cared about Harry’s opinion of her, and she didn’t want to disappoint him, but at the end of the day, she still didn’t feel like going, so she really felt conflicted.
“Baby… c’mon!” He said, dropping the smile from his face and blowing out an annoyed sigh, “You always do this!” 
“I know, Harry, I just… I don’t feel good about going” she shook her head, chewing on her bottom lip nervously.
“YN.” He scolded her, his tone stern, “you should’ve thought about that before agreeing.”
YN furrowed her brows, her anger rising with every word that came out of his mouth. She knew he had a point, but it’s not like she could control her anxiety! She still doesn’t know why she agreed, and communicating is difficult when you don’t know the motive behind your actions in the first place.
“It’s not my fault I have anxiety” she snapped, her eyes glancing up to meet his. 
“Don’t twist my words! I never said that” 
She knew she was being unfair, and she felt guilty about using her anxiety against him, but she wanted him to understand her without necessarily having to speak about it.
“I’m not going” she repeated, but her voice wasn’t firm and her words sounded unconvincing.
“You’re being childish about this” he said, shaking his head in disappointment. 
“Why are you being like this!” She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms against her chest.
“Like what?” He questioned, and at this point he felt exasperated. It wasn’t the first time YN canceled last minute on something she had agreed upon days prior, and he felt frustrated because he couldn’t make her understand how rude and disrespectful she came out to be. 
He didn’t want to force her to go, of course, and he knew anxiety could be tricky with things like this, he just wanted her to speak her mind before agreeing on something just because she felt bad about declining an invite.
“Like this!” She gestured with her hand toward him, keeping the other arm around her waist “i want you to see where I’m coming from”
“I see where you’re coming from, and I understand you feel anxious. But you committed to this!” He said, this time his tone had softened and his words came sweetly out of his mouth, and in a way he hoped to reassure her with his body language, losing the furrow of his brows and taking a step toward her, not before drying his hands on the apron tied around his waist.
“I can come with you. I’ll ask Nick to be there when you do the interview, it won’t be a problem. It will be over before you know it! And then we can do whatever you want! We can call that sushi place you like and order everything off the menu, mmh?��� 
His offering really seemed convincing, and YN felt her tummy get warm at the thought of eating her favorite food in bed with Harry and maybe watch a movie or just cuddle, but after these wonderful and heartwarming thoughts, came the dark and cold thought of the dreaded interview, and what she had to endure before she could really go home and enjoy her time with her boyfriend.
“Why aren’t you listening to me!” She yelled, her eyes beginning to sting with angry tears.
“Baby…” he said, still trying to maintain his softness with her, hoping it would help her nervous state.
“Fine, you want to force me to go, I’ll go. But you’re sleeping on the couch then.” And with that last threat, she turned her back to him and walked out of the kitchen, a pout closing her lips and her arms still crossed against her chest.
When she reached her bedroom she closed the door loudly behind her and walked to the bathroom to do her routine before bed, ignoring the grumbling coming from her hungry stomach and trying not to think too much about what Harry was making for dinner.
She felt bad he had to sleep on the couch, but not mad enough to go downstairs and apologize. She still thought what she said, and she still looked for some understanding from him, because she thought at least her boyfriend would be on her side, and she felt not supported when he wasn’t.
Despite her angry thoughts, she felt the weight in her chest lifting a bit at the thought of Harry being there with her, and when she played in her mind how the interview would go, she felt, upon a big, dark cloud surrounding Nick’s studio, a little ray of rushing shining on her boyfriend, who would be waiting for her on the side. That mere thought made it possible for YN to fall asleep after a while, her dreams invaded by shiny green eyes and curly brown hair.
. . . 
“Are you ready?” Nick asked her from his chair on the other side of the table, in front of him a big microphone hanging from the ceiling, aligned with his mouth.
“Yes” she nodded, speaking nervously into the microphone’s head. Her eyes shifted to find Harry in the room, and when she found him, she quickly glanced back to Nick, realizing Harry was already watching her.
YN still hadn’t apologized, and the car ride that morning had been silent. She felt safe at the thought of Harry being in the room with her, but not safe enough to be happy and feel completely relaxed about going.
When they’d arrived — a bit late because of her funny, anxious tummy —, she was hurried in a chair, the blouse she was requested to wear for easier access, opened hurriedly, and an elderly doctor asked her permission to put the adhesive cups on her chest, right above her bra.
She had blushed a little but nodded either way, looking the other way, the doctor’s cold hands leaving goosebumps everywhere she touched.
She wanted Harry by her side, and she looked toward him with pleading eyes, an uncomfortable grimace adoring her features. He had walked slowly towards her, excusing himself from the conversation he was in, and in no time he was next to her, shielding her exposed skin from indiscreet eyes. No one was looking at her, actually, and she knew that, but his presence put her mind to rest, and she focused on how his lips moved every time he would open his mouth to talk, conversing with the doctor about how ticklish the suction cups were the last time he did it and how Nick hadn’t been has gentle when it was his turn.
“Okay, YN” Nick smiled reassuringly at her, “i’m going to show you some pictures and we’ll watch how your heart will react”
YN nodded her head without saying anything, chewing on her bottom lip nervously. She glanced at the heart monitor beside her, beeping loudly and constantly, her heart rate already quickening a bit because of her anxiety.
Nick grabbed the picture from his desk and showed it to her, “mmh, a big chunk of money” he laughed, his eyes shifting immediately from the picture to the heart monitor, which stayed the same.
“No change” he pointed out, raising his eyebrows at her.
“Don’t care about money” she shrugged, smiling at him.
She was in a way thankful Nick had showed her that picture, because at least the allegations of her being a gold digger and staying with Harry only for his money could be disputed.
“Okay, moving on we have…” he dragged the end of the last word, picking up the next picture quickly. Before he could say what the picture was, YN smiled and said excitedly “a kitten!”
The picture depicted a small black cat, sleeping soundly on its back, its big, milk-full belly in display, a pale rose color. 
“So cute” she squealed, and she heard Nick laugh at her. 
“Look at that!” He pointed to the heart monitor, her heart rate picking up a bit, going from 70 to 75 gradually, “she likes kittens” Nick winked towards the camera, speaking in the microphone. 
“I do” YN nodded, feeling a little more at ease in her surroundings.
Nick showed her two other pictures, one of Zayn Malik, to which she had blushed (but her heart stayed the same), and another one of a Big Mc, and this time it was her stomach that grumbled, still empty from the night before, her heart beat increasing slightly. 
“Okay!” Nick smirked, “last picture”, he said, picking up the cardboard picture and looking at it first without showing it to her.
He then raised it a bit and showed it to the camera behind him. 
“Show me alreadyyyy Nicky!!” She whined, giggling. 
Nick shrugged and turned the picture towards her, smiling a sly smile once he saw the blush creep on her warm cheeks.
YN cleared her throat and squinted her eyes to look better at the picture, but she knew that photo of Harry all too well… she was the one who’d taken it. 
It was right after his performance in Rio, and he had been teasing the fans about his Brasil! tattoo all night, but never actually showed it. So, while he was getting undressed, YN had snapped a quick pic of him, his pants half opened, his tattoo peaking out on his upper thigh, right before the zipper of the sparkly material. He looked like an angel, and YN had sent him the photo, which he posted immediately. 
“That’s Harry!” She blushed, trying not to focus on the sound of the heart monitor machine beeping loudly and filling the embarrassing silence, her heart beating faster with every glance she took at the photo.
“I know that’s Harry…” Nick smiled mischievously, “and who is Harry to you?” 
YN could swear her face was as red as the tomatoes Harry was cutting the day the fought, and she felt herself shifting on the chair uncomfortably, her nails picking at the skin of her thumb under the table. It’s not like people didn’t know he was her boyfriend, but she always feared how his fans would react to that.
“He’s my boyfriend” she whispered, her face flustered. 
“Look at that heart!” Nick laughed, pointing once again at the monitor. Yn wanted to scoff, it’s not like he had to point it out, everyone could hear the incessant beeping of the machine, her heart rate going from 70 to 100 under everyone’s creeping eyes.
Her gaze shifted to Harry quickly, and she relaxed in her seat once she saw him chuckling under his breath, his dimples adorning his smile.
“Okay, everyone! Let’s take a little break” Nick said after a while, and she heard one of the crew members signaling that they stopped filming and that the radio would be blasting music in the small break between recordings.
“That was hilarious” Nick laughed once again, getting up from his chair and pointing towards YN.
“You set me up!” She giggled, still embarrassed from what her own heart had done.
“Blame yourself honey” he replied, throwing her a flying kiss.
YN rolled her eyes playfully and waited for the doctor to remove the adhesive patches.
Once she was free from the pads, she walked towards Harry, who was waiting for her with his arms crossed against his chest, leaning against the wall adjacent of where she was sitting.
When she reached him, her head was low and she avoided his gaze on purpose, not knowing where they were standing, with the way she had acted the day before and especially because she had confirmed their relationship without consulting him first.
The room was almost empty now, Nick and his coworkers taking advantage of the break to eat lunch or smoke a cigarette.
She took his arms in her hands and uncrossed them, circling her waist with them. She then snuggled her head against his chest and hugged her own arms around his waist, breathing in the comforting scent of his body wash. 
“I’m sorry if I embarrassed you…” she whispered, her cheek squished against his chest.
“You didn’t” he shrugged, engulfing her lower back in a hug and squeezing her more against his body, “i’m really proud of being your boyfriend” he said, placing a loud kiss against her hairline.
She lingered in his hug for a moment longer, finding comfort in his warm embrace, and then spoke again, “and I’m sorry if I got angry… I… it’s hard sometimes” she mumbled.
She heard him hum and his chest vibrated against her cheek, the beating of his heart lulling her “i know.” He said, firmly, “never again, you hear me?” 
He waited for her to nod before continuing, “we never go to bed angry, we always talk it out, okay?”
“Never again” she agreed, because despite being angry with him, she still missed him, and she hated wasting time being angry at him, because it truly was a waste of time. She loved him, and she knew he loved her, so instead of fighting, she should’ve been more open about her feelings, she knew he would’ve understood.
“And I’m never sleeping on the couch again, okay?” He said seriously, to which YN laughed, squeezing his waist tighter.
“Never again” she repeated, placing a kiss against his heart.
“Now… — he averted his torso a bit in her hold, uncrossing his arms from behind her lower back and bringing his hands between them, to button the top of her blouse that she had forgotten to close — let’s go home, hum?” He tugged at the collar of her blouse and then lowered his head to whisper the next part in her ear, “that thing you did with your heart turned me on”, he said, sealing his words with a wet kiss against the shell of her ear.
YN laughed loudly at his words, throwing her head back and then swatting his chest jokingly, “Harry!”
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